Planning Commission Minutes 12-04-2007 MINUTES MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, December 4th, 2007 6:00 PM Commissioners Present: Charlotte Gabler, William Spartz, and Barry Voight Commissioners Absent: Rod Dragtsen, Lloyd Hilgart Council Liaison Absent: Brian Stumpf Staff: Angela Schumann, Gary Anderson, and Steve Grittman - NAC 1. Call to order. Vice Chairman Spartz called the meeting to order, noted a quorum of the Commission, and the absence of Commissioners Dragsten and Hilgart and Council Liaison Stumpf. 2. Approval of the minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 6"', 2007. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING OF NOVEMBER 6`", 2007. • MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. Consideration of adding items to the a eg nda. Vice Chairman Spartz requested that dates for Planning Commission meetings in 2008 be added as item 8. 4. Citizen comments. NONE. Continued Public Hearing -Consideration of a request Erosion Control Schumann provided the staff report, stating that the Planning Commission is asked to consider an amendment to the Monticello Zoning Ordinance for the regulation of grading and erosion control. The ordinance amendment proposed consists of a new chapter specific to the regulation of grading and erosion control, as well as amendments to the current ordinance for consistency with the new chapter. U Schumann stated that the purpose of the ordinance is to consolidate existing practices in order to better safeguard water quality and aid in the preservation and maintenance of land cover as appropriate during development. Schumann indicated that the ordinance also brings the City in line with state and federal regulations. Development of this ordinance is one of the requirements identified in the City's Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) for Construction Site Storm Water Runoff Control. Schumann reported that the proposed ordinance had been developed over the past year with input from both staff and the development community. Schumann stated that currently, Monticello's regulation of grading and erosion has been contained in various documents and policies which maybe somewhat inconsistent, due to lack of Planning Commission Minutes - 12/04/07 uniform definitions of control measures and implementation. With the proposed amendment, the City is seeking to condense current practice into one standard, making regulation more practical for both the City and the development community. Schumann reported that, for the most part, the ordinance proposed represents current City policy. She said that the most notable change is related to the standard for requiring a permit. Currently, the City requires no permit for grading under 400 cubic yards of material. Schumann stated that 400 cubic yards of soil is approximately equivalent to 40 dump trucks of material. City staff felt some circumstances would require the review of projects which may disturb less ground cover than this previous standard. This is particularly true for developed areas. As such, Schumann indicated that the proposed permit criteria include both volume and area triggers, as well as a requirement for disturbances adjacent to waterways. Other modifications to current practice include the requirement for individual site developers to supply a security guaranteeing maintenance of on-site prevention measures and clean-up during construction. Schumann stated that the City has and will continue to hold a security with an overall site developer. However, an individual security makes communication with individual site developers such as builders much easier. Schumann discussed references within the ordinance to the Requirements and Design Guidelines. She stated that the ordinance does not provide detailed specification information for erosion and grading measures, as those requirements are covered in the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines. The inclusion of detailed specifications within that document, rather than the ordinance ensures that the specs are current and consistent with new development practices and • state and federal regulations. Schumann reported that the City will be completing updates to the Plan Requirements and Design Guidelines in support of this ordinance. Schumann expressed that the other practices and requirements outlined within the ordinance are those currently being used by the City of Monticello at various stages of the development process. Schumann summarized by stating that the proposed ordinance changes help to present a clear guideline for grading and erosion control within the City. Ultimately, the goal of the ordinance is better communication regarding grading and erosion control at all levels of the development process. She said that the City Engineer, Public Works Director and Chief Building Official had reviewed the proposed ordinance and amendments and recommend approval. Supporting staff, including building inspectors, the Street Superintendent, consulting engineers and Community Development staff, had also reviewed this ordinance and recommend it for approval. Schumann stated that the City Engineer had also spoken with a representative from the Pollution Control agency, who also recommended approval as an independent reviewer. Chairman Spartz opened the public hearing. Gabler asked if builders have to provide a copy of the SWPPP for their individual lot. In other words, does City get a copy of the SWPPP after the permit is signed over. City Engineer Bruce Westby indicated that the City does get a copy of the SWPPP, but it is the overall development SWPPP. Gabler inquired whether when the developer sells a lot, if the transfer of the SWPPP goes with the lot. Westby confirmed, but stated that the City doesn't get a separate individual SWPPP because the builder is required to follow the original SWPP. Gabler stated that she understood that component, but was wondering of the City followed the chain of transfer. Westby stated that the City only monitors compliance with the approved SWPPP. Gabler stated that she had personally run into builders and homeowners not following the SWPPP 2 Planning Commission Minutes - 12/04/07 upon transfer. Westby stated that it is a common issue and the City is addressing it through information measures such as upcoming meetings with homeowners and realtors regarding storm water ponds. Gabler asked if the new ordinance requires that the builder supply an LOC, as well as developer. Schumann stated the builder would need to supply a bond. Spartz confirmed that the City would require a permit only at 400 yards of materials and questioned what the current standard is. Schumann referred to the proposed ordinance, citing triggers for both volume and area. Schumann also noted that there are different volume triggers depending on whether the property is developed or undeveloped. Spartz asked how many single family homes would utilize these permits. Schumann stated that in the case of a new development, the entire development would be subject to permit. In-fill single home projects would require a permit. Schumann also specified that the permit would be required for major single-family landscaping projects such as large retaining walls near a wetland complex, but would not be required for simple landscaping projects. Voight cited the requirement for permit within 200 feet of a wetland and questioned if that applied to a storm water retention pond. Westby stated that would not apply to storm water pond, but rather to protected waterways. Hearing no further comment, Vice Chairman Spartz closed the public hearing. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF CHAPTER 33 OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE FOR GRADING AND EROSION CONTROL AND • CORRESPONDING AMENDMENTS, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE PROPOSED ORDINANCE IS CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT CITY POLICIES AND STRATEGIES FOR THE PROTECTION OF MONTICELLO'S WATER AND SOIL RESOURCES. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. Consideration for review a current update on exnirin~ conditional use uermits and plans. Schumann stated that an inventory of expiring plats and CUPs had been provided to the Commission in November and has since been updated based on the direction from the Commission. Schumann illustrated progress report and noted that two letters of request for extension had been received and would be considered at January's meeting. Spartz confirmed no action by the Commission is required. Gabler asked if the Broadway Market is moving forward. Anderson reported that he had contact with them and they verbally indicated that they wanted to extend their building permit, but he had received no written communication to forward to the Council. Voight inquired if those listed were sent letters that they could apply for extension. Schumann confirmed and noted that applicants may have outstanding review costs. If so, they were also notified of that responsibility. All notices also referenced that an extension request would not be automatically approved. • Spartz asked about those projects under construction. Schumann stated that projects under construction were not sent notices, because they had commenced their projects. Voight asked that the "completed" language referenced for CUPS within the current ordinance be addressed. Schumann Planning Commission Minutes - 12/04/07 . explained that Commissioner Dragsten had also noted other potential ordinance changes, which should be part of any amendment. 7. Consideration of a request to consider preparation of NRI. Schumann provided the staff report for the NRI item, stating that the Planning Commission had received a working draft of the Monticello Comprehensive Plan update for review and comment. Schumann explained that one of the common themes in the development of the plan, particularly among citizens, was the protection, preservation and enhancement of parks and open space. As a result, the comprehensive plan presents conceptual ideas for future open space planning, including a specific chapter on Parks. The Land Use chapter references conservation design and building greenway connections within the city. The Land Use chapter also discusses strategies for incorporating conservation design into new developments, where appropriate. Schumann stated that to support the vision for open space, the Planning Framework Chapter of the Comp Plan details the completion of a Natural Resources Inventory (NRI) as a "Next Step". Schumann indicated that NRIs are defined as a set of natural resource information for a given geographic area, which most often includes a series of maps and information on land, water and air resources. In building an NRI for a community, consultants use existing data resources, such as DNR inventories, and combine them with field research and new analysis. • Schumann stated that an NRI can be an important foundation tool in community planning. NRIs assist a community in defining which areas are most critical for preservation or conservation and which are best suited to traditional development patterns. Schumann discussed some of the purpose points of an NRI in terms of guiding development patterns. City staff is requesting that the Commission consider proceeding with a request for proposals for the completion of an NRI for Monticello. Schumann said that regardless of how ideas about land use change as the comp plan is completed, the identification of the resources present in the Monticello area is important in laying the groundwork for future zoning ordinance revisions and for more specific development planning. Schumann reported that the City Administrator and Community Development Coordinator support moving forward for RFP. The draft comprehensive plan specifically outlines this process as a next step in achieving the outcomes of the plan. Although the plan is still preliminary, the results of an NRI would essentially lay the groundwork for future land use planning. Schumann concluded by stating that the results would also help the Planning Commission as it undertakes the complete revision of the Zoning Ordinance, as it may consider incorporating natural resource design principles in the construction of the document. Voight stated that while he sees the value in completing the NRI, he inquired why it had not been completed prior to, or with, the comp plan. Schumann referenced that if the City had intended for the comp plan to be focused on conservation, it would have made more sense then. However, in thinking about the revision of the zoning ordinance as a stronger tool and more form-based, the timing might be ideal. Grittman agreed, stating that the way the plan appears to be set up, is to lay out the idea that if the City believes it has some remaining high-value land, it should be protected. The result is to complete the NRI. 4 Planning Commission Minutes -12/04/07 Gabler asked if there is an existing NRI. Schumann stated that there are existing components of an NRI, but nothing specific for Monticello -especially in field research. Schumann stated that it is hoped that a Monticello NRI incorporates social aspects. Grittman referred to this as a cultural inventory. He cited Monte Club Hill, which obviously has natural resource aspects, but also cultural identity important to Monticello. He said that the NRI may identify those as well. Gabler asked if field research would be a component of the NRI. Schumann indicated that it will be crucial. Spartz asked if Wright County had a lot of these resources, which the City could use. Schumann stated that the NRI will pull all available information to prepare a complete picture. For example, Wright County may have great soil information, but lack good information on water resources. Grittman confirmed that there is a lot of secondary research, so part of the process is to layer all the pieces. Field research will actually help identify what is special about these places and prioritize. Schumann stated that the NRI will also help the City picture the zoning ordinance differently. The Planning Commission will be able to review and discuss developments in a more visual way. Gabler asked if the City has to spend $20,000 on the NRI. Schumann stated this was the budgeted amount, but may not be what the study actually costs. Gabler asked that no more be spent. Grittman stated that his experience is that they cost much more. It may depend on the area inventoried. Gabler asked whether Township had been approached for budget participation, Schumann stated they had not been approached, but that the idea is that the NRI would serve Monticello's urban development pattern. MOTION BY COMMISSIONER GABLER TO RECOMMEND THAT THE CITY OF • MONTICELLO PROCEED WITH A REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) FOR A NATURAL RESOURCE INVENTORY. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. Spartz inquired what the next step in the process would be. Schumann replied that staff would draw a scope and plan of work, request proposals, and then use a selection group, including a Planning Commission representative, to choose a consultant. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. Meetine Dates Spartz stated that as the January 1 S` meeting falls on a holiday, it needed to be shifted. Schumann referenced that with HRA and EDA under merger, there is no HRA meeting scheduled for Wednesday the 2°d of January, as an option. The Commissioners agreed that the 2°d would be acceptable. Spartz asked staff to prepare date options for February and November of 2008 if needed, as the caucus and general elections are held those days, respectively. 9. Adjourn. MOTION TO ADJOURN BY COMMISSIONER VOIGHT. MOTION SE QNDED BY COMMISSIONER GABLER. MOTION CARRIED, 3-0. r+ ' / ~'" Reco,.~{e ; ~~ -;~ ~__-- 5