City Council Minutes 06-12-1995 SpecialMINUTES
Monday, June 12, 199b - 6 p.m.
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom
Members Absent: None
A special meeting of the Monticello City Council was held far the purpose of
selecting an engineering firm for the wastewater treatment plant expansion project.
Public Works Director Jahn Simola reported that at a special meeting held on
:May 22, the Council reviewed proposals and interviewed four engineering
consultants to be considered for expansion of the wastewater treatment plant
facility. At the conclusion of that meeting, staff was directed to prepare additional
questions and gather additional questions from the Council and Mayor, forward
those to the consultants for their answers, and develop a rating structure to be used
to evaluate the proposals. In addition, City staff was directed to use this rating
structure to evaluate the firms and report back to the City Council.
Simola went on to report that on June 1, 1995, a list of questions was sent to the
consultants and City Council. Because two of the firms requested a meeting with
staff so that they could give verbal responses as well as written responses, staff
provided all the consultants an opportunity to meet and be re-interviewed by staff.
Based upon the interviews and additional information provided by the consultants
and their original proposals, staff concluded that the City should attempt to reach
the following goals: 1) creation of a less complex plant which is mare easily
expanded; 2) creation of a plant that offers less areas in which to produce
significant adore; 3) creation/expansion of a plant at a reasonable cost; and
4) creation of class "A" sludge. It was staff a opinion that the two alternatives that
should be studied further are the oxidation ditch and sequencing batch reactor
(SBR). Both of these options offer a facility that would be less complex, less likely
to produce odors, would be easily expandable, and more cost-effective than the
alternate noted in the facilities plan.
City staff developed a rating structure based on each proposal and subsequent
questions and answers, knowledge of the project requirements, experience and
ability, interviews, project cost, and ability to work with the MPCA, for a total of
100 possible points.
Public Works Director Simola reported that HDR and SEH rated as the top two
firms, and he went on to summarize the proposals from each.
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Special Council Minutes - 6/12/95
It was noted that SEH would evaluate the oxidation ditch alternative and proposed
that this system could be constructed for approximately $9.6 million, which would
include class "B" sludge and would have the same odor control cost (and
construction of training facilities) as stated in the facilities plan. Simola noted that
SEH proposed to update the facilities plan at a cost of $15,000, and also could
produce class "A" sludge for an estimated additional $500,000. SEH also provided
additional information on SBRs.
It was reported that HDR investigated both the oxidation ditch and SBR
alternatives and has confidence in the SBR system. They propose to construct
either system for approximately $5 to $8.5 million, which includes production of
class "A" sludge, odor control, training facilities, etc. HDR was able to keep the
construction cost lower because they designed their proposal using as much of the
existing plant structures as possible. HDR also proposed to update the facilities
plan at a cost of $15,000, $3,000 for processing permit paperwork, and $5,000 to set
up a partnering program. Kelsie McGuire of PSG, Manager of the wastewater
treatment plant, added that he was impressed with the amount of documentation
supplied by HDR supporting their answers to the City's questions.
Simola reviewed both the oxidation ditch and SBR systems. Although staff did not
have a preference at this time until further investigation, he noted that they do
have some concerns regarding the SBR system in that it uses more complicated
controls, and is more costly to operate; however, it is less expensive to construct
than the oxidation ditch system. It was noted by Council that further investigation
of oxidation ditches and SBRs is needed prior to selection of a system. Simola noted
that HDR, SEH, and RCM/OSM all rated well and could do the jab but that HDR
had a slight edge based upon the overall rating system.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Brian Stumpf
to enter negotiations with HDR far expansion of the wastewater treatment plant.
Motion carried unanimously.
There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
-,, ~~-- ~
n Doty
Office Manager
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