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City Council Agenda Packet 08-25-2008
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 25, 2008 - 7 p.m. NOTE: SPECIAL MEETING - 4:30 P.M. POSUSTA/LUNDSTEN LAND ISSUES 5:00 P.M. BUDGET WORKSHOP Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance 2A. Approve minutes of August 18, 2008 Special Meeting. 2B. Approve minutes of August 11, 2008 Regular Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures City Hall, MCC and Parks. B. Consideration of approving Satisfaction and Release of the SW Assessment Agreement, Document #A964085 C. Consideration of adopting a resolution establishing an Absentee Ballot Board D. Consideration of approving the purchase of new lockers for the MCC E. Consideration of accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, City Project No. 2007-08C. F. Consideration of approving contribution. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration of approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Project No. 2008-1OC. 8. Department Head Report -Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent 9. Consideration of approving quotes for materials for Groveland Park Shelter. 10. Update on preliminary costs for an interchange at CSAH 39 11 Consideration of approving purchase of financial software program. Agenda Monticello City Council August 25, 2008 Page 2 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills for August, 2008. 13. 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W U ~ m a f-l FC ~ H O E'~ H z w a x o w Q w o x a a Q Q • ~ ' W W ~C PO 3 Q W W a ~ w o ~ a ~ a ~ a a ~ a a H W w H • H a z H Q w U W rx a w w H N Q • • Council Minutes: August 18, 2008 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 18, 2008 - 7 a.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the special meeting to order at 7 a.m. The Council went into closed session to discuss with legal counsel the current litigation with TDS. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO RECESS THE CLOSED SESSION OF THE COUNCIL. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2. Consideration of nurchasin~ a GPS unit for the Public Works Department. Brian Stumpf questioned why the urgency in having the item on this agenda rather than on the agenda for the regular meeting which is next week. Public Works Director, John Simola said staff is losing opportunities to gather information because they do not have the equipment. John Simola said they wanted to have the unit several months ago. Brian Stumpf asked if it was something that they needed earlier why the delay in bringing the item before the Council. John Simola responded that staff thought the acquisition of the GPS unit was part of the fiber loop project and just recently found out that it was not included in the project. At the present time the City is paying WSB and Associates to gather the information as to utility line locations so it can be entered into the GIS system. In addition the City does not have the means to go out and locate the information that is out there. Wayne Mayer felt this would be the time to acquire the unit. Since the City is doing utility locates for fiber optics, the City could use the GPS unit to document the location of other utilities in the right-of--way. This would be information the City would not be able to get from Charter Communications, Xcel Energy or other utilities. Brian Stumpf said he didn't have a problem with purchasing the equipment. He just questioned the timing of this item. He asked about the second unit. John Simola they would know about the second unit when they find out whether any equipment can be obtained through the fiber optic project. It was noted the $13,600 cost included four hours of training. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE THE PURCHASE OF THE TRIMBLE GEO XH 2008 STANDALONE SYSTEM WITH THE OPTIONS OUTLINED IN THE PROPOSAL IN THE AMOUNT OF $13,633.07 FROM FRONTIER PRECISION, INC. THROUGH THE MINNESOTA STATE CONTRACT PRICING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Council Minutes: August 18, 2008 3. Adiourn. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:35 A.M. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Recording Secretary Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 11, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of July 28, 2008 Special Meeting. Tom Perrault questioned on the last paragraph of page two dealing with the possibility of the DMV providing driver license services whether it should read "could" instead of "would" because it is not known whether the DMV will get the license service. Ann Johnson, Deputy Registrar Manager stated DMV will get the drivers license service if they have adequate room for the equipment. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 28, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. 2B. Approve minutes of July 28, 2008 Regular Meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE JULY 28, 2008 REGULAR MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Update on the Posusta-Lundsten land issues; 2) Consideration of calling a closed session of the Council do discuss the TDS litigation; and 3) Possible interchange at County Road 39. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. No one spoke under citizens comments. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures MCC and Building Department. Recommendation: Ratify the hire/departures as identified. Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 B. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for a wine tasting event for Hi-Way Liquors for October 17, 2008 at the Monticello Community Center. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liquor license for Hi-Way Liquors for October 17, 2008 at the Monticello Community Center. C. Consideration to approve a one day charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited Chapter 039 for a raffle at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on September 22, 2008. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution approving a one day charitable gambling license for Wright County Ducks Unlimited Chapter 039 for a raffle at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard on September 28, 2008. Resolution No. 2008-65. D. Consideration of approving a temporary liquor license for Church of St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 20-21, 2008. Recommendation: Approve a temporary liquor license for the Church of St. Henry for September 20-21, 2008. E. Consideration of approving a temporary charitable gambling license for the Church of St. Henry's Fall Festival on September 20-21, 2008. Recommendation: Adopt a resolution authorizing the State Gambling Control Board to issue a charitable gambling license to the Church of St. Henry to conduct charitable gambling activities at their fall festival on September 20-21, 2008 at the parish grounds at 1001 East 7tn Street. Resolution No. 2008-66 F. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for a comprehensive sign plan for amulti-tenant retail facility in the Central Community District (CCD). Applicant: Scenic Sign. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for a comprehensive sign plan for a shopping center located at 141 Broadway Avenue based on a finding that the proposal is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance. G. Consideration of approving a request for an amendment to a conditional use permit for boundary adjustment and sign relocation in a B-3 (Highway Business District). Applicant: Amax Storage Self-Storage Recommendation: Approve the PUD amendment for Amax Storage located at 36 Dundas Road based on a finding that the request is consistent with the Zoning Ordinance and appropriate to the B-3 District. H. Consideration of approving a request for a conditional use permit for a planned unit development for amulti-tenant commercial development in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Cornerstone/DOJO, LLC. Recommendation: Approve the PUD/CUP based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the intent of the B-3 District subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed site access point locations be revised subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Any future proposal to accommodate uses which generate a greater off-street parking demand (i.e. restaurants) the processing of a PUD amendment and additional parking shall be required. 3. To better accommodate vehicular backing maneuvers, the parking stall in the extreme southwest corner of the site (along the site's southern boundary line) be eliminated. 2 Council Minutes: August i 1, 2008 4. Building colors be specified and subject to City approval. 5. The applicant revises the building materials as discussed in this report, particularly as related to the building facades facing the surrounding streets. 6. The landscape plan be amended to increase plantings on the site, particularly along the south and west boundary areas. 7. A photometric lighting plan be submitted in accordance with ordinance requirements subject to City approval. 8. Consideration be given to attaching the two trash enclosures to the adjacent principal buildings. Such enclosures or "wing walls" should be finished in materials similar to those used on the principal buildings. 9. Requirements of the City Engineering staff are complied with as agreed to at the staff/applicant meeting on July 29, 2008. 10. Right of way dedication and vacations are finalized prior to final building permit approval. 11. The free-standing monument sign shall be consistent with site buildings in terms of style, material and color. I. REMOVED FROM THE AGENDA Consideration of approving a charge card at Holiday for DMV. Recommendation: Approve the credit card application for DMV with Holiday Station. K. Consideration of adopting an ordinance for false alarm charges for Fire Department Calls. Recommendation: Adopt the Fire Emergency Alarm System and Emergency Response -Car Accident Fees Ordinance. L. Consideration of purchase of one new Hydromatic 100 HP main lift pump with adapter brackets for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of a new Hydromatic 100 hp replacement pump with adaptor brackets to fit the existing Ebarra rail system at a cost of $67,816 plus freight and tax for a total estimated cost of approximately $74,000. This system has the shortest lead time of 10-12 weeks. M. Consideration of authorizing advertising for Liquor Store Manager. Recommendation: Authorize advertising of the Liquor Store Manager position. N. Consideration of having Bolton & Menk, Inc. prepare a long range plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant. Recommendation: Authorize Bolton & Menk, Inc. to prepare the long range plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant at a cost of $18,000 to be completed within the next four months. Brian Stumpf requested that agenda item #10, Consideration of having Bolton & Menk, Inc. prepare a long range plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plant be moved to the consent agenda as item #SN. Items #SH and #SJ were pulled from the consent agenda. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH ITEMS #SH AND #SJ BEING REMOVED AND AGENDA ITEM #10 BEING ADDED AS #SN. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. 3 Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SH Conditional Use Permit for a planned unit development for amulti-tenant commercial development in a B-3 (Highway Business) District. Applicant: Cornerstone/DOJO LLC. Clint Herbst stated that because this is a planned unit development the City should be getting something better in design. He didn't feel that lap siding was compatible in a commercial area. He said he didn't know what the trade off was on this building. Community Development Director indicated that the applicant is in the process of making upgrades to the facility design based on Planning Commission recommendations and is present at this meeting. Gary D'Heilly from D'Heilly Engineering submitted a revised design drawing to the Council and reviewed some of the changes that were being proposed. One major change was in the back elevation. They continued with stones and increased the band across the top and sides. Clint Herbst felt the changes were an improvement over what was shown before. Jeff O'Neill asked about the signage. Gary D'Heilly indicated that back lit signs are what they are looking at but a final decision has not been made. He added that the type of signage selected will be uniform throughout the development. Gary D'Heilly noted that the building is only 144 feet long so they could not make too many additions without impacting the aesthetics. Clint Herbst asked as a planned unit development what was the tradeoff for the City. The Planning Commission felt the use of the site and improvements to the building were sufficient. Staff noted that the Planning Commission did not comment on the signage plan. They did, however, recommend that the monument sign be constructed with materials consistent with what is used in the development. Clint Herbst asked about possible restaurants being located there in the future and the impact on off-street parking. He said he didn't see anything on the plan that could be additional parking space. The Council wants it known that there isn't off-street parking in this area. Susie Wojchouski felt that item #2 of the conditions of approval should be worded more strongly. The situation is that there is no additional off-street parking and any additional parking stalls needed because of a restaurant or other use that would generate a greater parking demand would have to be purchased from the adjacent property owner. Tom Perrault questioned whether the brick shouldn't continue all the way around the building so that back of the building mimics the building front. Gary D'Heilly felt there was not enough space in the back to break it up. Clint Herbst brought up the issue of the plantings for the site. He felt the number of trees was excessive and when mature the trees could possibly end up blocking the view of the site and visibility is important for commercial property. Jeff O'Neill explained the standards are one tree for every SO lineal feet of site perimeter. Staff noted that other commercial developments along TH 25 had adhered to the landscaping standards so this is consistent with what others had done. Susie Wojchouski pointed out that the plan shows a tree in the median. She expressed the concern that when the tree is mature it could impact visibility. Clint Herbst noted there are areas in the downtown that are potential for development and he questioned how the landscaping standard would be applied there. Jeff O'Neill said staff will work with the applicant to get a reasonable number of trees on the site. 4 Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APROVE THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR DOJO, LLC WITH THE CHANGES IN DESIGN AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING SUBMITTED AT THE COUNCIL MEETING, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED USE IS CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE B-3 DISTRICT SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS OUTLINED BELOW: 1. The proposed site access point locations be revised subject to review and approval by the City Engineer. 2. Any future proposal to accommodate uses which generate a greater off-street parking demand (i.e. restaurants) the processing of a PUD amendment and additional parking shall be required. 3. To better accommodate vehicular backing maneuvers, the parking stall in the extreme southwest corner of the site (along the site's southern boundary line) be eliminated. 4. Building colors be specified and subject to City approval. 5. The applicant revises the building materials as discussed in this report, particularly as related to the building facades facing the surrounding streets. 6. The landscape plan be amended to increase plantings on the site, particularly along the south and west boundary areas. 7. A photometric lighting plan be submitted in accordance with ordinance requirements subject to City approval. 8. Consideration be given to attaching the two trash enclosures to the adjacent principal buildings. Such enclosures or "wing walls" should be finished in materials similar to those used on the principal buildings. 9. Requirements of the City Engineering staff are complied with as agreed to at the staff/applicant meeting on July 29, 2008. 10. Right of way dedication and vacations are finalized prior to final building permit approval. 11. The free-standing monument sign shall be consistent with site buildings in terms of style, material and color. AND TO HAVE STAFF REVISIT THE LANDSCAPING PLAN AND UPDATE THE COUNCIL ACCORDINGLY. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 #SJApprove credit card application for Holiday Gas Station: Wayne Mayer stated the DMV is in the CCD District and there are at two other gas stations in the CCD District. He questioned why the City excluded these stations. Finance Director Tom Kelly said it doesn't make any difference where DMV gets their gas. After talking to Tom Moores, Tom Kelly feels this credit card would just be a backup and that the DMV would primarily be using the pump at the Public Works Building. Wayne Mayer suggested the DMV could apply to the two stations that are in the CCD District. Tom Kelly noted that the Public Works Department uses Red's. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO HAVE DMV CHARGE AT THE TWO LOCATIONS DOWNTOWN. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0. Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 7. Public Hearing for proposed improvement to Jerry Liefert Drive and Kevin Longley Drive, City Proiect No. 2008-1OC. City Engineer, Bruce Westby provided background information on the scope of the work to be done on Jerry Liefert Drive and Kevin Longley Drive which includes milling and overlay of the bituminous surface and repair and/or replacement of curb and gutter where needed. Bruce Westby stated the project would also correct some drainage issues in the area. The project is proposed to be funded through a mix of assessments and budgeted monies from the Street Department and the Street Reconstruction Fund. Bruce Westby reviewed the PCI ratings that were used to evaluate the street and the work needed. A PCI rating of 0-40 would indicate that a reconstruction of the street is needed. A PCI of 40-80 would indicate milling and overlay and a PCI of 80-100 would indicate sealcoating to be appropriate. Kevin Longley Drive had a PCI of 51-68 and Jerry Liefert Drive had a rating of 68-74. The estimated cost of the project is $270,674.58. It is proposed to assess 50% of the cost and the remaining $135,337.29 would be funded using $125,000 from the Street Department budget and the remaining $10,337.29 from the Street Reconstruction Fund. The total project costs includes indirect costs of 20%. Indirect costs on new construction is about 28%. The Council then looked at the method of assessing the 50% of the project costs. It is proposed that single family and townhomes be assessed equally with double fronting lots assessed in the same manner as single fronting lots. Based on 87 assessable units and an estimated assessable cost of $135,337.29 the cost per unit would be $1,555.60. It is anticipated that if the project is approved, plans and specifications will come back to the Council at their August 25th meeting with the Council considering awarding a contract at the September 22°d meeting. The work would be completed this summer and the assessment hearing would be conducted on November 24th Mayor Herbst then opened the public hearing on the proposed improvements to Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive. Bill Seefeltd, 167 Jerry Liefert Drive, asked if this work included bringing the street level up to that of the railroad crossing. He stated the street is not at the same level as the crossing and there is probably an elevation difference of at least 3 inches. Council directed staff to check into this issue. Charlene Jensen, 218 Jerry Liefert Drive, questioned why the City is doing these streets when there are other streets in worse condition. She also asked about an area of the street when you come on to Kevin Longley Driver where water is standing. She wondered if that was going to be corrected. Clint Herbst responded that by doing this work now it extends the life of the street and saves money in the long run. Bruce Westby indicated that curb and gutter will be extended out from Kevin Longley Drive to Prairie Road and there will be some grading in the ditch along Kevin Longley Drive. Mike Renstrom, 112 Kevin Longley Drive asked why the City didn't budget more than $125,000 for this project. Bruce Westby answered that the budgeted amount was based on 6 Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 the residents paying for a portion of the project. He stated the cost of bituminous has risen considerably so they tried to budget accordingly not knowing how much bituminous prices would increase. Clint Herbst commented that if the City levied the total cost for all street improvement projects, residents would be paying for the cost of all streets that were improved. The Council felt levying part of the cost and assessing part of the cost seemed to be the fairest method. Mike Renstrom asked what the life expectancy of a road is and was told it was 30-35 years. Mike Renstrom said the road was constructed in 1984 and he felt that most of the cracking of the street took place where the utilities were installed and were poorly compacted. Bruce Westby stated in walking the area he didn't recall an area of settlement. Mike Renstrom suggested that he look at the area of 112 Kevin Longley Drive. Mike Renstrom said if the City is just overlaying something that was not properly installed to begin with they should expect that instead of this adding 10-15 years to the life of the street it may be closer to 6-7. The owner of the property at 212 Kevin Longley Drive stated he owned a duplex and noted that there are two other duplexes in the neighborhood. He asked if they were going to be assessed in the same manner. Since the duplex is not any bigger than a single family home he questioned why he should be assessed more. Clint Herbst said each residential unit is treated as a separate unit. He asked how many years the assessment would run. Bruce Westby indicated this type of assessment has typically been spread over 10 years. The interest rate would be 1 % higher than the interest rate the City would pay if the City was to bond for the improvements. After the assessment is approved the property owner would have 30 days to pay without interest. Dick Frie, 206 Jerry Liefert Drive said he thought the timing of this project was good. Even though bituminous costs have gone up the economic conditions have made it likely that contractors will be looking for work and the City should get good prices. He asked when the proposed assessment amount would be known. Bruce Westby indicated that the assessment hearing is tentatively scheduled for November 24th and that there will be mailed and published notice of this hearing. Mary Rassat, 162 Jerry Liefert Drive asked if the Council would reconsider assessing townhomes as separate units. Clint Herbst said everyone uses the road to get to their homes and the City feels everyone should participate in the cost. Brian Stumpf said he is not inclined to reconsider the assessment methodology since this seems to be the fairest way to handle the cost. While he noted actual construction costs may change the dollar amount assessed, he was not in favor of changing the assessment method. Mayor Herbst closed the public hearing. 8. Consideration of authorizing preparation of Plans and Specifications for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Proiect No. 2008-1OC. Bruce Westby reported on their study of Hawthorne Place North. He stated there is water standing under the pavement which played a significant role in the deterioration of the street. It is proposed to connect the existing drain the on the south side of the street to a catch basin and reroute the flow of the groundwater to a storm water pond. The street will be resurfaced and some concrete curb and gutter will be replaced. It is proposed to include this work as 7 Council Minutes: August ll, 2008 part of the Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive project in order to get a better price but the Hawthorne Place North part of the project will not be assessed to the abutting property owners. The cost for the Hawthorne Place North portion of the project is estimated at $55,548.24. Wayne Mayer noted that before the residential development took place the area was a marshy and a good duck hunting spot. Susie Wojchouski asked if the homeowners experienced water problems and how this proposed project would impact them. Tom Moores had talked to the property owners in the area but they did not indicate any water problems. However if there were water problems the work being proposed would reduce the amount of operation time for their sump pumps. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR KEVIN LONGLEY DRIVE, JERRY LIEFERT DRIVE AND HAWTHORNS PLACE NORTH STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO. 2008-1OC. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 9. City of Monticello GIS System presentation -WSB & Associates. City Engineer, Bruce Westby and John Mackiewicz from WSB & Associates demonstrated some of the applications for the City's GIS system. In 2006 the City had authorized $35,010 for development of a GIS system. The purpose of the presentation is to show some of the uses for this technology and to discuss costs for additional development of the system. In discussing the applications for use, the Council discussed being able to locate private utility lines. It was noted by John Simola Public Works Director that the private utility companies as-builts are not always accurate and sometimes the utility companies are not forthcoming in providing this information to the City. John Mackiewicz described some the improvements and refinements they would be looking at for the GIS system. This included a discussion of cost. Nothing was budgeted for 2008 but it was proposed to budget funds in 2009 for software costs and training and in 2010 for data resources development. $28,300 is budgeted in Engineering for system enhancements and the software cost is budgeted in the capital outlay budget. Brian Stumpf asked about the $35,010 that was authorized by the Council that was used to develop the system and why in 2009 $28,300 is needed to enhance the system. He felt the City could better utilize what they have before spending additional funds for enhancements. John Mackiewcz stated that the system is not utilized as much because some department information is not integrated with the system. He felt the upgrades will make the system faster and easier. Clint Herbst felt this was an ongoing cost of getting information into the system so it can be used. Since the system is being used by a limited number of staff, Brian Stumpf suggested budgeting money for training and then when staff is utilizing the system more look at upgrades to the system. Susie Wojchouski asked about updating of the database and when it will be good enough without constant update and will it get to a point where the database is obsolete. Bruce Westby felt the City had not tapped the potential of the system. Clint Herbst asked what future City Councils could expect to keep this system up and running. John Mackiewicz felt the City needs to have a good set of standards in place when development takes place. To upgrade the system some of the cost could be passed on to the developers. The parcel 8 Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 update is by the County so that cost is minimal. It was estimated that maintenance cost of the system would be about $4,000/year. Clint Herbst said it's a difficult thing to do but if the Council could see how much time was saved or how service was improved it would be worth knowing. Clint Herbst suggested this was something the Council should think about before making a decision. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ANY ACTION ON DEVELOPMENT OF THE GIS SYSTEM TO A FUTURE MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 10. Consideration of having Bolton & Menk, Inc. prepare a long range plan for the Monticello Wastewater Treatment Plan. Moved to the consent agenda as item #SN with the. recommendation to authorize the long range plan. 11. Review and consideration of acceptance of the 2008 Annual Sidewalk Inspection Report for the City of Monticello. Public Works Director, John Simola presented the sidewalk inspection report for 2008. He stated there are 22 sidewalk panels that need replacement and 40 areas that need grinding. Specific areas of concern were on Cedar Street in front of the Cedar Crest Apartments, the US Bank site on 3rd Street West, a segment along Hart Boulevard and a segment along Farmstead Drive. For sidewalk on the grid system the City will repair or replace two panels at no charge to the property owners. The cost of the materials for the sidewalk repairs are budgeted and the labor comes from the Public Works Department. In discussing the sidewalk repairs, Clint Herbst felt it would be worth the City's time to log these repair/replacement sites into the City's system so that they could be tracked. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ACCEPT THE 2008 SIDEWALK INSPECTION REPORT AS DRAFTED AND AUTHORIZE THE REPAIR WORK. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 12. Consideration and discussion and clarification of Council directives on facility needs and improvements. Staff questioned at the last meeting whether the Council had authorize staff to consider expansion of the garage/storage building (former Eisele property) to accommodate the relocation of the DMV to that site but that was not specifically spelled out. Brian Stumpf stated that was the Council's intent to relocate the DMV. It was felt the DMV expansion was more an emergency type need since the DMV will need the space in order to offer the drivers license service. The Council briefly discussed angled parking at the garage/storage building and possibility of a drive through. The Council also discussed the signs that are stored at the site. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official indicated that the normal process is to notify the sign owner that they have a set number of days to claim the sign If the signs are not claimed within that time frame, they are destroyed. However with the flood of building permits from the storm damage, the workload has not allowed this to occur. The Council suggested having an employee call the 9 Council Minutes: August 11, 2008 number listed on the sign and indicate they have 24 hours to pick up the sign. Any sign not picked up within that time frame would be destroyed. In further discussion the Council recommended that whenever City staff saw signs placed in public right of way they should call the number on the sign and let them know that they have 24 hours to pick it up or it would be removed. The employee would check back after 24 hours and if the sign was not removed the City would remove and destroy it. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS FOR THE EXPANSION OF THE EXISTING GARAGE/STORAGE FACILITY TO ACCOMMODATE THE DMV. Tom Perrault felt the library site should be considered for a possible location for the DMV. He noted there is room for expansion and the parking lot is in place so that would not be a cost for the city. Some Councilmembers questioned the compatibility of the library and DMV uses being in the same site. BRIAN STUMPF WITHDREW HIS MOTION. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL LOOKING AT THE EXISTING GARAGE/STORAGE FACILITY, THE PRESENT LIBRARY SITE AND THE PROPERTY ACROSS THE STREET FROM CITY HALL AS POSSIBLE LOCATIONS. MOTION FAILED FOR LACK OF SECOND. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL TO LOOK AT EXPANSION OF THE GARAGE/STORAGE FACILITY TO ACCOMMODATE THE DMV AND STORAGE NEEDS AS DISCUSSED BY COUNCIL. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 4-1 Gary Anderson asked if the RFP should be limited to local contractors and the Council concurred with using local contractors. Gary Anderson also verified with council their recommendation for disposal of the signs. Jeff O'Neill stated he would check with the City Attorney for any recommendations before implementing the directive of the Council regarding the signs. Added Ttemc_ Posusta/Lundsten Land Issues: Jeff O'Neill asked that staff and two members of the Council be authorized to discuss the issue with the parties to see if they can come to some kind of settlement. Brian Stumpf questioned why this issue was not being handled by the two property owners but felt if the issue was going to be dealt with by the Council it should be done by the full Council. The consensus of the Council was that it should be handled by the full Council. Clint Herbst stated he wanted the information prior to the meeting as he did not feel comfortable being asked for a decision without adequate time to review the issues and related data. TDS Litigation: Jeff O'Neill asked that Council consider setting a special closed meeting to discuss the litigation. The tentative date for the closed meeting is Monday, August 18th at 7 a.m. assuming legal counsel is available. 10 Council Minutes: August l 1, 2008 Interchange at County Road 39: Clint Herbst had met with John Chadwick and discussed the possibility of looking at County Road 39 as a location for an interchange. An interchange in this location would be an impetus to development in the area. Brian Stumpf asked if the interchange at County Road 39 would be in addition to the one proposed at Orchard Road and Clint Herbst indicated it would be just one or the other. Bruce Westby stated he had talked to Terry Humphreys from MnDOT and he said the necessary studies would have to be done but two interchanges is not out of the question. Bruce Westby said as part of the Transportation Plan they would be looking at locations for an interchange. Clint Herbst felt that County Road 39 because the bridge is already there would not be as expensive. Clint Herbst said the City should be looking at a simple solution that would open up the area. Bruce Westby said the City could build something cheaper but the process of getting it in place is the same regardless of what is built so time wise it will not be any faster. Bruce Westby said the traffic and environmental studies that are required would take considerable time. Brian Stump felt the primary problem is TH 25 and the river crossing. Susie Wojchouski asked when the Transportation Plan would be coming back before the Council. Bruce Westby said it is tentatively scheduled for September 22"d. Staff hopes to include information on the closure of River Street at TH 25 as part of the study. Clint Herbst asked if they could get some cost figures for a design on County Road 39. Staff will work on preliminary cost figures. Other: Tom Perrault stated he had served on the committee looking at other wastewater treatment plant issues and he would like to continue to work on the committee dealing with the long range planning study the Council had authorized. The Council was in agreement with that. 13. Consideration of approving payment of bills for August, 2008. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 14. Adiourn. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 9:40 P.M. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Recording Secretary 11 Council Agenda: August 25, 2008 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City Hall, MCC and Parks, (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at City Hall, MCC and Parks. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Tracy Ergen Human Resource Manager City Hall 08/04/2008 PT Megan Barnett Econ Dev Dir City Hall 08/11/2008 FT Jennifer Knapp Lead Guest Service MCC 08/07/2008 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Craig Geyen Voluntary Parks 08/15/2008 Temp council employee list.xls: 8/19/2008 Council Agenda: August 25, 2008 5B. Consideration of approving Satisfaction and Release of the Assessment Agreement for the SW Quadrant of I-94/CSAH 18. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part City Project No. 2004-O1C (CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange), the City entered into an assessment agreement with Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. (Document #A964085) which spelled out the amount of the assessments for the Monticello Industrial Park properties that were impacted by the interchange related projects. The agreement also specified that the property owner would convey certain easements to the City as identified in Exhibit C of the agreement. Exhibit C contains the legal descriptions and drawings for two easements affecting the Monticello Industrial Park property. Construction on the interchange project is essentially complete with only one of the two easements being required by the City. Monticello Industrial Park is requesting that the City take formal action acknowledging that the easement identified as C-2 is not needed by the City. The property owner indicates that this provision of the recorded assessment agreement is creating some issues when title work is done. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve the Satisfaction and Release of the Assessment Agreement for the SW Quadrant of I-94/CSAH 18 (Document #A964085) that deletes the requirement of conveying to the City the easement described in C-2. 2. Do not approve the Satisfaction and Release of the Assessment Agreement for the SW Quadrant of I-94/CSAH 18. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Since the interchange project is complete and the easement identified in the assessment agreement as C-2 is not needed according to WSB & Associates, Inc., staff recommends that the Council approves the Satisfaction and Release of the assessment agreement deleting the requirement for the easement. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Assessment Agreement E-mail from WSB & Associates Satisfaction & Release Document Doc. No. A 964085 OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER WRIGHTCOUNTY, MINNESOTA Cert~ed Filed and/or Recorded on 06-21-2005 at 12:32 Check #: Fee: $19.50 Payment Code 04 Return to: Addl. Fee city of Monticello Larry A. Unger, County Recorder 505 Walnut Street ill Monticello, MN 55313 ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT (SW Quadrant of I-94/CSAH 18) THIS ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT ("Agreement") is executed thisr~~-day of 2005, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal orporation ("City") and MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL PARK, INC., a Minnesota corporation ("Owner"). RECITALS A. Owner is the owner of certain parcels of real property situated in Wright County, Minnesota, legally described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto (referred to as the "Subject Property"). B. City is considering whether to order City Project No. 2004-1 C, (C.S.A.H. 18/I-94 Interchange and Related Improvements) (hereinafter "Project"). C. City and Owner desire to establish the amount that the Subject Property will be assessed for the Project. D. City will be relying on this Agreement in making its final decisions to order and proceed with the construction of the Project. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing recitals, and in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants and obligations herein set forth, as follows: 1. Special Benefit. Owner acknowledges that the Subject Property receives a special benefit from the Project. 2. Assessment Amount. The Subject Property will be assessed a total of $2,391,006.00 for the Project pursuant to Minn. Stat. 429.011, et. seq. The assessment will be deferred pursuant to Section 5 herein. The assessment is also subject to increase pursuant to 115394 1 Section 6 herein. 3. Allocation. The total assessment will be allocated to the following portions of the Subject Property as more fully described on Exhibit "A" and shown on the map attached hereto as Exhibit "B": a. $738,966.00 -north of Chelsea Road (adjacent to CSAH 18); 12.1174 ACS./527,833 Sq. Ft. @ $1.40/Sq. Ft. " b. $1,132,559.00 -north of Chelsea Road; 26.0000 ACS./1,132,559 Sq. Ft. @ $1.00/Sq. Ft. c. $383,427.00 - south of Chelsea Road; 32.601 ACS./1,420,100 Sq. Ft. @ $0.27/Sq. Ft. ~ d. $85,269.00 -Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 6th Addition; and 7.50 ACS./315,811 Sq. Ft. @ $0.27/Sq. Ft. e. $50,785.00 -Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center 5th Addition. 3.151 ACS./137,257 Sq. Ft. @ $0.37/Sq. Ft. The square footage calculations for each portion are estimated and included for illustrative purposes. The total assessment for each portion shall be the stated total dollar amount regardless of actual square footage. 4. Assessment Adopted. The assessment is deemed adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the parties. Deferral of Assessments. a. Subject to the terms of this Section and all other terms of this Agreement, the assessment will be deferred without interest until January 1, 2011 at which time the assessment will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing January 1, ZO11 at the rate of four percent (4%) per annum simple interest computed on the unpaid balance with the first installment collectable as part of the payable 2012 taxes. b. If the property is subdivided prior to January 1, 2011, the assessment will be equitably apportioned to individual lots on a square footage basis in accordance with Minn. Stat. §429.071, giving due consideration to any portions of the property which may be undevelopable or subject to ponding or other infrastructure requirements. In recognition of the fact that certain parts of the "Subject Property" may benefit more from the Project than others, the City will allocate a greater proportion of the assessment to certain lots as they develop upon request of Owner. 115394 2 c. As each subdivided lot is either sold or developed, whichever occurs first, the apportioned assessment for the lot will then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest commencing July 1 of the year the property is sold or develops, with the first installment collectable as part of the following years payable taxes (or the next year if the transaction occurs to late in year to certify assessments to county). A lot is "developed" when a building permit is issued. d. The assessments on all lots not sold or developed by January 1, 2011 shall then be payable over ten (10) years, including interest at the rate of four percent (4%) simple interest computed on the unpaid balance commencing January 1, 2011, with the first installment collectable as part of payable 2011 taxes (or 2012 year if it is to late in the year to certify the assessment to county for 2011). If the Project and the future Chelsea Road project are not fully completed and finally accepted by the City by December 31, 2008, the January 1, 2011 date for the end of the deferrals will be extended by one year for each year beyond 2008 that the Projects are not completed. 6. Additional Assessment. Any part of the Subject Property located south of Chelsea Road described in Paragraphs 3.c., 3.d., and 3.e. herein, which is rezoned for retail use at the time it develops shall pay an additional assessment for the Project of Fifty Cents ($.50) per square foot of the net acreage of the property rezoned for retail use. 7. Waiver. Owner hereby waives unconditionally all procedural and substantive objections to the Assessment in the amounts set forth herein, including, but not limited to, any rights of Owner to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessment does not constitute a special benefit or that the amount of the assessment exceeds the special benefit to the Subject Property. The Owner further waives any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to Minnesota Statutes § 429.081 or other laws. 8. Conveyance of Easements. Owner will convey to the City at no cost contemporaneously with the execution of this Agreement, the temporary and permanent easements relating to the future Chelsea Road Project, trail, and trunk sanitary sewer, all of which are described on Exhibit "C" hereto. The easements shall include the necessary consents from any mortgagee or other party having an interest in the easement area. 9. No Additional Assessments for Chelsea Road or Fallon Avenue. The Subject Property will not be further assessed for the projected 2006 Chelsea Road reconstruction project, the proposed future improvements to Fallon Avenue, the Fallon Avenue Overpass or the proposed traffic signal light at the intersection of C.S.A.H. 18 and School Boulevard. 10. Relocation of Pond. The temporary storm water pond located on the north side of Chelsea Road will be relocated to the City drainage easements located west of this site. The City will release the easement for the temporary storm water pond. 11. "School Pond" Credits. The storm water ponding credits for what is known as the 115394 3 "School Pond" will be released by Owner, and Owner waives the requirement that the School District complete the grading of the School Pond to the agreed-upon capacity. 12. Comprehensive Plan Amendment and Rezoning. Owner may initiate a comprehensive plan amendment and rezoning of all or a portion of the Subject Property located north of Chelsea Road to a B-4 zoning district (which includes any other future zoning district established by the City allowing equivalent uses) at any time during the term of this Agreement. The proportioned assessment will be abated for any portion of the Subject Property located north of Chelsea Road for which Owner has made such a formal application for rezoning that has not been rezoned to B-4 by the City prior to the end of the term of this Agreement. In addition to such abatement, the City will make a payment to Owner in the amount of $100,000.00 (or a prorata portion of the $100,000.00 based upon the portion of the Subject Property not rezoned) within thirty (30) days after the City's failure to rezone the property within the time frame set forth herein and after formal application by Owner. The assessment will also be abated on any portion of the Subject Property that during the term of this Agreement, the City rezones (after rezoning to B-4) other than at Owner's request, to a zoning designation other than B-4. 13. Chelsea Road Design. City will cooperate with Owner on the design of Chelsea Road in order to make sure service stubs and curb cuts are reasonably located to accommodate future development. The City's final design of the proposed improvements will be provided to Owner for its review on or before 20 days prior to the proposed bid date. 14. Trunk Fees. The City's per acre charges for trunk sanitary sewer, trunk water charges and trunk storm sewer will not increase during the term of this Agreement by more than two percent (2%) per year from the year 2005 rates for any portion of the Subject Property that is rezoned to B-4 or a future district allowing equivalent uses. The rates will not increase from the 2005 rates during the term of this Agreement for any portion of the Subject Property zoned Industrial. The 2005 acreage rates are $2,228.00 for trunk sanitary sewer, $1,752.00 for trunk water, $6,436.00 for trunk storm sewer (industrial) and $6,804.00 for trunk storm sewer (commercial). 15. Term of Agreement. This Agreement shall terminate on January 1, 2011. The term of the Agreement will be extended to correspond to any extension of the January 1, 2011 date pursuant to Section S.e. herein. As to any portion of the Subject Property that has not been rezoned to B-4 (or future district allowing equivalent uses) as requested by formal application by Owner, the termination date will be the earlier often (10) years from the Project and Chelsea Road completion date or the rezoning to B-4 of the Property as requested by Owner. 16. Recording. This Agreement will be recorded against the Subject Property and will run with the land and bind Owner's successors and assigns. 17. Project Contingency. This Agreement is contingent upon the City ordering and constructing the Project. Nothing herein obligates the City to do the Project. If Project is not ordered and constructed, Owner's obligations under this Agreement are terminated. 115394 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement as of the day and year first above written. STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Its: The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this Q~~ day of °w , 2005, by Clint Herbst and by Rick Wolfsteller, respectively the Mayor and City Admi istrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. "~ PAULA ANN MASTEY ~~• k4TARY PUBLIC • lNINNfSOTA '~.,orr~My Comm. Exp. Jan, 31, 2ppg CITY OF MONTICELLO By: By: Rick Wolfsteller, ~ity Administrator MONTICELLO INDUSTR L PARK, INC. By. ~~'~~~ Its: By: •~-I~~a,lt.ll,~ ~~.v~ ~1~ Cc.~,~-- Notary Public 115394 5 STATE OF MINNESOTA ) )ss. COUNTY OF (~~- ~ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 23 day of j' ~ ~ , 2005, by .Sh~~l u.: ~ (!Ll ~ ~ix~ i) d and respecti ely the ~,.~ S, ~~i7t and Industrial Park, Inc., a Minnesota corporation, on behalf of said corporation. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 317 Eagandale Office Center 1380 Corporate Center Curve Eagan, Minnesota 55121 651-452-5000 TMS/cjh of Monticello Notar Public KIM K. LABELLE NOTARY PUBLIC • MINNESOTA My Canmission Expires Jan. 31, 2010 115394 EXHIBIT A TO ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT That part of Lots 10, 11, 17, 18 and 19 Auditors Subdivision No. One, lying East of Monticello Commerce Center Second Addition, and lying Southwesterly of the Southwesterly right of way of Interstate Highway No. 94 being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which also lies northeasterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 14 minutes 38 seconds West along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 708.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be descreibed; thence South 63 degrees 32 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 4016.29 feet and there terminating. (See Survey Identifed as Exhibit "A-1 ') AND ., ,, That part of Lots 11, 18 and 19 Auditors Subdivision No. One lying East of Monticello Commerce Center Second Addition, Monticello Commerce Center Third Addition and Monticello Commerce Center Fifth Addition and lying West of Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota,'which lies southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 14 minutes 38 seconds West along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 708.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 63 degrees 32 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 4016.29 feet and there terminating. (See Survey Identified as Exhibit "A-2') AND Lot 1, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Fifth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. AND Lot 2, Block 1, Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County, Minnesota. 115394 '7 EXHIBIT "A-1" - SW ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT O rv C d. A 9 N a~~S ~G ~ y O 2 m c~ n n~~ ~ n~ c ~o.c cy N =n m ~ A ~ West I ine of the NWi/4, Sec. 13 s ~ o,T ^ ~ 708.88 - -0Z N maw N f"" .'-~1A .N.. Nom.. >' Npp a ]Nb f / ,nZ2 `~ aTN y up a Q " 2 ~ `~ / a ~dm a =. mod 3 .. N ~ .^, ma H ° d °. ^ / w a~ a /' / ~~ ~,~ 5 d ; ' ;y, a DNrEk~ ~L~\ d / ~ ~ ~ ~ :.} I / S4 j34oy2Nd 0 0 o /n `; h~~ / i / /~ / ,ate .. / Bs b / ~m~o~,~msm o t s n ~ ~ v ~ `r, ~ / a »1N ~fFD NSm NCO / =a »~v= o~ v /~~ m" ~ y a ~ -------- m ~ ~ ~ D r~ ° ----- --------T O N ~. O A ~ ~ N / / A~ N d N =O ~ C. N= N -- / I / ~~~cmm_~ ~ =0.~ m ~ o ~ ~~ er'~~°4 \ ~~ / as u ~ 7c1 m p m c N m i' yy ~ ~ ~ h '4' h,~ V' ~ °d C7 ~j N N"a sa,~, D } o ~~ /,y ~ o~ e r~ C rn m tc ~ ~ i; a / ti CYi ~ H ~Z ~ N ~` ~ N O~ Vl b ' I d~ m ~' d `I a uWi m fo ~ ~ ~ c otiy !~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ m 0 OO a~ C f~ii. A~ pS3n ~ N l t = ao ~~ F o .TQ G ~ ~c-1 p mmao~`"o a o! ~ ~ ~'S ~ ~ m /~~~ mOrorn ~ :D m 3 ~~ O ~O=^o~`Y} / a~ 9 I ,may. H iV 01 ~ ~ m - _. m o~~°~y~nm' .t°°om I a'!- ,n -3 (/1 7~ = 7 a o ~ O. 3.m N G~ ybQ 4o a M o "l Y W ._. ~ d N ~ m ~4 o z ~~~~~~~ a .~. O N A=~ ~ N [mil d N ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~~~o~d3 / / o` 01 -" m'~ m ~ ~ ~~d.oZ~ Vti ~ ~ ~~ atom / ~0~ ~ ~ ~ r* ~• ~n ~~, ,yp~ p ~ti o ~" ~, / p G _ ~ ~ '~ z ~ ~co< 87.27 g ~ D _ _ 502.85 $ 62.88 ~ frTl ~ m COUNTY ROAD N0. 1 ~ / -' z O II ~ V O A O -+ m m z m n Z ~ ~ ~ ~ZZD 0 ~ ^~ ^~^ p r ~ YI~OD '~ ~ Z fn m Z~O~ ~m~Z "'' ZzrD ZmO~ cmi~~z7m '^ 3 D fn -i -i r D z EXHIBIT "A-2" - SW ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT NW CORNER ~, SECTION 13 T121, R25 0 Established in 1962 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. INVOICE N0. 71415 F.B.NO. LAND SURVEYORS SCALE: 1" - 200 REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North 763-560-3093 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55429 Fax No. 763-560-3522 3urur>yurs C~IprtifirttfP Uwe ~o~ Q WvC'~N ~ / ~V ~ ~~ ..~r~WO W Ca ~ \~\~~A ~Q ~ ~ ~(\ ~~ Qd I ~ -- -- --- x F r~ C:, 0 a a UW E E., zz 0 ~ U w ~ _ ~Q ~~ U DUNDA5 W ROAD A oa W F. ~'E~ '~U MONTICELLO COMMERCE CENTER F[RST ADD Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. ~l s O\D_ ~- -- --`-f ~~~~° p4 °Oq" wZy~ BO ~~~^«t 1038.46 w U az w o ~ F O L7~ x F x o ~' .a a ~ w w F U Legal Description: That part of Lots 11, 18 and 19 Auditors Subdivision No. One lying East of Monticello Commerce Center 2nd Addition, Monticello Commerce Center Third Addition and Monticello Commerce Center Fifth Addition and lying West of Monticello Commerce Center Sixth Addition being part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 13, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota. which lies southwesterly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest comer of said Northwest Quarter, thence on an assumed bearing of South 1 degree 14 minutes 38 seconds West along the West line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 708.88 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 63 degrees 32 minutes 35 seconds East, a distance of 4016.29 feet and there terminating. Total Area = 34.702 The only easements shown are Irom plats of remrd or informatbn provided by client. W e hereby certify that this is a true and correct representatbn or a survey W the boundaries of the above described land and the location of all buildings and visible encmachmenls, if any, from or on said land. Surveyed by us this 22th day of April, 2005. Q7 cm C m m z -i 2 m n ~m X Z ~ 0 ~ (~ Q ~ .. m D f-~z r- n n ~~~~ O ~n D Z m c~0~ ~m~z C7 n .{ ~ Z ~ D ZmO~ ai~zm D c~i~ z -i ~ ~_ r v D Z n /TERRY O n rn '~ m~ ~ O -< c n D H oz O r H f.7 N = m N Z ~ H y O o ~D 0 r m ~va m t)3 ~z o~ :~ -< A. ~;~a¢ ° 9~~F. A ~~~00 ~AG(~ ` . c ° . y J 0 w °y j 1,167.17' FALCON AVENUE m m~z _ -a Cam. xnm --.0 ~~nysn O Z ~ G~ S -a''Y,~~~yo o ~~. A z~ n y~ ~ m ° ~' ~~ ~~ ~~932.64' --~~~ v ~,~' r G C~t' ~~4q~~ v `.Sp cs~ 1 .\~~ .34: ~, ~ ULTRA MACHINING +4 a°o COMPANY by o vi 965.87 ~ w LOT 2, BLOCK 1 w ~ MONTICELLO ~~O o ~ COMMERCE ti"' tO CENTER 6T" ~,, TWIN CITY _ v~ ~ _ ~ DIE CASTINGS v J 59.70' i,, -~ N r+ oD ., r D~ c7 = Nz v c .O~ / Y~ 000 ~~~ o ~w .a~ ,~" wti „y +A ~cj .\,~ ~~. 603.33' a y~~~v ,~v 482.90'--- . ~ ~O / t i SA ~v +Ow 0 w OBI ~y .nom . o~ y~~ !~ O-~ O~ ~~ m X Z gym= C~pZ~~ mZ-im ~~nZOo O• m' rm- -~ i ~~o"'~ . ~ ~ Y' ~~~Om c~ ~ ~ -n cn c m ~ ~ ~ ~m~zZ ~mnn-i .~Z~~~ zm ~pm ~~nZ~ n v~ EXHIBIT "C-1" - SW ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Established in 1962 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 76D1 73rd Avenue North 763-560-3083 Fax No. 763-580-3522 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 3urur~urs C4rrfifirtttr Easement sketch for: Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. INVOICE N0. F.B.NO. SCALE: 1" = 200 1~~~ ~ ~,S?' O ~~ O~ / Story /~O ~O ~ ~~'rer Q~~ / ~~~'O~ / \°te y~'wOy / ~N ~9g \ / ~ ~Q / ~ O \ \ /- NO' 9a ~~ ~ I ~\ ~ h /\\ \ ~ VO~~Q\ ~rorry°9e eO \ \ ~ . / \ ~ ~/ ~ Se~on7 o ~ CyF~ SF lot ~~~ f MONTICELLO I ~ I COMMERCE ~ \ \~q~ oI CENTER FIFTH J a ADDITION t`~--- s \ \~ Easement Description: A strip of land 85.00 feet in width over that part of Lot 10, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, the northeasterly line of which is contiguous with the southwesterly right of way line of Interstate Highway No. 94. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the southeasterly line of Monticello Commerce Center Second, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, to the east line of said Lot 10. The only easements shown are from plats of remrd or information provided by client. W e hereby certify that this is a Vue and comeq representation of a survey of me boundaries of the above described land aM the locatlon of a0 builtlings and visible encroachments, if any, from or on Slgned said land. Surveyed by us this 18th day of April, 2005. Charles F. Antlerson, Minn. Reg. No.27753 or Gregory R. Prasch, Minn Reg No. 24992 W m m m z x m n ~ ~X Z ~ 0 W C)p~ .. -i ~rmmcn ~~r~ 0 n D "~~ZN n~v~ ~~z~ ,~m-aZ ~mm~ zz~~ zm0~ n~zm ~ ~ D (Cj~ ~ D r D Z n EXHIBIT "C-2" - SW ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT Established in 1962 LOT SURVEYS COMPANY, INC. LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North 783-580-3093 A/inneapolis, ldinnesote 55428 Fax No. 783-580-3522 3urvr~urs (2rrfifirttfr Easement Sketch for: Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. \ \ INVOICE N0. F.B.NO. SCALE: 1 " = 200 Easement Description: A strip of land 85.00 feet in width over that part of lot 11, AUDITORS SUBDIVISION NO. ONE, according to said plat on file and of record in the office of the County Recorder, Wright County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the southerly right of way line of Interstate Highway No. 94., the northeastedy line of which Is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the westerly line of Lot 11, and the southwestedy right of way line of said Interstate Highway No. 94; thence southeasterly along said southwesterly right of way line, 436.00 feet, and said line there terminating. Said strip of land is to extend by its full width from the westerly line of said Lot 11, to a line drawn southwesterly, perpendicular to said southwestedy right of way and which passes through the point of termination. Tne ony easements shown are (tutu plats of record or information provided by cllenl We hereby certify that This is a true and tuned representatbn of a survey of the boundaries of the above described IaM and the location of au buildings and visible encroachments, rf any, from or on Signed sab land Charles F. Anderson, Minn. Reg.. No.21753 or Surveyed by us this 18th day of April, 2005. Gregory R. Prdsch, Minn Reg No. 24992 r~ m m m z x m nm o ~_ n~~~ mZOn rOn_i~? n ~pO~ G~ ~ D ~~zvi m Z~O~ z ~m~m nn~ ~z~D ZmO~ cmn~zm D cCi~ z ~ -~ D r n z COMMERCE/lot tleose.sci ~,;o,s~„rv.,ko~~„,~aa,.,„~ EXHIBIT "C-3" - SW ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT £ ~Sv ~< Anc ir^cr~ ~ i-FY~rtm S x e ~IO:IK O~ _ zAC iJx-;~~ Y~xs L~~ ~ - - _ ''%s n nro- I~-g~J ~, __:c'9(l'~' ~ ~~~ _ I ~yr~y P.'m c'~ - ~K;~.i1G.C y _ _ C~~-`?w ^N; ~; O~v~~'n O oN _ `~1`V~° ,- Aar `H~?wor~t '~P~c~s`z' a J ~~3w"> '~"~~~i p~~png y '~ S :9'On~tzi u~~~o _ ~ n~'is> I~ m wo ~c~ yv~~zn^~^ ~3~ca '~ '~~'z ICI ~ vroi >~ boy s^ a^ 5m ~oA?Lio"i °'~pO I! 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O mzoc5 r~~w Tprn~ j~ N O O ~n D ~~zcn ~~v~ ~~o~ ~m~z ~mm~ D zmpm ai~zm D ai Z -~ ~ D r D z n 964085 i 'C rr H { O p" ~' ` G N ~. r to C ~ O N ~ iF w -~ o H- a~n~ s '~ rt O O• ~ ~ y fD ¢ i w w ~. ~ R. O ~~H~ rr cu F-' CA r'A ~~~nr• hQ. ~ ~ r N V1 r~ rat rHi~ h rtp ~ ~ ~' C ~ ~- N- h.,. ~cnwrr m m m w ~ a .r-oE ~rtr- :~ ~~' ~ o rt w- :G pQ,y- HuOin -'C fD p to (D rn - rt r- ~ h ~ o H rt _ m r- n w ~ m ~ N- - fA fD '.~ _ m a a. ~ ~- -R~m • r- r- ~ ~ ~ Nmrr ~ ~ m ~- w o 'G wa -w E-m rt G. -r-w •o~u, ~ o . ~ cu N H m H ~ o~ H ,~, 0 ry v~~cn WOfD ~' fHD ~ H ~ rnt N .. ~- N- ~a ~ w ~ u- N (CD O ~ C J i ~ ~-' ` C+7 rn N fA - G - r• [n ~m ~ ~ o n ~° ro rn- H 3 u°. cn w m ~~ ~ w `~ ~o a oN ~ O y ~ -~ m n ~~ ~ ~~ m .. ~, ~ ~ ~~ N ~ [p i ~ w o rn ~ o r- i w ~ rt w m o rn H ~ n ~ - tr m ~ ~ n O N ~ o 0 m N- H 0 rn rt .'7 O r fD rt f~D p 0 W M O C N tD a w G rt W m (A m y w x rr rt fA H w ~'m ~ m~Dm~ uJ H N G ~ rt m rt N- ~ ~p na rtm N ~C (D COf ~ ~ ~ S .`J U1 non ~• ~L ~ l7 O N• N ~ ~ ~' oo~ rtrtn mmr~ m a ~ Iwo ¢' ~ ~ W N ¢. ~rt,~m rw* ~N m ~ ~ o a ~ a ~ ~ ~ ~- Cn p. rr O N ~ r- n ~ rt H m tr' m w a. ¢. ~ F'- 1~2, (D .'7 ~ no m i n ~ N cr rt N- ~ n m m w ~ ~ rt O ri CT rt C o ~ m m x ~~~ co a a ~ m ~ ~. a. w m rr p. m w ~• H ~r ~ ~ on fD C] H f~D rt r N- m fA N O xa a~ ~- O O N roo rH N (L rt m ~, m m w m C rt C w n w ct N- 0 p rt m C] r- rt r- c~ N 0 0 r- n m rt x m rt 0 m m H 0 ~ O ~ ~ O a ~..~~ w ~ .. m° ~~ ~ a m ~ ~ ?. 3 a ioo ~cn~m ~~ y ~~c~ m~`~~ ~ ~ O N N ~o~ a m ~ ~~ ~' w ~ ~~ ~o 3 SATISFACTION AND RELEASE OF ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT SATISFACTION AND RELEASE of Assessment Agreement granted this day of , 2008, by the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City"). RECITALS A. The City and Monticello Industrial Park, Inc. have entered into an Assessment Agreement dated May 20, 2005, recorded with the Wright County Recorder's Office as Document No. A964095 ("Assessment Agreement"). B. Section 8 of the Assessment Agreement provided that the owner/developer convey at no cost to the City easements referenced in Exhibit C of the Agreement which contained legal descriptions and drawings of easements labeled C-1 and C-2. C. The project has now been completed and the C-1 easement requirement has been satisfied; however, it was determined by the City that the easement described as C-2 was not needed and was therefore never conveyed to the City. D. In order to clear title, the City has been requested to formally release the owner/developer from the obligation to grant the C-2 easement to the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City of Monticello, Minnesota: 1. The City hereby confirms the satisfaction by the owner/developer of the requirements relating to the C-1 easement. 2. The City hereby releases the owner/developer from the obligation to grant the C-2 easement to the City. 140611v01 1 Dated this day of , 2008. CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: Clint Herbst, Mayor AND STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, respectively the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to authority granted by the its City Council. DRAFTED BY: CAMPBELL KNUTSON Professional Association 1380 Corporate Center Curve 317 Eagandale Office Center Eagan, Minnesota 55121 Telephone: (651) 452-5000 JJJ/srn NOTARY PUBLIC 140611x01 2 Council Agenda: August 25, 2008 SC. Consideration of a adopting a resolution establishing an Absentee Ballot Board. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Section 203B.13 of the Minnesota Election Law, allows the City by resolution to establish an Absentee Ballot Board. The purpose of the Absentee Ballot Board is to allow election judges to reject or accept absentee ballots that are received within 30 days of the election. In the presidential election of 2004, the Absentee Ballot Board reviewed about 350 absentee ballots received prior to the election. With the heavy voter turnout generated by the presidential election, it is more efficient to process the rejection or acceptance of the absentee ballots prior to election day. According to the County Auditor, the City must adopt a resolution on the Absentee Ballot Board for each election the Board is utilized. Budget Impact: This should have minimum impact since the City is merely changing the date it accepts or rejects absentee ballots. Staff Impact: Since the general election is very hectic and demanding, any duties that can be accomplished prior to the election, makes it easier for the judges to focus on voting activities on election day. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Establish an Absentee Ballot Board according to Minnesota Election Laws Section 203B13 for the purpose of reviewing the absentee ballots and marking them as to whether they are accepted or rejected. 2. Do not establish an Absentee Ballot Board. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Because of the high number of absentee ballots received in a presidential election, it is staff recommendation that the City Council adopt a resolution establishing an Absentee Ballot Board. By allowing the Absentee Ballot Board (comprised of trained election judges) to review and mark the absentee ballot envelopes, it will ease the work load of election judges in that some of the duties of conducting the election can be done in part prior to election day thus allowing the judges to focus on all the other duties they must perform on election day. Hopefully this will reduce the length of time on November 4~' that it takes to process the ballots and get the election results to the public. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution Section 203B13 -Minnesota Election Laws MINNESOTA ELECTION LAWS - 2008 space on the roster. After a registration record has been marked to record that an individual has voted by absentee ballot, the individual shall not be allowed to vote in person at that election. Subd. 4. Placement in container; opening and counting of ballots. The ballot envelopes from return envelopes marked "Accepted" shall be placed by the election judges in a separate absentee ballot container. The container and each ballot envelope may be opened only after the last regular mail delivery by the United States postal service on election day. The ballots shall then be initialed by the election judges in the same manner as ballots delivered by them to voters in person and shall be deposited in the appropriate ballot box. If more than one ballot of any kind is enclosed in the ballot envelope, none of the ballots of that kind shall be counted but all ballots of that kind shall be returned in the manner provided by section 204C.25 for return of spoiled ballots. Subd. 5. M.S. 1999 Repealed; 1999 c 132 s 46 Subd. 6. Exception for municipalities or school districts with absentee ballot boards. In municipalities or school districts with an absentee ballot board, the election judges in each precinct shall receive and process return envelopes and ballot envelopes as provided in this section except that the ballot envelopes from return envelopes marked "Accepted" shall be delivered in an absentee ballot container to the absentee ballot board for the counting of ballots as soon as possible after processing. Other law to the contrary notwithstanding, the governing body of a municipality or the school board of a school district with an absentee ballot precinct may authorize the judges of the absentee ballot precinct to validate ballots in the manner provided in this section. The vote totals provided by the absentee ballot board shall be included in the vote totals on the summary statements of the returns for the precinct in which they were received. Subd. 7. Names of persons submitting absentee ballots. The names of voters who have submitted an absentee ballot return envelope to the county auditor or municipal clerk may not be made available for public inspection until the close of voting on election day. History: 1981 c 29 art 3 s 12; 1981 c 185 s 2; 1983 c 253 s S, 6; 1984 c 560 s 6-9; 1987 c 266 art 1 s 18; 1989 c 291 art 1 s 5, 6; 1990 c 585 s 21,22; 1991 c 320 s 1; 1997 c 147 s 20,21; 2004 c 293 art 1 s 23; 2005 c 156 art 6 s 26; 1 Sp2005 c 7 s 21 NOTES AND DECISIONS 203B.12 Absentee ballot may not be challenged after deposit in ballot box except for invalidity on the face of the ballot. Bell v Gannaway, 227 N.W. 2d 797 (Minn. 1975). Absentee ballot, which was tom and had been repaired by tape, was properly allowed on theory that it was mutilated ballot presumed to have been torn after it was received and counted by election officers. Sperl v. Wegwerth, 265 Minn. 47, ]20 N.W. 2d 355 (1963). 203B.125 SECRETARY OF STATE TO MAKE RULES. The secretary of state shall adopt rules establishing methods and procedures for issuing ballot cards and related absentee forms to be used as provided in section 203B.08, subdivision 1 a, and for the reconciliation of voters and ballot cards before tabulation under section 203B.12. History: 1983 c 253 s 7 -'1F 203B.13 ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARDS. Subdivision 1. Establishment. The governing body of any county *'~ +'' + '~' ~ '' '' ,any municipality, or any school district may by ordinance or resolution, authorize an absentee ballot board. The board shall consist of a sufficient number of election judges appointed as provided in sections 204B.19 to 204B.22. 49 MINNESOTA ELECTION LAWS - 2008 Subd. 2. Duties. The absentee ballot board may 1 1, !1 ~~ A ~°,ai~ 1.,, ~l,° °7°.,~;,,., ;,,.a..°~.., .;rl°.a +1,.,~ +1,° .~ ° .t L.,,a„ .,f'., examine all return absentee ballot envelopes and ~ecei~e accept or reject absentee ballots in the marmer provided in section 203B.12;_ The absentee ballot board may begin the process of examining the return envelopes and marking them "accepted" or "rejected" at any time during the 30 days before the election. If an envelope has been rejected at least five days before the election, the ballots in the envelope must be considered spoiled ballots and the official in charge of the absentee ballot board shall provide the voter with a replacement absentee ballot and return envelope in place of the spoiled ballot. T~ °~ ~~^+° °'~^" „ ''''° ° ^~ ^~+''° ^Alll Vl. Subd. 3. Compensation of members. The municipal clerk shall pay a reasonable compensation to each member of the absentee ballot board for services rendered during each election. Subd. 3a. Repealed. 2008, c 244 art 1 s 24 Subd. 4. Applicable laws. Except as otherwise provided by this section, all of the laws applicable to absentee ballots and absentee voters and all other provisions of the Minnesota election law shall apply to an absentee ballot board. History: 1981 c 29 art 3 s 13; 1981 c 185 s 3; 1986 c 444; 1987 c 266 art 1 s 19; 1989 c 291 art 1 s 7; 1990 c 585 s 23; 1991 c 320 s 2; 1997 c 147 s 22,23; 2008 c 244 art 1 s 8, 9, 24 203B.14 COUNTY AUDITOR OR MUNICIPAL CLERK MAY EMPLOY ADDITIONAL HELP. Each county auditor and each municipal clerk may employ additional clerical assistance as necessary to discharge the responsibilities imposed on the county auditor or municipal clerk as provided in this chapter. History: 1981 c 29 art 3 s 14 203B.15 ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES. Each county shall pay the expenses incurred by its county auditor and each municipality or school district shall pay the expenses incurred by its clerk for administering the provisions of sections 203B.04 to 203B.15. History: 1981 c 29 art 3 s 1 S; 1987 c 266 art 1 s 20 50 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0.2008-68 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING AN ABSENTEE BALLOT BOARD WHEREAS, Minnesota Election Laws 203B.13 provides authority to a municipality to establish an Absentee Ballot Board in accordance with the provisions of the law; and WHEREAS, this will eliminate the need for election judges to perform this technical and time consuming task on election day wherein the Absentee Ballot Board can begin this process 30 days prior to an election; and WHEREAS, this will speed the processing of accepted absentee ballots delivered to the precincts to be incorporated into the vote counts on election day; giving election judges more available time for voters at the polls, and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBYRESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA that an Absentee Ballot Board be established as provided for by law for the purpose of reviewing all absentee ballots and marking the absentee ballot envelopes as "accepted" or "rejected" with the board to consist of a sufficient number of election judges as provided in Sections 204B.19-204B.22 to perform the task. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 25~' day of August, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator SD. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of replacement lockers for the community center. ~~) A REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: We began replacing lockers in 2006 with the family locker room. In 2007 we replaced the lockers in the men's locker room. We would like to finish the locker replacement project this year with the women's locker room. In 2006, we had multiple quotes on lockers with a variety of materials and different vendors. We selected the ComTech Lockers sold by Bartley Sales Company because they came in with the best price and the best product. They are maintenance free, have held up extremely well and we have not had any thefts from any locked lockers. We will be purchasing a total of 98 replacement lockers. To save on the overall cost of the lockers, our maintenance staff will do the tear out and install of the new lockers. We also are reusing the locking system currently in place on our lockers and our staff will be installing those also. Budget Impact: We budgeted $35,000 in the 2008 budget for the replacement of these lockers. The quote came in at $27,048 excluding taxes. Staff Impact: Our maintenance staff will tear out the old lockers which we will auction off to our members. They will also install the new lockers and the locks on those specified to have locks. We did the same tear out and install in the family locker room and the men's locker room so they are very competent on this. Visitor Impact: We hope to take delivery in September or October. These are two of the community center's slower months so our members and guests will have the least impact possible in their facility use. We will ask the women to shift to the family locker room during the few days of installation needed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. To authorize the purchase of the replacement lockers for the women's locker room. 2. To not authorize the purchase of replacement lockers for the women's locker room. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The Community Center Advisory Board has supported this replacement project, the staff of the community center is in support of finalizing this process. The users of the community center facilities have been extremely pleased with the improvement to the locker room facilities. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The quote from Bartley Sales Company Inc. tai:; ~1!'A~?iEti~zrr ~!'~zw`i d~.G, n~S'K ~~d Sit!oY !92~ p P~:A'++;,Ar~liw, d#~MFI~;"Afi+i+i`v3 (6~sMj S~i»3tss11 ~~%.1 ~4lt"~; ~~~~ t^F.~: i~'l~~d'~~'~':..~.~+~ ~"s`3l:H'!'~?r{~'e~7~' 1:'.'"J:°+?`~.~ G~ai~~'~~~:i+?IT"Y` ~C'l~;v ~'l~:x~ ~~~,~~ ~~ 7i~ "3~,~~~ A~;~3 i;~.31~#~}i' 4~t~ ? 1~'tP~~F ~~~.~'N ~~ `iV~ ~dt~ !l R"v'L.L'C'3t4«~: F;":~ ~~~" i~ ~t_k a)~.,i'.*~ a k Cs~ ~ ~'zi•d'k. cdti~ L~3~'~ ~:~,~: ,.~,~'~°F~"d ~ ~^~`° ~ ~~" ~.'"^ :~v.~.,l~ ~ t ~ai% T.,t'C:t~'3e~'"~:"~°:~ ~zaUd;~t`t ~'t:'4'.5.,iwl~t ts~,.~~, ~~~ c~'rx~~'~~xs: Y W ~ eJ E ~~)`~ e~7.~.~1.- f @:t,T+ ~'I~X"~! 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R. ..~k .:C`;g t}f?l. r.. s ~G:s'iCi'f~."::%3. ~.:: t 3~i~i1~f 'O ~:kfj:+tt"V i.s ;;"v-.;tl/iQ9•"' ~~Sl~ #ti~4~d~S, dC,f;iS13;14g. (jtU„'j n ~~ CTiiheY9 ~•~. 'Kt t•: ~,^~it1Y:.~:y af'tT.:"d ~91;Y ,J!3i~Y, . ~i{?. tiBlri T!~tttS~:.~'!~'-3 `t8 A'e y,.., ~3 .4t`~id!?K~ df:~ rt3Qf~JP'df35i~ ~ ,.kr"LM.F;~ 3 JC~F•':`ti;f 8i5(~ ~P~3C, iG?. dliitl®!93~-" C7'".~;"J'k ;,'G ?v*~VUt?S$t! rir4h;,'~^.e;r w^ek~1r~ "~gr4~itt. 'LE~~ ra":~^~-,Ye ." a~a:~U, C.l`~`A'a..~v'W A,~' "iJ.r3 ~HtrG?Nia i'wt4P,: <`A { ~ ~-!~~~ ~u t-; ~ :~ :c ,"s_ ~/rla`+ F+G'y' C L. Ai._+~~4.... .ice 4"xn .51 ~fAl._ .~ ~i~';Y,L.~i ?~ I~sti' Council Agenda: 8/25/08 5E. Consideration of Accepting Improvements and Authorizing Final Payment for the Tower Drive Improvement Proiect, City Proiect No. 2007-OSC. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: This project included reconstructing the gravel segment of Tower Drive, from the Community United Methodist Church to the water tower site, with bituminous pavement, curb and gutter, and storm sewer, as well as constructing a parking lot adjacent to the water tower site. The roadway was paved in the fall of 2007 with the final lift of bituminous pavement placed this summer. Final punch list items were completed recently. The Council is being requested to accept the project as complete and approve final payment to Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $14,153.67. The following paperwork will need to be submitted for final payment to be released: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134 forms). 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. The final payment request represents the final quantities completed on the contract and the release of the retainage on the contract. All punch list items assembled for this project have been completed, and WSB & Associates, Inc. is indicating the project is complete and ready for final payment in accordance with the contract and City of Monticello Engineering and Construction Standards. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Accept the improvements and approve the final payment of $14,153.67 to Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. subject to receipt of final paperwork. 2. Do not accept the improvements and approve final payment. Council Agenda: 8/25/08 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternative No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Construction Pay Voucher No. 5 (Final) Letter from WSB & Associates, Inc. 01627-78 -Pay Voucher 5 ~~~~~~~~ c~ ~l~t~s, .#i~. Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Pay Voucher Tower Drive Improvements Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-78 Client Project No.: 2007-08C Date: 8/11/2008 Request No.: 5 & FINAL Prstj ect Summary 1 Original Contract Amount $108,773.60 2 Contract Changes - Addltlon $2,597.00 3 Contract Changes -Deduction $0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $111,370.60 5 Value Completed to Date $107,646.42 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Earned $107,646.42 8 Less Retainage $0.00 9 Subtotal $107,646:42 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $93,492.75 11 Liquidated Damages $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 5 & FINAL $14,153.67 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT A FINAL EXAMINATION HAS BEEN MADE OF THE ABOVE NOTED CONTRACT, THAT THE CONTRACT HAS BEEN COMPLETED, THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF WORK SHOWN IN THE FINAL VOUCHER HAS BEEN PERFORMED AND THE TOTAL VALUE OF THE WORK PERFORMED IN ACCORDANCE WITH, AND PURSUANT TO, THE TERMS OF THE CONTRACT IS AS SHOWN IN THIS FINAL VOUCHER. ' Recommended for Approval by: WSB & Associates, lnc. Owner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362-1147 For Period: 3!1312008 to 7/28/2008 Contractor: Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. 9520 Co. Rd. 19 Loretto, MN 55357 v~ Specified Contract Completion Date: 711 /2008 Comment: Construction Observer: Approved by Owner: City of Monticello Date: 1 of 4 OI627-78 -Pay Voucher 5 Project Material Status Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Item No. Item Description Units Unlt Prtce Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantlty Amount io Date Schedule A -Surface Improvements 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $3,000.00 1 1 0 $3,000.00 2 2101.601 CLEAR AND GRUB BUSHES LUMP SUM $450.00 1 1 0 $450.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) LIN FT $7.00 355 328 0 $2,296.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $7.00 20 20 0 $140.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YD $3.00 160 160 0 $480.00 6 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCH BASIN EACH $215.00 2 1 0 $215.00 7 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $3.00 50 50 0 $150.00 8 2104.521 SALVAGE CHAIN LINK FENCE LIN FT $11,00 90 90 0 $990.00 9 2104.521 SALVAGE WOOD RAIL FENCE LIN FT $4.00 260 260 0 $1,040.00 10 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING EACH $95.00 2 2 0 $190.00 11 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P} CU YD $5.25 1300 1300 0 $6,825.00 12 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV} CU YD $11.00 60 60 0 $660.00 13 2105.533 SALVAGED AGGREGATE (SV) CU YD $6.50 140 140 0 $910.00 14 2105.602 POT HOLE UTILITIES EACH $135.00 4 4 0 $540.00 15 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $250.00 6.5 6.5 0 $1,625.00 16 2130.501 WATER M GALLONS $210.00 20 0 0 $0.00 17 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $12.25 720 1203.45 0 $14,742.28 18 2350.501 TYPE MV 4 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $50.00 240 174.38 174.36 $8,716.00 19 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (8) TON $47.00 240 283.8 0 $13,338.60 20 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.50 100 170 150 $255.00 21 2411.618 MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SQ FT $25.00 150 180 0 $4,500.00 22 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD $3.50 60 0 0 $0.00 23 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT $4.25 1090 1090 0 $4,632.50 24 2521.602 TRUNCATED DOME PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH $450.00 1 1 0 $450.00 25 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 8618 LIN FT $10.80 1070 1030 0 $10,918.00 26 2531.602 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE EACH $900.00 1 1 0 $900.00 27 2557.603 INSTALL CHAIN LINK FENCE LIN FT $13.00 90 90 0 $1,170.00 28 2557.803 INSTALL WOOD RAIL FENCE LIN FT $4.00 260 0 0 $0.00 29 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SO FT $90.00 19.75 19.75 0 $1,777.50 30 2564.802 PAVEMENT MESSAGE {HANDICAPPED SYMBOL} PAINT EACH $25.00 1 2 2 $50.00 31 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT $2.00 370 85 0 $170.00 32 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION, CATCH BASIN INSERT EACH $305.00 10 0 0 $0.00 33 2575.505 SODDING, TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.) SQ YD $3.50 550 550 0 $1,925.00 34 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD $1.50 1500 2489 0 $3,733.50 35 2575.605 SEEDING, MDC 240 (INCL. TOPSOIL ~ FERTILIZER) ACRE $1,000.00 0.31 0.51 0 $570.00 36 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LIN FT $0.50 480 480 480 $240.00 37 2582.502 8" SOLID LINE WHITE-PAINT LIN FT $1.D0 9D 0 0 $0.00 Totals For Secllon Schedule A -Surface Improvements: $87,541.36 Schedule B -Storm Sewer Improvements 38 2503.541 12" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT $18.00 557 537 0 $9,666.00 39 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER LIN FT $1.00 557 537 0 $537.00 40 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT $183.00 8.7 5,32 0 $973.56 41 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 UN FT $295.00 4.7 4.7 0 $1,386.50 b2 2508.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN H EACH $310.00 1 1 0 $310.00 43 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL (2'X3' CB) EACH $380.00 3 3 0 $1,140.00 44 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY STORM SEWER EACH $420.00 1 1 0 $420.00 45 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $375.00 1 1 0 $375.00 46 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN) EACH $450.00 3 3 0 $1,350.00 47 2506.521 I NSTALL CASTING EACH $225.00 2 2 0 $450.00 4a 2 506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER EAGH $a50.00 2 2 0 $900.00 2 of 4 01627-78 -Pay Voucher 5 Tuesday, August 12, 2008 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date Totals For Section Schedule B -Storm Sewer Improvements: $17,508.06 Change Order i 49 83115 STORM SEWER REALIGNMENT LUMP SUM $2.597.00 1 1 0 $2,597.OD Totals For Change Order 1: $2,597.00 Project Totals: $107,646.42 3 of 4 01627-78 -Pay Voucher 5 Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: 2007-08C Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-78 Contractor: Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. Contract han e Tuesday, August 12, 2008 No_ Type Date Description Amount C01 Change Order 1 211 412 0 0 7 Storm sewer adjustments to connect with existing water tower discharge piping. $2,597.00 Change Order Totals: $2,597.00 Pa nt u No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Totai Retainage Completed 1 9/17/2007 9/25/2007 $20,982.71 $20,982.71 $1,104.35 $1,104.35 $22,087.06 2 9/26/2007 11/2/2007 $50,249.16 $71,231.87 $2,644.70 $3,749.05 $74,980.92 3 11!3/2007 12/13/2007 $19,793.73 $91,025.60 $1,041.77 $4,790.82 $95,816.42 4 12/14/2007 3/12/2008 $2,467.15 $93,492,75 $129.85 $4,920.67 $98,413.42 5 & FINAL 3/13/2008 7/28/200$ $14,153.67 $107,646.42 {$4,920.67) $0.00 $107,646.42 Payment Totals: $107,646,42 ~ $0.00 $107,646.42 ~oject Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Totai Retainage: Totai Amount Earned: $a.oa $107,646.42 Original Contract: $0.00 Contract Changes: $107,646.42 Revised Contract: $108,773.60 $2,597.00 $111,370..60 4 of 4 ~~~ - Infrastructure ~ Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction & Associates, Inc. August 19, 2008 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 5 (Final) Tower Drive Improvements Street and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2007-08C WSB Project No. 1627-78 Dear Mayor and Council Members: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Te1:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 Please find enclosed the final Construction Pay Voucher No. 5 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $14,153.67. We recommend final payment subject to receipt of the following items: 1. Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax. 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured. 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. 4. Two-year maintenance bond. It should be noted that the maintenance bond will start and extend two years from the date of final acceptance of the project by the City Council. Please make payment in this amount to Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. at your earliest convenience. Thank you. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ' ~ ~'~~ Shibani K. Bisson, PE Project Manager Enclosures cc: Tom Kelly, City of Monticello Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Nate Adams, Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. ACEC 2008 Firm of the Year Minneapolis 1St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer srb .1':18/6]7-78N.hxlx~ lrunlxxAAx~ixIL7R YOSFi~LC77-Axuc081908d~c Council Agenda: 8/25/08 5F. Consideration of approving contribution. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has received donation of $100 from the Monticello RV Center to be used for Fire Department equipment. As required by state statute, if the City accepts the donation of funds, the City Council needs to adopt a resolution specifying the amount of the donation and its use. A.1. Budget Impact: The donation has negligible impact. A.2 Staff Workload Impact: None A.3 Council Priority: Not applicable B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the contribution and authorize use of funds as specified. 2. Do not approve the contributions and return the funds to the donors. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommendation is to adopt the resolution accepting the contributions. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Resolution No. 2008-69 City of Monticello RESOLUTION N0.2008-69 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION VALUE Monticello RV Center Cash Contribution $100.00 WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the following stated purpose: DONOR/ENTITY RECIPIENT PURPOSE Monticello RV Center City of Monticello Fire De t. E ui ment Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 25th day of August, 2008. Clint Herbst, Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: 8/25/08 7. Consideration of approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing Advertisement for Bids for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Project No. 2008-1OC. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On August 11, 2008 the City Council authorized the preparation of Plans and Specs for City Project No. 2008-1OC, which includes street improvements on Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive, and drainage and street improvements on Hawthorne Place North. Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive - Both streets were originally constructed in 1984 and have been seal coated twice since, once in 1987 and again in 1995. However, in order for the pavement sections on these streets to achieve their design life of 30-plus years more extensive pavement rehabilitation treatments are required at this time. The planned improvements include milling 11/-inches of existing bituminous pavement from the outside 8-feet of pavement adjacent to the concrete gutter, then overlaying the milled pavement with approximately 1 %2-inches of new bituminous pavement to achieve a uniform 2-percent cross-slope. In addition, approximately 1 %Z-inches of new bituminous pavement will be installed over the remainder of the street to provide a uniform 2-percent cross slope from the centerline of the street to the concrete gutters. In addition, almost 800-feet of damaged curb and gutter will be removed and replaced, and curb and gutter will be extended from Kevin Longley Drive to Prairie Road. Hawthorne Place North - Originally constructed in 1991, this roadway was seal coated in 1995 and crack sealed in 2006. However, due to the repeated freezing and thawing of groundwater that was trapped beneath the street section much of the pavement has deteriorated to the point were extensive alligator cracking has occurred. In order to correct the groundwater issue, approximately 250-feet of 6-inch perforated PE pipe drain will be installed directly behind the curb and gutter on the south side of the street to pick up the groundwater and direct it into an existing storm sewer system. This will require the removal and replacement of more than 300-feet of concrete curb and gutter, as well as the total reconstruction of the pavement section. By constructing these improvements this year the new pavement section should last 30-years or more with regular pavement maintenance activities. Plans and Specs will be made available at the meeting for review. In following past practice it was proposed to assess the benefitting properties along Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive 50% of the total cost of the improvements. A Public Hearing was therefore held on August 11, 2008 to allow those property owners an opportunity to address the Council with any questions or concerns they may have in regards to this project. During the Public Hearing several property owners shared information with staff that has since been addressed as follows: Council Agenda: 8/25/08 • Bill Seefeldt (167 Jerry Liefert Drive) asked if the elevation of the street where it crosses the railroad tracks south of CSAH 75 would be brought up to match the elevation of the railroad crossing as there is an existing elevation differential of several inches. Staff has since reviewed the site and noted that the railroad crossing is level, whereas the street is crowned, resulting in an abrupt transition of several inches at the outside edge of the street. This transition will be made more gradual when the improvements are made. • Charlene Jensen (218 Jerry Liefert Drive) asked if the existing curb and gutter could be extended around the radii of Kevin Longley Drive to match into Prairie Road as there is an issue with standing water in this area. As was noted at the public Hearing, the curb and gutter will be extended around the radii to Prairie Road. Mike Renstrom (112 Kevin Longley Drive) commented that many of the cracks and ruts in the pavement are at utility crossing locations and are the result of poor utility trench compaction. Staff made a site visit and noted two specific locations where minor rutting and cracking were in-line with a utility crossing. However, due to the years that have passed since the settling and cracking occurred staff feels that additional settling will not occur following the improvements. • The owner of the duplex at 212 Kevin Longley Drive noted that his was not the only duplex in the project area and staff has since identified two other duplexes. All three duplexes will be assessed at twice the single assessment rate per Council's direction. A.1 Budget Impact: The estimated cost of the project is $326,222.82, which includes a 10% contingency cost and 20% indirect costs to cover administrative, engineering and legal fees. The Public Works Department budgeted $125,000 in their 2008 budget for the portion of the project on Kevin Longley Drive and Jerry Liefert Drive, which has a total estimated cost of $270,674.58. As was previously discussed, the benefitting properties along these streets are proposed to be assessed 50% of the total cost of the improvements, which assumes each housing unit generates approximately the same number of trips so each unit will be assessed an equal amount. However, the improvements on Hawthorne Place North are needed to correct an existing groundwater issue and as such no assessments are being recommended for these improvements. All costs for this work not covered under the money budgeted for by Public Works will then be taken from the Street Reconstruction fund. Costs for this project have been kept to a minimum by having City staff complete the Feasibility Report, compile the assessment roles, and perform all pavement striping. A.2 Staff Workload: Should the Council approve the plans and specs and authorize the ad for bids, WSB and Associates will handle the duties associated with bidding the project. These costs are included in the indirect costs. Minimal staff time will be required to assist with bidding the project. Council Agenda: 8/25/08 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve plans and specs and authorize ad for bids for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Project No. 2008-1 OC. 2. Motion to deny the approval of plans and specs and authorizing ad for bids for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Project No. 2008-1 OC. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: City staff recommends approving Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Project location map ,..t ~~:, ,., ~ ~ , .. __; , -. . f - ~ ___.. _ ,... __.. _.._.__ _~ - _.. ,. _...__ _._. _. _. _ _.. ___-~ ~ .. t ~, _. f. ._..___ . ! I i ~ ~. , r ~ /' Win- ~ - _ :I.. .. ~~ ~~~ r Y ;^ d 0 ..r! - ~ ~ ~~ v F + ~. ~ - .. ~ ~ - " t i .,.~ ~^ d~~ \ i ~ ~ Y ~ i S ~' f i._ ~ ~ ~ ~ I i ,, i r .. _... .._..,..._-_- ~ ......_~a.,r _.--~ -..__. ~. Zoo ~ 1' - . ;. a .~ r- ~ ~ ` 4 ~ ~. - ._ _ '4~ a ~ . __ ~ i ~d r, `~`-~ ~; % ~ I '~F-~ '7 f-----t ` ~t / Vii ~~ , ~* ~. ~. ~ ~ x- z a ~ , vim., ...,, ~ 7 ;. ~ 7 = ~, J •~ i7 y ~~' ~~ ~ f i Y ~ nN ~ J SQL _ _ a~ ..._ ~ ~~I l ~ >~' `~ ~i "_ y4 ,i 7 1. h- yy ~, J ,.i ~ I ,F dd /v f h ( ll 'y 7 l / _ o,! a,~~l ~~t? T / ~ 6~ ~ / ~ / '' ~ ~ . _ _.- -~-~ k ~ , - . .. J ... f ~~~- ~ :, ~ r ~ A ~ i ~; (-r ~ r-;~ ~ i r ~---- t- / i ; -~~1--- ~ 1 `~ ` ' ~ i ~ ' ~ ~~~ ~ _ ~ ~ Y~ __ ~ r , i / N M~ W ~ F ~} ~. / ~ ~~ -` it -i rT~ ~ / I -~T~ 1 ; /'"~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ '/ ~~ ~ _- ~. _. c 7 / ~ - z /-- ~ro-~ f,~~~ ~' ~ f i ~ /~ ~~ ~ / E - ~ '~ ~~j c ~ ~ - ~ ~ ! ~...-~ y ' ,l ' ~ . * 1r ~ ~ I 9 ' r i I ~~ JJ T I ---- ~ ~ _ ~. ,. ~ I ~.:. ~_.~s~_ -- ~ , .~ ,, s ~ ~ ~__.. - - ~ 7~ I r- ~' ~} - _._ -, •~ N S O .~ V N ~ x Z .y, ~ w z ~ r m Council Agenda - 08/25/2008 9. Consideration of appr~vin~ quote for materials for Groveland Park shelter. (T.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Parks Department has had many inquiries for park shelters. The Parks Department and the Parks Commission has approved the plans and design for a shelter at Groveland Park. After researching shelters in the area we found one that would meet our needs. This is a wood open air picnic shelter which is 20'x30' and would hold about eight picnic tables. This shelter would provide protection from the sun, rain, hail, etc. This shelter would also be available for reservations in the Park rental fee schedule. To keep the cost down the Parks Department will be constructing this shelter. When the Parks Department went out for quotes we wanted to see the difference between building materials, so we requested quotes with the option cedar or pine materials. Quotes were received from local businesses including Simonson Lumber and The Home Depot. a. Budget Impact: In 2008 the Parks Department had budgeted $60,000 towards Park Shelters. By doing this project in house we will be able to save a lot of money and in the future be able to save money. The quote from Simonson Lumber was $5,789.12 for cedar materials. b. Staff Workload Impact: The construction of the shelter will take a few weeks with two fulltime employees and two seasonal employees. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to accept the quote from Simonson Lumber for the materials of Cedar for the amount of $5,789.12. 2. The second alternative would be to accept the quote from Simonson Lumber for the materials of Pine for the amount of $4,677.88. 3. The third alternative would be to complete the project at a different time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Parks Superintendent and the Parks Commission that the City Council approve the quote from Simonson Lumber for the shelter materials made of cedar and authorize the purchase as outlined in Alternative A. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of material quotes, aerial photo, plans and a photo of the finished product. C~ISTGP~I~R C~F'Y ACCOUNT N0. l`3 i' OUR ORDER NO. I~ v .; ~ , SUPPORTING DATA We reserve the right to • perfect mechanic's lien rights where applicable. SOLD TO: /" r' I s crc , -; _, --r{H{i?_Tf~r_{BAbtszf~ 60LD TO UNLESS SHOWN) ESTIMATE NO ;.~I:_IC,i', zrr~:~.L.t~ Ciia, ~.~I.~I_,~_ „_, I__L"~.~ ~~'1' i7 r= f~'1!:il`JTTC'E_L.L! t~-.F~L'r~, .~'~N ~~4'r'j..r~:.~E=: iii! (_ r'~ T T!`t : i-%~~;lil.}PJ I S Pra'r`f~iE;'~ „G sc~ 65tT'1Nl+4~~iAgE ct:. j.4t=;'__.hIUT -rj?E~ I , _~U I ~i"i~ NI~th1T I r="E...L.Cs b11~~ ~~i:;e,c:-- 1 1 -, _ _ . . i • ! ~ Fs X 6 1 ~ l" Rc F~Tr.I> 84'F' i . E,.~7 i 4.75.4• +~. Ir, .3k . 9S 1. ~!EhaCFi x:47. 8~ 1 ~.. X rfr. 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I J 1 ' { ~ i -~- ~ ~' '~ ~ ~ ,~,'' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Oc r I ~, i ~~ u ~ ,~ ~~ ~ , ~ _ ~I I ~-;, ~ o Q, ! Y~ ~i ~ ~ r~ 1,;,7~ F _ 4 I _~ 4~ = f i i tl. c ,,^^ `o - ~_ J 1 ~ v+ ~ ~ Z Q ~ F - • .__. i .l u _ ~' J } It ' I~ ~ 2 Rk ~ r ~ I~ ~e~ ~c 9 ~M h D ~' L J ~ d` f Q, R {~ v ~ ti y c.- ~ I ~ i I, _ , ~ ~ ?1„ { 'i ~ ~ ~ ~{ p ~ ~.~ gip; ~ ~ ' ~~- ~U I ~ o ~~ ~a ,, ~~_ `.. -r~ ----------- ~ F--t._~_ _~ __ G-Of ~ "'° ~+ S is d~~ i ~~, Council Agenda: 8/25/08 10. Update on Preliminary Costs for an Interchange at CSAH 39/I-94 (BRW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the August 11, 2008 City Council meeting, the Council directed staff to prepare preliminary cost estimates for a potential interchange at CSAH 39/I-94 to promote development in that area and provide an alternate access to TH 25. In order to determine preliminary costs, staff had WSB& Associates put together three conceptual layouts of the interchange. The layouts and associated preliminary costs are attached. Brief descriptions of each alternative are shown below. Alternative 1: Construct a folded diamond interchange utilizing the existing CSAH 39 Bridge. This layout would be similar in design to the CSAH 18 Interchange with ramps and loops east of the bridge. The bridge would need to be widened to accommodate turn lanes for the ramps. Alternative 2: Construct a hybrid interchange with abutton-hook connection on the south side and a conventional loop/ramp on the north side. The button-hook ramps on the south side would connect to Chelsea Rd. The bridge would need to be widened to accommodate turn lanes for the ramps. Alternative 3: Construct a new bridge to the north of the exiting crossing with aloop/ramp combination on the south side and diamond interchange ramps on the north side. This alternative has significant impacts to the golf course. The City's transportation plan, which is currently in progress fora 2008 completion, will evaluate the projected traffic volumes with an interchange in this location to determine if it is feasible to construct based on projected growth in the area and the potential future interchange at Orchard Road. After the transportation plan is adopted, the next step would be review conceptual designs and meet with County and Mn/DOT officials to determine what will be approved. Please note that each preliminary cost estimate provided includes construction costs only and does not include any indirect costs for administrative, engineering or legal fees, or costs for right-of--way acquisition. B. SUPPORTING DATA: Preliminary alternative design layouts (3) Preliminary cost estimate evaluation • • 11 u x 5. I O ~7 O ~~ ^~ O V ~~ O D m Z D rn `n W W ~~ A r* ~~ O N • n 0 -«, 0 n 0 0 ~: r -P ri C Y 4 ~'I ~~+ n a w c~ c~ ~- c.Q c~ 0 cfl • n O O C7 cD O tD O .--~- D r m Z D m w n W to ^ c~ .p ~D n n O n CD N ~~~ r Infrastructure ^ Engineering • Planning ^ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South &. d.t3ix'irnes, !m: Suite #300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 CSAl3 39/I-94 Interchange Concept Evaluation Four alternatives were considered for this preliminary comparison. Three of them were carried forward. The fourth alternative which constructed a new bridge to the south of the existing crossing was eliminated due space limitations between I-94 and Chelsea Rd. The costs for each alternative only include construction costs, they do not include administrative or right-of--way costs. The estimates are based on a comparative analysis to recently constructed interchanges and are not considered a detail estimate of the alternatives. Alternative 1 Alternative 1 consists of utilizing the existing bridge and constructing a folded diamond interchange to the east. This configuration is the same as the CSAH 18/I-94 Interchange. The existing bridge would be widened 12' to accommodate the turn lanes for the ramps. 7~` Street would need to be terminated to the east of CSAH 39 in order to accommodate the ramps. This alternative does not require the purchase of developed property. Major Issues for Alternative 1: • Intersection spacing from the south ramps to Chelsea Rd is limited. • 7`~ Street terminated before CSAH 39 Estimated Construction Cost: $5,500,000 Alternative 2 Alternative 2 is similar to alternative 1 except the ramps on the south half are in a button-hook configuration. The button hook ramps would tie into the existing intersection along Chelsea Rd. This configuration eliminates the intersection spacing issue along CSAH 39 in Alternative 1 and does not require bridge widening. Major Issues for Alternative 2: • 7`~ Street terminated before CSAH 39 • The proximity of the proposed EB on-ramp to the TH 25 exit ramp will most likely require an auxiliary lane. • FHWA approval of button-hook ramps would be more difficult than a conventional interchange. Estimated Construction Cost: $4,500,000 Alternative 3 Alternative 3 constructs a new bridge to the north of the existing bridge and realigns CSAH 39 from the interstate to CSAH 75. The interchange would have aloop/ramp combination in the SE quadrant and standard diamond interchange ramps on the north side. Major Issues for Alternative 3: • Significant right-of--way impacts • Intersection spacing from the south ramps to Chelsea Rd is limited. Estimated Construction Cost: $8,500,000 Council Agenda: 8/25/08 11. Consideration of approving contract with Springbrook Software Inc. for replacement of our current government system software. (TK, CS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City of Monticello Finance Department has been researching options for replacement of our government system software since the beginning of this year. Our current software and hardware system is under a total lease agreement which expires in April of 2009. At that time, we will need to have a new system in place if we do not extend our contract for another 1 to 3 years. There are a number of reasons that we chose to begin searching for new software. • Our current software runs on an IBM AS400, which is being phased out by IBM. IBM does not manufacture this system anymore, and we do not know how long IBM or our software vendor will continue supporting this system. • The current technology for government software is supported through PC (personal computer) networks and Internet links. Among the newest is .NET technology, which is based off a server sharing files and data among users, thus allowing quicker and more efficient updates and data sharing. There are numerous data processing advantages to this technology too, compared to how we now operate with the AS400. • Our current software vendor, Affiliated Computer Systems (ACS), appears to have cut back staff and programmers that were previously dedicated to programming and support for cities they serve. Much of our government software is [getting] outdated and promises by ACS for enhancements and updates over the last years have not come to fruition. Their phone support does serve our needs. • There are many inefficiencies in our current software packages: payroll timesheet entry is cumbersome and the entire process is time-consuming. There is no human resources component so we track many things manually that should be automated and protected. Accounts payable batch entries require a lot of lookups and keying new information. Our miscellaneous billing system has components that do not work and the process is not at all versatile; we have to create a lot of extra entries to accomplish what we need to do. The general ledger system needs new reports added to meet new requirements, recurring batch entries (repeat every month, quarter or year) are difficult to work with-we usually create new ones each time. With utility billing, service orders are handled manually and special reports must be created through a complicated process, which result in a lot of extra work. Residents continually are asking for the ability to inquire and make online payments which we cannot do with our current software. These are just a few examples of improvements that would occur with new software. • The new systems provide a distinct aid in utilizing our resources in a more productive manner. There are many shortcuts and checklists built into the software. Although time will be needed for implementation and training, this should pay off in a relatively short time with decentralized entry, enhanced reporting capabilities, more timely processing and better products to offer to staff and the public -such as online utility bill payments and inquiry. • The new systems offer many opportunities to integrate and interface with other computerized systems, such as Permit Works, LaserFiche and our custom GIS package. This is not possible with our current system. Council Agenda: 8/25/08 Our auditors (MMKR) support our move to new government system software. They are familiar with all three systems that we researched and noted that any of them would enhance the audit process over our current system. After talking to a number of cities about the government systems that they use, we had the opportunity to see a demonstration of software from Tyler Technologies and Springbrook Software Inc. at the City of St Michael. Both demonstrations were very impressive in comparison to what our current ACS system offers. Following those demos, we scheduled full day meetings with both of these vendors to take a more in-depth look at the software and ask questions specific to the products we use at Monticello. We also added a third vendor, Civic Systems, as part of the review process. In evaluating the three systems, each vendor was given a detailed checklist, which contained many questions about each software package that we would be considering as part of the whole system. At this time, we also asked each vendor for a preliminary proposal. All of this information was compiled and reviewed during May and June, and we narrowed our choices to Tyler Technologies and Springbrook. We sent out a listserv and checked references on both of these vendors. Both firms had favorable references. During late July and early August, Cathy Shuman met several times with each vendor to negotiate pricing, software packages and contract terms. Both vendors were provided with the target amount of $4000 per month that we have budgeted for next year, and each has worked to bring us proposals that fit within our budget. Another factor in the review process was the projected timeline that would be used for implementing the system software. Springbrook's timeline would start implementation and training as early as September and complete by May of 2009. (They have indicated they could finish by the end of April when our current contract expires.) Tyler Technology is in the process of developing their .NET software, but did propose to start implementation in October. The core financial packages are complete and have been implemented in one site. The remaining packages are either under development (payroll/human resources/fixed assets) or not yet developed. It was estimated to be up to a year before utility billing would be available. To complete implementation by an April deadline would require installing older versions of Tyler software (for undeveloped packages) and then going through another implementation as they became available. This was not a desirable option as it likely would consume too much staff time. The final proposals were compiled into a comparison spreadsheet, which is attached to this agenda. As you will see, the proposal from Springbrook would save us quite a bit compared to Tyler Technology's proposal. Although both vendors were able to meet the $4000 monthly threshold, Springbrook's proposal has an agreement of 5 years compared to Tyler's 8 %z years, a difference of $39,000 over those 3 % years. After 5 year agreement ends, annual costs should drop to approximately half, which would cover support and maintenance. We expect to use this software for many years; hopefully it will serve us as long as our current system which has been in use at the City since 1991. As a comparison to our current system, we spend approximately $2800 per month for the ACS system which covers software, hardware, updates and phone support for these systems: general ledger, accounts payable, fixed assets, accounts receivable (billing), payroll, utility billing and cash register. This cost would probably not change significantly under a renewal contract. For the Council Agenda: 8/25/08 additional cost per month under the proposed 5 year contract, the City would benefit from improvements in the packages that would replace those we currently use. We would also gain a number of software modules that we do not have at this time and would immediately utilize after implementation: human resources, online utility payments and inquiry, extended budgeting, advanced reporting (including GASB-required reporting), decentralized time card entry, purchase orders, project accounting, centralized cash collection, utility billing mailing services, and integration with laserfiche and our GIS system. Springbrook Software Inc. is a national, privately-owned company based out of Portland, Oregon. They have been in business since 1985 and serve over 350 government clients and special districts in 30 states. Jim Nelson from Springbrook prepared an information sheet about the company which is included in the supporting data. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve contracting with Springbrook Software Inc. for government system software, as identified in the supporting data, at a total cost not to exceed $235,000 over five years. This includes software licensing, implementation, training, conversion and support through December 31, 2013. 2. Do not approve contracting with Springbrook for new government system software. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City Finance Director and finance department staff along with the City Administrator support the purchase of Springbrook government system software. Our analysis of the software, pricing and contract clearly shows the benefits of moving to a new system. Springbrook's .NET version will provide us with many advantages over our current system, as well as new features that we can utilize in our daily work for many years. D. SUPPORTING DATA: • Copy of Proposal from Springbrook • Copy of proposal comparison spreadsheet • Copy of Vendor/Software Checklist • Information on Springbrook Software Inc. ~~~Springbrook August 18, 2008 Ms. Cathy Shuman Program and Project Coordinator City of Monticello 505 Walnut St, Suite 1 Monticello MN 55362 Dear Cathy, Thank you again for meeting with me last week. The attached pricing replaces the earlier submitted pricing that was contained within the Letter dated July 28, 2008. The updated pricing contains no changes except the follow additions and changes based on the outcome of our discussion on Wednesday, August 13`h: • Inclusion of both 4/Year & 5/Year, 0°Io Interest payment plan options broken down by fiscal year with payment due dates specified. First payment of software and services deferred until 2009. There will likely be travel expenses in 2008 if we conduct the BPS and some of the training yet this year. • Inclusion of Travel Budget (assumes mixture of MN based Training staff and out-state staff. Assumes Project Manager is Debby Gretz based in St. Cloud) • Inclusion of the Purchase Order module with associated services maintenance over five years • Inclusion of "Not-to-Exceed" language for training • Inclusion of a new column for number of training hours • Inclusion of Springbrook's Postal-Link Utility Billing Address Certification with associated maintenance over five years (postal savings realized will likely offset this cost) • Inclusion of $5,000 Contingency Budget with associated maintenance over five years in the event any software customization is required • Inclusion of Travel Budget schedule with detail of travel expense assumptions • Removal of Special Assessments module and associated services As the city compares pricing between the finalists, we would like to point out a few items that may distinguish our pricing from other vendors and provide for a more accurate "apples-to- apples" comparison: We have included a Business Process Study within our proposal that includes an onsite trip by one of our senior analysts to best understand how to implement the software for the City of Monticello's specific requirements. Other vendors may not include apre- implementation visit, analysis and report that lays the foundation for a successful implementation for all stakeholders of your organization. • Our contingency budget also contains associated maintenance on any custom that may be required. Other vendors may not include the maintenance. • Our training dollars denote "not to exceed" language. Other vendors may provide only "budget" figures or not contractually agree to a ceiling amount. • In the Travel Budget, we have built in three Project Management onsite visits from Debby Gretz, PMP, who resides in St. Cloud, MN. Other vendors may not provide a PM who meets face-to-face with city staff throughout the course of the project. • Our conversion estimate for finance is for three years of summarized history PLUS three years of optional vendor invoice detail. • Since we are offering 0% interest financing, the city is able to avoid working through a third-party leasing company that can complicate and delay contract negotiations. • We have successfully implemented .NET across the nation and in MN and are able to begin implementing .NET modules now. In closing, thank you for your continued interest in the solutions and services that Springbrook Software provides for Minnesota cities. If I can answer any questions, please contact me toll- free at (866-256-7661 ext. 6294) or at jim.nelsonC sprbrk.com. Respectfully, .,w ~~--~ Jim Nelson Account Executive St. Cloud, MN ~~,Springbrook August 78, 2008 Pricing Is Waed on standard contract - devialton Irom standard contract terms may result in modtfled prices. Training end BPS Estimates Include budget for travel time b expenses. ' Access Agents contain a quantity of 700 per each pack' "Customer is responsible for providing MS SOL is this tlatabase is selected .NET Investment Pricing Proposal for: City of Monticello, MN 'Assumes contracts executed prior to Oct 1st. 160 Day Warranty on Maintenance so no money is due " Only 9/12 of Maint. is calculated for 2009 since 90-days remains in warranty period. Software Due on Jan 7 sL Maint due Apr 751. "' 2008 Travel Ezp Est could be between :.BK-E8K depending on project schedule. OB Travel Expense assume BPS, (t) PM Visit 8 (2) outstate, (1) instate visit. Remainder of Travel in CV09 S rin brook ~~~ ~ Au ust 18, 2008 9 Cost of Data Conversion: An estimated cost of your data conversion has been provided in this quote. This estimate is for up to three separate data pulls for UB, one for Finance and Payroll. We will need to review an actual sample of your data to confirm this estimate. Certain (actors may cause the cost to exceed the amount quoted. See section below titled "Not Included in Estimate". There are a variety of factors that can influence the cost of a conversion and a variety of items that are not included in the standard cost estimate for your conversion. For example, your estimate will not include the following: • Removal of data from your existing system • Consulting on removal of data from your existing system • Changes or modifications requested after the first conversion and different from the specifications we originally received. • Changes in the format we receive the data in after the first conversion More than three conversions in UB or more that one conversion for Finance and Payroll In addition, the following items can increase the cost of your conversion: • Mixed formats of data (a file containing tab delimited or comma delimited format. • Problems with data integrity • Data manipulation not for the purpose of the conversion, but for the purpose of supplying you with information you did not previously have access to. • Changes in the file format after the first conversion • Changes requested to the data after the second conversion • No file or incorrect file layouts No cost of fees in excess of those set forth in the Schedule of Fees will be incurred by the Licensee without prior acceptance of Ltcensee as indicated on a signed work order Conversion Estimate for: City of Monticello, MN ~~Springbrook August 18, 2008 Annual Maintenance Costs for: City of Monticello, MN tst Year ApplicatlonlProducts Maint. 8 Enhance. Finance Suite 2nd Year Maint. 8 Enhance. 3rd Year Maint. & Enhance. 4th Year Maint. 8 Enhance. 51h Year Maint. 8 Enhance. Purchase Orders ' = r Payrol I Human Resources Pro(ecUGrantACCOUnUng r Fixed Assets Accounts Receivable :: r Central Cash Management r Utility Billing Suite Standard Meter Reading Intmiare Wao Based US Payments 8 Inquiry r r - I Postal Link Adtlrass Cert. for UB ~~ 3ub•TOtal SPringbrook Soltwere & Services ....•,......, .. $17.093 Aatada9e - Application Sarver Tlet l.9 Namad Users) ~ ~~~ -..,. ,-._.-. $17:777 ~ .: _., $18.468 r ~ ,. - ~ . ~ ..., $19.227 ~ ^,^.", ... ....,.: $19.998 ® Database- Access Agents (Up to 700 Casual Users)' Sub•TOtai 3rd Party Provided Database Clients" $1,788 AP Positive Pay -Wells Fargo 51,859 $1,933 52,017 52,097 Payroll PoslHve Pay • WBIIS Fargo ' r ~ r Electronic Check Reconciliation -Wells Fargo-1 Acct ~ r Standard Lasertlche Integration Contingency Budget • !t Customization Is Req'tl Sub-Total Other Springbrook Professional Sarvices 53.313 - ' 53,445 - 53.583 - $3.726 - $3.875 - ', Total Annual Maintenance Cost each Year S22.193 523,081 524,004 524.964 525.963 ' Maintenance Is generally prorated to align with your fiscal year. Database Maintenance Fses aro due at contract signing. ' Includes 180 day warranty Prices valid thru 9/15/2008 Pricing is based on standard contract -deviation from standard contract terms may result in modified prices. Training and BPS Estimates do not include travel time or expenses. Monthly Rental and Leasing Options are available ' Access Agents contain a quantity of 100 per each "pack" "Customer is responsible for providing MS SQL is this database is selected ~ S rin brook ~~~ ~ August 18, 2008 Optional Pricing Proposal for City of Monticello, MN City of Monticello, MN Travel b Llvfng Expense Budget -Invoiced at Actual t 8-Aug-0B Onsfte Estimated Pu ae of Td Staff Based: Trl # B Da s Expanse Business Process Study Evaluate Processes, Forms etc. Outstare t 2 $ 1,573.00 Project Management Trip (Optional) Project'KickoB' Planning MN 2 0.5 $ 120.33 Project Management Trip (Optional) Project'MidPoint Review° Planning MN 3 0.5 $ 120.33 Project Management Trip (Optional} Praject'Wrapup' Planning MN 4 0.5 $ 120.33 'NO Travel Expenses are invoiced i/contracts are not executed 3.5 $ 1,933.98 • finance, O, M, ixad Assets Database Validation 8 Setup Outstare 1 5 $ 1,945.00 Finance, PO, PM, Fixed Assets Parallel Outstare 2 5 $ 1,945.00 Finance, PO, PM, Fixed Assets Live Outstare 3 5 $ 1,945.00 Payroll 8 WR Parallel MN 4 5 $ 675.00 Payroll 8 H!R Live MN 5 5 $ 675.00 25 $ 7,185.00 (Minimal web-based training may take place prior to or after onsite training to jumpstart' or augment onsite !raining) • ~ Utility &Bing, A/R 8 Central Cash Database Setup MN / 4 $ 540.00 Utility Billing, A/R & Central Cash Parallel MN 2 4 $ 540.00 Utility Bitting, A/R 8 Central Cash Parallel MN 3 4 $ 540.00 Utility Billing, A/R 8 Central Cash Live MN 4 4 $ 540.00 16 $ 2,760.00 (Minimal web-based training may take place prior to or after onsite training to ~umpstarC or augment onsite training) 45 $ 11,278.98 Airfare - 3 W eek Lead Time -Assumes flight from ORD to MSP Airport Parking/Mist Transportation -Per Day Travel Time -Hourly Rate Billable 1 W ay only Rental Car/Gas per Day Hotel per night Per Diem (Meals etc.) Personal Car Mileage - If Applicable Travel Hours (1 Way) Training -Hourly Rate Project Manager/BPS -Hourly Rate Airfare Esl. with Three week lead time Airport Parking/Mist Transportation Travel Time - One W ay (ceiling amount) Rental Car 8 Gas Hate) Per Diem (Meals etc.) Airfare Est. with three week lead time Airport Parkirg/Misc Transportation Travel Time -One Way (ceiling amount) Rental Car 8 Gas Hotel Per Diem (Meals eta) $0 $450 $0 $16 100 $ 100 60.00 $ 65.00 $0 5110 $25 $50 0.505 $ 0.505 0.75 ~ $100 $100 $125 $125 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $ 250.00 $ 200.00 $ 150.00 $ 100.00 $ 50.00 $ 300.00 $ 240.00 $ 180.00 $ 120.00 $ 60.00 $ 125.00 $ 100.00 $ 75.00 $ 50.00 $ 25.00 $ 675.00 $ 540.00 $ 405.00 $ 270.00 $ 135.00 $450 -- $450 $450 $450 $80 $64 $48 $32 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 400.00 $ 325.00 $ 260.00 $ 195.00 $ 130.00 $ 440.00 $ 440.00 $ 330.00 $ 220.00 $ 250.00 $ 200.00 $ 150.00 $ 100.00 $ 1945.00 $ 1614.00 $1573.00 $ 1332.00 $ - COMPARISON OF .NET SOFTWARE Aug-08 TYLER (SILVERBLADE) SPRINGBROOK John Smith Jim Nelson PRICING $4000/month $3900/month software $158,173 software $118,999 maint - Yr 1 $24,180 maint - avg yearly $22,931 (over 5 vrs) FINANCE TERMS 18 1/2 interest) 115 SOFTWARE Core Financials ~ (GL,AP, Budget,Bank Rec) GASB Reporting Module Purchase Orders Fixed Assets Project Accounting Human Resources Payroll/Personnel Distributed Time Sheet Entry Utility System Tax Lien Process 3rd Party Printing Interface Handheld Meter Interface CASS Certification Central Cash Misc Accts Rec Printing & Reporting Content Mgmt Laserfiche Interface RAINING (HOURS) 56 12 12 2 8 32 34 16 80 incl ?? 8 8 10 8 Mapping ?? 8 294 (plus 48 hrs final implementation) Core Financials GASB Reporting Mod Purchase Orders Fixed Assets Project Accounting Human Resources ;Payroll/Personnel Time Sheet Entry Utility System Handheld Meter Interf **Online UB Central Cash Misc Accts Rec Printing & Reporting Content Mgmt/ Laserfiche Interface Finance Suite ~ (GL, AP, Bank Rec, Ext Budgeting) Financial Reporting Module Purchase Orders Fixed Assets Project/Grant Accounting Human Resources Payroll Decentralized Time Card Entry Utility Billing Suite (Tax Lien, Service Req, Meter Inv, Prt Intf) Meter Reading Interface) Postal Link Certification Hosted Web UB Payments/Inquiry Central Cash POS Misc Accts Rec Integrated Reporting Document Attachment Laserfiche Interface Finance Suite 48 Financial Reporting Mod 32 Purchase Orders 8 Fixed Assets 12 Project/Grant Accountng 32 Human Resources 32 Payroll 56 Time Card Entry 8 Utility Billing Suite 120 Meter Reading Interface 4 Web UB Payments * 12 Central Cash POS 8 Misc Accts Rec 8 Integrated Reporting incl Document Attachment incl Laserfiche Interface incl 380 TYLER (SILVERBLADE) SPRINGBROOK John Smith Jim Nelson "*Online UB not listed in software; "costs for Web UB are included pricing incl for annual fees & setup other vendors are available also: web hosting/service $100/mo setup fee $99-249 online billing .04 each/mo monthly service $31-60 Gust trans fee 1.25 each cust trans fees % and/or er each CONVERSION General Ledger $3,000 General Ledger $6,000 C/A - no history C/A -current yr Budgets Trans History (curr+3) Detail History (3 yrs) Budgets (curr+3) Accounts Payable $1,000 Accounts Payable $5,100 Vendors - no history Vendors (curr) Detail History (3 yrs) History (curr+3) Utilities $6,500 Utilities $9,000 Master File Cust Master Transaction History Transaction History Consumption History Meter History Misc: ACH Billing Fixed Assets $1,250 Fixed Assets N/C Master File Master File (from Excel) $11,750 $20,100 TRAVEL EXPENSE Estimated $18,500 Not to exceed $11,279 IMPLEMENTATION Core Financials 2008 Finance Suite Oct-Nov 08 SCHEDULE Payroll/HR Jan 09 ? Payroll/HR Nov 08 Fixed Assets Jan 09 ? Utilities Dec 08-Jan 09 Utilities Sept 09 ? other packages our discretion other packages unknown Note: all installations can be completed by end of April 09 Note: One install of Core Financials; other packages not ready yet TYLER (SILVERBLADE) ~ ~ SPRINGBROOK NOTES Current Contract -ACS Expires 4/30/09 monthly payment - appr $2800/month software ($1472) hardware ($1245) software lease may be negotiable (month-to-month) hardware lease usually in 1 year increments 2009 BUDGET $4000/month allotted Vendors were not told this information until after they provided initial proposal No information from vendor proposals was shared with other vendor JOHN SMITH, TYLER Met with John first as dept preference was for Tyler/Incode First proposal (for products listed above): over $8000/month over 3 years about $6000/month over 5 years Discussed other options terms over longer time; delete some products; bigger discount Revised proposal: about $4000/month over 8 1 /2 years JIM NELSON, SPRINGBROOK First proposal (for products listed above): about $4600/month over 3 years Discussed other options terms over longer time; bigger discount Revised proposal: about $4300/month over 4 years about $3900/month over 5 years "`Items guaranteed to be included with Springbrook contract: Utility Billing conversion between cubic feet and gallons (for customer follow-up) Accounts Payable 1099's for M, S, INT (and ability to submit online) General Ledger incorporate GASB reporting into Finc'I Reporting module Cash/Billing sales tax features (tables, calculation) are incorporated in software w 0 N ~_ ~" J Q a w O Q J w U_ F Z O W O N O E~ :: T M u .~ V N V 7 L 0 a W O O U z N d .O O c L v F a r H 00 0 a y N O N OI ~ C .Q N ~. c m Q E O U C (~ N N C O ' O C y O ~ y ~ ~ O W -~ C N d W C ~ N y U 7 ' O U _ E ° w ~ C m N ~ O 7 U C ~_ O ~ U E N ~ a L - V • O U C f0 O c X a c O x . ' U o y m a 7 ~ w m ~` o N ~ C (C _ 3 a - y ~ Y E U .> - w N m p C m E d _ '3 ~ N c (9 c ~ o U O a~ 7 C E ~ C f0 X II X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X } m N m ~ o W ~ N ~ ~ N «• O O O 'O C C Y U - H 3 C a J N 'O °7 O c N a - N (9 o ~ w ~ ~ o C7 w ~ f0 m O N •3 - ~ o V '~ ~~ ~ y ~ o d Q - N -O ~ p ~ d c C ~ L_ 3 p U -O N ' ~ ~ a '~ o '~ ~ m ? ~ ~ ° c X 0 '~c r 9 ~ U E C :~ ~ (6 _N y N d G1 ~ C 2 ~ ~ w ~ .,c7.. t ~s ° f6 •° -a o C ayi N c a' ~ d > L N C E o = ~- - ~c ' c ~ 0 0 O U !_' N m CO ~ m ~_ . ~ t~ O ~- " y $ c O ~ _ p X 4 S 3 ~ 7 ~ c N C _ 3 ~ M Y Q C7 °N' o a v n. O E ~' o a 7 m m U y ~ ~ ~ o > ~ ~ ra cn c u. 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With a new and tightly integrated system, all stakeholders of the city will be able to benefit through: • More timely and accurate reporting • Web-based Utility payment and inquiry • More efficient use of staff resources • More productive audit process • Leveraging GIS and Document Imaging integration • Implementing current technology that is tightly integrated with Microsoft's desktop software After their thorough evaluation, City staff is recommending Springbrook Software for a variety of reasons. In addition to the software modules and functionality staff is seeking, our firm possesses the longevity, financial stability, current technology and professionals to implement and support the applications the city is seeking to acquire. Privately held, and in business for over 23 years, Springbrook develops, markets, implements and supports financial accounting and customer information systems specifically designed for local government. Springbrook employs 105 staff members devoted to a single product line. We have over 400 customers nationwide and our organic growth rate is averaging 20% per year. Our firm was founded by a City Council member and our staff includes numerous former local government employees who provide unique insight into the development and support of our software. Together, our staff possesses a combined total of over 217 years of local government experience. Our home office is based in Portland Oregon and we have four employees based in St. Cloud, MN who were previously employed by your current vendor; ACS. Our St. Cloud based staff includes people the city has worked with and trust and includes a Sales Representative, aProject Manager, Support Specialist and Trainer. These individuals along with our entire team will play an instrumental role in the success of your project. Sprin~brc~ok Springbrook Software is excited to have the City of Monticello join our growing list of Minnesota cities that have successfully implemented and are using our software. Some cities include Andover, Arden Hills, Roseville, Red Wing, Savage, Chanhassen, Stillwater etc. Furthermore, a regional user group of Springbrook Software users has been meeting regularly in the Minneapolis area to share ideas, best practices and learn from one another. In closing, we are honored to be recommended as the vendor of choice for this important initiative and if approved, look forward to working with Monticello's dedicated staff of professionals for many years to come. Respectfully, ~~ r Jim Nelson Account Executive St. Cloud, MN