IDC Minutes 10-18-2001 MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, October 18, 2001 - 7:00 a.m. 505 Walnut Street -Academy Room MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Vice Chair Tom Lindquist, Don Smith, Bili Tapper, Tom Ollig, Susie Wojchouski, Ellen Perrault, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Kevin Doty, Don Roberts, Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, and Barb Schwientek. COUNCIL ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT Mayor Roger Belsaas. Ollie Koropchak STAFF ABSENT: Rick Wolfsteller, Jeff O'Neill, John Simola, and Fred Patch. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. C~II to Order. Chair Van Allen called the IDC meeting to order at 7:05 a.m. • Vote to approve the September 20, 2001 IDC minutes. Chair Van Allen reminded members to read the minutes and information prior to the meeting. Tom Ollig made a motion to approve the September 20, 2001 IDC minutes. Tom Lindquist seconded the motion and with no corrections or additions, the minutes were approved as written. Follow-up to the IDC Ban~iet of October 4. Members were asked to make one or two comments relative to the banquet of October 4, 2001. Comments: People mingled; had a good time; Hatch, O.K. speaker; talked most about health care industry; attendance down in general; conflict with another banquet; mostly Chamber/City people, very few industries; home early by 9:00 p.m.; hard times for industries given recent events. Members agreed the speaker is the drawing card. Additionally, it was noted that in previous years the purpose of the banquet was to raise money for industry, now the banquet is a fund-raiser for the Chamber. Susie estimated the banquet net profit at $1,500. Chamber Lunch, today at 1 1:50 a.m., Comfort Inn, Program: Monticello Workforce Center, cost $8.00. Input and discussion on the merit or need for a Monticello Commercial Market Analysis and Development Potential Evaluation. t Susie informed the IDC members that Steve Johnson is soliciting endorsement and funding for an updated commercial market study to determine retail missing, land use, etc. A comprehensive study. Susie questioned: What good is the study? Jim McComb is currently working with St. Michael. Price of study $30,000. McComb states Monticello is next in line. The big box user come when ready. Does Monticello have land ready? Is the city prepared? Perhaps the Hoisington (Maxfield) Study of 1996 and the MCP Study of 1999 are outdated. Steve Johnson had suggested formation of a Retail Committee. Members discussed the growth in Big Lake and IDC Minutes - 10/18/01 that some g--ades have larger class sizes than Monticello raising concerns that the commercial users may develop across the river. Comments by the IDC members: A lot of money for a study, commercial comes down to population. Tapper noted he had read the analysis which was distributed to IDC members a couple months ago and noted the analysis was less about roof-tops and more about commercial development as an overall plan. The Monticello Comprehensive Plan being too small doesn't look to the future, no vision. As the IDC has no money, members ag--eed the Chamber could consider forwarding the request to the HRA and Planning Commission. Smith felt that the freeway is the attraction and that Big Lake has limitations. He sees transportation as the issue with a single passenger per car. Where's the next bridge`? 5. Subcom-~~ittee and Other Reports: A. Marketing - Ollig reported that the subcommittee reviewed the final draft of the brochure which has now gone to print. The inserts will to printed in phases to allow for update of data. Koropchak noted a letter of request for funding in the amount of $4,000 was drafted and mailed to Xcel Energy on October ] 6. Additionally, Ollig reported the subcommittee elected to have a booth at the Chamber Business Eapo, November 1 1. The booth will display products manufactured in Monticello. Koropchak to coordinate solicitation of products. Koropchak noted the initial letters for participation have been mailed and industries will be contacted next week. B. Mayor's Repo--t - No report. C. Economic Development Report - In addition the written report prepared by Koropchak, she noted Red Wing Foods is leasing space in Big Lake with pressure to construct The City of Monticello ~-vill host the Wright County Economic Development Pa--tnership Board on Friday, November 9. The Minnesota Economic Development Conference is October 25 and 26 in St. Louis Park. Tapper noted he is interested in leasing the paint area of the H-Window facility. D. Long-Term, Cooperative Land Use No report was given by staff on the Gold Nugget Land Use and Comprehensive Plan Update/Amendment Chair Van Allen wondered where the city was relative to the annexation of the Groveland and Remmele parcels since reading the newspaper articles about the MOAA. 6. Present the changes to the Qusiness Retention and Expansion Visit Program as su~~tested by the subcommittee. A. [3RE Visit Outline Report. Van Allen reported following the suggestions by the IDC, the subcommittee (Van Allen, Tapper, Barger, and Koropchak) met to revise the draft copy of the questionnaire based on comments made at the September 1DC meeting. The questionnaire now called the BRE Visit Outline was revised so that the BRE visit conveys a message of value to the business. The visit to be approximately one-half hour in length and provides the business with a package of resource information, informs the business of current development activity in Monticello, defines the IDC's role as one of lobbying on behalf of industry retention and development (how can we better serve you), and promotes business and industry. Tapper questioned the purpose as written and noted he thought the BRE visit purpose was to keep business in town and healthy. Lindquist inquired as to the definition of healthy. Financially sound by promoting the loan program and non-conventional services available, and by endorsing the purchase of local goods, services, and products. The 1DC recommended the subcommittee again meet to discuss the purpose of the BRE visit. The removal of company information such as job creation, etc. was a concern of some members. Koropchak noted she will provide a summary of each company to the IDC representative prior to the date of the BRE visit. The members agreed the BRE visits are to commence in January 2002. 2 IDC Minutes - 10/18/01 B. Determine the businesses to be visited under the BRE Program. The IDC members went through the list of industries and determined those to be visited. C. Definition -Define what constitutes an industrial business versus a commercial business. To define a business as industrial or com-~ercial was viewed as splitting hairs. Discussion dismissed. D. Collect membership information. Koropchak requested members complete the form for purpose of updating the IDC membership records. Address the concern raised that no clinics in Monticello offer the service of drug testing for newly hired employees. Tapper clarified that his experience: Upon hiring a new employee, Genereux Fine Wood Products informed the individual to go to the Monticello Clinic for the required employee drug testing. The clinic refused administering the drug test because of a previous delinquent bill of the individual although the drug test was the liability of Genereux Fine Wood Products. Earlier, Standard Iron noted their employees go to St. Cloud for drug testing. Van Allen is attempting to track down the managers or board of the Clinic. It was suggested perhaps the IDC should write a letter. Other business. Van Allen noted he would be out-of--town November 15 through 19 and not at the November IDC meeting. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 9:00 a.m. ~~~. 9~- ~~ ~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder