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City Council Agenda Packet 07-14-2008
AGENDA -iViCwOUNCR Monday July 14, 2008 — 7 p.m. NOTE: Special meeting at 5 p.m. to interview candidates for Human Resources Position Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of June 23, 2008 Regular Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of June 23, 2008 Special Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Liquor and Parks. B. Consideration of vacating a portion of Dundas Road right of way as related to the Amax Addition plat and vacating a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25 right of way. C. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club. D. Consideration of accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the Fallon Avenue Pathway, City Project No. 2007-12C. E. Consideration of approving liquor license for Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar. F. Consideration of authorizing to proceed with the hiring process for utility locator position. G. Consideration of accepting donation from VFW Post #8731, Dick Slais, Monticello Lions Club, Ryan & Kelly Kadelbach and Jennifer and Dave Mathieu. H. Consideration of approving one day charitable gambling license for Ducks Unlimited Chapter #256. Consideration of appointment of election judges for primary election on September 9, 2008. Consideration of a request for amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance Section 3-9 regulating signage for the purpose of promoting or selling a development project. Applicant: City of Monticello. K. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a sign promoting or selling a development project. Agenda Monticello City Council July 14, 2008 Page 2 L. Consideration of approving resolution requestinm speed study on Chelsea Road from CSAR 18 to TH 25 and on Edmonson Avenue from 87' Street to Chelsea Road. M. Consideration of approving closure of street for a neighborhood block party. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing — Consideration of a request for appeal of denial for variance from Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance regulating off-street parking requirements. 8. Consideration of Directing Staff to Present to TDS with Opportunities for Sharing Telecommunication Development Related Expenses and Cooperative/Efficient Use of City Rights of Way. 9. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Fire Department Tanker. 10. Consideration of accepting feasibility report and call for public hearing for street improvements to Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North, City Project No. 2008- 1 OC. 11. Consideration of award of bids for 2008 Sealcoating Project. 12. Department Report — Building Department 13. Consideration of approving payment of bills for July, 2008. 14. Adjourn Council Minutes: 6123/08 MINUTES REGULAR MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday 11 Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and. Pledge of Allegilnee Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF • 11: REGULAR MEETING. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY.0 1, ! ! r ,! ... ! a • 1 ti ! t r t' • • !' r ! The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Council participation in the interview process for the Human Resources Manager and Economic Development Director; and 2) Public service message regarding RiverFest. • •'• • ♦� c • •�r r • No one spoke under citizens comments. . Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC, Streets, Parks, Water and Economic Development. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures for MCC, Parks, Streets, Sewer and Water and Economic Development. B. Consideration of approving a one -day charitable gambling license for a raffle for Wright 1 Council Minutes: 6/23/08 County/West Metro White Tail Association. Recommendation: Approve a one -day charitable gambling license for a raffle for the Wright County/West Metro White Tail Association for September 7, 2008 at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard. C. Consideration to approve a request for conditional use permit for amendment to planned unit development for a Comprehensive Sign Plan. Applicant: Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital District. Recommendation: Approve the planned unit development amendment for the Monticello -Big Lake Community Hospital District based on a finding that the proposed signs are consistent with the intent of the City's Zoning Ordinance and the existing PUD subject to the following conditions: 1. Based upon the recommendation by the City Engineer, City Officials determine the acceptability of the proposed placement of permanent signs within required drainage and utility easements. A license should be prepared specifying the conditions for occupancy of the easements by the hospital/clinic signage. 2. The setbacks of all directional/informational and freestanding tenant signs be specified. 3. The heights of the proposed light standards (to which parking lot identification signs are to be affixed) be specified. 4. Any signs which are to be illuminated from the exterior be arranged in a manner such that the source of illumination is shielded from view of neighboring properties and rights-of-way. 5. The existing PUD agreement (for the hospital) be amended to incorporate the approved sign plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Attorney. 6. In the event the applicants seek sign one or more sign permits that are significantly larger than the sign listed as "SHOWN" on the approved plans, approval of said permit shall require additional Planning Commission review and City Council approval. F. Consideration of authorizing to proceed with hiring process for Seasonal Locator/Field Technician position. Recommendation: Authorize proceeding with hiring process for Seasonal Locator/Field Technician position. G. Consideration of award of bid for Fiber Optics Head -End Building Sit Grading and Utilities, City Project No. 2006-32C. Recommendation: Award the bid to Schluender Construction, Inc. in the amount of $133,874.00. H. Consideration of award of bids for fiber optics Head -End Building, City Project No. 2006-32C. Recommendation: Award both the base and alternate bid to KC Companies, Inc. in the amount of $555,000 and $14,500 respectively. I. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Fiber Loop, City Project No. 2006-32C. Recommendation: Approve the plans and specifications for Fiber Loop and authorize advertisement for bids with project costs estimated at $1,470,000 with bidding documentation being submitted to firms that bid on the original project. IV 91 C114-I&I a a NO ;KWXK$J K Council Minutes: 6/23/08 #5C" PLT Amendment — Monticellolft Lake Community Hospital. Wayne Mayer asked if approval of this request would impair any future installation of utilities along this section of right-of-way. Bruce Westby, City Engineer, stated the signage proposed would not impair the City's ability to use the right-of-way. WIVA 91 • a II 111 CONDITIONS: 1. Based upon the recommendation by the City Engineer, City Officials determine the acceptability of the proposed placement of permanent signs within required drainage and utility easements. A license should be prepared specifying the conditions for occupancy of the easements by the hospital/clinic signage. 2. The setbacks of all directional/informational and freestanding tenant signs be specified. 3. The heights of the proposed light standards (to which parking lot identification signs are to be affixed) be specified. 4. Any signs which are to be illuminated from the exterior be arranged in a manner such that the source of illumination is shielded from view of neighboring properties and rights-of-way. 5. The existing PUD agreement (for the hospital) be amended to incorporate the approved sign plan. This issue should be subject to further comment by the City Attorney. 6. In the event the applicants seek sign one or more sign permits that are significantly larger than the sign listed as "SHOWN" on the approved plans, approval of said permit shall require additional Planning Commission review and City Council approval. Clint Herbst expressed his appreciation of the work that was done with this project. Mr. Olson from the Monticello Big Lake Hospital indicated the project is on schedule and the clinic is scheduled to be moving in sometime in August. fog 1 - Presbyterian Homes is refinancing their debt using the City of Bloomington's bonding capability. Because the Mississippi Shores project is located in the City, the City of Monticello needs to adopt the resolution approving the issuance of the bonds. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. No one spoke for or against the proposed bond issue. Mayor Herbst then closed the public hearing. Brian Stumpf noted that in 1995 bonds were issued for the Mississippi Shores project and they refinanced it in 2002 and now the refinancing comes before the Council again. Tom Kelly stated Presbyterian Homes in order to save money is going through the City of Bloomington to refinance five projects that they have. Each city where a project is located has to provide host approval in order for the City of Bloomington to issue the bonds. Council Minutes: 6/23/08 F*-'EHALF OF PRESBYTERIAN HOMES. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 8. Public Hearine - Consideration of a reauest for appeal of denial for variance from Chapter 3, Section 5 of the Monticello Zonin2 Ordinance reeulatin2 off-street varkin2 requirements. City Planner, Steve Grittman indicated that the Planning Commission had denied the variance request of Pizza Man restaurant and the applicant filed an appeal. Under the parking requirements in the CCD District the site would be 8 spaces short based on its restaurant use. This would be allowed provided that the applicant made payment to the parking fund. The applicant was requesting waiver of payment of the parking fund fee. Brian Stumpf stated that when the China Buffet restaurant was a tenant in the strip mall they did do some angle parking. However it was Steve Grittman's recollection that applicant was not in compliance even though they did provide the angled parking. Clint Herbst said in this case, unlike the Mielke development, the lack of parking would affect other facilities such as the library. Clint Herbst asked if any new spaces were identified for parking. Steve Grittman said he was not aware that any spaces were identified. Steve Grittman said the library parking lot provided the overflow parking for the needed spaces. Street Superintendent Tom Moores stated the library space is pretty much developed to its fullest extent. Clint Herbst asked if there were any other options in the area for head -in parking and or if there was a chance to put parking spaces onto the adjacent property. Barry Fluth was present and indicated that he is willing to look at the property and work with the City to come up with a solution. Clint Herbst said while it is not known that there will be a need for the parking stalls there should at least be a plan for spaces should the need arise. Wayne Mayer asked how the City would respond to a parking complaint in this area. Steve Grittman said the approval of the variance would go along with some kind of agreement that would pay into the parking fund and the City would search for parking spaces. Wayne Mayer said businesses are concerned that the City requires too much parking. Wayne Mayer noted the City had bent the parking requirements on another development owned by Barry Fluth. Wayne Mayer felt maybe the tenant should look for larger accommodations with adequate parking rather than try to fit its proposed use onto this site. Barry Fluth felt there was plenty of parking in the area and cited examples of Rancho Grande on Cinco De Mayo and Crostini's on Mother's Day. Both places were extremely busy but had not received any complaints about parking. Crostini has off site parking across the street which is where the employees are required to park. They would do the same with the Pizza Man site. Barry Fluth said they are looking at all kinds of solutions. He noted within the area there are 101 parking spaces. Wayne Mayer asked Susie Wojchouski, Council liaison to the Planning Commission why the Planning Commission denied the variance request. Susie Wojchouski responded that it was a 3-2 vote. The Planning Commission felt they needed to follow the requirements of the parking plan. There was some discussion that the employees could park at the Cub parking lot. Lloyd Hilgart, Planning Commission member spoke. He voted for Barry Fluth to not have to pay into the parking fund and to allow the variance. Lloyd Hilgart felt if the City is okay with the fact that the site doesn't have 8 spaces need and can utilize library parking if there is a need, the applicant should not have to pay into the parking fund especially when no parking spaces are added. Clint Herbst concurred if the site can be made to work without adding spaces, then the applicant should not have to pay. Otherwise if spaces are needed the City should designate where those spaces are. 4 Council Minutes: 6/23/08 Susie Wojchouski felt the City was okay with the number of parking spaces there. Wayne Mayer asked for clarification from Mr. Hilgart on his vote. Was it because he felt more stalls were needed or because he did not agree with having Barry Fluth pay into the parking fund. Lloyd Hilgart responded that if there are not enough stalls the applicant should not be allowed that use at all but if the City is saying the stalls are needed then they should be put in. The applicant should not pay for stalls that are not put in. Tom Perrault said if the site needed more parking and could use the library stalls did that mean the parking for the library was overbuilt as far as parking. Tom Perrault asked what happens if the use becomes more intense. Jeff O'Neill said the idea of some kind of agreement for parking is an option but if parking spaces are needed and the applicant is not required to pay into the parking fund, the City is undermining its parking plan. Wayne Mayer asked if it was feasible in situations like this to table the item and ask staff to come up with a solution to be brought back to Council. Wayne Mayer felt he needed more information on this before he could make a decision 9. Consideration of acceDtin,2 audit revort for the vear endin2 December 31, 2007. Clint Herbst noted that a workshop was held prior to the Council meeting where the Council and auditor reviewed the preliminary audit report. Jim Eichten of MMKR gave a short presentation on the audit report and briefly reviewed the information contained in the Annual Financial Report, the Management Report and the Special Purpose Audit Report. He noted it was his responsibility as an auditor to give an opinion on the City's financial report and its compliance with state laws and regulations. He indicated there were several findings in the report a number of which related to internal controls. He noted that since the last audit there was a change in administration and a change in auditor. Staff and Council have been receptive to the recommendations made by the auditor. He noted there is a new set of audit standards. The new standard has to do with formal documentation of accounting procedures and formal documentation of technology. There were two other findings relating to compliance with Minnesota Law one relating to collateral assigned and the other to contract language. Both findings are easily corrected. The finance area of the audit was also covered. General fund increased about $141,000. The City fund balance is 76.5% of the overall expenditures. Much of this set aside for working capital and other capital projects that the City has ongoing. He also reviewed the enterprise funds and liquor fund. He noted the consistent increases in revenue in the liquor fund while the expenditures had remained relatively stable. Jim Eichten said they look to eliminate most of the findings before next years audit. m x ar, 'N ou 'VE-11my, 41own 0 0 , v 1 walkne I!► I � I I I �Iz�:- I I � 11111171,171 Jeff O'Neill provide background information on the SAC charges. He noted that the fee schedule and 0 Council Minutes: 6/23/08 the current ordinance are inconsistent with how they determine the SAC fee. Chapter 2, Title 7 of the code will be updated to reflect how the City determines the fee. Jeff O'Neill talked about peak time flows. He noted that the SAC standards were set by the Met Council some years ago and have not been updated recently. Most of the recently built Buffalo Wild Wings restaurants were based on SAC units of I per 8 seats primarily because the facility has an automatic dishwasher. It was discussed that since the Met Council has not updated their engineering data this does not reflect changes in technology Clint Herbst questioned why anyone had not challenged the Met Council on this designation. He noted the wide range for restaurants going from I unit to 8 seats to I unit for 22 seats with nothing in between. Clint Herbst felt a good point was made about the changes in technology not being reflected in the Met Council standards. There were four options for the Council to consider: 1) going with a full service restaurant designation; 2) going with a fast food restaurant designation; 3) going with the "grill" designation which would have a SA fee based on I unit per 15 seats and 4) monitor the wastewater flows for a given period and determine the designation based on the flows. Bruce Westby stated that installation of the monitor was not that difficult and the price indicated in the agenda report was $ 10,000. Susie Wojchouski indicated that in searching the internet she found monitoring devices that were considerably less ($800). Clint Herbst stated the City should feel comfortable in making another tier. He didn't know if he wanted to go with monitoring of flows as an option as it could result in the installation of a number of flows and require the City to have someone going around taking readings. Three tiers for restaurants seem to be reasonable as far as Brian Stumpf was concerned Mike Krutzig felt the discrepancy between the two amounts was too great. Clint Herbst didn't have a problem with making another tier but he didn't want multiple tiers or monitoring options. Mike Krutzig felt he would be willing to have the monitoring done because he believes it would give the City a reference point. Brian Stumpf said the City is showing a good faith effort by considering a third tier. Tom Perrault said he would be willing to go with 1 unit per 15 seats. Clint Herbst said the City might have to look at the amount they charge for SAC fees. Clint Herbst said the more Mike Krutzig argues his point the less likely he is inclined to go with it. Clint Herbst felt the City is being flexible and that it is not the City's responsibility to bail the business out when it makes a bad decision. Wayne Mayer asked about the SAC calculation shown in the agenda item and that there seemed to be some discrepancy. Staff will need to verify the calculations. Lloyd Hilgart suggested that if another category is established that the water be measured to see if he falls into the fast food restaurant. If that is the case the gallons set for fast food would have to adjusted. It is important that there is significant difference in usage between the different tiers. Clint Herbst noted that Maple Lake, Howard Lake and Annandale are doing a joint treatment facility which is a way of keeping cost down resulting in lower SAC fees. He felt regionalization was something the city would need to look at. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO FIND THE • TO BE CONSISTENT WITH A "GRILL" FACILITY RESULTING IN A SAC FEE BASED ON I UNIT PER 15 SEATS OR 17 6 Council Minutes: 6/23/08 SAC UNITS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY, 5-0 I V X16.314-1 ENAVIrr 11i 11111;111111 111 111111 111 111 Bruce Westby reviewed the plans for closing River Street at TH 25. Brian Stumpf asked where the $11,600 cost figure came from for this work. He thought this was a high cost to temporarily close a street. Bruce Westby responded that this work is not something the City is equipped to do but would have to contract for. The mobilization cost is quite high. Clint Herbst said he thought they were just going to barricade the street and if it didn't work the barricades would be removed. Bruce Westby said the City doesn't have the type of barricades needed. Brian Stumpf said he was dumbfounded by what was required to close the street. Bruce Westby said this plan is based on Minnesota Uniform Traffic Standards. It minimizes liability for the City and it is an approved traffic control plan. Without an approved plan the City could open itself up for liability. This is a plan approved by the State and County. Bruce Westby said he didn't know how much the project cost could be reduced but noted approximately 1/3 of the cost is mobilization. Clint Herbst said he too was surprised at the cost and he disagreed with not closing off the street until after RiverFest. Bruce Westby said if the project is to be done before RiverFest they would not have time to go out and get prices and do the cost analysis for doing it in-house or by contract. Clint Herbst asked about pricing out renting the equipment and materials compared to owning it. Clint Herbst said the idea was to see if closing River Street helps in determining how to fix TH 25 and it was only going to be temporary closing. Susie Wojchouski asked if the number of signs needed could be prepared in time. Clint Herbst felt in a couple weeks the City would have a good sense of what is happening as a result of the street closure. Clint Herbst felt before paying $11,600 the City should look at purchasing some of the equipment. Tom Moores said the portable type 3 barricades were about $600 each. Susie Wojchouski asked about the impact on RiverFest. She felt it would be better done after RiverFest. Wayne Mayer felt there would be less traffic on River Street if was done before RiverFest since the closure would eliminate any commuter traffic through the area. Tom Perrault felt the stoplight to get across TH 25 at River Street would be better than putting traffic on Broadway. Tom Perrault is not in favor of this project. He felt if you close off River Street the problem will just go to another street. Brian Stumpf said even if the City goes with the plan where is the $11,600 coming from. Tom Kelly said they could possibly use funds from the street reconstruction fund or capital reserve funds. Clint Herbst said he would like to see what the cost would be if the City did some of the work. Clint Herbst felt the City should look at something more portable for closing River Street since it is to be a temporary closing. Clint Herbst felt $11,600 is shocking. Bruce Westby said MnDOT has to work on the signals and for that reason they have to approve the signage plan. Wayne Mayer asked if part of the $11,600 in any way goes to MnDOT to take care of the signals. Bruce Westby said it did not. Wayne Mayer asked if the Street Department could to the work for the same or less cost if they owned the equipment. 7 Council Minutes: 6/23/08 Tom Moores said they have the capability to set it up if the equipment and materials were purchased. Tom Moores noted that Geyer Rental would be responsible for maintaining the signs. The $11,600 would cover maintenance for 60 days. Clint Herbst suggested renting the barricades and picking them up. Brian Stumpf said in the meantime the City could price the equipment needed and look at purchasing it. Clint Herbst suggested purchasing 20 barricades and the appropriate number of drums. Susie Wojchouski suggested putting a limit on the dollar amount to be spent. Clint Herbst said he didn't want to hear staff come up with why they can't do it but rather how it could be done. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO PURCHASE WHATEVER IS NEEDED TO CLOSE OFF RIVER STREET AT TH 25 UP TO $15,000. Wayne Mayer asked if MNDOT would not to approve the plan because they don't have J barriers. Bruce Westby thought MnDOT would approve it without the J barriers. Brian Stumpf suggested a date for the closure be included in the motion. There was some discussion on whether it should be done before or after RiverFest SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI AMENDED HER MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT CLOSURE OF THE STREET SHOULD BE ACCOMPLISHED AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 4-1 13. Consideration of award of bid for Fiber Optics Head -End Buildine Site Gradin2 and Utiliti Citv Proiect No. 2006-32C. I Approved with consent agenda. 14. Consideration of award of bid for beOptics Head -End BuildinLy. City Project No. 2006-32C. Approved with consent agenda. 15. Consideration of approvin2 plans and svecifications and advertisint! for bids for Fiber Loov, Citv Proiect No. 2006-32C. Approved with consent agenda. Interview Process for Human Resources Manager and Economic Development Director: Jeff O'Neill indicated 13 applicants between the Human Resources and Economic Development position will be interviewed. The interviews are scheduled for Wednesday and Thursday of this week. He asked if anyone on the Council wanted to be involved in the screening process and interviews. Mike Benedetto from the IDC would like to sit in on the screening process for the Economic Development Director and perhaps someone from EDA should sit in as well. After screening of the candidates the Council will determine how they want to handle the interview process after that. RiverFest. Susie Wojchouski gave a reminder of the RiverFest events coming up on July 10 -July 13, 2008. A variety of activities are scheduled for the celebration and further information on the activities can be obtained from monticelloriverfest.com., There is still a need for volunteers to man the Duck Adoption booth located at the Cub store. M Council Minutes: 6/23/08 16. Consideration of avvrovin2 i)avment of bffls for June, 2009' Wayne Mayer had a question of the purchase of $350 of wood chips from a vendor outside of the community. Tom Kelly stated the price from the vendor was less than that of the local vendors. Clint Herbst said the City needs to support its local businesses and asked if they had requested local vendors to match the price. Tom Kelly indicated that he didn't know if they had asked to match the price but the difference in price between the vendors was that one was selling it wholesale rather than retail. 17. Adjourn Recording X MINUTES Is gy�-C_ T I ��T I —�#- --- civil 11111171 1111 Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None Clint Herbst called the meeting to order at 5 p.m. Finance Director Tom Kelly introduced Jim Eichten of MMKR, the City's auditing firm. Tom Kelly commented that city staff did a good job in pulling stuff together for the auditors but they still are pushing the deadline for submission to the state which is June 30th. Jim Eichten submitted three documents for Council review and discussion; 1) Annual Financial Report; 2) Management Report and 3) Special Purpose Audit Report. He noted there were a number of findings in the report some relating to internal controls and some to compliance. The findings relating to internal controls included segregation of duties, account reconciliation, preparation of financial statements, audit adjusting journal entries and lack of documentation of the internal controls. Jim Eichten explained each of the findings and what needed to be done to rectify them. The findings relating to compliance with Minnesota law and regulations had to do with collateral assigned and contract language. It was explained that state statute requires language in contracts that require payment to the subcontractors in a timely manner. Jim Eichten explained their duties and responsibilities as auditors and noted that there is a new audit standard out. The "old school" philosophy had the auditor serving kind of a dual function as both auditor and accountant. The current practice is to only serve one function. The Special Purpose Audit report provides the opinion of the auditor on certain financial controls. It is the City's responsibility to have those controls in place so that the report can be prepared. The auditor provides feedback and recommendations as to what those controls should be. Jim Eichten stated that some of the findings in the report such as segregation of duties is a common finding for a city the size of Monticello since generally the size of staff does not allow for complete segregation of duties. He discussed the City's construction projects. The City has construction projects which have gone on for a number of years without being closed out and converted to a fixed asset. In summary Jim Eichten indicated that the findings were a result of a change in administration, a change in auditors and new audit and accounting standards. He is quite certain that some of these findings will be rectified by the next audit. Jim Eichten briefly touched on the fund balances for the general fund, sewer and water funds and liquor store funds. Jim Eichten pointed out the reports contained a lot of detailed information and if any of the Council had questions they should feel free to contact him. The Council came out of closed session at 6:45 p.m. 19:1 IN 411MAIM 0 IM MOLOWN 0191 Dim 0 go I guy Loll 9 M OM G Lei I • Irey-AN 1.4 MINI a M115104 MA1104 I 10 ESIONJ ffi� Recording Secretary Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5A. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for MCC. Liquor and Park (JO) I The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the MCC, Liquor and Park. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. I 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. List of new employees. Nam Title Department Hire Date Class Melberg, Andrea Warehouse Attendant MCC 08/05/08 T Gnyen.Cnag Seasonal Worker Parks 00/09/08 T Geyen,K4ark Seasonal Worker Parks 06/09/08 T '- - TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Class - — -Day oounciiemp)oyee|istx|e: 6/24/2008 Name Sharon Backstrom Timothy Alberts NEW EMPLOYEES Title Department Hire Date Class Cashier Liquor 06/25/08 PT Stock/Cashier Liquor 06/20/08 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class council—employee list.x1s: 7/8/2008 Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5B. Consideration of Vacating a Portion of Dundas Road Right-of-Wav as related to fj'w� Amax Addition Plat and for the Vacation of a nortion of Old State Hiehwav Trunk No. 25 Rieht of Wav (WSB) The public hearing for this item was held on June 9, 2008 and tabled upon confirming locations of existing utilities within the vacated easements. In addition, Mr. Lundsten questioned whether or not the triangular piece to the south (shown as Parcel B on the attached Exhibit C) was vacated. In reference to confirming locations of existing utilities, there is an existing overhead power line within the proposed vacated easement along Dundas Road. A drainage and utility easement was included with the approved Amax Addition plat over this existing power line, however the applicant has decided not to include the vacated property with the plat. Therefore, the City should retain a drainage and utility easement over this area. Staff has notified Xcel of the easement vacation, as required by the franchise agreement, and they have indicated they have no objections to the vacation. There is also an existing overhead power line along TH 25 adjacent to the part of Old Highway 25 that is proposed to be vacated (Parcel A shown on Exhibit A). The overhead line is not within the proposed property to be vacated. There is also an existing transmission line easement within this area. The City's action to vacate this area does not release any other non -City owned easements already recorded on the property, therefore the proposed vacation will not affect the existing transmission line easement. The property Mr. Lundsten is questioning (Parcel B shown on Exhibit C) has not been vacated. Mr. Lundsten will need to petition to the Council requesting the vacation of the property. If he does request this, staff will bring forth a separate agenda item to call for a public hearing at a future Council meeting. It is still proposed to vacate the Old State Highway 25 right of way as shown on Exhibit A to clear the City's right of way interest in the property. Exhibit A, included with this agenda item, shows the proposed properties to be vacated and Exhibit B shows the property to be conveyed back to Mr. Posusta after the final plat is recorded. The following is background from the original agenda item: (From June 9, 2008 Council meetiner) This item relates to vacations of right ofway for Dundas Road and Old State Highway Trunk No. 25 resulting from the review of the recent Amax Addition plat as shown on the attached drawing. The Dundas Road vacation relates to a strip of right of way that is wider than the existing right of way along Lot I of the Amax Addition plat. The right of way is not needed by the City and the City is not the fee title property owner for this strip of right of way. The property was conveyed to the City by warranty deed. Therefore, in conjunction with the proposed vacation, the City will need to convey back this right of way to the property owner by warranty deed. The City attorney C,*!Doo—wsd SetdngslDuwn.GrorsingerlLocal SettingslTemporary Intemet Files OIX4AGNITM-L)undasRdROWacation-071408,doc Council Agenda: 7/14/08 is preparing the warranty deed document for the conveyance. The property could then be included with the Amax Addition plat. The vacation was included as a condition of approval for the Amax Addition plat approved at the May 12, 2008 City Council meeting, The Old State Highway 25 vacation is a housekeeping item. A quit claim deed was conveyed to the adjacent property owner for this parcel. However, the right of way encumbering this piece was never vacated. The vacation would bean action to clear the City's right of way interest in the property and is not intended to impact the quiet title actions being undertaken by the adjacent property owners. Consider approving a resolution to vacate a portion of Dundas Road and retaining a drainage and utility easement as related to the Amax Addition plat and vacating a portion of Old State Highway Trunk No. 25 right-of-way as shown on the attached Exhibit A. Staff recommends Alternate 1. Exhibit A - Vacation Sketch Exhibit B — Property Conveyance and Quit Claim Deed Exhibit C — Old State Hwy No. 25 Right of Way Vacation Resolution C, Docu—ts and SeffingDa-.Crossinge,JM SewngiTmpmy IW—I FlesDLK411IGN ITM-DunditsRdROWVacation-071408.doc EXCEPTION LINE/l 0 ND,4 S 37- 4 9 510 9�4 - '5 2 4 0, c5 6�'547' (S89-08 0 D— N89*00*- 7 140. 00, DHE EXCEPTION L=20.78 'IT =1*30*25' ROA L 85. 42 �790. 00 CyV) n;t 78-55'4 TF 40 40 0) 4 V (IV (f0 -LINE 2 11.C'4 'z 10 00 C DO If sk if p N 0 C) >.Q Iq fV ILL! If 0 C) LLJ 4" �. C.) C? L \ f l '<C c-, S to LIJ .40 i:k 40 40 C �) /Easement/for transmission lines per Document No. 946711 L 37.57 N89*00'47"E 184.39 221.94 N89'00147�E'�,?,47 7-B— — (589-08'38"W Dee d�\ AREA TO EVACATED 4820 SQ FT Preparvidby.' Amax Addition WSS Project No.1627-91 Date 5116108 A 701Xenia �Soulh, suite 300 Vacation Sketch Revised Date 6/18108 W SB min-ripeiis. IVIN 55416 www.wsbeng.cam AMON& Monticello, Minnesota EXHIBIT A INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING s PLANNING I CONSTRUCTION ............... POINT 0 EXCEPTION so- LINE 1 0.04 0 SrA; b 19'3 7 X254.55 90 y 47- J (N58908'3 89.0047�7 wS® - 0 4000, D -E L 4-- OHE L -20.7–r EXCEPTION >P 25 8 41PO' 5 - &IMS L 85 Ji R.796 2 I / CH BR. 0 S78*55 Ji '4 to o ej if kzC0 44i LINE12- 0 1 0 1 J 0 Q > c If 0 LJJ If 0 V Ck. ix- –J X'S S;P 0) . C) .66 40 40 ,�Eosement for transmission lines per Document No. 946711 — — — — — — — — — --- 4� 37.57 N89'00'47"E 184.39 221.94 47-0!112.47 N89-00-47 E 7 (S89*OW36"W Deed 1 AREA TO 81 COWEVID TO PROPERTY OVMERm5O7 SO FT preparedby., Amax Addition A7111 Xn1a,weme 801,11, Sult. SOO W SB Minneapolis, 55416 Property Conveyance beng.com AAssociotes. Mc. M 111111111M M -W4800- Fax MW1.1700 Monticello, Minnesota INFRASTRUCTURE :ENGINEERING :PLANNING CONSTRUCTION 40 .-LINE 3 ® 82 WSB Project No.1627-91 Date 6/17/08 Revised Date 6/18/08 !. M Date: 2008. FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, Grantor, hereby conveys and quitclaims to GLEN R. POSUSTA and LOIS A. POSUSTA, husband and wife, Grantees, real property in Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: together with all hereditaments and appurtenances. [X] The Seller certifies that the Seller does not know of any wells on the described real property. A well disclosure certificate accompanies this document. I am familiar with the property described in this instrument and I certify that the status and number of wells on the described real property have not changed since the last previously filed well disclosure certificate. 139273vO1 1MONTICELLO:AmAx ADDITION SRN:06/12/2008 (Dundas Road Vacation) CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation RIM am STATE OF MINNESOTA ) (ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 72008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, on behalf of the municipal corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. Check here if part or all of the land is Registered (Torrens) 0 THIS INSTRUMENT DRAFTED BY: Campbell Knutson Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 SRN 13927301 SRN:06/12/2008 Notary Public Tax Statements for the real property described in this instrument should be sent to (Include name and address of Grantee): 2 MONTICELMAMAx ADDITION (Dundas Road Vacation) [00*58111 � : , That part of (THE TRACT) described below, which lies southerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet southerly of line 1 as described below, and also which lies southwesterly of line 2 as described below. (THE TRACT) That part of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of said South Half; thence along the north line of said South Half on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West parallel with the east line of said South Half a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West parallel with the north line of said South Half a distance of 831.61 feet to the centerline of Old Minnesota Highway No. 25 (also known as Cedar Street); thence North 27 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 386.16 feet to the point of beginning of the parcel to be described; thence North 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds East, parallel with the north line of said South Half, a distance of 100.13 feet to a point on a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet westerly of Line 3 as described below; thence southerly, along said line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet westerly of said Line 3 as described below, 33.45 feet, along a non-tangential curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 1110.00 feet, a central angle of 01 degrees 43 minutes 35 seconds, and the chord of said curve bears South 01 degrees 34 minutes 16 seconds West; thence westerly 107.60 feet along a non-tangential curve concave to the north, having a radius of 790.00 feet, a central angle of 07 degrees 48 minutes 15 seconds and the chord of said curve bears North 79 degrees 38 minutes 06 seconds West to a point in the centerline of said Old Minnesota Highway No. 25; thence North 27 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, along said centerline, a distance of 14.05 feet to the point of beginning. Line 1: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the north line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the east line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet south of said north line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West along said last described parallel line, 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line I to be hereinafter described; thence westerly and northwesterly, 318.44 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line I there terminating. Line 2: Commencing at said Northeast comer of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 139273v01 3 MONTICELLOAMAx ADDITION SRN:06/12/2008 (Dundas Road Vacation) 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said north line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said east line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said north line, 567.42 feet; thence northerly, 245.01 feet, along a non- tangential curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 12 degrees 12 minutes 25 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 11 degrees 39 minutes 00 seconds East, also being the point of beginning of said line 2 to be hereinafter described; thence North 39 degrees 04 minutes 29 seconds West, not tangent to the last described curve, 89.05 feet, to said line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet southerly of line 1, and said line 2 there terminating. Line 3: Commencing at the northeast comer of said South Half; thence along the north line of said South Half on an assumed bearing of South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 07 minutes 17 seconds West, parallel with the east line of said South Half a distance of 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 08 minutes 38 seconds West, parallel with the north line of said South Half, a distance of 567.42 feet to the point of beginning of Line 3 to be hereinafter described; thence northerly 345.84 feet along a non-tangential curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 1150.00 feet, a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds and the chord of said curve bears North 09 degrees 16 minutes 08 seconds East to a point on a line 584.69 feet southerly of and parallel with said north line of the South Half and said Line 3 there terminating. 139273v01 4 MONTICELLOAMAx AMMON SRN:06/12/2008 (Dundas Road Vacation) A UN LINE Ely / -&T.lil NO. 25-" ,.4WLY R/W NEW &T.H. NO. 25 7 I--- UNE PARALLEL WITH INE 14 LINE OF THE S 112 OF THE NW V4 ,PIEv Nag* 1470E .62. MY RIV S.T.N. NO. 25 LINE 2 /LINE I tr cv 41 SOUM LINE OF T)iE--\ 7.30 'OF WtF 1'12'14 25 ./ NaVIVWE WMGHT COUNM MN N DATE: 5/12/ BK/PG: DRAWN BY. KA CHECKED BY: RB REVISIONS: 0 60 12 0 1 ex P ° bI WRIGHT COUNTY RESOLUTION NO. 2008-55 VACATING A PORTIO AN VACATING A PORTION OF CEDAR STREET( I. TH 25) AMAX PLAT WHEREAS, a public hearing on the vacation of a portion of the Dundas Road right-of-way and Cedar Street (Old TH 25) right-of-way as described below was held on June 9, 2008 at 7 p.m. at the Monticello City Hal That part of Dundas Road in the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies easterly of the easterly right of way line of old Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25), also which lies southerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet southerly of line I as described below, and also which lies westerly of a line drawn parallel with and distant 40.00 feet westerly of line 2 as described below. Line 1: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along the north line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with the east line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 584.77 feet, to its intersection with a line drawn parallel with and distant 584.69 feet south of said north line; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West along said last described parallel line, 428.09 feet, to the point of beginning of said line I to be hereinafter described; thence westerly and northwesterly, 318.44 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a radius of 750.00 feet and a central angle of 24 degrees 19 minutes 37 seconds, and said line I there terminating. Line 2: Commencing at the Northeast comer of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, assumed bearing along said north line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 1056.00 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 30 seconds East, parallel with said east line of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter, 924.00 feet; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 47 seconds West, parallel with said north line, 567.42 feet, to the point of beginning of said line 2 to be hereinafter described; thence northerly, 345.84 feet, along a non tangential curve, concave to the west, having a radius of 1150.00 feet and a central angle of 17 degrees 13 minutes 50 seconds, the chord of said curve bears North 09 degrees 08 minutes 17 seconds East, and said line 2 there terminating. That part of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, being part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies within Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25), and which lies easterly of the following described Line 1, and which lies northerly of the following described Line 2. Line 1: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter with the easterly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No 25; thence westerly along said South line a distance of 7.30 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1; thence northeasterly a distance of 490.58 feet, more less, to the intersection of the westerly right of way line of Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25) with the North line of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, shown as Station 531+75 on Minnesota Department of Transportation highway plans and there terminating. Line 2: Commencing at the Northeast comer of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14; thence westerly along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence southerly parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet to the point of beginning of said Line 2; thence westerly parallel with the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter to intersect the above described Line 1 and there terminating. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYRE SOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OFMONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: that the above described street right-of-way of Dundas Road is vacated with the City retaining a drainage and utility easement over described area and that the above described right-of-way for Cedar Street (Old TH 25) is also vacated.. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota this 14th day of July, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5C. Consideration of aWroving a temiDorary liuuor license for the Monticello Lions Club. (JO) t r-P!IIIIIIIII11RIF11 .0 111 The Monticello Lions Club has requested a temporary liquor license for a fundraising event that will be held at West Bridge Park on July 24, 2008. Approve the temporary liquor license for the Monticello Lions Club for July 24, 2008. 2. Do not approve the temporary liquor license. 'I oil III 011111115;ffl %, Staff recommends approval of the one day license for the Monticello Lions Club for July 24, 2008. Application Minnesota Department of Public Safety ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT DIVISION 444 Cedar Street Suite 133, St. Paul MN 55101-5133 (651) 201-7507 Fax (651) 297-5259 TTY (651) 282-6555 WWW,DPS.STATE.MN.US APPLICATION AND PERMIT FOR A I TO 4 DAY TEMPORARY ON -SALE LIQUOR LICENSE TYPE OR PRINT INFORMATION NAME OF ORGANIZATION Monticello Lions Club STREET ADDRESS PO Box 673 NAME OF PERSON MAKING APPLICATION Dean Carlson DATES LIQUOR WILL BE SOLD July 24, 2008 ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME Leroy Miller ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NAME Craig Walter ORGANIZATION OFFICER'S NA-MiE Art Duran Location license will be used. If an outdoor area, describe West Bridge Park DATE ORGANIZED TAX EXF_MPT NUMBER October 1975 CITY STATE ZIP CODE Monticello MN 55362 BUSINESS PHONE HOME PHONE 1 (612) 221-5198 OF ORGANIZATION CT.TTR CHARITABLE RELI 10IN OTHERNONPROFIT KD—DRESS 11645 Alpine Drive, Motiticello MN 55362 ADDRESS 3734 Brentwood Drive, Monticello, MN 55362 ADDRESS 6040 Bakken Street, Monticello, MN 55362 Will the applicant contract for intoxicating liquor service? If so, give the name and address of the liquor licensee providing the service, No Will the applicant carry liquor liability insurance? If so, please provide the carrier's name and amount of coverage. Fendrickson Agency Inc $1,000,000 P,. ti. a"It're-F2111 V�T BE APPROVED BY CITY OR COUNTY BEFORE SUBMITTING TO ALCOHOL & GAMBLINC1. ENFORCEMENT CITY/COUNTY CITY FEE AMOUNT DATE FEE PAID LICENSE DATES SIGNATURE CITY CLERK OR COUNTY OFFICIAL APPROVED DIRECTOR ALCOHOL AND GAMBLING ENFORCEMENT NOTE: Submit this form to the city or county 30 days prior to event. Forward application signed by city and/or county to the address above. If the application is approved the Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division will return this application to be used as the License for the event PS -09079 (05/06) 5D. Consideration of Acceptin2 Improvements and Authorizin2 Final Pavment for the Fallon Avenue Pathwav Project (Citv of Monticello Proiect No. 2007-120 (WSB) This project included extending an 8 -foot -wide bituminous pathway along the west side of Fallon Avenue between Farmstead Avenue to School Boulevard. The pathway was paved in the fall of 2007 with final punch list items completed this year. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Rum River Contracting Company in the amount of $3,105.93. The following paperwork has been recently submitted for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 13 4 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The final payment request represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punch list items assembled for this project have been completed, and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. I Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $3,105.93 to Rum River Contracting Company. 2. Do not accept the improvements and approve final payment. Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 3 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. J. BmceiCily ofMonticello�Coundls & Commissions! City CoundMgenda Items 7-14-0814GNITM-FallonAiePathugvAppFyi[Payment-071408BRtYrevdoc 01627-80 - Pay Voucher 3 Owner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 56362-1147 WSB For Period: 11/29/2007 to 6/17/2008 Contractor: Rum River Contracting AmocWa, Im. 31913124th Street Princeton, MN 55371 Pay Voucher MONT - Fallon Avenue Pathway Improvements Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-80 Client Project No.: 2007-12C Proiect Summary 1 Original Contract Amount 1 2 Contract Changes - Addition 1 3 Contract Changes - Deduction 4 Revised Contract Amount 1 5 (Value Completed to Date 1 6 IMaterial on Hand 1 7 JAmount Earned 1 8 1 Less Retainage 1 9 JSubtotal 10 Less Amount Paid Previously 11 Liquidated Damages 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 3 & FINAL Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Date: 611812008 1 $67,490.251 $67,490.25 $62,118.66 $0.00 $62,118.661 $0.001 $62,118.661 $59,012.731 $0.00 $3,105.93 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. Recommended for Approval by: �(SI3 & A sociates, inc. v Approved by Contractor: Rum a or Contract g Specified Contract Completion Date: 5/23/2008 Comment: Construction Observer: Approved by Owner: City of Monticello Date: 1 of 3 01627"80 - Pay Voucher 3 Wednesday, June 18, 2008 ItemItem No. I Description I Units I Unit Price I Contract I I Quantity to Current lQuantity Quantity Date BASE BID - FALLON AVENUE PATHWAY 1 2021.5011 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $2,000.001 1 15 12 2101.6051 CLEARING AND GRUBBING (ACRE $3,335.001 0.15 1 0.31 0 13 12104.5011 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER I LIN FT $6.251 201 30,41 0 14 12104.511 ISAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) ILIN FT 1 $2.001 10 0 0 15 12104,5131 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) I LIN FT 1 $2.001 20 0 0 16 12105.501 1COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (CU YD 1 $6.821 1480 1437.4 0 17 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) ICU YD $8.891 1010 6912 0 18 2112.604 SUBGRADE PREPARATION 12211.501 I SQ YID $0,501 2760 2760 0 19 JAGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD (TON 1 $12.001 8001 1201.9 0 110 12340.518 TYPE 41 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR PATHS 'TON $65.001 2201 231.951 0 Ill 12501.511 8" PC -CS PIPE CULVERT LIN FT $9.251 70 142.631 0 112 12521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SO FT 1 $8.001 2301 1601 0 113 12531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B612 LIN FT $35.001 20 30.41 01 114 12531.6021 PEDESTRIAN CURB RAMP - SPECIAL (TRUNCATED DOME) EACH 1 $650.00 3 31 01 115 12563.6011 TRAFFIC CONTROL 1 LUMP SUM $1,000.00 1 11 01 116 12573.5021 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT 1 $1.80 2050 6261 01 117 2573.6031 BIOROLL 12575.5011SEEDING LIN FT $5.00 80 0 ol 118 (INCL TOPSOIL, FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) JACRE 1$2,500.00 2 1.61 ol 119 12575.5051 SODDING, TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.) ISQYD 1 $4,00 8301 ol 01 120 12575.5231 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY I I SQ YD $1.85 3001 lool 0 121 12582.502112" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPDXY I LIN FT 1 $27.00 Sol ol 01 Totals For BASE BID - FALLON AVENUE PATHWAY: Project Totals: JAmount to I Date $2,000.00 $1,167.25 $190.00 $0.0111 Woo $9,803.071 $6,153.661 $1,380.00 $14,422.80 $15,076.75 $1,319.33 $1,280.001 $1,064-00] $1,950.001 $1,000.001 $1,126.801 $0.001 $4,000.001 $0.001 $185.001 $0.001 $62,118.661 $62,118.661 2 of 3 01627 -80 - Pay Voucher 3 Contract Chanuem |No |Typa / Wednesday, June 18, 2008 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: 2007-12C Client Contract No.: Project No:O1S27-8O Contractor: Rum River Contracting |Date }Description lAmount ' Change Order Totals: | $lOO| Pavment Summary |No. From Date To Date |Payment Payn�ent|ReteinegePerPayn�ent|Tota|RetanaQe Completed1 !1U/28/2OO7 11/S/20O7 $5O.772.OGJTotal $50.772.061 $2,672.21 $2.S72.21|$53,444.28' 2 111/7/2007 11/28/2007 $8.240.681 $58.012.73/ $433.721 $3,105.931$62,118.661 3&FINAL |11/2Q/2OO7 6M7Y2008 $3.105.931 $62,118.661 ($3'10593)1 $OOO $62,118.861 Material On Hand: $0.00 Total Payment to Date: $62,118.66 Original Contract: Total Retainage: $0.00 Contract Changes: Total Amount Earned: $62,118.66 Revised Contract: AL WSB ANUMMUNIM & Aysociates, Inc. infrastructure I Engineering I Planning I Construction UMM Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Ms. Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 3 (Final) Fallon Avenue Pathway Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2007-12C WSB Project No. 1627-80 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 3 for the above -referenced project in the amount of $3,105.93. Also enclosed is the following documentation required for processing final payment for the above -referenced project: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. Please make payment in this amount to Rum River Contracting Company at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shibard K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tom Kelly, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Tom Bose, City of Monticello Dan Ramer, Rum River Contracting Company Pending: 07/14/09 04/01/10 srb Minneapolis I St. Cloud mi nzcmb070708-1,-A1DJ- Equal Opportunity Employer Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5E. Consideration of avvrovinu Sundav and On -Sale Honor license for Buffalo Wild Wings. (JO) Buffalo Wild Wings has applied for a Sunday and On -Sale liquor license for their location at 9221 Cedar Street. It is anticipated that the facility will be in operation by October. 1. Approve the Sunday and On -Sale liquor license for Buffalo Wild Wings for 9221 Cedar Street. 2. Do not approve the license application. MNNMR��i �. # 31 It is recommended that license for Buffalo Wild Wings be approved for their location at 9221 Cedar Street contingent upon the City receiving payment of fees. Application. "Alcohol Minnesota Department of Public Safety Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division (AGED) 444 Cedar Street, Suite 133, St. Paul, MN 55101-5133 Telephone 651-201-7507 Fax 651-297-5259 TTY 651-282-6555 Certification of an On Sale Liquor License, 3.2% Liquor license, or Sundav Liquor License Cities and Counties: You are required by law to complete and sign this form to certify'the issuance of the following liquor license types: 1) City issued on sale intoxicating and Sunday liquor licenses 2) City and County issued 3.2% on and off sale malt liquor licenses Name of City or County Issuing Liquor License M OW? (. f- ( 10 License Period From: P' t�? 0 6 To: 13 o Circle One: NewLicense') License Transfer Suspension Revocation Cancel (former licensee name) (Give dates) License type: (circle all that apply) (On' Sale lntoxicating� (Sunday Lj9H2L_) 3.2% On sale 3.2% Off Sale Fee(s): On Sale License feel Sunday License fee: $ a00 3.2% On Sale fee: $ 3.2% Off Sale fee: $ Licensee Name: F? I ckln V\j t t rvr DOB h1 J} (corporation, part ers . p, Lic, or Individual) bcj it(zlo rvq cl �A/, rias Business Trade Name-- C-;qj1jV-8j1T �_ 'Business Address city WU C 10 Zip CodeCountyVVOqkl-b'BusinessPhoneN0Q/0nMC!1a �A'Home 4W'67 5 Z , ',�5A ci 1'3 V 0 Home Address5500 VXW2j,^rkz atet-ka) city M I G)ru . 00`� Licensee's MN Tax (To Apply Licensee's Federal Tax ID k to apply call IKS 23UU-829-4933) If above named licensee is a corporation, partnership, or LLC, complete the following for each partner/officer: Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DO':' Social Security # Home Address 1wi v (Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) DOB Social Security # Home Address I 4nit � A4 c.,SCI)iW6 — VP 1�-3 z5 2 5� . /V - p6amc Partner/Officer Name (First Middle Last) D01:3 3ociai Security # Home Address Intoxicating liquor licensees must attach a certificate of Liquor Liability Insurance to this form. The insurance certificate must contain all of the following: 1) Show the exact licensee name (corporation, partnership, LLC, etc) and business address as shown on the license. 2) Cover completely the license period set by the local city or county licensing authority as shown on the license. Circle One: (Ye 4 3No During the past year has a summons been issued to the licensee under the Civil Liquor Liability Law? Workers Compensation Insurance is also required by all licensees. Please complete the following: 1—.5 Workers Compensation Insurance Company Name:dtnj�lw I/ I UX _ policy # C) I Certify that this license(s) has been approved in an official meeting by the governing body of the city or county. City Clerk or County Auditor Signature Date (title) rAmummuguim WWI I (Form 9011-5/06) I Council Agenda: 7114108 5F. Consideration of authorization to proceed with hirinLy Process for Seasonal Locator/Field Technician Position. (13W) This temporary position is required to assist Engineering and Public Works staff in meeting the anticipated demands associated with locating City -owned utilities and observing construction of the proposed TDS fiber optics project within the City in order to manage our right-of-ways to ensure there is adequate room for future right-of-way users. This item was tabled at the previous Council meeting due to concerns with some of the wording in the original Position Description that made it appear that this position would be locating private utilities. The Position Description has been revised to eliminate any such reference and copies of the revised Position Description and points evaluation / pay scale are attached. A.1 Budget Impact: The starting pay for this position is $14.53 per hour, which would equate to $30,222 per year. However, State Statute 237.163 grants cities the authority to recover their right-of-way management costs when a right-of- way user causes a city to incur costs as a result of actions or inactions of that user. The majority of the costs for this position will therefore be funded by private utilities. A. Staff Workload: If this position is not filled our existing locators/construction inspectors will likely need to work overtime and potentially neglect some of their other duties in order to meet the anticipated demands. 1. Motion to authorize to proceed with hiring process for Seasonal Locator/ Field Technician position. 2. Motion to deny authorization to proceed with hiring process. City staff recommends Alternative Action No. 1. Position Description. Points evaluation/pay scale. Seasonal Locator/Field Technician City of Monticello Title of Class: Seasonal Locator/Field Technician Effective Date: July 14, 2008 General Statement of Duties: Performs on-site locations for underground City -owned facilities including street light wiring, irrigation systems, sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water lines; assists with managing City right-of-ways by observing construction of private utilities including, but not limited to, electric power lines, telephone lines, cable TV lines, gas lines and fiber-optic lines; maintains accurate record drawings and performs related duties as required. Supervision Received: Works under the general and technical supervision of the City Engineer; receives some technical direction from the Public Works Director. Supervision Exercised: None. The listed examples may not include all duties performed by all positions in this class. Duties may vary somewhat from position to position within a class. *Reads job order tickets and determines the work to be completed. *Reads and interprets blueprints and maps. *Locates sewer and water services, water and sewer mains, and City -owned lighting and irrigation systems for Gopher State One Call. *Logs into the Gopher State One Call's website to manage locate status files, checks base maps, record drawings, and service inspection reports to verify location of utility services. *Uses GPS and GIS to determine location of utilities when information is available. *Removes and replaces utility hole covers, as needed, to properly locate underground utility lines. *Operates a PC to record and process excavation notices. *Observes construction of underground telecommunication facilities to ensure compliance with plans and permits; reports any irregularities to City Engineer. *Communicates with excavators, utility technicians and City staff regarding underground utilities. *Complies with established time requirements, including emergency locates after hours. Assists other departments as needed. Performs other duties as needed or assigned. *Considerable knowledge of practices, methods and techniques to accurately locate underground utilities. *Considerable knowledge of safe and acceptable practices and OSHA standards to locate, record and notify others of underground utilities and to work around heavy equipment. *Working knowledge of personal computer use including standard software packages. Seasonal Locator/Field Technician City of Monticello *Working skill in providing good customer service. *Considerable ability to read blueprints and maps and to read and interpret construction specifications. *Considerable ability to use survey equipment and to record and maintain accurate records. *Considerable ability to locate and document located utilities for multiple construction projects simultaneously. *Considerable ability to walk on various types of terrain using equipment to locate underground utilities. *Working ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing with excavators, city employees, and general public. *Working ability to learn State and Local damage prevention regulations and utility construction patterns and layout. *Working ability to work outdoors in all weather conditions. *Working ability to work in and around construction zones, and to climb into utility holes and trenches to perform the work. *Working ability to lift and carry location equipment and occasionally lift utility -hole covers using removal tools whenever possible. *Working ability to drive safely and legally. Must possess and maintain a valid Minnesota Class D driver's license and insurable driving record. One year of experience working with underground utilities and reading blueprints is required. Acceptable work experience may include: installing and/or repairing various types of underground utilities, construction excavation, construction site preparation, landscape construction or equivalent experience. Completion of one year of technical college in surveying or one year of college in civil engineering can substitute for the above -listed experience. * Asterisked items are essential to the job. �011 � Knowledge & Experience Accountability Degree of Planning Mff IMITLOM, Total Points = 85 �01 1121INVIX7,11,19 WIN N,111110� RATING POINTS I DEFINITION Specialized & technical knowledge required Bl 30 to understand and perform in a work situation. (High school Education plus some additional formal training) Bla 30 Some room for discretion and independent actions; supervisory guidance available; may be left "in charge" occasionally. Minor impact on budget and City operations, Often provides information and suggestions which others use to make major decisions. 2a I Planning relates to relatively routine matters. Most planning is for immediate application. A 0 No supervision required 1 D-3 Lifting 2 D-3 Awkward working position 3 B-1 Abnormal Hours 4 c-2 Excessive Standing 5 c-2 Excessive travel or sitting 6 D-3 Requiring fine coordination, manual dexterity 7 D-3 Dust and dirt 8 c-2 Extreme cold and heat 9 c-2 Rain, snow and wind 10 c-2 Abnormal human behavior 11 A-0 Chemical and fumes 12 B -I Machinery and power tools 13 A-0 Climbing and heights 14 A-0 Excavating 15 A-0 Guns or Weapons 16 A-0 Electrical Shock 24 PTS Grade 6 Hourly pay range Grade I = $14.53 per hour Grade 8 = $$18.89 per hour Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5G. Consideration of aiDDrovin2 contributions. (JO) The City has received donation of $500 from VFW Post #8731. The use of these funds will go towards defraying the cost of the Marine Corp Band at the RiverFest celebration. The Lions Club has donated $1,150.00 for the flag pole at East Bridge Park. Dick Slais had donated $100.00 defray the cost of the block party. Jennifer Mathieu family donated $500.00 to the MCC to purchase a new play station and Ryan and Kelly Kadelbach donated towards play equipment for the child care facility. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. A.I. Budeet Im-oact: The donation has negligible impact. A.3 Council Prioritv: Not applicable 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Do not approve the contributions and return the funds to the donors. Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. Resolution No. 2008-53 1 TA -if sioll) IN 1 " �w Jj111W � 110 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello Lions Club Cash Contribution $1,150.00 Dick Slais Cash Contribution $100.00 Jennifer Mathieu Family Cash Contribution $500.00 Kelly & Ryan Kadelbach Cash Contribution $150.00 VFW Post #8731 Cash Contribution $500.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: I The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Monticello Lions Club City of Monticello Flag Pole — East Bridge Park Dick Slais City of Monticello Block Party Jennifer Mathieu Family MCC Play Station Kelly & Ryan Kadelbach MCC Play equipment — Child Care VFW Post #8731 City of Monticello Band for RiverFest Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of July, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5H. Consideration of anvrovin2 a temoorary charitable 2'amblinLy license for Ducks. Unlimited Chapter #256. JO) Ducks Unlimited Chapter 256 has applied for a permit for a temporary license to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme located at 3875 School Boulevard on October 9, 2008. In order for the State Gambling Control Board to issue this temporary gambling license, a resolution by the City either approving or denying the application needs to be submitted with their application. All funds generated from local chapter activities goes to Ducks Unlimited. From there the money is distributed to each of the conservation programs. Approximately 80%-85010 of the funds generated go back into their conservation programs. This particular event over the past five years has generated revenue varying between $4,000 and $9,000. In the past the City has not opposed these exempt gambling licenses for charitable events. 1. Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue the charitable gambling license to Ducks Unlimited Chapter #256 to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard on October 9, 2008. 2. Do not approve the charitable gambling license request. Staff is not aware of any reason why the Council would not allow the State to issue this gambling license. Resolution approving charitable gambling license. WHEREAS, Ducks Unlimited Chapter #256 has submitted an application to the City Council of Monticello for a one -day charitable gambling license to a raffle at River City Extreme at 3875 School Boulevard; WHEREAS, the Council is not opposed to the gambling license being issued by the State Gambling Control Board, NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED B Y THE CITY CO UNCIL that the application by Ducks Unlimited Chapter #256 for a one -day charitable gambling license for October 9, 2008 to conduct charitable gambling activities at River City Extreme located at 3875 School Boulevard is hereby approved and the State Gambling Control Board is authorized to process the application. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 14th day of July, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator EVENT HISTORY AND PLANNING SHEET cc. Event: Monticello Ladies Dinner 5 yr Ave, Event: Monticello Ladle, Year FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 2009 Goal Event: I Gross $15,307 $12,546 $10,220 $10,849 $9,877 $11,760 Chapter: MN0256 Event Income $9,184 $2,361 $4,014 $5,919 $3,913 Event Date: 16 Oct 2007 Efficiency 59.00% 18.00% 39.00% 54.00% 39.00% Total All Class 41 63 56 68 65 Event Volunteers 1 8 11 10 Attendees 47 47 49 68 59 54 ave 217 per head Plans for Volunteer Recruitment Plans for Volunteer Recruitment Current Event Volunteers 10 New Volunteer goal 6 Potential Impact of New Volunteers $ 6,000.00 Pre -event Recruitment Party Date Location: Event Income $18,000 $16,000 $14,000 $12,000 $10000 $8:000 $6000 $4:000 $2,000 $0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 2009 Gross —*—Event income I Goal Artendees 80 70 60 501 40- 30 - 20 - 10 -' 0 20- 10- 0 FY2004 FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 2009 Goal Prepared on 7/9/2008 Council Agenda: 7/14/08 51. Consideration of auvointment of election iud2es for the Primary election on September 9,2008. (JO) The primary election for state offices is scheduled for Tuesday, September 9, 2008 with the general election to be held on November 4, 2008. State election laws require the City Council appoint judgers to serve at the primary election. Attached is a list of judges that we will be selecting from for the primary election. Their appointment is contingent upon completing the necessary training. The City made a concerted effort to recruit additional election judges not only because of the presidential election but also in anticipation of possibility having to staff two polling places. Section 20413.21 of the election laws require that election judge appointments be made first from the lists furnished to the City by the County Auditor. To be eligible to serve as an election judge, the individual must be able to read, write and speak the English language and cannot be the spouse, parent, child or sibling of any election judge in the same precinct or any candidate in that election. Bud2et ImiDact: The City placed extra funds in the 2008 election budget to cover training for additional judges. 1. Appoint the individuals listed in the attached document to serve for the 2008 primary election contingent upon meeting eligibility requirements and completing training. The attached list is a pool of individuals that the City can draw from for the primary election. It is recommended that the Council approve the list of individuals to serve as election judges. Election Judge List. NAME Anderson, Fred* lAshfeld, Gregory* [Bitzer, Gladys |Bomrave,Richard |Brumbhnk.Sandm Brandon, Joan �Bnouoh.Donno |Bmeknmeier,Ron �Bromberg, Janet [Byho|m.Rodney° Carlson, David Clausen, Lucille Custer, Edith Dahl, Rosemary Daniels, Mary |OoMan*io.Agneu �DeMamim.Khob Doucette, Richard Duran, Roseanne Fisher, Jamie JGauUhier,Key / �GiUh lQnabnsk,9obert | |Grant, Alice Hamond.Cynthia* Kendall, Harvey / LotzerAna � Madding, za |Mayar, Florence � McIntire, Arlene Moody, Judy* � Nealand.MerrUo(Jo)* � Quick, Richard / Rademacher, Eleanor* � ISanbom^Jumeo ISohmib. Cynthia* ISnhmitm.Fsthoiy^ ISmith, Jeanette* Smith, Randy Solberg, Darlene Gn|tmu, Rita Sorju-Thie[man. Patricia | Stevenson, Jim ISbukeo.Ope| | ISuohy'Sondy VVofe. Diane |VYimmer.Donnu � JWolff, Lorraine °Onlist submitted bypolitical parties City Council Agenda — 07/14/08 5J. Consideration to apurove a reauest for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-9. reLulatin2 signa2e for the vurvose of Promoting or sellin2 a develovinent Project. Aimlicant: Citv of Monticello (AS) The Planning Commission reviewed this item during their regular July meeting. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the amendment. The Commission did note that it would be helpful for developers to provide initial information on development marketing signage with any development approval requests. City of Monticello staff is requesting that the City Council consider a request to amend the sign ordinance for the purpose of adjusting the permitted versus conditional nature of development signage. Currently, the ordinance requires a conditional use permit for "signs for promoting and/or selling a development project" for commercial and industrial developments as follows: OEM -M -A Signs for promoting and/or selling a development project: For the purpose of promoting or selling a development project of three (3) to twenty-five (25) acres, one sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet of advertising surface may be erected on the project site. For projects of twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) acres, one or two signs not to exceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. For projects over fifty-one (51) acres, one, two, or three signs not to exceed three hundred (300) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may he erected. No dimension shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet exclusive of supporting structures. Such signs shall not remain after ninety-five (95) percent of the project is developed. Such sign permits shall be reviewed and renewed annually by the City Council, If said sign is lighted, it shall be illuminated only during those hours when business is in operation or when the model homes or other developments are open for business purposes. Staff believes that this type of use is actually more appropriate as a permitted use. Construction and individual property sale signs are already allowed under permitted uses. The use of signage for the sale of development properties use would be consistent with those provisions, based on the size and scale of typical development projects. Amending the code to allow these types of signs as permitted uses streamlines the process for those seeking to promote or market their development project. As a practical matter, signs of this nature exist in many locations throughout the community without conditional use permits, as many developers are unaware of this requirement. City Council Agenda — 07/14/08 Staff is suggesting a move of the clause to the permitted section of the ordinance, 3-0[B] 1.0) to make the adjustment from conditional to permitted use. Staff is also recommending one change to the ordinance language itself, which would delete the requirement that these signs be reviewed and renewed annually by the City Council. Staff believes an annual review by the Zoning Administrator is appropriate for a permitted use activity. It should be noted that these signs must still be processed through the City's sign permit application through the Building Department. The Building Department will be working to permit those signs already in existence, many of which have never received sign permits. The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to approve the amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-9 as proposed, based on a finding that signage for the purpose of promoting or selling a development project is consistent with permitted use sign activities. 2. Motion to deny the amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, Section 3-9 as proposed, based on a finding that signage for the purpose of promoting or selling a development project is inconsistent with permitted use sign activities. 3. Motion of other Staff recommends alternative I above. The proposed amendment simplifies the process for allowing development projects to promote their properties in a reasonable manner. Additionally, the existing code language provides acceptable guidelines for size, location and lighting of these signs. 1. Current Sign Ordinance 2. Proposed Resolution of Amendment whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. Subject to the terms of an approved subdivision development agreement or conditional use permit, a grading permit allowing mining shall be issued by the City Engineer and City Building Official. Upon application for a grading permit for raining, a fee for grading permit shall be paid to the City by the applicant. Such fee shall be determined by City Council resolution. (#322, 4/12/99) [A] PURPOSE: This subdivision is established to protect and promote health, safety, general welfare, and order within the city of Monticello through the establishment of a comprehensive and impartial series of standards, regulations, and procedures governing the type, numbers, size structure, location, height, lighting, erection, use and/or display of devices, signs, or symbols serving as a visual communication media to persons situated within or upon public right-of- ways or properties. The provisions of this subdivision are intended to encourage opportunity for effective, orderly communication by reducing confusion and hazards resulting from unnecessary and/or indiscriminate use of communication facilities. PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED SIGNS: VY V P NNW$ M (a) Public signs (b) Identification signs: There may be one (1) per premise not to exceed two (2) square feet in area. If the sign is freestanding, the total height may not exceed five (5) feet. (c) Integral signs (d) Political campaign signs: Shall not exceed twelve (12) square feet in all other zoning districts. Every campaign sign must contain the name and address of persons responsible for such sign, and that person shall be responsible for its removal. Signs shall remain in place for no longer than five (5) days after the election for which they are intended. All signs shall be con -fined to private property. The City shall have the right to remove and destroy unsightly signs or remove signs after the five (5) day limit and assess a fee of five dollars ($5.00) per sign for removal. (e) Holiday Signs: Displayed for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days, M Construction Signs: Such signs shall be confined to the site of the construction, alteration, or repair, and shall be removed within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the first building permit or when the particular project is completed, whichever is sooner as determined by the City Building Inspector or his agent. One (1) sign shall be permitted for each major street the project abuts. No sign may exceed fifty (50) square feet. (g) Individual Property Sale or Rental Sips: Sips must be removed within fourteen (14) days after sale or rental of property. Signs may not measure more than four (4) square feet in "R" districts, nor more than twenty (20) square feet in all other districts. There shall be only one (1) sip per premise. Comer properties, however, may contain two (2) signs, one (1) per frontage. (h) Information/Directional Signs: Shall not be larger than ten (10) square feet and shall confo-rm to the location provisions of the specific district. (i) Portable Signs (as defined in Section 3-9.(B).2.(e)J) Such signs shall be subject to the following requirement: 2. The signs shall occupy the public or private sidewalk area within five (5) feet of the entryway of the business it serves. 3. The placement of the signs shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. If on the public sidewalk, such signs shall be placed so that no less than six feet of sidewalk is available for passing of pedestrians. 4. The signs shall display messages oriented toward pedestrians. 5. The signs shall not have electrical connections, nor include any lighted or moving component. 6. The display of such signs shall be limited to the hours of the business it serves. 7. The signs shall be constructed of wood or other materials determined acceptable by the City. Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the CCD zoning district, and shall not be composed of "flourescent" colors. 8. The maximum size of such signs shall be no greater than five (5) feet in height and six (6) square feet in area and must comply with all other regulations of this ordinance. 9MM 9. Any sign placed under this section shall infer an indemnification of the City of Monticello by the owner of the sign for any liability or claim made involving the sign or sign location. 10. No such sign shall be connected or attached to any public structure, including light poles, traffic control devices, public street fim-liture, utility equipment, or other such facility, (#403, 11/10/03) 2. PROHIBITED SIGNS: The following signs are specifically prohibited by this paragraph. (a) Any sign which obstructs the vision of drivers or pedestrians or detracts from the visibility of any official traffic control device. (b) Any sign which contains or imitates an official traffic sign or signal, except for private, on -premises directional signs. (c) Any sip which moves or rotates. Exempt are time and temperature information and barber poles. (d) Any sign which contains or consists of banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners, or similar devices, except in case of Subsection [C], Paragraph 4. (e) Portablesigns as defined in i below and other attention -getting devices as defined in iii -v below, except as allowed in Section 3-9.(B). 1 (i) and as provided for in Subsection [C], Paragraph 4. (#403,11/10/03) i. Portable signs shall be defined as an advertising device not permanently attached to a building, facade, or pylon. ii. Banners shall be defined as fabric, paper, vinyl, or similar material which carries a specific message and which can be hung on a wall, facade, awning, canopy, suspension cable or wire, etc. iii. Streamers/Pennants shall be defined as flags, triangular pennants, spirals, spinners, etc., attached in series to a single cord or support line which is then strung or suspended from point to point. iv. Inflated devices shall be defined as inflatable devices which may be stationary or airborne (but tethered) which are intended to attract attention to a specific location or site. V. Searchlights - self defining. (#150, 5/27/86) M Signs which are attached in any manner to trees, fences, utility poles, or Other such permanent supports, except for those signs found on fences (inside) of baseball parks. (g) Advertising signs of 200 square feet or more in place on or before June 23, 1980, and which are the principal use of the lot of record as of the above date and which have an agreement on file with the City on or before August 23, 1980, in the form so designated by the City Administrator, which is signed by the property owners and the advertising sign owners and all signatures notarized, may continue as a non- conforming use until such time as the lot of record above is developed or improved, in which case, the non -conforming advertising sip must be removed within 60 days after written notice from the Building Official. (h) Advertising signs as defined in Chapter 2 of this ordinance of 199 square feet or less in area, except that those signs which were in place on or before 8/15/75 may continue as a non -conforming sign. (i) Except for Electronic Message Board Sips as allowed in Section 3 [E]4.(f). No sign shall display any moving parts, nor shall it be illuminated with any flashing or intermittent lights, nor shall it be animated. Exempt are time and temperature information and barber poles. All displays shall be shielded to prevent light to be directed at on- coming traffic in such brilliance as to impair the vision of any driver. No device shall be illuminated in such a manner as to interfere with or obscure an official traffic sign or signal. (1/10/00, 9340) 0) Roof Signs. (k) Projecting Signs except as hereinafter provided. (#334, 9/13/99) ZEM 1 All signs shall comply with Maintenance Section 5-305 of the 1970 Edition of Volume V of the Uniform Building Code as promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials. 2. When electrical signs are installed, the installation shall be subject to the City's Electrical Code. 3. No signs other than governmental sips shall be erected or temporarily placed within any street right-of-way or upon any public lands or easements or right-of-ways. 4. The temporary use of portable signs, decorative attention -getting devices, and searchlights shall require an annual or daily permit. 3/49 (a) An annual permit for portable sips, as defined herein, shall be granted for a maximum period of forty (40) days per calendar year. As a condition of the annual permit, applicant shall maintain a daily record of the use of portable signs on a form provided by the City. (#238, 6/14/93)(#150, 5127/86) (b) A permit for decorative attention -getting devices shall be issued for a maximum period of ten (10) days with a minimum period of one hundred eighty (180) days between consecutive issuance of such permits for any property or parcel. (c) All portable signs and attention -getting devices must be well maintained and kept in good repair at all times. The Building Official shall order the immediate removal of any device considered to be damaged or in poor condition. Non-compliance shall be just cause for revocation of the permit without refund. (d) All portable sips and attention -getting devices shall be allowed only on the property or site where the business or enterprise is situated. No placement shall be allowed on public rights-of-way. (e) All portable signs and attention -getting devices shall be on ground level except that banners and streamers may be affixed to a building, facade, permanent pylon sign, or other permanent fixture. Airborne inflatable devices shall be tethered on site. (f) Not more than two (2) portable signs shall be displayed at the same time. (g) Not more than two (2) attention -getting devices shall be permitted to be displayed in conjunction with any portable sign, (h) A decorative attention -getting device may bear the name of the business, but shall not bear any service, product, price, etc., advertising message. (i) Permit fees shall be set by the City Council and shall be payable upon application for said permit. (#150,5/27/86) Public banners may be hung from city street light fixtures for a period of up to one (1) year. Design and placement of the public banners shall be consistent with the following standards: Design and placement of public sign/decorative banners must first be approved by the City Council and annually thereafter. Prior to Council consideration, applicant shall submit a banner placement plan which shows proposed banner design, size, pole location/elevation, duration, and 3/50 proposed manner by which the banners shall be hung. Banner placement plan shall also describe financing sources for purchasing and installing public banners. 2. Public banners may be hung from parking lot light fixtures or from other structures on private property only in conjunction with a City Council approved public banner system. Except for requirements outlined in section 4.0) of this ordinance, said banners are exempt from sign regulations. The City shall not participate in financing any portion of the cost of public banners placed on private property. City crews may assist with the installation of public banners placed on private property if compensated at actual cost to install banners. Except for Christmas banners, all banners shall contain an element of the City colors and/or City logo. No private advertising may be allowed on any banner hung in conjunction with a public banner system. 4. Public banners hung from streetscape fixtures shall be no larger than 14" by 45". Banners hung from standard street lights shall be no larger than 28" by 80". 5. Public banners shall not be hung in a position that will cause a substantial obstruction of visibility from the street to advertising, traffic, and directional signs and shall not be hung in a position so as to interrupt comer sight lines. 6. Public banners may be hung only on alternate streetscape fixtures unless otherwise approved by Council. 7. Banners placed on City fixtures shall become the property of the City. If damaged or in need of repair, banners may be removed by City staff. The public banner system may be discontinued, and all banners, including those on private property, may be ordered removed at the discretion of the City Council. The bracket system used to hang banners shall be of sufficient strength to withstand strong winds and shall be designed in a manner that allows easy installation and removal of banners. 5. All signs shall display in a conspicuous manner the owner's name, permit number, and date of erection. 6. All height restrictions on signs shall include height of sip structure. 3151 7. In any district, any portion of any sign exceeding two (2) square feet shall be set back a distance equal to fif'iy percent (50%) of the required building setback for that district as defined in Section 3-3 [C] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, as may be amended. (#269, 5/8/95) 8. Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises, or identifies a bona fide business conducted, or a service rendered, or a product sold, shall be removed by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial use and/or control of the building or structure upon which the sign maybe found within ten (10) days after written notice from the Building Inspector. 9. The City of Monticello or its agent is authorized and required by this ordinance to enter into an agreement with the United States or any of its agencies or departments to the end that the objective stated in Title 23, United States Code, Section 131, Section 319, or any other applicable federal statute to obtain non -conforming signs along the Great River Road within the city of Monticello. However, the City of Monticello or its agent shall not be required, nor allowed, to expend funds for the acquisition of non -conforming signs or advertising devices under this chapter until federal funds in the amount of 75% or more to his acquisition cost are made available to the City of Monticello for the purpose of carrying out this ordinance. No sign nor advertising device legal under Laws 1971, Chapter 883, shall be required to be removed or relocated until payment, as provided in Laws 1971, Chapter 883, is tendered by the City of Monticello. 10. Sips maybe located on conforming fuel station pump island canopies. Such sips shall be considered as wall signs, and shall be regulated in the same manner as any other wall signs on the property. (#247, 3/14/94) 0 0 0 0 oil S (a) Off -premise signs, except signs located inside ball parks and on bus benches. �- • , ., =0 (c) All other sips not expressly prohibited but which do not conform to the provisions of this subdivision. 2. A non -conforming sign may not be: (a) Changed to another non -conforming sign. 3/52 (b) Structurally altered except to bring into compliance with the provisions of this subdivision. (c) Expanded. (d) Re-established after its removal for thirty (3 0) days. (e) Re-established after damage of more than fifty (50) percent of sign replacement cost except to bring into compliance. 3. All non -conforming and prohibited sips shall be removed or brought into conformity with this ordinance after notification in writing within the following time period. (a) Any sip in violation of the prohibited signs as defined in [B] 2: Thirty (30) days (exception: advertising signs, five (5) years). (b) For all other non -conforming signs: five (5) years. 4. Notwithstanding any other requirement in Section 3-9 of this Ordinance to the contrary, off -premise or advertising signs may be relocated as follows: (a) This section shall apply exclusively to off -premise advertising signs of 200 square feet or greater that have a specific, written, fee or leasehold interest in the property on which they are currently located, and which are required to be removed pursuant to City acquisition as part of a City utility or road project. (b) Such signs may be relocated to another part of the same parcel on which they were located at the time of the acquisition by City Council resolution, (c) Such signs may be relocated to another vacant parcel subject to the application for and approval of an Interim Use Permit per the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (d) In addition to any other requirements or restrictions deemed appropriate by the City Council, the owner of such relocated sign under (b) or (c) above shall not enter into any lease that extends the duration of such sign beyond the soonest termination date to which the sip is subject at the time of the relocation. Upon such date, the relocated sip shall be removed and shall not be re- established within the City limits of the City of Monticello. (e) The owner of any sign relocated pursuant to this section shall enter into an agreement with the City of Monticello providing for 3/53 the date of removal and the terms of any lease or other contract governing the relocation. (#423, 4/11/05) [E] DISTRICT REGULATIONS: The following sections concern signs which require application and permit. Within the A-0, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, PS and PZR districts, signs are subject to the following size and type regulations: (a) Institutional or area identification sips, provided that the gross square footage of sign area does not exceed eighteen (18) square feet, and if the sip is freestanding, the height does not exceed eight (8) feet. (b) Public Signs (as defined in Section 2-2[P7]. Such signs shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. Any public sign for civic interest groups within the City of Monticello shall have a face area no larger than 18" x 24". 2. Civic interest groups within the City of Monticello may, at the discretion of the Council, have up to three off-site directional signs. 3. Any public sip for a civic interest group within the City of Monticello shall be green in color with white lettering only. (#460A, 5/29/07) (c) In the PS District two institutional identification signs not exceeding a total of 75 square feet and eight (8) feet in height are allowed in addition to the institutional or area identification sign identified in Section 3-9[E]la.. (#314, 8/10/98) (#447,5/22/06) 2. Within the PZM, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, CCD, I-1, I- I A, and 1-2 districts, signs are subject to the following size and type regulations: (4298, 10/13/97) (#334, 9/13/99) (a) Within the PZM and B-1 districts, the maximum allowable square footage of sign area per lot shall not exceed the sum of one (1) square foot per front foot of the building plus one (1) square foot for each front foot of lot not occupied by a building, up to one hundred (100) square feet Each lot will be allowed one (1) pylon or freestanding sign and one (1) wall sip or two (2) wall signs total. (b) For buildings in which there is one (1) or two (2) business -uses within the B-2, B-3, B-4, CCD 1-1, I -1A, and 1-2 districts, and for buildings used for commercial retail activities located within a PZM district and located on property adjacent to B-2, B-3, 3/54 B-4,CCD, I-1, MA, or 1-2 ftdcts, there shall be two (2) options for permitted signs, as listed bdow in 2(b)i and 2(b)ii. The property owner shall select oneaption, which shall control sign development on the property IF298, 10/13/97) (#334,9/13/99) L Option A. under Opfim A, only wall signs shall be allowed. The maximm number of signs on any principal building M be six sign boards or placards, no more than four (4) (rNhich may be product identification sign& ffgns may be displayed on at least two walls, or equal tD the number of streets upon which the property has legal tontage, whichever is greater. Each wall shall contakno more than two product identification signs od two business identification signs. The total maximum =a of wall signs shall be determined by taking twenty percent (20%) of the gross silhouette area of the font of the building up to three hundred (300) sq t, whichever is less. If a principal building is m a comer lot, the largest side of the building may be wed to determine the gross silhouette area. For purposes of de ng the gross area of the silhouette of the prin#pal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area wiffiin an outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related pubEe street(s). I Option B. Under Option B, a combination of wall signs and a maximum of = (1) pylon sign may be utilized. The total number ofbusiness identification sips allowed (whether wai or pylon) shall be at least two (2), or equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal fihmtage, whichever is greater. Only two prod -act identification signs shall be allowed, and these wall sips maybe only on one wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking tea percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the, ftont of the building up to one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less. The method for determining the gross silhouette area shall be as indicated in Subd.,2.(b)i. Above. Pylon signs shall be regulated as in Subd. 4 below. For single or double occupancy business structures, the total maximum allowable signage on, the property shall be three hundred (300) square feet. For multiple occupancy structures, the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be as determined under Subd. 3 below. NN (#272, 06/26/95) (#230, 06/22/92) (#247)- 03/14/94) (#265, 12/12/94) 3. Conditional Uses in Commercial and Industrial Districts: The purpose of this section is to provide aesthetic control to signage and to prevent a proliferation of individual signs on buildings with three (3) or more business uses. The City shall encourage the use of single sign boards, placards, or building directory signs. (a) In the case of a building where there are three (3) or more business uses, but which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is not considered a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use shall be granted to the entire building in accordance with an overall site plan under the provisions of Option A or Option B (described in 2 (b) i and ii above) provided that: The owner of the building files with the Zoning Administrator a detailed plan for signing illustrating location, size in square feet, size in percent of gross silhouette area, and to which business said sign is dedicated. ii. No tenant shall be allowed more than one sign, except that in the case of a building that is situated in the interior of a block and having another building on each side of it, one sign shall be allowed on the front and one sign shall be allowed on the rear provided that the total square footage of the two signs does not exceed the maximurn allowable square footage under Option A or Option B described in 2(b)i and ii above, iii. No individual business sign board/placard shall exceed twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowable sign area. iv. An owner of the building desiring any alteration of signs, sign location, sign size, or number of signs shall first submit an application to the Zoning Administrator for an amended sign plan, said application to be reviewed and acted upon by the Zoning Administrator within ten (10) days of application. If the application is denied by the Zoning Administrator, the applicant may go before the Planning Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting. V. In the event that one tenant of the building does not utilize the full allotment of allowable area, the excess 3/56 may not be granted, traded, sold, or in any other way transferred to another tenant for the purpose of allowing a sign larger than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowable area for signs. vi. Any building identification sign or building directory sign shall be included in the total allowable area for signs. vii. Any sign that is shared by or is a combination of two or more tenants shall be considered as separate signs for square footage allowance and shall meet the requirements thereof. viii. All signs shall be consistent in design, material, shape, and method of illumination. In the case of a building where there are two (2) or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. (#396,7/28/03) A maximum of five percent (5%) of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building(s) where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this conditional use permit to a building, the building may have one (1) pylon or freestanding sign identifying the building which is in conformance with this ordinance. For purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building(s), the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building(s) as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). For shopping centers of greater than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two freestanding signs may be permitted under this section. The applicant may construct two pylon -style signs in conformance with this ordinance, or in the alternative, may construct one pylon -style and one monument - style sign. When this latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than eighteen (18) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area, and the pylon may be no greater than fifty (50) feet in height and four hundred (400) square feet in area. (#396, 7/28/03) 3157 B (c) Sips for promoting and/or selling a development project: For the purpose of promoting or selling a development project of three (3) to twenty-five (25) acres, one sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet of advertising surface may be erected on the project site. For projects of twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) acres, one or two signs not to exceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. For projects over fifty- one (5 1) acres, one, two, or three signs not to exceed three hundred (300) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. No dimension shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet exclusive of supporting structures. Such signs shall not remain after ninety-five (95) percent of the project is developed. Such sign permits shall be reviewed and renewed annually by the City Council, If said sign is lighted, it shall be illuminated only during those hours when business is in operation or when the model homes or other developments are open for business purposes. Pylon Sign: The erection of one (1) pylon sign for any single lot is allowed under the following provisions: (a) Location: No pylon sign shall be located closer to the property line than as allowed in Section 3-9 [C] 7. In the case of a comer lot, both sides fronting on a public right-of-way shall be deemed the front. (#269, 5/8/95) (b) Parking Areas, Driveways: No part of the pylon signs shall be less than five (5) feet from any driveway or parking area. (c) Area, Height Regulations: Collector Major Thoroughfares Freeways and Expressways SPEED AREA HEIGHT (MPH) (SO FT) FEET 30 25 16 35 50 20 40 100 24 30 50 18 35 100 22 40 125 24 45 150 26 50 175 28 55 200 32 and above 9M. Highway 25 NA 50- 22 100 i. In the case of subject property directly abutting State Highway 25, pylon sign area may range from 50 sq ft to 100 sq ft depending on total lineal feet fronting Highway 25. 3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of lineal frontage with the following exceptions: 1) all properties may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of 50 regardless of front footage abutting Highway 25, and 2) the maximum pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25. (#173, 4/10/89) (d) Definitions: Definitions of road classifications apply as defined by the official comprehensive plan as adopted. (e) Application: The level at which the sign control system applies is determined by the type of road, as defined above, which directly abuts the subject property. L In the case of subject property directly abutting more than one (1) road, each designated by a different road classification type, the less restrictive classification shall apply in determining sign area and height. ii. Actual sign height is determined by the grade of the road from which the sip gains its principal exposure. iii. Area as determined by the formula under 3 (c) above, applies to one (1) face of a two (2) faced pylon sign, or two (2) faces of a four (4) faced sip, etc. iv. A bonus allowing "freeway standard signs" (200 sq ft in area and 32" high) in a commercial or industrial area is available to all businesses located within 800 feet of a freeway but do not abut a freeway. (f) Electronic Message Boards may be allowed in the B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts and on those parcels within the CCD Zoning District which have direct frontage on Trunk Highway 25 south of 41 Street, as a part of the freestanding or pylon sign display provided that: i. The sign complies in all other respects with the sign regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. KYW1 ii. The sign does not create a traffic hazard or a nuisance. iii. The sip does not flash its message, although continuous scrolling text is allowed. iv. The sign meets all requirements of the City's Building and Electrical Codes. V. The sign does constitute a separate or additional freestanding sip support structure. The sign must be otherwise allowed under this ordinance as a pylon sign or must be a part of an allowed pylon sip plan as defined herein. vi. The electronic message board portion of the sign does not constitute more than fifty percent (50%) of the allowable pylon sign area, or seventy (70) square feet, whichever is less. (#340, 1/10/00) (g) In the B-3 Zoning District only, certain parcels may be allowed to construct a second freestanding sign on the property when the following conditions are complied with: i. The property directly abuts Interstate 94 and one other collector (or higher) status street. ii. The property in question is no less than two (2) acres in area. iii. The second freestanding sign shall be located no closer than three hundred (300) feet from the first freestanding sip on the same property. iv. Only one of the two freestanding signs may be located within any yard (front, rear, or side) of the property. This clause shall be interpreted to mean that each sign shall be required to have a separate roadway as its primary exposure. V. Where two freestanding signs are allowed, the sign that fronts on the road which serves as the primary access shall be of a monument design, with a maximum height of ten (10) feet and a maximum square footage of sixty (60) square feet. vi. Where two freestanding signs are allowed, the sign that fronts on the freeway exposure shall conform to the provisions of Section 3 [E] 4.(c) above. 3/60 This section shall not be applied to the calculations for signage when an applicant is seeking development design flexibility under the City's Planned Unit Development provisions. viii. Both signs allowed under this subsection shall meet all other applicable provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. (6/11/01, #361) 5. Address Numbers Sign: DELETED (3/24/08, #476) 6. Projecting Signs: Projecting sips shall be permitted within the CCD District but only in the "Broadway Downtown District" thereof as defined by the Monticello Downtown and Riverfront Revitalization Plan. Only one (1) projecting sip may be erected per business, with no more than two (2) such signs erected per building, subj cot to the following conditions: Projecting sips: (a) Shall be only business identification signs. (b) Shall be fronting on a public street. (c) Shall not exceed six (6) square feet in area. (d) Shall be considered a wall sign for the purposes of maximum allowable sign area. (e) The edge of the sign closest to the building must be no farther than 12 inches away from the building. May extend over the public sidewalk, but shall not extend closer to the public street than to within 3 feet from the backside of curb. (g) Shall be at least 8 feet but not more than 12 feet in height above walking surfaces or sidewalks. (h) Shall not be internally illuminated, but may be externally illuminated. (#334,9/13/99) [F] FEES AND LICENSE: 1. FEES: (a) Payment Fees: The permit fee and other fees and charges set forth in this ordinance shall be collected by the City before the issuance of any permits, and the City Administrator, Building Inspector, or other persons duly authorized to issue such permit for which the payment of a fee is required under the provisions of this 3/61 subdivision may not issue a permit until such fee shall have been paid. (b) Double Fees: If a person begins work of any kind for which a pen -nit from the City is required without having secured the necessary permits therefore either previous to or on the date of commencement of such work, he shall, when subsequently securing such permit, pay double the fee provided for such permit or is subject to the penalty provisions of this ordinance. (c) Fees Required: Sign applications and subsequent fees will be required for all signs which do not appear in Chapter 3, Section 9 [B] (permitted and prohibited signs). Fees shall not be required for repairs of signs and sign structures. (d) Initial Fee: The initial fee shall be determined based upon the cost of the sip from a fee schedule adopted by the City Council. All sign applications must be accompanied by proof of contract and purchase price. (e) Special Permit Fees: Special permit fees shall be assessed for all attention seeking devices as described in Section 9, Subsection [C], paragraph 4 of this chapter. The fee shall be five dollars ($5,00) for each permit. M [A] PURPOSE: The purpose of Section 3-10: Adult Uses is to provide the opportunity for operation and establishment of adult land uses while providing controls that limit negative impacts of adult uses on residential and commercial areas. [B] GENERAL: Adult use as defined in this ordinance shall be subject to the following general provisions: Activities classified as obscene as defined by Minnesota Statute 617.241 are not permitted and are prohibited. 2. Adult uses, either principal or accessory, shall be prohibited from locating in any building which is also utilized for residential purposes. 3. An adult use which does not qualify as an accessory use shall be classified as an adult use/principal. 4. Zoning Controls and District Text Application: 3/62 Planning Commission Agenda- 07/01/08 LVA Nuel MW VIENSIOWN WaRl 10410 WON NO Section 1. Section 3-9[E] 3 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance is hereby amended as follows: (c) V VIWF ... -F _J- - sign net to emeeed-one hundfed-(140sq_ f -et of aA,efts sing-suffacc ma. -4e P -d eft thee-pfejeet site. For- 11—i -as ef tweaty six (2" to ('50)), aeffess' --n-e— two signs net4e-exeeed (200) aggregate cquare feet of ad-,,-_-rtking suffaee may be er-eeted. Fef pr-qjeets ever- fifty one (5 1) aer-es, ene, or- th eee A 1111AM signs natte �_Xeeed thfee__1______ "-'Tag et of advei4ising suffae NT A; miaybe er-eet... 116 dimension shall iweed twent-y five (25) feet exelesiv S"Pefting Stpaettifes-. L "maw Section 2. Section 3-5 [B] 1 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance shall be amended with the creation of subsection 0) as follows: 0) Sips for promoting and/or selling a development project: For the purpose of promoting or selling a development project of three (3) to twenty-five (25) acres, one sip not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet of advertising surface may be erected on the project site. For projects of twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) acres, one or two signs not to exceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. For projects over fifty-one (5 1) acres, one, two, or three signs not to exceed three hundred (300) aggregate square feet of advertising surface may be erected. No dimension shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet exclusive of supporting structures. Planning Commission Agenda- 07/01/08 Such sips shall not remain after ninety-five (95) percent of the project is developed. Such sip permits shall be reviewed annually by the Zoning Administrator. If said sip is lighted, it shall be illuminated only during those hours when business is in operation or when the model homes or other developments are open for business purposes. Section 3. Effective Date. This Ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello, Minnesota on the _ day of , 2008. By: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator 2 U-0 a 1411"47, �W Mayor Clint Herbst City Council Agenda— 07/14/08 Consideration to approve a reauest for Conditional Use Permit for a Sign Promoting or Selling a Development Project. Applicant: Nelson Building & Development (AS) LWAIJ I I I I'$ I t-1011 J I N't U I Ud I M I I U I r7FYf1'1TT =7, M-r-WTM73pprove Me proposea amenciment related to development signage, this request becomes void, as this use is then a permitted use. In the previous item, the Planning Commission was asked to consider an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance which would allow signs for the purpose of selling and/or promoting a development project as a permitted use. Should the City approve the proposed amendment, the following item becomes void. However, as both of these requests will be forwarded to the City Council for final decision, the Planning Commission is asked to review and recommend on this item. Nelson Building & Development is requesting a conditional use permit to allow the placement of two 100 square foot development sale signs on the privately -owned commercial development portion of Otter Creek Crossings. As noted previously, the type of sign requested is currently allowed by conditional use permit for commercial and industrial developments pursuant to terms described in the ordinance. The two signs proposed by Nelson Development meet the maximum square footage requirements based on the total acreage of the development property (38.17 acres). The proposed signs will not exceed 96 square feet, each. Up to two signs totaling a maximum of 200 square feet are allowed by ordinance. The materials provided by the applicant do not indicate that these signs will be lit. An illustration of the proposed sign locations is provided for reference. The ordinance requires that the signs be set back half the distance of the required setback provisions for the district. In this case, the property is zoned B-4. The B-4 District has a zero setback requirement. Therefore, these signs will be required to be setback equivalent to the drainage and utility easement in place at those locations. If the ordinance amendment or conditional use permit is approved, the applicant will be required to apply for a sign permit through the Building Department. I I City Council Agenda— 07/14/08 1. Motion to approve the Conditional Use Permit for a Sign Promoting and/or Selling a Development Project for Nelson Building & Development, contingent on the conditions listed in Exhibit Z, based on a finding that the proposed signage meets the ordinance requirements. 2. Motion to deny the Conditional Use Permit for a Sign Promoting and/or Selling a Development Project, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other Staff recommends alternative I above. The signs proposed by the applicant are consistent with the allowances of the code. A. Location Map B. Applicant Narrative C. Proposed Signage D. Proposed Placement Illustration 1 1 V Conditions of Approval 1. The development signs proposed shall be setback equivalent to the drainage and utility easement. 2. The applicant is required to apply for and receive a sign permit for the proposed signage. 3. In compliance with the provisions of the code, the signage is to be removed after 95% of the project is developed. a Conditional Use Permit Narrative Nelson Realty & Development is seeking a conditional use permit as required by the City of Monticello sign ordinance to install (2) real estate for sale signs on the property. Each sign will be shaped like a V. Total SF of each sign material will be less than 100 SF per sign. Refer to the attached site plan for sign placement location and the attached picture for additional sign information. The subject property is roughly 40 acres of vacant land. 763-682-1818 ♦ Fax 763-682-3053 ♦ 2 Division Street E., Suite 201, Buffalo, MN 55313 ♦ www.nelsonbuilding.com too"" 4J 4 low' i2s W. 'T XC 6, RE: 7.g IIIA r; IN Council Agenda: 7114108 5L. Consideration of adopting resolution requesting speed studies on Chelsea Road fro CSAH 18 to TH 25. and on Edmonson Avenue from 87 th Street to Chelsea Road. (B 1 11 With the completion of the reconstruction of Chelsea Road between CSAH 18 and the City's water reservoir site, which included the addition of a center two-way left turn lane and an 8 -foot pedestrian pathway north of Chelsea Road, staff is requesting that Council adopt City Resolution No. 2008-56 requesting Mn/DOT to perform a speed study to determine the new safe and reasonable speed for this section of Chelsea Road. The current posted speed limits on Chelsea Road are 45 mph from CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue, 30 mph from Fallon Avenue to TH 25, and 40 mph immediately west of TH 25. The City has received numerous complaints over the years that a speed limit of 30 mph is too low for the section of Chelsea Road between Fallon Avenue and TH 25, and that the speed limit on Chelsea Road should not change as you cross TH 25. As such staff is requesting that the speed study area include all of Chelsea Road from CSAH 18 to TH 25. Chelsea Road west of TH 25 has not been included in the speed study request since staff feels a posted speed limit of 40 mph is appropriate for this section of road, and since we have not received any complaints about this speed limit. Staff is also requesting that Edmonson Avenue from 87th Street to Chelsea Road have a speed study conducted on it. This is because the current statutory speed limit on Edmonson Avenue from 87th Street to a point approximately 300 -feet south of Chelsea Road is 55 mph. There currently is no posted speed limit along this entire section of Edmonson Avenue, other than the 30 mph posted speed limit just south of Chelsea Road. This is because a speed study has never been conducted on this road since it was turned over to the City and in order for the City to post a speed limit a speed study must be conducted. City staff has contacted Mn/DOT and these speed studies could likely be conducted before the end of September. City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. 1:11 1 oil I- L I , go] CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION NO. 2008-56 REQUESTING MN/DOT TO CONDUCT A SPEED STUDY ON CHELSEA ROAD FROM CSAH 18 TO TH 25, AND ON EDMONSON AVENUE FROM 87 TI STREET TO CHELSE1, VOAD WHEREAS, THIS RESOLUTION, was made this 14'h day of July, 2008 by the City of Monticello in Wright County, Minnesota. The Municipal corporation shall hereinafter be called the "City," WHEREAS, the traffic and pedestrian characteristics of Chelsea Road have changed following reconstruction of the road, including the additions of a center two-way left turn lane and pedestrian pathway; WHEREAS, the traffic and pedestrian characteristics of Edmonson Avenue have changed following reconstruction of several sections of the road, including the addition of several segments of pedestrian pathways; WHEREAS, the traffic volumes and pedestrian traffic on Chelsea Road and Edmonson Avenue are continuing to increase; WHEREAS, the "City" is requesting a speed study be completed on Chelsea road from CSAR 18 to TH 25, and on Edmonson Avenue from 87th Street to Chelsea Road; WHEREAS, the "City" has contacted the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) who has agreed to complete the study; NOW, THEREFORE, ITIS HEREBYRESL VED: That the "City" is requesting the State of Minnesota (Mn/DOT) to conduct a speed study on Chelsea road from CSAR 18 to TH 25, and on Edmonson Avenue from 87th Street to Chelsea Road. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 14th day of July, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 7/14/08 5M. Consideration, of auvroving closure of street for a neighborhood block vartv. (TM) The City of Monticello Public Works recently received a request to close off Farmstead Avenue from Park Drive to Farmstead Court on August 5, 2008 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. to hold a neighborhood block party as part of National Night Out. City Council is asked to approve the request for this occasion only. Currently, City Ordinance does not address closing streets for this type of requests. The City takes the responsibility for putting up and taking down the barricades. In the past, the City Council has granted approval on a case-by-case basis. The Wright County Sheriff's Department would not have an objection to closing city streets. However, they would like to be notified of the date and time of any street closings. If a county road is affected, a permit would need to be obtained from the county to block a road. For the future, City staff will be looking at this section of the ordinance and reviewing it for possible changes to allow temporary closing of streets for uses, such as block parties, that would be affiliated with an event like National Night Out. 1. Approve the temporary closing of Farmstead Avenue from Park Drive to Farmstead Court for August 5, 2008 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. for a neighborhood block party. 2. Do not approve the request to close the street. The City Administrator and Streets Superintendent do not object to closing Farmstead Avenue from Park Drive to Farmstead Court on this date and time for a neighborhood block party. The concept of National Night Out is to encourage neighbors to get to know one another and create livable neighborhoods. This event would support this goal. City Council Agenda — 7/14/08 7. Public Hearin2: Consideration of a rectuest for avDeal of denial of variance to the Parkine reauirements in the CCD. Central Communitv District. ADIDlicant: Masters Fifth Avenue. (NAC/AS) time to work with staff on a solution to the pa i g issues associated with the proposed expansion. Since that time, staff has discussed various alternatives and has met with the applicant regarding possible options. At this time, staff proposes the following options for the City Council's review. 1. Proof of Parking Agreement: The applicant is 8 spaces short of the required number of parking stalls on the existing site (labeled #1 on the provided map). The applicant currently owns the Cub/Kmart properties directly across 7 th Street from the subject property (#2). The City Council could accept a proof of parking arrangement by which the applicant agrees to a 2 year parking analysis. The analysis would be a simple parking count at 6 month intervals for two years: a ratio of total spaces to number utilized at peak times. If at any time it is determined by Council that the site is deficient and requires additional parking, the applicant would then be required to either pay into the parking fund or to apply for a cross -easement allowing parking at the Cub/Kniart facility. Cross -easements are conditional use permits and allow parking between site cross -easement. The applicant has indicated that arrangement would be use solely for employee parking. I 2. Require a Cross -Easement: The Council could request that the applicant apply for the cross -easement allowing parking between the subject site and Cub/Kmart property at the present time, rather than allowing a proof of parking arrangement. As the applicant has not been able to demonstrate any non -economic hardship (which is required both by local and State statutes in granting variances), staff would recommend denial of the variance in favor of option one above. Option one is also favored by Mr. Fluth. Option one allows the applicant to expand as requested and only requires payment ti,, the parking fund or crrt in the event parking demand is high enough to warrant such improvements. City Council Agenda — 7/14/08 Council also asked staff to review other parking alternatives in the area. Options have been illustrated on the map included as supporting data. The library parking lot (#3) is not currently sized to accommodate additional parking. It may be possible to utilize CCD parking funds from the applicant to construct additional head -end parking just to the north of the site, along the west side of Locust (#4). Further study would be needed to determine the amount of ROW needed to construct this parking. There are no other immediate parking options in the area, other than additional cross -easement possibilities. Nak- w60,_ffrr r t:" , — : , : reference. "VI The Planning Commission heard this request at it June 3"d meeting. On a 3-2 vote, the Commission denied the variance. The applicant has appealed that decision to the City Council, in accordance with the process outlined in the Zoning Ordinance. 1 P M -&J -7777777547 the Zoning Ordinance requirementsfor hardship and reasonable use. The standardsJor variance consideration are taken from state law, and essentially require the City is able to make afinding that the variance is necessary to overcome a hardship inputting the property to a reasonable use. This test does not require that the applicant need only make minimum use of hisproperty, but that the requested use is a reasonable one. J.I 1 710 Ve 77nelfea oj Ine requirements to pay into tire - City's downtown public parkingfundfor the excessparking demand his use creates beyond the requirement. It is important to note that the parking requirement has already been reduced to 60% of the code standard by virtue of its location in the CCD. Thus, the deficiency isfor 8 spaces, rather than the 14 that the code would require in other business districts outside the CCD area. We wouldfurther note that the requested use (restaurant space) is a permitted use — the only issue is how to address the parking demand that will be created by the new use. The "library parking lot" would be an available public parking area for users of this facility. Thesmy 41se o,11the public parkingfor private business in the CCD. In some areas, that may befuture parking — in this case it is more of a "reimbursement"Jor existingparking. Barry Fluth and Masters Fifth Avenue is seeking a variance from the City's parking standards related to a proposal to add to the Pizza Man facility of a delivery -only business to a pizza buffet sit down facility along with the delivery function. The expansion area occupies 1,200 square feet, with a seating capacity of 43. When the facility was originally planned, the building occupied the site with a slight deficit in parking. The applicant subsequently paid for the installation of on -street angled parking to supplement the off-street parking lot. The parking capacity was calculated with the majority of the building (including the proposed restaurant expansion area) as retail space. City Council Agenda — 7/14/08 In addition, the applicant took advantage of the ability in the CCD District to reduce required parking to 60% of the ordinance stated requirement when parking is made available to the public and other overflow options exist. Retail space is calculated at one parking space per 200 square feet — a parking requirement for the existing retail space of 6 parking stalls. Because all floor space is discounted by 10% to account for unproductive areas, the net parking requirement for the retail area would have been 5 spaces. For restaurant space, the parking area is one parking space per 40 square feet of dining area, plus one parking space per 80 square feet of kitchen/service area. The applicant calculates his new restaurant floor area as 485 square feet of dining space, and 715 square feet of restaurant space. This nets out to about 440 square feet of dining and 640 square feet of kitchen after the 10% reduction. Applying the formula, the parking requirement for the pizza restaurant addition would be 11 spaces for the dining area, and 8 spaces for the kitchen/service area, a total of 19. This represents a net increase of 14 spaces over the retail requirement. The applicant suggests that there is adequate parking in the area to accommodate the increase in parking demand. The bulk of this parking would be on -street, limited to street frontage to the south, since parking along 7th Street would not be encouraged. The CCD District permits the development of commercial space to a point "over capacity" as would otherwise be required in a number of ways. One way (alluded to above) pen -nits a reduction in the ordinance requirement to 60% of the standard. This would reduce the 14 space deficit to 8 actual required spaces. When these cannot be provided on-site, or by lease from an appropriate, adjacent off-site location, the applicant is permitted (on approval of the City) to pay into a municipal parking fund which the City uses to construct and maintain public parking throughout the downtown area. Examples of such public parking would be parallel parking within the existing street, or municipal parking lots such as the parking area on the west side of the library property. The rationale behind the ordinance is that without this allowance, properties in the CCD would not be able to be built or used to a density expected in a downtown area, while at the same time, the allowance for "over -building" a site comes at a cost towards which an applicant should be expected to contribute. The applicant's variance in this case would shift the burden of the provision of public parking space used by his tenants to the public generally. Moreover, to find in favor of a variance, an applicant must show that there is a unique physical condition that interferes with putting the property to a reasonable use under the regulations. As with all variances, the hardship may not be economic in nature. In this case, the applicant operates a commercial building that already is permitted to be larger than would otherwise be allowed, given the standard parking requirements. Staff does not see a hardship, other than the economic "burden" of providing funds to construct public parking that would be used by the applicant's tenants. City Council Agenda — 7/14/08 As noted above, staff would recommend denial of the variance and approval of a subsequent requirement for the execution of a proof -of -parking agreement. 1. Motion to approve the appeal for variance to the parking regulations in the CCD zoning district, by allowing a restaurant expansion without the required parking construction or fee -in -lieu. 2. Motion to deny the appeal for variance to the parking regulations in the CCD zoning district, based on a finding that there is no condition of the property that creates a hardship in putting the property to a reasonable commercial use according to the regulations. I 1� 1. Motion to require execution of a proof -of -parking agreement between the City of Monticello and Masters 5th Avenue, subject to the terms referenced in the staff report of 7/14/08. 2. Motion to recommend application for conditional use permit for cross -easement for parking. 3. Motion of other. Staff recommends that the City Council deny the appeal for variance in favor of execution of a separate proof of parking arrangement with the applicant. This allows the City to maintain consistency with City and State statutes, and also requires the application to provide parking consistent with code requirements, should the demand require it. This alternative recognizes the limitations of the surroundings in terms of parking expansion opportunities and the need for continued investment and expansion for downtown business. A. Site Plan B. Applicant's Letter C. Area Map w/Numbered Parking Alternatives 7 7-1-1 -S 71FE,7 7 - a smus 24!-d Ct 11 E From: Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc., owner of property at 617-619 Locust Street, Monticello, MN. Z= This property (Locust Commons) was developed in 2000 and has been operating since then with full occupancy -mo st five other businesses have been operating in the center since the beginning. This center has proven to work well as it was designed. A space has opened up next to an existing pizza delivery business. The pizza company would like to convert the space to a pizza buffet facility. 9= W, Allow this use with no additional parking requirements. There is adequate parking on site and in adjacent off site spaces. The hardship exists in that there is no land available to purchase or lease whe extra parking could be obtained. The existing site cannot be reconfigured to get more spaces because its irregular shape. The CUB Foods property is available for cross easement possibility but there is an Aob, elevation difference that could cause hardship in getting to the center. The site will be workable with the existing parking conditions if the concept is looked at in the big picture sense. We therefore reque this variance be granted with no additional conditions. I ORMT M. Master's Fifth Avenue, Inc. iOpportunities Variance Q. 21. ^6 ,, a N„. » ' '� M ” v & '"'N'ab Iv ^"" �'f%' `r �, n • .nom, 1 inch equals 197.864471 feet u,. UPS V CAT JF 0 .'xbu „ vp a ad4 1W yXI BMW: 'fMm y;..,; r(,, h'," ';xiw n d p `` o 1 1 1 P "� u W d' •NM 7i I I v d C4 V Ad 44F� KPM a„ m ... �, haw. M ^ ^ w .-� r And! wV' ^ " ' l�d"� "�».IW .., .,um'• ,�. j'Ip ., »dd am; ,"t' ~d .^ m,,.". P U Ist twill sitiLd u Mki „ u ate* I „ »waa AL 07 , ^ 11 lit," 6" as m G,: w Pk or " n ' ww »MY � loss '' c,;S 'dw, ,, � �, .., �' " r .,, 'ti's,. „ � � N �';^: a'" "n. •, ',,',, «' Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No NEPA STEP SPECS The maximum stepping height from ground to first step shall not exceed 24". Additional steps can not be more than 18" apart. All steps, platforms, or ladders shall sustain a minimum static load of 500 lbs. without permanent deformation and shall have skid resistant surfaces. Any step shall have a minimum area of 3.5 sq. in. Platform shall have a minimum depth of 8". Ladders shall have at least 7" clearance between any rung and the apparatus body. APPARATUS BODY OVERLAYS The specified apparatus body shall be equipped with aluminum treadbrite overlays on top of all side compartments and across rear of body, between rear body corners. Overlays shall be constructed of .125" polished aluminum treadbrite. All horizontal overlays and treadbrite surfaces shall be NFPA compliant step surfaces. COMPARTMENT ROOF TOP OVERLAYS Driver's and passenger's side compartment roof tops shall be lined/plated with above specified material, flanged down on front, rear, and full length outboard side to overlap the overhead door weatherstripped molding. Overlay liners shall be precision -cut to prevent mis-matched seams, extending full length and full width of compartment roof top, bolted in position, and underside sea] coated prior to final installation. DISSIMILAR METAL PROTECTION All aluminum treadplate to be fitted, removed, undercoated with rustproofing material. Non -aluminum areas in contact with aluminum shall be properly lined with 3M dialectric tape, and bolted in position. REAR BODY COMPARTMENTATION: A rear body compartment shall be furnished, located runningboard level ahead of tailboard, to rear of water tank, between back wall of driver's and passenger's rear side compartment segments. Compartment to be 42" interior width x 20" interior depth x 40" interior height, fully enclosed and weather sealed, equipped with one (1) roll -up compartment door. Door shall be roll -up shutter style, complete with: satin finish extruded aluminum shutter slats, bar style bottom rail latch, anodized extruded aluminum vertical side tracks with removable neoprene rubber weatherstripping, and a spring loaded "front roll" door lift/roll-up mechanism. SATIN FINISH COMPARTMENT DOORS: The specified side compartment doors shall be satin finish with creating a natural aluminum appearance of door exterior. ROLL -UP DOOR BUNDLE COVERS To protect the door exterior from possible damage of compartment items, Seven (7) of the specified roll -up door "bundles" shall be equipped with aluminum schrouds. For superior fit, the door shrouds shall be supplied by the manufacturer of specified roll -up doors and custom -fit to each respective door. NOTE: Hidden door bundle cavities, which are only accessible by removal of sealed/caulked exterior apparatus body panels, are not acceptable. Page 79 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPARTMENT FINISH When stowed, the outboard surface of enclosure shall be smooth aluminum and painted job color to match apparatus. PASSENGER SIDE AIR BOTTLE STORAGE Two (2) triangular shaped SCBA air bottle compartment(s) shall be furnished, located in upper corners of passenger's side wheelwell housing. Each air bottle compartment(s) shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate three (3) standard air pack bottles. Compartment(s) shall be equipped with weatherproof vertically hinged flush door constructed of brushed stainless steel with stainless steel slam -latch. A proximity switch shall be furnished and wired to specified compartment door open indicator light, DRIVER'S SIDE AIR BOTTLE STORAGE Two (2) triangular shaped SCBA air bottle compartment(s) shall be furnished, located in upper corners of driver's side wheelwell housing. Front air bottle compartment shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate three (3) standard air pack bottles. Rear air bottle compartment shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate two (2) standard air pack bottles. Compartment shall be equipped with weatherproof vertically hinged overlapping door constructed of brushed stainless steel with stainless steel slam -latch. A proximity switch shall be furnished and wired to specified compartment door open indicator light. COMPARTMENT LOCATION DESCRIPTION: For the purpose of providing locations for various body compartment accessories, the apparatus body compartments shall be identified as follows: ® R1: Curbside forward compartment, immediately ahead of rear wheel well. ® R2: Curbside compartment above rear wheel well. ® R3: Curbside aft compartment immediately behind rear wheel well. ® 131: Rear center compartment above tailboard. ® D1: Driver side forward compartment, immediately ahead of rear wheel well. ® D2: Driver side compartment above rear wheel well. a D3: Driver side aft compartment immediately behind rear wheel well. ROLL-OUT TOOL BOARD(S) Three (3) each, vertical roll-out 1/4" aluminum tool board panel(s) to be furnished, measuring 60" tall x 24" wide. Tool panels shall be mounted to stainless steel ball-bearing style roll-out tracks and latch in both IN and OUT positions. ADJUSTABLE TRACKS Each roll-out panel shall be mounted to stainless steel floor and ceiling tracks that allow each tool board to be adjusted across width of compartment interior. PANEL LOCATIONS Roll-out panel(s) to be located per customer. Page 81 PROPOSA COMPLIE Yes I., Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department I rK",COMPLIES Yes No Hitch receiver mounting to be reinforced to allow a minimum 2000 lb capacity vertical lift, and 3000 lb capacity horizontal pull. F PASSENGER SIDE WHEEL WELL WINCH RECEIVER One (1), class 2 hitch receiver shall be furnished, mounted beneath the apparatus body passenger side rubrail, immediately ahead of rear wheels. Hitch receiver mounting to be reinforced to allow a minimum 2000 lb capacity vertical lift, and 3000 lb capacity horizontal pull. ELECTRIC WINCH RECEPTACLES Each of the above specified receivers shall be equipped with heavy duty 12 -volt quick disconnect receptacle, wired to chassis batteries with loom encased insulated multi -stranded copper battery cables. REAR BODY STEPS - LASER GRIP Six (6), individual fabricated polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate rear body steps shall be furnished, mounted three (3) on each side, evenly spaced, no more than 18" apart, up rear body corners. Steps to include integral toe riser to protect rear corner paint finish. Fabricated steps to be 16" wide to allow for mounting of specified tail, turn and back-up lights underneath step areas. Steps to be bolted in position and removable. Top treadplate step surfaces to be pattern -cut, puncture fabricated non -slip, upper step 8" deep, middle step 9" deep, bottom step 10" deep. All step fabrications shall be single piece fabricated construction, so as to eliminate the need for critical welds. OUTBOARD VERTICAL REAR HAND RAILS Two (2), each vertical knurled aluminum hand rails, with chrome plated double bolted metal stand-off brackets, shall be furnished, located at rear outboard body corners. Railings shall begin 18" above tailboard level and extend to top of rear body corners. HARD SUCTION HOSE BOX One (1), each soft suction hose boxes shall be furnished. Hose box shall be recessed into rear of body, directly below specified rear intake. Hose box shall accommodate 25' of 6" folded soft suction hose. Hose shall be restrained by overlapping vinyl cover and shock cord straps. SUCTION HOSE COMPT. - PASSENGER SIDE A fully enclosed hard suction hose "sleeve compartment" shall be furnished, located passenger's side, approximately 28" above rear tailboard. Hard suction hose sleeve compartment shall extend from rear vertical face of body, below water tank, to front body panel, at least 10" diameter x 140" long. Compartment shall be of adequate size to accommodate one (1) 10 ft. section large diameter flexible hard suction hose, with a pre -attached low level strainer. Page 83 Custom Pumper Specifications for the lVtonticello Vire Department I '66-4-dii Yes No PIKE POLE (S) One (1) Duo -Safety FP 8 ft. fiberglass handled pike pole shall be furnished. PIKE POLE (S) One (1), Duo -Safety FP 12 ft. fiberglass handled pike pole shall be furnished. SUCTION HOSE - 6" Two (2), 10 ft. length(s) of 6" W. Maxi -Flex or equivalent flexible suction hose shall be furnished, complete with 6" NST lightweight rocker lug couplings, swivel female one end, rigid male opposite end. SUCTION STRAINER One (1), 6" Kochek low level strainer(s) shall be furnished, for use with specified hard suction hose, equipped with 6" NST long handled swivel female coupling and 1-1/2" jet siphon. LARGE DIAMETER HOSE Ten (10) each, 100 ft. coupled sections of Angus rubber supply line LDH shall be furnished, equipped with 5" Storz lightweight couplings. BLITZ FIRE MONITOR, TFT One (1), Task Force model XXC-32 "Blitz Fire" manually operated portable monitor to be furnished with: Folding Legs, Max -Series Nozzle Tip, single 2-1/2" NST swivel female rocker lug inlet, and Truck Mount Storage Bracket to be provided. 30 GALLON CAPACITY ISOLATED FOAM TANK A 20 gallon capacity (matching tank material) foam cell/tank shall be furnished, complete with: top fill stack, vented fill cover, bottom drain spud, bottom foam suction spud, and accommodation for a Class -A direct discharge foam system low level sensor device. SLOTTED MOUNTING TRACKS, FOR HYDRAULIC GENERATOR ENCLOSURE There shall be two (2) parallel "slotted" generator enclosure mounting tracks, fabricated of machined poly, welded to top of water tank, at generator mounting location. Accessory tracks shall be furnished with spring loaded threaded slide blocks. Position and design of tracks shall allow for a rigid secure tank top mounting of the generator assembly. BOOSTER TANK The water tank shall be minimum 1000 gallon capacity, constructed of .500" thick Polyprene(TM) sheet stock. This material shall be non -corrosive stress relieved thermo-plastic, black in color and U.V. stabilized for maximum protection. The booster tank shall be designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments. All exterior tank joints and seams shall be extrusion welded and/or contain the BENT EDGE(TM) and tested for maximum strength and integrity. The top of the booster tank is fitted with removable lifting eyes designed with a 3 to I safety factory to facilitate easy removability. The top cover of the tank shall have removable panels to allow access into the tank interior. The transverse swash partitions shall be manufactured of 3/8" Po]yPrene(TM) material. The longitudinal swash partitions shall be constructed of 3/8" PolyPrene (TM) and extend through the cover to allow for positive welding and maximum integrity. All partitions shall be equipped with vent and air holes to permit movement of air and water between compartments. The partitions shall be designated to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are welded to each other as well as to the walls of the tank. The tank shall have a combination vent and manual fill tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of 1/2" Polyprene(TM) and shall .be a minimum dimension of 8" x 8" outer perimeter. The tower shall be located in the left front corner of the tank and shall have a 1/4" thick removable Polyprene(TM) screen and a Polyprene(TM) hinged -type cover. Inside the fill tower, there shall be fastened a combination vent Page 85 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No TANK SHAPE The specified tank shall be "L -Shaped" placing the majority of capacity at for -ward portion of the tank. WIRING HARNESSES All apparatus body and pump compartment wiring for specified lights and electrical equipment shall be suitably protected inside heat resistant vinyl, forming multiple harnesses. Multiple harnesses to run from chassis cab, pump compartment, and apparatus body to a PDC (power distribution center). Harnesses shall consist of individual legend imprinted multi -stranded copper color coded SAE -J 1128 compliant automotive wires inside vinyl loom. Spare wires shall run throughout apparatus compartmented body and pump compartment, so as to allow future installations of electrical accessories, using original harnesses. All wiring to be identified, "imprinted" with number and function. Auto -reset circuit breakers to be furnished, of various amperage capacity, sized for intended load. All 12 -volt switches, relays, terminals, connectors, and wiring to have a direct current rating of 125% of maximum current for which the current is protected. All wiring terminals to be machine crimped, pull - tested during assembly. POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER The power distribution center shall be located interior of driver's forward side compartment, and shall contain engineered electrical components and waterproof pin/socket bulkhead connectors. At least ten (10) spare circuit breaker sockets shall be furnished for future use. An enclosed electric junction cubby will be provided in the driver's side lower front compartment. This compartment will be recessed through the inside front wall of the compartment to an easily accessible enclosure to house all of the body wiring junction points, terminal strips, relays, etc. The design of this compartment will not decrease the storage capacity area of the compartment in which it is located. A removable panel will be provided for access to this compartment. BATTERY CABLE UPGRADE A minimum 2-0 multi -stranded copper insulated battery cable shall run from specified battery switch through a 200 -amp solenoid and to the chassis frame mounted threaded stud terminal block, providing power to high amperage items such as: primer motor, electrical discharge valves, reel rewind motors, generator star -ter motor, etc. "Vehicle Specific" wiring information shall be provided for this particular apparatus "as built" upon completed delivery of the same. Information to be in spreadsheet format, describing PDC connections and functions. ROCKER SWITCHES Specified emergency lighting fixtures, non -emergency lighting fixtures, and electrical components shall be individually activated by fully illuminated rocker style switches. Emergency lighting switches to be illuminated, non -emergency switches to be illuminated a contrasting color. An illuminated switch shall be furnished to left of emergency lighting rocker switches, identified as "MASTER EMERGENCY SWITCH". Toggle switch to power individual emergency lighting switches. Back -lit nametags, describing function of each individual switch, to be located above toggle and rocker switches. Controls and switches, which are expected to be operated by the driver while the apparatus is in motion, are to be within convenient reach of the driver. The controls to operate the siren to be within convenient reach of both driver and front passenger (officer). LOAD MANAGEMENT A Load Management System (LMS) shall be furnished for performing electrical load management. The LMS shall have eight (8) programmable outputs to supply warning and load switching requirements. The load management system shall provide eight (8) output load shedding, low voltage warning, scene mode operation and response mode operation. Page 87 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Where light fixtures are to be installed on a painted panel, all light fixture mounting holes, grommet holes, and fastener holes shall be machined/cut-out prior to prime and finish painting, so that all metal surfaces receive the same protective coating. The following specified rear body tail/stop, turn and back up lights to, be positioned: Red (tail/stop) TOP, Amber (turn) MIDDLE, and Clear (back up) BOTTOM, driver's and passenger's side rear of body. DRIVER AND PASSENGER SIDE PUMP PANEL OVERHEAD LIGHTS Four (4) each, chrome plated 12 -volt shielded pump panel light fixtures shall be furnished, located top outboard corners two (2) driver's side and two (2) passenger's side. Lights to be activated by pump panel light controls. OPERATOR PANEL LIGHT ACTIVATION One of the driver side panel lights to be activated by shifting the pump into gear, the balance of lights shall be activated by a pump panel light switch. TOP MOUNT GAUGE PANEL LIGHTING The specified tip -out top mount gauge panel shall be equipped with 12 -volt light fixtures running full - width of pump compartment. Lights shall be activated by panel mounted back -lit rocker switch. D.O.T. MARKER LIGHTS Five (5), Truck -Lite 4" x 2" rectangular surface mount 12 -volt dual bulb marker lights with snap -on reflective lenses to be furnished, located: two (2) recessed behind specified rear tailboard corner flanged bevels and three (3) recessed behind center rear tailboard flange, with diamond shape flange cut outs. Lenses to be Red. Marker lights to be activated by headlamp switch. LED MID -BODY MARKER LIGHT AND TURN INDICATORS Two (2), round or rectangular surface mount midship LED, marker lights & turn lights, to be furnished; located one (1) driver's side midship vehicle and one (1) passenger's side midship vehicle. Lights to have Amber lens. Turn light (flashing element) to be activated by vehicle turn signals. APPARATUS BODY REFLECTORS Four (4) rectangular or round chrome trimmed DOT approved red reflectors shall be provided, attached to the apparatus body rear corner back surface and rear most sides. TAIL & STOP LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model 60X00ORR, 5" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen combination stop/tail lights to be furnished, mounted each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6", Red. Lights to be wired for activation by service brake and headlamp switch. TURN LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model 60X000TR, 5" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen turn signal lights to be furnished, mounted one each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6" Amber with left turn and right turn arrows. Lights to be wired for activation by left or right turn signal (not by brake lights). BACK-UP LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model 60JO00CR, 5" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen back up lights to be furnished, mounted one each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6", Clear. Lights to be wired for activation by reverse gear of truck transmission. Em 14AWAM No. Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance. Lights to be automatically activated by setting of the parking brake. UNDER CAB EXTENSION LIGHTS Two (2), Truck -Lite model 44042C, 4" LED grommet lights to be furnished below driver and passenger side cab extension. Lenses to be 4" diameter, Clear. Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance. Lights to be automatically activated by setting of the parking brake. COMPARTMENT LIGHTING The following compartment lights shall be furnished in body side full -height compartments, overwheel compartments, and rear center compartment. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Four (4) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 27" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Two (2) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 54" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Eight (8) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 63" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. "OPEN DOOR" INDICATOR A hazard warning indicator light shall be furnished, installed in cab, wired to all compartment light automatic door switches so as to indicate "OPEN" apparatus body compartment door. Indicator light to be Red, minimum 2" diameter, visible to driver and officer, identified with permanent engraved nameplate to read; "DO NOT MOVE APPARATUS". ILLUMINATION OF HAZARD WARNING LIGHT(S) The above specified Hazard Warning Light(s) shall illuminate only when the park brake has been released, so as to alert driver of pending hazard. Warning light(s) shall remain off with vehicle parked; "on scene". CAB ROOF "BROW" LIGHT Three (3) Whelen LED Contour Brow Mount 12 -volt scene light(s) shall be furnished, mounted on radius of specified custom chassis cab. The bow light(s) shall have a 7S -watt LED light element, and be activated by an illuminated rocker switch, accessible to driver, and properly identified. Exact positions shall be determined at pre -construction meeting. LIGHTBAR One (1), Whelen model CAOOOOON "Centurion", 60" wide lightbar with four (4) rotating halogen lamps shall be furnished, surface mounted to forward chassis cab roof with permanent roof mount brackets. Lightbar lenses to be front facing Red/Clear/Clear/Red, rear facing Red/Clear/Clear/Red, both side lenses Red. Lightbar to be activated by a separate illuminated rocker switch, identified as: "CAB ROOF LIGHTBAR". TRAFFIC FLOW BOARD The vehicle shall be equipped with one (1) all -electric Traffic Flow Control Board. The unit shall be capable of lifting the Traffic Board to a minimum height of 40 inches above the top of the vehicle in less than 10 seconds. The lift will be capable of rotating a minimum of 45 degrees in less than 15 seconds in either direction. Page 91 I.-ustom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department NAm W4M= primer surfacer to air dry, the entire unit will be sanded using dual action sanders leaving a very smooth surface to be painted. The paint applied to the apparatus shall be PPG Industries Delfleet® Evolution brand or equivalent, applied throughout a multi -step process including at least two coats of each color and clear coat finish. Special attention will be given to proper application of coatings according to the specified film build (wet and dry) recommendations of PPG. Product or technical data bulletins should be consulted for any needed information above that which has been outlined herein. All paint materials shall be prepared and applied in accordance with this specification and the paint manufacturer's latest written recommendation prior to paint application. The coating shall be baked or air dried. The coatings shall provide full gloss when finished curing and must be suitable for application by conventional pressure air atomizing spray. Body panels and sub -frame area which cannot be painted after assembly shall be pre -primed and painted prior to main painting process. The coatings shall not contain lead, cadmium or arsenic. The polyiscoyanate component shall consist of only aliphatic isocyanates, with no portion being aromatic isocyanate in character. The solvents used in all components and products shall not contain ethylene glycol, mono -ethyl ethers, or their acetates (commercially recognized as cellosolves), nor shall they contain any chlorinated hydrocarbons. The products shall have no adverse health effects or present any unusual hazard to personnel when used according to manufacturers recommendations for handling and proper protective safety equipment, and for its intended use. The coating system, as supplied and recommended for application, shall meet all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations now in force or at any time during the courses of the bid. The specified apparatus body painted surfaces shall receive the primer coats and the finish coats. These painted surfaces shall have a finish with no runs, sags, craters, pinholes or other defects. COMPARTMENT INTERIOR FINISH The interior compartments shall maintain the natural #4 "brushed" stainless steel finish, as previously specified. All natural finish surfaces shall remain protective vinyl covered, until pre -delivery inspection. HIGH LUSTER BUFFING The specified color painted components (except roll -up door slats) shall be "wet" color sanded with ultra - fine media, machine buffed with rubbing compound and wool pad, machine buffed with glaze and foam pad, and hand wiped to remove residue. PAINT COLOR Finish color match major chassis cab exterior color. DISSIMILAR METALS During assembly all 4 -way aluminum treadplate components, shall be seal coated where mated to non - aluminum components. 4 -way aluminum fabrications to be installed using stainless steel button socket head cap screw fasteners. Edges of 4 -way aluminum, where meeting exterior body painted fabrications, shall be properly caulked with G.E. or equal silver metallic body sealant to prevent moisture accumulation between metal layers. TOUCH-UP PAINT One (1), full quart of original finish color top coat paint material shall be provided for use as future touch- up paint. Pare 93 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No brushes of slip rings will be allowed. The reservoir shall include an oil level gauge, oil temperature gauge, fill cap, fill strainer, and a boost unit to provide a positive pressure to the pump suction port. The generator and hydraulic motor shall be close coupled and permanently aligned using a Morse taper with a through bolt to secure the motor to the generator. No two (2) bearing generators or shaft coupling devices are allowed. The system must be capable of producing the rated full -load power when driven from the vehicle PTO from high idle to maximum engine speed. The hydraulic motor and pump shall be of axial piston design to provide low internal leakage and a high degree of frequency stability. No gear pumps or gear motors are allowed. The pump shall match to the system with the proper orifice, pressure compensator and load sensing to provide a stable output over the rated speed range of the pump and with electrical loads from no-load to full -load. The system shall be capable of normal operations using a commonly available ATF fluid, such as GM DEXTRON II or equivalent. All fluid service points shall be in close proximity for ease of scheduled maintenance. When properly installed, the system shall be warranted by the generator manufacturer for a period of not less than two (2) years or 2000 hours, whichever should come first. A Chelsea 10 -bolt transmission power take off shall be of the heavy duty type, mounted directly on the transmission of the chassis. The driveline shall be hollow tube type, with heavy duty universals and splined shaft for movement between the chassis components and the generator. The engagement of the power take off shall be in the chassis cab with rocker switch and pilot light labeled GENERATOR PTO ENGAGED to note engagement of the power take off. An engraved nameplate indicating the chassis transmission shift selector position to be used for generator operation shall be provided in the cab, located so that it can easily be read from the driver's position. The power supply to the PTO engagement control shall be wired to a parking brake interlock switch to prevent engagement unless the vehicle is stopped. The generator system shall be equipped with a Fire Research electronic governor and engine control system. The system shall be designed to be installed on the engine and transmission specified in these specifications. The system shall automatically control the engine speed so the generator voltage is maintained regardless of electrical load. The Fire Research control system consists of. Model FROG -1 controller, or approved equal, (for ISC engines) Throttle Servomotor Throttle Servomotor cable A power source specification label shall be permanently attached to the apparatus near the operator's panel. The label shall provide the operator with the following information: rated voltage and type (AC/DC), phase, rated frequency, rated amperage, continuous rated watts, power source engine speed. GENERATOR LOCATION The above specified hydraulic generator shall be located in the forward hosebed area. SHORELINE/GENERATOR TRANSFER SNITCH Furnish and install a Kussmaul model 091-134 Auto Interlock II, transfer switch, automatically transferring the power source for the designated 120 volt receptacles (up to 20 -amps total), from the Shore Power to the Generator. Transfer shall take place upon start-up of the generator system. ELECTRIC CORD REEL(S) Two (2), Hannay model ECR1618-17-18 electric push-button rewind 4 -conductor electric cord reel assembly to be furnished. Page 95 Council Agenda: 7/14/08 8. Consideration of Directin2 Staff to Present to TDS with Opportunities for Sharing Telecommunication Development Related Expenses and Cooverative/Efficient Use of City Ri2hts of Way. City Council is asked to consider authorizing City Staff to actively seek opportunities to work with TDS in development of cooperative, cost saving strategies for installing fiber optic lines in the City right of way. As you know, TDS is currently working with Engineering and Public Works staff through the process of obtaining permits for a city- wide build -out of a private fiber optic system. Staff is working diligently with TDS in this effort and is intending to grant permits in a phased basis. In the process of working through the permitting process it has become clear that there are opportunities to significantly reduce cost for both FiberNet Monticello and TDS by installing portions of the network on a joint basis. In addition to actual construction cost savings to TDS, working together can also be faster since the City has already walked -out and designed the entire City system, TDS could use those routes for joint trenching and could save on engineering costs. Doug Dawson and Scott Bowles reviewed the potential for savings in detail and found that working together the City and TDS can save 38% (1.6 million each) by installing lines on a joint basis. In addition to reducing installation costs, joint installation would result in more efficient and effective use of the ROW. This is because the physical space needed for joint installation (same conduit) is much smaller than installation of two completely separate systems (separate conduits). There are many locations within the right of way throughout the City that are very tight where competition exists for space between City and private utilities. By merging installation more space remains available for future use and provides more elbow room for maintenance and repair of all utilities in the vicinity. This opportunity has been discussed at the engineering level by TDS system designers and by City staff and consultants. The concept of following through with a formal request to TDS to work with FiberNet Monticello on joint installation stems from discussion at the Fiber Optic Committee Task Force. In recent press release information from TDS it has been noted that TDS has a good relationship with the City and would like to work with the City in a cooperative fashion. Given TDB's statement of cooperation and given citizen determination to obtain choice for telecom services through construction of a project three years in the making and backed by 74% voter approval, it is plausible that TDS would consider saving installation dollars by working jointly with FiberNet Monticello. Please note that this joint construction initiative is not in any way intended to slow down or stall installation of TDS systems in the City right of way. Rather, it would be presented as an opportunity to save money on installation which ultimately should benefit consumers in the end. Additionally, according to Doug Dawson, if TDS so desires, it is very possible at this stage for the TDS project to shift its system design to accommodate joint installation. The cost to shift design is far smaller than the savings resulting from joint installation. Council Agenda: 7/14/08 1. Motion to authorize staff to work with TDS in finding opportunities for cost savings through joint installation of fiber optic facilities. Under this alternative staff would work TDS in presenting opportunities for cost sharing. The hope would be that TDS would recognize that the benefits of this proposal including reduced costs to TDS and Monticello consumers would outweigh the high cost to all associated with using legal measures to stall construction of a voter approved community system. The best of all worlds could be achieved through this alternative — Huge cost savings for TDS through sharing of construction costs; elimination of legal fees and provision of choice and associated establishment of balanced market forces for Monticello consumers. One would think that reaching an agreement to construct jointly that results in significant savings to TDS would be sufficient cause to end the lawsuit. 2. Motion to not authorize working with TDS in finding opportunities for cost savings through joint installation of fiber optic facilities. The Fiber Optic Committee and Staff recommend alternative 1. sm Council Agenda: 7/14/08 9. Consideration of approving plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for the Fire Departme nt Pumper. �Wfflll 311131111 WE" The City Council is asked to consider approval of plans and specifications for a pumper fire truck and authorize advertisement for bids. As you recall, some months ago City Council authorized the Fire Department to move forward with preparation of plans and specifications for purchase of a fire truck. It was noted at that time that the City had been budgeting for this purchase for a period of years and that with an additional levy in 2009 sufficient funds would be available to purchase the truck in 2009. Tom Perrault volunteered to work with the Fire Department in preparation of the specification. Attached you will find the proposed pumper specifications as prepared by the Fire Department and reviewed by staff and the City Attorney. it is our view that the specifications are written in a fashion that will encourage submission of competitive bids from multiple vendors Steve Joerg has noted that there are an assortment of qualified potential bidders that are likely to bid on this truck. Tom Perrault, Steve Joerg and members of the Department will be in attendance to describe the truck and its features in detail at the meeting. As noted previously funds for this purchase have has been included in recent budget years and generation of funds needed to make full payment would require and additional budget amount of about $160,000 for 2009. I Motion to approve plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids on a pumper truck 2. Motion to deny approval of plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids an a pumper truck 3. Motion to table pending gathering of additional information Staff recommends alternative 1. Copy of bid specifications Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Information for Contractors Sealed proposals are desired from reputable manufacturers of automotive fire apparatus in accordance with these specifications and with the advertisement, a copy of which is attached, for the piece of apparatus as follows: Fire Truck, triple combination pumper, 1500 gallon per minute, hosebody, booster tank, and all other appurtenances in accordance with the following: Each bid must be accompanied by bidders accurate written and detailed specifications covering the apparatus and equipment which it is proposing to furnish and to which the apparatus furnished under the Contract must conform. It is the intent of these specifications to cover the furnishing and delivering to the purchaser, complete apparatus equipped as specified. Minor details of construction and materials where not otherwise specified are left to the discretion of the Contractor who shall be solely responsible for the design and construction of all features. Such details and other construction not specifically covered herein or not at variance with these specifications should conform with the intent of the specifications as outlined in Booklet No. 1901 dated 2003. The apparatus being furnished under these specifications shall conform to the requirements specific to pumper fire apparatus NFPA Booklet 1901 version 2003. Any test equipment required or expense incurred for the Certification Tests shall be borne by the Contractor supplying this equipment. RELIABILITY OF CONTRACTOR: Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence that he has the ability to design, engineer, and construct the apparatus specified and shall state the location of the factory where the apparatus is to be manufactured and tested. The apparatus design shall be an "original" generated by the Contractor/Bidder and not reproductions of fire/rescue apparatus designs previously engineered by other Contractors/Manufacturers. DESIGN: The design of the equipment shall be in accordance with the best engineering practices. The equipment design and accessory installation shall permit accessibility for use, maintenance, and service. All components and assemblies shall be free of hazardous protrusions, sharp edges, cracks or other elements which might cause injury to personnel or equipment. NOTE: Where "nibbled" or non -continuous cutting methods are used to machine the body material, all edges shall be reworked/machine smoothed for injury prevention and appearance reasons. All oil, hydraulic, and air tubing lines and electrical wiring shall be located in protective positions, properly attached to the frame or body structure and shall have protective loom or grommets at each point where they pass through structural members. Parts and components shall be located or positioned for rapid and simple inspection and recognition of excessive wear or potential failure. Whenever functional layout of operating components determines that physical or visual interference between items cannot be avoided, the item predicted to require the most maintenance shall be located for the best accessibility. Cover plates which must be removed for component adjustment or part removal will be equipped with disconnect fastenings or hinged panels. Page 1 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Drains, filler plugs, grease fittings, hydraulic lines, bleeders and check points for all components will located so that they are readily accessible and do not require special tools for proper servicing. Design practices shall minimize the number of tools required for maintenance. All components shall be designed and protected so that heavy rain or other adverse weather conditions will not interfere with normal servicing or operation. All specified stainless steel shall be type 304, 2-B where used for exterior painted panels and #4 -brushed where used for pump panel overlays and unpainted compartment and body panels. All specified smooth surface aluminum, where used for painted or machined swirl natural finish, shall be 5052-H32 alloy of the specified thickness. All 4 -way aluminum treadplate shall be "polished" finish with NFPA approved pattern on walking and step surfaces, type 3003 of specified thickness. All specified bolted fasteners shall be coated stainless steel "low profile" button socket head cap screws. All nut fasteners to be Ny-Lok or approved equal, designed to prevent loosening. No substitute will be acceptable to stainless steel where specified. NOTE: Lighter gauges of specified materials will not be acceptable, stainless steel body fabrications shall be minimum 1.2 -gauge nominal thickness. The materials specified are considered absolute minimum. Exceptions to these material requirements will not be permitted since all raw materials of the specified type are available to all manufacturers. Since all fire apparatus manufacturers have the ability to shear, brake, and weld as these specifications require - all basic requirements must be complied with. No exceptions will be allowed for stainless steel material and specified thickness requirements, since these materials are available to all fire/rescue apparatus manufacturers. Aluminum can not be substituted for any specified stainless fabrications. Each Bidder shall be prepared, if so requested by the Purchaser, to present evidence of his design experience/capabilities and manufacturing ability to carry out the terms of the contract. CONSTRUCTION METHODS AND MATERIALS - NO EXCEPTIONS Since all reputable manufacturers of Fire Fighting Apparatus have the means and ability to provide the specified fabricated construction methods, it is the Fire Department's intent to receive proposals of such design. Proposals that include the practice of mixing body materials such as stainless steel sheet metal over aluminum "space -frame" extrusions shall not be submitted. Due to the requirement that the apparatus body be easily repairable, proposals that include the practice of stitch -welding, seam -welding, or plug -welding mating body panels and fabrications shall not be submitted. Likewise, apparatus body styles that rely on metal fusion, adhesives, encapsulating welded extrusions, or non -removable fasteners, as a method of permanent assembly, will not be considered, NOTE: THERE WILL BE NO PROPRIETARY EXTRUSIONS USED IN THE CONSTRUCTION OF THE PROPOSED APPARATUS BODY, THUS ALLOWING FOR APPARATUS BODY REPAIRS AND MODIFICATIONS BY ANY QUALIFIED FABRICATOR AND/OR AUTO BODY COLLISON REPAIR CENTER. ENGINEERED APPARATUS BODY DESIGN REQUIREMENT The contractor shall verify, within the Bid Proposal Package, that their proposed fire apparatus body design will be "fully engineered", meaning that ALL body fabrications have been computer 3-D modeled, on-screen precision assembled, and each individual part can be traced to an engineered drawing, including but not limited to: compartment corners, wheel well housings, compartment door jambs, compartment floors and roofs, compartment dividers/bulkheads, interior compartment wire covers, compartment shelves/shelf brackets/shelf adjustable tracks, door panels (hinged), door bundle brackets (roll -up), roll- out trays/drawers/tool boards, hose bed dividers, pump house sides/front/back panels, pump operator's panel layout, pump gauge and instrument panel layout, etc: Contractor shall demonstrate their compliance by submitting sample 3-D "exploded -view" drawings within the Bid Proposal Package. Hand-made/built Page 2 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES A Yes No apparatus bodies, without digitally recorded dimensional and fabricated shape information (allowing for precision part reproduction), DO NOT MEET THE INTENT OF THIS SPECIFICATON. Apparatus body designs that are not "fully" engineered, with all assembly fastener holes, lighting fixture holes, pump controls/gauges/instruments/outlet fitting/inlet fitting holes, door handle/latch holes, and accessory equipment/trim mounting holes included in the design engineering will not be considered. SERVICEABILITY: To insure the Purchaser a source of service and parts over a 25 year anticipated life of the apparatus, the Bidder shall provide factory service, fabrication/manufacturing, and testing facilities within a 75 mile radius of the Fire Department. This same facility must stock a complete line of all fire fighting equipment and parts for this apparatus. Records as to the purchase source for all auxiliary components of the specified apparatus shall be available to Purchaser upon request This purchase information shall include manufacturer name, model number, authorized distributor, current part number, and special installation instructions, MOBILE ROAD SERVICE VEHICLE: The apparatus manufacturer (OEM) shall own and staff a dedicated fire apparatus Mobile Service Vehicle, available for 24-hours/7-days of the week, emergency and non- emergency servicing of all of the Fire Department's fire fighting vehicles. The Mobile Service Vehicle shall be staffed by Bidder/Manufacturer's factory trained technicians, familiar with all major systems of fire fighting vehicles, including but not limited to: Chassis, Pump Systems, Foam Systems, 12 -Volt Electrical Systems, Line Voltage Systems, Aerial Devices, and Hydraulic Systems. The factory MSV technician shall be empowered to determine Factory Warranty authorization approvals "on-site". Proof of compliance with this mobile service requirement shall be provided within the bid proposal, including photos of the OEM's Mobile Service Vehicle and its inventory. Service contracts or casual arrangements with an independent maintenance/service provider do not meet the intent of this requirement WATEROUS 5 -YEAR PUMP PARTS The specified Waterous fire pump and Waterous fire pump (only) accessories shall carry a Waterous five (5) year warranty covering defective parts only (not labor). NOTE: This warranty's terms and conditions shall be handled directly between the Customer and the Waterous Company. APPARATUS SIZE - CAPACITY - SEATING Total overall length of apparatus shall not exceed 35% highest point of apparatus shall not exceed 126 inches, total overall width of apparatus shall not exceed 101 inches, chassis wheelbase shall not exceed 200 inches, and GVWR shall be at least 45000 lbs. RESPONSIBILITY OF PURCHASER: It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to specify the details of the apparatus, its required performance, the maximum number of fire fighters to ride on the apparatus, and any hose ground ladders, or equipment it will be required to carry which exceed the minimum requirements of this standard. A total of 5 (3 with SCBA's) seating positions to be provided, "Fully Enclosed", with approved seat belts. Two seating positions to be located inside forward chassis cab and 3 inside crew cab/area. The GAWR, and GCWR or GVWR of the chassis shall be adequate to carry the fully equipped apparatus including full water and other tanks, the specified hose load, unequipped personnel weight (The unequipped personnel weight shall be calculated at 200 lb. per person times the maximum number of persons to ride the apparatus as specified.), ground ladders, and a miscellaneous equipment allowance of 2500 lbs. (2000 lbs. for apparatus with less than 250 cu. ft. of compartment space). It shall be the responsibility of the purchaser to provide the contractor with the weight of equipment to be carried if it is in excess of the allowance of 2500 lb. Page 3 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department All proposals shall be submitted in typed format Casual, hand-written proposals shall be considered informal and immediately rejected and the bid will be returned in its entirety to manufacturer. The only handwriting acceptable on the proposal forms will be on the signature lines. PROPOSAL SIGNATURES REQUIRED All bids must be signed by the President of the manufacturer of the apparatus being proposed. Bids signed by a sales representative shall be declared informal and will be rejected. Each bid must give the full business address of the manufacturer. Bids by a Corporation must be authorized and signed by the President. Same signature is required on specified Bid Bond, REQUIRED BID BOND A Bidder's Bond in the amount of 10% shall be furnished with each Bid Proposal, written by a Corporate Surety, payable to the Fire Department. This Bond is to insure that the Bidder will enter into a contract for the equipment as per the following detailed specifications with NO EXCEPTIONS. CHASSIS PROGRESS PAYMENT In order to eliminate interest and handling charges for the chassis portion, the customer will "Progress Pay" an equivalent portion of the contract, upon receipt of chassis, at Bidder's factory. This amount is to be identified on the Bid Proposal page. BALANCE PAYMENT TERMS Final payment for the apparatus shall be made on the day of delivery. The apparatus Will not be left in the custody of the purchaser without full acceptance and payment or prior agreement between the Purchaser and the Bidder. Final delivery price shall not include any Local, State, or Federal taxes. The Bidder shall not be liable for any State or Federally mandated tax or program after the sale of this apparatus. BID WITHDRAWALS Bids may be withdrawn by certified mail or acknowledged facsimile request from Bidders prior to the time fixed for opening. Negligence on the part of the Bidder in preparing the Bid Proposal confers no right for the withdrawal of the Bid after it has been opened. No Bidder may withdraw their Bid after the time set for the opening thereof. DETAILED PROPOSAL SPECIFICATIONS All Bidders shall furnish complete "Proposal Specifications", printed on their own stationery, copies or reproduction of these "advertised specifications" can only be used as an attachment to the proposal specifications, for comparison/ compliance purposes. All Bid Proposal Specifications must be must be fully detailed, describing methods and materials of manufacture, and shall be printed on the Manufacturer's letter head. The Detailed Proposal Specifications are required to be in the "same sequence" (category and individual feature) as these attached Advertised Specifications, for ease of comparison and evaluation, by the Truck Committee/Purchaser. Any Proposal Specification, not in this "category -feature" sequence, will be disregarded and rejected. LETTER OF EXCEPTIONS It is the intent of the Fire Department to receive proposals on equipment/apparatus meeting the attached detailed advertised specifications, in their entirety. Any proposals being submitted, without "Full Compliance" with the advertised specifications shall so state on the Bid Proposal Page, followed by a detailed "Letter of Exceptions" listing the areas of non-compliance and equipment or designs being substituted. Materials, that are available to all manufacturers, may not be substituted. DELIVERY AND OPENING OF PROPOSAL Each proposal and all papers bound and attached thereto, together with the proposal guarantee, shall be placed in an envelope and securely sealed therein. The envelope shall be marked "Bid on Fire Equipment". Page 4 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No oow"mp'� Proposals will be received at or prior to the time set for the opening of bids. Proposals received after the "Bid Opening" will be returned unopened. The bids will be opened publicly and read aloud at the time and date stated on the advertisement for bids. EPA COMPLIANCE The diesel powered engine proposed by all Bidders must be in full compliance with the 2007 federally mandated EPA regulations regarding emissions to be in force at the time of this vehicle's completed delivery; (post January 1, 2007). Any diesel powered chassis that does not meet this 2007 Emissions Standard shall be considered a pre -purchased Dealer committed "stock chassis" or a chassis manufactured with left over engine inventory. Additionally, the 2007 Emissions Compliant engine shall not require the use of an exhaust extraction system, to remove diesel smoke, soot, or particulates from the Fire Station. INSURANCE REQUIREMENTS Each Bidder must submit with their bid proposal a Certificate of Insurance listing the proposed manufacturer's product liability insurance coverage. Liability insurance shall be a minimum amount of five million dollars with coverage attained with a minimum of $1,000,000.00 underlying insurance and $4,000,000.00 umbrella coverage. Submitted Certificate shall name the apparatus manufacturer, insurance company, policy number, and effective dates of the insurance policy. Bids submitted without the required Certificate, or for Certificates listing less than one (1) million dollars of underlying coverage, plus the four (4) million dollar umbrella coverage, will be considered non responsive and automatically rejected. No exceptions are allowed to the minimum insurance coverage requirement. The manufacturer shall maintain full coverage on the purchaser's cab and chassis from time of first possession by the manufacturer until the apparatus is delivered and accepted by the purchaser. No exceptions. Purchaser reserves the right to require proof of insurance from the manufacturer's insurance carrier prior to entering into a contract for the apparatus. PROPOSAL PRINT/DRAWING Each Bid shall be submitted with a complete detailed print of the apparatus as is specified. The print shall be to scale, minimum of 1 inch = 15 inches, of the exact apparatus being proposed, and not a stock print of a similar unit. All dimensions are subject to a +/- 1/4 inch tolerance. The print shall have complete views of the driver side with chassis cab, passenger side with chassis cab, and the rear of body. The print shall include all of the following depicted items: CHASSIS: exact replication of model of Custom Chassis cab, roof -line, front fascia, interior front and rear crew seating, air horns, 120 -volt shore power receptacle, air system keep -fill receptacle, emergency lighting fixtures, hand rails, and vertical / horizontal exhaust system outlet. APPARATUS BODY: the apparatus body subframe, underbody tow eyes, water tank profile with baffles and suction sump, underbody folding wheel chocks, all exterior 4 -way treadplate pattern areas, body access steps, hand rails, interior compartment shelving, emergency and non -emergency lighting fixtures, ladders and pike poles and storage area(s), hard suction hose and storage area(s), side and rear compartmentation showing dimensions and D -ring door hardware, / roll -up door slats/bundles/bar type handle/latches, and hosebed arrangement with dividers and grating material. / dividers, grating material, and hosebed covers. PUMP ENCLOSURE & PUMP SYSTEM: pump enclosure/compartment, fire pump profile, fire pump transmission profile, tank -to -pump piping, preconnect hosebeds with hose guides, side pump panel removable insert(s), pump control and instrument panel layout with: gauges, instruments, pump controls, discharge outlets with closures, suction inlets with closures, and deluge discharge riser with monitor/device. ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL FEATURES: other optional features, if specified, shall also be included on the proposal drawing, this includes; front bumper extension with attached accessories/treadplate gravel shield/precormect hosebed, interior compartment roll-out trays, drop down ladder rack, rewind Page 5 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department air/hydraulic/cord reels, SCBA bottle storage compartments/racks, cascade air storage bottles with fill station, generator installation, permanent quartz lighting, hand operated 120 -Volt floodlighting, 120 -volt exterior body receptacles, extendible light tower, and other detailed accessories and features so as to provide a "picture" of the proposed apparatus. COMPLIANCE: this required drawing shall become a part of the Proposal. As with the specified Bidder's Bond, failure to submit the above required drawing, with the sealed bid DrODosal will cause immediate rejection of the bidder's proposal. Quality and accuracy of Bidder's Proposal Drawing will be a major consideration, for determining of most acceptable proposal PHOTO DOCUMENTATION: Bidder shall refer to the following specifications and include any asked for photos, or drawings of required feature enhancements such as step modules, pump panel inserts, and etc., documenting they have provided these features in the past and are prepared to provide them as required for this Bid Proposal. AWARD OF CONTRACT The contract will be awarded, as soon as possible to the most "Responsible Bidder", provided their Bid is reasonable and it is in the best interest of the Fire Department. The City of Monticello reserves the right to waive any formality in bids received once such waiver is in the interest of the Purchaser. Also, to accept any item in the Bid, found to be of superior quality or otherwise preferred by the Purchaser. Bidder's experience with specified construction methods, and previous use of stainless steel as a construction material, will be considered in making the award. The competency and responsibility of Bidders along with content of proposal specifications and accuracy/quality of proposal drawing will be considered in making the award. The Purchaser reserves the right to reject any or all Bids when such rejection is in the interest of the Purchaser and to reject the Bid of a Bidder who, in the judgment of the Purchaser, is not in a position to perform the contract, The Purchaser does not, in any way, obligate itself to accept the lowest or any Bid. The Fire Department reserves the right to reject any or all Bid Proposals and purchase the equipment it prefers. Bidders taking "Total Exception" to these advertised specifications are hereby advised that such statement will result in immediate REJECTION of the Bid Proposal. Prior to award, the Bidder Representative will meet with purchasing officials (at Purchaser's location) to personally discuss all facets of these specifications to insure a complete and satisfactory understanding of the Purchaser's specifications and the Bidder's proposal. INSPECTION TRIPS The Truck Committee members shall be advised as to the date of the following phases of construction: Pre - Construction (prior to bending of metal), Pre -Paint (final design/equipment layout), and Pre -Delivery. 0 Truck Committee members reserve the right to travel to the factory during these stages of construction. Bidder shall arrange for, and the Customer will pay the expenses of, the above specified "Pre -Construction Conference", to be held at the manufacturer's factory, at which time all final designs and equipment mounting locations will be approved. Any changes to original proposal specifications, as approved at the Pre -Construction Conference, shall be noted on a "revised specification", provided by the manufacturer and distributed to Truck Committee members within five working days after Pre -Construction Conference. Noe 6 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department ACCEPTANCE TESTS AND REQUIREMENTS Acceptance tests on behalf of the purchaser shall be prescribed and conducted prior to delivery or within 10 days after delivery, by the manufacturer's representative in the presence of such person or persons as the purchaser may designate in the requirements for delivery. ALTITUDE REQUIREMENTS: The apparatus shall be designed to meet the specified rating at 2000 feet altitude above sea level. ROADABILTY: The apparatus, when fully equipped and loaded per "Carrying Capacity", shall be capable of the following performance on dry/level/paved roads in good condition: From a standing start the vehicle shall attain a true speed of 35 MPH within 25 seconds. The vehicle shall attain a minimum top speed of 50 MPH. The apparatus shall be able to maintain a speed of at least 20 MPH on any grade up to and including 6%. ROAD TESTS: Specified acceleration tests shall consist of two runs in opposite directions over the same route. From a standing start, through the gears, the vehicle shall attain a true speed of 35 mph within 25 seconds in the case of pumpers, and a true speed of SS mph within 60 seconds. The service brakes shall bring the fully laden apparatus to a complete stop from an initial speed of 20 MPH in a distance not exceeding 35 ft., on a substantially hard level surface road free from loose material, oil, or grease. Manufacturer's pump test and independent third party pump certification tests shall be conducted by the apparatus manufacturer in accordance with requirements of NFPA #1901. A Certificate of Testing shall be furnished to the Purchaser, both for the Manufacturer's Preliminary Tests and the third party Certification Tests. Responsibility for the apparatus and equipment shall remain with the contractor until acceptance by the purchaser. The Manufacturer must supply at the time of delivery, a hard copy of., 1. Engine manufacturer's certified brake horsepower curve showing the maximum no-load governed speed. 2. Manufacturer's record of pumper construction details, per NFPA 1901. 3. Manufacturer's Run -In Certification with preliminary test results. 4. Pump Manufacturer's Certification of Hydrostatic Tests. S. Pump Manufacturer's Certification of Pump Test Results. 6. The Certification of Inspection/Test of Fire Department Pumper by an Independent Third Party per NFPA 1901 standards. 7. Weight documents from four (4) individual certified scales showing actual loading on the sides of front axle, sides of rear axle(s), and overall (four total) vehicle (with the water tank full but without personnel, equipment, and hose) shall be supplied with the completed vehicle to determine compliance with NFPA section 10-1. Weights shall be for each tire or dual set of tires, so as to verify side-to-side loading, to be in compliance with NFPA section & At least two copies of the complete operation and maintenance manual covering the completed apparatus as delivered including the pump, emergency lighting and siren, generator, or other furnished accessories. Pa«e 7 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No 9. Wiring diagrams of 12 -volt electrical systems, installed by apparatus body manufacturer (prime contractor), Diagrams must be "vehicle specific", describing all 12 -volt electrical functions as furnished on this and only this apparatus. 10. A finalized drawing of apparatus as completed, 11. A "Delivery Manual", consisting of a 3 -ring notebook type binder with reference tabs for each section, shall be furnished to include the following items: invoice copy(ies), proof of insurance, Manufacturer's Statement of Origin, acceptance forms, certifications, specifications, individual component manufacturer instructions and parts manuals, warranty forms for body, warranty forms for all major components, warranty instructions and format to be used for compliance with warranty obligations, routine service forms/publications, technical publications or training guide for major components, and apparatus body print "as built". 12. Paint numbers of all color coatings. 13. Certifications of water tank capacity. 14. Written load analysis of 12 -volt electrical system as installed by body builder. NOTE: Exceptions to the above requirements will not be acceptable. A test data plate shall be provided at the pump operator's position which gives the rated discharges and pressures together with the speed of the engine as is determined by the manufacturer's test for this particular unit. Plate shall also include delivery date, pump serial number(s), original Customer, and the apparatus manufacturer's serial number. The contractor shall affix a permanent plate in the driver's compartment specifying the quantity and type of fluids used in the vehicle: All nameplates and instruction plates shall be metal or plastic with the information permanently engraved, stamped, or etched thereon. Metal nameplates to be installed with plated screws. All nameplates to be mounted in a conspicuous place. FAILURE TO MEET TESTS: In the event that the apparatus fails to meet the test requirements on first trials, a second trial may be made at the option of the Contractor, within thirty days of the date of the first trials. Such trials shall be final and conclusive and failure to comply with these requirements shall be cause for rejection. Failure to make such changes as the Chief of the Fire Department and/or the purchaser may consider necessary to conform to any clause of the specifications within thirty days after notice is given to the Contractor to make such changes shall also be cause for rejection of the apparatus. FACTORY DELIVERY: The maximum period for construction of the vehicle shall not exceed 200 working days and shall include the time required for delivery of the chassis to the apparatus manufacturer. The contractor will not be held liable for delay of delivery caused by accidents, strikes, floods, or other events not subject to their control. Bidder shall specify on the required Bid Proposal Form the number of working days for completed delivery of the apparatus, from date of bid acceptance. The completed unit shall be delivered to the Monticello Fire Department with full instructions provided to Fire Department personnel present on operation, care, and maintenance of apparatus. DELIVERY ENGINEER: Delivery training shall be performed by a factory Delivery Engineer only employed 0 by the Bidder. Delivery Engineer shall remain with the acceptance committee for a reasonable time for training and making normal adjustments. Page 8 :M Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes N o Delivery shall be considered to include, but not be limited to: conducting day or evening classes for instruction of Fire Department personnel and Drivers for operation. The Delivery Engineer shall be factory trained, fully capable of conducting informative classes on the complete operation of the vehicle. This means familiarity with engine, running gear, transmission, driving skill, as well as handling of pump equipment and all controls. The Delivery Engineer shall set delivery and instruction schedule with the person appointed by Purchaser, recognizing the need for either daytime or evening classes. Advance notice of at least one (1) week will be given, advising the specific day on which the new apparatus will be ready. GENERAL WARRANTY The new fire Pumper apparatus manufactured per these specifications shall be warranted for a period of ONE (1) year from the date of delivery, except for chassis and other components noted herein. Under this warranty, Bidder agrees to furnish any parts to replace those that have failed due to defective material or workmanship where there is no indication of abuse, neglect, unusual or other than normal service providing that such parts are, at the option of the Bidder, made available for inspection upon request, returned to Bidder's factory or other location designated by Bidder with transportation prepaid within 30 days after the date of failure or within ONE (1) year from the date of delivery of the apparatus to the original purchaser, whichever occurs first, and inspection indicates the failure was attributed to defective material or workmanship. Accessories/components warranted by their original manufacturer may be subject to reinstallation charges under the terms of their respective warranties, especially if such warranties exceed the above 1 -year warranty terms. The warranty on the chassis and chassis supplied components, storage batteries, generators, electrical lamps and other devices subject to deterioration is limited to the warranty of the manufacturer thereof and adjustments for the same are to be made directly with the chassis manufacturer by the Purchaser. This warranty will not apply to any fire apparatus which has been repaired or altered outside the Manufacturer factory or designated facility in any way, which, in the manufacturer's opinion might affect its stability or reliability. Each warranty claim needing repair or service at the designated facility must receive pre authorization by Manufacturer prior to performance of any work. This warranty will not apply to those items which are usually considered to be normal maintenance and upkeep services: including, but not limited to, normal lubrication or proper adjustment or minor auxiliary pumps or reels. Refer to the "FIRE PUMP" section and "BOOSTER TANK" section for specific extended Manufacturer's warranties on the provided Fire Pump and Water (Foam) Tank(s). This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, all other representations to the original purchaser, and all other obligations or liabilities, including liabilities for incidental or consequential damage on Bidder's part. Without limiting the foregoing, any express or implied warranties of mechantability or fitness for a particular purpose or warranties arising by Customer usage or by operation of law with regard to any products delivered pursuant hereto are expressly disclaimed. Bidder neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for Bidder, any liability in connection with the sales of Bidder's apparatus unless made in writing by the Bidder. LIFETIME SUB -FRAME WARRANTY - STAINLESS STEEL The specified tubular stainless steel or aluminum apparatus body subframe shall be warranted to the original owner, for the vehicle lifetime, against cracks, corrosion and rubber isolator deterioration. Page 9 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department-- PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yep No such repair shall be determined solely by the body builder, and shall be performed solely at the body builder's factory, or at an approved facility. The expense of any transportation to or from such repair facility shall be borne by the purchaser and is not an item covered under this warranty. The fire apparatus manufacturer (body builder) shall not be liable for consequential damages and under no circumstances shall its liability exceed the price for a defective body. The remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in substitution for all other remedies to which the purchaser would otherwise be entitled. The fire apparatus manufacturer (body builder) shall be given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims. The purchaser must commence any action arising out of, based upon or relating to agreement or the breach thereof, within twelve months from the date the cause of the action occurred. 1 r► 7 .NTY - WATER TANK The water tank, and its installed accessories, shall be covered by a "Lifetime" Warranty, against cracks, corrosion, or other failures caused by the tanks design and normal use of the same. The warranty shall be between the tank manufacturer, and the customer. MODEL The cab and chassis shall include design considerations for one hundred (100) percent on -road applications, a high horsepower engine, including high speed operations and a consideration for above normal starts and stops. This chassis shall be designed and manufactured for heavy duty service with adequate strength and capacity of all components for the intended load to be sustained. The chassis shall be designed for a duty rating of one hundred (100) percent loaded full time. COUNTRY OF SERVICE The chassis shall be put in service in the country of United States of America (USA). APPARATUSTYPE The apparatus shall be created for the Emergency Services Industry and include the functions of a Rescue which shall include the functions of a multipurpose vehicle which primarily provides support services at emergency scenes. TRUCK TYPE The chassis shall be manufactured as a truck style and designed to include permanently mounted compartments behind the cab, known as the body. The body of the truck shall be supplied and installed by the apparatus manufacturer. AXLE CONFIGURATION The chassis shall offer a single rear drive axle with a single front steer axle configuration (4 X 2). GAWR FRONT The gross apparatus weight rating and the gross capacity weight rating shall be adequate to carry the weight of equipment and the apparatus, with water tanks full and other tanks at full capacity, miscellaneous equipment and all personnel weights considered as recommended by the most current edition of NFPA 1901. The chassis front gross axle weight rating (GAWR) shall be 22,000 pounds Page 11 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yep No over the crew area. The cab shall offer an interior height of 58.00 inches from the front floor to the headliner and a rear floor to headliner height of 79.00 inches in the crew area, at a minimum. All interior measurements shall include the area within the interior trimmed surfaces and not to any unfinished surface. In order to offer the optimum amount of cab space to occupants, there shall be no consideration given for any cab unable to comply with the minimum measurements for interior cab space as listed. The cab shall include a driver and officer area with two (2) cab door openings. The front door opening shall offer a clear door opening of 43.00 inches wide X 56.00 inches high. The rear door opening shall offer a clear door opening of 34.00 inches wide X 88.00 inches high. This style of cab shall also include a crew area offering up to ten (10) seating positions. The cab shall incorporate a (2) step configuration from the ground to the cab floor for each door opening. The lower step shall be constructed of heavy duty safety grating which meets or exceeds Federal Specification RRG-1602-latest revision and performs under dry, greasy, muddy, soapy and icy conditions and offers open drainage. The first step for the driver and officer area shall measure 11.44 inches deep X 31.13 inches wide. The height from the ground to the first step shall not exceed 21.00 inches. The intermediate step shall measure 8.75 inches deep X 33.00 inches wide. The height from the first step to the intermediate step and the intermediate step to the cab floor shall not exceed 11.00 inches. The first step for the crew area shall measure 12.13 inches deep X 20.44 inches wide. The height from the ground to the first step shall not exceed 21.00 inches. The intermediate step shall measure 1050 inches deep X 23.00 inches wide. The height from the first step to the intermediate step and the intermediate step to the cab floor shall not exceed 12.50 inches. The cab front shall be constructed of 5052-1-132 Marine Grade, .090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate which shall include a classic front appearance. The front of the cab shall include a cast molded module accommodating up to (4) Hi/Low beam headlights and (2) turn signal lights or up to (4) warning lights. The front cab fascia shall be constructed of 5052-1-132 Marine Grade, 0.090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate which shall be attached as the front cab skin to offer an appealing exterior. The cab fascia will encompass the front of the aluminum cab structure at the bottom of the windshield to the lower section of the cab and include a Classic design. The front fascia will cover the front aluminum cab structure from the bottom of the windshield down to the bottom of the cab. The front cab fascia shall include a cast molded module accommodating up to four (4) Hi/Low beam headlights and two (2) turn signal lights or up to four (4) warning lights. The front fascia shall include a box style, stainless steel front grille 39.00 inches wide X 33.50 inches high X 1.50 inches deep. The grille shall include a minimum free air intake of 632.90 square inches shall be installed on the front of the cab with the upper portion_ of the grille hinged. The grille shall include two (2) flush push button latches which shall allow access to the front fluid fills of the cab. The front grille shall include a cast diamond shape at the top and offer easy access in examination of and adding engine oil or wiper washer fluid as well as access to the windshield wiper motor and linkage. Pagge 13 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMIPLIES Yes No r' r, ',r' "':' �..,. a ►r The cab shall offer an exterior compartment on the right side of the cab behind the rear door. The compartment opening shall be 10.00 inches wide X 21.19 inches high. The compartment size shall be 11.34 inches wide X 21.19 inches high X 21.19 inches deep. The compartment shall have a 10.63 inch wide, 32.00 inch high and 1.50 inch thick hinged box pan style flush mount door with a locking bent D -ring slam latch. The interior of the compartment shall have a DA sanded finish. There shall be a switch to activate the open compartment warning light in the cab in the event the door is left ajar. REAR CAB ROOF MODIFICATION The standard cab shall include a canopy extension to form a hood which shall extend over the pump panel. The upper rear portion of the cab shall include a 94.00 inch wide X 23.00 inches deep X 31.25 inches high cover which extends from the 24.00 inch raised roof out away from the cab to house the top mount pump panel. The extension shall be constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, .090 inch thick, 100 percent primary aluminum plate. ROOF REINFORCEMENT The cab roof shall include reinforcement for the Will -Burt Night Scan 15 with the Optimum lamp. The reinforcement shall consist of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, 0.19 inch thick, and one hundred (100) percent primary aluminum plate for strength. The entire reinforcement shall be integral with the roof for rigidity. LIGHT TOMER ORIETATION The roof reinforcement shall be installed parallel to the rear wall of the cab. LIGHT TOWER HORIZONTAL JUSTIFICATION The roof reinforcement shall be justified towards the driver's side of the cab. LIGHT TOWER VERTICAL ORIENTATION The roof reinforcement shall be oriented on the roof of the cab vertically towards the front of the cab. LIGHT TOWER LIGHT HEAD ORIENTATION The roof reinforcement shall be oriented in order for the light head on the light tower to be on the driver's side while in the stored position. CAB STRUCTURAL WARRANTY The cab structure shall be warranted for a period of ten (10) years. Warranty conditions may apply and shall be listed in the detailed warranty document that shall be provided upon request. CAB CRASH TEST ECE-29 The cab shall have successfully achieved survival of the International crash test ECE-29, Addendum 28, Revision 1 as indicated below. As part of the ECE regulation 29 test, the frontal area of the cab is struck by a 3,700 pound pendulum weight. The weight is brought back to a sixty degree angle and then the weight is released and allowed to swing forward, imparting some 32,600 pounds foot of force to the cab front face. The cab shall be so constructed that after the test, there will be minimal intrusion of the cab structure into the passenger area. The doors shall remain usable for both entry and exit. Also, as part of the test the cab roof must withstand a static load bearing test. The cab shall withstand a weight of over 60,000 pounds without permanent Page 15 PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPLIES 1 Yes N TE' The chassis shall include a single starting electrical system which shall include a 12 volt direct current system, suppressed per SAE J551. The wiring shall be appropriate gauge cross link with 311 degree Fahrenheit insulation. All SAE wires in the chassis shall be color coded and shall include the circuit number and function where possible. The wiring shall be protected by 275 degree Fahrenheit minimum high temperature flame retardant loom. POWER AND GROUND STUD, A 40 amp battery direct power and ground stud shall be provided and installed in the electrical distribution panel. The stud shall be size #10 and protected with a 40 amp circuit breaker. ENGINE The power plant for the vehicle shall offer a high pressure performance, turbo charged engine which shall feature a high pressure common rail fuel system. This system shall be coupled with a proven Holset turbo which delivers outstanding performance at ratings up to 425 HP, The Cummins ISL engine shall include replaceable mid -stop cylinder liners plus heavy duty roller followers, targeted piston cooling and 30% more efficient oil cooling for improved durability and reliability. The heavy duty design shall also feature stronger braking capacity. The engine shall be EPA certified to meet the very latest emissions standards without compromising performance, reliability or durability. The Cummins ISL 425 engine shall feature an air charge cooled engine which consists of an in line six (6) cylinder, four cycle diesel powered engine. The engine shall offer a rating of 425 horse power at 2100 RPM which shall be governed at 2200 RPM. The torque rating shall feature 1200 foot pounds of torque at 1300 RPM with 543 cubic inches of displacement. The Cummins ISL 425 engine shall feature an electronic governor. A wiring harness shall be supplied ending at the back of the cab. The harness shall include a connector which shall allow an optional harness for the pump panel. The included circuits shall be provided for a tachometer, oil pressure, engine temperature, hand throttle, high idle and a PSG system. A circuit for J1939 data link shall also be provided at the back of the cab. The engine shall include an engine mounted combination full flow/by-pass oil filter with replaceable spin on cartridge for use with the engine lubrication system. The engine shall include Citgo brand Citgard 500, or equivalent SAE 15W40 CJ4 low ash engine oil which shall be utilized for proper engine lubrication. ENGINE PROGRAMMING The engine shall include programming which will govern the top speed of the vehicle at highest allowable rating for interstate speed.. AUXILIARY ENGINE BRAKE An engine compression brake, for the six (6) cylinder engine, with brake light actuation and cutout relay for when in pump mode or when an ABS event occurs shall be installed. The engine brake shall activate upon 0% accelerator when in operation mode. AUXILIARY ENGINE BRAKE CONTROL. An engine compression brake control device shall be included. The control device shall be electronic and shall prevent the activation of the engine compression brake during operating wherein undesirable conditions will result if the engine brakes are active. The electronic control device shall monitor various conditions and shall activate the engine brake only if all of the following conditions are simultaneously Page 17 Custom pecifications for the Monticello Fire Department The system shall be compact enough to be removed through the grille area rather than lifting the entire package over the engine. The cooling package core shall not protrude below the frame of the vehicle by more than 1.1 inch. This feature shall improve the angle of approach thereby reducing possible damage. The radiator shall be a cross-flow design constructed completely of aluminum with welded side tanks. The radiator shall include a minimum of a 627 square inch core and shall be bolted to the bottom of the charge air cooler to allow a single depth core, thus allowing a more efficient and serviceable cooling system. The radiator shall be equipped with a drain cock to drain the coolant for serviceability. The cooling system shall be equipped with a surge tank that is capable of being filled and removing entrained air from the system. The surge tank shall be equipped with a low coolant probe and sight glass to monitor the level of the coolant. The surge tank shall have a cap that meets the engine manufactures pressure requirements as well as the system design requirements. All radiator tubes shall be formed from aluminized steel tubing. Recirculation shields shall be installed where required to prevent heated air from reentering the cooling package and affecting performance. When a center hose well is installed an additional shield may be required to redirect the airflow into the coolers. The charge air cooler shall be a cross-flow design constructed completely of aluminum with welded side tanks. The charge air cooler shall have a minimum of a 390 square inch core and be bolted to the top of the radiator to allow a single depth core, thus allowing a more efficient and serviceable cooling system. All charge air cooler tubes shall be formed from aluminized steel tubing and installed with silicone hump hoses and stainless steel "constant torque" style clamps meeting the engine manufactures requirements. The cooling package shall include Extended Life Coolant (ELC) installed. The use of ELC provides longer life and change intervals providing improved performance. The coolant shall contain propylene glycol and de -ionized water to keep the coolant from freezing to a temperature of -34 degrees F. Proposals offering supplemental coolant additives (SCA) shall not be considered, as this is part of the extended life coolant makeup. LOW COOLANT INDICATOR LIGHT AND TONE ALARM The instrument panel shall feature a low engine coolant indicator Iight which shall be located in the center of the instrument panel. An audible tone alarm shall also be provided to warn of a low coolant incident. COOLANT HOSES The cooling systems hose shall be formed silicone hose and formed aluminized steel tubing and include with stainless steel constant torque clamps. ENGINE AIR INTAKE The engine air intake system shall include an ember separator air intake filter which shall be located in the front of the cab behind the officer side fascia. This filter shall protect the downstream air filter from embers using a combination of unique flat and crimped metal screens constructed into a galvanized steel frame. This multilayered screen shall be designed to trap embers or allow them to burn out before passing through the pack, while creating only minimal air flow restriction through the system. Periodic cleaning or replacement of the screen shall be all that is required after installation. The engine shall also include an air intake filter which shall be bolted to the frame and located under the front of the cab on the officer side. The completely disposable dry type filter shall ensure containment of Page 19 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The transmission, upon start-up, will select the fifth speed operation without the need to press the mode button. The EVS group package number 127 shall contain the 199 vocational packages in consideration of the duty of this apparatus for rescue. This package shall incorporate an automatic neutral with selector override. This feature commands the transmission to neutral when the park brake is applied, regardless of drive range requested on the shift selector. This requires re -selecting drive range to shift out of neutral for the override. An 8 pin Delphi connector will be provided next to the steering column connector. This will contain the following input/output circuits to the transmission tcm. Function ID Description Wire assignment C PTO Request 143 F Aux. Function Range Inhibit (Special) 101/142 G PTO Enable Output (See Input Function C) 130 S Neutral Indicator for PTO 145 Signal Return 103 An Allison pressure sensitive range selector touch pad shall be provided and located to the right of the driver within clear view and easy reach. The shift selector will provide a prognostic indicator (wrench symbol) between the selected and attained indicators. The transmission fluid shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. The Allison transmission retarder control shall be modulated by one-third at 0% throttle and two-thirds of the brake pedal actuation and shall include a rocker switch mounted on the dash. The activation of the retarder shall activate the brake lights. The retarder shall be inactive during pump mode. TRANSMISSION PRE -SELECT WITH AUXILLIARY'BRAKE When the auxiliary brake is engaged, the transmission shall automatically seek shifting to second gear to decrease the rate of speed assisting the secondary braking system and slowing the vehicle speed. TRANSMISSION WARRANTY The Allison EVS series transmission shall be warranted for a period of five (5) years with unlimited mileage. Parts and labor shall be included in the warranty. Y#7�iiCPui�. The transmission shall include an air to oil cooler integrated into the lower portion of cooling package. The transmission cooling system shall meet all transmission manufacturer requirements. Page 21 MAJAVIVIUM COMPLIES Yes I No Custom Pumper Specifications forte Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The front axle wheel bearings shall be lubricated with clear oil. The oil level can be visually checked via clear inspection windows in the front axle hubs. FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS Two (2) Bilstein inert, nitrogen gas filled shock absorbers shall be provided and installed as part of the suspension system. The shocks shall be a monotubular design and fabricated using a special extrusion method, utilizing a single blank of steel without a welded seam, achieving an extremely tight peak -to -valley tolerance and maintains consistent wall thickness. The monotubular design shall provide superior strength while maximizing heat dissipation and shock life. The ride afforded through the use of a gas shock is more consistent and shall not deteriorate with heat, the same way a conventional oil filled hydraulic shock would. The Bilstein front shocks shall include a digressive working piston assembly allowing independent tuning of the compression and rebound damping forces to provide optimum ride and comfort without compromise. The working piston design shall feature fewer parts than most conventional twin tube and "road sensing" shock designs and shall contribute to the durability and long life of the Bilstein shock absorbers. FRONT SUSPENSION The front suspension shall include nine (9) leaf, 53.38 inch long and 4.00 inches wide taper leaf springs with a military double wrapped front eye. Both spring eyes shall have a case hardened threaded bushing installed with lubrication counter bore and lubrication land off cross bore with grease fitting. The spring capacity shall be rated at 23,000 pounds. STEERING COLUMN/ WHEEL The cab shall include a Douglas Autotech steering column shall be a seven (7) position tilt and 2.25 inch telescopic type with an 18.00 inch steering wheel located on the left side of the cab designating the driver's position. The steering wheel shall be covered with black absorbite padding. The steering column shall contain a horn button, self -canceling turn signal switch, four-way hazard switch and headlamp dimmer switch. POWER STEERING PUMP The hydraulic power steering pump shall be a TRW PS and shall be gear driven from the engine. The pump shall be a balanced, positive displacement, sliding vane type. ELECTRONIC POWER STEERING FLUIID LEVEL INDICATOR. The power steering fluid shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. FRONT AXLE CRAMP ANGLE The chassis shall have a front axle cramp angle of 48 degrees to the left and 44 degrees to the right. CHASSIS ALIGNMENT The chassis frame rails shall be cross checked to insure the length and to make sure each is square. The front and rear axles shall be laser aligned, additionally the tires and wheels shall be aligned and toe -in set Page 23 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The front tire US Fire Service Intermittent Usage Ioad capacity shall be 22,800 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 120 pounds per square inch. The rear tires shall be not brand specific 315/80R-22.5 18PR "J" tubeless radial Regional RHD regional tread. The rear tire stamped load capacity shall be 29,560 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 125 pounds per square inch. The rear tire US Fire Service Intermittent Usage load capacity shall be 32,000 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 125 pounds per square inch. The front wheels shall be Accuride hub piloted, 12.25 inch X 22.50 inch steel wheels. The hub piloted . mounting system shall be designed to deliver performance and shall include two-piece flange nuts. The outer rear wheels shall be Accuride hub piloted, 9.00" x 22.5" steel wheels. The inner rear wheels shall be Alcoa hub piloted, 9.00" x 22.5" polished aluminum wheels. Each of the steel wheels shall be pretreated in a zinc phosphate bath, coated with an acrylic cathode electro deposited white primer base coat (E -Coat). The wheels then shall be powder coated in white all to be completed by the wheel supplier. The powder coat shall exceed 2,000 hours under industry standard ASTM salt spray testing. pffffmu The front wheels shall include stainless steel lug nut covers and stainless steel full wheel simulator with cutouts for oil seal viewing (there shall be no cutout on front drive or IFS axles). The covers shall feature a mirror shine finish and shall be shipped Ioose with the chassis for installation by the apparatus builder. The rear wheels shall include stainless steel lug nut covers and band mounted spring clip stainless steel high hats, also in a mirror shine finish, which shall be shipped loose with the chassis for installation by the apparatus builder. The lug nut covers and full wheel simulators shall be constructed of 304L grade, non -corrosive stainless steel meeting D.O.T. certification standards. WHEEL GUARDS The rear dual wheels shall include a plastic isolator approximately 0.04" thick installed between the inner and outer wheel to help prevent corrosion caused by metal to metal contact. Insta-Chains, six (6) strand automatic ice chains shall be installed on the rear axle of the chassis to provide instant traction on ice and snow at speeds below 35 mph. Page 25 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Delivery shall be considered to include, but not be limited to: conducting day or evening classes for instruction of Fire Department personnel and Drivers for operation. The Delivery Engineer shall be factory trained, fully capable of conducting informative classes on the complete operation of the vehicle. This means familiarity with engine, running gear, transmission, driving skill, as well as handling of pump equipment and all controls. The Delivery Engineer shall set delivery and instruction schedule with the person appointed by Purchaser, recognizing the need for either daytime or evening classes. Advance notice of at least one (1) week will be given, advising the specific day on which the new apparatus will be ready. GENERAL WARRANTY The new fire Pumper apparatus manufactured per these specifications shall be warranted for a period of ONE (1) year from the date of delivery, except for chassis and other components noted herein. Under this warranty, Bidder agrees to furnish any parts to replace those that have failed due to defective material or workmanship where there is no indication of abuse, neglect, unusual or other than normal service providing that such parts are, at the option of the Bidder, made available for inspection upon request, returned to Bidder's factory or other location designated by Bidder with transportation prepaid within 30 days after the date of failure or within ONE (1) year from the date of delivery of the apparatus to the original purchaser, whichever occurs first, and inspection indicates the failure was attributed to defective material or workmanship. Accessories/components warranted by their original manufacturer may be subject to reinstallation charges under the terms of their respective warranties, especially if such warranties exceed the above 1 -year warranty terms. The warranty on the chassis and chassis supplied components, storage batteries, generators, electrical lamps and other devices subject to deterioration is limited to the warranty of the manufacturer thereof and adjustments for the same are to be made directly with the chassis manufacturer by the Purchaser. This warranty will not apply to any fire apparatus which has been repaired or altered outside the Manufacturer factory or designated facility in any way, which, in the manufacturer's opinion might affect its stability or reliability. Each warranty claim needing repair or service at the designated facility must receive pre authorization by Manufacturer prior to performance of any work. This warranty will not apply to those items which are usually considered to be normal maintenance and upkeep services: including, but not limited to, normal lubrication or proper adjustment or minor auxiliary pumps or reels. Refer to the "FIRE PUMP" section and "BOOSTER TANK" section for specific extended Manufacturer's warranties on the provided Fire Pump and Water (Foam) Tank(s). This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties, expressed or implied, all other representations to the original purchaser, and all other obligations or liabilities, including liabilities for incidental or consequential damage on Bidder's part. Without limiting the foregoing, any express or implied warranties of mechantability or fitness for a particular purpose or warranties arising by Customer usage or by operation of law with regard to any products delivered pursuant hereto are expressly disclaimed. Bidder neither assumes nor authorizes any person to assume for Bidder, any liability in connection with the sales of Bidder's apparatus unless made in writing by the Bidder. LIFETIME SUR -FRAME WARRANTY - STAINLESS STEEL The specified tubular stainless steel or aluminum apparatus body subframe shall be warranted to the original owner, for the vehicle lifetime, against cracks, corrosion and rubber isolator deterioration. om Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PUMP PLUMBING WARRANTY The stainless steel plumbing components and ancillary brass fittings used in the construction of the water/foam plumbing system shall be warranted for a period of ten (10) years or 100,000 miles. This covers structural failures caused by defective design or workmanship, or perforation caused by internal or external corrosion, provided the apparatus pumping system is used in a normal and reasonable manner. This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser for a period of ten (10) years from the date of delivery. 10 -YEAR APPARATUS PAINT WARRANTY The TEN (10) year paint performance guarantee will cover the areas of the vehicle as are originally finished by the apparatus body builder with the specified product for a period of TEN (10) years beginning the day the vehicle is delivered to the purchaser. The areas as outlined on the Guarantee Certificate will be covered for the following paint failures: GUARANTEE INCLUSIONS: FULL APPARATUS BODY: Peeling or delamination of the topcoat and/or other layers of paint. Cracking or checking Loss of gloss caused by cracking, checking, or hazing. Any paint failure caused by defective finishes which are covered by this guarantee. All guarantee exclusions, limitations, and methods of claims are covered in the full certificate provided to the original owner. The warranty on the chassis paint is limited to the warranty of the chassis manufacturer thereof and adjustments for the same are to be made directly with the chassis manufacturer by the Purchaser. WATEROUS 5 -YEAR PUMP PARTS The specified Waterous or Hale fire pump and Waterous fire pump (only) accessories shall carry a Waterous five (5) year warranty covering defective parts only (not labor). NOTE: This warranty's terms and conditions shall be handled directly between the Customer and the Waterous Company. The fire apparatus manufacturer (body builder) shall warrant to the original purchaser only, that the aluminum body components as fabricated by the body builder, under normal use and with reasonable maintenance, be structurally sound and shall remain free from corrosion perforation for a period of TWENTY FIVE (25) years. This warranty does not apply to the following items which are covered by a separate warranty: paint finish, hardware, moldings, and other accessories attached to this body. FIRE APPARATUS MANUFACTURER MAKES NO OTHER WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH RESPECT TO THE ALUMINUM BODY AND ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE HEREBY DISCLAIMED. The body builder shall replace, without charge, repair at the factory, or make a fair allowance for any defect in material or workmanship demonstrated to the satisfaction to have existed at the time of delivery or not due to misuse, negligence, or accident. If the body builder elects to repair the body, the extent of Page 10 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department such repair shall be determined solely by the body builder, and shall be performed solely at the body builder's factory, or at an approved facility. The expense of any transportation to or from such repair facility shall be borne by the purchaser and is not an item covered under this warranty. The fire apparatus manufacturer (body builder) shall not be liable for consequential damages and under no circumstances shall its liability exceed the price for a defective body. The remedies set forth herein are exclusive and in substitution for all other remedies to which the purchaser would otherwise be entitled. The fire apparatus manufacturer (body builder) shall be given a reasonable opportunity to investigate all claims. The purchaser must commence any action arising out of, based upon or relating to agreement or the breach thereof, within twelve months from the date the cause of the action occurred. LIFETIME WARRANTY - WATER TANK The water tank, and its installed accessories, shall be covered by a "Lifetime" Warranty, against cracks, corrosion, or other failures caused by the tanks design and normal use of the same. The warranty shall be between the tank manufacturer, and the customer. The cab and chassis shall include design considerations for one hundred (100) percent on -road applications, a high horsepower engine, including high speed operations and a consideration for above normal starts and stops. This chassis shall be designed and manufactured for heavy duty service with adequate strength and capacity of all components for the intended load to be sustained. The chassis shall be designed for a duty rating of one hundred (100) percent loaded full time. The chassis shall be put in service in the country of United States of America (USA). APPARATUSTYPE The apparatus shall be created for the Emergency Services Industry and include the functions of a Rescue which shall include the functions of a multipurpose vehicle which primarily provides support services at emergency scenes. TRUCK TYPE The chassis shall be manufactured as a truck style and designed to include permanently mounted compartments behind the cab, known as the body. The body of the truck shall be supplied and installed by the apparatus manufacturer. AXLE CONFIGURATION The chassis shall offer a single rear drive axle with a single front steer axle configuration (4 X 2). The gross apparatus weight rating and the gross capacity weight rating shall be adequate to carry the weight of equipment and the apparatus, with water tanks full and other tanks at full capacity, miscellaneous equipment and all personnel weights considered as recommended by the most current edition of NFPA 1901. The chassis front gross axle weight rating (GAWK) shall be 22,000 pounds. Page 11 PROPOSA COMPILlE Yes I Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department MAU-41y"TWU The chassis rear gross axle weight rating (GAWR) shall be 27,000 pounds. WATER TANK CAPACITY The chassis shall include a carrying capacity of over 1000 gallons (4540 liters). The water tank shall be supplied and installed by the apparatus manufacturer. CAB STYLE The cab shall be a custom, enclosed model, built specifically for the fire service by a company specializing in cab and chassis design for all fire service applications. The cab shall be manufactured for heavy-duty service utilizing adequate strength and capacity for the application of protecting firefighters. The cab shall be of a modular design offering improved strength, durability and reduced weight. The modular design shall allow for faster, less costly replacement of components. Per pound, sheet panel aluminum extrusions offer a higher tensile strength, 45,000 PSI, and yield strength, 40,000 PSI, than that of lower grade sheet such as 3003-1-113. For this reason, the cab shall be of aluminum extrusion construction, which shall offer superior strength and the truest, flattest surface ensuring less expensive paint repairs if needed. The method of cab construction shall use a process incorporating techniques outlined in accordance with the American Welding Society D1.1-96 requirements for structural steel welding. All aluminum welding shall be completed to the American Welding Society and ANSI D1.2-96 requirements for structural welding of aluminum. To provide a superior finish by reducing welds that fatigue cab metal; the roof, the rear wall and side panels shall be assembled using proven industrial adhesives, designed specifically for aluminum fabrication, which exceed the strength of a weld, for construction. The insulation shall be installed throughout the cab as well as around the engine compartment and tunnel reducing engine noise and offering a quieter cab. All interior and exterior seams shall be sealed for optimum noise reduction in addition to the most favorable efficiency for heating and cooling retention. The cab shall be constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, .090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate. A single formed, one (1) piece extrusion, manufactured from 6061-76 100 percent primary one- quarter inch thick aluminum shall be used for the "A" pillar adding strength and rigidity to the cab as well as additional roll-over protection. The cab shall incorporate tongue and groove fitted 6061-T6 0.25 inch thick aluminum extrusions for extreme duty situations. The cab shall include multi -layer composite insulation for improved cab heating and cooling in addition to noise reduction. Proposals offering products built with anything less than the alloy -temper mentioned or from any other material, other than aluminum, shall not be considered. Additionally, any cabs utilizing recycled or recovered aluminum plate or extrusion products shall not be considered due impurities in the composition leading to a lack of strength. The cab shall incorporate a fully enclosed design, allowing for a spacious cab area with no partition between the front and rear sections of the cab. The walls of the vehicle shall include roof supports allowing for an open design. The outside dimension of the cab shall be 96 inches wide with a minimum interior width of 90 inches. The cab overall length shall be 143.88 inches in length with 67.50 inches from the centerline of the front of the axle to the back of the cab. The cab shall include a 20.00 inch raised roof increasing the head room Page 12 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROpOSA7" COMPLIa a—To over the crew area. The cab shall offer an interior height of 58.00 inches from the front floor to the headliner and a rear floor to headliner height of 79.00 inches in the crew area, at a minimum. All interior measurements shall include the area within the interior trimmed surfaces and not to any unfinished surface. In order to offer the optimum amount of cab space to occupants, there shall be no consideration given for any cab unable to comply with the minimum measurements for interior cab space as listed. The cab shall include a driver and officer area with two (2) cab door openings. The front door opening shall offer a clear door opening of 43.00 inches wide X 56.00 inches high. The rear door opening shall offer a clear door opening of 34.00 inches wide X 88.00 inches high. This style of cab shall also include a crew area offering up to ten (10) seating positions. The cab shall incorporate a (2) step configuration from the ground to the cab floor for each door opening. The lower step shall be constructed of heavy duty safety grating which meets or exceeds Federal Specification RRG-1602-latest revision and performs under dry, greasy, muddy, soapy and icy conditions and offers open drainage. The first step for the driver and officer area shall measure 11.44 inches deep X 31.13 inches wide. The height from the ground to the first step shall not exceed 21.00 inches. The intermediate step shall measure 8.75 inches deep X 33.00 inches wide. The height from the first step to the intermediate step and the intermediate step to the cab floor shall not exceed 11.00 inches. The first step for the crew area shall measure 12.13 inches deep X 20.44 inches wide. The height from the ground to the first step shall not exceed 21.00 inches. The intermediate step shall measure 10.50 inches deep X 23.00 inches wide. The height from the first step to the intermediate step and the intermediate step to the cab floor shall not exceed 12.50 inches. The cab front shall be constructed of 5052-1-132 Marine Grade, .090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate which shall include a classic front appearance. The front of the cab shall include a cast molded module accommodating up to (4) Hi/Low beam headlights and (2) turn signal lights or up to (4) warning lights. Xffl-IMIDYkY".N.111V The front cab fascia shall be constructed of 5052-1-132 Marine Grade, 0.090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate which shall be attached as the front cab skin to offer an appealing exterior. The cab fascia will encompass the front of the aluminum cab structure at the bottom of the windshield to the lower section of the cab and include a Classic design. The front fascia will cover the front aluminum cab structure from the bottom of the windshield down to the bottom of the cab. The front cab fascia shall include a cast molded module accommodating up to four (4) Hi/Law beam headlights and two (2) turn signal lights or up to four (4) warning lights. FRONT GRILLE The front fascia shall include a box style, stainless steel front grille 39.00 inches wide X 3350 inches high X 1.50 inches deep. The grille shall include a minimum free air intake of 632.90 square inches shall be installed on the front of the cab with the upper portion of the grille hinged. The grille shall include two (2) flush push button latches which shall allow access to the front fluid fills of the cab. The front grille shall include a cast diamond shape at the top and offer easy access in examination of and adding engine oil or wiper washer fluid as well as access to the windshield wiper motor and linkage. Page 13 � , "', " " , ;" ,, .. . . ... . Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL I COMPLIES CAB ENGINE TUNNEL The cab interior shall include a fixed type engine tunnel cover sized to accommodate an engine with a smaller block. The engine tunnel shall be an integral part of the cab constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, .090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate. The tunnel shall be a maximum of 41.50 inches wide X 23.00 inches high. The engine tunnel shall be insulated with multi -layer insulating material, consisting of foam, a sound barrier of 1.00 pounds per square foot with a facing which resists heat transfer. This insulation shall be held in place by adhesive, aluminum stick pins and retention caps. Any exposed insulation seams and edges shall be sealed reducing moisture and debris. CAB ENTRY DOORS The cab shall include a driver and officer area with two cab door openings which offer a clear door opening of 40.75 inches wide. The doors shall be constructed of extruded aluminum with a nominal thickness of .125 inch. The exterior skins shall be constructed of .125 inch aluminum plate. The cab shall include four (4) entry doors as high as possible for ease of entering and egress when outfitted with an SCBA. All cab and crew doors shall be of substantial weight for the optimum strength and rigidity for the best performance in all cab crash testing. Any cab with front and crew doors manufactured of less than the material thickness of .125 inch in both the extrusion and exterior skin shall not be considered. The doors shall include a double rolled style automotive rubber seal around the perimeter of each door frame and door edge which ensures a weather tight fit. All door hinges shall be hidden within flush mounted cab doors for a pleasing smooth appearance and perfect fit along each side of the cab. Each hinge shall be .375 inch piano style and be constructed of stainless steel. The piano style hinge and hidden flush mounted door is the most favorable construction keeping dirt and debris out of the hinge allowing for optimum operation throughout the lifetime of the door. Proposals offering door hinge thickness any less than stated shall not be considered. Proposals including doors that do not comply with the flush mounting as described or those including exposed hinges shall not be considered. CAB ENTRY DOOR TYPE All entry doors shall be of a flush, design and shall be located on the sides of the cab. Each door shall provide approximately 32.00 inches from the ground to the bottom of the door for clearance of guard rails along interstate highways. LEFT HAND EXTERIOR REAR COMPARTMENT The cab shall offer an exterior compartment on the left side of the cab behind the rear door. The compartment opening shall be 10.00 inches wide X 21.19 inches high. The compartment size shall be 11.34 inches wide X 21.19 inches high X 21.19 inches deep. The compartment shall have a 10.63 inch wide, 32.00 inch high and 1.50 inch thick hinged box pan style flush mount door with a locking bent D -ring slam latch. The interior of the compartment shall have a DA sanded finish. There shall be a switch to activate the open compartment warning light in the cab in the event the door is left ajar. Page 14 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The cab shall offer an exterior compartment on the right side of the cab behind the rear door. The compartment opening shall be 10.00 inches wide X 21.19 inches high. The compartment size shall be 11.34 inches wide X 21.19 inches high X 21.19 inches deep. The compartment shall have a 10.63 inch wide, 32.00 inch high and 1.50 inch thick hinged box pan style flush mount door with a locking bent D -ring slam latch. The interior of the compartment shall have a DA sanded finish. There shall be a switch to activate the open compartment warning light in the cab in the event the door is left ajar. r1 , . , : I I t 1 1NEW MIL I The standard cab shall include a canopy extension to form a hood which shall extend over the pump panel. The upper rear portion of the cab shall include a 94.00 inch wide X 23.00 inches deep X 31.25 inches high cover which extends from the 24.00 inch raised roof out away from the cab to house the top mount pump panel. The extension shall be constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, .090 inch thick, 100 percent primary aluminum plate. ROOF REINFORCEMENT The cab roof shall include reinforcement for the Will -Burt Night Scan 15 with the Optimum lamp. The reinforcement shall consist of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, 0.19 inch thick, and one hundred (100) percent primary aluminum plate for strength. The entire reinforcement shall be integral with the roof for rigidity. LIGHT TOWER ORIETATION The roof reinforcement shall be installed parallel to the rear wall of the cab. LIGHT TOWER HORIZONTAL TUSTIFICATION The roof reinforcement shall be justified towards the driver's side of the cab. LIGHT TOWER VERTICAL ORIENTATION The roof reinforcement shall be oriented on the roof of the cab vertically towards the front of the cab. LIGHT TOWER LIGHT HEAD ORIENTATION The roof reinforcement shall be oriented in order for the light head on the light tower to be on the driver's side while in the stored position. CAB STRUCTURAL WARRANTY The cab structure shall be warranted for a period of ten (10) years. Warranty conditions may apply and shall be listed in the detailed warranty document that shall be provided upon request. CAB CRASH TEST ECE-29 The cab shall have successfully achieved survival of the International crash test ECE-29, Addendum 28, Revision 1 as indicated below. As part of the ECE regulation 29 test, the frontal area of the cab is struck by a 3,700 pound pendulum weight The weight is brought back to a sixty degree angle and then the weight is released and allowed to swing forward, imparting some 32,600 pounds foot of force to the cab front face. The cab shall be so constructed that after the test, there will be minimal intrusion of the cab structure into the passenger area. The doors shall remain usable for both entry and exit. Also, as part of the test the cab roof must withstand a static load bearing test. The cab shall withstand a weight of over 60,000 pounds without permanent Page 15 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department damage or collapse. The above tests shall be witnessed by and attested to by an independent third party. The test results shall be recorded on/by cameras, high speed imagers, accelerometers and strain gauges, with notarized copies of the letters verifying the test results and videos of said test shall be available upon request. CAB PAINT EXTERIOR The cab shall be painted prior to the installation of glass accessories and all other cab trim to ensure complete paint coverage and the maximum in corrosion protection of all metal surfaces. All metal surfaces on the entire cab shall be ground by disc to remove any surface oxidation or surface debris which may hinder the paint adhesion. Once the surface is machine ground a high quality acid etching of base primer shall be applied. Upon the application of body fillers and their preparation, the cab shall be primed with a coating designed for corrosion resistance and surface paint adhesion. The maximum thickness of the primer coat shall be 2.00 mils. The entire cab shall then be coated with an intermediate solid or epoxy surfacing agent that is designed to fill any minor surface defects, provide an adhesive bond between the primer and the paint and improve the color and gloss retention of the color. The finish to this procedure shall be a sanding of the cab with 360 grit paper, the seams shall be sealed with SEM brand seam sealer and painted with two (2) to four (4) coats of an acrylic urethane type system designed to retain color and resist acid rain and most atmospheric chemicals found on the fire ground or emergency scene. The cab shall then be painted with the upper and lower colors specifically designated by the customer with a minimum thickness of two 2.00 mils of paint, followed by a clear top coat not to exceed 2.00 mils. CAB PAINT MANUFACTURER The cab shall be painted with paint. CAB PAINT PRIMARY/ LOWER COLOR The lower paint color shall be Dark Red. CAB PAINT SECONDARY/ UPPER COLOR The upper paint color shall be White. CAB PAINT EXTERIOR BREAK LINE CLASSIC The upper and lower paint shall meet at a break line on the cab which shall fall approximately 1.00 inch under the door windows and above the door handles. The break line shall extend in a straight line and fall approximately 1.00 inch under the windshield and above the windshield wipers on the front of the cab, CAB PINSTRIPE A 0.50 inch gold reflective tape with black borders shall be applied on the break line between the two different colored surfaces to somewhat match Monticello's Tender 111, CAB EXTERIOR PAINT WARRANTY The cab and chassis shall be covered by a limited manufacturer paint warranty which shall be in effect for 10 years from the first owner's date of purchase or in service or the first 100,000 actual miles, whichever occurs first. Page 16 PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COM OMP CLIES Yes No LOW VOLTAGE ELECTRICAL SYSTEM. The chassis shall include a single starting electrical system which shall include a 12 volt direct current system, suppressed per SAE J551. The wiring shall be appropriate gauge cross link with 311 degree Fahrenheit insulation. All SAE wires in the chassis shall be color coded and shall include the circuit number and function where possible. The wiring shall be protected by 275 degree Fahrenheit minimum high temperature flame retardant loom. POWER AND GROUND STUD. A 40 amp battery direct power and ground stud shall be provided and installed in the electrical distribution panel. The stud shall be size #10 and protected with a 40 amp circuit breaker. ENGINE The power plant for the vehicle shall offer a high pressure performance, turbo charged engine which shall feature a high pressure common rail fuel system. This system shall be coupled with a proven Holset turbo which delivers outstanding performance at ratings up to 425 HP. The Cummins ISL engine shall include replaceable mid -stop cylinder liners plus heavy duty roller followers, targeted piston cooling and 30% more efficient oil cooling for improved durability and reliability. The heavy duty design shall also feature stronger braking capacity. The engine shall be EPA certified to meet the very latest emissions standards without compromising performance, reliability or durability. The Cummins ISL 425 engine shall feature an air charge cooled engine which consists of an in line six (6) cylinder, four cycle diesel powered engine. The engine shall offer a rating of 425 horse power at 2100 RPM which shall be governed at 2200 RPM. The torque rating shall feature 1200 foot pounds of torque at 1300 RPM with 543 cubic inches of displacement. The Cummins ISL 425 engine shall feature an electronic governor. A wiring harness shall be supplied ending at the back of the cab. The harness shall include a connector which shall allow an optional harness for the pump panel. The included circuits shall be provided for a tachometer, oil pressure, engine temperature, hand throttle, high idle and a PSG system. A circuit for J1939 data link shall also be provided at the back of the cab. The engine shall include an engine mounted combination full flow/by-pass oil filter with replaceable spin on cartridge for use with the engine lubrication system. The engine shall include Citgo brand Citgard 500, or equivalent SAE 15W40 CJ4 low ash engine oil which shall be utilized for proper engine lubrication. ENGINE PROGRAMMING The engine shall include programming which will govern the top speed of the vehicle at highest allowable rating for interstate speed.. AUXILIARY ENGINE BRAKE An engine compression brake, for the six (6) cylinder engine, with brake light actuation and cutout relay for when in pump mode or when an ABS event occurs shall be installed. The engine brake shall activate upon 0% accelerator when in operation mode. AUXILIARY ENGINE BRAKE CONTROL An engine compression brake control device shall be included. The control device shall be electronic and shall prevent the activation of the engine compression brake during operating wherein undesirable conditions will result if the engine brakes are active. The electronic control device shall monitor various conditions and shall activate the engine brake only if all of the following conditions are simultaneously Page 17 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No detected: a valid gear ratio is detected; the driver has requested or enabled engine compression brake operation; the throttle is at a minimum engine speed position; and the electronic controller is not presently attempting to execute an electronically controlled final drive gear shift and there is no active ABS event. The compression brake shall be controlled through an off/low/high rocker switch within easy reach of the driver's position. FORWARD FLUID FILLS The front of the chassis shall accommodate fluid fills for the engine oil, the windshield washer fluid and the power steering fluid though the grille. This area shall also accommodate checks for the engine oil, and power steering fluid. ELECTRONIC LOW ENGINE OIL INDICATOR The engine oil shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. The light shall activate in a low oil situation upon turning on the master battery and ignition switches without the engine running. ENGINE PROGRAMMING REMOTE THROTTLE The engine remote throttle control shall be programmed "OFF". ENGINE WARRANTY The Cummins engine shall be warranted for a period of five (5) years or 100,000 miles, whichever occurs first. COOLING SYSTEM FAN The engine cooling system shall incorporate a thermostatically controlled, Horton clutched fan. The fan shall be installed on the engine and shall include an air directive shroud. When the clutched fan is disengaged it shall facilitate improved vehicle performance, cab heating in cold climates, and fuel economy. The fan control design shall be fail safe. ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM There shall be a heavy-duty aluminum cooling system designed to meet the demands of the fire industry. The cooling system shall have the capacity to keep the engine properly cooled under all conditions of road and pumping operations. The cooling system shall be designed and tested to meet or exceed the requirements specified by the engine and transmission manufacturer and all EPA requirements. The complete cooling system shall utilize heavy-duty welds and be mounted to isolate the entire system from any vibration or stress. The individual cores of the cooling system shall be mounted in a manner to allow expansion and contraction at various rates without inducing stress into the adjoining cores. The cooling system shall be comprised of a stacked, single depth package that provides the maximum cooling capacity for the specified engine as well as offers excellent serviceability. The main components shall include a surge tank, charge air cooler, recirculation shield, radiator and transmission cooler. The system shall utilize a surge tank and shall include a coolant overflow tank as an option. Proposals unable to offer a stacked single depth cooling package shall not be considered. There shall be a single depth core that allows greater efficiency, enhanced serviceability, and lighter weight with a higher ambient capability. The individual cores shall be mounted to allow expansion and contraction at various rates without inducing stress into the adjoining core. Page 18 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The system shall be compact enough to be removed through the grille area rather than lifting the entire package over the engine. The cooling package core shall not protrude below the frame of the vehicle by 0 b more than 1.1 inch. This feature shall improve the angle of approach thereby reducing possible damage. The radiator shall be a cross-flow design constructed completely of aluminum with welded side tanks. The radiator shall include a minimum of a 627 square inch core and shall be bolted to the bottom of the charge air cooler to allow a single depth core, thus allowing a more efficient and serviceable cooling system. The radiator shall be equipped with a drain cock to drain the coolant for serviceability. The cooling system shall be equipped with a surge tank that is capable of being filled and removing entrained air from the system. The surge tank shall be equipped with a low coolant probe and sight glass to monitor the level of the coolant. The surge tank shall have a cap that meets the engine manufactures pressure requirements as well as the system design requirements. All radiator tubes shall be formed from aluminized steel tubing. Recirculation shields shall be installed where required to prevent heated air from reentering the cooling package and affecting performance. When a center hose well is installed an additional shield may be required to redirect the airflow into the coolers. The charge air cooler shall be a cross-flow design constructed completely of aluminum with welded side tanks. The charge air cooler shall have a minimum of a 390 square inch core and be bolted to the top of the radiator to allow a single depth core, thus allowing a more efficient and serviceable cooling system. All charge air cooler tubes shall be formed from aluminized steel tubing and installed with silicone bump hoses and stainless steel "constant torque" style clamps meeting the engine manufactures requirements. ENGINE COOLANT The cooling package shall include Extended Life Coolant (ELC) installed. The use of ELC provides longer life and change intervals providing improved performance. The coolant shall contain propylene glycol and de -ionized water to keep the coolant from freezing to a temperature of -34 degrees F. Proposals offering supplemental coolant additives (SCA) shall not be considered, as this is part of the extended life coolant makeup. LOW COOLANT INDICATOR LIGHT AND TONE ALARM. The instrument panel shall feature a low engine coolant indicator light which shall be located in the center of the instrument panel. An audible tone alarm shall also be provided to warn of a low coolant incident. COOLANT HOSES The cooling systems hose shall be formed silicone hose and formed aluminized steel tubing and include with stainless steel constant torque clamps. ENGINE AIR INTAKE The engine air intake system shall include an ember separator air intake filter which shall be located in the front of the cab behind the officer side fascia. This filter shall protect the downstream air filter from embers using a combination of unique flat and crimped metal screens constructed into a galvanized steel frame. This multilayered screen shall be designed to trap embers or allow them to burn out before passing through the pack, while creating only minimal air flow restriction through the system. Periodic cleaning or replacement of the screen shall be all that is required after installation. The engine shall also include an air intake filter which shall be bolted to the frame and located under the front of the cab on the officer side. The completely disposable dry type filter shall ensure containment of Page 19 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL Ccs DUES Yes No dust and debris safely contained inside the disposable housing, eliminating the chance of contaminating the air intake system during air filter service via a leak -tight seal. The air flow distribution and dust loading shall be uniform throughout the high-performance filter cone pack, which shall result in increased capacity and lower pressure differential for improved horsepower and fuel economy. The air intake shall be mounted within easy access via a hinged panel behind the headlight module. The air intake system shall include a restriction indicator light in the warning light cluster which shall activate when the air cleaner element requires replacement. The charge air cooler hose shall be formed from aluminized steel tubing and include silicone hump hose with stainless expansion rings and stainless steel "constant torque" style clamps meeting the engine manufactures requirements. Proposals shall include an indication light representative of the need for replacement of the air intake filter and shall be located at the front of the vehicle. SKIDPLATE FOR AIR CLEANER A skid plate shall be supplied for the engine air intake system below the right front side of the cab. The skid plate shall be bolted to the bottom flange of the right side frame rail to provide additional protection for the air intake system. EXHAUST SYSTEM The exhaust system shall include a diesel particulate filter and a diesel oxidation catalyst to meet current EPA standards. The system shall be designed and installed using 0.065 inch aluminized steel plumbing from the diesel particulate filter to the discharge which shall terminate horizontally on the officer side of the vehicle ahead of the rear tires. The exhaust system shall be mounted on the underside of the frame inboard, maximizing space for the body compartments. All joints along plumbing following the diesel particulate filter shall be connected with lapping band style clamps. The system shall include a 5.00 inch diameter plumbing which shall be 0.065 inch thick stainless steel exhaust between the engine turbo and the diesel particulate filter. The tubing shall include a thermal cover in order to retain heat between the engine turbo and diesel particulate filter. The entire exhaust system shall be bolted to the frame and include system joints connected with zero leak clamps between the turbo and diesel particulate filter, TRANSMISSION The drive train shall include an Allison Gen IV -E model EVS 3000 torque converting, automatic transmission which shall include electronic controls and an output retarder. The transmission shall feature two (2) 10 -bolt PTO pads located on the converter housing. The transmission shall include two (2) internal oil filters which shall offer Castrol TranSynd'" synthetic TES 295 transmission fluid which shall be utilized in the lubrication of the EVS transmission. An electronic oil level sensor shall be included with the readout located in the shift selector. The Gen lV-E transmission shall include prognostic diagnostic capabilities. These capabilities shall include the monitoring of the fluid life, filter change indication, and transmission clutch maintenance. The transmission gear ratios shall be: 1st- 3.49:1; 2nd- 1.86 to 1; 3rd- 1.41 tot; 4th- 1.00 to 1; Sth- 0.75 to 1; 6th -0.64 to 1 (if applicable); Rev - 5.03 to 1. Page 20 Custom D __' 1 .p 1, The transmission, upon start-up, will select the fifth speed operation without the need to press the mode button. The EVS group package number 127 shall contain the 199 vocational packages in consideration of the duty of this apparatus for rescue. This package shall incorporate an automatic neutral with selector override. This feature commands the transmission to neutral when the park brake is applied, regardless of drive range requested on the shift selector. This requires re -selecting drive range to shift out of neutral for the override. An 8 pin Delphi connector will be provided next to the steering column connector. This will contain the following input/output circuits to the transmission tcm. Function ID Description Wire assignment C PTO Request 143 F Aux. Function Range Inhibit (Special) 101/142 G PTO Enable Output (See Input Function C) 130 S Neutral Indicator for PTO 145 Signal Return 103 M ! i An Allison pressure sensitive range selector touch pad shall be provided and located to the right of the driver within clear view and easy reach. The shift selector will provide a prognostic indicator (wrench symbol) between the selected and attained indicators. ELECTRONIC LOW TRANSMISSION OIL LEVEL INDICATOR The transmission fluid shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. TRANSMISSION RETARDER CONTROL The Allison transmission retarder control shall be modulated by one-third at 0% throttle and two-thirds of the brake pedal actuation and shall include a rocker switch mounted on the dash. The activation of the retarder shall activate the brake lights. The retarder shall be inactive during pump mode. TRANSMISSION PRE -SELECT WITH AUXILLIARY BRAKE When the auxiliary brake is engaged, the transmission shall automatically seek shifting to second gear to decrease the rate of speed assisting the secondary braking system and slowing the vehicle speed. TRANSMISSION WARRANTY The AIlison EVS series transmission shall be warranted for a period of five (5) years with unlimited mileage. Parts and labor shall be included in the warranty. IY71►�I.�u' 1 ►. I / ► �ti The transmission shall include an air to oil cooler integrated into the lower portion of cooling package. The transmission cooling system shall meet all transmission manufacturer requirements. Page 21 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes N O • :. Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The transmission retarder application shall feature a separate water to oil cooling system. The cooler will be installed into the transmission hydraulic circuit providing cooling for the retarder. The tube bundle cooler shall be mounted to the chassis, connected to the engine cooling system plumbing. DRIVELINES All drivelines shall be heavy duty metal tube and equipped with Spicer 1710 series universal joints. The shafts shall be dynamically balanced prior to installation to alleviate future vibration. A splined slip joint shall be provided in each driveshaft and shall be coated with Glide coato. FUEL FILTER,/WATER SEPARATOR The fuel system shall have a Fleetguard FS1003 fuel filter/water separator with a thermostatically controlled integral heater as a primary filter. The fuel filter shall have a see through cover to allow visual inspection of fuel and filter condition and a drain valve. An instrument panel lamp and audible alarm which indicates when water is present in the fuel -water separator shall also be included. FUEL LINES The fuel system lines shall be brown reinforced nylon tubing rated for diesel fuel with brass fittings installed from the tank to engine including the return. FUEL COOLER An aluminum cross flow air to fuel cooler shall be provided to lower fuel temperature allowing the vehicle to operate at higher ambient temperatures. FUELTANK The fuel tank shall have a minimum capacity of fifty (50) gallons and measure 35.00 inches wide X 15.00 inches high X 24.00 inches long. The baffled tank shall be made of 14 gauge aluminized steel. The tank exterior is painted with a PRP Corsol'm black anti -corrosive exterior metal treatment finish. This results in a tank which offers the internal and external corrosion resistance. The fuel tank shall be mounted 2.00 inches below the frame, behind the rear axle. The tank can be easily lowered and removed for service purposes. The tank shall have a vent port to facilitate venting to the top of the fill neck for rapid filling without "blow - back" and a roll over ball check vent for temperature related fuel expansion and draw. The tank is designed with dual draw tubes and sender flanges. The tank shall have 2.00 inch NPT fill ports for right or left hand fill. A 0.5 inch NPT drain plug shall be centered in the bottom of the tank. FUEL FILL PROVISIONS The fuel tank fill ports shall be offset with the left fill port located in the forward position and the right fill port located in the rear position. FRONT AXLE The front axle shall be a Meritor Easy Steer Non drive front axle, model number MFS -23. The weight capacity for the axle shall be rated to 23,000 pounds FAWR. The axle shall have a nominal track of 84.25 inches. This rating shall require special approvals from the wheel manufacturers. Paize 22 Custom Pumper Specifications forte Monticello Fire Department PROMPLPOSA L COIES Yes No MENMEMONMEAMMMMM FRONT WHEEL BEARING LUBRICATION The front axle wheel bearings shall be lubricated with clear oil. The oil level can be visually checked via clear inspection windows in the front axle hubs. FRONT SHOCK ABSORBERS Two (2) Bilstein inert, nitrogen gas filled shock absorbers shall be provided and installed as part of the suspension system. The shocks shall be a monotubular design and fabricated using a special extrusion method, utilizing a single blank of steel without a welded seam, achieving an extremely tight peak -to -valley tolerance and maintains consistent wall thickness. The monotubular design shall provide superior strength while maximizing heat dissipation and shock life. The ride afforded through the use of a gas shock is more consistent and shall not deteriorate with beat, the same way a conventional oil filled hydraulic shock would. The Bilstein front shocks shall include a digressive working piston assembly allowing independent tuning of the compression and rebound damping forces to provide optimum ride and comfort without compromise. The working piston design shall feature fewer parts than most conventional twin tube and "road sensing" shock designs and shall contribute to the durability and long life of the Bilstein shock absorbers. FRONT SUSPENSION The front suspension shall include nine (9) leaf, 53.38 inch long and 4.00 inches wide taper leaf springs with a military double wrapped front eye. Both spring eyes shall have a case hardened threaded bushing installed with lubrication counter bore and lubrication land off cross bore with grease fitting. The spring capacity shall be rated at 23,000 pounds, STEERING COLUMN/ WHEEL The cab shall include a Douglas Autotech steering column shall be a seven (7) position tilt and 2.25 inch telescopic type with an 18.00 inch steering wheel located on the left side of the cab designating the driver's position. The steering wheel shall be covered with black absorbite padding. The steering column shall contain a horn button, self -canceling turn signal switch, four-way hazard switch and headlamp dimmer switch. POWER STEERING PUMP The hydraulic power steering pump shall be a TRW PS and shall be gear driven from the engine. The pump shall be a balanced, positive displacement, sliding vane type. ELECTRONIC POWER STEERING FLUID LEVEL INDICATOR The power steering fluid shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. FRONT AXLE CRAMP ANGLE The chassis shall have a front axle cramp angle of 48 degrees to the left and 44 degrees to the right. CHASSIS ALIGNMENT The chassis frame rails shall be cross checked to insure the length and to make sure each is square. The front and rear axles shall be laser aligned, additionally the tires and wheels shall be aligned and toe -in set Page 23 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No on the front tires. The completed apparatus shall be rechecked for proper alignment once the chassis has been fully loaded. INDFAM&WO The rear axle shall be a Meritor model RS -25-160. The axle shall be built of superior construction and quality components to provide the rugged dependability needed to stand up to the industry's demands. The axle shall include rectangular shaped, hot -formed housings for extra strength and rigidity. The axles shall also include torsion flow axle shafts that feature a surface hardness which resists fatigue and a resilient core which absorbs shock. There shall be unitized pinion seals within the axle helping to prevent leakage and harmful road contaminants from entering the axle components. The axle shall include a rigid differential case for high axle strength and reduced maintenance. The axle shall include single reduction gearing and shall have a rated capacity of 27,000 pounds. REAR WHEEL BEARING LUBRICATION The rear axle wheel bearings shall be lubricated with oil. REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL LUBRICATION The rear axle differential shall be lubricated with oil. REAR AXLE DIFFERENTIAL CONTROL A driver controlled differential lock shall be installed on the rear axle. This feature shall allow the differential to be locked and unlocked when the vehicle is stationary to provide maximum wheel end traction. The differential lock shall be controlled by a rocker switch on the switch panel. The light on the switch shall illuminate with positive engagement of the differential control. VEHICLE TOP SPEED The top speed of the vehicle shall be approximately 75 MPH +/-2 MPH at governed engine RPM. REAR SUSPENSION The single rear axle shall feature a Reyco 102W -AR air suspension with a single air bag on a tapered forged drop leaf spring with adjustable torque rods. The suspension shall feature dual air height control valves which shall be installed to ensure equal frame height on both sides of the vehicle regardless of the load. The rear suspension capacity shall be rated at 27,000 pounds. REAR SHOCK ABSORBERS Shock absorbers shall be supplied by the suspension manufacturer and installed on the rear axle suspension. FRONT TIRES The front tires shall be not brand specific mixed service tread. The front tire stamped load capacity shall be 22,800 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 68 miles per hour when properly inflated to 120 pounds pet square inch. Page 24 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The front tire US Fire Service Intermittent Usage Ioad capacity shall be 22,800 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 120 pounds per square inch. 7 REAR TIRES The rear tires shall be not brand specific 315/80R-22.5 18PR "J" tubeless radial Regional RHD regional tread. The rear tire stamped load capacity shall be 29,560 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 125 pounds per square inch. The rear tire US Fire Service Intermittent Usage load capacity shall be 32,000 pounds per axle with a speed capacity of 75 miles per hour when properly inflated to 125 pounds per square inch. FRONT WHEELS The front wheels shall be Accuride hub piloted, 12.25 inch X 22.50 inch steel wheels. The hub piloted mounting system shall be designed to deliver performance and shall include two-piece flange nuts. REAR WHEEL The outer rear wheels shall be Accuride hub piloted, 9.00" x 22.5" steel wheels. The inner rear wheels shall be Alcoa hub piloted, 9.00" x 22.5" polished aluminum wheels. Each of the steel wheels shall be pretreated in a zinc phosphate bath, coated with an acrylic cathode electro deposited white primer base coat (E -Coat). The wheels then shall be powder coated in white all to be completed by the wheel supplier. The powder coat shall exceed 2,000 hours under industry standard ASTM salt spray testing. WHEEL TRIM The front wheels shall include stainless steel lug nut covers and stainless steel full wheel simulator with cutouts for oil seal viewing (there shall be no cutout on front drive or IFS axles). The covers shall feature a mirror shine finish and shall be shipped loose with the chassis for installation by the apparatus builder. The rear wheels shall include stainless steel lug nut covers and band mounted spring clip stainless steel high hats, also in a mirror shine finish, which shall be shipped loose with the chassis for installation by the apparatus builder. The lug nut covers and full wheel simulators shall be constructed of 304L grade, non -corrosive stainless steel meeting D.O.T. certification standards. WHEEL GUARDS The rear dual wheels shall include a plastic isolator approximately 0.04" thick installed between the inner and outer wheel to help prevent corrosion caused by metal to metal contact. TIRE CHAINS Insta-Chains, six (6) strand automatic ice chains shall be installed on the rear axle of the chassis to provide instant traction on ice and snow at speeds below 35 mph. Page 25 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The tire chain system shall include a locking switch on the dash to deter accidental activation. The light on the switch shall illuminate when the tire chains are engaged. The tire chains shall be interlocked with the transmission and shall engage when the vehicle is traveling 30 MPH or less. After traveling over 30 MPH, the vehicle must be reduced to a speed below 5 MPH for the tire chains to be engaged or re-engaged. I-0 AM IMI A rapid build-up air brake system shall be provided. The air brakes shall include a two (2) air tank, three (3) reservoir system with a total of 4152 cubic inch of air capacity. A floor mounted treadle valve shall be mounted inside the cab for graduated control of applying and releasing the brakes. An inversion valve shall be installed to provide controlled service brake application during the unlikely event of primary air supply loss. The rear axle spring brakes shall automatically apply in any situation when the air pressure loss below 25 PSI with a mechanical means for releasing the spring brake chambers if necessary, An audible alarm shall designate when system air pressure is below 60 PSI. A four (4) sensor, four (4) modulator anti-lock braking system (ABS) shall be installed on the front and rear axles in order to prevent the brakes from locking or skidding while braking during hard stops or on icy or wet surfaces. This in turn shall allow the driver to maintain steering control under heavy braking and in most instances, shorten the braking distance. The electronic monitoring system shall incorporate diagonal circuitry which shall monitor wheel speed during braking through a sensor and tone ring on each wheel. A dash mounted ABS lamp shall be provided to notify the driver of a system malfunction. The ABS system shall automatically disengage the auxiliary braking system device when required, The speedometer screen shall be capable of reporting all active defaults using PID/SID and FMI standards. Additional safety shall be accommodated through automatic traction control which shall be installed on the single rear axle. The automatic traction control system shall apply the anti-lock braking system when the drive wheels loose traction. The system shall scale the electronic engine throttle back to prevent wheel spin while accelerating on ice or wet surfaces. A momentary rocker style switch shall be provided and properly labeled "mud/snow". When the switch is pressed once, the system shall allow a momentary wheel slip to obtain traction under extreme mud and snow conditions. During this condition the ATC light and the light on the rocker switch shall blink continuously notifying the driver of activation. Pressing the switch again shall deactivate the mud/snow feature. FRONT BRAKES The front brakes shall be Meritor EX225 Disc Plus disc brakes with 17" vented rotors. REAR BRAKES The rear brakes shall be Meritor EX225 Disc Plus disc brakes with 17.00 inch vented rotors. PARK BRAKE The push-pull valve in the cab, the rear brakes will engage via mechanical spring force. This is accomplished by dual chamber rear brakes, satisfying the FMVSS parking brake requirements. PARK BRAKE ACTUATION VALVE A Meritor-Wabco manual hand control push-pull style valve shall operate the parking brake system. The control shall be yellow in color, 0=1 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire DepartmentPROPOSAL .....__ - COMPLIES Yes I No The parking brake actuation valve shall be mounted on the driver's dash within easy access. Front brake automatic slack adjusters shall be an integral part of the brake assembly and be supplied by the brake manufacturer. REAR BRAKE SLACK ADIUSTERS Rear brake automatic slack adjusters shall be an integral part of the brake assembly and be supplied by the brake manufacturer. The brake system shall include a Wabco System Saver 1200 air dryer. The air dryer incorporates an internal turbo cutoff valve that closes the path between the air compressor and air dryer purge valve during the compressor "unload" cycle. The turbo cutoff valve allows purging of moisture and contaminants without the loss of turbo boost pressure. The air dryer shall be located on the right frame rail behind the officer step. �t The front brakes shall be provided with MGM type 24 long stroke brake chambers. REAR BRAKE CHAMBERS The rear axle shall include MGM 24/30 brake chambers shall convert the energy of compressed air into mechanical force and motion. This shall actuate the brake camshaft, which in turn shall operate the foundational brake mechanism forcing the brake pads against the brake rotor. The air compressor provided for the engine shall be a two (2) cylinder reciprocating Wabco® SS318 compressor which shall be capable of producing a minimum of 18.7 CFM. The air compressor shall feature a higher delivery efficiency translating to more air delivery per horsepower absorbed. Superior piston and bore finishing technology shall reduce oil consumption up to 90% significantly reducing the system component life. The compressor shall include an aluminum cylinder head which shall improve cooling, reduce weight and decrease carbon formation. An air governor which shall cut -in and cut-out pressures on the vehicle shall be provided and shall be adjusted so that the maximum pressure in the air system and the minimum cut -in pressure. The air governor shall be located on the air cleaner bracket on the right frame rail behind the officer step. Heated, automatic moisture ejectors with a manual drain provision shall be installed on all reservoirs of the air supply system. The actuation pull cable shall be coiled and tied at the drain valve on the tank. The supplied lengths shall be sufficient to be extended to the frame rail to allow drains to be activated from the side of the chassis. Page 27 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No AIR SUPPLY LINES A dual air system plumbed with color coded reinforced nylon tubing air lines shall be installed on the chassis. The primary (rear) brake line shall be green, the secondary (front) brake line red, the parking brake line orange and the auxiliary (outlet) will be blue. Brass compression type fittings shall be used on the nylon tubing. All drop hoses shall include fiber 0 reinforced neoprene covered hoses. REAR AIR TANK MOUNTING The air reservoir located towards the rear of the chassis shall be installed parallel to the frame. REAR OVERHANG The chassis rear overhang shall be 78.00 inches. Air should be auto -ejected along with electrical eject. (Kussmaul) FRAME The frame shall consist of double channel side rails and cross members forming a ladder style frame. The sides of the rails shall be constructed of "C" channel, 10.25 inches high X 3.5 inches deep X.38 inches thick with an inner channel of 9.44 inches high X 3.13 inches deep and .38 inches thick, 110,000 psi minimum yield high strength low alloy steel. Each rail shall be considered on the following key items: Each rail shall be rated by a Resistance Bending Moment (RBM) minimum of 3,213,100 inch pounds and have a minimum section modulus of 29.21 cubic inches calculated by the radius method. The frame shall measure 35.00 inches in width. RBM refers to the measure of stiffness of a cross section relative to the yield stress of the material the frame is manufactured from. Every cross sectional profile of an object has a measure of its mechanical properties based on its shape. These properties of its shape can be broken down relative to the horizontal and vertical direction, represented as lxx and lyy. These act as a measure of the shape's resistance to bending. The section modulus of mass of this profile takes into consideration the stresses imposed on this profile when a load is applied, by considering the maximum distance from the center of the profile to its outer most extremity. Section modulus is a method of measurement for the relative stiffness of a beam section and is based on the horizontal and vertical directional value plus the distance from the center of mass to the extremities of the cross section from the coordinate axis, such that Zyy = lyy/Y and Zxx = lxx/X. Proposals calculating the frame strength using the "box method" shall not be considered. Proposals including heat treated rails shall not be considered. Heat treating frame rails produces rails that are not uniform in their mechanical properties throughout the length of the rail. Rails made of high strength, low alloy steel are already at the required yield strength prior to forming the rail. A minimum of seven (7) fully gusseted 0.25 inch thick cross members shall be installed. The inclusion of the engine mounting, body mounting, pump mounting or bumpers shall not be considered as a cross member. The cross members shall be attached using grade 8 flanged head bolts and flanged lock nuts. Each cross member shall be mounted to the frame rails a minimum of utilizing 0.25 inch thick gusset reinforcement plates at all corners balancing the area of force throughout the entire frame. Any proposals not including additional reinforcement for each cross member shall not be considered Page 28 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL :.__..- COMPLIES Yes No All holes for bolts shall be drilled into the frame rails, preventing fracture or fatigue. Each hole shall be custom placed relative to its component preventing unnecessary holes that present fatigue along each frame rail. The frames proposed shall be custom drilled for each component and shall not include any unnecessary holes. All relief areas shall be cut in with a minimum 2.00 inch radius at intersection points with the edges ground to a smooth finish to prevent a stress concentration point. The frame and cross members shall carry a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser. A copy of the frame warranty shall accompany the bid. Proposals offering warranties for frames not including cross members shall not be considered. FRAME PAINT The frame shall be powder coated prior to any attachment of components All powder coatings, primers and paint shall be compatible with all metals, pretreatments and primers used. The cross hatch adhesion test per ASTM D3359 shall not have a fail of more than ten (10) squares. The pencil hardness test per ASTM D3363 shall have a final post -curved pencil hardness of H-214. The direct impact resistance, per ASTM D2794, shall have a direct impact resistance of 120.00 inches per pound at 2 mils. The salt spray resistance per ASTM B-117-97 shall pass 500 hours of salt spray test. The applied process shall allow the application of other products over it and still maintain or exceed the 500 hours salt spray test. Any proposals offering painted frame with variations from the above process shall not be accepted. The film thickness of vendor supplied parts shall also be sufficient to meet the performance standards as stated above. FRAME WARRANTY The frame and cross members shall carry a lifetime warranty to the original purchaser. FRONT BUMPER The cab shall include a five (5) piece, structural channel front bumper. The bumper shall be constructed of ASTM A-36 steel; the bumper shall then be painted. The bumper shall include a .38 thick structural steel channel which shall be 12.00 inches high and 101.00 inch wide, with angled front corners. FRONT BUMPER EXTENSION LENGTH The front bumper shall be extended 28.00 inches ahead of the cab. FRONT BUMPER PAINT The front bumper shall include a finish topcoat painted the same as the lower cab color. FEDERAL O2B SIREN The front bumper shall include an electro mechanical Federal Q213' siren, which shall be streamlined, chrome -plated and shall produce 123.00 decibels of sound at 10.00 feet. The siren shall produce a long distance warning siren which shall include a unique heavy duty caster clutch design which provides a longer coast down sound while reducing the amp draw requirements to (100) amps. The Federal Q213" siren shall measure 10.50 inches wide X 10.00 inches high X 14.00 inches deep. Page 29 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSASL COMPLIE Yes No The siren shall be recess mounted in the center on the front fascia of the bumper between the frame rails. The front bumper shall include two (2) Grover brand air horns which shall measure 21.00 inches long with a 6.00 inch round flare. The air horn shall be a trumpet style and shall include a chrome finish. The air horns shall be recess mounted in the front bumper face, one (1) on the driver side of the bumper in the inboard position relative to the left hand frame rail and one (1) on the officer side of the bumper in the inboard position relative to the right hand frame rail. AIR HORN AIR RESERVOIR. One (1) air tank, with a 1200 cubic inch reservoir, shall be installed on the chassis to act as a supply tank for operating air horns. The reservoir shall be isolated with a 90 PSI pressure protection valve on the reservoir supply side to prevent depletion of the air to the air brake system. FRONT BUMPER TOW EYES The bumper shall include two (2) chrome plated tow eyes shall be installed through the front bumper. The eyes shall be fabricated from 0.75 inch thick #1020 ASMI -A36 hot rolled steel. The inside diameter of the eye shall be 2.00 inches and include a chamfered edge. The entire cab shall be capable of tilting 45.00 degrees to allow for easy maintenance of the engine and transmission. The lift system shall include an ignition interlock and red lock down indicator lamp, which shall illuminate when holding the "Down" switch to indicate safe road operation. It shall be necessary to activate the master battery switch with the park brake set in order to tilt the cab. Two cab tilt cylinders shall be provided with velocity fuses in each cylinder port. The cab pivots shall be 1.90" ball and be anchored to frame brackets with 1.25" diameter studs. Two (2) spring loaded hydraulic hold down hooks located outboard of the frame which shall be installed designed for holding the cab securely to the frame. A steel safety assembly shall be installed on the right side cab lift cylinder to prevent accidental cab lowering. The safety assembly shall fall over the lift cylinder when the cab is in the "Up" position. A cable release system shall also be provided to clear the safety assembly from the lift cylinder when lowering the cab. CAB TILT AUXILIARY PUMP A manual cab tilt pump module shall be attached to the rear surface of the driver side battery box. A 25.00 foot harness shall be provided on the right side of frame just behind the cab and include a 6 pin Deutsch connector with cap for mounting in a compartment in the body, which shall include a 17.00 foot extension harness which shall be provided between the connector on the harness from the tilt pump and the connector on the remote control pendant. The remote control pendant shall also include 20.00 feet of cable which includes a mating connector to a mating connector to mate with the 25.00 foot harness. Page 30 Z:� Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No The cab windshield shall have a maximum of 2808 sq. in. area and be of the wraparound design, 52.00 inches wide X 27.00 inches high for maximum visibility. The distance from the Driver or Officer to the front windshield shall be a minimum of 42.00 inches at the furthest seated position. This distance shall ensure the safety of the Driver and Officer from intruding objects in the unlikely event of a head on collision. All glass utilized for the windshield or windows shall include an automotive tint. The left and right windshield shall use the same interchangeable glass. Each proposal shall include the left and right windshield shall be fully interchangeable thereby minimizing maintenance costs. All proposals offering windshields not in compliance with the minimum measurement of viewing area stated above and are not fully interchangeable shall not be considered. CAD GLASS FRONT DOORS The front cab doors shall include a window which is 26.00 inches wide X 31.00 inches high. These windows shall have the capability to roll down completely into the door housing. This shall be accomplished manually utilizing a crank style handle on the door. There shall be a right angle triangular shaped fixed window which shall measure 2.50 inches wide at the top, 8.00 inches wide at the bottom X 26.00 inches high, more commonly known as "cozy glass" ahead of the front cab door windows. The windows shall be mounted in a black anodized aluminum frame with lower drain slots. The glass utilized for these windows shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT FRONT The cab windshield shall have a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. The cab driver and officer door glass shall have a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. The rear officer's side crew door shall include a window which is 26.00 inches wide X 31.00 inches high. This window shall have the capability to roll down completely within the door housing. Power windows shall be accomplished manually utilizing a power handle on the inside of the door. The window shall be mounted in a black anodized aluminum frame with lower drain slots. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT OFFICER SIDE The officer side window shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. All windows will be powered windows. CAD GLASS REAR DOOR DRIVER SIDE The rear driver's side crew door shall include a window which is 26.00 inches wide X 31.00 inches high. The power window shall have the capability to roll down completely within the door housing. This shall be accomplished manually utilizing a power handle on the inside of the door. WINDOW TINT DRIVER SIDE The driver side window shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. Page 31 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The cab shall include a window on the officer's side behind the front and ahead of the crew doors which shall measure 26.00 inches wide X 16.00 inches high. This window shall be fixed within this space and shall be rectangular in shape. The window shall be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. The window on the officer side of the cab located between the driver and officer doors shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS SIDE MID DRIVER SIDE The cab shall include a window on the driver's side behind the front door and ahead of the crew door and above the wheel well which shall measure 16.00 inches wide X 26.00 inches high, This window shall be fixed within this space and shall be rectangular in shape. The window shall be mounted using self locking window rubber. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT MIDDLE DRIVER SIDE The window on the driver side of the cab located between the driver and officer doors shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. OUTER FIXED 16" X 16" The rear section of the cab on the driver and officer sides below the pump panel hood extension or a shall include a window which shall measure 16.00 inches wide X 16.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space and shall be oblong in shape. The windows shall be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless other -wise noted. WINDOW TINT OUTER UPPER The window location in the rear wall of the cab on the driver and officer sides below the pump panel hood extension shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE FRONT The raised roof on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a window which is 6.00 inches wide X 14.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space. These windows shall be in the shape of a right angle and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. WINDOW TINT UPPER SIDE FRONT The window located in the upper section on the side towards the front of the cab shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE MIDDLE The middle section of the raised roof on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a window in the middle of the cab which is 16.00 inches wide X 14.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space. These windows shall be in the shape of a right angle and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. Page 32 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES WINDOW TINT UPPER SIDE MIDDLE The window located in the upper section on the side in the middle of the cab shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE REAR DOOR The middle section of the raised roof on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a window which is 31.00 inches wide X 14.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space. These windows shall be rectangular in shape and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. WINDOW TINT UPPER SIDE REAR DOOR The window located in the upper section of the rear crew doors shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE REAR R/L 14"H X 8"W The upper portion on the driver and officer sides towards the rear of the cab shall include a window which is 8.00 inches wide X 14.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space. The windows shall be oblong in shape and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. The window located in the upper section on the rear of the cab shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE REAR The driver and officer sides of the pump panel hood extension shall include a 16.00 inch wide X 16.00 inch tall window. These windows shall be fixed within this space. The windows shall be square and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT PUMP PANEL HOOD EXTENSION The driver and officer sides of the pump panel hood extension shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS REAR WALL CENTER The rear wall of the cab shall include a window which is 41.00 inches wide X 16.00 inches high. This window shall be fixed and be of a rectangular shape. The window shall be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT REAR WALL CENTER The window located in center of the rear wall shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS UPPER RAISED ROOF The forward section of the raised roof on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a window which is 5.00 inches wide X 30.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space and shall be Page 33 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No in the shape of a right angle. The windows shall be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for these windows shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT UPPER FRONT The forward section of the raised roof on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB GLASS REAR WALL OUTER The lower portion of the rear wall on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a window which is 8.00 inches wide X 26.00 inches high. These windows shall be fixed within this space. The windows shall be oblong in shape and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT REAR WALL The lower portion of the rear wall on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. NO CAB GLASS UPPER SIDE REAR The standard 5.00 inch wide X 17.00 inch tall windows located in the side on the rear of the pump panel hood extension, one each side shall not be included. These windows shall be fixed within this space. The windows shall be oblong shaped and be mounted in a black rubberized frame. The glass utilized for this window shall include a green automotive tint unless otherwise noted. WINDOW TINT OFFICER SIDE The window located in the side on the rear of the pump panel hood extension, one each side shall include a standard green automotive tint which shall allow seventy-five (75) percent light transmittance. CAB INSULATION The cab ceiling and walls shall include 1.00 inch thick foam insulation. The insulation shall include a foil facing which includes grid reinforcement. The insulation shall act as a barrier absorbing noise as well as assisting in sustaining the desired climate within the cab interior. The exterior of the cab tunnel surrounding the engine shall include reinforced closed cell foam insulation. The insulation shall measure 1.00 inch thick and shall include a foil backing and grid reinforcement. The foam shall be cut precisely to fit each section and sealed for additional heat and sound deflection. The insulation under the tunnel shall act as a noise barrier absorbing noise from the engine as well as assisting in sustaining the desired climate within the cab interior. I ftp�t,l � The cab shall include a 57,600 BTU front overhead heater/defroster which shall be provided and installed above the windshield between the sun visors. The temperature and blower controls shall be located on the heater/defroster unit. The cab shall also include a combination heater air-conditioning unit mounted on the engine tunnel. This unit shall offer eight (8) adjustable louvers, a temperature control valve and two (2) blowers offering three (3) speeds which shall be capable of circulating 550 cubic feet of air per minute. The unit shall be rated for 42,500 BTU of cooling and 36,000 BTU of heating. Page 34 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department All auxiliary heating units shall be plumbed in series independent of the heater/defroster system. One (1) seasonal shut-off valve for the auxiliary heater series shall be supplied at the front corner on the officer side of the cab. The air conditioner lines shall be a mixture of custom bent zinc coated steel fittings and Parker Futura flexible hose with ATCO crimp -on fittings. CLIMATE CONTROL ACTIVATION The heating controls, and air conditioning if included, shall be located on the climate control unit. AUXILIARY CLIMATE CONTROL FRONT UNDERSEAT Two (2) 13,500 BTU heaters shall be provided and installed in the face of the seat riser storage area for the driver and officer. Fan control shall be a single switch located in the rocker switch area of the dash. The auxiliary heater system hoses shall be silicone with stainless steel constant torque clamps approved for use with silicone hose. All auxiliary heaters shall be plumbed in series independent of the heater defroster system. One (1) seasonal shut-off valve for the auxiliary heater series shall be supplied at the front of the right hand corner of the cab. One (1) 53,500 BTU heater shall be provided and installed in the rear section of the crew cab under the center rear facing seat riser. The fan controls shall be located on the heater unit. The auxiliary heater system hoses shall be silicone with stainless steel constant torque clamps approved for use with silicone hose. All auxiliary heaters shall be plumbed in series independent of the heater defroster system. One (1) seasonal shut-off valve for the auxiliary heater series shall be supplied at the front of the right hand corner of the cab. A roof mounted A/C condenser shall be installed centered on cab forward of raised roof against the slope rise. The air-conditioning compressor shall be an engine driven Seltec TM -16 and utilize R -134A refrigerant. The floor of the cab shall be covered with a multi -layer mat consisting of .25 inch sound absorbing closed cell foam and a .06 inch non -slip vinyl surface with a pebble grain finish. The covering shall be held in place by a pressure sensitive adhesive with aluminum cornering trim. All exposed seam shall be sealed to reduce moisture and debris. The cab interior shall include trim on the front and rear crew ceiling, the cab walls and the rear wall of the cab. The trim shall be constructed of insulated vinyl over a hard board backing. The material shall be securely fastened to the interior of the cab utilizing snap style fasteners with a decorative fastener for a more appealing appearance. Page 35 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department I 10fil A*Vy "014-91 14k The cab interior shall include a header over the driver and officer dash which shall be constructed of 5052- H32 Marine Grade, .090 of an inch thick, one hundred percent primary aluminum plate. The aluminum shall be painted with Zolotone in the same color as the remainder of the cab. The header shall include a drop down panel with a flush push button style latch. The header shall include a cut out to accommodate the sun visors. There shall be two openings covered in heavy duty grating for the accommodation of speakers. The header shall include one (1) sun visor above the driver and officer seating positions and above the windshield. Each sun visor shall be constructed of masonite and covered with insulated gray vinyl trim. CAB INTERIOR TRIM LH DASH ABS The driver side dash shall be a (1) piece hinged panel which shall be constructed of durable vacuum formed ABS composite panel which shall be custom molded for a perfect fit surrounding the dash. The ABS shall be aesthetically pleasing in its gray coloring. CAB INTERIOR CENTER DASH The main center dash cover shall be constructed of durable vacuum formed ABS composite. The cover shall include (3) panels within the dash which shall accommodate any additional gauges and controls. All gauges and controls within the panels shall be backlit for night vision and clearly identified representative of their specific function. The center panel shall be within comfortable reach of both the driver and officer due to its ergonomic and aesthetically pleasing design. The cab interior dash trim officer panel shall consist of a vacuum formed ABS composite module, which contains a glove compartment with a hinged locking door. The compartment size shall be 13.00 inches wide X 6.00 inches high X 5.50 inches deep. A Mobile Data Terminal (MDT) provision shall be provided above the glove compartment. The MDT provision shall be recessed 3.00 inches below the surface of the dash. The surface area of the MDT provision shall be 13.75 inches wide X 9.50 inches deep. ENGINE TUNNEL TRIM The cab engine tunnel shall be covered by a vacuum formed ABS, a rigid thermoplastic composite material panel with robust styling grooves to provide high impact strength and structural integrity. The ABS tunnel shall include 0.19 inch thick fiberglass reinforcement. The cover shall be tapered on the sides offering the maximum amount of hip and elbow room for the driver and officer. The cab interior shall include two (2) each 12 volt cigarette lighter type receptacle in the center cab dash as a dedicated power source panel for any additional portable or mobile items. The receptacles shall be wired to be hot when the battery master switch is on. The cab interior shall include one (1) 12 volt cigarette lighter type receptacle which shall be provided on the center of the engine tunnel as a power source for portable or mobile electrical items. The receptacle shall be connected to the master power switch. Page 36 PRS Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COOPOMPLIESAL Yes No STEP TRIM The cab steps shall include Grip Strut@ metal grating on the first step, the step closest to the ground. The step shall include a frame which is integral with the construction of the cab for rigidity and strength. The metal grating shall allow water and other debris to flow through rather than becoming packed under the step. The entire middle step shall be integral with the cab in construction and shall be trimmed in an adhesive back grit material adding slip resistance to the painted step. STEP TRIM KICKPLATE The cab steps shall include a kick plate in the rise of each step. The risers shall be trimmed in 3003-H22 embossed aluminum tread plate which is 0.072 inches thick. The risers in the crew steps shall include an access door, also constructed of tread plate, to the batteries with a push and turn latch. INTERIOR DOOR TRIM, The inner door panels shall include a vacuum formed ABS panel with robust styling grooves which provide structural integrity to the panel. The door panel shall include a partial aluminum reinforcement structure behind the panel for added strength. The door panels shall include multiple recesses for optional features. DOOR TRIM KICK PLATE The inner door panels shall include an aluminum tread kick plate which shall be fastened to the lower portion of the door panels. DOOR PANEL CUSTOMER NAMEPLATE. The interior door trim on the front doors shall include a customer nameplate which states the vehicle was custom built for their Department. CAB DOOR TRIM REFLECTIVE A reflective chevron sign shall be installed on the lowest portion of the inner door panel, one (1) on each door. A stripe of reflective tape shall be installed at the outer edge of each door. INTERIOR GRAB HANDLE A rubber covered 11.00 inch grab handle shall be provided on the inside of the cab on the hinge post at the driver and officer doors. The handle shall assist personnel in exiting and entering the cab. GRAB HANDLE FRONT DOOR Each front door shall include one (1) horizontal 13.00 inch cast aluminum grab handle, mounted on the interior ABS door panels. Each handle shall feature a textured black powder coat finish and provide east of access and exit for the cab. INTERIOR GRAB HANDLE REAR DOOR, A black powder coated cast aluminum assist handle shall be provided on the inside of each rear crew door the full width of the door below the window glass and shall measure 30 inches in length. The handle shall assist personnel in exiting and entering the cab. CAB INTERIOR FLOOR MAT COLOR The cab interior floor mat shall be black in color. Pave 37 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department INTERIOR TRIM VINYL COLOR The cab interior vinyl trim surfaces shall be black in color. INTERIOR ABS TRIM COLOR The cab interior vacuum formed ABS composite trim surfaces shall be black in color. CAB PAINT INTERIOR The interior metal surfaces shall be painted with a Zolatone #20-06 black -black texture finish. SWITCH PANEL CENTER The center panel shall include twenty-four (24) switches, in a twelve (12) over twelve (12) switch combination in the center of the panel. SWITCH PANEL DRIVER The interior shall include a durable vacuum formed ABS composite switch panel which shall be located in the left of the dash. This panel shall include eight (8) total switches with six (6) across the top of the panel and two (2) below, all of which shall be appropriately labeled as to their specific function. Proposals offering add-on style panel shall not be considered, all panels shall be designed for the specific chassis and shall match the interior for a more uniform and attractive appearance, SWITCH PANEL OFFICER The interior shall include a durable vacuum formed ABS composite switch panel which shall be located on the officer side of the dash and shall not include any switches. SEATBELT WARNING SYSTEM A seatbelt warning system shall be installed for each seat within the chassis. The system shall provide visual and audible warning when any seat is occupied (sixty pounds minimum), the corresponding seat belt remains unfastened, and the park brake is released. Once activated, the visual and audible indicators shall remain active until all occupied seats have the seat belts fastened. SEAT MATERIAL The seats shall include a covering of high strength, wear resistant fabric made of durable ballistic polyester. A PVC coating shall be bonded to the back side of the material to help protect the seats from UV rays and from being saturated or contaminated by fluids, SEAT COLOR All seats supplied on the chassis shall be black in color. This material shall be semi- resistant to UV rays and from being saturated or contaminated by fluids. SEAT BACK LOGO The seat back shall include a black and gray diamond logo which features a capital S in red located in the middle of the diamond. The logo shall be centered on the standard headrest of the seat back and on the left side of a split headrest, Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The driver's seat shall be an H.O. Bostrom Firefighter series. The manually adjustable tracks shall include a four 4.00 inch adjustment forward and reverse. There shall be a red, three-point shoulder harness with lap belt and an automatic retractor attached to the cab and available to the seat. The buckle portion of the seat belt shall be mounted on a rigid or semi-rigid stalk such that the buckle remains positioned in an accessible location. The seat belt assembly anchorages shall conform to the Federal Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 210, "Seat belt assembly anchorages". The minimum vertical dimension from the seat H -point to the ceiling for each belted seating position shall be 37.00 inches measured with the height adjustment in its lowest position and the suspension inflated and/ or raised to the upper limit of its travel. This model of seat shall have successfully completed the static load tests by FMVSS 207/210, This testing shall include a simultaneous forward load of 3000 pounds each on the lap and shoulder belts and twenty (20) times the weight through the center of gravity. This model of seat installed in the cab model, as specified, shall have successfully completed the dynamic sled testing using FMVSS 208 as a guide with the following accommodations. In order to reflect the larger size outfitted firefighters, the test dummy used shall be a 95th percentile hybrid III male weighing 225 pounds rather than the 50th percentile male dummy weighing 165 pounds as referenced in FMVSS 208. The model of seats shall also have successfully completed the flammability of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles as outlined in FMVSS 302, of which decides the burning rate of materials in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. rffll'1.►� M1 The driver's seat shall feature a two (2) way adjustable lumbar support and offer an infinite fully reclining adjustable titling seat back. The seat back shall feature a contoured, adjustable head rest. wxcl�u The officer's seat shall be an H.O. Bostrom Firefighter model seat. The seat shall feature two (2) way manual adjustment and shall include a tapered and padded seat cushion. The seat shall also feature integral springs to isolate shock. There shall be a red, three-point shoulder harness with lap belt and an automatic retractor attached to the cab and available to the seat. The buckle portion of the seat belt shall be mounted on a rigid or semi-rigid stalk such that the buckle remains positioned in an accessible location. The seat belt assembly anchorages shall conform to the Federal Safety Standard (FMVSS) No. 210, "Seat belt assembly anchorages". The minimum vertical dimension from the seat H -point to the ceiling for each belted seating position shall be 37.00 inches measured with the height adjustment in its lowest position and the suspension inflated and/ or raised to the upper limit of its travel. This model of seat shall have successfully completed the static load tests by FMVSS 207, 209, 210 and 302 in effect at the time of manufacture. This testing shall include a simultaneous forward load of 3000 pounds each on the lap and shoulder belts and twenty (20) times the weight through the center of gravity. The model of seats shall also have successfully completed the flammability of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles as outlined in FMVSS 302, of which decides the burning rate of materials in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. The officer's seat shall feature a SecureAlIT" SCBAIocking system which shall be one bracket model and store all U.S. and International SCBA brands and sizes while in transit or for storage within the seat back. Page 339 C� U167V3ffl1 COMPLIES Yes I No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIE Yes The bracket shall be easily adjustable with all adjustment points using similar hardware and adjustments with one tool. The bracket system shall be free of straps and clamps that may interfere with auxiliary equipment on SC13A units. The center guide fork shall keep the taken in place for a safe and comfortable fit in the seat back cavity. The SCBA unit simply needs to be pushed against the pivot arm to engage the patented auto - locking system. Once the lock is engaged, the top clamp shall surround the top of the SCBA tank for a secure fit in all directions. The SecureAll' shall include a release handle which shall be integrated into the seat cushion for quick and easy release. This shall eliminate the need for straps or pull cords to interfere with other SCBA equipment. REAR FACING OUTER SEAT OUANTITY. The crew area shall include two (2) rear facing crew seats, which include one (1) located directly behind the driver seat and one (1) located directly behind the officer seat. REAR FACING OUTBOARD SEAT The crew area shall include a seat in the rear facing outboard position which shall be a H.O. Bostrom Firefighter series, The seat shall feature a tapered and padded seat, and cushion. The seat shall be mounted in a fixed position. The seat shall feature an all belts to seat (ARTS) style of safety restraint. The ABTS feature shall include a red, three-point shoulder harness with the lap belt and automatic retractor as an integral part of the seat assembly. The buckle portion of the seat belt shall extend from the seat base towards the driver position within easy reach of the occupant. The minimum vertical dimension from the seat H -point to the ceiling for each belted seating position shall measure at minimum 37.00 inches, from the height adjustment in its lowest position and the suspension inflated and/ or raised to the upper limit of its travel to the cab ceiling. This model of seat shall have successfully completed the static load tests by FMVSS 207/210. This testing shall include a simultaneous forward load of 3000 pounds each on the lap and shoulder belts and twenty (20) times the weight through the center of gravity. This model of seat installed in the cab model, as specified, shall have successfully completed the dynamic sled testing using FMVSS 208 as a guide with the following accommodations. In order to reflect the larger size outfitted firefighters, the test dummy used shall be a 95th percentile hybrid III male weighing 225 pounds rather than the 50th percentile male dummy weighing 165 pounds as referenced in FMVSS 208. The model of seats shall also have successfully completed the flammability of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles as outlined in FMVSS 302, of which decides the burning rate of materials in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. I The rear facing outboard seat shall feature a SecureAll'" SCBA locking system which shall be one bracket model and store all U.S. and International SCBA brands and sizes while in transit or for storage within the seat back. The bracket shall be easily adjustable with all adjustment points using similar hardware and adjustments with one tool. The bracket system shall be free of straps and clamps that may interfere with auxiliary equipment on SCBA units. The center guide fork shall keep the taken in place for a safe and comfortable fit in the seat back cavity. The SCBA unit simply needs to be pushed against the pivot arm to engage the patented auto - locking system. Once the lock is engaged, the top clamp shall surround the top of the SCBA tank for a secure fit in all directions. Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPLIES VKUrUbAL Yes No The SecureAlITI shall include a release handle which shall be integrated into the seat cushion for quick and easy release. This shall eliminate the need for straps or pull cords to interfere with other SCBA equipment. REAR FACING CENTER SEAT OUANTITY The crew area shall include one (1) rear facing crew seat located directly behind the engine tunnel in the center of the cab. REAR FACING CENTER SEAT The crew area shall include a seat in the rear facing center position which shall be a H.O. Bostrom Firefighter series. The seat shall feature a tapered and padded seat, and cushion. The seat shall be mounted in a fixed position. The seat shall feature an all belts to seat (ARTS) style of safety restraint. The ABTS feature shall include a red, three-point shoulder harness with the lap belt and automatic retractor as an integral part of the seat assembly. The buckle portion of the seat belt shall extend from the seat base towards the driver position within easy reach of the occupant. The minimum vertical dimension from the seat H -point to the ceiling for each belted seating position shall measure at minimum 37.00 inches, from the height adjustment in its lowest position and the suspension inflated and/ or raised to the upper limit of its travel to the cab ceiling. This model of seat shall have successfully completed the static load tests by FMVSS 207/210. This testing shall include a simultaneous forward load of 3000 pounds each on the lap and shoulder belts and twenty (20) times the weight through the center of gravity. This model of seat installed in the cab model, as specified, shall have successfully completed the dynamic sled testing using FMVSS 208 as a guide with the following accommodations. In order to reflect the larger size outfitted firefighters, the test dummy used shall be a 95th percentile hybrid III male weighing 225 pounds rather than the 50th percentile male dummy weighing 165 pounds as referenced in FMVSS 208. The model of seats shall also have successfully completed the flammability of materials used in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles as outlined in FMVSS 302, of which decides the burning rate of materials in the occupant compartments of motor vehicles. REAR FACING CENTER SEAT BACK. The rear facing center seat shall feature a SecureAll" SCBA locking system which shall be one bracket model and store all U.S. and International SCBA brands and sizes while in transit or for storage within the seat back. The bracket shall be easily adjustable with all adjustment points using similar hardware and adjustments with one tool. The bracket system shall be free of straps and clamps that may interfere with auxiliary equipment on SCBA units. The center guide fork shall keep the taken in place for a safe and comfortable fit in the seat back cavity. The SCBA unit simply needs to be pushed against the pivot arm to engage the patented auto - locking system. Once the lock is engaged, the top clamp shall surround the top of the SCBA tank for a secure fit in all directions. The SecureAll' shall include a release handle which shall be integrated into the seat cushion for quick and easy release. This shall eliminate the need for straps or pull cords to interfere with other SCBA equipment. REAR FACING CENTER SEAT FRAME, The rear facing center seating shall include a seat frame which is located and installed behind the engine tunnel. The seat frame shall measure 42.75 inches wide X 12.00 inches high X 15.88 inches deep. The seat frame shall have an opening facing rearward for the heater air discharge that measures 32.00 inches wide X 8.75 inches tall. The seat frame shall be constructed of 5052-H32 Marine Grade, .190 inch thick, 100 Page 41 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department percent primary smooth aluminum plate. The seat box shall be painted with the same color as the remaining interior. LUAU R nvpllt�' PIRLIWUNTU-1 The cab shall include a parallel arm wiper system which shall clear the windshield of water, ice and debris. There shall be two (2) windshield wipers, one (1) for the driver and one (1) for the officer, which shall be affixed to a rod style arm. The system shall include dual motors which shall initiate the arms in which both the driver and officer windshield wipers are attached, initiating a back and forth motion for each wiper. The wiper motors shall be activated by an intermittent wiper control located within easy reach of the driver's position. The windshield washer fluid level shall be monitored electronically and shall send a signal to activate a light in the instrument panel when levels fall below normal. CAB DOOR HARDWARE The cab entry doors shall be equipped with exterior pull handles, suitable for use while wearing firefighter gloves. The handles shall be aluminum with a polished chrome plated finish. The exterior pull handles ,shall include a scuff plate behind the handle constructed of polished stainless steel. All doors shall be keyed alike and designed to prevent accidental lockout. DOOR LOCKS The entry doors shall include an independent manual door lock actuated through the a toggle switch located on the interior of the cab door near the paddle handle or through a keyhole on the exterior of the door via a 2004 style Hansen door key. I The driver side rear compartment shall feature a manual door lock. DOOR LOCK OFFICER SIDE REAR COMPARTMENT The officer side rear compartment shall feature a manual door lock. CAB EXTERIOR GRAB HANDLES The cab shall include one (1) each 18.00 inch knurled, anti -slip, one-piece exterior assist handle behind each cab door. The assist handle shall be made of 14 gauge 304- stainless steel and be 1.25 inch diameter to enable easy grabbing with the gloved hand. Each assist handle shall include a stainless steel plate behind which saves the cab from scuffs through continued use of the handle. REARVIEW MIRRORS The cab exterior shall include Ramco die cast aluminum mirror heads, one (1) each on the radius of the driver and officer sides of the cab. The mirrors shall be flange mounted to the side of the cab via an 8.375 inch long die cast aluminum arm and shall measure 9.75 inches wide X 13.00 inches high. The flat face mirrors shall be horizontal with vertical actuation, a model 6015-PCHR-750HR which includes a chrome plated mirror back. The mirrors shall be heated for defrosting in severe cold weather conditions and include a heated remote upper convex mirror which shall offer dual vision for increased visibility. The mirrors shall include the finest quality non -glare glass and shall include a rigid mounting thereby reducing vibration. Both of the mirrors shall be corrosion free under all weather conditions. The mirrors shall be electric. Page 4_2 PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticeflo Fire Department COMPLIES Yes No MOKENOWEEMNOM REARVIEW MIRROR HEAT SWITCH. The heated rearview mirrors shall be controlled through a rocker switch on the driver side dash. CAB FENDERS Full width wheel well liners shall be installed on the extruded cab to limit road splash and enable easier cleaning. The two-piece liners shall consist of an inner liner 16" wide made of vacuum formed ABS composite and an outer fenderette 3.50" wide made of 12 gauge polished aluminum. MUD FLAPS FRONT The front wheel wells shall have mud flaps installed on them. CAB MODEL IDENTIFICATION The cab shall include custom "Metro Star" nameplates on the front driver and officer side doors. EXTERIOR EMBLEM The front and each cab side shall include one (1) manufacturer's emblem installed on the outside of the cab above each front wheel well. The front of the cab shall include one (1) manufacturer's emblem installed on the outside of the cab within the grille. IGNITION The master starting system, ignition system shall include chrome thumb turn switch which shall be mounted on the driver side of the cab to the left of the steering wheel on the dash. Each switch will be accompanied by (1) green LED indication light which shall light when the ignition is in the "ON" position and (1) for the master battery switch when in the "ON" position. The thumb turn switches shall also be accompanied by a chrome push button which shall only operate when both the master battery and ignition thumb switches are in the "ON" position. BATTERIES The single start electrical system shall include (6) Harris BCI 31 950 CCA batteries with a 210 minute reserve capacity and 4/0 welding type dual path star -ter cables per SAE J541. The cables shall have encapsulated ends with heat shrink and sealant. BATTERY BOX STAINLESS STEEL The batteries shall be contained within two (2) black powder coated stainless steel battery boxes which shall be located on the driver and officer side of the chassis, securely bolted to the frame rails. The boxes shall include drain holes in the bottom for sufficient drainage of water and shall include phenolic board battery hold downs and a durable, Dry -Deck in the bottom of the tray under each battery to allow for air flow and drainage. BATTERY BOX COVER The battery box enclosures shall include a stainless steel cover which protects the top of the batteries. The cover shall include flush latches which shall keep the cover secure as well as a handle for convenience when opening. Page 43 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPPLOSAL COMIES Yes No BATTERY CABLES The starting system shall include cables which shall be protected by 275 degree F. minimum high temperature flame retardant loom, sealed and encapsulated at the ends with heat shrink and sealant. BATTERY JUMPER STUDS The starting system shall include battery jumper studs. These studs shall be located in the forward most portion of the driver's side lower step. The studs shall allow the vehicle to be jump started, charged, or the cab to be raised in an emergency in the event of battery failure. ALTERNATOR The starting system shall include a 270 amp Leece Neville 12 volt alternator, model number A0014949PA. The alternator shall include a self-excited integral regulator. BATTERY CONDITIONER A Kussmaul 1200 battery conditioner shall be supplied. The battery conditioner shall be mounted in the cab behind the driver's seat. BATTERY CONDITIONER DISPLAY A Kussmaul battery conditioner display shall be supplied. The battery conditioner display shall be mounted in the cab, viewable through the cab mid side window behind the driver's door. ELECTRICAL INLET CONNECTION A Kussmaul 20 amp super auto -eject electrical receptacle shall be connected to the battery conditioner and installed on the driver's side of the cab above the wheel well. It shall automatically eject the plug when the starter button is depressed. The U1, maximum allowable amperage draw on receptacles is generally 80% of their listed rating, for example, the 20 amp receptacle should not carry more than 16 amp continuous load. When adding the different amperage draws of the components being installed on the chassis be sure to factor in whether the components will draw a continuous load or intermittent load, Amp Draw Reference List. Kussmaul 1000 Charger - 3.5Amps Kussmaul 1200 Charger - 10 Amps Kussmaul 35110 Charger -10 Amps 1000W Engine Heater - 8.33 Amps 1500W Engine Heater -12.S Amps 120V Air Compressor - 4.2 Amps AUTO- EJECT ELECTRICAL INLET COVER The Kussmaul Auto- Eject electrical inlet connection shall include a blue cover. HEADLIGHTS The cab front shall include (4) rectangular halogen headlamps with separate high and low beams mounted in bright chrome bezels. The headlamps shall be equipped with the "Daytime Running" light feature, which shall illuminate the headlights to 80% brilliance when the ignition switch is in the "On" position and the parking brake is released. Page 44 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No The headlights shall be controlled through a rocker switch on the driver's dash. TURN SIGNALS The front fascia shall include two (2) Whelen model 600 4.00 inch X 6.00 inch programmable LED amber turn signals which shall be installed in the upper position over the warning lights. SIDE MARKER/ TURN SIGNALS The sides of the cab shall include (2) LED rectangular side turn/ marker lights which shall be provided on the bumper tails. MARKER AND ICC LIGHTS In accordance with FMVSS, there shall be five (5) cab LED marker lamps designating identification, center and clearance provided. These lights shall be installed on the face of the cab within full view of other vehicles from ground level. FOG LIGHTS The vehicle shall include amber colored perlux fog lights. These lights shall be controlled by a rocker switch inside the cab. FOG LIGHT LOCATION The fog lights shall be recess mounted in the bumper in the center position. GROUND LIGHTS Each door shall include an incandescent NFPA compliant ground lights mounted to the under side of the cab on each side of the driver and officer sides of the cab below each door. The lights shall include a polycarbonate lens, a housing which is vibration welded and a bulb which shall be shock mounted for extended life. The ground lighting shall be activated by the opening of the respective door as well as rocker switched. LIKII IN MIR 11 U, 12:411"1101 H L11 NJ There shall be two (2) LED NFPA compliant ground lights mounted under the bumper. The lights shall include a polycarbonate lens, a housing which is vibration welded and a bulb which shall be shock mounted for extended life. The bumper ground lighting shall be interlocked with the park brake and the marker light activation. ENGINE COMPARTMENT LIGHT There shall be two (2) incandescent NFPA compliant lights mounted under the engine tunnel for area work lighting on the engine. The lights shall include a polycarbonate lens, a housing which is vibration welded and a bulb which shall be shock mounted for extended life, BROW MOUNTED SCENE LIGHTING The front of the cab shall include two (2) Fire Research Optimum model OPA800-S75 contour roof mount lights mounted to the brow of the cab. Each lamp head shall have one (1) quartz halogen 750 watt 120 volt bulb. The bulb will draw 6.3 amps and generate 19,600 lumens. The lamp head shall produce a uniform beam that lights up an area 100' Page 45 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department vertically by 150' horizontally. The lamp head shall be no more than 6 7/16" high by 8 11/16" wide. The lamp heads and brackets shall be powder coated white. SCENE LIGHT ACTIVATION The front scene lights shall be pre -wired to be activated by the OEM. FRONT SCENE LIGHT LOCATION There shall be two (2) scene lights mounted to the front brow of the cab inboard of the outer front marker lights. SIDE MOUNTED SCENE LIGHTING The side of the cab shall include two (2) Fire Research Focus model FCA200-M10 scene lights, one (1) each side which shall be recess mounted. The housing shall have cutout dimensions not to exceed 2" deep by 4 1/4" high by 16 1/8" wide. The lamp head shall protrude no more than 1 1/2" from the housing flange. Wiring shall extend from the bottom of the recessed housing. Each lamp head shall have one (1) quartz halogen 1000 watt 120 volt bulb. The bulb will draw 8.3 amps and generate 22,000 lumens. The lamp head shall direct 50 percent of the light onto the action area while providing 50 percent to illuminate the working area. The lamp head and housing shall be powder coated white. The scene lighting located on the driver and officer sides of the cab shall be mounted in the upper rearward portion of the 10.00 inch raised roof portion of the cab between the front and rear crew doors. INTERIOR CAB LIGHTING The cab shall include an incandescent dome lamp with a red and white lens located over each door. The dome lamps shall be rectangular in shape and shall measure 9.50 inches in length and approximately 5.00 inches wide including a black colored bezel. The white lamp shall be activated by its respective door when opened and both the red and white lamp shall be activated by an individual switch on the light. A three (3) light module with dual map light shall be located in the headliner, over the engine tunnel. INTERIOR AUXILLIARY CAB LIGHTING - FRONT CREW The cab headliner above the rear facing crew seats shall include a total of four (4) 7.00 inch dome lamps, with one (1) clear and (1) red centered over both of the outboard and center rear facing seating positions. These lamps shall be activated by the rear doors as well as an individual switch located on the side of each lamp. INTERIOR AUXILLIARY CAB LIGHTING - MIDDLE CREW AREA The area within the middle of the crew cab shall include a total of four (4) 7.00 inch dome lamps in the headliner, with one (1) clear and (1) red centered over both of the outboard and center rear facing seating positions. These lamps shall be activated by the rear doors as well as an individual switch located on the side of each lamp. INTERIOR AUXILLIARY CAB LIGHTING - REAR CREW The cab headliner above the forward facing crew seats shall include a total of four (4) 7.00 inch dome lamps, with one (1) clear and (1) red centered above the outer and the center forward facing seating Page 46 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No positions. The clear lamps shall be activated by the rear doors as well as an individual switch located on the side of the lamp and the red lamps will be activated by the individual switch located on the side of the lamp only. DO NOT MOVE APPARATUS WARNING, The front headliner of the cab shall include a red flashing light, located in the center for greatest visibility. The light shall be 6.00 inches long X 2.50 inches wide X 1.75 inches high and shall be clearly labeled "Do Not Move Apparatus". The light shall be interlocked for activation when a cab door is not firmly closed, an apparatus cabinet door is not closed and the parking brake is released. MASTER WARNING The optical warning system shall be controlled by a master switch which shall include all "ON" and all "OFF" capability via a rocker switch on the main panel. Any warning light switches left in the "ON" position shall activate when the master switch is activated. This switch shall be clearly labeled for identification. INBOARD FRONT WARNING LIGHTS MODEL, The cab front fascia shall include dual Whelen series 600 Super LED warning lights which shall offer multiple flash patterns including steady burn for solid colors and multiple flash patterns for split colors. The lights shall be surface mounted to the front fascia of the cab within a chrome bezel in the inboard position. INBOARD FRONT WARNING LIGHTS- COLOR, The front warning lights mounted on the fascia for the inboard position shall be red. OUTBOARD FRONT WARNING LIGHTS The cab front fascia shall include dual Whelen series 600 Super LED warning lights which shall offer 14 flash patterns plus a steady burn for solid colors and 20 flash patters plus a steady burn for split colors. The lights shall be surface mounted to the front fascia of the cab within a chrome bezel in the outboard position. INBOARD FRONT WARNING LIGHTS- COLOR The front warning lights mounted on the fascia for the inboard position shall be blue with a clear lens. FRONT WARNING SWITCH The front warning lights shall be controlled via rocker switch on the main panel. This switch shall be clearly labeled for identification. INTERSECTION WARNING LIGHTS Each bumper tail shall include one (1) Whelen series 600 Super LED warning lights which shall offer 14 flash patterns plus a steady burn for solid colors and 20 flash patters plus a steady burn for split colors. The lights shall be surface mounted within a chrome bezel. INTERSECTOR FRONT WARNING LIGHTS- COLOR. The intersection lights shall be red. Page 47 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES INTERSECTOR FRONT WARNING LIGHTS- POSITION Yes No The intersection lights shall be mounted in the rear position on the side of the bumper. SIDE WARNING LIGHTS MODEL The cab sides shall include a Whelen series 600 Super LED 4"x6" warning light, one (1) each side, which shall offer multiple flash patterns including steady burn for solid colors and multiple flash patterns for split colors. SIDE WARNING LIGHTS- COLOR The warning lights located on the side of the chassis shall be red. SIDE WARNING LIGHTS- POSITION The warning lights on the side of the cab shall be mounted over the front wheel well directly over the center of the front axle. SIDE AND INTERSECTOR WARNING SWITCH The side and intersector warning lights shall be controlled via rocker switch on the main panel. This switch shall be clearly labeled for identification. AIR HORN SELECTOR SWITCH A rocker switch shall be installed in the switch panel between the driver and officer to allow control to either the air horn or the electric horn from the steering wheel horn button. The electric horn shall sound by default when the selector switch is in either position which is in accordance with FMVSS requirement. AIR HORN ACTUATION The air horn actuation shall be accomplished through the steering wheel button and by a single lanyard cable accessible to the officer. An air horn activation circuit shall be provided to the chassis harness pump panel harness connector. Pump panel should have an activation for air horn. MECHANICAL SIREN ACTUATION The mechanical siren shall be actuated by a left side driver's mounted and a right side officer's mounted Linemaster model SP491-S81 foot switch and shall include a siren brake rocker switch. The siren shall only be active when master warning switch is on. BACKUP ALARM An ECCO model 575 backup alarm shall be installed at the rear of the chassis with an output level of not less than 107 dB. The alarm will automatically activate when the transmission is placed in reverse. INSTRUMENTATION An ergonomically designed instrument panel shall be provided. The gauges shall be backlit with red LED lamps. All gauges shall be driven by stepper motor movements. The instrumentation system shall be multiplexed and shall receive engine and transmission information over the J1939 data bus to reduce redundant sensors. Page 48 Custom Pumper Spfey ar Monticello Department The instrument panel shall contain the following gauges: One (1) electronic tachometer with an integral LCD hour meter shall be included. The scale on the tachometer shall read from 0 to 3000 RPM. The hour meter shall display engine hours of operation. One (1) electronic speedometer with an integral LCD odometer/ trip odometer shall be included. The speedometer shall have a dual scale with miles per hour (MPH) as the dominant scale and kilometers per hour (KPH) on the minor scale. The speedometer scale shall read from 0 to 90 MPH (0 to 140 KPH). The odometer shall display up to 9,999,999.9 miles. The trip odometer shall display up to 9,999.9 miles. The LCD screen shall also be capable of displaying certain diagnostic functions. One (1) three function gauge with primary system, secondary system and fuel level shall be included. The scale on the air pressure gauges shall read from 0 to 140 pounds per square inch (PSI). The air pressure scales shall be non-linear to expand the scales in the region of normal operation. A red indictor light in the gauge shall indicate a low air pressure. The scale on the fuel level gauge shall read from empty to full. A yellow indicator light shall indicate low fuel at the quarter tank level. One (1) four function gauge with engine oil pressure, coolant temperature, transmission oil temperature and a voltmeter shall be included. The scale on the engine oil pressure gauge shall read from 0 to 140 pounds per square inch (PSI). The engine oil pressure scale shall be non-linear to expand the scale in the region of normal operation. A red indicator light in the gauge shall indicate low engine oil pressure. The scale on the coolant temperature gauge shall read from 160 to 250 degrees Fahrenheit (F). A red indicator light in the gauge shall indicate high coolant temperature. The scale on the transmission oil temperature gauge shall read from 100 to 300 degrees Fahrenheit (F). A red indicator light in the gauge shall indicate high transmission oil temperature. The scale on the voltmeter shall read from 8 to 16 volts. A red indicator light shall indicate high or low system voltage. The instrument panel shall contain an Enunciator Module that contains the following indicator lights. All indicator lights shall contain LED lamps. Stop Engine - indicates critical engine fault. (5) Park Brake - indicates park brake is set. Volts - indicates high or low system voltage. (4) Low Oil Press - indicates low engine oil pressure. (4) High Coolant Temp - indicates excessive engine coolant temperature. (4) High Trans Temp - indicates excessive transmission oil temperature. (4) Low Air - indicates low air pressure in either system one or system two. (4) Low Coolant Level - indicates low engine coolant level. (1) (5) Air Filter - indicates excessive engine air intake restriction. (5) Brake System Fault - indicates a failure in the brake system (hydraulic brake systems only). (5) Seat Belt Indicator - indicates when a seat is occupied and corresponding seat belt remains unfastened. YELLOW LAMPS Check Engine - indicates engine fault. (5) Check Trans - indicates transmission fault. (5) Wait Lo Start - indicates active engine air preheat cycle. (2) (5) ABS - indicates anti-lock brake system fault. (5) Water in Fuel - indicates presence of water in fuel filter. (1) (5) Check Message Center - indicates there is a fault message present in the LCD digital display. SRS - indicates a problem in the RollTek supplemental restraint system. (1) (5) DPF - indicates a restriction of the diesel particulate filter. (3) (5) HEST - indicates a high exhaust system temperature. (3) (5) MIL - indicates an engine emission control system fault. (3) (5) Low Fuel - indicates low fuel. (4) Page 49 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes Nx PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department 1:J COMPLIES Yes No GREEN LAMPS Left and Right turn signal indicators. Aux Brake Active - indicates secondary braking device is active. (1) High Idle - indicates engine high idle is active. (1) ATC - indicates low wheel traction for automatic tractions control equipped vehicles, also indicates mud/snow mode is active for ATC system. (1) (5) OK to Pump - indicates the pump engage conditions have been met. (1) Pump Engaged- indicates the pump is currently in use. (1) BLUE LAMPS High beam indicator. The instrumentation system shall provide a constant audible alarm for the following situations: Low air pressure. Low engine oil pressure. High engine coolant temperature. High transmission oil temperature. Low coolant level. (1) High or low system voltage Critical engine fault (Stop Engine). The Check Message Center icon will illuminate and a message will be displayed in the LCD screen for the following situations: Cab Ajar Low Oil Level Door Ajar Engine Communication Error Transmission Communication Error ABS Communication Error High Coolant Temp Turn Signal Reminder Low Fuel Low Oil Pressure Low Coolant Level Low Battery Voltage High Battery Voltage Low Primary Air Pressure Low Secondary Air Pressure High Trans Temp The instrumentation system will provide a continuous alarm for the following situations: Stop Engine Low Coolant Level (1) Brake System Fault Check Trans Check Engine ABS Engine Communications Error Transmission Communications Error ABS Communications Error Low Fuel Low Primary Air Pressure Low Secondary Air Pressure Low or High Battery Voltage High Trans Temp Low Oil Pressure Page 50 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No High Coolant Temp The instrumentation system will provide a 160mSec second alarm every 880mSec for the following situations: Seat Belt Air Filter Water in Fuel (1) Cab Ajar Low Oil Level Door Ajar The instrumentation system will provide a 160mSec second alarm every SSec for the following situations: Turn Signal Reminder (1) Feature only available when optionally equipped. (2) Feature only available on engines with preheat capability. (3) Feature only on vehicles with diesel particulate filter (DPF). (4) Warning light is present in gauge. (5) A message in the LCD screen will also be displayed. CAH EXTERIOR PROTECTION The cab face shall have a removable plastic film installed over the painted surfaces to protect the paint finish during transport to the body manufacturer. FIRE EXTINGUISHER A 2.50 pound BC D.07 approved fire extinguisher shall be shipped loose with the cab. DOOR KEYS The cab and chassis shall include a total of four (4) door keys for the manual door locks. CHASSIS WARRANTY The chassis manufacturer shall warrant to the original purchaser the custom fire truck chassis for a period of twelve (12) months. The warranty period shall commence on the date the vehicle is delivered to the original purchaser and continue for twelve (12) months thereafter. The warranty shall include conditional items listed in the detailed warranty document which may be provided upon request. OPERATORS MANUAL AND PARTS LIST There shall be one (1) chassis operator's manual which includes a parts list including wiring and air plumbing diagrams provided and shipped loose with the vehicle. All standard wiring and plumbing diagrams shall be created specifically to the chassis model. ENGINE AND TRANSMISSION OPERATION MANUALS There shall be one (1) set of engine operation and maintenance manuals and one (1) set of transmission operation manuals specific to the models ordered included with the final vehicle in the ship loose items. MODIFICATIONS TO CHASSIS The following modifications shall be made by the apparatus body builder, to the furnished fire apparatus truck chassis. Each modification shall be described within the Manufacturer's proposal specifications so as to prove compliance or non-compliance with the following: Page 51 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPUES Yes No NFPA RELATED MODIFICATIONS All electrical circuit wiring installed by the apparatus body builder shall be stranded copper alloy conductors of a gauge rated to carry 125% of the maximum current for which the current is protected. Wiring shall be colored and/or printed with circuit function code over each conductor's entire length. All wires shall be of sufficient size so that voltage drop in any electrical device shall not exceed IS%. When furnished, air horns, electric siren, electronic siren speakers, and other audible emergency equipment shall be mounted as low and as far forward on the apparatus as practical. Audible warning equipment shall not be mounted on the roof of the chassis cab. Axle housings shall clear the road surface by at least 8" and an angle of departure of at least 8 degrees shall be maintained at rear of the vehicle when fully loaded. The specified "Door Ajar" indicator light shall be mounted inside chassis cab so as to be visible to the driver. An accident prevention sign shall be located at the rear step area of the vehicle to warn personnel that standing on the step while the vehicle is in motion is prohibited. A SPEED GOVERNOR TEST Engine limiting speed governor shall be tested, upon arrival to the apparatus body builder's factory for compliance with the maximum no-load engine operating speed, as determined on appropriate engine power curve sheet. BARE CHASSIS SUSPENSION DEFLECTION TEST In order to verify "original" chassis suspension deflection rates, when the bare cab and chassis is new and unused, the apparatus body builder shall perform and record actual bare chassis 4 -point weights, and actual bare chassis 4 -point ground -to -top of frame rail heights, (exposing actual front/rear/side suspension deflection amounts), with imposed weights of 4,000 lbs., 8,000 lbs., and 16,000 lbs. respectively. NOTE; THE CUSTOMER SHALL RECEIVE A PRINTED COPY, OF THE ABOVE WEIGHT & DEFLECTION RESULTS, IN THE SPECIFIED DELIVERY BINDER. As per NFPA 1901,, same 4 -point weights of fully loaded vehicle shall not exceed a difference, side-to-side, of 7 -percent. AMBER TURN LIGHT ACTIVATION Specified rear amber turn lights shall not be activated by brake lights. PUMP MODE TRANSMISSION LOCK-UP Vehicle electronic automatic transmission to be "signaled" by shifting of the fire pump into pump gear, so as to activate transmission "Lock -Up" mode (direct drive). A transmission shift selector lock or cover plate shall be furnished to prevent inadvertent gear position change during pumping operations. SUSPENSION AND FRAME CORROSION PROTECTION Rear axle suspension brackets, left and right sides, front and rear, shall be caulked with silicone sealant preventing build-up of road salts and moisture that may cause future corrosion of bracket -to -frame -rail attachment points. FRAME RAIL MOUNTING PROCEDURE All chassis frame rail mounted brackets, supports, pump flanges, and apparatus body subframe components shall be bolted to the frame rail sides. No holes shall be drilled in the frame flanges, only the Page 52 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department rKUrV"%L COMPLIES Yes No web shall be drilled. No welding shall be allowed to the chassis frame, web, or flanges, ahead of the rear most spring shackles. No frame flange sandwich clamping devices shall be used. CAB TILT CONTROL CONSOLE Cab tilt control console shall be mounted in a protected area so as to be conveniently accessible, allowing observation of cab tilt while operating from a safe location. FUEL SENDER ACCESS PANEL Rear compartment front wall shall have removable fuel sender access panel. OVERALL HEIGHT/WIDTH/LENGTH/WEIGHT DATA PLATE There shall be a high -visibility placard located in direct view of the seated Driver, which shall indicate, in feet -and -inches; the overall height of the vehicle (to the highest permanent point -except antennas), the overall width (at steps, fenders, and rubrails-not retractable mirrors), and overall length of vehicle (bumper to tailboard). The data plate shall also indicate, in pounds, the vehicle's total "as delivered" weight. The dimensions and weight shall be "as manufactured", and the customer must revise the data plate, if they so change the height (by permanent loading and accessory equipment/device installations), and the weight by adding loose equipment, products, and supplies. FLUID DATA LABEL A permanent data label shall be affixed in the driver's compartment specifying quantity and type of the following fluids used in the vehicle. 1. Engine Oil 2. Engine Coolant 3. Chassis Transmission Fluid 4. Pump Transmission Lubrication Fluid S. Pump Primer Fluid 6. Drive Axle Lubrication Fluid 7. Air Conditioning Refrigerant 8. Air Conditioning lubrication oil 9. Power Steering Fluid 10. Cab Tilt Mechanism Fluid 11. Transfer Case Fluid 12. Equipment Rack Fluid 13. Air Compressor System Lubricant 14. Generator System Lubricant 15. Front Tire Cold Pre's 16. Rear Tire Cold Pressure NO RIDE LABEL A label shall be located on the vehicle at the rear step area that shall warn personnel that riding on these areas while the vehicle is in motion is prohibited. SEATING/OCCUPANCY LABEL A label shall be installed in the cab to denote the exact number of passengers to be carried in the chassis cab and/or crew cab. GATED INLET WARNING SIGN(S) At any gated suction inlet(s), a permanent label shall be provided to read: "WARNING - SERIOUS INJURY OF DEATH COULD OCCUR IF INLET IS SUPPLIED BY A PRESSURIZED SOURCE - WHEN VALVE IS CLOSED" Page 53 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No 2007 COMPLIANT CATALYTIC EXHAUST SYSTEM The original chassis engine exhaust system shall NOT be modified, so as to remain in compliance with 2007 exhaust emission standards. System shall be designed and installed to prevent component interference with the specified fire pump installation and compartment floors/runningboards. Fabricated steel or aluminum heat deflector plates shall be provided where necessary to protect these same components from excessive radiant heat. Exhaust outlet shall terminate below body compartment floor ahead of rear wheels on passenger side of vehicle. MOUNTING LOCATION FOR CAB TILT PUSH-BUTTON CONTROL CONSOLE The push-button cab tilt control console, including cable, shall be mounted at passenger side of vehicle, so as to allow full view of the chassis cab as it is being raised and lowered. Exact location of the console and cable shall be determined at "pre -build" conference. BUMPER HOSEWELL One (1), hosewell shall be furnished, recessed into top surface, center, of the specified front bumper extension gravel shield. Hosewell shall be fabricated of .125 Aluminum at least 26" wide x 13" deep x 15" front -to -rear, designed to accommodate a minimum of 100 ft. of 1-3/4" double jacket preconnected hose. Top of hosewell shall be perimeter flanged, dropped into gravel shield, bolted to and easily removable from gravel shield. Hosewell floor to have center drain hole, lined with black vinyl sectional floor tile. HINGED HOSEWELL COVER The above specified bumper extension hosewell shall be equipped with a lift -up cover, fabricated of gravel shield matching metal with polished stainless piano hinge bolted and stainless steel finger -pull flush mounted slam -latch assembly. Where open cover rests against chassis front grille, a rubber bumper shall be provided. If bumper discharge outlet is on top of gravel shield, cover shall be notched to accommodate pre -connected hose. BUMPER EXTRICATION REEL COMPARTMENTS Front bumper to be equipped with fully enclosed compartment to accommodate fully -enclosed mounting of two (2) outboard hydraulic hose reels. An aluminum treadbrite lid shall be furnished for each reel with stainless steel hinge air cylinder lift - assists. Compartment lids shall be equipped with two (2) rubber claw latches and exterior chrome grab handles appropriately placed. Closed lid shall be 6" above gravel shield surface, and tapered at the back to accommodate hydraulic reels and tilting of chassis cab with compartment closed. Underside of compartment lid shall be lined for weatherproof seal. AIR SYSTEM PRESSURE PROTECTION VALVE The chassis air system shall be furnished with a Pressure Protection Valve/Device, located at point of air supply to auxiliary accessories. The Pressure Protection Valve shall prevent the passage of air pressure, to apparatus builders installed accessories, such as: Air Horns, PTO or Pump Shift, Air Actuators, and other air operated accessories, whenever system air pressure is below 80 psi. Page 54 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department GATED AUXILIARY HEATER COOLANT LINES Engine cooling system chassis cab heater return line shall be equipped with 1/2" i.d. bronze NRS screw type gate valves and 5/8" i.d. neoprene rubber heater hoses extending to specified auxiliary heaters. An additional 1/2" bronze NRS gate valve to be provided on auxiliary heater -to -engine return line. Gate valves shall allow shut down of any or all of the remote auxiliary heating systems that are downstream of the chassis cab heater, should a leak develop. COOLANT "BOOST" PUMP The specified pump compartment heater core shall be piped to the engine coolant system, installation to include: 12 -volt in-line Groco "free-flow" centrifugal cast bronze bodied coolant "boost" pump, additional high grade coolant hose with stainless steel screw type hose clamps, and chassis cab dashboard mounted toggle switch control with engraved nameplate to read: "COOLANT PUMP." Installation of coolant pump shall provide increased rate of coolant flow to assure adequate auxiliary heater core temperature during extreme winter conditions. CAB INTERIOR 20A/120V DUPLEX RECEPTACLE - SHORELINE & GENERATOR Six (6) 120 -volt 20A Household style duplex plug-in receptacle box shall be furnished, inside the chassis cab. Outlet shall be surface mounted cast aluminum receptacle box with 3 -wire household plug-in receptacle. Outlet shall be equipped with engraved nameplate to read: "GEN/SHORE." INTERCOM SYSTEM One (1) each, headsets shall be furnished for assigned seating positions and interior pump operator position. Intercom functionality shall be available to all headsets. Radio interface shall be available to driver, officer, and pump operator headsets. Headsets shall be Sigtronics brand. DIGITAL RECORDING CAMERA SYSTEM Apparatus shall be equipped with onboard camera and digital recording system. System shall be an L3 communications Flashback with 80 GB/100 hour ESU storage unit. System shall be engaged whenever master battery switch is on. GPS SYSTEM Officer seating position shall be equipped with pedestal mounted GPS navigation system and 8" or larger color screen. GPS navigation shall be DVD -Rom based for periodic uploads of information. GPS audio output shall broadcast over specified intercom. CHASSIS CAB STORAGE COMPARTMENTS Two (2) forward facing storage cabinets to be furnished, mounted in the rear cab area one each side of the forward facing seats on the rear wall. Dover roller shutters, mini -clear vision, polycarbonate aluminum shutters. Each cabinet to be 14" deep x 36" tall x 20" wide and equipped with two (2) adjustable shelves. CABINET DOOR Each cabinet shall have a clear lexan roll -up door and locking door latch. CABINET LIGHTING Interior cabinet lights shall be furnished with switches located on exterior of cabinet for operation without opening cabinet. POLISHED STAINLESS STEEL WHEEL LINERS, DISC FRONT & REAR WHEELS Front and rear wheels, driver's and passenger's side, to be equipped with Phoenix polished stainless steel wheel and lug nut covers, to include: one (1) front axle set for 12.25 x 22.5" wheels, one (1) rear axle set Page 55 COMPLIES Yes Nx PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPLIES Yes No for 8.25" x 22.S" wheels, and braided hose valve extension kit for all four (4) wheels. Wheel covers and valve extensions to be installed after proper torquing of front and rear wheel lug nuts. WHEELWELL MUD FLAPS, FRONT AND REAR Driver's side and passenger's side front fender and rear body wheelwell extension mudflaps shall be furnished, made of fabric reinforced neoprene rubber, bolted to the front fender liner and rear wheelwell bulkheads using stainless steel strap brackets and bolts. Mudflaps shall extend approximately 10" below rubrail level. FUEL FILL A Cast Products brushed aluminum leading edge vertically hinged fuel fill door shall be furnished, bolted in position, located driver side apparatus body rear wheelwell, "DIESEL FILL ONLY" nametag to be furnished, on the interior door. A minimum 2" threaded brass vented fuel fill cap shall be furnished, located inside fuel fill door, piped to the underbody diesel fuel tank with: minimum 1-1/2" i.d. reinforced fuel fill hose and nylon tubing air vent extending from top of underbody fuel tank to top of fuel fill neck. DEACTIVATE RETARDER WITH PUMP SHIFT Specified engine brake/retarder shall be automatically deactivated with the shifting of the pump transmission into "Pump Gear". REMOVABLE PANEL ACCESS TO FUEL TANK A removable body panel shall be provided, in forward wall of the specified rear apparatus body compartment, Removal of the panel shall allow unobstructed access to the diesel fuel tank's level sending unit, and stand -pipe engine feed line. PUMP FITTINGS & "ROUND TUBULAR" HIGH-FLOW DISCHARGE MANIFOLD The fire pump shall be provided with high -tensile closed grain cast iron flanged "bolt -on" suction fittings, located "downstream" of the specified intake gate valves and closures. The fire pump shall be provided with high -tensile closed grain cast iron flanged "bolt -on" discharge fittings, located "upstream" of the discharge manifold. The discharge fittings shall be designed, manufactured, pressure tested, and flow tested by the fire pump manufacturer. A stainless steel "round tubular" discharge manifold shall be furnished, constructed of schedule -10 type 304 stainless steel, equipped with 1/6" thick stainless steel 8 -bolt flanges, bolted to and easily removable from, the fire pump's 8 -bolt large flow capacity discharge outlet pads , In order for the tubular stainless steel manifold to flow the entire capacity f the fire pump, it must be fed by at least two (2) of the fire pumps high-flow capacity discharge outlets. NOTE: Due to the likelihood of high water pressure deformation, manifolds fabricated of square or rectangular tubing are not acceptable. The stainless steel tubular discharge manifold shall contain a minimum of the following flanged, Victaulic, and threaded outlet taps: Two (2), 4 -inch Victaulic style mechanical pipe joint outlets Two (2), 8 -bolt flanged large flow capacity outlets One (1), 3" NPTthreaded riser outlet Six (6), 2-1/2" NPT threaded riser outlets One (1), 2" NPT threaded riser outlet See following specifications describing the number/size/locations of outlet gate valves to be furnished. Page 56 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Heavy wall threaded stainless steel pipe and pipe fittings shall be used, wherever possible, downstream of the specified discharge valves, and upstream of the specified 2-1/2" suction valves. All flexible discharge lines and bleeder lines, downstream of respective valves, shall be reinforced high pressure hose assemblies with stainless steel or brass end fittings. Pressure gauge tubing lines shallbe clear polypropylene with brass fittings, manifold drain lines (that are not high pressure hose assemblies) shall be copper tubing. All discharge manifolds and fittings, suction manifolds and fittings, discharge and suction valves, tubing, and hose line assemblies shall be pressure tested after installation. PUMP PLUMBING WARRANTY The stainless steel plumbing components and auxiliary brass fittings used in the construction of the water/foam plumbing system shall be warranted for a period of ten (10) years or 100,000 miles. This covers structural failures caused by defective design or workmanship, or perforation caused by internal or external corrosion, provided the apparatus pumping system is used in a normal and reasonable manner. This warranty is extended only to the original purchaser for a period of ten (10) years from the date of delivery. WATEROUS SINGLE -STAGE 1500 GPM CSU FIRE PUMP - MIDSHIP A 1500 gallon per minute, Waterous Model CSUC10-1500, Class A, single -stage centrifugal iron body - rear drive fire truck pump shall be furnished, mounted "mid -ship" of the vehicle immediately ahead of the compartments and water tank. Pump transmission to be "chain -drive" style to provide smooth quiet transmission of power. The pump transmission gear ratio shall allow the pump to deliver the percentage of rated capacity at discharge pressures indicated below, while the drive engine is running in it's peak performance range/RPM: 100 percent of rated capacity at 150 pounds net pressure 100 percent of rated capacity at 165 pounds net pressure 70 percent of rated capacity at 200 pounds net pressure 50 percent of rated capacity at 250 pounds net pressure MANUFACTURER HYDRO TEST The pump shall be tested by Waterous, hydrodynamically at above pressure and capacities, and for 10 minutes hydrostatically at a pressure of 600 psig. Certification by Waterous shall be provided in delivery manual. Apparatus Manufacturer's pump performance test to be performed after construction. Factory certification to be provided in delivery manual. PUMP INSTRUCTION MANUALS/CD Two (2), Waterous instruction manuals, in a CD format, to be provided upon delivery of the apparatus. Manuals to be pump model and serial number specific, to include but not be limited to operation instructions, maintenance (lubrication), and illustrated parts break -down. PUMP TEST DATA PLATE The pump shall be provided with a metal plate giving the rated flow at "capacity" and "pressure" test pressures, together with the RPM of the engine at those pressures and deliveries, and mounted in clear view of the pump operator's panel. Test plate shall also indicate pump serial number, engine governed speed, and pump mode of operation for all four individual pump rating tests. SEPARABLE IMPELLER SHAFT A separable impeller shaft shall be furnished to allow removal or disassembly of the pump transmission, separate from the pump body. Page 57 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department ADDITIONAL FEATURES Additional pump features shall include: bronze replaceable impellers and impeller seal rings, stainless steel impeller shaft grease lubricated front and oil lubricated rear bearings, horizontally split main pump body, and all moving parts which come into contact with water to be bronze or stainless steel, TANK -TO -PUMP VALVE Bronze tank -to -pump suction check valve to be furnished. A 3-1/2" full -flow Waterous tank -to -pump 1/4 - turn valve to be furnished with chrome plated bronze ball, spring loaded seal assembly, and 4" inlet hose connection. The gated suction line from specified tank sump to the tank -to -pump valve shall be furnished with a double T -bolt banded flexible "hump hose" connection and minimum 3-1/2" W. piping within the fire pump compartment. TANK -TO -PUMP OPERATION Specified tank -to -pump suction valve to be remote controlled with fast operating air cylinder actuator and pump control panel mounted guarded air toggle valve control console with indicator light L.E.D. lights showing position of valves in quarters. NOTE: Customer shall advise if manual push-pull operating controls are preferred. FLAME PLATED IMPELLER HUBS Flame plated impeller hubs shall be furnished along with labyrinth style seal rings. PUMP DRIVELINE Extra heavy duty 2.35" x 46 involute spline pump driveline to be furnished for high torque engine applications. Spicer 1710 driveline end yokes furnished, input and output. Spicer 1710 series driveline components to be furnished to facilitate pump installation, components shall include: slip stub shafts, slip yokes, and cross & bearings to be compatible with pump end yokes and chassis driveline. Modified drivelines shall be high speed balanced. PUMP CONTROL LINKAGES All pump control linkage rods to be heavily cadmium plated, equipped with threaded adjustable clevis joints or swivel ball joints one end and chrome plated or black phenolic control handles outboard end. PUMP LUBRICATION One (1) grease zerk shall be installed on the driver's side pump panel, piped with clear nylon 3/16" tubing to the front impeller shaft bearing cap. Grease zerk shall be provided with removable dust cap, pump's impeller bearing end cap to be equipped with relief device to discharge excess grease. PUMP FLUID CAPACITY PLATE A permanently mounted metal plate shall be furnished, located inside driver's compartment, specifying the quantity and type of the pump system lubrication fluids as used (where applicable) in this pumper apparatus: Additional information to be provided for accessory equipment fluids not listed above, and so designated by Customer. INDEPENDENT PUMP CERTIFICATION The above specified pump test/certification to be performed by apparatus manufacturer and "witnessed" and certified by an independent third party as per NFPA 1901 pumping standards, with proper "serialized" certification documents provided upon apparatus delivery. A metal fire pump test data plate shall be provided, permanently stamped, with the rated flow and test pressures, together with the RPM of the engine at those pressures and deliveries. Test data plate shall indicate: 100% capacity @ 165 and 150 PSI, 2/3 -capacity @ 200 PSI, 1/2 -capacity @ 250 PSI, the pump serial number, the engine's governed speed, and pump mode of operation for the four (4)individual pump rating tests. The test data plate shall be mounted in clear view of the standing pump operator. Page 58 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No BEAR SUCTION PUMP INTAKE ADAPTER A fire pump rear suction 5" ANSI cast iron intake adapter shall be furnished, for use with specified rear suction gate valve and piping. Intake adapter shall "sandwich" bolt directly to the fire pump body (over the chassis frame rail) and provide transition to the specified rear suction gate valve and piping. Design of rear suction intake adapter casting shall allow for complete disassembly of the fire pump's impeller shaft assembly, without disturbing the intake adapter, or the rear suction valve or piping. NOTE: Welded tubular manifolds, between pump casting and rear suction gate valve, are not acceptable. PUMP SEALS "Mechanical" pump seal assemblies to be furnished, for specified single -stage pump, self-adjusting type, maintenance free. SUPPLEMENTARY ENGINE COOLER A heat exchanger shall be installed on the apparatus. The heat exchanger shall be controlled from the driver's side pump panel, and labeled to identify its operation. The heat exchanger system shall be so designed as to allow for cold water from the discharge side of the fire pump to circulate through the heat exchanger coils. The mixing of discharge water and radiator anti -freeze in the chassis engine shall not occur as the heat exchanger is a closed system. The system will return hot water back to the suction side of the fire pump. Piping from the fire pump to the heat exchanger shall be with high pressure line with threaded copper fittings. The piping shall be installed to drain back to the fire pump, without low points, to prevent freezing. Pressure line (from pump discharge) to be gated, with Class -1 1/4 -turn 1/2" ball valve control on pump control panel. WATEROUS 5 -YEAR PUMP PARTS The specified Waterous fire pump and Waterous fire pump (only) accessories shall carry a Waterous five (5) year warranty covering defective parts only (not labor). NOTE: This warranty's terms and conditions shall be handled directly between the Customer and the Waterous Company. SUCTION PIPING ANODE A replaceable threaded anode plug shall be installed in the suction piping of the fire pump to help protect the pump and piping from electrolysis. DISCHARGE PIPING ANODE A replaceable threaded anode plug shall be installed in the discharge piping of the fire pump to help protect the pump and piping from electrolysis. PNEUMATIC PUMP SHIFT The pump shift shall be pneumatically operated using a standard automotive air valve to control a double action air shift cylinder, designed so that the pump shift remains in its latest position in the event of loss of air pressure. Shift engagement shall be provided by free -sliding collar with internal locking mechanism. The pump shift engagement control will be located to be easily accessible to driver. Engagement control will include: air control lever with spring loaded locking collar to prevent it from accidentally being moved from the "ROAD" or "PUMP" position, "PUMP ENGAGED" light indicating mechanical shifting of the pump into the "ROAD" position has been accomplished, "O.K. TO PUMP" light to indicated chassis transmission is in the correct pumping gear, and a control plate describing operation of the pneumatic power shift assembly. PUMP SHIFT MANUAL OVERRIDE The above pneumatic pump shift assembly shall be provided with a mechanical pump shift override with single override control located in the lower right hand corner of the driver's side exterior pump panel. Pump pneumatic shift override control shall allow for manual shifting of the air cylinder, allowing the pump to be shifted manually. Pagge 59 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No O.K. TO PUMP "THROTTLE READY" INDICATOR An additional indicator light to be furnished on pump control panel, adjacent to or integral with engine throttle controller, to indicate that the vehicle transmission is in the proper gear and driveline is rotating: Light to be labeled "O.K. TO PUMP". PRIMER PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS The pump shall be capable of taking suction and discharging water with a lift of 10 ft. in not more than 30 seconds with the pump dry, through 20 ft. of suction hose of appropriate size. It shall be capable of developing a vacuum of 22" at an altitude of up to 1000 ft. WATEROUS VPOS PUMP PRIMER A high capacity positive displacement self lubricating priming system shall be furnished, consisting of. a Waterous VPO "oil -less" rotary vane priming pump with 12 -volt electric motor drive, and a vacuum priming valve assembly with remote pump operator's panel mounted push-button control. Priming pump shall be mounted beneath fire pump. Priming valve assembly to be self draining, located on top of purnp. REAR SUCTION PRE -PRIME An additional manual/electric priming valve assembly shall be furnished, piped to the rear suction, immediately upstream of the rear suction butterfly valve. This second priming valve shall be piped to above specified priming pump so as to allow "pre -priming" of the rear suction with rear suction valve closed. Rear suction priming valve to include pump operator's panel mounted pull/spring-return control and nameplate. PASSENGER INTAKE "PRE -PRIME" A passenger's side suction inlet "pre -prime" system shall be furnished, consisting of: one (1) remote mounted manual/electric priming valve assembly, non -collapsible vacuum hose between priming valve and above specified priming pump, non -collapsible vacuum hose between priming valve and passenger's side suction inlet (upstream of gate valve), and operator's panel mounted pull/spring-return control with nameplate. Installation of this priming valve assembly shall allow "pre -priming" of the passenger's side suction with its gate valve closed. DRIVER INTAKE "PRE -PRIME" A driver's side suction inlet "pre -prime" system shall be furnished, consisting of: one (1) remote mounted manual/electric priming valve assembly, non -collapsible vacuum hose between priming valve and above specified priming pump, non -collapsible vacuum hose between priming valve and passenger's side suction inlet (upstream of gate valve), and operator's panel mounted pull/spring-return control with nameplate. Installation of this priming valve assembly shall allow "pre -priming" of the driver's side suction with its gate valve closed. PUMP SUCTIONS: SUCTION VALVE STANDARDS Following specified 3" or larger gated intakes (except the tank -to -pump intake) shall include a valve mechanism that shall not permit changing the position of the flow regulating element of the valve from full close to full open, or vice versa, in less than 3 seconds. These same air type actuators shall include dual (2 - each) adjustable needle valve restrictors, bench set/tested, so as to facilitate the slow movement. SUCTION INTAKE BLEEDER VALVES Each side gated intake shall be equipped with a bleeder valve located inside midship pump compartment, piped to "upstream" suction gate valve, with remote bleeder control in close proximity to the intake. The specified gated suction bleeders shall consist of. 3/4" cast bronze quarter -turn drain/bleeder valves, panel mounted with exterior chrome plated control handle and recessed 1" x 3" i.d. label. Intake bleeder valve controls to be positioned in a single row immediately above runningboard riser, driver and/or passenger side (above tailboard, with bleeder valve inboard rear body panel, when at rear of body), identified with inlet color matching permanently engraved identification label. Page 60 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department INTAKE CAPS All intakes shall be provided with suitable closures capable of withstanding 500 psi. INTAKE STRAINERS Removable strainers shall be provided with each gated intake. PUMP INTAKE RELIEF VALVE An Class 1 model 107819 stainless steel pump suction intake relief valve shall be furnished, installed inside pump compartment, bolted to suction cavity of the specified fire pump. Valve to be of the pre-set adjustable bypass design, to dump, below the vehicle, excessive inlet water pressure. Relief valve to be accessible for future adjustment of bypass pressure. 6" SUCTION - PASSENGER SIDE A passenger's side gated 6" pump suction intake to be provided with: 2-1/2" chrome rocker lug plug type cap with chain, 2-1/2" female swivel x 5" threaded adapter, 5" threaded x 6" NST swivel female 30 degree elbow adapter, 6" NST male x 6" iron pipe female chrome plated brass inlet adapter, 6" removable zinc strainer, 6" ASA flanged extension nipple (extending through pump panel), bronze bleeder valve located inboard pump panel with remote control handle, 6" butterfly style gate valve with "slow operating" paddle type air actuator, remote valve control console with guarded toggle switch and "OPEN" indicator light, and appropriate interior pump compartment 6" ASA flanged pump intake fitting. Inlet shall have minimum extension outboard the pump panel to allow for preconnected elbow inlet adapter. P/S Suct: INTAKE RELIEF VALVE - 6" STEAMER A 6" ASA flanged intake relief valve shall be furnished, enclosed inboard the passenger's side pump panel. Intake relief valve to be outboard the above specified butterfly style gate valve "sandwiched" between gate valve and specified external inlet fitting. A Class -1 stainless steel adjustable intake relief valve to be furnished, upstream of the specified butterfly gate valve, mounted so as to self -drain and dump excessive inlet pressure below pump compartment. GATED REAR INTAKE A rear gated pump suction intake to be provided, inlet located passenger's side rear exterior of body, approximately 22" above rear tailboard. Rear suction shall be plumed to rear exterior of apparatus body with S" ID schedule 10 pipe. Intake fitting shall include 5" Storz adapter and S" Storz cap. Intake shall be gated immediately behind mid -ship pump with 5" Weco butterfly valve, remote valve control with guarded toggle switch, and "OPEN" indicator light, Intake shall be equipped with bronze bleeder and drain valve located at intake inlet. REAR SUCTION INTAKE RELIEF VALVE An Class 1 model 107819 stainless steel rear suction intake relief valve will be furnished installed on rear suction piping (upstream of the rear suction valve) located inside rear compartment. Intake relief valve to be of the pre-set adjustable bypass design, with appropriate discharge piping to dump below the vehicle, excessive rear suction inlet water pressure. 6" SUCTION - DRIVER SIDE A driver's side gated 6" pump suction intake to be provided with: threaded with chain, Y NST swivel female x threaded long handled 30 -degree elbow adapter, 5" NST male x 6" NST female long handled chrome plated brass adapter, 6" NST male x 6" ASA flanged stainless steel inlet fitting (extending through pump panel), 6" removable zinc strainer, bronze bleeder valve located inboard pump panel with remote control handle, 6" butterfly style gate valve with "slow operating" paddle type air actuator, remote valve control console with guarded toggle switch and "OPEN" indicator light, and appropriate interior pump compartment 6" ASA flanged pump intake fitting. Inlet shall have minimum extension outboard the pump panel to allow for preconnected soft suction hose. Page 61 I — _- COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES INTAKE RELIEF VALVE - 6" STEAMER A 6" ASA flanged intake relief valve shall be furnished, enclosed inboard the driver's side pump panel. Intake relief valve to be outboard the above specified butterfly style gate valve "sandwiched" between gate valve and specified external inlet fitting. A Class One adjustable stainless steel intake relief valve to be furnished, upstream of the specified butterfly gate valve, mounted so as to self -drain and dump excessive inlet pressure below pump compartment. DRIVER SIDE 2-1/2"" GATED AUXILIARY SUCTION A driver side gated 2-1/2" pump suction intake to be provided with: 2-1/2" NST male chrome plated rocker lug plug type cap with chain, 2-1/2" NST chrome plated rocker lug swivel female with internal strainer, bronze bleeder valve with outboard control knob, 2-1/2" full flow #8825 Akron or Waterous 1/4 - turn ball style bronze suction valve (located inboard pump panel) with thru-the-panel control arm, brushed or polished stainless steel control arm surround bezel "OPEN" and "CLOSED" nameplates with matching LED light gauge in increments, and minimum 2-1/2" I.D. threaded pipe with elbows between valve and pump intake fitting. PUMP DISCHARGES: DISCHARGE INSTALLATION STANDARDS The pump discharge fittings, located interior pump compartment, shall be "angle compensated" to facilitate midship pump-to-engine/transmission sloped mounting. DISCHARGE VALVE STANDARDS Each of the following specified 3" or larger discharge valves shall have an operating mechanism which shall not permit changing the position of the flow regulating element of the valve from full close to full open, or vice versa, in less than 3 seconds. Note: Bidder shall disclose method(s) used, to achieve "slow -operation" of large diameter discharge valves. DISCHARGE OUTLET BLEEDER VALVES Unless otherwise specified, all discharge outlet bleeders shall consist of. 3/4" high pressure flexible hose assemblies extending between discharge valve and bleeder valve, 3/4" cast bronze 1/4 -turn drain/bleeder valve mounted interior pump compartment, exterior pump panel chrome plated bleeder valve control handle, and NFPA compliant label. Discharge outlet bleeder valve controls, for side discharges or hosebody pre -connect discharges, to be located in a single "horizontal" row immediately above left or right side pump panel runningboard riser. Rear body discharge outlets, where specified, shall have bleeder valves inboard rear body panel, and control exterior above tailboard. PUMP OVERHEAT PROTECTION One (1), Waterous Overheat Protection Manager (OPM) model #82516-1A, thermal relief style valve to be furnished, installed on the two 1/2" tapped holes located near the center discharge area of the pump. The OPM consists of a valve that automatically opens when the water in the pump reaches 140 degrees and a warning light located on the pump operator's panel that is triggered by a thermal switch when the water in the pump reaches 180 degrees. The warning light acts as an additional protection device if the temperature inside the pump keeps rising although the valve is open. The OPM valve and switch are both mounted on the two (2) 1/2" tapped holes located near the center discharge area of the pump. Discharge shall be "to ground" or back to the water tank, SELF -BLEEDING DISCHARGE CAPS The rocker lug discharge caps shall of the type which incorporates a thread and vented lug design to automatically relief stored pressure in the line during uncapping. Page 62 Z= Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Dep artment PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No AUTOMATIC BLEEDERS/DRAINS: Preconnected and/or hard to access discharges shall be equipped with Class 1, model 34AD automatic bleeders/drains. These bleeders/drains shall open whenever the pressure in the discharge line drops below 5 PSI, and shall be located in lowest available areas, with more than one device used in lines that are uneven along their length. All bleeder/drain valve to be automatic if possible, the outlets shall be extended with hoses to below the chassis frame rails. FRONT BUMPER DISCHARGE, 2-1/2" ELECTRIC VALVE, 2-1/2" NST One (1), front bumper 2-1/2" gated discharge to be provided with: 2-1/2" NST male x 2-1/2" iron pipe female 90 degree bronze swivel discharge outlet, 2-1/2" i.d. wire reinforced high pressure hose with 2- 1/2" iron pipe stainless end fittings (extending between valve and outlet), 2-1/2" Waterous "ELECTRIC ACTUATOR OPERATED" 1/4 -turn discharge valve with chrome plated ball and spring loaded self- adjusting sea] assembly (located inside pump compartment),bronze preconnect hoseline "bleeder" valve, operator's panel mounted valve control console with spring loaded open/close toggle switch and "OPEN/MULTIPLE-TRANSITION/CLOSED" indicator lights, and appropriate pump discharge fitting. BUMPER TOP DISCHARGE OUTLET - CENTERED PRE -CONNECT The specified front bumper extension preconnect discharge outlet shall be located on the center inside of compartment brass swivel 21/2 thread adapter to 11/2, to allow horizontal swiveling deployment. SWIVEL STOPS GATED WYE - BUMPER OUTLET SPEEDLAY DISCHARGE(S) Two (2) 11/2" speedlays discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to specified speedlay hosewell(s). Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with electronically controlled 2-1/2" Waterous 1/4 -turn ball valve(s), plumbed with stainless steel reinforced high pressure 2" ID hose with stainless steel fittings. Each speedlay shall be controlled by remote rocker style toggle switch control(s) mounted on specified pump operator's panel. Each crosslay control shall have illuminated valve position indicator with 7 position lights. Discharge(s) shall terminate at speedlay hosebed with 90 -degree brass swivel elbow with 11/2" NST male threads. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with bleeder/drain valve. SPEEDLAY DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 2-1/2" speedlays discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to specified speedlay hosewell(s). Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with electronically controlled 2-1/2" Waterous 1/4 -turn ball valve(s), plumbed with stainless steel reinforced high pressure 3" ID hose with stainless steel fittings. Each speedlay shall be controlled by remote rocker style toggle switch control(s) mounted on specified pump operator's panel. Each crosslay control shall have illuminated valve position indicator with 7 position lights. Page 6' ) Z:1 Custom Pumper Specifications f®r the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Discharge(s) shall terminate at speedlay hosebed with 90 -degree brass swivel elbow with 2-1/2" NST male threads. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with bleeder/drain valve. RUNNINGBOARD HOSEWELL DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 11/2" crosslays discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to specified runningboard hosewell(s). Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with electronically controlled 2-1/2" Waterous 1/4 -turn ball valve(s), plumbed with stainless steel reinforced high pressure 2" ID hose with stainless steel fittings. Each crosslay shall be controlled by remote rocker style toggle switch control(s) mounted on specified pump operator's panel. Each crosslay control shall have illuminated valve position indicator with 7 position lights. Discharge(s) shall terminate at crosslay hosebed with 90 -degree brass swivel elbow with 11/2" NST male threads. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with bleeder/drain valve, PASSENGER SIDE MASTER DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 3-1/2" discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to passenger side pump panel. Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with 3-1/2" Waterous discharge ball valve(s), plumbed with high pressure 4" ID hose and stainless steel fittings. Discharge(s) shall be manually controlled by worm gear handwheel control mounted on pump operator's panel. Discharge(s) shall terminate with 5" Storz 30 -degree swivel elbow, with chrome 2-1/2" female rocker lug cap and chain. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with 1/4 turn bleeder/drain valve at outlet location. REAR PASSENGER SIDE 2-1/2" DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 2-1/2" discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to upper rear passenger side of apparatus body, below specified hosebed. Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with electronically controlled 2-1/2" Waterous 1/4 -turn ball valve(s) mounted to specified stainless steel discharge manifold and plumbed with high pressure 3" ID hose with stainless steel fittings. Discharge(s) shall be controlled by chrome plated rocker -switch control(s) mounted on pump operator's panel. Discharge(s) shall terminate with 45 -degree chrome -plated brass swivel elbow, rocker lug cap and chain. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with 1/4 turn bleeder/drain valve at outlet location. REAR DRIVER SIDE 2-1/2" DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 2-1/2" discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to upper rear driver side of apparatus body, below specified hosebed. Page 64 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yep No WOMMEREMM Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with electronically controlled 2-1/2" Waterous 1/4-turn ball valve(s) mounted to specified stainless steel discharge manifold and plumbed with high pressure 3" ID hose with stainless steel fittings. Discharge(s) shall be controlled by chrome plated rocker-switch control(s) mounted on pump operator's panel. Discharge(s) shall terminate with 45-degree chrome-plated brass swivel elbow, rocker lug cap and chain. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with 1/4 turn bleeder/drain valve at outlet location. DRIVER SIDE FASTER DISCHARGE(S) One (1) 3-1/2" discharge(s) shall be furnished, plumbed to driver side pump panel. Discharge(s) shall each be equipped with 3-1/2" Waterous discharge ball valve(s) and 4" ID stainless steel plumbing. Discharge(s) shall be manually controlled by worm gear handwheel control mounted on pump operator's panel. Discharge(s) shall terminate with S" Storz 30-degree swivel elbow, with chrome 2-1/2" female rocker lug cap and chain. Discharge(s) shall be equipped with 1/4 turn bleeder/drain valve at outlet location. One (1), gated 1" tank fill discharge line, from pressure side of fire pump to water tank to be provided with: tank fill spud located at top front of water tank, high pressure wire reinforced 1" hose with reusable threaded end couplings, 1" Braas electric solenoid valve and pump operator's panel mounted toggle switch control with "open" indicator light. GATED PUMP COOLER LINE, 1/4-TURN CONTROL One (1), gated 3/8" pump recirculating/cooling line, from pressure side of fire pump to water tank top to be provided with: 3/8" female TIPT spud located at top front of water tank, high pressure tubing, and 3/8" bronze body 1/4-turn ball style valve with chrome handle located on operator's control panel. Valve to be identified as pump cooling line. MIDSHIP PUMP MASTER MANIFOLD DRAIN Waterous manifold drain valve, with bronze body and stainless plunger shall be furnished mounted on pump transmission and operated by a push-pull cable with chrome plated T-handle control on operator's panel. Drain valve shall be piped, with copper tubing, to low points of pump suction and discharge cavities to allow simultaneous draining through a single drain valve. AUTOMATIC DRAINS FOR DISCHARGE PIPING Hard to access discharge piping and/or hose assemblies, which are difficult to provide with remote controlled drains or bleeders, shall be equipped with Class 1, model 34AD automatic drains. These drains shall open whenever the pressure in the discharge line drops below 5 PSI. The drains shall be located in areas that shall allow the entire line to drain effectively. More than one drain may be required/used in lines that are uneven along their length. Where the automatic drain valve is located above the frame rails of the chassis, the drain's outlet shall be extended with hose to below the chassis frame rails, away from the vehicle tires. AUTOMATIC DRAINS Crosslay and hard to access discharges shall be equipped with Class 1, model 34AD automatic drains. These drains shall open whenever the pressure in the discharge line drops below 5 PSI. The drains shall be Page 65 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No located in areas that shall allow the entire line to drain effectively. More than one drain shall be used in lines that are uneven along their length. Where the drain valve is located above the frame rails of the chassis, the outlets shall be extended with hoses to below the chassis frame rails. CAPTAIN ELECTRONIC PRESSURE GOVERNOR The apparatus shall be equipped with a Class 1 "Captain" model #105244 engine/pump governor/throttle system that is connected directly to the Electronic Control Module (ECM) mounted on the specified diesel engine. The Captain shall operate as a Pressure Sensor Governor (PSG) eliminating any need for a relief valve on the discharge side of the pump. The unit shall include a special preset function, which allows a predetermined pressure to be set and easily adjustable. ENCLOSED TOP MOUNT PUMP MODULE FOR CUSTOM CHASSIS A "top -control" pump compartment shall be furnished, located immediately ahead of compartmented body (to rear of specified custom chassis) "mid -ship" of the vehicle. The entire pump compartment shall be a separate module, independent from the chassis cab, and apparatus body. Pump compartment shall be designed for enclosed pump operator's panel integrated with specified overhead chassis cab extension. When chassis cab is in lowered position, the operator's position shall be completely enclosed from weather and exterior of apparatus. PUMP PANEL ENCLOSURE REQUIREMENTS To ensure a tight fit to the pump compartment, the surrounding perimeter of the pump compartment control panel shall be raised 1" above pump compartment surface, protruding into the chassis cab overhang and rear chassis cab crew area. PUMP COMPARTMENT Pump compartment to be fully enclosed, with sectional front panels, sectional back panels, and single piece driver's and passenger's side panels. Pump compartment to be large enough to access and work on pump. NOTCHED PUMP COMPARTMENT SIDES In order to maximize the outward view of specified rear facing chassis vertical windows, the upper half of specified pump compartment shall be no wider than 72" (side to side). This transition from 82" wide to 72" wide shall occur no higher than 43" above specified pump compartment runningboards. Pump compartment shall completely enclose the midship mounted fire pump and its related plumbing. TOP MOUNT CONFIGURATION The upper portion of the pump compartment shall incorporate the downsloping pump control panel, full width back -sloping gauge panel. Top surface of the pump compartment module shall be plated with .125" polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate, bolted in position and removable. Page 66 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PUMP COMPARTMENT RUNNING BOARDS Driver's and passenger's side pump panel runningboards to be furnished, extending from rear of chassis cab to front side compartment corners. Runningboards shall be at least 10" deep, fabricated of polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate with integral 3" riser scuffplates bolted to lower pump compartment module and easily removable. Runningboards shall be "in-line" with the specified body side rubrails. REMOVABLE ACCESS PANELS The driver and passenger side of pump compartment shall be easily removable through the action of four (4) trigger latches on each side. With side panels removed, an opening of at least 30" wide x 42" tall shall be provided on each side of pump compartment. Panels shall be constructed of 304 stainless steel with brushed finish or black vinyl covering as determined at pre -construction conference. RUNNINGBOARDS Pump panel runningboards to be provided, driver's and passenger's side, fabricated of 304 -grade stainless steel with a brushed finish. Runningboards shall bolted in position and removable. Runningboards to be in line with rear tailboard and body rubrails, at least 11" deep, and include an integral 3" vertical riser scuffplate covering bottom portion of exterior side pump panels. Top surface of runningboards shall have pattern -cut and raised surface to exceed NFPA step tread requirements. REMOVABLE SPEEDLAYS FOR 2-1/2" HOSE Two (2) removable speed -lay hosebeds shall be provided below pump controls. Poly construction. The modular speedlay hosebeds shall be individually removable, and include removable sectional vinyl floor tiles. The bottom of each speedlay must be no higher than 44" above ground. Speedlay openings to have 4 -corner surrounds, driver and passenger side. The specified speedlay swivel style discharge outlet shall be located "overhead" the hosebed floor, allowing coupling to the outlet after loading hose. HOSE CAPACITY Each hosebed shall be individually removable for loading and designed to accommodate minimum 150' of 2-1/2" hose. ADDITIONAL TRAYS Each speedlay shall be equipped with an additional tray for "pre -loads" of additional hose. Poly construction. REMOVABLE SPEEDLAYS FOR 2-1/2" HOSE One (1) removable speed -lay hosebeds shall be provided below pump controls. Poly constructed. The modular speedlay hosebeds shall be individually removable, and include removable sectional vinyl floor tiles. Pagge 67 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department 6 Speedlay openings to have 4 -corner surrounds, driver and passenger side. The specified speedlay swivel style discharge outlet shall be located "overhead" the hosebed floor, allowing coupling to the outlet after loading hose. HOSE CAPACITY Each hosebed shall measure 10" wide x 12" tall, designed to accommodate minimum 150' of 2-1/2" hose. ADDITIONAL TRAYS Each speedlay shall be equipped with an additional tray for "pre -loads" of additional hose. Poly constructed. PUMP COMPARTMENT STORAGE COMPARTMENTS Two (2) each, storage compartments shall be furnished, directly below specified speedlay hosebeds, recessed into each side of specified pump house. Each compartment shall be fully enclosed, at least 11" high x 18" deep x 1S" wide. Compartments shall be equipped with interior light and "flush -fit" pattern matching aluminum treadbrite door with finger -pull D -ring stainless door handle/slam-latch and polished stainless steel piano hinge. BRUSHED STAINLESS SIDE PANEL OVERLAYS Driver's and passenger's side pump panels to be overlaid with 18 -gauge #4 brushed stainless steel, extending from runningboard level to immediately below specified interior pump compartment access doors. Stainless steel overlays to be installed over painted driver's and passenger's side pump panels, all holes drilled prior to finish painting and final installation. Vertical sides of brushed stainless steel overlay to be trimmed with polished extruded aluminum moldings bolted in position with concealed fasteners. All discharge outlet and suction inlet holes to be concentric/custom-fit around extension fittings, trimmed with extruded rubber channel. REMOVABLE SIDE PANEL INSERTS The driver's and passenger's side exterior side pump panel overlays shall be equipped with removable overlay inserts, of maximum size to allow access to interior pump compartment mounted suction and discharge valves and piping. Each overlay insert shall be of the same material as background overlay surface, flush mounted screw fasteners. Specified suction and discharge fittings and adapters to be threaded to allow disassembly for removal of overlay inserts. Photos and/or drawings of removable overlay inserts to be provided with Proposal Specifications. RECESSED HOSE TRAY - DRIVER SIDE One (1), driver side recessed hose tray to be furnished on pump compartment runningboard. Tray to be fabricated of .125" polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate. Bottom of suction tray to be criss-cross fabricated with center drain hole, equipped with black vinyl floor tile. Size of compartment to accommodate minimum 25 ft. of 5" LDH or 100' of 1-3/4" hose. Page 68 L_ PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yee No TRANSVERSE BACKBOARD STORAGE SLEEVE COMPARTMENT A transverse backboard storage "sleeve" compartment shall be provided, located in upper portion of pump compartment Storage compartment shall be approximately 20" wide x 12" high x full transverse (side-to- side pump compartment width), equipped with two (2) horizontal dividers creating three (3) individual sleeves for Customer furnished backboards. Storage compartment shall be equipped with two (2), horizontally hinged access doors with latch assemblies located one (1) each drivers and passengers side of pump compartment PUMP CONTROLS AND LABELS All pump discharge and suction controls are to be mounted on the -top-mount pump control console, so as to permit operation according to NFPA requirements. All discharge valve and suction valve mechanical pump control rods to be heavily cadmium plated solid cold rolled steel, equipped with adjustable clevis joints or swivel ball joints. All rotating. bleeder or drain valve control rods (located on side pump panels) to be heavily cadmium plated solid cold rolled steel with black phenolic control handles/knobs. CENTERLINE TOP CONTROL PANEL A top -mount pump control console shall be furnished, located above midship mounted fire pump in center rear of specified crew cab interior. Pump control console to be at least 36" wide x 27" deep, sloping down towards operator's standing position. Sides of pump control console to be overlaid with polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate, for scuff resistant surface. Gauge and control panel shall be one-piece, hinged at top for lift up access to pump controls and plumbing. Dual support rods shall be provided which fit into rigid fixtures for support of gauge panel when raised. PUMP ACCESS DOOR One (1), tilt-out/removable double panel interior pump compartment access door shall be furnished, recessed into and "flush" with the vertical front surface of the pump compartment. Door shall be at least 29" wide x 30" high, fabricated of .125" polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate, U - formed double panel construction with polished stainless steel D -ring door handle slam latch. Bottom of door shall be held in place by locator pins and channel. Interior of double panel door to be insulated for sound proofing against noise from pump and driveline operation. Door shall tilt -out for visual inspection and be removable for unobstructed interior access to fire pump and its related plumbing. COLOR GRAPHICS PUMP LAYOUT Specified control and gauge panel shall be overlaid with overhead graphic representation of apparatus. Image shall depict actual apparatus with color coded lines for each intake and discharge originating and position on apparatus and terminating with respective control and gauge. Colors shall match exterior intake and outlet tag colors. Page 69 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL •` Yes No Overlay shall be constructed of heavy adhesive vinyl and computer generated on PDF for future replacement in event of wear or apparatus modification. PUMP PANEL CABINET(S) Two (2), fully enclosed compartments shall be furnished, flanking the specified center pump control console. Each cabinet shall be 16" wide x 16" high x 16" deep, with aluminum treadbrite door and stainless steel D - handle slam latch. INTERIOR LIGHT The inboard vertical side wall of each cabinet shall be equipped with two (2) 4" diameter bi-directional grommet mounted compartment lights. Lights shall be switched with pump panel lights. CONDUIT RACEWAY A waterproof conduit raceway/tube shall be furnished, extending from the specified radio compartment, to the interior chassis cab radio mounting area. Conduit shall be of the adequate size to accommodate the radio's wiring harness. ENGINE INFORMATION/WARNING CENTER A CLASS 1 ENFO III engine information/warning center shall be furnished for the pump panel. The sending units will be installed in the engine and a wiring harness supplied for the apparatus manufacturer. The ENFO III provides the pump operator with electrical system and engine operating information in a single unit. This unit shall include an audible alarm. The ENFO III shall display the following. Engine RPM System Voltage display and alarm Engine oil pressure display and alarm Engine temperature display and alarm (oil or coolant) AIR HORN SWITCH - PUMP GAUGE PANEL A weatherproof push button switch shall be furnished on the pump gauge panel, with an engraved nametag to read: "EMERGENCY AIR HORN." Switch shall activate above specified high capacity 12 -volt air solenoid. PUMP MASTER GAUGES AND TEST GAUGE PANEL Master pump intake and pump discharge pressure indicating devices shall be located within 8" of each other, edge to edge, with the intake (suction) pressure indicating device to the left of the pump discharge pressure indicating device. MASTER DISCHARGE GAUGE A 4" diameter NoShok compound style pressure gauge to be furnished, registering -30 x 600 psi, black numerals on white background. Gauge needle shall have a "bright orange" tip for improved visibility. Gauge to be piped to discharge volute of fire pump, equipped with a black permanently engraved identification nameplate installed below the gauge, to read: "DISCHARGE." MASTER SUCTION INTAKE GAUGE A 4" diameter NoShok compound style pressure gauge to be furnished, registering -30 x 600 psi, black numerals on white background. Gauge needle shall have a "bright orange" tip for improved visibility. Gauge to be piped to suction volute of fire pump, equipped with a black permanently engraved identification nameplate installed below the gauge, to read: "SUCTION." Page 70 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department ROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No TEST GAUGE PANEL One (1), dual test plug assembly to be furnished, installed on specified gauge panel adjacent to respective pump suction and pump discharge gauge. Test plugs to be piped to pump suction cavity and discharge cavity using high pressure clear nylon tubing with brass fittings. 0 INDIVIDUAL DISCHARGE OUTLET GAUGES Eight (8), 2-1/2" diameter NoShok compound style discharge pressure gauges to be furnished, registering - 30 x 600 psi, black numerals on white background. Gauge needle shall have a "bright orange" tip for improved visibility. Gauges to be located in a uniform manner no more than 6" from its respective discharge valve control. Each gauge and respective discharge valve control to be equipped with color coded permanently engraved identification nameplate to describe numerical sequence, location, type and size of outlet. All above specified pressure gauges to be analog style, liquid filled, vibration dampened, and capable of operations to -40 degrees F. GAUGE LINES - TUBING The specified engine monitors, pump suction and discharge gauges, and individual gated discharge pressure gauges shall be installed on the specified gauge panel. Pressure gauges to be piped to the individual discharge valves and pump suction and discharge volutes using high pressure clear nylon tubing with brass fittings, FOAM TANK LEVEL INDICATOR One (1), Innovative Controls, model 3030386-01, Master 14 -LED Display Class A foam tank level indicator to be furnished with: weatherproof encapsulated 14 -high intensity LED light indicator, 3030376-01 tank level sending unit, and protected wiring loom. The display cover plate shall be aluminum sub -plate with outdoor exposure rated composite overlay, black background with red graphics, mounted on pump control panel. Tank level sensing probe to be located top of specified foam tank, easily accessible for removal. WATER LEVEL INDICATOR - TANK VISION One (1), FRC, "Tankvision" water tank level indicator to be furnished with: weatherproof encapsulated high intensity LED light indicator, one (1), FRC, model WLC-30A, 30 -ft sensor cable extension for water tank level indicator, tank level sensing probe, and protected wiring loom. Water tank level indicator to be mounted on pump control panel. Tank level sensing probe to be located front of specified water tank to properly sense water capacity. WHELEN STRIP -LITE, PSTANK SYSTEM Two (2) Whelen Strip -Lite PSTANK, water tank status lights shall be furnished, with green/blue/amber/red colors. Lights to be driven by the specified tank level sensor/driver. Red lights to flash, other colors to be steady burn. Strip-Lites to be furnished, one on each side of apparatus, location to be determined at Pre -Build Conference. TANK INDICATOR REMOTE LIGHT DRIVER Fire Research TankVision model WLA290-A00 remote light driver shall be installed. The driver shall provide four (4) separate outputs to control remote lights. The lights shall show 1/4, 1/2, 3/4, and full tank. When power is applied the driver shall run a test and cycle each remote light on and off. When the tank is less than 1/4 full the 1/4 tank light shall blink. The remote light driver shall receive input information over a single wire from a Fire Research TankVision primary indicator. Page 71 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No DISCHARGE NAMEPLATES Discharge nameplates shall be provided at control, pressure gauge, outlet, and bleeder. Discharge nameplates to be individually color coded and permanently engraved, text to indicate: numerical sequence, location, and size (hose size). Additionally, if the discharge outlet is foam capable, the name plate shall so state. STAINLESS STEEL PUMP HEAT ENCLOSURE A removable heater casing, completely enclosing the under side of the pump compartment to be provided, constructed of stainless steel. A single removable center bottom panel to be provided, held in place by 3/8" stainless steel bolt. Removable panel shall have 1" diameter center hole for drainage. PUMP HEATER A 30,000 BTU hot water type automotive heater to be furnished and installed inside pump compartment. Heater installation to include: gated engine coolant feed and return lines, dual 12 -volt electric fans, and illuminated fan control located on pump control panel. MASTER CLASS A FOAM MANIFOLD A flanged bolt -on or victaulic grooved stainless steel or cast iron pump discharge manifold shall be furnished, for use with the specified Class A direct discharge injection foam system. Discharge manifold shall include a bronze or stainless steel spring loaded swing -check valve, fitting tap for foam injection line, fitting tap for flow sensor, bottom fitting tap with remote manifold drain valve, and multiple taps for use with discharge valves designated as foam lines. Discharge foam manifold shall be of adequate size/capacity to handle flows not exceeding 1000 gallons per minute. FOAM MANIFOLD DRAIN A 3/8" quarter -turn bronze drain valve, with chrome plated control handle and recessed name tag, shall be furnished, located on a side pump panel immediately above the runningboard/rubrail level. Manifold drain line shall extend from a bottom tap on the foam manifold, with positive "gravity -drain" to the panel mount drain valve, assuring complete drainage of the manifold downstream of its check valve and upstream of the foam capable discharge valves. SINGLE AGENTFOAM SYSTEM PLACARDS A foam system piping schematic placard, for "single agent" system, shall be furnished, located adjacent to the FoamPro control console. A foam system rating placard shall also be furnished, for the particular model FoamPro, also located adjacent to the control console. Placards shall be provided by FoamPro, chrome plated cast metal. FOAMPRO 2001 SINGLE AGENT FOAM SYSTEM The apparatus shall be equipped with a "single agent" FoamPro 2001, electronic, fully automatic, variable speed, direct injection, discharge side foam proportioning system. The system shall be capable of handling Class A foam concentrates. The foam proportioning operation shall be based on direct measurement of water flows, and remain consistent within the specified flows and pressures. The system shall be equipped with a digital electronic control display, suitable for installation on the pump panel. Foam system operational placards to be furnished, as required by NFPA 1901. Incorporated within the control display shall be a micro -processor that receives the input from the flowmeter, while also monitoring foam concentrate pump output, comparing values to ensure that the operator preset proportional amount of foam concentrate is injected into the discharge side of the fire pump. A paddle wheel type flowmeter shall be installed in the discharge line to the specified "foam capable" discharges. The digital computer control display shall enable the pump operator to perform the following control and operation functions for the foam proportioning system: Page 72 PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department I COMPLIES Yes No 1. Provide push-button control for foam proportioning rates from 0.1% to 9.9% in 0.1% increments. 2. Show current gallon per minute water flow rate. 3. Show total gallons of water discharged, during and after foam operations are completed. 4. Show total gallons of foam concentrate consumed. 5. Simulate flow rates for manual operation. 6. Perform set-up and diagnostic functions for the computer control microprocessor. 7. Flash a "low concentrate" warning when the foam concentrate tank(s) run low. 8. Flash a "no concentrate" warning and shut the foam concentrate off, preventing damage to the pump, should the foam tank go empty. A 12 -volt electric motor driven positive displacement foam concentrate pump, rated up to 2.5 GPM, with operating pressures up to 250 psi (maximum psi of 400) shall be installed in a suitable location near the apparatus pump hose. A pump motor electric driver (mounted to the base of the pump) shall receive signals from the computer control display, and power the 1/2 horsepower electric motor directly coupled to the concentrate pump in a variable speed duty cycle to ensure that the correct proportion of concentrate preset by the pump operator is injected into the fire stream. The FoamPro digital computer control display shall have a factory -set "default" at the following specified ratio/percentage, a value that can be temporarily or permanently changed. The foam injection system shall be plumbed to the specified onboard Class A foam concentrate tank, using: minimum 3/4" W. brass piping, bronze 1/4 -turn shutoff valve, bronze wye with removable strainer, and 3/4" i.d. clear vinyl foam liquid hose. NOTE: In order to provide proper foam concentrate flow rates, smaller inside diameter components shall not be used. ®N -BOARD "POWERED" FOAM REFILL SYSTEM To increase safety of firefighter personnel, the apparatus shall be equipped with an electronic, automatic, concentrate refill system. System shall operate independently of the foam proportioner allowing simultaneous use. Refill operation shall not require apparatus or fire pump to be running. The system shall be capable of handling Class A or Class B foam concentrates, emulsifiers, gels and decontamination concentrates. The apparatus shall be plumbed from the externally accessed intake/flush ports to the concentrate cell following manufacturer's recommendations. External fill and flush connections to be quick -connect, cam -lock type. Internal piping to incorporate check valves to prevent backflow. Concentrate tank inlet shall be positioned to minimize agitation per manufacturers recommendations. The refill operation shall be based on direct measurement of concentrate level in tank. System must be capable of automatically stopping when cell is full and include a manual override feature. The system shall be equipped with an electronic control suitable for installation on the pump panel. Incorporated within the control shall be a microprocessor that receives input from the system while controlling foam concentrate pump output. An all bronze three-way valve shall be included to allow the operator to flush system after use. Valve control, intake and flush ports shall be located within corresponding panel plate. The system shall enable the operator to perform the following control/operation functions and status indicators for the refill operation: a) Provide push-button start/stop control of foam refill b) Solid green light advises operator concentrate cell is full c) Flashing green indicates system is running Page 73 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL I COMPUES d) Green light off, system off e) Allow override of "full tank" condition f) Provide a means to flush the pump and intake piping System shall include a 12 or 24 -volt electric motor driven, positive displacement concentrate pump. Pump shall deliver minimum flow of 10 gpm (37.8 L/min) @ 20 psi with all concentrates currently utilized in fire apparatus. Pump body to be of all bronze construction and other wetted components and piping to be constructed of non -corrosive materials. The system will draw a maximum of 38 amps @ 12 VDC or 19 amps @ 24 VDC. A pump/motor solenoid (mounted to the base of the pump) shall receive signals from the computer control display and power the 1/2 hp (0.4 Kw) electric motor directly coupled to the concentrate pump. The system shall receive readings when the concentrate tank is full and stop operation to prevent overfill. Components of the complete refill system shall include: a) Operator control and display with Weather-Pac connectors b) Refill/flush quick -connect cam -lock fittings and cap c) Check valves d) Pump/motor assembly and solenoid e) Strainer f) Tank level switch g) Three-way fill/flush valve h) Stainless steel pick-up wand and 6 feet of reinforced suction hose, 1 in diameter to allow maximum flow i) Panel placards An installation and operation manual shall be provided, along with a one-year limited warranty by the manufacturer. CLASS - A FOAM CAPABLE DISCHARGE OUTLETS The following discharges to be Class A foam capable are: DRIVER SIDE RUNNINGBOARD, ONE (1) 1.5" SPEEDLAY, AND ONE (1) 2.5" SPEEDLAY. Where possible, direct discharge injection system control shall have a factory -set "default" at: .5% (ratio at which system is preset to, with system activation), a ratio that can be temporarily or permanently changed. All foam capable discharge controls shall be identified, with colored engraved nameplates to read: FOAM APPARATUS BODY CONFIGURATION A custom engineered and fabricated fire apparatus compartmented body shall be furnished, designed to be located immediately to rear of specified fire pump compartment, totally separate of pump compartment, supported by and mounted to the specified apparatus body sub -frame. The design of apparatus body shall provide for maximum compartmentation ahead of, above, and back of rear wheelwell housing, driver's side and passenger's side of vehicle. So as to provide maximum depth compartmentation, the apparatus body overall width shall be 100" (not to exceed 101" at runningboards/rubrails). BODY SUB -FRAME An apparatus body forward "yoke" style subframe shall be furnished, constructed of welded heavy wall stainless steel tubing. Rubber cushion vibration isolators to be furnished, two (2) per side, so as to allow flexing of chassis frame rails independent of apparatus body yoke subframe. Horizontal members, supporting driver's and passenger's front and forward side compartment floors, shall be 3" x 3" x .125" wall rectangular stainless steel tubing. To allow for maximum depth, recessed compartment sides, vertical subframe members shall be 2" x 3" x.188" wall rectangular stainless steel tubing. Top over -the -frame tank support to be 3" x 1-1/2" stainless steel tubing, lined with 1/2" neoprene rubber. Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The rear body tailboard subframe assembly shall be welded construction, with horizontal members 3 " x 4" x.188" wall rectangular stainless steel tubing. Horizontal tubings shall be welded to vertical 3/4" x 8" steel plate chassis frame drops with bottom integral tow eyes, frame drops to be bolted to side web of rear chassis frame rails. Bidder shall depict, in the specified proposal drawings, the subframe and water tank sump designs. All body subframe components shall be attached to the chassis frame with hardened steel bolts, bolt holes machined through subframe and chassis frame side webs. Body subframe supports shall be positioned so as to provide approximately 22" (with truck fully loaded) from ground to top of body rubrails and rear tailboard. All apparatus body side and/or rear compartment floors subframe horizontal supports shall be positioned parallel (level) with top of chassis frame rails. NOTE: Apparatus body subframes which are fastened to chassis channel frame with U -bolts, sandwich clamps, or other temporary fastening methods are not acceptable. The apparatus body subframe materials, and construction methods, shall allow for a "lifetime" warranty, of the entire subframe structure. STRUCTURAL DESIGN To prevent possible interaction of dissimilar metals and to reduce the weight of the completed apparatus, the body and ALL STRUCTURAL SUPPORTS shall be constructed entirely of STAINLESS STEEL. Stainless steel sheet or structural members of smaller thicknesses or lesser grades to those specified herein are not acceptable. STRUCTURAL BODY COMPONENTS The following apparatus body structural components shall be fabricated of type 304 stainless steel. NOTE: .188" thick 5052 Aluminum components maybe accepted if shown as an option. • Passenger's and driver's side front body corners • Passenger's and driver's side compartment floors, side walls and back walls. • Passenger's side and driver's side wheel -well housings • Passenger's side and driver's side rear body corners • Rear body compartment segment • For -ward and side hose -bed risers NOTE: Aluminum treadbrite shall not be used on front body corner overlays, rear body corner overlays, or wheelwell overlays. "BRUSHED" STAINLESS STEEL COMPONENT FINISH All exposed surfaces and compartment interiors shall finished in 304-413 stainless steel. Compartment interiors and exposed stainless steel surfaces constructed of standard 304-213 or containing a finish other than 4B do not meet the intent of these specifications and will be rejected - NO EXCEPTIONS. ALUMINUM TREADPLATE COMPONENTS The following apparatus body component(s) shall be fabricated of .187" type 3003 "polished" aluminum C- 102 pattern treadplate: ® Rear tailboard. The following components shall be fabricated of .125" matching polished aluminum treadplate: • Exterior rear body fascia between rear body corners (surrounding rear compartment) • Top of pump house pump panel runningboards • Compartment roof top overlays Page 75 Zn PROPOSA COMPLIE Yes I PROPOSAL Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPLIES Yes No FASTENERS All apparatus body screw type fasteners shall be stainless steel "low profile" button socket head cap screws with stainless steel hex "Ny-Lok" threaded nuts designed to prevent loosening. Size of fasteners and spacing shall provide for maximum structural. Any necessary exterior exposed nut fasteners shall be polished stainless steel or chrome plated "acorn" covering fastener threads. NOTE: Hex head, truss head, phillips pan head, or other large profile fasteners shall not be used for assembly of fabricated sheet metal components. COMPUTER DESIGNED BODY COMPONENTS Each apparatus body component shall be individually computer designed and CNC machined for fabricated for individual part accuracy, and assembled with removable fasteners for ease of modifications and repairs. Exterior compartment and hosebody fabrications shall be free of all projections which might injure personnel or fire hose. NOTE: Where "nibbled" or other non -continuous non -smooth cutting methods are used to machine the body material, all edges must be reworked/filed for injury prevention and improved appearance. All flanged mated areas which are not disassembled for painting, shall be properly etched, prime painted, rust proofed, and sea] caulked, prior to assembly. APPARATUS BODY REPAIRABILITY To eliminate potential weld cracks or heat distortion of apparatus body, and to minimize apparatus out -of - service time in the event of body damage, all apparatus body designs or construction methods which do not allow for disassembly and removal of the following components will be immediately rejected: • Front and rear outboard body corners ® Driver and passenger side compartment floors ® Driver and passenger side wheelwells ® Rear tailboard Photos and repair times shall be furnished with proposals for each listed body component to demonstrate method of disassembly and ease of repair. NO EXCEPTIONS. FUEL TANK ACCESS PANEL Rear compartments on apparatus equipped with rear fuel tanks shall be provided with a minimum 13" wide x 38" removable access panel on the rear wall to enable the fuel tank sending unit to be removed for repair or replacement. COMPARTMENT VENTILATION A minimum of forty-five square inches of removable louvered ventilation shall be provided in each compartment. The tops of the side exterior compartments shall be constructed of 3003-H14 alloy aluminum treadplate fastened to the body with stainless steel fasteners. Compartment tops that are welded in place do not meet the serviceability intent of this requirement. POLISHED STAINLESS RUBRAILS Driver's and passenger's side compartments shall be furnished with fabricated polished stainless steel rubrails, extending from front compartment corners to rear wheelwell cut-out, and from rear wheelwell cut-out to rear compartment corners. Rubrails shall be "in-line" with pump panel runningboards and rear tailboard corner steps, 3" high, protruding 1/2" from body sides. Page 76 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Rubrails shall be channel shape held away from body by nylon spacers and bolted into position for ease of repair or replacement in the event of damage. WHEEL WELL TRIM Brite finish, 25" radius wheelwell moldings shall be furnished, bolted in position surrounding driver's side and passenger's side rear body wheelwell cut-outs. Fasteners shall be concealed beneath the moulding. Wheelwell moldings will not protrude beyond the specified body rubrails. NOTE: Circular welded or bolt - on rear wheelwell fenders which exceed the Federal D.O.T. overall vehicle width limitation of 102", or extend beyond rubrail width, will not be used. STAINLESS STEEL WHEEL WELL LINER A circular interior wheelwell liner shall be furnished, driver and passenger side wheelwell housings, bolted to and removable from a radius ring flange, designed to provide ease of cleaning and repairs. Wheelwell liners to be fabricated of stainless steel. HOSEBED A forward hosebed cross divider shall be furnished, located immediately to rear of specified water tank fill stack, full width of main hosebed area, creating a forward dunnage area and providing full hosebed width travel of specified adjustable hosebed dividers. Cross divider to be perimeter flanged (triple broke top), full depth of hosebed sides, bolted in position and easily removable. Patternized aluminum hosebed floor shall be furnished, running longitudinal full length of hosebed with underside crosswise reinforcements slats running full width of hosebed area. Longitudinal aluminum hosebed gratings to be spaced at least 1/2" apart for proper hose ventilation. Stainless steel tracks to be furnished at front and rear of hosebed, designed to prevent snagging of hose or couplings during unloading and loading operations. HOSEBED CAPACITY The apparatus body hosebed area shall accommodate the following hose load: 0 800' of 2.5" w/ 400'2.5", 800'13/4" hose - synthetic black hose. APPARATUS BODY HOSEBED HEIGHT To facilitate the removal and loading of hose, the apparatus body hosebed shall be no higher than Sixty (60) inches above apparatus tailboard. COMPARTMENT DOORS AND DOOR ACCESSORIES: The roll -up style compartment door tracks/extrusions to be "flush" with exterior body panels/door jambs. NOTE: Specified roll -up compartment doors shall be manufactured in the United States of America. Specified compartment door jambs shall be fabricated with inboard flanges which are machined for screw type fasteners and mounting of specified roll -up compartment door aluminum side track extrusions. All side compartment doors shall be ROM Robinson roll -up shutter style, complete with: Extruded aluminum shutter slats, tubular bar style bottom rail latch, extruded aluminum vertical side tracks with removable neoprene rubber weatherstripping, top door opening extrusions with removable neoprene rubber weatherstripping, and spring loaded "front roll" door lift/roll-up mechanism. Front and rear extruded aluminum door tracks shall be furnished, bolted to vertical door jambs and interior compartment bulkheads so as to be easily removable for repairs or modifications. All roll -up style compartment doors shall be installed and adjusted during body construction. NOTE: Roll -up door tracks which are riveted or welded in position are not acceptable. Page 77 NUMMEZZ= 4" _ustom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department i• Yes No FRONT BODY COMPARTMENT OPENING SIZES The specified body compartments ahead of rear axle shall have clear opening dimensions of 40" wide x 65" height. WHEELWELL COMPARTMENT OPENING SIZES The specified passenger side body compartment above rear axle shall have clear opening dimensions of 53" wide x 32" height. The specified driver side body compartment above rear axle shall have clear opening dimensions of 34" wide x 32" height REAR BODY COMPARTMENT OPENING SIZES The specified side body compartments behind rear axle shall have clear opening dimensions of 60" wide x 65" height. FRONT COMPARTMENT DEPTHS The specified compartments ahead of rear axle shall have useable depths of 27", full -height of compartment, Compartment depths are measured with doors closed. REAR COMPARTMENT DEPTHS The specified side compartments behind rear axle shall have useable depths of 27", full -height of compartment. Compartment depths are measured with doors closed, APPARATUS FRONT BODY CORNERS The front driver and passenger side body corners shall be fabricated with square outboard profile. BEVELED REAR BODY CORNERS To accommodate flush mounted telelights, the rear driver and passenger side body corners shall be fabricated with a recessed beveled outboard profile. Recessed surface shall allow mounting of telelights, tri -pod lights, or handrails without interfering with overall apparatus width. FLUSH REAR OF BODY The rear of apparatus body shall be flush across entire width of apparatus. SCBA STORAGE COMPARTMENTS Each rear corner shall have a 6 -place SCBA compartment measuring 44" tall x 7" wide x 28" deep. Compartments shall have full height vertically hinged door with stainless steel latching assembly and open-door indicator light Compartments shall be recessed into outboard side -facing surface of rear body corners, immediately to rear of R3 and D3 compartments. REAR BODY TAILBOARD A rear step/tailboard shall be furnished, at least 20" deep x 102" wide, constructed of .125" embossed aluminum treadbrite. Rear step shall be single piece fabrication, spaced 1/2" away from rear face of body and 1" below specified rear corner beavertails. Each outboard rear corner to be 45 -degree angle bevel with back side 12 -volt marker light. Center rear flange of tailboard shall have three (3) diamond cut-outs, exposing under flange mounted center marker light cluster. All aluminum treadplate to be fitted, removed, undercoated with rustproofing material, non -aluminum areas properly lined with 3M dialectric tape, and bolted in position. Page 78 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department NFPA STEP SPECS The maximum stepping height from ground to first step shall not exceed 24". Additional steps can not be more than 18" apart. All steps, platforms, or ladders shall sustain a minimum static load of SOO lbs. without permanent deformation and shall have skid resistant surfaces. Any step shall have a minimum area of 3,5 sq. in. Platform shall have a minimum depth of 8". Ladders shall have at least 7" clearance between any rung and the apparatus body. APPARATUS BODY OVERLAYS The specified apparatus body shall be equipped with aluminum treadbrite overlays on top of all side compartments and across rear of body, between rear body corners. Overlays shall be constructed of .125" polished aluminum treadbrite. All horizontal overlays and treadbrite surfaces shall be NFPA compliant step surfaces. COMPARTMENT ROOF TOP OVERLAYS Driver's and passenger's side compartment roof tops shall be lined/plated with above specified material, flanged down on front, rear, and full length outboard side to overlap the overhead door weatherstripped molding. Overlay liners shall be precision -cut to prevent mis-matched seams, extending full length and full width of compartment roof top, bolted in position, and underside sea] coated prior to final installation. DISSIMILAR METAL PROTECTION All aluminum treadplate to be fitted, removed, undercoated with rustproofing material. Non -aluminum areas in contact with aluminum shall be properly lined with 3M dialectric tape, and bolted in position. REAR BODY COMPARTMENTATION: A rear body compartment shall be furnished, located runningboard level ahead of tailboard, to rear of water tank, between back wall of driver's and passenger's rear side compartment segments. Compartment to be 42" interior width x 20" interior depth x 40" interior height, fully enclosed and weather sealed, equipped with one (1) roll -up compartment door. Door shall be roll -up shutter style, complete with: satin finish extruded aluminum shutter slats, bar style bottom rail latch, anodized extruded aluminum vertical side tracks with removable neoprene rubber weatherstripping, and a spring loaded "front roll" door lift/roll-up mechanism. SATIN FINISH COMPARTMENT DOORS: The specified side compartment doors shall be satin finish with creating a natural aluminum appearance of door exterior. ROLL -UP DOOR BUNDLE COVERS To protect the door exterior from possible damage of compartment items, Seven (7) of the specified roll -up door "bundles" shall be equipped with aluminum schrouds. For superior fit, the door shrouds shall be supplied by the manufacturer of specified roll -up doors and custom -fit to each respective door. NOTE: Hidden door bundle cavities, which are only accessible by removal of sealed/caulked exterior apparatus body panels, are not acceptable. Page 79 PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No HYDRAULIC EQUIPMENT RACK - PASSENGER SIDE A hydraulically operated overhead equipment storage rack shall be furnished, recessed above passenger's side wheelwell. CENTER POST ARM Equipment rack shall be of the "center -post" design eliminating the need for front and rear compartment corner mounted stabilizer bars. The drop-down horizontal rack and pivoting vertical truss frame assembly shall be fabricated of heavy wall rectangular steel tubing equipped with: machined rotation bearings with grease zerks, 12 -volt electric hydraulic power pack, extra heavy duty hydraulic cylinder, heavy flat bar swirl -finish aluminum scissors actuator with machined rotation bearing surfaces, and activation switch conveniently located on right hand pump control panel. The hydraulic actuator and pivoting vertical truss frame shall recess into the center upper level of the passenger's body side, equipped with a painted body panel covering the truss frame. The overall width of center post assembly shall be no wider than 16". COMPARTMENT ACCESS Hydraulic ladder rack design shall allow opening and closing of compartment doors with rack in the "up" and "down" positions. EQUIPMENT RACK "DOWN" INDICATOR An AMBER indicator light shall be furnished within driver's view to indicate "LADDER RACK UNNESTED" WARNING LIGHTS Two (2) LED flashing Amber warning lights to be furnished, mounted to rack so as to provide visual warning when rack is in the "down" position. SAFETY LOCK An air cylinder operated Safety Lock shall be furnished. The lock shall automatically spring -lock in the "rack up" position and shall automatically disengage with operation of hydraulic actuator. 16" Eqpt. Rack Accessory Options - Click all that apply: LADDER STORAGE COMPARTMENT Equipment rack shall be equipped with a compartment for slide -in storage of ladders. Box shall be fully enclosed, constructed of .125" smooth aluminum. Ladders and other accessories shall be accessible through vertically hinged doors at front and rear of ladder rack. Compartment interior shall be equipped with 1/4" thick nylon angles to aid in storage and removal of equipment. Doors shall have stainless steel hinged and stainless steel D -ring latch. COMPARTMENT FINISH When stowed, the outboard surface of enclosure shall be smooth aluminum and painted job color to match apparatus. HARD SUCTION HOSE COMPARTMENT A fully enclosed hard suction hose sleeve compartment shall be furnished, fabricated of .125" smooth aluminum, fastened to the specified equipment rack or in compartment. Hard suction hose compartment shall be at least 12 ft. long, designed accommodate two (2) 10 -foot sections of 6" i.d. hard suction hose (one section with pre -attached low level strainer). Suction hose compartment shall be equipped with an aluminum treadbrite hinged rear access door with stainless piano hinge and D -handle latch assembly. Page 80 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department COMPARTMENT FINISH When stowed, the outboard surface of enclosure shall be smooth aluminum and painted job color to match apparatus. PASSENGER SIDE AIR BOTTLE STORAGE Two (2) triangular shaped SCBA air bottle compartment(s) shall be furnished, located in upper corners of passenger's side wheelwell housing. Each air bottle compartment(s) shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate three (3) standard air pack bottles. Compartment(s) shall be equipped with weatherproof vertically hinged flush door constructed of brushed stainless steel with stainless steel slam -latch. A proximity switch shall be furnished and wired to specified compartment door open indicator light. DRIVER'S SIDE AIR BOTTLE STORAGE Two (2) triangular shaped SCBA air bottle compartment(s) shall be furnished, located in upper corners of driver's side wheelwell housing. Front air bottle compartment shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate three (3) standard air pack bottles. Rear air bottle compartment shall be rubber lined and sized to accommodate two (2) standard air pack bottles. Compartment shall be equipped with weatherproof vertically hinged overlapping door constructed of brushed stainless steel with stainless steel slam -latch. A proximity switch shall be furnished and wired to specified compartment door open indicator light. COMPARTMENT LOCATION DESCRIPTION: For the purpose of providing locations for various body compartment accessories, the apparatus body compartments shall be identified as follows: ® RI: Curbside forward compartment, immediately ahead of rear wheel well. ® R2: Curbside compartment above rear wheel well. 0 R3: Curbside aft compartment immediately behind rear wheel well. 0 131: Rear center compartment above tailboard. ® D1: Driver side forward compartment, immediately ahead of rear wheel well. a D2: Driver side compartment above rear wheel well. ® D3: Driver side aft compartment immediately behind rear wheel well, ROLL-OUT TOOL BOARD(S) Three (3) each, vertical roll-out 1/4" aluminum tool board panel(s) to be furnished, measuring 60" tall x 24" wide. Tool panels shall be mounted to stainless steel ball-bearing style roll-out tracks and latch in both IN and OUT positions. ADJUSTABLE TRACKS Each roll-out panel shall be mounted to stainless steel floor and ceiling tracks that allow each tool board to be adjusted across width of compartment interior. PANEL LOCATIONS Roll-out panel(s) to be located per customer. Page 81 COMPLIE Yes Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL I COMPLIES Yes No ALUMINUM ROLL-OUT TRAY(S) Three (3), each aluminum roll-out tray(s) shall be furnished with 2-1/2" deep .188" thick aluminum pan style tray and cadmium plated roller slides with integrated push -to -release latches. Latches shall be color coded for easy identification. Each tray shall have a 1001b. load capacity. Trays shall be bolted to floors of compartments under specified speedlays. READY RESPONSE DRAWER(S) Four (4), each Ready Response drawers shall be furnished. Trays shall include 4" and 6" deep drawers.. Tray(s) shall be mounted per fire department instructions. PULL OUT -AND -DOWN TRAY(S) Six (6), each roll-out drop-down tray(s) shall be furnished with 2-1/2" deep tray constructed of .188" thick aluminum. Each tray shall be mounted to Slide Master brand roll-out/drop-dawn heavy duty tray with 2S0 lb. capacity. Trays shall be vertically adjustable and located in upper level of each side compartment. DEEP COMPARTMENT SHELVING Six (6) each, compartment shelves shall be furnished, constructed of .188" aluminum, with 2" broke sides. Each shelf shall have a load capacity of no less than 100 lbs. and shall be vertically adjustable along compartment shelf tracks. Shelves to be located per customer. SHELF TRACKS .Stainless steel shelf tracks shall be furnished on each side and at back wall of shelf. Shelf tracks shall be furnished full -height of all body compartments. FRONT BUMPER WINCH RECEIVER Two Class 3 tubular hitch receiver assembly shall be furnished, located on each end of frame rail. The receiver shall be "straight-line" pull rated for up to 9000 lb. and designed to allow for quick installation of a portable 12 -volt 9000 -lb capacity winch. Slide -in 2" receiver with hook or eyelet. REAR UNDER -TAILBOARD WINCH RECEIVER A Class 3 tubular winch receiver assembly shall be furnished, located centerline underside of the specified apparatus body rear tailboard. The receiver shall be "straight-line" pull rated for up to 9000 lb. (lift capacity of 2000-1b), and designed to allow for quick installation of a portable 12 -volt 9000-1b capacity winch. DRIVER SIDE WINCH RECEIVER One (1), class 2 hitch receiver shall be furnished, mounted beneath the apparatus body driver side rubrail, immediately ahead of rear wheels. Page 82 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Hitch receiver mounting to be reinforced to allow a minimum 2000 lb capacity vertical lift, and 3000 lb capacity horizontal pull. PASSENGER SIDE WHEEL WELL WINCH RECEIVER One (1), class 2 hitch receiver shall be furnished, mounted beneath the apparatus body passenger side rubrail, immediately ahead of rear wheels. Hitch receiver mounting to be reinforced to allow a minimum 2000 lb capacity vertical lift, and 3000 lb capacity horizontal pull. ELECTRIC WINCH RECEPTACLES Each of the above specified receivers shall be equipped with heavy duty 12 -volt quick disconnect receptacle, wired to chassis batterie's with loom encased insulated multi -stranded copper battery cables. REAR BODY STEPS - LASER GRIP Six (6), individual fabricated polished 4 -way aluminum treadplate rear body steps shall be furnished, mounted three (3) on each side, evenly spaced, no more than 18" apart, up rear body corners. Steps to include integral toe riser to protect rear corner paint finish. Fabricated steps to be 16" wide to allow for mounting of specified tail, turn and back-up lights underneath step areas. Steps to be bolted in position and removable. Top treadplate step surfaces to be pattern -cut, puncture fabricated non -slip, upper step 8" deep, middle step 9" deep, bottom step 10" deep. All step fabrications shall be single piece fabricated construction, so as to eliminate the need for critical welds. OUTBOARD VERTICAL REAR HAND RAILS Two (2), each vertical knurled aluminum hand rails, with chrome plated double bolted metal stand-off brackets, shall be furnished, located at rear outboard body corners. Railings shall begin 18" above tailboard level and extend to top of rear body corners. HARD SUCTION HOSE BOX One (1), each soft suction hose boxes shall be furnished. Hose box shall be recessed into rear of body, directly below specified rear intake. Hose box shall accommodate 25' of 6" folded soft suction hose. Hose shall be restrained by overlapping vinyl cover and shock cord straps. SUCTION HOSE COMPT. - PASSENGER SIDE A fully enclosed hard suction hose "sleeve compartment" shall be furnished, located passenger's side, approximately 28" above rear tailboard. Hard suction hose sleeve compartment shall extend from rear vertical face of body, below water tank, to front body panel, at least 10" diameter x 140" long. Compartment shall be of adequate size to accommodate one (1) 10 ft. section large diameter flexible hard suction hose, with a pre -attached low level strainer. 5� 9_KWrW.0ftL_ COMPLIES Yes No Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department I Yes No Rear portion of suction hose sleeve compartment shall be enlarged for strainer, equipped with a flush -fit horizontally hinged drop-down access door with: large D -ring polished stainless door handle, single point 1/4 -turn door latch assembly, and polished stainless piano hinge. HOSEBED DIVIDER(S) Two (2), adjustable hosebed divider(s) shall be furnished, fabricated of .250" smooth aluminum with integral front vertical flange and bottom horizontal base flange. Top rear corner of divider panel to be 3" radius with hand grip cut-out sanded and deburred to prevent hose damage. Upper and lower stainless steel horizontal channel tracks shall be furnished, bolted to specified forward cross divider. An additional stainless steel channel track to be provided at rear bottom of hosebed. Forward and bottom stainless channel tracks to be provided with sliding clamps and threaded studs with acorn nuts allowing infinite adjustment of hosebed divider location. HOSEBED COVER A vinyl coated nylon hosebed cover/tarp to be furnished over main hosebed area with velcro sides, awning rail across front, and rear end flaps with quick -release clips attached to rear of body. Hosebed cover shall meet intent of NFPA 1901 hose restraint requirements. Color shall be determined at pre -construction conference. FLOOR DRY DISPENSER A Floor Dry Dispenser shall be furnished, consisting of: stainless steel hopper, vertical chute, and a 2.5" diameter ball style shut-off valve. Chute shall be routed through void area of apparatus body, exiting below compartment floors. Shut-off valve shall be operated by hand lever near exit. Hopper shall be located on top of compartment R1, directly ahead of nested ladders. HYDRAULIC HOSE REEL(S) Two (2), push button rewind hydraulic hose reel(s) shall be furnished with 100' of TNT twin -line hydraulic hose. Hose ends shall be equipped with quick disconnects. Each reel shall include 12 -volt insulated battery cable from reel rewind to battery disconnect switch. The 12 -volt power rewind hose reels) shall be mounted in front bumper well. Reels shall be plumbed back to front passenger side body compartment for connection to customer's power unit. Feeder lines shall be equipped with quick disconnects at power unit. A push-button rewind switch shall be furnished for each reel, installed within reach of hose reel rollers. TWO SECTION LADDER One (1), Duo -Safety 24 ft. model 900-A 2 -section aluminum ladder shall be furnished, with rope hoist. ROOF LADDER One (1), Duo -Safety 14 ft. model 775-A aluminum roof ladder shall be furnished with folding roof hooks. ATTIC LADDER One (1), Duo -Safety 10 ft. model 585-A aluminum folding attic ladder shall be furnished. Page 84 Custom Pumper Specifications for the IMonticello k ire -uepartment COMPLIES Yes I No PIKE POLE (S) One (1) Duo -Safety FP 8 ft. fiberglass handled pike pole shall be furnished. PIKE POLE (S) One (1), Duo -Safety FP 12 ft. fiberglass handled pike pole shall be furnished. SUCTION HOSE - 6" Two (2), 10 ft. length(s) of 6" i.d. Maxi -Flex or equivalent flexible suction hose shall be furnished, complete with 6" NST lightweight rocker lug couplings, swivel female one end, rigid male opposite end. SUCTION STRAINER One (1), 6" Kochek low level strainer(s) shall be furnished, for use with specified hard suction hose, equipped with 6" NST long handled swivel female coupling and 1-1/2" jet siphon. LARGE DIAMETER HOSE Ten (10) each, 100 ft. coupled sections of Angus rubber supply line LDH shall be furnished, equipped with 5" Storz lightweight couplings. C, BLITZ FIRE MONITOR, TFT One (1), Task Force model XXC-32 "Blitz Fire" manually operated portable monitor to be furnished with: Folding Legs, Max -Series Nozzle Tip, single 2-1/2" NST swivel female rocker lug inlet, and Truck Mount Storage Bracket to be provided. 30 GALLON CAPACITY ISOLATED FOAM TANK A 20 gallon capacity (matching tank material) foam cell/tank shall be furnished, complete with: top fill stack, vented fill cover, bottom drain spud, bottom foam suction spud, and accommodation for a Class -A direct discharge foam system low level sensor device. SLOTTED MOUNTING TRACKS, FOR HYDRAULIC GENERATOR ENCLOSURE There shall be two (2) parallel "slotted" generator enclosure mounting tracks, fabricated of machined poly, welded to top of water tank, at generator mounting location. Accessory tracks shall be furnished with spring loaded threaded slide blocks. Position and design of tracks shall allow for a rigid secure tank top mounting of the generator assembly. BOOSTER TANK The water tank shall be minimum 1000 gallon capacity, constructed of .500" thick Polyprene(TM) sheet stock. This material shall be non -corrosive stress relieved thereto -plastic, black in color and U.V. stabilized for maximum protection. The booster tank shall be designed to be completely independent of the body and compartments. All exterior tank joints and seams shall be extrusion welded and/or contain the BENT EDGE(TM) and tested for maximum strength and integrity. The top of the booster tank is fitted with removable lifting eyes designed with a 3 to 1 safety factory to facilitate easy removability. The top cover of the tank shall have removable panels to allow access into the tank interior. The transverse swash partitions shall be manufactured of 3/8" PolyPrene(TM) material. The longitudinal swash partitions shall be constructed of 3/8" PoIyPrene (TM) and extend through the cover to allow for positive welding and maximum integrity. All partitions shall be equipped with vent and air holes to permit movement of air and water between compartments. The partitions shall be designated to provide maximum water flow. All swash partitions interlock with one another and are welded to each other as well as to the walls of the tank. The tank shall have a combination vent and manual fill tower. The fill tower shall be constructed of 1/2" Polyprene(TM) and shall be a minimum dimension of 8" x 8" outer perimeter. The tower shall be located in the left front corner of the tank and shall have a 1/4" thick removable Polyprene(TM) screen and a Polyprene(TM) hinged -type cover. Inside the fill tower, there shall be fastened a combination vent Page 85 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL— COMPLIES Yes No overflow pipe. The vent overflow shall be a minimum of schedule 40 polypropylene pipe with a minimum I.D. of 4" that is designated to run through the tank, and shall be piped behind the rear wheels. The tank cover shall be constructed of 1/2" thick black Polyprene(TM), stress relieve UV stabilized, to incorporate a multi three-piece locking design which allows for individual removal and inspection if necessary. The tank cover shall be recessed 1/2" from the top of the tank and shall be welded to both sides and longitudinal partitions for maximum integrity. Each one of the covers shall have hold downs consisting of 2" polypropylene spaced a maximum of 30" apart. These dowels shall extend through the covers and shall assist in keeping the covers rigid under fast filling conditions. A minimum of two lifting dowels shall be drilled and tapped 1/2" x 2" to accommodate the lifting ekes. There shall be one (1) sump constructed of 1/2" black Polyprene(TM) and be located in the left front quarter of the tank. On all tanks that require a front suction, a 3" schedule 40 polypropylene pipe shall be installed that shall incorporate a dip tube from the front of the tank to the sump location. The sump shall have a minimum 3" N.P.T. threaded outlet on the bottom for a drain plug. This shall be used as a combination clean-out and drain. All tanks shall have an anti -swirl plate located approximately 2-1/2" above the sump. There will be two (2) standard tank outlets: one for the optional tank -to -pump suction line which shall be a minimum of 2-1/2" N.P.T. coupling; and, one for the optional tank fill line which shall be a minimum of 1- 1/2" N.P.T. coupling. All tank fill couplings shall be backed with flow deflectors to break up the stream of water entering the tank, and be capable of withstanding sustained fill rates of up to 1,000 G.P.M. The tank shall rest on the body crossmembers in conjunction with such additional cross members, spaced at a distance that would not allow for more than 530 square inches of unsupported area under the tank floor. The tank shall be isolated from the crossmembers through the use of hard rubber strips with a minimum thickness and width dimension of .250 x 2" and a minimum Rockwell Hardness of 60 durometer. Additionally, the tank shall be supported around the entire bottom outside perimeter and captured both front and rear as well as side to prevent tank from shifting during vehicle operation. A picture frame type cradle mount shall be utilized with a minimum of 2" x 2" x.250 mild steel, stainless steel, or aluminum angle. Where aluminum or steel tubing ad channel subframes area incorporated in the body structure, the use of corner angles having a minimum dimension of 4" x 4" x .250 by 6" high are permitted for the purpose of capturing the tank. The tank shall have adequate hold down restraints to minimize movement during vehicle operation. Proper retention shall be incorporated into the apparatus hose floor structure or use of an optional mounting restraint system will be applied on top of the tank, halfway between the front and rear on each side of the tank. These stops shall be constructed of steel, stainless steel, or aluminum angle having minimum dimensions of 3" x 3" x .250 and shall be approximately 6" to 12" long. These brackets shall incorporate a hard rubber isolating pad with minimum thickness of .250" affixed on the underside of the angle. The angle shall then be bolted to the body side walls of the vehicle while extending down to rest on the top outside edge of the upper side wall of the tank- Internal mounting block design and hosebed floors shall be so designated that the floor slat supports extend full width from side wall to side wall and are not permitted to drop off the edge of the tank or in any way come in contact with the individual covers where a puncture could occur. Hose floor loading shall support up to 200 lbs. per sq. ft. and shall be evenly distributed whenever possible. The tank shall be completely removable without disturbing or dismantling the apparatus structure. The water tank shall have a lifetime warranty as provided by Pro -Poly of America, Inc., (the tank manufacturer). The tank manufacturer shall mark the tank and furnish notice that indicates proof of warranty. The purpose of the notice is to inform department personnel who store, stock or use the tank that the unit is under warranty; Page 86 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No TANKSHAPE The specified tank shall be "L -Shaped" placing the majority of capacity at forward portion of the tank. WIRING HARNESSES All apparatus body and pump compartment wiring for specified lights and electrical equipment shall be suitably protected inside heat resistant vinyl, forming multiple harnesses. Multiple harnesses to run from chassis cab, pump compartment, and apparatus body to a PDC (power distribution center). Harnesses shall consist of individual legend imprinted multi -stranded copper color coded SAE -J 1128 compliant automotive wires inside vinyl loom. Spare wires shall run throughout apparatus compartmented body and pump compartment, so as to allow future installations of electrical accessories, using original harnesses. All wiring to be identified, "imprinted" with number and function. Auto -reset circuit breakers to be furnished, of various amperage capacity, sized for intended load. All 12 -volt switches, relays, terminals, connectors, and wiring to have a direct current rating of 125% of maximum current for which the current is protected. All wiring terminals to be machine crimped, pull - tested during assembly. POWER DISTRIBUTION CENTER The power distribution center shall be located interior of driver's forward side compartment, and shall contain engineered electrical components and waterproof pin/socket bulkhead connectors. At least ten (10) spare circuit breaker sockets shall be furnished for future use. An enclosed electric junction cubby will be provided in the driver's side lower front compartment. This compartment will be recessed through the inside front wall of the compartment to an easily accessible enclosure to house all of the body wiring junction points, terminal strips, relays, etc. The design of this compartment will not decrease the storage capacity area of the compartment in which it is located. A removable panel will be provided for access to this compartment. BATTERY CABLE UPGRADE A minimum 2-0 multi -stranded copper insulated battery cable shall run from specified battery switch through a 200 -amp solenoid and to the chassis frame mounted threaded stud terminal block, providing power to high amperage items such as: primer motor, electrical discharge valves, reel rewind motors, generator starter motor, etc. "Vehicle Specific" wiring information shall be provided for this particular apparatus "as built" upon completed delivery of the same. Information to be in spreadsheet format, describing PDC connections and functions. ROCKER SWITCHES Specified emergency lighting fixtures, non -emergency lighting fixtures, and electrical components shall be individually activated by fully illuminated rocker style switches. Emergency lighting switches to be illuminated, non -emergency switches to be illuminated a contrasting color. An illuminated switch shall be furnished to left of emergency lighting rocker switches, identified as "MASTER EMERGENCY SWITCH". Toggle switch to power individual emergency lighting switches. Back -lit nametags, describing function of each individual switch, to be located above toggle and rocker switches. Controls and switches, which are expected to be operated by the driver while the apparatus is in motion, are to be within convenient reach of the driver. The controls to operate the siren to be within convenient reach of both driver and front passenger (officer). LOAD MANAGEMENT A Load Management System (LMS) shall be furnished for performing electrical load management. The LMS shall have eight (8) programmable outputs to supply warning and load switching requirements. The load management system shall provide eight (8) output load shedding, low voltage warning, scene mode operation and response mode operation. Pagge 87 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Outputs shall be independently programmable to activate during the scene mode, the response mode or both. An output shall provide a low voltage alarm that activates at the NFPA required 11.8 volts. The LMS shall be protected against reverse polarity, shorts to grounds, and will be enclosed in a metal enclosure to enhance EMI/11171 protection. When the emergency master switch is toggled to the "ON" position, the warning light loads will activate immediately. The load management system shall automatically activate upon activation of the apparatus parking brakes. Pre -determined load shall shed upon activation of load management thereby reducing the electrical demand of the apparatus to the pre-programmed "ON -SCENE" mode. LOAD MANAGEMENT DURING APPARATUS RESPONSE WILL NOT BE ACCEPTABLE. Load management shall be prioritized according to least critical systems. A system override switch shall be placed on the electrical console to allow total manual operation of ALL warning light switched electrical loads. BATTERY SWITCH A Cole Hersee model 75908 300 -amp two -position battery "cut-off' switch shall be furnished, mounted on specified electrical console, easily accessible to driver. Minimum 2-0 multi -stranded 400 -amp capacity copper battery cables shall run from specified batteries direct engine starter, and return to battery post of Cole-Hersee cut-off switch. A second heavy gauge battery cable shall run from power terminal of Cole Hersee cut-off switch to vehicle electrical system. All cables shall be enclosed in heavy water -proof automotive loom. A green "battery -on" pilot light shall be furnished, mounted on electrical console or cab dashboard, visible to driver. A low voltage indicator light or alarm shall activate when the system voltage drops below 11.8 volts. ELECTRICAL CONSOLE A custom-built electrical console to be furnished between driver's and officers seats. Top surface of electrical console to be hinged for easy service access to specified switch panel, battery switch, and other specified accessories. Console to be natural aluminum finish. APPARATUS NON -EMERGENCY LIGHTING: All specified 12 -volt to be in accordance with D.O.T. regulations. Apparatus to have sufficient lights to properly illuminate the crew compartment(s), the pump operator's panel(s), each enclosed tool and equipment compartment, work areas, steps and walkways. Lights shall be located to minimize accidental breakage. All specified light fixtures to be located/fitted prior to and re -installed after finish painting. Where fixture wiring passes through metal body panel, the pass-thru hole to be equipped with a rubber grommet. All specified light fixtures shall be installed, using stainless steel screws with non-metallic "replaceable" threaded inserts (nuts), to allow removal of light fixture, from exterior of body. Page 88 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department VKUPUbAL COMPLIES Yes Nx� Where light fixtures are to be installed on a painted panel, all light fixture mounting holes, grommet holes, and fastener holes shall be machined/cut-out prior to prime and finish painting, so that all metal surfaces receive the same protective coating. The following specified rear body tail/stop, turn and back up lights to be positioned: Red (tail/stop) TOP, Amber (turn) MIDDLE, and Clear (back up) BOTTOM, driver's and passenger's side rear of body. DRIVER AND PASSENGER SIDE PUMP PANEL OVERHEAD LIGHTS Four (4) each, chrome plated 12 -volt shielded pump panel light fixtures shall be furnished, located top outboard comers two (2) driver's side and two (2) passenger's side. Lights to be activated by pump panel light controls. I OPERATOR PANEL LIGHT ACTIVATION One of the driver side panel lights to be activated by shifting the pump into gear, the balance of lights shall be activated by a pump panel light switch. TOP MOUNT GAUGE PANEL LIGHTING The specified tip -out top mount gauge panel shall be equipped with 12 -volt light fixtures running full - width of pump compartment. Lights shall be activated by panel mounted back -lit rocker switch. D.O.T. MARKER LIGHTS Five (5), Truck -Lite 4" x 2" rectangular surface mount 12 -volt dual bulb marker lights with snap -on reflective lenses to be furnished, located: two (2) recessed behind specified rear tailboard corner flanged bevels and three (3) recessed behind center rear tailboard flange, with diamond shape flange cut outs. Lenses to be Red. Marker lights to be activated by headlamp switch. LED MID -BODY MARKER LIGHT AND TURN INDICATORS Two (2), round or rectangular surface mount midship LED, marker lights & turn lights, to be furnished; located one (1) driver's side midship vehicle and one (1) passenger's side midship vehicle. Lights to have Amber lens. Turn light (flashing element) to be activated by vehicle turn signals. APPARATUS BODY REFLECTORS Four (4) rectangular or round chrome trimmed DOT approved red reflectors shall be provided, attached to the apparatus body rear corner back surface and rear most sides. TAIL & STOP LIGHTS Two (2), Wbelen model 60X000RR, 5" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen combination stop/tail lights to be furnished, mounted each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6", Red. Lights to be wired for activation by service brake and headlamp switch. TURN LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model 60X000TR, S" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen turn signal lights to be furnished, mounted one each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6" Amber with left turn and right turn arrows. Lights to be wired for activation by left or right turn signal (not by brake lights). BACK-UP LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model 60JO00CR, 5" x 8" rectangular chrome plated flange surface mount halogen back 0 up lights to be furnished, mounted one each side at rear of body. Lenses to be 4" x 6", Clear. Lights to be wired for activation by reverse gear of truck transmission. I Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Above specified lights to incorporate the Whelen model 6E flanges and be bolted in position, evenly spaced, driver's side and passenger's side rear body corners. CENTER MOUNTED "THIRD" REAR BRAKE LIGHT A rear, center of the body, brake light shall be furnished, LED style, low profile Whelen 500 series or equivalent, installed below hosebed (location approved at Pre -Build). Light shall illuminate along with the specified rear tail lights. BACK-UP ALARM One (1), 12 -volt electronic back-up alarm to be furnished, mounted at rear below body, activated by reverse gear of truck transmission. PUMP COMPARTMENT LIGHT One (1), Truck -Lite model 80350, 6" round chrome plated surface mount 12 -volt interior pump compartment light to be furnished, mounted ceiling of interior pump compartment. Lens to be 5" diameter, Clear. Light to be activated by light lens mounted push-button switch. ENGINE COMPARTMENT LIGHT One (1), Truck -Lite model 80350, 6" round chrome plated surface mount 12 -volt engine compartment interior light to be furnished, located overhead the engine. Lens to be 5" diameter, Clear. Light to be activated by light lens mounted push-button switch. WALKWAY, RUNNINGBOARD, AND STEP LIGHTING: Where lighting is specified, for the walkways, runningboards, ladders and/or steps, the step surfaces shall be illuminated using shielded (protected) lamps, directing the light downward, away from the ground personnel's eye level. Quantity of lights shall be determined by the size and illumination qualities of the light fixture. SHIELDED REAR STEP LIGHTS Two (2), 2" round chrome plated surface mount 12 -volt "shielded" step lights to be furnished, located rear of body (tailboard step areas). Lens to be 1-1/2" diameter, Clear. Lights to be activated when the parking brakes are applied. LICENSE PLATE CAST ALUMINUM BRACKET, OVERHEAD LIGHT A polished cast aluminum license plate bracket, with 12 -volt overhead light will be furnished and installed on the rear of the vehicle. PERIMETER UNDERBODY LIGHTS Seven (7). Truck -Lite model 440420, 4" LED grommet mount under body 12 -volt ground lights to be furnished, located: three (3) each driver's side ahead of and behind rear wheels, three (3) each passenger's side ahead of and behind rear wheels, one (1) each center rear underside tailboard. Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance, lenses 4" diameter. Lights to be wired for activation by setting of the parking brake. PERIMETER UNDER CHASSIS LIGHTS Four (4). Whelen 200 Series, 4" LED grommet mount under body 12 -volt ground lights to be furnished, located: two (2) each driver's side ahead of and behind rear wheels, two (2) each passenger's side ahead of and behind rear wheels, one (1) each center rear underside tailboard. Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance, lenses 4" diameter. Lights to be wired for activation by setting of the parking brake. PERIMETER UNDER BUMPER EXTENSION LIGHTS Three (3), Truck -Lite model 440420, 4" LED grommet mount under front chassis bumper 12 -volt ground lights to be furnished, located evenly spaced, beneath bumper extension. Lenses to be 4" diameter, Clear. Page 90 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance. Lights to be automatically activated by setting of the parking brake. UNDER CAB EXTENSION LIGHTS Two (2), Truck -Lite model 44042C, 4" LED grommet lights to be furnished below driver and passenger side cab extension. Lenses to be 4" diameter, Clear. Lights to be completely sealed for weather resistance. Lights to be automatically activated by setting of the parking brake. COMPARTMENT LIGHTING The following compartment lights shall be furnished in body side full -height compartments, overwheel compartments, and rear center compartment. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Four (4) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 27" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Two (2) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 54" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. LED COMPARTMENT TRACK LIGHTING Eight (8) On -Scene solutions brand LED track lights shall be furnished, 63" in length. Lights shall be wired to illuminate with open compartment door. "OPEN DOOR" INDICATOR A hazard warning indicator light shall be furnished, installed in cab, wired to all compartment light automatic door switches so as to indicate "OPEN" apparatus us body compartment door. Indicator light to be Red, minimum 2" diameter, visible to driver and officer, identified with permanent engraved nameplate to read; "DO NOT MOVE APPARATUS". ILLUMINATION OF HAZARD WARNING LIGHT(S) The above specified Hazard Warning Light(s) shall illuminate only when the park brake has been released, so as to alert driver of pending hazard. Warning light(s) shall remain off with vehicle parked; "on scene". CAB ROOF "BROW" LIGHT Three (3) Whelen LED Contour Brow Mount 12 -volt scene light(s) shall be furnished, mounted on radius of specified custom chassis cab. The bow light(s) shall have a 75 -watt LED light element, and be activated by an illuminated rocker switch, accessible to driver, and properly identified. Exact positions shall be determined at pre -construction meeting. LIGHTBAR One (1), Whelen model CAOOOOON "Centurion", 60" wide lightbar with four (4) rotating halogen lamps shall be furnished, surface mounted to forward chassis cab roof with permanent roof mount brackets. Lightbar lenses to be front facing Red/Clear/Clear/Red, rear facing Red/Clear/Clear/Red, both side lenses Red. Lightbar to be activated by a separate illuminated rocker switch, identified as: "CAB ROOF LIGHTBAR". TRAFFIC FLOW BOARD The vehicle shall be equipped with one (1) all -electric Traffic Flow Control Board. The unit shall be capable of lifting the Traffic Board to a minimum height of 40 inches above the top of the vehicle in less than 10 seconds. The lift will be capable of rotating a minimum of 45 degrees in less than 15 seconds in either direction. Em Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department The traffic board lift will be controlled with a hand-held umbilical line remote control. The remote control unit will be equipped with a button to activate the "Auto -Park" automatic nesting feature. The controls on the remote box will be: 1. One (1) switch for elevating. 2. One (1) traffic board rotation switch. 3. One (1) button for Auto Park. The Traffic Board shall be approximately 30" x 60" with a 25 light pattern. It will be constructed with aluminum panels and LED lights. The light flash patterns available on the board include left and right arrows, and flashing chevron syrnbols in sequential and flashing patterns. A circuit is provided for a warning light in cab to indicate when the Traffic Flow Board is not in its nested position. The lift mechanism will be all aluminum construction, with stainless steel shafts and bronze bushings for long life and low maintenance. The unit shall be capable of being used in the upright position when the vehicle is in motion at speeds under 20 mph. The unit will be able to withstand a 75 mph wind load as a minimum when the vehicle is parked. The weight of the standard Traffic Flow Board will be less than 135 lbs. and the overall size of nested unit will be approximately 60" wide x 48" long x 15" high, No Exceptions. Traffic board shall be mounted above booster tank, directly behind pump house. UPPER ZONES B, C, D WARNING LIGHTS Two (2), Whelen model LED 600 series Super LED rectangular LED lights complete with chrome flanges to be furnished and mounted one (1) driver's side facing and one (1) passenger's side facing at upper level. Four (4), Whelen model LED 500 series TIR 6 rectangular LED lights complete with chrome flanges to be furnished and mounted two (2) driver's side rear facing and two (2) passenger's side rear facing at upper level. Light models and locations shall satisfy NFPA Warning light requirements for Upper Zones B, C, and D at rear of apparatus. Light lens to be red and activated by specified warning light controls. LOWER LEVEL EMERGENCY BODY LIGHTING Six (6), Whelen model LED 600 series Super LED emergency LED lights with chrome flanges shall be furnished. Lights shall be located along side and rear of body to comply with NFPA Lower Level Zones B, C, and D. Lights to be Red. Lights shall be activated and identified as "LOWER WARNING LIGHTS". PAINT PROCESS Body surfaces to be painted shall be cleaned using DX436 wax & grease remover. Then the entire surface shall be sprayed with F3963 Etching Primer which exhibits very good adhesion and corrosion resistance. A high build primer surfacer, F3975, will then be applied directly over the etch primer. After allowing the Page 92 PROPOSAJ COMP UE Yes Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No primer surfacer to air dry, the entire unit will be sanded using dual action sanders leaving a very smooth surface to be painted. The paint applied to the apparatus shall be PPG Industries Delfleet® Evolution brand or equivalent, applied throughout a multi -step process including at least two coats of each color and clear coat finish. Special attention will be given to proper application of coatings according to the specified film build (wet and dry) recommendations of PPG. Product or technical data bulletins should be consulted for any needed information above that which has been outlined herein. All paint materials shall be prepared and applied in accordance with this specification and the paint manufacturer's latest written recommendation prior to paint application. The coating shall be baked or air dried. The coatings shall provide full gloss when finished curing and must be suitable for application by conventional pressure air atomizing spray. Body panels and sub -frame area which cannot be painted after assembly shall be pre -primed and painted prior to main painting process. The coatings shall not contain lead, cadmium or arsenic. The polyiscoyanate component shall consist of only aliphatic isocyanates, with no portion being aromatic isocyanate in character. The solvents used in all components and products shall not contain ethylene glycol, mono -ethyl ethers, or their acetates (commercially recognized as cellosolves), nor shall they contain any chlorinated hydrocarbons. The products shall have no adverse health effects or present any unusual hazard to personnel when used according to manufacturers recommendations for handling and proper protective safety equipment, and for its intended use. The coating system, as supplied and recommended for application, shall meet all applicable federal, state and local laws and regulations now in force or at any time during the courses of the bid. The specified apparatus body painted surfaces shall receive the primer coats and the finish coats. These painted surfaces shall have a finish with no runs, sags, craters, pinholes or other defects. COMPARTMENT INTERIOR FINISH The interior compartments shall maintain the natural #4 "brushed" stainless steel finish, as previously specified. All natural finish surfaces shall remain protective vinyl covered, until pre -delivery inspection. HIGH LUSTER BUFFING The specified color painted components (except roll -up door slats) shall be "wet" color sanded with ultra - fine media, machine buffed with rubbing compound and wool pad, machine buffed with glaze and foam pad, and hand wiped to remove residue. PAINT COLOR Finish color match major chassis cab exterior color. DISSIMILAR METALS During assembly all 4 -way aluminum treadplate components, shall be seal coated where mated to non - aluminum components. 4 -way aluminum fabrications to be installed using stainless steel button socket head cap screw fasteners. Edges of 4 -way aluminum, where meeting exterior body painted fabrications, shall be properly caulked with G.E. or equal silver metallic body sealant to prevent moisture accumulation between metal layers. TOUCH-UP PAINT One (1), full quart of original finish color top coat paint material shall be provided for use as future touch- up paint. Page 93 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSA I COMPLA The rear body corners shall be finished in vertical brushed finish of specified stainless body material. The front body corners shall be finished in vertical brushed finish of specified stainless steel body material. The apparatus body upper level vertical door jambs shall have vertical brushed finish of specified stainless steel body material. The exterior surface of apparatus body hosebed risers, driver side and passenger side, shall have brushed finish of specified stainless steel body material. The exterior surface of apparatus body wheelwell housings shall be painted to match the chassis cab. REFLECTIVE LETTERING 10" high ScotchLite lettering of contrasting color with Black ScotchCal shade to be provided. Lettering shall be located on cab roof, CAB DOOR LETTERING Sixty (60), letters shall be furnished and installed on Driver's side and passenger's side chassis cab. Lettering shall be CAD generated machine cut Mylar encapsulated self-adhesive Smart Gold or equal (simulated gold) lettering, suitably shaded with Black vinyl. REFLECTIVE STRIPING A reflective stripe scheme shall be furnished to match Fire Department's newest tanker truck. Reflective stripes shall be placed to conform with NFPA 1901 reflectivity requirement. Contact Fire Chief Steve Joerg for further details. CHEVRON STRIPING - REAR OF APPARATUS A minimum of 48 square feet of multiple diagonal reflective stripes shall be provided, full width at rear of apparatus body. Stripes shall form "Chevrons", using alternating reflective stripes, only interrupted by the rear apparatus lighting, handrails, steps, and door hardware. Chevron pattern shall be applied to flat metal surface, prior to installation of the above specified bolt -on (removable) accessories, Fire Department shall determine two colors of striping. CHEVRON STRIPING - FRONT BUMPER Multiple diagonal reflective stripes shall be provided, full width of front bumper. Stripes shall form "Chevrons", using alternating two-color reflective stripes. CHEVRON STRIPING - COMPARTMENT ACCESSORIES All compartment trays, toolboards, and other fixed equipment that roll or slide out of compartments shall be lined, on sides and front perimeter flanges, with reflective stripes. Stripes shall form "Chevrons", using alternating reflective stripes. 12-/240 VOLT HYDRAULIC GENERATORSET - HARRISON 20KW The generator system shall be a Harrison model 20.OMPC/16 rated at 20 kilowatts, 120/240 VAX, 1 Phase, 60 Hertz, or approved equal. The system shall be designed and assembled by a company with no less than 10 years experience in the manufacture of hydraulic driven systems. The motor/generator shall be placed in a tray frame assembly which affords protection to the components and provides a unitized mounting module containing motor/generator, reservoir, oil cooler, filtration system, and a manifold containing a cross port check valve plus system relief valve. The generator shall be a commercial type with a heavy duty bearing and of brushless design to ensure low maintenance. No Page 94 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes I No brushes of slip rings will be allowed. The reservoir shall include an oil level gauge, oil temperature gauge, fill cap, fill strainer, and a boost unit to provide a positive pressure to the pump suction port. The generator and hydraulic motor shall be close coupled and permanently aligned using a Morse taper with a through bolt to secure the motor to the generator. No two (2) bearing generators or shaft coupling devices are allowed. The system must be capable of producing the rated full -load power when driven from the vehicle PTO from high idle to maximum engine speed. The hydraulic motor and pump shall be of axial piston design to provide low internal leakage and a high degree of frequency stability. No gear pumps or gear motors are allowed. The pump shall match to the system with the proper orifice, pressure compensator and load sensing to provide a stable output over the rated speed range of the pump and with electrical loads from no-load to full -load. The system shall be capable of normal operations using a commonly available ATF fluid, such as GM DEXTRON II or equivalent. All fluid service points shall be in close proximity for ease of scheduled maintenance. When properly installed, the system shall be warranted by the generator manufacturer for a period of not less than two (2) years or 2000 hours, whichever should come first. A Chelsea 10 -bolt transmission power take off shall be of the heavy duty type, mounted directly on the transmission of the chassis. The driveline shall be hollow tube type, with heavy duty universals and splined shaft for movement between the chassis components and the generator. The engagement of the power take off shall be in the chassis cab with rocker switch and pilot light labeled GENERATOR PTO ENGAGED to note engagement of the power take off. An engraved nameplate indicating the chassis transmission shift selector position to be used for generator operation shall be provided in the cab, located so that it can easily be read from the driver's position. The power supply to the PTO engagement control shall be wired to a parking brake interlock switch to prevent engagement unless the vehicle is stopped. The generator system shall be equipped with a Fire Research electronic governor and engine control system. The system shall be designed to be installed on the engine and transmission specified in these specifications. The system shall automatically control the engine speed so the generator voltage is maintained regardless of electrical load. The Fire Research control system consists of: Model FROG -1 controller, or approved equal, (for ISC engines) Throttle Servomotor Throttle Servomotor cable A power source specification label shall be permanently attached to the apparatus near the operator's panel. The label shall provide the operator with the following information: rated voltage and type (AC/DC), phase, rated frequency, rated amperage, continuous rated watts, power source engine speed. GENERATOR LOCATION The above specified hydraulic generator shall be located in the forward hosebed area. SHORELINE/GENERATOR TRANSFER SWITCH Furnish and install a Kussmaul model 091-134 Auto Interlock II, transfer switch, automatically transferring the power source for the designated 120 volt receptacles (up to 20 -amps total), from the Shore Power to the Generator. Transfer shall take place upon start-up of the generator system. ELECTRIC CORD REEL(S) Two (2), Hannay model ECR1618-17-18 electric push-button rewind 4 -conductor electric cord reel assembly to be furnished. Page 95 Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department Cord reel shall be equipped with 250 ft. of 12-3 S.O. insulated multi -stranded copper electric cord, and bright orange ball type cord stop. Water -proof conduit and appropriate multi -stranded copper wiring shall be furnished from reel to specified generator circuit breaker panel, 12 -volt insulated battery cable from reel rewind to battery disconnect switch, and the specified cord end mounted receptacle box. 12 -volt power rewind electric cord reel shall be mounted: in upper interior of pump house, driver and passenger sides. ROLLER ASSEMBLY Electric cord shall "pay-off' back side of reel, equipped with and properly threaded through a 4 -way cord roller/fairlead assembly. ILLUMINATED RECEPTACLE BOX(ES) Two (2), GFE Mfg. model EJ13-5-20, cast aluminum "internally lighted" electrical receptacle box(es) to be furnished, mounted on end of specified reel cord(s), equipped with: four (4) individual single 20 -Amp Household, female receptacles, cord clamp, metal receptacle box plates with spring loaded receptacle covers, and internal illumination (to indicate power on). Receptacles shall be all wired to the single (each individual) cord reel 120 -volt circuit. FABRICATED RECEPTACLE BOX BRACKET(S) Fabricated aluminum or stainless steel receptacle box bracket(s) to be furnished for the above specified reel cord end mounted receptacle box(es). FLOODLIGHTS, SIDE MOUNTED BOTTOM RAISE POLE Two (2), Fire Research "Optimum" model OPAS30-S75, 750 -watt 120 -volt telescoping quartz floodlight(s) to be furnished, complete with 2" off -set surface mount brackets and bottom raise telescoping pole. Insulated 120 -volt coil cord to be permanently wired to recessed body mounted electrical junction box. Light/coil cord to be wired and powered by generator circuit breaker panel mounted 12-volt/120-volt relay with remote illuminated 12 -volt rocker switch. Ligbt(s) to be mounted on outboard rear body corner bevel. WILL -BURT NIGHTSCAN LIGHT TOWER One (1), WillBurt model NSIS-9000 NightScan Powerlite remote controlled, low profile 15 foot extendable lighting system to be furnished with: lift -up telescoping mast with 12 -volt actuator (for elevation) and pneumatic controls (for telescoping), surface mount base unit with shroud, six (6) 240 -volt 1500 -watt FRC Optimum brand quartz light fixtures, RCP 12 -volt directional system with dual pan/tilt, remote panel mount controls, interior cab dash mounted "LIGHT TOWER EXTENDED" indicator light and "auto -stow" feature. Light tower to be wired to specified generator circuit breaker panel with individual appropriate size manual -reset circuit breaker(s). Surface mounted elevating system to be mounted on roof of chassis cab. COMMAND LIGHT The specified Will-burt light tower shall be equipped with a green flashing light at top of lighthead assembly for use as command beacon. Light shall be activated by specified light tower controls. LIGHT TOWER PROTECTIVE SHROUD Light tower shroud shall be furnished, incorporated with mounting of specified light tower. Shroud shall be constructed of 0.125" thick 5052 Aluminum, providing front and side vertical panels to completely conceal light tower from ground level view when stowed. Shroud shall be painted apparatus color. Pafye 96 • • Yes V,• Custom Pumper Specifications for the Monticello Fire Department PROPOSAL COMPLIES Yes No APPARATUS DELIVERY AND DEMONSTRATION AT FACTORY FACILITY Final acceptance and delivery of the completed apparatus shall be made at the factory of the apparatus body manufacturer, at which time Fire Department personnel shall be instructed as to the proper use of the fire pump systems, as well as component systems by a Factory Representative. Factory training shall include intensive fire pump training session by a delivery engineer with extensive experience giving such sessions. Page 97 Z:� Council Agenda: 7114108 10. Consideration of acceptin2 Feasibility Revort and call for Public Hearina for street, inIvroventents to Kevin Lon2lev Drive. Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place, North, City Proiect No. 2008-10C. (BW) On May 27, 2008 the City Council authorized staff to prepare this Feasibility Report. City Project No. 2008-10C includes milling and overlaying 11/7 inches of pavement on Jerry Liefert and Kevin Longley Drives in the northwest comer of the City, and reconstructing the entire pavement section on Hawthorne Place North in the southeast comer of the City. In addition, approximately 1,520 linear feet of curb and gutter will be removed and replaced, and 244 linear feet of drain the will be installed on Hawthorne Place North. Both Jerry Liefert and Kevin Longley Drives were originally constructed in 1984 and they have been seal coated twice since, once in 1987 and once in 1995. Milling and overlaying these streets this year will allow the City to get at least another 10 to 15 years of useful life out of these pavement sections, assuming of course that regular maintenance activities will be performed on the streets over that time. Should regular maintenance activities not be performed the streets will deteriorate much more quickly. Hawthorne Place North was originally constructed in 1991. It was then seal coated in 1995 and crack sealed in 2006. By completing the improvements proposed in the attached Feasibility Report the City should get about 35 years out of the new pavement section. This again assumes that regular maintenance activities will be performed on the street. The estimated cost to construct the proposed improvements is $207,345. It is recommended that this project be funded in part through the 2008 Street Department budget, with the remainder coming from assessments to benefitting properties. In order to keep costs at a minimum City staff prepared the attached Feasibility Report and will also prepare the Plans and Specifications for this project should Council authorize their preparation. 1. Motion to accept Feasibility Report and call for Public Hearing for City Project No. 2008-1 OC on July 28, 2008. 2. Motion to deny acceptance of Feasibility Report for City Project No. 2008-10C. City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. Feasibility Report for City Project No. 2008-10C. AN I1, li I4 1 MONTICELLO Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008-10C July 14, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite I Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Feasibility Report, City of Monticello Project No. 2008-1 OC Mill and Overlay of Kevin Longley Drive & Jerry Liefert Drive and Reconstruction of Hawthorne Place North Dear Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith is a Feasibility Report for the mill and overlay within the City's right-of- way along Kevin Longley Drive from Jerry Liefert Drive to Prairie Road and Jerry Liefert Drive from Kevin Longley Drive to CSAH 75, and reconstruction of Hawthorne Place North. I would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please call me at 763-271- 3236 63-271-3236 should you have any questions. Sincerely, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, P.E. City Engineer c: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator John Simola, Public Works Director Tom Moores, Street Superintendent Enclosure brw La DRA I I 1114J ,' I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Bruce R. Westby, P.E. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC TITLE SHEET 014,1111, .. iMAW894K 1. EXECU'TI'VESUMMARY ................................................................................................ 3 . INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................................. 2.1 Authorization.............................................................................................................. 4 2.2 Scope...........................................................................................................................4 2.3 PCI Ratings..................................................................................... . GENERAL BACKGROUND ............................................................................................ 6 3.1 Project Location.......................................................................................................... 6 3.2 Existing Conditions..................................................................................................... 6 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ..................................................................................... 7 4.1 Street Facilities............................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Drainage...................................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Utilities........................................................................................................................7 4.4 Permits/Approvals.......................................................................................................7 4.5 Right-of-Way/Easements ............................................................................................ 7 5. FINANCING....................................................................................................................... 8 5.1 Opinion of Cost........................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Funding....................................................................................................................... 8 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION ...............................................................1 Appendix A Exhibit A — Project Locations Map Exhibit B — Project Plan Sheet: Jerry Liefert & Kevin Longley Drives Exhibit C — Project Plan Sheet: Hawthorne Place North Appendix Opinion of Probable Costs Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley Dr/Hawthorne Place North ,Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC [�� WX aralwy LVA *%I City Project No. 2008-1 OC provides for the construction of pavement improvements within the City's right-of-way along Kevin Longley Drive from Prairie Road to Jerry Liefert Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive from Kevin Longley Drive to CSAH 75, and Hawthorne Place North. The City Council authorized preparation of this report on May 27, 2008. This improvement project includes milling and overlaying 1% inches of bituminous pavement for a width of 35 feet along Kevin Longley Drive from Prairie Road to Jerry Liefert Drive (1,620 feet), and Jerry Liefert Drive from Kevin Longley Drive to CSAR 75 (1,862 feet). A substantial amount of deteriorated curb and gutter will also be removed and replaced with the project. This project also includes the total reconstruction of Hawthorne Place North, including the removal and replacement of a majority of the existing curb and gutter, and the addition of some drain tile behind the southerly curb line to intercept, collect and direct groundwater south of the street to the storm sewer system in the cul-de-sac. The engineer's opinion of probable costs for the proposed improvements, including a 10% contingency cost, is included in Appendix B. Funding for the improvements will come from a combination of funds budgeted through the 2008 Street Department budget and assessments from benefitting property owners. The construction of all improvements proposed in this Feasibility Report will be completed by the end of the 2008 construction season. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint, and can be constructed as proposed herein. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley DrIHawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Page 3 R§111��WIIW 2.1 Authorization This feasibility report was authorized by the City Council on May 27, 2008. This improvement project has been designated as City Project No. 2008-1 OC. 2�w� This report addresses pavement management improvements within the City's right-of-way along Kevin Longley Drive from Prairie Road to Jerry Liefert Drive, along Jerry Liefert Drive from Kevin Longley Drive to CSAR 75, and on Hawthorne Place North. Originally, Jerry Liefert Drive and Kevin Longley Drive were only considered for improvements but Council requested that staff examine Hawthorne Place North and add it to the project if needed. Staff also reviewed the condition of Hawthorne Place South but no pavement maintenance is required on that road. The proposed project includes construction of approximately 1,520 linear feet of concrete curb and gutter, 244 linear feet of drain tile, 1,032 tons of bituminous pavement mixture, 244 linear feet of drain the and other miscellaneous quantities. All required pavement striping will be completed by City crews to save costs. Opinions of probable cost and project financing for the associated improvements are enclosed. PCI ratings are determined using a collaborative effort between City and WSB staff, City staff performs the initial on-site pavement assessments then WSB runs those assessments through a computer analysis to determine the actual PCI rating numbers. A PCI rating number between 0 and 40 typically indicates that the road is in poor condition and will require total reconstruction, a PCI rating between 40 and 80 typically indicates that a mill and overlay is required, and a PCI rating between 60 and 100 indicates that a sealcoat can be considered. It should be noted that there is some overlap between the sealcoat and mill and overlay ranges and when that occurs life cycle costs are computed for each type of treatment and the treatment that provides the greatest benefit for the cost is chosen. PCI ratings for the proposed project are as follows: Roadway Segment PCI Jerry Liefert Dr, from Kevin Longley (W) to Kevin Longley (E) Jerry Liefert Dr, from Kevin Longley (E) to CSAH 75 Kevin Longley, from Prairie Rd to Jerry Liefert Dr (W) Kevin Longley, from Jerry Liefert (W) to Jerry Liefert (E) Hawthorne Place S, from Briar Oakes Blvd to South 81 Hawthorne Place N, from Briar Oakes Blvd to North 26 Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert DeKevin Langley DrlHawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Page 4 ** These PCI ratings were not yet complete when the Council agenda packets went to press so staff will provide completed Feasibility Reports to Council at the meeting Monday evening. However, based on staff's field assessments it was clear that mill and overlays would be required for Jerry Liefert Drive and Kevin Longley Drive. Based on the PCI ratings above, Hawthorne Place North was determined to need a total pavement reconstruction. Hawthorne Place South is not in immediate need of any pavement maintenance so it will be added to a future seal coat project as needed. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Langley DrImawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008-10C Page 5 3.1 Project Location The proposed project is located within the City's right-of-way along Kevin Longley Drive from Prairie Road to Jerry Liefert Drive, along Jerry Liefert Drive from Kevin Longley Drive to CSAH 75, and on Hawthorne Place North. Project location maps are enclosed in Appendix A. 3.2 Existing Conditions Jerry Liefert Drive — Kevin Lonialev Drive to Broadway This road was originally constructed in 1984 with 8 inches of class 5 aggregate base, 11/2 inches of bituminous base course and I %2 inches of wear course. In 1987 a seal coat was placed and crack seal operations were performed in 1995. There are seven sanitary manholes, one valve box and four storm manholes in the roadway. Much of the concrete curb and gutter is in poor shape, and there is considerable deterioration at the joints. Kevin LonRlev Drive — Prairie Rd to Jerry Liefert Drive This road was originally constructed in 1984 with 8 inches of class 5 aggregate base, 1 V2 inches of bituminous base course and I V2 inches of wear course. In 1987 a seal coat was placed and crack seal operations were performed in 1995. There are four sanitary manholes and three valve boxes in the roadway. Hawthorne Place North This road was originally constructed in 1991. This segment was brought to the attention of the city staff and was added to the original project, due to the alligated road and the deteriorated concrete curb. There was a seal coat in 1995 and a crack seal in 2006. There is a 112inch wear coarse, 1 V2 inch base coarse, 8 inches of class 5 and a 12 inch sand section. There is type "D" (drive -over curb) throughout. The road is 34 feet wide, 268 feet long and has a 96 foot diameter cul-de-sac. There are three sanitary manholes, one catch basin and one gate valve in the road. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert DeKevin Longley DrlHawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Page 6 E � a• •: 041.1 aim 104 1 4.1 Street Facilities Jerry Liefert Drive — Kevin Lonalev Drive to Broadwav A few areas of alligator cracking exist which will first be fixed by fall -depth patching. The entire roadway will then receive a V/2inch mill and overlay. Casting adjustments will be required for seven sanitary manholes, one valve box and four storm manholes in the roadway. Much of the concrete curb and gutter is in poor shape and will require replacement. Minor striping will also be required. Kevin Lonalev Drive — Prairie Rd to Jerry Liefert Drive A few areas of alligator cracking exist which will first be fixed by full -depth patching. The entire roadway will then receive a V/2inch mill and overlay. Casting adjustments will be required for four sanitary manholes and three valve boxes in the roadway. Much of the concrete curb and gutter is in poor shape and will require replacement, as will the existing valley gutters at it's intersection with Prairie Road. Hawthorne Place North Total reconstruction includes placement of a I %2 inch bituminous wearing course, I l2 inch bituminous base course, with 244 feet of drain tile installed behind the back of curb to intercept groundwater from drain tile outlet west of Hawthorne Place. It will also include the installation of approximately 331 feet of type "D" (drive -over) curb and gutter (and a small amount of B618 near the catch basin). Disturbed lawns will need to be sodded, and disturbed driveways will be repaired with materials similar to the existing driveways. 0901�= The only drainage improvements that will be completed under this project are the improvements required to intercept and collect groundwater south of Hawthorne Place North. This work will consist of installing 244 linear feet of drain tile behind the southerly curb, and connecting the tile to a catch basin at the west end of the cul-de-sac. 4.3 Utilities No utilities will be impacted by this project with the exception of the need to adjust several sanitary manhole and storm catch basin castings, as well as several water valve boxes. An excavation permit will need to be acquired from the city prior to construction. 4.5 Right-of-Way/Easements No right-of-way and/or easements will need to be acquired to complete the improvements as proposed. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley DrIHa%lhorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008-1 OC Page 7 5. FINANCING 61LIES �#� �# A detailed opinion of cost for the proposed improvements is located in Appendix B of this report. These opinions of cost incorporate 2008 construction costs and include a 10% contingency cost. The opinion of probable costs for constructing the proposed improvements along Jerry Liefert Drive and Kevin Longley Drive is $163,970. The opinion of probable cost for constructing the proposed improvements on Hawthorne Place North is $43,375. 2200=-, The proposed improvements can be financed by assessing benefitting property owners 25% of the project costs, with the City picking up the remaining 75% of the costs using funds budgeted by the Street Department for 2008. This assessment rate is consistent with assessments levied against property owners along Kenneth Lane which received a mill and overlay during the 2007 Core Street project. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Longley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Page 8 if the City Council approves the improvements as proposed in this Feasibility Report, the anticipated project schedule is as follows: for,......,.,...,..^~._,~..,.,, Tnl/ 14. 2008 ApproveJn/w�/� Hold Public Order Plans & Specifications ..—.,......,.,...........,.......~--_/ -, 2008 Approve Plans and Adfor Bid ............... ... ........... 11, 2008 ` Receive Bids .................................. ............................................ September �4, 2008 Award Contract ............................................................................ September 8" 2008 Begin Construction ............................................... .''-'''`'``''''''''^^ September 22, 2008 Final Completion '''``^''''''^''''''^''`''`''''''''^''''^''''''`''`'''.'''..-..........,.N0veoIbcr T4` 2008 Feasibility Report Jerry ziefertorIKevinLongley orIffawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project Aro. 2008-IwC It is the recommendation of the City Engineer that City Project No. 2008-1 OC as outlined in this Feasibility Study is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert DrlKevin Langley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Page 10 K�O Exhibit A — Project Locations Map Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert DrIWevin Longley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC Feasibility Report Jerry Liefert Dr/Kevin Langley Dr/Hawthorne Place North Street Facility Improvements City of Monticello Project No. 2008 -IOC U.J U Lf) Ln 0 qt 0 It** w cn* to cy; LAJ Ln 0 Ln (N m m w r-q LM rN m T-q r1i Ln Ln 0) CN 0 LO 0 0 0) w cn 0h m to (-4 m h m ro �q (M eh t" U r-4 zr r-4 to V) CL r-4 TI LLJ m 4w 0 0 0 UJ 5;u C) cDc) q000 o z 0 cc: D CL 0 qqco r4 c; CD CD 0 C) 0 T 0 0 r-q m rq 0 1-- V z Q 0 z Cl U m 0 LU 0 E !� P z r, 0 00 L,) CO a) N N 00 00 LM 0 Ln Ln 14T 4a _j V) 0 N ko m N cn 'o q -q rq m rl V-4 Ln 00 w 00 Ln N A >: V) m z uj -j x uj -a uj LU 0Q C9 0 - z u cr- CL z cr cc: Z o CL o in _3 < -a >- D z V) z z 0 Z > Z > LU -j (D uj -i z i 0 0 z z z z z u < u u < < z LU LU z 0 z Cf crNe Ln W W WR Ul) Ul o co 0 0 D V) LLJ -i Z CC: -j F- z z 0 z > > o LL LL >- UJ LLJ �'le UJ cr- Lw -j W —.1 UJ Ne co LL Z ;- --j (D LA. o LL o -j W— _j Lj- W] z =>-�--w=-0 Lu cc: UJ ZZ vi C:: U Z W W0 LLJ 00 CL LU F- i= ui z z Z 0 F- V-i d ui CL Uj LAJ LL.J CC 06 Z F.- z x o LLJ Z Z -j uj 0 0 U 0. o F2 u Iz (5 S2 z LL - 0 -j 5 U-j .. ul z z F- V) - It V-q o 0 2� U (D LAJ UJ < Z z z m Z -i f�o LLI 0: W F- Z cc ui LAJ 2 3; 00 " co -j D Lj- F- LA w Z cr < UJ uj uj cc uj — u < L, uj ui Lu X -j cc R uj o6 rn o6 M 00 uj u 0 LL CM < Q) 0 o U, L< , 0 cr u z __j :D > u Z V) CL a- zu F- z CL LLJ Li- LU -i co co cr -j cr < u < 0- (D V) V) < < V) cr- uj V) ui uj LU U- cc: cr- z < w Lu LLJ z z uj ul Z 0 M 0 0 CA (A :D 0 a: ::) LLJ -Z CC uj Ln F- F- > Lij < < < F- _5 LU _j to < z z F- Lu 0 — c:: U 0 uj < = z 0 U cl: < U x < x w 0 z 0 cc u z IRT ICT cr- z 0 C) Ln Z D D Z > ui Ln 2 V)WLL, < 0 cr- cr- 0 P2 ZDOUUOUjo Li < LLI 3: C'n w F- o u Z U, w Lu u Lu > LL r, r- > > LU ui > U cr. = U w F- < > > Z >- -J CO CO X 0 Z u -i co -i Lai ui 0 u u 0 z 0 z Ln LLJ u 0 0 < z >. 0 ui Lji U 0 tA UJ uj 0 F- Z> z z Z> u z 3: :E In a. cr. a: cc 0. �j Lu 0 0 LU - 0 -j -j z cr- w u u ,-r u < V<) cwr. Lon < rt ri < > > to > L.0 U c; C (N M U) 0 Ln C C) z Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Lm Ln i r4 t® ul Cq Lq '-,I u! t 2 ci c5 M LI) Lf) Ln C) rn " Ln 0 8 q* Tr Ln m U-) w N 0 00 C ui en m m Ln Ln N N Ln 0 LM Ln 0 C) r- V) CL 0 N N N N N N N r4 N r%j N (3) C,4 CC >� ci Z to :t� 4- u0 LU U) W Z uj m a) LL L- CL 0 z a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a T-4 rq U o o (=5 L-ri t0* 0* 0* co c"i c; 6 ci d zi N-4: T-4 rn* 44t, < LL, V) C) C) C14 Ln w to � 00 CN CD ItT 0 0) (14 00 rn ICT N 0 o 0 m m cT m �* Cj m Ln (N 00 Itt 0) t" rn 0 r-4 r-4 t.0 w r -i m rn m V) Lli 0 In t; C 0 0 9 C5 0 C C) 0 4) U ui 0 C, (::> CD C) C) 0 0 00 00 41 cr-I u C) (5 0 9 q o 0 . 'm tko r z R Lti , 6 0 0 "i 0 c; C5 6 L! 9 C? = C 0 V) D CL 0 0 0) a v 0 0 iz -4- W) z m CD rq CY) fA 0 U.j m Q0 r -I m V 0) Z < M M r14 X w ui M r -I r -I (N Nce) en r14 m 0 Cf E :c LU u z uj O 'ru LU D V) z w z z o t tz t- z U- u u 0 ui 0 O 0 0 z z z z Z cr Cf z LU > cc LU nan cm 0 1= -1 00 0 L.L V) V) LU 00 uj oe z co ui LL Q z L w , z wLCL o C= x 06 uj Z Z -.i ui uj uj < u r– S2 U- — w X W V) Ln 0 Ci 'A W UJ Ul 1.1 Z> z z ui CC < z z a- 0 M LU UJ 0 LL LU cc > = Ln Z 0 Q. 0 V) z w ui w = O cc u w W LU m > > u CL cr. u 0 C7LL < z -j F- Z Z Z V U Z V) CL M z ui U 0 ( Lm z cc D m u in in 0 X 0 U 0 w C) Z 0 ff z 0 z LU m M uj Z z <00 ==-.,w cc 0- < < V, z z 0 = uj < Cc < x z = 0 z LU 2i w = CL LL LL uxj UJ 0 ;� L" < z 0 0 Z D D 0 W Uj 2 rn D :) CL (A 0 u u > 0 LAJ z in 0- 0 P: Z I.- < < 0 U uj LLJ CL F-- m> LU < 0 00 r1i > Z ui I-- F- LL -j LLJ z CL U- x x < LU (D 0 z f cc — 3: > > , , > Z >- Lu CL ui 0 0 u u LU Z u 0 < = (n < Lu uj z z 0 0 z uj CL C-4 < V) 0 CL a- uj ui 0 0 CL UJ LJ 0 co < mcur-j u u to (D (D u < 0 V) 0 -j tD m zo < < u C14 v -q r,4 ""4 T- .4, M: ci r14 C14 t14 M Ln U) 0 CD 0 0 0 0 0 A C) C r-4 0 r -I 0 C z Lr) Ln Ln V) Ln Ln Ln co ce) to Ln (D Ln Ln Lf) tf 06 r4 C"i . M . . . . . . 0 C) :2 -4 4 to t- to W It* ItT ICT LM rq C14 (Y) qzT Lr) to uj r14 Ln Lr) LA o rn m 0 0 M 0 0 0 0 0 N C) 0 m m m r-4 Ln Ln U') r U) Ln LO r,4 r-4 Ul = 0) N N N r4 rq C4 C14 (14 N CN (N C4 r4 N N r,4 6 z to ui F- 0 N m d tD tD uj m 0 z (v LL CL- L 0 z Council Agenda - 0711412008 11. Review of bids and consideration of award of contract for 2008 Street Bituminous Sealcoafin2 Proiect. Citv Proiect #2008-13C. (J.S., T.M.) The 2008 Street Bituminous Sealcoating Project, City Project #2008-13C, primarily involves the first core city project streets reconstructed in 2003. These streets are W 3rd, W 4th, Walnut St to the RR tracks, Locust St, Linn St, Maple St, Minnesota St to the RR tracks, and Vine St to the RR tracks. It also includes a portion of Cardinal Hills that did not get completed in 2007. Those streets are Fallon Dr, Pelican Ln, Oriole Ln, Mockingbird Ln, Swallow Cir, Canvasback Ct, Tanager Ct, and Heron Ct. All together these streets total 83,247 square yards. Furthermore, the project will include four parking lots; the Community Center/City Hall, Hi -Way Liquor, Fire Hall, and the Veit & Company Property which adjoins the Hi -Way Liquor parking lot. These lots total 18,175 square yards. The areas to be sealcoated have been patched and crack sealed by city forces in preparation for this project. This year's project totals 101,422 square yards. Plans and specifications were drafted by the Public Works Department and made available on June 9, 2008. The bid opening occurred on July 8, 2008. The City received a total of two bids; Allied Blacktop Co. of Maple Grove, MN in the amount of $117,972.54, and Pearson Bros. Inc. of Hanover, MN in the amount of $140,754.35. We have done 5 core city projects in the last 5 years spending millions of dollars. It is very important that we follow up these projects with a good maintenance program. Standards today in road maintenance are to sealcoat new roads 5 years after they have been constructed and every 7 years after that. The goal we are trying to achieve is for our residential streets to last 30 to 35 years. a. Budget Impact: In preparation for this project we have placed $115,000 in the Street Department 2008 Budget. The portion of the project covered under this amount will be all of the streets listed in the specs ($89,074.29) and the Fire Hall ($2,787.27), which came to a total of $91,861.56 from the lowest bidder, Allied Blacktop Co. of Maple Grove. The other remaining parking lots will be paid for out of their own budgets. The Monticello Community Center parking lot is $18,513.96, the Hi -Way Liquor parking lot is $4,782.72, and Veit & Company Property will be billed $2,814.30 for their portion of the project. b. Staff Workload Impact: A project of this size normally takes two days. We will have a city inspector on the job site for those days, a. The first alternative would be to award the contract to the low bidder, Allied Blacktop Co. of Maple Grove, Minnesota, in the amount of $117,972,54. The project is to be completed by August 24, 2008. b. The second alternative would be to not award the contract and reject the bids. Council Meeting - 0711412008 It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and the Street Superintendent that the City Council award the project to Allied Blacktop Company of Maple Grove as outlined in alternative #1. The Public Works Department will be inspecting the project to see that the contractor adheres to the plans and specifications. Copy of bid tabulation. 0 < CD CD -4 m > cn wS m o z rfl m 0 M C- M o ml > CD cr 16< 0 CD Z ul cn 0 > < CD ZC7 m 0 Z co o 0 0 m< K< z w 0) CD 0 5 m 0 Z 0 > 0 A --i 0 o - 04 m rri C: 0 a Cl) m F- o 0 m M > X X z G) 0 co) 0 z C > 0 z c > =r Ch =r (nX X m 0 x C NJ Q QO cn CD 0 0 69 .69 -4 z co) --j M M m m --q CA 0 Do M cr 0 :3 69 OD 69 00 (0 _0 -4 0 -1 > CO) r- Cl) m m > 0 -0, (0 M CD cr cn CD 0 69 -69r C: > 3, M Z 0 0 M -4 CO) ai m 0 C- c ODN) 61) co pa Cn ( cil 69 rQ 90 00 co �o -q > 0 ;u A p 2 G) CA r r- 0 1 CA 0 0 CA C 0 OD ... . -69 on -4 ....... 6s :,4 co -4 > CO) m -'I > 0 + m > (A m r- cm 0 In E 0 Z -q 0 P T M 0 c- M 0 CD co m 0 m m m G) CC to 0 14 m 00 7a co C) F -i F-3 0 Lm Ln x0 m z C) H >H Iri n LTJ 0 H 0 0 m i W W H 01mmNNNNW 11-1 Ixj 0> C CM�>OMHM I m n 00 L, z:HIT Fd W Z W> 0 (:� tTJ m 10 H M M HC� �a M n co �4 1 F -q to GC 10TJTJCy� y Wb M C) I (n L, 1-14 t -j �'xl LTJ �11 t::j �o 0 M 0 (-) H2 E H C4 tXl CIO t:) m t4l-3 0 C) ul M 0 Fa Mq 10 • F -I F-3 0 U) o W d CD U) w h tlJ W �D lD � l0 G)Wm CI' , , 11 C, o If, . 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