IDC Minutes 04-20-2000MINUTES
Thursday, Apri120, 2000 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Shelly Johnson, Don
Smith, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, and Don
MEMBERS ABSENT: Dick Van Allen, Mike Benedetto, Dan Carlson, and Jim Amundson.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak.
Call to Order.
Chair Ollig called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Consideration to approve the February 17 and March 16, 2000 IDC minutes.
Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the February 17 and March 16, 2000 IDC minutes..
Bob Mosford seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were
approved as written.
• 3. Consideration of updates:
a) Mayor Belsaas - Ma, orbs report Absent.
b) Koropchak - Prospect and BRE See Attachment A.
c) Smith. Ollig, or Van Allen - Marketing Will schedule meeting.
4. Continued -Consideration of an update on the nro~ress to actively pursue acauisition of
land for future industrial use.
a) Grading Study for Chadwick parcel.
Wolfsteller informed members that the greatest discrepancy relative to the grading
plan is the amount of material the Chadwick Group would like to remove for
mining. The City's concern is the mined-site must retain sufficient material for the
City to develop without additional costs. Wolfsteller did not see this to be a deal
killer. Staff will be meeting with the City Engineer relative to the grading plan.
b) Draft copy of Swap Agreement between City and Chadwick parcel.
The draft copy of the Swap Agreement outlines timing of swap, swap ratio of 2: 1,
and assessments. It is anticipated the Phase I swap will include a 54-acre industrial
parcel swap fora 27-acre commercial parcel. Zoning in the southeast corner
abutting the Bondhus Addition needs to be resolved as the Comprehensive Plan is
IDC Minutes - 4/20/00
an industrial use and the MOAA in a residential use. O'Neill informed the IDC
there would be a meeting with the residents of the Bondhus Addition in the next
few weeks.
c) Planning, Commission Response to IDC suggestion of Feb 17 relative to Gold
Nugget parcel.
O'Neill reported staff will be conducting apre-study relative to industrial growth
and absorption within this region including where the growth and utility
d) Update on Groveland and Chelsea Road West Development.
With some unresolved land and easement issues, ordering of plans and specs for
West Chelsea Road was delayed by two weeks. Grading currently underway in the
southwest corridor is site prep for the housing development by Groveland.
Several IDC members commented: Looking into the next 20 years, using Maple Grove as
a modular, and given the physical location; preserving the Gold Nugget parcel for
industriaUcommercial makes sense. With the growth in Sherburne County, the opening of
Albertville Outlet Mall and the proposed river crossing, we'll see continued changes to
that area. Big Lake is expanding around the lake and is making other major changes.
One suggested we put adversities behind us and move-on with development with the city's
major land owner. Another felt with the School Blvd and Highway 25 signalization ready
to go, infrastructure to the Remmele parcel in place, and the aggressiveness of that
• developer, this is favorable for Monticello
5. Consideration of site tour for IDC May meeting and revisit 2000 calendar.
IDC members enjoy tours, Koropchak schedule visit for May.
6. Consideration of plans for Industrial Breakfast by the Chamber scheduled for April 27.
Invitation were mailed by the Chamber this week. Program: On the road to the Malcolm
Baldrige Award, Groveland and West Chelsea Road development and City/Chadwick
Group land swap.
7. Consideration to hear an overview of year-end reports and activity of the HRA and EDA.
Using an overhead, Koropchak noted 19 TIF Districts have been certified to assistance
industrial business since 1982. Through taxes payable 2000, nine of the nineteen districts
have been de-certified meaning the tax increment is now distributed among all the taxing
jurisdictions. Upon receiving the returned wage and job survey and using the Payable
2000 Tax Book, Koropchak plans to calculate the return of investment for TIF.
Secondly, Koropchak noted $585,000 are available for industrial loans and informed
members the EDA agreed for the purpose of marketing to market the loan amount as up
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IDC Minutes - 4/20/00
to $200,000. This for competitive reasons and increased costs to projects. In addition,
the City was awarded $500,000 grant for Twin City Die Castings and is submitting an
application requesting $450,000 for Profile Powder Coating. The payback dollars plus
interest is retained by the City for future loans; however, the payback dollars must be
accounted for independent of the EDA dollars and are subject to Federal regulations: 51%
of jobs available to low and moderate income, David Bacon Law, etc.
8. Other Business.
Bill Tapper told IDC members he attended a meeting relative to the effects of unions. The
effects were not favorable and Bill expressed his willingness to share his experience with
local industrial leaders. Tapper asked the IDC members for input into sharing his
experience. The feeling of the IDC membership was to lay-low.
9. Adiournment. Next IDC meeting May 18 2000
The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m.
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