City Council Minutes 01-08-2024 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 8, 2024 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie, and Sam Murdoff Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. Block 34 Discussion Staff introduced the purpose of the workshop which was to obtain Council feedback on the potential for re -use of an existing City -owned building on Block 34, and Council perspective on the future redevelopment potential for the block. Staff first provided context for the discussion, reviewing the Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan Goals and 2017 Downtown Small Area Plan (SAP) goals specific to Downtown and Block 34. It was noted that the Downtown Plan cites Block 34 as a specific focus for redevelopment. The block is divided into two -character areas per the SAP, the Pine and Walnut & Cedar Street areas. The SAP calls for commercial uses along Pine and Broadway, and residential opportunity at corner of 3rd and Cedar. Building connectivity to the river and riverfront parks was also noted as an important redevelopment consideration for Block 34. Information on the current configuration and area of publicly owned property on the block was offered. An overview on the potential reuse of the former DMV building was provided to the Council, including possible redevelopment opportunity. The Council indicated a willingness to consider reuse of the building in support of continued redevelopment efforts. City Council was then asked to provide feedback on the type of development desired on Block 34. There was Council consensus that a mix of uses, specifically including office professional and specialty eating and retail, is preferred along the Broadway and Pine frontages. The variety of uses should accommodate both employment during the daytime, as well as shopping and dining for evenings and weekends. Maximizing usable building square footage is desired, with building height preferred at 2-4 stories. The ability to construct single -story buildings with a second -story appearance could be entertained. Medium -density residential at corner of Cedar and 3rd or along Cedar City Council Special Meeting Minutes —January 8, 2024 would be a longer -term preference. The Council indicated that the design of spaces should make the adjacent vehicle corridors less intimidating and scaled for pedestrians, including the addition of green spaces within the block. City Council asked staff to research usability of land if municipal wells on the block are relocated, as well as whether curb extensions are planned for the East Broadway improvement project. It was noted that the City owns a significant amount of property on the block. The Council indicated a willingness to allow the EDA to lead the redevelopment process, with their feedback incorporated at touch points throughout the process. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Sch eiber Approved: Attest: LAA City A ministr Vor City Council Special Meeting Minutes —January 8, 2024