City Council Resolution 2024-17CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-17 ACCEPTING A GRANT FROM THE ELLISON FOUNDATION IN THE AMOUNT OF $30,000 WHEREAS, Monticello City Council is asked to adopt a resolution accepting a grant from the Ellison Foundation in the amount of $30,000 for the Monticello Community Center Romp & Stomp indoor playground. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: 1. The Mayor and City Administrator are hereby authorized to accept a grant from the Ellison Foundation in the amount of $30,000 for the Monticello Community Center Rom & Stomp indoor playground. ADOPTED BYthe Monticello City Council this 251h day of March 2024. ATTEST: 1) (2J nifer Sc eib ity Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd ��