Planning Commission Resolution 2024-26 (Broadway Plaza Rezone PUD District)CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC 2024-26 RECOMMENDING AMENDMENT TO SECTION 153.147 OF THE MONTICELLO CITY CODE, KNOWN AS THE ZONING ORDINANCE, CREATING THE BROADWAY PLAZA PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, AND REZONING THE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO BROADWAY PLAZA PUD DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking a Planned Unit Development for a commercial project, consisting of hospitality commercial uses, and retention of a single existing personal storage building, to be platted pursuant to the concurrent request for the Broadway Plaza Addition plat; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD District would create the uses and standards applicable to all development in the Broadway Plaza District, to consist of a combination of hospitality uses, including hotel, restaurant, event center, museum, and a single personal storage facility as an allowed use in the proposed Broadway Plaza Planned Unit Development zoning district; and WHEREAS, the site is concurrently subject to requests for a preliminary plat for the proposed project, and a Development Stage PUD approval for the Broadway Plaza PUD District; and WHEREAS, the proposed PUD and its associated plat creates a dedication for public easements, and adequate right of way related to public streets along with drainage and utilities which will serve various phases of the PUD; and WHEREAS, the subject parcels will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and Zoning Ordinance requirements under the adopted Broadway Plaza PUD District standards, as well as other applicable standards of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance; and WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan, which designate the land use for the property as Employment Campus, currently awaiting annexation as a companion request to the PUD Zoning; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the Amendment to the Zoning Ordinance pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 2nd , 2024 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution, and make the following Findings of Fact in relation to the recommendation of approval: 1. The proposed Zoning District is required to address the existing use, and provide the potential for development consistent with the intent and purpose of the plans, goals, and policies of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan related to the Employment Campus land use category. 2. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in which they are located, provided the development is adequately served by existing roadways. 3. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted. 4. The proposed PUD District and the associated development plans accommodate additional public and private improvements, including streets, utilities, and stormwater controls that ensure the project will continue to be consistent with the City's long-term public service infrastructure. 5. The proposed PUD does not interfere with reasonable extensions of development and infrastructure to serve other undeveloped property in the area. 6. As a property which has been vacant for many years, but which has been anticipated to be a highly visible gateway commercial location, the proposed PUD is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding properties or values. 7. Approval of the PUD will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure other than that being provided by and for the proposed use, and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety of the community. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota that the Planning Commission hereby recommends to the City Council that the proposed amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance creating the Broadway Plaza PUD District, and rezoning the area being platted as the Broadway Plaza PUD District, be approved subject to the conditions of Exhibit Z of the staff report, as follows: 1. No project zoning, subdivision, or environmental approvals granted under this process are final until the property is annexed into the City of Monticello. 2. No permits shall be issued, nor shall any approvals or documents recorded, until the property is annexed to the City of Monticello, and. 3. No approval granted under this PUD shall be final until final approvals for wetland mitigation are granted. If wetland mitigation is not provided, and the site plan makes significant changes to the parking and/or circulation configurations on the site plan, additional review — including PUD amendment approvals — may be required, depending on the scope of the changes. 4. The PUD is approved as a single-phase project, and the development agreement shall be signed, all securities shall be provided, and all infrastructure and building construction permits shall be a part of a single permit submission and all buildings shall be connected to public utilities. No permits shall be issued until the development agreement and all securities are in place. 5. Uses allowed in the PUD are those proposed by the applicant's narrative and expressed on the approved site plan, and include Hotel, Event Center, Full- service Restaurant, Museum, and Private Personal Storage, each use assigned to the appropriate building on the approved plans. Changes in any use shall require an amendment to the PUD, according to the terms of the Zoning Ordinance for such amendments. 6. The Preliminary Plat is revised to change the boundary between Lots 1 and 2 to reflect the location shown on the PUD site plan, including easement locations and other impacts of that change. 7. The applicant will review property line issues with the Wright County Surveyor to verify the underlying ownership and proposed property patterns. 8. Additional site and civil plans shall be required to illustrate compliance with all City zoning requirements for Lot 1, including grading and drainage plans, parking lot paving and curbing, and revised landscaping plans that illustrate all ground cover treatments, including turf or other landscape cover. Landscape and site plans are required to exhibit the standards of design and materials common in Monticello commercial development areas and be consistent with the requirements of the zoning ordinance. 9. Building Materials for the existing building (Personal Storage) on Lot 1 shall require review and improvement at the time of any change in use beyond use of the building as storage for the owner/applicant or the Museum use. 10. No outdoor storage or display of any type is permitted in the PUD. 11. Landscape plans are modified for the PUD to significantly increase tree and shrub planting along the boundary with 1-94 adjacent to the parking lots on the east and west sides of the hotel -restaurant -event center building. 12. Additional landscape screening shall be provided to fully buffer the view of the waste enclosure areas from view of the public, including views from the freeway. 13. Signage plans are submitted for inclusion in the PUD for both Lots 1 and 2 — signage must comply with the requirements of the Sign Ordinance, and no flexibility is sought under the PUD for the project. 14. A cross -parking and access agreement between Lots 1 and 2 may be included in the final approvals, depending on parking supply and internal cross access between the two sites. 15. Pedestrian improvements to the project shall include a full sidewalk or pathway along the north side of Broadway, with additional pedestrian access between the proposed buildings and the public pedestrian facility. If the public pedestrian improvements are located within the private property lines of the project area, an easement shall be provided for public pedestrian access. 16. Execution and recording of a development contract for the proposed plat. 17. Compliance with the terms of the City's Engineering Staff letter dated June 27, 2024 18. Compliance with the terms of the City Building Official's letter dated June 20, 2024. 19. Comments and recommendations of other Staff and Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2t" day of July, 2024 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: ATTEST: Andrew Tapper, Vice -Chair Angela Schumanh, Ctnyfiunity Development Director