City Council Minutes 01-23-1995 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, January 23,.199fi - fi:1fi p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Brian Stumpf Members Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of interviewing four applicants for appointment to two vacancies on the Monticello Planning Commission. Mayor Fyle opened the meeting. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that Bob Grieman and Jerry Wells had recently withdrawn their applications. He went on to review a list of questions to use as a guideline in interviewing the following applicants: Rod Dragsten, Dick Frie, Earl Smith, and Steve Andrews. It was the view of Council that all the applicants were well qualified for appointment to the Planning Commission, and it was their hope that the two who are not selected for the Planning Commission would serve the City in another capacity. After completion of the interviews, Assistant Administrator reported the results of the interviews conducted by the Planning Commission in December and a discussion ensued. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to appoint Rod Dragsten and Dick Frie to the Planning Commission. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. " ~~ Karen Doty Office Manager