City Council Agenda Packet 11-10-2003 . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 10, 2003 - 5 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call the special meeting to order. 2. Annexation Discussion - Waync Kessler, Mayor of St. Michael 3. Adjourn. . . . AGENDA SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, November 10, 2003 - 6 p.m. Mayor: Bruce Thielen Council Members: Roger Carlson, Glen posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call the special meeting to order. 2. Presentation - Ollie Koropchak Economic Development Director 3. Discussion ofland acquisition 4. Adjourn. AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COlJNCIL Monday, November 10,2003 - 7 p.m. . NOTE: Special Meeting at 5 p.m. - Annexation Issues with Wayne Kessler Special Meeting at 6 p.m. - Industrial Land Acquisition /__ A'rt~ Approve minutes ofthe October 27, 2003 re~ar Council mceting. . Consideration of adding items to the agenda".!;: ~'::!i'! IJ '1...."'- f....., t Citizen comments/petitions, requests and co~praint~ flJ../LJ f~6 - , ./_ /b.JJ, ~- Conscnt agenda. / - 'y ~ rfv(J · """ ()..,J ~oA.1- Mayor: Council Members: Bruce Thielen Rogcr Carlson, Glen posusta, Robbie Smith and Brian Stumpf 1. Call to Ordcr and Pledge of Allegiance. 2. 3. 4. 5. A. . 'eMU (}..,~'t~D \:)0 I'. \) 1r1\ c. w Consideration of ratifying ncw hires for the community centcr. Consideration of an amendment to the zoning ordinancc to allow sandwich board signs in thc right of way in thc CCD (Central Community District). Considcration to make a find of declaration for an EA W (Environmental Assessment Worksheet) for '.111ny Fresh Food's dcmolition and/or relocation ol'thc Methodist Church Building. Consideration of approving Change Order to CSAH 75 Improvement Project No. 2000- 16C. F Consideration of entering into Cooperativc Agreement No. 79344 with the State of Minnesota for a traffic control signal at TH 25 and Chelsea Road. 6. Consideration of itcms removed from the conscnt agenda for discussion. 7. Consideration to authorize preparation of a purchase agreement for acquisition of said property for industrial development. 8. . Consideration of a request from the Monticello Youth Hockey Association for financial assistance in funding for a hockey rink. . MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday, October 27, 2003 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Roger Carlson, Glen Posusta, Rohhie Smith, Brian Stumpf and Bruce Thielen. Members Absent: None 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Alleeiance. Mayor Thielen called the meeting to order and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 2A. Approve minutes of October 13. 2003 special Council meetine;. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13, 2003 SPECIAL COUNCIL MEETING. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2B. Approve minutes of October 13.2003 reeular Council meeting. . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 13,2003 REGULAR COUNCIL MEETING. ROBBIE SMITlI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Consideration of adding items to the 3g:enda. Rohhie Smith requested a discussion of who owns the property along TH 25 and the vehicles parked on the property. Ollie Koropchak requested consideration of setting a special meeting for 6 p.m. on November 11, 2003 for consideration off IRA and IDC issues. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO INCLUDE THE TWO ADDED ITEMS TO THE END OF '1'1-11.: AGENDA. GLEN POSUST A SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. 4. Citizen comments/petitions, reQuests and complaints. . Mayor Thielen explained the purpose of the citizen comment portion of the meeting noting it was an opportunity for Monticello residents to comment on items not on the agenda or on other issues in the community. Don Holthaus, a resident of the township commented on the proposed annexation. Mayor Thielen informed him this citizen comment for forum was f()r residents of the City and that Township residents should voice their concerns to the memhers of the "rownship board. Sandy Wightman had a question regarding an assessment and was informed that would be covered in the public hearing on that project which was later in the agenda. ,..,."-'} . . . Council Minutes - 10/27/03 5. Consent a!!enda. A. Consideration of ratifying new hires for community center, liquor store and parks. Recommendation: Ratify the hiring of employees as identified. B. Consideration of awarding hids on Sunset Ponds Lift Station, Project No. 2003-14C. Recommendation: Award the bid for the Sunset Ponds Lift Station Improvement Project No. 2003-14C to R.L. Larson Excavating in the amount of $148,600.00. C. Consideration of an ordinance amendment allowing carwash facilities by conditional use permit in the CCD (Central Community District). Recommendation: Approve the ordinance amendment to estahlish car washes as a conditional use in the CCD zoning district based on a finding that the use could he developed to be consistent with the intent of the CCD and Downtown Revitalization Guide. D. Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit allowing a cal'wash in the CCD. Applicant: Broadway Kwik Stop, LtC. Recommendation: Approve the conditional use permit for a car wash in a CCD zoning district based on a finding that the car wash meets the requirements of the zoning ordinance amendment establishing car washes as a conditional use permit in the CCD, subject to architectural and design review hy the Design Advisory Team and suhject to the following conditions: I. Fencing installed as part of the landscaped buffer yard should not be installed between the car wash wall and the southern property line. 2. The existing pole light on the southern boundary should be removed because it violates city code regulating glare. 3. The canopy lighting should be modi lied in a manner to eliminate horizontal broadcast of light. 4. Architectural/Design review by OAT. 5. Narrowing of the curb cut opening to the extent possible, upon the review and recommendation of the City Engineer. 6. Intensification of landscaping along the south boundary of the site. E. Consideration of appoint to fill vacancy on MCC Advisory Board. Recommendation: Approve the appointment of Sandra Theros to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Bob Murray whose term expires December 31, 2006. GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE REMOVAL OF ITEM 5C FOR DISCUSSION. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 2 /j ,~....- . . . Council Minutes - 10/27/03 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. Robbie Smith asked about the 3/2 vote of the Planning Commission on item 5C, allowing car washes as a conditional use permit in the CCD zoning district, and wanted to know what concerns there were that prompted the split vote. Dick Frie, the Planning Commission Chair was present and discussed the Planning Commission's action. He noted that during the Planning Commission discussion of the item, no major concerns were voiced by the Planning members so he was somewhat surprised by the split vote. It was felt that the reason for the split vote was that some Planning members questioned the appropriateness of this use for the entire district and felt there could be some problems with this in the future. ROBBIE SMITH MOVED TO APPROVE THE AMENDMENT TO THE ZONING ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH CAR WASHES AS A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT IN THE CeD ZONING DISTRICT BASED ON A FINDING THAT TilE USE COULD BE DEVELOPED '1'0 BE CONSISTENT WITH THE INTENT OF THE CCD AND THE DOWNTOWN REVITALIZATION GUIDE. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED TilE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of adootin!! assessment roll for Core Street Reconstruction Phase I Project No. 2002-14C. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates reviewed the Core Street Project noting this was the first year of a multi-year project. Kevin Kawlewski then reviewed each component of the project which included watermain, sanitary sewer, service replacement as well as street reconstruction. Watermain was replaced on Minnesota Street, Linn Street. Locust Street and Walnut Street and a 12" watermain was constructed on Ramsey Street for the new well and pumphouse. In addition the 4" gate valves and a number of outdated fire hydrants were replaced. The sanitary sewer lines were televised and those sections that were cracked were replaced. New sanitary sewer was also installed on Elm Street and Vine Street. Individual utility services were evaluated and those who met the replacement criteria were replaced. Some storm sewer was also constructed as part of this project along Locust Street and on Elm Street and an outlet from the Village Apartments pond was constructed. Some work as requested by the developers of Emerald Estates, Landmark Square, Vine Street Townhomes, Sunny Fresh Foods and Broadway Kwik Stop was also included in the project. Project costs were reviewed which included $1,862,386 for street work, $431,192 for sanitary sewer improvements, $397,140 fe)f watermain improvements, $322,505 f()[ storm sewer, $135,492 for the watermain construction relating to the well. The total project cost was estimated at $3,148,715. Kevin Kawlewski then outlined the funding for the project noting that city water, sanitary sewer, storm sewer utility and state aid funds made up approximately $1,749,43 of the funding with an additional $500,000 coming from the core street funds. The amount of the project proposed to be assessed is $1,249,431. 3 ,) Council Minutes - 10/27/03 . Bret Weiss explained the assessment policy the City formulated for street reconstruction projects and the rationale behind it. The assessment policy contained two rates; one for single family residential property and one for non-residential property. The single family residential rate was a flat rate based on access while the non-residential rate was charged on a per foot basis. The flat rate covered the new pavement, repairs to curb and gutter and repairs to utility. New improvements such service replacement or adding curb and gutter where none existed before was assessed at [ull cost. For non-residential property the front foot rate was applied 100% against the front (or short side) plus 50% of the long side if the property has access. If there was no access it was 25% on the long side. If a multiple family property had direct access to the street, a per unit rate was used. If there was no direct street access, the multiple family property was charged a per foot rate not to exceed $2,500/per unit. Bret Weiss also explained the equal principal declining interest method of assessment the City utilizes. Brian Stumpf asked when the assessment would be payable. Rick Wolfsteller responded that the property owner had 30 days from the adoption of the assessment roll to pay it in full with no interest charged. If not paid within the 30 days, the amount would be certified to the County and the first installment would be collected with the 2004 real estate taxes. . Bruce Thielen cxplained that if a property owner had fi led a written objection to the assessment, they did not have to speak at the public hearing unless they chose to. Filing the written objection at the public hearing, preserves the property owner's right to appeal the assessment to district court. Brian Stumpf asked about the sidewalk issue. Bret Weiss reported that sidewalk proposed on the plans for 4th Street was actually constructed on 3,d Street. The property owners on 3,,1 Street had not been noticed that the sidewalk was to be included in their area. The City could go back and re-notify the affected property owners and assess the cost of the sidewalk to these property owners or the City could decide not assess the cost of the sidewalk. Bruce Thiclen stated an issue that needs to be clarified was that regardless of whether the City assessed the abutting property owners for the cost of the sidewalk, the property owners were still responsible f()r the maintenance of it. John Simola, Public Works Director, stated that there only certain portions of the sidewalk that the City maintains, the balance is maintained by the abutting property owners. Brian Stumpf felt because it was an extension into Pinewood Elementary the City Council should consider having the City maintain it. . Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing for the Core Street Project. Rory Zitur who owns a business on Broadway questioned the single family residential rate and the non-residential rate and how the City came up with the different rates. He indicated that the City had at the beginning of the project stated that 20% of the project cost was going to be assessed but now it was more like 39(1<l. Why did that change? lie stated he had contacted other cities in Wright County and they do not assess commercial property differently from residential. He also round out that some communities charge an interest rate on assessments that is only .25% more than the bond rate. 4 , l 'Wi..., Council Minutes - 10/27/03 . Bret Weiss responded that commercial and residential property are assessed differently because the use is different. For example commercial property would generate more vehicle trips than residential property and would derive greater benefit from an improved street. He stated that 20% of the project eost is the minimum amount the City would have to assess if they bonded for a project. With the additional cost relating to utility repair it raised the percentage of the amount assessed. He also added that the number of percentage points above the interest rate on the bonds that the city charges on assessment is up to the city do determine noting that most of the cities he works with use around 2%. Rory Zitur stated the project costs were estimated at $3,200,000 and came in at $3,100,00. Because it came in at less than the budget why did it cost more. He also felt the traffic generated by a small business was less than a residence with two teenagers. Bret Weiss responded that this project was somewhat different because of the number of requests from developers fi.x work done which pushed the assessments to a higher rate than 20%. Rory Zitur asked about the procedure for filing an objection. . Rick Wolfsteller, stated that even though a resident orally voices his objection to the assessment, they must also submit a written objection at the meeting tonight. The written objection preserves the individual's right to go to district court. The objection must be filed in district court within 30 days. City Attorney, Matt Brokl added the objection must he signed hy the property owner. Any objection received, will be reviewed by the city staff. Matt Brokl suggested the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented and the staff could make amendments to the roll later if necessary. William McCarthy, 525 4th Street stated that in December 2002 he purchased property from St. Henry's Church. This property was purchased as a single family home and his son is living on the property. He has since received a certificate of occupancy as a residential dwelling and he is asking the Council to assess the property as residential property instead of non-residential. Bret Weiss stated the use of this parcel was discussed at a staff meeting. It was noted that this property had a non-conforming use. Fred Patch, the building ofticial, stated that only today the property got a certificate of occupancy fl)[ its residential use. Glen posusta asked ifthe property was homesteaded? Mr. Carthy replied that because of the tenant being there for the term of the lease, they could not make the deadline for filing for homestead for 200 but it will be homesteaded in 2004. . Richard Carlson, 532 West Broadway, questioned the assessment amount for service on the Vine Street cui-de-sac. He wondered why only his property and not the adjacent properties received an assessment for storm sewer. Bret Weiss responded that this was being assessed 100% against his property because the storm sewer extension was necessary to serve his proposed development. Richard Carlson stated he did not request the improvement. City Engineer, Bret Weiss stated that in order to develop the property the storm sewer needed to be extended. Mr. Carlson reiterated that he did not petition for the storm sewer. His petition covered only sanitary sewer. Bret Weiss stated that if Mr. Carlson chooses not to develop his property, the proposed assessment could he deferred. Bret Weiss emphasized the storm sewer is 5 1 Counci I Minutes - 10/27/03 . necessary to serve the proposed development. Barry Fluth, Master's Fifth Avenue, stated he had an assessment agreement calling for $14,080 in assessments. Thc amount that was proposed to be assessed against his property was slightly higher than that. However since the assessment agreement had a "not to exceed amount", the Council determined the amount should be adjusted to reflect the amount of the assessment agreement. David Gerads, 303 Vine Street asked how the objections would be handled. Bruce Thielen stated this would be considered at the end of the public hearing. Mayor Thielen then dosed the public hearing. . Bruce Thielen stated that the City had received a number of appeals and those people appeal ing the assessment will have an opportunity to discuss this with staff. The sidewalk on Third Street was discussed. Public Works Director, John Simola stated that the dollar amount for the sidewalk assessment for those properties that filed an objection was about $2,500 and the total sidewalk cost that was assessed as part of the project was $5,000. John Simola stated that the sidewalk had always been planned for Third Street. One option was that the City could absorb the entire cost of the sidewalk. Another option was to forgive the sidewalk assessment for those properties who had filed objections. Regardless of how the sidewalk assessment is handled, the property owners are responsible for maintaining the sidewalk. Brian Stumpf felt the property owners would rather pay for the maintenance. Bret Weiss suggestcd that the Council look at an overall policy change on sidewalk and consider that at a future meeting. John Simola stated that each year in November he brings the Council a snow removal plan. The Council could make a decision at that time what sidewalks they want the City to maintain. Roger Carlson concurred that the City should look at maintaining the sidewalk since it is the only sidewalk going to Pinewood Schoo\. It was pointed out that only 25% of the cost ofthe sidewalk was proposed to be assessed against the property owners with the remaining 75% being picked up by the City. Glen posusta stated if the City eliminates the assessment against those properties that objected, they should also eliminate the sidewalk assessment against the other property owners on Third Street. . Glen Posusta also asked about the amount charged above the bond interest rate wondering why other communities could charge only .25%. He did not feel this should be a money making project for the City. John Simola stated that each community is different and that you can't just look at the interest rate they charge. Costs that one city may include in assessments, another community may build into the utility rates. Glen posusta questioned the reference to a "cushion" as the reason for charging a higher amount over the bond rate. Rick Wolfsteller responded that the City must show it is collecting enough revenue for 110% of the assessments. In addition the City must collect enough for the administrative cost to handle the assessment for the full term that the assessment runs and to also provide insurance to cover any delinquencies on the assessment. If the City does not collect these costs as part ofthe assessment they would have to be collected in some other fashion. Rick Wolfsteller added that this practice which is recommended by the city's financial consultant has been the City's policy for 28 years. 6 )-, . . . Council Minutes - 10/27/03 BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CORE STREET RECONSTRUCTION PHASE I PROJECT NO. 2002-14C IN TliE AMOUNT OF $1,299.451 AND TO FORGIVE THE COST OF THE THIRD STREET SIDEWALK TO THE ABUTTING PROPERTY OWNERS SINCE THEY WERE NOT PROPERLY NOTIFIED AND TO DISCUSS MAINTENANCE OF TI IE SIDEWALK AT A LATER DATE. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 8. Public "earinl! _ Consideration of adoptinl! assessment roll for Cedar Street Improvements Proiect No. 2002-06C. Kevin Kawlewski from WSB & Associates presented information relating to the assessment for the Cedar Street Improvement Project No. 2002-06C. The project covered Cedar Street from Dundas Road to Kjellberg's Mobile Home Park and included improvements to Dundas Road as well. A 48' street with curb and gutter and necessary utilities were constructed as part of this project. The cost breakdown for the project is: 1) Streets - $380,160,45; 2) Sanitary sewer- $76,470.10; 3) Watermain - $109,408.50 and 4) Storm sewer - $147,533.59 making the project cost 01'$713,006.64 with an additional $127,500 for street lighting. The total project costs including street lighting and indirect costs of 22.92% (covers engineering, legal, administrative, bond, etc) was $1,003,927.76 with $962,979.16 of the cost proposed to be assessed. Kevin Kawlewski further broke down the costs noting the cost per 1\)ot for streets was $79.08/ft. driveway cost was $2,468.85 each; sidewalk cost $23.26/ft.; intersection upgrades were $23.26/ft.; sanitary sewer $18.68/ft.; services were $1,032.53 each; storm sewer laterals were $20.28/1't.; watermain $32.26/ft and street lights were $28,46/fL John Lundsten, 1804 Hillside Lane, Buffalo, owns property on both sides of Cedar Street. I Ie is objecting to the assessment based on the fact that sidewalk construction was not suppose to occur. Thercf()re the cost of construction including interest should he deferred until the property develops. Likewise, he felt the cost of the street lighting plus interest should be deferred until development takes place. City Administrator, Rick Wolfsteller pointed out that these were conditions that were included in a separate agreement with the property owner when easements for the project were acquired and the conditions of the agreement should govern the assessment of this property. Since the property is not developed there should he no maintenance of the sidewalk. Glen posusta, 2330 Oakwood Circle is appealing the assessment on parcel 155-500-142203 stating that like the Lundsten property his property should not be assessed for sidewalk and street lighting. Rick Wolfsteller stated unlike the Lundsten property there is no agreement covering the parcel and Mr. posusta had signed a waiver of assessment for this project. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR THE CEDAR STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT NO. 2002-06C AS OUTLINED IN TIlE FINAL 7 1-- . . . Council Minutes - 10/27/03 ASSESSMENT ROLL WITH DEFERMENT FOR SIDEWALK AND STREET LIGHTING FOR PARCEL 155-500-142400AND THE DEFERMENT OF THE SIDEWALK ASSESSMENT FOR 155-500-142302. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 9. Public Hcarin _ Consideration of ado tin assessment roll for CSAH 75 1m fovements Project No. 2000-16C Becky Haydon from WSB & Associates provided background information on the project which improved almost 2 miles of CSAl-I 75 extending from Otter Creek to Washington Street. Deterioration of the pavement surface and the age and condition of city utilities was the impetus for the joint project between the City and Wright County. With the ever increasing amount of traffic on CSAH 75 there was a need to upgrade the roadway to handle the traffic. Becky Haydon reviewed the traffic information for CSAH 75 and provided a history of the project including the public meetings and the process for gathering public input. In designing the roadway. the goal was to provide left turn channelization, maintain parking on both sides, maintain the existing curb line, replace streets lights and improve the pavement surface and utilities. To achieve this goal it required limiting acccss to six streets which were Vine, Minnesota, Ijnn, Palm, Wright and Hennepin. Bret Weiss rcviewed the funding portion ofthe project. This was a county project with city participation. It is the county's funding policy that determines which items the city pays for. The City pays for all utilities and the cost of a local street. Although the City pays a high portion of the project cost, they have no say in what items they pay for. The City's share of the project cost was spread against all the properties in the project area even though the work may have varied from one area of the project to another. The assessment policy is the same one that was used for the Core Street Reconstruction project. The project cost was $3.504,712.93 with the City's share being $1,920,000 and the County's share $1,572,289.61. Ofthe $1,900,000 project cost, city funds paid $1,200,000 leaving approximately $700,000 to be assessed. Glen posusta asked how much the engineering cost was. Bret Weiss stated he didn't have a separate breakdown but the 24% indirect cost included engineering, legal, surveying, administrative and bonding costs. It was noted there was additional engineering cost for the preliminary design work. Mayor Thielen then opened the public hearing on the CSAl-I 75 proposed assessment. Roger Schwientek, 1309 West Broadway questioned being assessed for $2,500 on a project that was 100% paid for state gas tax money. The work done to the street in front of his house did not justify $2,500 adding that even the maintenance of the road is taken care of by the county. He also questioned why the Sandy Lane residents were not assessed. It was pointed out that the Sandy Lane residents have no frontage abutting CSAH 75. When Sandy Lane is improved, the residents would be assessed for that improvement. Because the County paid more of the cost in one area of the project did not relieve the City of responsibility for the City's portion of the project costs. 8 "1- Council Minutes - 10/27/03 . Ron Albrecht, 1318 Prairie Creek Lane stated his concern was not so much with the cost but where the assessment was placed. The assessment was shown against the common property of the townhouse development rather than the individual units. It is more dinicult for the homeowners association to collect from the individual units than it would he for the city to collect it from the units. Matt Brokl and Rick Wolfsteller with work with the townhome association on this issue. It was noted that the individual units were notified of the assessment against the common property. Tom Holthaus, 1129 West Broadway, owner of Wests ide Marked, stated he understood his access to CSAH 75 is gone and that the County is not planning on returning it. Without access, he questioned why he should be assessed. Bret Weiss stated that currently the property does have access to CSAlI 75. Tom J lolthaus challenged whether there is access and Bret Weiss stated that the access issue must be resolved by the county. Tom Holthaus also questioned the non-residential assessment rate stating that commercial use of the property which was grandfathered in has lapsed since the commercial use has ceased for more than six months. Alicia Felton, 618 East Broadway asked what the $2,500 unit access was. The engineer indicated a single family unit access would be one unit with one driveway. She questioned why then was her assessment over $5,000. The engineer explained that the $2,500 unit access was for the street work only and that if utility services were replaced there would be additional charges. In her case there was a charge for sanitary sewer service. . Doug Schneider owns three commercial properties. His question was on the vacant lot on the south side of Broadway just west of the stoplight. The lot is 43' wide and a concrete knoll takes up the majority of the lot area so he only has about 8' of usable space. Bret Weiss stated that everyone along the street was treated equally. Doug Schneider stated that he only has 1 ()' of blacktop but was having to pay $2,500. He asked if the Council would consider deferring the assessment. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. City Attorney, Matt Brokl suggested the City exclude the Prairie West town home development at this point in order to effectuate what the townhouse association is asking for. Glen Posusta asked why property owned by the City was being assessed under this project but did not receive an assessment on the Core Street Project. Rick Wolfsteller stated generally city property is not assessed. Becky Haydon stated the property in question was the Chamber of Commerce building. Some utility work was done that benefitted adjacent properties so an assessment was shown against the Chamber of Commerce property so it could be shown how the cost was broken out. . ROGER CARLSON MOVED TO APPROVE THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENT PROJECT NO. 2000~16C AS OUTLINED IN THE FINAL ASSESSMENT ROLL EXCLUDING THE PRAIRIE WEST TOWNHOME DEVELOPMENT. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH BRIAN STUMPF 9 7- . . . Council Minutes - 10/27/03 ABST AINING. A ten minute recess was taken and the Council reconvened at 9:30 p.m. 1 n. Public Hearinl! _ Consideration of certification of delinquent utility amount for collection with real estate taxes. Rick WolfsteIler explained the purpose ol'the special hearing was to adopt an assessment roll for utility billings that were delinquent for more than 60 days. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen then elosed the public hearing. Glen posusta had a question on the interest rate charged. Rick WolfstelIer explained that the interest rate of 6% was the rate charged on a delinquent amount that was certified to the county and the 10% was the penalty amount on a delinquent bill. BRIAN STUMP MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR TIlE DELINQUENT UTILITY ACCOUNTS AS PRESENTED. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Public Hearine: - Consideration of certification of delinquent miscellaneous accounts receivable for collection with real estate taxes. Rick WolfstelIer explained the purpose of the public hearing and noted that most ol'the account receivable charges were for services such as mowing, etc. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. There was no one present who spoke for or against the proposed assessment. Mayor Thielen elosed the public hearing. ROBI3lE SMiTH MOVED TO ADOPT THE ASSESSMENT ROI.L FOR DELiNQUENT ACCOlJNTS RECEIVABLE AS PRESENTED. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 12. Public Hearine: - Consideration of vacation of storm sewer/utilitv easement within the property comorisine: the Sunset Ponds development. It was explained that the casement acquired when the storm sewer outlet was constructed for the Meadow Oaks development was being replaced by utility easements that would be dedicated in the plat of Sunset Ponds. Mayor Thielen opened the public hearing. No one present spoke for or against the proposed vacation of the easement. Mayor Thielen then closed the public hearing. Glen posusta asked if ditch #33 was impacted by this easement. John Simola explained that easement allowed the water to pond before it drained into the Gillard Avenue storm sewer. 10 /'\ '--'" Council Minutes ~ 10/27/03 . GLEN POSUST A MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE VACATION Of THE STORM SEWER/UTILITY EASEMENT CONTINGENT UPON REPLACEMENT EASEMENTS BEING PROVIDED IN THE PLAT OF SUNSET PONDS. ROGER CARLSON SECONDED TIlE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Anprove pavrnent of bills for October. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF BILLS FOR OCTOBER. ROBBIE SMITH SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Added Items: . OlIie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, requested that a special meeting be set for November 10,2003 at 6 p.m. for IDC and HRA issues concerning industrial land. Bruce Thielen mentioned he had talked to Wayne Kessler, Mayor ofSt. Michael, who had experienced annexation when frankfort Township was absorbed into the City of St. Michael. Wayne Kessler offered to meet with the Council to have a question and answer session on what the City should be looking for in their annexation. Bruce Thielen suggested setting a meeting at 5 p.m. with Wayne Kessler and invite the township supervisors to attend. Glen Posusta asked if the public would be included in the workshop. Bruce Thielen stated it would be a public meeting but it would not be a public hearing. Brian Stumpf stated township residents should forward their concerns on thc annexation to the township supervisor. Glen posusta felt the township residents didn't have a voice in the annexation. Bruce Thielen responded that the township supervisors are the voice for their residents. Rick Wolfsteller will contact Wayne Kessler and invite the township supervisors. Robbie Smith brought up the storage of vehicles on the piece of property in front of Amax Storage. Robbie Smith was told the property was owned by the City. Bruce Thielen asked about the proposed sale of the property to Glen posusta. Matt Brokl said there were some questions relating to title but these have been resolved and a deed could be ready within the week. There is approximately $5.000 worth of interest in question which Bruce Thielen suggested be split. The delay in closing on thc property was discussed. Glen Posusta stated that he lost money becausc of the delay in closing on the property. Rick Wolfstellcr stated that the City was not required to provide title work and suggested the Council have a copy of the purchase agreement before them so they were aware of the terms of the purchase agreement. Matt Brokl concurred that the City was in the position to issue a quit claim deed at any time. Bruce Thielen stated the option to split the interest cost had been suggested or were there an any other options to consider. Brian Stumpf stated he would like to see the agreement before commenting. Glen posusta stated he would like to have obtained the property a year ago but was not able to do so. His plan upon obtaining the property would be to get a sign up and then the truck would be removed. The truck is in violation of city ordinance because it is an off premise sign. Robbie Smith would like to see the land transfer done and the truck removed. Bruce Thielen said council members must set an example for the community and comply with the provisions of the ordinance. Brian Stumpf countered that the City should practice the same rules referencing the site across from the Public Works building. John Simola stated the city has allowed the site to be used by contractors on the last three construction project because it has secured storage and the City has applied for a . 11 '1 ~," . . . Counci I Minutes - 10/27/03 conditional use permit for the building. Brian Stumpf stated this is a non-conforming use and he would like to see it cleaned up. In additional discussion of the sale of the property, Rick Wolfsteller stated that the City was not going to provide a warranty deed only a quit claim deed. If the deal has to be renegotiated, the City could not deal with Glen Posusta since he is a council member. Matt Brokl stated that according to the agreement a quit claim deed will be provided. The other question is remaining. Bruce Thielen felt the interest should be split. Glen Posusta felt that the interest should only be for month since the okay on the sale of the land was only given a month ago. He said he was never told by the City that they would give only a quit claim deed. Robbie Smith asked about setting an amount of time for the truck to be removed. Glen Posusta will work with the City to have the truck removed within 30 days. John Simola reported that staff has negotiated the turn back of County road] 17 from Chelsea Road to just north oC85lh Street. The documents could be signed by the end of the year. Under the turn back agreement the City will receive $85,000 plus two years of maintenance. 14. Adiourn BRIAN STUMPf MOVED TO ADJOURN AT]O P.M. BRUCE THIELEN SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 12 J-. . . . Council Agenda - 11/1 0/03 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Monticello Communitv Center. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring of new employees that have occurred recently in the Monticello Community Center. As you recall, it is recommended that the Council o1Ticially ratify the hiring of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Ratify the hiring of the part-time employees as identified on the attached list. C. SUPPORTING DATA: Lists of new employees. . NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Boedecker, Tonya Lifeguard MCC 10/21/2003 part+time Finnell, Donna GS Lead/Childcare MCC 10/30/2003 part-time Fossum, Bonnie Childcare AU. MCC 10/30/2003 part-time Gustafson, Lisa GS II/Childcare Att. MCC 10/21/2003 part~time Johnson, Melissa WSI MCC 10/24/2003 part-time . TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Anderson, Jessica voluntary MCC 4/30/2003 part-time Burandt, Theresa voluntary MCC 8/1/2003 part-time Humann, Andy voluntary MCC 8/31/2003 part-time Huver, Jennifer voluntary MCC 7/15/2003 part-time Mealhouse, Joseph voluntary MCC 8/31/2003 part-time Mitchell, Joseph voluntary MCC 6/10/2003 part-time Peterson, Paula voluntary MCC 9/27/2003 part-time Shea, Brittany voluntary MCC 8/31/2003 part-time . employee councillist.xls: 11/5/2003 ~) r-\ Council Agenda - 11/10/03 . 5B. Consideration of amendments to the City's SignOrdinance addressing "Sandwich Board" (Portable Signs) in the CCD Zoning District. Applicant: Monticello Chamber of Commerce. (NAC) A. Reference and Backaround. The Planning Commission reviewed this item at their November 3rd meeting and recommended approving alternative #1. At the request of the Monticello Chamber of Commerce, staff has prepared a draft Zoning Ordinance amendment which would make an allowance for "sandwich board" portable signs within the City. According to the Chamber, several local businesses presently use such signage in violation of present City signage allowances. The attached amendment would make a special allowance for small portable signs (which includes sandwich boards) within the City subject to the following requirements: 1. The signs shall be allowed only within the CCD, Central Community Zoning District. . 2. The signs shall occupy the public or private sidewalk area within five (5) feet of the entryway of the business it serves. 3. The placement of the signs shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. If on the public sidewalk, such signs shall be placed so that no less than six feet of sidewalk is available for passing of pedestrians. 4. The signs shall display messages oriented toward pedestrians. 5. The signs shall not have electrical connections, nor included any lighted or moving component. 6. The display of such signs shall be limited to the hours of the business it serves. 7. The signs shall be constructed of wood or other materials determined acceptable by the City. Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the CCD zoning district, and shall not be composed of "fluorescent" colors. . Council Agenda - 11/10/03 - 8. The maximum size of such signs shall be no greater than five (5) feet in height and six (6) square feet in area, and must comply with all other regulations of this ordinance. 9. Any sign placed under this section shall infer an indemnification of the City of Monticello by the owner of the sign for any liability or claim made involving the sign or sign location. - 10. No sign shall be permitted to be attached to any public structure or facility. B. Alternative Actions. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the amendment, based on a finding that such signs are consistent with the intent of the downtown area and with the recommendations of the Revitalization Plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the amendment, based on a finding that such signs will raise issues of blight and enforcement problems. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends the amendment. Many "downtown" areas permit these types of signs, so long as they are limited in size and are focused on providing information to pedestrians rather than motorists. With the requirements suggested in this ordinance, staff believes that issues of blight or enforcement should be minimized. . The Design Advisory Team has also reviewed the proposed ordinance amendment and recommends approval. Their recommendation included a request to drop the maximum sign height from 5' to 4' which was incorporated into the proposed ordinance. D. Supporting Data 1. Draft Ordinance . ._.._."_.'~'-- . CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 403 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE 10, CI IAPTER 3-9 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ADDRESSING PORTABLE (SANDWICH BOARD) SIGNS IN THE "CCO"- CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT, THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA HEREBY ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1, Section 3-9, (B), 1 (permitted signs) is hereby amended to add the following: (i) Portable Signs (as defined in Section 3-9,(B),2,(e),i). Such signs shall be subject to the following requirements: 1, The signs shall be allowed only within the CCO, Central Community Zoning District. 2, The signs shall occupy the public or private sidewalk area within five (5) feet of the entryway of the business it serves, ., ,,, The placement of the signs shall not impede pedestrian or vehicle circulation. If on the public sidewalk, such signs shall be placed so that no less than six feet of sidewalk is available for passing of pedestrians. . 4, The signs shall display messages oriented toward pedestrians, 5, The signs shall not have electrical connections, nor include any lighted or moving component. 6, The display of such signs shall be limited to the hours of the business it serves, 7. The signs shall be constructed of wood or other materials determined acceptable by the City, Color and design shall meet the design guidelines for the ceo zoning district, and shall not be composed of "flourescent" colors, 8. The maximum size of such signs shall be no greater than five (5) feet in height and six (6) square feet in area and must comply with all other regulations of this ordinance, 9. Any sign placed under this section shall infer an indemniiication of the City of Monticello by the owner of the sign for any liability or claim made involving the sign or sign location. . 10. No such sign shall be connected or attached to any publ ic structure, jB . Section 2. Section 3. including light poles, traffic control devices, public street furniture, utility equipment, or other such facility. Section 3-9.(B).2.(e).i (prohibited signs) is hereby amended to read as follows: (e) Portable signs as defined in i. Below and other attention-getting devices as defined in iii. - v. below, except as allowed in Section 3-9. (B) .1. (i) and as provided fi:.)r in Subsection (C), Paragraph 4. This Ordinance shall be effective following its passage and publication. Adopted this 1 Qth day of November, 2003 by the City Council of the City of Monticello. A TrEST: CITY OF MONTICELLO By: Bruce Thielen, Mayor . Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator . Ayes: Nays: SB City Council Agenda - 11/10/03 . 5C. Consideration of acce tin a draft Environmental Assessment Worksheet and distributin the EAW for a ro riate review. Applicant: Sunnv Fresh Foods. (NAC) A. Reference and BackQround. Sunny Fresh Foods has purchased the former Methodist Church site at the corner of 4th Street and Linn Street from the Methodist Church congregation, following the church's move to its neW facility along County Highway 18. The Church building is registered on the National Register of Historic Places. Sunny Fresh wishes to remove the building from the property so it can make use of the property for its own purposes, stating that the existing buildings do not permit safe or efficient use of the site. To remove the building (either move it to another site or demolish it) requires an Environmental Assessment Worksheet (EAW) to investigate potential impacts of the removal. A draft EAW is attached to this report. The purpose of the EAW is to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) would be required due to the project. procedurally, the City prepares the final draft of the EAW, then sends it to the required review agencies, including the EOB Monitor, a state publication. Following publication, a 30 day comment period runs, giving interested parties an opportunity to review the project and provide information or comment. At the end of the comment period, the City determines whether further information is needed, mitigation steps need to be considered, and finally, whether an EIS is necessary. In discussions with Sunny Fresh, the primary information sought has been the potential for other uses and/or locations for the church building. The applicant the congregation, and others have investigated various options, but have not discovered a reasonable choice. The Minnesota Historical Society has suggested that the "Re-use Study" be conducted to make a fuller investigation of options. Sunny Fresh indicates that, working with MHS, they have contacted several consultants to conduct such a study, but have had no interest. Whether the proposed budget listed by the applicant ($3,000) is a factor is not clear. With the available information gathered to date, the current draft of the EAW appears to be reasonably complete. Staff believes that it would be appropriate to publish the EAW for the comment period and permit comments as to its completeness, including any additional information on re-use that may be provided by the commentators. Once the comments are received, the City will be better able to consider whether additional re-use options are necessary prior to removal of the building. . . . . . City Council Agenda - 11/10/03 B. Alternative Actions. Decision 1: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the draft EAW for publication and comment. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the draft EAW for publication and comment, and to seek additional information prior to publication. c. Staff Recommendation. Staff recommends approval of publication at this time. The Historical Society, and other interested parties, will receive notice of the project and have the opportunity to comment during this phase. Upon the receipt of comments, the City will be able to evaluate whether any additional study or other efforts should be made to seek re-use and/or removal of the building. D. Supportinq Data 1. Draft EAW \. . . . Revised 2/99 ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET Note to preparers: This form is available at www.mnplan.state.mn.us. EA W Guidelines will be available in Spring 1999 at the web site. The Environmental Assessment Worksheet provides information about a project that may have the potential for significant environmental effects. The EA W is prepared by the Responsible Governmental Unit or its agents to determine whether an Environmental Impact Statement should be prepared. The project proposer must supply any reasonably accessible data for - but should not complete - the final worksheet. If a complete answer does not fit in the space allotted, attach additional sheets as necessary. The complete question as well as the answer must be included ifthe EA W is prepared electronically. Note to reviewers: Comments must be submitted to the ROU during the 30-day comment period following notice of the EA W in the EQB Monitor. Comments should address the accuracy and completeness of information, potential impacts that warrant further investigation and the need for an EIS. I. Project title: Demolition of building located at 320 West 4th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 2. Proposer Contact person: Aaron Martin Title: Project/Process Engineer Address: 206 West 4th Street 3. RGU: City of Monticello Contact person: Fred Patch Title: City Building Inspector Address: City Hall, 250 Broadway E City, state, ZIP: Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-295-2711 Fax: E-mail City, state, ZIP: Monticello, MN 55362 Phone: 763-271-5787 Fax: 763-271-5717 E-mail: aaron_martin@cargil1.com 4. Reason for EA W preparation (check one) EIS scoping X Mandatory EA W Proposer volunteered Citizen petition ROU discretion IfEA W or EIS is mandatory give EQB rule category subpart number 31 and subpart name Historical Places 5. Project location County Wright Lots 8, 9, 10 Block 19 Yo Yo Section Cityffownship Monticello Township Range Attach each of the following to the EA W: (see attached) . County map showing the general location of the project; . U.S. Geological Survey 7.5 minute, 1 :24,000 scale map indicating project boundaries (photocopy acceptable); . Site plan showing all significant project and natural features. ;< 6. Description a. Provide a project summary of 50 words or less to be published in the EQB Monitor. Description a. Demolition of the building located at 320 West 4th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 i. The project consists of the demolition of an existing church building listed on the National Register of Historic Places. The building was formerly used by a Methodist Congregation that later sold the building and property, and removed its belongings and relocated to a new church building in Monticello. . b. Give a complete description of the proposed project and related new construction. Attach additional sheets as necessary. Emphasize construction, operation methods and features that will cause physical manipulation of the environment or will produce wastes. Include modifications to existing equipment or industrial processes and significant demolition, removal or remodeling of existing structures. Indicate the timing and duration of construction activities. x The demolition of the church building is necessary because of the growing concern of possible collapse due to the structural stability of the steeple and the bowed walls. Another reason for the demolition is because the structure does not meet the Company's safety standards nor does it meet local standards. A demolition asbestos survey will be completed with any positive areas being removed with an abatement contractor. The existing church building is connected to a newly remodeled office building. The wall between the existing office area and the church will be braced with a separate temporary wall during demolition and removal of debris. The church building and steeple will be demolished by hand separation and removed in large garbage dumpsters to a landfill. Concrete floors, footings, and walls will be hauled to an approved recycling facility. The wall between the church and the office area will be replaced with a new exterior wall. The church basement area will also be backfilled and seeded with grass after demolition and removal. The project is scheduled to start in the fall of2003 and last for-2 months. c. Explain the project purpose; if the project will be carried out by a governmental unit, explain the need for the project and identify its beneficiaries. The purpose of the project is to provide a safe working area for Sunny Fresh employees and to meet Sunny Fresh Food's safe working condition standards, as well as to meet local fire protection and building codes. . d. Are future stages of this development including development on any out lots planned or likely to happen? X Yes _No If yes, briefly describe future stages, relationship to present project, timeline and plans for environmental review. In the future a need for additional employee parking and/or office space may be needed. Right now there is no time line for any additional stages. e. Is this project a subsequent stage of an earlier project? _Yes X No If yes, briefly describe the past development, time line and any past environmental review. . 7. Project magnitude data Total project acreage -5,000 ft.2 Number of residential units: unattached 0 attached I maximum units per building Commercial, industrial or institutional building area (gross floor space): total square feet Office & Church Total = 11,904 tY Indicate areas of specific uses (in square feet): Office 9,404 ft.2 (stays) Manufacturing Retail Other industrial Warehouse Institutional Light industrial Agricultural Other commercial (specify) Church/kitchen 2,500 ft.2 (Demo) Building height If over 2 stories, compare to heights of nearby buildings The church steeple is a little taller than the tallest portion ofthe nearby Sunny Fresh Foods plant building. 8. Permits and approvals required. List all known local, state and federal permits, approvals and fmancial assistance for the project Include modifications of any existing permits, governmental review of plans and all direct and indirect forms of public financial assistance including bond guarantees, Tax Increment Financing and infrastructure. Unit of lZovernment City of Monticello Tvoe of application Demolition Permit Status . 9. Land use. Describe current and recent past land use and development on the site and on adjacent lands. Discuss project compatibility with adjacent and nearby land uses. Indicate whether any potential conflicts involve environmental matters. Identify any potential environmental hazards due to past site uses, such as soil contamination or abandoned storage tanks, or proximity to nearby hazardous liquid or gas pipelines. The past land use was for a church and an attached education wing (see attached). The current land use is a vacant church and an office addition. 10. Cover types. Estimate the acreage of the site with each of the following cover types before and after development: Before Types 1-8 wetlands NA W oodedlforest NA Brush/Grassland NA Cropland NA After Before Lawn/landscaping After +2,900 ft.2 Impervious surfaces NA Other (describe) . TOTAL If Before and After totals are not equal, explain why: Demolishing building and then backfilling and plant grass. 11. Fish, wildlife and ecologically sensitive resources a. Identify fish and wildlife resources and habitats on or near the site and describe how they would be affected by the project. Describe any measures to be taken to minimize or avoid impacts. NA b. Are any state. listed (endangered, threatened or special concern) species, rare plant communities or other sensitive ecological resources such as native prairie habitat, colonial waterbird nesting colonies or regionally rare plant communities on or near the site? _Yes X No If yes, describe the resource and how it would be affected by the project. Indicate ifa site survey of the resources has been conducted and describe the results. If the DNR Natural Heritage and Nongame Research program has been contacted give the correspondence reference number: . Describe measures to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. NA 12. Physical impacts on water resources. Will the project involve the physical or hydrologic alteration _ dredging, filling, stream diversion, outfall structure, diking, and impoundment - of any surface waters such as a lake, pond, wetland, stream or drainage ditch? _Yes X No If yes, identify water resource affected and give the DNR Protected Waters Inventory number(s) if the water resources affected are on the PWI: . Describe alternatives considered and proposed mitigation measures to minimize impacts. 13. Water use. Will the project involve installation or abandonment of any water wells, connection to or changes in any public water supply or appropriation of any ground or surface water (including dewatering)? _Yes X No If yes, as applicable, give location and purpose of any new wells; public supply affected, changes to be made, and water quantities to be used; the source, duration, quantity and purpose of any appropriations; and unique well numbers and DNR appropriation permit numbers, if known. Identify any existing and new wells on the site map. If there are no wells known on site, explain methodology used to determine. 14. Water-related land use management district. Does any part of the project involve a shore land zoning district, a delineated IOO.year flood plain, or a state or federally designated wild or scenic river land use district? _Yes X No If yes, identify the district and discuss project compatibility with district land use restrictions. . 15. Water surface use. Will the project change the number or type of watercraft on any water body? Yes X No If yes, indicate the current and projected watercraft usage and discuss any potential overcrowding or - conflicts with other uses. 16. Erosion aod ",d;meotat;on. Give the acreage to be graded or excavated and the cubic yards uf soil to be moved: Sq ft 2,900 ft.'; cubic feet 23,200 ft.'. Describe any steep slopes or bighly erodible soils and ideotify them 00 the site map. Describe any erosion and sedimentation contrOl measures to be used during and after project constrUction. - 17. Water quality: surface water runoff a. compare the quantity and quality of site ruooff before and after the proje<:t. Describe permanent controls to manage or treat runoff. Describe any stonnwater pollution prevention plans. NA b. Ideotify routeS and receiving water bodies for ruooff from the site; 10clude major downstream water bodies as well as the immediate receiv10g wate". Estimate impact ruooff on tbe quality of re<:eiv1og waters. NA 18. Water quality: wastewaters a. Describe sources, composition and quantities of all sanitary, municipal and 10dustrial wastewater produced or treated at the site. NA b. Describe waste treatment methods or pollution prevention effortS aod give estimates of composition after treatment. Identify receiving water.;, includ10g majnr dnwnstreant water bodies, aod estimate tb' d~cbarge impact on tbe quality of receiving water.;. If the proje<:t 1ovolves on-site ",wage systems, discusS the suitability of site conditions for such systems. NA c. If wastes will be discbarged into a pubiicly uwned treatment facility, identify the facility, describe any pretreatment provisions and discusS tbe facility's abiiity to bandle the volume aod composition of wastes, identifying any improvements necessary. NA d. If the project requires disposal of liquid aoimaI manure, describe disposal technique aod location aod d~cuss capacity to bandle the volume aod composition of manure. Identify aoy improvemeots necessary. Describe any required setbacks for land disposal systems. NA 19. Geologic hazards and soil conditions a. Approximate depth (in feet) to ground water. minimum averag' to bedrock: minimum average Describe aoy oftbe following geologic site hazards to ground water aod also identify tbem on tbe site map' s_oies, sballow limestooe formatioos or karst cooditio... Desc"be m""utes to avoid or minimize environmental problems due to any of these hazards. NA b. Describe the soiis on tbe site, giving NRCS (SCS) classifrcations, ifknown. DiscuSS soil granularity aod potential for grouodwater contam1oation from wastes or cbemicals spread or spilled onto the soils. DiscusS any mitigation measures to prevent such contamination. NA 20. Solid wastes, hazardouS wastes, storage tanks a. Describe types, amnunts and compositions of solid or bazardous wastes, including solid animal manure, sludge and asb, produced during constrUction and operation. Identify metbod aod iocation of disposal. For projects generating municipal solid waste, indicate iftbere is a source ",paration plao; desc"be bow tbe project will be modifred for recycling. Ifbazardous waste is generated, 10dicate if there is a bazardous waste m1oimlzation plao aod routine bazardous waste reduction assessments. The demolition of the church will be hauled away in dumpsters to a nearby landfill. . . b. Identify aoy toxic or bazardous mate"als to be used or present at the site and identify m""utes to be used to prevent them from contaminating groundwater. If the use of toxic or hazardous .-a.. ...,. . . materials will lead to a regulated waste, discharge or emission, discuss any alternatives considered to minimize or eliminate the waste, discharge or emission. '\ An asbestos survey was completed in the past and an abatement contractor has removed most of the asbestos containing materials. Another demolition asbestos survey will be complete prior to demolition and the abatement contractor will be on site prior to demolition beginning. 21. c. Indicate the number, location, size and use of any above or belowground tanks to store petroleum products or other materials, except water. Describe any emergency response containment plans. NA Traffic. Parking spaces added NA. Existing spaces (if project involves expansion) Estimated total average daily traffic generated . Estimated maximum peak hour traffic generated (if known) and time of occurrence . Provide an estimate of the impact on traffic congestion on affected roads and describe any traffic improvements necessary. If the project is within the Twin Cities metropolitan area, discuss its impact on the regional transportation system. 22. Vehicle-related air emissions. Estimate the effect of the project's traffic generation on air quality, including carbon monoxide levels. DiscusS the effect of traffic improvements or other mitigation measures on air quality impacts. Note: lfthe project involves 500 or more parking spaces, consult EA W Guidelines about whether a detailed air quality analysis is needed. NA 23. Stationary source air emissions. Describe the type, sources, quantities and compositions of any emissions from stationary sources of air emissions such as boilers, exhaust stacks or fugitive dust sources. Include any hazardous air pollutants (consult EA W Guidelines for a listing) and any greenhouse gases (such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide) and ozone-depleting chemicals (chloro-fluorocarbons, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons or sulfur hexafluoride). Also describe any proposed pollution prevention techniques and proposed air pollution control devices. Describe the impacts on air quality. NA 24. Odors, noise and dust. will the project generate odors, noise or dust during constrUction or during operation? X Yes _No If yes, describe sources, characteristics, duration, quantities or intensity and any proposed measures to mitigate adverse impacts. Also identify locations of nearby sensitive receptors and estimate impacts on them. DiscusS potential impacts on human health or quality of life. (Note: fugitive dust generated by operations may be discussed at item 23 instead of here.) Normal constrUction noise oftrocks, equipment, tools, etc. will occur. A temporary wall will be installed inside the office portion to provide a barrier from the demolition and the office personnel. 25. Nearby resources. Are any of the following resources on or in proximity to the site? Archaeological, historical or architectural resources? X Yes No prime or unique farmlands or land within an agricultural preserve? Yes X No Designated parks, recreation areas or trails? ~ ~ Yes X No Scenic views and vistas? _Yes X No Other unique resources? _ Yes X No If yes, describe the resource and identify any project-related impacts on the resource. Describe any measures to minimize or avoid adverse impacts. ~ The United Methodist Church of Monticello had been listed on the National Register of Historical Places, apparently for being at one time the oldest Methodist Church building in continuous use in Minnesota. The Methodist Church building at 320 West 4th Street, Monticello, MN 55362 is no longer in continuous use. The Congregation decided to discontinue using the building and move elsewhere, and then sold the building to Sunny Fresh Foods in 1999. The Methodist Church Congregation moved numerouS items from the inside and outside of the church building to preserve the value of the items in their new church building located at 9225 Jason Ave. N.E., Monticello, MN 55362. The items that were preserved for value and moved to the new location include: the bell from the bell tower, the stained glass window . from the bell tower, the kerosene chandelier, the external steeple spotlights, the communion rail, pews, the external cross on the steeple, the external eternal flame, the eternal flame above the organ, the outside church sign, and few other items. The Methodist Church Congregation has made clear to Sunny Fresh Foods that they have no further desire to maintain or preserve the building and do not oppose the demolition. Sunny Fresh Foods has also discussed the possibility of moving the church to another location within the community, but no interested parties were identified. Sunny Fresh Foods has also discussed the possibility of moving the steeple to a new location if there is interest. The project will greatly improve the safety situation with Sunny Fresh Foods' employees. The demolition will eliminate the risk of possible structural collapse of the building due to age or weather. The existing building will also meet Sunny Fresh Foods' safety standards along with fire code standards. 26. Visual impacts. Will the project create adverse visual impacts during construction or operation? Such as glare from intense lights, lights visible in wilderness areas and large visible plumes from cooling towers or exhaust stacks? Yes X No If yes, explain. 27. Compatibility with plans and land use regulations. Is the project subject to an adopted local comprehensive plan, land use plan or regulation, or other applicable land use, water, or resource management plan of a local, regional, state or federal agency? _Yes X No. If yes, describe the plan, discuss its compatibility with the project and explain how any conflicts will be resolved. If no, explain. 28. Impact on infrastructure and public services. Will new or expanded utilities, roads, other infrastructure or public services be required to serve the project? _Yes X No. If yes, describe the new or additional infrastructure or services needed. (Note: any infrastructure that is a connected action with respect to the project must be assessed in the EA W; see EA W Guidelines for details.) . 29. Cumulative impacts. Minnesota Rule part 4410.1700, subpart 7, item B requires that the RGU consider the "cumulative potential effects of related or anticipated future projects" when determining the need for an environmental impact statement. Identify any past, present or reasonably foreseeable future projects that may interact with the project described in this EA W in such a way as to cause cumulative impacts. Describe the nature ofthe cumulative impacts and summarize any other available information relevant to determining whether there is potential for significant environmental effects due to cumulative impacts (or discuss each cumulative impact under appropriate item(s) elsewhere on this form). NA 30. Other potential environmental impacts. If the project may cause any adverse environmental impacts not addressed by items I to 28, identify and discuss them here, along with any proposed mitigation. NA 31. Summary of issues. Do not complete this section if the EA W is being done for EIS scoping; instead. address relevant issues in the draft Scoping Decision document, which must accompany the EA W. List any impacts and issues identified abov.e that may require further investigation before the project is begun. Discuss any alternatives or mitigative measures that have been or may be considered for these impacts and issues, including those that have been or may be ordered as permit conditions. . RGU CERTIFICATION. The Environmental Quality Board will only accept SIGNED Environmental Assessment Worksheets for public notice in the EQB Monitor. I hereby certify that: . The information contained in this document is accurate and complete to the best of my knowledge. . The EA W describes the complete project; there are no other projects, stages or components other than those described in this document, which are related to the project as connected actions or phased actions, as defined at Minnesota Rules, parts 4410.0200, subparts 9b and 60, respectively. . Copies of this EA Ware being sent to the entire EQB distribution list. . . . Date Signature Title Environmental Assessment Worksheet was prepared by the staff of the Environmental Quality Board at Minnesota Planning. For additional information, worksheets or for EAW Guidelines, contact: Environmental Quality Board, 658 Cedar St., 51. Paul, MN 55155, 651~296.8253, or www.mnplan.state.mn.us . . . NORTHWESTERN METRO MAP ( ....---..~~ ter Ine ~ / ~ , ~ 23 ____________________ _n__ _ _~_ - .- , , , .- , I J - - - 'e - I PLA'.r MAP -dIIt- /:/1 ~ ........ ~. .. . 26 - SI'rE MAP 111' ~~~ ---..... .. ~~... ~ ~...~... ..... ... ~~ - ~..., 1 \ '- .. .E ~ A c.I<TtJP PA/(ItJrlr, - --~..--. - -- .... . \ -- '.IIIIIIIIII" ~. ~ ---. ~ --. ~ ~ ...--- ---- --~ ~ I 'rU 1 ........ \ 0-. "- \II , ' \ , 1 t 13 LJILDING. I 1 I \ \ I - -- I . , , \ , L ~,....~~ --- - -' -- --,- \' \ ~ ~ ~ ..-" ---. ~ . ..-.. ....-- . -- . __. ___ III ~...- .... ~ - -- -+ ,.A :s r R e- /;...,.. - - - - - - - V') - --- \ ~ \ . S/-r&' A~E'A ::: 3 2,lD 7 ~ ~.r:: \ m \ i . , - - 27 \ i . ~ 55' " , '- .. "1.0 ~ ~ , ,', "~ , \( , I>t~ \ )... r--- :f"~\ . ~ V\ .. . \ e Ol .(0 't-\ ~ I ,," - \ \ lp~ \ <0 'C:, -- ...0 CDI ~ ,-' ~ ~------; \1\ -...1' c4 \ - II " L--------,----------~~ ~ '" G f\ I i ~~ Uj ~ ~ ~ ~D 1 't' \u a r---- ~ - - ~ I +~ ~ . \ ~ \ " G , ~ ...... ,,' ).. \ .. \tJ \ r ~ ::::. I ~ .. ~ \ 1 tS:l '" ~ c(. \ \ . lI\ .3.l\-~ d ~ tf 0 \l\ '" ..0 N . 38' BUILDING SKB'rCH 11 . . 28 ~ ...., ~,... J 'ir. ,t ! ! .. - ' . ~~' .. BeJeJ : ! C )CD! QQQ ! I , I ~ ~ ~ ~ ..... ~ ..... ..... ~ . c I ., " '13 . . .. Cl ~ BUILDING SKE~CH #2 .. ~ '2.0' ~ ~~ -~ 0_ ~ I 81 4- I I I I , -----~ I I L I , v c4 "( l.1..l ~ ~ ~ ~~ .~ Vi ~'" ..J~ ~ tr\ ~ ~... 55' ~ .... ~ ~ ~ .-...... ~,..... -- ~ ~~ ~ -~- ~ ----. --- - ~- ..--. 42. ' " " o '" 29 '" ~ ~ 3 g' I .11: c-; ~ ~ \J) 1.1)' 1\ ~ ~ '\ \ ~ ,..J ~ U'I '= ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~/ , o ~ . ~!: ~ I " ... :E ~ ~ r= ...... l.W :> ~ g,:: ~ ...... J ...... .. ... \.::~ ....\ ., ,........ .. m!ll ...m L. . l;1i it [ I I , . . . 5D. Approve Chanee Order No.1 for CSAH 75 Improvements - Otter Creek to Washineton Street. S.A.P. No. 86-675-14 (City of Monticello Project No. 2000-16C) (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROtJND: The CSAH 75 project was a cooperative project between Wright County aNd the City of Monticello. The City of Monticello committed to paying f()r certain items within the project through a Cooperative Agreement with Wright County and completed the design documents for the utility improvements. Because the utility improvements were mostly handled by the City of Monticello and were authorized by the City Council, it is necessary to complete a change order for added items within the utility contract to submit to Wright County for payment. The attached Change Order No.1 addresses several watermain and sanitary sewer changes to the original contract. Those items included service installations, conduit placement for the potential underground electric, manhole replacement, and other miscellaneous items that have previously been completed. The County intends to process final payment on this project in the near future and therefore, we would like the City Council to approve the addition of these costs for that final contract payment. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve Change Order No.1 in the amount of $42,005.35 for Buffalo Rituminous, Inc. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: These items were necessary to be completed during the course of construction as construction was commencing. This change order is simply a housekeeping issue to make sure the contractor is appropriately paid for the additional items. It is our recommendation that Change Order No.1 be approved as stated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Change Order No.1 C:\f,i()( '(IA.J/';- J\/JA WN .1.( ;HOI,U)( '..n.\"- j1fe1flj.1'll/tr03 ('()j AK~'/Ida IklluhJ{" . . . CHANGE ORDER NO.1 DETAIL CSAH 75 IMPROVEMENTS (OTTER CREEK TO WASHINGTON STREET) SAP. NO. 86-675-14 CITY OF MONTICELLO PROJECT NO. 2000-16C WSB PROJECT NO. 1282-01 NOVEMBER 7, 2003 ADDED ITEMS Item No. Description Qty Unit Price Extended Amount SERVICE TO PRIME AMERICA LUMP SUM $8,200.50 $8,200.50 2 SERVICE TO MONTI LIQUORS LUMP SUM $4,08650 $4,086.50 3 CUT IN 12" GATE VALVE AND BOX LUMP SUM $2,750.00 $2,75000 4 CONDUIT INSTALLATION LUMP SUM $6,902.50 $6,902.50 5 CHAMBER SEWER SERVICE AND STORM SEWER LUMP SUM $10,84985 $10,849.85 6 CEDAR STREET MANHOLE REPAIR LUMP SUM $6,710.00 $6,71000 7 DEAD END MANHOLE REPLACEMENT LUMP SUM $3,080.00 $3,080.00 TOTAL ADDED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.1 $42,579.35 CREDITED ITEMS Item No. Description Price Extended Amount Qty Unit 8 LOWER HYDRANT CREDIT ($574.00) TOTAL CREDITED ITEMS CHANGE ORDER NO.1 ($574.00) TOTAL ADJUSTMENT $42,005.35 Page 1 co 1-110703.xlsC01 Detail NOU-07-2003 11:01 WSB & ASSOCIRTES INC. P.02/03 ~:; ~'~:.:@ ;! :a,;~;~ 'I:i:t:~:~i t,:'~ '~IIJ~I;~!~ ~~; f1f:~:i~:.;1~]G~;';~1,:~1~:'~i'~I'].~[~j~f~:s.~~~':' ' ~'''''':":,'!',C'',,, ,(~I.."":hJll"'lll";-I")IHl""",,-, Lt::~'II:] "iIlijl!"'~li I ~ .,. ..,. ,"',,~ ..i,. 'l;"~ . h,'"'" '.1 .\'-"'\'1>, ),1, Ii,]!"., ' I. .,l\.! '1J'IoL., :n, n; .~ C$AH 75 IMPROVEMENTS (OTTER CREEK TO WASHINGTON STREET) .' NO. 8H7S.14 OF MONTICELLO Pi;.;)JECT NO. 2QOO-1iC B PROJECT NO. 1282-'" NOVEMBER 7. 2003 OWNER(S): CITY OF MONTICELLO 505 WALNUT STREET, SUiTE 1 MONTICELLO, MN 55362 AND WRIGHT COUNTY HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT 1901 HIGHWAY 25 NORTH BUFFALO. MN 55313 CO.\iTRACTOR: BUFFALO eITUMINOUS, INC. P.O. BOX 337 BUFFALO, MN 55313 YOU AFlE DIFlECTED TO MAKE THE FOLLOWING CHANGES IN THE CONTRACT DOCUMENT CeSCRIPTION: Through the COUn5lii1 of construction, several watermain and sanitary sewer modil1calions were necessary to be completed. These were changes to Wright Countfs original bid quantilie&. Thi$ change order i& for City of Monticello acknowledgement to allow W riQht County to pay for .he Increased services. All costs include a 10% prime contractor mark up. CONTRACT QUANTITIES ARE MOCIFIEC AS SHOWN ON THE ATTACHED DETAIL. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS CHANGe ORoeA INCLUDES ALL. ADDITIONAL COSTS AND TIME EXTENSIONS WHICH ARE IN ANY WAY, SHAPE, OR FOAM ASSOCIATED WITH THE WORK ELEMENTS DeSCRlseD ABOVE. NGE IN CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIME: IGINAL CONTRACT PRICE: PREVIOUS CHANae ORCE;RS: CONTRACT PRICE PRIOR TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: NET INCREASElDECREASE OF THIS CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT PRice WITH AU.. APPROVED CHANGE ORDERS: NlA ORIGINAL CONTFlACT TIME: NET CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS CHANGE ORDERS: CONTRACT TIME PAlO A TO THIS CHANGE ORDER: N~ INCRiASE OF CHANGE ORDER: CONTRACT TIME WITH APPROVED CHANGe ORceRS: N/A $42,005.36 N/A RECOMMENDED BY: ~~A. ~ BRET A. WEISS, p.e., PROJECT MANAGER WSB & ASSOCIATES. INC. ENGINEER APPAOVED BY: <6~.4 W~ CITY ENGINEER CITY ADMINISTRATOR . { {-1-o3 DATE DATE F;IWPWJN\JHl1.oJlCO 7-nOl'/1JCfH NOU-07-2003 11:01 WSB & RSSOCIRTES INc. 7632877170 ~.~~,~~ TOTAL CREDITED ITEMS CHANGI! ORDIR NO.1 TOTAL ADJUSTMENT . ($674.00) $42,005.35 TOTRL P. 03 . . Council Agenda - 11/1 0/03 5E. Consideration of enterine into Cooperative Agreement No. 79344 with the State of Minnesota for a traffic control sienal at TH 25 and Chelsea Road. (RW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: As part of the TH 25 Improvement Projeet No. 96-04C, the City and the State agreed to a eost sharing agreement for installation of signals at TH 25 and Chelsea Road The Minnesota Department of Transportation has submitted the cost sharing agreement for execution by the City. Although the project has been pretty much completed, the City has just now received the agreemcnt document for execution. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Approve execution of Cooperative Agreement No. 79344 between the City of Monticello and the State of Minnesota for the signal installation. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator that the City enter into this cooperative agreemcnt for the signal system. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Cooperative Agreement No. 79344 . . . . MINNESOTA TRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNAL AGREEMENT NO. 79344 BETWEEN THE STATE OF MINNESOTA, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AND THE CITY OF MONTICELLO TO Install a new Traffic control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Chelsea Road; Remove the existing Traffic Control Signal, Install and Remove a temporary Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights, and Install a new Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights, Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) - Oakwood Drive; Revise the existing Traffic Control Signal with Street Lights and Signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps; Install Conduit, Handholes and Loop Detectors for the future Traffic Control Signal on Trunk Highway No. 25 at School Boulevard; and Install Interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 25 from Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps to Chelsea Road, and Install conduit and Handholes for the future Interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 25 from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard in Monticello, Wright County, Minnesota. S.P. 8605-40 C.P. 96-04C Prepared by Pre-Letting Services ESTIMATED AMOUNT RECEIVABLE AMOUNT ENCUMBERED None $227,274.23 . the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation, THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into by and between hereinafter referred to as the "State", and the City of Monticello, hereinafter referred to as the "City", the Commissioner of Transportation to make arrangements with and WHEREAS, Minnesota Statutes Section 161.20 authorizes cooperate with any governmental authority for the purposes of system; and constructing, maintaining and improving the Trunk Highway lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk desirable to install a new traffic control signal with street WHEREAS, it is justified and considered mutually Highway No. 25 at Chelsea Road; remove the existing traffic . signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at County Road 117 (Oakwood signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signal with street lights, and install a new traffic control control signal, install and remove a temporary traffic control Drive) - Oakwood Drive; revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights and signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps; install conduit, handholes and loop detectors for the future traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 25 at School Boulevard; and install interconnect on Chelsea Road, and install conduit and handholes for the future Trunk Highway No. 25 from Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps to . 79344R - 1 - . interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 25 from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard; and WHEREAS, the City requests and the State agrees to the installation of Emergency Vehicle Pre-emption Systems, hereinafter referred to as the "EVP Systems", as a part of the new traffic control signal installations on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Chelsea Road, and at County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) - Oakwood Drive, and in accordance with the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth; and WHEREAS, it is considered in the public.s best interest for the State to provide two (2) new cabinets and . controllers for said new traffic control signals. Such materials as described immediately above shall hereinafter be referred to as "State furnished materials", and WHEREAS, under the existing joint powers agreement, there will be partial cost participation provided for in this agreement for construction and inspection; and WHEREAS, the City and the State will participate in the cost, maintenance and operation of the new traffic control signals with street lights, EVP systems and signing, and the interconnect, and the cost of the revised traffic control signal with street lights, the temporary traffic control signal with street lights, the conduit, handholes and loop detectors for the . 79344R - 2 - . future traffic control signal, and the cO?duit and handholes for the future interconnect, as hereinafter set forth; NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City has prepared the necessary plan, specifications and proposal which shall constitute "Preliminary Engineering". The City has performed the construction inspection required to complete the items of work hereinafter set forth. 2. The contract cost of the work, except the cost of providing the power supply to the service poles or pads, shall referred to hereinafter. constitute the actual "Construction Cost" and shall be so control signal and interconnect work provided for under State Project No. 8605-40, and City Project No. 96-04C, with the 3. The City, by contract, has performed the traffic . Construction Costs shared as follows: a. Trunk Highway No. 25 at Chelsea Road. System "A". Install a new traffic control signal with street lights, EVP System and signing. Construction Cost is $125,000.00. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. b. Trunk Highway No. 25 at County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) - Oakwood Drive. System "B". . 79344R - 3 - . 1. Remove the existing traffic control signal and install a temporary traffic control signal with street lights. Construction Cost is $27,500.00. State's share is 100 percent. 2. Remove the temporary traffic control signal and install a new traffic control signal with street lights, EVP system and signing. Construction Cost is $125,719.34. State's share is 75 percent. City's share is . 25 percent. Trunk Highway No. 25 at Trunk Highway No. 94 c. South Ramps. System "C". Revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights and signing. Construction Cost is $10,000.00. State's share is 100 percent. d. Trunk Highway No. 25 at School Boulevard. System "D". Install conduit, handholes and loop detectors for the future traffic control signal. Construction Cost is $30,000.00. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. e. On Trunk Highway No. 25 from Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps to Chelsea Road. Install . 79344R - 4 - . interconnect. Construction Cost is $10,000.00. State's share is 68.76 percent. City's share is 31.24 percent. f. On Trunk Highway No. 25 from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard. Install conduit and handholes for future interconnection. Construction Cost is $1,200.00. State's share is 77.00 percent. City's share is furnished materials to be installed with the City work provided 23.00 percent. 4. The State has furnished to the City the State in Paragraph 3. Actual Cost for the State furnished materials for Paragraph 3a is $22,394.83. State's share is 50 percent. City's share is 50 percent. Actual Cost for the State furnished materials for Paragraph 3b(2) is $25,140.26. State's share is . 75 percent. City's share is 25 percent. 5. Preliminary Engineering and Inspection not included in the Joint Powers Agreement No. 76112 amounts to $23,694.00. City responsibility is established at 8% of their respective Construction Costs. Such costs will be reduced from the State share paid to the City. 6. Mobilization, field office, field laboratory, and traffic control not included under the Municipal Agreement No. 79100 is established at .7% or $15,108.30 which is split 65% State, 35% City. . 79344R - 5 - . . . 7. Upon execution of this agreement and certification of completed construction of the work provided for in Paragraph 3 hereof to the satisfaction of the State's District Engineer at Brainerd or his duly authorized representative, the State shall pay to the City the State's share of the actual Construction Costs, mobilization, field office, field laboratory, and traffic control, minus the City's share for State furnished materials and preliminary engineering/inspection. 8. The amount to be encumbered for payment to the City from Trunk Highway Funds for the work performed in paragraph 4under this Agreement is $227,274.23. 9. Payment to the City will be made by the State for such work upon submission by the City of an invoice and certified by a responsible City and State official that said work has been completed under the terms of this Agreement. The invoice and supporting records are subject to audit by the State's representative at the direction of the State. 10. The City shall be responsible for the cost and application to secure an adequate power supply to the service pads or poles. Upon completion of said new traffic control signals with street lights (Systems "A" and "B"), the City shall provide payment of the monthly electrical service for operation at the cost and expense of the City. 79344R - 6 - . 11. Upon completion of the work contemplated in Paragraph 3a, 3b(2) and 3e (Systems "A", "B" and interconnect) hereof, it shall be the City's responsibility, at its cost and expense, to: (1) maintain the luminaires and all its components, including replacement of the luminaire if necessary; (2) relamp the new traffic control signals and street lights; and (3) clean and paint the new traffic control signals, cabinets and luminaire mast arm extensions. It shall be the State's responsibility, at its cost and expense, to maintain the signing and interconnect and to perform all other traffic control signal and street light maintenance. 12. The EVP Systems provided for in Paragraph 3a and . 3b(2) (Systems "A" and "B") hereof shall be installed, operated, maintained, or removed in accordance with the following conditions and requirements: a) All maintenance of the EVP Systems shall be done by State forces. b) Emitter units may be installed and used only on vehicles responding to an emergency as defined in Minnesota Statutes Chapter 169.01, Subdivision 5 and 169.03. The City will provide the State's District Engineer or his duly appointed representative a list of all such vehicles with emitter units. . 79344R - 7 - ~ ..., . . c) Malfunction of the EVP Systems shall be reported to the State immediately. d) In the event said EVP Systems or components are, in the opinion of the State, being misused or the conditions set forth in Paragraph b above are violated, and such misuse or violation continues after receipt by the City or written notice thereof from the State, the State shall remove the EVP Systems. Upon removal of the EVP Systems pursuant to this Paragraph, the field wiring, cabinet wiring, detector receivers, infrared detector heads and indicator lamps and all other components shall become the property of the City. e) All timing of said EVP Systems shall be determined by the State through its Commissioner of Transportation. 13. Timing of the new traffic control signals (Systems "A" and "B") provided for herein shall be determined by the State, through its Commissioner of Transportation, and no changes shall be made therein except with the approval of the State. 14. Upon execution and approval by the City and the State and completion of the construction work provided for 79344R - 8 - . herein, this agreement shall supersede and terminate the . operation and maintenance terms of Agreement No. 63157, dated September 24, 1986, between the City and the State, for the intersection of Trunk Highway No. 25 at County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) . and omissions, the acts and omissions of its employee(s), and 15. Each party will be responsible for its own acts their results to the extent authorized by law. The parties will thereof. Liability of the State will be governed by the not be responsible for the acts of any others and the results provisions of the Minnesota Tort Claims Act, Minnesota Statute Section 3.736 and other applicable law and the liability of the ... City is governed by Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466 (1998) and other applicable law. ... 79344R - 9 - . . . CITY OF MONTICELLO APPROVED AS TO FORM: ~ City Attorney 79344R - 10 - By: 3AA~ ()ct) Mayor By: 9:2/!!s~ STATE OF MINNESOTA STATE ENCUMBRANCE VERIFICATION Individual certifie~ that fund~ have been encumbered a~ required by Minn. Stat. !s 16A.lS and 16C.05. BY; Date: MAPS Encumbrance No. 79344R - 11 - DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Recommended for approval: By: Di~trict Engineer Approved: By: State Design Engineer Date: Approved as to form and execution: By: Contract Management Date: COMMISSIONER OF ADMINISTRATION As delegated to Materials Management Divi~ion By: Date: . . . fJ\~S . . . RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the City of Monticello enter into an agreement with the State of Minnesota, Department of Transportation for the following purposes, to wit: To install a new traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Chelsea Road; remove the existing traffic control signal, install and remove a temporary traffic control signal with street lights, and install a new traffic control signal with street lights, emergency vehicle pre-emption and signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at County Road 117 (Oakwood Drive) - Oakwood Drivej revise the existing traffic control signal with street lights and signing on Trunk Highway No. 25 at Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps; install conduit, handholes and loop detectors for the future traffic control signal on Trunk Highway No. 25 at School Boulevard; and install interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 25 from Trunk Highway No. 94 South Ramps to Chelsea Road, and install conduit and handholes for the future interconnect on Trunk Highway No. 25 from Chelsea Road to School Boulevard in accordance with the terms and conditions set forth and contained in Agreement No. 79344R, a copy of which was before the Council. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the proper City officers be and hereby are authorized to execute such agreement, and thereby assume for and on behalf of the City all of the contractual obligations contained therein. CERTIFICATION State of Minnesota County of Wright City of Monticello I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the Council of the City of Monticello at a duly authorized meeting thereof held on the day of 2003, as shown by the minutes of said meeting in my possession. City Administrator (Seal) ...... - . . City Council Agenda - 11/10/03 7. Consideration to a rove authorizin re aration of a prooertv for industrial development. (O.K.) A. Reference and background: The HRA and IDC request the City Council consider and approve authorizing preparation of a purchase agreement of said property for industrial development. In the spring 2003, the HRA and IDC, respectively, appointed HRA Commissioner Dan Frie, IDC members Mary Barger and Dick Van Allen, Administrator Rick Wolfsteller, and Economic Development Director Koropchak to form a subcommittee to research the long and short term industrial land needs ofthe City of Monticello. This task being consistent with the following goal: To provide a continuous stream of available industrial land with infrastructure potential. Per the suggestion of City Attorney Rrokl, a special workshop was called by the City Council for Monday, November 10, at 6:00 p.m. to discuss and negotiate terms and conditions of a purchase agreement. Over the past number of years, the HRA and City Council budgeted funds for future industrial development or acquisition. Including the approved 2004 budgets, the accumulated amount of the reserve fund is $931,000. Over the past months, the subcommittee toured the sites identitied as the Osowski, Pauman, Otter Creek, Gold Nugget, and Monticello Commerce Center. Following a potential wetland location study of the Osowski properly by WSB, Inc. and the potential to re~zone approximately 100 acres of industrial land to commercial near the proposed 1- 94 and County Rd 18 interchange; the subcommittee narrowed their research to the Otter Creek, Gold Nugget. and Monticello Commerce Center parcels. If re-zoned, this would leave approximately 70 acres of undeveloped industrial land within the city limits. Restricted by the owner's preference to sell the remaining Monticello Commerce Center (35-40 acres) as one piece and the Monticello Market Place (30 acres) to two users because of the power line; the subcommittee foresaw a more immediate need for industrial land. A typical buyer of industrial land requests between 5 to 10 acres. After the subcommittee received land price offers from the Otter Creek, Gold Nugget, and Monticello Commerce Center owners and Bret Weiss, WSB, Inc. prepared estimated street and utility costs; the subcommittee narrowed thc options to the Otter Creek Crossing (offer expires mid-November 2003) and Monticello Commerce Center properties. Ehlers & Associates, city financial consultants, prepared cost analysis for the two properties. At what price per acre will the City need to market and sale the land'? Does it make economical sense? What arc the benefits to the City owning land for 1 City Council Agenda - 11/10/03 . industrial development and marketing? This information will be provided at the work shop along with the approved recommendations of the lIRA and IDe. Administrator Wolf"teller will provide suggested sources of funds for acquisition and the infrastructure development. B. Alternative Actions: 1 . A motion to approve authorizing the preparation of a Purchase Agreement for acquisition of the _______ property for industrial development subject to terms and conditions of the City Council and City Attorney. 2. A motion to deny approval authorizing the preparation of a Purchase Agreement for acquisition of land for industrial development. 3. A motion to table any action. C. Recommendation: . City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller and Economic Development Director Ollie Koropchak recommend Alternative No.1 and support the recommendation and rational orthe HRA and IDe. This information to be provided at the workshop at 6:00 p.m. D. Supporting Data: None. . 2 . . . Council Agenda - 11/1 0/03 8. Consideration of a reauest from Monticello Youth Hockey Association for financial assistance in funding for a hockey rink. (R W) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Monticello Youth Hockey Association has asked to be on the Council agenda to provide the Council with an update on their arena project and to request City funding assistance for an arena to be built as part of the middle school complex. From the information provided. the MYHA has approached the Monticello School District with the idea of building the arena as an attachment to the middle school, to cut their cost substantially. Apparently the idea of using the City's 16 acre parcel along the interstate has been abandoned at this point. The following is a brief summary of the MYHA requests and the City Council action that has occurred over the past year and a half regarding this ice hockey arena issue. Hopefully this will help rehesh your memory on what has taken place for far to this point. In April 2002, City Council supported donating some land hom the Outlot A parcel along 1-94 that could be used by the hockey association to build an ice arena. The main reasons behind this donation was that the Council felt this site would be beneficial in encouraging commercial development along 7th Street and could be the catalyst for getting 7th Street extended from TH 25 to County Road 39. Original proposal by MYHA had the project costs at $3-$3.5 million with the hockey association raising $1,000,000 in contributions and borrowing the rest of the funds to complete the project. Original Council action was to donate approximately 5 plus acres for the ice arena, with the City keeping the rest of the land and no waiver of fees such as SAC or WAC fees, building permit fees, trunk charges or other fees associated with this type of development. The Council left the door open for considering a waiver of fees if the association could prove they needed assistance. In July 2002 the Council held a workshop and was presented with a proposal from MYIIA that indicated the Monticello Soccer Association was interested in becoming part of the complex that would include both an ice arena and a soccer dome on the Outlot A property. Hockey and soccer groups presented a proposal to City Council that would have the facility being privately built and owned by Veit Companies, instead of the non-profit organizations. The Council supported the donation of the land with the notation that there would be no waiver of fees for building permit, SAC charges or other hookup fees, there would be no tax abatement (assumed that the facility would be privately owned and thus pay taxes). Counci I Agenda - 11/10103 . This was the reason for considering donation of the entire 15 acre site, as it would be paying all the regular fees and all the property taxes. In early 2003, it became apparent that private ownership of the facility may not occur and the hockey association along with the soccer group approached the Council for a revision of the terms. The Council agreed to still provide the groupS with the entire 15 acre parcel upon payment of $250,000. This would allow the hockey association and the soccer association to effectively use about 10 acres of land for their recreational use and have the ability to sell the remaining 5 acres for commercial development. The Council gave the hockey association until the end of2003 to arrange for the project to be commenced. As noted in the hockey association's summary provided with this agenda, it appears that the soccer association has dropped out of the picture and the hockey association has now been working with the school district in an attempt to have the facility built as an addition to the Monticello Middle School. Other than the request enclosed, neither staff nor Council has been provided with any new budget information on what tbe actual cost of building the proposed arena would be or the operating cost of such a facility and nothing has been provided that would support any type of request for city assistance to make the project happen. A number of questions come to mind regarding the proposed leasing of the facility to the school district who will then operate the facility. The Council may want to ask what the lease terms are and how much revenue would be generated from the sale of ice hours to other organizations and communities. Information that was originally supplied by the hockey association a year and a half ago had projected revenues for rental of ice time exceeding $500,000 a year. Total project costs for an ice arena and a soccer dome at that time had been estimated at over $6,000,000 with the need to borrow over $5,000,000 to finance the project. Even at that high cost, the association's projected revenue would be sufficient to cover the operating costs and debt payments. As you will note in the association's summary, the project costs today are estimated at only $2,100,000, of which $1,000,000 is to be supplied through fund raising and $1, J 00,000 to be borrowed money. It would appear that the hockey association or the school district would still be able to rent ice time that sbould provide revenue of $400,000 or more annually and that there should be sufficieot revenue to support an $80,000-$100,000 debt payment. This leads me back to my original question, and 1 assume the Council's question also, is there really a need for City assistance of over $600,000 to make this project ($500,000 in cash over ten years with a forgiving 0 f fees exceedi ug $100,000 or more)? It seems that before an informed decision can be made by the Council, a revenue and expense budget needs to be supplied along with what arc the terms f()r the lease agreement between the association and the school district, etc. While 1 think everyone agrees that an ice arena in our community would certainly be a benefit, the Council will need to determine how this funding request compares to all other needs of the city at this time. For example, the proposed expansion at the library is estimated to cost . . 2 . . . Council Agenda ~ 11/10/03 $500,000 or more and has not yet been funded other than through reserves, funding for developing an interchange at CSAH 18 and 1-94 will likely the cost the eity taxpayers $5,000,000 or more, future phases of our street reconstruction program will need additional city participation to see them happen, along with funding for development of a city owned industrial park are all projects that arc competing for our tax dollars and our reserve funds. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. After reviewing request, the Council could determine a level of annual assistance you may want to provide to the hockey association for their project. 2. The Council could delay any decision and ask for additional documentation to support any requested funding. 3. Council could deny any request for funding at this time. c. STAFF RECOMMENDATION At the time this agenda item is being prepared, staff does not have sufficient information on which to make a recommendation for any type of financial assistance for this project. As administrator, I would recommend that full details he provided to the Council on actual project costs, lease arrangements with the school, revenue sources and debt obligations be provided so that the Council can make an inf<.mned decision on whether City suppoli is even really necessary. Unless the revenue picture is dramatically changed from what was being presented a year ago, a project that only requires a million dollars in debt instead of five million dollars, should be ahle to support itself from the revenue generated.. A full financial disclosure will tell the Council what funding, if any, is needed. D. SUPPORTING DATA: ,. n I, Cp\__ (l,~ ~ Request tor fundll1g from MYHA \~.... \ \ I _ ,..",lot (~ S"..,-f..... --r""';'\ 5(.,rrolJ) S~ VJ( sJ-~() 1 - A.tL ~ M4~ '[ L"( ~~ &vtt~ ~TO q,~-~~ l J , ') _ ~ ...~~ ~t-. f Jxt -r\~-t @ y\(\...- (_\'..( t 5tl~ ~ ,~ \') ~~~l r- 4 )5'0 - 3 ..... "!!I!IIIIIII" MONTICELLO YOUTH HOCKEY ASSOCIATION Background: The concept of an ice arena in Monticello has long been a goal for many in this community. There is no disputing the fact that an ice arena enhances the community, attracts involved families, and showcases the business in Monticello through increased tourism. However, the reality is that only through the cooperative efforts of many organizations and individuals can a project this size be achieved. Last year, the council. saw the merits of having an arena in town and offered to sell the MYHA organization land for $250,000. The intention of the organization was utilize only a small portion of the land and to sell the remaining balance off in order to pay down the debt of the facility. The MYHA has close to $100,000 in costs related to trying to develop and market this site. To date, we have not been successful in selling this land. . Current Situation: The Monticello School District has agreed to work as a partner with the MYHA in building an arena on the Middle School property. The contract includes having MYHA leasing the land from the district for a dollar per year. The association would then build the arena and lease it back to the school district. The school district would operate the facility. The location of the facility on school property allows for MYHA to drastically reduce the cost of the arena. MYHA has been working with the School District's architectural firm to insure a quality building at a modest price. Financing: The MYHA has received positive feedback from more than one bank on financing $1,100,000 with the about mentioned lease structure. Fundraising efforts have begun again in earnest. To date, we have approximately $300,000 in cash and firm commitments toward the project. Our goal is to raise $1.0 million. . The cost of the facility is estimated to be $2.1 million. This estimate is based on an arena just recently constructed in Sartell at a cost of $2.4 million. The cost of our facility was conservatively estimated based on this very similar project. However, locating our arena next to the Middle School will reduce the costs through shared parking, locker rooms and '6 . restrOOm facilities. In addition, our association plans to further reduce the costs through requesting donated labor and materials from local businesses. Several local businesses and contracting firms already bave stepped forward to offer their services for free or at reduced rates. Final cost of our arena will be determined when a full set of drawings is obtained from the architect and complete set of bids is obtained. This work is in progress noW. Again, this arena is possible only through the combined efforts of many organizations. Past arenas in the state have been constructed by cities, school districts or private organizations. For this project to be successful, all of these organizations need to work together to provide a facility that is needed and expected in a community the size of Monticello. Our hope is that the city will contribute monetarily to this community project. proposal: The MYRA will release the city from its commitment to sell the 7'" street site land. Weare asking that you provide a monetary commitment over a period of years. We respectfully request that the city commit to a donation of $50,000 dollars per year for 10 years. The association will use this commitment to obtain a loan converting this long- term commitment to needed current dollars. We also ask that the city issue a tllX-exempt bond, the cost paid by MYRA, under the city's lending anthority but not be responsible for repayment. The bond will be bank qualified and held by the bank, which will alloW a reduction of the loan interest rate by approximately one third. In addition, we ask that the council reduce or waive future permit, trunk, andlor W AC/SAC fees in a manner proportionate with a project of this type . Goal: Through the cooperative investment of the school, the city, the hockey association, numerous businesses and individuals, Monticello will be able to build a quality ice arena that will enhance and enrich our community for years to come. Complete funding by February with constrUction starting in April and full operation by October of 2004. . Counci I Agenda - 11/1 0/03 ~ ,.,. 'I, Consideration of authorizin~ purchase of replacement air compressor-Monticello Fire Department. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGR01JND: Fire Chief Scott Douglas has requested Council consideration of allowing the Fire Department to purchase a replacement air compressor that is used by the Fire Department to fill air tanks for firemen. The Fire Department has been having trouble recently with the air compressor leaking oil into the system, resulting in some air tanks having a mixture of oxygen and oil. A quote to repair and rebuild the old air compressor totaled $8,180.00, almost equal to the purchase price paid for the air compressor in 1991. The Fire Chief obtained quotes for a new air compressor totaling $9,733.00, but because of OSHA regulations, the Fire Department must also have containment fill station to prevent the air tanks from exploding which brings the total cost of a new replacement unit to $14,309.00. Since it is the recommendation of the Fire Chief that the Council consider replacing the unit with a new one rather than spending $8,000 to repair the old one, the City Council should authorize the purchase since it was not included in the 2003 budget. The Fire Chief will be contacting township officials to seek their approval of the purchase also. . B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Authorize the Fire Department to replace the existing air compressor in the amount of $14,309.00. 2. Authorize repair of the existing air compressor for $8,180.00. C. ST AFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the City Administrator and Fire Chief that the Council approve the purchase of a new air compressor along with the appropriate OSHA required containment fill station equipment at a total cost of$14,309.00 plus freight. This recommendation is based on the fact that it almost costs as much to repair the old air compressor as buying a new one, and the additional safety equipment of having a containment fill station for the air tanks seems appropriated. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of repair quote and new compressor quote. . . Metro Fire Quote #E4706 Monticello, MN. ProDosal: One - Mako model ACI05E3 AirChargc compressor package including: Three stage, air-cooled compresgor (8.6 cfm @ 5000 psi) 7.5 Horsepower electric motor (230V/60Hz/ 3 phase) Magnetic starter Stainless steel gauge panel with hour meter High air temperature switch Start/stop air pressure switch Emergency stop button MKIC purification system (processes 9,800 cfw/ an 80 F inlet) CO/Moisture indicator kit Automatic condensate drain with muffler reservoir Enclosed, insulated, vertical cabinet Removable front door Removable, hinged access door on left side $9,732.94 . One- Mako model TM4503 Air Storage system including: Three 4500 psi DOT cylinders with service valve and burst disc (444 cf each @ 4500 psi) Self-standing vertical rack (2 x 2) Interconnecting hardware /)4#-;;" '!:>:rvll.?J&e. $1,603.53 ) ~o+l1e5 One _ Mako model SCFS2-3 Two position, containment fill station including: Two position, front loading, containment fill station Latching front door with safety interlock Two fill whips with isolation valves, bleed valves and SCBA fill adapters Fill panel including: Regulator with inlet and outlet gauges One fill control valve and gauge Three bank cascade control with "to" and "from" valves Bypass valve Regulated auxiliary outlet with valve and QD. Four - lOft interconnecting hOSes No Charge .$.. 11 70JfJL I ~ 309 - rf.v-.s Ff'~.c"~~tJ $4.576.47 Total = $15,'1%.'4 . METRO FIRE 7637677253 11/06/03 11:01am P. 001 -~~~--~---------~----"'"--' --- ----,... - SPECIAL PRICING REQUEST FORM NIl_ ....__-.-----.- .- , ,ll , 13915 Uncoln Street N.E. · Suite D Ham Lake, Minnesota 55304 Phone 763.767.7247 . Fax 763.767.72';3 Toll Free 888.422.1881 C~->>ftb--.- J C~')'~j~~" --J -..-r CUSTOMER: AITN: _." 1~~~J' ~ __f.Pt~a~.--:-~1:NF,~.C bIT ~_~-=-_~----- I W. - 2;7 r - 'fo SA1.ESPERSON.~~"--' .--- .-.- --- . . S~ ..1<( "''''' un: ....'" b:> ZO OU :E ... "" "'''' <Jl 0 '" "" ~o U t:~ U<Jlt< ....0 00 "'.... <fl... U 0'" ..1..1 "' ClCl ",,,, ~'" .... 0 ..1 <Jl ~ .... '" U "'''' :2 '" ..1 .. 0 ;.. '" .. '" l) "" ..... ..<Jl <( ~ .. <Jl ..... 0 ..... .., 'tl .m ..... ..... 0 OZ ... = "0 .. '" '" .., ..... <Jl<Jl ~ .g b ~~ .... is UU .. II "'''' "" .e I b 00 E l) is <Jl 8 .. 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