Planning Commission Resolution 2024-31 (Points at Cedar Monument Sign PCD Setback)CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA PLANNING COMMISSION RESOLUTION NO. PC -2024-31 APPROVING A VARIANCE TO THE REQUIRED SETBACK FOR A MONUMENT SIGN IN THE PCD, POINTES AT CEDAR DISTRICT WHEREAS, the applicant is requesting a variance to the setback requirements for a monument sign in the PCD, Pointes at Cedar District to shift the sign into the required setback; and WHEREAS, the zoning ordinance currently requires, subject to potential amendment, a setback for signs that requires such signs to be setback from the right of way at least 15 feet; and WHEREAS, the proposed sign is designed to mark the entrance to the site from the public street; and WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking the location to increase visibility of the sign from the street, which would otherwise be screened by parked vehicles if located to meet the required setback; and WHEREAS, the proposed sign is much smaller in size that otherwise could be developed and the site relies primarily on wall signage for visibility to the surrounding area; and WHEREAS, the proposed sign will not obstruct traffic visibility for vehicles on the street or leaving the site at the driveway location; and WHEREAS, the applicant's use is not expected to create negative impacts or interference with the other commercial uses of the property; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on July 2nd, 2024 on the application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to present information to the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report, which are incorporated by reference into the resolution; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello makes the following Findings of Fact in relation to the approval of the variance: 1. The applicant has demonstrated practical difficulties in using the property in a reasonable manner, due to the lack of visibility of a property located sign, which is the purpose of commercial signage. 2. The existing parcel is of otherwise sufficient size and area to accommodate the proposed use. 3. The proposed sign is more consistent with the City's intent to moderate large sign displays in favor of building architecture and wall or monument signage, and with the intent of The Pointes at Cedar District. 4. The proposed sign will not be inconsistent with area uses, nor create interference due to size and hours/days of operation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota, that the requested variance is approved based on the conditions provided in Exhibit Z of the referenced staff planning report, as follows: 1. Provide additional signage detail regarding the proposed monument sign at the Chelsea entrance. 2. No freestanding (pole -mounted) signs shall be allowed on the site related to the hotel project. 3. Any additional recommendations of other Staff or Planning Commission. ADOPTED this 2nd day of July, 2024, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello, Minnesota. MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION By: _4�z Andrew Tapper, V(4 -Chair ATTEST: LAM Angela Schum , Comunity Development Director