IDC Minutes 08-15-2002MINUTES . MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Thursday, August 15, 2002 - 7:00 a.m. Academy Room -City Hall - 505 Walnut Street MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chair Mary Barger, Kevin Doty, Tom Lindquist, Bill Tapper, Susie Wojchouski, Barb Schwientek, and Dan Olson. MEMBERS ABSENT: Chair Dick Van Allen, Tom Ollig, Don Roberts, and Mike Benedetto. COUNCIL ABSENT: Mayor Roger Belsaas. STAFF PRESENT: Jeff O'Neill and Ollie Koropchak. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To maintain and increase the industrial tax base and to create jobs in the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Vice Chair Barger called the IDC meeting to order at 7:00 a.m. 2. Vote to approve the June 20, 2002 IDC minutes. • Susie Wojchouski mode a motion to approve the June 20, 20021DC minutes. Seconded by Bill Tapper and N~ith no corrections or additions, the rninutes were approved as written. 3. Updates by O'Neill and Mayor Belsaas. a) Annexation issue. O'Neill noted the decision as to the validation of the agreement is in a holding pattern until September 15. On August 12, the City Council interviewed three legal firms for potential hiring. City Agreement to annex by ordinance and Orderly Annexation Agreement to annex by OAA. b) Feedback from the Planning Commission meetin og f Au u~ st 6. O'Neill thanked IDC members for input into the Comp Plan amendment. O'Neill asked Susie for feedback from the Chamber as she attended the Planning Commission meeting. Susie responded noting the concerns of the Chamber: 1. New council's aggressiveness toward plans for industrial development. 2. Comp Plan good plan but need aggressive plan. 3. Comp Plan didn't address all issues such as Van Allen's request for flexibility. 4. Council money not for industrial development but road fund. Planning Commission recommended bridge plan (research and cost). c) Review of recommended amendments to the Comp Plan for Council review and ~proval on Au iis. O'Neill then summarized the Planning Commission's recommended amendments: 1. NW Corridor (Silver Springs/Freeway) -IDC all industrial. MOAA all residential. Now mixed. 2. West Corridor (Orchard Road) -All industrial. Small amount of green IDC Minutes - 8/15/02 area added. 3. Otter Creek Crossing (Chadwick) -Same. 4. Highway 25 Corridor East side -Was all residential. Now split industrial and residential. West side -Now industrial. 5. Dahlheimer -Was industrial. Now Commercial. 6. RI -higher density. R1A -Larger lots and higher standards. 7. South of Town -Low density. Preserve for urban development. Additionally, O'Neill informed members of a meeting relative to a bridge crossing between Anoka and St. Cloud. MinnDT request a study to determine need through 2040. Some felt the current estimated projections of 30,000 to 35,000 for the regional area (Big Lake, Becker, Monticello) was high without a bridge. 4. Discussion on and to continue development of a list of potential tasks to accomplish the goal of the IDC: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. Koropchak noted the City Council was mailed Van Allen's prepared Comp Plan information and recommendations. O'Neill informed members of the City's plan (John Glomski) to contact other cities relative to ratio of industrial land compared to population. Example: Maple Grove - 700 acres of industrial land by population. Tapper asked the following questions: How does Monticello compare with commercial land? What does high density mean? Who will own land in the west? O'Neill noted in Maple Grove the commercial owners/developers put money toward development of the bridge. Susie suggested because of its minimum use perhaps the County Road 7~ bridge over the railroad tracks could he removed. How motivated are Osowski's to sell? Osowski have been contacted by lots of developers reported Susie. Perhaps Jeff should talk to Osowski and Excel Energy. It was suggested the City request a first right of refusal for land acquisition and to develop a plan for bridge development including infrastructure improvement costs and time frame. Doty suggested the city enter into a contract for purchase with a lease back, not a first right of refusal. All agreed to the need to adopt a plan and to authorize to proceed. The IDC suggested Susie contact Judy Osowski to set up a meeting between O'Neill and Wojchouski to deter°mine who the spokes person is and who makes the decisions for Osowski 's. 5. Reports: BRE Visits - No BRE visits, need to schedule more visits. Koropchak noted the Council accepted the Street and Utility Feasibility Report for Dundas Road between Cedar Street and County Road 117 as prepared by WSB. Inc. Economic Development Report -Koropchak reported on the continued process to approve funding for the UMC and Production Stamping projects. Continued work on marketing Monticello for Cargill Kitchen and a wind blade production company. Groundbreakingfor UMC. Tentative date -September 20, early afternoon. HRA request for matching industrial development dollars (2003 City Budget). The HRA committed $100,000 for industrial land acquisition and are requesting the City Council match the HRA's commitment. Community Guide Advertisement. -Koropchak submitted a copy of the economic 2 IDC Minutes - 8/15/02 development ad in the Community Guide. 7. Other Business. None. 8. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned at 8:30 a.m. ~~ ~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • :] -,