EDA Meeting Minutes - 6/12/2024 (Workshop)MINUTES
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 — 4:30 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Commissioners Present: President Steve Johnson, Vice President Jon Morphew, 011ie
Koropchak-White, Rick Barger, Councilmember Tracy Hinz, Mayor
Lloyd Hilgart
Tracy Hinz joined the meeting at 4:49 p.m.
Commissioners Absent: Treasurer Hali Sittig
Staff Present: Executive Director Jim Thares, Angela Schumann, Hayden
1. Call to order
President Steve Johnson called the workshop meeting of the Monticello EDA to
order at 4:35 p.m.
2. Roll Call
Mr. Johnson called the roll.
3. Block 34 Redevelopment Concept & Next Step
A. Review of Next Steps Options
This item was introduced and discussed after item 4 on the agenda.
Mayor Hilgart shared his opinion it is important to hear from Developers and the
Market Analysis is not necessary at this point. Jon Morphew agreed.
The direction the EDA gave staff is to send an RFI to developers and see what their
vision is before continuing the Market Analysis.
4. Retail Market Analysis Proposal Discussion
Jim Thares, Economic Development Manager, introduced the item. This is a
continuation of the Market Analysis presented in February.
The Market Analysis was presented and reviewed by Mr. McCombs. The Market
Analysis purpose is to attract developers and tenants, distribution of competition
and site analysis.
It illustrates the cost to develop property such as Block 34. It is a complex block to
develop due to its location, size, number of uses, and the City not owning all of the
parcels. Mayor Hilgart asked if the analysis Mr. McCombs is showing includes
underground parking; Mr. McCombs was presenting an example of how it could be
developed. Angela Schumann, Community Development Director explained why this
is an important aspect. It provides parking availability and pedestrian access.
Mayor Hilgart pointed out how Block 35 functions with a line of businesses and has
sufficient parking using the city owned lot. He inquired if 3rd Street could be striped
for parking on both sides of the street. Discussion continued. Chair Johnson
interjected a possible developer could ask for t the additional parking spots for a
potential tenant.
Rick Barger inquired if the purpose of the market study is to attract people to
Monticello and if the developers analysis show a different outcome. Mr. Thares
suggested the challenges developing Block 34 will be. This study could help the EDA
get a return on their investment.
Mr. Thares and Ms. Schumann presented the questions developers had and staff
addressed them. No discissions have been made. The downtown zoning district
requires shared parking.
Ms. Schumann posed the question to the Authority to think about how this would
shape the type of development the EDA and City would like to see on Block 34.
Tracy Hinz asked if Staff recommends doing a Market Analysis before moving
forward with an RFI. Mr. Thares said they do not think it is necessary.
5. Adjournment
The Workshop concluded at 5:59 p.m.
Recorder: Vicki Leerhoff On
Jim Thanes, conomic Development Manager