Tuesday, January 2, 2007 - 7:00 a.m.
Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN
MEMBERS: Chair Paul Kleinwachter, Vice Chair Mike Benedetto, Mary Barger, Bill Tapper, Dick Van Allen,
Don Roberts, Dan Olson, Barb Schwientek, Tom Feaski, Kelli Huxford, Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Don
Tomann, Jim Johnson, Zona Gutzwiller, and Patty Haiby.
STAFF: Ollie Koropchak.
COUNCIL LIAISON: Mayor Clint Herbst and Council Member Wayne Mayer.
IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to
maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of
7:00 a.m. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.)
7:05 2. Vote to approve the December 5, 2006 IDC minutes.
7:08 3. Follow-up Business or Reports:
A. BRE/Town Hall Concerns/Issues -Van Allen.
B. Marketing Committee -Dahl-Fleming.
C. Industrial Land/Outdoor Storage -Barger.
D. Transportation -Tapper.
7:18 4. City Update:
A. Comp Plan Update -Herbst.
B. YMCA property -Herbst.
C. Fiber Optics -Mayer.
D. Question/answer period.
7: 30 5. New Business.
7:32 6. Reports:
A. Economic Development Report - Koropchak.
7:40 7. Review the draft copy of the January 2, 2007 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial
related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary.
7:50 8. Annual Meeting:
A. Acceptance of IDC membership, three-year term -Barger, Van Allen, Olson, and
B. Request for Standing Committee Members: President or Chair of Chamber and
Mayor/Council of Monticello.
C. Vote to elect 2007 IDC Officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
D. Review and vote to amend or re-affirm the IDC 2006 Action Statement,
Organizational and Membership Guidelines, and 2006 Goals and Tasks for 2007.
8:10 9. Other Business.
A. Chamber Updates -Haiby.
B. Next IDC meeting -February 6, 2007.
8:20 10. Adjournment.
. Industrial Development Committee
Monticello, Minnesota
December 6, 2006
Dear Mayor Clint Herbst and Council members Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault, Wayne Mayer, and Glen
At the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) meeting of December 5, 2006, the members discussed
the economic benefits of a city-wide fiber optics system in Monticello. Given the projected cost savings,
increased speed, and improved service; no home left behind philosophy; and the results of the Monticello
Fiber Optics Feasibility Study and telephone survey; the IDC members made the following
"The IDC recommends the City Council proceed with bonding for fiber optics."
Additionally, the IDC discussed the economic benefits of industrial and information technology businesses
to the City of Monticello and the continuous need for long-term planning. Because the HRA serves as
the management agent for the Monticello Business Center, the IDC recommended the HRA preserve
revenues from the land sales of Otter Creek Crossing less development expenditures for the purpose of
acquiring additional land for industrial and information technology development.
i Again, recognizing the economic benefits of industrial and information technology businesses and the need
for continuous planning, the IDC members made the following final recommendation:
"The IDC recommends the HRA and the City Council, beginning in budget year 2008,
commit to an annual matching fund for the purpose of establishing a fund
for future acquisition of land for industrial and information technology development."
As the Comprehensive Plan Update continues its process in shaping the future of the City of Monticello, it
is believed that job creation at higher wage levels will remain a high priority and these recommended
actions will foster the over-all economy of the City.
The IDC requests the City Council consider these recommendations. Recommendations were forward
to the HRA Commissioners. Should you have questions, please contact one of the IDC members or
myself at 763-271-7201.
c: HRA Chair Brad Barger
• Industrial Development Committee
Monticello, Minnesota
December 6, 2006
Dear HRA Chair Brad Barger and Commissioners Darrin Lahr, Steve Andrews, Bill Fair and Dan Frie:
At the Industrial Development Committee (IDC) meeting of December 5, 2006, the members
discussed the economic benefits of industrial and information technology businesses to the City of
Monticello and the continuous need for long-term planning. Recognizing the Monticello Housing and
Redevelopment Authority (HRA) serves as the management agent for the revenues and expenditures of
the Monticello Business Center, the IDC members made the following recommendation:
"The IDC recommends the HRA preserve revenues from the land sales of Otter Creek
Crossing less development expenditures for the purpose of acquiring additional land for
industrial and information technology development. Additionally, the IDC recommends the
HRA and the City Council, beginning in budget year 2008, commit to an annual matching fund
• for the purpose of establishing a fund for future acquisition of land for industrial and information
technology development."
As the Comprehensive Plan Update continues its process in shaping the future of the City of
Monticello, it is believed that job creation at higher wage levels will remain a high priority and this
recommended action will foster the economy.
The IDC requests your consideration of this recommendation and plans to forward its recommendation
to the Council. Should you have questions, please contact one of the IDC members or myself at 763-
271-7201. ,~
2006 IDQ'Chair
c: Mayri"r Clint Herbst
• IDC Agenda - 01/02/07
6A. Economic Development Reuort:
* 10,000 sq ft building -The elevations and site concept prepared by the company's architect
were reviewed by the HRA on December 6. The HRA offered the company the 1.5 acre
developable, designated lot within Otter Creek Crossing 3`a Addition (next to AVR site) for a
total of $43,560 with no assessments and no trunk fees or a maximum lot of 1.6 acres at $3.00
per sq ft plus 2007 trunk fees.
* 25,000 sq ft retail/office/call center/warehouse -This Albertville company has purchased an
existing building in Albertville.
* Heavy construction firm -see email of December 7.
* Ecological Restoration Contractor -Looking at FSI property or I-lA property in same area.
Would require CUP. Would need to demonstrate berm/landscape plan in this area. 20,000 sq
ft building (office, shop, and storage). 20 full-time people. 12-19-06
* 500,000 sq ft in multi buildings -Wet industry, manufacturing, national name. 50-70
developable acres. 300 jobs. Requires 1.1 million gallons of water per day and 800,000-
900,000 gallons of waste per day. Talked with Bruce Westby, city engineer. 12-19-06
* 17,000-20,000 sq ft office/shop for engineer firm. Two-year out project, currently leasing.
70-100 people, annual wages $50,000-$80,000. Received info and application, no questions
at this time. 12-12-06
* fiber optics referral from consultant -Waiting to be contacted by company from Canada.
Needs fiber optics, potential 180 people.
* Local contractor - on behalf of manufacturer -looking for 10-15 acres, 100,000 sq ft
building. E-mailed new concept map with Dalton Court constructed. 12-27-06
* FSI building on the market - 43,000 sq ft. Need to call for info.
* Precision Technology -Have call into Jim to set up welcome to Monti tour.
* Karlsburger Foods -trying to arrange for closing and disbursement of $200,000 EDA
M&E loan before March.
* Washburn Computer Group - 12-27-06 One-half moved into Chelsea Road facility. Plan to
complete move over new years. I do have new phone number.
HRA -The HRA through the use of a broker has attempted to purchase a couple of properties
in downtown Monti. Unsuccessful at this time.
* Received copies of recorded Certificate of Certification for Blue Chip Phase III
* Remaining $6,000 of Transformation Home Loan for 511 Elm Street still not disbursed.
* Received copy of the State Auditor's TIF Legislative Report for end-year 2005. Monticello
in good standing, no penalties. Available for your review at my office.
* Rick, Paula, Annie, and myself met to discuss eligible TIF expenditures and coding for
infrastructure construction associated with interchange and Monticello Business Center.
• * Using the storm water trunk fee (net acres and ponding), WSB and staff agreed the HRA will
not pay for ponding as they purchased the land and paid for construction of the ponds. Market
• IDC Agenda - 01/02/07
rate buyers will pay the ponding fee.
* Met with K1einBank Buffalo representatives. Met with First National Bank, Elk River
* Attended a presentation by Point to Point, a personalized aircraft carrier service, out of St.
Cloud Regional Airport. Also visited with airport manager relative to expansion plans. 25
miles one way from Monti.
* Marketing Committee - We have met three to four times since the last IDC meeting. Paul
and myself will update you at the meeting as to the group's focus.
* Fiber Optics Task Force -Was unable to attend the meeting of 12-20-06. Work has begun
on the RFP for engineer design and bonding process. Kathy Schuman trained with the staff
from the Blandin Foundation, the City was awarded a $15,000 matching grant for broadband
education. Workshop scheduled for January 22. Lynne will need to update the IDC.
* Comp Plan Task Force to hold the first meeting Thursday, January 11, 7:00 p.m. Follow-up
meetings February 1, February 22, and March 15. IDC representative Mary Barger, alternate
Don Tomann. HRA representative Dan Frie, alternative Bill Fair. I need to read my
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Ollie Koropchak
From: Jim Rentz []
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 2:41 PM
To: Ollie Koropchak
Subject: RE: Industrial land
Thank You for the information.
It is too bad that some areas are so closed, I am finding that same thing in a number of communities. Granted
we are not a big box retailer or a factory that is in a 100,000 sf building. But we are a well established firm having
been in business for over 60 years, and our company does not pay any wages that are under $ 20.00 per hour.
Last year we donated over $ 15,000.00 to local charities, and spent close to $ 20 million dollars with suppliers in
the Northwest Metro area.
Because of a few the construction industry has just been given a bad wrap.
Thanks for your help.
Jim Rentz
-----Original Message-----
From: Ollie Koropchak []
Sent: Thursday, December 07, 2006 12:09 PM
To: Jim Rentz
Subject: Industrial land
Jim -According to the city planner, under our current regulations, the use of your business could be
located in an I-1A, I-1, or I-3 District. However, as I mentioned prior, the recorded covenants on the
Monticello Business Center (city property) does not allow for out door storage ruling out that option.
Currently, the city is studying its outdoor storage allowances in all districts but nothing is finalized. A
conditional use permit is required for outdoor storage. Other undeveloped industrial properties are
privately owned and here are contact numbers: I-1A District Charlie Pfeffer- 763-425-2930, Mike Van
Heel - 763-428-6163. I-2 District Bill Demeules - 763-295-8728, Bill Tapper - 763-295-4222, and Sheila
Hansen - 612-752-5754.
Please let me know if I can be of further assistance. Ollie
business," said Randy Schiestl, ~ e companeys
~ce~resideBt of research anddeveloprr~2nt;
Boston Scientific has been working on a four . .
budding expansion of its caitlptis since die.'zrvd_ '
90s.'i'he most recent addition will be ~attacfied
to th~~ nor~h crd bf the third building
The ~til ij~le Grove City Council voted~~~to
~ppf01'`'thc o~~»pany's planneddevelopment
- ~ppliritio,= catly~ this month,
' _ Schiestl said some employees y~ be moved ~~
~ ~ to IVta Ie. Crove;
I p ~ and some new 'obs
~ ~ creat?d aspart of the expansion. J will be
'kgraysun@tivjnumals com ~ (612 288-2106 ,
dERCE6ES, or vfsft MBUSA,com.
~~~ r~~~
~~, n~ S~~c~- ~add~~
~~~ Maple Grow -~-~
~~~ _ .,a, e. space
~~3~y~;~~'~,~ . . ,
~~~~ ~~,r .~ ~•BYKATNARINE6RAYSON ~.
~r a: ,; .;
~~~ ~ . ~' BostonScientific Corp.~is building an addi-
,,, '~ -tion to itsMapl~ Grove campus as itprepares
a_ r ~~' #o marketa new drug coated stent.
,t' ~ ~ :t'he'=110,000`square-foot addition
'a. ,~ °~' house atwo-storylab, will
~; offices and a mecham ~,, ~ 'MRPI>F ~ ? fi
~"' cal plant, :.The compa- GR'QVE ~ t :.`
nY .will _break ground w
_ ~ ;
on ~ahe `,pioject next , ~~ '~
month. ~ ~ ~~ ,i
,~~ ~ ,The . Natick, Mass ~,~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~
t based
~, medical .device ~~ t `'~
,~ f ~
giant will use the labs ts9~
K and mechanic ~R ~ ~~
~ plant b - ~ '.
' to manufacture a dn~g to coat its 1'romus stent.
They device is scheduled to-lut the markef'' in
2005.'a ~: -
Technology for the devtce;was developed by
Gtlidant Gorp„ the Arden Hills based cbmpa-
ny BostortScientific acquired'earlier this; year.
' ~ "It-will give us the labs and, to
~ ;!`r+becoinea tnie two-dru d
• 2006 IDC Monthly Attendance
This is printed only as an informative report relative to the IDC Guidelines
knowing in divi duals parti cipate in other functions of the IDC.
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Feaski P P P P P P P P P P P
Van Allen P P P P P P P P A P P
Kleinwachter P P P P P P P P P P P
Gutzwiller P P P P P P P A P P P
Tapper P P P P P P P P P P P
Roberts A P A A P P A A A A A
~enedetto A P A A P P A P P A A
Barger P P P P P P P P P P P
Schwientek P A A A P P P P P P P
Olson P P P P P P P A P P P
Huxford A A A P A A P A A A P
Dahl-Fleming P P P P P P P P P P P ~
Johnson P P P P P A A P A A
Tomann P A P P P A P A P A P
Chamber P P P A P P P P A A P
Message Page 1 of 1
Ollie Koropchak
From: Monticello Chamber [info@monticellocci.comj
Sent: Friday, December 15, 2006 2:26 PM
To: Dawn Grossinger; Ollie Koropchak; 'Paul Kleinwachter'
Subject: Chamber's IDC Representative
Here's your new IDC member from the Chamber -you can remove Michele Hertwig as a contact and replace it
Patty Haiby, Twin City Die Castings 763-271-5060; 520 Chelsea Road Monticello
Thanks Sandy