City Council Minutes 12-01-2008 SpecialCouncil Minutes: December 1, 2008
December 1, 2008
Members Present: Clint Herbst, Wayne Mayer and Tom Perrault.
Members Absent: Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski
City Administrator Jeff O'Neill welcomed those present at the informational meeting and
acknowledged the presence of city staff, council and representatives from the County and the
YMCA. Jeff O'Neill outlined areas of discussion that would be covered which included review of
the progress of the project; review of funding options; outlining what the next steps are in
proceeding with this project and how citizens can be involved.
The Bertram Chain of Lakes comprises 1,200 acres lying west of Monticello and within Monticello
Township. It consists of 4 undeveloped lakes, 245 acres of mixed vegetation/wetlands and 140
acres of agricultural land. The property is close to I-94 a major corridor. Currently the YMCA
operates Camp Manitou at this facility with the camp having been in operation for almost 50 years.
Photographs of the area were shown.
Jeff O'Neill discussed why it is important to preserve this area. The City, County and State agree
that this area has value and should be preserved. It is a one of a kind area with four pristine lakes
along a major traffic corridor and close to the metro area. The area is a valuable for wildlife
habitat, has high quality native wetlands and significant biodiversity and is identified as such in
Monticello's Natural Resource Inventory Assessment. There are opportunities in this area for
wetland/savannah restoration projects. The area contains a glacial esker which is a unique land
formation created as the glaciers retreated. The presence of a park is another reason for people to
live, work and invest in Monticello. Jeff O'Neill discussed the proposal to site a ballfield complex
in this area noting there is a regional and local need for additional playing fields. Monticello is
centrally located making it an attractive location for tournaments for soccer, softball, and baseball.
The tournaments bring in people from outside the Monticello area which benefits the local
economy. Nature education programs are also important as are regional trails connecting to the
park and winding through the facility. The possibility exists with this project to create other
recreational opportunities.
The YMCA contacted the City some time ago about their desire to sell the property. The YMCA
needed cash to operate the other programs they provide. The City and County got together and
talked to the YMCA about keeping the land for a public use rather than selling it to a developer. A
task force of City and Wright County officials was set up and worked together to come up with a
plan for acquiring the property and developing an overall vision of the area. The YMCA has
worked with the City and County to come up with a price and a plan for the acquisition to take
place. The YMCA is maintaining a presence at the facility and will be leasing space for the
continued operation of Camp Manitou, their day camp.
The appraised price for the property is $20,500,000 which is also the purchase price. The City and
County have identified the property as a natural resource and recreational land in their respective
Council Minutes: December 1, 2008
Comprehensive Land Use Plans. A considerable number of tours of the project area by state
officials from various agencies reflect the level of the state's interest in this area.
A Memorandum of Understanding has been approved by all parties involved in the purchase. The
Memorandum of Understanding sets the table for a number of agreements to follow. It sets the
purchase price and establishes a phased acquisition valid through 2013. This was important
because the City and County could not get all the state funding that was needed at one time.
Property will be purchased over time as state funding becomes available. The County has also
indicated they would be willing to up front some of the City`s share of the acquisition cost with the
City to pay the County back over time. The Memorandum of Understanding provides for the
athletic fields to be purchased when state funds become available. The Memorandum of
Understanding contains a provision to allow the YMCA to lease a portion of the land for the
operation of their day camp. Having the YMCA in operation at the site is a benefit for the area.
The first phase of the acquisition would involve the purchase of parcels #SA and #6 for $3,600,000
and include a use lease agreement covering parcels #1 and #2. The second phase would depend on
when state funds are available and would cover parcels #7, #1 and #2. The City and County will
pick up the land area to the west and then pick up parcels #5, #4 and #3. Jeff O'Neill briefly
discussed the possibility of program coordination between City, County and YMCA.
State funding is critical to acquiring the 1200 acres at $20.5 million. The need for state funding is
important as park dedication fees alone can't fund the project. A grant of $200,000 was received
for this project which has not yet been spent. In addition $1,000,000 in funds was received from
LCCMR (Legislative & Citizens Commission on Minnesota's Resources) which would go towards
the purchase of parcels #5 and #6. The land would have to be acquired by the end of the year to be
eligible for the $1 million. A request for $7,000,000 in funds for this project to be included in the
state's bonding bill was made but it was not in the final bill signed by the governor. In the 2008
general election the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment was passed which is meant to
provide funding for park land acquisition. These funds will be available in the future and it is
hoped that because the Bertram Chain of Lakes project involves multiple entities it will be a more
desirable project for funding.
Finance Director Tom Kelly talked about City funding of their share of the cost which is just under
$6,000,000 with state funding. This cost is just the land acquisition and does not include the cost
for development of the athletic complex. The City has park dedication fees of $1,000,000 that can
be utilized. The City also owns undeveloped commercial land that could be sold. It is estimated the
value of this commercial land to be in excess of $5,000,000 which could be used for the ballfields.
Other sources are bond funds where there are reserves left after the bonds have been paid off.
These funds, amounting to approximately $1,800,000, can be used as the Council feels appropriate.
There are some additional reserves and liquor store funds that could be utilized as well. When
development picks up again there will be additional park dedication funds coming in. The City
could also levy for this amount through a bond referendum. The County has various funding
options available to it and has indicated a willingness to help the City up front some of the
acquisition cost. If the City was to levy the $475,000 needed annually, a home valued at $100,000
would see an increase of $28.31 in their taxes; a $200,000 home would have an increase of $56.61
and a $300,000 home would see an increase of $84.92 The County's estimate as to the increase on
taxes for the County's share would be $7.54 per year on a $200,000 home. Jeff O'Neill clarified
Council Minutes: December 1, 2008
that would be the rate if the City's share was funded in total by a tax levy and the City did not use
park dedication fees or reserves to help fund the cost.
The next step in the process if to finalize the purchase agreement which is under way and will be
ready for Council consideration at their December 8, 2008 meeting. The terms of the lease
agreement will also be considered at this meeting. The City will have to identify the source of
funds and the mix of funds that will be used to purchase the land. This depends somewhat on the
state contribution to the project. There are a lot of variables that will have to be considered. The
parties will have to take the necessary steps to secure additional state funding through the Clean
Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. Jeff O'Neill stated the City in November had applied to the
LCCMR for funds. However, the LCCMR did not award any funds for the Bertram Chain of Lakes
project and with the passage of the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment the LCCMR will
not be a funding source for this type of project after 2009.
Community Development Director, Angela Schumann talked about the development plan for the
facility. What will the park look like? She noted that some input has been received as a result of the
tours of the area. The Bertram Chain of Lakes Project is an opportunity for the park to be
whatever people want the park to be. The City and County invite the public to take part in the
visioning process. The process will result in a development plan and capital improvement plan for
the project. The plan will have passive and active park areas. It will also cover plans for operation
including whether it should be done jointly or have different entities responsible for different areas.
The City and County will have information on their websites. Residents can participate by signing
up for e-mail updates. Comment cards are also available at this meeting. Residents are urged to
lobby their legislators to drum up support for this project. It was noted that although the Clean
Water, Land and Legacy Amendment was only passed in November there is already pressure on
how these funds should be spent.
Jeff O'Neill noted this wrapped up the formal presentation and opened the meeting up for questions.
A resident asked what lakes were being considered. Jeff O'Neill said the first phase which is
parcels #SA and #6 is a portion of Long Lake and the wetland to the south and east of Long Lake.
The YMCA has agreed to hold the land aside through 2013 for the phased acquisition. There was a
question on trails within the camp and the condition of the access road to the area. Jeff O'Neill
responded that this would need to be looked at. The question was raised as to why this area was
being purchased first. Jeff O'Neill noted the area has significant wetland area.
A question was raised about reopening the access to the beach. Because of the problems that
occurred there in the past it was felt that reopening the access would require policing of the area.
While there are issues that need to be resolved the public would like to see that area opened sooner
rather than later. A resident asked about the 60 foot strip of right of way which went all the way to
the lake and expressed his belief that the right of way to the lake should not have been closed.
Wright County Commissioner Pat Sawatzke responded that the County owned right of way in this
area but the access to the lake is not located on the County right of way. The County owns right up
to the lake on the east side of parcel #7 but then the terrain becomes too steep to be used as an
access. The actual access to the lake is on YMCA property. The YMCA didn't want to sell the
heart of their property so it was agreed to purchase #SA and #6 first and in the next months they
hope to work out the issue of access. Brian Kirk from the YMCA said he wanted to make sure the
Council Minutes: December 1, 2008
people understood that the YMCA did not close the access. The DNR, County and YMCA had sat
down and talked about the landing. The DNR did not have resources the to handle the landing so
they decided to close the landing until there were additional resources to open it. Brian Kirk said
there was never public access established to lake but the YMCA may have allowed their access to
be used. A property owner across the street from the access said the landing turned into a real bad
area with a lot of questionable activities taking place there. If access is restored to Bertram Lake the
access should be gated and closed at night to control that kind of activity as well as having the area
patrolled. Providing security for the area as well as providing access to the area is an issue that
needs to be discussed. The property owner said he understood that the County Park system has
Park Patrol Officers that could be used in this area and he reiterated his belief that any access to the
landing be gated and secured.
Dan Lemm asked about parcels #9 & #10 indicating that at one time there was opening in that area
which he believed was used as access to a landing. He thought this was back in the 1960's.
Another question that came up was whether any of the property in the project area would be sliced
off for housing or development. Jeff O'Neill said the City and County felt the total land area is
right for a county park and they are interested in setting up a regional park with a large passive area.
The City and County did not feel property development would work into this type of park. If the
state did not come through with funding it may be an option for future consideration. However, the
City and County both would prefer to see the area used as a natural area. If a developer did come
forward with a proposal it would require both the City and County to make a change in their
Comprehensive Land Use Plan as the area is presently identified as a natural area in both the City's
and County's plan. Pat Sawatkze said the County is not in the mode of starting new projects but
this unique which is why they are interested in funding it. He felt the project has to be significant to
get funded for a regional park. He noted that Crow Hassan and other regional parks encompass
more acreage (2,000-3,000 acres) while the Bertram Chain of Lakes project is only 1200 acres but
the project has significant lake shore and that justifies the interest in preserving it.
The question was raised as to who will own the land. Although the relationship between the City
and County has not been worked out as for operation and maintenance of the facility, the City and
County will jointly own the land. Dan Lemm noted the land lies in the township and asked where
the township stood in this. The area will remain in the township but it will be owned by the City
and the County.
Jeff O' Neill thanked the people in attendance for coming and indicated staff would remain if there
were any additional questions.
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Recording Secretary