City Council Agenda Packet 10-23-2000 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 23, 2000 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Roger 13elsaas Council Members: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Roger Carlson, Bruce Thielen 1. Call to order. 2A. Approve minutes of workshop on CSAH 75 Improvement on October 9,2000. B. Approve minutes of October 9,2000 regular council meeting. ., _J. .,- Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 'f7~ A. C~~ J)f'5cuSSrQ.J 13. i~~ '-J ~ ,F&.n.. Jzl (1e ~>5QSpdJ , C. WIltX-$~~f- ~ 0 1- ~f'\..-~ SJ{S~ Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. -Wo.-t+-J f ~ - A 5J:::u? f'- j<fL -Uv..({~',) D f- f Av' rJ >ha 0 nJ. ('fV\).(.(A.."fu- ~ V\ 0 c)) Consent agenda. 4. 5. Consideration of setting council date to canvass election returns.. 5.' 30 f fl1 B. Adoption of assessment roll for ?h Street East Extension, Project No. 98-12C. A. C. Consideration of renewing Fire Protection Contracts with the City of Otsego and Silver Creek Township. D. Consideration of accepting petition and calling for public hearing to vacate 5 Y2 Street roadway easement fl.)!' Towne Centre Development. E. Consideration of accepting petition and calling for public hearing on vacation of a portion of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive. F. Consideration of accepting petition and calling for a feasibi lity study on construction of boulevard improvements along the Walnut Street corridor. G. Consideration of approving development agreement with Silver Creek Real Estate Development, U ,C for the Towne Centre Development Project. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on appeal of Planning Commission denial of variance for pylon sign. Applicant: Automaxx. 8. Public I Iearing and adoption of assessment roll: Delinquent Utilities . . . Agenda Monticello City Council October 23,2000 Page Two 9. Public lIearing and adoption ofassessmcnt roll: Chelsea Road East Improvement, Project 9S~08C. 10. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: Chelsea Road West/Groveland Improvement, Projcct 98-25C. 11. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: CSAI I 75 Improvement Project 9S-17C. 12. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: TlI 25, Project 96-04C. 13. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: Walnut Strect Improvement, Project 9S-13C. 14. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: Elm Street Improvcment, Project 2000-0SC. 15. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: Orchard Road I mprovcment, Project No. 2000-07C. 16. Public hearing and adoption of assessment roll: Miscellaneous Accounts Receivable 17. Approve payment of bills for October. 18. Adjourn . MINUTES COUNCIL WORKSHOP MEETING CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT October 9, 2000 - 5:30 p.m. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce '['hielen. Members Absent: Roger Carlson Stail & Others Present: City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller, Public Works Dircctor, John Simola, Deputy City Administrator, .lefrO' Neill, Economic Developmcnt Director, Ollie Koropchak, Wright County lIighway Engineer, Wayne Fingalson, Assistant Wright County Highway Engineer, Virgil Hawkins, and representatives from the Wright County Sheriffs Department, Gary Miller and Dennis Compton. . The purpose of the workshop meeting was to study design options for the proposed improvements to CSAII 75. Becky lIauschild from WSB and Associates, Inc. reviewed projected tranic volumcs for CSAII 75. One set of projections was done based on the assumption that the City would have in place the Fallon ^ venue Bridge, the partial interchange at CSAII 18, the Th Street connection to CSAH 75 and the 7th Street conncction from Minnesota Street to Elm Street. The other set of projections was done bascd on the City having none of the rclicver streets listed above in placc. Representatives from the Wright County Sheriff's Department also prescnted information on traffic counts thcy had donc on Broadway. Becky Hauschild also submitted information on the number and severity of crashes that have occurred on the roadway and reviewcd some of the problems with the cxisting roadway. Aftcr the informational meeting on September 25,2000 the City's engineering firm camc up with two alternativcs for CSAII 75. One was for a three lane design with a left turn lane and the other was a five lane dcsign. Each of the proposed designs was reviewed. Bret Weiss from WSB & Associates felt that the three lane design is a short term solution. The cngineering firm prcscnted information on a traffic peak hour analysis which simulated how the existing 4 lanc, the proposed 3 lane with left turn lanes and the proposed five lane would handle estimated traflic volumes for years 2000, 20 I 0 and 2020 and the level of safety for each of the roadway designs at the various levels of traffic volume. . Since safety issues were a prime consideration. This factor was looked at for each design. The existing four Janc roadway which allows for parking on the shoulder has no left turn protection which tends to creatc conditions for rcar end crashes and erratic lane changes in order to avoid vehicles making left turns. The proposed three lane roadway with left turn lanes would allow left turn protection, rcduce the incidence of erratic lanc changes and parking along the strcet would remain. However, the capacity of the roadway to handle an ever increasing volume of tratTic would be reduced. The five lane design with left turn lanes would provide left turn protcction and limit erratic lane changes. While the roadway capacity is there to handle the traffic volumes, the parking would be removed. Council Workshop Minutes - 10/9/00 . A number of comments from the residents at the inf(Jrmational meeting dealt with the medians that were proposed. Some questioned whether the medians were needed, the size of the median and whether they should be landscaped. It was also expressed that medians would be more appropriate in a commercial zone rather than a residential area. Brian Stumpf asked about stacking of vehicles in the left turn lanes when certain streets are closed ofT. With the side streets closed residents would be using the left turn lanes to make u-turns. It was noted that most collector streets, like CSAH 75, do not allow parking. Bruce Thielen suggested that the City might look at landscaping on the side to slow down the traffic instead of the centcr median. City Planner, Steve Grittman, stated that the City wantcd to prcservc thc residcntial area. The concern was that bccause ofthc amount of traffic and the speed of traffic, the residential quality would deteriorate over time which was why this was included in the comprehcnsive plan. Stevc Grittman stated that creating a tighter feeling roadway would slow traHic and improve aesthetics of the neighborhood. The question was asked how taking parking away would keep the residential neighborhood intact. John Simola noted that the comprehensive plan design did not include a five lane, only the three lane. Bruce Thielen asked if there was any other place or community where this had been done. Mayor Belsaas indicated that the calls he had received were against removing the parking and safety concerns about backing into the street. There were also concerns about snow removal. . Roger Belsaas asked if the project had to be done this year. Wayne Fingalson responded that the surface condition of the road had pushed this project forward. He said the county would consider delaying the project f()r a year but it could not be delayed much beyond that. Becky Hauschild briefly reviewed the estimated costs proposed for the median work. Roger Belsaas asked about CSAH 75 beyond Otter Creek where it narrows. Bruce Thielen asked about CSAH 75 in the area of West River Street and Prairie Road. Wayne Fingalson stated that there is nothing planned for further down CSAH. John Simola stated that West River Road and Prairie Creek Lane were both over 20 years old and like a lot of the streets that were constructcd in the 1970's they are now in need of repair. Bret Weiss stated since parking seemed to be the major concern. the City could look at the option of pushing the curb out or perhaps the City could look at difTerent types of medians. He asked that the Council set some parameters for design so that the engineer would have some direction. Mayor Belsaas indicated that this would be done at the regular council meeting. The Council also discussed turnarounds for the property owners. Other issues that also have to be considered in the design of this project include: I) Parking by the post office; 2) Westside Market, and 3) Pinewood Elementary. It was noted that utilities cost would be the same regardless of the roadway design selected but at this time the City does not have an idea as to the number of lines that would need to be replaced. . Recording Secretary 2 . . . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL OCTOBER 9, 2000 - 7 P.M. Members Present: Roger Belsaas, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: Roger Carlson Mayor Belsaas called the meeting to order at 7: 10 p.m. and declared a q Llorum present. 2A. Approve minutes of September 25, 2000 informational meetin!!. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINlJTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 25TII INFORMATIONAL MEETING ON CSAII 75. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. 2B. Approve minutes of September 25. 2000 regular council meetin!!. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE TIll: MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 25, 2000 MEETING WITH TYPOGRAPHICAL CORRECTIONS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOlJSL Y. 3. Consideration of add in!! items to the a!!enda. Roger Belsaas requested that a time extension for Monticello Ford be placed on the agenda. Clint Herbst asked that a question on the skate park use be added. John Simola noted that an update on a council agenda item had been submitted at the meeting. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, requests and complaints. None 5. Consent agenda. A. Consideration of appointing additional election judges for the general election on November 7, 2000. Recommendation: Appoint Bob Rohland, Roger Isaacson and I larriet Lefebvre as election judges to serve at the general election. B. Consideration of a conditional use permit allowing a shopping center development in a CCD, Central Community District and a subdivision dividing the new development from the municipal liquor store. Applicant: Silver Creek Real Estate Development. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit based on a finding that the proposed use is consistent with the revitalization plan and the CCl) zoning requirements . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 with the condition that the applicant prepare site landscaping, signage and building plans for review and recommendation by DAT' prior to final approval and approve thc suhdivision of the subject property into two parcels creating a new parcel between Walnut Street and the west wall of the Liquor Storc hased on the a finding that the suhdivision will facilitate development consistent with thc Comprehensive Plan. C. Considcration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing an auto hody/repair shop in thc B-3 District. Applicant: John Johnson. Monticello Auto Body. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit subject to conditions # 1-5 in Exhibit Z. D. Consideration of an amcndment to the parking regulations in thc CCD I)istrict. Applicant: City of Monticello. Recommendation: Move to approvc the change in text giving the City thc option of offering the fee-in-lieu of parking option. Also change fee amount from $1,025 to no more than $1,400 per stall. E. Consideration of approving new hircs and departures fiJr the Community Ccntcr. I.iquor Store and City Hall. Recommendation: Ratify hiring of the five part-time employccs listed. . F. Consideration of resolution supporting a fce increase for Deputy Registrars. Recommendation: Approvc rcsolution supporting an increase the dcputy rcgistrar fees. G. Consideration of ratifying appointment of rcplaccment Parks Department employee. Recommendation: Ratify appointmcnt of Leo Schroden to the Parks Dcpartmcnt. H. Consideration of a request for simple subdivision in requesting that Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots, 321 Riverview Drivc bc split into separate parcels. Applicant: Miehacl and Pamela Wigen. Recommendation: Approvc the simple suhdivision for Lots 6 and 7, Manhattan Lots to create two parcels. I. Consideration of approval of Changc Order No. I to the Chelsea Road West and Brentwood Circle Improvement Project No. 98-25C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $8,386.00 to Project No. 98-25C, Chelsca Road West and Hrentwood Circle. J. Consideration of appointmcnts of MCC Advisory Board membcrs. Recommendation: Approve appointing Harvey Kendall and Hob Murray to 39 month term, Roger Helsaas as Council representative and voting member to a 27 month term, Wanda Kraemcr to the 27 month tcrm and Idella Ziegler to the 15 month term. . K. Consideration of final plat and development agrccment for Klein Farms Estates 41h Addition. Recommendation: Approve the development agreement and final plat for 2 . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 Klein Farms Estates 4th Addition contingent upon submittal of homeowners association documentation. Res, 2000-72, CLINT HERBST MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA. BRUCE TI IIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent at!enda for discussion. None 7. Review and discussion of options for rebuilding Countv Road 75 (Broadwav). . Prior to the regular meeting a workshop on the CSAH 75 Improvcment Projcct was conducted. Information was reccived ii'om the City Engineer, Wright County Highway officials and Sheriffs Dcpartment. Commcnts were also heard from residents and business people who were in attendance at the workshop. Based on the information received, the Council was providing direction for obtaining additional information needed to detcrmine the design for the improvements to CSAH 75. Thc Council felt that items such as the construction of the Fallon Avenue Bridge, 7th Street and CSAH 18 interchange would have significant impact on the amount of tranic on CSAH 75. The Council directed the cngincer to provide information on the cost for these improvements. It was felt that to come up with the appropriate design for CSAH 75. the City has to look at it comprehensively and Fallon Avenuc, 7'h Street and CSAH 18 interchange are part of the whole picture. Another major concern was the parking on Broadway. Residents argued that while the intent of thc City's Comprehensive Plan was to retain, if possible, the residential aspects of the area along Broadway eliminating the parking would be detrimental to the residential neighborhood. Residents also expressed concern about the safety of backing out of their driveways onto Broadway if they were backing directly into a lane of traffic. Snow removal was also a concern. The Council directed the engineer to look at other options relative to thc medians and their design. John Simola, Public Works Director, indicated that they would try to bring preliminary infonnation on these issues back to the Council at a November meeting. Wayne Fingalson, Wright County Engineer cmphasized the importance of continuing work on this project. He noted that thc condition of the roadway was detcriorating and thc County could not delay indefinitely making improvements to the road. I Ie felt it was likely that the County would not delay making improvements to CSAlI 75 beyond 2002. . BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO TABLE ACTION ON TI IE APPROVAL OF THE DESIGN OF THE ROADWA Y PENDING FURTHER STUDY AND ANALYSIS AND SUBMITTAL OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION BY TilE CITY ENGINEER. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. ,.., .) . . . Council Minutes - 10/9/00 8. Presentation - Central Minnesota Initiative - Connie Marcves. Connie Marcyes gave a brief presentation on the Central Minnesota Initiative Foundation and their request for financial support. The foundation serves 14 counties including Wright County and she presented an updated list of projects the foundation participated in. She asked the City to consider a financial contribution of $2,000 for the year 200 I. The Couneil indieated that this request would be considered at a future budget workshop. 9. Considcration of establishinf! ordinance ref!ulatinf! pawn shops. The Council reviewed the proposed ordinance regulating pawn shops and questioned what regulations were covered hy state statutes. Paul Johnson, a detective with the Wright COLlnty Sheriffs Department explained the reason f()r the ordinance and how having pawn transactions automated would aid law enforcement officials in locating stolen property. If the ordinance was adopted by the City, the pawn shop would have 6 months to comply with the provisions of the ordinance. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO ADOPT THE ORDINANCE REGULATING PAWN Sl/OPS AND REQUIRING PARTICIPATION IN THE AUTOMATED PA WN SYSTEM SERVICE OFFERED BY TIlE CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration of contract renewal with PSF (US Filter) for additional five years or city operations. John Simola, Public Works Director, presented information comparing the cost of contract operation of the wastewater treatment plant to city operation of the facility. He noted that there were some items that the city couldn't come up with as f~lr as determining a cost. These intangibles include: I) technical resources; 2) expertise gained from operating a range of treatment plants and facilities; 3) guaranteed compliance with PCA regulations; 4) training of stall; 5) the PSG budget amount is fixed over the term of the contract. Aftcr noting the intangible items, John Simola stated that the estimated cost for operation of the wastewater faci I ity by the Ci ty would be $50 I ,819. PSG's cost for operating the system would be $521 .()26 which is a difCerence of $19207. John Simola cmphasized that the $50 1,819 is an estimate while PSG's figure was fixed. Mayor Belsaas asked ahout proposals ti-om other contracting firms. John Simola stated that another firm who had been interestecl in providing a quote for operating thc L1Cility had gone bankrupt. John Simola stated it would be difTicult to find somebody that knew the plant as well and it would be difiicult to hire staff that would be as knowledgeable. John Simola also briefly updated the Council on the operations of the treatment facility and the problems with the sludgc storage. He noted that PSG had prepared a rcport on this issue and 4 . . . Council Meeting - 10/9/00 that this would be considered in more detail at another meeting. Peg Becker and Chuck Keyes from PSG spoke briefly on the working rclationship between PSG and the City and hoped that this could continue. Bruce Thielen felt this onc situation whcre it made sense to contract out just because of the expertise necded to operate the facility. CLINT IIERRST MOVED TO APPROVE A NEW CONTRACT WITH PSG FOR FIVE YEARS COMMENCING JANUARY 1,2001 TO JANUARY 1,2006 WrrH A FIRST YEAR PRICE OF TIlE CONTRACT FIXED AT $521,026. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Additional Items: Monticello Ford was rcquesting a time extension on the conditions of their conditional use permit which included the parking lot to be completed by December 1, 2000. Clint Ilerbst asked if anything had been done on the site up to this time to complete any of the conditions of the permit. He didn't fcel it was appropriate to request a time extension if no attempt had been made to comply with the conditions. Monticello Ford was requesting an extcnsion until June 1,2001. Jeff 0' Neill stated that the City had receivcd complaints from the day care facility about the conditions of the conditional use permit not be mct. lIe also noted that the City had not yet gotten the engineering plans they had requested. Steve Johnson stated that information on the drainage studies was forwarded to WSB, Inc. previously. WSB is now requesting a storm sewer study be done. He noted that they could have been doing the grading work had WSH indicated that the drainage plans were adequate. He stated that they were trying to comply with what the City required but the City's requirements wcrc likc a moving target. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, responded that the City had rcceived nothing that showed what the proposed grades would be. The information received showcd only the existing grades. Bret Weiss asked for the name of Monticello's Ford engineering firm so they could contact them directly and get the information that is needed. HRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO '{ABLE ANY ACTION ON TilE REQUEST FOR AN EXTI:NSION UNTIL DECEMBER 1,2000 WIIICII WOULD ALLOW TIlE COUNCIL TO SEE IF A GOOD FAITH EFFORT WAS BEING MADE TO MEET THE CONDITIONS SET FORTH AS PART OF TIlE APPROVAL OF THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Mayor Belsaas requestcd that staff provide feedback on how Monticello Fore was progressing with complying to the conditions of the conditional use permit. Clint Herbst asked about the use of bikes at the skate park noting he had seen bikes using the bcility. Kitty Baltos indicated that the skate park was not meant for bike use and that type of use is not allowed. 5 . . . Council Meeting - 10/9/00 II. Apnrove navment of bills for October. BRUCE THIELEN MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS FOR OCTOBER. CLJNT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Adjourn. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 8 P.M. CLINT IIERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSL Y. Recording Secretary 6 . . . SA. A. Council Agenda - 10/23/00 Consideration of setting council meetim!: date to canvass election returns. (R W) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Minnesota Election Laws, Section 205.185, Subd. 3 requires that within seven days after the election, the council canvass the election returns and declare the results of the city election. In the past the council has generally met the day after the election to canvass the results. Since this is considered a special meeting of the couneiI, appropriate notice must be published and posted. Ifit meets with the council's approval, we can schedule the meeting to canvass the election results f<H Wedncsday, November 8,2000 at 5 p.m. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Set Wednesday, November 8, 2000 at 5 p.m. as the date for the council canvass of the election returns. 2. If the November 81h date is not satisfactory set a different datc for the canvass of the election returns. . . . B. Council Agenda - 10/23/00 5B. Consideration of adoption ofasscssment roll for 7th Street Extension Project No. 98-I2C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: To facilitatc construction of the St. Henry's Church complex and St. 8enedict's Housing Project, ]lh Strcet and associated utilities wcre extendcd into the St. Henry's proper1y. The final project costs have heen tabulatcd by the City Engineer and totaled $1,086.359.00, of which $623,869.60 will be assessahle to St. Henry's Church and the remainder picked up by thc City. The City's share of the project costs also includcd preparation for the eventual ramp leading to the Fallon Avenue Bridge that is planned for some date in the future. As part ortheir construction project, St. I Ienry's Church cntered into a development agreement with the City and waived their public hearing requirements for this project. Although a public hearing is not required, it is recommended that the City Council adopt a resolution adopting the official assessment roll and the amount can be certified to the county auditor for collection on next year's taxes. Our agreement with the church was to assess this property over twenty years, rather than the normal ten year assessment at an interest rate of 5.75%. The interest rate is based on the cost of the financing obtained hy the City plus 1 1;2 %. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the resolution adopting the assessment roll for the Th Street Extension Project for the St. Henry's Church at $623,869.60. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the final assessment roll be adopted as outlined above so that the assessment roll can be certilied to the eounty auditor by November 30th. D. SllPPORTING DATA: · Resolution Adopting Assessment · Final Assessment Roll Summary . . . RESOLlJTION 2000-81 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT 7th STREET EAST EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 98-12C WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of 7TII Street east by the construction of bituminous streets with concrete curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, trail and other necessary appurtenant work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of twenty years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of 5.75 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2001. To each suhsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to Decemher 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before Novemher 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year, 4. The clerk shall fCH"thwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted hy the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor -."" Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator 58 OCT-04-2000 14:29 A WSB WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.02/02 8441 Wayz.a.~ Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 tel: 763..541 0.4800 fax: 763-541-1700 B.A. Mi~lstadL, P.E. Bte( A. Weiss. P.E. Peru R. WilleCIbrillg. FE Donl11d W. Sterna. f.E. Ronald 15. J51'llY. f.E. . ' _1Ra.. &: Associares, Inc. October 4, 2000 ( j Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticc:llo 505 Walnut Avenue, Suite 1 Monticello, Minnesota 55362 ,e: Final Assessments 7rh Street - Streets. Utilities & Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 98-12C WSB Project No. 1087-00 Dear Mr. Wolfsteller: ~ This correspondence is to summariZe the proposed funding for the project. The proposed funding shown below consists of the construction cost plus indirect costs. The indirect costs for this project were 29.7% of the construction cost. . Funding Summary St. Henry's City Street Construction $338,959.74 $272,001.21 Sanitary Sewer Construction $54,560.76 $0.00 Watermain Construction $91,641.71 $14,370.47 Storm Sewer Construction $118,367.18 $176.118.19 Miscdlaneous (I) $20,340.21 $0.00 Total Funds $623,869.60 5462,489.88 ( 1 ) Miscellaneous COSt for plat -review and redesign of road alignment. Should you have any questions. please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 277-5790. Sincerely. . WSB & ASSOCIATES, INC. ~~~/~ Bret A. Weiss, P .E. City Engineer bba Minneapolis · Sr. Cloud Infrrulnu:tIIn Engineen PlIuuurs EOUAL OPPORTUNITI' EMPLOYER 56 TOTAL P.02 . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 sc. Consideration of renewinl! Fire Protection Contracts with the City of Otsel!o and Silver Creek Township. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlIND: The Monticello Joint Fire Department currently provides fire protection services to approximately one-half of Silver Creek Township and to a smaller portion of the west side of the City of Otsego. The current contracts arc set to expire December 31 st and the Council is asked to approve the terms and conditions of the contract renewals. Since 1994, the Joint Fire Board has been charging a fee of $35 per parcel to each of the jurisdictions for fire protection coverage. When the contracts were renewed for a three year term in 1997, the Joint Fire Board recommended that the fee remain the sanle, but additional language was added to the contract indicating that the township and city may be responsible for additional costs of responding to false alarms if they continued to be a problem. The Monticello Joint Fire Board recently met to discuss whether the contract fees should be increased. In reviewing the numher of fire calls over the past three years and thc amount of time spent in each location fighting fires. I was ahle to put together some information that supported an increase in the fee structure to at least $40 per parcel from the prcsent $35. A f(mTIula has been used in the past that tries to allocate the fire department's fixed costs of having equipment and personncl available to fight fires and to allocate these costs to the appropriate cities and townships. In addition, an hourly cost can be determined for labor. gas and oil and equipment repair. When adding these two items together, it appears that around $40.50/per parcel would he appropriate for Silver Creek 'fownship and slightly less for the City of Otsego. By simply taking the $35 fee that was established in 1994 and increasing it by 3% annually, it would be closer $43 per parcel in the year 2001. Based on this information. the Joint Fire Board recommended that the contracts be renewed with both Silver Creek Township and the City of Otsego fi)f an additional three years at a flat rate of $40 per parcel per year. The Monticello Township Board has recommended approval this fee structure and if approved hy the City Council. new contracts will be submitted to Silver Creek and Otsego fi)!" their signatures. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. 1. Authorize the Monticello Joint Fire Board to enter into a three year agreement with Silver Creek Township and the City of Otsego for fire protection services at a rate of $40 per parcel served. 2. Authorize contract renewals at a dil1erent fee structure. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Monticello Joint Fire Board that new agreements be entered . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 into with a $40 per parcel fee. The Joint Fire Board felt the increase to $40 was appropriate based on the cost allocation fi)rmula that had heen presented and that it was in line with an inflation factor of 3% per year since 1994. It was the reeommcndation that the fee remain the same f()f the next three years with thc intention of raising it to $45 at the next renewal. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Fire Department costs allocation for Silver Creek 'fownship/City of Otsego . FIRE CONTRACT RF.NEW ALS SIL VER CREEK TOWNSHIP AND CITY OF OTSEGO ALLOCATION OF FIRE COSTS . 2001 Budget (Fixed Costs) Salaries - drills Salaries ~ building & grounds maint. Benefits Supplies Small tools & minor eq uipment Cleaning 'relephone Schools - training Misc, professional services Insurance Electricity Heat Maintenance of huilding Dues, memberships, & subscriptions Misc. - clothing Misc printing, advertising Maintenance agreements SUBTOTAL Amortization or Canital Items Trucks & equipment - $380,525/20 yrs. Building costs (w/o land) - $577,583/35 yrs, 1995 Alum. chassis pumper truck - $231,273/25 yrs. Aerial ladder truck - $280,340/25 yrs. 19R2 ford tanker - $23,620/20 yrs. 200] BUDGET FIXED COSTS IXI OrTotal Manhours - Firemen 1996-1999 Monticello Township City of Monticello Silver Creek Township City of Otsego Outside Assistance . rMWN/WOIW/FIRLRI:NEWAIS 1011 1100 $8,000 750 425 2,400 1,600 750 ],300 5,500 2,500 14,760 3,700 2,375 6,000 500 8,500 800 ],500 $6] ,360 $19,026 16,502 9,251 11,2] 4 1.1 R I $] ] 8,534 28.8% 53.7% 11,5% I,RIYo 4,2% 100,0% Page 1 5C lIoeation of Fixed Costs to Silver Creek Fixed costs ($11 R,534) x ] 1.5% ~, $]3,631 Additional Hourlv Fees Per Fire - Silver Creek 1 st hr. (a} $250 x average 34 fires per year co': 2nd hr. (CD $200 x average 2 fires per year '= ESTIMATED TOTAL ANNUAL COST 2001 $ 8,500 400 $22,531 Current revenue ((I} $35 per parcel (560 x $35) = $19,600 ESTIMATED REVENUE (il; $40 PER PARCEL $22,400 RECOMMENDATION: $40/PER PARCEL . . DAWN/WORDlFIRL:RI'NI-:WA'S IO/ll/tItI 5 c Page2 . . . CAPITAL ITEMS SUMlVIARY (As of 10/00) Beginning Totals + Vehicles & Equipment as of 1/1/97 1997 c/o purchases 1998 c/o purchases 1999 c/o purchases 2000 c/o budget 2001 c/o budget $319,862 $ 0 $ 3.308 $ 16,655 $ 15,700 $ 15.000 $380,525 Aerial ladder/pumper 1982 Ford tanker 1995 alum. chassis pumper $280.340 $ 23,620 $231,273 TOTAL VEHICLE/EQUIPMENT Monticello Township City of Monticello Silver Creek Township Otsego Outside Assistance $915.758 ************************* SUMMARY FIRE.vIEN'S WAGES Manhours - 1997 thru 1999 1997 1998 1999 Total ~ $12,128 $ 8,722 $1 1..596 $ 32.4-l-6 28,8 $26.507 $ 15.001 $19,033 $ 60,541 53.7 $ 5.931 $ 3,619 $ 3.405 $ 12.955 11.5 $ 854 $ 686 $ 419 $ 1.959 1.8 $ 621 $ 1.946 $ 2.178 $ -l-,745 4.2 $112.646 100.0 SUMMARY FIRE CALLS BY LOeA TION 1997-1999 1997 1998 1999 3 Year A\e. i\;ronticdlo T o\vnship 86 1'2 88 82 City of Monticello 194 13 I 156 160 Silver Creek Township 39 36 30 34 Otsego -l- 6 -l- ) Outside Assistance 4 7 I I ---1 288 5G CALCULATION OF HOURL Y COSTS PER FIRE FOR 2001 CONTRACTS (Not Fixed Costs or Equipment) . Average number oftire calls per year (288) for past 3 years (1997-1999) 1997 1998 1999 Average Ave. Per Fire Call Gas & oil $ 1.887 $ 1.447 $ 1.513 $ 1.625 $ 5.61 Equip. maint. & repairs $16,986 $13.907 $21.048 $ I 7.3 14 $ 60.11 Salaries (ave. 19 men per fire @ $8.60 per hr) $163.40 Admin. Costs $ 20.00 $249.12 Second hour - (19 men ,@ $9.75 per hr) $185.2.5 Suggest tirst hour @, $250 and increasing second hour to $200 as it is assumed maintenance and repair cost would increase as the tires become longer. . . 0;\ WN/WORO/FIRlC\LC: 10/11.00 5C . . . FIRI~~ PROTECTION AGREEMENT This AGREEMENT between the City and Township of Monticello, Minnesota, hereafter referred to as the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT, and the City ofOtsego, hereafter referred to whether in whole or in part as the CITY, both agree as follows: ARTICLE I The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT agrees to furnish fire service and tire protection to all properties subject to the terms of this agreement, within the CITY area, said area being set fl1fth in EXHII3IT A, attached hereto. ARTICLE II The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT will make a reasonable effort to attend all tires within the CITY area upon notification of such firc or fires, and under the direction of the JOINT FIRE DEP ARTMENT fire chieC subject to the following terms and conditions: A. Road and weather conditions must be such that the fire run can be made with reasonable safety to the firemen and equipment of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. The decision of the fire chief or other ofJicer in charge of the fire department at the time that the fire run cannot be made with reasonable safety to firemen and equipment shall be final. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall not be liable to the CITY for the loss or damage of any kind whatever resulting from any f~tilure to furnish or any delay in furnishing firemen or fire equipment, or from any failure to prevent, control, or extinguish any fire, whether sllch loss or clam age is caused by the negligence of the officers, agents, or employees of the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT or its fire department, or otherwise. ARTICLE III The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT further agrees: A. To keep and maintain in good order at its own expense the necessary equipment and tire apparatus for fire service and fire protection within the town area so serviced. B. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT shall provide sufficient manpower in its fire department to operate fire equipment. D. The JOINT FIRE DEPARTM1,:NT will submit a summary to the City of all fires on a monthly basis. 5C Page 1 ARTICLE IV . The CITY agrees: A. To pay an annual fee of$40 for each tax identitlcation parcel as determined by the Otsego City Assessor and/or Wright County Auditors ol1ice lor years 200 I through 2003. These fees shall include all standby charges and fire call costs. The total annual fee for thc Iirst year of this contract is estimated to bc $10,760.00 based on an estimated 269 parcels @) $40 cacho The annual fee shall be adjusted for years 2002 and 2003 at the same $40.00 rate pcr parcel for additional parcels added within coverage area. B. Annual fee shall be paid as f(Jllows: prior to January I of each year - 25% prior to April I of each year - 25lYo prior to July I of each year - 25% prior to Octobcr I of each year - 25% C. Any lalse alarm call to an individual or business that, in the opinion of the Monticello Fire Chict~ was the result of a delective or malfunctioning alarm system will receive a written notice outlining this policy, indicating a second f~tlse alarm call within the calendar year will subject the property owner to a $1 00 charge. The notice will also indicate that three or more false alarms during the calendar year will result in the property owner being charged $250 for the alarm call. . D. Any false alarm charge billed directly to an individual or business by the Joint Fire Board under this Agreement that remains unpaid by October 31 of each year shall become the responsibility of the City for reimbursement. E. All payments must be made in accordanee with this schedule to render this agreement cfTective for each calendar year of the contract. ARTICLE V In case an emergency arises within thc JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT while equipment and personnel of the fire department are engagcd in lighting a fire within the CITY area, calls shall be answered in the order of their receipt unless the lire chief or othcr officer in charge of the fire department at thc timc otherwise directs. In responding to lire calls within the CITY area, the lire chiefor other officer in charge shall dispatch only such personnel and equiplnent as in his opinion can be safely spared from the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT. ARTICLE VI In cases where the JOINT FI RE DEPARTMENT reeeivcs a notification of an emcrgency other than a lire, and its assistance is requestcd in the area defined in Exhibit A of this contract, it shall respond to such emcrgency in the same manner as a fire as outlined in this contract. Charges f()r such service shall be as outlined in ARTICLE VI. . Cc. ,J Page 2 ARTICLE VII The CITY agrees to make a fire protection tax levy or othcrwise to provide funds each year in an amount . sufficient to pay the JOINT FIRE DEPARTMENT the compensation agreed upon. ARTICLE VllI This AGREEMENT shall be in force for a term of three (3) years beginning on January 1,2001, and ending on the 31st day of December, 2003. This contract may be terminated upon a six~month notice by either party. CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF OTSEGO By:___________ By:____________~ Mayor Mayor Attest: Attest: ~-'_._-"_._-,-~..- -~---~'-,._,-,-,-".~~ Clerk Clerk Signed this ___ day of ,2000. Signed this___ day of _______, 2000. -'---"'--,.- . TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By:_____ Chairpcrson Attest: .._~-"-,,._.,,-,._.__.,-- Clcrk Signed this ~__ day of ,2000. -.'-'-"--"-- . 5cJ Page 3 EXHIBIT A . This EXHIBIT is a part of the attached FIRE PROTECTION AGREEMENT, and its purpose is to designate the area covered under this AGREEMENT and referred to herein as the CITY area. Therefore, the CITY area in which protcction for tires is agreed to involves the following sections of the CITY hercin: (SEE ATTACIIED MAPS) Ranl.'.e 24 (Unplatted Areas) Section 10 Section 11 Section 14 Section 15 Section 22 Section 23 N I /2 of Section 27 Plats: Billstroms Rivcrview Addition Island View Estates Arrowhead Estates Riverwood PUD Island View Estates III Vintage Golf Course Mississippi Pines . TOTAL NO. OF PARCELS 269 At $40.00 per Parcel = $10,760.00 CITY OF MONTICELLO CITY OF OTSEGO By:..____._._~ Mayor By:________.__._ Mayor Attcst: --"'---""_."._._~--.- Clerk Attcst: Clerk TOWNSHIP OF MONTICELLO By:____________ Chairperson Attest: . Clerk -.-..'..-......-.,.-..-..-- 1----- ,.,.... ~-' Page 4 FROM CITY OF OTSEGO OCT. 19.2000 1:08PM P 7 PHONE NO. 612 441 4414 - - . - - - - - - - .. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - i en (d~ .t._~ i- U'I I 0 ...t~k- - -'LN.. tn '~ ---er ) . . . . ~ ~ )'b. '1 ....... G-t................ \ ........ Clo (,-,,;;:> .r .t5 ~ ~ ~ ("'I ,'""""- . ~/t) .. ~ = ~_ J.{ J: n i ~ -~ _-r:ft:-&-~f\ - L....; ---: l()~ ~! 1i :'~~::LL-n = ~': Z ~-- --- ': ~_.- ~; ~0~ ~~~.... : J i g'Ii:f - - - -. 1 ;\ j h ~ i ~ ~f7-i';;, = ~V:)~ ~ ~: ; '[Tn _~_l___~:-U :. : ~~ --- -~-r--.1T' '1.'- '--....\- I; i ~I 1 - :1/ t> 'b I ~ nl'llIb" - ---jt~ ; Ii i J l--- ~-m~ -- At'-.' !~I~ ~ +- i L i ___ ~ - A ~ ~ r71t- ~ ~.. : :! :: ,~l, 4',/ ..;r ~ +: -:I i -: (-=W:--~ II \,0,1 "11- I I I ~ ; , =- ~j ! )1 b I I It l: !! - !I c-: ~ L ~ ~ i I ~ ~ _L~ _ II: II;::: ..~ ! "'. It __ ____"'\., m=r ) J = n+ C ,~ I! ''.. --T'~ ir ~~~ - : I -...... I} -"'," '. il : ~ =L~:.-. __~ ~ ?i _u _u I -> ,":"- ' ~ ! In." I' 11 lJ" !I l~ q :: I ~ ~-.Ur ~_n j _.~,~ -,! ~ - ..- 1o?i \" ~ j--'::: "... nr-*~--: '- 1: I ..l ~ -. I 3 I .. ---. I I' ~ ~- -: -- 11-J=: J!R 1---, ' ~i \IT _~:~" 7 a '~; lilli, . ~ .,.~ o I- t~ ~ t[i) ,'-v' e~ ~ H l.I :J --- _~I _._ _... ..('. : -~, 1=1~l--"'-;;f 1/;1' I t:,~ -.. -, .:;:;~ ,"1 : '1'" :~ --:--1 : ~ ~___ s:: 1. j I I I "- I i Iifi . mm '.~ I ~ . [;<7 ~j~ tit at !~ - I '...... I ~' ..j:)" . . . 5D. City Council Agenda 10/23/00 Consideration of accepting petition and callin!! for a public hearin!! to vacate 5 'Iz Street roadwav casement for the Towne Centre development. (.10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Counci I is asked to consider vacating the roadway easement between Walnut Street and Pine Street. The underlying utility casement will be maintained because this is the alignment of the deep sanitary sewer trunk line. Vacation of the roadway casement makes the drive area leading through the site totally private, therefore the construction and maintenance of drive lanes/parking will be the responsibility ofthe developer for those areas on the Towne Centre property. Please note that a portion of the former right of way will include areas that will remain for public use, however instead of being on a right of way they will simply be on the City Liquor Store site, Of course the City will be responsible for maintaining these areas, The vacation of the roadway easement paves the way for the closing on the sale of the old Ferrellgas site to the developer. As you may recall the Ferrellgas site and the former 5 '12 Street right of way area were included in the total package ofland sold to the developer. The value of the land that Silver Creek agreed to purchase is based on the vacation of the 5 '12 Street right of way. B, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1, Motion to accept petition and call for a public hearing on vacation of the 5 '12 Street right of way between Pine Street and Walnut Street. 2. Motion to accept the petition but deny the request to call for a public hearing on the vacation of the 5 ~ Street right of way between Pine Street and Walnut Street. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Petition for vacation of 5 '12 Street roadway easement. -1- OCT-18-2000 WED 12:51 PM VElT ENVlROMENTAL FAX NO. 763 428 3574 P. 03 ilv~ U Real Estate Development Ltd. UC October 18, 2000 Jeff O'Neill City of Montic~l1o 505 Walnut Street #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Monticello, Minnesota. Street Vacation Petition Dear JcffO'Neitl, . Silver Creek Real Estate Development Ltd, LLC hereby petitions the City of Monticello to vacate 51/2 Street from Walnut Street to Pine Street. It will be appreciateu if you will submit this vacation request to the appropriate city officials in 3n err011 to obtain approval. Sincerely, I~~~ Development Manager cc: File . :)b . . . 5E. City Council Agenda 10/23/00 Consideration of accepting petition and callinl! for a public hearinl! on the vacation of a portion of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drivc. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Dan Mielke has submitted to the Planning Commission an application for a mixed use commercial planned unit development. This application ineludes a request to vacate a portion of Cedar Street between Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive. This section includes a 16 foot strip along the west side of Cedar Street. The only request is to call for a public hearing which would be held in conjunction with review of the mixed use planned unit development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept the petition for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street and call for a public hearing to be held on November 13, 2000. City Staff and the Planning Commission will process the request for concept plan approval of the mixed use planned unit development. Timing of Council's consideration of this mixed use planned unit development will coincide with the public hearing on the request for the vacation. 2. Motion to deny the petition for vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. c. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1 which is to call il1r a public hearing. No recommendation on the actual decision to vacate Cedar Street is being made at this time. D. SUPPORTING DATA Copy of narrative description of the mixed use planned unit development. -1- . A Written Statement Describing the Proposed PUD: The proposed pun takes two separate ownership interests for seven separate irregular tracts ofland: Mrs. Veit (Subway), one tract, and the Mielke family interests, six tracts, and creates a unified commercial project on 3.53 acres of commercially zoned land. A map showing the current property lines is attached. A plat would be filed reducing the seven potential ownership interests to three, two of which will be Mielke family partnerships. A new sit-down restaurant and a fast food restaurant are added to the site. A convenience store and gas with additional service retail is sited at Cedar and Chelsea. A two bay self- service car wash is added to the existing Ultra-Lube business. The Subway is improved with additional parking availability as a comprehensive shared parking concept is implemented for the entire property. Two non-conforming uses (houses) are removed from the property. Landowner is requesting city participation for all eligible costs to clear the site to remove these non-conforming uses. The property is developed with an emphasis on food uses as opposed to intensifying the property with additional automotive uses, which have sought to acquire pad sites or lease building space from the current owner. One of the restaurants is a sit-down major food retailer, which is a use consistent with what we understand the city council wishes to attract to the city. The fast food retailer is a major national chain. . The project, as proposed, will have a low floor area ratio with 18% of the site in landscaped open space. Planting areas will be provided where shown on the site plan. Plant materials will be grouped and layered in such a manner as to allow views into the site, without opening up large expanses of paved parking surfaces to view. Internal circulation drives will be delineated with plant materials to give the center a keen sense of identity. It is the landowners' intention to landscape with drought resistant materials that require low maintenance. The plan will be neat and full, but not overly landscaped so as to detract from the freeway orientation of the site or to impair visibility necessary to the success of the business entities. In order to achieve this, some plant materials may fall outside of the property line in the right of way. Berms will be incorporated to shield fueling islands or accessory areas where sufficient width of landscape area is available. The entire site will be lighted to comply with the zoning ordinance using coordinated fixtures that will be shielded to prevent glare and spillover lighting. . Primary access to the site is from Cedar. Multiple curb cuts will be avoided to the separate parcels in favor of a unified traffic circulation system design. The C-store is the only use that will require its separate ingress/egress off of Cedar, which was an understanding reached when this parcel was sold to the Mielkes'. .::> E . * . . No direct access will be to Highway 25 and Chelsea will only have right in and out. Landowner is requesting the vacation of sixteen feet of right of way on Cedar. The current right of way of 100 feet is greater then what should be required given the reconstruction of Highway 25 and Chelsea. Currently at mid-block approximately 47 feet of boulevard exists between our property line and improved Cedar Street. In addition the water main and the gas line are on the east side of Cedar. The property owner on the east side of Cedar Street is not negatively impacted by this proposed vacation. No buildings would be constructed within the vacated right of way. Landowner will agree to maintain the public right of way on the west side of Cedar, if this vacation is granted. The project requires a rear yard building setback for the restaurant and the C-store (i.e., Cedar Street) to 30 feet (averages 29 feet). The large boulevard area on Cedar, even with the proposed sixteen-foot vacation, will mitigate any perception that the setback is not to code. A zero setback is required at the comer of Cedar and Chelsea for the drive lane. This is necessary solely due to the odd configuration ofthe property. A zero setback is required for limited portions of the drive aisle for the fast food restaurant. However, substantial public right of way mitigates this setback variance. We have assumed Highway 25 is the front yard and Chelsea is a side yard. The advantages of a coordinated center and the pun process allow for fewer freestanding and off premises signs than would normally be allowed with individual lot development for the separate business entities in this center. The signage concept will reflect the dual nature ofthe center as both a travel and recreation-oriented center and one that caters to local clientele. The landowners expect that freestanding signs will be coordinated in appearance and constructed to carry identification for two or more business entities. Freestanding signs placed along Highway 25 will be requested at a height commensurate with signs of other businesses along the highway corridor in order to be visually compatible and conveniently visible to the freeway area traffic. In addition to wall signs allowed by the sign ordinance, freestanding signs are proposed to be located as follows: Northeast Comer: Freeway visible sign with the center name, convenience store, and sit-down restaurant identification. Maintain existing Subway sign. New sign with Ultra-Lube and Ultra-Wash identification with reader board. Fast service restaurant identification: Northwest Comer: West (mid-block): Southwest: ESe . . . South (mid-block): Southeast (C-store drive): East (mid-block): Low profile convenience store identification with fuel pricing. Low profile C-store directional sign. Center entrance sign with small identification for each business entity. Because access to the center will only be from Cedar Street, the landowners will request that wall signs be allowed on both the east and west sides of businesses along Highway 25. Benefits to the City include the fact that the proposed single pun containing five parcels will revise the current seven irregularly shaped properties. With only minor concessions, the proposed project will be a positive improvement to the area and compliment surrounding businesses by enhancing the choices available to both local and freeway travelers. Rather than allowing the marketplace to develop individual properties without pun control, greater value can be assigned to the properties in this development, significantly increasing tax revenue to the city, county, area schools, and funded services. Site Conditions Reference survey. Schematic Drawing of the Proposed Development Attached. PUD Allocation of Land Reference site plan. Staging Work is expected to proceed during a single construction season. Public Open Space Not applicable. Restrictive Covenants To be determined based on final negotiations with prospective tenants after Concept Plan approval. Schematic Utility Plans No new extension of public utilities is planned. However, applicant is requesting that the city relocate and pay for a water main and sanitary sewer main, which now prohibits development of the property per the plan submitted. The sanitary sewer line for Subway would need to be relocated. Utilities for other entities will be coordinated with the City based on planned infrastructure improvements. The landowner is requesting city funding for relocation of the Subway site utilities and any new assessments. 5G . . . C5~~~ e~ z...."",::J ....~ ~Iih ~. ~~~~i ~ ~ 2i ~ ~ ~~~~~ ~i~ ~I~~i ~. Ili~a 'i el i ~5~e~ ~! 5l;::g~!::l ~ ~o~~E ~ I!~n ! ~ ~~i~~~ ~~~ ~Sn~~~~ ~i~ I~ g '. 8-, ~~i'; ii ~IIC'1~~m lll~ ~ ili ~!:Q Cl~ ~;i~~ ~i~ i~m ir l;\ C'I ~ i: .. ~... .... ~ ~ I I ~~~i: :,!::G' JIIII _ j 0 PRRM<AIty 1m PIAN ! ~ ~ ~ '" I ~ ~ I ~ N \J1 CHElSEA RD. S$ --. ;; ~ ;!; 8 .DiSTY~ _5E _IIlIHITKDnI;'1I '" UIIII....1It ClCII..N IiIM...IIDtI.MOMiI"VEIlU!:IIIOIt1'H =~I6...w.n. I'INMI!!1I0TA Mui..,l,:'1Il T(J"']Ii9I.1111111t 111"'lltl.0f6I.f' RtY ::~~~ :i: - g VI ;-1 ....._-1 . . . City COllncil Agenda] 0/23/00 SF. Consideration of acceotin2: petition and callin!! for a feasibility studv on construction of boulevard improvements alom! the Walnut Street corridor. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: City Council is asked to accept the petition for public improvements to the Walnut Street corridor in conjunction with development of the Towne Centre site and the Sunny Fresh expansion project. In addition there are other sidewalk and pathway segments suggested under the overall program. The purpose of the Feasibility Study is to identify sidewalk, pathway and boulevard improvements necessary to support the development of the Towne Centre site as well as identifying sidewalk segments to be constructed in conjunction with the Sunny Fresh project. Also included in the feasibility study is proposed construction of the pathway segment between Maple Street and Walnut Street. The feasibility study will identify in detail the improvements proposed and associated costs. It will also identify methods of funding the improvements. Such improvements will include funding from TIF sources, special assessments and general taxes. The Towne Centre project. formerly kno\vn as New Town, petitions for street lights. brick pavers, paver crosswalks and landscaping to be installed along Walnut Street. As you recall under our purchase agreement with the Towne Centre with Silver Creek, the developers are purchasing the site in the amount of$423.000. Under the purchase agreement. the developer is required to contribute $60,000 toward installation of such improvements. The feasibility study will therefore address the design issues relating to installation of improvements and estimates. In addition to the Tovv'ne Centre side of Walnut Street. the feasibility study will examine the cost of installation of brick pavers between the sidewalk and the head-in parking area along Walnut. As you know grass is currently growing in these areas which is not likely to survive long-term given the constant pedestrian use in this area. therefore the feasibility study will look at installation of pavers in this area as well as installation of matching street lighting and landscaping. Please be a\vare that City staffis sensitive to the desire of the City Council to keep costs as low as possible. At the same time \ve will want to install improvements on the Community Center side of Walnut Street that will match the level of investment on the Towne Centre side of Walnut Street. The feasibility study will also examine costs to install the planned patlnvay along the north edge of the 5Th Street/Burlington Northern right-of-\vay between Maple Street and Highway 25. As you may recall the Housing and Redevelopment Authority indicated a willingness to fund the cost of installation of this pathway through TIF rewnue. This path\'vay is necessary to encourage bikers and pedestrians to travel around the Sunny Fresh site and not through it. The HRA supports funding the City's share of the sidewalk expense in front of Sunny Fresh along Walnut Street. As you may know the current policy for installation of -1- City Council Agenda] 0/23/00 . sidewalk on the City grid system states that the City pays 75% and the property owner pays 25%. Under this plan. the City's funding would come from HRA otTers via TIF and not through general taxes. Although a specific petition for improvements is not in hand, Sunny Fresh has supported installation of sidewalk along Walnut Street and it is a requirement of the conditional use permit that this sidewalk be installed. Another segment of sidewalk that is worth discussion is installation of a proposed segment along 4th Street on the north side of Sunny Fresh, It is proposed that the cost of this sidewalk be included in the feasibility study with discussion in the future regarding the merits of this sidewalk at this location. Fourth Street provides an important pedestrian way for people walking to the Library. This is the route used by Pinewood School v....hen their classes make trips to the Library. The presence of a considerable amount of on-street parking of cars and trucks makes it all the more important to have a place for people to walk off-street. Other sidewalk locations proposed to be studied under the feasibility study include the segment along the south side of the Community Center on 6th Street as vvell as the segment on the north and south sides of 6th Street between Walnut Street and Locust Street. These segments would serve the south side of the Community Center and the north side of Marquette Bank, You may have noticed that there is a considerable amount of foot traffic on 6th Street which would be served by this nevv sidewalk segment. Additional sidewalk segments serving pedestrians in the downtown area would be proposed along Walnut Street . between 7th Street. current termination point just south of Marquette Bank. A final segment for possible installation vvould connect the Th Street shops area to the sidewalk on 6Th Street with a short segment betvveen 6Th Street and the sidewalk installed by the developer in conjunction with the Th Street shops. A summary of the proposed sidew'alk locations can be found on the aerial photo which is attached, As you will note. the new sidewalk locations link existing sidewalks and provide pedestrian access to the various parking lot locations in the vicinity. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to accept petition and call for a feasibility study on construction of boulevard improvements along the Walnut Street corridor. 2. rvIotion to deny petition and to call for a feasibility' studv on construction of boulevard improvements along the \\/alnut Street corridor. -2- . . c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The City Administrator recommends Alternative 1 with the development ofthe Community Center expansion of Sunny Fresh, development of Marquette Bank and the creation of over 22,000 square feet of additional retail space through the Towne Centre project. and development of the 7th Street shops. As there is considerable additional pedestrian and vehicular traffic activity in the downtown redevelopment area, development of the Towne Centre site requires installation of basic improvements to serve that area and there is an expectation by the developers that the quality and caliber of these street improvements match the investment in the site itself. It makes sense to make necessary sidewalk improvements in conjunction with the Walnut Street improvements, therefore the City Administrator is recommending authorization to proceed with the feasibility study as noted in the report above. The actual sidewalk project can be scaled back in the future as desired by the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Copy of aerial photo showing location of sidewalks and other improvements. Petition for local improvement and feasibility study. Letter from Ken Barthel. Development Manager . -3- 5F . . . OCT-18-2000 WED 12:51 PM VEIT ENVIROMENTAL FAX NO. 763 428 3574 P. 04 CITY OF MONTICELLO PETITION FOR LOCAL IMPROVEMENT AND FEASmILITY STUDY TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA Owner's Name:~i-:l~v(]r Cn.H'!k RQal Ji:st:J.te 1)GVillop,n""nI. r.t-r'l I T.T f" Address: 2 3 AD 1 Ind llRtr fill Bl va su 1 te #200 Rogers. ~N 55374-9583 Phone: 763-428-6700 I (W'c), the undersigncd owner(s) of the properly described below petition for a feasibility study pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429 (Local Improvements, Special Assessments), for the following improvements: Please indicate with an "X" the improvements requested: Sanitar.y Sewer _ Dituminous Surfacing Water Curb and Gutter ___ Storm Sewer -X-- Street Lighting --tf-- Boulevard Imps - brick pavers, trees, sidewalk, I (We) agree to pay 100% of the cost of the feasibility study. I (We) understand t.he City Council may pro-rate the cost of the feasibility study attributable to my property if the scope of the study pertains to other benefiting property owners. Description of Property: Lots 6, 7, 0, 9, 10 of Elock 14 -Lc.,t- 1. Hlo('k" 14 (6060 !'iQ'. ft in rear of LiC:1Uor Store) Date ~~t~ /~Signature Ken A~thel Silver Creek Owner Signature Development Lt.d, LLC ~tQL1B/OO Date .- Dale IMPFEAS,P&:T: 12110197 :S~ OCT-18-2000 WED 12:51 PM VEIT ENVIROMENTAL FAX NO, 763 428 3574 P. 02 i~~~ C Real estate Development Ltd. lie October 18. 2000 Jeff O'Neill City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street #1 Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Walnut Street Improvements ])cm Jeff O'Neill, . Silver Creek Development is looking forward to working with the City of Monticello on the retaiVomc~ shopping center site. This project will not only improve the aesthetics along Highway 25 but also compliment the Monticello Community Center and Walnut Strcct area. Working together to improve both sides ofWa.lnut Street win help create a pedestrian-friendly corridor and make this area a vital part of Monticello. I have enclosed the petition for improvements and a letter requesting vacation of 5 ~ Street. Please call if you have any questions or comments. 2CC~14 .~ f!ix. Barlhel Development Manager cc:File . S~ . Council Agenda - lO/23/00 5G. Consideration of aporovine- development a2reement with Silver Creek Real Estate Development. LLC for the Towne Centre Development Proiect. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City has been working with Silver Creek Development in preparing a development agreement outlining the terms and conditions for the sale of the Ferrell Gas site and associated property behind the liquor store. This purchase agreement has already been executed with the developer, but the development agreement outlines additional terms to ensure that the project is completed in the manner expected. . Silver Creek is anxious to keep the project on schedule and is hoping to even get started with some grading activity the last week in October. In order to keep on this time schedule. the Council is asked to approve the development agreement that has been prepared by Dennis Dalen, subject to a few additional terms and conditions that still have to be ironed out. A draft of the agreement was provided on Friday and a few more issues have been identitied that still need to be addressed in a final document. Any approval at this point should be contingent upon city staff approval of the final details with Silver Creek Development. Some areas that still need to be identified primarily relate to the construction of the retail shops on the west side of the liquor store and how this construction may atTect the back of our liquor store building. In other words, it is my understanding that the parcel being sold to Silver Creek may be surveyed at the back of our building and that brings up the question on clarifying on how the adjoining building will be constructed considering our footings could be encroaching into the adjoining property. Likewise, even the wood facade on the back of our building would technically be encroaching into the adjoining property and details regarding how the new building will tie in to our property. including alteration of roof drains, facade removal and other construction questions still need to be resolved. It appears that engineering data \viIl need to be verified by someone as to whether the footings underneath the liquor store can support an additional building wall and if not. \vho is going to be responsible for the cost of any construction needed to accomplish the new facility. Additionally, we also need to resolve who will be responsible for relocating any electricaL gas or other utilities that still may remain within the area behind the liquor store. Possibly cross easements for footings or additional agreements relating to common walls will need to be included in the development agreement and it is the staff s recommendation that these issues need to be a contingency in Council approval of the draft agreement to date. . An additional moditication is recommended to Section 17 of the agreement concerning the construction ofa parking lot on the north side of the Ferrell Gas site adjacent to the library. Additional language is needed to indicate that the City should be provided a cost estimate for construction of the parking lot prior to the actual work commencing since the City would be responsible for half of the cost once it is completed. . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve entering into a development agreement with Silver Creek Development for the Towne Centre project contingent upon city staff satisfactorily resolving the issue of the zero lot line building construction cost issues and liabilities and amendments relating to joint parking area construction. 2. Do not adopt the agreement. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: While it is important to recognize that a few issues still need to be resolved. especially in relation to the building construction encroachment issues. it is recommended that the Council approve entering into a development agreement as outlined with the contingencies being resolved by city staff. Although the agreement needs some minor modifications. approval by the Council will allow the project to continue that should allow for construction to begin in the next few weeks. The city staff concerns arc to ensure that the City does not incur any additional construction costs to our liquor store building than is necessary and to ensure that if additional costs are required by the new construction. the developer should be responsible for those costs to tie in their bui Iding into our facili ty. . D. SUPPORTING DATA: Draft of development agreement. . OCT. -20' OO(PRI) 10:38 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN p, L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 002 TOWN CINTRI DIVELOPMENT THIS AGREEMENT. made and entered into this ____ day of . 2000, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a municipal corporation organized undar the laws of the State of Minnesota ("City"), and Silver Creek Real Estate Development LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company (the "Developer"). RF;CITALS: WHEREAS, the City, as Seller, and the Developer, as Buyer. entered into a Purchase Agreement on the ____ day of 2000 for the property described in Exhibit A (the "Property"); and WHEREAS, the aforementioned Purchase Agreement provides that Developerls obligation to purchase the Property i~ contingent upon the parties entering into a development agreement; and WHEREAS, the parties wish to provide for the commercial development of the Property under the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement, NOW, THEREFORE. it is hereby agreed: 1. The Development. The Developer shall construct an Office/retail/commercial shopping center on Parcel 1 of the site plan attached as Exhibit a in accordance with Exhibit B and in accordance with plane and specifications to be approved by the City, a landscape plan attaohed as Exhibit C, utility plan attached as Exhibit D, ana a sign plan in accordance with Exhibit E attached hereto. All such plans shall be submitted to the City for review. The city may approve, deny or require alteration of the plans and shall notify the Developer in writing, within two weeks after receipt of the plans, of its decision. If the City fails to act within the two weeks, the plans shall be deemed approved. 2. Construction of Develooment. The development shall be built in accordance with the plane, specifications, preliminary engineering reports, utility plan, sign plan and landscape plan approv~d or to be ~pproved by the city Engineer, City bUilding official and other City officials prior to commencement of construction and thereafter, in accordance with all City rules, regulations, ordinances, and the requiremen'l:s of 'this Agreement. 3. Permits. Upon execution of this Agre~ment, Developer and other necessary parties shall promptly apply for all permits, approvals, licenses, or other docum~nts from any and all necessary governmental agpncies (which may inolude the City, Wright County, PCA and DNR) so as to enable Developer to .5 c; OCT, -20' OO(PRI) 10:38 . . . OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN p, L, L, P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 003 construct the development as herein contemplated. DeveloFer shall use its best effort a to obtain all such approvals and oocuments as 600n as reasonably possible. If the City discerns said plans, specifications or applications are deficient, it shall notify the Developer in writing stating the defioiencies and the steps necessary for oorrection. Issuance of a grading or building permit by the City shall be a conclusive determination that the plans or applications have been approved aa to the requested activity by Developer and satisfies the provisions of this section. Notwithstanding this provision, if the Developer is in default of this Agreement, as hereinafter oefined, in addition to any other remedy provided by this Agreement, City may refuse to issue a certificate of occupancy until Developer cures the default as provided herein. 4. In~pection of Improvements. Developer authorizes the City BUilding Offioial and City Engineer to inspect con~truction of the development as required by City and grants eo them a license to ente~ the Property to perform all necessary work and/or inspections deemed appropriate during the construction of the development until final certification of acceptance is approved by City for all development items and expiration of any applicable warranty period. Inspeotions by the City are to be logged and reported weekly to Developer. Construction and installation plans shall be provided to City and shall be reviewed by and subject to approval of the City to insure that the construction work meets with approved City standards as a condition of City acceptanoe. Developer shall cause its contractor to furnish City with a schedule of proposed operations at least five (5) days prior to the commencement of the construction of eaoh type of the development. The City shall inspect all such work items during and after construction for compliance with approved specifications and ordinance requirements until final certification of acceptance is approved by City and expiration of any applicable warranty period. 5. Completion of Improvements. The Developer ~hall have achieved substantial completion of the development on or before the 1St day of November, 2001 and shall have completed the development on or before the 1Bt day of December, 2001 subject to Unavoidable Delays as hereinafter defined, in which event the completion date may be extended by the period of ~uch Unavoidable Delays. 2 OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P P. 004 OCT. -20' OO(FRI) 10:39 . . . TEL:612 925 5879 For the purpose of this section, Unavoidable Delays mean delaya which are caused by ~trikes, fi~e, war, road weight restrictions, material shortages, weather that renders construction progress impossible, causes beyond the Developer1s control or other casualty to the development, or the act of any federal, state, or local government unit, except those acts of the City authorized Or contemplated by this Agreement. In the event Developer believes an extension i~ warranted, Developer shall request such extension in writing to the City's building official and specify the requested length of extension and the raason therefore. The City Engineer shall determine the length of the extension, if any, in hie sole but reasonable discretion. 6. Clean Uo. The Developer shall properly and promptly clear any soil, earth, or debris on City-owned property or public right-of-way resulting from construction work by the Developer, its agents, or assigns. 7. Erosion and DrainaQe Control. The Developer shall provide and oomply with erosion and drainage control provisions in the landscape plan and City policy requirements and as otherwise required by City. As development progresses, the City may impose additional ero&ion and drainage control requirements if, in the sole but reasonable opinion of the City Engineer, they would be useful and appropriate in contrOlling drainage and erosion. Developer shall promptly comply with such erosion and drainage control plans and with such additional instructions it receives from City. 8. Hold Harmless Agreement. Developer acknowledges that its failure to implement the plan. and exhibits a. contained herein may cause flooding and/or damage to adjoining property owners. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from claims of all third parties Or Developer for damagea ariaing out of such flooding and/or damages. The parties recognize that time is of the essence in controlling erosion. In the event of an emergency situation requiring' immediate action to prevent loss or damage to persons or property, to be determined at the sole discretion of City, the notice and cure provisions of paragraph 21 shall not apply and City is authorized to undertake any corrective action it deems necessary to prevent or minimize any such flooding and/or damage. In such event, Developer agrees to hold City harmless and indemnify City from olaims of all third parties for damages arising out of said corrective action by City, and agrees to reimburse City for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred by city arising out of the corrective action, including, but not limited to, any costs necessary to re-landscape disrupted soils located within the Property. 3 5G OCT.-20'OOtFRI) 10:39 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 005 9. Insurance. A. The Developer will provide and maintain or cause to be maintainea at all times during the process of construoting the development until six (6) months after acoeptance of the development, and, from time to time at the request of the City, furnish with proof of payment of premiums on: (i) Comprehensive general liability insurance (including operations, contingent liability, operations of subcontraotors, completed operations and contractual liability insurance) together with an Owner's Contractor's Policy with limits against bOdily injury, including death, and property damage (to include, but not be limited to damages caused by erosion or flooding) which may arise out of the Developer's work or the work of any of its subcontractors. Limits for bodily injury or death shall not be leas than ~500,OOO.OO for one person and $1,000,000.00 for each occurrence; limits for property damage shall not be less than $200,000.00 for each oocurrence. The City shall be an additional named insured on said policy. Developer shall file a copy of the insurance coverage with the City upon request. (i1) worker'a compensation insuranoe, with statutory coverage. 10. ~Qc~~ity. Upon execution of this Agreement, Developer shall deposit with the City a bond, irrevocable letter of credit, or dedioated escrow account in the amount of 1.25 times the City'S estimate of the likely cost for onsite landscaping, ansite street lights, and onsite brick pavers from the improvements (IIImprovementslI) conditioned upon the faithful construction of the Improvements according to the plans and specifications and final approval of the City as set forth herein.. If any eacrow account, bond or irrevocable letter of credit deposited with the City in accordance with this Agreement shall have an expiration date prior to the Developer'S obligations hereunder being complete, the Developer shall renew such security or deposit substitute security of equal value meeting approval of the City Administrator at least 30 days prior to the expiration of such security. Failure to provide such alternate security or renew such security shall constitute a default and the city may declare the entire amount thereof due and payable to the City in cash. Such cash shall thereafter be held by the City as security 4 5G OCT.-2o'00(FRI) 10:39 . . . OLSON USSET & WE I NGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 006 deposit in the same manner as the security theretofore held by the City. If the Developer fai~s to complete, construct, install or correct the Improvements 10 accordance with the plans and specifications, the City may perform the construction of work and apply to the Lender pursuant to the letter of credit far the remaining funds and use those funds to complete construction. This provision shall be a license granted by the Developer to the City to act but shall not require the City to take any such action. Developer consents to such action by the City and waives any claim Developer may have against the City for damages in the event the City exercises its rights in accordance with this provision. ll. Events of Default Defined. The following ahall be "Events of Default'. under this Agreement and the term Uevents of default" shall mean, whenever it is used in this Agreement (unless the oontext otherwise provides), anyone or more of the following events: A. Failure by the Developer to observe and substantially perform any covenant, condition, obligation or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under the terms of this Agreement. If the Developer shall admit in writing its inability to pay its debts generally as they become due, or shall file a petition in bankruptcy, or shall make an assignment for the benefit of its oreditors, or shall consent to the appointment of a receiver of itself or of the whole or any substantial part of the property. B. C. If the Developer shall file a petition under the federal bankruptcy laws. D. If the Developer is in default under the Mortgage and has not entered into a workout agreement with the Lender. E. If the Developer shall fail to begin construotion of the development in conformance with this Agreement, and such failures are not due to unavoidable delays as defined in this Agreement. F. The Developer shall, after commencement of the construction of the development, default in or violate its obligations with respect to the construotion of the same (inCluding the nature and the date for the completion thereof), or shall abandon or substantially suspend oonstruction work, and such act or actions is not due to unavoidable delays as determined by the City 5 5G, OCT. -20' OO(PRI) 10:40 . . . OLSON USSET & WEINGARDEN P. L, L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 007 Engineer in his Bole but reasonable discretion and any such default, violation, abandonment, or suspension shall not be cured, ended, or remedied within the time provided for in this Agreement. 12. Notice/Remedies on Default. Whenever any Event of Default occurs, the city shall give written notice of the Event of Default to Developer by United States mail at its last known address. If the Developer fails to cure the Event of Default within fifteen {lS) days of the date of mailed notice, in addition to any other remedy provided in this Agreement, and without waiver of any such right, City may avail itself of any or all of the fOllowing remedies for so long as the Developer is in default: A. Halt all plat development work and construction of the development until such time as the Event of Default is cured. B. Refuse to issue bUilding permits or occupancy permits until such time as the Event of Default is cured. C. Apply to a court of competent jurisdiction to enjoin continuation of the Event of Default. Terminate this Agreement by written notice to Developer at which time all terms and conditions as contained herein shall be of no further force and effect and all obligations of the parties as imposed he~eunder shall be null and void. 13. Miscellaneous. o. A. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties, their heirs, successors or assigns, as the case may be. B. If any portion, section, subsection, sentence, clause, paragraph, or phase of this Agreement is for any reason held invalid, auch decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion of this Agreement. The action or inaction of the City shall not constitute a waiver or amendment to the provisions of thi. Agreement. To be binding, amendments or waivers sh~ll he in writing, Signed by the parties, and approved by written resolution of the City Council. The City'S failure to promptly take legal action to enforce this Agreement shall no't be a waiver or release. c. 6 .sG OCT. -20' OO(PRI) 10:40 . . . OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 p, 008 D. Future ten4nts of the development shall not be deemed to be third party beneficiaries of this Agreement. E. This Agreement shall run with the land and shall be binding upon the Developer. its suoces&ors and assigns. The Developer shall, at its expense, record this Agreement in the Office of the Wright County Recorder. After the Developer has completed the work required under this Agreement, at the Developer'S request the City will execute and deliver to Developer a release in recordable form. F. All parties to this Agreement acknowledge they have been represented by counsel and have entered into this Agreement freely and voluntarily. 14. Joint Sian Board. The City and Developer shall jointly install a sign board on the Property or on the City's property adjacent to the Developer'S Property, at a site to be agreed upon. The parties shall e~ch pay one-half the cost of purChasing and installing the joint sign board. 15. Public Improvements. The City shall construct the following public improvements: street lights, sidewalks, brick paving, curb, trees and tree guards. Developer acknowledges that the City shall assess $60,000.00 against the Property and development, as a special publiC improvement assessment. The assessment may be in excess of $60,000.00 with the consent of Developer. Developer hereby waives its right to public improvement hearings and aasessment hearings normally held in accoraance with Chapter 429 of Minnesota Statutes and agrees that the amount of assessments set forth herein increases the value of the Property by at least the amount of the assessment. Upon request of Developer'S lender, the City agrees that the assessments set forth herein shall be subordinated to the interest of the lender, and the City shall execute a subordination agreement provided that any such subordination agreement shall require that the lender suborn to the assessments set forth herein. 16. Sanita~y Sewer. Water. and Storm Sewer Trunk Charge~. The Developer shall pay sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer trunk charges as calculated in accordance with City ordinances and fee schedules in effect on the date hereof. Such trunk fees shall be assessed against ehe Property. At the request of Developer'S lender, the aSsessments made under this paragraph shall be eubordinated to the interest of the lender provided that any such subordination shall be in writing and shall require that the lender attorn to the interest of the City under this paragraph. , 5~ OCT.-20'00(FRll10:40 . . . OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 009 17. Joipt parkinq Area. With respect to the parking area outlined in red on Exhibit B attached hereto, the Developer shall construct that area of the parking in acoordance with the terms of this Agreement. Upon aubstantial completion of the development and within 30 day. after Developer presenting City with an itemized statement of the cost of building the parking lot, the City shall reimburse the Developer one-half the cost of constructing the parking lot. 18. Water and Sewer Access Charqes. Developer shall pay the City water and sewer access charges for the project in accordance with City policies and ordinances in effect on the clate hereof. 19. Alteration to Municioal Liquor Store. The City shall relooate the loading area of the municipal liquor store which is located on property adjacent to the Property and shall relocate accesses in accordance with Exhibit hereof on or before the date set for substantial completion of the project as set forth in paragraph 6 hereof. The City shall relocate the accesses on or before November 7, 2000. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, city and Developer have signed this Developer'S Agreement the clay ~nd year first written above. CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Roger Belsaas Its: Mayor By: Rick Wolf atelIer Its: City Administrator DEVELOPER: SILVER CREEK REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT LLC By: Its: 8 s~ OCT.-20'00(FRI) 10:40 . . . OLSON US SET & WEINGARDEN P. L. L. P TEL:612 925 5879 P. 010 STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing in~trument wa~ acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by Roger Belsaas and Rick Wolfstelle~ the Mayor and City Aclminiatrator of the City of Monticello. a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public STATE OF MINNESOTA) )ss COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of , 2000, by , the --- of Silver Creek Real Sstate Development LLC, a Minnesota Limited Liability Company, on behalf of the limited liability company. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: OLSON, US SET & WEINGARDEN P.L.L.P. 4500 Park Glen Road, Suite 310 St. Louis park, MN 55416 muni\monc/148TownCentreDevAgmt 9 ,5 CO . . . City Council Agenda - 10/23/00 7. Public Headn!! - Consideration of an anpeal of a Phmnin!! Commission denial of a variance for a Dvlon si!!n setback. Applicant: Automaxx. (10) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council, acting as the Board of Appeals. has been requested by the applicant to review a decision made by the Planning Commission to deny a variance to a setback request. The details of the variance request are included in the attached report to the Planning Commission. The Planning Commission acted to recommend denial of the variance requested based on the finding that a hardship has not been demonstrated. It is their view that to allow the variance would be contrary to the intent of the ordinance thus setting precedence for future requests to extend signs to the property lines. The argument that the General Rental sign interferes with the view of the Automaxx pylon sign as grounds for a variance did not persuade the Planning Commission to recommend approval of the request. Please note that the General Rental sign is a nonconforming sign that. if destroyed or removed. would have to be built back along the proper setback line. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to accept the recommendation by the Planning Commission which is to deny the variance request based on the finding that a hardship has not been demonstrated and to approve the variance request would result in a negative precedent. 2. Motion to approve the variance request based on a tinding that a sufficient hardship has been demonstrated and that the variance is needed in order for the pylon sign to have desired signing affect. C. RECOMMENDA TION The City Administrator recommends Alternative I. D. SUPPORTING DATA Planning Commission report from 10/03/00 agenda. -1- . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 10/03/00 1.:. Public Hcaring - Consideration of a request for a variance to thc setbacks for installation of pylon for siQnagc. Applicant: Automaxx. (FP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND On September 27, 1999, the City Council approved a Conditional Use Pcrmit for Automaxx to operate an Auto Sales and display business at 1205 and 1219 Highway 25 South. At that time, the City Council allowcd signs on the property "in accordancc with City standards". Automaxx is now requcsting that the City allow a variance to reduce the rcquircd front yard sctback of 15 feet to I foot from the front property linc for the erection of a pylon sign. The height and design of thc proposcd sign arc otherwise regulatcd by ordinance. Automaxx currently has two wall signs erccted on the building, one facing Highway 25 and onc lacing Sandberg Road. The sign ordinance would allow onc (1) pylon sign and two (2) wall signs with 300 square feet as thc maximum total allowable sign arca on the property. The area of signs currently erected on thc property are as 101l0ws; . Automaxx sign on North Wall Automaxx sign on East Wall Professional Approach TOTAL EXISTING SKiN AREA 98 S.F. 98 S.F. 50 S.F. 236 S.F. . . As this is a double occupancy building, the maximum allowable sign area on thc property is 300 square fect. After subtracting the existing sign area, thc maximum allowable area for thc pylon sign is 64 square fect. The proposed sign is 48 squarc feet in area. If a pylon sign were setback the requircd 15 feet from the front propcrty line it would bc located in the auto sales display area (bccausc the parking lot is built only] foot away from the front property linc on Ilighway 25). Installation of the pylon sign in the display parking lot arc a could be accomplished by construction of a landscapcd peninsula into onc of the parking stalls. Thc landscaped area would break up the line of vehicles and provide an arca upon which the sign could be placed in conformance with thc zoning code. One major concern for allowing a variance for the pylon sign is that all ofthc automobile dcalers look to onc another for salcs and promotional idcas. This variance may initiate future similar requests from the other local dealers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to rccommcnd approval of a variance from the required 15 foot front yard setback requiremcnt for installation of a pylon sign co a height and area as pcrmitted by the zoning code. -1- 'I A . Planning Commission Agenda - 10/03/00 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Variance Request. c. STAFF RECOMMENDA nON Staff recommends Alternative 2 to the Planning Commission.. D. SUPPORTING DATA . Copy of land survey describing Autot11axx site. . . 2 . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 8. Public Hearing-Consideration of a resolution adoptiU1! proposed assessment roll for delinauent utHin- bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll f()r utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on ncxt year's real estatc taxes. The delinqucnt utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and includc all new delinquents from the last time wc certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also prcviously approved thc establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the cnelosed delinquent utilities list inelude the additional $50 administration fce for thc preparation of the assessment roll. It is rccommcnded that the delinquent accounts be put on an asscssment roll for certification at an interest rate of 8% as allowcd by statc statute. As in the past. if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the asscssment roll, they can be paid without the additional intcrcst. Aftcr 30 days, payments will be chargcd intercst and can be acccpted up to Novemhcr 30,2000. R. .~\).u ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. ~l Adopt the assessment roll fiJr thc delinqucnt charges as presentcd. ~v 2. Based on public hcaring input, adj ust thc assessmcnt roll as rcquired. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is stafTrecommendation that thc Council adopt the assessment roll as prescnted. All of thc accounts are at Icast 60 days past duc and have bccn given proper noticc of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay thc accounts in full. All utility accounts wcrc notified that therc would hc an additional $50 administrativc fce attachcd to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by 4:30 p.m. on Monday, October 16, 2000. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Completc listing of delinquent accounts to be certificd. . . . RESOLUTION NO. 2000-73 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS WIII~REAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREfORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TIlE CITY COUNCIL Of MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attachcd hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of 8 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until Decem bel' 31, 2001. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may. at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with intercst accrucd to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extendcd on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collectcd and paid over in the same manncr as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfstellcr, City Administrator ~ . U-I ~ ... :>:: <> U-I .- ~ 0:: ::: "" ~, z g >- ... ~ I- "" U-I U ."" ~ :::J <D .: ;:::. U-I "" ;:t dl dl .' '" l3_~~ 0__-<= ....- ~ U dl '" ~~ -' u >. :~ N V "' >t!. o ~dl "",5 ~~ > '" 0"," >. '" dl "",5 ~.... V :> ::l 0"," i;;'dl ~d .., v 3~ dl :il "" .' .. => u >- :: ;:: ~ CY -' U-I "" l!l '" "" "" "" "" N .... ~ .. => <> N "" l- e. .- 0.. '* ... Cn "' ~ "'" >. v .... dl Q. ~ "'" '* ~ 0.. 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'-' =0..,. '" "" <- '" 0= ,.., "'..., = == === = ""= "" <n "" ~:;;:~ ~~~ == "" = =co == "" .,., <-= -'" == ~:!: ~CJ~O~ ~:g:E~~ ........ oOQ a O~~ 0- U'1o an In ~ Q't ~ I;:) C), 0 = ~ LI" Ion..,.." 11"') ..,." 1.1"') y-,. In ~ -=.. QQ Q ~QO~Q ~a.oe:to QQOOQ ("\011 ~ I.s:I to ~ 1.1') IN ~ .... N M C"")~.... gg~aC) ........~.". ... ----- "-, .... ~ ~ ... >- "" >- -' -' >- gg8 U-. >- u (' ~ "" .,., -: = = = ..., ..., ..., = '" = = = "" .., - '" :l'l ::: /- .. .. .. I- "" <:> "" "~ <:> = z .' .. !j .~ <''; '0) '''l ') o -' -' .... '-' ;:: ~ "" U-. <:> ~ '-' ~ ~ ""'\ ...." -, . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 9. Public Hearing - Adoption of assessment roll for Chelsea Road Improvement. Proiect No. 98-08C. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Chelsea Road East Improvement Project extended Chelsea Road from its formcr Oakwood Drive termination point westerly to Cedar Street. This improvcmcnt was requested by the Comfort Inn and Silver Fox motels along with adjacent property owner, Jerry Mathwig. The improvement provided storm sewer, sanitary sewer and watermain extcnsions also. The total project costs was a little lower than originally estimated and amounted to $569,924. Of this amount, $350,795 is proposed to be assessed to the benefitting property owners with the City picking up the balance through trunk fund revenues and general fund taxes. In addition to the Silver Fox and Comfort Inn motels and Jerry Mathwig, the project also extended sanitary sewer south along Oakwood Drive to service two properties that did not have sewer, the Alternative Learning Center site and Custom Sheet Metal parcel. Street assessments were based on the equivalent cost to construct a 40 foot wide, 9 ton street and the balance of the cost above this was picked up by the City through ad valorem taxes. Sanitary sewer was assessed at 100% to the benefitting property owners along the new Chelsea Road and the two properties on Oakwood Drive. A 24" watermain was constructed along Chelsea Road but the property benefitting from the watermain were only assessed for the cost of an 8" watermain. The additional cost was picked up by the City's water trunk fund. Storm sewer assessments for lateral benefit were based on the actual cost to construct storm sewer for Chelsea Road with additional costs above and beyond what is necessary to drain the roadway and abutting land will be paid out of the trunk fund. B. ALTF:RNA'I'IVF: ACTIONS: 1. The Council could adopt the resolution adopting the assessment roll for the Chelsea Road East Improvement Project No. 98-08C in the amount of $350,795. 1 ~\f ~.;-~ CH'(.J') t"'- ~\w 'til 11\4, M,(r- . . The Council could adopt a modIfIed assessment roll based on publiC heanng comments. 2. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Engineer that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. D. SlJPPORTING DATA: . Copy of resolution Summary of project costs and assessments . . . . RESOLUTION 2000-74 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMI(NT CHELSEA ROAD F:AST EXTENSION PROJECT NO. 98-08C WHEREAS, pursuant to propcr notice duly given as rcquired by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvemcnt of Chelsea Road East by the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer, streets and all othcr appurtenant work, NOW, THER(':FORE, BE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COlJNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: I. Such proposed assessment, a eopy of whieh is attached hereto and made a part hereof: is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special asscssment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be bcnefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often years, the first of the installmcnts to be payable on or hefore the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of seven (7.0) percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessmcnt resolution. To the first installment shall he added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31. 2001. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added intcrest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution: and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to thc City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is 111ade. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the propcrty tax lists of the county. Such assessmcnts shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as othcr municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 231d day of October, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Bclsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator q Oct 03 00 12:05p 320-252-3100 p.2 . SUMMARY OF ASSESSMENTS Chelsea Road East Extension-Preliminary presented to Council at time of award of bid City of Monticello Special City Storm Sewer Water Total Funding Sources Assessment Portion Trunk Trunk Trunk Revenue Streets (Schedule A) $151,308 $187,113 $2,386 $340,807 Storm Sewer (Schedule B) $55,952 $0 $32,369 $88,321 Watermain (Schedule C) $37,784 $0 $83,030 $120,814 Sanitary Sewer (Schedule D) $70,865 $0 $70.865 TOTAL VALUE = $315,909 $187,113 $34,755 $83,030 $620,307 . Chelsea Road East Extension - Final Assessments City of Monticello Special City Storm Sewer Water Total Funding Sources Assessment Portion Trunk Trunk Trunk Revenue Streets (Schedule A) $162,382 $129,069 $2,386 $293.837 Storm Sewer (Schedule B) $55,952 $0 $36,998 $92,950 Watermain (Schedule C) $58,787 $0 $50,675 $109,462 Sanitary Sewer (Schedule D) $73,674 $0 $0 $73,674 TOTAL VALUE = $350,795 $129,069 $39,384 $0 $50,675 $669.924 . q 10:10 AM Page 10f 1 1 0/3/00 Oct 03 00 . . . 12:05p ~ co .5 .5 'ii ... Q. CJ) c Q) E CJ) CJ) Q) c/J CJ) <( "'0 ro o a::: m Q) U5 CJ) ~.Q~ -0]0 co;;::: " o c Q) 0::: 0 ;:, co ~ '"0 ~ '0 Q) dlz..c L ,_ U UU(f) c: o 'Iii c: Q) X Ul -eOOOO ...0000 -Cl'lmO'l...... 'i~m~O)~ OU;......v<OM .....Q)C'\ItI't~(") '-wtl't Eh en cC - c: c - G.l cue E ...... 1I)"<t "'"lI)tI't B lU cu II) ~~ ... c: =e...... ~II)~ c:Cf)~ cu Q) rJ>:g cC 0000 0&<).&<).0 o 0 - ...... 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Engineer's Preliminary Opinion of Probable Assessments City of Monticello Chelsea Road East Feasibility Study City project No. 9a-oae WSB Project No. 1103.00 ParcellD 15S.500-142104 1~5-<l79-oo1020 155-079-001030 Owner Je Mathwig Chin Yuen Silver Fox Inn Larson-Larson Partnership Assessed L,F. 906.000 325.000 495,000 $53.57 Total Value of Asessements " ~ ';/'di t#i!W]#I~[fif.#1 Total Assessment $48,500 $17,400 $26,500 $92,400 . ParcellD 155-500-142104 155-079-001020 155-079-001030 OWner Je Mathwig Chin Yuen Silver Fox Inn Larson-Larson Partnershl Cost Per L.F. $32.42 $32.42 495.000 $32.42 Total V_lUG of As....ment. " Total As$Gssment $29,369,n $10,535.51 $16.046.40 $55951.68 Total Cost of Storm Sewer Installed" Total Cost" Total Cost" Total Footage" Cost per ft. " . 10:09 AM Page 10f 1 $55,95168 $55,951.68 $55,951.68 1726000 $32.42 p.6 10/3/00 C\ act 03 00 12:06p 320-252-3100 . FINAL ASSESSMENTS Chelsea Road East Exter\SiOll Cilv of Montieello Schedule B: Storm Sewer Cost Schedule B . Storm Sewer -~._-----'- .-,.--..- ._--~. . uE'ACH- ."n. --.' $850.00 2501.515 : 15" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD 1.00 $650 00 2501515"'1S"RCPiPE APRON WI-rn TRASH GUA~ - .-. -.-.. .. .'. ,---- S1,OOO.OC) ........----.-- __~CH. _ 1.00 $1,00000 - --'--- -. .-.- --.---. ._...-" --.... ~_. -~.- $1,650.00 2501.515 !27" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD _ ~Ctt_._ _. 1_:~.!L $1,650.00 2503:541 :1Z'"RC PIPESEWER, DeSIGr..f:io06'C:LV ----- _ . .!:t-__ 150.00 $19.50 . ""---s2:925.00 ~503.54.1 ijs.-R"c PIPE ~EWER, DESIGN 3006cfCv_ ~=..~ --,-,~ " $1.,602.06 LF 362.00 $21.00 .=:.:. LF= .-- 2~~~.:.~1~RE.f'J!.'E SEWER, DESIGN 30~6.~_ __._ 1127.00 ..__$23~ ~_1<l,421.:.~ 2503.541 i21" RC PIPE SEWER, DESIGN 3006 CL II LF "23400 $25.00 _. $5,850.9.2 . 2503.5,i1'27"'Rc~pipE SEWER, DESiGN 3006 CL 11--- .-.- ---LF-- --'50.00 S34.00 -' __~. $1,700:.~ 2506.501 :DRAINAGE"STRUCTURE. CATCH BASIN-' -.-- ~.-'LF ..'_ --ie.50 ~ - . $18000 -~ $4,770.00 2506.501"IDRAINAGE~STRUCTORE, STANDARD DESIGN 48" ~IA __~ f--"-~ -.. 16.92 $zO_O,,~ f--~.384.00 -- -521- 2506.501 DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, STANDARD DESIGN 54" D1A LF $285.00 __~_l,484.e5 2506.501lDRAINAGE STRUCTURE; STANDARD DESIGN 68" DIA ..-- 'u='- 4.40 . $450:00 _S1,960:0q ~.._..- --. .-..-.-" . '--' ~_ LF ~. "-1..~~~ - $290.00 . .2506_501.DRAINAGE STRUCTURE. DESIGN 46-4020 ~. $3,355.30 2506.516 iCASTlNG AsSEMBLY, NEENAH R.1642 "STORM SEwERo- -_.- EACH 4.00 $210.00 $840.00 - 2508.516 : CASTING ASSEMBLY. NEENAH R~3246 Dl OR OR -- .. EACH- 900 $305.00 . -$2,745.00 f--c-=.--n" .-.--'-' .--.----- ---- EACH .. :--r~~_ -- ... $isO.oo - $650.00 2506.516 ICASnNG_.AS~~M8LY, N~ENAH ,R.3347-A ..._. __'_ -EACH -- $350.00 f---.---- ~.!l.522 .IAQ:lusT"FRAME & CASTI~___. -- - 1.00 I-- $350:~ ------c;Y --15:00 .. -"$65.00' . 2S11.501.RANDOM RIP RAP, Cllll $975.00 Total SC;hfillduhll B $56,732.15 +28% Indireet Costs" $15,885 SchedUle B: Storm Sewer Cost 572,817 . FINAL Chelsea Road Eil$l Extension Cilv of MontiCello DIRECT BENEFIT Sc;hedulfill B - Storm Sfillwer 2501.515 '15" RC'.PIPEAPRON Wlt""HTRASH GUARD .. -EACH-- -"'1.00' -._~50_00 - ~- , $85t:>'00 ~15 :~6"RE.PI~EAPR.6NWlTHTRASHGUARD ._ --- EACH--=-O.:Oq... .. S1.~ _...--.:~O:QQ ~!5'27~CPIPEAPRONWlTHTRASH.~UARD.___1- EACH 0.00 $1,650_00 SO.OO 2503.541 '12" RC PIPE SEWER, DESIGN 3006 CL V .. .. LFn-'-- ~.~_ ~!9.50__ ~~_ $3,2~.50 '150"3.541.~ RC ~~I?"SEWER. DESI~N 30~ CL "-_. .___ ~_ 282.00 $21.00 $5,922.00 ~.~!....28" RC PI!,E SEWER, DESIGN 300& CL I\~_.__ .._ _~- ._34600_ $23.00 _.:....._ S7,95~.OO ..4.~3.541 [21" RC P~PE SEWER, DES1Gt:l3008 C..!:.!!..- __ .___'_ _ . ..!:E..... _ }34.00 . . S2~~ _$_S,850~ 2503.541 .27" RC PIPE SEWER, DESIGN 3006 CL II LF 0.00. $34.00 _. .~O.OO . 2506.501DRAi""NAGESTRUCTURE, CATCH BASIN-" ..-. '-'-"--CF"--' 22.97 $180.00 $4,134.60 ~6.501 I DRAIN_AGE ~tRUCrURE. STANDARD DESIGN 48" D"iA~~~ _~._ 14.20 _!.~o.OO :'=S2.849,Q,Q 2506.501 : DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, STANDARD DESIGN 54" DIA lF 5.21 $285.00 $1,484.85 .1~06.50) [.i?RAiNAGES.....RUCTU~_~..JS_TANDARO DESIGN 66".OlA ,. - LF-----___ -- 4.40 - - $450.00- -S1,9lii:i-:oo 2508.501 I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, DESIGN 48-4020 LF 11.47 - $290.00 '-$3.326:30 2506.5;"6 :CAsi'TNGASSEMBLY. NEENAH R.1642"STORMSEWE~ ----uCH- 4.00 - - -$210.00' $84000 ~06.516 iqASTIf'!,G AS~E~6L Y ;-NEENAH R.3246 DL_ O,A: DR. ....=-._ _ _ EACH ~ _ -. 9.00 -. $305.~~_ ~~$2)4foo 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY, NEENAH R-3347-A EACH 1.00 $850.00 $650.00 2506.522 IADJUST FRAME & CASTlNc:r-- -' -- - - - ~'----eACH- -200 - -... $350,00$7"00.00 2511.501 ; RANDOM RIP RAP:CLiii .----- -.- - ---cV- -'1500~ ~ '$65.00- -'$915.00 Total Schedule B $43,712.25 +28% Indirect Costs" $12.239.43 DIRECT BENEFIT $55,951.68 Trunk Storm Sewer " $28.905 . final estimate and assessments , 0/3/00 32.41696 Page2 OF 2 p.? q Oct 03 00 12:07p 320-252-3100 . PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENTS . Chelsea Road East Extension Cltv Of MOl1tieello Schedule B: Storm Sewer Cost ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 f&116" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD 1 EACH $1.200 $1,200 2 F&l 27" RC PIPE APRON WITIi TRASH GUARD 1 EACH $2,000 $2,000 3 F&112" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 170 LF. $20 $3 400 4 F&115" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 652 LF $22 $14,340 5 F&118" RC PIPE SEWER CLIIl 856 U=, $23 $19,690 6 F&I 24" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 14 L.F. $33 $460 7 F&I 27" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 1(j.... L.F. 540 $6.560 a F&I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, CATCH BASIN 12 EACH 51,200 $14,400 9 F&l DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, MANHOLE 9 EACH $1,500 $1 ~.500 10 F&I RIP RAP & FABRIC ~o CY. 555 $1,650 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION ~ $75,600 + 10% Contingeney '" 57,600 Subtotal ~ $63,200 +26% Indirect Costs '" $23,300 Schedule B: Storm Sewer Cost $106,500 Storm Sewer Direct Benefit ITEM UNIT TOTAL NO, DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 F&118" RC PIPE APRON WITH 'TRASH GUARD 0 EACH 51,200 $0 2 F&\ 27" RC PIPE APRON WITH TRASH GUARD 0 EACH $2.000 $0 3 F&112" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 170 L,F. $20 $3,400 4 F&115" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 652 L.F. $22 $14.340 5 F&118" RC PIPE SEWER ClIll 364 LF. $23 $8,370 6 F&I 24" RC PIPE SEWER CUll 14 L.F $33 $460 7 F&I 27" RC PIPE SEWER CLllI 279 L.F, $40 $11,160 S F&I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, CATCH BASIN 12 EACH $1,200 $14,400 9 F&I DRAINAGE STRUCTURE, MANHOLE 9 EACH S1,500 $13,500 10 f&1 RIP RAP & FABRIC 0 C.Y. $55 50 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION '" $65,600 ... 10% Contingency '" $6,600 Subtotal", S72,200 +28% Indirect Costs '" $20,200 Storm Sewer Direet Benefit $92,400 . final estimate and assessments 10/3/00 p.8 9 Pagel OF 2 Oct 03 00 12:07p 320-252-3100 p.s . ENGLISH UNITS street width = 40,0 feet LJW AREA VOL. RIW WIDTH = 100 START STATION = 0 END STATION = 100 LENGTH OF PROJECT ft = 100 AREA OF PAVEMENT sy = 411.11 CURB & GUTTER = 200 WIDTH FACE-FACE = 40 DEPTH - CL5 (in) '" 0.67 DEPTH BIT. BASE TYPE 31(in) = 2.5 DEPTH BIT, WEAR TYPE 41(in) = 1.5 CONCRETE SIDEWALK (ft) = 5 BIKE TRAIL (9ft) WIDE) = 9 NON.PAVED AREA = 49.66 12 107 1 1 500 100.0 1523 3 45 . Chelsea Road East Extension City of Monticello Schedule of Cost to construct a 40ft. roadway based on Bid Unit Prices ITEM UNIT TOTAL. NO. DESCRIPTION QUANTITY UNIT COST COST 1 CLEAR & GRUB 0.0 ACRE $2,500 $0 2 COMMON EXCAVATION 622 CY $4,00 $2,490 3 COMMON BORROW (LV,) Cy $4.00 $0 4 AGGREGATE BASE CL 5 107 CY $11.50 $1,230 5 AGGREGATE BASE CL 3 809 CY $4.00 $3,240 6 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER ( B618) 200 LF $7.50 $1,500 7 BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (TYPE 41) 40mm THICK 34 TON $2800 $950 8 BITUMINOUS BASE COURSE (TYPE 31) 65mm THICK 57 TON $25.00 $1,410 9 BITUMINOUS TRAIL 3m WIDE 100 LF $10.75 $1,080 10 4" CONCRETE WALK 0 SF $2_30 $0 11 TOPSOIL BORROW-l00mm THICK(LV) 48 CY $12.00 $570 12 RETAINING WALL 0 SF $15.00 $0 13 BOULEVARD TREES EVERY 30m 3 EACH $250.00 $750 14 SOD TYPE LAWN 951 SY $1.60 $1,520 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION = $14,700 +28% Indirect Costs = $4,116 Total SChedule A - Street- $18,816 COST PER FOOT = COST PER SIDE OF STREET/FOOT = $188.16 $94.08 . ~ . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 10. Public "earin!! and adoption of assessment roll - Chelsea Road West/Groveland Improvement Proiect 98-2SC. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Project No. 98-25C consisted of extending Chelsea Road West from Sandberg Road to 90th Street NE on the west. Along with the street construction, storm sewer. sanitary sewer and watermain improvements werc also constructed within the Chelsea Road right-of-way benefitting commercial properties along the route. In addition to thc Chelsea Road project this improvement provided the residential street, sewer, water and storm sewer improvements for the Groveland Development Phase I. Total project costs, including all indirect costs, are $1,908,564.00 of which $1,524,168.00 are assessed to benefitting properties. The assessments are proposed to be spread over ten years at an interest rate of 6 12%. In addition to properties along the new Chelsea Road and within the Oroveland Phase I Development, some properties along Sandberg and Marvin Road areas were also assessed f()r storm sewer improvements that generally consisted of providing storm water pond outlets from the Chelsea Road and Marvin Road stormwater ponds. The outlets from these areas provide for storm water to be directed to the larger ponding area acquired from Mel Wolters as part of the TH 25 project. Eventually, stormwater improvements will also be needed to provide an outlet from a larger pond area to the Mississippi River in the future, The City's share of this project totals $384,395,00 which is proposed to be partially paid for by sewer, water and storm sewer trunk fund charges with the balance by ad valorem taxes, The bond sale to finance these projects had already anticipated the City funding needs t'()r these improvements. An assessment roll summary is included with the agenda that outlines the various project costs and how they were proposed to be assessed. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: c. I. Adopt a resolution adopting the assessment roll for the Chelsea Road and Groveland Phase I Improvement Project 98-25C as outlined in the iinal assessment roll. The total amount of the assessment would be $1,524,168.21. 4s IS 2. The Council could adopt a modified assessment roll depending on results of public hearing comments, ST AF'F RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. This project involved considerable negotiations with property owners along the former 90th Street frontage road, that was vacated as part of this new Chelsea extension. . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution · Assessment roll summary · Final assessment roll · Project area maps . . . RF:SOLUTION 2000-75 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT CHELSEA ROAD WEST/GROVELAND PROJECT NO. 98-25C WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed asscssment for the improvement of Chelsea Road West from Sandberg Road to 90th Street by thc construction of bituminous strects with concrete curb and gutter, sanitary scwer, watermain, storm sewer and appurtenant improvements including the construction of pond outlets and trunk improvements t()f thc Grovcland subdivision. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VEn BY THE CITY COlJNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNI~SOT A: I. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hercoC is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessmcnt against the lands named therein, and each tract of land thercin included is hereby found to bc benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payablc in equal annual installments extending ovcr a pcriod often years, the first of the installments to be payable on or beJ()re the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at thc rate of 6.5 percent per annum from thc date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To thc first installmcnt shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until Dccember 31, 2001. To each subsequent instalhnent when due shall be added interest for onc year on all unpaid installmcnts. 3. The owner of any property so asscssed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurcr, except that no interest shall be charged ifthc entirc assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this rcsolution; and he may, at any time thercaller, pay to the City Treasurer the entirc amount ofthe assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrucd to December 31 of the year in whieh such paymcnt is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will bc charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a ccrtified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. ^ TrEST: --""'--"'-.--,. -...--'..--.-..,.- Roger Relsaas, Mayor --.'.'---""'.-".'-..-'."---'.'. Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator )0 . . . OCT-12-2000 11:26 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.02/07 .. WSB B.A. Mittelsleadt, P.E. I1rct A. Wc:iu. PE. Peter R. Willenbring. r.E. DolUlld W. Slerna. P.E. Ronald B. Bray. P.E. 8441 Wayzata Boulevard, Suite 350 Minneapolis, MN 55426 tel: 763-541-4800 fax: 763-541-1700 & Associates. Inc. October 122000 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello SOS Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-1147 Rc: Assessment Roll Summary Chelsea Road West & Brentwood Circle City of Monticello Project No. 98-2SC WSB Project No. 1196-01 Dear Mr. W olfsteller: As a follow-up to the assessment roll that was forwarded to the City on October 4, 2000 for the Chelsea Road West and Brentwood Circle project, we would like to summarize the proposed assessments for the project As shown on the assessment roll, several assessment rates were calculated for the project for Chelsea Road, Marvin Road Pond Outlet, Chelsea Road Pond Outlet, and the Groveland Commercial Outlots. A snmmary of the assessments for each area is as follows: t:--Il!l;\\j. _~;r' . - ~l' ',II 1'1 I' I I 1 I'. II~'I: ',", Ilf'ln~t~t ....:~'I H c; I , _ I" ~~-~.l~~~ A. Street AIIesmICDt S1reet Construction Cost Chelsea Coun (City Cost) Subtotal 28% Indirect Expenses Street Project Cost Gould Bros. DIW Charse c\-.--, "" .-,,0 "-(.s DAD DfW Charge Denny Hecker DfW Charge Street ProJKt Cost to be Asselled Assessable Front Footage Street AIlCssmcnt Rate/Front Footap $407.334.19 ($2.994.50) $404.339.69 $113,215.11 SS 17,554.80 ($1,401.60) ($2,803.20) ($2,803.20) 5510,546.80 5,954.77 585.74" :\ 'Il, --,$ !;)" , ',:' tEeS ,,/\1 i '~~f -" Minneapolis · St. Cloud 1l1frastructurB En,m"rs Pl4nners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPWIN\lliI6-Ol\IOI~"""WIOI )0 OCT-12-2000 11:26 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.03/07 f . Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello October 12, 2000 Page 2 B. Storm Sewer for RIW DraiDage AsseallleD.t (I) Storm Sewer fat" RIW Constn.\ction COSI 28% Indirect Storm Sewer Project Cost Asseaable FroBt Footale ~~::\~~~~r r~~~,~~~~~te:;~F 0 ~ t&~) 'J~ -J$3t ~ b ;: )':>\(..)0 $178.947.00 550.105.16 5229,052.16 5,954.77 538.46 (1) The total storm sewer construction COlt for Chelsea Road West was separated into a C08t for stonn seWer to drain the stnlet right-of-way only to be assessed on a per front footage bais and for the additional cost to oversize the storm sewer to accommodate site drainage from me adjacent ptopemes to be auessed on a per acre basis. C. Storm Sewer for Site DraiDqe AHa,meot (I) Total Storm Sewer Constnlc:tion Cost 5224.996.50 Stann Sewer for RJW Construction Cost ($ 178.947.00) . Subtotal 546,049.50 28% Indirect 512.893.86 StorlD Sewer for 81.. Draiaage Project Cost 558,943.36 Asseuable Acreage 35.6] Storm Sewer for Site DralDap AutlSmeBt Rate per Acre $1,655.25 \ (1) The total storm sewer conltnlCuon cost tor Chelsea Road West was separated into a cost for storm sewer to drain the street right..of-way only to be assessed on a per front footage basis and for the additional cost to oversize the storm sewer to ~mmodate site drainaac from the acljaccnt properties to be assessed on a per acre basis. . F:\WPWJN\II96-0IIIOIZOO-llIIl.wpd JD OCT-12-2000 11:26 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.04/07 . Mr. Rick W olfsteller City of Monticello October 12, 2000 Page 3 D. Sanitary Sewer Aueameot Sanitary Sewer Construction Cost 85% Cost for Sanitary Sewer From Lift Station to Chelsea Road (I) Chelsea Court (City Cost) (1) Subtotal 28% Indirect Sanitary Sewer Project Cost D&D Sanitary Sewer Service Charse Sanitary Sewer Project Cost to be Assessed Assessable Front Footac. Sanitary Sewer AII.meat Rate I FF $ 180,424.60 (148.750.90) (529,012.00) $102,661.70 $28,745.28 5131,406.98 (55,632.00) 5125,774.98 4,67%.83 $16.91 . For the cost associated with the construc:tion o( sanitary lewer from the existing lift station at Marvin Road to Chelsea Road, 15% of the eost was estimated to corTCSpond with the: cost to provide sanitary sewer service to property along Chelsea Road. The remaining 85% of the cost was estimated to correspond with the cost to provide sanitary sewer slll'vice along Brentwood Circle and to Groveland Residential Development. (2) City cost for extra depth sanitary sewer to provide future service along Chelsea Court. (1) E. Waler Maio AsseumeBQ Water Main COnslnlmon Cost Chelsea Coun (City COlt) Subtotal 28% Indirect. W.er Main Project Cost Trunk Oversize (City COlt) Gould Bros. Water Main Revision Charac (I) D&D Water Service Charge Water MaiD Project COlt to be Assessed Assessable FrODt Footace Water MaID AsSesllDeot Rate I FF $206,320.00 (53,265.00) S203.0~~.00 556,855.40 5259,910.40 ($36,462.50) (57,616.00) ($2,048.00) $113,783.90 4,872.83 $43.87 . (I) Costs associated with revisiODJ to water main construction that were nCCCinry due to site grading completed at Gould Bros. during the project. F:\WPWIN\II"-OI\IOl ;wo.._. I () . . . OCT-12-2000 11:26 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.05/07 Mr. Rick Wol:fsteller City of Monticello October 12,2000 Page 4 F. RIW Acq....ltioll AIMs.ment Rate RIW A~uisition Cost Total Front Footage RIW AcquisitiOD AslUllDUt Raul FF Assusable FroDt Foot (I) Amount to be AlsClsed City Colt ::.'i Ci $89,000.00 5.954.77 S14~95 \ SZ,sU.%8 $4Z,181.80 .~. 546,818.20 (I) The total length of ft'ont footase was used to calcullUe an assCHment rate per front foot. The assessable front (ootage does not include front footage owned by the developer in lieu of donation of Chelsea Road West right--of.way. l ;:"'l:~.\:''tr..~_'I':.' 'I - - I. I I" ,_I'II"~-\,lltll,1 ~1;..;:'f~_I~ r~ hi-I \ I (I I I I , - I I \ I I' 11 I I L ~,~ ,!:ll ., ,.'1'1 HjI( I . ' \ I 1\'" I J" . I ~ 'I l_j'l;- A. Marvin Road Pond Outlet @ OIaOD Electric Project COllt Tributary Drainage Area (I) Assessment Rate per Acre Assessable Acreage (lJ Amonnt to be Assessed (1) $72,613.12 $80.30'" ,( j 5898.68 7.76 $6,374.74 B. Chelsea Road 'ond Outlet Project Cost Tributary Drainage Area (Acres) (I) Assessment Rate per Acre Assessable Acreage (I) Amount to be Alsnsed (%) 550,085.12 20.24 52,474.56 13.08 532,367.26 ( l) The total nibullly drainage area to the respective 110nn water ponds end pond outlets were used to calculate an usessmc:nt rate per llCCC. (2) The lISSeSlable aereaae and amount to be assessed for Ihe respective stann water ponds and pond outlets are for developed sitel only. Undeveloped sites are to be charaed a Trunk Storm Water Pee at the time of developmcnl in accordance with the Trunk Stann Sewer Policy. F,IWPWDIIlllI6oQIIIOI*"-_..."d )0 . . . OCT-12-2000 11:27 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.06/07 Mr. Rick Wolfstellcr City of Monticello October 12, 2000 Page 5 .l.'.~ '. 'I I ( . /~ ~ . \ ') I ' , ~I.. ",.' \ ,I 1\ ) A. Street/Storm Sewer Asseumeat Street Construction Cost Stonn Sewer Conltl"LlCtion COlt Subtotal 28% Indirect Street/Storm Sewer Cost to be Asiused OJ $65,364.68 S41,072.90 5 I 06,431.S8 529.802.52 5136,240.10 B. Water MaiD AII_meDt Construction Cost 556,580.00 $1;,842.40 $72,422.40 (514,640.00) 557.78%.40 28% Indirect Project Cost Trunk Oversize (City Cost) Water MaiD Cost to be Assclled (I) c. SaDituy Sewer Assessmeat Construction Cost 85% Cost for SanitaIY Sewer from Lift Station to Chelsea Road (2) Subtotal 28% Indirect $59,473.10 $48,750.90 $108,224.00 530,302.72 5138.526.72 ($48,970.00) 589,556.71 Project Cost Trunk Oversize (City Cost) Sanitary Sewer COlt to be Assessed (1) (I) CostS associated with improvements Ilona Brentwood Circlc UKiied to Groveland Residential Development. (2) For the colt: usociatcd with the C01\IU\Iction of sanitary sewer from me existing lift station at Marvin R.oad to Chelsea Road, 15% oftbe cost WlII estimated 10 coIlespond with the cost to provide sanitary sewer service to property a10ni Chelsea Road. The rem&intna 8:5% of the cost was estimateci to correspond with the cost to provide sanilar'y sewer service along Brentwood Circle and to Groveland Re&idential Development. The above tables outline the breakdown ofth.e project costs and assessment rate calculations. .11W1'WINIIIIII>-GIIIOI_-.... /a . . . OCT-12-2000 11:27 WSB & RSSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.07/07 Mr. Rick Wolfsteller City of Monticello October 12, 2000 Page 6 As shown on the assessment roll for the project, lump sum amounts are proposed to be assessed to lohn W. Michalis in the amount ofS 190,000.00, and to Greg and Zona Gutzwiller in the amount of 5176,000.00. These proposed lump sum assessment amounts are greater than the calculated assessments based on actual rates and front footage. These lump sum assessment amounts were provided by the developer to correspond with the purchase agreements negotiated with the respective property owners. The difference between the proposed lump sum assessment amounts and calculated assessments based on actual rates and front footage was used to reduce the total amount proposed to be assessed to the Groveland Commercial development. The remaining amount to be assessed to the Qroveland Commeroial development was distributed amongst the three outlots as shown on a per acre basis. Should you have any questions or require further infonnation regarding the proposed assessments, please contact me at (763) 277.5791. Sincerely, c: Bret Weiss, WSB & Associates, Inc. bba/nm /0 'WIWWJlo/\IIN-G1I10I_..,. TOTRL P. 07 Oct 10 00 04:3Sp M:11 033.50I$to,," Assess. (SWD)a . 320-252-3100 Engineer's Final Opinion of Probable Assessments City of Monticello County Rd. 25, Chelsea Rd. & Marvin Rd. Extension City Project No._ WSB Project No. 1033.50 . Parc., No. Pa....elIO ,',:"';i't:3,i;nin; ,,~2,&iG3:,' 155-500-113414 & 155-500-113408 :~i"';;$$jni;" 155.034.001030 ,:::;;j;aZH!m\.! '55-079.001020 ,,"~lit38';',:\~\;: 155-079-001030 HP:4tji1~r;: 155-500-113415 ;)",f",,,$'2o:i!!f\' 155--600-113412 ::',,'i'!t~a'~~!i 155-500-142106 :;'\W'S4.,mm" 155-079-001010 ;,',~~fi;Uiwm~ii 155-500-142207 It;;r2t!~;,~~ 155-032,001040 ;l:\~.t~~l:~(~r 155-032-001030 :"'~~iW5: ;'mli' 3.i:lfr,; 155-032-001010 ::::;:t~j ~l~~j\\: 155.036-0010~0 iim~;2li\l~i1 155-036-00101 0 ?~~;~~\~as~~~~~' :ill~g'[~iE'!;]1 155-036.001060 iii\'\f.;i!ff,;C';;.~ 111:1-036-001050 g~~~!m2.81~~~W .j2Q!lr\~9ai1155'094'OO1020 ~;m;;:3~r,ffi~i 155.094-001010 :\~;:m~1'mm~; 155-500.142207 ;;;'t'[1JjM.;; 155-500-142204 18 155-500-142300 ;!!;~i:;',$~1'1;~\ no parcel 10 number known m'i'q1Ziiiiltt 155-500-142303 ,,;:J"~P.\i\';(l! 155-500-142302 ~lt~5'-1""C ~i=,,~~,~, ~~~~~~~~~~~ I 51A F,\i'!lI1;mi'/ft 213-1 00-154402 Owner Cl!)' of Monticello James Refrigeration Filvelte Fund Chin Yuen Silver Fox Inn Larson-Larson Partnership Wag Partnership ~g Partnership WilD Partnership Chin Yuen Silver Fmc Inn Alan W. Mielke Joel & Janel Erickson Marlin & Ritz Besler Marlin & Ritz Bealer Charlll$ Leininger Sr. Wernet Comm ProD Warnet COnlin Proo. Wamet Comm ProD JoAnn & R.A. Lonalev Wamet Comm Prop Alen W. Mielke Linda & Daniel Mielke Gae B. Veil Alan W, Mielke Slate of Minnesota State of Mln nlsota City of Monticello Slate of Minnesota Glen &Lois PO$usta TH 25 V drain for oullet John & MalY LundClan LLC Ocello LLC Ocello Kjellberg Inc. Daryl S & MiChele A Cardinal City of Montle.,o Kje lberg Inc. SUB-TOTAL ASSESSMENT VALUE '" areel No. 51C 51A 518 510 51 Pa....elIO Owner 213-100-143200 City of Monticello Recent Purchase from Hoolund South CI tV of Monticello Recent Purchase from Hoglund North Ci Iv of Monticello Park & Ride C Iv of MontIcello 213.100-143200 NE Comer Cliy of Monticello SUIiI- TOTAL ASSESSMENT VALUE. GRAND TOTAL OF STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT VALUE = I . SIeve W. DOdge 10/10100 Area Assessed (Acre) 0]8 2.544 0.800 2.848 1.174 0,862 0.818 0,635 0.811 0.743 0.847 0.846 0.722 0.800 0.220 0.324 0.091 0.278 0.028 0.288 0.779 0.571 0.167 0.120 0.061 0.326 0.241 0.290 1.132 0.902 2.8n 1.610 1.080 1.890 2.510 2,640 33,193 Area Allllllesaed IACnl) 0.810 10.070 8.870 3.980 2,061 2:3.791 58.984 Cost Per Acre $3,085.00 $3.065.00 $3,085.00 53.085.00 $3,085.00 $3.065.00 $3,08500 $3,085.00 $3,OB5.00 n.085.00 $3,085.00 $:3,065.00 $3,085,00 $3 085.00 $3.085.00 $3.085.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3.085.00 $3,065.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3.085.00 53,085.00 $3,085.00 53,085.00 53.085,00 $3,085.00 $3,065.00 $3,085.00 $3,086.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 Cost Per Acre < $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3,085.00 $3.085.00 $3.085.00 9/21/00 Totel Assessment $2,344.60 $7,848.24 $2,468,00 $8,788.08 $3.621. 79 $2.659.27 $2,517.36 $1,9S6,88 52.501.84 $2292.16 $2,921.50 $1,992.91 $2227.37 $2.46B.00 $678.70 $999.54 $280.74 $1157.63 $86.36 $688.48 $2,403.22 $1,761.54 $515.20 $370.20 $188.19 $1,005.71 $743.49 $894.65 $3,492.22 $2,987.77 $8,258.55 $4,966.85 $3,331.se $5,213,65 $7,743.35 $8,144.40 $102,400.41 Total Assessment $2,499 $31,068 $21,184 $12,278 $8.358 $73,395 ~ p.12 )0 12 00 02:54p Oct 252-3100 320- . . . 1-1I ---- ...... <:> (...I ..... 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" ....t-::.:::;.;,:::: /" <.1 ; ~ ; L /~ ~ ~ " @"", ':, ":-.~~;-;(-,'\ I",' ~'" ~ ,... ,..' , , . /0 Oct 12 00 02:54p 320-252-3100 p.6 . .,....' ," \ \ "' . \ .-"' ..~ -', \' ~~~..<'~:\~'X.. .,..;~-;:~,~ "" -+.-.' ~ ,~:~~ " ..\:;,J;):"'.\:.-" ," ,. "\ .' ;' .:' ~ ',~~ /j, ';l. ',/ ~9. '>."1/:" ~',:'. ~t"/9.... J'.~" '" ....'1..... " " , ' , /' l:,~ .' " ,', , . - }' P.... . AIllE " @ (;; '" . ..,ts" -:"B , 5" .~. ......-:.:..::___ _--:::.~_-::-~,':;,,,_:,,,,::,,",..:::.;;;';;' ,.,. e. '--:--01 '.~ .~ ~ -. - ;,,-,~:-:'~-:' - -:. - - --':,,- ....~;:;'".....~__...,..........,_............. _............ ._""..t, " . , .:! J \ \i ,L\.'~... _ 1~ _ ~~;~=:.~~~~:' ;.T.~ .. ......."..;.\. ~.. ,..'~:r _ ".-'.'~ . , ~-~....-_..-. --- .-.:'i.Y:_-~- ~-- ..........- .-- -1"l~--'"- I .~ -- .:;' .-...~-"f~__\\\ ~~le-itI@I~~J;: ......~~.\. @ \_. ':..... h6\Z9 '."~\".;. :;\,'v""<--. N" . "'.";, , ~ _ ~ .,.''1. " :, \,J"'" -Ae 5\ I L -- ".' ,";-,..t: 9p~9.:U ~~~I ~-- ~. ~ .::-; --: ~ ;" j) for'Acces~r . ". ~;."', ~ ,.~ \:"-, . .....i-:. . ::...........; ;-- '!....~ ' ~.:~~~ \..,." ........ '. i ..c: '...... ........., ... ',~ '<,.'. 'wt'~, ."._ ""'x ,....:~ .. \t.' @ ',1;" "'~i 36 . 1:;1 ...... 'I/Uf35'.\.... 113,~ . r._~..,. I,,' _~. eveloper '~......::':~. J .-, ~. )-:-"'::,j - i:_ _,:'" j' --- () ....p.. c........... ", ,~. : '.t" .-1~1J ~ ...~l <~:~~~:.:>I "'YO'l"'"' I ~ ;0. "'..- '. @ /I.~~..- ; ., \ \ i@ -- ;-.J~>~::",>- \ \ \ \ \ \ \ ..\ "\ \ \ \ " \-- \ ,.:,'7'_~......'" " ...,.,....- ,...:'"",,~ /" "" . '","", .' f:/1033,50/cad/rw-roll,dgn Oct. 12, 2000 08,53,05 /0 >>: .. -..1 -N . . . OCT-12-2000 11:25 WSB & ASSOCIATES INC. 7635411700 P.01/07 .. WS8 - & Associates. Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 612-541-4800 FAX 541w1700 13.A. Miuc:!.stC::Ldt. P.E. Br~ A. Wc:iss, RE. Peter R. WiUc:nbring. RE. Donald \w. StCrf\:L, p.E.. Ronald B. Br:LY, P.E. Fax Transmittal To: ~~'l. IAI. Organization: h1tnf..f~ Fax No: lol/LJ.PD , , Date: Copy to: Fa No.' Reo' (!1.Ju... f?-J W. IIM..~ ~- Project No: --Jlj!, -IJ J Number of Pages FoUowillg This Letul Sheet ..b.- tJ,,6 ()+J ~~~. CJI.I iYAL IAN~ -7-iJf",IWM::.. ~ l-(~ O1A-o.. -u.J,;J,;.J.. 1111- (..w~J fM~ ..J .I"~ V · Fro",: Co",ments: Faxed this date at am / pm c: Initials F \wrV(IN'J...I'...mCN~"i"n ..pa Minneapolis · St. Cloud In.!r-'-cNr, Engin,ers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER --- ~~~3 I I I I ~~ "TInt :::0:::0 ~~ --i _ "TIZ O"TI 0:::0 ....-iO )>:z: G>....-i m"TI II 0 NO -00 );! ~G> Nm c:JQ II "". ~ N 00 ~ en )> :z: ~ ~ :::0 "TI :::0 o :z: ....-i "TI o o );! Ci) m II .?>- m t:j 00 ~ en ;d tT1 ~ Vl C) 1> I I'I - C) en --i o m 3: "TI :::0 o :z: --l "TI o o );! G) m II c..n 1.0 ~ /-" .L ( ) () ~._- -- ----- -TI IT1 1'1 --1 CD ---0 o ...... -=l , -.,\-- '", "'" :: i ! f i -.i f i i ./ ! i i i i i i f i i i i f f i ! i i i i i / ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i .... '" c.o c.o .... :;.. " c... , , Lh -- - -.---- - If) C') J> I IT] () '" ()~. ..--- o --____"-'~ 'I ITl ITJ -I CD -0 o .---. ~ r-'."! i i i ! j L.. , I I 1'" I , , I I I I , :-'" i """ :", : '-" : '--- I '" I " ,. '\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ i ! j ! i m ~~ ~/ ~i~ ~ Pi:::<!O ~iCJ!Ei . :::0' );>! ~' -u 0_0 f}1:z::z: rffio i ! i i : i , : i ". " i i II ; U I ; II I I :, :;' t' I: ; i i ! i i i i j r ...... 00 w . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 11. Public Hearin2; and adoption of assessment roll: CSAH 75 Improvement. Proj. 98-17C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Project No. 98-17C involved reconstruction ofCSAH 75 (Broadway) from Washington Street to east County Road 39. In addition to widening of Broadway into four lanes with left turn movements, Hart Boulevard was also realigned near the hospital and included the construction of a traftie signal. Total construction costs f(x the improvements was $1,968,189.00 of which the County will be reimbursing the City $1,473, 548.00 for their share of the work. Portions of the project including storm sewer, water, and sewer extensions and replacements along with pathway, curb and gutter, median lighting, sprinkling system and additional right-of-way necessary for the project was the responsibility of the City which brought the City's portion of the project with indirect costs to $914,408.00. Of this amount, $439,775.00 is proposed to be assessed to benefitting property owners including the hospital payment for the signal system. The halance of $474,000 is planned to be paid for by various sewer, water and trunk fund monies along with future tax levies. This assessment roll is proposed to be also spread over ten years with a 701<.) interest rate. B. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS l. Adopt a resolution adopting the assesSlnent roll for the CSAH 75 Improvement Project No. 98-17C as proposed. Pu.ll b ~F X~ ( 1j(),..d"-iP.:J I Ji:/1()<.J11 fI,~d 1-uL FtLVMIl1 2. Adopt a modified assessment roll. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and the City Engineer that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. It should be noted that this assessment for some parcels along Broadway included a watermain assessment for water lines that were replaced as part or the reconstruction project. This partial assessment for watermain replacement is expected to be continued along east and west Broadway when the County reconstructs the remainder of the road in the future. D. SUPPORTING DATA: . A copy of resolution Assessment roll summaries . . . . RESOLUTION 2000-76 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENT PRO.JECT NO. 98-17C WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of County State Aid l-lighway (CSAH) 75 from Hennepin Street to the CSAH 39/18 intersection by construction of street, utilities and appurtenant improvements, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereoC is hereby accepted and shall constitute the spccial assessmcnt against the lands named therein, and each tract of land thcrein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of seven (7.0) percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31,2001. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to eertification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessmcnt remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before Novcmber 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessmcnt to the county auditor to bc extended on the property tax lists orthe county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator } I " ~ ... I I I ' II ' 'I ' I" 1 '" ---- i~i: ~I ~"~I : ':!:I'~I:I' ~~I'~'I:f~I':!: jJI~I':1;J;f:{! ~ . lilo~ill flili~1 i I j~11 III jill'iillj i,lli II'~IIII!II!IIII > I ........ - -.. . ~I~ -,- - - ~ i I .... - 51 - - ~ - [[ i " ;;;'f Ii" ~ if 91 '.- i~'I~ ~ ~ flf i -r"~I';I~ f- !i' ;ji, n n g ;:, &. I~ CIIII ~ ~ :::II :::J 51~ ;!" Ilg. - t Sl, I r.l? ~ il l!lor ~I~e, ~.'~'~'~I'ij'=',jj'R' ll.... :ii'I' ,; ~I~I~ I il~l~ jflij'f. I f~$~~,ij~ J I iPI~I! [1:, II .~ [I!I~ I ='1=1: ~? ~I I 't'.I~I~'~'I~I~ ~I~I I~I~I iw o c c m I'n m II~I ..' I""" I" " " I)C p,. 0 '~i B: ~',~, ~i:;'~ ~ I ;i~ ~I~I~ ~ ~'I~ I ~; i~I;I~ I ~? Elgls I ~I~I~ II"i I : :.'Ij~.l;j.~.~-! : II....II;,~"I ~ I 1 I" I I I i: r tlg:~I~li~ I I 1 I I I r~ :: I '! II/III hii~rl~llr[l[ ! 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"!J;!iWlr.!;;!i'r.:m '''''ilii'! i\ll\\l ,.. ..""lee' r.ll~"''', 'jlij<',. jJt\( , "t,'-i' L'!l"'''1\1f;iii";'''rlil'''l;;;;'~ll\!!!1,,,,1!l 't'.;~ilili)" ""'''!it''t1j~'j\\\\i:''~ii~'';1f;~\\~ffiii1 ll",,;f,\ti,''''L1,"ijl;'''-1\f,''''''s1!1!ll1'!liti'irJ:',\!~;,: .,,, Watermain Assessments Based on Bid Prices WSS Project' Projecl Location: Client Project No: WSB Project No: County State Aid Highway 7S lmprovllment Project Monticello. MN SAP. 86-675,12; City Project 98-17C 1109,10 Checked by: Bids Opened: N. Marshall June 23,1999 09f23/00 BONO..US CORPORA nON R L LAirson E:.:e. Jn~ Line 118m Esilmaled Un~ No. Number Quanl~ Price Co.. -- ~ - L__ ;:':~-- --. ~GA~e\Ai.VEAND BOX -, - - J ,~gH !-.- ~:~- _~, i $1,600,00 ~- --1- - -2504.602 ..-- -I,,, CORPORATioN STOP-- - --__1_ eAC,11 ---j _ 100._-. 550:00 I-- $50 00 ---:;-- .-,--- ~2 ---- <<'CURBSTOP&BOX-- -.- EACH -! --100 ~::': -:.-~:=,~ -, -S-- -~--- -2504,603'--' -11" TYPE KCOPPER-PIPE ~ --, -~-I TiNFT--1- 22.00- $12:00 -+.- $275.00 ---s-- '- -250<\,603-- -iij="'WATERMPJN-DUCTIRONCl52--- i-lINn--j 121~OO'- $16,OO--=--t-~ $'~:-3!i~J52 ~'_.-~--~50<162o--'- IFITTINGS'------- T-pouNi)'i 200.00- $125 $25000 TOTAl CONSTRUCTION COST = 522.147,00 31% LEAF = $6,865,57 TOTAL ASSeSSABLE COST = $29.D12,57 SCHOOL DISTRICT I I R L Lar~on EIe. Ine line ttBm Esilmalad Unil I No, Number D.leription Unit Ouantity Price Co.. 1 2504,602 fj'GAlf:VAlVI'A/j..':!...1l0X, I EACH ' 1,00 ,1430,00 I $430,00 ~' 2 .. - --=-~2504.603 _.=~AtERMAlN-DUCTIRONC~52 ,=~'-";......LlNrr::.=t 912,00 _~ ~_ $16,00 ': -S14,59200 3, 2504,620 ,FlTrINGS I POUND: 100,00 ' S125 r - $1~5 00 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST. $15,147.00 31% LEA~. $4,695,57 TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST. $19,842,57 . GLADYS HOGLUND R L La....oo Ex.::, In.:: h..m Un~ No, Number Description Unit Quanti Price "'"2-+ ---==-. ~::: ~-f,:~~PO~~~O:~T~~X -=-='~= I ~~~ +' ~:oo _ ~~ ~50~00 -+ --i-~ -' ~;g:::~ .._--+,;~~: K~g:P~~~~PE ,--=-.__1- .~~i . - ~:--= ~~1~~; -t_ - --~., ,-- - 2504,603'- --+$" WATER ~N.DUCT IRON C1.R. .,__ _I ......!:.I~ ~~__?18.00_ ....!!~,OO_.._ ---S -- 1-- ~O<I,152o- --[FITrINGS POUND, 100,00 $1,25 I TOTAL CONSTRUCTION COST = 31% LEAF: TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST. COlt $430.00 . $5000 $150,00 $41'23b 'S4,44ii.'oo $'1-25,00 $5,610,$0 51.740,81 $7356,31 . CSAH 75 ASSESSMENTS4'INAl 10"0/00 Pg.lo/2 // . . . TO: PersonsJn charge of assessments FROM: Cheryl Steinmetz (913 East Broadway-- Co. Rd. 75) HE: Assessements to property DATE: September 28, 2000 Please note that I am selling my property to the Hospital since they want this block. Barb Swientek would like me to payoff the assessments before we close. I inquired about three months ago, but no one could discouer what these would be. When figuring these out please take into consideration that I had to go through great stress, inconuenience, and euen pain because of my Multiple Schlerosis and the inability to use my driueway for ouer 3 months. I had to park on Dayton Street and had to walk across a uacant lot pitted with potholes which caused me to lose my balance and fall seueral times. I had to ask a friend or pay a student to bring my groceries across that lot since I was unable to carry them. My water was shut off for 8 days and I had to buy bottled water because my drinking water was brown and unclear. They hooked a huge hose to my outdoor faucet which caused this faucet to leak all winter forming a huge icicle. When I had the faucet replaced in the spring, it cost ouer $90.00. My mailboH was moued ouer to Dayton Street so in the winter I am forced to walk out on Broadway Street in the traffic since the snowplows throw huge banks of snow along the lawns and I am unable to walk through these. Also by remouing the parking lane (when they so-called lIimprouedll the road,) it is almost impossible to get in and out of my driueway unless I back directly into the on-coming traffic which is continuously coming from the hospital (if not rush hour traffic from the Cities). I won't euen mention all the noise and dust which occurred on a daily basis so I had to run my air conditioner all summer and couldn't open up the house. AII-in-all, it was a horrendous eHperience fraught with great stress and inconuenience. Are you sure I shouldn't be assessing this city for euerything they put me through? BE K I NO! 11 Council Agenda - 10/23/00 . 12. Public Hearing and adoption of assessment roll - TH 25 Improvements. Proiect No. 96-04C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The TI 125 Improvement Projeet has been substantially completed and property that specifically benefitted from various components of the improvement should now be assessed. As you will recall, the City took the lead on doing this project which reconstructed South Trunk I lighway 25 into four lanes with left turn channelization from 1-94 to Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park. The total construction cost for the improvement including City utilities. amounted to $6,175,736. The City's share of this construction cost. without any right-of-way or indircct costs, was $1,865.305. To the City's share we would also have to add $690,160 flw right-of..way acquisition and 35% for engineering and other indirect costs making the City's total share of this project $3,449.877. The only issue that remains to be resolved concerning right-of-way costs relates to an upcoming court hearing tl)r the condemnation of an access closure to the Mel Wolters property and storm pond acquisition cost. The final cost for this acquisition has not been agreed to and it will likely be dctermined through court action. . Of the City's total sharc of the project of $3,450,000, it is proposed that $912,624 be assessed to benefitting properties for new street construction such as Chelsea Road intersection and Dundas Road extension along with some utility services provided to new property and storm sewer improvements. Of the $912,624 in assessments. $414,000 of this amount belongs to the Remmle property which is owned by the City. The street and utilities constructed on the Remmle property lead to the new park and ride lot and this property will eventually benefit from these improvements when developed commercially. In addition to the Remmle parcel, the City property owned along Dundas Road would also be assessed a total of an additional $68,000 for sewer and water extensions and bituminous paving on Dundas Road. Likewise, this is a piece of commercial property that will eventually be available for development and the assessments would be added to the eventual sale price. It should be noted that properties abutting TII 25 were not assessed for any of the TH 25 improvements that were paid for by MnDOT and that properties which are proposed to be assessed for street construction relate to properties along Oakwood Drive where the road was reconstructed or where new roads were built that did not exist in the past, i.e. Chelsea Road intersection. If properties received new sanitary sewer or watermain improvements, they would have also been assessed directly fix these benefits. Most of the properties involved in this assessment roll are contributing to storm sewer improvements that were completed as part of the project, including construction of a large storm water ponding area and additional storm sewer constructed within the TI I 25 right-of~way that directly benefitted adjacent properties. . It is proposed that this assessment roll also be spread over ten years at an interest rate of 6%. This interest rate is established based on the cost of financing the City's share of this project. . . . Council Agenda ~ 10/23/00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. The first alternative is to adopt the resolution and assessment roll as recommended by the City Engineer. 2. The Council could adopt an assessment roll that is modified based on public hearing comments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution · Assessment roll summaries . . . RESOLUTION 2000-77 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT TH 25 IMPROVEMENT PRO.JECT NO. 96-04C WI-U:REAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon al\ objections to the proposed assessment fix the improvement of the Tll 25 corridor hom 1-94 by construction of street improvements, traffic signal installation, storm sewer and other necessary appurtenances. NOW, TIU:REFOR~:, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: I. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof. is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shal\ be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often years. the first of the instal\ments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January. 2002 and shal\ bear interest at the rate of six (6.0) percent per annum from the date of the adoption oCthis assessment resolution. To the first installment shal\ be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution unti I December 31, 2001. '1'0 each subsequcnt instal\ment when due shall be added interest for one year on al\ unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor. pay the whole ofthe assessment on such property. with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may. at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest aecrued to December 31 of the year in which such paymcnt ismadc. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extcnded on the propcrty tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be col\ected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by thc Monticello City Council this 23rd day ofOctobcr, 2000. ATTEST: Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfstellcr. City Administrator / d. . rJ) C QJ E rJ) rJ) .~ rn c l.L . .Q Q.l U :.;:; C o :E o 0'" ",;g~ Nt60 >om rn . ;;: 0 0 ..c::ZZ Ol_ 0 I al <l> ..Y '0.0' 3Q:cl: r'= >0 CD '';:; (I) Os - o >. ::: U ON r...... 0 co r--- ~ ~~~;::~~;:~~ m ~;;;:~~.~~g~ O~~8~Nfj~;t~ J-~ :;(/)~I:F)6'7~cf) <( ~7:hN ,,; :!l .,j ~ "" [2 C; en co. cri ('\I .... .... c~88gg8g888gg tV~g&jS;S;g~~~s;~g ~ E .. '" 5:':;: '- - 00000000000 00000000000 00000000006 if) (/) w €A- or) t>'7lfi if) VJ. t:/'} ~ ~~ ~ '" .~ ~ {j"J ~ <( ';:< ;;; '" .() ~ '" '" Q. 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OJ .5: '" 0; - IT; E 0; 0; ::QQ~ ~ IT; ?i; .c. 1ii 0 0 ~,~ rn :;; :;; U Ui ~ ::.; ~ (:> " 0 " " '" 9 - n - 0 '" " i:' '" '" '" "- - 0 0 0 0 " 0 0 '" '" "'- " '" '" <:; 0 '" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 '" 0 '" 0 " - (D " " " <:; - - - '" - '" 0 0 " " " 0 0 0 " 0 " 0 0 '" '" '" 0 ~ ~ ~ 0 0 '" - " " " "" 0 0 0 0 cO (") '" '" '" '" '" 0 '" '" 0 0 0 0 '" 0 0 '" 0 '" (J) '" '" .;, .;, .;, .;, .;, .;, .;, 0 0 .;, <0 <0 '" '" '" '" ';! ~ '" .;, .;, '" - - - - - - - - - - '" '" ;;; <( <( ~ ci - '" '" '" 0 '" '" " 1- 00 Z '" '" ;::j '" - ~ " " " " " " "- '" o ill 2; N (; '" 0> <l. '-' .s '" '" rn .0 ~ <( oJ ~ }d. . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 13. Puhlic Hearing and adoption of assessment roll- Walnut Street Improvement Proiect 98-13C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROIJND: Project No. 98-13C consisted of reconstruction of Walnut Street approximately 1 Y2 blocks, between the railroad tracks to just south of 6th Street adjacent to the Community Center. The improvement included the construction of angled parking within the boulevards adjacent to the Community Center, Marquette Bank facility. Edina Realty and behind our liquor store. Total project costs for the improvement including indirect was $225,340.39. The assessable portion of the project to benefitting properties totaled $168,816, of which $40,095 was for our liquor store property, $8,c)81 to the vacant Ferrell Gas parcel and $78.566 to the Community Center facility. Other than City owned properties, the Marquette Bank and Edina Realty facility owned John Komarek are the only other two parcels proposed to be assessed for a total of $22.072.00 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: I. Adopt a resolution adopting the assessment roll as proposed f()r $16X,X 16.4 7. The assessments would be spread over ten years at an interest rate of 7%. 2. Adopt a modified assessment roll based on public hearing comments. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and City Engineer that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of resolution · Improvement cost summary & assessment roll . . . RESOLUTION 2000-78 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT WALNUT STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 98-13C WHEREAS. pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law. the Council has mct and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of Walnut Street from 6th Street north to the railroad tracks by the installation of bituminous paving. concrete curb and gutter, parking improvements and all other appurtenant work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hcrcof: is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands namcd therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. ') Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period often years. the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January. 2002 and shall bear interest at thc rate of seven (7.0) percent per annum from the datc of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added intercst on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31. 200 1. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. The owner of any property so assessed may. at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor. pay the whole of the assessment on such propel1y. \\lith interest accrued to the date of payment. to the City Treasurer. except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days hom the adoption of this resolution: and he may. at any time thereafter. pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid. with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk. shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended 011 the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Counci I this 23rJ day of October. 2000. ATTEST: Roger I:klsaas. ~vlayor Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator /3 Oct 10 00 04:34p 320-252-3100 p.4 Walnut Street Improvements Walnut Street Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 98.13C Wright County, Minnesota WSB Project No.1 01 0.91 Walnut Street ~ Project No. 98-13C Line I Parcel I Owner I Front Footage Cost per I Total No. I Number Description l.F. L.F. I Assessment SC~-ITUI.~:Street! ----- -'___._. __ __ ___.____ -L ____._. ... _'_.___ __ J "_'_ _ ____ ~- 155.010-014.0~q:fjtY-?!..~onticello Liquor Stor~__"_ ,,_ ___ ..___ _-+ _ .1_68..:.5_ _. _ _ $~37.96__! _$40,.o~5.73_ .~J1S5-010.01 X:~.1.o1C.i!yo~_Montice~"<Vaca~t Parce!_~ Ferel~ GasL._ __ _. _~_ _u ~_18.01. _ _ __ _$~7 ..:.961_ _~28.'081.29_ 3 I 155-010.013M010!City of Monticello Community Center '330.17 $237.96 " $78,566.22 "TI15S-010-006-060Marquette Bari~- - - -- - -- .-- --- ,- - -- -. -", see attached r-- -$1-2,294.85 5T155-010-055.090~ohnkomarek-.--- - -.- .------ '----1" .-. - ,-- -- se;eatt~iche(fr--$9,778.37 !-__L'..':'.__ _~ ._______________________._.__.__ .'_"_' ._______._____________ Contractor: Buffalo Bituminous PO Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 Total Assessment =/ $168,816.47 . . pg. 1 of 1 1 0/1 0/00 /3 Oct 10 00 04:35p 320-252-3100 p.5 Final Assessments - Marquette Bank Inut Street Improvement Project City of Monticello Project No. 98-13C Wright County, Minnesota wse Project No. 1010.91 \",.,<.: >'~:;;f~f!~~~~':~~ COnlf'ilClQ/'C Buffalo Botuminous PO Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 Walnut Street - Pro ect No. 98-13C CilYlOwner City/Owner Uno 110m E.itmB/ed Bid rotal 75/25 20190 No. NumtJer Dellert tion Quantity Prtce CO~I Spill Splil hedule A . Street. 'I I 1 1T104.5ii1' 'iREMOVEBITUMINOUSCURB&G\jTTE~-'-+-'-~ LF'i"-o.oo" -$2"}S'J '"- -$0.00 .__ ~._..... i....... . 2104.501 .;REMOVE CONCFlETECURlf&GUITER='=:,'=-+-lF-=-= 16S:00~' ... 53}'"ri-C-='-"'i618.75 - $618.75 ' I 2104.'01 IRl::MOVESTORMSEIM;RPfPE . IF ~ D.OO$~:DO: $0.00 _n -- T- 4i 2104.503 ;REMOVE CONCRETESlDEWALK' -=-:= - ---=r. . SY -- -91:67 - -~6.00~. r==-$m:~ - _.:..- $~.:.Oli":;~- 5.J........21D4.50S -~EMOVE8ITUMINOUSPAVIN.'L ._,_ _ ~--_SY _...L339.:~' $2.10' $711.90 $711.90 I u- ~~~::. 1~~~~8~:~~~~:~~VEMENi-=-=-= =J .~~H-I=ri:_ - n.!;;::'~ --+-=-=- ::: .=--=.~ 1~ ~ ~}~:E~~rf;S~~L!~~~~::~~~~CK(L~~--=---~~~++- H~,-r=-~: -;:il:~ ~ .:::::1 . _:-=t;;; ""11"'r-2211.502IAGGREGATE BASE CL 5: MOD (C~--"-'-' ---cy- r 98.00-- S15.40, $1,509.20 ! Si.S09.20 12 I 2331.5M BITUMINOUS WEAR COURSE (TYPE41) 2.0" THICK-- IroN --'1 42:"'00- ~ _s28-50..-J = _ " ,197,00__ _u_' S1 :I!7.0Q ..E+-' 2331.512 : BITUMINOUS LEVELING COUI~SE (TYPE 31) lir THiCK " . TONi= .o-oO..'.~- S;l5.oo' SO.DO r $0.00 H! 2331.514 ii.TUMIIIlOUSBASECOU.RSE(TYPE!!L?O'THICK _+..TON_!_4;2.00 _ $2750 -+ $115500 $115500 ~.I_f331.5~.iBIT~MINOUS~IXTUREFPRTA~fQ~T ___ _ _ GAL._f _~~~ _ ~~~1~-'=. ~~$l~:~ ~-._.'= -i~"~~~~;i~ ..!!.L2451.5~_~G~ULARaACKFIL.L(L"L.~ _ __ _._L_.CY_;_o.~ _ ~_6:~ _...j___ $O.~___ _ '_ __ 11 ~50~.ICONC. RETEWALK."THICK . __. _L~~80.oo.. . _.?~ _~~ . $5,t1~2.00 1___ __ 18 W~~604 . 8RICK WALK. CONCR!:TE PAVERS I SF . 0.00 S6.50 ~ $0.00 $0.00 2!J..~1.501....if;ONCRETE.CURB & GUTTER DESIGN, VALLEY GUTTER . L.F '''-1' '" 92.00_ :: SJ.!..59 !_ -=- $1.334.00 - - 51.33.4.~ =- u --~ 2~31.~0130NCRETE 9URO & GUTTER DESIGN, a.61~__ -+- _L!,__ _ 180.~ _. __ 5.1g~__I"_ ~$1 ,680.00 __Sl.880.~_..._ 21' 2531.~1",...JCONCRETECURB&GUTTER,DESIGN&-t118(MOD)_---,- ---.!t_ L.O.OO ..$1700_ __.....!9.'OO __u~QEOL _n :; . ::;:~ i'':;':;;'''::'~:'~~~~~';',"'''' =-+- ~ =- '=- :~ ... -~,:: -+ =--= ;X@= - ~:::i:= ~; i ~~:::~~ .-. '.1:0~~G~~~~~e.~. ~f~~~NCRETEi:OVER)~==-t-E~H 1'--6.~~~. '. . k.~~~ .. r.=-- ::: =~__:;~. . _....-=_ 2 2564.603.4" SOUD LINE WHITE - PAINT =l LF -1 0.00 $0.60; $0.00 SO.OO ! ~=::~'8~~~EL~;L~1~":~~~W-'EP6XY .' ~~. -~~ +--~.:-_: .J~:~ t.'. - ::; "-..__Jri:~:n~. - 2 2571.541 TRANSPLANr I TREE 0.00 $75.00 I $0.00 $0.00 . 30 :-i575.505 iSDDOING.TYPEi.A~- - -- --'gV---I- 316.oif-.--si15l. '--$im.l.40 ~- nl -S579.40 Total Scheaule A . $16,240.2~ $9.901.90' $6.33235 28% LEAF- 54.~7.27 $2.774.21 51.773.06 Rand Total"" $20,787.52 $12,682.11 $8,105.41 $20.787.52 25% 10% $3.170.53 $6.46433 $9,854.85 Total Str..t A...a"mont.. $0,154.8& 23-Sep-OO Additional assessment rot "idlilw..'k on 6th SlnI.t 100q,(, Owner 2521.501 CONCRETE WALK 4. THICK SF 800.00 $4.40 I Total Iteet Assessment ~ T ota) A53e.s&menllt.l $2,640.00 I $9.654.85 $12.294,851 ...... ~ . pg.1 of 1 10/1 0100 / 3 Oct 10 00 04:35p 320-252-3100 p.6 ~.1~1~.n ;' 'J , '"'B\,;~~"i.;n!:C~;i,i,;.;. .\1'~~~'J'lo."~t"~;d;:;nt'~i,,;;:;!'''i"fu\i~ ,~" !iir..;,;_i\\1'\iii',;i,;;;'j"J;l~~:\j"kW'.,t'f:rf"::";~""~'.'\,n"!,;,g,';l':"\;i\~l";~%i'''~"t ."ll'i,~\ti'..F';"'""'i,)t'f[)'i.,;".\"'.:';:"o'.. Final Assessments - John Komarek ut S~t Improvement Project City of Montlc.Uo ProjKt No. 98-13C Wright County, Mlnnuota WSB Project No. 1010.91 ContractolO Buffalo Bituminous PO Box 337 Buffalo, MN 55313 Walnut Street. Pro ect No. 98--13C Ci IOwner City/OWner lIem Eoittneted Bid Total 75/2!l 20/80 No, Number OescrfptiOil Quantity Prlce Cost Slllit $plit ~h!.dUI~':4~~~eetIREMOvE BrrUMINOU$ CU~El&GUTTER-~-=-':""-~---:-.-LF L 'i5.00'-~" .. ...!?75r.~'.= $O.~. ____ Tn. .' 2.~' 2104.501 ji:. RE~VE CONCRETE C.l!.~B &GUTT€'!. _ __. _ -r- _LE- _F .~!.~5.0q' _ ". _!.'. .75 +- _ _. ~618.75 _ _ _ .-=~ _. $618.75 3 2104,!5Ql IRE VE STORM SEWER PIPE --1. LF ; 0.00 $10.00 I SO.OO I '4 i;04.503 I REMOVE CONCRETE SiOEWAlK -- U - -- ,-- sY '-1 - Q1"87 - --$&:ro-iu - ~oooo -- '$0:;0:00;-- :.~ ~;g:::~~~~~CW~~~i~A~ING .~ . .~-L~H-~ 1- ~~Oo... s~~i- ~._.~'-.. $7;~::__~~71i~~Oj.~_=-. ~, ..3.!.O.<l.m ~NGDITUMINOUSPAVEMENT..__ .~. __ r.__u:~....;_._~O.~_..,g.~ i _ ___ .~.oo ----l __ .. 9" j;.::~~~~O~LE:;:~~~~~.~~ICK(L~ -=_ __ -="=IJ~-.;. ~~2;; ::_ s~~: T =_~:a~:~- =-=-..~i-~:~:: ...!.q I 2123.507 11 1/2 CV BACKHOE RENTAL I HOUR ! 0.00 590.00 $0.00 $0.00 11, 2211.502 'AGG'REGATEilASECI.5,MOD(C~~ --- ----T-CY~:98.60'- - $l5::40 ~1,509.20- -1= -$1,509.20 :~--! . ~~~:: ~~:~~~~=~~~R;~R<;~~~~;~;~~iCK -or ~g~ ~.:. ~~:;-': _. :~::~ r' =- .~~1~:~ - .=:~ .-:.-- .~~J~~~ -:: ~:::~;:Iii!!:::= :t~"~~';".: ~~;~nflCK +- -~ :;- -:I~:- ~,':::- c- ''j::~=-d:::- "~::];: -::.:r.::= ~~~:~"i::;~ =--= ::--= t::;:_~ ;:::,,';\:'00 - ::::=1::"':=",':::::: "~"'j -= 18, 2621.604 BRICK WALK. CONCRETE PAVERS i- SF . 0.00 sa.50 I $0.00 _.. $0.02..:....__ ~;-- 2~1.5i:11 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN-:VAi,lEVGUITERI_Y' - : =-1i2.oo-:- $104,50-''::'" ""=_ $1,334:~. ..!!,,334.~+--__ 2O_.:.?'.50~ ~RETECURB&G.UTTEAo.ESJGN~!~'.~I_!:.........F _: _'~oo ...!lO.50 L __. ..!1,690.00 ..!!.-8~T ._. -~:: E;E! ~g;o=T~~E;Zl~~~~~m:::t rr~-I -ii ::E~-~::= E.E:-' , -i!: r-::-::: ..~: L..~:~~ ~~~~G~~~~~~~~;~~~NCRETECOVERL_-==t=E~~~= [=.&~.= -:S~:'~-i---=--.=:. ::~.=::~r _-:..~. no Jti26' -1;~::~_~~S~~~.~DUL~~E~.~i~ :~7~T'~"-. --=----=--_=_ T~~~--L."" b:~:.__. ~ :i:: _ __ t- -_~ ~:: -'-__~ ~:: i --::_: .. 25~~4.':.QQ!:l~SOLlDUNEYELLOW:EPOX!......_ _ '.Y__ L 0.00_ _&4.00 .---;-_..1!!:~ __S9.001__ 2. 2571.:141 !TRANSPLANT --r' TREE ,: 0.00 575,00 --I SO.OO $0.001' 30"7 2575.505' SODDING, TYPE LAwN--'- - -- -- -+-- '5;"-' ! 31aoo -i2:1T ---t- --$67~AO ---- -- $079.40 Total Schedule A = $16,&26.25 $10.293.90 I $6.332.35 28% LEAF. $4,tI.50.3!l $:l,lI112.2Q Sl,7 3.06 Rand Total" S21.281.60 S13.176,1!i1 $8,105.41 $21,281.80 25..10 80% $3.29405 $13,484.33 $Q,778.37 TGtal Str..t .Aas.sstnent- ".778.37 23-Sep-DO . pg. 10/1 10/1 0100 /3 Oct 10 00 04:35p ~. r~:': E:g~ ~~ +-' mill ~I " I "--'tf.;! ;r~ ~uj 001 +-' 'F..R' C .~~ CD ;na: Eli CI) .Il (J'J ~~:. ", :ilijl \U ~, ~ ~rul <( ~~ Uk~ 'JOf~; co ~f~ c ir~ . ~ ~~i~ LL. i~W- mii U ~OC .~ "".j' - '\l\! 0. f,jl' _ 0 ~.lir~ ~~: s:: :2 ,lilli' ~ .>> ~i!m: I:: eft t~l ~ ~ :;;\11 _ - J! ... ~liH c.. g 0 en J.i"" E .- = ci ill~:-~c~ "'''1_ 0. c ~ .m~: CD .2 i . mm'cuQi .0 r~~~.b u ~z l~~ CI) :;; c: U "l"l' C:J QJ J:ni"'" 0 0 '-" J~~:I:Eue :H~i\ C ... -....J 4. "lli\- o.r:. r:ru' ca ;:..~ m ':;;;.' 3: .- > ~ ~m! 0;>;> . ~,(~.:.ii ~ .:t"":;;" ~nt:;. r:,~t. ~~i l!l\\j ,~"I dta~ .l~ ;[~f ~~! ,m~~, !I::~~ ~j, f~ :m\\ ~:'I~ ili I ~~: .:!lffi ~~ :~; .' ;.lir en .... 0- a. 00 . . o o I C. lU en M N IT) M ::J .,..... 0 M C If) j If) ...... Z M iIi M ~ 0 a 0 ;m III ~ ::J 0 ::J III a. III ..... .9 c..l ~ i: 0 U u (") ,... Ill!> 0) ~ - u II) e 0.:: . - ell ~ - C/,) - :;, .s: ~ 320-252-3100 p.? ~... III III ~ ~ r:: QJ 111m en ,0 ';; 1 '0> . iCO! o o <0 (J) co fI9. o o 2> ?5 ~ , "..1 --+;-f- g, o o N t"- o M c .; E QJ - III ~ ,N, I::; I ~M,t I I 'u).' fI9. -+ +- '1'- N. N !~ I . (J) ,~l I :g _, , ll't :~I i ~ fI9.; I '-'''...)..r I ~ I E t o ~ _ III rnrn ... .!} ~~ o_ ff) ~ -'!J- J.... ,t-- "" c "'", v Q) u:i; i cd E..... ~ II) 00., ~ ;:~. Cl) lIl.....j " ., ~ ~ fh fI9. --. . ;;:~bl';; at _ &qr\!q<q~ 1Il ~ .....,lJ')iCO IJ') 0 0" ll)!lOl<<:>.lco..,. (.) ~ 111 ""_Ie'!. q "l _ . IJ')'NM CO) In ~ g ~i\Oi I ~ ~- fI9.:~,lI9-'fhll9- -,I'i'! I I I ! 12 I e 'Ill lu '.~ ! i is c: IE .e ; E Q. i ,0 .;: IU 0 ,Q,) 1Il ; e>:5 QI , Q "-1'- ,10 0 E'';;; , !215 '~I~ I Ii;:: : "0 ! ! QJ 14: ... ~ ... ~,1lI ~ : 1Ill<l.ll Q,) CII:<I.l:~<I.l -EIOE CD: .~ I Q,) I 'c: ,I ~1.91101.9 rn U) ,U) U) I I , ,M l I~ ~ '... ::I I I lU -g 4:'[0 uj'E 'fi~,~~.o "- 0 U) -51-51-51~ Q) Q) III c; ~ ,e ,e:,e (II u: U' UI..c: U),U);U)'(.) ~N,",'<t g I . . . B. Council Agenda - 10/23/00 14. Public hearin1! and adoption of assessment roll - Elm Street Improvement Project No. 2000-0Sc. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROLJND: The Elm Street Sewer and Watermain Improvement Project No, 2000-08C, constructed sanitary sewer and watermain extensions along Elm Street f."om the intersection of Country Club Road south to 1-94. The inlprovement was originally requested by Monticello R V Center and also provided sewer to Tim Genung's home, Total cost of the project was $39,860.32, which is proposed to be assessed 10()lYo to benefitting property owners, The Council should note that adoption of this assessment roll is proposed to be based on the cost being equally split anlOngst three parcels, the RV Center, Tim Genung's home and 'Tom Brennan, By agreeing to assess the properties on an unit basis rather than on a hont footage basis means that each property is being charged one sanitary sewer and one water unit fiJr their existing structures. i.e. the RV Center and the residential home and that in Mr. Genung's case. if his acreage is further developed in the future with other bui Idings, structures or uses, additional sanitary sewer and watermain charges will likely be applicable to his property, The assessment roll resolution adopted by the Council will speeillcally identify the assessments as being unit charges for the public record. The assessment roll is proposed to be assessed over ten years at an interest rate of 6 12 %, ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: ] , Adopt the resolution and assessment roll for the Elm Street Sewer and Water Improvement Project in the amount of $39,860.32 with the assessment being divided equally to the three parties with a notation that the assessments are based on a one unit charge per parcel providing services to the existing buildings on the Genung and RV Center properties only. ) Adopt a modified assessment roll based on input from the public comments, C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. It is the recommendation of the City Engineer, Public Works Director and City Administrator that the assessment roll be adopted as proposed. It is also recommended that the resolution specifically adopting the assessment roll noted that the aSSessments are being spread on a one unit basis per parcel and that they do not exclude any large parcels that may develop further in the future t.'om being charged additional costs in the future Ii.)r sewer and water connections, SUPPORTING DATA: o Copy of resolution Final Construction Cost Summary . RESOLUTION 2000-79 R~~SOLlITION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ELM STREET IMPROVEMENT PRO.JECT NO. 2000-08C WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of 1:1111 Street from 60 feet south of Seventh Strcet approximately 460 feet to the Monticello RV Center by the installation of sanitary sewer, watermain and other appurtenant work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY TllE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. The assessment is based on one unit per parcel. Should the parcels be further developed in the future, additional costs for sewer and water connections may be charged. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending ovcr a period of ten years, the first of the installments to be payable on or before the first Monday in January, 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6.5 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2001. To each subsequent installment when due shall be added intcrest for one ycar on all unpaid installments. . 3. The owner of any property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the county auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property, with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter, pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid, with interest accrued to December 31 of the year in which such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax I ists of the county. Such assessments shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. ^dopted by the Monticello City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. ATTEST: -",.-.,-,-,-,~,._",~,,_.- --,--- . Roger Relsaas, Mayor -...-.,.-.".-..,.-.".-.-.'.-".---.- Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator lY ~~r-,u-uu <<~u '.J1 1M lU~~lU <<VAA~ 1'/\/\ !\V. lVll.J.ll.JJ.IJ. 1 . 1.1 1. . FINAL CONSTRUCTION COSTS ELM STREET sewER AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS / " PROJECT f# 2000.08C DESCRIPTION UNIT QTY TO DATE Unit Total OVER SCHED. A- SURFACE IMP. 5127/00 Cost Cost 1. MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 1 1.00 1400 2. TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 1 2,250 2250 3. AGG. BASE CLASS s..MOO TON 300 288.18 8.5 1878.87 4. TURFESTABUSHMENT L.S. 1 1 1,400 1400 v SCHEO. B- WATER.MAlN IMP. I 1. CONNECT TO EXIST. WM EACH 1 1 200 200 2. FURNISH AND INST. HYO. 'EACH 1 1 1.500 1500 3, 0" GV AND BOX EACH 1 1 500 500 4. 1" CORP. STOP 'EACH 2 2 100 200 5. 1" CURS STOP AND BOX EACH 2 2 125 250 e. 8" WATERMAIN DIP CL. 52 LIN.FT. 500 494 16 7904 1. e" WATER-MAIN DIP CL. 52 LIN.FT. 20 23 14 322 8. 1" TVPE K COPPER PIPE iLIN.FT. 80 88 7.5 735 Q OIP FITTINGS Les. 220 220 1.2 264 .CHEO. C. SAN. SEWER IMP. . 8" PVC SEW. PIPE SOR 35 UN. FT. 470 500 17 8600 ~. 4" PVC SEW. PIPE SDR 35 UN.FT 70 80 11 880 3. CON ST. OF SAN. MH 48" LIN.FT. 24 24 133 3192 ". CASTING ASSEMBLY SAN. EACH 2 2 150 300 5. TELEVISING LIN.FT. 530 530 1 530 6, 8" BV 4" PVC WYE EACH 2 2 40 80 .... ACTUAL COST 32286.e7 555.07 ORIG. CONTRACT Indirect Costs Construction !- Schluender Engineering J WSB ....: Braun Legal - Times Inspection (60 1/2 hr@$57/hr) Admin/PW Fee (2% of Const) Assmt Roll 1% capitalized interest to 10/23/99 TOTAL . 31131 $32,294.00 2,325.90 145.51 133.09 3,448.50 645.88 544.51 $39,860.32 \ J4 . . . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 15. Public hearine and adoption of assessment roll - Orchard Road Improvement Project No. 2000-07C. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Orchard Road Improvement consisted of complete reconstruction of Orchard Road between 1-94 bridge and County Road 75. The total project costs for the reconstruction was $25,280 of which it is proposed to be assessed entirely to the benefitting property owner, Northern States Power Company. The recommendation for assessing 100% of the project costs to the benefitting property owner relates to the fact that this reconstruction project involved a complete reconstruction of the road base and bituminous overlay. When an entire road is reconstructed, it is recommended that the Council consider assessing 100% of the cost whereas if minimal grading is needed to the subbase and only bituminous surhlcing is replaced a lower percentage of the project cost could be considered for assessment purposes. While the City has not been faced with a number of replacement projects yet, many of our streets arc nearing the end of their useful life and we will be doing many more street reconstruction projects in the next ten years. The general policy regarding how we will finance and assess reconstruction projects in the future should be established by the City Council in the near future. Adopting a policy as described earlier that would assess 100% of a street reconstruction to benelitting property owners if the entire subbase had to be reworked or modified in addition to the bituminous surfacing could be a policy that is used by the Council in the future if similar situations are encountered. If the Council is not in agreement with this type of policy, an adjustment could be nlade to the Orchard Road assessment roll before adoption. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTION: I. Adopt the assessment roll as proposed assessing $25,280.00 to the benefitting property owner for the Orchard Road Project. ) Adopt a modified assessment roll assessing less than 100% of the cost. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: D. As noted above, due to the major reconstruction that had to occur on this segment of road, it is recommended that 100% of the reconstruction cost be assessed to the benefitting property owner. Northern States Power. Although it can be a separate issue in the future for Council consideration, we should be looking at adopting a policy that we can use throughout the cOlnmunity in the future as more street repair projects are initiated. SUPPORTING DATA: · Copy of final construction costs summary · Resolution . . . RESOLUTION 2000-80 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ORCHARD ROAD FROM 1-94 TO COUNTY ROAD 75 PROJECT NO. 2000-07C WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for the improvement of Orchard Road between 1-94 and County Road 75 West by removal of existing bituminous surface, regrading of the road bed and shoulders. replacement of Class V, installation of a 3 1'2" bituminous surface and all necessary appurtenant work, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOT A: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and madc a part hereof. is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessment against the lands named therein. and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the proposed improvement in the amount of the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years. the first of the installments to be payable on or before the Erst Monday in January. 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate 01'6.5% percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessmcnt from the datc of this resolution until December 31. 2001. To each subscquent installment when due shall be added interest for one year on all unpaid installments. 3. Thc owner of any property so assessed may. at any time prior to certification of the asscssment to the county auditor. pay the whole of the assessment on such propcrty. with interest accrued to thc date of payment. to the City Treasurer, except that no interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution; and he may, at any time thereafter. pay to the City Treasurer the entire amount of the assessment remaining unpaid. with interest accrucd to Deccmbcr 31 of the year in \vhich such payment is made. Such payment must be made before November 15 or interest will be charged through December 31 of the next succeeding year. 4. The clerk shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment to the county auditor to be extended on the property tax lists of the county. Such assessments shall bc collected and paid over in the same manncr as other municipal taxes. Adoptcd by thc Monticello City Council this nrd day of October. 2000. A TrEST: Roger Belsaas. Mayor Rick Wolfsteller. City Administrator )5 ALO _mus, INC. CON T R ACT PRO G RES S EST I MAT E ract 00559- "ONTICELLO ORCHARO RO RECONST. ESTINATE t ; Period From OATE: ~9/20/00 To 09/16/00 ------------------~~---~---------.~------------------*----~-~-----------------..------------~4_.__________A~.___________________ BER OESCRIPTIOtI CONTRACT QUANTITY CONTRACT QUANTITY AMOUNT JTO UNIT MATERIALS PRICE O~HITE 1ol0RK CO~PlETE AMOUNT A~OUNT PREVIOUS THIS PERIOO .,-------~~~.--------------~-.--------~----------------______N~*~~~~_..___________44..______________~~_____________~~____________ 1- SAW CUT 8IT PAVEMENT 92.00 275.~~ 93.58 3.0~ ~.00 28~.74 0.~0 280.74 2- REMOVE BIT. PAVING 1,250.00 2,062.50 1,250.00 1.65 0.0~ 2.062.50 0.0~ 2,~52.511 3~ CO~~ON EXC + DISPOSAL 250.0~ 2,250.00 250.00 9.0~ 0.00 2,2511.00 0.00 2,250.00 4- TOPSOIL 4" THICK (LV) 60.00 1,200.00 3U~ 20.0~ 0.00 660.00 0.0~ 653.00 5~ AGG SASE CL-5 ~OO (CV) 275.00 4,59B.00 99.00 16. 72 0.00 1,655.28 0.00 1,655.2B .\~ 6IT IolEAR COURSE TYPE 41 1. 5" 115.30 4,577.00 llUl 39.8~ 0.il0 4,617.20 0.~0 4.617.20 7~ BIT BASE COURSE TYPE 31 2.0" l6 ~ .00 6,368.00 17B.78 39.80 0.00 7, 115 . 44 0.00 7,115.44 3- BIT MIXTURE FOR TACK 150.00 30~.0~ 50.00 2.00 0.00 100.00 UO 1 il il . 00 9- 4" OBl SOLID YEllOW LINE EPOX 3B3.00 2,106.50 375.00 5.50 0.00 2,m.50 uo 2,062.50 '0- SOOOI~G TYPE LAWN 260. 00 910.00 275. 0 ~ 3.50 0.00 962.50 il.00 962.50 ) A- EXTRA: 4" SOLID WHITE 0.00 0.00 815.00 1.10 0.0~ 896.50 0.00 396.50 MONTICELLO ORCHARD RO RECONST ~ . 00 0.00 0.00 0.00 U~ 0.00 0.00 0.00 SUB TOTALS 24,648.0~ ~.00 22,662.66 0.00 22,662.66 . LESS RETAINAGE : 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .. TOTAL DUE .. 0.0~ 22,662.66 0.30 22,662.56 "'NET 1~ OAYS; PLEASE MAIL PAYMENT TO:'" BUFFALO aITU~INOUS, INC. BOX 337, 8UFFALO, 1N 55313 iF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, CAll 682-1271 Indirect Costs: Engineering - Survey Engineering - Inspections PW/Admin. (2% of Constr) Capitalized Interest 1% (2 mas) 232.00 1,396.50 459.08 229.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $ 25,280.00 . / C' ---J . Council Agenda - 10/23/00 16. Public hearine--Adoption of proposed assessment roll for delinquent accounts receivable bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (C.S.) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is asked to adopt an assessment roll for accounts receivable bills which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor as of November 30, 2000, for collection on next year's real estate taxes if not paid within 30 days of this public hearing. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification in 2000 at an interest rate of 8% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without any additional interest. B. 1. 2. . C. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll; Complete listing ofdelinquent accounts to be certified. . . . . RESOLUTION 2000 - 82 RESOLlJTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL FORIH:LINQUENT ACCOtJNTS RECEIVABLE WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has mct and heard and passed upon all objcctions to the proposed assessment for delinquent accounts receivable charges. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: 1. Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a pat1 hereof, is hcreby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Sueh assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2002 and shall bear interest at the rate of S percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessmcnt resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the datc of this resolution until December 31,2001. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessmcnt to thc county auditor, pay the whole of the assessmcnt on such propcrty with interest accrued to the date of payment. to the City Treasurer, cxcept that no intcrcst shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. Thc City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified dupl icate of this assessment roll to the county auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adoptcd by the City Council this 23rd day of October, 2000. Roger Belsaas, Mayor Rick Wolfstcller, City Adlninistrator / Co. . t- ,'1 ....... 0 CU In C) I Vl III 0 0 <I.) 0... u ~j .<;::: ;;;. ,... ..... ,... ;: Q.) 0::1 0::1 0... <I.) Vl C >- ;;;. 0... 0... 4- 0 0 0 0 a ~ ~ ...s:: ~j OIl bI) bI) ..... ii.i ii.i u ,... == ::: 0... '5 ..... ..... ,... ~ > ~ -0 co Vl <I.) <I.) ~ ..... VJ cu Q.) <I.) 0 0 0 0 ..... ..... ..... E E E .Ei ~ ..... ..... ...0 -S - --.. ~ Vl Q.) 0 ~ [f) --.. 0 ,... Vl ::t 0 Q.) E ~ Q.) --.. 0 ...:.:: VJ ,... :c ..... ~ -- :E -0 <I.) ,... Q.) ::l a OIl ,... ...:.:: 0::1 .;:: r/J ..... ti Q.) Vl -0 co <I.) . ::: == ...:.:: ::l ..... ..... 0::1 <I.) >"10 0::1 -, >) CI... ..... ti '-' '- N Vl ,... cu <t <I.) u ..... ,... .... ;;;. ;!=! ,... :-g c Q.) 0::1 [f) ,... :::: Q.) 2 ~ ~ a <I.) 0 .... :2 0 :3: E f- a ~ u <I.) ::: :::.c VJ Ci3 ..... 0::1 CO 0::1 u.. Q) a > >.." Q.) .~ ..... [f) Q. 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'" <=> "' :> o '" ", '" < "' 1..,1 ~ ;;: '" Ul " " H m 'L. o f-< Ul H P " 8 H <=> [,] lJ '" ~ ", "' :r: f-< "' l~ '" P Assessment Update October 23, 2000 Rick W olfsteller As part ofthe CSAH 75 Project, the City needed to acquire additional easements from Ken Schwartz and Dean Hoglund to allow for construction of the frontage road that leads to Total Mart and Liberty Bank. The attached letter outlines the details of an agreement we thought we had with the property owners that indicated that we were buying their property for $83,000 with the understanding that half of this right-of-way cost would be assessed back to them when the project was finishcd. Please note the second to last paragraph. Finally, they signed this lettcr acknowledging their understanding of the process and we relied on those terms and conditions in acquiring their property. The purpose of this note is to advise you that it is very likely that an attorney representing these individuals will be at Monday night's meeting to object to the cost of the assessments, mainly because of the right-of-way costs we are proposing to assess back to them. If the property owner intends to appeal their assessment, we certainly will be using this letter and their acknowledgment of the terms and conditions as part of our court documents. At this time, I just wanted to make you aware of it in case they or an attorney representing them appear at the assessment hearing. . wss ~ & Associates, Inc. 350 Westwood Lake Office 8441 Wayzata Boulevard Minneapolis, MN 55426 BA. Mirrelsteadt, P.E. Bret A. Weiss, P.E. Peter R. Willenbring, P.E. Donald W. Sterna, P.E. Ronald B. Bray, P.E. 612~541 ~4800 FAX 541-1700 July 21, 1999 Mr. Dean Hoglund Mr. Ken Schwartz Kean of Monticello, Inc. PO Box 1274 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: CSAH 75 Improvement S.A.P. 86-675~ 12 City of Monticello, MN Right-of- Way Acquisition/Hart Boulevard Extension WSB Project No. 1109.10 REVISED OFFER Dear Mr. Hoglund and Mr. Schwartz: Several meetings have been held to discuss the offer proposed to you by letter on June 23, 1999. This offer proposed compensation in the amount of $32,100 for a parcel estimated at 16,049 square feet. Based on those discussions, I have had several opportunities to further discuss the value of the property regarding the appraisal completed for the City of Monticello. Relative to your concerns and the facts presented at our meetings, the appraiser, Ms. Julie Jeffrey-Schwartz, stated that the actual square foot value can easily be justified at $3 per square foot and possibly up to a value of $4 per square foot. Our discussions also included the commercial property adjacent to the intersection of CSAH 39 and CSAH 75 in the northeast corner that is currently listed in the amount of $5 to $7 per square foot. In discussions with the developer of this parcel, they have agreed that the amount is somewhat speculative and will probably not receive an offer in that amount until after the CSAH 75 improvements have been completed. The City of Monticello, in conjunction with the Wright County Highway Department, has pursued the improvement of CSAH 75 for several reasons. TheseincIude the need for improved capacity due to substantial traffic increases on CSAH 75 both today and in the future, CSAH 75 currently lacks left turn accommodations and access control, along with the City's desire to improve the aesthetics and urban nature of this roadway. The extension of Hart Boulevard as a frontage road connection to the future 7th Street intersection in the front portion of your property promotes future development with safe access at a proposed signalized intersection with left turn channelization. Upon further review of the existing plat and documents on file with the City of Monticello, it was noted that there is an existing 12-foot drainage and utility easement within the property boundary, along with a permanent easement on the east end of the property by the existing connection of Hart Boulevard in the dimensions of 17.81 feet x 46.08 feet, or 821 square feet (see attached documents). The amount of permanent easement for roadway purposes has now been recalculated to an area of Minneapolis · St. Cloud Infrastructure Engineers Planners EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER F:\WPWIN\11 09.10\072199-dh&ks. wpd Mr. Dean Hoglund Mr. Ken Schwartz Kean of Monticello, Inc. July 21, 1999 Page 2 15,320 square feet. Mr. John Simola has also requested that the drainage and utility easement be perpetuated, and this amounts to a 3,200 square foot easement. On July 15, 1999, the City of Monticello made an offer of $76,600 for the permanent roadway easement and $6,400 for the utility and drainage easement, for a total of $83,000. After further discussions with City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller in a meeting held on Tuesday, July 20, 1999, the City of Monticello revised their offer on the permanent easement to approximately $5.42 per square foot. This amounts to an offer of$83,000, with the utility and drainage easement being replaced in-kind at no cost. Verbal agreement was reached upon further discussions between the City and yourselves. The City of Monticello will prepare the necessary purchase agreement for closing within the next two weeks. Kean of Monticello, Inc., is responsible for obtaining a release from the mortgage company. The assessment will proceed as previously discussed with an assessment to the property of 50% of the roadway, a portion of the storm water improvements, along with an assessment of 50% of the right-of-way cost to this parcel. Again, this will be handled at an assessment hearing anticipated to be held in the fall of 1999. If this offer is acceptable, please sign the following page acknowledging the terms of the negotiation. Please do not hesitate to call me at (612) 277-5787 if you have additional concerns and/or questions. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. ~~ ,d. ~CI t;~ld B. Bray, P.E. / Project Manager Encl. RBB/kd c: Rick Wolfsteller, City of Monticello John Simola, City of Monticello Bret Weiss, City Engineer, WSB & Associates, Inc. Dennis Dalen, Olson, Usset & Weingarden Project File No. 1109.10 F:\WPWIN\1109.10\072199~h&ks.wpd Mr. Dean HoglW1d Mr. Ken Schwartz Kean of Monticello, Inc. July 21, 1999 Page 3 CITY OF MONTICELLO REPRESENTATNE: KEAN OF MONTICELLO, INC.: ---9~ ~/ L 1:t~~F 'Ken SChW . a~ 7/n/i ~ Date WITNESS: Q/YJ1#1I Q" ~, F:IWPWINI1109.1010721911-dh&ks.wpd