HRA Agenda 03-29-2005 . . . AGENDA - SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Tuesday, March 29, 2005 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - River Room Commissioners: Chair Bill Fair, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Steve Andrews, Dan Frie, and Brad Barger. Council Liaison: Wayne Mayer. Starr: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollic Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. 1. Call to Ordcr. 2. Consideration to discuss scheduled public auction for the property locatcd at Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 54. A. Public Auction 8. Site Location Map C. Tax Inrormation D. Apartment Inside Photos E. Redevelopmcnt Plan Goals F. Financing 3. Consideration to approve authorization or deny authorization to bid on the said property and to dctermine maximum amount or bid if applicable. 4. Other. 5. Adjournment. . . . 2A. HRA Agenda - 03-29-05 Public Auction: The Ottice of the HRA was contacted a week or so ago about an upcoming auction for the property descrihed as Lots 3, 4, & 5, Block 54, Original Plat, City of Montieello. This eight~ plex with detached garages is currently owned by Paul Wurm. The auction is scheduled for Wednesday, March 30, 2005, 6:00 p.m., at thc VFW, Highway 55, Maple Lake, MN. It is a puhlic auction with the bid going to the highest bidder. A Purchase Agreement will be signed the evening ofthe auction. I know an Open (-louse for prospective bidders was held in which two apartments wcre open to view. Rick I3erens, CAI, AARE, CES Broker and Auctioneer, stopped by the Ottice of the HRA to discuss potential redevelopment options for the site. JefT O'Neill had an inquiry from a lender in Wayzata, perhaps representing a huyer, as to the zoning for upgrading or making improvements to the existing building. I called Brad Johnson/Barry Fluth about upcoming auction. I received a call from a developer/buildcr, previously with Shingobee, Inc., who's interested in the property with plans for a 36-condo unit facility, owner-occupied. Was intcrcsted in plans for area and HRA/City support. The Mayor is interested in focusing on the four blocks at the intersection of Highway 25 and Broadway for redevelopment. The City may look to acquire some targetcd properties. Additionally, wc arc hopeful Landmark Square II will soon procced and a different dcvcloper is looking at redevelopment of Block 53. If cither the City or HRA purchases rental property, the tcnants are entitled to relocation costs which Mark Ru1Testimated between $5,000 to $10,000 each. A home-owner can receive both relocation and replacemcnt costs. Show Items Page 1 of2 . Aii Auction Detail SELLER 8.Unit Apartment Sign up for our mailing Monticello,MN list. AUCTION DATE Wednesday, Mar 30 2005 . UPCOMING AUCTIONS a-Unit ApartITwnt Monticello,MN Wednesday, Mar 30 2005 Auction at Maple Lake VFW, MN Multi-Propeliy f~eal Estale Maple Lake VFW Wednesday, Mar 30 2005 Auction at Maple Lake VFW, MN IO Acres Residential Sartell MN Tuesday, Apr 05 2005 Sartell, MN 110+/- Acres Benton County Tuesday, Apr 19 2005 Foley, MN 10,5+/- Acres Clearwater MN Thursday, Apr Ol 2011 Clearwater, MN 1\11(\\1 "ll ., REAL ESTATE LISTINGS NEW CONSmUCTION IN WHIGHT COUNTY RESIDENTIAL LISTINGS 1\lIEW "ll ., FAQ's Marketing Your Auction Tax Deferred Exchanges Links to other sites. Why sell at auction? . Estate Marketing No Smoking, No Pets. This building has maintenance free exterior and is clean. Next to the park, downtown, and river. For information packet showing the financials, call today. All interested buyers are invited to an open house. Easy to maintain and easy to rent. Great cash flows! Inspection: To minimize the inconvenience to the tenants 2 units will be open for inspection. Monday, March 21 from 5-7pm. A tour of the building can be viewed online or an information packet mailed out. Call today! AUCTION TIME 18:00 CST Click the picture of the sale bill on the right for a printable version or a larger view. If you need Acrobat Reader to view the .pdf, go to Adobe.com and follow the instructions to download Acrobat Reader based on your operating system. '. Click on the logo to get Reader. CLICK HEREfor VisualTour of this listing. http://www.auctionxpress.com/site03/6 ~ show _ items.php? AuctionNo'''' 170&PHPSESSID=... 3/29/2005 . . . . Seven - 2 Bedrooln ApartInents :mOne=rBedroomm Anartment ,~"",~',w"'m~,',^w,wmmm~uu,,,=J::"",'m,'m,',','==~,,=u==~',','m,'~=~~~ . Seven Rented Garage Stalls No Smoking, No Pets. This building has maintenance free exterior and is ckan. Next to the park, river, and downtown. For an information packet showing the financials, call today. All interested buyers are invited to the inspection. Easy to maintain and easy to rent. GREAT CASH FLOWS! GREAT LOCATION! Multi - Property ReJ1 Estate Auction M,1tch 30th. 6:00PM MaJie Lake VFW John Cargill Licensed Agent AUGnON & RMlJY SERVICES~ Shelly Weinzetl Associate Broker Trent Lampi Lie. 86-58, Auetioneer/RE Agent Office. (763)295-8150 Cen~(61~)~10.1196 /.fAA ,.[ a.r. """p,,;( ,'~' ~~ MTtr~ ' ." ,.. ::II"~ ' _, ",,:::::', ,,,',~~:,: ,>~''',:,::~ ~ . . . Wnght County - Property Information Results - Parcel Data Page 1 of 1 ~c. . WRIGHT COUNTY OF M.NN&80TAiJf(iIii,="2::"-="...""'''%jrq;m,,...'""......,''''**w*tEE,,,^'~ Property Information The property information database is updated daily, Last updated:3/28/2005 I P,lIcel [lata I Ne.... Search Tmc Summary Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property In: 155-010-054030 Tax V car: 2005 Property Address: Munidpality: CITY OF MONTICELLO I I WALNUT ST School Dist : 0882- MONTICELLO MONTICELLO MN 55362 Owner Name: Taxpayt'r Name & Address: PAUL J & EVELYN M WURM '* PAUL.J & EVELYN M WURM 1445 I 37TII ST NW MONTICELLO MN 55362 Lot: 003 Section: Plat Name: Block: 054 'I'ownship: ORIGINAL PLAT Range: Deeded Aere: 0 Legal Desl'ription: LOTS 3 4 & 5 BLK S4 New Search :: Parcel [)ata :: 'fax Sununary :: /\ssessrncnt :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of propelty. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. Copyright (() :,()()3 Wrighl COllntv http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtrcas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 1 0054030&... 3/28/2005 . . . Wright County - Property Information Results - Tax Summary Page 1 of I t .\ WRIGHT COUNTY OF MINN&8'OTA_i0n~~b'm""",==",,"m- ""..."""""""""""""m""""'.",,"* Property Information The property infimnation dalahase is updated daily. Last updated: 3/28/2005 ITax SlIIlUlhllyl Ne.... Search Sales Detail Parcel Data Assessment Appraisal Property In: 155-010-054030 Tax Y car: 2005 Taxable Market Value: 334,500 I Total Improvement Amount: 0 I 'fax Capacity Amount: 4,077 I Green Aeres? No I Total Net Tax: 4,994.00 I "rotal Specials: 224.00 I Total Gross Tax: 5,218,00 I Penalty Collected 0.00 Interest C:ollected 0.00 'fax Colleded 1 st Half 0.00 Tax Collectt'd 2nd Half 0.00 Spt'cial Asst'ssments Colkcted 0.00 Prior Years Unpaid'! No New Search :: Parcel Data :: Tax Summary:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels ofpropcl1y. This information is to be uscd for reference purposes only. Although rcasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County docs not guarantee accuracy ofthe material contained hcrcin and is not rcsponsiblc for misuse or misinterpretations. Copyrit',hl ((: ,)1I'i3 \Vright COllllly http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 10054030&... 3/28/2005 Wright County - Property Information Results - Assessment Summary Page I of 1 . WRIGHT COUI\iTYDF MINNE8'OTA~~",..........".._.......... ,.. \\\\..H..AI,..~~ Property Information The property in/ormation datahase is updated daily. Last updated:3/28/2005 I Assesslnent I New Search Parcel Data Tax Summary Appraisal Sales Detail Pmperty ID: 155-010-054030 TaxY car: 2005 . Valucs I I 2 II 3 II 4 II :" I .. timated Land Market 8,600 I 48,700 I Estimakd Building I 33,200 i 244,000 I Market Estimatcd Machilll'ry I 0 0 Market Exdudcd Marl{ct I 0 0 Total Estimated Market I 41,800 292,700 Laud Limitcd I () 0 Building Limited 0 0 Total Limitcd 0 0 Classifications RES 4+ RES 4 OR Prop(~rty Type OWNERS MORE UNITS VALUE Homcstcad Status FULL NON- HOMESTEAD HOMESTEAD I Exempt Status I Not Exempt Not Exempt New Search :: Parcel Data ::'l'ax Summary:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to infi.mnation maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Allhough reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations. Copyrieht <<:.J 21)1/l Wlight COlllltv . http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtrcas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 155010054030&... 3/28/2005 . . . Wnght County - Property Information Results - Parcel Data Page 1 of 1 WRIGHT COUNTY OF MINNESOTA".~ -,_.,,,,,,~~,,,,,,.,,,,*\,,,*\~"",,,,,,,"...., Property Information The property information database is updated dai~v I_ast updated:3/28/2005 I Palcel Data I New Search Tax Summary Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property In: 155-010-054010 Tax V car: 2005 Property Address: Municipality: CITY OF MONTICELLO 10 LOCUST ST School Oist : 0882- MONTICELLO MONTICELLO MN 55362 Owner Name: Taxpayer Name & Address: ROBERT & LINDA WARNER ~ ROBERT & LINDA WARNER 10 LOClJST ST PO BOX 194 MONTICELLO MN 55362-0194 Lot: 001 Section: I PIa' Narneo I Blocl;,: 054 Township: I~angc: ORIGINAL PLAT Deeded Acre: 0 Legal Description: N 1-2 LOTS 1 & 2 RLK 54 New Search :: Parcel Data :: Tax Summary:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public servicc Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of propcrty, This information is to be used lor refcrence purposes only, Although reasonable efforts arc taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misintcrpretations, Copyright (ei 2003 Wright Cou"ty http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtrcas/proptax/results.asp?pid= 1550 1 00540 1 0&... 3/28/2005 . . . wnght County - Property Intormation Results - Tax Summary Page 1 of 1 WRIGHT COUNTY OF MIN'NEBOTAE~m~$EHMi~",;;-,;,c_,,,,,,~=,,stiiiIi Property Information 'lhe property inj()l'mation database is updated daily. Last updated:3/2f1/2005 ITax SUlIlIlh11vl New Search Parcel Data , Assessment Appraisal Sales Detail Property Ill: 155-010-054010 Tax Year: 2005 Taxable Market Value: 138,300 Totallmprovcmcnt Amount: 0 'rax Capacity Amount: 1,383 Cn'en A(TCS? No Total Nct 'rax: 1,516.00 Total Specials: 28.00 Total Gross Tax: 1,544.00 Ity Collected 0.00 Interest Collected I 0.00 I Tax Collc('!t'dl st Half 0.00 Tax C'ollccted 2nd Half 0.00 Spt'c1111 AssessllH'nts Colketcd 0.00 Prior Years Unpaid? No New Search :: Parcel Data :: Tax Summary:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels of property. This information is to be used for refercnce purposes only. Although rcasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy orthe material containcd herein and is not responsible for misuse or lnisinte'lJretations. Copyright to .,OCl..) Wr'ght C(Hlllly http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid."-= 1550 1 00540 1 0&... 3/28/2005 . . . Wright County - Property Information Results - Assessment Summary Page 1 of 1 w.... . .R.... IGHT,... C... ... OU. 'N. T. Y. OF. M". 'I.N... N... .r!.. aA....... r. As;,ww. "Pl-m:,Lm.mw->m...."'w....wow.mmm......m.m........m'.=-'","%&%0ib""\;("""''' mvw ..........~<<"'<<~~~m..~~~..~~~.~~~~=~~= X <ox, <,"~ Property Information The property information database is updatcd daily- Lastupdated3/28/2005 I A sseSSlnent I New Search Sales Detail Parcel Data TBX Summary Appraisal Property In: 155-010-054010 Tax Y car: 2005 Values 2 5 3 4, 31,000 Estimated Building Marl(et 107,300 I II 'rotal Estimatt'd Mal'kct I " I Building Limited II I Total Limited II I I Property Type 01 01 138,300 I 01 01 01 Estimated Machintry Marl{{'f I ExdudNI Marl{ct I Land Limited Classifications Homestcad Status II RESIDENTIAL I FULL HOMESTEAD I Excmpt Status Not Exempt New Search :: Parcel Data :: 'Tax Summary:: Assessment :: Appraisal :: Sales Detail As a public service Wright County is providing access to information maintained by Wright County for individual parcels ofpropeliy_ This information is to be used for reference purposes only. Although reasonable efforts are taken to publish the most current property information, Wright County does not guarantee accuracy of the material contained herein and is not responsible for misuse or misinterpretations_ Copvright (() 21)03 Wright Coun1y http://www.co.wright.mn.us/department/audtreas/proptax/results.asp?pid~.. 1550 1 00540 1 0&... 3/28/2005 'l ~. . . .;d r ,. Internet 4 .stortll) ra2 III$J IJ~~ r!lJrpor." 12d~lfJ8u.~~ I.qa,,~.... 9:59AM . . ~ I~~ Alliance RIAL l5T.m .\Ul'TIO~'i rill. 'mt Ap",tmpnt r nmplp>< In MnntkPllo, MN - MI(rOSQ~~ In~c:.r~e.t_ElCplQ!er _ u ".. _ ,~.I!I_ , " f'Otllf:l"t;,d b!J VHHJiEil'lour,,(:OUi .:J . II. Internet ,I), iilIIStartl!Jrs3.1$J IJ~~!bPer,,,I~~lfJ8u... ~ l.qa~0.". 9:58AM . . ... . _startllJ mJ. ~ IJ ~Inb...l~ IIlPar...1 @JNor...1 @Jcan...lI@J8U,~ ~ r-~. Internet d 1.~a~0.". 9:55AM . . . . 2E. HRA Agenda - 03/29/05 Redevelopment Plan Goals. As you remember, in the late 1990's, theI-loisington Group worked with the community, Mep, City, Planning Commission, and HRA to develop a Downtown Monticello Revitalization Plan which later was adopted into the Comprehensive Plan. Various ideas were discLlssed for the area including Block 54. Starting out with a grand hotel, community center location, acquisition of the parcels immediate to the river bank westward from West Bridge Park for purpose of parkland, and redevelopment with housing that creates density. The most discussion among staff for the remaining southerly one-half of Block 54 has centered around a three-story housing facility with underground parking which appears doable because of the elevation change in the area. First-floor retail along West River Strcct with second and third floor housing and underground parking has also been discussed. I belicvc the liRA would prefer owner-occupied units rather than rental. The HRA purchased the Hawkin's property in 1998 for $55,700 plus closing costs and the house was later demolished. The third parcel is owned and occupied by the Warner's and has a market value of$138,300 for 2005. 1 . . . HRA Agenda - 03/29/05 2F. Financine:. Financing Options to purchase up-front: In preliminary review of the year-end 2004 HRA finaneial Reports as being prepared by Rick Wolfsteller, the cash balance of the TIF Distriets is $779,317 (restrictive)and the eash balance of the HRA General Fund is $953,424 less $500,000 disbursed at the Otter Creek closing for a balancc of $453,424 (non-restrictivc). Additionally, the liRA matchcd the City's commitment of $1 00,000 in 2005 for future land acquisition, this was not part of the $500,000 disburscd in 2004 closing. TIF Districts (Restrictive Funds) Balance 12-2004 No pooling restrictions. Construction Five 1-5 $484,083 (Debt retired), 7 years rcmaining to collect. Rainbow Entcrprises 1-6 $180,715 [$70,000 principal rcmaining of $350,000 Bond, 8 years rcmaining to collcct] Metcalf/Larson 1-2 ($26,122) [$85,000 principal remaining 01'$260,000 Bond,S ycars rcmaining to collect] Pooling rcstriction. Downtown 1-22 [ 25% pooling dollars availablc $450,000 ($150,000 committed for Loan pilot program and 10% admin $45,000)1 HRA Gencral FWld (Non-restrictive Fund) Balance 12-2004 $453,424 less $100,000 (2005 industrial land) $353,424. ***************** Futurc Redevelopment District (15% minimum improvement coverage per parcel) plus substandard. WurmLot size 66 x 3 x 165 - 32,670 square feet. Buildings - Apartment 40 x 84 = 3,360 and 7-stall garage 1,554 square feet = 4,914 square feet of improvcments 4,914 divided by 32,670 = .150412% without driveway/parking Warner Lot sizc 66 x 165 = 10,890 square feet House 26 x 42 = 1,092 plus garage 20 x 22 = 440 total of 1,532 sq n 1,532 divided by 10,890 = .140679% without hard surface driveway. . . . TIF Cashflow Estimates March 2005 Acquisition and demolition costs: Wurm 8-plex Relocation Costs Demolition I [awkins Demolition Warner Relocation Demo or move No site prep costs Attorney, etc TOTAL $ 750,000 64,000 20,000 $ 57,500 6,000 $ 250,000 10,000 10,000 Built in 1964 Built in 1976 House 26x42=1,092 Garage 20x22=440 $ 20,000 $1,187,500 ASSUMPTIONS: Owner-occupied condos (30) units with underground parking Market value of each unit $150,000. New Market Value Tax Capacity Base Tax Capacity Capturcd Tax Capaeity 2005 Tax Ratc Tax Increment 90% TI (Availablc) $4,500,000 45,000 Taxes $54,898 5,770 39,230 I .219960% $ 47,859 $ 43,073 $43,000 x 25 ycars = $1,075,000 or $537,500 NPV :~Mar 29 05 08:33a >> .. .. Alliance Auction & Realt~ 763-295-8175 p. 1 . lance . ~\lTCTI()I\ & REA.LIT SER\,1CES~ www.alliancesuctionandrealtv.com 1337 County Road 37 NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 Office: 763..295..8150 Fax: 763-295-8175 Fax Cover Sheet From: .......---. . .......--.~ Richard Berens 612-910-1196 John Cargill 612-849-0949 . Arika BjorkedaJ 612-805-0053 Shelly Weinzetl 763-300-5055 TO: 61 ['t: Date: Fax: Pages: Re: Comments: ~.~ ~ . Mar 29 05 08:34a Alliance Auction & Re~lt~ 763-295-8175 p.2 " " r 1:- ..............._..:J> SCHEDULE C (Form 1040) e:J1lp3l1",ent o'lhe Tre8$1Jr'y 'itarnal Revenue Servicn "j""" of proprietor Profit or loss From Busines~ (Sole Proprietorship) ",PartnershipS,lointventvres, ete., mustiil. Form 1065 or 1065-B. ... Attach to Form 1040 or 1041. ....See InstructIons for Schedule C Form 1040). ":rd I,,;" OMS No, 15~S.DOH 2004 ~~=~o.09 .-- ';i'.~;>::.);.:, '" ~~/' ;:~"""','_'.;I A Principal business or profession,lncluding product or service (see page C-2) APARTMENT B LDIN G ?A E ~-------------- -------------- F G D~ . H If you started or acquired this business during 2004, check here ____.0 ...... .... .... ......n Part I I Income ........ 1 Gross receipts or sales. Caution. II this income was reported to you on Form W.2 and the "Statutory employee. box on that form ks checked, see page C-3 and check here ..... ...0.........., ....0. ...... ......... ....... ..... ....0.............. ............... ... D 1 57 216. 2 Relurns and allowances . _.... ~... .w.. .._........w.... ............ I............. raO............ ............................~................... I . _&............. Ow..... 2 3 Subtract line 2 from line 1 ........... .............. ....... ...... II..... ....... ...... ......... ......... _........................... 0................ ....... ..~.. -.. .~. 3 57 211\. 4 Cost of goods sold (from line 42 on page 2) ............. 0" ............. _.... ................. .. 0............... .... .................. ......~......... .... ... 4 5 Gross profit. Subtract line 4 from line 3 ..... ........... ,........... _ ........... ................ ~...................... -........................ ............. 5 57.216. 6 Other income, including Federal and slate gasoline or fuel tax credit or refund (see page C-3) ...... ..... ~..................................... 6 7 Gron Income. Add lines 5 and 6 .. , .. . , . ....... . . .. ... .. ... a.- 1 57.216. : Part 111 Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on line 30. B Adllertising ,...... ................ ....... c. .... a 439. 19 Pension and profil-sharlng plans .,................ 19 9 Car and truck expenses 20 Rent or lease (see page C"S): (see page C-3) ., .......$.T.M'.r....9.... 9 2 346. a Vehicles, machinery, and equipment ............ 20a 10 Commissions and fees .................. to b Other business properly ........................... 20b 11 Contract labor 21 RepaIrs and maintenance ........,._................ 21 722. (see page C-4) .........,.................... 11 22 Supplies (not included in Part III) ...........-... 22 1.951. 12 Depletion ....................-.-............. 12 23 Taxes and liCenses .................................... 23 5.218. 13 Depreciation and section 179 24 Trave~ meals, and entertainment expense deduction (not included in I Travel ...........,....................................... 24a. Part III) {see page C04),.................... 13 8 125. b Mealsand 14 Employee benefit programs (other entertainment .................. than on line 19) . ...... .............. .~.... 14 c Enter nondeductible 15 Insurance (other than health) ............ 15 2 557. amount included on line 24b ~6 Interest (see page C-S) .................. a ..Mortgage (paid to banks, ete.) ......... 1Sa 7.943. d Subtract line 24c from line 24b .................. 24d b Other . . .. ... .. ........... ..... ~...... .......... 16b 2,168. 25 Utlllties ............_.......................r.............. 25 4 947. 17 Legal and professIonal 26 Wages (less employment credits) ............... 26 services ............ ..... ...... ............ .... 17 220 27 Other expenses (from line 48 on 18 Office expense ". ........... ...... .. 18 naoe 21 . , 27 675. 28 Total expenses before expenses for business use of home. Add lines 8 through 27 in columns .......,............................... .... 28 37 311. 29 Tentative profit (loss). Sublract line 28 from line 7 ............................,........................................................,................... 29 19 905. 10 Expenses lor business use of your home. Attach Ferm 8829 ...........~............. ......... . -........................................... ........... 30 31 Net prolil or (loss). Subtract line 30 from line 29. . If a profit, enter on Form 1040, line 12, and also on Sohedulll SE,IIne 2 (statutory employees, see page CoG). 905. Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3. 31 1q } } 32 0 AU h,v.stm..t a Ie al ris!<. 32b D 50'1'8 Investment I. not al rISk. . If a loss, you mllst go to line 32. .2 If you have a loss, check the box that describes your Investment in this activity (see page C-6). . II you checked 32a, enter tile loss on Form 1040, line 12, and also on Schedllle SE, line 2 (stalutory employees, see page C-G). Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3. . If you checked 32b, you must attach Form 619B. :.HA For Paperwork Reduction Ac, Notice, see Form 1040 Instructions. '20DD 1 "-03-04 Schedule C (Form 1040) 2004 9 Mar 2S 05 08;34a Alliance Auction ~ Realt~ 763-295-8175 p.3 . Park Place Apartments Summary Park Place is an 8-plex apartment with seven two bedroom apartments and one single bedroom apartment. Six garages are available for rent on site in addition to four mini-storage units. Ten year rental history: . 99.50/0 rental success . 8 units X 10 years X 12 months = 960 possible rental months ..", . We rented 955 of the 960 possible -rental months . l~ .-. . Park Place tenants are responsible for paying their own electric and phone. The owners pay the heat, city sewer and water, garbage, and electric for common areas. Each rental unit has a refrigerator and stove/oven as well as an air conditioner. The building is equipped with: ;~.. r~"~- . Gas hot water heat . A gas fast recuperating hot water heater . A commercial grade wash machine and gas drier' . A heavy duty water softener . Timer for outside and hallway lights ~~>:', ,'~~~..;:. ~ ,:~:r.~~"'" ' I:."';' 1 I."' t4.' Mar 28 05 08:34a Alliance Auction & Realt~ 763-285-8175 p..... . Park Place Apartments Improvements to Park Place within the last 10 years by the current owners. 1994-2004 . · Roof/30 year shingles/30 Ib felt/ice & water/drip edge · Roof rafters reinforced and fire wall installed in attIc · Gutter and downspouts . Entry Sidewalk · Exterior and Commons area lighting upgrade to energy efficient high pressure sodium and compact fluorescent . Attic insulation upgrade · Commercial Wash Machine · Commercial Drier . Laundry Tub · Laundry flooring · Heavy Duty Water Softener · Furnace pump · Furnace air extractor . Adjustable Boller Thermostat · Furnace zone valves and Thermostats as needed . Insulate hot water pipes . Carpets 1000/0 including commons area . Air Conditioners 5 new . Majority of Appliances new . Sinks and faucets as needed . All blinds · Interior Paint 1000/0 · Bath Ceiling fans replaced or rebuilt as needed · Door knobs and dead bolts . Apartments wired for satellite TV . Fire extinguishers · Garage door loCks as needed . Garage door panels as needed · Trees/shrubs/bulbs planted -' "it:' 4? ~:: :., \.- - -,. ':.,:. .~1':''':' .~ . ;'F. ..~~~~:~. . ,~f~:' ~t.'''.'' "fJ,: {" Mar 25 05 08:34a Alliance Auction & Realt~ 763-255-8175 p.5 . Park Place Apartments Property Landscape and Drainage Drainage of water from the property is a natural flow from east to west starting at the parking lot and flowing around the north and south. sides of the buildings. The flowage continues off of the property to the adjoining property directly west or behind the apartment building where the City of Monticello has installed a new sewer drain site. This sewer drain site was an upgrade in 2002 at the same time the Hans Haugen Town Homes to the north were being constructed. Decorative rock and landscape plastic was:added to the perimeter of the apartment building with a positive slope away from the building. . ~.. ,', 1~:;' ~: . .1' :' . ".: " j ..:;. J.,' ~ 1 J'i'.~ . .),. .rW>: ').\7/" i.:J ; Mar 29 05 08:34a Alliance Auction L Re8lt~ 763-295-8175 p.6 . Park Place Apartments Rentallnc::ome 2004 $ 57,216.00 Property Tax $ (5,218.00) Utilities $ (4,947.00) i Insurance $ (2,557.00) Net Rental Income 2004 $ 44,494.00 Rental Income 2003 $ 58,038.00 . Property Tax $ (5,714.00) Utilities $ (5,040.00) Insurance $ (2,202.00) Net Rental Income 2003 $ 45,082.00 ....~~.' I f :'~<f: . ":."'. I:>' .:-, .~ - . .~,:..~:. . '" \'"..; .'. . :/::.~~, ,'.... '.' .~'. ....:/ , ., '!:";~ I ,. l;P~ ~ ~ ~I ,.:,:' 8 lO"""Olt)O '3, "I""""'N~~M Cl"tM-Cl"t..".... fIA, ...:; r:: e "':~~ ) .:::~~:: ~ 0 '...;" ii 8 0 .u .!! ~ ~ "tJ U") ~ ~~ " co ~ ... 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Q) "SO:: c ..... cu 0 c:: EeE(LI~ ~ "CI -e C'l "0 R1G.1 enctij 0..0 ~ ;0 ~ '0 CN<{l?...J1- ~~l~a~ ~ uo~~on~ aoue~tt~ ,'" .., .',~:~t1~ " ;" . -\.~ ,) I 'I o Q ..f an GO fIi" .... :':~.'+" 'J CII Sf; o c u 0 .5z 'tit ZD. ,,", "':r, .,'.1' ~ ". ~..;::;. '" >- ltJ 0. Q,l .J::. U1 ~i co .. c OJ E -e en a. It] U1 . :c~ ""'::1 c 0 -e g:: m 2-0 -0) ... ..... Q) C .c:::l 08 :E .!!! * "0 * ltI ,,- -,~' . ~vE::BO so sa .J~W . . . HRA Agenda - 03/29/05 3. Consideration to approve authorization or denv authorization to bid on the said Ilropertv and to determine maximum amount of bid if applicable. After review and discussion ofthc information provided, the l{RA needs to decide whether to participate in the bidding process on March 30,2005. Things to waive: Acquisition costs Relocation/replacement costs Demo (perhaps asbestos in apt building) Control of two parcels. (Third parcel remaining) Unknown site prep costs. Prefer developer driven. Control desired density and redevelopment. What does the market demand? Source of funds for up-front purchase. Does improvements to apt meet density or goals? Are the HRA and City goals consistent? What would be the intent of the HRA? RFP - purchase remaining site? Be the developer? Demolish or rent out apartment? No construction or for sale price estimates. A. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve authorization to bid on the said property and to determine as the maximum amount to bid. Request I IRA Chair and/or Executive Director to attend auction. Determine source of funding. 2. ^ motion to deny authorization to bid on the said property. 3. ^ motion requesting the HRA Chair and/or Executive Director to attend auction and bid only based on bidder's intent for property. Determine maximum of bid and source of funding.