Parks Commission Agenda Packet 11-20-2008AGENDA
November 20, 2008 - 4:30 p.m.
`To enhance community pride through developing and
maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality"
(Note the date change)
1. Call to Order.
2. Approve minutes of October 30, 2008 Parks Commission meeting
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Citizens comments and requests.
5. Park Maintenance.
6. Review of Parks and Trails Map
7. Approval of plans for gazebo at East Bridge Park
8. Updates/Other Information:
A. Terms of Larry Nolan and Nancy McCaffrey expire 12/31/08. Will the individuals
consider another term.
B. Tentative meeting date in December is 12/18/08 -Does the Commission want to
meet in December.
9. Adjourn.
Park Commission Minutes: 8/20/08
October 30, 2008 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing maintaining
City parks with a standard of quality."
Members Present: Gene Emanuel, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver
Members Absent: Mark Larson and Council Liaison Brian Stumpf
Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent
Call to Order.
Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum
Aunrove minutes of August 20, 2008 regular Parks Commission meeting.
Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
No items were added.
Citizens comments and requests.
There was no one who spoke under citizens comments or requests. Gene Emanuel indicated he
had received a call about the trees in Groveland Park. The caller suggested that the trees be
trimmed up so that they would grow taller. The caller also noted at the parks there are some tree
stumps that protrude out of the ground and these could be a safety hazard for people using the
park. Tom Pawelk said removing the stumps is on their list of things to do. They will either be
contracting with a firm to do the removal or they may wait to see if they can get the stump
grinder from the county and have Park Department staff do the removal.
Nancy McCaffrey asked about Sunset Ponds where there was a problem of the older children
bullying the younger ones. Tom Pawelk responded that the problem seems to have been taken
care of as he has not heard any complaints lately. Rick Traver indicated that disk golf at Par
West park had a lot of activity. Tom Pawelk reported that the contractor on the play structure
that was installed at Hillcrest Park had come out and tightened bolts and added some additional
bolts on the play structure. The contractor questioned whether some steps had been missed in the
installation of the structure which was done by volunteers not by the contractor's staffbut at the
present time everything is properly placed and tightened.
Park Commission Minutes: 8/20/08
5. Park Maintenance.
Park Superintendent, Tom Pawelk submitted a list of the work completed including pictures
of the shelter at Groveland Park. The shelter is completed except for the cedar on the inside of
the shelter. The shelter is 30' x 20' and six picnic tables will be placed in the shelter. There will
also be a grill for the park. The area has been seeded as well.
The Parks Department staff has completed schooling/training in the past month which included
an expo where the individuals could actually test out the various pieces of equipment being
displayed. Staff also worked on blowing out the irrigation systems at the parks.
The Parks Department staff did initial work for the new Community Garden which included the
tilling. The Water Department will put in a set up to allow those using the garden to have a
source for water. Tom Pawelk gave an update on where the Community Garden will be located
and how it will be operated.
The Dutch Elm disease inspections have been completed and over 800 diseased trees were
identified. Residents were notified that the trees needed to be removed. Staff will check the ones
that have not yet been removed and send out a second letter. If the trees are not removed by the
property owner, the City will remove the trees.
The fall fertilizing has been completed and fertilizer for next year has been ordered which
allowed the City to take advantage of current rates. The park at Hunter's Crossing was mowed
and they are working at the cemetery which includes preparing the area for paving next year.
Negotiations are just about complete for the City to acquire the outlot in Union Crossings which
is the proposed location of the "Welcome to Monticello" sign. Staff also completed the trimming
work in East Bridge Park.
Gene Emanuel asked about the fields and how they held up this year. Tom Pawelk explained
some of the processes they used on the fields which he felt helped the turf hold up better under
intensive use. Larry Nolan asked about the revenue from the concessions at the ballfields. Tom
Pawelk indicated that since all the revenue went into the general fund the Finance Department
didn't break it out any further. The Parks Department had wanted to bill the MCC for the time
and materials spent maintaining the fields but the Finance Department did not encourage that
saying since everything goes into the general fund it would not make any difference. Rick Traver
asked if the ballfield lights were charged to the Parks Department. Tom Pawelk indicated they
were and that the softball/football leagues were charged back for a portion of the cost.
The Parks Commission expressed their concern that they were not able to get information on how
much revenue was generated by the concessions at the ballfields. It was noted in the past they
had received reports but the format of the reports was not conducive to understanding what was
expended and what revenue was generated. Tom Pawelk felt that a Park and Recreation
Department needed to be set up. At the present time the Parks Department does all maintenance
and improvements to the recreational facilities while the MCC staff is doing the scheduling for
the recreational programs. Having this done under one department would make it clearer as far
as tracking costs related to the facility costs and programs.
Park Commission Minutes: 8/20/08
Tom Pawelk extended an invitation to the Parks Commission from Public Works Director John
Simola to attend his retirement party on December 13, 2008 at 5 p.m. at the American Legion
6. Updates.
Tom Pawelk updated the Parks Commission on recent tour of the YMCA property by DNR
officials. He indicated that the representatives were very complimentary about the project. Tom
Pawelk said Friday the parties will be meeting regarding the purchase of the first phase of the
YMCA property which is about 304 acres. Tom Pawelk and the Parks Commission discussed
funding for this project.
7. Adiourn.
Recording Secretary
Revenue Total $50,647
Lea ue Fees $22,010 ---~ ~~-~~ ~
Concessions $28,637
Ex enses Total $51,559
Um fires $13,685
Prizes and Team Sanction Fees $1,710
Concession Ex enses $29,212
Concession Workers $4,487
Lea ue Mana er $2,465
~ NET ($912)1
One time char es for remodelin facilit $7,000
This does not include equipment purchased
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Net after remodelin costs $6,088