IDC Minutes 09-19-2002Industrial Development Committee Sept. 19r~ - 7 a.m. Monticello Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Members Present: Dick VanAllen, Susie Wojchouski, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Mike Benedetto Special Guest: kelly Huxford, Xcel Energy Motion to approve the August minutes by Mike Benedetto, second by Mary Barger. Item failed due to lack of quorum. Item 4 was not able to be discussed, as Mr. O'Neill nor Mr. Belsaas were in attendance. Dick VanAllen asked if anyone knew "How does Monticello compare with commercial land compared to other like-cities?" This question is being researched by Jeff O'Neill and will be ready for next meeting. Item SB: The committee thought the greatest influence we could have on decisions, would be to attend initial meetings on subjects that affect the IDC and its mission. Often times we are too late to influence with our comments by the time decisions reach the City Council. A committee will be formed at next meet, as well as a Chair person to facilitate the time frames for important meetings. Item SC; Due to lack of quorum, the IDC could not act on this. Item for next months agenda, however, will be: A motion to retain funds already gathered by the HRA and City that were designated for industrial land, be retained for the purchase of industrial land period. That the funds be held solely for the purchase of industrial land. Item 6: Dick VanAllen reported that visiting dates with four companies will be upcoming. Dick VanAllen reported he had an informal visit with John Bondhus. Item 7: Scheduled visits will be with Aeroplax, Bohndus, Generoux and one additional company. Item 8, other business; The IDC is invited to attend the groundbreaking ceremony for UMC on Friday, Oct. 4 from 3-6 p.m. Please RSVP to Ollie. Susie Wojchouski brought forward that she would like to see a replacement for herself on the IDC Committee. Mr. Tom Feaski has shown an interest, although there could be a conflict of interest, due to Mr. Feaski being a builder of Commercial space. Those in attendance agreed that we need to set a policy of stipulations on who can be a member regarding conflict of interest. Susie felt she did not have the expertise in the Industrial Development area, and that the position could be better served by someone who does. Meeting Adjourned.