IDC Minutes 02-17-2000MINUTES
Thursday, February 17, 2000 - 7:00 a.m.
City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Shelly Johnson, Vice Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Kevin
Doty, Bill Tapper, Bob Mosford, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto,
Dan Carlson, and Joanne Forbord.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Tom Lindquist and Dick Van Allen.
STAFF PRESENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, and Ollie Koropchak.
Call to Order.
Chair Johnson called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m.
2. Welcome and introduction of Joanne Forbord Chamber Chairperson 2000.
• Joanne introduced herself as the new Chamber Chair and stated a member of the Chamber
Government Affairs Committee will attend the IDC meetings. Joanne is employed as the
Human Resource Coordinator for Standard Iron & Wire Works, Inc. IDC members
introduced themselves.
The regular meeting of the Chamber is 11:50 a.m. today and the program is on "Swans"
presented by the DNR. Tapper suggested the Industrial Breakfast be in the Community
Center and use to market the breakfast.
Consideration to approve the January 20, 2000 IDC minutes.
Bill Tapper made a motion to approve the January 20, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by
Dan Carlson and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written.
4. Consideration of Updates:
a) Mayor's Report -Mayor Belsaas reported that a law suit has been filed against the
City, Clint Herbst and himself relative to the zoning of the Gold Nugget parcel.
He believes the city would be short-sighted if the Gold Nugget parcel was not
industrial use with the current inquiries by larger user.
b) Koropchak -Prospect and BRE. See Attachment A.
c) Smith, Ollig, and Van Allen -Smith noted the Marketing Committee is planning a
• IDC Minutes -February 17, 2000
Sunny Fresh Recognition Luncheon on March 9 at the Community Center. The
Washington DC award ceremony is scheduled for February 25 at about 1:30 p.m.
Sunny Fresh administration and employees will leave Thursday a.m. for the big day
on Friday.
Continued -Consideration of an update on the progress to activelypursue acquisition of
land for future industrial use.
Administrator Wolfsteller informed members that a meeting was held yesterday with
Chadwick and Bowers and the land swap consists of 120 acres, an additional 20 acres as
option, and a long list of laundry items. The Council has heard the swap option and are
supportive. Chadwick will retain 60 acres for mining and keep the 40 acres for a future
business such as a ready-mix. The 27 acres in the northeasterly corner of the parcel along
the interstate can be served most immediate by gravity flow. The 40 acres may have an
asking price of $100,000 in 10 years.
Members asked about the status of the Gold Nugget parcel and the conflict of land use
between the City Comprehensive Plan and the MOAA. The property could be held in
limbo for 10 years. Perhaps, the Council could agree on an industrial use. Administration
felt, for right now, there's not the interest.
• A public hearing relative to the Chelsea Road West improvements will be held in two
Bill Tapper suggested as the IDC's purpose is to operate as an independent lobby
organization perhaps they should lobby for interest of the Gold Nugget property as
industrial. O'Neill recommended suggesting to the Planning Commission to study other
options. Bob Mosford made a motion suggesting the Planning Commission take another
look at the area known as the Gold Nugget parcel far industrial land use, in part or in
whole, as part of an over-all plan. Tom Ollig seconded the motion and with no further
discussion on the motion, the motion passed unanimously.
Tapper asked of the timing for development of the infrastructure to access the Goeman
property. Mayor Belsaas responded 2000. O'Neill informed members. construction of
Chelsea Road West is expected to start in May 2000 for completion to 90`'' Street.
Mayor Belsaas reported services could be in place in one year if user commits. IDC
members were told to encourage Council to construct improvements and a stub into the
27 acres for purpose of marketing.
6. Tabled -Consideration to elect IDC officers: Chair Vice Chair, and Secretary for 2000.
Ollig nominated Kevin Doty as Chair if no objections. Doty objected and said maybe next
• Z
. IDC Minutes -February 17, 2000
year. Bill Tapper nominated Tom Ollig as Chair if no objections. Ollig accepted and Bob
Mosford seconded the motion. With no other nominations, the motion passed
Don Smith nominated Kevin Doty as Vice Chair. Seconded by Dan Carlson and with no
other nominations, the motion passed unanimously. Koropchak was re-appointed as
Secretary for 2000.
7. Tabled -Consideration to review the IDC 1999 Action Statement and Organizational and
Membership Guidelines for potential amending
Bill Tapper made a motion stating no need to revise the Action Statement and Guidelines
of 1999 and affirmed continuation of the 1999 Action Statement for 2000. Don Smith
seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously.
8. Consideration to review IDC calender year 2000.
Koropchak presented the 2000 IDC calender noting the Breakfast and Bus Tour dates. It
is anticipated the IDC will tour at least four industries in 2000. No action required.
. 9. Consideration to hear information relating to fiber optic availability to the
Chadwick/Goeman property
In lieu of time, Ollig suggested he bring an updated map to the next IDC meeting outlining
the inner and outer fiber optic rings around the Monticello area including the
Goeman/Chadwick parcel.
10. Other Business.
Koropchak expressed her "thanks" to Shelly Johnson on behalf of the members for
chairing the IDC in 1999.
11. Adjournment.
Kevin Doty made a motion to adjourn. Seconded by Bill Tapper, the IDC meeting
adjourned at 8:15 a.m.