City Council Minutes 09-28-1998 SpecialMINUTES
Manday, September 28, 1998 - 5:30 p.nn.
Members Present: Bill Fair, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen
Members Absent: None
A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of discussing the 1999 municipal
budget and tax levy.
City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that at the previous budget workshop, Council
adopted a preliminary tax levy totaling $4,802,407, which was $919,394 higher than the 1998
levy. Council directed staff to reduce the $353,000 non-debt portion of the increase by
approximately one-third, which would result in a 5% increase over 1998.
Staff proposed a reduction of $117,682 to a new total of $4,584,725 by reducing or delaying
purchases in the park and street departments and by including additional revenue from higher
building permit fees, additional homestead credit, and garbage fees. The budget was also
modified to include funding for an additional part-time employee in the finance department and a
$35,000 MCP matching contribution.
Council discussed the budget modifications, and it was noted that rather than including
additional revenue to reduce the budget, expenditures should be reduced by an additional
$57,000 to reach the 6% increase. It was suggested that the parks department budget could be
reduced by $33,500, using an additional $33,500 from reserves; or the parks department budget
could be reduced by $67,000, and if budgeted projects were completed ahead of schedule,
$33,500 could be taken fram reserves for additional park projects.
Council also discussed the MCF's 1999 request for a contribution of $42,500 plus an additional
$9,250 to develop a community identity and marketing strategies for Monticello. Mayor Fair
noted that he had expressed concerns to the MCP Board that current projects should be
completed prior to beginning another study. Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak
also noted that the MCP contribution was being taken fram the economic development budget,
which is also used by the HRA for industrial land and marketing. Although she agreed the City
should complete its three-year matching contribution commitment to the MCP, she requested that
Council support its city commissions during tough budget years.
Councilmember Herbst also agreed the City should meet its three-year commitment; however, he
disagreed with increasing the contribution at this time. He also noted that he was a member of
the MCP Board when the organization was created and that their original intent was not to
involve the City. He questioned MCP Director Rita Ulrich as to when the MCP expected to be
self-sustaining. Ms. Ulrich responded that they would prefer to see the City levy for MCP
funding, as they felt they were providing a public service.
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Special Council Minutes - 9/28/98
It was the consensus of the City Cauncil to table action an the contribution to the MCP until
review of the revised budget at the next workshap. The next budget workshop was set far
Monday, October 26, 1998, at 5:30 p.m.
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Kare 'boty
Deputy City Clerk
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