City Council Minutes 01-17-1995 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MQNTICELLQ CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, January 17, 1995 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None Staff Present: Jeff O'Neill, Assistant Adnunistratar; Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director; John Simola, Public Works Director; Gary Anderson, Zoning Administrator; Karen Doty, Office Manager; Wanda Kraemer, DST; Steve Grittman and David Licht, Northwest Associated Consultants The meeting was called to order by Mayor Brad Fyle. The purpose of the special meeting was to outline a plan for completing the update to the comprehensive plan, focusing an review of the purpose of the plan, identification of major planning issues, and establishment of a process and budget. Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed the development history of the comprehensive plan. He noted that the current 1986 version of the plan is an updated document from 1978. In addition, the plan was amended in 1992 after the Chelsea Corridor Study, which reviewed the southeast quadrant of the city. Future associated studies that will support the comprehensive plan that have already been undertaken include expansion of the wastewater treatment plant, a comprehensive sanitary sewer study, and the Ocello storm sewer study. O'Neill also noted that, in preparation of this process, $].5,000 was budgeted in 1.994 and 1995 For a total of $30,000. The total estimated cost of the proposal by Northwest Associated Consultants to update the comprehensive plan is $24,000. Steve Grittman of Northwest Associated Consultants (NAC) highlighted important aspects of updating the comprehensive plan such as goal and policy clarification and analysis of necessary projects. Tn reviewing the scope of the work, he noted that it is necessary to collection information and develop a list of issues on which to focus. Policy planning will form the conceptual basis for the city's growth and development decisions and is designed to build community values into the planning process. Grittman also noted that since questions have been raised as to whether he should continue as the consulting planner For the City of Monticello, David Licht, President of Northwest Associated Consultants, was present to address this issue with Council. Licht explained that the comprehensive plan should be the City's plan, and NAC is the facilitator while Council is the decision-maker. Most cities prefer to receive '' recommendations from their planner, but a different approach can be used if Council Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 1/17/95 wishes to da so. He noted he is available if Council prefers that he take a more active role in assisting Monticello with planning, as he is currently active in consulting with many nearby communities. Mayor Fyle noted that he supports the role that the planner plays to review development plans during early design stages so that plans presented to the City Council better reflect the comprehensive plan. Cauncilmember Herbst noted his concern regarding the presentation at the joint meeting held in early 1994 involving rezoning and annexation of property owned by Kjellberg and Emmerich and HIein. He noted he valued the planner's opinion, but it was his view that it appeared a decision had already been made prior to the meeting, and he preferred that the Council be made aware of issues prior to community meetings. Steve Grittman of NAC responded by saying that NAC was asked to submit a summary outlining whether or not the proposal was consistent with the adopted cornprehenaive plan, and it was his opinion that the development proposal was compatible with the area; however, it was not his intention to leave the impression that he was pushing for the desires of the developer. David Licht added that Council needs to define the planner's role in order for the community to be served properly. He noted that communication is important, and workshops are often used in other communities to discuss issues and determine how their councils want to address issues. Councilmember Anderson added that she likes how the meeting agendas present information, alternative actions, and staff recommendations, including the planner's recommendation. Councilmembers Herbst and Anderson agreed that workshops would be very helpful in relaying information to Council prior to decision-making at regular meetings and noted that Council should be briefed on the planner's view or a development proposal prior to any future community meetings. Discussion then turned to issues that need to be addressed in the comprehensive plan update. Mayor Fyle questioned if Council will be asked to change any current zoning and how much of the township area the update will include. Steve Grittman reported that a new comprehensive plan will emerge from the update and will restate current and new goals and policies. Council will also need to look at the entire township in terms of how the city and township affect each other. Xt was also noted that the DAA should be evaluated and that communication with the Township is critical. David Licht briefly reviewed the process noted in the proposal, noting that Council will review policies, details of the city will need to be collected, policy planning will include a written conceptual basis for growth and what the Council wants to accomplish, maps will be developed showing the physical layout of the city, and the final plan will then be implemented. He noted that NAC can present ramifications of specific changes to the plan, but ultimately the changes are the Council's decision. Page 2 Special Council Minutes - 1/17/95 Councilmember Herbst asked how the City can preserve areas for higher-end housing. Licht responded by giving an example of a city that had a high number of lower-end startup homes, and after calculating what valuation a house needed in order to pay for services provided by the city, the city increased the minimum lot size from 11,000 sq ft to 15,000 sq ft. This equation resulted in an increase in house values from an average in 1990 of $125,000 to an average of $155,000 in 1994. Charlie Pfeffer, a landowner in Monticello, requested that the City include property owners in the process of updating the comprehensive plan, as they have a substantial interest in how the community grows. In response to Pfeffer's comments, it was noted that the Council would be scheduling workshops to discuss the update, and community-wide public information meetings would be an important part of the process. Councilmember Herbst questioned whether the community arena issue should be removed from the list of issues to address since the cost to develop an arena has not been determined. Licht noted that the plan will not address a detailed financial plan but rather a general plan addressing public facility needs. Councilmember Anderson questioned the proposed hourly rate of $25 for NAC clerical staff's work on the comprehensive plan. It was her view that it would cost the City less to hire its own clerical staff. David Licht noted that the $25/hr Fee includes not only salary but items such as equipment as well. After further discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the City should retain NAC as a consulting planner now that past communication difficulties have been discussed. A MOTION WAS MADE BY SHIRLEY ANDERSON AND SECONDED BY CLINT HERBST TO AUTHORIZE COMPLETION OF AN UPDATE TO THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AS PROPOSED BY NAC AT A TOTAL ESTIMATED COST OF $24,000. MOTION INCLUDES UPDATE TO BE COMPLETED BY AUGUST 1, 1995. Motion carried unanimously. There being na further business, the meeting was adjourned. ' ~, ~z ~~~ ~~~ Kar n Doty Office Manager Page 3