Planning Commission Agenda 05-20-08 (Workshop Meeting)CITY OF MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION SIGN ORDINANCE AMENDMENT WORKSHOP May 20a', 2008 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM AGENDA MEETING 1: I. Determining Existing Issues Hour 1 For this discussion, we want to create a list of issues with the existing sign regulations -how they work or don't work. This discussion may include identification of problem examples, difficulties in applying the regulations, and any other concerns we have in working with this ordinance. We should end up with a "laundry list" of issues and problems at the end of this exercise. a. Monticello Case Studies b. Other Issues -Review Ordinance c. General Issues with Current Ordinance i. Clarity ii. Enforcement iii. Consistent Application iv. "Fairness" v. Effectiveness 2. Goals for a New Ordinance Hour 2 Under this topic, we would want to explore what we would be trying to achieve with a new Sign Ordinance. Some of the probable topics are listed below. It is important in this discussion to avoid thinking about what the current ordinance does or doesn't do -here we want to think about an "ideal "sign plan, around which we can draft ordinance language. a. Communication b. Visual Clutter c. Safety d. Potential Distraction e. Ease of Enforcement f. "Good Signs" and "Bad Signs" -Define FUTURE MEETING AGENDA (FORMAT FOR DISCUSSION) MEETINGS 2 & 3: 1. Community Input Workshops We expect to hold at least two workshops with members of the community to discuss the material developed at the first meeting. The purpose of these workshops will be to gather feedback from business owners, as well as residents, as to the City's signage environment, and to test how our list of goals may reflect a broader audience. MEETING 4: 1. Other Communities: Case Studies a. Ordinance Examples and Results 2. Defining Our Options At this meeting, we will examine sign regulations from other places where we can both look at the ordinance, and see the effects - we expect to gather some photographs of those places so we have a visual example of how regulations are written and applied in other communities. We will also have a summary of options for sign ordinance drafting, and we hope to identify one, or parts of several, set of regulations that may serve as a model for our own ordinance preparation. MEETING 5: 1. Ordinance Building Staff will create a draft ordinance based on the material discussed and presented at the previous meetings. This meeting will be intended to review the goals, and consider the draft ordinance prior to scheduling a public hearing for adoption of a new code. whereupon mining is to occur and repairing the degradation of roadways used to transport soils. Subject to the terms of an approved subdivision development agreement or conditional use permit, a grading permit allowing mining shall be issued by the City Engineer and City Building Official. Upon application far a grading permit for mining, a fee for grading permit shall be paid to the City by the applicant. Such fee shall be determined by City Council resolution. (#322, 4/12/99) 3-9: SIGNS: [A] PURPOSE: This subdivision is established to protect and promote health, safety, general welfare, and order within the city of Monticello through the establishment of a comprehensive and impartial series of standards, regulations, and procedures governing the type, numbers, size structure, location, height, lighting, erection, use and/or display of devices, signs, or symbols serving as a visual communication media to persons situated within or upon publicright-of- ways or properties. The provisions of this subdivision are intended to encourage opportunity for effective, orderly communication by xeducing confusion and hazards resulting from unnecessary and/or indiscriminate use of communication facilities. (B] PERMITTED AND PROHIBITED SIGNS: 1. PERMITTED SIGNS: The following signs are allowed without a permit but shall comply with all other applicable provisions of this subdivision: (a} Public signs (b) Identification signs: There may be one (1) per premise not to exceed two (2) square feet in area. If the sign is freestanding, the total height may not exceed five (5) feet. (c) Integral signs (d) Political campaign signs: Shall not exceed twelve {12) square feet in all other zoning districts. Every campaign sign must contain the name and address of persons responsible for such sign, and that person shall be responsible for its removal. Signs shall remain in place for no longer than five (5) days after the election for which they are intended. All signs shall be confined to private property. The City shall have the right to remove and destroy unsightly signs or remove signs after the five (5) day limit and assess a fee of five dollars ($5.00) per sign for removal. (e) Holiday Signs: Displayed for a period not to exceed thirty (30) days. 3146 (f} Constriction Signs: Such signs shall be confined to the site of the construction, alteration, or repair, and shall be removed within two (2) years of the date of issuance of the first building permit or when the particular project is completed, whichever is sooner as determined by the City Building Inspector or his agent. One (I} sign shall be permitted for each major street the project abuts. No sign may exceed fifty (50) square feet. (g) Individual Property Sale or Rental Signs: Signs must be removed within fourteen (14) days after sale or rental of property. Signs may not measure more than four (4) square feet in "R" districts, nor more than twenty (20) square feet in all other districts. There shall be only one (1) sign per premise. Corner properties, however, may contain two (2} signs, one (1) per frontage. (h) Information/Directional Signs: Shall not be larger than ten (10) square feet and shall conform to the location provisions of the specific district. (i) Portable Signs (as defined in Section 3-9.(B).2.(e).i} Such signs shall be subject to the following requirement: The signs shall be allowed only within the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. 2. The signs shall occupy the public or private sidewalk area within five (5) feet of the entryway of the business it serves. 3. The placement of the signs shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. If on the public sidewalk, such signs shall be placed so that no less than six feet of sidewalk is available far passing of pedestrians. 4. The signs shall display messages oriented toward pedestrians. 5. The signs shall not have electrical connections, nor include any lighted or moving component. 6. The display of such signs shall be limited to the hours of the business it serves. ?. The signs shall be constructed of wood or other materials determined acceptable by the City. Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the CCD zoning district, and shall not be composed of "flourescent" colors. 8. The maximum size of such signs shall be no greater than five (5) feet in height and six (6} square feet in area and must comply with all other regulations of this ordinance. 3147 9. Any sign placed under this section shall infer an indemnification of the City of Monticello by the owner of the sign for any liability or claim made involving the sign or sign location. 10. No such sign shall be connected or attached to any public structure, including light poles, traffic control devices, public street furniture, utility equipment, or other such facility. (#403, 11/10/03) 2. PROHIBITED SIGNS: The following signs are specifically prohibited by this paragraph. (a) Any sign which obstructs the vision of drivers or pedestrians or detracts from the visibility of any official traffic control device. (b) Any sign which contains or imitates an official traffic sign or signal, except for private, on-premises directional signs. {c} Any sign which moves or rotates. Exempt are time and temperature information and barber poles. {d) Any sign which contains or consists of banners, pennants, ribbons, streamers, strings of light bulbs, spinners, or similar devices, except in case of Subsection [C], Paragraph 4. (e) Portable signs as defined in i below and other attention-getting devices as defined in iii-v below, except as allowed in Section 3-9.(B). 1 (i) and as provided for in Subsection [C], Paragraph 4. (#403,11/10/03} i. Portable signs shall be defined as an advertising device not permanently attached to a building, facade, or pylon. ii. Banners shall be defined as fabric, paper, vinyl, or similar material which carries a specific message and which can be hung on a wall, facade, awning, canopy, suspension cable or wire, etc. iii. Streamers/Pennants shall be defined as flags, triangular pennants, spirals, spinners, etc., attached in series to a single cord or support line which is then. strung or suspended from point to point. iv. Inflated devices shall be defined as inflatable devices which may be stationary or airborne (but tethered) which are intended to attract attention to a specific location ar site. v. Searchlights -self defining. {#150, 5/27!86) 3/48 {f) Signs which are attached in any manner to trees, fences, utility poles, or other such permanent supports, except for those signs found on fences (inside) of baseball parks. [C] (g} Advertising signs of 200 square feet or more in place on or before June 23, 1980, and which are the principal use of the lot of record as of the above date and which have an agreement on file with the City on or before August 23, 1980, in the form so designated by the City Administrator, which is signed by the property owners and the advertising sign owners and all signatures notarized, may continue as a non- conforminguseuntil such time as the lot of record above is developed or improved, in which case, fine non-conforming advertising sign must be removed within 60 days after written notice from the Building Official. (h) Advertising signs as defined in Chapter 2 of this ordinance of 199 square feet or less in area, except that those signs which were in place on or before 8/15/75 may continue as anon-conforming sign. (i) Except for Electronic Message Hoard Signs as allowed in Section 3 [E]4.(f). No sign shall display any moving parts, nor shall it be illuminated with any flashing or intermittent lights, nor shall it be animated. Exempt are time and temperature information and barber poles. All displays shall be shielded to prevent light to be directed at on- comingtraffic in such brilliance as to impair the vision of any driver. No device shall be illuminated in such a manner as to interfere with or obscure an official traffic sign or signal. (1/ZO/00, #340) (j) Roof Signs. (k) Projecting Signs except as hereinafter provided. (#334, 9!13/99) GENERAL PROVISIONS: All signs shall comply with Maintenance Section 5-305 of the 1970 Edition of Volume V of the Uniform Building Code as promulgated by the International Conference of Building Officials. 2. When electrical signs are installed, the installation shall be subject to the City's Electrical Code. 3. No signs other than governmental signs shall be erected or temporarily placed within any street right-of--way or upon any public lands or easements ar right-of--ways. 4. The temporary use of portable signs, decorative attention-getting devices, and searchlights shall require an annual or daily permit. 3/49 (a} An annual permit for portable signs, as defined herein, shall be granted for a maximum period of forty (40) days per calendar year. As a condition of the annual permit, applicant shall maintain a daily record of the use of portable signs on a form provided by the City. (#238, 6/14/93)(#150, 5/27/86) (b) A permit for decorative attention-getting devices shall be issued for a maximum period often (10} days with a minimum period of one hundred eighty (180} days between consecutive issuance of such permits for any property or parcel. (c) Ail portable signs and attention-getting devices must be well maintained and kept in good repair at all times. The Building Official shall order the immediate removal of any device considered to be damaged or in poor condition. Non-compliance shall be just cause for revocation of the permit without refund. (d) All portable signs and attention-getting devices shall be allowed only on the praperty or site where the business or enterprise is situated. No placement shall be allowed on public rights-of--way. (e) All portable signs and attention-getting devices shall be on ground level except that banners and streamers maybe affixed to a building, facade, permanent pylon sign, or other permanent fixture. Airborne inflatable devices shall be tethered on site. (f} Not more than two (2} portable signs shall be displayed at the same time. (g) Not more than two (2) attention-getting devices shall be permitted to be displayed in conjunction with any portable sign. (h) A decorative attention-getting device may bear the name of the business, but shall not bear any service, product, price, etc., advertising message. (i) Permit fees shall be set by the City Council and shall be payable upon application for said permit. (#150, 5/27/86) {j) Public banners may be hung from city street light fixtures for a period of up to one (1}year. Design and placement of the public banners shall be consistent with the following standards: Design and placement of public sign/decorative banners must first be approved by the City Council and annually thereafter. Prior to Council consideration, applicant shall submit a banner placement plan which shows proposed banner design, size, pole location/elevation, duration, and 3/50 proposed manner by which the banners shall be hung. Banner placement plan shall also describe financing sources for purchasing and installing public banners. 2. Public banners may be hung from parking lot light fixtures or from other structures on private property only in conjunction with a City Council approved public banner system. Except for requirements outlined in section 4.(j) of this ordinance, said banners are exempt from sign regulations. The City shall not participate in financing any portion of the cost of public banners placed on private property. City crews may assist with the installation of public banners placed on private property if compensated at actual cost to install banners. 3. Except for Christmas banners, all banners shall contain an element of the City colors and/or City logo. No private advertising maybe allowed on any banner hung in conjunction with a public banner system. 4. Public banners hung from streetscape fixtures shall be no larger than 14" by 45". Banners hung from standard street lights shall be no larger than 28" by 80". 5. Public banners shall not be hung in a position that will cause a substantial obstruction of visibility from the street to advertising, traffic, and directional signs and shall not be hung in a position so as to interrupt corner sight lines. 6. Public banners may be hung only on alternate streetscape fixtures unless otherwise approved by Council. 7. Banners placed on City fixtures shall become the property of the City. If damaged or in need of repair, banners may be removed by City staff. The public banner system may be discontinued, and all banners, including those on private property, maybe ordered removed at the discretion of the City Council. 8. The bracket system used to hang banners shall be of sufficient strength to withstand strong winds and shall be designed in a manner that allows easy installation and removal of banners. 5. All signs shall display in a conspicuous manner the owner's name, permit number, and date of erection. 6. All height restrictions on signs shall include height of sign structure. 3/51 7. In any district, any portion of any sign exceeding two (2) square feet shall be set back a distance equal to fiftypercent (SO%) of the required building setback for that district as defined in Section 3-3 [C] of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance, as maybe amended. (#269, S/8/95) 8. Any sign now or hereafter existing which no longer advertises, or identifies a bona fide business conducted, or a service rendered, or a product sold, shall be removed by the owner, agent, or person having the beneficial useand/or control of the building or structure upon which the sign may be found within ten (10} days after written notice from the Building Inspector. 9. The City of Monticello or its agent is authorized and xequired by this ordinance to enter into an agreement with the United States or any of its agencies or departments to the end that the objective stated in Title 23, United States Code, Section 131, Section 319, or any other applicable federal statute to obtain non-conforming signs along the Great River Road within the city of Monticello. However, the City of Monticello or its agent shall not be required, nor allowed, to expend funds for the acquisition ofnon-conforming signs or advertising devices under this chapter until federal funds in the amount of 7S% or more to his acquisition cost are made available to the City of Monticello for the purpose of carrying out this ordinance. No sign nor advertising device Legal under Laws 1971, Chapter 883, shall be required to be removed or relocated until payment, as provided in Laws 1971, Chapter 883, is tendered by the City of Monticello. 10. Signs may be located on conforming fuel station pump island canopies. Such signs shall be considered as wall signs, and shall be regulated in the same manner as any other wall signs on the property. (#247, 3/14/94) [D] NON-CONFORMING SIGNS: The following are non-conforming signs: (a) Off-premise signs, except signs located inside ball parks and on bus benches. (b) Prohibited signs. (c} All other signs not expressly prohibited but which do not conform to the provisions of this subdivision. 2. Anon-conforming sign may not be: {a) Changed to another non-conforming sign. 3/52 (b) Structurally altered except to bring into compliance with the provisions of this subdivision. (c) Expanded. (d) Re-established after its removal for thirty (30) days. (e} Re-established a$er damage of more than fifty (50) percent of sign replacement cost except to bring into compliance. 3. All non-conforming and prohibited signs shall be removed or brought into conformity with this ordinance after notification in writing within the following time period. (a) Any sign in violation of the prohibited signs as defined in [B] 2: Thirty (30) days (exception: advertising signs, five {5) years). (b) For alI other non-conforming signs: five (5) years. 4. Notwithstanding any other requirement in Section 3-9 of this Ordinance to the contrary, off-premise or advertising signs may be relocated as follows: (a) This section shall apply exclusively to off-premise advertising signs of 200 square feet or greater that have a specific, written, fee or leasehold interest in the property on which they are currently Located, and which are required to be removed pursuant to City acquisition as part of a City utility or road project. (b) Such signs may be relocated to another part of the same parcel on which they were Located at the time of the acquisition by City Council resolution. (c) Such signs may be relocated to another vacant parcel subject to the application for and approval of an Interim Use Permit per the requirements of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. {d) In addition to any other requirements or restrictions deemed appropriate by the City Council, the owner of such relocated sign under (b) or (c) above shall not enter into any lease that extends the duration of such sign beyond the soonest termination date to which the sign is subject at the time of the relocation. Upon such date, the relocated sign shall be removed and shall not be re- establishedwithinthe City limits of the City of Monticello. (e) The owner of any sign relocated pursuant to this section shall enter into an agreement with the City of Monticello providing far 3/53 the date of removal and the terms of any lease or other contract governing the relocation. (#423, 4/11/OS) [E] DISTRICT REGULATIONS: The following sections concern signs which require application and permit. 1. Within the A-O, R-1, R-2, R-3, R-4, PS and PZR districts, signs are subject to the following size and type regulations: (a} Institutional or area identification signs, provided that the gross square footage of sign area does not exceed eighteen (18) square feet, and if the sign is freestanding, the height does not exceed eight (8) feet. (b) Public Signs (as defined in Section 2-2[PJ]. Such signs shall be subject to the following requirements: 1. Any public sign for civic interest groups within the City of Monticello shall have a face area no larger than 18" x 24". 2. Civic interest groups within the City of Monticello may, at the discretion of the Council, have up to three off-site directional signs. 3. Any public sign for a civic interest group within the City of Monticello shall be green in color with white lettering only. (#460A, 5/29/07) (c} In the PS District two institutional identification signs not exceeding a total of 75 square feet and eight (8) feet in height are allowed in addition to the institutional or area identification sign identified in Section 3-9[E]la.. (#314, 8/10/98) (#447,5/22/06) 2. Within the PZM, B-1, B-2, B-3, B-4, CCD, I-1, I-lA, and I-2 districts, signs are subject to the following size and type regulations: (#298, 10/13/97) (#334, 9/13/99) (a) Within the PZM and B-1 districts, the maximum allowable square footage of sign area per lot shall not exceed the ruin of one (1) square foot per front foot of the building plus one (1) square foot for each front foot of lot not occupied by a building, up to one hundred (100) square feet. Each lot will be allowed one (1) pylon or freestanding sign and one (1) wall sign or two {2) wall signs total. (b) For buildings in which there is one (1) or two (2) business uses within the B-2, B-3, B-4, CCD I-1, I-lA, and I-2 districts, and for buildings used for commercial retail activities located within a PZM district and Located on property adjacent to B-2, B-3, 3/54 B-4,CCD, I-1, I-lA, or I-2 districts, there shall be two (2) options for permitted signs, as listed below in 2(b)i and 2(b)ii. The property owner shall select one option, which shall control sign development on the property. {#298, 10/13/97} (#334, 9/13/99) i. Option A. Under Option A, only wall signs shall be allowed. The maximum number of signs on any principal building shall be six sign boards or placards, no more than four (4) of which may be product identification signs. Signs may be displayed on at least two walls, or equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal frontage, whichever is greater. Each wall shall contain no more than two product identification signs and two business identification signs. The total maximum area of wall signs shall be determined by taking twenty percent (20%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to three hundred (300) square feet, whichever is less. If a principal building is on a comer lot, the largest side of the building may be used to determine the gross silhouette area. Far purposes of determining the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building, the silhouette shall be defined as that area within an outline drawing of the principal building as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). ii. Option B. Under Option B, a combination of wall signs and a maximum of one (1) pylon sign may be utilized. T'he total number of business identification signs allowed (whether wall ar pylon) shall be at least two (2), or equal to the number of streets upon which the property has legal frontage, whichever is greater. Only two product identification signs shall be allowed, and these wall signs maybe only on one wall. The total maximum allowable sign area for any wall shall be determined by taking ten percent (10%) of the gross silhouette area of the front of the building up to one hundred (100) square feet, whichever is less. The method for determining the gross silhouette area shall be as indicated in Subd. 2.(b}i. Above. Pylon signs shall be regulated as in Subd. 4 below. For single or double occupancy business structures, the total maximum. allowable signage on the property shall be three hundred (300} square feet. For multiple occupancy structures, the total maximum allowable signage on the property shall be as detei~nined under Subd. 3 below. 3/55 (#272, 06/26/95} (#230, 06!22/92) (#247; 03/14/94) (#265, 12/12/94) 3. Conditional Uses in Commercial and Industrial Districts: The purpose of this section is to provide aesthetic control to signage and to prevent a proliferation of individual signs on buildings with three (3} or more business uses. The City shall encourage the use of single sign boards, placards, or building directory signs. {a) In the case of a building where there are three (3) or more business uses, but which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is not considered a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use shall be granted to the entire building in accordance with an overall site plan under the provisions of Option A or Option B (described in 2 (b} i and ii above) provided that: The owner of the building files with the Zoning Administrator a detailed plan for signing illustrating location, size in square feet, size in percent of gross silhouette area, and to which business said sign is dedicated. ii. No tenant shall be allowed more than one sign, except that in the case of a building that is situated in the interior of a block and having another building on each side of it, one sign shall be allowed on the front and one sign shall be allowed on the rear provided that the total square footage of the two signs does not exceed the maximum allowable square footage under Option A or Option B described in 2{b}i and ii above. iii. No individual business sign board/placard shall exceed twenty-five percent (25%} of the total allowable sign area. iv. An owner of the building desiring any alteration of signs, sign location, sign size, or number of signs shall first submit an application to the Zoning Administrator for an amended sign plan, said application to be reviewed and acted upon by the Zoning Admuustrator within ten (10) days of application. If the application is denied by the Zoning Administrator, the applicant may go before fine Planning Commission at their next regularly scheduled meeting. v. In the event that one tenant of the building does not utilize the full allotment of allowable area, the excess 3/56 may not be granted, traded, sold, or in any other way transferred to another tenant for the purpose of allowing a sign larger than twenty-five percent (25%) of the total allowable area for signs. vi. Any building identification sign or building directory sign shall be included in the total allowable area for signs. vii. Any sign that is shared by or is a combination of two or more tenants shall be considered as separate signs far square footage allowance and shall meet the requirements thereof. viii. All signs shall be consistent in design, material, shape, and method of illumination. (b} In the case of a building where there are two (2) or more uses and which, by generally understood and accepted definitions, is considered to be a shopping center or shopping mall, a conditional use permit may be granted to the entire building in accordance to an overall site plan indicating their size, location, and height of all signs presented to the Planning Commission. (#396,7/28!03} A maximum of five percent (5 %) of the gross area of the front silhouette shall apply to the principal building(s) where the aggregate allowable sign area is equitably distributed among the several businesses. In the case of applying this conditional use permit to a building, the building may have one (1) pylon or freestanding sign identifying the building which is in conformance with this ordinance. For purposes of determiiung the gross area of the silhouette of the principal building(s), the silhouette shall be defined as that area within the outline drawing of the principal building{s) as viewed from the front lot line or from the related public street(s). For shopping centers of greater than one hundred fifty thousand (150,000) square feet of aggregate building square footage and greater than twenty (20) acres in site area, two freestanding signs may be permitted under this section. The applicant may construct two pylon-style signs in conformance with this ordinance, or in the alternative, may construct one pylon-style and one monument- stylesign. When this latter option is chosen, the monument sign shall be no greater than eighteen (18) feet in height nor more than one hundred (100) square feet in area, and the pylon may be no greater than fifty (50) feet in height and four hundred (400} square feet in area. (#396, 7/28/03) 3/57 (c} Signs for promoting and/or selling a development project: For the purpose of promoting or selling a development project of three (3) to twenty-five (25} acres, one sign not to exceed one hundred (100) square feet of advertising surface may be erected on the project site. For projects of twenty-six (26) to fifty (50) acres, one or two signs not to exceed two hundred (200) aggregate square feet of advertising surface maybe erected. For projects over fifty one (51 }acres, one, two, or three signs not to exceed three hundred {300) aggregate square feet of advertising surface maybe erected. No dimension shall exceed twenty-five (25) feet exclusive of supporting stnzctures. Such signs shall not remain after ninety-five (95) percent of the project is developed. Such sign permits shall be reviewed and renewed annually by the City Council. If said sign is lighted, it shall be illuminated only during those hours when business is in operation ox when the model homes or other developments are open for business purposes. 4. Pylon Sign: The erection of one (1) pylon sign for any single lot is allowed under the following provisions: {a) Location: No pylon sign shall be located closer to the property line than as allowed in Section 3-9 [C] 7. In the case of a corner lot, both sides fronting on a public right-of--way shall be deemed the front. (#269, 5/8!95) (b) Parking Areas, Driveways: No pant of the pylon signs shall be less than five (5} feet from any driveway or parking area. (c) Area, Height Regulations: SPEED AREA HEIGHT ROAD CLASSIFICATION (MPN~(SO FT) FEET Collector 30 25 16 35 50 20 40 100 24 Major Thoroughfares 30 50 18 35 100 22 40 125 24 45 150 26 50 175 28 Freeways and Expressways 55 200 32 and above 3/58 Highway 25 NA 50- 22 100 i. In the case of subject property directly abutting State Highway 25, pylon sign area may range from 50 sq ft to 100 sq ft depending on total lineal feet fronting Highway 25. 3.03 feet of pylon sign area is allowed per every 10 feet of lineal frontage with the following exceptions: 1} all properties may erect a pylon sign with a sign area of 50 regardless of front footage abutting Highway 25, and 2} the maximum pylon sign area shall not exceed 100 sq ft regardless of total lineal footage of property abutting Highway 25. (#173, 4/10/89) (d) Definitions: Definitions of road classifications apply as defined by the official comprehensive plan as adopted. (e) Application: The level at which the sign control system applies is determined by the type of road, as defined above, which directly abuts the subject property. i. In the case of subject property directly abutting more than one (1) road, each designated by a different road classification type, the less restrictive classification shall apply in determining sign area and height. ii. Actual sign height is determined, by the grade of the road from which the sign gains its principal exposure. iii. Area as determined by the formula under 3 (c) above, applies to one {1) face of a two (2) faced pylon sign, or two (2) faces of a four (4) faced sign, etc. iv. A bonus allowing "freeway standard signs" (200 sq ft in area and 32' high) in a commercial or industrial area is available to all businesses located within 800 feet of a freeway but do not abut a freeway. (fl Electronic Message Boards may be allowed in the B-3 and B-4 Zoning Districts and on those parcels within the CCD Zoning District which have direct frontage on Trunk Highway 25 south of 4"' Street, as a part of the freestanding or pylon sign display provided that: i. The sign complies in all other respects with the sign regulations of the Zoning Ordinance. 3/59 ii. The sign does not create a traffic hazard or a nuisance. iii. The sign does not flash its message, although continuous scrolling text is allowed. iv. The sign meets all requirements of the City's Building and Electrical Codes. v. The sign does constitute a separate or additional freestanding sign support structure. The sign must be otherwise allowed under this ordinance as a pylon sign or must be a part of an allowed pylon sign plan as defined herein. vi. The electronic message board portion of the sign does not constitute more than fifty percent (50%) of the allowable pylon sign area, or seventy (70} square feet, whichever is less. (#340, 1/10/00) (g) In the B-3 Zoning District only, certain parcels maybe allowed to construct a second freestanding sign on the property when the following conditions are complied with: i. The property directly abuts Interstate 94 and one other collector (or higher) status street. ii. The property in question is no Less than two (2) acres in area. iii. The second freestanding sign shall be located no closer than three hundred (300} feet from the first freestanding sign on the same property. iv. Only one of the two freestanding signs may be located within any yard (front, rear, or side) of the property. This clause shall be interpreted to mean that each sign shall be required to have a separate roadway as its primary exposure. v. Where two freestanding signs are allowed, the sign that fronts on the road which serves as the primary access shall be of a monument design, with a maximum height often {10) feet and a maximum square footage of sixty (60) square feet. vi. Where two freestanding signs are allowed, the sign that fronts on the freeway exposure shall conform to the provisions of Section 3 [E] 4.(c) above. 3/60