City Council Minutes 06-9-2008 SpecialSpecial Council Minutes: 6/9/08
Monday June 9, 2008 - 5 p.m.
Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie
Woj chouski
Members Absent: None
Others Present: Planning Commission
1. Call to Order.
The special meeting was called to order at 5 p.m. The purpose of the workshop meeting was
to review the City's Transportation Plan.
2. Presentation on Transportation Plan.
Chuck Rickart from WSB & Associates, Inc. headed the presentation on the Transportation
Plan. One area of focus was the TH 25 corridor and how to get local traffic off the
roadway. Commuters are the primary users of TH 25. The study would look at the impact of
a river crossing and identify possible locations. Brian Stumpf asked if MnDOT was
involved in the planning at this stage or is holding the workshop the first step in getting
MnDOT involved.
Bret Weiss said MnDOT will not look at putting up any funding for river crossings. Bret
Weiss felt the cities of Monticello and Big Lake and Wright and Sherburne counties will
have to get together to obtain a crossing and work together on pursuing federal monies to
fund the crossing. Chuck Rickart said the Transportation Plan looks at TH 25 from Chelsea
Road to the river crossing with the focus being on the portion from the I-94 ramp to River
Street. The engineers want to see CSAH 18 finished and those traffic patterns established so
its full impact on TH 25 will be better known.
Chuck Rickart reviewed existing conditions on the TH 25 corridor with an A rating for level
of service being the best and F the worse. Under existing conditions it would take 8 minutes
for a vehicle to get from I-94 to River Street and the travel speed would be 12 mph. Chuck
Rickart noted this information was for the pm peak period.
Traffic projections for the year 2030 were considered. In their projections the engineers
looked at Big Lake's land use plan and the impact it has as well as the impact of the City of
Monticello's newly adopted Comprehensive Plan. The 2030 traffic projections do not
assume any new interchange or other improvements except for Fallon Avenue which was
included in the calculation. In 2030 it is anticipated 40,000 cars will be crossing the river.
Chuck Rickart indicated there are improvements that can be done in the short term and there
are also long term improvements that should be considered. He reviewed these
Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08
improvements and how the improvements would affect the level of service. Some of the
short term improvements include:
1) Signal Timing possible modifications: Chuck Rickart stated that signals along TH 25
had not been looked at for some time. It is possible that some modifications could be made
to the timing of the signals that may ease some traffic congestion. Brian Stumpf asked if
the level of service could be improved by removing the River Street signal. Chuck Rickart
indicated that issue would be addressed later in the presentation;
2) Addition of turn lanes. Turn lanes would be proposed for the I-94 ramp, 7th Street and
CSAH 75. Chuck Rickart said that the improvements they are discussing will not be
profound but will just make the traffic movement on TH 25 a little better. Adding capacity
to the roadway would be an example of a profound change;
3) Access modifications. This is a little more radical than the other short term proposals.
This option is where they looked at River Street and whether to have aright-in and right out
at this intersection. The River Street intersection is complicated because of the presence of a
building being very close to the corner of the intersection of River Street and TH 25. They
did not recommend aright-in at this intersection without a signal light. Other improvements
to consider are additional medians; right-in and right-out and a signal at 4th Street. Chuck
Rickart added that these improvements did not eliminate the signal at River Street which
was kept because of safety issues. Tom Moores, Street Superintendent asked how much of
an impact it would be to close off the intersection at River Street. Chuck Rickart responded
that the impact of eliminating the signal at River Street would make the level of service on
Broadway an F.
Clint Herbst asked if the program takes into account people changing driving patterns
because of traffic conditions. Brian Stumpf asked if adding more signals such as the one at
4th Street wouldn't back up traffic more. Tom Moores questioned why a signal at 4th Street
was recommended. Chuck Rickart responded that not all of the traffic could be directed to
7th Street or CSAH 75. Brian Stumpf questioned why they would want traffic directed onto
4th Street.
4) Roundabouts -Possible locations to be considered for roundabouts would be 7th Street,
4th Street and CSAH 75. Chuck Rickart stated that MnDOT requires consideration of
roundabouts when looking at intersection control and added that roundabouts increase
pedestrian safety.
5) Other Improvements -Long-term improvements would include additional through
lanes and a river crossing.
Brian Stumpf asked how bad the traffic situation has to be before MnDOT commits funds
towards the project. Bret Weiss said it is not because MnDOT is not willing to fund projects
but there are a lot of projects and with limited funds MnDOT is not investing in local
projects. Susie Wojchouski asked what classifies the bridge as local instead of regional.
Chuck Rickart indicated the current bridge is regional but if another bridge was added to
divert traffic that would be a local bridge. Bret Weiss felt MnDOT would be involved in the
short term improvements but would not support a bridge. Tom Moores asked about
Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08
MnDOT`s view of roundabouts and also about moving pedestrians through a roundabout.
MnDOT requires the City to look at roundabouts as part of the City's study. Chuck Rickart
said with roundabouts pedestrians cross half the approach and then reach the median. From
there pedestrians cross the remaining approach. In addition the speed of vehicles on a
roundabout is generally slower. Jeff O'Neill asked about the impact of a roundabout on a
commercial area. Chuck Rickart cited an example of Edina where there was a roundabout in
a commercial area. It was found not to have a negative impact on the commercial activity.
Bret Weiss said getting traffic moving on TH 25 is the most important impact for
commercial properties. There was general discussion on roundabouts that are either
established or in the process of being established in other communities such as Forest Lake
and Edina. Tom Moores said he had reservations about the statement that there is better
pedestrian safety crossing a roundabout. Chuck Rickart stressed that the severity of
accidents is less with a roundabout because the vehicles moving through the roundabout are
going at a slower speed. If the City was proposing just one roundabout Broadway would be
the logical choice. The study listed 7th Street, 4th Street and Broadway as possible
intersections for roundabouts.
Wayne Mayer said he was concerned about the criteria used for the River Street crossing.
Chuck Rickart noted that MnDOT would like to close that intersection Wayne Mayer felt
the signal at River Street should be shut down only and not include any of the other changes
proposed. He questioned why that was not one of the scenarios presented. Chuck Rickart
said closing the River Street intersection will have a huge impact on Broadway. Wayne
Mayer asked about right turn only. Chuck Rickart said they looked at that and noted that on
the east side there was a safety concern. Chuck Rickart said they looked at all alternatives
and brought back what they thought were the best alternatives but if the Council wanted all
the alternatives considered could be brought back. Clint Herbst felt that something should
be done so that they could get an idea of the impact closing the intersection would have.
Chuck Rickart said they had talked with MnDOT about temporarily closing the intersection.
The City would have to get MnDOT's okay to close the intersection and MnDOT would
have to turn off the signal lights but City staff could do the majority of the work to close off
the intersection. Chuck Rickart said they have traffic counts and after the intersection was
closed for 4-6 months they would take counts again to analyze the impact the closing would
have. Clint Herbst and Wayne Mayer felt roundabouts should be considered as a last resort.
Chuck Rickart said the improvements they looked at were for the whole TH 25 corridor not
just the River Street intersection.
Brian Stumpf said even with the improvements suggested there is still the same amount of
traffic coming through. The City has to do something to divert the traffic off the road. Bret
Weiss said if the City wants to get any kind of funding from the federal government or
MnDOT the City would have to plan long term even though nothing may be planned for
construction right away. Bret Weiss felt the City needs the short term solutions to provide
some relief and then have the long term plan for funding purposes. The City has to do
something now to get the City in position for funding. Bret Weiss said MnDOT wants the
City to do the leg work on these projects. Bret Weiss said the City should look at Fallon
Avenue, roundabouts, and the bridge crossing. Wayne Mayer said it is important to bring
Becker and Becker Township into this the discussion as well because they too are feeling the
pain of increased traffic volumes. Susie Wojchouski said the City of Monticello could do
everything to get traffic moving over the bridge but the other side of the bridge has to
Special Council Minutes: 6/9/08
complement what the City does for it to be effective. Chuck Rickart acknowledged that is
the case but indicated they have not received much information from Big Lake. Susie
Wojchouski asked if modifications could be made to the existing bridge. Chuck Rickart
responded that they had not look at any structural changes to the bridge.
Jeff O'Neill suggested the City have some kind of limit to development so that when current
capacity is maximized another bridge crossing would be required before further
development. Chuck Rickart said it could be tied to traffic generation. Susie Wojchouski
asked if it was known how much of Big Lake traffic is local and how much goes to Highway
The framework of the current transportation plan was done in 2005 and will be meshed with
the recently adopted Comprehensive plan. The City needs to identify improvements and
how to finance them. Traffic projections will also need to be refined. After these things are
done an updated plan will be prepared.
Chuck Rickart briefly went over the objectives of the Transportation Plan which include a
collector street system; options for interchange or overpass; river crossing options;
pedestrian/bike plan; transit plan and a financing plan. Jeff O'Neill asked about the
interchange being located at County Road 39 rather than Orchard Road. Chuck Rickart said
they will work with MnDOT on the interchange location. 'The proposed County Road 39
interchange location would impact the golf course and there is not much continuity on how
the interchange would hook up with County Road 75. The County Road 391ocation would
pull a little more traffic off of TH 25 than the Orchard Road location. MnDOT favors the
Orchard Road location. Bret Weiss stated that there are other issues besides engineering
to consider particularly financing. Chuck Rickart said the updated Transportation Plan
would identify needs, how to address the needs, approximate cost of improvements and
when the improvements need to be completed.
Tom Moores asked if the new interchange would also be the site of the river crossing. Three
possible crossing locations were noted: 1) Straight across from Washington Street; 2) CSAH
18 and 3) Connecting County Road 11 and Orchard Road. Chuck Rickart clarified that there
would not be a river crossing study but the Transportation Plan would include the impact a
river crossing would have.
Clint Herbst suggested they come back with solutions on River Street for the next meeting.
Brian Stumpf said whatever the City does on River Street they need to look at Broadway
and look at making the right turn lane a through lane.
The workshop closed at 6:45 p.m.
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Recording Secretary