HRA Agenda 11-03-2004 . 1. 2. ") _J. 4. . 5. . AGENDA MONTICELLO HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, November 3,2004 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners: Chair Bill Fair, Vice Chair Darrin Lahr, Dan Frie, Brad Barger, and Steve Andrews. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollie Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. Call to Order. Consideration to approve the October 6, 2004 HRA minutes. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. Consent Agenda. Consideration to review revisions to the Monticello Transllmnation J lome Loan Application Package and authorize commencement of program January I. 2005. 6. Consideration to review revisions and accept the Perfl)fmanCe Measure for the Otter Creek Business Campus. Consideration and approval of zoning for Otter Creek Business Campus for recommendation to Planning and Council. Consideration and approval of covenants for Otter Creek Rusiness Campus fe}[ recommendation to Planning and Council. a) h) c) 7. Consideration to authorize payment of liRA hills. 8. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. 9. Committee Reports. 10. Other Business. II. Adjournment. . . . MINUTES MONTICELLO HOUSING AN D REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY Wednesday, Oetober 6, 2004 - 6:00 p.m. 505 Walnut Street - Bridge Room Commissioners Present: Chair Bill Fair, Vice Chair Daffin LaIn, Dan frie, Brad Barger, and Steve Andrews. Council Liaison: Roger Carlson. Staff: Rick Wolfsteller, Ollic Koropchak, and Angela Schumann. 1. Call to Order. Chairman Fair called the meeting to order at 6:00 PM and declared a quorum. 2. Consideration to approve the Septcmber 1, 2004 HRA minutes. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER FRIE TO APPROVE THE MINUTES. MUflON SECONDED BY ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED. A NOTATION WAS MADE TO AMEND SEPTEMBER'S MINUTI-;:S TO SHOW COMMISSIONER LAHR AS PRESENT. ") _J. Consideration of adding or removing items from the agenda. None. 4. Consent Agenda. None. 5. Consideration to review a draft copy of the Monticello Transformation Home Loan Program Criteria. Application Form, and Remodelcr form for adjustment. Koropchak reviewcd the draft materials prepared for the loan program, indicating that they followed the Richfield program as a model, although Koropchak had targeted a speeitic area and value in developing the draft matcrials. Koropehak had included the recommendation that the program loan up to 20% of the remodeling costs if the model costs are $50,000 or greater, but not to exceed $20,000, with the criteria that the loan would be t()rgiven after 5 years. Koropchak spoke with Attorney Bubul about the pre-remodeling condition report as I . HRA Minutes 10-06-04 required in Richfield. Bubul had related that it was a requirement lor such funding programs. Since 1997, r IRA's are required to hire inspectors for projects within the redevelopment district. Koropchak noted that as pooling dollars would be used t()r this project, an inspector will need to be hired. Koropchak explained that she would be speaking with the Building Department about the program, noting that as the department is already busy, it would need to he reviewed whether the Building Department can fully complete the advisor scrvices as outlined. Fair noted that with only $150,000 being potentially allotted for the pilot project, they could do approximately 8 houses per year. This would rcquire only 8 pre-remodeling inspections. Fair inquired whether a specific checklist could be developed to make the process more consistent. Koropchak stated that the Richfield advisory service did have checklist that could be used as a model. Fair asked if the HRA could contract out pre-remodeling inspcctions. Koropchak indicated that they could be. . Lahr clarified that the inspection is required to determine that the home is sub-standard. That inspection would be separatc from thc remodeling advisor inspection. The redevclopment district would necessitate that certain criteria need arc met. Lahr inquired whethcr a qualified inspector could train a Monticello building inspector to do inspections subscquent to the first few. Koropchak stated that shc thought that would be acceptable, in which case the two inspections could occur together. Barger asked if monics could be used from other districts. Koropchak indicatcd that funds for this program had to be from a redevclopment district. Thc consensus of the Commissioncrs was that the I IRA would like to continuc looking at the project. Koropchak notcd her rcservation that it may be difficult to get pcople to fully utilize the program. Andrcws notcd that there is little risk to the I-IRA to launch the program as a pilot project. Fair commented that it will be important to target the program appropriately and possible to develop a workshop to potentia' resident candidates. Koropchak also recommendcd that a timc-lramc for completion be includcd in the projcct criteria. Frie stated that banks have timc frame rcquirements and the HRA 's critcria could shadow those requirements. Duc to issues surrounding potcntial planning review, Fair recommended a time cap of 6 months hom the issuance of building permit. The Commission discussed the funding level for the pilot project as a whole, as well as minimum remodeling expenscs and maximum I IRA loan funds per project. . 2 . . . liRA Minutes 10-06-04 Lahr sought clarification on percentage calculation for determining the amount of HRA funding. It was clarified that the loan amount would be a straight 20% of the total remodeling costs. Barger asked if the bank providing the potential user with financing could use the HRA money as equity. Koropehak stated that Richfield's project requires that a loan is already closed or committed. Barger indicated that the $20,000 as equity would help secure a larger qualification. In the Richfield model, the monies go directly to the lender. Fair recommended meeting with bankers to identify the steps of the actual loan process. The Commission determined that homeowners should not receive cash back for labor, however, they should be allowed to provide sweat equity. The Commissioners also determined that the loan funding would be 20% of what the borrowed amount is, not the determined value of the improvements. HRA directed staff to continue researching the project in terms of the discussion items. It was noted that at the time the details of the project were outlined, staff would prepare a report for City Council. 6. Consideration to adopt a rcsolution decertifying Economic TIF District No. 1-17 and No. 1-21, to authorize c1ose~out of five Economic TlF Districts, and to request the reimbursed tax be allocated to the HRA General Fund. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER BARGER TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION DECERTIfYING ECONOMIC TlF DISTRICT NO. 1-17 AND No. 1-21, AND TO AUTHORIZE CLOSE-OUT OF fIVE ECONOMIC TIF DISTRICTS: 1-17, 1-21, 1-15, 1-13, and 1-14, AND TO REQlJES"f THE REIMBURSED TAX BE ALLOCATED TO THE liRA GENERAL FUND. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER LAHR. MOTION CARRIED. 7. Consideration to rcview and approve Performance Measure for the Otter Creek Crossing Industrial Business Park. Koropchak reviewed her recommendations as outl ined in the staff report, noting that the pcrformanee measure will act as a guide in selling the property. The measure determines what property will be sold f()r and what the manuf~tcturer needs to meet in terms of building, storage, landscaping and other criteria. Koropchak provided an explanation of potential land costs based on the performance 3 lIRA Minutes 10-06-04 . measure and compared to other industrial areas. Koropehak noted that the criteria prohibits one large buyer from purchasing all the land and acting as the developer. She also explained that TIF will go towards paying off the bonds for infrastructure. Koropchak indicated that the small group will be meeting with City Engineer Bret Weiss and City Planner Steve Grittman about thc pcrformance measures and discussing improvcments and zoning issues. Koropchak stated that she would recommend asking Council fCH the HRA to act as manager of the site and sell/market the property. This would be consistent with the lIRA being involved in creating thc TIF district. Under the terms of the district, potential buyers will have to sign the development agreement. This arrangcment gives the HRA the authority to ncgotiate but leaves Council with the final approval. Barger asked if sales would need to meet the but-for test. Koropchak indicated that was correct. Koropchak noted the non-refundable fcc for development agreement, which is due to expenses involved in the platting process. It also helps to cover the cost of drafting that development agrcement and TIF process. . Barger asked how the land sale price would be determined for two story buildings. For example, would prices be based on footprint or usable square footage. Koropchak indicated that she would clarify that rcquircmcnt with other communities with similar measures. Lahr recommcnded aiming high in terms of land pricing, as the land will continue to increase in valuc. Barger also recommended increasing the measure for both jobs and cost per acre. Fair requested that staff provide performance measures from other communitics with similar projects so the BRA could make a comparison. Koropchak noted that thc draft performance measure presented rcprcscnted the averages of what she had seen for other areas. Barger recommended that pcrhaps thc staff could also prepare a land price per square foot versus acre. Koropchak indicated that remedies for those not meeting criteria will need to be outlined. Koropchak also stated that the small group would be discussing buildings materials and the establishment of covenants and other amenity requirements, citing the Pfeffer companies as an industrial site developer that establishes site covenants. Frie recommcndcd going with a more liberal zoning designation and then setting stricter covenants, which would give the City greater flexibility. . 4 . . . HRA Minutes 10-06-04 Koropchak will do more research and provide the liRA with feedback from IDC small group at the next meeting 8. Consideration to authorize payment of I IRA bills. None. 9. Consideration of Executive Director's Report. Koropchak reviewed her staff rcport, clarifying that the Landmark Square II project will need to hirc an inspector, per previous discussion on redevelopment projects. Fluth did sign a preliminary agrccment and provided the deposit funds. If the project doesn't movc forward, the City will reimhurse him. 10. Koropchak noted that Tom Holthaus had requested that she run TIF funding numbers on a four-house development. Koropchak estimated that it would take 25 years to collect money if I lolthaus met the but-fc)r test and the HRA authorized a redevelopment district. Committee Reports. None. 11. Other Business. None. 12. Adiournment. MOTION BY BARGER TO ADJOURN AT 7:30 PM. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER ANDREWS. MOTION CARRIED. 5 . . . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 5. Consideration to review revisions to the Monticello Transformation Home Loan Application Package and authorize commencement of program .Januarv 1.2005. A. Reference and backeround: At thc Octobcr HRA meetings, the commissioners agreed to proceed with the Transformation Ilome Loan program as a onc-year pilot program and somc criteria was deJined. It was suggested to meet with the lendcrs to clarify the mechanics and role of the Icnder and the liRA On October 25, Rick Wolfsteller and myself met with Attorney Bubul and Mark Ruff. Both had receivcd copics of the draft Transformation Home Loan Package. Some vcrbiage was changed upon their recommcndation: Thc purpose of thc loan must be for structurally substandard homes and thcy suggested a forgiveness timc of 10 years rather than 5 years. After meeting with thc lenders (Wells Fargo and First Minnesota) on October 28, a definition of structurally substandard will be insertcd in the Loan Package. It was recommendcd to clarity if the recommended 5-years is for legal purpose or if a pro-rate basis can work. The lenders suggestcd the lIRA have a mortgage with an addendum stating when HRA funds are disbursed and stating the terms of forgiveness/payable and have a note. The lIRA dollars would be put in an escrow account and disbursed by the title company (Tcrry to draft languagc.) Suggested changing language feJr disbursement of HRA funds from no later than six months after issuance of building pcrmit to no later than six months from date of loan closing (This for consistency with lender language.) Lastly, draft an easy step process (bullet points) feJr home-owncrs. On Novcmber 2, the Executive Director, Jeff O'Neill, and Fred Patch will discuss the roles of the remodeling advisor, design advisor, and structurally substandard inspector. Lastly, based on the GIS information ran, 35 single-family detached homes wcre identified at $100,000 or less value in the corc area and 197 single-family detached homcs were identificd bctween $100,000 and $150,000 value in the core area. Givcn those numbers, a direct mailing to home-owners is feasible. Additionally, a brcakfast for locallendcrs and rcal estate agents to market program. B. Alternative Action: 1. Motion to authorize commencement of the program January 1,2005, and to request final draft of documents at the HRA meeting of December 1,2004. 2. Motion to not move forward with Transformation Home 1,0an. . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 ~ -, . Motion of other. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is alternative no. I. This schedule would allow t()r Council blessing of the program on December 13, 2004. D. Suoportine: Data. Documents as printed. . . 2 Page 1 of 1 Ollie Koropchak . From: Bubul, Stephen J [sbubul@Kennedy-Graven.com] Sent: Friday, October 29, 2004 9:26 AM To: Ollie Koropchak Subject: RE: Home Redevelopment Program Responses to your questions: 1. There's no legal reason, but 5 years would be very unusual in my experience. This is fair amount of money, and the goal is long-term stability in the neighborhood, I assume Just an observation. It could be prorated as an alternative; I think that would be preferable if the HRA is committed to the 5 year concept. 2 Right now, the only building expert I can recommend is LHB. The contact is: Mike Fischer LHB Engineers & Architects 250 Third Avenue North, Suite 450 Minneapolis, MN 55401 612-338-3029 3. The substandard language in your fax is accurate I have to run to a meeting right now; call me later today if you have more questions on this. . --mOriginal Message--m From: Ollie Koropchak [mailto:Ollie.Koropchak@ci.monticello.mn.us] Sent: Thursday, October 28, 2004 10:52 AM To: Bubul, Stephen J. Subject: Home Redevelopment Program Steve - A couple of questions. The lenders and Fair see the 5-year forgiven or payable upon sale as an incentive. Is there a legal reason the HRA can't use 5 years rather than the 10 years suggested by you and Mark Ruff? Or could it be a pro-rated basis? Second, can you email the names and Phone # of the substandard experts? Do you have a list for requirements for structurally substandard? HRA meeting November 3. Thanks Ollie ...... -- 10/29/2004 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Economic Development Director Phone: (763) 271-3208 Fax: (763) 295-4404 E-mail: ollie.kororchak:il:ci.monticello.mn.us -- Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and fOf the City of Monticello, Minnesota MONTICELLO TRANSFORMA nON HOME LOAN 2005 APPLICATION PACKAGE PURPOSE A "home transformation" means a major home remodel, increasing its livable space and its value. Residents who enjoy living in the core city and know the benetits of living within walking distance of the Mississippi River, the community center, and the schools are choosing to adapt and redevelop their existing homes to meet their currcnt needs. The Transformation Home Loan was devcloped to provide incentives for homeowners or home buyers in Monticello to begin major redevelopment/rcmodeling activities. . The Transfi.1nnation Home Loan seeks to promote and foster a vibrant core city by: . Encouraging redevelopment of structurally substandard homes. Encouraging home owner-occupancy. Encouraging investment into the core city. Increasing housing market value. . . . TARGET ARF:A The Transformation Ilome Loan program is available for existing single-family detached homes located within the core city described as: · North of 1-94. · East of Otter Creek · South of Mississippi River. · West of Hospital and Middle School. TARGET VALUE The Transformation Home Loan program is available t()[ existing single-family detached homes with a 2004 assessed market value of $150,000 or less. . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 · Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 TARGET CRITERIA . The Transfi)fmation Home Loan program is available for existing single-family detached homes that meet the redevelopment qualification requirement of structurally substandard as defined by Tax Increment Financing Law, 469.174. "Structurally substandard" shall mean containinx defects in structural element or a comhination of deficiencies in essential utilities andfacilities, liXht and ventilation, .fire protection includinx adequate exress, layout and condition ol interior partitions, or similarfactors, which defects or deficiencies are (?l s14ficienttotal sixnfficance tojust?fy substantial renovation or clearance. . A building is not structuralzy suhstandard flit is in compliance with the huilding code applicable to new buildings or could he modified to sati,~fy the building code at a cost of less than 15 percent of the cost olconstructing a new structure olthe same square.fhotage and type on the site. The municipality may find that a huilding is not disqual?fied as structurally substandard under the preceding sentence on the hasis (~lreasonably available evidence, such as the size, type. and axe olthe buildinx, the average costs of plumbing , electrical, or structural repairs, or other similar reliahle evidence. The municipality may not make such a determination without an interior inspection (~lthe property, but need not have an independent, expert appraisal prepared (~lthe cost qfrepair and rehabilitation qlthe building FUNDING SOURCE The Transformation Home I,oan program is a one-year pilot program commencing January 1, 2005, with a limited amount of funds, $150,000. Program Features: ... Remodeling Advisor Services. will provide initial remodeling advice as wcll as on-going assistance as you plan your project. An attached letter explains potcntial services provided. I,eave a message with _ on the Remodeling Connection: 763 ... Design Advice Services. is a design advisor who can meet you in your home to discuss design options. Such advice may be particularly useful when you're changing tloor layouts or blending in an addition. Call . 2 . answering service at remodeling program. and reference the Monticello ... The Tnmsformation Loan. The Montieello Housing and Redevelopment Authority (BRA) characterized the Transformation Loan as an "ineentive loan". The incentive is just a little more financing with terrific terms, so that a homeowner may feel equipped to move forward on their remodeling project. To apply for the loan, the cost of your remodeling project must be $50,000 or more. The loan may be 20% of your remodeling project, when the cost of remodeling is $50,000 or more. The maximum loan amount is $20,000. The loan is interest-free, and is payable upon salc of your property or forgiven after five (5) years. If you have questions, call 763-271-3208. Funds are limited. Application Procedure: 1. Prior to starting your proiect, obtain this application package which includes the builder requirements and summary of design consideration, loan application form, remodeling advisor letter, and a remodeler form for remodelers who have not worked under the program previously. . 2. Submit a complete application. A commitment of funds can only be made when all requircd itcms have been rcccived. Please notc: The City (?lMonticello 's Building Department must approve all huilding plans, and may have requirements independent olloan requirements. All set hack and zoning requirements must also be met. 3. Applications wi 11 bc reviewed on a fi rst -come, first -scrved basis, with priori t y being givcn to projects that arc most ready to move forward. Project readincss will be determined by those that havc completed drawings, have total project funding in place (c.g. have a loan commitment or have closed on mortgage financing), and lor have a rcmodcler under contract. Funding will not be held for projects that arc not rcady. 4. Oncc an application and other required documents have bccn received and reviewed, a loan commitment will be made. Conditions of the Transformation Incentive Loan: 1. Submitted applications will be revicwcd for appropriateness and completeness. Projects gcncrally must be value-added improvements such as renovation or . '" ,) . expanding space. Plans will be reviewed 1()r design considerations. I .... The loan will be calculatcd at up to 20% of the initial contract price if the contract price for remodeling is $50,000 or more, but not to exceed $20,000. The commitment of funds is made at the beginning of the project. 3. Funds are limited. You may want to call ahead of time to find out if funds are still available. 4. A Pre-Remodeling Condition Report is required by the HRA to meet city financing and auditing requirements. A property evaluator (not an appraiser) contracted by the HRA will spend approximately an hour at your homc to assess the age of mechanical systems, measure square footage, and otherwise note the condition of the home prior to remodeling. This is a (me-time report for HRA records and incurs no cost to the homeowner. 5. Loans will not be considered for work in progress or work completed. The Transformation Loan can only be considered for projects not yet begun. 6. You will be sent a commitment letter verifying the reservation of funds to be provided at closing. A copy of the letter will be provided to your lender. . 7. A copy of a letter of commitment from your lender verifying approval of the primary loan is required. 8. The Transformation Home Loan funds will be deposited in an escrow account and dishursed by a title company. Upon satisfactory verification of work in progress or upon completion, the escrow account will be drawn upon in pro~ratcd increments simultaneously as funds arc drawn upon from the primary loan to make payments to the remodeler. 9. The 'franslDrmation Home Loan shall be secured by a Mortgage Deed and Note. 10. Final payment of the committed TranstDrmation Loan must he disbursed by the title company by no latcr than six months aftcr the datc of closing. Please be informed that financial data shall he submitted to the Lender for purposes of this loan application. However, the fact that you apply for a Transformation Home Loan, the final loan amounts arc considered public data according to Minnesota Statute Chapter 13. . 4 . . . Gcneral Remodelcr and Design Critcria: The HRA docs not recommend any particular remodeler. Selected remodelers must complete a Remodcler Form, and comply with the general criteria established by the Monticello HR.A "Sweat equity" cannot be includcd under the Transformation program. Summary of Remodeler Reauirements It is thc homcowncr's rcsponsibility to check on contractors thoroughly before selecting them. Your buildcr should: 1. Demonstratc financial capability by providing a statement from a financial institution of sufficient construction capital. Possess adequate Builder's Risk, Comprehensive General Liability and Worker's Compcnsation insurance coveragc. Have a writtcn warranty policy to be shared with the homeowner or written evidence of commitment to perform warranted repairs required by thc Minnesota State Statute. 2. ,., -) . If the remodelcr has not participated in the Transformation Home Program previously, the HRA will require a Remodeler Forum to be completcd. A form is attached. Summary of Housing Desij!n The liRA will require the following: 1. Each home shall remain a detached single-family dwelling. 2. Each homc shall be owner-occupied. 3. Garage space may be maintained or expanded, but not reduced. 4. The housc building lines, roof lines, doors and window placcment should minimizc blank wall mass. J louse and garage oricntation to the street must present a balanccd and pleasing vicw from all sidcs. 5. Extcrior materials should be low maintcnancc. Masonite type siding matcrials are not acceptable. 6. Thc site must be fully landscaped, including attractively placed foundation plantings and complete sod installation, lot line to lot line. 7. Adjoining properties must not bc disturbed by the construction process. Construction planning is important since five foot sidc yard setbacks limit construction space. 5 . . . 8. The construction process, site grading, and the finished structure must improve or not have a detrimental impact on storm water drainage patterns in the neighborhood. Re- working an existing site grade to improve neighborhood drainage may be requested. If a roof is pitched towards neighboring homes, gutters may need to be installed to divert storm water, in addition to improved grading. If you would like to consult with someone regarding any remodeling issues, call the Remodeling Advisor at 'I 'rans !,xll1alion l.oan, do~ 2005 6 . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Phone: (763) 271-3208 Fax: (763) 295-4404 E-mail: ollic.koropchak:ciki.rnonliccllo.mn.us Economic Development Director Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota MONTICELLO TRANSFORMATION HOME APPLICA nON FORM General Information: Name(s) ofOwner(s) (as they appear on title) --'._~ --~_.,~,~~~-----------._, Present Addrcss .-._."-',~.,-,. ~._."--'.._'-----------"-".'_.. Phone Number(s) Future Address (i f buying to remodel) Remodeling Information: Description of improvements to be done _~_'____ . --------- -',-~.'.~-"-- When do you plan on remodeling?_ '~__.___.__.__ Name of ^rchitect or Designer -~"-------'_h__ Name of Remodelcr '_."--'--,. .~,~~- Attach a list of contractors if a general contractor is not being used. Financing Information: Estimated amount of contract $___,__ Appraised value of property upon completion (if lender financed) $ Name of Lender .._"._'-'''~..',--". , Type of financing (second mortgage/refinance/home equity line, etc.) Anticipated closing date _ Source of financing if not lender financed _ Requirements for a complete application Check ofT all that apply; provide explanation for those not completed. __ A copy of the cost cstimatc(s) and description of improvements is attached. _,_ Building plans are attached (both floor plans and exterior elevations). --_ Site plan is attached (for additions that require crawl space or foundation). -"- Ready to schedule a pre-remodeling condition evaluation (arranged by the Monticello I IRA). . Please explain i I' an item is not checked: Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Slrect, Suile I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 -rransformation Home Application Form . Page 2 5,'end completed application and allachments to: Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attention: Ollie Koropchak To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Homeowner agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless the /-IRA and the City of Monticello, their officers, agents and employees from and against all claims, loss, damage, costs and expense arising from bodily or personal injury or sickness, illness, or death of persons or damage to property resulting rrom or alleged to have resulted from the Remodeler's work and operations. Owner Owner Date Date . . I 'rt.H1S ttlnn:H ion;)ppl iLiltioll. t"orln . DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Phone: (763) 271~3208 Fax: (763) 295-4404 E-mail: ollie.koropchakrirci.monticello.mn.us Economic Development Director MONTICELW Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota TRANSFORMATION HOME - REMODELING ADVISOR Interested in a free "I-Iome Visit",? The role of the Monticello Remodeling Advisor is to assist Monticello homeowners (or potential homeowners) with planning for their remodeling pr(~ject. This entails a variety of serviees depending on thc specific interests of each homeowner and the unique nature of their property. It may bc helpful to talk to an unbiased expert, someone with some technical knowledge, before or after receiving bids from contractors. This is a free scrvice! Start with an initial telephone conversation to discuss the ideas or the potential project. Often this results in a home visit, which includes the rollowing: . Detailed discussion or homeowner's plans, ideas, and needs. A walk-through survey to identify improvement needs and expand on the homeowncr's idcas. Preparation of general cost estimates relating to the various improvements. (Costs can vary dramatically, depending on the contractor and the type or materials used. The estimatc rangc provided by the Remodeling Advisor is simply for initial planning purposes.) Discussion regarding thc role of design on the proposed project, and a determination of whether detailed design assistance will be userul. Provision of a Remodeling Manual and hand-outs that cover how to select a contractor and financing options. (Option: Referral of Contractors or Design Advisors) Review of value-added improvements as it relates to ruture market value. Summarization of the home visit with preparation of an Action Plan. A tallow-up phone call to see if you need any further assistance. . . . . . . . . Following the home visit, a follow-up call is made by the advisor to monitor progress and provide additional assistance where needed. This may include: · A review of potential improvements and direction is setting priorities. · Hclp in analyzing estimates or bids secured. . Additional home visits with the homeowncr and contractor to revicw proposed improvements and contracts, if needed. · Referral to a Design Advisor. , Monticello Remodeling Advisor at .u Call . Trans fllrlnati on n:lllode ling. ad v i SOl' Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 · Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . DEVELOPMENT SF:RVICES Economic Development Director Phone: (763) 271-3208 Fax: (763) 295-4404 E-mail: o\lie.koropchak(iyci.monticello-mn.us --"- ,.- ,..--. .-- .- MONTICELLO Housing and Redevelopment Authority in and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota TRANSFORMA nON HOME - REMODELER FORM Business Name: -"_._.'~~'-- Phone No.: Fax No.: -"--_.._~.~"-,."~"-- E-Mail: -"--,.~,~.,~..~_...--------'-.-~"_.-~~..,_._.-...,._"..,- Business Address: ~,--_....------------~' Contact Person: _..,~,._"---"._-",,,~. ..~"_.,,._,,~~. 1. How many years has your company been in business? 2. In the past three years, what has been the average number of homes your company has remodeled per year? __._________._'__--'-- 3. In the past three years, what has been the average remodeling contract price by your company? .,'-,~~"~,_..---'-,.~' 4. Attach copy of your company warranty policy. Yes No --"..----------.,.,-'~- 5. You agree that you have the ability, at all times during the term of the Remodeling Contract, to have and keep in force the following minimum insurance coverages: COVERAGE: Workers Compensation Employer's Liability Comprehensive General Independent Contractors Prod ucts/Com pleted Contractual Liability LIMITS: Statutory $300,000 BI & PD Included Included Included Included Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Strcet, Suitc I, Monticcllo, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Puhlic Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362. (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 Trans/'(mnation Loan - Remodeler Form . Page 2 Personal Injury Liability "XCU" Liability (if applicable) Broad Form Propcrty Comprehcnsive Automobile for owncd, hired, and automobiles I nd uded Included Included $300,000 BI & PD 6. You meet Minnesota state licensing requirements. Yes No 7. Please list municipalities in which you have secured remodeling permits within the past 3-5 years and indicate the name of the City staff person (building official or other) with whom you had the most contact. 1. 2. 3. 8. Provide names, addresses and telephone numbers of five customer references that we may contact as references. . 1. 2. ~ -, . 4. 5. 9. Provide names, addresses and telephone number of three major suppliers or sub-contractors that we may contact as references. 1. 2. ~ -, . The information contained on this form may be provided to lenders, homeowners, and others interested in participating in Monticello Remodeling Programs. By: Its: . Date: K.cll1oddcr. fonn DEVELOPMENT SERVICES Phone: (763)~271-3208 Fax: (763)-295-4404 E-mail: ollie.koropchak(l/1ci.monticello.mn.L1s Economic Development Director MONTICELLO Housing and Redevelopment Authority In and for the City of Monticello, Minnesota TRANSFORMA nON HOME LOAN COMMITMENT/DISBURSEMENT Complete Application: Remodeling Advisor Letter _...._ Builder Requirements and Summary of Design _.. Loan Application Form__ Remodeler Form Pre-Remodeling Condition Report required by HRA. Commitment Letter from Lender. Remodeling and Site Plans reviewed. Building Permit issued. . HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY COMMITMENT OR NON COMMITMENT: LOAN NUMBER: COMMITMENT: YES NO BORROWER: ADDRESS OF SITE: MAILING ADDRESS: TOTAL PROJECT COST: LOAN AMOUNT: LOAN RATE: Interest Free LOAN PAYABLE UPON SALE OF PROPERTY OR FORGIVEN AFTER FIVE (5) YEARS fROM DISBURSEMENT DATE Of_.. FEE NO COST TO IIOME OWNER OR HOME BUYER. A motion was made by HRA Commissioner __".,. "_ to approve a (commitment - no commitment) of Monticello Transformation Home Loan Funds in the amount of to home owner/buyer ~-'" __ this ~__ day of__ ..'. "., Seconded by HRA Commissioner YEAS: NAYS: ABSENT: . Transformation Home Loan disbursed to '_ , _..._' by Check No. _ liRA Treasurer Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Slreet, Suite I, Monticello, MN 55362-R831 . (763) 295-2711 . Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170. Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 6. a. Consideration to review revisions and accept the Performance Measure for the Otter Creek Business Campus. A. Reference and backl!round: Rick Wolfsteller and myself met with Steve Rubul and Mark Ruff on October 25, to make sure the proposed method of financing Otter Creek Business Campus both works and meets Statutory requirements. Bubul and Ruff suggested if the Purchase Agreement is assignable that the Council assign the Purchase Agreement to the HRA. The plan was to provide a one-stop shop deal, convenient to the end-user. This would mean the marketing, packaging, land transaction, plat preparation, TIF District creation, Assessment Agreement/Contract for Private Development, Purchase Agreement, closing and recording would be assigned to the HRA. City Council would still have final approval. Since that meeting, Mark re-ran projections based on the City Engineers updated numbers and holding costs. Rick and I need to meet with Mark a second time. The preliminary and final plat for Otter Creek Crossing is on the Planning Commission agenda of November 1 and Council Agenda of November 8. Closing on the Otter Creek property may take place the end of November or after platting. The Planning Commission is also calling for a public hearing date of December 7, 2004, to re-zone the 120-acres of Otter Creek owned by the City. Additionally, Planning will considcr adopting covenants for the Busincss Campus. The Planning Commission's zoning/covenant rccommendations would appear on the December 13 Council meeting. A workshop with Council prior to the December 13 meeti ng is recommended. The Marketing Committee will not begin to market until Performance Measures, land prices, zoning, and covcnants are in-place. The longer we wait to get the word out, the greatcr our holding costs. Since the lIRA contributed dollars to and supported the purchase of Otter Creek Crossing, the HRA is asked to review and accept the Performance Measure. Thc dollar amounts may change pending our next meeting with Mark. B. Reference and backeround: 1. A motion to accept the Performance Measure for Otter Creek Business Campus as wri tten. . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 2. A motion to accept the performance Measure for Otter Creek Business Campus with the following changes ____~. 3. A motion to table any action until December 1, 2004, HRA meeting. C. Recommendation: Recommendation is to further discuss the "minimum size lot" for sale. The 2.5 acre lot by the performance measure would mean a developer must construct at least a 27,225 sq ft building. A onc-acre lot would need a 10,890 sq ft building. To provide small lots might require additional infrastructure. Although the "Excess Land Price" may changc, the measurement standards should remain consistent. D. Supportinl! Data: Performance Measure, Ruffs last runs, and WSB infrastructure costs. . . 2 . . . 2004 CITY OF MONTICELLO OTTER CREEK BUSINESS CAMPUS PERFORMANCE MEASURE PERFORMANCE PRICE - $1.00 PER SQUARE FOOT NO 2005 IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTS, NO TRUNK FEES, AND NO PARK FEES Jobs per acre: 8 full-time equivalent jobs/acre Average hourly wage: $16.00 ph excluding benefits Land to building ratio: 1 acres: 25110 building (43,560 sq ft: 10,890 sq ft) Developed new market value: $435,600 per acre* Years to payback incentives: Return on investment: Minimum size lot 2.5 acres (Revicw, this would requirc a minimum 27,225 sq ft building) FORMULA FOR MAXIMUM ACREAGE TO SELL ONE USER (Property not intcnded for speculation) I) Building size X 2 = max area for building 2) max area for building X 2 = area of parking. 3) 1 + 2 X 15% =? 4) I I 2 + 3 = Total maximum acreage to sell one user. EXCESS LAND PRICE - $2.15 PER SQUARE FOOT "Excess Land" means the difTerence between maximum acrcage less performance acreage. The "Excess Land" is sold at market value. Developer pays for trunk fees on "Exccss Land" at the current rate at time of expansion. No assessmcnt for 2005 improvements and no park fees. "Exccss Land" subject to five-year re-verter clause. ****************************************************************************** . . . EXAMPLE PERFORMANCE MEASURE: 50,000 sq tl building qualifies for 4.59 acres at perfcmnance price (50,000 divided by 10,890.) New market value must be $1,999,404 (4.59 X $435,600.) Create at least 36.7 full-time jobs (8 X 4.59) at wage levels of $16.00 or greater excluding benefits. PERFORMANCE PRICE: 4.59 acres or 199,940 sq ft Ci!} $1.00 = $199,940 MAXIMUM ACREAGE: 1) 50,000 x 2 = 100,000 sq ft. 2) 100,000 x 2 = 200,000. 3) 100,000 + 200,000 = 300,000 x .1 YXl = 45,000. 4) 100,000 + 200,000 + 45,000 .'cc 345,000 sq ft or 7.92 acres EXCESS LAND: 7.92 LESS 4.59 = 3.33 acres or 145,055 sq ft.. EXCESS LAND PRICE: 3.33 acres or 145,055 sq ft @ $2.15 = $311,868. * $435,600 lacre market value x 4.59 acres = $1,999,404. Annual taxes $51,009 less (5%)Adm $2,550 = TI $48,459 X 8 years = $387,672. $193,836 NPV. (Adm = $20,400) City Costs: $27,162 la infrastructure $11,331 la trunk fees $31,913 la land *** $ 8,590 la grading TOTAL, $78,996/a($1.R1 persqft) Return: $43,560 pia land ($1.00 sq. ft.) $42,230 pia TlF TOTAL $85,790 pia ($1.96 per sq ft) * * * Based on 95 net aeres Purchase price $25,265 pia or $.58 per sq ft for120 acres Infrastructure Chelsea Road Miscellaneous School Blvd Haul Road TOTAL $ 389,168 $ 258,168 $1,074,290 $ 858,750 $2,580,376 TIF Trunk Fees Water (120 (it? $1,685) Sanitary (120 @? $2,142) Storm Sewer (95 @ $6,497) TOTAL $ 202,200 $ 257,040 $ 617,215 $1,076,455 TIF 2 . . Land 120 acrcs (~! $.58 pcr sq ft $3,031,776 UPFRONT Grading $ 816,000 UPFRONT TOTAL COSTS $7,504,607 Divide by 95 acres $ 78,996 per acre or $1.81349 pcr sq ft ., .) OCT-20-2004 10:37 ,A ,WSB .dU{e~, Inc, ; ': I, ':' , " . . : ~ : .~ . I~' ~;::,,::}. :- '::r[' 'I' , , 4150 Ols~, Memcirlal: H11ghwa.y Suite 300 ' : i>'.' "r:' '(I, JX!IF " :~inhesota 5542~ 763,541'~OO . : t :.:~t'l,:' ':I:~I.. 763._5(l1'4'}~~~AX '.,1. '.~;. :..:~: :r~j~;.~';:~i;"l' ,. . WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7632877170 P.02/03 Memorandum To: OUie Koropchak, City of MonticeUo IDe Small Group From: Bret A. Weiss, P.E., City Engineer Jason 1.. AbeU, P.E. Date: October 19,2004 Re: Estimated Infrastructure Costs Otter Creek IndustrUU Campus City of MonticeUo Plllnning Project No. 2004-069 WSB Project No. 1488..92 At the last meeting we were requested to evaluate the infrastructure costs for the 120-acre site to be acquired by the City. This site includes several wetland sites. proposed street rights-of- way, and pond sites. The net acres of property excluding the wetlands, right-of-way, and pond sites is estimated at 92.34 acres. The net acres will include the remaining acreage including the sloped areas adjacent to the property lines. The following is a summary of the estimated project costs for the anticipated infrastructure projects: . Chelsea Road $1,855,000 @ 21 % ::: $389,550 The City is required to pay 21 % of the street and utility improvements. This cost was identified in the purchase agreement with Chadwick and Bowers. . Miscellaneous Costs (Develooment Agreement) $258,168 Several other costs were also identified in the developer's agreement that will be split between Chadwick and Bowers and the City including the following City share at 21 %: Rask Property Acquisition of $1,148.468.00 (net) 90rb SrreetlIntersection Removal of Temporary Access Expenses for Prior Extensions: Outlot A assessment (one-half) Extra Depth Sewer and Stub Acquisition on Sandberg Road Feasibility Report $170,123 $49,770 $5,250 $4,468 $11,022 $4,935 $12,600 . School Boulevard $762,200 (school) and $312,090 (cul-de-sac) = $1,074,290 This cost includes the proposed street and utility construction for School Boulevard and the proposed west cul-de-sac. {';\WPWI1N.caa.9N/EJJO.....JIJJ9/U.t/D< Minneapolis' St. Cloud, Equal Opportunity Employer . . . OCT-20-2004 10:37 7632877170 P.03/03 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. Ollie Koropchak, City of Monticello IDe Small Group October 19, 2004 Page 2 . Haul Road $858,750 Even though a decision has not been made to extend the haul road between proposed School Boulevard and 90th Street, it was decided that an estimate of project cost would be included to provide a worst case scenario. . Future Chelsea Road $704,200 Once traffic and development increases in the area, it is projected that Chelsea Road will be realigned to cross Otter Creek. The cost of this realignment includes the cost to cross Otter Creek and connect to CSAH 39 and includes proposed street and utility construction costs. . Grading $1,016,000 A preliminary grading plan has been completed to estimate potential grading costs. This grading plan will need to be reevaluated to look at possible savings; however, the plan is adequate to determine costs at this time. Th~ cost estimate assumes grading at one time and would be more costly to complete in partial segments. . Trunk Fees The trunk. fee calculation should use the net acres for rhe stann water trunk fee and total acres for the water main and sanitary sewer trunk: fee. Please don't hesitate to give Jason a call at 763-287-8318 if you have any questions regarding this information. The information provided is still preliminary due to the short time frame for completion. The information should be adequate until a more thorough grading plan and feasibility report can be completed. tsh/srb F;\WPWlMJ48Jj..Q1tN/!MO.oi../OJg~ TOTAL P.03 Ollie Koropchak From; Sent: &To: .Subject: Mark Ruff [mark@ehlers-inc.com] Wednesday, October 27, 2004 3:55 PM Ollie Koropchak Revised runs ~ industrial park industrial park model updated... model updated ... Ollie, I ran one with all TIF eligible buildings, which shows a good coverage but not as much as I would like, assuming the $1 per s.f. I did not factor in the TIF paying for the trunk fees or park fees, which I was not clear how much they were. The second run is the no TIF. This sets a baseline price necessary to pay for land and infrastructure, again not including trunk fees. The minimum price is $2.15 for non-TIF land, which does not leave any room if the land sales are longer than expected. I think we need to discuss the assumptions more, such as if the City does not charge interest on the land. M This email has been scanned for all viruses by the MessageLabs Em~l-il Security System. . . 1 . w <:> <:> N .= <l> Qi c.. E 0 u Cl .= ~ ':; ..0 ~ ;;:: "0 <::: '" . '" <:> '" <:> N "0 <::: a ::J LL "0 '5 <::: <l> '" .:!l <1> '" <II :::J c.. " E '" 0 t5 u '" e x ::J W U 2 u; ~ :E " <::: '" '" <:> <:> N ~ t:' ~ ~ ~i; ....I <l> WL.L. L.L.1J ~ ~ il~ <( III ....I" ....I g ~CD ,.., ~1J o ~ ..2U::1! a;-;~ (,J '" ::J ::luo.. c~-g ,M~J (ij.,,<r ~ EO<l> >t~~ ~ -o~ U .ESt ocaOa 0'" 0'" ci (0- 0'" 0.0_ "''' w '" " 0: ::J LL '0 '" '" ~ ::J o (f) " '" t5 <II X W Cl f2" c; 0: '" 0 ow ....I ~o (Jc:J 0(00 If) r---j "" Ot'-ONI..[)L.() o{""} 0 'V'"-..--w o.o.w.o.o (j)- OCO,-I..()C'\I(O Ol.()OC)I..[)..,-o (")-N- 1"-- W fF> '" t; '" '" 0. 82 (fj g~ ~g 0.&5 EO (3(5 ~~ ffl .~ ~ i.L _:S ~~ f/J 06 0.. (/J 8 {{} g><3LL: 'O'~:.a"Oltl~ c;=m!::rn$ m ',= I..... 0 (1) 0 ....I:::Jc:JW....l1- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~ ~ 00'" g~ih :v " ':; ~;g -g E-g j <5 ~ .9.~ U5 " ~ -g 0 uj:::J>.m ~ g'~ ~:s: W ~ ~ e~ ~ Qj :J u".i Cl. 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" "- Cl '7 l";- I";- '7 e;-- e;-- e;-- e;-- '7 1";-- 0" ~. ~ ~ ~ '7 '7 l";- e- <( ~ 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 0 <lJ .... " " " " " " " " t'- 0 '" '" '" "'" "'- "'- '" '" '" '" '" rn " <0 <0 <0 ill ill ill ill- ill- ill cO - L (5 Q) '"' "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ill t'-- > 0'> '" 0> 0> <1> <1> <1> '" '" .... '" I- <lJ '" 0:: cO E .- ,g " t'- co ;; '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I.l.- '" i= (5 '" ....J >- z o .... u. <( tt o U .5 .; " ;;; '(j 5l ~ ." L '" '" " :c w . . . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 6. b. Consideration and approval of zoniD!! for Otter Creek Business Campus for recommendation to Plannilll! and Council. A. Reference and back!!round: Attached is a copy of the preliminary/final plat f()f Otter Creek Crossing to appear on the November 1 Planning agenda and November 8 Council agenda. The colored yellow and green areas represent the City's 120 acres for acquisition. The yellow area represents the 35 acres acquired at closing (cash) and the green represents the remaining acres on Contract for Deed. Closing is expected to take place after completion of platting. The Planning Commission called for a public hearing date of December 7, 2004, to re-zone the 120 acres trom A-O to _____ Therefore, the HRA is asked to approve a recommendation for zoning the 120 acres. The Small Industrial Group of Mary Barger, Dick Van Allen, and Dan Frie recommended II-A (Light Industrial/l3usiness Campus.) The uses are the same as those in a II Zone. The only difference, the II-A zone has a higher standard ratio of exterior building material than in II zone. Under current I-I A and I-I zoning, outdoor storage is allowed by conditional use. In an 1-2 zoning, outdoor storage is allowed. The Small Group also discussed the potential of creating a new zone, [J-B to include some higher standards for landscaping, irrigation, exterior building materials, outdoor/open storage. The other option is to create covenants. The Small Group felt creating a new zoning might give a puhlic perception that the City creates a new zone when they own land. Therefore, the Small Group recommended the l1-A zone with covenants (next agenda item.) Steve Grttman, Northwest Planning Consultants, attended the IDC meeting of October 28, and presented the options: I) I I-A zoning with covenants - More difficult to enforce. 2) 11-8 - cleaner hut future Council can change. 3) II-A or II with no covenants. The IDC tabled any action until their December 7 meeting and requested the Small Group make a recommendation including covenants. The most discussion centered around the addition of higher standards: The strength/weakness of higher standards and what method to use (ordinance or covenants.) The reason the City purchased land for industrial development is to create johs and tax base. Is the goal to create higher paying jobs and density? Are the targeted businesses, those willing to invest in higher standards and know their investment is protected? Will higher standards turn businesses away? Is not the perf()[mance price worth expecting something in return? The performance measure, zoning, and covenants will set the tone of the new husiness park and the future of Monticello. HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 . B. Alternative Action: I. A motion to approve the recommendation of an 11-A zoning for Otter Creek I3usiness Campus. 2. A motion to approve the recommendation of an II- B zoning for Otter Creek Business Campus. 3. A motion to approve the recommendation of an I-lor other zoning for Otter Creek Rusiness Campus. 4. A motion to table any action until December 7, 2004, HRA meeting. C. Recommendation: The Administrator and Executive Director recommend Alternative NO.1. This supports the Small Group recommendation. The recommendation also includes the addition of covenants (see next item.) . D. Supporting Data: Plat map and copy ofI I-A Zoning Ordinance. . 2 . . . :~i .1; 5 uozc ...: <1,; !:..t.: .'" ..... ,..; ::.(\".' t/. W:"'L r' ." "nto '," ." --,.. .... ~. ._', '._.:';:~':: /./ .':...:' //, i I ~!/ ~ ;I' j'l:::' -;/" ' .: ' . : / """", .:..- , ""-", ( "" ~ . :;(,fp ,~ ' f/~,' ~\ >'>:::\" ,;I~, i " ' ........ ,; ,.,f ~ ' ,'I ' / ,~~/ . .....,.. , ': ~:~'~ : . '" /~' ";', Z.,...-..,,.:,, ~!:1j c~j :/~ ~;,. /". r. ''t"' ~... t '.... . .~, '7r" _ ", .' "\ . ,,' ,.t~, J$' / ,~._z;..,.' , ,I >I ,\0 '. \;1' ' "',. !,' i;,~ _ ,'-/~/'r /~ ,~\; ,~:, d'i;;J -.X' /. Aii . . i,!,"Ji,/,1' '['" ~W1:;,'. /i '. 'r9 . ..-~' ~J' · / '(' ,:: ,', "">>'?:":'':::';:Y'''-</:r~ w:!'-<<" .... .X::[,/"/' ,-' "I' ., ' c;l): 1/&, ~:~e. >0'~ . 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I ~lil If -I "!'IJt'llilllll,"afl'!" If i'~'11 Il r!1" I Ii 'If It J!i!*~tii'l i~ aU, i'l I P f II ! ',1""'lllln~" QOJ iin ! II '~i~IiU~'IJ:f~'~il r ~~h ! "Irilll ~ "i f,' ,ll!l!llrj d~! ,: n!! i 01 1,1 h ~J:~tir:..tor _* l:l.. __ \~ \~ ~- ~~ ~... .~ . \ ,,'\ \~ ~ I , , , SECTION: 15A-l : l5A-2: 15A-3: 15A-4: 15A~5: 15A-l : 15A-2: CHAPTER 15A "I-I A" LIGI IT INDUSTRIAL DIS'rRICT Purpose Permitted Uscs Permitted Accessory Uses Conditional {Jses "[-IA" Design and Site Plan Standards PURPOSE: The purpose of the I-lA, Light Industrial District is to provide for the establishment of limited light industrial business offices. limited light manufacturing, wholesale showrooms and related uses in an environment which provides a high level of amenities, including landscaping, preservation of natural features. architectural controls. and other features. (#298, 10/13/97) PERMITTED lJSI.::S: The following are permittcd uses in a I~IA District: (#29R, 10/13/97) [AI Radio and television IHI Research laboratories I q Trade school ID] Machine shops I EI Paint mixing IFI Bus terminals and maintenance garage 10 J Warehouses II-II Lahoratories III Esscntial Sen.'iccs I -'I Governmental and public utility buildings I KJ Manufacturing, compounding. assembly, or treatment of articles or merchandise [L I Manufacture of musical instruments, novelties. and molded rubber products IMJ Manufacture or assembly of electrical appliances, instruments, and devices [N] Manufacture of pottery or other similar ceramic products using only previously pulverizcd clay and kilns fired only by electricity or natural gas [OJ Manufacture and repair of electrical signs, advertising structure, light sheet metal products. including heating and ventilation equipment IPl Blacksmith, welding. or other metal shop [Q J Laundries, carpel, and rug cleaning [Rl Bottling establishments 1 S] Building material sales and storage ITl Broadcasting antennae, television. and radio [UJ Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing [VI Cartage and express t~lcilities MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 1 5 All , . . l5A-3: 15A-4: [W] [Xj [Yl rZ] IAAJ [BB] reel (DD] [EE] [FF] [GG] [I-I H] Stationery, bookbinding. and other types of manufacturing of paper and related products but not processing of raw materials for paper production Dry cleaning establishments and laundries Electric I ight or power generating stations, electrical and electronic products manufacture, electrical service shops Engraving. printing. and publishing Jewelry manufacturing Medical, dental, and optical laboratories Storage or \varehousing Wholesale business and office establishments Commercial/professional offices Wholesale showrooms Conference centers Commercial printing establishments PERMlrrED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "I-IA" District: (#298,10/13/97) [A] Commercial or business buildings and structures for a use accessory to the principal use but such use shall not exceed thirty (30) percent of the gross tloor space of the principal use: 1. The parking requirements of Chapter 3, Section 5. are complied \\ith in full. 2. The oJT-stnx:t loading requirements or Chapter 3. Section 6. are complied with in full. CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "I-I A" District: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set t()rth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) (#298.10/13/97) [A] Open and outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: I. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a residential district. in compliancc \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-\vay in compliance \vith Chapter 3, Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. 3. Storage area is grassed or surfaccd to control dust. 4. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from ncighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section :2 [l-Ij, of this ordinance. IVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 15A/2 , . , 15A-5: 5. lhe provisions orChapter 22 of this ordinance are considercd and satisfactorily met. [81 Industrial planned unit development as regulated by Chapter 20 of this ordinance. leI Indoor limitcd retail sales accessory to office/manufacturing uses provided that: 1. Location: (a) All sales are conducted in a clearly defined area of the principal building reserved exclusively for retail sales. Said sales area must be physically segregated from other principal activities in the building. (b) The retai I sales area must be located on the ground floor of the principal building. 2. Sales Arca. The rctail salcs activity shall not occupy more than fifteen (15) percent of the gross floor area of the building. 3. Access. The huilding vvh~re such use is located is one ha\'ing direct access to a collector or artcriallevel street without the nccessity of using residential streets. 4. Hours. Hours or opcration me limitcd to 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. The provisions of this section arc considered and satisfactorily met. "1-1 A" DES[CiN AND SITE PLAN STANDARDS: Thc follo\ving minimum requirements shall be observed in the "1-1 A" District subject to additional requirements, exceptions, und modi lications sd forth in this chapter: (#298, 10113/97) [A] >f:: [B] Lot Coverage. There shall be no minimum or maximum lot covcragc requirements in this district. (#298, 10/13/97) Building Type and Construction and Roof Slopc 1. Any cxposed metal or tiberglass finish on all buildings shall be limited to no more than tiny (50) percent of anyone wall if it is coordinated into the architcctural design. Any mctal finish utilized in the building shall be aluminum of twenty-six (26) gauge steel, the roof slope shall be limited to a maximum of one (1) in twelve (12) slope. r\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCF 15A/3 , . '- 2. In the "I-I A" District. all buildings constructed of curtain wall panels of finished stecL aluminum. or fiberglass shall be required to be bced with brick, wood, stone. architectural concrete case in place or pn:-case panels on all wall surfaces. (#298. 10/] 3/97) rCl Parking. Detailed parking plans in compliance with Chapter 3. Scction 5. shall be submitted for City review and approved before a building permit may be obtained. rn-] Loading. /\ detailed off-street 10~lding plan. including berths. area. and access shall be submitted to the City in conformance with the provisions of Chapter 3, Section 6, for review and approval prior to issuance of a building permit. [E] Landscaping. A detailed landscaping plan in conformance with Chapter 3, Section 2 rG]. shall be submitted to the Council and approved before a building permit may be obtained. In addition to thc requirements of Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. all pareels developed along the boundary between the 1-] A zone and a residential zone shall include planting of evergreens as a screen between I-I A and R-I uses. The evergreens planted shall be planted every 15 feet along the property boundary. (#298, 10/] 3/(7) I FI Usable ()pen Space. Every effort shall be made to preserve natural ponding areas and t"eatures of the land to create passive open space. leil Signage. A comprehensive sign plan must be submitted in conformance \vith Chapter J. Seetion 9. Lot Requirements: Lot Area - Lot Width - 30.000 sq ft I 00 feet Scthaeks: Front Yard - Side Yard - Rear Yard - 50 feet 30 feet 40 feet (#22 L 2/24/92) r\IONTIC'ELLO ZONING ORDIN.--\NCE 15 A/4 . . . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 6. Consideration and approval of covenants for Otter Creek Business Campus for recommendation to Planning and Council. c. A. Reference and back2:round: THE FIRST QUESTIONS ARE: Will higher standards, make or brcak a deal? Will higher standards, support our goals anc! help to attract our targcted businesses? (Please note the permitted uses under the Il-A zoning.) Can we expect higher standarc!s in return for the performance price? Higher stanc!ards diseussed by Small Group anc!IDC: 1. Landscaping - It was the fceIing of the Small Group that thc current landscaping requirements were sufficient: Minimum size of planting, species, and sodc!ing & ground cover. 2. Outdoor/Open storage - Grittman clarified the C!cfinition of outc!oorlopen storage to mean any permanent stored material sueh as finished products, raw materials, trailers un-hitched anc! parkec! vehicles not used for everyc!ay operation. Trash containers are not considered outdoor storage and may be outsic!e but enclosed and screened. Current ordinance allows outdoor/open storage by a eonditional use in a I-I and I-IA zone anc! is allowed in an [-2 zone. All zones require outdoor/open storage to be screeneC!/bermec!. According to Grittman, outc!oorlopen storage is the most difficult ordinance to enforce. Most of the communities in the metro and surrounding areas: Becker, Big Lake, Buffalo state no outdoorlopen storage. Roger is the same; however, they do have areas which allows outdoor/open storage, I'm told. If the targeted businesses are like UMC, TCDC, WSI, (i-enereux, etc., no outc!oorlstorage would not be an issue. If the desire is to attract a medical business campus or offiee complex, allowing outdoorlopen storage does not work or mix. Where it might be a gray area is with warehousing and distribution. (The Planning Commission is consic!cring an amenc!ment to the Orc!inance allowing Outdoor/Open Storage at their November 1 meeting.) 3. Irrigation - Consideration was given by the Small Group to require irrigation to thc front anc! street entry perimeters. 4. Exterior building material type - Unc!er the current I I-A zonc, the exterior material is rcstrictec! to 50% something other than mctal on all four sic!es. Some members of the Small Group felt this was satisfactory and to not allow partial metal or steel buildings may be too restrictive. Big Lake and Beckcr's Phase II C!O not allow metal or steel buildings. HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 . Attached is a copy of the covenants for the Becker Industrial Park. In Phase II, they do not allow metal or stccl buildings, irrigation is required, and no outdoor/open storage is allowed. A copy was given to Grittman. B. Alternative Actions: [. A motion to approve the recommendation to draft covenants for Otter Creek Business Campus (Il-A Zone) accordingly: a) Landscaping - b) Outdoor/Open Storage c) Irrigation - d) Exterior building material type - e) Other 2. A motion to approve the recommcndation for no covenants or additional requirements to the current [l-A Zone. 3. A motion to table any action until December I, 2004, HRA meeting. . c. Recommendation: The Administrator and Executive Director recommends Alternative No. I: Current landscaping requirements sufficient, no outdoor/open storage, irrigation to front and street entry perimeter, and no metal or stecl buildings. The City Planner and Community Development Dircctor supports this recommcndation. This provides the best return of investment for the future of Monticello, is consistent with neighboring communities, protects the investment of the business, and supports an increase in value and tax base. D. Supporting Data: Copy of covenants from Becker. This can be used as a model. . 2 OCT-27-200415:58 P.02 . Phase I Declaration of Protective Covenants, Conditions, and Protections for Becker Energy Park Second Addition This declaration is made as of September 3, 1998, and amended as of January 14.2002, by the City of Becker, a Minnesota Municipal Corporation (the "Declaranf'). WHEREAS, Declarant is the Owner of rea! Property in the City of Becker, Sherburne County, Minnesota, legally described as: Lots 2,3,4.5.6 & 7, Block 1; Lots 1,3,4 & 5, Block 2; Lots 2, 3.4. 5 & 6, Block 3, Energy Park Second Addition. City of Becker, Sherbwne County. WHEREAS, Phase I the city has auth.orized by resolution the granting of the Becker Economic Development Authority (hereinafter referred to "EOA") the authority to administer these protective covenants; and . WHEREAS, Declaring desires to and establish covenants. conditions, and protections which will benefit the Property tor the purpose of facilitating development of the Property and for the purpose of protecting and preserving the value and desirability of the Property. WHEREAS, All Property owners are advised that they will be expected to abide by the protective covenants herby established by the Declarant. These standards are intended to assure the integrity of Energy Park Second Addition and protect the Property values and adjoining Property uses. Property owners may expect the: fullest cooperation from the City and the EDA in establishing, expanding, prospering, and enjoying their part in Energy Park Second Addition; and THERFORE BE IT RESOL VED THAT, The declarant declares that the Property, shall be used, occupied, and conveyed subject tc> the covenants, conditions, and protections set forth in this declaration., all of which. shall be binding on all Persons owning or acquiring any right, title or interest in the Property and their heirs, personal representatives. successors and assigns. SECTION 1 1. DEFINITIONS . 1.1 "Architectural Review Board" shall mean the board established pursuant to Section 3 ofthis declaration (the "Board"). 1.2 "Dedarant" shall mean the City of Becker. 1.3 "Improvements" shall mean all structures and other construction on a Lot or Parcel for use permitted by the zoning ordinances of the City of Becker, including. D~laration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Becker Energy park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 15:59 P.03 . but not limited to. buildings. outbuildings, parking areas, loading areas. outside platforms and docks, driveways, walkways, fences, lawns, landscaping., signs, retaining walls, decks, railroad tracks. poles, benns and swales, and exterior lighting. 1.4 "LQt" shall mean a portion of the propeny identified as a Lot on a subdivision plat prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statues, Chapter 50S, and filed for recording in the Sherburne County Recorders Office. 1.5 "Occupant" shall mean any person, other than an Owner. in possession of a Lot or Parcel. 1.6 "Owner" shall mean the record OWller of a Lot, whether one or more Persons, but excluding contract for deed vendors, and other secured parties. The term "Owner" includes, without limitation, contract for deed vendors and holders of a life estate. "Owner shall mean the record Owner of a Lot, whether one or more persons, but excluding contract for deed vendors, mortgagees. and other secured parties. The tenn '"'Owner" includes, without limitation, contract for deed vendees and holders of a life estate. 1.7 "''"Person'' shall mean a natural individual. corporations. Limited Liability Company, partnership. trustee, or other legal entity capable of holding title to real Property. 1.8 "Property" Property shall mean all of the Real Property submitted to the provisions of this Declaration, including all improvements located on the real property now or in the future. The Property as of date of this Amendment which is subject to the Phase I declarations is legally described as: Lots Two (2), Three (3), Four (4), Five (5), Six (6), and Seven (7), Block One (1), Energy Park Second Addition; Lots One (1). Three (3). Four (4), and Five (5), Block Two (2) Energy Park Second Addition; Lot Four (4). Block One (1), Becker Furniture World First Addition., City of Becker, Sherburne County. Minnesota. 1.9 "Street" shall mean a portion of the Property dedicated to the public and shown as a Street on a subdivision plat prepared in accordance with Minnesota Statues Chapter 505 and filed for recording in the Sherburne County Recorder's Office. . SECTION 2 2. STANDARDS FOR CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE . 2.1 Minimum Standards The minimum standards for the construction. alteration, and maintenance of Improvements on the Property shall be those set forth by the City of Becker and any other governmental agency which may have jurisdiction over the Property. All Improvements on the Property shall conform to the then existing building codes in effect for the City of Becker and shall be in compliance with all laws, rules and regulations of any governmental body that may be applicable, including, without limitation. environrnentallaws and regulations. Where the following restrictive covenants afe more stringent than the zoning ordinances, . other laws and regulations of the City of Becker or any other applicable Dee laration of Covenants, Conditions, and RestriCtions for Becker Energy park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 15:59 P.04 . government agency. the restrictive covenants contained in this Declaration shall govern and become minimum standards by which the Improvements and maintenance of them shall be controlled. 2.2 Use Use shall be industrial in nature. No lot may be used for the following putposes: auto salvage yard; used material yard; exposed open sales or storage; any use that would create an excessive amount of sewage or runoff, or quality of sewage or runoff that would cause a disposal problem; unscreened outdoor storage of material; or the manufacture, storage, or sale of explosives or similar dangerous products. 2.3 Building Quality and Materials Each building located on a Lot shall be built with high quality and tirst-class building materials. The design and location of buildings constrUcted on a Lot shall be attractive and shall compliment existing structures and the surrounding natural features and topography with respect to height, design. finish, color, size. and location. . 2.4 Maintenance Each Owner and Occupant of a Lot shall fully and properly maintain and repair the exterior of any structure located on such Lot in such a manner as to enhance the overall appearance of the Property. The exteriors of aU buildings and the parking, driving, and loading areas shall be kept and maintained in a good state of repair at all times and be adequately maintained or otherwise finished in accordance with the guidelines established by the Board. All Lots shall be kept tree of debris of any kind and all landscaping must be kept in good repair. All landscaped areas shall be graded to provide proper site drainage. Landscaped areas shall be maintained in neat condition, lawns mowed, and adequately watered in swnrner, hedges trimmed. and leaves raked. 2.5 Construction Construction or alteration of any Improvement on a Lot shall be diligently pursued and shall not remain in a partly finished condition any longer than is reasonably necessary for completion of the construction or alteration. The owner and Occupant of any Lot upon which Improvements are constructed shall, at all times. keep the Lot and Streets being utilized by such owner in connection with such construction. free from dirt, mud. garbage, trash, or other debris which might he occasioned by such construction or alteration. No parking is allowed on Streets during construction. . 2.6 Noxious Activities No trades, services, activities, operations. or usage shall be permitted or maintained, nor shall anything else be done which may be or may become a nuisance to Owners or Occupants, or offensive or detrimental to the Property by reasons of: Declaration of Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions for Becker Energy Park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 16:00 1-'.1::1::' e A. Unsightliness, or B. The emission of fumes, odors, glare, vibration, gases, radiation, dust, liquid wastes, smoke or noise of a nature and quantity prohibited by laws of the State of Minnesota and the Unitcd States. 2. 7 Temporary Structure Trailers, temporary construction buildings, and the like, shall be permitted only for construction purposes during the period of construction or alteration of a permanent building. Such structures shall be placed as inconspicuosly as practical and shall be removed not later than 30 days after the date of the substantial completion of the building. . 2.8 All Mechanical Equipment! Structures All mechanical equipment shall be located to screened so as nOl to be visible from the Streets. Penthouses and mechanical equipment screening shall be aesthetically incorporated into the architectural design of each building and. shall be constructed with materials compatible with those of the building. Mechanical equipment located on a rooftop may be painted to be compatible with the building, rather than screened, if expressly allowed by the Board. No private water towers. water tanks, elevator housing, equipment, roof signs, towers, or gravity flow storage shall be permitted without the written approval of the Board. 2.9 Building Density Buildings, enclosures, park.ing areas, driveways, and other surfaced, non- vegetated areas shall not cover, in the aggregate, more than 75% of the area of the Lot. 2.10 Screening of Service Facilities and Storage Garbage and Refuse containers and compactors shall be contained within buildings, or shall be concealed by means of shrubbery or screening walls of materials similar to and compatible with that of the buildings_ Fuel and other storage tanks shall be integrated with the concept of the building plan, to be designed so as to not attract attention, and be inconspicuously located. Unless specifically approved by the Board, no materials, supplies. or equipment shall be stored in any area in a Lot except inside a closed building or behind a visual barrier which screens such areas so they are not visible from the Streets if from the front yard of adjoining Lots. e- 2.11 Underground Electric All electrical lines on any Lot (excluding lines in excess of 12 lev) and all telephone lines on any Lot shall be placed underground. Transformer or tenninal equipment shall be visually screened from view of the streets and adjacent lots. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions for Beck.er Energy Park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 16:00 1-'. lOb . 2.12 Parking. Loading, and Uploading Areas No parking shall be permitted on any Street or any place other than parking areas located on a Lot. All parking provided on a Lot must meet the requirements of city codes and ordinances, or the requirements of variances granted by the City. All parking provided on Lot shall be adequate for the use of the Lot. Each Owner or Occupant shall enforce compliance of the foregoing parking restrictions by its employees and visitors. Loading areas should be made as aesthetically pleao;ing as possible. 2.13 Exterior Lighting and Signage All exterior lighting and signage shall be approved by the Board and shall be constructed or maintained in accordance with the following standards: A. Lighting lixtures shall not be more than 35 ft. in height. B. Flood lighting of buildings shall be limited to conccaled light sources. C. Lighting shall be installed and maintained in such a manner as to minimize glare onto Lots and Streets. . 2.14 Landscaping All pervious surfaces of a Lot shall be landscaped by means of lawn and/or other groWld cover, combined with shrubbery, trees, and the like, which may be complimented with earth berm, masonry, or similar materials. all harmoniously combined with themselves and with other Improvements on the Lot. Landscaped areas shall be service by an underground irrigation system as required and approved of by the Board. SECTION 3 3. ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL . 3.1 Arthitectural Review Board The Board shall be comprised of the six members to be determined as follows: One (1) member shall be from Becker EDA. One (1) member of the original Industrial Park business/Property Owners, One (I) member from the new Industrial Park business/Propeny Owners, One (1) member shall be from Xcel Energy, One (1) member shall be an expert in the field of architecture appointed by the City Council (non-voting). One (1) shall be a member of the Becker Planning Commission. The term of the Owner members shall be one year, beginning on April I following their election. If a vacancy of an owner occurs on the Board, the remaining members shall elect a replacement who will serve the remainder of the term. The term of all other members shall be one year, beginning on April 1 following their appointment. A regular meeting of the Board may be called as needed by the Board Chair, EDA. Staff, or any member of the Board. Notice of such meeting shall be given two (2) working days prior to such meeting. Declaration of Covenants. Conditions, and Restrictions for Becker Energy Park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 16:01 r.IO:Jr . The Board Chair Person of the Architectural Review Board shall annually call a meeting of all Owners to be held in the month of March at which meeting the Owner member of the Board shall be elected. The Board Chair Person shall give at least thirty days, but no more than 909 days, written notice of each such meeting. At each meeting, each Owner shall have one vote per Lot owned. The presence in person. or by proxy, of the holders of a maj ority of the votes shall constitute a quorum at a meeting of the Owners. Cumulative voting shall not be allowed. 3.2 Restrictions on Construction and Alteration No building, addition, site improvement, or exterior Property improvement of any kind shall be considered until Preliminary Plans have been approved by the Board. 3.3 Review Procedures The following procedures shall govern requests for construction of Improvements or alteration under this Section: A. Preliminary Plan shall consist of: . I) A site plan indicating the location of the building or improvement on the Lot and clearly designating the size and location of Parking, Loading Areas, and Access Drives. 2) A schematic floor plan showing the general usage inside the building. 3) Exterior elevations of the building screening indicating exterior materials and configuration of the materials and colors on all sides of the building. Elevations of the loading area. screening or large mechanical and electrical components and waste screening shall also be provided. B. Final Plan shall consist of: 1) A site plan indicating the location of the building or improvements on the Lot and clearly designating the size and location of Utility Services, Yards, Waste Stoliage, Exterior Lighting, Easements, General Storm Drainage and Grading, Paving Materials, Storage Areas, Waste and Storage Screening, and Landscaping. All signagc on site other than traffic control shall be defined. 2) Building Sections showing the proposed structural system, mechanical, and other screening and typical construction heights. . The Board shall give the Owner written notice of approval or disapproval. Approval shall consist of a simple majority. Written notice of disapproval shall indicate reasons for disapproval and shalL if practicfe, specify the Ot::cl.aration ofCovenaots, Conditions. and Restrictions for Becker Energy Park Second Addition OCT-27-2004 15:01 t-'.~l::l . aspects of the request for construction or Improvements or alterations which are not acceptable. [fthe Board fails to approve or disapprove after thirty days after the receipl of said plans and specifications and all other information requested by the Board, then approval will not be required, and this Section shall be deemed to have been fully complied with so long as Improvements or alterations are done in accordance with the plans. specifications, and related information which were submitted. 3.4 Remedies for Violations The Board may undertake any measures, legal, or administrative, to enforce compliance with this Seclion and shall be entitled to recover, from the Owner causing or permitting the violation, all attorneys fees and costs of enforcement, whether or not Q legal action is started. Such attorney's fees and costs shall be a lien against the Owner's Lot and a personal obligation of the Owner. Declarant does not have an obligation to enforce the protective covenants, but may do so Wider Section 6.1 3.5 Development Guidelines The Board may from time to time adopt guidelines for approval and disapproval of proposed Improvements or alterations and the maintenance of them; and, in the event such guidelines are adopted, shall make them available to all Owners. . SECTION 4 4. GENERAL TERMS 4.1 Nature and Term The protective covenants hereinafter set forth shall be considered as covenants running with the land, to be binding on all Persons claiming under them and run fOf a period of twenty (20) years from the date of filing with the Sherburne County Registrar of Titles Office at which time the protective covenants shall he automatically fenewed for successive periods often (10) years unless, prior to the renewal elate, the Owners of seventy-five percent (75%) or more of the Lots agree in writing that the covenants shall tenninate at the end of that period. There shall be no requirement for consent or vote of any contract or vote of any contract far deed vendors, mortgages or other secured parties. . 4.2 Amendments This Declaration may be amended, modified, or terminated by an instrument in writing, executed by the holders of 80% of the Lots. Each Lot shall be considered to have one vote. An amendment shall not require the consent or vote ofa Contract for Deed vendor. mortagee, or Olher secured panies. An instrument executed in accordance with this Section shall be effective when filing for re~ording with the Sherbwne County Registrar afTitles Office. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions for Becker Energy Park Second Addition . . . OCT-27-2004 16:02 r,lU.:J 4.3 Severability If any term, covenant or provision of this instrument, or an exhibit attached to it is held to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever. such determination shall not be deemed to alter, affect. or impair, in any roarmer whatsoever, any other portion of this document or exhibits. 4.4 Construction Where applicable, the masculine gender of any word used in this Declaration shall mean the feminine or neutral gender, or vice versus. and any singular word used in this Declaration shall mean the plural, or vice versus. 4.5 Mortgages The provisions of this declaration shall be subordinate to the lien ofa first mortgage on any Lot and none of the provisions of this Declaration shall supersede or in any way reduce the security or affect the validity of any such mortgage; provided, however, that if any Lot is sold under foreclosure of any such mortgage, the purchaser and the purchaser's heirs, successors and assigns, shall own such Lot, subject to all of the covenants. conditions, and restrictions of this document. 4.6 Dues/Assessments The Owners of Lots shall not be required to pay any dues in connection with the covenants, conditions and restrictions imposed by this Declaration. Special assessments may be levied on any Lot. by the City of Becker. for Public Works projects. SECTION 5 5. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY 5.1 Duties The EDA will continue to have authority to act upon proposals from time to time that are submitted to it 5.2 LiabiUty Neither the City, the EDA, nor any officer or members of the Board hereof shall be liable to any Owner or Owners Association for any damages. loss, or prejudice: suffered or claimed on account of: A. The approval or rejection of any plans, drawings, and specification, whether or not defective. B. The construction or performance of any work, whether or not pursuant to approved plans, drawings. and specifications. C. The development or manner of development of any Property within the City. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions Cor Becker Energy Park Second Addition . . . OCT-27-2004 16:02 SECTION 6 6. COVENANT ADMINISTRATION 6.1 Enforcement The Declarant, EDA, owners of Lots and the Board shall each, either acting separately or in common., have the authority to bring action for specific performance or injunctive relief to enforce any protective or servitude contained herein. 6.2 Adoption These Protective Covenants become effective upon their passage. Adopted this _ day of , _ by the Becker City Council. 6.3 Non-Applicability to Governmental Owned Lots Section 2 Standards for Construction and Maintenance, Section 3.2 Restrictions on Construction and Alterations, and Section 3.3 Review Procedures of Declaration shall not apply to Lots owned by the City of Becker and any governmental or quasi-governmental entity. Declaration of Covenants, Conditions. and Restrictions for Becker Energy Park Second Addition r.J.~ TOTAL P.10 . Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 TaxIDNo.41~1225694 October 22, 2004 Statement No. 63524 City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Through September 30, 2004 MN190-00101 General HRA Matters ~ ~lf'..--~ MN190-00114 Twin City Die Casting Business Subsidy Compliance Issues. ~ MN190-00115 LandmarkSqUare(~VeIOP~ ~ - _ ~~~-~~ . Total Current Billing: I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just and co rect and that no p of it has been paid. ~p)l~~ 2;04~ ~ii'm ." "- ,) "'W~ I I: ' f 45.00 123.00 90.00 258.00 . . . Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 41-1225694 October 22,2004 Invoice # 63524 3d ~ 0 ~o \. ~tL J City of Monticello f?- \ "3 . Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 MN190-00101 General HRA Matters Through September 30, 2004 For All Legal Services As Follows: 9/29/2004 SJB Phone call with 0 Koropchak re: home loan program Total Services: Hours 0.25 $ Amount 45,00 45.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 45.00 . Page: 2 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 ~ ~ City of Monticello September 30, 2004 ~ MN190-00114 Twin City Die Casting Business Subsidy Compliance Issues, Through September 30,2004 For All Legal Services As Follows: 9/3/2004 EMT Review contract for development iwth City, small cities loan agreement, amendments thereto, fax from City, 9/29/2004 SJB Phone call with 0 Koropchak re: job cov questions Total Services: . Total Services and Disbursements: $ . .,-- Hours 0.60 0,20 $ Amount 87,00 36.00 123.00 123.00 . Page: 3 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470 Minneapolis, MN 55402 City of Monticello September 30, 2004 N'~ (" \ _'d- r::L-- \,~T ~~.~ II: MN 190-00115 Landmark Squar (Commercial Development Through September 30, 2004 For All Legal Services As Follows: 9/1/2004 SJB Phone call with O. Koropchak re: land acquisition, new TI F District. Hours 0.20 9/14/2004 SJB Phone call with 0 Koropchak re: qualifications for redevelopment district; email statutes Total Services: 0.30 $ . Amount 36.00 54.00 90.00 Total Services and Disbursements: $ 90.00 . . City of Monticello Accounts Payable 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 200 South Sixth Street Suite 470. Minneapolis, MN 55402 (612) 337-9300 Tax 10 No. 41-1225694 September 29,2004 Statement No. 63081 Through August 31,20.04 MN 190-0.0.114 Twin City Die Casting Business Subsidy Compliance Issues. . 260..0.0 Total Current Billing: 2QO.OO I declare, under penalty of law, that this account, claim or demand is just d correct and that no part of it has been p Id , , -: j !, ~ , , : i " i I : i oe r-- 7 ,1 ,- . -I , OK TO PA Y?~.!_!I,.~- Code: ~~? ~\~,.,~~?-\o .?e~'C \nitial~_,.\.Q.:-\,,~ Monticello HRA 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 . October 10, 2004 MC100-01 General Invoice # 23076 Professional Services ,-, \ \^--' + . ,J2.t.l-lo....Q,..v.... l.V ~C:t.....~ c....~ 'l ~ Hours Amount 9/24/20.0.4 MTR Discussions on T1F 0..50. 62.50. Total Due This Month: 0..50. $62.50. Status of Account: Current $62.50. 30. Days $0..0.0. 60. Davs $0.,0.0. 90. Days $0..0.0. 120.+ Days $0..0.0. Total $62.50. . ~\~. '--\~Oa \.. l\ 0 ~ <1. ~ \0- \'-\ -OL..l PLEASE KEEP WHITE COpy FOR YOUR FILE AND REMIT PINK COpy WITH PA YMENT TO: . o EHLERS & ASSOCIATES INC 30.60. Centre Pointe Drive Roseville, MN 55113-110.5 651.697.850.0. . . . HRA Agenda - 11/03/04 8. Economic Development Report: a) Industrial Leads - - Dahlheimer Distributing - A proposal was prepared and presented to the Dahlheimer's on September 28. The proposal included a price ftJr land located within the Otter Creek Business Campus. The performance price is based on the preliminary draft of the Perf()rmanee Measure. Dahlheimer is interested in the Monticello proposal (offer). Hard core decisions will be made upon final go-ahead for development of interchange and existing property. - 28,000 sq 11: manufacturing facility - Only four request for proposals were submitted. Company owners out looking at sites, no selections at this time. Monticello furthest out of four locations. Currently this rubber products and rubber coated rollers manufacturer is located in Plymouth. The Monticello Prospect Team will visit their existing facility prior to any final offers. - 2,000-5,000 sq ft for purchase or lease - This ND business was looking for space to purchase or lease. Distribution of coffee and kitchen supplies. Gave Tapper and Barger phone numbers. Follow-up: f()Und 5,000 sq 11: existing building in Big Lake to purchase. - No additional follow-up from Chicago firm or party looking to invest in 51,000 sq ft industrial condominium facility. - 50,000-60,000 sq ft for lease or build - warehouse plus office. About 50 jobs. - Precision manufacturer, a client of a lender, looking for sites. Will give my name and number. - Eden Prairie call/collection company looking at vacated Fingerhut office building to purchase from Winkelman Builders. Looking at EDA loan. - Standard Iron and Walbord, Inc. elosing scheduled for November 4. Standard Iron has a 4- year lease back on otlice. Retains lot to east. - Suburban and Sunny Fresh expansions continue. - Tire Service Equipment Mfg Company expanding by 12,000 sq ft. - Met with Erik Fjerdingstad of Norway. Erik was plant manager of the II-Window and he and his family lived in Monticello for some years. - Industrial space available for lease: 20,000 sq ft H- Window building - call Bill Tapper, 7,000 sq ft in Genereux building, call Rill Tapper. 5,000 sq ft in B&B Metal Stamping building, call Brad Barger. b) Remember the City of Monticello has not been marketing for industrial development as existing ready-to-go land is limited to a few acres. Upon closing, establ ishment of zoning, covenants, performance measure, and asking price, the Marketing Committee will develop marketing materials and actively market Monticello and the Otter Creek Business Campus. For the last year or so, the city has been in a re-acting mode rather than a pro-active mode. c) October 25 - Rick and myselfwill meet with BRA Attorney Steve Bubul and Ehlers Consultant Mark Ruff to review performance measure and process for infrastructure development and bonding to assure infrastructure costs qualify for TIF. Also will discuss, one-stop shop process for site location, purchase, platting and closing. d) Draft copy of Site Location and Development Guide completed. e) Front Porch - In conversation with Mike Cyr, after a dry spell they now have an additional five town homes sold. The Finance Department billed Front Porch for the HRA admin over- run costs with an interest rate bctor. BRA Agenda -11/03/04 . f) Copy of letter relative to close-out decertified districts. Copy of check to County. g) The voice-mail of Barry Fluth states: Will return to the office on November 6. No update. . . 2 October 7,2004 MONTICELLO Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Closc-out of decertified TIF Districts. Dear Rick: . Per the recommendation of Mark Ruff, Ehlcrs & Associates, the BRA approved closing the following dccertified IIF Districts in 2004. Thc Administration Expenses have been verified or adjusted to meet 10% ofthc actual increment expenditures. Listed below are each TIF District, deccrtillcation date, and tax increment balancc to be paid to the County of Wright prior to December 1, 2004. When the County reimburses the City for its share, the HRA requested the funds be deposited in the Industrial Development Reserve Fund. TIF DISTRICT NO. (CountY) DECERTIFICA TION DATE TAX INCREMENT BALANCE 1-13 Standard Iron (76) 08/04/2004 $141,724 1-14 Suburban (70) 08/07/2002 $ 12,904 1-15 Custom Canopy (73) 02/05/2003 $ 39,000 1-17 Fay Mar (78) 10/06/2004 $ I 0 1,852 1-21 Lake Tool (621) 10/06/2004 $ 14,651 TOTAL $310,131 . Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 . (763) 295-2711 · Fax: (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 . (763) 295-3170 . Fax: (763) 271-3272 . . . Mr. Wolfsteller October 7, 2004 Page 2 Should you have any questions, please see me. Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter. Sincerely, HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN AND FORTHE CITY OF MONTICELLO C:J~ ~< cJ",L~~ Ollie Koropchak Executive Director c: Auditor's Office, Wright County File CITY OF MONTICELLO ACCOUNTS PAYABLE 505 WALNUT STREET. SUITE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 763-295.2711 DATE 17-1 9'iO NO. 80091 WELLS FARGO BANK MONTICEllO. MINNESOTA 55362 '(763) 295-2290 CHECK NO. AMOUNT 10/14/2004 80091 $310,131.00 THREE HUNDRED TEN THOUSAND ONE HUNDRED THIRTY ONE AND 00/100 DOLLARS PAY TO THE ORDER OF WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS WRIGHT COUNTY COURTHOUSE 10 N.W. 2ND STREET ROOM 230 BUFFALO MN 55313 111080011.11- 1:011 1.0000 .111: ? bOO 0 I. ? II- ,- VENDOR 000219 WRIGHT CO AUDITOR-TREAS 10/14/2004 CHECK 80091 "'\ FUND & ACCOUNT P.O.# INVOICE DESCRIPTION AMOUNT 213.46513.3730 213.46514.3730 213.46515.3730 213.46517.3730 213.46521.3730 DECERTIFY DECERTIFY DECERTIFY DECERTIFY DECERTIFY TIF 13 STD IRON 141,724.00 TIF 14 SUBURBAN 12,904.00 TIF15 CUSTOM CANOP 39,000.00 TIF 17 FAY MAR 101,852.00 TIF 21 LAKE TOOL 14,651.00 . TOTAL 310,131.00 . '- CITY OF MONTICEllO. MONTICEllO, MN 55362 . . ~ CONFmMATION OF DECERTIFIED TIF DISTRICT c'Il,I",,,, \;.J' .iJ k \ D~' fi\rtJ L\ (To be completed by the TIF Authorized Representative) County AuditorlTreasurer's Name: \2..0 ~ e x-:, \\ ~ " \ \ <.\ ,\ Q... 'd- c.;'~ ~x<:J S~~\~ Date: County Name and Address: \0 ~W "\?; u ~~c..-\ 0 '\ The auditors from the TIP, Investment & Finance Division of the Office of the State Auditor (OSA) are reviewing our compliance with requirements of the TIP Act relating to decertification of the following TIF district. Please confirm directly to them the actual decertification date,the amount of excess tax increment returned to the county, if any. TIF Authority Name: ~"r\ 1'\ ~,;-t \~ ~ J e...- \ \ 0 TIF District # and Name: \- '\ \\J 'If\: \0 C:.. CJ v\~\\ C ').. ~ ') TIF District Type: e C b \J'y\"" 1:';.",' C-- c- .,' (). , ') - .~ - \. -, ,~ ~ Certification Date: Required Decertification Date: ~-d-'\- \C\.C\'\ Information to be confirmed: 1, Actual decertification date: ?-,~."") '\ - \qq "l 2, Final tax increment distribution date " }.. - /~ - \ C\.. 0.. lc and amount $ it- ~ 5) ~ C\ \..t ,'\ g 3. Amount of excess tax increment returned to the county, if any $ ~O i "?J \0 ':L. and date \ - q. - "&- <00 "'i Please indicate in the space provided below whether the above information is in agreement with your records. If it is not, please furnish the TIF auditors any information you have that will help them verify our compliance. After signing and dating your reply, please mail it directly to the following address: Office ofthe State Auditor - TIF, Investment & Finance Division 525 Park Street, Suite 500 St. Paul, MN 55103 If you have any questions, please call the TIF Office at (651) 296-4716. Signature: C00cl~ \~ if) 0 \: '- ~ Name and title of the TIF authority representative: D ~ \ ~ ~, \~ b ISO ~ G~ CL \(. Date: '\ t),~ 1\ ~,\) L..{ \\ \L It\ t::'( Q G..it I \i--Q.., 'V v\ Qi tJ \' (To be completed by county representative) On behalf of the county auditor/treasurer, I certify that the above information regarding decertification of this district is correct with the following exceptions (if any): Signature: ~ Cf.~ Name and title of the county representative: '-P~ ~Cl1? Phone: 1 (P3 - (p f ~.~ 751 D Exceptions? ~ No Date: /o-~ 8 -0 'f DYes If yes, please describe below: