City Council Agenda Packet 07-25-2022AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 25, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL MEETING — CITY COUNCIL Monticello Community Center 4:30 p.m. Budget Review Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from July 11, 2022 • Regular Meeting Minutes from July 11, 2022 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • City Updates o Construction Update o Popular Annual Financial Report F. Council Liaison Updates • EDA G. Department Updates • Wright County Sheriff Quarterly Update • FiberNet/Arvig Quarterly Update 2. Consent Agenda —All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item be removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-82 accepting donations from Liberty Financial Services in the amount of $14,250 for Music on the Mississippi, from Reinke's Food Truck in the amount of $410 for Hi -Way Liquor general use, and $1,899 from Senior Center for AED machines for the Monticello Community Center E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-83 accepting a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board in the amount of $10,000 for the Ellison Park fish art project F. Consideration of approving a special event permit for Church of St. Henry's FunFest annual parish festival on August 28, 2022 and approving a one -day temporary liquor license for the event G. Consideration of approving a Final Stage Planned Unit Development, Final Plat and Development Agreement, and rezoning to Planned Unit Development for a proposed 59 -unit Single Family Residential Development in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Haven Ridge, LLC H. Consideration of approving an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for retail Service Uses including but not limited to Definition, Zoning Districts, and Standards. Applicant: City of Monticello Consideration of approving city administrator to serve on the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center Board of Directors 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of authorizing the city administrator to submit applications for County American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants to Wright County 5. Adjournment REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 11, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler and Sam Murdoff Absent: None. 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Murdoff moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Regular Meeting Minutes from June 27, 2022 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the minutes. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements • Riverfest — Park & Recreation Director Tom Pawelk provided an overview of all the activities taking place during Riverfest. F. Council Liaison Updates. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler provided an update of the Planning Commission meeting held on July 5, 2022. There were two public hearings: zoning ordinance to allow storage boxes (tabled until August) and zoning ordinance regarding retail uses was approved. 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Fair moved approval of the Consent Agenda. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total of $8,280,771.48. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Action taken: Approved hire and departure for Hi -Way Liquor. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property for the Parks and Recreation Department. Action taken: No report this cycle. City Council Minutes: July 11, 2022 Page 1 1 5 D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-75 appointing election judges for the August 9, 2022 Primary Election and November 8, 2022 General Election. Action taken: Adopted resolution 2022-75 appointing election judges. Consideration of approving a special event permit for the VFW for Summerfest event on August 20, 2022. Action taken: Approved the special event permit. Consideration of approving a temporary gambling permit for Wright County Ducks Unlimited Chapter 39 for their annual event on September 12, 2022. Action taken: Approved the gambling permit. G. Consideration of authorizing a payment to the Coalition of Utility Cities for City share of CUC membership dues in the amount of $44,755. Action taken: Approved the payment for CUC membership. H. Consideration of approving installation of security cameras at West Bridge, East Bridge, Ellison, and Pioneer parks for a not -to -exceed amount of $38,000. Action taken: Approved the installation of security cameras. I. Consideration of approving quote from MP Nexlevel, LLC for FiberNet relocation for the Block 52 redevelopment for $58,749.89. Action taken: Approved the quote from MP Nexlevel for $58,749.89. J. Consideration of approving quote from MP Nexlevel, LLC for FiberNet installation within the Featherstone 6t" development for $77,688.20. Action taken: Approved the quote from MP Nexlevel for $77,688.20. K. Consideration of approving quote from Sir Lines A Lot for the 2022 Pavement Marking Project for $23,535.04. Action taken: Approved quote from Sir Lines A Lot for $23,535.04. L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-76 approving a Master Partnership Contract with MnDOT. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2022-76 approving the Master Partnership Contract. M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-81 accepting donations from John and Gloria Popa and Victor and Barbara Hellman in the amount of $580 for MontiArts general use. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2022-81 accepting the donations. 3. Public Hearings: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of adogtin2 Resolution 2022-77 authorizing the establishment of Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-46 within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1, and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto. Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, provided an overview of TIF District 1-46 related to the Wiha Tools expansion proposal. The estimated total cost of Phase 1 is $13,000,000. Wiha Tools identified a financing gap of $1,600,000 and was invited to submit a JCF Grant application to MN DEED while City Council Minutes: July 11, 2022 Page 2 1 5 the City was asked to submit a MIF Grant application to MN -DEED to further support the proposal. The development would increase their facility by 78,400 square feet and provide for 41 FTE jobs in the next three years. Tammy Omdahl, Northland Securities, spoke on the TIF District. The proposed development would occur in two phases with half being finished initially and the second half completed in two or three years. This was noted because the tax increment financing plan for this district includes both phases. The agreement that the EDA will approve at a later date will decide the terms for that assistance. They only receive the increment if both phases are completed. The life of the TIF District is expected to be nine years. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. Minimal discussion among City Council. Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2022-77 authorizing the establishment of Economic Development Tax Increment Financing (TIF) District 1-46 within the Central Monticello Redevelopment Project No. 1, and the adoption of the Tax Increment Financing Plan relating thereto. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of approving a Final Stage Planned Unit Development, Final Plat and Develoament Agreement. and rezoning to Planned Unit Development for Block 52 First Addition, a proposed mixed-use development (87 residential apartment units and approximately 30,000 sq. ft. of commercial office and retail use) in the Broadway and Riverfront Sub -Districts in the Central Community District (CCD). ADDlicant: Mark Buchholz. Deeahaven Development. LLC Steve Grittman, NAC, presented the item. The subject site is located north of Broadway (County Road 75) and west of Pine Street (State Highway 25) and includes approximately 2.08 acres of land. The development is proposed to occupy the majority of Block 52, overlaying 13 of the total 16 parcels which comprise the block. The project includes 30,000 square feet of ground floor commercial space, an underground parking garage and 87 dwelling units. Also included are a rooftop open space for residents, a restaurant with a patio, a promenade along Pine Street and an open plaza at the corner of Pine Street and Broadway. The Planning Commission recommended approval of all items. Council must determine if the applicant meets the conditions as placed with the preliminary plat and development stage approval when approving the Final Plat and Final Planned Unit Development. Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat, Final Stage PUD, and rezoning to PUD, and the Development Agreement. City Council Minutes: July 11, 2022 Page 3 1 5 Mr. Grittman previewed the proposed site layout, building renderings, and the plat layout. Also provided was the parking analysis of the proposed development. The total available parking spaces is expected to be 286 spaces, which is a surplus of parking for this development. There are three decisions before the City Council. Exhibit Z includes a significant number of conditions which the applicant is currently working on completing. Some of the items are still outstanding, which were identified in the staff report. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, addressed the City Council in regard to elements of the development agreement. Some of the items included: trunk charges will not be applied as the proposed development is in the core downtown area; cash in lieu dedication for park dedication; and escrow securities are required. This development agreement specifies that if the Council authorizes the completion of the Walnut Street corridor improvements, the City will complete the reconstruction of the sidewalk along Broadway and the addition of a sidewalk along the south side of River Street. In addition, will continue the desired design from Walnut Street through to the sidewalks along Broadway and River Street. The Developer will provide for the demolition of the Broadway Street sidewalk as part of their project. The City will complete the construction of the Broadway and River Street sidewalk improvements at the City's cost. Funding for the Broadway and River Street sidewalk improvements would be included in the 2023 budget from the Capital Project Fund. Ms. Schumann noted that in relation to the public parking lot, one of the conditions for approval is that the developer slightly adjust the lot line so the three City owned lots remain intact in Lot 1. City parking lots will be maintained and owned by the City. Mark Buchholz addressed City Council and thanked staff for their efforts. He noted that they are working with the City on completing all of the conditions. There was minimal discussion and a few questions by City Council. Councilmember Davidson moved adoption of Resolution 2022-78 approving the Final Plat for Block 52 First Addition, subject to the findings in said resolution and contingent on the conditions of Exhibit Z, and approval of the Development Agreement for Block 52 First Addition, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said agreement, and further authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to negotiate and specify final changes or amendments necessary to more fully execute the intention of the City Council with respect to the proposed project. Councilmember Fair seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. Councilmember Fair moved adoption of Resolution 2022-79 approving the Final Stage Planned Unit Development for Block 52 First Addition, subject to the findings in said resolution and contingent on conditions in Exhibit Z. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. City Council Minutes: July 11, 2022 Page 4 1 5 Councilmember Murdoff moved adoption of Resolution 2022-80 and Ordinance 779 establishing the Block 52 PUD District and rezoning the subject property to Block 52 First Addition PUD, Planned Unit Development District, based on findings in said resolution. Councilmember Davidson seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. 5. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 7:36 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: July 11, 2022 Page 5 1 5 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, July 11, 2022 — 4:30 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Jim Davidson, Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Sam Murdoff Absent: None Staff: Rachel Leonard, Angela Schumann, Sarah Rathlisberger, Trevor Mack, Tom Pawelk, Mike Mossey, Tracy Ergen, Ron Hackenmueller, Jim Thares, and Jennifer Schreiber Call to Order Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. 2. 2023 Budget Review Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, previewed the first budget meeting for the 2023 budget. She gave a timeline for budget meetings with the next meetings being held July 25, August 22, and September 12. The preliminary levy will be adopting September 26. This first meeting reviewed Personnel, IT and Facilities Maintenance. Ms. Rathlisberger noted that 2023 will be a more challenging budget year than previous years. Some of the initial costs noted: Facilities Maintenance - $318,000 (MCC, Capital Project, Water, and Liquor Funds); Personnel - $328,630 (Building Inspector, Street Operator, DMV Clerk, and WCSO Contract); and IT - $93,703 (Zoning Code, Springbrook Upgrade, NeoGov, Laserfiche, Cartegraph, and email archiving system). The Personnel cost included a 1% COLA adjustment which is $57,000. There was some discussion on cost - of -living increase. It was a consensus of Council that they would initially support a 3% increase. There was an introduction of the next budget meeting which will discuss vehicles, equipment, and projects. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:00 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes—July 11, 2022 City Administrator Monticello City Quarterly Review 2nd Quarter 2022 (April, May, and June) Cityof Monticello Activityfor 2n (April 1St to June 30th, 2022) Same Time period comparison ► 2021 Activity ➢ 3429 Calls For Service assigned in Monticello ➢ 1443 Cases Assigned to Patrol d Quarter ► 2022 Activity ➢ 3151 Calls For Service assigned in Monticello ➢ 1295 Cases Assigned to Patrol ➢ Property Crimes: ➢ Property Crimes: ➢ 13 Burglaries ➢ 3 Burglaries ➢ 24 Damaged to Property ➢ 15 Damaged to Property ➢ 46 Thefts ➢ 35 Thefts ➢ 18 Thefts from Vehicle ➢ 6 Thefts from Vehicle ➢ 0 Gas Drive Off ➢ 1 Gas Drive Off ➢ 42 Shoplifting ➢ 19 Shoplifting ➢ 25 Drug Complaints ➢ 34 Drug Complaints ➢ 45 Juvenile Complaints ➢ 35 Juvenile Complaints 74 Motor Vehicle Crashes (5 involved injuries) 81 Motor Vehicle Crashes (8 involved injuries) ➢ 5 Assault Complaints ➢ 9 Assault Complaints ➢ 43 Domestic Disturbance Complaints ➢ 49 Domestic Disturbance Complaints ➢ 872 Traffic Stops ➢ 723 Traffic Stops ➢ 298 Total Citations Issued ➢ 208 Total Citations Issued AA ➢ 55 Individuals Arrested/Booked into Jail ➢ 58 Individuals Arrested/Booked Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Patrol Division ► 3151 Calls for Service that resulted in 1295 Cases assigned to Patrol in the 2nd Quarter of 2022. This is a conversion rate of 41% which is about 3% lower than the average throughout the County. ► There were 107 "High Priority" Calls (Abuse, Assault, Burglary, CDP, CSC, Fire, Found Body, Fraud/Forgery, Psychiatric Health, Stolen Vehicles, etc.) ► Gun Incident on the Interstate Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Criminal Investigation Division (CID) ► 57 cases were assigned to the Criminal Investigation Division during the 2nd Quarter of 2022. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Major Crime Investigation Unit (MCIU) ► 10 cases were assigned to MCIU during the 2nd Quarter of 2022 ► MCIU members assisted in investigating and processing: Criminal damage to property, Burglary, and other crimes. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Forensics ► 8 cases from the city of Monticello were assigned to Forensic Examiners during the 2nd Quarter of 2022. Law Enforcement Activity by Division School Resource Officer(SRO) ► 82 cases were assigned to a School Resource Officer (SRO) in Monticello Schools during the 2nd Quarter of 2022. ► 10 of which had charges filed ► SRO's investigated juvenile complaints, disorderly person(s), medicals, traffic complaints, and harassment/threats complaints in and around the schools. Law Enforcement Activity by Division ► Special Investigation Unit (SIU) ► There were 11 case specific drug investigations in Monticello during the 2nd Quarter of 2022. ► 6 of which had charges filed. Killed in the line of duty - Quarter 2 ► 2021, Nationwide: 57 ► Minnesota = 1 (traffic accident) ► 2022, Nationwide: 37 ► Minnesota = 0 WE APPRECIATE THE CITIZENS OF MONTICELLO!! Questions? Contact: Sergeant Rob Gongoll Lieutenant Jason Krambr (763)682-7433 Wright County Sheriff's Office (763)682-7600 Residential & Business Subscribers Service 2015 Q2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q1-2022 Q2-2022 Phone Only 32 28 28 24 24 24 22 27 29 29 Internet Only 664 717 829 945 1,014 1,131 1,341 11366 1,377 11372 Television Only 74 73 72 55 4128 14 6 6 6 Phone & Internet 164 156 145 164 155 166 165 160 158 156 Phone & Television 44 42 39 35 30 23 14 1 1 Internet & Television 318 280 11 279 232 206 193 181 173 167 158 Triple Play 278 254 253 204 174 141 114 109 107 102 Total Subscribers 1574 1550 1,645 1,659 1,644 11706 1,851 1,842 11845 11823 Total Phone 518 1 480 1 465 427 383 354 315 297 295 287 Total Internet 1424 1407 1,506 1,545 11549 1,631 1,801 11808 1,809 1,788 Total Television 714 649 643 526 451 385 323 289 281 266 July 1st 2016 Arvig's 1st Day Business Subscribers 2015 Service 2015 Q2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q1-2022 Phone Only Q2-2022 Phone Only 10 10 13 10 10 8 7 11 13 Internet Only 13 Internet Only 37 31 35 33 37 35 35 39 39 Television Only 41 Television Only 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 Phone &Internet 94 Phone &Internet 70 66 1 60 1 68 11 63 1 1 62 1 65 61 60 Phone & Television 62 Phone & Television 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 1 Internet & Television 315 Internet & Television 3 4 4 4 3 6 5 4 4 Triple Play 4 Triple Play 15 15 19 16 14 14 9 8 8 Total Subscribers 5 Total Subscribers 137 129 133 133 129 127 123 123 124 Total Phone 125 Total Phone 96 92 92 95 88 85 82 80 81 Total Internet 80 Total Internet 125 116 118 121 117 117 114 112 111 Total Television 112 Total Television 20 22 25 22 19 22 16 12 12 9 Residential Subscribers Service 2015 Q2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q1-2022 Q2-2022 Phone Only 22 18 15 14 14 16 15 16 16 16 Internet Only 627 686 794 912 977 1,096 1,306 1,327 1,338 1,331 Television Only 73 71 70 54 40 27 13 6 6 6 Phone &Internet 94 90 85 1 96 1 92 1 1 104 1 100 1 99 1 98 1 94 Phone & Television 43 41 39 34 29 22 13 1 1 Internet & Television 315 276 228 203 187 176 169 163 154 Triple Play 263 239 188 160 127 105 101 99 97 Total Subscribers 1437 1421 [g275 1526 1515 1,579 1,728 1,719 1,721 1,698 Total Phone 422 388 332 295 269 233 217 214 207 Total Internet 1299 1291 11388 1424 1432 11514 1,687 1,696 11698 1,676 Total Television 1 694 1 1 627 618 504 432 363 307 277 269 257 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 4/01/2022 - 4/30/2022 Revenues Subscriber Billings Total Revenues: Expenses Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: Net Income 165,516.00 (35,484.87) (14,925.66) (43,642.17) 165,516.00 (94,052.70) Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 5/01/2022 - 5/31/2022 Revenues: Subscriber Billings Total Revenues: Expenses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: $ 71,463.30 Net Income 164,389.00 (34,297.95) (14,925.66) (43,642.17) 164,389.00 (92,865.78) $ 71,523.22 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: 2nd Quarter 2022 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billings 493,494.00 Total Revenues: �nses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Expenses: Net Income (103, 871.01) (44,776.98) (130, 926.51) 574.501 $ 213,919.50 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 6/01/2022 - 6/30/2022 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 163,589.00 Total Revenues: 1635589.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: Net Income (34, 088.19) (141925.66) (43,642.17) Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: YTD 2022 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billin; 994,298.00 (Total Revenues: Expenses: Subscriber Fee (211,111.50) Management Fe (89,553.96) Fixed Fee (261,853.02) Total Expenses: CNet Income ,656.02) (92 $ 70,932.98 $ 431,779.52 Financial Projections PRELIMINARY Q2 2022 - per Contractual Netting Statements Projected Revenue: Expenses: Subscriber COGS Fixed Cost Cash flow from Operations Management Fee: Fixed Adjusted EBITDA Management Fee: Incentive - 40% Prelim 2022 $994,298 211,112 261,853 $521,333 89,554 $431,779 $172,712 Budget 2022 $931,394 $264,692 $286,348 $380,355 $90,898 $289,458 $115,783 Capital Expense Budgeted: (45,790) (98,750) City Cash Flow 213,277 741925 Variance $62,904 $53,580 $24,495 $140, 978 $142,322 Budget 2022 $1,862,788 529,383 572,695 $760,710 181,795 $578,915 $231,566 (197,500) 149,849 Capital Expense Report; Budget versus Actual 2nd Quarter 2022 Actual Budget HE/CO Equipment 10,231 15,000 Drops 15,226 37,500 CPE Equipment 20,334 46,250 Road Jobs/Moves - $ 45,790 $ 98,750 2022 Capital Budget: 2022 Variance $ 41769 HE/CO Equipment 30,000 $ 22,274 $ 25,916 Drops - Plowing 75,000 $ 52,960 CPE Equipment 92,500 Road Jobs/Moves - Mapcom - Plant Records - TOTAL - Yearly $ 197,500 Delivered by arvig. Marketing 2nd Qtr 2022 • Website (Apr -Jun): o Number of unique visitors: 3,260, down 15.1 °i°. o Total sessions/visits: 4170, down 27.2°x° o Average time on site/page: 1:50, down 16.3% o Search keywords bringing customers to our website: fibernet monticello, fibernet, monticello fibernet, fibernet monticello mn • Search Ads o Impressions: 23,880, down 8.5°i° o Clicks: 1,664, up 4.9% o Phone Calls: 243, up 35.8°x° o Search keywords customers are using/clicking: internet speed, phone and internet service, fiber internet providers, internet service, speed internet Number of potential customers/existing customers that input their address to see if service was available and the cost via website: o Apr -June: ■ Confirmed Address: 715 ■ Select Services: 429 ■ Your Contact Info: 148 ■ Submit: 97 ■ Orders Submitted: 77 • Top landing pages: Home page: 1992, Gig Offer: 934, Swan Cam: 275 seated front invoice messages, direct mail and city inserts. Following is some of the artwork that was used: ti. An Faster treat: qet hopping fast Internet, up to I Gig, with WiFi included delivered to your home—no hunting required. Price For Life'—no hidden fees 10x'6 unlimited data ��`� �� � � � No peak -time usage gridlock Easily stream l0+ devices �' No packages required !� No equipment to buy abouk F2► EE ihskallftkioth� Make sure you have plenty of bandwidth to share! Getup to 1 Gb (1,000Mb) � Odd o , of Internet with WiFi included. Know what I mean, jelly bean? 001 763.314.0100 FlberNetMonticello.com/Gig0iffer �h ar� FIBERHOIW&�WKIVAe•<•. 9"91 A4 y. eevj <,u..m n*qr e.ers Nou W O"40a.���,x�ax��a(�A.�rx.�xe�n.I%rW�," WaW„M�.:�x�A�r W19 ynmJmw v,wnj.,,r OF 10 e,w,er«-,-r_,e tIN G..,ur`wara.-n,s„vwrmu•,., kfA mar:,�w.>tiv->s<eknw,kO,Mav,ua»ro,xrx+.,n,uus,J�,anr,+.rr�.d:,x.f:,Jeecwa�nee , ro>r,.f hJ�teMYun:n MrhxMnrywW,pzvnMneG.mr,bryka<W t�As�atimn. Jiea: nJfk M,Miva ljmoxnA±#xxki4WgeMsa,,aStmMtlxM, Y+uWbalNe+,kn r4vcml M, b aaAi•Nlybµ nvnhal.,A tliMh,N'x�OMWMbanfrsevlr•WtledaelNnlwOP`�WtfCWb.q 163.314.O1001FiberNetMonticello,comlGigOffer Aecy arvig. � �fine6 aW,.,A WS 1166th Sheet W Suite A LlonikA3'b, 51N 55367 «Customer Nan3e» «l)r Current Resident» «Bill luldress» &II City» , «&II State» «&II Lp» Host a gatl-lering, plan a short getaway, or binge your favorite streaming series with up to 1 Gig of Internet, WiFI Included. 4e Price For Life*—no hidden fees 0 Easily stream 10+ devices at once Ak No peak -time usage gridlock #4 10046 unlimited—no data caps No equipment to buy Ck No packages or bundles required Dtt. m V�tW, W AMA q_. _ �OCtF IVB p1��WtOV��h1��.� 763.314.0100 I FiberNetMonticello.com/Gig Offer oei,.emal.y arvig. Dinosaurs roamed, and he had to learn using an encyclopedia.Today, the linos are extinct and knowledge is easy on the Internet. Get up to 1 Gig with WiFi included. DOM trtow W lock iw $10/VAD�oIL I,IFEkl 763.314.01001 FiberNetMonticello.coin/GigOHer arvig, YOURTECHNOLOGYTEAM IS HERE FlberNet Internet and Hosted PBX phone systems offer exactly what you need for your Monticello business because services are customized to fit your needs. Whatever the size of your business—whether you have one locatIon or multiple sites—our broadband connection offers nexibllity and control so you can Increase productivity and complete transactions In seconds. Plus with Hosted PBX any phone can become your work phone, allowing you to work from anywhere. Were not Just your Internet and phone provider; were your h:i,ii,, "'N partner. Real Business Benefits: + IOOMI>, SOOMb, even 1 G Internet connections _ +Videoconference without interruptions '® +Quickly respond to emails and process payments +Make and receive calls from anywhere with Hosted PBX I.ET US HELP YOU DETERMINE THE 1;lGNT SPEED FOR YO!!R RUSINE55. 7G 3.314.0100 I FlberNetMontl<ello.corn Gel powerful fiber Internet, up to iGb (1,OOOMb), with WiFi included, for lust 570 per month. Happy Father's Day! Plice Fol Life'—no hidden fees v" 100')i) unlirnited data ✓ No peak•time usage gridlock ✓ No packages required ✓ Easiiy stream 10+devices ✓ No equipment to buy '�csk 40%k VREE iHsko��o,kiow� "r 1114C d% 763.314.0100 1 FlberNetMonticello.cmnlGlgOffer arvig ocnve,cd by arvig Mo aMg 118 Glh Sheet W, Stilte A Atonikello, MN SS361 <<Custaner Name» «Or Current Besident» «gill Address» «gill City»Zip, <<Bill State>> <<Bill > City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Finance Director 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,457,737.79. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Clearing House Electronic AP Proof List User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 07/20/2022 - 10:51AM Batch: 00004.07.2022 Source Vendor Name Transfer/Route AP5 201-07-2022 4263 AP5 201-07-2022 3241 AP5 201-07-2022 1426 AP5 201-07-2022 1593 AP5 201-07-2022 2405 AP5 201-07-2022 2438 AP5 201-07-2022 2282 AP5 201-07-2022 2811 AP5 201-07-2022 5147 AP5 201-07-2022 4732 AP5 201-07-2022 5415 Records Printed � ciry of � Monticello --,E=Ep= Check Digit Account No amount CAYAN, 1,940.97 LINCOLN FINANCIAL GROUP, 2,875.68 MONTICELLO, CITY OF 4,483.92 MN DEPT OF REVENUE - ACH, / 69,651.00 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns / 15,020.36 VANCO SERVICES LLC, / 114.80 MRI SOFTWARE, / 102.00 US BANK CORPORATE PMT SYSTEM, / 131,018.91 MN PEIP, / 49,918.27 MONEY MOVERS, INC., / 14.50 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC, / 258.07 11 275,398.48 CH -Electronic AP Proof List (07/20/2022 - 10:51 AM) Page 1 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Debbie.Davidson Printed: 07/20/2022 - 2:47PM Batch: 00203.07.2022 - 203.07.2022 AP Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Moiiii6effo Y Reference Vendor: 5660 ABSOLUTE PRINT GRAPHICS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 59612 UB July Invoices (3698) Print, Fold, Stuff, Enve 661.37 07/26/2022 601-49440-431800 59612 UB July Invoices (3698) Print, Fold, Stuff, Enve 661.37 07/26/2022 602-49490-431800 59612 July Announcements PAR (3700) 887.94 07/26/2022 226-45122-434990 59612 July City Announcements (3700) 887.94 07/26/2022 101-41310-443990 Check Total: 3,098.62 Vendor: 2139 ADVANCED FIRST AID INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 0522-291 2 AED Machines w/Bag, Battery, Pads & Cable 3,890.00 07/26/2022 226-45122-421990 Check Total: 3,890.00 Vendor: 5480 ALIVE LUTHERAN CHURCH Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 7/20/2022 Relocation Benefit - Payment #4 3,667.24 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 7/20/2022 Relocation Benefit - Moving Expense 47.36 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 3,714.60 Vendor: 5731 JAMES ALTENDAHL Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 7/18/2022 Performance @ Farmers Market 8/4/2022 200.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 200.00 Vendor: 5750 ALICIA MAI AMUNDSON Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: False 7/15/22 Farmers Market Token Collection log 7/14/22 92.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 92.00 Vendor: 5871 APOLLO PLUMBING INC. Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: False 9534 ignitor & flame sensor for water heater 371.09 07/26/2022 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 371.09 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False 3546004 resale - beer 106.15 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 3546005 resale - beer 70.20 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 3546099 resale - beer 468.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 3547154 resale - beer 175.40 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 819.75 Vendor: 4502 ARVIG Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: True 0002697713-003 Managed IT Services - July 2022 1,218.60 07/26/2022 702-00000-431990 327206 June 2022 FMN expenses - buried drops 3,100.00 07/26/2022 656-49877-440100 327206 June 2022 FMN expenses -Calix 5,966.02 07/26/2022 656-49877-422990 Check Total: 10,284.62 Vendor: 2886 AUSCO DESIGN AND MARKETING Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 6912 (100) MontiArts T-shirts 1,100.00 07/26/2022 101-45204-421990 Check Total: 1,100.00 Vendor: 5486 HEIDI BARTHEL Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: False 7/15/2022 Farmers Market Token log - 7/14/2022 70.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 70.00 Vendor: 1866 BEACON ATHLETICS Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 549851 (4) 3" thick rubber home plate 437.72 07/26/2022 101-45203-421990 549851D -DM (4) 3" thick rubber home plate- freight correctior 23.28 07/26/2022 101-45203-421990 Check Total: 461.00 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 105436200 resale- mix 137.70 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 105436200 resale- condiments 26.45 07/26/2022 609-49750-425500 105436200 asst. bags 338.45 07/26/2022 609-49754-421990 105436200 freight 2.31 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 95617900 resale- liquor credit inv. #95577200 -207.75 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 95617900 freight credit inv. 995577200 -3.30 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 95668100 freight 111.38 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 95668100 resale- wine 480.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 95668100 resale- liquor 10,325.80 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 95706800 freight 26.40 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 95706800 resale- liquor 1,988.85 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 13,226.29 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False 11237 CO2 Tank 126.00 07/26/2022 226-45123-421990 352470 resale - soda pop 33.06 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 352471 resale - beer 1,414.60 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 352472 resale - beer 2,800.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 355128 resale- soda pop 149.27 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 355129 resale- beer 3,576.95 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 355129 resale- beer n/a 130.75 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 355130 resale -concession drinks 62.75 07/26/2022 226-45125-425410 355130 soda pop 466.20 07/26/2022 226-45123-421990 I27416 resale -concession sandwiches 80.50 07/26/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 8,840.08 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPII Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 344818801 resale - liquor 2,430.65 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 344818801 resale - wine 665.98 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 344818801 freight 42.30 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 344907247 freight 55.30 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 344907247 resale- liquor 2,978.31 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 344907247 resale- wine 456.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 6,628.54 Vendor: 1084 C/O CSG BROCK WHITE COMPANY LLC Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 15533290-00 (4) column form 36" cut - compost site 103.08 07/26/2022 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 103.08 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: True 2709558 resale- beer 15,170.29 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 2709558 resale- beer n/a 106.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 2709558 resale- juice 73.47 07/26/2022 609-49750-425500 2712610 resale- beer 14,429.79 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 2712610 resale- beer n/a 109.75 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 2712610 resale- juice 73.47 07/26/2022 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 29,962.77 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 23479 resale - wine 1,128.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 4 Check Total: 1,128.00 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 0000598798 Bulk Carbon Dioxide (509 lbs) 174.79 07/26/2022 701-00000-421600 Check Total: 174.79 Vendor: 3973 CENTRAL TRAILER SALES INC Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: True Order 21628 2023 PJ PL paver trailer 22,919.00 07/26/2022 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 22,919.00 Vendor: 1117 COALITION OF UTILITY CITIES Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 0100705 Coalition of Utility Cities Dues 2022 44,755.00 07/26/2022 101-41310-443300 Check Total: 44,755.00 Vendor: 2935 CUSTOMIZED FIRE RESCUE TRAINING IN( Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: False 2156 FIREDN-CARSRU - SRU Training 4/5/22 & 6/; 450.00 07/26/2022 101-00000-222005 2156 MBFTE Rmbrs ($300)- SRU Training 4/5/22 & 450.00 07/26/2022 101-00000-222005 Check Total: 900.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 1579785 credit - beer samples -41.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1608323 (84) 24pk .5 liter water 403.20 07/26/2022 101-42200-421990 1609874 resale - beer n/a 150.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 1612194 resale - beer 30,206.80 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1612194 resale - beer n/a 166.90 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 1614414 resale - beer n/a 98.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 1614414 resale - beer 10,801.40 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1615664 resale - beer 1,392.35 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1615665 resale - beer 47,265.15 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1615665 resale - beer n/a 93.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 1617737 resale - beer n/a 104.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 1617737 resale - beer 6,506.60 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1619668 resale - beer 2,606.20 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1619668 resale - beer n/a 150.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 99,902.60 Vendor: 4394 DAXKO, LLC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: True INV176220 Annual Spectrum/Daxko Software Fee 10,715.03 07/26/2022 702-00000-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 5 Check Total: 10,715.03 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 24 1483497 resale- beer 3,684.55 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 1483497 resale- beer n/a 27.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 1751000300 resale- beer -14.78 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 3,697.27 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 25 899949 TIF 1-46 - PH WiHa Tool Subsidy Ad# 1239905 184.60 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 899950 TIF 1-44 - PH Washburn POS Ad# 1239910 184.60 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 899951 TIF 1-45 - PH TIF Districts Ad# 1239916 259.98 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 899952 TIF 1-46 - EDA Land Sale Ad# 1240377 258.44 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 Check Total: 887.62 Vendor: 4191 ELK RIVER GREENHOUSE LLC Check Sequence: 26 7/15/22022 Farmers Market Token log - 7/7 & 14/2022 151.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 151.00 Vendor: 6010 EVERLIGHT SOLAR LLC Check Sequence: 27 7/14/2022 Refund Portion Bldg Permit #2022-00170 144.17 07/26/2022 101-42400-322110 Check Total: 144.17 Vendor: 4336 FARM -RITE EQUIPMENT INC Check Sequence: 28 P64974 (3) engine oil filter 86.64 07/26/2022 101-45201-422990 W09619 Loader - repair a/c 644.30 07/26/2022 101-43120-440440 Check Total: 730.94 Vendor: 2273 FIBERNET MONTICELLO - ACH Check Sequence: 29 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - City Hall 751.28 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - MCC 549.76 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Ballfields 20.12 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - DMV 288.36 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Hi Way Liquor 334.08 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Fire Hall 405.64 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Public Works 1,292.01 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Parks 115.80 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone - Prairie Center 13.24 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - City Hall 248.90 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - MCC 10.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - DMV 89.90 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - Hi Way Liquor 45.95 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - Fire Hall 170.90 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - Animal Shelter 33.95 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Internet - Public Works 53.95 07/26/2022 702-00000-432300 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Cable - Fire Hall 116.85 07/26/2022 101-42200-431990 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Cable - MCC 194.85 07/26/2022 226-45127-432500 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Data Hosting 500.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-431900 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Service Contract 250.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-431900 7/2/2022 July 2022 - Phone & Internet - Monti Arts 96.94 07/26/2022 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 5,582.48 Vendor: 5967 HALEY FOSTER Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 6/27/2022 Mileage Reimbusement - LMC Conference (231 135.49 07/26/2022 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 135.49 Vendor: 3762 GARRETTS DIAMOND CITY BREAD Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: True 7/15/2022 Farmers Market Token log - 7/7 & 14/2022 42.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 42.00 Vendor: 5952 GIERTSEN COMPANY Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: False M02714STR water damage repairs- MCC 47,643.58 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 47,643.58 Vendor: 5783 GRANITE CITY REAL ESTATE Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False TIF 1-40 Pay As You Go - 1st Pmt 2022 Interest 22,301.46 07/26/2022 213-46540-465110 Check Total: 22,301.46 Vendor: 5983 GREEN HAVEN FARM MARKET LLC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 7/15/2022 Farmers Market Token log 7/14/22 81.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 81.00 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 6225129 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 6,871.52 07/26/2022 602-49480-421990 6240301 Pool Chemicals 1,364.79 07/26/2022 701-00000-421600 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 7 Check Total: 8,236.31 Vendor: 1244 HORIZON COMMERCIAL POOL SUPPLY Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 21884 Lynd Rust B Gone (50 lb pail) 423.50 07/26/2022 701-00000-421600 Check Total: 423.50 Vendor: 6013 I.M.S. - INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE SUPP Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: False 5701 (2) catch basin repair - Deegan; 4th St. 1,000.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-440100 Check Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 5914 INNOVATIVE STUCCO INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: False 7/14/2022 Relocation Benefit Payment #3 30,000.00 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 30,000.00 Vendor: 6008 INVICTUS BREWING LLC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False 7/9/62 resale - beer 171.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 171.00 Vendor: 5444 J & G HOLDINGS Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: True 4067 Aug. 2022 cleaning - split Fire/Law Enforcemen 560.00 07/26/2022 701-00000-431100 Check Total: 560.00 Vendor: 5751 TODD JAMESON Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 7/18/2022 Performance @ Farmers Market 7/28/22 200.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 200.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: False 2087658 resale- liquor 2,940.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2087658 freight 57.82 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2087659 freight 118.78 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2087659 resale- wine 3,887.63 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2087659 resale- wine n/a 138.60 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 2090887 resale- wine 724.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2090887 freight 18.14 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2091162 freight 4.95 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2091162 resale- liquor 271.80 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2091234 resale- liquor 250.20 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2091234 freight 3.30 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2092074 freight 54.48 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2092074 resale- liquor 2,710.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2092075 resale - wine 1,079.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2092075 resale - mix 72.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 2092075 freight 35.27 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2093205 freight 73.05 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2093205 resale - liquor 4,665.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2093206 resale- wine 2,486.75 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2093206 resale- mix 70.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 2093206 freight 66.98 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2093207 resale- beer 27.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 2095496 resale- liquor 3,635.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2095496 freight 65.18 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2095497 freight 19.79 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2095497 resale- wine 633.93 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 24,110.65 Vendor: 5974 JOTL PROPERTIES, LLC Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 35 July 2022 - 213 w. Broadway rent 1,500.00 07/26/2022 101-45204-441200 Check Total: 1,500.00 Vendor: 6011 JAMES KIMBER Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False 7/8/2022 202141 - Escrow Refund CUP 552.40 07/26/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 552.40 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 170867 resale- wine 1,190.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 170867 resale- mix 88.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 170867 freight 22.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,300.50 Vendor: 5389 KNIFE RIVER Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False Pay Voucher #1 22C001 - 2022 Street Improvements - Pay Voucl 186,013.80 07/26/2022 400-43300-459023 Check Total: 186,013.80 Vendor: 5285 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 9309730397 (200) 25 ea. 18x25 Ty -Rap 346.55 07/26/2022 101-45201-422990 Check Total: 346.55 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4494 LAXMI HOTEL INC Check Sequence: 48 TIF 1-22.5 Pay As You Go - 1 st Pmt 2022 - Interest 6,197.84 07/26/2022 213-46585-465110 Check Total: 6,197.84 Vendor: 1291 LEAGUE OF MN CITIES INS TRUST Check Sequence: 49 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 1,713.00 07/26/2022 101-41310-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 80.00 07/26/2022 101-41410-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 471.00 07/26/2022 101-41520-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 80.00 07/26/2022 101-41800-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 4,364.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 5,528.00 07/26/2022 101-42200-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 821.00 07/26/2022 101-42400-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 401.00 07/26/2022 101-42700-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 1,960.00 07/26/2022 101-43110-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 148.00 07/26/2022 101-43115-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 3,899.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 129.00 07/26/2022 101-43125-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 65.00 07/26/2022 101-43127-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 9,184.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 680.00 07/26/2022 101-45501-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 48.00 07/26/2022 101-46102-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 5,913.00 07/26/2022 101-49240-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 49,674.00 07/26/2022 101-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 688.00 07/26/2022 213-46301-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 11,911.00 07/26/2022 226-45122-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 944.00 07/26/2022 653-41990-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 7,772.00 07/26/2022 601-49440-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 9,771.00 07/26/2022 602-49480-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 7,029.00 07/26/2022 602-49490-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 2,296.00 07/26/2022 609-49754-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 370.00 07/26/2022 215-49010-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 261.00 07/26/2022 652-49880-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 7,127.00 07/26/2022 656-00000-202099 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 1,638.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 264.00 07/26/2022 701-00000-436100 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 962.00 07/26/2022 213-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 16,676.00 07/26/2022 226-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 1,322.00 07/26/2022 653-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 10,882.00 07/26/2022 601-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 13,679.00 07/26/2022 602-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 9,841.00 07/26/2022 602-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 3,215.00 07/26/2022 609-00000-155020 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 518.00 07/26/2022 215-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 366.00 07/26/2022 652-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 2,293.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-155020 Acct# 40001103 Ins Premium 7/15/22 - 7/15/23 370.00 07/26/2022 701-00000-155020 Check Total: 195,353.00 Vendor: 3550 RACHEL LEONARD Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 7/15/2022 Reimbursement:Parking @ MSP 194 CoalitionT 68.00 07/26/2022 101-41310-433100 7/19/2022 Reimbursement: Check Bag Fee- 194 CoalitionT 30.00 07/26/2022 101-41310-433100 Check Total: 98.00 Vendor: 3933 CHARLES LONG Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 7/15/2022 Farmers Market Token log - 7/7 & 14/2022 180.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: True 344778 resale - cigarettes; juice 2,142.72 07/26/2022 609-49750-425500 344778 resale - tobacco; barware 211.55 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 2,354.27 Vendor: 1305 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True P43643 (3) pipe swage 54.21 07/26/2022 602-49490-422990 Check Total: 54.21 Vendor: 1306 MAIN STREET DESIGNS INC Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: False 33176 (16) asst. flags 536.80 07/26/2022 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 536.80 Vendor: 1229 MARRS ADVERTISING & DESIGN INC Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: True 0002011 #9 Envelopes: W/Window (1000) W/O Windov 445.30 07/26/2022 101-41310-421990 Check Total: 445.30 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: True INV 10146979 On Demand IT Services 2,318.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 2,318.00 Vendor: 1309 MARTIE'S FARM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 225617 (2) 4pk flats; (6) pun patient; (6) spikes 116.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 116.00 Vendor: 5736 MAVERICK WINE LLC Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: True 805427 resale - liquor 573.32 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 805427 freight 7.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 580.82 Vendor: 6007 PARKER MCDONALD Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False SmallMouth #1 Public Art Grant Rnd. 2 - Small Mouth Bass Pay 6,000.00 07/26/2022 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 6,000.00 Vendor: 3833 CLAUDIA MENZEL Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: False E. Bridge Rmbrs reimburse for plants purchased on 5/22/22 - East 164.25 07/26/2022 101-45201-422500 Check Total: 164.25 Vendor: 1321 JEFF MICHAELIS Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: False 7/8/2022 202144 - Escrow Refund 861.40 07/26/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 861.40 Vendor: 5786 MILLS PROPERTIES Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: False 7/16/2021 16D002 - Fleet Farm Escrow Refund 1,000.00 08/10/2021 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 1738 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: False Qtr #2 2022 Qtr. 2 -community water supply serv. connectior 11,215.00 07/26/2022 601-49440-443750 Check Total: 11,215.00 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: False 7-12-22 license and register 2023 PJTM Pintlehook vin # 1,545.44 07/26/2022 703-00000-165010 7-9/2022 license and register 2022 Ford F350 vin #04852 4,385.56 07/26/2022 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 5,931.00 Vendor: 1377 MONTICELLO SENIOR CENTER Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: True July 2022 Monthly Allocation - July 2022 5,416.67 07/26/2022 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 5,416.67 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 6009 MEAH SHARAE MORRIS Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: False 7/19/2022 Farmers Market Token Collection Log - 6/23 &' 40.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 40.00 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 7186 TIF 1-45 - Block 52 - June 2022 3,225.00 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 7187 TIF 1-46 Wiha Tools - June 2022 1,505.00 07/26/2022 213-00000-220110 7189 2021 Annual TIF reporting- District 22 1,000.00 07/26/2022 213-46522-431990 Check Total: 5,730.00 Vendor: 4472 NOVAK FLECK INC Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: False 7/16/2022 Escrow Refund - 4217 Eaton Circle/Featherstone 2,000.00 07/26/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 5426 NOVEL SOLAR TWO LLC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: True 5246 Solar Rebate Program - Xcel Energy 36,119.04 07/26/2022 101-41310-443992 Check Total: 36,119.04 Vendor: 5211 RANDI O'KEEFE KRIER Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True July 2nd Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 07/26/2022 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 62626 parts- 505 Walnut troubleshoot lights- Bucket Tr 45.00 07/26/2022 101-43160-440990 62626 laor- 505 Walnut troubleshoot lights- Bucket Tru 105.00 07/26/2022 101-43160-440990 62767 labor -25 & 3rd - made safe until pole arrives 315.00 07/26/2022 101-43160-440990 62910 labor - trblst. leaking pump; rebuilt; clean; seal- I 532.50 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 62910 parts- trblst. leaking pump; rebuilt; clean;seal- Li 112.18 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 62914 parts -25 & 3rd - replace pole; LED head; wired 2,200.00 07/26/2022 101-43160-440990 Check Total: 3,309.68 Vendor: 1412 OMANN BROTHERS INC Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: False 16101 (5.01) AC fines mix 465.93 07/26/2022 101-43120-422400 16114 (2.03) SPWEA240B 166.50 07/26/2022 101-43120-422400 16123 (5) AC fines mix 465.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-422400 16126 (2) AC fines mix 186.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-422400 Check Total: 1,283.43 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: True 229850 Block Party - (14) cs. corn dogs 565.04 07/26/2022 101-41310-444210 229850 resale - concession food 361.93 07/26/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 926.97 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: False 6424795 resale- liquor 1,544.70 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 6424795 freight 19.78 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6424796 freight 27.22 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6424796 resale- wine 612.25 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 6424796 resale- wine n/a 240.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 6426680 resale- liquor 1,680.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 6426680 freight 41.25 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6426681 freight 42.91 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6426681 resale- wine 1,591.15 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 6426681 resale- wine n/a 316.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 6427521 freight 31.37 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6427521 resale- liquor 1,787.25 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 6427522 resale- mix 144.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 6427522 freight 4.95 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6428484 freight 19.14 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6428484 resale- liquor 1,570.07 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 6428485 resale- wine 905.20 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 6428485 freight 21.46 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6430340 freight 4.47 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 6430340 resale - liquor 253.16 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 6430341 resale- wine 637.70 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 6430341 freight 23.11 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 11,517.14 Vendor: 3574 PREFERRED TITLE INC Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 7/19/2022 Block 52 Relocation - Move Personal Property 2,342.44 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 7/19/2022 Block 52 Relocation - Re-establishment Costs 38,665.66 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 41,008.10 Vendor: 6012 PRICE CUSTOM HOMES Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 7/8/2022 Escrow Refund - 1212 Prairie Pint Ct/Club West, 2,000.00 07/26/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1455 RED'S MARATHON Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference June 2022 June 2022 slips: (2) batteries 6/2 & 8/ 2022 295.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-422110 June 2022 June 20022 slips: recharge a/c Red Ford 85.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-440440 June 2022 June 2022 slips: recharge a/c Bobcat 85.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-440500 June 2022 June 2022 slips:#113 #143 #156 - fuel 371.27 07/26/2022 101-43120-421200 June 2022 June 2022 slips:#143 - battery 6/1/22 160.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-422110 June 2022 June 2022 slips: tire repair 15.00 07/26/2022 101-43120-440500 Check Total: 1,011.27 Vendor: 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: True 145146 Impound Reports (1000) 514.05 07/26/2022 101-42700-421990 145246 (100) vehicle incident report 93.02 07/26/2022 101-42200-421990 145673 (100) incident reports 117.31 07/26/2022 101-42200-421990 145889 (1000) PW envelopes 221.89 07/26/2022 101-43110-421990 Check Total: 946.27 Vendor: 5759 RES GREAT LAKES, LLC Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 28268 Parwest - Turf Conversion- mowing 682.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 682.00 Vendor: 5400 ROTO -ROOTER PLUMBING & DRAIN Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 39852179 clear blockage floor drain - Hi -Way Liquor 375.00 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 375.00 Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: False 13695 resale- wine 312.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 13695 freight 4.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 316.50 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: True A42810 Rekey 2 Locks & Shim Door @ MCC; 4 Keys 178.50 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 A42812 door rubbing on threshold- repairs - Fire Station 117.50 07/26/2022 701-00000-440100 A42813 Install Security Cameras at MCC (48) 53,410.20 07/26/2022 702-00000-165010 A42814 HMI Extender, Wire, Labor - Camera Install @ 1 540.00 07/26/2022 702-00000-165010 Check Total: 54,246.20 Vendor: 5523 RUSTECH BREWING COMPANY, LLC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: True 1108 resale- beer 180.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 15 Check Total: 180.00 Vendor: 3751 CHRISTINE SCHYMA Check Sequence: 84 7/15/22 Farmers Market Token Collection Log 7/7/22 133.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 133.00 Vendor: 5996 CHRISSY SIERRA Check Sequence: 85 7/15/2022 Farmers Market Token log - 7/14/2022 32.00 07/26/2022 226-45127-431992 Check Total: 32.00 Vendor: 4325 SNAP-ON INDUSTRIAL Check Sequence: 86 ARV 53390088 12pt. socket set 117.70 07/26/2022 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 117.70 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS. Check Sequence: 87 2231843 resale- wine 504.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2231843 freight 12.60 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2234509 freight 30.80 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 2234509 resale - liquor 2,292.93 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2234510 resale - wine 371.16 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 2234510 resale - liquor 301.20 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 2234510 freight 14.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 5085035 freight - samples 0.35 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 5085820 freight - samples 0.70 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 9246186 resale- wine credit 3/9/22 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9255353 resale- wine credit 5/10/21 -100.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9255868 resale- liquor credit 5/12/21 -18.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 9267585 resale- wine credit 6/24/21 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9276399 resale- wine credit 7/23/21 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9283840 resale- wine credit 8/12/21 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9308154 resale- wine credit 10/21/21 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9322159 resale- wine credit 11/18/21 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9330968 resale- liquor credit 12/10/21 -108.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9365543 resale- liquor credit 2/11/22 -81.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 9370006 resale- wine credit 2/25/22 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9388779 resale- liquor credit 4/29/22 -108.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 9389278 resale- wine credit 4/29/22 -80.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9389659 resale- wine credit 5/1/22 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 9412739 resale- wine credit 7/12/22 -40.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 16 Check Total: 2,672.74 Vendor: 5506 ST MICHAEL SPINAL REHAB CENTER Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 7-1-22 Drug/AlcoholScreen- TG 70.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 70.00 Vendor: 1512 SYLVA CORPORATION INC LB 7958 Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 73358 (20) CY colored mulch 468.60 07/26/2022 101-45201-422500 73379 (20) CY colored mulch 468.60 07/26/2022 101-45201-422500 Check Total: 937.20 Vendor: 1518 TDS TELECOM Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True 763-271-3257 TDS 101.67 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-0078 TDS - Fire 230.20 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-0338 TDS 66.88 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-2005 TDS 20.22 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 763-295-3714 TDS - Reservoir 343.88 07/26/2022 702-00000-432100 Check Total: 762.85 Vendor: 5922 SHILOH THOMPSON Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 7/14/2022 Relocation Benefit Payment #3 1,712.44 07/26/2022 213-46301-461500 Check Total: 1,712.44 Vendor: 4832 TIFCO INDUSTRIES, INC. Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: True 71779969 (2) bungee cord cargo net 89.90 07/26/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 89.90 Vendor: 5455 TRI-STATE PUMP & CONTROL, INC Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: True 443675 (2) pump seal fail & over -temp relay w/ mountin 773.92 07/26/2022 602-49490-422990 Check Total: 773.92 Vendor: 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: False 775798 (3) cs. nitrile gloves; (8) can liner; cs. bowl clear. 756.45 07/26/2022 101-45201-421990 776281 refund sales tax charged -18.81 07/26/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 737.64 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1082288 resale- gift bags; drink charms; barware; etc 990.52 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 1082288 resale- cherries 69.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 1,059.52 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 7/8/2022 PI 42 - UB July Billing (3698 pcs) (1/2) 852.39 07/26/2022 601-49440-432200 7/8/2022 PI 42 - UB July Billing (3698 pcs) (1/2) 852.39 07/26/2022 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 1,704.78 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: True 2952327 resale- soda pop 1,128.30 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,128.30 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: True 308015 resale- wine 712.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 308015 resale- mix 120.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425400 308015 freight 21.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 308475 resale- wine 120.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 308475 resale- liquor 537.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 308475 freight 12.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 308558 resale- wine 88.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,610.00 Vendor: 3446 WARNING LITES OF MN INC Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 237582 attenuator trailer w/ arrowboard 23,386.21 07/26/2022 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 23,386.21 Vendor: 1561 WATER LABORATORIES INC Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True 71119 file water testing July 22 - Bertram fountain; hydrant 34.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 34.00 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 10667 labor - check all park outlets; replace GFI as neo 520.00 07/26/2022 101-45201-431990 10667 parts- check all park outlets; replace GFI as nece 122.94 07/26/2022 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 642.94 Vendor: 1572 THE WINE COMPANY Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: True 209510 resale - wine 880.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 17 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 209510 resale - liquor 406.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 209510 freight 24.00 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,310.00 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False 7386800 freight 29.69 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 7386800 resale- wine 1,200.25 07/26/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,229.94 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: True MN00115944 resale - liquor 316.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-425100 MN00115944 freight 4.50 07/26/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 321.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: True 7/11/2022 Court Fines & Fess - June 2022 2,971.26 07/26/2022 101-42100-430410 July July 2022 - Deputies Contract 133,176.33 07/26/2022 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 136,147.59 Vendor: 1581 WRIGHT CO RECORDER Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: False 202200000040 Misc Agreement A# 1509453 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Resolution/Vacation Easement A# 150 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202204 - Easement& Agreement A# 1509621 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Amendment - Misc A# 1509927 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Development Agreement A# 1509939 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Resolution/Vacate Easement A# 1509' 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Plats A# 1509941 56.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202219 - Declaration Cov/Restrict A# 1509942 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202215 - Development Agreement A# 1510329 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202215 - Warranty Deed A# 1510330 52.65 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202137 - CUP A# 1510435 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 202224 - CUP A# 1510436 46.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 202200000040 19D003 - Spaeth Ind Park Plat, Decl & Vac Pd v -148.00 07/26/2022 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 420.65 Vendor: 6006 WING YOUNG HUIE Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 1002 CMAB Grant rnd. 3 - Comm. Portrait Project 4,000.00 07/26/2022 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 4,000.00 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 18 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: 1,182,339.31 Total of Number of Checks: 107 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date:7/25/2022 Approved by Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (07/20/2022 - 2:47 PM) Page 19 City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTE Motion to approve new hires and departures for City departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees Name Moralee Soors Name Title Building Custodian NEW EMPLOYEES Department MCC TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Reason New Hire and Terms City Council 2022: 7/11/2022 Department Hire Date Class 8/1/22 FT Effective Date Class City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item N/A 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A There is no report this City Council Cycle. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-82 accepting donations from Liberty Financial Services in the amount of 514.250 for Music on the Mississippi and music at the Farmers Market, from Reinke's Food Truck in the amount of $410 for Hi -Way Liauor eeneral use. and 51.899 from Senior Center for AED machines for the Monticello Community Center Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-82 accepting donations totaling $16,559 for the uses as listed. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is being asked to accept the following donations: • $14,250 from Liberty Financial Services for Music on the Mississippi. These funds are delegated for Music on the Mississippi stage and for music at the Farmers Market. • $410 from Reinke's Food Truck. This donation was presented to Hi -Way Liquors and will be used for general use. • $1,899 from the Senior Center to help cover the cost for AEDs in the Monticello Community Center. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council is required to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Budget Impact: The donation will be used as noted above. II. Staff Workload Impact: None. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2022-82 accepting the donations. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-82 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2022-82 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Liberty Financial Services Cash $14,250 Reinke's Food Truck Cash $410 Senior Center Cash $1,899 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY PURPOSE/AMOUNT Liberty Financial Services Music on Mississippi/$14,250 Reinke's Food Truck Hi -Way Liquor/$410 Senior Center AED at MCC/$1,899 Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 25th day of July, 2022. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2E. Consideration of approving Resolution 2022-83 accepting $10,000 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board for Ellison Park Small Mouth Bass aroiect Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-83 accepting a grant of $10,000 from the Central Minnesota Arts Board for the Ellison Park Small Mouth Bass project. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As required by state statute, if the City accepts a grant, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the grant and its use. MontiArts was awarded a $10,000 grant from CMAB for the Small Mouth Bass project by artist Parker McDonald. When complete, the piece will be installed at Ellison Park. Of the $10,000 grant, the City has received $8,000. The remaining will be paid at the completion of the project. There is no local match for this grant. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the resolution accepting the grant. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-83 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNCTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-83 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT FUNDING FROM THE MINNESOTA STATE ARTS BOARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $10,000 WHEREAS, The City of Monticello applied for a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board for $10,000 for Small Mouth Bass project at Ellison Park; and WHEREAS, The City of Monticello was notified by the Minnesota State Arts Board that the City received an award of $10,000 for the Small Mouth Bass project at Ellison Park; and WHEREAS, there is no local match for the grant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes accepting grant funding of $10,000 from the Minnesota State Arts Board. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25th day of July, 2022. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 07/25/2022 2F. Consideration of approving a Special Event Permit for Church of St. Henry's FunFest annual parish festival on August 28, 2022 and approval of a temporary liquor license for the event Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 07/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Parks & Recreation Director City Administrator Motion to approve the special event permit for Church of St. Henry's FunFest and the use of 16 City picnic tables and the temporary liquor license for the event. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to consider approving the special event permit for Church of St. Henry. Approval includes use of 16 City picnic tables for FunFest, their annual parish festival, which will be held Sunday, August 28 from 10:30 a.m. — 4:00 p.m. The Parks Department will deliver the picnic tables to the church on Friday, August 26. Church of St. Henry is also requesting council approve a one -day temporary liquor license for the event. I. Budget Impact: The budget impact is minimal. II. Staff Workload Impact: St. Henry's is requesting City assistance for delivery and use if City picnic tables. These will be delivered to the site and picked up during regular staff hours. Processing the event permit requires minimal staff time. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: NA STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the special event permit and related support. SUPPORTING DATA A. St. Henry's FunFest Special Event Permit Application B. Temporary Liquor License Application CITY OF MONTICELLO City Clerk 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Special Event Permit Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 info(, ci.monticello.mn.us Application Checklist Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. PROPERTY INFORMATION Property Address t dv k C'.urs "1Sri 0%--rr• GZL.-.a Property Legal Description Property ID Number PROPERTY OWNER INFORMATION Owner Name yv J-6 ,{- Owner Address ou IMAS,-* �'� 5+'f wu^�T• �� �,+^/ Owner Phone ? to3 - ViS- ZY+'L- Owner Email jetv a. -S-L henrcA 11c , c. , c.ow, APPLICANT INYORIVIATION Applicant Name Applicant Address tvoi la ASS 1 — SrT yo onr<<44R►u} Applicant Phone n C0 - 21 f - 30'7Z Applicant Email -j henr c. c ew%-. Name of Event w "± Location/Address of Event �Jc�� �z .-onTr+ c'-►.a.� Dates & Times of Event e'-' Complete Application Required The review and consideration of an application submitted shall only occur if such application includes all items that are required in support of the application and is deemed complete by the City Clerk's Office. Application Submission Schedule Application, required information, and payment must be submitted no later than 30 working days prior to desired approval date. Application Information Applicants shall note that in addition to a special event permits, any liquor license or permit, sign permits and building permits for tents may also be required and are not included within the special event permit application and approval. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment, and/or City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council. In addition, events which occur after 10 PM may requires review and approval by the City Council as related to noise ordinances. Please provide clear information in the application regarding these requests. APPLICANT APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS CITY CHECK-IN CHECK A written narrative including: 1. A description of the proposed special event, how it will function on the property, hours and dates of operation, and any other information necessary to fully describe the request; and 2. An explanation of how the proposed special event will meet each of the review criteria specified by code (on reverse), as well as any additional criteria that may apply for the specific use. 3. Any requested use of City facilities, City staff resources, City equipment and City property (including rights of way) and/or any requested waiver of application fee or park rental fees requires review and approval by the City Council A site plan showing all information necessary to accurately depict how the proposed use will function on the site. Information required on the site plan shall include but not be limited to: 1. The location of all existing and proposed structures; 2. Driveways and parking areas; 3. Proposed storage spaces; 4. Natural features such as woodlands, wetlands, shorelines, etc; 5. Proposed number of parking spaces (if applicable). If deemed necessary by the Community Development Department, a survey may be required to be submitted with the application in addition to a site plan. Any event proposing to erect a temporary tent structure is required to obtain a permit from the Monticello Department of Building and Safety and Code Enforcement. Certificate of insurance/liability coverage. Electronic copies of all written narratives and plan sets required above. Application fee: $50 $25 —for non-profit/charitable organization Special Event Review Process • The City Clerk will review all applications. • Applications determined to conform with the approval criteria outlined in Monticello Zoning Code Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) and listed below shall be approved by the Community Development Department with any conditions deemed necessary. A copy of the approved permit shall be provided to the applicant which includes all conditions and comments. • Applications not conforming with the approval criteria outlined in Section 2.4(L)(4)(a) shall be denied by the Community Development Department. • A notice of denial shall be provided to the applicant which includes all identified reasons for denial. 2 Special Event Temporary Use Permit Approval Criteria Approval of a Special Event Permit shall only be granted once the City Clerk has determined the use shall: • Not be detrimental to property or improvements in the surrounding area or to the public health, safety, or general welfare; • Be compatible with the principal uses taking place on the site; • Not have substantial adverse effects or noise impacts on nearby residential neighborhoods; • Not include permanent alterations to the site; • Not maintain temporary signs associated with the use or structure after the activity ends; • Not violate the applicable conditions of approval that apply to a site or use on the site; • Not interfere with the normal operations of any permanent use located on the property; and • Contain sufficient land area to allow the temporary use, structure, or special event to occur, as well as adequate land to accommodate the parking and traffic movement associated with the temporary use, without disturbing environmentally sensitive lands. • Not create an unreasonable risk of significant: 1. Damage to public or private property, beyond normal wear and tear; 2. Injury to persons; 3. Public or private disturbances or nuisances; 4. Unsafe impediments or distractions to, or congestion of, vehicular or pedestrian travel; 5. Additional and impracticable or unduly burdensome police, fire, trash removal, maintenance, or other public services demands; and 6. Other adverse effects upon the public health, safety, or welfare. The special event shall not be of such a nature, size, or duration that the particular location requested cannot reasonably accommodate the event. The special event shall not conflict with another permitted special event at the same location in a manner that will negatively impact the public health, welfare, or safety. Special Event Temporary Use Permit Conditions of Approval In approving the Special Event Permit, the City Clerk's Office is authorized to impose such conditions upon the issuance of the permit as may be necessary to reduce or minimize any potential adverse impacts upon other property in the area, as long as the condition relates to a situation created or aggravated by the proposed special event. The Community Development Department is authorized, where appropriate, to require: 1. Provision of temporary parking facilities, including vehicular access and egress. 2. Control of nuisance factors, such as but not limited to, the prevention of glare or direct illumination of adjacent properties, noise, vibrations, smoke, dust, dirt, odors, gases, and heat. 3. Regulation of temporary buildings, structures and facilities, including placement, height and size, location of equipment and open spaces, including buffer areas and other yards. 4. Provision of sanitary and medical facilities. 5. Provision of solid waste collection and disposal. 6. Provision of security and safety measures. 7. Use of an alternative location or date for the proposed special event. 8. Modification or elimination of certain proposed activities. 9. Regulation of operating hours and days, including limitation of the duration of the special event to a shorter time period than that requested or specified in this subsection. 10. Submission of a performance guarantee to ensure that any temporary facilities or structures used for such proposed special event will be removed from the site within a reasonable time following the event and that the property will be restored to its former condition. Duration of Permit A temporary use permit for a special event authorized in accordance with this subsection shall be limited to a maximum duration of 14 days per site per calendar year, unless otherwise specifically authorized by the City Clerk. Property Owner's Statement I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. Date Applicant's Statement This application shall be processed in my name and I am the party whom the City should contact regarding the application. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this application and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. (Signature) (Date) —7 Zvz�Z. CITY APPROVAL (City Clerk Signature) (Date) (Community Development or Building Dept Signature) (Date) Special Event Permit Approved ❑ Denied ❑ Approval is granted with the following conditions: Internal review checklist (as applicable): Public Works Routing Admin Parks Streets Director Law Enforcement Notification Building Department (Tents) Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Post -Approval Routing/Requirements Applicant Public Works Law Enforcement Notification City Clerk Monticello Community Center Room/Park Reservations Liability Insurance Certificate Received Surrounding Property Owner Notification Complete 4 MINNESOTA DEPARTNI ENT OF PUSiIC SAFETY 1 1 1 1 1 Name of organization rch of St Henry Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 445 Minnesota Street, Suite 1600, St. Paul, MN 55101 651-201-7507 TTY 651-282-6555 APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A 1 DAY TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE Date of organization Tax exempt number 9/16/1909 8507537 Organization Address (No PO Boxes) City State Zip Code 1001 East 7th St Monticello MN 55362 Name of person making a Dan Dupay Business phone Home phone 763-271-3072 Date(s) of event Type of organization ❑ Microdistillery ❑ Small Brewer August 28, 2022 ❑ Club ❑ Charitable ❑X Religious ❑ Other non-profit Organization officer's name City State Zip Code Rev. Patrick Barnes I Monticello MN 55362 Organization officer's name Organization officer's name Location where permit will be used. If an outdoor area, describe. Parking lot, 1001 East 7th St, Monticello, MN 55362 City State Zip Code MN City State Zip Code MN If the applicant will contract for intoxicating liquor service give the name and address of the liquor license providing the service. N/A If the applicant will carry liquor liability insurance please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Self insured through the Archdiocese of St Paul & Minneapolis, Administrated by Catholic Mutual Relief Society of America, Liquor liability of $500,00 APPROVAL APPLICATION MUST BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT City or County approving the license Fee Amount Event in conjunction with a community festival ❑ Yes ❑ No Current population of city Date Approved Permit Date City or County E-mail Address Please Print Name of City Clerk or County Official Signature City Clerk or County Official CLERKS NOTICE: Submit this form to Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division 30 days prior to event No Temp Applications faxed or mailed. Only emailed. ONE SUBMISSION PER EMAIL APPLICATION ONLY. PLEASE PROVIDE A VALID E-MAIL ADDRESS FOR THE CITY/COUNTY AS ALL TEMPORARY PERMIT APPROVALS WILL BE SENT BACK VIA EMAIL. E-MAIL THE APPLICATION SIGNED BY CITY/COUNTY TO AGE. TEMPORARYAPPLICATION@STATE.MN.US City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 2G. Consideration of approving a Final Stage Planned Unit Development, Final Plat and Development Agreement, and Rezoning to Planned Unit Development for a Proposed 59 Unit Single Family Residential Development in an R-1 (Single -Family Residence) District. Applicant: Haven Ridge, LLC Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Northwest Associated Consultants 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item (NAC)/Community Development Director Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, City Engineer/Public City Administrator Works Director, Chief Building Official, Community & Economic Development Coordinator Decision 1: Consideration of a Final Plat for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-85 approving the Final Plat for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition, subject to the findings in said resolution and contingent on the conditions of Exhibit Z, and to approve the Development Agreement for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition, authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to execute said Agreement, and further authorizing the Mayor and City Administrator to negotiate and specify final changes or amendments necessary to more fully execute the intention of the City Council with respect to the proposed project. Decision 2: Consideration of a Development Stage PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-86 approving a Final Stage PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition, a 59 -unit single family plat, based on findings in said resolution and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z. Decision 3: Consideration of a Zoning Amendment creating the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Planned Unit Development District and Rezoning the subject property to Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Planned Unit Development District. Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-87 and Ordinance No. 781 establishing the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District and Rezoning the subject property to Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD, Planned Unit Development District, based on findings in said resolution. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 Rezoning of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition will be considered with the Final Stage PUD and Final Plat requests. Planning Commission recommended approval of the rezoning to PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition. U.7 AT1 [o1l1,S419111014 l[ W_L41 S Is] s] 0 May 23, 2022: City Council approved the replat for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition and Development Stage PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition April 26, 2021: City Council previously approved the final plat for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition consistent with the approved preliminary plat. At this time, the developer is seeking to replat the area, moving from 47 lots to 59 lots. March 14, 2022: City Council approved an extension for recording of the final plat including 47 lots for Haven Ridge 2nd to December 2022. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: Outlots B, C, D, E, Haven Ridge PID #: 155-259-000020; 000030; 000040; 000050 Planning Case Number: 2022-022 Request(s): A. Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development B. Final Plat (Haven Ridge 2nd Addition) C. Final Stage Planned Unit Development Deadline for Decision: July 22, 2022 (60 -day deadline) September 22, 2022 (Extension sent for 120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Low Density Residential Zoning Designation: R-1, Single Family Residence District; A -O, Agriculture -Open Space Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Vacant Surrounding Land Uses: North: Haven Ridge 1st Addition (R-1 Single Family) East: Vacant Agriculture South: Vacant Agriculture West: R-1 Single Family Project Description: The final plat of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition was previously approved by the City but not recorded. The proposed project reconfigures the original Preliminary Plat of 47 R-1 single family City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 lots to a total of 59 narrower single family lots under a PUD zoning. (The original cover sheet for the plat showed 58 lots, but plan sheets detailed 59). The lots follow the same street pattern as the original plat approval. In this configuration, the original preliminary plat "Block 3" increases from 20 to 26 lots, "Block 4" increases from 16 to 20 lots, and "Block 5" from 11 to 13 lots. The applicant has proposed building plans with the proposed plat and PUD and indicated that they would meet the R-1 building fagade treatment requirements of at least 15% brick or stone. Other PUD aspects have not been suggested. The applicant notes that the plat changes are proposed due to extensive costs in accessing the property from the 11t Addition of Haven Ridge, which requires a street extension of more than 300 feet across a major power line and gas easement and corridor. These corridors are not buildable. Due to the grades, the power lines also must be raised, resulting in an expensive road with no lot frontages, complicated by the additional costs of the power line. The applicant further notes extensive wetland mitigation costs that have resulted in an inability to construct the 2nd phase as originally proposed. ANALYSIS: Final Plat and Final Stage PUD. The standard of review for both Final Plat and Final Stage PUD is whether the proposed plat and PUD meet the requirements and conditions applied to the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD. For rezoning, the standard of review is whether the zoning map amendment is consistent with future land use plan for the City. As noted above, the City Council acted on the Preliminary Plat and Development Stage PUD, after recommendation from the Planning Commission, on May 23, 2022. The conditions applied as a part of the approvals for both the Plat and PUD were as follows, with staff comments as to each: The plat is contingent on approval of the Development Stage PUD. Staff Comment: The plat's outlot naming protocols (and those of other portions of Haven Ridge) shall be consistent with the requirements of the Wright County Surveyor's and/or Recorder's office, and shall be adjusted per their requirements as necessary, without need for further Council action. In this regard, the development agreement also requires that Outlot E of the plat of Haven Ridge is replatted with a future phase. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 This will allow the outlot to be incorporated into park dedication, assessment and stormwater calculations are needed. 2. The PUD is conditioned on buildings and streetscape generally following the standards of the T -N, Traditional Neighborhood District. Those standards, at minimum shall include: a. Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: b. 25 foot front yard setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yard. c. Building sizes of 1,050 square feet finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. d. Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet e. Roof pitches of at least 5:12. f. Brick/Stone on front facade equal to at least 15% of all front - facing surfaces. g. Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will span no less than 40% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. (Modified following Planning Commission meeting) h. Usable front porches or similar features. i. Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. j. Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. k. Driveway standards per the R-1 District. (Added since the time of the Planning Commission for clarification.) Staff Comment: The applicant has not yet selected a builder. As such, compliance with these terms will be an ongoing condition of PUD approval, and subject to review by the Building Department and others as appropriate. It is noted that the City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 updated landscape plan complies with the 3" caliper tree planting required in Item 2.j. 3. Park Dedication will be required as a part of the small -lot single family development area as approved with the prior 2nd Addition, adjusted based on current values of land area and trail construction cost. Staff Comment: Park Dedication will consist of the requirements incorporated into the applicable Haven Ridge Development Agreement. 4. Verification of buildable widths in Block 5. Staff Comment: The applicant has provided adequate verification of lot widths and buildable widths in accordance with this requirement. 5. Comments and recommendations of the City Engineer in their letter dated June 2, 2022. Staff Comment: The City Engineer's comments are provided in a separate letter, which is incorporated into this review by reference. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff and the Planning Commission following the public hearing. Staff Comment: These were incorporated into the Final Plat and PUD Council action. 7. Execution of an amended PUD agreement governing the remaining development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. Staff Comment: A revised development agreement accompanies the Final Plat and PUD materials, and is a part of the Final Plat consideration. Rezoning to PUD, Haven Ridge 2nd PUD District. The standard of review for rezoning is whether the plat and PUD are consistent with the future land use plan for the subject property. As noted in the Planning Commission's findings following the public hearing, the proposed land use, despite the relatively small increase in density, continues to be consistent with the land use plan, which calls for low density residential uses. It was noted that the increase in unit count brings the project into closer conformity with the overall density range of the Comprehensive Plan, which expects between 3 and 6 units per acre. The revised plat results in a net density of 3.11 units per acre. The density of the original 47 -lot plat was approximately 2.5 units per acre. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 Development Agreement and Finance Plan A development agreement for the Haven Ridge project has been prepared, outlining the terms and conditions of approval and project development, as well as the necessary fees and securities for the development. Rezoning The 59 units of the proposed Haven Ridge 2nd Addition will be rezoned to PUD at the time of final plat. The balance of the plat outside of Pt and 2nd Addition will be zoned A-0 until such time that subsequent additions are platted into lots and blocks. Phased Development Due to the size of the proposed development, the development agreement proposes to continue the extension of 10 years for final platting of all lots and blocks as opposed to the subdivision ordinance requirement of 3 years. Adiacent Street Improvements The developer is required to complete safety improvements to the adjacent Fallon Avenue with as applicable to this phase of the development. The safety improvements include adding 4 -foot bituminous shoulders and pathways to Fallon Avenue. These improvements are a condition of approval. Trunk Charges Trunk charges are applicable for the area to be final platted into developable lots and blocks. The developer is required to pay these charges at the time of final plat or may elect to have these charges assessed with interest across the 59 lots as specified in the agreement. Easements and Outlots. The development is required to provide a series of easements for the proposed project. These include: • Right of way per City Engineer's recommendations. • Conservation easements for stormwater ponding areas. The development agreement also requires that Outlot E of the plat of Haven Ridge is replatted with a future phase. This will allow the outlot to be incorporated into park dedication, assessment and stormwater calculations are needed. Special Assessments The development is subject to a special assessment for the completion of prior road improvements on Fallon Avenue and 85th Street. These assessments total $7,261.72 for the 2nd Addition plat. The assessments were established on a per acre amount based on the total acreage of Haven Ridge, approximately 213 acres. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 Utility Credits The developer will receive a credit against watermain charges for the 2nd Addition for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit is $19,497.75. The developer will also receive a credit for oversizing of watermain through the project to provide trunk capacity within the city system. The amount of credit for oversizing is being determined at this time based on more detailed project estimates. The final development agreement and finance plan will reflect this additional credit. Credits to the sanitary sewer area charge are also applicable to this phase of development relating to connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The total amount of credit applicable to this phase is $31,623.75. No oversizing of sanitary sewer is applicable at this time. Securities The developer is required to post a number of letters of credit associated with the project, including: • Public improvement security for roads, utilities, lighting, pathways and stormwater systems. • Landscaping security for general site landscaping. o Includes wetland buffer and restoration. • Wetland management and maintenance. • Site grading. • Conservation easements and wetland buffer posts. • Tree preservation (1 specimen tree). • Existing fence line removal. At the time of this report, staff and the developer are in process of verifying the final amounts for the public improvement and fence line removal securities. Therefore, these line items and their escrows may be adjusted accordingly. The developer is also required to post a series of cash securities. City plan review, legal, inspection of the public utilities, and wetland permit expenses are charged to these escrows. I. Budget Impact: The costs associated with the review of the application are paid by the applicant. The costs associated with the development project administrative are covered through the escrows as noted in the development agreement. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff and consulting review time on the replat and PUD proposal is estimated at 20-25 hours. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The proposed project, although now including narrower lots, still falls well within the low-density threshold established by the Monticello Comprehensive Plan. The proposed residential addition provides the opportunity to meet the 2040 Plan goal for Complete Neighborhoods/Neighborhood Diversity & Life - Cycle Housing, and support Monticello as a community with a wide variety of housing options including senior housing to support new and existing residents. The street and utility design are also as originally approved and therefore consistent with expected impacts on municipal services. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of Resolutions 2022-85, 2022-86 and 2022-87, approving the Final Plat and Development Agreement, Final Stage PUD, and Rezoning to PUD, along with adoption of Ordinance No. 781, creating the Haven Ridge 2nd PUD District and rezoning the subject property from R-1, Single Family Residential to Haven Ridge 2nd PUD District. Recommendations are subject to final compliance with the terms of Exhibit Z, which are included in the appropriate Resolutions. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-85, Final Plat and Development Agreement B. Resolution 2022-86, Final Stage PUD C. Resolution 2022-87, Rezoning to PUD D. Resolution PC -2022-038, Rezoning to PUD E. Ordinance No. 781 F. Aerial Image G. Applicant Narrative, Updated H. Final Plat I. Revised Civil Plans a. Overall Boundary b. Existing Conditions c. Preliminary Plat d. Removals Plan e. Site and Utility Plan f. Grading Plan g. Erosion Control Plan J. Additional Civils Plans a. Sanitary Sewer & Water Main Plan b. Storm Sewer Plan c. Street and Trail Construction Plan K. Tree Preservation Plan City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 L. Landscape Plan M. Lighting Plan N. Sample Building Elevations and Floor Plans O. Wetland Credit Memo P. City Engineer's Letter, dated June 2, 2022 Q. Developer Response Comments R. City Engineer's Letter, dated July 20, 2022 S. Development Agreement, Draft T. Finance Plan Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Haven Ridge 2"d Addition Final Plat and Final Stage PUD 1. The plat is contingent on approval of the Development Stage PUD. 2. The plat's outlot naming protocols (and those of other portions of Haven Ridge) shall be consistent with the requirements of the Wright County Surveyor's and/or Recorder's office, and shall be adjusted per their requirements as necessary, without need for further Council action. In this regard, the development agreement also requires that Outlot E of the plat of Haven Ridge is replatted with a future phase. This will allow the outlot to be incorporated into park dedication, assessment and stormwater calculations are needed. 3. The PUD is conditioned on buildings and streetscape generally following the standards of the T -N, Traditional Neighborhood District. Those standards, at minimum shall include: a. Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: b. 25 foot front setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yards. C. Building sizes of 1,050 finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. d. Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet e. Roof pitches of at least 5:12. f. Brick/Stone on front fagade equal to at least 15% of all front -facing surfaces. g. Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will span no less than 40% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. (Modified following Planning Commission meeting) h. Usable front porches or similar features. Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 Driveway standards per the R-1 District. (Added since the time of the Planning Commission for clarification.) 4. Park Dedication will be required as a part of the small -lot single family development area as approved with the prior 2nd Addition, adjusted based on current values of land area and trail construction cost. 5. Comments and recommendations of the City Engineer in their letter dated July 20, 2022. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff. 7. Execution of an amended PUD agreement governing the remaining development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-85 APPROVAL OF A FINAL PLAT FOR THE HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AND DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for a Final Plat, amending a prior preliminary plat through PUD, reducing lot sizes below the minimum R-1 zoning district requirements; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential District and A-0, Agriculture -Open Space District, the former which allows single family residential development when platting according to the original PUD approval in 2020; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development of the future residential areas as small -lot single family would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan designation as Mixed Residential for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a rezoning of the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development to accommodate the smaller lot sizes in concert with specific building and site development standards in the PUD proposal; and WHEREAS, PUD flexibility is requested to help cover unusual additional costs from the crossing of the powerline and gas line easements for a 350 foot street extension with no developable frontage, combined with costs to raise the power lines to create clearances required by the easement holders; and WHEREAS, the applicant is not changing the street configuration or traffic circulation patterns and does not require any amendments to the Environmental Assessment Worksheet; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing June 7, 2022 on the preliminary plat application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-85 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the Final Plat approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 2. The proposed Final Plat incorporates standards of the PUD applicable to the R-1 and T -N zoning districts which properly address the impacts of small lot development. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by residential land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. No other changes or impacts resulting from the proposed platting or development are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Final Plat of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. The plat is contingent on approval of the Development Stage PUD. 2. The plat's outlot naming protocols (and those of other portions of Haven Ridge) shall be consistent with the requirements of the Wright County Surveyor's and/or Recorder's office, and shall be adjusted per their requirements as necessary, without need for further Council action. In this regard, the development agreement also requires that Outlot E of the plat of Haven Ridge is replatted with a future phase. This will allow the outlot to be incorporated into park dedication, assessment and stormwater calculations are needed. 3. The PUD is conditioned on buildings and streetscape generally following the standards of the T -N, Traditional Neighborhood District. Those standards, at minimum shall include: Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: b. 25 -foot front setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yards. C. Building sizes of 1,050 finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet Roof pitches of at least 5:12. Brick/Stone on front facade equal to at least 15% of all front -facing surfaces. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-85 g. Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will span no less than 40% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. (Modified following Planning Commission meeting) h. Usable front porches or similar features. i. Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. j. Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. k. Driveway standards per the R-1 District. (Added since the time of the Planning Commission for clarification.) 4. Park Dedication will be required as a part of the small -lot single family development area as approved with the prior 2nd Addition, adjusted based on current values of land area and trail construction cost. 5. Comments and recommendations of the City Engineer in their letter dated July 20, 2022. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff. 7. Execution of an amended PUD agreement governing the remaining development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the document titled "Development Contract and Planned Unit Development for "Haven Ridge 2nd Addition" with assignment of the specific terms and conditions for public improvements and the specific terms and conditions for plat development, is hereby approved. ADOPTED this 25th day of July 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. r_r111*115 Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Bv: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-86 APPROVAL OF A FINAL STAGE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE HAVEN RIDGE 2"D ADDITION SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for a Final Plat, amending a prior preliminary plat through PUD, reducing lot sizes below the minimum R-1 zoning district requirements; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential District and A-0, Agriculture -Open Space District, the former which allows single family residential development when platting according to the original PUD approval in 2020; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development of the future residential areas as small -lot single family would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan designation as Mixed Residential for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a rezoning of the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development to accommodate the smaller lot sizes in concert with specific building and site development standards in the PUD proposal; and WHEREAS, PUD flexibility is requested to help cover unusual additional costs from the crossing of the powerline and gas line easements for a 350 foot street extension with no developable frontage, combined with costs to raise the power lines to create clearances required by the easement holders; and WHEREAS, the applicant is not changing the street configuration or traffic circulation patterns and does not require any amendments to the Environmental Assessment Worksheet; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing June 7, 2022 on the Development Stage application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the preliminary plat and Development Stage PUD of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-86 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the Final Stage PUD approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 2. The proposed Preliminary Plat incorporates standards of the PUD applicable to the R-1 and T -N zoning district which properly address the impacts of small lot development. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by residential land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. No other changes or impacts resulting from the proposed platting or development are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the Final Stage PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd Addition subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. The plat is contingent on approval of the Development Stage PUD. 2. The plat's outlot naming protocols (and those of other portions of Haven Ridge) shall be consistent with the requirements of the Wright County Surveyor's and/or Recorder's office, and shall be adjusted per their requirements as necessary, without need for further Council action. In this regard, the development agreement also requires that Outlot E of the plat of Haven Ridge is replatted with a future phase. This will allow the outlot to be incorporated into park dedication, assessment and stormwater calculations are needed. 3. The PUD is conditioned on buildings and streetscape generally following the standards of the T -N, Traditional Neighborhood District. Those standards, at minimum shall include: Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: b. 25 -foot front setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yards. C. Building sizes of 1,050 finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet Roof pitches of at least 5:12. Brick/Stone on front fagade equal to at least 15% of all front -facing surfaces. 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-86 g. Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will span no less than 40% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. (Modified following Planning Commission meeting) h. Usable front porches or similar features. i. Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. j. Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. k. Driveway standards per the R-1 District. (Added since the time of the Planning Commission for clarification.) 4. Park Dedication will be required as a part of the small -lot single family development area as approved with the prior 2nd Addition, adjusted based on current values of land area and trail construction cost. 5. Comments and recommendations of the City Engineer in their letter dated July 20, 2022. 6. Comments and recommendations of other staff. 7. Execution of an amended PUD agreement governing the remaining development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. ADOPTED this 25th day of July 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2022-87 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVING AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE PUD, HAVEN RIDGE 2nd ADDITON PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTIES FROM CCD TO PUD, HAVEN RIDGE 2nd ADDITION ALL THAT LAND TO BE PLATTED AS HAVEN RIDGE 2nd ADDITION WHEREAS, the applicant proposes an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance establishing the Haven Ridge 2nd PUD District, and rezoning the subject property to said district; and WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to plat the property to accommodate said use through PUD zoning; and WHEREAS, the applicant proposes to develop the property for single family residential uses, at a total of 59 lots, and 3.1 units per acre; and WHEREAS, the site is guided for Low Density Residential which accommodates the proposed use and density; and WHEREAS, the proposed plat and PUD are consistent with the long-term use and development of the property for mixed downtown use; and WHEREAS, the zoning district and map amendments herein will accomplish the objectives of the project and the City's land use plans, including the Monticello 2040 Plan; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 7, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the establishment of the proposed district and rezoning the subject property to PUD for Haven Ridge 2nd PUD; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered the Planning Commission's recommendation and all of the comments and the staff report; and CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA CITY COUNCIL RESOLUTION NO. 2022-87 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 2. The proposed Preliminary Plat incorporates standards of the PUD applicable to the R-1 and T -N zoning district which properly address the impacts of small lot development. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by residential land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. No other changes or impacts resulting from the proposed platting or development are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance and Map as specified in Ordinance No. 781 are hereby approved and adopted. ADOPTED this 25th day of July, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-038 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION PUD DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE SUBJECT TO PROPERTY TO PUD, HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for a PUD by amending a preliminary plat approval, reducing lot sizes below the minimum R-1 zoning district requirements; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned R-1, Single Family Residential District and A -O, Agriculture -Open Space District, the former which allows single family residential development when platting according to the original PUD approval in 2020; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a rezoning of the property to PUD, Planned Unit Development to accommodate the smaller lot sizes in concert with specific building and site development standards in the PUD proposal; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development of the future residential areas as small -lot single family would be consistent with Comprehensive Plan designation as Mixed Residential for the subject area; and WHEREAS, the applicant is not changing the street configuration or traffic circulation patterns and does not require any amendments to the Environmental Assessment Worksheet; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on June 7t", 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-038 2. The proposed PUD incorporates standards of the PUD applicable to the R-1 and T -N zoning district which properly address the impacts of small lot development. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by residential land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. No other changes or impacts resulting from the proposed platting or development are anticipated. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Zoning Ordinance and Map amendments establishing the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District. ADOPTED this 7t" day of June, 2022 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: drew Tapper, V' - air ATTEST: Angela Sch4ano, �ommunity Development Director 2 ORDINANCE NO. 781 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ESTABLISHING THE HAVEN RIDGE PUD AS A ZONING DISTRICT IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, AND REZONING THE FOLLOWING PROPERTY FROM R-1, SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT TO PUD, HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION, PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT: HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 2.4(P) — Planned Unit Developments, Title 10 — Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended by adding the following: (_xx_) Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District (a) Purpose. The purpose of the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District is to provide for the development of certain real estate subject to the District for single family residential land uses. (b) Permitted Uses. Permitted principal uses in the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District shall be single family residential uses as found in the R-1, Single Family Residential District of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, subject to the approved Final Stage Development Plans dated , and development agreement dated , 2022, as may be amended. The introduction of any other use from any district shall be reviewed under the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Chapter 2, Section (0) — Planned Unit Developments for Development Stage PUD and Final Stage PUD. (c) Accessory Uses. Accessory uses shall be those commonly accessory and incidental to single family residential uses, as specifically identified by the approved final stage PUD plans. (d) District Performance Standards. Performance standards for the development of any lot in the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PUD District shall adhere to the approved final stage PUD plans and development agreement. Specific to the single family dwellings in the District, the following requirements shall apply: ORDINANCE NO. 781 1. Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: 2. 25 foot front setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yards. 3. Building sizes of 1,050 finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. 4. Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet 5. Roof pitches of at least 5:12. 6. Brick/Stone on front fagade equal to at least 15% of all front - facing surfaces. 7. Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will achieve between 40-50% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. 8. Usable front porches or similar features. 9. Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. 10. Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. 11. Driveway standards per the R-1 District. (e) In such case where any proposed improvement is not addressed by the final stage PUD, then the regulations of the R-1, Single Family Residential District shall apply. (f) Amendments. Where changes to the PUD are proposed in the manner of use, density, site plan, development layout, building size, mass, or coverage, or any other change, the proposer shall apply for an amendment to the PUD under the terms of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 2.4 (P)(10). The City may require that substantial changes in overall use of the PUD property be processed as a new project, including a zoning district amendment. Section 2. The zoning map of the City of Monticello is hereby amended to rezone the following described parcels from R-1, Single Family Residential District to PUD, Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Planned Unit Development District: Haven Ridge 2nd Addition PA ORDINANCE NO. 781 Section 3. The City Clerk is hereby directed to mark the official zoning map to reflect this ordinance. The map shall not be republished at this time. Section 4. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 5. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 25th day of July, 2022 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: Consideration of Rezoning to PUD, Dev. Stage PUD, Preliminary and Final Plat of Haven Ridge for Replat of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Created by: City of Monticello -R I ❑ G E - Site Data for Haven Ridge Monticello MN Applicant: Haven Ridge L.L.C. 100 South 5th Street Suite 1900 Minneapolis, MN 55402 952-687-9590 Property Numbers: Parcel ID - 155259000020 Parcel ID - 155259000040 Parcel ID - 155259000050 Parcel ID - 155259000030 Narrative: Haven Ridge L.L.C. is proposing to increase the density of phase 2 from 47 single family lots to 59 lots. This would take the lot widths from 80 ft wide lots with a 7.5 ft setback to 62 ft wide with a 6 ft setback which would leave a 50 ft wide building pad unchanged from the first phase. We will be grading the lots to be both look out and walk out lots. The builders will have the option to either do a Split entry look out or a 2 story look out on the lookout lots. The previous plan was to do all 2 stories but have decided it would be better if builders had an option to do splits as well. Given the ever -shifting market conditions the lot variability will create a nice option for the new homeowners to decide what suits their family best. We will be following the city's miniumn guidelines and requirements for home design and building codes. After reexamining the numbers, we realized the original 47 lot plat is just not economically feasible because the power lines will need to be raised because the plan calls for a road to be built underneath the current power lines. The easement agreement says that if there is a hard surface going under the power lines we need 5 to 7 ft of clearance which is fine but after we add the road we are too close to the power lines and have to raise them according to the power companies regulations. The wetland impact will be 1.3595 credits and will cost $174,856.17 to replace. The extra density will help offset some of the extra costs and will make phase 2 a viable project. We do not have much flexibility in the proposed plat because of the powerline costs and wetland credits. This plat was originally proposed almost 5 years ago, a lot has changed in the market since then. The wider lots are really becoming antiquated as prices for supplies and labor costs have risen. Home design will fully comply with the proposed conditions for home design as specified in the development stage approval. 100 South 5th Street Suite 1900 Minneapolis MN 55402 1 1-952-687-9590 1 mareschulte911@gmail.com HA -R I V C IV D G E - We look forward to working with the city of Monticello to develop a great community and continuing the progress of the Haven Ridge Development. Regards, Marc Schulte Chief Operations Manager 952-687-9590 100 South 5th Street Suite 1900 Minneapolis MN 55402 1 1-952-687-9590 1 mareschulte911@gmail.com HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That Haven Ridge, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, owner of the following described property. Outlet D, HAVEN RIDGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public for public use the public ways and the drainage and utility easements as shown on this plat. In witness whereof said Haven Ridge, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of 20 HAVEN RIDGE, LLC Mark Schulte, President STATE OF COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of Company, on behalf of the company. Signature 20_ by Mark Schulte, President of Haven Ridge, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability Printed Name Notary Pu bre, County, My commission expires I, Thomas R. Balluff, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is o,rect representation of the boundary survey, that all mathematical data and labels are rectly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, o will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined inorMinnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled an this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of 20— Thomas R. Balluff, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 40361 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyors Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20_ by Thomas R. Balluff, Land Surveyor, Minnesota oLicense N. 40361. Signature Printed Name Notary Public, County, My commission expires PLANNING COMMISSION, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20_ the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby revew and approve this plat of HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION. By: I Chairperson By. Secretary CITY COUNCIL, MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting thereof held this day of 20 and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY ENGINEER This plat was reviewed and recommended for approval this day of 20 Wright County Engineer WRIGHT COUNTY AUDITOR/TREASURER Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 By: Wright County Auditor/Treasurer Deputy WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record on this day of 20_ at oclack .M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve s Document No. Wright County Recorder VICINITY MAP DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (NOT TO SCALE) 6 J L — — — — — being 6 feet in width, and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plat. Bearing Orientation: The West line of Outlet D. HAVEN RIDGE is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O oneyear of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, marked license number 40361, unless noted otherwise FL_ _—J Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhoug Environmental Services Company in 2018 0's2� ed, 0 � a0 14 7 \ INUI IV SCALE) -__-__^ 15 �y I I RLS 17549 J z 2 16 v 17 9 --- 18 19 20 Z �u 10 193.15 % a ^�� 1 g`L"O 51.07 N88°45'23"W_; R=111.98 '' \ B \ \\\ \\\\ gam\\ \\ �\ mO City Minnesot ,---------- �=26°07'48 \� \ \ � I of Monticello, a Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 \ \ Ay Bo _ 1000 __ r7 rl V \ S87°53'44"E \ \ `-----" 500.70 \ j1 `�\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \\\ \ \ N `\ aoW 7J m v 2 3 4 5 6 S63 �1n ti Oo \\ i 4J n r- 7 ¢620y n f ,� Ot> /xif� ST Ids �po 87TH STREET 9 NE INSET 'A' on tel q zM l0 h p (SEE SHEET 2 OF 3 2g T SHEETS FOR DETAILS) s / I 1 2 3 11 4 � 1�sSS e \`\ 5 6 25 — Ino , T � ,� L C T 7 12 315.00 °W 8 �i 24 \ `. -� N87°53'44 13 a�� \\ 9 INSET'B' 0ryh� y cam 14 23 (SEE SHEET 3 OF 3 � SHEETS FOR DETAILS) woTH VARIES -'y 10 h� ' 15 � OON LRS 22 4 11 Cn�� 16 21 5 row � W 12 17 6 3 a 13 18 19 20 '00 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: (NOT TO SCALE) 6 J L — — — — — being 6 feet in width, and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plat. Bearing Orientation: The West line of Outlet D. HAVEN RIDGE is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within O oneyear of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 • Denotes Found 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, marked license number 40361, unless noted otherwise FL_ _—J Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhoug Environmental Services Company in 2018 0's2� ed, 0 � a0 14 7 ClimN N 15 8Z RLS 17549 J z 2 16 v 17 9 --- 18 19 20 Z �u 10 193.15 % a ^�� 1 g`L"O 51.07 N88°45'23"W_; R=111.98 '' Cif'Y �1�✓1�. 06 N MSO C.8rg.=N11°74'O5"W ,---------- �=26°07'48 \� C.L.=50.63 tr, ✓�9,0 I1 � v �ry ^3�tyro• °? 3 \ N i� 13 Ao 12 h � I 12-8 ----------- ti 0°57'2a 96,42G---- I GRAPHIC SCALE N79°35'44 W 0 50 100 zoo (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 100 FEET CARLSON ��N WCAI N ENGINEERING \ SURVEYING \ENVIRONMENTAL 11 T 1 OF 3 SHEETS HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION INSET A _ S87°53'44"E 0 76.00 ry 500.70 62.00 6a2.00 62.00 N o � N R -Drains N O i°00 ----- 17162.20-� 1 d �>20.00 15.00<� Util't -- 9e r-- Y-1 seine 94.57 -- rTEa M �i o o N87°29'38'3S, n sea 3s•56..E� ,7.946E 7s = v w "4, yFoe Z °0 v c� 1 of2 0 io 0l �= = 3 to of e / / 34.86 i-_-) /�� Ssq° ej°e°r•� s%StJe w / 83Bs M`ti/ y - yQ N a �I I� 4 5 fl Iz ^I �I .-/ 564°38'51•,E 0l If o sss'e y' 8 m/ /� o/ °q sg Iz o �1 I� 7 ^ a e / x32s 8 I 17 L-.00 L L // co°'�'°�B3 s2 pe6 I 76.00 ----J -----J L---- J 62.00 62.00 62.00 L - - - - 62.00 �, /•` A 9O SF 9 / \ \ ° \ L4z-7 W $ L=45.75 i�° ., / / 1 / 7° / \ i ���- °o =5Sg5g8 / / 9 ° O n 87TH STREET NE F°P °-- Ld o i0C� ---_----- n 0 335_.24 _-__ 58T5;f'44'E - - - - - �I (o �'S• /� '�,/ // /h \ S'9°x °� ` Sg \2q, /k'>- \ 6 s• _ 90s° Z 76.00 Mlr 6200 6200 62.00 \ I \dam ( \ 6 \2 �o \g0. / / 10 h fol T_73.24 r----� r----� r----- `S9 I 1=85.9 8 / i°i a"\ DRAINAGE AND UTILITY I 1 I I I I I 22p238••� ti / , < s\ /6T, 9°90\ ' m k a• EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: S 0. aa o 1 81 I� 2 0l I OI �I dw -,I o a of r of r 3 4 0l el to °I Io io of of �I to /�,6s 0 6' o/ /3 /� \ a J �' I' IF -6 ---f Y �' J 7 ;o 12 - - - -- L _ _ _ _ J L - - I L J L 1 / / j /�� A,\ \10 0,0 ^ \ L being 6 feet in width, and adjoining side lot lines, 12 feet in 76.00 - - - - - - - J .0 62.00 62.00 62.00 53.00 I / / / /�� \ j \� o n "o i' i a, ` / �1k u a \ ' and width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on 315.00 _, \ / / /S5 N 96 8 this plat. N87°53'44"W �/ // ' ti 9 2p 3g / �6%h'_� _/ '�' X6'6 � j1 6p <t \ �� h6 / �\ SS 9 14 0 10 -- \ sw 3O 15 , �� e s -4 ,b,) fY0 up. S� ? a w/' \> 18 \mss l ISN. 56k 2z \.O \ < yc'y a+ :� \P m \\ i c 3D \\ /�/ 58865.03 ^E \ M/_ ,49'j1 L=7 26 , / .25 60.77 n V'' -- 30 \ �' / 0 / I I 39 65.01 540/ -%^ • / p0 y 12 x=01 r`-17.15 � � p N12°32.12'•W 6'\' ////2k 170�� � s �12 02: s \ / 5606 / 18 yao/a13 �II os 3 97py '0/ 19 $ 20 X59 I I � `10034 12 GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 ��`y / / / do\S6,>:f� n, 3 14 93 O / / 09\'3s 40• t V� - -1 L - - - - - - i'I J -,17.45 i 55.19 83.54 S02°02'41•'W s - 138.73 ' �Re / 5k / �\\_ �S N88°45'23•'W M� (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 50 FEET S �. ,5 r' / /p, _ gt�2S` BS9 \ ��/ k,�`v a�°'� 5<�\ /X/ 15 y 0^/ / 56.23 BS / 9,7°7 n S88°45'23'•E 137.89 M<'l/yam / L= /- _56.73 -� 90.63 / =09°5 '0'- \ 18 -k 71 -47.26 f e F- - - - - - - - HAVEN Dearing Orientation: The West line of Outlotdegrees y 7 s, /-k-x"02 R9o02 26•."' �Mo / / 2 `�° 0 RIDGE is assumed to bear North 02 degrees O6 minutes 16 East. 2 / /3 I s seconds 17 /N I I� o, \ 3 3 Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 inch Rebar, set or to be set within � / / ^l / 18 0 282 / el Iry 19 0 M a h of > 20 ' O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40361 / / rn ��/ 70 Ns343 ¢? Denotes Found 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch Rebar, marked license number 40361, unless noted otherwise /1' JO 46.98 J N% L -----J L ------J12 r _� Services Company delineated by KJolhaug Environmental J Bt 34.52 %8' 2w __ 69.95 88.68 CARLSON 193.15 N88°45'23"W WCAI N ENGINEERING \ SURVEYING \ENVIRONMENTAL SHEET 2 OF 3 SHEETS / =V/ S02°49'04"E 377.06 as 1s HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION INSET Bearing Orientation: The West line of Outlot D, HAVEN RIDGE is assumed to bear North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 seconds East. Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch Rebar, set or to be set within O one year of recording of this plat and marked with license number 40,361 0 Denotes Found 5/8 inch by 14 inch Rebar, marked license number 40361. unless noted otherwise r I Denotes wetlands delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental _ J Services Company in 2018 Z� GRAPHIC SCALE 0 25 50 100 (SCALE IN FEET) 1 INCH = 50 FEET DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 5 I I n r-6 n being 6 feet in width, and adjoining side lot lines, and 12 feet in width and adjoining right of way lines and rear lot lines unless otherwise shown on this plat. CARLSON ��N WCAI N ENGINEERING \ SURVEYING \ENVIRONMENTAL SHEET 3 OF 3 SHEETS HAVEN RIDGE MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA MiSySSinai Ril'fR N s1 as1R sT. rvE o sT. rvi: Y SITE VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MoDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. "217 ®' ..... ! I SHEET INDEX a21 22 2c 1. COVER is is 2. OVERALL BOUNDARY is a 3. EXISTING CONDITIONS INDEX a Is Is 4-7. EXISTING CONDITIONS CALL BEFORE YOU DIG ' ,j 8. PRELIMINARY PLAT INDEX 9-18. PRELIMINARY PLAT 19-20. REMOVALS PLAN ,J ® t �' j I 21-24. PRELIMINARY SITE & ' / / UTILITY PLAN below. ------- i �• ... i 1-- ------- -- - 25 GRADING INDEX Know what's Call - oa.o, ; - - --- -- -- - - -- -- - - - - +-- -- -� - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - --- --- 26-38. PRELIMINARY GRADING & before you di Y 5• - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ! EROSION CONTROL PLANS i- 39-41. DETAILS The sabsarface atirty mfarmation shown an this plan is atiety / ' T1 -T8. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN Quality Level D. This quality level w s tl.t.m-d according to the gaidalmes of Cl/ASCE 38-02, entitled "Standard Guideline L1 -L8. LANDSCAPE PLAN for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data." �i�SOn rciage riverve, Revisions: 7.5/6/22 Rev.Iarfor City ommen5 DENALI INVESTMENTS ♦ SURE 100 1 hereby rertify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. KrystoFlak, P.E. Drawn: KRO 1. 9/13/19 Per City Comments 8. 16/22 Rev. Per City Comments 1 vlronmen ai Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under myPer City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I • Sugineering Fa on Idirec[supervisionandthatlamaduly Signature:_E IDesignetl:eJK I3.7/22/20PerC:tyComments I 1313HilwindRoad I I COVER Gf I rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 Licensadproms5ionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota McCam I • ( a ) the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2ntl atl1. & Ph. 2 g.ding Fridley, MN 55432 / 41 Northwest c of Section North line of the Northwest Quarter of North line of the Northeast Quarter orner -theNorthwest Quarterf Section o 24 -of the Northwest Quarter f Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 _\70wnship 121, Range 25 1 24, Township 121, Range 25------------- ewsx co�irtcwi __—__—_ -----'7N-- C�----7--T7,7ecw,,,ry c°•e � u�„mM,°irk/ 3v E V T �V IV -- 2 4 --- North Quarter co of Section -% / \� � Detail C E /y r 1 /'1 I 24, Township 121, Range 25 NOT TO SCALE v DA ND R 8 JUDY NELSON 1 %D:2f7-100-212201 OWNER: �. L V I I V ^/� I`\ I,Im o I I DAM R k XDY NELSON \ / I F /C� '•4 I ,at_umi N42%g 15"W' PID: 213-100-242202 ♦1 C AMI i/ N 1 r ivri 1/ I If r m N I V e \ R) Jlv� z \\\gBj i}�G 'vrr nC ?fT` / z I OWNER: C r I hV IAItAI j%K \\\�l�•f PDI0211ARNOLD 00 1 ivt. I �£v,ry \ ^� A/(l\� 12 I _85TH33�: /02��� I u ;/A vel I `\ \\� STREETINE ?o 141 / Y AI A��t��tTTTTTT�(Ll A��(LJ.M-A.//� Centerline of 85th Street NE as- \ I OWNeR: IY01'Y,(IA11YJ �� described in Monticello Town \ \( 7= -SHANNON -2 P par r\ , .0:211100-2.\\ N Road Ma Doc. No. 390488 �M / fT /'t I A/ A# a. 1 1 I 17 n \ N W /�\ 'I I I %-, lir /v �` fl 1 1 I� I C A T e C AI 1 1J I_1 -1I / 04 I See! M W \ I 1 f G .i I 1 V Detai] A Ol_ �' e3'1�" I \ �.aN o y� N89°22'37"E / •I C \d �o \ '414.90 / IN I 1 AI I / mei', \ C� 25°p95 Al 1 Y n '/4 IN 111 IV \ _ r i ,Iry II /' R�g565 +lir _West line 'f the of See Detail B- A1./A I •r ,r I I ' Section 24, Township ly If Y 1t, OWNER: 121, Range 25 AV t- \ r(i ` V BARBARA J -2424N 1 — — — — — — —wD:211-foo-z4zsoo PAROL., 1 r __ OWNER: I - I MEGAN A WARFlEID-KIMBALL Southwesterly right of way line - f 21] �- (` JI_JI-VIII I CJ lir of 85th Street NE per I I l` %0:-100-242302 Monticello Town Road Map °V I Document No. 390488115( 11 3 I I + I soaeh line of the Lw C.B.=533°12'04"E sad Ea.emmf r Naaee __ F, Northwest Ouarier C.L.=169.80Sec-� Rose Nap Document T n IA/ AI 1 1 1 J 1 n 7 s= M°oma Mr rv°1 Southwest Corner of the 121 tiRange 25 on 24, TO. -hip m_ A-48°02'57" 1 1 v ry Iv I f1 1 1 11 ...toxo ''R=208.53STREET NE-, °0 39 E J N89 6 9 _ own 121, _______ _+85TH 2622.77 -- p ------ - Nap o«am, Northwest o / I 3 I ` ' Section 24, T shi 589%0'07"W LJ- J 1 '' X�t74.s8 �r � ' Range 25 1773.52 m_s rnw ' — - — T ? 447.97 Detail A NOT TO SCALE / %D.2f3-100-281101 --Quarter of the Northeasts all" tl(iry• W `-Southeast Quarter of Section 23. I I I Quarter of Secf On 23,V Township I u o°O „yN V}• I� / \\ e LhhA-o •7 \ Ihereby certlfythat this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,Ls. That part of the Northwest Quarter of Sect! -24, T. -hp 121. Range 25. Wright County, Minnesota, tlescribetl as Reviaian,: .f z Township 121, Range 25 I I 121, Range 25 S N v /` Callng %D:213-100-213102 I follows: or report Was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that) amaduly �— ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 r� Mo^fwyg0a9a t K g e r I OWNER: Commencing al the Northwest carne of saitl North— Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 micutes 45 seconds Wesl, assuming orWesl line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 •engineering • SUNeying L 1 I JLM Found 10.58 feet northeasterly of the ,_ AN • L \ outhwestarly 66.00 foot- Right Way line \ ands West. 408.28 feet to the enterline of 85th Street NE as tlescribetl in Monticello Town Road Ma 1 of per 1.99<' 1 Document No. 390488 OWN.: Z e� j t N o 1 1/2 Inch Rebar found-- ' \\ 41 \ 1 11.99 feet South of JLM 1 PID:21}foo-241101 -41 I ,IEROfO A UNTIEDi REV (RUST < .� Poo \ / www carlso �� �� �� �� extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along PID:21J-100-23]100 \ 1 / (n ` / \ said centerline of 850h Street NE, 1302.04 feet: thence South 00 degrees 00 m notes 03 se ontls East. 468.91 2 .try z O �A,1 �<'°" I 1 /K Line parallel with the South lin AI / I -o/ the Northeast Quarter of the u' 00 3 IN� r I South lin of the North 854.06 feet a -of the Northwest QRuo^ter Section // T\e} D \ \ feet, re or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line Nying westerly of said centerline f 85tho5treet NE of the parttl tlescribetl in Certificate of Ttle No. 6386 n; th 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 East, South line 854he Street NE me tlescribetl in / %D.2f3-100-281101 --Quarter of the Northeasts all" tl(iry• W `-Southeast Quarter of Section 23. I I I Quarter of Secf On 23,V Township I u o°O „yN V}• I� 3 SEAN T A JODY L MOWRY Ihereby certlfythat this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,Ls. That part of the Northwest Quarter of Sect! -24, T. -hp 121. Range 25. Wright County, Minnesota, tlescribetl as Reviaian,: .f z Township 121, Range 25 I I 121, Range 25 S N v /` Callng %D:213-100-213102 I follows: or report Was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that) amaduly �— ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 Mo^fwyg0a9a t K g 1� N� I OWNER: Commencing al the Northwest carne of saitl North— Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 micutes 45 seconds Wesl, assuming orWesl line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 •engineering • SUNeying L `r I I I NP .A1 I g �f LOREN 1 0•BRIEN ands West. 408.28 feet to the enterline of 85th Street NE as tlescribetl in Monticello Town Road Ma OVERALL BOUNDARY OWN.: Z e� j t N o Ro°O Map"1b"f'^°°t Docu d �� K _ T �� N N \ ��_ PID:21}foo-241101 pocumenI No. 390488; thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds Wesl, along the northwesterly extension of s id centerline of B5lh Street NE, 18.26 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence South 48 degrees 18 mnutes 15 secontls East, along said norlllweslerly I ,IEROfO A UNTIEDi REV (RUST < .� L 1 - - www carlso �� �� �� �� extension of 85th Street NE, 18.26 feet; thence continuing South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East, along PID:21J-100-23]100 J I (n ` / \ said centerline of 850h Street NE, 1302.04 feet: thence South 00 degrees 00 m notes 03 se ontls East. 468.91 2 .try z O �A,1 �<'°" I 1 /K Line parallel with the South lin AI / I -o/ the Northeast Quarter of the u' 00 3 IN� r I South lin of the North 854.06 feet a -of the Northwest QRuo^ter Section // T\e} D \ \ feet, re or less, to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line Nying westerly of said centerline f 85tho5treet NE of the parttl tlescribetl in Certificate of Ttle No. 6386 n; th 89 degrees 22 minutes 37 East, South line 854he Street NE me tlescribetl in (� 3 c Southeast Quarter o/ Section 23, 1 Township 121, Range 25 i 24 Townshi 121 P9 P 9e �• (,7 a17 / / Detail 1 LJ \ \ seconds atom said ester) of said centerline of of 9 Nn9 w y pane Certifcate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly exfens on, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way fine of 85th I � SON '— o / NOT TO SCALE Street NE as described in sold Montioello Town Road M p Document No. 390488; thence souNeasterfy antl fine Bs�eso-eet NE m me soam Imo Norawest Qaarter: vent ° `o I Q I $69°04'19"W 982.84 Ns `I I , 1326.63 / ,,,UUULLL \ \ soumedw along sold soathwesterfy right of way or or sale thence South 89 degrees minutes O7 soca ds West, along said South line of the Northwest Quarter, 1773.52 feet •-Ory u1� I ER' l D'11" OWN Im 0241 S89'1 0'07"W =,)jN / \ .tor to the Southwest c n of said Northwest Quarter. I!,— North 02 degrees 06 minutes 16 sec - East, along the West line of said°Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. }403 ,'R=3387.50 M Vj, I h v °a / \ tic -c W I RtKtoa' 305.65 oI"�rro2t Y W AND $'."./ , y ZN�;- tN s23�c]] f� sae ]n3z31zd° ° a South line of the Northeast Quarter I I /J (`� o` }� / �� wear one of the Parcel \ --described in Certificate I The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24. Township 121. Range 25. Wright County, Minnesota. -of the Southeast Quarter of Section .,0^ `u F� I �� �r0 , of Title No. 6386.0 23, Township 121, Range 25 I e" li graaim ma I PARCEL 2 r — -I W �ctn I I o� Vl x_1.17 1 The west half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Mmnesoto. I PARCEL I2 h ' w-z,o / AND I 1 I I E me", I o. ''the P.110oa (� ° I '' yyI� West Right o/ Way line of o o, q 1� --Eisele Avenue N Per I r i I �'- (� \ Wester) extension of the / ° 1 li --South line the That t of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Townshi 121, Ran 25, Wight Count par P 9e 9 Y. Minnesota. lying northerly and westerly of the following tlescribetl line OWNER: / I 7.32312) N Monticello Town Road Map p '3" (� \ of parcel / described in Certificate South line of the JE i. A UNVEDT REV MUS I .�N Z Document No. 390488 1 / l 2 \ parcel o/ Title No. 6386.0 _described in Corti/iters / Commentlng at the Soatheast c of said Northeast Qaarter of the Southeast Quarter, thence northerly, along orner I %0:213-100-2J4-5 / rn I/ OwrvER: I \ i of Title Na. 6386.0 / the East line of saitl NorlM1east Quarter of the Sout east Quarter. 437.36 feet to the point of beginning of lM1e line to be described; thence westerly, with the south line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter, to / I c u m° I �--- JV z T}ly I t _ 1 MARK J NOLKER %0:21•T -100-2'13J00 I \ , / 1 5.22 _- / parallel rite telly right of way fine of Eisele Avenue NE. as tlescribetl in Monticello Town Road Map per Document N I I I 1 C4 \ \ _ / 414.90 -+ 390488; thence souther) elan said wester) y, g y right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said. Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and sold line there terminaling. VL v� \ / N89°22'37=E / — — — — — — — — — — — — OWNER: NANCY C FRIESEN REV (RUST--_ / Docu /,''rv° m'nt°eo. 1.i.3D57iW v d per oc an 9 m d ]]2312 -7I _ S v o ; ISE: 2 i/ ownere: �7 MARK J NOLKER ry I PID:2/3-100-234100 ° x 6 I `` _ _' AND That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, )yin West of the wesled g y right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, os described in Monticello Town R - 3061_ 13 �� ° �� Map per Document No. 390488. Mop South line of the West Nall of the 5aatheaat -I I BENCHMARKS PARCEL .I OWNER: DWCLAS L STOKES--- / %D: 213-100-2JJ400 `L Qu Or ter of Section 23, __. `I Township 121, Range 25 I • l f Qy W -JN \ I a \ w QIP I P OWNER: �I That t of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Ouarler of Section 26, Townshi 121, Ran 25, Might Count Par P goo 9 Y Minnesota lyfnq norUeny of a lin tlrawn soulhwesteny from a pointoon rbs East line of saitl N rUwest Quarter of 1. Minnesota Department Transportation South line of the ^IN JANE C DOR2E 0 _ I P10:21.ffOt1-234900 VI. �' I of Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot the Nor boost Quarter distant 990.00 feet north of the southeast c r of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter fo the midpoint of lne West line of said Northwest nQuarter of the Northeast Quarter and said Northwest corner of the 1 Southeast Quarter of the-�\I I Name Gol line there terminating. OWNER: GARY A A LESIA A CERZEMA--� / %0:213-100-233402 `�\� Northwest Quarter of the I Southeast Quarter of '-Northeast quarter of 1 Section 23, Township 121,E 1190 I A (\ A IN' \7 L � I \ ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. AND \_ — wrgni aw,,,y - I Ra=gen256, Township 121- 25 West 1'n f the North t _ -_---� I -S 9°01 58 W ,IµE C CORNELIUS NRE°o a � 1 I 1 ; I ` _ _ _ VICINITY T T TrT� �L ,� T� 1V1L-u 2 G MinnesotaDepartmentof Transportation No. 93803 (MnDot m N is G S) orth -1 o the Northeast Quarler f the Northeast Quarter f Sectio 25. Pigrht Co.ntnt if Ihe tl it-ot, iirg West of the ttnterl°ine of Eisele Avenue NE, as tlescr� 261n Township 121, Range abed Monticeno Town Road . 'I M= Northeast liner of the n J1 O W Quarter o/ Section 26, L % ✓`I Imo. t7g ✓4 fE ✓4 Southeast Quarter of the "'4 Township 121, Range 25 Oj �'� I IIA7N Center line of Eisele Avenue NE as I` -Southeast Quarter iOf p n jV?4� {;- ( No -described in o Monticello Town Road I Section 23, Township 121, aWW-P PM1P'(1 p4J A �Q �`y /YTS/ I IM.ir Map Document No. 390488 Range 25 4 L_ ✓ w� �� P�dY Zta A n 1 0 soam line of the North Half of v �0 ,-ins Northeast Quarter of the algipa 1 80 ' Nor least Qaarter, sec eon 26. I 79TH .".A./ i K / 1 1 g48• 329.55: ' mel I' S /• 1 1 Township 121, Range 25 STREET 1 E1 3,p6"W N00%7'46"W �`� , — — — — 5145 4 west line of the North ------ - NE n lir Q` half of the Northeast nx136.56 T Midpoint on the West line of-% I1 Quarter of the Northeast 1 �-T' the Northwest Quarter of the Qaarter of Section 26. I I S89°01'35" W Northeast Quarter of Section wn m 1� Toship 121, Range 25 — 26, Township 121, Range 25 A•1 W -A oI I �I 13 ✓2 OF 7}E AE ✓4 OF 111E NE f/4 JANE C CORNEI1U2 I OWNER: %0.213-100-281201 ' East line of the Northwest JANE C CORNEOUS ane V ,� _Qaarter of ins Northeast %0:2u-1oa-2Bna0 Southeast c of the Northwest Quarter of Section 26, r I -T I Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of- I township 121, Range 25 n M f Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 — corner R d w .meat No. 3swae - 1 ✓ Southwest c of the Northwest_ Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of----' oo .xll Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 I ELEVATION - 966.55 FT. Ab LEGEND SAL NOMI 1) fie field work for this survey was completed on June 27th, 201]. - Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted 2) Bearings shown ore based on the West line of the Northwest Ouarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, 0 - Denotes Set PK Nail To121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which le assumed to bear S02V6'16'W s Wright County Monument, as noted -Denote3) ove a Abnd utilities have been field located as shown. All under round 1 -tion, shown hereon a O APPROXIMATE. Prior to any excavations or digg0g, contact Gopher State One Call for - on-site 1-oun • - Denotes Found Iron Monument (651-454-0002). 4) Wetlands were delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental Services, 1- N 5) Proposed pipeline easement shown hereon is a confinement of the ex,stinq undefined pipeline easements per Doc. No. 165685, Book L of Assignments, page 185. Doc, No. 483099, Doc. No. 809104, and Doc. No. 847833. Said proposed p,pelin, easement and has not been recorded yet. 6) Easement in favor of Northern States Power Company dated December 7, 1951, filed April 22, 1952 in Book 10 of M,sc., page 44 as Doc. No. 186039 is undefined and will need further confinement. 7) Easement in favor of Northern States Power Company dated June 7, 1952, filed June 12, 1952 in Book 9 of Misc., page 624 as Doc. No. 186537 is undefined and will need further confinement. 0 175 350 I-1 I 11 _ ( SCALE IN FEET ) / 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive Suite loo NE, Ihereby certlfythat this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,Ls. DRAWN BY: Ibis Reviaian,: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES /` Callng •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report Was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that) amaduly //y�j /l,p� Signature: Ar%A'nrsY/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 HAVEN RIDGE McCain" •engineering • SUNeying Phone: (763)489-7900 ensedLandSurve der 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P Monticello, Minnesota OVERALL BOUNDARY of Fax (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 4 www carlso --- F-----------T � �� /, I � , .� ,,SI-I�'�'�' � .. L 1 �. , V Iv , I I 00, 0,1 / 1.,E: tt III wWZ Jlrl A .rt • ♦MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP I d eSTx URBAN RESERVE e.� "/ _r I I z irE I 11/4 I, I 1 Il ) �1\ STREET I Nh: �R.nn T TED TEU I z AIA Vi Ir�lI\\�I g i_I \ ��_11}1�--------------E ea � IAI &I — / I ®a rr /v .: F7 1 I IL I, III F "TF F ST .J mN amlar re S I , - _ \ so tv so eo n c.� ,� vv A I ",� F- - q 1 I I N nu / • `�Av n✓ i t it � / —( I �It-IIS II I Il���lr�r lel II CITY OF MONTICELLO�_i RI RESIDENTIAL c� $ �c1�✓�\\ .i SIJ T DISTRIC�� svF �r \• I II I � � �- - J�v�� i�Y/ n u l &I f` 1 1 1 p ♦ ri .- 1 (/� V v 11 1 �/n F7 , I 1 y r STREET NE III Yiia.l -96—� 1 nRivi J -- — — ----+85TH _ _ � T�EETIN alae{..� 1 �� �,/ '-����� �l �d n v v III P �o SHEET I 11 I Vir L.n iii �✓ AGC RICUL. I UR -AL. \1 I rCc b — I o —� EL� r �� u� I I 00 I I —— —-— — -- � r iPL, I i III I i I / / MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP �� \ \�� ./4 i I URBAN RESERVE �-� l / MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP LU , - q Ipl A T7•�n - �_ ------ --------T ------------- ----- �- -- II I J �-� . VICINITY MAP SCALE) yr @O��LV / I�� .! N w21 1 nJ ay OF THE kE V4 OF THE 1E J4 A I v ,� W 3890 pheasant Ridge Drive Suite to.Iherebytertlfythatthisplan,specification I 1(NO Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. DRAWN BY: bjs i PROPERTIESHAVEN / AIIU 1/4 Ivrr /4 ��/SHEET Blaine, MN 55449 79TH STREET V ,P,.AT'L_ A , ry N J III `1 --�7ppgr—�--71,�--�'�I'i� r4 SSI E T oOt NE �,.R,. tJ IV VL.TURI,L. .r //�/ 1 y IJ • en eerin gin 9 • s. -.yin Phone: (763)489-7900 F3X: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Land S—eyor der the laws of the State of Minnesota Y/ 'v12 TIS NE 'v'4 OF T IlE N£ 7i 4 7,308 As en Lane, Suite 114 P III ; S I I OF I ariso / _-- III Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1649 L — — — — —--- ------- --R A ;v I BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. N 0 175 350 700 ( SCALE IN FEET ) 3890 pheasant Ridge Drive Suite to.Iherebytertlfythatthisplan,specification NE, Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. DRAWN BY: bjs i PROPERTIESHAVEN J� PML Blaine, MN 55449 or report wasprepared by me or under my dhect supervision and that l am a duly /yJ Signature:.V�wlt" ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments oOt Liv2.City EXISTING CONDITIONCari�►�r�•environmental -Cain • en eerin gin 9 • s. -.yin Phone: (763)489-7900 F3X: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Land S—eyor der the laws of the State of Minnesota Y/ 2, 9/13/19 -City Comments 3.1/09/20 -City Comments 7,308 As en Lane, Suite 114 P Monticello, Minnesota of Mon Wright County, MINSections 4 23, 24 and 26, Township 121 N. Range 25 W BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. N 0 175 350 700 ( SCALE IN FEET ) 3890 pheasant Ridge Drive Suite to.Iherebytertlfythatthisplan,specification NE, Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. DRAWN BY: bjs Revi,,,n,:MONTICELLO PROPERTIESHAVEN J� PML Blaine, MN 55449 or report wasprepared by me or under my dhect supervision and that l am a duly /yJ Signature:.V�wlt" ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments oOt RIDGE EXISTING CONDITIONCari�►�r�•environmental -Cain • en eerin gin 9 • s. -.yin Phone: (763)489-7900 F3X: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Land S—eyor der the laws of the State of Minnesota Y/ 2, 9/13/19 -City Comments 3.1/09/20 -City Comments 7,308 As en Lane, Suite 114 P Monticello, Minnesota INDEX SHEET 4 ariso Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1649 Brooklyn Park, M N, 55428 Northwest corner of Section-_\ nna+1 cw�ry �.� North line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest 24, Township 121, Range 25 I r- Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 __-_-__----_--_--____________________________-------- -- - . cwmr c°.e _____________-----------------FI ' r- I T '_North line of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest 1 Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25 North Quorter corner of Section--r —� T I F- /� 1 /'I A I U I1 A V t 24, Township 121,Range 25 1'r \ West lineof the Northwest Quarter of- the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, / Township 121, Range 25 \ I 3 1 DAM R A UDY NELSON wD:213-100-2a2201 I I I I I I I, I DAND R 8 JUDY NELSON PID: 213-100-242202 60 `` —II s I x\b\\\ / r A re' II r FARMSTEAD AVE. 5` \ owrveR: ,\� �F\ DWDLASOAR4 he I MD, 2f3-100 242203 I T /1 I A / A 1 1 1 I �� �F" —� II vv Iv f1 LEGEND O/ I �X / \ \ I `� \\\ \ \ I ,® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted \ N 0• - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted Centerline / St rest NE as.c. 7q. ed in--- \\ \ Monticello Town d Map per Doc. X390#88— \ \'k, • - Denotes Found Iron Monument - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 Denotes MiscellaIt neous Sign A I A TI 11A A I^ \ Ai(_74 I £III .� t \ 1 / /\\ ssa O -Denotes Sanitary Manhole I Vn I FTnIV.: 4 I I 0 50 100 200 \ P I II I I I� I i I I^� I I / / /\�\ ,\ I ® - Denotes Storm Manhole ® °r = \\ I `� °j•` - Denotes Catch Basin CC,1Lli-\ % RTi /I \ \ I I \ C� \\yam` ( SCALE IN FEET) Q V\ I II I IIS % I I \ / PAROL 1 \ \ �\ I\ \\`\ a\. I / -Denotes Flared End Section \ �o, _ I I '�/ I \ \ \ �\\ �•r�\ / - Denotes Hydrant ba -Denotes Gate Volve --------I-------- -------------------- F � �'- — - -3 -Denotes Existing Well _�� — — — — — — - �,-T -- �e I I I I I I I I \ I - Denotes Guy Wire BENCHMARKS - Denotes Utility Pole ?o - Denotes Mail Box 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot O - Denotes Telephone Box Name Golf). / \ y �I\ I i �rapss e m \ e\ SHANNON L BYE I ® -Denotes Television Box 213-100-242300 ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. ° \ e� ` \ \ 1 1 ^ M tt `\ �L� ^b \� I 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation ® -Denotes Hand Hole \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot O - Denotes Electric Meter -0 I Name 8605 S) %Tx \ / (. ,y • \ / \T \`' a\ j i a o \ \ �\ ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. O -Denotes Gas Meter 0 -Denotes Soil Boring/lest Hale - Denotes Underground / / /� I I tea, \ wy \ j• 1 I I I I 1 1 1 A SHANNON L B E -Denotes Underground Gas frit .tea. I I 1 \ •r ` Z \ \ \ 1 I I \ \ ` I I \\ \ I A Denotes Overhead Electric J, � t 1 ' \ t 1 ------ - �J�w�\" Denotes Watemnain e— of I r\ I — "1 tv�--->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer / / / \ <'., 1 I/1 II I f l ( \ °}° \ \\ \ `"• \ \ °+. \ J. \ I I� \ 1\ \\ \\`e^� Denotes Storm Sewer N89°22'37"E s99 i \/ / / 1 `1_ --� — — II III II sIl Z I i —\` J""\ \ -� \C � `` e\i. 'i\i \r� \ �\ \��',"\\ `l.•\ J �%^%� \ -11\\ \�a^ Denotes Existing Fence as noted 414.90 1 / /Denotes Growl Surface T� Denotes Concrete Surface A 1 I II / 4 / .t m," \ `'°\ \ ' \e m/ ` !J! Denotes Bituminous Surface I \A1 I \ °\ \� \ \ a��\\ x \ I �j�✓�Ql��o j� - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by E' VV YYETLAND��, �m Kjolhaug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. I o.1\\ m° 1 °5° \ \ \ / /�� j j °"°° " R=1,� .�A I r -Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour _ \ I \ I I \,y��'a{'.��°��=+*j`✓\// \ �\� gr I� - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, / SUIte100]herebycertlfythat this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,LS. DRAWN BY: bjs Reviaiona: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE V /` •environmental Blaine,MN ss449 or report was prepared by me or under my'21/19 City Comments EXISTING CONDITIONS �t Carl= . en eerin dlrect supervision and that I am a duly Signature: .Y/�rrx/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2, 9/13/19 - City Comments 730$ Aspen Lane, SU Its 114 McCain gm 9 Phone: (763)489-7900 thensedoandSurve der 3.1/09/20-City Comments P Monticello, Minnesota • SUNEyIng FBX: (763) 469-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 Brooklyn Park, M N, 5542$ 41 carlso / �/ ---- I _ �I �I II I I v L V 1 I Cl 1V L \ w. \\w•�w \��\ \a,�\�"m.�Ce un��L�/y �/ / �3 \\,� ^ I — — — — 60 i/// � R � I — — �— — — — RW-�,_ Baa P. V � � � \ / \ � � �• � �. ; 7l � �. \ �. �'�, i ��°' / � �, I � \\\ \� I I \ � '-�� 11 ip� \ � � J —✓ �� / �^+•� M`1� i Y \ �M° ��'�.e/°'•� \�\w. \\ �\ I tC I - . `� I M• \ T / \a» ^b 1 e °3 �t 1V OWNER: \ \ I --- i IMM' \ I I L,,•Y/ / ✓ ,q r.\ .IL\ {� , C PID:BARBA2f3-Al 00-14210J O'BRIEN / �\ pu.ass.♦ Im I I (- -FV �. / ' � 't W ;M �/ �G� -��� I. I \.� �\\ ^b \� 0 �'n� J JI \ \� %�—� /\moi ; ��\� \� �m rIc I I / / I � - � �'\ M`� \ n \� � , �•� i -L--- — — J Jill I ice\ �\ ; ��e J,� / \ ` M \ M. 1 W �. • \ PARCEL "��we wa• 0 e� �a i\ � Re° - "' / T/" � (\ dM ° \ M \ ,„° \ ,-( ��` z? I ;1 _ \ `�_- i I I / / s,• / / 'o` \\\� I 1�� \ 1C,5S33°I2'04" I1I . -----C. L:-169._80'' .i - l / southwesterly right of way�`\�} R=20"8.053: °^• /�� A� n 1 I 1 I L� �/I / 'i/ wJ/ line of 85th Street NE per \tom \ \\ \ \ 174•$$ I 1 > ^ i( Monticello Town Road 1 YY I V s rl I 1 A 1 P - 1 \\ WETLAND Document No. 390488 oN t' ' mon — — I ;\ I 1 \ _ / / / - I� / Narthaaat aama' of they Rom co:•m•�t per No"tK.no rowo�\ ¢ �` ccs —qy, 7, 1 \ • \ I v. I �--Southeast Quarter Northwest ay _________ Roca Nav oocommt Na 3so4ea oY`oo N l �� \ `I \ -�th line of thesNcrttf,-t 0. rtar of/ l/ !t\Quarter 9f Section 24, Township 11 I ���` vl Z N \ 1 coon 24, Town hi 121, Rana 25 1 Y 1 121, Ran 25 a �_ - �- - Rom [o�m.�t vrtUN ti glo ro.�- "� /589% 07W ` —__ 77 525 _ . —, __— - _ _ b 1 __—__—__— l — - --------------�- —.{- I —' //—'�,a== — J i 85TH----------- �e S89-10 07 W f•,�. lu,• �� -�---------- - ----------------- 1 _ J \ I STREET NE Soath line of the Southeast ouorter I 1' iT 7r�Northi(ine of the North act Q ter �\ I ` \` 1 e S y / Northwest Ouartsr of Section 24, 1 I / Townshi 121, Ran 25 `--07 tf/o Southeast 'Reiter of Stion \ " \/� ��1 \ 1 I / 1 i0i WETLAND / µ�' I 1 P 9e I 23, /! wnshiP 121 'R.ago ` ­85TH TRE NYE LEGEND Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted \ \ / -ImLB I e• \ 1 I' _� I 1 / Aos/ �\ I O -Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted •- Denotes Found Iron Monument a"tt Imo•- \J' / a I O - Denotes 5/8 Inch by 14 Inch rebar, merited with RLS 40361 SEAN T - Denotes Light Pole M:21&3-D24310R2 t '�(I \ 1 f v.� _ v -Denotes Miscellaneous Sign C,(,7\'' WETLAND - Denotes Sanitary Manhole Stom -Denotes storManhole /` -Denotes Catch Basin 'v✓ 1/ Y ' -Denotes Flared End Section \\ �- \' 0 \� m �\ `\` \ 1\ / \\ �i-j, Q / \ I -Denotes Hydrant to 00 - Denotes Gate Valve \ II / 1� '�I t,,, IM°` \, '•` �_`� p�yy/ I li r / I • - Denotes Existing Well LIJ I - Denotes Guy Wire - Denotes Utility Pole WETLAND o nN \ n \ -Denotes Mail Box IEast line of the West Half of — t a I }+� \� _ .gym I /tha Section t24,eTownsnpr121 — — — — — — — — O - Denotes Telephone Box I-- Ran 25 - Denoles Television Box qe BENCHMARKS - Denotes Hand Hole RAND- re� 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Godetic G510 station No. 93813 (MnDot o - Denotes Electric Meter WETLAND e WETLAND tr Ili e °-� I \ — — — — \ �%:� \ \�\ >v. Name Golf). o / i - -Denotes Gas Meter \\ / ��L,ELEVATION = 974.53 F7. 0 - Denotes soil Boring/fest Hole ""�I \ '•` \ \` /i "'• / 2. Minnesota Deportment of Transportation = ua = U9 - - Denotes Underground Electric T �2 I \ y \• -�� / I �,qy ° / \ / \ / Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot jl LI- \ \I / ) �G/ \ Name 8605 S) a,. - Denotes Underground Gas 'x j�AND- / c mea'"° \% / i V / ` \`��/ - A6� I \\ \\ / /_� WETLAND // \� ELEVATION = 968.55 FT. -Denoles Overhead Electric \ Line onrd(lel with the South line of the /II / \ i �J —'-'' /�\ ---- -Northeast. Quer r of the Southeast Ouarte(7 - - - Denotes Sanitary n WE ND- T1` \ _ section 2 To ship 121, Ranee 25� ` \ /-->--->- -Denotes Sanitary Sewer �.7 11I— —�—T—� 5890\W \ / \ .J » -Denotes Storm Sewer s y( 1 - Denotes Existing Fence a noted % \ South line of the North 854�feet of \ \ I bye moa Imi / 3'� 1 982.84 \ DeCo-ie I -the shipN.rt121, .hga or seat` Za,Denotes Growl Surface \ S89°04'19"W l -k•ce me // N. Township 121, Range 25 \ Denotes Concrete Surface I N 1� tI ZE C4 I - Denotes Bituminous Surface \ I Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by 1 LIJ Kjolhoug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. 1/ f JIr I In I o 50 100 200 Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour �11 5 IAV N I� r W01 m 1a I v I / RkKj0yi3'� I �\ rl 1`VI L/ TtIR ' Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour y (SCALE IN FEET ) I_ I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, yce fy p periONTICELLO PROPERTIES 5 SURE 100 1 here. rtI that this Ian, specification my Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, L.S.LS. DRAWN BY: bjs Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE E fell call= •environmental Blaine, MN ss449 orreportw islonpreparedhatIam by me duly y /yl � �. /,/ 1.6/23/19 -City Comments EXISTING CONDITIONS �t . en eerin direct supervision and trier I am a duly Signature: Y/�rwx may/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2, 9/13/19 -City Comments 730$ Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain gin 9 Phone: (763)489-7900 License nsed and5urve der 3.1/09/20-City Comments P Monticello, Minnesota • surveying Fax: (763) 469-7959 the laws of the State of M nnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1649 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 / 4 www. carlson mccain. com LEGEND a® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted - Denotes Guy Wire -->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer I a Z I so O - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted w; - Denotes Utility Pole » - Denotes Storm Sewer • - Denotes Found Iron Monument o - Denotes Mail Box - Denotes Existing Fence as noted O -Denotes 5/8 inch 5y 14 inch 6� / I t(' rebar, marked with RLS 40361 -Denotes Telephone Box -Denotes Grovel Surface — —L /'`DW ¢ - Denotes Light Pole - Denotes Television Box 0 - Denotes Concrete Surface r <� (`rh r 11I--I€L jf - Denotes Miscellaneous Sign "pa" - Denotes Hand Hole I 8 f� O -Denotes Sanitary Manhole o - Denotes Electric Meter - Denotes Bituminous Surface �� F j �_ EARMHILL I{ \ om — _ Yx _ .C�� z� - Denotes Storm Manhole o - Denotes Gas Meter -Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by — �[� T — LN / ` J;a t y >x 1 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Test Hole Kjolhaug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. (,'� [� 1 `=i; I I- ®•' ® -Denotes Catch Basin - .. .. - 9/ €4 _ 1 /° 0 -Denotes Flared End Section - Denotes Underground Electric � / - Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour U.� mj og I h 1 o I 1' - Denotes Underground Gas / — — \ WETLAND - Denotes Hydrant - • — ' - 9 > �� • �^ ;011 V� Northwest cornSoutheast-­or of theoa - Denotes Gate Valve -Denotes Overhead Electric / -Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour o E c� j <' I west Half of the 5ouiheast- I an--- -Denotes Watermain .cam Quarter of Section 23 -Denotes Existing Well — — — — — =l RMOpm•^tReta I r Township f S Rang Dxumm 3s—aeeW— -> I e 25� I ��_ -h�—_a,P-ca9•_�-.*r--an- -- — — —tea---�n--n—®9.= _ _ _ ---- + __-------- --- u..� -- it --� -960----- --- �mss- ve" as — — — — — _ - _ -z- — — — -t •----- I ------------ \ wn e Nortfh/i(ine of the Nyorotrht$o �t Ou�rter \ V• � I `\ North line of the West alf _ ' +tr y� 23 t/Io Sshipe121(Ranger �s S�Cti i�q_ • t e 85TH STR EY'NE J I 6 —t\ - weTLAND� / w / o \_/ __of the Southeast Quarter f' /♦ T 1\^ A 1 'i\ 1 121,SRann 23, 25 Township� Jl� ee I a � >! I \ I Al P10:213-100 B2J3f011 1 ilia'3Nori zii \'°� / w �II I °�\ LU.I� ,! I \\ \41 �\ --—— — — — — —� IIC I r-ass, 1 1 \ I PARCELI2 \ \ I� \ 1 111 I �� \I I L ei+�.-•`.. ,` 8 �d }n \�T�_ I �� \\ I I I LIQ —� 098 D \, 5r �"✓,- za2-,/ �i.� II �_v/ ,_•IUB• r — ��_i" °�� I 1 / to II � � _ � � '�••1sQ �' _ \\-- �\ WETLAND \ -� � JEROLO AUNREOi REV TRUST � \ T I \• �/� /_\ / WonT\ _ P10:213-100-233100 WETLAND-)'1\\' .��I \A\J���•>/ q' �F€ t�l;,,< A/ n 1 v 1 �� a 7 a / — \—` 956/ � w YY 1 V �� 1 / 1 L l� +�/ / �a \ WETLAND \is It the tsoultheasl tQuarte(of Section 2 Tow ship 12 nae 25/ /V 66p tT�_ Y �OSouth line of the North 5406 feet ��_—�/8$98 4'$19"W �% -rm�•Iw• I I I �2a,t row sn pwizi, R isectian IIS II I z / �� I II � i � � / / � /�vv off\ � �o �-��•Im� I � BENCHMARKS N // ( e\ 1. Minnesota Deputation of Transportation 1 l Geodetic GSD Station No. 93813 MnDot a2 III II � // // / / ��t5/ \\ \ �\ 9503 Wpb \ \I � I I I, I I Name Golf). / -/'e /� \\\ �\ \ �! 17 I I I ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. vt IuI dl II I of 1­,ortatI.h 3 �n° 3 I �I� JI �I I I I 2 Geadetio GSIDpSt dont No. 93803 (MnDot I / (' J I \ \ \ South it,, of the Northeast Quarter of Name 8605 ) I w I - the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, 1 I ELEVATION 5966.55 FT. Township 121, Range 25 I I _I --1---------- ------------1-I-- \ �0. 1 -------------------- - - - _---- A -_ - - - - - - -—II---------- �,----I---------- I---- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - , '1d �1 I / I • (I —85a — a / t o III I sl9nee Ger�Do�No. )32T12 CIE rHC i 262 JEROID A VNREDi REV TRUST I ^ I I -\ ,/166 �I UI P10:2R3-f0 O234f00 M21 'r I � I / / � � \ \ I I \\ / I / I\ � I � I � 7 Y A I I°� I 0 50 100 200 W TLAND SL I� �r I( I [) A A 1 /N C- o I o o ( SCALE IN FEET ) v k7 L_ yl yah I I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, / Sahel.. Iherst,1 1 that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. DRAWN BY: bje Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES HAVEN RIDGE call�►�/_�J�q� •environmental Blaine, MN ss449 or reportwasprepared hatIam duly y /yl �. /,/ 1.6/21/19-City Comments EXISTING CONDITIONS ct - . en eerin mrect supervision and that I am a duly Signature: .Y/a_ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/119 -City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 McCain gin 9 Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed Land der 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen P Monticello, Minnesota • Surveying FdX: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1649 Brooklyn Park, MIN, 55428 41 arlso "ND II I I West line of the 4ye�Hau oWrvaR: I / I --Southeast Qu , of Section 23, A JEROLO A UNTIFDT REV (RUST l f l fr 'I Township 12�Range 25 P1D:21J-too-2.W40J d •£ � II v r' 7,P i I ~\— \� / R It Itin NAI PID 213' foo-23J40f UST yea ��� 1 I I I � O^ / \ / 13,Iz �° AIt , O� P10:21J-100-233400 \ _ � 956— — — — / / I WETLAND IIW 11� WETLAND ``\ 1 / T�Ouarter� of that Sou heart �? I I Northwest c of the So th line of the West Half of the 1 I Quarter of Section 23 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ JANE C CORNEIIUS P10:213-100-234400 A AI / r- �X r1 1 V �7 L West Right of Way line of Eisele Avenue N per I _____ '� Monticello Town Rood Map Document No. 390488 • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch 4 / A Tabor, marked with RLS 40361 >$ - Denotes Light Pole 1/ - Denotes Miscellaneous Sign O nr O - Denotes Storm Manhole ®°r ® ✓V A- - Denotes Flared End Section - Denotes Hydrant Da - Denotes Gate Valve rTL- - Denotes Existing Well - Denotes Guy Wire w, - Denotes Utility Pole o - Denotes Mail Box D owrveR: JI WETLAND - Denotes Television Box p MARK J HOIJ(ER P1D:213-100-234100 O \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ JANE C CORNEIIUS P10:213-100-234400 A AI / r- �X r1 1 V �7 L / o=" Northwest Quarter of the 'l I I Southeast Quarter of Section 23, /t / / ship 121, Ran 25 1 I 11 §89'01'58"W -_ ----_--_--__—_- GARY A k 1E51A A fXRZEMA \ I I r P 9 1 ' PID:213-f00-23J402 Northeast Ouarter of Section- j Township 121, Range 25 ,r,. — -- h -- / 26, Township 121, Range 25----'------- 41 11 Tr7L � Jc G" v LEGEND I - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted 0• - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch Tabor, marked with RLS 40361 >$ - Denotes Light Pole 111 - Denotes Miscellaneous Sign O - Denotes Sanitary Manhole O - Denotes Storm Manhole ®°r ® - Denotes Catch Basin A- - Denotes Flared End Section - Denotes Hydrant Da - Denotes Gate Valve "® - Denotes Existing Well - Denotes Guy Wire w, - Denotes Utility Pole o - Denotes Mail Box D - Denotes Telephone Box JI WETLAND - Denotes Television Box p - Denotes Hand Hole O - Denotes Electric Meter o - Denotes Gas Meter 0 - Denotes Soil Boring/Test Hole - °• —• - - Denotes Underground Electric - - Denotes Underground Gas •�• - Denotes Overhead Electric ------ - Denotes Watermain --->--->- - Denotes Sanitary Sewer » - Denotes Storm Sewer - Denotes Existing Fence as noted - Denotes Gravel Surface Y - Denotes Concrete Surface West line of the Northwest 0 nrter of - Denotes Bituminous Surface - Denotes Wetlands that were delineated by Kjolhoug Environmental Services Inc. in 2018. - Denotes Existing 2 Ft. Contour ^ Lq SOI 80 0 N) - Denotes Existing 10 Ft. Contour / o=" Northwest Quarter of the 'l I I Southeast Quarter of Section 23, /t / / ship 121, Ran 25 1 I 11 §89'01'58"W -_ ----_--_--__—_- GARY A k 1E51A A fXRZEMA \ I I r P 9 1 ' PID:213-f00-23J402 Northeast Ouarter of Section- j Township 121, Range 25 ,r,. — -- h -- / 26, Township 121, Range 25----'------- 41 11 Tr7L � Jc G" v I h i I PARCEL3 j �I 111 A III 113 I / / A- 1 //x ro y JI WETLAND to V � •t��i � � � � vv � WETLAND .__center I ZI I 1 I � Manticel Y West line of the Northwest 0 nrter of �If) i -the Northeast Quarter of Section 25, Township 121, Range 25 'a` ^ Lq SOI 80 0 N) �3q8 W c COR 4°53' 6 P1o1 1�N6i201 Z oQ1' I 1 3 of Eisele Avenue NE as described in Town Road Map per Document No. 390488 It, 982.84 S89°04.19"W a-.: JANE C CORNELIUS WD:21.ffo0-281101 a/1r TI Ir Alr 4 /A If1L /VL I/'t- I ,9° South line of the North Half of sa _ the Northeast Qaarter of the I a- / i Northeast Quarter, Section 26, West line of the North half of r j y"J ( l� I fn i Township 121, Ronge 25 naiesf ion--' Noeso.arttr oSectC,/ al ��-----------J-------------------------- 26, Township 121, Range 25 T -I — 79TH STREET NE - — — — — _ — _ — — — 136.56-- — —-------------- R_d`o-----'-- 1 oot3909ee"�- - N Southwest tomer of the North 889°01'35"V� I.I} q1I W, -- — L Midpoint on the West line f the Northwest -_j t Y Halt of the Northeast Quarter= r �I (s JANE CWcoRNEWs m BENCHMARKS of the Northeast Quarter, 8 Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section rv� Section 26, Township 121, ( PID:21J-100-261100 26, Township 121, Range 25 Ran 25 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation ge ( I 4 / A /1�- TI Ir- A 1[- '1 /A Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot >;+ ($ -1 /7 V1r ` E YL I/ •r V/ / f1L 1VL I/ Name Golf), f v 1$ I I 1/ L East line of the Northwest Quarter of-' 'b ELEVATION 974.53 FT. the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, ( m I n v Townshi 121, Ran 25 2. Minnesota Department o. Transp93803 (MrDn p 9e 0 50 100 200 Geodetic GSIO Station No. 93803 (MnOot o °„ Name 8605 S) Southeast corner of the Northwest �a 55 FT. Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of-, (SCALE N FEET) Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 ELEVATION = 966. 3890 Phea6ant Ridge Driye NE, yte fv p peri MONTICELLO PROPERTIES u 7 oMcCidin SUite100Ihereb as that this Ian, 5 der mn PrintName: ThomasR.Balluff,LS. DRAWNBY: bjsRevisions: HAVEN RI DG E •environmenal BlaineNor report was prepared by me or under my /yl 6/21/19 -City Comments o EXISTING CONDITIONS ct _ •. en eenn direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Y/aryx may/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2, 9/13/19 - City Comments 7,308 As en Lane, Suite 114 gm g Phone: (763)489-7900 Licensed LandSurve der 3.1/09/20-CltyComments P Monticello, Minnesota • sUNeying Pa" (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 HLE NO: 1649 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 .Tiro Northwest came, of Section 24, Township r121, Range 25 (cast iron monument) --7K T-1-7;�'7T �\ leo L 4 v 1 v In I I 2 J, B ea i 1 !RC J�Oi K' ISA '4 W CITY OF MONTICELLO R1 RESIDENTIAL DISTRICT of the North line -- est Half of the - W of the Northeast Southeast Quarter of North lime f the Southeast-- Qaarter 1 Section 23, Township Quarter ofSection 23, 1121, Range 25 Township 121, Range 25 r v iv/ it S I lit I J -, ;I yp 85TH STREET JUE "E -a ,-the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, '-of the Northwest Quarter f Section Township 121, Range 25 24, Township 121, Range 25 60 / �N♦N 0l7 C9 e0 NM 0 N I 4 I TI I so I NpowrveR: DA R k JUDY NELSON I Ido nument) (cast iron monument) (ca O� I owrveR: F• II III ti d Elaoeme�nt li St- E aer an n Road 4 ent No 3 P \ A p locumenl No. 3904 e'�([o � -, - j'f North line of the Northwest Quarter of LII North line of the Northeast Quarter ,-the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, '-of the Northwest Quarter f Section Township 121, Range 25 24, Township 121, Range 25 t line of the of Section / D0� =?' 414.90 NQO°46 " Township 121, Range 25-<�o x 392g23 411»r °o OUTLOT oT c L North Qaart er coli er of seation--% gJ Township 121, 25 NpowrveR: DA R k JUDY NELSON I Ido nument) (cast iron monument) (ca P10:21J-100-242201 I owrveR: I DAVID ! JUDY NELSON PID:2f3-100-242202 -_18.26 N48%8'15"W li St- E aer an n Road 4 ent No 3 P \ A 1/N 1 / w .8.=533°12'04"E y 1 1� 1 v e \\SF I ' y 5 5 J� awNeR1 / r ,r ; / A \ % _DOUGLAS G ARNOID NIC PID:21}100-2422QT MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP 3 a URBAN RESERVE SHEET 9,v _a5 >� vJ UNPLATTED ��1� STREET .E AGRICULTURAL owrveR: Cente 'ne of 85th Street NE as \ describe in Monticello Town � =-SNANNON L BYE \� ' PID 213-100-242J00 i Map er Doc No. 390488 \ \ i^x------ -- I 2 o ax \ \ fTl /3 IA/ AI C I I SHEET 10 "\ OIA �'rpe��1` 1 v lir IY J F7 I` N89°22'37"E t line of the of Section / D0� =?' 414.90 NQO°46 " Township 121, Range 25-<�o x 392g23 411»r °o OUTLOT oT c �k 1 g 5 � 8. \ t• \ _ _ ,9 - 5 \• SHEET 2,5 1e1 3 I� 1 4� lis rt% .DwNeR. G BARBARA J 013MEN PID: 213-100-2+2400 1 6 ' OWNER: I I/ out westerly ri ht of way_I DELA_`MMBALL I MEGAN. YI li St- E aer an n Road 4 ent No 3 P f A o, \7 we w .8.=533°12'04"E y an _rle24, T o u -LOT e n-- =48°02'57" -�-; 5 5 R=208.53 85TH STREET NE- �24:: 3;v 1 4L �- - V 6Y 174.66 _ i — — — — - — — — — — — — — — — — — _---�— __ ��- __ i P ty r� — � - \ Southwest Comer f)'h - Northweat Quarter x zv s 447.97 S89'10'07 W p A Al /, ow, n, n I Y I \7 L 2,5 — — — — — — — — 28H ------- ---- T OT 14 I I ,j1t`EF ° I I I Section 24, Township 12A� SEAN i @ JODY L mom 'Di nrTEv 0 i,tdi C �24:: 3;v 1 4L �- - V c,Range (cas rori�' 1 ) -NrnonuenOUT'O� D(-5PID:213-100-243102•I 3 a niRi��\."v'Riv28VHEET Nr '� ou TLOT \ Q — —;s 31 M^^ I 1 a°°;;�1"1,„030/^\ y OWNER: N ( OUTLOT t K °B e a p parallelo ®U6Lfh H �_� _ - J �f SROLO A UNREOT REV TRUST PID:213-100-233100 _ o 0 31 South line f the 66 G7 OWNER: z - NortheL6l QOdrter .-the Southeast II - ;Qaarter of Section 23 Township 121 SHEET _ i 3” LOREN 1 O'BRIEN P10:213-100-24J10f - HAVEN RIDGE PARCEL OESCR/PAOy. PARCEL I. That art of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24 Township 121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota described as follows P P 9 9 Y. , Commencing at the Northwest cor er of said Northwest Quarter of Section 24; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 45 se onds West, assuming the West line of said Northwest Quarter bears South 02n degrees O6 minutes 16 seconds West 408.28 feet to the centerline of 85th Street NE as described in Monticello Town Road Ma Q g p per Document No. 390488 thence North 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 se onds West cion the northwester) extension of said centerline of 85th Street NE 18.26 feet to the West 9 9 line of said Northwest Quarter, and the point of beginning of the parcel re be described; thence South 48 degrees id minutes 15 seconds East, along said northwesterly extension of ret. Street ut 18.26 feet thence 468.1South 48 degrees 18 minutes 15 seconds East aeon said centerline of 85th Street NE ,t,,Iy 4 feet' thence continuing 9 9 South 00 tle res 00 minutes 03 s onds East 468.91 feet m or less to the intersection with the westerly extension of the South line I 'n ester) of said centerline degree. ec ore y Y' g w y of 85th Street of ,the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0; thence North 89 degrees to minutes 37 seconds East, along said South line lying westerly of said centerline of 85th Street HE of the parcel described in Certificate of Title No. 6386.0 and its westerly extension, 414.90 feet to the southwesterly right of way line of 85th Street NE o described in said Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390410 thence southeasterly and southerly, along said southwesterly right of t y line of feetStreet NE to the South line of s id Northwest Quarter, thence South a degrees iminute,s 07 seconds West, along is South line f the Northwest Quarter, 29 feet feet to the Southwest co r of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 02 degrees O6 minutes 16 seconds East, along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, 2239.29 feet to the point of beginning. rne AND The North 854.06 feet of the West half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. PARCEL 2.' The West half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23. Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. AND That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northerly and westerly of the following described line: Commencingat the Southeast corner of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter; thence norther) along the East line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Q Q Y. 9 Quarter, 437.36 feet to the line of beginning of the line to ri described thence westerlparallel with the South line of ; thence Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter P 9 nin9 Y. w the westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, as describetl in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488; thence southerly, along said westerly right of way line of Eisele Avenue NE, to the South line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That art of the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of Section 23 Township 121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota I in West of the westerly right of way line P Q P 9 9 Y. Y 9 Y 9 Y of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. PARCEL 3• That art of the Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26 Township121 Range 25 Wright Count Minnesota in norther) of a line drawn southwester) from a point on the East line of said No, Quarter of the Northeast Quarter ditant 990.00 feet north of the southeast corner of sa id Y Northwest Quarter of the y Northeast Quarter to the midpoint of the West line of said Northwest Quarter of the Northeast Quarter and said line there terminating. AND That part of the North half of the Northeast Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of Section 26, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, lying West of the centerline of Eisele Avenue NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Document No. 390488. GENERAL N07ES- 1) Bearings shown are based on the West line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 24, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which is assumed to bea, S02'06'16"W. 2) Wetlands were delineated by Kjolhaug Environmental Services Inc. 3) Portions of Eisele Avenue NE and 85th Street NE, as described in Monticello Town Road Map per Doe. No. 390488, are proposed to be vacated per city annexation and new roadway alignments. 3 v o z Range 251 2,11L' 2 OL — — — — — — — (11) R1 - 70'-80' RA - 90'-100' `m 31 30 S89°04'19"W982.6 ___East line of the West half of the (Similar to Adjacent Properties) (Similar to Adjacent Properties) R3 - LOT DETAIL odry NS I f \ S69*10'07"W Southwest Quarter of Section 24, (Not to Scale) (Not to Scale) (Not to Scale) x =05°1 O'11" OWNER'. L COW i A __South line of the North 854.06 feet I Township 121, Range 25 2 ; b 3053655iN0o"'"Spo.m3 1 dz341o3 I I cog 24,1 Township he w121, Ranger of 25 Section v a 30' MIN. REAR __30' MIN. REAR `3 / /Y c South line of the Northeast Quarter SETBACK SETBACK — — 3 v1 I - I ou arter I I �� 10' MIN. REAR 'SHEET 1 i of the Southeast Quarter of Section I I•. SETBACK �__--- 1 23, Township 121 Range 2f—_-------- 12,000af LOT — — — — — — — UTLOT J ti 16AVERA LOT I _ AVERAGE I W j F 10,000af LOT -- 14,000af LOT -- 20' MIN. I !p°»•, line w" m 1 V- I V- MINIMUM __ n ° 33p]i •' " \ n West Right of Way line of I MINIMUM_-- 5' MIN. SIDE BETWEEN UNITS / 92312 " l --Eisele Avenue N �� -- SETBACK OWNER: 127 Nei Monticello Town Road Map JEROLD A UNREDT REV TRUST Document No. 390488 A / A M213-100-234403 2 [ 1/ K { OU TLOT K J` I owrveR: I 30' FRONT 35' FRONT 30' MIN. FROT SETBACK TO GARAGE MONTICELTA TOWNSHIP / 1 ) r �V NARK J 2IX SETBACK SETBACK 25' MIN. FRONT SETBACK TO HOUSE 32E TJ ^� 1F I a PID:21J-100-243300 URBAN RESERVE A JI C� — —ROW — —ROW — — �/ n �` o $ owrveR: CURB I N., 73231OW­ and aeaig eE per 00 - r e� c I I LOT SETBACK DATA CURB LOT SETBACK DATA p t 1n .n \ MARK J NOIXER C 81 PD:2/J-100-2J+100 a MONTICELLO TOWNSHIP FRONT HOUSE: 30 FT. NANCY C f'RIESEN REV TRUST / I S E E - o c PID:213-100-zJ3101 1r� 3z c V' ° 3 • 1 I t •rv• a FRONT: LOT SETBACK DATA 14-saam li of me wear s : � = I - URBAN RESERVE 3o FT. Half of the soatneoat .°oma SIDE: 10 FT. FRONT: 35 FT. FRONT GARAGE: 25 FT. 3 �,& ,1 C SIDE: 5 FT. DOUGIAs L STOKES / Q4.aCter of Section 23, - P lu '` LIJ REAR: 3D FT. SIDE: 10 FT' DISTANCE BETWEEN BUILDINGS:—' -i' L I. PID:zu-foo-2JJ4oa s T shiptzt, Ran a zs I , �27 (/1 CORNER: 20 FT. s 9 \ a' ° _ i REAR: 30 FT. REAR: 10 FT. fa OWNER: � South lin f N o JANE D CORNEuuS CORNER: 20 FT. PID: 213-100-234400 CORNER: 25 FT. I owrveR: or corner o Bas oar er o GARY A@ LESIA A GERZEIlA 1 1 Northwest f th Southeast Quarter of `; 1 A A I /, C, 7 P10:21J-100-233402 / III, -Northeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 6 /"1 1 Y \7 L_ L 5 ------- /// 1 Section 26, Township 121, ge zs I y == PROPOSED e §t Teo of the Nortr es� Ra� - `� /=L `/ __— _—_OWNER: - nrxac�i--__—__—__—_-y__—__—__ ____ _____ Ran 3.15 ___ --- 89°Ol'S8W JANECCORNEIJUS SITE DATA DRAINAGE AND UTILITY pL•T �� m III �� PID: -1 0 281101 ;`,° arner 62' SINGLE FAMILY VICINITY MAP EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: .Jf - Q�orter r 6,e Northeast .11LOT L IM= Northeast c off the NOT TO SCALE ,� _w arter or seatlan 26, ,G N L I OF 7{iE A!E Y4 OF TFf �� 1/4 sout,eaat Quarter at the AGRC 1.T7aYtAL t /�/ r .. I canter Ime of Eisele A�enae NE a I TOTAL SITE AREA 1213.92 AC. (Not to Scaie) NO SCALE m wn hi 121, Ran 25 I h Southeast Quarter of ( ) a P 9e Q ` ,,» 11 ,--described in Monticello Town Roads Section 23, Township TOTAL ROW AREA ±38.07 AC. \Lp•% d�ePPw\0 g • 'SHEET V 'Ks\,J �/7O , Map per Document No. 390488 I 121, Range 25 TOTAL OUTLOT AREA ±89.48 AC. 30' MIN. REAR C V W wo I 7 j I -N R 1828665 OUT Lor A ±1.90 AC. SETBACK / y I ` OUTLOT B 37.56 AC. N A=r / /c>�`+rZ I i " 80 _ k _,192801 :9TH OUTLOT C 310.86 AC. I �U , I 4,53oB"W A-545.50 3� Noo°3Tas w== stl^ s'1s"w-- — — STREET INE OUTILOT D—ouTLor E 3*0.66 AC. 11,278af LOT — _—_ West line of the North 7—�" 0.25 AC. AVERAGE __ __—J---- I L-----1—_ 2 /\AI 1v S� L half of the Northeast-= R J — ro OUTLOT F ±2.10 AC. ____ _•sL'� ^ Y+ f own G \` 66,136. 6 South line of the North Half of I Quarter of the Northeast- F- OUTLOT G 31.89 AC. / Midpoint on the west line of f ai {-• 35xW `-the NOftheast Quarter of the I C s6/ the Nortnwest Quarter of the rs rip 'o�9e Northeast Quarter, Section 26, �� OUTLOT H ±1.37 AC. I \ I _ being 6 feet In width, and adjoining side lot lines, Northeast Quarter of Section 1�t I Township 121, Range 25 LIJ N OUTLOT 1 30.69 AC. - -' and 12 feet in width andadjoiningri ht of wa 26, Township 121, Range 25 I 1 4`1 I F- "0 ra, 9 Y lines and rsor lot lines unless otherwise shown on _ I owrveR I I $ i/.�. OF TIE �f 1/4 171 THE �:E '✓4 i F- F- OUTLOT J 37.08 AC. 30' FRONT this plat. 1 \ JANE C coRNELnIs ^( I owrveR: - OUTLOT K ±9.26 AC. SETBACK PID: 2/3-100-281201 �1 `+♦ East line of the Northwest JANE C Co4WEl1US OUTLOT L 325.86 AC. —ROW ! _Qaarter of a Northeast PI0:2f3-100 281100 TOTAL LOT AREA ±86.37 AC. CURB p a Southeast comer of the Northwest Qaarter of Section 26, r �' T r T T LEGEND 711 Quarter of the Northeast Quarter of To 121, Range 25 n � �D (i SMALLEST LOT ±2,432 S.F. LOT SETBACK DATA g lee. y yv I Section 26, Township 121, Range 88 r _ _ _ •C LARGEST LOT 327,843 S.F. aN AVERAGE LOT 311,131 S.F. FRONT: 30 FL--------�-- ---- ® - Denotes Found/Set Judicial Land Mark, as noted — — Southwest corner of the Northwest re°"d N en1 pe, N°"Ia �° Ta - I I A v �2 I TOTAL NUMBER OF LOTS 338 SIDE: 6 FT. City of Monticello, Wright County, MN OO - Denotes Wright Count Monument, as noted Qaarter of me Nortneaat Quarter of--'' i I EI o°�"m""1 x°.'3so.ea"° '�X I % r I o 115 350 701 GROSS DENSITY 1.58 LOTS/AC. REAR: 30 FT. Section 23, 24, ✓p 26, Township 121 N, Range 25 W 9 y Section 26, Township 121, Range 25 y _ _ _ JI EXISTING ZONING UNKNOWN CORNER: 20 FT. -Denotes Found Iron Monument PROPOSED ZONING RL RA, R3, PUD 0 - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch ( SCALE IN FEET) UTIUTIES AVAILABLE rebor, marked with RLS 40361 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, / Suite 100Iherebytertlrythat this plan,spetl8cation Print Name: Thomas R. 13,11, L.S. DRAWN BY: KCM Revieian,: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES g •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my /yJ �.p� 1. 6/21/19 -City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Blk 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE f, Carlson . engineering dire t sUPervislon and that l am a duly Signature: V/� w ++�C/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19 - City Comments 7308 As en Lane, Suite 114 P RE LI M I NARY P LAT INDEX et McCain gin 9 Phone: (763)469-7900 Licensed LandS—e der 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen P Monticello, Minnesota • surveying FBX:wwr. (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of M nnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 4°361 FILE NO: 1644 aarisonmccain.aom 4.9/10/20 -City Comments Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 N 0 25 50 100 ( SCALE IN FEET ) LEGEND 0 - Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted 0 - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted • - Denotes Found Iran Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 - � I n -V•0� 32)\, , 0/ / ,� ,\ tilt.. �\ I I 60 T- T Northwest ea7le, af_—__—__—_�------------ Section 24,m Tow-hipNth line of the Northwest Quarter I I I ` 121, Range -oforthe Northwest Quarter of Section 25 ast t 24, Township 121, Range 25 iron onum en, �O \ 1r a \\ 4 \ I '• I \ \ +Q BOO\ / / 314.400 sq.ft. \ o est line of the Northwest Quarter of the Northwest IJ Quarter of Section 24, o Township 121, Range 25 .° \ I OWNER: G / / ?S DWpAS I w° \ \ C ARNDID J / / \ JS \ PID:11J-100—Y4YTOJ I `9G Boo\ I YI I \\ I \ / / 314.400 sq.ft. I I I I 119,623 q.H. / / \ .° I to \\\ I z I\`♦ _ \ \ 50 / 2 / / \ so\ / / 7 /1010/\ \ 113.559 aq.ft. \� 60\\ // // 114.400 sq.ft. \ -> �C— �� la'\Z 69.5Ro aayq JI W �93.j \ `I'/� �,b / \� \ \ 3 \ 20 ^ ej1yAV I I 1 Bo \ / / 314,400 aq.ft. / / \ o \ 313,559 s9•ft. / \ O s �P \\,\ I \ I\ o II 321.943JAI \ � / /y0' /°Cee i \\ \' I oN <\ \ eqo \ J I60 / 9 313,559 sgft. / \\ \ B°\ / / 314,400 aq.11 \ \ al��\eO0 2. — — O\ 9 \ / / O \ o L) A A l / 317.1 L 39 sq.ft. °/' \ Y4^� `\ T %\ 1011 A 1 vv IV n C^ I ICT[' A N 0 25 50 100 ( SCALE IN FEET ) LEGEND 0 - Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted 0 - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted • - Denotes Found Iran Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebar, marked with RLS 40361 - � I n -V•0� 32)\, , 0/ / ,� ,\ tilt.. �\ I I 60 < SF I I v 50 �O \ 1r a \\ 4 \ I '• I \ \ +Q BOO\ / / 314.400 sq.ft. \ .° \ I OWNER: G / / ?S DWpAS I w° \ \ C ARNDID J / / \ JS \ PID:11J-100—Y4YTOJ I `9G Boo\ 6 I \ / / 314.400 sq.ft. I I 119,623 q.H. / / \ .° 6 p0 114.400 q.ft. / 2 / / \ so\ / / 7 /1010/\ \ 113.559 aq.ft. \� 60\\ // // 114.400 sq.ft. \ \ \ 3 \ I I 1 Bo \ / / 314,400 aq.ft. / / \ o \ 313,559 s9•ft. / \ O s �P \\,\ \ I\ \ O \ , / a \ a� \ '0// II I,41t \ � / /y0' /°Cee i \\ <\ \ eqo \ J 9 313,559 sgft. / \\ \ B°\ / / 314,400 aq.11 \ \ \ O\ 9 \ / / O \ o L) A A l /� f- r \ \ \\ 5 \ a \ 10 > ,oaa 113.559 aq.ft. \� \ 80\\ ,/ // 314.400 aq.it z ,/ I 6 19, q. iBi°9 39°e \ \\ . . /> \\ ,>,' 113,559 sq.ft. 4 a 12 \,o \\ \ aq.ft. ,/, I a113.559 �o� \\ 50 —__-7 _—__—__ 13 — T �\\ / / \� \ g0 da 314.400 sq.ft. > 50 I \ / / \ h� ° ° 113,559 sq.ft. c� 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite tooIherebycertlfythatthisplan,specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,L.S. DRAWN BY: KCM Reviaiona: MONTICELLO PROPERTIESHAVEN Cari 0ML-Cain Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under direct supervision and that I am a my /�j J 41. duly Signature: �y� ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 6/21/19 - City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes alk 3, 4, & 5• 7308 As Lane, Suite 114 RIDGE•environmental nt en eerin I gin g • surveying Phone: (763)499-7900 FdX: (763) 489-7959 cansedLandSurve der the laws of the State of M nnesota .Yw.lC Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 HLE NO: 1644 2, 9/13/19 -City Comments 3.1/09/20 -City CommentsP 4.9/1D/zD- City commenta en Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota P RE LI M I NARY PLAT 41 aarlaonmacam.com k1111, / / / -__ __ __-__-__ __ - - - - - -- / / \\\ ' ' 13 `\ /' ` `\ LEGEND p , , oax14,400 sq.ft. \ \50\8 ' , \ p �o \''o//\t \\® -Denotes Found Judicial Land Mark, as noted \T�\\ 0 <\ ±13,559 sq.ft. // // \ \ "/ // epi' / \ \ • - Denotes Found Iron Monument ,> ^ \ ,' ,' `\ `\ `\ O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rell marked with RLS 40361 ��\ \\ g \ \ \\ / / 0 / / sq.ft. / I \`I•� \�\ ! �`\ <\ ±13,559 sq.ft. / / \\ `\ \\ , , ±19,584 \ \ i N 10 \A \ \`\\ eQ0 pn'ey°. ' ±15,412 aq.ft. `\ I v `t� \\ \ �\ / \ // s° SHANNON L BYE P10:21J-100-242]00 a N / I ZN \,\ \ \\\\\ +mOfP 7yp `\\ \`/' `\ I o 25 50 too the \\ ±16,367 aaft.coo SCALE IN FEET ) 0 �o \\ \ 50 so o ±14.727 sq.11. // //1\ '�\�. \ `\ \ n / I 1 0E I \•\ \\\\ i ear `\ 1�'// \\ m ` `\ \\ soy]aE w \\ •\ \ \ \\ \ ae P, ," ° 13 \\l \✓� v RD:23N �242J00 o r •\.\ \ \\\\ ea ` ±17,650aq.ft. \ \ OUTLOT C - ---t --- ` `\\ ora aye ord Utility Eaaement \\ (Over ou of outiot C) •\ \ \\ \\ Z. \ \ x473,025 sq.ft. \ \ \ \ J \ \ \ \ rd I \\ \'\ \\\\ \\ �T\\ \\ I '� N89°22'37"E \\ \ \\ 414.90 \ r �I> \ I \\ TI Ifs I \ \ \\ rjL T /l IA/ AI 1 1 1 �� •\ 7 �'L \\\ \\ �,C I 1 v vv I v �i/ 4 / A \\ Ti 76.0 500.7 --Drainage and 62 Utility Easement0---- 62.0 62.0 82.1 94.6 r-_--� r--_----1 r---- \ \r I 171 1 r----, r 1 r���\ � •\ \\ \\ \�� jj 1 r 962 I I I o I I � I I � I I I I � I I \\> ' + ,+� I N$ \•\_ 1 si 2i 3Poi 4$ of 50 of i rt° �^ bP c o I g N rn n 6 vni I I r`/ / O4� \• \ \ \ \ \ f' w oee a; ±10.523 aq.ft.'I I 7 150 50 /70 J I x14,112 aq.n. °' a --- --- J L--- J /^ � 76.0 62.0 L ----J L--- i 62.0 62.0 62.0 - 11.2 I�� 87TH STREET NE sss / / `` "> - I \ \`\ \ \ \\• \\\1�\ 'g - a --------- 365.2 ---------- ` '/ -- 5g9`\/ 0 ±15.745 aq.ft. OU LOT B ±159,907 aq.ft. o \ 0 / / \ rn / •\ r t \\ \\ ' I 6.D I o z �, <\ / �I Drainag T d Utility Eaaement ass / / v / (oyer all of oa0ot 6) •v �� vv vvv 150 50 62.0 62.0 62.0 22 X2'36. S \ ' / 1 0 % / x329,430 aq.ft. 1----� r----, r---- 73.2 \ 9 / 26 \\� �----� ------ 5 \ i /' ±16.655 sq.n. s?/ / ^ x19. 26 sq.f. �/ I t n v �7 L. � \ \ F q\ a \\ a .01 ` 179.7 \ r L------ 0 Egg 1 � I 20 of I of Q MI 1\`\ /// ±12,656 q.ft. W - 3� �I 40 �I 5 W 6 I \ E �I ±10,806 sq.ft. / \ ,���.i I 1 m I I \ /> s\ P ml 25 30 o° 0 6 / sq.ft.----------- ±12.122I \ rc�z ///\� I I mom __---- II 1 (ter 05 7 / / \ aw v/ 12 J �L-------I 2.i ------ x17,173 aq.ft. n I / / ±11,109 aq.ft. / / \ w \ --- - --" ,�'�/ / ±locos aq.te. L ----J L--- p\ /64>��� \ N I J'I 15»-_-, \\\ I n -A 71.0 150 50 j 62.0 315.0 62.0 53.0 `4 \ / // /� / / m - N �\ 24 1 `\ I W I ?° `+ � / / / / ±14667 aq.R / / / � � � � � � \ a,\ x12.216 aq.n. h S 2 v / - --I{1 - i x1030 ) "\ J \ 2 \ \I Z 79 04 4 1y6/ l - 1 •Jp / 13s ff. \ -�6�� �-t 1�' A\' °W' \ x10.051 sq.rt. W 206 I N 30 / \ q. i /I � M N \ i \ // Z __ C/ / x10.013 aq.ft. /-\ \ i \ - 23 14\\ ±10,962 aq.ft ���� \ ±10,077 \/ \ ±10,131 aq.rt. \ \ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite loo I hereby tertlfy that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, Ls. DRAWN By: KCM Revi,i,n,: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 10 •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my �y� �Jp���� 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes all, 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE S ee n dlLand -islonandthatIamaduly 619natare: Af�CwlC aey/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19 -City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PRELIMINARY PLAT oCarif McCain I 9117 9 Phone: (763)4-19-7900 Licensed of the der 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen P Monticello, Minnesota • SUNeying FBX: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of M nnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FlLE NO: 1644 .carlsonmccain.com a.9/lD/zD-cirycommenta Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 \ ver o \ all f outlot C (3O473.025 ) -Quarter I--- of Section 24, Ran 25 Township 121, 9e .ft. o --- --� ��pl}I -- -- R L517549 447.97 South line f the Southeast \\ N89°4.90 E \ II I ,",-----„'�---- - 1 414.90 r 188.3 ��---- J ,-r 1 __ Sag" Quarter of the Northwest 1007 w za, uarter f Section \\\ II \ \ I / 4 \\ \ `\ \\00; I I \`I r I n 8 I� i N 500.7 62.062 \ 1 \ \\ \a \ enc-- .0 2.0 \\ f IitY Easem _-� _� 6 82.1 .a, -� r---- __.� \ *I- t 73 50 m \6 * 310.523 sq ft 7 j-- i��1�\�pydo1 '',n�•¢ '. \ \ \\ \ II I I ss * I I I 312,169 eq.ft. / / `�f°o.�o I I `\\ \\\\ \\\ \\ 0t/000to \ 1\ \ h0 8 / `\ b P T I / i*14,112*14,112aq.ft/m . //e // ,, \ of�„ 62.0\ \\\\ \h\ \\\ 62.0 62.0 11.2 L I `•� 1 \ \ TREET 385.2 NE n 555\ ` // 9 ti ,\ i - 315,745 sq.ft. \ \l \ i s z?z;, OUTLOT B 59,907 sq.ft. \ o / / \ � Drainage and Utility Easement �_ 85 g2 \ �\ / / \ /m (Over all of Outlot B)\ 62.0 62.0 73.2 _22`72'36^ Sy\ // / 10 T %\ I AI , > 11 I/ F� 7\ri \x� I 3329.430 sq.ft. I \\ \\ o I r----, r-----, �- \ \�/ / 316.655 aq.ft• 8�/ /x a 26 ) , 318.526 aq.ft. I \ \ \\ 1 I 2\0 1L------- - ------J - 312.656 siq.ft,. I m 30 I30 I t>6 63* 4m os6 310.606 q.ft. 25 1. I � I A H I I nom/ / /'\m,0\ ' /' Iw NI 312,122 sq.ft. ----------- - ,/ ,/ \ .'mow 1 \ �/' I I -- ---- ,� II \ n 7 os 1 C 311.109 aq.ft. /' // \ �`s' " 12 J 7;L --- 172.7 ±11,723 aq.ft. 'o a 1 \ \\ p, \ ±10,506 sq.ft. ^ o ---------- L ----J L ----J L- _j I / / // // \ �\ ,64?/' 62.0 315.0 8 \ 0 ' / ' \ \ 24 1 •y __--- \ \ I 1 \\\ 0 / 310.667 aq.ftt./ _ _1,,p/i' �'' j \\ a' -'' J ` \ \ \\ 1 \\ / ' ^ w ,✓ m ±12,215 ft. \ [7 \ \ BZ9 OR 13 .N \ � ±10.051 sq.ft. 2p \ 30 1�. 310,307 sq.ft. A\' \ 013 ;I P I ra 310,013 q.ft.I .\ ' \ 23 / ' - 14 \ 310.982 aq.k. 3 \ \ 11 N`Fi\°' �' / 310.077 aq.k. / -A \ 55 �- - \ \ yG sy\\ ±10.131 sq.ft. \ I \\ I 1 \ 0\x.1 �\ 576/ \ \ % \N10 <' /39.585 q.ft. /f \ \As 'sem'/�� 2r) �'l 1 \ w > /' ' 15 ±9,392 sq.ft. / .SO \ 4 \ \\ 1 11 �i0�' / \�>� \'\\\ w �' / 39.669 sq.ft.11;9i''/'�\ ±9,737 sq.k. ; I \\\ I \\ 1 1 �- .,,_ >3 ,LI ^i1 '' do •% %g6 \ \ '' \ \ southwesterly rigllA f y line of 85th Street IgE w,Z 1 Monticello ToRoad Map �� I I / Document 140739 0488 \ ' \ ±9.358 aq.ft. ^ .�i \ / /\ 21 \ m `�. \ 1 1 / 16 / ,/ \ b 311,413 aq.ft. 5 \ \ 11 \// /// w - 65 A N ell,� �� \.0 \ / 310,333 ft. , // \\`�\ ±9,561 ft. OUTLOT B \ m r ------165.0 -- - _ _ == rol Drainage and Utility Easement \\ a+ \\ % y`Y , \ 151 A. _ \1 _ (Over all of Outlot B) l \/' �� .1 39.3 60.8 ,0 \\ y \- - _ - � 3329.430 aq.ft. \ \ \ s / _ 12 ' f ' ±9,352 sq.ft. \ \ / , / 1 7 / / I •o` - - 1 1 1 \ ,i6\1 \ S• \\ ,/ 39.823 eq.k \\ \\\ ? I X11 ±9,812 sq.ft.'s \ /'' / - I 1 \ /•l 1 V \7 L- 2 ..J I I .5 J, a�m13 18 148 .'a sX•�pN 310. 0o±10,000 q.f, ±9.063 aq.ft. 38,238 sq.ft.- 224 aq.ft'I -------- ot/ r / o bs. \ \ \ \ \\ \ \ \\ \\\ 7 30 ±9.745 sq.ft. ___ ___ __ / \'J 4" P 55.2 K ; �a South line of the Northwest 1 SA 39359 agft. // / \ 9345,49 83.5 _ m L --_-- 145.0 ---- J hvizn \ 0 3 1 ----`� -Quarter I--- of Section 24, Ran 25 Township 121, 9e \ / \ d' \ / \ _ `__-__�M__-__-_ �\------- o --- --� ��pl}I -- -- R L517549 447.97 South line f the Southeast \\ ,",-----„'�---- - 1 --- -�--- ` ---�a B --� - r------ --- ` --_ 9 ` -�_ 188.3 ��---- J ,-r 1 __ Sag" Quarter of the Northwest 1007 w za, uarter f Section \\\ \ / 1 87TH STREET NE 1 p �I j t8,99oasgk. Qownship 121eCRange 25 228 a 3915q�o// n 8 I� i N 45.0 4zs 90.0 r ------i '° 39.12aq 30 to LEGEND 11 .S U / W g 9 0 25 50 W. N o *8'990 N -Denotes Found Iron Monument I I q.ft. O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch 39,269 sq.ft. 18 -119 145.0 rebar, marked with RLS 40361 (SCALE IN FEET ) /396 I al 20 1 _vyr■■ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suite 100 l hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, L.S. DRAWN BY: (CM Reviai.ne: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES Caring S •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my /�j �J p-/' dire t supe islon and that I a a duly Signature: lC ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes all, 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE 11 McCain • en ee n I gm g • surveying Phone: (763)489-7900 RIX: (763) 489-7959 Yew �y� Licensed Land Surveyor der the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 2, 9/13/19 -City Comments 3.1/09/20 -City Comments a.9/lo/zo- City commenta 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT et 41 �arlaonm�aain.�om 310,051 4 30 -'_ 9 �\ o 310,013 sq.k. i- \ �' 23 \ 60 \ ♦ " \-' 1 4\ 310,e82 •q.ft. \ 3 \ a 310,07 sq.ft. \ 5 A - -' -\� y �\ 310.131 soft. \ o1601___, I 39.5855 q.ft. \ \'� — 22 cn ------ 15 ±9.392 sq.ft. —' 4 %0� i �i \ 39,737 eq.ft. \ %��\ \ -\ / ±9,689 sq.k. II ioN - �--/' � � >a.I "•`jP\moi -' \ `-'� �•� \ i96 q�'' \fib \\ —i -- �� \ 156 /39,358 \ 311,2 s ft. \ a, Z zN -fir' ' / aq.ft. > \A �� \ n // /\ 21 \ ro `/ r \\ l i I r-- ---� ry °\ 16 // \ m q. 5 \ /1s9i .50 ' 310,333 sq.ft \\\ \\ �\ 39.561 sq.k. \ sm / II / � � ,�. .� .� a a• 1 \\ 30i\ \\ ,��/ / �,------16s.o-----�- a\ \ /'J• 39.3 60.8 C7 i. T 1 /'1 A I 7 e I 1 `L sem\ //// 0/0 ---� r----7 r- 65-D- __-- .. ±9,352 sgft. \\ // 17 '\ c 39,823 sq.ft. A\ \ mso3'sod"'J Azry_ ne1) 'hI3q6 sryCg,—s-----r�-�--\ \\- - ♦♦�--/ r- i 1 » .w. .^ te\ ♦1 ♦s 93.1 3 —J I i XI IiI Rn5 ---- -- I f --I --- - z— _— --±9—,8-12as•.o q.ft—. ,485 _ �-j 1813 i i 19 20 ±10,000 sq.11, 39.063 aq.k. ±8,236 sq.ft` ±10.224 .,.ft. 'Ilk o/ — =-- m 7 `♦ 30 .5 sq.f. L - v -J11 1 - oma 'l In vozo�va14 " ------------ ---------9,359aq. ---_45.o_--- Nrth line f the Northeast Qarter f Section 24 — _�_� Nof o nNow st the Sotheast Oater f Setion o�_a iQws21Rae 25 -Z623, Twnship 121, Range 25 Z 168.3 - ---- S89'1 0 _w 6.7 �587TH STREET NE `90 sq.f.ieasq.fe / L ----i --— — — — 56.7 47.9 90.0 ------ 16 r r------, 30 30 re -----------I6 ±9,112 sq.f. I2 10yo. 9 o 1CS / / / 1 7 a \ \ Sp eo .s ` iI \ .o >�, }3J28,gryi92 q• . I\,lut \ ,�. ... \`11 ✓ ,w. ,� .a. ,il. wl. ,� .� .� ,m_ .� .� II I ` \>$ �> \9 ��// / / / / / �/ / / /39. - , < Ima r—li--_38,990 .q.ft—_. 3949 eq.ft018 I— 145 1 686 sq.ft. al 39,322 sq.ka ------ 6 312 552 aq.t. 30 y ° m o f a3 1 a w 1 0 � I , j60 � 2 sq� N i ,, / 4 � I 0 ? J L ---_—J L ------J p°[P�� I t�•6�Z \ w 2 7 ,�� ���. _ ro4s 88.7 3o 7sn I e 1. 1 0 1 0 gyp fl w o 1 ,u. w. .,i. .m, ._ _. .. ♦ _ - 193.1 ------------- -- \TT I „ ,6. sq K, '2432 sq' 1 T /", 1 A/ A l I I 1 1 /� 1 ♦� , z R'i \ 1 s f I- - '2432 N \ 3 , 1 v v v v 1 1 1 1 I ,, 014 82°sat'.; \ 'ZB,Z=q.tt. o o , \ 1 �♦ _______,_��-�♦ ' ��s �o ;` \\ 4 JI - 0 o D I 60 0 ooJ o- ----- / ♦�- � ,� AN o\ ,,; i \ I L _67.2- 6.0 J 'tt 1 �l ,u< ,�. ,� � ul ,�. .�. � � ` J � ,u< ��-�`♦ � � , --�'` II go G '28,4 aq• , i \ ,�I. ♦ 1 0^e°: r---� , I $ , o \ c4 � q.tt• a ,r� s, ,� ,a. ,r< � � ``J' J � � I ���6° �/ I t2^ 2 CJ o / a 1 / I 0131 l" a 1 54.9 \ so 3 \ OUTLOT D I ±,4.76 aq.ft. = D s4H �, 1 / / _ \ 1 ' I 16 30 ow i2 4 c, 1 ��_ Drainage and utility Easement 1 ', ,� ,w< r / / I Im East line of the--_ I m (Over cll of eutlot D)Im OUTLOT FC.-ter 42 '1 ±899,920 ft. Northeast Qo.rter e sq.ft. o.o q the so.m a, O.ort r �'� \` J� ��\ ,r< ,�. ,� ±91,664 s ft. of Section 23, Township p .p 121, Range 25 w\ ♦ \ ,M / l / 06m , /I L�-_� _2�0 - _J 9 ��,° ti I ♦ 326,806 aq.f.132 `2J° 12 Yr ±22,830 aqfa ma o c fl�l .yry° �4�py 3,�� Asa q w �♦ ,.. ,u< ,� .a. ,.� ... ,a< �. ,� ♦♦�----y j l l j ^° 4 °� ryo OCl / Q� / ILO \s3 J'° �3orye O 4 ♦� \ / / -41S 71 �, so ♦♦ L l l <0 19. 19. T `aJ r ♦ / 3j0 3°6.0 moi'\ w� ��ti94e,, ♦ / 1 .9 �.12.9n h 1 11�y� ,3' #'/\ \I 5g6 ,x 2 m n -1 5 X23.3 3? N L f 3 n '�2g B4Z ♦♦� N 1 L) A A I s 0 "0 I \ o? 44 3z.p 7 `' ° LEGEND \ J> a\o s OO -Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted o 25 50 too \- r / O 9• • - Denotes Found Iron Monument ?° �, I t O O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch ( SCALE IN FEET) r a.0' a°• 3?, �� �- `ti gZg>?3 o rebor, marked with RLS 40361 / sq• \ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, ^I SU90100 1herebycertifythatthisplan,specification Print Name: ThomasR.Balluf`,LS. DRAWN BY: KCM Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 1L •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my �y� �J 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes all, 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RI DG E Caring • en ee n dire , sapervislon and that I am a duly Signat.re: (f�C w l// ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19 -City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PRELIMINARY PLAT of McCain I 917 g Phone: (763)489-7900 ensedLand Sur,e der 3.1/09/20- City Commen P Monticello, Minnesota • surveying Pa,: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of M nnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 a risonmccain.com 4.9/10/20-ciycomments Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 / / }9.063 aq.ft I I J n L V I _ _ _ _ - - -j 310.000 sq.ft. / / /' \ ss \ \ /Jo / I 28.236 sq.k^ 310.224 aq.k. r - - - - - 1 I I m l 1 \ /a'.i°s, L I 1 1 <1 3977 v av / t ,w. ,�. ,� .a. / / . _ _ _ �1oe aq.k. � i � t J 30 30 14 / \ sa '\ 4, 55.2 83.5 1 L45LO -- a -- / rs I ^ I t------_-- J T---- 3$ �� rn m / South line of the Northwest tt '359 \ 9313 -- - I -- , Norm me of the North eoat Quarter m N o o ^> / o° ,-- Quor er of S-tion 24, \ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ,--of the Southeast Quarter of Section) N8906'39'E ^shoo / To 121. Range 2s -__-__ __ __-__-__ _ --------------- --- Ls ns a 9 9" I 23, Township 121, Range 25 --2622.77 �� ,e' =�..----- �' ;------- e� r J / 57.9 ^ 56.7 ;�_� 0� eot� o \ -� - _ 188.3 - - - o i R 49 �• o (2 \ 9 ' '/ 15 87TH STREET NE m 1 iesso aq.fe. 29,228 s ft. 6.> / .y, / \ - i/ G 1 W 66 ,?�os'o ` ---�-` \\ g Lam- 145.0 ----J -----L--- ----- a' .o .a. ,r. ,va ,4 ,va ,.. \ / / / / - 479 so.o ----- `� � 11 1, 2 a 16 / � ; / � -� s9 �� 0 1 r`` ,o. ���`\ r 9 3 \ V/ 39.112 s ft. / -I r----� ----- 30 0 f- ---- _---__-I SO 3 6 w ` J 1 o M/ / / I r 3 o' 1 / I R W o I tt 17 `v/ / I 1 Z '�°I iesao�aaft. 1 SO ,� .� >v. vl. ,r< .w< �, I / / 39.269 aq.ft. 1 / 1 o I N 1 as a / ml I of o .a L----145L -J w, s 18 19 20-----------� - > 4 29.686 ag.ft. 1 1 �I a U r° / / I 39,322 sq.ft.- 312,552 aq.ft. I , 62612 SQ. ,u< ,� ,� ,Iu< ,r< ,u< o t \1 2 30 0 - I 1 I .j60 L I I L� o sq-t1- 1 . i �\` L- 1 I \ o l 10 1 yp.c X60 ft, w I 432 a N i w I P I 217,611 a tE t2. o W 1 Joos 4>0 -J L-----J L------J II F \�o, aq.k. 2to PB�^/ '1 r,+ *2 g1160 \ o 16'f,0�� 1 ,its ,w. ,r< ,u. ,a. r. ,w. ,us ,m. �� 1 _- 193.1 88.7 -30___ __ \,q t2� IL 3 �� - �v / 2 01416° 2,6,2ag•tt.\ --- -�- i ��, ! �,\ 4 ° �o•J- \ I o , ---------60.o_-___\,!J 1L_s�.z_J 60 614 'l60 tt T n IA/ n1 1 1 I F) 7 ') 4 *2912 I \ 1 I V VY 1 V 5 r1 1 $ 1 to \ 7oq.tt N 1 `'•/ _ 1 \ ° ;e 660 �/' 1 aq.,t. t2?3 2 Q 124 8 , 6,0 0l a 1 54.9 j6�a tt. o z.gg0 aqw ; . 14912 g. t \. 3D 3fi sq-At' tt o OUTLOT D II II_ 2,4.776 ag.k. Pr 1 o I 7 .� t1' A o 1 \--�- Drainage d Utility Easement t tl __3,2 East line of the- I 42 1i -� (03899,920 sgttt D) \ w / / I Ilm R OUTLOT F Northeast aaurter of / I 5 zo.o the Soutne at Quarter �'`� � �•\ \,- ' 391,664 ".ft. of Section 23, Township o ° S 121. Range 25 Iron' mw\ ,a �' `\ -� �/ / I azo'oso L-----J �ti• 1 0 9 13 o I B2,Q ry° I / I � o �� ry5o �a, 16p�ry�: a,° %,�k ,w. ,a. ,Ii,. no. ,i1, w� �L t /' 226.606 aq.f . ,/ / 1 2 Iv'i / -�-- �? `sd2?a ��o 00 , „� �a K2�0° Z•.i \` `\ / / 222.830 aq.k./- m� ��e e 9-1 o la�'e/ � a?° Wmry `�II,16 'o �$� cryo O �4L '`Oar /l''jL�\ az° }3p2„zq' -1\ I�00 S ti, I> as r ' l +z��s R 9q�^ �1y0�' =w9:3 42q�� �o�+ v% 1 9��. ry9^ ?o ossJ�O� 9a JY� y �� 9 ��21�5 5Q 3 s22 ti 6.0 W 1 �� ' v \ P 32p / �2q2� 6 44a O �� p \ \ aw_ ,� ,w. ,il, wi. i 1 9 �. \ 6.4 '3 y°°� \ I \:12x88 ^ m 1 m 15 6'2 i 1 AV / wN $ 2 4 m23.3 1 'O 9aS O P� ry N t °° 4e4 dry. I� 3> 9l b 3 �' I \ 41, Co Z9Z6a �a 4 ----- - a - -----a \ 0 O \ QN 32p 7 W 37 / `r0 V I ^' II -s 9Y m NN az >?z =9 N o 2x rya` 1 \ 'J/ �"J' p' \ / �1h• �i p 9.I/. (J 3 I t" 3 ti� > v N j 3�J ``\ 2 1 _15 14 9.2ti1� IQ.9 32'� ;w\ 63.9 n1 r 4 JO6 m e ``�``\ j ' j0 13 X30/ R Rojv2e` oy,�s P'�of1 the 3j.0 yJm 'o12r �i/'' n ° She o^ I 32.0 ` \ °3tostsj I J06'0\%` 6 yo 37.1 32. \3l0 I I �i 4 m 3 1007.5 2 \ ET N 85TH STREET NE 23 N nz1 `� E ,209.5 37.0 32.0 37.0 OUTLOT I J`��� 1326.63 85TH STREET 1`4E w �� S89%0'07" W ros.o 2zs.656 aq.k. ,24.71 _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - N S02"07'02"W _ - _ _ - - - - - - - - - South line of the North 854.06 --973.09 Lin Ilei with the swath ins MA13-100-2f�a ---feet of the Northwest Quarter LEGEND 589°04'19"W \ e para I wo: zla-loo-z43.wa Range 25 z4, Township 1z1, of the Northeast Quarter io the I o - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted 0 25 50 100 `-Southeast Quarter of Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 I • - Denotes Found Iron Monument O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch (SCALE IN FEET ) I rsba', marked with RLS 40361 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, yce fy p specification MONTICELLO PROPERTIES SUlte 100 I h-lb rtI that this Ian, s 6catlon Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, LS. DRAWN BY: KCM Revisions: i 3 \/` •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my �y� �J 1. 6/21/19 -City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Blk 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE 1 .J Caring • en ee n dire t supervision and that I am a duly Signature: (f�C w l// ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19 -City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PRELIMINARY PLAT Of McCain I gin g Phone: (763)489-7900 ensed and5urve der 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen P Monticello, Minnesota • s-ying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 .carlsonmccain,com a.9/lo/zo-City comments Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 30 I 30 30 1 30 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 I I -------------------- I 80.0 80.0 r------- 80.0 - r----- , ----- --- - - - - - - --_______________ _ -____ ____ _--______ _--------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------- Northne of Road thel�Soup the Northeast Quarlerr o heast Quarter of Section) --------- m 3 "19 * 32.0 37.0 'n Town Road Map Document Read 23, Township 121, Range 25 Docul enc Nted ' o 'n Road Easement per Monticello Map Document No. CC C 85Tfi SIRE T IN of be at 390488 (t ) N89'06�39"E ,'•Town Road 390488 o f of - ----- , 644.1 2622.77 -y q 1 5 t o 1; 6 to of 7 �I 249.9 o 9 1 1 f (14,400 s9.ft. _ I I 802.385TH (12,800 aq.ft. � I I I 11 - 112,800 aq.ft. r' I I I I % STREET NE -_ - -J--------------- ` --------------------- ---------------- --------- - I I I I I_____________________ 1 I \ m" \ O\ //0p. yh'// \ I / 3 / \\ ,R \ oop L------� L------� 110 L -----J ,01I 11 L_ ----'j 1 L------� L------� L ------J I s 30 I 30 30 1 30 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 I 80.0 80.0 r------- 80.0 - r----- , 9- r - - - - -- ------� r------, r------� F-------7 F I1010 29 r-----�I P 2W« "23 m 3 "19 * 32.0 37.0 37.0 *82.27e aq.ft. * 37.2__j 37.0 *21 32.0 of M 37.0 37.0 *2 32.0 1380 o f of of 2 of 3 �1 of 4 �I q 1 5 t o 1; 6 to of 7 �I al 8 �I - o 9 1 1 f (14,400 s9.ft. _ I I �I 112,800 sq.ft. _ I I (12,800 aq.ft. � I I I 112,800 eq.k. _ I I I I 112,800 aq.ft. r' I I I I ' U 112,801 sq.k. I II I I f 112,801 aq.ft. f I I I I 112,801 sq.ft. I I I I *,4.495 aq.k. I I I I I I I I I ra'` 1130 \ O\ //0p. yh'// \ I / 3 / \\ ,R \ oop L------� L------� 110 L -----J ,01I 11 L_ ----'j 1 L------� L------� L ------J L ------J 90.0 L------� 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 B0.0 89.6 30 ',,30 os \ % �' 32.1 1.435.6 2��3� ^ aV 37.0 m1 �* B 37.0 3� oV 3].0 m1e ^* 32.0 2� 32.0 3��4°II --Dram°9e and Uh'ity yo 37.0 e%1°a2"a3�m4° ^ 32.0 OUTLOT G \ Pv , b7, \ q P 2W« "23 m 3 "19 * 32.0 37.0 37.0 *82.27e aq.ft. * 37.2__j 37.0 *21 32.0 * 32.0 M 37.0 37.0 *2 32.0 1380 32.0 * 37.0 -- 37.0 �- m1 1 y o o 1 2 \ / 1 w I 314,692 aq.ft. ±14,064 aq.ft. 11 Line parallel with the South line N ra'` 1130 \ O\ //0p. yh'// \ \ 10 / 3 / \\ ,R \ oop 1 30�mI II $89°0419"W Imp ^ \ ,611 / / *17,247 sq.ft 2"h \\ T \ Sg00 R'120. X5.7;0 \ 71.2 -J ISI% 48-1-J \ _ R6710 \ �� \ef In u�'1 �/ k XAINRM L CCUINs 23, Townsh p 121 Range 25n R B ELEMORE LANE NE 8 I EI ELEMORE LANE NE _ _ EMO 1268.0 - - 360.0 - - - - - - r �1- X.8 RE 598 \ \ G o -----_-_-_ 439.3 I I o I R:889.7 o n % 8 i i I COURT OURT 150_1 150.0 N -7 F 105.0 __-_- _ _ 37 80.0 800 80.0 80.0 I 30 32} _-__-1r__-_-___, 0i30r__I_ _ bil 4 ° 76 wu 110 10I I �A airy' 327.aa3 aq.R I I I I I I I I I I I I II � I II I I I �: •� \ R'120 - b o 30 $ I I I 314,881 sq. k. I I *13,936 aq.ft. I - I ^ I I \ 00 / \\ \ Cs18 22 h21 20 01 19 I IN,3,8„ q.ft. \I- L _--_150. 6 R 3z zoo OUTLOT F±,2,000 aq.ft. ±,z*12,000 aq.ft±12,000 sq.ft. 35 ±16,555 q.ft. \ ±91,664 aq.ft. 1 21 0 101 / - - 1 318.623 aq.ft. .J / N n/ � -_ mI I I � -1 L------- L------� L-----� , � / �' �/ 2 ora; _ W 29 / II \ /kA age /> Utility Easement L____ -J L -----J �Q / /M I ±11,709 sq.ft. ,{. "! �1 /r l I���-� \\��- -\ I 35N ±13,201 aq.ft. L - r I/ - I ,11, 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 68.7 W---\SD-o .rt ,f ✓'m I I / 1I ----�� Is // \ ru_ - �\ -I�s l �r ---- -_- J 1 l I gbh / 0-0- / �I ---- / 7 I I ^�h / \\ R=75.0 R<120 17 n/ $ -- A/ b / ±,4.911 aq.k. b�" a- oFe .� \ \ ±14,052 aq.ft. / , , _ n I �� J / 3 \�- `- ±11,709 aq.ft. �\� { / \ mss / ho ��• h y `In rn 20 pp [E12,882 aq.ft. /-\- Zso-o16 ° l ---\ / ✓ �� /' \ i g0 �•� \ \\ \\ / \ /`\ /�^ / --- -- � / I/ I --- �� /' \,�� roti ±1z914 q.rt \\ \ 4\ / - 18.52 q.ft. ` 4 b OUTLOT H % �110, .,a °o±,,.7D9 aq.ft. ±59.762 sq.ft. 15 27 . 4'9 ±12,100 sq.ft. \ \ 00.6 / \ \\ ±13,034 sq.ft. % / \�S010 14 \ \ V / \ / \- / I 9 /ILS � 1 ±12.199 aq.ft \\ \\ / 105 / // \\\\\ /f <\\ 5 \� / ±1'3,415 sq.ft. 2T#y^/ _ 106.0 138.0 106.0 \A 69 �y \ S o.� / \ \ / ' \ \ ±11,709 aq.ft. \ / I \ / \ \ 26 \ \ \ / 00 / \ \ / I / 37.0 32.0 37.0 37.0 32.0 32.0 37.0 37.0 32.0 37.0 BS, 13 \\ s%° \i" \\ \\ ±,3.D51 sq.- \\ ��;' \\\\,S,o �w '�,S o /�I so r e16 w $ e17 x r18 \ ±,2.718 s.ft. \ \\'r\S/0? ^ry/ -1.- / \ a �" $ m o m e 9 \ /0, /" ' \ �o / '<r \\ \\ / ~� \ / I -� m1 "2�� 3� �1 . 2�. 3� _ 4 ° E1 °.2°" 3° h \ I So \10 6 10 ±,1.709 qft. ±13,016 q'kI , �* 41.2 44.125 200 37.0 32.0 370 ±11,995 sq.ft. 2 26.4 37.0 32.0 37.0 20.0 37.0 320 32.0 37.0 \\/ "110 48 < / \ bog// 24 >\\ \ \103.5 EILDON DRIVE NE / \ \ \ \ / , `1- /\ \ ow \ \ / eb ry / \ \ / °' 457.8 •O / \ \ / \ \ \ \ / / 50 0 _-__-I wo ±12,234 aq.ft. \ \ \ \IJ / 11^�\ 50 ±12,960 aq.ft. 23 ±12,217 aq.ft. / \ \SO $ i\ �\ 2,3 ±12.179 aq.k. �\ \\ ^�\\ SOO o \ 0 \ ±,2.070 sq.ft \\ \\/%\ \ \\ \\� I \so 1 37.0 37.0 yo' 37.1 32 6 os \ % �' 32.1 1.435.6 2��3� ^ aV 37.0 m1 �* 32.0 <2� 37.0 3� oV 3].0 m1e ^* 32.0 2� 32.0 3��4°II 37.0 or ^II yo 37.0 e%1°a2"a3�m4° ^ 32.0 32.0 \ Pv , b7, \ q P 2W« "23 m 3 "19 * 32.0 37.0 37.0 M20 32.0 * 37.2__j 37.0 *21 32.0 * 32.0 M 37.0 37.0 *2 32.0 1380 32.0 * 37.0 -- 37.0 �- 32.0 106.0 37.0 -' 06, os \ % �' \ \ \\ \ \ \ ,,Ito ±12,679 ft. \ �\ \�-' sq. 50 \ \ Pv , b7, \ *12,081 sq.ft. \ \ // r1, / , 867.8 \ 5.5- 52.321 \\ \ / - 873.09 y 11 Line parallel with the South line N \\ \ ±121116 aq.k. \ O\ //0p. yh'// \ \ 10 / \\ ,R \ oop I e $89°0419"W theSouth, Northeast Quarter of of Quarter of the \ \ 01 \ \ / / \ �� \ef In u�'1 TNWMA R k XAINRM L CCUINs 23, Townsh p 121 Range 25n \ \_, 1 � 30 \ s ±12,105 aq.ft. \ \ �o /O"5 \�' \ 2 \ �\ / h t0 a0� PID:21J-100-1J4f0i LEGEND 312,679 aq.ft. \ O r7 O Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted 0 25 50 100 11 \ • Found Iron Monument 20 \\ / y6b// ±11,990 \ / / \ \So / + i -Denotes ±12,150 sq.ft. \ sq.ft. , \ �9 \ //A \ \ / < \ \e / 6,� o� 0 - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch (SCALE IN FEET ) \ / V A2 \ �! gAV // o°e a_Im 1 rebor, marked with RLS 40361 389etheaaantRldgeDriyeNE, SMite 100 that this Ian, s rider 1 yCe p pe Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, LS. DRAWN By: KCM Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES a� 14 Caring' �� •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 r rep as or report was prepared by me or under my my dlrect supervision and that I am a duly �y� �J p���� Signature: ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 1. 6/21/19 -City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Blk 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RI U V E McCain engineer in • surveying Phone: (763)489-7900 FdX: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Land Surveyor der the laws of the State of Minnesota .(i�tw,.w.lC may/ Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 2, 9/13/19 -Cit Comments 3.1/09/20 -City CommentsP 4.9/16/z6 -city Comments %,30r) ii$ en Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY PLAT Ot 41 .carlsonmccain.com - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ---- ---- -----------' --- ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- �, 90.0 ----- ------ ------------------------------ Road Easement per Monticello 'R To- Road Map Document __ North line of the West Half of the d„r `CT 'rL Southeast Quarter of Section 23, 185TH SIR Lr Township 121, Range 25 / u� N89.06�39"E 2622,77_y ll Road Easement o Mon ice o `- Town Road Map per No. � 390488 / c 85TH SIRLGI ia�. _ _ - - -, _ �a s' No. 390488 and Utility-- Easement I I 802.3 I �' I I I I , 791.8 r SETH STREET NE p � r ----- 85TH STREET NE -- _ _ - � I� Lj b - 0 3 �I Ila 14 w 15 - I I I 30 33 I 60 75.0 80.0 75.0 90.0 56.0 161.9 96.6 r------- 75.0 91.6 --- •�- F------ IW �a 110101 and Utility-- Easement I I I Iz I �' I I I I I I UD p IO ^ \ I� Lj 1 Q I 80.0 75.0 80.0 75.0 90.0 56.0 161.9 96.6 r------- 75.0 91.6 --- - Drainage I F------ / ( ' 110101 and Utility-- Easement I I I I I �' I I I I I I I I 28 E P E ° I"w ^ \ I I I I I I I I 1 1 0 3 �I Ila 14 w 15 I 16 a I Ito �1 17 18 Ito {� 19 I o e 20 *19,565 sq.ft. I *13,355 aq.ft. ±12,000 sq.ft.1 -1 ±12,000 sq.ft. f ±12,000 eq.ft. f ±12.000 sq.n. 1 If ±14,400 eq.k. / s ±12,801 sq.ft I I q•1t. I I II I I II I I II I I III I I L I Im1ol L------ I I II II L-----iJ II I I L ------J II I I L ------J I I I L ------J L ------J L ------J L ------J B0.0 ------J 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 89.6 90.0 80.0 13 / ±za,7sa sq.k. \\ \\ J `----- Q,DI L -----J J -----J L -----J L- L-- J \ \ 21.3 48.7 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 90.0 90.0 d' wl 30 30 90.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 I - 10. 80.0 - - 91.6 --- III 29 1010 I I I I I I I I I I I I E P E ° I"w II I I I I I I I I I I I I I o of 1 I of 2 �I 0 3 �I p 1 4 �1 o 5 o` I 6 to of 10, 7 �1 of 8 -I f 0 9 f ±14,495 61 = *14,400 sq.ft _ I I *12,800 sq.ft I I ±12,800 sq.ft. _ I I *12,800 sq.ft. I I ±12,800 sq.ft. �' I I ,i- V ±12,801 sq.ft. I II 1` *12,801 aq.ft. I I ±12,801 sq.ft I I q•1t. I I II I I II I I II I I III I I L I Im1ol L------ I I II II L-----iJ II I I L ------J II I I L ------J I I I L ------J L ------J L ------J L ------J B0.0 ------J 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 89.6 90.0 80.0 30 i`,,30 I w Iz w nac III WryC1voo '� II W w �I W o°o -� 1130 1 30 I I I \\ I e R ELEMORE LANE NE M I � \ v' 6O' j M . -- 439.3 6 � / /,-__-_-__ 488.7 0 __ � I __ I E z° � I ° o �% Q oo LV \\\�\\�/ 6 �ry^� -----_--- 30 30 ------------ ------------ 30 n /ps 52.5 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 80.0 05.0 50 1 32 1--�1010�---- 1 r 1 r r 3b 150 0 _ ----- ---7 F------�--- 12 ---� F----------�------------� r- --- 1 1 I ±15,006 eq•ft, / 6 i/ 110 101 1 13L P j vq i I al 30 W I 1 a *14.881 .,.ft. ±13.936 sq.ft. IrL---_ -11418- .3-. 1 . iII i I I o 1 19 18 ��„ -_-_23 22 ±1z,00 sq.ft. *t2,000 aq.ft �1 .DDQ q. -_ _o- 28 _ 27 o ±1226 21 20 *,2 k. .811 aq -----------1 m 25 ±12 1 I ±17,466 ,*ft. *tz,aoo q.rt. 2 .000 sq.ft. *1z,oaa aq.n. ±12,000 q.ft. 1 Iv000 9.ft. h*12.000 q.f. 1 30 S0°oer 010 11010 L-31 J±0,120 q.n. --_--- -_ �I I^ -' \ /y h\ �2 6033 29 *11.70 �et�q / k tility Eos ------J --- L- L o--__---- -- *13,201 q. 148.3 ----------- L -----J so.o eo.o eo.o aoo 0o aao.o 261 -80.0 j --- 7a----- , r 1-- - -----_ Al 0 _ 7 10 ^' I \ I 9 *14,052 'k. 3 ±11.118 sq.ft. 29 *11,709 eq.ft. L---1aaz *13,842 q.ft 28 *1z,eazeq.ftmIle l°s r------------� L -----150_0---J 16 1 I *12,914 sq.ft. -D 9 0 1 OUTLOT K *11,857 aq.t. 4 ±403.385 sq.ft. ±11.709 sq.ft. 30 15 27 L- -,2,2 \\ ±12,100 aft. q. -_---J **2.000 sq.ft. f rlI III � / / I/ _ � L----_iso_0-_ 5 z Iq�; II wq 0 - ,±°0s1P2199 qn) \ �o/ / / \\ \\\ \ \\\ \�� /0VA•/ /// ��\\\ \\ \\ \ \s�o //� w / / �4915 d sq.ft.f.I r-- - - - \- , .\\o -1 z ±11,709 q.n.$ 26Z_ *mass sq.ft. *13,os1 sq.ft. SV 0 'o �8.2 1 x0 31 13 L- 14 .000 sq.ft. *12,718 sq.ft. L-----15oo o \ \ jb� / 10 I 25 \ \ / 9� y9'� / * �\ ±11,709 sq.ft. \� v Q- ±13,016 sq.ftl / o , ` ±11.995 sq.ft. r---------- 7 1 acti �\ \ 12 ±n,e5a eq.ft. a o / \ \ ±12.578 eq.fa \\ \\ / e /' \ \\ \ s \ e 1 e ,?9F / \ \ \ u / eo'/ \ \ \ \ o �y s \ \ / 's fag m 32 0 °� \s� / 24 ti F / I L-_--_1,28_2 \ / - o n \ / o o.a \ w > / \ \ / \ \ so \ -----J I *12.000 aq.ft. / \ \ *12.234 aq.ft. I 1 \ \ 6 L-----,54_Q---J 32 11 /' /'/ \\ \ 23 ±12.960 q I o 1 r---------- a / \ \ / \ \, ±12,217 sq.ft. \ \ / \ / ^ \ \ ±12,578 sq.ft. \ / \ \ \ \ 'Lt'/ ^ \ \ \ /' ^ \ \ 0 4,/ I I 6 i 1 e s / \ / \ \So $ ±n,as2 eq.ft. m i m � /' \ \ / /� 22 \\ \\ \ /' \\ \\, o \-' ±12,179 sq.ft. \ , � , \ o I 33 _ 33 I 60 m ow° / \\ \ /���' 60� / \° \�. _+ \ \ //�, IryNy \ \S° L - - - _ _ 148 1 I >, / \ / y°j�¢�9 / \ O ±12,070 sq- 10 - �\ I - - - - - J ±12.000 sq.ft. o... 1 0 \ 9 0 / -\ L o. / ro 0 --------- W 9 --- ±12,719 eq.n. \ dN I� L-----isoo--- / \ \ 1) / \ so\oso, \ z m \s\s z.oe1 q . 7s q _ \ < \\ o \ 3a rysti^ \\ \�s ±1 a .k \ \ /e 0 ry , \ \ r ozfi a LEGEND d ----- \ 21 \ `` / \\c' / / -� Lt,�°% • - Denotes Found Iron Monument I LV ------------ 5 / \ \ \ I o 5 0 / \ \ /� /^\ \ \ \ / / \ \ \ \ \ ;Q y \ \ /'\'` / / \ \ *12,116 s k. \ / oti 'L^ / \ % / \ o O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch oaO ro ±11,850aeq.ft. m I 31 I / \ \ / e / \ \ q \ o\ i 6 9 / \ \ 1 0 \ \ / I / \ \ 'Io rebor, marked with RLS 40361 nage \ / 0B/ \ \ , \ o, \/ / \ \ P'� I _ L - Dfility Ea er°ent o 30 /' 9 \ \ / / \ \, 30 \ . *,2.105 sq.ft. \ \ '5 �' \ 2 \ \ ,I J '' _ ±12,000 sq.ft. \ 14a.1 ----a L I q i ' tig^n \ \ \ \ eo /'.\ \ \ o\ a � ±*2,719 sq.ft.. � / \ o _ age and 32 h� D ` \ \ \ \ / 11 \ \ \- / '1 j' \ ±12,679 sq. k. \ E w r- L--� I DUtility Easement J \SO /// \\ \ \ \ \� \ N I o , 50.0--- °e / \ \2 /y / \ 20, \ \S / 1 I o m°'.y/ \\ \\ /�^' 4/ /�\\ \ *12,150so.. \ \v/ ±11.990aq.ft. < \ �e / ±11,848\ \s < \ \ > \ / 3 zs so 00 ary *.a4e sq.ft. I _--- \ \S *12.67935 ±12,583 sq.f. ------ 1481- J ±11,600 q.n. 12 0° h (SCALE IN FEET±12,853 sq.ft.la ) 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Sallte too hereby tertlythat this plan, spetiFl atlon Pnt Name: Thomas R. Balluff, L.S. DRAWN BY: KCM Revisions: MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 15 •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my �y� �J 1. 6/21/19 -City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Blk 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE Caring • en ee n dlrett aapervialon and that I am a duly Si9natere: f SSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2.9/13/19 -City Comments 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 PRELIMINARY PLAT of McCall 1.w I gin g Phone: (763)489-7900 tensed Land Surveyor der 3.1/09/20 -City CommentsP Monticello, Minnesota • surveying F- (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 .tarlsonmccain.tom a.9/1D/zo-City Comments Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 41 I o.4 --_---_-J��..�.,.. 148.1o •a.,.. Dra °''±12,718 \ 0' IJV aq.it. \ i '\ \ / 0p� /' / \ \ \ \ 112,679 sq.k. °+ ILI M O32 uutEasemt � ` \ \ / / <\ \ / h / \ \ \ \ \ /\\ M II 20 \ \ / �y' e6 / \ \ \\±12,150 aq.ft.111,848 [F- --- sq.H.\9111,990 4 /el aq.ft. _`\\\/�'fi'/I3 //O\,V /\\\ // o\ \ \ \ //�/ ' /\\±12� /9 aq.ft. \\\ O�w�35 I 111.800 aq.ft. 0 112.583 sq.ft. 4 /> 12 , ry \\ Wo /' \_--1481--_--J C\ \ \S __7----- m \ 0 ^ / vy' 19 \\ \ //1 / \ ±12.853 aq.ft. /� p ^ - ' L o- ��1 , ^� \\ ±12.205 aq.ft. \ / \ > \ \ 4 - 140.0 --------J /^\ 12.679 I I ----------r sq.ft or 22 \ 411.846 aq.ft. 1 o 7 / 0 ±12.918 sq.ft. \\\ d'I \\ \ 32 L----_148_7 - J W Z 36 111,200 aq.ft. I 0 `O ±14,130a ft. 1 9 / \ ��/ /,/ 18 \\ \�, ��/ / 30 / v. < ±12,132 aq.ft . \ \ w I 7=77=_1 , / a \\ N� I Z I I----- ,o -__140.1// ^// \\ \ /1h' yV / \ \ C \ \ I� 95 (O fid' 140.0 J _ - J 14 \ \ / LJ / by / \ \ / ±12.603 eq•H. \ \ o ZN 12 E �/ 9 / \ \ ±12,860 aq.ft. \\\S \% \ \\ \ I M fill KQ D4 ±11.844 sq.ft. m I� O I a 1 a " or 1 \ J i ^ / \ \ / .` . / \ 2 / / ti. 0 5 D \/ "/� `\\ Iz L w 1n.23o�a.n. m o= 6 I °�' \\ /� 7 / �° Id' W 1 22 I �o ±12,706 sq.ft. I // / \\\ \\ / ^ Q• // \\ \\ 112.738 sq.ft 17 \\ \\ /OoY 33 -__--148-0---_-J - - - - - - - - - - r -I I 60 I��t L---- 144.0 r' II ±20.314 aq.ft. ry / \/ I iO ---J � 138 5L- ,/ \\S\0\ �/ 15 1 D /� n L. I - - - - - - r- ___-`/ t12,849s ft q' a of 1 p ±13.323 aq.ft. m A 17 _ �N^ I z o a ..7CJ 38 O mo 4 H \ ±12.461 sq . \\ / \\ - L -_---_---_--J 30 1 °J ±,1,642 aq.ft. 30 in 1 N I I i� I 3 5 i \ S (/ / / \\ \ .o\ w c 148.0 I ±13.844 aq.k. a 13x4 I ELEMORE WAY NE I n o 1 L_- 1511 - -If - � I nd a oA�ozem / / \ 16 \ o n v Y / - 238.0 ----r------------ 1 1 �� . 'I'O`C ±14.804 s ft. \%, ; �\ /� / 9 \\ I 1 a ` 1 �aoti // \ / o ` ±12,458 III \ 250 _ I M 39 _ Vsrpl `� I 148.0 ±10.932 sq.ft. 1 n v / 4 0 h� i 129,E-_ l / ��\\\ / - J l 1\00 ----- V.I n -------- m I o, r-_-- , 6 n .r mi 30 L_--_--151.1 ---_� _ _ __ --- ±13,968 _ aq.k. /' ^\__-__-- ' ^O _-------------------------- _ ��13.6 198.1 27 - ----- __-30 - '116.4o / / % 36 0 ANE N / 10 � ,> ' ±13,472 aq.H. I Power line Easement \ \ / % / /101 E 38.9 / -�_- �_� ±11,806 q s /1^ pe l -Document No. 233577 and m I I r----- 150.0-----I \ / 3 / / % a sslgnetl per Doc. No, 732312 I < L - - 147.7 I v \ / / / 114,359 sq.H. _ r- I - - _ _ _ _ _ ^ , .S \ / / - -_ - - _ / ±308.432 aq.ft. W 4j I ±11.327 sq.ft. 1 �- LJI I 26 L - - - - - 1 s2J I --- S?6• \ /�' / �J` ±12.772 aq.ft. M_ I 111,936 sq.ft. f ro r--------- 1 �, /1 / % 11 D I ±13,653 s .ft. 0/ / ±13,139 sq.ft. 1 / q I 4\ I W VJ / 30 I / 1 aD p� I ---_In 2 I ±,2.434 aq.k. I \+ - 0p'5 `-J C- ,m I ------ I rvia m n\ - ♦ 5.4 � n i Z I I 25 I L __150.0 ---_� 15 _ 8.4 57.9 `v/ azz I N 153.4 - - ---------7 / 1 W ±11,919 �___- -- r aq.ft. �� I 3 -- I Cy rol , `c �E C/J C,7 160.0_ II \ Nx ^� r--- --j 3 --------- ♦♦\ II o ±12,467 sq.ft. I \ I ±15.903 aq.k. \ I I Z I I 1 gl W 24 l__ ` 1\' 1 \ /�^\�' `� ' �. j�7 ±1,.674 aq.ft. / o I ,60� \ 25 �// I J �`- 66 I 11 ' 30 - I 1 \ ±18.484 eq.ft. \ 30 146.0_-__ 321 t\ 1\ \\\ 44 I ♦`�` _ o JIM 4 ±12,156 aq.ft. 1 / l `� ; 1 Utility Ease , m ` 1 _i \ 2 \\ i6p / / \ �f \ ±18.388 aq.ft. / 100.0 3 0.0 - ' t 1 1 23 I _a //�-\ -Drainage 0 - ±12.254 sq•H. o \9i ,p• J� \ // , and 1 112.5 Utilit - 100.0 Y Easement _ ac, �� I _ _ Droino9e Utility r _ -- � _ Draina 215crd r z I Ease ent , C/ a 24 \\ --�_ , Ut"ry Easement 3 5 S OUTLOT \\ \��.� \\ K ±18,714sq.ft. / 3 �1 ' �1 r ---------� aE I I I l I ±12.249 sq.ft. I ±403.385 a, /� ,/ / 116.0,3 aq.ft. , \ / I 1 v` 4 i---1 o� 11 I L----150.0_ I aq.ft. /^ 6 \ \ \\ ±15.000 aq.ft. 5 Nv I 1 1 I i 1 22 1 -_ --J �ooG ///// \ 9 .� I / \\' f° ±15.000 aq.k. �'I I I I I I 6 =21 7 I I 1 Im o I 1 ±13.031 aq.ft. m r -_l \ hi/ I \ ///// \\ 130,2 -- M1 1 t15.000sq.ft. I I ±17.504 aq.ft. - L--,57., I� �,� -,00.0--- 6 i "\�J i ;' L-____� I I r- - - - - ±12.245 .,.It. ---� 23 - \ JI 100.0± - I \ 9 I' \ ±18,714 sq.ft. / / \ ?1 �- _---J L_ I 100.0 n I I I I I L----_ 152.2 I N - -� I 1 21 I ---J , h 1 215.1 - 1 I I I r ±,2.767 aq.k. I m I I -___---__ � � ,00h // - \ / / / - 93.4 / --__ 24.6 -'1�_ 440.2 EISELE LANE TI NE M I I I L_-153.4 :vl coE _ �10 / 22 -- 160.7 n 245.1 _---- __--__ r -----, 7 1 ±,2,245 sq.ft. I oT oho s/ a°na <\ 119.303 aq.ft. 451 I I o LEGEND L \ o 30 - 78.1 I �V ;y \ _ _ 30 -- __ 11e _ I L----- 20 15---_�I io I 0 25 50 100 • -Denotes Found Iron MonumentIr 21 110 I `�{ --__, I 17 I� , 30 30 _ _ _ _ 112,465 aq.ft --------------- \` - -10.4f' _ -----� 1 O IN FEET) - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch u; ale \ % / rebor, marked with RLS 40361 ?9 °� --� / ±19,77z s ft 1 1 -'- \\ 9 20 --------__ _ 1, \ I [18,635 aq.ft. n z f (SCALE / / �l ` / l/` r_vyr■■ • environmental S an eerin �MeCain 910 g 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive Sul a100 Blaine, MN 55449 Phone: (763)489-7900 NE, 1herebytertlfythat this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R.Balluff,LS. or report was prepared by me or under my �y� �J ®� dlretsupe islonandthatlamaduly Signature: Y�^�ea �aY/ DRAWN BY: KCM ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 Revisions: 1. 6/21/19 -City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Bill, 3, 4, & 5 2,9/13/19 -City Comments MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 P HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY PLAT 16 �f • surveying FdX: (763) 489-7959 arisonmccam.com Licensedoand9urve der the laws of the State of M nnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen a.9/lo/zD-cirycommenta Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 Monticello, Minnesota 41 Ls7i ----- o� ml 6 -✓� i - L__-,00.0 - JI -----I --------- 412.26 sq.ft. !� 23 --1 I-_ --I I318.714 sq.ft. , , \\9?7 \_ ------J 1 I I I ----- 152.2 32 ry , I --_ 113.6 21 --- r- i T I n n 1 \ 6�i / z1s.i --- o.z__ E --------- E_ v I I v I v .., \ / / 3.\ ELE LAN 312.767 sq.ft. I n - 1 \ 9 Tf� EIS I24.s I M ----226.1--_E / 22 L_-153.4 ----__ J nl 7 I `oE oio o / /--- -I10 r'- 160.7 451 r---------, I m l 312,245 sq.ft. I LIQ ana \ 319.303 sq.ft. \ / / Iro I Iwi 30 30 m r-_____ 178.1 ow°n 1 I I .o � �.') I _ 1 1 20 p----- 156_0_- JI �'� of y \\` % / Z1 I - - i ° PSP \ o I- ro 312.465 aq.it. I --W- -30---- '- 10.a--------� 11 ?B------ \ l / 319.772 sq.ft. I 20 I I -- 45 / / / / `\ 318,635 sq.ft. I I qv \�/ �/ by /�^\ `� l I Ir 1 8 3 \ \ / / Zn I r^� 320.841 aq.ft. - I N � / r--- Z a 312.110 aq.ft. 19 CI f L----- 152.3---J N n m I 312.541 sq.ft. r----------1 JSo �/ 'o W \ \ 19 M 154.7 8'S --3Wa-------�--- 9 2729 318ssa sq.ft. //� ry^,ry / ------- r- 313,002 sq.ft. 94.2'inagand `\ ` \ \ / 1; 320.2 a it. o J 5 utiut Easement - I 1 O15�. i'\ ,92 ° 100. o N 1 11 3,6.000 aq.ft.pa \°'o _w I I 1 moi' \ s�Orain 91.8 - 856 �tp1tY r- 1 1 \ o \ \ > `o ` 'I Is iy�\\\ / \ Nt;i;t ge an - 17 \ / / l /\/ s \ / 10 , p y Easement ' 1\ 16 m\ \ 317.023 aq.ft. r \ \ 1`� '9""' \ \ \ \ \ 312.874 aq.n. / p� of \ 316.332 sq.ft. \ \ / Q P �l� tj\, o- / o \ 5 ,5 32 �, 15 \ ,6\ V " \ \� 3 \ ` 316,417 aq.ft. 1 1 \ \ \\, �' F, ro� / \ 31.710 aq.n. F 14 1 \ \ s \ / .1,- I I 1°sl 317.088 aq.ft. 1 1J 17 \\ /- 11 0l I pool T V YY' 11Y ., rl i �1 1 L -fir-, 318.208 sq.ft. \ \ ,p / 316,01 aq.ft. �I I 12 1 1 -__J 108.8 o/ I I 316,188 sq.ft. 317,159 sq.ft. 1 1 1 \ \ 4 _I = 1 -100. \ 2 S/' \ \ 317.328 sq.ft. Vo \ � �\ � 1 11 �'�-� ',2,0.0 5 15 '' 1pg3 3,4� s l \\ s 1 L j - __,,i50.0 \ \\ o\ \\ geoaame 16 > \ 126.4 ----- - ,5 -� 69.4 \ \ 5 - , L---__-'' / 92.0 17.3. �i 319.523 sq.ft. // /,, \ I E 110.6 105.0 9 r______-� -1\ \ \\ \\ 315.477 sq.ft \\ O� I I I I --- I I NE 1 ' I I I I ; I Northwest a of the Northwest Quarter of the 27 , / \s _� -- I �� \ o\ \ / I \ 27 I /h^� � n -13zoLANE --- 121.7 _/� 171 I , 1 \ 6 \ , 11 11 \ \I `\-�-- t ; 7 I I T- - 86.2 South line of the Saatheast I I R6225.0 / 1 1 316.885 sq.ft. \ I �s 90 15 95.4 � -115 / J 7 8 315,403 I � aq.ft. 47.317,257 �- _ \\ A 1 1 q.ft. 314,285 .f. \ - v` . / `nl\ 314.451 sq.ft. ^� 10 \ I I I \ v=. 14 I / 317,906 sq.ft.II\\ I I I I I \ 'O\ 3,5.290 sq.ft. \ \ 11 I 1 �' / -eo�a v a .Ev I \ / I 13 0l I 1 3a1 \ °rdno9Easeccreny ; °c�;tY - - _ _ - 69 1�-------- S / \ 315,257 sq.ft. �� 12 I 11 1 \ \ --� Lli 89.0 41.4 I o l 60.p J / j JI 316,926 aq.ft. >I I 3,6.113 sq.ft. I 11 64.4 30.4 I < 4 \ y 336 3 6 �� I 115 15 ' 3? _--- --- 1 u a a I ----J 62.6 L -------J -'01.6a o 95.4 ge I_t Utilit=Ea- �_ I /' a °' I 278.5 120.5 _�'� '1 L � "'.5 �� 1 I I I I --- I I I I I 1 ' I I I I ; I Northwest a of the Northwest Quarter of the I 1 -_I Northeast Quarter of Section I 26, Township 121, Range 25 I /h^� � n nl �� r 2 5 I n I I t ; 7 I I South line of the Saatheast I I i I I I fluorite, of the Southeost I ; I � 1 I / Township 121, Range 25 I � I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE South line of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of --Section 23, Township 121, Range 25 OUTLOT L 31,126,44 sq.ft. / Caring Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, LS. �DRAWNBY: KCM Revisions: •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my®���� 1. 6/21/19 - City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes BIk 3, 4, & 5 •engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: .(f�t...w.lC vim/ ISSUE DATE: 4/5/19 2. 9/13/19 - City Comments McCain I survey in Licensed Land Surveyor under 3.1/09/20 - City Comments Y 9 w (763) 409-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 4. 9/10/20 - City Comments carlso t t -LEGEND- Denotes LEGEND-Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted • - Denotes Found Iron Monument o - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 inch rebor, marked with RLS 40361 MONTICELLO PROPERTIES 7308 Aspen Lane, Suite 114 Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 0 25 50 100 ( SCALE IN FEET) HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota ID 17 PRELIMINARY PLAT of 1/411 7 f /h^� � n nl �� r 2 5 n Iv ,� t_ 7 I South line of the Saatheast / fluorite, of the Southeost Quarter of Section 23, 1 Township 121, Range 25 I >u< / i 0 25 50 100 ( SCALE IN FEET) HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota ID 17 PRELIMINARY PLAT of 1/411 7 0 25 50 100 ( SCALE IN FEET) HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota ID 17 PRELIMINARY PLAT of 1/411 I I I I I I I I I � t z ' 1 1 I 51 4.53 JANE CWCORNEIJUS PID:213-100-261201 I 3 I r tory I ao r I OrN1 66 I I thetNlorineast Q—tre ralmef-- h Northeast Quarter of Section 26. Township 121, Range 25 +iu 33 I I I I I `' I I OUTLOT L South line ofthe North Half of I south line of he southeast 17 r7o of the I I 'u` 'u` 'u` South line the West Half 'u` ,w� ±1126,144 s .ft 'r` 's` 'u` 'u` 'w` 'w` g "` '0i' J` / the Nor er of Quart of SectS..th.as _ of the Quwns rip I Northwest corner _Northwest Quarter of the _4 1 of of the Southeast Quarter of --Section ' r 1 an9e5 To 21 R -- -- Northeast Quarter of Section i 126, Township 121, Range 25 I i 23, Township 121, i Ran 25 ge —__—__—__— �___—__—__—__ _____-___ � __ -- _- - , I — I I– \ - II t I _ M1DTN I Midpoint on the Wt line of I � yAR1E5 - 33 the Northwest Quesarter of the I rNortheast Quarter of Section 3J 26, Township 121, Range 25 \ East line of the Northwest Quarter— I of the Northeast Quarter of Section ' , �V 1� [) A h I /\ r- /� r 26, Township 121, Range 25 L yl I I I N I i I 0? II LEGEND I \ Saatheast gamer of the Northwest \ • I W (n I N OO - Denotes Wright County Monument, as noted Qection—ter of 26, the Township 121, Ranger 2f I I I I i \ • - Denotes Found Iron Monument 0 25 50 100 33 1 ( J3 I I O - Denotes 5/8 inch by 14 Inch I -bar, marked with RLS 40361 ( SCALE IN FEET) ( , 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive Suite9100 NE, yce certify p specification I hereb rtI that this Ian, s Flcation Print Name: Thomas R. Balluff, L.S.LS. DRAWN BY: KCM Revisions: ONTICELLO PROPERTIES i O 8 I • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my dlretsupe islonandthatla /�j �J p-/' 1. 6/21/19 :City Comments 5. 5/6/22 Rev. lot sizes Blk 3, 4, & 5 HAVEN RIDGE 1 en nee I gin 9 Phone: (763)489-7900 aduly Licensed LandSurve der Signature: YwlC �y� ISSUE DATE: .t I /13/19 City Comments 7308 As en Lane, Suite 114 P PRELIMINARY PLAT of McCain • sUNeying FaX: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 40361 FILE NO: 1644 3.1/09/20-ClryCommen 4.9/10/20- City commants Brooklyn Park, MN, 55428 I w 41 ariaonm�aain.aom I i <y4 T /1 IA/ "1 l 1 1 �) 4 e) 4 I 1 v vv v ,. f 1 1 1 I L y (rJ _¢vz° I j Q 11/est line of the Northwest @uarter of t Northeast wl. .w. �k ,w. ,u. wl. w� r rn r I I iQhe. uarter of season zs, .—ship 121, Range 25 O C) a I 13Ag.6 W p6• z ' 1 1 I 51 4.53 JANE CWCORNEIJUS PID:213-100-261201 1 3 I r I I thetNlorineast Q—tre ralmef-- h Northeast Quarter of Section 26. Township 121, Range 25 +iu 33 I I I I I I South line ofthe North Half of the Nor er of I I NortheasteQuartterart Section 26, T.— REMOVE PAVEMENT & CURB & GUTTER AS NEEDED TO INSTALL WM EX. 6' WM REMOVE STREET J1 REMOVE STORM SEWER I I I I �I SEE RIGHT ���. � \°'•�-�-�\ \ \\ REMOVE STREET & TRAIL FOR STORM SEWER CROSSING 1 "Min LEFT \� \\\ ��e� im �� •\�, \�`\ �•\ \\\ �� tom\ �:\��� i \\ \�i�,\ I FCE`ECT EXISTING \\ \ `\\ �•\ \\ �\ \ a�,\\\op. \�\I REMOVEI DUSTING %4\ I REMOVE EXISTING I I I w, ^+° \ \\ a. �. \ I �• \ GRAVEL DRIVEWAY REMOVE EXISTING I TI �• \ \\ FENCE I I •'° "\\'a. 1 ' I REMOVE EXISTING I I \ 1 I I FENCE L REMOVE EXISTING FENCE I REMOVE EXISTING—/XI FENCE i \—. `\\ \ \ ROTECT EXISTING FENCE I FEN EXISTING .I REMOVALS PLAN LEGEND EXISTING REMOVALS \ PROPERTY LINE „ BITUMINOUS GRAVEL--------------- �ICONCRETE REMOVAL 0 i BITUMINOUS REMOVAL I� / BITUMINOUS REMOVAL SA CUT —— — — — — —— il RETAINING WALL REMOVAL - - FENCE REMOVAL HYDRANT YP GATE VALVE W W LIGHT POLE Y.ox A ELECTRIC BOX ❑ SIGN TREE '{ SEE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN TREELINE rYYY1 FOR REMOVALS N 0 50 100 200 IN FEET ) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDOt Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. s.....age.—awc, Revisions: 7.5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4&5 DENALI INVESTMENTS i 9 (� Carlson on n SURE , M 1 hereby certifynthat this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto a Drawn KRO 1.9/13/19 Per City Comments 1 Ental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was preparedly me or under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I • Sugineerm I Phona:'(763)489-7900 I tlirectsupervisionandthatIamaduly Signature: e IDesignetl: eJK I3.7/22/20PerCltyComments I 1313 Hil wind Road I I REMOVALS PLAN of I McCain I' rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota ( a ) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2ntl atltl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / 41 i I SEE SHEET 19 u"4m a--------------------------- -a- 85TH = _------a.—a®— -- .— ------------ — -- — --- — — � 4 85TH STREET �NE-�- ��-�� a I I REMOOVA EOF 85TH STRp ET --------rt7— NE COORDINATE W1TH I Ii I / \ 1 ROUNDABOUT CONSTRUCTI_71M.- ON I / 4�Q FENCE EXISTING I REMOVAL OF 85TH STREET NE TO BE COORDINATED WITH I I J I _ r I ROUNDABOUT CONSTRUCTION REMOVE EX STING 1 I 11 I I STRUCTURE £ I m % REMOVE REMOVE EXISTING IS i + SEPTIC SYSTEM REMOVE EXISTING S STRUCTURE EMO EEXISURE § I I `S+' cf� 4\.� II o RONO ETEXISTING I I III II I 11 V I REMOVE EXISTING I I III I Y 1 I II RETAINING WALL REMOVE EXISTING I MAILBOX REMOVE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY'—"— II SEAL &CAP`'1 SEE INSET A I I EXISTING WELL I � I I I IREMOVE ALL FENCING 5 AROUND EXISTING FAMRSTEAD I 1 COORDINATE NTH SMALL I o I �L'\'. \ �r NEAROUND OVAL OF 1111ILE AVENUE E COORDI ATED WITH 5I UTILITIES ON REMOVAL OF V _ q; �I ROUNDABOUT CONSTRUCTION OVERHEAD ELECTRIC LINE I _ Rf II I ,I i d.� �• I IP I I REMOVE EXISTING ,' REMOVE EXISTING I CONCRETE & II `•, .` STRUCTURE j.: • „.:.�.', ..� �. I II REMovE ExlsTwc RETAINING WALL III/ / - ------ �_ I--------- ---------------------- REMOVE EXISTING GRAVEL DRIVEWAY I REMOVALS PLAN LEGEND i EXISTING REMOVALS PROPERTY LINE 1 BITUMINOUS y \ I REMOVAL OF EISELE AVENUE GRAVEL --------------- y�V.S 1 0 0 NE TO BE COORDINATED \�'' / I III ROUNDABOUT CONSTRUCTION CONCRETE REMOVAL I `\ II 1 1 BITUMINOUS REMOVAL 0 BITUMINOUS REMOVAL COORDINATE REMOVAL/RELOCATION3 I SAWCUT —— — — — — — — c — OF E%ISTING OVERHEAD ELECTRIC WITH CONSTRUCTION OF REALIGNED REMOVE EXISTING FENCE /'/ / I RETAINING WALL REMOVAL - - FALLON/EISELE AVENUE. `s I 1-\, ��, �— I `\ / = i FENCE REMOVAL HYDRANT C5 GATE VALVE W LIGHT POLE ELECTRIC BOX 0 0 50 1100 200 1 N REMOVE EXISTING SIGN STRUCTURE TREEREE YY Y 1 FOR REMOVALS II I I II REE SEE REE N FEET ) Ifi fi`) PRESERVATION PLAN Ii BENC MARKS 1. Minnesoto Deportment of Tronavortoeon Geodetic f). St 'Ti.n 93813 (Mn Dot 5 _.—.—.—.— ,�.—.. , • I• F I � j1 � Noma Golf). 7'on ELEVATION = 9741I1.53 FT. 0 25 50 100 I 2. Minnesota Depar{ment of Transportation Geodetic GSID St�laation No. 93803 (MnDot PROTECT EXISTING I I '� I II Nam. 8605 S) 1 ( IN FEET 1 ) � � §11 ELEVATION = 96 .55 FT. fi INSET A I 1 � I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for BIk 3,4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 20 T)Carisqn onm $Mi100 1herebyrerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto a Drawn KRO t. 9/13/19 Per City Commen ssu ental Blaine, MN 55449 cl report was prepared by me orundermy2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I :engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatlamaduly Signature: e Designetl: eJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road REMOVALS PLAN of McCain eying Fax: (763)489-7959 [ensedoftPrefeasitateofonal ginnesota Data: 4/5/19 License Date: 4/5/19 5.34. /08/21 Par 2n20 Per d add.&Ph.2g.ding Fridley, MN 55432 Monticello, Minnesota41 ww.carlsonmccain.fAm the laws of the State of Minnesota 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments Y I I I; REALIGNMENT OF 85TH STREET (BY OTHERS) i z I Y\ S v m REMOVE & REPLACE EX. PAVEMENT & CURB & GUTTER AS NEEDED TO II INSTALL Mi REMOVE EX. 6" WM REPLACE W/8". /! ; - ` a i /i �\ ✓I'� CORE DRILL &CONNECT - CONNECT TO EX. WTq TO EX. MH. REFORM iI' I INVERT AS REOUIRED. i I I - I 960.70 ^` 4-W/ \ INV. 937.14- / 3 4 ' \\J.VX\'\. IF------- ovE, L EX RE= 95911 REPACED"^"'-" ; �)\ ^ �• I T i; \ INV. 935.05-5,`.� Sei STREET IN 131 935.20-E .V. 935.05 f1 REMOVE EXI i 6=6=:=6F°ky":T.�- W'r REPLACE I1 rG YP.)' \�' •\ `\ I j a C°t°ill !ems""a\� 6M1'ri STORM SEWER ` 1 :B1111101. eQ,11110v _ FUTURE 12"x8" p} I i '-\'�`w�€ " °`%*„`'' CROsS� E�� �o NPi / 96305 INV. 938.43 \ I'°ra,� FILTRASBASN \�H>,>\ \<4f i< INV 938.53 E 7 UTLET T I I\� �x a� y�� °`°%s. , SAWCUT, MILL & MATCH I I to H \\\\ \ \\ xISTINc P!)gND I l i,�a%\ -20� \� EX. BITUMINOUS f" x ��` %' '+ I, °°� -' ,v A. 4' BITUMINOUS �, p ( ��� < v 8� h ry SHOULDER J 3 RR1I 1- STRUCTURE i I LAND ,I <�xR�N�EV=<'994603.OUTLOT C 9 0 POND 2 '2 3 4 5 P< 76 OND \-�>-• •_•\_\?` \ \-\• `\�_ ` \� _ A� � 2 , .v • \ �$,� � � � .v I WETLANDS 10 �. R w • °�\ 0« F I INVI s2ao I �� I > Ate•'`, VA. II CONNECT T ExlsnNc 87W 14 •'w 1 1 9 - a -w -;-t --- • P , �c� Imo. ^` Oj �'� _ ` 9 a -A. \� J 12(PiLuc izosNs I .---- - -. _-_onrscrearx Dei �---�_ 'INv. 9so.6q- 26 I,�il R`- 1 .yam �'� -;�z' �`JO �; �i�,`(� �••� .w ! II & 12" A � _ _ RE= 968.67 -v v� �. Nv. 41.63-Nw �•� .v v SAWCUT. MILL____________ II 1 �` 41.73-5 I\� I N i4'IIIIII 2 IIIIrI III II ,iI -v`�•� c 25 p 1 v a & MATO Ex. 6� g BITUMINOUS 7 12 --- I'd rp a' BITUMINOUS r^�\v. ;�� \, v(/ 12: �\ ��\ ��. H vhI • �w� �•v \ `V 1 mv._92s. .� �, �'� 1 � I •.V � ,V I SHOULDER t ) `�y 24 m r�� 1 v 3 2 ` I z 9as2-N � �I _I 0�. � 10/ >> \ �\ � �� 22 •F �, - . j , '1 �� 'Y°e? �`� �. _ INv. 9az.6 - q I .4 _. _ _ _ _.-.-.-.-.-.-.�-.�. .1��` •60 .. L� 15 ,�•� �4 I "4 Y, 11 ter,\`\` ��y `\�.� j�`2��aD cqs IN /BOTE 0 -16" STEEL cAsmc' •\ \\ \\ tl 1 DIRE T'rl- DRILL 40' 16/ \IF INV. 946.12-1� •1• ) \ e\' \.�>� ~ SOLI PNC WATERMAIN ' I OUTLOT D I `� = ''� \ tae � \ wv. 945.22-s OUTLOT B �'��„ �\� �\�\ � IO 12 e' 1 ----------- \; 5------ 17, \.\�. \.\��`���� UI< I \ \ I / 17 ; -- ---- -- �,` I -I TEMPORARr SIT. \ \• � �\ ' 18 J 19 20 ,I _ II 6 rj'I 1 •\ •\ �:�\'\ SEE LEFT G. 948.92- ) r 1 I _ 14].72- CONNECTION ' I 1 � \ � �' INV. 949.02-y IN V� �I r _ n �II a7.6z-H 7 \ \ _- _ `` ..T`�� '\ \ •\ t I , I I I� j OU ^snM 81 INV. 946.88- J %Or ~ \`� \ •\ \\ l�\ II v<INV. 948.4 fJW� SroRUs a _I _._94_6_.8_8- \ M� Or 16 1 I / i ✓ 17 -� =--- r(�.]-, 6D' I 11 1 �''�.� I�'�. �j l' ,� I j < R/w 19 I n II I ' I 1 I fl ` I WETLAND /) \ \\ III / N \ \l, •^II �- BENCHMARKS"I \\\ \ WETLAND 05 \ ( INV. 949.84-N a _ _ NV. 949.94 -SE 1� \ 60 \ \ \ \ WETLAND Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDOt A; Name Golf). }A OUTLOT D , I / ' - \ I T--- � ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. \� \ \ / 7 N 4 50.54-N�y rr E 63.291 1 0 50 100 200 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation \ RE 1.22 \ \ \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MI,Dot INV. 94 . 7 -SE \ \ \� - Ji / Name 8605 S) .948.1 \\ \ !\\ 12 (IN FEET) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS T)Carl SOn Viron SURE 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto a Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments "T i mental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was preparedly me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY SITE & Ll • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatIamaduly Signature: e Designed: BJK 3.]/22/20 Per CltyCommems 1313 Hillwind Road of rveymg Fax: (763)489-7959 Lim 3.9/PB/20PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota UTILITY PLAN McCain su the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 41 ww.carlsonmccain.Gom 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments SEE SHEET 21 � 4 - � jve 'o� Ohl, �9� 10 k OUTLOT D 12 a, ORE DRILL AND CONNECT TO EXISTING I" REMOVE & REPLACE Ili SAN SWR MH. REFORM INVERT. TEMPORARY BIT. \ PAVEMENT AS NEEDED +- CONNECTION 'I \�=\ I INV. 949. TO INSTALL WATERMAIN w �} EX. RE= 963.8 REMOVE EX. I B" PLUG _-'INNV 948.2 -S I \, SAWCUT, MILL &MATCH AND SANITARY SEWER. _ 4' BITUMINOUS INV. 954.48 s EX. BITUMINOUS SHOULDER 8" PLUG ..-_-"-`-_-""-'-«�_ ___ _- e 1 1 f s r •�----------------------------------- EX. - _-_______________________/__-__-__-__-_ -__- _-_ -_\7\_-`-_______ \/ . { 85TH STREET NE _____-____ _ __-_____--______-- ___ ____________________________________________________________________________ _ - -__ __ _ -__-_-,-,-,- ____ ______ ___________________ _____ e _ ____ __ ___ _ ___ / -.-.-•-•-•-•-•-•-•-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-•-•- I I -56-2-4..-8- --3aFRON� 2 I \ OUTLET CONTROL Q(J TLQT Q STRUCTURE / r------ eli. suewux __, I!l --------, so' 77,,,,7 -_ ;---- --- i- ___-. �__ INVI I INV __, 20 WI R W 341 1 4 15 6 I P, 7 I 1 18 9 WETLAND 1 i _.INV.I 1I 27 1 - 25 24 JIL 23 lite �I � IN IN , 51.85-W / INV.1, 51.95-E 1 30• rRoni� 11Bnck uR_[ II r!h -29311 --' - -56-2-4..-8- --3aFRON� 2 I \ OUTLET CONTROL Q(J TLQT Q STRUCTURE / r------ ------;. suewux __, I!l --------, ----- 77,,,,7 ----- r�EmDR� �eNE �, INVI I INV 953.46 W 1953.56 N 1 (TYP) % � V. 951.16r I P, � I 1 WETLAND 1 i _.INV.I 28 _- L 27 1 - 25 24 JIL 23 � 19 � I - I \ OUTLET CONTROL Q(J TLQT Q STRUCTURE / r------ ------;. suewux __, ,----- ----- --------, ----- ------- ----- r�EmDR� �eNE �, INVI I INV 953.46 W 1953.56 N 1 (TYP) % � V. 951.16r I P, � I 1 WETLAND 1 i _.INV.I 28 _- L 27 1 2651.z5 25 24 JIL 23 � 19 I - I \ OUTLET CONTROL Q(J TLQT Q STRUCTURE / \ I i I / �'• WETLAND 1 - _.INV.I _91. E`/i gE�I_g�9 �jD 7. �\.U� /v R'o. II �ji� I 4 i �\ �; \ � \ � OUTLQT D 4 I 30 \ i B. SANITARY SEWER WITH CITY. _ ------ r I � VERIFV SIZE AND DEPTH 0 � OUTLQT F 1.zz � \ l TRUNK WATERMAIN AND I '`` ;\• \ INV. 7 SW \ \ / J / # R V. 94 . SE i 9aS.1 \ / E LOP�R Tb�b kDN TE ^ � �• ( .) � / 129 2 % 1 J r OWER POLE RELOCATION _ / 4 `�P PJF- �/ � � n I' 1r---- -- r- - --, 9512.9o9-- ;o ff ` RE= 96.54T \ e - IN 7-7 V. 947.12 947.22-.947.2 - N E 1 v '16 ' L__________�_ - .7.l , .e• " \ ` _ �-_-'-__ - r--- . ui_ l ,s=°,,��•` ^h: 28 RE �' 9 I - I °' ��15 � - � R IN e s• OUTLOT H30 144 . OUTLOT K RE= 983.651 6 Q .�. `° � 2 _ -. - _ - - _ . � 6 I V. 9 6 W / I 0/� °a 1 z `\ ] 8-g Ir- r e� POND • / ^�` ` \ \\%s / /�' . fP S P �C�\� ��i J / 1942'521 (- .... • P sen A m _<� \' sr !I 1 / `PyFP .9 N POND \ N a na 544 w �� I `__________ 1 I� as 1 / .'' 'e/ 8 `CNV. 938.99- _.•" _ _ v. _ 1 ---- E 6 .4 ro- 6 I OUTLET CONTROL i I _ -Io e �>� � �. `�`I. � , •� ��` i ; 11 20 m/I.� � - CTURE _ i � `� � 24.. i h i��� !T_1 1/10 �_�UTLOT 1 J c 1 _ L. cr � -T LIFT LfJN I i 15 34 i aB • i �.�� � � � \ � ���� RE= 962 V60 L DRIVEWAY S�WERRTHROUGHITTRUNK I I, CONSTRUCT SANITARY --- __ �- _ m _ f<° 21 fl`i / / �`v INV. 939.84- '9N LIFT STATION WITH SEWER MANHOLE I I SEWER THROUGH TRUNK ___ _ -- w e r------- ✓ P= VALVE MANHOLE. I SEWER MANHOLE -------------------------- SEWER _- _\ j }` �I -- I 1 _I RE= 96266' •b 8 2 ) - 1 i IINV. 948.07-N �` \ %x� //\/ RE= 963.67\�� 20 ' , ipdo��\\ &• JI BETPLUGNED WITH FINAL DESIGN) � 2 �' INVERT TO BE a' / I -----------J 3S 1 2 n��A`s 'R 3 \ rl TEMPORARY BIT. < i w' `RJ V. 949.34 -NE F, a R II CONNECTION ! 3 -r ---'I----- /�] ��' R �9sz.iD`.``. 19: �� ".:� sd 4�`•�`✓F� i�� SEE SHEET 24 j I `/ / r -- -, 5 _ it INV. 941. `S`�.•r'� I� F I�---- __ I_ 371 �° 3� I1�INV. 947.65-11 / �`.1 6 -' --- F 6 RE= 96o.aa 1, i 15 7 - !fir%'" POND + II 1 \, / > I I � aa°ry i ti ;moi RE= ssa.ls qq r A 1 AI <� /INV. 9441 74 OUTLQT J ! 1 t7." PLUG I -9oE 5Ei9AM UI 1 TINY. sas.7a-�y,941.84-SW eop 06 I J IIIb IINV. 946.84-iN w \ 94'.2 I1 2e EL WAY Ntya}j INV. 946.84-W (9 Qa �i 5 \.� N \9`4.3 W RE= 958.70 /yam i % 8 nsn�g:::6::: e?s 1:` i' , I i -n�! _146 F. INV. 943.80E V ' 7 e?•ar -'-� A• vvc P _ r -r--- 39--, `e3 / g .. •Ee) , I I N mem , ,.. v INV. 943.90�N`�J ia• 11 a: = RE= 963.80, B• l .' ��' / i RE= 961.92 6e I INV. 946.38-E • ` ' \ �''c�u942-- -- iINV. 946.48- ALIZER PI � _ _ ___ _ _ _ -__-__ -__ _ __-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-__-_____-__-_____-_ M • V _ -__- fiBf2E --- 1 ---------------- >-_ y�J � r¢p� �� \INV. .44 NN OUTLET CONTROL ' -' // x Yw 942.54 SE SHk1C '� i Ii a r - •�a•.i---------------------------- I Y' 127 20'R 4 \ ° �,e .INV. 943.00 \N' /• --__� •,a,aro. a6g° iI i INV. 943.10-S; 8" PLUG I 1 3 ISE- 959 00 \ �,.��F� _ INV. 943.10-W �" f I I i10945.59 -NE -&3:R 10 I I LANE/BED TURN ' �' L I 1 I • a`, 3 x LANE/BYPASS LANE � -' ---- _ _i I 2 j _� % 0 50 100 200 261 deo\ \ 2 I � I � I g - IIi (IN FEET) --J WETLAND 47 a< I fwd' BENCHMARKS 7.s � ' ��------_�' �` �as�, - - .--------- , RE= 963'50 INV. 94§.45-N II 1 INV. 94555-5 \ I Y i I 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation INV. 94713 ,` I 'I RE= 96 .80 I I I i Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDOt 1, 617 la \ INV. 9 -N\ I I 24 3 Yea ``, I � Name Golf). R/Iy r -h____-____7 as ' �; \ INV. SE _`_T `,25 \% ` �'-�_.i- \ I ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. a'g a/ � 4:1 Bb Z° , 'T',-\ Riv+. t \ 2 r � .-__- Department pox a ion RE= 96 I I 2 Geodetic[ GSID Station[ No. 93803 (MnDot 1 `_ al - ', \ �\ Name 8605 S 123 •, ; \ \ e"e Nv. 9p -Nw_ C� i l 1 it INV. �9 f{.5 -SE - - _ I l ____1-4 I 1 I 1 • °•ea\NV ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 1 R - 962.60 32 Sj ,e SEE SHEET 23• \`24 NV. 6.9 Nw Nv1 azas-�x RE= 982.94( 1 'x�l J 94 _j, rI la i I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, a Revisions: 7.5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4&5 DENALI INVESTMENTS C Carlson Vlronm SURE 100 1 hereby Wacertify that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto a Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments ental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY SITE & LL • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 Linea supervision and thatIamaduly Signature: e Designed: eJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 HfllWind Road of rveymg Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfes5ionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota UTILITY PLAN McCain sU the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 41 ww.carlsonmccain.wm 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 12" PLUG±i `-:=J RAY -RE I II / /•/ .I -- 00,R II I ---I i27 (TYP.) I PLUG I V947.71-_I_j li II RROPOSED TURN �tG• LANE/BYPASS LANE -_ F - fl �.__- X26 STRUCTURE j 34812 jl 25 ----- - -"�, �---17 20 - I 24 23 r4r I I 121 6 of 17 f 16 6' tNFILTRA3g3 If BASIN RE= 96 .37 j INV. 949.37 5;61 `^•°° . j �� ° `� POND / /•/ 32 _____-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ _ Geodetic GSID 3 Mn t Station No. 9381 ( Do �` In 33E� %10 ,^ 96255 J'�` /. 950 54 S �tG• `950 64 N -_ F - fl �.__- __-__-__-_____-__-____-__-__-__-__-__-_ STRUCTURE j 34812 . -Afi _-- ----- - -"�, �---17 20 - I A .X `4N V` 949.34 -NE 13 r / 36 94819 NE 14 N 1`55_-_S \ 37i 31 rRE= j INV. 947.65-N �a / �{ l 6 I RE= 9sD.6a 1 y 5 944.55-/S ---------�� _J 39616 + IINV. K Z 'RE= 946.74-$ �\INEV =. 994549. 6 r r _,I.V. it 949!20 )tr 16\\ N W _IINV. 946.84-W 6 5 ------ '° �` �, 944.3 RE= 958.70 7`> r� 8" PLUG INV. 943.80+ INV. 943.90FNh / INV. 946.38-E FOCI ALIZER PIP i TEMPORARY BIT. err INV. INV INV. 945.59 -NE R�� y ---_ wV. 945.69-W� COTION NNEC 20'R - a aa£I� �° ilii I 2, 21 19 -- INV. 4 1i OUTLOT K 6' ,I POND - ^3 E 7! . I I INV. 949.09- 11 1 I 9 15 INV. INV 949.9 se _ \ 1213 NV. 95 6 -NW 'Y4V.__E_5j 6-E -- L---- - L X11 1 mtm 14 0 13 2 11 - --- 18 17 9 11 � 11 OUTLOT L 25 R ° ` E 938.99-1 8 V. :939.09-SGJ 23 24 4 5 TI I WETLAND 48 i/ m ea 4NV. 941.84-SW�> _____-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ _ Geodetic GSID 3 Mn t Station No. 9381 ( Do -RE= 61\92 \�> I INV. 942.44- E �tG• OUTLET CONTROL -_ F - fl �.__- __-__-__-_____-__-____-__-__-__-__-__-_ STRUCTURE 43.00-U- N`Y 43.10-S . -Afi _-- ----- - -"�, �---17 INV 949.9 se _ \ 1213 NV. 95 6 -NW 'Y4V.__E_5j 6-E -- L---- - L X11 1 mtm 14 0 13 2 11 - --- 18 17 9 11 � 11 OUTLOT L 25 R ° ` E 938.99-1 8 V. :939.09-SGJ 23 24 4 5 POND OUTLOT J CONTROL RE= 962.941 -- -- INV. 948.58 'N INV. 948.68 INV_948.68 _.---- I --------.J ------ RE= RE= 963. I I 0'R I -RE= 963.65 INV. 949.47-N IINV. 949.57 -SW 2 XJ 3 •\ 12 PLUG I SEE SHEET 22 Kt= 91i4:By ,�N VV. 942t62e INV. 941. S 6 ' WETLAND 48 i/ m ea 4NV. 941.84-SW�> _____-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ _ Geodetic GSID 3 Mn t Station No. 9381 ( Do -RE= 61\92 \�> I INV. 942.44- E NY; -942_54-_ --------_-____-. -_ F - fl �.__- __-__-__-_____-__-____-__-__-__-__-__-_ 43.00-U- N`Y 43.10-S . 43.10-W� -- "------ - I A DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCT SANITARY LIFT STATION WITH SEWER THROUGH TRUNK II I '- CONSTRUCT SANITARY ---_-__ WETLAND 47 / 4L N 1`55_-_S \ THROUGH TRUNK ------- Y. -N \ 8" PLUG (INVERT TO BE 'OZ I -SE Sj INV. 9} -NW -3- -NV.98.5-S- { - IN - \ R �. J i INV. 6.9 NW NVI 47.E �V. \\ IINV 847.; 8" PLUG i TEMPORARY BIT. ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. .120 -I COTION NNEC 20'R (TYP.) I aa£I� �° ilii SEE SHEET 24 21 19 I I I I Vlronm ental engineering su rveymg 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SURE 100 Blaine, MN 55449 phone: (763)489-7900 Fax: (763)489-7959 ww.carlsonmccain.tom POND OUTLOT J CONTROL RE= 962.941 -- -- INV. 948.58 'N INV. 948.68 INV_948.68 _.---- I --------.J ------ RE= RE= 963. I I 0'R I -RE= 963.65 INV. 949.47-N IINV. 949.57 -SW 2 XJ 3 •\ 12 PLUG I SEE SHEET 22 Kt= 91i4:By ,�N VV. 942t62e III I I i I I y 114 I ! [ I I wl I I 7 7 I[I I I I i I I Ili I II 1 I(I II I I I ' I\ 0 50 100 200 (IN FEET) a j BE QHMARKS i WETLAND 48 / W' _____-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ _ Geodetic GSID 3 Mn t Station No. 9381 ( Do I (4.`<P\) .�\ ____-__-__-__-_ -_ F - fl �.__- __-__-__-_____-__-____-__-__-__-__-__-_ ' e �N i.-.-. .-.-. -- "------ - I A DRIVEWAY CONSTRUCT SANITARY LIFT STATION WITH SEWER THROUGH TRUNK II I '- CONSTRUCT SANITARY ---_-__ VALVE MANHOLE. SEWER MANHOLE THROUGH TRUNK ------- Be 1 8" PLUG (INVERT TO BE / I SEWER I MANHOLE Sj DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN) 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geod tic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDOt Name 8605 S) 8" PLUG i TEMPORARY BIT. ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. I° I II �" COTION NNEC I aa£I� �° ilii SEE SHEET 24 I I I I Vlronm ental engineering su rveymg 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SURE 100 Blaine, MN 55449 phone: (763)489-7900 Fax: (763)489-7959 ww.carlsonmccain.tom 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto a or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: � e LicenSedProfessional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Drawn KRO Designed: BJK Date: 4/5/19 Revisions: 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 4.9/10/20 Per CltyComments 5.3/08/21 per 2nd add & Ph. 2 grading 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 1313 Hillwind Road Fridley, MN 55432 I li� 1 I I PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN L 2 3 Of 41 I E° 6 I -----------------------------------------------J III II f+ 1 III I I i I I y 114 I ! [ I I wl I I 7 7 I[I I I I i I I Ili I II 1 I(I II I I I ' I\ 0 50 100 200 (IN FEET) a j BE QHMARKS i WETLAND 48 / W' _____-__-__-__-__ __-__-__-__-__ _ Geodetic GSID 3 Mn t Station No. 9381 ( Do I ____-__-__-__-_ -_ F - fl �.__- __-__-__-_____-__-____-__-__-__-__-__-_ Name G air). -- "------ I % II ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. I ' \••\ / Ii I �1I 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geod tic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDOt Name 8605 S) �_'1i ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. -� C Carism • McCam Vlronm ental engineering su rveymg 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SURE 100 Blaine, MN 55449 phone: (763)489-7900 Fax: (763)489-7959 ww.carlsonmccain.tom 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto a or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: � e LicenSedProfessional Engineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Drawn KRO Designed: BJK Date: 4/5/19 Revisions: 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 4.9/10/20 Per CltyComments 5.3/08/21 per 2nd add & Ph. 2 grading 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 1313 Hillwind Road Fridley, MN 55432 HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY SITE & UTILITY PLAN L 2 3 Of 41 / 9 1 J SANITA Y SEWER MANHOLE TO BE REMOVED/ABANDONED ONCE TRUNK' / SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE 10 / I y / / I / 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER TO BE ` REMOVED/ABANDONED ONCE TRUNK ` SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE. r f i I 6" ,PVC FORCEMAIN TO � ' I BE REMOVED/ABANDONED WHEN TRUNK SANITARY \ SEWER BECOMES LIVE. i 11 LIFT STATION DRIVEWAY lot�8, c ra / VE/MANHOLL VALVE MANH6LE� TO BE REMOVED/ABANDONED ONCE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER i BECOMES LIVE. \ h 8" PVC SANITARY SEWER TO BE REMOVED/ABANDONED ONCE�`� s �\ TRUCK SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE. INVERT TO BE PLUGGED IN SANITARY MANHOLE.// 8" SANITARY SEWER J CONNECTION (PLUG BOTH ENDS). PLUGS TO BE Q REMOVED AFTER TRUNK z SEWER IS LIVE AND LIFT STATION IS A�ANDONED. o Y f -c----8:_P VC SANITARY SEWER ,�-< 1 I 2 3 I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - IFT STATION. LIFT STATION TO BE 81 REMOVED/ABANDONE-0 ,WHEN TRUNK`— 8*,�A - SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE. c sati rT TRUNK SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE. 8" PLUG (INVERT TO BE DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN) PLUG SOn rcRevision: 5/6/22 Rev. lots Cfor ityall,Co meet,DENALIINVESTMENTS NKtL1M1rvAKY Sl lt tsc $01te1001 hereby rertify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 1. Krystoflak, P.E. Drawn: LM 1. 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 0. 6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments Z4 T)Carlonmen al Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirec[supervisionantlthatlamaduly Signature: /��{ y-- Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road UTILITY PLAN Of rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfes5ionalEngineerunder �4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota McCam 50 ww.Ca IsonmCCain.COm he laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License # 25063 Date: 4/5/19 6.5/25/21 Per 2nd add. CiPhCommen s Fridley, MN 55432 (LIFT STATION DETAIL) 41 CONSTRUCT 8" SANITARY SEWER THROUGH TRUNK SEWER MANHOLE. ONCE TRUNK SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE, 8" SANITARY SEWER THROUGH MANHOLE SHALL BE REMOVED AND VERTICAL DROP TO BE INSTA LED Al REQUIRED. -c----8:_P VC SANITARY SEWER ,�-< 1 I 2 3 I — — — — — — — — — — — — — — - IFT STATION. LIFT STATION TO BE 81 REMOVED/ABANDONE-0 ,WHEN TRUNK`— 8*,�A - SANITARY SEWER BECOMES LIVE. c sati rT TRUNK SANITARY SEWER MANHOLE. 8" PLUG (INVERT TO BE DETERMINED WITH FINAL DESIGN) PLUG SOn rcRevision: 5/6/22 Rev. lots Cfor ityall,Co meet,DENALIINVESTMENTS NKtL1M1rvAKY Sl lt tsc $01te1001 hereby rertify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 1. Krystoflak, P.E. Drawn: LM 1. 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 0. 6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments Z4 T)Carlonmen al Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirec[supervisionantlthatlamaduly Signature: /��{ y-- Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road UTILITY PLAN Of rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfes5ionalEngineerunder �4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota McCam 50 ww.Ca IsonmCCain.COm he laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License # 25063 Date: 4/5/19 6.5/25/21 Per 2nd add. CiPhCommen s Fridley, MN 55432 (LIFT STATION DETAIL) 41 �I�IPsff"Ml j\�IIIIV� II1 SHEET 31 SHEET 321 �p . ... SHEET 33 1 SHEET 30 I SCha. I ill�T illy' '\ II�Ii�IR�II �1�iR�IR>d � 'Lul�tljl�iil���� L►. �''��;��i� LEGEND WETLAND QUALITY EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE STRUCTURE SETBACK(FT.) EASEMENT LINE HIGH CURB LINE 100 BITUMINOUS 0 0 CONCRETE 0 0 SANITARY SEWER --- 60 STORM SEWER 15 — WATER MAIN -^---DENOTES OVERHEAD UTILITY -- - - - - - -- INI-ET STORM CATCH BASIN 50 STORM MANHOLE 0 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE Q MANHOLE 50 HYDRANT 15 GATE VALVE 60 TELEVISION BOX 15 TELEPHONE BOX 84,466 UTILITY POLE MANAGE 2 RETAINING WALL 30 FENCE 10 10' CONTOUR - -- 29,928 2' CONTOUR - --- WETLAND 7 FEMA FLOOD PLAIN HIGH WETLAND LINE 60 WETLAND BUFFER 0 64,056 �� SPOT ELEVATION x EXCEPTIONAL HIGH I.O.F. EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 4 " 15 000.0 SILT FENCE ........................... WETLAND 9 TREE FENCE •-••-•••-•••-•••-•••-••^ LOW TREELINE ................. 50 SOIL BORING 15 H 5,861 GRADING LIMITS •••••••••••••••®•••••••• MANAGE 2 WETLAND BUFFER SIGN 30 50 L�orss Posr WETLAND SUMMARY 1 18,855 WETLAND FILL = 87,854 SF (2.0 AC) O WMC WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 586,744 SF (13.5 AC) REQUIRED WMC WETLAND BUFFER AREA = 516,229 (11.9 AC) NOTE: WETLAND REPLACEMENT CREDITS TO BE PURCHASED IN LIEU OF ONSITE REPLACEMENT. TOTAL WETLAND MANAGEMENT CLASSIFICATION WETLAND QUALITY AVERAGE BUFFER WIDTH(FT.) MAXIMUM BUFFER WIDTH(FT.) MINIMUM BUFFER WIDTH(FT.) STRUCTURE SETBACK(FT.) EXCEPTIONAL HIGH 75 100 50 15 MANAGE 1 HIGH 50 60 40 15 MANAGE 2 MEDIUM 30 50 10 15 MANAGE 3 LOW 25 50 10 15 WETLAND NUMBER WETLAND CLASSIFICATION WETLAND QUALITY REQ. AVE. BUFFER WIDTH (FT.) MAX. BUFFER WIDTH (FT.) MIN. BUFFER WIDTH (FT.) STRUCTURE SETBACK (FT.) REQUIRED AVE.BUFFER (SF) PROPOSED BUFFER (SF) WETLAND 5A MANAGE 1 HIGH 50 60 40 15 153,278 156,346 WETLAND 5B MANAGE 2 MEDIUM 30 50 10 15 28,715 35,852 WETLAND 5C MANAGE 1 HIGH 50 60 40 15 84,314 84,466 WETLAND 5D MANAGE 2 MEDIUM 30 50 10 15 29,928 34,520 WETLAND 7 MANAGE 1 HIGH 50 60 40 15 64,056 64,176 WETLAND 8 EXCEPTIONAL HIGH 75 100 50 15 131,222 186,668 WETLAND 9 MANAGE 3 LOW 25 50 10 15 5,861 5,861 WETLAND 10 MANAGE 2 MEDIUM 30 50 1 10 1 15 1 18,855 1 18,855 TOTAL 1 516,229 1 586,744 _ N U , IjpF 1'.Y. � 4 •�[ LV• - lid I HEET 36 ;I I - s _ ,00 � pppppp Ill I p s 0 125 250 500 j „• a .ro I \__ FE I BENCHMARKS m, ail% SHEET 34 '' M Geodetic Department at 93813a(MnDn ceoeeta cslD Station No 938,3 (MnDot SHEET 35 " iII I I Name Galt) I � ilk ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. III I 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation f j l i. Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) i I L I I i ii ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. onm Ental 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SU1001 Blaine, MN 55449 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto a orreport was prepared y me or under my Drawn KRO Revisions: ]. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Elk 3,4 & 5 1.9/13/19 Per City Comments 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments D E N A LI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 25 T)Carisqn I Phone: (763)489-7900 and that Iamaduly Signature: e Designetl: eJK ltyComments 3.7/22/20 Per C20 1313 Hillwind Road GRADING INDEX of McCain :engineering su eying Fax: (763)489-7959 LirectSupervision censedoftProfeSitateofMEngineer sota the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License#:25063 Date: 4/5/19 Per Comments 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add.&Ph.2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 Y Monticello, Minnesota41 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments 27 MAP KEY 28 \/' �,�\ \ `��Nz _ - 38 37 30 29 \ .•\ \\ase \ w: \37 \ — -- -- 37 ,— 5wq�f,, •� �-.es—�� 3 1 36 0 6 35 3 \\ \ 961.5 I I / / �j / / `� ssa••• •'��__- _�� ��`": SEWS I 9 1 qO0 25 50 100 8650o w / / , FEETSEK/O ss25 r \'gyp `\s` ••. _\ -'�� \ 8$ ••fN6g3'•\_ S £1 BENCHMARKS \ \\- 607 C' l' • O , ys 20 /� / , 10 605 ;K • • : '� \ .�\ ' •£ \ 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation fN.6 ''• i \ \"-1-pq �\ `� Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot 1 Name Golf). J ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. ` ! Q 2. Miacetic Deportment o. Transp93803 (Mrion \ • ' fX —B2� ° \ ` Name G51D Station No. 93803 (MnDot � 9` a. p / l 9• / / 1p� • els \�-__ �- � �°' Name 8605 5 ,` s3 (8 ,. � \ � _- "r^ \ ) 0 6 / \ ELEVATION 966.55 FT. � * � °�• �'j�"' �5� \ FPR t o �� �\qO x962. 6 \ fx> _,-'�- 64.2 L� - 2 \ 3.4 3g - ' l rM ej� IVVEefx> ( - / \ / h� s3.s N£ L s , rs62>) -'� 6$0 lr ®fie SE, iP w0 \ \ s � N\\ \,. \ `\// Z� / e9.s2> / � ) 625px°° \ x \ /I � \ ) /\ 7 0 R\� ,` GD1 )%'.. , 6�SE w0 x96, \ \\ \ \\\ `s' •56.0.. `� / /\J / I/ L r9 6 WD \ \ 1 J l l �\� J l > k s3 SII✓ SEWC � \�,,,r •. : •\,, '. \r',,\\ �,,/ i 5 i / / �`,� � / / s6s2.> / �k 64.6, 6e, R�°$ �e \ .y \� \ '\....... S. •.' ` / `��_\ �� \ \ \\�J 5I,-`, ( J l 6?0 PN058 X01 +\ \ T\.----- wC —__-- ��'�.i / / J, / g6-. $y1 0' O 000 �+�'. W. \ \ \ \\.— '.meg ��`� \ 6\ 1 / / gs3° W. ' \ 'a•. \ \ \ � s 99,E 46.G �/ / 11� as5 \ �, Is ®\\ \ \ yFz �`��'E�-� � 9`' ' \ `\ \ _ li•, :`: 1 \ ` — 5___ \00 __ ----- --IV ----- \ � ���,-_ / � • � � 1 \ � \ \ �S ® RDaRs�ss�e` '� l SN 0 N "Nit, tj� 'y� II — ---- ---------- --_ — — — — — --_-- --- 56.8 57.0 P 58.2 •�� — --- -- �X�Z3a 1 \OO05 __ _----5 ------ -- -------------- 5 j — 0-- � 1 °"�1 � l� ;-II' — ,.. a. �. a a —� ----- � ° —�� as •� ®;6 — � � \ ---_--------- 61 ti _ ooQy -- i T — = -= �-:tea.— \ \' —� \\ ooa °°°° °°°00000aa h /� -- — — .— \ \ po"%o _4 onm al 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Suit¢ 100 Blaine, MN 55449 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brlan ]. KrystoBak, orreportwaspreparedbymeorundermy P.E. Drawn U➢1m Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 9/13/19 Par Ci Comments 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments 21/9/20Per CityCommens DENALI INVESTMENTS 1313 Hillwind Road HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 26 T)Carisqnen McCain engineering I'�°rVeyin9 Phone: (763)489-7900 Fax: (763)489-7959 direr[supervision and that]amaduly signature: 2 LicensedProfessionalEngineerund¢r Designed: SIK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Fridley, MN 55432 Monticello, Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN Or 41 ww.carlsonmc-'959om the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 Comments 5. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments Y II ! �; ' • I \ \\ ` / � � � /� " ` 6' 1 SEE SHEET 26' ` �\ 4 \°�. �\��\ WETLAND II ^ I•� I \\� r 123 100 YR HWL A o \ \ 10 DAY SNOWMELT W100 YR B-B HWL = 957.9 WE1�naD «n wN WEILWD re nN aE "\\ � \ nuTY N LOW a 122 \�// / (l� y d3� \ / / \ O,J` \. \\ cam\ '%LI`` aco. . a a Q zs V tix°"oTM a /r/ l\ sso A��, �V� v a sWu�aE �n�i;. s �� +: � •:-: / � I I I \ \ \ \ ` / / �C ei�d / . g /� \ I v \ \ \ r /� �� > 4 J � ,�.\'h \\\------- �� I \ v •s r * . // �g MAP KEY 28��� PaoPosco euftJn s.es, I ( \ \ \ \ \ \ / SS '� / sA n 3S .--•"� \ � j�'`.:.� � � I \�` � \ \\ �\ `� / 121 dl / 'S �q° � � / \s •?J � / / \ � \ � �\}\� 38 - 30,,, 2 vQ� sljl` <v II 1 \� \ \ N = 954 \ s� • _ / > R I F t w 7s.o sDs \\\ ` \ 37 Y SNOWMELT9 \� / / 9yy / J sre ^y/ ^sy��\ v ®iw 75. \ HWL 957.- �\ -g RETAINING WA MATERIA�\ \ ew7�;o TO BE PROVIDED 0 CITI,\ ewizo PRIOR TO INSTALLA19ON. Il I '� \ \ "° �° "" \ � �\\_ I I v \ •O r � �5r ; /I ® -� o � / \� \ \. _ 0 2s so ,00 I I ° �.� " • '�° QJ�r7\'/r/� of TW ]3.0 l (rV /I II 10 / �,/� a33 I®'ri \72.0 °m Sisl \ \����� (_(( (IN FEET) / s sv ADING SMALL GO I ' \ `� s9 Y BEYOND E PROPMf LINE �` \ BENCHMARKS I'o o°o \ `�i �`\I° \ "'° F'``' I \ i / •S / \,q \ ` 'mow f \\ �.\`W`� 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813(MnDot Name calf). °°° o \- \ \\\,q66�\\\ \\ ELEVATION D 974me FT. EX. POND 1 I I � o0 000 ° °°o°o°o°o°OOOOoo \\ �r ° \ � \ `f \ / / ' / �P ®® �/ o V / � ! � 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation 4 I°� 8° ° °'°a '\_ `��j \ • \ v '?o '�' `� \ I\ Geoeeea GSID Station No. 83803 (MnDot o o0 ooS000�0000000000 \ `Name eros s) `# I � Ir- l � °°O°°�oo °ooi� °oar°o 0 o°°°a,� \ \ � �\�� °t \ '++. � �3 \ �• \J \ \ \ � 866.55 FT. I I I o �� � 0000000 � eo��a°°°°°�«;°o o °° �� \ �� `` � \ ,� `tel*\. �, \ � � \ \•v 116 � / \ \� � ' ` � \ \ °°°�o�� � � �\ �•�\ "" �� �. 3j // 1• �' \ � � � \ 2s V � >�°°°moo°o°o ��, \\ 3jz° � � :s \ ` $ °°7 a sg eoi °g� \ \ ��\ \ , °� %\ \ \ \ Q7 � �Yp 9q 0 ui7'�°888 s ° e `I l 0-0. gS °o°g° \ �� �\ \ z� •I 1 5\ j I \ a �\ \ \ \� / //�\ 7,°°°°°°9�le, oSq°\\, „° 1 I \ \ 0 o Agam ° °ooh / '� v ��� ». �W v .v °V a \ ° D ;R NO GR NG ALL GO I / �j/ \� °°°°°°°°°°° °° BEYOND PR PERTY UNE 0 80,,gg�°��°°°°°o°o°o"°"a5•� / / A �� �� A w. ,yam I N o ° V / / \ ; 6-a°a°a°°°° go�o�.W�go 1 I Ili iI � I II• \ � V gg�g�g�g�gA I ° \ '-o-• / � \ \� ^+. \\ \ ``�� \b I �° �d. J � - �s 6 \ � I \ / / / / / � \ \I \ * I\\ ` \ \\\ 1 I II �� ° ���Eo°o.� ° / / -fin °•': \ ��� \�� ��� / \� A Ex.-1 RE3 % ��. I \\ .,,� �° m \ �1,//9v/ /� / POND / 49 V ) NWL = 949.0 � 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 \•�. � � � °\ � / 100 YR HWL = 952.7 •.100 YR 13-BHWL = 954.3 / I / \ \\ ngi�•\ ��\ / /O�/ �I w• 44 m VII \sas _ _ as. --- ae.e. ------- /--------- ��� ��`\ 7 �,° : ���� .:.• � �' •�\v-.ice\ ��'•V �� � / /�>a°" / 496 `\\ \��8.3\\\ 39.7\\�\ / �\�\I I" � °\ \1 •\\ \� \��� ��°se,� \�\\ �i // /// /�/� _ _ .. -19w I aA • I n 957.5 957.5 957.0 957.0 I 1 /' \ \ s i • �°. \ \\ I \ a \ ` / / i III 957:5 I 957 1 \ I I �•��o I � .\ � I � � \ w WETAND aUNITV NME'IDUNZ ` �O� / / 957.5 •0 y I . aso. nvE. eurme W,mN n + �° �! �� \� - � x WO 957.5 9 %� �• e: _ '� � � -�' \ WO ,WO WO WO(2)�, �bYgs/>6 / /�� \� I \\ a is oumo�nwE. �nra ,aesss I I\• \\w. ll^�/ /����`\� %\�°�\ I I 965.0 \ G \ 1 O12 9 Y\\ 83 � a PaaPossD aurfra s ,ass ' : • \ \\ � � � � � .. / \ � w. a° I � ,l I -�- -� - 9 5. G G 5 5.0 G / S> � / \ � -:f:: -♦♦--%-'.' °^. \"" I � � � `�'�'�%'%�-'- °'•\- � \ \I I I' I I \ ^ � I I e I I � I I n � 65.0 G 64.0 gS>'0 / ` < •i� � \ \\\r,. .`°�' �� . ' :I"•'•c� - \' � ^ w. 87TH STREET NE � ez.1 � / g �` ` \ o-9 F'• 4 �s a � � !� ..•f...�`��6''r:: _i•.�� `�•�•�:::.•��•\•.. v 11 I� �I` .. I o.s _ I ��°V.a s pk 4 SS) � > .�....' �� y.• �' m \\ _ '"% / �•�'\`S. / r �\i'•'\��\.:'• -» i m�« 6a--_-�-_ a-F- �I_�_ 3+aD OD 3 'YO i� �/ ^�.•\ S ��•::-•••� / n"�O\\• I I .•!. .'.'•• j��� A\.l �8 [� I 61.9 a. t.as62s A o �+°° v ` /• � •�� �,. / v ����� i:-.��"°� 1 szs s3s 62.9 so9 a' � oms 10 � � / � \ \ l %'.� •moi � °� \ `'.' s2.s �o} _ . �` � u�s �/-'-•.��• ;•/ `�� ,,, _-- \ - G 9 5.3 G I I N aLg / i� ByR � �•'-C� �+. \ L. 7 `\\ � \ \•'...'�. •/ �� Ia a, to w�\ �r/"I �,���;��:�:�� w°\ � ��\. .� I � I e c c s s c sss.3 > > s9 , s,� J } 138 NY 53 I o�,,o � � �/, `� ..• �. / � -xLO LO l 1 �'b L J oelw i'- .. m'�/ w.\ \�\ _'•t LO LO LID I I 960.0 957.8 )58.0 958.0fl - LO 960.957.8 / / g e. @{j m �tr� \' s 11 o I°I .•.J.,�% ��-�\ \w•\ \ \ '^a. ` 960.3 57.5/ v s tp �L •�,O X r fi ^+. \ 960.5 960.3 18Z I 9965-0 3 �� 180/ g�(s��� �� c h \ >s n� •._ M �\ � a , c •\ � �sEx�'13 JI1(��t w ;Xi 11 � 2� r0oot�ton ..0Ni '�:':. C� ff1 186 185 5,e -1o - SE �\ SHEET 28 �, . �_1 --� na 1 I �, i77=Ri .Nil i �,a•:•'� '•:y��� \,„° ��...,.°................ 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revons: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 D E NALI I N`/EST M E N TS T)Carisqn viron $Ui1001herebyrens y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn lllW 1.91319 Per Ci Comments 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Commentsmental Blame,MNssaag orr¢portwasvrevareanymeorundermy z.l/9/z0 Per City comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am adu ly Signature: 2 Designetl: eJK 3.7/22/20 Per Clty Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Of McCain I •=Dr"eying Fax: (763)489-7959 ticensedPrafessionalEngineerund¢r 4.9/10/20 PerClryCommen Y Monticello, Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Par 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments • \ 0 0 0°700°0°0°0°0° � • °°o ° °o o ° °a. i \ \ \ . Sesta \\ - - f� m ° T \��\�I N w3 �• �\ 0 3s I V �, POND 100 a,° V `v�,w�� ° V A cele I a \ I / NWL = 949.0 N , o I i 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 \ \ \ \ `� \°\ •'�� I .f /' MAP KEY% I - 100 YR HWL = 952.7 \ \ s "I - LL\ \,.\ \\ � � \ � � (IN FEET) 100 YR B-B HWL 954.3 \ \ \ _ >� „ n\� \ r o zs so,00 BENCHMARKS I °'• "1 Mlnneaota De artment of Trans lotion 1, ,,,°>%/ Vim/ `K 488 49.4 - 49.8 496- ••• Station No. 9381 Do I Nome OMD ver c Geodetic 3 (MnDot �l \ - ���� \��\ \� � I • \ \� \`•�a„\ ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 5 ��� vvv ° �I '� •D• '. v •vvA `vvv \� I \ ___-- 4 y� 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation q I I li r I 2 4- n 5 I \ <1� \�� - I '7 i'OQ' '\ ° \ • \\ \\I°eNamdet860515)Station No. 93803 (MnDot III n 957.5 957.0 957.0 �j 1 ���`v A Jga \ I_ rrnuno cussnanary ° Anrc[ 2 oy �v I �`v 'I\ ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 957.5 957.0 957.0 I I /' \ 3:�y; \ / I REn,wo awn uumaiuu �•�\ I \ I 957.5 9520 957.5 957.5 957. � �� �• � r Hyl - Rto. AVF. au�R xam n. .� � v. . a1 • uAx euftcR vnotx rr. w Iy(I I WO WO �WO WO 9s�o �• R.N.m.a~ �. a I A yam. \4 �A� I I / \ 91R8alURE 4laACN R. 16 \, .� \ \ \ \ Woi2) 5%$ / �' '�/ fEWIRm AVE BUfFER 18855 p\ \• �,«. / ` `\ \ ... �° \\ \ 1 \ 1 \ \ 965.0 G I Wo °95 :'•"• PROPosco eurrER mess \ I \ �\ I `\ �`\ .•,- ��•\ °�. / (p°$RR k\' \ \ '3za3b I I G 85. G `� ss> / • \ •.�."�' �"* \ \ �•��`: �.`. \ \ \„ V � `\ I I I \ ^ w I I I I �� I I n 5 4.0 0 /i. S>'O / , � .i" 1 I tee\ \a�,. / \ �' .�,'•'•%, \; \ � �\ `�`1;e1 61.8 62.4 sa 62.8 63.1 PVI 2+50 62.8 6462.4 0 �J �\\ �` � .",J.".�. ••• Y \. •.•. •.,. •. M.•�• \'� \ \ �q iO ° -50' V.G 62.7 " \ / \ N9h.F. `A �s .•�{ 1 I� ly°J / � ,?�: ..� �.• •� �•. .• : �� :\. \ �m,. \„` \1 I \ 2.0 62.6 1 0 �, k1� � 0�6 �> a_ � 9S)�� � •j•:•:. �� !:' / a � \ \ •, r„ ..'.'!•'••. ��" r-\`..°c \�'.'.'.._ � . .�\ \ % sC,. \ i \ I 61.9 EL 9 1.85 62.5 62.9 °60 � oo � 8°I° C / r9SS� J� ei j� � ' // Neo _Gl � "R° \ ` `�-••`�•:• " "• obi\ \ li I r N' - o - 63.2 N 62.9 - - 62.5 i O ).O i �•�\ i- \� x p } �•�'�e \ •+.I " w•/ `"''• \ \\\\ \ \•• •`,,\~�' �B `\ \ \g It, i r tntn L °' a, :':%•":':%:''.%, .,° \ \�,...•.•.LL..•.. ., I 555.3'/ JJ � �'• i �".":`. \\ A � 555.3 / G ��. 138 � 153 oN_ ��,' i• .\ �/�. � \ LO LO 957.5 LO / / 9 ^°• ® 4 SS 1 +TS'� \ 7 557.8 s5a.o LO LO I o tri \ __ d3 / SII ssc.o 958.0 A X' i r -al 960.3 957.8 / �•O o I�w s.7x o, I I 960.5 l' I.I �� I 960.5 960.3 96gp / \ e? � O )�'/ `,1 � r°r° O. I .':/.`• \ \ ^� �}C� . 1 1 �` I�s� s'186' so181 / 18�1v5A4\\ `•f�xs /:• •: :..k:::• .: C� I( /^• \.,°\ "•\\ ^"°\v\ �. `.,. f v\\ -\� �•\\ 1 °,. ti` t`:.- :`. .i` �._ .•. 1 1}1z-111 1� o o t.•.. \ \ tl IL_ � 1 \ �. :�.•.•.'. lam',( J-�� _ 1� \ \ '� \w. \ '"1t." \ IIM•, % �I II I EX.56.9 E%. 6. / O � CY8 O% ' \ K, \ � ro I _ �•\ I \ 1 . I s, �/ ,� s o 6� � � � ; N o 6.5x1 -�� � -� . •:� '. , v �` v \ � t J � I'I 1�1' �I • 'o / S°� ° ' a -1' O �✓ 1f0 A d �V I °�/"^� 1 iw $/ - .'o I, vv w•V A / .'.'.'. ['V II( I I I I ^ r���� . , • • Se¢ // / �'0 1 1 � \ \\\ \ 1 cir � cT ¢ %� � \-,; p i jp1Orn I� 5 � \ \\\ `\ � � i � 1'Iw s \ \ �4� - :m a \ O� v o I \ LL \: �� WETLAND FILL rn r=-- .� � 3•sn s.F. \\ �,.\ /��:f.•:�:�'' I I T��'', I �i I / ° �- ,� �s�°� ° m 6� ° ���1 \` \ °�o- 5.6x /�\ _ _ I-I--�\••."� ��,• � ,�.,,�- �.\\ / �,� �` "• �.\ / I� 14 v °. � � �m 115l �� • ....... �...•.•. \• 1 0�` ✓ �' � •' \N ° \ � ' O tnrn �' •: /r.LL.:._.:.LL.'._.� I \\ / I•. ... ., l %\ I I I w " I I - - - - - _- <"= ...... ':\� 9 `� m• �. w 00 \� \ 150 \G \ �� \\ a.ax �°to 1 3 1\ ,. • //:;.': `...�.`.'.....a \ `\�` f-.j:`:• 1'.'• r\/ \ is s < s w N � / , ' ..'.".'.•] \ I55. . . 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WETLAND #5A 1 i / - _ - \ i1 i Flo 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 I75 I _ � p II\ 9 � 1 I 10o YR HWL = sss.o \ }:`:`:•:' \ ssi.0 100 YR B-B HWL = 956.9 ..,. 100 YR HWL = 955.0 r \\ �, a. J L 1 957.5 I 1 5rx J .( 1. . a ' ' 958.5 / ` x,:nnuo cussmcanon XtACE i I •' ' ' / • \ 100 YR B-B HWL = 956.9 I '� _ .;::`.:. NIaR �... • �� \ \.. . . . •. • ' r00iP O O C - - - • REa. avE�ue rormW vnonl rr. so 53-• ••ra. eE1VXpaLAa9nCA31IX1 I s� LO(2 R �,�•:'�.....•. _ Dawn �_• O,S / / .`j'j .- a��i .\'� MIN BM,ao. AVE. FFERER rxDlx \ 'O i4 -, tt \C� A••CNREuaN. eurrm veont rt� \\ il s e' s J / - Gl uw. autTTR wmR n. .1 \ y\2s965.0 G G t 650 ZEaAaN '' RE9UIRE0 A`.£ BUfFER \ �•••��Y••• \ NI it I I <I a I O I LL • / Po 1 .. / - a.tx cno - • I..t.`.950 - 6 =�- ^ i �d 62I... .7 .B.1 }50 63.5 I , of --"}�,,,�I•� \ '��� O / �° � f7 -- x EX.57.7'-•. / 1 / \'ae.•�•••••-:'..�..�•°•. � - '� k s gt. �' �._ --I.. ... ,. y7 �5.as •cir3" � `r �j•. / �� .�� � t• �°� •� .x 9 �O C m/ '.B� s�--� ,x_69 s .2'535 I If � �m 161 � / �' FUTURE WETLAND TRE T NE BUFFER . m .•: �''•'•'•'''•'•'•'• \ / k 62.4 I n - - - .° 'a�•' \ \.' \ 3 _ fi2.7 � 63.6 m 96 , s.ox ASSUMED OFFSITE WETLAND \ •.1�.^ I �'1`:':' •' \� / QO / I G 965.0 G 7G 985.5 I � ��� I I�w \: �S \ �' {•:.:.�::.:,, '��i4 9�O I /l O mrn n s �< s\ �•' \ I '1/9soi5 L°III EDGE (BASED ON EXTENSION R�sO OF ELEVATION FROM SITE) .X lc�s, n . q qb \� �' I \ •�.`. •,-_ / / 957.5 ^57.5 . 9580 Y° s \ :''' ,•:� t �i :' ' \:':':'_ - _ _ �\ fl� l i L SEE SHEET 29 60.0 9sos 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Bilk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS P►Mr�.�n SUite 100 1 hereby was y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. KrystoFlak, P.E. Drawn: ➢1D 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments t•MM■■ •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or reportwaspreparedbymaorundermy 2.1/9/20 Per CityCommena HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 28 • engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatIamaduly Signature: 2 Designed: 61K 3.7/22/20 Per CltyComments 1313 Hillwind Road of rveYing Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 Per Clty Comments Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN McCam su the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 41 ww.CarlsonmCCain.GOm 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments SHEET 2exv x v ,�� � v� , ..,„, - , Sas ° r `_ ��o.e Z_w •` �y `I /�,��J �•:::`f a 'a SEE 8 \ 145 I • a 1..... WETLAND #5A 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 I # g/ meq s '/ G / �2/ e. - \ 1 e,1N o j0 c�no i 100 YR HWL = 955.0 1'l'.'.'.'.„ \ \ � d . a � 961.0 (957.5) w� I SAX �6 ), Lp/2 958.5) ^ / .':•:'. r• � 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 _ �-� � � 1fls �O � / 1 // t� II 53 �.i • MERAND CLA FlAnQR MANAGE i `` ado L0(2) -- R m , 27 / I '. i .`. .'•i.'. � NE'rtAro WAu rM N50 1 • j ./ I � � REQ. AyE. WwEn wD R � \'•'• tt \ \ 174 ° ' G+ bqO � I '" � � � / l �•%J �Psig•' •' •' •' • Mnx BUFFER wmK n. so i,�„ t b' o` s / GI Z �' FFFR 5. G woTM Fr. w ..' \ / 2y \ 6j -M 96 G ^ 65.0 0 B %� c '. \ •;•-•- H iRUC1URE SETBACK Fi. Is \ \ .�.•.'�•.;.1 \ 1 3 y y �I m a `1.• • EWiRmAyE. WFFEn 1 z>e \•` r- 0.. MAP KEY MIN. eu '^ �• 1 ° ; ; ♦� PROPOSED BUFFER S 158.318 \•. •.• / / e`i cb '''• 4.1T° NO ' �, �AZ�- / 1. •'•'\ • / \BSS,` �8y 28 h82.3 62.7 .8 .1 t5o J63.5 Ip -__ _ av �7273130sae mm j5 T • R _ -�8 \ `:� / \ �---- ? 1 / sz.4 62 7 A E1...r..... I v a e„o / psis m 35 -34 114 z,3 h'`\ I 957.5 sszs sss.o / r ✓ ,g� B/�y 5 i7� 'Oy '\ ��': \ ...\...•.'.. � / /� 980.0 960.5 I I Yo I � �� -90 � � ,� X 11 �•, � � .�.. �•,F. ...... / 8 4 168 I � �J16 I I � I o �� �t / �......_.'.... 19 WETLAND #5A::.T.-..::.`. -'�.; �. - --- ----_ I •I II l 5 / T a Y Sx m V7 \ t1 \ 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 \ / \\ '`'` ` `'`'` ` `'`'`'` `'`'`'. . .' a 56.0 6z.7 ° \ 6 16 JY 100 YR HWL = 955.0 \ :: WETLAND FILL �♦ : JT \ \ �� 1 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 `:29,927 S.F. n.,MD DEAssinDAn %..•.•...LL..� .•.'.'.'.•.-�';•;•_'�.'..... �•4 •. $ 's 'E". _// I` i '! REQ. A.E. BUFFER worts ri. so ./. . .•�..... M- HIGH\ . . . . . 959.`.'.'.'. . . . . �` 4 f' } l �• '�TtT, I •[ :,. uix aiuFFEx nwiFx Fc MA aDE .... . . ..y. . .!i/�� i�•'.�...' g / /4i �� \ 1 \ or. 7ND�/89�6� STRUCNRE SEIBACN FT. 1515ra f••�•'•'•'•'-'• `\'1 ��.`. `. .-y-� l- -IND #58•-:: - �O� �/ N • • 0. o}\ �W ^� aL� _ 2 4 ` 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 `F • • � or \� \ - � PRorosSo BUFFER 15e.5es � J. r r RETpI��g W Ox]90 YR HWL = 955.0 %�8�6BBrILDER ge 2 \ \ ` • ::L::LL:;:_:.: ,r^--. �; \ \ �:.•.•. .1Ob.�2 B -B HWL = 956.9 �F•1 �e � n r ;Rd,Sy 1 `�o�wRRD °aiD raD`22p �•••-a•• .../._ DSEWrB-Arx1 D. KEUR- (Fr) Tc 6z.a oq I F� BUFFERRD �4 FUTURE WETLAND wrvamuF7i %D112 .FF m TRos5 d^c 711 •5� 1 , ^ ` 61X �0 1 III ♦1 \ \ . . . �.' .'I'.j REPRaPosED BUFFER �sF ze1e62 BW 59.0. / ° b56 ' m 1� RD"�z51 E"'.Rc R�s O \ 5�xa�wRETAINING OW 56.0. 833 N RETAINING WALL D 5: � n TX Z .. \�:...`.:.:. :. /. - \�, OUTLOT �` `';';: --+_i ::::: WALL X12 \ / / 9° r - G 7 (BY BUILDER) bowTRD a \� 6'X \ o \ - -RETAINING WALL MATERIAL I � 197 s� ..:•'•'•'•'•'• \• / TO BE PROVIDED TO CITY ASSUMED OFFSITE WETLAND �R ._ D B5z B g m • fi.2x , /\, PRIO :'T0. INSTALLATION. 96 :o EDGE (BASED ON EXTENSION \ '•• ;'' �L M F reD BSD o as.• ;+ b OF ELEVATION FROM SITE) H r iso _.� . . .•.-. •.LL �. .\ TW 600 � ! I bry \ ' \\ �LL::::LL: t=/) ••i b 6 1 \ ii'i' \ \ J F- �� �`••••••��•T•, `B X56.0.// / / ,nAJW • 70:0 •� ` � '� Y BUILDER) / •moo t$ E - 9 c� ` '?��%�'� b• ,�3 � ... '\ / / ` 10•��� 22D b �`° �O' bek \ \ iss9 �T RETAINING WALL o i \'\ \ � t:`:�•:•:\:;:•:•: � h `�� 9g 90(2(BY BUILDER) �� / a N �si, / / 5 . BV ", \ �.. \ ..) eX5 i• \ 166 f T� e F wG�`' ^\ f......., '' .••� " 16 o N / "Av F' °. Vit• ::�...`.. \ :. ..� TeX s - D9336S0A INSTALL SILT FENCE I .. _.. .:. .. .:.'.'•_'•-. ,i '° k s3o 1-18 1 y AFTER GRADING IS \ �•-yq;•'• z%2 EE �"r�_v , o M 204575 0&, j `J' p e �,� �' 6•TX °j�(�j� �4' \ s \ ��(~, \ y, ,-•- , , y '\ \ .•.�;� P V \ / / R. `.%`. `. '.'. '.�``. :.`'• , . WETLAND #5D .-MEaWFFER.AWswsDnTDcMtt^nnW. MAM„EsAgQocUf / II N E . Eimwmxn45 `.`-- 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 A.,ad ,20E .. :::\ MM BUFFERm/100 YR HWL = 955.0 E-CIURE SETBACK Fi. 15 %p/ 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 REWiRmAE.BU Ex zeeze / / i d•P PROPOYO BUFFER uszo 2. 3 / 6 a 2;12 30 � � \ .;�. ♦..,� � / ' \..'. . �,z 11 210 9 5. b SNOWM�'..... / .'.'.'•'.'.'.'•'\ o 25 50 loo I •. e�°Po 13 YR HWL 100 YR �B-B HWL = 957.5 � ..�.•.`.`.-. r-.-.- \`r".•.`.`.-.•.`.`.;.-.•.`:�:-'•'```'•'-'•```•'-/-:•: / / 5 50 J \ � '. \`.'.'.'.'\� "/" -••�LL `: •I.,:,:,:,:,:• /`. .y. :S.'.'.'.'.'. `.'.'.'. i (IN FEET) � -- _ / 5•.-L.`.-.•.�:•:-.•.`.`.-.•.�•.•.- •.`.•.- / �. ''•'` F•' __ - BENCHMARKS 85 \rRD es / ".� -_ • iTreo s �,••- \� /-/- / \ •� \'•'•'•',',; I 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation 1 / '� • • • - • • • • D Bis • �� - \ / /- �/ Name tic Golf).SIIDStation No 93813813 ( MrDo T� .AND FILL F.J iL _��oo_l ..-.,., ,.s:•. = / -_�_-_ \ \ y i \ -\ \ ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. -\ \ e°4^T`- ®\ ' /--_-.----- \ - --- 1 `\- / / �� \ \ / 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation ggtyrF.JLA .b FILL D ' • • • • • • • _ J� fL�l3h0 5 � / Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot _ _�\% 1 .o i • • . • /_ I �„ . 4 . - . -( . - . � . {- . _ � �.I / Name 8605 S) 1st -'6 6Z9�-�1,-.-.- .�.-.-./i-•-�-ueD- I f` // ELEVATION 966.55 FT. 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7.5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 D E N i` LI INVESTMENT` on SUIt¢ 100 , hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. KrystoRak, P.E. Drawn U➢18 1 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen s 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments M T)Carls.environmental Blain¢, MNssaa9 QrrepQrtwaBpreparedbymeorundermy 2.1/9aoPer City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING • .engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirec[supervision and that] amadu ly Signature: � 2 Designetl: eJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Of McCain 1 .s'r"eying Fax: (763)489-7959 C¢n5¢dPrOe55ionalEngineerund¢r 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments // l l I :. .' '..-�•��.p--='�s�...-.-.-. �r°,.z eurarmuE�T�ov�xo,x rr. / � •'" } •� / NSTWK DTIn� 1BNIX FT. & � � i.' •�. �pu•m nvE. BUFtEP rr. ----�-- -- - ----=-sz=-_----- - ---- - - ----------- / - - - - - - - - --------------------------------- fi $STET=$TR--- - - - - - - - - - - - " --- - / ----------------------------��-- --�-� TS MAP KEY -- ------ ------ - ar: __�-___________ _____-----------�ry'T• I p / / 28 " "��o�- sow--------------YaD�� •�, 1 \ •�. �� 38 31 30 29 � sD •�+ TPD IIIa 56.5 § II 66.3 WETLAND FILL \ as mD a99 mD aa3 \\ {�• . \ 37 gq. . 1 II 4917 S.F. s� F, \ \\ 0 I Cb l G /�°mo as ° d as fx o R° 2 '. y� "as_•s o S . \ a ;LLI - - 62- PORD 2 •gyp ��_ l�.35 Q II I i I I 26 1` -1 61 /NWL = / tF\ I a 34 s r 1 / 1 VSA vv AY SNOWMELT°° �J 966.0 964.0 yz, �� o'o�A r h �, A DO YR HWL °- LI i s6a.s �• g 100 YR B -B HWL 959.0„ �J.I € � i � �i� � i"�� ° � sem° � 5}% i>• ; � ��� � L/ W LO WO ^ 262 � \ C G \ 5� / �1, , •` d (� � 3 N 67.z 24 �\ I!�^'y qh Qo' \ P/ .PDB '+°RET�•t,N�,��p °Wena _2 Q- \�\ j \ \\\ I soat'r24j"O9° • aRo ,4_a � RD°'a�°i�rtgB�3^ ve moIQ-TRD gI°aL,l�Ds9�E%1,d�Ra,^`8 9,111, dD�oo�eeT l s�• ° -TRb„s TRD 'o 755 :PD 752 7.2 ° IS X aa *Z.�eaa •a,•d9 r �s 2�2'3\.� D da 5.�6z,x au\0o2i,Y\ � ,�\ � •',.•�;_ �,.-'c�:�t,' CC` � l \ o zs so mo 7. 321 O 263 \ \ / (, -- mD e21 85nm�eaa X87% o \ tP-- Jy •_•. \\ \ (IN FEET) TRD r WW U.1"� II�' I. �`I �! ,"I� � �-- maC`omG I 1 \D , �/.Z°�h� D�� �S� HOT-c 66s.z e i11:1� '�' -V\O9G N6o c�. I .. .-� �I-� �%'. \ _�k�-6 x:s ���,I� ,�i\ /�ps O.pe.g �• d�o • °�bT�pre,y.�,/�areD/ / ` /�� ai�m°mD ar3s °9�39 amzvD s,D mDmo em,'3Dre° azP ,reTRoD°soa mF°.sPDD.5 rea°oaa°°moaaa° •sz orPDaNre2,822D aa, 658,reo e31 mD 8.2�PD a„ �•i• e �°t,• D moII§'° - �8 �6 �s �N �o��\ , 1�\\ 1;\ 9 1.$\S a\ .\�•� �V Pa, mD ase W OUTLOT N df e»meAP° e38 '7RD sol 71D aso T a D839 m , DD 26 m r • i. �,�•.a'i\.y •.�'j • �•.: \ \ ,RosD3� pc s \ ss' 9 5 TRD95D pGi a q•msw m^ s3s 2D0 \\ \ N I R C7 moo. 1 • /� mo 9os <� ♦A5 3 gg� ♦ j o .• H TPD en 95 1-918 nccco rrncE I i I 11� � � s 1 � � � 6 \ly n TROD \ \ mD sas • '�°��D°° �� D `�� �� o°I° os Q 6 s \ W \ ��> 66 zo �� 6 _ • • -�` RD a, .���°/, �r 'ti ��' °� �oe'�� ��M 2 V " \ vzi RD • 2 iRD °mD 93s f • • T .I • F,. f ,� I A°o A. 59� ' IOvQ� \ •�,� ss° m D s3S o mD zTRD ��o m M O a 1 �AY N EL = 957 Dsaa •.o lGje /s �/aaD ma. /2'-/ _;g b S loo YR HL = 958.7 m\ 5 /s, ��, ex 0 S• ° \ I• o, ..w I i i / • 0 8 2 ao 8 / 100 YR B -B HWL = 960.1 I 2 a A ¢� dy. k` 63 �j $ i ro ` �U�LfT ii°:° Iory� 9 INSTALL SILT FENCE \ AFTER GRADING IS sox � \ \ i - _ //� .�• '-r • 5;+. mD s°, P\ , s `;a/( euw sie , � �� yT ' � 3 ID^`. j � o SSR coNPLEre \ • � � ? WETLAND FILL • �� yi0, o � o � 1274 S.F. �•'r 'e/ee 175 \ k. goo ��'••••• ���� A m g 77. � 6 2,5(i X52 I SOG° •7 -256 26 S.013 �• SOG 9h5 �- - -� 64.5 �1, m "• �' si _ ®a> s '� .'\. •ty�� ,� e v�ym� I€ � � "�aT.i :� � �� v;� v;� �� i ^'i � rRo �a • ` o° �� nF 2?� 2 9s3,p � d I - � d = (� � •� • .�.• SO 9 \ 'Tan•/ z bA SND rreioa DD ate, �� B�ro Nag EILD N aDRIVE NE DD 11 - - .DD _�_ _ x e p 5 SYR HWL =_z D ° e oR - - - 8 .0 abo� 62 4 a6o� 827 � RD sa 3 P� _ U+ � '• $ t�h f3* 4 100 YR B -B HWL = 957.5 !T7 Tre ( q 61.o S m6D 1 270'- T PK n..9B3Wo ( / • i6 / a N K - - m b ,At�_ Ivi1 ' vi - n vi vi sui T D ui < 3 , \ m -_-__ • _ • i • • • • •�•�• \ \ V O x Oct n x` .ff'fI ax �__ _ •: s • , • -•- � � m 966.3 ass. <. 2, � � 236 �5 s6ss �3 Z49__ SOG 2417 f SOG 240 SOG_ 650 i 39 SOG WETLAND FILL _ / .. _ � 3 ' 1 W�J LAND FILL 0 �ti. I� �� � � s a.�y� � 3sa _ l t �ih0 �. F. -,-. '-��� � �9 i • (� • -.-,I-. -,�. i 65.5' � 6 � - � 6 /� • I • • • - A ° 6 i ,i 62,5 � 65.0'••` -T• � 58.9 _- - \ ••••• •• �\ _��- -fin• f'-'-*-`-'-` \3 I - �o WETLAND FILL -/I �TLAND FILL WETLAND 93 (MANAGE 2) V A i 4354 S.F. ( 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 959.5 100 YR HWL = 959.6 i - 3890 Ph¢dsant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS Carlson viron Suite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: rllan 1. Krryst'o'6a-k, ,P.E,. Drawn U➢1Q 1. 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments C� menai glaine,MN55449 or reportwaspreparedbymeorundermy =t 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 30 • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 directsupervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: BJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Of McCain I'surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 cenSedPrOes5i0ndlEngin¢erund¢r 4.9/10/20 Par2ndadmment Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 Comments Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments GRAVEL ---- F-'------�� --a.--=_�� _�•-a.--� --_<�-�-�----�------CONSTRUCTION -- -�r-= -m--.-e ---- - -- -<s= - -- ---------=----az-- --------------- / --- --_- -85-TH - --- -- TREENTRANCE---------- ---- - - - ------------ --- - --- - --- -sea---- �- � �o-- -- # - - •- L ------------------------------------� ---- -- e4c ------ ------ MAP KEY 28 7G9, 63.5 f m� 61.9 81.0 61.0 81.0 61.0 81.01 62.8 66.5 0 66.3 • • • , , • WETLAND FILL e` V 38 ---31 30 ,\ 9 // -----� r -----r I I `II \ ,8a6,.2 4917 S.F. FT i. 60.7 64.0 68.0 0 68.0 '0.1---- - r ----� --- ---- 6 1M Irl } o Flj 59.7 --- -'� ---- _ 2 li 342 6 II, --� r ° (5 � S � g 6,'' 1 336��11.11 / 6 338 1 339 1 340 341 335 1- m w 1 ✓ 337 1 1 1 1 5 I 6 I 343 I 344 3 4 7 `�: w l 620 e° 334 I fi l l 2 6 8 9 ]Z 11 26 I\ 62 - ° 19 sl w 60 r r -- r l r�--4r rt J 1 r�--��I r- r -- r r- iJ I I r ���, 1 _� ��-� -�'i +� 1 �, � '', des, j I--� 1 r1 / / \\S \ \' 36 1 962.5 1 960 5) ,/ 11 (959.5 (958.5) 1 1 (958.0) 1 957.5) (957.5) 11 11 (957.5) 11 (958.5) 1 (959.5) (980.5) I 966.0 \ ° 960.0 ) I I 964.0�' 'og� / R R R R R R R R R j as3s e6a.5 / \ 35 = -3 LO(2) LO(2) o z / �� J LO WO 262 �` Q 965 1 1 G 965.0 I I 5.0 G J 968 G_ 9 7.0 G - G 966. 75 G G 9 7.0 r> Q 9 .0 G 966.0 _ m 5.5 1 I_ � �I� W L � n� I m+ I I ��� - L� - 'O� - - -- v; J L r�aIO�/y A�yF'.0 ��I \\ ° ✓ Ott "ff `t J - - 6 62.2 P 4 +7 63.3 64.5 -� Q \ it 64.1 63.6 63.1 62.6 85.8 67.2 ' I 87.4 '° / .2 64.0 64.4 64.9 o� 64.7 • ,1 I I 69.2 Sg � 9 I s ELEMOR �aL NE i.pp .� ool.xs�. ��.11 I •� � N �� �, _ �- - -- -�--- - - z 6 2. 8 fall, 8 8 I1�d�NI \\- r 0 •..r1 - W- O m� 11 r1 .. -W- p �11 r1 OB WO r o W-Oss--s1 r c W<Os o8 33'. cNT' r sss. 62.19 '.1 c<�} a.s . -- 1i �° Ioa 62.I5 54.7 64 64.4 64.8 84.1 3 69.70 1 2\6 \ F 4c 34 LO(2) I; AV/\ \ af M i 958.0 958.5 9. . - ul� 0.5 2 ' �__ J -�- mol oe `!V , "1•• JB � \ L -57.5 - / 'm � _ - 1 0� oT / c \\ • �-� w 1 1 LfL�433� \i i L�434�J li L�435� 3n 1 !43 �f h - �i s `�Oe • , 432 I 1 gbko „ ` . \ ✓6•' 23 ,4 1L„ - - - 22_ 1 1 ,2 � 1 ��� 419 \� 1/ � �N 46i 3 r�6 264 : /1 0 / -�JWL° o ° • •52.3 °52.3 55.5 - __�g -� \/ate- �G/ 52.4 s2.6 ° s s2.3 sar \ \ �/+ 29 m. -_-__-------_ gryeo° b h ^v % �� > \ 347 O J �,m , !•� W / o°o° • / ° � � / O � I m . 1 � � W INSTALL SILT FENCE AFTER GRADING IS COMPLETE /376^Q/,ry, /6 3\ OpJh L \\��l J^• / b Ali y 1� J i / 16'X 372 I 6 °•° N zz - yv��° 28/ W �'377 �v vC gg�O i 4 o ��!,�o // - /�/ 1 44 � O;UTLOT K o��,�°°a 15 ? , I // bye O o 4. $ / y �I / 100 YR B -B I �\ ,, yo0 °` °%� / /. \ \ <� doh e \ b. � � � , ya� �\ g . pyo � � � J ,\ � --•� oo v � s 2 , _N / 955.4 WETLAND FILL 5 4.3\ ' /^ /0I ° 1274 S.F. 955.9 2 o ab Ivy A 6 I 6 / ,\ \O� \• \ �O n \ \ / /� \ / �° °9�� ' 379 V �•o'� �$ \ \ `gy6h0 % \\\\ r/ ' \\ \ ` { � 50 3dt Z52 �v X5\� / 6oy�, / O oy 6 •"�� W / 80 l / °q/,• 12 /� N b ry� r"SOL y v v 369 r� \ �I' �� o.s D EILD N RIVE NE \ / �\ � 11/ 11 rz � e 8 M m \\ \\ < g �O b • \ ro7 `\ \\ g N. \\ 24,' '^\ \\ ` \ \ // \ i 6v \ / / 6 / x v m 'e$� g \ \ \ ' / 0 25 50 100 G Otho j 367 1 ' c\''393 ^\\ g9y°h`i 9� r _ d i*� 249_ SOG 247 SOo } G i�4 n 2! (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 5n65.Or65.5}* \ s 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot • / �� 6/ \ \ �� �`•'o �\ 22 � j' \ \ \� / \ \ �' � i \ v \ '�\ / 271 .� • y9 I Name calf). swo s_•K- ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. TRI \ \ "r b \ X \ / \ \ 9 \ ,\� o"� ry� "� �� \ •/ /jI �D ioo, A`r / WETLAND 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation 4354 S.F. Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnOot ivk1y1 \ ` ° OLaqh \ \ - \ 6o S� \ , r ,�✓ \ 0 ,� \ � .\/\ \ $� / \ � 7 % \ J // pp I I \ \ Name 8605 S) / r y \ �/' / �} /• ' gg / �, f I I \ ELEVATION = 986.55al FT. 356 / 20 SEE s a v6^y , 364 r < 2 b 6 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: City 7.5/6/22 Rev. lots for BIK3,4&5 DENALI INVESTMENTS 31 T)Carlson onm SOI,¢ , MI 1 hereby certifynthat this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn l II 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments eDai Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I amaduly Signature: 2 Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hil wind Road Of McCain I'surVeying Fax: (763)489-7959 ce-clProfessionalEngin¢erund¢r 4.9/10/20 Per Cl Commen Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridle , MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments ------ ----- ------ moo° \ INSTALL SILT FENCE 1 0 AFTER GRADING IS 'O°O \ \ \1 7� gg O G / I/ / \ / 3 �� OR $ ^ v �' h COMPLETE16 �� \\ �o ° °°`fl/. 376 ^\ �,°; .P'` ,°% aX �a`�'m i•-1 i � � � l / �/ zR o 'I\ I � '�� / ��v�.a / 372 /, / ,'� /J% 348 \/ A 28 ` � MAP KEY OUTLOT K 15, -i y ' O // otic / �I 1 8 /ar/ i00/Yo 600 / � � � B /. � v gh� �1- v v e 8� s awe^ 3 � a oxo � � sfi �..!4- 38 31 30 ��. 29 953.0 �•' e°° � � O� \ > �' �' � \\\ / /3 � r a l ih �o I. � � ( /MELT = 955.4 / �� s \ 14' G \ -L G 49 L I ,O - �' WETLAND "LL 5F - ! s / �� 71 d /�° Cro�h y NL = 954.3 og�� / . \ \ ye�g \ \\ oo� e ` \ 5 / \ od v Ice'' 37 32 � 3 \ x o a• 1274 S.F. HWL = 955.9 �' ti''g% \ � gyp' � \ 27 \ / o� � ,�, hN 1 1I � �s �° °9 / • 379g ^ \ .T10G " \ f s \ eho > \ / < ` *.5$ y" ¢ c/}I �✓ t \ \ �, ti0 g ,�ap \ gh \ / \ \ ya\ c g g i __� • v vv°5 `� �$ 6 v % G v 350 vv / d�:/ �I r / i 25tY ��2 ni 36 SOG 5 965 - - / 4tisg q \ �O � /�, o$\ �p \ \ �6\/ , \� / ohm \� \ ^ • Ooh �'6 ��, a �; ,��.,aa �-- - - q- .35.. 34 y' J80�- �' �,°`°�' �' ° � �g'4 ,� <� v g � v v '; 351 v ` o vivy; � y`'s � �v(�° 1 � Q,y,� :Po •. . y y�. ' �\ v / \I I j3 � � 369 > y^ ^ < �7 \ `\ g // �T p I �" d `°% G6o9 - EILD N RIVE �i 6 352 o° . 11�� \ � � � y /\ \ / � � \ \ / y / \ L � h \ yM1•e O g'p 270> O 06�/ v`v < g� •O `,vv � � v vv �O�o v v' 368 > 5j ,v <v ^ v v � � ,\,, � y� ooh / / I` �;�� � � � <- � K � � w 6�� so ° �• v v y v G O �hl v 367 9 v vv A y ✓ r p ' 66.0 i 247 246, SOG X44 w 3 1 twi) \\\\� gg7 O \� yby 0 . 6•�� \ '36 \ \ 0 y1 �' i'�54 \ \ � ge^Oy \ G /� .' yN \ O hp � \\ � y.. I'� /' Ld 6 6'y"� 65.0'65.t` ase? o�� .' ✓ p g`' / , ;a I j 271 ti • y S s, a y / \ - ti� L - R°o as W' \, g � 11 9 \ i 0 ��e' \ \ \ 1 N �O ? y ��% . 9 c S; �r%1 / 1 iy1 \ \ \ �' 6 p \ \ �' ee / yi 6,e \ \ gel /k\� \ ., h ✓ 1 I \ i' \ 272 %/ o 1Ae v �1 v v 2 .i 364 v" G O� 0 v v 20 ,/�y :y�\ ,' eo Via$ \ gye•o \ \ i ,�� B� q �; /'~ ��o / /' \ ` � gyec•' \ e � % yy. �$\' g•� �� \ h�°° I �oy I I �I I��� I I \ > ' 53 7 \M > \ � 5go•y V v"4`\�,F�aE��• '�v9J, 2 73r3 ✓� , /,�.,�'_ /�y,/. P. � \ •r� 'l)t �'ob� e � @� ��� . \ 9� ��, ykr� -�AL�4 i h� I m I �g� I I •" I I Ory v v� /358 4 j �� °� G pgy I 1 275 /1 .• h \ ye• \ / d��� � YY 6 I "''4 / \> / .yy \ O�-0 \ \ • 8ro 0 361 , , e / <v� y ,� yg h v v . •i 17 359 POND 500 15 y g 2ai7° 7 1 II 141 � Ih i NWL = 953.5 I II 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 955.91 ; 11. wi 100 YR HWL = 954.9 o II //\� \\ \ I d / ` h• / a N y y,0 ,�q° i�� `\ �. P6"°°°ggg°°o°o I 100 YR 8-13 HWL = 956.2 �, II(�\ � $ \\ \\\\ � / �"';i�/ // 16 o�o�y� N o Ci > m/ o"d� / :r.a'1'' o\ - 1 �\g\ �\'+7 , ,�% • °go eeo°oo a ggggo S ` I I I I I ' I Iiat I I I N 278\ Q.I ?I 36 8'/ oL#41' 1111 v\A s9� Z -�_ /o \ Do��2• � \ .s7.o............. /27 �� ro / �/� J\ g .:.•.`.��. ::::.ALL._. `S; \ \ zI ill i 0 25 50 100 6�NEI..... V/ '"� \�F h" ::.•..s.'.':`.`:: °+`�•�.�.':.✓•. °j \`b�°n _i I I I r\ SI (IN FEET) p 1` :.'.;i=' ;a: :.\.. \���oo� i a° I' jI II BENCHMARKS S T ya so.3 w 89 6 ca mo Q :•' •yam !'; ;• \ \ ea n°gd II 280 / y/ •L�'•'• • -�°° y I I 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation / ,•rr• ~ • \ `°°°oc�.�-co II Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot S� r �oJs J 1 0 // y�-' r..l ....`.`. rZ'. .`.. 9s I I SB' I ate, 27 m r •`.'. 'aa°°°°°°°°°°°° �Nome Golf). �J 'q"/ / / / f��� S1rtl '// •�. .J t.`........�•. • fl w �� rV � � 9 •' j• \ I III it / ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 389 `\/ / v`\ / (r` / , �� ? •� _ _ •• _.\,, _ ,.,.,., •_.�, _ ,.,. • : \ •57.0 1I� I fl 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation / /'�/'� r:. •.• t•�•�• \ • • 111! I Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot r8.e •j{� .�........• 1111 ) 3 f'I � Name 8605 S fix" p Y ` �'. •. `. \.`.' •. \ ���SSSS 3 �} �% / 96 0 f/ �z U' / �� / 281 / 1' • WETLAND #2 \ • �` • I I� �I I � � ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. •/ / l L I I -4-281 ® •' � . . . INSTALL SILT FENCE NWL = 953.5 AFTEJ60. �I \ I 58.3 COMPLETE RADING IS ! / \ / , I I I I ,n :. 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 955.9 L- -- - --� 100 YR HWL = 955.0- \ . I o;.• SEE SHEET 33 1,00 YR B -B HWL -1956.is 2 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: City 7.5/6/22Rev.lotsfor Blk3,4&5 DENALI INVESTMENTS 32 Carlson BUite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krysto Drawn U➢1n 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/7/22 Rev. Per City Comments .environmenal Blaine, MIN or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per CityCommens HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I amaduly Signature: � 2 Designetl: eJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hil wind Road Of McCain I'�°rVeyin9 Fax: (763)489-7959 censedPraesSianalEngin¢erund¢r 4.9/10/20 PerCltyCommen Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments :iM36SEE SHEET 32 \ \ Y ; \.•• o a q°ol bay t o� ✓ I� s \I 16 oh o �� od r� 8 / / °°o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o�o ooh r- I WII hl; � °°°° � I ,d � i JI � L6 W vivlo 41741 p �� 3 g \ b•a w \�;oo� • ' Ys�PN R II 27/27 • �/ �� J\ g i' X95 / / .''T:-:•:': '_.' I 28 cpm 1' �' s9ro� � / M \_ Lq 6z �\ I .'.• .y..•.•.•.•'T .....�:-.:� . \ �°o°a 1 I MAP KEY •e \ 4 / '•��:LL:`.. \���°�\�``� ° �, _/ /�I g° � �I � �,i ��� I I 2930 80 a r - - - _ _ \ / `S' ya so. a9 �i a :! «,•' a d I `° I roo n p•� • e ss / // �B ��� / I'�. � \\ �y // .-. �%� to \ '�°�,`� oa,° -cam° ° °�� � I _ - �" Nino � \ !� \ I / / � s�se> / / �. / �� sz7 N - ,/ 10 %//p ' y' �.• Z'w•:'•`• \ �°°° I � / °'^ ° 5 \v / p% / / / 4�j at 8/W `° �, --_ •// ,'1: t •`•'•'•'•'•'•'•'•\•'i,•a�, \ °=°�o°°u� Ili i�/ S( aioi • ° �°o \ 6� � / I � s I l l I °� 1 tN - / 0 .l .•j d.' !, v � �.Sx � �� 416• / °° p� \ F � 389 ��\, � / S\ / � . � ='° /''� �y-�. :j TCO�:..�e{:p.,..r.•. \ I I / E / / c / / --� � .:::. ��.:�:.... � . • : I � 3 e � / Lo % / ho ro G::'�?� �_ . �v 1 36 433 s>.0 / 9 p 3 a / 281 i WETLAND !!7 \�':`::':: \:•.•.•.` ae I I i IRot•� � :� WL = 953.5 Vt:`:`:•:-:`:`�:-:`:`:• ' � ; 1 ��� - 34 I �° • INSTALL SILT FENCE }J l J i - • �-`•'• I I "" I / I 1d DAY SNOW MELT a 955.9 \ `` ' ' '`` ' . ' h0 f I \ ♦ AFTER GRADING IS 4151 �° 56.3 COMP E E I 5.0 J _ \ I I s'• ;ds OOOYR B -B HWL 95956.2 a� W �E,taxa a„s�Rawn w.°E wcluxp WauTy ox Rxlax' �`- ••.•+. __�I °I \� V • 61. N au- vnmx n sa �� db r_ --_ Joo�N IIS 2 \��0 • • • • 3 J 3.9 - - - 1-�7 . w / uaz eufscR xwiow 1. eo ...... -.'.•. _ _ 54� I� -�9�02 �•• c ",I/ 1 '/ •�•,/ stnuciuRE SEtenac ir. 7 is fisx ca ° I a°°°;oao° i REWIREa AVE. WiFER .i��r;•-• I- T�+1 f qlI°°y � \ T �°'a�. °� ° \ ' � I � LL to ylq p ( 1 ( . /. � r • + DAvuGNT To v�TLAND/ / j I I - I I cl l cxR I 00 2.3 -_-- • 1 Z a 28 1 ♦•t• \ \____ l �w .+ / II I Ml I 1 ;.. `u1.y •.•.`.... I 5 • • 5.3x I 1 \ p tPo 1 1`\ ..♦``� . I I� III �I 3 aoa I \ \ �go \. r ��,' \ . -•4s `, a /:.::•::: I ' lI - - _J' I g°�o \ \ \ �� 1 h �- tDlp � 1 m�8 \ i^ .wk -'. .•.��.�a��` 7. . ..a .... . .. II III i'I - -. 32 ° 1 \ 1 4 q 392, �, �, � ,� \\ � , _ •.�.•�`-��_..�-�.•.`�-�.....� ; .LL.�.:.:.....:.:. IIS l� o 413 _3 °fes { 2 �•E�.sa.e-•� "t'�'�.•.: �-- I, II I "``'•' ' ' I -- _ _ - jl `P°�q I I \ p� \1• ��' Sjc \ \\ O � SO i / � - • • 55.0 .. .....•:.:. .. : .fit /\284- - / 7 •'� ♦E% � •LL. EX.54.7 57.8 m �I'/ frl � 8 �1I� _--s-•-• •�:• I /i I�Ir� _ s8's -� I I 5 =2� _ •T• • - • ! $ U 3 aa,/ \ \ OUTkOT K a39 5 �I �I I - Ih ' I II 95s.0 - lI M - -_ r °°° I \\ %°a \fit• / / \ s3 yt, - I I _ 65.0- n 0 -� (2) G I -wo 35 wo I Ii' W' 411 I °a msec%2 s•o \/Pe'zz+7s -� _ �"{ 96 -- c •II j `I j i 1 2 \ e° °s J z.aa sz.e W s.o� POND 700 / / \ \ oa \�, \\ dos I / M 8 ` v.' -- l it N' t I Io°I NWL = 953.0 \ r �°°°a 394` / /' "• ...•.. 63.2 --I L - 8 R \ se °°° \ l \ / - _ 3.00 - 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 955.3 ` Q°°°a sz7 ° s3.a --- I a � °e \ 23 _ 81.9 --+-� - � I cn - 100 YR HWL = 954.1 / X63.9 I S 100 YR B -B HWL = 956` ems` / < s�os c 9 - -B- --- _ s3s • \ R eo 0.6 s>. p ap< II III I I --- -/1 --I I 63.7 °xeRoaoz �0° . 395 s0(stl 1397 ,.� i M°4 I R ',�RD a TAG iSIN N �-------- ----------- � 40 ga° I \ \ 46 ` ,qa / +\ \ 18 \\ \ \' \ //^ / o ho / l I l /1 I \ ice' 4T 2 a o°o o'ovosoo 0 o'Ooo�°o°o°°_„ c l / �• \ \ ,Q \ F/ '\ / , ��j bk' �GJ / I l �2 -22 401 \ •400 \�\_51 \ \ �O� G l - '�\� \ \ \ II 0 25 50 100 INSTALL SILT FENCE 07� V 49.5 b°'° 4N 402 AFTER GRADING IS -I�v-�, \ \ 0 0 6 ( oo/ h0 all £I \ o ° COMPLETE 956• V \\ �/'' 1 / \1 011 \ m FEET 4 3 211 996.0 958.5 O�2\ \ } lll�V,, ��/\ \ \ 0 VO hQ BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation / ,� 404 1 Sa• 966.0 4 q 291 { \ I 1 I��I� GeodetGolf).ic f),ID Station No. 93813 (MnDot ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 95 5 1... 1 1 0� 83.3 -z �C \ .w\o\\ \ I II 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation / `� (2J 956• 1 1 1 .� 1 ` .% co%y0°I° �6't' \ X \ Vv 60 \ \ / I dI I l I Geodetic G51D Station No. 93803 (MnOot Nome e605 5) ELEVATION = 986.55 FT. 2912 y�®oE B��Ge 63.5_ �x'�\ 955 \\ \ e 57.5 �I 1 / � 9 I . G 636 �� ,^- SEE SHEET 34 1 x\ T � 1 I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: ]. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for BIk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 3 3 T)Carisqn viron $Mit¢ 100 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn l6ID 1.9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments mental Blaine, MN 55449 or report w,,prep-clbymeorundermy 2.1/9/20PerCityComments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a du ly Signature: � 2 Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road of McCain I-rVeying Fax: (763)489-7959 ticensedProfessionalEngineerund¢r 4.9/10/20 Per Cl Comments Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments -i- C It pop SEE SHEET 36 \ a \; J` ��� sze mkr V1/0(2� "tl$ SEE SHEET33 ---I-� I �I It `a, -WO. 958.5 I I, I I II I ��o T I I°°i I \\ \���\ < m �� @.0 3? 62.1 PH 22+-i - .Lml - I I - - ��IG -I- 968. ----G I_ g W I •I I / `I I �I I 411 boa 1 / 26 b.e O "ce POND 700 s`rdcJ,s II - + I + NWL = 953.0 s eeoo \� 394 D.6D 27 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 955.3 s Q oa / s z" °0�0% s3s s3s I II 1.23 00 YR HWL = 954.1 \ ie \ s ESS E2s.°� I I I 2$ 100 YR B-B HWL = 955.6 \ °� 32 ly--- --EL o ANE \ / s o = N _� I I I� MAP KEY `�/ � 6 TB1 E � .. a410' \ RD 24 m \s4., e_>. L aIi II•II I 3$ --30Y\. 2 ��.9sT.o 9 7; 395�X0(2)L22 9597 20 I °tt 'I of 37 I ` NCIVro , _O_mo_� I �/ `ze�'�V 36 "3- + aaoiW R I �� �° 396 ,+u r.� e °' 21 8 ��� °1 l� /'.jOi �A 35 � � •I Po I � \ � 5� '�99- \ V � 95��� / �� � � � �� � I o A�� d� I I sl r � �� f� O 140 g° �\ _- 464 o qa a \ 18 \\ ` �0 p // ry� / N �o i I' II /`Ii to N otn I 9 b°! \ \ aa.e w . \ \ / O 000• / I ' 290 1 N J-'J �°a?S \ ,,___ \� ,,- - � 0 0 o��f%�_ °'��°- - - �� \\ � 99�• f,/\ \� ��� !v� / e � `/\\\ ��z2� + I � I�wl l VIII �,,$� INSTALL SILT FENCE 401 \ X407 v �i� 402 AFTER GRADING IS-P46-�, om`� \1 ^r �"°b„ 49.5 COMPLETE 958.0 \ \ ;.5 �' �� // 40 °� _ _ _ _ � ;� 1 1 9s9. WO V`1 � v, � � �' i , � ��ya• �i �� � �! I� 404 SII 9go WO c 98 .o 6ti5..� i v r 291 � 3 I �I I I V 958.0 958.5 C2� WO ��0 I 1 �1 1 iaJ Lex- _ \ •. �°°� 06� Oy1+ pX qh��b A\\V / I ' 966.0 G I I � G 1 � �1 1 �� �' � � ° � - �- � �� �� v B Po �_ro I I - 966 1 k' ( N _ - g�.7 \ ��� V `'V 2 ^9^�2 - �� i� �� II I to a" OO6 h m L �K'J 11 6A6 ¢0 NCA /rn'� \ \ 0 / / 1L oo � \ I I I 1 ll 0 M �Ge a 83.1 - - _ J _ /� 6^•� 63.5 _x 9c7�7 \ \ (% L.' ,o. ' 57.5 i I I I frl 293, 11 U) 6 � sZs �c � ..., � / /, s ` '� � - 966. I I \ W p \ / /!..... e56.- - ...: ••'; :.•+•::::;:::::•: h ...•. •... •. •.• I I I I LU IJ.I / /\� 6}� K \ 11 YYO 9� \ \ j / -' .j:"•'•. :. LL\'.•.�.•. •. i.E • 1 I' 151 ,1q6 958.5 9580 \ \\ � � .•' .� �'•�• �'�'�'•' . I • � I' I II ,•o s _ 64.2 _ i 958.0 294 �l 11'i I t •s / �m 1 r -_ 6. yg8.8 I I __ J �Y96V295-� '' y .`:•.:.� : �' '` I �I I I 15 w0 / 959 5 L-Y 297 /' II 8 55� I I SI ss7s WO I 0 _ -� \ \ _99.--� __---_____ 1 _I _� �-'S � .•�..'.• ..1 I I� III .i s58.0 WO 9555.5 29$-.-----� - -��- EY 56• \ •; ..� ::: 1 �' II 1 T. 957.5 '� •i•.'.•.•. J ••..�'.". 54B9.3 14 L III Ilk 3111 - 299 vvviii� 1 . .e.�.�.l. t.vr�r,: :, i. •. •. ,. -'`' .:,:: `' 3i EOF -------- +� 13 300 �� I I 11 y 5k=;•,�.. .��:;... ``. I-----------f 54_ / 1 '-'.t`�'•.;.�.�.. :'1':.: I II IiI ISI ••� 54.9. ---_ _ I• • 11 I .:.,. �.� . .'54.7 ---.-'5'13 .�.'•,• .'�.. • ..C.'.'. I I II �•'� _-�•, i�i,j:y •54.7 ---_-J -���/ 9�'S •:ia • I LL _ .;�.;.`.•.•.'. • .� :;`::.. I it I ':�:�:::;:i:..;.. - 55.2 :'�:•� ' •. •.... \ I I x54. .0 '. . II ..`1 it ....''''`•:•. \ III .....,.•.,...LL... ....LL. WETLAND 8 :::'. ::':':::. \ .. • >!-;•;• OHW = 952.3 :':`::::':: ::'::�':`::::':`::. :''`%':'' I I II 100 YR HWL = 953.8 .'. .-a aanuan 71MALa RN_BUFlFl(1. 11. f''''''''•'''''''''.= A�TM: .'.'=•'''''''•'''''''•'1•'' . I .1 I II IFIL 100 NI'� 0 25 50 too MIN.DefTtx xtp1R fT. ao �7 E em- Fi a /y REWIRED AN:. BUI-s 131.222MWOSM < I fl I I 1 ess .�. .'. `.'.'.'.'.'. •.'.'. .'.'. II (IN FEET) f I I I§I BENCHMARKS OUTLOT L F - I I ,� j I II �SY/ II 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation I '-' I.'-'-'-'.'-'•'-'- •'•'-'- ':':'7-I ••••-.- I I s Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot .I ,••••- I I I I Name Golf). .`•\ '-'.'.`.'.'.`.'.'.'.'.'. `. -.'. `.'.'./'..... -. / I I I I III II SII ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. '. `.`' '.'. •.'.'.'.'.-.'.'.'.• I 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation .•.'�._•=..•.•...%r'.'.•.••' I I II III Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (Mnoot lil s°I Name 8605 S) I I I III II ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. I I I'SE >¢I I I I �I�• € � dnl% II I�rvll 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 34/ AcCain arlson vironm Bill 100 1 hereby real y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn ➢1a 9/13/19 Per Ci Com Comments s 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments en al Blaine"63 49 oreeportwaspreparedbyeeorundermyPerCikyCComeent HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that l am a dulSignature: 2 Designetl:eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments1313 Hil wind Road Of I •sar"eying Fax: ('7,3)489-7959 Li ansedProfessionalEngin¢erund¢r 4.9/10/20 PerCltyCommen Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd adtl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 w-carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 30 I o1 r W --8 1 e SEE SHEET 36 \\n\ 1 V /3�8 o 49s' I oa�ii 0 � L_ -J ooh � I -\ �i.<�� 6�. v � ( I I i i � _---\ 96 �26 yp1 �399- y-J R I O mw 140 27 azo rv° o � �n°°° °°�°�°°,°,g°.a� ° _ i / �• \ \ � �� \ \ I �a` �I 28 ' 401 / ` \�5' ` \ �O p P�� MAP KEY 4Q INSTALL SILT FENCE P \ \ ��'�40�� Iit I /��' � A I \ 1 a� 4.-Uv �O�' JC /\ �a�•.to`rw ��O�' e-j'Nt o\• ���� v*��\tQ�1�,xa' � �8 l'� 9a� \ \ ��%/\ • \ �1�0 5-568 �- 3386 -331 --30 - - -- 29 4WO r k (2) 3.9 6•�°�°6P �° � � V v dye°5 > _ 17 3 292 - I \ � ve /Q/• v 2 �o � - _ _ � A J IP e+� �- � yI � �'D°;� � 63 G � � � � \ �0 A \ / .1at- . _ \ /' 6'r•_ 63.5 - ae \ 95y8y \ \ � I / W ��'----' ✓✓ I +'' 7 I `I \v / 9s4Bzs �` � /, 6a. ` •% _I _ 0 p I I � 6 . \ ,�1 p \ � / e . . \\`�. h• /\\1- --�-_x,60+ '\\ \ 9663 1 II WO `I, 99 \\ \\J/ ///..• eg. INSTALL SILT FENCE °°¢°°•n•c° •`1° -,c-AFTER AFTER GRADING IS l00000000°° COMPLETE 9 1? - _ 6 63.7 \ \N0 958.5 9590 \ \ •;% I, to I 'tae . / -- K � ssa.o \ 294 • a o -d 296 /Ljj I e r a 1 958.3 J I T I L L-� 6 �� 5 .,.•r:•.J w INFILTRATION BASIN /40 0 \ / 303 I I - 8 I 1 V� 295 \ �'�/ �'.\.'a •.e�•-.'iJ 2 BOTTOM EL =952.5 to /S.. WO I I �� - g _ - In I 8 I II OUTLET EL =953.0 0 0� 'O r� �� / 9 I - 9 958' \ 1297 /' I 5 I 7 I \ \ Ey" ��i.'\''':':':. w 10 DAY SNOWMELT=953.5 100 YR HWL =953.1 °2 \ 1, / L 5 O \ ` i �" _�_ _---_------I I -� \''e \ .�: a.'.• ... W .o e, 9 w W 5e. .... V) 100 YR B-B HWL - 953.91°°° _ �•O 1--__--J L----��- F1' •-•,•. \ a a=/ 957.5 958.5 �29� b$ 00000°°°�a°�-- s / / L_- 958.3 958.0 1 10 /`14 s4.a•.- sa.6 :+a.-.-:• :• ��2. i 3 0sa' 299K,% - ; .:.,..:.':;;;.:.:.:. . 5 57. • OF '.'. � -�_-__ ♦�� �-_ \ I 1' 1 �� .'k' • • t !'l�r�� � � �:i. P*.* I I .- __ -- r--__ 13--- ' I_ 300 � I I 11 /, ,� .5=;._y__�..�.............�, :• •. ::\•:.: •; .. ;.�+::; .54 5454.5.. "•:1�^!• . .4.•.eLL.' .....•�•�t.�� • `' ... .• • 1•• ..�:.:. •z.3 :.�s�. ��.� 55.2 yi • C• 54. 5.0 : : ' ISI f .•:':':•:•:•:' ! •';:,:j....: :::':':. / ::: % WETLAND 8 OHW = 952.3 5 / 100 YR HAL = 953.8 eERIxO CEA59nCATW IXCFHI5H / / .•. �. •. •. •. •. .-aG WADY H7} f I I �u�Ax. euiscx vnmH ic�too '.'l'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. •.'. •. •.'.'. •, •:.:;.::.. ux. eurFEa xroTH RT.-• •'•�•-• sTRUDO,RE SETBACK FT. 15 .`. �. `.` `. `. j{ REWIRED A- BUFFER 5r 13122E •.•.•.•.•. •. •. •. `. •. •.•. •. •. •. •. •. `. •. •. \ •'• III'- 108880 I � I . . . . . . . . . . . . �I OUTLOT L 7.:- N 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS s ' ::....:.:.:.: .I-•• .•.♦•••.�♦-•••.. 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot 1 Name Golf). •'••/-•I'•'•'•[•'•'•'•_ / ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. J•`j `'`'`/ / 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation {.'.1,-•••• Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. j 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3,4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 3 5 Carlson viron SURE 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn U➢1m 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments mental Blaine, MN 55449 or reportwaspreparedbymeorundermy 2.1/9/20PerCityComments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING • engineering phone: N11489-7900 tlirec[supervision and that]oma duly Signature: 2 Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Or McCain I •surveying Fax: (763)489-7959 censedProfessionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 5.5% an. -138 •I 6°� Po I I SEE SHEET 3736 16RE oy N m" od 8 °00000aoaoaoo o°o s I� , � �*� •� r o -� koa o �, tilt \'7 '' `� / < m Q / � �y �\ �\\ ,' 6•• � - � III 1I o. o 12�0� 8 . I 2007. 889©6 2 m tO N �417� I t°o Igo i' v�,p N `^® a / 27� / .. ..... • > \� L / � I . i S.6R O rnrn 39 /°o° \ �' � 6` �'s ° � � ' d" I / .•. t:.. - III I III a ss:� a -"-- - _ E 6 I ..... MAP KEY G) o� - -� 388 �o e� °° N l � � �.•.•.•• ...• �:.5 �� I I ' I I 6.5R \\ / ... .. •t I II.I % �o \'' \ 4 F> • 6D3 s 9 - %e T � ���..::. ..-- _'`t•'.;.,.. 31 30� 29III 3j 38 80 jl I I I s 27 J m I �Im :., .q ^ -� •� 6' ss / / t'9 �O / % i _ � �/'a >� /..`'-�-t .1.�-( -- \' III •� \ - _ N mo / °vo o . \ /OJ / / / 4x 2j / m _ _ /%%'' I II IIII /s � - --- - -- J M WI 7.sx O �� � �° `'��a\ s � / I `\ s� / I\ N � / Im i g{mty � o \-- / /C '! ••�Y � UT{.�T 37 I �I� I-- °'°' 416 °�°°� \ � � / S / / ' / / _ ���• ::...l 1I r e z 3 10 Sss , 389 3 WI o/t 3 6 /281 ° WETLAND #7\ - EEE s J( C I I I L_ 1- pmj 1 �� i I°°� I `\ �`Po° a\ • ♦6 \ / INSTALL SILT FENCE }Jeb. NWL = 953.5 -r?S .3ME mo + �o$ `�o L AFTER GRADING IS / / / / / / i 1d DAY SNOW MELT = 955.9 GDMPLE E \ �A' I / - I 100 YR HWL 1- 955.0 I Ij II � i � -- �a�3 oto, -� j I 4°d i � .'°� ° •� ,--,J �\ � \SII �I $,� M �- -- -- --� :' '�j5 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.2 i' I i I N� I i -I- �"� 6.sR --- 4 I b°5aa E \ oa • ' '%. - _ ,!\' < T ib eu-Puoauxin N as ' IIIIJJJLJJJ I I I 131 W 1 r - - - _ _ jooj N I ` ��oa \ • • • , .63.9 7 . a N AMAX.eumn wom tett. 0 jl 2 5 ° ✓ / e naa see sE aA« :.is N ` REall•e0 AVE A aafFER S 'll �I L _� J � � � � f I b$d 1' \ �� � ,�� c i II rn �m 11 ( ( ••,..� ° 28 r- O D- 14 i 52.3\ o o ro 1 5.3' (� I I I I/ho -� 7.9R - _ I 1 1 sem•:•: /� I I� 1 312��� � I �m r- _ - _ 1� bg°I � � \ �°I �: � � ��_ s.oz � ^ ..�a '•e �`��-� ✓/:.:`a 3921 1 � � mpg \ � � :•. .•.•.�`�, .. o AOR - I \ gib C'N N �283 \ .:� :� ::�:�� •�.:•'!'•':.�.•.'.•.., ;' l � � - � i 1� ,� o �� 4134 � ��� j \ � I � g� \ r � \,� \ �w�-�\ 9 \ 2 \ .;;.: .•.....- ,��••�...�., / %�/ / i I i 1 � - - g � _ t'-� 3 4 r I I�°E i \ 1 I �� \ ` ��'\ � \ ,v�sso � / ;\ •.•Ex.s4.e=•: �' "'-;�;:�. 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POND 700 .6 NWL = 953.0 394\ 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 955.3 [n 100 YR HWL = 954.1 �,y 5E: 100 YR B -B HWL = 955.6 \° �� \�. 32 / !y ---- EISEL 80- �`--- o a O �� I i \ •":E'_';_ �e , <� S@oS� / / G - r �6 - 63.5 • \ 410 7 4 395�� L0(2) T 1 5 6 sOo'�° 1397 G�20P12¢ aW O I n r- - - ' i °oIN I \ � � `�°�'`` � • / / / �; v 1 / e„A'� I "'� 396 40991 �g� e�oo 21 1301L' 4.8x I Ni IL m 81 . \ ��-T/3 pm'o Q --->♦ 8 o°p m \\ /JJN -- -- O 408 � ,� �o� - --�' 6.9x m I N/ voce -J-�g :\ ooh 1\ \`,��\\ \ ,,_-�� aT2 x7.0 PQ„a,,.°-° ,.---- -���// �• \\ \\ � ' G \ � \` \s' ` a. �\ 1 ` '� \i ��� �� s \`/ II 30sb 11 Otn�' O 1 1 1� �/ �\ "\\ a �Z .50.4 \-__--_-_- \ �� �•2 c_t_.3m /'n° 'g_ �� INSTALL SILT•400 \SST \ \ ���� G O �� / �� \\ 0 25 50 100 1 40�A `lo ` / 402 AFTER GRADING IS -�J -�, r 1\ \ \ °� 63• r °o/ // IN FEET ,Y / a°s° COMPLETE 1 \ 95 g•5 `���`' y'S� ( ) Wy - `1 0 °9�- so.1 Lays 3 2 1 m (�� WO 0E�-� v � �'` BENCHMARKS Vd �' � � ,>r / � � � yam' II �, �� <a✓' /-y[�11 - �I 1. C 1 1 Q 1 V A _ h� / \ Minnesota Department of Transportation 404 5$5 W g6 ,0 6i' o°/ / Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot g5g.o c h Name calf). �_ ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. \ /7�, 958 G 956.0 1 - _ J 63.3 / •• \ X �,.`tQ 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation �05 �'\ \ /� WO 958.5 9585 m 1 1 83.9 '°qo 6,10 `� �(` \ `' O ` \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDOt (2) Name 8605 S) \ 1 7 aih \\4 627 /�_ G I I VN 1 t i 645 r•\ 6'F 1,1 �/\ \ 9 �'1 \ ` ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 29^2 �i � 1 6x0 . `�S"i> p0 � / 63.0 m' � -L7� 9 6.3. SEE SHEET 35 3890 Ph¢dadnt Ricig¢ ON- NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 36 T)Carisqn SOIL¢ 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brlan ]. Krysto Drawn ➢1m 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 6.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments .enylronmental Blaine, MN 55449 or re partwaspreparedbymeorundermy 2.1/9/20 PerCityCommenta HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that l am aduly Signature: � 2 Designetl: eJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Of McCain I •sur"eying Fax: (763)489-7959 C¢nSedPraeaSianeEngin¢erund¢r 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComment Y Monticello, Minnesota & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 Llcense #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments W 1 J s.zR IN 0ro 1427 Z I I L-- —L-- "' O mon ' 29 Jail SEE SHEET 38 `� ,00q /.• 376 ^\ �°; ep ,°% y --- -- — 1 ° °� 16 3 0• ' ' II I= 5.6R c� J I loot' I � ��/• �� /' 4�O / � �s�� ;Z ,�` /�$p ' 26 IW • on m /� — — --_ °° 6° ° •377 \ ` g \ \/'�9i o� - j> I (� 324 �� I e °�I OU TLOT K o °d 15 _p 6 /' 0 27 Q am O o a do°I N n as°' \ / e O I 9 __j 'c' p 'p 1III IIj ; II I lGt 99f POND 600 II j I / /' h�.y6°°r/Od�e03°9s '/p' • y/y' \ \e°b�\/a °s o .o/ y v /,g \• O\K `��` � NWL 953.0 MAP KEYN 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 955.4Z 100 YR HWL = 954.3 100 YR B—B HWL 955.9 -- — 30\ 282 9 Ila 23 3793 1W I I' _ko 37 SO.32,w � s L II o` j 1"380\ $ _- @III / tVOi\/ Z 7.780 � • I n I / ,' /o°� \ }\' yhOh \ ��6 � \ ..6�� \ � / \ \"/ 1^ _J34 II I I I I — ro¢ ai O� nX43224Lul .•gI�i FENCE AFTER GRADING 5 d9• /3 �'�^ X O 1`/ a #'Y'� r � </ / \ O�g � ,hl• /� \ \ \3265 ICOMPLETE 9 / '\ 352 II ; I o h r— ---- -- —r � � rn J e o� I / fo° iv' • 11// O \ s / ` �g 0 /� \ / p , / \ \ /' 6// - q I � I L- - ---. g°j � y' 6�� � yh•h \\ �\ � °l° �\ O� h `�' IIIIIII II IIi �I I s+ Il (3L2ry201_ 'a6yf0R oO- _� — •• I i1tW000°.ii°: ;)fl I�"' I I /% / <®°° P�O�\°a�<•�h�h\o \0 0v\ \\r '0 V6� �(�//e,�� �'� V �$� �\g lgh�'o /\� \�'\\\ \V 23 r\/ \`' \\ 2 /�°,34 /68 24/A ' '3�5�� '3 -4- 367 L0n14239 v?�11 10, \ `T' �\\ / Q\/ - I I N — I OI +• /16 WO) --��14 Fn`l� 9Vi�O S� \ rak' \ �O� / ; �� ` \ \ �/� 1 5 /�U t'1. y�y' \ \ O 0/ `sp ''� I I I 1yo356 4 36420 I � I t I I � m 7.zR m ... �� 1421' I I°�$ �° � �`��' �... 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Minnesota Department of Transportation AFTER GRADING IS / / �� id DAY SNOW MELT 955.9 Name G51D Station No. 93803 (MnOot m I moi I I ` Q°o° 583 COMPLETE i' / Name 8605 5) I _— / � I I I M L— -- -- --� I' �+ 100 YR HWL = 95.0 II I I — — rnq �j I °� I ` o \ • , — J — �' \ ' 81� n ' S{5 00 YR B—B HWL = 956.2 ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. -nRo cussRcnn outs I _ 1 {I I P I �� I rl— O esR — _ f I �° 1° °3), • • • '^ 2' i v.,:Tuap aeon = NIGR ' fl n0 I - _ — 'po • • • — _ RIM — aUfFER WOTI so I I soh W r'— --r oIN 1 • /7 N MAx. eufTCR wpm fT. oe� E4`aa ��• ` ' :';� aRpapR�xR. e III IIII 2 L 1 J 2 i L ^ ro°t ! SEE SHEET 36 `��o o d . �sL m i .'.: r_ R REapIROP�o su ap•�"` a g4 osee 3890 Pheasant Ridg¢ On- NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS 3 7 T)Carisqn vron SUI100 1hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 1. Krysto Drawn: JOW 1.9/13/19 Par Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Commetmental Blaine, MN 55449 or reportwasprepared bymeorunder my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING engineering phone: (763)489-7900 directsupelVision and that] am a duly Signature: 2 Designed: BJK 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hil wind Road Of McCain I'�°r"¢yin9 Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfessionalEngin¢erune¢r 4.9/10/20 PerCltyCommen Y Monticello, Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN 41 the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments i / Ia I ilooge)9 1 •384 ' o , v \ / y/ c/,�/ • : k , hG364 / A 12 8 20421, �94j0C1 T)Carisqn .eny ronmental engineering McCain I •Bur"Eying GRAVEL 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto or report was prepared by me or under my orsupervision and that l am a duly Signature: 2 LicensedProfessionalEngineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 Llcense #: 25063 Drawn ➢1D Designed: BJK Date: 4/5/19 Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments 12.1/9/20Pep City Comments 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 4.9/10/20 ParCltyComments 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments D E NALI I N V EST M E NTS 1313 Hillwind Road Fridley, MN 55432 Y HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota ' 1 ->c-m°-'�"r°�-�°°� �s6a-�• ' ` • � � � � � >r --,nr-�=a,.-=m.--=_ ----- -.-m.- ° ---- - � - - � - -CONSTRUCTION-aa-=_ ��ANC _- -- _- ___ _ ------ ----_sex----_- - - ----------------------- __ i Tom_______________ -sez--- °e.1�"_°°" `�_�"`4 `d a•, v;e mm �n��n.�as ssi rte ssl.aa >anP 24s cH 15'� H 15 mp ----; �'cnP cm -­64------ ----------------------------__ ----------- --____-_ _____________-�____________ _---___-_-________________________ _ - m 85TH STREET `------------ - _ - Ba- --------------------- _�,� -- - 962 - -- --- _------ _ --- -- - - - -- --------------_ -- - * �.-�r----s62_--- --- -- / -------------- - --- --- ---- -- - - ----- ❑ � * --- I € i� 58.5 � -- ✓ S J:A I � \ \ / � � -sex. � I y \ f -_ u i }i fi1.9 61.0 338 339 fi1.0 r- ----� 340 2 61.0 -- 341 61.0 -_ 342 59.0 r----- 60.7 59.7- �� 64.0 68.0 -- - 6 b I 8� 68.0 ` W z 1 336 63.5 f 6'� / 6 OF 59.0 55.7\ 58.2 ( f. �- 1 \ 58.8.• �0 6-- 59.0 - - - - - -5910 r---- r 59.0 - \ ---- / 329 331 1 X32 I 333 1 1 334 335 I I I 1 w 1 6 1 v 337 3 1i 4 5 6 l 7 14 5 \\ 3�0 1 16 �� 18 -1, 19 !20 rr t� 1 �,�, rt-- / / f -- 1 r� - ISI \ I rt ��1 962.0 --�1 961.5 ��-- �1 961.5 (sss.o) 982.0 959.5 6, 9962.5 960.0 963.0 960.5) (959.5) (958.5) (958.0) 957.5) (957.5) R (957.5) R (958.5 R � F (ass.5) O 11 (ss9.o) O O 111 O O LO 2 (> / � ��o�Q z I I R 1 R 1 1 R I I R 1 1 I I 65. 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" s.1z I '- -- -- I f I �/ "� v j � �80�n e'Vy ��•4 �� 6 \°g\' \ a`� o � \ \\ �`i' �' \ \ a`h 322 P II €, oioiv Z Z7R� • v`i I ,A°� V R, h0� V ..67,9 A A / i j'� 351 III TI II, 7� 1 mrn O�7 L W T € _ m 424 • I I I INSTALL I j \ O N� AFTER GRADING IS a J n Z rnrn 32 . COMPLETE II I I � � .I Fal I � . m r- -, � � °'_ �--•I ' " 1 r 6.0a 6368 { 10 I I o I y21 -t no^• N WI M paz Y ---7 I / 6� qa /• \ \\ < 9 �0 6 \ 66? ` r• • �� \ \\ 9 0�° \\ \ 24 i ^\ \\ ` \ / ,� 6 mU�]�� ].--_ I" I Po (•• !h �`// 6 sg \ \ \ i // \ \ �/ 143 6`�/ III I I �+I o �I Bdad 4231 , / / mid° 382 � 0 L1 \� 353 \ 9 • �' 1 I I � � v v `1- 367 v -o, �'�� v ehe. v 1001 / 5'0 ° / v �, m v . v O hl I°o1 / v s / y0•p i vv v v 6 X33.11 la f I / 10 / oh \\ \ e� �/ � \ \ lgg0`• k \ � / \ \ \ �' /C loo( "t 836 y66',69ti 504 v�� eghe5 v v r, ��� 7.2z c,A I II 320 I u�o CV � s � - - _ � _ / � / �� •6�.^ \ � \ \ � �. \ ��\\ \ �O \ + oy 5cao e I -- - I.7 a I� I a �'� �0 1422,; yti�• / v v �$ ' 1 v / r 6 9 L L Q �� K1. ��/ /.• 9/ h v,v y.� 11 �v v e O v ,� e 6ti 34' €=a a ° ah0 6• p /S� 65 \ 0 6 \ �. > \ 'sg / \ r n t �� i �' J 6 r. 0•h \ / / � g • 6®rI 356 \ �.O \ wg. ,� - ' 6, \ g I 319 �s c� m I I � -_ - - - - � 3. � / • �' •, ,. � a `L L/ MAP KEY 28 38 -31 30 �\. 29 ✓W N 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (Mnoot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION - 966.55 FT. `�\ II I - 1 i 4 --� �"��0J. 7.2z o M, mo ..�. - -� I N X35 ilooge)9 1 •384 ' o , v \ / y/ c/,�/ • : k , hG364 / A 12 8 20421, �94j0C1 T)Carisqn .eny ronmental engineering McCain I •Bur"Eying 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, SURE 100 Blaine, MN 55449 Phone: (763)489-7900 Fax: (763)489-7959 ww.carlsonmccain.com 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto or report was prepared by me or under my orsupervision and that l am a duly Signature: 2 LicensedProfessionalEngineerunder the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 Llcense #: 25063 Drawn ➢1D Designed: BJK Date: 4/5/19 Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for all, 3, 4 & 5 9/13/19 Per Ci Comments 8.6/]/22 Rev. Per City Comments 12.1/9/20Pep City Comments 3.]/22/20 Per City Comments 4.9/10/20 ParCltyComments 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments D E NALI I N V EST M E NTS 1313 Hillwind Road Fridley, MN 55432 Y HAVEN RIDGE Monticello, Minnesota PRELIMINARY GRADING & EROSION CONTROL PLAN 3 8 of 41 will :IHC7;1P)D oIo:#;ax14M(0) E - -STREET (FRONT SETBACK) 1 1 LL 2.5. L 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED RAMBLER NO SCALE X30' S0' (FRONT SETBACK) 25'- FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE R 2) 0.71 0 1 RAMBLER NO SCALE 50' 25 FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE i 0.5' MIN. X2.5' 0.5' TOPSOIL TOWNHOME LOT HOLDDOWNS SLAB ON GRADE CURB NO SCALE FINISHED GRADE (FRONTxSETBACK) VA IES I SOG GRADING GRADE 0.3' TOP! OIL 0. 0.5' MIN. ___ ____ _ TOPSOIL 1 -30' SETBACK TO GARAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWNHOME LOTS BISai o9Garage)ck 0' 106.0 37 0 30-1 37. UNI_ _ 5' 1 TO I"IOt E 11 ^ 5' X25' Bldg. Setback (30' to Garage) 3 .0 2.0 37 0 RIGH-OF- CONC. CURB SINGLE FAMILY HOLDDOWNS WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' 1 (FRONT SETBACK)�t.RADIN. 1 '5FINISHED GRADE GRADE I I �2. 0' 0.5' MIN. I TOPSOIL 20' -II 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' S0' I'FRONT SETBACK) 25 1 I N Wl 10' I�� FINISHED GRADE 1 GRADING GRADE 1 �2 - 1 0'1 1 0 ` 0.5' MIN. I 2 0' ---- TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL LOOKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' '(FRONT SETBACK�5'1 FINISHED GRADE 10'GRADING GRADE 1 �!�CO.5' ------- TOPSOIL 20' OS' TOPSOIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT NO SCALE i(T SETBACK) 25' 50'�{ L0�2) FINISHED GRADE i 10' GRADING GRADE N `� < 0.5' MIN. �0 1 -- TOPSOL 2.0' 0.5' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT 2/W NO SCALE rt. I(F�30' 50' SETBACK) 25• t �SO FINISHED GRADE 10' GRADING GRADE 1 � 0.5' MIN. I n TOPSOIL I 0' 0.2' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY R/W NO SCALE It -30' 50, (FRONT SETBACK) 25' FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE 0 N 1 0.5' MIN. OPSOIL I 1 1 1 1.2'N 0.2' TOPSOIL 3111 Pleasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for alk 3, 4 & 5 Carlson SMiteloo hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 3.Krystofiak,P.E. Drawn: a= 1.9/13/19 Per CityCommentr DENALI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 39 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my ��� 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments • I •engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: aJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road DETAILS Of McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota 7 i ww.Carlsonm-in.. the is of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Data: 4/5/19 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments Fridley, MN 55432 41 0.5' TOPSOIL GRADING GRADE ARIES TOPSOIL 3.0• PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE 2' F1.5' ARIES GRADING GRADE _ 2. EXISTING GRADE SELECT BACKFILL 77/ LIMIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL EXISTING GRADE - COMPACTED BACKFILL MATERIAL U f 77 GPf ¢'7 NON-SELECT/BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT 3.0' MA%. MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL BACKFILL MATERIAL y 0,1 COMPACTED BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL MAX. 10.0' MIN. NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL COMPACTED BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL SUBGRADE CORRECTION (SINGLE FAMILY LOTS) - -STREET (FRONT SETBACK) 1 1 LL 2.5. L 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED RAMBLER NO SCALE X30' S0' (FRONT SETBACK) 25'- FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE R 2) 0.71 0 1 RAMBLER NO SCALE 50' 25 FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE i 0.5' MIN. X2.5' 0.5' TOPSOIL TOWNHOME LOT HOLDDOWNS SLAB ON GRADE CURB NO SCALE FINISHED GRADE (FRONTxSETBACK) VA IES I SOG GRADING GRADE 0.3' TOP! OIL 0. 0.5' MIN. ___ ____ _ TOPSOIL 1 -30' SETBACK TO GARAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWNHOME LOTS BISai o9Garage)ck 0' 106.0 37 0 30-1 37. UNI_ _ 5' 1 TO I"IOt E 11 ^ 5' X25' Bldg. Setback (30' to Garage) 3 .0 2.0 37 0 RIGH-OF- CONC. CURB SINGLE FAMILY HOLDDOWNS WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' 1 (FRONT SETBACK)�t.RADIN. 1 '5FINISHED GRADE GRADE I I �2. 0' 0.5' MIN. I TOPSOIL 20' -II 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' S0' I'FRONT SETBACK) 25 1 I N Wl 10' I�� FINISHED GRADE 1 GRADING GRADE 1 �2 - 1 0'1 1 0 ` 0.5' MIN. I 2 0' ---- TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL LOOKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' '(FRONT SETBACK�5'1 FINISHED GRADE 10'GRADING GRADE 1 �!�CO.5' ------- TOPSOIL 20' OS' TOPSOIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT NO SCALE i(T SETBACK) 25' 50'�{ L0�2) FINISHED GRADE i 10' GRADING GRADE N `� < 0.5' MIN. �0 1 -- TOPSOL 2.0' 0.5' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT 2/W NO SCALE rt. I(F�30' 50' SETBACK) 25• t �SO FINISHED GRADE 10' GRADING GRADE 1 � 0.5' MIN. I n TOPSOIL I 0' 0.2' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY R/W NO SCALE It -30' 50, (FRONT SETBACK) 25' FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE 0 N 1 0.5' MIN. OPSOIL I 1 1 1 1.2'N 0.2' TOPSOIL 3111 Pleasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for alk 3, 4 & 5 Carlson SMiteloo hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 3.Krystofiak,P.E. Drawn: a= 1.9/13/19 Per CityCommentr DENALI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 39 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my ��� 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments • I •engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: aJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road DETAILS Of McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota 7 i ww.Carlsonm-in.. the is of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Data: 4/5/19 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments Fridley, MN 55432 41 TOPSOIL F1.5' ARIES GRADING GRADE _ 2. PROPOSED FINISHED GRADE 0. EXISTING GRADE �y-�..�. --, ,,,,,,, , - ,,,,,xu, f 77 SELECT BACKFILL J-- / IMIT OF SUBGRADE EXCAVATION MATERIAL SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL COMPACTED SACKFILL Ope r'RF?') 3.0' NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL NON -SELECT BACKFILL MATERIAL MAX. 3.0•I COMPACTED BACKFILL COMPACTED BACKFILL MAX. 10.0' MIN. BOTTOM OF UNSTABLE MATERIAL GRADING PLAN LOT KEY 59 4 T 60.5 DRAINAGE & UTILITY GRADING REFERENCE NUMBER EASEMENT SURFACE DRAINAGE 20 LOWEST FLOOR ELEVATION (LOWEST OPENING FOR GROUND ELEVATION WALKOUTS & SLAB ON GRADES) ® BUILDING HOUSE TYPES (LOWESTOPENING FOR RAMBLERS, R RAMBLER OR SPLIT ENTRY LOOKOUTS & SPLIT ENTRY) 961.0 LO RAMBLER LOOKOUT OR SPLIT GROUND ELEVATION (961.5 ENTRY WALKOUT WO -RAMBLER WALKOUT ® BUILDING 0 BE -SPLIT ENTRY RECOMMENDED SEWO-SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT GARAGE SIDE CG -CUSTOM GRADING FINISHED ELEVATION �J SOG-DENOTES SLAB ON GRADE ® LOT CORNER L 5 _ - J as a DENOTES STEP CONDITION (IN 6" STEPS) - -STREET (FRONT SETBACK) 1 1 LL 2.5. L 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED RAMBLER NO SCALE X30' S0' (FRONT SETBACK) 25'- FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE R 2) 0.71 0 1 RAMBLER NO SCALE 50' 25 FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE i 0.5' MIN. X2.5' 0.5' TOPSOIL TOWNHOME LOT HOLDDOWNS SLAB ON GRADE CURB NO SCALE FINISHED GRADE (FRONTxSETBACK) VA IES I SOG GRADING GRADE 0.3' TOP! OIL 0. 0.5' MIN. ___ ____ _ TOPSOIL 1 -30' SETBACK TO GARAGE MULTI -FAMILY TOWNHOME LOTS BISai o9Garage)ck 0' 106.0 37 0 30-1 37. UNI_ _ 5' 1 TO I"IOt E 11 ^ 5' X25' Bldg. Setback (30' to Garage) 3 .0 2.0 37 0 RIGH-OF- CONC. CURB SINGLE FAMILY HOLDDOWNS WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' 1 (FRONT SETBACK)�t.RADIN. 1 '5FINISHED GRADE GRADE I I �2. 0' 0.5' MIN. I TOPSOIL 20' -II 0.5' TOPSOIL MODIFIED WALKOUT NO SCALE 30' S0' I'FRONT SETBACK) 25 1 I N Wl 10' I�� FINISHED GRADE 1 GRADING GRADE 1 �2 - 1 0'1 1 0 ` 0.5' MIN. I 2 0' ---- TOPSOIL 0.5' TOPSOIL LOOKOUT NO SCALE 30' 50' '(FRONT SETBACK�5'1 FINISHED GRADE 10'GRADING GRADE 1 �!�CO.5' ------- TOPSOIL 20' OS' TOPSOIL MODIFIED LOOKOUT NO SCALE i(T SETBACK) 25' 50'�{ L0�2) FINISHED GRADE i 10' GRADING GRADE N `� < 0.5' MIN. �0 1 -- TOPSOL 2.0' 0.5' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY WALKOUT 2/W NO SCALE rt. I(F�30' 50' SETBACK) 25• t �SO FINISHED GRADE 10' GRADING GRADE 1 � 0.5' MIN. I n TOPSOIL I 0' 0.2' TOPSOIL SPLIT ENTRY R/W NO SCALE It -30' 50, (FRONT SETBACK) 25' FINISHED GRADE GRADING GRADE 0 N 1 0.5' MIN. OPSOIL I 1 1 1 1.2'N 0.2' TOPSOIL 3111 Pleasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for alk 3, 4 & 5 Carlson SMiteloo hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 3.Krystofiak,P.E. Drawn: a= 1.9/13/19 Per CityCommentr DENALI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 39 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my ��� 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments • I •engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: aJK 3.7/22/20 Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road DETAILS Of McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota 7 i ww.Carlsonm-in.. the is of the State of Minnesota Dale: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Data: 4/5/19 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments Fridley, MN 55432 41 7' CRIFICE pE EUETATON OF PORTION o RING ORIFICE OWER g.Sp MEPOMOC3 -DBI P E wLL TYPICAL CAL STREET SECTION R LRA ry . .TLA 1a" RCP 85TH STREET EXIST Irvc NWL POND = 954.5 EXISTING M NWL POND = 949.0 FLOW' 0 es5 NWL POND = 955.0 R/. R/. R f sa D 18 RCP pB 95as F(OwCa 1' MIN. sas D 24' RCP t7 f. B s �K'Cp 1' MIN. F(pwCp 1' MIN. 2 21 vA EN �iA MIN FfLOW FLOW L't10' S �2t 3 .33'- RR �10 TRIL 51.5 6 DRAINTILE a6.o v. 952.0 (SEE PLAN OR AR GRAB ON) SOSOILa (SEEP LANG ORAR BASE LOCAlION) oD w RE Na' TOPsaL FEuuwI R%vi PAVEMENT SECTION B618 CONCRETE CURB 1 GD0.01 - ENGINEER A p/OR gjyNlC POND - 500 POND - 700 POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TYPICAL STREET SECTION OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE FARMSTEAD AVE, FARMSTEAD OR, 87TH ST, EISELE LN, ELEMORE CT, ELEMORE LN, EHLER LN R/W yR w 17 IT B 6 is GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATg(SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS 4"X4" OPENINGS SOD WNa' TTOOPSOIL 0WLa/sOICRETE SIIDasEN 4"X4" Oses wR TOPsa(SEE PLAN roR LOCATION) SEED & 57.5 REMAININGDR%wMODI PAVEMENT SECTIONwEa3aoc48" DIA. 48" DIA.CR- Z- TT,.1' BINMNWI_ICLS COA,,NINGUS BASE 5/D(SPEC52. TYPE SP 25]sP 0 0 -12 ECT 6 I-21 SOLN SCARIFY a coMPACTcoRs ecan)c BEHIND CURG) 54.0 FILTRATION BASIN PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT. III= -111 III III -1,z I -III TURF ESTABLISHMENT POND - 20 POND - 100 POND - 200 TYPICAL STREET SECTION W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE EISELE FALLON AVENUE TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL APPLY To ALL DISTURBED AREAS AND SHALL BE (PER MN/DOT 2360) NWL VARIES -III=11I=111= R/w re/w ACCORDING TO MI,DOT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION (LATEST EDITION) POND -- -III- - Q III EXCEPT AS MODIFIED BELOW. 14 TAMORE v MIEN Oft � IN �tt6 �33'�9;��A*!OD D ' ulx TURF ESTABLISHMENT SHALL OCCUR AS SOON AS POSSIBLE BUT IN NO CASE THAN 14 DAYS. $ -- - -III � III � III M W/ G AeuLOnRs ensc wLa' B% cRAHuiAR eAsE TOPSOIL: MINIMUM OF 6" OF TOPSOIL. (SEE LAN FOR LDCATON)SOU I,.. T� aLI TGPSG (SEE PLAN FOR LOCITOm SEED: MI,DOT MIXTURE 25-141 AT 60 POUNDS PER ACRE. GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) FEMAN, ajvi PAVEMENT SECTION DORMANT SEED: SHALL BE APPLIED AT TWICE THE NORMAL RATE AFTER 4"X4" OPENINGS 4"X4" OPENINGS 4"X4" OPENINGS 1 hereby Certify y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 3. KrystoI P.E. me or under my or report was prepared and Drawn: L&RO NOVEMBER 1ST. 57.2 sit 59.0 TCRB fL +DCOX L CTrrvlcA 40 • I engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatlamatluly Signature: ��� that Deslgnetl: ETK 3.7/22/20Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Monticello, Minnesota DETAILS ENGNEERw11D/oR McCain MULCH: TYPE 1 AT 2 TONS PER ACRE (DISK ANCHORED). 489ta959 Fax: (763)489-7959 0 Dale: 4/5/19 4.9/10/2oPerCi Comments 0 o i 41 FERTILIZER: TYPE 1 10-10-10 AT 200 POUNDS PER ACRE. 7' CRIFICE pE EUETATON OF PORTION o RING ORIFICE OWER g.Sp MEPOMOC3 -DBI P E wLL TYPICAL CAL STREET SECTION R LRA ry . .TLA 1a" RCP 85TH STREET EXIST Irvc NWL POND = 954.5 EXISTING M NWL POND = 949.0 FLOW' 0 es5 NWL POND = 955.0 R/. R/. R f sa D 18 RCP pB 95as F(OwCa 1' MIN. sas D 24' RCP t7 f. B s �K'Cp 1' MIN. F(pwCp 1' MIN. 2 21 vA EN �iA MIN FfLOW FLOW L't10' S �2t 3 .33'- RR �10 TRIL 51.5 6 DRAINTILE a6.o v. 952.0 (SEE PLAN OR AR GRAB ON) SOSOILa (SEEP LANG ORAR BASE LOCAlION) oD w RE Na' TOPsaL FEuuwI R%vi PAVEMENT SECTION B618 CONCRETE CURB 1 GD0.01 - ENGINEER A p/OR gjyNlC POND - 500 POND - 700 POND OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TYPICAL STREET SECTION OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE FARMSTEAD AVE, FARMSTEAD OR, 87TH ST, EISELE LN, ELEMORE CT, ELEMORE LN, EHLER LN R/W yR w 17 IT B 6 is GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATE (SPLIT) GALVANIZED GRATg(SPLIT) 4"X4" OPENINGS 4"X4" OPENINGS SOD WNa' TTOOPSOIL 0WLa/sOICRETE SIIDasEN 4"X4" Oses wR TOPsa(SEE PLAN roR LOCATION) SEED & 57.5 REMAININGDR%wMODI PAVEMENT SECTIONwEa3aoc48" DIA. 48" DIA.CR- Z- TT,.1' BINMNWI_ICLS COA,,NINGUS BASE 5/D(SPEC52. TYPE SP 25]sP 0 0 -12 ECT 6 I-21 SOLN SCARIFY a coMPACTcoRs ecan)c BEHIND CURG) 54.0 FILTRATION BASIN -III1 # PLANTING MEDIUM PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT. III= -111 III III -1,z I -III VARIES I- III # ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO III GRASS GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED SOIL ,I24" -III1 # PLANTING MEDIUM -\�2" OF 1/4" CHOKING STONE 1.5" WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST 6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12" # ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO DEPTH PRIOR TO PLACING PLANTING MEDIUM THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. INFILTRATION BENCH -AND NW_. = 953.5 11' MIN. \NWL POND = 953.0 �l f1' MIN. INFILTRATION BASIN PLANT W/ MnDOT SEED MIX 33-261 W/ EROSION CONTROL BLANKET GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP - UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED PLANTING MEDIUM � 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST # ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. SCARIFY UPPER 24" OF EXISTING SAND im LOT BENCHING DETAIL LOT PROFILE _ DIRECTION OF FLOW (LOT) STREET PROFILE DIRECTION OF FLOW (STREET) 0.5' 0.5'.51 TYPICAL POND SECTION PONDS 100, 200, 300 & 400 (WITHOUT INFILTRATION) �1 1� 10:1 N.W.L. 10:1 IIII 3 N 3 III 1 IIII Lio-' IIII BOTTOM > = 10 VARIES .THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR TO BE VERIFIED NTH GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND/OR CIT' TYPICAL POND SECTION PONDS 500, 600 & 700 (WITH INFILTRATION) 4 10' INFILTRATION/FILTRATION BENCH 4 11 TYPICAL STREET SECTION �' D:1 N. W.L _ G.1 EILDON WAY NE, EILDON DRIVE NE -_- II --- - -Tr- R/w R/w w a 1 III 1 Y 1o' 1o' 1D' 1o' aR xt6 16� ax� zx� 10' IN FI LTRAIT ON/FILTRATION BENCH BOTTOM PD w/a' TOPSOIL x SOD w/a" 6 carvcRETE siDEWAYI III; VAR IES I I I TOPSOIL (EE PLAN FOROLOCATION)12 ND REMAININGUR/w PAVEMENT SECTION MODI D 'D" CONCRETE NRB - GUOt3 TY BNNOMINOUS WEAR co I TYPE S129.5 SPWEA3a0C 2" BiIUMIn0U5 BASE ACa _. �T�UrI�EP Si; ISG EPN_0C COMPACTED6' MIN. SCARTIFY & SUBGRAOE (2 �6" BEHIND CURB) .mICKNESS or SEeCT GRANULAR TO BE VERmED wTH GEOTE-CAL ENGINEER Ano/CR crrr TYPICAL BIT. SHOULDER EDMONSON AVE, 85TH ST, FALLON AVE 50' - Fallon Ave. 65' - 85th St. 60'-Edmonfion 12' uN.E/E. N of R VA� s 11 Thru Lane *1 11-11.5' RESPi IT EN I }1 -wA Agg. Thru Lane Th,. Lane Agg. Chid. Shld. .- r 0.5' MILL JOINT SLOPE VARIFc � SAWCUT/MILL LINE 10' BITUMINOUS PATH DETAIL I X10. i r. 3" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE TYPE SP 9.5 MIX SPWEA240B 6' CL. 5 AGG. BASE 1J" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 6 MIN SCARIFY AND RE -COMPACT FABRIC IF DIRECTED BY ENGINEER PLANT W/ MODOT SEED MIX 33-261 1' W/ EROSON CONTROL BLANKET 10' BENCH 10' INFILTRAII BENC AGG. BASE EDGE PAVEMENT SECTION OUTLET VARIES _ (PER MN/DOT 2360) NWL VARIES -III=11I=111= 2" -TYPE SPWEB3300 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT POND -- -III- - 2" -TYPE SPNWB330B BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE III 24" UNDISTURBED. UNCOMPACTED SOIL III- I I --III 6" -CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 12-24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW - - - - ' VERIFY AND MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION $ -- - -III � III � III M EN OUS SAND 85% HOMOGENEOUS OME* ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO 15% Sx ORG C LEAF COMPOST THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. (� Carlsai • environmental 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, shite loo Blaine, MN 55449 1 hereby Certify y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 3. KrystoI P.E. me or under my or report was prepared and Drawn: L&RO Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Elk 3, 4 & 5 1.9/13/19 Per City Commentr 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments D E NALI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 40 • I engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatlamatluly Signature: ��� that Deslgnetl: ETK 3.7/22/20Per City Comments 1313 Hillwind Road Monticello, Minnesota DETAILS Of McCain surveying 489ta959 Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 4.9/10/2oPerCi Comments Fridley, MN 55432 i 41 ww.(763ar 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd atld. City Comments SILT FENCE ]/FILTER FABRIC (36' MAX. HEIGHT) ANCHOR W/ METALOPENING IN FABRIC WEAVE < 212 pm T–POST OR WOOD 2"X2' STAKE 6"X6" TRENCH DIRECTION OF FLOW 0 (COMPACTED BACKFILL) III_ – I,li Ilii1- ��, UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED SILT FENCE LINE. 2. DRIVE ALL ANCHOR POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH. 3. POSTS SHALL BE SPACED A MAXIMUM OF 6 FEET APART. 4. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ALONG THE UPHILL SIDE OF THE ANCHOR POSTS AND BACK FILL 6"X6" TRENCH. 5. SECURELY ATTACH SILT FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF THREE ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 6. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATIONS 2573 & 3886. TREE FENCE COPOLYMER BARRIER FENCING ANCHOR W/ METAL o �(48 HEIGHT) T–POST OR WOOD 2'X2' STAKE I�=11 I�II1 - ii-iiiii 11iii iii_ UNDISTURBED SOIL NOTES: 1. TREE FENCING SHALL BE PLACED A MINIMUM OF 1 FOOT PER CALIPER INCH OF TREE DIAMETER FROM TREE(S) THAT IS/ARE TO BE SAVED. 2. ANCHOR POST MAY BE SPACED UP TO 10 FEET APART. 3. SECURELY ATTACH TREE FENCE TO ANCHOR POSTS W/ MINIMUM OF TWO ATTACHMENTS PER POST. 4. SEE MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2572. 960 958 956 954 976 974 972 970 *NOTE — RETAINING WALL MATERIAL TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION MODULAR RETAINING WALL #1 (470 SF) \ 1.5' BURY I \------------------------� 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 *NOTE — RETAINING WALL MATERIAL TO BE PROVIDED BY CONTRACTOR PRIOR TO INSTALLATION MODULAR RETAINING WALL #2 (758 SF) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 976 974 972 970 960 958 956 954 N ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE R AIN.) MIN. INFRASAFE — 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS f• HDPE INSERT BASKETS •8t:• '3 SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS RI 3?°•'•° 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS 3?s?? Igg'gl, REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS w" 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS – MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.E "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION – FILTER BAG INSERT" – DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES INFRASAFE — 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES f®HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS ®® 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT „` EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.E "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING 389U Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 (� Carlson spite loo hereby certify that this plan, speci6wtion Print Name: Brian ] Krys[oFlak, P.E. Drawn: L•N 9/13/19 Per City Commen s D E NALI INVESTMENTS HAVEN RIDGE 41 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my ��� 2. 20 Per City Comments • I •engineering Phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatIamaduly Signature: Deslgnetl. BIK 3.7/22/20 PerCityComments 1313 Hillwind Road DETAILS Of McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Llcensetl Pro esslonal Engineer untler 4.9/10/20 Per City Comments Monticello, Minnesota ww.carlson—in—Ann the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Dale: 4/5/19 6. 5/25/21 PerPar 2n City atltl. City Comments Fridley, MIN 55432 41 H"EN RIDGE 2ND ADDITIOI`I SANITARY SEWER, WAI AND STREET CON MONTICELLIC CALL BEFORE (OU DIG o /zLi\ Know what's below. Call before you dig. The subsurface utility information shown on this plan is utility Quality Level D. This quality level was determined according to the guidelines of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled "Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data." CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my SURVEYING BLAINE, MN SS449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: O\NN M�rCA ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ` �- FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 07/15/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_cover 2nd.dwg Revisions: Drawn: NIP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 4. 6/20/22 Revise shts. 3-7 Per City Comments Date: 3/10/21 5. 7/15/22 Revise sht. 10 & 11 Per Existing Trail Location HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota /94 N M/SS/SS/Pp/ R �eR EA RD z W h > Q C Z O J Q Li z W > N�g z z STy 0 85TH ST. NE 'w ST. NE Li a 0 SITE z VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE NOTE: PLANS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE REQUIREMENTS IN THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PLATES FOR STREET AND UTILITY CONSTRUCTION. SHEET INDEX 1 COVER 2 INDEX 3-4, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER MAIN 57. STORM SEWER 8-9. STREET CONSTRUCTION 10-11. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 12-19. DETAILS N 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. COVER 1 / of 19 #7056 61 FILTRATION BASIN 1100 BOTTOM EL949.0o o�� \\ ���\ \may`\`. w\w\a.\\a\\a•\�\ \\v/ OUTLET EL = 949.5 d \ \ \ \ \� 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.13E \a$ a -\a• \ \ A w \ «b\\ \ \ r /' °-ko� o. -100 YR HWL = 952.7 >°0,- o °° -'100 YR B -B HK - 954.3 6�0 o�gob °°°°°°00000°°° ®°°°°°°°°°°°° \ Y •� \ \\\ w EX A - MH o°�0000 ° $o�°�°° i;oi; ooh \a, \ � �\ \�� `��\��` a•\�\ °\� III li ., i °o°°°°°?; ° ° ° o a°goo °���°° o o ° \ \ a• -�°n< �� �� �\ w �\ a°�� . � i ° r\ °° 000000000 000$0 Y°"` \ a• \ \ `" �\ �� �� w \, �\� i I I � 10. al POND 100 II NWL = 949.0 s" I 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7 FES #161 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 m II ��_.--�- i7°- �T-v---- - ----i _� °V A< �A tea. V: � ��� I`•y\, ��A al STMH > AN II 161 WETLAND #10° (MANAGE 2Z \ ��� ��\ I°o �\\\ �•\ 957.0 2 j 3 4 5 mss` `�� FS' 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 ^n (957.5 9520 6 ��% 100 YR HWL = 952.7 II 957.5) 9s .a ss7.o 957.0 9s7 7� 3% 100 YR 8-E3,, HWL = 954z3: I I I C ( � \_ a I ; 16 MH ; X95>s� ; Q 3 STMH _ l 65.0 i A ^1 965.0 G 965.0 G G / 1 31 ° \ \ 11 / 9S I I II 965.0 G U 965.0 64. I / / �9s �0 / /�� cC� , II ---- L-- 9 \\ �� i__ a•\ \I - �° �\ \\ w. '•. '. .; .: � 6 / X95. � L� a, `� \ � i � MH 26 965.0 GI Ir -----1 I---_-� / � �'/ �/' ��w i ��CBMH �� I �� a•\�\ va•���� i� � a 965. I I 965.3 CBM MH G G 965.5 G I a' 162 CB \\ 11 JII \1IL-- 132-- o J �\ a.\a°� \`a•�/\a°\ 147 / / 96.Q �V i A/ �� ' li, -_--- -1 I I \\ a•\ II 960.0 960.3 ) (958.0) (9578 I 960.5 960.5 96C.3) s9s5o7..o5) /M� II L_----- -----1 53- I I I 1C 2 4I 25 I I o p5B2B M ----JI moL---- 7 �0 `�1 -\�_II II � \�I'�°�'• \ `v °V\a°,\ a\.\ \a a. \v \q \ \�\ Q o -J 1 � L'�6,/ 1 V jF \ \ �' 1 c' J \ � 1-58. �l STMH < 8 s 1° 24 C MH CBM " v - 233\ \ 9s �� 134- \ \ - �\ \ II FES #171 1 \ _ FES #165 15 22 \ CULVERT #2 si FES #170-I f� ; 1 1 °J \ \.r9sso /','^\ \ \ 135 � 21 MH\ \ �� I � �o \\ ; I 5 II WETLAND 45A (MANAGE 1) I <\ c J / 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 I I �� `m r--- s = > \\ 9S ---------= =- 100 YR HWL = 955.0 � �,' Soso � -� _ 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 i �' 12°� �� v ' o / 18 1 19 c� -- --J I �_ __ WETLAND SSC ,MANAGE 1) _-2 I --- I 10 DAY SNOW MELT= 954.8 s64 �' M r- 100 YR HWL = 955.0 ° \ _ ° 965.0 G G I o °oI \ 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 o \ IVlfl L ----J L--- -- \ `� �---------J 4_. .-, � _ ,> ;, ,-,�- c• � I `oma' 8 1 eo SJ 96 \ \ \ ``I I ---- 1137 - - I I \ �� ° M s / l - ° - `� / 137 96s - I I -- AlB -- - - -- J 1 / / ss s MH G 965 1 139 y �o �O� 1965. GI �- - ..� 9 i II7 i CBM CBM I K� 957 1 138 I 14 I I .. �----JI' 60.0 0.0 /968-5% > ---�° c� \ v\�� 2 0 1 0 18 19 J _ I \ \ `-L-----J \ / � CBMH 141 / MH 5 \\ \ 10 AY SNOW MELT = 954.8 100 YR HWL = 955.0 / I \ 1 0 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 n 11 i MH G s67.o 6 \ III I I 1 13 1 / I L --- _ / \ \ 966p 12 966. p / \ \ j 959 1 WETLAND #5D (MANAGE 2) 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 100 YR HWL = 955.0 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 N 0 50 100 200 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS __j 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 2 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NIP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments INDEX SURVEYING BLAINE, MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: �'� //� Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. of M�CAkENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under Monticello, Minnesota El- FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21Elk River, MN 55330 / 19 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 06/07/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056-cover 2nd.dwg 7t / U J' GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER REQUIRE TELEVISING. VIDEO FILES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 3. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR 26 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. 4. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE K AND SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. 5. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM THE DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. 6. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWN DOWNSTREAM OF THE CURB STOP. 7. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND THE R/W. 8. SANITARY RISERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MAIN, AND AT THE PROPERTY LINE PER CITY DETAIL 3004 9. NUSTAR ENERGY L.P. SHALL BE NOTIFIED AT LEAST 48 HOURS IN ADVANCE OF CROSSING EXISTING GAS LINE. 10. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ALL PVC WATERMAIN. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ALL SANITARY SEWER SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DETAIL PLATE 3005 (SEE SHEET 14 & APPENDIX D OF THE CITY'S GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS). 11. PLACE POST AT EACH SANITARY SEWER DRAINTILE CLEANOUT 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 o REMOVE PLUG & / / °/ / CONNECT TO EX./ PVC WM 77 36 SAN S�R I 8 -�� POWERLINE NOTES: 1. WHEN WORKING UNDER POWERLINES, THE CONTRACTOR MUST MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 15 -FEET CLEARANCE TO THE TRANSMISSION LINES. 2. DO NOT STOCKPILE SPOILS OR MATERIAL OF ANY KIND WITHIN THE TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT. HYDRANT W/G.V. 8"X 6" -TEE 10'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 961.7 ° o / � /8" G.V. &BOX T - - EX. 8 PVC WI / E n+u P 16+00 ° 8 _ ,� , / FX 8 �- 15+00 +00 C I / 14 00 / ° 3651 / o o` - °l ;3 , - AR STEAD • T DT DT-- D o D o . 514 ,X6 / EX 4.7 / / / aN M H ° STA. 17+50 MH REMOVE PLUG & 1 CONNECT TO EX. EX 8" PVC SAN SWR MH t5 REMOVE PLUG & CONNECT TO EX. 8" PVC WM Imo\ \7' MIN. -\\\CO ER \ ,,4------- ;, P�b \N EX 8 I I PLACE HIGH POINT OF WIV AT HYD. TEE PLACE 45• VERTICAL BENDS AS REQUIRED JACK/BORE 60'-16" STEEL CASING ® 0.40% EI --_-- EX. 8" PVC SAN SWR / -- --- 965.0 S&W=0+27 INV --953.0 CS= 963.0 957.0 26 8" 22.5° 1 BEND 960 0 g 60. S&W=0+16 � q 57.5 , INV=952.3 S&W=1+18 CS=962.3 INV= 952.2 v 1 CS=962.2 964'0 _ -- 9 6 --- -- ,t S&W=0+83 INV= 952.3 CS=962.3 25 UTILITIES PLACED UNDER PIPELINE EX. 8" NUSTAR SHALL BE DRILLED/BORED TO AVOID PIPELINE CROSSING. DISTURBING SOILS SURROUNDING PIPELINE. MAINTAIN A 2 -FOOT DISTANCE OF UNDISTURBED SOILS SURROUNDING THE PIPELINE. MH RE=962.19 1 BLD=17.97' \ \ - - - - _ - - - \ MAINTAIN 24" SEPARATION FROM EX. PIPELINE CROSSING. 50'-8" PVC SDR 26 ® 0.40% 15" STM SWR CROSSING 175'-8" PVC SDR 35 ® 0.40% ON 01 INNER 1 Is Emil �td - F�.= HYDRANT W/G.V. 8"X 6" -TEE 12'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.1 -- 960 8" 22.50 96-- 9 F r) BEND 5 S&W=0+13 S INV=953.8 &W=2+11 IN 53 CS--963.8CS=963.3 G 9650 - S&W=1+45 ",)6F 9600 INV=952.9 (9 5� CS= 962.9 3 0,64.3 i' zI S&W=1+21 1 / _ INV=953.2 Ivmil I S&W=0+728c V) Of Cn� NJ CS=964.0 90 S&W=0+64 g5� 0 F%I nG_� G INV=953.1 o +LC) + �+ C)+ CS=963.1 SEE SHEET 4 & BOX 0 G S&W=0+07 175'-8" PVC SDR 35 ® 0.40% ON 01 INNER 1 Is Emil �td - F�.= HYDRANT W/G.V. 8"X 6" -TEE 12'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.1 -- 960 8" 22.50 96-- 9 F r) BEND 5 S&W=0+13 S INV=953.8 &W=2+11 IN 53 CS--963.8CS=963.3 G 9650 - S&W=1+45 ",)6F 9600 INV=952.9 (9 5� CS= 962.9 3 0,64.3 i' zI S&W=1+21 1 / _ INV=953.2 Ivmil I S&W=0+728c \ CS=963.2 II CONNECT TO EX. CS=964.0 90 S&W=0+64 g5� 0 F%I N G INV=953.1 X60. I' /v�I 9 0.0 CS=963.1 SEE SHEET 4 & BOX 0 G S&W=0+07 - - - - - - _ INV=952.6 S&W=1+28 -2 •6 STA. 21 +75 MH INV 952.3 22 N 3 CS=962.3 g5 (g570 23 g60. 24MH ` STA. 19+25 2 ybu.0 (957.5) 5,096 n q6) I S&W=0+728c =01 W+1 � CONNECT TO EX. CS=964.0 CS -964.3 8"x8» EXISTING N TEE �I + VANN MH STA. 23+15 4 9 1 S&W=0+73 INV= 953.8 CS=963.8 0 0996 �8" 450 BEND 17 T .r FARMSTEAD AVENUE NE MH RE=961.40 2 BLD=16.38' MH RE=962.90 PROPOSED 3 24+00 IE• � CONNECT TO EX. z 0 AR1vlL__ R. EXISTING N 8" PVC SAN SWR y + \ GROUND _CAD » 8 G. V. Cq SEE SHEET 4 & BOX 0 - - - - - - _ MAINTAIN POSITIVE GRADE O M 8" PVC C900 WATERMAIN N N �� O 04 ►'7 20 8 WM OD _o HIGH POINT 20 0LO �0 ��C 2 OF WM AT HYD TEE. QW W�wl- W� V) (w~ _U W H (nJ 0) �� Lq wz OFN +�+ � LnO+ O iri o ii O Ln O --- ? _117 249'-8 PVC SDR 35 00.40% _ cn SDR 35 ® 0.40% 19 a oLn . LOc �O r; o Z 0' 0) 0-) FARMSTEAD AVENUE NE MH RE=961.40 2 BLD=16.38' MH RE=962.90 a Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg .04-04' CV N 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 rri 8" 22.5° all BEND 11 OD HYDRANT W/G.V. s&w=0+86 8"X 6" -REDUCER INV=953.9 CS=963.9 5'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.5 12 SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT S&W=0+90 1NV= 952.1 CS= 964.4 MH 6 =O+� INVS&W=952.3 CS=962.5 `SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT MH STA. 25+00 5 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE MH RE=963.53 4 JBLD=16.75' 15" STM SWR CROSSING , WATERMAIN, Q:�I W L7 J of o+ o LU i= M J E� LO+ 55016% MH RE=962.31 5 BLD -12.47 .9N, K•lF•: 00 0) 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 09 100'-8 PV SDR 35 CSD 0.60% MH RE -963.29 6 BLD=12.75' PLACE HIGH POINT OF WM AT HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN 970 965 955 950 945 935 LO 1"=50' 3 of / 19 PROPOSED 3 BLD=16.78 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM GRADE CONNECT TO EX. z (n z EXISTING N 8" PVC SAN SWR \ GROUND 7,5' MIN. Cq 0000 \ COVER - - - - - - _ MAINTAIN POSITIVE GRADE 8" PVC C900 WATERMAIN N N �� O 04 ►'7 O 8 WM PLACE HIGH POINT CROSSING OF WM AT HYD TEE. QW W�wl- W� V) (w~ (nJ W H (nJ 0) 0) Lq wz OFN +�+ � LnO+ O iri o ii O Ln O z 139'-8" PVC _117 249'-8 PVC SDR 35 00.40% SDR 35 ® 0.40% a Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg .04-04' CV N 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 rri 8" 22.5° all BEND 11 OD HYDRANT W/G.V. s&w=0+86 8"X 6" -REDUCER INV=953.9 CS=963.9 5'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.5 12 SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT S&W=0+90 1NV= 952.1 CS= 964.4 MH 6 =O+� INVS&W=952.3 CS=962.5 `SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT MH STA. 25+00 5 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE MH RE=963.53 4 JBLD=16.75' 15" STM SWR CROSSING , WATERMAIN, Q:�I W L7 J of o+ o LU i= M J E� LO+ 55016% MH RE=962.31 5 BLD -12.47 .9N, K•lF•: 00 0) 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 09 100'-8 PV SDR 35 CSD 0.60% MH RE -963.29 6 BLD=12.75' PLACE HIGH POINT OF WM AT HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN 970 965 955 950 945 935 LO 1"=50' 3 of / 19 REMOVE PLUG & ENGINEERING CARLSON SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAI M CAI N 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM CONNECT TO EX. z (n z w N 8" PVC SAN SWR (n Cq 0000 00,00 N N N CV O 04 ►'7 O z 0) 0) 0) O) wz z a Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg .04-04' CV N 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 rri 8" 22.5° all BEND 11 OD HYDRANT W/G.V. s&w=0+86 8"X 6" -REDUCER INV=953.9 CS=963.9 5'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.5 12 SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT S&W=0+90 1NV= 952.1 CS= 964.4 MH 6 =O+� INVS&W=952.3 CS=962.5 `SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT MH STA. 25+00 5 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE MH RE=963.53 4 JBLD=16.75' 15" STM SWR CROSSING , WATERMAIN, Q:�I W L7 J of o+ o LU i= M J E� LO+ 55016% MH RE=962.31 5 BLD -12.47 .9N, K•lF•: 00 0) 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 09 100'-8 PV SDR 35 CSD 0.60% MH RE -963.29 6 BLD=12.75' PLACE HIGH POINT OF WM AT HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN 970 965 955 950 945 935 LO 1"=50' 3 of / 19 ENGINEERING CARLSON SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAI M CAI N 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /L- Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Drawn: NJP Designed: BJK Date: 3/10/21 Revisions: 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 4. 6/20/22 Per City Comments a Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg .04-04' CV N 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 rri 8" 22.5° all BEND 11 OD HYDRANT W/G.V. s&w=0+86 8"X 6" -REDUCER INV=953.9 CS=963.9 5'-6" DIP CL.52 GND. EL. 963.5 12 SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT S&W=0+90 1NV= 952.1 CS= 964.4 MH 6 =O+� INVS&W=952.3 CS=962.5 `SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT MH STA. 25+00 5 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE MH RE=963.53 4 JBLD=16.75' 15" STM SWR CROSSING , WATERMAIN, Q:�I W L7 J of o+ o LU i= M J E� LO+ 55016% MH RE=962.31 5 BLD -12.47 .9N, K•lF•: 00 0) 0) 0) Z Z HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 09 100'-8 PV SDR 35 CSD 0.60% MH RE -963.29 6 BLD=12.75' PLACE HIGH POINT OF WM AT HYDRANT SANITARY SEWER & WATER MAIN 970 965 955 950 945 935 LO 1"=50' 3 of / 19 8" 22.50 BEND 8" 22.50 BEND s&w=1+17 I s&w=o+so INV=952.6 INV=952.4 S&W=0+20 CS=962.4 O CS= 962.6 INV= 952.4 S&W=0+35 r"--=962 .4 INV=952.8 964.0 96S S&W=3+78 HYDRANT W/G.V. S&W=0+94\ cs-952 s o 7 8 9 Ics-952.6 8"X6" -TEE INV=953.4 16'-6" DIP CL.52 CS= 963.4 6 10 GND. EL. 963.0 S&W=1 +50 00 - ., ° - INV=953.6 G T T CS=963.6 5 �_- -- - oo S&W=2+40 INV=953.6 4 CS=963.6 S&W=3+05 �< 0 10 „ - TYP. / INV=953.8 g°� 8 G.V. \� CS=963.2 � � & BOX S&W=3+64 6 INV=954.0 ��5 0 2 9F� 0 24"X8" CS- 962.9 `� S&W=1 +12 S&W=0+63 INV=953.0 INV=952.5 REDUCER �5 ° 5 y �5 CS=963.0 CS=962.5 d,SO 8 l/ V » » \ \ \ \ \ r a M 4 S&W=0+85 INV=953.53.5 � S&W=3+34 12 X24 �\ �� ��\ \� A Q�G �� ��5 CS=963.5 INV_953.1 CROSS v v �� SQ / CS -963.1 \\ 966 9S&W=1+53 (PLUG 24» INV=953.8 NORTH) CS=963.8 STA. 4+50 MH S&w=2+62 S&W=2+37 INV=953.8 INV=953.5 CS=963.8 CS=963.5 C S&W=2+99 2 � STA. 5+75 MH / V o INV=953.7 10 o CS=963.5 S&W=3+56 L RM ,e , \ �N���i ��\ �A INV=954.0 a��ti V CS=963.2 BENCHMARKS » \ \ MH STA. 0+75 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation CONNECT TO EX. 12 \ \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot DIP WM W/12" G.V. & �\� \ 12 Name Golf). BOX. REMOVE &1 G ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. DISPOSE OF EX. 12" SAWCUT, MILL & REMOVE & � DISPOSE OF EXISTING BITUMINOUS. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation DIP WM AS REQUIRED. Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot REMOVE & 24" PLUG REPLACE W/EQUAL SECTION. 0 25 50 100 Name 8605 S) DISPOSE OF EX. ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 12" G.V. & BOX (IN FEET) PROTECT EX. STORM SEWER 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 CONNECT TO EX. 12" EX, 12" DIP WM DIP W 12"X24" -CROSS (PLUG 24" NORTH) 45' VERTICAL BENDS AS - REQUIRED MH R 12 BLD -8.99' PROPOSED GRADE 87TH STREET NE MH RE -961.65 11 BLD=10.45 15" STM SWR PLACE HIGH CROSSING POINT OF WM EXISTINGAT HYD TEE. GROUND 15" STM SWR 8" PVC C900 WATERMAIN STM SWR CROSSING AIN CROSSING MH RE -961.50 10 BLD=10.90 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN HYDRANT W/G.V. THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 8"X6" -TEE 2• THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER REQUIRE TELEVISING. VIDEO FILES SHALL 26'-6" DIP BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 3. SANITARY SEWER SERVICES SHALL BE 4" PVC SDR 26 UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED. GND. EL. 962..00 4. WATER SERVICES SHALL BE 1" COPPER TYPE K AND SHALL HAVE 7.5' MINIMUM COVER. S&W=3+24 5. SANITARY SEWER SERVICE WYES ARE STATIONED FROM THE DOWN STREAM MANHOLE. INV=953.2 CS=963 6. SANITARY SEWER INVERTS ARE SHOWN DOWNSTREAM OF THE CURB STOP. 7. SANITARY SEWER & WATER SERVICES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 11' BEYOND THE R/W. 1 �' /S&W=2+59 8. SANITARY RISERS SHALL BE INSTALLED AT THE MAIN, AND AT THE PROPERTY LINE PER CITY DETAIL 3004 / INV=953.3 9. WATER SERVICES FOR LOTS 17-20, BLOCK 2 SHALL BE LOWERED 2' BELOW THE STORM SEWER & INSULATED. CS=963.3 8" G.V. 10. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ALL PVC WATERMAIN. TRACER WIRE SHALL BE INSTALLED WITH ALL SANITARY & BOX SEWER SERVICES IN ACCORDANCE WITH STANDARD DETAIL PLATE 3005 (SEE SHEET 14 & APPENDIX D OF THE CITY'S 2 GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS). T '9 s&w-2+01 11. PLACE POST AT EACH SANITARY SEWER DRAINTILE CLEANOUT � 6 96 INV=953.5 ok O CS= 963.5 8" G.V. �� O 13. C& BOX �s��' o• s C S&W=1+37 HYDRANT W/G.V. 7 8 CS=964.0 INV=954.0 » » 8"X6" -TEE Z_ '�� ^. \ T 14 HYDRANT W/G.V. 12'-6" DIP CL.52 8"X6" -TEE GND. EL. 963.3 SNV 1535 " e /8 8xoo INV 153.7 8 22.5 6'-6" DIP CL.52 s&w_o+s8 CS=963.7 BEND GND. EL. 962.2 INV=953.6 \ ° CS= 963.6 �6 S&W=1+55 S 15S&W=0+82 8" 22.5 INV=953.3 G 20 a CS= 963.3 • , 10 INV=953.3 BEND CS=963.3 S&W=0+39 ��.� ` 0 +97 O \ 9 S&W=1+01 INV=952.5' 5 9525' CS=962.5 153.9 � 9XINV_. � 1 � ° . � , M �a 9 163.9 oo 16 CS -962.5 S&W=1+31 17 18 Q� E INV=954.3 CS=964.3 X12 oo�, � S&W=0+49 Z 20 .., `' �\ INV=954.1 j 13 T ------ ---- _ _ '�2A t <� j DT CS=964.1 �T >> o i �T S&W=o+72 1 9 INV=953.9 S&W=1+15 INV=953.5 ��o C CS=963.9 CS=963.5 14 18 S&W=1+61 O INV=953.3 S&W=o+ 0 0 --_ 516 17 CS=963.3 STA. 9+75 MH INV=953.3 9r S&w=2+01 CS=963.3 &W=0+' X65.0 96�.0 INV=953.1 STA. 14+34 MH 9 INV=953.1 S&W=0+941 S&W=0+56 CS=963.1 4 CS=963.1 INV=952.9 INV=952.9 STA. 11+00 MH cS=962.9 CS=962.9 MH q STA. 12+25 8 C 7 MAINTAIN 24" SEPARATION FROM STORM SEWER & INSULATE (SEE DETAIL) E=962.40 LD=13.48' MH RE=961.65 8 BLD=13.33'MH RE=961.80 7 BLD=14.08' RE=963.53 MH BLD -16.75' 4 PLACE HIGH ---------------- - PLAGE,HIGH POINT OF WM ---------- POINT OF�WM, AT HYD TEE. 7.5' MIN. AT HYD TEE. - _ _ ------------- COVER _ _ MAINTAIN POSITIVE GRADE ON WATERMAIN o' o' 18" STM SWR Ln J N J w w� 374'-8 PVC SDR 35 ®0.40% CROSSING V) J C / 124'-8" PVC o �� �0 Of Of 00 45' VERTICAL BENDS SDR 35 ® 0.40% 396-8" PVC SDR 35 ®0.40! "' + o + o + o � C° AS REQUIRED 124'-8" PVC N N i,� + + �o �o SDR 35 ®0.40% 124'-8" PVC 209'-8" PVC SDR 35 ®0.40% LOWER WATERMAIN TO MAINTAIN 18" MAINTAIN 24" SEPARATION SDR 35 ® 0.40% VERTICAL SEPARATION BETWEEN FROM STORM SEWER & SANITARY SEWER SERVICES & WM INSULATE (SEE DETAIL) 8" SAN SWR CROSSING 45' VERTICAL BENDS AS REQUIRED LOWER WM TO PROVIDE 24" w LLI SEPARATION FROM STORM SEWER 3:1W z (n Save Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056_utiIity 2nd.dwg 970 1 965 1 950 1 945 1 Z & INSULATE (SEE DETAIL) W N ?iZ ENGINEERING CARLSON SURVEYING M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM 0000 0000 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /%- p y Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 0000 Revisions: 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 4.6/20/22 Revise WM along Fallon to 24" 0000 NN NN NN 0 00 00 00111- 00 00111- 0I�Oi 00 I'7 N I� CO CV 00 LO LOIn LOLO 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) ZZ Z ZZ HAVEN RIDGE LLC Z Z Z Z Z Save Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056_utiIity 2nd.dwg 970 1 965 1 950 1 945 1 (w ZZW W N ?iZ ENGINEERING CARLSON SURVEYING M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM 0000 0000 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /%- p y Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Drawn: NJP Designed: BJK Date: 3/10/21 Revisions: 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 4.6/20/22 Revise WM along Fallon to 24" Save Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056_utiIity 2nd.dwg 970 1 965 1 950 1 945 1 7t / U (w ZZW W N ?iZ 0000 0000 0000 00 0000 935 NN NN NN 00 0000 O O � n 00111- 00 00111- 0I�Oi q;00 00 00 r-: r_� (6 6 6 A1„=501 Z ZZ ZZ Z ZZ HAVEN RIDGE LLC 4 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SANITARY SEWER & 11149 187th Ave. of Monticello, Minnesota WATER MAIN 19 Elk River, MN 55330 u r 7t / U 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 CULVERT #2 15" FES #170 I STORM SEWER SCHEDULE RE=960.76 I LIJ CB IZ I NEENAH CASTING or EQUAL I J IW ilk I it Z I RIM=955.8 III W i (95 / v I i I Q of T,i Z n 0 I J II CBMH-145 J I 48" DIA. �I �LL.I I STA. 0+55 STMF ' II 10' RT 161 A ilii 48" -- --- HYD rnNni �C�j 1 m m 'n - I� Z 1'I�-�,I/r' 12"I�--- _ d I 8" PVVC I � RIM=959.7�J L I� i nv INV -947.5 SMH -a G i 0 87TH STREET I'VE I N 4.50' o SII 0 I -3067 -VB A ro m '6'i rnm II I I -I II �z I � USI I I �I I II it I I ^ I it � I I �I I I � IN I z Fq I ^ I I I I N I +I I I I i^ I I I I I I I I ' ^I I I 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 930 CULVERT #2 15" FES #170 I STORM SEWER SCHEDULE RE=960.76 STRUCTURE CB RE=960.76 NEENAH CASTING or EQUAL ^ J I STMI- STMH-131 161 72" CB I I° I I (95 / v I I II I 65.0 of A I CB R t FES #171 TRASH GUARD SCE 8 C.Y. 3 RIP RAP -ILTER FABRIC ALL JOINTS) 00 °' WIr- 0)0LO 0 Iji 0) z II 0) II < w IIS J = Iano=m z Nim _j ao} w0 o �o pFES POND 100 NWL = 949.0 #161 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 /<77,77777 /� I I I REMOVE PLUG & - -- --------------------------- CONNECT TO EXISTING PERFORATED 185'-6" PERFORATED 225 DRAINTILESTA. 0+6 PVC DRAINTILE �_ �� I I PVC DRAT TILE I I ��/VA��VA�/VA�\ \\ \V� eh oh �j�� gid-,- ohe o ohe ohe ohe ohe ohe ohe ohe ohe chc ul 190 6 PERF PVC DRAINTIL 2 965.0 957.0 9 / � (� A \ \\ ��-- ----- �000000-oo-----���o--�ws_0000000nnnn0000000 �b0000000000l I 95 ,g I / ��\//ice/s/� o �\ FILTRATION BASIN #100 rr00000o�ooa0000 00000000°0° o° 00000 C" �'i�E� (957.5) (95 957. I / �`\\`//\ h0000000 00°0°� 00000 0000000000 0000000000DT NOUT000 000 5) I / �! `\ BOTTOM EL =949.0 °°°°°°°°°°° I 9S) \ 0000000 000 O�o oo oOnn�� Qe0000009�0�®�LT�O ohe 00000000000 00000 00000000 000000O® °00000000000000000 I (9S / STMH ohe �o ®�° 000000000°° 1 0 y OUTLET EL = 949.5 ° °°°°°°°°° o°°° foo° \ 100 YR HWL = 952.7 °°°°°°°°°° 4 6 10 DAY SNOWMELT 953.1 °° 5 I I / / 131 o 000 E°11 °° °°--��OooOo�oo \ _ o I \� \ - _ \\0000 °����°000000° 0000°�oo °p�OO000� 00000000000 I F �° 0000°n. G 965.0 G 965.0 G 964 I 1 7 / / (9S �0 / /�, 100 YR B B HWL 954.3 00� °° ° °°°°°°°°°°°°° I I 6" DT CLEANOUT ° c / / �s \�,/ \\ \OOo�fI °°°°0000°000 0., O°0000 0000000000 � 000000 _ \\ °° °°°°°°°°°° °° 1160'-6" PERFORATED 00°000 0000000000000000000° ooc � \000°o>o�e-°oo0 000°000000000000000 X000 000000000000000 \0O0O0O000000�0000°000000 °°OOOPVC DRAINTILE 15 BDT DT I � ' 1+0 4+00 - DT -- T DTA - T D --O T -- DT DT 10' - - - - - - - - OT sxoo n�- -----190'-6" PERFORATEDI II I 6" DT CLEANOUT or PVC DRAINTILE 965.5 I F------65 2 I c 965'e, 3 4 5 I 6 G / - (96U (960.3) (958.0) 4' PVC DRAINTILE,_' I (5 // / 0�0 - 960.5 I STUB (TYP.)�Fg �� I g6 7.) / / 7 162H STA. 0+65 I O j 210'-6"I PERFORATED / 69 ^n I PVC DRAINTILE 9ooJ Sys I I I I I 1 STA. 5+20//�'__C�B// I 147 -J L - - - -- � 164 r� CULVERT #2 I FE' �1'-15" RCP :L 5 ® 0.74% MCT! AAIn -UrA /\IAAIA/%C 1% 0000 000 00000000000000000000000 OOOr \ \ X000000 -000000000000000000 0000000000 / �00000g o� �a�oeheo�oo�°oJaaoa��a7rogood -he g � 9: vv vv� V A oo°� ° O�Qo° °0��o00o°O�T °e°°°o°D�o0000 ohe oh o�oe -,h� oP�c ohenTrr� d' p ° O SAO O O .7 r� 000 000000000 0 0000000000 6�0 / of �9s \\� REMOVE PLUG &-- � � 0° 00- °o °� �o0000 - 00000000000000000000 \ O O O O O\ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 » / \\ CONNECT TO EXISTING „ °O0oo00000���°0 000000a000006�°DT°CLEANOUT°°°°oi 9 96' `\ \\\ DRAINTILE °0000 °°0000 000000000°00000°0000000 00000 ° 000000oteo 000000°000000000�y�y�,j 000rp}�o�Qo ° / Q� \ ,\ohe o ohe �-A ohe o� �� �����6-t; 0O �� OO° Q 000-Opp°O�O � ®0-0°0°0000000 he ;L 0, 000P00000aO��Ooo 0 0000 0000 CBMH � STA. 5+29 - 00000°000000000000000000 000°° 000OOO� �0 000°00 0000000°p� 000000000000000000000000000 °0°000 \ O000°00�,�0°00000000`0 00� °°°000000o00o0OooO°0 150,_6„ PERFORATED 145 \ X000°000,09 0000000000000°000000000000 \ \ ° 000000000000000�00�0 0000000000000000s�� \ �\ \ \ s° \ o 0 00000 ° 000000000 0 o a00°000 0° °sem - PVC DRAINTILE \ \ oo Ooo0o0000° 00000 x171 %� m� X11=`// '- , �T CBMH STA. 5+30 146 POND 100 N WL = 949.0 \ 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 r' \ 100 YR HWL = 952.7 \ 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER REQUIRE TFI FVIgIN(, VInFn FII Fq gNALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. BARRIER INSERTS ON ALL CATCH BASINS (SEE DETAIL). ILE IN THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT FLOW INTO THE DRAINTILE. 0 25 50 100 '\VE TRACER WIRE OUTS. (IN FEET) 1TED AND SHALL EXTEND I THE BOTTOM OF THE POND. ILL BE A MINIMUM OF 12 -FEET WIDE WITH 10% MAX SIDE SLOPES. BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. STM STORM SEWER SCHEDULE RE=960.76 STRUCTURE CB RE=960.76 NEENAH CASTING or EQUAL TYPE & No. SIZE BUILD STMH-131 BLD=4.50' 72" DIA. 5.43' R-1642 CBM RE=960.76 162 BLD=4.82' RE=960.76 CB 146 BLD=4.60' U') CBMH-145 BLD=4.50' 48" DIA. 10.00' R -3067 -VB CBMH-146 z 48" DIA. 4.60' R -3067 -VB CB -147 24"x36" N 4.50' R -3067 -VB 0; Oi � / or_ndA cn 4 11i � O O O C_') O O O O) O) O) O) CB -148 24"x36" O O) O) O 4.50' R -3067 -VB »»> z zzzz z z z zzzz STMH-161 48" DIA. 12.85' R-1642 STMH-161 A 48" DIA. 10.51' R-1642 CBMH-162 48" DIA. 4.82' R -3067-V CB -163 24"x36" 4.50' R -3067-V STMH-164 48" DIA. 5.72' R-1642 CBMH � STA. 5+29 - 00000°000000000000000000 000°° 000OOO� �0 000°00 0000000°p� 000000000000000000000000000 °0°000 \ O000°00�,�0°00000000`0 00� °°°000000o00o0OooO°0 150,_6„ PERFORATED 145 \ X000°000,09 0000000000000°000000000000 \ \ ° 000000000000000�00�0 0000000000000000s�� \ �\ \ \ s° \ o 0 00000 ° 000000000 0 o a00°000 0° °sem - PVC DRAINTILE \ \ oo Ooo0o0000° 00000 x171 %� m� X11=`// '- , �T CBMH STA. 5+30 146 POND 100 N WL = 949.0 \ 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 r' \ 100 YR HWL = 952.7 \ 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 GENERAL NOTES: 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 2. THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER REQUIRE TFI FVIgIN(, VInFn FII Fq gNALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. BARRIER INSERTS ON ALL CATCH BASINS (SEE DETAIL). ILE IN THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT FLOW INTO THE DRAINTILE. 0 25 50 100 '\VE TRACER WIRE OUTS. (IN FEET) 1TED AND SHALL EXTEND I THE BOTTOM OF THE POND. ILL BE A MINIMUM OF 12 -FEET WIDE WITH 10% MAX SIDE SLOPES. BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. STM RE=961.35 RE=960.76 BMH CB RE=960.76 161 A BLD=10.51' BLD=10.00' 145 147 BLD=4.50' CBM RE=961.17 00 00 CBM RE=960.76 162 BLD=4.82' RE=960.76 CB 146 BLD=4.60' U') O O BLD=4.50' 148 OV) > »> 00 in ' CB RE=961.17 z z zz z z I I CBM RE=960.76 I I I I 163 BLD=4.50' I ILo N CO I C0 C0 C0 00 CO (0 145 BLD�=10.00' N RE=958.00 TMH (6 In M 0; Oi � / or_ndA cn 'S #161 ,SH GUARD 60 C.Y. RIP RAP 'ER FABRIC LL JOINTS) )ND 100 = 949.0 OWMELT = 953.1 HWL = 952.7 -B HWL = 954.3 w w J J � � z z BLD=12.85 15" FES #166 W/TRASH GUARD 32'-15" RCP CL. 5 0 1.00% 12'-15" RCP CL. 5 ® 1.00% 37'-15" RCP CL 5 0 8.10% -8 " WM CROSSING 10'-15" RCP__., CL 5 ® 1.00% 32'-15" RCP_ CL 5 ® 0.55% 10'-15" RCP CL 5 C0D 1.00% LLJ z z (n V) z o (n o J P L0 LO LO LO in- LO " 114-114- PO LO�� n� 00 00 cV M M CO (0 (0 O O cfl co 6I� 6 I� (n z W) W) 11.117) U') O O O 0) O) 0) 0) O) OV) > »> 00 in ' z z z z zz z z BLD=12.85 15" FES #166 W/TRASH GUARD 32'-15" RCP CL. 5 0 1.00% 12'-15" RCP CL. 5 ® 1.00% 37'-15" RCP CL 5 0 8.10% -8 " WM CROSSING 10'-15" RCP__., CL 5 ® 1.00% 32'-15" RCP_ CL 5 ® 0.55% 10'-15" RCP CL 5 C0D 1.00% E- BLD=5.43' 1400 Ct S\15R ® Cp Sof WM 3.300 CROSSING 8" SAN SWR CROSSING J J J J P F- P F - z z UJIV) Of _z 3:w3:a� Z)zzcn (n z V) z zu)ixz) N D OV) in in 00 in ' in if) in in= I I I I I I I I I I O � O I ILo N CO I C0 C0 C0 00 CO (0 O �O�M N 04 -- r-0)NI� (6 In M 0; Oi � (6 co 4 11i � O O O C_') O O O O) O) O) O) O) O O O O) O) O) O) O O) O) O > »» z z » »»> z zzzz z z z zzzz E- BLD=5.43' 1400 Ct S\15R ® Cp Sof WM 3.300 CROSSING 8" SAN SWR CROSSING TM 131 w� N N �Lo N MY z z w z O M O Oi 0) z 965 955 950 945 1r� I I 1"=50' Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 5 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /L- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. STORM SEWER Of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota 19 TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� 4. 6/20/22 Add Cleanout Note 7 M CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL FAX 763.489.7959 Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM the laws of the State of Minnesota Save Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg tt / UJl J J J P P P z_a _z aw 3wa _z 3:w3:a� W (n z zW N zzON Lo io Lou in 1)'Lo CO � I C0 I I C0 C0 I I I CO C0 00 I I I I C0 C0 C0 C0 04 04 v- 04 O I� 04 I- I-� (O (6 (6 I,: Ij 4 6 I� O LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO LO O O C_') O O O O) O) O) O) » »> »»> z z z zz z zzzz TM 131 w� N N �Lo N MY z z w z O M O Oi 0) z 965 955 950 945 1r� I I 1"=50' Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 5 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /L- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. STORM SEWER Of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota 19 TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� 4. 6/20/22 Add Cleanout Note 7 M CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL FAX 763.489.7959 Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM the laws of the State of Minnesota Save Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg tt / UJl WETLAND #10 (MANAGE 21 / 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 '9 �/F MS`T97 100 YR HWL = 952.7 I N F 6s0 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 i �F v � C" � 8 26 POND 100 \ /\ �. \ �/ / 6" DT NWL = 949.0 / 25 CLEANOUT \ / 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7'� \- / yEET Ca' 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 � 24 STA.13+93 BMH v�v� � �/ 7 / � 139 �,vv� \\\--\\\- \ 4- 235'-6" PERFORATED 1_0BMH 23 NT20 CI 133 / I 22 21 'CBMH T 134 I 975 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 6" DT CLEANOUT C�M� � STA. 23+56 140 130'-6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE 9 CB CE STA. 24+77 3 142 10 165'-6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE ° y -11,00 1 1° FES #131 T o -\ r r �� _ L 0 7 yr r v���T C / CRC o � � I \ \ STMH I I � 131 957.0 957 9 I I I I I T zs I (957.5) (957.5) 960. > I I V A ��e o °° �� 6 DT \ 9 5� .5> (957 I 430 -6 PERFORATED TA.11 +50 CBMH Gj, 20 °r (o 1 O 11 I PVC DRAINTILE i 136 1 8 c, �� �o > o CLEANOUT 9 I 96 1 2 I (95�:5� I I 115'-6" PERFORATEDv \ 99 0, ° �I 12 964.o S.o � I 960.5 PVC DRAINTILE Dr SE I I 965.0 I 13 (958.0 (95�:° j 960.0 \ 8 o V/ _ - -- -- J I 19 5) I I (957.5) \ \ 1 7 `, ` 1 9 135 -6 PERFORATED 3 190'-6" PERFORATED I 65.0 G 14 o O PVC DRAINTILE �bN- �; l �Yo I I 1 cj I I \ g� o _ PVC DRAINTILE _ I X65 I I I 16 v v ��xo �i, I 0 I I \ \ o 135'-6"PERFORATED CBMH STA. 24+87 " 965.6 965.0 � �� PVC DRAINTILE / � 6 DT CLEANOUT I 141 -- 18 DT lP D1 Dur - _ � � � � CBMH STA. 12+61 � \ 138 GENERAL NOTES: o ° ° 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT ,Dr 90° -�- -� _ -+- �- 17 125'-6" PERFORATED ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL 965.0 I r '°+°° o� ��o �\ PVC DRAINTILE EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. 6� o I I I I Dr DT DT - DT \ g 2. THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER g I I 8 966.0 0 j \ CBMH STA. 11+48 REQUIRE TELEVISING. VIDEO FILES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 7 I I ---_ 16 137 9 966 I I I _ - _ - - - V 9 v 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER INSERTS ON ALL CATCH BASINS (SEE DETAIL). 96r 0I I I I I G A 4. PLUG THE UPSTREAM DRAINTILE IN THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT FLOW INTO THE 10 G 966. c' c S.o 96 \ �� x''15 180'-6" PERFORATED DRAINTILE. 11 13 I I 14 4 PVC DRAINTILE PVC DRAINTILE 5. ALL STREET DRAINTILE TO HAVE TRACER WIRE. 405'-6" PERFORATED 2 12�� , 6. INSTALL POST AT ALL CLEANOUTS. PVC DRAINTILE 6 DT STUB (TYP.) 7. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE GROUTED AND SHALL EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND CLEANOUT 8. MAINTENANCE ACCESSES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12 -FEET WIDE WITH 10% MAX SIDE SLOPES. 30" FES #131 W/TRASH GUARD PLACE 45 C.Y. CL. 3 RIP RAP W/FILTER FABRIC (TIE ALL JOINTS) POND 100 C NWL = 949.0 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 INSTALL HEADWALL PER_) CITY DETAIL 4008 CBM RE=955.00 CBM RE=956.50 132 BLD=4.38' 134 BLD=4.49' EXISTING GROUND ----- - CBM RE=956.00 - 133 BLD=4.94' STMH RE=954.50 131 BLD=5.43' PROPOSED `GRADE 138 -21 ' RCP 88-24' RCP CL 4 ® 0.50% 244'-24' RCP CL. 3 10 0.50% CL 3 @ 0.50% 28'-30" RCP CL 3 ® 0.25% WW3 STORM SEWER SCHEDULE w gQ Q Q STRUCTURE Z (n N Z NEENAH CASTING or EQUAL TYPE & No. SIZE BUILD CBMH-132 Z(nW 48" DIA. 4.38' R-4342 NN I NN CBMH-133 D 60" DIA. 4.94' R-4342 (0 (0 ��(0 CBMH-134 I I 48" DIA. 4.49' R-4342 � CV CV CBMH-135 U-) �� 48" DIA. 4.56' R-4342 N00 � CBMH-136 ���� 48" DIA. 5.12' R -3067 -VB � In In CBMH-137 00 00 c0* (0* 60" DIA. 8.76' R -3067 -VB UO U) U) U) CBMH-138 U) U) U) 48" DIA. 4.94' R -3067-V 0) 0) 0) 0) CBMH-139 0) 0) 0) 48" DIA. 5.50' R -3067-V »> CBMH-140 »> 24"x36" ZZZ 5.56' R -3067 -VB ZZZ CBMH-141 60" DIA. 4.13' R -3067 -VB CB -142 24"x36" RIDGE 2ND ADDITION 4.00' R -3067 -VB 30" FES #131 W/TRASH GUARD PLACE 45 C.Y. CL. 3 RIP RAP W/FILTER FABRIC (TIE ALL JOINTS) POND 100 C NWL = 949.0 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 100 YR HWL = 952.7 100 YR B -B HWL = 954.3 INSTALL HEADWALL PER_) CITY DETAIL 4008 CBM RE=955.00 CBM RE=956.50 132 BLD=4.38' 134 BLD=4.49' EXISTING GROUND ----- - CBM RE=956.00 - 133 BLD=4.94' STMH RE=954.50 131 BLD=5.43' PROPOSED `GRADE 138 -21 ' RCP 88-24' RCP CL 4 ® 0.50% 244'-24' RCP CL. 3 10 0.50% CL 3 @ 0.50% 28'-30" RCP CL 3 ® 0.25% WW3 5 w gQ Q Q w Z (n N Z (n Z (n W Z (n W WSW WAN Z(nW BZW MN I NN I I NN I NN p D I I I I I I (0 (0 ��(0 (0 I I I I I 0) 0) O O O 11:11: � CV CV �ccoo U-) �� 0)0) 0) 00) 000 N00 � Itr-rn ���� ZZZ ZZ ZZZ ZZ N N � In In c0* c0* CV � 00 00 c0* (0* 0) r- r- r- r- � Revisions: CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1.5/5/21 Per City Comments ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /%- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout SURVEYING p y M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� 4.6/20/22 Add Cleanout Note FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM a Date: 06/20/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056-utility 2nd.dwg T2__3__'_-21" RCP CL 4 ® 0.35% RE=957.00 BLD=4.56' ,BM RE=960.91 136 BLD=5.12' RE=960.91 BLD=8.76' ;BM RE=961.50 138 BLD=4.94' 'BM RE=962.53 139 BLD=5.50' CBM RE=962.71 140 BLD=5.56' RE=961.74 BLD=4.00' RE=961.74 CBMH BLD=4.13' 141. 142 8" WM - CROSSING - - - ---- --- - 13'If15' RCP 118'---15" RCP 132 -15" RCP CL. 5 C� 0.35 , �t 5 ® 0.35% (� 2.20% CL 5 ®`CZ3%- RCP 5 -------- -- " 32'-15" RCP " 45'�$ SAN SWR 8" SAN SWR CL 5 ® 0.60% 0 35'-15" RCP 8 CROSSING CROSSING ^ CL 5 ® 0.357-L, .. J (' H \1 O O " _j J m M m W .L a .M J J J J J J J F- F- F- F- F- F- F - z �z z z z z z �� QW� w gQ Q Q Q W � Q Q Z(n WZ(n ZW�W W WSW WAN Z(nW BZW p V) p D N� (0�� ���CD i0 c0�� (0 (0 ��(0 (0 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I �ccoo Q LO OLOV) 000 N00 � Itr-rn ���� CO ��N N N � In In c0* c0* CV � 00 00 c0* (0* 0) r- r- r- r- � 00 r- r - U) U) U) U) U) UO U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) U) O) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) O) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) »> »» »» »> »> »> ZZ ZZZ ZZZZ Z ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ ZZZ HAVEN RIDGE LLC HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 11149 187th Ave. Monticello, Minnesota STORM SEWER Elk River, MN 55330 975 970 965 955 950 945 LO 1"=50' 6 of / 19 7t / U� 38'-15" RCP CL 5 @ 0.35% 8" WM CROSSING = m W F - z Q � CO I- N r 00 U) U) 0) 0) Z Z 11149 187th Ave. Monticello, Minnesota STORM SEWER Elk River, MN 55330 975 970 965 955 950 945 LO 1"=50' 6 of / 19 7t / U� I a � E -X ' ;11 0I� DT EX. 4" PETDT ' -7 / / o t 975 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 490'-6" PERFORATED 6" DT PVC DRAINTILE CLEANOUT 0 l� 7 � � 4» PVC DRAINTILE rJ 6 G STUB (TYP.) G 965,0 65 9 G II 8 9 965.0 S'S 6 I I I I I 6" DT CLEANOUT4 3 4 G I - I� STA.18+59 CBMH 964,3 °-� w ui 360'-6" PERFORATED 964.0 I I \ - pe�<2 + N STA PVC DRAINTILE .18+49 CB 2 I \L� - w - 152 I - cn STORM SEWER SCHEDULE STRUCTURE NEENAH CASTING or EQUAL TYPE & No. SIZE BUILD CBMH-150 48" DIA. 8.76' R -3067 -VB CBMH-151 48" DIA. 4.60' R -3067 -VB CB -152 24"x36" 4.50' R -3067 -VB 32'-15" RCP 8" WM ® 2.259 CL 5 ® 1.00% CB -153 24"x36" 4.50' R -3067 -VB o G- + 1 964.0 _ _ - - - - - RMSTEAD CIRCLE NE ,� ;; / o� �� 9 4.0 G I I v - I� /',i �6" DT CLEANOUT - 85 -6 PERFORATED � � � � ^� � � I' I I I � Z GENERAL NOTES: I' `I - � VCDRAINTILE � o - i I I. 2o i - -- -- - - - milLn C17 ��% 6" DT CLEANOUT / E E NE ° °� i. ;i LO 20 �{� - 1. THE CITY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY ADDITIONAL COSTS INCURRED THAT / F�RMSTEA . . / / I I _ _ SEE SHEET 6 ARE ASSOCIATED WITH VARIATIONS IN THE UTILITY AS -BUILT ELEVATIONS. ALL I • - - EXISTING ELEVATIONS SHALL BE VERIFIED IN FIELD PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. •a N 2. THE CITY SPECIFICATIONS REQUIRE THAT SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER ----� Is 17+0 / 18+00 / I' / ____716+00 / 6" DT CLEANOUT 21 j I; ��71 420'-6" PERFORATED = REQUIRE TELEVISING. VIDEO FILES SHALL BE PROVIDED TO THE CITY FOR REVIEW. 5 / ,5 00 - - -- y / \ 6� ° 5� I �`%I PVC DRAINTILE ~ 3. INSTALL SEDIMENT CONTROL BARRIER INSERTS ON ALL CATCH BASINS (SEE DETAIL). �' - 5� II'r�l 4. PLUG THE UPSTREAM DRAINTILE IN THE STRUCTURE TO PREVENT FLOW INTO THE 22 �g6o' 1 I I, %yI - 1 g 00 DRAINTILE. / I I G 5� I I - - - 5. ALL STREET DRAINTILE TO HAVE TRACER WIRE. iG 965.01 IG 4. g64.0 �\ 23 6. INSTALL POST AT ALL CLEANOUTS 514 / �� o /„ �� I I 24 \ 5� \ \ \\ �\ \\\� I of 7. ALL RIP RAP SHALL BE GROUTED AND SHALL EXTEND TO THE BOTTOM OF THE POND. 6 DT CLEANOUT ° i �g5 0 \ \ i ��� % o� 1 H 8. MAINTENANCE ACCESSES SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 12 -FEET WIDE WITH 10% MAX SIDE °)6�, OIN , / 26 25 I gs° \ \ %// / 5 � SLOPES. (g5�. A \ ��� �i L 75'-6" PERFORATED (957.5) I I 960.0 \ \ �y z PVC DRAINTILE -- 960.0 \ \ ��;�� I CBMH � STA. 18+59 \ \ �,, � � \ - CONNECT TO EX. 380'-6" PERFORATED CE STA.18+49 CB I I 150 \ \� \!�� 1 7 0 25 50 goo DRAINTILE PVC DRAINTILE 153 I I V �� / %��,� ' \ 11 101 \ /may / /� \ \ (IN FEET) LA �A ` v 15 Z moi% � A 13 14 12CBMH ENGINEERING CARLSON SURVEYING MqCA1 N ENVIRONMENTAL 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 06/20/22 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd add ition\7056_utility 2nd.dwg CB RE -960.52 152 BLD=4.50' CBMH RE=960.52 151 BLD=4.60' CBM RE=960.52 EXISTING 150 BLD=8.76' GROUND PROPOSED /-GRADE CBM RE=956.00 133 BLD=4.94' CB RE=960.52 153 BLD -4.50' ;BM RE=960.52 150 BLD=8.76' BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. 975 970 965 955 10'-15" RC�_/1 187',15» RCP CL 5 ® 1.00 10'-15" RCP 32'-15" RCP 8" WM ® 2.259 CL 5 ® 1.00% 950 CL 5 ® 0.50% CROSSING 8" SAN SWR CROSSING J J J J _j 945 F- I~ F- F- F - Z Z Z Z z �N OfZ3:: LLI3::Zafj wZ(n �(n ZLiJ3:W D O O� D ON L0in (� (0 V I I %() L0 ����� I in in --iO ANN V I " (0 1 in %O LO Lo (0't 1 1 1 1 1 940 N N N N N c0 I I I (D N LO I I t0 N N 1 N N c0 c0 N (0 OO OOO r-- 11`�-0)Or-, LO0M OO O)�1*,-0� r_� co r_: In In In Ili 6 r_: 1_* ".-* 11--' 1: r-: (0 In In In r-: LOLO LOLOU7 LO0LOLOLO InlnLO LO11) LOLOU)LOL 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) O 0) O) 0) 0) 0) (3) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) C) 0)Ln » » > » » > » > » » » > 1 "=50' ZZ ZZZ ZZZZZ ZZZ ZZ ZZZZZ I hereby Certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. by Drawn: NJP Revisions: 1..5/5/5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE LLC HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION 7 or report was prepared me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /L ^� Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. STORM SEWER of Licensed Professional Engineer under Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 4.6/20/22 Add Cleanout Note Monticello, Minnesota 19 the laws of the State of Minnesota Elk River, MN 55330 SIGN SCHEDULE SIGN SIGN NO. SIZE QUANTITY FARMSTEAD CR. 1 87TH STREET = 20+52.82 � R1-1 30" x 30" 2 0 = 30016'58" 0 = 35008'44" + STREET SIGN 2 400.00' TYPE III BARRICADES 4 STREET NAME SIGNS NAMES QUANTITY OFARMSTEAD AVE. = 20+52.82 FARMSTEAD CR. 1 87TH STREET = 20+52.82 O87TH STREET 1 FALLON AVE. = 25+78.14 MATCH EXISTING CURB & GUTTER- MATCH EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK X 6 CONC.SIDEWAI L< D - DT - -- 14+00 SAWCUT, MILL & o -DT - oT� DT CURB TYPES LEGEND D312 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER TC 96.20 DENOTES TOP OF CURB ELEVATION FOR THE TYPE OF CURB SHOWN. © DENOTES PEDESTRIAN RAMP. (SEE DETAIL) Q CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. TYPE III BARRICADES (4) - TO BE 3LACED AFTER ROAD IS CONSTRUCTED. BARRICADES TO BE REMOVED ONCE POWERLINE HAS BEEN RAISED. CURVE DATA (FARMSTEAD AVE. NE/FARMSTEAD CR. NE) PC = 18+41.41 PC = 20+52.82 PC = 24+84.57 PT = 20+52.82 PT = 22+67.52 PT = 25+78.14 0 = 30016'58" 0 = 35008'44" 0 = 65023'40" R = 400.00' R = 350.00' R = 81.98' L = 211.4144' L = 214.6920' L = 93.5728' T = 108.24' T = 110.84' T = 52.63' 76 i / FAR �MSTEAD AVE TT ------- 18+00 15+00 MATCH EXISTING BITUMINOUS J 965.0 G REMOVE & DISPOSE OF / /o / Y// �/ r/ ° / 0 26 TEMP. CUL-DE-SAC 5 (995� 7.0 `Ct WA. A. LJt I'F.00 r AKMJ I LAU HVL. IV t r AKMJ I r -AU UK. Nt- STA. 14+34.13 87TH STREET NE 6 7 8 O3 5 G 965.0 G 9'996 G g65.0 4 864.5 6' CONCRETE G SIDEWALK --- j•.1 ° e © g64.0 I M ---- .. oo + 2 0 G ® loo 1 964.0° TC 63.66 + 20'R g64.0 YP. C 63.24 i o T) TC 63. NUE L SEE SHEET 9 20 G \�\I I' I o G 21 O L 1 g + V) gs� ° 22 gso 0 0 G 964.0 g64.0 23 .0 00 25 24 (957.5) g60.0 96( L 00 O c0 � 00 O) O L0 00 O O O c0 O O O O O O O c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 r- DO � M r- LO c0 00 N r- M 00 LO O CN r-- r-- r--r-r ri � � O 6 00 � 6 uj 4 r- O O O O O O M N N O O c0 C0 C0 CO (0 CO 0-) 0-) 0-) O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O � (0 � PVI STA = 14+50.00 + N + + (0 00 PVI ELEV = 973.60 T- N � In c0 M = 0.42 In PVI STA = 17+50.00 17+00 18+00 100.0' VC N PVI ELEV = 961.60 N N N N M ri M = 0.64 ri 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments ri r`) r`) C0 150.0' VC C0 =L HIGH-P-T--,S,TA = 13+81.48 HIGH PT EL'��` 973.97 \4008 PVI STA = 13+5(77(7t---, ° PVI ELEV = 974.22 M = 0.42 100.0' VC X W S U Q z 0 U F- V) z O �. 13+00 14+00 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE ENGINEERING SUITE 100 SURVEYING BLAINE, MN 55449 MqCA1 N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 06/07/22 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_street 2nd.dwg FARMSTEAD AVENUE NE O Ln O If) O > O W > LO a_ V) m CL O O LO O F- M � (0 � 0) + N + + (0 13+00 14+00 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE ENGINEERING SUITE 100 SURVEYING BLAINE, MN 55449 MqCA1 N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 06/07/22 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_street 2nd.dwg FARMSTEAD AVENUE NE O Ln O If) O 0 O In O LO O V) O V) O LO N�- F- M � (0 � 0) O N V) Ln (0 00 O) T- N � In c0 LO In 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 N N N N N N N M ri ri ri 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments ri r`) r`) C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 C0 (D CO O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O LOW PT STA = 18+50.00 LOW PT ELEV = 961.08 PVI STA = 18+50.00 PVI ELEV = 961.00 M=0.08 50.0' VC PROPOSED GRADE -0.6090 `EXISTING O 9 10 6o 0'99 6 0 0 �RM TE~D 50, 0CLE N o ry�,x BOC 24+00 - -- 2X0/ -fCI - I STREET IGN 20 00o LO (_0 -� � � O 19 LIGHTING NOTES: o> PROPOSED LIGHT LOCATION. FINAL LOCATION TO BE VERIFIED WITH CITY/XCEL. -L2 12 13 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE T- (P � co M IN � CL I J F- CL CL CL CL � O � + N � + + + 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my F- 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /L Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under 00 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 W `EXISTING O 9 10 6o 0'99 6 0 0 �RM TE~D 50, 0CLE N o ry�,x BOC 24+00 - -- 2X0/ -fCI - I STREET IGN 20 00o LO (_0 -� � � O 19 LIGHTING NOTES: o> PROPOSED LIGHT LOCATION. FINAL LOCATION TO BE VERIFIED WITH CITY/XCEL. -L2 12 13 z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. FARMSTEAD CIRCLE NE HIGH PT STA = 22+97.22 HIGH PT ELEV = 963.62 PVI STA = 23+00.00 PVI ELEV = 963.70 M=0.08 50.0' VC M 0) � O LO O LOW PT STA = 24+89.71 LOW PT ELEV = 962.33 PVI STA = 25+00.00 PVI ELEV = 962.20 M=0.16 50.0' VC I i a N I GROUND Z o 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 T- (P � co M IN � I J Cn(nCn(nCn W HIGH PT STA = 22+97.22 HIGH PT ELEV = 963.62 PVI STA = 23+00.00 PVI ELEV = 963.70 M=0.08 50.0' VC M 0) � O LO O LOW PT STA = 24+89.71 LOW PT ELEV = 962.33 PVI STA = 25+00.00 PVI ELEV = 962.20 M=0.16 50.0' VC I i a N I GROUND Z o 19+00 20+00 21+00 22+00 HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 23+00 24+00 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 25+00 STREET CONSTRUCTION 975 970 965 955 950 945 1n 1"=50' 8 of / 19 7t / UJ � I J W W � U F- LL - O F- ~ 00 W 11-z 00 LLJ CL 0- a- a- � LO LO 0 Utz Utz CO + + + + + + 23+00 24+00 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 25+00 STREET CONSTRUCTION 975 970 965 955 950 945 1n 1"=50' 8 of / 19 7t / UJ (9s6 s 7 9 964 i` G 964.0 964. 0 19 0 s� 6 10 961.\gs °s 6' CONCRETE SIDEWALK 4! 1111 11 04 .0 19- 5+ 6 s oo - � 94> g55i s e , / nk D D f T sxoy\ \ / 966 12 v2 19 CURB TYPES LEGEND D312 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DENOTES TOP OF CURB ELEVATION FOR THE TYPE OF CURB SHOWN. DENOTES PEDESTRIAN RAMP. (SEE DETAIL) CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. 11 \ ,®o T 65 0 964 0 T . , ,� 1 3 \ STREET 2 �'�� . � � � °y - G vv 7 6 \so 0 _o.p ° � 05�q6.A 8 (9675) X, � \° °. \ v , 5J -4° ° � 4 14 SEE' TRA SHEETS`FQR\ PEDESTRIAN '�� v �� �� °� �� 4 CROSSINGS`, \ ° aXoo c 15 9600 \ 0 05 �� \ 9 9 9 ` o 0 \0�6 5 s9 J 66 ° 16 (957' S 10 \ X 96s o 17 2 'R 1 BEGIN B618 CURB 10 ° ° a TYP.) STA. 0+39 s s 6 ° \ G 964.0 0001%( \ 9 9 J 6 19959 dry\ \ ZV 99°9 o - --- t� S9 0) 96S ° T T D 2 O t� 975 970 965 960 955 950 945 940 935 O O c0 O 50' 1 WARP OUT CROWN FALLON A O In O N LO 0000 1* 1* 1* c0 c0 c0 O O O 50' 1 WARP OUT CROWN FALLON A O In O 't O � O = 3+85.24 O PC = 7+27.25 LO CV CV CV CV CV CV c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 O O O O O O 00 � CV CV O O O O ( .A 0 a 20 TYP. 18 V� \ / .koo 9640 ° / \ TC 6: Ar Dl 20 13 G G 96\S 96\ 0 965.0 60 '> 14 G .0 G 965.0 965 0 18 \6g - 15 16 17 9 (957.5 960 6" (957.5) 0 g60.0 , CURVE DATA (87TH STREET NE) LO PC = 3+85.24 O PC = 7+27.25 LO PC = 9+35.28 PT = 7+27.25 O PT = 8+53.83 � PT = 12+65.82 0 = 78'23'02" c0 0 = 16'07'01" 't 0 = 63'07'40" R = 250.00' O� R = 450.00' R = 300.00' L = 342.0144' I� L = 126.5815' ►� L = 330.5362' T = 203.84 O T = 6 3.71 1 T = 184.30' a 20 TYP. 18 V� \ / .koo 9640 ° / \ TC 6: Ar Dl 20 13 G G 96\S 96\ 0 965.0 60 '> 14 G .0 G 965.0 965 0 18 \6g - 15 16 17 9 (957.5 960 6" (957.5) 0 g60.0 , HIGH PT STA = 2+49.97 LOW PT STA = 5+25.00 HIGH PT ELEV = 962.83 LOW PT ELEV = 961.32 PVI STA = 2+50.00 PVI STA = 5+25.00 PVI ELEV = 962.90 PVI ELEV = 961.25 1M=0.07 M=0.07 50.0' VC I 50.0' VC 0+00 1+00 2+00 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE NGINEERING SUITE 100 SURVEYING BLAINE, MN 55449 M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAI TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM MEMO Save Date: 06/07/22 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_street 2nd.dwg 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /%- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under or ^f/ the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 II HIGH PT STA = 8+50.00 19 �y 60 v 0 025 50 100 (IN FEET) O 't O T_ O LO O LO O N O LO O O O 0 Q w O 't CV � CV O T_ O c0 � O 't O T_ O O O� O (D O 00 00 I� � � ►� � � I� 00 00 O T_ (D OOi OOi 0000 LLO O CV CV CV CV CV � � � � � � � � � CV CV CV CV CV CV CV 11"i vi M CV CV CV CV CV CV CV c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O HIGH PT STA = 2+49.97 LOW PT STA = 5+25.00 HIGH PT ELEV = 962.83 LOW PT ELEV = 961.32 PVI STA = 2+50.00 PVI STA = 5+25.00 PVI ELEV = 962.90 PVI ELEV = 961.25 1M=0.07 M=0.07 50.0' VC I 50.0' VC 0+00 1+00 2+00 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE NGINEERING SUITE 100 SURVEYING BLAINE, MN 55449 M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAI TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763.489.7959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM MEMO Save Date: 06/07/22 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_street 2nd.dwg 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: /%- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under or ^f/ the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 II HIGH PT STA = 8+50.00 19 �y 60 v 0 025 50 100 (IN FEET) O In O LO O LO O I__ 00 O 955 c0 c0 O O OO 0 Q w CV CV CV CV CV c0c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 c0 O O O O O O O HIGH PT ELEV = 963.12 LOW PT STA = 11+50.00 PVI STA = 8+50.00 LOW PT ELEV = 961.48 PVI ELEV = 963.20 PVI STA = 11+50.00 M = 0.08 PVI ELEV = 961.40 50.0'VC M=0.07 PROPOSED 50.0' VC GRADE 1 7+00 EXISTING GROUND LO LO 04 r- + + 8+00 9+00 HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 \vim ---------- V) V) 041 r- + + 10+00 11+00 12+00 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 13+00 BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. O 00 't LO 00 N r7 r7 M c0c0 955 c0 c0 O O OO 50' WARP OUT CROWN 975 < 940 U_ M 1"=50' + 14+00 STREET CONSTRUCTION 9 / of / 19 7t/VJ 965 960 955 U 0 Q w 950 a U_ Lj Q 945 0 < 940 U_ M 1"=50' + 14+00 STREET CONSTRUCTION 9 / of / 19 7t/VJ REALIGNMENT OF 85TH STREET (BY OTHERS) _ �U TL�T B EX. 10' BITUMINOUS TRAIL ° ,� �' \ Q -�/ o� �o ® - - - / Q , --__ --- 0 — // OLID b%� �e�e / - Q-- --� i %I WHITE LINE A O NG / • / E (EPO--X--Y---)-- _(TYP.) ON IDEWALK4 BITUMINOUS -�� , .......... �• y % / ayo ayo7 — — — — _ -- - - ----- ---- ayo ayo Ot _ _ I \--------------_ o -- -2tg0----- -� — — — — aL 960__ _ i/ • • : 1 7.=.7, e • e // t- �� / /l 4� • ° SHO�f R • • 5��"� p� �' • • ° / t— _ ® aye �a4o a� �� o, r.: _ o, _ LLIw —958 _ o - 8 6ce=wiv -960 _ _ _ — — kl@ ayo ayo — — — — — — — *—A(VM _---� o — — — — — S'096=WI21 \ - - — — = d ..9!� w ANI ----I----- I—---- ----- - -- - / 0 62/ - - t _ _ — o --- t -dna ..z� - -- I — _ ----- ------- ---d� - — — — K CROSSWALK-- d�� ..Z�--------- ---- ------ --- - -- - �— —4 — — -- - -I - - _ _ _ 3724 �� -- S�D 9 � �� /--------- ��-- — --- - - - — \�� �� WHITE LINE MARKINGS -- -- - - -- — —— °'rn Z'9S6=nNl FES 6956= NI x�cl I ��9�3T� SAWCUT, MILL & MATCH--- ---__ Zz� STA. 0+08 FARMSTEAD AVENUE NE = EX. BITUMINOUS C--- )- Q W CAI I OKI AVCAIIIC P KI aZ LJ V)W W LL_ > Q TRAIL NOTES: 1. TRAIL SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAN A 5% LONGITUDINAL SLOPE 2. TRAIL SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAN A 2% CROSS—SLOPE. TRAIL - FALCON AVENUE NE POWERLINE NOTES: 1. WHEN WORKING UNDER POWERLINES, THE CONTRACTOR MUST MAINTAIN A MINIMUM OF 15—FEET CLEARANCE TO THE TRANSMISSION LINES. 2. DO NOT STOCKPILE SPOILS OR MATERIAL OF ANY KIND WITHIN THE TRANSMISSION LINE EASEMENT. CURB TYPES LEGEND D312 CONCRETE CURB &GUTTER B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER TC 96.20 DENOTES TOP OF CURB ELEVATION FOR THE TYPE OF CURB SHOWN. © DENOTES PEDESTRIAN RAMP. (SEE DETAIL) ❑V CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER. 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. � N co co O U0 N � Ln � O Ln � � 0� O O O O —0) co ­d_N O 00 C0 to O V -) Q00-) r\ 00 O O O O O Ln N O r__ N O rn c0 N 00 rn Ln O U0 rq O O O O N c0 CC O — r� � co r� o � cO rn O O O O O O 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� O O O O O O 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� 0� M 0� O O O O O 0� 0� �o �o cfl cfl cfl �o �n �n �n �n to to to to to to (-o �o (-o to to to to LO L LO LO 965 0� 0� M M M��������� M� M 0)� 0) M 0 M M� M� M M� M M� M M M 0�M M M M M 965 955 •11 MAELIM EXISTING GROUND ��----------+�-�� ±0.6% --- +O \ti---�'-----__ ±1_40 _-- ——��-�a----- -----------=---±� �� f1_0%_— f0.' w rCT 70 t ----- _ - _ - ------------//_-,`-----------------����/ � ---- � PROPOSED J cn ------------ w GRADE w 955 in u 1 "=50' 0+00 1+00 2+00 3+00 4+00 5+00 6+00 7+00 8+00 9+00 10+00 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments SURVEYING BLAINE, MN Ave. 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: �_ Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 1 7th TRAIL CONSTRUCTION 1 of TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� 4. 7/15/22 Revise per existing trail location Monticello Minnesota i ('� M gCAI N ENVIRONMENTAL FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River MN 55330 / 17 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 07/15/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineer1ng\fina1 utility\2nd addition\7056_trail 2nd.dwg tt/U-P Ld Z 10' BITUMINOUS Ld W TRAIL cr z 0 25 50 100 (IN FEET) [-BENCHMARKS :::] 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. v0000v00000000000000 00 0000000 000000000 ;i �y ��/ /00000ep000 0000000000 00 000000 0 000 00000 \ LnL 00000 0o0 0000000000 0 0 0000000 000 00000 �% X� I ® ® D 800 00000 000000 0 000000 0 0000000 /v� �� ® `'D / x e \ ® 0 00 00 0�o ro oea�o 000000 0 00000000 0/ / /z / /\\\< O�O) — Q /�\V // ® /00000 000000000000000000 000ao� o 0000�00000 /A�j/® a ® X000000000000000000000 00 0000000�0%%0000 00000//VA/ --- ��/V' �i 9S6 � �00000r�'000000000000000�00 00000cPoob�000000000 U0' /Y / 0000 P000000000000000bboo 00000 0000bboo 0000\// I / ® ° �oo0 000000000000000000 0 0000 000000.6 0000 //\\j/ � �=//� � � l � \\ 2n o0000000000000�00 0 000000000000000 / \ f n —�9S • ��� ��r / �°i //� ® 6 ���00000000 0�0 �//\\/ o� / � /� 35' � Ln --vteea x s—®�•� ®' �c• •,•. —o� ri �o��°50O�\A\/%/,\ LnoLnAf 6 LOU� `D EE — Ln �O Ln CCCODI ori Vx • • • • _ c0T x x /�— -- r — ------I-- -BOJ— — i— — n — aal oyo ayo .� O I Oo x o, W O� 0 6S � x A 14 J 0a Lv d Sl — L8S6=ANI — — ayo ayO ayo a o — — — — — — — — a4o ayo ayo ayo- -— ` c° \ yo ayo _ — a4o ayo I -- a4o ayo — — — — k/V IIT— a o — mal LL.I — — _ - \ ayo o i ayo_ — o N -- --_I- �— ° — — — — — — _ p— _ 95 "' i ayo x -- ���� �—� —958 —L SS -_- - _ - -- -I`T— - a 8+82.01 ----------- — — -ssQ A ANI M F < <— R� a. R_�n� ------ ------ - — — — — — — — s -96�- — — — <�< ------------------�------------------- ---- --1 - ------ - - - _ -� — =� _= _ - O - �� —{� — — — — —958-- ------------- T %-9 �1 ��5 ROSSWALK _« _< ST H - a ..5i< d�� .. =z�= = _ - cn------------C---------------- ---- ��—_' h X MAR_K�N�S-«-- I d 6� _� �� = CC— — —�C— — — < — 21' RCP 0�11 8'996=WIa �- <<--- <<-- 1 o� 0� I =� Lv DO 1 IU- 0 -4' BITUMINOUS NULL SHOULDER F— Idoa „s� 0 4" SOLID i ��� W SAWCUT, MILL & MATCH ��� WHITE LINE A> d.N a'»M wV , r EXISTING BITUMINOUS (EPDXY) F— (n TRAIL NOTES: 1. TRAIL SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAN A 5% LONGITUDINAL SLOPE 2. TRAIL SHALL NOT HAVE MORE THAN A TRAIL - FALLON AVENUE NE 2% CROSS -SLOPE. Ln O o) r1q Q0 cfl r � 0� O �CO — � co c0 O 6 O O O O O O O O O O O O r7 00 co In 00 N O O cV r, 14- 4 r --vi 00 T_ c0 M 00 vi 17 LO 00 O N K) r r --O co -.1-00 O q- PO V 00 r7 T_ O 0 c0 00 N O d- 0 00 O O O O O O O O Q0 o Q0 0) � rn 0 � rn 0) rn 0-) 0) rn � 0-)_ T)rn 0 _ 0 O vi Ln 0) 6 Ln 0) O c0 0) O c0 0) O c0 0) O c0 0) O (0 0) O (0 0) 6 LO 0) 6 111 0) 6 U') 0) 6 V) 0) 00 to 0) 00 W) 0) 00 In O � L 0) � O) � to (n 00 LO 0) 00 to (n 6 LO 0) 6 LO 0) O c0 0) O c0 0) 11—* c0 0) 1_* c0 0) 1 c0 0) (0 0) (0 O) O CO 0) O CO 0) 0) In O) 0) 0 0) of 0) Oi LO 0) Oi 0 (n Oi LO 0) vi V) 0) Oi LO 0) Oi LO 0) Oi LO 0) EXISTING GROUND ------------ ± .1 f1.0%_ - - - - - - 10.0% PROPOSED GRADE t1.8% f1.590 f0.0% J_ Q + O O Oi L0 O) TYPE III BARRICADE FIELD ENTRANCE TO BE REMOVED. 965 f---- 1955 950 945 I I 1"=50' 8+00 9+00 10+00 11+00 12+00 13+00 14+00 15+00 16+00 17+00 18+00 19+00 20+00 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC ENGINEERING 11 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments SURVEYING direct supervision and that I am a duly nature: Designed: BLAINE MN 55449 Sig133K 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION of ` � 2 ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� 4. 7/15/22 Revise per existing trail location Monticello, Minnesota / M CAI N FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 1(� 77 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 07/15/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_trail 2nd.dwg 7t/UJ' MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16' OC. GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AND MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON—SHRINKING CEMENT USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS BARREL TO CONFORM TO ASTM C-478 LATEST REVISION STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ADJUSTING RINGS MIN 4' — MAX 12' 27" DIA WITH EXTERNAL OR c INTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL I a e' 48" DIA Standard Plate Library City of Monticello O 0 o��� 1110 Title: Cone Section, Casting Steps, and Adjusting Rings Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1001 O O O O O O o NOTE: 1. STRUCTURE MARKER SIGNS AND 3" TUBING WITH 2-1" REFLECTORIZED STRIPS SHALL BE FURNISHED AND INSTALLED FOR ALL STRUCTURES LOCATED OFF THE STREET SURFACE (INCIDENTAL) T 2. 3" TUBING SHALL BE ATTACHED TO SIGN POST 3. THE SIGNS MAYBE OMITTED AS PER THE ENGINEER 4. THE SIGNS SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WRH C OF POST EXPOS@ 5. SIGNS SHALL FACE TRAFFIC 0.063° THICK ALUMINUM SIGN. BLACK LETTERS ON WHITE HIGH INTENSITY REFLECTORIZED BACKGROUND. U—CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 1.2 LB./FT. 6' LONG, GALVANIZED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Structure Marker Sign Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1005 USE NEENAH R -1642—A FOR LOW PROFILE APPLICATIONS USE NEENAH R1755—G FOR WATERTIGHT APPLICATIONS LETTERING TO READ: SANITARY SEWER, STORM SEWER OR WATER MAIN WHICH EVER IS APPLICABLE. NEENAH R-1642 WITH TYPE B SOLID LID MACHINE BEARING OR AEQUAL R vo CONCEALED PICKHOLES (2) REPEAT OPPOSITE SIDE EXCEPT FOR LETTERING 25 3/4 " 1 1/2 " 7' BEARIN SURFACE TO BE MACHINED 24" 28 1/2 �R 36" COVER FRAME Title: Standard Frame Standard Plate Library and Cover City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1002 STEEL T—STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR WATERMP,IN STUB PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT FOR SANITARY AND/OR STORM SEWER STUB AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP DF THE POST. POST SHALL BE BURIED 2' BELOW FINISHED GRADE WITH 4' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE (INCIDENTAL) STEEL T-5TYLE FENCE POST STREET GROUND LINE 4"x4" WOOD POST 4"x4" WOOD POST 4'x4" WOOD POST O STORM SEWER MAINLINE STORM SEWER WA MAIN O WATERMAIN SANITARY SEWER MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Utility Stub Markers Date: 04-08 Revised:03-15 Plate No. 1006 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello TOP OF PROPOSED SUBGRADE Title' Adjustment of Standard Frame and Cover )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1003 THE TOP 3' SHALL BE COMPACTED AT A MIN OF 100% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 7____4MAX OF 2' LIFTS TO BE WETTED AND CONSOLIDATED BY VIBRATORY MEANS AND COMPACTED TO A MIN OF 95% OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY (MN/DOT 2105) 4' COVER COMPACTED TO 95Z OF STANDARD PROCTOR DENSITY WITHOUT THE USE OF HEAVY ROLLER EQUIPMENT GRANULAR BEDDING AS PER MN/DOT 3149.21' GRANULAR FOUNDATION WHERE ORDERED BY THE ENGINEER SHOVEL, PLACE, AND HAND COMPACT AROUND PIPE TO 12" ABOVE PIPE. VIBRATORY COMPACTION REQUIRED EACH SIDE OF PIPE, AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Trench Compaction and Class B Bedding Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 1007 a a 4 3/8' MIN. 5/8" MAX. 3/8" MIN. 5/8" MAX. OMINOUS 4—WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE ADJUSTMENT DETAIL FRS SIIPFR r.LUE ENGINEER APPROVED /4" BEAD, 350 DEG.) 'OMINOUS WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS NON—WEAR COURSE CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RING AS MANUFACTRURED BY ESS BROTHERS AND SONS INC. OR ENGINEER APPROVED EQUAL FIV i we I. THE HEIGHT OF THE CAST IRON OR DUCTILE IRON ADJUSTMENT RING 2. ICA STIRON' oR UUCTTIILE RON ADJUSTMENTERINGS TO BE INSTALLED BITUMINOUS W EAR COURSE 3. A5 AS PER YEAR WARRANTY IS�REQQUUIIREDEFORnADJUSTMENT RINGS INCLUDING LABOR a MATERIALS ADJUSTMENT DETAIL Title: Standard Plate Library Metal Casting Ring y Adjustment Detail City of Monticello Date: 03-08 Plate No. Revised' 03-15 1004 z 2 LAYERS OF z 2'— 6" AS REQUIRED 1[ POLY (4 mil) 0 .w z 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH m o 1/4 'STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR A MINIMUM AR 1 C.Y. OF 1 1 � WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1-1 /2" CLEAR STONE MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. o OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG MEGALUG GATE VALVE TEE THRUST MEGALUG BLOCKING BLOCKING BEHIND BELOW GATE THRUST HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15"x 4") BEHIND TEE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Hydrant Installation late: 03-05 Plate No. ievised:03-17 2001 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 12 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NIP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments O\NIN BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ;4 /L— Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS Of SURVEYING p y ^� Monticello Minnesota 1n ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under , 7 M CAI N FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 fAjobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056—details 2nd.dwg 7t / VJ OR 5' IN BACK OF CURB IF CONCRETE WALK OR BITUMINOUS PATH ARE HYDRAFINDER PRESENT FLAG WATEROUS MODEL 67 HYDRANT YELLOW OUT OF ORDER TAG w TO BE INSTALLED ON PUMPER CONN. AFTER BACK—FILL EXISTING OR FUTURE STREET BREAKOFF FLANGE CURB OR GUTTER LINE Lij 1" TO 2' MAXIMUM CL ABOVE BURY UNE (FINISHED GRADE) CL IL VALVE BOX AS FINISHED GRADE WATERMAIN SPECIFIED 1 " TO 2' t� z 2 LAYERS OF z 2'— 6" AS REQUIRED 1[ POLY (4 mil) 0 .w z 3' DIAMETER BY 3' DEEP PIT UNDER HYDRANT FILLED WITH m o 1/4 'STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR A MINIMUM AR 1 C.Y. OF 1 1 � WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1-1 /2" CLEAR STONE MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. o OR APPROVED EQUAL MEGALUG MEGALUG GATE VALVE TEE THRUST MEGALUG BLOCKING BLOCKING BEHIND BELOW GATE THRUST HYDRANT PRECAST CONCRETE BASE VALVE BLOCKING AS SPECIFIED (15"x 15"x 4") BEHIND TEE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Hydrant Installation late: 03-05 Plate No. ievised:03-17 2001 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 12 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NIP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments O\NIN BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ;4 /L— Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS Of SURVEYING p y ^� Monticello Minnesota 1n ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under , 7 M CAI N FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 fAjobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056—details 2nd.dwg 7t / VJ GROUND EXISTING (OR FINISHED) GRADE PLUGGED END 4' NOTES: 1. RE -USE EXISTING AIR BLEED LINES AND PLUGS ON PROPOSED STUBS. INSTALLATION TO BE MADE AT 1" CORPORATION STOP NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION. FURNISH NEW GASKETS WHERE REQUIRED. 2. NEW LINES WILL BE PAID FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID FOR 1" COPPER AND 1" CORPORATION STOP. ALL OTHER WATERMAIN WORK TO BE INCIDENTAL TO THE PROJECT. 1" COPPER PLUGGED END AIR BLEED DETAIL 1EGALUG WRAP PLUG WITH 4 MIL POLY STEEL T—STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK VALVE BOX. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF VALVE BOX INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) PLUG 4' NOTE: GROUND LINE IF GATE VALVE BOXES ARE EXTENDED, THERE SHALL BE A GATE VALVE NUT EXTENSION TO TEE AND BEND BEND PLUG WITHIN 7.5' OF FINISHED GRADE AND ATTACHED TO THE GATE VALVE NUT NOTES: 1. THRUST BLOCKING TO BE USED FOR BEND 22 1/2' AND OVER. 2. THRUST BLOCKING SHALL ONLY BE USED WHERE WORKING PRESSURES ARE LESS THAN 150 PSI. 3. THRUST BLOCKS BEARING AREA TO BE POURED AGAINST UNDISTURBED SOIL. 4. POURED CONCRETE THRUST BLOCKING SHALL BE USED FOR 12' OR LARGER DIAMETER WATERMAIN 4. ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10 Fr. OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTAINED USING TIE RODS PIPE SIZE BEARING AREA 8 4.0 SQ FT a. 8.0 SQ FT 10" — 12" 12.0 SO FT 16 20.0 SQ FT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello �w s� z w 4' gW fn 12' 11'— 0" 2' Title: Blocking for Watermain Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 2002 STEEL T—STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED BLUE WITH AN OIL BASED — PAINT AND MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK CURB STOP. TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF CURB STOP INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) STREET AS AS 1 4, 0 12' GROUND LINE �72' CURB BOX WITH V— 1 1/4 STANDPIPE AND STATIONARY ROD 7'— 6" MIN COVER 1" CORP. COCK _ O BRICK 1 COPPER 1' COPPER BRICK 4" X B" X 2' WATERMAIN 4" X S' X 2' CAP CURE STOP WITH BLANK SLUG (TYPICAL) NOTE: ATTACH SHUT OF ROD TO CURB STOP SEE SPEC. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Water Service late: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2006 ENGINEERING CARLSON ` SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL M�CAI N 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763..489489.. 7959959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/21 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056details 2nd.dwg VALVE BOX 1/2" RUBBER GASKET INSTALLED BETWEEN THE GATE VALVE AND MIN 7.5 'COVER (UNLESS GATE VALVE ADAPTOR OTHERWISE NOTED) 1/4" STEEL VALVE BOX ADAPTOR WITH PROTECTIVE COATING AS 1/2 CU. YD. GRAVEL MANUFACTURED BY ADAPTOR INC. OR APPROVED EQUAL WATERMAIN GATE VALVE WATERMAIN VALVE BOX INSTALLATION Standard Plate Library City of Monticello GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AN[ MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON -SHRINKING CEMEN' ALL MANHOLES WITH INSIDE DROP SECTION SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF LATEST REVISION USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS Title: Air Bleed Detail And Valve Box Installation )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2003 STEPS AT 16' OC � e' "CRE-SEAL","RESEAL% OR APPROVED EQUAL o B" PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE VARIABLE MAX. 24" C21C PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT #5 AT 12" OC EACH WAY SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) OR APPROVED EQUAL' STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ADJUSTING RINGS MIN 4' - MAX 12' 71 W< STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: 1� MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS—I—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC, Q IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 6" MIN Title: Standard Sanitary Manhole late: 03-05 Plate No. ievised:03-15 3001 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: �2 ; /L — Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under 01 ^IV the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 GRASSY AREA BVIDE - 4"THICK LESS THAN 5' O 6" STYROFOAM HI -35 BRAN[ PLASTIC FOAM OR APPRC EQUAL CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS SURFACE 8'x 4' x 4" THICK LESS THAN 6' 6" 4' STAGGER SHEETS 4' LENGTH WISE AND 2' WIDTH WISE NOTE: INSULATION REQUIRED FOR WATERMAIN WITH LESS THAN 5' COVER IN GRASSY AREAS AND 6' COVER UNDER PAVED SURFACES. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Insulation Detail )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 2004 STEEL T—STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER _ INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" OR 6" PVC 4' FIELD CONDITIONS MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER 6" SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW MIN PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW _/ BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS NOTES: PVC =POLY—VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 4' OR 6' PVC 12' DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT 5' O WYE ELEV TO BE SET BY THE / ENGINEER — CONTRACTOR 4- TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS 'B' BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT (TYPI) SEE DETAIL BELOW FOR CAULKING BETWEEN 6" DISSIMILAR PIPES MIN TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES CONCRETE ENCASEMENT �Q (TYPICAL) e b PVC WYE VCP TO PVC FERNCO ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING VCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT DETAIL (TYPICAL) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 45'BEND 4' T I LINE 2' Title: Typical Service Connection late' 03-05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 3004 PROPOSED STORM SEWER 8'X 12' INSULATION AT PIPE CROSSING 8'X 20' INSULATION FOR BOX SEE PLATE 2006 45' BENDS MEGALUG FOR DETAILS (TYPICAL) MEGALUG MEGALUG 6" MEGALUG 12" WATERMAIN ` VARIES 20' NOT ALL PIPE JOINTS WITHIN 10' OF A BEND SHALL BE RESTRAINED USING TIE RODS. Title: Standard Plate Library Watermain Offset City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 20 2005 TYPICAL IRRIGATION SERVICE (NOT TO SCALE) R/W HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota BRICK *HDPE ALLOWED IN LIEU OF COPPER EXTEND IRRIGATION SERVICE & BLOWOUT I LINE 3' ABOVE GRADE & CAP. MARK W/ STEEL FENCE POST & PAINT BLUE. 11" COPPER TYPE K *1" COPPER TYPE K 13 / DETAILS of 19 BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT TRACER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND STREET INSTALLED AS PER CITY CONTRACT TRACER WIRE SPLICE CURB BOX STANDPIPE I COPPER—CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE 1 2' SPOOL COPPER—CLAD STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE r TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT � r 1' COPPER WATERMAIN COPPER -CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANITARY SERVICE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER Standard Plate Library City of Monticello USE 4" OR 6" CISP PLUG AND CAP, TOP TO BE 1/2 BELOW FINISHED GRADE VARIES 10' TO 20' 1/8 BEND Title: Tracer Wire (New Developments) )ate: 03-08 Plate No. Revised:03-15 3005 TIES REQUIRED TO CLEAN OUTS FINISHED GRADE 6' PVC RISER FOR NON-RESIDENTIAL 4' PVC RISER FOR RESIDENTIAL 4. OR 6" VERTICAL WYE (PVC) CONCRETE ENCASEMENT 12" ALL AROUND (INCIDENTAL) WATER TIGHT GASKET OR CEMENTED PLUG PVC HORIZONTAL WYE (PVC) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT 1. PAYMENT FOR 6" RISER PIPE, 6" VERTICAL WYE 45' BEND AND PLUG WILL BE PAD FOR AT UNIT PRICE BID PER EACH. 2. CLEAN -OUTS REQUIRED AT 70' INTERVALS FROM MAIN SEWER UNE. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Sanitary Clean -Out )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 3006 ENGINEERING CARLSON ` SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL M�CAI N 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763..489489.. 7959959 8" CAST—IN—PLACE CARLSONMCCAIN.COM e Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg GROUTING BETWEEN PIPE AN[ MANHOLE BARREL SHALL BE WITH NON—SHRINKING CEMEN' ALL MANHOLES WITH INSIDE DROP SECTION SHALL BE 5' DIA (I.D.) MANHOLE SECTION TO BE ASTM C-478 CLASS II CIRCULAR REINF LATEST REVISION USE R-2 JOINT FOR ALL MANHOLE JOINTS -CRE-SEAL","RESEAL', OR APPROVED EQUAL PRECAST GASKET CONNECTION SHALL BE USED FOR CONNECTION PIPE TO MANHOLE MAX. 24" C2 PRECAST BOTTOM SECTION WITH INVERT #5 AT 12" OC EACH WAY ^"..... SEALS (INTERNAL OR EXTERNAL) OR APPROVED EQUAL' STANDARD MANHOLE FRAME AND COVER ADJUSTING RINGS MIN 4" - MAX 12' STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER NO SCALE NOTES: MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS -I -PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. O2 IF DROP IS GREATER THAN 24" INCHES, USE OUTSIDE DROP. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 6" MIN Title: Standard Sanitary Manhole )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 3001 C CASTING ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN — 12' MAX STANDARD FRAME & COVER INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) ROADWAY SURFACE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4020 FOR COVER REQUIREMENTS .•�: H- 8" CAST—IN—PLACE z o z CONCRETE (i 4' TO 10' N P N °L•. Z y� v U � AE AE U LU M _ U n m .•�: 8" CAST—IN—PLACE CONCRETE ._` 4' TO 10' e: °L•. �.L .•�.�L.:• �i .. �_i �•L' � ��i':" �-1'� •LCL Ck STRUCTURE 8" POURED CONCRETE BASE, FOR ALTERNATE PRECAST CONCRETE BASE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 4011 (MODIFY DIAMETER AND 2" RASED AREA TO FIT REQUIRED DIAMETER. WALL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE CLASS II PRECAST PIPE, EXCEPT 48" DIA MAY BE ASTM C 478 CONCRETE PIPE. SEE MnDOT STANDARD PLATE 3000 (NO TONGUE OR GROOVE AT TOP OR BOTTOM OF THIS SECTION). CAST—IN—PLACE CONCRETE OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION (BRICK OR BLOCK) ALLOWED ONLY IF APPROVED BY ENGINEER CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE AND PIPE CONNECTION 01 REFER TO STANDARD PLANS FOR HEIGHT AND DIAMETER REQUIRED. 02 MANHOLE STEPS SHALL BE CAST IRON OR MA MODEL PS-1—PF (BY MA INDUSTRIAL INC.) CONFORMING TO ALL OSHA REGULATIONS AND SPACED 16" OC. O3 MINIMUM STEEL REINFORCEMENT ® EQUIVALENT STEEL AREA IN WIRE MESH MANHOLE MANHOLE,,.., MAY BE USED CAOR TCH PLASTEREEXTERIOD OR 711 GENERAL DIMENSIONS FOR CONCRETE APPLY BASIN CATCH t © TO BRICK AND CONCRETE MASONRY UNIT - DIA pS�IN CONSTRUCTION ALSO, EXCEPT AS NOTED. SEWER BRICK (MnDOT SPEC 3616) BLOCK ® 12" MINIMUM FOR PRECAST, 3 BRICKS OR MASONRY CONSTRUCTION 1 BLOCK MINIMUM FOR MASONRY CONSTUCTION © REINFORCEMENT AS PER MnDOT SPEC 3301, GRADE 60. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Standard Manhole for Storm Sewer Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4001 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: �2 ; /L - Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under 01 ^IV the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 STEEL T -STYLE FENCE POST PAINTED GREEN WITH AN OIL BASED PAINT AND A MINIMUM 2" REFLECTORIZED TAPE (ENGINEER GRADE) AT THE TOP OF THE POST TO MARK THE SERVICE STUB TO BE INSTALLED AT THE TIME OF SERVICE DEPTH OF COVER OVER_ INSTALLATION (INCIDENTAL) TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT 4" OR 6" PVC 4" FIELD CONDITIONS MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS "B" BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER SEE JOINT DETAIL BELOW MIN R PLACE NEARLY HORIZONTAL FOR LOW 12' BASEMENTS AND SHALLOW SEWER AS DRAINAGE AND DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER UTILITY EASEMENT TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR LESS NOTES: 5 PVC = POLY -VINYL CHLORIDE SDR 26 DEPTH OF COVER OVER TOP OF PIPE TO SUIT ALL SERVICE CONNECTIONS INCLUDING NECESSARY FIELD CONDITIONS BENDS AND SPECIAL FITTINGS SHALL BE PAID FOR AT THE CONTRACT UNIT PRICE BID PER LINEAR FOOT OF 4" OR 6". NO ADDITIONAL COMPENSATION SHALL BE ALLOWED FOR CONCRETE ENCASEMENT OR PIPE BEDDING. 45°BEND 4' OR 6' PVC E ELEV TO BE SET BY THE ENGINEER - CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY PRIOR TO BURY MIN PIPE SHALL BE COMPLETELY ENTRENCHED AND SHALL HAVE CLASS 'B' BEDDING WHERE DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER CONCRETE ENCASEMENT TICAL) SEE DETAL BELOW FOR CAULKING BETWEEN 6' DISSIMILAR PIPES MIN TYPICAL SERVICE WHERE COVER OVER ADAPTER TO BE RESILIENT TOP OF SEWER IS 12' OR MORE ASTM C425-64 TYPE III OR APPROVED EQUAL FOR DISSIMILAR PIPES CONCRETE ENCASEMENT �Q (TYPICAL) e PVC WYE VCP TO PVC FERNCO ENCASED IN CONCRETE SHALL BE REQUIRED WHEN CONNECTING TO EXISTING VCP SEWER MAIN (INCIDENTAL). CONCRETE ENCASEMENT DETAL (TYPIC) THRUST BLOCKING FOR CLEANING EQUIPMENT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello A L CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX NEENAH NO. R -3067-V 4" CONCRETE COLLAR INSTALL INFRA SHIELD (OR APPROVED EQUAL) EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN —12* MAX ENCASE IN CONCRETE COLLAR USE CONCRETE CURB MIX FOR COLLAR 4' 7F . GNE ND Title: Typical Service Connection )ate' 03-05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 3004 I�rrl�l 43' ALL STORM SEWER CASTING ELEVATIONS SHOWN ON THE PLANS HAVE BEEN DEPRESSED 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION (SEE DETAIL 5003) Ell 24" FINISH GRADE 31" 2- 3.— 6" 34" 5" 4" MIN e. 4" CONCRETE COLLAR NOTES: SECTION A -A POUR A 3" TO 4' CONCRETE COLLAR AROUND RINGS EXTENDING FROM THE CASTING TO THE PRECAST SECTION CATCH BASINS LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE TYPE MnDOT DESIGN H. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Standard Catch Basin Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17— 4002 HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 BUILDING INSTALLED BY PRIVATE CONTRACT TER WIRE LOCATE BOX GROUND STREET INSTALLED AS PER CITY CONTRACT ) TRACER WIRE SPLICE CURB BOX STANDPIPE I COPPER CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE 1 2' SPOOL COPPER—CLAD STEEL AWG 12 TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET POLYETHYLENE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER PRIVATE r TO BE PROVIDE UNDER CITY CONTRACT CONTRACT Standard Plate Library City of Monticello 1 COPPER COPPER—CLAD STEEL AWG 12 GAUGE TRACER WIRE 30 MIL HIGH DENSITY POLYETHLNE GREEN COLORED JACKET TO BE PROVIDED UNDER CITY CONTRACT SANITARY SERVICE MAINLINE SANITARY SEWER WATERUNN Title: Tracer Wire (New Developments) )ate" 03-08 Plate No. Revised' 03-15 3005 / 1 A O A 35-1/4' 43 - PLAN CASTING TO BE SET 0.10' BELOW GUTTER ELEVATION INSTALL INFRA SHIELD CURB INLET FRAME AND CURB BOX (OR APPROVED EQUAL) STANDARD CASTING - NEENAH R -3067-V EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL ADJUSTING RINGS 4" MIN - 12' MAX ENCASE WITH CONCRETE MANHOLE COVER TO BE 48" DIA COLLAR 6" OPEENTEJGTYPE II WITH 24'x 36' *15" 24" 9' CONCRETE DOGHOUSE REQUIRED ON OUTSIDE AND INSIDE OF STRUCTURE 9 *48" P AND PIPE CONNECTION *DIMENSION VARIES m BASED ON STRUCTURE DIAMETER RCP PIPE CONCRETE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE NOTES: AND BASE TO BE CRETEX TYPE 4336 OR APPROVED EQUAL 1. BASE TO BE GROUTED TO FORM A SMOOTH INVERT TO OUTLET. SECTION 2. PIPE CUT-OUTS TO BE LOCATED WHERE REQUIRED. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES REQUIRED IN GREEN SPACES SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED OF PRECAST CONCRETE ONLY IN ACCORDANCE WITH Mn/DOT STANDARD PLATE 4006L THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R-4342. CATCH BASIN MANHOLES LOCATED IN DRIVEWAYS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH AN ECCENTRIC TOP SLAB WITH A 27' ROUND OPENING. THE CASTING SHALL BE NEENAH R -3508-A2. Title: Standard Plate Library Catch Basin Manhole City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4003 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 14 / DETAILS of 19 R-4342 FRAME AND COVER (IN GREEN AREAS) R-1642 FRAME AND COVER (IN STREETS) STANDARD MANHOLE EXTERNAL CHIMNEY SEAL STEPS SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS MONTICELLO CITY STANDARD MANHOLE DESIGN 48" DIA PROVIDE RUBBERIZED BRUMASTIC SEALER AROUND JOINT FLANGED SHEAR GATE - NEENAH R -5005-D1 OR APPROVED EQUAL INCIDENTAL) NOTES: 1. SHEAR GATE TO BE BOLTED TO PIPE AND MAINTAINED AT HALF OPEN POSITION. USE S.S. BOLTS AND NUTS TO FASTEN SHEAR GATE TO CONCRETE PIPE. 2. SECURE HANDLE WITH LOCK d7 CHAIN TO KEEP OPEN AT SPECIFIED DEPTHS. 3. PAINT SHEAR GATE WITH COAL TAR EPDXY. Title: Standard Plate Library Standard Manhole with Shear Gate City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4004 NOTE: THIS DRAWING IS TYPICAL FOR ALL FLARED END SECTIONS 24' OR LARGER SHEET PILING AS SHOWN SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL TO FLARED END. NUTS AND BOLTS ON TRASH GUARD MUST REMAIN EXPOSED. 4000 PSI CONCRETE ISE (3) 1" BOLTS ABUTMENT 10 PSI CONCRETE 14 REBAR EACH FACE CONCRETE TO �ATTACH�TRASH GUARD Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Piling for Flared End Section late: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 4008 4"PVCPP 4"x 4" TEE 4"PV('-- NON PERF AT CONNECTION MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL 100' PREFERRED METHOD E J 0 a U H RCP PIPE CURB a a MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN 4'PVCPP .., ,JLE OR CATCH BASIN WALL 0.5' * LENGTH TO BE DETERMINED BASED ON EXISTING SOIL CONDITIONS r n¢r �rtrtw METHOD 2' 1' 2.5 2' TYP SEE DETAIL 4006 FOR CROSS SECTION 2"MAX COURSE FILTER AGGREGATE MN/DOT 3149.2H PERFORATED PIPE Standard Plate Library City of Monticello BITUMINOUS SURFACE ° AGGREt ATE BASE GRANULAR SUBBASE MORTAR JOINT WHERE DRAIN PIPE COMES INTO MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN Title: Special Details PVCPP Subdrain 03-05 Plate No. 03-15 4005 v °1 � a a_ °.CIO 0 �Wo O Ji C Ln N z P ­—__ z En r u)o N o� N n Ld 0, z 1 Q o Lo, Lu z > UU w_ IE W 5 M o LL Z w J U� Sz a a a Ii W wa oW nnolnro x7 m70WvWvID Q[V 070 V �� �rQI �w 7007 c4 cV H AIA m W 6"717)76 3 >- 4 c m CV >' O c� 'i 6 m N"n M YN V? II II z 0 N g o U G = p »w 70 N o Ni In Go 70 Q 70 N 700W N W d �f7� R)f� CI1� ref nmN1 co -tw rnt N wecoo0 o� o N W d =In Cli 17n� �NNnnaamrn m� �� I: 6 olmOi 6 0� U �N Nn nln 1 [R� Z �w�r.TnN�u7�omN�rnmNnOl� W J O'w Za J��� cV cV IMS N7CI 7�0�"]IC Q mt 1� In KIiU �N N 0LnII 0 OI W D� r-�.Omm Ol w z jj c4 U UO ci >mw �foanCl 6 6 4 U N� I�.O'tt070 IL 4 M) to 7C 01 MI aG O n 1� N n m p U ILd V) � o � N N N n n 0 Q 0 5, O 0 r Q CP a N't q P1 q W o Ui [L 0�m�I.1 IC of Ism nnMof W O� p �N Nn Ic11dhGD 0 0 Of O O�r��Wnw .Lq W wa;Inn M mo 7D D_ n CV IM i[Im ECm�ri icfNN W CP�In 031yU��reV no; 70N 700701DN OPOa c O7 CCo' oil 0 a 0 1 ��o lo�7own0�omcaoar v)I 0 n u.)� r -w 0_ nN II to 07 n N on �w0_ :3n ICI ad �M1 7G a;i N N In Y �a 0 O� U Nn V YaID f, d a Sj GU d ZNIn z, 00� �Ir N NN O nn ON70�O V vInw 0 IO N� O w 7T 9 a0a N o� N n Ld 0, z 1 Q o Lo, Lu z > UU w_ IE W 5 M o LL Z w J U� Sz a a a Ii W wa Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my ` SURVEYING N direct supervision and that I am a duly nature: Desig BLAINE M 55449 Signed: BJK �-;--- 2 M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under IV FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056details 2nd.dwg U_ W :n N Na a_ Mo r o� w w min � J Ld W � z Title: Riprap Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4009 Revisions: 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� VDIA 160' PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP Q'TIJMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE m 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC (TYPICAL) ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric late: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4006 TYPICAL POND SECTION 1 1 ----- N.W.L. 10.1 3 3 W 1 Q 1 10' BOTTOM 10' VARIES FILTRATION BASIN PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT. III — — — —M i — — — — — — — — — — — — VARIES — GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP 24" UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED SOIL , —III—III— 2" OF 1/4" CHOKING STONE *PLANTING MEDIUM 1.5" WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST 6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12" * ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO DEPTH PRIOR TO PLACING PLANTING MEDIUM THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 16" MAX TRANSVERSE & LONGITUDINAL BARS 5/8 " FOR 18" TO 27" APRONS 3/4 " FOR 30' & LARGER APRONS. 6" ANCHOR TOP do BOTH ENDS NOTE: 1. ALL TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION PER MNDOT SPEC. 3392 47 3394. 2. APPLIES TO FLARED END SECTIONS 12" OR LARGER. 3. ALL NUTS AND BOLT ATTACHING TRASH GUARD TO THE FLARED END SECTION SHALL BE LEFT EXPOSED Title: Standard Plate Library Trash Guard for End Section City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -- Revised: 03-15 4007 INFRASAFE — 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS roo° '•'•_;'• mmy e 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS ;oa REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT qF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING INFRASAFE — 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE =:a ®® HDPE INSERT BASKETS 8" SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS r�MeARB 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 15 / DETAILS of 19 7t / VJ Q[V �� �rQI mIq 7007 N7070 W 70N�OIn 3 >- inMU CV 4ICm6 'i 6 m N"n M YN V? II z g o _ 0 } -DNow co -tw LN In wecoo0 N W d =In Cli 17n� m� �� I: 6 olmOi 6 0� U �N Nn nln 1 [R� Z W Q ��o 7I+7}Nln O.mN OI W D� r-�.Omm Ol w z jj c4 A 4 m 7d ci 4 c i m 6 6 6 4 U j§ IyU NNNn V W L- V) � o 0 5, O 0 r Q CP a N't q P1 q W In n Ui [L 0�m�I.1 IC of Ism nnMof W O� U �N Nn Ic11dhGD 0 0 M D_ ofP tc �r W CP�In W no; 70N 700701DN OPOa c O7 CCo' a v)I U �f3 'n�ya aoao�olnu77anwu7orTr1� �w0_ :3n ICI ad �M1 7G a;i Mf cV 17a[A �a O� U Nn V YaID f, a o 9 a0a =N Nhnln Y07@ n W O�NM�%]Y*] (r � Standard Plate Library City of Monticello CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my ` SURVEYING N direct supervision and that I am a duly nature: Desig BLAINE M 55449 Signed: BJK �-;--- 2 M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under IV FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056details 2nd.dwg U_ W :n N Na a_ Mo r o� w w min � J Ld W � z Title: Riprap Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4009 Revisions: 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout TYPICAL HOLE LOCATIONS CORRUGATED POLYETHYLENE PIPE WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP 6" B/C� VDIA 160' PVCPP WITH PROTECTIVE WRAP Q'TIJMINOUS SURFACE AGGREGATE BASE SUBGRADE m 4" PERFORATED P.E. PIPE WITH FABRIC (TYPICAL) ENCASED WITH COARSE AGGREGATE(MNDOT 3149.2H). INSTALL WHERE CLAY SOILS ARE ENCOUNTERED IN THE ROADWAY SUBGRADE, LOW POINTS IN ROADWAY OR AS DIRECTED BY THE ENGINEER. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Perforated P.E. Pipe With Fabric late: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 4006 TYPICAL POND SECTION 1 1 ----- N.W.L. 10.1 3 3 W 1 Q 1 10' BOTTOM 10' VARIES FILTRATION BASIN PLANT NATIVE PLANTS TOLERANT OF INUNDATION AND DROUGHT. III — — — —M i — — — — — — — — — — — — VARIES — GRASS PRE-TREATMENT STRIP 24" UNDISTURBED, UNCOMPACTED SOIL , —III—III— 2" OF 1/4" CHOKING STONE *PLANTING MEDIUM 1.5" WASHED STONE (IGNEOUS) 85% HOMOGENEOUS SAND 15% ORGANIC LEAF COMPOST 6" PERFORATED PVC DRAINTILE SCARIFY EXISTING SIOLS TO A MINIMUM 12" * ONSITE TO BE UTILIZED TO DEPTH PRIOR TO PLACING PLANTING MEDIUM THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. VERIFY W/ GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER. HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 16" MAX TRANSVERSE & LONGITUDINAL BARS 5/8 " FOR 18" TO 27" APRONS 3/4 " FOR 30' & LARGER APRONS. 6" ANCHOR TOP do BOTH ENDS NOTE: 1. ALL TRASH GUARDS SHALL BE GALVANIZED AFTER FABRICATION PER MNDOT SPEC. 3392 47 3394. 2. APPLIES TO FLARED END SECTIONS 12" OR LARGER. 3. ALL NUTS AND BOLT ATTACHING TRASH GUARD TO THE FLARED END SECTION SHALL BE LEFT EXPOSED Title: Standard Plate Library Trash Guard for End Section City of Monticello Date: 03-05 Plate No. -- Revised: 03-15 4007 INFRASAFE — 27" DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE AS MANUFACTURED BY ROYAL ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES HDPE INSERT BASKETS SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS roo° '•'•_;'• mmy e 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS ;oa REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS 2X3 HDPE FRAME INSERT qF EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R -3250-A OR R-3250-1 (MNDOT 801) FRAME CASTING INFRASAFE — 2'x3' DEBRIS COLLECTION DEVICE =:a ®® HDPE INSERT BASKETS 8" SHOWN W/OUT FILTER BAGS 400 MICRON FILTER BAGS REQUIRED INSIDE BASKETS r�MeARB 2'x3' HDPE FRAME INSERT EMERGENCY OVERFLOW PORTS - MEETS MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3891.F "STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION - FILTER BAG INSERT" - DESIGNED FOR NEENAH R-3067 OR R-3290 SERIES HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 15 / DETAILS of 19 7t / VJ 12' 3/4 / PER FT 3' 1/2R 1/2 R 3" g;1 7" 2'— 0" MODIFIED DESIGN "D" 73" (TOTA4) NOTE: STORM SEWER TOP OF CASTING ELEVATION SHOWN ON THE PLANS INCLUDES A 0.10' DEPRESSION FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE. THE CONCRETE CURB SHOULD BE TRANSITIONED FROM THE PROPOSED GUTTER GRADE TO THE CASTING ELEVATION 5 FEET ON EACH SIDE OF THE CENTER OF THE CASTING. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Concrete Curb & Gutter at Catch Basin ►ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5004 CONTRACTION JOINTS BOULEVARD WIDTH VARIES(AVERAGE 8') *SIDEWALKS SHALL HAVE 6" OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK DIMENSIONS WIDTH — 6' DEPTH — 6" FOR NEW DEVELOPMENTS *4" MINIMUM FOR EXISTING AREAS, 6" AT DRIVEWAYS AND CROSSWALKS GRANULAR BORROW DEPTH — 12" GRANULAR BORROW OR 6" CLASS 5 CONTRACTION JOINTS — 6' INTERVALS EXPANSION JOINTS — 60' INTERVALS (APPROX.) *MATCH EXISTING DEPTH, 4" MINIMUM INSTALL PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMPS AT ROADWAY INTERSECTIONS Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Typical Sidewalk 03-05 Plate No. 03-17 5012 SAME SLOPE AS ROADWAY g, HORIZONTAL '• (FORMS MAY BE TILTED) REVERSE SLOPE GUTTER SECTION DIVIDER PLATE 3'R X71 6 1/2 " 3'R 3Y SLOPE 0.06 FII 6" 13 1/2 SLOPE 3/4"/FT 1 2" MIN r2• 7• I�Z• o/ / 6 HORIZONTAL / LINE / ,1 MNDOT 0 SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE IS PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE — 0.0474 CU YDS / LIN FT (6612) MAY BE TILTED 8612 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE — 21.1 FT CU. YDS. 13612 DIVIDER PLATE 3"R 1 6' 1/2 3'R 3� 6" 13 1/2 " O SLOPE 0.06 FII OR SLOPE 3/4"/FT �® 2" MIN �2" 7• YY 22 / 9 HORIZONTAL LINE MNDOT SLOPE 0.06 FT/FT NORMAL, UNLESS STANDARD PLATE NO. 7100 H OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. IF A DIFFERENT SPECIFICATION REFERENCE 2531 GUTTER SLOPE 15 PERMITTED, THE FORM CONCRETE — 0.0582 CU YDS / LIN FT (861 o) MAY HE TILTED 8618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONCRETE — 17.2 FT / CU.YDS. (8618) 12" 3/4 " / PER FT 3' 1/2 ' R 1/2 R 7•E 10" HORIZONTAL LINE MODIFIED DESIGN "D" CURB & GUTTER Title: Standard Plate LibraryConcrete Curb & Gutter for Streets City of Monticello Date: o3-05 Plate No. Revised: 5005 03-15 BITUMINOUS TRAIL DESIGN AO — PATHWAY WIDTH 10 ft © — SHOULDER WIDTH 1 ft MIN. 3/8 ' x 1' FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER EXPANSION JOINT STEEL TO BE USE DRIVEWAY SLAB IS INTEGRAL WITH GU VARIES CONTRACTION JOINT (SAWED OR PREFORMED) ON 15' OR WIDER DRIVE R=5'— 0' 26" R=5'— 0' CONTRACTION JOINTS PLAN SECTION Standard Plate Library City of Monticello I Title: 3/8 ' x V FORMED CONTRACTION JOINT TO BE SEALED WITH HOT POURED CONCRETE JOINT SEALER EXPANSION JOINT WHERE SIDEWALKS EXIST OR ARE PROPOSED, THE DRIVEWAY SHALL EXTEND THROUGH THE SIDEWALK. MAINTAIN 2% SIDEWALK CROSS SLOPE THROUGH DRIVEWAY. 113.5" PAVEMENT FOR DRIVEWAY SHALL BE FROM BACK OF CURB Residential Driveway Entrance Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-17 5007 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello TYPICAL BIT. SHOULDER EDMONSON AVE, 85TH ST, FALLON AVE. 50' — Fallon Ave. 65' — 85th St. 60' —Edmonson —Right—of—way Right—of—way CENTERLINE/EXISTING CROWN VARIES WITH 1' 10' Varies 4' 12' RESPECT TO CENTER OF RIGHT—OF—WAY Bit. Trail Shl . Thru Lane t1' 11-11.5' 11-11.5'— }1 Agg. Thru Lane Thru Lane Agg. Shld. Shld. 3' TO 6' 0.5' MILL JOINT SLOPE VARIES 01�osN 2% MIN ON WEAR © O © Shoulder ~� SAWCUT/MILL LINE LO 1' AGG. BASE EDGE PAVEMENT SECTION 3" SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 6" CL 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) 12" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW 6' MINIMUM SCARIFY AND RE COMPACT (SUBGRADE PREP) FABRIC IF DIRECTED BY ENGINEER NOTES: 1. TRAIL CONSTRUCTION SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE MOST RECENT EDITION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO GENERAL SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARD DETAIL PLATES. 2. PEDESTRIAN RAMPS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITH TRUNCATED DOMES AND CONFORM TO ADA REQUIREMENTS. 3. MODIFY SURFACING, BASE, AND SUBGRADE DESIGN BASED ON EXPECTED VEHICULAR USE AND SUBGRADE SOILS. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Trail Section 03-05 Plate No. 5013 03-15 R/W (PER MN/DOT 2360) 2"—TYPE SPWEB330B BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE BITUMINOUS TACK COAT 2"—TYPE SPNWB330B BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE 6"—CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE 12-24" SELECT GRANULAR BORROW * VERIFY AND MATCH EXISTING STREET SECTION TYPICAL STREET SECTION FARMSTEAD AVE, FARMSTEAD CR, 87TH ST —13' 17' 17' 4%, 16' 16'— I R/W ~6„4 6,1L1, Title` Typical Cul -De -Sac )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5010 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 16 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments O\NIN BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ;4 /L— Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS Of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota 1n ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under , 7 M CAI N FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 fAjobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg 7t / VJL `CONCRETE SIDEWALK SOD W/4” TOPSOIL -/SEE DETAIL 5012 4' BEHIND CURB 2. SEED & MULCH SOD W/4" TOPSOIL REMAINING R/W 4" PERFORATED PE DRAINTILE PAVEMENT SECTION W/TRACER WIRE MODIFIED "D" CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE, TYPE SP 9.5 SPWEA340C TO = — 0.13' BITUMINOUS TACK COAT, MN/DOT SPEC. 2357 3" BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE, TYPE SP 12.5 SPNWB330C 6" CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE (MODIFIED) *24' SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (2-6 BEHIND CURB) 6" MIN. SCARIFY & COMPACTED SUBGRADE *THICKNESS OF SELECT GRANULAR TO BE VERIFIED WITH GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER AND/OR CITY Title` Typical Cul -De -Sac )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 5010 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 16 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments O\NIN BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: ;4 /L— Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS Of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota 1n ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under , 7 M CAI N FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 fAjobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg 7t / VJL MAILBOX NOTES: OTOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX O BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX. FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET 4" FRONT OF MAILBOX W-12" FROM B�X (T"YP� EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 3�PROVIDE YELLOW 3" ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3" SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6' SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED O WOOD POST BITUMINOUS ROADWAY (TTP) 11 LL /'BURY X\\" MODIFIED 'D" CURB GUTTER (TYP) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION O HSE SSE HSE HSE HSE HSE JHSE HSE HSE HSE # # # # # # # # # ADS 11 ADS I ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS I ADS ADS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX 44 1 Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03-07 Revised: 5014 � 03-15 1. Drive a 1.1m (3.5 ft) base poet in the ground so that no more than 100 mm (4') is above ground level. Nest casting into top of post. Insert two 8 mm x 40 mm SLIP SAFE socket—head attachment bolts with flat washers through the post. Place the nuts on the inside of the casting. Tighten the bolts using the tum—of—the—bolt method. The bolts should be tightened 1/2 to 3/4 turn after snug. 0 0 0 ° P 3. Place keeper plate on top of the base poet SUP SAFE costing with keeper plate holes aligned to v—notches in casting. 2. Attach casting to top post using two 8 mm x 40 mm SUP SAFE socket—head attachment bolts with flat washer through casting and post. (Note: If top post will be used with a street sign bracket, attach the SUP SAFE casting into the opposite end of the top post where the first hole is 25 mm (1") from and. This will ensure that the street sign costing will align correctly with the holes in the top post.) Attach the second casting to top past in same manner. 4.Position SUP SAFE top post with attached casting over the keeper plate and base posts SLIP SAFE casting so that both SLIP SAFE castings align. Place a flat washer on the two 13 mm x 55 mm SUP SAFE attachment bolts and insert them from the bottom, up through the holes in the keeper plate. Place a second flat washer over the protruding bolts. Put on lock washers and nuts and tighten. Using the tum—of—the—bolt method, the attachment nuts should be tightened 113 to 1/2 turn after snug. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Slip Safe Breakaway System 03-05 Plate No. :03-15 5019 NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE NOT INSTALLED TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE 5052—H38 OR 6061—T6 ALLOY. GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30„ .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" REFLECTING SHEETING SHALL BE DIAMOND GRADE. ALL SIGNS CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. CHANNEL POST SPECIFICATIONS GALVANIZED STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL BE USED, 2.5 LB/FT POSTS SHOULD BE USED THAT ARE PUNCHED ON 1" CC. GALVANIZED POSTS SHALL BE OF THE 4—RIB DESIGN. POSTS ARE TO BE 7 FEET IN HEIGHT BETWEEN BOTTOM OF SIGN AND FINISHED GROUND. BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED OR CADMIUM PLATED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation late' 03-05 Plate No. Zevised:03-17 5016 0 4x4 TREATED POST N S 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN R ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2" V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE 4'=0" Standard Plate Library City of Monticello SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST—SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE Title: Conservation Easement Post Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised' 5020 03-15 2-3/8" BOULEVARD GRADE TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052—H38 OR 6011 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" 100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. ° $ ° -1111 III I —1111 VIII =1111 IIII IIII—IIII VIII �IIIIIIII � o° — �IIIIVIII IIIIIIII= �° �° IIIIIIII111111111= =IIII =111111 ° b� q—IIII11k TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS 11111111— TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC 111111111 os oqa `IIII IIII u? CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE N A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI— ROTATION IIIIIIII b° DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE IIIlllll 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE 111111111 _— A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUT IIIIII =11111111 NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WRH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ALL EXCAVA710N & BACKFILL TO COMPLY WIIN CITY EXCAVATION ORDIMACES AND REQUIRE EXCAVATION PERMIT FROM PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE. Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 5017 UTILITY EASEMENT P/L 11 12' LOT STAKE LO PE GAS W'dEA TYPICAL TYPICAL wARNINc TAPE a;,d STAEE 3F'BdcKFiu O.O. OF PIPE 42'1 neER TEOLE CAOTV ELEC 12' MIN. COVER 1st STAGE 01 BACKFILL 95" MIN. EASEMENT INSTALLATION SEWER AND WATER STUBBED DRAINAGE & UTILITY 11' INSIDE PROPERTY UNE EASEMENT UNE TELEPHONE, TV OR FIBER ELEPHONE, TV OR FIBER PEDESTAL EDESTAL E C. CENTERLINE IN THE EVENT OF A HYDRANT jRj%NSj JOINT TRENCH AT A PROPERTY CORNER. MOVE SEE DETAIL ABOVE ELEC. TRANS. AND PEDESTALS BACK TO MAINTAIN 10' CLEAR SPACE i STREET NOTE; ALL WOOD SHALL BE CEDAR OR TREATED MAILBOX HEIGHT & OFFSET TABLE 03 HEIGHT I) OFFSET CURB do GUTTER DESIGN (IN) (IN) B6 41 — 42 11 MOD 'b" 44 — 45 15 • MAILBOX NOTES: OTOP OF CURB TO FLOOR OF MAILBOX O BACK OF CURB TO FRONT OF MAILBOX. FOR INSTALLATIONS IN RURAL LOCATIONS OFFSET 4" FRONT OF MAILBOX W-12" FROM B�X (T"YP� EDGE OF TURNOUT OR USABLE SHOULDER 3�PROVIDE YELLOW 3" ROUND REFLECTOR ON APPROACH SIDE OF POST (FIRST POST ONLY FOR TWO POST INSTALLATIONS) ®PROVIDE 3" SEPARATION BETWEEN MAILBOXES 6' SQUARE CEDAR OR TREATED O WOOD POST BITUMINOUS ROADWAY (TTP) 11 LL /'BURY X\\" MODIFIED 'D" CURB GUTTER (TYP) NOTE: MINIMUM 3 MAILBOXES TO MAXIMUM 8 MAILBOXES NOTE: 1 MAILBOX TO MAXIMUM 2 MAILBOXES ON SINGLE POST ON DOUBLE POST INSTALLATION INSTALLATION O HSE SSE HSE HSE HSE HSE JHSE HSE HSE HSE # # # # # # # # # ADS 11 ADS I ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS ADS I ADS ADS BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX BOX 44 1 Title: Mailbox Detail Standard Plate Library New -Residential Cit of Monticello Date: Plate No. City 03-07 Revised: 5014 � 03-15 1. Drive a 1.1m (3.5 ft) base poet in the ground so that no more than 100 mm (4') is above ground level. Nest casting into top of post. Insert two 8 mm x 40 mm SLIP SAFE socket—head attachment bolts with flat washers through the post. Place the nuts on the inside of the casting. Tighten the bolts using the tum—of—the—bolt method. The bolts should be tightened 1/2 to 3/4 turn after snug. 0 0 0 ° P 3. Place keeper plate on top of the base poet SUP SAFE costing with keeper plate holes aligned to v—notches in casting. 2. Attach casting to top post using two 8 mm x 40 mm SUP SAFE socket—head attachment bolts with flat washer through casting and post. (Note: If top post will be used with a street sign bracket, attach the SUP SAFE casting into the opposite end of the top post where the first hole is 25 mm (1") from and. This will ensure that the street sign costing will align correctly with the holes in the top post.) Attach the second casting to top past in same manner. 4.Position SUP SAFE top post with attached casting over the keeper plate and base posts SLIP SAFE casting so that both SLIP SAFE castings align. Place a flat washer on the two 13 mm x 55 mm SUP SAFE attachment bolts and insert them from the bottom, up through the holes in the keeper plate. Place a second flat washer over the protruding bolts. Put on lock washers and nuts and tighten. Using the tum—of—the—bolt method, the attachment nuts should be tightened 113 to 1/2 turn after snug. Title: Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Slip Safe Breakaway System 03-05 Plate No. :03-15 5019 NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE NOT INSTALLED TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE 5052—H38 OR 6061—T6 ALLOY. GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30„ .100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" REFLECTING SHEETING SHALL BE DIAMOND GRADE. ALL SIGNS CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. CHANNEL POST SPECIFICATIONS GALVANIZED STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL BE USED, 2.5 LB/FT POSTS SHOULD BE USED THAT ARE PUNCHED ON 1" CC. GALVANIZED POSTS SHALL BE OF THE 4—RIB DESIGN. POSTS ARE TO BE 7 FEET IN HEIGHT BETWEEN BOTTOM OF SIGN AND FINISHED GROUND. BOLTS, NUTS, AND WASHERS HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED OR CADMIUM PLATED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation late' 03-05 Plate No. Zevised:03-17 5016 0 4x4 TREATED POST N S 3" WIDE BY 30" LONG BROWN R ALUMINUM SIGN WITH 1-1/2" V HIGH WHITE LETTERING 31" A T I O N 4'-0" A R E A 17" GRADE 4'=0" Standard Plate Library City of Monticello SET POST IN QUICKCRETE FAST—SETTING CONCRETE OR APPROVED EQUAL. MIN 12" DIA HOLE Title: Conservation Easement Post Detail Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised' 5020 03-15 2-3/8" BOULEVARD GRADE TRAFFIC SIGN SPECIFICATIONS MATERIAL: ALUMINUM SHALL BE: 5052—H38 OR 6011 ALLOY GAUGE SHALL BE: .080 ON THE LONGEST SIDE UP TO 30" 100 ON THE LONGEST SIDE OVER 30" SIGNS SHALL BE NOTCHED FOR USE WITH E-450 BRACKETS 9" STREET NAME SIGNS SHALL HAVE 6" UPPER CASE LETTERS WHITE ON GREEN HIGH INTENSITY GRADE SHEETING WITH WHITE SERIES E BORDER ALL SIGNS SHALL CONFORM TO SECTIONS 2564 AND 3352, SIGNS AND MARKERS STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR HIGHWAY CONSTRUCTION. ° $ ° -1111 III I —1111 VIII =1111 IIII IIII—IIII VIII �IIIIIIII � o° — �IIIIVIII IIIIIIII= �° �° IIIIIIII111111111= =IIII =111111 ° b� q—IIII11k TUBULAR POSTS SPECIFICATIONS 11111111— TUBULAR POSTS USED FOR MOUNTING STREET NAME/TRAFFIC 111111111 os oqa `IIII IIII u? CONTROL SIGNS, SHALL VARY IN LENGTH, SHALL HAVE N A DIMPLED TUBE BELOW GRADE OR INSTALL A ANTI— ROTATION IIIIIIII b° DEVICE TO PREVENT TUBE FROM TURNING, SHALL BE IIIlllll 2-3/8" O.D., SHALL BE GALVINIZED AND SHALL HAVE 111111111 _— A WEIGHT OF 2LB./FT. CONCRETE GROUT IIIIII =11111111 NOTE: CONCRETE GROUT TO BE MIXED THOROUGHLY WRH WATER BEFORE INSTALLATION NOTE: TYPICAL SIGN INSTALLATION WHEN STREET NAME SIGNS ARE TO BE INSTALLED Standard Plate Library City of Monticello ALL EXCAVA710N & BACKFILL TO COMPLY WIIN CITY EXCAVATION ORDIMACES AND REQUIRE EXCAVATION PERMIT FROM PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE. Title: Typical Traffic Sign Installation Date: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:03-15 5017 UTILITY EASEMENT P/L 11 12' LOT STAKE LO PE GAS W'dEA TYPICAL TYPICAL wARNINc TAPE a;,d STAEE 3F'BdcKFiu O.O. OF PIPE 42'1 neER TEOLE CAOTV ELEC 12' MIN. COVER 1st STAGE 01 BACKFILL 95" MIN. EASEMENT INSTALLATION SEWER AND WATER STUBBED DRAINAGE & UTILITY 11' INSIDE PROPERTY UNE EASEMENT UNE TELEPHONE, TV OR FIBER ELEPHONE, TV OR FIBER PEDESTAL EDESTAL E C. CENTERLINE IN THE EVENT OF A HYDRANT jRj%NSj JOINT TRENCH AT A PROPERTY CORNER. MOVE SEE DETAIL ABOVE ELEC. TRANS. AND PEDESTALS BACK TO MAINTAIN 10' CLEAR SPACE i STREET TREE PLANTING AREA OF CURB ALL ROAD CROSSINGS TO BE RIGID NMC CONDUITS R/W TO R/W WHERE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY IS INSTALLED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Joint Trench Utility for New Residential Developments )ate: 03-08 Plate No. Revised:03-15 7002 2 STEEL CHANNEL POSTS MINIMUM AT DEAD ENDS APPROX. 2' 8' NOTES: DEAD END ROADWAY SIGNS SHALL BE X4-11 WITH THE FOLLOWING COLORS: REFLECTORS — RED (DIAMOND GRADE) BACKGROUND — RED MEDIAN SIGNS SHALL BE X4-2 WITH THE FOLLOWING COLORS REFLECTORS —YELLOW {DIAMOND GRADE) BACKGROUND — BLACK OR YELLOW STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL WIGH 3L[3./FF. AS REQUIRED. POSTS SHALL BE PUNCHED ON 1" CC AND GALVANIZED. POSTS SHALL BE OF THE 4—RIB DESIGN. HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED OR CADMIUM PLATED. 5' MIN. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Permanent Barricade & Hazard Markers )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:5018 03-15 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Service Drop Locations for all Developments )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 7005 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 17 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: _� _ Designed: B]K 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under 1 O\V M�CAkm'q ENVIRONMENTAL FAX 763.489.7959 9 Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM the laws of the State of Minnesota Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg a SOEWALK HYDRANT TREE PLANTING AREA OF CURB ALL ROAD CROSSINGS TO BE RIGID NMC CONDUITS R/W TO R/W WHERE SIDEWALK OR PATHWAY IS INSTALLED. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Joint Trench Utility for New Residential Developments )ate: 03-08 Plate No. Revised:03-15 7002 2 STEEL CHANNEL POSTS MINIMUM AT DEAD ENDS APPROX. 2' 8' NOTES: DEAD END ROADWAY SIGNS SHALL BE X4-11 WITH THE FOLLOWING COLORS: REFLECTORS — RED (DIAMOND GRADE) BACKGROUND — RED MEDIAN SIGNS SHALL BE X4-2 WITH THE FOLLOWING COLORS REFLECTORS —YELLOW {DIAMOND GRADE) BACKGROUND — BLACK OR YELLOW STEEL CHANNEL POSTS SHALL WIGH 3L[3./FF. AS REQUIRED. POSTS SHALL BE PUNCHED ON 1" CC AND GALVANIZED. POSTS SHALL BE OF THE 4—RIB DESIGN. HARDWARE SHALL BE GRADE 5 MINIMUM AND BE GALVANIZED OR CADMIUM PLATED. 5' MIN. Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Permanent Barricade & Hazard Markers )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised:5018 03-15 Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Service Drop Locations for all Developments )ate: 03-05 Plate No. Revised: 03-15 7005 Revisions: HAVEN RIDGE LLC 17 ENGINEERING CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1..5/5/ 5/5/21 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments BLAINE MN 55449 direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: _� _ Designed: B]K 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS of SURVEYING p y Monticello Minnesota TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under 1 O\V M�CAkm'q ENVIRONMENTAL FAX 763.489.7959 9 Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 Elk River, MN 55330 / CARLSONMCCAIN.COM the laws of the State of Minnesota Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg BACK OF CURB SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND i FLOW LINE O 0" 0" 01 AND FURNISHED BY THE CITY JON -WALKABLE OR WALKABLE SURFACE 4 FLARE FRONT OF GUTTER NON -WALKABLE OR O WALKABLE SURFACI FLARE BELOW GROUND STEEL FENCE POST MARKER SHALL BE PLACED AT TIME OF CONDUIT INSTALLATION A AT THE END OF THE FUTURE CITY FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AFTER PERPENDICULAR CONDUITS HAVE BEEN ACCESSED A+i U U a" U A TIERED PERPENDICULAR C-1 CURB OR CURB AND ICURB OR CURB AND z J �I �I C PARALLEL VAR. 1TTERAMP RI 1/4" R. v' v'- v v. y_v; •. �; v.�v °. aq . ti , • 611 > 0.05 FT./FT. A CONCRETE 5 0.083 FT./FT WALK SECTION A -A PERPENDICULAR/TIERED/DIAGONAL TTS VAR. RI 1/4" R. V a 611 CONCRETE > 0.02 FT./FT. I WALK :r.0.05 FT./FT F SECTION B -B FAN REVISION: APPR VED: JANUARY 23. 2017 J Q, 0PFA1TIPM EH0NFI11 CURB OR CURB AND G J WALK BX -10X FLARE NON-WALK;RE OR WALKADIAGONAL SURFACHALL ONLY BE USED AFTER ALL FAN® THERCURB RAMP TYPES HAVE BEEN VALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL E NOTES: LANDINGS SHALL BE LOCATED ANYWHERE THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (PAR)CHANGES DIRECTION, AT THE TOP OF RAMPS THAT HAVE RUNNING SLOPES GREATER THAN 5.0X, AND IF THE APPROACHING WALK IS INVERSE GRADE GREATER THAN 2%. INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 151 FROM THE BACK OF CURB. WITH 61 FROM THE BACK OF CURB BEING THE PREFERRED DISTANCE. ONLY APPLICABLE WHEN THE INITIAL RAMP RUNNING SLOPE IS OVER 5.0%. SECONDARY CURB RAMP LANDINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR EVERY 30" OF VERTICAL RISE WHEN THE LONGITUDINAL RUNNING SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5.0X. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR. 1/411 DEEP VISUAL JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT THE TOPS OF CONCRETE FLARES ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACES ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PATH OF TRAVEL. THUS BOTH SIDES OF A SLOPED WALKING SURFACE MUST BE EQUAL LENGTH. (EXCEPT AS STATED IN © BELOW. TO ENSURE INITIAL RAMPS AND INITIAL LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROSECUTION OF WORK IADA). TOP OF CURB SHALL MATCH PROPOSED ADJACENT WALK GRADE. LY WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 4- WIDE OR LESS, THE TOP OF CURB TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP SLOPES TO REDUCE NEGATIVE BOULEVARD SLOPES FROM THE TOP BACK OF CURB TO THE PAR. ALL RAMP TYPES SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM 31 LONG RAMP LENGTH. 41 MINIMUM WIDTH OF DETECTABLE WARNING IS REOUIRED FOR ALL RAMPS. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONTINUOUSLY EXTEND FOR A MIN. OF 24" IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL.DETECTABLE WARNING TO COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF SHARED -USE PATHS AND THE ENTIRE PAR WIDTH OF THE WALK. DETECTABLE WARNING SHOULD BE 6" LESS THAN THE PAR/TRAIL WIDTH.ARC LENGTH OF RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHOULD NOT BE GREATER THAN 20 FEET. RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" FROM THE BACK OF CURB. RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" MINIMUM TO 6" MAXIMUM FROM THE BACK OF CURB. MATCH FULL HEIGHT CURB. 11. 2 4- MINIMUM DEPTH LANDING REQUIRED ACROSS TOP OF RAMP. O3 3" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 3' LONG RAMP. 4" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 4' LONG RAMP. Q4 SEE SHEET 4 OF 6, TYPICAL SIDE TREATMENT OPTIONS, FOR DETAILS ON FLARES AND RETURNED CURBS, WHEN INITIAL LANDING IS AT FULL CURB HEIGHT. 05 DETECTABLE WARNINGS MAY BE PART OF THE 4'X 4'MIN. LANDING AREA IF IT IS NOT FEASIBLE TO CONSTRUCT THE LANDING OUTSIDE OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING AREA. ® THE GRADE BREAK SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE BACK OF WALK. THIS WILL ENSURE THAT THE GRADE BREAK IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. (TYPICAL FOR ALL) OT WHEN ADJACENT TO GRASS,GRADING SHALL ALWAYS BE USED WHEN FEASIBLE.V CURB, IF USED, SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS. WHEN ADJACENT TO PARKING LOTS, CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS TAPERS SHOULD BE USED OVER V CURB TO REDUCE TRIPPING HAZARDS AND FACILITATE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL. 8A 71 MIN TOP RADIUS GRADE BREAK REQUIRED TO BE CONSTRUCTIBLE. PAVE FULL WALK WIDTH. ® "S" SLOPES ON FANS SHALL ONLY BE USED WHEN ALL OTHER FEASIBLE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN EVALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL. LLULNU THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT, LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO B.3X OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN 5.OX MINIMUM AND 8.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN T AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE GREATER THAN 2.0% AND LESS THAN 5.0% IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 4'X 4'MIN. (5'X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. X" CURB HEIGHT PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS 3-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 1 OF 6 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my SURVEYING direct supervision and that I am a duly BLAINE MN 55449 SigDesigned: BJK y �-;--- 2 nature: M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under IV FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 O\N,\ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056details 2nd.dwg Revisions: 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout ELEC CAN TELE CONCRETE WALK CURB do GUTTER \\�/ /\�/ STEEL FENCE POST BURIED 6- BELOW FINISHED GRADE (TYPICAL) NON METALLIC CONDUIT STEEL FENCE POST BUIRIED 6" BELOW FINISHED GRADE (TYPICAL) CITY FIBER OPTIC R/W U -CHANNEL POST 0 C O N X I N G O FUTURE CITY FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT SHALL BE LOCATED ON WESTSIDE OR SOUTHSIDE OF CROSSING LOCATION SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL END CAPS ON FUTURE CITY CONDUIT. CAPS TO BE STAMPED WITH CITY LOGO THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISION (PROSECUTION OF WORK). AND FURNISHED BY THE CITY JON -WALKABLE OR WALKABLE SURFACE 4 FLARE S NON -WALKABLE OR O WALKABLE SURFACI FLARE BELOW GROUND STEEL FENCE POST MARKER SHALL BE PLACED AT TIME OF CONDUIT INSTALLATION O AT THE END OF THE FUTURE CITY FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AFTER INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 151FROM THE BACK CONDUITS HAVE BEEN ACCESSED OF CURB, WITH 61 FROM THE BACK OF CURB BEING THE PREFERRED DISTANCE, ONLY U U a" U A TIERED PERPENDICULAR C-1 CURB OR CURB AND ICURB OR CURB AND z J �I �I C PARALLEL VAR. 1TTERAMP RI 1/4" R. v' v'- v v. y_v; •. �; v.�v °. aq . ti , • 611 > 0.05 FT./FT. A CONCRETE 5 0.083 FT./FT WALK SECTION A -A PERPENDICULAR/TIERED/DIAGONAL TTS VAR. RI 1/4" R. V a 611 CONCRETE > 0.02 FT./FT. I WALK :r.0.05 FT./FT F SECTION B -B FAN REVISION: APPR VED: JANUARY 23. 2017 J Q, 0PFA1TIPM EH0NFI11 CURB OR CURB AND G J WALK BX -10X FLARE NON-WALK;RE OR WALKADIAGONAL SURFACHALL ONLY BE USED AFTER ALL FAN® THERCURB RAMP TYPES HAVE BEEN VALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL E NOTES: LANDINGS SHALL BE LOCATED ANYWHERE THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (PAR)CHANGES DIRECTION, AT THE TOP OF RAMPS THAT HAVE RUNNING SLOPES GREATER THAN 5.0X, AND IF THE APPROACHING WALK IS INVERSE GRADE GREATER THAN 2%. INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 151 FROM THE BACK OF CURB. WITH 61 FROM THE BACK OF CURB BEING THE PREFERRED DISTANCE. ONLY APPLICABLE WHEN THE INITIAL RAMP RUNNING SLOPE IS OVER 5.0%. SECONDARY CURB RAMP LANDINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR EVERY 30" OF VERTICAL RISE WHEN THE LONGITUDINAL RUNNING SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5.0X. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR. 1/411 DEEP VISUAL JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT THE TOPS OF CONCRETE FLARES ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACES ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PATH OF TRAVEL. THUS BOTH SIDES OF A SLOPED WALKING SURFACE MUST BE EQUAL LENGTH. (EXCEPT AS STATED IN © BELOW. TO ENSURE INITIAL RAMPS AND INITIAL LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISIONS - PROSECUTION OF WORK IADA). TOP OF CURB SHALL MATCH PROPOSED ADJACENT WALK GRADE. LY WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 4- WIDE OR LESS, THE TOP OF CURB TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP SLOPES TO REDUCE NEGATIVE BOULEVARD SLOPES FROM THE TOP BACK OF CURB TO THE PAR. ALL RAMP TYPES SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM 31 LONG RAMP LENGTH. 41 MINIMUM WIDTH OF DETECTABLE WARNING IS REOUIRED FOR ALL RAMPS. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONTINUOUSLY EXTEND FOR A MIN. OF 24" IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL.DETECTABLE WARNING TO COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF SHARED -USE PATHS AND THE ENTIRE PAR WIDTH OF THE WALK. DETECTABLE WARNING SHOULD BE 6" LESS THAN THE PAR/TRAIL WIDTH.ARC LENGTH OF RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHOULD NOT BE GREATER THAN 20 FEET. RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" FROM THE BACK OF CURB. RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" MINIMUM TO 6" MAXIMUM FROM THE BACK OF CURB. MATCH FULL HEIGHT CURB. 11. 2 4- MINIMUM DEPTH LANDING REQUIRED ACROSS TOP OF RAMP. O3 3" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 3' LONG RAMP. 4" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 4' LONG RAMP. Q4 SEE SHEET 4 OF 6, TYPICAL SIDE TREATMENT OPTIONS, FOR DETAILS ON FLARES AND RETURNED CURBS, WHEN INITIAL LANDING IS AT FULL CURB HEIGHT. 05 DETECTABLE WARNINGS MAY BE PART OF THE 4'X 4'MIN. LANDING AREA IF IT IS NOT FEASIBLE TO CONSTRUCT THE LANDING OUTSIDE OF THE DETECTABLE WARNING AREA. ® THE GRADE BREAK SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE BACK OF WALK. THIS WILL ENSURE THAT THE GRADE BREAK IS PERPENDICULAR TO THE DIRECTION OF TRAVEL. (TYPICAL FOR ALL) OT WHEN ADJACENT TO GRASS,GRADING SHALL ALWAYS BE USED WHEN FEASIBLE.V CURB, IF USED, SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS. WHEN ADJACENT TO PARKING LOTS, CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS TAPERS SHOULD BE USED OVER V CURB TO REDUCE TRIPPING HAZARDS AND FACILITATE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL. 8A 71 MIN TOP RADIUS GRADE BREAK REQUIRED TO BE CONSTRUCTIBLE. PAVE FULL WALK WIDTH. ® "S" SLOPES ON FANS SHALL ONLY BE USED WHEN ALL OTHER FEASIBLE OPTIONS HAVE BEEN EVALUATED AND DEEMED IMPRACTICAL. LLULNU THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT, LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO B.3X OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN 5.OX MINIMUM AND 8.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN T AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE GREATER THAN 2.0% AND LESS THAN 5.0% IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 4'X 4'MIN. (5'X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. X" CURB HEIGHT PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS 3-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 1 OF 6 CARLSON 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP ENGINEERING SUITE 100 or report was prepared by me or under my SURVEYING direct supervision and that I am a duly BLAINE MN 55449 SigDesigned: BJK y �-;--- 2 nature: M�CAI N ENVIRONMENTAL TEL 763.489.7900 Licensed Professional Engineer under IV FAX 763.489.7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 O\N,\ CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/211 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056details 2nd.dwg Revisions: 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout ELEC CAN TELE CONCRETE WALK CURB do GUTTER \\�/ /\�/ STEEL FENCE POST BURIED 6- BELOW FINISHED GRADE (TYPICAL) NON METALLIC CONDUIT STEEL FENCE POST BUIRIED 6" BELOW FINISHED GRADE (TYPICAL) CITY FIBER OPTIC R/W U -CHANNEL POST 0 C O N X I N G O FUTURE CITY FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT SHALL BE LOCATED ON WESTSIDE OR SOUTHSIDE OF CROSSING LOCATION SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND CONTRACTOR SHALL INSTALL END CAPS ON FUTURE CITY CONDUIT. CAPS TO BE STAMPED WITH CITY LOGO THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISION (PROSECUTION OF WORK). AND FURNISHED BY THE CITY DIRECTION, AT THE TOP OF RAMPS THAT HAVE RUNNING SLOPES GREATER THAN 5.0%. ABOVE GROUND U -CHANNEL POST SHALL BE PLACE AT TIME OF CONDUIT INSTALLATION WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 41WIDE OR LESS.THE TOP OF CURB TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP BELOW GROUND STEEL FENCE POST MARKER SHALL BE PLACED AT TIME OF CONDUIT INSTALLATION O AT THE END OF THE FUTURE CITY FIBER OPTIC CONDUIT AND SHALL REMAIN IN PLACE AFTER INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 151FROM THE BACK CONDUITS HAVE BEEN ACCESSED OF CURB, WITH 61 FROM THE BACK OF CURB BEING THE PREFERRED DISTANCE, ONLY 0.053" THICK ALUMINUM SIGN S CK LEITERS F Y QED ON WHITE HIGH INiENST1C NOTE: BACKGROUND. CONDUIT CROSSING MARKER SIGNS SHALL BE FURNISHED U -CHANNEL POST, MINIMUM 2 LB./FT. AND INSTALLED FOR ALL CONDUIT CROSSINGS POST TO BE BURIED 2' UNDERGROUND AND SHALL BE CONSIDERED INCIDENTAL AND UP05E0 4' ABV& GROUND Standard Plate Library City of Monticello Title: Conduit Crossing Markers )ate: 02 — 0 6 Plate No. ReVised: 03-15 7010 L1i.+j11:114f NON -WALKABLE SURFACE 0"LS' AX O COMBINED DIRECTIONAL 4 8% TO IOX SLOPE THUS BOTH SIDES OF A SLOPED WALKING SURFACE MUST BE EQUAL LENGTH. OF C FLOW LINEURB DIRECTIONAL RAMP WALKABLE FLARE FRONT OF GUTTER NON-WALKABLSURFACE 51 MAX pE 1 0"OO0QRETE BLVD. IS CONSTRUCTED AND IS LESS THAN 21 IN WIDTH AT TOP OF CURB TRANSITION, PAVE CONCRETE RAMP WIDTH TO ADJACENT BACK OF CURB. STANDARD ONE-WAY DIRECTIONAL 09 W REVISION: z APPR VED: JANUARY 23.2017 LU U_ 6S 0 AITIPM EH0NFI11 GRADE RAMP BREAK MAX. 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS RAMP §14P ' DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT WHEN SETBACK CRITERIA IS EXCEEDED ONE-WAY DIRECTIONAL WITH DETECTABLE WARNING AT BACK OF CURB VAR. RAMP : ' a.... ILE OR a; a a; a'a.' WRFACE a; ° : s o -.'.• ..'s ill 6" CONCRETE WALK BACK OF CURB FLOW LINE GUTTER OX GUTTER SLOPE SECTION D -D FRONT OF GUTTER CURB FOR DIRECTIONAL RAMPS HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 TO ENSURE INITIAL RAMPS AND INITIAL LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND LANDINGS SHALL BE LOCATED ANYWHERE THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (PAR)CHANGES THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISION (PROSECUTION OF WORK). DIRECTION, AT THE TOP OF RAMPS THAT HAVE RUNNING SLOPES GREATER THAN 5.0%. WALKABLE WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 41WIDE OR LESS.THE TOP OF CURB TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP AND IF THE APPROACHING WALK IS INVERSE GRADE. SURFACE INITIAL CURB RAMP LANDINGS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED WITHIN 151FROM THE BACK Q1 OF CURB, WITH 61 FROM THE BACK OF CURB BEING THE PREFERRED DISTANCE, ONLY SHALL CONTINUOUSLY EXTEND FOR A MIN. OF 24" IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL. DETECTABLE F APPLICABLE WHEN THE INITIAL RAMP RUNNING SLOPE IS OVER 5.0%. THE WALK. DETECTABLE WARNING SHOULD BE 6" LESS THAN THE PAR/PATH WIDTH. ARC 6 SECONDARY CURB RAMP LANDINGS ARE REQUIRED FOR EVERY 30" OF VERTICAL RISE O2 RAMP WHEN THE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5.0%. OS SEE NOTES Qg & Qq FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED ALONG ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR. 11411 DEEP VISUAL :21 MAX ®O" n JOINTS SHALL BE USED AT THE TOP GRADE BREAK OF CONCRETE FLARES ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACES. \ �� ALL GRADE BREAKS WITHIN THE PAR SHALL BE PERPENDICULAR TO THE PATH OF TRAVEL. NON -WALKABLE SURFACE 0"LS' AX O COMBINED DIRECTIONAL 4 8% TO IOX SLOPE THUS BOTH SIDES OF A SLOPED WALKING SURFACE MUST BE EQUAL LENGTH. OF C FLOW LINEURB DIRECTIONAL RAMP WALKABLE FLARE FRONT OF GUTTER NON-WALKABLSURFACE 51 MAX pE 1 0"OO0QRETE BLVD. IS CONSTRUCTED AND IS LESS THAN 21 IN WIDTH AT TOP OF CURB TRANSITION, PAVE CONCRETE RAMP WIDTH TO ADJACENT BACK OF CURB. STANDARD ONE-WAY DIRECTIONAL 09 W REVISION: z APPR VED: JANUARY 23.2017 LU U_ 6S 0 AITIPM EH0NFI11 GRADE RAMP BREAK MAX. 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS RAMP §14P ' DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT WHEN SETBACK CRITERIA IS EXCEEDED ONE-WAY DIRECTIONAL WITH DETECTABLE WARNING AT BACK OF CURB VAR. RAMP : ' a.... ILE OR a; a a; a'a.' WRFACE a; ° : s o -.'.• ..'s ill 6" CONCRETE WALK BACK OF CURB FLOW LINE GUTTER OX GUTTER SLOPE SECTION D -D FRONT OF GUTTER CURB FOR DIRECTIONAL RAMPS HAVEN RIDGE LLC 11149 187th Ave. Elk River, MN 55330 TO ENSURE INITIAL RAMPS AND INITIAL LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, LANDINGS 6" CONCRETE WALK 3" MINIMUM CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE v . a •.a 0-4., TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION WITHIN INTERSECTION CORNER THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT. LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO 8.3% OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. (� INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN jT 5.0% MINIMUM AND B.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. F INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE GREATER THAN 2.OX AND LESS THAN 5.0% IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 41X 4' MIN. (5' X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. X" CURB HEIGHT ,AAE/If, Wi:VlSEG �! PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS APIWOYEO+ Nn 1, 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 2 OF 6 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 18 / DETAILS of 19 u__ri- 7t/VJ' SHALL BE CAST SEPARATELY. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON SHEET 6 AND THE ADA SPECIAL PROVISION (PROSECUTION OF WORK). TOP OF CURB SHALL MATCH PROPOSED ADJACENT WALK GRADE. WHEN THE BOULEVARD IS 41WIDE OR LESS.THE TOP OF CURB TAPER SHALL MATCH THE RAMP SLOPES TO REDUCE NEGATIVE BOULEVARD SLOPES FROM THE TOP BACK OF CURB TO THE PAR. ALL RAMP TYPES SHOULD HAVE A MINIMUM 31 LONG RAMP LENGTH. 41 MINIMUM WIDTH OF DETECTABLE WARNING IS REQUIRED FOR ALL RAMPS. DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL CONTINUOUSLY EXTEND FOR A MIN. OF 24" IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL. DETECTABLE WARNING TO COVER ENTIRE WIDTH OF SHARED -USE PATH AND THE ENTIRE PAR WIDTH OF THE WALK. DETECTABLE WARNING SHOULD BE 6" LESS THAN THE PAR/PATH WIDTH. ARC LENGTH OF RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHOULD NOT BE GREATER THAN 20 FEET. RADIAL DET CTA§LE WARNINGS SHALL BE SETBACK 3" MINIMUM TO 6" MAXIMUM FROM THE BACK OF CURB. SEE NOTES Qg & Qq FOR INFORMATION REGARDING RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNING PLACEMENT. 0 MATCH FULL CURB HEIGHT. 02 3" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 3'LONG RAMP 4" HIGH CURB WHEN USING A 4'LONG RAMP. O 3" MINIMUM CURB HEIGHT (5.5'MIN. DISTANCE REQUIRED BETWEEN DOMES) 4" PREFERRED (T'MIN.DISTANCE REQUIRED BETWEEN DOMES). 04 THE "BUMP" IN BETWEEN THE RAMPS SHOULD NOT BE IN THE PATH OF TRAVEL FOR COMBINED DIRECTIONAL RAMPS. IF THIS OCCURS MODIFY THE RAMP LOCATION OR SWITCH RAMP TO A FAN/DEPRESSED CORNER. GRADE O WHEN USING CONCRETE PAVED FLARES ON THE OUTSIDE OF DIRECTIONAL RAMPS, AND ADJACENT TO A BREAK WALKABLE SURFACE. DIRECTIONAL RAMP FLARES SHOULD BE USED. SEE THE DETAIL ON THIS SHEET. MAX. 2.0% SLOPE © GRADING SHALL ALWAYS BE USED WHEN FEASIBLE.V CURB. IF USED. SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK IN ALL DIRECTIONS LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS. WHEN ADJACENT TO PARKING LOTS. CONCRETE OR BITUMINOUS TAPERS SHOULD BE USED OVER V CURB TO REDUCE TRIPPING HAZARDS AND FACILITATE SNOW & ICE REMOVAL. OT MAX. 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS IN FRONT OF GRADE BREAK AND DRAIN TO FLOW LINE. SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED INTEGRAL WITH CURB AND GUTTER. © 8Y. TO 10% WALKABLE FLARE. 09 PLACE DOMES AT THE BACK OF CURB WHEN ALLOWABLE SETBACK CRITERIA IS EXCEEDED. ® FRONT EDGE OF DETECTABLE WARNING SHALL BE SET BACK 2- MAXIMUM WHEN ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACE, AND 51 MAXIMUM WHEN ADJACENT TO NON -WALKABLE SURFACE WITH ONE CORNER SET 3" FROM BACK OF CURB.A WALKABLE SURFACE IS DEFINED AS A PAVED SURFACE ADJACENT TO A CURB RAMP O1 WITHOUT RAISED OBSTACLES THAT COULD MISTAKENLY BE TRAVERSED BY A USER WHO IS VISUALLY IMPAIRED. © RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNINGS MAY BE SETBACK UP TO 9" FROM THE BACK OF CURB WITH CORNERS SET 3" FROM BACK OF CURB. IF 9" SETBACK IS EXCEEDED USE RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNINGS. ® FOR DIRECTIONAL RAMPS WITH THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS PLACED AT THE BACK OF CURB, THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL COVER THE ENTIRE WIDTH OF THE WALK/PATH. THIS ENSURES A DETECTABLE EDGE AND HELPS ELIMINATE THE CURB TAPER OBSTRUCTING THE PATH OF PEDESTRIAN TRAVEL. ® THE CONCRETE WALK SHALL BE FORMED AND CONSTRUCTED PERPENDICULAR TO THE BACK OF CURB. MAINTAIN 3" BETWEEN EDGE OF DOMES AND EDGE OF CONCRETE. ® TO BE USED FOR ALL DIRECTIONAL RAMPS, EXCEPT WHERE DOMES ARE PLACED ALONG THE BACK OF CURB. 6" CONCRETE WALK 3" MINIMUM CLASS 5 AGGREGATE BASE v . a •.a 0-4., TYPICAL SIDEWALK SECTION WITHIN INTERSECTION CORNER THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT. LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO 8.3% OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. (� INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN jT 5.0% MINIMUM AND B.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. F INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE GREATER THAN 2.OX AND LESS THAN 5.0% IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 41X 4' MIN. (5' X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.0% SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. X" CURB HEIGHT ,AAE/If, Wi:VlSEG �! PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS APIWOYEO+ Nn 1, 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 2 OF 6 HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Monticello, Minnesota 18 / DETAILS of 19 u__ri- 7t/VJ' FRONT OF GUTTER INSET A 1/4"" FLOW LINE X 2- 5 4 ' 4 4 I 2411 PERPENDICULAR Qi r- INSET B VAR. • 6 CONCRETE WALK PROJECTED FRONTO OF FLOW LINE 1/4" 1/411 5% MAX. ° . .e °°. p .n -s p�• °'. 4�.h'.. ''.9 ae. y pen 24" INSET B OUTFLOW GUTTER O INSET A BACK OF CURB/ FRONT OF GUTTER EDGE OF WALK 00 FLOWLINE11 1/4 4 1/4 2-3X X 0 p:n� :h•' s:n >� a e9 e•a'�o _a.. I 24" I 8-12" 20' MAX. RECOMMENDED TO NOT AFFECT PARKING HOLD TANGENT 5' PAST OUTSIDE ZERO Sea MIN. TAPER (DOWNSTREAM SIDE) i BACK OF CURB/ EDGE OF WALK O w CL c~i W U. 0 z 0 w Q 2 0 W X N INSET A FRONT OF GUTTERe. BACK OF CURB/ O O BACK OF CURB/ EDGE OF WALK „ FLOW LINE EDGE OF WALK "'' O 1/4 3X O O s:a'° -9 • '-:;n:e :a6o.i.? Z • 4 e S° :4 �pa �ao II .e.° ~.nom .e-� .e;• ."�. N 1/4" ' a �. en ;. p: 1/4 u : s 1!° °.?.n•° eo•° �e�.h.° ¢°° sale .n fill J 2411 a-12" OPTIONAL SILL CURB WHEN SIDEWALK O IS AT BACK OF CURB NON PERPENDICULAR OO FOR CURB MACHIN PLACEMENT AROUND RADIUS Q CONCRETE SILL TO BE USED ONLY WHEN PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE CURB & GUTTER DETAIL (REGARDLESS OF RAMP TYPE) SPECIFIED IN THE PLAN. SAWCUT BIT. MILL VERTICAL O5 & ® PAVEMENT OO & O EDGE „ REMOVE & REPLACE EXISTING BIT. 2 BITUMINOUS EXISTING BIT. 1/4" MIN. TO PAVEMENT MILL & PATCH PAVEMENT BIT. PAVEMENT 1/2" MAX. o:.' .. o..': e -o a •o a -o •-e •e o.••°. o.••°. e.•'°. e.••°. •m. .. a. �: �.�',; i.•a: e.+ ': �'d �a;.': �;::- a;.•: a;:6 �n ;.•: a;:a �;.•: �;- •;a �_'; a•;a ��_'; a•;e. r.:: �. y'+.:: �•; e. a_: o:: ''e': 'o:: a 'o:: 0 '.A•'•?'a.`'.A•'•?'t �•. A•'•?'a. `'. A•''?'q v, A•'• ° °'l `' A °a.`'.4''•?'t v. 9''•?'a. `'. 4•'•?'�. •'a 'a,: :'+'a. •,e .•• •° 'a a• d'P •-4'f] yry:: C'•a: e'♦.: C'•a: a'a-'a •�•: e'+ . .a +.'d •'a:.4 '.4 .1 •...'r V'.i .k:.a •..'.<'�� • '.o ; °; a. `'. A .o ; °; i `' . A'.v ;", 24" MIN. 24°MIN. 0 0..° •e .a SAWCUT a'a SAWCUT BIT. VARIABLE DEPTH CONCRETE PAVEMENT INSET A PAVEMENT CONCRETE BASE EXISTING PEXISTING AVEMENT BIT. 2" BIT. PATCH CONCRETE PAVEMENT 4 O&O A• •. a ..� :'p' :: Ip'•. o'-'0 :: fD .•-o..o.:: !e'•.o :'p::: }p •. o•_o• a.: A .d '�.,: A . .d '��: A .<'• .1 .. ° ,. a 'q•.i:•�'e.•..i:•�'a. '..i ;"'a. •..i :'+'e. '..i ;"'a. t :u� �w n.. .•o'.'p'°::eop.,:o 'o'.'p'°: :o'o:'B'o. o.•�. ,:a.•v:':%:: �v:': �';°•v;':,r'o�v:r: a'o. a",: .°'a. >'. 4-:'°'a "'. A':'°'a.^'. /2 . a 4L•'. '`a•.41'.. .`'.A;•?'d v.A•;•?'a.`'.A•;•?'`a•,11 •°" ° •.r:':a'v.r:':A"°'•r: 24 91. MIN. 1:3 MIN. TAPER ONLY ALLOWED PER ENGINEER'S APPROVAL !:5 PREFERRED TAPER (UPSTREAM SIDE) PAVEMENT TREATMENT OPTIONS IN FRONT OF CURB & GUTTER FOR USE ON CURB RAMP RETROFITS NOTES: POSITIVE FLOW LINE DRAINAGE SHALL BE MAINTAINED THROUGH THE PEDESTRIAN ACCESS ROUTE (PAR)AT A 2X MAXIMUM. NO PONDING SHALL BE PRESENT IN THE PAR. ANY VERTICAL LIP THAT OCCURS AT THE FLOW LINE SHALL NOT BE GREATER THAN 1/4 INCH. PAST OUTSIDE ZERO ' Q FOR USE AT CURB CUTS WHERE THE PEDESTRIAN'S PATH OF TRAVEL IS ASSUMED PERPENDICULAR TO THE GUTTER HOLD TANGENT 51 FLOW LINE. RAMP TYPES INCLUDE: PERPENDICULAR, TIERED PERPENDICULAR, PARALLEL, AND DIAGONAL RAMPS. ,'. 0 FOR USE AT CURB RAMPS WHERE THE PEDESTRIAN'S PATH OF TRAVEL IS ASSUMED NON 001 0 PERPENDICULAR TO THE GUTTER FLOW LINE. RAMP TYPES INCLUDE: FANS & DEPRESSED CORNERS. Q BEGIN GUTTER SLOPE TRANSITION 10- OUTSIDE OF ALL CURB RAMPS. / + I 1 ..,. �, ® THERE SHALL BE NO VERTICAL DISCONTINUITIES GREATER THAN 1/4". a 5-297.250 SMALL RADIUS ALL RAMAL 7/ Q ELEVATION CHANGE TAKES PLACE FROM THE EXISTING TO NEW FRONT OF GUTTER. w y 3" MIN. A o 1 3" MIN. 2'-101 AL NON-WALKABLEm PATCH IS USED TO MATCH THE NEW GUTTER FACE INTO THE EXISTING ROADWAY. g 1.© w 2' MIN SURFACE VARIABLE WIDTH FOR DIRECTIONAL CURB APPLICATIONS. SEE SHEET 2 FOR DIRECTIONAL CURB SLOPE REQUIREMENTS. + z u� C � • w � 7 TOP FRONT OF GUTTER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED FLUSH WITH PROPOSED ADJACENT PAVEMENT ELEVATION. O ti ' WALKABLE INSET A EXISTING H TOP 1.5" OF THE GUTTER FACE MUST BE A FORMED EDGE. PAR GUTTER SHALL NOT BE OVERLAID. FLARE o h '� PEDESTRIAN © SHOULD BE USED AT VERTICALLY CONSTRAINED AREAS WHEN AT A DRAINAGE HIGH POINT OR SUPER ELEVATED ROADWAY SEGMENTS - - - - - - 7 TO 4X CHANGE PUSHI BUTTON �� OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAILS OO \ c _ - - t TRAVEL ' O9 DRILL AND GROUT NO.4 EPDXY-COATED 18" LONG TIE BARS AT 30" CENTER TO , � :n LARGE RADIUS ------ --- ---I--------- CENTER INTO EXISTING CONCRETE PAVEMENT 1'MINIMUM FROM ALL JOINTS. ;• 4 W 20'-401 TYPICAL ® HELPS PROVIDE TWO SEPARATE RAMPS, REDUCES THE DOME SETBACK LENGTH AND MINIMIZES DIRECTIONAL CURB. a n PEDESTRIAN RAMP 0 V -CURB � • LANDING THIS RADIUS DESIGN CLOSELY FOLLOWS THE TURNING VEHICLE PATH WHILE OPTIMIZING CURB RAMP LENGTH. = ay MIN. 'm \ 5.OX MAX. 1.5X PREFERRED 5.OX MAX. L5X PREFERRED 5AX MAX. LANDING Q CURB EXTENSIONS SHOULD BE USED IN VERTICALLY CONSTRAINED AREAS. USUALLY IN DOWNTOWN ROADWAY SEGMENTS WHERE a ti 0 4" PEDESTAL POLE FLOW LINE PROFILE RAISE - TWIN PERPENDICULARS ON -STREET PARKING IS AVAILABLE. CURB EXTENSIONS SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FOR APS INTERSECTIONS WHERE SPACE IS LIMITED. o SMALL RADIUS PUSH BUTTONS MUST MEET APS CRITERIA AS DESCRIBED IN THE PUSH BUTTON LOCATION DETAIL SHEET. 2'-10'TYPICAL ® PLACE BOND BREAKER BETWEEN WALK AND TOP OF SILL. COMBINED DIRECTIONAL 0 ® 1/2" PREFORMED JOINT FILLER PER MNDOT SPEC. 3702. (COMPOUND RADIUS) ® DIMENSION TO BE SAME AS SIDEWALK THICKNESS, 4" MIN. ADA CURB EXTENSION WITH COMPOUND RADIUS (BUMP OUT)® On�lsM DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS W W REVISION: � r MAIN STREET i w APPR VEDi JANUARY 2`3._2017 � � aatATm.s V CURB ADJACENT TO LANDSCAPE CURB WITHIN SIDEWALK LIMITS V CURB ADJACENT TO LANDSCAPE CURB OUTSIDE SIDEWALK LIMITS VARIABLE HEIGHT H 6" ..,. � STATE„ AMKOYEO: 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 F3 OF 6 RAMP APPROACH NOSE 4' MIN. 3" MIN. A o 1 3" MIN. 1/2" R. �.� NON-WALKABLEm 2.OX NON -WALKABLE SURFACE 2' MIN SURFACE SAWCUT •1" PERPENDICULARS FOR USE ON CURB RAMP RETROFITS �•• R ;LE „_ WALKABLE INSET A EXISTING H 6" WIDE FLARE SIDEWALK V CURB INTERSECTION PEDESTRIAN - - - - - - 7 TO 4X CHANGE PUSHI BUTTON l PATH PROF OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAILS OO \ L _ - - t TRAVEL VARIABLE HEIGHT H 6" SECTION B -B SIGNAL PEDESTAL & PUSH BUTTON (V -CURB) W REVISION: i APPR VED: JANUARY 23.2017 L a aatATIM V CURB ADJACENT TO BUILDING OR BARRIER CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V CURB HEIGHT CURB WIDTH H W �6" 411 t6" 6" VARIABLE HEIGHT H 6" 4' MIN. LANDING DISTANCE FROM APS PUSH 6" WIDE BUTTON TO EDGE OF SIDEWALK V -CURB A MU$T NOT EXCEED 10 INCHES I 6" WIDE V -CURB STATION POLE 18" WIDE BY IB" LONG 4" PUSH BUTTON , A MIN.12" THICK CONCRETE. MODIFY THE PUSH BUTTON PLAN VIEW STATION TO ALLOW A SQUARE FOUNDATION. APS PUSH BU MOUNTING SP (SADDLE ADAF 18" WIDE CONCRETE MATCH HEIGHT ADJACENT 6" WIDE V -C r - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I 1 , 4.57. 1.57. O (VAR.) SEMI -DIRECTIONAL RAMP (3.4,9) I 3'DOME SETBACK,4'LONG RAMP AND ' PUSH BUTTON 91 FROM THE BACK OF CURB PRIMARILY USED FOR APS APPLICATIONS I 6.0' WHERE THE PAR DOES NOT CONTINUE PAST THE PUSH BUTTON (DEAD-END SIDEWALK) - - - - VAR.)- - - - - - INSET A TRANSITION PANEL NOTES: A WALKABLE FLARE IS AN 8-10Z CONCRETE FLARE THAT IS REQUIRED WHEN THE FLARE IS ADJACENT TO A WALKABLE SURFACE, OR WHEN THE PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL OF A PUSH BUTTON TRAVERSES THE FLARE. ALL V CURB CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL MATCH CONCRETE WALK JOINTS. WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALLOWS.USE OF V CURB SHOULD BE MINIMIZED. GRADING ADJACENT TURF OR SLOPING ADJACENT PAVEMENT IS PREFERRED. V CURB SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS. V CURB NEXT TO BUILDING SHALL BE A 4" WIDTH AND SHALL MATCH PREVIOUS TOP OF SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. Q1 END TAPERS AT TRANSITION SECTION SHALL MATCH INPLACE SIDEWALK GRADES. 0 ALL V CURB SHALL MATCH BOTTOM OF ADJACENT WALK. O EDGE BETWEEN NEW V CURB AND INPLACE STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEALED AND BOND BREAKER SHALL BE USED BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PLACED V -CURB. O THE MAX.RATE OF CROSS SLOPE TRANSITIONING IS 1'LINEAR FOOT OF SIDEWALK PER HALF PERCENT CROSS SLOPE. WHEN PAR WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 61OR THE RUNNING SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5X. DOUBLE THE CALCULATED TRANSITION LENGTH. @ TRANSITION PANELS ARE TO ONLY BE USED AFTER THE RAMP, OR IF NEEDED. LANDING ARE AT THE FULL CURB HEIGHT (TYPICAL SECTION). U EXISTING CROSS SLOPE GREATER THAN 2.0%. LEGEND THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT, LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO 8.3X OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. {� INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN it 5.OX MINIMUM AND 8.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 4' X 4' MIN. (5' X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.OX SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. Q TRANSITION PANEL(S)- TO BE USED FOR TRANSITIONING THE CROSS -SLOPE OF A RAMP TO THE EXISTING WALK CROSS -SLOPE. RATE OF TRANSITION SHOULD BE 0.5X SECTION A -A PER 1 LINEAR FOOT OF WALK. SEE THIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PUSH BUTTON STATION (V -CURB) ENGINEERING CARLSON ` SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL M�CAI N 0 Save Date: 05/24/21 f:vobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad cad\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg SEE PEDESTRIAN APPROACH NOSE RAMP APPROACH NOSE 4' MIN. 3" MIN. A o 1 3" MIN. DETAIL NON-WALKABLEm 2.OX NON -WALKABLE SURFACE LANDING SURFACE SAWCUT \ \\ FLOW LINE PROFILE "TABLE" - TWIN PERPENDICULARS FOR USE ON CURB RAMP RETROFITS AREA \ \ DISTANCE FROM APS PUSH T/2T �WTTECRLMCURB AND GUTTER 1. PEDESTRIAN RAMP 6" WIDE REINFORCEMENT BUTTON NNOT INCHES UP TO 20X TO 4X CHANGE CHANGE EXCEED 10 OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAILS OO \ /_V -CURB o \ FLOW LINE PROFILE "TABLE" - FAN 36" MAX. ------------- ------ --- ---I--------- o 12 1:2 611 WIDE \ \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP PEDESTRIAN RAMP 3" V -CURB � • LANDING LOX MIN. LOX MIN. I.OX MIN. LOX MIN. LOX MIN. 'm \ 5.OX MAX. 1.5X PREFERRED 5.OX MAX. L5X PREFERRED 5AX MAX. LANDING 30" X 30" SQUARE 0 4" PEDESTAL POLE FLOW LINE PROFILE RAISE - TWIN PERPENDICULARS PEDESTAL FOUNDATION (LINE UP CENTER OF POLE (MUST BE FLUSH WITH \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP WITH THE BACK OF V -CURB) 12" 36" MAX. THE SURROUNDING WALK) 02v PLAN VIEW 5. M2 MAX. MAX, 36" MAX. 1211 12" 12" l FLOW LINE PROFILE RAISE - FAN 311 12" CURB LINE AND ROAD CROSSING ADJUSTMENTS o SEPARATE LANDING 3" W � NOTES>t "TABLING" OF CROSSWALKS MEANS MAINTAINING LESS THAN 2% CROSS SLOPE WITHIN A CROSSWALK, g z APS PUSH BUTTON IS REQUIRED WHEN A ROADWAY IS IN A STOP OR YIELD CONDITION AND THE PROJECT SCOPE ALLOWS. Q + u� a MOUNTING SPACERS (RUNNING SLOPE GREATER THAN 2X)SHALL BE FORMED AND PLACED SEPARATELY IN AN INDEPENDENT CONCRETE POUR. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON THIS SHEET FOR ALL SEPARATELY POURED INITIAL LANDINGS. "TABLING" ENTIRE CROSSWALK SHALL OCCUR WHEN FEASIBLE. Q2 (SADDLE ADAPTORS) 11 11 MILL & OVERLAY PROJECTS: TABLING OF FLOW LINES IN FRONT OF THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP v IS REQUIRED WHEN THE EXISTING FLOW LINE IS GREATER THAN 2X.WARPING OF THE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CAN NOT EXTEND INTO THE THROUGH LANE. TABLE THE FLOW LINE TO 2% OR AS Q DRILL AND GROUT 2 - NO.4 X 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED). MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHILE ADHERING TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS WITHIN RADIUS. 1)LOX MIN. CROSS -SLOPE OF THE ROAD 2)5.OX MAX. CROSS -SLOPE OF THE ROAD 4 O THIS OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAIL SHOULD ONLY BE 3) TABLE FLOW LINE UP TO 4% CHANGE FROM EXISTING SLOPE IN FRONT OF PEDESTRIAN RAMP USED ON BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS WHEN SPECIFIED IN THE PLAN. 4)UP TO 2% CHANGE IN FLOW LINE FROM EXISTING SLOPE BEYOND THE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP Q5 1/2 IN. PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL PER MNDOT SPEC. 3702. STAND-ALONE ADA RETROFITS -FOLLOW MILL & OVERLAY CRITERIA ABOVE HOWEVER ALL PAVEMENT W 6" WIDE REPLACEMENT ON CONCRETE ROADWAYS. ;• V -CURB Z. TOP OF WAL o a � SECTION B -B SIGNAL PEDESTAL & PUSH BUTTON (V -CURB) W REVISION: i APPR VED: JANUARY 23.2017 L a aatATIM V CURB ADJACENT TO BUILDING OR BARRIER CONCRETE CURB DESIGN V CURB HEIGHT CURB WIDTH H W �6" 411 t6" 6" VARIABLE HEIGHT H 6" 4' MIN. LANDING DISTANCE FROM APS PUSH 6" WIDE BUTTON TO EDGE OF SIDEWALK V -CURB A MU$T NOT EXCEED 10 INCHES I 6" WIDE V -CURB STATION POLE 18" WIDE BY IB" LONG 4" PUSH BUTTON , A MIN.12" THICK CONCRETE. MODIFY THE PUSH BUTTON PLAN VIEW STATION TO ALLOW A SQUARE FOUNDATION. APS PUSH BU MOUNTING SP (SADDLE ADAF 18" WIDE CONCRETE MATCH HEIGHT ADJACENT 6" WIDE V -C r - - - - - - - - - - - - - I I I 1 , 4.57. 1.57. O (VAR.) SEMI -DIRECTIONAL RAMP (3.4,9) I 3'DOME SETBACK,4'LONG RAMP AND ' PUSH BUTTON 91 FROM THE BACK OF CURB PRIMARILY USED FOR APS APPLICATIONS I 6.0' WHERE THE PAR DOES NOT CONTINUE PAST THE PUSH BUTTON (DEAD-END SIDEWALK) - - - - VAR.)- - - - - - INSET A TRANSITION PANEL NOTES: A WALKABLE FLARE IS AN 8-10Z CONCRETE FLARE THAT IS REQUIRED WHEN THE FLARE IS ADJACENT TO A WALKABLE SURFACE, OR WHEN THE PEDESTRIAN PATH OF TRAVEL OF A PUSH BUTTON TRAVERSES THE FLARE. ALL V CURB CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL MATCH CONCRETE WALK JOINTS. WHERE RIGHT-OF-WAY ALLOWS.USE OF V CURB SHOULD BE MINIMIZED. GRADING ADJACENT TURF OR SLOPING ADJACENT PAVEMENT IS PREFERRED. V CURB SHALL BE PLACED OUTSIDE THE SIDEWALK LIMITS WHEN RIGHT OF WAY ALLOWS. V CURB NEXT TO BUILDING SHALL BE A 4" WIDTH AND SHALL MATCH PREVIOUS TOP OF SIDEWALK ELEVATIONS. Q1 END TAPERS AT TRANSITION SECTION SHALL MATCH INPLACE SIDEWALK GRADES. 0 ALL V CURB SHALL MATCH BOTTOM OF ADJACENT WALK. O EDGE BETWEEN NEW V CURB AND INPLACE STRUCTURE SHALL BE SEALED AND BOND BREAKER SHALL BE USED BETWEEN EXISTING STRUCTURE AND PLACED V -CURB. O THE MAX.RATE OF CROSS SLOPE TRANSITIONING IS 1'LINEAR FOOT OF SIDEWALK PER HALF PERCENT CROSS SLOPE. WHEN PAR WIDTH IS GREATER THAN 61OR THE RUNNING SLOPE IS GREATER THAN 5X. DOUBLE THE CALCULATED TRANSITION LENGTH. @ TRANSITION PANELS ARE TO ONLY BE USED AFTER THE RAMP, OR IF NEEDED. LANDING ARE AT THE FULL CURB HEIGHT (TYPICAL SECTION). U EXISTING CROSS SLOPE GREATER THAN 2.0%. LEGEND THESE LONGITUDINAL SLOPE RANGES SHALL BE THE STARTING POINT. IF SITE CONDITIONS WARRANT, LONGITUDINAL SLOPES UP TO 8.3X OR FLATTER ARE ALLOWED. {� INDICATES PEDESTRIAN RAMP - SLOPE SHALL BE BETWEEN it 5.OX MINIMUM AND 8.3X MAXIMUM IN THE DIRECTION SHOWN AND THE CROSS SLOPE SHALL NOT EXCEED 2.0%. ®LANDING AREA - 4' X 4' MIN. (5' X 5' MIN. PREFERRED) DIMENSIONS AND MAX 2.OX SLOPE IN ALL DIRECTIONS. LANDING SHALL BE FULL WIDTH OF INCOMING PARS. Q TRANSITION PANEL(S)- TO BE USED FOR TRANSITIONING THE CROSS -SLOPE OF A RAMP TO THE EXISTING WALK CROSS -SLOPE. RATE OF TRANSITION SHOULD BE 0.5X SECTION A -A PER 1 LINEAR FOOT OF WALK. SEE THIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. PUSH BUTTON STATION (V -CURB) ENGINEERING CARLSON ` SURVEYING ENVIRONMENTAL M�CAI N 3890 PHEASANT RIDGE DR NE SUITE 100 BLAINE, MN 55449 TEL 763.489.7900 FAX 763..489489.. 7959959 CARLSONMCCAIN.COM Save Date: 05/24/21 f:vobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad cad\engineering\final utility\2nd addition\7056_details 2nd.dwg PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS / AM110YE0: STATE„ 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 5 OF 6 Revisions: I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian J. Krystofiak, P.E. Drawn: NJP 1. 5/5/21 Per City Comments or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 5/24/21 Per City Comments direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: �_;4 /L- Designed: BJK 3. 6/7/22 Per New Layout Licensed Professional Engineer under ^� the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 3/10/21 License #: 25063 Date: 3/10/21 -------, I , I , I LANDING I , WALKABLE ' WALKABLE FLARE FLARE RAMP WALKABLE WALKABLE SURFACE B-10% 8-lOX SURFACE OFLARE m OFLARE 2 1 2 PAVED FLARES ADJACENT TO WALKABLE SURFACE I , I , I LANDING I , I , NON -WALKABLE RAMP NON -WALKABLE SURFACE 1:6 1: SURFACE CONCRETECONCRETE FLARE m FLARE 1' MINIMUM PAVED FLARES ADJACENT TO NON -WALKABLE SURFACE I 1 I I ' LANDING I , I , NON -WALKABLE RAMP NON -WALKABLE SURFACE / SURFACE /1:6 1:6\ GRADED m GRADED /FLARE FLARE GRADED FLARES -------- LANDING ------LANDING CURB DESIGN V _ ' CURB DESIGN Y SEE PEDESTRIAN \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP \ \ \ \ \ SEE PEDESTRIAN APPROACH NOSE RAMP APPROACH NOSE DETAIL 3" MIN. A o 1 3" MIN. DETAIL NON-WALKABLEm 2.OX NON -WALKABLE SURFACE I I I SURFACE RETURNED CURB 5Q TYPICAL SIDE TREATMENT OPTIONS 00 W REVISION: i APPR VED: JANUARY 2`3._2017 WERAnM OMM y \ LANDINGAy�\ \ \ \ \ \O �\L\� \ JE & \ \ \ W \ t, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ EDGE OF THROUGH LANE LOX MIN. 5.0% MAX. LOX MIN. 5.0X MAX. df MATCH INPLTACE HTCE CUR-- - - - -- Tqp ACR MATCH INPLACE _ CURB HEIGHT _- _ __ __ s A c x 3" MINIMUM CURB HEIGHT 4" PREFERRED (MEASURED AT FRONT FACS OF CURB) FOR A MIN.6" LENGTH (MEASURED ALONG FLOW LINE) DETECTABLE EDGE WITH (D CURB AND GUTTER EDGE OF ROAD PLACE DETECTABLE FACE OF CURB/PROJECTED WARNINGS ENTIRE FACE OF CURB WALK/PATH WIDTH 1 DETECTABLE I WARNINGS I I I 4 s9 •a '> ° no NEAREST °•.... RAIL e':.4... CROSSING ••' 'e, "e.R, 4' 8.5" e. SURFACE n I PEDESTRIAN GATEARM I 1 RAILROAD GATE ARM O DETECTABLE 10 WARNINGS I X4.5' 4.25' 8.751 6 RAILROAD CROSSING OF PLAN VIEW �D NOTES: SEE STANDARD PLATE 7038 AND THIS SHEET FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS ON DETECTABLE WARNING. RADIAL DETECTABLE WARNING RECTANGULAR DETECTABLE WARNING A WALKABLE SURFACE IS DEFINED AS A PAVED SURFACE ADJACENT TO A CURB RAMP WITHOUT RAISED OBSTACLES THAT COULD MISTAKENLY BE TRAVERSED BY A USER WHO IS VISUALLY IMPAIRED. DETECTABLE EDGE WITHOUT CURB AND GUTTER CONCRETE FLARE LENGTHS ADJACENT TO NON -WALKABLE SURFACES SHOULD BE LESS THAN B' LONG 1/2" R. 611 VAR. 4„ TURF OR CONCRETE TOP OF GUTTER D . a .4 _ SECTION A -A TURF OR 6" - CONCRETE TOP OF SIDEWALK - h h/2 6" 9 3„ f SECTION B -B PEDESTRIAN APPROACH NOSE DETAIL (FOR RETURNED CURB SIDE TREATMENT) g) NON -CONCRETE BOULEVARD LOX MIN. 5.OX MAX. O LANDING CONCRETE BOULEVARD 0 0 EXPANSION MATERIAL PLACEMENT FOR CONCRETE AND BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS MEASURED ALONG THE RAMPS FROM THE BACK OF CURB. QI 0" CURB HEIGHT. Q2 FULL CURB HEIGHT. Q3 2- FOR 4" HIGH CURB AND 3- FOR 6" HIGH CURB. Q4 SIDE TREATMENTS ARE APPLICABLE TO ALL RAMP TYPES AND SHOULD BE IMPLEMENTED AS NEEDED AS FIELD CONDITIONS DICTATE. THE ENGINEER SHALL DETERMINE THE RAMP SIDE TREATMENTS BASED ON MAINTENANCE OF BOTH ROADWAY AND SIDEWALK, ADJACENT PROPERTY CONSIDERATIONS, AND MITIGATING CONSTRUCTION IMPACTS. 05 TYPICALLY USED FOR MEDIANS AND ISLANDS. © WHEN NO CONCRETE FLARES ARE PROPOSED, THE CONCRETE WALK SHALL BE FORMED AND CONSTRUCTED PERPENDICULAR TO THE EDGE OF ROADWAY. MAINTAIN 3" MAX. BETWEEN EDGE OF DOMES AND EDGE OF CONCRETE. Q7 IF NO CURB AND GUTTER IS PLACED IN RURAL SECTIONS, DETECTABLE WARNINGS SHALL BE PLACED 1' FROM THE EDGE OF BITUMINOUS ROADWAY AND/OR BITUMINOUS SHARED -USE PATH TO PROVIDE VISUAL CONTRAST. O8 ALL CONSTRUCTED CURBS MUST HAVE A CONTINUOUS DETECTABLE EDGE FOR THE VISUALLY IMPAIRED. THIS DETECTABLE EDGE REQUIRES DETECTABLE WARNINGS WHEREVER THERE IS ZERD-INCH HIGH CURB. CURB TAPERS ARE CONSIDERED A DETECTABLE EDGE WHEN THE TAPER STARTS WITHIN 3" OF THE EDGE OF THE DETECTABLE WARNINGS AND UNIFORMLY RISES TO A 3 -INCH MINIMUM CURB HEIGHT. ANY CURB NOT PART OF A CURB TAPER AND LESS THAN 3 INCHES IN HEIGHT IS NOT CONSIDERED A DETECTABLE EDGE AND THEREFORE IS NOT COMPLIANT WITH ACCESSIBILITY STANDARDS. CURB Q DRILL AND GROUT 1 - NO. 4 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BAR (EPDXY COATED) WITH 3" MIN. COVER. REINFORCEMNT BARS ARE NOT NEEDED IF THE APPROACH NOSE IS POURED INTEGRAL WITH THE V CURB. DESIGN V ® DRILL AND GROUT 2 - NO.4 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED) WITH 3" MIN. COVER. REINFORCEMENT B B BARS ARE NOT NEEDED IF THE APPROACH NOSE IS POURED INTEGRAL WITH THE CURB AND GUTTER. 11 SIDE TREATMENT EXAMPLES SHOWN ARE WHEN THE INITIAL LANDING IS APPROXIMATELY LEVEL WITH THE FULL A HEIGHT CURB (I.E. 61 LONG RAMP FOR 6" HIGH CURB). WHEN THE INITIAL LANDING IS MORE THAN 1" BELOW FULL HEIGHT CURB REFER TO SHEETS 1 & 2 TO MODIFY THE CURB HEIGHT TAPERS AND MAINTAIN POSITIVE _ CURB & 02 BOULEVARD DRAINAGE. GUTTER / ©NEAREST EDGE OF DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL BE PLACED 12- MINIMUM TO IS -MAXIMUM FROM THE 21 NEAREST RAIL. FOR SKEWED RAILWAYS IN NO INSTANCE SHALL THE DETECTABLE WARNING BE CLOSER THAN 12 MEASURED PERPENDICULAR TO THE NEAREST RAIL. / OO ®WHEN PEDESTRIAN GATES ARE PROVIDED, DETECTABLE WARNING SURFACES SHALL - - - BE PLACED ON THE SIDE OF THE GATES OPPOSITE THE RAIL. 21 FROM THE O O A APPROACHING SIDE OF THE GATE ARM. THIS CRITERIA GOVERNS OVER NOTE ® CROSSING SURFACE SHALL EXTEND 21 MINIMUM PAST THE OUTSIDE EDGE OF WALK OR SHARED -USE PATH. ® @3 -FOR MEDIANS AND SPLITTER ISLANDS. NOSE CAN BE REDUCED TO 2 -ON FREE RIGHT ISLANDS. ® SIDEWALK TO BE PLACED 8.751 MIN. FROM THE FACE OF CURB/PROJECTED FACE OF CURB. THIS ENSURES MIN. CLEARANCE BETWEEN THE SIDEWALK AND GATE ARM COUNTERWEIGHT SUPPORTS. Werra PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS /l � AM110YE0: 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 4 OF 6 PLAN VIEW OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT O PLACEMENT ON BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS 4 36" EXISTING SIDEWALK EXISTING SIDEWALK IMAX.I REPLACEMENT I IDEWALK SAW CONCRETE SIDEWALK FULL DEPTH ON EXISTING JOINT (INCIDENTAL) PROFILE VIEW Ti T/2 p 4" SID WALK (TYPICAL) OPTIONAL SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT SIDEWALK REINFORCEMNT TO BE USED ONLY WHEN SPECIFIED IN THE PLAN. EXISTING CURB AND GUTTER EDGE OF THROUGH LANE UMM AMU UUI ILK \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP \ \ \ \ \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP I \ \ \ \ 3" MIN. A o 1 3" MIN. UP TO 2.OX \ \ \ \ CHANGELIP TO TO IX CHANGE LOXP MAX. OR UP UP TO 2.OX n '. c e:°y e'.: \ \ \ = CHANGE TO 4X CHANCE CHANGE TO SAWCUT \ \\ FLOW LINE PROFILE "TABLE" - TWIN PERPENDICULARS FOR USE ON CURB RAMP RETROFITS AREA \ \ T/2T �WTTECRLMCURB AND GUTTER 1. PEDESTRIAN RAMP REINFORCEMENT \ \ UP TO 2= MAX. OR UP UP TO 20X TO 4X CHANGE CHANGE OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAILS OO \ o \ FLOW LINE PROFILE "TABLE" - FAN 36" MAX. LANDING Lox MIN. \ 5.OXMAX. \ \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP PEDESTRIAN RAMP 3" \ \ � • LANDING LOX MIN. LOX MIN. I.OX MIN. LOX MIN. LOX MIN. \ 5.OX MAX. 1.5X PREFERRED 5.OX MAX. L5X PREFERRED 5AX MAX. LANDING 36" Max. FLOW LINE PROFILE RAISE - TWIN PERPENDICULARS •°e \ PEDESTRIAN RAMP 12" 36" MAX. LOX MIN. \ MUL11AX. 5.0% MAX. L5X�OPREFERRED 5. M2 MAX. MAX, 36" MAX. 1211 12" 12" l FLOW LINE PROFILE RAISE - FAN 311 12" CURB LINE AND ROAD CROSSING ADJUSTMENTS SEPARATE LANDING 3" POUR REINFORCEMENT NOTES>t "TABLING" OF CROSSWALKS MEANS MAINTAINING LESS THAN 2% CROSS SLOPE WITHIN A CROSSWALK, IS REQUIRED WHEN A ROADWAY IS IN A STOP OR YIELD CONDITION AND THE PROJECT SCOPE ALLOWS. Q TO ENSURE RAMPS AND LANDINGS ARE PROPERLY CONSTRUCTED, ALL INITIAL LANDINGS AT A TOP OF A RAMPED SURFACE RECONSTRUCTION PROJECTSeON FULL PAVEMENT REPLACEMENT PROJECTS TI (RUNNING SLOPE GREATER THAN 2X)SHALL BE FORMED AND PLACED SEPARATELY IN AN INDEPENDENT CONCRETE POUR. FOLLOW SIDEWALK REINFORCEMENT DETAILS ON THIS SHEET FOR ALL SEPARATELY POURED INITIAL LANDINGS. "TABLING" ENTIRE CROSSWALK SHALL OCCUR WHEN FEASIBLE. Q2 DRILL AND GROUT NO.4 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS AT 36" MAXIMUM CENTER 11 11 MILL & OVERLAY PROJECTS: TABLING OF FLOW LINES IN FRONT OF THE PEDESTRIAN RAMP TO CENTER (FOXY COATED). BARS TO BE ADJUSTED TO MATCH RAMP GRADE. IS REQUIRED WHEN THE EXISTING FLOW LINE IS GREATER THAN 2X.WARPING OF THE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT CAN NOT EXTEND INTO THE THROUGH LANE. TABLE THE FLOW LINE TO 2% OR AS Q DRILL AND GROUT 2 - NO.4 X 12" LONG REINFORCEMENT BARS (EPDXY COATED). MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHILE ADHERING TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED FOR ALL CONSTRUCTION JOINTS WITHIN RADIUS. 1)LOX MIN. CROSS -SLOPE OF THE ROAD 2)5.OX MAX. CROSS -SLOPE OF THE ROAD 4 O THIS OPTIONAL CURB LINE REINFORCEMENT DETAIL SHOULD ONLY BE 3) TABLE FLOW LINE UP TO 4% CHANGE FROM EXISTING SLOPE IN FRONT OF PEDESTRIAN RAMP USED ON BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS WHEN SPECIFIED IN THE PLAN. 4)UP TO 2% CHANGE IN FLOW LINE FROM EXISTING SLOPE BEYOND THE PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP Q5 1/2 IN. PREFORMED JOINT FILLER MATERIAL PER MNDOT SPEC. 3702. STAND-ALONE ADA RETROFITS -FOLLOW MILL & OVERLAY CRITERIA ABOVE HOWEVER ALL PAVEMENT WARPING IS DONE WITH BITUMINOUS PATCHING ON BITUMINOUS ROADWAYS AND FULL -DEPTH APRON REPLACEMENT ON CONCRETE ROADWAYS. W W REVISION: RAISING OF CURB LINES SHOULD OCCUR IN VERTICALLY CONSTRAINED AREAS. RAISE THE CURB LINES ENOUGH TO �� PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP DETAILS ALLOW COMPLIANT RAMPS OR AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE WHILE ADHERING TO THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: $ 1 APPR VED: JANUARY 23.2017 1) LOX MIN. AND 5.OX MAXIMUM CROSS -SLOPE OF THE ROAD Iy1 �� 2)LOX MIN. FLOW LINE (ON EITHER SIDE OF PEDESTRIAN RAMP)TO MAINTAIN POSITIVE DRAINAGE W3) ,1---- 3)RECOMMENDED MAX. FLOW LINE 1-23-2017 STANDARD PLAN 5-297.250 6 OF 6 - TIM 4)LONGITUDINAL THROUGH LANEE ROADWAY TAPERS SHOULD BE 1 VERTICAL PER 15'HORI20NTALOPEPA1W STATE GESDpIENWIEq( HAVEN RIDGE LLC HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION 19 11149 187th Ave. DETAILS of Monticello, Minnesota Elk River, MN 55330 19 7t / VJ LEGEND EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE _-------_ EASEMENT LINE ---- ---------------- --------------- CURB LINE ------- — - I I BITUMINOUS ! I CONCRETE SANITARY SEWER ------+-- STORM SEWER--+--v---� WATER MAIN --+--+---+----+ OVERHEAD UTILITY ----------- /� � 04 It `yam . w STORM CATCH BASIN ® ® WY IJ�n STORM MANHOLE 0 li ;a N OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE MANHOLE O Q i _ _ " -- 'I �, \� i , HYDRANT it i II• �I ! .11-- a5ST. NE w ST N GATE VALVE Dd y I ! ;T2 Is TELEVISION BOX o TELEPHONE BOX LI j SITE UTILITY POLE .I RETAINING WALL II FENCE 10' CONTOUR \`. \ `g---i`.� _ ..—..— - ..--.— —..—.. _—.._ VICINITY MAP 2' CONTOUR --------- - . _ - _— --. - --------- -- - --..--. _—.-_ FEMA FLOOD PLAIN i! I I 1 NOT TO SCALE WETLAND LINE — — jl I SPOT ELEVATION �� I EMERGENCY OVERFLOW E.O.F. as as ' Iii !'I _,,., �:` SHEET INDEX SILT FENCE ....................T1. INDEX �1 TREE FENCE ......................... T2—T6. TREE PRESERVATION PLAN GRADING LIMITS ••••••• ^•^••••••••- TREELINE 1 SOIL BORING I KEY DENOTES TREE TO BE SAVED DENOTES TREE TO BE REMOVED NOTE, REFER TO TREE INVENTORY REPORT FOR TREE IDENTIFICATION AND REMOVAL/REPALCEMENT INFORMATION. CALL BEFORE YOU DIG Q Y 11 Know what's below. "`1���'^^�L�k CaII before you dig. The subsurface utility information shown on this plan is utility Quality Level D. This quality level w s determined —1 to the guidelines of CI/ASCE 38-02, entitled "Standard Guideline for the Collection and Depiction of Existing Subsurface Utility Data." SPECIMEN TREE • ANY CANOPY TREE WITH A DBH OF 36 INCHES OR MORE AND ANY UNDERSTORY OR • ORNAMENTAL TREE WITH A DBH OF 10 INCHES OR • MORE THAT IS NOT EXEMPTED AS A SPECIMEN TREE BY THIS ORDINANCE. CITY of MONTICELLO TREE PRESERVATION CODE • REPLACEMENT TREES REQUIRED •• EACH HEALTHY SPECIMEN TREE REMOVED OR DESTROYED SHALL BE REPLACED WITH THREE OR MORE REPLACEMENT TREES EQUALING OR EXCEEDING A TOTAL OF EIGHTEEN (18) AGGREGATE CALIPER INCHES. •• THE REQUIRED REPLACEMENT TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN 12 MONTHS OF THE REMOVAL OR DESTRUCTION OF THE SPECIMEN TREE. • LOCATIONOFREPLACEMENTTREES •• REPLACEMENT TREES SHALL BE EITHER PLANTED ON THE PARCEL OF LAND FROM WHICH THE SPECIMEN TREE WAS REMOVED IF SUFFICIENT SPACE 15 AVAILABLE, OR PLACED ON NEARBY LANDS IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 4.IIEI, ALTERNATIVE LANDSCAPE PLAN. TREE PRESERVATION CALCULATION • CALCULATION$ •• 9 SPECIMEN TREES ON SITE, 8 REMOVED FOR GRADING ••• 8X18= 144 Aggregate caliper inches ••• IOVER STORY TREE =2.SAGI ••• 144 AGI/2.5=57 TREES 0 150 300 600 (IN FEET) BENCHMARKS 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot Name Golf). ELEVATION = 974.53 FT. 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (Mn Dot Name 8605 S) ELEVATION = 966.55 FT. son[ rciDge "nve wc, Revisions: 7, 5/6/22 Rev. lots for III 3, 411 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS (� Carlson onm Blaine,ite MI 1 hereby certifyethat this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto' a Drawn a, 9/13/19 Per City Com Comments T 1 en al B, 0 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I Sugi--nn9 I Phone: '(763)489-7900 I directSupervision and that Iamaduly Signature: a ID¢5ign¢tl: eJK I3J/22/20I 1::tyComments I 1313 Hillwind Road I I TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of I McCain I • rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 ticensedPmfes5ionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 Pe r" Comments Monticello, Minnesota (A) the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2ntl atltl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / T$ \ I \\\ `\ I PROPERTY LINE EXISTING PROPOSED I I 4 TRD 501 \ \ EASEMENT LINE ------ ------ I I I I \\ CURB LINE ______ BITUMINOUS E----] 0 ' i I ° — a• \ I CONCRETE SANITARY SEWER 111711 ---�->— \ I STORM SEWER ----- Y >� HERS) REALIGNiiECIT D� \\ \y �i0 TENN R MAIN DENOTES OVERHWAEAD UTIDTY STORM CATCH BASIN ®abo STORM MANHOLE 0 OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE O 0 MANHOLE HYDRANT YP 'V I 1 01 S'2\\ `'•\\ GATE VALVE Da \ �\ TELEVISION BOX ❑ DD \\ \ � s f TELEPHONE BOX ❑ yS; •, D, \\ \\\ UTILITY POLE `n RETAINING WALL 5(��62 �J > 95 94B •,���D\ \\ \\\\ I FENCE — 1 0 D\ \ \ \ I 10' CONTOUR — 2' CONTOUR ---- i D 0 85 `SS`SvS 3 D'DD\ \ •D\\ \\ \\\ I FEMA FLOOD PLAINSo 2 WTAND LINE GRAVEL ' D 5 S CCS _00.0 POT ELEVATION CONSTRgCfi, IO E.o..F . ENTRANCE; �\% EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 10 0000 T"❑ARNQE 3 SILT FENCE 6 TREE FENCEIs a a a a a ® a - GRADING LIMITS _ TREELINE (—Y—Y—r1 696 2 \� 104 SOIL BORING 0 • D\ \ \\ •` 0se-s �\ ° ss+s°O sso Cod\ \ `\ I I KEY 14 s I \ I I DENOTES REEVED \ x S 6��5 05 s Dv `v 5 1 00 •,DD\ \� \\\ DENOTE TREE To X X \\ I BE REMOVED o S t \ I F •DD \ \ °\\ 106 ` is •. D \ \\ NOTA 6 s? S/ ' , DD\ \\\\ I REFER TO TREE INVENTORY REPORT FOR TREE I li I I 9 6� O /� r 95 \ �. / '• D \ `\ \ e\ IDENTIFlCATON AND REMOVAL/REPALC£MENT 6 s I INFORMATION. I li—I I % 26.2 0 A'e1�1 .S �g A I / •. DDAV A VA I X \ \ 12 7 S ss+ 9s ss 107\ 6 \ III I j s sso s252 c � s' � \�(� A' so ass \ \ •Dp \ \ \ �'' �\„\ I C 126 S�/s+s°965 6 F SS+s 108 \ 2 "sa s \ s?s so F8 lc�,v air \oc � I I o 3 Dp \ \ \\ I u s ss s \�s° o ?9 s9 s xs S+s° 09 WETLAND BUF r9 5,861 SF '_ �I: r:�.•. ��\ �\\ c so ss. s62 \\ P.DD\\ \\ \s%it. (5,861 SF REQUIRED)I I I tl:i5,4 110 °\ \ +s : S �D D.D\ D \ \ \ \ \\♦a\'t\\r\ F ,WETLAND FILLso \ Gs a 3046 F. o 4 s � I �� �I; 1 I I � !o�J 9 v c �y \ ssZ D \ \\ \\ ',��y•" X\ NETLAND #9 I I .I. s-. `\ \ \ 123 \2 `s ss +so s?e q, sssss+s� 1 1 s • DD b \ \ \ M1•� SIGNIFICANT TREE s \ ` G . (R HWL = 957.8 j 1 �: t''" s\ s s 3 1 D \ \ SNOWMELT = 957.61 B—B HWL = 957.9 1 112 N 1- 7 122 .5 \ \ \ s 2 D \ \ \ r9s 1 ss F2J i 1 %( s ss+ s 96) ssS�--------- `• I; II •+.yo �\\\� \ \��95���� s \\\\ \\\ \\ �\ ?p sss1 \%Po .. / c �sss ` 13 ss 309 TR \6\\\\ "'\\ I o zs so 100 zr D s�� 20v� s VSJ > ®TW a vv \zz I� 7 �. ���� v v� N. = 954: . ,� " S�s+so s. s6sss+s 7 vV\ v ,� v \\\ \\)AY SNOWMELT = 955.7 s �• e s 1 \\ i N FEET) \ \, \ 962 6^ /\1 eTW 75 \ \ \ y \ 100 YR HWL = 957.2 \ s• / 6? ss c \ w7 PETAININ \ \ \ �.III ., -y} %II �\"\ \ \°\ rsL ° `°a�\ \°^.�\. \ "°\�� e„\\ �\\\\\\ \ \ \\'\\ \ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ ` �\ \ \ \ e\�\ \\ \e �e ' 11%�°\/ 0s 0%SS�{so I cs s. eoo•sss'^ o,s 9�y'\�s\$e\ se s 9 6o ss+sSo �`s �J �� ®®aBwW .o5G \ � \\ \\ \ \ \\\ \ \ I BEN CHMof Transportation ARKS1 YRB-B HWL 957.9 g 4 WALL #1 1. Minnesot aDepartment to RETAINING WAATEiAGeodetic GSIDStationNo. 93813 MnDot L \\ Name coif).TO BE PROVIDE 0 CIT\ j 'I �'"o �� 4°\•.\\��` w'°\ ��\ \\\\\ \\ o � VI 1 • � '96�� J Lcs f ®�Tw� PRIOR TOINSTALL/ ON. \ \ \\ \\ I ELEVATION '•974.53 FT. Transportation 2. Minnesota Department of II % \ w\\\\,2 •+.\�° ��\��\ �� ���/ I ( 118X\ sss \.A r� J3,0 p5\ %X \\\ I Nam8605 de t1 S)Station No. 93803 (MnDot 10 /�+So �, sso �_6%i.`�1 _ 9 516 \\\ °\\\ NO GRADING SHALL GO \ \ 6� N\ I h, \ I so;,o�\ �_-- �,9O ®g�C BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE \ T ELEVATION � 968 55 FT SEE SHEET T3 — ° rr s ` 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for BIK 3, 111 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS T ^T 70 - Carlson onm 6Mite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 1.9/13/19 Per City Commen s 12 en al Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per Ciky Commen s HAVEN RIDGE • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirec[supervisionandthatlamaduly Signature: 2 D¢Sign¢tl: eJK 3J/22/20PerCltyComments 1313 Hillwind Road TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of McCain ('surveying Fax 763 489'7959^7 LicensedProfes5ionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 Per CltyComments Monticello, Minnesota (A) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/°8/21 Per 2ntl atltl. 6 Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / T8 SHEETT2 \� o ss \ LEGEND O sz � � •n \ \ �\8�\ \ // / z 1 EXISTING PROPOSED PROPERTY LINE \� °+� \.,° \ \\ \ \\ /� r/ \ 9s6j O C \ D A\� 9 ® C + NO GRADING SHALL GO Seo\ �• ° \ \ \ I / q5,o ®5/ I BEYOND THE PROPERTY LINE �. EASEMENT LINE ------ ------ ° n \ CURB LINE BITUMINOUS CONCRETE \ D� \ 96 \ \ L-�r<_� O 00000000.5\,d\�° �`��•n `"'\ \ \� \\ \ GGs+s°�•� \ \,�\\\ \\ �a \ ••. 11 � y!I SANITARY SEWER,,; �-�....... ,......° ' \ xsm\ ��\I \ \� \ \� 96d'i? O C A \\ \\\\ \\ STORM SEWER ----- Y >� °'0°0004°0°�> 4 -' .\`4\ \" as.4 \\ \ \ 2'O '9c� \ \\Is \ \ \ II WATER MAIN ------ 1f: . \\\\ \\\mortal w`\\ Qa\\ \\ 5 \ S o ® \ \ \ e\ OVERHEAD TUT �° cnou �°\° �0 o \. \ \\ \ :,• n\ \ •\ \d\\ S 54 12 �\ \ \\ I STORM CATCH BASIN ® ® : s 000 0\ \ \\ \\\i \�`\ °P\ ss \ �j STORM MANHOLE �00000�o o a� v v ,ems �\ aa 116 vA v Vv I OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 0 0°0°0 P°^' �T°O°O°O°OOo°oW� ^+� \ w. MANHOLE ° °° 0� °��°°O°O \ �\ gsss.n '\. >y GT s \ B O 25 \ O ° a� �� 'W � ° Soso 0 0 \\ � \ \ \d'd. sa 5j?o < // `rrx / s2s HYDRANT 0%°do �`° "_.°g o o \ \ \\. '? �� o G / \ s \ GATE VALVE oa 0 � M"No W, °° °°°°y° ° \`\ w w \. \�� rn tr O � y,\ m�0000°°°°°o \ �• \ \ a �. \ \ \ I TE EVSION Box o ooho°°°q��agogogoo°000°°o \\ \\ �. \ w. \. \zra SBz 1 5 0 TELEPHONE BOX ❑ °0°00�0°°�� °°'d °°&°\ \\v.ss.'o°o \ �.. 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(IN FEET) I -41 _ \9f• s�o „ 142. \ ::::--..... I I � \ \ __ p•`• o`r � � � s� \ 1 5 \� \ \ q:� O � c' s 1 'ss � o��_•.' ... .-1.�1 - - - ••Y�' ��1*. ��`:�: •� �\7 � \ o ? x��o I ..��...CY.'I. •. •. •. •. •.`... •. •.•...� aI �\ `'. _ / 149 j I �w 57 ' +� �...:.:...::...:...:' BENCHMARKS i I 525 \ v� d� • 1 G ao NO S \ * \ `• ••♦y'.. n.. ♦.•x•."..x a.. ♦:...:� / I o n o\ > 22 '3` x 4 .•fid•••.•••. •".•••.•� 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation I voovov oo d•pb`,vv"'j S000.ov �. LL�� _• GG s o ma • • •LL, ,A 143 N t:''` 1 .� .\•'•'.'.'•'•'\• t•'•'•'j a 1'•'•'•`• 51 �. �''o �$\ J` \ I' °/ �,op{`••-`-`• ' Namcastle e tGeV). Station No. 93813 MnDot \ \o, m pro ♦ ELEVATION >• 974.53 FT. 5 o6 0 \ 9\ 48 }I /,{� � ` " " I`• F". 4 �"• "•.••'• . • C �'O \ 21 � 'r �� �ou' 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation I /I o II :'1: . .. 4.. i.•'• 1.: \;•'•• 144 \ �� \1111 �-' :. p. ,!'`•'•'� OU TLI Geodetic csiD Scotian No. 93803 (MnDot I ... , 4 jj1 .LL. ` G ,ro{ � � A � {`sS' / � 1 7 � i -- - G1 , x ..I•D.'.'.'.� Name 8605 5) I I G�' .y r•.11 �� I 1 •:'`•,I. �J` %'o d' !/� 9dS g \\ -- - --- - -- - \ �� -1 ••um'.`I. .� ELEVATION 966.55 FT. *h l 0 1'•'''`'•'• '.• •�• \ o� \�� ss 0 60 1 45 1 46 1 47 O sp -t' ...J WETLAND !k s _ •� 10 DAY SNOW MEL" i c r 1N I :•.. .•.,�.• 175 x,�SEE SHEET T4 1� -�,' 20 159 �.p.•., I : \ In nnv cNn�i� ORA R F . .d.. �. y mom,, '� 0 \_ � � (�)� �, � I,�...t.�.� 100 1R HWL = 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7.5/6/22 Rev. lots Por BIk 3,4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS T T)Carisqn yir $Uite001 hereby rens y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per City Commen sonmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared y me or under my 21/9/20PerCity Comments HAVEN RIDGE engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and thatIamaduly Signature: � 2 Design¢tl: eJK 3J/22/20Per1,:1Comments 1313 Hillwind Road TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of ° rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfe55ionalEn9ineerunder ♦ 4.9/10/20P¢rClryComments Monticello, Minnesota McCain su he laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License # 25063 Data: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 T8 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. Ci Comments '1 45 14b 1 'Ic L 10 DAY SNOW ME T 954 8 175 6 (957.5) 100 YR HWL = 955.0 5 100 YR B-13 HWL 956.9 LO 50X55 � R ss xso rn j 174\ 's, os �z 965.. 965.. m 116Q P` '.V 0 Po 4L 5 -X - EX 5z7 Y7 17 ---------------- - -- - -- 'VI 1. -16 x 6 3.2. 63.61 61 - - - - - - - ----v{ SIGNIFICANT TREE EE E v - A) Z6 1x1 1�1 o, N p�2 'TRD 700 TRD 698 3 TRD 6990 24 11>�51 > TR TRD 697 IV L> �1 7 T D 7v.6,9 6> R 5W T 6 01 5 O s O 6 0 LLa1-\ d f�Q � .. . S o I N o D 8 4 '168' D :::x:-:- 19 WETLAND J5 j, 10 DAY SNOW MELT 954.8LL�lLLN ILL 56 0 100 YR HWL = 955.0 c) 100 YR B -B HWL = 956.9 MT ;�7TRD 82 ",�o 4 . . . . . . 736 RD 7,♦ ...... 8 607 10 DAY SNOW ME 0 YR HWL 955.0 4TAR D - -4 715 7410*�'- 1'5'1 8 56 B -B HWL 9! FV75901 1HYRID G T� \- ' TRD 810TRD W051 48 - -'a 7P C� je, 7?2 754 TRO S' .7 a 7fH >1! TRO 75' TRD 81 n "YOTD - 5 TRD `F0 'TND as8 5T 9 87 RETAINING WALL #2 • rRD 8274"0 OUTLOT D TRD 8430 tb w, - 4 .: RETAINING MATERIAL 55X 0 &, /�p aV - "YO 84A 19 TO BE PR ALL To CI Ty vv D TRD•11VIDEDM lA 842,V OTRD Z PRIOR TO INSTALLATION. G TIRE 8400 0 TRD 841 WRD 546 TW'60,0 UJI lt�l I " 9. UJI DT 0 TRD 838TRD 907 TRD 850 7kp '66 0 TRD 836 & TIRE 839 LLI TRD 18.03 ELM 0 TRID 906 OTRD 904*• 6 LLI 2 TRD 953 TRD 908 TRD 9050 TRIO ....... 0 TRD 950 AIRING :> TRD 909 '44f Y BUILDER) TRD 947 OTRD 951-948 TAGGED TWICE 0• QTR 945 TRTDRD936 949 OTRD.911(S, vvu(2 944 -0 RETAINING WAILL • TR BY BUILDER) 0 TRD 934 TR�D- lout - 935 -1 1*6rRD 627 TRD Z.;5 E KEY 9 SIGNIFICANT TREE 4-, s, -80 DENOTES TREE III 'qIIkPR TO BE SAVED 8 GRADING 11 .... ... Z, , �-e COMPLETE DENOTES TREE To x x 93 TR 02'- -4i 41 BE REMOVED V,7 7 204 I> ��: IV 7" > D 2 0 9;�� �,;. - N0TK- D 92 ZD TRD REFER TO TREE INVENTORY REPORT FOR TREE c :DENTIFICATION AND REMOVAL/REPALCEMENT FORMATION. �5 oo•WETLAND #5D 2j5 / 41 SIGN TR x 10 DAY SNOW MELT9= 954.8 100 YR HWL = 55.0 N ss 100 YR 8-13 HWL 956.9 x '977 x TR 6 TRD 609 X X SOO = X9 ly D 10 DAYS T = � EXISTING PROPOSED EXISTING PROPOSED *0(), )a K se "0!ZT2 9 60 PROPERTY LINE TELEPHONE BOX El §b7,15600 EASEMENT LINE ------ ------ UTILITY POLE 50 . . . 0 25 50 100 CURB LINE RETAINING WALL 6D0 BITUMINOUS E - - - - 10, CONTOUR 67.0 954- CONCRETE - - - (IN FEET) 591 e - --- SANITARY SEWER 2' CONTOUR TRD 1• 89 962 TRID TRID 620 STORM SEWER FEMA PLOD PLAIN BENCHMARKS 965,5 1 !%0 • . •. •. •. •. •. •. •. . AS 61• WATER MAIN WETLAND UNE 00.0 DEI -S 14. WETLAND FILL 0 TRD 9 OVERHEAD UTILITY SPOT ELEVATION ON ----- - - ------- 1. Mirn ... 1. Department .1 Transportation E.O.F. Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MrDot 987-- 9735 S.F. . . . . . . .• . . . . •. • STORM CATCH BASIN to 199.1 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW .4. , *0 No.. Golf). WETLAND FILL . . . . . . . . STORM MANHOLE 0000 T�650 S.F. OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE 1* SILT FENCE . . . . ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. ".9 MANHOLE 0 arm TREE FENCE ... 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation 962 - 'r -a- HYDRANT GRADING LIMITS Geodetic GSID Station Na. 93803 (MnDot . . . . . . . . . . Name 8605 S) GATE VALVE T� TREEL-INE TELEVISION BOX 0 ELEVATION 966.55 FT. TRD 989, SOIL BORING SB -5 3890 111111"t Ridge On- NE, I her, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. I.. far Blk 3,4 & 5 S8 100 fy that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian 1. Krystoflak, P.E. Drawn . KRO t 9/13/19 _/tg Per Cit, DENALIINVESTMENTS T4 tat Blaine, MIN 55449 hereby prepared by me or under Per ity comments HAVEN RIDGE comments or p P T)Carisqn 1: �,- yr my report as direct supervision and that I a. a -0!!IL D 1: .112111.1 P1:r I I I munerts T engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 Signature: ��n­ 4&, r 1313 1-1111wind Road Monticello, Minnesota REE PRESERVATION PLAN of sur,ayung Fawxw.c(763 489-7959 ---d Professional Engineer under ♦ Data: 4/5/19 C:ty Comments Fridley, MIN 55432 T8 McCain w rl o)n m IT the la- of the State of Minnesota License #: 25063 De 5. 3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading a sccain.w 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. city Comments ���"---------------� __ ----<n.-ae,-a -�.-=a-a. \ / PROPERTY LINE --------- EXISTING PROPOSED $5TT3TREET- --- EASEMENT ------ ------ -r CURB LINE -_-_ _ - _-_ _ _r _ --- ---- --- -------- -- . - - -- o r �'.�o-- --- --- - - --- - ---�-- •TREE- - / I 0.709 ' 65.0 _ - - v • • � BITUMINOUS ] I _ / - . � . - . - - �,v- �� �. .---• i -•T_ •-'�� _!� �- •-Y� a,��•.r•-mss y • • •iRE=6� �� T�.0 �C _ � �i � CONCRETE C � _ ] 0 • r0\ - nn ----------- �h n� �`O �`O� • 6p � __ SANITARY SEWER zv > 3592 643TRD 700 0 0 b V D p 1 S� STORM SEWERR MAIN ----->Y >� TdV TR590 \ 8C tt (\\ \\ in •• '�u �O Gggg • R11 T �0 fp 6 � OVERHEAD WATEUTILITY <- - �' b \ \ ro TRD 713 TRD 699 TRD 698 D 6 \ : D 3 STORM CATCH BASIN ®� ® ®� aDENOTEnon 61.0 61.0 62.8 6,61.5, 966' � 342 964 z 7 343 394 �� z ! 8 J (960.5) W (958.5) (959.5) R R R J w 55X50 55X50 55X50 1'n 966.0 G 967.0 G G 968.0 IyJ 964 63.1 96fi 64.5 65.8 fig ,a, O / a • • . WETLAND FILL \ , qT TRD 712 . 4 3 • 6 \ \ TRD 697 �O O lied STORM MANHOLE 0• I I I I I' Ek.61.2 S.F. ' �yL�� \\ \ • OU TLOT • G O 68q 6 .fR D OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE TRD 3 73 , 6 96\\\••• /I -_N • . O• • • •0 e • + TR4 'z 1RD 7 ° D657 6 5 MANHOLE YDRANTO \ -- - �•• .. , TRD 35$b'�960';. d t \ \�-��_.iR y2 •D 703 +T( -D,69 5 D 1 D GATE VALVE Da I I I • • s? \ 954 - - 0 % TRD 701 69710 s O 6 0 8 TELEVISION BOX ❑ • •�{�(((yj/���5yy. `-�r962�0 \ 1oo \ 950- ��711 X TRD709� TD 8 O 8 8 91 �0 S I '?\ I� o TELEPHONE BOX ❑ LL71 I s2s ,\9 5.0 NVIIL Q- X X TRD 7 �; , 'D 7 1 _ O J UTILITY POLE `n i(;- d+ %jTR 7 ) RETAINING WALL D 3T7 \ DAY SNOWMELT - 9e - D z II I 966.0 s� \ �o 763 D 774 7 rn FENCE I I' 9s3.s ss4.o I YR HWL = 9�7,/a T rt � I � \ _ 6 "� D 3 �+T -I 10' CONTOUR - - YR B -B HWL - 95 .0� ag rRD 7 s LG W� 262 \ J s�C SIGNIFICANTTREE 9yo /// O 7 Qg 66 �O 0 TRDI FEMA FLOOD PLAIN ---- I 5a tb 2 " j7 o ss > 76 2 x TR o11� I. 55X50 3 6 9 Xa .gyp >2 O WETLAND LINE \\ (` \ *� D 1 \ \ ` / 736,E 9 006 TRD E� O g0....7R© TR 8� - I SPOT ELEVATION m 0 80-T m EOF 11""'0 TtRTRD 80 TSI 0. 0 EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 44 4� 741 ;w.`C­ 0 g'I IRD RD. 9 O 1 0 SILT FENCE •0• - SIGNIFICANTTREE O E 69 2. ey\ ° I ss q ��� ss 06 D K1 00 0 8�T '%.. e ®®® a ® e a - :LEMORE aL E NE auoo _ s* I*I 1 �1 E C Sao ` ti '{�0 759r RD `11§ TRD 810 TRD­7& X �S*� REE FENCE 0O -„ �` 50 TRD D 818 \ X 7 \ GRADING FLITS D D D - & 65.4 1.60X I 1 89 66.81111 0�1 TCc c.2 N h Sp C.) o�'o qN D 754 iR9 ��Ftp 181L 392 SOIL BORING INE YYY1 -s qq D°??5 7p 68. g'$ TIM 968 T) /4 ' , TRB •749'OO� TRD X53+ TR%B1 814k TRD1 5 f 90 �oi 1 < sa 7RD 749 "-0 7RD 75 --TRD m 1 m. 2 7RD SIGNIFICANTTREE -- 7R 815 TR5 o o I hr 'TRD 7 6 D . • • • TRD 8277092 O°2 7RD ATS/ TRp O 56 8'rcOD _ $ ��{1.1 8 TRD KEY f 1 II I �\•� ,? ` o� �ch� 263 TR 7y8 le D 7211 „\ 6°M •7RD 830 q0 9 TRD 843.9 s 82� S�O'(RD 82� TP0820 �� �p gs>0� �D 8 v.. DENOTES TREE 1 �- �% TC 69.2 e 4 T\R o IIiD 831 - TRD , 4' TO BE SAVED nl in I orn o� w I iue \ J SIGNIFICANTTREE \,o� TRD 842 r TRD 844 84'O pBy2�01ma858 8 q,c 74 34 / +� / i ,�° 30 NSI 'tet I to \ I oo / ( i TRD 840 r TRD 841 TRD 846 B TgO.t y8 ` 5 DENOTES TREE TO X x o `I- O 6 TRD 848 D 8S 88 BE REMOVED D/719 �J 9 8A D 8 9.- 2 D LU 1 ° , . - r - / ✓\ r, UTLOr 7 ' ss TR 8 TSD \/ 60 JS D 83 TRD 838 r TRD 907 TRD 850 TRp 88 O 88 7R ,o TR 4 'TRD 836 ;TRD 839 /- I I u� A , - . • • • • "i° TRD 35 q' TRD 18.03 ELM ti 8 cd �I '\ dh 's I • *TRD 906 TRD 904•• ie6 v I NOM I. NI TRP Seo 6 E7� 09 N ��, 264 °' • I •�T 3 \\ I N 952 TRD 953 TRD 908 TRD 905,VTRD 3 I 6 RTREE INVENTORY REPORT FOR TREE I I \ • IDENTIFICATION AND REMOVAL/REPALC£NENT - 5 TRD 950 rRD 7.e fE • O H INFORMATION. n� 373 L of I �.° ,� . TRD 909 • W -/+ 29 I 1 g� s TRD 947 TRD TWIC 951-948 TAGGED E 06 89 j W I o I s2. o ♦ I 6 X19 R so ��• TRD 949 TRD 9f 5 N 66 . • s TR 945 i 960 \ .Ir, • • �� ITR 944 • 4\ 9ya . i \��' W 347i^D TRD 934 • �O ° ° N % 3 c°'o " \ Kiri 1 I -1 0�' / I �• TRD 9 3 9 @ o\ TRD 935 • ° •�L ,. F�TRD 936 ., ry I TRD 12.05 E 372 348 ,l, I se 6' �NWL = 956.0 JJJ oeb � ,u 28 %� W o ;A - - �- �_i 1 DAY SNOWMELT = 95 e66 09 ;s� �.0 sTRde� 2 a l 958.7 SIGNIFICANT TR B -B HWL = 91 I TRD 969 s T s' so.95o G95/ - OUTLOT H�° 954/ t-•••'•.-.-•',-•5.�, .•• TRD 96) s� D 93 �D �O �O 'sr� 96 1 �/ 7 9, '�2 02??��i�QOA co TT��h I s �� TRD 970 •• r D 4 ',4 938 S 0 "I ( •Y 349 Fls d e - -- _ / -X '� LANDFILL 958,, • • • , • ,y 127# S.F. ... •96aJ• •• ' ° 2 °j D 92 TRD B // apTR 962 gp TR 12.01 LM 4 8( /2681 � - I o �\ _ �'� q O� o ELM o� �'� ATL A, ISOG�6 �' �G 6 a > I Io% 11 965.5 ss4.s sn 759 /l+ ` ��y sos .1.� h / �h o 216 �y� r 1 7Rp�fi h `Oh ��o V `O ti °j cmc° Ifs I a°O ,\ II I • D979 • .. � n.o°ry ,, � ,arv� 2,1 � uho r �I I Bq 3��� TRD 980 �.i 00'Sh �zPo N o°y / J a ti � a.s �- OWN [DRIVE -NE �- I 63.0L TRD 9 70 96 TRD 99i 0 TR 96JCo L0 L I F<. g1s3z+ p � 9 I I T as��Po xs � 2 46 244 a 2+ D13 240 39 SOG_'' D "} 9655 WETLAND FILL 2✓9SOG 247',------SOo s6s.o sss fi 6 35 SOG �3 9735 S.F. i 1 --14 _ D zs so 100 a/ G _ ��G. 2 - - -- -- -6Z.� _ LJ � _ 4.� T D 9�7 (IN FEET) T- 4 1' 4 -WETLAND FILL \ .5 65.0 ,I ELM 62 _ 9 • •- r o6�✓ • • • • - `. TRD 99. •„• • •,,,, •,,, • • 62 BENCHMARKS / \ / • • r • . - - „ - „ - . - 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation O y� D889F-,-`-"-- h_ 271 I f9+TRD 3600 yw�-.�ry1 I Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot • • 33 ° Name Golf). o % .-.-°-^�TLAND FILL 6 h+: L� .• �/ 4 - ° - - °-*TRD--16o WETLAND #3 (MANAGE 2) I ELEVATION . 974.53 FT. 4354 S.F. 20' 2 S.F. P 10 DAY R SNOWMELT = 959.5 0' O � • /� pI - I 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation q�00' /� • �• c/ 3"' I I m i 10� YR HWL = 959'6 1 I I Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot Name 8605 S) ?� SEE SHEET T6 0° I t ELEVATION - 966.55 FT. I 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS T)Carisqn viron SU100 1 hereby rerti y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 1. 9/13/19Per City Commen s T5mental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE engineering phone: (763)489-7900 direct supervision and that Iamaduly Signature: 2 Designed: SUK 3.7/22/20 Per CltyComments 1313 Hillwind Road TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of rveymg Fax: (763)489-7959 LicensedProfessionalEngineerunder / 4.9/10/20 Per CltyComments Monticello, Minnesota McCain su the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 T$ ww.caHsonmccain.Gam 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments Ni T o C0 g�7RD 3580�D r I EXISTING PROPOSED m I PROPERTY LINE EASEMENT LINE - ------ F COi - 574 I CURB LINE ______ BITUMINOUS [ D}i----] 0 _� J i CONCRETE SANITARY SEWER - L->- ll.l STORM SEWER --->Y » lJ.l r WATER MAIN - -- ESROTECD" OVERHEAD UTILITY < N I I I STORM CATCH BASIN ®�bo I,®; s STORM MANHOLE 0 O 0 ' OUTLET CONTROL STRUCTURE O RD 1001 MANHOLE O I" HYDRANT YP d7 I GATE VALVE Da -¢; 1 TELEVISION BOX ❑ N I TELEPHONE BOX ❑ UTILITY POLE `a RETAINING WALL �0^ I I FENCE C TOUR ol,19 °p <9 bid 3 I I2' CONTOUR — - • � FEMA FLOOD PLAIN i I WETLAND LINE SPOT ELEVATION E.O.F. YO .0 I EMERGENCY OVERFLOW 440Uu 4� .••••• . SILT FENCE -- - TREE FENCE - - ----__ r_____ GRADING LIMITS -_� - ---- __-----__-1_�j-°-_ TREELINE iWY1 _ - --_-+�_�-----____—_ f,w— " •wee --may_ L_ SOIL BORING KEY 09.6 6 096 ----------------__ ��•"' v°=--- �� _ --------------___ _--------- ° °w e w w DENOTES T • — . TO BEREE SAVED 0w.o 06. as o�w o 096 - - _ _ _ _ s+oo _ _ _ _ •w .w / DENOTES LTREE TO 'Y t • \ •v"°�__ mnn soo_o° oo0 0 ooa-o°�s°o° o oov� _ _ _ S[S, - �z -r __ - oo �����___- _ • —. 0000 q� y e� BE REMOVED a9�–eoLoa°qoo o o °� ISL ----- NOTA O N� • -S'£b6__ INVENTORY REPORT FOR � nl� _-. TO �oIDENTIFICTONAND REMOVAL/REPALCEMENT �o INFORMATION. r S+Sod ^ •N'. \tion\° `\ i �21 1oa 1� ........\..CO 00 oS �� 9999 ••\ o \ �D�ri LO / / P° ✓ o � ir q / / oa y �'? D mea s o8 �''l' B—_ s ^ rP7•�\ \ \ In II rnLI) II /I / °aq� ••• 2 D MN �N�s . mss\\ . 13 6 s o. z II 3 / / o �' y� .:..... j......:� I p 09x09 L O = m / u i.','.'.'.','.'.'.'.', i m ova S. S� 6 S o f s s o J • O I / Al v . If[' 996 / 9 ss S+O has 5o \ \ ay�m / / �o %� �,v ,,.. .'./.'.'.. `�`.,.... •: • p�C01 �ro� 0o W Z Y / ko°oq. mrn Z 6 0 x �^,� QO / //18�� ��P `�,•,,•,•,•,•,•,•� o Qi ss O Soy n �I`'7 O C // // o 009• �P ,'* i%"•'•::'.'.i/ 1. . . w � m +J.r.j 1 ��96 \\ \ 0 8 \N '•�� \\ \\ // °% /' o a} '•' �:':/� { ..% WIC s S. ms, / 6 './J✓,'.'.�/,'.'.' 630 j s - - / S ° ,nss it � \ \ � / �° °� � ,�.'t# .�, �/.'. .va•' 33 i f -q�� . � ."� 9 f O % , C�o2 \ \ � / �'°°A 5 .:'.' '♦i ,','.h-; ......1 .... ♦.. "��/\ I ` X4.2 ~ °S�/ ail a o0 oy s \/ G'od foo_,,.... �'.,•'•»�:. .� X \i s ,, u' o' \ .'d'.1 .'.i. T.'. . :'• e N < 996 s � �F, 9s g,_ fs % •'.�\O\o \ ///o °00000009 I .,I'.• �� N cV ,. ••• QTR `O s og, 0 \ • `Poon \ / o00 0� .' LO O (0 s. I. �' n iZ)O y6�� 0.8 % i7 \ TCO ••\\°o 0 0 0 oo`i :'4': II O 1'.'.'.'.' S. 7 s 0000o000000°0°00,{ II l,•, c1 0. 6 6 S 00°1 I .'t ..� II •, • ...... ood •:�I.,'. mw � I•:... � I ro �X � I a,_+���� '� r �O � � �� � % \ scw�. �0 os, s • \ 0000000 I .' .t i 2 t'.'.'.'.'. N � �'0 O o J ss o ° +s� > • s: o 0000°o°000 d . `�, ., ' i*•\ II 3 = m 4'.','.'.'�'. –�- to Z�- os, \sem ..s ° r s. °000°°0000 I :' :': •.•.i.a Z I l:'..:':' h f O O\+s os N s 0 I tai cn l .... $ °� N I s. s 5y o V' z $gO� 954.30 n \ 009 :'s'•\:'. , Z } O _ 9S0 .•, O - O l . - _-- 0 25 50 100 \ Y�\ o �c`J 9969 • '. • .. s ': ': :po a;` o o �.;.;.;.;::'' /.' `--- \\coAl �O 00 ss ,. •+\w /..a. :..'�y:•\\ r .gas (IN FEET) BENCHM ♦;+�• ARKS �S / s �X I S, gS � S . i•T �r�1•] �.'.'.'. � O o vj \ \� OS..J °,q S r_ ,n 1. Minnesota Department of Transportation Ln �` ASs 4i I IgS6 , O� * ' i�u•A1p �'`o �• • ' o`O, o Geodetic GSID Station No. 93813 (MnDot .x .'.'• \ 6 / Name Golf). ssb .. — .• •i1�:'a' ♦�+5.. s./N o ,no r \ \ s �' �\N I \6�s .' .'l, 'i.;•.« A '.'.' yy6 N lro �O �a � \ \ \.i ELEVATION - 974.53 FT. 0 8 \ J S ''S•SS •• 5S 5', •,: �': i ��• a' \/� J �� ,,'\V 2. Minnesota Department of Transportation \ 5.ts O. s 6 S8 S6 i pO O • �` / ` CO \. \ Geodetic GSID Station No. 93803 (MnDot 5.6 /\ N .�'♦♦♦•� • _ Name 8605 S) ��\ O`6sSJ� s •�. se s O �s�- O/� �� p� 9o���°J\\ ELEVATION 966.55 FT. N < s8s6i� 3990 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 7. 5/6/22 Rev. I.. Por Blk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS TG T)CarlsOn viron SUite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per City Comments 16 mental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me ar under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City comments HAVEN RIDGE • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirectsupervisionandthatIamaduly Signature: � 2 Designetl: eJK 3J/22/20PerCiII nnnnents 1313 Hillwind Road TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of r,ay,ng Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota McCain su the laws of the State of Minnesota Data: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 T8 ww.caHsonmeCain.GOm 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. city comments Tree Ta Tree a U115" (in.) Stems Condition Save Remove S' nificant TreeTag I TreeType DBH (in.) Stems Condition Save Remove Significant m•�®oma©�� m■�oo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®mo��a� m■�©oma©�� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®mo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� m■�oo��a� omoo��a� mmmo��a� ommo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■moo��a� m■moo��a� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®oo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mom©�� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� m■�mo��a� m•®mom©�� m•�mo��aa m■®mom©�� m■�mo��aa m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��a� m■�mo��a� o�m©�©tea m•�mo��a� m■®mo��a� mmmo��a� m■®oo��a� m■®mom©�� m■moo�©�� m■®mom•©�� m■®mom©�� "llson —1—ni •St 100 'Bl'aine, MIN 55449 Phone: (763) 489-7900 or report was prepared by me or und d e -Per -- - o 1 9/13/19 Per City Comments ty Comments DENALIINVESTMENTS HAVEN•...TREE Monticello, Minnesota PRESERVATION PLAN m■�oo��a� m�moa� m•�®oma©�� m■®mom©�� m■®mo��a� m■�©oma©�� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®mo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� m■�oo��a� omoo��a� mmmo��a� ommo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■moo��a� m■moo��a� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®oo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mom©�� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��aa m■�mo��aa m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��a� m■�mo��a� o�m©�©tea m•�mo��a� m■®mo��a� mmmo��a� m■®oo��a� m■®mom©�� m■moo�©�� m■®mom•©�� m■®mom©�� m■�oo��a� m•�mo��a� m■�oo��a� m■�mo��a� m�mo��aa m�oom•©�� m�oom•©�� m�moa� m•�®oma©�� m■�©oma©�� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� m■�oo��a� omoo��a� mmmo��a� ommo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■moo��a� m■moo��a� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� m■®oo��a� m■®oo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mom©�� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��aa m■�mo��aa m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��a� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��a� m■®mo��a� mmmo��a� m■®oo��a� m■moo�©�� m■®mom©�� m■�oo��a� m•�mo��a� m■�oo��a� m■�mo��a� m�mo��aa m�moa� m•�®oma©�� m■�©oma©�� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� mmmo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� omoo��a� mmmo��a� ommo��a� m■moo��a� m■moo��a� mmoo��a� mmoo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� mmmo��a� m■�mo��a� m•�mo��aa m■�mo��aa m�mo��aa m■�mo��a� mmmo��a� m■®mo��a� mmmo��a� m■®oo��a� m■moo�©�� m■®mom©�� son[ ..age .nve wc, Revisions: ]. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for 111 1, 111 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS Tp (� Carlson onm Blaine,Suite MI 1 hereby was y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per City Commen s I (J ental Blai, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I Sugineerin9 I phone:'(763)489^7900 I Lirec[supervisionandthatlamaduly Signature: � 2 I -,signal. 8JK I3J/22/20PerCltyCommens I 1313 Hillwind Road I I TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of I McCain I' rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 censedprofessionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota (A) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2ntl atltl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / T8 m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m■�mo��a� m■®mom©�� m■�oo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®mo��a� m■�mo��a� m■�mo��aa m■�mo��a� m■�mo��a� m•�oo��a� m■�mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■®mo��a� m•®mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■�©oma©�� m■®oo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m■®mo��a� m�mo��aa m■®mo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®mo��a� m■�mo��a� m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m■®mo��a� son[ ..age .nve wc, Revisions: ]. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for 111 1, 111 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS Tp (� Carlson onm Blaine,Suite MI 1 hereby was y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per City Commen s I (J ental Blai, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I Sugineerin9 I phone:'(763)489^7900 I Lirec[supervisionandthatlamaduly Signature: � 2 I -,signal. 8JK I3J/22/20PerCltyCommens I 1313 Hillwind Road I I TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of I McCain I' rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 censedprofessionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota (A) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2ntl atltl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / T8 m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■®mom©�� m■�mo��a� m■®mo��a� m■®oo��a� m■�©oma©�� m■®mo��a� m■®©oma©�� son[ ..age .nve wc, Revisions: ]. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for 111 1, 111 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS Tp (� Carlson onm Blaine,Suite MI 1 hereby was y that this plan, specification Print Name: Brian ]. Krysto Drawn KRO 9/13/19 Per City Commen s I (J ental Blai, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE I Sugineerin9 I phone:'(763)489^7900 I Lirec[supervisionandthatlamaduly Signature: � 2 I -,signal. 8JK I3J/22/20PerCltyCommens I 1313 Hillwind Road I I TREE PRESERVATION PLAN of I McCain I' rveying Fax: 763 489-7959 censedprofessionalEngineerunder 4.9/10/20 PerCltyComments Monticello, Minnesota (A) the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5. 3/08/21 Per 2ntl atltl. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 / T8 /94 N M/SS/SS/pp/ EA RD LJ a C z 0 J Q L� w z LJ Q N z o d, � S o T/y 85TH ST. NE ST. NE W Q SITE z Li Li VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE SHEET INDEX L1 LANDSCAPE COVER SHEET L2 -L8 PRELIMINARY LANDSCAPE PLAN ■ ■ I'I I ■ I ■ I I ■ �I � II TNB TB TV ��------� -- - - --_�---------------- ----- - - - --� - -�- `-- -- ==--- --- --- _ 335 II 149 II 0 16 i� 3� 194 20 IIII Ili ' / vv 1 I I 1 .a 1211'. TYPE SEED MIX I INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX II Ex.PaN¢ s Enlin N .++++++ FA 87TH STREET NES' J 11 FRINIMM-M-MI. MIN1,11111042 10M, ^Ni 1■. ���/�- �����11 IIIIIIIIII�I�!IIIIII,� � / in Now IIIIIIAIII "Mm"RL " 118 110 3 /V SHEET L3 \\ ° ii li�Lo �o Lo Lo Lo 1, I 4 23- Y, 31 \ i 11TLoT B�\ \ �\ R \-- o � ' r-_-�--- ------�. oc 1 I Co I ry. 921 III) L° I o WSJ I \I1\ OUTLOT D SHEET L4 ° N 4 / % \ 1 I 35 \ SN -ELT a rusx.rs a I DAY 1 \ � ■---- I I �9 � - /!/ 364 / / // / 56 \ � < `ryl' (\ 2 / lyI-- - 3 13s1 II ,/°` < ov`vv/��as7v o A Erol12T3 II li �� J L 20 525/ I L, r 3 13'�I� 68� 3 -• / 3?1 �/ /15 \\ \ y� / �0`rLl 27]\ 6 // -/ / / r - _ °E,.S °°°° I I I l }]l�. • >/ �'\ /\ „\ I III Ili Ij' 3 39SH 1 \ 5 / J // /'ET � JU f 35 a�6 /za, � JJ� aEneno_a A� � � 171 itpl a2�lll I \\\JLYO°+oo a"°x s, X6,11 �-I �' II 7 _V 395V o Av\ � "� \. � _ o ouiL r K�\\�� / wo III 1 d II A 5°�2, �za / i -- jll, "✓ PLAN � L � I \ I � I z90 8„ 2 -PLY NYLON STRAPS / I � II/J1 3061 o 40]\\l \ \ 402 a 40� D = DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE PAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGE o o I � 0 1 IW -JL a° \ 3 / I' � wrz wD w \ \\ 'II WHITE FLAGGING (TYP.) 1 /zJ - _ _ 1• �r - �° 4 1111 25 TREE WRAP _WO z9a 4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCH / \ \ \ �E ; ;5 w �6 I' 295 6 \ YI i 12"4 INCH DEEP SAUCER °` =4 � w° II w° w° 1 ?7��,r�7G9r] \ 6_ _ '� Z _ 8' STEEL TEE POST- _ - SHJI�JI� T L8 z 120 4 3 REQUIRED AT \'1 Illl��i BACKFILL MIX UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL REMOVE BURLAP � ROPE 1 I OUTLOT L FROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL NOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE. OVERALL LANDSCAPE P LA0 250 500 750 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �j � NOT TO SCALE POLY EDGER FINAL GRADE UNDI: SOIL SEED MIX LEGEND (FOR ALL SHEETS) 1211'. TYPE SEED MIX I INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX II Ex.PaN¢ s \\ it �I N .++++++ COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHLAND SOD r/ r/ fr rr LOW MAINTENANCE TURF - MN SEED MIX 25-131 (OLD MNDOT260) & rfrr rrr ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY HEIGHT CANOPY TREES CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED TO (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET frr rrr BE SEEDED / SODDED OTHERWISE FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) �s UPLAND NATIVE SEED MIX MN SEED MIX 35-221 PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR G ' Quercus bicolor 1.1 3„ BB 77 15' 50' COMPLY WITH MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3877 TYPE B SELECT TOPSOIL. UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WHITE OAK 5. ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "AMERICAN CHEMICALS, NOXIOUS WEEDS, ETC. SOIL MIXTURE SHALL HAVE A PH STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK," ANSI -Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF BETWEEN 6.1 AND 7.5 AND 10-0-10 FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 3 ��•�Wt THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. IN PLANTING BEDS INCORPORATE THIS HL Gleditsia triacanthos SHADEMASTER 311 BB 1 �1r n 50' 1 ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING r n: HONEYLOCUST SEASON (APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. I■ R I11Y ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BY STEEL FENCE POSTS 6' O.C. MAXIMUM INCLUDING LABOR AND PLANTS. SPACING. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 3 IjII■�� ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES, SHAPES OF BEDS AND LOCATIONS PA ��� s �:I�{: 1■6•li� NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ILS✓s�llA �IF%1ga FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ALL PLANTING BEDS AT SPACING v•O A••�'/%�• �f� y/� BL e I flip ,�' 1 ' 16NI - BB N 15' 60' /� ._. .. i e HIS/HER RISK. DECIDUOUS POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - INSTALLATION. 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 8. ' OF e j�6 -,o DECIDUOUS B&B: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 . II��■ . I� 101 �dEy��:. iJilNl ,sem I�: i �.o"_�f �jlv�io��� EVERGREEN POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21-11/1 o _ EVERGREEN B&B: 4/1 - 5/1; 9/21 - 11/1 TURF/LAWN SEEDING: , 4/1 - 6/1; 7/20 - 9/20 �� • � 111 NATIVE MIX SEEDING: 4/1 - 7/20; 9/20-10/20 O z DAY OF INSTALLATION. USE 4" FOR SHRUB BEDS, AND 3" FOR M al 101.. IIII! THE WORK IS IN PLACE. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED �:►�v/d< /��"' PLACE LANDSCAPE FILTER FABRIC UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. FA 87TH STREET NES' J 11 FRINIMM-M-MI. MIN1,11111042 10M, ^Ni 1■. ���/�- �����11 IIIIIIIIII�I�!IIIIII,� � / in Now IIIIIIAIII "Mm"RL " 118 110 3 /V SHEET L3 \\ ° ii li�Lo �o Lo Lo Lo 1, I 4 23- Y, 31 \ i 11TLoT B�\ \ �\ R \-- o � ' r-_-�--- ------�. oc 1 I Co I ry. 921 III) L° I o WSJ I \I1\ OUTLOT D SHEET L4 ° N 4 / % \ 1 I 35 \ SN -ELT a rusx.rs a I DAY 1 \ � ■---- I I �9 � - /!/ 364 / / // / 56 \ � < `ryl' (\ 2 / lyI-- - 3 13s1 II ,/°` < ov`vv/��as7v o A Erol12T3 II li �� J L 20 525/ I L, r 3 13'�I� 68� 3 -• / 3?1 �/ /15 \\ \ y� / �0`rLl 27]\ 6 // -/ / / r - _ °E,.S °°°° I I I l }]l�. • >/ �'\ /\ „\ I III Ili Ij' 3 39SH 1 \ 5 / J // /'ET � JU f 35 a�6 /za, � JJ� aEneno_a A� � � 171 itpl a2�lll I \\\JLYO°+oo a"°x s, X6,11 �-I �' II 7 _V 395V o Av\ � "� \. � _ o ouiL r K�\\�� / wo III 1 d II A 5°�2, �za / i -- jll, "✓ PLAN � L � I \ I � I z90 8„ 2 -PLY NYLON STRAPS / I � II/J1 3061 o 40]\\l \ \ 402 a 40� D = DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE PAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGE o o I � 0 1 IW -JL a° \ 3 / I' � wrz wD w \ \\ 'II WHITE FLAGGING (TYP.) 1 /zJ - _ _ 1• �r - �° 4 1111 25 TREE WRAP _WO z9a 4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCH / \ \ \ �E ; ;5 w �6 I' 295 6 \ YI i 12"4 INCH DEEP SAUCER °` =4 � w° II w° w° 1 ?7��,r�7G9r] \ 6_ _ '� Z _ 8' STEEL TEE POST- _ - SHJI�JI� T L8 z 120 4 3 REQUIRED AT \'1 Illl��i BACKFILL MIX UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL REMOVE BURLAP � ROPE 1 I OUTLOT L FROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL NOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE. OVERALL LANDSCAPE P LA0 250 500 750 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �j � NOT TO SCALE POLY EDGER FINAL GRADE UNDI: SOIL SEED MIX LEGEND (FOR ALL SHEETS) 1211'. TYPE SEED MIX I INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX II Ex.PaN¢ ♦ \\ it �I N .++++++ COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHLAND SOD r/ r/ fr rr LOW MAINTENANCE TURF - MN SEED MIX 25-131 (OLD MNDOT260) & rfrr rrr ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY HEIGHT CANOPY TREES CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED TO (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET frr rrr BE SEEDED / SODDED OTHERWISE FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) �s UPLAND NATIVE SEED MIX MN SEED MIX 35-221 PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR G ' Quercus bicolor 1.1 3„ BB 77 15' 50' COMPLY WITH MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3877 TYPE B SELECT TOPSOIL. UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WHITE OAK 5. ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "AMERICAN CHEMICALS, NOXIOUS WEEDS, ETC. SOIL MIXTURE SHALL HAVE A PH STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK," ANSI -Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF BETWEEN 6.1 AND 7.5 AND 10-0-10 FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 3 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. IN PLANTING BEDS INCORPORATE THIS HL Gleditsia triacanthos SHADEMASTER 311 BB 97 10' 50' 20. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING r n: HONEYLOCUST SEASON (APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MATERIALS ETC. WITH 4' HT. ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCING FA 87TH STREET NES' J 11 FRINIMM-M-MI. MIN1,11111042 10M, ^Ni 1■. ���/�- �����11 IIIIIIIIII�I�!IIIIII,� � / in Now IIIIIIAIII "Mm"RL " 118 110 3 /V SHEET L3 \\ ° ii li�Lo �o Lo Lo Lo 1, I 4 23- Y, 31 \ i 11TLoT B�\ \ �\ R \-- o � ' r-_-�--- ------�. oc 1 I Co I ry. 921 III) L° I o WSJ I \I1\ OUTLOT D SHEET L4 ° N 4 / % \ 1 I 35 \ SN -ELT a rusx.rs a I DAY 1 \ � ■---- I I �9 � - /!/ 364 / / // / 56 \ � < `ryl' (\ 2 / lyI-- - 3 13s1 II ,/°` < ov`vv/��as7v o A Erol12T3 II li �� J L 20 525/ I L, r 3 13'�I� 68� 3 -• / 3?1 �/ /15 \\ \ y� / �0`rLl 27]\ 6 // -/ / / r - _ °E,.S °°°° I I I l }]l�. • >/ �'\ /\ „\ I III Ili Ij' 3 39SH 1 \ 5 / J // /'ET � JU f 35 a�6 /za, � JJ� aEneno_a A� � � 171 itpl a2�lll I \\\JLYO°+oo a"°x s, X6,11 �-I �' II 7 _V 395V o Av\ � "� \. � _ o ouiL r K�\\�� / wo III 1 d II A 5°�2, �za / i -- jll, "✓ PLAN � L � I \ I � I z90 8„ 2 -PLY NYLON STRAPS / I � II/J1 3061 o 40]\\l \ \ 402 a 40� D = DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE PAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGE o o I � 0 1 IW -JL a° \ 3 / I' � wrz wD w \ \\ 'II WHITE FLAGGING (TYP.) 1 /zJ - _ _ 1• �r - �° 4 1111 25 TREE WRAP _WO z9a 4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCH / \ \ \ �E ; ;5 w �6 I' 295 6 \ YI i 12"4 INCH DEEP SAUCER °` =4 � w° II w° w° 1 ?7��,r�7G9r] \ 6_ _ '� Z _ 8' STEEL TEE POST- _ - SHJI�JI� T L8 z 120 4 3 REQUIRED AT \'1 Illl��i BACKFILL MIX UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL REMOVE BURLAP � ROPE 1 I OUTLOT L FROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL NOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE. OVERALL LANDSCAPE P LA0 250 500 750 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �j � NOT TO SCALE POLY EDGER FINAL GRADE UNDI: SOIL SEED MIX LEGEND (FOR ALL SHEETS) SYM. TYPE SEED MIX I INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX II Ex.PaN¢ ♦ \\ it �I >����\�,�♦ ///% FA 87TH STREET NES' J 11 FRINIMM-M-MI. MIN1,11111042 10M, ^Ni 1■. ���/�- �����11 IIIIIIIIII�I�!IIIIII,� � / in Now IIIIIIAIII "Mm"RL " 118 110 3 /V SHEET L3 \\ ° ii li�Lo �o Lo Lo Lo 1, I 4 23- Y, 31 \ i 11TLoT B�\ \ �\ R \-- o � ' r-_-�--- ------�. oc 1 I Co I ry. 921 III) L° I o WSJ I \I1\ OUTLOT D SHEET L4 ° N 4 / % \ 1 I 35 \ SN -ELT a rusx.rs a I DAY 1 \ � ■---- I I �9 � - /!/ 364 / / // / 56 \ � < `ryl' (\ 2 / lyI-- - 3 13s1 II ,/°` < ov`vv/��as7v o A Erol12T3 II li �� J L 20 525/ I L, r 3 13'�I� 68� 3 -• / 3?1 �/ /15 \\ \ y� / �0`rLl 27]\ 6 // -/ / / r - _ °E,.S °°°° I I I l }]l�. • >/ �'\ /\ „\ I III Ili Ij' 3 39SH 1 \ 5 / J // /'ET � JU f 35 a�6 /za, � JJ� aEneno_a A� � � 171 itpl a2�lll I \\\JLYO°+oo a"°x s, X6,11 �-I �' II 7 _V 395V o Av\ � "� \. � _ o ouiL r K�\\�� / wo III 1 d II A 5°�2, �za / i -- jll, "✓ PLAN � L � I \ I � I z90 8„ 2 -PLY NYLON STRAPS / I � II/J1 3061 o 40]\\l \ \ 402 a 40� D = DOUBLE STRAND 12 GAUGE WIRE PAINTED FLUORESCENT ORANGE o o I � 0 1 IW -JL a° \ 3 / I' � wrz wD w \ \\ 'II WHITE FLAGGING (TYP.) 1 /zJ - _ _ 1• �r - �° 4 1111 25 TREE WRAP _WO z9a 4 INCHES HARDWOOD MULCH / \ \ \ �E ; ;5 w �6 I' 295 6 \ YI i 12"4 INCH DEEP SAUCER °` =4 � w° II w° w° 1 ?7��,r�7G9r] \ 6_ _ '� Z _ 8' STEEL TEE POST- _ - SHJI�JI� T L8 z 120 4 3 REQUIRED AT \'1 Illl��i BACKFILL MIX UNDISTURBED SUBSOIL REMOVE BURLAP � ROPE 1 I OUTLOT L FROM TOP 1/3 OF THE BALL NOTE: SEE PLANTING NOTES FOR THE TYPE OF MULCH MATERIAL TO USE. OVERALL LANDSCAPE P LA0 250 500 750 DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL �j � NOT TO SCALE POLY EDGER FINAL GRADE UNDI: SOIL SEED MIX LEGEND (FOR ALL SHEETS) SYM. TYPE SEED MIX COMMON NAME INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX MnDOT SEED MIX 33-262 QTY. WETLAND / POND FRINGE MnDOT SEED MIX 34-271 .++++++ COMMERCIAL TURF -SOD HIGHLAND SOD r/ r/ fr rr LOW MAINTENANCE TURF - MN SEED MIX 25-131 (OLD MNDOT260) & rfrr rrr ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY HEIGHT CANOPY TREES CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED TO (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET frr rrr BE SEEDED / SODDED OTHERWISE FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY UPLAND NATIVE SEED MIX MN SEED MIX 35-221 PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET ' Quercus bicolor FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) -CITY of MONTICELLO LANDSCAPE CODE • In new subdivisions, on lots with frontage on a single right-of-way, it is required that two (2) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. For lots with frontage on more than one right-of-way, it is required that four (4) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. Two (2) trees must be planted in the boulevard adjoining each yard having street frontage. In subdivision plantings, not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. • Required trees shall be planted in the boulevard at a location ranging from 4 ft. to 10 ft from the curb. Precise location within this range to be determined by the City. •• Trees in the yard shall be installed by the builder/homeowner. -TREE CALCULATION - • TREE PRESERVATION = • SINGLE FAMILY HOUSES •• 188 HOUSES X 2 TREES PER HOUSE _ •• 77 CORNER/ REAR FRONTAGE LOTS = • MULTIFAMILY HOUSES •• 73 UNITS X 2 TREES PER HOUSE _ TOTAL TREES REQUIRED TOTAL TREES PROVIDED 7' Mlwl SHRUB & CONTAINER PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE I. SCARIFY BOTTOM AND SIDES OF HOLE PRIOR TO PLANTING 2. TRIM OUT DEAD WOOD AND WEAK AND/OR DEFORMED TWIGS. DO NOT CUT A LEADER. DO NOT PAINT CUTS. 3. SET PLANT ON UNDISTURBED NATIVE SOIL OR THOROUGHLY COMPACTED BACKFILL SOIL INSTALL PLANT SO THE ROOT FLARE IS AT OR UP TO 2" ABOVE THE FINISHED GRADE. 4. PLACE PLANT IN PLANTING HOLE WITH BURLAP AND WIRE BASKET, (IF USED), INTACT. BACKFILL WITHIN APPROXIMATELY 12" OF THE TOP OF ROOTBALL, WATER PLANT. REMOVE TOP 1/3 OF THE BASKET OR THE TOP TWO HORIZONTAL RINGS, WHICHEVER IS GRE REMOVE ALL BURLAP AND NAILS FROt 1/3 OF THE BALL. REMOVE ALL TWINE. 5. PLUMB AND BACKFILL WITH BACKFILL SOIL. 6. WATER TO SETTLE PLANTS AND FILL VOIDS. 1. WATER WITHIN TWO HOURS OF INSTALLATION. WATERING MUST BE SUFFICIENT TO THOROUGHLY SATURATE ROOT BALL AND PLANTING HOLE. &. PLACE MULCH WITHIN 4& HOURS OF THE SECOND WATERING UNLESS SOIL MOISTURE IS EXCESSIVE. 4" DEEP HARD WOOD MULCH SIDEWALK/CURB MIN. 6" (TYP.) BACKFILL WITH PLANTING MIX 6" AT THE SIDES AND ALL SPACE BETWEEN THE PLANTS TO FULL DEPTH. NOTE GUY ASSEMBLY OPTIONAL BUT CONTRACTOR ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY FOR MAINTAINING TREE IN A PLUMB POSITION FOR THE DURATION OF THE GUARANTEE PERIOD GUY ASSEMBLY- 16" POLYPROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE (46 MIL) 1-1/2" WIDE STRAP (TYP) DOUBLE STRAND I0 GA. WIRE, 2-1" ROLLED STEEL POSTS (MNDOT 3461) @ 186° O.G. (SEE STAKING DIAGRAM) COORDINATE STAKING TO INSURE 20 12 " UNIFORM ORIENTATION OF GUY 20 LINES AND STAKES STAKING DIAGRAM GUY WIRE WITH WEBBING FLAGGING- ONE PER WIRE 4"-6" SHREDDED BARK MULCH EXISTING GRADE MINIMUM 1/2 WIDTH OF ROOT BALL PLANTING SOIL MIXTURE (SEE SPEC.) UNDISTURBED OR STABILIZED SUBSOIL CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING DETAIL NOT TO SCALE 57 TREES 376 TREES 308 TREES 146 TREES 887 TREES 905 TREES LANDSCAPE LEGEND (All Sheets) KEY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT QTY. INSTALL MATURE DECIDUOUS PLANTS MOVED IN LEAF AND FOR EVERGREENS MOVED BURLAPPED AS INDICATED IN THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. ANYTIME. APPLY AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. ALL 2. HEIGHT HEIGHT CANOPY TREES MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. PROTECTION DURING WARRANTY PERIOD. 3. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 19. PLANTING SOIL FOR TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS: FERTILE PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR WO ' Quercus bicolor SWAMP 3„ BB 77 15' 50' COMPLY WITH MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3877 TYPE B SELECT TOPSOIL. UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. WHITE OAK 5. ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "AMERICAN CHEMICALS, NOXIOUS WEEDS, ETC. SOIL MIXTURE SHALL HAVE A PH STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK," ANSI -Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF BETWEEN 6.1 AND 7.5 AND 10-0-10 FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 3 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. IN PLANTING BEDS INCORPORATE THIS HL Gleditsia triacanthos SHADEMASTER 311 BB 97 10' 50' 20. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING var. inermis'Shademaster' HONEYLOCUST SEASON (APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MATERIALS ETC. WITH 4' HT. ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCING THE GUARANTEE SHALL COVER THE FULL COST OF REPLACEMENT ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BY STEEL FENCE POSTS 6' O.C. MAXIMUM INCLUDING LABOR AND PLANTS. SPACING. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 3 7. ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES, SHAPES OF BEDS AND LOCATIONS DAYS PRIOR TO PLANNED DELIVERY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ALL PLANTING BEDS AT SPACING ADVANCE OF BEGINNING PLANT INSTALLATION. U H BL 22. Tilia americana Boulevard BOULEVARD LINDEN 3 BB 87 15' 60' cc U HIS/HER RISK. DECIDUOUS POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - INSTALLATION. 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 8. ALL PLANTING AREAS MUST BE COMPLETELY MULCHED AS SPECIFIED. DECIDUOUS B&B: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 9. MULCH: SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, CLEAN AND FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL, IN ALL MASS EVERGREEN POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21-11/1 PLANTING BEDS AND FOR TREES, UNLESS INDICATED AS ROCK EVERGREEN B&B: 4/1 - 5/1; 9/21 - 11/1 TURF/LAWN SEEDING: MULCH ON DRAWINGS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4/1 - 6/1; 7/20 - 9/20 PRIOR TO DELIVERY ON-SITE FOR APPROVAL. DELIVER MULCH ON NATIVE MIX SEEDING: 4/1 - 7/20; 9/20-10/20 O z DAY OF INSTALLATION. USE 4" FOR SHRUB BEDS, AND 3" FOR 23. MAINTENANCE SHALL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH PORTION OF PERENNIAL/GROUND COVER BEDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. THE WORK IS IN PLACE. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED 10. PLACE LANDSCAPE FILTER FABRIC UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. HB Celtis occidentalis HACKBERRY 3" BB 154 15' 50' o "WEED BARRIER" OR APPROVED EQUAL. INCLUDE WATERING, CULTIVATING, MULCHING, REMOVAL OF DEAD 11. PLACE EDGING BETWEEN ALL PLANTING/ROCK BEDS AND TURF. MATERIALS, RE -SETTING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADE AND KEEPING EDGING SHALL BE POLY. a PLANTS IN A PLUMB POSITION. AFTER ACCEPTANCE, THE OWNER 12. THE PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND IF SHALL ASSUME MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. HOWEVER, THE DISCREPANCIES EXIST. THE SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING W THE PLANTING NOTES AND GENERAL NOTES. THE TREES PLUMB THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND 24. ANY PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES, TURNS BROWN, OR DEFOLIATES PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHOWN ON THE H (PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK) SHALL BE PROMPTLY PLAN. VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND REPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF THE 14. LONG-TERM STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL SAME SPECIES, QUANTITY, AND SIZE AND MEETING ALL LANDSCAPE NOT BE ALLOWED. LEGEND SPECIFICATIONS. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENTS, PLANTERS AND 25. WATERING: MAINTAIN A WATERING SCHEDULE WHICH WILL BUILDINGS CLEAN AND UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE SM� Acer saccharum SUGAR MAPLE 3" BB 93 14' 50' PLANT STOCK NOT PLANTED ON DAY OF DELIVERY SHALL BE UNDER MULCH PRIOR TO WATERING TO DETERMINE NEED. HEELED IN AND WATERED UNTIL INSTALLATION. PLANTS NOT CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAINTAINED IN THIS MANNER WILL BE REJECTED. ANY DAMAGE TO RM Acer rubrum'Nothwoods' NORTHHWOODS 3" BB 94 14' 50' 16, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL 27. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE TURF SEEDED, ARE TO RECEIVE 4" MAPLE APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE TOP SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF WORK. GRASS IS OBTAINED. 17, LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL UTILITIES, INCLUDING IRRIGATION LINES, 28. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE NATIVE WETLAND SEEDED, ARE WITH THE OWNER FOR PROPRIETARY UTILITIES AND GOPHER STATE TO RECEIVE ENGINEERED SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A ONE CALL AT 454-0002 (TWIN CITIES METRO AREA) OR HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. 800-252-1166 (GREATER MINNESOTA) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND CE x Ulmus x'Cathedral' CATHEDRAL ELM 3" BB 83 14' 50' ORNAMENTAL TREES SHILOH SPLASH RB 4 Betula nigra 'Shilo Splash' 1.5" BB 15 8' 25' RIVER BIRCH O U SB 0 Amelanchier x grandiflora 'Autumn Brilliance' AUTUMN BRILLIANCE SERVICEBERRY 1.5 „ BB 22 81 20 LU U W � <O a SS Malus x Spring Snow SPRING SNOW 1.5' BB 70 8 25 W J CRABAPPLE N z TLj t Syringa Reticulata JAPANESE 1.5" BB 54 8' 20' �/ TREE LILAC EVERGREEN TREES BH Picea glauca var. Densata BLACK HILLS 6' BB 29 6' 40' SPRUCE CANADIAN = o CH Tsuga canadensis HEMLOCK 6' BB 18 6' 40' � � O O LL EASTERN RED RC 4 Juniperious Virginiana CEDAR 6, BB 6 6' 30' BF= �\m ;= Abies Balsamea BALSAM FIR 6' BB 6 6' 40' QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ***NOTE: 1ST ADDITION CANOPY TREES SHALL BE 2.5" CAL MIN. 2ND ADDITION CANOPY TREES SHALL BE 3" CAL MIN. AS NOTED. VERIFY MINIMUM CANOPY TREE SIZE FOR FUTURE ADDITIONS. \\ SCALE 1" = 250' 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 6. 05/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments HAVEN RIDGE LLC Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Ryan J. Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per City Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3 4 & 5 Ll •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout • • engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: � Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. Of McCain g g Phone: (763) 489-7900 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello Minnesota COVER SHEET / Q • surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments � `+ the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2gradingElk River, MN 55330 www.carlsonmccain.com Save Date: 06/23/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\1andscape\Is.dwq (PLANTING NOTES 1. ALL PLANTS MUST BE HEALTHY, VIGOROUS MATERIAL, FREE OF 18. USE ANTI -DESICCANT (WILTPRUF OR APPROVED EQUAL) ON PESTS AND DISEASE AND BE CONTAINER GROWN OR BALLED AND DECIDUOUS PLANTS MOVED IN LEAF AND FOR EVERGREENS MOVED BURLAPPED AS INDICATED IN THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. ANYTIME. APPLY AS PER MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTION. ALL 2. ALL TREES MUST BE STRAIGHT TRUNKED AND FULL HEADED AND EVERGREENS SHALL BE SPRAYED IN THE LATE FALL FOR WINTER MEET ALL REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED. PROTECTION DURING WARRANTY PERIOD. 3. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REJECT ANY 19. PLANTING SOIL FOR TREES, SHRUBS AND GROUND COVERS: FERTILE PLANTS WHICH ARE DEEMED UNSATISFACTORY BEFORE, DURING, OR FRIABLE LOAM CONTAINING A LIBERAL AMOUNT OF HUMUS AND AFTER INSTALLATION. CAPABLE OF SUSTAINING VIGOROUS PLANT GROWTH. IT SHALL 4. NO SUBSTITUTIONS OF PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE ACCEPTED COMPLY WITH MN/DOT SPECIFICATION 3877 TYPE B SELECT TOPSOIL. UNLESS APPROVED IN WRITING BY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT. MIXTURE SHALL BE FREE FROM HARDPACK SUBSOIL, STONES, 5. ALL PLANTING STOCK SHALL CONFORM TO THE "AMERICAN CHEMICALS, NOXIOUS WEEDS, ETC. SOIL MIXTURE SHALL HAVE A PH STANDARD FOR NURSERY STOCK," ANSI -Z60, LATEST EDITION, OF BETWEEN 6.1 AND 7.5 AND 10-0-10 FERTILIZER AT THE RATE OF 3 THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN, INC. AND SHALL POUNDS PER CUBIC YARD. IN PLANTING BEDS INCORPORATE THIS CONSTITUTE MINIMUM QUALITY REQUIREMENTS FOR PLANT MIXTURE THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE BED BY ROTOTILLING IT INTO THE MATERIALS. TOP 12" OF SOIL. 6. EXISTING TREES AND SHRUBS TO REMAIN SHALL BE PROTECTED TO 20. ALL PLANTS SHALL BE GUARANTEED FOR TWO COMPLETE GROWING THE DRIP LINE FROM ALL CONSTRUCTION TRAFFIC, STORAGE OF SEASON (APRIL 1 - NOVEMBER 1) UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MATERIALS ETC. WITH 4' HT. ORANGE PLASTIC SAFETY FENCING THE GUARANTEE SHALL COVER THE FULL COST OF REPLACEMENT ADEQUATELY SUPPORTED BY STEEL FENCE POSTS 6' O.C. MAXIMUM INCLUDING LABOR AND PLANTS. SPACING. 21. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 3 7. ALL PLANT MATERIAL QUANTITIES, SHAPES OF BEDS AND LOCATIONS DAYS PRIOR TO PLANNED DELIVERY. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL SHOWN ARE APPROXIMATE. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN FOR COMPLETE COVERAGE OF ALL PLANTING BEDS AT SPACING ADVANCE OF BEGINNING PLANT INSTALLATION. SHOWN AND ADJUSTED TO CONFORM TO THE EXACT CONDITIONS OF 22. SEASONS/TIME OF PLANTING AND SEEDING: NOTE: THE THE SITE. THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT SHALL APPROVE THE CONTRACTOR MAY ELECT TO PLANT IN OFF-SEASONS ENTIRELY AT STAKING LOCATION OF ALL PLANT MATERIALS PRIOR TO HIS/HER RISK. DECIDUOUS POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - INSTALLATION. 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 8. ALL PLANTING AREAS MUST BE COMPLETELY MULCHED AS SPECIFIED. DECIDUOUS B&B: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21 - 11/1 9. MULCH: SHREDDED HARDWOOD MULCH, CLEAN AND FREE OF NOXIOUS WEEDS OR OTHER DELETERIOUS MATERIAL, IN ALL MASS EVERGREEN POTTED PLANTS: 4/1 - 6/1; 9/21-11/1 PLANTING BEDS AND FOR TREES, UNLESS INDICATED AS ROCK EVERGREEN B&B: 4/1 - 5/1; 9/21 - 11/1 TURF/LAWN SEEDING: MULCH ON DRAWINGS. SUBMIT SAMPLE TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT 4/1 - 6/1; 7/20 - 9/20 PRIOR TO DELIVERY ON-SITE FOR APPROVAL. DELIVER MULCH ON NATIVE MIX SEEDING: 4/1 - 7/20; 9/20-10/20 DAY OF INSTALLATION. USE 4" FOR SHRUB BEDS, AND 3" FOR 23. MAINTENANCE SHALL BEGIN IMMEDIATELY AFTER EACH PORTION OF PERENNIAL/GROUND COVER BEDS, UNLESS OTHERWISE DIRECTED. THE WORK IS IN PLACE. PLANT MATERIAL SHALL BE PROTECTED 10. PLACE LANDSCAPE FILTER FABRIC UNDER ALL MULCHED AREAS. AND MAINTAINED UNTIL THE INSTALLATION OF THE PLANTS IS FILTER FABRIC SHALL BE 100% INTERWOVEN 5.1oz NEEDLE PUNCHED COMPLETE, INSPECTION HAS BEEN MADE, AND PLANTINGS ARE POLYPROPYLENE FABRIC MANUFACTURED BY DEWITT. USE PRO 5 ACCEPTED EXCLUSIVE OF THE GUARANTEE. MAINTENANCE SHALL "WEED BARRIER" OR APPROVED EQUAL. INCLUDE WATERING, CULTIVATING, MULCHING, REMOVAL OF DEAD 11. PLACE EDGING BETWEEN ALL PLANTING/ROCK BEDS AND TURF. MATERIALS, RE -SETTING PLANTS TO PROPER GRADE AND KEEPING EDGING SHALL BE POLY. PLANTS IN A PLUMB POSITION. AFTER ACCEPTANCE, THE OWNER 12. THE PLAN TAKES PRECEDENCE OVER THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND IF SHALL ASSUME MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES. HOWEVER, THE DISCREPANCIES EXIST. THE SPECIFICATIONS TAKE PRECEDENCE OVER CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTINUE TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR KEEPING THE PLANTING NOTES AND GENERAL NOTES. THE TREES PLUMB THROUGHOUT THE GUARANTEE PERIOD. 13. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL MULCHES AND 24. ANY PLANT MATERIAL WHICH DIES, TURNS BROWN, OR DEFOLIATES PLANTING SOIL QUANTITIES TO COMPLETE THE WORK SHOWN ON THE (PRIOR TO TOTAL ACCEPTANCE OF THE WORK) SHALL BE PROMPTLY PLAN. VERIFY ALL QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE LANDSCAPE LEGEND. REMOVED FROM THE SITE AND REPLACED WITH MATERIAL OF THE 14. LONG-TERM STORAGE OF MATERIALS OR SUPPLIES ON-SITE WILL SAME SPECIES, QUANTITY, AND SIZE AND MEETING ALL LANDSCAPE NOT BE ALLOWED. LEGEND SPECIFICATIONS. 15. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP PAVEMENTS, PLANTERS AND 25. WATERING: MAINTAIN A WATERING SCHEDULE WHICH WILL BUILDINGS CLEAN AND UNSTAINED. ALL PEDESTRIAN AND VEHICLE THOROUGHLY WATER ALL PLANTS ONCE A WEEK. IN EXTREMELY HOT, ACCESS TO BE MAINTAINED THROUGHOUT CONSTRUCTION PERIOD. DRY WEATHER WATER MORE OFTEN AS REQUIRED BY INDICATIONS ALL WASTES SHALL BE PROMPTLY REMOVED FROM THE SITE. ANY OF HEAT STRESS SUCH AS WILTING LEAVES. CHECK MOISTURE PLANT STOCK NOT PLANTED ON DAY OF DELIVERY SHALL BE UNDER MULCH PRIOR TO WATERING TO DETERMINE NEED. HEELED IN AND WATERED UNTIL INSTALLATION. PLANTS NOT CONTRACTOR SHALL MAKE THE NECESSARY ARRANGEMENTS FOR MAINTAINED IN THIS MANNER WILL BE REJECTED. ANY DAMAGE TO WATER. EXISTING FACILITIES SHALL BE REPAVED AT THE CONTRACTOR'S 26. CONTRACTOR SHALL REQUEST IN WRITING, A FINAL ACCEPTANCE EXPENSE. INSPECTION. 16, THE CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLYING WITH ALL 27. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO BE TURF SEEDED, ARE TO RECEIVE 4" APPLICABLE CODES, REGULATIONS, AND PERMITS GOVERNING THE TOP SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A HEALTHY STAND OF WORK. GRASS IS OBTAINED. 17, LOCATE AND VERIFY ALL UTILITIES, INCLUDING IRRIGATION LINES, 28. ALL DISTURBED AREAS TO RECEIVE NATIVE WETLAND SEEDED, ARE WITH THE OWNER FOR PROPRIETARY UTILITIES AND GOPHER STATE TO RECEIVE ENGINEERED SOIL, SEED, MULCH, AND WATER UNTIL A ONE CALL AT 454-0002 (TWIN CITIES METRO AREA) OR HEALTHY STAND OF GRASS IS OBTAINED. 800-252-1166 (GREATER MINNESOTA) 48 HOURS BEFORE DIGGING. CONTRACTOR SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE PROTECTION AND REPAIR OF ANY DAMAGES TO SAME. NOTIFY THE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT OF ANY CONFLICTS TO FACILITATE PLANT RELOCATION. \\ SCALE 1" = 250' 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 6. 05/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments HAVEN RIDGE LLC Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Ryan J. Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per City Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3 4 & 5 Ll •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout • • engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: � Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. Of McCain g g Phone: (763) 489-7900 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello Minnesota COVER SHEET / Q • surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments � `+ the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2gradingElk River, MN 55330 www.carlsonmccain.com Save Date: 06/23/221 f:\jobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\1andscape\Is.dwq LANDSCAPE LEGEND (All Sheets) KEY TYPE BOTANICAL NAME I SIZE ROOT QTY. ��INSTALL WETLAND / POND FRINGE MATURE � .++++++ COMMERCIALTURIF - SOD HIGHLAND SOD LOW MAINTENANCE TURF - IVIN SEED MIX 25-131 (OLD MNDOT260) & HEIGHT HEIGHT CANOPY TREES CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED TO (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BE SEEDED / SODDED OTHERWISE FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) UPLAND NATIVE SEED MIX MN SEED MIX 35-221 WO Quercus bicolor SWAM P 3" B B EX P PON D50' WHITE OAK HL Gleditsia triacanthos SHADEMASTER 15C' 0 var. inermis 'Shademaster' HONEYLOCUST 3" BB 97 BIL Tilia americana 'Boulevard' BOULEVARD 3" BB 87 15'��\ 60' 0 63 LINDEN 0 z HB I '-I Celtis occidentalis HACKBERRY 3" BB 154 15' SO' 'o LU SM Acer saccharum SUGAR MAPLE 3" BB 93 14' 50' RM Acer rubrum 'Nothwoods' NORTHHWOODS 3" BB 94 14' 50' MAPLE CE Ulmus x 'Cathedral' CATHEDRALELM 3" BB 83 14' 50' ORNAMENTAL TREES SHILOH SPLASH CL A RB �'Ay Betula nigra 'Shilo Splash' RIVER BIRCH 1.5" BB 15 8' 25' 2 :5 i U SB 0 Amelanchier x grandiflora AUTUMN BRILLIANCE 1.5" BB 22 8' 20' A I 'Autumn Brilliance' SERVICEBERRY SS Malus x'Spring Snow' SPRING SNOW 1.5" BB 70 8' 25' LU WU CRABAPPLE Syringa Reticulata JAPANESE 1.5" 8' 20' C) W, z EVERGREEN TREES 1 BH Picea glauca var. Densata BLACK HILLS SPRUCE 6' BB 29 6' 40' CANADIAN W CH Tsuga canadensis HEMLOCK 6' BB 18 0 U_ Z) U_ EASTERN RED RC Juniperious Virginiana CEDAR 6' BB 30' BF , i Ago" Abies Balsamea BALSAM FIR 6' BB 40' .1111111101111111111111"I I WS N'll I ON W -VA " IMINIF 111;11111111 1111111111111millm MIN ar'd WMAI Mir m 'WPIN20 , I Fill, lip" I , 611\101 NMI, 1,11, 1 11 Willi I kill! L U 111161�111 i milli Ili "IN 'IN .11 'all I IN. I MIN In- qq 4V 111ing NATO q No pill 11 kit 11 Rooll Pilo I I HIM 111-11 _V Id 11 11 NINO AN in NEW, allow law FA__ 11 Al IN H a ILI, owl 0 1 1 INNI'll No, ,4MW C W.W.W_ 'OF AWN FIR PIP" "Iml m A iD OWMA 0, LOP 1101; In FIN WWI I IN QUANTITIES SHOWN IN THE PLANTING SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CT17ATNR'SSqI\"I No CONTRACTOR TO VERIFY QUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLAN. NE HYD 11 MIN I WA 1 W M ***NOTE: 1ST ADDITION CANOPY TREES SHALL BE 2.5" CAL MIN. 2ND ADDITION CANO��,i4i�____11 I L —iiM761m Nil IN I = 0- M. m. T FEW W idi MIN SHALL BE 3" CAL MIN. AS NOTED. VERIFY MINIMUM CANOPY TREE SIZE FOR FU' Kt� AUDI I 11ON W. -WA;_% rA `ro .01 H"Mil I �,MH SMH li F4.11 elm ijilijil IN I into'. MEMO FIFIF, on 112 -1111 NONE NUNN! H H I 'M 1_1 11 milli =1111111 SEED MIX LEGEND(FOR ALL SHEETS) SYM. TYPE SEED MIX INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX M n DOT SEED MIX 33-262 WETLAND / POND FRINGE M n DOT SEED MIX 34-271 .++++++ COMMERCIALTURIF - SOD HIGHLAND SOD LOW MAINTENANCE TURF - IVIN SEED MIX 25-131 (OLD MNDOT260) & ALL AREAS DISTURBED BY CONSTRUCTION NOT INTENDED TO (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET BE SEEDED / SODDED OTHERWISE FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) UPLAND NATIVE SEED MIX MN SEED MIX 35-221 (USE EROSION CONTROL BLANKET FOR SLOPES OVER 3:1) --nF--- -, "I', �11/1/1,1111"),11")1/1 y y y y yll`��/ Y "I' 1� I 1� Y V, 1� Y Y y X, s) Y 1� Y 1� I L 0 1�1 I I f 1�1 Y, L 0 n 0 4 0, V 7-( 6 ON" PLAN V V Vkl JLEVAR ly le V (1) �1) 11� X, A I _1� 1� Y I 1� Y Y Y Y, Y, 1�11 1�,X,), 11�1 'IN Y Y Y � Y Y Y 1) /1 1) 1) 11 �, 1�1 ;/� / (,,� XY, Y I ') I / ly y y X Y Y Y V_ -N 1� I Y 1� 1� 11 /� � 1� V Y Y Y "I 1�1 I I Y "I Y Y 0 0 50 100 150 1� 1� 1� Y 1� e y y y y y Y 1� 1� 1� 1� 1�1 1� 1� Y 1� 1� 1� 1� Y Y y< SCALE 1" 50' 'f y 1� 1� "I "I 1� 1� 1*1� "I "I 1� 1� 1� Y 1� "I 1� 1� I Ix. . . 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Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per City Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 HAVEN RIDGE LLC L3 Carlso -environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my (]? /1-,L/— 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: V_ Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. of Phone: (763) 489-7900 Licensed Landscape Architect under 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments M ello, Minnesota McCain surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments Elk River, MN 55330 NORTH 8 1 www.carlsonmccain.com the laws of 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading ri.�.- nrl�q�l-)) 77777AI - 7rlrn\7nrr LANDSCAPE LEGEND (All Sheets) KEYY BOTANICAL NAME COMMON NAME SIZE ROOT QTY. INSTALL MATURE HEIGHT HEIGHT CANOPY TREES '• rfr✓ INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX MnDOT SEED MIX 33-262 • rrrrr(✓rr WO Quercus bicolor SWAMP WHITE OAK 3" B 77 15' 50' , f rrrrrrrr r rI, r r r ERCIALTURF-SOD N HIGHLAND SODrr HLGleditsia 0 triacanthos SHADEMASTER 3„ BB 97 10' 50' MN SEED MIX 25=131 ( r r var. inermis'Shademaster' HONEYLOCUST rr �r O NOT INTENDED TO (USE ER S frr rr S f DED OTHERWISE r/ FOR SL R rr rr rr 'rrrrr'rf'rrr'r' rr rrr rr rr / r , ,+ r rrr r L= D JrrE D MIX _—te r rr rfr rg�f r r r BL Tilia americana BOULEVARD LINDEN 3 BB 87 15' 60' O � u Z Celtis BB 154 / HB r� occidentalis HACKBERRY 3" 15' /50(f',; ; ---- 2 Aetsaethararr� 962— I -SUGAR MP_ � -- ------------------------------------------------------ I �9 '�>lr/rrrr(/{ r _77 r7L rd'r,1��1 r rrt�'LtrVtrVtf'V/rVPr'Lr7Vtrrrr �r1�'�'1 r1�1�1����t�rL'�frVt rrf\ �'rrr'rr7rV -- ---- - - - -- - rrr/`irL �T / ,r r r����}f'��+�/�'Q���s'r,r/r f / r- �, r,r r r r�ir r • r r - r,r,r,r,r,r, r,r r,r,r `?fl'r r r ✓ ✓,r,r,r,r, / r �� rr rr rr rr ,r,r � �` / rr rr rr rr rr rr rr ri rr rr , rr t� /r rr rr /i rr r� • " r r 1 r r r r/ r r r r r r r� r r r rrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r • ti r� •�'r r r r r r r r r r r r r. rrr / _ _ • rr rr rr rr r(d r / rr / r7r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rf rr rr rr rr r/ rrr ' ' � rrr k, W��fAk, r r r :, r1 rC r r r r r r r r r r ,f r � r r✓ r, r / r r, r r r , r B 15 R.. i rr, r r r/ rrrr rr rr r � lusx' ,r rrr' A8 PP��/ �• �� BB= r r r r/ r r$rr r /ri ' = T957,9� : A P A N E 5 \ is"" rrr r r L = 95 0 r rrf rr TREE C\ ::. .\ r r r r r rr / f rrrr/r r/r r R ES r'r rr \ _ _ , r r / rrr rf/r rrr Densat C ik:::" ,rr,frr r ,• B 29 •• 6„• rrr' rrrr rrf/rr � r^ �.ganad sis • / r ' •.g•..:a"na J Iper' u 6' 3 r f ” rrr'�6 J r1 fr r J, BALSAM FIR 6' BB / �� — c• � � � _ I/\.yam , r r r Jr 1r r r/ J r SEE SHEET L3 /, rrrr'N/r, r,r/rrrrr,r,rJ r rr rrr J/rff r / r } rrr/J � /r/ r/ �r/r/ rrJ/J/r,r rrr/ �rrrrrf /r rrrrrr!/J r/r/r r(J/r /rrrrJ� /rrrr!/r rr,rJr/ r/r,'� r r,r r rrr r, r, ,rrrrr, rrrrr ,rrr l r�'r / rrrrrrr/r\rrrJrJr h rrYr,r,r,rr`CrrrrJr, rrr r rrr r,Jyr / ,r�,r�, rrrrr! rrrr Crrrr Jrrrrrr,r,Tr? r r, rrrrJ�rrr,r,k r r, rrr r,r,r r rrr r, r,�, rr�,r, � rrr,r,.��r,r r rrr\,r,�Jr^rrr r r r / rr rr f k rr Jrr rJrr r rrr r l rr rr Jr rr rr rrr r Jr r r / r r / r rr rr rr /r s r r r, /r /r /r rr ri �� /r /r Y , rrJ r rr rr N rr r r r r rr rr rr x r / r C 1 ,bra rr //!rrrr!rrr�/��J- r r// J r r r / / / / / / / �Ir / / r / / r• , / / / r r r r J rr f fir /rrJ I � r/ r f r rrr ri ri rr r r / I �r rrr r �� r rr J� / '� rr rr r r ri rr / ri rk rr / r ri / rrr r/ r rr ri ri � ri Jrr / rr ri ri r frr Lr � rr Lr r✓ ri 1 rl / ri ri f r rr f ri ri `rr rrf ri = \ r ri 7 r r, r f 7, r, / rr 1'r r r, rrr rr /, r, rr rr ry r / r, , rr rrr �' rr rrr J rr rr ,i' ' rr rJ � / rrJ' rr rr r rd rJ r r rr rr rr J;. 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'r 'rrrrrr?, 'r '/rr rrfrrrr,'rrr'rr Jr r, ,� r rrjrr rrrr J Jr rr, ri f ri,r/r,rrrrr ,Iri ? r,1 rr/ r, /,J J,r r,r rrr ,�,r, /r, rr, Jr, rr,r�ir'rrr'rrr' J'/,�'rr� r rr/r : ,l — ' r r r / J ' 'r ri r r r r r J r r r r r r r r r r rr J r �r r r J r r r r r / r `I /,/ A,rf r`ir / r `o /, , r, r� r, `fir rr J Jrr ,r ✓fir , ',r r,r /,r � , r r r ,\r r rr rr I � r rrfr r rr ri ri rr rV rfr ri rr rr \\r rrr r rT''r �t,1r f,� ,Lr-rr Yr r, r r / J rr Irr rrr I =_ / rr / r,� rr rJ rr r r 'rrr �r I , fL r /'r'rr � ' rr, rr rrrr r' r'rr'rr \ r ��'T r' r'rrr'�r'r'�r'rrr'rrr'rr'rr'rr'rrr'rrr'r'Jr'r � r'rrr'rr'rr' ' r'rrr'rrr'rr�rr �'rrr'rrr'rr�rr'rr'rr'r 'rr'Jr'rr' rrr � �' ^ r r r r r r`r'Jr'Ji' rrr r r' J'r I r rI rrr r r r / / / / r r r r / r r r 5i / lri rr rr rr rr rr rrJ / rr rr rr rr rrr rr rr ri ril rr it rrr J rr rr rr rr rr rrr / rr rrr rr rr r r / rr rr rr rr r f�J rrr r r r / r r k r r ! 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J V r rr rrr rJrJr�rrrrrf 'rr / r rrrrrr I / r/ / rr rrr rr rr rr r ri rr I \ rr 7, y , r rrfr?, ,}�8, r r, rr rr r, J� r rr rr r, r, r, r, rr rr /, r, r, r rr r, r rr rr rr � rr rr rr rr rr'rJ'rr rr rr rrr rr rr rr I WETLAND #5A ' / f rrrrr r � �, rrr rrr f rrr rr, rrrr rr r'rrr r�''rr'rr''' \ r rrr r frr �� rrrrf O' r rrrrr 11 \ \ 10 DAY SNOW MELT — \ r rr rp r rr, rrr r, � f � �`\ rrr rff r\ f r/r'r�rr'rrrrr,r/r, /rr rfr r,J � r,r � 1\J� r rrrr rr r' I rr rrrr��/r�rrr S� �rJr'rr/'rr/ rrrfrrrrrr `rr/'r'rYrr�fJr' 954.8 \ r /rrr / /r rr rJ / rr < - rrrrr k'rJrrrfrrr/ 'rfr r'Jrfr/ \'rr fr/ rI r r r r r r r r r r r r r r 100 YR HWL = 955.0 r J r r r r J r r r r r J r lr / rf r rrr r J \ rrr , r f rrr r/� \ r/ r r rrr rrr \ r /,/ r r/r r/ rrr rJ r rrrr rJ rJ rrrr J / r r rrr r rr � rrr r� rr rr rr rr 100 YR B — B HWL = 956.9 ' f 0 ' f rrr f r' f r :rrr r r r f r ` rrr rrr r rrf rrr rrr I / rrr r ''r ''r rrrrr fir r'rrr'rr r'ri /rrr, O ,�'r / ' r, rr 1 L 'r�+, ''r�'r f' 'rrrr ,'r � r'ri r, 'rrrrr, \ ��/g54 •V•.•• /, _ -/ ' /�j✓ I rr'ri r ''(J ri/'/r/'/i r r rr rr , r, rrrr rr, rrr r r rr 'Y r rr r rr \ I / — _-� ---� r `,� f '/ � fir, rrr✓ /J, /r, r r r/ ,rfr rr rrrr r rr r rrrrf rrrr rrrrrrr i r rrJ /rrrr r' rrr// .5B rrrr 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 r fJ 'V rfr r r rf rrrrr r rr r r rrrrr rr I \ 00 YR HWL = 955.0 fJ^r�' /f'r rr'rr rrJ K r r r , rrr r,r,r � 'R: '.r rrrr rrrrrr r l r rrr' J r rrr r,f � r , ,r rrr r , r r ,rrr rrrr 11 / J rr rr, `rrr r rrr', r rrrr rrrr \ / B—B HWL = 956.9 TL rrr rrr rr rr = r r r � r rr rr rr rr rr rr \ rr _ ,, P rrr r,r r�'r r,r r,r r r r, r,1 r ,rr r f,ff r ,ff \ r r f rr rrr rrrr r r rrrrr SEE "TYPICAL STREET SECTION" J, r, , � r, �✓ r, r, Jr r, J Jr r , r �r, r, r, Jr Jr , J Jr / , r, rrr, r, rr, rr `I r ,r rr rrrrr rrrrrrr rrrrr : r rr rr'r X 'r rrrr rrr r'r 'rrrr' O N THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN r r r " " Jrr r o ,rrr r r rrr rrJ r. FOR SEED/SOD IN THE BOULEVARD' / rd / 'rr r r r rrrr �\ r r r k r r J ,r'rr O'rr J r'r ' r " 'rr r ' r ✓ r'r'r ' ,l J rr/r ' � / � • � /rrf J,� J r r,r ,/ rr r / rrrr'r /, rr, ' rr, ri,'ri, /rr rr'ril r7 r ITI S SCHEDULE ARE FOR THE CONTRACTOR'S CONVENIENCE. rrrrrrr rrr rr rrr rr \ / rrr r rrDrr/�rrr rrrrr frr rr C T VE ri(r S SHOWN ON THE PLAN. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / ,\�i r r / \ \ // r / r //r ,,ee /r,• OUT�OT D * * f r • � • — \ rrr r rrr rrrr rr rr ri � rr rr rr rrr rr \ r rrr /, r V, �r r rrr _ �� r r r, r, r, rr rr rr r, rrr r� , 1 D IV CANOPY TREES SHALL BE 2.5�� CAL MIN. 2ND ADDITION CANOPY TREES J r \ r� rrr r r r r r r r rr rrr rJ ry r ry rr r Jrr rr rJ rJ ° rr / rrrrrr �� /� r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \ \ rr r ri rr rd r V/ rr / rr rr ri f Yr rr rr rr J r rrr r Lr' • L MIN. AS NOTED. VERIFY MINIMUM CANOPY TREE SIZE FOR FUTURE ADDITIONS. �rr'rr 'r'r r rrr r'rr' ' r 'rr ' r 'rr 'rr rr'rr'r \ r rr 'r 'rrr'/' ri rr rrrr ri rr 'r rrJ\n' rrr 'r rrr / 1 r r r r r J r r r r r r r r \ r rrJ rr rr rr r r rrr / r rrr r! / /r rr rr rr r r V V r rr J rrrr rrlr r, r, rrr r � J' rr r ,r r rrr J rrr rrr \ ,r, Jr Jr r, r, r, Jr ,r rrrr e , Jr rrr rrrrrr r r r J r r rr, r r r r r r r�r r r r ,. ,. r rr f r� rrr rrr rr r � � ri rr rr Jr rr ri ri ri rr rr r' r rel rrr rr rrr rr Jr r�V rr r r r J r r Jr r rr �r r J r J r f r r r r �, r r r J � ri ri rr rr rr rr ri ri /� ri Jrr rr r r, J rr rr , r rr Jr r, r r J rr r, r rr rrr , r r r/ r,r ✓, r,r ,r, r, ,,r r, r, b , r, ,r, r, r r, r r, r,rrJrrrJ,r,rrJrrr ,r,r rrf ,r,r,l rrrrrrrrrr r ,Ir r rirrrrr�r-tr,/r / r r rr rr fr rr rrr rr rr rrr " . r r, r , r, r, r r, r, r r \ J rJ rJ rr rr rr rJ rJ rr rr rr r rrJ Jrr rr J J ✓r rr rJ r rr rr Jrr TJ r r rrrr J rJ rr l r r r r r r rS� r r r \ f r ri rr � � rr rr r r, r, r ,� r, r, rrr „ � , %� rrr r rr rr rr rr rr r \ 'rr'rr'rr'rr'ri rrr'rr'rr'rr'ri'rr 6r'/r'rr Jr'r'r 'r'✓r rr'ri 'rr'rr rrr/ r,J J,r r r r r r r r J r r r r r r r r r r r J �'r r r r rrrr f r rf rr r, rr r, rr J r J r r r r J r r r J r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �'r r r r r r r r rJ� r t '/""SEED MIX LEGEND (FOR ALL SHEETS) Y M /'s,'r/ TYPE SEED MIX '• rfr✓ INFILTRATION BASIN SEED MIX MnDOT SEED MIX 33-262 • rrrrr(✓rr r r' rrrr'/rrr TLAND / POND FRINGE MnDOT SEED MIX 34-271 rrrrrrrr , f'rrrr`ryf rrr , f rrrrrrrr r rI, r r r ERCIALTURF-SOD N HIGHLAND SODrr /� rrr • • rrr r r r rl�� ENANCE TURF - MN SEED MIX 25=131 ( r r rf : A '71TURBED BY rr �r O NOT INTENDED TO (USE ER S frr rr S f DED OTHERWISE r/ FOR SL R rr rr rr 'rrrrr'rf'rrr'r' rr rrr rr rr / r , ,+ r rrr r L= D JrrE D MIX _—te r rr rfr rg�f r r r , / r r r ✓ r r r r r'rr'rr'rr'rr'rr' r,'''�'`� 'rr'rr 'r�'rr � J rrr rr'rr'rr rrrr 'rr'rr'rr r\ \ \ \'rr'rr'rJ'rJ'rr'rr'rr'rr'rJ'rr'rr r'rJ'rr'rr r rJ'r 'r'r �r rr'rJ'r 'rr rr rr 'rJ'rr'rr rr krJ ' r r r'r'r ',• r rr rr rrr rr Jrr rr f/' `T rr r rr rr fr r/ r r fr r/ fr fr \ rrr rJ rJ rr r/ rr rr rJ rJ r/ rr rrJ rr rr rrJ r rA rrJ rJ rr rJ Jrr rr rrr r r/ �/ rrr r/ rr r�J rJ , r, r , r, r J, r r r, r `�/ ' rr rr rr r r rr rr rr rr r \ \ rr rr ri ri rr rr rr rr ri rJ rrr \ rrr ri rr rr r r, rr rrr r, r, rr r r, rr r N,r�rr r, / "�` rrr ,I r r rJ rJ rr rr f rJ rJ f rr rrr rr rr rr rr rr rV �r ?k rr r rrr rr rr rrrr rr r ri rr rrr r �r r ✓r rr rr ri rr �r rr rr rr ri rr r rrr rr rrfr �r rr r ri rrl r�rrr ri r rr ri rr r rYr r J r rrr �r rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \ r r r r r/ r r r r/ r / r r r r/ r G r / r r r r J rlr t r r r r J Y r• rr rr rrr rr rr r 6'' r� rr r rr r frr rr rr r �r rr rr rr rr r \ \ \ rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rrr rr rrr rr rr rr 54r rrr rrfr rr''G i r, rrr rrr r, r r rr J,� r, r, r, rr rr. . rr'rr'r `�St'rr'r 'rr'r r r'r/ rr'rr �''r � r r r r r r r r r r \ rrr rrr rrr r,r r,r rrr rrr rrr r,r r,r r,r // r,r ,r r, r, rrr ,,r `rr'r r/ rr r 'rr'/r r'6' r r r, rrrr r r'I'rr r,�rr, rrr rrr rrrr r rrr'rr'rr'rr r • rr r �, J rrr r r r r, r � r, r, r, \\ .' rr rr rr !�� ri 'V '\r rr J rr rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r J r r r J J r� � J r r r J r r J JI ,I r r J r�r�r r f,r rf r,r r,fr, ,f ,f r, f r,f r rf/'rr'rr 'rr \ \ \ 'rr/'rr'rr'f r'rir'rr/'�r'rr'rr'f r'rr • r rir'r/'ri'r'rr' r rr'r'rr{rr'rr'r 'fir/'r'r rr'rir'rr r`�r'rr'f r' r'rr/'r'r 'rr'ri'rr/�r�r�r�ri \�'i�f'� rr' r� • r, rr r, rrr r, r, r rrr r r r r rrrr r' / rr r' r/ rr rrrr r �i, rr rr rr rr rr r r 1 r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r r r rr rJ�rr rrr r✓r Jit rr rr r, �rr rr rrr r, rr rr rr rv, , r, rr rr r, r r r ' r J r J J J r r J r J J \ r rr rr rr rr rJ rJ rrr rr rrr rr rr rrr rrr rr J� r rr rrr rJ rJ rr rr rJ rrr rr rl r r, rr rr r rrr r, r, r J r , rff• r , , r r,. r, � , r, rr fr \ r, rr r r /r rr fr rr r \ \ rr rr rr rr rr rr rrrr rr rrr rr rrr rr rr rrfr rr rr r �'r J /r rr /, r, r r rr r, , r rrr r� r r r, r, r, ,r, r r, r, r, r, r r r, _ / '%k ,�S< rrf \ ' r rr rrrrrrrrrr \ rrririrrrrrrririrrrrrrriri rrrrrr rrrr rr,r,r r rrr,r,r l'r rV r, rrrrr r� r, rr rrrr, r, rrr r , r, J rr rr rr r• rrr rrr , � r, x r, r, r, r, J r, r, /, r, r, r, r, rr rr rr rr r, r, rr rr rr J, r, rr rr , r, r, rr rr r, r, rrr rr rr r, r, r/ r rp , r, rr rrr r, r rr rr rr r, r,� r, rrr r ,r rr r r rr r r, r rrrr � r J r� r r r r r r r r r r r J \ \ � r,rrrrrrJ,r,rrrrrrr,r,r,r rrr r,r rrrr r,r r, rrrrrr, rrrrrr r, rrrrr r,rr r, ,�r,rr r rr rr r, rr rrrr, rr \'ir rrr rr/� rr, rr rr, rr _ L � rr , rr, rrr 5 rr, rr Oi, / rrr r,r r,f r,r rrr r,/ r,r r,f ,r \ rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rr rt rr %rfr r, r, rrr rr rr r, r, r ,rr r �r rr rr rr rr rr rr r r r, r r r r r y r r r r r r r r r r rrrrrrrrrrrJrrrrrrrrrr r�r/ryr,r,rrrrr,r /,r,r,rxr r/ ,r, rrrrr r rr rrrrr rr r rr'r / rr'rr'r \ rr'rr'rr r r f'rr'rr'r 'r ' . ;•: ' r ' rr, r , rr, ?`r r, rrrr , r , rr, rr, ri, rr, rr, rr, rr, rr \ \ ' /'r J r'r'r'r' /' J r r'r? r'4i r'r r'r'r J' r r 'r ,+' ' ,�'r'r'r'r' /' J'r 'r' /' / r' rr rr rr J J rr !r r r rr rr r r r r' r r r r r r r r r r r r r rr rr rrJ r rr Jr rp r r r r rr rrrr r rrr rr rr rJ r J J rr rr rr rr rJ rrr rr rr rJ rr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r, ,r, r, r, r, r, r, rGr, r, r, r r r,r r r r r r r r J r r r J \ Jr r, r, r,rrJrJrr,r�r,J Jr r, r,rY J r,, r, Jr Jrrrr,r r J r /,rrrr rr,r, rrrrrrr rrrr rrr rrr rr rrr rrr r ' l ' C! r'r'r'r'r' rrr r '' r 'r r r rrf r rrr'r'r' r' rrrrrr 'i' rrr r�'rJr r I�/ r, Jrlrrrr //i rrVr r r J J rrr'/ 'rr'r r'V r r r r r r r r J r r \ "" r r r r✓ r r r , rf r r J r r'rr r r \ \ \ rr rJ rr rr rr rr rJ rJ r J� r J, r, r V I' \ r, r r r� rrr rJ rJ r r rrr rrr J r r r r " r r J r r 'k r r J r r r r r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr r �r rrr rrr ,rrr r/ r ri rr rr /r rr rr rrr rrr r rr\ rrrr rr r r rr rr r r f" • r r r r rr / r f r r r rfr rfr r r r r r rrf r rrf f \ \ \ rrr rrr rr/ /rr rrr rrr , rr /rrr rrr rrr rrr rr /rr ,r �O\ r r r'r 'rr rr'r/'rr'rr'rr'r r'r/'r'rr r rr r rr rr rr \ rJ rr rr rr Jr Jrr rr �r rJ rJ r rr rr `rJ rr r 4r r rr r' rr rr rr r rr rr rr VV /� / �' • Jr r rrr r/ rrr r r r J � r r r r r B r r r r r r r r r \ rr rr rr � r '� rrr rr rJ rr rG r rrf r rD rr \ rrr rr rrrr J r r r r r r r �' r r r r r J r r r r r r \ \ r r r /rrrr rrr r r rrrrr r rr. • r r, rr, rr, r { : r r r, r, r r � . r rr rr r J rr r rr rr rr rrr \ J rJ'�St rr r,/r! r, rr rr r, r, rrr rr r, rr rr r, r, r, r r, , r r r , r, rr rr n r r r rrr rrr rr rr rr rrrr rr r r r r r r r r r rr rJ rr r `J r rr rr rr rJ rJ rr r r rJ r �r J G r r rJ r rr rr rr rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \ • r, r, r, r�,�� r, r, , r r r, • = r, r ! r,0 r, r, r, r, r, r, r, rrr rr �i rr rrClr � ri rr�'C� rr r,�`r'r rrr rr ri rig rr rr ri rr rr / rr rrr ri - r r rrr rr J rr r rr rr rxrr rr r rr rr \ _ rr r r rr ' • \ frr r rr rr ri \ r r rrrrrr r r r,�r r r J r v v r rrr rrrr r r r r r r r r r r r r' r r r r r r r r r r rr,r, r r,r rrT4 r, r, Jr°IJ,�ir,rrrrJrr,r,r,rr r, r r,r,r rr 'r 'rr rrr / � ,r r r r,f r r ,f ,r r,r r r, r� r /, r� rr rr, rr r, • r, rr r r,r rrf r,r r,r rrf r,r r, r,r / r,r r,r rrr r, r ri,: ry rr rf r� r,r J'iJ r;`'N,r r,r rrr rrr v,r ,r D,r r,r rrr r rrr ,/ r,r r, rrr r� J 'rr'rr' �O \ r ' r' r rrrr r � rr J 'r r 'r 'rr'rr'rr r ' � r, r r r, %k✓ ,'r \ r, rr, rr, frr rr, rr, rr, rr, rr I r'ri'rr'rr'rr'rr �'ri J� r, rlrr'ri'`rT��'�`r-�'r 'rr'rr'�rr /r Vri'ri'rr'r r'rr ri r rr'rr'ri'rr'rV r r r\ r r r r r r / r r r \\ r r r r r r r r r r r r /r rr rrr r r .r rr fiyr 4 ar , �, r rr rrr r r rr �r r /r ri rrr r r rr rr rr rr rr \ / J, r, /r rr rr rr r, frr 7 r .E, r r rr rr J, r r, r rr rr J, r rr v r rrr '/rrrrrrrrr r rrrr rrrr rrrr rrr 'r,r ,r,/,r,r,r r,r r,r r,r�r , r, r r, r, :.\ rr r'�r rf/fr frrr fr rrrfrrrf rrfr \ \ •• 3 r, r, rrr r, r,ry r,�4 r rrr,/, , r / r ,rr,r r, ,r,r,r r,r rrrr rrrrr \rrrr rj rrrr r \ r,r r, r, r, r, r,r� ,r J ,r r, r, r r, rr rrrr frr rrr��rrrr rrrr !rrrrrrrrrr rr, \ � rrr 9561 �>3trr71,r rrr/r r rrrrrr � r r r r r r ✓ r r r r r J J r r r r Y r r r r r r r r r r r r J'�r�J r r r r r r r r r r r rr r% r r rrrrr r rrf rr 'rrrrf.X �. rrrr r; r y rr r rrr rr rr f f f r / rr rr rr \ \ r, r, r � r,f r,/ r, r, r, J , r, " rr r r'rr'rr r r, rff r,/ r,r Jrf rrr / rr, rr, frr � \ 4• rr rr , rrr rr rr 0 rr rr �� " r r r r r rr r r J J r r' r J r r r r r r r 'r r •\ \ r, LE 1 - 0 rrr rr O - r, r, r, r r, � ,r, r,` r = � r r r, r, r, r, r, ,,r r r,r�'r r r r r " r r r J r r r \ •\ \ ✓ rr JN.; . rr r r rr rr rr rr rr r r rr rr rr r �5 C r ' ' .. r J rr rrr r rfr rr rr J r r rr r r ' r� rr rrr rfr r rrr rr rr rr r r r r r r rr rr rr =_ __= rr rr rr rr rr rr r r • r r r r r r � i r u r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r f r r r r \ � • r r r r r J r r r r r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r r \ � r,rr�'`r✓,�rrrr r � r J rr J rrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrr r r r r r _' �___ r, r r r ; :r rr rrrr f rrfr rrr r rrr Gr r r r r J r r r' r r r r r r r r r r r � r r r � ' V, 1,, r, , rr rr, rr / � rr, rr, '✓ rrr rr, � r J r r r r r r / `� r r \ 'rrr r J rr 'r rrrrrrr r r J r r r, r, r,r,r r/rrr'' r rfrfr frrr \ / $ \\ r , r, r, , r, r, r • _ / J rrf • • rr rr r r , \, r r , r, r, r, r, r, r,� r, .r r, r, r r, r, /, rr . \ � r r r r I �• r r r .\ , r J rr,r r,r r , r r r r rr rr r r rr r -.-r r, r rr rr rr �' J rr rr rr J rr r rrr � r� r r r r r WETLAND # 1.� 5D 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 /r r( rl•r rr r ::: r rrrrr J frr r rrfr f�-rrrrrrfrrfr frrrr" ir, rrr r, r r rrrrrrr/i r 100 YR HWL = 955.0 . � _ . " � / rrr rrr rr ' ? rr r rr : �. " r fr r frr rr frr fr rr rrfr `r? 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City Comments HAVEN RIDGE LLC Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Ryan J. Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per Cit Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3 4 & 5 L4 •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my y HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN - 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout • • engineering direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. Of McCain g g Phone: (763)489-7900 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello Minnesota NORTH / 8 • surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments � the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2gradingEI k River, M N 55330 www.carlsonmccain.com Save Date: 06/23/221 fAiobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\1andscape\Is.dwci I � ,' r J, /,rr rrJrr,rJ,rJ,rr,rr�rrJrJ,r �r r r r r r r r r r r I rl r r r r r r r r r i I I I Y / /Jr rr/J/J/!rrrrr J/ I i � r �`�- JJ / f J J, rJ/ JJ JJ JJ J, rJ/ rJ/ J i I ^ I i/ rr, r, , ri r, rrJ /,r r,r r,r rrJ rrJ /, r ? ' I 'rr rl I Jr J''%'r''r''r''J''J''r''r' WETLAND #5 A I I T � T rr rr'r Jr r / J r,rrr,rrrf rrr rrr /,rrr I / / / r // r r r ^ l r r�/ r r r r r/ I I / lr I k, , r, r, r, 1, /, / � 10 DAY SNOW MELT = 954.8 � / / i l'r, r I rri r''' ''rr''rr''rr''rJ' \ 100 YR HWL = 9 55.0 l ! lf'r 'l ! 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Q'��� / r r \ rr rr l ri r/ r l rl r l rr r 1 1 r, r lr r lr ll lr�l rr lr ll i'r r r r r r r r lr r r = � I �, � ; I , � r � r/ rl `fir r�'-r, h ,�.�,r,� / Xr rl r � t Ll � rr r r � rl rl r/r l sr rr r7 rl rl rr rr rl rr rl rr r � / r , r ( ,/ rrr rrr r,J / J ,r rr J r l , l r ,J " r� rl rrr r rl / rr /l r � � rr Irr �.§ I rrrlrlrrrlrrrrf rrlllrrr�r�rr lrrr�lr�lrr�lr is lr,r,ll 1 WM = r ,/ rr rr rr rr rrr rrrr rrJ r l/rl 10 DAY SNOW MELT rrrrr rrf/r/ r rr r, 1,/,r,/,rrr, r, ,rrr,l. 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' 1, r, r, rr o 5 v�� , r , r r, / -, , r l r r, l , rr O , 1, rr � • . r , ,rn 1, r ,, r r, r r, r, rr 5}h r, rr 1, rr r, r, r, r rX r, r, r, , rr 1, r, r /, I / r +'r l,'� r, rr r, 1, rr 1, rr r �' r 1, ?h 1, rr /, 1, r, r , r r, � 1, 1, rr 1, h /, 1, r, 1, rr " " 'rr rll'rr 'rr /'r 'r'1 r r rrr rr r, ll, r, r, ' r 1, rrr, ll, , rr, l rr r , � r, rrrNJ r, r r/ l,/ l,J r ,r rr/ l rrl,rrr r r r �l r r r �r r r r rr r= I I�� lr r lr�i�,rllrrrlr r v `✓ rrrr lrlllrlllr l'`'�lr rrr r l,� /,r,/,/,r? l r / r / l,r r, r, rrr rr r,l,r _ •• rr/r l r,/,l, 1,x0: ,l,r - r, rr r, , '�' r 1, rrr, �'` r r r r lr r r � n I / Y, r s /, rr /, r r, /, � / rr 1, � ll rr 1/ rr ll 1/ rr r rr �' rl lr ll rr r rv��r�, 1, � ; , , .: � ... :. ��' " rrr r r � � r r r r r r _ _ � • •_ r r r / r r r / r � / lr / /r / l / lr /r / �l l l k I I r r/ / / r l r / r/ ll r/ t rrr r/ / r l l rr r rr / r�l l r v /l rr r/ rl r/ rl :: rl rr rl r/ r/ rl Q o r r r r l r/ r r r/ r / rl rl r l rr r' rl rl rl r / 'rl r rl'' P / l rl' I l r/ r r r r r ,� l� r r r r l n l i - ;', I � ,� r r r r r r r / r r r l r �'r r l r l v r r r r r rr 1, r, r, r, rr r, r r, r r, r, r � v�_ • , r, 1, r, /, , 1 1, r 'k 1, r, 1 ,, r, r, r� r, r � r, r r, r r r r r r X / r r //// l l/ I I :.� r r r r l r ,� / r/l - r _ r l r/ r r �( r�l r �i r l l r l .'.' .' :. :. _ __ / r l l / r /,l,/� /,rrr, ,rr/ r /,�'rl,/,l,/,r,/,rrr,/ t/i I'� I 1 r/lr1/lr / �Y 1�J / r, / ll t rl1/r/.r/ r rl1/ r / r rrrrrr/rrrrr/ .. ... \ '. 1,/,l,/, 1, t /, ,/rt /rr l,r,t ..' / r / t / / � /,r,t /r r, 1, 1, r,t r,t rrt /rt ,rl � r,/ r �r �/ �/, , � � � ..'�I 'ilr llr/lr1/rr�y/ t rl /,l r l/ / /� t r /,l,/,l, 1, r, /,\, ,/ /, /,/�,r,r,l,/ 1, .. .�':..... I t/r/rrrr r / rl r /rr /lr t 1,/, � .. rr, r r l,l l r/,r ,r, � : r 1/ /rrrr 1/r /1 t 1 I ��1/ lr / r 7 t r7 r 7 l r l d / I Y l rr l rr /l l rr / l rr r rl l rl rl r /� r/ rl rl r / r/ l r r/ 4 rl r/ r rl ll rr rl r/ r/ rl / l r/ r l r l r/ rr l rr / l/ r/ ll r r l l rr l rl r 1 r r/ r r r r r \ r r r l r l rrr r r / rr / ^I :: rr l r rr l rr rr rr l r rr 1/ r/ r r lr rr . // r r rr l� r r l r l/ N' / / r r :::::::::::. rr 1/ ll rr 1 / rr ll r rri ll ll r / ll 1 \ rrrr r r rr r r rri lr r r / r r� r _ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r %I .. � p�'r r r r'�S r ri r �l r l / r �l r l r x l r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l l r/ r l r l� // = rr 1, r l r 1, r r, r l 1, , r r /rrr r /rrrrr rrr •I I - � • � /, , � rrr r, l� rr T f/,_ r,, rrr l,r r, �,r r,/ rrr O r,r crt, rr�/, rl, rl, rr, rx, rrr /, rl, rl, ' :::::::::: rrr rrr rrr rrr r/r r rr 1, r r � , rr rl r , /, rl, rr .: ' r r/r rr � '� ^' rrr rrr / rrrrrrr rrr ri / r Q: \ . r r, /, , rr 1, r r � I r r r r rr l,�rl r lirlrr lr� lr fir. �•'' r r r '', r� rr r,/, `f rrrr , r, r 1, r, 1, r, r,�dl rrr .rrrr"` .. \'•• rrlrlllrrl r r r,l,r /,r ,r, 1, -,/ .. =rrr / r 1 rrr r rl% ., r ,,/,/ ,l ,/,l,/ rr. /, 1, , r , r r / r / r l� r I `�I � �, of r rr l r rl rr / r r/ rr / rl rl \'r r/ rl rl / rl l l rr r/ rl r/ r r� rl r/ 6' :: Q 1, /, r, r, r, lr 1, , 1, /, r \/ rl / � �l rl l r l r l r , rr r/ r r l r l l I .. / I � I ,� r /, r r r, , rr / r ll'r r / r r`�Tl,r /,/ r\r, r,r rrJ l,r ,J ,r r, r,r rrJ l,r /,/ l,J r,�r -r fT l / ,J ,r r,J r 7 l rr r,J /,r rrJ /,r r,J l,/ ,r ,J , /rJ /,r r,J 1, r /rrr / , rl r/ rr, r , r, rl, 4 r , / rr rrr rrr r /, rrrr ' l f r/,'r/, I I ^'� a'' / rClrr r � , �r,r ,l,r,r r r rl/r,ryr,-rl/ /rla rrr r�' d''l O�� r r/rrrrrlrrrlrrrrrrrrr / rr/l T--� rill /lull r/ / l /r l rrr r rrr/ l �� r r r r l r r l r � l r r r l r y r r l r� l� l r r r Q r r r r l r r r r a�. • r r r / 1, , rr 1, r r' r r r / r r r r r r r I l -tel I I I I - rrr r 1✓ r rl/ rrrrr l r /r,r �r�l,r ,r r -r l,r,\�l, r r, r, ";¢ Q r r r/ l r I \ 1 rrrrr �r r rrr r rrrr I � r r r r \ r• r/ / S� / / Is / / \ /, 1, r,/, /�,r 1,/,r / rrr/1 lrGGr /r/1/rrrr\ rr /r/1/r/ Oo0 ,/ r t \ lr rl,/,r ,r rr,'(,Ir /rr � 1,r r/ r,r,rr r /,r, _� �� � 5} \ r , 1, r, 1, r, r lr- f r r , r, !r-rr rr 1, r, 1, r, r, rk 1, 1, r, 0 0 \ " " • • • : _ ° _ _ :.... r r r \ l � / l l r / l \ r l r l r r r l r r r I / / r r r r r r r r r r l`r r r r r r/ l l r r r r / r r r r // > >�> HL � � ` / � \ r '1/ t /r/ 1, 1// / , , ' r ? rA,al, r/, rr, r/, r/, rr, rl, r/, fir, r/ J l/r r// oo / .. / l /r � r% rr rl rl rT r / r rr r rr 'r 'r r rr r/ ' Y'r/ l ' r /'rl'r ' n n r rrr r r' i rr r 1 rrr ll rr ll lr rr r rr l r r l r r r / r r \ r r r r r / r r �r r r / r r SEE TYPICAL STREET SECTION / I I � � � v�. l r r r r r r r I ��� v I � s v o�' ,/ r l � r e r r r r rrr � r r r r r r r r / � I I � � - � A 1 �r�l r , r, r rr, rr, lr, ll, lr, rl, h,, rr, rr, lr, ll, ),� lr, lr, rrr rr r r, r, r r lr r lr ✓r r 1 r, l,r l,J r;� J r, r J , r rrr l'rr rrr I ��'� _ /� �v v l J r l��r l r l rr l r r r r r r, / r u l rl /� ��' r r \ 7y11 r/ r r l rr // lr rrrr r rJr r/ J r r rrJr, ON THE GRADING DETAILS PLAN :::•:::. :: II o � �� rr /, , `�� � � / \ V A r, � `' / / 1 rrr 1 lr rr,r r,r r,rrr,r l,rrrrJ ,rrr,r r,r /,rrr,r l,�rr r r,r r rrrrr l � ::::::::::: \ / - / � � � ,r l l r r r, 1, rl r'r 'rr rr ' / rrrr l " r r r � r r r J l r r V (�" \ r r r l r rrr r l'r r, ' '/ ' r FOR SEED�SOD IN THE BOULEVARD I � / /, r, r rl lr r ��� - \ f /err rr/ rrr r/ r / 'l rr, rl, r/, rr, rl, r/, r rr, rl, r/r rr, rf'�X rl, rr r 1, r r = � / / r O • , /, l l ,�, r, 1, r, r , l / lr 1, 1, r 1, r r 1, , / /r l , III rrr r r Ylr, r/lr rlrlrrrrlrl r r rr D �. rrr \ rr r r rr a /l / r r / / / / r/,rr/ /,/, /,rr / n r r / /,/r,l, ���� rr'rlr 'S�rrrr r r T-'Sl,lrlrlllrrrlrrrlrlrllrrrrlr �lr ........ �! DD lr1 rrrr �ll r1 r \� r r , ,,1,/ / r,/ r ll r r r r r r r r r,r r,J r,r r,J l,r rrr � I I 1, l ,r r, /,J rrr \\ \ � r, l rrr /,J r ,,J ,�l,r 1, r / r l r�`�r'rir rr f rrr rl r'ri f rrrrr rr f rr ,I(r\'�rr rr rrr rrf r rrrr::: / ::. \ J r,J r r \ 'rr, rr r, ,'rr' 0', r rirlr/J � - /, lr r 'r ' rr, r/'` l r, 'rf r/, l rl rr ll � 1 � 1 � t�r'1 t -1 r�Y�/�T�l-1,� Tr/ � l / 1, r, 1, /-�- _ � r� /, r, /, , /, /, /, r l /lI /'�, r / l / r / r T /�r / r l ....... / � / / r r r l / / / O l l \ \ l lr rrr 1/ r/ 1/ rl rl Ir/ I T � / t t r \ l 1� r / / ?� t / /I, t �G r / / t l t r / �/ / l t r ....... ...... \ r / / • � r, /, / / = t / r , / t / r / r r r r / r / r r r r / r / / Tj�,rr t / r rrr l / ll rr /rrr ll r ll lr rrr rr rl lr ll lr rr lr rr l rr 1 r ...... / r r r / /rrr ll rrr l r ll rr --�--J��- �����/�/�/�/T/ r r�� r/ rr/ I I l .� I / l / / - - r r l r � / l r 'Sy- l r l r / / / l r ....... _ .... . f... , /, l r '� / r / , r ,� '/ ' , 1, 1, 1, r, r rr r, ' � , rr 1, \ \ rrrrrrrrr rr/ rr noI-' rrl9rl//>;C!/ � rl 1 /r�'/ ll rrr /rrlll�r/rrrrr rrf/rlllllrrlrrrl/rr ....... .. ..�......._ r r r /'rr , \ rrr/r rr/r • ••••••••• r l r r r r r r rr l r /� r7 r r%r r/ ,rr ll ly ll r I lr v rrrr _ C rr r r rr�� lr� rrr llr� 1 rrrr ll r l r r N r r l r l k l r l� ..:rrrr yrrrrrrrrr:rr r 1/ / lr / r ll rrr 1/ ri ll lr r r r r r r/ r r r \ r /l rr ll ll r/ 1/ rl t / t 1 ll r // r/ /r r I e I 7 r 1 /xJ / 1 l / U10 d r rr l /r / / l /r /rl r/ r r/ y r rl r/ rr rr / r / l l / l J / r /r 1 / /� l r / / / 1 /r / rl lr r/ r /, r, /I /, t t /, r, /, r /, 1 /, I � 1 'err rl lr , 1, ��� r, /, , �, rr / lr 1, 1, , , l� 1, 1, / /r /, l 1, /, r, � /, 1, 1, \/, r, ....... .. � ......... . . ...:. � , r, l l // r l r rl / \rl r / l/ l rr y r / rr rl r r/ rr r/ \ � t t/// r l// /// l r / r 'Y r I � �, l r l}'� / r� l �l r � l /� l l u l l r l 7/ r l l r r/ l l r/ r r r ••••••• ___ \ r/ / / l / l l l l r l l r r r,I , /, r, / r, /, r 1, / r / rr /, r, r, , rr / rr ., r r / /' r r� r / r r / / r / r / / r r r r / / r l r / r r / r ::;�_________________"" lr ll rrr r, r rrr , r, r, _ / / r / r r r r \ rr ll lr / l / v / l r / l / rr l r / r I r /rrr l /rrrr % l J J r / rr J rrr r / rl r/ r lr/ rpr rrr rr/ lr/ rrr r /rrr rrr rr/ rrr l� rr J lr/dry ku'r/ rrr r/ / : Z . " .........::::::::::: n . rr / 1 / r r / rl r r r r/' r ' rrr 'rr l'r/'rr / rr t r 1,/,rXl,/ t / / /r1/lr r1/rJ1/ r n -I I, Yr�� T,��r,l r,�T,� r /�l t / / l l,r r ,rl /,r/1, llr/rrrrrrr/1, ll Yl/ll'/ �l1/ r/ ... \ r/lr ii ii +'�/ �t 1,/,r /r , \ r 1 rr /ll rll /r r/1/ t \ \ rrdl r rrrrrrr rrrr rrrrr rrrr /rrrrr : r''r r lrYyrr�rll'lr� lr rr r �Tr r r r� rrr r l r r r rl,r,r r,r l �l / r rrrr SEE TREE PRESERVATION PLAN rr✓ r 1 rr r rl� ll -= r r r r r l r r rr r,ry ,�,r r,l,� r/ 1�rrr1/lllrlrrrr r k r rr7r�1 riJ?rl Y rr r r r , r � r,/,l,r,l,r 1, r,/,l,r,l, rrr/,'Sy1l,r, r/,r r,lr rr/,r,r r r ,r r ,r ,r r r, r r,r rrr '.\ \ C k, / r r r r r l r rrr r l r r r r r r I I fr / l yy✓ l /"` l y r / l> l r / y l l l r/ r l l l r/// l l r/ r / r r l r r l r r�r,,�{, / l r l � l l t /// l/ l r/ , l l / l g= I, r/ r� / Y/ lir Y r r r r r t r 7' r l/ l/ r/ r l/ l� r/ r l l/ / l r l/ � / l l r � CrJ r/ r / /� l r r l r r r l r r r rr�: r v r r r / l� rr � r/ r r l r r r/ l r l r r r r r l r/ r r / r FOR LIST OF TREES TO REMAIN. 1 r r T' r r r l r l r r/ r � r r r l r fl r r r r r r r r ✓I l l T ,r r v rrrrr r r l l/. / l r r r r/ l r l r l r/ l l r l r l / r r l l / < r r l r r r \ , ,r I'l r /cd r r r / l '� r l / l l r I r r r T .r r �r r r r r r r r�4 r r r� r r r r r r r r r r`,'l r r r r r r r ✓ r l l r ,r l r e r� r r r l r r r l r r r r r r r r l r r r r r I❑ :I r r r r r. ,� / `{ r r � l r r� r r r r // l l r/ r r r r r/ r l'� r r r r / r r .r l r /?/ r r r r / l"I'l oy / r J' / // l r / 'j C 1 r r _ r. l r r r, / l r , r r r r r r r l Y �r r r r r r r r r r 'r r r r r r r n l 4 � r' Jr r l r � '4z rr �' � r l l rr rl rr rrr rrr "\'l r, r, 1, rr 1, r, 1, l r l r , 1, r r r r -- r r r l r r r l 1 1 1 l / l l \ ,l, 1, r,l,'r,r,l,lrr rr,r,r,\'llrrlrr/// I r� r r'4rl ,rl r r lr / //rrrrr//rrrr / / 1, 1, �� /,l, lr,/,�,/,rrr 1, r, � r/ rl r/rrr J / " l r r r r r r/ r r r l r� / r r / r r � r r/ r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r �l , 'k /v �r 1/ rr 1, r ll lr +'r 1 rr ll r l rrr rr r, X � r r/ /� r l r r � / r r r/ r// l l r l r r r r r r r r r rr rl r � rr 11 r r/ 11 1/ r l r/ 11 r r r r r / r r r/ r l r r r/ r l r l r r l r l'\� r r/ r l l r r r �� r l r ,r r l r r l r r l r l r l r r l r l r r r � r r r r r r r r�, r r r, r r r r r r r r I .r r r r r r r l r_ r r r r r r r/ r %?1r r l r/ r r l r l r r °�" r r r r r r � r r -r r r r r r r r r r r r / / r l r� r �r / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ l / r =�r= r r r r// l l r l r r r r r r r r r \ rl � � � '� � / l r r r r r r r l J r r l r �r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r l �r r r T r r r r r r r l r r r r r r l r T T C r r r r r r r r r rr ll r r ll ll rr ll r r l r l r r l,r t'r r r r rl,rrr I ^.r/,r rrr, r,/,�l rlr,rT �, 1, rr/,l r lr\llrrrl r r r lrrrlrlllr�lrlrrrlrlllr r r r r r r r r OU I � O I I / l l r / r�✓��,,,, / l r l r l r r r r r� / r r r 1r r l r r I� r� r r l r r r r r '�, l r r r r r r r ,z / r r r l r/ r l r \ r r r ' r r r r r r r r r r� r r r r/ r r r r r� l rl r r/ / 1 r/ T T ll rl 1/ ll S r Irr r t rr / / l r/ Y, �/ rr / / 1 .� t rr rY lr lr / / K t l /r / t / t / l / ....... 1/ lr r l t / / l l r k / J rrr ll rr 1/ r / rl 1/ rrr 1/ r \ lX r, r, -,rr r✓ r r, r 1, -✓r -✓,�r ll 1 lr r / r r r r r r r r r r -�' -r' r r r r l r r r l r r h�/ l r r r .... __ '.,::.. rr lr ll rr rrr 1/ rrr rr ll � � r r r 1 r r r t ,�'r r r I , /� r r, rr 1, r r,, rrr r, l�' 1, r, 1, , r,� r, l,� r . 1, , r , r 1, r 1>j�r r, .r, r ,,. rr, . r✓ r r r r ll r \ r r • r r rrr r ,9�r rrr r r r, r �l,• r, r, r r 1, r, , rr 1, r, � '','r 'r rrr rrr r �`lr rr �1T'�l' � r r r ✓ r ,r r,J rr l,J �, / J J l,/ r,/ r /,r'ri✓I 'lr'rr� lr'lr r 'lr rrr rr � rl /'r� ' r 1 rr rll rrr Cr,�J ' �' `rll'rr'r ��'lr'ri'1� rr l l'1 ' ... \ ..��_ ... _ � r ll, rr 1, rrr r , lr,11,1 1, 1, r m � rr, / l,J r • �r r,/ l,r r /rJr / r,/ l,J r,l /,/ � � \ (� / l r l,\ -r l r y r t i� / / / t / r / � / r / � / O / / t r � n t t r t / / � t r .... = r � x;964 t l / t / t / �, �i r r r t / t r / r t / / \ r ' ri ll lr rr r 'r 1 r r err 1 r Irr rY r r rl ri l l r rr 1/ r rr l r� r rrV r� r r l/ rl rr 1/ rr 1T ,• },v 1/ rr 1/ err r'rl rrr / r r rr rl r lr ri rr r 1 rrr rl lr 1 1 rr ll rr ' ll / lr r rr 1/ 1 rr J lr ll rr rl rrr lr r lr r r 1, � � r I \ I r v?r kr ,� l r 'r r r r r r r r r r r r r � �\ r l r l r r r 5 r �l r r r l r r \ _ \ rr rrr •rrr rrr / , 1, r r 1, rr /, \ \ r r, r, '� r, r, , `� r, 1, r r, r, r r rrr rrrrr r�rr� / -� �rlrrrlrr�,ll lrllrr�,r,/,r,�rYl, l� �Y, rrrr�v,r rll r, 1,r,kllr4 r�lrrrl�;,r/r ..:::' DD > rl 1,rOtilr/, l //rl rklr/1, - r/r / / l/ / l/l l \ \ `�lr 'r lr lr rr rrrrr r r r r rrr r rr Irr , r, 4r'rr r r/ ll rr 1/ D,� r/ rl� rl rLr 1/ �l rr / r r r r r/'� rl rl rr rrr rr y/'�'r� l �` rr �r r/ 1i r ...... • • / � _ �r r r � r l r r '�'r r r � rr rr l r, 1, r r/ l rr r/ r/ r \ H ,rl,r,l,�',/ r r r r l,r,/, r , I r l,�r `��rrrl'r 1 rr 1 lllr�)�l r 1, ,r ovr r ,r l,r rllrrrrkrr 7r,rTl, �,�r,l,r, /_ _rrrr'' DD �. ,� r �rr! rrr rrrrrrr rr/ r rrrr r r r r / r�'l r �, r r r r r \ r I ' � � l/ r lr / //rrr r/// / rrr r r /rr/ / / l r rr 1, rr 1, rr r, r, r, ll r ll I r �J� l r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r ,' r l r r r / O \ r� '• l r r l r l r r r r l r r l r r r r , r r r r r r r W r r r r r r r r r r r r r J l r rl lr r r ryyrr r r r r rrr r/ r r r r r r r r r/ O �� r r r r r r r r r 1 l r l S, l r, r r r r \ \ ll lilr rr,r, ' 1, 1, r, r, r,) r �;' ' rrrrrrr r1 lrlllrrrr r rrrr r rrr i r ll rr r r r r / r r / r r r r r r llJr r r r/ rr e'r r rl l r l 'rr r' °./'rl'r,r rr rl r / rr J r rl 'l 'l'rrl'r l \ W ,'"r`�r'rr lr rrrrr/rrrr r�k -I " r r r � r r r r �l / l r r�r r�'r l r roe r r6�r =_ _� : .:' / � \ _ / l l r/ // l r/ l r/ r r '� r ,� r r 0 ,l r l r/ r r l l / r 9 r r r r r r r l r l r r r l r 'r ' rl /'rr'rr rl rr rl ' O/r rrr rrJ rr r/J rr rrr lr ^ I r �(r / r �l r � r r r r r r r r � r r r r / / / _ / > 0 ............ rl, rr, r, ,1/, r /, ll, rr 1, ,1/ r, ll rr,1 /rrrr ll, rrr 1 , ' r r r / r n r r r r r / r r \ r�lr� r r � r 1, rrr9' r, 1, , r r ry rI, r, r rr , r, ��r, , 1, rl, r , r, �, rr �, r, r C � � r rr r,'k r, r, l � 1, r, r, r, 1, r, r, r, r, \ _ �, �r 'r, r r, rr r, r , rr r, r r, rrr r r rr r� r l r r ,err r� l r l e l r r r/ l r r �/ l l .. r, /, 1, /, 1, 1, /, r, l r 1, r, , rl rri r rl rrr ll r l r r l / r l r r r r r r r \ r ' � r �l r � r r r r r �r �� r, r I r � r , rr � r,, �, r r, _ � r r 1, rr � / r r, ry r rrr rJr r, , / rrrr/ / �l rl rl � / /" = o _ _ _ _ = l l l l r / r r r l v r r r r l r l L \ r, r r, r y 1, , , l / r rl l rr rl rr r/ rl rl r r •C¢ -'`r r r l r r r r / l r, � r �4 � l, r r, -r r r r r lx r lir l� r Y r y l r =..' __ � ........ l r l l r l r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r l r l r r r r r r r r (n r, rr li r, r l r r 1, r, , 1, r , I r � v,� 1rrr{\ r, ' r , r r, ,�, r r , v l 1, �4, r r, 1, rr 1, r, , r r ✓, r, _ _� • rrr rrr r r l O r l rrrrr ., � � r r � r l r r r r r r r r r \ \ / / r r r /' l / r r r r r r r r _r r r �` � r r r r r r r r r r r r �' r / r, r, r1 r, r, r, r, r r r, l r, r, / r, /, 1 , , 1, r, r r " �: " , 1, 1, r, r, l rr , , 1, r r 1, r, r, 1, r, 1, r \ r' r, r'`Cr rI'r l r r r r r r r r r I I r 1 r� r /�r r r / l r l r r rr r l r r =r" r l( r l r r r r r r l r r r r r r r l�? •/ / � r// r r r r r r r r r ', lr r r / r , r 1, r, 1, r, r, r r r I r,� r, r r �r 17,x. r , r 1, rr /,� r r�'r, /, 1, � 1, rrr , /\ 1, r, l pr 1, rr • • :: / :: l r O rr rr rl ri rl rr rr rr rl r � r rr !l r l rr rr rl rr rr rl rl r rr ri l r rl rr rr rr rr rl rr r/ r/ ,� �� r�< / /, /, rr 1, r, r, , r, /, r r r ' t t , P% , % %yJ, r / t r t r �' � � /, (l / � l r l / / / � l �� / � / rl rr r / r � r/ rr r/ r rl r/ r / l rl r/ rl / rr / !il / r/ rl L l l l / l l / / / l / / l r l � \ r ' W lr h lr rrr ll 1 rl lr r rr " I rrr rrr r,/ r ,� r r, l,r rJ , r r rrJ rf r,�, r r l r 1, r,y � r�T,�,r ry/�r`rr r�r'L rrr rrr ?�/ rrr%rrr rr ' ' ' °`_ = r r r r r r r QO l r` r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \\� " " '� rr r r, r, r, r r, 1, r 1, r, r rrr r , r W ` / ,/ rrrr rrrrrrr r�r l l Q rrr✓rl l/,/ 1, ,l, r, 1, l,l,l /,l 1, r, r r� l �Cr l r l r l r r l l\ ? ,/ J /rte rr / rr ,/ rrJ r, / / r � r�, r / r , r, / rl 1 , rs , r / 1 r ,� 1/ Yl �� 1/ r/ ll rl r r/�/ /, r, / ,rr /, r �, / rl rr rl r/ r/ rl rr / � rl rl O l r/ 1l r/ / rl r l r/ r/ l rl rl r rr rl r, l r r/ l r /, r, r r, l l r 1, , 1, /, \ r' , r r r r r r� �✓ r r r rX ll rr r r' 'r, r,'Sr r, rr- �, r, / r, r, r, rrr , 7 r r, r, �' rr 1, g " r r l r l r r l r r r r r r r r r r r l r /\ lr r` r, r,� r, r r, r, r/ r r r, rr , \ r (n 7 l� r l r r r rr l/ rr \ r I Y r r rrrr / r r f r Y/ �l r r r r r r rrr r / r r ll rr rl r r r lr ll ll rrr \ r /� l/ r r r r/ r r r l / �L rf rr' '" r r r r r r r r r r r r r / t T r t �r r // r fr r r , rr r, / � rr;V r/ // / r, rl rr r/ 7h // r, /, /r /, / , /J /, / rrr /, / " "/ l r / r l r r l r l r r r r r l l r l _ l l / rl r/ r '�Ll l r rl r/ , r / rl / r, r/ r/ rl l l / / /l r ry / / / t r r / t " t /• t t / / t / t t t r "/ r / <� / t t / r / / r / r / \ r / r r r / / 1 r r r / �r,I r / � /� r 1, rr 'rl'Sy rl r l / ll rl l rr rr r� rl / /, r, 1, 4/r 1, / r, / " " �:: " / • l r l / r / r / r r� / r r l r l / r � '/ r / r l � / r / / l / l l / r / \ , rr,'r, rr 1, r h ' T ��, 1, � , l,�(rr r r r n /' �/ r r �l / � A d r �r r r / � r ?rp'r r r / iq r r / / , r, / r r r r r r� , r \ r, r /, /, 1, r, /, rrrr r , 1, l,` / � ' r r • / ��y,, rr rr lr ll 1 r r r r r, r, lr rr ll ll \ r r r r r r r � r r r r r r \ rr r, � r, \r f � N�,r r, rr l r , rr l r, , r 1, r, r, r, \ 1, " "� .. / r r r l 7 r,� l Cr l l l r r r r r ► l C' \ r `� li" / r � l r l r r l r/ l l rr l r l r r rr lr r 1 r rrr r r r r/ /rrr l rrr r r rr r r r l rr lr err ll lr ri l r l r� r: r r r r r l/ l / r r r / l r rl r r �r rrr V L r l rr r r r rrrr l r r rr rl rr rr \ r /, rr 1/ /, 1 /, r / rr /, �` `-/f 1 / r / / / r ��?>'> ,, / r r �r / / / r r / / / / k r r'f/ r / r � G / ( • � • • " r / 9 • , r r = \ r r / / r / / r r r�T / / � r / r r r \ / / $ / / r r r / r \ r r r r r v r r r r r r 4r r r \ rk �l ll r r'' 1/ r r r 1 r !,� rr r ll rr / rl ll ll � ll r �/ ri ri rr 1/ A lr r ly, RB .:,.. " r 1 rl 1 r r r • �'� � " r rrrrr ll lr r r lr r rrr - r�rl rr ll rr ,f, , r rrr \ / 1/ r r 1/ rrrrr r r, /, r, r, r r r r r r r r r r r / r r� I •� " r /, r � `rl r r Y/ r �' r r r'�7� r r r '�l r r r r l�'r r r r r r r r l r r r r / r l r r r l / l � / r r � r r r r �? r r r r r r r r \ / rrr v rr lr r lr rrr rr rr r/ r r / r - /, r/r /, , /,� 1, rr l r/ fir/ �lr r, 1, r, `�r,�� 1, r, 1, r, r lk rr 1, r, ,r, r 1, r rr d � :: /" , r l r r /r� rr rr /, ,�, /, r / / r, 1, r l , l /, /, � / \ , l /r , l rr lr`K r , r 1, r, / l ll / r r/ rr rr r/ \ l,r ,�7r,/ /r ,l 1,l r,/,/r rr, / I /, ��,,�r,r ,r r, 1, rrr r r, /r, 1, r,r�r,r,r,r 1, J' r, r1,r,l r,y/ rrr _ •••_ r rr r i rrrr rrrrrr = \ rJr,�rr r1, r, r, rr1,r, l / r, r, L rr r rr / / 1, r,�? r,r,r r , rrr,rr , \ ,� � /, 1, yr r r, r, r, , //,, r lr ll r r r `� � ✓r r, ,� T, r, r r 1, r, 1, :, r, 1, rr 1, r� dr , 1, r � r, d rr r � _ / .: = r ll lr'�S lr rr lr lr rr rr r r 1, /, 1, r, r rr /, r / , r r 1, r, 1, 1, rr r, r, = r, r, r . , r, r, r, 1, rrr r, r, r r, r, 1, r, r, r, rr 1, r � r, r r 1 r? � , ^ rrr r rrr lr ll lr rl lr rr rrI lr ll lr� r l' r �?r� � rr / .� ... l r Rg r, r, r 11,, r l = \ r r.,r r,r r ' r / l,r rrr /,r r, r,r /,/ ,r r l,r ,r r,/ - r l,r r,/ r, 4 = _ / • l r l rr / rr r/ r r \ � = r l r /, rr , rr r, 1, r \ ,/, 1,//l, ,l,/, /r 1,/,l, r�, t r, / ,rr'S< rrrr /rrr/rrrrr/llr/1/ /lr/,l, r,l,� l,/ {.. �,� / .. / r rr %°rrr,/, ,'7'r r l rr / t r t / / / / r t l r / t t L \ ,r rr /r r,/ r,/, t /r r r , _ ll // t r/rrrr 1 rrr'�,rrrrr/ /,l,rOrlrlr lr I �/rl r/ rd'�y,l,r,r,r,r,r,r,l,r,r, ,rrr %�l, r,�''vu/ .:,f .��j.= � .._ / rrr 3 lar l,r,r ,rrr rrr r /rrrirl r l r r r, r r r, rr r rrrrr: r,rr� rr r r rr r/�' 1r��J' rrr/ l rl rrrr l ,r,�lr �l,r,l,r, l,l,r / l , - r� ` �'`r f!r r �'�irrrTrrlrrrrrrrrrlrrrl�orrr/ rrlrrrl�rr .::x ..__= l rr/ r 1, �/,l,r, / , \ r �r rr lr rrrr r r l rr r� ' l rr rrr r r�rl'S�rrr/r l rr' l r/ /r, r,r,r r, r,rr r \ r, 1, rrr r, , r, r, , �/ ll rr 1/ r lr I r, r �, r` 1, � r if �r / , r, 1, rr 1, r, /, 1, r r, � � r �-1 i rr r .... _ . _ r 1 r 1 r r ll lr ll r r 5`r ll rrr+ - rJ r, r, rJ r, r, r rl�.,r9s l 1, r, / �l r l rr l r 1, r r, rrr 1, 1, _ _ . rr rri r r � 1, l ll r rl rr r r r rrr ` r r r r rr, r l r rrr r �r,X r.r7 r/ l / r r r r r r / l : r l r r r r r r / r - r l .t r l r/ r r/ r Lrr r r r /\ r r r rrr r r r \�( / r/ r r r r r r/// 'y �r r r r r r r r r r / rr, �, r � r, r r 1r r r r r l � � r /r r r r r ::� _ _ � _ , r rrr , r , 1, rr /, 1, rr rr r, � _ r � � r r r, 1, rr r r r rr /, / . r r 1, r r /, l , rr , r, /, - 1, / � r r � r 1, r , r, l r r, r, 1, r, rr r, r r, � r r r rr rr rr r/ rl rr rl r l r / / / r l r s r/ r rrr rl r r l ; r rl rr !� r \� °r r _ .. I , l r l r r /r rl rr rl rrr rr rr r rl ry r / l r / lr l l Gr , l / lr l r O / r l r l rr l r l r r l r 'r 0 l rr rl rr rr rl rr ri rr ? -fir r r r r r r r r , r,� rrr , r, rr r?, r r, r r`/, ry r , r, r r r�-r f r rrr �_ ,� I r r r l r r r r l r l r l r ,� r r r '7'r r r r r l l Dr r r l �, / r r, r, r 1, r, r, r, r, r, r, � / r✓ r r r r / r r r/ r �< r r l r/ r r r /r I r r r r r ��'� -/ r r � 17-x?° l r � r = ��= r r r r r r r/ r/ l r r, // � r r ,• r r '/ l r l r r, r l r/ r l ;;, _ � r r l r r r l r l r r r lrr� r r 1, r, l,rr/,r,r r - r rrrr/`�' r,, r,^.'rr, rr,lfr`r r, ��,-�T ,r ,l,r 1, rr I� / rl rl 1 Irlrrillrrlllrrrr rrrrrr � � rrrr ly rr/r/rl<olr/ r / rl , r/rl rrrr l r � / \ °rrr r r rr,l,rr rr r,l l rr. r, l,rr , � r, r r,r,`Cr l'r l r/ r lrrrlrrr/r/r rl T4 rr r �} , / /,l„l,/,rl / llr� r�/ r r k /. / r� �l�/ r /r;� r / r r �_ -�� � / 1, POND 400 , �l,/,/,l,r,l,r, rrrrrr' .. rl lr/rrrr rrrr rrrr r � r� r/ rrr L lr/ rl,l,r,l,r-,/,/„ l / l /r 1, \\r\ l r r l r r l r l r r \ r r7 r r r r l r r v �, J. 1, 1, ri /, r �. , �. r, /, 1, �� l � l 1, r, � r r r r r r r r r l r r r r HB r )/ l r' l r r r / r r r r r / r r r r .lir l r/ r r r r � ri lr rr r�% r rr lr ll lr rl rr r T� r r� r r l l r r r r r 'Y / r r r r� r,r r `� l r l r / I r . r r r r l r r ■ l r r • r r r r r r r r r � r r r r `/ l l r l r r r r r l r � r l r r r r r �`r r l l r r r r l r r r/ r// / r l l // l l \ \ rrrrr/rTL / rl 'rl r rrr/rrr -� ,l / l �rr/�'r �Il // /,l,rhi'�r /�' r�rl / r r/ r II r r r N L = 956. fr/rrr/r/r/rr/ r/rr7l i5 r l / l / l / l l / ,l / / r r `r,/, rl,r,r,/,r /,r l,r r,/�r , r, r r,r, lr /`i'/rrrr rrr/ rr lr/rrr/r r/rr rrr, ,, ,r lr,z,l, ,r, r,rr r r r r r,l X.r r r r r r r r r r lir r _) / r r, r, 1, r, r, r,rr/, rrrr r, rr,r,r l,r /,r, ,l, r, O,r, , r, 1, / r,l rrl,r,l,r,r� rl r ,r l,rr r r, rr r, r, r / r r r r / r / r / r r r r / T r r r ,r/' r l r rr 1, r ,r r l ,� r �' r r r r'� r/ r l r� r � i r r r r r r r r r r. \ r • r r r r r r r r r r r "/r l r L/ r r r / r l r° l r r r r l r / r l r, r, �. rX; r, r r, r, r r, r, r, 1, rr r, rr r, \ r� r l i r r r r r r r lr r r� r , r, 1, r, , r, r,� r r, 1, r, r„ l,� , r 1 "� II - "" r/ r r r r r r r r r " r l r r r / l r l r l r r r r r� r r r r r r r r l r r r r l r r r r r r l/ / r r r r r / / �" r X r r r r r L r r r r r r r i / = r r r r r r r r r✓ r r r r r r / r r r l r r l r r r r r r / l r r r r r r r rrr r r r r r r r r r r rrrr r r T� rr rrr O r l✓ " rrr 0 AY �N W EL� 957.3' r rrrrrr. / / / r rrrrr /rlr�r rrr r r rrr• r r lrr,r r5 �r rrr r= / / lr / r r/// r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r rl r l rl rrr r lr ll rr rl rr r lr rrr / frr lr - l l r r r// r r r r r r r r/ r/ l l r r r r/ / l r l r l r rc l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r l r r r r r. \ t/ l l/ � l/ t t t / /I L - / t / �/ / Ib l/ l/ / r r r Y r/ / l/ r r / l r/ r l/ / / r r//� r l/ // / l / l/ l l r/ l r l 1 1 1 r l l l l r r r r r r l� r r r /� r r r r� r, r, , r r, r, n, e r r r, r, / , r, r, rY rrr - /I / l r r r r r 7-S� i r r r \ r/ r r r r r r r l l r l l \ r r r r'��r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r r l l r / l r l r r/ r r r r / r / r / l r / /� v r / l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / l r r r r r r r r r r / r l r r r/ r r l l" :r r r r r r r / r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r ^ r r Ir rr r rr �/ r r r r I r rr l r r r r l rrr 1 % r r - r / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r 5 r l r r r l r r r r r l r r r r r r r/ r r \ r l r l r l r r � r r r � `�l / r I'l r l l�4 / l r r r// l r l rl r I / r 100 R HWL - 958.7 o r r/// r r// rrr rrr / / l r / /, r r/ r r r r r r p�,r r r S 1 1 r r r r r � l r / r l r l r l r l r r / / l r r r r l r r r n rr r J� r r r r r l r r r X r r r r r l / r r / � J� � � r r r r r r r r r r r \ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r r r/ l 11 r r r O r 9'�7' r/ r/ l r r k r r r r r r r r r r r r l r l r r r r r l Z r r �r �/ l J. r r r r r r r (/ / I � r r r o r 7 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ r r /lr / r � r r r r r / r r r r r \- r / /// r l/ r r r �/ \ / t / / t / t / / / t 9l r / r / r l / r / l / / r�� �r /^/ l / l / r I l r r l / r l� r.l / / / l / / / r l / / / /, / l / l l / l l r l l r � � r l l ./ / r / r / r / r / r / / / l/ r r l l r r r l r r r r l/ r r r �r r r r r r r l s r r r r r r r r / - _ r r r r r r r `r-4 r r r r r r r r r r r rrr l r \ r r r r r r ✓' l r l r r r r r r l y l l r r r r r r r r r l rr l / r r r r r h r l✓ l r r l r l y r r r r r/ r r r II b•• l l r 100 YR B B HWL 9 6 0.1 rr / r r \rrr / l r - r r / / r / r L r l rr / r r �j / r l r r/ r rr -; r/ / r' _ l l/ l r l r l l r/ r r r � r r r r � r r, rr r, r r, rp � r, 1, r r, rr r, r„ 1, , r r, r 1, / r/ r / r r r r r r � r r ,� r r / r l l r r r r l r r r r r l' rJ'� r r r r r r l r l rr r/ r/ r/ rl rl rr r/ rr rl rr \ • c rl / l l r l/ l/ r l/ � /'�r t/ l/� / l/ l r l t I= t t Ci / r l l/ r l/ r / t // l/ r / l r l/ l r/ l r/ r l/ r r r ,( l / l/// r / l// r/ l \ .� r r l r r r l r r / r � l� r l l r l r r/ l r r r r r l � r ,+ r r r r r 7 r r r r = r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r l l r '� r r r "/ r r r / r r r r // r r r r r r r r r l'O ./ r r r / ,, r r r r /4 r r r / r-r� / -J "r r / r r r r r r r r/ l �/ r / r r r l/ / _ r r r r r� � � r r r r r�'r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r \ r l// l r l / t t t / �r t r/ r l Ir /// 'rt r / l r / l r r r r/ /`�j�' r /• / // l .. / r / r Y-`/ / r .l l/ / / l r / X l l// l/ l r l l r/ l / r/ l l/ r r/ \ t r r l/ r/ r r r / I r / r l I / l r// l "l l r l r���/ r 1 '% / r l r r/ / r r l r r D< l/ r/ r l r r/ // l l/ � l r l l// l / r r r r r r r/ l r / l r ` r r l r r rr r l r � _ =- -��_ __= l/ r /p, l r // r / l r/ r r = r r r r/ r ,� .r r / l r r Y r r �`r�< / r r r y r r r � r r r r r r r r / r ,\ •° �� r r r r l r l r r -� „" /' .. •r r C/ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l nor / _ r l l r/ r r l r l ,r r� r. - r / I' l r l r l r r \ rl rll rr,Vr,r,r,r r , r _ / r ,/m r7 rr T llr / r �illr,, rrl,rr I •: ,,, .. 1 ll r r rrr r ''r r rrrlrrrlrll r 1/r/lr"r✓ ll .. /rrrrrr ll r 1 r r!l/, b„r L r, r r,r rrrr �r rrrr/r :// rrrr r r r 1 lr r r r 1, r, 1, /,r r r r r r r r r r / l 1 r/ rl / l-r/r r/rl ,r,r l �l,r r, r,rrl, __ _= r r r r r r � r r r r r S' r r r r r = r r r r r l l r r � l r r l r l ,� r r r,N�r,rrl, l /,/r/, ,rr/, � /r/, , rr � \ r/ l r r r r r rrr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r rrr r ll lr rr rr lr l l Cr rr r ll lr ll lr lr lr (lr ri lr ' lr ll rrr r lr r r rr lr ll ,, r / r r r r r rr r 1 r r r r r r r r l S / r r r r r r r r r r r r l r / rrr rrr 1/ rrr r r, >� r �r� rl/� rr rl rr / rl r =_ _•'• (� r l r r r/ l r l r r r r l r r r r l l r r r \ r r r r 1 r • r l r r r r /� rrr r r r r r r r r l l / l r l r r rrr rrrr rrr rrrrr r lfr r, r ,� T4 r,r r,l r r ,r =; -,/ 96 =_ :•�q rr , r 54 /,l,r,l,rrl,r,/,l,r,l,r 1, r., r, l,rr rrl,r, l r ,rr , r rr� � 1, r, l 1, 1, l Q �`r^` r / .r l/ r � l / r , rrr, _ l �/ /,l, , r r,r ,,r l r, r, r, r,rrl,r ,r, A, ,r, \ l r r r r �r r r r r '� _ r ll r 1/ r 2r �r r r lT - r, ry, r 1, rr rrr lr l l I _ r r/ r// r r r r r// r r r r r r . r r r r r r r l r r Gr r r / / -T �• r r r / r l r r r r''S--r7r l r I r r r � l r ��yy r r r r r r r r/ r r r r �, ,l r,l r,l,r /, , / / r / / r / �, r r r r / r r ::� :_ ,.l,rrl,r,r,r,r,l,rrl,r,r,/, l,rrr,/, / rrrr r lrrlllrlr >+ r r .. L :: r, rr r, rrr, /, ,r L r rr / r, r / r r r ,/,/,l r r, r r,rl,, "'Grl, / r, r, l,rrl, / r,r,;. rrl,r r,,,„, r r l r r r l r rr �4' r r 7 �r rrr X r r/ l r l r l r/ r r r r/ l r 1r l r/ l r l r l l l r l l r l r r r r l 1 1 1 l l r / - r r lY r r r r r r r r %r r r r r r / / l / l / t \ l r l lY / l r ll / r l I r / 1 1 r / rr 1 r r 1 r / rr 1 r ry / / r, 1 r /, r, /, rr 1, r, r, / /r , / / rr rr / / rr / rr 1 r / / if _ _ \ l /r r lr l r r l rl rr r/ rr rl r �l r l rr rl rl r/ rl rr rl r/ rl r/ l rr /� r/ rl r/ rl / r r r r , l r r r rrr / r r/ l l r l) r1 , __ r r r r r l r l r r r r l/( / r r r r !/ r l r l r r r r r r r r r r l r r l r r r r r r // / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r t / r / % l rl :i /// Y/� t/ l`,( l r/ 7 .. .. r r r l 1 l r r r l l r l r r r i t r r l l •r r r l l l r/ / r r/ � / r // r r l r i// l l r / / r %�rr� / r r r / r r r// r r r/ l/ l r/ l/ l r r r,r r r r r / r r r r 4 r r r r r 1r rrrr r r r r r r r // r r r r r// r r r r r/ 1 l� r r r r r1, r/ r r r r l r r l r r r l r r r r r r r r / r r r/ r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r� , 5� r 1, rrr , 1, ,, / r/�� r r _� �! _. �l r ,� r 1 r r � r r r r+ • • • , � . • _ r r r r / r r r, 1, r, rr r, r, r r1 r✓ r., r r/ r, 1, rJ r, r, rr r, r� !,� (f Gr. C/ r,, . ! , r 1, 1, r, �.` r, r, r rr r r r L/\/. , /, 1, 1, r, /, • , ,_ . _ _ � _ rr r, rr r�,- r r rl 1 � r 1� r rrr lr ll lr lir r r r r, /, r, / / � � 1, /r /,/ll r r� / t 'rr/ % 'r/ 'r 'rl kr � � 'rl ' / ' l rVl�l 'rr 'I/, l,r rr l r , /, .. l /, /, /r /, /r , 1, /r h r ✓ ✓ 1 1 r r i /, 1, /, r, 1, /r 1, /, 1, rr /r r, /, / � rl r/ r/ l rr rr l r l r/ / r/ r/ l rr r r/ r c\� 1, r , / lr rl r c� l / / r, l � r r, r, l 1, rr 1, r, / r l/ l rl / r/ r/ r r / / r / r r r r r r O X r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r �r r l l r/ r r r r r r/// l r r r }a l r ✓ r r b r r l r r r r r G/ r r r r r r r r r rrr r, r l r r r r r l r r r / r l r l r r �' r/ X r r l r r r� r r r r r r r r r r r9 r r l r l r r r r l r r r r l r r r r r l r r r r l r l r r r r r 1 r r r r r r r rr r r r r/ r � 'rte / / r/ l l l r/ l/ l l� l l r/ r r � fr r/ r �= r r / r l�� I / r ,l/ r / r r l r / � rr rl rr rl rr rl rr rr, rl rr rl rr r/ rr r 1, r, 1, r, r, r, r, 1, r, /, r, r, rr 1, r, r, r, r, r, r r r /r rr 1, rr 1, r / r r l r l r , r, / r, l r , l lr l r, l l rr r, �5y r , �/ \ r r, r, 1, r r 1, rrr /r r , rr rl rrr rl rr rl rrrr � / r rl rr rl rr rr r/ r r r rr'r ?'r, r,r r, r,rrl,Jy�,� r,� l,�r,rllrr r 1 rl ll lr � _/r/ r r r r r r r r r r / r l r/ r l r r 1/llr � Sa r r / / l r r r r , r �� r < \ r r r r � l r r r r l o l ,✓ / l l r r/ r, r, jr r, rr r r� r l r r r , r r l rK r l r l� r r/ / r 6 l r r r r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r/ l r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r /\ l r r, r, r, rrr lr �v r 5 r r" \ r r / rrr rr rl rr r ll lr rl lr / lr : rr ll 1 lr ll r r r �� r 1, 1, r r, 1, r,l I'r, 1, I� 1, r, v, rr, r� g� � r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r// r r r r/// r r r r/// r r r r r// r r r r /� / r r r r r/ r/ r l r r r r r r r :. ` 'r L r r r l r r `? � r � r r /r r r r l r r l r l r r r r r r l r l r / l ^ l/ rl ll ll rr r f /✓ r rl� / r rl r r r/ r r/ : :: `. / r/ rr r r 1 r l rr l rr / l r l l r r l rr l r l r r l r r r r r� �r r /r rr l rr l rrr / r r r l r r /r rr r l '- rl r r \, i r l/ \ /� r r l rr . 0 rrrr rrr rr r/ rl /r rl rr rl rr rr rr rp/rl rr'�'l l / r rrr rrl,'�r�r�r�rrl r r ryrr r r r -� r/, r,l ,l r r r r l,r / r r r / I/,/rIr rrr/, / 1, ""„� 1, r, - � / r,r �• ,rrr r, r r," � r, r r , r 1, r, r, r, r, l,? l,r 1, r, r rrr ll r lr/ r ll lr r r lr 1 rl r �'Y r rrlf r , r r lr r r r 1/ lr lr "'r 1 r / r r r r lr r � r 1 / lr ll 1 1 r rr 1/ r r r, �� -� r /, r rr lr lr �' r rr lr rr r lr r rrr" � �\ ��� � r lr � r r � lr r r 1, r, /, 1, r lr r r, 1, , rr 1, r 1, r, r ,� � : r r r / �/ r� � � �� r r r / rl ll rr 1 / - r 1/ / r rr 1/ r rl ll r // ll rrr rrr / ri ll 1 / ri r r, rr r r, r, r r r r r, r r, r r, � \ t / \� / rl lr rrrr rr lr r r / rl r lr r �l r \ r 1 lr r • rr lr ll rr rrr ll lr ll r ,z r ll rrr r, r rr lr r rri r rrr rr r,,�r� r, , rr � r '� rr ryrr/ 'rrl'il rr ri, rr/ rl, ., " r l , /r , rr 1, r, r r l r r r r, r r / r l r l , r Irr r rr r/ rl l rr ' ' ' ri l rl rr r/ l l rl r �r 1, r r, r 1, r r � � rr , r r, ,r rr /, r r l rr rl rr r/ l r rl r r r/ r,//lr ,l,r,l r, lr / rrr' l � rrr � r/ l r r "r rr r r r r r r r r rr r r r r r r / rrrr rrJrrrrl,r r, 1, rl,rrr,rrr /,rrl,r / r , r, 1, rr �:k:. "rr r ,r,r r,rr ,r ,r r, r r,r,r r l r,rr"" � � � , r x r r/rr, rr r, r, r, r,r,r .1, /, r l r l / l l r r /l r/ it i fir/ r / r / / / l C l l l r l r l r l l r/ l r l r/ / l l r/ r l r Y/ r l l r l r r l! \ / l/ r// l/ l r/ r, l/ / r l / r l/" r / k l / l l/ r l/ l / / 1 // / / / r r r r r r r r r " r r r / r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r I r r r r r r r r r r r , I � "� r r r r r � r .r r ,� r r r / r r / r r r r r l r l ✓ r , , r, r, r r, r�r, r r r rl r ,r {'r r.s r r, r ./ rr r r " � / � 1 �% 1 rr 1, r, rr r r, rrr r�'r, 1, rr , r, r, r, rr .{ r 1, r , r r 1, rrr , r, , r, r r r r r / r r, r r , 1, ,� , ° �r r : " , r r rr lr lr rrr r rrr ri r r 'r� r rr r r 1, rr r ,� ' r r rr �; r r r � r r r r, 1, r, 1, r, / S l r r r r r r rrr r, 1, ,� , ry r r, J 1, ,rrr r✓, r, r, rrr r e r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r X r r, 4-�r-- r. r. r b' \"•• a a• l r r l l , l r Thr r r r r r .rr r .. / l /, r /�, l l r r r r rr r r r r r rrr r r r l r / r r r `� // r r r r / " l l r > l r C{ r / l r r r / I / r � l r / � � L r l r r l r r . r r l r r r r r r r" r r r r r r r r r r r r <o r r r r r r r r r r r r 4 r� r r r r i r l r .. r r l r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r �l r r r r r = • l r r r r r � r r •-4 r r l r l r r r l" r r r/ r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / rl r r r r r r `�l �r l � l %rr r r r r r r r p' r r r l r r r r r r r r r l r r l r r r l r r r. r r r r r r r r r / r r r r l r l r" " l r l x r r r r l r l r/ l r °r / r r r r r l l r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r l r r r r r l r l' r r r r r r r/ l r l r r r r r r r \ r r r r r r T r r r r r r r r" r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r l r r r r l �� r r r r I r l `I'r r/ r r r .. r r r / r / r l r r r l , r r r r r r r/ r r r � r r / / r r • r / l l r r r r r O r r r r / / l // x l r r r r l l l r ,z / l r l l l l l/l/r � � /// rrr l/r/rel r/r / r r/r ll /rSOG /l /r r1 rr/r/ SOG r/ l r/ r l�/ / r r /rl r rl/T rl ;� -� l rl/l / l/ _;_, l r/ -/ r / /r rl/ /rl -- - r r r r l� l r / r r r r r r r l �� r, r�rl � // / r l r r r r r r r / r C r r r r r r r l r r r / r r r r r r r r l r r r r r / r� r =r;.. r r r r r/ l� r/ r l l r l r/ r / "*==1== / l r / r r r l'� r r l`r - - r l/ r/ r r r l t t/ l/ 4 ? r/ l l r l r/ l // r/ r r l r J O O r l /// l r r/ r r J r `r r r l l// l l / l r 'r 'r r l r r r/ r r \ r / l // //// l r l / l r / l r l / // l/ f, / X - 1 l N r / r/ r l/ l l �'/ l� l r l l / r r / l r / r l r l l l /� // l l r l// l l r / // r l r l r/ r l l r / r l l r l , /\ r r r r ./ r r / / / % / r l l/ r/ r / / r / l l r l `Y fir` ,�� r / r l r rrr r r r r r r r r� '�'�l r l - .... r / r l r r r r r �' r r / r / � r r �/ r r r r r r/ r r r r/ / I r r r� r r r r r r r / r r r r r r r r .. 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DA SNOWM�L lr rl lr � r r l,r r,��,r err , r l ::�:: - � � .: __ / \� ..�__ rrl,r,r,r rr r, r, r, r rl r 1/ rl r r /rrr rl / rl r r r r rrl,r,r,�l/ 1/r r r // r� r l l r lir r r r/ l r� l'� � � � � r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r � r r r r r r l r _✓ r Ji r "!I l r r r r r rJ r r rr l r� r r r r l rr r r r ry r rr 1/ rr r rr / 1 rr 1/ rr / r rr l r r r r rr ll T// 1/ ll rr rrr 1/ /1/ r ll - / l 1 l,, /, 1, / r, 1, � rr � l �' ;; r ll'� r'1' - � 'I � - <� 1 ' � . r � r lr rr lr� rr ll 1/ / ll lr 1 rr r 1 r 1 �r 1 1 r r ll r rr � l / �,�'/ /, l , r, /, rr l rr ll rr lr / 1, \ 1 � �YR HWL - ,/, r / lrl/ ,l //ll�lr,�l/ �r :�"� _ <-_ ILDO DRIVE E � ,. / � /l rl / // � rl r rrr l/ lrl/l /l, /l/ r r r r r r rr l rr l rl Sr rr { r r rl r, / /. r r < - �� 'rrr / \ r/ rl rrr rr rl r l r rr rr rrr r l rl r r/ r r r 1 r r r rr / r l r m rr ,r r, r / l,r,r 1, r S� r,L,�rrl,/r�l,Lr/'r 1, -9 � < 9 Ti_ 1 rr/r ... .: r/rrrlrlrr r. ,1,/ , 1,/r , 1 1, r, rrn, /, ,r, / r / /r /rrrlrlrl /rrr/'rl 'r � 100 YR B-B_HWL r r l/ rr / l r r r/ �l� 5 r rX / l rJ r r - HL Ste' \ - i" rrr rr \\"'" rrr rr rr r 'r ^ r r r 1 rr r r �, l/ r l r r 1 / 1 r 1 r 1 r r/ r 1 0 r f „r rr / r r r , �r rrJ r r r J T (r r r �r ly I rrrr: " �I r f'rr 1 rrJ lr rrJ ll rrJ 1 rrJ 1 rrJ rr 1 r / r rr / J l / res lr ll ll r r 1 'r 1 rr'r!!��r'rl r 'rr'rr'rr'rl'rr'rrirrr'ar r r'rr' 95 / r r � � / / r?�r / �/ � ,I', r� /, , I ..::. .., ,fr' /rri" l l� I l -� , '/ r / r / r r / � � / r r r / r / r r / r / r r r� / / / / / r r �T`r �/ / r r r r 1 r / rrr/ rrrrr � /l,r nr,r,-v, Y r, ,r rrl,r .,�....." :,'rrrrr/r/ � ..� F/=rr' r rr/�4r/ l � rrrr/rrr/rl r l r, r, r r, r,rr _ r ,r ,r,r,r rrrrrrr/ l rrr lrrrrr,�rirlrr r r r r r r r r r r r l x/ r r I =I=• r r r l• _ 'r r/ r r r Yrr r r r � ::;%" r l r r/ r r r r r r r l r l� r r r r r r r r r r r r r.r l r I r° - r r/ r/ r/ r/ r /� l/ r/ ,yr "r / l l r , r .r r..� r, i• "�":r. i" r'i•i "'i" %"'%""i r� / r / r r r l .. \ r l l r l r/ r r r/ l r l l l r r l l r r r r/ r l l r/ / t// l r/ t 7- t r/ l% / r• r ' r ^l^ '/ ' f '•h " .,. '•/= r '.,. rr r r^r^ r �' /= rh f• ^/= r l l r/ V F l r l r l r l r l' l' t r/ l r r / r r l r l/ / r 'S� / °° l/ l r l// l / r l// l t l/ r'1� t/ l// l t t/ r r r / r r r r r r r r rr r �'r r ✓ r = � r :r, rrr r, t, r, Jr /, /, .l,= = fr ' -I ` l 1, J," 1, rr , rr , r, r, r r, Jr J, r, 1, r i,. r r, r, -�, �f, , r, r r, rrr ry ra r, r r, /r r /, r, r, rr r rr r, r, rrr , � , r r r, rr r, r r r, r r, .. r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r T -'J- r r r r r r r/ r li r r lr ? \rrr rr rl r O r ll r r rrr r ll r 1 �r �r rrr ll I I� �l r r r / r r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r y r r r r r, --\.- / ^ l r// l l r/ f l / l l r r �5► rr rr lr ll lr ll r '`r rrr / 1 r lr r„ r x19 r r r= rrr rrrr/rl rl,r r, r, r, ��'r �, ,r rrr =:I== __ ,../,rrrr ,fir rr r r,rr/ r,rr rr l l rr/, r r r / r l r r r l r / r r l r r r l l / 1, rrr /,rr ,rrr r, r, r, / .:.. �j, HL � "�:" ,/rrrrrrr/rrrr l r r r , r 1, r, l,rrr,rrr,l,r, rr7,f�- r ,rrr,r,r, l,rr r rl rr \ rrr �rlr,rlrl r rr =I== rrr r r rr rrr r rr rr rrrrrr rrr rr rrr rr rr r 1�1 lrlrrrrl ri rrr rrrr/rlr r r rrr / .b rr r x rr �\` ll r r rr�l rr 1/ ll rr rr �rl lr lr r`r ll lr ll r r r / r r r / r r r r /, rr /, r r r, / rr rr r / rrr / rr /, r rr rr /, /r 1, � r lr r/ r r r, rr / /r 1, r, rr /, rr r, r r, r r r, r r, /, rr / r , , / r r r, /, /, .. 5 / /r lr ll riLr lr lr rr r lr rr lr ll lr lr ll lr ll r lr rr r 1 r''?'-��✓ rr r rr rr rr r r d r r r r r r r r rl :::I: • � : _/ . , , r �/r rl rr r l r rl rr /r rr rr r/ rl rr r 1, r, / /\l l r l r rr rr l r r / / / 1, r, r, r, 1, /r 1, r r, r� r f r l rr r, r /, l /r 1, r, /, r / r l r, r, /r rr l r r / rl � rr l r, rr r \ _ .. l r 2 r l r l l r r r r l r r r r r rr 7- - r l r l ` rr r rr r ll lr ll rrr rr rrr I. I / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r yr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r 96 lr>� rr lr ll lr r r �l if rr r l lr lr rr lr 1 rrr ll 1 r 17 r 1 ll lr r rrr rl r r r r r r / r ,r r r / r r r� r r r' =I /fir/ l l r l r/ l r r r r/ l l r // l l'�Cr r r / r/ l r l / r l/ r r l r l l r/ l l // l l r l r'l � r l r l r� ... r r r / r r/ r l ,r / r r r r r r l r l r l r l r r/ l r r r r l r r r r lr ? ll rrrr lr rrrr lr rr r I r ,'r • r '. rr/ r l rr rr rr rr rr rr l rr rl rr rr rr ri rr rr r rr l rr , r, r /, rr rr r, /, r, ,.� l rr , r 1, rr 1, rrr /, r /J ri rr rl r r r r rrr r r l r r /, /, rr rr r, /, rr 1, rr r 1, l r r, r r /, r -r7 r _-�i rr r rr rrr rr 'fir ; 95. _ _ _ _ _ � r rr 1, r, r, /, , l , r, r, /, rr l , r, l� rr 1, r, , l r l r l l r /� r l / l l r r/ r// /, l �/ ,� r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r '"• r r r r/ r r r r/ r l r r r l r r / r/ r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r ... / l r l r l r l r ��� r r r/ r r r r l�/ r/ l r l- / l r .. rrr r rr r'l ,l r rrrr rrr rrrrr rr rrr 'rrrr= �_ :/ lr,r, r,r ,,r rrr/ rr r✓fr` rrr, r r rr r r r,r,r /r rr/ /rrrr 1/ lrrrrrrlr/lr rrrr rrr /rrrr lr rrrr/rrrr')\.. rrr r r r r r r ,�� ��`r rr, �r,r,l, r rrrrrr , - .... / / :.:;�.... r rrl,rrl,r,r,r, , r r,r r ,rrrrrr/rr l,rrr,,r,r,r,rr r, T�-,4.- l r r,rrl,r r, r,l r, r � /, , 1, r / l,� r r, � rr /, 1, r, rl, r , r, � �r, � � I / / ll lr Cr, rrr 1 - r r lr r r, /, r'�1 r, r, r r, / r r ' r � � � r, 1,,-�,- - �r--�r rrr r¢T4` Lrr �'`i r r r / r _ r _ � Lr r r r r r, r r rr 1, r, r, r rr r, r, r, _ _ _ _ _ _ , ..... r rr /, r, rJ lr rl lr rr rr rr r ' r r r r � r, rr r, rr rrr 1, rr r, rrr r, 1, rr 1, , /, r r r r, r r T \rr / r r r r r l r / / l r r r : I : lr r lr lr rrr lr r t- / r r r r r / r r r / r r r /�/ r r r r lr 1 rr lr ll lr r rr ll rrr r rr lr rr lr lr ll; lr ll lr lr rr lr ll r r r r lr lr rr lr /r ll lr ry lr rr rr (r Cr . L r r r r l r r l r/ r r r �� r ��l I r r r r r � /� r r r r r / r r __ -- -�r- l r r/ l r / r r r r / r l r l r/ r .r r r r r / l =___ � ••"•••• \ r r r r r✓ r r r r r l r r r r l r l r, r �r / r r r ✓/ r r r r r r•• r a c► a s / / r• t / r T � � fr` - / r r / t r / r / r ,��r / / r r t / r / / / / r / r / t / / t / r / / r / r / c l l r r/�/ r /lr?v r r r r r� ,r .:�:_:: .. __...,, I "" r l r l r l r r l r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r,✓r r r r r r r r 1 J r r %r r.r,,r rr r r r r r r, r r r r r II /,r ll rrr rrr rr 'r r r r / 1 r rr/ / r r r r/ llrrlrrr // lr rrr /lrrri rll rrr ,rrr,rrr rr( rr ,rrl,r,r,l,rrr r, ,r,l,r r r r ,r r,�,r,l r, , , r�r,� 1, r, l,rr l,r,l r, , _______• r r,r r r / r r 1r 1r 1r � s r�=rJ-4 r r, r,rr{rr rrr rlrlrlrrrlrr rrrrrr / r r r r ll r r r / r? \r / rrr r/ 1 r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r s l r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ r r r r r/ r r r r r r, r, r;`C , r r r r r r/ r r r r 7"*'r r St r l r l r l r l r 4 4 t 4 t 4 t 4 t 4 r r/ o l .r r r r r r r l r l r l r r l r l r r r r r r r/ r r r v r r/ r/ l r r. r. / r r r r r r r r r r r s / r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r, r, /, /, r l r r l r r r r / r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r/ rh l r l r l r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r ,(� r.r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ l r r r l r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r r l/ r l r r r r r r r r r .._... l,r l r/ l r l r l r/ r r r r r r r r r r/ r r l r l r/ r r r r r r /// l r 'i t t // l r l r O r /, i /, /, J. i c l l, l, rrr r r r r r l r r r r r r r l r - r r r r r r / r l r /,/,/ l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r r r r r l r r l rr' r r l r/ r'� r r r r r l r l r l r / r r r r/r r r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r�r r r r r V � l r r r / r r r r / r l / r / l r l r r r r r Il / l r r l r r r r / � r l r // l r/ r r/ r r r r r r r r r r _= I r// r r r r l/ / r r r r//// l l r /// l l r r l r r r r r l u r r r/r � r� r y�' SOG � �_` 6 / r r r l r / r r�� r r r r r r r r r. l r r .r r r/ / r' r r r r r ' '�5� r r r r r r r r r r r�"�r' r l r r r r r/ l r l r r r l r l T. r r r r r r r r r < / 2r r r r r l r r r r l r r r r r r r r r r l r l r r r r l r l l r r l r r r r r/ r / l? r / r � l� / r r r t � `/ ' _� t= I , r l/ l / / r r r l r r r l/ / r /' r r / /// l/ S O G l/ / r l / r r r r r// l l/ r l r/ r / L J L J L� L� L 1 I r l l r l Lr r r/ r // r/ r/ r/ r rT r r r l/ //ll rT l ll/ / r' lkr /r�/ r/rrr / // lr /r l Irl r �l�l/rISOG'/rl� � r r /r r / / r rr lr r //lr�'v/l// r /l l/ � / t/trt/rrrr-��tl--rt�l/l r//l lrl//l //rrrr/// rl/ r r r r r l r r r r/ r r r r r r r r / r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l < 'r r r r r r r l r r r r l r l r r r r l r Cr r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r '' r r r � '�Y I l rrrr. r r �l'SOGl r �/ /� SOG' / r r/ r r/ l a v r r r r `�'rr/' r rrrrrr / l / r// l r r rrr /rk/rrr / r r r r =",rrrr rrr r r r r r/ r r r r r r /.r / l/ �r rrrr r r r rrrrrr /// l r ,/r/ rl rl rr rl rr l rr rr rl r? rl / l rr r r rN ' .�.� r l r= r r r `��r r r l r r r r r r r l r' l r r rrr r r r r r l r r r r/ r r r r r r r l r r r r r r r l r r r r l r l r r r r r r r r r r r �� / l r l l r l r r l r l r l r r l r .l ✓ l r r l l r l r l r r/ r r/ r l �l r r r it r r r l r r r r r� r r l 'fir o� ° r r r• l r/ r r r/ / �r / l r/ / r' r/ r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r l r /I r r r/ / r r r r r / l r r l / r r r l�r r r r r / r r r r r l r l < _/ l r l r r r r r r r r✓� r y r r l r l r r l r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r r r/ r/' / r/ r r/ �l r l / �'/ / r r r r , r / / l r r' r r r r r r r r/ r/ r`r7� r r l r r r r r r r r l r r r l l r l r r� r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ r r r r r r r r rT• l r r l r / l r �r" " r� 1� t. ,c (r. Cr Cr ,� a y r r r r/ / r r r r r r r r 6 r � r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r v r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r / r r r r r l r r r r r rr4 e r r r r r r r',""""• "" """ , x r�, G l r r r r r r? r r r r r l/ l r �/ r r r r r r r r .` rrr\rl,1r r, r, 1, r, ,r x, r,J r r / rrr, nil, I :�::'��,� o� I rr lr�lr 11r /rrrrlrrirr�'/,lr l r l rrrrr rr rr rrrrrrr r rrr rrrr r r-.�l-rrr lrr,l,r / �r r ll,r / r Ir l r / r / l r r r l l r, 1, r,/,lrl,l,r,l �l,r,l,r, l lr rrrr r %lr.��•,.:«..°... ...................... r / r r r r r r r r r r 9 r r r r l r I I r r ,, 1, r rr 1 / r/ lr ll r�l r rr r r r rr r r r r r l r r r r, rr I r/ r r r / r r l r ll rr r /, rrr r r r, rrr rr 1, r r, , rr 1, r, l r r r r, r, r r, 1, r, r, r, 1, r, , t , ' '< r r r /_ lr rr lr r lr ll 1 `� r ll r lr �n rr ll lr r lr 'ir 1 � r° r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ r r r .� r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r' '"'''''"" � •• '`�-4 r � / � r r r/ r r / r r r r r r I I •' r r r r r r r l r r/ r r r r r r r / l r l r l `r r/ l r l r /i I X r r/ r l / r / / l / r r r r �ir r r r r r r r r r r r r r r r/ r" "" .. • ::: """ � rrr / y-r,�,� \ \ 1/ v ll lr rl lr l l rl r T \ll lr r rr : "r rr r rrr r r r r rr l rrr r r r r/ lr r rr r r l r l r r/ r r/ r� r r r/ rl r r r 1 rrr rr r r r r l r l rr l r r l r l r l rr r r r -: ;." r r r / / rrr r/ r r r r I` � :;;r �l I I I t/// l // l%/ l r r r l r r / l r // r// l r �•.� r r r r r r // rrr //// l r• I -\ r l < r J r �l r / / r r r / r r� 6 r � -j :::�'�" I i :: rl r,r r r r,r-,r r r rrr rl r r r r r r r r r'lr r r r r r r r r r rrr lr lr ll lr rrr 6 4, r r r r r ll'1 rrI r r / r r r r / r / lr ll lr lr rr rrr rrr rr rr 'rr lr ll r r r r 1, r r, r, /, rr 1/, rl, ll 1�r,1/, r/, 1/, rl, ll, ll, rr,1/ rrr r,� ll, lr, ll, rr 1/ rl / r, �,'`r,1 ri, ll, rl, rrJ 1/, rr,1/r ,t,r r r r r r r r r r ... r, rr�ri 1T�,'� _ �< � l,/ r,r r �I I ..rrrr / r °111, G, r, r r 1,1r,r,ll,rrr,r,r,l,r,l,rrl,r,r,l,r,l,rrl,r,r, r,l,r l,r,1,r,1,r,l,r,r,l,rrl,r,l,r,r,l,rrl,r,l �, �'l,rrrr /rrr / / / rrr, r,r,l r / r r l r �r r l r l r l g�r� l r l r t/rlrrrlrrrlrrr/rlrrrlrr'" � lrrrirrrr� -- �� � 1 r I � I I rrr,l r,rr, rrl,r,r,r, r r r,rrr,r,l,r,r,r,rrl,r,r,r,r,l,rrl,r,r,r ,r, r, r, r, l,rrl,r,r,r,r,l,�,l r r r /rrrrr rr,/rr,r,r,r,rrl,r, r, .,rrrr r / .. r✓ ✓ ✓ 1 t.:�.rc r. 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Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per Cit Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3 4 & 5 L5 • environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN • • en ineerin direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: r- Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. of McCain g g Phone: (763)489-7900 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello Minnesota MULTIFAMILY 8 • surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments www.carlsonmccain.com the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading EI k River, M N 55330 Save Date: 06/23/22 f:\iobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\landscape\Is.dWQ V TV TBjj��- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I ------- --- Ole TV — — — — — — — —960 -- ha 7v — — — — — — — —962 -- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — --- —962 — — — — — — — — — ------ ------------------ ------- - — — — — — — — — ----------------------------- --------------- L — — — — — — — — — — — — 964 — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — ---- -964- — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — I — — — — — — — — — — — — ---------- ------------ 964 — - — - — - — - — - — - - - - - - --------------------------------------------------------- ------------ - ------- ------ ------- ---- -------- ------- ------- ------- ------- --------- a Mi� -S�TR: EET ------------------------------------------------------------ 5 --- NE ------ ------ ------ ------ ------ - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 964 ------------ -- ------------ ----------------------- - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - :�� - — - — - — - 0 0 - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — - — (0 ----------------- 85TH STREET NE — - — - — - 12 ---------------------- ------------ — — — — — 7=77-, —,7 777 7, 7, 7 7 — - — - — - — - — - — - — 1,, 1/, '1" 11 1� T ----------------------------- -------- 1717-771-7-1 17 7,1 1,1 1, 1,1 1, ------- 71,9627�, �,W 77,) 2 V V 96 Y N EJ y V \NIV Y I/ Y I, I �2 12 11� -(11 (71 -I—Iel V F" -/7(� T Y 1 KI 'I, '7 -T 7 Y 4& V V V Y Y Y (IT I'r I V ') 'I' I) 'I' � I (" I I (� I U, tX,. � "'j, I/ I I V "I TI, I/ Y Y I/ Y I/ "I V V, Y Y -r, '7 Y 7"� 11 Y I I, I/ II, Y 1,) 1 /J Y Y "I V Y I/ V I j A N, "I I, Y I, "I "I I) Y I "I "I "I 1 011 Y Y I/ Z I, I,/ Y (, 1,,1 �,) I Y I/ ", I, (� P y L 0 z- y y Y Y Y, LO(2 0(2)-11 'L U �2 L xl� (I, Y Y "I II` Y I,, 1'�; r-7 I "I V XI �LW V I/ "I Y Y I, "I Y I, V 6 -'-ffLL-M UT� L -W&W.I 1-1 %141 (0 X, - -------- q�` ITI "V �r Y 171"17 1 7`117' V 0) -lip 4 "1 X 'Z Y (LU�2- W 0 WO(2)1, —1-7-17 '/1 I 1� )PIN I� 1,) 11, 1,) 11, 1,) 1 711 W�l Y V 11" -1) 1/ 1) "1 1 1 v,v y y 1") 1 1/ Iq "I "I Y Y I/ X� Y 0 7. 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Lots for Blk 3, 4 & 5 HAVEN RIDGE LLC L6 Carlso - environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my (j? /1-,L/— 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: r— Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. of * engineering Phone: (763) 489-7900 Licensed Landscape Architect under 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello, Minnesota McCain - surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments Elk River, MN 55330 SOUTH 8 www.carlsonmccain.com 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Save Date: 06/23/22 1 fAiobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\1andscape\1s.dwci "I V V X, L4 V 11 ,, Y , 7 �"j Y 1� 1� V 'Y 1� Y I "I Y /'y "I Y r" V Y 1) 7 y Y '(' "I 1� I Y V _�7 —7 -(-)l Y y Z "y "Y V.. 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City Comments Monticello, Minnesota McCain - surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments Elk River, MN 55330 SOUTH 8 www.carlsonmccain.com 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Save Date: 06/23/22 1 fAiobs\7041 - 7060\7056 - monticello properties\cad c3d\Iandscape\Is.dwci rrr r r rl rrr rr rr '(r r rr rr /, rr rr rr rr rr rrr rr r rrJ rr rr r rr / ` r / / rr rr rr rr rk r ' ' - � ''r: / / / rr rr // r � r rr ' r rr r r r / r / / / rrr / r r / r / r r / r r / r r r v / r r r / r r r r / r r r / r r r r r r / r r rr rr / r rrr rr / r / , rr rr / rr rr r / b r y/ r / r r r / r r r / r � / � / r r � r r r r / / r r � " '•. rr rr rr rr rr rr '/�✓ rr � rr rr / rr rr r r/ r r rr / r / rr rr rr / r rr r / r r r rr rr rr � r Ir,,-r/T ,�r�,� rrr /r rr /r rr /r rr �I / r/ / / r r r / V / r r � r r r r r 4 rr rr r / rr rr rr rr /,,. r , � �' rr rr rr rr •''/ rr rr rr r / r/ dr ,� rrr r/ rr r r / / / . / / � � r r / v / y / r / r r / r / r / r r r ✓/ r r'r r / / / r- 4 1 / / / / / r / �• r / r I f r / / / / r r / �� / r r / 4 / _ " � r � r- 7 �r � / r / r r / � / / / ryr / r r �r r ,� / / ? 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I �< . �Y r �r� I r rr r r rrr rnr rrrr rr rr 0 irr rr rr rr r r / J rr rrr r r r rr rr / r rrr �(r - r� rrr rrr rrr r rr / rr r/ rr rr r / r rr rr r r < ::::. r r r I I ... . rr rr rrrr/ orf /r/rrrr rJy rrr rr rr rrr rrr rrrrrr/� rr r n :: r rrvrr rr rrr – rr rr rrr 100 YR B — B HWL 9 55.6 \ ��, / r rrrr /r / r r �//� rrr e r r rrr r I �� r r I / / r r r / r / r r r / / r r r / ,r r r rr rrr rr r rr rr rrr rr �r 6 rr rr rr rr r v rr rr rrr `�< �� rr rr rr rr it rr Irr rrrrrrr rrrr ; —I rrrrrr rrrr rrrr rr r rr - rr r/r� rrr/rrr rrrrrrrr r / r r rrr rrr rrr rrr r� r r / r r / rrrrrr r r r / r r r r r / r rrrrr rr rrrr rr r/ r rr1 r rrr r r r r r r / rrr r f r r r ' f . / € G r r r rrr / r r r r r�`� r rrr / r r/ r r k r/ rrr rrr //� r / k r r r r r rrr r rrr r r r r/ r te r r/ r r r r , � � Lr / r/ r r� / r/ �� r r r 1r / r _ r/ r r r r r-� r r ,r r r r r/ r / / r r r �< ' I I I rrrr/rrx rr rr rrrrrrr rr rrrrrrrrr r rrr rr rr rrr r r rr r rrrY r/rrrr /r rrrr (\J /r r r /r rrr rrrrr/ �o rr rr rr rr rrr rrr rr irr rrr rrr r r/ rrr rrr �r rrr �r/ r r r r /rrrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rrr rr / r r r / r r / r r rrr r / r r r r r r \ —� \ I I I rJh,/ r r / r r r r r n 14 / r w r r Y r � 1 r r r r / r r r r / r r I r r r r / r / r / 7 I � T ��r rr rrr rr rr rr �r rr r r r r 1r rr rr rr rr r rr rr rr rr rr rr rr ,� r r� r� r r, r1 rr rr rr rr rr rr rrrr rr r r r \ � � ; � I rrr/ rr � r r I rr rr r �`rr r7r-rrr r7r r lr7r,��7 r��rrt r1r r rrr r,� _ ^ r rr rrr rrr' �� ,rrr r/ rrr r r ��'r �r�,,,�r I \ TD ri :ry rrr rr rrr rrr rrr'`h� rrr rrr r/ rr rr rr r/ ri/ r r rrrr rr rrr rrr rrr rrr rr r rr rrr r/ rrr rrr rrrr ri it I'r� r� r1 / 6� r ,�r�,� rr�r4 rr r1 rr rrr r rr r/ rr ..... r . .. _ _ / I ' i I I rr r/ / r r r r r r r rr r r r / r rrr r, / / r �fY `Kzl �y r I \ � 'Li, r rr ri rr ri rr ? 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"–�� `� j I I j i I ( – II i I II r I / /! I II I I �I � I % I �lil I I; I II I � I I \ I i \ ,/ � I I; r I; I I I \ 1 \ I i r I I I ' � j l I � % I I I ' � I I i i � %' r � I I i i I � � / i I I I I / / / J OU TLOT L 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 6. 05/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments HAVEN RIDGE LLC L8 / Carlson Suite 100 I hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name: Ryan J. Ruttger, RLA Drawn: JAK 1. 09/13/19 Per Cit Comments 7. 05/06/22 Rev. Lots for Blk 3 4 & 5 •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was prepared by me or under my 2. 01/09/20 Per City Comments 8. 06/07/22 Per Lew Layout HAVEN RIDGE LANDSCAPE PLAN • • en ineerin direct supervision and that I am a duly Signature: Designed: RJR 11149 187th Ave. of McCain g g Phone: (763)489-7900 3. 07/22/20 Per City Comments 9. 06/20/22 Per 2nd add. City Comments Monticello Minnesota SOUTH / 8 • surveying Fax: (763) 489-7959 Licensed Landscape Architect under 4. 09/10/20 Per City Comments � the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 9/13/19 License #: 56346 Date: 9/13/19 5. 03/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 radin EI k River, M N 55330 www.carlsonmccain.com g g Fill -qwl Here are some elevations we will be using for Phase 2 . We will be following brick covenants as well. The bricks will add to the face of the elevations. Marc D Schulte Chief Operations Manager Haven Ridge L.L.0 1-952-687-9590 LOWER LEVEL -93O SF FIN. PLAN 1500 MAIN LEVEL - 1,500 SF PLAN 1500 f EA .1 Ly -Ell � JOG�14 NIRN ROOM UP ��ytllE�t LOWER LEVEL -H2O SF FIN. PIAN 1000 Now EM L ROOM 4 BATH 3 SAAR RABBLE Lowen Levu - S50 SF FiN. P�nN 1740 FAMILY FARM FLEX XPACE EM L ROOM 4 BATH 3 SAAR RABBLE Lowen Levu - S50 SF FiN. P�nN 1740 � ill =1i �' oo KjoLHAuGENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES COMPANY Providing Sound, Balanced, Comprehensive Natural Resource Solutions Memorandum Date: April 5, 2021 To: Andi Moffatt, WSB (for City of Monticello) Eric White, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) CC: Marc Schulte, Haven Ridge LLC From: Melissa Barrett, Kjolhaug Environmental Services Company (KES) Re: Phase 1 Wetland Impact and Wetland Credit Update Haven Ridge Residential Development, Monticello, MN KES#2018-029 USACE #MVP-2018-02226-EJW The 217 -acre Haven Ridge project site is located in Sections 23, 24 & 26, Township 121 North, Range 25 West, City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. The site is generally situated south of I-94 and east of Minnesota Highway 25/Fallon Ave NE (Figure 1). Construction of the first addition of Phase 1 of the Haven Ridge project began in fall of 2020; however, no wetland impacts have occurred to date. Total approved and revised wetland impacts for Phase 1 are summarized in Table 1 below. A revised plan sheet showing the total impact to Wetland 9 is attached as Attachment A. Wetland IDs are shown on Figure 2. Table 1. Summary of Phase 1 Wetland Impacts & Replacement (Updated) Wetland Impact Approved Impact Of) Revised Impact s Impact (ac) USACE JD Required Replacement @ 2:1 (ac) Wetland 9 revised impact 8,875 3,046 0.0699 No 0.1398 Wetland 5a 3,511 0.0806 Yes 0.1612 Wetland 10 (No Loss/Restoration) 17,214 NA Yes 0.0000 Wetland 11 29,927 0.6870 No 1.3741 Total for Phase 1 0.8375 1.6751 Pauman Wetland Bank Purchase 0.3156 Outstanding Credit Need for Phase 1 1.3595 26105 Wild Rose Lane, Shorewood, Minnesota 55331, Phone: 952-401-8757, Fax: 952-401-8798 Recent communications with the Corps Project manager has indicated that Approved Jurisdiction Determinations (AJDs) for Wetlands 9 and 11 will be issued. Once those determinations are finalized, the compensatory mitigation obligation for Section 404 purposes will be 0.1612 acres of Corps certified credit. The north portion of the project area is located within Major Watershed #17 (Mississippi River St. Cloud), while the south portion of the project area is located within Major Watershed #18 (North Fork Crow River). The entire project area is located within Bank Service Area 7 (BSA7). There are currently no available credits from other banks in either Major Watershed #17 or #18. Therefore, available credits within the same BSA were searched for. In order to meet the remainder of replacement/compensatory mitigation obligations the applicant proposes to purchase 1.3596 acres of credit from the Jeff Richards Wetland Bank #1375 (Major Watershed #19 - South Fork Crow River). A purchase agreement is included as Attachment B. Table 2. Wetland Bank and Credit Summary — Haven Ridge Phase 1 Of the 1.6751 acres of credit needed for replacement, 0.1612 credits must be certified by both the state and federal wetland banking programs. With the purchase of 1.3595 acres of credit from the Jeff Richards Wetland Bank, this Corps obligation is satisfied. Requested Approvals With submission of this memo, we are requesting concurrence with the use of credits from the Jeff Richards wetland bank to fulfill the remaining replacement/mitigation requirements for Phase 1 of Haven Ridge from the WCA LGU (City of Monticello) and The U.S. Corps of Engineers. A withdrawal form for wetland credits is included as Attachment C. Thank you. PA County & Credit Subgroup & Credit Bank # Major BSA Type Amount Status Watershed Subgroup A, Type 2, Already Purchased; to 1544 Wright & 17 7 Fresh Wet Meadow 0.3156 be debited shortly Non -Corps Certified Subgroup D, Type 4, To be purchased with 1375 Carver & 19 7 Shallow Open Water 1.3595 approval of this memo Cos Certified Total 1.6751 Of the 1.6751 acres of credit needed for replacement, 0.1612 credits must be certified by both the state and federal wetland banking programs. With the purchase of 1.3595 acres of credit from the Jeff Richards Wetland Bank, this Corps obligation is satisfied. Requested Approvals With submission of this memo, we are requesting concurrence with the use of credits from the Jeff Richards wetland bank to fulfill the remaining replacement/mitigation requirements for Phase 1 of Haven Ridge from the WCA LGU (City of Monticello) and The U.S. Corps of Engineers. A withdrawal form for wetland credits is included as Attachment C. Thank you. PA Haven Ridge, Monticello Phase 1 Wetland Impact and Wetland Credit Update FIGURES 1. Site Location 2. Existing Conditions -- •-•-----µms = -- -- — --_ f I' j „' J ► 3 �" MklS Project Boundary City Orderly Annexation © OpenStreetMap (and) contributors, CC -BY -SA Figure 1 - Site Location Map N 0 5,000 Haven Ridge (KES 2019-029) Feet Monticello, Minnesota �Y Note: Boundaries indicated jL,HA 'V �O r u A T TG on this figure are approximate FNVIRON MENTAI- SFRVJCF5 COMPANY and do not constitute an -.w0ft►.0' Source: ESRI Streets Basemap official survey product. A [I] Figure 2 - Existing Conditions (2017 FSA Photo) 1,000 Nor— 11 Feet Haven Ridge (KES 2019-029) Monticello, Minnesota Note: Boundaries indicated on this figure are approximate and do not constitute an official survey product. Haven Ridge, Monticello Phase 1 Wetland Impact and Wetland Credit Update ATTACHMENT A Revised Plan Sheet - Wetland 9 Revised Impact ➢e 5 / �/��% I I W �� 6 1 III ,• Of a �� � _� a i/ l� r i ?n`� �� �i1 I+ I i �•'i /� C) �" sem � ;�/ "' o �If ..� m ivy, (IG Z U r ir/-I�I.•Y,�ll �' � �r � �/ii a I� ally a;i :��:• �p it �' ; V` /flj `- it V I '(� � -` I I I I 1 • z o c , a a t� ti// I �l / �'�i v a � .•,/ / � a � l III I li f �lli' l'� l e it -FF � & Aa _. �l�•` _�P. / � %i � I i � ii Ia I II /a• m � o / o � / �I I I I � ro III l W ��i fl.�•• , ,�,`, _ � t'r• _ �' `� l n i �a it I °ilroo I iil - �� l�%�' °•" �l �� � � �� � W a x i t l v i i iI I I� i � �i I-��- ��--� w \ I I - 1 iill� •s /dl �8in 1/ —����� Ilii Is i iili p 1�� I l+/a;�e�a�. - /i l l/r / 'I /, a�� / s , _ / .r iu �•' ' / I I �� o , / / I I P i I I � I Ioaoe�e ,�i<i;% :• � I m^ w / � y � iu rn � l ®,III �?h / / I N jl I k0000 o•a. li 1; " _ C, � � � _ � � `0 i I I I ' / i +b � � I1I I � V +so��'• s r 'o Ip oaaog Ie�oaovo o� / yi/oevo�ooeo 3 O � ag rca� i� a"e gz�Na� Vie$ aga as hl ? I:LL�G�oiw v= 18oFc 1.1.z. _ G � 4d gg Haven Ridge, Monticello Phase 1 Wetland Impact and Wetland Credit Update ATTACHMENT B Purchase Agreement for Wetland Credits PURVIJASF Ai:RFFMENT FOR WETLAND BANKING CREDFTS THIS AGRYINIENT is madc this lst day of March-, 2021_ between `Jeff Richards Wctland Bank (Bank#1375)_{Seller} and _Ilaven Ridge LLC (Buyer)_ 1. Seller arrees to sell to Buyer, and Buycr agrees to buy from Seller, the wetland banking credrts (Credits) listed below: eAGC is for Ag hank credits and SWC is for standard bank trodits. 2. Sellcr represents and warrants as follows: a) The Credits are dcpusilcd in an account in the Minnesota Wetland Bank adminitszcred by the Minncs.ota Board of Water and Sail Resources (BWSR) pursisa it to Minn. Rules Chapter 8420.0 700-, 0760. b) Seller owns the Credits and has the right to sell tate Credits to Buyer. Page I ora B%'SR F=xampir Purchase Akrrernent Updaled .1uar 11, 2019 Credits to be Salol 1 Credit Subgroup Credit Type SWC yr AGC Wetland Type/Plant Community Type Cast per Credit Credn Amounts 8 SWC 4/Staliowgpen Watef $98.010 1.3595 i _Type Enter the - I AGC withdrawal Fee for $586 the BSA of the account $1.aW $1,992 $1,348 Easement SfPwaf&hiO Fee- $1,332 $302 $1.580 Tow j -coin com $ti33, ma Cred'tti 13595 I r ftmw as m IAPMWranral Fee: $2,708.12 6 Fosrn+rn� srrro!e�A�/rer tvaricrrd[s�� Stewarddwp Fe#rS41057 TotAl Fees_ 53.113.63 Pw Credlt Wandratwt Fee by BSA' asA 2 BSA 2 65A 3 BSA 4 BSA 5 YNC AGC a5A 6 WA 7 BSA 8 OSA 9 BSA 10 SWC $5" $372 5715 $1,412 $485 $270 $191 $389 5724 5367 SLM $1,992 $2,571 $2.628 S3,0" Gir#rrd T�eaF $135,363.29 eAGC is for Ag hank credits and SWC is for standard bank trodits. 2. Sellcr represents and warrants as follows: a) The Credits are dcpusilcd in an account in the Minnesota Wetland Bank adminitszcred by the Minncs.ota Board of Water and Sail Resources (BWSR) pursisa it to Minn. Rules Chapter 8420.0 700-, 0760. b) Seller owns the Credits and has the right to sell tate Credits to Buyer. Page I ora B%'SR F=xampir Purchase Akrrernent Updaled .1uar 11, 2019 3. Buyer will pay Seller a total of S- 113.244,60 for the Crcdils, as follows; a) S-0— as earnest money, to be paid when this Agreement is signed: and b) The balance of S_133.244.60 io be paid on the C'lwiing Date fitted helow- 4- [E ] Buyer, [❑ 1 Seller agrees to pay to a wiihdrawal foe of S2.708-12 to the State Of Mlnnesrsta based on the per credit fee of _S1.09?for 11ank Service Area _7_ and a stewardship fee of S 410.57 - based on the per ctrdit fcc of S-302- At the Closing, Date, [0J 14uyer. [EJ 1 Seller will execute a check made out for thv. amount, payable to the Board of Waler and Soil Resources - 5. The closing of the purchase and sale shall ocew on _May 15_--, 2021— ([:losing nate) as _ TBD -- The Closing Date and location may be changed by written consent of both parties. llgsm pa, of the balance of the purchase prick, Scllcr-%%iil sigh a fully executed Tramsaction Form to Withdraw Credits provided by BWSR, provide a copy of the Transaction Form to Withdraw Credits to the Buyer and forward the same to the HWSR along with the check for the withdrawal feu and stewardship fee. 6. Buyer has applied or will apply to _ City of Monticello (Local Governyncrit Unit (LGU) or other regulatory authority) for approval of a mplacement plass utilizing the Crcdits as the means of replacing impactod wetlands- If the L.Gl1 has not approved the Buyer's application fora replacement plan utilizmg the Credits by the Closing, Date, and no postpcsnement of the Closing Date has been agxeed to by Buyer and Seller in writing, then tither Buyer or Seiler tnay cancel this Agreement by giving wrinen notice to the otber. In this case, Scller shall rrnirn Buyer's earnest money, and neither Buyer nor Seller shall have any funhcr obligations under this Agreement- if the LGU and USACE have approved the replacement plan and the Sc}ler is Heady tU proceed witb dsc sale on the Closing fate, but Buyer fails to proceed. then the Scller maY retain the earnest money as liquidatM damages_ Buyers purchase of credits is also contingent on fin2d p1a[ approva I. !cf'F Richaatis (Sigttattt� o ler) {Date) RwsR Exampic Purrhase ACrrc-t I Jpdatrd J ura t t, 2019 `Marc Schulte Ridge LLC (Signature of Buyer) (Date) Page 2 oft Haven Ridge, Monticello Phase 1 Wetland Impact and Wetland Credit Update ATTACHMENT C Transaction Form to Withdraw Credits M Transaction Form to Withdraw Credits BOARD OF WATER AND RESOURCES Minnesota Wetland Bank Program If the layout of this form looks incorrect, click on View, Edit Document, then save it to your computer. 1. Credit User Project Name: Haven Ridge Phase 1 This space for BWSR use only. Name: Marc Schulte Organization: Monticello Properties Address: 1765 123rd Lane, Coon Rapids, MN 55448 Email: Mareschulte911@gmail.com Phone: 952-687-9590 LGU File #: Consultant: Melissa Barrett, Kjolhaug Environmental 2. Wetland Impact Information To be completed for the project impacting wetlands and with which this withdrawal is intended to replace. Project Name: Haven Ridge Phase 1 Impact Size (acres): 0.8375 Impact County: Wright Impact Wetland type: 1, 2, 3 Impact Major Watershed/BSA: _17 & 18_ /_7_ Replacement Ratio: 2:1 Sec/Twp/Range: Sec 23, 24, 26; T121; R25 *Projects with multiple locations should use the most central locat' relation to the project as a whole. Are Federally authorized credits required for this impact? Yes No Corps Regulatory File Number: MVP-2018-02226-EJW Comments: Credits from two separate banks will used for Phase 1 of this project. 3. Credits to be Withdrawn To be completed by the seller of the credits (account holder) Account Information Account: 1375 (Richards) County: Carver Bank Service Area: 7 Credit Federally Subgroup Wetland Type/Plant Community Type Approved? Cost per Credit Credit Amounts D Type 4/Shallow Open Water Y $98,010 1.3595 Per Credit Withdrawal Fee by BSA Enter the Withdrawal Fee for BSA 1 $520 BSA 6 $1,083 the BSA of the account: BSA 2 $371 BSA 7 $1,992 $1,992 BSA3 $725 BSA8 $2,577 Easement Stewardship Fee: BSA 4 $1,412 BSA 9 $2,628 $302 BSA 5 $685 BSA 10 $3,099 Total Credits: 1.3595 (Withdrawal Fee x total credits) Withdrawal Fee: $2,708.12 (Easement Stewardship fee x total credits) Stewardship Fee: $410.57 Total Fees: $3,118.69 Please make checks payable to the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources. BWSR does not accept cash. BWSR fee policy: http://www.bwsr.state.mn.us/wetlands/wetland ban king/fee and sales data/Wetland Banking Fee Policy Effective June1 2017.pdf BWSR form updated 5/31/2017 Page 1 of 2 Project Name: Haven Ridge Phase 1 If anyone else should be notified please indicated their emails below: Melissa@kjolhaugenv.com 4. Regulatory Authorization By signing below, the identified agency and authorized representative hereby certifies that they have: a) verified that the subject wetland credits are deposited in the account of the owner/seller, b) approved a wetland replacement plan or similar agreement under their jurisdiction, and c) approve the proposed use of the wetland bank credit described above. WCA LGU/Agency: City of Monticello Signature For NRCS, DNR, etc. as applicable Agency Name and Location: ature S. Credit User Signature LGU Representative: Andi Moffatt Email Address: AMoffatt@wsbeng.com Representative: Email Address: April 7, 2021 Date Date By signing below the proposed credit user attests that he/she owns or has purchased the credits identified in this form and has received approval from the regulatory authority(ies). Signature Lf- 7.21 Date 6. Account Holder Signature By signing below I, the seller and holder of the aforementioned account in the State of Minnesota Wetland Mitigation Bank, certify that: 1) The credits described in this transaction form have been sold to the credit user or will be used for my own project; 2) 1 have received payment in full from the buyer (if applicable); 3) The credits described in this transaction form have not been sold or used in any way to mitigate wetland losses other than for the project and location identified in the wetland impact information block on the previous page; 4) The credits described in this application should be withdrawn from my account; and 5) 1 will not h-va - naantiva hn lnnra of rrarlitc nftar tha ciihiart rrarlitc nra rlahitarl frnm my nrrniint Disclaimer: All transactions in the Wetland Bank system are public information Name/Representative: Email Address: Signature Date Send complete forms and fee payments to: Wetland Bank Administration Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources 520 Lafayette Road North Saint Paul, MN 55155 BWSR form updated 5/31/2017 Page 2 of 2 Disclaimer: All transactions in the Wetland Bank system are public information 2 0 U (7 z LU m 0 00 M z J 0 a a LU z z 0 co T W 7) z W a a z LU X 0 wsb June 2, 2022 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) - Engineering Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2021-009 WSB Project No. R-0017879-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (revised) and construction plans dated May 6, 2022 as prepared by Carlson McCain. The applicant proposes to construct 58 (formerly 47) single family home lots with this addition. Further review of additional phases will be required prior to construction. The Final Plat and engineering documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater management standards. We offer the following comments regarding the engineering and stormwater management standards. Final Plat &General Separate trail easement legal descriptions and exhibits should be provided for separate recording with the County. The City will provide an easement document for execution but will require legal description to be added prior to recording. Complete and acknowledged by applicant, they do not believe a separate easement will be required since the trail will be located within the existing road ROW; easement description for trail within Outlot B was sent with 1St Addition documents. Add an existing and removals plan to the set and include what fencing will need to be removed in Outlots A, B, D, and along 85th in Outlots A and B. Fence should be removed on the north side of the wetland during Phase 2 as well. Sh-- the dw* Hind that needs to be removed on the north side of the wetland in Outlot E Complete. Provide updated 2nd Addition civil plan set including updated plan/profile sheets with future submittals. Grading Plans Rear yard drainage swales shy" '-- - - -- - -- 'm 2% grade. At minimum, the foil- i- do not meet this requirement Complete. a. Shared rear yard Lots i u, 1 1, 10 DivUK 1 from EOF north. b. Shared rear yards Lots 9, 19, 20 Block 1 both directions from EOF. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-05-18 Submittal (Revised Prelim Plat)\_2022-06-02 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.do- Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review June 2, 2022 Page 2 driveway grade is 2.0%. This is not achieved on Lots 10 and 11 Complete. Street and Utility Plans (General) 6. A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Complete. 7. A note should be added saying the City specifications require that sanitary sewer and storm sewer require televising. Video files shall be provided to the City for review. Complete. 8. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. Hydrant spacing shall be no more than 400 feet. Complete. 9. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. Complete, applicant stated MPCA permit was obtained (both permits were submitted on 4/28/21). 10. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. This will be coordinated with the City and private utility companies prior to construction commencing. The applicant noted that private utility crossings will be identified by the private utility companies and the locations added to the plans once known. The location of the City's Fibernet conduits also need to be added to the plans. In -progress, applicant will add final location after pre -con and further coordination with utility companies. 11. Show/note dimension of drainage and utility easements where pipes are present. Complete. 12. In the general notes under number 8 update the sheet number reference (currently shows "##"). Update other sheet references on the plan view that show "##". Complete. 13. On Sheet 5, there appears to be an erroneous line -type on the westerly property line of Lot 1 Block 2 (looks like storm sewer). Complete. Sanitary Sewer/Watermain Plans (Sheets 2 — 4) 14. Provide material cost difference between 8" and 16" watermain for crediting Complete. 15. Provide dimension for 10 -foot separation between the watermain and sanitary sewer. Add a dimension note(s) on the plan view Complete. 16. Note the strength classification for the 16" PVC. Complete. 17. If dewatering is anticipated, provide a dewatering plan. Complete, the contractor will provide to the City prior to the pre -con. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-05-18 Submittal (Revised Prelim Plat)\_2022-06-02 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.docx Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review June 2, 2022 Page 3 18. Traffic control signage during construction shall be provided for the watermain work on Fallon Avenue and 87th Street. Complete, the applicant noted a traffic control plan will be provided to the City by the contractor prior to the pre -con. 19. Provide a street lighting plan. Show streetlights on utility plan. Complete, but confirm final locations with Xcel Energy. Streetlight locations should not be in conflict with proposed utility and draintile locations. Applicant will provide final location for the City to prior to construction. 20. Provide a phasing plan for burying of the overhead power lines and the addition of the development in which each of the phases will occur. Complete, the applicant provided a plan to the City. 21. The watermain stub on Fallon Avenue shall be increased from 16" to 24" due to recent changes in the City's Comprehensive Plan; oversize credits will apply. 22. Add a note requiring that the contractor place a post at each of the draintile cleanout locations. Storm Sewer Plans (Sheets 5 — 7) ''I To the storm sewer schedule on each sheet, add the bidld 6 -.nth of each structure. Catch basin manholes are not allowed to be deeper than 6 f ip. The minimum catch basin depth is 4 feet per the City's Design Man Complete. Show all storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street, add a note saying that "maintenance access shall be a minimum of 12 -feet wide with 10% max side slopes" to the grading plan. Complete. Street Plans (Sheets 8 — 9) 25. There are maty mag vertical curve lengths less than MnDOT State Aid geometric standards. The City will allow shorter curve lengths for sag vertical curves at roadway low points. Complete, applicant acknowledged. 26. Show mailbox cluster locations on the plans. In progress, the locations will need to be coordinated with the postmaster and City street superintendent at time of construction. 27. The Stop Sign included at 87th Street should be 36"x36". A 4" yellow skip stripe should be included on Fallon Avenue. The Type III barricade included in the Sign Schedule is not shown on the plan, where is it proposed to be located? Complete, stop sign resized and applicant provided detail on Type III barricade locations. 28. There is a circle symbol around each of the catch basins on the street sheets. If this is intended to note inlet protection, this should be shown on the erosion/sediment control plans instead. Complete. 29. Remove the temp trail connection to Fallon Avenue. This does not appear to be a safe location for pedestrian access to Fallon. Add pedestrian ramps and crossings to Fallon at both Farmstead and 87th instead. Complete. K:\017879-000\Admin\Docs\2022-05-18 Submittal (Revised Prelim Plat)\_2022-06-02 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.dom Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review June 2, 2022 Page 4 Trail Plans (Sheets 10 — 11) 30. Provide vertical curve and elevation information for proposed trail along Fallon Avenue. Complete, grade limitations were noted on the plans. 31. The trail section along Fallon Avenue on Sheet 10 was also included as a part of the plans for the 1St Addition. Remove this sheet if work still included with the 1St Addition. Complete. Details (Sheets 12 —19) 32. correct the street sections to include 24" of select granular borrow and 3" of bituminous Cnl IrRA Tt"A CtrAA} ^-ctinn nn ghapl d 7 ^f 4— nrarlinn nlan c^+ ----J^ 4— t'1P I lnrlptPrl Complete, the applicant acknowledged the inconsistency between the plans but stated that future additions may require a different thickness; the asterisk note was revised. 33. On Sheet 16, the typical section for the sidewalk only shows 4" granular borrow. The section should match City Detail Plate 5012 (included in the plans already). Either change the typical section to match the detail or reference the City detail Complete. Traffic & Access 34. A Traffic Study was completed as part of the EAW for the Haven Ridge development in 2018. The Haven Ridge 2nd Addition is considered a part of Phase 1/Phase 2 of the development. The following traffic recommendations were included in the EAW. a. Phase 1 and Phase 2 can be developed without any operational improvements (i.e. additional turn lanes, roundabouts, traffic signals) to the adjacent roadways or intersections. The adjacent street access locations should be constructed to City standards. b. Improve Fallon Avenue to City standards from School Boulevard to 85th Street with the construction of Phase 1 and 2 of the development, and; 85th Street from Fallon Avenue to City Limits with the completion of the future phases of the development. Complete, applicant stated that Fallon Avenue shoulder will be constructed with the 2nd Addition. 35. Based on the proposed site plan the anticipated traffic generation would be 444 vehicle per day (vpd), 35 AM peak hour trips and 47 PM peak hour trips, assuming 47 single family units on the site. The proposed access to the site is located on Fallon Avenue at 87th Street between Farmstead Road (Phase 1) access and 85th Street. Based on the anticipated traffic volumes no turn lanes would be needed on Fallon Avenue. Complete, applicant acknowledged. 36. The plan shows a 4 ft shoulder widening on the eastside of Fallon Avenue between the 85th Street intersections and an existing 12 ft through lane; this meets minimum State Aid standards for lane and shoulder widths. Complete, applicant acknowledged. 37. A sight line analysis should be completed at the intersections of 87th Street. Provide a detail/exhibit. The trees should be moved further away from intersection to allow vehicle to better see pedestrians on the trail as well. Complete. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-05-18 Submittal (Revised Prelim Plat)\_2022-06-02 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.do- Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review June 2, 2022 Page 5 Erosion and Sediment Control (2nd Addition Only) 38. The previously reviewed ESC plans and SWPPP are still applicable to the 2nd Addition. rIl-`" required from the applicant; comment provided as a means of clarification. Complete. Please show proter, Addition Utility Plat Complete. Stormwater Management 'Pts (FES 165, 166, and 170) on sheet 5 of the 2nd 40. ,,,,.,,,.cement for the 2nd Addition was reviewed with the 1st Addition plans -ted in 2020. The 2nd Addition will utilize this stormwater ponding location. Complete. 41. Swale south of 85th street NE is shown at 0.5%. Minimum allowable grade for swales is 2%. 42. Freeboard is not met for lots 107-109 for the EOF. 2' of freeboard is required from an areas EOF route. Wetlands 43. The project includes 0.8375 acres of impact. The required replacement is 1.6751 acres. Purchase of 0.3156 acres credit from the Pauman Bank (#1544) has been in process and the applicant is obtaining final signatures from BWSR. Purchase of 1.3595 acres of credit from the Butterfly Marsh wetland bank (#1762) and restoration of Wetland 10 is requested in this phase. RiGhards Ronk (#1375) and resterati„n of VVetiand 19 i& requested On this phase. The LGU has signed the Withdrawal of Credits form on April ' 2021 for Ronk #1375 and provided it to the applicant for processing with BWS . The restoration plan for Wetland 10 has been reviewed by the LGU and SWCD and it meets the requirements of the WCA Notice of Decision granted for this project. As noted in the Monitoring Plan and the WCA Notice of Decision, the applicant will be required to monitor and submit reports to the LGU regarding the restoration of Wetland 10. The applicant will need to provide the final signed paperwork to the City and the SWCD for both Bank #1544 and Bank #1762 1375 prior to starting any wetland impact work. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB L James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-05-18 Submittal (Revised Prelim Plat)\_2022-06-02 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.docx • \ 0 0 0°700°0°0°0°0° 3eslg \\ a ° T Ili I I I "il,°�°o° o�o�000 o / / /� \ ° ,•\ \, \ i `s \ \ \ \/ / ID 5N I � � Ir � \ iI' � ° ° °o °A ° \ Fig / • � v \ v�� wA � w3 �° �\ � 0 3s `\ � I V /, �IY21 W \ `" m ° -® EX.72.1iaaifr Ebdavtsia -N I I �i l I I // v POND 100 �a v° V vv�w�� A -exe /� I 4 \ I / W Sk NWL = 949.0 D , o I \ i IM l I j � _ //� 10 DAY SNOWMELT = 953.1 \ \ \ \ \� \�'°\ ` •°�� I .f /' MAP KEY so \ 100 YR HWL \ \ :\\ \ \ o zs (INFEET) ,00100 YR B-B HWL = 954.3 I „ n \ \ r � ' v I / s v \ � , . F•v, v, / /1 � 3xI , . 30 li } BENCHMARKS - VI i� l I 58.6 . _ \v- 49.6 --- 48.8---------- sqo �v a• \ \� 1� I': •:' �� ' .• v � �� \ °/ \�� w 1. 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I1:':•.':'. \\T / 40 / / 96' c 965.0 c -13333 c- I \ ��� I,W K6°b ';• O \ moo. \ /� 9s �s � � I I � s.ox / ASSUMED OFFSITE WETLAND 5 �< ' ' j:' 1 1 •'•`•'••ff' ' '• J/ Sj I I I ' I I O mfO I I EDGE BASED ON EXTENSION e1 mRn665e Ash\\ / \ :'�':.:':':: • �\ 166 / 98po 95705 LO LO /%{ - ;h OF ELEVATION FROM SITE) •� ` I / .'.\.. ' • . / /x 0 ,/ / 57.5 958.0 I" Y° s 'h•:� �\ , / , L SEE SHEET 29 so.o 3303 ion I r I Y 3890 Pheasant Ridge Drive NE, Revisions: 1. 5/6/22 Rev. lots for Bilk 3, 4 & 5 D E N A LI INVESTMENTS C� Carl Su ite 100 1 hereby certify that this plan, specification Print Name Brian ] Krysto De..:-➢1G 9/13/19 Per Ci Commen ���_�-�•Ma •environmental Blaine, MN 55449 or report was preparedly me or under my 2.1/9/20 Per City Comments HAVEN RIDGE PRELIMINARY GRADING 28 • engineering phone: (763)489-7900 tlirec[supervisionandthatlamadUly Signature: � 2 Designed: BJK 3.7/22/20 PerCltyComments 1313 Hillwind Road Of rveying Fax: (763)489-7959 Licensed Professional Engineer under 4.9/10/20 Per CltyComments Monticello, Minnesota &EROSION CONTROL PLAN McCain su the laws of the State of Minnesota Date: 4/5/19 License #: 25063 Date: 4/5/19 5.3/08/21 Per 2nd add. & Ph. 2 grading Fridley, MN 55432 41 ww.carlsonmccain.com 6. 5/25/21 Per 2nd add. City Comments 2 0 U (7 z LU m 0 00 00 z J 0 a a LU z z 0 W T W 7) z W a a z LU X 0 r` wsb July 20, 2022 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review City of Monticello Project No. 2021-009 WSB Project No. R-0017879-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (revised) and construction plans dated June 28, 2022 as prepared by Carlson McCain. The applicant proposes to construct 58 (formerly 47) single family home lots with this addition. Further review of additional phases will be required prior to construction. The Final Plat and engineering documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater management standards. We offer the following comments regarding the engineering and stormwater management standards. Final Plat & General 1. Separate trail easement legal descriptions and exhibits should be provided for separate recording with the County. The City will provide an easement document for execution but will require legal description to be added prior to recording. Complete and acknowledged by applicant, they do not believe a separate easement will be required since the trail will be located within the existing road ROW; easement description for trail within Outlot B was sent with 1St Addition documents. 2. Add an existing and removals plan to the set and include what fencing will need to be removed in Outlots A, B, D, and along 85th in Outlots A and B. Fence should be removed on the north side of the wetland during Phase 2 as well. Sh-- the cluck blind that needs to be removed on the north side of the wetland in Outlot E. Complete. 3. Provide updated 2nd Addition civil plan set including updated plan/profile sheets with future submittals. Complete, plan/profiles provided. 4. The developer will be responsible for coordination with Xcel to move pole in the way of the sidewalk crossing at Farmstead Ave. Add a note to this effect on the plans as well. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.do- Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review July 20, 2022 Page 2 Grading Plans Rear yard drainage swales shall ha\,- 9 minimum 2% grade. At minimum, the following do not meet this requirement Complete. a. Shared rear yard Lots , , , 6 Block 1 from EOF north. b. Shared rear yards Lots 9, 19, 20 Block 1 both directions from EOF. The City' ;nimum driveway grade is 2.0%. This is not achieved on Lots 10 and 11 Block ! Complete. Update eastern grading limits, grading limits are shown on adjacent property. Additional comments were provided directly on the plan sheets. Not all comments were summarized in this letter. Street and Utility Plans (General) A note should be added to the plans that the City will not be responsible for any additional costs incurred that is associated with variations in the utility as -built elevations. These elevations shall be verified in the field prior to construction. Complete. 10. A note should be added saying the City specifications require that sanitary sewer and storm sewer require televising. Video files shall be provided to the City for review. Complete. 11. The building department will review the hydrant location/spacing and emergency vehicle access/circulation and provide comments separately from this letter. Hydrant spacing shall be no more than 400 feet. Complete. 12. With final construction plans, provide confirmation of MDH (watermain) and MPCA (sanitary sewer) plan review and permitting. Complete, applicant stated MPCA permit was obtained (both permits were submitted on 4/28/21). 13. Private utility conduit crossings shall be shown for the joint trench. This will be coordinated with the City and private utility companies prior to construction commencing. The applicant noted that private utility crossings will be identified by the private utility companies and the locations added to the plans once known. The location of the City's Fibernet conduits also need to be added to the plans. In -progress, applicant will add final location after pre -con and further coordination with utility companies. 14. Shnw/note dimension of drainage and utility easements where pipes are present. Complete. 15. In the general notes under number 8 update the sheet number reference (currently shows "##"). Update other sheet references on the plan view that show "##". Complete. 16. On Sheet 5, there appears to be an erroneous line -type on the westerly property line of Lot 1 Block 2 (looks like storm sewer). Complete. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.docx Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review July 20, 2022 Page 3 Sanitary Sewer/Watermain Plans (Sheets 2 — 4) 17. Provide material cost difference between 8" and 16" watermain for crediting Complete. 18. Provide dimension for 10 -foot separation 1,.1,•".,.r *"^ watermain and sanitary sewer. Add a dimension note(s) on the plan vie\ Complete. 19. Note the strength classification for the 16" PVC. Complete. 20. If dewatering is anticipated, provide a dewatering plan. Complete, the contractor will provide to the City prior to the pre -con. 21. Traffic control signage during construction shall be provided for the watermain work on Fallon Avenue and 87th Street. Complete, the applicant noted a traffic control plan will be provided to the City by the contractor prior to the pre -con. 22. Provide a street lighting plan. Show streetlights on utility plan. Complete, but confirm final locations with Xcel Energy. Streetlight locations should not be in conflict with proposed utility and draintile locations. Applicant will provide final location for the City to prior to construction. 23. Provide a phasing plan for burying of the overhead power lines and the addition of the development in which each of the phases will occu, Complete, the applicant provided a plan to the City. 24. The watermain stub on Fallon Avenue shall be increased from 16" to 24" due to recent changes in the City's Comprehensive Plan; oversize credits will apply Complete. 25. Add a note requiring that the contractor place a post at each of the draintile cleanout locations. Complete. Storm Sewer Plans (Sheets 5 — 7) 2n. ( o the storm sewer scneauie on each sheet, add the build depth of each structure. Catch basin manholes are not allowed to be deeper than 6 fe -np. The minimum catch basin depth is 4 feet per the City's Design ManL Complete. 27. Show all storm sewer maintenance access routes for structures outside of the street, add a note saying that "maintenance acc- � a minimum of 12 -feet wide with 10% max side slopes" to the grading p(". Complete. 28. Confirm with builder which lots will have sump drains directed towards the street; only lots with sumps draining towards the street need 4" draintile stubs. End draintile stubs at property line to avoid conflict with joint trench installations. Street Plans (Sheets 8 — 9) 29. There are many sag vertical curve lengths less than MnDOT State Aid geometric standards. The City will allow shorter curve lengths for sag vertical curves at roadway low points. Complete, applicant acknowledged. K:\017879-000\Admin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.d— Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review July 20, 2022 Page 4 30. Show mailbox cluster locations on the plans. In progress, the locations will need to be coordinated with the postmaster and City street superintendent at time of construction. 31. The Stop Sign included at 87th Street should be 36"x36". A 4" yellow skip stripe should be included on Fallon Avenue. The Type III barricade included in the Sion Schedule is not shown on the plan, where is it proposed to be located? Complete, stop sign resized and applicant provided detail on Type III barricade locations. 32. There is a circle symbol around each of the catch basins on the street sheets. If this is intended to note inlet protection, this should be shown on the erosion/sediment control plans insteae Complete. 33. Remove the temp trail connection to Fallon Avenue. This does not appear to be a safe location for pedestrian access to Fallon. Add pedestrian ramps and crossings to Fallon at both Farmstead and 87th instead. Complete. Trail Plans (Sheets 10 - 11) 34. Complete, grade limitations were noted on the plans. -)posed trail along Fallon Avenue. 35. The trail section along Fallon Avenue on Sheet 10 was also included as a part of the -fans for the 1St Addition. Remove this sheet if work still included with the 1St Addition. Complete. Details (Sheets 12 - 19) 36. Correct the street sections to include 24" of select granular borrow and 3" of bituminous base course. The street section on Sheet 17 of the grading plan set needs to be updated. Complete, the applicant acknowledged the inconsistency between the plans but stated that future additions may require a different thickness; the asterisk note was revised. 37. On Sheet 16, the typical section for the sidewalk only shows 4" granular borrow. The section should match City Detail Plate 5012 (included in the plans already). Either change the typical section to match the detail or reference the City detail. Complete. Traffic & Access 38. A Traffic Study was completed as part of the EAW for the Haven Ridge development in 2018. The Haven Ridge 2nd Addition is considered a part of Phase 1/Phase 2 of the development. The following traffic recommendations were included in the EAW. u. , 11— , u„u , iI— � amu, --,,.,h.— VV,L,,— u„y �h.,-ULI-- ,,,,h ,cvements (i.e. additional turn lanes, roundabouts, traffic signals) to the adjacent roadways or intersections. The adjacent street access locations should be constructed to City standards. b. Improve Fallon Avenue to City standards from School Boulevard to 85th Street with the construction of Phase 1 and 2 of the development, and; 85th Street from Fallon Avenue to City Limits with the completion of the future phases of the development. K:\017879-000\Admin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.d— Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review July 20, 2022 Page 5 Complete, applicant stated that Fallon Avenue shoulder will be constructed with the 2nd Addition. 39. 0001--U VII II IG PIUPUJGU JIIG PICAlI II IG 01ILIU PCALGU Liaffic gGIIGlation vvuulu uc °+-+4 vehicle per day (vpd), 35 AM peak hour trips and 47 PM peak hour trips, assuming 47 single family units on the site. The proposed access to the site is located on Fallon Avenue at 87th Street between Farmstead Road (Phase 1) access and 85th Street. Based on the anticipated traffic volumes no turn lanes would be needed on Fallon Avenue. Complete, applicant acknowledged. 40. The plan shows a 4 ft shoulder widening on the eastside of Fallon Avenue between the 85th Street intersections and an existing 12 ft through lane; this meets minimum State Aid standards for lane and shoulder widths. Complete, applicant acknowledged. 41. A sight line analysis should be completed at the intersections of 87th Street. Provide a detail/exhibit. The trees should be moved further away from intersection to allow vehicle to better see pedestrians on the trail as well. Complete. Erosion and Sediment Control (2nd Addition Only) The previously reviewed ESC plans and SWPPP are still applicable to the 2nd Addition. " n required from the applicant; comment provided as a means of clarification. Complete. Please show prote, ISts (FES 165, 166, and 170) on sheet 5 of the 2nd Addition Utility PIP Complete. Include standard detail for redundant erosion control around wetlands. Minimum spacing of 5' between layers of silt fence. a. Label erosion control measures on grading and erosion control sheets b. Provide a legend for erosion control including inlet protection. Stormwater Management 45. Stormwater management for the 2nd Addition was reviewed with the 1St Addition plans —4 --tructed in 2020. The 2nd Addition will utilize this stormwater ponding location. Complete. 46. Swale south of 85th street NE is shown at 0.5%. Minimum allowable grade for swales is 2%. 47. Freeboard is not met for lots 107-109 for the EOF; 2' of freeboard is required from an areas EOF route. 48. It is not clear whether the contractor will also be completing the filtration basin within the first phase. Please confirm. K:\017879-000Wdmin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.do- Haven Ridge 2nd Addition Preliminary Plat (Revised) — Engineering Plan Review July 20, 2022 Page 6 Wetlands 49. The project includes 0.8375 acres of impact. The required replacement is 1.6751 acres. Purchase of 0.3156 acres of credit from the Pauman Bank (#1544) is complete. Purchase of 1.3595 acres of credit from the Butterfly Marsh wetland bank (#1762) and restoration of Wetland 10 is requested in this phase. A purchase agreement dated May 12, LULL was executed between the bank #1762 owner and the developer to hold the 1.3595 Type 3 Shallow Marsh Credits until a closing date of July 31, 2022. The applicant will need to provide the final signed paperwork to the City and the SWCD for credit withdrawal from Bank #1762 4375 prior to starting any wetland impact work. The restoration plan for Wetland 10 has been reviewed by the LGU and SWCD and it meets the requirements of the WCA Notice of Decision granted for this project. As noted in the Monitoring Plan and the WCA Notice of Decision, the applicant will be required to monitor and submit reports to the LGU regarding the restoration of Wetland 10. The "Seeding & Vegetation Management/Maintenance for Wetland 10 of Haven Ridge" plan that was submitted by the developer outlines the management and maintenance plan for Wetland 10. The City, or agents of the City, are not responsible for errors and omissions on the submitted plans. The owner, developer, and engineer of record are fully responsible for changes or modifications required during construction to meet the City's standards. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Please give me a call at 763-287-8532 if you have any questions or comments regarding this letter. Sincerely, WSB �;� L James L. Stremel, PE Senior Project Manager K:\017879-000\Admin\Docs\2022-06-28 Submittal (Prelim Plat)\_2022-07-20 Ltr-m-leonard Haven Ridge 2nd Add - WSB Engineering Review.d— DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) HA VENRIDGE 2ND ADDITION This DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT ("Contract") dated , 2022, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and HAVEN RIDGE L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer" and "Owner") 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and rezoning to planned unit development for HAvENRiDGE 2NDADDITioN (referred to in this Contract as the "Plat" and the "Development"). The land is situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A". The Developer previously entered into a multi -phased Development Contract and Planned Unit Development for the plat of Haven Ridge. The plat of Haven Ridge 2nd Addition will be the second phase consisting of approximately 19 acres and will consist of 59 single family homes. Page 11 214835v1 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the plat with the County Recorder within 365 days after the City Council approves the final plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Final Stage Planned Unit Development ("PUD") provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Contract and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution No. 2022 -XX approving a preliminary plat adopted by the City Council on June 27, 2022; City Resolution No. 2022 -XX approving a development stage PUD adopted by the City Council on June 27, 2022; City Resolution No. 2022-OXX approving the final plat; City Resolution No. 2022-OXX approving the Final Stage PUD; City Resolution No. 2022-OXX approving the rezoning to PUD; Ordinance No. , and subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, Conditions of Approval, in the staff report of the City Council Agenda dated June 27, 2022 and July 25, 2022. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder/Registrar's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. A. The plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat. The City may refuse to approve final plats of subsequent phases if the Developer has breached this Contract and the breach has not been Page 12 214835v1 remedied. Development of subsequent phases may not proceed until Development Contracts for such phases are approved by the City. B. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the plat that are designated in the approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. C Except as otherwise specifically provided herein, the Development Contract and Planned Unit Development for Haven Ridge recorded on September 24th, 2020 as Document #A1441549 shall remain in full force and effect and shall be binding on the parties, their heirs, successors and assigns. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. The plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat. The preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, consistent with the approved preliminary plat, within ten (10) years after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For five (5) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved plat unless required by state or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, official controls, platting or dedication requirements enacted after the date of this Contract. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject plat shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the Page 13 214835v1 R-1, Single Family Residence. For Phase 2 of the Development, if there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations (3) R-1 Zoning District (Single Family Residential) 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. A. No final plat for changes or amendments to this Contract shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan Plan D — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan E — Stormwater Management Plan Plan F — Details Plan Plan G — Site and Utility Plan Plan H — Roadway / Transportation Plans Page 14 214835v1 Plan I - Tree Preservation Plan: General site and individual unit landscaping plans Plant J - Landscape Plans Plan K - Trail Plan Plan L — Sign Plan Plan M — Street Lighting Plan Plan N — Phasing Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights, Street Signs, Traffic Control Signs G. Site Grading and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls M. Conservation Easement and Wetland Buffer Posts N. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mailboxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mailboxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments must install locking cluster mailboxes. Page 15 2148350 The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a competent registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all instructions received from the City's inspectors. The Developer or its engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. Developer shall provide as -built CAD files that include GPS locations of all lot corners, right of way, public utility structures and castings, street lights, and utility service stubs. Developer shall pay for the cost of entering as -built information into the City GIS system. This cost will be billed at the hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule under the City Engineering Administration escrow per Section 20 of this Agreement. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, and the R-1 Zoning Regulations. Page 16 2148350 Developer shall also adhere to the specific design requirements for as outlined in the City Council Agenda dated June 27, 2022 and July 25, 2022 as follows: • Adherence to the City's T -N, Traditional Neighborhood zoning lot standards and setbacks, in the absence of a PUD design element addressing the other items in this list. Those standards include the following: • 25 foot front setbacks, with 6 feet side yards and 20 feet rear yards. • Building sizes of 1,050 finished, and 2,000 square feet finishable area. • Garage square footage of at least 480 square feet • Roof pitches of at least 5:12. • Brick/Stone on front facade equal to at least 15% of all front -facing surfaces. • Livable portions of the home exposed to the front street will achieve between 40- 50% of the width of the structure, with designs to be approved through the PUD process. • Usable front porches or similar features. • Front entry doors no greater than 6 feet farther back from the garage doors. • Additional large tree planting (including trees of at least 3" caliper planting size) in the front yards of the proposed lots to make a more immediate impact on the streetscape. • Driveway standards per the R-1 District. 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • Wright County Soil Conservation District and Army Corp of Engineers for Wetlands • City of Monticello for Building Permits • City of Monticello for Grading Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all Page 17 214835v1 applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30th of the year following the year of recording of the final plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed by October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Final wear course placement outside of this time frame must have the written approval of the City Engineer. 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City. The City may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be restored as identified in the Construction Stormwater General Permit/SWPPP, unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City, the City Page 18 214835v1 may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan B. The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except model homes as permitted by this Contract or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed posts along ponds and wetland buffers; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with housebuilding footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed FHA/HUD 79G specifications. Page 19 214835v1 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at Page 110 2148350 standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $120,243.25 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $11,191.08 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are Page lll 214835v1 required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration and planning -related expenses relating to processing of the Plat and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be one percent (1.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $30,060.81 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the plat development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be one percent (1.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $30,060.81 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. D. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the Page 112 214835v1 City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 23. STORM SEWER TRUNK AREA CHARGE. A. This Phase 2 of the Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $77,805.64. The area charge is based on the gross area of the final plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 18.23 net acres x $4,268.00 (Base Area Charge) _ $77,805.64 The storm sewer alternate ponding area charge is not applicable to this phase. The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $77,805.64 shall be assessed against the property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a storm sewer area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. 24. SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AREA CHARGE. A. This Phase 2 of the Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $62,422.25. The area charge is based on the number of units in the plat and is calculated as follows: 59 units x $1,594.00/unit - $31,623.75 (credit) _ $62,422.25 Page 113 214835v1 The Developer shall receive a credit against sanitary sewer trunk area charges for Phase 2 for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit applicable to Phase 2 is $31,623.75. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer trunk area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at Developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a sanitary sewer trunk area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. C. A 36 -inch dry gravity trunk main is to be constructed within future proposed Phase 3, 7 and 8, and as documented in the City's SouthEast Sewer Study. Credits to the sanitary sewer area charge for the design and construction of this main shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. No credits are applicable for these improvements with Phase 2. 25. WATERMAIN TRUNK AREA CHARGE. A. This Phase 2 of the Development is subject to a watermain trunk area charge of $. The area charge is based on the number of units in the plat and is calculated as follows: 59 units x $1,182.00/unit - $XX,XXX (credit) = $ The Developer shall receive a credit against watermain trunk area charges for Phase 2 for connection to existing utilities at Hunters Crossing. The amount of the credit is $. The developer shall receive a credit against watermain trunk area charges for Phase 2 for materials cost for watermain oversizing to 24" main. The amount of credit is $. Page 114 214835v1 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the watermain trunk area charge in cash at the time of final plat approval at Developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. B. Future phases of the Development shall be subject to a watermain trunk area charge based on the prevailing rate at the time of final plat. C. The development is subject to watermain oversizing credits to the water main area charge for the construction of 12 -inch and 24 -inch mains from an 8 -inch main. Credits shall be applied at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. Oversizing costs will be based on pipe size, fittings weights and gate valve sizes. Credit for oversizing of a portion of 24" watermain is applicable to Phase 2. 26. CONSTRUCTION ACCESS. Construction traffic access and egress for grading, public utility construction, and public street construction is restricted to access from Fallon Avenue NE. No construction traffic is permitted on the adjacent local streets. 27. PARK AND PATHWAY DEDICATION. A. The City's Ordinance specifically requires 11% of the land area, or an equal contribution based on the land value no later than at time of final plat approval. For Phase 2 of the Development, the total park dedication required is satisfied by the construction of the Fallon Avenue pathway along the 2nd Addition of the plat. The Developer shall receive a credit to Park Dedication in the amount of $, which shall be allocated against the other area charges within the plat. Park dedication was calculated as follows. 18.97 acres x 11% = 2.09 Acres of Park Dedication Required 2.09 Acres x $12,686 (value of acreage at time of final plat) = $26,513.74 Page 115 214835v1 $26,513.74 — $XX,XXX.XX (credit) _ $Park Dedication Credit B. In this Phase 2, the Developer shall construct the 10 -foot wide bituminous pathway along Fallon Avenue NE within the right of way and shall receive a construction cost credit from the park dedication fee for the applicable phase of the development based on the Park Dedication requirements at that time. A portion of this pathway was credited with Phase 1 and is excluded from applicable length credit for Phase 2. The credit for Phase 2 totals $XX,XXX.00. C. In compliance with Resolution 2022 -OX, the developer will plat Outlot E of Haven Ridge in a future development phase. Trails constructed by the Developer located in Outlot E as shown on the approved preliminary plat shall receive credit from the park dedication fee pursuant to the City approved Trail plans at the time of construction. The park and trail requirements shall be approved by the Park and Recreation Commission. Credits for trail construction shall be applied at the time of final plat of the Development and shall be detailed within the Contract for the phase. D. Internal sidewalks and pathways along new roadways are to be constructed by the Developer with no credit from the park dedication fee. 28. LANDSCAPING. The Developer shall plant, per the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements, at least two (2) trees per lot, as well as tree planting areas pursuant to the Landscaping Plans as reviewed and approved by the City. The Developer's Landscaping Plan shall meet the Zoning Ordinance requirements. The Developer shall provide a landscaping security deposit in the amount of $194,062.50 to ensure the placement of landscaping, wetland restoration and wetland buffer landscaping per approved plans per Section 32 of this Contract. The security shall be held for one full year of two growing seasons following installation and inspection. The wetland portion of the security shall be held in accordance with the required maintenance plan. Page 116 214835v1 29. TREE PRESERVATION. A. A Tree Preservation Plan has been submitted. The plan shows a total of 1 specimen tree to be protected within Phase 2 of the Development. Specimen trees shall be protected during development per Monticello Zoning Ordinance 4.2. The Developer shall provide a security deposit to ensure the protection of this specimen tree per Section 32 of this Contract. Should the Developer need to remove a "specimen tree" for the development of a lot, the Developer must replace the "specimen tree" with three or more replacement trees equaling or exceeding a total of eighteen (18) aggregate caliper inches, and the required replacement trees shall be planted within twelve (12) months of the removal or destruction of the specimen tree. B. Any lots within Phases 2 which impacts tree preservation areas shall require submission of tree preservation plans by lot prior to development within the plat. 30. WETLANDS. A. The wetland impacts and mitigation are required to be permitted under the Wetland Conservation Act and the US Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permits. B. The project includes 0.8375 acres of wetland impact. The required replacement is 1.6751 acres per approved wetland permits. The Developer shall provide the final signed paperwork to the City and the SWCD for both applicable permitted wetland banks prior to starting any wetland impact work. The Developer is required to comply with the comments of the City Engineer's wetland review per the letter dated April 21, 2021 C. Developer is required to establish wetland buffers around the wetlands per City Zoning Ordinance 3.7(D). The wetland buffers will be natural, native vegetation strips of land above the wetland boundaries and may include trail ways. The buffers are required to be placed within an outlot or easement and the Developer is required to maintain the wetland buffers until vegetation standards are met. Page 117 214835v1 D. In compliance with the approved wetland permit, the Developer is required to complete restoration for Wetland 10 as part of Phase 2 per applicable plan and wetland permit. E. The Developer shall provide a deposit for the establishment of the wetland buffer and restoration of Wetland 10 per approved wetland permit and applicable buffer plan and grading plan. The amount of security for this purpose is included within the landscaping security. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's wetland consultant certifies that the restoration and establishment has been installed in accordance with the plans and permit. F. During the first five (5) years after initial planting, the developer shall submit to the City an annual report documenting the progress for establishment of the buffer and restoration of Wetland 10. The report shall comply with the requirements in the buffer ordinance and is due by December 31 of each year. To guarantee compliance with this requirement, the developer shall submit a $7,000 deposit which shall be based on the estimated review of annual reporting and the management plan for the wetland buffers and Wetland 10 restoration within Phase 2. G. The City will complete review and inspection of wetland buffers and Wetland 10 during the 5 year management period, the costs for which will be charged against the 3% grading and restoration escrow per Section 20(B) of this agreement. H. Prior to the City issuing a building permit, the developer shall record a notice of the wetland buffer requirement against the title to the lot with the office of the Wright County Recorder or Registrar of Titles. I. The Developer shall provide a deposit of $9,000.00 for the placement of wetland buffer and conservation easement posts per applicable wetland buffer plan and grading plan. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all posts have been set following site Page 118 214835v1 grading and utility and street construction prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. The deposit is calculated as follows: $300 /post x 59 posts — $11,800.00 J. Lot surveys for individual lots shall include the wetland buffer area and dimensions, in addition to the conservation easements. K. The Developer shall show all delineated wetlands on the preliminary plat and all wetland buffers on the grading plan. L. Contemporaneously with this agreement, the City grants a right of entry to the Developer and their agents to Outlot B of Haven Ridge for the restoration and management of Wetland 10 lying within the outlot. 31. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the June 2, 2022 letter signed by James Stremel, PE, Senior Project Manager for WSB, along with subsequent review comments based on plan revisions. B. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the July 16, 2019 letter signed by Sara Buermann, PE, Traffic Engineer from Wright County to Matthew Leonard at the City of Monticello. C. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. , including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. D. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution No. , for approval of the Final Plat, including Exhibit Z conditions. E. Prior to City Council approval of the final plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place Page 119 214835v1 and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post an $17,700.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 47 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. F. The Developer shall be responsible for the cost of street light installation, street sign installation and mailboxes consistent with the ordinance, Design Manual and Standard Specifications of the City. G. Pursuant to a traffic study completed for the Haven Ridge project, the Developer is required to improve adjacent roadways fronting the Development (i.e. Fallon Avenue and 85th Street) with safety improvements. The improvements for Phase 2 include adding 4 -foot bituminous shoulders and pathways to along Fallon Avenue. H Also included in the Development is the realigning and provision for the future extension of 85th Street as an east -west collector road in accordance with the City's Transportation Plan and Wright County's Transportation Plan. This includes the extension of Fallon Avenue/Eisele Avenue and a roundabout intersecting with the re -aligned 85th Street within the Development. Credits will be provided for the oversized street width for 85th Street from a 36 -foot to a 44 -foot wide street width at the time of Final Plat for each applicable Phase of Development and shall be detailed within the Agreement for each Phase. The oversizing credit amount will be based on unit prices for excavation, granular borrow, class 5 aggregate and bituminous surface at the time of the improvement. No credits are applicable to this Phase of Development. Page 120 214835v1 I. Burying of existing overhead powerlines along adjacent roadways and corridors are subject to the review and recommendation of the City Engineer based on project feasibility, cost and ordinance requirements. Per city ordinance, all utilities within or serving new development shall be placed underground. I Right of way dedication shall occur as a part of each Phase of Development with the Final Plat, consistent with the approved Preliminary Plat. Future right of way shall be as approved on the Preliminary Plat and placed in outlots until the time of Final Plat for each Phase. K. Right of way vacation as is not applicable to Phase 2 of the Development. L. The Development is subject to an assessment for City Projects 14CO03 and 12CO01 for public street improvements for Fallon Avenue and 85th Street. The amount of assessment applicable to this phase is $7,261.72 and shall be assessed per Section 35(D). The balance of the assessment will be apportioned at the time of future phases. M. The developer shall install conduit, fiber, and other facilities for the city owned fiber network in the joint trench per city standards. The city will provide plans and details for the installation and the contractor shall submit to the city a cost estimate for approval prior to construction. Upon approval and completion, the city will reimburse the Developer for the cost of the installation of the fiber network. N. The existing home and structures within the plat shall be demolished in a future phase. The developer will be required to submit a security for the demolition of the structures at the time of the corresponding phase of development. The home and all structures within the plat are required to comply with ordinance requirements for continued operation and use. Page 121 2148350 32. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this Contract, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $3,779,726.56, plus a cash fee of $191,555.96 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $ 668,189.05 Watermain $ 520,750.00 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $ 633,993.00 Streets, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails $1,164,899.20 Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes $ 18,250.00 CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $3,006,081.25 OTHER COSTS: Lot Corners/Iron Monuments , 17 700.0 TOTAL COSTS $3,023,781.25 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $3,779,726.56 OTHER REQUIRED SECURITIES Wetland & Conservation Easement Posts $ 11,800.00 Wetland Restoration Management $ 7,000.00 Landscaping $ 180,812.50 Tree Preservation $ 1,200.00 Fence Removal $ 17,700.00 Page 122 214835v1 Grading, Erosion Control & Restoration $ 87,570.00 TOTAL OTHER REQUIRED SECURITIES $ 306,082.50 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the security, the City may also draw it down. If the security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. The City standard specifications for utilities and street construction outline procedures for security reductions. B. To guarantee the completion of subject property landscaping improvements in compliance with approved Plan J, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $180,812.50. Individual securities will be required by lot if the required landscaping has not been installed at the time of certificate of occupancy for each. The security shall be held for two complete growing seasons after installation of landscaping materials to guarantee compliance with City landscaping standards. Page 123 214835v1 C. The Developer shall furnish the City with Security in the amount of $ 87,570.00 to guarantee grading and restoration of the subject property in compliance with approved Plan B. Plan B illustrates the grading of 29.19 acres within the plat. 33. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final plat approval: Administrative & Planning (1%) $ 30,060.81* Legal (1 %) $ 30,060.81* Engineering and Inspection (7% total) Grading/Restoration and Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 11,191.08* Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $120,243.25* Total Cash Requirements $191,555.96 * Fees and final amounts reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 34. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for public improvements is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished to the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. Page 124 214835v1 35. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 33 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including attorneys' fees. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable in equal installments over a ten- year period, plus interest of 2.0% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of Page 125 214835v1 assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final plat approval by the City of Monticello. Assessments shall be allocated on a per lot basis over 59 units. The assessments may be paid in full with interest payable prior to November 1St of the year prior to levying of assessment. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), water availability charges ("WAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 36. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. Page 126 214835v1 37. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan state, and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. Grading, curbing, and one lift of asphalt shall be installed on all public streets prior to issuance of building permits, with the exception of two single family model home structures. The exception is contingent upon the submission and approval of complete as -built grading plan and development plans for the plat, and placement of lot corners for the permitted lots. Release of the building permits is subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer and Building Official. No certificate of occupancy for the permitted structure may occur until streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material Page 127 214835v1 men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. G. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. H. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. I. Developer, or its prime contractor, shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until six (6) months after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the plat or when any construction commences, whichever Page 128 214835v1 later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. J. To the fullest extent permitted by law, Developer agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City, and its employees, officials, and agents from and against all claims, actions, damages, losses and expenses, including reasonable attorney fees, arising out of Developer's negligence or its performance or failure to perform its obligations under this Contract. Developer's indemnification obligation shall apply to Developer's general contractor, subcontractor(s), or anyone directly or indirectly employed or hired by Developer, or anyone for whose acts Developer may be liable. Developer agrees this indemnity obligation shall survive the completion or termination of this Contract. K. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. L. The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells a part or parts of the platted land. M. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls on the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Page 129 214835v1 Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 38. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Haven Ridge L.L.C., attention: Marc Schulte, 1313 Hillwind Road, Fridley, MN 55432. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362. [The remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signature pages follow.] Page 130 214835v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor (SEAL) Rachel Leonard, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Lloyd Hilgart and Rachel Leonard, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public Page 131 214835v1 DEVELOPER: HAVEN RIDGE L.L.C. M. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF ) , Its President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by , the President of Haven Ridge L.L.C., a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ Page 132 214835v1 EXHIBIT "A" TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT Legal Description of Property Being Final Platted as HAVEN RIDGE 2ND ADDITION Outlot D, HAVEN RIDGE, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Page l33 214835v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PUD (Haven Ridge 2nd Addition) , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number , agrees that the Development Contract shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2022. STATE OF ss. COUNTY OF Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2022, by the of a , on behalf of the Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] Page 134 214835vl IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer)- and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, "Drawn under Letter of Credit No. , dated , 2 , of (Name of Bank b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at (Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, 2007. This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. Its Page 135 214835v1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Expiration Date: O Occurrence $1,000,000 for each occurrence $1,000,000 or more Page 136 214835v1 Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy: Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On Authorized Insurance Representative Page 137 2148350 SUMMARY OF EXPENSES/FINANCE PLAN Phase II 0, July 11, 2022 Total Acres in Development 213.92 gross Total Acres in Phase 18.97 gross Total Units in Development 265 Single Family Acres or 73Townhome Net Multi -Family Total Units in Phase 59 Single Family Units 0 Townhome Assessment 0 Multi -Family The storm sewer trunk fee is charged by the net acre which is defined as developable property minus pond 120.03 net acreage (at high water level) and wetlands at the 18.23 net delineation line, rounded to the nearest tenth (1/10th) of an acre." Trunk Area Charges & Park Dedicatio Acreage Acres or Credits Net Note City Escrow (General Admin & Planning) Charge Units Assessment $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Park & Pathway Dedication 1.00% $30,060.81 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection Park Dedication Provided $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Park Dedication Required (11%) $12,868.00 2.09 ($35,200.00) -$8,305.8818.97x11%=2.09 AC Total Park Dedication Required Special Assessments 4.00% $120,243.25 Reconstruction $158.98 18.97 $3,015.85 Fallon Ave Improvements CP12C001/Total of $34,008.88 Reconstruction $223.82 18.97 $4,245.87 Fallon & 85th Improvements CP14C003/Total of $47,880.12 Sanitary Sewer (unit) $1,594 59 ($31,623.75) $62,422.25 Credit for sanitary sewer connection Watermain(unit) $1,182 59X X Credit for watermain connection (19497.75) and oversizing (XX,XXX) Storm Sewer Base (net acres) $4,268 18.23 $77,805.64 Storm Sewer Alternate $4,374 18.23 NA Pay at final plat or assessed by lot Total amount to Assess $139,183.73 Per Lot Assessment based on (#) units I 59 ity Review &Tispection Es Escrows based on public improvement costs City Escrow (General Admin & Planning) 1.00% $30,060.81 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Legal 1.00% $30,060.81 $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Engineering and Inspection $2,000 minimum; Actual; cost reconciled at project completion Grading, Restoration & 3.00% $11,191.08 Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection 4.00% $120,243.25 Wetland Review and Inspection Included in Engineering and Inspection Total City Fees $191,555.96 Sanitary Sewer Watermain Storm Sewer Roads, Driveways and Sidewalks/Trails Lighting, Street Signage, Mailboxes Construction total (for purpose of calculating other fees) Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $300 Total Construction Cost for the purpose of calculating LOC Maximum allowable reduction prior to acceptance and bond Estimated site grading cost for calculation of LOC t KVEscTU Notes $668,189.05 $520,750.00 $633,993.00 $1,164,899.20 $18,250.00 $3,006,081.25 59 $17,700.00 $3,023,781.25 $3,779,726.56 90.00% $3,401,753.91 $373,036.00 Landscaping $144,650 1.25 Conservation/Wetland Posts $200 59 Wetland Management Tree Preservation $200 6 Fence Removal 1 180,812.50 L $11,800.00 $7,000.00 $3 $1,200.00 12 $17,700.00 $87,570.00 Su_ 306.082.50 ac. = 0.3952 ac WL X $2500 x 5 yrs = $7000 - VERIFY Signficant tree = 200.00/2 CPI for grading to plan and restoration City Council Agenda: 7/25/22 2H. Consideration of approving an Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for Retail Service Uses Including but Not Limited to Definition, Zoning Districts and Standards. Applicant: City of Monticello Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Northwest Associated Consultants 7/25/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item (NAC)/Community Development N/A Zoning Designation: Director Overlays/Environmental Reviewed by: Approved by: Community and Economic City Administrator Development Coordinator, Chief Building Official ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-84 approving Ordinance No. 780 for Retail Uses based on findings in said resolution. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: N/A PID #: N/A Planning Case Number: 2022-027 Request(s): Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance Deadline for Decision: N/A N/A Land Use Designation: N/A Zoning Designation: N/A Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: N/A Current Site Uses: N/A Surrounding Land Uses: N/A Project Description: The adopted Pointes at Cedar (PCD) zoning district includes an allowance for "Retail Service" uses, which are not currently defined within the Zoning Ordinance. The proposed amendment is designed to close that gap and provide clarity as to the City Council Agenda: 7/25/22 classification between general "Retail Commercial" uses and "Retail Service" uses. In addition, the proposed amendment provides for the zoning districts in which the "Retail Service" use would be allowed. ANALYSIS: The purpose of this proposed zoning ordinance amendment is to add specificity to uses intended to be allowed in the City's various Business districts, but more specifically as to how those uses are addressed in the PCD, Pointes at Cedar District. The current zoning regulations address the definition of retail uses only in part. As a result, a clarification to the existing "Retail Commercial Use" definition and a new definition for "Retail Services" are proposed. In general, a retail transaction is one in which a provider of goods (or services) delivers the good to the end user on site. Most often, that good is a tangible product, such as groceries, a bicycle, or any other finished product. The key is that it is being provided to the end user of the product, and not sold for further manufacture or resale. A retail service use is one in which the business may also create or manufacture goods or property to sell to the end user. Examples would be artistic creations which can be intellectual or tangible property. As such, a "retail service" business is often one which is both creating and delivering this type of property for sale — again to the end user only. Included below are the two proposed definitions. Amended Definition: RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES (OTHER): A commercial land use where the establishment is primarily engaged in the sale of goods and materials to the general public, accepts payment or orders for, and delivers to the end user a good or service. Elements of the retail business include stock -in -trade held on the premises in the case of goods or provides a service to the end user on the premises. Retail business may arrange for delivery of a good rather than deliver the good concurrent with the transaction, or may accept payment or orders electronically in advance, for delivery of the good or service in person at a later date. Retail Commercial Uses do not include those businesses engaged primarily in delivery of goods for further treatment or finishing, or the sale of goods to businesses for subsequent resale, sale of goods from moveable motorized vehicles, or medical clinics. Where the Zoning City Council Agenda: 7/25/22 Ordinance establishes a separate class of use for a specific business, such business shall be subject to the specific regulations applicable to such use. New Definition: RETAIL SERVICE: A form of Retail Commercial Use that creates a product of value (either good or service) on site and delivers said good or service to the end user on site. Examples include businesses which fabricate and/or craft creative goods on site and both display and sell such goods to the end user at the retail location such as artist studios, bicycle shops, photography studios or similar uses. Where the Zoning Ordinance establishes a separate class of use for a specific business, such business shall be subject to the specific regulations applicable to such use. Allowance by District: The allowance for "Retail Service" uses is proposed to be added as a permitted principal use to the 6-2, 6-3 and 6-4 districts, all commercial districts. In addition, it is proposed to be added as a permitted principal use to all sub -districts of the CCD and to The Pointes at Cedar district. Table 5-1 of the Zoning Ordinance is proposed to be amended accordingly. Table 5-1 is proposed to be amended to include a reference to The Pointes at Cedar, Ordinance No. 776 rather than a full secondary table. In addition, one small change for consistency with current definitions is proposed to Table 5-1. The ordinance currently provides definitions for both "Commercial Offices" and "Office — Professional Office — Services". Table 5-1 is proposed to include both, allowing both as permitted uses as currently permitted. Use Standards: In regard to use standards for the proposed "Retail Service" use, the following are proposed to be added to Chapter 5, Section 2 — Use -Specific Standards. (2X) Retail Service a) Repair of all goods shall occur within an enclosed building. b) Outdoor sales and display shall be conducted in accordance with this ordinance. c) Off-street loading and delivery shall be in accordance with this ordinance and shall not reduce the required off-street parking required for the site and use. d) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. e) No process involved in a service operation shall produce noise, vibration, air pollution, fire hazard, or noxious emission which will disturb or endanger neighboring properties. City Council Agenda: 7/25/22 f) If adjacent to a residential property, the use shall require installation of a buffer yard in accordance with this ordinance. In addition, the Retail Commercial Uses (Other) use standards require amendment to eliminate reference to the previous ordinance for the CCD. With the adoption of the 2017 Downtown Small Area Plan, these standards became obsolete and/or were incorporated into the amendments located in the CCD section of the ordinance. The proposed amendments are as follows: (27) Retail Commercial Uses (Other) having a Fetail fleeF aFea gFeateF than 10,000 squaFe feet: st; uet re. (iiii) PaFking shall be eFiented to wFap aFeund buildings, FatheF than be located entiFely in the fFent of+he building. bI' FRg. (iiii) SeFviee Fnay include activities that suppeFt the Fetail sales ef geeds an the IpFemises, i rneludii-n-SFcp•c-'rYf ch-r'rcc-ti'rerrF"-r+a,l,assembly, ship", "mild ctiyi sales, but shall meet the ,Ats „f this <„C-+i„Y, PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on July 5, 2022 and held a public hearing on the amendment. No members of the public were present to address the Commission on the item. During discussion the Commission clarified how differing types of commercial uses, including the retail uses proposed, as well as specialty eating establishments and brew pubs, would be allowed in various commercial districts. In addition, City Council liaison Gabler confirmed with staff how impacts to various public infrastructure systems would be evaluated. Following discussion, the Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the amendment. City Council Agenda: 7/25/22 I. Budget Impact: NAC's analysis and staff report preparation is covered by the Planning & Zoning Miscellaneous Professional Services line item. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time in review and preparation of the ordinance amendment is estimated at 5 hours. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Implementation chapter of the Monticello 2040 Plan specifies that updates to the zoning ordinance, including definitions section, are necessary for consistency with the 2040 plan. The proposed ordinance directly supports the intended uses in the recently adopted appendix to the 2040 Plan for The Pointes at Cedar District (PCD) and additional clarity in the types of retail uses desired for the community. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends Alternative 1, leading to adoption of the Ordinance establishing the additional definitions in the Zoning Ordinance, Section 8.4, and the addition of Retail Service uses to the B-2, B-3, B-4 and Pointes at Cedar District. Staff would further recommend the addition of the use in all sub -districts of the CCD. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-84 B. Resolution PC -2022-035 C. Ordinance Excerpts D. Ordinance 780 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-84 APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDING DEFINITIONS RELATED TO RETAIL BUSINESS WHEREAS, the City regulates land uses in its various zoning districts, including an allowance for various types of retail uses in specific zones; and WHEREAS, the definitions of retail business currently rely on common understanding, but have limited specific definitions in the code; and WHEREAS, the clarity of the code will advance by the addition of said definitions; and WHEREAS, the zoning district amendments herein will accomplish the objectives of the City's land use plans and regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 5, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has recommended approval of the ordinance amendment; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: The usefulness of the zoning regulations require clarity and definition to avoid misinterpretation, and promote the effectuation of the City's land use objectives. 2. The proposed amendments add definition to terms used in the zoning ordinance, but which rely only on common usage and understanding. 3. The proposed amendments refine the understanding of the terms used, and therefore advance the City land use regulations and objectives. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-84 4. The proposed amendments will improve the communication of the intent of the zoning regulations to property owners, businesses, and city officials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the City Council approves the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as specified in Ordinance No. ADOPTED this 25th day of July 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, City Administrator MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL M 2 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-035 A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF AN AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE ADDING DEFINITIONS RELATED TO RETAIL BUSINESS WHEREAS, the City regulates land uses in its various zoning districts, including an allowance for various types of retail uses in specific zones; and WHEREAS, the definitions of retail business currently rely on common understanding, but have limited specific definitions in the code; and WHEREAS, the clarity of the code will advance by the addition of said definitions; and WHEREAS, the zoning district amendments herein will accomplish the objectives of the City's land use plans and regulations; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 5, 2022 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The usefulness of the zoning regulations require clarity and definition to avoid misinterpretation, and promote the effectuation of the City's land use objectives. 2. The proposed amendments add definition to terms used in the zoning ordinance, but which rely only on common usage and understanding. 3. The proposed amendments refine the understanding of the terms used, and therefore advance the City land use regulations and objectives. 4. The proposed amendments will improve the communication of the intent of the zoning regulations to property owners, businesses, and city officials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approves the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance as specified in Ordinance No. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2022-035 ADOPTED this 5th day of July, 2022, bythe Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ONTICEL O PLANNING COMMISSION By: Paul Konsor, Chair ATTEST: Angela Schun�pnAI, Community Development Director CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure (c) Interim Permitted Uses = I An "I" indicates that a use may be permitted for a brief period of time provided certain conditions are met, and a specific event or date can be established for discontinuance of the use. Inability of the City to establish conditions to adequately control anticipated impacts is justification for denial of an interim permitted use. Interim Permitted Uses may also be subject to special regulations as referenced in the "Additional Requirements" column. (d) Prohibited Uses = Shaded Cells A shaded cell indicates that the listed use is prohibited in the respective base zoning district. (e) Uses Not Provided for Within Zoning Districts In any zoning district, whenever a proposed use is neither specifically allowed nor denied, the Community Development Department shall determine if the proposed use is comparable in potential activities and impacts to a use listed within the zoning district and is acceptable related to land use compatibility, traffic, and/or nuisance issues and established conditions and standards relating to development of the use. Where such a determination is made, the requirements established for the listed use shall apply as minimum standards for the proposed use. Additional requirements may be applied to address differences between the listed use and the proposed use. If no comparable use determination can be made, the use will be considered prohibited in which case an amendment to the ordinance text would be required to clarify if, where and how a proposed use could be established. Page 358 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance TABLE 5-I: USES BY DISTRICT Use Types "P" = Permitted "C" = Conditionally Permitted "I" = Interim Permitted Base Zoning Districts AKR R T R R M B B B B O1 2 N 3 4 H 1 2 3 4 C I Additional C B 1 2 Requirements Agricultural Uses Agriculture p P P P P P P P p p p p FP FP 5.2(B)(1) Agricultural Salesw J Community•- Q F W W U Page 358 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. i Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 Use Types "P" = Permitted .. Conditionally. Permitted • , "I" = Interim Permitted Residential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplexp C 5.2(C)(21(b) 5.2(C)(21(c) - Townhouse C p - Multiple -Family C P C C 5.2(C)(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Multi -Family Mobile & Manufactured Home Park C C C P C 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5.2(D)(1) (private) Assisted Living FacilitiesC P C C P 5.2 D 2 Cemeteries C C C C C C C L2(D 3 Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p C p p None 5.2(D)(4) Hospitals C p p Nursing/Convalescent CC C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Home Passenger Terminal C C CC None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2 D 6 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2 D 7 Public Warehousing I I I 5.2(D)(8) Temporary Schools, K- 12C C C C C C I I 5.2 D 9 Schools, Higher None Education C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2 D10 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure TABLE 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT • AdditionalUse Types Base Zoning Districts Conditionally-. Permitted • A 1 2 N 3 4 H 1 2 3 4 , "I" = Interim Permitted Commercial Uses Adult Uses P P 11 P L7(K) Auction House C 5.2E 2 Auto Repair — Minor C C P 502(E)(3) Automotive Wash Facilities P C 5.2(E)(4) 5.2E 5 Bed & Breakfasts C C C C C Brew Pub P P P P P P P P C C C 5.2E 6 Business Support Services P P P None Commercial Lodging C P L2(En Commercial Self -Storage CP 5.2 F 3 Communications/Broadcasting P P 5.2E 8 Convenience Retail C P P P 5.2E 9 Country Club C 5.2E10 Day Care Centers C C P 1.2(E"11 Entertainment/ Recreation, P P C 5.2E 12 Indoor Commercial Entertainment/ Recreation, C C C C 5.2E 13 Outdoor Commercial 5.2E14 Event Center C C C Financial Institution P C P 5.2E15 5.2E16 5.2E I Funeral Services P P Kennels (commercial) C Landscaping / Nursery P 5.2E 18 Business Offices P P P P P P P 5.2E20 Personal Services C P P P 5.2E 22 Production Brewery or Micro -Distillery without P P 5.2 F 12 Taproom Production Brewery or 5.2E 23 Micro -Distillery with C C C C C 5.2 F 13 Taproom or Cocktail Room Recreational Vehicle Camp C 5.2(E)(24) Site P C Repair Establishment C P P P 5.2E 25 Restaurants C P P 5.2(E)(26) Page 360 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure 5-1: USES BY DISTRICT (cont.) Use Types Base Zoning Districts ConditionallyRequirement AdditionalTABLE Permitted •2 A�l Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings Less P P P 5.20(27) than 10,000 SF Retail Commercial Uses (other) Buildings OverC F I P P 5.20(27) 10,000 SF Specialty Eating 7] C P P P 5.2(E)(28) Establishments Vehicle Fuel Sales C C C 5.2E29 Vehicle Sales and Rental C 5.2E30 Veterinary Facilities C 5.2(E)(3 I Rural Veterinary Facilities C C C 5.2(E)(3 1 (Neighborhood) P P P None Wholesale Sales Industrial Uses Auto Repair — Major C P P 5.2(F)(I ) Bulk Fuel Sales and P p 5.2(F)(2) Storage Contractor's Yard, I I I 5.2(F)(4) Temporary Extraction of Materials I I I 5.2 F 5 General Warehousing C P P 5.2 F"6 Heavy Manufacturing C 5.2 F"7 Industrial Services C P None Industrial Self -Storage C C 5.2(F)(8) Facilities Land Reclamation C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C 5.2(F)(9) Light Manufacturing P P P 5.2(U(!0) Machinery/Truck Repair P P 5.2 F I I & Sales Recycling and Salvage C C 5.2(F)(14) Center Truck or Freight C C 5.2(F)(15) Terminal Waste Disposal & C 5.2(U(! 6) Incineration Wrecker Services C P 5.2(F)(17) City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 361 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.1 Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure TABLE 5- 1 A: CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT (CCD) USES Retail, -1 SUB -AREA Riverfront Broadway (B) Walnut & Retail,Office, ment and ported by ported by large space supported open space, entertainment; housing and retail users, by limited supported Housing 2nd services and retail retail and retail service services Additional Use requirements applicable per 5.2 of this ordinance. Uses: Residential Uses Single Family P* CUP *Upper floors only Multi 3 du or under P* CUP* P * Upper floors only Townhouse CUP CUP* CUP P *Townhouses on Broadway east of Pine only Multi 4-12du CUP CUP CUP CUP Multi 13+ du CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Ground -Floor CUP* P P *Allowed on ground floor for townhouses on Broadway east of Pine Commercial Brew Pub < 10,000 sq. ft. P P P P Brew Pub > 10,000 sq. ft. CUP P CUP P Commercial Day Care CUP CUP P Commercial Lodging P CUP CUP P Entertainment/Recreation, CUP* CUP* CUP* CUP <10,000 sq. ft. only Indoor Commercial (including theaters) Entertainment/Recreation Outdoor Commercial Event Centers CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Subject to 5.2 (F) (14) Funeral Services CUP Personal Services P P P P CUP Places of Public Assembly CUP CUP CUP CUP CUP Production Brewery/Taproom P P P P Micro Distillery/Cocktail Room P P P P Professional Office -Services and CUP* P P P P Upper floors Retail preferred Commercial Office CUP* - not P/CUP* on P/CUP* P Upper floors allowed on ground on ground preferred ground floor floor floor Financial P P P P Drive thru by CUP Restaurants, Bars <I0,000 sq. ft. P P P P CUP Restaurants, Bars >I 0,000 sq. ft. CUP P CUP P CUP Page 362 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. I Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure Retail Sales < 10,000 s. ft. P P P P P Retail Sales > 10,000 sq. ft. CUP CUP CUP P CUP Retail with Service CUP P P P P Specialty Eating Establishments < 10,000 sq. ft. P P P P CUP Vehicle Fuel Sales CUP Veterinary Facilities <10,000 sq ft CUP CUP CUP CUP No outdoor uses Industrial Uses Industrial PUD PUD Only PUD Only Civic & Institutional Uses Clinics/Medical Services CUP CUP P P Public Buildings or Uses (incl. P public arks CUP P CUP CUP Schools Pre -K-12 CUP CUP CUP City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 363 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (E) Regulations for Commercial Uses 2. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. 3. The building, site, and signage meet the standards for the "CCD" district and design review is conducted by the Planning Commission. Section 5.30)(14): 4. Drive through facilities comply with the requirements of Section Drive Through 5.3(D)(14). Service 5. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. (27) Retail Commercial Uses (Other) (a) If the retail sales includes consignment sales, the following standards shall apply: (i) Sales and storage shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in area. (ii) At least 80% of the sales shall be of consigned merchandise. (iii) No auctions shall take place on the premises. (iv) There shall be no outside storage. (b) In the CCD, F-2 sub -district, the following conditions shall apply to retail sales in buildings having a retail floor area greater than 10,000 square feet: (i) Building architecture shall be designed to vary facade height, fenestration, and other details to provide the appearance of several smaller retail buildings, rather than a single large structure. (ii) Parking shall be oriented to wrap around buildings, rather than be located entirely in the front of the building. (c) In the CCD, F-2 sub -district, the following conditions shall apply to retail sales accessory services: (i) Accessory service shall occupy no more than 40 percent of the main floor of any building. (ii) Service may include activities that support the retail sales of goods on the premises, including repair, fabrication, rental, assembly, shipping, or similar activities. (iii) Service activities may occur as an entity separate from retail sales, but shall meet the requirements of this section. City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 393 CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (B) Lots RECREATIONAL VEHICLE CAMP SITE: A lot or parcel of land occupied or intended for occupancy by recreational vehicles for travel, recreational, or vacation usage for short periods of stay subject to the provisions of this ordinance. RECYCLING AND SALVAGE CENTER: A facility engaged solely in the storage, processing, resale, or reuse of recyclable and recovered materials. REGIONAL FLOOD: A flood which is representative of large floods known to have occurred generally in Minnesota and reasonably characteristic of what can be expected to occur on an average frequency in the magnitude of the 100 -year recurrence interval. Regional flood is synonymous with the term "base flood" used in the Flood Insurance Study. REGULATORY FLOOD PROTECTION ELEVATION: The regulatory flood protection elevation shall be an elevation no lower than one foot above the elevation of the regional flood plus any increases in flood elevation caused by encroachments on the flood plain that result from designation of a floodway. REPAIR ESTABLISHMENT: An establishment primarily engaged in the provision of repair services for TV's, bicycles, clocks, watches, shoes, guns, canvas products, appliances, and office equipment; including tailor; locksmith; and upholsterer. RESTAURANT: An establishment where meals or prepared food, including beverages and confections, are served to customers for consumption on or off the premises. Such a facility may include indoor and outdoor seating and/or drive through services. RETAIL COMMERCIAL USES (OTHER): Establishments primarily engaged in the sale of goods and materials to the general public not otherwise specifically defined in code. Retail commercial uses may include by are not limited to bookstores, antique stores, grocery stores and similar uses; but do not include sales from moveable motorized vehicles. RIVER, AGRICULTURAL: Rivers that run through intensively cultivated areas, mainly in the southern and western area of Minnesota. RIVER, FORESTED: Rivers that are in forested, sparsely to moderately populated areas with some roads; typically found in northeast, southwest and north -central Minnesota RIVER, REMOTE: Rivers that are primarily in roadless, forested, sparsely populated areas in northeastern Minnesota. RIVER, TRANSITION: Rivers that are in a mixture of cultivated, pasture and forest lands. Page 500 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. 780 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, BY ADDING DEFINITIONS RELATED TO RETAIL USES THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO HEREBY ORDAINS: Section 1. Chapter 3 Title 10 — Zoning Districts is hereby amended by adding the following: 8.4 Definitions 1! 1 J111 111:111 A commercial land use where the establishment is primarily engaged in the sale of goods and materials to the general public, accepts payment or orders for, and delivers to the end user a good or service. Elements of the retail business include stock -in -trade held on the premises in the case of goods or provides a service to the end user on the premises. Retail businesses may arrange for delivery of a good rather than deliver the good concurrent with the transaction, or may accept payment or orders electronically in advance, for delivery of the good or service in person at a later date. Retail Commercial Uses do not include those business engaged primarily in delivery of goods for further treatment or finishing, or the sale of goods to businesses for subsequent resale, sale of goods from moveable motorized vehicles, or medical clinics. Where the Zoning Ordinance establishes a separate class of use for a specific business, such business shall be subject to the specific regulations applicable to such use. RETAIL SERVICE: A Retail Service establishment is a form of Retail Business that creates a product of value (either good or service) on site and delivers said good or service to the end user on site. Examples of Retail Services include businesses which fabricate and/or craft creative goods on site and both display and sell such goods to the end user at the retail location such as artist studios, bicycle shops, photography studios or similar uses. Where the Zoning Ordinance establishes a separate class of use for a specific business, such business shall be subject to the specific regulations applicable to such use. ORDINANCE NO. 780 Section 2. Section 5.1, Table 5-1 shall be amended as follows: Retail Service shall be established as a permitted principal use in the B-2, B-3, 13- 4, CCD (all sub -districts) and The Pointes at Cedar (all sub -districts). Section 3. Section 5. 1, Table 5.1 shall be further amended as follows: Offices, Commercial and Professional -Services Section 4. Section 5. 1, shall be amended by adding Table 5-1B and adding the following: Table S -IB THE POINTES AT CEDAR DISRICT (PCD) See Ordinance No. 776 Section 5. Section 5.2 for Use Specific Standards shall be amended by adding the following: (28) Retail Service a) Repair of all goods shall occur within an enclosed building. b) Outdoor sales and display shall be conducted in accordance with this ordinance. c) Off-street loading and delivery shall be in accordance with this ordinance and shall not reduce the required off-street parking required for the site and use. d) Outdoor storage shall be prohibited. e) No process involved in a service operation shall produce noise, vibration, air pollution, fire hazard, or noxious emission which will disturb or endanger neighboring properties. fi If adjacent to a residential property, the use shall require installation of a buffer yard in accordance with this ordinance. Section 5. Section 5.2(E) is hereby amended as follows: (27) Retail Commercial Uses (Other) (a) If the retail sales includes consignment sales, the following standards shall apply: (i) Sales and storage shall not exceed 1,000 square feet in area. (ii) At least 80% of the sales shall be of consigned merchandise. (iii) No auctions shall take place on the premises. (iv) There shall be no outside storage. sales in bttildings ha-ving a retail floor- area gr-eeAer- tha-a 10,000 squar-e feet.: (i) Bttilding afehiteettife shall be designed to vafy fagade height, f rest..atior, and thraeF details to provide the . o 0 of several smaller- retail buildings, rather- than a single large stmetwe. 2 ORDINANCE NO. 780 Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this day of , 2022 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, Administrator AYES: NAYS: ............ .rv:ee:.ssss!.�ess!ti.:�_ - Section 6. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. Section 7. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this day of , 2022 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Rachel Leonard, Administrator AYES: NAYS: City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 21. Consideration of approving city administrator to serve on the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center Board of Directors Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Administrator 7/25/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the city administrator to serve on the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center Board of Directors REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In June 2022 City Administrator Rachel Leonard applied to serve on the Board of Directors for the Central Minnesota Mental Health Center (CMMHC). CMMHC is a non-profit organization serving Benton, Sherburne, Stearns, and Wright Counties with vital services. One of the CMMHC offices is located in Monticello. Leonard's application was recently approved, and she was offered a seat on the board beginning in August. Leonard plans to serve on the board as a private citizen and not as a formal representative of the City of Monticello. However, her private affiliations are subject to oversight given her leadership position. In the interest of transparency, the City Council is asked to consider approving her participation on the board for a three-year term, with an option to extend. Meetings are held quarterly with additional committee meetings scheduled separately. During weeks when the board meets, Leonard will adapt her schedule to accommodate both her city and board responsibilities. If at any time there is a conflict of interest between Leonard's position as administrator and her position on the board, she will abstain from the vote. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff defers to the council on this decision. SUPPORTING DATA • None City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 4A. Consideration of authorizing the City Administrator to submit applications to Wright Countv for Countv American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item Finance Director 7/25/2022 ® Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Parks, Arts, and Recreation Director City Administrator City Engineer/Public Works Director Motion to authorize the City Administrator to submit applications to Wright County for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA) was signed into law on March 11, 2021, and it allocated grant money to state and local units of government. The City received its own direct allocation and is eligible for additional funding as a sub -recipient of Wright County's ARPA allocation. Wright County has earmarked $4,000,000 of its ARPA allocation for Water and Sewer Grants to municipalities within the county, up to $533,799 of which is set aside for the City of Monticello. City staff is asking the Council for authorization to apply for funding for the Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) project. The SCADA project is currently being funded with existing resources in the water and sewer funds but obtaining an ARPA grant will allow the City to use those resources for future projects, such as the water treatment plant or trunk improvements along Fallon Avenue. Additionally, the County is welcoming grant applications from municipalities for ARPA funding which was originally earmarked for certain County projects. Several of the County's projects came in under budget, and the County is looking for eligible projects that could use the remaining funds. City staff proposes submitting a grant application to fund a portion of the Bertram Chain of Lakes (BCOL) Regional Park parking lot safety and accessibility improvements included in the draft 2023 budget. Staff applied for a $300,000 Outdoor Recreation Grant from the MN DNR but was unsuccessful in obtaining the funding, therefore staff recommends seeking support funding from the county. The proposed BCOL project includes the construction of ADA -accessible gravel trails, recreation support facilities, and transportation enhancements to the existing Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Complex. Support facilities to be added include a picnic shelter, seating areas, City Council Agenda: 7/25/2022 water fountains, and a concrete pad that will support temporary restrooms. A new gravel parking lot will provide 150 additional parking spaces; five accessible parking spaces will be constructed on bituminous pavement. The project will also develop a new one-way gravel entrance road from the south and a new two-way internal park road to improve traffic circulation. The existing irrigation main will be extended. The proposed design includes turf restoration and tree/native plantings. The new support facilities are needed to increase the viability of the site as a regional athletic facility. The transportation improvements are needed to improve accessibility and safety at the existing athletic complex. The safety and accessibility improvements will increase visitor safety by removing motor vehicles from parking on both sides of Wright County main campground entrance road, Briarwood Ave and not allowing unnecessary pedestrian movements across Wright County's main park entrance road towards the athletic park. Budget Impact: The current SCADA project budget includes 1/3 for the Water Fund and 2/3 for the Sewer Fund. Therefore, grant proceeds would be split $177,933 to the Water Fund and $355,866 to the Sewer Fund. Additionally, proceeds for the BCOL project will go to the Park & Pathway Improvement Fund. II. Staff Impact: Staff time will consist of applying for and administering the receipt of grant funds. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends authorizing the City Administrator to submit applications to Wright County for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Grants. SUPPORTING DATA • None.