City Council Minutes 08-07-2023 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, August 7, 2023 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie, Sam Murdoff
Absent: None
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Sarah Rathlisberger, Jennifer Schreiber, Angela Schumann, Tom
Pawelk, Tracy Ergen, Ron Hackenmueller, Mike Mossey, Matt Leonard, Jim
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-68 accepting bids and awarding contract
to Meyer Contracting Inc for the Downtown Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements
Project in the amount of $10,790,214
Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, presented the item and noted that
three bids were received with Meyer Contracting Inc. being the low bidder at
$10,700,214. He also mentioned that there were three bid alternates — concrete,
community countertops for public seating and decorative tree guards.
There was some discussion on the alternates and there was consensus to go with
bituminous versus concrete and the other two alternates could be added later if so desired.
Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2023-68 accepting the base bid
and awarding contract to Meyer Contracting in the amount of $10,790,214.
Councilmember Martie seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
3. City Council Workshop — 2024 Budget Discussion
Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, led the second budget workshop and noted that
staff would like some direction on the amount Council would support for a property tax
levy increase. Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, noted that staff was working around
an 8% increase. Ms. Rathlisberger added that even with an 8 % increase there is still a
gap in funding per the proposed 2024 budget requests.
City Council reviewed the funding sources and budget requests. There was some
discussion on personnel requests, specifically requests for the Parks, Arts, and Recreation
Department. The department requested the positions of BCOL Athletic Coordinator and
Recreation Coordinator. The Council expressed their support for the BCOL Athletic
Coordinator but questioned the need for a recreation coordinator and wondered if this
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 7, 2023
position could be filled in July 2024 (half year mark) or in 2025. Staff will discuss this
There was mention of Xcel valuation. The final valuation will be determined by
September 9, 2023.
The Council discussed the CIP and timing of projects. 2024 capital requests and long
term capital projects were reviewed.
After further discussion, there was consensus by the City Council that staff work with an
8% increase in the levy.
4. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreib r
City dmini
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 7, 2023