IDC Minutes 03-15-2001 MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, March 15, 2001 - 7:00 a.m. City Hall - 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Tom Ollig, Don Smith, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen, Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, and Susie Wojchouski. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Doty and Don Roberts. COUNCIL, PRESENT: Roger Carlson. COUNCIL ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas and Council Members Clint Herbst, Bruce Thielen, and Brian Stumpf. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. GUESTS: Darrin Lahr, HRA Call to Order. • Chair Ollig called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Consideration to approve the February 15, 2001 IDC minutes. No action was taken on the minutes. Meeting Outline. "HOW TO IMPLEMENT MOVING FORWARD WITH THE ADOPTED 1999 RESOLUTION? The above question had been determined by the subcommittee as the desired outcome of the meeting between the Council members and the IDC. The following questions are the means to the desired outcome. A. WHY IS THE "ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL USE" IlVIPORTANT TO THE CITY OF MONTICELLO? First, to demonstrate "why acquisition of land for industrial use is important to the City of Monticello" as outlined in the resolution adopted in 1999 by the Council, HRA, and EDA; Koropchak provided illustrations supporting why to control land prices, control and • IDC Minutes - 3/15/01 simplify development schedules, diversify ownership of industrial lands, and allow for flexibility in deal structuring. Darrin Lahr addressed the competitive market of the surrounding communities of Big Lake, St. Michael, and Buffalo. Big Lake -three year focus objective, lots laid out, know what they want, $1 per lot, one stop "This is what I want?" St. Michael - 400 acres zoned industrial, no access to I-94, paid $250,000 for consultant to work with MDOT for interchange. Buffalo -same, know what your dealing with when coming in. Lahr concluded "Manticello has the amenities, do they have the will?" Next, Van Allen provided data (collected from County) illustrating the economic impact of industrial development (taxes and wages) in Monticello. Lastly, Marketing Subcommittee members Smith and Lahr informed individuals of the process and rational used to amve at the decision to "delay a major marketing campaign for industrial development." B. WHERE IS THE BEST LOCATION FOR "ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL USE"? Using a chart listing the industrial site options of Chadwick/Goeman, Remmele, Gold • Nugget, Pfeffer sites; Koropchak reviewed and rated the parcels by number of acres, estimated acquisition costs, infrastructure in-place, shortest time to develop infrastructure, current zoning, estimated infrastructure costs, annexation required, most direct access to I-94, closest access to I-94, and exposure to I-94. Wet land and soil conditions were not part of the rating. O'Neill addressed the annexation process and described the land use conflict of the Gold Nugget parcel. He continued stating the MOAA Land Use Plan identifies the Gold Nugget parcel as industrial use and the Monticello Comprehensive Land Use Plan identifies the parcel as residential. O'Neill informed members, the Planning Commission has been asked on more than one occasion to consider addressing a land use change. Their response has been "no". Currently, the Gold Nugget issue is in litigation. In order to amend the Comprehensive Land Use Plan, it takes a 4/5 vote of the Council. C. HOW CAN WE MOVE THE "ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL USE" FORWARD AND IS THERE DESIRE TO MOVE FORWARD? Council member Carlson, speaking for himself, saw the "advantages" of the Chadwick/Goeman property for industrial use and saw the Gold Nugget parcel as "not likely" for industrial use. He agreed with the IDC members that perhaps the City is not thinking big enough and the focus should be long-range planning with the township. He mentioned the need for roof-tops which drives commercial development. Van Allen re- affirmed the IDC is not suggesting to curtail housing and commercial development, the • IDC's focus is industrial development. The message of the IDC to Council members is 2 IDC Minutes - 3/15/01 industrial land use planning has along-term impact on the City of Monticello. Benedetto suggested the IDC consider a township board member as an IDC member as a means of opemng commumcation. D. WHEN IS THE "ACQUISITION OF LAND FOR INDUSTRIAL USE" TO BE ACCOMPLISHED (CLOSING DATE)? O'Neill updated the group on the latest offer received yesterday from Chadwick. The offer has the City retaining at least 110 acres of the 180 acres and Chadwick retains about 38 acres along I-94 and language relative to mining. Upon Wolfsteller's return from vacation, staff will determine acounter-offer to be presented to Chadwick. It is doubtful the industrial land acquisition item will appear on the March 26 Council meeting; however, the goal is the first Council meeting in April. Some IDC members were encouraged with the latest communication or action with Chadwick but were discouraged on the focus of long-term planning. Tom Lindquist made a motion encouraging staff and City Council to expedite the action to actively pursue the acquisition of the Chadwick/Goeman property for industrial development. Dick Van Allen seconded the motion. Target date to submit a proposal to the Council was April 9, 2001. The motion passed unanimously. Wojchouski suggested IDC members attend the Council . meeting. 4. Other Business. Chair Ollig informed members of his conversation with Van Allen relative to the chairmanship position. With Van Allen willing to chair the IDC, Ollig announced his resignation as Chair and recommended Van Allen. Tom Lindquist made a motion to accept Ollig's resignation as Chair of the IDC and to elect Dick Van Allen as Chair of the IDC for 2001. Don Smith seconded the motion and with no further discussion, the motion passed unanimously. Ollig also noted he received a letter from Olson General Contractors relative to the positive services offered by Fred Patch during the construction of Twin City Die Castings. Industrial Gratis Luncheon coordinated by the Chamber of Commerce is Apri126, 2001. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:45 a.m. • Recorder 3