Planning Commission Agenda - 04/02/2024 (Joint Workshop)AGENDA JOINT MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION/CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP Tuesday, April 2, 2024 – 5:00 p.m. Monticello Community Center Planning Commissioners: Chair Paul Konsor, Vice Chair Andrew Tapper, Teri Lehner, Melissa Robeck, Rob Stark City Councilmembers: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart, Charlotte Gabler, Sam Murdoff, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie Staff: Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman, Rachel Leonard, Ron Hackenmueller, Hayden Stensgard 1. Call to Order 2. Concept Stage Planned Unit Development Submittal for a proposed multi -use development including Commercial Lodging, Event Center, and Restaurant facilities on a parcel currently in the Monticello Township and guided Employment Campus PIDs: 213-000-183101, 213-000-184203 Legal Description: Lengthy—Contact City Hall Applicant: Mike Schneider 3. Adjournment r(7 " �' � it an Consulting Ilc Steve.GrittmanConsulting@gmail.com MEMORANDUM TO: Angela Schumann Mayor Hilgart and Monticello City Council Monticello Planning Commission FROM: Stephen Grittman DATE: March 26, 2024 MEETING DATE: April 2, 2024 (Workshop Meeting) Planning, Zoning, Land Use RE: Monticello — Mike Schneider — Concept PUD Review GC FILE NO: 120-01— 24.10 PLANNING CASE NO: 2024-010 PROPERTY ID: 213-000-184203; 213-000-183101 Site Context and Project Description This memorandum reviews the elements of a proposed concept plan for a Planned Unit Development on parcels bound by Interstate 94 on the north and East Broadway Street on the south. The subject property is currently within the boundaries of Monticello Township but is largely surrounded by lands within boundaries of the City of Monticello. The property consists of approximately 8.3 acres and the proposal includes a parcel currently listed as owned by the City of Monticello. That parcel is approximately three-quarters of an acre and is located at the easternmost end of the project area. The property is currently occupied by a single metal building that houses personal storage, and an attendant gravel parking/circulation area. A portion of the subject property is covered by limited outdoor storage of equipment or other materials. The bulk of the subject land is vacant. The proposal consists of the platting and construction of a series of commercial uses. The first phase of the project is envisioned by the applicant to consist of a commercial hospitality complex including a hotel, event center space, and restaurant. The site plan illustrates these facilities as occupying the easterly 7+ acres. The site plan shows a 4 -story 76 -room hotel and a 6,800 square -foot restaurant, both flanking an event space of 15,000 square feet, with a capacity of more than 600 attendees. On the west side of the site, the applicant requests the ability to add a second "shed" -type structure to the site of 6,000 square feet. The two buildings would comprise a display of vintage automobiles, boats, and farm equipment designed to serve as a museum of such vehicles typical of those used in the region. The applicant suggests that this aspect of the project is the primary request for PUD flexibility from the City's standard zoning requirements — the allowance of a building that would be constructed without meeting the City's building materials requirements. The site is accessible via East Broadway Street, which after passing under 1-94, borders the entire site before turning to Meadow Oak Drive on the east edge. Adjoining Broadway is the Burlington Northern Railway. A residential area and City park are located on the south/west side of the railroad right of way. As such, there are very limited adjoining land uses that would be impacted directly by the land uses on this site, although the residential neighborhood utilizes East Broadway Street as its access to the remainder of the community. That said, the site is highly visible to passing traffic on 1-94, given both its location and the grade of the freeway as it rises to an overpass. In this regard, the site serves as a significant gateway to the community on its eastern edge. Comprehensive Plan Guidance The Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan (Comprehensive Plan) guides the entire parcel as "Employment Campus". Per the Comprehensive Plan, the Employment Campus (EC) land use category is as follows: "The Employment Campus designation is characterized by a campus -like environment on large parcels. It also provides a high level of amenities including pedestrian connections and architectural and landscape treatment that maintain high standards of visual quality in a campus like environment. Characteristics such as noise, vibration and odor do not occur or do not generate significant impacts. Hazardous materials handling and storage may also occur but must be stored indoors. This designation primarily applies to areas used for research and development, medical laboratories, advanced and light manufacturing, green and renewable technology development (not installations), computer technology, corporate headquarters and office campuses, and industrial engineering facilities. Some commercial uses such as restaurants and hotels are also allowed." The correlating zoning to the Employment Campus land use category is Industrial and Business Campus (IBC). The IBC District supports light manufacturing, research and development, offices, hospitals and medical clinics as allowable uses. The IBC District also accommodates Restaurant and Commercial Lodging uses, although Event Centers are not included in the current zoning allowance — this aspect of the site use would need to be an additional aspect of the PUD Ordinance if adopted for the project. The proposed "museum" use is also not specifically identified as a potential use within the definitions of a "Place of Public Assembly" or "Entertainment/Recreation — Indoor Commercial". This use also, as well as any site or building improvement requirements, would require attention in the PUD Ordinance for the project. The applicant suggests that phasing would be structured to accommodate construction of the event center, hotel, and restaurant as a single initial phase, as the three components are interdependent. The site plan shows a significant quantity of parking, primarily located to the east and west of the event center complex — due primarily to the shape of the property. The second phase would incorporate the 6,000 -square -foot post -frame "museum" building. The site plan is vague as to improvements for this site — compliance with common City commercial requirements would include paved/curbed parking and circulation, landscape, and other site improvements typical of the zoning ordinance standards. In the far west corner of the site, the applicant's site plan shows a stormwater pond —this aspect of the project will require much more extensive engineering during development stage PUD and preliminary plat review. PUD Consideration The elements of the proposal that require the use of PUD include shared parking and site access, the incorporation of land uses not specifically allowed or identified within the ordinance, including the event center and museum, and the requested allowance for a secondary phase of building which deviates from the building materials requirements of the ordinance. As site planning continues, a consolidated and coordinated sign plan would also be an expectation of the PUD. Additional PUD flexibility may also be requested as site planning progresses. PUD Concept Review Criteria. The first stage consists of an informal Concept Plan review which is separate from the formal PUD application which will follow the Concept Review step. The Ordinance identifies the purpose of Planned Unit Development as follows: (1) Purpose and Intent The purpose of the Planned Unit Development (PUD) zoning district is to provide greater flexibility in the development of neighborhoods and non-residential areas in order to maximize public values and achieve more creative development outcomes while remaining economically viable and marketable. This is achieved by undertaking a process that results in a development outcome exceeding that which is typically achievable through the conventional zoning district. The City reserves the right to deny the PUD rezoning and direct the developer to re -apply under the standard applicable zoning district. PUD Concept reviews are to proceed as follows: (a) PUD Concept Proposal Prior to submitting formal development stage PUD, preliminary plat (as applicable) and rezoning applications for the proposed development, the applicant may, at its option, prepare an informal concept plan and present it to the Planning Commission and City Council at a concurrent work session, as scheduled by the Community Development Department. The purpose of the Concept Proposal is to: 1. Provide preliminary feedback on the concept plan in collaboration between the applicant, general public, Planning Commission, and City Council; 2. Provide a forum for public comment on the PUD prior to a requirement for extensive engineering and other plans. 3. Provide a forum to identify potential issues and benefits of the proposal which can be addressed at succeeding stages of PUD design and review. The intent of Concept Proposal review is to consider the general acceptability of the proposed land use and identify potential issues that may guide the City's later consideration of a full PUD application. The City Council and Planning Commission meet in a joint session to provide feedback to the developer and may include an opportunity for informal public comment as they deem appropriate. The current proposal is for a Concept PUD Plan review, which is not a formal zoning application, but is intended to provide the applicant an opportunity to get City feedback on a potential development proposal prior to a more formal zoning review and the extensive supporting materials that such reviews require. The Planning Commission and City Council will have the opportunity to review the project, ask questions of the proposer, and provide comments as to the issues and elements raised by the project. Again, the applicant is also looking for specific feedback in the areas of PUD flexibility noted in their narrative. The neighboring property owners have been notified of the meeting, but it is not a formal public hearing. This memorandum provides an overview of the project and will serve as an outline for the discussion. No formal approval or denial is offered for a Concept Review. However, it is vital that Planning Commission and City Council members engage in a frank and open discussion of the project benefits and potential issues. The Concept Review process is most valuable when the applicants have the opportunity to understand how the City is likely to look at the project, its development details, and the potential issues it presents. In this way, the subsequent land use and development specifics can be more finely tuned to address City policy elements. Future Review and Land Use Application Process Further land use approvals would include the following: o Development Stage o Preliminary Plat o Final Stage PUD o Final Plat o Adoption of PUD Zoning Amendment; Rezoning to PUD, Planned Unit Development o Development Agreement o Annexation* *Annexation of the project is only finalized once the various zoning and subdivision approvals are final. The Planning Commission will hold public hearings on the required elements, but pursuant to the City's Orderly Annexation Agreement with Monticello Township, formal Rezoning actions are taken subject to Annexation approval by the State of Minnesota. Staff Preliminary Comments and Issues For this proposal, the primary considerations evident at this point in the process include the following elements: Land Use. As noted in the project description, the site is designated for Employment Campus uses, which ordinarily translates to zoning as IBC, Industrial Business Campus. The eligible land uses would need to be expanded slightly in this PUD district to accommodate the event center and the museum/public assembly use contemplated by the project. The Employment Campus designation can be read to accommodate these uses if the City makes specific findings to the expectations and requirements for each use, and how they might align with the goals of the land use category. As discussed above, flexibility under a new PUD District is required to accommodate the event center and museum uses. ii. Circulation and Utilities. The site is accessed along its extensive boundary with Broadway Street — no competing driveways or alignments appear to conflict with the requirements of this use. Broadway in this area is a City street. Access control will be necessary to ensure that residents to the south that utilize this collector road will not encounter unreasonable conflicts. In this regard, the applicant identifies a parking area at the east end of the site would create a direct access drive to the end of East Broadway Street. This access point may require additional design consideration, given the traffic patterns now in place at that corner with Meadow Oak Avenue. The parcel is currently shown in County property information data as being owned by the City, and the ownership and use of that parcel will also require clarification (see later note). iii. Building Materials and Architecture. The applicant has provided generalized examples of building design and materials for the event center/hotel complex at this stage. Building architecture will be an important aspect of PUD consideration. As noted above, this site serves as a major visual gateway to the Monticello community. A hotel/event/restaurant project may fit that role very well, with the understanding that site improvements and architecture complement the gateway aspect. The applicant has not provided any detail of the "second phase" of the project, which entails an additional post -frame building and establishment of a sort of museum use for vintage vehicles and equipment. As with other commercial property, this use — if allowed — would require fully improved parking, landscaping, and other site improvements. The applicant is seeking flexibility from the building materials standards to allow for a metal - sided building. Staff notes that post -frame construction is an allowed building type, but that the current commercial building standards require a "textured" exterior panel material, rather than metal siding typical of rural construction. In addition, some level of brick or stone is required to maintain the City's typical building requirements. Clarification as to any flexibility from the standard would be an important aspect of this PUD concept review. iv. Connectivity and Open Space. The two proposed building sites and uses are not connected to each other via any internal pedestrian improvements. Currently, a City pathway is located on the south side of East Broadway Street, terminating at Meadow Oak Avenue at the west end of the project site. How this site will connect to external pathway systems, as well as how it will connect internally to maximize interrelationships between the two sites, will require additional review and discussion. V. Landscaping and Buffering. It would be expected that the development provide enhanced landscaping features as part of any PUD flexibility. One way of accomplishing this is to focus landscaping improvements at the edges and internally toward the parking areas that would have the effect of buffering views of those large, paved expanses from freeway and local street views. It is reasonable to leave unencumbered views of the commercial building portions of the site, focusing on landscaping in those areas for foundation or framing purposes. However, additional greening of the pavement spaces would both enhance views of that aspect of the project and focus attention on the active building portions of the project. An approach to strong landscape treatments in the parking and drive areas would facilitate the required findings for PUD amenity required by the zoning ordinance. Additional details will be reviewed as each Development Stage PUD phase is considered. vi. Other Details. Engineering and roadway improvements will be addressed by City Engineering staff. Summary As noted, the Planning Commission and City Council provide comment and feedback to the developer at the Concept Review level. City officials should identify any areas of concern that would require amendment to avoid the potential for conflict, as well as any elements of the concept that the City would find essential for eventual approval. Specific comment should address the following potential issues, with the notation that the applicant is looking for specific direction with regard to the Commission and Council's support of PUD flexibility for land use and building materials (in the case of the "museum" use). Those items are listed in bold below. 1. Overall Land Use — The site is guided for uses that reflect a mix of employment and certain hospitality -based commercial uses. The additional uses to this mix — event center and museum/public assembly—should be reviewed and discussed as a component of PUD flexibility and conformance with Comprehensive Plan land use objectives. 2. Site Planning—The applicant is encouraged to review the site planning and work toward an overall reduction of impervious space on the site. Circulation and parking will be subject to any required cross -easements. Where reasonable, parking supply should be reviewed and minimized. As a separate aspect of the review, the survey on which the site plan is based terminates the project without including an extended portion of the applicant's property (according to Wright Council property information data). Actual boundaries should be reviewed and confirmed. Of particular note is the location of parking on land that is believed to be owned by the City — the appropriateness of this design, and the transfer of ownership, will need to be an aspect of the ongoing review and processing of this PUD. Finally, additional stormwater ponding is shown on a portion of MnDOT land at the eastern edge of the site. Site planning on the westerly museum site consists only of a line sketch at this point. Much more detail showing compliance with common City commercial zoning requirements will be required going forward. 3. Building Design and Materials — As noted, a departure from the City's building materials is suggested by the applicant for the second phase building. Although post -frame construction is allowed when properly treated for external materials (textured surface and brick/stone additions), staff encourages the highest level of architectural and materials design given the high visibility of the site. 4. Parking Supply - As noted, opportunities to reduce unnecessary parking would be encouraged. 5. Landscaping — This will be an aspect of Development Stage PUD design, with the component of buffering the views of the parking areas from the surrounding freeway. It is not expected that these views would be "screened", but instead enhanced to increase tree planting within the boundaries of the pavement spaces, recreating in some manner the prior tree cover that enhanced this site. This landscape treatment would have the benefit of creating a more pleasant view of the paved areas and focus visibility of the site to the buildings. 6. Circulation and Access — Access to East Broadway Street will require review and approval to control the significant traffic that can be generated by these uses. Pedestrian and bicycle connections — both internally and to external pathway systems — will require attention and planning. A traffic memo will be a requirement of the platting and formal PUD applications. 7. Signage, Lighting, Accessory Uses, etc. - As is common, the applicants will be expected to detail these and other elements for review with the Development Stage PUD phasing. 8. Engineering comments and recommendations as provided separately. The notes listed above acknowledge that a significant amount of detail will be added as the project proceeds to a more advanced stage of review. SUPPORTING DATA A. Aerial Site Image B. Applicant Narrative C. Site Survey D. Site Plan E. Site Elevations F. City Engineer's Comment Letter, dated March 25, 2024 and companion plan set comments 1555U01'82308 �94 NE E F n n CCCCCC C�.LC Full Legal Description (Per Doc. No. A1488714) The North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N1/2 of SWI/4) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEI/4 ofNWI/4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township One Hundred Twenty - One (121), Range Twenty-four (24), lying Northeasterly of the Northeast right of way line of Wright County Highway No. 75, and lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly right of way line of Interstate No. 94, according to the U.S. Government survey thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. All that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, lying Northeasterly of the Burlington Northern Railway Right of Way and Southwesterly of Interstate 94, Wright County, Minnesota. LESS AND EXCEPT That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 121 North, Range 24 West, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way line of Wright County Highway No. 75, and southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 94, as both highways are now located and established, which lies northerly of Line 1 described below: Line 1: Commencing at the west quarter comer of said Section 18; thence easterly on an azimuth of 90 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds along the east and west quarter line thereof for 1834.62 feet; thence on an azimuth of 283 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 269.43 feet; thence on an azimuth of 284 degrees 47 minutes 29 seconds for 155.30 feet to said northeasterly right of way line and the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence on an azimuth of 104 degrees 47 minutes 29 seconds for 155.30 feet, thence on an azimuth of 103 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 269.43 feet to said east and west quarter line of Section 18; thence continue on an azimuth of 103 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 21.64 feet; thence on an azimuth of 110 degrees 03 minutes 15 seconds for 295.91 feet to said southwesterly right of way line and there terminating. LESS AND EXCEPT An easement reserved unto Grantor, its successors and assigns (a) to construct, maintain and operate a sign, with ingress and egress, and (b) to construct and maintain utilities upon the southwesterly 10 feet thereof, with ingress and egress to said sign. TRACT A That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75, and lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the north line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, 1558.97 feet, to said northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75; thence South 54 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East, along said northeasterly right of way, 380.51 feet; thence southeasterly 158.70 feet, along said northeasterly right of way, along a tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 11659.19 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds, to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 36 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East, 249.67 feet, to said southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94 and said line there terminating. TRACT B That part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75 and its southeasterly extension, lying southeasterly of the following described Line "A" and lying northwesterly of the following described Line "C". Said Line "A" is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the north line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, 1558.97 feet, to said northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75; thence South 54 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East, along said northeasterly right of way, 380.51 feet; thence southeasterly 158.70 feet, along said northeasterly right of way, along a tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 11659.19 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds, to the point of beginning of said Line "A" to be described; thence North 36 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East, 249.67 feet, to said southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94 and said Line "A" there terminating. Said Line "C" is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter with the northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence South 49 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds East, assumed bearing, along said northeasterly right of way line, 130.24 feet, to a northwesterly right of way line of Interstate 94; thence North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 154.85 feet, to said southeasterly extension of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway 75 and to the point of beginning of said Line "C"; thence continue North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 105.54 feet, to said southwesterly right of way line of said Interstate 94 and said Line "C" there terminating. TRACT C That part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway, lying southwesterly of the northeasterly right of way line of County Highway No. 75 and its southeasterly extension, and lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter with said northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence South 49 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds East, assumed bearing, along said northeasterly right of way line, 130.24 feet, to a northwesterly right of way line of Interstate 94 and the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 154.85 feet, to said southeasterly extension of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway 75 and said line there terminating. Conceptual development schedule Approximate date when construction beginning be expected. Sept 15th, 2024- footings Project stages - Sept 1, 2024 Site Work. Utility Install Oct 1St, 2024 Curb and Gutter Oct. 15th, Blacktop Base Projected project completed Proposed phasing of construction Hotel, Event Center and Restaurant started at the same time as all 3 connected. Event Center # priority, then hotel, restaurant. Next phase build matching 6,000 matching building. Public improvements and recreational and common space areas Sept 1 2024 Beginning, Nov 1, 2024 Completed Area of flexibility for the standard zoning 1.) 6 000 sq ft matching post frame building to complete the look within the P.U.D . Building to be completed after the construction begins for the hotel and event center. Why this P.U.D. Is Beneficial to The Monticello Community The envisioned Planned Unit Development (PUD) in Monticello represents an ambitious vision focused on revitalizing the community and boosting its economic prosperity. Our initiative aims to accomplish various goals while promoting public values that improve the experiences of both residents and visitors. Versatile Event Center: Central to the PUD's vision is the establishment of a state-of-the-art event center capable of hosting regional company meetings, trade conventions, public school events, weddings, and various community gatherings. This multifunctional space will serve as a hub for social and professional interaction, promoting Monticello as a premier destination for events of all kinds. Hotel Accommodations: Addressing the identified need for lodging, the PUD will include a hotel adjacent to the event center. This accommodation will cater to event attendees, providing convenient lodging options while generating additional foot traffic for local businesses. Moreover, it will complement the recent hotel study conducted by the city, meeting the growing demand for hospitality services in Monticello. Upscale Dining Experience: A cornerstone of the PUD's offerings will be an upscale restaurant, catering not only to guests staying at the hotel and attending events but also to Monticello residents seeking an elevated dining experience. By providing a sophisticated culinary destination, the PUD aims to enhance the local dining scene and stimulate economic growth within the community. Community Integration: Emphasizing inclusivity, the PUD will integrate seamlessly with the fabric of Monticello, providing residents with access to amenities and opportunities for engagement. Public schools will have the opportunity to utilize the event center for educational and extracurricular activities, fostering a sense of community pride and cohesion. Economic Growth: The PUD's event center and hotel offerings will attract visitors to Monticello, stimulating business activity and supporting local establishments. By becoming a sought-after destination, Monticello will experience increased revenue streams and job opportunities, contributing to the overall prosperity of the community. Community Engagement: Through its multifunctional spaces and inclusive programming, the PUD will serve as a gathering place for residents, fostering social connections and cultural exchange. Public schools and community organizations will benefit from access to modern facilities. Tourism Promotion: With its strategic location and diverse offerings, the PUD aims to position Monticello as a desirable tourism destination. Visitors drawn to the event center, hotel, and upscale dining establishment will have the opportunity to explore the region's natural beauty, including the nearby Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park, further enhancing Monticello's appeal as a leisure destination. Future Expansion: The addition of a 6,000 +/- square foot matching post - frame building will complement the current structure and complete the PUD. This expansion opens up possibilities for additional amenities, with the potential for a "Classics" Museum showcasing vintage cars, boats, and tractors. Such a museum would not only add to the attractions of the PUD but also serve as a unique destination for enthusiasts and visitors alike, celebrating the rich history and iconic vehicles of the region. In conclusion, these efforts highlight the P.U.D:s commitment to uniting the community, boosting the local economy, and drawing in tourists. This transforms Monticello into a thriving hub of activity with abundant opportunities. By fostering connections, supporting businesses, and celebrating local culture, the P.U.D. aims to enhance Monticello's public value for both current and future residents. Broadway Event Center- Contact Information Owner: Mike Schneider P.O. Box 1308 Monticello Mn 55362 #320-267-4292 Owner: Classics on Broadway LLC 315 Waite Ave S Waite Park Mn 56387 Partners:Mike Schneider #320-267-4292 and Michelle Weinzetl #763-300-5055 Architect• Cole Group Architects 216 Park Ave S Suite #102 St. Cloud ,MN 56301 David Majchrzak #320-654-6570 Surveyor: O'Malley & Kron Land Surveyors 340 Chapel Hill Road Cold Spring, Mn 56320 Dan Kron -#320-685-5905 Cell 320-333-0741 Civil Engineer: Larson Engineering 816 W St. Germain St. #308 St. Cloud Mn 56301 Tom Herkinoff #651-481-9120 Builder / Developer: Doug ACarlson Development Inc. 104 Fairway Ave Cold Spring Mn 56320 Doug Carlson & Tony Dingmann #320-267-5250 i S 89000'59" E 1558.97 \ \44 - �� \ "' S 89000'59" E 1834.62 \ AZ = 90°59'00" (D) \ W 1/4 CORNER \ SEC. 18, T. 121, R. 24 (NW CORNER OF E/W 1/4 LINE N1/2 OF SWI/4) SEC. 18, T. 121, R. 24 (NORTH LINE OF \ N1/2 OF SWI/4) 100 0 50 100 200 SCALE IN FEET NE'LY ROW LINE \ S7S°12►30A2�,104°2gr,, , E IS,97��29 \ \ _ 1 SS•30 SS 30 (Dj S 76-17F04 \ A2 __E \ ` � =1 p 3422�S.5 1'07 \ \ X' x ...................... S690 \ \ \ \X \ \ \ A2110°44 2 269.43 1 S�� <D9S97 S \ 21`64 .�......... .... — SHED THIS SUPVEY IS INTENDED ONLY FOP THE BENEFIT OF THE PAPTY TO WHOM NOTE: IT WAS PPEPAPED FOP AND SHOULD NOT BE PELIED UPON BY ANY OTHEP PAPTY OP FOP ANY OTHEP PUPPOSE. UNAUTHOPIZED PEPPOOUCTION OF THIS I DOCUMENT IS PPOHIBITED. SURVEYOR'S NOTES -Document No. 1488714 is the last deed of record for subject property per Stearns County Abstract and Title Company. The portion graphically shown as Tract D is included in the property described in Document No. 1488714. MnDot maps indicate this portion was formerly right of way of Highway 152 and turned back to the County per Release No. 1503. County maps indicate this portion is owned by the City of Monticello. We suggest the advice of a title professional or attorney to clarify any title issues affecting the subject property. -The location of the easement described as an exception per Document No. 1488714 is ambiguous. One possible location of the easement is graphically shown. INTERSECTION OF WEST """\ LINE OF W1/2 OF SEI/4 OF SEC. 18, T.121, R.24 & NE'LY ROW LINE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE BEARING I DISTANCE Legend 0 INDICATES IRON MONUMENT PLACED G INDICATES IRON MONUMENT FOUND 92.18 1105.54 INDICATES WRIGHT COUNTY CAST S 54030'07" W IRON MONUMENT x INDICATES FENCE LINE s0 INDICATES STORM MANHOLE )cr INDICATES HYDRANT W INDICATES WELL C3 INDICATES BITUMINOUS SURFACE 296.57 INDICATES CONCRETE SURFACE N 39056'55" INDICATES GRAVEL SURFACE 8056'10" C4 NE'LY ROW LINE \ S7S°12►30A2�,104°2gr,, , E IS,97��29 \ \ _ 1 SS•30 SS 30 (Dj S 76-17F04 \ A2 __E \ ` � =1 p 3422�S.5 1'07 \ \ X' x ...................... S690 \ \ \ \X \ \ \ A2110°44 2 269.43 1 S�� <D9S97 S \ 21`64 .�......... .... — SHED THIS SUPVEY IS INTENDED ONLY FOP THE BENEFIT OF THE PAPTY TO WHOM NOTE: IT WAS PPEPAPED FOP AND SHOULD NOT BE PELIED UPON BY ANY OTHEP PAPTY OP FOP ANY OTHEP PUPPOSE. UNAUTHOPIZED PEPPOOUCTION OF THIS I DOCUMENT IS PPOHIBITED. SURVEYOR'S NOTES -Document No. 1488714 is the last deed of record for subject property per Stearns County Abstract and Title Company. The portion graphically shown as Tract D is included in the property described in Document No. 1488714. MnDot maps indicate this portion was formerly right of way of Highway 152 and turned back to the County per Release No. 1503. County maps indicate this portion is owned by the City of Monticello. We suggest the advice of a title professional or attorney to clarify any title issues affecting the subject property. -The location of the easement described as an exception per Document No. 1488714 is ambiguous. One possible location of the easement is graphically shown. INTERSECTION OF WEST """\ LINE OF W1/2 OF SEI/4 OF SEC. 18, T.121, R.24 & NE'LY ROW LINE BURLINGTON NORTHERN RAILWAY LINE BEARING I DISTANCE L1 S 45025'02" E 92.18 L2 S 55043'34" E 92.18 1105.54 L3 S 54030'07" W W CURVE RADIUS ARC LENGTH CHORD LENGTH CHORD BEARING DELTA ANGLE Cl 1901.54 85.23 85.22 N 58023'40" W 2034'05" C2 1885.54 225.30 225.16 N 50020'43" W 6050'46" C3 1901.54 296.57 296.27 N 39056'55" W 8056'10" C4 111659.19 846.13 1845.94 N 51055'41" W 4009'29" CS 11901.54 110.24 110.24 N 59031'28" W 0018'30" 12015'35" C6 11901.54 174.99 174.99 N 58014'25" W SW'LY ROW LINE INTERSTATE NO. 94 4 Iro .ON OF V LINE '5 ��6 (Per Doc. No. A1488714) LEGAL [DESCRIPTION The North Half of the Southwest Quarter (N1/2 of SWI/4) and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter (SEI/4 of NWI/4) of Section Eighteen (18), Township One Hundred Twenty -One (121), Range Twenty-four (24), lying Northeasterly of the Northeast right of way line of Wright County Highway No. 75, and lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly right of way line of Interstate No. 94, according to the U.S. Government survey thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. All that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, lying Northeasterly of the Burlington Northern Railway Right of Way and Southwesterly of Interstate 94, Wright County, Minnesota. LESS AND EXCEPT That part of the Northeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter and the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 121 North, Range 24 West, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way line of Wright County Highway No. 75, and southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way line of Trunk Highway No. 94, as both highways are now located and established, which lies northerly of Line 1 described below: Line 1: Commencing at the west quarter comer of said Section 18; thence easterly on an azimuth of 90 degrees 59 minutes 00 seconds along the east and west quarter line thereof for 1834.62 feet; thence on an azimuth of 283 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 269.43 feet; thence on an azimuth of 284 degrees 47 minutes 29 seconds for 155.30 feet to said northeasterly right of way line and the point of beginning of Line 1 to be described; thence on an azimuth of 104 degrees 47 minutes 29 seconds for 155.30 feet, thence on an azimuth of 103 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 269.43 feet to said east and west quarter line of Section 18; thence continue on an azimuth of 103 degrees 42 minutes 55 seconds for 21.64 feet; thence on an azimuth of 110 degrees 03 minutes 15 seconds for 295.91 feet to said southwesterly right of way line and there terminating. LESS AND EXCEPT An easement reserved unto Grantor, its successors and assigns (a) to construct, maintain and operate a sign, with ingress and egress, and (b) to construct and maintain utilities upon the southwesterly 10 feet thereof, with ingress and egress to said sign. TRACT A That part of the Southeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter and that part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75, and lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the north line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, 1558.97 feet, to said northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75; thence South 54 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East, along said northeasterly right of way, 380.51 feet; thence southeasterly 158.70 feet, along said northeasterly right of way, along a tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 11659.19 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds, to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 36 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East, 249.67 feet, to said southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94 and said line there terminating. TRACT B That part of the North Half of the Southwest Quarter and that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southwesterly of the southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75 and its southeasterly extension, lying southeasterly of the following described Line "A" and lying northwesterly of the following described Line "C". Said Line "A" is described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 00 minutes 59 seconds East, assumed bearing, along the north line of said North Half of the Southwest Quarter, 1558.97 feet, to said northeasterly right of way of County Highway No. 75; thence South 54 degrees 00 minutes 26 seconds East, along said northeasterly right of way, 380.51 feet; thence southeasterly 158.70 feet, along said northeasterly right of way, along a tangential curve, concave to the southwest, having a radius of 11659.19 feet and a central angle of 00 degrees 46 minutes 48 seconds, to the point of beginning of said Line "A" to be described; thence North 36 degrees 17 minutes 47 seconds East, 249.67 feet, to said southwesterly right of way of Interstate 94 and said Line "A" there terminating. Said Line "C" is described as follows: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter with the northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence South 49 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds East, assumed bearing, along said northeasterly right of way line, 130.24 feet, to a northwesterly right of way line of Interstate 94; thence North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 154.85 feet, to said southeasterly extension of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway 75 and to the point of beginning of said Line "C"; thence continue North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 105.54 feet, to said southwesterly right of way line of said Interstate 94 and said Line "C" there terminating. TRACT C That part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 18, Township 121, Range 24, Wright County, Minnesota, lying northeasterly of the northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway, lying southwesterly of the northeasterly right of way line of County Highway No. 75 and its southeasterly extension, and lying northwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the intersection of the west line of said West Half of the Southeast Quarter with said northeasterly right of way of the Burlington Northern Railway; thence South 49 degrees 50 minutes 57 seconds East, assumed bearing, along said northeasterly right of way line, 130.24 feet, to a northwesterly right of way line of Interstate 94 and the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 54 degrees 30 minutes 07 seconds East, along said northwesterly right of way line, 154.85 feet, to said southeasterly extension of the northeasterly right of way of County Highway 75 and said line there terminating. S � ft A NW'LY ROW LINE OF INTERSTATE NO. 94 eL� CL \ \ tiFR�4� �tiF 91�1Z_ \ qy \ \ T NO: 2023-681 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PREPAREID FOR: NAME: 2023-681A.fD��l/GI SC' N, IR �►1 KE � �� E LSE�'�TIOI I: i-121-24 CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY PREPARES BY: 1004 2nd ST. SE 340 CHAPEL HILL R. 1250 HWY 15 SOUTH WILLMAR, MN 56201 COLID SPRING, MN 56D320 HUTCH NSON MN 55350 O LLEY & MON PH. 320-235-4012 PH. 320-685-5905 PH.320-234-1223�� SIJ���EY�RSLAND, INC. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS SURVEY, PLAN OR REPORT WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. DATE: 01-12-24 DANIEL M. KRON MINNESOTA REGISTRATION NO. 42621 \ \ O \ \ \ \V ' A /i7 SHED O \\ II \ \ \ \ II \ \ ` II \ ` II \ \ \ II \ O l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4' \ \ 9 O \ i � \ \ O \ \ \ \ \ s PARKING CA1_C, BUILDING REQ'D, PROVIDED HOTEL: I PER UNIT + I PER 10 UNITS 94 + I PER EMPLOYEE ON MAX. SHIFT CONVENTION CENTER: I PER 2.5 GUESTS + 254 +/ _ I PER 200 S1= OF FOOD PREP/STAGING, ETC. RESTAURANT: I PER 40 SF OF DINING I PER 80 SF OF KITCHEN TOTAL PARKING STALLS PROVIDED 464 450 NOTE: PROPOSED 3% JOINT USE OF PARKING FOR THE ONSITE FACILITIES ALE: 60'-0" o . s v 3- u� =a N N E U� Wa 41 (K 3 r 4- 73 ul �, ' Wo J 4� ou) U� Ln O U 0 N W J N I N 1 N O E W O J n ■101H ■T■©B MOLE ■■■e■■■■■■ ■■!RIB HLi■ ■W■■■■w■■" ■minim■■■Wilma ■■I■©■L■■■H wommommen ■M■0■msi■ EXEMEEIRINH mommmmm ■_■■Lo■-■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■my� \,m,\,�ory�(mI�/■��■■ ■■mmaiA G:amm ■Ltiam"Wena■ ■mmm mm"■ offlopommum mocgwsamm ■■■mmmmm■■ ■i■■■■■■■■ ■■■m■■■■■ �p■®n■o■■ ■ms■om■Mo■■ owcou"E ■ursammu Im�,Im4 ■&M■"moan� s■ Ebrommmm■LCE"ROMM■ opponunrom ■&PE"©pro■ ELVEHUMPME ■pr■uMMm"rW o ELVERE&ME ■L®■RH®LF■ orms"MmErm OWLEMMULNE I■■■■■■■■■■ NEMEMEMEN MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■—■■■■■■■■ ■R■■■■■■■■ ■M■■■■■■■■ ■9■■■■■■■■ ■k5■■■■■■■■ ■=■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■_■■LJ■■_■ ■EMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■i\■■■■i■ ■■Lid■■■�■ am ■fit=�■iii■ ■Ti�rL��J=■ ■.wapiac=90 ■-wwd0L==mZ■ ■pib;%1■■■!■ ■■L:a■■■m■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ MMMEMEMN ■■■■r7■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ Emommommom ■■■■■■■■■■ ■n■■■■■■■■ ■n■■■■■■■■ ■8■■■■■■■■ mummoommom julmommomm moommom ■■■■■■■■■■ ■o■■■■■■■■ ■ u■■■■■■■ ■ ■u■■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■■ ■E■■■■■■E■ ■-■■LA■■-■ EME■Qs■■■■ EMa■■■■■■■ EM■EM■■■■■ M■■■■■■■■■ Emmmommomm MEMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■—_.■■Ll■■—.■ ■■mmsm.n■■ ■■will, Il L I. ■■ FRONT ELEVATION SCALE: 1/1�" =1'-O" T.O. PARAPET ELEV. 126'-0" T.O. PARAPET ELEV. 120'-0" o . ru 3 u -So N NE W� H93 2 .+ U� (K 3 Q N S �ul O= OC Wo O� U� a■N lColi---m© ■■■■I ■■■■■ moan" ■■r:,rs ■■ddw 75 0 U Z W CID U) Z U) J 0 a W Z Z 2 0 W F - Z) U) T W D Z W a a Z W X 0 wsb March 25, 2024 Matt Leonard City Engineer/Public Works Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Schnieder Commercial Development (Broadway Plaza) — Concept Stage PUD Plan Submittal & Review City Project No. 2024-010 WSB Project No. 024950-000 Dear Mr. Leonard: We have reviewed the Broadway Plaza conceptual stage PUD site plan dated February 29, 2024. The applicant proposes to construct a hotel, convention center, and a restaurant on two parcels totaling approximately 7 acres along Broadway Avenue (CR 15) on the south side of Interstate I- 94. The documents were reviewed for general conformance with the City of Monticello's general engineering and stormwater treatment standards. We offer the following comments regarding these matters. General 1. City staff will provide additional comments under separate cover. 2. Include path/sidewalk along Broadway Avenue with the project and plans. 3. Sanitary sewer service is not currently stubbed to this site. Existing City utilities are located on the south side of Broadway and the existing railroad. The applicant will be required to extend utility lines under the railroad (likely a jacking operation) and obtain the necessary approvals/permits from BNSF railroad. 4. The proposed development appears to utilize land designated as the City of Monticello and MnDOT right-of-way. Please verify proposed project limits, coordinate with the appropriate landowners, and obtain formal approval for use of this property as required. Site, Street, & Utility Plans 5. Streets, parking lots, and utilities shall be designed in accordance with the applicable City Subdivision Ordinances and the City's General Specifications and Standard Details Plates for Street and Utility Construction. 6. The Fire Marshall and/or building department will review required fire hydrant location(s) and emergency vehicle access/circulation. Fire truck circulation will need to accommodate the City's ladder truck. Provide a turning movement exhibit to show that a M:\024950-000\Admin\Docs\2024-03-08 Submittal (Concept)\_2024-03-25 Schneider Commercial Dev - Concepet Stage PUD - WSB Engineering Comments.docx Schneider Commercial Development — Concept Stage PUD Plan Submittal — WSB Engineering Plan Review March 25, 2024 Page 2 fire truck can access all building structures, cul-de-sacs, roundabout areas, and parking lots as applicable. Additional comments may be provided under separate cover. 7. With future submittals, provide a utility plan showing the existing and proposed sanitary sewer, watermain and storm sewer serving the site. Watermain looping may be required through the site to provide adequate fire flow supply. Utility stubs to adjacent properties may also be required to accommodate future looping connections. 8. With future submittals, provide a full civil plan set that includes an existing/removals plan, utility plan, more detailed site/paving plan, grading plan, erosion/sediment control, and standard details plan. It appears the project will disturb more than one acre and a SWPPP will be required, consistent with the MPCA CSWGP standards. Stormwater Management 9. Below are General Stormwater Requirements for the Site: a. The applicant will be required to submit a stormwater management plan for the proposed development in accordance with the requirements in the City's Design Manual. b. The proposed development appears to use land designated as the City of Monticello and MnDOT right-of-way for stormwater management. Please verify proposed project limits and coordinate with appropriate landowners. Stormwater ponding should be onsite and outside of the ROW where possible. c. The new site will need to provide onsite volume control for runoff of 1.1" over the new impervious area, Pre-treatment measures are required prior to discharging to the volume control BMPs. d. An operation and maintenance plan for all stormwater BMPs is required and should be submitted with the stormwater report for review. e. The site is outside of the DWSMA and is not subject to requirements of the City's Wellhead Protection Plan. 10. Two feet of freeboard is required from the HWL of a basin to the low opening of a structure. Two feet of vertical separation is also required from an area's EOF elevation to the low opening. 11. Include storm sewer sizing calculations with future plans. Refer to Monticello Design guidelines for Storm sewer requirements. 12. An NPDES/SDS Construction Storm Water General Permit (CSWGP) shall be provided with the grading permit or with the building permit application for review, prior to construction commencing. 13. Develop and include a SWPPP consistent with the MPCA CSWGP with future plan submittals. Provide calculations showing disturbed area, proposed impervious, and future impervious for the site. 14. Final review of erosion control bmp's will take place with future submittals. Provide redundant perimeter control around all wetlands onsite. 15. Provide a full geotechnical report to verify soil conditions and groundwater elevations within the site. Schneider Commercial Development — Concept Stage PUD Plan Submittal — WSB Engineering Plan Review March 25, 2024 Page 3 16. The last structure prior to discharge to a stormwater BMP is required to be a 4' minimum sump structure. Traffic & Access 17. The applicant is proposing two driveway access points along Broadway Street, the west driveway is located approximately'/4 mile east of Meadow Oak Ave and the east driveway is approximately 300 feet east of the west driveway. Street access spacing, grades, and sight lines will be reviewed with future submittals. 18. Based on an initial review of the site, the proposed use may generate over 1,000 daily trips during non-event days and likely over 2,000 trips on event days at the convention center based on land uses and parking stalls provided. The existing Average Daily Traffic on Broadway Street is 1,150 vehicles per day. The addition of the proposed traffic would likely more than double the ADT on Broadway Street. 19. Provide a traffic study for the proposed development. 20. Thirteen accessible parking spaces are proposed and meet the threshold of 9 for a parking lot with 401-500 spots. 21. Show pedestrian facilities, trails, and sidewalks on the site plan. 22. Parking lot photometrics to be provided in a future submittal. Wetlands & Environmental 23. Any permanent or temporary impacts proposed as a result of site development must be permitted via the Wetland Conservation Act. A wetland delineation has not yet been approved for this site. A more detailed review of the development plans will be completed when the applicant submits complete civil plans and a stormwater management report. Please have the applicant provide a written response addressing the comments above. Feel free to contact me at 612-419-1549 if you have any questions or comments regarding the engineering review. Sincerely, WSB L James L. Stremel, P.E. Senior Project Manager \ \ O \ \ \ \V ' A /i7 SHED O \\ II \ \ \ \ II \ \ ` II \ ` II \ \ \ II \ O l \ \ \ \ \ \ \ 4' \ \ 9 O \ i � \ \ O \ \ \ \ \ s PARKING CA1_C, BUILDING REQ'D, PROVIDED HOTEL: I PER UNIT + I PER 10 UNITS 94 + I PER EMPLOYEE ON MAX. SHIFT CONVENTION CENTER: I PER 2.5 GUESTS + 254 +/ _ I PER 200 S1= OF FOOD PREP/STAGING, ETC. RESTAURANT: I PER 40 SF OF DINING I PER 80 SF OF KITCHEN TOTAL PARKING STALLS PROVIDED 464 450 NOTE: PROPOSED 3% JOINT USE OF PARKING FOR THE ONSITE FACILITIES ALE: 60'-0" o . s v 3- u� =a N N E U� Wa 41 (K 3 r 4- 73 ul �, ' Wo J 4� ou) U� Ln O U 0 N W J N I N 1 N O E W O J n ■101H ■T■©B MOLE ■■■e■■■■■■ ■■!RIB HLi■ ■W■■■■w■■" ■minim■■■Wilma ■■I■©■L■■■H wommommen ■M■0■msi■ EXEMEEIRINH mommmmm ■_■■Lo■-■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■my� \,m,\,�ory�(mI�/■��■■ ■■mmaiA G:amm ■Ltiam"Wena■ ■mmm mm"■ offlopommum mocgwsamm ■■■mmmmm■■ ■i■■■■■■■■ ■■■m■■■■■ �p■®n■o■■ ■ms■om■Mo■■ owcou"E ■ursammu Im�,Im4 ■&M■"moan� s■ Ebrommmm■LCE"ROMM■ opponunrom ■&PE"©pro■ ELVEHUMPME ■pr■uMMm"rW o ELVERE&ME ■L®■RH®LF■ orms"MmErm OWLEMMULNE I■■■■■■■■■■ NEMEMEMEN MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■—■■■■■■■■ ■R■■■■■■■■ ■M■■■■■■■■ ■9■■■■■■■■ ■k5■■■■■■■■ ■=■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ MEMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■_■■LJ■■_■ ■EMMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■i\■■■■i■ ■■Lid■■■�■ am ■fit=�■iii■ ■Ti�rL��J=■ ■.wapiac=90 ■-wwd0L==mZ■ ■pib;%1■■■!■ ■■L:a■■■m■ ■■■■■■■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ MMMEMEMN ■■■■r7■■■■ ■■■■■■■■■■ Emommommom ■■■■■■■■■■ ■n■■■■■■■■ ■n■■■■■■■■ ■8■■■■■■■■ mummoommom julmommomm moommom ■■■■■■■■■■ ■o■■■■■■■■ ■ u■■■■■■■ ■ ■u■■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■ ■u■■■■■■■■ ■E■■■■■■E■ ■-■■LA■■-■ EME■Qs■■■■ EMa■■■■■■■ EM■EM■■■■■ M■■■■■■■■■ Emmmommomm MEMEMEMEN ■■■■■■■■■■ ■—_.■■Ll■■—.■ ■■mmsm.n■■ ■■will, Il L I. ■■ Freeway Fields 3811 SE 428 SE427 5E-74 3810 3809 ■ 'R—� CITY OF Monticello 94 X94 0/1's. "'INNNI., r e h1,91 0. 6 d Mew OakC]p Park SE 28 E- 2289 E�0 3844 4307381.8 Lni �* w 1 � A 1xs7-t 1 rrr�cre� Soso 9C�7 � � '� � zosl 2062 C a N `� 4036 2057 '-"_-_--___-- `��\ 2182 ■ � l �`� 41ED Crib �� 2183Y iZ i i 2187 2188 s, �\ 6 2 \ 3p� \ o� r Zp rhPr \ Qa A 1 in = 333 Ft N A March 19, 2024 Map Powered By Datafi WS%, N u GY'7Z"1 N W N i N �. q CITY OF Monticello 94 X94 0/1's. "'INNNI., r e h1,91 0. 6 d Mew OakC]p Park SE 28 E- 2289 E�0 3844 4307381.8 Lni �* w 1 � A 1xs7-t 1 rrr�cre� Soso 9C�7 � � '� � zosl 2062 C a N `� 4036 2057 '-"_-_--___-- `��\ 2182 ■ � l �`� 41ED Crib �� 2183Y iZ i i 2187 2188 s, �\ 6 2 \ 3p� \ o� r Zp rhPr \ Qa A 1 in = 333 Ft N A March 19, 2024 Map Powered By Datafi WS%,