City Council Agenda Packet 01-08-2024AGENDA REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 8, 2024 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center CITY COUNCIL SPECIAL MEETING 5:15 p.m. 5:15 p.m. Block 34 Discussion Mayor: Lloyd Hilgart Council Members: Charlotte Gabler, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie, Sam Murdoff 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance B. Approval of Agenda — Councilmembers or the City Administrator may add items to the agenda for discussion purposes or approval. The City Council may or may not take official action on items added to the agenda. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from December 11, 2023 • Regular Meeting Minutes from December 11, 2023 • Special Meeting Minutes from December 22, 2023 D. Citizen Comments — Individuals may address the City Council about any item not contained on the agenda. Each speaker will be allotted three minutes with a maximum of five speakers. The Mayor may allow for additional time and/or speakers. The City Council generally takes no official action of items discussed, except for referral to staff for future report. E. Public Service Announcements/Updates • City Announcements - Holiday Hours— Martin Luther King Day — January 15 - Hi -Way Liquors Inventory Day • MCC Announcements - Indoor Farmers Market —January 6 F. Council Liaison Updates • IEDC • Planning Commission G. Department Updates • City Clerk Update 2. Consent Agenda — All items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered standard or may not need discussion prior to approval. These items are acted upon by one motion unless a councilmember, the city administrator, or a citizen requests the item by removed from consent for additional discussion. A. Consideration of approving payment of bills B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-01 approving donations of $2,025 from Monticello Riverfest and $1,000 from Headway Marketing for Fire Department general use and a donation of $2,999 from All Elements Roofing for the Fire Department to be used for a thermal imaging camera E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-02 accepting a grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board in the amount of $8,000 for hosting public mosaic art classes and creating seating murals for the downtown area F. Consideration of approving a temporary gambling permit for Wright County Pheasants Forever for a raffle to be held at their annual banquet to be held April 6, 2024 at Monticello Community Center G. Consideration of approving a temporary gambling permit for Sand Dunes Gobblers Chapter of the National Wild Turkey for a raffle to be held on March 2, 2024 at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard H. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Center Court Club on February 20, 2024 at the Monticello High School Fieldhouse, 5225 School Boulevard I. Consideration of approving annual appointments and designations for 2024 J. Consideration of approving an amendment to the agreement with Randi O'Keefe Krier as Animal Control Officer for animal control services and impound facility management to increase annual professional service fee by 5% K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-03 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $47,519.15 to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-04 authorizing submission of a Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant application for Monticello Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) sidewalk gaps and adopting Resolution 2024-05 authorizing maintenance of constructed improvements M. Consideration of approving the purchase of a 2024 Ford F550 Super Duty with hoist, contractor's box & steel V plow for $94,056 plus license and registration fees, and declaring the 2003 Ford F450 as surplus property N. Consideration of renewing membership in the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition for 2024 in the amount of $7,402 0. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-06 approving a grant agreement for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in connection with the City's Comprehensive Safety Action Plan P. Consideration of allocating Monticello Community Center fund reserves for fire alarm improvement project in the amount of $45,589 2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion 3. Public Hearings 4. Regular Agenda A. Consideration of appointing a ON Council member to Monticello's Parks, Arts & Recreation master planning steering committee (tabled from 12/11/23 meeting) 4. Adjournment MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 11, 2023 — 5:15 p.m. Academy Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tracy Hinz, and Sam Murdoff Absent: Lee Martie 1. Call to Order Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5:15 p.m. 2. City Administrator Annual Review City Council conducted an annual review of the City Administrator. There was consensus to continue the strategic planning/council prioritization session in early 2024 so Council can reaffirm or adjust top priorities as well as provide staff direction for the upcoming year. There was consensus to bring back the Council Connection with greater frequency and with regular updates from the various departments. Motion by Councilmember Gabler to provide the city administrator with a full step increase. Seconded by Mayor Hilgart. Motion carried 4-0; Councilmember Martie was absent. 3. Adjournment By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:20 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 11, 2023 City Administrator REGULAR MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, December 11, 2023 — 6:30 p.m. Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Charlotte Gabler, Tracy Hinz, and Sam Murdoff Absent: Lee Martie 1. General Business A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. B. Approval of Agenda Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Approval of Meeting Minutes • Special Meeting Minutes from November 27, 2023 • Regular Meeting Minutes from November 27, 2023 Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the minutes. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Citizen Comments None. E. Public Service Announcements ➢ Haley Foster, Communications & Marketing Specialist, noted the following public announcements: • Holiday Hours • Christmas Tree Pick Up • Winter Swimming Lessons • 3D Snowflake Making Social • Mosaic Class at MontiArts F. Council Liaison Updates • Parks, Arts, and Recreation Commission (PARC) — Councilmember Murdoff gave an update and noted that the commission received an update from the University of Minnesota on the economic impact of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. The commission also reviewed the following: two new members, fee schedule, and concept plan for West Bridge Park. City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 1 1 8 • Industrial & Economic Development Committee (IEDC) — Councilmember Hinz noted that there was a review of the following: Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership and the committee's schedule for 2024, and an update on the Wright County Economic Development activities. • Planning Commission — Councilmember Gabler gave an update on the meeting held December 5. The following was noted: - an interview for open Planning Commission position - concept stage planned unit development review for Storage Link - two public hearings - 2023-2025 workplan 2. Consent Agenda: Councilmember Murdoff moved approval of the consent agenda. Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill and purchase card registers for a total of $1,596,544.85. B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments. Action taken: Approved the hires for Administration, MCC, and Parks, and terminations for Fire and MCC. C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Action taken: No report this cycle. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-102 accepting donations of $4,000 from Monticello Lions Club to purchase an AED and $500 from Friends of Betram for a mural — both at Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. Action taken: The resolution accepting donations was adopted. E. Consideration of approving City of Monticello Business Hours for 2024. Action taken: Business Hours for 2024 were approved. F. Consideration of approving the 2024 Regularly Scheduled City Council and Commission meetings. Action taken: 2024 regularly scheduled meetings was approved. G. Consideration of renewing pawn broker license for David Corbin dba Monticello Pawn, Gun & Bargain Center at 1219 South Highway 25. Action taken: License was approved. H. Consideration of approving Board and Commission appointments commencing January 1, 2024. Action taken: Appointments were approved. City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 2 1 8 Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-103 approving the allocation of Coronavirus Local Fiscal Recover Fund established under the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Funds to certain uses. Action taken: Resolution approving the allocation of funds was approved. J. Consideration of authorizing AE2S to provide engineering services for the construction of a water treatment plant at a total cost of $1,939,800. Action taken: Approved contract for engineering services with AE2S. K. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a 2024 Chevy Equinox for a not to exceed amount of $35,000 for the Building Department. Action taken: Purchase was approved. L. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a 2024 Ford F-350 from Midway Ford and truck accessories from Crysteel Truck Equipment for a total of $86,049.01 and to surplus #206, a 2004 Ford F-350. Action taken: Approved the purchase. M. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-104 accepting stormwater improvements for Haven Ridge 1st Addition. Action taken: Resolution accepting the improvements was approved. N. Consideration of approving a Control Agreement between the City of Monticello, Haven Ridge L.L.C, and Tamarack Land — Haven Ridge LLC, relating to remaining securities for the first phase of Haven Ridge. Action taken: Approved the Control Agreement and authorized execution of the agreement by the City Administrator, contingent on signatures of the other parties. O. Consideration of approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide two parcels from Mixed -Density Residential and Mixed Neighborhood to Public and Institutional, Preliminary Plat for Redford Crossing, and Development Stage PUD for a proposed municipal Public Works Facility. Applicant: City of Monticello. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2023-110 approving the preliminary plat of Redford Crossing subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said resolution; Adopted Resolution 2023-111 approving a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to reguide the proposed Lot 2, Block 1 and Outlots A, B, and C of Redford Crossing to Public and Institutional and Lot 1, Block 1 of Redford Crossing to Mixed Neighborhood, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said resolution; Adopted Resolution 2023-112 approving the Development Stage PUD for the proposed Public Works Facility on the proposed Lot 2, Block 1 and Outlots A, B, and C of Redford Crossing subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said resolution. City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 3 1 8 P. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 818 amending the Monticello City Code, Title XV: Land Usage, Chapter 153: Zoning Ordinance, Section 153.091— Use Specific Standards, to allow for a single industrial self -storage facility to be built on a parcel les than two acres and allow for such individual units to be divided into spaces of at least 1,500 square feet in industrial districts, and including definitions or other regulations necessary to define and limit the intent or application of the proposed amendment. Applicant: Skylar Rekstad. Action taken: Adopted ordinance 818 based on findings in Resolution No. PC-023-37. Q. Consideration of accepting the 2023 Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Athletic Park Economic Impact Analysis. Action taken: Accepting the impact analysis. R. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-105 approving an amended Tax Increment Financing (TIF) Policy. Action taken: Adopted Resolution approving the amended policy. S. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-106 approving an amended Small Cities Development Program Revolving Loan Fund (SCDPRLF) Policy. Action taken: Adopted Resolution approving the amended policy. 3. Public Hearings: A. PUBLIC HEARING: Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-107 ordering the 7t" Street Retaining Wall, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon and Sidewalk Improvement Proiect Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, presented the item and project details. The project includes 7t" Street wall replacement and sidewalk installation. The total cost is anticipated to be $687,509 with $337,930 proposed to be assessed. Mr. Leonard reviewed the assessment method used and noted that the anticipated assessment hearing will be in September 2024. The project would begin in May/June 2024 with substantial completion in July/August 2024. Councilmember Gabler requested that staff look at a possible light at 7t" Street and Walnut. Mr. Leonard noted that a light in that location would need to be reviewed by MnDOT and would prefer to wait since MnDOT is reviewing the 7tn Street/Highway 25 light. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. One individual testified. David Brinkman 221 7tn St. W. - Mr. Brinkman questioned the service that a sidewalk on the north side of 7t" would provide since there is a sidewalk on the south side. He also questioned if there would be changes in grade to his access. City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 4 18 Matt Leonard responded that the City's policy is to have sidewalks on both sides of the streets on higher volume roadways. This is for the safety of pedestrians. He also noted that the grade of his property could possibly change, however, they don't have the final plans. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Resolution 2023-107 ordering the 7tn Street Retaining Wall, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon and Sidewalk Improvement Project. Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-108 or&rina the Broadwav Street Roadwav and Utilitv Improvement Project Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, presented the item and project details. The project includes Broadway Street pavement preservation, a rectangular rapid flashing beacon at Cedar Street and Broadway Street, a sidewalk/trail connection along the northside of Broadway East, and trail lighting. The anticipated project cost is $3,076,531. This project is shared with Wright County. The City's portion would be $1,435,423 with $30,932 proposed to be assessed. Staff is unclear if an easement can be obtained to complete section of trail from Broadway to the Riverwalk Trail. It is proposed to remove this section from the project and move to a future project. There was some discussion on the proposed trail in front of the hospital and who would use the trail. Mr. Leonard noted that completing this sidewalk would be most beneficial if there is a trail connection to the Riverwalk Trail or if it is constructed all the way to Fenning (with a portion being an on -road trail on Hart Blvd.) Mr. Leonard commented that the sidewalk should be removed from the project if the easement for a trail is not obtained. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. No one testified. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2023-108 ordering the Broadway Street Roadway and Utility Improvement Project. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. C. Consideration of adopting Ordinance 819 amending Citv Fee Schedule for 2024 and adopting Summary Ordinance 819A for publication City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 5 1 8 Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, introduced the draft 2024 fee schedule and noted the major changes. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. There was no public testimony. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Ordinance 819 and Summary Ordinance 819A for publication. Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-109 Gertifvina the 2024 Final Property Tax Levv and authorizing cancellation of certain deferred tax levies Sarah Rathlisberger presented the final tax levy for 2024. Included in the presentation was a review of the proposed levy increase for the HRA and the City. Noted in the presentation were the following: property valuation, tax capacity rate, tax base changes, tax capacity shift and levy impact, tax impacts, property tax history, and what property tax is used for. The 2024 City Property Tax Levy is proposed to increase by 9%. Mayor Hilgart opened the public hearing. The following individual testified: James Vanderlinden 6317 86t" St. NE — Mr. Vanderlinden expressed that people are being overtaxed. He commented that he would like to see the increase be 1 or 2% and that items in the budget should be cut, including staff. Mayor Hilgart closed the public hearing. There was some discussion among Councilmembers. Mayor Hilgart noted that he would like to remove some funding going to the capital fund and that the levy be increased by 7% instead of 9%. Mayor Hilgart spoke in support of City staff and noted that there isn't any excess staff to cut from the budget. Councilmember Gabler reiterated the statements and noted that staff's work is reviewed. Councilmember Murdoff added that services would need to be cut if the budget and/or staff is cut. Councilmember Hinz further added that the increase in the budget is allowing the City to thrive as a community. City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 6 18 Mayor Hilgart moved to adopt Resolution 2023-109 approving the property tax levy with an amendment to reduce by $240,000 from capital projects fund (for 7% levy increase) but keep the library carpet. The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmember Gabler moved to adopt Resolution 2023-109 approving the property tax levy with an amendment to reduce by $120,000 (for 8% levy increase). The motion died for lack of a second. Councilmember Hinz moved to adopt Resolution 2023-109 approving the property tax levy with an amendment to reduce by $120,000 (for 8% levy increase) but keep the library carpet in the budget. Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion failed 2-2; Mayor Hilgart and Councilmember Murdoff voted against. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Resolution 2023-109 approving the property tax levy as proposed (9% levy increase). Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion failed 2-2; Mayor Hilgart and Councilmember Gabler voted against. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Resolution 2023-109 approving the property tax levy with an amendment to reduce by $60,000 from capital projects fund (for 8.5% levy increase) but keep the library carpet. Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1; Mayor Hilgart voted against. 4. Regular Agenda: A. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2023-113 approving the 2024 Budget and authorizing certain finance -related actions Sarah Rathlisberger presented the 2024 Budget. The proposed budget of $74,096,000 includes an increase in the following various items: contract with Wright County Sheriff's Office, elections, response to Emerald Ash Borer diseased trees, pathways, inflation and other costs. There was minimal discussion. Councilmember Murdoff moved to adopt Resolution 2023-113 approving the 2024 budget with an amendment to reduce by $60,000 from capital projects fund. Councilmember Hinz seconded the motion. Motion carried 3-1; Mayor Hilgart voted against. B. Consideration of appointing a Citv Council member to Monticello's Parks, Arts and Recreation master planning steering committee. Tom Pawelk, Parks & Recreation Director, gave a brief overview and noted that he there is a need for a council member to serve on the Monticello's Parks, Arts, City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 7 1 8 and Recreation master planning steering committee. The committee will meet once a month for five months. Councilmembers Hinz and Gabler expressed an interest in serving as member/alternate. There was discussion on possibly moving the time to be later in the day. Tom Pawelk responded that he would check on the time or for options for attending the meeting, such as attending remotely. By consensus the item was tabled the item until January. S. Adiournment: The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Attest: City Administrator City Council Minutes: December 11, 2023 Page 8 1 8 MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING — MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Thursday, December 22, 2023 — 7:30 a.m. Academy Room City Hall - Monticello Community Center Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Tracy Hinz, Lee Martie, and Sam Murdoff Absent: None 1. Call to Order Mayor Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 7:30 a.m. in the Academy Room. 2. A. Consideration of approving pavment of bill registers Councilmember Hinz moved approval of the bill registers. Councilmember Murdoff seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously. B. Adjournment Meeting was adjourned at 7:35 a.m. Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber Approved: Attest: City Administrator City Council Special Meeting Minutes — December 22, 2023 Page 1 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2A. Consideration of approving pavment of bills Prepared by: Meeting Date Finance Director Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve the bill and purchase card registers for a total amount of $698,113.70. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City staff submits the attached bill registers and purchasing card registers for approval by Council. The bill registers contain all invoices processed and the purchasing card registers contain all card purchases made since the last Council meeting. Subject to MN Statutes, most invoices require Council approval prior to releasing checks for payment. The day following Council approval, payments will be released unless directed otherwise. A credit purchasing agreement and policy was approved by Council initially and card purchases must comply with the policy. If Council has no questions or comments on the bill and purchase card registers, these can be approved with the consent agenda. If requested, this item can be removed from consent and discussed prior to making a motion for approval. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: No additional work. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of bill and purchase card registers as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • Bill registers and purchase card registers Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: debbie.gulbrandson - 4 Printed: 01/02/2024 - 2:37PM Batch: 00204.12.2023 - 204.12.2023 Xcel/CPE Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Vendor: 1102 CENTERPOINT ENERGY Check Sequence: 1 12/31/2023 5863599-6 - Animal Shelter 154.09 12/31/2023 101-42700-438100 12/31/2023 5828859-8 - Storage Garage 15.87 12/31/2023 101-41940-438100 12/31/2023 5864452-7- Library 212.66 12/31/2023 101-45501-438100 12/31/2023 5837384-6 - Puble Works 516.16 12/31/2023 101-43127-438100 12/31/2023 6401745330-5 - 349 W Broadway 95.26 12/31/2023 101-45204-438100 12/31/2023 5788570-9 - Hi Way Liquor 213.56 12/31/2023 609-49754-438100 12/31/2023 5804618-6 - Parks (Fallon) 15.00 12/31/2023 101-45201-438100 12/31/2023 5768542-2 - MCC 3,897.26 12/31/2023 226-45126-438100 12/31/2023 5768542-2 - City Hall 168.53 12/31/2023 101-41940-438100 12/31/2023 5820786-1 - Public Works 49.18 12/31/2023 101-43127-438100 12/31/2023 5799425-3 - Public Works 164.70 12/31/2023 101-43127-438100 12/31/2023 5821009-7 - Parks 201.58 12/31/2023 101-45201-438100 12/31/2023 5768542-2 - National Guard 84.27 12/31/2023 101-42800-438100 12/31/2023 5768542-2 - Senior Center 63.20 12/31/2023 101-45175-438100 12/31/2023 8000015233-2 - WWTP 3,018.60 12/31/2023 602-49480-438100 12/31/2023 5806932-9 - Parks 16.76 12/31/2023 101-45201-438100 12/31/2023 5799427-9 - Public Works 43.93 12/31/2023 101-43127-438100 12/31/2023 11077481-7 - Fire Station 281.56 12/31/2023 101-42200-438100 12/31/2023 8235333-5 - DMV 50.00 12/31/2023 653-41990-438100 12/31/2023 5843395-4 - Facilities 53.56 12/31/2023 701-00000-438100 12/31/2023 6402462182-9 - Old Help Center 61.28 12/31/2023 701-00000-438100 12/31/2023 8235331-9 - DMV 76.33 12/31/2023 653-41990-438100 12/31/2023 6403095858-7 - 213 W Broadway 105.49 12/31/2023 101-45204-438100 12/31/2023 12045691-8 - 216 Pine St - EDA 35.74 12/31/2023 213-46301-438100 Check Total: 9,594.57 Vendor: 6271 CLUB AUTOMATION - DAXCO LLC Check Sequence: 2 INV240878 December service, credit card, app & software ft 1,376.12 12/31/2023 702-00000-431900 Check Total: 1,376.12 Monticeflo Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (O1/02/2024 - 2:37 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Vendor: 2050 DEMVI LLC 12/25/2023 Parking Lot Maintenance - Dec 2023 Check Total: Vendor: 6041 HEALTHEQUITY INC 16747042 Participant Fee - Dec 2023 40830280 FSA - Dependent Care 40838924 FSA - Dependent Care 40838924 FSA - Medical Check Total: Vendor: 5188 HEALTHY CONTRIBUTIONS 12/28/2023 AARP Supplement/At Your Best Check Total: Vendor: 5646 JACK HENRY & ASSOCIATES, INC 4477931 Client Account Fees - Nov 2023 Check Total: Vendor: 4732 MONEY MOVERS, INC. 162453 Fitness Rewards - Nov 2023 Check Total: Vendor: 2405 WELLS FARGO - Monthly Charges/Returns 12/1/2023 NSF SA Payment Check Total: Vendor: 1585 XCEL ENERGY 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Facilities Mgmt 12/31/2023 51-6505915-2 - Parks 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 -MCC 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Library 12/31/2023 51-6505907-2 - Park Lots- auto 12/31/2023 51-6505907-2 - Parking Lots 12/31/2023 51-6505905-0 - Water 12/31/2023 51-6505915-2 - Ice Rink 33% 12/31/2023 ZZZNEP-IMPLEM- 51-6505908-3 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - City Hall Amount Payment Date Acct Number Check Sequence: 3 213.86 12/31/2023 213-46301-431991 213.86 Check Sequence: 4 36.90 12/31/2023 101-41800-413 500 192.30 12/31/2023 101-00000-217200 2,500.00 12/31/2023 101-00000-217200 40.00 12/31/2023 101-00000-217300 2,769.20 Check Sequence: 5 8.20 12/31/2023 226-45122-430900 8.20 Check Sequence: 6 69.57 12/31/2023 226-45122-443980 69.57 Check Sequence: 7 18.00 12/31/2023 226-45122-430900 18.00 Check Sequence: 8 1,272.62 12/31/2023 324-00000-361000 1,272.62 Check Sequence: 9 131.65 12/31/2023 701-00000-438100 662.26 12/31/2023 101-45201-438100 7,750.97 12/31/2023 226-45126-438100 913.85 12/31/2023 101-45501-438100 84.19 12/31/2023 101-43160-43 8100 25.40 12/31/2023 101-43160-43 8100 10,598.83 12/31/2023 601-49440-438100 101.65 12/31/2023 601-49440-438100 40.88 12/31/2023 101-42500-43 8100 1,711.25 12/31/2023 101-41940-43 8100 Reference ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True ACH Enabled: True AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/02/2024 - 2:37 PM) Page 2 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 12/31/2023 51-6505914-1- Shop/Garage 2,355.76 12/31/2023 101-43127-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Fire Station 1,000.24 12/31/2023 101-42200-438100 12/31/2023 51-7780310-4- Bldg.Inspec. G 46.51 12/31/2023 101-41940-438100 12/31/2023 51-0623082-8 - MontiArts 132.86 12/31/2023 101-45204-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505915-2 - NSP- Softball 224.27 12/31/2023 101-45203-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Liquor Store 1,631.54 12/31/2023 609-49754-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505906-1 - Sewer 1,409.58 12/31/2023 602-49490-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Senior Center 402.65 12/31/2023 101-45175-438100 12/31/2023 51-6572904-0- WWTP 18,749.31 12/31/2023 602-49480-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505915-2 - NSP- consc/sec. 32.84 12/31/2023 101-45203-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505916-3 - Street Lights 25,452.81 12/31/2023 101-43160-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - National Guard 201.32 12/31/2023 101-42800-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Parks Bldg 355.92 12/31/2023 101-45201-438100 12/31/2023 51-0013373403-2 - MontiArts 80.48 12/31/2023 101-45204-438100 12/31/2023 Solar Reward Credit -33,987.64 12/31/2023 101-41310-362140 12/31/2023 amount booked to AR -6,434.05 12/31/2023 101-00000-115030 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 - Animal Shelter 118.62 12/31/2023 101-42700-438100 12/31/2023 51-6505911-8 DMV Building 365.31 12/31/2023 653-41990-438100 Check Total: 34,159.26 Total for Check Run: 49,481.40 Total of Number of Checks: 9 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/08/2023 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP -Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/02/2024 - 2:37 PM) Page 3 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date User: julie.cheney Printed: 1/3/2024 2:56 PM 'K cirr ar � Monticelo Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount ACH 1062 BEAUDRY OIL COMPANY O1/09/2024 4,970.58 ACH 1065 BELLBOY CORPORATION O1/09/2024 4,923.32 ACH 1074 BOLTON AND MENK INC O1/09/2024 11,567.00 ACH 1079 BOYER TRUCKS - ST MICHAEL O1/09/2024 272.04 ACH 1106 CENTRAL MCGOWAN INC O1/09/2024 166.95 ACH 1129 DAHLHEIMER BEVERAGE LLC O1/09/2024 70,404.70 ACH 1153 ECM PUBLISHERS INC O1/09/2024 662.75 ACH 1186 BDG INC O1/09/2024 225.45 ACH 1187 FORCE AMERICA DISTRIBUTING LLC O1/09/2024 1,191.62 ACH 1223 HAWKINS INC O1/09/2024 1,687.27 ACH 1239 NORTH CENTRAL INTERNATIONAL Ll 01/09/2024 106.44 ACH 1273 KIWI KAI IMPORTS, INC. 01/09/2024 2,413.00 ACH 1303 M AMUNDSON CIGAR & CANDY CO, I O1/09/2024 1,557.85 ACH 1305 MACQUEEN EQUIPMENT LLC O1/09/2024 1,010.00 ACH 1411 OLSON & SONS ELECTRIC INC O1/09/2024 1,044.00 ACH 1417 OSC OXYGEN SERVICE COMPANY O1/09/2024 630.24 ACH 1550 VEOLIA WATER N AM OPERATING SE] 01/09/2024 70,514.63 ACH 1552 VIKING COCA COLA BOTTLING CO O1/09/2024 666.75 ACH 1567 WES OLSON ELECTRIC LLC O1/09/2024 573.15 ACH 1572 THE WINE COMPANY O1/09/2024 745.20 ACH 1684 VINOCOPIA O1/09/2024 1,117.25 ACH 1698 LEE MARTIE O1/09/2024 70.00 ACH 2928 NUSS TRUCK AND EQUIPMENT O1/09/2024 17.07 ACH 3739 LLOYD HILGART O1/09/2024 70.00 ACH 4361 DALCO ENTERPRISES, INC. 01/09/2024 243.34 ACH 4459 JAMES THARES O1/09/2024 63.53 ACH 4475 DAKOTA SUPPLY GROUP O1/09/2024 86.86 ACH 4633 PERFORMANCE FOOD GROUP INC O1/09/2024 975.32 ACH 4646 CAPITOL BEVERAGE SALES L.P. 01/09/2024 31,964.09 ACH 4719 SCHMITZ EXCAVATING O1/09/2024 1,905.94 ACH 4832 TIFCO INDUSTRIES, INC. 01/09/2024 621.50 ACH 4962 RENGEL PRINTING COMPANY, INC O1/09/2024 76.68 ACH 5201 DICK FAMILY, INC. 01/09/2024 3,348.10 ACH 5211 RANDI O'KEEFE KRIER O1/09/2024 1,622.25 ACH 5393 OERTEL ARCHITECTS O1/09/2024 127,528.70 ACH 5454 PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICES O1/09/2024 11,645.00 ACH 5512 HYDROCORP HYDRO -DESIGNS, INC. 01/09/2024 741.00 ACH 5585 SBRK FINANCE HOLDINGS INC O1/09/2024 620.00 ACH 5588 DESIGN TREE ENGINEERING INC O1/09/2024 2,046.00 ACH 5635 WK & ASSOCIATES LLC O1/09/2024 725.00 ACH 6251 STEPHEN W GRITTMAN O1/09/2024 9,206.00 ACH 6272 DANGEROUS MAN BREWING COOMP O1/09/2024 421.00 ACH 6297 MEYER CONTRACTING INC O1/09/2024 1,884.95 127992 2925 1ST LINE/LEEWES VENTURES LLC O1/09/2024 442.25 127993 4303 ALDEN POOL & MUNICIPAL SUPPLY ( 01/09/2024 423.75 127994 6343 ALLOY WELDING & MFG INC O1/09/2024 6,500.00 127995 6342 JENNIFERANFINSON O1/09/2024 670.00 AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (1/3/2024 2:56 PM) Page 1 Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount 127996 3491 ARTISAN BEER COMPANY 01/09/2024 622.95 127997 1368 AUTO VALUE MONTICELLO 01/09/2024 609.59 127998 1067 BERNICK'S 01/09/2024 3,579.48 127999 4328 BREAKTHRU BEVERAGE MN WINE & 01/09/2024 9,196.07 128000 1095 CARLOS CREEK WINERY INC 01/09/2024 687.00 128001 6313 GOVERNMENTJOBS.COM INC 01/09/2024 16,801.05 128002 6345 MELISSAHELGET 01/09/2024 35.00 128003 4650 JASEN HOGLUND 01/09/2024 60.00 128004 4599 BOB IDZIOREK 01/09/2024 70.00 128005 2208 INITIATIVE FOUNDATION 01/09/2024 2,390.00 128006 3971 INTL UNION OF OPER ENGINEERS LO 01/09/2024 22,720.00 128007 1263 JOHNSON BROTHERS LIQUOR CO. 01/09/2024 47,415.31 128008 5974 JOTL PROPERTIES, LLC 01/09/2024 1,530.00 128009 1270 KENNEDY AND GRAVEN CHARTEREL 01/09/2024 2,626.25 128010 5389 KNIFE RIVER 01/09/2024 47,519.15 128011 1296 LITTLE FALLS MACHINE INC 01/09/2024 8,635.91 128012 1297 LOCATORS & SUPPLIES INC 01/09/2024 1,182.18 128013 2272 MBPTA 01/09/2024 100.00 128014 1314 MCDOWALL COMPANY 01/09/2024 59,700.00 128015 3757 BRIDGET MCGRIFF 01/09/2024 158.72 128016 1317 MDRA 01/09/2024 1,080.00 128017 3187 MES - MUNICIPAL EMERGENCY SERV 01/09/2024 8,928.71 128018 1349 MN DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION 01/09/2024 2,340.85 128019 1370 MONTICELLO DEPUTY REG #002 01/09/2024 2,105.33 128020 2512 MONTICELLO PLBG HTG AC LLC 01/09/2024 2,000.37 128021 1913 NEW FRANCE WINE 01/09/2024 404.00 128022 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO 01/09/2024 14,369.32 128023 1450 RAILROAD MANAGEMENT CO III LLC 01/09/2024 379.14 128024 6157 BARRY RHINEBERGER 01/09/2024 223.58 128025 4781 RUE 38 LLC 01/09/2024 348.50 128026 5447 SESAC RIGHTS MANAGEMENT INC 01/09/2024 581.00 128027 5900 SIGN SOLUTIONS USA, LLC 01/09/2024 1,063.65 128028 6013 JAMES W SORENSON 01/09/2024 637.30 128029 3309 SOUTHERN GLAZER'S WINE AND SPII 01/09/2024 2,589.52 128030 5506 ST MICHAEL SPINAL REHAB CENTER 01/09/2024 60.00 128031 4723 TRAFFIC CONTROL CORP. 01/09/2024 540.00 128032 6344 TRAFFICALM SYSTEMS 01/09/2024 798.00 128033 4859 TRIO SUPPLY COMPANY 01/09/2024 73.98 128034 4656 TRUE FABRICATIONS, INC. 01/09/2024 59.88 128035 3783 ULINE 01/09/2024 419.56 128036 1543 US BANK TRUST SERVICES 01/09/2024 1,100.00 128037 4871 DAREK VETSCH 01/09/2024 70.00 128038 1555 VONCO II LLC 01/09/2024 86.23 128039 6775 WHITE CAP, LP 01/09/2024 92.30 128040 1573 WINE MERCHANTS INC 01/09/2024 2,273.90 Total for 1/9/2024: 648,632.30 Report Total (92 checks): 648,632.30 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1 /9/2024 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (1/3/2024 2:56 PM) Page 2 Accounts Payable Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date MY T OF User: debbie.gulbrandson Monti � Printed: 1/8/2024 2:12 PM .V. Check No Vendor No Vendor Name Check Date Check Amount 128041 1427 PHILLIPS WINE & SPIRITS CO O1/08/2024 487.16 Total for 1/8/2024: 487.16 Report Total (1 checks): 487.16 The preceding list of bills payable was reviewed and approved for payment. Date: 1/8/2024 Approved by: Mayor Lloyd Hilgart AP Checks by Date - Summary by Check Date (1/8/2024 2:12 PM) Page 1 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Citv departments Prepared by: Human Resources Manager Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date: 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ❑x Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve new hires and departures for city departments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to ratify the attached list of new hires and departures for the City. This listing includes full-time, part-time, seasonal, and temporary employees. The listing may also include status changes and promotions. I. Budget Impact: Positions are generally included in the budget. II. Staff Workload Impact: If new position, there may be some training involved. If terminated position, existing staff will cover hours as needed, until replacement. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of new hires and departures as identified on the attached list. SUPPORTING DATA • List of new hires and terminated employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Hunter Thurber Firefighter Fire 12/18/2023 PT Tommy Moores Seasonal Streets Worker Streets 12/21/2023 Seasonal Ari Marquette Lifeguard MCC 12/30/2023 PT Rita Hickey Supervised Play Attendant MCC 1/3/2024 PT Damon Dean Liquor Store Clerk Liquor Store 1/9/2024 FT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Effective Date Class Noah Duszynski Voluntary MCC 7/30/23 PT Scott Sitron Voluntary MCC 8/22/23 PT Tyler Raeth Voluntary MCC 11/29/23 PT Keegan Tisch Voluntary MCC 11/30/23 PT Addison Simard Voluntary MCC 12/31/23 PT New Hire and Terms City Council 2024: 1/3/2024 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2C. Consideration of approving the sale of Public Works Department surplus vroverty Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk 1/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A City Administrator ACTION REQUESTED Motion to approve the sale of two Public Works trucks. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Council is asked to declare certain items as surplus property and authorize the sale or disposal of those items. Public Works is selling two trucks: a 2003 Chevy 2500 HD (approx. $4,500) and a 2003 Ford F150 (approx.. $4,500) at auction. I. Budget Impact: The value of the equipment. II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of sale of surplus property. SUPPORTING DATA • Surplus List Equipment/Supplies Surplus List Department: Public Works Department 1. $100,000 + A. B. 2. $50,000 - $100,000 A. B. 3. $25,000.00 - $50,000.00 A. B. 4. $10,000 - $25,000 A. B. C. 5. $2,500 - $10,000 A. 2003 Ford F150 4 x 4 B. 2003 Chevy 2500 HD, 4X4 C. 6. $1,000 - $2,500 A. B. C. 7. $100 - $1,000 A. B. C. 8. $0 - $100 A. B. C. Date:1/8/24 r.,Aw . ,r �r Cd .1 fix ire i'. 3O . 'sob° 100 120 90 ' 2O aft 4o MPH 140 ' �0�. Aso so_ t t -20 P RN*D 3 2'1 ♦ i w M� r! t • ►" • W • �N two 46 •' I Vol . r. 4b '± i •. ` �? L �a APO 40 � f w•. ,�. St r z� #2S '�G� r 11.1w 0 4 'N.-m �W domp deaw 40so woop 4 orl City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-01 accepting donations of $2,025 from Monticello Riverfest and $1,000 from Headwav Marketing for Fire Department general use and a donation of $2,999 from All Elements Roofing for the Fire Department to be used for a thermal imaging camera Prepared by: City Clerk Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-01 accepting donations of $2,025 from Monticello Riverfest and $1,000 from Headway Marketing for Fire Department general use and a donation from All Elements Roofing of $2,999 for the Fire Department to be used for a thermal imaging camera. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City received three donations for use by the Fire Department, including: • $2,025 from Monticello Riverfest for general use • $1,000 from Headway Marketing for general use • $2,999 from All Elements Roofing for thermal imaging camera As required by state statute, the City needs to accept the donations by resolution. I. Budget Impact: The donations received will offset costs as noted. II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommend accepting the donations. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2024-01 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-01 RESOLUTION APPROVING CONTRIBUTIONS WHEREAS, the City of Monticello is generally authorized to accept contributions of real and personal property pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Sections 465.03 and 465.04 for the benefit of its citizens and is specifically authorized to maintain such property for the benefit of its citizens in accordance with the terms prescribed by the donor. Said gifts may be limited under provisions of MN Statutes Section 471.895. WHEREAS, the following persons and or entities have offered to contribute contributions or gifts to the City as listed: DONOR/ENTITY DESCRIPTION/PURPOSE—T CASH Monticello Riverfest Fire Department General $2,025 Use Headway Marketing Fire Department General $1,000 Use All Elements Roofing Fire Department Thermal $2,999 Imagin& Camera WHEREAS, all said contributions are intended to aid the City in establishing facilities, operations or programs within the city's jurisdiction either alone or in cooperation with others, as allowed by law; and WHEREAS, the City Council hereby finds that it is appropriate to accept the contributions offered. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of Monticello as follows: 1. The contributions described above are hereby accepted by the City of Monticello. 2. The contributions described above will be used as designated by the donor. This may entail reimbursing or allocating the money to another entity that will utilize the funds for the purpose stated above. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 8th day of January, 2024. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2E. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-02 accepting a grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board in the amount of $8,000 for hosting public mosaic art classes and creating concrete seating murals for the downtown area Prepared by: Meeting Date: ❑x Consent Agenda Item Parks & Recreation Director 1/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: City Clerk ACTION REQUESTED Approved by: City Administrator Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-02 accepting an $8,000 grant from Central Minnesota Arts Board for hosting public mosaic art classes and creating concrete seating murals for downtown. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Downtown Mosaic Art Project with Laura Ruprecht brings a highly skilled mosaic artist to Monticello to work with staff and area residents to create community -built public art pieces for downtown. The project is a key part of a plan to make this art form a distinctive feature of our downtown art program and will enable us to expand on the work we will do with Ms. Ruprecht in subsequent years as our downtown develops and our community grows. The City received a check of $6,400, and at completion will receive the remaining amount. There is no match from the City. Budget Impact: The $8,000 is funded by Central Minnesota Arts Board. Two payments will be made to the City from CMAB, at 80% and 100% completion. The grant funds will support public mosaic classes and the creation of mosaic concrete seating. II. Staff Workload Impact: Management of grant and contract agreements. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes a chapter committed to Community Character, Design and the Arts. The goals specifically call for using artistic streetscape elements to encourage economic development and vitality as well as a commitment to public art programming that includes opportunities for participation and expression. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2024-02 to accept the grant funds from CMAB. SUPPORTING DATA • Resolution 2024-02 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNCTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-02 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING GRANT FUNDING FROM THE MINNESOTA STATE ARTS BOARD IN THE AMOUNT OF $8,000 WHEREAS, The City of Monticello was notified by the Minnesota State Arts Board that the City received a grant of $8,000 for mosaic artist Laura Ruprecht; and WHEREAS, the grant will fund several community -built public art pieces downtown; and WHEREAS, $6,400 of the grant has been received by the City, with the remaining to be paid upon completion; and WHEREAS, there is no local match for the grant. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO: That the City Council authorizes accepting grant funding of $8,000 from the Minnesota State Arts Board. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 8tn day of January, 2024. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2F. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Wright Countv Pheasants Forever, on April 6, 2024, at the Monticello Communitv Center Prepared by: City Clerk Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve the temporary gambling permit for the Wright County Pheasants Forever for raffle being held on April 6 at the Monticello Community Center. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Wright County Pheasants Forever applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on April 6, 2024. The event is being held at the Monticello Community Center. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the temporary gambling permit. SUPPORTING DATA • Application MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 4/23 Page 1 of 3 An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit Application Fee (non-refundable) organization that: Applications are processed in the order received. If the application • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. yea r. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite your county by calling 651-539-1900. service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION Organization Previous Gambling Name: Wright County Pheasants Forever Permit Number: X- 04218-23-018 Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: 4874648 Number (FEIN), if any: 41-1429149 Mailing Address: 702 9th St NW City: Buffalo State: MN Zip: 55313 County: Wright Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Eric Mattson CEO Daytime Phone: 763-245-3961 CEO Email: matts288@gmail.com (permit will be emailed to this email address unless otherwise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): eric.mattson@usda.gov NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Orqanization (check one): 0 Fraternal Religious Q Veterans 0 Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: I (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) F-1 A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 F_� IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. IZI IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): Monticello Community Center Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): 505 Walnut St., Monticello, MN 55362 Check one: 0 City: Monticello zip: 55362 County: Wright Township: Zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): April 6. 2024 Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: = Bingo Q Paddlewheels = Pull -Tabs = Tipboards a Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 4/23 Page 2 of 3 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1st class city). F-The application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. F-1 The application is denied. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) Date: The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to th card within 30 days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: ��. �i'�'^i Date: 12-18-23 (Sig,Wure must be CKCYs signature; de3t�may not sign) Print Name: Eric Mattson REQUIREMENTS I MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS j Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer How You May Spend Gambling Funds Allowable expenses - Gambling funds may be spent for allowable expenses, such as: • gambling equipment (pull -tabs, bingo paper, bingo blower, paddlewheel tickets, tipboard games); • advertising; • printing raffle tickets; or • any services or goods that are directly related to the conduct of your gambling. Charitable contributions - Gambling funds may be spent for the following charitable contributions (lawful purpose): • to or by 501(c)(3) organization and 501(c)(4) festival organizations; • relieving the effects of poverty, homelessness, or disability; • problem gambling programs approved by the Minnesota Department of Human Services; • public or private nonprofit school; • scholarships (if a contribution is made to a scholarship fund, it must be made to a nonprofit organization whose primGry missi01-1 is to award scholarships); • church; « recognition of military service (open to public) or active military personnel in need; • activities and facilities benefiting youth under age 21; • citizen monitoring of surface water quality, with data submitted to Minnesota PCA; • unit of government (NOTE: A direct contribution to a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency is not allowed); • wildlife management projects or activities that benefit the public -at -large, with DNR approval; • grooming and maintaining snowmobile or all -terrain trails that are grant-in-aid trails, or other trails open to public use, with DNR approval; • supplies and materials for DNR training and educational programs; • nutritional programs, food shelves, and congregate dining programs primarily for persons who are 62 or older or disabled; • community arts organizations or programs; • humanitarian service recognizing volunteerism or philanthropy; and • acquisition and repair of real property and capital assets (contact the Gambling Control Board for requirements). 4/23 Page 3of3 How You May Not Spend Gambling Funds 1. Controlled contribution - An organization may not retain any control over any contribution made from gambling funds. The only exception is for expenditures by a 501(c)(3) organization or a 501(c)(4) festival organization to its general fund. 2. Financial gain - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it results in any monetary, economic, financial, or material benefit to the organization making the contribution or expenditure. 3. Government - An expenditure may not be made for: • influencing the nomination or election of a candidate for public office; • promoting or defeating a ballot question; or • any activity intended to influence an election or a governmental decision - making process. 4. Law enforcement - A direct contribution may not be made to a law enforcement or v, osecutor iai agency. 5. Pension - A contribution may not be made to a government pension or retirement fund, such as a fire relief association. 6. Conflict of interest - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it is not allowed under the conflict of interest provisions of the Minnesota Nonprofit Corpo-ration Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 317A.255. 7. Alcohol - An expenditure may not be made for the purchase of any intoxicating liquor, wine, or malt beverages. 8. Fundraising - An expenditure may not be made for fundraising costs, except as allowed for a 501(c)(3) organization or 501(c)(4) festival organization from its general fund. 9. Other organizations - With few excep- tions, gambling funds may not be contrib- uted to other organizations or clubs such as veterans, fraternal, Lions, etc. unless it is a 501(c)(3) organization. 10. Other contributions - A contribution may not be made to a 501(c)(3) organization or another entity with the intent or effect of not complying with lawful purpose restrictions or requirements. Minnesota Gambling Control Board 2023 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2G. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Sand Dunes Gobbler Chapter of the National Wild Turkev on March 2, 2024 at River Citv Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. Prepared by: City Clerk Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item 1/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED City Administrator Motion to approve the temporary gambling permit for the Sand Dunes Gobbler Chapter of the National Wild Turkey, being held at River City Extreme, 3875 School Boulevard. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Sand Dunes Gobbler Chapter of the National Wild Turkey applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on March 2, 2024. The event is being held at River City Extreme, 3875 School Blvd. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the temporary gambling permit. SUPPORTING DATA • Application MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 4/23 Page 1 of 3 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. Organization Previous Gambling Name: Sand Dunes Gobblers Chapter of the National Wild Turke, permit Number: X- 31175 Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: 58-2492831 Number (FEIN), if any: Mailing Address: 8984 185th Ave. SE City: Becker State: MN Zip: 55308 County: Sherburne Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): Nancy McLaughlin CEO Daytime Phone: 763-370-1053 CEO Email: nancyamcl@aol.com (permit will be emailed to this email address unless otherwise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal = Religious Veterans �✓ Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) F-1 A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 F] IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. ❑ IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): River City Extreme Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): 3875 School Blvd. Check one: ✓❑ City: Monticello ❑ Township: Zip: 55362 Zip: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): March 2, 2024 Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: County: Wright County: Bingo Paddlewheels Pull -Tabs Tipboards Fv Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www,mn.gov/gcb and click on Distributors under the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 4/23 Page 2of3 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1st class city). F-1 The application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. 1-1 The application is denied. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349.213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board within 30 days of the event date. Chief Executive Officer's Signature: Print Name: Nancy McLaughlin REQUIREMENTS Date: (Signature must be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer How You May Spend Gambling Funds Allowable expenses - Gambling funds may be spent for allowable expenses, such as: • gambling equipment (pull -tabs, bingo paper, bingo blower, paddlewheel tickets, tipboard games); • advertising; • printing raffle tickets; or • any services or goods that are directly related to the conduct of your gambling. Charitable contributions - Gambling funds may be spent for the following charitable contributions (lawful purpose): • to or by 501(c)(3) organization and 501(c)(4) festival organizations; • relieving the effects of poverty, homelessness, or disability; • problem gambling programs approved by the Minnesota Department of Human Services; public or private nonprofit school; • scholarships (if a contribution is made to a scholarship fund, it must be made to a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to award scholarships); • church; • recognition of military service (open to public) or active military personnel in need; • activities and facilities benefiting youth under age 21; • citizen monitoring of surface water quality, with data submitted to Minnesota PCA; • unit of government (NOTE: A direct contribution to a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency is not allowed); • wildlife management projects or activities that benefit the public -at -large, with DNR approval; • grooming and maintaining snowmobile or all -terrain trails that are grant-in-aid trails, or other trails open to public use, with DNR approval; • supplies and materials for DNR training and educational programs; • nutritional programs, food shelves, and congregate dining programs primarily for persons who are 62 or older or disabled; • community arts organizations or programs; • humanitarian service recognizing volunteerism or philanthropy; and • acquisition and repair of real property and capital assets (contact the Gambling Control Board for requirements). 4/23 Page 3 of 3 How You May Not Spend Gambling Funds 1. Controlled contribution - An organization may not retain any control over any contribution made from gambling funds. The only exception is for expenditures by a 501(c)(3) organization or a 501(c)(4) festival organization to its general fund. 2. Financial gain - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it results in any monetary, economic, financial, or material benefit to the organization making the contribution or expenditure. 3. Government - An expenditure may not be made for: • influencing the nomination or election of a candidate for public office; • promoting or defeating a ballot question; or • any activity intended to influence an election or a governmental decision - making process. 4. Law enforcement - A direct contribution may not be made to a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency. 5. Pension - A contribution may not be made to a government pension or retirement fund, such as a fire relief association. 6. Conflict of interest - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it is not allowed under the conflict of interest provisions of the Minnesota Nonprofit Corpo-ration Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 317A.255. 7. Alcohol - An expenditure may not be made for the purchase of any intoxicating liquor, wine, or malt beverages. 8. Fundraising - An expenditure may not be made for fundraising costs, except as allowed for a 501(c)(3) organization or 501(c)(4) festival organization from its general fund. 9. Other organizations - With few excep- tions, gambling funds may not be contrib- uted to other organizations or clubs such as veterans, fraternal, Lions, etc. unless it is a 501(c)(3) organization. 10. Other contributions - A contribution may not be made to a 501(c)(3) organization or another entity with the intent or effect of not complying with lawful purpose restrictions or requirements. Minnesota Gambling Control Board 2023 MINNESOTA GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD BINGO AND RAFFLE - Checklist for Excluded/Exempt Permits The purpose of this form is to help your organization conduct excluded/exempt gambling in compliance with the requirements listed below. Exempt and Excluded activities cannot be conducted in the same calendar year. The five forms of lawful gambling are bingo, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, raffles and tipboards. Detailed information regarding each requirement is available by clicking on the following links [in blue italics]: 1) applicable statutes and rules; 2) the Lawful Gambling Manual; 3) the online class, "Conduct of Raffles"; and 4) the phone number and email address of your county's Licensing (license, permits and leases) and Compliance (conduct and reporting) Specialists. Check Box RAFFLES 1. Tickets are printed in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0310. 2. Tickets contain the sequential number of the raffle ticket. Theatre style tickets may be used. (349.173) 3. A list of prizes and a statement of other relevant information is made available to ticket purchasers. (349.173) 4. The organization must pay in full or otherwise become the owner of all prizes prior to the raffle drawing, except for raffles with gross receipts of $60 or less. (7861.0260) 5. A merchandise certificate is used when a prize requiring registration or licensure (guns, cars, ATVs, etc.) is offered. (7861.0260) 6. Prizes must not consist of lawful gambling equipment including raffle tickets for another raffle. (7861.0260) 7. The total value of lawful gambling prizes awarded (use fair market value for donated prizes) does not exceed $50,000 in a calendar year. (349.166) 8. Cash must not be substituted for merchandise prizes that have been won. (7861.0260 Subp. 4C(2)) 9. Alcohol is only awarded as a prize to persons who demonstrate that they are 21 years of age or older. (340A.707) 10.Only cash, personal checks, cashier's checks, money orders, travelers' checks, and debit cards may be accepted for the purchase of tickets (NO CREDIT CARDS - NO INTERNET SALES). (349.2127) (7861.0260) 11. The method of winner selection cannot be manipulated or based on the outcome of an event not under the organization's control. (349.173) 12. Persons are not required to be present at a raffle drawing to be eligible to win. (349.173) (7861.0310) 13. Raffle tickets are not sold to or won by persons under age 18. (349.181) (7861.0310) 14. Purchasers are not required to buy anything other than the ticket. (349.173) (7861.0310) 15. Clear and legible house rules in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0310 are prominently posted at the point of winner selection. 16. An exempt permit financial report (LG220A) must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the gambling occasion. (349.166) ej 1. Clear and legible house rules in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0270 are prominently posted at the point of winner selection. 2. House rules include the policy on declaring bingo and last number called. (7861.0270 Subp. 2A(1)) 3. House rules include the reasons for potentially cancelling bingo occasions. (7861.0270 Subp. 2A(1)) 4. All sales must be on a cash basis and take place at the permitted premises during or immediately prior to the bingo occasion. (NO CREDIT CARDS- NO INTERNET SALES) (7861.0270 Subp. 5B(1)) 5. Bingo paper must not be offered for free or discounted unless the price is reduced with a coupon. (7861.0270 Subp. 5B(7)) 6. Bingo balls must be available for inspection by at least one player before the occasion begins to determine that all are present and in operating condition. (7861.0270 Subp. 3A) 7. No reservation of bingo cards or bingo paper for any person (7861.0270 Subp. 3F) 8. Bingo records (including bingo program) must be kept for 3% years. (7861.0270 Subp. 11) BINGO AND RAFFLES 1. Gambling records must be kept for 3%Z years. (7861.0310) 2. Gambling funds may only be spent for allowable expenses and lawful purposes. (349.12 Subd. 3a) (349.12 Subd. 25) (mn.gov/gcb/faq-exemptexcluded.htmi) and (mn.gov/gcb/assets/infosheetspendinggamblingfunds.pdf) 7/23 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2H. Consideration of approving an application for a temporary gambling permit for a raffle to be conducted by the Monticello Center Court Club on February 20, 2024 at the Monticello High School Fieldhouse, 5225 School Boulevard Prepared by: City Clerk Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item 1/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED City Administrator Motion to approve the temporary gambling permit for the Monticello Center Court Club for a raffle to be conducted on February 20, 2024 at the Monticello High School Fieldhouse. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Monticello Center Court Club applied for a temporary charitable gambling permit for a raffle to be held on February 20, 2024. The event is being held in the Monticello High School Fieldhouse, 5225 School Boulevard. To receive a permit from the State, the City must approve the application. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the temporary gambling permit. SUPPORTING DATA • Application MINNESOTA LAWFUL GAMBLING LG220 Application for Exempt Permit An exempt permit may be issued to a nonprofit organization that: • conducts lawful gambling on five or fewer days, and • awards less than $50,000 in prizes during a calendar year. If total raffle prize value for the calendar year will be $1,500 or less, contact the Licensing Specialist assigned to your county by calling 651-539-1900. ORGANIZATION INFORMATION 4/23 Page 1 of 3 Application Fee (non-refundable) Applications are processed in the order received. If the application is postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Due to the high volume of exempt applications, payment of additional fees prior to 30 days before your event will not expedite service, nor are telephone requests for expedited service accepted. Organization rr Previous Gambling Name: Permit Number: X- Minnesota Tax ID Federal Employer ID Number, if any: Number (FEIN), if any: 4i _ A (r"`1 ' Mailing Address: City: 11.0 Y►-h State: �� h� zip: ��'�'- County: V) Name of Chief Executive Officer (CEO): 5�)d ((uj Ma . Pre s i Gle vi CEO Daytime Phone: CEO Email: j lv1 Gl'}""i,-(J-- `` ►'11 (t i I • C (permit will be emailed to this email address•)nless otherwise indicated below) Email permit to (if other than the CEO): NONPROFIT STATUS Type of Nonprofit Organization (check one): = Fraternal Q Religious Q Veterans [71 Other Nonprofit Organization Attach a copy of one of the following showing proof of nonprofit status: (DO NOT attach a sales tax exempt status or federal employer ID number, as they are not proof of nonprofit status.) F-1 A current calendar year Certificate of Good Standing Don't have a copy? Obtain this certificate from: MN Secretary of State, Business Services Division Secretary of State website, phone numbers: 60 Empire Drive, Suite 100 www.sos.state.mn.us St. Paul, MN 55103 651-296-2803, or toll free 1-877-551-6767 ❑ IRS income tax exemption (501(c)) letter in your organization's name Don't have a copy? To obtain a copy of your federal income tax exempt letter, have an organization officer contact the IRS toll free at 1-877-829-5500. F-1 IRS - Affiliate of national, statewide, or international parent nonprofit organization (charter) If your organization falls under a parent organization, attach copies of both of the following: 1. IRS letter showing your parent organization is a nonprofit 501(c) organization with a group ruling; and 2. the charter or letter from your parent organization recognizing your organization as a subordinate. GAMBLING PREMISES INFORMATION Name of premises where the gambling event will be conducted i 4 (for raffles, list the site where the drawing will take place): PA CrliP Physical Address (do not use P.O. box): `33 c2e;) S Scl A i lv\, b vv -� Check one: _ City: a,�-4-+ Cl' < <� Zip: �5 _31, a County: Township: Zip: County: Date(s) of activity (for raffles, indicate the date of the drawing): �- �� "� v Check each type of gambling activity that your organization will conduct: a Bingo a Paddlewheels a Pull -Tabs Tipboards � Raffle Gambling equipment for bingo paper, bingo boards, raffle boards, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, and tipboards must be obtained from a distributor licensed by the Minnesota Gambling Control Board. EXCEPTION: Bingo hard cards and bingo ball selection devices may be borrowed from another organization authorized to conduct bingo. To find a licensed distributor, go to www.mn.gov/geb and click on Distributors under the List of Licensees tab, or call 651-539-1900. LG220 Application for Exempt Permit 4/23 Page 2 of 3 LOCAL UNIT OF GOVERNMENT ACKNOWLEDGMENT (required before submitting application to the Minnesota Gambling Control Board) CITY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located within city limits The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days (60 days for a 1st class city). ❑The application is denied. Print City Name: Signature of City Personnel: Title: Date: The city or county must sign before submitting application to the Gambling Control Board. COUNTY APPROVAL for a gambling premises located in a township F1The application is acknowledged with no waiting period. F-1 The application is acknowledged with a 30-day waiting period, and allows the Board to issue a permit after 30 days. 1-1 The application is denied. Print County Name: Signature of County Personnel: Title: Date: TOWNSHIP (if required by the county) On behalf of the township, I acknowledge that the organization is applying for exempted gambling activity within the township limits. (A township has no statutory authority to approve or deny an application, per Minn. Statutes, section 349,213.) Print Township Name: Signature of Township Officer: Title: Date: CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER'S SIGNATURE (required) The information provided in this application is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I acknowledge that the financial report will be completed and returned to the Board within 30 days of the event date. / Chief Executive Officer's Signature: ��-T" Date: i r� U 'T (Signature mu be CEO's signature; designee may not sign) Print Name: �k c l(v 4. !1i ct` u 5 ko, REQUIREMENTS MAIL APPLICATION AND ATTACHMENTS Complete a separate application for: Mail application with: • all gambling conducted on two or more consecutive days; or a copy of your proof of nonprofit status; and • all gambling conducted on one day. application fee (non-refundable). If the application is Only one application is required if one or more raffle drawings are postmarked or received 30 days or more before the event, conducted on the same day. the application fee is $100; otherwise the fee is $150. Financial report to be completed within 30 days after the Make check payable to State of Minnesota. gambling activity is done: To: Minnesota Gambling Control Board A financial report form will be mailed with your permit. Complete 1711 West County Road B, Suite 300 South and return the financial report form to the Gambling Control Roseville, MN 55113 Board. Questions? Your organization must keep all exempt records and reports for Call the Licensing Section of the Gambling Control Board at 3-1/2 years (Minn. Statutes, section 349.166, subd. 2(f)). 651-539-1900. Data privacy notice: The information requested on this form (and any attachments) will be used by the Gambling Control Board (Board) to determine your organization's qualifications to be involved in lawful gambling activities in Minnesota. Your organization has the right to refuse to supply the information; however, if your organization refuses to supply this information, the Board may not be able to determine your organization's qualifications and, as a consequence, may refuse to issue a permit. If your organization supplies the information requested, the Board will be able to process the application. Your organization's name and address will be public information when received by the Board. All other information provided will be private data about your organization until the Board issues the permit. When the Board issues the permit, all information provided will become public. If the Board does not issue a permit, all information provided remains private, with the exception of your organization's name and address which will remain public. Private data about your organization are available to Board members, Board staff whose work requires access to the information; Minnesota's Depart- ment of Public Safety; Attorney General; Commissioners of Administration, Minnesota Management & Budget, and Revenue; Legislative Auditor, national and international gambling regulatory agencies; anyone pursuant to court order; other individuals and agencies specifically authorized by state or federal law to have access to the information; individuals and agencies for which law or legal order authorizes a new use or sharing of information after this notice was given; and anyone with your written consent. This form will be made available in alternative format (i.e. large print, braille) upon request. An equal opportunity employer How You May Spend Gambling Funds Allowable expenses - Gambling funds may be spent for allowable expenses, such as: • gambling equipment (pull -tabs, bingo paper, bingo blower, paddlewheel tickets, tipboard games); • advertising; • printing raffle tickets; or • any services or goods that are directly related to the conduct of your gambling. Charitable contributions - Gambling funds may be spent for the following charitable contributions (lawful purpose): • to or by 501(c)(3) organization and 501(c)(4) festival organizations; • relieving the effects of poverty, homelessness, or disability; • problem gambling programs approved by the Minnesota Department of Human Services; . public or private nonprofit school; • scholarships (if a contribution is made to a scholarship fund, it must be made to a nonprofit organization whose primary mission is to award scholarships); • church; • recognition of military service (open to public) or active military personnel in need; • activities and facilities benefiting youth under age 21; • citizen monitoring of surface water quality, with data submitted to Minnesota PCA; • unit of government (NOTE: A direct contribution to a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency is not allowed); • wildlife management projects or activities that benefit the public -at -large, with DNR approval; • grooming and maintaining snowmobile or all -terrain trails that are grant-in-aid trails, or other trails open to public use, with DNR approval; • supplies and materials for DNR training and educational programs; • nutritional programs, food shelves, and congregate dining programs primarily for persons who are 62 or older or disabled; • community arts organizations or programs; • humanitarian service recognizing volunteerism or philanthropy; and • acquisition and repair of real property and capital assets (contact the Gambling Control Board for requirements). 4/23 Page 3 of 3 How You May Not Spend Gambling Funds 1. Controlled contribution - An organization may not retain any control over any contribution made from gambling funds. The only exception is for expenditures by a 501(c)(3) organization or a 501(c)(4) festival organization to its general fund. 2. Financial gain - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it results in any monetary, economic, financial, or material benefit to the organization making the contribution or expenditure. 3. Government - An expenditure may not be made for: • influencing the nomination or election of a candidate for public office; • promoting or defeating a ballot question; or • any activity intended to influence an election or a governmental decision - making process. 4. Law enforcement - A direct contribution may not be made to a law enforcement or prosecutorial agency. 5. Pension - A contribution may not be made to a government pension or retirement fund, such as a fire relief association. 6. Conflict of interest - A contribution or expenditure may not be made if it is not allowed under the conflict of interest provisions of the Minnesota Nonprofit Corpo-ration Act, Minnesota Statutes, Section 317A.255. 7. Alcohol - An expenditure may not be made for the purchase of any intoxicating liquor, wine, or malt beverages. 8. Fundraising - An expenditure may not be made for fundraising costs, except as allowed for a 501(c)(3) organization or 501(c)(4) festival organization from its general fund. 9. Other organizations - With few excep- tions, gambling funds may not be contrib- uted to other organizations or clubs such as veterans, fraternal, Lions, etc. unless it is a 501(c)(3) organization. 10. Other contributions - A contribution may not be made to a 501(c)(3) organization or another entity with the intent or effect of not complying with lawful purpose restrictions or requirements. Minnesota Gambling Control Board 2023 MINNESOTA GAMBLING CONTROL BOARD BINGO AND RAFFLE - Checklist for Excluded/Exempt Permits The purpose of this form is to help your organization conduct excluded/exempt gambling in compliance with the requirements listed below. Exempt and Excluded activities cannot be conducted in the same calendar year. The five forms of lawful gambling are bingo, paddlewheels, pull -tabs, raffles and tipboards. Detailed information regarding each requirement is available by clicking on the following links [in blue italics]: 1) applicable statutes and rules; 2) the Lawful Gambling Manual; 3) the online class, "Conduct of Raffles"; and 4) the phone number and email address of your county's Licensing (license, permits and leases) and Compliance (conduct and reporting) Specialists. Check Box RAFFLES 1. Tickets are printed in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0310. ✓ 2. Tickets contain the sequential number of the raffle ticket. Theatre style tickets may be used. (349.173) V/ 3. A list of prizes and a statement of other relevant information is made available to ticket purchasers. (349.173) 4. The organization must pay in full or otherwise become the owner of all prizes prior to the raffle drawing, except for ✓ raffles with gross receipts of $60 or less. (7861.0260) ✓ 5. A merchandise certificate is used when a prize requiring registration or licensure (guns, cars, ATVs, etc.) is offered. tJ (7861.0260) 6. Prizes must not consist of lawful gambling equipment including raffle tickets for another raffle. (7861.0260) 7. The total value of lawful gambling prizes awarded (use fair market value for donated prizes) does not exceed $50,000 in a calendar year. (349.166) ./ 8. Cash must not be substituted for merchandise prizes that have been won. (7861.0260 Subp. 4C(2)) tJ A 9. Alcohol is only awarded as a prize to persons who demonstrate that they are 21 years of age or older. (340A.707) 10.Only cash, personal checks, cashier's checks, money orders, travelers' checks, and debit cards may be accepted for the ✓ purchase of tickets (NO CREDIT CARDS - NO INTERNET SALES). (349.2127) (7861.0260) 11. The method of winner selection cannot be manipulated or based on the outcome of an event not under the vl organization's control. (349.173) 12. Persons are not required to be present at a raffle drawing to be eligible to win. (349.173) (7861.0310) 13. Raffle tickets are not sold to or won by persons under age 18. (349.181) (7861.0310) 14. Purchasers are not required to buy anything other than the ticket. (349.173) (7861.0310) 15. Clear and legible house rules in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0310 are prominently posted at the point of winner selection. / 16. An exempt permit financial report (LG220A) must be submitted to the Gambling Control Board within 30 days of the V/ gambling occasion. (349.166) BINGO 1. Clear and legible house rules in accordance with MN Rule 7861.0270 are prominently posted at the point of winner selection. 2. House rules include the policy on declaring bingo and last number called. (7861.0270 Subp. 2A(1)) 3. House rules include the reasons for potentially cancelling bingo occasions. (7861.0270 Subp. 2A(1)) 4. All sales must be on a cash basis and take place at the permitted premises during or immediately prior to the bingo occasion. (NO CREDIT CARDS - NO INTERNET SALES) (7861.0270Subp. 5B(1)) 5. Bingo paper must not be offered for free or discounted unless the price is reduced with a coupon. (7861.0270 Subp. 5B(7)) 6. Bingo balls must be available for inspection by at least one player before the occasion begins to determine that all are present and in operating condition. (7861.0270 Subp. 3A) 7. No reservation of bingo cards or bingo paper for any person (7851.0270 Subp. 3F) 8. Bingo records (including bingo program) must be kept for 3%: years. (7861.0270 Subp. 11) BINGO AND RAFFLES 1. Gambling records must be kept for 3%2 years. (7861.0310) 2. Gambling funds may only be spent for allowable expenses and lawful purposes. (349.12 Subd. 3a) (349.12 Subd. 25) (mn.gov/gcb/faq-exemptexcluded.html) and (mn.gov/gcb/assets/infosheetspendinggamblingfunds.pdf) 7/23 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 21. Consideration of approving annual appointments and designations for 2024 Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item City Clerk Reviewed by: Mayor Hilgart, Community Development Director, Public Works Director/Engineer, Finance Director, Human Resources Manager ACTION REQUESTED 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve the annual appointments and designations as presented for 2024. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Minnesota Statutes require that certain appointments be made at the first meeting of each year. Attached is a list of the designations and appointments that have been compiled by city staff. Council liaison assignments, which are appointed by the Mayor and then considered for ratification by the City Council, are noted on the attached 2024 Annual Appointments listing included in the supporting data. Included as an attachment is a general summary of the various commissions, committees, and organizations currently in operation that involve some level of participation from City Council, volunteer members, or city staff. Designations/Appointments: a. Acting Mayor. Charlotte Gabler will serve as Acting Mayor. b. City Attorney: The firm of Campbell Knutson serves as the City's general legal counsel with Soren Mattick being the primary attorney for Monticello. The City also utilizes Kennedy & Graven for legal services, particularly in economic development (Monticello EDA) matters. Staff recommends Council designate both firms in the capacity of City Attorney for 2024. C. City Auditor: The Finance Department has retained Abdo to perform audit services, and the Council approved a contract with Abdo for auditing. Council should designate Abdo for the official 2024 audit. d. City Depositories: The City utilizes one bank to provide banking services for the City; the current bank is Wells Fargo. In addition, under Minnesota Statutes 239, the Chief City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 Financial Officer has also been designated the authority to name other official depositories for the purpose of investments. The motion would include the authorization for the Finance Director to designate other depositories when necessary for investment purposes only. e. City Planner: Steve Grittman serves as the City Planner providing direct services to the City. For 2024, city staff and the Planning Commission recommend Steve Grittman as principal Planner continue to serve the City on day-to-day planning matters. f. Consulting Building Inspections: The City will continue its contract with Rum River Construction Consultants for additional services as needed. The current contract is attached. g. Development Review Consultant: WSB currently serves as the City's consulting engineer for development review and environmental review assistance, and it is recommended that they continue to provide this service for 2024. h. Electronic Funds Transfer Authority: By resolution, the Finance Director, or their designee, is authorized to make electronic funds transfers on behalf of the City of Monticello. Financial Consultants: The City Finance Director recommends continuing with Northland Securities as a financial advisor to the City. The City is very satisfied with the services provided by Northland Securities. j. Health Officer: We recommend continuing with CentraCare Monticello as the designated health officer. k. Insurance Agent: We recommend Foster -White as our general insurance agent for 2024. North Risk Partners is recommended for Workers Compensation insurance and liquor liability coverage (Hi -Way Liquors). I. Official Newspaper: Staff recommends continuing with the Monticello Times as the official newspaper for 2024. M. Personnel Committee: Mayor Hilgart and Councilmember Martie will serve on the Personnel Committee. n. Representatives to Other Multi -Jurisdictional Bodies: This appointment is for selecting the City representatives to serve on the Monticello Orderly Annexation Board. Members to the MOAA Board are appointed for one year with Lloyd Hilgart and Lee Martie proposed to serve in 2024 as the City's voting representatives. I. Budget Impact: N/A II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approval of the appointments and designations as presented. SUPPORTING DATA • List of 2024 Annual Appointments and Designations (proposed) DRAFT 2024 ANNUAL APPOINTMENTS & DESIGNATIONS Acting Mayor: Attorney: Auditor: Bond Counsel: Consulting Building Official: Development Review & Environmental Review Consultant: Electronic Funds Transfer Authority: Financial Consultants: Health Officer: Insurance Agents: Official Depositories: Official Newspaper: Planner: Fire Relief Board of Trustees (annual) COUNCIL APPOINTMENTS Charlotte Gabler Campbell Knutson Kennedy & Graven (EDA) Abdo Kennedy & Graven Rum River Construction Consultants WSB Finance Director or Designee Northland Securities CentraCare Health Monticello Physicians Clinic Foster -White (general liabiility) North Risk Partners - Apollo (Workers Comp & Liq. Liability) Wells Fargo (Chief Financial Officer is authorized to designate other depositories for investment purposes only) Monticello Times Northwest Associated Consultants (Steve Grittman) Rachel Leonard Staff Lloyd Hilgart Council Michael Mossey Fire Chief 2024 Proposed Liaison BCOL Advisory Council (voting) Sam Murdoff Central Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership Lee Martie EDA (voting) Lloyd Hilgart & Tracy Hinz 1-94 West Corridor Coalition Charlotte Gabler IEDC Sam Murdoff Library Board Tracy Hinz MOAA (voting) Lloyd Hilgart & Lee Martie Parks Commission Charlotte Gabler Personnel Committee Lee Martie Planning Commission Charlotte Gabler City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 21. Consideration of approving an amendment to the professional service agreement with Animal Control Officer Randi O'Keefe Krier to increase the annual fee by 5% for animal control services and impound facilitv management Prepared by: City Clerk Reviewed by: Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve the amendment to the agreement with Randi O'Keefe Krier, Animal Control Officer, to increase the annual professional service fee by 5%. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION March 2019: Approved contract with Randi O'Keefe Krier for animal control services and impound facility management. April 2021: Amended contract to increase monthly payment of $1,575 to $1622. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Staff recommends a 5% increase to the professional service fee for Animal Control Officer Randi O'Keefe Krier effective January 1, 2024. Ms. O'Keefe Krier successfully provides quality service to Monticello residents and manages the increased demands on the animal impound facility. Ms. O'Keefe Krier has demonstrated a positive, active approach to improve the animal control program. Some of her achievements include: • Implementing a Facebook page to help residents with lost/found animals • Beginning a new rescue group for adoption of feral cats • Becoming certified as a Level 2 Animal Control Officer • Streamlining monthly intake data • Establishing a relationship with Lost Dogs Minnesota resulting in better animal redemption rate • Soliciting donations for cat and dog food • Establishing agreements with additional jurisdictions for a total of 21 (list attached) Budget Impact: The Animal Control Budget includes $46,725 for Professional Services. A 5% increase will be $1,946, which is within the budgeted amount. II. Staff Workload Impact: Minimal administrative time. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends approving the amendment to increase the Animal Control Officer annual professional service fee by 5%. SUPPORTING DATA • Animal Control Services Agreement CITY OF MONTICELLO AGREEMENT FOR ANIMAL CONTROL/ANIMAL IMPOUND FACILITY SERVICES This agreement, made this 25's day of March, 2019, by and between the City of Monticello, a municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "city"), and Randi O'Keefe Krier, an individual dba Monticello Animal Control (hereinafter referred to as "Monticello Animal Control"), sets out terms and conditions for the general purpose of providing animal control services to the residents of the city and services related to the city's animal impound facility. WHEREAS, the city has duly adopted ordinances regulating animal control, and WHEREAS, enforcement of said ordinance requires personnel to patrol and respond to service requests, and WHEREAS, the city desires to provide such enforcement through the services of a private party who will able to respond as needed under the general guidelines provided by the city, and WHEREAS, the city owns and operates and animal impound facility, and WHEREAS, the city desires to operate said facility through the services of a private party in such a manner as to assure safe, sanitary, legal, and human treatment of impounded animals. NOW, THEREFORE, in and for consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions hereinafter contained, the parties hereto mutually agree as follows: 1. The city, and for consideration of the monthly sum as listed in Appendix A, made payable on the 15" and 306 day of each month, hereby contracts with Monticello Animal Control as the city's animal control officer for the period of twelve months from the date of execution of this agreement. 2. Monticello Animal Control hereby agrees to perform the following services as the city's animal control officer: Animal Control Services a. Provide timely response to animal calls from and for city residents (lost pets, complaints, reports of animals mooing at large, etc.). It is considered timely m respond to all calls during regular hours, which are scheduled from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday. b. Provide response to wildlife calls as able. c. Provide reasonable response for requests to reclaim or impound animals at the city's facility during the regular hours described above. Non -emergency calls will be addressed the next working day. Requests for impoundment of animals may come from city residents, city staff, the Wright County Sheriffs Department, or contracting agencies. Animal Control Officer Randi O'Keefe prier [3N�0, JL, Nn;v Date ILIZIZ3 L� 77 sIJ ❑ 1:o\ii Monticello Animal Control shall be paid a[ a total annual contract of $46,725. Said contract amount shall be remitted to the contractor on a semi-monthly basis on the W and 30" of each month. The Animal Con[rol Officer shall be paid per call for emergency after hour calls at a rate of $250 per call. Curtent payment amounts shall be as follows until such time es the Monticello City Council approved a change in the payment amount: 15'" o[ the month: $1.946.gS 30 of the month: $1,946.8S City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2K. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-03 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $47.519.15 to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Proiect Prepared by: Project Engineer Reviewed by: Finance Director; Public Works Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date: 1/8/24 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-03 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $47,519.15 to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project, City Project No. 22C001. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION July 12, 2021: City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2022 Street Improvements Project and for the approval of a contract with Hakanson Anderson to provide engineering services. November 8, 2021: City Council accepted the Feasibility Report for the 2022 Street Improvements Project and set a public hearing date for December 13, 2021. December 13, 2021: City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2022 Sidewalk Improvements and amended the contract with Hakanson Anderson to provide engineering services for this work. December 13, 2021: City Council held a public hearing and authorized ordering improvements for the 2022 Street Improvements Project. January 10, 2022: City Council accepted the Feasibility Report for the 2022 Sidewalk Improvements Project and set a public hearing date for February 14, 2022. February 14, 2022: City Council adopted Resolution 2022-12 approving plans and specifications and authorized the advertisement for bids with the bid opening on March 15, 2022. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 March 28, 2022: City Council awarded the contract to Knife River Corporation for completing the improvements. September 12, 2022: City Council declared costs to be assessed, ordered the preparation of an assessment roll and called for an Assessment Hearing on October 24, 2022, for the Street Improvements Project and Sidewalk Improvements Project. October 24, 2022: City Council held the Public Hearing for 2022 Street and Sidewalk Assessments. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The 2022 Street Improvement Project included improvements for the following areas: Street Improvements: Badger Street North, Bakken Street, Fox Street, Bear Avenue, Deer Street, Troy Marquette Drive, Troy Marquette Lane, Wildwood Way, Briar Oaks Boulevard, Hawthorne Place, Endicott Trail, Briar Court, Shady Oak Circle, Eastwood Circle, Eastwood Lane, Broadway Street, Hart Boulevard. Sidewalk Improvements: The addition of sidewalk in front of 520 Chelsea Road completed a connection from the Monticello High School driveway entrance westerly to County State Highway 39. Cargill also requested the replacement of sections of sidewalk that had become tripping hazards and these sections along with the section along 318 4t" Street West were included in this project. Finally, a sidewalk was added on Washington Street over the railroad tracks. The street improvements consisted of an edge mill and asphalt overlay. Sections of curb and gutter were replaced as needed throughout the project. The project had one change order for $6,200 to install a watertight casting to a manhole frame that was leaking and to repair four broken valve boxes, all of which were discovered during construction. The contractor recently submitted the final paperwork listed below. Therefore, the City Council is asked to accept the project as complete and approve final payment. The following paperwork was recently submitted by the contractor for final payment to be released: Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC134 forms). City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2. Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers). 3. Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. I. Budget Impact: Final acceptance of the project has no change to the budget impact since Council approved the contract award in 2022. The project was completed under budget; the original contract was $959,308.62 and the total completed construction cost came to $950,383. II. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be minimal. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends adopting Resolution 2024-03 accepting improvements and authorizing final payment of $47,519.15 to Knife River Corporation for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project, City Project No. 22C001. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2024-03 B. Final Pay Voucher CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-03 RESOLUTION ACCEPTING IMPROVEMENTS AND APPROVING FINAL PAYMENT OF $47,519.15 TO KNIFE RIVER CORPORATION FOR THE 2022 STREET AND SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, pursuant to a contract with the City of Monticello, Knife River Corporation was awarded, on March 28„ 2022, for the 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project; and NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY OF MONTICELL0, MINNESOTA that the work completed under said contract is hereby accepted and approved and that the Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to issue a proper order for the final payment on such contract subject to receipt of the following: 1) Satisfactory showing that the contractor has complied with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 290.92 requiring withholding state income tax (IC 134); 2) Evidence in the form of an affidavit that all claims against the contractor by reasons of the contract have been fully paid or satisfactorily secured (lien waivers); 3) Consent of Surety to Final Payment certification from the contractor's surety. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 8th day of January, 2024. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk Contractor's Application for Payment No. FINAL To (Owner): City of Monticello Application FINAL Application Date: October 17, 2023 Period: Project: 2022 Street and Sidewalk From (Contractor): Via (Engineer): Hakanson Anderson Improvement Project Knife River Coloration Application For Payment Change Order Summar4 Approved Change Orders _ ORIGINAL CONTRACT PRICE ............................................. $ $959,308.62 Number Additions Deductions 2. Net change by Change Orders ................................................... $ $5,000.00 1 11. $6,200.00 $1,200.00 3. Current Contract Price (Line 1 t 2).......................................... $ $964,308.62 4. TOTAL COMPLETED AND STORED TO DATE $ $950,383.00 15. RETAINAGE: $ a. 0% X Work Completed ...................... $ $0.00 b. 0% X Stored Material ........................ $ $0.00 c. Total Retainage (Line 5.a + Line 5.b)............................ $ $0.00 f 6. AMOUNT ELIGIBLE TO DATE (Line 4 - Line 5.c).............. $ $950,383.00 7. LESS PREVIOUS PAYMENTS ................................................ 18. $ $902,863.85 TOTALS $6,200.00 $1,200.00 AMOUNT DUE THIS APPLICATION .................................... $ $47,519.15 NET CHANGE BY CHANGE ORDERS I $5,000.00 Contractor's Certification The undersigned Contractor certifies, to the best of its knowledge, the following: (1) All previous progress payments received from Owner on account of Work done under the Contract have been applied on account to discharge Contractor's legitimate obligations incurred in connection with the Work covered by prior Applications for Payment; (2) Title to all Work, materials and equipment incorporated in said Work, or otherwise listed in or covered by this Application for Payment, will pass to Owner at time of payment free and clear of all Liens, security interests, and encumbrances (except such as are covered by a bond acceptable to Owner indemnifying Owner against any such Liens, security interest, or encumbrances); and (3) All the Work covcud by this Application for Payment is in accordance with the Contract Documents and is not defective. Contracto ature A By: I Date: � Q /t1-27-.2� 0n��d'.J4— W—iL` �t�� j rt t�r�•�f I ENGIN;(T KkN ON ANDERSON Certifiion: reco itmend payment for work and quantites shown. 1���7�23 gi Dat OWNER: CITY OF ONTICELLO (Owner) Date FINAL PAYMENT City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project North end South Residential Street Areas ITEM ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED TO NO. ITEM_ DESCRIPTION QUANTITY _ UNIT _ UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 1 _ _ MOBILIZATION _ 0.78 LUMP SUM �$30,000.00 $ 23,400.00 0.78 $ 23,400.00 2 SALVAGE CASTING _ _ _ _ 14 _ EACH _ _ $1,000.00 $ 14,000.00 13 $ 13,000.00 3 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER _ _ _ _284 _ _ LIN FT _ _ $4.25 $ 1,207.00 314 $ 1,334.50 4 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 53 _ LIN FT $4.25 $ 225.25 58 $ 246.50 5 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 1826 _ LIN FT $4.25 $ 7,760.50 1549 $ 6,583.25 6 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 1220 LIN FT $7.00 $ 8,540.00 1209 $ 8,463.00 7 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT 807_ SQ FT _ $6.50 $ 5,245.50 847 $ 5,505.50 8 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 617 SQ FT _ $5.50 $ 3,393.50 691 $ 3,800.50 9 SALVAGE AND REPLACE LANDSCAPING 6 _ EACH _ $500.00 $ 3,000.00 6 $ 3,000.00 10 WATER 91.5 MGAL $30.00 $ 2,745.00 10 $ 300.00 11 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 63 TON $23.00 $ 1,449.00 113 $ 2,599.00 12 iMILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE - SPECIAL 20405 SQ YD $2.00 $ 40,810.00 20445 $ 40,890.00 13 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (3") _ _ 1146 _ SQ YD _ $4.25--$ 4,870.50 $ - 14 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 4001 GALLONS_ $0.01 $ 40.01 2650 $ 26.50 15 TYPE SP 4.75 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING 159 _TON_ $100.0_0 $ 15,900.00 $ - 16 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 5191 TON _ $68.00 $ 352,988.00 5,681.3 $ 386,328.40 17 ,TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING 247 TON $88.00 $ 21,736.00 81.3 $ 7,154.40 18 SAW AND SEAL JOINT 1028 LIN FT $15.50 $ 15,934.00 1036 $ 16,058.00 19 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 122 EACH _ $50.00 $ 6,100.00 106 $ 5,300.00 20 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX 55 EACH $300.00 $ 16,500.00 51 $ 15,300.00 21 IADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING.(STORM) 58 EACH _ _ $30_0.00 $ 17,400.00 58 $ 17,400.00 22 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) _ 85_ _ EACH $300.00 $ 25,500.00 85 $ 25,500.00 23 GROUT CATCHBASIN OR MANHOLE (STORMS 124 EACH- $200.00 $ 24,800.00 124 $ 24,800.00 24 GROUT MANHOLE (SANITARY)_ - 76 - - EACH $150.00 - $ 11,400.00 76 $ 11,400.00 25 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER _ 1220 _ LIN FT $32.00 $ 39,040.00 1209 $ 38,688.00 26 4" CONCRETE WALK 145 SQ FT $6.50 $ _ 942.50 190 $ 1,235.00 27 6" CONCRETE WALK 1287 SQ FT $14.75 $ 18,983.25 1357 $ 20,015.75 28 TRUNCATED DOMES 258 SQ FT $52.00 $ 13,416.00 269 $ 13,988.00 29 TRAFFIC CONTROL 0.78 LUMP SUM $8,500.00 $ 6,630.00 0.78 $ 6,630.00 30 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 2 EACH $150.00 $ 300.00 22 $ 3,300.00 31 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP 1470 LIN FT $2.35 $ 3,454.50 1470 $ 3,454.50 S:1Municipal\Amonticello13011C-CONSTRUCTION PHASEI4-PAY ESTIMATES1MO301 - Pay Estimate PE -1 North and South Residential Areas (Continued) ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION 32 SITE RESTORATION 33 12" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT 34 CROSSWALK MULTI -COMPONENT FINAL PAYMENT City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project ESTIMATED QUANTITY UNIT 1356 SQ YD 17 LIN FT 120 SQ FT Total North and South Residential Street Areas Hart Boulevard Street Improvement Area ITEM NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION _ 35 MOBILIZATION 36 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 37 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 38 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 39 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 40 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT 41 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 42 WATER 43 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 44 AGGREGATE SURFACING CLASS 2 45 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE - SPECIAL 46 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE 13"1 47 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT 48 TYPE SP 4.75 BITUMINOUS MIXTURE FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING 49 TYPE SP 9.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE 12,13; 50 TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING 51 SAW AND SEAL JOINT 52 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 53 ADJUST GATE VALVE BOX 54 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM) 55 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY) 56 GROUT CATCHBASIN OR MANHOLE (STORM) 57 GROUT MANHOLE !SANITARYi 58 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER CONTRACT CONTRACT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT $2.00 $ 2,712.00 $6.50 $ 110.50 $4.00 $ 480.00 $ 711,013.01 ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT 0.16 LUMP SUM $30,000.00 $ 4,800.00 12 LIN FT $4.25 $ 51.00 4 LIN FT $4.25 $ 17.00 191 LIN FT $4.25 $ 811.75 115 LIN FT $7.00 $ 805.00 464 SQ FT $6.50 $ 3,016.00 172 SQ FT $5.50 $ 946.00 5.4 MGAL $30.00 $ 162.00 23 TON $23.00 $ 529.00 35 TON $42.00 $ 1,470.00 4616 SQ YD $2.00 $ 9,232.00 269 SQ YD $4.25 $ 1,143.25 941 GALLONS $0.01 $ 9.41 37 TON $100.00 $ 3,700.00 1627 TON $68.00 $ 110,636.00 59 TON $88.00 $ 5,192.00 70 LIN FT $15.50 $ 1,085.00 5 EACH $50.00 $ 250.00 5 EACH $300.00 I $ 1,500.00 4 EACH $300.00 $ 1,200.00 6 EACH $300.00 $ 1,800.00 18 EACH $200.00 $ 3,600.00 6 EACH $150.00 $ 900.00 115 LIN FT $32.00 $ 3,680.00 USED TO DATE 1382 17 90 USED TO DATE 0.16 12 14 125 109 489 172 48 61.4 2461 850 16 1310.6 4 70 10 5 4 6 20 6 109 EXTENSION $ 2,764.00 $ 110.50 $ 360.00 $ 708,935.30 EXTENSION $ 4,800.00 $ 51.00 $ 59.50 $ 531.25 $ 763.00 $ 3,178.50 $ 946.00 $ - i $ 1,104.00 $ 2,578.80 $ 4,922.00 $ 8.50 $ 1,600.00 $ 89,120.80 $ 352.00 $ 1,085.00 $ 500.00 $ 1,500.00 $ 1,200.00 $ 1,800.00 $ 4,000.00 $ 900.00 $ 3,488.00I S:1Municipal\Amonticello13011C-CONSTRUCTION PHASEI4-PAY ESTIMATES1MO301 - Pay Estimate PE-2 FINAL PAYMENT City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Hart Boulevard Street Improvement Area (Continued) ITEM ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED TO NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY_ f UNIT - UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 59 4" CONCRETE WALK 27 SQ_FT $6.50 $ 175.50 52 $ 338.00 60 6" CONCRETE WALK 509 SQ FT $14.75 $ 7,507.75 667 $ 9,838.25 61 TRUNCATED DOMES 80 SQ_FT $52.00 $ 4,160.00 86 $ 4,472.00 62 TRAFFIC CONTROL _ 0.16 LUMP SUM $8,500.00 $ 1,360.00 0.16 $ 1,360.00 63 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 2 EACH _ $150.00 $ 300.00 10 $ 1,500.00 64 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP 140 LIN FT $2.35 $ 329.00 84 $ 197.40 1 65 SITE RESTORATION 80 SQ YD $2.00 $ 160.00 84 $ 168.00 l 66 4" SOLID LINE MUTT -COMPONENT 4244 LIN FT $0.50 $ 2,122.00 4,244 $ 2,122.00 67 24" SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT 31 LIN FT $7.00 $ 217.00 31 $ 217.00 68 8" BROKEN LINE MUTI-COMPONENT 102 LIN FT $1.10 $ 112.20 102 $ 112,20 69 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE MUTI-COMPONENT 96 LIN FT $1.00 $ 96.00 842 $ 842.00 70 PAVEMENT MESSAGE MULTI -COMPONENT 75 SQ FT $6.00 '$ 450.00 90 $ 540.00 71 CROSSWALK MULTI -COMPONENT 570 SQ FT $4.00 $ 2,280.00 414 $ 1,656.00 Total Hart Boulevard Street Improvement Area $ 175,804.86 $ 147,851.20 Sidewalk Improvement Areas ITEM ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED TO NO. ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY _ UNIT_ UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION 72 _ MOBILIZATION 0.06 _ LUMP SUM �$30,000.00 $ 1,800.00 _ 0.06 $ 1,800.00 73 PERMIT FEES - BNSF RAILWAY _ 1 LUMP SUM _ $1,500.00 $ 1,500.00 1 $ 1,500.00 + 74 SAWING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 32 LIN FT $4.25 $ 136.00 28 $ 119.00 75 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 143 LIN FT $4.25 $ 607.75 102 $ 433.50 76 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT - FULL DEPTH 206 LIN FT $4.25 $ 875.50 157 $ 667.25 77 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER 146 LIN FT $7.00 $ 1,022.00 174 $ 1,218.00 I 78 REMOVE CONCRETE PAVEMENT 968 SQ FT $6.50 $ 6,292.00 1,393.5 $ 9,057.75 79 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT 283 SQ FT $5.50 $ 1,556.50 480 $ 2,640.00 80 RELOCATE RAILROAD SIGN 1 LUMP SUM $500.00 $ 500.00 1 $ 500.00 81 EXCAVATION - COMMON 197 CU YD $25.00 $ 4,925.00 197 $ 4,925.00 82 COMMON EMBANKMENT (CV; 65 CU YD $25.00 $ 1,625.00 65 $ 1,625.00 83 HAUL AND DISPOSE OF EXCAVATED MATERIAL (LV) 171 CU YD $20.50 $ 3,505.50 178 $ 3,649.00 84 WATER 42.1 MGAL $30.00 $ 1,263.00 $ - 85 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 195 TON $23.00 $ 4,485.00 120 $ 2,760.00 S:1Municipal\Amonticello13011C-CONSTRUCTION PHASEI4-PAY ESTIMATES1MO301 - Pay Estimate PE - 3 FINAL PAYMENT City of Monticello 2022 Street and Sidewalk Improvement Project Sidewalk Improvement Areas (Continued) ESTIMATED CONTRACT CONTRACT USED TO �ITEM ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT_ _ UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION _NO. f I TYPE SP 12.5 BITUMINOUS FOR PATCHING 4 TON $88.00 $ 352.00 7 $ 616.00 _86 87 SALVAGE AND INSTALL SPRINKLER HEAD 2 EACH $50.00 $ 100.00 10 $ 500.00 88 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 129 LIN FT $32.00 $ 4,128.00 174 $ 5,568.00 89 4" CONCRETE WALK 3949 SQ FT $6.50 $ 25,668.50 4426 $ 28,769.00 90 6" CONCRETE WALK 145 SQ FT $14.75 $ 2,138.75 243 $ 3,584.25 91 8" CONCRETE WALK 283 SQ FT $8.50 $ 2,405.50 528 $ 4,488.00 92 TRUNCATED DOMES 20 SQ FT $52.00 $ 1,040.00 50 $ 2,600.00 93 TRAFFIC CONTROL 0.06 LUMP SUM $8,500.00 $ 510.00 0.06 $ 510.00 94 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION 5 EACH $150.00 $ 750.00 5 $ 750.00 95 SILT FENCE; TYPE MS 610 LIN FT $2.00 $ 1,220.00 435 $ 870.00 96 SEDIMENT CONTROL LOG TYPE WOOD CHIP 185 LIN FT $2.35 $ 434.75 185 $ 434.75 If 97 LOAM TOPSOIL BORROW {LV:) 40 CU YD $60.00 $ 2,400.00 90 $ 5,400.00 I 98 SITE RESTORATION 625 SQ YD $2.00 $ 1,250.00 1,206 $ 2,412.00 Total Sidewalk Improvement Area $ 72,490.75 $ 87,396.50 Change Order No. 1 ITEM I ESTIMATED I CONTRACT I CONTRACT USED TO 1 NO. I ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT UNIT PRICE AMOUNT DATE EXTENSION J 911 CASTING 1 EACH I I $3,000.00 $ _3,000.00 1 $ 3,000.00 99 �WATERTIGHT REPLACE VALVE BOX iTOP SECTION) 4 EACH $800.00 $ 3,200.00 4 $ 3,200.00 _ Total Change Order No. 1 $ 6,200.00 $ 6,200.00 North and South Residential Street Areas $711,013.01 $708,935.30 Hart Boulevard Street improvement Area $175,804.86 $147,851.20 Sidewalk Improvement Areas $72,490.75 $87,396.50 Subtotal $959,308.62 $944,183.00 Change Order No. 1 $6,200.00 $6,200.00 TOTAL $965, 508.62 $950,383.00 S:1Municipal\Amonticello13011C-CONSTRUCTION PHASEI4-PAY ESTIMATES1MO301 - Pay Estimate PE - 4 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2L. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-04 authorizing submission of a Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant application for Monticello Safe Routes to Schools (SRTS) sidewalk gaps and adopting Resolution 2024-05 authorizing maintenance of constructed improvements Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Project Engineer Reviewed by: Finance Director; Public Works Director/City Engineer ACTION REQUESTED 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-04 authorizing submission of a Transportation Alternatives grant application and Resolution 2024-05 authorizing maintenance of constructed improvements. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND As part of continued efforts to improve pedestrian access to our residents, the City Council is asked to approve submission of an application to the MNDOT Transportation Alternatives (TA) grant program on behalf of the City. The TA grant is solicited by MNDOT using federal money and is designed to assist local governments in completing a variety of transportation alternatives including Safe Routes to School projects. The proposed grant application would facilitate the construction of 3 sidewalk gap segments. The three segments of sidewalk include: • 6th Street between Maple and Locust • 4th Street between Maple and Linn • Chelsea Rd between the Monticello High School Entrance to Fenning For the 2023 grant cycle (Funding year 2028), there is $2,780,000 available for Area Transportation Partnership 3, which includes 12 counties in central Minnesota. The grant application requires a 20% local match. Staff proposes to request $438,000 in TA funding for sidewalk project. The approximate cost for the local match and engineering is anticipated to be $219,360. Grant acceptance and local match authorization would be a future consideration of the Council. The application is due on January 12, 2024, with awards announced in Spring 2024. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 Budget Impact: The 2024 Capital Improvement Plan identifies $100,000 every year for sidewalk gap projects. Additional funds would need to be shifted to 2028 from a previous year. Engineering would take place in 2027 with construction anticipated in 2028 if successful. II. Staff Workload Impact: Impacts to staff workload will be approximately 10-20 hours to complete the grant application. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan's Implementation Chapter includes a specific policy statement for Safe & Secure neighborhoods, outlining a strategy for safer school access through planning, and a policy statement recommending collaboration with local partners on continued Safe Routes improvements consistent with the adopted SRTS plan. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommend adopting Resolution 2024-04 authorizing submission of a Transportation Alternatives grant application and resolution 2024-05 authorizing maintenance of constructed improvements. SUPPORTING DATA A. Resolution 2024-04 B. Resolution 2024-05 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2024-04 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION OF FY2028 TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES GRANT APPLICATION FOR COMPLETION OF Monticello SRTS Sidewalk Gaps Be it resolved that the City of Monticello agrees to act as sponsoring agency for the project identified as Monticello SRTS sidewalk gaps seeking funding through the Transportation Alternatives program and has reviewed and approved the project as proposed. Sponsorship includes a willingness to secure and guarantee the local share of costs associated with this project and responsibility for seeing this project through to its completion, with compliance of all applicable laws, rules and regulations. Be it further resolved that Matt Leonard is hereby authorized to act as agent on behalf of this sponsoring agency. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 8th day of January 2024. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgard, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO.2024-05 RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING MAINTENANCE OF IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTED BY THE TRANSPORTATION ALTERNATIVES GRANT FOR Monticello SRTS sidewalk gaps WHEREAS. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requires that states agree to operate and maintain facilities constructed with federal transportation funds for the useful life of the improvement and not change the use of right of way or property ownership acquired without prior approval from the FHWA; and WHEREAS. Transportation Alternatives projects receive federal funding; and WHEREAS. the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) has determined that for projects implemented with alternative funds, this requirement should be applied to the project proposer; and WHEREAS. the City of Monticello is the sponsoring agency for the transportation alternatives project identified as Monticello SRTS sidewalk gaps. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT. the sponsoring agency hereby agrees to assume full responsibility for the operation and maintenance of property and facilities related to the aforementioned transportation alternatives project. ADOPTED BY the Monticello City Council this 8th day of January, 2024. CITY OF MONTICELLO Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor ATTEST: Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2M. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of a 2024 Ford F550 Super Dutv with hoist, contractor's box & steel V plow for $94,056 plus license and registration fees, and to declare the 2003 Ford F450 as surplus Prepared by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item Street Superintendent 1/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Reviewed by: Approved by: Public Works Director/City Engineer, City Administrator Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to authorize the purchase of a 2024 Ford F550 Super Duty from Midway Ford of Roseville in the amount of $55,177.64; a contractor's box and hoist from Towmaster in the amount of $28,795.00, and a Boss 9' V-DXT Steel V plow from Countryside Services for $10,082.50. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The 2024 budget included a new truck for the Street Department. The truck will be used for daily street maintenance and will replace the 2003 Ford F450 with 92,959 miles on it. Adding the contractor's box, hoist and the steel v-plow will make the truck more versatile and easier to load and unload. To fully outfit the truck, three sets of quotes were solicited for the various components: • Cab & Chassis: Staff requested three quotes from state -contract. One bid was received from Midway Ford in the amount of $55,177.64. • Contractor Body & Hoist System: There are two companies in the region that provide these components; staff requested quotes from both Towmaster Truck Equipment and Bert's Truck Equipment. Staff requests to purchase the equipment from Towmaster in the amount of $28,795. This is approximately $6,000 more than the quotes from Bert's; however, based on recent experience and quality of parts, staff believe Towmaster provides the best long-term value to the city. • Boss V Plow: Staff requested three quotes from Crysteel, Countryside Services, and Perry's. Countryside Services was the low bid at an amount of $10,082.50 and is recommended for approval. Based on anticipated lead times for delivery, the truck cab and chassis were ordered in late 2023. The truck is anticipated for delivery in early 2024 and installation of the plow and contractor's box is expected later in 2024. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 Budget Impact: The 2024 budget includes $95,000 for this replacement in the Central Equipment Fund. Additional fees for license and registration, which are typically around $2,000, will be paid directly to the Monticello DMV upon completion of the paperwork after the sale. II. Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommend approval to purchase a 2024 Ford F550 Super Duty equipped with hoist, contractor's box, and steel v-plow in the amount of $94,056 plus license and registration fees. SUPPORTING DATA • Quotes Midway Ford Commercial Fleet and Government Sales 2777 N. Snelling Ave. Roseville MN 55113 2024 F-550 U4 Regular Cab- 60" CA DRW XL F5H Automatic Transmission Dual Front Air Bags AM/FM Radio Tilt Wheel Upfitter Switches Power windows Standard 40/20/40 Vinyl Front Seat 4-Wheel ABS Brakes Air Conditioning 225/70r19.5 All Season Tires Brake Controller Power Locks Travis Swanson 651-343-5212 tswansonprosevil lemidwavFord. com Fax # 651-604-2936 Front Tow Hooks Rubber Floor Covering Black Bumper 7.3L V8 Cruise Options Code Price Select Exterior Colors Code Select Traction Tires TGK $195 x Antimatter Blue Metallic HX 4.88 Limited Slip X8L $360 x Race Red PQ x Skid Plates 41P $91 x Stone Gray Metallic D1 Snow Plow Prep 473 $228 x Agate Black UM 410 Amp Alternators 67B $104 x Carbonized Gray Metallic M7 Dual batteries 86M $191 x Iconic Silver Metallic JS 19,000 GVWR 68U $741 x Oxford White Z1 Extended Service Contracts Cost Select 7 year/75,000 mile $3,400 PremiumCare Warranty (Bumper to Bumper) Option Total $1,910 � You must have a active P IN code to participate in this Base Price Totals purchase contract: FIN code # 1 $53,247.64 Purchase Order required prior to order placement Options Price Totals $1,910.00 Extended Warranty PO # Transit Impr Excise Tax $20.00 Tax Exempt Lic 6.5% Sales Tax dame of Organization Document fee Sub total per vehicle $55,177.64 Number of Vehicles 1 Address Grand Total for all units $55,177.64 City, State, zip Acceptance Signature Contact Person/ Phone # Print Name and Title Date Contact's e-mail address and fax # CITY OF . ONTICELLO VERBALI WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name L A e . Dept: y �5���`( Irl lr Dc t',� % Phone: ` 6 3 +� 71 31i i 7 Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: I I (.;al L �`'^^-"eC� Item/Service Requested: ryl e cSo Lo' Aump Gel e,v1rG -�nfw i iji - i.- - Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # I Date I Vendor Name 1 a114 i'V►a� Rr- 2s OeL JL� 3 As 141 151 ft ryj\ cau wvr-�, Ginn Selected Vendor: . F` � 4 Contact Person Phone Number 01 34 3 --.Q1 k Total $ Amount Quoted LI rct-ei-v .l us rr ttivc L tic &Vt��G fIf you are selectine other than low auote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: i nab- rue V-t, 1. LID �es �T-15 I\N . vo c-2 o (+k cel of Gm. mN &C'v s &mac a o h S i '� Approval Acknowledgement: Date: Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 Mike Haaland From: Matt Barthel Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 9:53 AM To: Mike Haaland Subject: New trucks I contacted Ford of Hibbing and received no quote, and North Country GM and received no quote also. I contacted Crysteel for a quote for a Boss snowplow waiting to here back. CITY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name. �' Yl,'1 t, I Y �+-G.r'n Dept: c7 t = . Phone:0 Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: y f Item/Service Requested: Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # Date Vendor Name ;oil i o W yuc�S ri '{T'c(�;G 13 0 5 Contact Person Selected Vendor: Phone Number i 3A0 0-1 7q6C) Total $ Amount Quoted �j 756 Ora fif you are selectine other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: �sl�iit we°r1c,S w ee`5 AC1-- ciun s er a L;Iy".4 TC.Ii 't"�. �,, � t- (, � :: � � �'�"t.�''1 �-► S i`M r.�Yt u'�i�C: �u-G`- Ceti S i� .i "L, , I� t: �'�'.` S C'!r- f1�c� ; .�.� t� i $ u.. 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Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 � rr TRUCK EQ[//o/�IENT TOWMASTER, 613B1 US HWY 12, LITCHFIELD, MN 55355 PH:320-693-7900 FX:320-693-7921 TF:ON-462.4517 TOWMASTERTRUCK.COM ** QUOTATION ** Phone: Bill To: Phone: MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 Ship To: Cust: 3249 MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 Reference No. QT 81026 MONTICELLO MN 55362 USA MONTICELLO MN 55362 ATTN: MATT BARTHEL PO4 Salesman Terms Created Last Revised , JOSH PAULSON INET 30 DAYS 1 8/09/23 12/27/23 0/00/00 Order Comments: STATE OF MN CONTRACT # 224094 _ Build Instructions VALID THRU 09/30/2023 Other Instructions F.O.B. LITCHFIELD, MN -OR- CUSTOMERS W/FUEL CHARGES ONLY Qty Part No. Description Price Ea. Net Amt. 1 1997228 - Body 916" FSS w/15" high 12 ga SS Fold -Down Sides, 21" high $15,843.00 $15,843.00 10 ga SS Lever Top Pin release Tailgate, 40" high 10 ga SS Front, & 3/16" Hardox-450 floor. S-T-T light on Front Headboard. Cabshield, 12 VDC Tailgate trip release, & rear mudflaps included. Mill finish, with underside blasted, seam -sealed, primed and painted gloss black. **NOTE CUSTOMER WANTS THE HOLES CUT FOR THE STROBES IN THE REAR CORNER POSTS (WILL USE THEIR OWN STROBES) 1 9901438 - Hoist TMTE 9' 515SF HOIST W/SUB FRAME, ELECTRIC PUMP, Dump $4,753.00 $4,753.00 angle: 45-, DOUBLE acting, W/rear hinge point & OSHA approved safety prop. _ 1 9901454 - INSTALLATION OF DUMP BODY & ELECTRIC HOIST, w/FMVSS 108 $3,773.00 $3,773.00� Lights & Rear Flaps 1 9901171 - Fenders M1900 W/Brkts for 19.5" Installed $718.00 $718.00 1 9904691 - RELOCATION of (FACTORY) Single camera system $426.00 $426.00 1 9901582 - Tool Box PRO -TECH 18" x 18" x 24" SINGLE DROP DOOR tool box $729.00 $729.00 1 9901572 - Tool Box Labor and install kit to INSTALL 24"-48" TOOL BOX{ $576.00 $576.00 1 9902494 - Hitch 7 Contact RV (flat pin) socket installed $230.00 $230.00 1 9900775 - Hitch TMTE Medium Duty STD Hitch Plate assembly $687.00 $687.00 1 9901172 - Hitch Installation of mad duty hitch (Weld On) $283.00 $283.00� *--- Continued --- Price: Total Discounts: Accepted by Date Net Cost: Freight Total: TRKQT3 AIF -'OF V— TRL/6/f�EQIJ/PMENT Reference No. TOWMASTER, 61301 US HWY 12, LIEHFIELO, MN 55355 QT 81026 PH:320-693-7900 FX:320-693.7921 TF:800.462-4517 TDWMASTERTRUCK.COM * QUOTATION Ship To: Cust: 3249 Phone: Bill To: Phone: MONTICELLO, CITY OF MONTICELLO, CITY OF 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 505 WALNUT STREET, SUITE 1 MONTICELLO MN 55362 USA MONTICELLO MN 55362 ATTN: MATT BARTHEL JOSH PAULSON NET 30 DAYS 18/09/23 ' 12/27/23 Serial No. **NOTL^: HITCH PLATE FACE TO BE LOCATED: IN REFERENCE TO REAR TIRE FACE. 1 9900776 - Hitch PH-20 Pintle Hook installed 1 9901112 - ICC BUMPER 1 9901113 - INSTALLATION OF ICC BUMPER 1 WARRANTY - TOWMASTER EXCLUSIVE WARRANTY: 5 yr Steel/Stainless Steel Body Structure; 5 yr Whelen LED Light Systems; 4 yr SwapLoader Hoists; 1 year Swenson Spreaders, 2 yr Hyd, FALLS Snow Equip, Tele/Scissor Hoists, and all other items. Accepted by Date $230.00 $232.00 $315.00 Price: Total Discounts: Net Cost: Freight Total: 0/00/00 $230.00 $232.00 $315.00 $28,795.00 $28,795.00 $28,795.00 TRKQT3 iAD.&AP& TRUCK EQUIPMENT 12119/2023 City of Monticello Monticello, MN _Attn: kime Contractor tipper 1.00 Rugby Stainless Steel Contractor tipper with 3116" AR400 $ 15,495.00 floor, No crossmembers, fully boxed in top rail, 12" fold down sides 18" tall tailgate with quick, Stainless EZ latch tailgate and sides LED lighting, 1/4 Cabguard, 12V tailgate release 1.00 Rugby SR4016 Hoist 10.1 ton capacity, Electric double acting power unit, Subframe 1.00 Freight to Moorhead $ 300.00 1.00 Installation of hoist and dump body $ 1,885.00 1.00 Poly fenders installed $ 1,030.00 1.00 ICC Bumper with PH 20 pintle hook and 2" receiver hitch $ 950.00 7 way flat blade socket 1.00 Weld in 2" receiver tube mounted below pintle hook $ 525.00 1.00 Install factory back up camera $ 150.00 1.00 Buyers brand 24" aluminum toolbox installed with steel brackets $ 645.00 2.00 Whelen L32AF amber strobes mounted on top of cabguard $ 725.00 2.00 Whelen 500 V-Series strobes mounted on rear posts $ 380.00 1.00 Installation of strobe lights - wired to switch in the dash $ 540.00 Total less taxes $ 22,625.00 X Brian Pederson, Sales Manager YOUR TRUCK EQUIPMENT HEADQUARTERS 1-800-232-3787 (218) 233-8681 3804 Hwy 75 North Fax 218-233-9548 Moorhead, MN 56560 CITY OF MONTICELLO VERBAL/ WRITTEN QUOTE SUMMARY SHEET Minimum 2 verbal or written quotes required for items/services costing at least $1,000 but less than $2,500. Minimum 3 written quotes required for items/services costing at least $2,500 but less than $10,000. No Quotes are required for items purchased through state cooperative purchasing venture. Use this form to summarize quotes received and to select vendor for award. Name: M 1 a, i' a& I col Dept: S kee, r bPhone: 16If Signature of Person Obtaining Quotes: "w----rG� Item/Service Requested: ` $S Ci ! �r V '" ��Xr fe l 1- d1N Note: If you are unable to obtain required number of quotes, provide an explanation below in notes/comments. # Date Vendor Name 1 szfp d3 vtri�;t Cr St at(- c a� Frt c 2 3 H �a`I Nerri s Lon tt�kt, Contact Person ywIkL dactwr' Q &'A Selected Vendor: CO V '' Fri $ L St-ry i t t-S Phone Number ` k 3 +11 49 ti3 Total $ Amount Quoted �av 00 /0108 sc (If You are selecting other than low quote, you are required to provide written justification as to why low quote was not selected in the notes/comments section): Notes/comments: Approval Acknowledgement: Date: Attach this form and written quotes obtained to invoice. Questions may be directed to the Finance Department. Quote Summary Sheet 10/27/2015 Work Order 'r Pool Construction & $NCOVot;-ton Countryside Services 6228 Hwy 10 NW Ramsey, MN 55303 Sold to: City of (Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 763-271-3279 Customer#: 104488 Sls rep: SCOTT Work Order Status Quantity Item # Description 1 MSC18092 BLADE CRATE (SNOWPLOW),9-2,STE 1 MSC150026 PLOW BOX, RT3-V, SH2 8-2/9-2,13 1 LTA10200 UC/RT3,FORD F250/350/450/550,1 1 MSC09601 CONTROL-HANDHELD,V-BLADE,I2V 1 MSC25012 Kit -WIRING, RT3 SH2, 12V, FORD 1 DISCOUNT PRODUCT DISCOUNT 1 DISCOUNT Municipal Discount 1 INSTALL PLOW Install Snow Plow 1 MISC SHOP SUPPLIES Misc Shop Supplies 1 MSCO1565 SNOW DEFLECTOR 1 INSTALL SNOW FLAP Install Snow Flap Ship to: User. RAYNE Totallineitems: 11 3% CHARGED FOR CREDIT CARDS ON NEW PLOWS PLOW DEPOSITS ARE NONE REFUNDABLE WE DO NOTACCEPT CHECKS 3% CHARGED FOR CREDIT CARDS ON NEW PLOWS PLOWDEPOSITSARE NONE REFUNDABLE WE DO NOTACCEPT CHECKS Page: 1 Order#: 1-109016 Ticket date: 12/28123 Price Selling unit Ext prc 3,370.00 EACH 3,370.00 6,730.00 EACH 6,730.00 800.00 EACH 800.00 350.00 EACH 350.00 400.00 EACH 400.00 -2,155.00 EACH -2.155.00 -757.50 EACH -757.50 850.00 EACH 850.00 10.00 EACH 10.00 350.00 EACH 350.00 135.00 EACH 135.00 Order subtotal: 10,082.50 Tax amount: 0.00 Order total: 10,082.50 0.00 Order ant due: 10,082.50 1130 73rd Avenue NE Highway 60 East Fridley, MN 55432 Lake Crystal, MN 56055 ® r (763) 571-1902 (507) 726-6041 1-800-795-1902 1-800-722-0588 -rRK EQUIPMENT Fax # (763) 571-5091 Fax # (507) 726-2984 www.crvsteeitruck.com AN FQGff}L 0PP0R77 iN/T FMPL0rFR Date: 9/8/2023 Reference: 97' V-DXT Company: City of Monticello Address: Contact: Matt Barthel Phone# 763-370-3438 Email: Matt.barthel ci.Monticello.mn.us Dealer ..................................................................................................... ru Tck Make Ford .......................................................................................... Model Year 2024 .................................................................................... . ....... ............ . ..... Truck Model F550 REFERENCE: COOPERATIVE PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT FROI CONTRACT NO: 216663 RELEASE NO: T-763(5) CONTRACT PERIOD: FEB 1, 2023, THROUGH JANUARY 31, 2024 EXTENSION OPTION: Up to 39 months 1-UNIT STATE COOPERATIVE PRICING City: Monticello State: MN Chassis Estimated Delivery .............................................................. ..........................................CA.or CT Transmission .............................................................. Cab Color OF MINNESOTA OTY t t Snow Plow 1 9'2" V-DXT Steel Vee Plow 1 3.42 Install of 97' V-DXT Steel Vee Plow 1 1.00 Light Adapter IF NEEDED 1 3.94 Snow Deflector (7'6"-9'2" V-Plows, 7'6"-9' Super Duty, 9'HD) 1 3.94 Install of Snow Deflector (7'6"-9'2" V-Plows, 7'6"-9' Super Duty, 9'HD) 3 3.96 Plow Shoe Assembly (Per Shoe) Total Package Price Price Each Extended $8,856.00 $8,856.00 $900.00 $900.00 $179.00 $179.00 $261.00 $261.00 $75.00 $75.00 $43.00 $129.00 $10,400.00 OPTIONS -- The below options are NOT included in the above package pricing 3.0 Front Snow Plow OPTIONS 1 3.45 97' V-DXT Poly Vee Plow ADD $252.00 $252.00 3.47 9'2" V-DXT SS Vee Plow 1 ADD $602.00 $602.00 1 3.49 9'2" V-DXT Steel Vee Plow (D-Force) ADD $708.00 $708.00 1 3.51 97' V-DXT Poly Vee Plow (D-Force) ADD $961.00 $961.00 1 3.53 97' V-DXT SS Vee Plow (D-Force) ADD $1,311.00 $1,311.00 1 3.11 Timbren Load Saver in Front $220.00 $220.00 1 3.11 Install of Timbren Load Saver in Front 7.0 4ccessom OPTIONS _ _ $125.00 _ $125.00 City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2N. Consideration of renewing membership in the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition for 2024 in the amount of $7,402 Prepared by: PW Director/City Engineer Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to approve renewing 1-94 West Corridor Coalition membership and paying contribution of $7,402. PREVIOUS CITY COUNCIL ACTION The City Council has approved annual membership in the coalition since 2013. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The 1-94 West Corridor Coalition is focused on improving 1-94 and its support facilities through both short and long-term improvements. With a unified voice, the organization advocates for solutions to address transportation concerns along the 1-94 corridor between Maple Grove and St. Cloud. The Coalition advocated for the 1-94 Gap project between Albertville and Monticello which was awarded $78 million in 2023. This funding completes capacity expansion between Clearwater to 610 in Maple Grove. The Coalition is continuing to advocate for completion of the funded projects as well as for future projects which include improvements as the Fish Lake interchange as well as providing additional interchanges along the corridor to realize the benefits of the additional capacity improvements on 1-94 in recent years. Given our place along this essential corridor and its resulting impact on our community's growth, Monticello's participation in the coalition continues to benefit our long-term growth and development. Budget Impact: Membership dues are based on census population; Monticello's contribution for 2024 is $7,402. The funds have been budgeted for the year in the Engineering Fund. II. Staff Impact: In collaboration with the council liaison to the organization, staff will continue to represent the City at 1-94 Coalition meetings and events. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Vision + Plan specifically cites a policy statement that the city "Continue to play a proactive role in regional planning initiatives and meet regularly with representatives from nearby townships, cities, Wright and Sherburne Counties and the Mississippi River Regional Planning Partnership." STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends membership renewal and associated financial contribution to the coalition. SUPPORTING DATA • Invoice for 2024 I-94 West Corridor Coalition PO Box 95 Rogers, MN 55374 Bill To City of Monticello Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Description 2024 Annual Membership Dues Invoice Date Invoice # 1/1/2( 2047 Qty Rate Amount 14,804 0.50 7,402.00 Total $7,402.00 December 18, 2023 m City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Ir94 Monticello, MN 55362 CORRIDOR COALITION Local businesses, units of government and organizations like yours are the lifeblood of Minnesota's economy, providing jobs and sustaining families in cities, towns and neighborhoods like the ones in which we work and live. The vitality of our local businesses and communities depends greatly on the health of our infrastructure. It is because of this need that the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition was formed and why we are asking that you renew your membership. The 1-94 West Corridor Coalition is a partnership of businesses and local governments, formed to provide a strong, united voice to advocate for and address transportation concerns along the 1-94 corridor, from the Maple Grove Fish Lake Interchange to St. Cloud. Our growing communities require foresight, planning, and relentless advocacy to ensure our region's transportation needs are not lost at the Capitol. We've experienced major success along the 1-94 Corridor over the past decade which have resulted in significant reductions in travel delays, improved safety, and the completion of numerous new transportation based industrial developments in the region. In 2023, our Coalition members and supporters continued to advocate for a stable, reliable, and dedicated transportation funding plan that accounts for the long-term transportation needs of the State of Minnesota. The Gap Project between Albertville and Monticello received $78 million and will be fully funded in its quest to expand to six lanes (three each way). This funding fulfills requests made to complete the capacity expansion program from Clearwater to 610 that the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition has been advocating for since 2013. Additionally, there was a groundbreaking for the final phase of the Highway 610 extension project that is now fully funded and continues to move forward. In total, the Coalition's efforts have helped secure $500 million in funding along this crucial corridor. We are looking forward to a successful 20241 It is because of the involvement of organizations like yours that the 1-94 West Corridor Coalition experiences remarkable support and success. 1-94 Coalition Members demonstrated their commitment to our region through billboard sponsorships, interviews, legislative testimonies, and much more. The support of your organization and many others has been phenomenal, and we look forward to working together in 2024 with the renewal of your membership. Please find enclosed an invoice to renew your membership. Membership benefits include: recognition on the coalition website (greenlight94.com); email updates about coalition activities and transportation news; invitations to coalition events; and alerts about ways to get involved to further our efforts. Be sure to also save the date for the 2024 Legislative Preview Breakfast on Friday, February 9th from 7:30 AM — 9 AM (Program begins at 8:00 AM) at the Rogers Event Center. Please contact info@greenlight94.com or call the Coalition at 612-594-7557 for more information. Sincerely, 51', 1��` Chairman 1-94 West Corridor Coalition City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 20. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-06 authorizing a grant agreement for the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) in connection with the Citv's Comprehensive Safetv Action Plan Prepared by: Community & Economic Development Coordinator Reviewed by: Meeting Date: ® Consent Agenda Item 01/8/2024 ❑ Regular Agenda Item Approved by: Public Works Director/City Engineer, Finance City Administrator Director, Community Development Director ACTION REQUESTED Motion to adopt Resolution 2024-06 authorizing a State of Minnesota IIJA Discretionary Match Grant Agreement for matching funds for the City's Safe Streets 4 All Action Plan grant. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION July 10, 2023: Approved entering into a Safe Streets and Roads 4 All grant agreement, a federal Action Plan Grant awarded to the City of Monticello. September 11, 2023: Approved a contract with Stonebrook Engineering, Inc. in the amount of $186,901 for the completion of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND In January 2023, the City was awarded $200,000 in federal funding to complete a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan through the Safe Streets 4 All program. The grant required a 20% local match. In October, staff applied for MNDOT's IIJA Match Program which provides matching funds to grant recipients that have directly received a federal discretionary award for a transportation - related purpose. The City of Monticello was awarded a total of $48,000 in IIJA funding to use for the City's local match requirement for the SS4A Action Plan Grant project. The initial amount authorized by the State is based off the current contract amount with Stonebrook Engineering, Inc., or approximately $37,380. Any additional costs incurred throughout the development of the action plan will be incorporated into the required match, up to a max of $48,000. The Action Plan will identify roadway improvements to increase multi -modal transportation safety with the goal of eliminating serious injury and fatality accidents in Monticello. The plan will include safety analysis and public engagement with members of the community, including City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 an emphasis on under -represented users of our transportation network. The plan will also identify policy and process changes the City can take with an emphasis on strategies and projects that enhance safety throughout the City in an equitable manner. The Action Plan is the foundation for seeking further federal SS4A implementation funding as well as funding through the Highway Safety Improvement Program administered by MnDOT. The Implementation Plan grant available within this program funds execution of projects and strategies addressing roadway safety problems as identified in the Action Plan, including infrastructure. Budget Impact: As noted above, the City received $200,000 dollars in federal funding within the grant award. The guidelines of the SS4A program include a 20% local match. The local match required for the City's Action Plan Grant award is $50,000. With the utilization of the maximum amount of $48,000 in IIJA matching funds, the City is anticipated to provide the remaining $2,000 match to reach the total required match of $50,000. If costs incurred by Stonebrook related to the preparation of the Action Plan do not meet the total authorized SS4A grant amount, the IIJA Match Grant could also potentially cover the City's required match entirely. Any additional budget impact would come from the City's Engineering department budget in the General Fund. II. Staff Workload Impact: For the grant application and agreement review, an estimated 8 hours of staff time have been expended. The remainder of necessary staff time for this specific item will be limited, as once the necessary documents are signed and filed, this will be incorporated into the Safe Streets 4 All Action Plan Grant project. III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: In Chapter 4, "Mobility and Connectivity" of the Comp Plan, the first item listed under Priority Projects is "Continued evaluation of collector street network improvements for safety, intersection and congestion improvements." The work and results completed as part of this Action Plan will promote this priority project by highlighting where, within the City of Monticello's transportation system, safety can be improved. The Comp Plan also identifies "Complete Streets" roadway designs that involves consideration of needs of all roadway users. The SS4A Action Plan Grant will benefit the City's implementation of this design concept by identifying roadway needs and accessibility considerations during the planning process, ensuring they will be included in final design (Implementation Grant phase). STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends approval of entering into the Grant Agreement. SUPPORTING DATA A. City Council Resolution 2024-06 B. Draft IIJA Discretionary Match Grant Agreement City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 C. Notice of Approval Letter, dated December 6, 2023 D. Partially Executed Force Account Agreement CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-06 STATE FUNDED PROGRAM FOR IIJA DISCRETIONARY GRANT ASSISTANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SAP 222-589-002 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the State Program for IIJA Assistance; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this project is available; and WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $48,000 by reason of the lowest responsible bid; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Monticello does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 68, Article 1, Section 2, Subdivision 5(a), and will pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate, and will return any amount appropriated for the project but not required. The proper City officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the Commissioner of Transportation concerning the above -referenced grant. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 8t" day of January, 2024. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk MDEPARTMENT OF MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 TRANSPORTATION SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 STATE OF MINNESOTA FEDERAL TRANSPORTATION GRANTS TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE AND IIJA DISCRETIONARY MATCH GRANT AGREEMENT This agreement is between the State of Minnesota, acting through its Commissioner of Transportation ("State"), and ("Grantee"): Public Entity (Grantee) name, address and contact person: Citv of Monticello, NIN 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Contact: Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer: (763)-271-3271 / matt. leonard(aci.monticello.mn.us RECITALS 1. General Funds were appropriated to provide grants for technical assistance to a requesting local unit of government or Tribal government that seeks to submit an application for a federal discretionary grant for a transportation -related purpose in Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 68, Article 1, Section 2, Subdivision 5(a). 2. General funds were appropriated to make state funded grants to a federal grant recipient in Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 68, Article 1, Section 2, Subdivision 5(a). 3. Grantee has been awarded Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IIJA Discretionary Grant Match funds in session law as noted above. 4. Grantee represents that it is duly qualified and agrees to perform all services described in this agreement to the satisfaction of the State. Pursuant to Minn. Stat. & 16B.98, Subd.l, Grantee agrees to minimize administrative costs as a condition of this agreement. AGREEMENT TERMS Term of Agreement, Survival of Terms, and Incorporation of Exhibits 1.1 Effective Date. This agreement will be effective on the date the State obtains all required signatures under Minn. Stat.§16B.98, Subd. 5. As required by Minn.Stat.§16B.98 Subd. 7, no payments will be made to Grantee until this agreement is fully executed. Grantee must not begin work under this agreement until this agreement is fully executed and Grantee has been notified by the State's Authorized Representative to begin the work. 1.2 Expiration Date. This agreement will expire on December 31, 2027 or when all obligations have been satisfactorily fulfilled, whichever occurs first. 1.3 Survival of Terms. All clauses which impose obligations continuing in their nature and which must survive in order to give effect to their meaning will survive the expiration or termination of this agreement, including, without limitation, the following clauses: 8. Liability; 9. State Audits; 10. Government Data Practices and Intellectual Property; 11. Workers Compensation; 12. Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue; and 14. Data Disclosure. 1.4 Exhibits. Exhibit A: Sources and Uses of Funds Schedule; Exhibit B: Grant Application; and Exhibit C: Grantee Resolution Approving Grant Agreement are attached and incorporated into this agreement. 2 Grantee's Duties 2.1 Grantee will conduct activities in accordance with its grant application, or in the case of legislatively selected projects, in accordance with the enabling session law, which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit B. 2.2 Grantee will comply with all required grants management policies and procedures set forth through Minn.Stat.§1613.97, Subd. 4 (a) (1). 2.3 Asset Monitoring. If Grantee uses funds obtained by this agreement to acquire a capital asset, the Grantee is required to use that asset for a public purpose for the normal useful life of the asset. Grantee may not sell or change the purpose of use for the capital asset(s) obtained with grant funds under this agreement without the prior written consent of the State and an agreement executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this agreement, or their successors in office. CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 3 Time 3.1 Grantee must comply with all the time requirements described in this agreement. In the performance of this grant agreement, time is of the essence. 4 Consideration and Payment 4.1 Consideration. The State will pay for all services performed by Grantee under this agreement as follows: 4.1.1 Compensation. Grantee will be reimbursed for actual, incurred costs that are eligible under in Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 68, Article 1, Section 2, Subdivision 5(a). Grantee shall use this grant solely to reimburse itself for expenditures it has already made to pay for the costs of one or more of the activities listed under section 2.1. 4.1.2 Sources and Uses of Funds. Grantee represents to State that the Sources and Uses of Funds Schedule attached as Exhibit A accurately shows the total cost of the project and all of the funds that are available for the completion of the project. Grantee agrees that it will pay for any costs that are ineligible for reimbursement and for any amount by which the costs exceed State's total obligation in section 4.1.3. Grantee will return to State any amount appropriated but not required. 4.1.3 Total Obligation. The total obligation of the State for all compensation and reimbursements to Grantee under this agreement will not exceed $48,000.00 4.2 Payment 4.2.1 Invoices. Grantee will submit state aid pay requests for reimbursements requested under this grant agreement. The State will promptly pay Grantee after Grantee presents an itemized invoice for the services actually performed and the State's Authorized Representative accepts the invoiced services. 4.2.2 All Invoices Subject to Audit. All invoices are subject to audit, at State's discretion. 4.2.3 State's Payment Requirements. State will promptly pay all valid obligations under this agreement as required by Minnesota Statutes § 16A.124. State will make undisputed payments no later than 30 days after receiving Grantee's invoices and progress reports for services performed. If an invoice is incorrect, defective or otherwise improper, State will notify Grantee within ten days of discovering the error. After State receives the corrected invoice, State will pay Grantee within 30 days of receipt of such invoice. 4.2.4 Grant Monitoring Visit and Financial Reconciliation. During the period of performance, the State will make at least annual monitoring visits and conduct annual financial reconciliations of Grantee's expenditures. The State's Authorized Representative will notify Grantee's Authorized Representative where and when any monitoring visit and financial reconciliation will take place, which State employees and/or contractors will participate, and which Grantee staff members should be present. Grantee will be provided with at least seven calendar days of notice prior to any monitoring visit or financial reconciliation. Following a monitoring visit or financial reconciliation, Grantee will take timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies identified by State. At least one monitoring visit and one financial reconciliation must be completed prior to final payment being made to Grantee. 4.2.5 Unexpended Funds. The Grantee must promptly return to the State at grant closeout any unexpended funds that have not been accounted for in a financial report submitted to the State. 4.2.6 Closeout. The State will determine, at its sole discretion, whether a closeout audit is required prior to final payment approval. If a closeout audit is required, final payment will be held until the audit has been completed. Monitoring of any capital assets acquired with grant funds will continue following grant closeout. 4.3 Contracting and Bidding Requirements. If Grantee is a municipality as defined by Minn. Stat. § 471.345, subdivision 1, then Grantee shall comply with the requirements of Minn. Stat. § 471.345 for all procurement under this Agreement. 5 Conditions of Payment All services provided by Grantee under this agreement must be performed to the State's satisfaction, as determined at the sole discretion of the State's Authorized Representative and in accordance with all applicable federal, state, and local laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations. The Grantee will not receive payment for work found by the State to be unsatisfactory or performed in violation of federal, state, or local law. CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 6 Authorized Representatives 6.1 The State's Authorized Representative is: Marc Briese, Programs Engineer, MnDOT State Aid Office 395 John Ireland Boulevard, MS 500 St. Paul, MN 55155 Office: 651-366-3802 marc.briese@state.mn.us or his/her successor. State's Authorized Representative has the responsibility to monitor Grantee's performance and the authority to accept the services provided under this agreement. If the services are satisfactory, the State's Authorized Representative will certify acceptance on each invoice submitted for payment. 6.2 Grantee's Authorized Representative is: Matt Leonard, Public Works Director/City Engineer, (763)-271-3271, Matt.Leonard(cr�,ci.monticello.mn.us. If Grantee's Authorized Representative changes at any time during this agreement, Grantee will immediately notify the State. Assignment Amendments, Waiver, and Grant Agreement Complete 7.1 Assignment. The Grantee may neither assign nor transfer any rights or obligations under this agreement without the prior written consent of the State and a fully executed Assignment Agreement, executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved this agreement, or their successors in office. 7.2 Amendments. Any amendments to this agreement must be in writing and will not be effective until it has been executed and approved by the same parties who executed and approved the original agreement, or their successors in office. 7.3 Waiver. If the State fails to enforce any provision of this agreement, that failure does not waive the provision or the State's right to subsequently enforce it. 7.4 Grant Agreement Complete. This grant agreement contains all negotiations and agreements between the State and Grantee. No other understanding regarding this agreement, whether written or oral, may be used to bind either party. 7.5 Electronic Records and Signatures. The parties agree to contract by electronic means. This includes using electronic signatures and converting original documents to electronic records. 7.6 Certification. By signing this Agreement, the Grantee certifies that it is not suspended or debarred from receiving federal or state awards. Liability Grantee and State agree that each will be responsible for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law, and neither shall be responsible for the acts of the other party and the results thereof. The liability of State is governed by the provisions of Minn. Stat. Sec. 3.736. If Grantee is a "municipality" as that term is used in Minn. Stat. Chapter 466, then the liability of Grantee is governed by the provisions of Chapter 466. Grantee's liability hereunder shall not be limited to the extent of insurance carried by or provided by Grantee, or subject to any exclusion from coverage in any insurance policy. State Audits Under Minn. Stat. § 1613.98, Subd.8, the Grantee's books, records, documents, and accounting procedures and practices of Grantee, or other party relevant to this grant agreement or transaction, are subject to examination by the State and/or the State Auditor or Legislative Auditor, as appropriate, for a minimum of six years from the end of this agreement, receipt and approval of all final reports, or the required period of time to satisfy all state and program retention requirements, whichever is later. Grantee will take timely and appropriate action on all deficiencies identified by an audit. CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 10 Government Date Practices and Intellectual Property Rights 10.1 Government Data Practices. Grantee and State must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13. as it applies to all data provided by the State under this grant agreement, and as it applies to all data created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by the Grantee under this agreement. The civil remedies of Minn. Stat. & 13.08 apply to the release of the data referred to in this clause by either Grantee or the State. 11 Workers Compensation The Grantee certifies that it is in compliance with Minn. Stat. § 176.181. Subd. 2, pertaining to workers' compensation insurance coverage. The Grantee's employees and agents will not be considered State employees. Any claims that may arise under the Minnesota Workers' Compensation Act on behalf of these employees and any claims made by any third party as a consequence of any act or omission on the part of these employees are in no way the State's obligation or responsibility. 12 Governing Law, Jurisdiction, and Venue Minnesota law, without regard to its choice -of -law provisions, governs this agreement. Venue for all legal proceedings out of this agreement, or its breach, must be in the appropriate state or federal court with competent jurisdiction in Ramsey County, Minnesota. 13 Termination; Suspension 13.1 Termination by the State. The State may terminate this agreement with or without cause, upon 30 days written notice to the Grantee. Upon termination, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed. 13.2 Termination for Cause. The State may immediately terminate this grant agreement if the State finds that there has been a failure to comply with the provisions of this agreement, that reasonable progress has not been made, that fraudulent or wasteful activity has occurred, that Grantee has been convicted of a criminal offense relating to a state grant agreement, or that the purposes for which the funds were granted have not been or will not be fulfilled. The State may take action to protect the interests of the State of Minnesota, including the refusal to disburse additional funds and requiring the return of all or part of the funds already disbursed. 13.3 Termination for Insufficient Funding. The State may immediately terminate this agreement if: 13.3.1 It does not obtain funding from the Minnesota Legislature; or 13.3.2 If funding cannot be continued at a level sufficient to allow for the payment of the services covered here. Termination must be by written notice to the Grantee. The State is not obligated to pay for any services that are provided after notice and effective date of termination. However, the Grantee will be entitled to payment, determined on a pro rata basis, for services satisfactorily performed to the extent that funds are available. The State will not be assessed any penalty if the agreement is terminated because of the decision of the Minnesota Legislature, or other funding source, not to appropriate funds. The State will provide the Grantee notice of the lack of funding within a reasonable time of the State's receiving that notice. 13.4 Suspension. The State may immediately suspend this agreement in the event of a total or partial government shutdown due to the failure to have an approved budget by the legal deadline. Work performed by the Grantee during a period of suspension will be deemed unauthorized and undertaken at risk of non-payment. 14 Data Disclosure Under Minn. Stat. & 270C.65, Subd. 3, and other applicable law, Grantee consents to disclosure of its social security number, federal employer tax identification number, and/or Minnesota tax identification number, already provided to the State, to federal and state tax agencies and state personnel involved in the payment of state obligations. These identification numbers may be used in the enforcement of federal and state tax laws which could result in action requiring the Grantee to file state tax returns and pay delinquent state tax liabilities, if any. 15 Fund Use Prohibited. The Grantee will not utilize any funds received pursuant to this Agreement to compensate, either directly or indirectly, any contractor, corporation, partnership, or business, however organized, which is disqualified or debarred from entering into or receiving a State contract. This restriction applies regardless of whether the disqualified or debarred party acts in the capacity of a general contractor, a subcontractor, or as an equipment or material supplier. This restriction does not prevent the Grantee from utilizing these funds to pay any party who might CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 be disqualified or debarred after the Grantee's contract award on this Project. 16 Discrimination Prohibited by Minnesota Statutes §181.59. Grantee will comply with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes § 181.59 which requires that every contract for or on behalf of the State of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district or any other district in the state, for materials, supplies or construction will contain provisions by which Contractor agrees: 1) That, in the hiring of common or skilled labor for the performance of any work under any contract, or any subcontract, no Contractor, material supplier or vendor, will, by reason of race, creed or color, discriminate against the person or persons who are citizens of the United States or resident aliens who are qualified and available to perform the work to which the employment relates; 2) That no Contractor, material supplier, or vendor, will, in any manner, discriminate against, or intimidate, or prevent the employment of any person or persons identified in clause 1 of this section, or on being hired, prevent or conspire to prevent, the person or persons from the performance of work under any contract on account of race, creed or color; 3) That a violation of this section is a misdemeanor; and 4) That this contract may be canceled or terminated by the state of Minnesota, or any county, city, town, township, school, school district or any other person authorized to grant contracts for employment, and all money due, or to become due under the contract, may be forfeited for a second or any subsequent violation of the terms or conditions of this Agreement. 17 Limitation. Under this Agreement, the State is only responsible for receiving and disbursing funds. Nothing in this Agreement will be construed to make the State a principal, co -principal, partner, or joint venturer with respect to the Project(s) covered herein. The State may provide technical advice and assistance as requested by the Grantee, however, the Grantee will remain responsible for providing direction to its contractors and consultants and for administering its contracts with such entities. The Grantee's consultants and contractors are not intended to be third parry beneficiaries of this Agreement. 18 Additional Provisions 18.1 Prevailing Wages. Grantee agrees to comply with all of the applicable provisions contained in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 177, and specifically those provisions contained in Minn. Stat.§. 177.41 through 177.435 as they may be amended or replaced from time to time with respect to the project. By agreeing to this provision, Grantee is not acknowledging or agreeing that the cited provisions apply to the project. 18.2 E-Verification. Grantee agrees and acknowledges that it is aware of Minn. Stat. § 16C.075 regarding e-verification of employment of all newly hired employees to confirm that such employees are legally entitled to work in the United States, and that it will, if and when applicable, fully comply with such order. 18.3 Telecommunications Certification. If federal funds are included in Exhibit A, by signing this agreement Grantee certifies that, consistent with Section 889 of the John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2019, Pub. L. 115-232 (Aug. 13, 2018), Grantee does not and will not use any equipment, system, or service that uses "covered telecommunications equipment or services" (as that term is defined in Section 889 of the Act) as a substantial or essential component of any system or as critical technology as part of any system. Grantee will include this certification as a flow down clause in any contract related to this agreement. 18.4 Title VI/Non-discrimination Assurances. Grantee agrees to comply with all applicable US DOT Standard Title VI/Non-Discrimination Assurances contained in DOT Order No. 1050.2A, and in particular Appendices A and E, which can be found at: httns://edocs-Dublic.dot.state.mn.us/edocs Dublic/DMResultSet/download?docld=11149035. If federal funds are included in Exhibit A, Grantee will ensure the appendices and solicitation language within the assurances are inserted into contracts as required. State may conduct a review of the Grantee's compliance with this provision. The Grantee must cooperate with State throughout the review process by supplying all requested information and documentation to State, making Grantee staff and officials available for meetings as requested, and correcting any areas of non-compliance as determined by State. 18.5 Use, Maintenance, Repair and Alterations. The Grantee shall not, without the written consent of the State and the Commissioner, (i) permit or allow the use of any of the property improved with these grants funds (the Real Property) CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 for any purpose other than in conjunction with or for the operation of a county highway, county state -aid highway, town road, or city street and for other uses customarily associated therewith, such as trails and utility corridors , (ii) substantially alter any of the Real Property except such alterations as may be required by laws, ordinances or regulations, or such other alterations as may improve the Real Property by increasing its value or which improve its ability to be used for the purposes set forth in section (i), (iii) take any action which would unduly impair or depreciate the value of the Real Property, (iv) abandon the Real Property, or (v) commit or permit any act to be done in or on the Real Property in violation of any law, ordinance or regulation. If the Grantee fails to maintain the Real Property in accordance with this Section, the State may perform whatever acts and expend whatever funds necessary to so maintain the Real Property, and the Grantee irrevocably authorizes the State to enter upon the Real Property to perform such acts as may be necessary to so maintain the Real Property. Any actions taken or funds expended by the State shall be at its sole discretion, and nothing contained herein shall require the State to take any action or incur any expense and the State shall not be responsible, or liable to the Grantee or any other entity, for any such acts that are performed in good faith and not in a negligent manner. Any funds expended by the State pursuant to this Section shall be due and payable on demand by the State and will bear interest from the date of payment by the State at a rate equal to the lesser of the maximum interest rate allowed by law or 18% per year based upon a 365-day year. [The remainder of this page has intentionally been left blank.] CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) GRANTEE The Grantee certifies that the appropriate person(s) have executed the grant agreement on behalf of the Grantee as required by applicable articles, bylaws, resolutions, or ordinances. : Title: Citv Administrator Date MIA Title: Public Works Director/City Engineer Date MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Approval and Certifying Encumbrance : (with delegated authority) Title: State Aid Programs Manager Date: DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CONTRACT MANAGEMENT In Date: CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 EXHIBIT A SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS SCHEDULE SOURCES OF FUNDS Entity Supplying Funds Amount State Funds: ......................................................................................................... General Fund Grant ........................................................................................................: Acct 426 ........................................................................................................: Other: ........................................................................................................: .............. ................... ........................................................................................................: Subtotal ......................................................................................................... Public Entity Funds: .......................................................................................... Matching ..Funds ......................................... ........................................................................................................: Other: Federal Funds ......................................................................................................... Subtotal ........................................................................................................: USES OF FUNDS ...Expenses................................................................. Amount ....... ...................................................... ............................................................. ........................................ Items Paid for with .....................................................................................................:......................................................... :......................................................... $48,000.00 ...................................................... General Fund Grant .....................................................................................................:......................................................... Funds: ...................................................... ....... ..................................................................................................... Engineering...................................................................... :......................................................... $ 3 7, 3 8 0.20.... $ .... ... Engineering Contingency ..... $10,619.80 ........................................ $ $ $ $ ....... $48,000.00 ....... .............................................................................................................................................................. Subtotal ............................................................................................................................................................... $48,000.00 ...................................................... ....... .....................................................................................................:......................................................... Items paid for with Non- $ .... ... General Fund .............................................................................................................................................................. Grant Funds: ....... ....................................................................................................:......................................................... IIJA Safe Streets for All $200,000.00 planning.. Grant........................................................................................................ $200,000.00 ....... ................. ................:... $ $ $ ...................................................... $200,000.00 ....... .....................................................................................................:......................................................... Subtotal ....................................................................................................... $200,000.00 MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 EXHIBIT B GRANT APPLICATION Attach the grant application for the project CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) Form Name: Submission Time: Browser: I Address: Unique ID: Entity Legal Name Mailing address I IJA-match-application October 2, 2023 2:33 pm Chrome / Windows 1148145578 City of Monticello SWIFT Vendor Number Type of applicant Authorized representative Phone number Email address Program contact Phone number Email address Program/Droiect information Transportation mode Program/project title Brief program/project description Program/project location Congressional district of program/project 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 0000195492 Local government Rachel Leonard City Administrator (763) 271-3275 matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us Matt Leonard Public Works Director/City Engineer (763)271-3271 matt.leonard@ci.monticello.mn.us Local roadway Safe Streets for All Identify roadway improvements to our network that can be made to increase safety with the goal of eliminating serious injury and fatality accidents from occurring in the City. City of Monticello 6th Estimated start date Sep 01, 2023 Estimated end date Aug 31, 2024 Federal award information Name of federal awarding agency/office Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) Name of FHWA grant program Other: Safe Streets for All Assistance Listing Number (ALN) 20.939 Federal Funding Opportunity Number 693JJ32340398 Date of notice of award Jan 31, 2023 Federal application information Amount of federal funds requested 200000 Amount of federal funds awarded 200000 Total project cost (as proposed on 250000 application) Match requirement percentage for the 20% federal program Upload PDF of SF-424 from application https://mndotforms.formstack.com/admin/download/file/l5288569346 Upload Notice of Award https://mndotforms.formstack.com/admin/download/file/l5288569347 letter/confirmation from federal awarding agency Additional comments MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 EXHIBIT C GRANTEE RESOLUTION APPROVING GRANT AGREEMENT 10 CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IUA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) MnDOT Agreement No. 1055492 SP or SAP No. 222-589-002 CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION NO. 2024-XX STATE FUNDED PROGRAM FOR IIJA DISCRETIONARY GRANT ASSISTANCE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SAP 222-589-002 WHEREAS, the City of Monticello has applied to the Commissioner of Transportation for a grant from the State Program for IIJA Assistance; and WHEREAS, the Commissioner of Transportation has given notice that funding for this project is available; and WHEREAS, the amount of the grant has been determined to be $48,000.00 by reason of the lowest responsible bid; NOW THEREFORE, be it resolved that the City of Monticello does hereby agree to the terms and conditions of the grant consistent with Minnesota Laws 2023, Chapter 68, Article 1, Section 2, Subdivision 5(a), and will pay any additional amount by which the cost exceeds the estimate, and will return any amount appropriated for the project but not required. The proper City officers are authorized to execute a grant agreement and any amendments thereto with the Commissioner of Transportation concerning the above -referenced grant. Adopted by the City Council of Monticello this 81" day of January, 2024. Lloyd Hilgart, Mayor Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk 11 CM State Aid Federal Transportation Grants Technical Assistance or IIJA Discretionary Grant Match Grant Agreement (Rev. June 2023) DEPARTMENT OF State Aid for Local Transportation TRANSPORTATION 395 John Ireland Blvd., MS 500 St. Paul, MN 55155 Phone: 651-366-3800 December 6, 2023 Matt Leonard Monticello City Engineer 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 In reference to: Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) Matching Grant (state funds) SAP 222-589-002 Dear Mr. Leonard, Thank you for submitting an application for state funding for an IIJA match. Your application has been approved for up to $48,000.00 in state funds. Note that these funds will require a grant agreement and eligible costs will be paid on a reimbursable basis only after the grant agreement has been executed. The document at the following link generally outlines the process to access state funds through a grant agreement: State fund grantee user guide (PDR This project received direct recipient federal funding from the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA). As such, the federal funds will be administered outside of State Aid. Other important notes include: 1. The State Aid Project number for the state grant funds will be 222-589-002. 2. Please inform me as soon as possible after the federal funds have been authorized, including a summary of the project costs (federal, state IIJA match, and any required local funds). I will then review the eligible costs and will issue a funding letter to you. This will include further instructions on process, including links to the appropriate state grant agreement template, instructions for assembling the draft grant agreement, and the sample resolution that must be included in the grant agreement. 3. Only eligible costs incurred after the date of the funding letter will ultimately be eligible for reimbursement, though payment cannot be made until a grant agreement is executed. Please contact me if you have questions. Sincerely, Marc Briese State Aid Programs Manager 1 of 2 222-589-00211JAMatchSe1Ltr.docx copy: Rachel Leonard, Monticello City Administrator Angie Tomovic, District 3 State Aid Engineer Brett Stark, District 3 State Aid Assistant Elisa Bottos, State Aid Project Delivery Engineer Rachel Broughton, State Aid Special Programs and Project Development Engineer Olga Kruglova, State Aid Programs 2 of 2 222-589-00211JAMatchSelLtr.docx n" STATE AID FOR LOCAL TRANSPORTATION Rev. May 2018 Farce Account Agreenrment S.P./S.A.P. 222-589-002 CSAH / MSAS No. — Various County/Municipality: Citv of Monticello LOCATION: ON of Monticello Transportation Svstem including countv and state roads. Type of Work: Development of an Action Plan identifvinq streets and mthwav safetv improvements in coniunction with the Safe Streets 4 All federal program. The above noted County/Municipality (hereinafter the agency) hereby requests authority for the construction of the above referenced project. The agency agrees: (A) Performance of the work will be in accordance with the Standard Specifications for Construction of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and all approved supplements and modifications thereto, except as modified by special provisions. (B) That only properly inspected materials that meet the requirements of the Standard Specifications for Construction of the Minnesota Department of Transportation and all approved supplements and modifications thereto, except as modified by special provisions, will be used. (C) That all necessary work not itemized in the attached schedule of unit prices, or utility or railroad agreement, or covered by an approved supplemental agreement, will be performed as incidental work without additional compensation. (D) The quantities for final payment of state aid funds will be based on plan quantities, unless field measurements, notes, records and other data necessary to support other quantities are submitted. (E) The agency requests release of State Aid funds in the amount of $48,000 for engineering, relative to the amount of design and inspection performed. Force account work is eligible for state aid funding once a force account agreement is signed by the state aid engineer, including costs that occur before force account agreement approval. The agency further requests that payment of State Aid funds be made in accordance with the current Rules for State Aid Operations, Chapter 8820. County / City Engineer MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION APPROVED: AndJela 1 omovic Digitally signed byAndjela7omovic Date: 2023.12.21 09:36:21-06'00' Date District State Aid Engineer Date Director State Aid for Local Transportation Use this form for Approval of State Aid Construction by Local forces/Railroad/Utility PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT AGREEMENT made this I I' day of September 2023, by and between the CITE'' OF MO►NTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and STONEBROOKE ENGINEERING, INC., a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as "Engineer"). IN CONSIDERATION OF THEIR MUTUAL COVENANTS, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: I. SCOPE OF SERVICES. The City retains Engineer for professional engineering services regarding the City of Monticello Comprehensive Safety Action Plan ("Project"). The Engineer agrees to furnish and perform services in connection with the Project as described in Exhibit "A", Scope of Services, attached hereto. Upon mutual agreement of the parties, additional services may be authorized, and this Agreement will be revised in writing and signed by the City and Engineer. 2. CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The following documents shad be referred to as the "Contract Documents.," all of which shall be taken together as a whole as the contract between the parties as if they were set verbatim and in full herein: A. This Professional Services Agreement. B. Insurance Certificate. C. Engineer's Task and Cost Proposal dated August 25, 2023 ("Proposal"). In the event of conflict among the provisions of the Contract Documents, the order in which they are listed above shall control in resolving any such conflicts, with Contract Document "A" having the first priority and Contract Document "C" having the last priority. 3. COMPENSATION. Engineer shall be paid by the City for the services described in Exhibit "A" in accordance with the Schedule of Fees attached hereto as Exhibit "B". Compensation shall not exceed One Hundred and Eighty -Six Thousand Nine Hundred One and no/100ths ($186,901.00) Dollars, inclusive of expenses. Engineer shall bill the City as the work progresses. Payment shall be made by the City within thirty-five (35) days of receipt of an invoice. In the event the City changes or is required to change the scope or duration of the Project from that described in Exhibit "A", and such changes require additional services by the Engineer, the Engineer shall be entitled to additional compensation at the applicable hourly rates set forth in Exhibit "C". To the fullest extent practical, the Engineer shall give notice to the City of any additional services, prior to furnishing such additional services. Except for additional services required to address emergencies or acts of God that impact the Project, the Engineer shall furnish an estimate of additional cost, prior to authorization of the changed scope of services.. 220998v1 4. DOCUMENT OWNERSHIP. All reports, plans, models, diagrams, analyses, and information generated in connection with performance of this Agreement shall be the property of the City. The City may use the information for its purposes. 5. CHANGE ORDERS. All change orders, regardless of amount, must be approved in advance and in writing by the City. No payment will be due or made for work done in advance of such approval. 6. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND REGULATIONS. In providing services hereunder, Engineer shall abide by all statutes, ordinances, rules and regulations pertaining to the provisions of services to be provided. 7. STANDARD OF CARE. Engineer shall exercise the same degree of care, skill, and diligence in the performance of the services as is ordinarily possessed and exercised. by a professional Engineer under similar circumstances. No other warranty, expressed or implied, is included in this Agreement. City shall not be responsible for discovering deficiencies in the accuracy of Engineer's services. 8. INDEMNIFICATION. Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City, its officers, agents, and employees, of and from any and all claims, demands, actions, causes of action, inc , luding costs and attorney's fees, arising out of or by reason of the execution or performance of the services provided for herein and further agrees to defend at its sole cost and expense any action or proceeding commenced for the purpose of asserting any claim of whatsoever character arising hereunder. 9. INSURANCE. A. The Engineer agrees to maintain, at Engineer's expense a commercial general liability (CGL) and excess or umbrella general liability insurance policy or policies insuring Engineer against claims for bodily injury, death or property damage arising out of Engineer's general business activities. The general liability coverage shall provide limits of not less than $2,000,000 per occurrence and not less than $2,000,000 general aggregate. Coverage shall include Premises and Operations Bodily Injury and Property Damage; Personal and Advertising Injury; Blanket Contractual Liability; Products and Completed Operations Liability. B. The Engineer also agrees to maintain, at Engineer's expense, a single limit or combined limit automobile liability insurance and excess or umbrella liability policy or policies insuring owned, non -owned and hired vehicles used by Engineer under this Agreement. The automobile liability coverages shall provide limits of not less than $1,000,000 per accident for property damage, $2,000,000 for bodily injuries, death and damages to any one person and $2,000,000 for total bodily injury, death and damage claims arising from one accident. C. City shall be named Additional Insured for the above CGL and Auto liability policies. 2 220998vi D. The Engineer agrees to maintain, at the Engineer's expense, statutory worker's compensation coverage together with Coverage B, Employer's Liability limits of not less than $500,000 for Bodily Injury by Disease per employee, $500,000.00 for Bodily Injury by Disease aggregate and $500,000 for Bodily Injury by Accident. E. The Engineer also agrees to maintain, at Engineer's expense, Professional Liability Insurance coverage insuring Engineer against damages for legal liability arising from a negligent act,, error or omission in the performance of professional services required by this Agreement during the period of Engineer's services and for three years following date of final completion of its services. The professional liability insurance coverage shall provide limits of not less than $2,000,000 per claim and an annual aggregate of not less than $2,000,000 on a claims -made basis. F. City shall maintain statutory Workers Compensation insurance coverage on all of City's employees and other liability insurance coverage for injury and property damage to third parties due to the City's negligence, G. Prior to commencement of this Agreement, Engineer will provide the City with certificates of insurance, showing evidence of required coverages. All policies of insurance shall contain a provision or endorsement that the coverage afforded will not be canceled or reduced in limits by endorsement for any reason except non-payment of premium, until at least 30 days prior written notice has been given to the Certificate Holder, and at least 10 days prior written notice in the case of non-payment of premium. 10. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. The City hereby retains Engineer as an independent contractor upon the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Engineer is not an employee of the City and is free to contract with other entities as provided herein. Engineer shall be responsible for selecting the means and methods of performing the work. Engineer shall furnish any and all supplies, equipment, and incidentals necessary for Engineer's performance under this Agreement. City and Engineer agree that Engineer shall not at any time or in any manner represent that Engineer or any of Engineer's agents or employees are in any manner agents. or employees of the City. Engineer shall be exclusively responsible under this Agreement for Engineer's own FICA payments, workers compensation payments, unemployment compensation payments, withholding amounts, and/or self-employment taxes if any such payments, amounts, or taxes are required to be paid by law or regulation. 11. SUBCONTRACTORS. Engineer shall not enter into subcontracts for services provided under this Agreement without the express written consent of the City. Engineer shall comply with Minnesota Statutes § 471.425. Engineer must pay subcontractors for all undisputed services provided by subcontractors within ten (10) days of Engineer's receipt of payment from City. Engineer must pay interest of one and five -tenths percent (1 .5%) per month or any part of a month to subcontractors on any undisputed amount not paid on time to subcontractors. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid balance of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) 017more is Ten Dollars (S10.00). 3 2209980 12. CONTROLLING LAW/VENUE. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Minnesota. In the event of litigation, the exclusive venue shall be in the District Court of the State of Minnesota for Carver County Minnesota. 13. MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT. Engineer must comply with the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minnesota Statutes Chapter 13, as it applies to (1) all data provided by the City pursuant to this Agreement, and (2) all data, created, collected, received, stored, used, maintained, or disseminated by Engineer pursuant to this Agreement. Engineer is subject to all the provisions of the Minnesota Government Data Practices ,Act, including but not limited to the civil remedies of Minnesota Statutes Section 13.08, as if it were a government entity. In the event Engineer receives a request to release data, Engineer must immediately notify City. City will give Engineer instructions concerning the release of the data to the requesting party before the data is released. Engineer agrees to defend, indemnify, and hold City, its officials, officers, agents, employees, and volunteers harmless from any claims resulting from Engineer's officers', agents', city's, partners', employees, volunteers, assignees' or subcontractors" unlawful disclosure and/or use of protected data. The terms of this paragraph shall survive the cancellation or termination of this Agreement. 14. COPYRIGHT. Engineer shall defend actions or claims charging infringement of any copyright or software license by reason of the use or adoption of any software, designs, drawings or specifications supplied by it, and it shall bold harmless the City from loss or damage resulting therefrom. 15. PATENTED DEVICES, MATERIALS AND PROCESSES. If the Contract requires, or the Engineer desires, the use of any design, devise, material or process covered by letters, patent or copyright, trademark or trade name, the Engineer shall provide for such use by suitable legal agreement with the patentee or owner and a copy of said agreement shall be filed with the City. If no such agreement is made or filed as noted, the Engineer shall indemnify and hold harmless the City from any and all claims for infringement by reason of the use of any such patented designed, device, material or process, or any trademark or trade name or copyright in connection with the services agreed to be performed under the Contract, and shall indemnify and defend the City for any costs, liability, expenses and attorney's fees that result from any such infringement. 16. RECORDS. Engineer shall maintain complete and accurate records of hours worked and expenses involved in the perfon-nance of services. 17. ASSIGNMENT. Neither party shall assign this Agreement, or any interest arising herein, without the written consent of the other party. 18. WAIVER. Any waiver by either party of a breach of any provisions of this Agreement shall not affect, in any respect, the validity of the remainder of this Agreement. 4 220998NI 19. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. The entire agreement of the parties is contained herein. This Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, as well as any previous agreements presently in effect between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof. Any alterations, amendments, deletions, or waivers of the provisions of this Agreement shall be valid only when expressed in writing and duly signed by the parties, unless otherwise provided herein. 20. TERMINATION. This Agreement may be terminated by the City for any reason or for convenience upon written notice to the Engineer. In the event of termination, the City shall be obligated to the Engineer for payment of amounts due and owing including payment for services performed or furnished to the date and time of termination. Dated: dM &/" 1 2023. Dated: September 9 2023. CITY Or MONTICELLO By: L-L-to'y-d art, ay . r And• Rac le l Le iar , City'rAdministrator STONEBROOkE ENGINEERING, INC. Tim Arvidson 1print namel Its CEO ltitlel 2209980 EXHIBIT "A" to Professional Service Agreement SCOPE OF WORK & PERFORMANCE TASKS Project Overview The development of a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) for the Monticello area will provide a framework of innovative strategies and prioritized implementation actions to reduce fatal and serious crashes for all roadway users. The CSAP will help Monticello build a safer transportation system for all users and all modes of travel. Using guidance from FHWA's Safe System approach and SS4A`s CSAP components, and in collaboration with community stakeholders, Monticello will develop a CSAP that delivers the following: • Community commitment to Safe Streets including stakeholder and public engagement, with an emphasis on equity considerations and multi -modal solutions. • Data collection and review, including a summary of existing plans, programs, and policies. • Crash data review, including an analysis of regional trends, contributing factors, and patterns of transportation -related accidents in the community. • Progress and communication tools, including graphics and visualizations that illustrate safety countermeasures, context -sensitive solutions, and performance measurement tracking. • Prioritized implementation plan for safety measures including: • Policies, programs, innovative practices, and low-cost/high-impact strategics Specific construction projects including scope and recommended timeline • Prioritized SS4A and Department of Transportation's overall mission, including: Promote safety to prevent death and serious injuries on public roadways; Employ low-cost, high impact strategies that can improve safety over a wide geographic area; • Ensure equitable investment in the safety needs of underserved communities, which includes both underserved urban and rural communities; • Incorporate evidence -based projects and strategies and adopt innovative technologies and strategies; • Demonstrate engagement with a variety of public and private stakeholders; and Align with the Department's mission and Strategic Goals such as safety, climate change and sustainability, equity and Justice; and workforce development, job quality, and wealth creation. Broadly, eligible activity costs must comply with the cost principles set forth in 2 CFR, Subpart E (i.e., 2 CFR § 200.403 and § 200.405). DOT reserves the right to make cost eligibility determinations on a case -by -case basis. Eligible activities for grant funding include the following related to development of an Action Plan: 6 220998v) A. Developing a comprehensive safety action plan or Action Plan (i.e.. the activities described within the scope of work in Appendix A of this RFP); Project Structure and Work Plan The consultant will prepare a detailed work plan and an achievable timeline for the CSAP, which is anticipated to be completed for adoption by April 2024. The work plan will outline the overall approach, as well as specific actions and activities that will occur during the project and how these will result in successful delivery of the CSAP. Project Management and Coordination The Consultant is required to manage the study and coordination with any subconsultants, as well as bear responsibility for all documentation and equipment needs. The consultant will identify a project lead from their team to act as the direct point of contact for the City of Monticello's project manager. The Consultant is required to incorporate regular progress meetings with the City of Monticello, the preparation of monthly progress reports, The Consultant will provide documentation of travel and expense receipts, and the preparation and submission of invoices consistent with federal requirements. Project Components & Deliverables Project deliverable will be a final plan document, including text, maps, graphics, and other relevant data. The final plan document and all text, maps, graphics and other relevant data are to be submitted in both a user-editable format and in Adobe pd f formats. All reports, plans, models, software, websites, electronic process and plan communications, diagrams, analyses, and information generated shall be the property of the City. The City may use all plan information for its purposes and the City shall be the copyright owner of all documents. 1. Leadership Commitment and Goal Setting Build the foundation and commitment to the Safe Streets 4 All CSAP with City leadership. • Establish Vision, Goals and Guiding Principles for the CSAP which are, in alignment with the USDOT's Safe System Approach (SSA) and the Safe Streets 4 All goal for zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries on Monticello's transportation corridors. Goals will be established within the context of jurisdictional authority and In cooperation with County, State and Federal partners, • Complete effective communication with the Monticello City Council throughout the project. Confirm leadership commitment to the CSAP Vision, Goals and Guiding Principals. • Adoption of a resolution of the Council that provides a specific timeline for eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries, including: o A target date for achieving zero deaths and serious injuries, and/or • An ambitious percentage reduction for death or inquiry by a specific date with an eventual goal of eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries. 220998v I 2. Planning Structure Coordinate the involvement and activities of a local Safe Streets 4 All task force which provides, for local participation and project guidance. The task force will provide oversight of the CSAP development and will serve as a champion for CSAP implementation. • Develop the structure for the task force which includes the voices most impacted by and involved with Safe. Street decisions and the inclusion of diverse and/or under -represented populations within the community. • Integrate the task force in the process of establishing the CSAP's Vision, Goals and Guiding Principles. Educate task force on project Vision, Goals and Principles. Coordinate activities, communication, resulting work products and all records of the local task force. 3. Safety Analysis Develop a detailed Safety Analysis document which provides a comprehensive baseline of existing conditions and trends for Monticello's street network, including specific street corridors within the Monticello Orderly Annexation Area. The resulting analysis will include all roadways within the jurisdiction, without regard for ownership. Analysis of the built environment and known structural issues • Preparation of community demographics Analysis of crash locations, crash types and severity, and contributing factors for death and serious inquiry crashes o Data on locations, demographics, crash factors (such as speed, left turns), severity, relevant road users • Evaluation and status of Complete Streets facilities throughout the community system • Preparation of systemic and specific safety needs analysis and recommendations, including. * Built environment considerations * High -risk road features * Specific safety needs of relevant road users * Public health approaches • Based on the analysis performed above, prepare a geospatial identification of high -risk locations (a High -Injury Network or equivalent). 4. Engagement and Collaboration Promote the active participation and engagement of the Monticello community and impacted stakeholders in development of the CSAP. The consultant is encouraged to utilize creative methods, opportunities, and activities when collaborating, engaging, and informing stakeholders and the public, especially for communities disproportionately impacted and traditionally underserved. • Develop a distinct project identity to build community recognition and support. • Prepare and execute a detailed public engagement plan that provides for robust engagement with the public and relevant stakeholders, including the private sector and community groups, that allows for both community representation and feedback. 2209980 • Prepare and provide regular communication with Monticello policy boards, including the City Council, Planning Commission, and others as determined. • Provide communication examples for on -going performance reporting to the public. • Integrate into the CSAP the infiannation received through engagements and collaboration. The CSAP should clearly demonstrate how information received from engagement and collaboration is analyzed and incorporated into the CSAP. • Coordinate with related jurisdictions to ensure that plans and processes are coordinated and aligned with other governmental plans and planning processes to the extent practical. S. Equity Considerations Evidence shows that underserved communities are disproportionately impacted by traffic crashes. The CSAP will use inclusive and representative processes to address this disparity where it exists in Monticello. To gather an accurate picture, a successful and equitable data - driven approach will require both collecting data as well as a robust community engagement process that prioritizes outreach in underserved communities. • Identify underserved communities and those communities disproportionately impacted by traffic crashes as an early project priority. • Once identified, build partnerships and contacts within underserved communities to collaborate with appropriate partners for the analysis of underserved communities. • Analyze the overlap of areas of serious injury and fatality crashes and areas of underserved communities. • Provide both population characteristics and initial equity impact assessments of the proposed projects. • Consider and outline the impact of proposed CSAP projects and strategies on underserved communities as part of the strategy and policy recommendations, • Equity measurement in compliance with final grant performance reporting, described as follows: Percent of Funds to Underserved Communities: Funding amount (of total project amount) benefitting underserved communities, as defined by USDOT. Projects, strategies, and demonstration activities must have equity —the consistent, fair, just, and impartial treatment of all people —at their foundation. This includes traffic enforcement strategies. As part of the Safe System Approach adopted in the USDOT's National Roadway Safety Strategy, any activities related to compliance or enforcement efforts to make our roads safer should affirmatively improve equity outcomes as part of a comprehensive approach to achieve zero roadway fatalities and serious injuries. The SS4A program can be used to support safety projects and strategies that address serious safety violations of drivers (e.g., speeding, alcohol and drug -impaired driving, etc.), so long as the proposed strategies are data -driven and demonstrate a process in alignment with goals around community policing and in accordance with Federal civil rights laws and regulations. Funds may not be used, either directly or indirectly, to support or oppose union organizing. G. Implementation Plan The final CSAP will yield an Implementation Plan which outlines prioritized policy and infrastructure recommendations directed at achieving the Vision, Goals and Principles established for the project, and the community's demonstrated safety needs. 9 2209980 A. Policy and Process Changes The policy recommendation component will result in actionable recommendations for existing city policies, development of new policies, practices, and/or programs. a Assess baseline conditions as established in the Safety Analysis Component a Analyze existing policies o Standards, manuals, plans, guidelines • Identify opportunities for policy improvements to prioritize transportation safety Provide a detailed recommendation of revisions, amendments and new policies, guidelines, and/or standards, as appropriate, including but not limited to: o Review and provide recommendations on the City's traffic calming policy that is currently being developed. o Develop a draft policy for pavement markings and signage for unsignalized pedestrian crossings throughout the City. o Develop a draft policy and standards for pedestrian and vehicle level lighting for the public right-of-way. o Review City standard details and provide recommendations. B. Strategy and Project Selections The Strategy and Project recommendation component will result in actionable projects and strategies which focus on infrastructure, as well as behavioral and/or operational safety. Each must specifically address a safety need identified by the safety analysis. These recommendations will be shaped by data, the best available evidence and noteworthy practices, as well as stakeholder input and equity considerations. These strategies and countermeasures will focus on a Safe System Approach, effective interventions, and consider multidisciplinary activities. • Develop prioritization criteria for projects and strategies • Prepare a prioritized list of projects and strategies which includes the following items: o An explanation of how the project addresses an identified safety need from the Safety Analysis o Specific project and strategy descriptions, including snaps, exhibits, and cost estimates o An explanation of the prioritization criteria used and applicable o Time range goal for deployment (e.g., short-, mid-, and long-term timeframes). • For each projects and strategies item, identify all Interventions applicable - infrastructure, behavioral, and/or operational safety. 7. Transparency & Toolkit The final CSAP will include methods to measure progress over time following the CSAP's adoption and a toolkit of usable materials to educate the community on progress and improvements. • Identify methods to measure progress • Identify methods to report to the public and stakeholders on progress • Identify measurable outcome data points • Provide format for annual reports 22099SVI Provide graphics and visualizations that illustrate safety countermeasures, context - sensitive design solutions, and user educational materials specific to Monticello 1)") 220998V 1 EXHIBIT"B" TO Professional Service Agreement Certificate of Insurance 12 '1209980 ACC7Rl�� DATE iMM�DDm-wl CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 1 9/6/2023 WDDI THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and Conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER NAME crJoy Langer Holmes Murphy PHONE FAX 225 South Sixth Street, Suite 1900 tA�c. No.t►: 612-a49-2449 t,�rcj Noy: Minneapolis MN 55402 ADDRESS: Ilan er holmesmurphy.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC INSURER A : Citizens Insurance Company of America 31534 INSURED STOENGPC3 INSURERS: Allmer-ca Financial Benefit Insurance 41t340 Stonebrooke Engineering Inc � 12279 Nicollet Ave S INSURER c :Travelers Casualty & Surety Company 19038 Burnsville MN 55337 INSURER D : INSURER E : I INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:46123599 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE. INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR ;ADDL{SUBR POLICY EFF i POLICY ExP LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE }ISLE wVt1 POLICY NUMBER IMMIDDIVYYY) i IMMIDD/YYYYI LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY OBXA676879 7/12/2023 7/1212024 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 E--_.�71 DAMAGE TO RENTED CLAIMS -MADE I_.:!�_J OCCUR PREMISES (Ea occurrence) s 1,000,000 X Pont, lash Per MED EXP (Any one person) S 10,0o0 Polby Farm& XCU PERSONAL &ADV INJURY S 2,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER. GENERAL AGGREGATE S 4,000,000 !'ULI,t;Y I X I JECT _ i Lam% PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $ 4,000 000 — OTHER: 3 S — 8 AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY AWXA676343 7112/2023 7/1212024 COMB IN D;SINGLE LIMIT S 1,000,0D0 (EaT}C ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) OWNED S311EDULED BODILY INJURY (Per aooident) s S _ AUTOS ONLY A:ITOS HIRED PROPERTY DAMAGE _____. AUTOS ONLYHNON-OWNEU AUTOS ONLY X Hired Autos NonOwn Auto S A X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR OBXA676879 7/12/2023 7/12/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE S 3,000,000 i EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS -MADE AGGREGATE $3,000,000 DED X i RETENTIONS en WORKERS COMPENSATION I PER 1OTN- AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN 6TATUTE 1 =R ANYPROPRIETORIPARTNERIF-x=CL I IV= a NIA E.L. EACH ACCIDENT S OF F ICERIMEMBER EXCL UOED? (Mandatory in NH) E.L. DISEASE • EA EMPLOYEE $ If yes describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below El, DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ B Aulo-Physical sical Damage AWXA676843 711212023 7M 2Q024 beds. S500 Can g $SOD, Collision C Professional liab (Claims 0107662897LB 7/12QO23 7/12/2024 Ea Claim: $2.000,00D. Agg: S4,000,000. Made Basis) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 11N, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more apace is required) Comprehensive Safety Plan (CSAP) Additional Insured only if required by written contract with respect to General Liability, Automobile Liability and Umbrella/Excess Liability applies on a primary basis and the insurance of the additional insured shall be non-contributory: City of Monticello and Others as required by written contract. The following supersedes the cancellation wording: Should the above described General Liability, Automobile or Workers' Compensation policies be cancelled before the expiration date, 30 Days written notice (10 Days for .Non -Payment) will be delivered to the certificate holder. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street A RMEDREPRESENTATIVE Monticello MN 55362 01988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMlDD/YYYY) ost06r2oz3 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT NAME: Marsh Affinity PHONE 800.743.8130 I FAX Marsh Afl)nity (AIC No, FAY (AlC, Not: a division of Marsh USA LLC. r:.mAIl ADDRESS: AaPToialSourta marsh.cam PO BOX 14404 Des Moines, IA 50306-MS INSURERS) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC S INSURER A : New Hampshire Insurance Co- 23841 INSURED INSURER B : ADP TotaiSaurce FL XVI, Inc, INSURER C : SOW Windward Parkway INSURER D : Alpharm, GA 30005 UC/F: INSURER E: Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. INSURER F: 12279 Nicallat Ave South BumSVNle, MN 55337 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW I4AVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY Pfil 7 CLAIMS. INSR' TYPE ADDL-SUBR POLICY NUMBER POLICYEFF POLICYEXP LTR INSD WVD (MMMDNYYY) (MMIDDWM LIMEYS COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE S CLAIMS -MADE ❑OCCUR DAMAGETO RENTED S PREMISES (Ea occurrencel _ MED E,XP (Any one perum) S �PERS )NAL & AGV INJURY S GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMi— APPLIES PER. (GENERAL AGGREGATE S POLICY Ec Loc I PRODUCTS- COMProP AGG S OTHER - AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT � (Ea accident) S ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Per person) S OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS i Y BODILY INJURY (Per accident) S HIRED NON -OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE I S AUTOS ONLY _ AUTOS ONLY (per acciderd) Is I UMBRELLA LIAR I OCCUR — EACH OCCURRENCE 15 EXCESSLIAB Il—'jCLAiMS-MADE AGGREGATE S I DED I I RETENTION s S WORKERS COMPENSATION X IEROT ANDEMPLOYERS'.LIABILITY YIN ANYPROPRIETORIPARTNERIEXECUTNE (STATUTE E L. EACH ACCIDENT I 5 ZvOO,000 A I(I ands ory E BER EXCLUDED NIA WC 034Z8i3440 MN 07t01(2023 07/O1/z024 E.L DISEASE, EA EMPLOYEE S 2,o00,DW IT yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT S 2.000.000 DESbRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS i VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, play be attachaa if more space is required) All worksite employees working for Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. paid under ADP TOTALSOURCE, INC.'s payroll, are covered under the above staled policy. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of Monticello 505 Wafntd Street SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Monticello, MN 55362 THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ACORD 25 (2016/03) C 1988-2016 ACORD CORPO ION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EXHIBIT oc" To Professional Service Agreement Engineer's Task and Cost Proposal (See nett page) 13 2209980 Stonebrooke Engineering IPROPOSAL Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A): Monticello Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) Submitted to the City of Monticello August 25, 2023 City of Monticello Attn: Hayden Stensgard, Community & Economic Development Coordinator 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Dear Mr. Stensgard, 12,79 Nicollet Ave Burnsville, MN 55337 main 952.402,E202 fax 952 40?.,6803 ;-toff el,lookcer►gineering.com RE: Safe Streets 4 All (SS4A): Monticello Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) August 25, 2023 Stonebrooke Engineering is energized about the opportunity to work with the City of Monticello to develop a Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (CSAP) for its transportation system that encompasses all modes of Lrdvel, considers all potential users, considers other plans Monticello has adopted (ADA, etc.), and follows the framework of the USDOT's Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) program that has a main goal of reducing deaths and serious injuries on highways, roads, and streets. Our goal is to develop a living CSAP for Monticello, one that will not just collect dust on a shelf when completed, but one that will be a go -to tool for staff to use for years to come. Stonebrooke is an industry leader in providing agencies with responsible and cost-effective solutions for their planning and infrastructure challenges. We were one of the pioneers for ADA Transition Plan development in Minnesota and have done numerous ones for Cities and Counties in the last several years, we pride ourselves on "right sizing" the plan to fit the community; this experience will be invaluable in the development of this CSAP. Our project approach and methodology have evolved over the years as we constantly seek to learn and improve with each project we deliver for our clients. We will build upon what we've learned from similar projects and will apply that knowledge throughout the duration of this project. We have assembled a comprehensive and experienced team with close to 140 years of combined experience. Our Traffic Safety Expert (Howard Preston) was a leader in the development of Minnesota County Road Safety Plans. Our Lead Planner (Britt Berner) has been involved in multiple ADA and Safe Routes to School Projects in Minnesota and Wisconsin. Our Project Engineer (Kelly Besser) is an expert on ADA as well. Our Quality Engineer (Rick West) was involved in a MN Local Road Research Board System Preservation study and led planning efforts on Otter Tail County's 2040 Transportation Plan. Finally, as a former County Engineer, I am no stranger to working with constituents and communities to identify issues, evaluate solutions, determine the best overall outcome, and find funding for implementing the solutions, all while balancing resources, political pressures, and public concerns. This experience will be invaluable in this CSAP project. I am confident our relevant work history and no -frills project approach to the work plan will reaffirm our commitment to our clients to "Engineer Responsible Solutions" and provide the City of Monticello with a generous list of implementation projects that can be Federally funded in the future. Respectfully, John Brunkhorst, PE Project Manager Introduction We understand that the City of Monticello received a Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) planning grant from the federal government to develop a comprehensive safety action plan (CSAP) for their transportation system. We understand the CSAP should be developed in the framework of the following Safe Systems principles: 1. Humans Make Errors 2. Humans are Vulnerable to Injury 3. Responsibility is Shared 4. No Death or Serious Injury is Acceptable 5. Proactive vs. Reactive We understand the CSAP should also have the following USDOT's SS4A Action Plan components: A. Leadership Commitment and Goal Setting B. Planning Structure C. Safety Analysis D. Engagement and Collaboration E. Equity Considerations F. Policy and Process Changes G. Strategy and Project Selections H. Progress and Transparency 4 r Our approach to the project is to develop a CSAP that incorporates the 16 elements listed below, the Tasks to achieve these are listed in the following Work Plan section. 1. Executive Summary - A concise overview of the plan's goals, objectives, key strategies, and anticipated outcomes. 2. Introduction - A simple explanation of the importance of SS4A and the need for a comprehensive action plan. 3. Data Collection and Assessment - Gathering and analyzing data related to traffic patterns, crashes, bike/ pedestrian movements, and existing safety measures. 4. Stakeholder Engagement - Efforts to engage local communities, residents, organizations, and stakeholders to gather input, concerns, and insights. 5. High -Risk Area identification - Details how high -risk areas were identified based on the collected data and community feedback. 6. Infrastructure and Design Strategies - An overview of proposed infrastructure changes. 7. Multi -Modal Integration - An explanation of how the plan reviews walking, biking, and transit opportunities. 8. Traffic Calming Measures - A description of various traffic calming techniques to reduce speeds and enhance pedestrian safety. 9. Education and Awareness Campaigns - Details of any educational workshops, signage, and digital campaigns designed to inform and raise awareness about safe behaviors. 10. Enforcement Strategies - Suggested ideas for additional Enforcement in high -risk areas. 11. Monitoring and Evaluation - Methods and metrics used to assess the effectiveness of implemented measures and how the plan will be adapted based on new data. 12. Long -Term Sustainability and Inclusivity - Discussion how the principles of safe streets will be integrated into long-term city planning, emphasizing sustainability and inclusivity. 13. Budget and Funding - An estimated budget required for implementing the CSAP and potential funding sources. 14. Timeline - A timeline outlining the different phases of the CSAP, from design/implementation to monitoring/ evaluation. 15. Conclusion - Key points of the CSAP and commitments to creating safer streets for all 16. Appendices - Any additional data, maps, diagrams, or resources that support the information presented in the CSAP. Key Personnel Our proposed team will work alongside City partners. Through our services, we have learned that having a diverse mix of planning and engineering staff results in a more robust project. This collaborative effort will provide the City with a thorough, transparent CSAP that incorporates all the necessary elements. Organizational Chart Project Manager Quality Engineer John Brunkhorst, PE Rick West, PE Stonebrooke Stonebrooke Project Engineer Kelly Besset, PE Stonebrooke ilrtieer Graphics Staff E�� Traffic Safety Expert Howard Freston, PE Stonebrooke Our proposed team is fully available to meet the City's schedule requirements for this project. John has over 29years of experience in the transportation industry. For 21 years, he served as County Engineer/ Public Works Director at McLeod County. He is a past president of the MN County Engineers Association (MCEA), earning their Outstanding County Engineer award in 2015. He is an active member of the National County Engineers Association (NACE), receiving their Rural County Engineer of the Year award in 2018. He previously worked in Renville County as the County Engineer and Assistant, prior to that he was a Project Engineer for NDDOT. John now serves as Stonebrooke's Regional Business Development Manager, seeking new clients, maintaining client relationships, recruiting staff, mentoring staff, and spearheading LRRB/RIC projects. In addition to those roles his experience with funding advocacy, project implementation, and operations provides a valuable perspective to City and County clients. He is an invaluable resource with 25 years of experience as a County Engineer. Relevant Project Examples • Completion of CSAH 11S, SW bypass around Hutchinson, MN • Completion of CSAH 15, Morningside Corridor in Glencoe, MN (new river and railroad crossing) • Implementation of numerous federally funded safety projects from McLeod County Road Safety Plan • Technical Liaison on numerous Local Road Research Board (LRRB) projects Britt has 8 years of combined experience in ADA transition Plans, Safe Routes to School Plans, accessibility site audits, transportation planning, urban planning, and community building. She holds a Department of Labor and Industry (DLI) accessibility license. She works to support planning projects, including comprehensive plans, transportation plans, bicycle and pedestrian plans, community engagement, subarea,lcorridor studies, parking studies, freight plans, grant funding, and general transportation system improvements. Her expertise lies in ArcGIS, reviewing final documents, working with clients to meet community needs, researching public data to compile reports and memos, site impact analyses, facility capacity analyses, and travel demand modeling. Britt has written transportation plans and corridor studies, performed transportation alternatives analyses and economic evaluation and policy analyses, and has conducted field inspections.. Relevant Project Examples • Mobility Plan - Saint Louis Park, MN • Safe Routes to School Plans — Minneapolis, MN and Oak Creek, Wi • ADA Parks and Facilities Transition Plan - Wright County Howard started his career with MnDOT, where his primary responsibility involved the development of MnDOT's highway safety improvement program. Key tasks included identifying hazardous locations based on an analysis of crash data, developing, designing, and estimating the costs associated with implementing mitigative strategies, preparing programming requests, and then conducting the follow up studies to determine effectiveness. Since leaving public service, Mr. Preston has worked for private engineering companies where he has managed teams of transportation engineers, designers, and planners working on a wide variety of projects ranging from installing traffic signals and channelization at urban intersections, developing and implementing access management plans to address mobility and safety issues along suburban arterials and preparing environmental documents (Environmental Assessments and Environmental Impact Statements), and geometric layouts for expanding high volume two-lane highways to limited access, multi -lane expressways. Even though Mr. Preston has a broad range of highway - related experience, the focus of his interest, research, and career has been traffic safety. He has published research reports documenting the effects on safety associated with managing access, installing streetlights at rural intersections, alternative turn lane designs, dynamic signing at rural horizontal curves and the application of advanced technologies to reduce emergency response times in rural areas. Relevant Project Examples • Wrote MnDOT's Strategic Highway Safety Plan and Traffic Safety Fundamentals Handbook • Led Road Safety Audit Teams conducting reviews of highway corridors and intersections around the State • Prepared Highway Safety Plans for all 87 counties in Minnesota (CRSP's) Kelly's experience includes construction inspection, environmental documentation, public engagement, stakeholder coordination, preliminary and final design, preliminary layout development, State Aid, MnDOT and Federal Aid construction plans, cost estimates, and writing and packaging bid and contract documents. She is also an expert on ADA compliance and has an extensive background in both design and management of pedestrian safety improvement projects. Kelly has played integral roles in major transportation projects for Stonebrooke over the years, which have given her a diverse background in detail design, public engagement, utility coordination, project management and contract administration. Her comprehensive background has lent her the skills and knowledge to understand the process through every step and deliver successful transportation projects. Relevant Project Examples • Multi -Modal Study — Burnsville, MN • ADA Transition Plans -- Stearns County, Sherburne Cou my Rick has over 45 years of experience in the transportation industry. He previously served as the Otter Tail County Engineer for over 29 years and has extensive experience working and communicating with local agencies on project needs. Rick has been a local road safety advocate for many years, having served on the first MCEA Satiety Committee as a member and committee chair. This committee pioneered the development of the first Local Road Safety Plans in the nation. Rick has presented the MN Local Road Safety Plan development process at numerous state and national conferences (TRB, NACE, FHWA Peer Exchanges, MN TZD, and others). While at Otter Tail County, Rick was one of five pilot counties involved in the MN Local Road Research Board project titled System Preservation, which investigated funding gaps, jurisdictional transfers, prioritization of projects, the importance of public education/outreach and other topics associated with the County's transportation system. Rick also led the planning efforts in the development of the Otter Tail County 2040 Transportation Plan, the County's first long-range strategic transportation plan. Relevant Project Examples • System Preservation study — Otter Tail County • 2040 Long Range Transportation Plan — Otter Tail County Work Plan and Project Approach Methodology Task 1 ( Project Management- Jahn will lead this task. Britt will assit. John will be the overall project manager and responsible for the high quality and timely completion of all tasks and deliverables. Britt will serve as Deputy Project Manager. She will assist with the general project management, as well as meeting materials, monthly invoicing, and status reports. BothJohn and Brittwill keepopen lines of communication with Hayden Stensgard (City Project Manager) and other key City staff as directed. We will also make sure the City Council stays informed and engaged throughout the project. A couple of key initial tasks will be to work with Hayden to establish: 1. The SS4A Task Force. it will be important to involve those individuals or groups in the community that will provide meaningful feedback and have a vested interest in the successful outcome of this project. 2. The vision, goals, and guiding principles of the CSAP, which will be used to guide its development as it progresses. These can be drafted initially and then finalized later in the project. Deliverables • Meeting Invites, Materials, Agendas, Summaries (PDF) • Monthly invoices, progress reports, and correspondence (PDF) • Draft Vision, Goals, and Guiding Principles for the CSAP (Word, PDF) Task 21 Data Collection and assessment - Keliy will lead this task. Jahn and Howard will assist. 1. The following data will be gathered for all roads in Monticello, regardless of jurisdiction: • Roadway segments, intersections, signals, bicycle/ pedestrian facilities, and related information that will be pertinent. • Traffic volume data. « Crash data utilizing MnDOT's MnCMAT2 crash mapping application. 2. Other data to be collected includes existing plans, policies, standards, community demographics, locations of any underserved portions of the community, etc. 3.Stonebrooke will also reach out to any Towards Zero Deaths (TZD) groups and their focus areas (Engineering, Emergency Services, Enforcement, and Education) to seek out perceived concerns or issues related to roadway safety. The following analysis will be performed on the gathered data. • Analysis of existing conditions, known structural issues, historical trends, contributing factors, crash types by the user, and patterns of the crashes (focus on serious and fatal). • Complete Streets analysis, consisting of reviewing and analyzing the existing street systems within the community and recognizing which areas could be improved to a "Complete Streets" concept. • A Systemic Risk Assessment a. Review serious/fatal crash patterns statewide for similar sized cities. b.ldentify roadway and traffic characteristics common at those severe/fatal crash locations. c. Adopt a list of risk factors that show locations with a specific risk factor and a higher density of crashes rather than locations that don't contain this risk factor, d.Identify these risk factors on roadways in Monticello. e. Prioritize the City roadway system for safety investment based on the number of risk factors at each location. (The greater the number of risk factors, the higher the priority the location is for safety investment.) The process of identifying risk factors consists of reviewing the locations with severe crashes, noting the roadway and traffic characteristics, and testing for over- representation. Deliverables A Safety Analysis document that contains: • Summary of the data (various formats) • A baseline of existing conditions and trends, including identified street corridors within the Orderly Annexation Area. • Various crash data reports by type, severity, contributing factor, day/night, etc. (graphical, Excel, PDFs) • A High -Injury Network (A geospatial identification of higher -risk locations that geographically identifies locations where investments in safety are most urgent.) (GIs and PDF) • Summary of Complete Streets facilities (PDF) • Maps and/or summaries of demographic data and underserved portions of the community (GIs and PDF) Task 3 1 Stakeholder Engagement - Britt will Lead this Task. Britt will work with Hayden and the S54A Task Force to develop a robust Engagement Plan that promotes full collaboration and encompasses all relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, law enforcement, non- profit organizations, community groups, underserved communities, and transportation experts. We will engage stakeholders in discussions to understand local road safety challenges and gather input on potential solutions. We typically recommend holding one traditional open house meeting but then include some non-traditional, on the streets" engagement, such as the following: * Pop Up Events. Our project team strongly believes in meeting the stakeholders where they gather. This does not include forcing project information on them as they walk out of their local grocery store. This means getting into conversations with folks at community events like the Monticello Farmers Market or other community functions. We utilize chances where stakeholders actually have more than 2C seconds to talk to project staff. * On the Corner Meetings. Meetings with pedestrians, bicyclists, residents, advocates, etc., at areas where the data shows higher risk allow stakeholders to voice real-time examples and concerns. * Focus Group Meetings. Meetings with businesses, underserved communities, elderly care facilities, health clinics, school districts, or other identified key stakeholders will help inform our project needs and goals. We recognize that people are busy and not everyone will make it to an onsite meeting, so we include digital tools such as interactive websites, online interactive maps (Wikimapia), online surveys, social media campaigns, and online open houses via Teams or Zoom. The team understands that these digital methods may not be accessible for all so traditional mailings can also be utilized. Utilizing local restaurants, food trucks, or musicians at our events will also help us to connect with community members. Stonebrooke ensures that all information, whether it be digital or paper format, is ADA accessible. Translators and ASL interpreters can be available for all written and in -person meetings and materials, If needed. A distinct project identity will help differentiate this project from other outreach efforts within the city. Our project team and graphic designers will work to create this identity to be consistent throughout the project. Deliverables An Engagement document that contains: * Public participation and outreach plan (Word, PDF) • Public engagement strategies and templates (Word, PDF) * Internal City communication templates (Council, Planning Commission, etc.) (Word, PDF) * Materials for and attendance at one (1) Open House Meeting * Materials for and attendance at four (4) Pop -Up / On - The -Corner / Focus Group Meetings • Website content and online survey for promotion and engagement feedback ■ Social Media Lornrnunication strategies (Ward, PDF) Task 4 1 System Evaluation - Howard and John will lead this Task. This task involves: 1. Reviewing the crash and other data gathered and analyzed previously. 2. Reviewing the input we received from the Task Force, the stakeholder engagement efforts, and others. 3. Confirming the risk factors and appropriate risk factor criteria. 4. Prioritize the areas of the transportation system that require immediate safety attention, such as dangerous intersections, speeding, pedestrian safety, etc. Deliverables * A prioritized list of road segments, intersections, and/or other identified priority areas (Excel, GIS, PDF) Task 5 1 Project and Strategy Selection - John will lead this task. Howard and Rick Will assist. This task involves developing a range of strategies and interventions tailored to address the previously identified priority areas. Stonebrooke will focus the infrastructure -related fixes on proven effective strategies that can be widely implemented at low-cost. A Benefit/Cost analysis will be completed as applicable. There may also be behavioral and/or operational strategies as well. The steps we will take are: 1. Identify projects and strategies that can be implemented. These will be based on strategies that have been proven in Minnesota. 2. Develop a checklist for the prioritized areas from Task 4 that considers how they influence the selection of a particular recommended strategy. 3. Create a decision tree for candidate locations to identify the appropriate strategy. 4. Develop prioritization criteria for projects and strategies. Deliverables* • A list of strategies and projects that are applicable to Monticello. (PDF) • A decision tree (format TBD) • A prioritized list and map of infrastructure projects. (Excel, GIS, PDF) • A prioritized list and map where behavioral strategies can be implemented (Excel, GIS, PDF) • A prioritized list and map where operational strategies can be implemented (Excel, GIS, PDF) *The deliverables will include, where applicable, the following: An explanation of how the project addresses an identified safety need from the Safety Analysis, specific project and strategy descriptions, cost estimates, an explanation of the prioritization criteria used, and a time range goal for deployment. Task 6 j Implementation - Britt will lead this task. John will assist. Now that the projects and strategies are identified, this task will involve developing an action plan for implementation. We will work closely with City staff and the Task Force to make sure it incorporates methods to measure progress over time, contains communication components to respond to internal/ external inquiries, includes an equity component that considers underserved communities, meets federal rules, fits everyone's needs, has buy -in, and aligns with the established Vision, Goals, and Principles for the CSAP. It will involve the following: 1. 2. 3 4. Review of existing guidelines, policies, standards, details, and procedures (traffic calming policy, new developments, etc.) to see if modifications need to be made and/or incorporated into the new CSAP. Review and/or revisions of the draft Vision, Goals, and Guiding Principles established early on. Drafting of new policies, guidelines, and standards, including: a. A pavement marking policy b. A policy for signage for unsignalized pedestrian crossings c. A policy and/or standards for roadway and trail/ pathway lighting in new developments Developing a Tool Kit that can be used to educate and update the community on progress of the CSAP that includes: a. A News Release or similar template to inform the public b. Templates for annual reporting c. Templates to respond to public concerns d. Visualizations or graphics that easily explain safety projects, strategies, and countermeasures Deliverables • Draft Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (PDF) • Pavement marking policy (PDF) • Policy for signage for unsignalized pedestrian crossings (PDF) • Policy and/or standards for pedestrian and vehicle level lighting for public right of way (PDF) • A resource book that easily explains safety projects, strategies, and countermeasures (PDF) • Templates for future communications/reporting (fillable PDF) o News releases o Public concern response o Annual reporting Task 7 1 Equity/Federal Review - Britt will Lead this Task. Understanding this project is funded under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this task takes an in-depth look at all the Federal and State requirements and makes sure we are meeting the intent of the laws, including but not limited to: 1. Title VI 2. Justice 40 3. N EPA0 , 4. ADA� ----- 5. Review of our CSAP development to eouLsic ensure: 1 twp, a, We used inclusive and representative processes �►„ b. We prioritized outreach in underserved communities 6. Review of any reporting requirements Deliverables • Federal and/or State reports in required format Task 81 Final Plan - Britt will Lead this Task. This task involves assembling all the data, reports, draft policies, and other documents to date into a final plan. It will invclve a final quality review by John, Howard, and Rick and a final review by City staff. We also suggest a workshop with the City Council to gain commitment to set a goal and timeline for eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries Deliverables • Final Comprehensive Safety Action Plan (PDF) • Draft City Council Resolution (Word, PDF) Our team's proposed Project Schedule and details on project deliverables/due dates can be found on page 9. Project Experience Sherburne County ADA Transition Plan A little over 10 years ago, Stonebrooke was hired by MnDOT State Aid and Sherburne County to create an Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) transition plan example. This template, available on the State Aid website, has been used by numerous Cities and Coun- ties as a model for their ADA plans. Burnsville Multi -Modal Study In 2018 Stonebrooke was hired by the City of Burns- ville to prepare a Multi -Modal Study that identified locations for implementing on -road bicycle lanes to connect existing trails, points of interest, and provide an overall well-connected system within Burnsville. The purpose of the project was to identify, analyze, and prioritize locations within the City where there is a need to connect existing City bicycle facilities to promote an overall connected system. The plan: A. Identified gaps within the existing trail and on -road bike lane system where striping on -road bike lanes would connect these gaps. B. Assessed the existing roadway characteristics of the potential connection locations and implementation feasibility through available data such as previous studies, inventories, documents and performing field assessments. C. Determined costs associated with implementing the on -road bike lane facilities. D. Developed a priority system with the City for im- plementing the bike lanes. E. Summarized the public process. F. Coordinated with City staff to reflect study informa- tion, collected data and assessments into the City GIS system. T." ".SUIET am GNES W 1A9 LW !y�_ Burnsville LRRB RIC Study - Guidelines for Determining Speed Limits on Municipal Roadways In 2022 Stonebrooke was hired by the Local Road Re- search Board's (LRRB) Research Implementation Com- mittee (RIC) to review municipal speed limits due to a recent statutory change that put a spotlight on the topic, necessitating a deeper look into how speed lim- its are established and the effectiveness that lowering speed limits has on reducing vehicle traveling speeds, as well as the impacts on pedestrian and bicycle traf- fic. The document examines the history of speed lim- its, the recent statutory change, and the consequence of the change to communities. In addition, it examines the effectiveness of speed limit changes and outlines a process for agencies to follow when deciding to make a change and offers alternative strategies for pedes- trian and bicycle safety. Municipal Speed Limits SPEED 0- 210th Street and Lakeville Boulevard Improve- ments — Lakeville, MN In 2020 Stonebrooke was hired by the City of Lakeville to design the reconstruction/rehabilitation of 210th Street and Lakeville Boulevard. The roadway provides important access to Lakeville South High School, residential districts, downtown Lakeville, Fairfield Business Park, and the Airlake Industrial Park. The project addressed multimodal deficiencies along the corridor and improved access to schools, parks, and downtown Lakeville destinations. We also enhanced roadway operations and provided for increasing traffic levels with the addition of a roundabout at Dodd Boulevard. We worked with the City of Lakev- ille to optimize a typical section that increased safety by introducing a center left turn lane and provided a grade -separated trail with varying boulevard widths and slopes. Through the reconstruction area, trails were added on both sides of the roadway, providing key connections to downtown Lakeville destinations. Within the rehabilitated areas, we were able to add trails while keeping the existing curb in place and ac- commodating drainage. Throughout the project, our team kept the public up to date through our public engagement process and meeting with property own- ers during right-of-way negotiations. Client References • Jen Desrude, Burnsville City Engineer • Will Manchester, Minnetonka Public Works Director • Zach Johnson, Lakeville City Engineer Cost/Budget Proposal Our Cost/Budget Proposal is attached as an Appendix item. We have broken out the required hours for each member of the team by major task area, and percentage of overall project team hours allocated to each task, with applicable rates, as requested in the RFP for this project. 1.0 PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1.1 Project Coordination and Administration 1.2 Kickoff Meeting (in -person) 1.3 Task Force Meetings (bi-monthly) 1.4 Monthly Reports 1.5 Work Plan and Schedule Updates 1.6 Draft Vision, Goals, and Guidi-ig Principles 2.0 DATA COLLECTION 8& ASSESSMENT 2.1 Gather street and facility data 2.2 Gather traffic volume and crash data 2.3 Gather existing plans/policies,/standards, demographic data, underserved community data 2.4 Evaluation of Complete Streea facilities 2.5 Perform crash analysis 2.6 Perform systemic risk assessment 3.0 STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT 3.1 Public Participation and Outreach Plan 3.2 Public Open House Meetings J) 3.3 Focus Group Meetings / Pop-Up/On the Corner Meetings (4) 3.4 Online Engagement /Project Website 4.0 SYSTEMS EVALUATION 4.1 Review previous crash/other Data 4.2 Review Task Force/Engagement/other input 4.3 Confirming the risk factors/risk factor criteria 4.4 Prioritize safety attention areas 5.0 PROJECT/STRATEGY SELECTION 5.1 Identify projects/strategies 5.2 Develop a checklist 5.3 Create a decision tree 5.4 Develop prioritization criteria 6.0 IMPLEMENTATION 6.1 Review existing guidelines, policies, standards, details, and procedures 6.2 Finalize Vision, Goals, Guiding Principles 6.3 Draft new policies, guidelines, and standards 6.4 Develop public Tao) Kit/temp ates 6.S Draft CSAP 7.0 EQUITY/FEDERAL REVIEW 7.1 Equity and Federal Review 7.2 Equity Reports 8.0 FINAL PLAN 8.1 Finalize CSAP 8.2 Council Workshop S ON 1 D J, F M A John; Britt Kelly, John, Howard invoices and Progress Reports, Project Correspondence Meeting Invites, Mater als, Agendas, Summaries Meeting invites, Materials, Agendas, Summaries Meeting Invites, Mater als, Agendas, Summaries Schedule Updates Draft Vision, Goals, and Guiding Principles 111111111111101 = NA doomMilill ADT and crash reports summary of existing plansfpolicies/standards, maps of demographic/underserved community data Summary of facilities Summary of various analysis and any trends High -injury Network snap Britt ■ Public Participation and Outreach Plan # ♦ Materials for and attendance at Open House Meeting # 4i► * Materials for and attendance at Open House Meeting mom Media Copy, Online Survey, Website Content Howard, John, Rick John, Howard, Rick own Britt, John ■ Britt r A.11 NA NA NA prioritized list of road segments, intersections, other areas A list of strategies/projects NA NA Prioritized list of Infrastructure/Behavioral/Operational strategies NA Final Vision, Goals, Guiding Principles New policies, guidelines, and standards Resource book, templates Draft CSAP NA Equity Reports in required format ■ Final CSAP ■# Council Resolution template ■ Final Deliverable # Meeting r Duration C4 Appendix • Cost/Budget Proposal • Federal Clauses 1 EXHIBIT A - Page 1 ESTIMATED Safe Streets for All Comprehensive Safety Action Plan _ ' e City of Monticello CU€NT: City of Monticello John Britt Kelly Howard Rick PROJECT: Safe Streets for All Comprehensive Safety Action Plan CONSULTANT: Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. Project Deputy Project Traffic Quality Staff Graphics PM/Senior Safety Project Manager Planner Engineer Expert Engineer Engineer Staff TASK 1.0 1.1 Management Project Coordination and Administration 12 4 1.2 Kickoff Meeting (in -person) 5 5 8 8 1.3 Task Force Meetings (bi-monthly) (PM/DPM in -person) 12 12 2 I 4 1.4 Monthly Reports 14 4 ' 1.5 Work Plan and Schedule Updates 4 2 1.6 Draft Vision, Goals, and Guiding Principles 2 , 2 ' 1 ( 1 1 2 SUBTOTAL HOURS -TASK 1.01 49 1 29 1 I 1 11 13 0 1 2 TASK 2.0 Data Collection & Assessment 2.1 Gather street and facility data 12 2 16 4 32 2.2 Gather traffic volume and crash data 12 8 4 32 2.3 Gather existing plans and data 2 16 1 2 4 2A Evaluation of Complete Street facilities 4 2 8 2 2 16 2.5 Perform crash analysis 8 4 8 1 2 1 32 2.6 Perform systemic risk assessment 16 6 8 2 1 32 2 TASK ! SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 2. Stakeholder 54 20 42 27 1 8 1 148 2 3.1 Public Participaticn and Outreach Plan 8 12 2 3.2 Public Open House Meetings (1) 8 20 2 2 4 3.3 Focus Group Meetings / Pop -Up/ On the Corner Meetings (4) 16 30 2 2 4 3.4 Online Engagement / Project Website 2 24 4 1ASK 4.0 SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 3.Oi 34 1 System Evaluation 86 1 0 1 4 4 10 14 4.1 Review previous crash/other data 8 2 2 8 2 8 4.2 Review Task Farce/Engagement/other input 6 8 2 2 2 4.3 Confirming the risk factors/risk factor criteria 8 2 12 4 4 4.4 Prioritize safety attention areas L 8 2 2 12 4 16 2 TASK ! SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 4.0 30 Project/Strategy Selection 12 8 1 34 1 12 28 1 2 5.1 Identify projects/strategies 8 2 2 12 2 6 2 5.2 Develop a checkli.t 1.2 2 2 8 2 20 5.3 Create a decision :ree 24 2 1 8 2 8 2 ,_ .. 54 ,..., .. Develop prioritization criteria „ ..,,. .. .. i3 8 . 2 8 8._.._..... _,_.____, SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK 5.0 S6 1 36 _... $ 42 112 TASK 6,0 Implementation 6.1 Review existing guidelines, policies, standards, details, and 77 procedures 4 16 1 2 6.2 Finalize Vision, Goals, Guiding Principles 2 I 4 1 1 1 1 6.3 Draft new policies• guidelines, and standards 12 ( 16 1 2 2 2 6.4 Develop public Toot Kit/templates 8 16 1 1 1 2 6.5 Draft CSAP 2 32 1 1 2 2 4 TASK ! Equity/Federal Review SUBTOTAL HOURS -TASK 6.0 28 84 4 7 8 0 g 7.1 Equity and Federal Review 1 12 7.2 Equity Reports 1 1 6 TASK • SUBTOTAL HOURS - TASK Z,g1 Final Plan 2 18 0 0 0 0 0 8.1 Finalize CSAP 8 16 i 2 3 8 8. ouncil Works 8 2 1 SUBTOTAL HOURSTOTAL .._. _ : , ... � '. HOURS 1 269 273 1 62 I 121 57 218..'L, 49 SStombrooke CLIENT: City of Monticello PROJECT: Safe Streets for All Comprehensive Safety Action Plan CONSULTANT: Stonebrooke Engineering, Inc. Task No. Work Task Description TASK 1.0 Project Management TASK 2.0 Data Collection & Assessment TASK 3.0 Stakeholder Engagement TASK 4.0 System Evaluation TASK 5.0 Project/Strategy Selection TASK 6.0 Implementation TASK 7.0 Equity/Federal Review TASK 8.0 Final Plan HOURLY RATE TOTAL LABOR COST EXHIBIT A - Page 2 Safe Streets for All Comprehensive Safety Action Plan City of Monticello Jahn Britt Kelly Howard Rick Project Deputy Project Traffic Safety Quality PM/Senior Manager Engineer Expert Engineer Planner 49 29 1 11 13 54 20 42 27 8 34 86 0 4 4 30 12 8 34 12 56 6 6 36 8 28 84 4 7 8 2 18 0 0 0 16 18 1 2 4 $225.00 1 $145.00 I $193.00 1 $220.0 1 $210.00 $60,525.00 I $39,585.001 $11,966.00 $26,620.00 $12,970.00 I StOrlebnDoke August 25, 2023 City of Monticello Attn: Hayden Stensgard, Community & Economic Development Coordinator 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, M N 55362 12279 Nicr llo Ave Bu(nsville, N41q 55337 main 952.402.9202 fax 952 403 6803 Gt,:)Fie :rookeengtneerma (om Re: Federal Clauses - Safe Streets for All: Monticello Comprehensive Safety Action Plan Dear Mr. Stensgard, Stonebrooke Engineering understands this project must conform to the Federal criteria that are spelled out in the Request for Proposals, as well as any other applicable State and Federal clauses that may not be listed. All the work performed by Stonebrooke Engineering will adhere to these Federal clauses. Respectfully, John Brunkhorst, PE Project Manager 1229 (tic collet Ave Burnsville, r-AN 553P chain S!,2,4 02 9202 fax 952.403,6803 September 7, 2023 City of Monticello Attn: Hayden Stensgard, Community & Economic Development Coordinator 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Proposal Addendum - Clarification on Integration of Feedback and findings into CSAP Dear Mr. Stensgard, We look forward to opportunity to work with Monticello on your SS4A CSAP. Please include the following as an Addendum to our Proposal, it is intended to provide clarification on how the feedback and information gathered during the public engagement process and equity considerations will be incorporated into the final Action Plan. Task 3 — Stakeholder Engagement On page 5 of the proposal, insert the following paragraph before Deliverables. "FeedbacK provided to the project team during public engagement events, including equity comments, information on underserved areas, and areas disproportionately affected by crashes will be recorded and mapped (for spatial comments) and reviewed with the rest of the project team, project management, and the SS4A Task Force during development of the CSAP. Comments that are relevant to the project and could be implemented will be prioritized in project design suggestions. All comments received will be available in an appendix to the Plan." Task 6 — Implementation On page 6 of the proposal, insert the following after #1 under "It will involve the following:" 1.5 — Review and consideration of public feedback (gained during stakeholder engagement), equity concerns, information on underserved areas, and areas disproportionately affected by crashes to see if any need to be included in the CSAP or influence areas of the CSAP. Let me know if there are any questions with this. Respectfully, John Brunkhorst, PE Project Manager City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 2P. Consideration of allocating Monticello Communitv Center fund reserves for fire alarm improvement proiect in the amount of $45,589 Prepared by: Facilities Maintenance Manager Reviewed by: Finance Director ACTION REQUESTED Meeting Date 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ® Consent Agenda Item ❑ Regular Agenda Item Motion to allocate Monticello Community Center fund reserves for fire alarm improvement project in the amount of $45,589. PRIOR COUNCIL ACTION June 26, 2023: Approved a contract with Integrated Fire & Security for the replacement of the fire alarm system for the Monticello Community Center in the amount of $45,589 REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The current Simplex fire alarm system at the Monticello Community Center is no longer compliant with the current fire and building codes, and many replacement parts are no longer available. The system remains operational; however, future repairs will be challenging because of the older nature of the system. Updating the MCC fire alarm system was included in the 2023 budget, and the project was awarded to Integrated Fire & Security on June 26, 2023. The project was delayed due to supply chain issues, but the vendor was expected to complete the work in late December. Based on the anticipated completion timeline, the project was not included in the 2024 budget and Capital Improvement Plan adopted by City Council on December 11, 2023. Unfortunately, the vendor notified staff on December 28 that installation would not begin until mid -January, pushing the project into the new budget year. To facilitate completion, staff requests Council's authorization to use fund reserves in the Community Center Fund for the project in 2024. Budget Impact: The 2024 Community Center Fund budget does not include funding for this project. However, reserves at the beginning of 2024 are anticipated to be higher than projected in the 2023 budget due to this project not being completed in 2023. II. Staff Workload Impact: Facilities staff will manage and coordinate this project. City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: N/A STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION City staff recommends allocating fund reserves to complete the fire alarm improvement project in 2024. SUPPORTING DATA • None City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 4A. Consideration of appointing a Citv Council member to Monticello's Parks, Arts & Recreation master planning steering committee (Tabled from 12/11/23 Meetingl Prepared by: Parks & Rec Director Reviewed by: N/A ACTION REQUESTED Motion to appoint Council member master planning steering committee. PREVIOUS COUNCIL ACTION Meeting Date: 1/8/2024 Approved by: City Administrator ❑ Consent Agenda Item ® Regular Agenda Item to Monticello's Parks, Arts & Recreation December 11, 2023: Item was tabled to meeting in January 2024 for review of meeting day/time. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City of Monticello seeks to ensure responsible and sustainable development of parks and recreation infrastructure and planning that aligns with the needs of the community. In 2023 the City selected Bolton and Menk to complete a Comprehensive Needs Assessment of the existing parks system, including infrastructure, programming, and developing trends. Now, the information from the Needs Assessment will be used to create a new Parks Master Plan. The Parks aster Plan will establish a long-range community vision, setting priorities and budgeting for comprehensive improvement plans, determining how to fill gaps within the parks system, reducing redundancy, building and enhancing community partnerships, establishing a park amenity life cycle, aligning investments with needs of the community, and connecting people with the outdoors. The Master Plan will be a living document that's referenced like the Comprehensive Plan with influence on future budgets and projects included in the Capital Improvement Plan. There is a steering committee for the project that includes city staff and representatives of partner organizations like the school district. Staff recommend also appointing a City Council member to the committee to help facilitate council investment in the guiding principles and outcomes of the project, particularly since the Plan will influence items brought to Council for future consideration. The Master Planning effort began in November with an initial kickoff meeting, and completion is anticipated by December 2024. Plan deliverables will include: City Council Agenda: 1/8/2024 • Comprehensive Needs Assessment • Parks, Arts, and Recreation Vision and Guiding Principles • Infrastructure and Programming Recommendations • Action & Implementation plan components • Individual Park Concept Plans • Final Plan Document Budget Impact: N/A Staff Workload Impact: N/A III. Comprehensive Plan Impact: The Monticello 2040 Comprehensive Plan includes a commitment to maintain and enhance the City parks and recreation system. The focus is a wide range of parks and recreational facilities that provide opportunities for active and passive recreation, healthy lifestyles, access to wildlife and nature, and reflects the community's value for a world -class park system and variety of recreational experiences. The City will strive to provide superior parks and recreational opportunities for all residents and visitors. STAFF RECOMMENDED ACTION Staff recommends the appointment of a Council member to Monticello's Parks, Arts & Recreation master planning steering committee, and defers to the Council on person selected. SUPPORTING DATA �►= 'NT co'. �'RI R 5 04Fti Monticello Monthly Report 2023 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call 911 Abandoned Total: 1 12/03/23 14:30 911 Abandoned Wright County Sheriff's Office Sheriff Sean Deringer 3800 Braddock Ave. NE, Buffalo, MN 55313 1-800-362-3667 Fax:763-682-7610 CFS # 2023110012 911 Abandoned; Medical - Sick Total: 1 12/09/23 06:57 911 Abandoned; 2023111883 911 Hang-up Total: 12 12/02/2317:37 911 Hang-up 2023109741 12/06/23 08:41 911 Hang-up 2023110881 12/07/23 17:52 911 Hang-up 2023111375 12/11/23 09:38 911 Hang-up 2023112474 12/11/2311:03 911 Hang-up 2023112494 12/11/2313:11 911 Hang-up 2023112524 12/17/23 17:21 911 Hang-up 2023114320 12/18/23 11:01 911 Hang-up 2023114519 12/20/23 20:52 911 Hang-up 2023115272 12/21/2317:40 911 Hang-up 2023115532 12/29/23 15:42 911 Hang-up 2023117686 12/31/2313:50 911 Hang-up 2023118220 911 Open Line Total: 30 12/03/23 10:55 911 Open Line 2023109950 12/05/23 14:04 911 Open Line 2023110707 12/06/23 22:18 911 Open Line 2023111112 12/08/23 06:43 911 Open Line 2023111480 12/10/23 12:07 911 Open Line 2023112253 12/12/23 07:30 911 Open Line 2023112713 12/14/23 09:09 911 Open Line 2023113286 12/14/23 11:28 911 Open Line 2023113328 12/14/23 11:33 911 Open Line 2023113329 12/14/23 20:31 911 Open Line 2023113522 12/15/23 16:10 911 Open Line 2023113728 12/15/23 20:10 911 Open Line 2023113798 12/17/23 17:07 911 Open Line 2023114317 12/18/23 09:39 911 Open Line 2023114496 12/18/23 17:48 911 Open Line 2023114640 12/18/23 20:41 911 Open Line 2023114684 12/19/23 16:01 911 Open Line 2023114901 12/20/23 06:54 911 Open Line 2023115055 12/20/23 11:35 911 Open Line 2023115119 12/22/23 09:30 911 Open Line 2023115699 Final Incident 911 Hang-up 911 Open Line Domestic Disturbance QPpFE55I0NAIrS Printed on January 2, 2024 Case Number How Reported 911 4111111 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WSR023032897 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WSR0230328011 911 911 911 911 WP23033115 911 911 Page 1 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/23/23 11:22 911 Open Line 2023116059 Domestic Disturbance WP23033418 911 12/24/23 08:06 911 Open Line 2023116363 911 12/26/23 10:33 911 Open Line 2023116769 911 12/27/23 10:06 911 Open Line 2023117010 911 12/27/23 18:47 911 Open Line 2023117153 911 12/27/23 19:30 911 Open Line 2023117164 911 12/27/23 20:06 911 Open Line 2023117179 911 12/28/23 02:44 911 Open Line 2023117238 911 12/28/23 13:14 911 Open Line 2023117306 911 12/28/23 21:28 911 Open Line 2023117485 911 911 Open Line; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems; Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 1 12/29/23 23:11 911 Open Line; 2023117841 911 911 Open Line; Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 1 12/15/23 19:37 911 Open Line; Medical 2023113790 Medical - Unknown WP23032703 911 Abandoned Vehicle Total: 3 12/04/23 13:55 Abandoned Vehicle 2023110366 Abandoned Vehicle WP23031704 Phone 12/15/23 11:11 Abandoned Vehicle 2023113636 Abandoned Vehicle WP23032649 Phone 12/30/23 12:48 Abandoned Vehicle 2023117958 Abandoned Vehicle WP23033975 Phone Abuse Total: 1 12/29/2316:04 Abuse 2023117696 Abuse WP23033903 Phone Agency Assist Total: 7 12/17/23 18:35 Agency Assist 2023114344 MVA - No Injuries WP23032852 Phone 12/17/23 20:24 Agency Assist 2023114375 Phone 12/18/23 02:26 Agency Assist 2023114437 Phone 12/19/23 19:12 Agency Assist 2023114961 Agency Assist WP23033047 Phone 12/20/23 13:14 Agency Assist 2023115147 Agency Assist WP23033124 Phone 12/20/23 13:20 Agency Assist 2023115150 Phone 12/27/23 13:51 Agency Assist 2023117067 Phone Animal Total: 7 12/08/2312:08 Animal 2023111567 Animal WP23032064 Phone 12/08/2316:03 Animal 2023111636 Animal WP23032089 Phone 12/08/2316:09 Animal 2023111641 Animal WP23032090 Phone 12/12/23 03:36 Animal 2023112693 Animal WP23032345 Phone 12/18/2319:07 Animal 2023114658 Animal WP23032940 Phone 12/22/2315:51 Animal 2023115818 Animal WP23033346 911 12/28/2318:10 Animal 2023117424 Animal WP23033825 Phone Animal - Barking Dog Total: 2 12/02/23 21:49 Animal - Barking Dog 2023109834 Animal - Barking Dog WP23031567 Phone 12/14/23 19:43 Animal - Barking Dog 2023113506 Animal - Barking Dog WP23032611 Phone Animal - Bites - Attacks Total: 3 Page 2 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/01/23 15:03 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2023109363 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP23031449 911 12/05/23 08:56 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2023110606 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP23031797 Phone 12/07/23 16:52 Animal - Bites - Attacks 2023111354 Animal - Bites - Attacks WP23032005 Phone Assault Total: 6 12/01/23 16:13 Assault 2023109390 Suspicious - Circumstances WP23031456 911 12/04/2314:08 Assault 2023110377 Assault WSRO23031707 12/04/23 23:54 Assault 2023110534 Assault WP23031771 Phone 12/11/23 20:55 Assault 2023112650 Assault WP23032335 Phone 12/13/23 09:24 Assault 2023112979 Assault WSRO23032444 12/13/2311:33 Assault 2023113009 Assault WSRO23032464 Bomb Threat Total: 1 12/07/23 15:48 Bomb Threat 2023111332 Bomb Threat WP23032002 Phone Burglary Total: 3 12/11/2310:46 Burglary 2023112488 Burglary WP23032286 12/11/2310:46 Burglary 2023112489 Burglary WP23032287 12/13/23 08:51 Burglary 2023112968 Suspicious - Circumstances WP23032439 Phone Check Welfare Total: 39 12/01/23 10:09 Check Welfare 2023109270 Check Welfare WP23031424 12/01/23 18:07 Check Welfare 2023109419 Check Welfare WP23031465 Phone 12/03/23 10:17 Check Welfare 2023109938 Check Welfare WP23031590 Phone 12/03/23 16:12 Check Welfare 2023110044 Check Welfare WP23031619 911 12/03/23 19:34 Check Welfare 2023110106 Check Welfare WP23031637 Phone 12/04/23 16:24 Check Welfare 2023110431 Check Welfare WP23031731 Phone 12/04/23 16:47 Check Welfare 2023110439 Civil Complaint WP23031737 Phone 12/04/23 20:24 Check Welfare 2023110491 Check Welfare WP23031754 Phone 12/04/23 21:30 Check Welfare 2023110509 Check Welfare WP23031762 911 12/05/23 10:24 Check Welfare 2023110639 Check Welfare WP23031804 Phone 12/05/23 15:01 Check Welfare 2023110717 Check Welfare WP23031822 Phone 12/07/23 11:38 Check Welfare 2023111236 Check Welfare WP23031976 911 12/07/23 20:24 Check Welfare 2023111409 Check Welfare WP23032022 Phone 12/08/23 16:57 Check Welfare 2023111664 Check Welfare WP23032100 Phone 12/09/23 20:11 Check Welfare 2023112086 Check Welfare WP23032204 Phone 12/10/23 18:14 Check Welfare 2023112326 Check Welfare WP23032252 Phone 12/12/23 06:16 Check Welfare 2023112705 Check Welfare WP23032351 Phone 12/12/23 21:19 Check Welfare 2023112900 Check Welfare WP23032420 Phone 12/14/23 00:52 Check Welfare 2023113219 Check Welfare WP23032529 Phone 12/14/23 08:23 Check Welfare 2023113274 Check Welfare WP23032539 Phone 12/15/23 00:16 Check Welfare 2023113555 Check Welfare WP23032622 Phone 12/15/23 10:44 Check Welfare 2023113631 Check Welfare WP23032643 Phone 12/15/23 13:43 Check Welfare 2023113682 Check Welfare WP23032669 Phone 12/17/23 01:03 Check Welfare 2023114179 Check Welfare WP23032807 Phone 12/19/23 08:00 Check Welfare 2023114763 Check Welfare WSRO23032962 12/19/23 18:40 Check Welfare 2023114955 Check Welfare WP23033041 Phone 12/20/23 13:22 Check Welfare 2023115151 Check Welfare WP23033126 911 Page 3 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/22/23 13:48 Check Welfare 2023115778 Check Welfare WP23033329 Phone 12/22/23 14:38 Check Welfare 2023115791 Check Welfare WP23033335 Phone 12/23/23 11:14 Check Welfare 2023116052 Check Welfare WP23033412 911 12/24/23 19:52 Check Welfare 2023116513 Check Welfare WP23033546 Phone 12/26/23 08:23 Check Welfare 2023116748 Check Welfare WP23033609 911 12/28/23 14:25 Check Welfare 2023117336 Check Welfare WP23033787 Phone 12/29/23 19:26 Check Welfare 2023117769 Check Welfare WP23033927 Phone 12/30/23 01:40 Check Welfare 2023117879 Check Welfare WP23033952 911 12/31/23 11:10 Check Welfare 2023118193 Check Welfare WP23034040 911 12/31/23 12:11 Check Welfare 2023118201 Death Investigation - Natural WP23034046 Phone 12/31/23 17:41 Check Welfare 2023118267 Check Welfare WP23034069 Phone 12/31/23 22:57 Check Welfare 2023118358 Check Welfare WP23034093 Phone Check Welfare; Domestic Disturbance Total: 1 12/10/23 19:23 Check Welfare; 2023112347 Check Welfare WP23032256 911 Citizen Aid Total: 15 12/02/23 10:08 Citizen Aid 2023109609 Citizen Aid WP23031502 Phone 12/03/23 11:51 Citizen Aid 2023109967 Missing Person WP23031599 911 12/04/23 13:44 Citizen Aid 2023110359 Citizen Aid WP23031702 Phone 12/05/23 08:58 Citizen Aid 2023110607 Citizen Aid WP23031798 Phone 12/05/23 12:22 Citizen Aid 2023110674 Harassment WP23031810 Phone 12/06/23 15:24 Citizen Aid 2023110995 Citizen Aid WP23031900 Phone 12/07/23 22:30 Citizen Aid 2023111437 Citizen Aid WP23032027 911 12/13/23 10:00 Citizen Aid 2023112988 Citizen Aid WREC23032494hone 12/16/23 09:53 Citizen Aid 2023113915 Citizen Aid WP23032737 Phone 12/17/23 14:53 Citizen Aid 2023114288 Citizen Aid WP23032839 Phone 12/18/23 07:25 Citizen Aid 2023114473 Citizen Aid WP23032883 Phone 12/24/23 07:37 Citizen Aid 2023116358 Citizen Aid WP23033501 12/26/23 17:13 Citizen Aid 2023116876 Citizen Aid WP23033654 Phone 12/29/23 14:08 Citizen Aid 2023117643 Citizen Aid WP23033886 911 12/30/23 19:41 Citizen Aid 2023118071 Citizen Aid WP23034000 Phone Civil Complaint Total: 29 12/01/23 16:29 Civil Complaint 2023109393 Civil Complaint WP23031457 Phone 12/01/23 20:59 Civil Complaint 2023109462 Civil Complaint WP23031476 Phone 12/02/23 14:51 Civil Complaint 2023109678 Civil Complaint WP23031528 Phone 12/03/23 12:01 Civil Complaint 2023109969 Civil Complaint WP23031600 Phone 12/04/23 16:16 Civil Complaint 2023110427 Civil Complaint WP23031730 Phone 12/07/23 13:55 Civil Complaint 2023111282 Civil Complaint WP23031986 Phone 12/08/23 14:54 Civil Complaint 2023111616 Civil Complaint WP23032080 911 12/08/23 15:42 Civil Complaint 2023111629 Civil Complaint WP23032087 Phone 12/08/23 22:39 Civil Complaint 2023111806 Civil Standby WP23032124 Phone 12/10/23 14:17 Civil Complaint 2023112272 Civil Complaint WP23032237 Phone 12/12/23 12:10 Civil Complaint 2023112769 Civil Complaint WP23032378 Phone 12/13/23 15:27 Civil Complaint 2023113090 Civil Child Custody WP23032489 911 12/13/23 19:23 Civil Complaint 2023113157 Civil Complaint WP23032512 Phone 12/14/23 10:58 Civil Complaint 2023113314 Citizen Aid WP23032553 Phone Page 4 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # 12/15/23 11:04 Civil Complaint 2023113635 12/15/23 15:11 Civil Complaint 2023113711 12/16/23 17:32 Civil Complaint 2023114047 12/17/23 08:58 Civil Complaint 2023114217 12/19/23 12:34 Civil Complaint 2023114847 12/22/23 12:44 Civil Complaint 2023115758 12/23/23 11:43 Civil Complaint 2023116065 12/25/23 19:33 Civil Complaint 2023116671 12/26/23 16:39 Civil Complaint 2023116869 12/27/23 16:01 Civil Complaint 2023117104 12/28/23 03:27 Civil Complaint 2023117241 12/28/23 12:41 Civil Complaint 2023117284 12/28/23 15:18 Civil Complaint 2023117354 12/30/23 07:58 Civil Complaint 2023117916 12/31/23 06:51 Civil Complaint 2023118172 Civil Process Total: 31 12/01/23 13:03 Civil Process 2023109320 12/01/23 14:40 Civil Process 2023109352 12/04/23 13:30 Civil Process 2023110356 12/04/23 16:39 Civil Process 2023110436 12/07/23 11:44 Civil Process 2023111241 12/07/23 13:46 Civil Process 2023111275 12/08/23 16:14 Civil Process 2023111643 12/11/23 11:48 Civil Process 2023112503 12/11/23 14:05 Civil Process 2023112534 12/11/23 15:32 Civil Process 2023112559 12/11/23 15:41 Civil Process 2023112562 12/12/23 09:39 Civil Process 2023112739 12/12/23 13:19 Civil Process 2023112777 12/13/23 16:39 Civil Process 2023113119 12/14/23 16:00 Civil Process 2023113434 12/15/23 08:36 Civil Process 2023113597 12/15/23 13:58 Civil Process 2023113687 12/15/23 14:14 Civil Process 2023113692 12/15/23 14:18 Civil Process 2023113693 12/18/23 13:45 Civil Process 2023114571 12/19/23 11:17 Civil Process 2023114821 12/19/23 11:48 Civil Process 2023114831 12/19/23 14:54 Civil Process 2023114889 12/19/23 18:06 Civil Process 2023114947 12/19/23 18:45 Civil Process 2023114956 12/20/23 10:12 Civil Process 2023115094 12/20/23 10:27 Civil Process 2023115098 12/20/23 13:43 Civil Process 2023115156 12/26/23 15:27 Civil Process 2023116841 12/28/23 15:39 Civil Process 2023117365 Final Incident Case Number How Reported Civil Complaint WP23032648 Phone Civil Complaint WP23032680 Phone Civil Complaint WP23032774 Phone Civil Complaint WP23032812 Phone Civil Complaint WP23032997 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033323 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033416 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033588 911 Civil Complaint WP23033651 911 Civil Complaint WP23033722 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033765 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033774 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033795 Phone Civil Complaint WP23033960 Phone Civil Complaint WP23034032 911 Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Page 5 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 12/29/23 15:18 Civil Process 2023117678 Civil Standby Total: 3 12/11/23 17:09 Civil Standby 2023112590 Civil Standby 12/13/23 13:42 Civil Standby 2023113048 Civil Standby 12/27/23 17:00 Civil Standby 2023117121 Civil Standby Commercial Fire Alarm Total: 2 12/02/23 09:31 Commercial Fire Alarm 2023109599 12/29/23 11:16 Commercial Fire Alarm 2023117613 Commercial General Alarm Total: 25 12/01/23 15:24 Commercial General 2023109374 12/02/23 06:34 Commercial General 2023109583 12/03/23 14:19 Commercial General 2023110005 12/05/23 09:38 Commercial General 2023110618 12/07/23 00:42 Commercial General 2023111127 12/07/23 21:11 Commercial General 2023111424 12/08/23 06:24 Commercial General 2023111476 12/08/23 22:11 Commercial General 2023111795 12/09/23 13:03 Commercial General 2023111971 12/14/23 18:12 Commercial General 2023113485 12/15/23 18:20 Commercial General 2023113766 12/17/23 16:56 Commercial General 2023114316 12/18/23 08:16 Commercial General 2023114479 12/22/23 00:36 Commercial General 2023115646 12/22/23 05:59 Commercial General 2023115671 12/23/23 07:26 Commercial General 2023116002 12/24/23 06:53 Commercial General 2023116353 12/24/23 09:00 Commercial General 2023116371 12/24/23 11:37 Commercial General 2023116404 12/24/23 17:29 Commercial General 2023116481 12/24/23 17:32 Commercial General 2023116484 12/26/23 08:22 Commercial General 2023116747 12/26/23 22:14 Commercial General 2023116935 12/30/23 09:12 Commercial General 2023117922 12/31/23 05:28 Commercial General 2023118165 Commercial General Alarm Commercial General Alarm; 911 Text Total: 3 12/20/23 01:08 Commercial General 2023115030 12/23/23 00:27 Commercial General 2023115965 12/23/23 22:05 Commercial General 2023116268 Case Number How Reported Officer WP23032319 WP23032477 WP23033731 Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Text Phone Phone Text Phone Phone Phone Text Phone Phone Phone Phone WP23033499 Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Phone Text Phone Phone Text Phone Phone Commercial General Alarm; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 12/07/23 06:46 Commercial General 2023111166 Text Compliance Check - Liquor Total: 2 12/21/23 17:01 Compliance Check - 2023115516 12/21/23 17:03 Compliance Check - 2023115518 Page 6 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Court Order Violation Total: 4 12/02/23 09:50 Court Order Violation 2023109604 Suspicious - Circumstances WP23031500 Phone 12/05/23 00:01 Court Order Violation 2023110535 Court Order Violation WP23031772 12/12/23 11:57 Court Order Violation 2023112766 Court Order Violation WP23032376 Phone 12/28/23 02:04 Court Order Violation 2023117235 Court Order Violation WP23033764 Phone Criminal Damage to Property Total: 11 12/09/23 16:07 Criminal Damage to 2023112022 12/11/23 08:15 Criminal Damage to 2023112454 12/12/23 08:48 Criminal Damage to 2023112727 12/18/23 14:53 Criminal Damage to 2023114589 12/19/23 14:54 Criminal Damage to 2023114890 12/22/23 09:11 Criminal Damage to 2023115693 12/23/23 11:45 Criminal Damage to 2023116067 12/23/23 15:22 Criminal Damage to 2023116125 12/26/23 18:27 Criminal Damage to 2023116898 12/28/23 13:11 Criminal Damage to 2023117305 12/30/23 22:45 Criminal Damage to 2023118110 CSC Sex Offense Total: 1 12/20/23 20:47 CSC Sex Offense 2023115269 Disabled Vehicle Total: 2 12/15/23 17:39 Disabled Vehicle 2023113756 12/18/23 14:10 Disabled Vehicle 2023114578 Disorderly Total: 8 12/04/23 08:51 Disorderly 2023110282 12/04/2313:30 Disorderly 2023110355 12/04/2314:11 Disorderly 2023110378 12/04/2314:13 Disorderly 2023110379 12/04/2319:40 Disorderly 2023110482 12/07/2312:18 Disorderly 2023111254 12/15/2313:13 Disorderly 2023113669 12/19/2316:43 Disorderly 2023114917 Domestic Disturbance Total: 23 12/01/23 20:06 Domestic Disturbance 2023109449 12/02/23 08:47 Domestic Disturbance 2023109592 12/03/23 17:07 Domestic Disturbance 2023110058 12/04/23 03:46 Domestic Disturbance 2023110217 12/04/23 04:23 Domestic Disturbance 2023110231 12/07/23 00:52 Domestic Disturbance 2023111128 12/07/23 16:10 Domestic Disturbance 2023111340 12/08/23 15:14 Domestic Disturbance 2023111623 12/08/23 16:23 Domestic Disturbance 2023111646 12/09/23 21:12 Domestic Disturbance 2023112099 12/14/23 00:21 Domestic Disturbance 2023113212 Criminal Damage to Property WP23032185 911 Burglary WP23032272 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23032362 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23032919 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23033016 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23033304 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23033420 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23033433 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP23033663 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23033781 Phone Criminal Damage to Property WP23034011 Phone CSC Sex Offense WP23033174 Phone 911 Phone Disorderly WSR023031677 Disorderly WSR023031698 Disorderly WSR023031708 Fight WSR023031709 Disorderly WP23031751 Phone Disorderly WP23031982 Phone Disorderly WP23032663 Phone Intoxicated Person WP23033030 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23031473 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23031496 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23031623 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP23031664 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23031665 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23031948 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23032003 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23032083 911 Warrant - Arrest WP23032091 Phone Domestic Disturbance WP23032206 911 Domestic Disturbance WP23032527 911 Page 7 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/16/23 16:27 Domestic Disturbance 2023114014 Domestic Disturbance WP23032767 911 12/18/23 14:02 Domestic Disturbance 2023114574 Domestic Disturbance WP23032915 911 12/22/23 20:53 Domestic Disturbance 2023115921 Domestic Disturbance WP23033379 911 12/23/23 04:38 Domestic Disturbance 2023115993 Domestic Disturbance WP23033400 911 12/23/23 14:50 Domestic Disturbance 2023116118 Domestic Disturbance WP23033432 911 12/23/23 20:18 Domestic Disturbance 2023116222 Noise WP23033460 Phone 12/24/23 20:47 Domestic Disturbance 2023116520 Unwanted Person WP23033549 911 12/25/23 12:15 Domestic Disturbance 2023116605 Domestic Disturbance WP23033569 Phone 12/25/23 15:16 Domestic Disturbance 2023116627 Domestic Disturbance WP23033578 911 12/26/23 01:17 Domestic Disturbance 2023116722 Domestic Disturbance WP23033604 911 12/27/23 05:49 Domestic Disturbance 2023116971 Domestic Disturbance WP23033684 Phone 12/27/23 22:19 Domestic Disturbance 2023117208 Domestic Disturbance WP23033756 911 Drugs Total: 4 12/07/23 19:11 Drugs 2023111392 Check Welfare WP23032018 Phone 12/13/23 08:27 Drugs 2023112961 Drugs WSR023032434 12/21/23 09:36 Drugs 2023115387 Drugs WP23033202 911 12/29/23 23:53 Drugs 2023117853 Neighborhood Dispute WP23033948 911 Dumping Total: 2 12/18/2315:14 Dumping 2023114596 Dumping WP23032920 Phone 12/20/2311:54 Dumping 2023115126 Dumping WP23033117 911 Extra Patrol Total: 1 12/07/23 09:49 Extra Patrol Fight Total: 2 12/16/23 21:20 Fight 12/21/2313:54 Fight Fire - CO Alarm Total: 1 12/04/23 17:00 Fire - CO Alarm Fire - Gas Leak Total: 2 12/04/23 18:35 Fire - Gas Leak 12/13/23 08:39 Fire - Gas Leak Fire - Structure Total: 1 12/24/23 15:26 Fire - Structure Fireworks Total: 1 12/31/23 22:21 Fireworks 2023111206 2023114120 Domestic Disturbance 2023115463 Fight 2023110441 Fire - CO Alarm 2023110466 Fire - Gas Leak 2023112966 Fire - Gas Leak 2023116458 Fire - Structure 2023118346 Fireworks Found Body Total: 1 12/17/23 14:21 Found Body 2023114277 Fraud - Checks - Cards Total: 4 12/04/23 16:14 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2023110425 12/05/23 10:12 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2023110634 12/12/23 14:39 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2023112799 Phone WP23032793 Phone WSR023033247 WP23031738 WP23031748 Phone WP23032436 911 WP23033526 911 WP23034092 Phone Death Investigation - Natural WP23032834 911 Fraud - Checks - Cards WP23031729 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP23031801 Phone Fraud - Checks - Cards WP23032390 Phone Page 8 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 12/27/23 13:49 Fraud - Checks - Cards 2023117065 Fraud - Checks - Cards Fraud - Internet Total: 4 12/05/23 09:12 Fraud - Internet 2023110609 Fraud - Internet 12/14/23 10:54 Fraud - Internet 2023113312 Fraud - Internet 12/14/23 13:21 Fraud - Internet 2023113368 Fraud - Internet 12/22/23 16:45 Fraud - Internet 2023115833 Fraud - Internet Harassment Total: 4 12/06/2315:47 Harassment 2023111006 Harassment 12/14/23 10:09 Harassment 2023113300 Civil Complaint 12/14/23 20:14 Harassment 2023113516 Harassment 12/31/2319:09 Harassment 2023118302 Harassment Harassment; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 12/26/23 19:52 Harassment; Medical - 2023116913 Harassment Info Total: 3 12/03/23 06:00 Info 2023109917 12/06/23 20:33 Info 2023111090 12/28/23 14:40 Info 2023117341 Intoxicated Person Total: 4 12/16/23 22:48 Intoxicated Person 2023114147 Intoxicated Person 12/18/23 13:22 Intoxicated Person 2023114563 Medical - Unknown 12/20/23 14:39 Intoxicated Person 2023115170 Intoxicated Person 12/23/23 17:35 Intoxicated Person 2023116167 Intoxicated Person Juvenile - Complaint Total: 4 Case Number How Reported WP23033714 Phone WP23031799 Phone WP23032552 Phone WP23032573 Phone WP23033350 Phone WP23031912 Phone WP23032546 Phone WP23032613 WP23034078 Phone VA V911Bi1Z:) rAl, �T.7 Ta Phone Phone Phone WP23032799 Phone WP23032912 911 WP23033137 911 WP23033444 911 12/07/23 15:14 Juvenile - Complaint 2023111320 Juvenile - Complaint WP23032000 Phone 12/12/23 18:23 Juvenile - Complaint 2023112856 Juvenile - Complaint WP23032407 911 12/19/23 11:12 Juvenile - Complaint 2023114816 Juvenile - Complaint WSRO23032986 12/20/23 11:03 Juvenile - Complaint 2023115107 Walk Away WP23033093 911 Juvenile - Party Total: 1 12/22/23 22:00 Juvenile - Party 2023115939 Juvenile - Party WP23033383 911 Lift Assist Total: 3 12/01/23 15:47 Lift Assist 2023109382 911 12/20/23 13:06 Lift Assist 2023115142 911 12/28/23 19:13 Lift Assist 2023117447 911 Lost - Found Property Total: 3 12/01/23 23:12 Lost - Found Property 2023109495 Lost - Found Property 12/02/23 23:55 Lost - Found Property 2023109866 Lost - Found Property 12/23/23 13:05 Lost - Found Property 2023116088 Lost - Found Property Medical - Abdominal Pain Total: 3 12/06/23 05:20 Medical - Abdominal 2023110856 12/06/23 08:26 Medical - Abdominal 2023110880 WP23031483 WP23031576 WP23033422 911 Phone Page 9 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 12/25/23 21:14 Medical - Abdominal 2023116690 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations Total: 1 12/16/23 00:02 Medical - Bleeding - 2023113852 Medical - Bleeding - Lacerations; 911 Text Total: 1 12/19/23 03:03 Medical - Bleeding - 2023114731 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Breathing Problems Total: 7 12/02/23 20:57 Medical - Breathing 2023109811 12/06/23 09:56 Medical - Breathing 2023110902 12/09/23 12:01 Medical - Breathing 2023111951 12/14/23 17:46 Medical - Breathing 2023113474 12/16/23 06:55 Medical - Breathing 2023113882 12/30/23 20:04 Medical - Breathing 2023118080 12/31/23 02:04 Medical - Breathing 2023118155 Medical - Chest Pain Total: 2 12/04/23 04:10 Medical - Chest Pain 2023110229 12/08/23 00:33 Medical - Chest Pain 2023111455 Medical - Diabetic Total: 6 12/03/23 12:42 Medical - Diabetic 2023109979 12/03/23 21:59 Medical - Diabetic 2023110162 12/16/23 01:10 Medical - Diabetic 2023113859 12/22/23 19:23 Medical - Diabetic 2023115885 12/24/23 21:16 Medical - Diabetic 2023116523 12/29/23 16:43 Medical - Diabetic 2023117714 Medical - Fall Over 6 Feet Total: 2 12/03/23 16:35 Medical - Fall Over 6 2023110049 12/23/23 02:48 Medical - Fall Over 6 2023115986 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Total: 22 12/01/23 17:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023109407 12/03/23 22:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023110172 12/04/23 08:58 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023110285 12/05/23 07:01 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023110587 12/06/23 14:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023110983 12/08/23 13:15 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023111591 12/08/23 17:02 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023111669 12/08/23 23:04 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023111817 12/10/23 15:57 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023112287 12/16/23 10:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023113924 12/17/23 08:08 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114210 12/18/23 15:53 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114608 12/19/23 06:40 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114749 12/19/23 08:38 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114769 12/19/23 10:22 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114802 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet Case Number How Reported 911 911 WP23032956 Text 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 WP23032926 911 Phone 911 Phone Page 10 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/19/23 13:36 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023114865 911 12/22/23 10:21 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023115718 Medical - Fall Under 6 Feet WP23033315 911 12/23/23 11:35 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023116062 Phone 12/24/23 15:38 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023116462 911 12/25/23 23:26 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023116712 911 12/30/23 08:23 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023117918 911 12/30/23 17:40 Medical - Fall Under 6 2023118031 911 Medical - Heart Problems Total: 3 12/03/23 11:23 Medical - Heart 2023109958 911 12/07/23 20:47 Medical - Heart 2023111419 Medical - Heart Problems WP23032024 911 12/08/23 22:33 Medical - Heart 2023111802 911 Medical - Non Emergency Transport Total: 2 12/10/23 23:46 Medical - Non 2023112395 911 12/11/23 11:46 Medical - Non 2023112502 911 Medical - Overdose - Poisoning Total: 3 12/10/23 08:42 Medical - Overdose - 2023112206 911 12/10/23 18:55 Medical - Overdose - 2023112338 911 12/14/23 08:46 Medical - Overdose - 2023113281 911 Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total 12/02/23 20:22 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023109801 12/05/23 05:01 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023110578 12/07/23 12:18 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023111253 12/10/23 07:23 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023112196 12/10/23 16:37 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023112301 12/17/23 22:26 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023114405 12/21/23 18:55 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023115563 12/27/23 13:05 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023117057 12/28/23 12:14 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023117266 12/29/23 23:17 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023117843 12/31/23 14:11 Medical - Psychiatric - 2023118226 Medical - Seizure Total: 2 12/03/23 16:09 Medical - Seizure 2023110042 12/21/23 08:33 Medical - Seizure 2023115371 Medical - Sick Total: 29 12/04/23 02:24 Medical - Sick 2023110202 12/06/23 06:39 Medical - Sick 2023110860 12/06/23 08:46 Medical - Sick 2023110884 12/06/23 14:33 Medical - Sick 2023110980 12/06/23 22:39 Medical - Sick 2023111118 12/07/23 13:21 Medical - Sick 2023111263 12/08/23 12:06 Medical - Sick 2023111565 12/09/23 08:40 Medical - Sick 2023111898 12/09/23 09:48 Medical - Sick 2023111914 11 Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - Medical - Psychiatric - WP23031558 Phone WP23031785 Phone WP23031981 911 WP23032223 911 WP23032244 911 WP23032870 911 WP23033276 911 WP23033706 Phone WP23033769 Phone WP23033947 911 WP23034052 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 911 Page 11 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/10/23 20:21 Medical - Sick 2023112361 911 12/11/23 11:10 Medical - Sick 2023112495 911 12/11/23 12:25 Medical - Sick 2023112512 911 12/11/23 16:56 Medical - Sick 2023112584 911 12/13/23 07:22 Medical - Sick 2023112947 911 12/13/23 12:38 Medical - Sick 2023113027 911 12/13/23 14:57 Medical - Sick 2023113070 911 12/14/23 08:01 Medical - Sick 2023113267 911 12/14/23 11:09 Medical - Sick 2023113318 911 12/18/23 12:07 Medical - Sick 2023114540 911 12/19/23 10:08 Medical - Sick 2023114798 911 12/19/23 17:38 Medical - Sick 2023114934 911 12/20/23 11:44 Medical - Sick 2023115123 911 12/22/23 19:37 Medical - Sick 2023115892 Drugs WP23033381 911 12/27/23 19:50 Medical - Sick 2023117175 911 12/29/23 11:41 Medical - Sick 2023117617 911 12/29/23 16:28 Medical - Sick 2023117710 911 12/30/23 13:44 Medical - Sick 2023117974 911 12/31/23 01:53 Medical - Sick 2023118153 911 12/31/23 06:01 Medical - Sick 2023118168 911 Medical - Sick; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 12/06/23 03:12 Medical - Sick; Dispatch 2023110846 911 Medical - Stroke Total: 3 12/02/23 10:03 Medical - Stroke 2023109607 911 12/14/23 14:02 Medical - Stroke 2023113377 911 12/21/23 07:35 Medical - Stroke 2023115358 911 Medical - Unconscious - Fainting Total: 9 12/03/23 11:48 Medical - Unconscious - 2023109966 911 12/03/23 13:05 Medical - Unconscious - 2023109984 Medical - Unconscious - WP23031605 911 12/04/23 11:54 Medical - Unconscious - 2023110331 Death Investigation - OverdosEWP23031692 911 12/11/23 19:11 Medical - Unconscious - 2023112628 Check Welfare WP23032330 911 12/14/23 16:01 Medical - Unconscious - 2023113435 Phone 12/16/23 01:36 Medical - Unconscious - 2023113862 Medical - Overdose - PoisoninyVP23032723 Phone 12/21/23 01:47 Medical - Unconscious - 2023115334 911 12/25/23 09:34 Medical - Unconscious - 2023116580 911 12/28/23 12:53 Medical - Unconscious - 2023117294 Phone Medical - Unknown Total: 2 12/26/23 10:38 Medical - Unknown 2023116771 911 12/31/23 09:50 Medical - Unknown 2023118184 911 Missing Person Total: 1 12/17/23 11:20 Missing Person 2023114238 Missing Person WP23032821 911 Motorist Aid Total: 3 12/16/23 19:23 Motorist Aid 2023114081 Phone Page 12 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/21/23 15:11 Motorist Aid 2023115479 Phone 12/28/23 23:49 Motorist Aid 2023117520 MVA - Car Deer Total: 1 12/27/23 06:14 MVA - Car Deer 2023116973 MVA - Car Deer WP23033685 Phone MVA - Hit & Run Total: 5 12/04/23 14:14 MVA - Hit & Run 2023110380 MVA - Hit & Run WSRO23031710 12/10/23 17:27 MVA - Hit & Run 2023112317 Criminal Damage to Property WP23032250 12/16/23 10:42 MVA - Hit & Run 2023113929 MVA - Hit & Run WP23032741 12/19/23 17:32 MVA - Hit & Run 2023114933 MVA - Hit & Run WP23033037 12/22/23 17:29 MVA - Hit & Run 2023115851 MVA - Hit & Run WP23033356 911 MVA - Injuries Total: 3 12/07/23 14:26 MVA - Injuries 2023111294 MVA - Injuries WP23031992 911 12/08/23 14:41 MVA - Injuries 2023111608 MVA - No Injuries WP23032077 911 12/18/23 17:51 MVA - Injuries 2023114641 MVA - Injuries WP23032934 911 MVA - No Injuries Total: 33 12/01/23 12:24 MVA - No Injuries 2023109306 MVA - No Injuries WP23031434 911 12/03/23 08:03 MVA - No Injuries 2023109928 Animal WP23031587 911 12/03/23 15:32 MVA - No Injuries 2023110030 MVA - No Injuries WP23031615 12/04/23 07:10 MVA - No Injuries 2023110253 12/04/23 12:13 MVA - No Injuries 2023110337 MVA - No Injuries WP23031695 Phone 12/05/23 05:42 MVA - No Injuries 2023110582 MVA - No Injuries WP23031787 12/06/23 07:21 MVA - No Injuries 2023110865 MVA - No Injuries WP23031855 12/06/23 17:11 MVA - No Injuries 2023111037 MVA - No Injuries WP23031918 911 12/07/23 13:14 MVA - No Injuries 2023111261 MVA - No Injuries WP23031984 911 12/09/23 12:41 MVA - No Injuries 2023111965 MVA - No Injuries WP23032168 12/11/23 15:47 MVA - No Injuries 2023112564 MVA - No Injuries WP23032310 911 12/13/23 17:22 MVA - No Injuries 2023113131 MVA - No Injuries WP23032504 911 12/14/23 07:19 MVA - No Injuries 2023113262 MVA - No Injuries WP23032535 12/15/23 12:53 MVA - No Injuries 2023113663 MVA - No Injuries WP23032660 12/15/23 13:40 MVA - No Injuries 2023113680 MVA - No Injuries WP23032668 911 12/18/23 11:08 MVA - No Injuries 2023114521 MVA - No Injuries WP23032898 911 12/18/23 16:30 MVA - No Injuries 2023114619 MVA - No Injuries WP23032925 12/19/23 09:36 MVA - No Injuries 2023114790 MVA - No Injuries WP23032973 911 12/19/23 12:56 MVA - No Injuries 2023114853 MVA - No Injuries WP23033000 911 12/21/23 09:08 MVA - No Injuries 2023115379 MVA - No Injuries WP23033198 911 12/21/23 12:28 MVA - No Injuries 2023115438 MVA - No Injuries WP23033228 911 12/22/23 10:33 MVA - No Injuries 2023115725 MVA - No Injuries WP23033310 12/23/23 04:50 MVA - No Injuries 2023115995 Stolen - Vehicle WP23033401 911 12/23/23 12:33 MVA - No Injuries 2023116081 12/26/23 12:41 MVA - No Injuries 2023116803 MVA - No Injuries WP23033625 911 12/27/23 14:14 MVA - No Injuries 2023117078 MVA - No Injuries WP23033715 12/27/23 18:07 MVA - No Injuries 2023117141 MVA - No Injuries WP23033734 911 12/27/23 19:02 MVA - No Injuries 2023117158 MVA - No Injuries WP23033740 911 12/29/23 08:06 MVA - No Injuries 2023117576 MVA - No Injuries WP23033868 Page 13 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/29/23 17:10 MVA - No Injuries 2023117721 MVA - No Injuries WP23033913 911 12/30/23 18:28 MVA - No Injuries 2023118047 Agency Assist WP23033995 911 12/31/23 10:44 MVA - No Injuries 2023118189 MVA - No Injuries WP23034039 911 12/31/23 18:46 MVA - No Injuries 2023118297 MVA - No Injuries WP23034077 911 Neighborhood Dispute Total: 1 12/24/23 23:04 Neighborhood Dispute 2023116537 Neighborhood Dispute WP23033555 Noise Total: 7 12/01/23 22:05 Noise 2023109480 Noise WP23031478 911 12/02/23 23:24 Noise 2023109861 Noise WP23031573 12/02/23 23:38 Noise 2023109862 Noise WP23031574 911 12/05/23 00:20 Noise 2023110538 Noise WP23031773 12/22/23 00:33 Noise 2023115645 Noise WP23033297 12/22/23 22:11 Noise 2023115942 Noise WP23033385 12/26/23 23:43 Noise 2023116953 Noise WP23033679 Open Door - Window Total: 1 12/25/23 07:13 Open Door - Window Ordinance Violation Total: 1 12/14/23 15:40 Ordinance Violation Parking Total: 15 12/01/23 08:11 Parking 12/06/2312:01 Parking 12/06/2319:49 Parking 12/08/2314:14 Parking 12/11/2312:49 Parking 12/12/2313:44 Parking 12/15/2316:43 Parking 12/16/2314:06 Parking 12/17/23 21:46 Parking 12/20/2311:57 Parking 12/21/2317:21 Parking 12/26/2312:49 Parking 12/27/23 08:01 Parking 12/28/23 21:45 Parking 12/31/23 06:47 Parking Phone Call Total: 1 12/19/23 11:25 Phone Call Phone Call; Prowler Total: 1 12/24/23 03:27 Phone Call; Prowler POR Check Total: 3 12/26/23 11:01 POR Check 12/26/23 11:34 POR Check 12/29/23 11:58 POR Check 2023116568 Open Door - Window 2023113423 Ordinance Violation WCSU23033562 WP23032590 2023109231 Parking WP23031417 2023110931 Parking WP23031877 2023111082 Parking WP23031931 2023111603 Parking WP23032076 2023112519 Parking WP23032299 2023112783 Parking WP23032386 2023113737 Parking WP23032689 2023113971 Parking WP23032757 2023114397 Parking WP23032867 2023115128 Parking WP23033118 2023115528 Parking WP23033265 2023116804 Parking WP23033627 2023116985 Parking WP23033690 2023117494 Parking WP23033848 Officer 2023118171 Parking WP23034031 2023114825 Stolen - Vehicle WP23032994 Other 2023116341 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033497 Other 2023116776 2023116785 2023117620 Officer Page 14 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Probation Check Total: 10 12/11/23 20:08 Probation Check 2023112642 Officer 12/12/23 12:57 Probation Check 2023112774 Probation Check WP23032382 Officer 12/12/23 15:08 Probation Check 2023112808 Officer 12/12/23 15:34 Probation Check 2023112810 Officer 12/14/23 19:21 Probation Check 2023113503 Officer 12/19/23 13:54 Probation Check 2023114872 Officer 12/19/23 14:15 Probation Check 2023114877 Officer 12/21/23 13:02 Probation Check 2023115448 Probation Check WP23033242 Officer 12/28/23 12:30 Probation Check 2023117275 Officer 12/28/23 13:50 Probation Check 2023117321 Officer Prowler Total: 1 12/28/23 20:35 Prowler 2023117465 Prowler WP23033840 Repossession Total: 6 12/04/23 21:31 Repossession 2023110511 12/06/2314:21 Repossession 2023110977 12/07/2311:47 Repossession 2023111243 12/12/23 20:06 Repossession 2023112875 12/12/23 21:12 Repossession 2023112896 12/12/23 21:18 Repossession 2023112899 Residential Fire Alarm Total: 2 12/06/23 02:39 Residential Fire Alarm 2023110843 Phone 12/31/23 13:00 Residential Fire Alarm 2023118211 Phone Residential General Alarm Total: 5 12/03/23 21:12 Residential General 2023110147 Phone 12/07/23 08:46 Residential General 2023111189 Phone 12/11/23 18:12 Residential General 2023112612 Phone 12/30/23 15:40 Residential General 2023117996 Phone 12/31/23 00:01 Residential General 2023118125 Phone Residential Medical Alarm Total: 5 12/02/23 05:53 Residential Medical 2023109580 Residential Medical Alarm WP23031493 Phone 12/02/23 11:32 Residential Medical 2023109624 Residential Medical Alarm WP23031515 Phone 12/05/23 08:12 Residential Medical 2023110598 Phone 12/09/23 14:18 Residential Medical 2023111989 Residential Medical Alarm WP23032178 Phone 12/21/23 21:20 Residential Medical 2023115615 Phone SIA Area Watch Total: 26 12/01/23 07:21 SIA Area Watch 2023109226 12/03/2313:53 SIA Area Watch 2023109997 12/05/23 06:51 SIA Area Watch 2023110586 12/06/2313:46 SIA Area Watch 2023110964 12/07/23 04:20 SIA Area Watch 2023111153 12/09/23 05:00 SIA Area Watch 2023111876 Page 15 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/10/23 04:50 SIA Area Watch 2023112181 12/10/23 05:29 SIA Area Watch 2023112187 12/10/23 05:36 SIA Area Watch 2023112188 12/10/23 07:22 SIA Area Watch 2023112195 12/11/23 03:21 SIA Area Watch 2023112417 12/11/23 03:37 SIA Area Watch 2023112419 12/11/23 03:52 SIA Area Watch 2023112424 12/12/23 11:28 SIA Area Watch 2023112761 12/14/23 03:31 SIA Area Watch 2023113236 12/15/23 08:12 SIA Area Watch 2023113590 12/17/23 10:18 SIA Area Watch 2023114229 12/20/2310:05 SIA Area Watch 2023115092 12/22/23 07:56 SIA Area Watch 2023115678 12/24/23 00:39 SIA Area Watch 2023116325 12/24/2310:20 SIA Area Watch 2023116388 12/24/2313:28 SIA Area Watch 2023116430 12/25/23 00:47 SIA Area Watch 2023116546 12/26/2311:28 SIA Area Watch 2023116783 12/27/23 21:36 SIA Area Watch 2023117202 12/30/23 09:58 SIA Area Watch 2023117924 SIA Business Walk Through Total: 10 12/01/23 09:57 SIA Business Walk 2023109264 12/05/23 16:09 SIA Business Walk 2023110740 12/07/23 11:16 SIA Business Walk 2023111228 12/10/23 07:12 SIA Business Walk 2023112194 12/14/23 20:12 SIA Business Walk 2023113515 12/15/23 09:15 SIA Business Walk 2023113603 12/18/23 10:26 SIA Business Walk 2023114506 12/19/23 09:18 SIA Business Walk 2023114780 12/20/23 22:17 SIA Business Walk 2023115297 12/29/23 14:52 SIA Business Walk 2023117664 SIA Citizen Aid Total: 2 12/02/23 08:01 SIA Citizen Aid 2023109588 12/10/23 09:16 SIA Citizen Aid 2023112212 SIA City Council - City Hall Total: 3 12/08/23 11:30 SIA City Council - City 2023111554 12/11/23 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2023112595 Officer 12/25/23 17:29 SIA City Council - City 2023116647 Officer SIA Community Engagement Total: 2 12/10/23 18:03 SIA Community 2023112324 12/22/23 19:49 SIA Community 2023115896 SIA Community Presentation Total: 2 12/13/23 11:53 SIA Community 2023113012 12/13/23 11:55 SIA Community 2023113014 Page 16 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported SIA Door Check Total: 4 12/25/23 00:50 SIA Door Check 2023116547 12/25/23 00:52 SIA Door Check 2023116548 12/25/23 00:54 SIA Door Check 2023116549 12/25/23 00:55 SIA Door Check 2023116550 SIA Foot Patrol Total: 3 12/05/23 11:26 SIA Foot Patrol 2023110660 12/10/23 04:52 SIA Foot Patrol 2023112182 12/24/23 20:59 SIA Foot Patrol 2023116522 SIA Other Total: 7 12/02/23 04:18 SIA Other 2023109573 12/08/23 20:16 SIA Other 2023111737 12/11/23 05:08 SIA Other 2023112432 12/18/23 19:40 SIA Other 2023114669 12/18/23 22:45 SIA Other 2023114713 12/20/23 21:44 SIA Other 2023115288 12/25/23 22:36 SIA Other 2023116701 SIA Parks Total: 10 12/02/23 14:07 SIA Parks 2023109667 12/09/23 15:36 SIA Parks 2023112013 12/10/23 23:32 SIA Parks 2023112394 12/15/23 19:35 SIA Parks 2023113788 12/18/23 10:41 SIA Parks 2023114514 12/20/23 23:21 SIA Parks 2023115317 12/23/2312:36 SIA Parks 2023116082 12/24/23 12:42 SIA Parks 2023116416 12/24/23 21:22 SIA Parks 2023116524 12/30/23 13:39 SIA Parks 2023117973 SIA School Check Total: 6 12/06/2314:03 SIA School Check 2023110969 12/08/23 14:49 SIA School Check 2023111611 12/08/23 14:52 SIA School Check 2023111613 12/15/23 10:42 SIA School Check 2023113629 12/15/23 10:44 SIA School Check 2023113630 12/21/2314:00 SIA School Check 2023115464 SIA Winter Parking Warning Total: 15 12/01/23 04:48 SIA Winter Parking 2023109213 12/10/23 02:12 SIA Winter Parking 2023112153 12/10/23 02:18 SIA Winter Parking 2023112157 12/10/23 02:20 SIA Winter Parking 2023112158 12/10/23 02:38 SIA Winter Parking 2023112165 12/10/23 02:41 SIA Winter Parking 2023112167 12/10/23 02:44 SIA Winter Parking 2023112169 Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer SIA School Check WSR023032078 Page 17 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident 12/30/23 02:02 SIA Winter Parking 2023117883 12/30/23 02:04 SIA Winter Parking 2023117885 12/30/23 02:19 SIA Winter Parking 2023117886 12/30/23 02:44 SIA Winter Parking 2023117889 12/30/23 02:56 SIA Winter Parking 2023117891 12/30/23 03:44 SIA Winter Parking 2023117894 12/30/23 03:47 SIA Winter Parking 2023117895 12/30/23 03:52 SIA Winter Parking 2023117897 Sign - Signal Repair Total: 4 12/09/23 12:56 Sign - Signal Repair 2023111968 12/18/23 18:56 Sign - Signal Repair 2023114655 MVA - No Injuries 12/19/23 05:49 Sign - Signal Repair 2023114741 12/23/23 10:34 Sign - Signal Repair 2023116043 Snowbird Total: 1 12/31/23 05:31 Snowbird 2023118166 Stolen - Property Total: 1 12/23/23 11:18 Stolen - Property 2023116055 Snowbird Case Number How Reported Officer Officer Officer Officer Officer Phone WP23032939 Phone WP23034030 Phone Suspicious - Circumstances WP23033414 Phone Stolen - Vehicle Total: 3 12/19/23 08:16 Stolen - Vehicle 2023114766 Stolen - Vehicle 12/21/23 09:26 Stolen - Vehicle 2023115385 Stolen - Vehicle 12/30/23 11:50 Stolen - Vehicle 2023117947 Stolen - Vehicle Stoparm Violation Total: 2 12/21/2312:46 Stoparm Violation 2023115441 12/21/2312:53 Stoparm Violation 2023115446 Surveillance Total: 2 12/01/2312:06 Surveillance 2023109300 12/27/23 09:18 Surveillance 2023116998 Suspicious - Circumstances Total: 12 12/03/23 07:49 Suspicious - 2023109927 12/04/23 17:41 Suspicious - 2023110452 12/06/23 17:33 Suspicious - 2023111044 12/06/23 18:17 Suspicious - 2023111058 12/08/23 09:19 Suspicious - 2023111510 12/11/23 23:11 Suspicious - 2023112667 12/19/23 08:28 Suspicious - 2023114768 12/20/23 11:22 Suspicious - 2023115113 12/23/23 04:35 Suspicious - 2023115992 12/26/23 19:07 Suspicious - 2023116907 12/27/23 11:41 Suspicious - 2023117034 12/31/23 20:45 Suspicious - 2023118325 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle Total: 15 12/03/23 15:29 Suspicious - Person - 2023110029 Stoparm Violation Stoparm Violation Warrant - Arrest Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Lost - Found Property Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Suspicious - Circumstances Disorderly Suspicious - Circumstances WP23032964 Phone WP23033201 911 WP23033969 911 WP23033231 Other WP23033232 Other WSIU23033699 WP23031586 Phone WP23031744 Phone WP23031921 911 WP23031926 911 WP23032051 Phone WP23032340 Phone WP23032965 Phone WP23033101 Phone WP23033399 911 WP23033666 Phone WP23033700 Phone WP23034085 Phone Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23031614 Phone Page 18 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/04/23 06:55 Suspicious - Person - 2023110249 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23031670 911 12/06/23 17:28 Suspicious - Person - 2023111041 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23031923 Phone 12/07/23 06:01 Suspicious - Person - 2023111162 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23031955 Phone 12/07/23 06:19 Suspicious - Person - 2023111165 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23031956 Phone 12/07/23 17:49 Suspicious - Person - 2023111372 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23032013 911 12/16/23 23:52 Suspicious - Person - 2023114167 DUI WP23032805 Phone 12/19/23 23:12 Suspicious - Person - 2023115016 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033062 Officer 12/20/23 07:25 Suspicious - Person - 2023115061 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033075 911 12/23/23 08:37 Suspicious - Person - 2023116011 Stolen - Vehicle WP23033405 Phone 12/26/23 20:19 Suspicious - Person - 2023116919 Suspicious - Circumstances WP23033673 911 12/28/23 12:51 Suspicious - Person - 2023117292 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033776 Phone 12/28/23 16:56 Suspicious - Person - 2023117404 Juvenile - Complaint WP23033817 Phone 12/29/23 01:09 Suspicious - Person - 2023117532 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033857 Phone 12/30/23 12:34 Suspicious - Person - 2023117954 Suspicious - Person - Vehicle WP23033972 911 Theft Total: 9 12/05/2314:48 Theft 2023110713 Theft WP23031820 Phone 12/06/23 09:30 Theft 2023110897 Theft WP23031866 Phone 12/12/23 16:32 Theft 2023112830 Civil Complaint WP23032400 Phone 12/13/23 11:58 Theft 2023113016 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032465 911 12/15/2315:20 Theft 2023113717 Theft WP23032683 Phone 12/19/2311:14 Theft 2023114819 Theft WP23032989 Phone 12/26/2314:45 Theft 2023116831 Theft WP23033641 Phone 12/28/2318:09 Theft 2023117423 Theft WP23033824 Phone 12/30/2313:34 Theft 2023117972 Theft WP23033977 911 Theft; Dispatch - CAD - Addressing Problems Total: 1 12/29/23 05:50 Theft; Dispatch - CAD - 2023117555 Theft WP23033861 Phone Theft - From Vehicle Total: 3 12/11/23 10:49 Theft - From Vehicle 2023112490 Theft - From Vehicle WP23032288 12/11/23 18:09 Theft - From Vehicle 2023112610 Theft - From Vehicle WP23032324 Phone 12/23/23 14:37 Theft - From Vehicle 2023116114 Theft - From Vehicle WP23033430 911 Theft - Identity Theft Total: 1 12/27/23 16:44 Theft - Identity Theft 2023117116 Theft - Identity Theft WP23033726 Phone Theft - Shoplifting Total: 21 12/01/23 15:33 Theft - Shoplifting 2023109380 Theft - Shoplifting WP23031452 Phone 12/02/23 19:10 Theft - Shoplifting 2023109780 Theft - Shoplifting WP23031551 911 12/03/23 17:14 Theft - Shoplifting 2023110061 Theft - Shoplifting WP23031625 Phone 12/06/23 21:52 Theft - Shoplifting 2023111110 Theft - Shoplifting WP23031939 Phone 12/08/23 17:12 Theft - Shoplifting 2023111677 Drugs WP23032102 Phone 12/08/23 17:28 Theft - Shoplifting 2023111683 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032106 Phone 12/09/23 21:39 Theft - Shoplifting 2023112105 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032209 Phone 12/11/23 15:44 Theft - Shoplifting 2023112563 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032309 Phone 12/14/23 15:45 Theft - Shoplifting 2023113427 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032592 Phone 12/14/23 16:18 Theft - Shoplifting 2023113438 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032596 Phone 12/19/23 11:30 Theft - Shoplifting 2023114827 Theft - Shoplifting WP23032990 Phone Page 19 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/19/23 16:40 Theft - Shoplifting 2023114915 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033028 Phone 12/21/23 10:33 Theft - Shoplifting 2023115407 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033216 Phone 12/22/23 12:34 Theft - Shoplifting 2023115755 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033320 Phone 12/22/23 17:35 Theft - Shoplifting 2023115856 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033358 Phone 12/24/23 14:08 Theft - Shoplifting 2023116439 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033520 Phone 12/24/23 16:19 Theft - Shoplifting 2023116470 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033529 Phone 12/24/23 16:39 Theft - Shoplifting 2023116473 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033531 Phone 12/28/23 16:32 Theft - Shoplifting 2023117387 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033808 Phone 12/28/23 16:34 Theft - Shoplifting 2023117388 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033809 Phone 12/29/23 15:38 Theft - Shoplifting 2023117684 Theft - Shoplifting WP23033896 Phone Threats Total: 1 12/07/2317:12 Threats 2023111360 Threats WP23032009 911 Threats; Juvenile - Complaint Total: 1 12/14/23 20:35 Threats; Juvenile - 2023113523 Threats WP23032615 911 Tow Total: 1 12/26/23 08:57 Tow 2023116752 Phone Traffic - Complaint Total: 24 12/01/23 17:00 Traffic - Complaint 2023109399 Traffic - Complaint WP23031458 911 12/01/23 17:15 Traffic - Complaint 2023109406 Traffic - Complaint WP23031460 Phone 12/01/23 22:15 Traffic - Complaint 2023109486 Traffic - Complaint WP23031480 Phone 12/04/23 20:11 Traffic - Complaint 2023110490 Traffic - Complaint WP23031753 Phone 12/04/23 21:35 Traffic - Complaint 2023110512 Traffic - Complaint WP23031767 911 12/05/23 08:55 Traffic - Complaint 2023110605 Traffic - Complaint WP23031796 Phone 12/07/23 12:47 Traffic - Complaint 2023111256 Traffic - Complaint WP23031983 911 12/07/23 14:49 Traffic - Complaint 2023111306 Traffic - Complaint WP23031994 911 12/09/23 18:33 Traffic - Complaint 2023112060 Traffic - Complaint WP23032200 Phone 12/09/23 22:33 Traffic - Complaint 2023112116 Traffic - Complaint WP23032212 Phone 12/10/23 15:41 Traffic - Complaint 2023112286 Traffic - Complaint WP23032243 911 12/14/23 15:12 Traffic - Complaint 2023113413 Traffic - Complaint WP23032585 911 12/19/23 17:29 Traffic - Complaint 2023114930 Traffic - Complaint WP23033036 Phone 12/19/23 19:27 Traffic - Complaint 2023114970 Traffic - Complaint WP23033046 Phone 12/20/23 06:45 Traffic - Complaint 2023115052 Traffic - Complaint WP23033073 911 12/21/23 11:10 Traffic - Complaint 2023115417 Traffic - Complaint WP23033220 911 12/21/23 23:23 Traffic - Complaint 2023115627 Traffic - Complaint WP23033291 Phone 12/22/23 13:40 Traffic - Complaint 2023115775 Traffic - Complaint WP23033327 911 12/22/23 14:18 Traffic - Complaint 2023115787 Traffic - Complaint WP23033333 911 12/23/23 08:45 Traffic - Complaint 2023116013 Traffic - Complaint WP23033407 Phone 12/25/23 11:24 Traffic - Complaint 2023116593 Traffic - Complaint WP23033568 Phone 12/26/23 19:48 Traffic - Complaint 2023116912 Traffic - Complaint WP23033669 911 12/27/23 18:41 Traffic - Complaint 2023117151 Traffic - Complaint WP23033739 911 12/29/23 14:21 Traffic - Complaint 2023117652 Traffic - Complaint WP23033887 911 Traffic - Hazard Total: 1 12/21/23 13:12 Traffic - Hazard 2023115451 Traffic - Hazard WP23033249 911 Page 20 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Traffic Stop Total: 379 12/01/23 08:24 Traffic Stop 2023109237 Officer 12/01/23 08:52 Traffic Stop 2023109240 Officer 12/01/23 09:21 Traffic Stop 2023109246 Officer 12/01/23 09:35 Traffic Stop 2023109250 Officer 12/01/2311:36 Traffic Stop 2023109289 Officer 12/01/23 12:12 Traffic Stop 2023109301 Traffic Stop WP23031433 Officer 12/01/23 12:15 Traffic Stop 2023109303 Officer 12/01/23 12:24 Traffic Stop 2023109307 Traffic Stop WP23031435 Officer 12/01/2312:38 Traffic Stop 2023109311 Officer 12/01/2313:34 Traffic Stop 2023109328 Officer 12/01/23 14:40 Traffic Stop 2023109354 Officer 12/01/23 14:57 Traffic Stop 2023109359 Officer 12/01/23 17:31 Traffic Stop 2023109412 Officer 12/01/2318:21 Traffic Stop 2023109424 Officer 12/01/23 20:06 Traffic Stop 2023109448 Officer 12/01/23 21:29 Traffic Stop 2023109471 Officer 12/01/23 21:41 Traffic Stop 2023109473 Officer 12/01/23 22:48 Traffic Stop 2023109492 Traffic Stop WP23031482 Officer 12/02/23 00:25 Traffic Stop 2023109504 Officer 12/02/23 03:29 Traffic Stop 2023109546 Officer 12/02/23 09:21 Traffic Stop 2023109597 Officer 12/02/2312:36 Traffic Stop 2023109641 Officer 12/02/2312:52 Traffic Stop 2023109645 Officer 12/02/2314:38 Traffic Stop 2023109674 Officer 12/02/23 14:58 Traffic Stop 2023109682 Traffic Stop WP23031530 Officer 12/02/2317:02 Traffic Stop 2023109722 Officer 12/02/23 18:27 Traffic Stop 2023109765 Officer 12/02/23 18:44 Traffic Stop 2023109770 Officer 12/02/23 19:09 Traffic Stop 2023109779 Officer 12/03/23 11:59 Traffic Stop 2023109968 Officer 12/03/23 13:10 Traffic Stop 2023109988 Officer 12/03/23 13:12 Traffic Stop 2023109990 Officer 12/03/23 13:55 Traffic Stop 2023109998 Officer 12/03/23 15:11 Traffic Stop 2023110022 Traffic Stop WP23031611 Officer 12/03/23 15:40 Traffic Stop 2023110033 Officer 12/03/23 15:47 Traffic Stop 2023110035 Officer 12/03/2318:26 Traffic Stop 2023110079 Officer 12/03/23 18:47 Traffic Stop 2023110090 Officer 12/03/2319:32 Traffic Stop 2023110104 Officer 12/03/23 19:45 Traffic Stop 2023110112 Officer 12/03/2319:51 Traffic Stop 2023110113 Officer 12/03/23 20:05 Traffic Stop 2023110117 Officer 12/03/23 20:13 Traffic Stop 2023110119 Traffic Stop WP23031641 Officer 12/04/23 07:27 Traffic Stop 2023110256 Officer 12/04/23 11:13 Traffic Stop 2023110324 Traffic Stop WP23031688 Officer 12/04/23 19:13 Traffic Stop 2023110475 Officer Page 21 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/05/23 08:59 Traffic Stop 2023110608 Officer 12/05/23 09:52 Traffic Stop 2023110624 Officer 12/05/23 18:58 Traffic Stop 2023110779 Traffic Stop WP23031835 Officer 12/05/23 19:01 Traffic Stop 2023110780 Traffic Stop WP23031836 Officer 12/06/23 06:57 Traffic Stop 2023110861 Officer 12/06/23 07:06 Traffic Stop 2023110863 Officer 12/06/23 07:07 Traffic Stop 2023110864 Officer 12/06/23 07:26 Traffic Stop 2023110866 Warrant - Arrest WP23031856 Officer 12/06/2310:20 Traffic Stop 2023110909 Officer 12/06/2313:32 Traffic Stop 2023110960 Traffic Stop WP23031924 Officer 12/06/2313:54 Traffic Stop 2023110967 Officer 12/06/23 14:14 Traffic Stop 2023110975 Traffic Stop WP23031890 Officer 12/06/2317:52 Traffic Stop 2023111051 Officer 12/06/23 18:18 Traffic Stop 2023111059 Officer 12/07/23 00:01 Traffic Stop 2023111124 Officer 12/07/23 01:49 Traffic Stop 2023111137 Officer 12/07/23 07:20 Traffic Stop 2023111170 Officer 12/07/23 07:27 Traffic Stop 2023111171 Officer 12/07/23 07:42 Traffic Stop 2023111179 Officer 12/07/23 18:41 Traffic Stop 2023111387 Officer 12/07/23 19:51 Traffic Stop 2023111400 Officer 12/08/23 00:20 Traffic Stop 2023111453 Traffic Stop WP23032033 Officer 12/08/23 01:09 Traffic Stop 2023111457 Officer 12/08/23 01:40 Traffic Stop 2023111461 Traffic Stop WP23032036 Officer 12/08/23 08:25 Traffic Stop 2023111493 Officer 12/08/23 09:19 Traffic Stop 2023111509 Officer 12/08/2311:51 Traffic Stop 2023111559 Officer 12/08/23 18:10 Traffic Stop 2023111695 Traffic Stop WP23032108 Officer 12/08/23 19:04 Traffic Stop 2023111714 Officer 12/08/23 20:06 Traffic Stop 2023111734 Officer 12/08/23 20:12 Traffic Stop 2023111736 Officer 12/08/23 20:18 Traffic Stop 2023111741 Officer 12/08/23 20:18 Traffic Stop 2023111742 Officer 12/08/23 20:28 Traffic Stop 2023111748 Officer 12/08/23 21:17 Traffic Stop 2023111770 Officer 12/08/23 22:11 Traffic Stop 2023111793 Officer 12/08/23 22:49 Traffic Stop 2023111809 Officer 12/08/23 23:30 Traffic Stop 2023111824 Traffic Stop WP23032129 Officer 12/08/23 23:42 Traffic Stop 2023111827 Officer 12/09/23 00:02 Traffic Stop 2023111830 Officer 12/09/23 00:08 Traffic Stop 2023111832 Officer 12/09/23 00:14 Traffic Stop 2023111833 Traffic Stop WP23032131 Officer 12/09/23 00:36 Traffic Stop 2023111839 Traffic Stop WP23032134 Officer 12/09/23 00:45 Traffic Stop 2023111840 Officer 12/09/23 01:00 Traffic Stop 2023111843 Officer 12/09/23 01:07 Traffic Stop 2023111849 Traffic Stop WP23032138 Officer 12/09/23 01:13 Traffic Stop 2023111852 Officer Page 22 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/09/23 02:25 Traffic Stop 2023111863 Officer 12/09/23 02:43 Traffic Stop 2023111865 Officer 12/09/23 02:49 Traffic Stop 2023111867 Officer 12/09/23 07:21 Traffic Stop 2023111887 Traffic Stop WP23032145 Officer 12/09/23 11:06 Traffic Stop 2023111938 Officer 12/09/23 11:12 Traffic Stop 2023111940 Officer 12/09/23 11:49 Traffic Stop 2023111947 Officer 12/09/23 17:02 Traffic Stop 2023112037 Traffic Stop WP23032193 Officer 12/09/23 18:44 Traffic Stop 2023112063 Traffic Stop WP23032201 Officer 12/09/23 20:42 Traffic Stop 2023112091 Officer 12/10/23 06:37 Traffic Stop 2023112191 Officer 12/10/23 17:52 Traffic Stop 2023112319 Officer 12/10/23 20:07 Traffic Stop 2023112356 Officer 12/11/23 15:34 Traffic Stop 2023112560 Officer 12/11/23 15:53 Traffic Stop 2023112569 Officer 12/11/23 16:57 Traffic Stop 2023112585 Officer 12/11/23 18:00 Traffic Stop 2023112607 Officer 12/11/23 20:57 Traffic Stop 2023112652 Officer 12/11/23 23:42 Traffic Stop 2023112671 Officer 12/12/23 02:36 Traffic Stop 2023112690 Drugs WP23032344 Officer 12/12/23 16:15 Traffic Stop 2023112823 Officer 12/12/23 16:57 Traffic Stop 2023112835 Officer 12/12/23 18:04 Traffic Stop 2023112851 Officer 12/12/23 18:08 Traffic Stop 2023112852 Officer 12/12/23 21:15 Traffic Stop 2023112898 Officer 12/12/23 23:38 Traffic Stop 2023112920 Officer 12/13/23 01:18 Traffic Stop 2023112928 Officer 12/13/23 01:35 Traffic Stop 2023112930 Officer 12/13/23 04:33 Traffic Stop 2023112933 Traffic Stop WP23032426 Officer 12/13/23 07:19 Traffic Stop 2023112945 Traffic Stop WP23032431 Officer 12/13/23 09:12 Traffic Stop 2023112975 Warrant - Arrest WSIU23032443Jfficer 12/13/23 14:51 Traffic Stop 2023113068 Officer 12/13/23 14:59 Traffic Stop 2023113071 Officer 12/13/23 15:19 Traffic Stop 2023113085 Officer 12/13/23 16:30 Traffic Stop 2023113115 Traffic Stop WP23032498 Officer 12/13/23 18:10 Traffic Stop 2023113141 Officer 12/13/23 19:09 Traffic Stop 2023113154 Traffic Stop WP23032511 Officer 12/13/23 21:39 Traffic Stop 2023113191 Traffic Stop WP23032523 Officer 12/13/23 22:59 Traffic Stop 2023113202 Traffic Stop WP23032525 Officer 12/13/23 23:33 Traffic Stop 2023113206 Officer 12/13/23 23:43 Traffic Stop 2023113209 Officer 12/14/23 03:29 Traffic Stop 2023113235 Officer 12/14/23 07:12 Traffic Stop 2023113261 Officer 12/14/23 15:50 Traffic Stop 2023113430 Officer 12/14/23 20:07 Traffic Stop 2023113513 Officer 12/15/23 01:37 Traffic Stop 2023113562 Officer 12/15/23 12:20 Traffic Stop 2023113654 Officer Page 23 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/15/23 12:44 Traffic Stop 2023113656 Officer 12/15/23 12:57 Traffic Stop 2023113665 Traffic Stop WP23032661 Officer 12/15/23 16:54 Traffic Stop 2023113740 Officer 12/15/23 19:17 Traffic Stop 2023113784 Traffic Stop WP23032701 Officer 12/15/23 20:45 Traffic Stop 2023113808 Officer 12/15/23 22:31 Traffic Stop 2023113833 Officer 12/15/23 22:44 Traffic Stop 2023113835 Officer 12/15/23 22:53 Traffic Stop 2023113838 Officer 12/15/23 23:07 Traffic Stop 2023113841 Officer 12/15/23 23:15 Traffic Stop 2023113843 Officer 12/15/23 23:51 Traffic Stop 2023113849 Officer 12/16/23 13:09 Traffic Stop 2023113955 Traffic Stop WP23032751 Officer 12/16/23 13:19 Traffic Stop 2023113958 Traffic Stop WP23032753 Officer 12/16/23 14:43 Traffic Stop 2023113981 Officer 12/16/23 15:33 Traffic Stop 2023113995 Officer 12/16/23 15:38 Traffic Stop 2023113996 Officer 12/16/23 15:46 Traffic Stop 2023113998 Officer 12/16/23 15:52 Traffic Stop 2023114002 Officer 12/16/23 16:25 Traffic Stop 2023114013 Officer 12/16/23 16:49 Traffic Stop 2023114027 Traffic Stop WP23032770 Officer 12/16/23 18:05 Traffic Stop 2023114057 Officer 12/16/23 18:13 Traffic Stop 2023114060 Officer 12/16/23 20:23 Traffic Stop 2023114103 Officer 12/16/23 20:27 Traffic Stop 2023114104 Officer 12/16/23 22:37 Traffic Stop 2023114142 Officer 12/16/23 22:44 Traffic Stop 2023114145 Officer 12/16/23 23:08 Traffic Stop 2023114153 Officer 12/16/23 23:16 Traffic Stop 2023114155 Officer 12/16/23 23:22 Traffic Stop 2023114157 Traffic Stop WP23032801 Officer 12/16/23 23:34 Traffic Stop 2023114161 Officer 12/16/23 23:45 Traffic Stop 2023114163 Officer 12/16/23 23:51 Traffic Stop 2023114166 Traffic Stop WP23032806 Officer 12/17/23 03:33 Traffic Stop 2023114197 Officer 12/17/23 07:57 Traffic Stop 2023114209 Officer 12/17/23 10:06 Traffic Stop 2023114227 Traffic Stop WP23032817 Officer 12/17/23 10:32 Traffic Stop 2023114233 Traffic Stop WP23032819 Officer 12/17/23 11:16 Traffic Stop 2023114237 Officer 12/17/23 12:26 Traffic Stop 2023114250 Officer 12/17/23 12:48 Traffic Stop 2023114256 Traffic Stop WP23032823 Officer 12/17/23 13:00 Traffic Stop 2023114259 Traffic Stop WP23032824 Officer 12/17/23 14:21 Traffic Stop 2023114276 Traffic Stop WP23032833 Officer 12/17/23 14:43 Traffic Stop 2023114287 Officer 12/17/23 15:30 Traffic Stop 2023114298 Traffic Stop WP23032841 Officer 12/17/23 17:42 Traffic Stop 2023114330 Officer 12/17/23 19:02 Traffic Stop 2023114353 Officer 12/17/23 19:08 Traffic Stop 2023114357 Traffic Stop WP23032859 Officer 12/17/23 19:24 Traffic Stop 2023114360 Officer Page 24 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/17/23 19:59 Traffic Stop 2023114368 Officer 12/17/23 20:23 Traffic Stop 2023114374 Officer 12/17/23 20:46 Traffic Stop 2023114381 Officer 12/17/23 20:58 Traffic Stop 2023114384 Officer 12/18/23 03:49 Traffic Stop 2023114444 Officer 12/18/23 05:54 Traffic Stop 2023114456 Officer 12/18/23 13:38 Traffic Stop 2023114568 Officer 12/18/23 18:12 Traffic Stop 2023114646 Officer 12/18/23 19:32 Traffic Stop 2023114665 Officer 12/18/23 19:53 Traffic Stop 2023114672 Officer 12/18/23 20:10 Traffic Stop 2023114678 Officer 12/18/23 20:13 Traffic Stop 2023114679 Officer 12/18/23 20:35 Traffic Stop 2023114682 Officer 12/18/23 20:49 Traffic Stop 2023114688 Officer 12/18/23 20:55 Traffic Stop 2023114689 Officer 12/18/23 21:54 Traffic Stop 2023114708 Traffic Stop WP23032951 Officer 12/19/23 09:15 Traffic Stop 2023114779 Traffic Stop WSIU23032968Jfficer 12/19/23 10:15 Traffic Stop 2023114800 Officer 12/19/23 11:26 Traffic Stop 2023114826 Officer 12/19/23 14:48 Traffic Stop 2023114886 Officer 12/19/23 18:39 Traffic Stop 2023114953 Officer 12/19/23 19:17 Traffic Stop 2023114964 Traffic Stop WP23033044 Officer 12/19/23 21:36 Traffic Stop 2023114993 Officer 12/19/23 22:08 Traffic Stop 2023115001 Officer 12/19/23 22:13 Traffic Stop 2023115003 Traffic Stop WP23033060 Officer 12/19/23 22:15 Traffic Stop 2023115004 Officer 12/19/23 22:31 Traffic Stop 2023115011 Officer 12/19/23 23:29 Traffic Stop 2023115020 Officer 12/20/23 00:30 Traffic Stop 2023115026 Officer 12/20/23 07:31 Traffic Stop 2023115062 Officer 12/20/23 10:39 Traffic Stop 2023115104 Officer 12/20/23 11:51 Traffic Stop 2023115125 Officer 12/20/23 16:46 Traffic Stop 2023115206 Officer 12/20/23 17:37 Traffic Stop 2023115226 Officer 12/20/23 18:44 Traffic Stop 2023115241 Traffic Stop WP23033165 Officer 12/20/23 19:31 Traffic Stop 2023115253 Traffic Stop WP23033166 Officer 12/20/23 22:10 Traffic Stop 2023115294 Officer 12/21/23 00:42 Traffic Stop 2023115328 Officer 12/21/23 07:14 Traffic Stop 2023115356 Officer 12/21/23 08:52 Traffic Stop 2023115373 Traffic Stop WP23033195 Officer 12/21/23 15:51 Traffic Stop 2023115487 Officer 12/21/23 17:23 Traffic Stop 2023115529 Traffic Stop WP23033266 Officer 12/21/23 18:11 Traffic Stop 2023115545 Officer 12/21/23 20:18 Traffic Stop 2023115593 Officer 12/21/23 21:05 Traffic Stop 2023115607 Officer 12/21/23 22:53 Traffic Stop 2023115623 Traffic Stop WP23033290 Officer 12/22/23 01:12 Traffic Stop 2023115648 Officer Page 25 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/22/23 01:28 Traffic Stop 2023115649 Officer 12/22/23 08:59 Traffic Stop 2023115687 Officer 12/22/23 09:16 Traffic Stop 2023115695 Officer 12/22/23 09:26 Traffic Stop 2023115698 Officer 12/22/2311:27 Traffic Stop 2023115741 Officer 12/22/2313:22 Traffic Stop 2023115769 Officer 12/22/23 14:49 Traffic Stop 2023115794 Officer 12/22/23 20:16 Traffic Stop 2023115906 Traffic Stop WP23033374 Officer 12/22/23 20:30 Traffic Stop 2023115913 Traffic Stop WP23033376 Officer 12/22/23 21:56 Traffic Stop 2023115938 Officer 12/22/23 22:31 Traffic Stop 2023115945 Warrant - Arrest WP23033387 Officer 12/23/23 00:35 Traffic Stop 2023115968 Officer 12/23/23 00:46 Traffic Stop 2023115969 Officer 12/23/23 00:55 Traffic Stop 2023115973 Officer 12/23/23 01:57 Traffic Stop 2023115980 Traffic Stop WP23033394 Officer 12/23/23 10:11 Traffic Stop 2023116034 Officer 12/23/2310:27 Traffic Stop 2023116040 Traffic Stop WP23033410 Officer 12/23/2315:32 Traffic Stop 2023116126 Officer 12/23/23 17:40 Traffic Stop 2023116170 Officer 12/23/23 18:05 Traffic Stop 2023116177 Traffic Stop WP23033447 Officer 12/23/23 18:35 Traffic Stop 2023116190 Officer 12/23/23 19:15 Traffic Stop 2023116205 Officer 12/23/2319:23 Traffic Stop 2023116209 Officer 12/23/23 20:49 Traffic Stop 2023116232 Officer 12/23/23 21:05 Traffic Stop 2023116240 Officer 12/23/23 22:07 Traffic Stop 2023116272 Officer 12/23/23 22:24 Traffic Stop 2023116279 Officer 12/23/23 22:25 Traffic Stop 2023116280 Officer 12/23/23 22:38 Traffic Stop 2023116285 Officer 12/23/23 22:48 Traffic Stop 2023116293 Officer 12/23/23 22:53 Traffic Stop 2023116294 Officer 12/23/23 23:04 Traffic Stop 2023116298 Officer 12/24/23 04:59 Traffic Stop 2023116343 Officer 12/24/23 06:03 Traffic Stop 2023116347 Officer 12/24/23 08:06 Traffic Stop 2023116362 Officer 12/24/23 08:31 Traffic Stop 2023116367 Officer 12/24/23 08:57 Traffic Stop 2023116370 Officer 12/24/23 09:41 Traffic Stop 2023116381 Officer 12/24/2310:52 Traffic Stop 2023116394 Traffic Stop WP23033508 Officer 12/24/23 11:12 Traffic Stop 2023116400 Traffic Stop WP23033509 Officer 12/24/23 11:49 Traffic Stop 2023116407 Officer 12/24/2312:26 Traffic Stop 2023116413 Officer 12/24/2312:54 Traffic Stop 2023116420 Officer 12/24/2313:02 Traffic Stop 2023116423 Officer 12/24/23 13:44 Traffic Stop 2023116432 Officer 12/24/23 23:02 Traffic Stop 2023116536 Officer 12/25/23 11:05 Traffic Stop 2023116587 Traffic Stop WP23033566 Officer Page 26 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/25/23 11:31 Traffic Stop 2023116595 Officer 12/25/23 18:52 Traffic Stop 2023116662 Officer 12/26/2310:22 Traffic Stop 2023116766 Officer 12/26/2314:34 Traffic Stop 2023116828 Officer 12/26/23 16:19 Traffic Stop 2023116863 Officer 12/26/2317:01 Traffic Stop 2023116874 Officer 12/26/23 17:48 Traffic Stop 2023116885 Traffic Stop WP23033659 Officer 12/26/23 18:18 Traffic Stop 2023116894 Officer 12/26/2318:34 Traffic Stop 2023116900 Officer 12/26/23 20:42 Traffic Stop 2023116921 Officer 12/27/23 09:40 Traffic Stop 2023117004 Traffic Stop WP23033695 Officer 12/27/23 11:14 Traffic Stop 2023117029 Officer 12/27/23 18:04 Traffic Stop 2023117139 Officer 12/27/23 20:16 Traffic Stop 2023117186 Traffic Stop WP23033751 Officer 12/27/23 21:53 Traffic Stop 2023117205 Officer 12/28/23 00:38 Traffic Stop 2023117227 Officer 12/28/23 06:15 Traffic Stop 2023117252 Officer 12/28/23 12:55 Traffic Stop 2023117296 Traffic Stop WSIU2303377Dfficer 12/28/23 14:25 Traffic Stop 2023117335 Officer 12/28/23 18:06 Traffic Stop 2023117422 Traffic Stop WP23033823 Officer 12/28/2319:04 Traffic Stop 2023117445 Officer 12/28/23 19:39 Traffic Stop 2023117454 Officer 12/28/23 19:49 Traffic Stop 2023117457 Officer 12/28/23 20:36 Traffic Stop 2023117466 Officer 12/28/23 20:46 Traffic Stop 2023117470 Officer 12/28/23 21:05 Traffic Stop 2023117475 Officer 12/28/23 21:17 Traffic Stop 2023117480 Officer 12/28/23 21:42 Traffic Stop 2023117493 Officer 12/28/23 22:10 Traffic Stop 2023117500 DUI WP23033851 Officer 12/28/23 23:44 Traffic Stop 2023117517 Officer 12/29/23 08:53 Traffic Stop 2023117583 Officer 12/29/23 10:26 Traffic Stop 2023117603 Traffic Stop WSIU2303387Afficer 12/29/23 13:26 Traffic Stop 2023117634 Officer 12/29/23 14:11 Traffic Stop 2023117645 Officer 12/29/23 14:50 Traffic Stop 2023117663 Officer 12/29/23 16:14 Traffic Stop 2023117705 Officer 12/29/23 16:17 Traffic Stop 2023117706 Officer 12/29/23 16:34 Traffic Stop 2023117712 Officer 12/29/23 17:03 Traffic Stop 2023117718 Officer 12/29/23 17:34 Traffic Stop 2023117728 Officer 12/29/23 18:24 Traffic Stop 2023117750 Officer 12/29/23 18:35 Traffic Stop 2023117755 Officer 12/29/23 18:51 Traffic Stop 2023117757 Officer 12/29/23 19:16 Traffic Stop 2023117766 Traffic Stop WP23033925 Officer 12/29/23 19:39 Traffic Stop 2023117773 Officer 12/29/23 20:16 Traffic Stop 2023117779 Officer 12/29/23 21:10 Traffic Stop 2023117793 Officer Page 27 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/29/23 21:35 Traffic Stop 2023117805 Officer 12/29/23 21:53 Traffic Stop 2023117815 Officer 12/29/23 22:00 Traffic Stop 2023117820 Officer 12/29/23 22:31 Traffic Stop 2023117830 Traffic Stop WP23033941 Officer 12/30/23 01:05 Traffic Stop 2023117871 Officer 12/30/23 02:02 Traffic Stop 2023117884 Traffic Stop WP23033955 Officer 12/30/23 03:57 Traffic Stop 2023117898 DUI WP23033957 Officer 12/30/23 11:28 Traffic Stop 2023117942 Officer 12/30/23 12:13 Traffic Stop 2023117949 Officer 12/30/2312:26 Traffic Stop 2023117953 Traffic Stop WP23033971 Officer 12/30/23 15:12 Traffic Stop 2023117987 Officer 12/30/2316:32 Traffic Stop 2023118010 Officer 12/30/23 16:50 Traffic Stop 2023118015 Officer 12/30/2316:51 Traffic Stop 2023118016 Officer 12/30/23 17:13 Traffic Stop 2023118025 Officer 12/30/2318:01 Traffic Stop 2023118037 Officer 12/30/23 20:08 Traffic Stop 2023118083 Officer 12/30/23 20:22 Traffic Stop 2023118086 Traffic Stop WP23034004 Officer 12/30/23 21:56 Traffic Stop 2023118105 Officer 12/30/23 21:57 Traffic Stop 2023118106 Officer 12/30/23 22:31 Traffic Stop 2023118109 Officer 12/30/23 22:52 Traffic Stop 2023118112 Traffic Stop WP23034012 Officer 12/30/23 23:06 Traffic Stop 2023118114 Officer 12/30/23 23:25 Traffic Stop 2023118118 Officer 12/30/23 23:33 Traffic Stop 2023118120 Officer 12/31/23 00:26 Traffic Stop 2023118132 Officer 12/31/23 00:32 Traffic Stop 2023118135 Officer 12/31/23 00:58 Traffic Stop 2023118139 Traffic Stop WP23034018 Officer 12/31/23 01:26 Traffic Stop 2023118146 Officer 12/31/23 09:22 Traffic Stop 2023118180 Officer 12/31/23 12:07 Traffic Stop 2023118198 Traffic Stop WP23034043 Officer 12/31/23 14:09 Traffic Stop 2023118225 Traffic Stop WP23034053 Officer 12/31/2314:30 Traffic Stop 2023118230 Traffic Stop WP23034055 Officer 12/31/23 14:39 Traffic Stop 2023118233 Traffic Stop WP23034057 Officer 12/31/23 14:49 Traffic Stop 2023118236 Officer 12/31/23 15:11 Traffic Stop 2023118239 Officer 12/31/2316:01 Traffic Stop 2023118252 Officer 12/31/23 17:42 Traffic Stop 2023118268 Traffic Stop WP23034070 Officer 12/31/2317:58 Traffic Stop 2023118277 Officer 12/31/2318:21 Traffic Stop 2023118286 Officer 12/31/23 18:29 Traffic Stop 2023118288 Officer 12/31/23 18:40 Traffic Stop 2023118292 Traffic Stop WP23034075 Officer 12/31/23 19:40 Traffic Stop 2023118312 Officer 12/31/23 20:21 Traffic Stop 2023118319 Officer 12/31/23 21:10 Traffic Stop 2023118331 Traffic Stop WP23034086 Officer 12/31/23 21:55 Traffic Stop 2023118339 Officer 12/31/23 22:22 Traffic Stop 2023118348 Officer Page 28 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported 12/31/23 22:32 Traffic Stop 2023118353 Officer 12/31/23 22:35 Traffic Stop 2023118354 Officer 12/31/23 23:05 Traffic Stop 2023118365 Officer 12/31/23 23:40 Traffic Stop 2023118375 Traffic Stop WP23034096 Officer Training Total: 4 12/04/2314:55 Training 2023110393 911 12/06/23 05:58 Training 2023110859 12/08/23 07:36 Training 2023111484 12/29/23 09:43 Training 2023117592 Trespass Total: 2 12/04/23 04:43 Trespass 2023110232 Trespass WP23031666 911 12/05/23 20:04 Trespass 2023110790 Civil Complaint WP23031839 Phone Unwanted Person Total: 12 12/04/23 10:59 Unwanted Person 2023110320 Unwanted Person WP23031685 911 12/04/23 21:06 Unwanted Person 2023110504 Threats WP23031761 911 12/06/23 23:03 Unwanted Person 2023111119 Unwanted Person WP23031944 Phone 12/11/23 17:53 Unwanted Person 2023112602 Unwanted Person WP23032322 Phone 12/14/23 15:13 Unwanted Person 2023113414 Unwanted Person WP23032586 Phone 12/17/23 19:36 Unwanted Person 2023114362 Unwanted Person WP23032860 911 12/21/23 19:35 Unwanted Person 2023115577 Unwanted Person WP23033279 911 12/23/23 23:01 Unwanted Person 2023116295 Unwanted Person WP23033476 Officer 12/27/23 13:45 Unwanted Person 2023117064 Unwanted Person WP23033710 Phone 12/27/23 14:17 Unwanted Person 2023117079 Unwanted Person WP23033716 911 12/28/23 12:36 Unwanted Person 2023117280 Unwanted Person WP23033772 Phone 12/30/23 20:36 Unwanted Person 2023118089 Unwanted Person WP23034005 Phone Walk Away Total: 1 12/07/23 08:47 Walk Away 2023111190 Walk Away WSRO23031962 Walk Away; Medical - Psychiatric - Behavioral Total: 1 12/30/23 15:37 Walk Away; Medical - 2023117994 Walk Away WP23033983 Phone Warrant - Arrest Total: 3 12/01/23 11:53 Warrant - Arrest 2023109296 Warrant - Arrest WP23031431 12/02/23 15:29 Warrant - Arrest 2023109685 Warrant - Arrest WP23031532 Officer 12/30/23 05:09 Warrant - Arrest 2023117905 Warrant - Arrest WP23033958 Officer Warrant - Attempt Total: 7 12/02/23 11:08 Warrant - Attempt 2023109619 12/05/23 14:49 Warrant - Attempt 2023110714 Warrant - Arrest WP23031821 12/06/23 08:42 Warrant - Attempt 2023110882 Drugs WSIU230318597fficer 12/06/23 08:57 Warrant - Attempt 2023110885 12/16/23 22:45 Warrant - Attempt 2023114146 12/17/23 02:15 Warrant - Attempt 2023114194 Drugs WP23032869 12/30/23 18:46 Warrant - Attempt 2023118053 Warrant - Arrest WP23033998 Officer Page 29 of 30 Incident Start Date/Time Initial Call CFS # Final Incident Case Number How Reported Total Records: 1141 Page 30 of 30 Monticello Patrol Hour Summary Hours Purchased Per Contract: 20,940.00 Starting Hours (beginning of month): 1,654.75 M-T-D (detailed below): 1,704.25 YE Differential (49.50) Y-T-D: 20,989.50 ** Estimated Hours not verified by final monthly payroll Shift Start Shift Stop Date Shift Start Time Shift Stop Date Time Schedule Position Time Type Regular Hours 1-Dec-23 8:00 1-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 1-Dec-23 18:00 2-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener; 12 1-Dec-23 18:00 2-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 1-Dec-23 10:00 1-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener; 12 1-Dec-23 6:00 1-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 2-Dec-23 8:00 2-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 12 2-Dec-23 20:00 2-Dec-23 21:00 Extra Hours: Mo 3211 EOS Premium 1 2-Dec-23 18:00 3-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener; 12 2-Dec-23 18:00 2-Dec-23 18:15 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 0.25 2-Dec-23 18:15 3-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener; 11.75 2-Dec-23 10:00 2-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 2-Dec-23 6:00 2-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 3-Dec-23 8:00 3-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 3-Dec-23 18:00 4-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 3-Dec-23 18:00 4-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 3-Dec-23 10:00 3-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 3-Dec-23 6:00 3-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 4-Dec-23 8:00 4-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 4-Dec-23 6:00 4-Dec-23 8:00 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 EOS Premium 2 4-Dec-23 20:00 5-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 4-Dec-23 18:00 5-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 4-Dec-23 10:00 4-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 10 4-Dec-23 16:00 5-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 4-Dec-23 6:00 4-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 8:00 5-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 6:00 5-Dec-23 6:45 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 EOS Premium 0.75 5-Dec-23 18:00 6-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 10:00 5-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 2:00 5-Dec-23 2:45 Extra Hours: Mo 3230 EOS Premium 0.75 5-Dec-23 16:00 6-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 6:00 5-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 5-Dec-23 20:00 6-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 6-Dec-23 12:00 6-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 6-Dec-23 18:00 7-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 6-Dec-23 20:00 7-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 6-Dec-23 16:00 7-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 6-Dec-23 6:00 6-Dec-23 9:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 3 6-Dec-23 9:00 6-Dec-23 10:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Premit 1 6-Dec-23 10:00 6-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 6 7-Dec-23 12:00 7-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 4 7-Dec-23 18:00 8-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 7-Dec-23 20:00 8-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 7-Dec-23 16:00 8-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 7-Dec-23 6:00 7-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 7-Dec-23 16:00 7-Dec-23 16:15 Extra Hours: Mo 3210 Sheriff Premit 0.25 7-Dec-23 8:00 7-Dec-23 12:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 4 8-Dec-23 14:00 8-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 4 8-Dec-23 18:00 9-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 8-Dec-23 18:00 9-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 8-Dec-23 8:00 8-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 10 8-Dec-23 6:00 8-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 9-Dec-23 14:00 9-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener; 4 9-Dec-23 18:00 10-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 9-Dec-23 16:00 10-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3221 Sheriff Gener; 12 9-Dec-23 18:00 10-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 9-Dec-23 6:00 9-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener; 12 10-Dec-23 6:00 10-Dec-23 9:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 3 10-Dec-23 14:00 10-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener; 4 10-Dec-23 18:00 11-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 10-Dec-23 18:00 11-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 10-Dec-23 6:00 10-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 11-Dec-23 18:00 12-Dec-23 0:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 6 11-Dec-23 8:00 11-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 11-Dec-23 18:00 12-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 11-Dec-23 6:00 11-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 11-Dec-23 12:00 11-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 8 12-Dec-23 18:00 13-Dec-23 0:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 6 12-Dec-23 8:00 12-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 12-Dec-23 18:00 13-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 12-Dec-23 16:00 12-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 6 12-Dec-23 6:00 12-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 13-Dec-23 6:00 13-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 13-Dec-23 22:00 14-Dec-23 0:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 2 13-Dec-23 20:00 14-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 13-Dec-23 16:00 13-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 6 13-Dec-23 8:00 13-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 13-Dec-23 18:00 13-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 2 14-Dec-23 16:00 14-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 4 14-Dec-23 6:00 14-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 14-Dec-23 18:00 15-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 14-Dec-23 18:00 15-Dec-23 0:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 6 14-Dec-23 8:00 14-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 14-Dec-23 0:00 14-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 4 15-Dec-23 8:00 15-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 15-Dec-23 17:30 15-Dec-23 18:00 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 Sheriff Gener, 0.5 15-Dec-23 18:00 16-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 15-Dec-23 0:00 15-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 4 15-Dec-23 10:00 15-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 15-Dec-23 6:00 15-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 15-Dec-23 18:00 16-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 16-Dec-23 8:00 16-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 16-Dec-23 6:00 16-Dec-23 7:00 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 EOS Premium 1 16-Dec-23 18:00 17-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 16-Dec-23 10:00 16-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 16-Dec-23 6:00 16-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 16-Dec-23 18:00 17-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 17-Dec-23 8:00 17-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 12 17-Dec-23 18:00 18-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 17-Dec-23 18:00 18-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener; 12 17-Dec-23 10:00 17-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 17-Dec-23 6:00 17-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener; 12 18-Dec-23 12:00 18-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 4 18-Dec-23 8:00 18-Dec-23 12:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 4 18-Dec-23 20:00 19-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 18-Dec-23 18:00 19-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener; 10 18-Dec-23 10:00 18-Dec-23 12:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 2 18-Dec-23 16:00 18-Dec-23 19:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 3 18-Dec-23 16:00 19-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 18-Dec-23 6:00 18-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 19-Dec-23 8:00 19-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 19-Dec-23 18:00 19-Dec-23 21:00 Extra Hours: Mo 3211 EOS Premium 3 19-Dec-23 20:00 20-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 19-Dec-23 18:00 20-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 19-Dec-23 10:00 19-Dec-23 19:15 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 9.25 19-Dec-23 16:00 20-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 19-Dec-23 6:00 19-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 18:00 21-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 16:00 21-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 8:00 20-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 20:00 21-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 6:00 20-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 20-Dec-23 16:00 20-Dec-23 16:45 Extra Hours: Mo 3210 EOS Premium 0.75 21-Dec-23 18:00 22-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 10 21-Dec-23 16:00 22-Dec-23 2:00 Monticello (60) 3230 Sheriff Gener, 10 21-Dec-23 8:00 21-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 10 21-Dec-23 20:00 22-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 21-Dec-23 6:00 21-Dec-23 16:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 10 22-Dec-23 14:00 22-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 4 22-Dec-23 18:00 23-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 22-Dec-23 8:00 22-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 22-Dec-23 18:00 23-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 22-Dec-23 6:00 22-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 22-Dec-23 18:00 22-Dec-23 19:30 Extra Hours: Mo 3210 EOS Premium 1.5 23-Dec-23 14:00 23-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 4 23-Dec-23 18:00 24-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 23-Dec-23 8:00 23-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 23-Dec-23 18:00 24-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 10 23-Dec-23 6:00 23-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 24-Dec-23 18:00 24-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 2 24-Dec-23 18:00 25-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 24-Dec-23 18:00 24-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 4 24-Dec-23 4:00 24-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 2 24-Dec-23 8:00 24-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 24-Dec-23 20:00 25-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener; 10 24-Dec-23 6:00 24-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 25-Dec-23 8:00 25-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 12 25-Dec-23 18:00 26-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 25-Dec-23 18:00 26-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener; 12 25-Dec-23 6:00 25-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 25-Dec-23 10:00 25-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener; 12 26-Dec-23 6:00 26-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 26-Dec-23 8:00 26-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener; 12 26-Dec-23 18:00 27-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 26-Dec-23 18:00 27-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 26-Dec-23 10:00 26-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 27-Dec-23 16:00 27-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 6 27-Dec-23 18:00 28-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 27-Dec-23 6:00 27-Dec-23 7:30 Extra Hours: Mo 3241 EOS Premium 1.5 27-Dec-23 8:00 27-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 27-Dec-23 6:00 27-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 27-Dec-23 20:00 28-Dec-23 4:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 8 28-Dec-23 16:00 28-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 6 28-Dec-23 18:00 29-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 28-Dec-23 18:00 29-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 28-Dec-23 8:00 28-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 28-Dec-23 6:00 28-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 29-Dec-23 8:00 29-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 29-Dec-23 18:00 30-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 29-Dec-23 18:00 30-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener, 12 29-Dec-23 10:00 29-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 29-Dec-23 6:00 29-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3210 Sheriff Gener, 12 30-Dec-23 8:00 30-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 3211 Sheriff Gener, 12 30-Dec-23 18:00 31-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 3241 Sheriff Gener, 12 30-Dec-23 10:00 30-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 3220 Sheriff Gener, 12 30-Dec-23 18:00 31-Dec-23 6:00 Monticello (60) 30-Dec-23 6:00 30-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 31-Dec-23 8:00 31-Dec-23 20:00 Monticello (60) 31-Dec-23 18:00 1-Jan-24 6:00 Monticello (60) 31-Dec-23 18:00 1-Jan-24 6:00 Monticello (60) 31-Dec-23 10:00 31-Dec-23 22:00 Monticello (60) 31-Dec-23 6:00 31-Dec-23 18:00 Monticello (60) 3240 Sheriff Gener 3210 Sheriff Gener 3211 Sheriff Gener 3241 Sheriff Gener 3240 Sheriff Gener 3220 Sheriff Gener 3210 Sheriff Gener TOTAL: 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 1,704.25 CITY Of Monticello City Clerk • City Council Support • City Code Management • Permits &Licensing • Data Requests • Records Retention &Maintenance • Reception/Front Desk • Elections Management CITY OF Monticello City Council/City Code Management • Agendas • Minutes • Resolutions/Ordinance Council Meetings/Minutes 48 44 41 Ordinances 20 26 25 Resolutions 99 142 113 CITY ()F Monticek -------------- - Permits & Licensing • ATV Permits • Food Truck Permits Liquor • Fowl Permits • Gambling Licenses • Liquor Licenses (Annual Renewals and Temporary) • Massage Licenses • Peddler Permits • Special Event Permits • Other E QC�� IITw CITY OF �, Monticdo Permits/Licenses ATV Food Truck (Renewal & New) qr Fowl (Renewal & New) 13 Peddler/Solicitor Special Event Permit CITY OF Monticello 51 � 8 35 25 MAI 41 12 IN 21 W:0 w 14 Permits/Licenses Gambling — Premise Permit Gambling — Temporary 1PW Liquor —Annual Renewal Liquor — Temporary Massage Enterprise CITY OF Monticello Massage Therapist 0 6 24 5 ho 4 7 10 24 5 7 13 23 X, 5 E Reception/Front DF 2020 12021 2022 MEW _..E,AIL. Ilii i v + • k 19 M"ticellc Clty Hall Data Requests • Number of Data Requests • Types of Requests • Time Data Requests 31 27 51 CITY OF Monticello Records Retention & Maintenance • Documents o Contracts/Agreements/Other • Laserfiche Scans Folders Documents CITY OF Monticello 12,606 171410 81,897 1421280 940,965 11497,324 Other • Serves on Cable Commission • Assist in preparation of assessment rolls and maintain official assessment records • Policy Maintenance • Oversees Animal Control • Retains and monitors Certificates of Liability CITY OF Monticello Election Administration Registered Voters 7,895 8,646 Election Judges CITY OF Monticello 35 59 8,791 r1 65 FOUR POLLING LOCATIONS `FOR THE 2024 ELECTIONS Voting Precinct Monticello P-] - Monticello P-2 Mornicao P-3 Marnlcdo P-a a..o.1 Qory Bounclary -3- `j 44 Monticello Voting Precints Map M Thank you to our polling place hosts for their cooperation and support! Election Administration Presidential Nomination Primary — March 5, 2024 • Voter Must Select a Party • Three parties — Republican, Democratic -Farmer - Labor, &Legal Marijuana Now • Party Choice Private —Provided to Party Chair • Party Choice Not Included in Voter Information but included in Voting History CITY OF Monticello Election Administration Presidential Nomination Primary —March 5, 2024 • Early Voting —January 19 • City Hall/Mail • Direct Voting —February 16 CITY OF Monticdo • • Presidential Primary Election: March 5, 2024 • Primary Election: August 13, 2024 • General Election: November 5, 2024 ig Election Administration Primary Election —August 13, 2024 General Election —November 5, 2024 Candidate Filing —July 30 —August 13 CITY OF Monticello �! CITY OF Monticello