City Council Minutes 08-28-2023 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, August 28, 2023 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Lee Martie, Sam Murdoff
Absent: Tracy Hinz
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Jennifer Schreiber, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller,
Hayden Stensgard, Haley Foster
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. 2024 Budget Discussion
Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, presented the third budget workshop. As part of
the presentation, she reviewed budget requests, changes made by staff, and looked for
council direction on long-term considerations and strategy to balance budget.
There was a discussion on COLA. Staff expressed the importance of keeping the increase
around 4% to stay in the middle of the scale compared to other cities. If salaries don't
keep up with the industry, there is the risk of greater employee turnover. There was
Council consensus to include a 4% COLA adjustment.
The City Council also discussed the addition of new staff and the upgrade of existing
positions. There was support to upgrade current positions. There was Council consensus
for reclassification of the engineering position, a part-time recreation coordinator, and
using an existing position for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Athletic Park field operator.
There was review on Monticello Community Center's capital expenses and that the
building and site improvements should be funded through the Capital Projects Fund,
similar to other city facilities.
In regard to property tax levy increase, the City Council would like to review how an 8%,
9% and 10% increase would affect business at the next budget workshop.
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:15 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreibe
City Council Special Meeting Minutes — August 28, 2023
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City Council Special Meeting Minutes —August 28, 2023