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IDC Agenda 12-04-2007
IDC Agenda -12/04/07 5. Economic Development Report• a) Transformation Home Loan No. 3 -September 27, 2007 was the closing date for this rehabilitation loan for the property located at 312 East River Street. The HRA is in third position behind JP Morgan/Chase and First Minnesota Bank. First Minnesota serves as the escrow agent. Recorded mortgage received. b) Transformation Home Loan No. 2 -Tom Scott, city attorney, wrote a letter (September 4, 2007) confirming the HRA had an infinite extension of time to answer the summons. The Metro Home Insulation, LLC vs. Antoinette Breiwick, et. al., Court File. The HRA was named in the summons. October 30, 2007, follow-up with Scott - no further action required by HRA , Complaint's attorney trying to settle $3,975 outside court. c) Subordination Agreement between the HRA and KleinBank, September 10, 2007. - The Executive Director executed a Subordination Agreement at the request from Rocky Mtn Group, LLC. The HRA attorney did manage to review the original prepared agreement which was amended to include a clause to protect the HRA in case of default prior to execution. d) Consolidation of HRA/EDA update - A letter was prepared and mailed to the four existing commissioners as to their interest to be considered for appointment to the new EDA. All four commissioners have responded with three (Bill Fair, Dan Frie, and Bill Demeules) "interested" . and one (Barb Schwientek) "not interested." An ad was placed in the Times and Shopper and on the city web site the week of November 5, advertising for commissioners based on the residency/non residency requirement. Submission deadline for applications is November 30th. In order for the restated EDA to approve the refinancing of an HRA Bond, the Council plans to appoint five of the seven-member commissioners at the December 10 Council meeting. It is the intent to interview a licants so the Ma o /C il i h i i pp y r ounc can appo nt t e rema n ng two commissioners at the January 14, 2008 Council meeting. e) Continuing Education Subcommittee met on November 8. Tim Zipoy of the Monticello Work Force Center provided some data on training/educational needs in the area. Koropchak reported on the Owatonna model. The meeting concluded with an invitation to Doug Parr, Dean of Riverland Community College, Owatonna, to share his experience. Secondly, the subcommittee agreed to expand the subcommittee to include business leaders from Cargill Kitchen Solutions, meeting scheduled for December 7 to discuss; Xcel Energy, discussion via phone; and Monticello-Big Lake Community Hospital, Lynn Olson accepted. f) FiberNet Monticello - is the name approved by the City Council for the fiber optic entity. Those on the finance/bond subcommittee are working with the appropriate professionals in preparation for sale of the bonds to finance the system consistent with the Feasibility Study. The marketing subcommittee is preparing a marketing plan as part of the documentation necessary for the bond sale and plan to hold a breakfast meeting in January as a means to up~ate the in ~ abusinesses. The head-in building subcommittee is identifying a site and • ~ ` ~ '~~ ~~ 1 CJ IDC Agenda -12/04/07 alternate site for construction of the building in accordance to consultant recommendations. On November 27, a ground breaking was held which officially launched the underground construction of the fiber optic system between city hall, a lift station and the I-94 cable. g) Marketing committee -The monticelloland.com web site, city web-site, and Positively Minnesota Community Profile/land search are being updated. Plans are to advertise (see attached ad) in the Minnesota Real Estate Journal/Star Tribune Guide insert (December) and January 2008 Journal which will highlight Wright and Sherburne Counties. Under consideration - advertise in St. Cloud RIO and looking into potential linkage with Metro Eleven County Region search web-site. h) Leads -Local realtor inquired of industrial land for sale, south of I-94 and east of Hwy 25 for BRE project. * Potential to build spec multi-tenant building for industrial users. * Novozynes A/S - e-mailed Danish company looking to expand in Midwest. * Washburn Computer Group -Work contract is on hold per Mr. Wentland. An executed contract would result in the need fora 30,000 sq ft expansion. EDA approved a loan, with loan document preparation upon execution of work contract. * Aware of two other Monticello industrial businesses looking to expand. * Copy of letter to Eva, Inc., a medical technology business in Plymouth looking for a headquarter site. (I think this maybe the same company a real estate agent (via company) who • cut Monticello from the list stating: Monticello was too far out.) * Walker In-store facility under construction. Nice looking building. Attached excerpt from City Newsletter. i) Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue improvements -The construction of the improvements in this area were delayed due the extensive de-watering needed prior to construction of infrastructure. j) Cedar Street Garden Center - It is the intent that the inspection for hazardous materials and demolition of the structures will be completed by the end of the year. k) Attached of a Big Lake News article. Commissioner McElroy spoke at the Monticello Rotary Club on Monday, November 26. 1) A rather lengthy copy of a report by Positively Minnesota "Understanding the Workers Needs of Manufacturers" is in my office. If you'd like a copy please let me know. m) Comp Plan Update -the City Council and Planning Commission are scheduled to review and discuss the draft copy of the Comp Plan Update on November 28. A second meeting between the two groups is scheduled for December 12. • cJ ~~ • MONTICELLO Looking to save time and money? connect to the ultimate business enhancer.. . FIBER OPTICS The City of Monticello will deliver a superior communications experience. With 100% fiber optics, businesses will experience the intense power of this ultimate technology and blazing Internet speed. The city-owned fiber optic infrastructure offers superior service and capabilities to meet your current and future business needs. Land for $1.00 per sq. ft. with no as~essmerrts ane~n© frurrk fees to qualified busifi~sses. Prime I-94 access :just minutes west of the Twin Cities For more information contact: Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director: 763-271-3208 visit the website: MonticelloLand.eom Publication: Minnesota Real Estate Journal Ad Wright / Sherburne County Issue (Special Section in StarTribune for December 2007) Ad Deadline: November 29, 2007 Ad Size: 4.5" w x 5.5" H (Full Color) 1/4 Page Full Color Ad Price: $2,950 • CITY flF NIONTICELLO ~ p ~3'alker In-Store is a retail advertising agency that works with consumer product cot~1- panies. They develop, design, and oversee manufacturing inventories, and distribute re- tail display and marketing ma- terials. With a national scope, the company supplies up to ?0,000 supernlarkets and mass merchants with program mate- rials annually. The company was founded in 1993. Picrtired from left to right. Copeland Building Contractor Bob Copeland, Walker In- Store Owners Brian and Diane Walker, Economic Develop- ment Director Ollie Korop- chak, and Chief Buildintr Offi- cial Gary Anderson "ADDING FIBER TO YOUR DIGITAL DIET" ~~ Since May of 2005, the City of Monticello has been actively researching and pursuing options to provide telecommunications ser- vices to Monticello through acommunity-based fiber optics network to every home and business. The network will have the capa- bility to reach every home and business in Monticello. As part of this process, the City held a referendum on September 1 ~ asking for voter approval to construct a telephone exchan;e. The referendum passed with 74% approval (state statutes required at least 65%). The prospect of evennially offering a fuhire-proof choice of services for telephone, cable TV and internet to all residents and businesses is very excitim~, as fiber optics brings increased potential for economic development and job creation. In order for the community to have "a better future with fiber optics," there are number of steps to be accomplished before the con- stn~ction begins'. The City Fiber Optics committee is busy working on a number of items including financing, design, operations management, marketing, and agreements for services. The Finance Team is gathering information needed to put together the fi- nancing package to be presented to prospective bond buyers. The bond proceeds will finance the constntction and launch the city- wide telecommunications system. Other members of the committee are working on specifications for engineering and design of the system. Another member is putting together the marketing plan to introduce the system, advertise services and keepthe community informed. These pieces, and more, are integral parts of developing a successful telecommunications system for the community. How can you stay informed or get involved? Keep your eye on the websites: www.monticellofiber.com and www.ci.monticello.mn.us Updates will be provided on a regular basis relating to the progress of the system as things move along. As opportunities arise for citizen involvement, that information will be pasted on the website and emailed out to those that have previously indicated an interest. There is also a link for you to email questions to fiber(u~monticellofiber.eom If you do not have a computer or email, you can also call 76 ~-271-3204 or stop at City Hall. If your company may be able to provide contract services related to the city project, please email to fiberna~,monticellofiber.com and provide an explanation of your inquiry. We will keep the information on file as a possible resource. If you are looking for job opportunities, this information will eventually be posted on the website and will be advertised through other media as positions are available. • U • - ~ r~ ~ , ~ ,~S v' ~, :~ ~~ ~ ~~ . , ~ , . _ t -~ ;' ~~, I'1 . ~~: . ~~ ~ r °~J rifer F,dwgrds - ~ `~ ~~~ ~= ~- ~'. e 3t~f4i~itt~:~. 1e$~vn~1^a~alyat~ ~tltt~~tc~_ , :, `Taxed', 4 d na v~Z. t'ufact}~;_ g~ctor; :is• also }irodtiLtig`jhfis titter than avq~ge .~~t ~~ ~~'~, S 'rrt ~~,> ~ • ~~_. '"~ ~$~~~:~ 9 1?~ ~),= ~w{tx,l~i11~4t :~~Rl~x4i1 _ i ~1Vi~aht. ~, ; ~~ c ; ~~ $~ue~ts~ea~c- bratitlg . u~a~turer's~ Week iri Big Lake last -week. The breakfast by"A Catered Everit, was sponsored by K1einBank ~ and hosted by ,Connections, etc.: , "Regional 2tiit~l~+~collabo- rite with stakeli~I!Q~ers on reseaz~h;'~nd 'e*ten~i°;~ccess to D>Ep reports and Statistics, ; said 1vlacht, who is ong of five ' Viper Mo#dr~ Park., :Viper. their luxury opme tie as ~- tie-bre on~i- Lions have ~ t," acht ~t4 _... , rzvrcycies to Febr~tiry end: -:vYll hevs ~a ~rm+~nt opportunitiQs. (Photo b#r 4 .~ it }~`., w i • • k `~ • "lVlanufactui`ing "wages'`:are " Vip~r~Moto~cycle'`lbitr in Big L~:e are- a 7 ~+%~ of 1qwin breakfast,,. th@ the .~otripar~ble„ ~ :'the thade 1{~~iay out'fo tktc metro area," Macht.. said. i~dustrtal. •park ..for a -tour of `'Statewide, manufacturing as ~ 1-~tstorcyele Company. expect ~,y~, dd ;~~o~tt 9,~~Q ~x i~ ';~# c~#~'';~rrty vrhich net ' ~e ~QR fr$fn x'004 `tg ~ ~~ ~ ih'09~'~'belr grad= 2014` Neyar~~ 3,~OQbf-tb~~C I u~t, ~,{gl~er}c~,~,~uxury ~gtor- jol~s~ ,az; j~zolec4~ed~ to Abe Ott ; ~~~~ j~ ~e~~d tows a Central~l~fivnes~~ta, .-~~~~.~ ` ~ - i but thriv3nQ American Job av~ilabili~y,~n tors of the ~~Cet° incre2fs`e,' but jdbs'r tonne tyP~~~IY Pad' jabs'in:gi~~i' ind`u's4 Big Lake,. alre Strang aiid"gf"0"wing. i 1Uon o~ ~u p ssfui m it~ a.. ' ,-~ ~ u r tli~ "While',. tng , s. . ~~~p . ` a~'~ com ;4,.-~~' avCr~ ~fa~~r the Iota ~ ~' 225;"p ~~Y tlrad~r, have to a ea and th is ol~._~~ startingat $3'~t(;1QQ~`~T~G~k~, msu~ ~~e bad lib ai~;ll: ,; l~ ~ ~_. Kar n tern hope to find ail aftet'=market~,p,od~~$s; ~ ~~ ~5 ~r Bid e; MN , ~` , ,,, 4 : for their twin. v,,e:~ engines -week:~in avdra~e wages. ~ , ~, ~',;~ ' „~. '~ ii ~,v~eoPle ot,~c~, a for no line, wit ~' e is~ ~trairiigg,' ~t~',~ ~.. ' , os~ t~1it hac~ ,'' ~~ath •-r~aso~t~h'°i_' as"~ ~~'~ ~ 1~ed Proctor, Who is zn c, ~~.~ y iricrea and that i qt uttin ~ ~ ~~~ 27, ~, anie~s.a~d 345 jobs, or P g of production or the ~or$ ~=' ~ b'"'' i g 15.6% put pays lower wage Our c e ~~furs 'I also... el, ny ~`.~!~ can `off' er ~t-t ~~ an ,s to of a strgn 28~a 4~}~, rr~ x, t P. g I that"we ~ old' u~ ~ spend g ~~ ~ ' pay "of.' $11 per ~~' pY~s ~~''~ owtli°rate since 2000. Qther ahd s oris ~ _ i~ter ~~hgol healthcare benefits, withrcgu ~ s~t~c~es.?~~iad 113 jobs at ^i4 ` aCtfvi~s~'~~ fa~f, buf~~~`~~~ 'lax employee.. perfo'~'iYfance~~ companies at $318 per weed a' sure many dq 't feel that way revievYs and raises , ' ,, ~; ~ average ,y,~csrl~l~~{ wa8es. ~` ,~rt~er„ Eve aznl~~~® ~,~he ~,~~1 ~ ~ 1' ~a 's atioq had, ~ tt~ dec~¢: ~ a ~: 1?~s S; fob ~~~~, ~~X 8~ j~~ or 2.9% v ~~; .~~t !~ ~~ ~.~ ~r ~f, tom. ~ -, of ~4 tptal p~Yirig an average ~, "~ da~Wh~t'" tt~di `~:wa cioii~ ba e, icker~pi~ ~a%.t~t $555 per week. Finance and, ~F ~; ~` ' ~~ ,~ lid=' 20°10 .d''run .. ~s Marlufac~iinng al$d ' had' a "multiplter "effect, Maclit": said. For evey fob cieat~"i~ Ott mantixi'acturiii~,, as many ,as four ogler jabs `are created in the community. MarrufaCturiitg also sub- ports `irutov~ton and progress. Over "the past 20 years,' nphriu= ~ `~ii~irrg productivYt j~'' lias ittG~t4~ased at twice the rate of N1- ~F the ;Pri vat a' sec tor.: , ' t~ ~ Employers .1<,pl°~$1's' iii ate Big; agc yr - vu~ ~ L4 "~rea'~4incldde ' educatioiz so ~ ;: Flo . ' services, which hac y ; . ~ `4 X23%`of the jobs iii ~~~~ ;~ th e~, Paying 24.5%. of wt cr, t ~ ' !Y1 r,, ~ j, ,, .;~]oi`se- ~ :~ ~~~n~ 1~rrih~n~IrYi'P"itit h~~ s>;~' ethod ', tq'>'~00¢ {.~iibulat4i'Y h~ ~ ~ ses; ~ I ' the ,care services tpor'e than tripled tech- ', -them Stu' ml~~ of jcibs="rih the ~ ge ~ ~ ~~ t~ sat'ne::time~pertod,'MaCht said: `~. v n , .x: ,~. - es ,.~onstrtlckion - hadi% of f I i ~ ~,t11e ~st~blk~~En~ ~tid~at.-271 . `~::i hu ~ ~ ~ P~ 8 ; ~,. jol1~,•' or,~:~~~~:o..# th~g,~,~,nploy- , I ~ ~~ ~~~ ' °' °n~ ~"~' !meet op~orturur}es 'The.retail ~~ ~a$~n ' trade`h~l'l coriipaiues' and ` ~~,~ ' ~ ~ . ,~ ~~~_ ~ ~ ,; '~ ~ ~ ` ~ and .332 ~dbs,~ or~L1:2~~in'~406: ' ~ five However their tgtal annual ~ ' ,:. ~ s p to .; ayrol ~b~"was o $~~~la of i ~~ ~ go into production m February ~',e s, +, fi or ~ the ;Area, ~ taf, ~ and wt11Y0ffer 30 ptE level ~,~~ t ye~,~r~s F o ~,: ddetd ers~an~i~g mani,g ctur}ng ~~jobs a~s~~- ~',~ ~. ,.~ ,~ ' . r Ming e~'r~ot~r~ytlc~, ~ `~' 4~ t crease ~~ ~: `~pi~n X .coo hovc~~~ i kht~w °`Th ~drk ~yi111?e~ass.: ~1~; ~~ ; 3 • ~~ AGENDA MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 6:00 PM Rod Dragster, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Council Liaison: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, Kimberly Holier - NAC 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration to approve the minutes of November 6th, 2007. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments 5. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of a request for Amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of Grading, Erosion & Sediment Control. Applicant: City of Monticello . 6. Consideration to review for update action on expiring Conditional Use Permits and Plats. 7. Consideration to review for recommendation proceeding with a Request for Proposal for a Natural Resource Inventory. 8. Adjourn. r Monticello City Hall, 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1, Monticello, MN 55362-8831 • (763) 295-2711 • Fax (763) 295-4404 Office of Public Works, 909 Golf Course Rd., Monticello, MN 55362 • (763) 295-3170 • Fax (763) 271-3272