Planning Commission Resolution 2024-35 (Haven Ridge West PUD Zoning Amendment)CITY OF MONTICELLO
WHEREAS, the applicant is seeking the development of a parcel currently subject to a Planned
Unit Development District and a Preliminary Plat; and
WHEREAS, the applicant proposes amendments to the existing plat and PUD to create a new
PUD Zoning District, and further proposes to develop the subject property according to the
terms of said PUD District; and
WHEREAS, the proposed plat and PUD would consist of residential development opportunities
consisting of 226 single family detached units and 72 attached townhouse units, as well as new
public streets, parkland, trails, and supporting infrastructure, all under the requirements of a
Planned Unit Development; and
WHEREAS, with the applicable Ordinance, the City would create a specific PUD District
reflecting the requests for flexibility and the enhancements and amenities for the property, to
which the development approval would be held; and
WHEREAS, the site has previously been platted as a series of outlots, held for future low density
residential development; and
WHEREAS, the platted lots will be consistent with requirements of the City's Subdivision and
Zoning Ordinance requirements under the applicable Haven Ridge West PUD District standards;
WHEREAS, the subject property will be developed under the requirements of the Monticello
Comprehensive Plan, which designate the land use for the property as Low Density Residential
and Estate Residential; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has reviewed the application for the Haven Ridge West
PUD pursuant to the regulations of the applicable ordinances and land use plans and policies;
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission held a public hearing on August 6t", 2024 on the
application and the applicant and members of the public were provided the opportunity to
present information to the Planning Commission; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission has considered all of the comments and the staff report,
which are incorporated by reference into the resolution the following Findings of Fact in
relation to the recommendation of approval:
1. The proposed uses are consistent with the intent and purpose of the 2040
Comprehensive Plan land use requirements.
2. The modifications to the plat and PUD are within the scope of the original
Environmental Assessment Worksheet completed for the project area.
3. The proposed development plan is consistent with the intent and requirements of the
Planned Unit Development District as adopted.
4. The proposed uses will be consistent with the existing and future land uses in the area in
which they are located.
S. The impacts of the improvements are those anticipated by the existing and future land
uses and are addressed through standard review and ordinances as adopted.
6. The proposed development details meet the intent and requirements of the applicable
zoning regulations, and are consistent with the applicable land use policies and
7. The proposed plat and PUD is not anticipated to negatively impact surrounding
residential properties, and instead is expected to encourage a variety of long term
residential uses on the subject property.
8. Adoption of the proposed zoning ordinance, and Approval of the plat and Development
Stage PUD will not result in the need for additional road or utility infrastructure other
than that being provided for the proposed use, provides the necessary right of way and
utility improvements, and should not otherwise negatively impact the health or safety
of the community.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello,
Minnesota that the Planning Commission recommends to the City Council that the proposed
zoning amendment for the Haven Ridge West PUD District as described in Exhibit A attached
hereto be approved, based on the findings noted herein.
1. The applicant is required to final plat the full right of way and construct the roundabout
for the 85th/Fallon/Eisele intersection with the first phase of the plat and PUD and shall
revise the first phase plan to include the roundabout right of way and construction as a
condition of the preliminary plat and Development Stage PUD approval.
2. The overall plat and PUD phasing plan shall be updated as part of the Final Stage
submission and the plat shall be developed in accordance with the phasing plan unless
an adjustment to the PUD phasing plan is otherwise approved by the City Council.
3. The applicant shall submit an Amendment to Planned Unit Development and Final Stage
PUD plans for approval for each subsequent phase of the PUD with the corresponding
Final Plat, which shall:
a. Verify building materials as requiring all higher -quality composition/cement
board non -vinyl building materials on street -facing facades.
b. Verify usable front porch areas and/or other architectural enhancements as
proposed by developer narratives for single-family lots.
c. Verify mix of architectural fagade and design treatments to ensure non-
repetitive housing styles and streetscapes for single-family lots.
d. Verify compliance with all minimum finished and finishable floor areas per PUD
flexibility requested for all unit types.
e. Provide Homeowner's Association documents subject to the review and
comment of the City Attorney.
f. Provide a revised plan for townhouse components to verify final design and
consistency with the requirements of the PUD.
g. Verify foundation plantings for single-family and townhomes consistent with City
landscaping requirements and PUD narrative.
h. Meet all other conditions of this approval.
4. Incorporate the PUD plans and narrative submissions as aspects of the PUD ordinance,
incorporating the requirements of condition 3 above which shall be provided recorded
against all lots and provided to all prospective lot owners.
5. Revise the Zoning Exhibit to address the R-1 area as included within the PUD.
6. Identify ownership and management of Outlot C, which shall be included in a
Homeowner's Association.
7. Revise the plat to include the land area of Outlot A with Lot 51, Block 1, to be included
within a Homeowner's Association.
8. Maximize clustered mailboxes and other utility installations to avoid the streetscape
being dominated by infrastructure pedestals and other similar components.
9. Driveway widths on lots less than 80 feet in width shall be limited to 24 feet in width.
10. Revise landscaping plan to include roundabout planting as directed by the City,
additional landscaping within Lot 23 adjacent to the roundabout, and additional seating
areas along pathways in Outlots F and D.
11. Provide boundary markings per City ordinance along all areas where wetlands,
conservation easements, and/or stormwater pond areas abut private property.
12. Provide conservation easements for Outlots A (to be platted as Lot 51, Block 1), Outlot D
and Outlot E, and as directed by the City Engineer, incorporating wetland buffers as
13. Modify drainage and utility easements, trail widths and right of way on the plat as
required by the City Engineer.
14. Verify roundabout right of way at 85th and Edmonson intersection and revise plat to
15. Provide permanent easements for trail corridors through Outlots D, E, and F.
16. Provide fencing acceptable to the Parks Department where trails are located in
residential side yards and private trail signage within the townhome area.
17. Park dedication requirements shall be applied at the time of final plat for each phase
and shall be consistent with the recommendation of the Parks, Arts and Recreation
Commission which includes a mix of parkland, trail easements/deed, and trail
construction, based on the current rate of park dedication, with a deed to the City of
Monticello for park dedication as applicable for Outlot B. The applicant shall provide a
park dedication exhibit based on PARC recommendation as part of the final plat
18. Revise the plat to include sidewalks along one side of cul-de-sac streets.
19. Compliance with the City Engineer's comments on the wetlands, including wetland
replacement plan and permitting requirements, and continued compliance with the
mitigation requirements of the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Haven Ridge.
20. Work with the Community Development Department to identify monumentation and
methods of maintenance for common areas.
21. Revise the plat and plat sheets to include street name recommendations, including the
southeasterly leg of the roundabout per the Chief Building Official's letter dated X.
22. Vacation of right of way shall be subject to the review and comment of the City
23. Execution of a development contract specifying the terms and conditions of plat
24. Compliance with the comments of the City Engineer's letter and plan comments dated
July 29, 2024.
25. Compliance with the comments of the Chief Building Official's letter dated August 1,
2024, including the condition that removal of existing structures by demolition shall
require a demolition permit meeting all code requirements, including those for
hazardous materials removal.
26. Compliance with the comments of the Wright County Highway Engineer's office.
27. Comments of the Planning Commission or staff.
ADOPTED this 6t" day of August, 2024 by the Planning Commission of the City of Monticello,
Paul Konsor, Chair
Angela Schumar(VCOrr,/nunity Development Director
Plat of Haven Ridge West, according to the recorded plat thereof, Wright County.