City Council Minutes 03-27-1995MnvUTEs REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, March 27, ~.99b - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None 2. Consideration of a royal of minutes of the re lar meetin held March 13 1995. It was requested that the reference in item #7 to the Mississippi Shores senior housing facility be changed from a cost of $3.3 million to $3.5 million. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Tom Perrault to approve the meeting minutes with corrections as noted. Motion carried unanimously. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. A. City Council set a workshop date for the purpose of discussing the wastewater treatment plant and bio-solids site development issues. The special meeting was set for 5:45 p.m., April 10, 1995, immediately before the regular Council meeting. 4. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. A. Joe Holthaus was in attendance to note his concern that the City should not consider purchasing the Hanaford property for biosolids application. He indicated that the two farmers using the property are not interested in allowing the biosolids application on site, and Ms. Hanaford is not willing to sell. It was noted by Council that this site has not been selected as the site for biosolids application and that site selection issues will be discussed at the next workshop. 5. Public Hearing--Consideration of a resolution accepting bids, awarding project, and ordering project -Southwest Area Utility Extension .Project 95-O1C Mayor Fyle opened the public hearing. Assistant Administrator Q'Neill requested that Council table this issue pending additional input from property owners affected by the project. He noted that none of the property owners are in attendance at the public hearing and that perhaps they need to be updated on the project prior to ordering the project. Page 1 Council Minutes - 3/27/95 It was the consensus of Council to continue the public hearing to the next Council meeting, at which time further action on the project would be taken. 6. Consideration of acce tin Police Commission re ort which studies the merits of contractin vs. establishment of a local olive de artment. Police Commissioners Warren Smith and Liz DesMarais were in attendance to outline the findings of a report studying the merits of contracting vs. establishment of a local police department. In his review, Smith noted that contracting for police department services has proven to be a very economical and effective method for providing police protection in the city of Monticello and that this method of providing service should continue to serve the needs of the community in the future. City Council thanked the Police Commission for providing the report, which provided hard numbers outlining the benefits of contracting for service. The report will be useful in answering questions that came from the public from time to time wondering why the City doesn't have its own police department. 1 7. Consideration of accenting plans and specifications and authorizing advertisement for bids -Cardinal Hills Phase V. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to accept plans and specifications and authorize advertisement for bids far Cardinal Hills phase V. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 95-21. 8. Consideration of a resolution accepting feasibility study and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications far completion of School Bouleva_r_d Pram Fallon Avenue to Highway 25. City Engineer Bret Weiss reviewed the feasibility study. In his review, Weiss described the design and cost estimates associated with extending School Boulevard from its current end point at Fallon Avenue to Highway 25. He also described sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements that would enable development of the 110-acre Ocella business center area. In his summary, Weiss noted that sanitary sewer expenses are estimated at $218,000; water main, $245,000; storm sewer, $188,000; and street improvements, $536,000, for a total project cost of $1,].87,000. Weiss noted that according to City assessment policies, the City will pay $280,000 in oversizing expenses. The balance of the project costs Page 2 Council Minutes - 3/27/95 will be assessed against the Monticello Business Center and the Klein Farms properties. Weiss went on to note that the portion assessed ($906,000) will be secured by a letter of credit in the amount of 60°10 of this cost along with the value of the land as collateral. Discussion focused on the entrance to School Boulevard from Highway 25. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Tom Perrault to adopt a resolution accepting the feasibility study and authorizing preparation of plans and specifications under Option A, which did not include a center island at the entrance to Schaol Boulevard. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 95-22. 9. Consideration o£ adopting terms of sale - Outlot A, Country Club Manor. City staff presented the City Council with potential terms of sale for Outlot A, Country Club Manor, to David Hornig. Due to the fact that Mr. Hornig was not in attendance, it was the consensus of Council to table this matter to an upcoming meeting. 10. Consideration of approaches toward marketing and sale_of Eastwood Kno11 propert .,...,, ....,.,..,,,,..,...,,,..,.,,, ....__.__.,_,..-. v Assistant Administrator O'Neill reviewed various approaches that the City may want to take toward marketing of the property. Brad Fyle expressed his preference to place the lots on the market for two or three months to see what happens. It was his view that the City should place restrictive covenants on the property and sell the lots as is for cash only. If the City is unsuccessful in selling the properties by owner, then we could consider contracting with a real estate firm to sell the lots that are remaining. O'Neill informed Council that Orrin Thompson Homes is interested in purchasing and developing a site for homes in the $120,000 to $165,000 range. He noted that Orrin Thompson's interest is not well defined at this point and that perhaps the Council would wish to consider tabling the matter until the City receives a formal offer. After discussion, a motion was made by Brian Stumpf and seconded by Tom Perrault to table further discussion of Eastwood Knoll marketing approaches and authorize City staff to discuss the matter further with Orrin Thompson Homes or any other developer interested in purchasing the entire Eastwood Knoll development area.. Page 3 Council Minutes - 3/27/95 11. Consideration of amendments to the Cit ordinance overnin trees b re uirin additional tree lantin s on double-frontin lots. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed City Council that the Planning Commission requests that Council to consider amending the tree ordinance by requiring additional tree plantings on newly-developed lots that have street frontage an both the front and rear yards. For lots that do not have any trees whatsoever, the current ordinance requires that two trees be planted with each new home. Typically, the trees are placed in the front yard. The amended ordinance would require an additional two trees to be planted in the rear yard of newly-developed late that have street frontage along the rear lot line. Clint Herbst expressed support for the ordinance amendment. He noted that he had driven through areas of town where double-fronting lots exist and noted that these areas would have been greatly improved if trees had been planted slang rear lat lines when the original homes were constructed. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to adopt an ordinance amendment which requires an additianal twa trees to be planted in the rear yard of newly-developed lots with street frontage on at least two sides. Motion carried unanimously. SEE ORDINANCE AMENDMENT NO. 267. -12. Consideration of a aintin Cit re resentatives to Monticello Senior Housing Alliance Baard. City Administrator Wolfsteller asked Council to consider appointing two new members to the Senior Housing Alliance Board following the resignation from the Board of Councilmembers Anderson and Herbst. Walfsteller noted that there currently are no formal applications for service on the Senior Housing Alliance Board; however, a few names have been mentioned as potential candidates, including Arve Grimsmo, George Phillips, and Opal Stokes. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to direct the City Administrator to contact Grimsma, Phillips, and Stokes to determine interest in serving on the Board and to appoint any two interested in serving to the Senior Housing Alliance Board. Motion carried unanimously. Page 4 Council Minutes - 3/27/95 13. Consideration of an a lication for aone-da amblin license -Ducks Unlimited Banpuet. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Brian Stumpf to adopt a resolution approving the issuance of the license. Motion carried unanimously. SEE RESOLUTION 95-23. 14. Council U date--trunk storm sewer access char e. Assistant Administrator O'Neill provided Council with a report updating the status of the trunk storm sewer access charge program. He noted that the City Engineer is working on identifying basic watershed areas in an attempt to determine the approximate cost per acre to serve specific watershed areas. Once this information is obtained, the City will be in position to actually implement the system. No further action was taken on this matter. 15. Consideration of bills for the month of March, 1995. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by Clint Herbst to approve the bills as submitted. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. ~~ Jeff O'Neill Assistant Administrator Page 5