IDC Minutes 01-18-2001• MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL MEETING MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, January 18, 2001 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Kevin Doty, Don Smith, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Mary Barger, and Susie Wojchouski. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Tom Lindquist, Bob Mosford, Mike Benedetto, and Dan Carlson. COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, and Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. Call to Order. Vice Chair Doty called the IDC meeting to order at-7:07 a.m. 2. Consideration to approve the December 21 2000 IDC minutes. • Don Roberts made a motion to approve the December 21, 2000 IDC minutes. Seconded by Bill Tapper and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. The IDC welcomed new member Mary Barger. Consideration to review for discussion the following and to adopt a 2001 Action Statement and Election of Officers. a) IDC Guidelines Upon review of the IDC Guidelines, Bill Tapper made a motion to adopt the IDC Guidelines as submitted. Seconded by Don Smith and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. b) Organizational Structure The members reviewed the Organizational Restructure Agreement adopted in 1996 between the IDC and Chamber noting the IDC as an independent organization. Members inquired as to status of the IDC's $9,640 donated to the Chamber and its use or purpose. Tapper recalled its purpose, at least in part, to promote Monticello. Members requested the Chamber present an overview of the funds at a future IDC meeting. c) Membership - accountabilitYand term appointments Having submitted the IDC membership list in the agenda packet, Koropchak indicated receiving no word from members whose terms expired the end of 2000, therefore, she assumes all are willing to serve another 3-year term. Next, members reviewed the year-end monthly attendance record and suggested Koropchak or Ollig visit or draft a letter to members in the area of 50% attendance noting the IDC Guidelines. n IDC Minutes - 1/18/01 d) 2001 Action Statement Bill Tapper made a motion to accept the 2000 Action Statement as the 2001 Action Statement for the IDC. Dick Van Allen seconded the motion. Members recalled the mission statement being drafted a few years ago after considerable brain- storming and thought. The motion passed unanimously. e) Election of 2001 Officers With no volunteers from the group present to serve as an officer and Doty not interested to move up as chair, it was suggested to seek interest from Tom Ollig, Tom Lindquist, and Koropchak for chair, vice chair, and secretary respectively for consideration to elect officers at the February IDC meeting. Koropchak informed members of the 2000 IDC Recap and proposed 2001 calender which was included with the mailed agenda. Please note the February IDC meeting will be hosted by Sunny Fresh. 4. Continued Follow up discussion to the December IDC meeting relative to su~eested strategies for development to improve Qublic perception and review draft copv of the Crtv Design Manual including_a developmen process flow-chart. Dick Van Allen presented his personal observation of two site review meetings held by city staff. See Attachment A. He plans to attend a few more meetings. Don Roberts said he observed one meeting and summarized the meeting as consisting of a long list and rehash of housekeeping items. Tapper attended the same meeting and concurred with Roberts, adding the meeting was long which • is OK if it serves a purpose. Topics did not relate to industrial business. O'Neill, Weiss, and - Belsaas responded to their observations. O'Neill stated it is not always the case that he and Weiss are the main players and informed members this is the only time for staffto "keep in touch". Relative to discussions of street widths, O'Neill gave an example of a Planned Unit Development (PUD). The objective of a PUD is to open the door for options. Weiss added this allows the developer to present new ideas and some are good ideas. Van Allen's point was to start with the street width standards to address safety and welfare issues. The housekeeping list format was for one meeting only responded O'Neill with the format changing from week to week. Belsaas informed members, it's at these meetings where a lot of the behind the scene's stuff takes place. Weiss then submitted draft copies of the Design Manual noting the manual includes new design standards and the subdivision and site development processes. With WSB providing the technical design, O'Neill stated he began drafting the process. The process is divided into three sections: I. Subdivision, II. Site Development requiring plan review, and III. Site Development permitted use. The Subdivision Process was broken into the following stages: A. Information gathering, B. Sketch, C. Application, D. Staff review, E. Annexation, F. Public review, G. Final plat, H. Recording, I. Construction, and J. Close out. The irrtent is to condense this for a hand out. Next and perhaps of more interest to the IDC, O'Neill reviewed the two site development processes: II. Site Development requiring plan review and III. Site Developmenrt permitted use. If a housing, industrial or commercial site development conforms with the city ordinance and zoning amendments, no formal action is necessary by the Planning Commission or City Council. Both site development processes include building permits and financial assistance. Generally speaking, an industrial site development can eliminate the plan review saving 30-45 days. The Design Manual • is written in language common to the engineering and building profession. 2 IDC Minutes - 1/18/01 Smith noted two goals ofthe IDC are addressed with the drafting ofthe Design Manual and Process Chart: 1. one-stop shop and 2. less, if not any surprises. IDC members commented on the numerous regulations, perhaps more than needed. Staff responded they are not just City regulations, but include regulations of other governmental agencies. With the IDC's better understanding ofthe process, O'Neill stated relative to the overall undertaking ofthe process the opportunity for surprise is massive. He continued stating he felt in comparison to the amount of development and the process, the city does quite well. Weiss indicated WSB was about done with the technical part and O'Neill indicated he was about 70% finished with the flow process. The manual will be distributed to city customers and Weiss anticipated the manual criteria to be ready for distribution in a month. Tapper inquired if the standards within the manual are comparative to other cities. Weiss, as city engineer consultant, responded that the standards are designed for the long term benefit and sometimes the design is not a cost savings to the developer but is a cost savings to the owner. Tapper also noted the manual appears written in a friendly and readable manner and is a job well done. He asked if the City has made a decision as to the level of standard (quality) of development. It appears the housing is low end and the industrial is top end. He sees this as a question of "how fast to grow." Set standards and economics will drive the growth. O'Neill responded stating standards are set within the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Ordinance and design standards are regulated within the manual by the engineer. Weiss gave an example of the current condition ofthe Meadow Oaks streets which are falling apart and were constructed prior to the City's four-inch bituminous design standards. The same goes for the concrete pipe • design standards. 5. Consideration of updates: Mavor's Report Mayor Belsaas noted industrial land acquisition as the next agenda item and then informed members that the Gold Nugget ruling is being appealed. b) Economic Development Report See Attachment B. Corninued -Consideration of an update on the progress to actively pursue acquisition of land for future industrial use. O'Neill gave an update on the acquisition progress ofthe Chadwick property stating it was alive but slow moving with the gravel value undetermined. The most recent proposals by the City were: 1. Up-front acquisition ofthe total 180 acres with a sliding scale for gravel. 2. Additional land, including Country Club Manor, was added to the swap with the Chadwick Group having no gravel rights. Also mentioned was another thought of perhaps the City putting more emphasis on site and interchange development partnering with Chadwick. If the City swaps the Country Club Manor site, this may close-the-door for any opportunity to develop an interchange at that site. One IDC member expressed that the City should reserve rights ofthe Country Club Manor site. Smith noted at the Chrysler groundbreaking the discussion indicated the gravel may not have the value first thought. Belsaas noted the money is not in the gravel but in the hauling distance and it appears the site has a greater amount of top soil than first anticipated. Koropchak informed members that the Chadwick Group is currernly conducting an appraisal ofthe property. Belsaas concluded although the Chadwick Group appears to have backed-off, the site is available for industrial use. • IDC Minutes - 1/18/01 Other Business. None. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. by a consensus of the membership. ~~~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder LJ