City Council Agenda Packet 11-14-20221. Agenda Documents Documents: 11-14-22 AGENDA.PDF FIBERNET QUARTERLY REPORT.PDF WCSO MONTHLY REPORT.PDF 2A PAYMENT OF BILLS.PDF 2B NEW HIRES AND DEPARTURES.PDF 2C PROPERTY.PDF 2D DONATIONS.PDF 2E WRIGHT COUNTY ASSESSING CONTRACT.PDF 2F WCSO CONTRACT AMENDMENT.PDF 2G PINEWOOD SAFE ROUTES.PDF 2H RIVERSIDE CEMETERY EXCAVATION CONTRACT.PDF 21 WRIGHT COUNTY AGREEMENT-BROADWAY.PDF 2J WINTER PARKING ORDINANCE UPDATES.PDF 2K 1-94 COC GRANT.PDF 2L ACCEPTANCE OF EDMONSON RIDGE.PDF 2M ACCEPTANCE OF FEATHERSTONE 5TH.PDF 2N FRONT LOADER - PW DEPARTMENT.PDF 20 POINTESEXCAVATIONCCA- DELTA MODULAR.PDF 2P JEFFERSON COMMONS OUTLOT BPA.PDF 2Q JEFFERSON COMMONS SET PH VACATION.PDF 2R HEADWATERS COUNTRY CLUB ASSIGN.PDF 2S KIMBER CUP EXTENSION.PDF 2T TARGET PICK UP PUD ADJUSTMENT.PDF 2U INDUSTRIAL ORDINANCE AMENDMENT.PDF 4A GENERAL ELECTION RESULTS.PDF 4B COUNCIL APPOINTMENT.PDF 4C MOAA INTERIM APPOINTMENT.PDF 4D DOWNTOWN IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AMENDMENT.PDF AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 14, 2022 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL MEETING Academy Room, Monticello Community Center 4:30 p.m. City Council & ISD 882 School Board Special Joint Meeting Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Bill Fair, Charlotte Gabler, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. D. Public Service Announcements • City Announcements o Thanksgiving Business Hours E. Council Liaison Updates • EDA • Planning Commission G. Department Updates • Wright County Sheriff's Office Quarterly Update • FiberNet (Arvig) Quarterly Update 2. Consent Agenda —All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item be removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-121 approving donations Consideration of approving a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for 2024-2025 assessing services Consideration of amendment to Law Enforcement Contract between Wright County and City of Monticello G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-120 authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report and approval of a contract amendment with WSB to provide additional engineering services for the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School Project for a cost of $6,000 H. Consideration of authorizing two-year contract with Jake's Excavating to provide excavation services Riverside Cemetery Consideration of approving a funding and construction agreement between Wright County and the City of Monticello for Broadway West Street Improvements Consideration of adopting Ordinance approving amendment to Chapter 70 of Code of Ordinances to include updates in accordance with the Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-123 supporting an application to the Corridors of Commerce Program for improvements for the 1-94 Gap project L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-124 accepting public improvements for Edmonson Ridge M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-125 accepting public improvements for the Featherstone 5th Addition N. Consideration of approving the purchase of a new 2023 John Deere 624P front- end loader with plow equipment from RDO Equipment Co. for $188,704, auto - lube system from Lubecore MN for $9,200 and cutting edges from Kris Engineering, Inc. for $3,957.64 for a total cost of $201,861.64 and declaring the 2003 Case 721 and 2007 Case 621 as surplus which are included as trade-ins 0. Consideration of approving a contract with Delta -Modular Company for the extraction of materials P. Consideration of approving a purchase agreement for a portion of Outlot B of Jefferson Commons (155-164-00020) and consent to plat Jefferson Commons 4th Addition including Outlot B Q. Consideration of Resolution 2022-126 calling for public hearing on December 12, 2022 for vacation of drainage and utility easements as legally described for Outlot B, Jefferson Commons and Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 15t Addition. Applicant: City of Monticello and Robbins Living Trust R. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-129 approving an Assignment and Assumption of Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement for Country Club Manor Second Addition to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC Consideration of approving a request for a one-year extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family in an R-2 (Single and Two -Family) Residential District. Applicant: James & Yassa Kimber T. Consideration of approving a PUD Adjustment to the Union Crossing PUD affecting Target with changes to parking, pick-up locations, and signage. Applicant: Grant Eggan (Kimley Horn)/Target Corporation U. Consideration of adopting Summary Ordinance 791A for amendments to Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to Industrial District and Use Standards, and Corrective Ordinance 791 for correction to ordinance amendment for Chapter 4, Section 11— Building Materials 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-127 canvassing the 2022 General Election results B. Consideration of filling vacant City Council seat C. Consideration of appointing City Councilmember as interim member of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement Board D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-122 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements Project and approving a contract amendment with Bolton and Menk, Inc. for a total of $459,327 Residential & Business Subscribers Service 2015 Q2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2-2022 Q3-2022 Phone Only 32 28 28 24 24 24 22 27 29 27 Internet Only 664 717 829 945 11014 1,131 1,341 11366 1,372 11360 Television Only 74 73 72 55 41 28 14 6 6 6 Phone & Internet 164 156 145 164 155 166 165 160 156 151 Phone & Television 44 1 42 39 35 30 1 1 23 14 1 1 Internet & Television 318 280 279 232 206 193 181 173 158 159 Triple Play 278 254 253 204 174 141 114 109 102 99 Total Subscribers 1574 1 1550 11645 1,659 1 11644 1,706 1,851 1,842 11823 1,802 Total Phone 518 480 465 427 383 354 315 297 287 277 Total Internet 1424 1407 1,506 1,545 1,549 11631 10801 11808 11788 1,769 Total Television 714 1 649 1 1 643 1 526 451 385 1 1 323 289 1 1 266 1 1 264 July 1st 2016 Arvig's 1st Day Business Subscribers Service 2015 Q2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2-2022 Phone Only Q3-2022 Phone Only 10 10 13 10 10 8 7 11 13 Internet Only 12 Internet Only 37 31 35 33 37 35 35 39 41 Television Only 42 Television Only 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 6 6 Phone & Internet 94 Phone & Internet 70 66 60 68 63 62 65 61 62 Phone & Television 62 Phone & Television 1 1 34 1 1 1 1 Internet & Television 315 Internet & Television 3 4 4 4 3 6 5 4 4 Triple Play 3 Triple Play 15 15 19 16 14 14 9 8 5 Total Subscribers 5 Total Subscribers 137 129 133 133 129 127 123 123 125 Total Phone 124 Total Phone 96 92 92 95 88 85 82 80 80 Total Internet 79 Total Internet 125 116 118 121 117 117 114 112 112 Total Television 113 Total Television 20 22 25 22 19 22 16 12 9 8 Residential Subscribers Service 2015 0 2 - 2016 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2-2022 Q3-2022 Phone Only 22 18 15 14 14 16 15 16 16 15 Internet Only 627 686 794 912 977 1,096 11306 11327 1,331 1,318 Television Only 73 71 70 54 40 27 13 6 6 6 Phone & Internet 94 90 85 96 92 104 100 99 94 89 Phone & Television 43 41 39 34 29 22 13 1 Internet & Television 315 276 275 228 203 187 176 169 154 156 Triple Play 263 239 234 188 160 127 105 101 97 94 Total Subscribers 1437 1421 1,512 1526 1515 11579 11728 1,719 1,698 1,678 Total Phone 422 388 373 332 295 269 233 217 207 198 Total Internet 1299 1291 1,388 1424 1432 1,514 1,687 1,696 1,676 1,657 Total Television 694 627 618 504 432 363 307 277 257 256 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 7/01/2022 - 7/31/2022 Revenues Subscriber Billings Total Revenues: Expenses Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: Net Income 164,544.00 (33,918.96) (15,373.43) (43,642.17) 164,544.00 (92,934.56) $ 71,609.44 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 8/01/2022 - 8/31/2022 Revenues: Subscriber Billings Total Revenues: Expenses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: Net Income Entity: From: Subject: Netting Period 164,815.00 164,815.00 (33,928.02) (15,373.43) (43,642.17) (922943.62) $ 71,871.38 Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Netting Statement 3rd Quarter 2022 Total Revenues: Subscriber Billings 493,301.00 Total Revenues: 493 xpenses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee otal Expenses: Net Income (101,496.72) (46,120.29) (130,926.51) .00 $ 214,757.48 Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Monthly Netting Statement Netting Period: 9/01/2022 - 9/30/2022 Revenues: Subscriber Billings 163,942.00 Total Revenues: 1633942.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee Management Fee Fixed Fee Total Expenses: Net Income (33,649.74) (159373.43) (431642.17) Entity: FiberNet From: Arvig Enterprises, Inc. Subject: Netting Statement Netting Period: YTD 2022 Total Revenues: Subscriber 13illin Total 1,487 Revenues: ,599.00 Expenses: Subscriber Fee .487.599.00 (312,608.22) Management Fe (1351674.25) Fixed Fee (392,779.53) Total Expenses: CNet Income (92,665.34) $ 71,276.66 1 $ 646,537.00 Capital Expense Report; Budget versus Actual 3rd Quarter 2022 Actual Budget HE/CO Equipment 19,233 22,500 Drops 25,763 56,250 CPE Equipment 38,251 69,375 Road Jobs/Moves $ 83,247 $ 148,125 Variance $ 3,267 $ 30,487 $ 31,124 $ 64,878 2022 Capital Budget: 2022 HE/CO Equipment 30,000 Drops Plowing 75,000 CPE Equipment 92,500 Road Jobs/Moves - Mapcom - Plant Records TOTAL - Yearly $ 197,500 Financial Projections PRELIMINARY Q3 2022 - per Contractual Netting Statements Projected Revenue: Expenses: Prelim 2022 $1,487,599 Budget 2022 $1,397,091 Budget Variance 2022 $1,862,788 Subscriber COGS 312,608 $397,037 $84,429 529,383 Fixed Cost 392,780 $429,521 $36,741 572,695 Cash flow from Operations Management Fee: Fixed Adjusted EBITDA Management Fee: Incentive - 40% Capital Expense Budgeted: City Cash Flow Capital to Developments City Cash Flow net of Developments $ 782, 211 135,674 $646,537 $258,615 (83,247) 304,675 (216,898) 87,777 $570,533 $136,346 $434,186 $173,675 (148,125) $211,679 ($672) $212,351 * $188,807.21 for Featherstone 5th &Edmonson Ridge (bid together as one project) * $10,401.26 for Featherstone 6th joint trench installation * $17,690 for repairs from the projects for Haven Ridge, Carlisle Village, Featherstone & Edmonson $760,710 181,795 $578,915 $231,566 (197,500) 149,849 • Website (Jul -Sept): o Number of unique visitors: 2,898, down 12.°. o Total sessions/visits: 3,669, down 13.1% o Average time on site/page: 1:38, down 10.8°�° o Search keywords bringing customers to our website: fibernet monticello, fibernet, monticello fibernet, fibernet monticello mn • Search Ads o Impressions: 21,196, down 12.3°�° D Clicks: 1,497, down 10.7°x° o Phone Calls: 176, down 28.2°�° o Search keywords customers are using/clicking: internet service, internet fiber, phone and internet service, wifi internet, internet speed Vumber of potential customers/existing customers that input their address to see if service was available and the cost via website: o Jul -Sept: ■ Confirmed Address: 545 ■ Select Services: 335 ■ Your Contact Info: 97 ■ Submit: 67 ■ Orders Submitted: 55 • Top landing pages: Home page: 1845, Gig Offer: 859, Contact Us: 192 treated front invoice messages, direct mail and city inserts. Following is some of the artwork that was used: �i � No peak-tlme usage gridlock �' No packages required r Manage Your WiFi appU No equipment to buy AA Technology makes our lives simple, and emojis...are fun! Easily run all of your tech: Alwith up to 1 Gig of fiber internet;,1(WiFi) included. ��de� pow aid rr iw $10/woo �O� �IFE�I 163314.0100 i FlberNetMonticello,comlGlgOffer ,tel URI mwt4by aryl ah RgpWpOex,M . A 9?4n ><19fi1MWb��.M Rwa AIri YleIrIMOMIPMgb WIWI.O ✓i, anro+x�niw�awuee�w+aoHuve+weer.,n��nwmw�aanu�sMos�ra�HrRRwrixazermwnn Get high performance Internet, I with (WIFi) included, for just $70 per month, and youll be !! Price For Life —no hidden fees 00100% unlimited data ask 40%k EE ihs�A miily � rR Mw� 763310100 i FlberNetMonticello.comlGlgOffer WL ^�`N 3 -�C.__ W.44 WL n86th StreeMI Surto A Montkelb,MNS5362 «Customer Name» Or Current Resldent>> «Bill Address» «Bill >>t «Bill State>> «8111 aP>> Make the most of summer each day: Book a campsite, buy event tickets, plot a road trip. Planning family fun is easy on the Internet. Get up to 1 Gig with WiFi included. `� Powerful, fiber Internet No peak -time usage gridlock `- No equipment to buy o deli v ow wtnd lock ivy" `$'10/kowkhA 763.374.0700 I FiberNetMont(cello.com/GigOHer � Easily stream 10+ devices at once 100% unlimited—no data caps No packages or bundles required oa.Wt.e arvig. Watch your way: WiFi Tv works with your favorite streaming platforms: Amazon Fire, Android and Apple; on your favorite streaming devices: computers, smartphones, tablets and TVs. Y✓i.l'S TO WATCH CCOUD DV FREE HD REPLAY TV Love youtr_ kelevisiov� oo�taiv�� 763.314.0100 I FiberNetMonticello.com arvig I�II'i Conned to F1berNet and mark your school supply list complete. You get the best bandwidth and reliable speed to support all your devices. Start the school year with an A+. Oi�de� vow Wlock i�. :j,'10/rno. ; o�z LIFE'�t 4,0 100 1 FlberNetMonticello.<ornlGlgOffer P.ehaed by. -arvig, Get high-performance Internet, up to 1Gb (1,OOflMb), with WiFi included, for just 570 per month and you get a �1r! �✓ [✓ No peak time usage gridlock [✓ No packages required [✓ tl)n unlimited data C✓ No equipment to buy Price for Life �✓ Manage Your WIFt app �tsk Duk 763.314.0100! FilwNetMonticello.corn/GigOffer ;4wAw anlg N2ey L arrg 1186th StreetW,SuiteA MonticMb, MN SS362 «Nstomer Name» «Or Current Resident» «Bili Address» «611 City» « , &II State>> <<Bill Zip>> ,yGNT COGy�. f9r R 5 G4/`r Monticello Monthly Report 2022 Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 QPpFE55I0NA�rS Printed on • - •-1,,"22 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 Abandoned Total: 6 10/08/22 19:53 911 Abandoned 2022083737 911 10/19/22 20:20 911 Abandoned 2022086941 911 10/23/22 00:47 911 Abandoned 2022087968 911 10/24/22 00:08 911 Abandoned 2022088249 911 10/24/22 20:48 911 Abandoned 2022088528 911 10/27/22 17:36 911 Abandoned 2022089312 911 911 Abandoned; Vehicle Off Road Total: 1 10/09/22 20:34 911 Abandoned: 2022084021 911 Hang-up Total: 16 10/07/22 06:42 911 Hang-up 2022083235 10/07/22 18:07 911 Hang-up 2022083431 10/11/2211:30 911 Hang-up 2022084469 10/11/2215:16 911 Hang-up 2022084554 10/16/22 16:59 911 Hang-up 2022085998 10/19/22 23:14 911 Hang-up 2022086979 10/20/22 18:42 911 Hang-up 2022087224 10/23/22 13:10 911 Hang-up 2022088065 10/23/22 13:21 911 Hang-up 2022088067 10/26/22 01:25 911 Hang-up 2022088832 10/26/22 22:43 911 Hang-up 2022089103 10/28/22 10:51 911 Hang-up 2022089499 10/29/22 08:03 911 Hang-up 2022089819 10/29/22 11:52 911 Hang-up 2022089866 10/31/22 05:17 911 Hang-up 2022090397 10/31/22 22:10 911 Hang-up 2022090659 911 Open Line Total: 37 10/01/22 10:09 911 Open Line 2022081590 10/02/22 09:55 911 Open Line 2022081844 10/03/22 18:37 911 Open Line 2022082243 10/04/22 07:17 911 Open Line 2022082352 10/04/22 10:03 911 Open Line 2022082394 10/05/22 06:14 911 Open Line 2022082649 10/05/22 21:50 911 Open Line 2022082904 10/07/22 09:15 911 Open Line 2022083268 10/07/22 18:36 911 Open Line 2022083438 10/08/22 11:42 911 Open Line 2022083623 10/08/22 15:13 911 Open Line 2022083677 911 Hang-up Domestic Disturbance �ISfl 911 WP22026566 911 911 911 911 WP22027718 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Page 1 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 10/08/22 15:24 911 Open Line 2022083682 10/10/22 01:01 911 Open Line 2022084074 10/10/22 04:06 911 Open Line 2022084081 10/10/22 16:50 911 Open Line 2022084249 10/10/22 18:35 911 Open Line 2022084293 10/12/22 08:58 911 Open Line 2022084719 10/15/22 16:50 911 Open Line 2022085718 10/17/22 16:32 911 Open Line 2022086286 10/18/22 21:07 911 Open Line 2022086673 10/19/22 05:40 911 Open Line 2022086737 10/20/22 12:51 911 Open Line 2022087116 10/21/22 11:12 911 Open Line 2022087389 10/21/22 18:28 911 Open Line 2022087533 10/21/22 19:30 911 Open Line 2022087555 10/22/22 02:23 911 Open Line 2022087653 10/22/22 15:07 911 Open Line 2022087796 10/24/22 17:29 911 Open Line 2022088477 10/24/22 18:00 911 Open Line 2022088488 10/25/22 09:35 911 Open Line 2022088636 10/26/22 19:59 911 Open Line 2022089062 10/28/22 16:01 911 Open Line 2022089596 10/29/22 22:33 911 Open Line 2022090055 10/30/22 03:54 911 Open Line 2022090130 10/30/22 07:52 911 Open Line 2022090147 10/31/22 09:01 911 Open Line 2022090424 10/31/22 15:49 911 Open Line 2022090543 911 Open Line; Medical - Sick Total: 1 10/19/22 13:11 911 Open Line; Medical 2022086831 911 Open Line; MVA - Hit & Run Total: 1 10/10/22 09:15 911 Open Line; MVA - 2022084122 Final Incident Case Number How Reported 911 911 Open Line WP22026771 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Open Line; Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 1 10/31/22 10:50 911 Open Line; 2022090458 911 Text Total: 1 10/16/22 06:31 911 Text 911 Text; Noise Total: 1 10/16/22 00:33 911 Text; Noise Abandoned Vehicle Total: 1 10/24/22 12:15 Abandoned Vehicle Abuse Total: 1 10/17/22 08:43 Abuse Agency Assist Total: 12 10/12/22 17:11 Agency Assist 2022085879 911 Text 2022085839 2022088369 Abandoned Vehicle 2022086132 Domestic Disturbance 2022084842 �ISfl 911 911 W P22027330 Text Text WP22028183 Phone WP22027403 Phone Phone Page 2 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/12/22 18:40 10/12/22 23:55 10/13/22 11:22 10/14/22 10:48 10/17/22 11:19 10/18/22 08:25 10/18/22 11:06 10/20/22 19:59 10/22/22 02:08 10/23/22 08:12 10/24/22 04:19 Alarm Total: 2 10/05/22 00:07 10/28/22 16:11 Animal Total: 7 10/02/22 20:16 10/08/22 08:29 10/08/22 16:57 10/13/22 07:57 10/14/22 07:56 10/14/22 10:04 10/25/22 14:41 Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Alarm Alarm Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal Animal - Abuse Total: 1 10/04/22 17:13 Animal - Abuse Animal - Barking Dog Total: 6 10/05/22 20:22 Animal - Barking Dog 10/07/22 18:50 Animal - Barking Dog 10/11/22 18:01 Animal - Barking Dog 10/15/22 19:00 Animal - Barking Dog 10/19/22 17:20 Animal - Barking Dog 10/28/22 16:34 Animal - Barking Dog 2022084872 2022084930 2022085035 2022085325 2022086177 2022086451 2022086495 2022087243 2022087652 2022088013 2022088265 2022082625 2022089599 2022081986 2022083584 2022083697 2022084978 2022085292 2022085319 2022088708 2022082535 2022082883 2022083442 2022084602 2022085754 2022086903 2022089610 Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 1 10/13/22 16:50 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2022085137 Assault Total: 2 10/08/2214:21 Assault 2022083665 10/19/22 03:42 Assault 2022086729 Burglary Total: 1 10/08/22 20:59 Burglary 2022083760 Check Welfare Total: 27 10/03/22 20:51 Check Welfare 2022082288 10/05/22 09:48 Check Welfare 2022082688 10/05/22 19:40 Check Welfare 2022082867 Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Domestic Disturbance Agency Assist Agency Assist Agency Assist Animal Animal Animal Animal - Abuse Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Barking Dog Animal - Bites - Attacks WP22027025 Phone WP22027039 Other WP22027068 Phone WP22027173 Phone Phone WP22027527 Phone WP22027552 Other WP22027811 Phone WP22027954 Phone WP22028060 Phone WP22028142 Phone 911 911 Phone Phone Phone Phone WP22027154 Phone WP22027170 Phone WP22028276 911 WP22026278 Phone WP22026397 Phone WP22026565 Phone WP22026940 Phone WP22027296 Phone WP22027686 Phone WP22028567 Phone WP22027106 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP22026629 Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP22027629 911 Criminal Damage to Property WP22026659 911 Check Welfare WP22026188 Phone Check Welfare WP22026331 911 Check Welfare WP22026395 Phone Page 3 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/06/22 16:34 Check Welfare 2022083126 Traffic - Complaint WP22026466 Phone 10/09/22 14:41 Check Welfare 2022083926 MVA - No Injuries WP22026715 Phone 10/10/22 11:18 Check Welfare 2022084161 Check Welfare WP22026800 Phone 10/10/22 18:59 Check Welfare 2022084302 Check Welfare WP22026849 911 10/10/22 21:52 Check Welfare 2022084344 Check Welfare WP22026862 Phone 10/11/22 14:01 Check Welfare 2022084525 Check Welfare WP22026915 Phone 10/11/22 18:42 Check Welfare 2022084612 Check Welfare WP22026945 Phone 10/11/22 23:55 Check Welfare 2022084675 Drugs WP22026961 Phone 10/12/22 11:31 Check Welfare 2022084758 Check Welfare WSRO22026987hone 10/12/22 17:16 Check Welfare 2022084844 Check Welfare WP22027018 911 10/14/22 17:33 Check Welfare 2022085446 Check Welfare WP22027215 911 10/15/22 12:50 Check Welfare 2022085649 Check Welfare WP22027269 911 10/18/22 00:47 Check Welfare 2022086406 Check Welfare WP22027515 Officer 10/18/22 18:47 Check Welfare 2022086630 Check Welfare WP22027601 Phone 10/19/22 09:01 Check Welfare 2022086774 Check Welfare WP22027640 911 10/20/22 10:27 Check Welfare 2022087074 Check Welfare WP22027746 Phone 10/20/22 18:03 Check Welfare 2022087211 Check Welfare WP22027794 Phone 10/23/22 17:54 Check Welfare 2022088161 Check Welfare WP22028120 911 10/24/22 11:30 Check Welfare 2022088360 Check Welfare WP22028179 Phone 10/24/22 22:17 Check Welfare 2022088555 Check Welfare WP22028225 Phone 10/25/22 09:17 Check Welfare 2022088630 Check Welfare WP22028253 911 10/26/22 08:34 Check Welfare 2022088891 Check Welfare WP22028336 Phone 10/26/22 16:45 Check Welfare 2022089037 Check Welfare WP22028386 Phone 10/30/22 10:15 Check Welfare 2022090172 Check Welfare WP22028715 Phone Citizen Aid Total: 10 10/03/22 09:42 Citizen Aid 2022082071 Suspicious - Circumstances WP22026103 911 10/05/22 15:58 Citizen Aid 2022082788 Citizen Aid WP22026371 Phone 10/07/22 12:11 Citizen Aid 2022083321 Citizen Aid WP22026525 Phone 10/09/22 23:44 Citizen Aid 2022084065 Citizen Aid WP22026767 Phone 10/10/22 12:16 Citizen Aid 2022084184 Citizen Aid WP22026807 Phone 10/10/22 15:52 Citizen Aid 2022084228 Citizen Aid WP22026825 Phone 10/11/22 16:39 Citizen Aid 2022084576 Citizen Aid WP22026933 Phone 10/21/22 11:46 Citizen Aid 2022087402 911 10/23/22 00:24 Citizen Aid 2022087963 Citizen Aid WP22028043 10/28/22 09:14 Citizen Aid 2022089465 Citizen Aid WP22028515 911 Civil Complaint Total: 33 10/01/22 09:55 Civil Complaint 2022081584 Civil Complaint WP22025940 Phone 10/03/22 13:36 Civil Complaint 2022082146 Civil Complaint WP22026138 Phone 10/03/22 16:38 Civil Complaint 2022082216 Civil Complaint WP22026166 Phone 10/04/22 13:47 Civil Complaint 2022082463 Civil Complaint WP22026252 Phone 10/04/22 14:17 Civil Complaint 2022082465 Civil Complaint WP22026259 Phone 10/04/22 16:39 Civil Complaint 2022082522 Civil Complaint WP22026276 Phone 10/07/22 12:18 Civil Complaint 2022083323 Civil Complaint WP22026526 Phone 10/08/22 13:10 Civil Complaint 2022083645 Civil Complaint WP22026620 Phone 10/10/22 14:41 Civil Complaint 2022084216 Civil Complaint WP22026821 Phone Page 4 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/11/22 14:19 Civil Complaint 2022084531 Civil Complaint WP22026918 Phone 10/14/22 12:05 Civil Complaint 2022085347 Civil Complaint WP22027178 911 10/16/22 23:12 Civil Complaint 2022086077 Civil Complaint WP22027385 Phone 10/17/22 13:36 Civil Complaint 2022086223 Civil Complaint WP22027445 Phone 10/17/22 13:44 Civil Complaint 2022086226 Civil Complaint WP22027448 Phone 10/17/22 16:34 Civil Complaint 2022086289 Civil Complaint WP22027470 Phone 10/18/22 11:08 Civil Complaint 2022086496 Civil Complaint WP22027554 Phone 10/18/22 12:45 Civil Complaint 2022086522 Civil Complaint WP22027563 Phone 10/18/22 16:23 Civil Complaint 2022086593 Civil Complaint WP22027589 Phone 10/20/22 07:56 Civil Complaint 2022087046 Civil Complaint WP22027733 Phone 10/21/22 18:03 Civil Complaint 2022087526 Civil Complaint WP22027911 Phone 10/22/22 11:26 Civil Complaint 2022087733 Civil Complaint WP22027984 Phone 10/22/22 12:18 Civil Complaint 2022087748 Civil Complaint WP22027990 911 10/24/22 18:43 Civil Complaint 2022088497 Civil Complaint WP22028219 Phone 10/25/22 16:21 Civil Complaint 2022088734 Civil Complaint WP22028285 911 10/25/22 18:53 Civil Complaint 2022088771 Civil Complaint WP22028301 911 10/26/22 16:21 Civil Complaint 2022089032 Civil Complaint WP22028383 Phone 10/26/22 16:24 Civil Complaint 2022089033 Civil Complaint WP22028385 Phone 10/27/22 08:35 Civil Complaint 2022089159 Civil Complaint WP22028416 Phone 10/27/22 17:37 Civil Complaint 2022089313 Civil Complaint WP22028471 Phone 10/29/22 15:44 Civil Complaint 2022089925 Civil Complaint WP22028645 911 10/29/22 18:00 Civil Complaint 2022089958 Civil Complaint WP22028660 Phone 10/31/22 15:41 Civil Complaint 2022090540 Civil Complaint WP22028841 Phone 10/31/22 16:29 Civil Complaint 2022090556 Civil Complaint WP22028848 Phone Civil Process Total: 62 10/03/22 12:26 Civil Process 2022082124 Officer 10/03/22 12:36 Civil Process 2022082125 Officer 10/03/22 14:56 Civil Process 2022082180 Officer 10/03/22 15:06 Civil Process 2022082183 Officer 10/03/22 17:01 Civil Process 2022082222 Officer 10/03/22 17:13 Civil Process 2022082223 Officer 10/04/22 14:44 Civil Process 2022082477 Officer 10/04/22 15:02 Civil Process 2022082489 Officer 10/04/22 15:12 Civil Process 2022082495 Officer 10/04/22 17:08 Civil Process 2022082532 Officer 10/05/22 10:13 Civil Process 2022082694 Officer 10/05/22 11:54 Civil Process 2022082719 Officer 10/05/22 14:40 Civil Process 2022082758 Officer 10/06/22 12:55 Civil Process 2022083060 Officer 10/06/22 13:59 Civil Process 2022083082 Officer 10/07/22 10:18 Civil Process 2022083287 Civil Process WP22026520 Officer 10/07/22 12:11 Civil Process 2022083320 Officer 10/10/22 09:56 Civil Process 2022084134 Officer 10/11/22 08:52 Civil Process 2022084421 Officer 10/12/22 11:06 Civil Process 2022084753 Officer 10/12/22 11:14 Civil Process 2022084755 Officer Page 5 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/13/22 12:48 Civil Process 2022085057 Officer 10/13/22 13:10 Civil Process 2022085062 Officer 10/13/22 13:46 Civil Process 2022085075 Officer 10/14/22 08:16 Civil Process 2022085297 Officer 10/14/22 13:41 Civil Process 2022085369 Officer 10/17/22 16:35 Civil Process 2022086290 Officer 10/19/22 09:34 Civil Process 2022086783 Officer 10/19/22 11:36 Civil Process 2022086814 Officer 10/20/22 17:49 Civil Process 2022087208 Officer 10/20/22 17:59 Civil Process 2022087210 Officer 10/21/22 15:44 Civil Process 2022087475 Officer 10/24/22 11:19 Civil Process 2022088353 Officer 10/24/22 12:34 Civil Process 2022088374 Officer 10/24/22 13:11 Civil Process 2022088378 Officer 10/24/22 13:33 Civil Process 2022088385 Officer 10/24/22 15:53 Civil Process 2022088441 Officer 10/24/22 16:07 Civil Process 2022088450 Officer 10/24/22 16:20 Civil Process 2022088455 Officer 10/25/22 08:14 Civil Process 2022088611 Officer 10/25/22 08:22 Civil Process 2022088614 Officer 10/25/22 13:07 Civil Process 2022088690 Officer 10/25/22 14:54 Civil Process 2022088712 Officer 10/25/22 15:00 Civil Process 2022088716 Officer 10/26/22 10:41 Civil Process 2022088935 Officer 10/26/22 10:50 Civil Process 2022088939 Officer 10/26/22 11:00 Civil Process 2022088943 Officer 10/27/22 09:49 Civil Process 2022089183 Officer 10/27/22 09:49 Civil Process 2022089184 Phone 10/27/22 09:49 Civil Process 2022089185 Phone 10/27/22 11:52 Civil Process 2022089213 Officer 10/27/22 13:58 Civil Process 2022089243 Officer 10/28/22 09:12 Civil Process 2022089463 Officer 10/28/22 09:21 Civil Process 2022089467 Officer 10/28/22 09:32 Civil Process 2022089470 Officer 10/28/22 09:42 Civil Process 2022089473 Officer 10/28/22 16:00 Civil Process 2022089594 Officer 10/28/22 16:16 Civil Process 2022089602 Officer 10/28/22 16:52 Civil Process 2022089615 Officer 10/28/22 16:53 Civil Process 2022089616 Officer 10/29/22 00:09 Civil Process 2022089761 10/31/22 11:02 Civil Process 2022090465 Officer Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 4 10/06/22 14:00 Commercial Fire Alarm 2022083084 Phone 10/13/22 14:35 Commercial Fire Alarm 2022085090 Phone 10/20/22 19:42 Commercial Fire Alarm 2022087238 Fire - Structure WP22027814 Phone 10/30/22 10:33 Commercial Fire Alarm 2022090174 Phone Page 6 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Commercial General Alarm Total: 20 10/01/22 11:11 Commercial General 2022081605 10/02/22 03:07 Commercial General 2022081814 10/04/22 17:39 Commercial General 2022082539 10/06/22 03:32 Commercial General 2022082944 10/06/22 06:18 Commercial General 2022082955 10/10/22 19:48 Commercial General 2022084319 10/13/22 23:10 Commercial General 2022085224 10/14/22 16:40 Commercial General 2022085432 10/15/22 16:10 Commercial General 2022085707 10/17/22 18:18 Commercial General 2022086326 10/18/22 05:56 Commercial General 2022086432 10/19/22 04:20 Commercial General 2022086734 10/21/22 04:49 Commercial General 2022087318 10/21/22 23:55 Commercial General 2022087624 10/24/22 04:39 Commercial General 2022088266 10/24/22 22:04 Commercial General 2022088550 10/27/22 16:49 Commercial General 2022089292 10/28/22 16:28 Commercial General 2022089608 10/30/22 20:58 Commercial General 2022090350 10/31/22 20:12 Commercial General 2022090616 Court Order Violation Total: 7 10/02/22 09:54 Criminal Damage to Court Order Violation 2022081843 10/03/22 17:22 10/11/22 09:46 Court Order Violation 2022082225 10/17/22 17:27 2022085745 Court Order Violation 2022086310 10/17/22 21:37 Criminal Damage to Court Order Violation 2022086373 10/18/22 10:39 10/30/22 16:19 Court Order Violation 2022086487 10/22/22 10:39 2022090426 Court Order Violation 2022087716 10/27/22 17:07 Court Order Violation 2022089301 Criminal Damage to Property Total: 9 10/02/22 06:41 Criminal Damage to 2022081819 10/05/22 14:48 Criminal Damage to 2022082759 10/11/22 09:46 Criminal Damage to 2022084435 10/15/22 18:33 Criminal Damage to 2022085745 10/19/22 16:22 Criminal Damage to 2022086885 10/23/22 10:20 Criminal Damage to 2022088028 10/28/22 09:59 Criminal Damage to 2022089480 10/30/22 16:19 Criminal Damage to 2022090250 10/31/22 09:04 Criminal Damage to 2022090426 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone 911 Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Court Order Violation WP22026022 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP22026889 Phone 911 Court Order Violation WP22027479 Phone Court Order Violation WP22027503 Phone Court Order Violation WP22027542 Phone Court Order Violation WP22027976 Officer Court Order Violation WP22028468 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP22026014 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WSR022026362hone Criminal Damage to Property WP22026889 Phone Intoxicated Person WP22027293 911 Criminal Damage to Property WP22027676 911 Criminal Damage to Property WP22028061 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP22028520 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP22028746 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP22028801 Phone Criminal Damage to Property; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 10/28/22 08:45 Criminal Damage to 2022089459 Criminal Damage to Property WSR022028514 CSC Sex Offense Total: 4 10/01/22 03:50 CSC Sex Offense 2022081550 CSC Sex Offense WP22025929 911 10/18/22 19:33 CSC Sex Offense 2022086651 Info WP22027609 Phone Page 7 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 10/19/22 10:09 CSC Sex Offense 2022086791 CSC Sex Offense 10/25/22 07:07 CSC Sex Offense 2022088601 Info Disabled Vehicle Total: 8 10/04/22 13:35 Disabled Vehicle 2022082459 10/06/22 21:22 Disabled Vehicle 2022083184 10/08/22 19:10 Disabled Vehicle 2022083724 10/10/22 17:08 Disabled Vehicle 2022084257 10/24/22 13:44 Disabled Vehicle 2022088389 10/26/22 09:01 Disabled Vehicle 2022088902 10/26/22 20:09 Disabled Vehicle 2022089064 Disabled Vehicle 10/30/22 20:32 Disabled Vehicle 2022090345 Disorderly Total: 4 10/05/22 09:34 Disorderly 2022082684 Disorderly 10/06/2212:50 Disorderly 2022083058 Disorderly 10/07/22 21:16 Disorderly 2022083483 Disorderly 10/24/22 22:53 Disorderly 2022088562 Gun Incident Divert Hospital Total: 1 10/04/22 15:20 Divert Hospital 2022082497 Domestic Disturbance Total: 14 10/02/22 01:36 Domestic Disturbance 2022081809 10/04/22 19:02 Domestic Disturbance 2022082561 10/05/22 16:04 Domestic Disturbance 2022082790 10/07/22 07:55 Domestic Disturbance 2022083249 10/08/22 02:37 Domestic Disturbance 2022083558 10/11/22 09:38 Domestic Disturbance 2022084433 10/14/22 04:20 Domestic Disturbance 2022085270 10/21/22 07:00 Domestic Disturbance 2022087328 10/22/22 08:12 Domestic Disturbance 2022087686 10/24/22 20:54 Domestic Disturbance 2022088530 10/27/22 23:33 Domestic Disturbance 2022089406 10/29/22 01:30 Domestic Disturbance 2022089778 10/29/22 19:30 Domestic Disturbance 2022089983 10/31/22 21:30 Domestic Disturbance 2022090650 Drug Court Home Visit Total: 1 10/29/22 22:50 Drug Court Home Visit 2022090061 Drugs Total: 6 10/01/22 20:27 10/08/22 04:03 10/15/22 12:10 10/17/22 11:03 10/23/22 15:29 10/28/22 17:35 Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Domestic Disturbance Case Number How Reported WP22027647 Phone WP22028241 Phone Phone Phone 911 911 911 WP22028394 911 Officer WSRO22026327hone WSRO22026450 WP22026571 Phone WP22028227 Phone Phone WP22026010 911 WP22026287 911 WP22026370 911 WP22026500 911 WP22026591 911 WP22026888 Phone WP22027146 911 WP22027839 911 WP22027965 911 WP22028222 911 WP22028496 Phone WP22028609 911 WP22028670 911 WP22028885 911 Drugs 2022081748 Drugs WP22025987 Phone Drugs 2022083562 Drugs WP22026594 911 Drugs 2022085642 Drugs WP22027267 Phone Drugs 2022086173 Suspicious - Item WP22027424 Phone Drugs 2022088115 Drugs WP22028100 Phone Drugs 2022089630 Drugs WP22028573 Phone Page 8 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Explosion Total: 1 10/08/2218:14 Explosion 2022083717 Noise WP22026643 Phone Fight Total: 3 10/11/2210:10 Fight 2022084439 Fight WSR0220268M1 10/13/2215:45 Fight 2022085115 Fight WP22027100 911 10/31/22 08:39 Fight 2022090418 Fight WP22028798 Phone Fire - Burn Permit Total: 2 10/22/22 11:47 Fire - Burn Permit 2022087738 911 10/22/22 13:33 Fire - Burn Permit 2022087761 911 Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 10/16/22 13:42 Fire - Gas Leak 2022085959 Fire - Gas Leak WP22027346 Phone 10/29/22 23:29 Fire - Gas Leak 2022090077 Fire - Gas Leak WP22028688 911 Fire - Grass Total: 1 10/28/22 16:26 Fire - Grass 2022089607 Fire - Grass WP22028566 Phone Fire - Other Total: 4 10/04/22 17:44 Fire - Other 2022082541 Fire - Other WP22026281 Phone 10/09/22 20:02 Fire - Other 2022084011 Fire - Other WP22026752 911 10/20/22 14:18 Fire - Other 2022087136 Fire - Other WP22027767 911 10/28/22 16:41 Fire - Other 2022089612 Citizen Aid WP22028568 911 Fire - Smoke - Odor Total: 1 10/23/22 19:08 Fire - Smoke - Odor 2022088184 Fire - Smoke - Odor WP22028127 911 Fire - Vehicle Total: 2 10/05/22 19:09 Fire - Vehicle 2022082857 Fire - Vehicle WP22026393 911 10/10/22 05:17 Fire - Vehicle 2022084083 Fire - Vehicle WP22026773 911 Found Person Total: 1 10/27/22 07:25 Found Person 2022089146 Found Person WP22028412 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 4 10/05/22 19:46 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2022082869 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP22026396 Phone 10/07/22 12:51 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2022083334 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP22026528 Phone 10/19/22 16:54 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2022086897 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP22027683 Phone 10/25/22 16:34 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2022088738 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP22028291 Phone Fraud - Forgery Total: 2 10/05/22 21:18 Fraud - Forgery 2022082900 Fraud - Forgery WP22026403 Phone 10/20/22 12:31 Fraud - Forgery 2022087110 Fraud - Forgery WP22027760 Phone Funeral Escort Total: 2 10/01/22 09:50 Funeral Escort 2022081583 Phone 10/20/22 09:24 Funeral Escort 2022087063 Phone Gun Incident Total: 2 10/10/22 22:29 Gun Incident 2022084351 Disorderly WP22026865 911 Page 9 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 10/12/22 18:05 Gun Incident 2022084863 Gun Incident Harassment Total: 2 10/09/22 07:32 Harassment 2022083844 Harassment 10/24/2214:48 Harassment 2022088406 Harassment Info Total: 5 10/10/22 12:06 10/10/22 17:33 10/18/22 09:01 10/19/22 13:34 10/28/22 13:32 Case Number How Reported WP22027023 Phone WP22026686 Phone WP22028193 911 Info 2022084180 Phone Info 2022084267 Phone Info 2022086461 Phone Info 2022086835 Phone Info 2022089549 Phone Intoxicated Person Total: 4 10/04/22 18:13 Intoxicated Person 2022082550 Intoxicated Person 10/07/22 21:17 Intoxicated Person 2022083484 Intoxicated Person 10/19/22 19:58 Intoxicated Person 2022086938 Medical - Psychiatric - 10/21/22 21:35 Intoxicated Person 2022087592 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 7 10/02/22 19:11 Juvenile - Complaint 2022081969 Juvenile - Complaint 10/03/22 09:39 Juvenile - Complaint 2022082070 Juvenile - Complaint 10/05/22 17:46 Juvenile - Complaint 2022082825 Juvenile - Complaint 10/10/22 09:14 Juvenile - Complaint 2022084121 Juvenile - Complaint 10/14/22 21:39 Juvenile - Complaint 2022085508 Juvenile - Complaint 10/20/22 17:38 Juvenile - Complaint 2022087203 Juvenile - Complaint 10/23/22 17:01 Juvenile - Complaint 2022088140 Juvenile - Complaint Juvenile - Complaint; Juvenile - Party Total: 1 10/29/22 22:46 Juvenile - Complaint; 2022090060 Juvenile - Complaint Lift Assist Total: 2 10/09/22 17:01 Lift Assist 2022083957 10/31/22 18:43 Lift Assist 2022090593 Lock Out - Lock In Total: 8 10/06/22 20:33 Lost - Found Lock Out - Lock In 2022083178 10/08/22 18:56 Property Lock Out - Lock In 2022083723 10/11/22 13:41 2022087142 Lock Out - Lock In 2022084522 10/13/22 11:09 Lock Out - Lock In 2022085030 10/16/22 06:37 Lock Out - Lock In 2022085881 10/21/22 10:20 Lock Out - Lock In 2022087373 10/27/22 16:33 Lock Out - Lock In 2022089289 10/31/22 16:17 Lock Out - Lock In 2022090552 Lost - Found Property Total: 6 10/03/22 11:49 Lost - Found Property 2022082114 10/10/22 16:11 Lost - Found Property 2022084235 10/20/22 14:48 Lost - Found Property 2022087142 10/22/22 14:21 Lost - Found Property 2022087780 Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lock Out - Lock In Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property WP22026282 Phone WP22026572 911 WP22027706 911 WP22027936 911 WP22026072 911 WSR022026102 WP22026384 911 WSR022026781-5hone WP22027231 911 WP22027792 911 WP22028111 Phone WP22028686 911 911 911 WP22026483 911 WP22026646 Phone WP22026914 Phone WP22027066 911 WP22027329 Phone Phone WP22028463 911 911 WP22026125 WP22026828 WP22027770 WP22028001 Page 10 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 10/27/22 11:35 Lost - Found Property 2022089212 10/27/2214:52 Lost - Found Property 2022089259 Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 2 10/03/22 07:21 Medical - Abdominal 2022082043 10/12/22 13:16 Medical - Abdominal 2022084777 Medical - Allergies - Stings Total: 1 10/19/22 12:21 Medical - Allergies - 2022086823 Medical - Back Pain Total: 1 10/23/22 21:40 Medical - Back Pain 2022088223 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 3 10/06/22 03:53 Medical - Bleeding - 2022082945 10/07/22 10:30 Medical - Bleeding - 2022083290 10/19/22 11:26 Medical - Bleeding - 2022086813 Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 10 10/09/22 06:24 Medical - Breathing 2022083840 10/13/22 21:04 Medical - Breathing 2022085194 10/14/22 21:33 Medical - Breathing 2022085507 10/18/22 21:30 Medical - Breathing 2022086685 10/26/22 18:12 Medical - Breathing 2022089051 10/27/22 18:02 Medical - Breathing 2022089324 10/28/22 05:33 Medical - Breathing 2022089431 10/29/22 03:12 Medical - Breathing 2022089800 10/30/22 00:46 Medical - Breathing 2022090097 10/30/22 19:24 Medical - Breathing 2022090312 Final Incident Lost - Found Property Lost - Found Property Medical - Carbon Monoxide Inhalation Total: 1 10/24/22 08:49 Medical - Carbon 2022088292 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 7 Case Number How Reported WP22028435 WP22028451 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 10/01/22 15:54 Medical - Chest Pain 2022081674 911 10/02/22 17:21 Medical - Chest Pain 2022081949 911 10/05/22 01:20 Medical - Chest Pain 2022082629 911 10/05/22 15:57 Medical - Chest Pain 2022082786 Phone 10/06/22 05:16 Medical - Chest Pain 2022082949 911 10/15/22 00:58 Medical - Chest Pain 2022085554 911 10/20/22 19:02 Medical - Chest Pain 2022087229 911 Medical - Diabetic Total: 2 10/12/22 09:02 Medical - Diabetic 2022084722 Phone 10/31/22 20:45 Medical - Diabetic 2022090636 Medical - Diabetic WP22028884 Phone Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 18 10/05/22 17:15 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022082810 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP22026382 911 10/07/22 13:40 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022083346 911 10/07/22 13:53 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022083351 911 Page 11 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 10/10/22 00:17 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022084069 10/13/22 03:14 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022084941 10/13/22 12:19 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022085047 10/14/22 05:58 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022085276 10/16/22 08:41 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022085898 10/16/22 13:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022085957 10/18/22 21:41 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022086688 10/21/22 12:16 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022087409 10/23/22 07:41 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022088011 10/23/22 09:05 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022088018 10/25/22 11:34 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022088670 10/25/22 18:40 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022088769 10/26/22 14:28 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022088994 10/30/22 19:05 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022090306 10/31/22 10:12 Medical - Fall Under 6 2022090446 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 2 10/03/22 16:38 Medical - Heart 2022082215 10/10/22 07:44 Medical - Heart 2022084104 Final Incident Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Medical - Non Emergency Transport Total: 1 10/28/22 11:24 Medical - Non 2022089510 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 4 Case Number How Reported WP22026769 911 Phone 911 911 Phone 911 911 911 911 911 911 Phone 911 911 911 Phone 911 911 10/17/22 23:21 Medical - Overdose - 2022086388 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninVP22027543 911 10/18/22 13:28 Medical - Overdose - 2022086538 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninWP22027571 911 10/21/22 20:49 Medical - Overdose - 2022087581 911 10/29/22 03:34 Medical - Overdose - 2022089802 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 10 10/04/22 12:59 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022082445 Medical - Psychiatric - WSR022026241 10/05/22 15:41 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022082777 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22026367 911 10/06/22 08:23 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022082982 Medical - Psychiatric - WSR022026426 10/13/22 19:32 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022085173 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22027118 911 10/16/22 23:08 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022086076 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22027383 911 10/17/22 11:05 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022086174 Check Welfare WP22027425 Phone 10/20/22 22:35 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022087276 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22027821 911 10/21/22 06:49 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022087326 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22027838 Phone 10/28/22 19:24 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022089671 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22028584 911 10/31/22 13:15 Medical - Psychiatric - 2022090503 Medical - Psychiatric - WSR022028825 Medical - Seizure Total: 1 10/13/22 09:51 Medical - Seizure 2022085004 Medical - Seizure WSR0220270M 1 Medical - Sick Total: 21 10/01/22 12:22 Medical - Sick 2022081629 10/04/22 02:24 Medical - Sick 2022082336 10/04/22 02:49 Medical - Sick 2022082338 10/04/22 07:24 Medical - Sick 2022082355 911 911 911 911 Page 12 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/04/22 09:13 Medical - Sick 2022082384 911 10/08/22 08:49 Medical - Sick 2022083590 911 10/10/22 11:51 Medical - Sick 2022084173 911 10/11/22 18:08 Medical - Sick 2022084604 911 10/12/22 06:42 Medical - Sick 2022084698 911 10/14/22 03:04 Medical - Sick 2022085263 911 10/14/22 23:37 Medical - Sick 2022085540 911 10/15/22 05:26 Medical - Sick 2022085583 911 10/15/22 19:35 Medical - Sick 2022085765 911 10/17/22 20:57 Medical - Sick 2022086363 911 10/21/22 03:49 Medical - Sick 2022087315 911 10/21/22 09:19 Medical - Sick 2022087359 911 10/21/22 17:09 Medical - Sick 2022087509 911 10/22/22 05:38 Medical - Sick 2022087667 911 10/24/22 13:12 Medical - Sick 2022088379 911 10/27/22 23:55 Medical - Sick 2022089408 Domestic Disturbance WP22028497 911 10/31/22 07:37 Medical - Sick 2022090411 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 3 10/03/22 07:34 Medical - Stroke 2022082047 911 10/17/22 15:15 Medical - Stroke 2022086257 911 10/22/22 19:49 Medical - Stroke 2022087878 911 Medical - Trauma; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 10/31/22 18:45 Medical - Trauma; 2022090596 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 5 10/12/22 12:48 Medical - Unconscious - 2022084770 10/14/22 08:57 Medical - Unconscious - 2022085305 10/17/22 04:09 Medical - Unconscious - 2022086096 10/20/22 22:49 Medical - Unconscious - 2022087279 10/27/22 16:57 Medical - Unconscious - 2022089297 Medical - Unknown Total: 1 10/03/22 22:21 Medical - Unknown 2022082312 Missing Person Total: 1 10/25/22 17:26 Missing Person 2022088756 Motorist Aid Total: 6 10/05/22 14:14 Motorist Aid 2022082754 10/05/22 19:33 Motorist Aid 2022082865 10/07/22 15:43 Motorist Aid 2022083386 10/12/22 13:11 Motorist Aid 2022084775 10/27/22 11:58 Motorist Aid 2022089215 10/28/22 10:43 Motorist Aid 2022089497 MVA - Car Deer Total: 6 10/04/22 07:49 MVA - Car Deer 2022082362 Medical - Unconscious - WSRO22026992hone Phone Death Investigation - Natural WP22027391 911 Phone 911 Phone Missing Person WP22028296 911 911 Officer 911 Phone Officer Phone Phone Page 13 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/09/22 19:53 MVA - Car Deer 2022084008 MVA - Car Deer WP22026749 Officer 10/12/22 19:47 MVA - Car Deer 2022084885 MVA - Car Deer WP22027028 911 10/17/22 15:16 MVA - Car Deer 2022086258 MVA - No Injuries WP22028218 Phone 10/17/22 19:54 MVA - Car Deer 2022086349 MVA - Car Deer WP22027492 Phone 10/31/22 22:11 MVA - Car Deer 2022090660 MVA - Injuries WP22028756 Phone MVA - Hit & Run Total: 7 MVA - No Injuries 2022083666 MVA - No Injuries WP22026630 10/17/22 13:00 MVA - Hit & Run 2022086211 MVA - Hit & Run WP22027441 WP22026689 10/18/22 14:07 MVA - Hit & Run 2022086548 MVA - Hit & Run WP22027570 WP22027211 10/18/22 19:55 MVA - Hit & Run 2022086654 MVA - Hit & Run WP22027608 911 10/23/22 14:31 MVA - Hit & Run 2022088094 MVA - Hit & Run WP22028091 WP22027906 10/24/22 07:38 MVA - Hit & Run 2022088280 MVA - Hit & Run WP22028146 WP22028192 10/25/22 14:09 MVA - Hit & Run 2022088700 MVA - Hit & Run WP22028274 WP22028286 10/31/22 11:42 MVA - Hit & Run 2022090478 MVA - Hit & Run WP22028814 911 MVA - Injuries Total: 6 10/01/22 14:08 MVA - Injuries 2022081649 MVA - Injuries WP22025957 911 10/04/22 17:03 MVA - Injuries 2022082529 Agency Assist WP22026273 10/06/22 12:20 MVA - Injuries 2022083049 MVA - Injuries WP22026445 911 10/24/22 18:29 MVA - Injuries 2022088493 MVA - No Injuries WP22028218 911 10/30/22 11:10 MVA - Injuries 2022090179 MVA - Injuries WP22028719 911 10/30/22 17:36 MVA - Injuries 2022090275 MVA - Injuries WP22028756 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 19 10/01/22 10:04 MVA - No Injuries 2022081588 MVA - No Injuries WP22025941 10/04/22 16:21 MVA - No Injuries 2022082517 Agency Assist WP22026273 10/04/22 20:30 MVA - No Injuries 2022082584 MVA - No Injuries WP22026296 10/06/22 09:07 MVA - No Injuries 2022082994 911 10/06/22 12:39 MVA - No Injuries 2022083055 MVA - No Injuries WP22026448 911 10/07/22 11:19 MVA - No Injuries 2022083309 MVA - No Injuries WP22026521 10/08/22 14:22 MVA - No Injuries 2022083666 MVA - No Injuries WP22026630 911 10/09/22 08:38 MVA - No Injuries 2022083854 MVA - No Injuries WP22026689 10/14/22 16:48 MVA - No Injuries 2022085433 MVA - No Injuries WP22027211 911 10/19/22 08:08 MVA - No Injuries 2022086760 MVA - No Injuries WP22027634 911 10/21/22 16:57 MVA - No Injuries 2022087506 MVA - No Injuries WP22027906 911 10/24/22 14:49 MVA - No Injuries 2022088407 MVA - No Injuries WP22028192 10/25/22 16:26 MVA - No Injuries 2022088736 MVA - No Injuries WP22028286 10/26/22 08:44 MVA - No Injuries 2022088894 MVA - No Injuries WP22028338 10/26/22 15:52 MVA - No Injuries 2022089021 MVA - No Injuries WP22028382 911 10/28/22 17:57 MVA - No Injuries 2022089636 MVA - No Injuries WP22028575 911 10/28/22 19:14 MVA - No Injuries 2022089666 MVA - No Injuries WP22028582 911 10/30/22 12:06 MVA - No Injuries 2022090196 MVA - No Injuries WP22028725 911 10/31/22 14:21 MVA - No Injuries 2022090525 MVA - No Injuries WP22028834 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 10/05/22 18:01 Neighborhood Dispute 2022082829 Noise Total: 4 10/02/22 00:14 Noise 2022081799 Neighborhood Dispute Noise WP22026385 911 WP22026006 Page 14 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/02/22 01:16 Noise 2022081806 Juvenile - Party WP22026009 10/08/22 22:27 Noise 2022083785 Noise WP22026669 10/28/22 22:42 Noise 2022089738 Noise WP22028604 Noise; Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 10/02/22 08:24 Noise; Neighborhood 2022081827 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint Total: 1 10/29/22 18:10 Off -Road Vehicle 2022089961 Open Door -Window Total: 1 Noise WP22026015 Off -Road Vehicle Complaint WP22028662 911 10/14/22 03:07 Open Door - Window 2022085265 Open Door - Window WP22027143 Ordinance Violation Total: 4 10/03/22 21:01 Ordinance Violation 2022082289 Ordinance Violation WP22026190 10/14/22 23:13 Ordinance Violation 2022085534 Ordinance Violation WPRK22027240 10/21/22 13:50 Ordinance Violation 2022087437 Ordinance Violation WP22027878 10/29/22 14:25 Ordinance Violation 2022089900 Ordinance Violation WP22028638 Parking Total: 11 10/03/2212:03 Parking 2022082118 Parking WP22026126 911 10/07/2215:14 Parking 2022083373 Parking WP22026543 2022083575 10/17/2211:53 Parking 2022086191 Parking WP22027431 04:29 10/17/2212:54 Parking 2022086209 Parking WP22027439 2022086948 10/19/22 09:21 Parking 2022086776 Parking WP22027641 10/21/2212:33 Parking 2022087414 Parking WP22027872 10/22/22 08:20 Parking 2022087687 Parking WP22027967 10/22/22 08:51 Parking 2022087694 Civil Complaint WP22027968 Phone 10/22/2218:01 Parking 2022087847 Parking WP22028020 10/26/2215:21 Parking 2022089005 Parking WP22028370 10/28/22 06:34 Parking 2022089438 Parking WP22028506 Phone Call Total: 3 10/15/22 08:23 Phone Call 2022085593 Other 10/19/22 10:11 Phone Call 2022086792 Other 10/26/22 00:53 Phone Call 2022088827 Other POR Check Total: 3 10/06/22 15:37 POR Check 2022083109 Officer 10/10/22 10:56 POR Check 2022084155 Officer 10/12/22 10:30 POR Check 2022084740 Officer Repossession Total: 6 10/02/22 00:11 Repossession 2022081797 10/04/22 02:43 Repossession 2022082337 10/08/22 06:49 Repossession 2022083575 10/11/22 00:02 Repossession 2022084370 10/12/22 04:29 Repossession 2022084685 10/19/22 20:52 Repossession 2022086948 Page 15 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Residential General Alarm Total: 1 10/03/22 19:01 Residential General 2022082251 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 1 10/08/22 13:03 Residential Medical 2022083643 Phone SIA Area Watch Total: 16 10/04/2212:40 SIA Area Watch 2022082440 10/06/22 17:37 SIA Area Watch 2022083140 10/08/22 00:49 SIA Area Watch 2022083542 10/08/22 00:52 SIA Area Watch 2022083543 10/14/22 01:11 SIA Area Watch 2022085252 10/15/22 02:00 SIA Area Watch 2022085564 10/15/22 02:05 SIA Area Watch 2022085567 10/16/22 00:16 SIA Area Watch 2022085833 10/16/22 22:55 SIA Area Watch 2022086074 10/16/22 23:04 SIA Area Watch 2022086075 10/21/22 23:33 SIA Area Watch 2022087620 10/22/22 22:52 SIA Area Watch 2022087925 10/31/2218:42 SIA Area Watch 2022090591 10/31/22 20:28 SIA Area Watch 2022090625 10/31/22 22:35 SIA Area Watch 2022090662 10/31/22 23:12 SIA Area Watch 2022090666 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 12 10/08/22 11:52 SIA Business Walk 2022083625 10/09/22 12:03 SIA Business Walk 2022083892 10/14/22 14:21 SIA Business Walk 2022085390 10/15/22 11:56 SIA Business Walk 2022085639 10/16/22 10:45 SIA Business Walk 2022085921 10/17/22 13:22 SIA Business Walk 2022086218 10/21/22 15:15 SIA Business Walk 2022087459 10/27/22 15:43 SIA Business Walk 2022089269 10/29/22 11:51 SIA Business Walk 2022089865 10/29/22 15:28 SIA Business Walk 2022089916 10/29/22 15:46 SIA Business Walk 2022089926 10/30/22 11:20 SIA Business Walk 2022090185 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 2 10/10/22 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2022084265 Officer 10/24/22 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2022088479 Officer SIA Community Engagement Total: 4 10/18/22 10:41 SIA Community 2022086488 10/19/22 10:43 SIA Community 2022086801 10/25/22 10:29 SIA Community 2022088650 10/31/22 08:49 SIA Community 2022090421 Page 16 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # SIA Community Presentation Total: 4 10/07/22 13:05 SIA Community 2022083338 10/10/22 13:47 SIA Community 2022084204 10/19/22 14:47 SIA Community 2022086853 10/26/22 13:37 SIA Community 2022088977 SIA Door Check Total: 2 SIA House Check 10/13/22 14:55 SIA Door Check 2022085098 10/17/22 09:31 SIA Door Check 2022086146 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 3 SIA 10/15/22 09:49 SIA Foot Patrol 2022085610 10/23/22 15:25 SIA Foot Patrol 2022088113 10/29/22 14:58 SIA Foot Patrol 2022089910 SIA House Check Total: 5 10/22/2215:03 SIA House Check 2022087795 10/27/22 12:02 SIA House Check 2022089217 10/28/22 10:27 SIA House Check 2022089488 10/30/22 09:43 SIA House Check 2022090163 10/30/2218:21 SIA House Check 2022090287 SIA Other Total: 5 10/03/22 14:15 SIA Other 2022082169 10/04/22 21:17 SIA Other 2022082599 10/05/22 20:20 SIA Other 2022082881 10/13/22 14:53 SIA Other 2022085096 10/29/2214:33 SIA Other 2022089903 SIA Parks Total: 51 10/01/22 05:59 SIA Parks 2022081555 10/01/22 14:45 SIA Parks 2022081661 10/01/22 21:36 SIA Parks 2022081761 10/02/22 08:01 SIA Parks 2022081826 10/03/22 00:50 SIA Parks 2022082012 10/03/22 06:17 SIA Parks 2022082034 10/05/22 10:17 SIA Parks 2022082695 10/06/2210:31 SIA Parks 2022083018 10/06/22 13:18 SIA Parks 2022083065 10/07/22 18:26 SIA Parks 2022083435 10/07/22 22:44 SIA Parks 2022083509 10/08/22 08:04 SIA Parks 2022083581 10/08/22 15:16 SIA Parks 2022083679 10/08/22 17:18 SIA Parks 2022083701 10/08/22 23:08 SIA Parks 2022083797 10/09/22 00:59 SIA Parks 2022083824 10/09/22 08:04 SIA Parks 2022083849 10/10/22 07:37 SIA Parks 2022084103 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Officer Page 17 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 10/10/22 08:19 SIA Parks 2022084110 10/11/22 09:28 SIA Parks 2022084430 10/11/22 20:12 SIA Parks 2022084625 10/11/22 23:08 SIA Parks 2022084663 10/13/22 00:54 SIA Parks 2022084933 10/14/22 14:40 SIA Parks 2022085398 10/14/22 22:08 SIA Parks 2022085521 10/15/22 08:40 SIA Parks 2022085596 10/15/22 11:04 SIA Parks 2022085629 10/15/22 22:59 SIA Parks 2022085826 10/16/22 07:56 SIA Parks 2022085887 10/17/22 06:04 SIA Parks 2022086101 10/17/22 09:59 SIA Parks 2022086155 10/19/22 08:47 SIA Parks 2022086770 10/19/22 23:14 SIA Parks 2022086978 10/20/22 12:47 SIA Parks 2022087115 10/21/2219:56 SIA Parks 2022087571 10/22/22 07:21 SIA Parks 2022087683 10/22/22 11:58 SIA Parks 2022087742 10/22/2216:52 SIA Parks 2022087829 10/22/22 22:56 SIA Parks 2022087927 10/24/22 22:08 SIA Parks 2022088552 10/25/22 09:13 SIA Parks 2022088627 10/25/22 14:54 SIA Parks 2022088713 10/25/22 22:42 SIA Parks 2022088816 10/26/22 02:07 SIA Parks 2022088839 10/26/22 06:08 SIA Parks 2022088864 10/27/22 02:53 SIA Parks 2022089131 10/27/22 09:14 SIA Parks 2022089169 10/27/22 23:03 SIA Parks 2022089400 10/28/22 19:50 SIA Parks 2022089678 10/29/22 09:21 SIA Parks 2022089837 10/30/2214:30 SIA Parks 2022090230 SIA School Check Total: 9 10/03/22 14:13 SIA School Check 2022082167 10/07/22 13:06 SIA School Check 2022083340 10/10/22 09:12 SIA School Check 2022084120 10/13/22 10:31 SIA School Check 2022085018 10/13/22 10:32 SIA School Check 2022085019 10/18/22 13:38 SIA School Check 2022086540 10/25/22 10:34 SIA School Check 2022088651 10/26/2213:35 SIA School Check 2022088976 10/31/22 09:30 SIA School Check 2022090433 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 4 10/01/22 22:22 Sign - Signal Repair 2022081772 Final Incident Case Number How Reported MVA - Hit & Run WP22026000 Phone Page 18 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 10/11/22 21:16 Sign - Signal Repair 2022084644 10/20/22 17:34 Sign - Signal Repair 2022087201 10/21/22 06:44 Sign - Signal Repair 2022087325 Soliciting Total: 1 10/07/2215:58 Soliciting 2022083393 Soliciting Stolen - Vehicle Total: 2 10/10/22 09:00 Stolen - Vehicle 2022084116 Stolen - Vehicle 10/31/22 14:57 Stolen - Vehicle 2022090530 Stolen - Vehicle Stoparm Violation Total: 3 10/07/22 14:48 Stoparm Violation 2022083364 Traffic - Complaint 10/17/22 16:50 Stoparm Violation 2022086296 Stoparm Violation 10/31/22 17:17 Stoparm Violation 2022090569 Stoparm Violation Surveillance Total: 3 10/12/2214:17 Surveillance 2022084799 10/18/2217:17 Surveillance 2022086607 10/31/22 09:35 Surveillance 2022090435 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 16 10/01/22 05:36 Suspicious - 2022081554 10/04/22 20:41 Suspicious - 2022082588 10/05/22 07:30 Suspicious - 2022082659 10/14/22 16:29 Suspicious - 2022085430 10/14/22 19:46 Suspicious - 2022085481 10/16/22 11:26 Suspicious - 2022085932 10/17/22 17:10 Suspicious - 2022086303 10/20/22 12:38 Suspicious - 2022087112 10/21/22 02:01 Suspicious - 2022087307 10/23/22 16:03 Suspicious - 2022088122 10/24/22 10:45 Suspicious - 2022088340 10/24/22 13:14 Suspicious - 2022088382 10/24/22 16:03 Suspicious - 2022088445 10/26/22 14:07 Suspicious - 2022088988 10/29/22 17:20 Suspicious - 2022089949 10/30/22 07:08 Suspicious - 2022090139 Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Theft Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Traffic - Hazard Suspicious - Circumstances Case Number How Reported 911 Phone WP22026548 Phone WP22026784 Officer WP22028836 Phone WP22026541 Phone WP22027474 Other WP22028857 Other WP22025931 Phone WP22026298 Phone WP22026318 Phone WP22027210 Phone WP22027226 911 WP22027337 Phone WP22027480 911 WP22027763 Phone WP22027830 Phone WP22028103 911 WP22028171 Phone WP22028186 Phone WP22028207 Phone WSRO2202836ahone WP22028657 911 WP22028707 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances; Check Welfare Total: 1 10/25/22 09:30 Suspicious - 2022088635 Suspicious - Circumstances WP22028255 Phone Suspicious - Item Total: 3 10/09/22 16:13 Suspicious - Item 2022083951 Suspicious - Item WP22026727 Phone 10/14/22 13:27 Suspicious - Item 2022085362 Suspicious - Item WP22027185 Phone 10/30/22 18:54 Suspicious - Item 2022090303 Suspicious - Item WP22028764 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 29 10/01/22 11:35 Suspicious - Person - 2022081609 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22025948 Phone 10/06/22 03:27 Suspicious - Person - 2022082943 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026414 911 Page 19 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/06/22 08:12 Suspicious - Person - 2022082980 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026425 Phone 10/06/22 12:23 Suspicious - Person - 2022083050 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026447 Phone 10/06/22 16:09 Suspicious - Person - 2022083118 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026463 Phone 10/10/22 16:30 Suspicious - Person - 2022084240 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026830 Phone 10/10/22 18:30 Suspicious - Person - 2022084290 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22026845 Phone 10/13/22 21:14 Suspicious - Person - 2022085196 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027127 911 10/13/22 22:12 Suspicious - Person - 2022085214 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027134 Phone 10/16/22 09:57 Suspicious - Person - 2022085906 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027333 Phone 10/19/22 20:49 Suspicious - Person - 2022086946 Stolen - Vehicle WP22027709 Phone 10/20/22 12:24 Suspicious - Person - 2022087106 Theft WP22027759 Phone 10/20/22 23:09 Suspicious - Person - 2022087282 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027822 Phone 10/21/22 14:09 Suspicious - Person - 2022087441 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027882 Phone 10/21/22 22:58 Suspicious - Person - 2022087615 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027941 Phone 10/21/22 23:35 Suspicious - Person - 2022087621 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027944 Phone 10/22/22 05:41 Suspicious - Person - 2022087668 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027959 Phone 10/22/22 06:06 Suspicious - Person - 2022087671 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027961 Phone 10/22/22 11:18 Suspicious - Person - 2022087729 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22027982 911 10/22/22 14:43 Suspicious - Person - 2022087787 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028003 911 10/23/22 17:51 Suspicious - Person - 2022088159 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028119 Phone 10/25/22 10:43 Suspicious - Person - 2022088654 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028262 Phone 10/25/22 15:42 Suspicious - Person - 2022088727 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WSR0220282823ione 10/25/22 20:07 Suspicious - Person - 2022088785 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028305 911 10/26/22 15:30 Suspicious - Person - 2022089013 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028372 911 10/29/22 02:18 Suspicious - Person - 2022089789 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028611 Phone 10/29/22 13:07 Suspicious - Person - 2022089885 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028635 Phone 10/29/22 16:45 Suspicious - Person - 2022089938 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028651 Phone 10/30/22 01:51 Suspicious - Person - 2022090115 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP22028701 Officer Theft Total: 5 10/10/2213:40 Theft 2022084203 Theft WP22026816 Phone 10/13/2215:09 Theft 2022085102 Theft WP22027093 911 10/17/2210:44 Theft 2022086168 Theft WP22027422 Phone 10/18/22 10:43 Theft 2022086489 Medical - Psychiatric - WP22027545 Phone 10/21/2210:51 Theft 2022087384 Theft WP22027858 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 3 10/06/22 07:17 Theft - From Vehicle 2022082965 Theft - From Vehicle WP22026420 Phone 10/09/22 09:39 Theft - From Vehicle 2022083866 Theft - From Vehicle WP22026693 Phone 10/29/22 02:01 Theft - From Vehicle 2022089783 Theft - From Vehicle WP22028612 Phone Theft - Gas Drive Off Total: 1 10/18/22 19:20 Theft - Gas Drive Off 2022086646 Theft - Gas Drive Off WP22027607 Phone Theft -Shoplifting Total: 11 10/01/22 18:34 Theft - Shoplifting 2022081713 Theft - Shoplifting WP22025974 911 10/06/22 14:53 Theft - Shoplifting 2022083098 Theft - Shoplifting WP22026458 911 10/06/22 18:18 Theft - Shoplifting 2022083151 Theft - Shoplifting WP22026476 911 10/11/22 18:47 Theft - Shoplifting 2022084615 Theft - Shoplifting WP22026946 911 Page 20 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/13/22 11:20 Theft - Shoplifting 2022085032 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027074 911 10/15/22 14:51 Theft - Shoplifting 2022085679 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027275 911 10/19/22 18:04 Theft - Shoplifting 2022086915 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027691 Officer 10/19/22 18:42 Theft - Shoplifting 2022086923 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027696 911 10/20/22 14:28 Theft - Shoplifting 2022087138 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027768 Phone 10/21/22 19:58 Theft - Shoplifting 2022087574 Theft - Shoplifting WP22027925 911 10/30/22 17:11 Theft - Shoplifting 2022090266 Theft - Shoplifting WP22028752 Phone Threats Total: 7 10/02/2214:19 Threats 2022081911 Threats WP22026050 Phone 10/03/2216:50 Threats 2022082220 Threats WP22026168 2022089733 10/04/22 09:13 Threats 2022082385 Trespass WP22026220 Phone 10/13/2210:58 Threats 2022085026 Threats WP22027065 911 10/19/2213:18 Threats 2022086833 Threats WP22027661 911 10/26/2216:07 Threats 2022089029 Threats WP22028381 Phone 10/27/2214:38 Threats 2022089256 Threats WSRO22028448 Traffic - Complaint Total: 19 10/03/22 16:13 Traffic - Complaint 2022082206 Traffic - Complaint WP22026161 911 10/04/22 23:04 Traffic - Complaint 2022082620 Traffic - Complaint WP22026309 911 10/05/22 22:09 Traffic - Complaint 2022082911 Traffic - Complaint WP22026405 911 10/08/22 12:23 Traffic - Complaint 2022083634 Traffic - Complaint WP22026614 911 10/09/22 11:07 Traffic - Complaint 2022083879 Traffic - Complaint WP22026702 Phone 10/11/22 05:29 Traffic - Complaint 2022084386 Traffic - Complaint WP22026870 911 10/15/22 19:03 Traffic - Complaint 2022085756 Traffic - Complaint WP22027297 911 10/20/22 18:35 Traffic - Complaint 2022087220 Traffic - Complaint WP22027801 911 10/21/22 07:58 Traffic - Complaint 2022087338 911 10/21/22 12:16 Traffic - Complaint 2022087407 Traffic - Complaint WP22027864 911 10/22/22 15:58 Traffic - Complaint 2022087816 Traffic - Complaint WP22028010 911 10/23/22 00:35 Traffic - Complaint 2022087966 Traffic - Complaint WP22028047 Phone 10/24/22 15:43 Traffic - Complaint 2022088434 Traffic - Complaint WP22028204 Phone 10/25/22 17:45 Traffic - Complaint 2022088763 Traffic - Complaint WP22028297 911 10/27/22 19:58 Traffic - Complaint 2022089355 Traffic - Complaint WP22028483 911 10/28/22 07:42 Traffic - Complaint 2022089446 Phone 10/29/22 08:27 Traffic - Complaint 2022089822 Traffic - Complaint WP22028618 Phone 10/30/22 22:20 Traffic - Complaint 2022090367 Traffic - Complaint WP22028779 Phone 10/31/22 17:07 Traffic - Complaint 2022090563 Traffic - Complaint WP22028851 911 Traffic - Hazard Total: 4 10/08/22 20:20 Traffic - Hazard 2022083747 Traffic - Hazard WP22026655 911 10/16/22 08:08 Traffic - Hazard 2022085889 Traffic - Hazard WP22027331 Phone 10/28/22 22:27 Traffic - Hazard 2022089733 Traffic - Hazard WP22028602 911 10/29/22 10:10 Traffic - Hazard 2022089846 Traffic - Hazard WP22028624 Phone Traffic Stop Total: 311 10/01/22 00:50 Traffic Stop 2022081534 Officer 10/01/22 01:30 Traffic Stop 2022081537 Officer 10/01/22 02:23 Traffic Stop 2022081544 Officer Page 21 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/01/2210:52 Traffic Stop 2022081602 Traffic Stop WP22025946 Officer 10/01/22 11:41 Traffic Stop 2022081613 Officer 10/01/2212:03 Traffic Stop 2022081621 Traffic Stop WP22025949 Officer 10/01/22 12:10 Traffic Stop 2022081625 Traffic Stop WP22025952 Officer 10/01/2212:20 Traffic Stop 2022081628 Officer 10/01/2213:04 Traffic Stop 2022081637 Traffic Stop WP22025955 Officer 10/01/2213:26 Traffic Stop 2022081639 Officer 10/01/2213:37 Traffic Stop 2022081641 Officer 10/01/22 13:59 Traffic Stop 2022081647 Traffic Stop WP22025956 Officer 10/01/22 14:17 Traffic Stop 2022081652 Traffic Stop WP22025958 Officer 10/01/2216:22 Traffic Stop 2022081684 Officer 10/01/22 16:27 Traffic Stop 2022081685 Officer 10/01/2216:32 Traffic Stop 2022081686 DUI WP22025966 Officer 10/01/22 17:42 Traffic Stop 2022081696 Traffic Stop WP22025969 Officer 10/01/22 18:14 Traffic Stop 2022081703 Officer 10/01/2218:30 Traffic Stop 2022081712 Officer 10/01/22 18:59 Traffic Stop 2022081720 Officer 10/01/22 19:12 Traffic Stop 2022081722 Officer 10/01/22 19:39 Traffic Stop 2022081731 Officer 10/01/2219:50 Traffic Stop 2022081734 Traffic Stop WP22025985 Officer 10/01/22 22:45 Traffic Stop 2022081782 Officer 10/01/22 23:15 Traffic Stop 2022081787 Officer 10/02/22 07:38 Traffic Stop 2022081821 Officer 10/02/22 07:41 Traffic Stop 2022081822 Officer 10/02/22 07:49 Traffic Stop 2022081824 Officer 10/02/22 10:48 Traffic Stop 2022081855 Officer 10/02/2213:31 Traffic Stop 2022081898 Officer 10/02/2213:50 Traffic Stop 2022081903 Officer 10/02/22 18:43 Traffic Stop 2022081964 Traffic Stop WP22026070 Officer 10/02/22 21:08 Traffic Stop 2022081989 Officer 10/02/22 22:11 Traffic Stop 2022081999 Officer 10/02/22 23:26 Traffic Stop 2022082005 Officer 10/03/22 01:37 Traffic Stop 2022082017 Officer 10/03/22 01:50 Traffic Stop 2022082019 Officer 10/03/22 02:23 Traffic Stop 2022082022 Officer 10/03/22 06:24 Traffic Stop 2022082036 Officer 10/03/22 07:18 Traffic Stop 2022082042 Traffic Stop WSRO22026093fficer 10/03/22 10:43 Traffic Stop 2022082090 Officer 10/03/2211:30 Traffic Stop 2022082108 Officer 10/03/2213:06 Traffic Stop 2022082135 Traffic Stop WP22026131 Officer 10/03/22 13:38 Traffic Stop 2022082149 Officer 10/03/22 13:52 Traffic Stop 2022082155 Traffic Stop WP22026140 Officer 10/03/22 14:05 Traffic Stop 2022082160 Officer 10/03/22 14:09 Traffic Stop 2022082165 Officer 10/03/2214:36 Traffic Stop 2022082174 Traffic Stop WP22026149 Officer 10/03/22 14:53 Traffic Stop 2022082178 Traffic Stop WP22026151 Officer 10/03/22 15:22 Traffic Stop 2022082190 Traffic Stop WP22026154 Officer Page 22 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/03/22 15:42 Traffic Stop 2022082198 Traffic Stop WP22026156 Officer 10/03/22 15:49 Traffic Stop 2022082199 Traffic Stop WP22026157 Officer 10/03/22 16:08 Traffic Stop 2022082205 Traffic Stop WP22026160 Officer 10/03/22 17:50 Traffic Stop 2022082234 Traffic Stop WP22026174 Officer 10/03/2218:04 Traffic Stop 2022082238 Officer 10/03/22 19:25 Traffic Stop 2022082256 Officer 10/03/22 19:48 Traffic Stop 2022082261 Officer 10/03/22 20:05 Traffic Stop 2022082268 Traffic Stop WP22026180 Officer 10/03/22 20:19 Traffic Stop 2022082274 Officer 10/03/22 20:23 Traffic Stop 2022082276 Officer 10/03/22 20:24 Traffic Stop 2022082277 Traffic Stop WP22026184 Officer 10/03/22 20:36 Traffic Stop 2022082282 Officer 10/03/22 20:41 Traffic Stop 2022082285 Officer 10/03/22 21:35 Traffic Stop 2022082303 Officer 10/03/22 21:52 Traffic Stop 2022082307 Officer 10/03/22 22:06 Traffic Stop 2022082309 Officer 10/04/22 01:42 Traffic Stop 2022082331 DUI WP22026201 Officer 10/04/22 09:56 Traffic Stop 2022082392 Officer 10/04/22 11:08 Traffic Stop 2022082411 Officer 10/04/22 11:18 Traffic Stop 2022082415 Officer 10/04/2211:26 Traffic Stop 2022082417 Officer 10/04/22 15:12 Traffic Stop 2022082494 Traffic Stop WP22026266 Officer 10/04/22 16:18 Traffic Stop 2022082516 Officer 10/04/22 20:20 Traffic Stop 2022082581 Officer 10/05/22 02:20 Traffic Stop 2022082635 Officer 10/05/22 11:45 Traffic Stop 2022082718 Traffic Stop WP22026340 Officer 10/05/22 12:37 Traffic Stop 2022082727 Officer 10/05/22 13:52 Traffic Stop 2022082748 Officer 10/05/22 17:42 Traffic Stop 2022082822 Officer 10/05/22 22:50 Traffic Stop 2022082917 Officer 10/06/22 00:28 Traffic Stop 2022082931 Officer 10/06/22 01:57 Traffic Stop 2022082938 Traffic Stop WP22026412 Officer 10/06/2211:53 Traffic Stop 2022083040 Officer 10/06/2213:54 Traffic Stop 2022083077 Officer 10/06/22 18:06 Traffic Stop 2022083146 Officer 10/06/22 20:18 Traffic Stop 2022083171 Officer 10/06/22 20:18 Traffic Stop 2022083172 Officer 10/07/22 01:08 Traffic Stop 2022083216 Officer 10/07/22 21:44 Traffic Stop 2022083489 Officer 10/07/22 21:53 Traffic Stop 2022083492 Officer 10/08/22 01:59 Traffic Stop 2022083554 Officer 10/08/2211:00 Traffic Stop 2022083610 Officer 10/08/22 11:45 Traffic Stop 2022083624 Officer 10/08/22 14:58 Traffic Stop 2022083673 Officer 10/08/22 20:00 Traffic Stop 2022083740 Officer 10/08/22 20:10 Traffic Stop 2022083744 Traffic Stop WP22026652 Officer 10/08/22 20:28 Traffic Stop 2022083749 Traffic Stop WP22026656 Officer Page 23 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/09/22 00:13 Traffic Stop 2022083811 Officer 10/09/22 00:14 Traffic Stop 2022083812 Officer 10/09/22 09:30 Traffic Stop 2022083864 Officer 10/09/22 12:38 Traffic Stop 2022083900 Officer 10/09/22 13:40 Traffic Stop 2022083912 Officer 10/09/22 13:47 Traffic Stop 2022083913 Traffic Stop WP22026708 Officer 10/09/22 14:39 Traffic Stop 2022083925 Traffic Stop WP22026716 Officer 10/09/22 17:02 Traffic Stop 2022083958 Officer 10/09/22 21:01 Traffic Stop 2022084028 Officer 10/09/22 21:44 Traffic Stop 2022084039 Traffic Stop WP22026757 Officer 10/09/22 21:48 Traffic Stop 2022084042 Officer 10/09/22 22:32 Traffic Stop 2022084051 Officer 10/10/22 06:56 Traffic Stop 2022084098 Officer 10/10/22 09:45 Traffic Stop 2022084130 Officer 10/10/22 09:58 Traffic Stop 2022084136 Officer 10/10/22 10:39 Traffic Stop 2022084152 Traffic Stop WP22026796 Officer 10/10/22 20:33 Traffic Stop 2022084328 Officer 10/10/22 20:53 Traffic Stop 2022084334 Officer 10/10/22 20:55 Traffic Stop 2022084335 Officer 10/11/22 06:46 Traffic Stop 2022084396 Traffic Stop WP22026874 Officer 10/11/22 12:15 Traffic Stop 2022084488 Officer 10/11/22 12:23 Traffic Stop 2022084490 Officer 10/11/22 12:31 Traffic Stop 2022084493 Officer 10/11/22 12:45 Traffic Stop 2022084498 Officer 10/11/22 17:41 Traffic Stop 2022084595 Officer 10/11/22 20:31 Traffic Stop 2022084629 Officer 10/11/22 20:56 Traffic Stop 2022084636 Traffic Stop WP22026955 Officer 10/11/22 21:19 Traffic Stop 2022084646 Officer 10/12/22 10:14 Traffic Stop 2022084739 Officer 10/12/22 10:44 Traffic Stop 2022084744 Officer 10/12/22 11:13 Traffic Stop 2022084754 Officer 10/12/22 16:53 Traffic Stop 2022084838 Officer 10/12/22 17:07 Traffic Stop 2022084840 Officer 10/12/22 21:57 Traffic Stop 2022084907 Officer 10/13/22 07:45 Traffic Stop 2022084975 Officer 10/13/22 12:29 Traffic Stop 2022085050 Officer 10/13/22 12:36 Traffic Stop 2022085053 Officer 10/13/22 12:52 Traffic Stop 2022085059 Officer 10/13/22 14:20 Traffic Stop 2022085083 Officer 10/13/22 16:26 Traffic Stop 2022085130 Officer 10/13/22 16:39 Traffic Stop 2022085133 Traffic Stop WP22027105 Officer 10/13/22 21:16 Traffic Stop 2022085198 Officer 10/13/22 21:18 Traffic Stop 2022085199 Drugs WP22027128 Officer 10/14/22 00:39 Traffic Stop 2022085244 Traffic Stop WP22027138 Officer 10/14/22 18:02 Traffic Stop 2022085456 Officer 10/14/22 18:11 Traffic Stop 2022085459 Officer 10/14/22 21:51 Traffic Stop 2022085514 Traffic Stop WP22027234 Officer Page 24 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/14/22 22:50 Traffic Stop 2022085530 Officer 10/15/22 00:23 Traffic Stop 2022085551 Officer 10/15/22 01:07 Traffic Stop 2022085557 Officer 10/15/22 01:27 Traffic Stop 2022085560 Officer 10/15/22 04:17 Traffic Stop 2022085578 Officer 10/15/22 04:25 Traffic Stop 2022085579 Officer 10/15/22 05:23 Traffic Stop 2022085582 Officer 10/15/22 10:06 Traffic Stop 2022085615 Officer 10/15/22 14:03 Traffic Stop 2022085666 Officer 10/15/22 14:15 Traffic Stop 2022085669 Officer 10/15/22 14:24 Traffic Stop 2022085671 Officer 10/15/22 14:28 Traffic Stop 2022085673 Officer 10/15/22 14:33 Traffic Stop 2022085675 Officer 10/15/22 15:32 Traffic Stop 2022085698 Officer 10/15/22 16:01 Traffic Stop 2022085702 Officer 10/15/22 16:06 Traffic Stop 2022085704 Officer 10/15/22 16:35 Traffic Stop 2022085713 Officer 10/15/22 16:46 Traffic Stop 2022085717 Officer 10/15/22 19:51 Traffic Stop 2022085768 Officer 10/15/22 20:10 Traffic Stop 2022085774 Officer 10/15/22 21:52 Traffic Stop 2022085804 Officer 10/15/22 22:52 Traffic Stop 2022085822 Officer 10/16/22 00:34 Traffic Stop 2022085841 Traffic Stop WP22027321 Officer 10/16/22 01:30 Traffic Stop 2022085854 Officer 10/16/22 01:33 Traffic Stop 2022085858 Officer 10/16/22 03:01 Traffic Stop 2022085864 Officer 10/16/22 06:04 Traffic Stop 2022085875 Officer 10/16/22 08:15 Traffic Stop 2022085892 10/16/22 14:45 Traffic Stop 2022085968 Officer 10/16/22 14:56 Traffic Stop 2022085972 Officer 10/16/22 14:57 Traffic Stop 2022085973 Officer 10/16/22 15:04 Traffic Stop 2022085975 Traffic Stop WP22027352 Officer 10/16/22 15:27 Traffic Stop 2022085982 Traffic Stop WP22027355 Officer 10/16/22 17:02 Traffic Stop 2022085999 Officer 10/16/22 18:08 Traffic Stop 2022086011 Officer 10/17/22 13:27 Traffic Stop 2022086219 Officer 10/17/22 20:14 Traffic Stop 2022086355 Officer 10/17/22 23:00 Traffic Stop 2022086387 Officer 10/18/22 10:24 Traffic Stop 2022086484 Traffic Stop WSIU2202754tPhone 10/18/22 10:58 Traffic Stop 2022086492 Warrant - Arrest WSIU2202755ODfficer 10/18/22 22:19 Traffic Stop 2022086703 Officer 10/18/22 22:26 Traffic Stop 2022086706 Officer 10/19/22 07:30 Traffic Stop 2022086749 Officer 10/19/22 12:19 Traffic Stop 2022086822 Officer 10/19/22 14:58 Traffic Stop 2022086857 Officer 10/19/22 14:59 Traffic Stop 2022086859 Officer 10/19/22 22:08 Traffic Stop 2022086959 Officer Page 25 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/19/22 22:39 Traffic Stop 2022086970 Officer 10/19/22 23:13 Traffic Stop 2022086977 Officer 10/20/22 06:58 Traffic Stop 2022087032 Traffic Stop WP22027725 Officer 10/20/22 07:35 Traffic Stop 2022087041 Traffic Stop WP22027731 Officer 10/20/22 11:11 Traffic Stop 2022087082 Officer 10/20/22 14:07 Traffic Stop 2022087131 Officer 10/20/22 14:56 Traffic Stop 2022087146 Officer 10/20/22 15:05 Traffic Stop 2022087150 Officer 10/20/2216:03 Traffic Stop 2022087173 Officer 10/21/2215:56 Traffic Stop 2022087481 Officer 10/21/22 16:19 Traffic Stop 2022087492 Officer 10/21/2216:26 Traffic Stop 2022087493 Officer 10/21/2216:30 Traffic Stop 2022087494 Officer 10/21/22 16:49 Traffic Stop 2022087500 Traffic Stop WP22027904 Officer 10/21/22 18:03 Traffic Stop 2022087525 Officer 10/21/22 18:16 Traffic Stop 2022087528 Officer 10/21/2218:20 Traffic Stop 2022087530 Officer 10/21/22 22:27 Traffic Stop 2022087606 Officer 10/21/22 22:47 Traffic Stop 2022087611 Officer 10/22/22 06:38 Traffic Stop 2022087676 Officer 10/22/22 10:25 Traffic Stop 2022087711 Officer 10/22/2214:06 Traffic Stop 2022087770 Traffic Stop WP22028005 Officer 10/22/2214:20 Traffic Stop 2022087778 Officer 10/22/22 14:39 Traffic Stop 2022087786 Officer 10/22/22 15:14 Traffic Stop 2022087801 Officer 10/22/2215:36 Traffic Stop 2022087809 Officer 10/22/22 15:42 Traffic Stop 2022087810 Officer 10/22/22 15:44 Traffic Stop 2022087811 Officer 10/22/22 15:47 Traffic Stop 2022087813 Officer 10/22/22 20:23 Traffic Stop 2022087888 Officer 10/22/22 23:01 Traffic Stop 2022087930 Officer 10/22/22 23:34 Traffic Stop 2022087944 Officer 10/23/22 15:03 Traffic Stop 2022088105 Officer 10/23/22 21:25 Traffic Stop 2022088220 Officer 10/23/22 22:25 Traffic Stop 2022088230 Traffic Stop WP22028135 Officer 10/24/22 08:57 Traffic Stop 2022088295 Officer 10/24/22 10:16 Traffic Stop 2022088324 Officer 10/24/22 10:28 Traffic Stop 2022088330 Officer 10/24/2211:20 Traffic Stop 2022088354 Officer 10/24/22 11:25 Traffic Stop 2022088358 Officer 10/24/2214:50 Traffic Stop 2022088408 Officer 10/24/22 15:19 Traffic Stop 2022088417 Officer 10/24/2215:29 Traffic Stop 2022088428 Traffic Stop WP22028201 Officer 10/24/22 16:08 Traffic Stop 2022088452 Officer 10/24/22 16:16 Traffic Stop 2022088454 Officer 10/24/22 16:35 Traffic Stop 2022088459 Officer 10/24/22 19:17 Traffic Stop 2022088504 Officer Page 26 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/24/22 22:07 Traffic Stop 2022088551 Officer 10/25/22 01:05 Traffic Stop 2022088575 Officer 10/25/22 09:16 Traffic Stop 2022088629 Traffic Stop WP22028251 Officer 10/25/22 17:16 Traffic Stop 2022088753 Officer 10/26/22 00:18 Traffic Stop 2022088822 Officer 10/26/22 00:33 Traffic Stop 2022088823 Officer 10/26/22 06:56 Traffic Stop 2022088871 Officer 10/26/22 07:10 Traffic Stop 2022088875 Officer 10/26/22 07:15 Traffic Stop 2022088877 Officer 10/26/22 08:48 Traffic Stop 2022088895 Officer 10/26/22 21:59 Traffic Stop 2022089090 Officer 10/26/22 22:58 Traffic Stop 2022089109 Traffic Stop WP22028403 Officer 10/27/22 00:24 Traffic Stop 2022089117 Officer 10/27/22 09:27 Traffic Stop 2022089175 Officer 10/27/22 18:27 Traffic Stop 2022089331 Officer 10/27/22 18:32 Traffic Stop 2022089332 Officer 10/27/22 21:18 Traffic Stop 2022089369 Officer 10/27/22 21:23 Traffic Stop 2022089372 Officer 10/27/22 21:53 Traffic Stop 2022089381 Officer 10/27/22 22:45 Traffic Stop 2022089395 Traffic Stop WP22028493 Officer 10/27/22 23:15 Traffic Stop 2022089401 Officer 10/28/22 01:02 Traffic Stop 2022089416 Traffic Stop WP22028499 Officer 10/28/22 11:48 Traffic Stop 2022089516 Warrant - Arrest WSIU22028529Dfficer 10/28/2212:07 Traffic Stop 2022089521 Traffic Stop WP22028531 Officer 10/28/22 12:18 Traffic Stop 2022089524 Officer 10/28/22 12:19 Traffic Stop 2022089526 Officer 10/28/2213:05 Traffic Stop 2022089541 Traffic Stop WP22028544 Officer 10/28/22 18:20 Traffic Stop 2022089642 Officer 10/28/22 18:57 Traffic Stop 2022089655 Officer 10/28/22 20:34 Traffic Stop 2022089695 Officer 10/28/22 23:20 Traffic Stop 2022089748 Officer 10/28/22 23:42 Traffic Stop 2022089753 Officer 10/29/22 00:41 Traffic Stop 2022089767 Officer 10/29/22 00:56 Traffic Stop 2022089772 Officer 10/29/22 06:40 Traffic Stop 2022089811 Officer 10/29/22 09:06 Traffic Stop 2022089834 Officer 10/29/22 09:55 Traffic Stop 2022089843 Officer 10/29/22 11:21 Traffic Stop 2022089861 Officer 10/29/22 11:37 Traffic Stop 2022089863 Officer 10/29/22 14:45 Traffic Stop 2022089907 Officer 10/29/22 15:55 Traffic Stop 2022089928 Officer 10/29/22 20:15 Traffic Stop 2022090001 Officer 10/29/22 21:08 Traffic Stop 2022090020 Officer 10/29/22 21:13 Traffic Stop 2022090022 Officer 10/29/22 21:22 Traffic Stop 2022090030 Officer 10/29/22 21:34 Traffic Stop 2022090035 Officer 10/29/22 21:40 Traffic Stop 2022090038 Officer Page 27 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 10/29/22 21:59 Traffic Stop 2022090042 10/13/2213:34 Training Officer 10/29/22 22:04 Traffic Stop 2022090044 10/18/2213:05 Training Officer 10/29/22 22:11 Traffic Stop 2022090048 10/24/2213:34 Training Officer 10/29/22 22:44 Traffic Stop 2022090058 10/26/2213:25 Training Officer 10/29/22 23:39 Traffic Stop 2022090080 10/29/22 02:31 Training Officer 10/30/22 00:03 Traffic Stop 2022090086 Traffic Stop WP22028694 Officer 10/30/22 01:33 Traffic Stop 2022090110 Traffic Stop WP22028700 Officer 10/30/22 10:48 Traffic Stop 2022090177 Officer 10/30/22 12:55 Traffic Stop 2022090208 Officer 10/30/22 14:44 Traffic Stop 2022090232 Officer 10/30/22 16:40 Traffic Stop 2022090256 Officer 10/30/22 16:47 Traffic Stop 2022090261 Officer 10/30/2216:56 Traffic Stop 2022090263 Officer 10/30/22 17:10 Traffic Stop 2022090265 Officer 10/30/2217:21 Traffic Stop 2022090271 Officer 10/30/22 19:44 Traffic Stop 2022090320 Officer 10/30/22 20:10 Traffic Stop 2022090332 Traffic Stop WP22028773 Officer 10/30/22 20:22 Traffic Stop 2022090340 Officer 10/30/22 22:04 Traffic Stop 2022090362 Officer 10/30/22 22:19 Traffic Stop 2022090365 Traffic Stop WP22028780 Officer 10/30/22 22:23 Traffic Stop 2022090368 Officer 10/30/22 23:00 Traffic Stop 2022090377 Officer 10/31/22 00:06 Traffic Stop 2022090385 Officer 10/31/22 01:43 Traffic Stop 2022090392 Officer 10/31/22 11:48 Traffic Stop 2022090484 Officer 10/31/22 13:44 Traffic Stop 2022090511 Officer Traffic Watch Total: 2 10/06/22 11:50 Traffic Watch 2022083036 Traffic Watch WP22026442 10/13/22 10:05 Traffic Watch 2022085005 Traffic Watch WP22027057 Training Total: 13 10/05/2215:14 Training 2022082767 10/06/22 07:27 Training 2022082968 10/11/22 09:52 Training 2022084436 10/13/2213:34 Training 2022085070 10/18/2213:04 Training 2022086531 10/18/2213:05 Training 2022086532 10/20/2215:06 Training 2022087151 10/24/2213:34 Training 2022088386 10/26/22 09:27 Training 2022088911 10/26/2213:25 Training 2022088974 10/27/2214:30 Training 2022089252 10/29/22 02:31 Training 2022089792 10/30/2210:22 Training 2022090173 Transport Total: 1 10/18/22 21:51 Transport 2022086692 Transport WP22027620 Phone Page 28 of 29 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Trespass Total: 3 10/01/22 21:49 Unwanted Person 2022081764 Civil Complaint 10/18/2214:16 Trespass 2022086552 Trespass WP22027573 911 10/22/22 23:39 Trespass 2022087947 Trespass WP22028040 Phone 10/29/2216:44 Trespass 2022089937 Trespass WP22028649 Phone Unwanted Person Total: 10 10/01/22 11:00 Unwanted Person 2022081603 Unwanted Person WP22025947 Phone 10/01/22 21:49 Unwanted Person 2022081764 Civil Complaint WP22025991 911 10/08/22 23:40 Unwanted Person 2022083808 Unwanted Person WP22026674 Phone 10/14/22 12:19 Unwanted Person 2022085348 Civil Complaint WP22027179 911 10/17/22 13:58 Unwanted Person 2022086234 Civil Complaint WP22027451 911 10/19/22 16:03 Unwanted Person 2022086878 Unwanted Person WP22027673 911 10/20/22 14:53 Unwanted Person 2022087143 Civil Child Custody WP22027771 Phone 10/22/22 17:17 Unwanted Person 2022087838 Unwanted Person WP22028017 Phone 10/24/22 23:14 Unwanted Person 2022088566 Unwanted Person WP22028228 Phone 10/25/22 13:31 Unwanted Person 2022088694 Unwanted Person WP22028271 Phone Walk Away Total: 1 10/03/22 11:31 Walk Away 2022082109 Walk Away WSRO220261 Wone Warrant -Attempt Total: 10 10/05/22 20:54 Warrant - Attempt 2022082892 10/06/22 14:39 Warrant - Attempt 2022083094 Officer 10/08/22 09:59 Warrant - Attempt 2022083605 Officer 10/08/22 11:12 Warrant - Attempt 2022083612 10/12/22 20:29 Warrant - Attempt 2022084894 Warrant - Arrest WP22027032 10/28/22 09:16 Warrant - Attempt 2022089466 10/28/22 09:36 Warrant - Attempt 2022089471 10/29/22 15:41 Warrant - Attempt 2022089923 Warrant - Arrest WP22028647 Officer 10/31/22 11:13 Warrant - Attempt 2022090470 10/31/22 11:29 Warrant - Attempt 2022090473 Total Records: 1124 Page 29 of 29 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per Contract: 1 18,980.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 4,977.25 M -T -D (detailed below): 1,663.00 "Estimated Hours not verified by final monthly payroll Balance going forward (to next month): 3,314.25 Y -T -D: 1 15.665.75 Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1 -Oct -22 6:00 1 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Sheriff General 10.00 1 -Oct -22 10:00 1 -Oct -22 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 1 -Oct -22 10:00 1 -Oct -22 20:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 1 -Oct -22 18:00 2 -Oct -22 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 10.00 1 -Oct -22 20:00 2 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Sheriff General 10.00 1 -Oct -22 20:00 1 -Oct -22 20:15 Extra Hours: Mo 3220 EOS Premium 0.25 2 -Oct -22 6:00 2 -Oct -22 10:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Sheriff General 4.00 2 -Oct -22 8:00 2 -Oct -22 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 2 -Oct -22 12:00 2 -Oct -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 2 -Oct -22 18:00 3 -Oct -22 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 10.00 2 -Oct -22 20:00 3 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Sheriff General 10.00 3 -Oct -22 6:00 3 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Sheriff General 10.00 3 -Oct -22 10:00 3 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 6.00 3 -Oct -22 12:00 3 -Oct -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 3 -Oct -22 18:00 4 -Oct -22 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 10.00 3 -Oct -22 20:00 4 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Sheriff General 10.00 4 -Oct -22 6:00 4 -Oct -22 6:30 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 EOS Premium 0.50 4 -Oct -22 6:00 4 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 4 -Oct -22 8:00 4 -Oct -22 18:00 Monticello (52) 3220 Sheriff General 10.00 4 -Oct -22 12:00 4 -Oct -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 4 -Oct -22 16:00 4 -Oct -22 20:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 4.00 4 -Oct -22 20:00 5 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Sheriff General 10.00 4 -Oct -22 20:00 5 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 6:00 5 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 8:00 5 -Oct -22 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 12:00 5 -Oct -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 14:00 6 -Oct -22 0:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 18:00 6 -Oct -22 4:00 Monticello (52) 3240 Sheriff General 10.00 5 -Oct -22 20:00 6 -Oct -22 6:00 Monticello (52) 3241 Sheriff General 10.00 6 -Oct -22 6:00 6 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 3210 Sheriff General 10.00 6 -Oct -22 8:00 6 -Oct -22 18:00 Monticello (52) 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 6 -Oct -22 10:00 6 -Oct -22 20:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 10.00 6 -Oct -22 14:00 7 -Oct -22 6 -Oct -22 18:00 7 -Oct -22 6 -Oct -22 20:00 7 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 6:00 7 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 8:00 7 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 12:00 7 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 14:00 8 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 18:00 7 -Oct -22 7 -Oct -22 20:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 6:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 6:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 6:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 8:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 12:00 8 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 18:00 9 -Oct -22 8 -Oct -22 20:00 9 -Oct -22 9 -Oct -22 6:00 9 -Oct -22 9 -Oct -22 8:00 9 -Oct -22 9 -Oct -22 12:00 9 -Oct -22 9 -Oct -22 18:00 10 -Oct -22 9 -Oct -22 20:00 10 -Oct -22 10 -Oct -22 6:00 10 -Oct -22 10 -Oct -22 8:00 10 -Oct -22 10 -Oct -22 12:00 10 -Oct -22 10 -Oct -22 18:00 11 -Oct -22 10 -Oct -22 20:00 11 -Oct -22 11 -Oct -22 6:00 11 -Oct -22 11 -Oct -22 8:00 11 -Oct -22 11 -Oct -22 12:00 11 -Oct -22 11 -Oct -22 18:00 12 -Oct -22 11 -Oct -22 20:00 12 -Oct -22 12 -Oct -22 6:00 12 -Oct -22 12 -Oct -22 10:00 12 -Oct -22 12 -Oct -22 14:00 13 -Oct -22 12 -Oct -22 18:00 13 -Oct -22 12 -Oct -22 20:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 6:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 8:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 12:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 14:00 14 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 16:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 16:00 13 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 18:00 14 -Oct -22 13 -Oct -22 20:00 14 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 0:00 14 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 6:00 14 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 8:00 14 -Oct -22 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 18:30 Extra Hours: Mo 6:00 Monticello (52) 7:45 Extra Hours: Mo 7:00 Extra Hours: Mo 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 20:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 16:15 Extra Hours: Mo 16:15 Extra Hours: Mo 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 1:15 Extra Hours: Mo 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3211 EOS Premium 3241 Sheriff General 3241 EOS Premium 3240 EOS Premium 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3210 EOS Premium 3210 EOS Premium 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3230 EOS Premium 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.50 10.00 1.75 1.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.25 0.25 10.00 10.00 1.25 10.00 10.00 14 -Oct -22 12:00 14 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 14:00 15 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 18:00 15 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 18:00 14 -Oct -22 14 -Oct -22 20:00 15 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 6:00 15 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 8:00 15 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 12:00 15 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 14:00 16 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 18:00 16 -Oct -22 15 -Oct -22 20:00 16 -Oct -22 16 -Oct -22 6:00 16 -Oct -22 16 -Oct -22 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22 -Oct -22 6:00 22 -Oct -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 18:15 Extra Hours: Mo 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 20:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 2:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 13:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 18:30 Extra Hours: Mo 0:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3211 EOS Premium 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3211 EOS Premium 3230 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 10.00 10.00 10.00 0.25 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 1.00 5.50 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 6.00 4.00 10.00 0.50 4.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 22 -Oct -22 6:00 22 -Oct -22 22 -Oct -22 12:00 22 -Oct -22 22 -Oct -22 14:00 23 -Oct -22 22 -Oct -22 18:00 23 -Oct -22 22 -Oct -22 20:00 23 -Oct -22 23 -Oct -22 6:00 23 -Oct -22 23 -Oct -22 12:00 23 -Oct -22 23 -Oct -22 14:00 24 -Oct -22 23 -Oct -22 18:00 24 -Oct -22 23 -Oct -22 20:00 24 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 6:00 24 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 6:00 24 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 12:00 24 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 14:00 25 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 18:00 25 -Oct -22 24 -Oct -22 20:00 25 -Oct -22 25 -Oct -22 6:00 25 -Oct -22 25 -Oct -22 8:00 25 -Oct -22 25 -Oct -22 12:00 25 -Oct -22 25 -Oct -22 18:00 26 -Oct -22 25 -Oct -22 20:00 26 -Oct -22 26 -Oct -22 6:00 26 -Oct -22 26 -Oct -22 10:00 26 -Oct -22 26 -Oct -22 16:00 27 -Oct -22 26 -Oct -22 18:00 27 -Oct -22 26 -Oct -22 20:00 27 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 6:00 27 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 8:00 27 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 12:00 27 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 18:00 27 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 20:00 28 -Oct -22 27 -Oct -22 20:00 28 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 6:00 28 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 8:00 28 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 12:00 28 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 14:00 29 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 16:00 28 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 18:00 29 -Oct -22 28 -Oct -22 20:00 29 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 6:00 29 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 10:00 29 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 12:00 29 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 14:00 30 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 20:00 30 -Oct -22 29 -Oct -22 20:00 30 -Oct -22 30 -Oct -22 6:00 30 -Oct -22 30 -Oct -22 6:00 30 -Oct -22 16:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 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3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 8.00 10.00 10.00 2.00 10.00 6.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 30 -Oct -22 12:00 30 -Oct -22 30 -Oct -22 14:00 31 -Oct -22 30 -Oct -22 20:00 31 -Oct -22 30 -Oct -22 20:00 31 -Oct -22 31 -Oct -22 6:00 31 -Oct -22 31 -Oct -22 8:00 31 -Oct -22 31 -Oct -22 12:00 31 -Oct -22 31 -Oct -22 14:00 1 -Nov -22 31 -Oct -22 20:00 1 -Nov -22 31 -Oct -22 20:00 1 -Nov -22 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 16:00 Monticello (52) 18:00 Monticello (52) 22:00 Monticello (52) 0:00 Monticello (52) 6:00 Monticello (52) 4:00 Monticello (52) 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General 3210 Sheriff General 3211 Sheriff General 3221 Sheriff General 3230 Sheriff General 3241 Sheriff General 3240 Sheriff General TOTAL: 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 10.00 8.00 1,bb3.UU City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2A. Consideration of approving payment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Finance Director 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $1,392,398.32. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable CITY' OF Computer Check Proof List by Vendor Moiiii6effo User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 11/01/2022 - 1:22PM Batch: 00215.10.2022 - 215.10.2022 Xcel Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2022 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 34.36 10/31/2022 101-42700-438100 10/31/2022 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 16.80 10/31/2022 101-41940-438100 10/31/2022 5864452-7 - Library 23.52 10/31/2022 101-45501-438100 10/31/2022 5837384-6 - Publc Works 102.21 10/31/2022 101-43127-438100 10/31/2022 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 25.26 10/31/2022 101-45204-438100 10/31/2022 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 66.15 10/31/2022 609-49754-438100 10/31/2022 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 16.80 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 5768542-2 - MCC 2,280.21 10/31/2022 226-45126-438100 10/31/2022 5768542-2 - City Hall 98.60 10/31/2022 101-41940-438100 10/31/2022 5820786-1 - Public Works 16.80 10/31/2022 101-43127-438100 10/31/2022 5821009-7 - Parks 54.72 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 5768542-2 - National Guard 49.30 10/31/2022 101-42800-438100 10/31/2022 5768542-2 - Senior Center 36.98 10/31/2022 101-45175-438100 10/31/2022 8000015233-2 - WWTP 2,430.68 10/31/2022 602-49480-438100 10/31/2022 5806932-9 - Parks 16.80 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 5799427-9 - Public Works 16.80 10/31/2022 101-43127-438100 10/31/2022 6402123338-8 - 112 W River St FINAL 41.05 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 6402504048-2 - 107 Broadway W 12.61 10/31/2022 101-45204-438100 10/31/2022 11077481-7 - Fire Station 99.89 10/31/2022 101-42200-438100 10/31/2022 6402504046-6 - 101 Broadway W FINAL 29.32 10/31/2022 101-45204-438100 10/31/2022 8235333-5 - DMV 18.04 10/31/2022 653-41990-438100 10/31/2022 5843395-4 - Facilities 16.80 10/31/2022 701-00000-438100 10/31/2022 6402462182-9 - Help Center 18.04 10/31/2022 701-00000-438100 10/31/2022 8235331-9 - DMV 18.04 10/31/2022 653-41990-438100 10/31/2022 6402832805-8 - 113 Broadway W FINAL 30.77 10/31/2022 213-46301-438100 10/31/2022 5799425-3 - Public Works 37.09 10/31/2022 101-43127-438100 10/31/2022 11688591-4 - 121 Broadway W FINAL 29.32 10/31/2022 213-46301-438100 Check Total: 5,636.96 Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: True 10/25/2022 Parking Lot Maintenance - Oct 2022 213.86 10/31/2022 213-46301-443990 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2022 - 1:22 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 213.86 Vendor: 5646 JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC. Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: True 4102211 Client Account Fees - Oct 2022 47.82 10/31/2022 226-45122-443980 Check Total: 47.82 Vendor: 5415 MII LIFE INSURANCE INC Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: True 16262853 Participant Fee - Oct 2022 36.90 10/31/2022 101-41800-413500 40400586 FSA - Dependent Care 384.60 10/31/2022 101-00000-217200 Check Total: 421.50 Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2022 Liq Store CC Fees (WF -0990) 8,386.23 10/31/2022 609-49754-443980 10/31/2022 WF account interest earnings -205.72 10/31/2022 101-00000-362110 10/31/2022 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 95.13 10/31/2022 601-49440-443980 10/31/2022 CH CC Fees (WF -0999) 181.57 10/31/2022 101-41520-443980 10/31/2022 MCC CC Fees (iAccess FM -1476) 105.61 10/31/2022 226-45127-431992 10/31/2022 UB CC Fees (AmEx -8910) 95.13 10/31/2022 602-49490-443980 10/31/2022 WF account bank charges 1,424.34 10/31/2022 101-41520-443980 10/31/2022 MCC CC Fees (Daxco- 2887) 1,305.91 10/31/2022 226-45122-443980 10/31/2022 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 1,845.78 10/31/2022 601-49440-443980 10/31/2022 UB CC Fees (Bluefin - 7022) 1,845.78 10/31/2022 602-49490-443980 10/31/2022 Global Payments - CivicRec 134.19 10/31/2022 101-45201-443980 10/31/2022 Authorize.Net CC Fees (Bldg) 25.00 10/31/2022 101-42400-443980 10/31/2022 MCC CC Fees (Clover- Fmrs Mkt) 21.42 10/31/2022 226-45127-431992 10/31/2022 Authorize.Net CC Fees (Bldg) 9.90 10/31/2022 101-42400-443980 Check Total: 15,270.27 Vendor: 1565 WELLS FARGO CORP TRUST SERVICE Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 10/28/2022 Addt'l Investment to RBC 490,000.00 10/31/2022 955-00000-104010 Check Total: 490,000.00 Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: True 10/31/2022 51-9391437-3 -DMV 547.13 10/31/2022 653-41990-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505909-4 - Facilities Mgmt 176.65 10/31/2022 701-00000-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505915-2 - Parks 5.25 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505911-8 -MCC 9,970.81 10/31/2022 226-45126-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505912-9 - Animal Shelter 247.12 10/31/2022 101-42700-438100 10/31/2022 51-4271112-2 - Library 1,154.66 10/31/2022 101-45501-438100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2022 - 1:22 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/31/2022 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 85.09 10/31/2022 101-43160-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 82.34 10/31/2022 101-43160-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505905-0 - Water 10,729.55 10/31/2022 601-49440-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 0.00 10/31/2022 601-49440-438100 10/31/2022 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 21.68 10/31/2022 101-42500-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505911-8 - City Hall 2,201.35 10/31/2022 101-41940-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505914-1 - Shop/Garage 1,309.26 10/31/2022 101-43127-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505913-0 - Fire Station 1,521.52 10/31/2022 101-42200-438100 10/31/2022 51-7780310-4 - Bldg. Inspec. G 40.11 10/31/2022 101-41940-438100 10/31/2022 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 57.78 10/31/2022 101-45204-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 0.00 10/31/2022 101-45203-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505910-7 - Liquor Store 2,363.35 10/31/2022 609-49754-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 1,364.11 10/31/2022 602-49490-438100 10/31/2022 51-0395766-0 - Ramsey Pumphous 5,842.41 10/31/2022 601-49440-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 517.96 10/31/2022 101-45175-438100 10/31/2022 51-6572904-0 - WWTP 18,960.31 10/31/2022 602-49480-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505915-2 -NSP- consc/sec. 0.00 10/31/2022 101-45203-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 15,008.11 10/31/2022 101-43160-438100 10/31/2022 51-0371645-4 - SwanCam 21.59 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 258.98 10/31/2022 101-42800-438100 10/31/2022 51-6505913-0- Parks Bldg 651.07 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 51-13295413-8 - 103 Pine St 0.00 10/31/2022 213-46301-438100 10/31/2022 51-13295413-8 - Parks 0.00 10/31/2022 101-45201-438100 10/31/2022 51-13295413-8 - Water 0.00 10/31/2022 601-49440-438100 10/31/2022 51-13295413-8 -Streets 0.00 10/31/2022 101-43120-438100 10/31/2022 51-0013373403-2 - MontiArts 112.71 10/31/2022 101-45204-438100 10/31/2022 Solar Reward Credit -51,493.10 10/31/2022 101-41310-362140 10/31/2022 amount booked to AR 6,603.50 10/31/2022 101-00000-115030 Check Total: 28,361.30 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Total for Check Run: 539,951.71 Date: 11/14/22 Approved by: Total of Number of Checks: 7 Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/01/2022 - 1:22 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 11/02/2022 - 3:OOPM Batch: 00202.11.2022 - 202.11.2022 LIQ Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 1 3566619 Resale - Beer 152.60 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 3567910 Resale - Beer 101.60 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 1 Check Total: 254.20 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 2 0105966000 Assorted Bags 188.60 11/02/2022 609-49754-421990 0105966000 Resale - Mix,Juice, 108.85 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 0105966000 Freight 1.36 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 105901100 Resale - Condiments 51.90 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 105901100 Resale - Olives, Hot Green Beans, 69.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 105901100 Bags 87.50 11/02/2022 609-49754-421990 105901100 Freight 0.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 105932300 Resale - Juice, Mix, 155.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 105932300 Freight 0.71 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 87058700 Credit- Liquor Inv# 97025700 -110.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 87058700 Credit - Freight -1.65 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 96981900 Freight 94.88 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 96981900 Resale - Liquor 6,348.14 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 96981900 Resale - Wine 528.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 97025700 Resale- Liquor 5,119.20 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 97025700 Freight 62.98 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 97073500 Freight 72.04 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 97073500 Resale- Liquor 5,037.43 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 97118300 Resale- Liquor 5,102.66 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 97118300 Freight 49.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 97174400 Freight 94.05 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 97174400 Resale- Liquor 7,834.49 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 97174400 Resale- Wine 88.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 30,984.09 Moiiii6effo Y Reference ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 10003208 Resale - Beer 1,737.40 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 10003209 Resale - Pop 143.16 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 10005590 Resale - Beer 4,220.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 10005590 Resale - Beer N/A 78.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 10005591 Resale - Mix 16.53 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 10005592 Resale - Beer Credit -35.86 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 10008022 Resale - Beer N/A 129.45 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 10008022 Resale - Beer 1,459.85 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 10008023 Resale - Pop 171.01 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 10008024 Resale - Concession Pop 266.43 11/02/2022 226-45125-425410 10008024 Pop for Events 135.00 11/02/2022 226-45123-421990 10008025 Resale - Concession Pop Credit -79.12 11/02/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 8,243.75 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 346176265 Resale- Wine 851.57 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 346176265 Resale - Wine 6,891.68 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 346176265 Freight 91.33 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 346176266 Resale - Wine 72.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 346279419 Resale - Wine 936.87 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 346279419 Resale- Liquor 1,563.16 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 346279419 Freight 42.49 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 10,449.10 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 17440379 Resale - Beer Credit -9.83 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 2751658 Resale - Beer 11,787.04 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 2751658 Resale - Beer N/A 369.20 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 2751658 Resale - Juice 95.96 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 2754552 Resale - Beer 16,291.87 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 2754552 Resale - Beer N/A 172.15 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 2754552 Resale - OJ 47.98 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 2757393 Resale - Beer 13,195.26 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 2757393 Resale - Beer N/A, Pop 236.82 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 2757393 Resale - Juice 44.98 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 42,231.43 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 1755242 Resale - Beer 4,650.24 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1755242 Resale - Beer N/A 394.10 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 1758124 Resale - Beer 33,666.70 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1759040 Resale - Beer 1,121.20 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1759062 Resale- Beer 611.40 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1761572 Resale - Beer 2,176.53 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1761572 Resale - Beer N/A 153.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 1761665 Resale - Beer Credit -346.80 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1763827 Resale - Beer 24,319.10 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1763827 Resale - Beer N/A 150.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 1763854 Resale - Beer Credit -387.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1766469 Resale - Beer 4,784.22 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1766469 Resale - Beer N/A 165.90 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 1767780 Resale - Beer 21,725.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1768784 Resale - Beer 960.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1769246 Resale - Beer Credit -158.80 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 93,986.69 Vendor: 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. Check Sequence: 7 1528632 Resale - Beer 1,890.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1531691 Resale - Beer 781.70 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1533840 Resale - Beer 176.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1533849 Resale - Beer 126.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1534355 Resale - Beer 472.05 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 1534619 Resale - Beer 785.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 4,231.25 Vendor: 6023 BENJAMIN HUGUS Check Sequence: 8 E-3010 dba - Ursa Brewings - Resale - Beer 249.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 249.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 9 2087659 Resale - Wine Credit Over pmt -11.59 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2139521 Resale- Liquor 271.44 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2139521 Freight 4.95 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2158240 Freight 25.59 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2158240 Resale - Liquor 2,158.10 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2159587 Freight 53.80 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2159587 Resale - Liquor 3,570.04 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2159588 Resale- Wine 2,809.35 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2159588 Freight 79.79 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2160678 Resale - Liquor 5,236.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2160678 Freight 69.14 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2160679 Freight 8.80 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2160679 Resale - Wine 383.56 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2163061 Resale - Liquor 1,900.20 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2163061 Freight 44.55 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2164222 Freight 79.21 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2164222 Resale - Liquor 5,363.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2164223 Resale- Wine 3,499.40 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2164223 Freight 90.45 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2165358 Resale - Liquor 2,954.39 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2165358 Freight 41.37 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2165359 Resale- Wine 295.83 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2165359 Freight 6.61 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2167851 Freight 64.36 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2167851 Resale - Liquor 3,823.90 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2167852 Resale - Mix 157.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 2167852 Freight 1.65 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2169334 Freight 25.09 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2169334 Resale - Liquor 1,932.76 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2169335 Freight 142.66 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2169335 Resale - Wine 4,663.46 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2169335 Resale - Mix 64.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 225624 Resale - Liquor Credit -9.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 225625 Resale - Wine Credit -43.02 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 39,758.34 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 10 180755 Resale - Wine 1,978.67 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 180755 Freight 31.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 182169 Resale - Wine 3,242.70 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 182169 Resale - Wine 1,168.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 182169 Freight 49.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 6,470.37 Vendor: 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, LLP Check Sequence: 11 350394 Resale - Tobacco, Pop, Barware 1,049.31 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 350394 Resale - Cigarettes 2,276.06 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 351180 Resale - Tobacco, Bottle Suits, Flasks, Mix 430.87 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 351180 Resale - Cigarettes 1,182.24 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 5 Check Total: 4,938.48 Vendor: 5736 MAVERICK WINE LLC Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 858776 Resale- Liquor 802.02 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 858776 Freight 4.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 806.52 Vendor: 5586 MOOSE LAKE BREWING CO. Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: True 1101-003 Resale - Beer 216.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 216.00 Vendor: 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 194435 Freight 12.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 194435 Resale- Wine 497.33 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 195167 Freight 6.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 195167 Resale- Liquor 552.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 195168 Resale - Wine 312.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 195168 Freight 12.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,391.33 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: False 6422828 Freight 2.25 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6449921 Freight 74.25 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6480888 Resale - Liquor 4,364.24 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 6480888 Freight 52.77 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6480889 Freight 26.41 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6480889 Resale- Wine 874.60 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 6480889 Resale - Mix 34.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 6482816 Resale - Liquor 1,872.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 6482816 Freight 49.52 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6484586 Resale - Liquor 2,095.31 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 6484586 Freight 23.09 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6484587 Resale- Wine 1,907.45 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 6484587 Resale - Mix 48.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 6484587 Freight 49.46 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6486644 Freight 8.58 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6486644 Resale- Liquor 532.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 6487602 Freight 23.93 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 6487602 Resale - Liquor 1,730.83 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 6487603 Freight 36.28 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 6487603 Resale - Wine 1,394.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 15,198.97 Vendor: 4781 RUE 38 LLC Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 14580 Resale - Wine 216.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 14580 Freight 4.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 220.50 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: False 0080345 pickups Resale - Wine Credit - ref Inv# 2223780 -13.33 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 0080935 pickups Resale - Liquor Credit - ref Inv# 2272431 -22.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2272431 Resale - Liquor 4,328.94 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2272431 Freight 42.47 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2272432 Freight 42.47 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2272432 Resale- Wine 2,300.64 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 2274652 Resale - Liquor 1,131.10 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 2274652 Freight 12.60 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2274653 Freight 19.60 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 2274653 Resale- Wine 1,072.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 8,913.99 Vendor: 5989 SP3,LLC Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True W-165343 Resale - Beer 12.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 W-166135 Resale - Beer 445.26 11/02/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 457.76 Vendor: 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 1126893 Resale - Cooling Cups, Wine Glasses, Cups, Bag 1,726.15 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 1126893 Resale - Condiments 59.88 11/02/2022 609-49750-425500 1128462 Resale- Liquor 117.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 1,903.03 Vendor: 1188 TWAIT WINES, INC Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: False 4898 Resale- Wine 396.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 396.00 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: True 3028406 Resale - pop 739.15 11/02/2022 609-49750-425400 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/14/22 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 7 Check Total: 739.15 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: True 315213 Resale - Wine 352.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 315213 Resale- Liquor 81.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 315213 Freight 12.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 315908 Resale- Liquor 379.96 11/02/2022 609-49750-425100 315909 Resale - Wine 244.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 315910 Resale- Wine 98.50 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,168.46 Vendor: 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: False 7400859 Resale- Wine 1,640.00 11/02/2022 609-49750-425300 7400859 Freight 18.98 11/02/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 1,658.98 Total for Check Run: 274,867.39 Total of Number of Checks: 23 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 11/14/22 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/02/2022 - 3:00 PM) Page 7 Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: Julie.Cheney Printed: 11/10/2022 - 1:14PM Batch: 00203.11.2022 - 203.11.2022 AP Invoice No Description Moiiii6effo Y Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 5660 ABSOLUTE PRINT GRAPHICS Check Sequence: 1 ACH Enabled: False 60237 UB Oct Invoices (3710) Print, Fold, Stuff, Envel 737.56 11/15/2022 601-49440-431800 60237 UB Oct Invoices (3710) Print, Fold, Stuff, Envel 737.56 11/15/2022 602-49490-431800 60237 October CityAnnoucements (375 0) 1,011.30 11/15/2022 101-41310-443990 Check Total: 2,486.42 Vendor: 1021 AME RED E MIX INC Check Sequence: 2 ACH Enabled: False 143111 1.25 CY - R000000 6.0 Bag AE 181.25 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 144238 1.25 CY - R000000 3F52F 181.25 11/15/2022 101-43120-421990 Check Total: 362.50 Vendor: 1023 AMERICAN PLANNING ASSOCIATION Check Sequence: 3 ACH Enabled: False 186028-22102 2023 Membership - APA & AICP MN Chapter S 648.00 11/15/2022 101-41910-443300 Check Total: 648.00 Vendor: 3991 ANOKA RAMSEY COMMUNITY COLLEGE Check Sequence: 4 ACH Enabled: False 00468798 Various Training 2022:Fire Exting, Confine Spa( 2,550.00 11/15/2022 101-41800-431960 Check Total: 2,550.00 Vendor: 1036 APEC AQUISITIONS INC Check Sequence: 5 ACH Enabled: True 124883 Filters - MasterLink Blue - Various Sizes (26) 721.97 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 721.97 Vendor: 1039 AQUA LOGIC INC Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: True 1509 120W Lamp Amalgam 329.30 11/15/2022 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 329.30 Vendor: 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 3569005 Resale- Wine 83.10 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 3569311 Resale - Beer 79.90 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 163.00 Vendor: 1044 ASCAP Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: False 500829012 2023 Public Play License Fee for Music 409.17 11/15/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 409.17 Vendor: 1368 AUTO VALUE MONTICELLO Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: False 21204990 Fuel Treatment, Tune Up 27.97 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 21205089 Air Door Actuator 48.56 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 21205113 Oil 45.93 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 21205193 Service Chamber 30S (2) 123.14 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 21205194 1 Pro CL1 2.42 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 21205312 Batteries (3) 464.97 11/15/2022 101-42200-422110 21205316 Batteries (3) 545.97 11/15/2022 101-42200-422110 21205333 Synthetic Oil (12) 107.88 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 1,366.84 Vendor: 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: True 2165985 Diesel Fuel (564.3 gals) @ $4.775 2,855.36 11/15/2022 101-43120-421200 2165986 Unleaded Fuel (685.5 gals) @ $2.569 1,956.42 11/15/2022 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 4,811.78 Vendor: 6117 VIRGINA BELL Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: False 10/28/2022 16C006 - Commissioner for Condemnation Worl 641.04 11/15/2022 400-43300-430400 Check Total: 641.04 Vendor: 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: True 97197800 Resale- Liquor 360.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 97216500 Resale- Liquor Credit Inv# 97174400 -516.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 97216500 Freight Credit -4.95 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 97260600 Resale - Liquor 11,034.12 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 97260600 Resale- Wine 180.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 97260600 Freight 132.02 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 11,185.19 Vendor: 1067 BERNICK'S Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10010451 Resale - Beer N/A 2,115.55 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 10010452 Resale - Pop 128.80 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 I32273 Resale - Food: Sandwiches, Eggs 93.75 11/15/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 2,338.10 Vendor: 6119 BETHEL ASSEMBLY OF GOD Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2022 Santa & Ting Ting the Elf Performance @ Visit 1 875.00 11/15/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 875.00 Vendor: 1079 BOYER TRUCKS ROGERS Check Sequence: 15 ACH Enabled: True 003P28509 Floor Mat Set 295.84 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 295.84 Vendor: 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & SPIF Check Sequence: 16 ACH Enabled: False 346389556 Resale - Liquor 2,765.90 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 346389556 Resale - Wine 128.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 346389556 Resale - Mix 54.52 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 346389556 Freight 41.66 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 410275526 Resale - Liquor - Credit 346279419 -98.95 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 410275526 Resale - Freight - Credit 346279419 -1.65 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 2,889.48 Vendor: 1089 SARA CAHILL Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: True 11/3/2022 Reimbursement - Candy Bertram Trunk or Treat 89.36 11/15/2022 226-45127-421990 Check Total: 89.36 Vendor: 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. Check Sequence: 18 ACH Enabled: True 17440397 Resale - Beer Credit -57.30 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 2760299 Resale - Liquor 337.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 2760299 Resale - Beer 17,234.91 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 2760299 Resale - Wine 104.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 2760299 Resale - Beer N/A 84.05 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 2760299 Resale - OJ, Cranberry Juice 101.20 11/15/2022 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 17,803.86 Vendor: 5805 CAPSTONE HOMES Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: False 8803 Escrow Refund - 8803 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8804 Escrow Refund - 8804 FarmsteadAve/Haven Rio 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 3 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 8805 Escrow Refund - 8805 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8806 Escrow Refund - 8806 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8807 Escrow Refund - 8807 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8809 Escrow Refund - 8809 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8812 Escrow Refund - 8812 Farmstead Ave/Haven Rio 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8814 Escrow Refund - 8814 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8819 Escrow Refund - 8819 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8823 Escrow Refund - 8823 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8825 Escrow Refund - 8825 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8826 Escrow Refund - 8826 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8827 Escrow Refund - 8827 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8828 Escrow Refund - 8828 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 8830 Escrow Refund - 8830 Farmstead Ave/Haven Ri( 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 30,000.00 Vendor: 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC Check Sequence: 20 24212 Resale - Wine 1,188.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 1,188.00 Vendor: 1103 CENTRAL HYDRAULICS INC Check Sequence: 21 567435 Repair Wing Cylinder Leak on Plow: Rings, Sea 1,074.36 11/15/2022 101-43125-440500 Check Total: 1,074.36 Vendor: 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC Check Sequence: 22 0000202068 Monthly Tank Rental (Oct) 70.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-441500 Check Total: 70.00 Vendor: 4315 CHARTER COMMUNICATIONS Check Sequence: 23 4697101122 Service Call 149.00 11/15/2022 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 149.00 Vendor: 6032 CROSS CUT PROPERTY SERVICES Check Sequence: 24 1306 Hillside Cemetery - Sept Mowing/Trimming 585.00 11/15/2022 101-45201-431050 1308 Riverside Cemetery - Sept Mowing/Trimming 1,150.00 11/15/2022 215-49010-431050 1309 Mowing/Trimming - Head End 165.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 1309 Blight Mowings (3) - Sept 2022 300.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 2,200.00 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 4 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 6115 CRYSTAL LEE PHOTOGRAPHY Check Sequence: 25 ACH Enabled: False 10/20/2022 Down Payment Photos w/Santa @ Bertram 12/3 250.00 11/15/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 6115 CRYSTAL LEE PHOTOGRAPHY Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2022 Final Payment Photos w/Santa @ Bertram 12/3/: 250.00 11/15/2022 226-45127-431990 Check Total: 250.00 Vendor: 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: True 11/4/2022 Resale - Liquor Credit -52.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 1771420 Resale - Beer N/A 317.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 1771420 Resale - Beer 4,665.85 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 1773954 Resale - Beer 42,459.35 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 1773954 Resale - Beer N/A 104.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 1774544 Resale - Beer Credit -578.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 46,916.20 Vendor: 6122 DODGE OF BURNSVILLE Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: False N680087 2022 Dodge Ram 1500 Classic VIN 7025 (W/! 34,293.00 11/15/2022 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 34,293.00 Vendor: 1147 DOUBLE D ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: False 27108 Tested 50 amp Receptacle 75.00 11/15/2022 101-45201-440100 27109 Replaced Emergency Light Fixtures @ West Brie 273.78 11/15/2022 101-45201-440100 27123 Lighting Retro Fit @ Park Barn 8,150.00 11/15/2022 101-45201-440100 Check Total: 8,498.78 Vendor: 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: True 916499 General Election Notice Ad#1264853 519.20 11/15/2022 101-41410-435100 916500 202241 - PH Kinghorn Prelim Ad# 1266230 173.60 11/15/2022 101-41910-435100 916501 Public Accuracy Test Ad# 1266473 57.60 11/15/2022 101-41410-435100 916502 Ordinance #789 Ad# 1266763 212.00 11/15/2022 101-41410-435100 916503 Ordinance #790 Ad# 1266772 327.20 11/15/2022 101-41410-435100 916504 Ordinance #787 Ad# 1266776 125.60 11/15/2022 101-41410-435100 918525 Fall Wine Sale Ad# 1264033 600.00 11/15/2022 609-49754-434990 Check Total: 2,015.20 Vendor: 1722 ENVIRONMENTAL EQUIPMENT & SERVIC] Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 22638 Dual Swivel Skimmer/Sep Door 201.13 11/15/2022 652-49882-421990 Check Total: 201.13 Vendor: 2154 FEDERATED CO-OPS INC Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: True 1374732 Propane Delivered (64.10) 121.73 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 121.73 Vendor: 1179 FIRE SAFETY USA INC Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: False 164824 Tender 11 - Remove Dash & Replace Flasher 114.50 11/15/2022 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 114.50 Vendor: 1187 FORCE AMERICA INC Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: False 001-1681827 Ext Duty Seal 4 Bolt Gerotor Motor 361.05 11/15/2022 101-43125-422100 001-1682222 Pressure Reducing Valve; Ductile 248.45 11/15/2022 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 609.50 Vendor: 1413 GOPHER STATE ONE CALL INC Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: True 2100607 Oct 2022 Tickets (151) - 1/2 Water 100.58 11/15/2022 601-49440-432770 2100607 Oct 2022 Tickets (151) - 1/2 Sewer 100.57 11/15/2022 602-49490-432770 Check Total: 201.15 Vendor: 5840 HAKANSON ANDERSON ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: False 49542 22C001 - 2022 Street Improvement Project - Oct 10,728.17 11/15/2022 400-43300-459023 49543 22C001 - 2022 Street Impr Proj - Material Testin 2,125.00 11/15/2022 400-43300-459023 Check Total: 12,853.17 Vendor: 1320 TRICIA HANDORFF Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: True 10/17/2022 Mileage Reimbursement - Conference 47.50 11/15/2022 226-45122-433100 Check Total: 47.50 Vendor: 1223 HAWKINS INC Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: True 6312873 Well Chemicals 30.00 11/15/2022 601-49440-421600 6324577 Aluminum Sulfate Liquid - WWTP 7,229.42 11/15/2022 602-49480-421990 6324642 Polymer - Aqua Hawk - WWTP 6,498.59 11/15/2022 602-49480-421990 Check Total: 13,758.01 Vendor: 1228 HERC U LIFT INC Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 6 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference S0125575 Mitsi 27 x 48 Jack 595.00 11/15/2022 609-49754-424100 Check Total: 595.00 Vendor: 6121 HOFFMAN CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2022 Refund Water Permit - Deposit $2,000 - $78.091 2,100.00 11/15/2022 601-00000-220111 11/10/2022 Refund Water Permit - Deposit $2,000 - $78.091 -5.36 11/15/2022 601-00000-208100 11/10/2022 Refund Water Permit - Deposit $2,000 - $78.091 -72.73 11/15/2022 601-49440-371120 Check Total: 2,021.91 Vendor: 4650 JASEN HOGLUND Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: False 011024 Custom Lettering - Street Sweeping Signs (2) 300.00 11/15/2022 101-43120-422600 011031 Custom Lettering -#612,700,305 60.00 11/15/2022 101-43110-421990 01112 Custom Lettering -#402 20.00 11/15/2022 602-49490-421990 Check Total: 380.00 Vendor: 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: True 0069357 -IN Cross Connection Control Program - Insp & Rpt 741.00 11/15/2022 601-49440-431990 Check Total: 741.00 Vendor: 6013 I.M.S. - INDUSTRIAL MAINTENANCE SUPP Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: False 5709 Catch Basin Repair (5) 2,500.00 11/15/2022 101-43120-440990 Check Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LOCAL Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: False Dec 2022 Health Insurance - Union - Dec 2022 20,175.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-217061 Check Total: 20,175.00 Vendor: 5444 J & G HOLDINGS Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: True 4252 Nov 2022 - Cleaning Fire/Law Enforcement 560.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431100 Check Total: 560.00 Vendor: 2018 JOHNS WELDING LLC Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: False 7343 Memorial Park Bench (2) 3,080.00 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 3,080.00 Vendor: 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: False 2170453 Freight 44.17 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2170453 Resale - Liquor 3,144.50 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 2170454 Reale- Wine 344.25 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 2170454 Freight 9.90 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2172772 Resale- Liquor 498.10 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 2172772 Freight 3.35 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2172773 Freight 10.15 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2172773 Reale - Wine 176.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 2173993 Resale - Liquor 2,882.10 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 2173993 Freight 38.24 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2173994 Freight 137.14 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2173994 Resale - Wine 5,585.65 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 2173994 Resale - Mix 32.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 227152 Resale - Liquor Credit -8.26 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 227153 Resale - Liquor Credit -6.53 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 8 Check Total: 12,890.76 Vendor: 5974 JOTL PROPERTIES, LLC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: False 62 Nov 2022 - 213 W Broadway Rent 1,500.00 11/15/2022 101-45204-441200 Check Total: 1,500.00 Vendor: 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTERED Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: False MN190-00001 General EDA- Sept 2022 462.00 11/15/2022 213-46301-430400 MN190-00159 TIF 1-45 - Block 52 Redevelopment - Sept 2022 6,518.55 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00163 21TOO 1 - Headwaters Townhomes TIF - Sept 20: 175.00 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00170 21TOO 1 - Headwaters Apartments TIF - Sept 202 349.70 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00172 TIF 1-44 - Washburn POS Economic Devlopmei 25.00 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00173 TIF 1-46 - Wiha Tools TIF Project - Sept 2022 879.00 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN190-00175 TIF 1-47 - Moon Motors Warehouse Developme 620.00 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 MN325-00041 GMEF Loan Monticello RV - Sept 2022 382.00 11/15/2022 213-46301-430400 MN325-00045 TIF 1-45 - 113 W Broadway - Sept 2022 1,003.50 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 Check Total: 10,414.75 Vendor: 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. Check Sequence: 50 ACH Enabled: True 182962 Resale - Wine 767.30 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 182962 Freight 12.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 779.30 Vendor: 5816 LAUMANN LANDSCAPE Check Sequence: 51 ACH Enabled: False 11/7/2022 Refund Water Use Permit $2,100 dep - $190.861 2,100.00 11/15/2022 601-00000-220111 11/7/2022 Refund Water Use Permit $2,100 dep - $190.861 -40.00 11/15/2022 601-49440-371120 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/7/2022 Refund Water Use Permit $2,100 dep - $190.86 1 -137.76 11/15/2022 601-49440-371120 11/7/2022 Refund Water Use Permit $2,100 dep - $190.86, -13.10 11/15/2022 601-00000-208100 Check Total: 1,909.14 Vendor: 5285 LAWSON PRODUCTS, INC. Check Sequence: 52 ACH Enabled: False 9310034799 Silicone Sealant, Hex Nuts, Hose Clamp, Washes 548.51 11/15/2022 101-43127-421990 9310092244 Visa Seal Clear Butt Connectors (100), Rings (5( 636.76 11/15/2022 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 1,185.27 Vendor: 1305 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: True P07188 Fire Helmet 409.97 11/15/2022 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 409.97 Vendor: 1726 MARCO TECHNOLOGIES Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: True 486097819 10/24/22 - 11/24/22 - Contract Payment 1,544.06 11/15/2022 702-00000-431990 INV10296651 Veeam/Azure Subscription Setup 1,590.00 11/15/2022 702-00000-431990 INV10488734 Managed IT Services 3,617.41 11/15/2022 702-00000-431900 INV 10520671 HP730 Design Jet Black Ink (CH) 103.93 11/15/2022 702-00000-431990 Check Total: 6,855.40 Vendor: 1914 MARTIN MARIETTA MATERIALS Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: False 37318685 Rip Rap (9.01 TN) 296.43 11/15/2022 652-49881-421990 Check Total: 296.43 Vendor: 5578 MINNESOTA CONCRETE LIFTING LLC Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: False 10/18/2022 Raise/Grind 147 Sections for Sidewalk 1,000.00 11/15/2022 101-43120-440990 Check Total: 1,000.00 Vendor: 1980 MN DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: False 2023 Buyers Crd 2022 Buyers Card ID #6618 Type MOOFSL 20.00 11/15/2022 609-49754-443990 Check Total: 20.00 Vendor: 1346 MN DEPT OF HEALTH Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: False FBL-13905-15733 2023 Food License Renewal - Food & Beverage 980.00 11/15/2022 226-45122-443700 Check Total: 980.00 Vendor: 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 11/9/2022 License & Register 2022 Ram 1500 Truck VIN# 2,284.05 11/15/2022 703-00000-165010 Check Total: 2,284.05 Vendor: 4691 MONTICELLO MEMORIALS, LLC Check Sequence: 60 22198 Columbarium Personal Military Emblems - Woo 405.00 11/15/2022 215-49010-431990 22209 Columbarium Personalized Niche Front - Parcel 320.00 11/15/2022 215-49010-431990 22209 Columbarium Personalized Niche Front - Stallcc 185.00 11/15/2022 215-49010-431990 Check Total: 910.00 Vendor: 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC Check Sequence: 61 25549 Labor - Install Gas Valve @ Animal Shelter 220.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 25549 Materials - New Valve @ Animal Shelter 693.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 Check Total: 913.00 Vendor: 5347 MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERVICES Check Sequence: 62 1771048 Custom Turnout Coat, Pants, Interceptor Hood (: 3,316.00 11/15/2022 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 3,316.00 Vendor: 5998 SADIE NIELSEN Check Sequence: 63 10/23/2022 Monti Arts Intern - Worked @ Let's Chalk (14.2`. 285.00 11/15/2022 101-41310-444220 Check Total: 285.00 Vendor: 6116 NORTHLAND PETROLEUM SERVICE INC Check Sequence: 64 24613 Replace Diesel Filter; Addt'1 Diesel Filter (1) 330.02 11/15/2022 101-43127-440440 Check Total: 330.02 Vendor: 1687 NORTHLAND SECURITIES INC Check Sequence: 65 7276 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-42 - Headwaters Apartments - O 752.50 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 7277 21TOO 1 - TIF 1-43 - Headwaters Villas - Oct 20: 752.50 11/15/2022 213-00000-220110 Check Total: 1,505.00 Vendor: 1401 NORTHWEST ASSOCIATED CONSULTANTS Check Sequence: 66 26054 Technical Assistance - City Projects - Oct 2022 3,429.60 11/15/2022 101-41910-431990 26055 202241 - WiHa Tools Prelim Plat - Oct 2022 993.20 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 26055 202242 - Twin Pines PUD Adjustment - Oct 202 152.80 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 26056 Technical Assistance - Meetings - Oct 2022 300.00 11/15/2022 101-41910-431990 ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: False ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 10 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 11 Check Total: 4,875.60 Vendor: 4551 NOVAK BUILDERS & REMODELERS Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: False 4208 Escrorw Refund - 4208 Eaton Cir/FeatherstoneA 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 2928 NUSS TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: True 9004796P ABS Sensors (4) 448.76 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 9101187 Inspect ABS Light - Sensor 720.33 11/15/2022 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 1,169.09 Vendor: 5988 NYSTROM PUBLISHING CO INC Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: False 46027 Print Fall/Winter Newsletter 3,957.32 11/15/2022 101-41310-431950 46027 Postage Fall/Winter Newsletter 1,394.47 11/15/2022 101-41310-432200 Check Total: 5,351.79 Vendor: 5211 RANDI O'KEEFE KRIER Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: True Nov 1st Semi Monthly Contract Payment 1,622.25 11/15/2022 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,622.25 Vendor: 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: True 63303 Tighten Base on Pole - (Hwy 25 by Caribou) 1,471.52 11/15/2022 101-43160-440990 63304 Replace Stop Arrow Bulb - Stop Light Broadwa; 162.02 11/15/2022 101-43160-440990 63327 Replace Lamp & Test - Stop Light Hwy 25 & Oz 162.02 11/15/2022 101-43160-440990 Check Total: 1,795.56 Vendor: 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: True 3499062 Credit for Duplicate Payment in 2021 Inv# 0345 -13.20 11/15/2022 101-43127-421990 3537993 Monthly Propane Cylinder - Parks 48.83 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 35.63 Vendor: 5755 PATRIOT NEWS MN LLC Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: False 7302 Fall Wine Sale Ad 10/2922 521.40 11/15/2022 609-49754-434990 Check Total: 521.40 Vendor: 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: True 356413 Cheese Sauce for Concession Resale @ MCC 113.76 11/15/2022 226-45125-425410 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 11 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 357556 Foor for Concession Resale @ MCC 809.18 11/15/2022 226-45125-425410 373973 Foor for Concession Resale @ MCC 762.62 11/15/2022 226-45125-425410 Check Total: 1,685.56 Vendor: 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: False 6488551 Resale - Liquor 4,630.01 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 6488551 Freight 48.71 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 6488552 Resale- Wine 932.30 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 6488552 Resale - Mix 52.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 6488552 Freight 26.42 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 6491389 Freight 24.75 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 6491389 Resale - Liquor 1,416.65 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 6491390 Freight 8.25 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 6491390 Resale- Wine 141.25 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 7,280.34 Vendor: 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES LLC Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: False 1163 Cleaning Services - Oct 2022 10,670.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431100 Check Total: 10,670.00 Vendor: 5431 QUADIENT FINANCE USA INC Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: False 11/3/2022 Postage Purchased 11/3/22 1,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-155010 11/3/2022 Fire Dept Mailing 4.59 11/15/2022 101-42200-432200 11/3/2022 Sealing Kit for Postage Machine 21.85 11/15/2022 101-41310-421990 11/3/2022 Postage for DMV: Titles, Registrations, etc. (17) 236.90 11/15/2022 653-41990-432200 Check Total: 1,263.34 Vendor: 5713 R.D.OFFUTT COMPANY Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: False E0142014 JR 544 Blanks, Female Adapters - Snowblower # 3,551.80 11/15/2022 101-43125-422100 Check Total: 3,551.80 Vendor: 5400 ROTO -ROOTER PLUMBING & DRAIN Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: False 47452340 Cleared Blockage Floor Drain Mens Restroom - 570.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 570.00 Vendor: 6120 RUPRECHT CONSTRUCTION Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: False 11/9/2022 Refund Permit 42022-00767 65.00 11/15/2022 101-42400-322110 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 12 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 13 Check Total: 65.00 Vendor: 1470 RUSSELL SECURITY RESOURCE INC Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: True A43719 Key for Cushman Ignition 52.00 11/15/2022 101-45201-440990 Check Total: 52.00 Vendor: 5079 S W WOLD Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: False 9072 Escrow Refund - 9072 Orchard Cur/Autumn Rid 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 9106 Escrow Refund - 9106 Orchard Cir E/Autumn R 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 9134 Escrow Refund - 9134 Apple Ln/Autumn Ridge 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 9135 Escrow Refund - 9135 Apple Ln/Autumn Ridge 2,000.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 Check Total: 8,000.00 Vendor: 4705 S2 SERVICES INC Check Sequence: 83 ACH Enabled: False 1550 EverGlaze Restrooms @ MCC 2,500.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 2,500.00 Vendor: 4660 SAFE -FAST, INC Check Sequence: 84 ACH Enabled: True 268238 Hi Visibility Winter Parka (4) 207.80 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 Check Total: 207.80 Vendor: 1472 SAFETY-KLEEN CORP Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: False 85624697 E Manifest Fee 20.00 11/15/2022 101-43127-431990 86557627 E Manifest Fee 20.00 11/15/2022 101-43127-431990 87458274 E Manifest Fee 20.00 11/15/2022 101-43127-431990 88287191 E Manifest Fee 20.00 11/15/2022 101-43127-431990 89141682 E Manifest Fee 20.00 11/15/2022 101-43127-431990 Check Total: 100.00 Vendor: 5585 SBRK FINANCE HOLDINGS INC Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: True INV -010800 2023 Springbrook Maintenance 35,758.44 11/15/2022 702-00000-155010 Check Total: 35,758.44 Vendor: 2497 SHERBURNE WRIGHT CABLE COMMISSIC Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2022 Cable PEG Fees - TDS/Bridgewater - Qtr 3 2022 1,260.85 11/15/2022 101-00000-208020 11/10/2022 Cable Franchise Fees - TDS/Bridgewater - Qtr 3 8,408.34 11/15/2022 101-00000-208020 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 14 Check Total: 9,669.19 Vendor: 4148 SHERWIN WILLIAMS CO. #3442 Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: False 2568-9 1 Gallon Paint 47.36 11/15/2022 701-00000-421990 Check Total: 47.36 Vendor: 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPIRITS, Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: False 2277679 Freight 18.20 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 2277679 Resale - Liquor 1,555.56 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 2277680 Resale - Wine 1,506.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 2277680 Freight 32.20 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 3,111.96 Vendor: 5989 SP3,LLC Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: True W-166967 Resale - Beer 125.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 W-167621 Resale - Beer 665.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 790.00 Vendor: 3251 STRATEGIC INSIGHTS INC Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: False 187 Plan It - License Rewewal Capital Planning Soft 775.00 11/15/2022 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 775.00 Vendor: 1507 STREICHERS INC Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: False I1590406 Pants (1) 58.00 11/15/2022 101-42200-421120 Check Total: 58.00 Vendor: 4006 SUMMIT FIRE PROTECTION Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: False 150019497 Annual Fire Extinguisher Inspection - Animal Sl 6.74 11/15/2022 701-00000-431990 Check Total: 6.74 Vendor: 4832 TIFCO INDUSTRIES, INC. Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: True 71809824 Hex Shank Drill & Tap, Welding Shield Blanket. 448.66 11/15/2022 101-45201-421990 71810509 Lock Washer, Hose Clamps, Drill Bit, Connector 973.05 11/15/2022 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 1,421.71 Vendor: 1524 TK ELEVATOR Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: True 3006920949 Elevator Maintenance Agreement (11/1/22 - 1/31 715.50 11/15/2022 701-00000-431900 AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 14 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 15 Check Total: 715.50 Vendor: 6118 KEITH TRAXLER Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: False 11/10/2022 16C006 - Commissioner for Condemnation Worl 703.74 11/15/2022 400-43300-430400 Check Total: 703.74 Vendor: 3783 ULINE Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: False 155064265 Paper Towels (16 pkgs), Trash Bags (2 boxes) 192.72 11/15/2022 609-49754-421990 155248366 Long Bailing Wire 250/CL 327.54 11/15/2022 609-49754-421990 Check Total: 520.26 Vendor: 1543 US BANK TRUST SERVICES Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: False 6700760 GOBonds 2017A Paying Agent Fee 10/1/22 - 9/= 500.00 11/15/2022 321-47000-462010 6700839 GOBonds 2018A Paying Agent Fee 10/1/22 - 9/= 550.00 11/15/2022 322-47000-462010 6700916 GOBonds 2019A Paying Agent Fee 10/1/22 - 9/: 550.00 11/15/2022 323-47000-462010 Check Total: 1,600.00 Vendor: 1544 US POSTAL SERVICE Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: False 11/8/2022 PI 42 - UB Nov Billing (3841 pcs) (1/2) 946.81 11/15/2022 601-49440-432200 11/8/2022 PI 42 - UB Nov Billing (3 841 pcs) (1/2) 946.80 11/15/2022 602-49490-432200 Check Total: 1,893.61 Vendor: 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: True 3028576 Resale - Pop 1,091.45 11/15/2022 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,091.45 Vendor: 1684 VINOCOPIA Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: True 0316492 Resale - Liquor 28.54 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 0316492 Resale - Wine 184.00 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 0316492 Freight 7.50 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 220.04 Vendor: 1555 VONCO II LLC Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: False V20000070925 (27.45) TN Street Sweeping Disposal 360.21 11/15/2022 652-49882-421990 Check Total: 360.21 Vendor: 5295 WATKINS VETERINARY CLINIC PA Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 46695 Euthenasia w/Mass Cremation (1) 264.42 11/15/2022 101-42700-431990 Check Total: 264.42 Vendor: 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: True 10857 Parts - RAB Pool Fixture 752.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 10857 Labor- Replace Pool Fixture 127.50 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 10860 Parts - LED A Lamps (2) - Hallway @ MCC 247.50 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 10863 Labor - Connect/Disconnect Cord Set for Floorii 170.00 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 10863 Materials - Filler 0.54 11/15/2022 701-00000-440100 10867 Labor - Large & Small LED Signage for Monti 7 1,266.00 11/15/2022 101-45204-431990 Check Total: 2,563.54 Vendor: 2041 WESTSIDE WHOLESALE TIRE & SUPPLY R Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: False 913625 #Engine 12 - Hankook Tires (4) Mounted 2,263.36 11/15/2022 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 2,263.36 Vendor: 1206 WINEBOW INC. Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: True MN00121549 Resale - Wine 112.24 11/15/2022 609-49750-425300 MN00121549 Resale - Liquor 214.52 11/15/2022 609-49750-425100 NIN00121549 Freight 4.50 11/15/2022 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 331.26 Vendor: 5027 ERICA WITZMANN Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: False 10/22/2022 Assist Artists & Staff @ Let's Chalk 220.00 11/15/2022 101-41310-444220 10/23/2022 Photography for Lets Chalk 550.00 11/15/2022 101-41310-444220 Check Total: 770.00 Vendor: 5635 WK & ASSOCIATES LLC Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: False Nov Monthly Storage Rent (1/2) 300.00 11/15/2022 101-43120-443990 Nov Monthly Storage Rent (1/2) 300.00 11/15/2022 101-43125-443990 Check Total: 600.00 Vendor: 1577 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS - ACH Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: True 11/9/2022 Court Fines & Fees - Oct 2022 4,719.80 11/15/2022 101-42100-430410 November Oct 2022 - Deputies Contract 133,176.33 11/15/2022 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 137,896.13 Vendor: 1580 WRIGHT COUNTY JOURNAL PRESS Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: False AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 16 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 10/31/2022 Ad #8103784 - Fall Wine Sale Color Ad 741.26 11/15/2022 609-49754-434990 Check Total: 741.26 Vendor: 1584 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC Check Sequence: 111 R018674-000 9 County Ditch 33 Feasibility Study - Sept 2022 2,765.50 11/15/2022 101-43115-431990 R019376-000 11 21C007 - The Pointes at Cedar - Sept 2022 14,846.50 11/15/2022 400-43300-453010 R019482-000 3 2022 General Engineering Services - Sept 2022 2,428.50 11/15/2022 101-43115-431990 R019573-000 10 22C003 - School Blvd SRTS - Sept 2022 3,029.35 11/15/2022 400-43300-459024 R019581-000 7 2022 Map - Sept 2022 324.00 11/15/2022 101-43115-430300 R019582-000 7 2022 GIS Support Services - Sept 2022 162.00 11/15/2022 702-00000-431990 R019645-000 8 2022 WCA Services - Sept 2022 406.50 11/15/2022 101-43115-430300 R019886-000 5 22D003 - Block 52 Development - Sept 2022 1,028.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 R020078-000 7 22D001 - Featherstone 6th Development - Sept, 196.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 R020085-000 4 202216 - Headwaters West Development - Sept, 2,583.00 11/15/2022 101-00000-220110 R020997-000 3 SWPPP Update - Sept 2022 2,626.45 11/15/2022 101-43115-431990 R021243-000 2 22C007 - Pinewood Elementary SRTS - Sept 20: 7,078.00 11/15/2022 400-43300-459026 Check Total: 37,473.80 Total for Check Run: 577,579.22 Total of Number of Checks: 111 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment, Date: 11/14/22 Approved by: Lloyd Hilgart ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (11/10/2022 - 1:14 PM) Page 17 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Human Resources Manager 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTE Motion to approve new hires and departures for City departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees Name Heidi Goelz McKenna Thoe Logan Burgoyne Zachary Langanki Natalie Cocking Kara Kerschner Deborah Gulbrandson NEW EMPLOYEES Title Clerk Guest Service Associate Rink Attendant Rink Attendant Rink Attendant Fitness Instructor Finance Clerk Department Hire Date Class Liquor Store 10/24/2022 PT MCC 10/24/2022 PT MCC 10/25/2022 PT MCC 10/26/2022 PT MCC 10/29/2022 PT MCC 11/2/2022 PT Finance 11/28/2022 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Effective Date Class Melissa Gallagher Voluntary Liquor Store 8/20/22 PT Gabby Hegg Voluntary MCC 9/28/22 PT Michaela Tischner Voluntary MCC 10/6/22 PT William Schindele Voluntary Parks 10/28/22 Seasonal Frank Holmes Voluntary Parks 10/28/22 Seasonal Hallie Hansen Voluntary Parks 10/28/22 Seasonal Kay Schroden Voluntary Parks 10/28/22 Seasonal Leo Schroden Voluntary Parks 10/28/22 Seasonal New Hire and Terms City Council 2022: 11/9/2022 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2C. Consideration of approving the sale or disposal of surplus City property Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item N/A 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A There is no report this City Council Cycle. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-121 approving donations in the amount of $500 for Hi -Way Liquors Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-121 accepting the donation for Hi -Way Liquors. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to approve donations for Hi -Way Liquors from two food trucks that were stationed in the liquor store parking lot. LAR Concessions donated $300, and Reinke Food Truck donated $200. As required by State statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council is required to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. Budget Impact: The donations received will be for general use by Hi -Way Liquors. II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2022-121 accepting the donation. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-121 CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2022-121 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION/PURPOSE VALUE LAR Concessions Hi -Way Liquors General $300 Use Reinke Food Truck Hi -Way Liquors General $200 Use WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the purpose stated above. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of November, 2022. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2E. Consideration of approving a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for payable 2024-2025 assessing services. Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Finance Director 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A $14.00 ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for payable 2024-2025 assessing services. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The city currently contracts with the Wright County Assessor's Office to perform assessing work for the city. Attached is a proposed contract covering services for the 2024 and 2025 property assessing services. The first payment on the new agreement is in June 2024. Under the proposed agreement, the city would pay $15.00/parcel in both 2024 and 2025 for the valuations used to compute taxes payable in 2024 and 2025. A history of the per parcel rate is as follows: Year Rate Per Parcel 2018 $11.50 2019 $12.00 2020 $13.00 2021 $14.00 2022 $14.00 2023 $15.00 New construction for all residential properties as well as non-residential property types with an estimated construction value of $499,999 or less will be charged at $60.00/parcel; all non- residential property types $500,000 and greater will be charged at $160.00/parcel. Both rates are consistent with the current agreement. Other options for the city would be: 1) try to negotiate a more favorable contract with Wright County, 2) contract this service out with a private assessor or company, or 3) hire a city assessor as a city employee. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 Budget Impact: Using the 2022 parcel and new construction counts, the estimate under the proposed contract is $84,350 for both 2024 and 2025. However, the amount will fluctuate based on number of parcels. II. Staff Impact: There is no staff impact if this contract is approved as presented and signed by the county. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving a contract with the Wright County Assessor's Office for payable 2024-2025 assessing services. The city has contracted with Wright County for a number of years, and the city's working relationship with the Wright County Assessor's Office is excellent. SUPPORTING DATA • Proposed Wright County Assessment Services Memo & Contract ASSESSMENT SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello a political subdivision of the State of Minnesota, hereinafter referred to as "City/Township". WHEREAS, said City/Township lies either wholly or partially within the County and constitutes a separate assessment district; and WHEREAS, under such circumstances the provision of the Minnesota Statutes, Sections 273.072 and 471.59 permit the County Assessor to provide for the assessment of property; and WHEREAS, said City/Township desires the County to perform certain assessments on behalf of said City/Township; and WHEREAS the County is willing to cooperate with said City/Township by completing the assessment in a proper manner. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein it is agreed as follows: 1. The County shall perform the 2024 and 2025 property assessment for the City/Township in accordance with the property assessment procedures and practices established and observed by the County, the validity and reasonableness of which are hereby acknowledged and approved by the City/Township. The property assessment by the County shall be composed of those assessment services which are set forth in Exhibit A, attached hereto and made a part hereof by reference. 2. All information, records, data, reports, and the like that are necessary to allow the County to carry out its responsibilities under this Agreement shall be furnished to the County without charge by the City/Township and the City/Township agrees to cooperate in good faith with the County in carrying out the work under this Agreement. 3. The City/Township agrees to furnish, without charge, workspace, if needed, for an appraiser to perform such tasks as document review, with such tasks to be performed during normal business hours for the City/Township. 4. The County agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City/Township and all of its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, actions or causes of action arising out of or by reason of the performance of work provided for herein to be performed by the County. It is further agreed that any and all full time employees of the County engaged in the performance of any work or services required or provided for herein shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City/Township and that any and all claims that may arise under the Workman's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. 5. This Agreement shall commence on January 2, 2023 and shall terminate on June 30, 2025. Either party may initiate an extension of this Agreement for a term of two years by giving the other party written notice of its intent to extend no less than 120 days prior to the termination of this Agreement. If the party who receives said notice of intent to extend gives written notice 2 to the other party of its desire not to extend the Agreement at least 60 days prior to the termination of this Agreement, this Agreement shall terminate on June 30, 2025. 6. In consideration of said assessment services, the City/Township agrees to pay the County a fee of $15.00 per parcel for the 2024 and $15.00 per parcel for the 2025 assessment. In addition, there will be an additional fee of $60.00 for each new construction residential or commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $499,999.00 or less. There will also be an additional fee of $160.00 per parcel for each new construction residential or commercial/industrial building permit with an estimated construction cost of $500,000.00 or more. These additional fees shall be only applicable in those cities or townships which issue their own building permits. 7. Any notice which may be given or made by a party hereto under the terms of this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be sent by United States Mail or personally delivered to the other party addressed as follows: To City: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Ste #1 Monticello, MN 55362 To County: Anthony P. Rasmuson, Wright County Assessor Wright County Government Center 3650 Braddock Avenue NE, Ste. #1700 Buffalo, MN 55313 8. The Agreement may be amended or modified only by written agreement signed by authorized representatives of the parties hereto. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Agreement to be executed by its duly authorized officers and delivered on its behalf, this 19th day of October , 2022. WRIGHT COUNTY Dated: 10/19/2022 By Ziac ;? Dated: Dated: IIm LOOM Anthony P. Rasmuson Wright County Assessor City of Monticello L, EXHIBIT A During the term of this Agreement, the County shall: 1. Physically inspect and value and classify real property, in accordance with State statutes. 2. Physically inspect and value all new construction, additions, and renovations. 3. Conduct valuation reviews prior to Board of Review or Open Book Meeting. 4. Attend Board of Review or Open Book Meetings either in person or virtually. Per Board request, make all necessary review appraisals. The county will provide a board packet to the local board members which will contain a brief analysis of the real estate market for the current assessment year for said district. 5. Keep updated property records including physical characteristics, sales data, current values, and classifications. 6. Administer all State mandated property tax programs and maintain proper documentation. 7. Print and mail valuation and classification notices. 8. Respond to taxpayers regarding assessment or appraisal inquiries and concerns. 9. Process all divisions, combinations, new plats, and annexations including revaluation and reclassification of affected parcels. 10. Administer the abatement process pursuant to Minn.Stat. § 375.192 and county abatement policy. 11. Make appraisals for, testify and/or negotiate all District Court and Tax Court filings. 12. Adjust estimated market values on all property annually based upon the market analysis of existing real estate market conditions. 5 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2F. Consideration of amendment to Law Enforcement Contract between Wright County and City of Monticello Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Administrator 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A N/A ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve amendment. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City of Monticello contracts with Wright County Sheriff's Office (WCSO) for local law enforcement services. One of the terms of the agreement is a specified minimum number of service hours that can be adjusted annually based on demand within the community. Monticello currently contracts for 52 hours per day of coverage. The hours per day have been consistent for several years while the city has continued to add new development and experience steady population growth. During preliminary 2023 budget discussions, Sheriff Sean Deringer gave a presentation to the Council noting how the growth has impacted calls for service and cases in Monticello. Based on the data, he recommended an increase in service hours beginning in 2023. Following continued budget discussions, the City Council approved a preliminary levy that included funding to increase service hours to 60 per day starting on May 1, 2023. WCSO has provided a contract amendment to finalize the hours required for the upcoming year, so they can adequately prepare to meet the new service level. The cost increase for the additional hours has been incorporated into the draft budget for 2023, facilitating approval of the amended contract at Council's discretion. However, as the final budget will not be considered for approval until December, the approval of the contract now means funds will be allocated to this specific use and cannot be repurposed during final discussions. Budget Impact: The existing law enforcement contract identifies the annual increase to the hourly rate for Wright County Sheriff's Office services. The funds necessary for an increase in the number of service hours starting in May 2023 was included in the preliminary levy as approved in September. If the contract amendment is approved, the City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 funds will remain reflected in the final 2023 levy and budget for City Council approval in December. Staff Workload Impact: N/A. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Community Facilities and Infrastructure chapter of the Monticello 2040 Plan identifies a policy priority to ensure public safety services are adjusted to keep pace with population growth and operational needs. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving the contract amendment with the increased hours starting on May 1, 2023. SUPPORTING DATA • Proposed amended Law Enforcement Contract LAW ENFORCEMENT CONTRACT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered on this day of , 2022, by and between the COUNTY OF WRIGHT and the WRIGHT COUNTY SHERIFF, hereinafter referred to as "County" and the CITY OF MONTICELLO hereinafter referred to as the "Municipality". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, the Municipality is desirous of entering into a contract with the County for the performance of the hereinafter described law enforcement protection within the corporate limits of said municipality through the County Sheriff, and WHEREAS, the County is agreeable to rendering such services and protection on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, such contracts are authorized and provided for by the provision of Minnesota Statutes 471.59 and Minnesota Statutes 436.05; NOW THEREFORE, pursuant to the terms of the aforesaid statutes, and in consideration of the mutual covenants herein contained, it is agreed as follows: That the County by way of the Sheriff agrees to provide police protection within the corporate limits of the Municipality to the extent and in the manner as hereinafter set forth: a. Except as otherwise hereinafter specifically set forth, such services shall encompass only duties and functions of the type of coming within the jurisdiction of the Wright County Sheriff pursuant to Minnesota Laws and Statutes. b. Except as otherwise hereinafter provided for, the standard level of service provided shall be the same basic level of service which is provided for the unincorporated areas of the County of Wright, State of Minnesota. c. The rendition of services, the standard of performance, the discipline of the officers, and other matters incident to the performance of such services and control of personnel so employed shall remain in and under the control of the Sheriff. d. Services purchased pursuant to this contract shall include enforcement of Minnesota State Statutes, including but not limited to the Traffic Code and the Criminal Code, as well as all local ordinances enacted in conformance therewith. Statutes and ordinances which prescribe enforcement by a different authority; i.e., the State Electrical Code, the Uniform Building Code, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. Ordinances pertaining exclusively to purely local city management matters; i.e., sewer and water collection, etc., shall be excluded from this agreement. The Municipality shall be responsible for enforcement of the Municipal Zoning Code except that the Sheriff will enforce the nuisance ordinances conforming to State law; i.e., junk cars, etc. and traffic ordinances; i.e., parking and erratic driving. 2. That it is agreed that the Sheriff shall have full cooperation and assistance from the Municipality, its officers, agents, and employees so as to facilitate the performance of this agreement. In order to facilitate a local presence of Sheriff's Deputies, the Municipality shall, if requested by the Sheriff, provide a secure office for the Sheriff's Deputies having adequate space for two desks with chairs, limited public visibility, a local telephone line and an internet connection. The Municipality shall allow a sign indicating the location of its Sheriff's substation with appropriate telephone numbers to be displayed on the exterior of the building. That the County shall furnish and supply all necessary labor, supervision, equipment, communication facilities for dispatching, cost of jail detention, and all supplies necessary to maintain the level of service to be rendered herein. 4. The Municipality shall not be liable for the direct payment of any salaries, wages, or other compensation to any personnel performing services herein for said County. The Municipality shall not be liable for compensation or indemnity to any of the Sheriff's employees for injuries or sickness arising out of its employment, and the County hereby agrees to hold harmless the Municipality against any such claims. 6. The County, Sheriff, his officers, and employees shall not be deemed to assume any liability for intentional or negligent acts of said Municipality or any officer, agent, or employee thereof. 7. This agreement shall be effective from January 1, 2023, to December 31, 2023. 2 8. The Municipality agrees to pay to the County the sum of $86.75 per hour during the calendar year 2023. If salaries of Deputy Sheriffs are increased at any time during the term of this contract, the hourly rate of this contract shall not be increased. 9. The number of hours of service to be provided pursuant to this contract are as follows: 20,940 hours annually calculated at 52 hours per day January 1St, 2023 through April 30th, 2023 and then 60 hours per day of coverage beginning May 1St, 2023and shall provide 24-hour call and general service. The Municipality shall notify the County in writing prior to August 15 regarding any change in the number of hours for the subsequent year. 10. The County shall provide for all costs and prosecution efforts with the respect to violations charged by the Sheriff in the performance of this agreement. All fines arising from such prosecutions shall accrue to the County. Violations of municipal ordinances excluded from enforcement by this agreement shall be prosecuted by the Municipality at its expense. All fines arising from the city prosecutions shall accrue to the Municipality unless otherwise provided by law. 11. Pursuant to law, the County Auditor/Treasurer shall remit to the Municipality its share of all fines collected. The Municipality shall return to the County within 30 days all fine money attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Sheriff in accord with Paragraph 11 of this contract. The Municipality shall keep and retain any fine money submitted by the Auditor/Treasurer attributable to prosecutions initiated by the Municipality. 12. For the purpose of maintaining cooperation, local control and general information on existing complaints and problems in said Municipality, one member of the Municipal Council, the Mayor or other person or persons shall be appointed by said Council to act as police commissioner(s) for said Municipality and shall make periodic contacts with and attend meetings with the Sheriff or his office in relation to the contract herein. 13. The County shall save, hold harmless and defend the City from any and all claims arising from the acts or omissions, including intentional acts and negligence, committed by employees or agents of the County or Sheriff while in the performance of duties in furtherance of this contract. 3 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, The Municipality, by resolution duly adopted by it governing body, caused this agreement to be signed by its Mayor and attested by its Clerk; and the County of Wright, by the County Board of Commissioners, has caused this agreement to be signed by the Chairman and Clerk of said Board, and by the Wright County Sheriff, effective on the day and year first above written. CITY OF MONTICELLO Dated: ATTEST: Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY Dated: Chair ATTEST: Lee Kelly, County Coordinator Dated: Approved as to form and execution: Brian Lutes, Wright County Attorney 4 Mayor Christine Husom, Wright County Board Sean Deringer, Wright County Sheriff City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-120 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to Schools Improvement project and approval of a contract amendment with WSB to provide additional engineering services at a price of $6,000 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item PW Director/City Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Community Approved by: Development Director, Finance Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-120 authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report and approval of a contract amendment with WSB to provide additional engineering services for the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School Project at a price of $6,000. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION August 8, 2022: Consideration of authorizing WSB to provide engineering services for the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School Improvements project for a total cost of $76,718. [Z�9�I[Z�i,[�I�e�i,U7 �eZ�l:{�I:Z•1�1►D7 The City successfully secured a $500,000 grant from the Safe Routes to School program for improvements in the vicinity of Pinewood Elementary School. The Safe Routes to School plan completed in 2019 identified several infrastructure improvements and identified high, medium, and low priority projects. The proposed project will complete all the high priority improvements in this area except for the addition of a sidewalk along Golf Course Road. This project includes the following items: • Addition of an enhanced pedestrian crossing at 3rd Street and Elm Street (CSAH 39) which will include curb -bump outs and rectangular rapid flashing beacons, RRFBs. • Update existing curb ramps to be ADA compliant at 3 intersections on Elm Street including the intersections of Broadway Street, 3rd Street, and 4th Street. The project will also add sidewalk on the east side of Elm Street between Broadway Street and 6th Street. • Construct sidewalk on 4th Street between Elm Street and Minnesota Street 0 Construct sidewalk on 6th street between Elm Street and Minnesota Street. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 It is proposed that these sidewalk improvements be assessed in accordance with the City's assessment policy. Preparation of the feasibility study and the other requirements for assessing properties for improvements wasn't included in the original scope of the engineering contract resulting in a need for this proposed amendment. Minnesota Statutes sections 429.021 and 459.14, subd. 7 allow municipalities to recover costs for maintaining and improving public improvements through assessments to benefiting properties. These projects can be either initiated by property owner petitions or by the City Council ordering the improvement. For a City Council -ordered improvement, the typical process is as follows: • Preparation of a Feasibility Study is authorized to evaluate whether the proposed project is necessary, cost-effective, and how the project should be assessed including the preparation of a preliminary assessment. • City Council can either accept or reject the feasibility report. If accepted, a public hearing is ordered on the improvements. • Hearing notices are posted, and property owner notices are mailed to affected property owners. • City Council adopts or rejects ordering the improvement to be constructed and advertisement of bids. • City Council awards or rejects the project. If awarded the preparation of an assessment roll and ordering a public hearing is approved. • City Council conducts assessment hearing and, if approved, certified assessments are submitted to the County Auditor. Budget Impact: The approved CIP includes $50,000 for this project in 2022 and $700,000 for 2023. This project would be partially funded from the $500,000 Safe Routes to School funding received from MNDOT. II. Staff Workload Impact: City staff will be involved in the development of this project. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The 2040 Plan's Vision Statement references the desire for a "safe community" known for its "schools, parks, biking and walking trails." The Implementation Chapter of the plan further identifies a specific strategy for completing changes and improvements to address issues identified in the Safe Routes Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the contract amendment with WSB and adoption of the resolution ordering the improvement. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Resolution 2022-120 B. Proposal from WSB C. Project Maps CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-120 AUTHORIZING FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR PINEWOOD ELEMENTARY SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL PROJECT WHEREAS, it is proposed to improve and/or construct sidewalk improvements, for sections of the following roadways: • Elm Street • 3rd Street • 41h Street • 6th Street NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNICL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvement be referred to WSB for study and that they are instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 14th day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk wsb October 13, 2022 Mr. Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Feasibility Study and Statute 429 Assessment Purposes — Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School Monticello, MN WSB Proj. No. 021243-000 Dear Mr. Leonard, WSB is pleased to present this scope of services to assist the city in administering Minnesota Statute 429 Assessment Proceedings in relation to the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School Project. Proiect Understanding 2 The City of Monticello is requesting that WSB prepare the necessary feasibility report and provide ° support services to complete assessment proceedings pursuant Minnesota Statute 429 (MS 429) cD as a part of design and construction services for the Pinewood Elementary Safe Routes to School w project currently being performed by WSB. Assessment proceedings proposed are defined n pursuant Minnesota Statute 429 and the City of Monticello Assessment Policy dated December 11th, 2017. O A detailed scope of services and estimate are provided further in this letter proposal. M 7 co Scope of Services co N Task 1 - Feasibility Resort WSB will prepare a feasibility report pursuant Minnesota Statute 429.031 and City Policy and a include whether the proposed improvements are necessary, cost-effective, and feasible. The ID Lo report will include an estimated project cost of the improvement as recommended. 2 Task 2 — Preparation of Preliminary Assessment Roll Based on the preliminary cost estimate as prepared in Task 1 and the percentage of the improvement assessed pursuant City Policy, WSB will prepare a preliminary assessment roll for Q use during the assessment proceedings. The roll will include an estimate of the total amount to 00 be assessed, a description of the methodology used to calculate individual assessments for LU affected parcels, a listing of all affected parcels and their individual preliminary assessments and > will be made available to the City Attorney for inclusion into the proper resolutions that are to be o made available at the improvement hearing pursuant MS 429. 0 °o Task 3 — Preparation of the Final Assessment Roll w Based on the total construction costs for the improvements and related assessment methodology o as described in Task 2, WSB will prepare a final assessment roll for use during the assessment LU hearing pursuant MS 429. Based on the outcomes from the hearing, any approved changes to the roll will be completed for certification by the City of Monticello to Wright County for collection. Mr. Leonard October 13, 2022 Page 2 Task 4 — City Council Meetings A representative from WSB will attend both City Council meetings in which the Improvement Hearing and Assessment Hearing take place and will be available during both hearings to answer questions from the City Council as it relates to the feasibility report, preliminary assessment roll, and final assessment roll. Assumptions The following assumptions have been made when preparing this proposal and cost estimates: • The City will consult with the City Attorney to garner an understanding of market benefit received from abutting properties for purposes of calculating the preliminary and proposed assessment amounts. • The City will consult and work with the City Attorney to draft resolutions, meeting notices, hearing notices, etc. for use during City Council meetings. • The City Attorney or other City of Monticello staff will lead all assessment proceedings at City Council meetings. • The City Attorney or other City of Monticello staff will be available to review the feasibility report, preliminary assessment roll, and final assessment roll to ensure the intent of the Minnesota Statute 429 is met. Cost Proposal WSB proposes a lump sum fee of $6,000 to perform the services as outlined above. Prosect Timeline WSB is prepared to begin the feasibility report as soon as a notice to proceed is issued and a contractual relationship between the city and WSB is executed. It is assumed that the timeline for completion of these services will rely upon the City of Monticello's schedule for the proposed improvements. Thank you for this opportunity to propose these services to the city. I am confident that the level of service on this project will meet or exceed your expectations. If you are in agreement with the scope of services as outlined above, please sign where indicated below and return one copy to our office. By signing, you also agree that these services will be governed by the terms and conditions of the Professional Services Agreement entered into between WSB and the City of Monticello on August 11, 2022. If you should have any questions regarding this proposal, please contact me at 320-630-4657. Sincerely, WSB Paul Sandy, PE Senior Project Manager Justin Messner, PE Director of Municipal Operations Mr. Leonard October 13, 2022 Page 3 ACCEPTED BY: City of Monticello By: Title: Date: I I.,. . ; .. . 1W -, . •. • I I -I �d, .. '. A . I 0 : * ; � . it t ,, , ',' t�;- .1, , _ , I a j , + 7i y 1{- tiI i .41 7. - ( � f f. il 40 77 -6 *64&0. . • GOLF COURSE ROAD . _+, •+Il��:' , r ' t t < f t a 1 kY J. 4 4-* r i` , . , k i, 'i I Legend , �# '. - " 71 . -., ,,,JP- *,. 0 FULL DEPTH PATCHING; ,r ' r 1'r� 4, #' tf 7th t 0 BOULEVARD .t - fM * " , , !Iki_rr. ," DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT .�,. .17W j { ti t i ,� i 1, :-,#^*I Ilk �i'S ,,f Xt': '?S k',�_ • . 0 CONCRETE WALK/ADA RAMPS A� ! ,ft,*1- t7 ..r,� r " f:J.♦ Y yi'!i 0 DRWYAPRONS/ CURB &GUTTER ,j'. % t' t '`Xt =o-1. I I i if1. I -III }' t r• c., 0, ,t, i r., ,S 3 i y r ....,a.. - -. ..__. - , �r� f ,d� ,Ji� 1%►is , F r , 1 ,.I,11 , .. ,I C, ,� a v t i i NOTES -'+ '-'' t I ;" t ^> �^ R ?0 4.,,w. JM + - % l 1. 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NJ r a f! • •"t -- 0 CONCRETE WALK /ADA RAMPS a i - , jj�,�' '°f • , �` -.. '` 0 DRWY APRONS /CURB &GUTTER f ti - 1k j 1 ` ry. FY T f \ t p . . . I r"" }� th.¢' t #' © RRFB PEDESTALS a . i \Fryf I " R , 3r 'F►f _ s -� t i i '� �. i y #'k. t ' .fir _ - 's' - ., \. R - ,..._.,I.... > t' - ,. , *: k w,� + tt N ; iw-. 1, Agk I . ! pp , R 4 �'. •. - ol- '4 "-"` 1. - .�.. ` r -1 ' .. � - gat . uf�hai. - �. Y.e. „ -_ -u ... __ .: -'t A 1 ;A 'Y Preliminary Layout CITY OF Z- E Monticello Safe Routes To School: Pinewood Elementary SCALE N FEET a �_� Monticello, MN 0"3 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2H. Consideration of authorizing a two-year contract from Jake's Excavating to provide excavation services at Riverside Cemetery Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Parks, Arts and Recreation Director 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize a two-year contract with Jake's Excavating to provide excavation services at Riverside Cemetery. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Jake's Excavating has provided excavations at Riverside Cemetery since 2015. This year staff advertised for services and received one proposal from the existing company. If approved, the new contract will remain in effect for two years from 2023 through 2025, with the option of a 1 -year extension. I. Budget Impact: There is no budget impact as the costs are a pass-through cost. The burials fees will be $550 (Monday — Friday), $650 (Saturday and Sunday) and a $150 frost fee, which extends from November through March. II. Staff Workload Impact: There is no additional city staff time required and city staff will continue to work directly with funeral homes in coordinating the burial service. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the two-year contract with Jake's Excavating for excavations and burials at Riverside Cemetery for the fees stated in the proposal. SUPPORTING DATA • Proposal from Jake's Excavating SECTION III PROPOSAL FORM 2.03 FEES EFFECTIVE January 1, 2023 — December 31, 2025 a) Monday thru Friday burial including compaction, leveling, placing black dirt and seed: 550.00 b) Saturday and Sunday burial including compaction, leveling, placing black dirt and seed: 650.00 C) Frost charge November thru March for all burials, any day of the week: 150.00 d) Fees may only be increased on the annual renewal day pending agreement by all parties as per section 1.09. Proposal Submitted By: Jake's Excavating, Inc. [COMPANY NAME] 1 Signature: Due Date: October 281h 2022 Submit Proposal to: Tom Pawelk, Park, Arts and Recreation Director MONTICELLO PUBLIC WORKS OFFICE Attn: Cemetery Excavation Proposal 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 10-18-2022 Date: Title: .y /c owa Time: 3.00 p.m. F:IADMIMCEMETERYIRIVERSIDEIAGREEMENT'S-CONTRACTS12O2310EMETERY EXCAVATORS SPECS -RFP -2023 TO 2M&DOCX Page 6 Of 7 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 21. Consideration of approving a Funding Participation and Construction Agreement between Wright County and the City Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item PW Director/City Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Community Approved by: City Administrator Development Director, Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a funding participation and construction agreement between Wright County and the City of Monticello for improvements on County State -Aid Highway 75. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The County is planning a pavement preservation project in 2023 along County State -Aid Highway, CSAH 75 (Broadway Street) from 500' east of Jerry Liefert Drive to Trunk Highway 25. To better coordinate design and construction with the City's Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements project, it is intended that all improvements be completed as part of one contract for the mutual benefit of each agency and the public. It is proposed that the City take the lead on preparing plans and specifications for the pavement, streetscape, pedestrian, and utility improvements along CSAH 75. Staff is currently working with Bolton and Menk on a contact amendment for City Council consideration for adding this work to the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements engineering contract already in progress. The County will reimburse the City for construction and engineering expenses based on the bid results for the pavement preservation related items per the County's latest Cost Participation Policy. Engineering will be reimbursed per the agreement ranging from 11% to 18% based on the construction amount. This percentage is expected to fully cover Wright County's share of these efforts. Budget Impact: The agreement indicates that Wright County will pay up to 95% of the amount of the County's share of the project following award to be used for making payments to the contractor for the project. No budget impact is expected from this agreement. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time impact will consist of project management. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the funding and construction agreement. SUPPORTING DATA A. Draft Funding and Construction Agreement B. Wright County Cost Participation Policy AGREEMENT NO. 20-53 JNT Y G 2'•Z � Z = m 6 O zi d 71356 WRIGHT COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS FUNDING PARTICIPATION AND CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF WRIGHT and THE CITY OF MONTICELLO For CONSTRUCTION OF IMPROVEMENTS FOR: PAVEMENT PRESERVATION, PEDESTRIAN, STREETSCAPE, AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS ON County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 — (Broadway Street West) September 29, 2022 COOPERATIVE AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between the County of Wright, Minnesota, acting by and through its County Board of Commissioners hereinafter referred to as the "County" and the City of Monticello, Minnesota, acting by and through its City Council, hereinafter referred to as the "City". WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, The County is planning a pavement preservation project in 2023 along CSAH 75 (Broadway Street West) in Monticello, from 500' east of Jerry Liefert Dr. to T.H. 25; and The City is planning utility, streetscape, and pedestrian improvements along this same segment of CSAH 75 (Broadway Street West); and The County and City have coordinated the respective improvements to be completed as part of one contract for the mutual benefit of each agency and the public; and WHEREAS, the County's Cost Participation Policy, Revised 9/20/2022 (copy attached), will govern for all items not specifically covered by this agreement; and NOW THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED AND UNDERSTOOD THAT: Article 1 The City is planning utility, streetscape, and pedestrian improvements along CSAH 75 (Broadway Street West) for the 2023 construction season. Article 2 The County's Five -Year Construction Plan, Year 2023, includes new pavement along Highway 75 (Broadway Street West) in Monticello, from 500' east of Jerry Liefert Dr. to T.H. 25 (1.4 miles). Article 3 The City will take the lead on having plans & specifications prepared for pavement, streetscape, pedestrian, and utility improvements along CSAH 75 (Broadway Street West) and provide these plans & specifications to the County for review and approval prior to letting as a City contract. The City shall prepare a cost estimate, with the city/county cost share splits, at the time that the plans and specifications are sent to the County for review. The pavement improvements shall be governed by the 2020 MnDOT Standard Specifications for construction. The engineering, inspection, testing, and construction staking, and all other tasks associated with the project will be completed by the City and/or their designee. The county will participate in the following costs and all other costs will be paid by the City. 2 The County will fund the following on this City contract: • Pavement Preservation o Removal and replacement of the bituminous mix from curb to curb o Pavement markings o % the cost for ADA compliant pedestrian ramps o Mobilization & traffic control pro -rated to the county's share o Engineering reimbursement per the schedule in article 2 of this Agreement The City will fund the following: All remaining work on the contract, including but not limited to: o Any/all curb or sidewalk replacement o % the cost for ADA compliant pedestrian ramps o Iron adjustments (gate valves, manholes, storm inlets, etc.) o All excavation below the bottom of the existing pavement, including removing/replacing aggregate base o All utility improvement work o All streetscape improvement work o Mobilization & traffic control pro -rated to the City cost share items Article 4 Upon approval of this Agreement by the County and the City, the County will reimburse the City for engineering design and construction services for the County's portion of the project based upon the following table. The final reimbursement will be computed using the appropriate % below times the County's portion only of the final contract construction cost. The County will forward reimbursement to the City within 30 days of receipt of an invoice from the City. From $ 0 thru $250,000 up to 18% of County's Portion Over 250,000 thru 500,000 up to 16% of County's Portion Over 500,000 thru 1,000,000 up to 14% of County's Portion Over 1,000,000 thru 2,000,000 up to 12% of County's Portion Over 2,000,000 thru Indefinite up to 11% of County's Portion Article 5 The City shall be responsible for all field inspection of materials (Including required testing at intervals outlined in the latest MnDOT State Aid for Local Transportation Materials Control Schedule, which must be included in the project proposal), quantities, and contractor performance for the County's portion of the work. The City will forward testing results, per the MnDOT Materials Control Schedule, to the county for their records/files. Costs for testing for County construction items is included in the engineering reimbursement detailed in Article 4 of this Agreement. Testing/acceptance for all other non -County items in the contract are the responsibility of the City. Article 6 The City agrees to conduct public outreach for the project that will include, but not be limited to the following: • Advance notice to the public of the utility, streetscape, pedestrian and pavement improvements and any detour route (if applicable) • Ongoing communication with the public throughout the duration of the project to address concerns with access, detour route (if needed) and project related concerns, etc. • A central point of contact representing the city that issues can be directed to for the duration of the time that CSAH 75 (Broadway Street West) improvements are underway • Coordination with the local postmaster and residents to ensure that mail service is maintained during the project Article 7 Upon award of the City contract the City will invoice the County for 95% of the amount of the County's cost share. The County will forward this amount to the City within 60 calendar days from the date of the invoice. The remaining amount of the County's share of the work will be invoiced by the City upon completion of the work. Article A The City will make partial payments and final payment to the contractor in accordance with MnDOT specifications and the timelines per current state statute. Article 9 The City will complete a Right -of -Way (R/W) Permit application for the utility work that is located within the County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 75 right-of-way. The Permit application will be sent in along with the utility plans and specifications. The County will waive the permit fee for these utility improvements. Article 10 The County will only be responsible for all associated maintenance and future repairs of the pavement improvements included in the project and not any other aspects of the work. The City will be responsible for ownership, maintenance and repairs/remedy of all other aspects of the work included in the project. Article 11 The City shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the County and all its agents and employees of any form against all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or because of the execution or performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the City. The County shall indemnify, save and hold harmless the City and all its agents and employees of any form against all claims, demands, actions or causes of action of whatever nature or character arising out of or because of the execution of performance of the work provided for herein to be performed by the County. Article 12 It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the County and all other employees of the County engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the County shall be considered employees of the County only and not of the City and that M any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said County employees while so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the County. It is further agreed that any and all full-time employees of the City and all other employees of the City engaged in the performance by any work or services required or provided for herein to be performed by the City shall be considered employees of the City only and not of the County and that any and all claims that may or might arise under Workmen's Compensation Act of the State of Minnesota on behalf of said employees while so engaged and any and all claims made by any third parties as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of said City employees which so engaged on any of the work or services provided to be rendered herein shall be the sole obligation and responsibility of the City. Article 13 Before this agreement shall become binding and effective it shall be approved by the City of Monticello and it shall also be approved by the County Board and such other officers as law may provide. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF the parties have duly executed this agreement by their duly authorized officers and caused their respective seals to be hereunto affixed. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Recommended for Approval: County Engineer APPROVED: Chair, County Board County Administrator County Attorney CITY OF MONTICELLO Recommended for Approval: City Engineer /_1»1061TIN�ii Mayor City Administrator City Attorney Date Date 5 AMENDED COST PARTICIPATION POLICY (This Policy Replaces the Policy datedMarch 23 1993 March 23J993)-, Revised September 12, 2022 Applicable to Cooperative Highway Projects between Wright County and Municipalities. Original Policy adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on March 23, 1993. Adopted by the Wright County Board of Commissioners on May 6, 2014. A. Construction Cost Share — Conventional Project (Projects programmed in the County 5 -year CIP.) Project Items County Share Municipality Share Note Right of Way Based on Scope Based on Scope 1 Retaining Walls/ Retaining Walls in lieu of right of way 50% 50% Clearing and Grubbing 100% 0% Grading 100% 0% 2 Aggregate Base and Surfacing 100% 0% 3 Parking Lanes on 4 -lane or 6 -lane highway 0% 100% 4 Storm Sewer System and Ponds/Treatment Basins %age of Contributing Flow %age of Contributing Flow 5 Culverts 100% 0% Concrete Sidewalk and Pedestrian Ramps 0% 100% 6 Concrete Curb and Gutter 50% 50% 7 Concrete Median and Median Curb 100% 0% 8 Concrete Driveway Entrances (Apron) 100% 0% 9 Municipal Utility Adjustment or Construction 0% 100% Roundabouts By Leg By Leg 10 Traffic Control Signal Systems By Leg By Leg 10 Rural Intersection Street Lighting 100% 0% 11 Decorative/Urban Street Lighting 0% 100% 12 Bridges 100% 0% 13 Trails & Bikeways along county highway 0% 100% 14 Trail/Bikeway Underpass/Overpass 0% 100% 14, 15 Landscaping & Aesthetic Treatments 0% 100% 16 Mailbox Supports (meeting swing -away standards 100% 0% Highway Signs 100% 0% Electronic/Specialty Signs 50% 50% 17 Noise Walls By Negotiation By Negotiation 18 Mobilization Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Erosion Control Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Traffic Control Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Engineering Services Pro -rated by const. share Pro -rated by const. share Federal Cost Sharing Pro -rated Pro -rated 19 Other items By Negotiation By Negotiation Conventional Project Notes 1. Includes permanent and temporary easements needed for projects on the existing county highway system or newly established or dedicated county highway system including the property needed for storm water treatment basins and wetland mitigation sites. Municipalities are responsible to pay R/W needed for added amenities (parking lane on 4 or 6 lane highways, sidewalk, trails, etc.) 2. Includes grading and removal items. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public streets approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 3. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public streets approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 4. Parking lane/shoulder on 2 lane highways, per State Aid standards, will be 100% County cost. Includes grading, base and surfacing. Applies to county highways and work necessary to tie in existing public street approaches. Enhancements to public streets approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. New public or private street approaches are the responsibility of the municipality. 5. Includes catch basins, manholes, storm sewer pipes, outlet structures, grit chambers, and water quality and rate control ponds/basins. The county share is based on the ratio of contributing flow from the right of way to the total contributing flow. After construction of storm sewer system on a county highway, it will be the responsibility of the municipality to maintain the system, ponds/treatment basins. 6. Existing sidewalk/pedestrian ramps impacted by the highway construction will be replaced in kind by the county to meet current ADA standards. Municipality is responsible for ownership and maintenance of sidewalk. Pedestrian ramps that are existing and within the R/W of a highway construction project, but not directly impacted, will be replaced to meet the most current ADA standards, per the Wright County ADA Pedestrian Facilities Transition Plan for County Highway Rights of Way, dated October 2017. The county will participate in funding the pedestrian ramp replacements at 50%. 7. Existing curb and gutter impacted by the highway construction will be replaced in kind by the county. Municipality is responsible for ownership and maintenance of curb & gutter. 8. The county pays for standard median design which is plain concrete. If a municipality requests decorative/landscaped median the municipality pays the additional cost above the cost of a standard median, including future maintenance. 9. Concrete aprons are installed at locations determined by the county. Driveways beyond the apron are constructed in-kind. 10. Applies to new and replacement traffic signal systems/roundabouts. Includes all components that make up a permanent warranted traffic control signal system or roundabout, including Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption (EVP) system (signal system), street lighting, tlVtttrsteel poles and mast arms (signal system) installed at an intersection of a county highway and public roadway (including county highway to county highway intersections) at an appFe ed lec^tien by the ceunty. The county pays 0% of a signal system or roundabout at a private access/road. The municipality pays 100% of the electrical power costs fU.RiShing and Maint^Rance ^f ^'^^t ice' pewer to the traffic signal/roundabout once construction is complete. The eest te Fnedify, update eF eempletely FeeeRStNet the signal system well be shaFed at the same peFeentage as the 11. Designed to light an intersection for traffic safety purposes. Locations will be determined by the county, and follow the County's current Rural Street Lighting Policy (45 mph or greater). 12. Decorative type and/or corridor lighting along the highway. 13. Applies to Bridges under the County's jurisdiction. Any special/added decorative treatments or amenities above State Aid Standards requested by municipalities will be 100% municipality cost, including any added R/W needed. 14. Applies to trails/bikeways constructed with county highway projects, within county highway right-of-way, only. Stand alone trail/bikeway projects are handled separately. Wcat'^^s and deseF'^tions ^f „^t^^t;^, tFails�bikeways ^ located ; the Wright Gaunty T -Fail 4. Bikeway Bi^^ dated ', ly 19 2014 Applies to all costs associated with trail including but not limited to: grading; drainage, base, surfacing, pedestrian ramps, wetland mitigation due to trail impacts and additional right way needed for the trail. The county will only participate in funding trails/bikeways by covering the cost of grading the trail with the overall grading included in the highway reconstruction project. Additional county funding for regional trails (as identified in the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan) may be possible subject to availability of County Park funds (grants, tc.).in accerclance with the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan, dated july 19, 2011 (which includes grants, matching ants local funding, and other non highway funding s^,,Existing trails/bikeways impacted by the highway 2 construction will be replaced in kind, at county cost, including any wetland impacts or R/W needed. 15. Underpasses spanning 10 feet or more are considered bridges and will be added to the county bridge safety inspection program. Municipalities owning/maintaining the bridges will be responsible for reimbursing the County for the safety inspection costs. 16. Landscaping & Aesthetic items that do not serve a specific transportation use such as streetscaping, median plantings, decorative railing, ornamental fencing etc. All approved median plantings require irrigation. 17. Design/installation will be subject to approval of the County, and a separate agreement will be needed between the County & Municipality, on a case-by-case basis. Municipality requesting specialty/dynamic signing will be responsible for power costs. Maintenance will be 50% each for County and Municipality. 18. Additional costs for decorative noise walls will be the responsibility of the requesting agency. 3&19. Federal cost share example: If the municipality's Federally eligible cost participation items amount to 25% (based on county policy) of the overall Federally eligible costs — then available Federal funds would be applied to that cost share at 25%. 9 B. Construction Cost Share — Development Driven Project (Projects not programmed in the County 5 -year CIP) Project Items County Share Municipality Share Note Right of Way 0% 100% 1 Retaining Wall in lieu of right of way 0% 100% 1 Clearing and Grubbing 0% 100% 1 Grading 0% 100% 1 Aggregate Base and Surfacing 0% 100% 1 Parking Lanes on 4 -lane or 6 -lane road 0% 100% 1 Storm Sewer and Ponds/Treatment Basins 0% 100% 1 Culverts 0% 100% 1 Concrete Sidewalk 0% 100% 1 Concrete Curb and Gutter and Pedestrian Ramps 0% 100% 1 Concrete Median and Median Curb 0% 100% 1 Concrete Driveway Entrances (Apron) 0% 100% 1 Municipal Utility Adjustment or Construction 0% 100% 1 Roundabouts 0% 100% 1 Traffic Signals 0% 100% 1 Intersection Lighting 0% 100% 1 Street Lighting 0% 100% 1 Bridges 0% 100% 1 Trails along county highway 0% 100% 1 Pedestrian Underpass/Overpass 0% 100% 1 Landscaping 0% 100% 1 Aesthetic Treatments 0% 100% 1 Highway Signs 0% 100% 1 Electronic/Specialty Signs 0% 100% 1 Noise Walls 0% 100% 1 Mobilization 0% 100% 1 Erosion Control 0% 100% 1 Traffic Control 0% 100% 1 Engineering Services 0% 100% 1 Other items 0% 100% 1 Development Driven Project Note 1. Development Driven Projects are projects that are not currently programmed in the county 5 -Year C.I.P. and due to the nature of the development(s) require improvements to the county highway system are necessary for safety/capacity/access due to imminent development or to stimulate development. Lacking an agreement stating otherwise between the county & municipality, the county would participate in costs to improvements to the county highway system that are necessary for safety/capacity/access due to a development driven project as shown in section B above. Access to the county highway system, due to development, will be based on an Agreement/Access Permit between the county & municipality that spells out the necessary improvements needed to the county highway system (based upon an independent traffic study at no cost to the county). 4 C. Maintenance - Maintenance of county highways constructed under this policy will be as follows unless specified differently in a separate maintenance agreement. This Maintenance Policy will apply to both Conventional Projects and Development Driven Projects. 1. The county is responsible for maintenance of the county highway between curbs or between outside edges of shoulders. This includes but is not limited to snow and ice control, patching, crack sealing, seal coating, pavement rehabilitation, shouldering, pavement markings (excluding crosswalks) and sign replacement. In addition, the county is responsible for routine maintenance outside the edge of shoulder and within the right of way of a rural county highway. The county may enter into agreements with municipalities to perform highway maintenance. 2. The municipality is responsible for maintenance of the boulevard, landscaped median, trees, shrubs, irrigation systems, sidewalk, pedestrian ramps, retaining walls, steps, aesthetic treatments, and other urban appurtenances within the right-of-way of an urban county highway. The county is responsible for standard concrete medians. 3. The county is responsible for maintenance of bridges and culverts on the county route. 4. The municipality is responsible for maintenance of its utilities and storm sewer systems including detention/treatment basins. Costs to replace elements of storm sewer systems will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 5. The county is responsible for maintaining roundabouts on the county route with the exception of island landscaping and aesthetic treatments which are the responsibility of the municipality. 6. Unless stipulated by special agreement, the county will own and is responsible for maintaining traffic signal systems (with the exception of the attached lighting) at county highway intersections with local public roadways and private streets. The municipality is responsible for maintaining the signal lighting and the electrical power to the signal system. The cost to modify, update or completely reconstruct the signal system will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 7. The maintenance responsibility for street lighting shall be in accordance with the current County Rural Street Lighting Policy. 8. The municipality is responsible for the maintenance of decorative/corridor street lights. 9. The municipality is responsible for maintaining municipality owned trails/bikeways within the county highway right-of-way. Costs for major rehabilitation or replacement will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation, as governed by the Wright County Trail & Bikeway Plan. 10. The municipality is responsible for maintaining pedestrian underpasses and overpasses. 11. The municipality is responsible for maintaining marked crosswalks along county routes, in accordance with the County's marked crosswalk policy. 12. The county is responsible for maintaining highway signs. 13. The county is responsible for maintaining electronic/specialty signs. The costs of maintenance will be shared at the same percentage as the original installation. 14. Maintenance of noise walls is the responsibility of the agency paying for the initial installation. 5 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 21. Consideration of approving ordinance amending Chapter 70 to include updates in accordance with the updated Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Public Works Director/City Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve ordinance amendments to Chapter 70 to include updates in accordance with the Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy. PREVIOUS ACTION October 24, 2022: City Council approved the 2022-2023 Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Code Chapter 70.02, Parking and Stopping, subset 11 prohibits parking on any city street or roadway between the hours of 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. from November 15 through April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. This section is proposed to be changed to reflect the updated Snowplowing & Ice Removal Policy. The existing language will be replaced with text prohibiting overnight on -street parking when a snow event is declared. The exception for physicians on emergency calls will remain. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: City staff will update the ordinance. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approving the ordinance amendment to Chapter 70. SUPPORTING DATA • Draft Ordinance ORDINANCE 792 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE VII, TRAFFIC CODE, CHAPTER 70, SECTION 70.02, PARKING AND STOPPING THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS: Title VII, Chapter 20, Section B (11), is hereby amended as following: (B) Properly licensed, operable motor vehicles, passenger vehicles, and motorcycles may be parked in the public street where permitted but not on the boulevard portion of the public right-of-way subject to the further requirements of local parking regulations and applicable state statutes. A trailer of any type, properly licensed or not, is not considered a motor vehicle or part thereof when disconnected from its tow vehicle: (11) On any street or roadway when a snow event is declared h^+,^,^^^ +h., h., --- rS .,f 2:n0as l.RdI Gann -, l. from N.,",,mber 15 thre gh April 15, except physicians on emergency calls. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-123 supporting an application to the Corridors of Commerce Program for the 1-94 Gap project Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Public Works Director/City Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director, City Administrator Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-123 supporting a Corridors of Commerce Program application for the 1-94 Gap project. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The 1-94 Coalition continues to advocate for additional improvements to 1-94 between Maple Grove and St. Cloud. MNDOT is currently soliciting applications for $250 Million of funding for projects that support economic development and improve local transportation. Cities, counties, townships, tribal governments, corridor coalitions, and metropolitan planning organizations are eligible to apply for funding under this program. Several members of the 1-94 Corridor Coalition are applying for funding under this program for completing the six -lane section between Albertville and Monticello referred to as the "Gap Project." The City of Albertville is applying for completing westbound improvements for the Gap Project and the City of Monticello would apply for construction of a third eastbound lane for the Gap project. The 1-94 Corridor Coalition along with the City of Maple Grove are applying for additional improvements to 1-94 at the intersection of 1-94 and 1-494. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff time impact would be minimal for this application. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan's Implementation Chapter states that the City should capitalize on its proximity to Interstate 94 and regional transportation facilities to support a strong employment sector and further includes a policy statement supporting collaboration with local and regional partners to further mobility and connectivity for the community. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 City staff recommends support of the Corridors of Commerce application SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-123 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY RESOLUTION 2022-123 A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING AN APPLICATION TO THE CORRIDORS OF COMMERCE (COC) PROGRAM FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO THE I-94 GAP PROJECT WHEREAS, The Minnesota Department of Transportation is providing funding through the Corridors of Commerce program; and WHEREAS, the funding is intended provide additional transportation investments in state highways through projects that support economic growth; and WHEREAS, a total of $250 million is available statewide for projects for the 2022-2023 COC program; and WHEREAS, from 2019-2022, MnDOT has completed adding a travel lane in each direction on I-94 from Maple Grove to Clearwater, except for the segment of I-94 from Albertville to Monticello; and WHEREAS, Wright County and MnDOT District 3 staff recognize improvements are necessary to complete the I-94 six -lane freeway expansion west of Rogers to Clearwater, MN. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that City of Monticello, MN, supports an application to the Corridors of Commerce Program for construction of Eastbound I-94 to a three -lane facility between Albertville, MN and Monticello, MN. Adopted by the City Council this 14t" day of November 2022. ATTEST: R -A Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-124 accepting public street improvements for Edmondson Ridge Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Project Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-124 accepting public street and utility improvements for Edmondson Ridge. PREVIOUS ACTION December 14, 2020: City Council approved Edmonson Ridge Final Plat, Final Stage PUD, Rezoning to PUD and Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The plat of Edmonson Ridge included developer construction of public improvements including street, sidewalk, trail, signs, mailboxes, streetlights, and public utilities. These public improvements were recently completed; they have been inspected, tested and approved by the engineering department and public works in conformance with the City's standard specifications. Per the development agreement, the developer originally provided a security for the public improvements to ensure completion. The City previously accepted the utilities for Edmonson Ridge. Staff recommends accepting the street improvements and releasing the letter of credit for the public improvements. The developer's contractor, C.W. Houle, Inc will provide a 2- year warranty bond for the streets. A reconciliation of escrows for review and inspection of public streets and utilities will be completed, with retainage for final warranty inspection. Please note that letters of credit for mailboxes, erosion control, and landscaping will continue to be retained. Budget Impact: None II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal routine impacts to staff workload. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The completed installation of Edmonson Ridge's streets is consistent with the underlying Comprehensive Land use guidance for Low Density Residence areas and the following 2040 Plan Implementation strategies: a. Allow new development to occur only when the public facilities and utilities needed to serve development are available or will be financed by the development through the payment of fees or funded improvements. b. Ensure developers are aware of their responsibilities to install public infrastructure including utilities, roadways, and parks through subdivision ordinance requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2022-124 accepting public street improvements for Edmondson Ridge. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-124 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-124 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC STREET IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE EDMONSON RIDGE WHEREAS, the Edmonson Ridge Final Plant, Final Stage PUD, Rezoning to PUD and Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement were approved on December 14, 2020; and WHEREAS, the plat of Edmonson Ridge included developer construction of public improvements including street, sidewalk, trail, signs, mailboxes, streetlights, and public utilities; and WHEREAS, the improvements have been completed and inspected by the City of Monticello. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to release the letter of credit for public improvements with receipt of the following: 1) A two-year warranty bond. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-125 accepting public improvements for Featherstone 5th Addition Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Project Engineer 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director; City Administrator Public Works Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-125 accepting the public street and utility improvements for Featherstone 5th Addition. PREVIOUS ACTION December 14, 2020: City Council approved Featherstone 5th Addition Final Plat, Final Stage PUD and Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The plat of Featherstone 5th Addition included developer construction of public improvements, including street, sidewalk, trail, signs, mailboxes, streetlights, and public utilities. These improvements were recently completed; they were inspected, tested, and approved by the Engineering and Public Works departments in conformance with the City's standard specifications. Per the development agreement, the developer originally provided a security for the public improvements to ensure completion. Staff recommends accepting the public improvements and releasing the letter of credit for the public improvements. The developer's contractor, Latour Construction, Inc will provide a 2- year warranty bond. The City will complete a reconciliation of other cash escrows held on hand for the project, retaining escrow for final warranty and landscaping inspection. It should be noted that letters of credit for landscaping will continue to be retained at this time. Budget Impact: None II. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be minimal and routine for the project. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Featherstone 5t" Addition's utilities and streets were installed in a manner consistent with the underlying Comprehensive Land use guidance for Low Density Residence areas and the following 2040 Plan Implementation strategies: a. Allow new development to occur only when the public facilities and utilities needed to serve development are available or will be financed by the development through the payment of fees or funded improvements. b. Ensure developers are aware of their responsibilities to install public infrastructure including utilities, roadways, and parks through subdivision ordinance requirements. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2022-125 accepting public street and utility improvements for Featherstone 5t" Addition. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2022-125 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-125 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE FEATHERSTONE 5TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the Featherstone 5th Addition Final Plant, Final Stage PUD and Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement were approved on December 14, 2020; and WHEREAS, the plat of Feathestone 5th Addition included developer construction of public improvements including street, sidewalk, trail, signs, mailboxes, streetlights, and public utilities; and WHEREAS, the improvements have been completed and inspected by the City of Monticello. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to release the letter of credit for public improvements with receipt of the following: 1) A two-year warranty bond. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2N. Consideration of approving the purchase of a new 2023 John Deere 624P front-end loader with plow equipment from RDO Equipment Co. for $188,704, auto -lube system from Lubecore MN for $9,200 and cutting edges from Kris Engineering, Inc. for 957.64 for a total cost of 5201.861.64 and declarine the 2003 Case 721 and 2007 Case 621 as surplus which are included as trade-ins Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Street Superintendent 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/ City Engineer, City Administrator Finance Director /_T41 I IQ01:i11011111111tco Motion to approve the purchase of a new 2023 John Deere 624P front-end loader with plow equipment from RDO Equipment Co. for $188,704, auto -lube system from Lubecore MN for $9,200 and cutting edges from Kris Engineering, Inc. for $3,957.64 for a total cost of $201,861.64 and declaring the 2003 Case 721 and 2007 Case 621 as surplus which are included as trade-ins. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Council is asked to approve the purchase of a new 2023 John Deere 624 P front loader from RDO Equipment Co. as listed in the State Contract Purchasing Agreement for $218,084. This loader will then be fitted with plow equipment from Little Falls Machine for $47,620 and have an auto lube system installed from Lube Core of Avon, MN for $9,200 along with JOMA cutting edges for the plow equipment from KRIS Engineering for $3,957.64. The total cost of the complete unit is $278,861.64. This front loader will be replacing 2 loaders currently in the Public Works fleet. These include the 2003 Case 721 with 6,852 hours and a 2007 Case 621 with 4,549 hours. RDO Equipment has valued these loaders for trade in at $77,000 reducing the cost of the 2023 JD 624 P front loader to $201,861.64. RDO Equipment stated that as of November 30, 2022 the state contract pricing for the JD 624 P front loader will increase approximately $50,000. The delivery of the loaders wouldn't be expected mid -2023. Budget Impact: The draft 2023 budget currently includes $320,000 for the purchase of the proposed loader, which would be purchased through the Central Equipment Fund. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 The draft budget will be updated to reflect the actual purchase price before final approval in December. II. Staff Workload Impact: Ensures staff continues to have the necessary equipment to efficiently and effectively accomplish their responsibilities. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of purchasing a 2023 John Deer 624P front-end loader with plow equipment. SUPPORTING DATA • State contract proposals. CITY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/ services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name:- - r � ':-_GtfA.` C"Y1 Dept: '�'� � _ Phone: ? i �1 Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: ' ' Item/Service Requested: XCI'v- 1�emn ,' t1q P Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. it ' Date Vendor Name Contact Person Phone Number ^ Total $ Amount Quoted ; ' Ir�c r 1 CYA Rbo Ekl;�.-PKA - 371"k4. Ti re o 1 Ai 164 2 ) NJ-jLa kom& TrvJ1- "t ►tr �� `1 0*7q 3• 4 5 Selected Vendor:�� (If you are selecting other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/ comments: *M1 i IC _ t33 Ski c (4"S4.i. ; ' Ir�c r 1 CYA &j frP1-1 f j`n4 VVIM J� j o - Approval Acknowledgement: Da Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 Aeft JOHN DEERE Proposal for: CITY OF MONTICELLO - PUBLIC WORKS 505 WALNUT STREET STE. #1 MONTICELLO, MN, 553628576 WRIGHT Equipment Information Investment Proposal (Quote) RDO Equipment Co. 11030 Holly Lane N Dayton MN, 55311 Phone: (763) 294-7800 - Fax: Investment Proposal Date: Pricing Valid Until: Deal Number. Customer Account#: Compact CE Sales Professional: Phone: Fax Email: Quantity Serial Number Hours Status / Year / Make / Model Stock Number a rox. Additional Items 1 TBD 0 New 2022 JOHN DEERE 624P TBD 11/7/2022 11/21/2022 1606096 3170033 Jake Rifleman (952) 890-8880 (952)890-7046 jrifleman@rdoequipment.com 6041 DW 624 P WHEEL LOADER 0202 United States 0259 English 0351 Translated Text Labels 0400 Standard Loader 0451 Standard Z -BAR 0613 Level 3 Trim 8500 Cold Weather Package 8295 Heated And Powered Exterior Mirrors 8501 Debris Package 8505 Guards - Transmission & Bottom 8502 Maintenance and Service Package 8508 Auxiliary Equipment Package 1301 Left Side Steps 183E JDLrnk'"1 2201 Less Payload Scale w/ Cycle Counter 4095 John Deere 8.8L - FT4/SV 6522 Rear Counterweight & Rear Hitch w/ Pin 7026 Joystick Controls 7055 Four Function Hydraulics 5117 Michelin XSNOPLUS - 20.5R25 L2 1 -Star Radial Tires w/ 3 PC Rims 5554 Full Coverage Front & Rear Fenders w/ Mudflaps 7403 Hydraulic Coupler - JRB 416 Pattern 7829 3.75 YD (2.90 CM) Enhanced Performance 7458 Bolt -On Cutting Edge 7500 Less Fork Frame 7700 Less Tines BYT11236 5th/6th Function Hydraulics BYT11300 CB Radio Antenna Kit 0951 Rear Camera (Primary Display) 0659 Level 4 Performance: Front/Rear Differential Locking, Auto Dif Lock, Throttle Lock, Wheel Spin Control, Lock Up Torque Converter (Transmission) Cash Price $218,084.00 1 TBD 0 Attachment- New 2022 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE PTE -12 -MS REV $16,535.00 TBD POLY TRIP EDGE SNOW PLOW PTE -12 -MS REV POLY FALLS MODEL PTE -12 -MS REV POLY TRIP EDGE SNOW PLOW STD CUTTING EDGE TRIP EDGE MS -MUSHROOM SHOES PAINTED BLACK LJRB FALLS SUPPLIED JRB 416 HOOKS (STATE BID OR SOURCW LADAPT ADAPT/INSTALL BLANKS TO FIT FALLS PLOW 1 TBD 0 Attachment - New 2022 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE LDL-10ATE LOADER $31,085.00 TBD MOUNTED SNOW WING LLDL-10A FALLS MODEL LDL -10A LOADER MOUNTED SNOW WING STD CUTTING EDGE PAINT JD FRONT MOUNT REAR LEIFT D1606096 Page 1 of 2 TE -TRIP EDGE TRIP EDGE LLDLHPP LOADER WING HYD BUFFER BRACE REAR LIFT QUICK DISCONNECT REAR LIFT QUICK DISCONNECT L6PFQ FALLS MODEL 6 PORT STUCCHI QUICK DISCONNECT L4PFQ FALLS MODEL 4 PORT STUCCHI QUICK DISCONNECT Trade Information Serial Number Year / Make / Model _ JEE0200338 2007 CASE 621D JEE0135773 2003 CASE 721D Purchase Order Totals Equipment Subtotal: $265,704.00 L Pay_nfi Information Trade In Hours Trade In Value $0.00 4541 ($44,500.00) $0.00 6845 ($32,500.00) Total Trade In Value: ($77,000.00) Trade Balance Owed: $0.00 Net Difference: ($77,000.00) Balance: $188,704.00 Total Taxable Amount: $0.00 MN STATE TAX $0.00 MN SPECIAL TAX $0.00 Sales Tax Total: $0.00 Sub Total: $188,704.00 Cash with Order. $0.00 Due: $188,704.00 q y Ballance A, Fly vcc,(�ey— G gjo40.60 Tor, . C' v, r- D1606096 Page 2 of 2 KRIS Engineering, Inc. 1988 247th St Saint Augusta, MN 56301-6200 Phone # (320) 251-4558 Fax # (320) 251-0018 Name /Address I City Of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ste 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8822 US Quote Date Quote # 10/6/2022 13413 Ship To City Of Monticello 1988 247th St Saint Augusta, MN 56301-6200 [L ATTN Phone # Fax # or E-mail Terms Rep Matt E-mail Net 30 JS Qty Description Unit Price Total 12' Front Plow and 10' Wing 4 JOMA 6000x4 4ft Edge (384) 502.92 2,011.68T 4 JOMA BS23901MH 4ft Back Support, 3/4"x4"x47-3/4" SBFC (34#) 71.12 284.48T 4 SS STRAP48 4ft Strap for JOMA or Sno-Shock, 15/8PB or 5/8C 55.88 223.52T bolt}25# 2 JOMA 60000 aft Edge (29#) 377.19 754.38T 2 JOMA BS23902MH aft Back Support, 3/4"x4"05-3/4" SBFC (254) 53.34 106.68T 2 SS STRAP36 3ft Strap for JOMA or Sno-Shock, 15/8PB or 5/8C bolt}, 41.91 83.82T 19# 2 JOMA 663158PRH JOMA Curb Bumper, Right Hand, 5/81? (29#) 121.92 243.84T I JOMA 663158PLH JOMA Curb Bumper, Left Hand, 5/8P (29#) 121.92 121.92T 16 5/8"x4" Carriage Bolt Gr 8 (PB4L) 4.21 67.36T 6 5/8"x5" Plow Bolt Gr 8 (PB4L) 4.12 24.72T 12 5/8"x2-1/4" Plow Bolt Gr 8 (PB4L) Mounting Back Supports 1.52 18.24T 34 5/8" Nut Gr 8 (PB4L) 0.50 17.00T Subtotal 3,957.64 - This QUOTATION is valid for 10 days. - Availability: In stock - No freight charge if picked up in St. Augusta * Thank you for the opportunity to quote Sales Tax (0.01/6) $0.00 This Quotation does not include sales tax. Total $3,957.64 www.krisengincering.com 9123122, 8:24 AM City of Monticello - 2023 Loader JD 624, Volvo L90 or equivalent City of Monticello - 2023 Loader JD 624, Volvo L90 or equivalent City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Rd Monticello, MN 55362 Comments from James Czajkowski Installed at your inside location Products & Services Item & Description Mike Halland Street Supervisor mike.haaland@ci.monticello.mn.us 763-271 -3277 Midsize loader Autolube; JD 624, Volvo L90 or equivalent: EP2 24 V Electric pump, 6kg Makrolon reservoir with Automatic Low level shutoff, two output elements, pressure relief and pressure gauges. Machined Divider Manifolds, Korilla Line, Steel inserts, Rock collars, Super tube, protective Loom and Spring guard in impact areas. Installed, filled with grease, tested ready for work Qua ntity 1 Reference: 20220923-074830858 Quote created: September 23, 2022 Quote expires: December 22, 2022 Quote created by: James Czajkowski Owner Unit Price $9,700.00 jimc@lubecoremn.com +1 (320) 761-6532 Total $9,700.00 https:llapp.hubspot.com/quotes/84bc584fef624c459617cOeeal l c9e5e?print=true&autoprint=true 1/2 9/23/22, 8:24 AM Subtotals One-time subtotal Other Fees Existing Customer discount Questions? Contact me James Czajkowski Owner jimc@lubecoremn.com +1 (320) 761-6531 Lubecore Mil 801 Chinook Ave SW Avon, MN 56310 United States City of Monticello - 2023 Loader JD 624, Volvo L90 or equivalent $9,700.00 -$500.00 Total $9,200.00 hftps://app.hubspot.com/quotes/84bc5a4fef624c459617cOeeal1 c9e5e?print=true&autopdnt=true 2/2 ITRUCK & ss EQUIPMENT City of Monticello Public Works Dear Mike, Nuss Truck & Equipment 12540 Dupont Avenue South Burnsville, MN 55337 952-894-95951800-552-1189 Fax 952-894-1619 October 24, 2022 www.nussgrp.com Thank you for the opportunity of quoting you our New 2023 Volvo L90H Wheel Loader. This unit will have all standard manufactured equipment features: Standard Equipment : Benefits • Volvo D63 Tier 4F (185 hp) Great Fuel Economy • Volvo Powertrain with Powershift Transmission : All Volvo Power Train • Load sensing hydraulics : Applies hydraulic power where needed • Operating Weight 33,000 lbs. Better Machine Stability • Differential Lock Operator Controlled Front Axle may be locked with 100% Lock • 59 Gallon Fuel Tank with DEF Lower Fuel Consumption Less Fills Remote Oil Drain and Fill (Engine & Transmission) Ground Level Lubrication • Quick Connect Hydraulic Test Ports • Three Stage Engine Air Clear • Pre Heating of induction Air • Fuel Filter with Water Separator • Crankcase Breather oil trap Reversible Cooling Fan • 24 Volt pre wired • 24V 80A alternator • Two Front High/Low Beam Lights • Double Brake and Tail Lights • 2 Front/Rear Work Lights Turn Signals and Brake Lights with Hazard Lights • Steel Battery Boxes • Contronic Monitoring System for Service/Operational Items • Automatic Powershift Transmission Fully automatic 1-4 • Operator controlled Gear Shifting L -M -H Forward/Reverse Switch on right Side • 100% Differential Lock on Front with conventional Rear • Indicator Glass for Transmission Oil Level • Dual Brake Circuit/Pedals • Secondary Brake System • Parking Brake Electrical/Hydraulic • Break Wear Indicators • Single Key for Doors and Starting • ROPS/FOPS Cab • 12V Power Outlet • Lockable Doors and Engine Panels • Cab Heat with Fresh Air inlet and Defroster • Dual Mirror's Inside/Outside of Cab • Sliding Left/Right Side Window's • Tinted Safety Glass • Seat Belt • Adjustable Steering Wheel • Sun Visor • Intermittent Front/Rear Wiper/Washers • Electric Level Lock • Automatic Boom Kick Out • Automatic Bucket Positioner ROCHESTER • ST. PAUL 9 MANKATO • ST. CLOUD • DULUTH • EAU CLAIRE • BURNSVILLE • Hydraulic Oil Cooler Vandalism Locks For Batteries/Engine/Cab/Radiator Added Machine Options • 20.5R25 Michelin Sno-Plus Radial Tires (4) 20.5 3 Piece Rims Reversible Cooling Fan ISRI Premium Air Suspended Heated/Cooled Seat A/C Heat with Auto Climate Control • Steering Knob • Sliding Windows In Cab Rear View Color Camera • Lunch Box Holder • Oil Sampling Ports • Footsteps Front Frame Boom Suspension (Ride Control) Lifetime Frame Warranty • Full Coverage Fenders Mud Flaps • Turbo II Air Precleaner • Engine Block Heater • Limited Slip Rear Axle • Lockup Torque Converter Blue Tooth Radio with 20amp Converter • Left Hand Arm Rest • Radar Detect with Copilot • Single Lever Control with 3rd Function Hydraulics • Rear View Mirrors Heated & Adjustable • LED Feature Package (Cab Lights, Tail Lights & Headlights) LED Beacon • Hydraulics for Quick Coupler • Additional Counterweight • Volvo Auto Lube System • JRB 416 Quick Attach • 3.5yd 108" Hook On Bucket for JRB 416 • Bolt On Cutting Edge for Bucket • Lifetime Frame Warranty • 1yr 2,500 Full Machine Warranty MachinePrice..............................................................................................$ 211,981.00 Fall Snow Equipment • PTE -12 -MS Rev Poly Trip Edge Snow Plow • JRB 416 Mounting LDL-10ATE Wing Standard Edge • TE Trip Edge • Hydraulic Buffer Brace • Stucchi 4 & 6 Port Hyd. Quick Disconnects • 3 Spool Valve with Controller • Freight to and From Falls Totalwith Falls Options Above.....................................................................$ 58,715.00 Q0Q 0 NU98 TRUCK GROUP ROCHESTER • ST. PAUL • MANKATO • ST. CLOUD • DULUTH • EAU CLAIRE Total for Machine with Falls Options......................................................................$ 270,696.00 Trades: Case621D(JEE0200338).......................................................................................$ -37,000.00 Case 721D(JEE0135773).......................................................................................$ -42,000.00 MachinePrice after Trades.....................................................................................$ 191,696.00 A �0 41Aot , e` I appreciate your time and consideration regarding the above quote. If you have any questions, please call me at (763) 486-6774. ��.,�r 31467.64 Sincerely, Eric Supan Regional Sales Manager esupan nussgrp.com 763-486-6774 ooa 0 NUSS TRUCK GROUP � . �� X10 Vm(' - Vr te' J -a tc � ROCHESTER • ST. PAUL • MANKATO • ST. CLOUD • DULUTH • EAU CLAIRE City Council Agenda: 11/14/22 20. Consideration of approving a contract with Delta -Modular Company for the extraction of materials Prepared by: City Engineer/Public Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Works Director 11/14/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Community Development Approved by: Director, Finance Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a contract with Delta -Modular Company for the extraction of materials for the Pointes at Cedar Project. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In September 2021, the City Council approved The Pointes at Cedar Small Area Plan. The idea for a re -envisioned mix of commercial, residential, and park space within the centrally located 100+ acre Pointes area necessitated a general vision to guide planning and decision-making in the area. A central piece of this developing plan is the construction of a central stormwater facility serving The Pointes at Cedar area. The draft grading plan associated with the Small Area Plan indicated that approximately 275,000 cubic yards of material needs to be hauled off-site. To reduce costs for removal, opportunities have been explored for allowing contractors to extract materials at no cost to the City. Delta -Modular Company indicated they are interested in approximately 50,000 cubic yards of material to be used as part of the senior townhome and apartment project proposed along 7th Street. Currently the City has the following contracts in-place for the removal of material for this project: • Hoffman Construction —100,000 cubic yards • Rolstad Construction — 30,000 cubic yards It is also assumed that approximately 46,000 cubic yards of material is required for the proposed adjacent Monticello Lakes project. In addition, staff proposes that approximately 35,000 cubic yards of material be utilized for the proposed water treatment facility project and 35,000 cubic yards be reserved for the future phases of the Bertram Chain of Lakes projects. City Council Agenda: 11/14/22 With these projects and amount of material, only 24,000 cubic yards of material is currently available. Staff will work to finalize the amount available to see if the entire 50,000 cubic yard request can be met. The draft construction agreement indicates that Delta -Modular must remove the 24,000 cubic yards of material by October 31, 2023. This agreement may be modified to include up to 50,000 cubic yards based on further analysis. In order to keep the project area safe, the contractor must keep all slopes no steeper than a 3:1 during non -working hours. Also, staff will work with the contractor to determine a construction entrance for the removal of material that is anticipated to be either off of Cedar Street or Dundas Road. The proposed excavation can be seen in the attached exhibit. This work will not require an amendment to the current Interim Use Permit in place, as the proposed work is internal to The Pointes site and includes no off-site hauling. Budget Impact: No budget impact is anticipated from these agreements. II. Staff Workload Impact: City engineering and community development staff will be involved in managing the excavation of material on this site. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The completion of The Pointes Small Area Plan is consistent with the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan as identified in the Commercial/Residential Flex District planning. The Pointes is also specifically identified as a future Community Park in the Parks chapter of the Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the contract with Delta -Modular Company. SUPPORTING DAT, • Draft Stormwater Facility Construction Agreement STORMWATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 2022, by and between Delta -Modular Construction, LLC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Contractor") and the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"). RECITALS A. The real property located in Wright County, Minnesota legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property") is owned by the City of Monticello ("Owner") and is used for crop production; and B. The City, and the Contractor agree that the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, require that on-site stormwater pond ("Stormwater Facilities") be constructed and maintained on the Property; and C. The City requires that the Stormwater Facilities as shown on the draft and final plans ("Plans") be constructed on the Subject Property ("Project"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Construction of Stormwater Facilities. Contractor shall perform grading of the excavated areas to meet final grading in accordance with the City's approved plans. Topsoil must be stockpiled, seeded, and stabilized as approved by the City. The contractor shall meet all requirements as identified in the interim use permit as approved by the City Council. This agreement is for the removal of approximately 24,000 cubic yards of aggregate/sand material and restoration and grading withing the Easement Area in accordance with the draft grading plan. The Contractor must coordinate with other contractors performing site grading on adjacent parcels. Also, a grading permit shall be acquired for the site where the material is being placed. 2. Term of Agreement and Payment. The Contractor must complete the work by October 31, 2023. There shall be no cost to the City for this Project. 3. Project Area. The Contractor must operate only within the area shown on Exhibit A. Contractor is responsible for staying within the City's property and stay at least 20 feet from property line. 4. Completion of the Project. Any removed topsoil or boulders must be stockpiled at a location on-site as approved by the City. Any waste material, rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor upon public property, or the subject Property may be removed by the City and the cost charged to the Contractor. 5. Permits. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, governmental fees, licenses, and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. Such permits and legal obligations include, but are not limited to: 1 217569v1 A. Contractor must submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") permit and complete the required monitoring and repairs per the permit requirements. B. Contractor must stabilize the site following the removal of the top soil and aggregate material as required per the NPDES permit. 6. Site Safety. Contractor must abide by relevant legal safety requirements and best safety practices during the course of the Project. Additionally, during non -working hours, the Contractor must keep the excavation area at less than 3:1 slope. 7. Labor, Materials, Sales Tax. and Employees. Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, materials sales tax, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. 8. Indemnification. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or employee's negligent or intentional acts, or any violation of any safety law, regulation or code in the performance of this Agreement, without regard to any inspection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions. In the event the City, upon the failure of the Contractor to comply with any conditions of this Agreement, performs said conditions pursuant to its authority in this Agreement, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and representatives for its own negligent acts in the performance of the Contractor's required work under this Agreement, but this indemnification shall not extend to intentional or grossly negligent acts. 9. Insurance. Contractor shall secure and maintain insurance for not less than the following amounts: Bodily Injury General & Automobile General & Automobile Property Damage General & Automobile General $2,000,000 Each Person $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. 10. Security. The Contractor shall provide a letter of credit or bond which shall be in the amount of 100% of the costs to restore any and all disturbed areas, including the Subject Property and any property covered by the amendments noted herein. The Contractor shall be responsible for prompt repair of any roadway or other public improvements damaged by the operations. 2 217569v1 11. Notice. All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addressed as follows: To the Contractor: Delta Modular Construction, LLC 6757 Karmen Avenue NE Albertville MN 55301 To the City: City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, #1 Monticello, MN 55362 or to such other party at such other address as such party, by ten (10) days prior written notice given as provided, shall designate. All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally delivered or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addressed as provided herein. 12 Whole Agreement. The contract documents, as described in the executed contract, form the contract. The contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements, either written or oral. 13. Controlling Law. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The parties agree that the venue of any legal action arising under the agreement shall be Wright County, Minnesota. 14. Assignability. This agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the written consent of the non -assigning party. 3 ai7569vi CONTRACTOR: DELTA MODULAR CONSTRUCTION, LLC By: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA_ ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by , the of XX., a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public 4 217569v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) 11r, in STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Jennifer Schreiber, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 LCNM 5 217569v1 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Of The Property A portion of Outlot A of the Cedar Street Addition Plat in Section 14, Township 121 Range 25 as shown in Exhibit B. 217569v1 EXHIBIT B 217569v1 STORMWATER FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into as of the day of , 2022, by and between Delta -Modular Construction, LLC., a Minnesota corporation (the "Contractor") and the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"). RECITALS A. The real property located in Wright County, Minnesota legally described in Exhibit A attached hereto ("Property") is owned by the City of Monticello ("Owner") and is used for crop production; and B. The City, and the Contractor agree that the health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, require that on-site stormwater pond ("Stormwater Facilities") be constructed and maintained on the Property; and C. The City requires that the Stormwater Facilities as shown on the draft and final plans ("Plans") be constructed on the Subject Property ("Project"); and NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants of the parties set forth herein and other valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows: 1. Construction of Stormwater Facilities. Contractor shall perform grading of the excavated areas to meet final grading in accordance with the City's approved plans. Topsoil must be stockpiled, seeded, and stabilized as approved by the City. The contractor shall meet all requirements as identified in the interim use permit as approved by the City Council. This agreement is for the removal of approximately 24,000 cubic yards of aggregate/sand material and restoration and grading withing the Easement Area in accordance with the draft grading plan. The Contractor must coordinate with other contractors performing site grading on adjacent parcels. Also, a grading permit shall be acquired for the site where the material is being placed. 2. Term of Agreement and Payment. The Contractor must complete the work by October 31, 2023. There shall be no cost to the City for this Project. 3. Project Area. The Contractor must operate only within the area shown on Exhibit A. Contractor is responsible for staying within the City's property and stay at least 20 feet from property line. 4. Completion of the Project. Any removed topsoil or boulders must be stockpiled at a location on-site as approved by the City. Any waste material, rubbish or other materials left by the Contractor upon public property, or the subject Property may be removed by the City and the cost charged to the Contractor. 5. Permits. The Contractor shall secure and pay for all permits, governmental fees, licenses, and inspections necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. Such permits and legal obligations include, but are not limited to: 1 217569v1 A. Contractor must submit a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan along with a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System ("NPDES") permit and complete the required monitoring and repairs per the permit requirements. B. Contractor must stabilize the site following the removal of the top soil and aggregate material as required per the NPDES permit. 6. Site Safety. Contractor must abide by relevant legal safety requirements and best safety practices during the course of the Project. Additionally, during non -working hours, the Contractor must keep the excavation area at less than 3:1 slope. 7. Labor, Materials, Sales Tax. and Employees. Unless otherwise specifically noted, the Contractor shall provide and pay for all labor, materials, materials sales tax, equipment, tools, construction equipment and machinery, and other facilities and services necessary for the proper execution and completion of the Project. 8. Indemnification. This Agreement imposes no liability of any kind whatsoever on the City. The Contractor hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and its agents and employees against any and all claims, demands, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) arising out of or resulting from the Contractor or the Contractor's agents or employee's negligent or intentional acts, or any violation of any safety law, regulation or code in the performance of this Agreement, without regard to any inspection or review made or not made by the City, its agents or employees or failure by the City, its agents or employees to take any other prudent precautions. In the event the City, upon the failure of the Contractor to comply with any conditions of this Agreement, performs said conditions pursuant to its authority in this Agreement, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its employees, agents and representatives for its own negligent acts in the performance of the Contractor's required work under this Agreement, but this indemnification shall not extend to intentional or grossly negligent acts. 9. Insurance. Contractor shall secure and maintain insurance for not less than the following amounts: Bodily Injury General & Automobile General & Automobile Property Damage General & Automobile General $2,000,000 Each Person $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Each Occurrence $2,000,000 Aggregate The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy. 10. Security. The Contractor shall provide a letter of credit or bond which shall be in the amount of 100% of the costs to restore any and all disturbed areas, including the Subject Property and any property covered by the amendments noted herein. The Contractor shall be responsible for prompt repair of any roadway or other public improvements damaged by the operations. 2 217569v1 11. Notice. All notices required under this Agreement shall either be personally delivered or be sent by certified or registered mail and addressed as follows: To the Contractor: Delta Modular Construction, LLC 6757 Karmen Avenue NE Albertville MN 55301 To the City: City of Monticello Attn: City Administrator 505 Walnut Street, #1 Monticello, MN 55362 or to such other party at such other address as such party, by ten (10) days prior written notice given as provided, shall designate. All notices given hereunder shall be deemed given when personally delivered or two business days after being placed in the mail properly addressed as provided herein. 12 Whole Agreement. The contract documents, as described in the executed contract, form the contract. The contract represents the entire and integrated agreement between the parties and supersedes all prior negotiations and agreements, either written or oral. 13. Controlling Law. This Agreement is to be governed by the laws of the State of Minnesota. The parties agree that the venue of any legal action arising under the agreement shall be Wright County, Minnesota. 14. Assignability. This agreement shall not be assignable by either party without the written consent of the non -assigning party. 3 ai7569vi CONTRACTOR: DELTA MODULAR CONSTRUCTION, LLC By: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA_ ) )ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by , the of XX., a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said entity. Notary Public 4 217569v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) 11r, in STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Jennifer Schreiber, the Mayor and City Clerk of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center 1 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 LCNM 5 217569v1 EXHIBIT A Legal Description Of The Property A portion of Outlot A of the Cedar Street Addition Plat in Section 14, Township 121 Range 25 as shown in Exhibit B. 217569v1 EXHIBIT B 217569v1 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2P. Consideration of approving a purchase agreement for a portion of Outlot B of Jefferson Commons (155-164-00020) and consent to plat Jefferson Commons 4th Addition including Outlot B Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Finance Director, Public Works City Administrator Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a purchase agreement for a portion of Outlot B of Jefferson Commons (155- 164-00020) and consent to plat Jefferson Commons 4th Addition including Outlot B. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council was asked to consider the sale of a portion of Outlot B to the adjacent property owner of Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 111 Addition for purposes of better utilizing the buildable area on the adjacent parcel. The majority of Outlot B is encumbered by powerline easement, with only approximately 50' in depth across the northerly portion of the outlot located outside of powerline easement. The owner of Lot 2, Block 1 is seeking to purchase approximately 1.1 acres, or 47,920 square feet of Outlot B. Due to the number of encumbrances on the parcel, the prospective Buyer's requested purchase price is $10,000 in total for the parcel. The Council indicated that any consideration of sale at this amount would require that the Buyer agree to pay all costs associated with the sale and use of the subject portion of Outlot B. As such, the purchase agreement reflects this direction. Terms of the purchase agreement include: • Buyer to negotiate and coordinate any amendment to the existing Agreement between the City and theater currently in place over Outlot B. • Platting to subdivide the proposed 1.1 acre sale parcel and combination with the Buyer's existing parcel (Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 1st Addition) • Development agreement to be executed with platting and prior to closing to include: o Reconfiguration of the existing parking lot over Outlot B to the city's desired specification with costs for such reconfiguration being exclusively the Buyer's o Relocation of fiber utilities within Outlot B at Buyer's cost City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 • Buyer to pay all legal costs associated with the sale, including City legal costs • Buyer to pay all closing costs identified in Section 14 of the purchase agreement Closing date on or before December 31, 2022 Upon sale and platting of the noted portion of Outlot B, the subdivided property would be privately owned. Both the parcel retained by the City and that portion sold to the Buyer would be subject to the existing Agreement between the City and theater, which is binding on all successors, heirs and assigns. The agreement provides for reciprocal parking over Outlot B, as well as the location of the theater's pylon sign. The agreement does not specify the use of Outlot B as commuter lot parking. The Buyer is not obligated to maintain the lot as a public commuter lot. However, they are required to maintain the lot in good condition and repair per the reciprocal easement for and with the theater. All commuter parking, including commercial vehicle parking, would need to shift to the portion retained by the City, the approximately 1.7 acres remaining of Outlot B. The proposed lot division allows for common access between the City and prospective buyer for the northerly access to the parking lot. The current commercial vehicle parking would also need to shift to the City -owned remainder of the property and can continue unless otherwise directed by City Council. Staff indicated in multiple communications with the Buyer that the existing parking lot configuration may not be altered without amendment to the PUD which encompasses Outlot B and the theater property (as well as the City -owned lot to the north of Muller Theaters). Staff verified with MNDOT that they have no objection to the sale of this parcel. The Buyer has also been informed that they are accepting the parcel as is, such that if the theater does not consent to an amendment relating to the parking lot or sign, then those components remain as is on the site. Concurrent with consideration of the purchase agreement, Council is asked to consent to the platting of the proposed subdivision and combination. The City is consenting to the Buyer submitting an application for preliminary and final plat. The City maintains its review authority over the plat decision itself. The Buyer will also need to submit future land use applications as applicable for site development on the proposed parcel. Budget Impact: All costs associated with this transaction are the Buyers. Proceeds of $10,000 for the sale of the property will be receipted into the Capital Projects Fund. II. Staff Workload Impact: The Community Development Director, City Engineer and City Administrator have all been involved in the research and review of the proposed purchase agreement and sale, with total time to date estimated at 15 hours. The City Attorney prepared the purchase agreement. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: Outlot B is guided "Community Commercial" in the Comprehensive Plan and is currently zoned B-4 (Regional Business) District. Sale and development of the subject site for commercial purposes is consistent with the 2040 Plan guidance. The site is appropriate for the development of retail goods and services as noted within the 2040 Plan. The 2040 Plan includes a strategy calling for Successful Commercial Centers and Corridors and recommends targeting vacant or under- performing parcels to spur private property investment. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the potential sale of the noted portion of Outlot B for conformance to the Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan. The Commission adopted Resolution 2022-051, finding that the sale of a portion of Outlot B is in conformance with the Comprehensive Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the purchase agreement as drafted. Staff reviewed aerial imagery and general parking patterns in the commuter lot and believe the 1.7 acres remaining after sale is adequate to serve commuter needs. In addition, the requirement for development agreement relating to necessary site improvements is an important component of the sale. It is an overall goal of the City to grow from within, making the most efficient use of the existing infrastructure to serve development. The ability of the adjacent property owner to make use of this underutilized area to increase development potential on combined property is consistent with the City's goals. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Purchase Agreement C. Purchase Description and Sketch D. Agreement, City of Monticello and Muller Family Theaters Subject Parcel/Area CITY OF A Monticello 1in=188 ft N A October 27, 2022 Map Powered By Data Link wsb PURCHASE AGREEMENT THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is made on the day of , 2022, ("Effective Date") by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation, ("Seller"), and DANIEL THOMAS ROBBINS AND LYNETTE RHEA ROBBINS, the Trustees of the THE ROBBINS LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 23, 2017 ("Buyer"). WHEREAS, the Seller is the owner of real property in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as Outlot B, Jefferson Commons, according to the recorded plat, Wright County, Minnesota (PID 155-164-000020) ("Seller Property"); WHEREAS, the Buyer is the fee owner of real property in the City of Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota legally described as Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 1St Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota (PID 155-176-001020) ("Buyer Property"); WHEREAS, the Buyer desires to acquire approximately 47,920 square feet of the Seller Property as depicted on the attached Exhibit "A" as Proposed Parcel "A" (the "Property") and the Seller will retain the portion of the Seller Property less the Property as depicted in Exhibit A as Proposed Parcel `B" (the "Remnant Parcel"); WHEREAS, simultaneous with the conveyance under this Agreement, the Buyer has agreed to plat the Property and the Buyer Property as a single lot, which plat will also include the Seller owned Remnant Parcel containing a commuter lot as Jefferson Commons 4th Addition (the "Plat"), all at Buyer's cost. NOW, THEREFORE, the Buyer and Seller agree as follows: 1. SALE OF PROPERTY. Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the Property. 2. PRICE AND TERMS. Buyer agrees to purchase the Property for the sum of Ten Thousand and No/100 Dollars ($10,000.00) (the "Purchase Price"), which shall be payable by Buyer to Seller in cash or certified funds in full on the Date of Closing. 3. DEED/MARKETABLE TITLE. Upon performance by Buyer, Seller shall execute and deliver a Limited Warranty Deed, conveying good and marketable title of record, subject to only to the following exceptions (collectively, "Permitted Exceptions"): A. Reservation of minerals or mineral rights by the State of Minnesota, if any; B. Building and zoning laws, ordinances, state and federal regulations; C. Easements imposed by the plat of Jefferson Commons; and D. Exceptions to title which constitute encumbrances, restrictions, or easements of record. 1 222220v7 E. The Agreement between the City of Monticello and Muller Family Theaters of Monticello, LLC, dated July 13, 2004 and recorded in the Wright County Recorder's Office on August 30, 2004 as Document No. A925026. F. Permitted Exceptions as provided under Paragraph 5 of this Agreement. 4. REAL ESTATE TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS. A. Seller shall pay all general real estate taxes and installments of special assessments due and payable in the year prior to the Date of Closing and in years prior thereto. Real estate taxes due and payable in and for the year of closing shall be prorated between Seller and Buyer on a calendar year basis to the actual Date of Closing; B. Seller shall pay on or before the Date of Closing all levied and pending special assessments; C. Seller shall pay on date of closing any deferred real estate taxes (including "Green Acres" taxes under MiNN. STAT. §273.111) or special assessments payment of which is required as a result of the closing of this Agreement; D. Buyer shall pay real estate taxes due and payable in the year following the Date of Closing and thereafter. 5. SURVEY AND TITLE EXAMINATION. A. Title Commitment. Within fifteen (15) business days following the Effective Date, Buyer shall order a title commitment for an Owner's Policy of Title Insurance ("Title Commitment") from a title company of Buyer's choosing ("Title Company"). The cost of the Title Commitment shall be paid by Buyer. B. Survey. Within fifteen (15) business days following the receipt of the Title Commitment, the Buyer may order an ALTA survey for the Property (the "Survey"). The cost of the Survey shall be paid by the Buyer. C. Title and Survey Review Period. (1) During the Inspection Period as further defined below, Buyer shall review the Title Commitment and the Survey. Prior to the expiration of the Inspection Period, Buyer shall notify Seller of which exceptions listed in the Title Commitment and/or Survey are unacceptable to Buyer in its sole reasonable discretion (the "Unpermitted Exceptions" and individually an "Unpermitted Exception" or "Title Defect"). Any items on the Title Commitment and/or Survey and not raised by Buyer as an Unpermitted Exception shall be deemed to be a "Permitted Exception". (2) Seller shall have sixty (60) days ("Cure Period") after the date of Seller's receipt of such notice to remove or cure any Title Defects to the reasonable satisfaction of 2 222220v7 Buyer. Seller shall use its reasonable efforts to remove or cure the Title Defects to Buyer's reasonable satisfaction, unless in the opinion of Seller such Title Defects are incapable of being cured during the Cure Period or by the Closing Date. If Seller does not cure all of the Title Defects within the Cure Period or in the same period procure a commitment by the Title Company to remove such Unpermitted Exceptions from the Title Policy, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing, prior to the expiration of the Cure Period, specifying those Title Defects Seller has failed or will be unable to cure. The above notwithstanding, Buyer may, by providing written notice of its intentions within ten (10) business days after the expiration of the Cure Period, elect to do any one of the following: (i) terminate this Agreement by providing written notice to Seller; or (ii) elect in writing to waive any uncured Title Defects. (3) If any update to the Title Commitment received after the Cure Period and prior to Closing discloses any matters which are not found on the Title Commitment and/or the Survey, are not caused by Buyer's actions and are also unacceptable to Buyer in its commercially reasonable determination, Buyer shall notify Seller of same within five (5) business days of receipt of such update ("Intervening Objection Notice"). Within five (5) business days of Seller's receipt of the Intervening Objection Notice, Seller shall notify Buyer in writing of any disapproved matters which Seller is unable or unwilling to cause to be removed or insured against prior to or at Closing. Seller's failure to provide such notice shall be deemed to be Seller's unwillingness to remove any of the matters raised in the Intervening Objection Notice. Unless Seller elects to remove all matters set forth in the Intervening Objection Notice, Buyer then shall elect, by giving written notice to Seller within five (5) business days after Seller's notice or deemed notice, (i) to terminate this Agreement, or (ii) to waive its disapproval of such exceptions, in which case such exceptions shall then be deemed to be Permitted Exceptions. Buyer's failure to give such notice shall be deemed an election to waive the disapproval of any such exception. In the event Buyer elects to terminate this Agreement in accordance with clause (i) above, this Agreement shall be terminated. Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, the Closing Date shall be extended if required to allow the parties the time periods set forth above. 6. DUE DILIGENCE PERIOD. A. Right of Inspection. At all reasonable times prior to the Closing Date (including, without limitation, the Inspection Period (as hereinafter defined)) and upon reasonable notice to Seller, Buyer, its officers, employees, agents, prospective lenders, attorneys, accountants, architects and engineers, shall be entitled, upon reasonable notice to Seller, to enter upon the Property to perform whatever inspections and tests relating to the Property (including, but not limited to, surveying, platting, engineering, soil boring and environmental) (collectively the "Tests"), that Buyer, in its reasonable discretion, deems necessary or appropriate. Seller shall have the right, but not the obligation, to have a representative present at any such time Buyer accesses the Property hereunder. Buyer shall restore the Property to its original condition, and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Seller from all loss, cost and expense resulting from any actual damage to the Property as a result of the inspections performed under this subparagraph (except to the extent such damage results from or arises out of the negligence or intentional 3 222220v7 misconduct of Seller and/or such tenants). Notwithstanding the foregoing, Buyer shall not have the right to perform any drilling, boring or other invasive testing without Seller's prior approval. B. Inspection Period. Buyer shall have the right to evaluate, at Buyer's sole cost and expense, the feasibility of the Property for Buyer's intended use for a period commencing on the Effective Date and ending on that date which is forty-five (45) days after the Effective Date. During the Inspection Period but subject to Paragraph 6(B) above, Buyer will have the right, but not the obligation, to conduct any of the Tests that Buyer requires, in Buyer's sole and absolute discretion. Seller shall promptly execute any permits or other documentation necessary for Buyer to perform any Tests, provided it is at no material cost to Seller. During the Inspection Period, Buyer shall have the right to obtain all zoning, land use, subdivision, plat, site plan, signage, curb cuts, building permits, and other approvals (governmental or otherwise) necessary for Buyer to utilize the Property, in its sole discretion, in accordance with its intended use (the "Governmental Approvals"). Seller agrees to cooperate with Buyer in obtaining all Governmental Approvals. This cooperation shall include, but is not limited to, execution of any documents, petitions, correspondence, and agreements, as well as attendance at governmental meetings, provided it is at no material cost to Seller. It is hereby expressly understood by and between the parties hereto that any Petition or Application for a Governmental Approval shall contain a provision that said Governmental Approval is subject to Seller's prior written approval and that, therefore, no Governmental Approval may be finalized without Seller's signature. Seller's written approval may be withheld up to the Closing Date unless the document affecting the Governmental Approval provides that same shall not be effective unless the transaction contemplated herein is consummated. Seller hereby recognizes and understands that Buyer intends to develop the Property for fuel sales and automotive wash facility ("Use") and that Buyer will not purchase the Property unless such Use is approved and/or permitted for the Property. Seller hereby authorizes Buyer to make any and all applications or inquiries that are necessary to obtain any and all required zoning changes, variances and other use approvals or changes required to permit such Use. Seller hereby represents and warrants that Seller does not have any objection to such Use but as a public body, can make no guaranty concerning future city land use approvals that may be required for such Use. At any time on or before the expiration of the Inspection Period, Buyer may give written notice to Seller to: (i) waive the Inspection Period; or, (ii) terminate this Agreement if Buyer determines that the Property is unsatisfactory for Buyer, for any reason, including without limitation failure of the Property to be zoned for Buyer's intended use. Notwithstanding anything else herein to the contrary, Buyer has the right, in its sole discretion, to waive in writing the Inspection Period prior to its stated expiration date set forth above, whereupon the Inspection Period shall be deemed to have expired on the date set forth in such written waiver. 7. REPRESENTATIONS OF SELLER. Seller makes the following representations and warranties to Buyer: 4 222220v7 A. Pending Proceedings. To the best of Seller's knowledge, there is no litigation, suit, arbitration, mediation, proceeding, claim or investigation (including, without limitation, environmental) pending or, to the best of Seller's knowledge, threatened against Seller or relating to any aspect of the Property which might create or result in a lien on, or otherwise have a material adverse impact on, the Property or any part thereof or interest therein. B. Authori . Subject to the terms and conditions of the Agreement, Seller has full power and authority to enter into this Agreement and incur and perform its obligations hereunder. C. Non -Foreign Status. Seller is not a "foreign person" within the meaning of Paragraph 1445(f)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. D. Other Documents. Neither the execution nor delivery of this Agreement nor the consummation of the transactions contemplated hereby will result in any breach or violation of, or default under, any judgment, decree, order, mortgage, lease, agreement, indenture or other instrument or document of which Seller is a party or by which the Property is bound. E. Special Assessments. Seller has not received any notice from any governmental authority as to pending or proposed special assessments. F. Well; Septic. Seller represents that all wells and the septic systems, if any exist, that are located on the Property comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Seller agrees to provide any and all certifications which may be necessary as part of the Closing process. G. Unpaid Labor and Materials. Seller represents and warrants that Seller is not indebted for labor or material that might give rise to the filing of notice of mechanic's lien against the Property. H. Hazardous Substances. To the best of Seller's knowledge: (i) no toxic materials, hazardous wastes or hazardous substances, as such terms are defined in the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1996, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 6901, et seq.) or in the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (42 U.S.C. § 9601, et seq.), including, without limitation, any asbestos or asbestos-related products or materials and any oils, petroleum -derived compounds, or pesticides ("Hazardous Materials") have been generated, treated, stored, released, or disposed of or otherwise placed, deposited in, or located on the Property; and (ii) the Property is free of Hazardous Materials and is not subject to any "superfund" type liens or claims by governmental regulatory agencies or third parties arising from the release or threatened release of hazardous substances in, on, or about the Property. Each of the foregoing warranties and representations shall be deemed to benefit Buyer and shall be a condition precedent to the performance of Buyer's obligations hereunder. Each of the foregoing warranties and representations shall be deemed to be remade as of the Closing date (with such changes thereto as Seller shall notify Buyer as of the Closing) and, as so remade, shall survive the Closing, delivery of the deed and other documents contemplated hereby, and any investigation by or on behalf of either party; provided that such representations shall lapse unless suit is brought with respect thereto within two (2) years after the Closing date. Any changes by Seller to Seller's 5 222220v7 warranties and representations prior to Closing that are unacceptable to Buyer shall be a basis for termination of the Agreement by Buyer. 8. AS -IS CONDITION. EXCEPT AS EXPRESSLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, IT IS UNDERSTOOD AND AGREED THAT SELLER IS NOT MAKING AND HAS NOT AT ANY TIME MADE ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS OF ANY KIND OR CHARACTER, EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ANY WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS AS TO HABITABILITY, MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, TITLE. ZONING, TAX CONSEQUENCES. LATENT OR PATENT PHYSICAL OR ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS, UTILITIES, ACCESS, OPERATING HISTORY OR PROJECTIONS. VALUATION, GOVERNMENTAL APPROVALS, THE COMPLIANCE OF THE PROPERTY WITH GOVERNMENTAL LAWS, THE TRUTH, ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF ANY PROPERTY DATA OR OTHER INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY DELIVERED TO BUYER BY SELLER, OR ANY OTHER MATTER OR THING REGARDING THE PROPERTY. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT UPON THE CLOSING OF THE TRANSACTION CONTEMPLATED BY THIS AGREEMENT, SUBJECT TO SELLER'S EXPRESS REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS PURCHASE AGREEMENT SELLER SHALL SELL AND BUYER SHALL ACCEPT THE PROPERTY "AS IS. WHERE IS. WITH ALL FAULTS". BUYER HAS NOT RELIED AND WILL NOT RELY ON, AND SELLER IS NOT LIABLE FOR OR BOUND BY, ANY EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, GUARANTIES, STATEMENTS, REPRESENTATIONS OR INFORMATION PERTAINING TO THE PROPERTY OR RELATING THERETO (INCLUDING SPECIFICALLY, WITHOUT LIMITATION, PROPERTY INFORMATION PACKAGES DISTRIBUTED WITH RESPECT TO THE PROPERTY) MADE OR FURNISHED BY SELLER, OR ANY REAL ESTATE BROKER OR AGENT REPRESENTING OR PURPORTING TO REPRESENT SELLER, TO WHOMEVER MADE OR GIVEN, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, ORALLY OR IN WRITING, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT. 9. SELLER'S CONTINGENCIES. Seller's obligation to close on the purchase of the Property is conditioned on the following contingencies, any of which, may be waived by Seller, in writing: A. Plat. On or prior to the termination of the Inspection Period, the Buyer obtaining all necessary approvals for the subdivision of the Seller Property and the Plat, pursuant to all applicable local and state rules and regulations, all at Buyer's cost. B. Parking Lot and Cost Share Agreement. At Closing, the Seller and the Buyer entering into an agreement concerning the reconfiguration of the remaining parking area on the Remnant Parcel and Buyer's payment of the full cost participation for the reconfiguration pursuant to a plan approved by the City Engineer. C. Utility Relocation Agreement. At Closing, the Buyer entering into an Agreement with the Seller for the relocation of utilities through the Property and Remnant Parcel necessary for use of the Property all at Buyer's cost, including securing the necessary permits. 6 222220v7 If the Seller's Contingencies have not been satisfied on or before the dates identified herein, and unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, then the Seller may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the other party on or before the Closing Date. 10. BUYER'S CONTINGENCIES. Buyer's obligation to close on the purchase of the Property is conditioned on the following contingencies, any of which, may be waived by Buyer, in writing: A. Plat. On or prior to the termination of the Inspection Period, the Buyer obtaining all necessary approvals for the subdivision of the Seller Property and the Plat, pursuant to all applicable local and state rules and regulations, all at Buyer's cost. B. Parking Lot and Cost Share Agreement. At Closing, the Seller and the Buyer entering into an agreement concerning the reconfiguration of the remaining parking area on the Remnant Parcel and Buyer's payment of the full cost participation for the reconfiguration pursuant to a plan approved by the City Engineer. C. Utility Relocation Agreement. At Closing, Buyer entering into an Agreement with the Seller for the relocation of utilities through the Property and Remnant Parcel necessary for use of the Property all at Buyer's cost, including Buyer securing the necessary permits. D. Inspections. On or prior to the termination of the Inspection Period, the Buyer shall have determined that it is satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the results of its Inspections within the Inspection Period. E. Title and Survey. On or prior to the termination of the Inspection Period, the Buyer shall have determined that it is satisfied, in its sole discretion, with the title to and survey of the Property. If the Buyer's Contingencies have not been satisfied on or before the dates identified herein, and unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing, then the Buyer may terminate this Agreement by giving notice to the other party on or before the Closing Date. 11. POSSESSION. Seller shall deliver possession of the property not later than the actual Date of Closing. 12. CLOSING. The closing (the "Closing") shall occur simultaneous with the recording of the Plat and take place on or before December 31, 2022 ("Closing Date"). Unless otherwise agreed by the parties in writing, in the event that any of the contingencies provided for in this Agreement are not satisfied prior to the Date of Closing, this Agreement shall be null and void and of no further force and effect. The Closing shall take place at the offices of the Title Company and shall be accomplished through an escrow closing. The parties agree to execute such escrow instructions as may be appropriate to enable the Title Company to comply with the terms of this Agreement. 7 222220v7 At Closing, Seller and Buyer shall disclose their Social Security Numbers or Federal Tax Identification Numbers for the purpose of completing state and federal tax forms. 13. CLOSING DOCUMENTS. A. At the Closing, Seller shall execute and/or deliver to Buyer the following (collectively the "Closing Documents"): (1) Limited Warran . Deed. A Limited Warranty Deed in recordable form and reasonably satisfactory to Buyer, which shall include the following well representations: "Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described Property." (2) Seller's Affidavit. A standard form affidavit by Seller indicating that on the date of Closing there are no outstanding, unsatisfied judgments, tax liens or bankruptcies against or involving Seller or the Property; that there has been no skill, labor or material furnished to the Property for which payment has not been made or for which mechanic's liens could be filed; and that there are no other unrecorded interests in the Property. (3) Non -Foreign Person Certification. A certification in form and content satisfactory to the parties hereto and their counsel, properly executed by Seller, containing such information as shall be required by the Internal Revenue Code, and the regulations issued thereunder, in order to establish that Seller is not a "foreign person" as defined in § 1445(f)(3) of such Code and such regulations. (4) Storage Tanks. If required, an affidavit with respect to storage tanks pursuant to Minn. Stat. § 116.48. (5) Well Certificate. If there is a well located on the Property, a well disclosure certificate in form and substance true to form for recording. (6) Certification. A certification that the representations and/or warranties made by Seller are materially the same as were in existence on the date of this Agreement or noting any changes thereto. (7) Agreements/Easements. The Agreements and Easements identified in Paragraphs 9 and 10 of this Agreement. (8) Other Documents. All other documents reasonably determined by either party and the title insurance company to be necessary to transfer and provide title insurance for the Property. B. At the Closing, Buyer shall execute and deliver to Seller the following: (1) Plat. The Plat and all documents required for the recording of the Plat. 8 222220v7 (2) Agreements/Easements. The Agreements and Easements identified in Paragraphs 9 and 10. (3) Other Documents. All documents reasonably determined by either party and the title insurance company to be necessary to provide title insurance for the Property. (4) Purchase Price. Payment of the Purchase Price. 14. CLOSING COSTS. The costs relating to the closing of this transaction shall be paid as follows: A. Buyer shall pay: (1) Costs of title insurance commitment. (2) Recording fee for the Limited Warranty Deed; (3) Closing fees; (4) The premium for owner's title insurance, including survey coverage, if requested by Buyer; (5) State deed tax; (6) Conservation fee attributable to said deed; (7) The cost of engineers or other consultants, if any, engaged by Buyer; (8) All costs related to obtaining the agreements and approvals under Paragraph 9 and 10 of this Agreement; (9) Costs for Buyer's attorney fees related to this transaction; (10) Costs for Seller's attorney fees related to this transaction. 15. CONDEMNATION. If, prior to closing, any part of the Property is condemned or appropriated by a public authority (other than Buyer) or any party exercising the right of eminent domain, then this Agreement, at the election of either Buyer or Seller, may be terminated by written notice to the other party and neither party shall have any obligations to the other except as to those obligations which specifically survive termination. Should the parties elect not to terminate this Agreement, the Purchase Price shall be reduced by the amount of any compensation actually received by Seller from the condemnor and/or insurance policy, as applicable. 16. DEFAULT. A. Default by Bum. If Buyer defaults under this Agreement, Seller shall have the right as its sole and exclusive remedy to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Buyer. Upon such termination, and Buyer and Seller will have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except those rights and obligations that expressly survive such termination. The termination of this Agreement will be the sole remedy available to Seller for such default by Buyer, and Buyer will not be liable for damages or specific performance. B. Default by Seller. If Seller defaults under this Agreement, Buyer shall have the right as its sole and exclusive remedy to terminate this Agreement by giving written notice to Seller. Upon such termination, and Buyer and Seller will have no further rights or obligations under this Agreement, except those rights and obligations that expressly survive such termination. 9 222220v7 The termination of this Agreement will be the sole remedy available to Buyer for such default by Seller, and Seller will not be liable for damages or specific performance. 17. TERMINATION. Either party may terminate this agreement by notice to the other party up to the Closing Date and the parties agree to thereafter execute a Cancellation of Purchase Agreement. 18. BROKERS. Each party represents and warrants to the other that there are no brokers involved in this transaction. Seller shall indemnify, defend and hold Buyer harmless from any claims for fees or commissions made upon Buyer by any broker representing Seller if other than the broker disclosed herein. Buyer shall indemnify, defend and hold Seller harmless from any claims for fees and/or commissions made upon Seller by any broker representing Buyer if other than the broker disclosed herein. The provisions of this Paragraph 17 shall survive Closing or termination of this Agreement. 19. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE; CALCULATION OF TIME PERIODS. Time is of the essence for all provisions of this Agreement. Unless otherwise specifically provided herein, in computing any period of time described in this Agreement, the day of the act or event after which the designated period of time begins to run is not to be included and the last day of the period so computed is to be included, unless such last day is a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday under the laws of the State of Minnesota, in which event the period shall run until the end of the next day which is neither a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. The final day of such period shall be deemed to end at 5:00 p.m., Central Standard Time. 20. SURVIVAL. Except as expressly set forth herein, no warranties, representations, covenants, obligations or other agreements contained in this Agreement shall survive the Closing. 21. RECITALS. The Recitals are hereby incorporated as a material part of this Agreement with the same force and effect as if restated in full in this Paragraph. 22. CAPTIONS. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. 23. ENTIRE AGREEMENT; MODIFICATION. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements between the parties regarding the Property. There are no verbal agreements that change this Agreement and no waiver of any of its terms will be effective unless in a writing executed by the parties. 24. BINDING EFFECT; NO WAIVERS. This Agreement binds and benefits the parties and their heirs, representatives, successors and assigns. The waiver by either party hereto of any condition or the breach of any term, covenant or condition herein contained shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any other condition or of any subsequent breach of the same or of any other term, covenant or condition herein contained. Buyer, in its sole discretion may waive any right conferred 10 222220v7 upon Buyer by this Agreement; provided that such waiver shall only be made by Buyer giving Seller written notice specifically describing the right waived. 25. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement has been entered into in the State of Minnesota and shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. 26. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN SELLER AND BUYER. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as creating a joint venture between the Seller and Buyer or any relationship other than that of seller and buyer. 27. NOTICES. All notices and demands given or required to be given by any parry hereto to any other party shall be deemed to have been properly given if and when delivered in person, sent by facsimile (with verification of receipt) or three (3) business days after having been deposited in any U.S. Postal Service and sent by registered or certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows (or sent to such other address as any party shall specify to the other parry pursuant to the provisions of this Paragraph): TO SELLER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: with copy to: Campbell Knutson, P.A. Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, MN 55121 Attn: Monticello City Attorney TO BUYER: Attn: With a copy to: Attn: 28. COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in one or more counterparts each of which when so executed and delivered shall be an original, but together shall constitute one and the same instrument. (SIGNATURES ARE ON THE FOLLOWING PAGE) 11 222220v7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Buyer has executed this Agreement the day of , 2022. THE ROBBINS LIVING TRUST DATED AUGUST 23, 2017. Its Trustee Its Trustee 12 222220v7 [print name] [print name] IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Seller has executed this Agreement the day of , 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO LM 13 222220v7 M Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Rachel Leonard, City Clerk EXHIBIT "A" TO PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN Des rrption Sketch lar 1W Ohara MY a ter, MN Pisrce� A ?_I awes r �{ �ropo3�ed �arcer 8 � 4. i acnes r } k.a'alYta JFrerh ia.. cfvl.ae Je- r'PJ µ 'rtl F-LIW_I�� . ar ..� {y{Ya4T ra aL�x��l •p}7. , �+ � Nye+ Hafu1{a �+Y• v t�s'�ir?3� xY � R�r fe-r a`*'Q rc wawa r W rrY'sf N rvi •+. u+{ a�xh-cxi m Fa. r' f.' ragwi a :awe. rA r.i rin-.s...r �yva�ena� icr rarrr v a.r iexa..ruJ er n. a.0 rc.n ak. exr N iec 3, rer:. �+ea.e i+ ny.r u nth . - a . ro r a rani +•a N rw 'J�•a•+� +rr rte•+T"`P a �rac� h3�� t iw ^nkk4ry v Jk ha araex}faai w aa:p Ya�.wo fr .on h A'�ni�acara rra Jw .r..} N�ic ti r +• aa+��arR �a--rrr s, br+.7 Paar1 -w wAr�erJ n , na d,"A— s.Ja J.. b 14 222220v7 yry� 1 X Description Sketch for o lW Ohana SCALE: I�� = 50 of Outlot B, JEFFERSON COMMONS in rc U City of Monticello, Wright County, MNLd II S 890/7'09" E 0041, �/QST Exis tin a Property Description for PID 155-164-000020: Outlot B, JEFFERSON COMMONS, according to the record plat in Wright County, Minnesota. Proposed Property Description for Parcel A That part of Outlot B, JEFFERSON COMMONS, according to the record plat in Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Outlot B; thence South 27 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds West, along the northwest line of said Outlot B, a distance of 163.30 feet to the point of beginning of the line being described; thence South 62 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 295.96 feet, more or less, to the southeast line of said Outlot B and terminating said line. Proposed Property Description for Parcel B That part of Outlot B, JEFFERSON COMMONS, according to the record plat in Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the most northerly corner of said Outlot B; thence South 27 degrees 32 minutes 57 seconds West, along the northwest line of said Outlot B, a distance of 163.30 feet to the point of beginning of the line being described; thence South 62 degrees 29 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 295.96 feet, more or less, to the southeast line of said Outlot B and terminating said line. w F - Q 0 �o W Z Survey Notes: 1. This sketch was performed without the benefit of a title report. No search for restrictions or easements was made by the surveyor 2. The descriptions are being provided for work in preparing documents. No subdivision of land will happen until plat approval and the final plat is recorded. J. This sketch is being provided do identify proposed descriptions for the future subdivision. No new PIDS will be created with the descriptions being pro vided. Z L O O Li O 5 Z M avow � DE N L o O L a� C Z Z3 (D +, O S E 1` a U En L OJ N C m _ O � O ? •� C O N a -0C C: N 0 O O�aJv NO -0( .- v) (D 00q) Q) -0O N Survey Notes: 1. This sketch was performed without the benefit of a title report. No search for restrictions or easements was made by the surveyor 2. The descriptions are being provided for work in preparing documents. No subdivision of land will happen until plat approval and the final plat is recorded. J. This sketch is being provided do identify proposed descriptions for the future subdivision. No new PIDS will be created with the descriptions being pro vided. Z N Li O N M� Z 00 00 00 o� n M N W 'Ln " ZI p W �� W Hr W Y W W _ M n (.D N O z Z w 00 M Z Fh W 0o 1� ♦A >-w a>Z �cNo ♦R ♦A �� UN v af U)WZ Q�cMo MO -,qI QJ0, (0 r, >Q of W 1 SHEET NO. OF SHEETS 1 5W Doc. No. A 925026 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA Certified Filed and/or Recorded on 08-30-2004 at 04:00 Check #: 6981 Fee: $ 19.50 Payment Code 02 Addl. Fee Larry A. Unger, County Recorder AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT ("Agreement') is executed this /-3day of July, 2004, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and MULLER FAMILY THEATRES OF MONTICELLO, LLC, a Mirmesota Limited Liability Company ("Muller"). RECITALS A. City is the owner of those certain parcels of real property situated in Wright County, Mimiesota, legally described as Outlots B and C, JEFFERSON COMMONS (referred to as "Outlot B" and "Outlet C" respectively). B. Muller is the owner of that certain parcel of real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS (referred to as the "Theatre Lot'). Muller is also the owner of that certain parcel of real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described as Outlot G, JEFFERSON COMMONS (referred to as "Outlot G"). C. City and Muller desire to create certain easements over portions of the above- described parcels. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the forgoing recitals, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and obligations herein set forth, and for one dollar and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree to the terms and conditions hereof. ARTICLE I GRANT OF EASEMENTS Section 1.01. Pylon Sign Easement. City hereby grants and conveys to Muller, for the benefit of the Theatre Lot, a pennanent easement to construct, operate and maintain a pylon sign, including the right to install, operate, repair and maintain utility lines necessary to operate the pylon sign. The pylon sign presently is or will be located within the northerly 25 feet of the easterly 25 of Outlot B, but the sign easement premise6ois l ni'tWertrto the five foot area LLO 200 South Sixth Street Suite 1300 113039 1 Minneapolis, MN 55402 MJF, 7/12/2004 CD surrounding the actual location of the pylon sign (the "Sign Easement Premises"). Muller may construct a two-sided, lighted steel and rock faced integral colored block pylon sign conforming to the dimensions depicted on Exhibit A hereto. City shall have the right to place its own "Commuter Park & Ride" sign on the pylon sign, in the location depicted on Exhibit A hereto. Muller shall not change the design or appearance of the pylon sign without City's prior written consent, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed, provided, however, that all such changes comply with the City's sign ordinance, as amended from time to time. Muller shall be solely responsible for all costs of designing, constructing, operating and maintaining the pylon sign, provided, however, that City shall pay its proportionate share of placing its own "Commuter Park & Ride" sign on the pylon sign. Muller shall maintain the pylon sign, including related landscaping, illumination and irrigation, if any, in good order, condition and repair, in accordance with governmental regulations and the standards of maintenance followed in other comparable retail centers of similar size in the metropolitan area where the Theatre Lot is located. The easement granted in Section 1.01 shall include the right of access across the paved portion of Outlot B to the Sign Easement Premises in order to operate, maintain and repair the pylon sign. In addition, City grants Muller an easement for utility lines necessary to operate the pylon sign. The utility easement premises shall be located within an area lying within 2.5 feet on either side of the actual location of the utility lines installed on the unpaved portion of Outlot B which provide service to the pylon sign, but not including any area of Outlot B which lies within any utility and drainage easements as dedicated on the plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS. Upon request from City, Muller agrees to execute an amendment to this Agreement to specifically describe the location of the utility easement premises. Section 1.02. Reciprocal Parking Easement. City hereby grants and conveys to Muller, for the benefit of the Theatre Lot and for the use by Muller and its respective employees, agents, customers, guests, licensees, invitees, mortgagees, successors and assigns, a non- exclusive permanent easement for the parking of vehicles on, over and across the improvements now or hereafter constructed and existing from time to time as parking areas within Outlot B. Muller hereby grants and conveys to City, for the benefit of Outlot B and for the use by City and its respective employees, agents, customers, guests, licensees, invitees, mortgagees, successors and assigns, a non-exclusive permanent easement for the parking of vehicles on, over and across the improvements now or hereafter constructed and existing from time to time as parking areas within the Theatre Lot. City and Muller, at their own cost and expense, shall each be responsible for all necessary maintenance and snowplowing of all parking areas located on their respective parcels. All parking areas are to be maintained in good order, condition and repair, in accordance with the standards for maintenance followed in other comparable retail centers of similar size in the metropolitan area where the Theatre Lot is located and in compliance with govenunent regulations. Section 1.03. Reciprocal Easements for Ingress, Egress and Access. City and Muller hereby grant and convey to each other permanent non-exclusive easements for the purposes of 113039 2 WE 7/12/2004 ingress, egress, passage and delivery by pedestrian and vehicular traffic (but not parking) for the benefit of Outlot C and the Theatre Lot over and across the improvements now or hereafter constructed and existing from time to time as a roadway within fifteen (15) feet on either side of the platted lot line boundary common to Outlot C and the Theatre Lot. Muller shall be responsible for the actual construction of the roadway, in accordance with the plans and specifications developed therefore by Muller's engineer in cooperation with City's engineer, and shall be solely responsible for the cost and expense of constructing this roadway. City shall be responsible for constructing any storm sewer along or adjacent to this roadway that the City deems necessary due to the development of the Theatre Lot and/or Outlot C. City shall be solely responsible for the cost and expense of constructing such storm sewer and shall not assess the Theatre Lot for any cost and expense incurred by City in connection with the installation and construction of said storm sewer. Muller, at its sole cost and expense, may choose to install a water line under or adjacent to that part of the roadway located on its property (but not Outlot Q. In the event that City, or City's successors in interest to Outlot C, desire to hook into Muller's water line, City, or City's successors in interest to Outlot C, shall negotiate and pay a reasonable hook-up charge to Muller. Muller shall be solely responsible for all necessary maintenance of the roadway. The roadway is to be maintained in good order, condition and repair, in accordance with the standards for maintenance followed in other comparable retail centers of similar size in the metropolitan area where the Theatre Lot is located and in compliance with government regulations. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the obligations to maintain shall include the following as applicable: (a) The inspection, maintenance, repair and replacement of the surface and subsurface of the roadway to a smooth and evenly covered condition with a type of material at least equal to the quality of the original material so as to maintain a consistent look and aesthetic harmony within the roadway and the adjoining parking areas. This obligation includes, without limitation, the cleaning, sweeping, restriping, repairing and resurfacing of the roadway. (b) The periodic pick-up and removal of all dirt, filth, debris and refuse from the roadway. The prompt removal of snow, ice and surface waters from the roadway and the de- icing and salting of such areas. Snow shall be plowed as soon as reasonably possible after a 2 - inch accumulation occurs and plowed again as necessary to maintain less than a 2 -inch accumulation at all times. Upon cessation of the snowfall, the roadway shall be plowed reasonably close to the paved surface. As long as the City continues to own Outlot C, Muller is solely responsible for the cost and expense of maintaining the roadway. From and after the time that the City conveys Outlot C to a third party for development purposes or, if Outlot C is replatted, from and after the time that the City conveys the first lot located within Outlot C adjoining the Theatre Lot to a third party for development purposes, Muller, City and/or City's successors in interest to City's portion of the roadway identified in this Section 1.03 shall each pay their proportionate share of the costs of maintenance. Section 1.04. Reciprocal Easements for Ingress, Egress and Access. City and Muller hereby grant and convey to each other permanent non-exclusive easements for the purposes of ingress, egress, passage and delivery by pedestrian and vehicular traffic (but not parking) for the 113039 3 MJF. 7/12/2004 benefit of Outlot C and the Theatre Lot over and across the improvements now or hereafter constructed and existing from time to time as a roadway within fifteen (15) feet on either side of the platted lot line boundary common to Outlot C and Outlot G. The terms and conditions as identified in Section 1.03 of this Agreement shall apply to this easement, with the following modification: At such time as City conveys that portion of Outlot C adjoining Outlot G to a third party for development purposes, said third party shall be obligated to reimburse Muller for one- half of the actual cost incurred by Muller in constructing the roadway contemplated by this Section 1.04 only. Said third party is not obligated to reimburse Muller for the cost of constricting the roadway contemplated by Section 1.03. Actual costs of construction shall include grading, Class 5 gravel base, paving, design and engineering soft costs, and permit fees. Section 1.05. Permanent Storm Water Pond Easement. Muller hereby grants to the City a permanent easement for stonn water pond purposes over, under, on and through Outlot G, JEFFERSON COMMONS, EXCEPT the northeasterly 15 feet of said Outlot G ("Permanent Easement Premises"). The City is solely responsible for the construction, maintenance and reconstruction, and all related costs thereof, of a storm water quality treatment pond (the "Pond") within the boundaries of the Pennanent Easement Premises. Grantor, and subsequent owners of the Subject Property, shall be solely responsible for the maintenance of the Permanent Easement Premises not improved with the Pond, and shall bear all costs of such maintenance. The Permanent Easement Premises not improved with the Pond shall be maintained as a green, open area, and maintenance shall include but not be limited to mowing and weed control. ARTICLE II MISCELLANEOUS Section 2.01. Miscellaneous. (a) Captions. The paragraph headings or captions appearing in this Agreement are for convenience only, are not a part of this Agreement and are not to be considered in interpreting this Agreement. (b) Entire Agreement Modification. This written Agreement constitutes the complete agreement between the parties and supersedes any prior oral or written agreements. (c) Controls Law. This Agreement has been made under the laws of the State of Minnesota, and such laws will control its interpretation. (d) No Waiver. Neither the failure of either party to exercise any power given such party hereunder or to insist upon strict compliance by the other party with its obligations hereunder, nor any custom or practices of the parties at variance with the teens hereof constitutes a waiver of either party's right to demand exact compliance with the terns hereof. 113039 4 MJF, 7/13/2004 (e) Amendments. No amendment to this Agreement will be binding on either of the parties hereto unless such amendment is in writing and is executed by the party against whom enforcement of such amendment is sought. (f) Date for Performance. If the time period by which any right, option or election provided under this Agreement must be exercised, or by which any act required hereunder must be perfonned, expires on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday, then such time period will be automatically extended through the close of business on the next regularly scheduled business day. (g) Time is of the Essence. Time is of the essence of this Agreement and every tern and condition hereof. (h) Severability. This Agreement is intended to be performed in accordance with, and only to the extent permitted by, all applicable laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and is intended, and will for all purposes be deemed to be, a single, integrated document setting forth all of the agreements and understandings of the parties hereto, and superseding all prior negotiations, understandings and agreements of such parties. If any tenn or provision of this Agreement or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is, for any reason and to any extent, held to be invalid or unenforceable, then such term or provision will be ignored, and to the maximum extent possible, this Agreement will continue in full force and effect, but without giving effect to such tenn or provision. (i) No Joint Venture. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed to make the parties hereto partners or joint venturers or render either party liable for the debts or obligations of the other. 0) Binding Effect. This Agreement shall be binding upon and inure to the benefit of the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. [The remainder of this page has been left blank intentionally. Signature pages follow. 113039 5 MJF. 7/12/2004 SIGNATURE PAGE TO AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, as of the day and year first hereinabove written, the parties have executed this Agreement. CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: r1 %, Bruce Trhhielen, Mayor AND Rick Wolfstell , City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this �� day of � 6 -j_, , 2004, by Bruce Thielen and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Adx—fhrmn�istrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public 113039 MJF, 7/12/2004 rHP: '/ pU6LIC—MINNESOTA fdy Comm. Expires Jan. 31, 200.5 ■wrrwv 113039 MJF, 7/12/2004 SIGNATURE PAGE TO AGREEMENT IN WITNESS WHEREOF, as of the day and year first hereinabove written, the parties have executed this Agreement. MULLER FAMILY THEATRES OF MONTICELLO, LLC BY: Michael S. Muller, Chief Manager STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF /2novy t ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this /✓ day of 2004, by Michael S. Muller, the Chief Manager of MULLER FAMILY IEA-FVES OF MONTICELLO, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company, on behalf of said li nited ?lability company. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON, Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, MN 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 113039 MJF, 7/12/2004 ronyh.ea�ie,�vvt^v�srs�,�.�n.+er'vannsw�u ■ P,4t1 ' t�Fl®T NOTARY P1,11 .0 -MINNESOTA my COmmlOmnn "yup ron'W. 31 2006 r,,u,,� A4V1 MAA A Alawrens -1 I L EXHIBIT A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF PYLON SIGN -4' 10'-0" 1'-4" 2'-8" 1_ L 2'-0" SITE PYLON SIGN 113039 MJF, 7113/2004 MON ICELLO THEATRE 0 Eg CTRONIC READER T BOARD PARK A D RIDE LOT (V s 1/4" = 1'-0" 925026 BACKLIT BOX SIGN PREFINISHED METAL COLUMN COVERS INTEGRAL COLORED CONCRETE BLOCK BASE City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2Q. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-126 calling for a public hearing on December 12, 2022 for vacation of a drainage and utility easements as legally described for Outlot B, Jefferson Commons and Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 1St Addition. Annlicant: Citv of Monticello and Robbins Living Trust Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director 11/14/22 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-126 calling for a public hearing on December 12, 2022, for vacation of a drainage and utility easement as legally described for Outlot B, Jefferson Commons, and Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 1St Addition. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to call for a public hearing for the vacation of drainage and utility easements within Outlot B of Jefferson Commons and Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 1st Addition for purposes of replatting of these areas as Jefferson Commons 4t" Addition. The replatting is proposed to accommodate a subdivision of a portion of the outlot for combination with the current Lot 2, facilitating more efficient use of Lot 2 for future commercial development. The City of Monticello is the owner of Outlot B, Jefferson Commons and Robbins Living Trust is the owner of the Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 1St Addition parcel. In authorizing calling for the public hearing, the Council is acting as the petitioner for vacation of the drainage and utility easements over Outlot B. Robbins Living Trust submitted a petition for the vacation of the noted easements within Lot 2. Drainage and utility easements along the plat perimeter, internal lot lines and as required for stormwater and utility purposes will be re-established within the proposed plat of Jefferson Commons 4t" Addition. In addition, any other easements necessary to protect utility lines until their relocation with development will be re-established either via plat or separate agreement. The City Engineer's office and Community Development Department will continue to review the proposed Jefferson Commons 4t" Addition preliminary and final plat to verify all required public easements for drainage and utility purposes are in place. Procedurally, Council must call for a public hearing to consider the vacation. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 Statute requires two weeks between the publication of notices and the public hearing itself. Council should therefore call for the public hearing for consideration of the vacations to be placed on the December 12, 2022, City Council agenda. This consideration is intended to coincide with the review of the final plat by the City Council. City staff has prepared and will send the notices to be published in the Monticello Times and sent to affected property owners. Budget Impact: Robbins Living Trust has submitted the required vacation petition filing fee and escrow to cover the notice and review expenses. II. Staff Workload Impact: Workload impact is expected at approximately 10-20 hours for review and recommendation on the vacation requests and platting. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 plan guides the subject plat areas for Regional Commercial development. The proposed plat is intended to support commercial site development. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adoption of the resolution and calling for the public hearing. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-126 B. Vacation Petition C. Easement Exhibits —Plats of Jefferson Commons and Jefferson Commons 1St Addition D. Proposed Preliminary and Final Plat, Jefferson Commons 4th Addition CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-126 RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON VACATING DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AS LEGALLY DESCRIBED FOR OUTLOT B, JEFFERSON COMMONS AND LOT 2, BLOCK 1, JEFFERSON COMMONS 11T ADDITION WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 4152.851, after two (2) weeks published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation; and WHEREAS, a public hearing is being called on the vacation of drainage and utility easements for purposes of replatting within the plat of Jefferson Commons and Jefferson Commons 1St Addition, Monticello, Minnesota as legally described below on Monday, December 12, 2022, at 6:30 PM at the Monticello City Hall: All of the utility and drainage easements across and within Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 1" Addition, and All of the utility and drainage easements across and within Outlot B, Jefferson Commons NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. The Council will consider the vacation of such easements and a public hearing shall be held on such proposed vacation on the 12th day of December, 2022, before the City Council in the Council Chambers located at the Monticello Community Center at 6:30 p.m. 2. The City Clerk is hereby directed to give published, posted, and mailed notice of such hearing as required by law. ADOPTED BYthe City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk € ITY Ur CITY OF MONTICELLO Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 (763) 295-2711 • info&ci.monticello.mn.us Vacation Petition I am the fee title owner of the described property and I agree to this application. I certify that I am in compliance with all ordinance requirements and conditions regarding other City approval that have been previously granted. I have completed all of the applicable filing requirements and I hereby acknowledge that I have read and fully understand the applicable provisions of the City Ordinances and current policies related to this request and that the documents and information I have submitted are true and correct. I also acknowledge the Fees & Escrow Purpose explanation below and hereby agree to pay all statements received pertaining to additional petition expense and City review. Printed Name/Title: Daniel Thomas Robbins as Trustee of Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017 (Signature) (Date)U v / Purpose of Fees & Escrow Fees: The fees are used for publication of the public hearing notice in the Monticello Times, for postage to mail the required notice to adjacent properties as outlined by ordinance or statute and recording fees. Escrow: The City uses escrow deposits for staff and consultant time for case review and preparation of documents related to the application or petition. This may include engineering, legal, planning, and environmental consultation. Should the original escrow be exceeded, the applicant or responsible party will be billed for all additional services. It is the policy of the City of Monticello to require petitioners for vacation approvals to reimburse the City for costs incurred in reviewing and acting upon applications, so that these costs are not borne by the taxpayers of the City. These costs include all the City's out-of-pocket costs for expenses, including the City's costs for review of the application by the City's staff, Consulting Engineer, Consulting Planner, City Attorney, or other consultants. The City will invoice the petitioner for these costs within 3 months of final action on the application and payment will be due within thirty (30) days. If payment is not received as required by this agreement, the City will proceed on action to assess or lien. Payment of costs will be required whether the application is granted or denied. DATE: NQ v' %. ! C) '11 PETITION TO VACATE EASEMENTS TO: City Cleric City of Monticello To Whom it may Concern: Daniel Thomas Robbins as a Trustee of the Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017, fee title property owner of Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 1st Addition, Wright County, Minnesota (XXXX Deegan Ave), petitions on behalf of the fee title property owner for vacation of all of the utility and drainage easements located on Lot 2, Block 1 Jefferson Commons 1st Addition. Legal description: All of the utility and drainage easements across and within Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons 1st Addition, Wright County, Minnesota Thank You,- Property ou, Property Owner's Signature KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota to wit: That part of sections 14 and 15, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the Southwest corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 15; thence North along the West line of the said Southeast Quarter, 1170.18 feet; thence East parallel with the South line of the said Southeast Quarter, 723.00 feet to the actual point of beginning; thence continue East parallel with the said South line, 1669.49 feet to the Westerly right of way line of Minnesota Trunk Highway No. 25; thence Northeasterly deflecting 63 degrees 11 minutes 30 seconds left along the said right of way line, 611.21 feet; thence continue Northeasterly along the said right of way line along a tangential curve, concave to the Northwest having a central angle of 8 degrees 52 minutes 24 seconds and a radius of 5745.44 feet, a distance of 889.79 feet; thence continue Northeasterly along the said right of way line tangent to the last described curve a distance of 54:42 feet to a line parallel with and distant 66.00 feet South of the North line of the Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 14; thence West along the said parallel line, 441.10 feet to the West line of said Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter; thence continue West parallel with the North line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 15, 66.00 feet; thence North parallel with the East line of the said Southeast Quarter. 66.00 feet to the North line of the said Southeast Quarter; thence West along the North line of the said Southeast Quarter, 1807.60 feet to a line parallel with and distant 723.00 feet East of the West line of the said Southeast Quarter; thence South along the said parallel line, 1478.51 feet to the point of beginning, including therein Lot A of the Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25. Except that part platted as Groveland 4th Addition and also except that part platted as Prairie Ponds, according to the recorded plats thereof in said County. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as JEFFERSON COMMONS and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the thoroughfares and the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness whereof, said City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this,A day of Avgvs�- , 2004. 72 Bruce Thielen, Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF BY: lit Rick Wolfstell(?q, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this2j,�a _day of ���;�s� , 2004 by Bruce Thielen, Mayor, and Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation on behalf of the corporation. \- v, . 'On. Notary Public, °County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: ., - N M. GROSSINGERjL�D RY PUSLICMINNESOTACOMM EXP 011312005 OFF IC 1 PL jEFFERSONCOffffONS I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as JEFFERSON COMMONS, that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown in feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown or will be placed as required by the local governmental unit, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on said plat and that there are no wet lands as defined by MS 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shown. Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 22703 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 9Ack!yeze The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this Z*5 day of A-.-nrrs�- 2004 by Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 22703. .. DEAW MOE LESEMAy 0ptAp PUP C-V2WSOTA NC�Y��nJqa1.20C5 Notary Public, County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: o&ni)og- Ori F'\�2 b�• C1.)t`c-.Me.(,c.AaA Par-�hexs Ale_ LUC_ ., - .> . PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held thisi'`� day of-:y,,\u , 2004. r By: Chairman CITY COUNCIL This plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd,2, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this_c day of 2004. BY:��"�, Bruce Thielen, Mayor COUNTY SURVEYOR BY: Rick WolfstelYer, City Administrator Examined and recommended for approval this 2.n day of 19kqas , 2004. Counly Surveyor, Wright County, Minnesota COUNTY AUDITOR Taxes paid for all years through year aoo3 and transfer entered this 3o °qday of , 2004. By: County Auditor, Wright County, Minnesot COUNTY TREASURER I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year aoosl on lands herein described are paid this aL day of Aum, 2004. By. County Treasurer, Wright Count ,Min esota COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record this 30* day ofAua�t ,2004, at o'clock P .M., and was du y recorded in Cabinet (o , Sleeve Jc0/0 ,as Document Number 9, soaS . By: I/VI!'^.l County Recorder, 43y$D Cy 4' &98/ .> - unty, Minnesota A WSB SfIE�'TIOFZSI�E�'TS 0 f 1 . \ \ \ \ \ \ \ �i Lo 1n U -) N N 1 4 n 723.00 \\ 1 r-------\ / -- I \ / r, --N J \ <' -WEST TINE OF THE S£ 1/4 - / - SW COR OF THE SE 1/4 SEC 15 I f ®FFIC IPL APir iffiFERSONCOMMONS \ \ \ \ \ / I• 4! I 1 `I I/F- I - ; ^\` \ I I `I / 1 F ;_11 I \I I `III I -r WEST 1/4 COR OF SEC 14 \ \•i l• \ \ ^:: �`.,/ - / N4*08'37"WI L - 1 / .. .� / � f15 EAST-WEST OOARTER UN£1024.93(M EAS) I `NORTH UNE (7F R/E NE 1/4 OFI7NE SE 1/4 OF SEC 15, T 121, R 25 4 OF SEC 14, T 121, R. 25 1024.72(PLAT) 14 I I / L=543.96 I 2S6SR R=760.00 / P, 41'00 31 I �'970, � 1171. �Ati�cgs�y l � 56,99 p L-220.24 / / '23'02 46-R_ A 17'57•45 0250 n SSSS hryh^� I l 7ZO 9sJ 53 266; 4•E4/ 9 1+4, r0`t2 =1349'506. \ 40 94 40 I2ry ^ 523'35'32'E�A) _ / 3677 d aryl / R91JE 0 ,p/^ 1VL CIO* OUTLOT AI F / i GRAPHIC SCALE 0 so ;oo N C5 C"i / I / l 1 `\EO / DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS: 1 \ / BEING 6 FEET IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING LOT LINES, AND 12' IN WIDTH, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED, AND ADJOINING PLAT AND oN I RIGHT OF WAY LINES, AS SHOWN ON THE PLAT. L THIS PLAT THE NORTH OF FOR THE PURPOSES OF LINE THE NE 1/4 OF THE SE 1/4 OF SEC. 15, T.121, R. 25 IS ASSUMED TO BEAR N89'08'37"W DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT 63'11'30"(DEED) / L______________ ata to ______________— J/ 44.82 4483 \ .- ;.- ',� 63'0842 MEAS (MEAS) / 0 DENOTES 1/2"x 14" IRON MONUMENT TO BE SET WITHIN J. � 331.60 \ �_, "� 1 ONE YEAR OF RECORDING OF THE PLAT. S89'17/09" E THE �tJNE ,�� / Y: \ \ / / 01 DENOTES FOUND WRIGHT COUNTY CAST IRON MONUMENT 1669.68(MEAS) sour O `, \ / 1669.49(DEED) SOUTHEAST QUARTER \ \ / G ^r DENOTES ACCESS CONTROL /% / WSB SH�FT2 OFZSfI�BTS ., - ., - OFFICIAL &AT thFFFERSONCOdlr/10NSFIIES'TADDITION KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation under the laws of'the State of Minnesota, fee owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota to wit: Outlot A, JEFFERSON COMMONS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. And also that part of Oulot D, JEFFERSON COMMONS, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the most northerly corner of said Outlot D; thence South 21 degrees 29 minutes 34 seconds East, assumed bearing along a northeasterly line of said Outlot D, along a line to be hereinafter referred to as line "A", 228.34 feet, to a northeasterly comer of said Outlot D; thence South 64 degrees 15 minutes 49 seconds East, along a northeasterly line of said-Outlot D, along a line to be hereinafter referred to as line "B", 529.77 feet, to the northeasterly comer of said Outlot D; thence South 29 degrees 09 minutes 40 seconds West, along an easterly line of said Outlot D, 92.73 feet; thence South 00 degrees 10 minutes 13 seconds West, along the easterly line of said Outlot D, 212.33 feet, to the southeast corner of said Outlot D; thence North 89 degrees 17 minutes 09 seconds West, along the south line of said Outlot D, 374.02 feet; thence North 00 degrees 10 minutes 13 seconds East, 443.75 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 42.00 feet southwesterly of said above reference line "B"; thence North 64 degrees 15 minutes 49 seconds West, along said line drawn parallel with and distant 42.00 feet southwesterly of said above reference line "B", 101.89 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 42.00 feet southwesterly of said above reference line "A", and its southeasterly extension thereof; thence North 21 degrees 29 minutes 34 seconds West, along said line drawn parallel with and distant 42.00 feet southwesterly of said above reference line "A", 245.78 feet, to the northerly line of said Outlot D; thence northeasterly along said northerly line of Outlot D, 42.02 feet, to the point of beginning. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION and does hereby donate and dedicate to the public for public use forever the easements as shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes only. In witness -whereof, said City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officers this QS+"` day of ; , 2005. BY:� BY: Clint Herbst, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF �o rwhi The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this a5t K day of a p... 1 , 2005 by Clint Herbst, Mayor, and Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public, W h+ County, Minnesota My Commission Expires: 1. ao to DAWN M. GROSSINGER NOTARY Roo - MNNIESOTA NyCW9*WME.piaJm 31,2010 -101 . . - I hereby certify that I have surveyed and platted the property described on this plat as JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION, that this plat is a correct representation of said survey, that all distances are correctly shown in feet and hundredths of a foot, that all monuments have been correctly placed in the ground as shown or will be placed as required by the local governmental unit, that the outside boundary lines are correctly designated on said plat and that there are no wet lands as defined by MS 505.02, Subd. 1 or public highways to be designated other than as shown. Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 22703 STATE OF MINNESOTA COUNTY OF 5"uate The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this_1j_day of dgri l , 2005 by Steven V. Ische, Land Surveyor, Minnesota License No. 22703. Notary Public, 9hrr6,� My Commission Expires: ®MANNA MARIE LESekto NDTAFI� "Pf rr.Ul W EWTA j �/.pfy08..Jea 31,2810 2 PLANNING COMMISSION This plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION was approved by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this l�day of —A , 2004. 1 By: Chairman CITY COUNCIL This plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION was approved and accepted in compliance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd,2, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota at a regular meeting held this_2�day of AQr11 , 2005. BY: Clint Herbst, Mayor COUNTY SURVEYOR BY -Qo Rick Wolfsteller City Administrator Examined and recommended for approval this i7 lay of duke _County, Minnesota By; to Coun Surveyor, Wright County, Minnesota COUNTY AUDITOR Taxes paid for all years through year aooy and transfer entered this g�day of T n e_ , 2005.- By: County Auditor, Wright County, Minn sota COUNTY TREASURER .I hereby certify that taxes payable in the year aoos on lands herein described are'paid thisa/f day of 3,�„# , 2005. By: a yV ,,,p„L /a” a County Trea rer, Wright County, nines a COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder for record this;a� day of tg&& ,2005, at 114.00 o'clock A M., and was duly recorded in Cabinet to , Sleeve 1718 ,as Document Number qt yn-7& . By: County Record r, WrightCounty, Minnesota ,*3yso ck 19 gamy - - 2005. WSB a �o«& Sf�FBTIOF2.SI�BBTS �r.►i� r n� Pfi .wr . Preliminary Plat of Proposed Plat Description: Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota. (PID: 155-176-001020) AND Outlot B, Jefferson Commons, Wright County, Minnesota. (PID: 155-164-000020) SOILS CHART JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION Map symbol Hydrologic Water table & soil name group depth (in) 406: Dorset sandy loam, 0 to 2 percent slopes B >80 (ENTIRE SITE) Denotes gas service I SCHOOL BLVD * Data from USDA Web Soil Survey Block Lot Total Lot Area (Ac) 1 1 3.80 Outlot A 1,72 I hereby certify that a boundary survey has been completed for the preliminary plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION, Wright County, Minnesota. Signed: Shannon S. Bollman Date: 10/11/22 Lic. No. 44360 Surveyors Notes: I. This survey was performed without the benefit of a title report. No search for easements or restrictions was made by the surveyor. 2. An official wet/and delineation was not requested or performed. J. Utilities shown per Gopher State One Call Ticket No. 222700945. Not all utilities may have been located. 4. Subject property NOT within a flood plain district as mapped by FEMA or part of the shore/and district. 5. Contours were created by using RTK GPS Methods. 6. Perimeter Drainage and Utility Easements dedicated on plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FIRST ADDITION shall be vacated prior to recording of the final plat. A new perimeter Drainage and Utility Easement will be dedicated on subject plot. 7. Pylon Sign Easement per Doc No 925026 does not provide a description for the confinement of the Sign Easement Premises. Instead it lists the Sign Easement Premises as being limited to the 5 foot area around the existing sign. The document also notes the Sign Easement Premises shall be located within an area /ging 2.5 feet on either side of the utility lines installed. Said line was not marked by the GSOC ticket listed above. & Doc No 925026 notes a reciprocal parking easement within Outlot B for the benefit of Lot 1, Block 2, JEFFERSON COMMONS X 0 50 (SCALE IN FEET) SCALE: I INCH = 50 FEET VICINITY MAP Sec. 14 & 15, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN I II cT I IpEEGPN HAYWARD CTS ■ Denotes catch basin MM Denotes mailbox a plastic plug Denotes electric service cs Denotes gas service I SCHOOL BLVD Denotes gas marker ® Denotes fiber optic marker Denotes found Denotes sanitary manhole N Denotes watervalve PK nail Denotes sign � 2 ! Denotes guy wire MT Denotes telephone pedestal ® Denotes electric meter ❑1v Denotes cable television box I Denotes fiber optic service box X I II --J NO SCALE East Quarter Corner of Sec. 15 West Quarter Corner of Sec. 14 Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN 15 114 ) K Found Mag Nail STMH \ Rim=966.3/ W-958.56 �I S-955.0/ / A \ N-954.99 1 E-957.06 IP /2„ PID 155-176-00/0/0 _ / J PROP -2 LLC Ope\ / ,�� �3�� 01, Ole \ \ rr+ /c �� /,/,/ %/ vFFFFS \ /P %2" 22703O/V /P %2 San MH - - - � / 22703 / / 00\\ ***D onnpl t o f Jtility Easement EFFERSON COMMONSa ted 900/7/041 \ \ 7439 / Rim=967.64 ft Q FIRST ADDITION within Lot 2, Block l 2 % �1 N-953.38 ft / /` will be vacated prior to plat recording*** rn 0 / o' S-953.42 ft / I / \oc, F� PID 155-192-00/0/0 / �%/ / /' N �', aqi Spirit Master Funding LLC / � -S, I PID: 155-176-001020 3 / 4:.) NIA 4� / W � STMH I /, /♦ A A A A /, A / /� I IP /2 / V E/ev=9oo.o1--, / / / / /v/ /v/ / / / / L Open m / o N-956.4.. . / / / ./ / Y __ concrete S-956.76 I / O� / I 41 I E-96/.46 - / _ ry'`"� j/l W-956.55/ STMH RIM=968.76 W-96/.77 S -96L76 Lot 1 I o Area: 3.80'/- Ac. �• I / i A r V / / - /Fi / `ti'Q / A 1 / / STMH oIP Rim=969.24 v a ` 0 en / / N-963.64 Block 1 a� p /\ SE -963.56- \ 406 SMFh S�, A r, r, / i- / /, A 5954.19 ` I / OF/i o� / / / �t/owe o \ torr �� % /- Drainage & Utility Easement �� / c1f / it (Per JEFFERSON COMMONS (� \ Project BM: \ / / Q, / , F'QSON FIRST ADDITION E/ev 972.54 ft �/ ") i C'O F I /pS, (To Be Vacated) STMH \ \ �� o�ry / / i r / Y E/ev=969.99 Y' ,,' eri sti° ate N-957.68 r" <\\ S-957.98 S%q,� S fooe�e� Ooo meq % Q�c�/ s'es `-1 ONE % \ 92502s \ / / oN T \ S / / 1 lP /2 CITY OF MONT/CELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MN LEGEND: © Denotes gas meter ■ Denotes catch basin MM Denotes mailbox a plastic plug Denotes electric service cs Denotes gas service n Denotes gas marker ® Denotes fiber optic marker Denotes found Denotes sanitary manhole N Denotes watervalve PK nail Denotes sign Denotes power pole E-- Denotes guy wire MT Denotes telephone pedestal ® Denotes electric meter ❑1v Denotes cable television box Fc Denotes fiber optic service box Denotes fiber optic vault ® Denotes electric vault Denotes hydrant * Denotes light pole Denotes tree, coniferous Cal Denotes tree, deciduous c0" Denotes shrub/bush 22703 LS 22703 Denotes Steven /sche, LS LS 7439 Denotes Robert Rohlin, LS Denotes bituminous surface / / � / � �� \ � � eosees ,00 \ • a °a Denotes concrete surface ,I \ r \ �� 0�� uT - Denotes underground telephone \10 oH• Denotes overhead electric /CL\ oNF _ ?9s >c \ \� Fc Denotes underground fiber optics CB \ \ L=968.89 / �O� / A ` <', / r - .96, / /� \ �� \ / / \ - - - u( Denotes underground gas line / S�455. l4 / � l� 2�0 /0 ul Denotes underground electric I Denotes tree line< W-962.2- 4, <CB-NA) Sp S/q 000Denotes easement < FL=968 >jyt e% 20 \ Denotes major con tourE-959.95 o NF\ om -10-960.09 Denotes minor contour 1 / � > - Denotes sanitary sewer 8c¢, I /� / >> - Denotes storm sewer Outlot A m� \ \ y> \ I / cy� �� i _ 7 ,No 0 / \ I - Denotes waterline Area: 1.727- Ac. / / ' �� I I o \ \ \ �Gp� Denotes existing adjoiners sBu - Denotes building setback line Denotes limited access a/ oyF Denotes soils classification type CB PID: 155-176-001020 / Muller Family Theatres /P %2" / 22703/ South Quarter Corner oT �_ Sec. 15, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN 15 Cast Iron Monument 22 T FL=966.9.. 962.52 / \ -965.47 oNF � I \ \ \ 1 oNF o \ o 1 A S line of Ou tlo t B, JEFFERSON COMMONS L/I/111 / \ \ /r r 0 F IP !12 „ Scar N 89°17'09" W 331.61 IP �2" \ \ i N \ Open / \ \ 11 43/ I5 I4A O �F \ 22+2/ /�// PID: 2/3-100-154405 \ \ a l _ Southwest Corner of Sec. 14 Dar Michele \ NF _ 'l & - - Cardinal - - - - - - 1 - - - - - Southeast Comer of Sec. /5 N 890/6'54" W 2637.53 Twp. 12/, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN GART, PEDERSON & ASSOC/ATE BO Bearings are based on the Wright County coordinate system (NAD83 86adj.). For the purpose of this survey, the East line of Section 15, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds West • Denotes found iron monument ® Denotes 142 inch x 14 inch iron monument with a plastic plug stamped R.L.S. 44360 to be set within one year of platting date Q Denotes found cast iron monument SPK Denotes found PK nail REFERENCE BENCHMARK: MnDOT Geodetic Monument stamped "Nathan 2019", east of MNTH 25, 1.8 miles south from Interstate 94. Elevation = 972.84 feet (NAVD88) PROJECT BENCHMARK: Top of hydrant on NW side of Deegan Avenue, westerly of the site. Elevation = 972.54 feet (NAVD88) DEVELOPER: IW Ohana 9950 County Road 9 Plymouth, MN 55442 OWNER: City of Monticello OWNER: The Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017 SURVEYORS & ENGINEERS: Bogart, Pederson & Associates, Inc. 13076 First Street Becker, MN 55308-9322 763-262-8822 TOTAL AREA: 5.52'/- Acres EXISTING ZONING: B-4 (Regional Business Districts) MINIMUMS: No Minimum width or depth 40 feet between entry points DENOTES BUILDING SETBACKS: Front 0 feet side 0 Feet* Rear 0 Feet *drive through lanes 6 feet off property lines Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: II s 12 s 12 ---L-- 1 1L L--- N.T.S. Being 12 feet in width and adjoining plat and right of way lines and 6 feet in width and adjoining lot lines unless otherwise shown. DATE: 10/10/22 FIELD DATE: 10/3/22 DRAWN BY: CK CHECKED BY: SSB DWG FILE: 22-0427 Prelim FILE NO: 22-0427.00 REVISIONS: 221102 add private sign easement information I hereby certify that this survey, plan, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Signed: Shannon Bollman Date: 10/20/22 Lic. No. 44360 BOGART, PEDERSON & ASSOCIATES, INC. LAND SURVEYING CIVIL ENGINEERING MAPPING 13076 FIRST STREET, BECKER, MN 55308-9322 TEL: 763-262-8822 FAX: 763-262-8844 for IW Ohana JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION City of Monticello INC, I Wright County, MN SHEET 1 OF 1 JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Outlot B, Jefferson Commons, Wright County, Minnesota And Daniel Thomas Robbins and Lynette Rhea Robbins, as Trustees of The Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017, owner of the following described property situated in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, to wit: Lot 2, Block 1, Jefferson Commons First Addition, Wright County, Minnesota Have caused the same to be surveyed and platted as JEFFERSON COMMON FOURTH ADDITION, and do hereby dedicate to the to the public for public use the drainage and utility easements as created by the plat. In witness whereof said City of Monticello, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this day of , 20 Signed: City of Monticello, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota Mayor STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF City Administrator This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by , Mayor and , City Administrator for the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public, Signature County, Minnesota My Commission Expires In witness whereof said Daniel Thomas Robbins and Lynette Rhea Robbins, as Trustees of The Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017, have hereunto set their hands this day of , 20 Daniel Thomas Robbins, Trustee of The Lynette Rhea Robbins, Trustee of The Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017 Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Daniel Thomas Robbins and Lynette Rhea Robbins, as Trustees of The Robbins Living Trust dated August 23, 2017 Notary Public, County, Minnesota Signature My Commission Expires I, Shannon Bollman, do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Shannon Bollman, Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 44360 STATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF The foregoing Surveyor's Certificate was acknowledged before me this day of 20 , by Shannon Bollman Land Surveyor, Minnesota License Number 44360. Signature Notary Public, My Commission Expires County, Minnesota CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Be it known that at a meeting held on this day of 20 , the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, did hereby review and approve this plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION Chairperson Secretary CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA This plat of JEFFERSON COMMONS FOURTH ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this day of , 20 , and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2. Mayor City Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of , 20 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of , 20 Wright County Land Records Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the Office of the County Recorder for record on this day of , 20 at o'clock —.M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve as Document No. Wright County Recorder X 0 50 (SCALE IN FEET) SCALE: I INCH = 50 FEET Bearings are based on the Wright County coordinate system (NAD83 86adj.). For the purpose of this survey, the East line of Section 15, Township 121, Range 25 is assumed to bear North 0 degrees 47 minutes 55 seconds West Drainage and Utility Easements are shown thus: II 6 12 6 112 ---�---J L--L--- N.T.S. Being 12 feet in width and adjoining street and rear lot lines and 6 feet in width and adjoining side lot lines unless otherwise shown. South Quarter Corner of Sec. 15, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN 15 Cast Iron Monument — TI \ 22, 14 �l �r -<(�y /P OpINCH 60 h 1 " � <X � � v \1 � 80 IP %2 INCH / 22703 / IP %2 INCH Scar /P %2 /N5 / n„ IP %2 INCH 2270 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MN East Quarter Corner of Sec. 15 1 West Quarter Corner of Sec. 14 I 1 T \ Twp. 12/, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN I IpEE�AN s 15 1 14 K Found Mag Nail HAYWARD I, I � I SCHO0O0 L BLVD 1 Q L--- --�-- --- I ' NO VICINITY MAP / Sec. 14 & 15, Twp. 121, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN / s IP 7CH 439 �� avi Io y h o � o Aj Z ,W /SO N 1A W /P %2" v% Open in concrete ^ I r' a o C0 /s0 I IP %2 INCH 22703 0� o'y ry I \ / ti" W// ' I • Denotes found iron monument s s me nutes men4 inch iron t (with a nch x Ipla tic plug to stamped R.L.S. 44360 to be set within one year of platting date \c2 III Outlot A O / Denotes found cast iron monument �o O OJ �� I )g(PK Denotes found PK nail GO LS 22703 Denotes Steven Ische, LS 1 LS 7439 Denotes Robert Rohlin, LS / — — — — — — Denotes easement I / 41F� I � Denotes existing adjoiners / o Denotes limited access /SO of Out/o t B, JEFFERSON COMMONS N 890/7'09" W 33/.6/ P %2 /NCH / 5 14� � \ Open \ 7 22 23j ,,,, , F- \ I — Southwest Corner of Sec. 14 _ Southeast Corner of Sec. 15 N 890/6'54" W 2637.53 Twp. 12/, Rng. 25 Wright County, MN BOGART, PEDERSON & ASSOC/ATES, INC. � City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2R. Consideration to adopt Resolution 2022-129 approving an Assignment and Assumption of Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement for Country Club Manor Second Addition to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director and 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Economic Development Manager Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt resolution 2022-129 approving an assignment and assumption of Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement for Country Club Manor Second Addition for the twinhome portion of the development to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION September 26, 2022: Approval of Final Plat and Final Stage PUD and Development Contract and PUD Agreements with Headwaters Development LLC for Country Club Manor Second Addition (including 60 dwelling units) and Country Club Manor Second Addition - Lot 1, Block 5 (102 multi -family units) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The approved Country Club Manor Second Addition plat and PUD includes the development of both 60 twinhome dwelling units and a single 102 -unit multi -family building. Two separate development contract and PUD agreements were approved by the City Council, one for each of the development components. Council is asked to consider approving an Assignment and Assumption of the Development Contract and PUD Agreement between the City and Headwaters Development LLC to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC for the twinhome portion of the Country Club Manor Second Addition plat. The Assignment document transfers the Development Contract and PUD Agreement obligations, rights and responsibilities related to the twinhome residential development to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC. Headwaters Development LLC is seeking to transfer the ownership of the twinhome portion of the development to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC for operations and management. Through a separate agreement with the new owner, Headwaters will have a City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 significant role in the site development, including individual unit construction. The Assignment is clear in that all original terms and conditions of the City' Development Contract and PUD Agreement remain unchanged, including the requirement that the units be for affordable senior housing. CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC will be required to provide all insurance, securities and escrows per the development agreement. The Assignment and Assumption document was prepared by the private parties involved in the proposed transaction and reviewed and edited by the EDA attorney and City Attorney. In a related request, the Monticello EDA was also asked to approve the Assignment and Assumption document assigning the obligations of TIF District 1-43 from Headwaters Development LLC to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC. The Assignment document will not impact the original TIF plan, as adopted, for TIF District 1-43. The assignment specifies that all terms, conditions, and requirements of the original Purchase and TIF Development Contract remain in place. Following a review on November 9, 2022, the EDA approved the assignment to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC. The Development Contract and PUD Agreement previously approved for Lot 1, Block 5 (the multi -family portion of the project) will be executed by Monticello MF West LLC. The Monticello MF West LLC entity is a wholly owned subsidiary of Headwaters LLC and per the terms of the approved Development Contract and PUD Agreement, no formal assignment approval by the Council is necessary. Monticello MF West LLC will be responsible to the terms, conditions, and requirements of the original agreement and will provide all insurance, securities and escrows per the multi -family development agreement. Development activities at the site have not commenced. Headwaters Development would like to close on the land purchase transaction with the EDA in November 2022. Headwaters will then convey the twinhome portion of the property to CHC Monticello Townhomes CHC LLC. Site development is expected to begin soon after closing. I. Budget Impact: Expenses relating to the City and EDA attorney's review are to be paid by the developer with closing or development escrows. II. Staff Workload Impact: Staff spent a considerable amount of time reviewing the proposed assignment, both at the City and EDA levels, estimated at 20 hours. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The proposed assignment does not impact the site development or intent of the original approvals, which were found to be consistent with the Monticello 2040 Plan. This project meets a specific life -cycle housing need in the community for affordable senior housing, which is further supported by the 2020 Housing Study. The proposed project also meets the Monticello 2040 goal for growing from within, as it is located on an underutilized parcel of land within the city limits. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the assignment to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC. All terms and conditions of the original Development Contract and PUD Agreement remain in place; the new owner and developer assumes all rights and responsibilities under the proposed assignment. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-129 B. Assignment and Assumption Agreement C. Development Contract and PUD Agreement — Country Club Manor Second Addition D. EDA Agenda Reference Materials E. Final Plat, Country Club Manor Second Addition CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2022-129 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT FOR COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SECOND ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Monticello, Minnesota (the "City") and Headwaters Development LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"), have previously entered into a Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement ("the Contract and Agreement") for Country Club Manor Second Addition dated September 26, 2022; and WHEREAS, (Developer) has requested City consent to an Assignment and Assumption of Contract and Agreement (the "Assignment and Assumption") to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Successor Developer"). NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota hereby approves the requested Assignment and Assumption, and authorizes the Mayor and Clerk to execute documents necessary to effectuate the Assignment and Assumption upon submission by the Successor Developer of all escrows and financial securities required under the Contract and Agreement. ADOPTED this 14th day of November 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 0 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk ASSIGNMENT AND ASSUMPTION OF DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTS November , 2022 Headwaters Development LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("Original Developer"), and the City of Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic and a political subdivision under the laws of the State of Minnesota (the "("Authority"), are the parties to the Purchase and Development Contract dated November 2022 (the "Agreement") under which Original Developer, as the "Developer", has the right to develop the property in Monticello, Minnesota that is legally described in Exhibit A to this Assignment. The property is planned to be developed as 60 rental twin home housing units for seniors with attached two -car garages. Original Developer is also the "Developer" under the Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement dated November _, 2022 (the "Development Contract") between Original Developer and the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation (the "City"), which governs the zoning and development of the twinhome project. 1. Assignment. Original Developer hereby assigns, conveys, and transfers to CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company ("New Developer"), all of Original Developer's rights, title, and interest in, to, and under: (a) the Agreement, including the right to be issued the TIF Note as identified in the Agreement subj ect to the all terms and conditions set forth therein ; (b) the Development Contract; and (c) the building permit application for the twinhome project that Original Developer submitted to the City. 2. Assumption. New Developer hereby assumes and agrees, for the benefit of Original Developer, the Authority, and the City, to perform all of the "Developer's" rights, obligations, and liabilities under the Agreement and the Development Contract, including but not limited to the Developer's obligations to deliver and perform its obligations under the "Purchase Price Note" described in Section 3.2 of the Agreement. New Developer hereby agrees to faithfully abide by, perform, and discharge each and every term, covenant, and condition of the Agreement and the exhibits thereto applicable to the "Developer" first arising from and after the date of this Assignment and to be fully bound by all of the foregoing. 3. Representations by New Developer. New Developer hereby represents to Original Developer, the Authority, and the City that New Developer is a limited liability company duly organized and in good standing under the laws of the State of Minnesota, is not in violation of any provisions of its organizational documents or the laws of the State of Minnesota, is duly authorized to transact business within Minnesota, has the power to enter into this Assignment, and has duly authorized the signing, delivery, and performance of this Assignment by proper action of its governing members. 4. Authority Consent. The Authority hereby consents to the assignment and assumption of the Agreement under this Assignment, accepts New Developer as the Developer under the Agreement, and releases Original Developer from the obligations and liabilities of the Developer under the Agreement. 1 Error! Unknown document property name. 5. City Consent. The City hereby consents to the assignment and assumption of the Development Contract and the building permit application under this Assignment, accepts New Developer as the Developer under the Development Contract and the applicant under the building permit application, and releases Original Developer from the obligations and liabilities of the Developer under the Development Contract. 6. Signing and Delivery. The parties agree that this Assignment may be signed electronically and in counterparts and may be delivered by email or other electronic transmission, and they agree to be bound by such signing and delivery. Signature Pages Follow 2 Error! Unknown document property name. Signature Page to Assignment and Assumption of Development Contracts Original Developer: Headwaters Development LLC Michael J. Hoagberg, its manager New Developer: CHC Monticello Townhomes LLC By: Name: Title: Authority: City of Monticello Economic Development Authority By: Steve Johnson, President and By: Jim Thares, Executive Director City: City of Monticello By: Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor and Rachel Leonard, City Administrator 3 Error! Unknown document property name. EXHIBIT A Legal Description of Twinhome Project Land The real property in the City of Monticello, County of Wright, State of Minnesota, legally described as follows: Lots 1-21, Block 1, Country Club Manor Second Addition Lots 1-11, Block 2, Country Club Manor Second Addition Lots 1-11, Block 3, Country Club Manor Second Addition Lots 1-21, Block 4, Country Club Manor Second Addition Outlot A, Country Club Manor Second Addition Outlot B, Country Club Manor Second Addition Outlot C, Country Club Manor Second Addition Error! Unknown document property name. DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (Developer Installed Improvements) CO UNTR Y CL UB MANOR ,SECOND ADDITION (PC#2022-016) THIS DEVELOPMENT CONTACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ("Contract") dated September 26, 2022, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"), and HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company (the "Developer"). 1. REQUEST FOR PLAT APPROVAL. The Developer has asked the City to approve a plat and Planned Unit Development approval for COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SECOND ADDITION referred to in this agreement as the "Plat" and the "Development") consisting of 16.7 acres. The land is located in the County of Wright, State of Minnesota, and is legally described on the attached Exhibit "A" ("Property"). The Developer is proposing to develop the Property into 30 twin home dwelling units (consisting of 60 dwelling units) and is intended to serve as independent senior housing units. As part of the PUD approval, Lot 1, Block 5 of the plat will be developed as multi -family units. A separate 221423v1 Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement is required for Lot 1, Block 5 of plat. The Developer is also requesting City approval to rezone the Property from an R-3 Medium Density Residence District to a PUD, Planned Unit Development District pursuant to Resolution No. PC 2022-19. 2. CONDITIONS OF PLAT APPROVAL. The City hereby approves the Plat on condition that the Developer enter into this Contract, furnish the security required by it, and record the Plat with the County Recorder or Registrar of Titles within 365 days after the City Council approves the final Plat or the execution of this Contract, whichever occurs later. The City hereby grants approval to the Planned Unit Development ("PUD") provided the Development is consistent with the conditions of this Contract and the specific City conditions, requirements and PUD flexibility as set forth in City Resolution 2022-48, and City Resolution PC 2022- 49, adopted by the City Council on April 25th, 2022, and City Resolution 2022-104, City Resolution 2022-105, City Resolution 2022-106 and Ordinance for Planned Unit Development No. 786 adopted by the City Council on September 26, 2022 and subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z in the staff report dated April 5, 2022 and September 8, 2022. 3. RIGHT TO PROCEED. Within the plat or land to be platted, the Developer may not grade or otherwise disturb the earth, remove trees, construct sewer lines, water lines, streets, utilities, public or private improvements, or any buildings until all the following conditions have been satisfied: 1) this Contract has been fully executed by both parties and filed with the City Clerk, 2) the necessary security has been received by the City, 3) the Plat has been submitted to the Wright County Recorder's Office/Registrar of Title's Office, and 4) the City has issued a letter that all conditions have been satisfied and that the Developer may proceed. 4. PHASED DEVELOPMENT. 2 221423v1 A. Should the Developer convey any lot or lots in the Development to a third parry, the City and the owner of that lot or those lots may amend this Development Contract or other city approvals or agreements for development or use of those lots without the approval or consent of the Developer or other lot owners in the Development. Private agreements between the owners of lots within the Development for shared service or access and related matters necessary for the efficient use of the Development shall be the responsibility of the lot owners and shall not bind or restrict City authority to approve applications from any lot owner in the Development. B. Park dedication charges referred to in this Contract are not being imposed on outlots, if any, in the Plat that are designated in an approved preliminary plat for future subdivision into lots and blocks. Such charges will be calculated and imposed when the outlots are final platted into lots and blocks. C. Future phases of development are subject to submission, review and approval for required applications, including, but not limited to, application for rezoning, preliminary and final plat and may be subject to submission, review and approval for required applications for planned unit development or amendment to planned unit development as determined by the City. A Development Contract and Planned Unit Development agreement is required to be executed and recorded for Lot 1, Block 5 of the plat prior to development of that lot. 5. PRELIMINARY PLAT STATUS. If the Plat is a phase of a multi -phased preliminary plat, the preliminary plat approval for all phases not final platted shall lapse and be void unless final platted into lots and blocks, no outlots, within three (3) yeas after preliminary plat approval. 6. CHANGES IN OFFICIAL CONTROLS. For two (2) years from the date of this Contract, no amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan, or official controls shall apply to or affect the use, development density, lot size, lot layout or dedications of the approved Plat unless required by state 3 221423v1 or federal law or agreed to in writing by the City and the Developer. Thereafter, notwithstanding anything in this Contract to the contrary, to the full extent permitted by state law, the City may require compliance with any amendments to the City's Comprehensive Plan and official controls. 7. ZONING. Except as otherwise provided herein, the subject property shall be subject to the zoning regulations for the Planned Unit Development District and the requirements and standards of the R-2 District in effect at the time the final Plat is approved. If there is a conflict among these regulations, the conflict shall be resolved in the order listed below with item number one being primary: (1) Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement [this document]. (2) Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations. (3) R-3 Medium Density Residence District Zoning District Regulations 8. CONDITION FOR SUBSEQUENT APPROVALS. No final Plat for changes or amendments to this PUD Agreement shall be approved, nor shall construction commence for such additional land uses, until an amendment of the PUD Agreement is processed and approved, subject to the requirements of the Monticello Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances, including the submission of site and multi -family building plans, final grading and drainage plans, final utility plans, and final landscaping plans. 9. DEVELOPMENT PLANS. The Plat shall be developed in accordance with the following plans. The plans shall not be attached to this Contract. With the exception of Plans A and B, the plans may be prepared, subject to City approval, after entering the Contract, but before commencement of any work in the Plat. If the plans vary from the written terms of this Contract, the written terms shall control. The plans are: Plan A - Plat Plan B - Final Grading, Drainage, and Erosion Control Plan Plan C - Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Plan 4 221423v1 Plan D — Civil Details Plan Plan E — Street and Storm Sewer Plan Plan F — Stormwater Management Plan Plan G — Utility Plan Plan H - Street Lighting Plan Plan I - Landscape and Tree Preservation Plans Plan J — Building Plans, fagade elevations and typical architectural design plans Plan K — Sidewalk and Trail Plan Plan L — Sign Plan Plan M — Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan 10. IMPROVEMENTS. The Developer shall install and pay for the following: A. Sanitary Sewer System B. Water System C. Storm Sewer System D. Streets E. Concrete Curb and Gutter F. Street Lights G. Site Grading, Ponding, and Erosion Control H. Underground Utilities I. Setting of Iron Monuments J. Surveying and Staking K. Sidewalks and Trails L. Retaining Walls 5 221423v1 M. Mailboxes: All developers must meet with the City of Monticello Street Superintendent and USPS to determine the type of mail boxes installed and the location of all mail boxes. Initial costs of the mail boxes and their installation are the responsibility of the developer. All residential developments (other than standard single family homes) must install locking cluster mail boxes. The improvements shall be installed in accordance with the City subdivision ordinance; City standard specifications for utilities and street construction; and any other ordinances. The Developer shall submit plans and specifications which have been prepared by a registered professional engineer to the City for approval by the City Engineer. The City may, at the City's discretion and at the Developer's expense, have one or more City inspectors and a soil engineer inspect the work on a full or part-time basis. The Developer, its contractors and subcontractors, shall follow all written instructions received from the City's inspectors subject to Developer's plans and specifications. The Developer or his engineer shall schedule a pre -construction meeting at a mutually agreeable time at the City Council chambers with all parties concerned, including the City staff, to review the program for the construction work. Within thirty (30) days after the completion of the improvements and before the security is released, the Developer shall supply the City with a complete set of reproducible "as constructed" plans, an electronic file of the "as constructed" plans in an auto CAD.DWG file or a .DXF file, and two complete sets of blue line "as constructed" plans, all prepared in accordance with City standards. In accordance with Minnesota Statutes § 505.021, the final placement of iron monuments for all lot corners must be completed before the applicable security is released. The Developer's surveyor shall also submit a written notice to the City certifying that the monuments have been installed. 11. DESIGN STANDARDS. The applicable Planned Unit Development Zoning District Regulations are equal to those set forth in the PUD Resolution, and the PUD Zoning District Regulations. 6 221423v1 12. PERMITS. The Developer shall obtain or require its contractors and subcontractors to obtain all necessary permits, including but not limited to: • Wright County for County Road Access and Work in County Rights -of -Way • Wright County Soil Conservation District • MnDot for State Highway Access • Minnesota Department of Health for Watermains • NPDES Permit for Stormwater Connections • MPCA for Sanitary Sewer and Hazardous Material Removal and Disposal • DNR for Dewatering • City of Monticello for Building Permits 13. DEWATERING. Due to the variable nature of groundwater levels and stormwater flows, it will be the Developer's and the Developer's contractors and subcontractors responsibility to satisfy themselves with regard to the elevation of groundwater in the area and the level of effort needed to perform dewatering and storm flow routing operations. All dewatering shall be in accordance with all applicable county, state, and federal rules and regulations. DNR regulations regarding appropriations permits shall also be strictly followed. 14. TIME OF PERFORMANCE. The Developer shall install all required public improvements by August 30, of the year following the year of recording of the final Plat with the exception of the final wear course of asphalt on streets. The final wear course on streets shall be installed between August 15th and October 15th of the year following installation of improvements, at the direction and in the discretion of the City Engineer. The Developer may, however, request an extension of time from the City. If an extension is granted, it shall be conditioned upon updating the security posted by the Developer to reflect cost increases and the extended completion date. Paving of the public streets shall be in conformance with the most current City of Monticello General Specifications and Standard Detail Plans. 7 221423v1 15. LICENSE. The Developer hereby grants the City, its agents, employees, officers and contractors a license to enter the platted property to perform all work and inspections deemed appropriate by the City in conjunction with plat development. 16. EROSION CONTROL AND STORM WATER CONTROL. Prior to initiating site grading, the erosion control plan, Plan B, shall be implemented by the Developer and inspected and approved by the City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District. The City or Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District may impose additional erosion control and storm water requirements if they would be beneficial. All areas disturbed by the excavation and backfilling operations shall be reseeded within 48 hours after the completion of the work or in an area that is inactive for more than seven (7) days unless authorized and approved by the City Engineer. Except as otherwise provided in the erosion control plan, seed shall be in accordance with the City's current seeding specification which may include certified oat seed to provide a temporary ground cover as rapidly as possible. All seeded areas shall be fertilized, mulched, and disc anchored as necessary for seed retention. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. If the Developer does not comply with the erosion control plan and schedule or supplementary instructions received from the City or the Wright County Soil and Water Conservation District, the City may take such action as it deems appropriate to control erosion. The City will endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days, the City may draw down the letter of credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the approved erosion control plan and storm water control measures are in place. 221423v1 17. GRADING PLAN AND CERTIFICATION. The Plat shall be graded in accordance with the approved grading plan, stormwater control measures and erosion control plan as set forth in Plan "B". The plan shall conform to City of Monticello specifications. Within thirty (30) days after completion of the grading and before the City approves individual building permits (except as permitted by this agreement or the Building Official), the Developer shall provide the City with an "as constructed" grading plan certified by a registered land surveyor or engineer that all ponds, swales, and ditches have been constructed on public easements or land owned by the City. Additionally, the "as constructed" grading plan will include a certification that the grading following construction activities has been undisturbed or has been returned to the state required in the grading plan. The "as constructed" plan shall include field verified elevations of the following: a) cross sections of ponds; b) location and elevations along all swales, wetlands, wetland mitigation areas if any, ditches, locations and dimensions of borrow areas/stockpiles, and installed "conservation area" posts; and c) lot corner elevations, and building pads. The City will withhold issuance of building permits until the approved certified grading plan is on file with the City and all erosion control measures are in place as determined by the City Engineer. The Developer certifies to the City that all lots with building footings placed on fill have been monitored and constructed to meet or exceed applicable specifications. 18. CLEAN UP. The Developer shall clean dirt and debris from streets that has resulted from construction work by the Developer, home builders, subcontractors, their agents or assigns. Prior to any construction in the Plat, the Developer shall identify in writing a responsible party and schedule for erosion control, street cleaning, and street sweeping. The Developer shall pay a penalty of $100.00 a day for each calendar day that the streets are not cleaned in accordance with this paragraph. If the Developer repeatedly fails to clean streets in accordance with this paragraph, the City may, in its discretion, perform the work or contract to have the work completed and bill the costs to the Developer. The City will 9 221423v1 endeavor to notify the Developer in advance of any proposed action, but failure of the City to do so will not affect the Developer's and City's rights or obligations hereunder. If the Developer does not reimburse the City for any cost the City incurred for such work within ten (10) days from the date notice of the amount owed to the City is mailed, the City may draw down the Irrevocable Letter of Credit to pay any costs. No development, utility or street construction will be allowed and no building permits will be issued unless the Plat is in full compliance with the requirements of this paragraph. 19. OWNERSHIP OF IMPROVEMENTS. Upon completion of the work and construction required by this Contract, the improvements lying within public easements shall become City property without further notice or action. 20. CITY PLANNING, LEGAL AND ADMINISTRATION. A. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees for City staff administration and City planning -related expenses associated with processing of the Plat, PUD and associated administration. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be one percent (1.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,307.50 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. B. The Developer shall submit an escrow deposit for fees relating to City legal -related expenses associated with the Plat and PUD development. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be one percent (1.0%) of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements and Grading, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $10,307.50 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for 10 221423v1 this Development. This amount is subject to reconciliation based on actual costs at the completion of the project. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrows amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 21. CITY ENGINEERING ADMINISTRATION AND CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION. A. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to the Public Improvements. City engineering administration will include monitoring of construction observation related to Public Improvements, consultation with Developer and its engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, project monitoring during the warranty period, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be four percent (4.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the Public Improvements, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $41,230.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development, to pay the fees owed to the City under this Section. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. The cost of the construction observation is included in the four (4%) estimate. B. The Developer shall pay a fee for the City's engineering administration as related to grading and restoration of the subject property. City engineering administration will include monitoring of 11 221423v1 construction observation related to grading and restoration of the site, consultation with Developer and their engineer on status or problems regarding the project, coordination for final inspection and acceptance, and processing of requests for reduction in security. Fees for this service shall be at standard hourly rates per the City's adopted fee schedule estimated to be three percent (3.0%), of the estimated construction cost of the subject property grading and restoration cost, assuming normal construction and project scheduling. Developer will provide a $9,750.00 escrow, which is separate and in addition to any other escrow funds for this Development. The Developer shall pay for construction observation performed by the City's consulting engineer. Construction observation shall include part or full-time inspection of proposed public utilities and will be billed on standard hourly rates per City's adopted fee schedule. C. The fees owed by the Developer to the City under this Section shall be paid from the escrow amounts. Any amounts not utilized from the escrow account shall be returned to the Developer when all the Development has been completed in accordance with this Agreement. If additional escrow amounts are required for such costs incurred beyond the escrow deposit, the Developer shall be billed directly for such costs and there shall be no issuance of occupancy permits until all such obligations have been fully paid. 22. CLAIMS. In the event that the City receives claims from labor, materialmen, or others that work required by this Contract has been performed, the sums due them have not been paid, and the laborers, materialmen, or others are seeking payment from the City, the Developer hereby authorizes the City to commence an Interpleader action pursuant to Rule 22, Minnesota Rules of Civil Procedure for the District Courts, to draw upon the letters of credit in an amount up to 125 percent of the claim(s) and deposit the funds in compliance with the Rule, and upon such deposit, the Developer shall release, discharge, and dismiss the City from any further proceedings as it pertains to the letters of credit deposited with the District Court, except that the Court shall retain jurisdiction to determine attorneys' fees pursuant to this Contract. 12 221423v1 23. STORM SEWER AREA TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a storm sewer area charge of $49,082.00. The area charge is based on the net area of the final Plat less any area credit for pond area, and is calculated as follows: 11.5 acres x $4,268.00 per acre (Base Fee/Net Acre) _ $49,082.00 Alternate Fee/Net Acre Not Applicable The total storm sewer area charge for the Development of $49,082.00 shall be assessed against the Property if not paid by the Developer in cash at the time of final Plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 24. SANITARY SEWER TRUNK AREA CHARGE. The Development is subject to a sanitary sewer area charge of $95,640.00. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final Plat and is calculated as follows: 60 units x $1,594.00 per unit = $95,640.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final Plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 25. WATER MAIN AREA TRUNK CHARGE. The Development is subject to a water main area charge of $70,920.00. The area charge is based on a per unit basis of the final Plat and is calculated as follows: 60 units x $1,182.00 per unit = $70,920.00 The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the sanitary sewer area charge in cash at the time of final Plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the 13 221423v1 Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 26. PARK DEDICATION. The Parks, Arts and Recreation Commission has recommended that no land dedication be required as part of this Plat since both the MCC and the County Club Park are within the half mile accessibility recommendation of the Comprehensive Plan. Instead, Developer is required to make a cash payment in lieu of land according to the City's schedule. The Developer will also construct a 10' bituminous trail along 7th Street edge of the Developer's property. If feasible to construct the pathway to Elm Street within the City right of way, the construction cost for this segment would be a City expense, or added to the park dedication credit. The Developer has provided a cost estimate of $66,080.00 for the construction of the trail. Based on the City's assessment policy 75% of this cost $49,560.00 shall be credited against their park dedication. The resulting park dedication requirement of $37,263.33 shall be paid as cash -in -lieu in satisfaction of the park dedication requirement with the development of the twinhomes. This dedication amount is the full amount due for the plat, including Lot 1, Block 5 of the plat. The Developer shall be assessed or shall pay the park dedication in cash at the time of final Plat approval at developer's option. If assessed, an interest rate of 2% over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year shall apply. 27. LANDSCAPING / TREE PRESERVATION. The Developer shall follow all requirements of the City's Zoning Ordinance requirements and the City approved Landscape Plan. Prior to Plat approval, Developer shall submit a vegetation preservation and protection plan that illustrates proposed trees to be removed, trees to remain, the types and locations of trees, and other vegetation that are to be planted for City review and approval. 14 221423v1 Developer agrees to abide by the City's comments and recommendations regarding the preservation of significant trees on the Property and will revise its plan, for City approval, to account for significant trees and their preservation or replacement requirements, including more extensive landscaping. 28. ACCESS AND STREETS. The Development is to be accessed via two newly created public streets which will intersect with 7th Street West in two locations. The proposed street names, intersection locations, site access and streets are subject to the review, recommendation and approval of the City Engineer. 29. SPECIAL PROVISIONS. The following special provisions shall apply to Plat development: A. Implementation of the recommendations of Resolution Nos. City Resolution 2022- 48, City Resolution PC 2022-49, City Resolution 2022-104, City Resolution 2022-105, and City Resolution 2022-106, including the City Staff recommendation listed in Exhibit Z. B. Implementation of the recommendations in the City Fire Marshal's Letter dated March 28, 2022. C. Implementation of the recommendations listed in the City Engineer's Letter dated March 30, 2022 and September 8, 2022. D. Implementation of the Wright County Highway Engineer's comments regarding County Road 75 and MnDOT's comments regarding Minnesota State Highway 25. E. Pursuant to the Parks, Arts and Recreation Commission's recommendation, the Developer shall construct the required 10 foot bituminous pathway along 7th Street, and sidewalks along internal streets. 15 221423v1 F. As illustrated on the Plans, a wetland exists on Outlot C, Country Club Manor First Addition. Said wetland is classified as a Type 1 Manage — High Quality wetland and will remain without mitigation or impact. The Developer's Plans must show consistency with the City's required wetland buffer distance. The Plans are subject to the City's review, recommendations and approval by the City Engineer. G. Prior to City Council approval of the final Plat, the Developer shall furnish a boundary survey of the proposed property to be platted with all property corner monumentation in place and marked with lath and a flag. Any encroachments on or adjacent to the property shall be noted on the survey. The Developer shall post an $18,000.00 security for the final placement of interior subdivision iron monuments at property corners. The security was calculated as follows: 60 units at $300.00 per unit. The security will be held by the City until the Developer's land surveyor certifies that all irons have been set following site grading and utility and street construction. In addition, the certificate of survey must also include a certification that all irons for a specific lot have either been found or set prior to the issuance of a building permit for that lot. H. The Developer is required to submit the final Plat in electronic format. The electronic format shall be either AutoCAD.DWG file or a .DXF file. All construction record drawings (e.g., grading, utilities, and streets) shall be in electronic format in accordance with standard City specifications. The Developer shall also submit one complete set of reproducible construction plans on Mylar. I. Developer shall assume or pay all taxes, special assessments, including certain deferred special assessments in the amount of $232,209.00, for the construction of 7th Street. This is the total amount due for Country Club Manor Second Addition. This total amount shall apportioned based on 16 221423v1 square footage between Lot 1, Block 5 and the twinhome lot area. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements related to this assessment. J. The contractor shall install conduit, fiber, and other facilities for the city owned fiber network in the joint trench per city standards. The city will provide plans and details for the installation and the contractor shall submit to the city a cost estimate for approval prior to construction. Upon approval and completion, the city will reimburse the contractor for the cost of the installation of the fiber network. 30. SUMMARY OF SECURITY REQUIREMENTS. A. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, payment of real estate taxes including interest and penalties, payment of special assessments, payment of the costs of all public improvements, and construction of all public improvements, the Developer shall furnish the City with a letter of credit from a bank (security) for $1,310,937.50, plus a cash fee of $71,595.00 for City engineering, expenses and administration. The irrevocable letter of credit or other security deemed acceptable to the City is referred to throughout this Agreement as the "Security". The Security shall be in the form attached hereto as Exhibit `B", from a bank approved by the City. The bank shall be authorized to do business in the State of Minnesota, and shall provide a Minnesota office for presentment of the Letter of Credit or other alternative acceptable to the City. The Security shall extend through completion and acceptance (including the expected warranty period) by the City of the Development Work. The amount of the Security was calculated as follows: CONSTRUCTION COSTS: Sanitary Sewer $ 322,000.00 Watermain $ 326,000.00 Storm Sewer/Draintile/Infiltration Basin $ 115,000.00 Internal Streets/Sidewalks/Trails $ 257,750.00 Lighting/Mailboxes/Street Signage $ 10,000.00 17 221423v1 Retaining Walls $ NA CONSTRUCTION SUB -TOTAL (ESTIMATED) $ 1,030,750.00 Lot Corners/Iron Monuments $ 18,000.00 TOTAL COSTS $1,048,750.00 TOTAL SECURITIES: Total Costs X 125% $1,310,937.50 This breakdown is for historical reference; it is not a restriction on the use of the Security. The bank shall be subject to the approval of the City Administrator. The Security shall be for a term ending when maintenance bond is posted. Individual security instruments may be for shorter terms provided they are automatically renewed on an annual basis until expiration. The City may draw down the Security with 30 days written notice to Developer, for any violation of the terms of this Contract or if the Security is allowed to lapse prior to the end of the required term. If the required public improvements are not completed at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal of the Security, the City may also draw it down. If the Security is drawn down, the proceeds shall be used to cure the default. Upon receipt of proof satisfactory to the City that work has been completed and financial obligations to the City have been satisfied, with City approval the Security may be reduced from time to time by ninety percent (90%) of the financial obligations that have been satisfied. Ten percent (10%) of the amounts certified by the Developer's engineer shall be retained as Security until all improvements have been completed, all financial obligations to the City satisfied, the required "as constructed" plans have been received by the City, a warranty security is provided, and the public improvements are accepted by the City Council. B. To guarantee compliance with the terms of this agreement, the Developer shall furnish the City with another letter of credit, in the form attached hereto, from a bank ("security") for $299,120.00 for grading and landscaping. The amount of the security was calculated as follows: Grading Wetland Posts $ 35,820.00 18 221423v1 Landscaping TOTAL $262,500.00 ($210,000.00 x 125%) $ 299,120.000.00 31. SUMMARY OF CASH REQUIREMENTS. The following is a summary of the cash requirements under this Contract which must be furnished to the City prior to the time of final Plat approval: Legal (1%) $ 10,307.50* City Administration and Planning (1%) $ 10,307.50* Engineering and Inspection (7%) Grading/Restoration & Erosion & Sediment Control Inspection Fee (3% of grading) $ 9,750.00 Streets and Utilities Review & Inspection (4%) $ 41,230.00* Total Cash Requirements $ 71,595.00* * Fees reconciled to actual expenses at close of project. 32. WARRANTY. The Developer warrants all improvements required to be constructed by it pursuant to this Contract against poor material and faulty workmanship. The warranty period for public improvements and underground utilities is two years and shall commence following completion and acceptance by City Council. The Developer or its Contractors shall post maintenance bonds in the amount of twenty-five percent (25%) of final certified construction costs to secure the warranties. Maintenance Bonds of the prime contractor may be accepted subject to City approval. The City shall retain ten percent (10%) of the security posted by the Developer until the maintenance bonds are furnished the City or until the warranty period expires, whichever first occurs. The retainage may be used to pay for warranty work. The City standard specifications for utilities construction identify the procedures for final acceptance of utilities. 33. RESPONSIBILITY FOR COSTS. 19 221423v1 A. Except as otherwise specified herein, the Developer shall pay all actual costs incurred by it or the City in conjunction with the development of the Plat, including but not limited to Soil and Water Conservation District charges, legal, planning, engineering and inspection expenses incurred in connection with approval and acceptance of the Plat, the preparation of this Contract, review of construction plans and documents, and all costs and expenses incurred by the City in monitoring and inspecting development of the Plat. The Developer shall deposit with the City the amount set forth in Section 30 to be used for the payment of these fees and enforcement fees. If the amount in the deposit account drops below 15% of the initial amount, the Developer will make additional deposits in amounts set by the City. At the completion of the project and following payment of all expenses related to the project, the City shall return the remaining deposit funds to the Developer. B. The Developer shall hold the City and its officers, employees, and agents harmless from claims made by it and third parties for damages sustained or costs incurred resulting from plat approval and development. The Developer shall indemnify the City and its officers, employees, and agents for all costs, damages, or expenses which the City may pay or incur in consequence of such claims, including reasonable attorneys' fees and costs. C. The Developer shall reimburse the City for costs incurred in the enforcement of this Contract, including engineering and attorneys' fees. D. The Developer shall pay, or cause to be paid when due, and in any event before any penalty is attached, all special assessments referred to in this Contract. The Developer hereby waives all assessment notice and hearing requirements. If the Developer elects to have the charges set forth in this contract assessed to the properties herein, the assessment shall be payable over a ten year period, in ten equal principal installments, plus interest at 2% % over prime as published in the Wall Street Journal at the time of assessment per annum on the remaining principal balance each year. Interest will begin to 20 221423v1 accrue on the principal balance commencing on the date of final Plat approval by the City of Monticello or the date of this contract, whichever is later. E. The Developer shall pay in full all bills submitted to it by the City for obligations incurred under this Contract within thirty (30) days after receipt. If the bills are not paid on time, the City may halt Plat development and construction until the bills are paid in full. Bills not paid within thirty (30) days shall accrue interest at the rate of eighteen percent (18%) per year. F. In addition to the charges and special assessments referred to herein, other charges and special assessments may be imposed such as but not limited to sewer availability charges ("SAC"), City water connection charges, City sewer connection charges, and building permit fees. G. If the Developer is dedicating property to the City to satisfy Park Dedication requirements, separate legal descriptions shall be developed for these properties and quitclaim deeds shall be executed for each of the transactions. The Developer agrees to pay all real estate taxes due or payable on outlots transferred to the City for the period up to the time the outlots become tax exempt. 34. DEVELOPER'S DEFAULT. In the event of default by the Developer as to any of the work to be performed by it hereunder, the City may, at its option, perform the work and the Developer shall promptly reimburse the City for any expense incurred by the City, provided the Developer, except in an emergency as determined by the City, is first given notice of the work in default, not less than forty- eight (48) hours in advance. This Contract is a license for the City to act, and it shall not be necessary for the City to seek a Court order for permission to enter the land. When the City does any such work, the City may, in addition to its other remedies, assess the cost in whole or in part. 35. MISCELLANEOUS. A. The Developer represents to the City that the Plat complies with all city, county, metropolitan, state, and federal laws and regulations, including but not limited to: subdivision ordinances, 21 221423v1 zoning ordinances, and environmental regulations. If the Plat ceases to comply with county, metropolitan, state and federal laws and regulations, the City may, at its option, refuse to allow construction or development work in the Plat until the Developer does comply. Upon the City's demand, the Developer shall cease work until there is compliance. B. Third parties shall have no recourse against the City under this Contract. C. Breach of the terms of this Contract by the Developer shall be grounds for denial of building permits, including lots sold to third parties. D. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phrase of this Contract is for any reason held invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Contract. E. If building permits are issued prior to the acceptance of public improvements, the Developer assumes all liability and costs resulting in delays in completion of public improvements and damage to public improvements caused by the City, Developer, its contractors, subcontractors, material men, employees, agents, or third parties. No sewer and water connection permits may be issued and no one may occupy a building for which a building permit is issued on either a temporary or permanent basis until the streets needed for access have been paved with a bituminous surface and the utilities are accepted by the City Engineer. F. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of this Contract. To be binding, amendments or waivers shall be in writing, signed by the parties and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City's failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Contract shall not be a waiver or release. G. This Contract shall run with the land and may be recorded against the title to the property. The Developer covenants with the City, its successors and assigns, that the Developer is well 22 221423v1 seized in fee title of the property being final platted and/or has obtained consents to this Contract, in the form attached hereto, from all parties who have an interest in the property; that there are no unrecorded interests in the property being final platted; and that the Developer will indemnify and hold the City harmless for any breach of the foregoing covenants. In the event this Contract is filed of record, upon compliance of all terms herein by Developer, the City shall file a termination of record. H. Developer or its prime contractor shall take out and maintain or cause to be taken out and maintained until one (1) month after the City has accepted the public improvements, public liability and property damage insurance covering personal injury, including death, and claims for property damage which may arise out of Developer's work or the work of its subcontractors or by one directly or indirectly employed by any of them. Limits for bodily injury and death shall be not less than $500,000 for one person and $1,000,000 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall be not less than $200,000 for each occurrence; or a combination single limit policy of $1,000,000 or more. The City shall be named as an additional insured on the policy, and the Developer shall file with the City a certificate evidencing coverage prior to the City signing the Plat or when any construction commences, whichever later occurs. The certificate shall provide that the City must be given ten (10) days advance written notice of the cancellation of the insurance. I. Each right, power or remedy herein conferred upon the City is cumulative and in addition to every other right, power or remedy, express or implied, now or hereafter arising, available to City, at law or in equity, or under any other agreement, and each and every right, power and remedy herein set forth or otherwise so existing may be exercised from time to time as often and in such order as may be deemed expedient by the City and shall not be a waiver of the right to exercise at any time thereafter any other right, power or remedy. 23 221423v1 The Developer may not assign this Contract without the written permission of the City Council, unless such assignment is to a principal of Developer or another entity in which the Developer is a principal. The Developer's obligation hereunder shall continue in full force and effect even if the Developer sells part or parts of the platted land, until all conditions of assignment are met. K. Retaining walls that require a building permit shall be constructed in accordance with plans and specifications prepared by a structural or geotechnical engineer licensed by the State of Minnesota. Following construction, a certification signed by the design engineer shall be filed with the City Engineer evidencing that the retaining wall was constructed in accordance with the approved plans and specifications. All retaining walls, the development plans, or special conditions referred to in this Contract required to be constructed shall be constructed before any other building permit is issued for a lot on which a retaining wall is required to be built. 36. NOTICES. Required notices to the Developer shall be in writing, and shall be either hand delivered to the Developer, its employees or agents, or mailed to the Developer by certified mail at the following address: Headwaters Development, LLC, 7730 Laredo Drive, Unit 446, Chanhassen, Minnesota 55317. Notices to the City shall be in writing and shall be either hand delivered to the City Administrator, or mailed to the City by certified mail in care of the City Administrator at the following address: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, Minnesota 55362, with a copy to the City Attorney by regular mail at: Campbell Knutson, P.A., Grand Oak Office Center I, 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290, Eagan, Minnesota 55121. Remainder ofpage intentionally left blank. Signatures on the following pages. 24 221423v1 CITY OF MONTICELLO (SEAL) n STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Rachel Leonard, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by Lloyd Hilgart and by Rachel Leonard, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 25 221423v1 DEVELOPER: HEADWATERS DEVELOPMENT, LLC Lo STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2022, by , the of Headwaters Development, LLC, a Minnesota limited liability company on behalf of the entity. Notary Public DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association Grand oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, #290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ 26 221423v1 EXHIBIT "A" Legal description Outlot A, Country Club Manor, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 27 221423v1 EXHIBIT `B" IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF CREDIT No. _ Date: TO: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 Dear Sir or Madam: We hereby issue, for the account of (Name of Developer) and in your favor, our Irrevocable Letter of Credit in the amount of $ , available to you by your draft drawn on sight on the undersigned bank. The draft must: a) Bear the clause, 'Drawn under Letter of Credit No. dated 12 , of (Name of Bank b) Be signed by the Mayor or City Administrator of the City of Monticello. c) Be presented for payment at Address of Bank) , on or before 4:00 p.m. on November 30, This Letter of Credit shall automatically renew for successive one-year terms unless, at least forty-five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date (which shall be November 30 of each year), the Bank delivers written notice to the Monticello City Administrator that it intends to modify the terms of, or cancel, this Letter of Credit. Written notice is effective if sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, and deposited in the U.S. Mail, at least forty- five (45) days prior to the next annual renewal date addressed as follows: Monticello City Administrator, Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN 55362, and is actually received by the City Administrator at least thirty (30) days prior to the renewal date. This Letter of Credit sets forth in full our understanding which shall not in any way be modified, amended, amplified, or limited by reference to any document, instrument, or agreement, whether or not referred to herein. This Letter of Credit is not assignable. This is not a Notation Letter of Credit. More than one draw may be made under this Letter of Credit. This Letter of Credit shall be governed by the most recent revision of the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, International Chamber of Commerce Publication No. 600. We hereby agree that a draft drawn under and in compliance with this Letter of Credit shall be duly honored upon presentation. :• Its 28 221423v1 MORTGAGE HOLDER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , which holds a mortgage on the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, which mortgage is dated and recorded with the Wright County Recorder/Registrar of Titles as document number agrees that the Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect even if it forecloses on its mortgage. Dated this day of , 2022. STATE OF COUNTY OF ) ss. Its The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2022, by a DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ the of Notary Public on behalf of the [print name] [title] 29 221423vl FEE OWNER CONSENT TO DEVELOPMENT CONTRACT AND PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT , a , fee owner of all or part of the subject property, the development of which is governed by the foregoing Development Contract and Planned Unit Development Agreement, affirms and consents to the provisions thereof and agrees to be bound by the provisions as the same may apply to that portion of the subject property owned by it. Dated this day of , 2022. Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 2022, by , the a Minnesota Notary Public DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL, KNUTSON Professional Association Grand Oak Office Center I 860 Blue Gentian Road, Suite 290 Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ [print name] [title] day of , of on behalf of the entity. 30 221423vl CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE PROJECT: CERTIFICATE HOLDER: City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, Minnesota 55362 INSURED: ADDITIONAL INSURED: City of Monticello AGENT: WORKERS' COMPENSATION: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: COVERAGE - Workers' Compensation, Statutory. GENERAL LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Expiration Date: Insurance Company: () Claims Made () Occurrence LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury and Death: $500,000 for one person $1,000,000 for each occurrence Property Damage: $200,000 for each occurrence -OR- Combination Single Limit Policy $1,000,000 or more COVERAGE PROVIDED: Operations of Contractor: YES Operations of Sub -Contractor (Contingent): YES 31 221423v1 Does Personal Injury Include Claims Related to Employment? YES Completed Operations/Products: YES Contractual Liability (Broad Form): YES Governmental Immunity is Waived: YES Property Damage Liability Includes: Damage Due to Blasting YES Damage Due to Collapse YES Damage Due to Underground Facilities YES Broad Form Property Damage YES AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Policy No. Effective Date: Insurance Company: (X) Any Auto LIMITS: [Minimum] Bodily Injury: $500,000 each person Property Damage: $500,000 each occurrence -OR- Combined Single Limit Policy Expiration Date: $1,000,000 each occurrence $1,000,000 each occurrence ARE ANY DEDUCTIBLES APPLICABLE TO BODILY INJURY OR PROPERTY DAMAGE ON ANY OF THE ABOVE COVERAGES: If so, list: Amount: $ [Not to exceed $1,000.00] SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, THE ISSUING COMPANY WILL MAIL TEN (10) DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE PARTIES TO WHOM THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED. Dated at On MM Authorized Insurance Representative 32 221423v1 COMMUNITY HOUSING CORPORATION "Creating and maintaining quality, affordable housing for better communities" Founded in 1990, The Community Housing Corporation of America (CHC) was created as a 501(c)3 non- profit company to address the affordable housing needs of the communities it serves. Over the decades it has provided affordable housing opportunities to the people of Minnesota, Florida and Texas. Since inception, CHC has been that of a quiet participant in the affordable housing space. For most of its existence, CHC operated solely by its Board of Directors through the engagement of vendors. This permitted the organization to invest in affordable housing, while maintaining low administrative costs. In 2021, CHC sold its out of state properties in a strategic maneuver to focus solely on the housing needs of Minnesota. This maneuver provided substantial resources for the organization to fulfill its mission. Additionally, the Board decided that part of this strategic change would be to create an organization with a paid staff compliment. The Board decided to hire its first ever Executive Director who would be charged with expanding the CHC portfolio of affordable housing in Minnesota and create a dynamic and focused organization, staffed with professionals in the field of affordable housing. This change occurred in 2022, when CHC hired Mr. Wesley Butler as its first Executive Director. Mr. Butler has many years of experience in the field of affordable housing and its development. The following is a listing of his experience: 2022 to Present Executive Director of Community Housing Corporation of America 2019 to 2022 Owner Butler Development Company LLC, Consulting 2015 to 2019 Assistant Commissioner of Minnesota Housing -Multifamily Division 2000 to 2015 Manager of Multifamily Finance, City of Minneapolis, Minnesota Mr. Butler is passionate about providing affordable housing, while maintaining sensitivity to the needs of the community where the housing will be located. With Mr. Butler's leadership, CHC is positioned to provide high quality, affordable housing in communities throughout Minnesota. CHC Currently owns affordable housing projects in Burnsville, Savage, Minnetonka, and Golden Valley. The financials of CNC demonstrate the financial capacity to successfully develop, own and operate this project. Please visit the CHC website for more information: www.communitvhousingcorporation.org What We Do Community Housing Corporation is a nonprofit company that seeks out opportunities to create and maintain affordable housing. CHC identifies and develops properties and works with local governmental agencies to turn them into affordable housing for seniors, families, and individuals. Community Housing Corporation is proud to provide well maintained and attractive affordable housing. We have invested more than $3.6 Million over the last three years in capital improvements in our Texas properties and over $500,000 in our Minnesota properties in 2017. In addition, in 2017 CHC purchased 54 units of project -based Section 8 housing located in Minnetonka and Golden Valley, MN - Elmbrooke and Golden Valley Townhomes. CHC is investing significant funding into capital improvements in these facilities. CHC contracts with Shelter Corporation, which manages CHC properties and works with CHC to provide beautiful living spaces for low and moderate income individuals and families across the country. CHC's apartment buildings offer a range of amenities for the individuals and families we serve. These vary by property but may include: • In -unit washers and dryers • Fireplaces • Walk-in closets • Community gardens • Swimming pools • Adjacent daycare centers, kid's clubs, and playgrounds • Private patios, sundecks, and balconies • Walking paths and picnic areas with grills • Business centers • Fitness centers and basketball courts COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SECOND ADDITION _ NORTHWEST CORNER OF NORTH LINE OF THE NW1/4 / SECTION 10, T.121, R.25 OF SECTION 10, T.121, R.25 — _ NORTH QUARTER CORNER � 1 � � OF SECTION 10, T.121, R.25 ��-- N89°10'28"W--,\�,—_-- S89°10'28"E 476.35 1 ___,\ / — — — V-1� 2172.74 I / /�I I I'� \ /Ir_ IA/ Tr L)L) A /"\r-- T/ \r I V IL_ VV -7 :; v II/'\I I\A/ A zI \ CAP #15233 S88°59'40"E 400.00 — — — CAP #15233 17 (/ S88°59'40"E 195.14 w — — — v T60 1/2" REBAR _ _ _ �N o / 'or' �r 6' 1/2" REBAR o 00 12.00 FOOT DRAINAGES / o "' 60 Cl) AND UTILITY EASEMENT 1/2" PIPE C/)V 0 s?Q I I I Z DETAIL "A"—� 1 IK ITS)\/ LIJ cc I<' , 12.00 FOOT DRAINAGE, -i \ "' BLOCK 5 AND UTILITY EASEMENT I � `% r � o \ J / co N \ \ _1 12.00 FOOT DRAINAGE��/ \ 1 �; o maul AND UTILITY EASEMENT \ \ � CD \57 0 oo �. \ "., I nil—AA L U L /11 ITI /1T A / LIJ � Q'c 6.00 FOOT DRAINAGE 6')x ^t 4AND UTILITY EASEMENT / L % � � C #7439\ / / � � � � i t � i i I , Jc) DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENT ON / 66 ALL OF OUTLOT A -7 ti OUTLOT / ,_ , K A A K I /-\ L) x'00, <\\-0 4 ; A u — _ IVII \ 01Q1 A 5 , �`' J (,. J I V QomV /—\ I V I ° 6 — °O, _ \ �.. - — LIJ — L 1i 6C \ I \ \ \ Q _ J \ « I LIJ _ I �_j ;t / I « <� i 2 6, \ LJ _ J\ I ��_ I I v \ / ��' � � V �Y_/ l I I LIJ V 10 LIJ K I (YJ \ I LI12 Q _- 1-7 00, Cj 14 L $°O �Z°O 1 5 1/ "PIPE17 iii 16110 10 17 181 14 03 4 50,- 19 3° 4-- 21 20 334. S8 �F us------ \ 13 � � O � 3 CAP #15233 X50'52"E — R=271.05 \ da �0�14Qz /�� CAP #1 52334�°730 A <1 \ �7 DETAIL "B" 1516 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 996° 11 -11 C #15233 \ 9 17 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF LOT 11, BLOCK 2 \ \ , c' / 18 o P- mss,, 20 -- 210 �� -o--� J \ \ ��� ��tv�OJ� O 1 11 \ DELINEATED WETLAND \ � IQ Ok 2 � \ o 4 \ 5 - -- A r� 6 7 8 9 10 V I \ �O OUTLOT- C K VICINITY MAP NOT TO SCALE 9Q W qy C.S.A.H. NO. 39 FAIRWAY DR. �V �a a 6J �`rK SECTION 10, T. 121, R. 25, WRIGHT COUNTY, MN DRAINAGE & l TILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF LOT 11, BLOCK 3 ,DRAINAGE &UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF OUTLOT C \, 1/2" REBAR / 7 N88°50'52"W 1035.79 \ = = M M DETAIL "C" _\> I I N IL/ I . IL I AV 1 V y I `1 ---1L_ IIt- NOT r NOT TO SCALE \ WI M m 00 �x ,1�� S88°59'40"E 195.14 1/2" REBAR� 0.57 / 194.57 % /° 1 09 � o NOT TO SCALE o° N�,-,Q •�jc�iS IVU I I U JI,HLr- Qo O +T� - Q° 0, O /j%A O Q V� 06,u'�OO ✓ 7��` ,7° 6'J.,> ` ,�, S" �� ° n, , 8° 0.64 18.21 1/2" REBAR N88°50'52"W 1035.79 ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 25 WEST, HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89°10'28" WEST KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, fee owners of the following described property Outlot A, COUNTRY CLUB MANOR according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SECOND ADDITION and do hereby dedicate to the public for public use the Trail, Drive and Interstate and drainage and utility easements as created by this plat. In witness, whereof, said Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota, fee owner, has cause these presents to be signed by its proper officers this day of 20 President Executive Director STATE OF _ COUNTY OF This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 120 by , President of the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota. re Notary Public, County, Minnesota My commission expires This instrument was acknowledged before me on this day of 20 by , Executive Director of the Monticello Economic Development Authority, a public body corporate and politic under the laws of Minnesota. signature print Notary Public, County, Minnesota My commission expires I Jonathan D. Schuette do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me or under my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in the State of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundary survey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated on this plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will be correctly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, as defined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date of this certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat. Dated this day of , 20 Jonathan D. Schuette, Licensed Land Surveyor Minnesota License No. 45352 STATE OF COUNTY OF The instrument was acknowledged before me on signature 4 print r Notary Public, County, Minnesota �J �J My commission expires `T CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION (� Reviewed by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello this 20 CAP #8914 0 100' 200' 1 INCH = 100 FEET O = DENOTES CAST IRON MONUMENT • = DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT O = DENOTES 1/2 INCH DIAMETER BY 18 INCH LONG IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED RLS# 45352 Chairperson Secretary by Jonathan D. Schuette day of , CITY COUNCIL, CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Approved by the City of Monticello, Minnesota this day of 20 Mayor City Clerk WRIGHT COUNTY SURVEYOR I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this day of 120 Wright County Surveyor WRIGHT COUNTY LAND RECORDS Pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable for the year 20 on the land hereinbefore described have been paid. Also pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered this day of 20 at o'clock .M. Wright County Land Records Administrator WRIGHT COUNTY RECORDER I hereby certify that this instrument was filed in the office of the County Recorder this day of ,20 at o'clock .M. and was duly recorded in Cabinet No. Sleeve , as Document No Wright County Recorder DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING SHEET 1 OF 2 COUNTRY CLUB MANOR SECOND ADDITION \ A cll A 1 � /x/11 IK ITS)\/ NIS "0" / C� 6.00 FOOT DRAINAGE SAO 0` CAP #7439 SAND UTILITY EASEMENT �� D, ��� 03 BLOCK 5 ° NIS 64,18„E 138-68oo A v �h N79-5 ry to o - ° \ - / 0\ u o Al SO ry J to 6' co � n ���' 1 Oo so o° / u L cn S \ \ DRAINAGE &UTILITY ch m EASEMENT ON 4 0 ALL OF OUTLOT AN CDcl)N tiQ3�s °cOgS 2 U �p °O. 5� C7� 00 O p0. i V \ I V cL sR`5�0 1�, 0 6' O 5 �\ 6" - -s to .00 3 ' �`�50 Op °Sp °p o� 1�• 70 / I I OUTLOT As / / \ b \ I- '00 0p�9 0 h0�� 100 Sp ° 00 O 6, s0 5 �� 6> 3 00 � 5 OO 3p O° °sem s°�I[)lA/ir- s GS �° 2R oso °4`'� 6 1�s > \ / V V i-� I V I\ I V L_ ii Q QuSA° L ./ / \ X 00, gk� 5\ OO '90 o p, 00, C \ 09 5� 1� . S° 09,, 09 �7 \ / I /1 / I t ^^ °SQ�o O�9/ p °o hyo 7 O° 100 w 1 do qs J 0Q' 0 / LI °°O 5"* 2 J O2 57 so l �°' 9 0 3 00 i f O° 5° �� Oo s p° Fti� �'� o � 9 oSo I 3 �`'o �ti ° °9,, op L tiT O �<6'L '> \ IJ �_ ol lo 9•, s o� o, 5 00 0 0- _ GL �o O pT ol, �,°' ��. so 09 / I. A A K I /1 �) I - L _ �� - O o IVI/-�I \4 I \ 7 d 3 4 OO �, J 6 1,1 GL o 5� �<C F O \ < e 'G oS �`' �s '� s� Op, 5 h� Oo 30 0o O� l° sp \ s 0 (51 12 °spo, °00 oo�°�A0 71 SO / / \ <O c> Op, 5 5\ o0 0 00, 115r\ 7� �Nso 2R'°o ��� so 5°� �`� 6) p s �s�so ��,�14 ,tib SQA° �3 O 9,, 00 �y �1L' 0 90 396,c0 tiQ 3�6p °50�\ 8 100 S so �� �\ �s� I A °000 3 hg0� Lp0 s0 0 0 °9 �p 10 • SO 1/2" PIPE / 0' tiQ,° so rya 10 A Oo s��° \ I / -11 11 O O °O 0 D 00 9 0 0 0, 5 � ',I L s 3 �� � 00 21 09� s°s ����,� 3�oso 6 \ �g 10,� O 7° '00 �� 17 00 Sp O X79° \� 00, 5 O5� p0 pso p0, �l r0 -- 9,, 3 5 1 L' 9,, 51 '° �g � I - 21 30 �� sS�° 3., - 6 O 3 O / � s° �On� 1$ 0°O 30 0Su' `�73 100 0 pb ') 'l O O O O �° o Oo so �� �� 6, 1601 1 3 S 3'11* Al 670 6 .4,l�° O h 0.° , 72 O O O O �'p 0 SO4 12,* s7,° 57 ��� 6'0 5°� °heti 19 �n° 50 00, 9 �� 00 00 00- O O C 34' S8 -- 00 50 11 ' SO °9,, i Q� �� 4> p .30 S \ 30 �� ,S .� 20 �, 6' `r0 5� 6'' \ 22 3 °h� • 1 O 50 O p 0 \ 6, o00 MO .� ;' 30 S °19° L= S88°50'52"E 32 p Rb 13 0,0 °S O p� �Ssr° yw �� 44" CAP #15233 3� O° \ X20° OS3� 3039'1jE 13 7.26 2.43 O `�� ° 38, l'G Sp °'`� c0 3p 61'00 BLOCK 2 228.36 7`so °50 1l `S'AS° 3S„ 67 Q N 50 S85°17'53"E ^/ ,° �q, 14,51 3 2 .00 0 o° ^ryN' 00 3p Sp 61.00 S88°50'52"E 61.00 S88°50'52"E 61.00 S88°50'52"E 61.00 v ETAIL ..B., _ / poi 5 �5v 00 ASO '03 ��� ��7 ry N' k rn 30.50 9% �, 5 Ati' �' S 88 �h � o0 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 EE SHEET 1 GL o p`b 6 6 7 \ �� /y� ^ o 0 0 0 0 0 o cv 6> s° 5 �,\ l/ 3 , p0 p8 \� 1 2 ^ N N o0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O 0 0o co °o �3�' 15 y4° °so <,. <C/ �� N M w 3 `� 4 7 r 06 t�/ o �o w 5 QQ w 000 S07° v`1 - 8 ^ �ry 2 � N N o 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 �7 0 0 9 001 °° w S '� 30 S6g S7u' 3p v cv N m � o 0 00 rsS O R� OO SO 2� g„ �12� 50 Cq o d o o 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q�. c'7, Og`9 ^�. 6j <�• ' S7g° 3p'S0 z z o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -71Q 03 30 �� 3 00 272 \ 382g.,E _ 30.50 cn u) z co co z co z z , �,� GG6 SO 0 O° OSO 7A R`S R=S22 61.00 L13 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 67 S85°17'53"E 61.00 L14 X93 �0p cb°O 7 ^� O `S'S8° iQ� 5261\ ,_ 4=2p° S88°50'52"E 61.00 L15 S88°50'52"E 61.00 L16 4 0 .� O 7 S 4, 37'17,, S88°50'52"E 61.00 `6° ° 4 X26 ^4' o ^� 3pS s0g„ 826) 4>°5 L=188.11 11 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF LOT 11, BLOCK 2 O� 1 $,� Oo 0 F 67 ��� d, 043 208.25 c'6 " ,S, ,L O OW ^4' ,\`L 00c4 .76," Sj° 5 30 d Sp, 615 d, C6 S °O <<, O S0 S° 43,. 1 `23°5 6Q2� 3050 X00 Al ^V 00 <0666�4 4a486S \4'35,. L=230. o N 4 - 63 �, o �j 3AA3 19 67 O \N \� M 6 - S88°50'52"E 220.47 0 -\ o 0 G) CAP #15233 MEMO 94.07 PARCEL LINE DATA LINE NO. LENGTH BEARING L1 7.49 S41' 00'09"E L2 10.17 S40° 58'52"E �S8305o �� h0 ^��O C9� �o o X71 °1452 E 61 Op d=21° 02 S41' 00'09"E L4 o S41' 00'09"E L5 10.17 �'�� o ��� �- 76, „ 70 �� ZT ��OJ A 60 h �` o Sp 3p 41 L=214. S77°51 01 10.17 171.05 L8 10.17 o ------- 67 p0 �Q r�� 0� 00 ���� Ick o Sp 5g.,E 61. p0 BLOCK 3 S49° 41'27"E 126.13 44.24 44.93 N86°54'46"E 60.00 v �M � ^c o o o3p•50 o 30.5p S84°25'07" E 61.00 S88°50'52"E 61.00 _�co S88°50'52"E 61.00 14.81 rn OUTLOT B ^o ^N• 1 w 0 2 w 0 ^ o 0 N o N 30.50 30.50 0 0 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 N25° 15'35"E 23.73 m W N O 3 o 0 o 0 CV c 0 O 0 0 O O 0 O 0 0 O O L21 0 5 O N81' 01'22"W o 30 50 v� o p 4 N w ^ `� 5 L23 25.22 � L24 25.31 6a° D=2 -, a 3psp � 14s o z I w M 6 M p w 0 7 oso w C) �10� S39° 25'30"E L28 \776 3>, "�' 6 10p 30.5p co � M o 0 0 0 0 0 L31 10.17 6'-, 9 30 L22 30' N77° 5p 5j Z o uo � 30.50 z con con z C) C N OUTLOT C °6 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF LOT 11, BLOCK 3 58"W 61. pp L21 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 30.50 0 - 6 1 1 N84°25'07"IN 61.00 L20 N88°50'52"W 61.00 L19 N88°50'52"W 61.00 DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT ON ALL OF OUTLOT C 18 1 384.97 1/2" REBAR / 631.96 "C" N88°50'52"W 1035.79 DETAIL - SEE SHEET 1 PARCEL LINE DATA LINE NO. LENGTH BEARING L1 7.49 S41' 00'09"E L2 10.17 S40° 58'52"E L3 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L4 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L5 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L6 10.16 S41' 00'09"E L7 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L8 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L9 10.41 S35° 16'01"E L10 10.40 S49° 41'27"E L11 44.24 S22° 36' 13"E L12 44.08 N72° 27' 16"E L13 22.54 S80° 37'54"E L14 14.81 N87° 24'26"E L15 10.17 S88° 50'52"E L16 10.17 S88° 50'53"E L17 24.48 N25° 15'35"E L18 23.73 S5° 50'55"W L19 10.17 N88° 50' 52"W L20 14.45 S89° 59'09"W L21 16.45 N81' 01'22"W L22 16.56 N74° 35' 07"W L23 25.22 N7° 07'30"E L24 25.31 N43° 19'01"E L25 16.13 N55° 02' 56"W L26 16.42 N48° 16'52"W L27 14.64 S39° 25'30"E L28 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L29 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L30 10.17 S41' 00' 15"E L31 10.17 S41' 00'09"E L32 10.17 S41' 00'03"E L33 10.17 S41' 00' 15"E L34 23.55 N67° 22'09"E 0 50' 100' 1 INCH = 100 FEET O = DENOTES CAST IRON MONUMENT • = DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT O = DENOTES 1/2 INCH DIAMETER BY 18 INCH LONG IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED RLS# 45352 ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 25 WEST, HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89°10'28" WEST DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 PARCEL CURVE DATA CURVE NO. ARC LENGTH RADIUS DELTA Cl 301.41 482.77 35°46'18" C2 30.02 482.77 3°33'46" C3 22.53 482.77 2°40'25" C4 30.03 400.67 4°17'39" C5 30.03 400.67 4°17'38" C6 20.53 60.00 19°36'32" 0 50' 100' 1 INCH = 100 FEET O = DENOTES CAST IRON MONUMENT • = DENOTES FOUND IRON MONUMENT O = DENOTES 1/2 INCH DIAMETER BY 18 INCH LONG IRON PIPE MONUMENT SET AND MARKED RLS# 45352 ORIENTATION OF THIS BEARING SYSTEM IS BASED ON NORTH LINE OF THE NORTHWEST QUARTER OF SECTION 10, TOWNSHIP 121 NORTH, RANGE 25 WEST, HAVING AN ASSUMED BEARING OF SOUTH 89°10'28" WEST DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING AND LAND SURVEYING SHEET 2 OF 2 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2S. Consideration to approve a Request for a One -Year Extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family in an R-2 (Single and Two - Family) Residential District. Applicant: James & Yassa Kimber Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community & Economic Development 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Coordinator Reviewed by: Approved by: Community Development Director City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve a one-year extension (November 22, 2023) of the Conditional Use Permit for the subject property to allow a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family for up to 12 persons in an R-2 (Single and Two Family) Residential District as approved on November 22, 2021, subject to the original conditions of approval. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION November 22, 2021: Approval of a Conditional Use Permit for the subject property to allow a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family in an R-2 (Single and Two Family) Residential District REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property_ Legal Description: West % of Lot 9, and Lots 10, 11, and 12, Block 39, Original Plat of Monticello Address: 530 W Broadway Street, Monticello, MN 55362 PID: 155-010-039100 Request: One-year extension of previously approved Conditional Use Permit for a group residential facility, Multi -Family in an R-2 Zoning District. Land Use Designation: Mixed Neighborhood Zoning Designation: R-2, Single and Two -Family Residential District Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Attached Residential Surrounding Land Uses: North: East: South: West: City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 R-2 Single and Two Family R-2 Single and Two Family R-2 Single and Two Family R-2 Single and Two Family Per Section 2.4(D)(8) of the City's zoning ordinance, Conditional Use Permit approvals expire if a building permit has not been issued within one (1) year of the date of the Conditional Use Permit approval. However, the ordinance allows an extension of up to one (1) year with a written request by the applicant showing good cause. On November 22, 2021, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Permit to allow a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family at the above -noted property. At this time, no building permits have been issued related to the Conditional Use Permit at the noted property. Construction pricing and lending influenced the applicant's ability to commence the CUP use within the one-year timeline. The applicant expressed interest in continuing to pursue the Conditional Use Permit and provided city staff a letter requesting a one (1) year extension. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular meeting on November 1, 2022. The Commission recommended approval of the extension, recognizing the current market constraints for construction. No public hearing was required. I. Budget Impact: None. II. Staff Workload Impact: Limited to review and preparation of the staff reports. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The proposed subdivision and combination remains consistent with the land use designation for the district and supports housing opportunity consistent with Monticello 2040's goals for "Complete Neighborhoods" and the goal of providing a full range of housing options for the diverse needs of the community. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of the conditional use permit extension. Several developments and projects face increased construction and financing costs, impacting their timelines. Staff continue to support the conversion of this site into a compatible residential use for the neighborhood, subject to the original conditions of approval. SUPPORTING DATA A. Extension Request B. Aerial Impact C. Original Staff Report and Exhibits Community and Economic Development 10/11/2022 City of Monticello, MN 55362 Request for a year extension of conditional use permit Hello; We are writing to kindly request a year extension for the conditional use permit for the below address. We couldn't get the ball rolling right away, due to some miscalculations of the project estimate. We are in the process of finding an institution to finance the project. We strongly believe the project is a good fit for the neighborhood and can't wait to see it operating. Thanks James and Yassa Kimber is & Y Real Estate LLC 530 W Broadway St, Monticello, MN 55362 f � City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 2G. Consideration of request for Conditional Use Permit for Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family in an R-2 (Single and Two -Family) Residence District. Applicant: Kimber James & Yassa Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Regular Agenda Item NAC, Community Development Director 11/22/2021 ® Consent Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Chief Building Official, Community & City Administrator Economic Development Coordinator, Project Engineer Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family for up to 12 persons at 530 West Broadway, based on findings in Resolution No. PC 2021-043, and the conditions of approval as required in the ordinance and in Exhibit Z. The Planning Commission recommended approval of the CUP unanimously. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Legal Description: West 1/2 of Lot 9, and Lots 10, 11 and 12, Block 39, Original Plat PID: 155-010-039100 Planning Case Number: 2021-041 Request(s): Conditional Use Permit to establish a four -unit building in the R-2 Zoning District. Deadline for Decision: December 3, 2021 (60 -day deadline) February 1, 2021 (120 -day deadline) Land Use Designation: Mixed Neighborhood Zoning Designation: R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Attached Residential Surrounding Land Uses: North: R-2 Single and Two Family East: R-2 Single and Two Family City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 South: R-2 Single and Two Family West: R-2 Single and Two Family Project Description: The applicants have requested a Conditional Use Permit to allow the conversion of the existing structure (a former funeral home) on the property into a group residential facility. The converted dwelling is intended to be used as a group home which will have a maximum of 12 beds. The applicants refer to the term "assisted living facility," however, under the City's definitions, this use would be a "Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family," or more commonly referred to as a group home. In addition to the bedrooms, other facility features proposed by the applicants include the following: • Half baths in each room • Tub/shower rooms on each floor • Exercise room • Nursing station • Conference room • Office space • Basement laundry facilities • Expanded parking area • Outdoor patio All proposed structure modifications are proposed to take place within the current footprint of the existing home/structure. ANALYSIS: Lot Area Requirement. The subject site is zoned R-2, Single and Two -Family Residence District. Within R-2 Districts, Group Residential Facilities, Multi -Family are subject to conditional use permit processing. City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 BASE ZONINGDISTRICTS Residential Districts Business Districts Low Residential Densities B-1 Medium Residential Densities CCD T -N Industrial Districts R-2 IBC R -PUD 1-1 . • - _��� SII//••II��,����� �j r� /��� �� ♦ I The standards for Group Residential Facilities are found in Section 5.2 (C)(3): (b) Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family (i) Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family shall require authorization through a conditional use permit following the provisions of Section 2.4(D) of this ordinance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Density of residents shall equal no more than one person per 520 square feet of total net livable area in the principal dwelling. 2. Living accommodations for on-site resident staff shall be deducted from the principal dwelling square footage for purposes of determining density in (1) above. 3. The property shall be developed to provide 2 off-street parking spaces for staff and one space per 3 residents for visitors. 4. Parking areas shall be paved with concrete or bituminous surface and shall meet all other standards of parking lot design in this ordinance, with the exception that the use shall be exempt from curb requirements. 5. The property shall maintain a minimum of 30% landscaped green space based on the gross area of the property. 6. The building shall be designed and constructed to be consistent with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is located. Site Modifications. The subject property is not expected to change substantially as a result of the internal reconfiguration. Currently, the property is served by a primary driveway along the west side of the property that provides access to a rear yard area dominated by an attached City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 garage and paved parking area. The driveway continues around the structure to another curb cut on the east side of the property. Green space on the site is proposed much as it exists and is limited to the front yard adjacent to Broadway and a small strip of landscaping between the west fagade of the building and the existing driveway. As noted in the section cited above, a minimum of 30% green space is required for facilities of this type. According to the applicant's narrative, an expansion of the site's parking area at the rear of the site is proposed as part of the "redoing" of the lot. A substantial amount of impervious coverage exists on the parcel as a result of both the size of the existing structure and extensive paved area which dominates the side and rear yards. One option investigated by staff involved the potential removal of the some of the existing concrete driveway along the east side of the structure, replacing this with green space. The current driveway is constructed to cover the entire side yard. It is noted that this driveway is ramped to provide emergency access to the living spaces in the structure. While this change would have the effect of increasing green space, it appears that the driveway is important to retain to ensure that access. Instead, staff encourages the applicants to review site plan as to the minimum area needed for parking and circulation area, with the remainder of the site made green space and landscaping. At the current ratio, the site is "grandfathered"; any increase in green space would be welcomed as a reduction in that non -conforming condition. The applicant has provided a revised site plan demonstrating additional green space on the site in compliance with the noted condition. State Licensing Requirements. The applicants will need to document their licensing and/or registration according to any applicable State and local/County requirements as a condition of approval. Building Requirements. The City's ordinance requires a minimum of 520 square feet of net building area per resident. The structure has approximately 4,600 square feet on the main floor (not including the garage), another 1,800 square feet on the second floor, and a lower -level conference room of approximately 250 square feet, an overall net total of more than 6,600 square feet. At the required 520 square feet, the structure would accommodate 12.7 residents. The building department notes that the change of occupancy may result in a requirement that the building add a fire suppression system. The applicants have indicated that they are working with their architect to make the appropriate improvements to the building, including fire suppression as a part of their remodeling. I. Budget Impact: The applicant has submitted a fee and escrow to cover the expenses associated with the request. City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 II. Staff Workload Impact: Limited to review and preparation of the staff reports. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The proposed subdivision and combination remains consistent with the land use designation for the district and supports housing opportunity consistent with Monticello 2040's goals for "Complete Neighborhoods" and the goal of providing a full range of housing options for the diverse needs of the community. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW AND RECOMMENDATION The Planning Commission reviewed the request for Conditional Use Permit and held a public hearing on the CUP on November 1, 2021. The Commission inquired as to the existing use of the property. Staff explained the building includes residential units on the upper floor but had also previously been used for office commercial purposes on the main level. Prior to those uses, the site was a funeral home. During the public hearing, an adjacent property owner addressed the Commission. Diane Herbst of 301 Front Street asked if the applicant were to change the type of group home from senior living, would it have to be reapproved. Staff clarified that the conditional use permit request is specifically for disabled adults and seniors. If this were to be changed, it would require an amendment to the conditional use permit. The permit also specifically identifies the square footage required for the number of persons in the facility. No other public was present to address the Commission on the request. Following the hearing and discussion, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Conditional Use Permit unanimously. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff is supportive of the proposed use of the property. In consideration of the submitted application materials, staff believes the site (and neighborhood) will benefit from the redesign and resurfacing of the off-street parking area. As part of such effort, staff recommends that an attempt be made to reduce the amount of impervious surface area upon the site. With the preceding in mind, Staff recommends approval of the Conditional Use permit subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2021-043, Conditional Use Permit B. Aerial Image C. Applicant Narrative, 10/12/21 D. Site Plan City Council Agenda: 11/22/2021 E. Floor Plan F. Revised Site Plan G. Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Excerpts Z. Conditions of Approval EXHIBIT Z CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT GROUP RESIDENITAL FACILITY FOR UP TO 12 DISABLED ADULT SENIOR RESIDENTS IN AN R-2 DISTRICT 530 WEST BROADWAY 1. The submitted site plan shall be modified to illustrate any possible reduction in impervious surfaces, and replacement with landscaped lawn and trees/shrubs. The applicant has provided a revised site plan to demonstrate compliance with this condition. 2. All applicable State licensing requirements for the proposed "group home" use shall be satisfied. Proof of State licensing shall be provided to the City prior to construction. 3. Recommendations of the City Engineer. 4. Recommendations of Building Department staff. 5. Comments and recommendations of other Staff and Planning Commission. CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-043 RECOMMENDING APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITY, MULTI -FAMILY, IN AN R-2, SINGLE AND TWO FAMILY RESIDENCE DISTRICT, ADDRESS: 530 BROADWAY STREET PID: 155-010-039100 WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request to remodel an existing structure to accommodate up to twelve senior adult residents in a licensed group home; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned Single and Two Family Residence District (R-2) and, which allows such use by Conditional Use Permit; and WHEREAS, the proposed use and development are consistent with the Comprehensive Land Use Plan designation of "Places to Live" for the area; and WHEREAS, the applicants have provided materials documenting the proposed layout of the improvements to the existing building; and WHEREAS, the exterior dimensions of the proposed building will not be affected by the proposed remodeling; and WHEREAS, the residents will result in a total occupancy of the building that is similar to other allowed uses in the R-2 District; and WHEREAS, the residents are under the care of staff and are not likely to significantly increase traffic in the neighborhood; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on November 1St, 2021 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The applicant has provided building plans that, subject to review by the City's Building Department, will demonstrate adequate compliance with various applicably Zoning Ordinance, Fire Code and Building Code requirements. 1 CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-043 2. The applicant can provide adequate site plan documentation of compliance with the relevant aspects of the City's Zoning regulations related to Group Residential Facilities, Multi -Family. 3. The applicant will revise site planning to retain and/or increase impervious surface and green space on the property. 4. The building is a large structure which will accommodate the proposed use without crowding the subject property or neighboring parcels. 5. The site appears adequate to accommodate vehicular traffic and parking, as well as open space and other requirements to accommodate the use. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Planning Commission hereby recommends that the Monticello City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for a Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family, subject to the conditions identified in Exhibit Z of the Staff report, as listed below: 1. The submitted site plan shall be modified to illustrate any possible reduction in impervious surfaces, and replacement with landscaped lawn and trees/shrubs. 2. All applicable State licensing requirements for the proposed "group home" use shall be satisfied. Proof of State licensing shall be provided to the City prior to construction. 3. Recommendations of the City Engineer. 4. Recommendations of Building Department staff. 5. Comments and recommendations of other Staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 1St day of November, 2021 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLOP NNING COMMISSION By: 4 Pau onsor, Chair 2 CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. PC -2021-043 ATTEST: r Angela Schu n, ommunit Development Director Js & Y Dedicated Healthcare services LLC. The proposed Assisted Living facility will be remodeled, owned, and operated by the proposed applicants. The proposed applicants are licensed bachelor RN nurse with 18 years of experience in health care service and a certified nursing assistant with 14 years of experience in health care service. Both applicants have worked at reputable workplaces. Js & Y Dedicated Health Care Service's mission is to maximize the highest quality of life of senior's citizens and those with disabilities in need of assisted living or congregational living facilities. By providing individualized, high-quality care facilities that promote a safe, healthy, and caring environment. And to protect, advocate, and enhance everyone's health in our community by delivering holistic care that will meet their physical, spiritual, and mental needs. The proposed building will be remodeled and use as an assisted living facility with 12 single -occupancy units/ beds. And will have supporting common areas to meet the needs of each resident in our community. When the remodeling is completed, the proposed facility/ assisted living will be approximately 6120 square feet in size. The estimated cost to remodel the building is roughly $400,00 00, provided by community bank. This Assisted Living Facility project is consistent with the zoning code of Monticello, wright county, as a residential/multifamily housing. At the final analysis, this economic development in wright County will provide non -seasonal and add good -paying jobs that will strengthen the health of wright County and its surroundings. When the remodeling is completed and entirely operated, Assisted Living Facility will add approximately ten full-time and five part time equivalent jobs and more than $280,500.00 in annual wages and compensation to the local economy of Wright County. The Assisted Living Facility will be an essential community facility when completed and fully occupied. The facility will operate and run with 15 staffs. The 12 units will allow residents to live in their room within the Assisted Living Facility and give them the ability to gather in the common areas around for meals or social activities. The facility will also have one functional elevator that enables our residents to move from the lower floor to the upper floor safely. And the portion of the property that does not have a fence will be fenced using a chain link, wood, or steel (one side and the back of the yard). We will provide nursing services, Social and recreational activities. Our intention for the community is for this Assisted Living Facility to meet the desire needs of the residents we will serve. This Facility will be an assisted living facility designed and operated by dedicated licensed staffed and will be licensed to provide daily living and health care assistance to its elderly residents. There will be approximately ten parking spaces for the residents, employees, and visitors after the remodeling. The Assisted Living Facility will have a Business Plan for Wright County and the surrounding areas to provide exceptional and reliable care at an affordable price, implementing "best practices" to enrich the quality of life for the residents served. Js & Y Assisted Living Facility will focus on providing assisted living services at the 12 -unit facility. In compliance with Minnesota Department of Health licensing for Assisted Living Facilities. Our services will include but not limited to the follow: Twenty-four (24) hours a day access to medical staff/personnel. This will include nurses and other medically trained staffs who will be on-site 24 hours a day in an emergency, provide medication management, and supervise daily living activities. Nursing staff will make rounds and be aware of the resident's general whereabout. The number of personnel will be proportional to the occupancy level of the facility. Staffs will include a Register nurse, licensed practical nurse, administrator, certified nurse assistants, personal care attendants, a health/wellness director, an activity director, a food service manager, cooks, and maintenance personnel. Assistance will be given as needed to the resident who needs help with activities of daily living, such as dressing, bathing, and using the bathroom, eating, a reminder to take medicine, medication set up, setting up appointments and getting them to their appointments when needed. The facility will also incorporate a health and exercise program. The facility will provide Three meals a day in a central dining area for meals or eat in their rooms. There will be one full-size kitchen, which will be located on the lower floor. Each level will contain an area with sink, refrigerator, coffee maker and microwave. The facility will also provide transportation to local medical facilities and businesses and surrounding hospitals when needed. The Assisted Living Facility will include activities and other components necessary to enrich residents' quality of life. We want to assure the city of Monticello, Wright County, that we both have long years of experience in the health care industry, which has fully equipped and prepared us to provide the best quality service in Wright County and its surroundings. We want to thank the City of Monticello for giving us that opportunity to serve its residents and the surroundings. CORE VALUES To provide a safe environment for clients and meet their physical, mental, spiritual, and health needs to those we serve. To hire and train qualified and ethical staff members to ensure the quality of care exceeds our peers. To make a profit through the quality of care that we provide. There will be no changes to the following natural features such as the woodlands, wetlands, and shorelines. There will be no changes to the site landscaping and screening plants, such as trees and shrubs. The number of employees on site during any given shift will vary. There will be about 1 to 4 staffs during any given shift. ON 3 a a I v 3 a d O L M 0 M a 3 0 0 L M 0 M L0 N a C N U- 1 SI TE SCALE: - SHRUBS: 18 �... X ..Xx.. x x X i x / X X Xx X X x X l x X x x X n XX Xx \ X` X x xX L A M P E R T A R C H I T E C T S 420 Summit Avenue •�• St. Paul, MN 55102 101 Phone:763.755.1211 Fax:763.757.2849 lamperfOlampert—arch.com ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM_J DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UN$VE E LAWS OF THE S;�T� C 50TA. lztv\M SI ATURE OOC LEPE T PRINT"7-' i 13669 V LIC O %60TE W W tJ') O M V) Copyright 2021 Leonard Lampert Architects Inc. Project Designer: Drawn By: Checked By: LL Revisions SITE PLAN Sheet Number Project No. 210916-1 v� 3 N Q I 0 3 O P M 0 PO Ln 0 0 0 0 14) Ln E 0 C Q) L- NOTE TO CONTRACTOR: VERIFY ALL EXISTING CONDITIONS PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. I N". I\ L JI I I I I I I JI I " J AT CONFERENCE & EXIST, RESTROOMS 1 BASEMENT FLOOR PLAN A2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" = NEW CONSTRUCTION = EXISTING CONDITION c = =f = 0 = TO BE DEMOLISHED ACCESSIBLE ENTRANCE WITH AUTOMATIC SLIDING DOOR r 0aKTM,'&11140 I I I I I I I I 111 11 UP \/ T ADMIN (ACCESSIBLE) 11,8„x8,5„ L—LE DN I I J SHADED AREAS INDICATE 1 HOUR FIRE RATING REO'D 2 FIRST FLOOR PLAN A2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" RECONFIGURE EXISTING DOOR TO SWING IN DIRECTION OF EGRESS J 3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" INFILL EXIST. WINDOW NEW WINDOW L A M P E R T A R C H I T E C T S 420 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 i®i Phone:763.755.1211 Fox:763.757.2849 lam pert@lam pert—arch.com ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A I DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UND( E LAWS OF THE S;� E OTA, oYM SI ATURE LE PE T PRINT 13669 v LIC �TEO ' F— LU W ne tA O rn Lr) Copyright 2021 Leonard Lampert Architects Inc. Project Designer: Drown By: Checked By: LL Revisions FLOOR PLANS Sheet Number I, II i 1 11 Ill l I Project No. 210916-1 56 Rd&S Q0 O L'SHOWR 10'3x13'2" J6*x60' RECONFIGURE EXISTING DOOR TO SWING IN DIRECTION OF EGRESS J 3 SECOND FLOOR PLAN A2 SCALE: 1/8" = 1'-0" INFILL EXIST. WINDOW NEW WINDOW L A M P E R T A R C H I T E C T S 420 Summit Avenue St. Paul, MN 55102 i®i Phone:763.755.1211 Fox:763.757.2849 lam pert@lam pert—arch.com ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A I DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UND( E LAWS OF THE S;� E OTA, oYM SI ATURE LE PE T PRINT 13669 v LIC �TEO ' F— LU W ne tA O rn Lr) Copyright 2021 Leonard Lampert Architects Inc. Project Designer: Drown By: Checked By: LL Revisions FLOOR PLANS Sheet Number I, II i 1 11 Ill l I Project No. 210916-1 ON 3 a a I v 3 a d 0 M 0 M a d 0 L M 0 M L0 6 a C N U- / / ^ ° // ► EXISTING / / CONCRETE / / I APRON a d Q ° / REMOVE AND REPLACE CONCRETE LANDING 1 °� / d req kc \ EDGE OF NEW X KI TRASH E ISTIG NMI NOTE: EXISTING FOUNDATION PLANTINGS TO BE PRUNED/REPLACED d a�. d d d. \ \ 4 \ a \ \ a \ d \ Q ' \ \ ° d \ \ / d \ \ ° Q EXISTING BUILDING 2—STORY 12 ASSISTED LIVING UNITS 6 PARKING STALLS REQ'D REPLACE EXISTING ROCK MULCH ° ENCLOSURE \ PAVEMENT �I V \ NEW SHRUBS �NEW� SHRUB d NEW 12'x14' PATIO TRASH-- \ NEW BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT NEW CANOPY AT ENTRANCE QO d a // / \ 4d \ \ \ Xn X Y •\ ° °° / \ \ \ \ x a xXA xx� EXISTING S q X X TREE \\� 91 y � / \ x X x x X \\ X X Xxx X x x \\ X XIC X x x- x xxxX EXISTING CONCRETE DRIVEWAY GENERAL INFORMATION A. ZONING AND LAND USE: R-2 Single & Two Family Residence B. LOT SIZE: 0.44 Acres (19,024 s.f.) C. GREEN SPACE COVERAGE: 4,913 s.f./19,024 s.f. = 26% < 30% Min, M. PARKING AND MANEUVERING (Monticello Zoning Ordinance) 1. Parking Stoll Colculotion ASSISTED LIVING 6 Stalls 12 Units Q 0.5/Unit Totol Stalls Required 6 Stalls Totol Stalls Provided 7 Stalls Accessible Requirement Per 7 Stalls 1 Stoll (IBC Toble 1106.1) L A M P E R T A R C H I T E C T S 420 Summit Avenue •�• St. Paul, MN 55102 101 Phone:763.755.1211 Fax:763.757.2849 lampert@lampert—arch.com ARCHITECT CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN, SPECIFICATION OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM_J DULY LICENSED ARCHITECT UNDf3 E LAWS OF THE STtl CIIE OTA. SI ATURE '11PEIT111" T LEOU� PRINT 13669 V %60TE W W tJ') O rn Copyright 2021 Leonard Lampert Architects Inc. Project Designer: Drawn By: Checked By: LL Revisions SITE PLAN Sheet Number Project No. 210916-1 CHAPTER 4: FINISHING STANDARDS Section 4.8 Off-street Parking Subsection (E) Standards Applicable to All Uses Residential Uses 2.0 spaces for each dwelling unit 2.0 spaces for each dwelling unit 2.5 spaces for each dwelling unit, of which two (2) must be enclosed, plus Detached Dwelling Duplex Townhome one (1) guest parking space for every four (4) units Multiple Family 2.5 spaces for each dwelling unit, of which two (2) must be enclosed, plus In general one (1) guest parking space for every four (4) units, or as may otherwise be specified in the zoning district Reservation of area equal to 1.0 space per unit Senior housing Initial development shall require only 0.5 spaces per unit, and said number of spaces may continue until such time as the City Council considers a need for additional parking spaces has been demonstrated Group Residential Facility, Single 2.0 spaces for each three persons for whom sleeping accommodations are Family provided Group Residential Facility, Multi- 2.0 spaces for each three persons for whom sleeping accommodations are Family I provided Manufactured Home 2.0 spaces per manufactured home Civic and Institutional Uses MMM 5.0 spaces for each acre of park over one (1) acre; two (2) spaces per acre Active Park Facilities (public or for playgrounds; and ten (10) spaces for each acre of play field private) When a public recreation site has more than one (1) use designation, the areas must be divided for determining the required parking 0.5 spaces for each assisted living unit (a required half space shall be Assisted Living Facilities rounded up) Baseball Fields, Stadium 1.0 space for each eight (8) seats of design capacity Cemeteries See Parking Schedule #2 [Section 4.8(H)(3)] Clinics/Medical Services 4.0 spaces for each one thousand (1000) square feet 2.0 spaces per each bed Hospitals Nursing/Convalescent Home 4.0 spaces plus one (1) for each three (3) beds for which accommodations are offered Passenger Terminal 8.0 spaces plus one (1) additional space for each eight hundred (800) square feet of floor area over one thousand (1000) square feet Passive Parks and Open Space See Parking Schedule #2 [Section 4.8(H)(3)] Public Buildings or Uses 10.0 spaces plus one (1) for each one hundred fifty (150) square feet in excess of two thousand (2000) square feet of floor area in the principal structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 301 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section S. i Use Table Subsection (A) Explanation of Use Table Structure City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 Use Types "P" = Permitted .. Conditionally. Permitted • , "I" = Interim Permitted Residential Uses 5.2(C)(1) Attached Dwelling Types 5.2(C)(2)(a) - Duplexp C 5.2(C)(21(b) 5.2(C)(21(c) - Townhouse C p - Multiple -Family C P C C 5.2(C)(21(dl Detached Dwelling p p p p p p None Group Residential P P P P P 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Single Family Group Residential C C C 5.2(C)(3) Facility, Multi -Family Mobile & Manufactured Home Park C C C P C 5.2(C)(4) Civic & Institutional Uses Active Park Facilities (public) P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Active Park Facilities P P P P P P P 5.2(D)(1) (private) Assisted Living FacilitiesC P C C P 5.2 D 2 Cemeteries C C C C C C C L2(D 3 Clinics/Medical Services C p p C None Essential Services p p p p p p p p p p p p p C p p None 5.2(D)(4) Hospitals C p p Nursing/Convalescent CC C C C C C C C P P 5.2(D)(5) Home Passenger Terminal C C CC None Passive Parks and Open P P P P P P P P P P P P p p p None Space Place of Public Assembly C C C C C p C 5.2 D 6 Public Buildings or Uses C C C C C C C P C C P P C P P 5.2 D 7 Public Warehousing I I I 5.2(D)(8) Temporary Schools, K- 12C C C C C C I I 5.2 D 9 Schools, Higher None Education C Utilities (major) C C C 5.2 D10 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 359 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (C) Regulations for Residential Uses (iii) Private driveways for garages in townhouse developments shall provide a minimum of twenty (20) feet worth of parking space which does not interfere with the use of public sidewalks or trails. (iv) Setbacks: 1. Buildings in townhouse developments shall be located at least twenty (20) feet apart and twenty (20) feet from the back of the curb of a private roadway. 2. The applicable setbacks required in the underlying zoning district shall be met along the perimeter lot lines of the development and along all public roadways. (d) Multiple Family (i) Development of a multiple family building shall be compatible with the existing and planned land use of the area and conflicts shall not be created between commercial and residential use and activities. (ii) If in the R-2 district, multiple family buildings shall be limited to four dwelling units. (iii) If in the B-2 District, multiple family buildings shall be adequately served by a collector or arterial street. (iv) If in the B-1, B-2 or CCD district, multiple family units shall be in the form of apartments or condominiums located above the first floor of the building, unless otherwise authorized to be on the first floor by a conditional use permit meeting the following additional standards: 1. The proposed site for residential use is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Downtown Revitalization Plan. 2. The proposed site does not interrupt the flow of commercial pedestrian traffic in the "CCD" district. 3. Density for ground floor residential units shall not exceed one unit per 9,000 square feet of lot area, exclusive of land area utilized by, or required for, permitted uses on the property. (v) Multiple family housing in the R-3, B-1, B-2 or CCD zoning districts shall be subject to the requirements found in Table 3-8 of Chapter 3.4 of this Ordinance. (vi) Multiple family housing in the R-4 zoning district shall be subject to the requirements found in Table 3-9 of Chapter 3.4 of this Ordinance. (3) Group Residential Facility (a) Licensed day care facilities qualifying as group residential facilities shall adhere to the following: City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 369 CHAPTER 5: USE STANDARDS Section 5.2 Use -Specific Standards Subsection (C) Regulations for Residential Uses (i) No overnight facilities are provided for the children served. Children are delivered and removed daily. (ii) All state laws and statutes governing such use are strictly adhered to and all required operating permits are secured. (b) Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family (i) Group Residential Facility, Multi -Family shall require authorization through a conditional use permit following the provisions of Section 2.4(D) of this ordinance, subject to the following conditions: 1. Density of residents shall equal no more than one person per 520 square feet of total net livable area in the principal dwelling. 2. Living accommodations for on-site resident staff shall be deducted from the principal dwelling square footage for purposes of determining density in (1) above. 3. The property shall be developed to provide 2 off-street parking spaces for staff and one space per 3 residents for visitors. 4. Parking areas shall be paved with concrete or bituminous surface, and shall meet all other standards of parking lot design in this ordinance, with the exception that the use shall be exempt from curb requirements. 5. The property shall maintain a minimum of 30% landscaped green space based on the gross area of the property. 6. The building shall be designed and constructed to be consistent with the architectural character of the neighborhood in which it is located. (4) Manufactured Homes / Manufactured Home Park (a) Manufactured Homes in General All manufactured homes within the City of Monticello shall be built in conformance with the manufactured home building code and comply with all provisions of this ordinance. (b) Manufactured Home Parks Development of new manufactured home parks shall be encouraged to use the planned unit development (PUD) process to allow the City to vary or modify the strict application and requirements for manufactured home parks to more readily accommodate this type of development. However, absent development through a PUD, the following requirements shall apply: (ii) In General: 1. The minimum total manufactured home park area shall be five acres. 2. Each designated mobile home site shall not be less than 2,500 sf. Page 370 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (8) Lots GARAGE SALE: The sale of miscellaneous used items commonly associated with residential use. Garage sales shall not be for the sale of primarily a single commodity. The term "garage sale" includes "sidewalk sale," "yard sale," "basement sale," and "estate sale." GENERAL WAREHOUSING: Structures used for the storage or distribution of goods where there is no sale of items to retailers or the general public unless permitted as an accessory use to the warehouse. GRADING: Excavation or fill of material, including the resulting conditions thereof. GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PERMIT: A permit issued by the municipality for the construction or alteration of the ground and for the improvements and structures for the control of erosion, runoff, and grading. Herein after referred to as "Grading Permit". GRADING, DRAINAGE AND EROSION CONTROL PLANS: A set of plans prepared by or under the direction of a licensed professional engineer. Plans are required to indicate the specific measures and sequencing to be used to control grading, sediment and erosion on a development site during and after construction as detailed in the City of Monticello "Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines". GREENHOUSE/CONSERVATORY: A structure, primarily of glass, in which temperature and humidity can be controlled for the cultivation or protection of plants GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITY, SINGLE FAMILY: A state -licensed facility, public or private, which regularly provides a planned combination of living conditions, services, and resources for the treatment, rehabilitation, training, supervision, or care of persons residing on the premises which falls into one of the following categories: 1) a state licensed residential facility serving six or fewer persons; 2) registered housing with services establishment serving six or fewer persons; 3) a licensed day care facility serving 12 or fewer persons, or 4) a group family day care facility licensed to serve 14 or fewer children. This term does not include any type of residential or non-residential facility for persons convicted of crimes, or for persons accused of crimes who are diverted to the facility before conviction; nor does it include a residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses. GROUP RESIDENTIAL FACILITY, MULTIFAMILY: A state -licensed facility, public or private, which regularly provides a planned combination of living conditions, services, and resources for the treatment, rehabilitation, training, supervision, or care of persons residing on the premises which falls into one of the following categories: 1) a state licensed residential City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance Page 489 CHAPTER 8: RULES & DEFINITIONS Section 8.4 Definitions Subsection (B) Lots facility serving between seven (7) and sixteen (16) persons, or 2) a licensed day care facility serving between thirteen (13) and sixteen (16) persons. This term does not include any type of residential or non-residential facility for persons convicted of crimes, or for persons accused of crimes who are diverted to the facility before conviction; nor does it include a residential facility whose primary purpose is to treat juveniles who have violated criminal statutes relating to sex offenses or have been adjudicated delinquent on the basis of conduct in violation of criminal statutes relating to sex offenses. GROWLER: A 64 fluid ounce (1.89 liter) container of beer that is made available for purchase at the brewery where it's produced. Said container is available for off -sale consumption only. HELIPORT: An area used or intended to be used for the landing and takeoff of helicopters, and may include any or all of the areas of buildings appropriate to accomplish these functions HEAVY INDUSTRIAL USE (see "HEA VYMANUFACTURING') HIGH RISK TREE: Any tree with structural defects sufficient to render the tree or part of the tree likely to fail and cause damage to persons, property, or other significant vegetation, as determined by a qualified arborist or other tree professional. HOME OCCUPATION: An occupation carried on in a dwelling unit by the resident thereof; provided that the use is limited in extent and incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling unit for residential purposes and does not change the character thereof. HOOP BUILDING (see also "tarp garage'): A portable or permanently anchored structure defined mainly by a steel or PVC frame over which a cover made from plastic, tarp, or other similar type fabrics or materials is placed. HOSPITAL: A facility providing medical, psychiatric, or surgical services for sick or injured persons primarily on an inpatient basis, including ancillary facilities for Hoop Building outpatient and emergency treatment, diagnostic services, training, research, and administration, and services to patients, employees, or visitors. IMPERVIOUS SURFACE: A constructed hard surface that either prevents or retards the entry of water into the soil and causes water to run off the surface in greater quantities and at an increased rate of flow than existed prior to development. Examples include rooftops, sidewalks, patios, parking lots, storage areas and concrete, asphalt, or gravel driveways or roads. Page 490 City of Monticello Zoning Ordinance City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 2T. Consideration of approving a PUD Adjustment to the Union Crossings PUD affecting Target with changes to parking, pick-up locations, and signage. Applicant: Grant Eggan (Kimley Horn)/Target Corp Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Northwest Associated Consultants 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item (NAC)/Community Development Director Reviewed by: Approved by: Project Engineer, City Engineer/Public City Administrator Works Director, Chief Building Official, Community & Economic Development Coordinator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution No. 2022-128 approving the PUD Adjustment for Target, subject to the findings in said resolution and contingent on the conditions of Exhibit Z. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION January 8, 2018: City Council approval of the PUD Adjustment, which expired due to lack of implementation within the prescribed timeframe. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Property: Planning Case Number: Request(s): Deadline for Decision: Land Use Designation: Zoning Designation: Legal Description Address: PID #: 2022-043 PUD Adjustment Union Crossings Lot 1, Block 1 1447 East 7th Street 151-178-001010 December 18, 2022 (60 -day deadline) R -C, Regional Commercial B-4, Regional Business. The purpose of the "B-4" regional business district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 Overlays/Environmental Regulations Applicable: NA Current Site Uses: Retail PUD Surrounding Land Uses: North: Commercial East: Commercial (Union Crossings) South: 1-94 West: Commercial (Union Crossings) Project Description: The applicants propose to create a new doorway and revise an existing parking area for the establishment of a pick-up location for customers who have pre -ordered their purchases. The facility is to be located along the east wall of the building in an area that is currently open parking for customers and/or employees. A new doorway and covered canopy space will be added as a part of the project, along with various architectural and signage changes supporting both the new use and related corporate rebranding efforts. ANALYSIS: The City Council is asked to consider an adjustment to the Union Crossings PUD specific to the Target retail site. Planned Unit Development Adjustments are regulated by Chapter 2, Section 2.4 (0)(10)(b), as follows: (b) PUD Adjustment — an adjustment to a PUD may be made through review and approval by a simple majority vote of the City Council with or without referral to the Planning Commission. For a PUD Adjustment, the applicant shall follow the procedures and requirements of the PUD Final Stage as identified in this Chapter. A PUD Adjustment shall be memorialized with an amendment to the PUD Development Agreement, executed by the City and applicant, and recorded against the PUD property. To qualify for this review, the minor adjustment shall not: (i) Eliminate, diminish or be disruptive to the preservation and protection of sensitive site features. (ii) Eliminate, diminish or compromise the high quality of site planning, design, landscaping or building materials. (iii) Alter significantly the location of buildings, parking areas or roads. (iv) Increase or decrease the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent. (v) Increase the gross floor area of non-residential buildings by more than City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 three percent or increase the gross floor area of any individual building by more than five percent (residential lots not guided for specific structure sizes are excluded from this requirement). (vi) Increase the number of stories of any building. (vii) Decrease the amount of open space or alter it in such a way as to change its original design or intended function or use. (viii) Create non-compliance with any condition attached to the approval of the Final PUD Plan. The proposed project does not increase the size of the existing building, but instead, makes changes to the site to accommodate the pick-up of pre -ordered goods. The project relocates the current pick-up spaces from the front (south) parking lot and shifts those spaces to the east side of the store directly on the Target retail store parcel, utilizing a side door entrance area and existing parking lot. The current pick-up area would be converted back to regular parking spaces. The parking configuration in this area is being amended slightly to accommodate the change, shifting the 16 pick-up spaces in the south lot to as many as 23 spaces on the east. Current parking on the site totals 817 spaces for the 174,550 square foot building. Parking is calculated on a net floor area basis, and the file information on this site estimates a total requirement of 774 parking spaces for the site. In summary, the supply of parking within the PUD exceeds the requirements listed in the zoning ordinance, and no issues are foreseen related to either code compliance or actual usage. Moreover, the pick-up spaces function as eligible parking since the customers using those spaces would instead otherwise be parking and entering the store. In addition to this change in site use, the applicants also propose to add or replace a series of signs identifying the building. In addition, there are architectural and color enhancements that are well within the originally materials and design approved for the project. No impact on the PUD is created by the color and material changes. The sign changes are described below. 1. On the east wall of the building, the applicants propose to mount a wall sign with a graphic and the words "Drive Up" applied on principal structure. The east side elevation is included for reference. The north, south and west elevations with signage as shown are current. 2. Two "wayfinding blade signs" are proposed, one near the front entrance area to the store, and the second at the location of the pick-up area, at the southeast corner of the building. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 3. The pick-up stalls would each be marked for delivery of the merchandise to the proper vehicle. The signage continues to be significantly below the ordinance allowances for site signage, which would total more than 3,600 square feet of wall signage, based on two wall exposures at 15% of each wall. The applicant proposes to utilize some of this allowance for the blade and stall signage rather than wall signage. As it is, the sign package, even with the proposed additions, totals less than 1,200 square feet overall. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of Resolutions 2022-128, approving the PUD Adjustment. Recommendations are subject to final compliance with the terms of Exhibit Z, which are attached to this report, and included in the appropriate Resolutions. The proposed site change represents a better utilization of existing parking lot and its configuration for both in-store and pick-up parking uses. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-128, PUD Adjustment B. Applicant Narrative C. Revised Plans Z. Conditions of Approval City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 Exhibit Z Conditions of Approval Union Crossings PUD Adjustment Target Customer Pick Up Modifications Modifications to the current pick-up area are made to return those spaces to required parking. 2. Comments and recommendations of other staff, including the City Engineer. 3. Execution of a PUD adjustment agreement governing the development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-128 APPROVAL OF AN ADJUSTMENT TO THE UNION CROSSING PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT FOR THE TARGET PICK UP AND SIGNAGE MODIFICATIONS WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a request for an Adjustment to an existing PUD; and WHEREAS, the site is zoned B-4, Regional Business, and is subject to a Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development; and WHEREAS, the existing and proposed use of the site are retail commercial, consistent with both the zoning and the original PUD approvals; and WHEREAS, an adjustment to the current PUD flexibility is allowed under zoning ordinance process when modifications to the approved plans do not significantly change the building or size and intensity of the use; and WHEREAS, the applicant has planned, architectural features, signage, and changes to the parking areas that are consistent with the approved uses under the PUD and the zoning ordinance; and WHEREAS, the uses will not create any unanticipated changes to the demand for public services on or around the site; and WHEREAS, the City Council has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the Final Stage PUD approval: 1. The proposed uses are consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located. 2. The proposed PUD Adjustment incorporates standards of the PUD appropriate to the use and do not substantively impact either the use or the building on the site. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by commercial land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. No other changes or impacts resulting from the proposed modifications are anticipated. CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-128 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the Monticello City Council approves the PUD Adjustment for Target and Union Crossings, subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z of the staff report as follows: 1. Modifications to the current pick-up area are made to return those spaces to required parking. 2. Comments and recommendations of other staff, including the City Engineer. 3. Execution of an amended PUD agreement governing the remaining development in accordance with the standard requirements and the additional recommendations noted in this report. ADOPTED this 14th day of November, 2022, by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL 2 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Kimley>>> Horn October 20, 2022 City of Monticello Community Development 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attention: PUD - Adjustment Re: Target (2180) 1447 7"' St E Monticello, MN 55362 Ms. Schumann, As part of a nation-wide effort to refresh its brand, Target is proposing to refresh the Monticello store with wayfinding signage and relocation and expansion of their Drive -Up area. As part of the remodeling process, Target will be adding one wall sign and two wayfinding blade signs to the property. A new "drive up" sign will be installed above an entrance on the East elevation that will be used for the drive -up service. Two new wayfinding signs will be added showing the location of the new drive -up service. Along with the above changes, Target Corporation plans to update its Drive -Up services to the Target store in Monticello. This update will include: • Removal of current drive -up stalls and replacement of 18 normal stalls in the main customer parking lot South of the store • Restriping of 23 new drive -up stalls in the East parking lot where new drive -up service will be located • Removal and relocation of drive -up beacon • Installation of new signage and pavement marking for updated drive -up area. We respectfully request to be on your next planning commission meeting agenda. Thank you for your time and comments on the initial review. If you have any more questions or require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at 612-474-4351 or grant.eggan kimley-horn.com Sincerely, Grant Eggan Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. U C N -0 O O o N V) Q C a 0 x w o > E O c 0 O a 0 0 0 a Q a U 0 z 0 O a� U � C O 3 O 0 3 N E O o CN io �U E Ua 0 O a D E � a C o o x ° a Q a �o N 3 U = 3 Y o -- 4- U Q • O C) -o a a VU U Cf)� � a E E0 m 0 0 N a c 60 Q) � c O U N N m O N ° N E 0 O o o O a 0 O J m ° a O m - c °' a N � a N Q) - U V U 0 U c O ac M � U Q z N 0 SCOPE OF WORK PARKING LOT RE -STRIPING, STALL PARKING SIGNAGE AND WAYFINDING DRIVE UP BEACONS WHERE SHOWN ON THE PLAN. ZONING B-4 BUSINESS DISTRICT OFF-STREET PARKING LOT CODE REQUIREMENTS • DRIVE AISLE = 24' MIN. WIDTH • STANDARD PARKING STALL = 9'X 20' MIN. • COMPACT PARKING STALL = 7.5'X 16' MIN. OWNER TARGET CORP. CONTACT: MATTHEW FLANSBURG 50 SOUTH 10TH ST, SUITE 400 MINNEAPOLIS, MN, 55403 MATTHEW. FLANSBURG@TARGET.COM CIVIL ENGINEER KIMLEY-HORN CONTACT: JUSTIN BECKER P.E. 401 B ST, SUITE 600 SAN DIEGO, CA, 92101 619-744-0619 JUSTIN.BECKER@KIMLEY-HORN.COM Know what's below. Call before you dig. DRIVE UP EXPANSION T-2180 MONTICELLO 1447 E 7TH ST MONTICELLO, MN 55362 0to] 1011vaA/_19 SHEET INDEX COVER SHEET..........................................................00.0 OVERALL SITE PLAN ................................................ CO. 1 IMPROVEMENT PLAN...............................................C1.0 DETAILS.....................................................................C2.0 - C2.1 • TARGET® 1000 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55403 Kimley-))Horn © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 767 N EUSTIS ST, SUITE 100 ST PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE: 651-645-4197 WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM Date I No I Description DATE: 07/27/2022 H UJ • Project Number O J J W U_ Z O G Mo W N z (n LU N LO O J J w U_ Z O 75 T-2180 Config: Drawn By JA Checked By KR COVER SHEET C0.0 U C N O_ U O Q a c 0 c 0 E Y O T O 7 O 3 0 m U C N U O •� Q Ca XE W o �E Y o� O 0.0 C) N a a 0 Q a Q a U 0 0 Z ° o o o a� U � c O DD 3 N � � U O °0 I ~I 0 �U C �o E � a U o O a o .E I a C� O 0 0� X� W� a � a o C) 3 L a Q O � N C O — a a � U (n 0 � a m 0 U � O Eo L� a O N U N a N O o N N E m � c D c 0 o O c O a C� -� C) a -� Y� N a � a Q - U V U 0 U c O Q m � � U Q 0 Know what's below. Call before you dig. IMAGE SOURCE: NEARMAP US, INC. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I _ I •• � rte• I � � � � .. � e _ -- i - e I EXISTING IJc 17� V77 IMI IN WWI �`� .� �"t"�•� DRIVE UP 144" Wr STALLS I ( i 4- rr" , SEE SHEET C1.0 FOR IMPROVEMENT PLAN ^* a MiW 1 #W `-` L------------- I y Ir s. ,. H gTREET OVERALL SITE PLAN 1"=40' A Ali GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 20 40 80 • TARGET® 1000 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55403 Kimley-))Horn © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 767 N EUSTIS ST, SUITE 100 ST PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE: 651-645-4197 WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM Date I No I Description DATE: 07/27/2022 momo J ` UJ " J � U LO U)z � 2 � �r" O Q � w r'- w 00 N Z Project Number T-2180 Config: Drawn By JA Checked By KR OVERALL SITE PLAN C0.1 U C N O_ U O Q a 0 c 0 E Y 0 T 0 0 .3 0 m U C N U O •� Q 0) a x E W o T E Y 0 � O 00 ° C) N a a 0 � a o Q ° U 0 0 Z ° o O — o a� U 0 3 0 O DD 3 N � cn E N :3 � U 0 °6 I I0 Q) (n U + C E� � a U o O a D .E I a C o O 0� x WCc, a 0 a 0 C) 3 � O � U L a Q O � N C O = a a � U � a m U o Eo a O N U N a, N O o N N E m � c D c 0 O ° 0 a O J C Y a a� � a Q - U [n U 0 U c O 01 � o Q .� m� -� U 0 91 LE L-7 " 12 1 3 FROM IMAGE SOURCE: NEARMAP US, INC. Know what's below. Call before you dig. I I I0 10 -' Al TARGET® 1000 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 12 12 I I I EXISTING 11 DRIVE UP STALLS Kimley-))Horn 11 r.: I I I ' [ r L r L ! © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. ✓A 767 N EUSTIS ST, SUITE 100 ST AU W PHONE: 651-645-4197 0 ! ! WWW.KIMLEY HORN.COM �z tia I I - mL 12 * Nom 8 —N Ur �� PROPOSED DRIVE UP 1 5 1 5 STALLS I I I I — I 04 ------------------------------ EXISTING DRIVE UP STALLS 1 " = 10' I I I I I I r I E.' SIM. M AW u �f CL 9 TYP. f CL CL f 6 � JMAGE SOURCE: NEARMAP US, INC. Y 0 Lu ILL (D o 0 Cf) L6 w g co 00ry, 8 ------------------------------------------ PROPOSED DRIVE UP STALLS 1 " = 10' II ! I I I I IMAGE SOURCE: NEARMAP US, INC. KEY MAP 1"=150' CONSTRUCTION NOTES_ OSANDBLAST AND REMOVE EXISTING STRIPING AND DRIVE UP SIGNAGE. O2 REMOVE AND RELOCATE EXISTING DRIVE UP BEACON. O3 RESTRIPE STANDARD PARKING STALLS USING 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPING. O4 INSTALL CURB RAMP PER DETAILS SHEET. OINSTALL DRIVE UP STRIPING AND SIGNAGE PER DETAILS SHEET. OINSTALL DRIVE UP BEACON PER DETAILS SHEET. OINSTALL STANCHION SIGN AND BASE PER DETAILS SHEET. OINSTALL WAYFINDING BLADE SIGN PER DETAILS SHEET. g INSTALL WHEELSTOP PER DETAILS SHEET. 10 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING LIGHT POLE. 11 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING LANDSCAPE ISLAND. 12 PROTECT IN PLACE EXISTING TREE. 13 TRIM CURB AS NECESSARY TO FIT CURB RAMP. GRAPHIC SCALE IN FEET 0 5 10 20 Date I No I Description DATE: 07/27/2022 o W J `" J LLO OU U)z � 2 � �r� O Q � w r'— w 00 N Z Project Number T-2180 Config: Drawn By JA Checked By K R IMPROVEMENT PLAN C1.0 U O Q 0 0 T 0 E Y O T 0 U C �0 �o 0co Q � 0 x w o >E Q T 4 Oc 00 O N a 0 0 o� Q U 0 z .C, N 0 O O O 0 0 3 N <n a) E � U 0 0 (n co I I o E 0 U 0 0 O a D L I V) ° C o O 0 co C 0 0 'y x -6 0 Q Q a Q) t` U Z Y o L +� � U Q 5= 0 0 a a (n � 0 o O o 4 .� O N � O— N o N E � 0 0 O N c U O 0 0 Q 0 . 0 0 Un a) 0 0 U c o Q) -0 �0 Q L7 mE U � O o c� w v o CN ti 0 c� w GRADE I I (PER PLAN) I DRIVE UP STRIPING N.T.S. space enter space number in the app SIDE "A" WHEELSTOP 3"X 3"X.125 WALL TUBE CROSS MEMBER PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 3" X 3" X.125 WALL TUBE CROSS MEMBER PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM NON -ILLUMINATED D/F POST AND PANEL DRIVE -UP Scale: 3/4" =1'-0" 1. ALL RED STRIPING IS 6" WIDE 2. TARGET TO PROVIDE GC WITH "drive up" AND "NO PARKING" TEMPLATES 3. SEE PLAN VIEW DIMENSIONS FOR EXACT LAYOUT OF SITE 4. REFER TO C1.0 FOR EXACT DIMENSIONS 6" H to MATERIAL FINISH COLORS 0 ■Target Red II R139422AKZ0 5. 0 CLEAR Acrylic THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. (FULL GLOSS( Red RECESSED FACE AND BACK PANEL AY t9 ATTACHED TO SUPPORT STRUCTURE 11 ' N ■ °M5;8g° ■PMS 425 VINYL COPYAPPLIED FIRST SURFACE 1 NOTE: ALL SEAMS FULLY WELDED AND GROUND SMOOTH 2'-10" 2'-6" 2" .080 BRAKE FORMED ALUMINUM 12" X.375 ALUMINUM PLATE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 6" X 4" X.1875 WALL TUBE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 6" X 8" X.50 BASE PLATE SEE SHEET 4 FOR BASE PLATE AND FOUNDATION DETAIL TWO PART .080 ALUMINUM PLATE COVER 81 61/16" JOINING TABS TWO PART PLATE COVER Scale: Not to Scale STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY THOMPSON ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC, AND CERTIFICATION OF MATERIAL FINISH COLORS 4" X 2" X.125 WALL TUBE ■Target Red II R139422AKZ0 CAR LOGO COLORS PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 080" PRE -FINISHED WHITE ALUMINUM PANEL, CLEAR Acrylic THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. (FULL GLOSS( Red RECESSED FACE AND BACK PANEL AY Header/Supports ATTACHED TO SUPPORT STRUCTURE space ' W/ COUNTERSUNK FASTENERS ■ °M5;8g° ■PMS 425 VINYL COPYAPPLIED FIRST SURFACE 1 3M 7725-63 RED / 3M 7725-41 GRAY enter space CAR GRAPHIC: numberin the app DIGITAL GRAPHIC APPLIED FIRST SURFACE OVER OPAQUE VINYL BACKGROUND SEMI -GLOSS OVERLAMINATE "drive up": VINYL GRAPHICS APPLIED FIRST SURFACE 3M 7725-10 WHITE VINYL BACKGROUND APPLIED FIRST SURFACE SIDE "B" 3M 7725-63 RED 4" X 2" X,121 WALL TUBE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 1/2" ALUMINUM CAP PLATE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 12" X.375 ALUMINUM PLATE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 6" X 4" X.1875 WALL TUBE PAINTED MP BRUSHED ALUMINUM 6" X 8" X.50 BASE PLATE SEE SHEET 4 FOR BASE PLATE AND FOUNDATION DETAIL TWO PART .080 ALUMINUM PLATE COVER 81 61/16" JOINING TABS TWO PART PLATE COVER Scale: Not to Scale STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY THOMPSON ENGINEERING SERVICES, LLC, AND CERTIFICATION OF MATERIAL FINISH COLORS ■Target Red II R139422AKZ0 CAR LOGO COLORS WHITE A[ryli[ CLEAR Acrylic THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. (FULL GLOSS( Red W/ DIFFUSER AY Header/Supports 42RAY Push-Thru Copy ' PMSel ■ °M5;8g° ■PMS 425 �PM ;Know what's beIOW. 4D Call before you dig. STANCHION SIGN POST AND BASE -DOUBLE SIDE N.T.S. SPECIFICATIONS: -GRAPHICS ROUTED OUT OF ALUMINUM FACE • 1 8M CLEAR PUSH-THRU ACRYLIC GRAPHICS • WHITE A9001 -T TRANSLUCENT VINYL AAPLIED 1 ST & 2ND SURFACE • LOGO TO BE DIGITALLY PRINTED & APPLIED 1 ST SURFACE 14" 2511 25" (Concrete Base) T SIDE A END VIEW SIDE B 0 DIRECTIONAL BLADE SIGN (6 FT OPTION) SCALE: 1/2" = V-0" STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY MBI, INC. AND CERTFICIATION OF THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY MBI, INC, AND CERTIFICATION OF THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. NOTE: -FOR SOUTHERN SOLAR ZONES SIGNS TO HAVE 70 WATT SOLAR PANEL (DIMENSIONS 2'3" X 2'6'). -FOR NORTHERN SOLAR ZONES SIGNS TO HAVE 100 WATT SOLAR PANEL (DIMENSIONS TY X 3'6'). 0 0 WAYFINDING BLADE SIGN N.T.S. NOTE: SOLAR PANEL 11-011 TO BE AT 30 DEGREE ANGLE FACING SOUTH 0o BRACKET & SUPPORT - WHITE I SOLAR PANEL - BLACK LENGTH OF STUB PIPE (1'4") T LOGO - ROUTED OUT WINDOW 0 W/ WHITE ACRYLIC BACK-UP(4 SIDES) DIGITALLY PRINTED VINYL GRAPHICS COPY - ROUTED OUT W/ 1/4" PUSH-THRU (4 SIDES) Controller House is shelves (timer) Removable Panel for Access BATTERIES TO BE HOUSED IN LOWER CABINET SECTION. AREA FOR BATTERIES TO BE SEALED TO PREVENT MOISTURE MW IT" �� STUB PIPE AND PLATE IN FOOTER TO BE PROVIDED N 1'-6" DIA. BY FEDERAL HEATH. 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON FOUR(4) SIDED SOLAR POWERED sale 1/4"=1'-0" DESCRIPTION OF WORK MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL BEACON SIGN AS SHOWN AND NOTED .125" ALUM SKIN & FRAME . COPY TO BE ROUT -OUT WITH 1/4" PUSH THRU. PUSH THRU IS 1/2" SHOULDER -CUT CLEAR ACRYLIC W/ FIRST SURFACE WHITE VINYL AND DIFFUSER 2ND SURFACE. TOP (LOGO) IS 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC VINYL GRAPHICS FIRST SURFACE. SERVICE DOORS AS REQUIRED. ALL FASTENERS TO BE COUNTER -SUNK SCREWS. FACES AND POLE COVER TO BE PAINTED RED (SEE CHART) WHITE LED ILLUMINATION WITH SOLAR PANELS. BATTERIES SELF CONTAINED AS NOTED. NOTE SOLAR PANEL, MOUNTING BRACKET AND BATTERIES TO SHIP DIRECT TO INSTALLER AND BE INSTALLED IN THE FIELD. NOTE SIGNS TO BE DESIGNED FOR TWO WIND LOAD ZONES. (120MPH) & (180 MPH) (APPROPRIATE STRUCTURAL DESIGN TO BE USED FOR LOCATION AS REQUIRED) LL x 1/2" DEEP x 111/4'' WIDE REVEAL LE SERVICE HAVE TAMPER REWS. ?3410024SS9H. HIS FASTENER IS 5HT0864A HEX BIT 1 ) VENT VTER) 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON I FOUR(4) SIDED I SOLAR POWERED sale 1/4"=14" 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON vv/ SOLAR PANEL STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY MBI, INC, AND CERTIFICATION OF THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. SOLAR DRIVE UP BEACON N.T.S. • TARGET® 1000 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55403 Kimlev)Horn © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 767 N EUSTIS ST, SUITE 100 ST PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE: 651-645-4197 WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM Date No Description DATE: 07/27/2022 o LU J J LO LO U U)z � 2 2 Q � w r� w CO N Z Project Number T-2180 Config: Drawn By JA Checked By KR DETAILS C2.0 MATERIAL FINISH COLORS ■Target Red II R139422AKZ0 AKZO7328 ❑ 100% WHITE WHITE A[ryli[ CLEAR Acrylic (FULL GLOSS) (FULL GLOSS( W/ DIFFUSER Cabinets Header/Supports Logo Face Push-Thru Copy NOTE: SOLAR PANEL 11-011 TO BE AT 30 DEGREE ANGLE FACING SOUTH 0o BRACKET & SUPPORT - WHITE I SOLAR PANEL - BLACK LENGTH OF STUB PIPE (1'4") T LOGO - ROUTED OUT WINDOW 0 W/ WHITE ACRYLIC BACK-UP(4 SIDES) DIGITALLY PRINTED VINYL GRAPHICS COPY - ROUTED OUT W/ 1/4" PUSH-THRU (4 SIDES) Controller House is shelves (timer) Removable Panel for Access BATTERIES TO BE HOUSED IN LOWER CABINET SECTION. AREA FOR BATTERIES TO BE SEALED TO PREVENT MOISTURE MW IT" �� STUB PIPE AND PLATE IN FOOTER TO BE PROVIDED N 1'-6" DIA. BY FEDERAL HEATH. 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON FOUR(4) SIDED SOLAR POWERED sale 1/4"=1'-0" DESCRIPTION OF WORK MANUFACTURE AND INSTALL BEACON SIGN AS SHOWN AND NOTED .125" ALUM SKIN & FRAME . COPY TO BE ROUT -OUT WITH 1/4" PUSH THRU. PUSH THRU IS 1/2" SHOULDER -CUT CLEAR ACRYLIC W/ FIRST SURFACE WHITE VINYL AND DIFFUSER 2ND SURFACE. TOP (LOGO) IS 7328 WHITE ACRYLIC VINYL GRAPHICS FIRST SURFACE. SERVICE DOORS AS REQUIRED. ALL FASTENERS TO BE COUNTER -SUNK SCREWS. FACES AND POLE COVER TO BE PAINTED RED (SEE CHART) WHITE LED ILLUMINATION WITH SOLAR PANELS. BATTERIES SELF CONTAINED AS NOTED. NOTE SOLAR PANEL, MOUNTING BRACKET AND BATTERIES TO SHIP DIRECT TO INSTALLER AND BE INSTALLED IN THE FIELD. NOTE SIGNS TO BE DESIGNED FOR TWO WIND LOAD ZONES. (120MPH) & (180 MPH) (APPROPRIATE STRUCTURAL DESIGN TO BE USED FOR LOCATION AS REQUIRED) LL x 1/2" DEEP x 111/4'' WIDE REVEAL LE SERVICE HAVE TAMPER REWS. ?3410024SS9H. HIS FASTENER IS 5HT0864A HEX BIT 1 ) VENT VTER) 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON I FOUR(4) SIDED I SOLAR POWERED sale 1/4"=14" 12'(FT) DRIVE -UP BEACON vv/ SOLAR PANEL STRUCTURAL DETAILS SHOWN HEREON WERE PROVIDED BY MBI, INC, AND CERTIFICATION OF THESE DRAWINGS MAKES NO IMPLICATION TO THEIR ACCURACY, NOR DOES IT INFER PROFESSIONAL SUPERVISION THEREOF. SOLAR DRIVE UP BEACON N.T.S. • TARGET® 1000 NICOLLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS. MN 55403 Kimlev)Horn © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 767 N EUSTIS ST, SUITE 100 ST PAUL, MN 55114 PHONE: 651-645-4197 WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM Date No Description DATE: 07/27/2022 o LU J J LO LO U U)z � 2 2 Q � w r� w CO N Z Project Number T-2180 Config: Drawn By JA Checked By KR DETAILS C2.0 NOTES: 1. ALL ACCESSIBLE COMPONENTS CONSTRUCTED AS PART OF THESE PLANS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE LOCAL, STATE, AND FEDERAL REGULATIONS WHICHEVER ARE MORE STRINGENT. 2. PUBLIC SIDEWALK CURB RAMPS CONSTRUCTED WITHIN A PUBLIC RIGHT- OF TARGET -WAY, IN ABSENCE OF LOCAL ROADWAY GUIDELINES, SHALL MEET OR EXCEED Zolo��l 1000 IRGET® LOCAL REGULATIONS. 20 LLET MALL MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55403 3. CURB RAMP SURFACES (FLARES AND RAMP) SHALL HAVE A DIFFERENT TEXTURE FROM THE SURROUNDING PAVEMENT. LANDING 4. CURB RAMPS SHALL BE CONCRETE WITH STRENGTH OF 2500 PSI. �y 5. INSTALL 1/4" EXPANSION JOINT FILLER MATERIAL BETWEEN A NEW CURB RAMP 0 AND THE EXISTING SIDEWALKS. ROLLED CURB �p�'1 �� Kiml - 6. WATER PONDING WITHIN THE CURB RAMP LIMITS IS NOT ALLOWED. `' �� e�>> H O rn 7. NO GRADE BREAK IS ALLOWED ALONG THE RAMP SURFACE. 8. CROSS SLOPE OF THE CURB RAMP SURFACE SHALL BE LESS THAN 2%. t-10 44qX © 2022 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 9. TRANSITION CHANGE IN ELEVATION IS NOT TO EXCEED 1/2" WITHIN AN 6� 767 N EusTls N SUITE 100 ST PAUL, MN 55114 ACCESSIBLE ROUTE. �N � PHONE: 651-645-4197 10. DIAGONAL CURB RAMP SIDE SLOPE VARIES UNIFORMLY FROM A MAXIMUM OF UP WWW.KIMLEY-HORN.COM TO 10% AT CURB TO CONFORM WITH LONGITUDINAL SIDEWALK SLOPE ADJACENT 2% MAX CROSS SLOPE AND TO TOP OF THE RAMP. 5% MAX RUNNING SLOPE TRANSITION GUTTER PAN TO MEET ADA REQUIREMENTS. BEGIN TRANSITION AS NECESSARY TO MAINTAIN FLOW LINE THROUGH THE TRANSITION AREA. CURB RAMP DETAIL - DIAGONAL RAMP N.T.S. 0 U O Q a c 0 c 0 T 0 E Y O T O 7 O L .3 0 m U C N 0 o Date No Description �Q C a X c w o > E - Y 0 � O o 0 U U a O 0 a 0 C Q O U 0 0 Z :5N 0 O � o U � 0 O 3 O c3 N c 0 E N � U O ° [n N O N (n U � O N � C C � N a U o O 0- E E a c ° � o O_ o C o O � X W � a 0 a o DATE: 07/27/2022 �3 0� U 3 Y o 0 � U L a Q � O � N � O = a a U CV L O a J ('7 J LO w LO U E� U)z O� a O 0 O wJ tiwU Na 00 C:) �U N � r N z N O m � c D c • 0 o N c U .5 O a 0 O J m 0 a O m - c a O Project Number T-2180 � a Q Q) Config: � U o Drawn By JA U c Checked By KR O �-5 • DETAILS • Know what'sbelow. Q ® Call before you dig. m� � U Q) O a 2.1 0 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 211.11. Consideration of adopting Summary Ordinance No. 791-A for amendments to Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to Industrial District and Use Standards, and Corrective Ordinance No. 791 for correction to ordinance amendment for Chapter 4, Section 11— Building Materials Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Community Development Director 11/14/2022 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Summary Ordinance No. 791A for amendments to Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to Industrial District and Use Standards, and Corrective Ordinance 791 for correction to ordinance amendment for Chapter 4, Section 11— Building Materials. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION October 24, 2022: Approval of amendments to Industrial Zoning District and Use Standards REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council recently adopted ordinance amendments relating to industrial zoning districts and industrial use standards. The Council is asked to adopt a summary ordinance summarizing the adopted amendments for publication purposes. In addition, as staff reviewed the adopted ordinance, it was noted that an addition to the IBC District building materials allowances was omitted in error. Cast -in-place concrete or pre -cast concrete panels are allowed in all the City's business/commercial or "B" Districts and under the ordinance amendments, added as an allowed material in the 1-1 and 1-2 Districts. Given these allowances, cast -in-place and pre -cast concrete panel materials were also intended as allowable materials in the IBC District. As such, this correction is now included in the full ordinance amendment document. Budget Impact: Limited to summary ordinance publication costs and consultation with City Planner NAC. These costs are covered in the Planning & Zoning department budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: Approximately 1 hour or less was spent in preparation of the summary ordinance and corrective amendment. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The noted amendments are proposed in direct support of Comprehensive Plan goals and Strategic Transition Plan implementation strategies for land use development, including specifically industrial development. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the summary and corrective ordinances relating to industrial zoning districts and use standards. SUPPORTING DATA A. Summary Ordinance —791A B. Corrective Ordinance - 791 SUMMARY ORDINANCE NO. 791A CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA A SUMMARY ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE AMENDING SECTIONS RELATED TO CERTAIN INDUSTRIAL USES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS IN SECTIONS 4.11, 5.1, 5.2, AND 8.3 (CORRECTIVE) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that, on October 24, 2022, Ordinance No. 791 was adopted by the City Council of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. Due to the lengthy nature of Ordinance No. 791, the following Summary Ordinance No. 791A has been prepared for publication as authorized by state law. Code The ordinance adopted by the Council amends the following section in City's Zoning Section 4.11 (E)(1) Section 4.11 (E)(1)(c) - CORRECTIVE Section 4.11 (E)(3) Section 4.11 (E)(2) Section 4.11 (E)(3) Section 5.1 Section 5.2 (F)(11) Section 5.2 (F)(15)(b) Section 5.2 (15)(c) Section 8.3 A printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the City's regular office hours. The complete ordinance will be posted on the City's website following publication. APPROVED FOR PUBLICATION by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota, this 10 day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk VOTING IN FAVOR: VOTING IN OPPOSITION: ORDINANCE NO. 791 (CORRECTED) AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE AMENDING SECTIONS RELATED TO CERTAIN INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL USES AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS IN SECTIONS 4.11, 5.1, 5.2, AND 8.3 (CORRECTIVE) THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO ORDAINS: SECTION 1. Section 4.11 (E)(1) is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Any exterior wall adiacent to a public street must have a higher level ofaesthetics. This could be accomplished by architectural desip,,n features, increased use ofstone and/or brick acrossLifteen (15%) of the facade area, combination of glass and architectural metals, or a wall plane articulation across fifteen (IS%) of the facade area. Such articulation must extend at least S feetsfrom the primary buildingline ine o the principal building structure. SECTION 2. Section 4.11 (E)(1)(c) is hereby amended to read as follows: Exterior building finishes shall consist of materials compatible in grade and quality to the ollowin : (i) Brick; (ii) Natural Stone; (iii) Decorative rock face block or burnished block; (iv) Wood, provided that the surfaces are finished for exterior use and wood of proven exterior durability is used, such as cedar, redwood, or cypress (v) Glass; (vi) Stucco or substantially similar finish product; (vii) Exterior Insulated Finish systems, where said system is manufactured to replicate the look of one of the approved building materials in this section; (viii) Cast in place concrete or pre -cast concrete panels; SECTION 2. Section 4.11 (E)(2) is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4.11 D(2)(c) Exterior building_ finishes shall consist of materials compatible in grade and quality to the ollowina: COBrick 00 Natural Stone; (iii) Decorative rock face block or burnished block; iv Glass (v) Stucco or substantially similar finish product; Zvi) Exterior Insulated Finish systems, where said system is manufactured to replicate the look of one of the approved building materials in this section; (vii) Cast in place concrete or pre -cast concrete panels; (viii) Textured finishes on metal panels to simulate stucco or other similar treatments; (ix) Commercial -grade siding made of cement board, composition board, or other durable material, not including vinyl. SECTION 3. Section 4.11 (E)(3) is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 4.11 (E,)(3)(c) Exterior building finishes shall consist of materials compatible in grade and quality to the following: COBrick 00 Natural Stone; (iii) Decorative rock face block or burnished block; iv Glass (v) Stucco or substantially similar°finish product; NO Exterior Insulated Finish systems, where said system is manufactured to replicate the look of one of the approved building materials in this section; vii) Cast n place concrete or pre -cast concrete panels; (viii) Textured finishes on metal panels to simulate stucco or other similar treatments; (ix) Commercial -grade siding made of cement board, composition board, or other durable material, not includingvinyl. SECTION 3. Section 5.1, Table of Uses, is hereby amended to effect the following changes (Table 5.1 shall be marked as follows): Change Bulk Fuel Sales to a Conditional Use in the I-2 District Change "Wrecker Services" To "Wrecker and Towing Services" Delete the following uses from the I-1 District and change to require as Conditional in the I-2 District: o Bulk Fuel Sales o Machinery/Truck Repair o Recycling and Salvage Center o Truck or Freight Terminal SECTION 4. Section 5.2 (F)(11) is hereby amended to read as follows: (h) Any such e aciliU shall include a principal building of no less than 30,000 square feet in floor area. The square footage shall be increased by 15% of each acre of the parcel size above S acres. (i) Additional accessory buildings related to the principal use may be provided on the site as a part of essential operations of this use without the need for PUD approvals but shall be limited to no more than 15% of the gross square footage o the principal use. Leasing of such buildings to other business entities or operations would require the processing of a PUD per Section 2.4(0) of the Zoning Ordinance. 6) Any outdoor storage (separate from approved sales and display area) of vehicles and/or equipment awaiting repair accessory to the principal use shall be limited to an area of the site no greater than thefootprint of the principal building Lk) Any outdoor storage of vehicles and/or equipment awaiting repair, repair vehicles and/or equipment must be kept on a paved surface such as bituminous or concrete, screened from view of �oining public rights of way and residentially zoned property Such outdoor storage area must be designated on an approved site plan. Sites utilizing heavy equipment shall rely on reinforced concrete to ensure long-term durability of the paved surface. (l) Any outdoor display of for -sale vehicles or equipment must be paved with a hard surface such as bituminous or concrete and occupy an area of the site no jreater than 200% of th footprint of the principal building, not including areas dedicated to required parking and general circulation on the site. Such outdoor display area must be designated on an approved site plan. (m) Sites utilizing heavv equipmentshall rely on reinforced concrete to ensure long-term durability of the paved sur ace. SECTION 5. Section 5.2 (F)(15)(b) is hereby amended to read as follows: (b) Parking areas shall be screened from view of abutting residential districts and public streets in compliance with Section 4.1(I) of this ordinance. Trucks and trailers stored on the site shall be screened from adjoining residential areas and public streets with a combination of trees, shrubs, andfencing to ensure that no view of the trailers is possible from abutting residential property to a height of no less than twelve (12) feet. SECTION 6. Section 5.2 (15)(c) is hereby amended to read as follows: (c) The entire site, other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings, must be paved with a hard surface such as bituminous or concrete Sites utilizing heavy equipment shall rely on reinforced concrete to ensure long-term durability of the paved surface. All surfaces shall be developed with a stormwater management system approved by the City Engineer. SECTION 7. Section 8.3, Definition for Manufacturing, Heavy, is hereby amended to read as follows: MANUFACTURING, HEAVY: The manufacturing of products from raw or unprocessed materials, where the finished product may be combustible or explosive. This category shall also include any establishment or facility using large unscreened outdoor structures such as conveyor belt systems, cooling towers, cranes, storage silos, or similar equipment that cannot be integrated into the building design, or engaging in large-scale outdoor storage. Any industrial use that generates noise, odor, vibration, illumination, or particulate that may be offensive or obnoxious to adjacent land uses, or requires a significant amount of on-site hazardous chemical storage shall be classified under this land use. This ase shat SECTION 8. Section 8.3, Definition for Manufacturing, Light, is hereby amended to read as follows: MANUFACTURING, LIGHT: The mechanical transformation of predominantly previously prepared materials into new products, including assembly of component parts and the creation of products for sale to the wholesale or retail markets or directly to consumers. Such uses are wholly confined within an enclosed building, do not include processing of hazardous gases and chemicals, and do not emit noxious noise, smoke, vapors, fumes, dust, glare, odor, or vibration. Examples ineluue, btA are not lim=te�to: development; production; sign Maki > eleetfenie, or- deviees; manufaetufe and assembly of aftifieial lin+bs, dentures, hearing aids, aflA any similar- iteffi-. SECTION 9. Section 8.3, Definition for Truck or Freight Terminal, is hereby amended to read as follows: TRUCK OR FREIGHT TERMINAL: A use where buses, trucks, and cargo are stored, where loading and unloading is carried on regularly, and where minor maintenance of these types of vehicles is performed. This use includes Warehousing and Distribution which entails transfer of goods and materials from trucks to a building. where the orimary use is the storage of trucks and distribution and vice versa, and may or may not involve milling,and plafming &eilities;aggregate,plants; >farge shops, open welding, >ehemieal bleading, > or- , o SECTION 8. Section 8.3, Definition for Manufacturing, Light, is hereby amended to read as follows: MANUFACTURING, LIGHT: The mechanical transformation of predominantly previously prepared materials into new products, including assembly of component parts and the creation of products for sale to the wholesale or retail markets or directly to consumers. Such uses are wholly confined within an enclosed building, do not include processing of hazardous gases and chemicals, and do not emit noxious noise, smoke, vapors, fumes, dust, glare, odor, or vibration. Examples ineluue, btA are not lim=te�to: development; production; sign Maki > eleetfenie, or- deviees; manufaetufe and assembly of aftifieial lin+bs, dentures, hearing aids, aflA any similar- iteffi-. SECTION 9. Section 8.3, Definition for Truck or Freight Terminal, is hereby amended to read as follows: TRUCK OR FREIGHT TERMINAL: A use where buses, trucks, and cargo are stored, where loading and unloading is carried on regularly, and where minor maintenance of these types of vehicles is performed. This use includes Warehousing and Distribution which entails transfer of goods and materials from trucks to a building. where the orimary use is the storage of trucks and distribution and vice versa, and may or may not involve repackaging of such goods. or transfer. Such use may also entail transfer of full trailers from one truck to another. SECTION 10. Section 8.3, Definition for Wrecker Service, is hereby amended to be retitled as follows: WRECKER AND TOWING SERVICE SECTION 11. The City Clerk is hereby directed to make the changes required by this Ordinance as part of the Official Monticello City Code, Title 10, Zoning Ordinance, and to renumber the tables and chapters accordingly as necessary to provide the intended effect of this Ordinance. The City Clerk is further directed to make necessary corrections to any internal citations that result from said renumbering process, provided that such changes retain the purpose and intent of the Zoning Ordinance as has been adopted. SECTION 12. This Ordinance shall take effect and be in full force from and after its passage and publication. The ordinance in its entirety and map shall be posted on the City website after publication. Copies of the complete Ordinance and map are available online and at Monticello City Hall for examination upon request. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 14th day of November, 2022 Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk AYES: NAYS: City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 4A. Consideration of canvassing the returns and adopting Resolution 2022-127 declaring the results of the 2022 General Election for the City of Monticello offices Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Item City Clerk 11/14/2022 Nx Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2022-127 declaring the results of the 2022 General Election for the City of Monticello offices. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND MN State Statue 205.185, Subd. 3 calls for the City Council to canvass the election results between the third and tenth days after a general election. Therefore, the results must be canvassed and declared at this meeting. On Election Day, Tuesday, November 8, there were 8,408 registered voters at the time the polls opened, and 383 new registrations were processed during the day. There were 3,963 voters recorded on Election Day and 1,212 absentee ballots received for a total of 5,175 voters. The results of the local races are as follows: Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart City Council: Charlotte Gabler Tracy Hinz The winning candidates will be sworn in when their terms begin on January 9, 2023. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving the canvassing of election results and adopting Resolution 2022-127 declaring the results. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2022-127 B. Copy of Results and Abstract CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2022-127 CANVASSING ELECTION RETURNS AND DECLARING RESULTS OF THE 2022 GENERAL ELECTION FOR CITY OF MONTICELLO MAYOR AND COUNCIL MEMBER OFFICES WHEREAS, the City Clerk/Elections Administrator has duly presented to the City Council the results tapes of ballots cast in the November 8, 2022 General Election, and election summary statements have been sworn to by the Judges of the General Election; and WHEREAS, the total votes cast for the municipal offices voted upon are as follows: For Mayor (2 year term) Lloyd Hilgart 3,018 Billy Vickers 1,112 Write -Ins 59 For Council Member (2 elected for 4 year terms) Charlotte Gabler 2,614 Tracy Hinz 2,127 Lee R. Martie 1,830 Write -Ins NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA, that the totals listed above are deemed to be correct, the election is deemed to be valid, and the winners of the election are declared to be as follows: For Mayor (2 year term): Lloyd Hilgart For Council Member (4 year term): Charlotte Gabler Tracy Hinz ADOPTED BYthe City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of November, 2022. ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor PREC REPORT -GROUP DETAIL Run Date:11/10/22 10:56 AM 0125 City of Monticello P1 Mayor City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 1 Lloyd Hilgart . . . . . . Billy Vickers . . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . Council Member City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 2 Lee R. Martie . . . . . . Tracy Hinz . . . . . . . Charlotte Gabler . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . County Election Date TOTAL VOTES % Abs Elect Day 953 70.02 330 623 385 28.29 87 298 23 1.69 7 16 623 28.95 220 403 661 30.72 201 460 843 39.17 262 581 25 1.16 6 19 UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL30A Page 0125-01 PREC REPORT -GROUP DETAIL Run Date:11/10/22 10:56 AM 0127 City of Monticello P2 Mayor City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 1 Lloyd Hilgart . . . . . . Billy Vickers . . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . Council Member City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 2 Lee R. Martie . . . . . . Tracy Hinz . . . . . . . Charlotte Gabler . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . County Election Date TOTAL VOTES % Abs Elect Day . . . . 703 71.37 147 556 . . . . 271 27.51 37 234 11 1.12 3 8 . . . . 435 27.57 82 353 . . . . 534 33.84 110 424 . . . . 593 37.58 130 463 . . . . 16 1.01 2 14 UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL30A Page 0127-01 PREC REPORT -GROUP DETAIL Run Date:11/10/22 10:56 AM 0128 City of Monticello P3 Mayor City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 1 Lloyd Hilgart . . . . . . . Billy Vickers . . . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . Council Member City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 2 Lee R. Martie . . . . . . . Tracy Hinz . . . . . . . . Charlotte Gabler . . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . . County Election Date TOTAL VOTES % Abs Elect Day 967 72.27 188 779 346 25.86 49 297 25 1.87 3 22 569 26.92 94 475 704 33.30 126 578 818 38.69 163 655 23 1.09 6 17 UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL30A Page 0128-01 PREC REPORT -GROUP DETAIL Run Date:11/10/22 10:56 AM 0129 City of Monticello P4 Mayor City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 1 Lloyd Hilgart . . . . . . Billy Vickers . . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . Council Member City of Monticello (VOTE FOR) 2 Lee R. Martie . . . . . . Tracy Hinz . . . . . . . Charlotte Gabler . . . . . WRITE-IN. . . . . . . . County Election Date TOTAL VOTES % Abs Elect Day 395 78.22 88 307 110 21.78 20 90 0 0 0 203 25.53 42 161 228 28.68 51 177 360 45.28 96 264 4 .50 0 4 UNOFFICIAL RESULTS Report EL30A Page 0129-01 Abstract of Votes Cast In the Precincts of the City of Monticello State of Minnesota at the State General Election Held Tuesday, November 8, 2022 as compiled from the official returns. Abstract print version 37539, generated 11 /10/2022 1:41:32 PM Summary of Totals City of Monticello Tuesday, November 8, 2022 State General Election Number of persons registered as of 7 a.m. 8408 Number of persons registered on Election Day 383 Number of accepted regular, military, and overseas absentee ballots and mail ballots 1212 Number of federal office only absentee ballots 0 Number of presidential absentee ballots 0 Total number of persons voting 5175 KEY TO PARTY ABBREVIATIONS NP - Nonpartisan Mayor (Monticello) NP Lloyd Hilgart 3018 Council Member (Monticello) (Elect 2) NP Lee R. Martie 1830 Summary of Totals City of Monticello Tuesday, November 8, 2022 State General Election NP WI Billy Vickers WRITE-IN 1112 59 NP NP WI Tracy Hinz Charlotte Gabler WRITE-IN 2127 2614 68 Abstract print version 37539, generated 11 /10/2022 1:41:32 PM Page 1 of 5 Detail of Election Results City of Monticello Tuesday, November 8, 2022 State General Election Precinct Persons Registered Persons Registered Total Number of as of 7 A.M. on Election Day Persons Voting 86 0125: MONTICELLO P1 2601 108 1612 86 0127: MONTICELLO P2 1901 86 1183 86 0128: MONTICELLO P3 2720 132 1673 86 0129: MONTICELLO P4 1186 57 707 City of Monticello Total: 8408 383 5175 Page 2 of 5 Detail of Election Results City of Monticello Tuesday, November 8, 2022 State General Election Office Title: Mayor (Monticello) Precinct 86 0125: MONTICELLO P1 86 0127: MONTICELLO P2 86 0128: MONTICELLO P3 86 0129: MONTICELLO P4 Total: 703 Office Title: Council Member (Monticello) (Elect 2) Precinct 86 0125: MONTICELLO P1 86 0127: MONTICELLO P2 86 0128: MONTICELLO P3 86 0129: MONTICELLO P4 Total: 703 NP NP WI Lloyd Hilgart Billy Vickers WRITE-IN 953 385 23 703 271 11 967 346 25 395 110 0 3018 1112 59 NP NP NP WI Lee R. Martie Tracy Hinz Charlotte Gabler WRITE-IN 623 661 843 25 435 534 593 16 569 704 818 23 203 228 360 4 1830 2127 2614 68 Page 3 of 5 We, the legally constituted county canvassing board, certify that we have herein specified the names of the persons receiving votes and the number of votes received by each office voted on, and have specified the number of votes for and against each question voted on, at the State General Election held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022 As appears by the returns of the election precincts voting in this election, duly returned to, filed, opened, and canvassed, and now remaining on file in the office of the City of Monticello Clerk. Witness our official signature at in County this day of 2022. Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Member of canvassing board Page 4 of 5 State of Minnesota City of Monticello I, , Clerk of the City of Monticello do hereby certify the within and foregoing pages to be a full and correct copy of the original abstract and return of the votes cast in the City of Monticello State General Election held on Tuesday, November 8, 2022. Witness my hand and official seal of office this day of 2022. Page 5 of 5 City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 4B. Consideration of filling the vacant City Council seat Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item City Administrator 11/14/2022 ® Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Option 1: Motion to appoint [NAME] to serve the remainder of the term, pending their acceptance of the position. Option 2: Motion to direct staff to solicit applicants to fill the vacancy. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION October 24, 2022: Declaration of City Council vacancy REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to appoint a resident to fill the vacancy of a term expiring on December 31, 2024. A special election is not necessary, instead Council has the latitude to appoint at their discretion. Past precedent includes both appointing someone who has previously run for City Council as well as accepting applications from residents interested in serving. If Council appoints a prior candidate, the vacancy can be filled before the end of the year. If Council prefers to accept applications and conduct interviews, a new council member is not likely to be selected in time for the remaining meetings of 2022. Staff is confident that either process will be effective. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends that Council appoint as soon as possible, however, City staff defers to the Council on how they would like to fill the vacancy. SUPPORTING DATA City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 4C. Consideration of appointing a City Councilmember as interim member of the Monticello Orderly Annexation Agreement Board Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item City Administrator 11/14/2022 ® Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Motion to appoint Councilmember [NAME] as interim MOAA board member for the remainder of 2022. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION October 24, 2022: Officially declared former Councilmember Davidson's seat vacant REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND After officially declaring the council seat vacant, members of the council appointed interim representatives for Councilmember Davidson's boards and commissions; however, staff determined we still need an interim representative for the Orderly Annexation Board that meets monthly. There is one meeting remaining in 2022; it is scheduled for Wednesday, December 14 at 7:30 p.m. New appointments to the MOAA Board will be made with the regular annual appointment list in the coming weeks. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff defers to the City Council on interim appointment. SUPPORTING DATA City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 4D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2022-122 authorizing the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements project and approval of a contract amendment to Bolton and Menk, Inc. for an additional cost of $459,327 Prepared by: City Engineer/Public Meeting Date: ❑ Consent Agenda Item Works Director 11/14/2022 ® Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Finance Director, Approved by: City Administrator Community Development Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize the preparation of a feasibility report and approve a contract amendment with Bolton and Menk, Inc. to provide additional engineering services for the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements project for an additional cost of $459,327. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION June 13, 2022: Authorized Bolton and Menk, Inc. to provide engineering services for the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian improvement project for a total cost of $241,250. September 26, 2022: Amended the original contract to include additional engineering services for a cost of $15,800. :T�Y�:T�►[�I�e�►[ 7 �eZ�I:Z�I:Z�I�I►I7 Revitalizing downtown Monticello has been identified as a significant priority for the City. In addition to the current private redevelopment on Block 52 and corresponding public improvements in the Walnut Street area, Wright County is planning a pavement preservation project in 2023 along County State -Aid Highway 75 (Broadway Street). The scope of their project runs from 500' east of Jerry Liefert Drive to Trunk Highway 25. To better coordinate design and construction with the City's Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements project, staff proposes that the Broadway Street improvements be combined with the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements and completed as part of one contract for the mutual benefit of each agency and the public. In addition, the pavement preservation project provides a rare opportunity to accomplish a series of downtown improvements that will benefit the community. City staff recommends including the following in the project: • Replace failing concrete sidewalk throughout the project area City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 • Replace and update pedestrian flashers at Otter Creek Road • Add enhanced pedestrian crossing with pedestrian flashers and center refuge island at the intersections of Walnut, Minnesota and Linn Street and Broadway Avenue • Add curb bulb -outs at the intersection of Locust Street and Broadway • Trail reconstruction on the south side of Broadway between Chestnut Street and Otter Creek Road • Construct new sidewalk on north side of Broadway between Chestnut Street and Otter Creek Road • Sidewalk replacement along Broadway between Walnut and Locust Street and south side of Broadway between Pine and Walnut Streets • Replace center landscape medians between Pine and Chestnut Streets • Streetscape improvements between Locust Street and Walnut Street • Decorative crosswalk treatments at the intersection of Locust and Walnut Streets and Broadway • Identify locations and install street trees along the corridor • Install public signage per city standard • Street lighting consolidation and upgrades throughout the corridor • Replace sanitary and storm sewer manhole crossings as needed • Watermain crossing at Prairie Pine Court and Broadway Avenue Staff worked with Bolton and Menk, Inc. to negotiate a contract amendment to include the above scope of work as part of their current Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvement project efforts. Also impacting the current agreement with Bolton and Menk are adjustments to the design scope. The requested contract amendment includes additional services for design of the public right-of-way surrounding the block to clarify design responsibility and ensure consistency throughout the areas. These items include the following: • Pine Street sidewalk • River Street sidewalk and retaining walls • Parklet between Block 52 building and existing building • Landscaping plans for all public boulevards • Pine Street sidewalk MNDOT permitting • Retaining walls and Streetscape connection between River Street and West Bridge Park • Cost estimates for public and private infrastructure improvements Staff proposes that the sidewalk improvements be assessed in accordance with the City's assessment policy. Minnesota Statutes section 429.021 and 459.14, subd. 7 allows municipalities to recover costs for maintaining and improving public improvements through City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 assessments to benefiting properties. These projects can be either initiated by property owner petitions or by the City Council ordering the improvement. For a City Council ordered improvement the typical process is as follows: • Preparation of a Feasibility Study is authorized to evaluate if the proposed project is necessary, cost-effective, and how the project should be assessed including the preparation of a preliminary assessment. • City Council can either accept or reject the feasibility report. If accepted, a public hearing is ordered on the improvements. • Hearing notices are posted, and property owner notices are mailed to affected property owners. • City Council adopts or rejects ordering the improvement to be constructed and advertisement of bids. • City Council awards or rejects the project. If awarded the preparation of an assessment roll and ordering a public hearing is approved. • City Council conducts assessment hearing and, if approved, certified assessments are submitted to the County Auditor. While the totality of amending the contract to include the Broadway Street Improvements as well as the design of public spaces surrounding the Block 52 project is a significant additional cost, staff believes unifying the design and construction of the projects will result in a more successful final outcome, better construction bid pricing, and strategic phasing during construction to minimize impacts to area businesses and the traveling public. I. Budget Impact: The final contract after amendment will be $716,377. The draft 2023 budget and CIP include $2,600,000 for Broadway Sidewalk & Landscaping Improvements and the Walnut/River Street Connection. Additionally, 2022's budget and CIP include $100,000 that can be used toward any work completed in 2022. Wright County will reimburse the city for engineering services for improvements to Broadway Avenue. It is estimated that Wright County's contribution will be between $100,000-$150,000 for their portion of the project. II. Staff Workload Impact: City engineering, community development, finance, parks and recreation, and public works staff will be involved in the development of this project. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Plan, including the Downtown Small Area Plan appendix, strongly encourages the revitalization of the downtown area. It prioritizes the many components of the proposed additions, including transportation improvements, complete streets with an emphasis on pedestrian safety, streetscape, and more. City Council Agenda: 11/14/2022 STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends proceeding with approving the additional engineering services for this project. The City can capitalize on proposed improvements associated with the private and county projects to facilitate a significant revitalization effort with resulting outcomes that will benefit the community for many years to come. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution B. Additional Scope CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2022-122 AUTHORIZING FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR DOWNTOWN ROADWAY AND PEDESTRIAN IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT WHEREAS, it is proposed to implement the following downtown roadway and pedestrian improvements: • Replace failing concrete sidewalk throughout the project area • Trail reconstruction on the south side of Broadway between Chestnut Street and Otter Creek Road • Construct curb gutter and sidewalk on north side of Broadway between Chestnut Street and Otter Creek Road • Replace center landscape medians between Pine and Chestnut Streets • Streetscape improvements between Locust Street and Walnut Street • Street lighting consolidation and upgrades throughout the corridor • Replace sanitary and storm sewer manhole crossings as needed • Watermain crossing at Prairie Pine Court and Broadway Avenue; and • Utility work associated with Block 52 improvements project WHEREAS, the original contract with Bolton & Menk, approved on June 13, 2022, shall be amended to include additional improvements and for the preparation of a feasibility study. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNICL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: That the proposed improvements be referred to Bolton & Menk for study and that they are instructed to report to the Council with all convenient speed advising the Council in a preliminary way as to whether the proposed improvement is necessary, cost-effective, and feasible and as to whether it should best be made as proposed or in connection with some other improvement, and the estimated cost of the improvement as recommended. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 141h day of November, 2022. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk BOLTON M & MENK Real People. Real Solutions. November 8, 2022 Matt Leonard Matt. Leonard @ci.monticel lo. mn.us City of Monticello, MN RE: Downtown Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements - Scope Amendments Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Leonard, 2040 Highway 12 East Willmar. MN 56201-5818 Ph: (3201231-3956 Fax: (320) 231-9710 Bolton-Menk.com The City wishes to expand the scope of services for the Downtown Roadway and Pedestrian Improvements project to include improvements along Broadway Street from Pine Street to Jerry Liefert Drive. The following scope of services is included in this amendment. • Prepare feasibility report per 429 Assessment Process • Prepare plans, specifications, and construction administration for the pavement preservation and associated work as outlined below. o Pavement preservation will include the following items: ■ Asphalt mill and overlay —10 -ton design ■ Spot curb and gutter replacement to correct any drainage issues o Pedestrian Improvements ■ Replace sidewalk ramps at intersections as required per ADA guidelines (Not including Elm St.) ■ Replace failing concrete sidewalk panels throughout the project area • City staff to mark sidewalks recommended for replacement ■ Replace and update pedestrian flashers at Otter Creek Road. Identify options for improving pedestrian safety at this intersection. ■ Add enhanced pedestrian crossing with center median refuges at Minnesota Street and Linn Street ■ Add enhanced pedestrian crossing with extended center median refuges at one or both sides of Walnut Street ■ Add curb bump -outs at Locust Street — Look at adding pedestrian actuated flasher if possible. (Does not include additional streetscape improvements beyond decorative concrete) ■ Trail reconstruction on the south side of Broadway from Chestnut Street to Jerry Liefert Drive ■ Construct new sidewalk on the north side of Broadway between Chestnut St. to Otter Creek Road • Add curb and gutter and storm sewer for drainage Bolton & Menk is an equal opportunity Matt Leonard November 8, 2022 2 ■ Sidewalk replacement between Walnut and Locust Street and south side of Broadway between Pine and Walnut St. o Streetscape Improvements ■ Replace center landscape medians between Pine and Chestnut Streets • Provide design alternatives and associated costs for the replacement of the center landscape medians to be presented to the City Council for consideration. • Add irrigation as needed for center landscaped areas. ■ Streetscape improvements for the south side of Broadway between Pine and Walnut to match north side proposed in the Downtown Improvements Project. Full construction documentation for both North and South side streetscapes on this block are to be included in the Broadway Avenue Improvement Project. ■ Streetscape improvements between Locust St. and Walnut St. similar to Downtown Improvements Project. ■ Streetscape improvements to include irrigation as needed ■ Bridge railings need to be refurbished. ■ Decorative crosswalk treatments at Locust Street and Walnut Street. ■ Identify locations and install additional street tree plantings along the corridor ■ Install public signage per city standard o Street Lighting ■ Continuous street lighting from Pine Street to Locust Street ■ Median lighting from Pine Street to Chestnut Street ■ Intersection lighting at Otter Creek Road ■ Includes photometric analysis, design, construction documents, and construction inspection o Utility Improvements ■ Replace sanitary and storm sewer manhole castings and rings as needed. City to provide information on which structures should be repaired. ■ Watermain crossing at Prairie Pine Court • Wetland Delineation, Report, and Approval • Project Funding o Wright County to participate in funding in accordance with their cost participation policy o Wright County to utilize County State -Aid funding for their portion of the project costs ■ All applicable State Aid plan reviews and processes will be followed o Sidewalk/pathway improvements to be assessed in accordance with the city's assessment policy. • Block 52 / Walnut St. / River St. Additional Scope o Complete 30% design and provide detailed design guidance, review, and coordination with Developer for Block 52 public/private mixed-use spaces (Developer to complete construction documents) ■ Pine Street sidewalk and wall from building face to wall ■ River St. sidewalk and wall from building face to wall ■ Broadway/Pine St. Intersection - Sidewalk from building face to right of way H:\MTCE\0W1127815\0_Downt0wn Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements\A_Project Management\1_Budget and Invoicing\Broadway Street Additional Scope\2022-10-25 127815 Leonard Scope Amendment.docx Bolton & Menk is an equal 0000rtunity emolover. Matt Leonard November 8, 2022 3 ■ Parklet between Mattress Store and Block 52 building ■ City owned parking lot on Block 52 o Final design and construction documents for Parklet between Mattress Store and Block 52 building o Pine St. sidewalk from existing curb to retaining wall ■ MnDOT permitting (including Developer items within MnDOT ROW) ■ Final design and construction documents ■ Construction Administration o Retaining walls along River Street, Pine Street, and Broadway Street adjacent to Block 52 building o Construction Administration and Inspection (no staking) for Developer constructed public/private mixed use space improvements noted above o Retaining walls and streetscape connections and transitions between River Street and West Bridge Park o Enhanced streetscape connection between Walnut Street and Block 52 Public Parking Lot o Cost estimates for Block 52 public and private infrastructure improvements o Weekly design meetings with City staff • Items not included for Broadway Street Improvements: o Public engagement during design stage o Easement acquisition o Stormwater management o Geotechnical work and pavement coring o Construction materials testing We will complete the above scope of services for an hourly, not to exceed, total of $459,327. Attached is a detailed fee breakdown and proposed schedule. If this scope and fee amendment is acceptable, we will begin work immediately. If you have any questions, please contact me at justin.kannas@bolton- menk.com or 320-905-2704 Sincerely, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Justin L. Kannas, PE Principal Engineer H:\MTCE\0W1127815\0_Downt0wn Roadway & Pedestrian Improvements\A_Project Management\1_Budget and Invoicing\Broadway Street Additional Scope\2022-10-25 127815 Leonard Scope Amendment.docx Bolton & Menk is an equal 0000rtunity emolover. N C y R a -, Ca c m d d C C C W d ,s ro .`- a c m t Task as t: m J v Work Task Description w C o M > d s u aY@ y N y 3 s p c a N Total d 'a u v n Total Cost No. a c w £ Hours a t- 3 u g c oe v a '^ $ 3 1.0 Feasibility Report 15 0 51 0 0 0 0 11 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 81 $12,385 2.0 Special Assessment Requirements 7 0 24 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 8 42 $6,090 3.0 Design & Permitting 33 40 12 44 0 10 140 618 84 20 200 0 0 28 16 1245 $170,146 4.0 Contract Bidding and Award 10 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 38 $5,200 5.0 Construction 55 0 20 0 21 4 30 0 0 0 0 0 605 0 0 735 $103,421 Block 52 / Walnut / River St. Additional Scope 97 62 47 0 0 4 20 82 239 108 130 0 330 0 10 1172 $162,085 Total Hours 217 102 164 44 21 18 190 711 323 128 330 3 935 28 56 33 Average Hourly Ra $190.00 $150.00 $150.00 $175.00 $126.00 $175.00 $165.00 $135.00 $138.00 $116.00 $105.00 $120.00 $135.00 $128.00 $100.00 Subtotal $41,230 $15,300 $24,600 $7,700 $2,646 $3,150 $31,350 $95,985 $44,574 $14,848 $34,650 $360 $126,225 $3,584 $5,600 2022 1.0 Assessment Process 2.0 Design 2023