City Council Minutes 08-25-2008Council Minutes: 8/25/08 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday August 25, 2008 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of August 18, 2008 Special Meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 18, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 2B. Approve minutes of August 11, 2008 Regular Meeting. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 11, 2008 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. The following items were added to the agenda: 1) Discussion of Sunset Ponds Park area and 2) Fence item on an approved CUP 4. Citizen comments, petitions,, requests and concerns. Arny Tessmer, 719 East River Street came before the Council regarding the closure of River Street at TH 25. He stated during the period of August 22-24, 2008 he had gone to residents along River Street with a petition that expressed the residents satisfaction with the street closing. Over 40 residents signed the petition and only one did not. Those who signed commented that since the closure the area is quieter and safer. Arny Tessmer noted the closure has made River Street more pedestrian friendly and there is an increase in the number of walkers and bikers on the road. The Council thanked Mr. Tessmer for doing that survey and for submitting the results to the City. A representative from Finley Engineering came before the Council regarding the City granting easements for TDS to place fiber optic cable in certain areas of downtown. He stated that he had requested this item be placed on the agenda but it was not. The area in question was City owned land that was formerly the Garden Center site and property adjacent to the former Johnson Department store site. Clint Herbst noted the Council had discussed the practicality of placing easements in blocks that are being considered for redevelopment. Brian Stumpf asked if there was a problem placing the Council Minutes: 8/25/08 cable in the right-of--way rather than on an easement. Public Works Director, John Simola indicated there was room in the existing right-of--way. Susie Wojchouski said generally proposals for redevelopment will have the structure placed in the middle of the block which is where TDS is proposing to have the easement. The representative from Finley Engineering asked about the existing telephone lines that are going down the middle of the block. Clint Herbst replied that just because some lines maybe there already, the City doesn't think they should allow additional lines to be added in the area. Wayne Mayer said the City doesn't want to encumber the middle portion of the block. The representative from Finley Engineering asked if they would be tearing up the sidewalk on Broadway. John Simola said they are looking at going under the sidewalk but he noted there is some room on either side of the sidewalk. John Simola added that the City will have underground vaults for the businesses rather than pedestals. The general feeling of the Council was the right-of--way should be used for the placement of the cable. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED THAT TDS USE THE RIGHT-OF-WAY FOR PLACEMENT OF FIBER OPTIC CABLE. WAYNE MAYER SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures City Hall, MCC and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify the hires and departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving Satisfaction and Release of the SW Assessment Agreement, Document #A964085. Recommendation: Approve the Satisfaction and Release of the Assessment Agreement for the SW Quadrant of I-94/CSAH 18 (Document #A964085) that deletes the requirement of conveying to the City the easement described in C-2. C. Consideration of adopting a resolution establishing an Absentee Ballot Board. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution establishing an Absentee Ballot Board according to Minnesota Election Laws Section 203B.13 for the purpose of reviewing the absentee ballots and marking them as to whether they are accepted or rejected. Res. #2008-68 D. Consideration of approving the purchase of new lockers for the MCC. Recommendation: Authorize the purchase of replacement lockers for the women's locker room. E. Consideration of accepting improvements and authorizing final payment for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, City Project No. 2007-08C. Recommendation: Accept the improvements and approve the final payment to Doboszenski & Sons, Inc. in the amount of $14,153.67 for the Tower Drive Improvement Project, City Project No. 2007-08C subject to receipt of final paperwork. Res. #2008-71 F. Consideration of approving contribution. Recommendation: Approve the contribution from the Monticello RV Center and authorize the use of funds as specified. Res. #2008-69 2 Council Minutes: 8/25!08 Tom Perrault had a question on SE and some line items on the final pay voucher. He noted that item #28 called for the installation of 2601ineal feet of wood rail fence but there was no dollar amount shown for that work. He questioned if this was something that was removed from the project. Bruce Westby said the wood rail fence was a salvage item and was to be reinstalled. Parks Superintendent Tom Pawelk was under the impression that a retaining wall was supposed to be installed. Bruce Westby said it was his understanding that the wall was installed. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO TABLE THIS ITEM. John Simola indicated that Matt Theisen, Water Superintended has the wood rail fence which had been removed by the contractor but not re-installed. The Council felt that $4,500 for the retaining wall was a high price. Bruce Westby noted that much of the cost was for mobilization. Clint Herbst stated that there are a lot of very talented employees in the Public Works Department who could have installed the modular wall for less. He felt that since the City has employees that are capable of doing this work, it might make sense for staff to review these types of projects looking for those items that staff can do and having the contractor do the other items. He felt the City would realize some cost savings by doing so. TOM PERRAULT WITHDREW HIS MOTION. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI THEN MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. None. 7. Consideration of approving Plans and Specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids for Kevin Longley Drive, Jerry Liefert Drive and Hawthorne Place North Street Improvements, City Proiect No. 2008-1OC. City Engineer Bruce Westby indicated that the reason this item was not on the consent agenda is because he wanted to follow up on the comments made at the public hearing on this project. Staff had gone out and reviewed the areas as follows: 1) Bill Seefeldt, 167 Jerry Liefert Drive -Comments about the elevation difference at the railroad crossing -Bruce Westby indicated the railroad crossing is level but the street is crowned. This results in a rather abrupt transition at the edge of the roadway. They will try to make this transition more gradual. 2) Charlene Jensen, 218 Jerry Liefert Drive -Extension of curb and gutter on Kevin Longley Drive. Bruce Westby indicated the curb and gutter extension would be included as part of the project. 3) Mike Renstrom, 112 Kevin Longley Drive -Settlements from poor compaction of utility trenches. In a visit to the site staff did note two locations where settling had occurred. Staff feels the settling had taken place some time ago and there would not be additional settlement in the area. 4) Number of duplexes within the improvement area -Bruce Westby reported that they verified the number of duplexes in the area. There are three duplexes which will be assessed on a per residential unit basis. Clint Herbst asked that those duplex owners be notified of the manner that their duplex 3 Council Minutes: 8/25/08 will be assessed for this project. Brian Stumpf thanked Bruce Westby for following up on these issues. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND AUTHORIZE ADVERTISING FOR BIDS FOR KEVIN LONGLEY DRIVE, JERRY LIEFERT DRNE AND HAWTHORNE PLACE NORTH STREET IMPROVEMENTS, CITY PROJECT NO.2008-1OC. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Res. #2008-71. 8. Department Head Report -Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk gave a powerpoint presentation highlighting some of the projects the Park Department staff has completed this year. Some of the projects highlighted include the tree planting program, landscaping of the roundabout, Hillside Cemetery flagpole project, West Bridge Park Lions flagpole project which is a memorial to past Lion members and also part of the Christmas village, Groveland basketball court, East Bridge Park storage shed; moving the storage shed from the old bowling alley to the Xcel Ballfields; completing the dugouts at Field #4 and installing the playstructure at Sunset Ponds. Tom Pawelk noted that the department has made efforts to reduce operating costs such as reducing the number and areas of mowing and the number of times a year they apply fertilizer. Clint Herbst stated he was under the impression that the planters were going to be on the inside of the roundabout. Tom Pawelk said the planters were installed based on the plan that he was given. He added that the planters will be removed before winter for snowplowing reasons and the planters will be stored at Freeway Fields. Clint Herbst asked if there was anything else planned for the Groveland area such as ballfield or soccer field. Tom Pawelk indicated that there isn't enough open space to set up anything for organized play but there is room there for pickup games. Clint Herbst commented that the East Bridge Park storage shed shows how talented the City employees are and that is why on future projects he feels they should be looking at what the Public Works staff can do rather than having the contractor do work that could be done by staff. Brian Stumpf asked who would be responsible to determine what elements of a project, City staff would perform. Wayne Mayer thought that would be something that could be done as part of site review. Brian Stumpf cautioned that there is only so much staff can do. He thought it might be difficult for staff to rearrange their normal work schedules to do project work without unduly delaying the contractor. Susie Wojchouski asked who was responsible for taking care of the weeds that are coming up through the sidewalk in the area on West Broadway east of Elm Street. John Simola indicated that was the homeowner's responsibility. Tom Pawelk also mentioned a couple of projects they hope to complete yet in 2008 including the shelter at Groveland Park; replacing boards on the Otter Creek bridge and constructing the gazebo at East Bridge Park. He noted too that entrance and exit roads at Riverside Cemetery are in need of blacktopping. It is proposed to budget money for the project and have staff do the work. Clint Herbst stated that residents have indicated to him that the parks are a huge asset to the City. 4 Council Minutes: 8/25/08 9. Consideration of approving quotes for materials for Groveland Park Shelter. The Parks Department is proposing to construct 20' x 30' shelter at the Groveland Park. Tom Pawelk submitted price information from Simonson Lumber and Home Depot. They had gotten quotes based on using cedar lumber and pine lumber. Tom Pawelk was recommending that they go with the cedar wood as he felt it would last longer. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ACCEPT THE QUOTE FROM SIMONSON LUMBER FOR THE MATERIALS NEEDED TO CONSTRUCT THE SHELTER AT GROVELAND PARK USING CEDAR MATERIALS AT A COST OF $5,789.12. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Clint Herbst asked the time frame for this project and Tom Pawelk replied that they would like to complete it this year. 10. Update on preliminary costs for an interchange at CSAH 39 Bruce Westby presented some preliminary information and layouts for a possible interchange at CSAH 39 and U94. The Council had requested this information at a previous meeting and expressed the need to do something that would help this area develop and to relieve the congestion along TH 25. Bruce Westby along with WSB & Associates came up with three alternative designs which were reviewed with Council. Alternative #1 is a folded diamond interchange which would utilize the current bridge on County Road 39. This design would not significantly impact properties north of County Road 39 but would utilize undeveloped property south of County Road 39 Alternative #2 is a hybrid interchange with a button hook connection on the south side of CSAH 39 which would connect to Chelsea Road and a conventional ramp would be on the north side of CSAH 39. Alternative #1 and #2 would require widening of the current CSAH 39 bridge. Alternative #3 would include constructing a new bridge. This would have aloop/ramp combination on the south side and diamond interchange on the north side. Bruce Westby said with the designs MnDOT would require a study to show that local roads would not be used for people to access the freeway to make short trips. MnDOT would want to see 7tn Street connected but he added this is something that would have to be looked at further in detail. Bruce Westby stated the cost estimates they are providing are construction costs only and do not include any indirect costs for engineering, etc or right-of--way acquisition. The cost estimate for Alternative #1 is $5,500,000; Alternative #2 is $4,500,000 and Alternative #3, a full interchange with anew bridge would be $8,500,000. Clint Herbst asked why there was no consideration for just a diamond. Bruce Westby said they could look at that alternative as well. Because of time constraints they limited the number of options they looked at. Clint Herbst said the purpose of this information is not to make a decision on it now but to get discussion going. Bruce Westby said it would take 2-3 years to get the studies that MnDOT requires for any interchange done. Clint Herbst felt before land is developed the City should know what they plan to put in and what it will cost. Tom Perrault wondered when the CSAH 39 bridge was scheduled for improvement or replacement. This is something staff will check into as well. Council Minutes: 8/25/08 11 Consideration of approving purchase of financial software pro>?ram. Finance Director Tom Kelly said the Finance Department has looked at different financial software programs. The current program has been in place since 1991 and there is some question as to whether the vendor will continue providing support for the system. Tom Kelly felt his primary complaint with the system is its inefficiency noting that it takes 2 % days to do payroll for 50 employees. The Finance Department looked at three systems: Springbrook, Incode and Civic Systems. Staff met with the vendors and saw the operation of each system. The Finance Department felt the Springbrook program was the best for the City. Tom Kelly stated the system will allow the City to do on-line things such as utility payments and allow residents to look up the status of their account on line. It also has human resources and budgeting features. In addition it has the ability to integrate with other systems the City uses. Clint Herbst asked what the City is paying for software support. Finance Department indicated it was about $2,800 per month. The estimate for the new system would be $4,000/month. John Simola asked about some of the reports that are required to go to the Department of Health and if the system could handle that. Finance Department indicated that the report could be set up as a template. Brian Stumpf asked about contracting some of the work out such as payroll or utility billing. Tom Kelly indicated that some cities do contract out the work but he didn't know how much if any the City would save by contracting it out. Brian Stumpf asked about the training expense. Tom Kelly indicated the vendor would be coming here to do the training. Springbrook is located in Portland Oregon. Wayne Mayer asked how the system would integrate with GIS. Cathy Shuman indicated it would allow them to match up parcels with billing activity. Brian Stumpf asked if it is compatible with the current GIS system in place and what happens if upgrades are made to the GIS system. Tom Kelly noted that this program would allow the records to go directly to laserfiche and avoid the step of scanning the material into laserfiche. Brian Stumpf wanted to know what other costs would be involved. Tom Kelly responded that the computers and servers needed are already in place. As far as software this program would take care of Finance Department needs but there maybe some integration costs for other departments. Brian Stumpf had questions about the Inclusion of "Not-to Exceed" language for training and wondered how many employees would be trained on the program. Tom Kelly said with specialized areas such as payroll and utility billing only 2-3 employees will be trained but on other elements of the financial program all finance department staff would be trained. Brian Stumpf asked about costs for document imaging and GIS interface. Tom Kelly said the costs are not determined because the GIS system is not finished. Tom Perrault noted on the check list comparing the three vendors many items for Springbrook had not been marked. Cathy Shuman indicated that was an earlier version of the check list and those items are now marked. WAYNE MAYER MOVED TO APPROVE CONTRACTING WITH SPRINGBROOK SOFTWARE INC. FOR GOVERNMENT SYSTEM SOFTWARE AS IDENTIFIED IN THE SUPPORTING DATA OF 8/25/08 AT A TOTAL COST NOT TO EXCEED $235,000 OVER FIVE YEARS. THIS INCLUDES SOFTWARE LICENSING, IMPLEMENTATION, TRAINING, CONVERSION AND SUPPORT THROUGH DECEMBER 31, 20013. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 6 Council Minutes: 8/25/08 Added Items: Sunset Ponds Park: Tom Perrault stated that the Parks Commission was always concerned about a park having frontage on two streets and that was not the case with this park. Here the sidewalk is on the opposite side of the street. This generates concern as a lot of children are crossing the street to access the park. He asked about signage in the area to alleviate concerns. John Simola said they could put speed limit signs on either side of the park. They could also look at a crosswalk in the area. Wayne Mayer asked about whether the City wanted to encourage kids riding bikes on the sidewalk. 1St Minnesota Bank CUP: Wayne Mayer noted that as part of the conditions of approval the bank was to install a fence behind the old Moon Motors site but that has not been completed yet. Voting trends off-year elections: Clint Herbst stated that Jeff O'Neill had prepared some information relating to voter turnout on off year elections. This information was brought up in response to TDS's comments regarding the referendum on the fiber optics. Jeff O'Neill had the number of registered voters and the actual number of voters for various off-year elections covering items such as increase in the number of liquor licenses, improvements to the water system and filling a vacancy in the state senate seat In most of the elections the percentage of registered voters who actually voted was low about 6%. The fiber optic referendum the percentage was closer to 18%. 12. Consideration of approving payment of bills for August, 2008. Tom Perrault questioned why the cost of the vehicle for the DMV came in higher than the $12,000 that was approved. Tom Kelly said when the Deputy Registrar went to pick the vehicle up the dealer did not have the stripped down model that the quote was given on. The DMV ended up with a model that had some upgrades such as controls on the steering wheel which added $800 to the cost. Tom Perrault said it would be normal to assumed that the vendor would have the model available that the quote was given on. The $800 was in excess of what the Council approved and Wayne Mayer felt it should have come back to the Council before it was purchased. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO PAY THE BILLS. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 13. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8:40 P.M. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 5-0 Recording Secretary 7