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City Council Agenda Packet 01-26-2009
AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 26, 2009 - 7 p.m. Mayor: Clint Herbst Council Members: Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski 1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. 2A. Approve minutes of January 6, 2009 Joint Meeting -Sign Ordinance 2B. Approve minutes of January 12, 2009 Regular Meeting. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. A. Presentation by River Rider 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures for Parks Department. B. Consideration of amendments to City Ordinance Title 8, Chapter 3, as related to diseased trees. C. Consideration of approving preliminary 4th quarter financial reports. D. Consideration of approving Change Order #1 for the Vehicle Storage Building at the Monticello, WWTP, City Project No. 2007-19C. E. Consideration of revised special assessment agreement and adopting special assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. F. Consideration to adopt a position statement regarding Clean Water Land and Legacy Amendment Funding. G. Consideration of amendment to City Ordinance Title 6, Chapter 2 relating to fee charged for commercial kennels. H. Consideration of approving 2008 operating transfers. I. Consideration of approving a reduction in retainage for Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project, City Project no. 2006-31C. J. Consideration of approving request for extension of Kjellberg Estates conditional use permit for PUD (Planned Unit Development). Agenda Monticello City Council January 26, 2009 Page Two K. Consideration of awarding bid for fiber-to-the-user (FTTU) equipment for the Fiber Optic Loop. L. Consideration of awarding bid for DC power supply, battery backup systems, cabinets and racking for the Fiber Optic Loop. M. Consideration of calling for a public hearing on the MnDOT Twin Bridge Replacement Project. N. Consideration to approve the replacement of Community Center Romp N Stomp Carpet. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. 7. Public Hearing on delinquent utility accounts and certification to County Auditor. 8. Public Hearing on vacation of a portion of Cedar Street. - Lundsten 9. Consideration of approving 2009 Parks Department Tree Program. 10. Consideration of approving purchase of automatic transfer switch for fiber optic head end building. 11. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2009. 12. Adjourn • Accounts Payable Computer Check Proof List by Vendor User: ann.zimmerman Printed: 01/21/2009 - 3:06PM Batch: 202.01.2009 Invoice No Description • Amount Pa}~ment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1001 22-016295 Vendor: 1010 1 /9/08 Vendor: 1014 353496 353654 Vendor: 1026 881732 882973 882975 883202 884163 886513 887570 887604 889147 Vendor: 1028 SS78164 SS78164 SS78164 S580644 2nd Wind Exercise Inc (6) Assorted Spri Medicine Ball, Rack Check Total: Action Plus Temporary Services Inc 12/15-12/29/08 41.5 hours Check Total: Affiliated Computer Services Inc Contract -January MN sales tax for inv#353496 Check Total: American Community Newspapers Inc 0 visits, 42 mailed Attn: Snow Plowing 12/4,12/7 Notice: Snowmobilers 12/4,12/7 Holiday Gift Guide 11/27 Ejimadu Ph 11!20,27 Ord 489 MCC Advisory Board 12/4 Parks Commission 12/7,12/11,12/14,12/18 Advisory Board 12/7,12/11,12/14 Ord 490 Wtr Disconnectl2/18 Check Total: Ameripride Linen and Apparel S 2,716.66 126.00 157.20 157.20 370.00 85.54 65.11 363.36 296.88 118.73 1,740.02 43.76 16.89 48.44 16.89 Check Sequence: 1 01/22/2009 226-45127-421720 Check Sequence: 2 01/22/2009 101-41310-431990 Check Sequence: 3 O 1 /22/2009 101-41920-430900 01/22/2009 101-41920-430900 Check Sequence: 4 01/22/2009 226-45122-434990 O 1 /22/2009 101-43125-435200 O 1 /22/2009 101-43125-43 5200 01/22/2009 226-45122-434990 01/22/2009 101-41610-435100 01/22/2009 226-45122-435200 O 1 /22/2009 101-45201-435200 01/22/2009 226-45122-434990 01/22/2009 101-41610-435100 Check Sequence: 5 01/22/2009 226-45122-431110 01/22/2009 226-45122-441700 01/22/2009 226-45122-441710 01/22/2009 226-45122-441700 ACH Enabled: ACH Enabled: ACH Enabled: ACH Enabled: ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21 /2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 1 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference S580644 48.44 01/22/2009 226-45122-441710 S580644 43.76 01/22/2009 226-45]22-431110 Check Total: 218.18 Vendor: 1038 Apperts Foodservice Check Sequence: 6 ACH Enabled: 1085335 504.76 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 1085335 2.25 01/22/2009 226-45127-433300 1086396 -37.75 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 Check Total: 469.26 Vendor: 1040 Aramark Uniform Services Inc Check Sequence: 7 ACH Enabled: 629-6609369 32.09 01/22/2009 101-45201-441700 629-6609369 0.96 01/22/2009 101-43110-44]700 629-6609369 7.76 01/22/2009 101-43115-441700 629-6609369 13.99 01/22/2009 602-49490-441700 629-6609369 13.99 01/22/2009 601-49440-441700 629-6609369 49.02 01/22/2009 101-43120-441700 629-6609369 21.66 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 629-6614143 32.13 01/22/2009 101-45201-441700 629-6614143 0.97 01/22/2009 101-43110-441700 629-6614143 12.82 01/22/2009 101-43115-441700 629-6614143 14.03 01/22/2009 602-49490-441700 629-6614143 14.03 01/22/2009 601-49440-441700 629-6614143 49.06 01/22/2009 101-43120-441700 629-6614143 21.70 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 629-6647190 37.45 01/22/2009 101-45201-441700 629-6647190 9.35 01/22/2009 101-43115-441700 629-6647190 19.35 01/22/2009 602-49490-441700 629-6647190 19.35 01/22/2009 601-49440-441700 629-6647190 54.39 01/22/2009 101-43120-441700 629-6647190 22.00 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 629-6651861 32.29 01/22/2009 101-45201-441700 629-6651861 7.98 01/22/2009 101-43115-441700 629-6651861 16.70 01/22/2009 602-49490-441700 629-6651861 16.70 01/22/2009 601-49440-441700 629-6651861 49.22 01/22/2009 101-43120-441700 629-6651861 21.86 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 590.85 Vendor: 1648 Edward Archambeau Check Sequence: 8 ACH Enabled: Mailbox Reimb Mailbox damaged during snow removal. 46.63 01/22/2009 101-43125-422460 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 2 ~ • • Invoice No ~ Descri tion P Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 46. 63 Vendor: 1041 Arctic Glacier Inc Check Sequence: 9 ACH Enabled: 411901601 52 .84 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 52. 84 Vendor: 1044 ASCAP Check Sequence: 10 ACH Enabled: 100002758 048 1/1-12/31/09 License fee 92. 06 01/22/2009 226-45122-443700 Check Total: 92. 06 Vendor: 1368 Auto Value Monticello Check Sequence: 11 ACH Enabled: D224775 (1) Halogen sealed beam 9. 09 01/22/2009 101-42200-422110 Check Total: 9. 09 Vendor: 1618 Megan Barnett Check Sequence: 12 ACH Enabled: 1/22-23/09 Reimburse EDAM Winter Conference 210. 00 01/22/2009 101-46500-433200 12/19-12/20/08 Reimb 12/19 Target- (2) DVD, 12/20 Batteries I 76. 81 01/22/2009 602-49480-421990 Check Total: 286. 81 Vendor: 1062 Beaudry Oil Company Check Sequence: 13 ACH Enabled: 356697 (2)cs Chev URSA SP EC 15W40 - 6/1 GL 168. 95 01/22/2009 101-43127-421300 741718 (588)gallons B2 ULS Clear Kodiak Plus 1,184. 82 01/22/2009 101-43120-421200 741926 (570)gallon No Lead Plus 923. 40 01/22/2009 101-43120-421200 741927 (700)gallon L.S. Ultra B-2 Kodiak Plus diesel 1,508. 50 01/22/2009 101-43120-421200 742107 (950)gallon B2 ULS Clear Kodiak Plus 2,104. 25 01/22/2009 101-43120-421200 Check Total: 5,889. 92 Vendor: 1065 Bellboy Corporation Check Sequence: 14 ACH Enabled: 81781400 Bags(500)ordered 2 #12 57. 00 01/22/2009 609-49750-443990 Check Total: 57. 00 Vendor: 1066 Bernatello's Pizza Inc Check Sequence: I S ACH Enabled: 1342086 55. 00 01/22/2009 226-45127-421760 1342086 275. 00 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 Check Total: 330. 00 Vendor: 1067 Bernick's Check Sequence: l6 ACH Enabled: 159679 417. 00 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 3 Im°oice No Description Amount Payment Date acct Number Reference 161486 29.69 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 161487 334.95 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 162278 489.60 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 163981 128.70 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 1,399.94 Vendor: 1074 Bolton and Menk Inc Check Sequence: 17 ACH Enabled: 122145 Digester Mixers (Project 2007-18C) 2,451.68 01/22/2009 602-49480-431990 122146 Vehicle Storage Building (Project 2007-19C) 2,600.00 01/22/2009 602-49480-431990 122147 WWTP Facility Plan (Project 2008-17C) 3,335.00 01/22/2009 602-49480-431990 Check Total: 8,386.68 Vendor: 1079 Boyer Trucks Rogers Check Sequence: l8 ACH Enabled: 444276 #109-2008 Sterling L8500-service temp & regen 46.05 01/22/2009 101-43120-440500 70259R Nozzle 9.72 0]/22/2009 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 55.77 Vendor: 1083 Braun Intertec Corporation Check Sequence: 19 ACH Enabled: 303639 Head End Bldg -Concrete Observations, Testing 739.25 01/22/2009 655-49870-431990 Check Total: 739.25 Vendor: 1086 Keith A Burnham Check Sequence: 20 ACH Enabled: 261 Monticello VFW 290.00 01/22/2009 224-46102-431990 261 Monticello VFW - MN Sales Tax 18.85 01/22/2009 224-46102-431990 262 9603 Mill Trail Ln - MN Sales Tax 15.60 01/22/2009 224-46102-431990 262 9603 Mill Trail Ln 240.00 01/22/2009 224-46102-431990 Check Total 564.45 Vendor: 1097 Catco Check Sequence: 21 ACH Enabled: 11-61325 Air element,glass water separator,filter spin-on,f 30.42 01/22/2009 101-43127-422110 11-61555 (I)Air elementrad seal, (3)Full-flow tube spin, ( 31.72 01/22/2009 101-43127-422110 6-97421 (1) Air element rad seal, (1) Full-flow tube spin 3336 01/22/2009 101-43127-422] 10 6-97539 (l) Dual-flow tube sp on, (1) Coolant spin no chi 24.80 01/22/2009 101-43127-422110 Check Total: 120.30 Vendor: 1102 CenterPoint Energy Check Sequence: 22 ACH Enabled: 01022009 5768542-2 Usage 11/26/08-12/31108 1,431.66 01/22/2009 226-45122-438300 01022009 5768542-2 Usage 11/26/08-12/31/08 61.91 01/22/2009 101-41940-438300 01022009 5768542-2 Usagell/26/08-12/31/08 23.22 01/22/2009 101-45175-438300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) • • Page 4 ~ Invoice No Descri tion P Amount Pavroent Date acct Number Reference 01022009 5768542-2 Usage 11/26/08-12/31/08 30.95 01/22/2009 101-42800-438300 01092009 5863599-6 Usage 12/4/08-1/05/09 290.99 01/22/2009 101-42700-438300 01092009 5864452-7 Usage 12/4/08-1/05/09 1,228.30 01/22/2009 211-45501-438300 01092009 5804618-6 Usage 12/4/08-1/05/09 10.16 01/22/2009 225-45201-438300 01092009 5828859-8 Usage 12/4/08-1/05/09 220.79 01/22/2009 101-41940-438300 01092009 5788570-9 Usage 12/4/08-1/05/09 458.54 01/22/2009 609-49754-438300 Check Total: 3,756.52 Vendor: 1426 City of Monticello Check Sequence: 23 ACH Enabled: 12/31/08 6.34 01/22/2009 101-41410-421990 12/31/08 13.83 01/22/2009 101-41520-420300 12/31/08 2.75 01/22/2009 101-41520-432200 12/31/08 5.00 01/22/2009 101-4]5 20-43 3 1 00 12/31/08 44.71 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 12/31/08 25.00 01/22/2009 101-45201-443700 12/31/08 5.50 01/22/2009 101-43115-433100 12/31/08 0.50 01/22/2009 217-41990-432200 12/31/08 4.04 01/22/2009 226-45122-432200 12/31/08 10.61 01/22/2009 226-45122-433100 12/31/08 24.50 01/22/2009 655-49870-432200 12/31/08 0.92 01/22/2009 101-41940-432200 Check Total: 143.7u Vendor: 1127 Cutter Sales Check Sequence: 24 ACH Enabled: 54284 #119-Double row ball bearing 81.08 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 81.08 Vendor: 1129 Dahlheimer Distributing Co Check Sequence: 2S ACH Enabled: 25154 6,971.20 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 25734 3,702.31 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 25735 114.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425500 26283 79.85 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 Check Total: 10,867.36 Vendor: 1651 Robert Orrie and Sherie Elise Danner Check Sequence: 26 ACH Enabled: Easement 5,790.75 01/22/2009 101-43110-451010 Check Total: 5,790.75 Vendor: 1134 Day Distributing Company Check Sequence: 27 ACH Enabled: 487998 1,336.65 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 5 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 488795 2,155 .25 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 488795 53 .60 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 3,545.50 Vendor: 1138 Dept of Labor and Industry Check Sequence: 28 ACH Enabled: 1st qtr 2008 Confirmation # 5496171109 2,229.54 01/22/2009 101-42400-443700 2nd qtr 2008 Confirmation # 5497171109 6,269.13 01/22/2009 101-42400-443700 3rd qtr 2008 Confirmation # 5498171109 10,589.61 01/22/2009 101-42400-443700 4th qtr 2008 Confirmation # 54991741109 3,520.90 01/22/2009 101-42400-443700 Check Total: 22,609.18 Vendor: 1152 Echostar Satellite LLC Check Sequence: 29 ACH Enabled: 90652 1/09 1/22-2/21/09 63.89 01/22/2009 226-45122-432500 Check Total: 63.89 Vendor: 1157 Ehlers and Associates Inc Check Sequence: 30 ACH Enabled: Finance Seminar 1/29-1/30/09 Megan Barnett 235.00 01/22/2009 101-46500-433200 Check Total: 235.00 Vendor: 1157 Ehlers and Associates Inc Check Sequence: 31 ACH Enabled: 338806 Interim Arbitrage Report 2,000.00 01/22/2009 313-47000-462010 Check Total: 2,000.00 Vendor: 1159 Eko Backen Awards Plus Inc Check Sequence: 32 ACH Enabled: 5553 (2)2x10 nameplate and engraving -Bob P. 33.89 01/22/2009 101-43110-420990 Check Total: 33.89 Vendor: 1170 Fastenal Company Check Sequence: 33 ACH Enabled: MNMON47079 #120-hitch pin,ect 14.24 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 MNMON47119 (11)pr 9oz brown jersey glove, (4) apron, ect 69.34 01/22/2009 601-49440-420650 MNMON47143 Bench mount-(4) Trnbolt 5/8x3 1/2 Z 9.81 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 9339 Vendor: 1174 Finken Water Centers Check Sequence: 34 ACH Enabled: 962699 Customer 5232 (2)Purified Sg 11.90 01/22/2009 217-41990-443990 962731 Customer 401437 (3)Spring Sg 20.85 01/22/2009 609-49754-443990 962732 Customer 5221 (8)Purified Sg 47.60 01/22/2009 101-41940-443990 962732 Customer 5221 (2)cups 7.46 01/22/2009 101-41940-421990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 6 Invoice No ~ Descri tion Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference P 966290 Customer 1064-January cooler rental 10.12 01/22/2009 226-45122-441500 96T62 Customer 401437-January cooler rental 10.12 01/22/2009 609-49754-441500 968234 Customer 5221-January cooler rental 9.59 01/22/2009 101-41940-441500 968285 Customer 5232-January cooler rental 9.59 01/22/2009 217-41990-441500 Check Total: 127.23 Vendor: 1 188 Forestedge Winery Check Sequence: 35 ACH Enabled: 0897 98.40 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 98.40 Vendor: 1194 G and K Services Check Sequence: 36 ACH Enabled: 10311544 7 217.75 01/22/2009 609-49754-431900 Check Total: 217.75 Vendor: 1199 GFOA Check Sequence: 37 ACH Enabled: Budget Award Application 265.00 01/22/2009 101-41520-443990 Check Total: 265.00 Vendor: 1451 The Glass Hut Check Sequence: 38 ACH Enabled: I007740 (3) 14 3/8 14 3/8 1/8" Clear tempered glass, in- 163.78 01/22/2009 101-45201-422300 Check Total: 163.78 Vendor: 1646 Granite Electronics Inc Check Sequence: 39 ACH Enabled: 233197 Engine 1 -radio wiring 266.63 01/22/2009 101-42200-440500 Check Total: 266.63 Vendor: 1206 Grape Begirtnings Inc Check Sequence: 40 ACH Enabled: 106910 9.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 106910 508.66 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 517.66 Vendor: 1209 Griggs Cooper & Company Check Sequence: 41 ACH Enabled: 169621 5.80 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 169621 12L60 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 169622 72.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 169623 50.75 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 169623 2,898.24 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 172714 362.16 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) page 7 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 172714 5.80 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 172715 39.15 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 172715 2,90729 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 768249 -1.45 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 768249 -84.82 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 Check Total: 6,376.52 Vendor: 1211 Grosslein Beverage Inc Check Sequence: 42 ACH Enabled: 348014 3,147.50 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 348112 132.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 348112 84.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 348283 6,448.95 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 348443 1,680.00 01/22!2009 609-49750-425200 348443 78.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 11,570.45 Vendor: 1641 H & L Mesabi Check Sequence: 43 ACH Enabled: H76586 (6) Snow plow blade 845.57 01/22/2009 101-43125-422450 H76587 (1) Loader Center Blade,(16) Plow bolt w/nut 341.89 01/22/2009 101-43125-422450 Check Total: 1,187.46 Vendor: 1215 H and B Specialized Products Check Sequence: 44 ACH Enabled: 21450 (Z) Anti whip net, (2) Collegiate breakaway goal 267.74 01/22/2009 226-45122-440800 Check Total: 267.74 Vendor: 1224 HD Supply Waterworks Ltd Check Sequence: 45 ACH Enabled: 8463610 (25) S lOR Single Port MXU wired w/external Ba 2,862.19 01/22/2009 601-49440-422700 Check Total: 2,862.19 Vendor: 1625 Health Partners Goup Health Inc-Worksite Check Sequence: 46 ACH Enabled: W86726 11/1-12/1/08 Employee Assistance Program 76.50 01/22/2009 101-41110-413100 W86740 12/1/08-1/1/09 Employee Assistance Program 78.00 01/22/2009 101-41 110-413100 Check Total: 154.50 Vendor: 1642 Husky Spring Check Sequence: 47 ACH Enabled: 1EK0865 #101- springs, pins, threaded rod, U-bolts/washe 961.16 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 Check Total: 961.16 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) • Page 8 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1653 JAG Fitness Services LLC Check Sequence: 48 ACH Enabled: 129333 50 feet Kevlar belting 192.34 01/22/2009 226-45122-440800 Check Total: 192.34 Vendor: 1259 JJ Taylor Distributing Check Sequence: 49 ACH Enabled: 931711 324.60 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 Check Total: Vendor: 1260 JME of Monticello Inc SYS31532 1167/Tanker 2-Prev Mtc-brakes,electrical,exhau: Check Total: Vendor: 1263 Johnson Bros Wholesale Liquor 1563845 1563845 1563846 1563846 1563846 1563847 1565604 1565604 1567514 1567514 1567515 1567515 1567516 1569107 1569107 1569108 1569108 405160 405161 Check Total: Vendor: 1265 K Mart Store 6890 (4)X-mas stocking 8114 Coffee maker 8114 Coffee 9862 (4) 26 qt Omni SL4.bU 219.97 Check Sequence: 50 O 1 /22/2009 101-42200-440500 ACH Enabled: l ly.Y / 25.37 2,347.08 36.14 1,047.20 87.74 13.99 10.43 529.50 68.69 6,327.66 52.82 1,269.30 40.24 1.39 180.25 132.40 5.56 -7.58 _31 '~4 Check Sequence: 51 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 6099750-425100 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 ACH Enabled: I Z, l 36. iS4 8.48 52.19 9.99 37.16 Check Sequence: 52 01/22/2009 609-49754-421990 01/22/2009 217-41990-421990 01/22/2009 217-41990-443990 01/22/2009 601-49440-420650 ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 9 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Check Total: 107.82 Vendor: 1621 KC Companies Inc Check Sequence: 53 ACH Enabled: Change Order 2 Head End Bldg-Roof upgrade approved @ 1/12/ 7,731.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-452010 Check Total: 7,731.00 Vendor: 1276 Kodet Architectural Group Ltd Check Sequence: 54 ACH Enabled: 14687 Head-End Bldg -Design 3,926.31 01/22/2009 655-49870-430200 Check Total: 3,926.31 Vendor: 1278 Kraemer Trucking and Excavation Check Sequence: 55 ACH Enabled: EstimateNo.4 Digester Mixer (2007-18C) 39,116.08 01/22/2009 602-49480-453010 Check Total: 39,116.08 Vendor: 1283 Lakeland Florist Supply Inc Check Sequence: 56 ACH Enabled: 671871 (225) White votive holder,(225) Ivory votive hol 320.03 01/22/2009 226-45127-420750 Check Total: 320.03 Vendor: 1284 Lamar OCI North Corporation Check Sequence: 57 ACH Enabled: 100034733 11/20-12/]9/08 Outdoor advertising. 1,110.00 01/22/2009 213-46301-434600 100086755 12/20-12/29/08 Outdoor advertising. 370.00 01/22/2009 213-46301-434600 Check Total: 1,480.00 Vendor: 1290 League Of Minnesota Cities Check Sequence: 58 ACH Enabled: 125303 2009 OSHA/Safety Assistance Meeting - Tracy ~ 15.00 01/22/2009 101-41800-433200 Check Total: 15.00 Vendor: 1291 League Of Mn Cities Ins Trust Check Sequence: 59 ACH Enabled: 200052323 Claim #948164 A. Johnson 15.68 01/22/2009 ]O1-49240-436990 Check Total: 15.68 Vendor: 1292 Leroy Job Trucking Inc Check Sequence: 60 ACH Enabled: 10822 (1 l)Animal charge 110.00 01/22/2009 101-42700-431990 Check Total: 110.00 Vendor: 1300 Douglas William Lyseng Check Sequence: 61 ACH Enabled: 1151 (12) computers 9,139.32 01/22/2009 101-41920-424720 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 10 ~ Invoice No Descri tion P Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 1151 (12) software 5,307.93 01/22/2009 101-41920-430910 1151 571.48 01/22/2009 101-41920-420250 Check Total: 15,018.73 Vendor: 1303 M Amundson LLP Check Sequence: 62 ACH Enabled: 53795 (2)100pk 7x9 Sunburst sign, (8)200ct Safe-t-Pop 143.67 01/22/2009 609-49754-421990 53795 569.87 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 53795 1,229.60 01/22/2009 609-49750-425500 Check Total: 1,943.14 Vendor: 1305 MacQueen Equipment Inc Check Sequence: 63 ACH Enabled: 2090774 #225-(1) Yoke type 1 & 2,(2) Cross & brg kit 186.66 01/22/2009 101-45201-422110 Check Total: 186.66 Vendor: 1308 Marco Inc Check Sequence: 64 ACH Enabled: 113390637 12110-1/10/09 3,638.89 01/22/2009 101-41940-431900 Check Total: 3,638.89 Vendor: 1309 Martie's Farm Service Inc Check Sequence: 65 ACH Enabled: 190153 (10)Sodium bi-carb 141.11 01/22/2009 226-45122-421600 Check Total: 141.11 Vendor: 1318 Jonathan Caleb Mellberg Check Sequence: 66 ACH Enabled: 1/12/09 City Council meeting recording 92.50 01/22/2009 101-41110-431990 1/6/09 Planning meeting recording. 80.00 01/22/2009 101-41910-431990 Check Total: l 72.50 Vendor: 1323 Michels Trucking Inc Check Sequence: 67 ACH Enabled: 12/31/08 106.68 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 Check Total: 106.68 Vendor: 1650 Minnesota Asphalt Pavement Association Check Sequence: 68 ACH Enabled: 2009 Semi nar 1/28/09 St Cloud -Thomas Bose 40.00 01/22/2009 101-43115-433200 2009 Semi nar 1/28/09 St Cloud -Karen Ludvigson 40.00 01/22/2009 101-43115-433200 2009 Semi nar 1/28/09 St Cloud -Tom Moores 40.00 01/22/2009 101-43120-433200 Check Total: 120.00 Vendor: li52 Minnesota GFOA Check Sequence: 69 ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page I 1 invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 2009 Membership Karri Thorsten 60.00 01/22/2009 101-41520-443300 2009 Membership Tom Kelly 60.00 01/22/2009 101-41520-443300 2009 Membership Cathy Shuman 60.00 01/22/2009 101-41520-443300 2009 Membership Annie Zimmerman 60.00 01/22/2009 101-41520-443300 Check Total: 240.00 Vendor: 1337 Corinne Mitchell Check Sequence: 70 ACH Enabled: 1/8-1/19/09 (2) St Cloud -American Red Cross materials pic 99.00 01/22/2009 226-45122-433100 12/18/08 St Louis Park- Pool/program meeting 57.33 01/22/2009 226-45122-433100 Check Total: 156.33 Vendor: 1350 MN DNR Waters Check Sequence: 71 ACH Enabled: 2008 Fee Permit 1964-0152 -Major Crop Irrigation 140.00 01/22/2009 601-49440-443700 Check Total: 140.00 Vendor: 1356 MN Park Supervisors Assoc Check Sequence: 72 ACH Enabled: 2009 Membership 2009 General Member-Tom Pawelk 35.00 01/22/2009 101-45201-443300 Check Total: 35.00 Vendor: 1358 MN Recreation and Park Association Check Sequence: 73 ACH Enabled: 2009 Membership Sara Cahill 210.00 01/22/2009 226-45122-443300 2009 Membership Kitty Balton 235.00 01/22/2009 226-45122-443300 Check Total: 445.00 Vendor: 1363 MN State Fire Department Assoc Check Sequence: 74 ACH Enabled: 2009 Membership 1/1-12/31/09 288.00 01/22/2009 101-42200-443300 Check Total: 288.00 Vendor: 1372 Monticello Ford Mercury Inc Check Sequence: 75 ACH Enabled: TYOFMONTI #109-Wiper shaker kit 133.12 01/22/2009 101-43120-422110 Check Total 133.12 Vendor: 1375 Monticello Printing Inc Check Sequence: 76 ACH Enabled: 12/12/08 (250) business cards - A.S. 34.56 01/22/2009 101-41910-421990 12/12/08 (250) business cards - D.W. 34.56 01/22/2009 101-42400-421990 12/12/08 (250) business cards- B.P. 34.56 01/22/2009 101-43110-421990 12/5/08 (2100) Pieces folded, letter(1/2) 13.87 01/22/2009 601-49440-431990 12/5/08 (2100) Pieces folded, letter (1/2) 13.87 01/22/2009 602-49490-431990 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) • • Page 12 ' n Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference "" Invoice No Descrtptto _ 12/9/08 (150)3-pt[ncident Report 118.22 01/22/2009 101-42200-420300 Check Total: 249.64 Vendor: 1376 Monticello Public Library Check Sequence: 77 ACH Enabled: 12/1-12131/08 90.00 01/22/2009 211-45501-430150 12/1-12/31/08 5.98 01/22/2009 211-45501-421990 Check Total: y~.ya Vendor: 1377 Monticello Senior Citizens Center Check Sequence: 78 ACH Enabled: January 2009 Monthly appropriation. 4,145.83 01/22/2009 101-45175-444310 Check Total: 4,145.83 Vendor: 1378 Monticello Tire and Auto Service Check Sequence: 79 ACH Enabled: 32943 99 Dodge-oil change, (2) wiper blade 75.18 01/22/2009 101-42400-440440 32950 97 Jeep-oil change 28.42 01/22/2009 101-42400-440440 32961 97 Dodge-oil change, oxygen sensor 283.57 01/22/2009 101-42400-440440 33094 2005 Ford F150-(4) tire 510.52 01/22/2009 601-49440-422200 Check Total: 897.69 Vendor: 1382 Moon Motor Sales Inc Check Sequence: 80 ACH Enabled: 4405739 Hedge trim tool & accessories 1,570.48 01/22/2009 101-45201-424100 4405742 Chainsaw 314.18 01/22/2009 224-46102-421990 Check Total: 1,884.66 Vendor: 1644 Mudman Utilities Inc Check Sequence: 81 ACH Enabled: Deposit Refund Reallocate deposit ck# 5285 7/22/08. 500.00 01/22/2009 601-00000-220111 Deposit Refund Water use permit -147.42 01/22/2009 601-49440-371120 Deposit Refund Sales tax -water -9.58 01/22/2009 601-00000-208100 Check Total: 343.00 Vendor: 1392 Napa Auto Parts Check Sequence: 82 ACH Enabled: 342789 Plow truck-(2)coupler 50.67 01/22/2009 101-43127-422110 343027 Shop supplies-gasket material 4.14 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 343185 tester 8.94 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 343394 #105-(2)wiper blade 20.43 01/22/2009 101-43120-422110 343668 mirror 57.62 01/22/2009 101-43127-422100 34389] (2)lock pin 7.01 01/22/2009 101-45201-421990 344033 #105/spare-(4)hose end,hose 69.86 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 344033 #104/spare-(3)fitting 32.84 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 13 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 344278 #105-(1.5)vacuum tubing 0.47 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 344544 Eng 1-(10) Clearance bulb 2.90 01/22/2009 101-42200-422110 344668 (1.42)hose,(2)hose end 14.89 01/22/2009 101-43120-422100 345646 (1)Material assortment 6.91 01/22/2009 602-49490-421990 345708 2007 328-D - muli-duty hose,clamp 2.52 01/22/2009 101-45201-421990 346082 #107-(2)wiper blade 12.55 01/22/2009 101-43120-422110 346183 #101-switch 8.62 01/22/2009 101-43120-422110 347175 Flare kit,gauge 48.96 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 347252 (4)Glassbeads 170.06 01/22/2009 101-43127-421990 Check Total: 519.39 Vendor: 1649 NATOA Check Sequence: 83 2009 Membership 1/1-12/31/09 Jeff O'Neill -Profile [D#14214-12: 695.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-443300 Check Total: 695.00 Vendor: 1393 NBP Northern Business Products Inc Check Sequence: 84 29489-0 Planner,(4)bx folders,labels 75.98 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 29489-0 (2)bx Advil pain reliever 48.97 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 29489-0 (70)rnrcopy paper 249.74 01/22/2009 101-4]940-420300 29489-1 (1)bx Lipton tea 934 01/22/2009 101-41940-443990 29931-0 planner,(2)copyholder 51.39 01/22/2009 226-45122-420990 29933-0 72x48 marker board 197.22 01/22/2009 226-45127-420750 32644-0 Wall calendar 15.96 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 32955-0 (10)nn blue 3 hole punch 100.11 01/22/2009 101-41940-420300 33101-0 (2)rm 20# pink,(2)rni 20# canary 19.56 01/22/2009 101-41940-420300 33101-0 Appt. books,calendars,planners,clips 243.74 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 33471-0 (4)Blue & red ink pad 17.21 01/22/2009 101-4]940-420990 34144-0 ppr clips,cube note paper,pens,clamps 87.81 01/22/2009 217-41990-420990 34144-OCR Refer to inv#34144-0 returned clips -53.58 01/22/2009 217-41990-420990 34570-0 (1)pk Juinbo clip 7.44 01/22!2009 101-41940-420990 35437-0 (3)ct Them~al Roll 3 1/8x230' 252.41 01/22/2009 609-49754-421990 35702-0 (1)bxmaillabel 24.80 01/22/2009 226-45]22-420990 35702-I (1)Exp A-Z file 15x10 16.80 01/22/2009 226-45122-420990 36331-0 (3)nn colored paper,(1)rl CAD paper 56.47 01/22/2009 101-41940-420300 36331-0 (2)Lysolcleaner wipes 15.63 01/22/2009 101-41940-421100 36331-0 (3)bx folers,pen refills,labels 51.09 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 36712-0 Wall & desk calendars,planner,ect 116.02 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 37223-0 (3)bx lgl folder,(3)pk assorted post-its 116.28 01/22/2009 101-41940-420990 Check Total: 1,720.39 ACH Enabled: ACH Enabled: Vendor: 1632 Northland Mechanical Contractors Inc Check Sequence: 85 ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 14 • • • Invoice No ~ Description Amount Pay'tfsent Date Acct Number Reference 39702 12/26-12/26/08 Damper actuator repair. 602.97 01/22/2009 ]O1-43 1 27-4401 00 39706 Pool dehumidification system repair 1,750.00 01/22/2009 226-45122-440440 Check Total: 2,352.97 Vendor: 1401 Northwest Associated Consultants Inc Check Sequence: 86 ACH Enabled: 18273 12/2/08 Planning Commission meeting 150.00 01/22/2009 101-41910-431990 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1414 Jeff O'Neill Check Sequence: 87 ACH Enabled: 11/26/08 YMCA Luncheon Meeting - (9) meals 58.28 01/22/2009 101-41910-443990 11/28/07-12/11 494.47 01/22/2009 101-41310-433100 Reimb Phone Cell Phone 12/12/07 - 12/11/08 691.18 01/22/2009 101-41310-432100 Check Total: 1,243.93 Vendor: 1405 OfficeMax Incorporated Check Sequence: 88 ACH Enabled: 310443 (10)rm 24# mxbrt, (5)rm 11x17 140.95 01/22/2009 101-43110-420300 310443 (5) Quadrille pad, (2) Microban pad 35.87 01/22/2009 101-43110-420990 462355 2009 daily desk refill, (2) planner, (2) Slimline p 69.77 01/22/2009 101-43110-420990 Check Total 246.59 Vendor: 1415 On-Site Sanitation Check Sequence: 89 ACH Enabled: A-354633 Ellison Park 12/13-t/9/09 52.19 01/22/2009 101-45201-431990 A-354634 Pioneer Park 12/13-1/9/09 52.19 01/22/2009 101-45201-431990 Check Total: 104.38 Vendor: 1413 One Call Concepts Inc Check Sequence: 90 ACH Enabled: 8120689 December 75.50 01/22/2009 601-49440-422770 Check Total: 75.50 Vendor: 1419 Pan O Gold Co St Cloud Check Sequence: 91 ACH Enabled: 010004901609 22.68 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 Check Total: 22.68 Vendor: 1626 Pat Kerns Wine Merchants Check Sequence: 92 ACH Enabled: 5738 5.25 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 5738 304.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 309.25 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21 /2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 15 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1273 Paustis & Sons Wine Co Check Sequence: 93 ACH Enabled: 8209781-IN 12.50 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 820978]-IN 902.54 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 915.04 Vendor: 1425 Peterson Grimsmo Chapel Check Sequence: 94 ACH Enabled: Jan 09 Contract Riverside Cetnetery Caretaker 316.00 01/22/2009 651-49010-431100 Check Total: 316.00 Vendor: 1427 Phillips Wine & Spirits Co Check Sequence: 95 ACH Enabled: 2702643 41.24 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 2702643 3,689.40 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 2702644 6.95 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 2702644 49.50 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 2702644 116.75 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 2703975 6.95 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 2703975 606.59 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 2705542 9.73 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 2705542 1,021.98 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 2705543 18.07 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 2705543 313.30 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 2705543 30.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 5,910.46 Vendor: 1643 Pinnacle Printing Incorporated Check Sequence: 96 ACH Enabled: 8565 Notary stamp - M. Barnett 54.79 01/22/2009 101-46500-421990 Check Total: 54.79 Vendor: 1442 Purcell's Plumbing and Heating Inc Check Sequence: 97 ACH Enabled: 29783 Farmhouse-furnace serviced 82.50 01/22/2009 602-49490-440100 Check Total: 82.50 Vendor: 1444 Quality Wine & Spirits Co Check Sequence: 98 ACH Enabled: 106925-00 454.90 01/22/2009 609-49750-425100 106925-00 385.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 839.90 Vendor: 1453 Recreation Supply Company Check Sequence: 99 ACH Enabled: 170381 (4) 12x12 Spa grate 488.43 01/22/2009 226-45122-421610 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 16 I - i ~ i i t A P t D t A t N b f R m o ce No Descr pt on moun _ Wen a e cc um er e erence 170412 (12) Pool deck -chair strap 89.64 01/22/2009 226-45122-421610 Check Total: 578.07 Vendor: 1455 Red's Marathon Check Sequence: 100 ACH Enabled: 12/19/08 (11.4)ggas 20.00 01/22/2009 217-41990-421200 12/5/08 (I L7)g gas 19.80 01/22/2009 217-41990-421200 Check Total: 39.80 Vendor: 1645 Rehrig Pacific Company Check Sequence: 101 ACH Enabled: KA85418 (198) 95 gallon green cart 11,038.08 01/22/2009 101-43230-42]990 Check Total: 11,038.08 Vendor: 1458 Riversedge Productions Inc Check Sequence: 102 ACH Enabled: 1/16/09 1/1-1/l5/09 Phone calls, general 56.25 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 1/1-1/15109 Fiber Optics Comm (meetings) 562.50 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 1/1-1/15/09 OSP Constmction/Fiber Loop (2008 750.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 I/I-1/15/09 OSP Marketing 450.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 12/12-12/31/08 Phone call, general 75.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 12/12-12/31/08 Fiber Optics Comm (meetings) 337.50 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 12/12-12/31/08 OSP Construction Fiber Loop (2 300.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 12/12-12/31/08 Marketing 225.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/16/09 12/12-12/31/08 (1)hr website updates 75.00 01/22/2009 655-49870-431940 1/6/09 (6.25)hr Creative consutling, (150) Postcards, (3: 831.47 01/22/2009 101-46500-435200 Check Total: 3,662.72 Vendor: 1470 Russell Security Resource Inc Check Sequence: 103 ACH Enabled: A14155 Coat room-rekey,key for desk 104.34 01/22/2009 226-45122-422990 Check Total: 104.34 Vendor: 1474 Patricia A Salzwedel Check Sequence: 104 ACH Enabled: 1/30/09 Contract 1,505.08 01/22/2009 101-42700-431200 Check Total: 1,JU~.u2S Vendor: 1640 Sax Arts & Crafts Check Sequence: 105 ACH Enabled: 206300359217 (3)Assorted Kraft roll paper 242.10 01/22/2009 226-45122-420990 Check Total: 242.10 Vendor: 1497 Spectrum Supply Co. Check Sequence: 106 ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 17 In~~oice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference 183698 Women's restrootn dispensor 231.07 01/22/2009 609-49754-421990 183830 Foam plates,forks 37.87 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 183831 Foam wash 221.19 01/22/2009 226-45122-421990 183831 Liners,detergent,wipes,glass clnr,dustcloth,ect 215.58 01/22/2009 226-45122-421100 183867 (3) Euroclean paper bag 27.62 01/22/2009 226-45122-421100 184041 (20) Cold compress 24.92 01/22/2009 226-45122-421990 184041 (6) Dolly caster wheel 88.25 01/22/2009 226-45122-422990 184041 Liners,bleach,phosphoric cleaner 124.43 01/22/2009 226-45122-421100 184042 Foam plates,cups,lids,straws 118.01 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 Check Total: 1,088.94 Vendor 1652 St Cloud Fire Equipment Co Check Sequence: 107 ACH Enabled: 6113 Fire extinguisher service. 387.88 01/22/2009 101-43127-420650 Check Total: 387.88 Vendor: 1500 St Cloud Technical College Check Sequence: 108 ACH Enabled: 79881 12/1-12/13/08 Simulator Training 4,605.00 01/22/2009 101-42200-433200 Check Total: 4,605.00 Vendor: 1502 St Joseph Equipment Inc Check Sequence: 109 ACH Enabled: VI19176 (2)fitting,hose,adapter 29.54 01/22/2009 101-43120-422110 Check Total: 29.54 Vendor: 1506 Strategic Equipment & Supply C Check Sequence: 110 ACH Enabled: 1396242 (1)Bale brown bag 1/8th 57# 500/bale 30.08 01/22/2009 609-49750-443990 1396242 (1)casetowelmultifoldwhite 26.06 01/22/2009 609-49754-421990 1396242 126.69 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 1397320 (3)Bale brown bag 12# 102.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-443990 Check Total: 284.83 Vendor: 1516 TASC Check Sequence: I 1 I ACH Enabled: 29000718 90 2/1-2/28/09 52.50 01/22/2009 101-49240-413500 Check Total: 52.50 Vendor: 1518 TDS Telecom Check Sequence: 112 ACH Enabled: 1!13/09 Acct 001-172-1111 1/13-2/12/09 79.00 01/22/2009 101-41920-430920 1/13/09 001-172-0457 1/13-2/12/09 69.00 01/22/2009 609-49754-430920 1/13/09 Acc[001-172-0456 1/13-2/12/09 69.00 01/22/2009 101-41920-430920 1/13/09 Acct 001-172-0354(1/13-2/12/09 69.00 01/22/2009 217-41990-430920 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 18 Invoice No ~ Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference • 271-32571/09 70.45 01/22/2009 602-49490-432100 295-2711 1/09 December long distance 70.20 01/22/2009 101-41940-432100 295-2711 1/09 1,966.13 01/22/2009 ]O]-41940-432100 295-2711 1/09 11/24/08 Labor 271-3221 Payroll Clerk Phone 35.00 01/22/2009 101-41940-431990 295-2712 1/09 12/10/08 Labor 45.00 01/22/2009 217-41990-431990 295-2712 1/09 193.17 01/22/2009 217-41990-432100 295-2712 1/09 December long distance 4.68 01/22/2009 217-41990-432100 295-2954 1/09 December long distance 21.02 01/22/2009 226-45122-432100 295-29541/09 671.81 01/22/2009 226-45122-432100 295-3170 1/09 12/12/08 Repair- Parks Shop 271-3289 60.00 01/22/2009 101-45201-440100 295-3170 1/09 December long distance 4.56 01/22/2009 101-43110-432100 295-31701/09 271-3265 18.10 01/22/2009 655-49870-432100 295-3170 1/09 677.44 01/22/2009 101-43110-432100 295-31931/09 83.43 01/22/2009 101-45201-432100 295-3714 1/09 149.85 01/22/2009 601-49440-432100 295-3714 1/09 December long distance 0.1 I 01/22/2009 601-49440-432100 295-38081/09 52.97 01/22/2009 101-42700-432100 295-41111/09 100.44 01/22/2009 101-42200-432100 295-4111 1/09 December long distance 17.27 01/22/2009 101-42200-432100 295-52221/09 314.65 01/22/2009 609-49754-432100 295-5222 1/09 December long distance 16.91 01/22/2009 609-49754-432100 Check Total: 4,~~y• t y Vendor: 1522 Thorpe Distributing Company Check Sequence: 113 ACH Enabled: 317024 -42.40 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 524368 1,519.85 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 524770 15,208.50 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 524856 312.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 525583 7,835.15 01/22/2009 609-49750-425200 525585 136.00 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 Check Total: 24,969.10 Vendor: 1539 United Laboratories Check Sequence: 114 ACH Enabled: 119 (6)g Sun-soly 382.07 01/22/2009 101-43127-421600 Check Total: 382.07 Vendor: 1550 Veolia Water North America Ope Check Sequence: 115 ACH Enabled: 15068050 January 2009 61,903.50 01/22/2009 602-49480-430800 Check Total: 61,903.50 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 19 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Vendor: 1552 Viking Coca Cola Bottling Co Check Sequence: 116 ACH Enabled: 002520025 5 147.60 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 002520040 8 272.15 01/22/2009 609-49750-425400 25200377 192.00 01/22/2009 101-43110-443990 Check Total: 611.75 Vendor: 1556 Wal-Mart Business Check Sequence: 117 ACH Enabled: 1494 DVD player, games, ect. -Donation 141.03 01/22/2009 226-45127-421760 1494 Cupcakes 10.00 01/22/2009 226-45127-421460 1494 Produce 10.20 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 1494 (2) Coffee filters 2.38 01/22/2009 226-45127-420750 1494 Locks 26.55 01/22/2009 226-45122-420990 1494 X-mas decorations 19.71 01/22/2009 226-45122-421990 2195/4704 Skate w/Santa 13.20 01/22/2009 226-45127-421980 2195/4704 Air freshner 2.66 01/22/2009 226-45122-421990 2195/4704 C.H.breadroom -toaster 15.17 01/22/2009 101-41940-421990 2195/4704 Produce 16.65 01/22/2009 226-45127-425410 2195/4704 Cupcakes 27.50 01/22/2009 226-45127-421460 2734 Refer to inv#4640 pd 12/18/08 -ink cartridge -23.40 01/22/2009 226-45127-421980 Check Total: 261.65 Vendor: 1558 Ward Timothy Mark & Debra Ann Check Sequence: 118 ACH Enabled: 1/9/09 January window washing 37.28 01/22/2009 609-49754-431990 Check Total: 37.28 Vendor: 1560 Waste Management of MN Inc Check Sequence: 119 ACH Enabled: 27371-170 6-5 December tickets 13,892.34 01/22/2009 101-43230-431020 Check Total: 13,892.34 Vendor: 1561 Water Laboratories Inc Check Sequence: 120 ACH Enabled: 09A-037 45.00 01/22/2009 601-49440-422740 Check Total: 45.00 Vendor: 1573 Wine Merchants Inc Check Sequence: 121 ACH Enabled: 259634 55.60 01/22/2009 609-49750-433300 259634 3,110.85 01/22/2009 609-49750-425300 Check Total: 3,166.45 Vendor: 1575 WM Lamptracker Inc Check Sequence: 122 ACH Enabled: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21 /2009 - 3:06 PM) • Page 20 Invoice No ~ Descri tion Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference p 1089722 TnGuard 4' recycling container 99.95 01/22/2009 226-45122-422990 Check Total: 99.95 Vendor: 1577 Wright Co Auditor-Treas Check Sequence: 123 ACH Enabled: Patrol-09-1 Januray 2009 88,573.33 01/22/2009 101-42100-430500 Check Total: 88,573.33 Vendor: 1578 Wright Co Fire Chief Assoc Check Sequence: 124 ACH Enabled: 2009 Membership 150.00 01/22/2009 101-42200-443300 Check Total: 150.00 Vendor: 1583 Wright Hennepin Coop Electric Association Check Sequence: 125 ACH Enabled: SI-024881 School Blvd -Permanent fault repair 3,164.13 01/22/2009 101-43160-440990 Check Total: 3,164.13 Vendor: 1584 WSB & Associates Inc Check Sequence: 126 ACH Enabled: 1010000140 Meeting Attendance 968.00 01/22/2009 101-43111-430300 10102701109 Monticello Maps -General 264.00 01/22/2009 101-43111-430300 10102701109 Monticello Maps -Base Mapping 136.00 01/22/2009 101-43111-430300 Check Total: 1,368.00 Vendor: 1585 Xcel Energy Check Sequence: 127 ACH Enabled: 01022009 51-6505905-0 Usage period 11/12/08-12/16/08 5,857.88 01/22/2009 601-49440-438100 01022009 51-6505906-1 Usage period 11/12/08-12/16/08 1,169.41 01/22/2009 602-49490-438100 01022009 51-6505914-1 Usage period 11/12/08-12/16/08 1,228.78 01/22/2009 101-43127-438100 01022009 51-6505915-8 Usage period 11/12/08-12/16/08 97.90 01/22/2009 226-45203-438100 01022009 51-6505915-2 Usage period 11/12/08-12/16/08 1,009.97 01/22/2009 225-45203-438100 Check Total: 9,363.94 Vendor: 1588 Zee Medical Service Check Sequence: 128 ACH Enabled: 54033394 First aid supplies 66.57 01/22/2009 609-49754-420650 Check Total: 66.57 AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) Page 21 Invoice No Description Amount Payment Date Acct Number Reference Total for Check Run: Total of Number of Checks: AP-Computer Check Proof List by Vendor (01/21/2009 - 3:06 PM) • 447,39131 128 Page 22 • • MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING -JOINT WORKSHOP MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL AND PLANNING COMMISSION January 6th, 2009 City Council Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf, Susie Wojchouski City Council Members Absent: None Planning Commission Present: Rod Dragsten, Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Bill Spartz, Barry Voight Planning Commission Members Absent: None 1. 2. Call to order. The meeting convened at 6:10 PM with a full quorum of the Planning Commission and City Council present. Consideration to review and discuss a draft amendment to Chapter 3 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance related to signs Community Development Director Angela Schumann provided an introduction to the workshop. Schumann explained that the Planning Commission had called for an amendment to the Sign Ordinance in advance of an anticipated full scale ordinance revision due to the number of variance requests and inconsistencies within that portion of the code. Schumann noted that two public meetings had been held to gather input for the preparation of a draft amendment. Subsequently, the Planning Commission held two agenda item discussions on the prepared draft. The Commission recommended changes during those meetings, which are reflected in the version distributed to the Planning Commission and Council for this workshop. Additionally, Schumann related that a presentation to the Government Affairs Committee of the Chamber of Commerce was held and additional feedback had been garnered during that session. Schumann stated that the purpose of the workshop was to provide an overview of the proposed draft sign ordinance to the City Council and to allow the Council members a chance to ask questions and provide feedback. Consulting Planner Steve Grittman provided a presentation highlighting the amendment process to date and the primary changes to the sign ordinance. Grittman stated that the sign ordinance would become a separate chapter of the Zoning Ordinance, rather than a chapter included in the ordinance itself. He noted that the intent of the revision is also to make the ordinance more readable and user-friendly for property owners, staff and City officials. Grittman stated that in terms of the structure, the proposed ordinance now includes a set of definitions, a purpose statement, and a listing of permitted and prohibited signs. Then two sets of regulations are conveyed, those for residential, and those for commercial industrial. Grittman noted that the two areas of most change were in relationship to temporary signage and dynamic signage. The ordinance provides expanded flexibility for temporary signage through sandwich boards and use of the Public/Semi-Public District for non- profit temporary signage. In terms of dynamic displays, the ordinance provides additional detail encompassing today's technologic advances in signs. Grittman explained that the Planning Commission was not unanimous on some of the provisions of the dynamic display regulation. It was also noted that the draft ordinance does provide some incentive clauses as related to message boards and monument signage. Grittman concluded by stating that the next step would be to incorporate tables and graphic illustrations into the document where noted, then to bring that draft to another public comment session. Pending outcomes of that session, the draft would go to Planning Commission in a public hearing and finally to the City Council. Grittman opened the workshop to questions and comments. Bill Seefeldt, owner of Electro Industries, Monticello, addressed the Council and Commission, requesting clarification on where "uniformity" discussed by Grittman was conveyed within the new ordinance. Grittman responded that the uniformity comes in the way that commercial and industrial districts are addressed and how the regulations are applied. Councilmember Posusta inquired about the City's ability to regulate proper orientation of signage. Grittman indicated that was most likely a content issue, which falls under 1St Amendment protections. He indicated that it is a gray area. Posusta also asked for clarification on sandwich board placement and timing. Grittman noted that this ordinance allows sandwich boards to be placed out every day during hours of operation for each business. In essence, each tenant of a multi-tenant building could have its own sandwich board in addition to sharing the 40 days per building of temporary sign allowance. Charlie Pfeffer, Pfeffer Companies of Maple Grove, inquired about provisions for pylon signage. Grittman responded that pylon signage is still allowed and that the freeway bonus district allowing for additional heights for freeway exposure purposes had been retained in this draft. Schumann stated that the draft ordinance would be placed online and that notice of a public forum on the ordinance would be posted on line and in the newspaper. 3. Adiourn With no further comments, the meeting was adjourned at 6:50 PM. Recording Secretary Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 MINUTES REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Monday January 12, 2009 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Clint Herbst, Tom Perrault, Glen Posusta, Brian Stumpf and Susie Wojchouski Members Absent: None L Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Herbst called the meeting to order at 7 p.m. and declared a quorum present. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. 1.A Administer oath of office to newly elected officials. City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill administered the oath of office to Mayor Herbst and Council Members Tom Perrault and Glen Posusta. 2A. Approve minutes of December 1, 2008 Special Meeting -YMCA TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 1, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING RELATING TO THE YMCA PROPERTY NOTING SOME TYPOGRAPHICAL ERRORS. CLINT HERBST SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 2B. Approve minutes of December 8, 2008 Regular Meeting. Susie Wojchouski commented that she felt it was important that the name of the individual or company making a donation is always noted in the records and specified that the donation accepted at the December 8, 2008 meeting was from Wal-Mart. Tom Perrault noted a correction on Page 6 relating to the discussion of biosolids from the wastewater treatment plant changing it to: "John Simola said Big Lake doesn't want the City's filtrate so Monticello needs to reduce it to 16% dry matter." SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 8, 2008 REGULAR MEETING WITH THE CLARIFICATIONS NOTED. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 2C. Approve minutes of December 19, 2008 Special Meeting. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 19, 2008 SPECIAL MEETING. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH GLEN POSUSTA ABSTAINING. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. No items were added. Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 4. Citizen comments, petitions, requests and concerns. A. Kathleen Poate: I-94 West Chamber of Commerce Ms. Poate addressed the Council on behalf of the I-94 Coalition a group that is working on traffic needs along the I-94 corridor from Maple Grove through Monticello. The coalition has been meeting with a number of officials including Michelle Bachman to raise support for this issue. Ms. Poate was asking the Council to sign a resolution in support of the I-94 Coalition in their effort to get additional traffic lanes on I-94. Ms Poate explained some of the lobbying efforts of the group and stated that they are looking for federal funding of this project. She added that the proposed federal stimulus package would send funds back to the cities for transportation purposes. She distributed information on the coalition's activities to the Council. The question was raised if this resolution would commit the City to any financial obligation. Ms. Poate said at this time it is not a money issue but rather a show of solidarity on the issues relating to the I-94 corridor. Tom Perrault asked about modifications to the interchanges that would be required by the construction of additional traffic lanes. Ms. Poate responded that the coalition is looking only at the lane issue adding that from TH 101 to Monticello all of the right of way that is needed to construct additional lanes is in place but that may not be the case for the Maple Grove area. Glen Posusta asked if the additional lanes are added how will it impact getting across the river. Kathleen Poate responded that the additional lanes would not necessarily mean additional traffic but rather more rapid movement of existing traffic volumes. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE I-94 COALITION. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDEDTHE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Brian Stumpf asked for verification that they are not asking for any monetary support from the City and Kathleen Poate indicated at this time they are not. If financial support is requested at some later date then the matter would come back to the Council. 5. Consent Agenda: A. Consideration of ratifying hires and departures Public Works, MCC, Liquor, Building, Streets and Parks. Recommendation: Ratify the hires/departures as identified. B. Consideration of approving contract for garbage hauling and recycling services with Vieola. Recommendation: Approve the three-year garbage and recycling contracts with Veolia ES Solid Waste, Inc. effective June 1, 2008. C. Consideration of acceptance of donation for Fire Department from the Monticello Riverfest Committee. Recommendation: Approve the contribution from Monticello Riverfest Committee and authorize use of funds as specified. Res. # 2009-1. 2 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 D. Consideration of adoption of resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration services. Recommendation: Adopt the resolution supporting maintenance of local title and registration service. Res. #2009-2 E. Consideration of approving apportionment of special assessments for 1) Amax Addition; 2) Union Crossings 3rd Addition; 3) First Federal Savings Bank. Recommendation: Approve the assessment apportionment for the plats of Amax Addition, Union Crossings 3rd Addition and First Federal Savings Bank Addition and approve the waiver of the required surety bond. F. Consideration of adopting updated City Ordinance Chapter 8-1-11 regarding removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks. Recommendation: Adopt ordinance amendment #492 updating City Ordinance 8-1-11. G. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 2 for the Monticello FiberNet Head end Building, Project No. 2006-32C. Recommendation: Approve Change Order No. 2 to KC Companies, Inc. for the head end building in the amount of $7,731.00 for upgrade of the roof panels. H. Consideration to approve an amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to the re-assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown Revitalization Plan. This item was moved from the regular agenda to the consent agenda. Recommendation: Approve the amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as proposed. Ord. Amd. #491 GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ADD AGENDA ITEM #13, CONSIDERATION OF AN AMENDMENT TO CHAPTER 14B OF THE MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS ITEM #SH. BRIAN STUMPF SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONSENT AGENDA WITH THE CLARIFICATION ON ITEM SC THAT THE DONATION FOR THE FIRE DEPARTMENT WAS FROM THE RIVERFEST COMMITTEE, WITH #SF BEING REMOVED AND #13 BEING ADDED TO THE CONSENT AGENDA AS #SH. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion. #SFConsideration of adopting updated City Ordinance Chapter 8-11-11 regarding removal of snow and ice from the sidewalks. Brian Stumpf questioned the 24 hour period after a 1" snowfall for clearing snow and ice from the sidewalks. He stated that even the City doesn't get all the streets cleared within 24 hours so he didn't think it should be demanded of the residents. Clint Herbst concurred stating he has a difficult time with requiring residents to clear the sidewalks. The residents are generally assessed for construction of sidewalks and sidewalk repair so requiring them to also do snow removal is a real hardship. Public Works Director, Bob Paschke felt the City has been lenient in enforcing this but the purpose of 3 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 the ordinance is to make sure the sidewalks are safe and passable. Brian Stumpf suggested increasing the time frame to 48 hours and have it apply to snowfalls of 2-3 inches. Bob Paschke explained that the City waits 24 hours before they give the property owner notice to remove the snow. The property owner then has 24 hours to remove it. He added that the inspectors do use their discretion in enforcing this and do a good job in working with the residents. Susie Wojchouski asked about the charges for snow removal and how they were billed. Bob Paschke replied that the $75 was a flat fee for snow removal. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE AMENDMENT TO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE 8, CHAPTER 1, SECTION 11 WITH A REVISION ALLOWING 48 HOURS FROM THE END OF A SNOWFALL FOR THE PROPERTY OWNER TO REMOVE THE SNOW/ICE FROM THE SIDEWALKS. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. Tom Perrault questioned how important it is to have snow/ice removed from some of these sidewalks especially in those areas where is not a lot of pedestrian traffic on the sidewalk. Bruce Westby stated the focus is on the sidewalks in the core area of the city. Tom Perrault pointed out that much of the downtown area sidewalks are on the grid system and are cleared by the City. With the ordinance revision it would be 24 hours before the notice goes out and 24 hour after the receipt of the notice for the property owner to do the removal. Susie Wojchouski asked about the notice given and was informed that it was door to door. Glen Posusta asked if businesses were targeted more so than residences. Bruce Westby responded that it is applied equally to all properties abutting sidewalks. Glen Posusta questioned the need for snow removal on sidewalks that go no where. Bruce Westby stated that this is where common sense applies. He added that staff is looking at this ordinance and may be coming back to the Council at some future time with other ordinance modifications. Glen Posusta asked what the changes were from the original ordinance. Bruce Westby said the revisions to the ordinance were to provide a clear direction by detailing how much snow required removal and directed the assessment for snow removal. Susie Wojchouski felt the snow removal amount should be at least 2". Glen Posusta reiterated the point made by Brian Stumpf about the City plowing the streets in a timely manner. BRIAN STUMPF AMENDED HIS MOTION TO CHANGE THE SNOWFALL AMOUNT TO 2". SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7. Public Hearing on adoption of an ordinance setting the fee schedule for 2009. Finance Director Tom Kelly said the City annually adopts an ordinance setting the annual fees. In setting the fee amount the intention is to make sure the fees collected actually cover the costs incurred by the City. In addition Tom Kelly noted some changes were made to the language for clarification purposes. Tom Kelly then reviewed the various changes in the fee schedule. He noted one of the biggest changes would be in the processing of delinquent utility accounts. They are proposing that only delinquent accounts of $50 or more be certified to the County. It was felt that this would 4 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 significantly reduce the number of delinquent accounts that would have to be processed. It is also being proposed that the delinquent utility accounts be processed twice a year instead of quarterly. These changes would result in a significant reduction of staff time spent on processing delinquent accounts. Clint Herbst questioned since the county's records are on line if the City with their GIS system or some other means couldn't get the information directly from the County's records. Tom Kelly responded that the two systems don't mesh in such a way as to allow that. Brian Stumpf noted that in previous years the City had done an across the board increase of 5% and he wondered if that had been done with the 2009 fee schedule. Tom Kelly said it was discussed that sewer and water would have a 5% increase. The reason for that amount of increase was to make sure the City was covering their operating costs. Clint Herbst asked if the 5% was also applied to the trunk fees and Tom Kelly indicated it was. Brian Stumpf questioned whether the City would be better off keeping the fees for sanitary sewer, storm sewer and water the same for a year. He said since there is little development activity the increase in the rate would not generate significant revenue for the City. Tom Kelly pointed out that the trunk fees were not increased last year. Jeff O'Neill stated that the City's position has been that small incremental increases would have less impact than having to do a big increase when development takes place. Brian Stumpf responded that by not increasing the trunk fees the City may actually encourage development to take place. Susie Wojchouski asked if the City monitors how Monticello compares to other cities. Tom Kelly indicated that WSB had done a survey. The survey found that the City is lower in the area of trunk fees but a little higher as far as SAC fees. Susie Wojchouski asked for a copy of that survey. Glen Posusta asked about the $95 charge for mobile home permit and wondered what the City was providing for the $95 fee. Gary Anderson, Chief Building Official stated the fee was for the mobile home set up fee. It covers inspection of the unit when it arrives at the site, and inspection of the plumbing, mechanical and installation. Glen Posusta asked why mobile homes are not charged a sewer and water access charge. Staff responded that each lot is only charged once for sewer and water access charge unless a change in use increases the density on that lot. At that point additional sewer and water access charges are collected covering any increase in density over what was originally there. Glen Posusta questioned the $2500 charge for a building burn. Brian Stumpf stated the fire department incurs a cost to do this. They have to work with a training school to conduct the burn and they have to check for asbestos. There are other options available to the homeowner for demolition of a structure and if the homeowner selects this option the fee should cover the costs incurred. Tom Perrault questioned the deposit required for residential subdivisions plat noting that the rate was higher for plats of 1-5 lots than for plats containing more lots. Susie Wojchouski questioned if the rates shown for the MCC room rentals were hourly or daily. Tom Kelly indicated that was an hourly rate. She also asked for clarification that it was only commercial kennels that were not allowed in the City. Staff indicated that was the case. Jeff O'Neill questioned the change in the administrative permits for home occupations. Economic Development Director Megan Barnett indicated that the administrative permits for home occupations were added to the administrative zoning permits while the special home occupation permits which are done under a conditional use process were kept separate. Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 The language for diseased tree removal and replacement was discussed. Bob Paschke said it should be noted that tree removal and replacement is for trees located in the right of way. Tom Kelly indicated that was how the language was originally worded but at the request of the Park Superintendent that was changed. Glen Posusta questioned the charge for a variance. He noted in his experience for a variance he ended up paying almost $1200. He wondered how any variance could cost that much. Jeff O'Neill said they try to get the fee to cover the costs incurred. However since individual cases can vary greatly it his hard to come up with exact fees. He said staff is trying to let the property owners know when the cost is going to exceed the deposit. Clint Herbst expressed the concern that for applicants it is difficult paying a fee and then getting hit with additional bills. He wondered if more of the work could be done in-house thus eliminating some of the consultant's fees. Tom Perrault also questioned the wording on the variance fee. Mayor Herbst opened the public hearing. Cathy Shuman representing the Women of Today questioned the room rental rates that the MCC charged non-profit groups. Initially they had been paying $10/hour. The rate was increased to $15/hour without them being informed and now it is proposed to be increased to $17. She was upset that fees had almost doubled and wanted to know if the Council felt that the fees for non-profit groups were fair and equitable. Clint Herbst said the MCC utilize the existing rooms fully and when they are taken out for charitable organizations it is less revenue for the MCC. He added that costs for everything continues to rise and it should not be a surprise that room rental rates would increase as well. Tom Kelly noted that this is the first year the room rental fees for the MCC appear on the fee schedule. Tom Perrault asked if non-profits still get three hours of free room rental a month. Cathy Shuman said the Women of Today don't get anything free. The free three hours is for the Academy Room and the West Prairie Room and the Women of Today group is too large to utilize either room. Susie Wojchouski stated that the VFW and American Legion have rooms that are available which might be another option for this group. Brian Stumpf said he would like to see something done with the sanitary sewer, water and storm sewer fees as he didn't think they should be increased by 5%. Clint Herbst asked for clarification if Brian Stumpf meant that all water and sewer fees including rates should not be increased by 5%. Clint Herbst stated that in setting the 2009 budget the Council approved a 5% increase in rates in order to cover operating costs. Removing the increase from the user rates would impact the budget. Brian Stumpf said initially he thought it would be easier to make the change across the board but he doesn't have a problem with the 5% increase in user rates. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO ADOPT THE 2009 FEE SCHEDULE WITH THE RECOMMENDATION FOR NO INCREASE ON THE CONSTRUCTION PORTION OF SANITARY SEWER, WATER AND STORM SEWER FEES; CHANGE IN DISEASED TREE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT DESIGNATING THAT IT APPLIES TO TREES LOCATED IN THE RIGHT OF WAY AND CHANGES FOR BILLING FOR DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS ON ASEMI-ANNUAL BASIS AND CHANGING THE MINIMUM DELINQUENT AMOUNT FOR CERTIFICATION. SUSIE WOJCHOUSKI SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 6 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 8. Consideration of approving appointments for 2009. The Council discussed the proposed appointments for 2009. Glen Posusta said he would like to look at the consultants the City uses. He noted that now when development activity is slow might be a good time to look at RFP's for the consulting services the City uses such as engineering and planning. He cited the three engineering firms the City has utilized and felt that could be cut back. He added that both WSB and Northwest Associated Consultants have been with the City a long time and perhaps have become too comfortable and complacent. He suggested that the City get information from other firms, weight the cost factor and then decide on whether to retain the existing consultants or pursue selecting another firm. Bruce Westby stated the City could bid out projects for the engineering help it needed on a project by project basis but added that it takes staff time to prepare the RFP's, send them out and review the RFP's that are submitted. Doing it this way would add a little more time and money up front. Clint Herbst suggested that the City does a comparison of the City's consultant fees with that of other firms to see how they compare. Brian Stumpf felt this was something that warranted some additional research. Jeff O'Neill noted that the City Engineer and Public Works Director were relatively new to their position and relied heavily on WSB & Associates. Glen Posusta stated that he has nothing against the work that WSB & Associates is performing for the City but felt this being a slow time for development activity it would be a good time to check into the fees charged by other firms. Doing investigation into services and fees of other firms would not necessarily mean a change in the consultants the City currently uses. In discussion of the consulting engineers it was noted that Bolton Menk worked with the Big Lake/Monticellofoint treatment facilities. It was discussed whether it was best to stay with one engineer for this or whether each city should have their own consultant. In other comments on the appointments it was noted the term on the EDA for Tom Perrault would run through 2012 and the term for Brian Stumpf would run through 2010. Since there was some interest by Council members in serving on the Police Commission it was discussed whether two members of the Council should be appointed. The Council suggested that Tom Perrault along with Glen Posusta be appointed to the Police Commission. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO APPROVE THE APPOINTMENTS FOR 2009 WITH MODIFICATIONS THAT THE STAFF WILL CHECK WITH OTHER CONSULTING ENGINEERS AND CONSULTING PLANNERS FOR THE POSSIBILITY OF GETTTING BIDS FROM OTHER FIRMS AND TO APPOINT TWO COUNCIL MEMBERS TO THE POLICE COMMISSION WITH THE COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES BEING GLEN POSUSTA AND TOM PERRAULT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Jeff O'Neill asked if the Council wanted to review who serves on the various subcommittees and task forces. Clint Herbst said the subcommittees and task forces would remain the same as they were in 2008. 7 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 9. Consideration of approving sale of City property to Mn/DOT for I-94 twin bridge replacement project over CSAH 75. Brian Stumpf questioned why the money from the sale of the property was going into the general fund rather than a separate fund. Tom Kelly said the Council could direct where the funds should go. Bruce Westby briefly explained the proposed project. Clint Herbst felt MnDOT should have done the grading for the road that would have led into 95th Street or have MnDOT cover all of the cost of the grading. Bruce Westby stated that in discussions with MnDOT they talked about doing an exchange where MnDOT would do the grading work in return for the fill materials. MnDOT has indicated that they will need the excavated material for their project and are interested in some type of exchange but Bruce Westby added that they have not given any formal verification of that. Glen Posusta said that the road could eliminate a lot of traffic from the residential developments in that area. Clint Herbst asked about the compensation for restoration. MnDOT came up with the restoration amount because the City was going to put in a road and would have to remove the trees. The City will be in charge of doing the restoration work. Council questioned whether action on this item should be tabled until the exchange between MnDOT and the City could be formalized. Bruce Westby indicated that if the City did not proceed with the easement and property sale, MnDOT would go the condemnation route. Clint Herbst felt the City should approve the transaction for the land and the easement but Bruce Westby should continue to negotiate the grading of the road. Bruce Westby agreed that the grading in exchange for fill material should be separate from the land transaction. Tom Perrault asked about the five year temporary easement. Bruce Westby said that MnDOT will grade out to the construction limits and put in turf. The City will be responsible for putting in trees and shrubs. When the work is completed the City can request return of the easement. Clint Herbst asked how close the project would come to the pathway. Bruce Westby indicated the pathway would be removed in this area. During construction 300 feet of pathway will be torn up but it will be restored. Bruce Westby stated the bridges are in bad shape and MnDOT, as part of this project, is moving the west bound lane closer to River Mill and the interchange. There was some discussion of the project scope and design. Clint Herbst asked about the practices used to keep the bridges and ramps from icing up. Bruce Westby said if the Council would like a presentation on the bridge replacement project that could be done. Susie Wojchouski suggested that something be put on Channel 12 about the project. When the City has received a copy of the project design, Bruce Westby will do a presentation at a future meeting. The level of grading that would be done as part of this project was also discussed. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO AUTHORIZE THE FINANCE DIRECTOR TO COMPLETE THE SALE OF BOTH THE TEMPORARY EASEMENT AND THE PARTIAL LAND ACQUISITION BY MNDOT AS OUTLINED IN THIS REPORT AND PER THE MNDOT DOCUMENTS PROVIDED TO CITY STAFF AND THAT THE CITY ENGINEER CONTINUES TO WORK WITH MNDOT ON THE EXCHANGE OF GRADING WORK FOR FILL MATERIAL FROM THE PROJECT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. Brian Stumpf raised the question again about what fund these monies should go into. Tom Kelly recommended putting it into a special revenue fund for future construction. GLEN POSUSTA AMENDED HIS MOTION TO INCLUDE THAT MONIES RECEIVED FROM MNDOT WOULD BE PLACED IN A SPECIAL REVENUE FUND FOR FUTURE 8 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 CONSTRUCTION. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE AMENDED MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Consideration to enter into a contract between the City of Monticello, Central MN Housing Partnership and the City of Otsego to obtain funds to establish a Neighborhood Stabilization Program in Monticello. Economic Development Director, Megan Barnett, reviewed the grant proposal from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency for monies to help deal with the problem of foreclosed and abandoned properties. The grant proposal requires the City to complete the grant application and to partner with a non-profit organization to administer the grant. The City is proposing to partner with the Central Minnesota Housing Partnership. Under this contract CMPH will complete the application for the Neighborhood Stabilization Program and administer the funds according to the regulations of MHFA. Since Monticello and Otsego have a common area of the same zip code Otsego is requesting 10% of the grant monies. Megan Barnett indicated that developments such as Featherstone, Hunters Crossing and Nathan Court were areas designated for down payment assistance because they were areas with a large number of foreclosures in a relatively new development area. Once received the grant monies would have to be allocated within 18 months. It is anticipated the award will be made in February so the 18 months would start at that time. The program targets homeowners rather than renters. However the Council can specify if they want to target renters. Clint Herbst questioned the ability to find the qualified homeowners within that 18 month period. Susie Wojchouski expressed the concern that this program would get people to buy more house than what they could afford. Megan Barnett noted that the City also has the option to purchase homes for redevelopment in the core area of the City. $100,000 is budgeted for purchase and demolition. If the City can't meet the qualifications of the program the money would get funneled back into the metro area. Glen Posusta asked how they would be picking out the houses. Megan Barnett said the City would not pick out house. The City can't identify specific properties only neighborhoods where the money would be used. Megan Barnett said there is a purchase budget and improvement budget. Tom Perrault asked about the contract with CMPH and the 8.7% they get for administering the grant. He noted the contract also called for reimbursement of the expenses and he wondered if that was in addition to the 8.7% they received. Megan Barnett said the 8.7% comes from the grant monies and includes the expenses. Brian Stumpf asked if there were additional funds over the 8.7% where would that come from and how they would be capped. Anything in excess of 8.7% would have to come out the grant so :there should be additional funds the City has to kick in. Clint Herbst said this is a local tool to get the property back on the tax roll. Megan Barnett asked the Council to specify whether they want the program geared to homeowners or rents. The Council indicated home owners. She also asked if they were comfortable with the budgeted amounts for demolition and purchase or whether more should go to down payment assistance. She said it is important to identify the amount in each area. The application has to be submitted January 28, 2009. Clint Herbst asked Gary Anderson if there were any properties that were in bad condition that could be condemned. Gary Anderson indicated there were some properties like that in the core area of the City. GLEN POSUSTA MOVED TO ENTER 1NT0 A CONTRACT BETWEEN MONTICELLO AND THE CENTAL MINNESOTA HOUSING PARTNERSHIP TO COMPLETE THE NSP 9 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 (NEIGHBORHOOD STABILZATION PROGRAM) APPLICATION, SUBMIT THE APPLICATION TO MHFA AND ADMINISTER FUNDS UPON BEING AWARDED AN NSP GRANT. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION WITH THE CLARIFICATION THAT THE PROGRAM WAS BEING GEARED TOWARDS PROPERTY OWNERS RATHER THAN RENTERS. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Update on FiberNet Monticello and Fiber LOOA Proiect. Jeff O'Neill gave an update on the status of the project and introduced Don Patten, who will be working with the City in the capacity of an interim project manager for the FiberNet. At a recent meeting of the Fiber Optics Committee a multitude of issues dealing with operations, marketing and other aspects of the project were discussed. The head end building will be completed short and most of the fiber construction is complete. City staff is in the process of issuing RFP's and getting quotes for various pieces of equipment as well as negotiating for an Internet connection. They are continuing to identify the customer base and plan for installation of drops. The City is being assisted by HBC with issues relating to the operations of the system. The City is also working with CCG Consulting and HBC on the prices for the services. Glen Posusta questioned why people had not been contacted about when the City is going on line and what the charges will be for the service. Jeff O'Neill said they want to be certain that they can provide the service at the price they say they will. Glen Posusta thought they should have a ball park figure at least to offer proposed users. Clint Herbst asked what the time frame was for the price information. Jeff O'Neill said they are working on that. Glen Posusta asked if there were any incentives to get people to sign up. Clint Herbst noted that the city services are month to month and the user would not be tied to a contract for a set period of time. Clint Herbst said he was somewhat disappointed that the business drops have not yet been identified at this point. Clint Herbst added because government has to operate in the open it more difficult to come up with marketing strategies than it is for the private sector. 12. Consideration of approving purchase of data router for fiber optic loop. Clint Herbst noted that this was something that had been budgeted for. The equipment is being purchased through the State Cooperative Purchasing Venture. The price came in under estimate as the budgeted amount was $100,000 but the actual price is $68,641.97 plus tax and shipping. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO AUTHORIZE PURCHASE OF TWO CISCO DATA ROUTERS FROM QUEST COMMUNICATIONS AT A COST OF $68,641.97 THROUGH THE STATE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING VENTURE. TOM PERRAULT SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 13. Consideration of amendment to Chapter 14B (Central Community District) of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance as related to the re-assignment of design review in conformance with the 1997 Downtown Revitalization Plan. Approved as SH on the consent agenda. 10 Council Minutes: January 12, 2009 14. Consideration of approving payment of bills for January, 2009. Tom Perrault questioned submitting mileage reimbursement for a full year. Susie Wojchouski suggested it be done on a quarterly basis. Tom Kelly indicated that for most employees they have limited mileage so he didn't feel establishing a policy wasn't necessary. TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO APPROVE PAYMENT OF THE BILLS. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 15. Adiourn TOM PERRAULT MOVED TO ADJOURN AT 10:15 P.M. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Recording Secretary 11 Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 SA. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for Park Department. (JO) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Council is asked to ratify the hiring and departures of employees that have occurred recently at the Park Department. It is recommended that the Council officially ratify the hiring/departure of all new employees including part-time and seasonal workers. A.1 BUDGET IMPACT: None A.2 STAFF WORK LOAD IMPACT: Until the positions are filled again, existing staff would pick up those hours. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Ratify the hire/departures of the employees as identified on the attached list. C. RECOMMENDATION: By statute the City Council has the authority to approve all hires/departures. There is no other recommendation but for the Council to exercise the authority given to them by state statute. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of new employees. NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Joseph Brooks Winter Park Asst Parks 12/20/08 PT Samantha Gardner Winter Park Asst Parks 12/20/08 PT Amie Connoy Winter Park Asst Parks 12/20/08 PT Levi Baker Winter Park Asst Parks 01/10/08 PT Mary Gustin Winter Park Asst Parks 12/20/08 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class council_employee list.xls: 1/7/2009 Counci lAgenda - 01/26/2009 5B. Consideration of adopting changes to city ordinance (Dutch Elm 8-3-6). (T.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The current City Ordinance Title VIII, Chapter 3, Trees and Shrubs only covers Dutch Elm Disease in Section 8-3-6. The proposed city ordinance change would be called Shade Tree Disease and Insect Control under Section 8-3-6. With these changes the city will have a plan in place in the event a new tree disease such as Emerald Ash Borer arrives in our city. With adopting these new changes the city will preserve and protect the general welfare of our community resources. a. Budget Impact: Currently the Parks Department has funds in the Shade Tree Budget to inspect and remove diseased trees each year. By inspecting each year we can improve tree preservation. b. Staff Workload Impact: The Parks Department will continue to inspect trees throughout the community with inspections taking up to a few weeks. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the new changes to City Ordinance Section 8-3- 6 to Shade Tree Disease Control and Insect Control. 2. The second alternative would be not to approve the changes. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the Park Superintendent that the City Council approve the changes to City Ordinance Section 8-3-6 as outlined in Alternative A. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of changes to existing ordinance (changes typed in red) and disease forecast map. late April or ~~1ay. Newly edosed adults often remain in the pupal chamber or bark for 1 to 2 weeks hefore emerging head-first through a D-shaped exit hole that is 3 to ~ mm in diameter (Fig. 5 j. Studies in Michigan indicate 2 years may be required for A. planipennis to develop in newly infested ash trees that are relatively healthy. In these trees, many A. planipennis overvvinter early instars, feed a second summer, overvvinter as prepupae, and emerge the following summer. In trees stressed by physical injury, high A. planipennis densities, or other problems, all or nearly all larvae develop in a single year. Whether a 2-year life cycle will occur in warmer southern states is not yet known. Distribution and Hosts A. planipennis is native to Asia and is found in China and Korea. It is also reported in Japan, Mongolia, the Russian Far East, and Taiwan. In China, high populations of A. planipennis occur primarily in Fraxinus chfnensis and F. rhynchophylla, usually when those trees are stressed b}= drought or injury. Other Asian hosts (f. mandshurica var. japonica, Ulmus davidfana var. japonica, luglans manclshurica var. sieboldiana, and Pterocarya rhoifolia) may be colonized by this or a related species. In North America A. planipennis has attacked only ash trees. Host preference of A. planipennis or resistance among North American ash species may vary. Green ash (F. pennsylvanica) and black ash (F. nigraj, for example, appear to be highly preferred, while white ash (F. americana) and blue ash (f. quaclran;ulataj are less preferred. At this time all species and varieties of native ash in North America appear to be at risk from this pest. Signs and Symptoms It is difficult to detect A. planipennis in newly infested trees because they exhibit fevv, if any, external symptoms. Jagged holes excavated by woodpeckers feeding on late instar or prepupal larvae may be the first sign that a tree is infested (Fig. 6). D-shaped exit holes left by emerging adult beetles may be seen on branches or the trunk, especially on trees with smooth bark (Fig 5j. Bark may split vertically over larval feeding galleries. When the bark is removed from infested trees, the distinct, frass-filled larval galleries that etch the outer sapwood anti phloem are readily visible {Fig. 4 and Fig. 7j. An elliptical area of discolored sapwood, usually a result of secondary infection by fungal pathogens, sometimes surrounds galleries. As A. planipennis densities build, foliage wilts, branches die, anti the tree canopy becomes increasingly thin. e~lany trees appear to lose about 30 to 50 percent of the canopy after only a fevv years of infestation. Trees may cite after 3 to 4 years of heavy infestation (Fig. 7). Epicormic shoots may arise on the trunk or branches of the tree (Fig. 8j, often at the margin of live and dead tissue. Dense root sprouting sometimes occurs after trees die. A. planipennis larvae have developed in branches and trunks ranging from 2.5 cm (1 inch) to 140 cm (55 inches) in diameter. Although stressed trees are initially more attractive to A. planipennis than healthy trees are, tit many areas all or nearly all ash trees greater than 3 cm in diameter have been attacked. Resources ~"° '~ For more information on the emerald ash borer and related topics... $ • Visit the following bVeb sites: Puhlishecl hy: Multi-agency Emerald Ash Sorer Web Site: USDA Forest Service wwtiv.emeraidashborer.info Northeastern Area USDA Forest Service: wvvvv.na.fs.fed.us/fhp/eab! State and Private Forestr} USDA Animal and Plant Health inspection Service: ~iewtrnvn Sryuare, PA t9t)i 3 vrnvw.aphis.usda.govrplant_health] ~~.v<v-"a-is-led-u • Contact your state Department of Agriculture, State Forester, or I`' Fedrrar Rec.~din Program Cooperative Extension Otfice. ~j~ Printed on recycled paper. Prepared by: Deborah G. McCullough, professor, Departments of Entomology and Forestry, Michigan State University Noel F. Schneeberger, Forest Health Program leader, and Steven A. Katovich, forest entomologist, Northeastern Area State and Private Forestry, USDA Forest Service Pfioto credits: David L. Cappaert ancf Howard Russell, Ntichigan SEate University, vvvvw.forestryimages.org Steven A. Katovich, USDA Forest Service, vwvw.forestryimages_org Edward Czervvinski, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, vvvvw.forestryimages.org USDA is an equal opportunity provider and emt~loyer. Figure 5. D-shaped hole where an adult beetle emerged. Figure 6. -agged holes left by woodpeckers feeding on larvae. Figure 7. Ash tree killed by emerald ash borer. Note the serpentine galleries. Figure 8. Epicormic branching on a heavily infested ash tree. CHAPTER 3 SUPPORTINt~ DATA TREES AND SHRUBS SECTION: 8-3-1: Purpose 8-3-2: Prohibited Trees 8-3-3: Order to Treat or Remove 8-3-4: Regulations for Planting in Public Places 8-3-5: Requirements Applicable to Trees in New Subdivisions 8-3-6: Shade Tree Disease and Insect Control 8-3-7: Abuse or Mutilation 8-3-1: PURPOSE: It is the purpose of this chapter to protect and promote the public health, safety, and general welfare of the people of the city by regulating the planting and maintenance of trees in order to protect trees and to prevent and abate hazardous and nuisance conditions within the city. 8-3-2: PROHIBITED TREES: It is lawful to plant only the Vanguard Elm species of elm trees within the city limits. The Vanguard Elm is a Dutch Elm Disease resistant tree. (#29, 5/9/77) 8-3-3: ORDER TO TREAT OR REMOVE: The City may order the trimming, treatment, or removal of trees or plants upon public or private property when they shall determine that such action is necessary to the public safety or necessary to prevent the spread of disease or of insects harmful to trees and shrubs. 8-3-4: REGULATIONS FOR PLANTING IN PUBLIC PLACES: (A) No tree shall be planted or placed on public property or right-of--way without the approval of the City Engineer. (B) Permits: 1. No person shall plant or remove trees or shrubs in public places without first filling out an application and obtaining a permit from the City. 2. The following provisions apply to the issuance of permits where required for planting in public places. (a) Application Data: The application required herein shall state the number of trees or plants to be planted or set out, the location, and specific name of each tree or plant. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page (b) Standards for Issuance: A permit shall be issued if it is found that the proposed plantings will be in the best interest of the community. 8-3-5: REQUIREMENTS APPLICABLE TO TREES IN NEW SUBDIVISIONS: (A) In new subdivisions, on lots with frontage on a single right-of--way, it is required that two (2) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. For lots with frontage on more than one right-of--way, it is required that four (4) trees be planted per platted lot if no trees are in existence. Two (2) trees must be planted in the boulevard adjoining each yard having street frontage. (#287, 3/24/97) (#267, 3/27/95) (B) In subdivision plantings, not less than two (2) or more than three (3) species of trees shall be planted in any block, and neither less than twenty percent (20%) nor more than fifty percent (50%) of the total trees planted in a block may be of the same species. Only trees listed in Section 8-3-2 of this chapter shall be planted. (C) Required trees shall be planted in the boulevard at a location ranging from 4 ft to 10 ft from the curb. Precise location within this range to be determined by the City. (#287, 3/24/97) (#267, 3/27/95) (D) Required subdivision trees must have a trunk diameter of at least two inches (2") at one foot (1') above the ground. (E) Required subdivision trees must be protected and supported by tree guards of approved type. (F) No required subdivision tree shall be planted in soil too poor to ensure the growth of such tree unless twenty-seven (27) cubic feet (3'x3'x3') of soil is removed and replaced with suitable loam. 8-3-6: :SHADE TREE DISEASE AND INSECT CONTROL: (A) Forester: Duties: The powers and duties of the City Forester as set forth in this code are hereby conferred upon the Park Inspector. It is the duty of the Forester to coordinate, under the direction and control of the Council, all activities of the municipality relating to the control and prevention of ~tci2 £~m Shade Tree disease. He shall recommend to the Council the details of a program for the control of Fpm Shade Tree disease and perform the duties incident to such a program adopted by the Council. (B) Program: It is the intention of the Council of Monticello to conduct a program MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page of plant pest control pursuant to the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Section 18.022. This program is directed specifically at the control and elimination of Dutch Elm disease fungus, elm bark beetles, oak wilt and Emerald Ash Borer and is undertaken at the recommendation of the Commissioner of Agriculture. The City Forester shall act as coordinator between the Commissioner of Agriculture and the Council in the conduct of this program. (C) . Nuisance Declared. The prevention, control and abatement of Duth Elm disease and Oak Wilt disease and Emerald Ash Borer insect is necessary for the protection, preservation and conservation of public and private lands and the investment and benefit therein, and to protect and promote the general welfare of the public and this community. Therefore, the following conditions are hereby found and declared to be a public nuisance wherever they exist in the city of Monticello. Any living or stancliirg dead Elm tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the Dutch Elm disease fungus Ceratocystits ulmi (Buisman) Moreau or which harbors any of the elm bark beetles Scolytus Multistriatus (Eichh.) or Hylurgopinus rufipes (Marsh). 2. Any dead Elm tree or part thereof, including logs, branches, stumps, firewood, or other Elm material from which the bark has not been removed arn~ or burned ~~- T. 3. Any living or dead oak tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the oak wilt fungus (ceratocytis fagacearum). 4. Any living or dead Fraxinus spp tree or part thereof infected to any degree with the insect Emerald Ash Borer (Agrilus Planipennix). (D) Prohibition. It is unlawful for any person to permit any public nuisance as defined in (C) 1, 2, 3 and 4 ~ to remain on any premises owned or controlled by iiirrr such person within the city of Monticello. Such nuisances may be abated in the manner prescribed by this chapter. (E) Inspection and Investigation: The forester shall inspect all premises and places within the city as often as practicable to determine whether any condition deseri~ecl declared in (C) to be a public nuisance exists thereon. Inc-shy nr~cstrgatc all reported incidents of infestation of Dutch Elm fungus, the presence rn of elm bark beetles, of infection by the oak wilt fungus or the presence of Emerald Ash borer shall be promptly investigated. (F) Entry on Private Premises: The forester or his duly authorized agents may MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page enter upon private premises at any reasonable time for the purpose of carrying out any of the duties assigned him under this chapter. (G) Diagnosis: The forester shall, upon finding conditions indicating Dutch Elm disease or other infestation, immediately send appropriate specimens or samples to the Commissioner of Agriculture for analysis or take such other steps for diagnosis as may be recommended by the Commissioner. Except as provided in (J), no action to remove infected trees or wood shall be taken until .positive diagnosis of the disease has been made. (H) Abatement Generally. No action to remove, destroy and dispose or require the removal, destruction and disposal of elm trees, wood infected with Dutch Elm fungus, oak trees infected by oak wilt fungus or Fraxinus spp (ash) trees or Fraxinus spp (ash) wood harboring Emerald Ash Borer shall be taken until a reasonably certain diagnosis of the disease has been made. When such reasonably certain diagnosis has been made, the infected tree or wood shall be removed, destroyed and disposed of in a manner which will effectively destroy and prevent as fully as possible the spread of the Dutch Elm or oak wilt disease fungus, or the spread of Emerald Ash Borer populations. 1. Presence of Elm Bark Beetles or Emerald Ash Borer. When the presence of elm bark beetles has been discovered in or upon any living elm tree but the presence of Dutch Elm disease fungus is not then or thereafter diagnosed, the tree shall be treated in a manner which will effectively destroy and prevent as full as possible the spread of the elm bark beetle. When the presence of Emerald Ash Borer has been discovered in or upon a living Franxinus (ash) tree, the tree shall be treated in a manner which will effectively destroy and prevent as full as possible the spread of the Emerald Ash Borer. If such treatment is not or, because of the extent of infestation, cannot be effective, the tree shall be removed, destroyed and disposed of. 2. Dead Elm or Fraxinus (ash) Trees, Logs, Stumps, etc. Standing dead elm trees, elm logs, branches, stumps, firewood or other raw material from which the bark has not been removed and which are not infected with Dutch Elm disease fungus, shall have the bark removed, destroyed and disposed of or shall be treated in a manner which will effectively destroy and prevent as fully as possible the spread of the elm bark beetle or the Emerald Ash Borer. If such MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page treatment is not effective, or, because of the extent of infestation, cannot be effective, the trees, logs, branches, stumps, firewood or other raw elm material shall be removed, destroyed and disposed of. 3. Specifications and Procedures. The City Forester shall establish specifications and procedures for the removal, destruction and disposal of trees and wood infected with Dutch Elm disease fungus, Oak Wilt fungus or Emerald Ash Borer for treating live elm or Fraxinus (ash) trees infested with elm bark beetles or Emerald Ash Borer, and for removing, destroying and disposing of elm or Fraxinus (ash) trees, logs, branches, stumps, firewood and other raw elm material. Such specifications and procedures shall be consistent with current specifications and procedures designated or approved by the commissioner of agriculture. (I) Abatement on Private or Government Property. Whenever a nuisance as defined in (C) is found to exist on private property outside any public way in the city, or upon property owned and controlled by a governmental unit other than the city, the owner or person in control of such property shall be notified in writing by registered mail or by personal delivery, that such condition exists. The notice shall also state that if such nuisance is not abated by the owner or person in control of such property within twenty (20) days after receipt of such notice, in the manner prescribed by the City Forester, the city by and through its City Council may enter upon the premises and abate the nuisance. If the owner or person in control of any private premises upon which such a nuisance exists does not abate or eliminate the same within twenty (20) days after receipt of notification, the City Council, its officers, employees and agents shall proceed to have such nuisance properly abated or eliminated. (.n Abatement on City Property. Nuisances as defined in (C) which exist upon property owned or controlled by the city, including public street right of way, shall be abated or eliminated by the City Council forthwith in accordance with established specifications and procedures. (K) Cost of Abatement: If, pursuant to section (I), the City Council orders the removal or abatement of such nuisance, the City Forester shall report the cost of the removal or abatement to the Council and the expense thereof plus an amount determined by the City Council to reimburse the City for its costs of inspection and eradication shall be assessed by the Council upon the lot or lots on which the nuisance was located, notice being first given by public (L) Procedures for Removal of Infected Trees and Wood: MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page 1. Whenever the forester finds with reasonable certainty that infestation defined in (C) exists in any tree or wood in any public or private place in the city, he shall proceed as follows: (a) If the forester finds that the danger of infestation of other elm trees is not imminent because of elm dormancy, he shall make a written report of his findings to the Council which shall proceed by (1) abating the nuisance as a public improvement under Minnesota Statutes, Chapter 429, or (2) abating the nuisance as provided in 2 of this section. (b) If the forester finds that danger of infestation of other elm trees is imminent, he shall notify the property owner by certified mail that the nuisance will be abated within a specified time, not less than 5 days from the date of mailing of such notice. The forester shall immediately report such action to the Council; and after the expiration of the time limited by the notice, he may abate the nuisance. 2. Upon receipt of the forester's report required by 1, part (a), the Council shall by resolution order the nuisance abated. Before action is taken on such resolution, the Council shall publish notice of its intention to meet to consider taking action to abate the nuisance. This notice shall be mailed to affected property owners and published once not less than one week prior to such meeting. The notice shall state the time and place of the meeting, the streets affected, action proposed, the estimated cost of the abatement, and the proposed basis of assessment, if any, of costs. At such hearing or adjournment thereof, the Council shall hear property owners with reference to the scope and desirability of the proposed project. The Council shall thereafter adopt a resolution confirming the original resolution with such modifications as it considers desirable and provide for the doing of the work by day labor or by contract. 3. The forester shall keep a record of the costs of abatements done under this section and shall report monthly to the City Clerk all work done for which assessments are to be made stating and certifying the description of the land, lots, and parcels involved and the amount chargeable to each. 4. On or before September 1 of each year, the Clerk shall list the total unpaid charges for each abatement against each separate lot or parcel to which they are attributable under this ordinance. The Council may then spread the charges or any portion thereof against the property involved as a special assessment under Minnesota Statutes, Section 420.101, and other pertinent statutes for certification to the County Auditor and collection the following year along with current taxes. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page The City Council of Monticello has determined that the health of the trees within the municipal limits is threatened by a fatal disease know as Dutch Elm disease, oak wilt or Emerald Ash Borer. It has further determined that the loss of these trees growing upon public and private property would substantially depreciate the value of property within the city and impair the safety, good order, general welfare, and convenience of the public. It is declared to be the intention of the Council to control and prevent the spread of this disease, and this ordinance is being enacted for that purpose. It is declared to be the intention of the Council to establish a policy for sharing the cost of abatement of shade tree disease nuisances with the property owners. 59-perccnt If the City is contracted for the tree removal, a credit of half (%) the cost of removal up to $225 per tree will be given with the property owner responsible for the remaining cost of removal plus sales tax. (M) Spraying Elm Trees: Whenever the forester determines that any Elm tree or Elm wood within the city is infected with Dutch Elm fungus, he may spray all nearby high value Elm trees with an effective Elm bark beetle destroying concentrate. Spraying activities authorized by this section shall be conducted in accordance with technical and expert opinions and plans of the Commissioner of Agriculture and under the supervision of the Commissioner and his agents whenever possible. (N) Transporting Elm Wood Prohibited: It is unlawful for any person to transport within the city any bark-bearing Elm wood without having obtained a permit from the forester. The forester shall grant permits only when the purposes of the chapter will be served thereby. (O) Interference Prohibited: No person shall prevent, delay, or interfere with the forester or his agents while they are engaged in the performance of duties imposed by this chapter. 8-3-7: ABUSE OR MUTILATION: No person shall (A) damage, cut, carve, kill, or injure the bark of any tree or plant on any public property; (B) attach any rope, wire, or other contrivance to any tree or plant on public property; (C) dig in or otherwise disturb public grass areas, or in any other way injure or impair the natural beauty or usefulness of any area or public property; (D) cause or permit any wire charged with electricity or any gaseous, liquid, or solid substance harmful to trees or plants to come in contact with them. MONTICELLO CITY ORDINANCE TITLE VIII/Chapt 3/Page NEW EMPLOYEES Name Title Department Hire Date Class Glen Posusta City Council Member Council 01/01/09 PT TERMINATING EMPLOYEES Name Reason Department Last Day Class Samantha Gardner Voluntary Parks 01/09/09 Temp Joseph Brooks Voluntary Parks 01/09/09 Temp council_employee list.xls: 1/21/2009 Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 5C. Consideration Acceptance of 4t" Quarter Preliminary Financial Report. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Attached is the preliminary 2008 4t" quarter financial status report. The report is preliminary because the finance staff is still making adjustment and recording expenditures and revenues for 2008. It is also preliminary because the City's annual audit will not be completed until early spring and may require some adjustment to the figures. A1. Budget Impact: The quarterly reports have very little budget impact other than staff time to prepare the report. A2. StafF Workload Impact: This report took staff maybe three hours to prepare. Future reports should take less time to prepare now that the basic format has been constructed and once the new computer software system is in place. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Accept the 4t" quarter preliminary financial status report. 2. Do not accept the 4t" quarter preliminary financial status report. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: 2008 4t" Quarter Preliminary Financial Status Report. Year-end Investment Schedule. 2008 Preliminary 4t" Quarter Financial Status Report I'm not really sure where 2008 went, and in some ways it is still here for the City's financial records. Staff is still processing financial records for 2008 and balancing accounts. The City's audit firm will be on site the first week in February to perform preliminary audit work and then will return the end of March, beginning of April to complete field work for the 2008 audit report. Since staff is still processing some 2008 records and the audit is not complete, this report of the City's 2008 financial status is preliminary and some of the figures will be different when the City's auditors present the Annual Financial Report in late May or early June. In October staff provided Council with the aid quarter financial report and stated it was our intent to provide these types of financial reports quarterly to the Council. These quarterly reports are important as many of the auditing standards put in place in 2007 clearly place the financial health of an organization on the governing body due to the prior financial scandals of Wall Street, Enron and the Dot.com industries. Also it is my hope by providing Council with these quarterly financial reports, the Council will be in a better position to make decisions which may or will affect current and future finances of the City. As always, any feed back the Council can provide staff will be most appreciated. With that, here is the City's 2008 4t" Quarter Preliminary Financial Report. Overall In spite of the economy the City's revenues and expenditures are inline with past revenue and expenditure levels and their budget amounts. The chart below shows each fund type compared to budget for years 2007 and 2008 through the end of the 4t" quarter General Fund Special Revenue Funds Debt Service Funds Capital Improvement Funds Enterprise Funds 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 Budget 4th QTR YTD Received Bud et 4th QTR YTD Received 6,371,626 7,572,197 118.84% 7,479,449 7,543,793 100.86% 7,972,793 7,566,783 94.91% 6,719,308 7,399,190 110.12% 6,023,131 8,189,328 135.96% 5,575,499 31,037,912 556.68% 0 5,089,482 #DIV/0! 0 309,236 #DIV/0! 5,563,515 6,734,457 121.05% 6,029,868 6,327,470 104.94% Total Revenues 25,931,065 35,152,247 135.56% 25,804,124 52,617,601 203.91% 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 Budget 4th QTR YTD Received Budget 4th QTR YTD Spent General Fund 6,906,935 7,430,623 107.58% 7,421,909 6,730,211 90.68% Special Revenue Funds 18,554,280 8,487,346 45.74% 7,039,100 6,730,348 95.61% Debt Service Funds 5,888,793 5,500,335 93.40% 5,962,793 33,857,711 567.82% Capital Improvement Funds 0 3,914,324 #DIV/0! 0 1,626,109 #DIV/0! Enterprise Funds 7,561,783 7,509,083 99.30% 7,174,908 9,232,090 128.67% Total Expenditures 38,911,791 32,841,711 84.40% 27,598,710 58,176,469 210.79% The rest of this report will summarize the activity of each fund type, however I think it is important to note that both revenues and expenditures for 2008 are above budget amounts due to the new bond issues which refinance some of the older debt issues at lower interest rates. The refinancing process was started at the end of 2007 and took place in 2008, but was started after the 2008 budget was completed, which is why it's not included in the budget numbers. It is also important to not that the 2007 figures are audited year-end figures compared to 2008 preliminary numbers. Some items that will increase 2008 revenues that are not reflected in the above figures include 4th quarter interest earnings, 2008 interest accrual and market value adjustment to investments and the January tax settlement which will record late payments of property taxes and special assessments. These will be recorded in the next couple of weeks prior to the audit. General Fund Even though the City did not receive it's second half market value homestead credit revenue from the State and has not recorded 4th quarter interest earnings of about $107,000, the City has collected 100% of its budgeted revenues while spending only 91 of its budgeted expenditures. The City has received 95% of its General Fund property tax levy, which is down from previous years. Generally the City collects around 98% of its property tax levy in a given year. Once the City receives the January tax settlement for late payment of taxes this revenue will increase, but I would expect the City will collect just above 96% of the property tax levy for 2008. The $5,439,980 of property tax revenue collected still accounts for 72% of all General Fund revenues. Building permit revenues as expected exceeded their budget amount by $324,919, due to the storm damage earlier this year. The City has distributed investment earning through September, 2008 and the General Fund share of interest earning is $332,292, which is $41,317 above its budget and the new investment administration charge has added another $61,462 to the General Fund. Over all the General Fund will exceed its 2008 budget for revenues. The table below compares 2007 and 2008 budgets and 4th quarter revenues for the General Fund. 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 Budget 4th QTR YTD Received Bud et 4th QTR YTD Received Property Taxes 3,854,555 4,433,359 115.02% 5,743,929 5,439,980 94.71% Licenses & Permits 883,700 627,751 71.04% 592,295 917,214 154.86% Intergovernmental Revenues 264,190 582,633 220.54% 259,790 391,121 150.55% Charges for Services 391,450 940,494 240.56% 469,700 306,257 65.20% Fines & Forfeits 24,000 5,027 20.95% 150 2,216 1477.33% Miscellaneous 312,840 631,737 201.94% 367,195 440,615 119.99% Transfers from Other Funds 80,891 80,939 100.06% 46,390 46,390 100.00% Total General Fund Revenues 5,811,626 7,301,940 125.64% 7,479,449 7,543,793 100.86% The difference between the amounts collected for charges for services between 2007 and 2008 is that in 2007 the City collected $635,846 for project reimbursement costs compared to $21,246. On the expenditure side the City has spent 91 % of its budget. However there will still be some bills for consulting services and some other small bills that will be charged into 2008. The table below compares 2007 and 2008 budget to actual expenditures by department. 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 Budget 4th QTR YTD Spent Budget 4th QTR YTD Spent General Government 1,600,825 1,911,327 119.40% 1,531,524 1,459,089 95.27% Public Safety 1,954,020 1,608,785 82.33% 1,960,553 1,714,236 87.44% Public Works 2,568,230 2,885,831 112.37% 2,685,593 2,580,364 96.08% Miscellaneous 404,785 317,762 78.50% 384,665 311,886 81.08% Parks 830,605 627,137 75.50% 816,113 590, 568 72.36% Economic Development 79,070 79,781 100.90% 43,461 74,068 170.42% Total General Fd Expenditures 7,437,535 7,430,623 99.91% 7,421,909 6,730,211 90.68% The general government department is below budget amounts and will end the year below budget due the Human Resource Manager Position. This was budgeted as a full- time position for the entire year and since it's apart-time position hired for less than 6 months it will be under budget. The budget also included an administrative position for community development which has not been filled. For this reason the Administration activity spent 84% of its budget and the Planning and Zoning activity spent only 62% of its budget. Election activity only spent 87% of its budget for the elections. One area activity that is over budget is the budget for legal activities, which the City has spent 140% so far. Another activity which is over budget (108%) is the finance activity and is due to the addition of the part-time payroll position, which was not budgeted. The public safety department is 87% under budget, but this is largely due to the $125,000 budgeted for the new fire truck, which is to be purchases next year. The funds will be designated for this purpose at year-end, but will make this activity appear below its budget for 2008 and above its budget in 2009. Also the once a year payment to the fire relief association was made in October and was $26,366 below budget based on State Aid payments being less than anticipated. The building inspections activity is under budget (91 %) in spite of hiring the temporary inspectors. This is due in part to the City budgeting $15,000 for temporary help, however they have exceeded their budget amounts for overtime, motor fuels, and travel expenses. They also have $28,500 budgeted for vehicle replacement that will be purchased in future years and not spent in 2008. The public works department has spent 96% of their budget so far. Reasons for this include expenditures for engineering services have only been paid for services through November. In the inspections activity full-time salaries were over budgeted, as they are only 76% spent for the year, so this activity has finish the year below budget. The streets and alleys expenditures are 84% spent so far, but this activity still has $192,650 of heavy machinery budgeted for the street sweeper, which was approved prior to the end of the year and still needs to be paid. The ice and snow budget is over budget due to the purchase of sand and salt for the snow season and the purchase of a plow truck of which some of the funds were budgeted in previous years and reserved. Also due to the many snow falls salaries and overtime line items are slightly overspent. Very little has been spent of the $15,500 budgeted for parking lots, so this activity will finish the year below budget as will the refuse collection activity. The budget for the miscellaneous department appears to be on target to finish the year a little below budget. The City has yet to pay the MCC for the room rentals for the Senior Center. The contribution to the ice area and community education has been made, as have the insurance payments, which are $23,888 under budget due to increased deductibles. The parks department is below budget due to over budgeting salaries and benefits, not spending funds for pathway maintenance, and having budgeted $75,000 for building improvements that were not made or will be made in the future. Finally, the economic development department exceeded its budget by $30,607. This is due to the additional cost of unbudgeted severance costs from the change in the economic development staff. In summary I believe the General Fund revenues will exceed the budget and that expenditures will be below or near budgeted amounts. This will result in revenues exceeding expenditures for the year. Special Revenue Funds Special Revenue Funds are funds which the uses of their revenues are restricted for specific purposes by a governing body. The City currently operates 14 special revenue funds, each with their own budget. Funds such as the Library, Shade Tree, Street Reconstruction and Community Center all depend on a property tax levy to support their activities. The chart on the next page compares each Special Revenue Fund's revenue budget to actual revenues for 2008. Budget to Actuals -Revenues 2, 500, 000 2, 000, 000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500, 000 0 ~a ~a ,~a ~a ,~a ~a ,~a ~a ,~a ~a ~a a a a FJ FJ F~ ~~ F~ FJ Q~ ~~ ~~ F~ FJ ~~ ~~ ~~ ~~~a~~~\o~. o~~~~~ ~~Po~S~~a~ a ~`oo Go~~t \~~\o,~ o~, ,o\,~~ Jo~o,~~. G~~~~ ~o~F ~e~F ~5 ~.~~ Q- a ~ oa e o P P P ~~~oGO ~\~~. Oo~J~~ 5r ~~J r~a~0 co~oG~S ~~\~.~~ ~a~o~ ~ y~e~ ~ y~o~ ~ e Qa~ G`aQ\ 5,~0 5a ® Budget ^ 4th QTR YTD The total revenue budget for all Special Revenue Funds is $6,719,308 and the City has collected 110% of these so far. However, the Library, Street Reconstruction, Shade Tree and Community Center Funds, have collected only 93% of the property tax revenues budgeted for 2008. This is due to not receiving the second half market value homestead credit from the State and not having the January tax settlement for late tax payments recorded. As you can see from the chart above most funds have still surpassed or will surpass budgeted revenues once 4t" quarter interest earnings are distributed and the January tax settlement is recorded. The water Access Fund's revenue is over budget due to the operating transfer of $722,875 from the Water Fund to correct where the painting of the water tower is charged. On the Expenditure side all fund have spent less than 96% of their budgeted expenditures except for the Access Funds, which have transferred to the Debt Service Funds for their share of the 2008 debt payments, so they are 100% spent. Also, the Park and Pathway Dedication Fund overspent its budget due to the purchase of the Y. M. C. A. property. The majority of the Special Revenue Funds expenditures will finish the year just below budgeted amounts, with possible exceptions in the Street Reconstruction Fund (Less than 1% spent), Capital Projects Revolving Fund (no budget), and Street Light Improvement Fund (0% spent) which because no construction projects are being funded this year from these three funds should be well below budget. The chart on the next page shows the Special Revenue Funds budget to expenditures. Budget to Actuals -Expenditures 2,500,000 2,000,000 1,500,000 1,000,000 500,000 oa tea oa oa oa oa oa oa a oa oa a a A , , ~ Q B B , `Q Q P B Q° Q Q° Qa Qao A ° oo ` °c °c oc c1 ~ ~ c ac ~~ ca ~~ o` c ~ ~~c ~~ e Qy' ~~° ac Q Q c ~ y5 5 ~~ y~`~J ~y a ~G `~ ,ey~ a ao\ ~~ ~ G& G&e ~a c ~ ~ ~ ,ca c r ~a J~ Q- ~ QP P ~P ~P a J ' ~ac Q ~ cc a `y \cc ~a ° 3a a`a ~Q- ~a ~y. ca 'd P~e ,c~ 5e 5a ya a ~ca I ~c Qa .~ Q , ~. ac1 ~ 5 ~ ~ ` ae c~ c Q~ ~~o Qa 5~ Ga ~ ®Budget ^ 4th QTR YTD Debt Service Funds The City has made its debt payment for the year, so expenditures would normally be complete for the year. In December the City redeemed the 1999 and 2000B improvement bonds, thus reducing future property tax levies for debt service. On the revenue side most of the transfers of City funds for the City share of debt payment have been made and the special assessments have been collected. Once again, 4th quarter interest earnings still need to be recorded in these funds. Overall the City has outstanding debt of $48,039,293 at year-end. This number is a little high for a City of our size, but it has a lot to due with the financing of the interchange project, which still has bonds outstanding of $22,710,000 as of 12/31/08. I say this because the common tool for comparing debt from one City to another is debt per capita and I often see these ranging from $700 to $1,500, but if we used a population of 12,000 for Monticello, our debt per capita would be over $4,000. But again you can point to the interchange, waste water treatment plant and community center projects as good reasons to be high and does not mean the City is in bad financial health. This does not include the bonds issued and held in escrow for the City's fiber project. The City's next debt payment is due February 1St, 2009 in the amount of $6,813,270 and includes the redemption of $1,770,000 in principal for the 2003A G. O. Improvement Bond. Capital Project Funds In the past and in 2008 the City did not budget revenues or expenditures for the City's capital projects, thus there is nothing to compare these with. However most of these activities take place in the summer months due to Minnesota weather. Project sizes affect both costs and revenues from one year to the next so comparing them to past revenue and expenditures also is not a good gage. For the year the Capital Project Funds have revenues of $309,236, which are interest earnings and operating transfers from the various funds which were funding sources for the projects. The City has spent $1,626,109 on the various projects. These funds, depending on the timing of revenue sources and their expenditures, will or can have periods such as this when expenditure exceed revenue by large amounts or if a large funding source (for example, bond proceeds) are received revenues will exceed expenditures. So this is nothing to be concerned with. Enterprise Funds The City has five Enterprise Funds that it operates. These are operations that the City runs like a business activity. The Water and Sewer Funds through December have billed and recorded revenues for the first three quarters of the year and will bill for the fourth quarter in January. The Liquor and Cemetery Funds receive their revenues on a pretty consistent basis throughout the year, with December for the Liquor Fund being its busiest period. Finally the FiberNet Monticello Fund is still in the start up phases and no revenue to really speak of as of yet. Below is the table of budget to actual for the Enterprise Fund revenues for the past two years: Water Fund Sewer Fund Liquor Fund Cemetery Fund FiberNet Monticello Fund 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 Budget 4th QTR YTD Received Budget 4th QTR YTD Received 749,385 1,023,295 136.55% 932,558 928,501 99.56% 1,139,690 1, 325,733 116.32% 1, 395,140 1,116, 834 80.05% 3,638,865 3,871,507 106.39% 3,665,570 4,174,255 113.88% 35,575 31,810 89.42% 36,600 26,622 72.74% 0 0 0.00% 81,258 100.00% Total 5,563,515 6,252,345 112.38% 6,029,868 6,327,470 104.94% The revenues for 2007 include 4t" quarter utility billings, which are not yet recorded for 2008, which is why revenues for 2008 for the Water and Sewer fund are below 2007 revenues. On the expenditure side there are no big surprises either. The Sewer Fund is over 120% spent due to the construction cost of the storage garage and the mixer, which were not budgeted, but the project was approved in late 2007. The FiberNet Monticello Fund was not included in the City's 2008 budget, but the City has spent $1,561,670 to construct the head end building and fiber loop project. Below are the expenses for the Enterprise Funds: 2007 2007 % 2008 2008 _ Budget 4th QTR YTD Spent Bud et 4th QTR YTD Spent Water Fund 1,517,815 1,240,375 81.72% 1,195,843 1,199,369 100.29% Sewer Fund 2,355,115 2,400,910 101.94% 2,249,437 2,708,740 120.42% Liquor Fund 3,653,293 3,741,892 102.43% 3,694,016 3,733,906 101.08% Cemetery Fund 35,560 41,312 116.18% 35,612 28,404 79.76% FiberNet Monticello Fund 0 84,894 0.00% 0 1,561,670 100.00% Total 7,561,783 7,509,383 99.31% 7,174,908 9,232,089 128.67% Both the Water and Sewer Funds appear to be on pace to spend more than the revenues they take in, but again the revenue collection is only for three quarters of the year compared to expenditures for four quarters of the year. Once all the revenues are recorded for the year these funds should have revenues exceeding their operating expenses, however revenues will not fully offset expenses for asset depreciation. Also once the FiberNet Monticello bond proceeds become available the City will have revenues to reimburse itself for the costs of FiberNet Monticello. Investments Finally, the City's investment activity has been relatively minor. At the end of the year the City had $35,523,612 invested at an average interest rate of 4.37% and an average yield of 4.48%. This compares to $37,937,871 at an average interest rate of 4.72% and average yield of 4.84% at the end of June. The City has not lost any of its investments due to the troubles of the financial markets however the City has had a number of Government Securities called early. All of the City's CD's are covered by FDIC and should not be at risk. The breakdown of the City's investments is on the following page: Investments by Type FHL Money Markets r FHLMC CD's ~, ~;; FFCB ~ FNMA FHL =Federal Home Loan; Money Markets =Government Security Money Market Funds; CD's = Certificate of Deposits; FNMA =Federal National Mortgage Association; FFCB =Federal Farm Credit Bank; FHLMC =Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation. All of these investments meet State and City investment requirements and while some of the CD banks have been in the news as part of the national financial crisis, there is little to no risk of loss of investment for the City. Attached are the investment holdings of the City as of December 31St Conclusion Overall, once all the revenues are recorded for the year, most funds' revenues will exceed their 2008 budget amounts. Expenditures for the General and Special Revenue Funds should be below budgeted amounts, while the Debt Services Funds will exceed budget amounts due to bond redemptions. The City did not budget for Capital Project Funds and the Enterprise Funds are over budget for expenses due to construction of the fiber project. Also the Governor's proposed budget should be released the last week of January and the City should start getting a feel for how much revenue the State will take from the City's 2009 budget. 7115/14; 1/15/Oa. 1/31108 2,357.CITI Smith Bame FHLM 4.000%~ 4.000% : 1,000,000.00 ~ 1 000 000 00 1 000 960 00 258 301 37 1/15 & 7/15 11/28/14: j 11/28/07 2,557 ; CITI Smith Bame _ Capital One NA - VA T _ _ _ 5.000%j _ 5.000% _ , , . 96,000.00 96,000.00 , , . 95,513.28 1 , . 33,626.30 5128 & 11128 11/28/14____ 11/28/07 2,557 CITI Smith Bame Ca ital One Bk- VA 5.000%' 5.000% 96,000.00 96,000.00 95,513.28 _ _ 33,626.30 5/28 & 11128 1/30115 1130/08 2,557 CITI Smith Bame Goldman Sachs Bk USA UT 4.000% 4.000% 96,000.00 96,000.00 90,992.64 26,901.04 1/30 & 7130 215115 215/09 215/08 2,557 ~CIT1 Smith Bame ' FFCB _ 4.200%, 4.200% 500,000.00 500,000.00 493,905.00 147,115.07 2/5 &815 2/9/15; __ _2/8/08 2,558 CITI Smith Barne M & I Bank FSB NV ~ 4.000%' 4.000°k ~. 96,000.00 96,000.00 94,973.44 26,911.56 219 8819 2/9/15 2!8108 2,558 CITI Smith Bame Southwest Bk of St Louls MO __ 4.000%; 4.000% ~ 96,000.00 96,000.00 90,973.44 26,911.56 2/9 8 819 816/151 2!6!09 8/6/08 2,556 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLB _ 5.350°k 5.350% 500,000.00 500,000.00 501,875.00 187,323.29 216 8816 2/5/16 515108 _2!5108 2,923 CI71 Smith Bame FFCB 4.550% 4.550°h 500,000.00 500,000.00 500.155.00 182,186.99 2/5 8 815 4/7116 10/15/07 7/15/16] 7/15!09 4/7/03 7!17108 4,749 2,920: CITI Smith Bame .RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA 5.000%~ FHLMC 5.000% 5.000% j 5.000% 800,000.00 1,000,ooO.oD 800,000.00 1,000,000.00 800,504.00 1 011 430 00 520,438.36 400 000 00 417 8 1017 1115 & 7115 2/6/17 2!8/09 215/181 5/5108 2/8/08 215/08 3,286 3,653 Cffl Smlth Bame CITI Smith Bame _ _ FNMA ~~ FFCB 4.500% 4.900% 4.500% 4.900% 750,000.04 500,000.00 750,000.00 500,000.00 , , . 750,232.50 500,155.00 , . 303,842.47 245,201.37 216 & 816 215 & 815 212T118 ~ 2/27/08 2120!04 5,122 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA 5.500% 5.500%, 500,000.00 513,221.28 502,655.00 385,904.11 2127 & 8/27 6/12/18 6/12/09 6126108 3,638 RBC Dain Rauscher FFCB 5.450% 5.450% 1,000,000.00 ' 1,002,125.44 1,011,560.00 543,208.22 6/12 8 12112 1115/18 5/5/09 515/08 3,836 CITI Smith Bame ' Bank of Hapoalim NY 5.350% 5.350% 96,000.001 96,000.00 98,722.56 53,977.25 Month/ 8/22/19 7/15108 7/8108 4,062 RBC Dain Rauscher FFCB 5.350% 5.360% 500,000.00 509,642.81 500,$15.00 297,694.52 2122 8 8122 3118120 10/8107 4/20/04 5,812 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA -Invest Note _ 5.000% 5.511% 200,000.00 190,117.11 200,188.00 159,232.88 3118 8 9/18 4114120 4114109 4(14/06 4,389 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA 5.000°~ 5.014% 2,000,000.00 1,997,500.00 2,009,380.00 1,200,821.92 4114 8 10114 4121120 7/21/08 4121108 4,383 RBC Dain Rauscher FFCB 5.300% 5.300% 1,000,000.00 1,000,006.00 1,000,544.00 636,435.62 4121 8 10121 8113/20 2/13/09 2113/08 4,565 RBC Dain Rauscher .FHLMC 5.000% 5.000% 500,000.00 500,006.00 501,155.00 312,671.23 2113 88/13 4/15/21 4115!10 4115/08 4,749 RBC Dain Rauscher .FHLMC 5.000% 5.016% 1,000,000.00 998,500.00 1,006,430.00 650,547.95 4115 8 i0/15 1!23/23 1/23/09 1/23!08 5,480 RBC Dain Rauscher ; FHLB Ste U 5.000% ! 5.830% 1,000,000.00 1,000,OOfi.00 1,001,540.00 750,684.93 1/23 8 7123 2/13!23 2113109 2/73/08 5,480 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC 5.250% 5.268% 1,000,000.00 998,131.00 998,020.00 788,219.18 2/13 8 8113 2/21/23 5121108 2/21/08 5,480 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA Ste U 4.500%' 5.412% 500,000.00 500,006.00 494,375.00 337,808.22 2121 &8/21 2/22123 2/22110 211108 5,480 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC 5.250%: 5.250% 1,000,000.00 1,000,006.00 1,004,550.00 788,219.18 2/22 &8/22 5!5123 1115/08 5/5108 5,478 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC Step Up ~ 5.000% 5.830°k 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 1,001,610.00 750,410.96 515 8 1115 6/9!23 1219108 814108 5,422 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC ~ 5.700% 5.700°~ 500,000.00 504,262.17 501,795.00 423,361.64 619 8 1219 8/11!25 1018/07 1/9/06 7,170 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA -Ste U 5.000% 6.399%i 150,000.00 147,959.13 149,719.50 147,328.77 2/11 88111 10!27/25 1018/07 10128/05, 7,305 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA-Ste U 5.500% 6.068%~ 1,000,000.00; 1,000,000.00 1,000,940.00 1,100,753.42 4/27 8 10127 2/4/28 2/4/09 2/4/08; 7,307 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC 5.500% 5.210% 1,000,000.00 997,500.00 987,460.00 1,101,054.79 214 8 8/4 2111128 2/11/09 11118/08 7,021 RBC Dain Rauscher FNMA 5.500% 6.019°k 525,000.00 501,942.46 519,912.75 555,428.42 2/11 88111 3/15130 3/15/06 3121/05, 9,133 FNC FNMA -Ste Up 5.000% 6228% 100,000.00 100,041.67 100,031.00 125,109.59 3115 8 9115 9130130 9130/08 1/9/08: 8,302 RBC Dain Rauscher FHLMC 5.000% 6.037°~ 1,000,000.00 1,000,000.00 249,180.00 1,137,260.27 3130 8 9/30 .;2,649 Totals 4.373%~ 4.484% 35,523,612.47 35,500,285.54 34,812,951.73 15,557,137.13 Council Agenda - 01/26/2009 SD. Consideration of approving Change Order No. 1 for City Project #2007-19C, Monticello WWTP Vehicle Storage Building. (B.P.) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: During the construction of the vehicle storage building at the Monticello WWTP the earthwork contractor that was hired by the City was directed by the geotechnical engineer to remove an average of 3' of soil across the site to make the site suitable for a building and the parking area. Prior to bidding of the project only one soil boring was taken and that soil boring showed that only 1' of soil correction was necessary. Through the process soil had to be exported and imported back to the City and compaction brought up to specs which involved additional grading and hauling. Initially the contractor requested $12,421 to complete this work. Through negotiations the contractor has agreed that some variation in this unsuitable material is the contractor's liability. As a result, the net change for the soil correction is $6,100, less than half of the initially requested amount of $12,421. a. Budget Impact: Change Order No. 1 will have an impact of $6,100 as an increase in the Vehicle Storage Building Project bringing the total contract price with approved change orders to $266,747. b. Staff Workload Impact: This change order will only have a slight impact on the time requirements of staff. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to authorize payment of Change Order No. 1 for the Monticello WWTP Vehicle Storage Building to KUE Contractors, Inc. in the amount of $6,100 for additional soil corrections, removal and replacement. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve Change Order No. 1 at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and City Engineer that the City Council authorize approval of payment of Change Order No. 1 to the Monticello WWTP Vehicle Storage Building Project in the amount of $6,100 as outlined in Alternative A. The work has already been completed due to the necessity to keep the project online and on time. It is our opinion, however, that the change order costs represent a good value for the City and they were a necessity to complete the project and to give a suitable foundation for the building and the parking lot. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of Change Order No. 1 for the Monticello WWTP Vehicle Storage Building including load tickets and pricing from the contractor. SUPPORTING DATA • - BQLTON~ MINK, 1NG~ ~ Consulting Engineers & Surveyors ~~ 7533 Sunwood Drive NW, Suite 206 • Ramsey, MN 55303 Phone {763) 433-2851 • Fax {763j 427-0833 www.bolton-menk.com January 14, 2009 Bab Paschke Public Works Director City of Monticello 909 Golf Course Road Monticello, MN 55362 RE: Change Order No. 1. Vehicle Storage Building Monticello, Minnesota BMI Project No.: M21.039935 Dear Mr. Paschke Enclosed is Change OrderNo. 1 for the Vehicle Storage Building. The earthwork contractor was hired by the C ily directed by the geatechnical engineer to remove an average of 3.0 feet of soil across the site to make the site suitable for a building and the parking area. One soil boring vvas taken prior to bidding and it showed 1.0 foot of soil correction was necessary. Load tickets and pricing from the contractor is attached. Through negotiations, the contractor has agreed that some variation in the unsuitable material is the contractor's liability. As a result, the net change for the soli correction is $6, 100.00, less than half of the $12,421.00 initially requested by the contractor. Fn an effort to resolve this issue and facilitate closing the contract, Y recommend the City approve Change Order No. 1 in the amount of $6,100.00 if you have any questions please let me know. Sincerely, BO ON _• ,INC. Paul Saffert, P E. Associate Engineer PS/jo Enclosure cc: Bruce Westby, City Engineer G:1Monticello\MZI.39935\Co~resplPaschke CO ltr 1-14.09.doc DESIGNING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW Bolton & Meek is an equal opportunity employer. SECTION 00991- CFIANGE ORDER (Instructions on reverse side} No. 1 PROJECT: Monticello Vehicle Storage Building • DATE OF ISSUANCE: January 14, 2009 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 14, 2009 OWNER: City of Monticello, Minnesota ENGINEER'S Project No.: M21.039935 CONTRACTOR: KUE Contractors, Inc. ENGINEER: Bolton & Menk, Inc. ~~~~ Y'ou are directed to make the following changes in the Contract Documents. Description: Additional grading for Vehicle Storage Building and parking tot. Reason for• Change Order: Soil correction for unsuitable building material. Attaehments; {List documents Supporting change) Description of work and load tickets and pricing from Dennis Fehn Gravel and Excavating CHANGE 1N CONTRACT PRICE: CHANGE IN CONTRACT TIMES: Original Contract Price Original Contract Times S 2 4 00 Substantial Completion :?4~0 days Read forfmal ent :300 days Net ahenges from previous Change Orders No. D to No. 1 Net changes from previous Change Orders No. 0 to No. 1 50.0 0 says Contract Price Prior to this Change Order Contract Times prior to this Change Ordu S 26 647.00 Substantial Completion :240 days Read for final payment :300 days Net incnuise of this Change Order Net No Change of this Change Order 56,100.00 0 days Contract Price with all approved Change Orders Contract Times with ail approved Change Orders 5 266.747.00 ~ Substantia[ Completion : 24~days ar dates Ready forfinal payment :300 days or dates RECO E APPROVED: ACCEPTED: By: ~ By: gy; ngmee uthori7sdSignature) Owaer(AatharixedSignature) Contractor{AuthotizedSigaalure) Date ~ ~ Date: Date: EJCDCNo. L910C8-B (1990 Edition) Propared by the Engineers Joint Contract Documents Committed and endorsed by The Associated Geateral Contractors of America. M21.039935 -Monticello, MN CHANGE ORDER Vehicle Storage Building PAGE 00991-1 SUPPORTING DATA CHANGE ORDER INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL INFORMATION This. document was developed to provide a uniform format for handling contract changes that affect Contract Price or Contract Times. Changes that have been initiated by a Work Change Directive must be incorporated into a subsequent Change Order if they affect Contract Price or Times. Changes that afTect Contract Price or Contract Times should be promptly covered by a Change Order. The practice of accumulating change order Items to reduce the administrative burden may Lead to unnecessary disputes. If Milestones have been listed, any effect of a Change Order thereon should be addressed. For supplemental instructions and monitor changes not involving a change in the Contract Price or Contract Times, a Field Order may be used. B. COMPLETING THE CHANGE ORDER FORM Engineer initiates the form, including a description of the changes involved and attachment based upon documents and proposals submitted by Contractor, or requests from Owner, or both. Once Engineer has completed and signed the form,-all copies should be sent to Contractor for approval. After approval by Contractor, all copies should be sent to Owner for approval. Engineer should make distribution of executed copies after approval by Owner. If a change only applies to Contract Price or to Contract Times, cross out the part of the tabulation that does not apply. M22.039935 -Monticello, MN CHANGE ORDER Vehicle Storage $uilding PAGE Q0991-2 r; ~. "k.~..d~"'+Y' ,2 Y '~ d ~' ~ ' ~': 'yCl-4 }. ~\ I .,''1 . ~' n :h id i 2 t.~t Tl +r7,. ..~_. 7 t f p 4 = K.~ •~ S S4 - ~~' t Pj a. ~: m,• 4. +~. ~. ~ 3. E 4 Y 4 -d#. F f { '_ ; . dr y'f~} ~ t r ~ ny 31 s ~, t ."r r '~ ir. A .eS qi } 4. 5• r. 3~ a„ s 1 ~ 1 k } - ~ 1 `Xk . !(~ al \1 ' .y ' . i .. ..... ... :f e ~ ~~ / LF F Y r d'~~nr~ 1 s• cx + ,1.., L n~7 ~~ : , ¢ L y !~ ~ J. t ~ t ~ 1 S$ ~. y - Y llkt ~ 7,~-Y ~ t_ a ;,d 4 tN . ,~, i e k r. ~t . ? ± v i ~ ~y~ x ; ~ t n. y cr •• a ` ~ '' D~L~' ^ s - s.2'. p. S y 1 ./ 4{~ 4 t i P ! z 4 ~ ',f~. I f ~~rana ~ ora~ y,Y ja r a + a. ~ L .' 1 'S' H ~ t s 3 r ; Y ;. r.:t.f ti s r .~, y t,., ~` ~ .~. J, a ~k y , a 2r ~ k' $ l ~ ' J f 5 C 4 1 A ~~~~~. z , ra m: z f y i r Y t, r Yr~ ~ ~t3 idti4 ~. S yr' 4 i i f.* "~CYa 3 '~ .1f~ ~<f fi ... ?l ~:. ~ - t' t< ~ i J- r -7 , ,,~ of ~ ~,.Pi:.s ~ . ' k'+fY { Yk ' 2 >.. + ui ~4y~ qtr R. ` ~ t ~ t 17 s~ : {, rt J 5 ~ i i~ {~ d i r 1' t ' Y .4 1 ~ . ' IJ 1 y. rwy V i 'Jf3 ~ Y S ~ 1 . ~S ~, J yt { Ib k 'Y f `-+~ A i - i ~ .` Y;{L3 f ^ ~ ~ et ~~1; t ~),.~tr ti. } f i 4ti ~ d F.;+ ~" ~ a ; h~ r r ~ 3 ~~ ~~~1~ 1 . k Imo' x' ~ ., r Lk.}, ~~aA~r.~~4C.1~1,1 k _ ~ y. l Y t~k 7, - 5 yj~( ./y~~y7j 1 r aa- ~~~3:~:~~#~3~ ~, r ~~~~ >~~4~C:~~1Q) ~B+~z25~~i t -_ t• .r.{11r.. c .... J1 1`.C ..cYm: ... t,w a k. .., .. .. T i Y ~ x f33~~JI ~; { / t 1. ~~l ~K~ y f ~} ~ A ~ r~?~ Y ~ k t 5 ld ly./~ d . _ ii 4 .. t' ~ E /. ~ Y A .ipF ~ ht t S K :'o =.,, ` T ~ f k >r ~ d •' k /,1. 1b tf'-~~ryFf1. 1rµ d'`'~ } _ :..~-~a~:.:.; .y ~ L ~r i h w ~a,,.r~~ - `il n ~~~v~ Y ~ s Y- ~~ fyt~~ft ~ ' ~. ~ Y ' e~, r .~i tit t. .S,L x' k- ~ i:~'~ _ ' 'abi2 px $iy ''~~k~w ~ t, ~` 1X ~ ~+~- > cz34'7 },*T [}~+a~~~~SJ ,k~ LIT} r H Y a i~ ~} i * m q r v ~1 'jf ~ %aj T~/_~~~~a ~ M.v 4 b f ~ - - . - i ~ 4 _ . irM1 ft~~T•.. rt - - i F 5~ T 4 1 w a. .- Y ~ ~. r k [. ~, ^e a .. t .w, ~ .. - , .i. ~t ~ } 4 ~ -_ 1 r' ~ ~i+, r _ - A `1g i ..Y:.` .*S y.l ~ .. r~ 1 ~7. 4 k .af i J r 7 :L~ 5 J y l - ' „ L 4j '~} ~ } v ~ 3 . r•. ,. tt. I h, :. Y k L ' 0.i • k • •~ C }. , ~ ~ J4I ~ k 2f iG .f ~; i ..~ x -~~ t -- :t Yl ul '3 - ~ M h p. 2v { Yi / F .~ vjc+. ,1.• J ` }, x~l It ~ r14 ~~{f ~ - YN ~ a l l S-Ea2 f J~ K - ?. ~~ ~y!! 1 r ' i' h' ~ t fa {.. le 4 .^ ~-S ~ e~ 4krtw.s7 ~.~ 'k -- 5~ ~~rw 's~% n~ff +t (' ~ From:KUE CONTRACTORS INC. 320 764 2524 P.O. Box 2ii6 5450 $arthel Industrial i7r. Ai~G~u~, a~~ 55~aa Dc#ab®r 29, 2008 Jim Kuechle Kue Contractors, Inc. 130 Centrat Avenue South Watkins, MN 55388 11/04/28 09:58 #[1 2 P SUPPORTING DATA l~harte (763) 497-242$ Fax (?63) 49?-893 .~17t i www.dexirii~fehn.caxn nvG. RE: Mbnticella Vehicle Starage Jim: Biases process a Change order for the following extra work; Additions( 2.0` sot( correction In Parking tot per geotecttntcal engineer. Extra lmportlExpart - SEE ATTAi Extra Export on a C7ne Way Hau! ~Y 238.Q4 CY 175.00 ~~a..3a ~3,3&a.24 $8.77 $1,184,75 Tatai: $4,SEi8.8s Sincerely, Scott J. Lekatz Estlmator/Project Manager Ga1v1MERCIAL & RF„aIL)ENTIAT. SFT'EWQRK • ROADBLIiLDING SANt~ & Gl~AVEL • DECORATIVE IVIA~'ERIAL.a ;~u,4c, ar~~orr~utvrz~- ~,wmro~Er~ Unit NOV 04,2008 08:36A 320 764 2524 page 2 Pram:KUE CONTR+~CTORS INC. P.o. Bax z56 5060 Barthel Industrial Dx, Alb~tviIle, MN 55301 ~~~x, ~ ~~~xx~a ~~. Monticello Vetricl~ 8tarege Additiona12.0' Remova!lRepiecernerlt !n Parking Lot Bend import Oafe Truck Nrs. CY October 18, 2448 -1 12, October 1C, 2008 8 14.44 Octaber 18, 2008 18 S4.Qp October 18, 2008 48 14.00 4atober 18, 2008 ?3 70.00 October 16, zpps rs 4a,oo 238.00 CY Bieck Dirt Expert Dat® Truck No. CY October 18, 2008 K-1 24.44 October 16, 2008. 8 28.04 tpGtober 18, 2008 16 ~g,Op October 16, 2048 48 28,00 October 16, 2408 73 117.00 October 18, 2008 79 88.00 October 18, 2008 24 ®g,p0 411.00 CY Phane {?63) 497-2421 Fax (?63) 4B?-3893 www.dennisfehn.com G:QMMERCIAL & RESR7ENTIAL SITEW(?ktli • ROADBUILLlI1~G SAND & GRAVEL ~ DEC©RATIVE MATET~.S Ear ra r- OP.PORT~rNITY EhQ]'1.C)YER 320 764 2524 11/04/2008 (19:58 #012 P.003 Nov 04,2008 08:36A 320 764 2529 page 3 From:Kl1E CONTRACTS INC. 320 764 2524 QCT-29-2008 12s34P FRC~M:Y.OLLES SAND & GRAVEL T63-682-6090 0 F- m ~ ~ ,a o ci c t~ c ~ o ~ ~ ~ ~ w ~ ~ 1 _m ~ 9 ~ c3 s Y4rg41•f.• r fY• ., , V Nv ~~ r~ ~~ pit ~'+4. ~ ~~ ~~ 5 ~ ¢` *• ~ w: +",. , a n i ~ ~ ~' ~ w ~~ '4 !U i N ~• ~ r~J t~ Received im~ ~~ w w ~~~ ~ w~~ ~ 1 •'~ \ ) •~ ~ ~ . M,} ~~ ' ti~ ~ . ; d' ~ ~ ' ' ~~ , '~ A~ ;~ ~* ~t~ ~~ ~~ " . G~ ~ '~d~ ~^ y ~ b ~„' ~ ~., A~a Y ~Y ° • r ~ r ` ° • yy r} Cf. L ry QQ {{ Iy , d 7,11,7 A~ 3PM' r V w M1 ~ ~+ . * f~ U 11/0412 09:58 #012 P.004 ~; 4 SUPPORTING DATA • ~.,~ NOV 09,2008 08:37A 324 764 2524 page 4 From:KUt I~VfHACIOHS 1NL'. 320 764 2524 11/04/2008 09:59 ,#012 P.005 OCT-29-2008 18:35P FRQM:KpLL2S SAND & GRFiUE~ 763-682-6@90 T13:~4973993 p.8~11 _ ,. +-~ Z .~ 7 ` '~ ~ -~ w ~r tI' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ Y ~ ~ ~~~-- ~ ~ ~' 1-+ RCCBIVCSI Ima~p NOV 04,2008 0$:37A ~~~ ~~ ^~l ~ /'~ N ~p ~7 ~p i9 M ~p ~7 W ~7 o 'd' 'b ~ a+~ sf + Q ~} Y ~ 1~. ! ~ e~ • Q YI f~ IA . 4h L ~ ~g z ~ ~ U ~ p z '~ ~'1 ~ 711 .,. rl? -~ ~,1 .~^ ~1 -. g +. ...~ ;t, G~ ~ 'I~~T~rIY~ " ra ~ ~ ~ ~ d a o ~ N Cw7 r m ~ a 0. f I C R n ~ ~ ~ .~ 320 764 2529. page 5 I-rom:KUt I;UIY I ~L41; I UK~ 1(Vl; . 31U l~4 Z51A OCT-25-008 12:33P FROM ~ KOL1.6S SY~J~IO & ~aRAUEL 763-682-6090 ~• r a ~~ ~ ° ~ ~ ~ '~~ ~~~ ~ ~ z ~~~~ •F r W L~ ~ N _~ h _~ a e!f 11/04/2008 09:59 #012 P.006 TQ~497 SUPPORTING DATA "~+. ~ O ~~~ppp ~~ ~. Inf ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ °w` ~ h ~ ' a~ N ~ ~w° fi'i ~ ~ ~ ~ >~ '~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~' ~ ~ ~ Se~~~ ~ ~ {L }y.~ ~ r W ~R vl ~b A is i N ~ ~,,~, r f0 F I i s 4 NOV 04,2008 08:38A 320 764 2524 page 6 t- ram: KUE L'UN f KAE; f 1A15 ! NG . ~; .~' r - ~, ~ s ~,,, ~ . t- ~ .~ ~ i ~ 'L ' ,p L ~ ~ ~~ . • ~ ~• ~ w . Tii ` . ~~ ~ .~ ~' S , :~ v ~ R ~ a V ~' Lon ~ "7 "boo r.___. NOV 04,2008 08:38A 320 764 2524 li/04/2008 10:00 #012 P.007 _"7 ,;,r -- lr--i~~a $b ~ l l,~¢~ ' ~ ow i p o n ~ a a a ~ {T1JbFi hTt~'SSVH- 320 764 2524 ~~ r.~~zinr page 7 From:KlJl" CONTRACT(~tS INC. 320 764 2524 11/04/2008 10.00 ~K112 P.008 SUPPORTING DATA :~ ~Nj `~l' 5 mW ~ ,~+ ~~ ~ ~ . o ~ c ~ ~ ~~ '~ ~~ ~ LL ~ ~ ~~ry ~ ~ U ~--I ~ ~ _.~_. ......, fiAflF~l NOV 04,2008 08:39A n-,rTrc ~~fi c~~xr-. 320 764 2524 h i} t 1~ t• T R M .~ R R '~ ATJ fiQ7'~rf'O 1 v8d 7Q : TT dAAT /AY iAY gage 8 From: KIJE C(NVTRACTORS I NC . 320 764 2524 11/0412008 10:00 #012 P .009 v Dennis Fehn JCtiB Gravel & EXC~vafiRg, inc. TICKET Te~EPHONE: ~T~a~ a~ 21 6080 Barthel Induetrla! drive • Albertville, MN 66301 T RUCK ND, ,,,' ~~~ bATE ~'~.' '' f~. ~ ' ~` rr 4QV r .. %%~ ~ •~ i ~, oriy .. ~~. ,r r , DRlVER'9 NAME - ----`=- ~'" --= ' `~ i : ~" L_i i .. '~•...! - -- BROKER/ ~ ~'"~~~ DWNER'8 NA1AE ~ ~ "~ y AU7H. SIGNATURE LOCATION ANp DESCRIPTION L~pgpg TIME NOUR9 FAOi1l~r;•;'.~r1 ' ~ 'a ~~ START ~ 3TQP j ~ r~ • ' :,,l U , ` START STOP TY~'E OF ; .r ` ~; .-^~.•' ~ ' ~ " 37ART 3TQP ~."',~„' .__w '. - - '~'•~Y~ MATERIAL"" LdAD TIME NET WEIQHT Oft 1~ip8 LOAD TIME NETW6I~MT OR YARDS LORD TIME NET WEIQliT OR YAPtpS Sr~~' ~~ •~ ° 18 3S 2 f`~ •-~ ~` is 9e a / % v ~ ap 37 q.',.t ~ '~' ai 3B 4 ~ ==~~~ 2a 39 8 23 40 7 24 Ai e as aQ 9 S8 43 10 4T q4 11 ~8 46 ii as as 13 30 a7 14 81 48 18 32 4Q ie 33 80 17 3d B1 r,rn,c@ - u-ric~ ~aPY renew • inspector Copy Pink - Ur&et Copy 4 NOV 04,2008 08:39A 320 764 2524 page 9 r rom:KU~ (~JN I KA[+I Ufa 1NC. 32Q 764 2524 ~ 1/042 SUPPORTING DATA P.o, soy a66 5050 Barthel industrial Dr. Aibertvfll~, NIIV 5501 Y ~~wEL - EXCAVA'r~~ {+1 \If aataber 28, 200$ Jim Kuechle Kue Contractors, Inc. 1~0 Central Avenue South Watkins, MN 5538® RE: Monticello Vehicle Stange Phone (783) 497-2428 Fax {763) 49T-3803 www.dennisfehn.com Jim: Please process a change order far the fallowing extra work: Topsoil wa: deeper than 1.Q' etetRd In sails report thus Importlexport was neaeseary to bring site back to grade. Extra 1m Scott ~. i,ekatx' Es#imator/F~rpj$ct - SEE A unit C011/lMERCIAL & RESIbENT1AL SIZ~,+`WpRK. R~JADBUILDINO BAND & GRAVEL « DECORATIVE MATERIALS E~UAY.OPPaRTUN1TYSMPLC?YEF2 14,34 ~6,$'t0.T4 Total: $6,010.74 NOV 04,2008 08:39A 320 764 2524 page 10 , f rom: Kllk L'UN I RACT~ORS INC . P.O. Box ~5f> 5050 BarChel industrial br. Albertv~e. N.[N 5530 t band import 320 764 2524 11f04/2008 10:01 #OI2 P.O11 ~~~,L ~~~~~ uvc. Monticello Vehicle f3torage Date Truck No. TN August 28, 2008 KT-3 185,70 August 26, 2008 23 72.30 August 28, 200$ 24 144.50 August 29, 2008 KT-3 2gg,7Q August 28, 2008 23 38,80 August 29, 2{108 24 54.00 Augus# 29, 2008 29 55.3a August 29, 2008 36 1f~9,90 September 11, 2008 24 91.50 September 12, 2008 20 51,80 September 12, 2008 3t3 37.10 Ootober 3, 2008 23 28.00 1,227.30 .__ 1.4 ._ , 876.00 GY yeas Slte & Building import B!d Quentity ~471.00 465.00 CY Blaak (0irfi Export Date Truck Nt~. GY August 28, 2008 KT-3 72.00 August 28, 2008 23 38.00 August 28, 2008 24 88.00 August 29, 2008 KT=3 80.00 Auauat 29, 2408 23 39.00 August 29, 2008 30 $5.00 August 29, 2008 38 91.00 481.00 CY Phone (763) 49?-242b Fax (763) 497-3~i93 www.den~nisfehn.com COMMERCIAL & RESIDENTIAL SITEW4RI~, • R©AD$UILDI1~Ca SANTO & GRAVEL • DECORATIVE MATERiAL$ L~UAT pPPORTUNlTi'L'*MI'LC'1'~R NOV 49,2008 08:40A 320 764 2524 page 11 ©eEt~is Feh~t ,~pg o Gravel & Excavating, ine. '67C1[ET ~~~: ~l ~sr Za2s o Barntel lrldustrial prNe • q~, try 5sstrt - Ip n o TfiUCK ~- .t~~` ~~ DACE t~'. ~~_ o - f -- o DRIVER'S NAI~-E - i.. ~~1 ; ~' 8Pi{k(EFi~ ~ ~ .~ OWt~tER'S NAME _ is ; ~ _.~,~...:.., `'~' ~: ~ ~ Z ~.; F ~~ ; .• AUffi. slGtdmvRE t~ ._ w N O m N C!1 N ro w m N Whila - OiGiC2 Copy LOCATION AND DFSCR~'i10N TWE TI7TAl. HOl1RS Ff~E}M ~--~ '~%:~„- ~.~~ ' S'rARr 7 iai''4~ STOP Ji~ `" •• 5•-_~il TYPE OF 4 ~ ,• MJ4fERIAL . r ~••~ ,~' sTAaT 5'>noP LQRU TtF,E. NET wE~T OR YJ4RDS LQAO T7ME ~~ 1• QA Y/1ADS L4lD Tlt~ ~ YT t ~ 7 ::~ ' '.. ~ r t8~• ~ .N ~ fir. 1'~ 35 ~ ?!~ '~rL. t9 ? e 1 ~ , ~ ~ ' 37 4 '~ ~ 21 It ~ 3B ~ f.. p...r I ^_ . ~ ~++ ~ r ' LEI 40 ~ F~ ~ ~2 -~ 25 ~ ~ t0~• ` €(• ~ 44 ~J t2 Lt' ~7 ~' ••~n., 2~ c., h 46 t3 90 4T 14 31 {g 1~ 32 {g is ~ 1z 34 ~1 Te'omr - x~specxor Copy P~•It • driver ~ .r,.. • ~ _ ~~.. ~.. - r z..~ ~~q~ M,~. ~(~~yj~~~~!~~ '~ ~ r ~ T ~ . • ,,' ,~.~ F ~~ . ~~-DRI1FEFi'SNAME ' . .• .. _y' ' :;.' •.L. ~ r ~' ~ ~•~ z .. ' • BIFIQIfE1V''• • . _ - • 74~J'l'H:.StFzIVATTIJRE• - ~ - . ~ ~ .. • • • - • • .. c~ ~' ; 7~TAi; ,, • : LUCATpM APB [5ESGA~pN • : LQItOS' FRDI~ ~#~£~.'~ r' +: '- 'f_L ~: : ~~i ,4-~" ~? ~~ STAFfi:. STL}F , 'ro r: '' • '~ ' ~ SL1F1T • . STQP' . 7. 1 f F ~ }F ' •~ ' ! _ ~ C 'START: S,7t>P . , j - ® ~ 1 ~ { {~ • ` •' •• - ' . f~T 4Y~GNT '. • • ..: • : • : N£f t -, _ . - .- ' •~ . • lit: VVEKiH7 LS.~tD711N£ AH Yom. • LUAEJ'1'i~ OR'~YAF07S : ' I.OUtD TAME` OR YARDS- } .. ~ r 4Q ~_ W •. O A ItiJ a ti 0 so:. ~ • ~ ~a: f ~ Fi ., _~- ~ y ro ' 12 zs. l 13• •~• 47 . • t4 ~ 31 '• - - 48 . • - ~ ~ ~ ts• ~. . • ~ ~ yy ~ is.. • - 33 .sa ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ • 17 ~¢ ' • •• . 5t • VY131~ - {?F6rx Cagy .. :~Yoty -• M~pec~or Capy - t'S~i: - Dilaer Copy • - 0 c 0 N 0 0 O w N 0 a m a N cn N '~ W m Y W ~el~n~s Fein .~>>~~ r~'a~'~i & E.:c~vati~g, tnc. '~'t~fCE'f ~tw~l~tlot~: d~~) ~s7 gaze . 5054 Barthel Industrial Drive ~ Aibertv~, MlV 55301 . DRl! ~R 3 IYILVIL }: i +' 4` f... } • .1+-..y (~ ,~r l3R(?iCERJ ~ j1` --~ O'WNER'S ~iR~AE - - r~°~' fi~JTri. SIGNATIiFiE LQCAT~ AND DESCR~TIODf ~~ ~+~ 71~ '1171RE. HOURS pp~~~~ i-riV1Y7 !~' /t { . '" TO : , ~ t ~,. r~.SrARTw S71tRY ,ST~I' ~, V~ f T~f~P~7E-pofA, j,. r 7Y1+"~~ L`I IiKL . ff ~srART p~ ~ sTpp f I 1 l s~ LOAD TI W1E tJET WEIGHT pR YARDS t.OAD Ttl4fE PST WEiC~iF OR YARDS LC~/tiD 71NFE NEI"1HEiOFfT O1~YARDS 2 ~~ ~ ~'; f ~: , f 1g 36 : F.:~rts..~, i :':.;; i % ,`try,. ~ 2U 87 ~. )•~ :.11..` sort' `L1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ;~ 40 8 ?5 •'; 42 9 26 4g 10 23 q4 11 2B 45 1~ ?_9 46 13 3D 47 14 31 48 1b 82 49 16 ~~. 3:i ~ 13 3t 51 pynAe - uRroe t~o~; YeY~ppr • NLSpedot C~ Plifk-Driver Cflpy ~~is ~i1~ ~~ Gravel & Excavafiing, tnc. '~'1rGK~T rEU~ton~: try) a~ ~a2~ 5{~ Barthel Ind~trlall [?tints * Rlbertvllie, i~+lAl-553{?1 TRUCK l1{O_ : DATE :~ -- F? •' ~ ~'~ r ~r DRIVER'S AWME ~ t~~ ~~ $R©KERf • - At!'E"t-l. SiGtVATt1RE - LQCfi'taF1 A1JD DESCRP710N ~~ ~ HOURS FR{31I~1 ~~ ~ ,- • {- ' ~'~ Tfl =`'~ ~-;• ~ ~,'~ ^,' sTA~Tr ~ J.~y~ ti l J STAt~r stop ...Q ~i1 ~ sro~ 1 rl f ~ TYPE QF ~ MATERIAL• f: ~ ..` START ~~- {,~ • stop ~~~:~ is t • -- ''~'' j'~,',.;: LOAD l'Nv1E t4ET WFJGHT OR YARDS LOAD TIME ~ iAtEJGrtT OFi YAAOS LOAD 17ME NEr'WEk~iT OR 1EAEiD,S ~'~' ~' '~ 18 38 /.~;~ 1r~e~.- ~ ~ . 4 ~ ~ 5 22 9g B 23 40 7 24 4i 8 E5 42 9 26 d3 1Q 27 A4 11 29 i5 ' i2 29 ,~ 13 iii 47 - 14 31 48 15 3'G qg ib $3 5q 17 34 ~ 51 Yrin~e -vines ~4DY Yeaav -1~79yeCipr COPY I'fnl; - D T I~ n rW 0 CN3'I O 0 . ~ .~ .~ N . -p d . ~ pis Fehr ~~~ ~ gravel & E~~a~a~~g~ ERC, 'P6~~~F TELEPHt}I~f: ~rsa~ ~ ~axs c ~ a05D Bar#hei Illdushia} Drive • Albertv~, MIV 553U~ o TRIICI~ NO. '' 4ATE `•'~ - .:t •} ~ SRflKEFi+' ~' r .. ,•...~~_ ~__,_ OWNER'S IVAAAE {~ ~ ' ~ ~__' :•',' ,f '.; ~ `_,,, ~. ~ At3TF1. SIGNATURE w N Q J O1 N ~n N a ro m N LOCATION A~lD RESCJ3iPT10@! TOTk.I LOADS TYJIE TaTAL HOURS I~Lp~n~a~ ~~ FQ ° - f~... START &TAFtT :STOP s sTOE= ~ ."~ TYPE OE MATERIAL !•' _' _- START ~ ., STOP f 4 LOAD T3ialE 4R YARDR LdJID T6+AE OR YARDS Li?AU TIME UR YAF~ST g ~ a~ 4 ~ 38 . y ~ ~ 23 qp ~' 24 41 8 25 d2 9 26 43 i0 27 44 i3 28 45 32 29 4B , 33 3Q d7 i4 ~ ~ i5 32 49 16 33 ~o 17 ~.:n. ~. 34 51 z~ ~ nw • aJii1GC aupy 1'C'.R01V - ~1S~0L70[ CrO~ PIf11S - IICNCr ~tlt'~1S ~~rl .$~~ L Cr~V@E ~t ~XC~Y~iI~, I[~G, ~8~~' TE~ERH~t1E: (763} 9ST~42R 5050 BartheS 1r3dustrlaE DriYe • A~be.~tvitl!e, MN 551 ..n . ~_ DRIIEER'S I'~fAAAE : J n ~• f .~...I~'-k=A~ BROKER( "' ~ ~lN1titER'3 NAME F +- _ .~%~ ~'.. ~~ ~ a~ AI.ITIi. S~C-dVATURE cn LOGATiOid AND D~SCRIPTEOFi ~~~ TIiJNc TOTAL LOADS HOURS ~ [ START S1~DP ' • j TD "% ~f ~ ~= r I G`ti.. START 5•f0~' ~./ . _ TYPE O~ ... STAITT slop ~ MATERIAL. .,E,~'~': •: o .'- ~ LOAD TI ME NETYMEIGFIT OR YARDS LUAU TtyE AIRTiT UR YARDS LQAU T1AAE OR YAE;DS i J ,~ t... ?!5 :i fV 2 19 ~ .~ 1. i 3 20 ~ 37 4 21 ~ .~ 5 22 ~ ~~ ~ ~ O # ~ 24 41 ~ 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ d3 ~ SO 27 44 y `• '~ ~ ~ ro { d 1S ~ ~ . 14 31 46 15 32 44 Iy 1S ~ ~ - ~ x 0 a N O O O N w N 0 V a N N ro W N N Qenni~ ~ef~n .~~E13 Gra~eE & Exc~va~ng, iec. '~'~~~fL"1' TEL~yoNE Ursa} a~si•~za 5Q54 89~'fl1Bl Industrial #ive • A~eKlilpe, MAf 55301 TtRUCK 1~K3. _ DATE _~'• ~,1 s .?;, V013 _~f •'M dt f ~/J'r' i`:%~ ~ ~. ..w J'+r tt .: ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ BROlCEW .ti - - .. .-- 4Wl~lrR'S NAf~+IE " ~"' '" . :` f L•; fwi i-' i • ; - AUTt-!. SIGNATURE LocATior~ AND DESCRIP7)~N O~os T~r,~~ t~c~iu~~• s .. ~ FROM ~* : - • ~ , T O ,'~ t ' ' ~ START _ A ~ •~ ~ START t sIC3P- ^~ :7 /~ STOP ~ ~~.rf . ". TYPE aE •/..1~ R. START' ~ STOP ~f•.: • LOAD l'!ME ~ YA~RQ.ST tAAD '11~hAE ~ YARD$ LOAD 7fhiE NR~R YAtiDS tt •''u" r 18 ?~i 3 20 ~ 37, .: 4 2i • ~ • ,•. 5 ~ 39, • G 23 .~0 . <.• • 7 24 4i: • s 2s 4s •: - - 1a 2~ ai. • 11 28 ~. 45 '~ , . `tom ~, , 13 30 47 14 3f 48 15 ~ 4g !6 ~^ 33 e#1 17 34 51 v~ t~eu~ 40pY Yeiotir - k~speClor Dopy P'x~k - tkiret Dopy D~rtnis Fehn._:_ J~~ - G!•av~ & ~xcava~ing, )nc. T~~~C~` r~l.ia~lcu~~: ~~~ asp z~a~ b050 Sarthe! industrial t}civFa • Albertville. MN 5530'1 ~ r r ~ ~ ~ ; TRUCK T~lO. rye-rr. i LIY 1 C 7 ~ ~ ' ~/~ •f1J13 r ~ '+ mot, I /r ~~. r,' ~•t'• r r M f .,". f / __ ~~ + .( %' fi.-: •. }• '~: QRIi~ER`S NAME - `~ ? ' ~ r' ~ ~ , ~ ,~ ,4' ~.... ~ ~`~ffj~~J OIEVIWER'S l+lAfVIE ~ -" ~ ,. f r ~ ~ ~ ~ / AUTl-i. SfGNATURE LOCAr10N AhiDUESCAIF~T1dN Tam- L4AQS Tiu~ TGTAL Hq~g FF30[ut ' ~-,~ TO.-~~ - - - ~ ~ z, cy '1 srn~r l„r' ~' ~~ : START 1V~,/1yjy~,(p' •f Sj 5,, _ sTna ,, TYRE OF +•-° ~' ~ sT,aRT sTOP LOAD 'fih4E NET 11~ElC~lfF OR YAIi[)S LOAQ TM~IE NET WElC'HT OR Y'ARLkS LOAD TNT NET WF1GFtT OR YARaS 3 .r? ~ ~`• ~ ~ ~ ~3 20 37 4 21 ____ 38 5 ~ ~ B ~ 40 ~' 24 4i 8 ~` 42 s ~s 4a 40 27 44 11 gg ,dry 12 29 46 13 3Q 47 14 31 48 15 32 49 16 + 33 ~ 50 17 34 _~ - Si ~ ~s~c - vc~e ~..opy T~1pW - iTt' C~ rr p~y~ Qp~ -r1 Q ~~ rT1 n' d c° .-, ~i .ts -NR O O O 0 W ~--. N 0 (3 From:KUE C~ITRACTORS Ili. ~. ~ ;~ . ~, ~,.~ g ~~ ~.~, , ...~ .~ ~ m ~ .~ ~ ~: .,, ~`~ ~ ~ e, t~ ~.. ~' `` ~'. Q ~ ~ ~ ~ lu w ~ ~ _ ~ ~ ~ c ~ ~~~ ~~ ~~a~~ 1 *~~ ` ~ { l ~ ( ± M1 r ~ i ~' J ' (~'J i -~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ . 1 O ~ r C `r '.~k ~ Wr ~ ~ •• h. ti ~\ p'4 i7 a. .~ t~ ~Y5 ~ ~ W ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~. -~ ~ ~ !l) ' Ci C 3 F- NOV 04,2008 08:42A 320 764 2524 ll/04/2008 ~` _.__. __ ~, _........ __. ~~______.._......~_.W._Y .......w.~ . ~ ... __~._..~._._~. ~ ~ ~If~ ~ ~ ~`o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~` ~ ~ ~ ~ a v vm ~ wf ~~ i ~ 1l .., , -.. ; _ t ~"y~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~I ~y RV ~ ~ ~ ~p N N ® N ~ ~ Pte! ~y ~i ~.y i7 y~ 0~7 ~' t ~ .,,~ ~~~~' ~ ~ ti ~Y ~ 1 { ~' vti ~ . r.. ~ u~ ~ 'C ~ ~8~. R W ~ ~ ~ ..t ,, `~ ~ : ~ L. ~ 320 764 2524 page 16 0 a .a N O 0 0 00 iP w w N O rn N (T7 N '~ ~4 m J i~nlnis i=ahn ~~ ~savei ~ ~xcavat~n~, Enc. ~~~Ei" ~~>~~E ~s~} 4s~ za~a 5U50 Barthel lnat~tr~a! Drive • A1bertYllle, MN 51x`341 ., l JOB ~ ~ ' ORNER'S hfAkWE i r~-; ` .,' BROKER( - f ~. At i'i'4-f Gfl=xenT ion LOC,4TfOr~i ANU E]ESCFUP'G'ICN+F to S TBfWE 'FC))uL HOUfiS F't~OAd { ~~ ~ ~ f TO ~'~: ~ : srr, `-` .:-. ; s suRr START sroP STbP TYPE OF r y,., ~; MATEREAL ms's--~~•. f START s rap LOAD Til4~ . O1i YARDS 1014Q 3'840~ OR YARDS LOAD TB+AE OR YAii[!S 1: ~~ j =~:^ t 7•~ ~$ ~ '• J 37 4 21 3$ 5 ~ ~ 6 ~ ~ 7 24 4i 8 ~ 42 9 g0 ~ 10 ~ ~ 11 Zg ~ 12 gy ~ 13 3Q d7 14 31 46 t5 32 49 16 38 50 17 Vdh~ _ e-u W, n .._.. 34 5i .a ~e>rtlnis ~ehn ~~~3 ~r`ave~ & ~cava~ing, lac. ~~~ . tom; -'" t7sa~ ~sr-z~~ 5{}5p Barthel lndustriail Drive • A~ertv'a1e, NiiV'55301 s y • i ~' . ~~ l,~~f.c~ ~ 1' (,.~..~~'.';i C Ii~.~+~F ~ ~ T :t ,~iGY t, r~ +"~ ~ F ~~ t ~ t f ~= DRlY'ER'S NAME f~~ 't' i'( ~ ; ' `r-~~i R~('~• ' BROKERr .; f a ~ ..~-. s. ~' AIiTH.51G~+1ATlfRE f .i EtxATiOAt AtJD flESCRIF'TlON L`Ae 1j' r }( 1~~1Y1 f f r f.'t~ ~{ .~•i.~.. S ~"i~ ~ 1 ~/.s J~ ., T4 i fr: ~~ tj'f ~~ ~ S TfN~ •~y~. .r .QiVP STAfiT SLOP TOFrAI. HOURS TYPE f?!= r? MATERIAE. '" ~~'_ ~. ~~ START STOP ~OAQ TIPdE MET bYEiRtrF O R YARDS , L{]Ap TiWIE OR YARE)5 LOAD T11AE OR YAk~DS 1 ~ ig r ~',.l 19 ~ 3~~ ~~~ ~ 37 r~ 21 38 ~' ~ 39 ~ 4fl 24 ,41 25 ~ ~ ~ 43 1fl 27 44 fi 28 45 t2 ~ ~ ~ i3 30 47 f4 31 ~ 15 1B 17 g2 33 34 ~~ Y.SY'J9i^..'ti. ,~. {,p 51. -.~-_ .. ~ ~Q ' ~~ ~ Yel~ir - ~ ~ 1'4~c • DrA y cry z n cau 0 CFI O r~ O 0 N O V 0 c 0 a N 0 0 W 0 W .~ w w N 0 ~, N to N .p '~ a w N N a Dennis stn . J~~ ~iFA4t~ ~e FICt~[tlQ, InG. '~~~~T TE1.E; (763) 497•Z~ 5~U Satfiel lal I}ri~e •A[berttir~s. IIW 563~1i • . ~€~elc No ~ t ~ u~arl= ~ ' ~-' if r 01~7~7 ~ ~ `f`f'~ f i. ~'Jl~r f" ° ~ji` ~~.'' ~^!,~/f~T! ;fit ~~,. f~- 7 1?RIVER'a^ NAlIAE ,~l~r •-: =r r-" '' ~~ ; .~ ~~~ ~ BROW ~'.:~ O~NNN~R'S iVA~9E ~; f .t• ~.frt rt ,,~ ~ ~;,~.~' t0~'.ATFOH! AI~lb DE5C341PnoN ~ '~oTaL " _ > FROPJI~i~~+.~~'r~ i r~~ ~+ f; •t ~. START STdP Tv ,'}! •,, ~' • ~ _~-. t-: ;`-•Ft ~ ~,,l1 i- sra~-r sT~ TYPE C~ ~ ~ ; ~ SFRRT SfQP MATi~71nt f7. f t f~~ Loa~nu~. 1 r~lff1 ~~ Lo~-r~ 18 ~y LD11D?~IE ~ ~ 2~~.r''~ 14 ~ 3 lii 20 ~ d ~ ~ 5 ~ ~ 6 ~ +10 7 ~~.. ~ 41 $ ~' 42 26 ,~ t0 ~ ~ 11 ~ ~ 12 ~ as t3 ~ 47 i4 g~ ~ f5 32 ,~ 1s ~ ~ i7 uu,a _ rve..., r r. 34, _ ~ --- --- --r, .~ - wc~r wpy Ftril; - LHiver ~P'7 Dennis ~ehn ~t3~ U'!I'~11~ ~ FXt~l~i ~nC. ~~~:~~ T~LET}Ip{y~; ~~ 497,2428 5fl5t1 Baxftiel'Ind~;striai CMve +Rbertv~e, Aft 553Qi ~uac ~lo._ ~ ~!~ ~ t ~ _. ~ :~ .IQB + ' ~. .'i? .~ dr •t• f f r, ' ~, ~ pDpRi~Vy1=~R~'S~ NAN[I" - - Q~ s~,/nCry OWNE:Fi'S i-EA141E AL1TN. SIGNA~'UFiL~ ~ ~~~.~ r ~'+' i ~ ~ g -~i LflCAT~N AIY~ TION i. Tli~ ~~ F#3lktS c~5 (/ ~Ipl ~'f~ ~ F ~f ~f _ ~ ~} 1~., ~ ~' ~t-f f • J'~4;t ~ !`~/ H uY~. 'vv S7AFi'T v14/r p7a~ f .S'FL}P r 7'Y>'E OF ~" ~ R+U4TERIAL ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~p ,w ~ LOAR Tlll~ irJ ~ OR YA~D6 ~~~ LQAD'I7i~ iB UR Y~RI3S LO~ID'iiAE 35 (dR YA ~ Iv ~ 3~~~~~ O ~' ~ ~~~~ t ~ . { Z;i dfl ^"' 7 T t~ f ! ~ 1 ,. • ~ di ~ ~ 8 ~ a ~ : 25 d2 ' 9~~{ft~~ ~•~ ~ 43 iQ~ ~ ) ! ~ - ~" 27 M~ ` J 11 i~ ` r~{ 1~1 26 ~ y ,z ~ 46 "fi d ro 13 9Q d7 1~ Q 14 g1 ~ S ~ 49 16 a3 ~ A 17 ~ ~.~....~ S1 ~1/ OfEloe ~" '~ ' ~P:' Pipes - thiMer Crd~y ~~>~E~~;~ hn ~~~ z °c ~t~a~~l ~ ~xca~~t~n~, laic. `~`~~ Tl~Ll^.PtlO~i~: ~~ 4~7-z~ ~~.s+•a>sss ~•~{~~ '~ ~JYJ~7N ~Yl[\t[C' 1f~~ [ir~. Q 11111tl~Y'~SG~ ~fl~'\ y~of =_~~ N °o Tf~ltCit fdQ. DATE ~ _ ~P ~ DRIVER'S ~l.~.A~1>= ~ ;'',' ~• BROKER{ QWNER'S N~1Al_ _„_, ~1~3'}i. SIG~f.ATURE w N O of N w N w m r b LOOAT1t3N ARID f}ESCRIPTFON LO~ 4DS TI>v!E TOTAL i HOURS ~.'~OhA___ ST.'~RT STOP _• - ~'()^ STAgT STO° TYPE OF START STOP > 1NATl^s~tA! • ,~ •~•~ ~LL~ 7Hw'P Oil YJ~DST ~ g J IQIID TEt,RP i~T'l~BGKi' CiR YA€~DS LflAO TllitE AST WEIOF!'f Ofi YA~iES 1 1a ~ i • g •'. --~ .. ~ 18 .. ~ 3••: ~ 2Q ~ 3: .. 21 gg E 5 '• ~ ~ ~ .._.. ~6 ~ 40 7~•---- ~`~ d1 ~ ~_ ~"- Y ..~. 618 -- 27 4~ .. ~.~~--..«w..... 11 ...._...~ ~ 45 E12 23 4fi ~13 ~~~ ~ _ ~ ~ d7 -- ~ 5 ....._ ~s ~.___~ 17 ~ _ ._.... ..~__....... y ~._ ~ I ,,,,. 4° 54 _ ~ X • F•c•;:m^:•^ . --. -T':~Y^. . Si :uv::.':.x~:~'e~^~'~ :u~-~s ~ : 51 ~ tic~-rn Fwc x-sa-3 ..._•.. an~r »nv+r - rispeernr t,ap~ P1nlc • Driver COQ 17~s n >~~ ~l~uet ~ c~an~, ~~. ~~~` ~'ics.~t~tc~.~: C~~} ~~-~axa ~4~,~Q >3art;1~ industrial Drive . Altaertvilie, F~&+l 55.301 TREiCK CEO. L ' s ,1~ D~~'E :{ f ; ~•'•:.-;,,.. ,/•~pp f ;, _ pDRi1/ER'S (~EAi4ilr _`,~.~•,t •~i; ~.' 17f~L~i-7f r.'I ~ ~e• - i ., AUTI-I. S:GidATURE . I LflCA7i0bf AND ~SCRIPTIOIY T4Th! T~~ TCYTgi. .-._. L.... _ LOAOS ~d0{1RS '~ ` ~t STi4liT STOP S ~M{• pry TYPE [31= - ~ .' ~ • ~ STAfi i STOP ~p~ 1~ _611~ry IYt11i CS7lr1L •.r' -~t'T {~~ , LOAD TI&tE _ l+1ET 11YEfGFCf ., 4Ft YARQS ~ LOAD FfhSE t~T tlUE6GNF QFt 1(ARDg LOAd ilA+~ ~~ NE7' NKEIGHT' i QR Yi°~i~S 4 ' ~ 21 38 ~ ~~5----- ~ 39 ~8 23 4Q 7 __.. ~ 41 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ $3 f0 ~ ,~ 11 28 45 12 24 ---•-~------•w-~. 48 13 ~ tb 31 ~~ ~8 15 ~ ~ ~ ~q 18 1? ~, y ~} 33 ., ~. ~{ .._...._.. ~ ~ ~ & e ~ _ ~ S °~~~ ' ~~ ~Y 1'~gvr • ic~„x; C~>j?y F+~k - !]rl3rt ~- 0 0 cn ...-~ N a rn .ice. Cal .h .__. ..-. Cal N Q ca Def~~is ~le~n ~~~ c vei ~ ~xca~~r~~, Inc. '~'~C~"i• ~tiarE ~r ~~~a 0 505U Bantl'lel Itl Drive • A~er#aitle. MN 55301 ~, _.~ : ~ ~ t o TRUCK f~ `, ~', _ _` o ' ,~ pq~ ~+' - r; 1 ~ Df3NER'S NRf4lE ~~i3~' a~t ~~f{-~,~~~~'"`~ ~` BROKEfi! ~ltiUER'S NAME - ~~ i ~-.i AUTht. S{GNATURE _ w N O J m a N N N a ro a N O LOCATION A[iD DESCRlPTK31y ;~ ~ TDIAi. FIOi1RS F~@PI ! ~til~ rf'i~'' ~"•' t ;,r ~ r ~ F r it ~ -}Yt ~i '.7):: r : dom.. J', ri ~'t''i`! r"~1l~rr'~. 11 STAfiT ~~l~ ~A~' STOP is c..+;.~ .~ TYPC QF ~ ~ " r MATERIAL ''~1+::. % S:TAR'T S.F'OP LARQ Tp4E 1 ...~t.~~i OR YARDS ~?"~ v ~ LOAQ TlmlE 1$ i)Fi YARDS EDAD TTk1E (~i YARD$ .~ ~, _ ,•~ G f ~~ r•i~ 1$ 36 3 ~ 37 ' 4 2y 38 5 ~ 39 6 ~ 40 7 ~ 41 8 ~ ~ 9 ~ ~ /0 g ~ fi 28 45 12 29 46 13 ~ ~ 74 ~ ~ 15 g2 ~ ~s ~ ~ i7 W6t~ fve~ . w_. ~ _ _ 51 ----- .. .cau.r - °~ Pink - DliverCopy finis Fehn ~~~ ~:~tef &. CSVa~llg, It14:. 'A°~f ' Te~PI•lOnt~: (~ 4s7 5054) 8arthet -lndusir3al Dr~vs • AbeC~le, ~t11E 5534}1 - . ~ ~ ~ TRUCK id0._ -.:' DATE .. •- ~~~' ~ r s ~ , 43Rii~ER'S N.4WiE ~'_' ' f.•' .;.1.~•;' ~~ t. ~ ~~ ! AUTti. SIGiVr4TURE 1 EOCATIOM AND ~ i T1FAt: T4i]lL aary a.c~ ~, i FRAM ,l~~:'~r> ~'%' . wNi aJ STAHF STOP 4 STOP 'Il'I'E €}F r.., SWiT S1Y3P w LEAD TII~ ~ YN3D3T lOdU} T~ OR YAIiCS IDAQ TME_ QR ~ 1 ~ - ~:1 f # ~t ~~ ~~ 18 ~ N 2 a. i9 36 $ ~ 37 . . 4 ~ 3B P2 39 6 23 40 .. ~ 2a 41 ~ 25 4F 0O 9 oQ - ~ ~ i0 ~ 44 ti ~ ~ ~y i2 ~ ~ 13 °.14 ~ ~ 0 14 g1 15 32 48 ~ N ~6 ~ ~, x /~ ~ 51 , Vthete - Office ~P! YeBoa.- t xO~ __~:_.-~xz ~ . SAY Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 SE. Consideration of revised special assessment agreement and adopting special assessments for Cedar Street Improvement for the Jerry Hartung Addition. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On April 14, 2008 the City Council approved a special assessment agreement and adopted a resolution covering the assessment against the Jerry Hartung Addition for proposed improvements to Cedar Street. The assessment amount listed in the assessment agreement and in Resolution No. 2008-33 was $45,967.50. This was based on a construction cost estimate of $205.50 per foot for 227 feet. When the City received the signed assessment agreement the amount was shown as $37,409.60 based on an estimated construction cost of $164.80 per foot for 227 feet. Shibani Bisson from WSB and Associates indicated the revised assessment amount excluded a proposed assessment for extending the watermain along the future Cedar Street extension which was an item that was negotiated with Mr. Krutzig. The basis for excluding the watermain assessment was that the watermain would extend along his outlot which he felt was of no benefit to him. In addition Mr. Krutzig had provided an easement for storm sewer and right of way for the future Cedar Street. The City attorney recommended bringing the revised assessment agreement back to the City Council and having them approve the assessment in the amount shown in the signed assessment agreement . At the direction of the City Attorney, the property owner was notified that the City would be considering adopting this revised assessment amount. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Adopt the assessment as shown in the signed assessment agreement in the amount of $37,409.60. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends the Council adopt the assessment as shown in the signed assessment agreement in the amount of $37,409.60. This action would provide proper documentation for the amount proposed to be assessed as covered in the assessment agreement and approved by the City Council. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Agenda item from April 14, 2008 Copy of signed assessment agreement City Council Agenda - 04/14/08 SJ. Consideration of approval of the Special Assessment Agreement and Adopting Special Assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. (City Attorney/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The developer of the Jerry Hartung Addition, Mr. Mike Krutzig, has reviewed the assessment agreement and resolution with his attorney. At the recommendation of his attorney, Mr. Krutzig has indicated to City staff that he is agreeable to execution of this agreement as written. At its March 10~', 2008 meeting, the City Council approved the final plat of the Jerry Hartung Addition, a two lot commercial subdivision south of the Monticello Marketplace Addition. Final plats are most often accompanied by a corresponding development agreement. In the case of the Jerry Hartung Addition, the final plat requires only an assessment agreement and related resolution. The City Attorney has advised staff that recent court decisions have necessitated the use of assessment agreements and corresponding resolutions. Waivers of assessment hearings and/or appeals can no longer be incorporated into the development agreement alone. Negotiated assessments must be formalized by separate assessment agreement and resolution. As such, the City Council is asked to approve the assessment agreement and adopt a resolution of special assessments for the Jerry Hartung Addition. The proposed plat includes no major public improvements with the exception of the proposed extension of Cedar Street. Therefore, the agreement only includes assessment information for Cedar Street. The maj or points of the assessment structure are as follows: • The City will build the Cedar Street extension. The developer has provided right-of--way in the approved plat for the future extension. • The assessment for the construction will be deferred until the time the road is extended. • The assessment is based on an engineer's estimate of the 2008 per front foot cost of the road improvement. The pending assessment will continue to be based on the actual cost of the road at construction, which has been estimated for the agreement's purposes on the per front foot cost, plus a 4% construction cost index per year. • The assessment agreement includes a sunset date, which indicates that if Cedar Street is not extended by 2038, the property owner is not obligated to the assessment. It should be noted that a development agreement will be required as part of the Conditional Use Permit for Planned Unit Development, which is also on the Council's agenda for consideration. The development agreement will cover items specific to the terms of the Conditional Use Permit site development. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS t. Motion to approve the Special Assessment Agreement and Adopting Special Assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. City Council Agenda - 04/14/08 2. Motion to deny approval of the Special Assessment Agreement and Adopting Special Assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1 above. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Special Assessment Agreement and Resolution Adopting Special Assessments for Cedar Street Improvements for the Jerry Hartung Addition. SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made this 24th day of March, 2007, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and MICHAEL KRUTZIG/SB 22 LLC, residing at 9234 State Highway 25, NE, Monticello, Minnesota ("Developer") Recitals A. The Developer owns the Subject Property located in Wright County legally described as follows: JERRY HARTUNG ADDITION B. The Developer has applied for and received certain approvals relating to the Developer's proposed development of the Subject Property, including rezoning, resubdivision, and replatting. C. Consistent with city subdivision regulations and other official controls, the City conditioned its approvals on the dedication of right of way, extension and construction of Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property. D. Due to the uncertainty of determining the most appropriate alignment of Cedar Street to serve properties to the south of the Subject Property, the City and Developer have determined it to be in their mutual interest to delay the construction of the extension of Cedar Street. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS SET FORTH HEREIN, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City will be responsible for constructing the extension of Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property. The construction of Cedar Street shall be within the area dedicated on the plat of the Subject Property or in an alternate alignment as determined by the City. 2. If the City determines not to extend and construct within the right of way dedicated on the plat of the Subject Property for that purpose, the City will vacate that portion of the right of way that it determines in its sole discretion as not necessary for the extension of Cedar Street. 3. The Subject Property shall be assessed costs, fees and charges associated with the construction of improvements to Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property to serve and benefit the Subject Property in the amount of $45,967.50 based on an estimated construction cost determined as follows: $202.50 per front foot x 227 feet. 4. The first installment of the assessment is to be deferred until construction of the improvements. Until completion of construction, the deferred assessment amount shall be increased annually by 4% (based on the construction cost index increase per year) from the date of this agreement until construction of the improvements by the City or others. The first installment of the assessment against the Subject Property shall be payable in the year following construction of the extension upon notification to the Developer and to the County of the amount to be assessed or a reduced amount based on the actual costs of construction, and shall be payable over a five (5) year period, accruing interest at the rate of 1.5% over the City's current bond rate per annum commencing from the date of the completion and acceptance by the City of the improvements and notice to Developer of the adopted or revised assessment amounts. The Developer may prepay the assessment. Where is the sunset date? 5. The assessment shall be deemed adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the City. The Owners, by signing this Agreement, acknowledge that all procedural and substantive objections to the Assessment are hereby waived unconditionally, such waiver includes any rights of Owners, their successors or assigns to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the Subject Property. The Owners further waive any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to M.S.A. § 429.081. 6. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Owners and the Owners' successors and assigns. This Agreement maybe recorded against the title to the Subject Property. The City may reduce the amount of the assessment and this Agreement terminates if the road improvement is not ordered by the City on or before April 1, 2038. CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: Clint Herbst, Mayor (SEAL) AND Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator DEVELOPER: BY: Its STATE OF MINNESOTA (ss.) COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF MINNESOTA (ss) COUNTY OF WRIGHT The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2008,by the on its behalf. of a Minnesota limited partnership, NOTARY PUBLIC SPECIAL ASSESSMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT (the "Agreement") made this 14th day of April, 2008, by and between the CITY OF MONTICELLO, a Minnesota municipal corporation ("City") and MICHAEL KRUTZIG/SB 22 LLC, residing at 9234 State Highway 25, NE, Monticello, Minnesota ("Developer"). Recitals: A. The Developer owns the Subject Property located in Wright County legally described as follows: JERRY HARTUNG ADDITION B. The Developer has applied for and received certain approvals relating to the Developer's proposed development of the Subject Property, including rezoning, resubdivision, and replotting. C. Consistent with city subdivision regulations and other official controls, the City conditioned its approvals on the dedication of right of way, extension and construction of Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property. D. Due to the uncertainty of determining the most appropriate alignment of Cedar Street to serve properties to the south of the Subject Property, the City and Developer have determined it to be in their mutual interest to delay the construction of the extension of Cedar Street. NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION OF THE MUTUAL COVENANTS SET FORTH HEREIN, THE PARTIES AGREE AS FOLLOWS: 1. The City will be responsible for constructing the extension of Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property. The construction of Cedar Street shall be within the area dedicated on the plat of the Subject Property or in an alternate alignment as determined by the City. 2. If the City determines not to extend and construct within the right of way dedicated on the plat of the Subject Property for that purpose, the City will vacate that portion of the right of way that it determines in its sole discretion as not necessary for the extension of Cedar Street. 3. The Subject Property shall be assessed costs, fees and charges associated with the construction of improvements to Cedar Street abutting the Subject Property to serve and benefit the Subject Property in the amount of $37,409.60 based on an estimated construction cost determined as follows: $164.800 per front foot x 227 feet. 4. The first installment of the assessment is to be deferred until construction of the improvements. Until completion of construction, the deferred assessment amount shall be based on actual cost, or increased annually by 4% (based on the construction cost index increase per year) from the date of this agreement until construction of the improvements by the City or others. The first installment of the assessment against the Subject Property shall be payable in the year following construction of the extension upon notification to the Developer and to the County of the amount to be assessed or a reduced amount based on the actual costs of construction, and shall be payable over a five (5) year period, accruing interest at the rate of 1.5% over the City's current bond rate per annum commencing from the date of the completion and acceptance by the City of the improvements and notice to Developer of the adopted or revised assessment amounts. The Developer may prepay the assessment. 5. The assessment shall be deemed adopted on the date this Agreement is signed by the City. The Owners, by signing this Agreement, acknowledge that all procedural and substantive objections to the Assessment are hereby waived unconditionally, such waiver includes any rights of Owners, their successors or assigns to hearing requirements and any claim that the assessments exceed the benefit to the Subject Property. The Owners further waive any appeal rights otherwise available pursuant to M.S.A. § 429.081. 6. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Owners and the Owners' successors and assigns. This Agreement may be recorded against the title to the Subject Property. The City may reduce the amount of the assessment and this Agreement terminates if the road improvement is not ordered by the City on or before April 1, 2038. CITY OF MONTICELLO BY: ~1~~~`. Clint Herbst, Mayor (SEAL) AND O Jeff O' ei Administrator DEVELOPER: BY: `~~..Q c Its C G.},..R ~n..~w~,,,.,~,~ ~ ~rP~ STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 29th day of April 2008, by Clint Herbst and by Jeff O'Neill, the Mayor and City Administrator of the City of Monticello, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation and pursuant to the authority granted by its City Council. ~ c~~ '~'1 ~J S NOT RY PUBLI '. DAWN M. GROSSINGER ~~_ NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA STATE OF MINNESOTA ) o+.=~ My Commission Expires Jan. 31, 201C ( ss. COUNTY OF WRIGHT ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before e this ~~}~ day of 2008, by ~ the ~~ s n ~, of ~ZZ L`C, a Minne to limited partnership, on its behalf. ~, NOTARY PUBLIC DEBRA A. WARD NOTARY PUBLIC -MINNESOTA :„~;s' My Commission Expires Jan. 31, ZO10 Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 SF. Consideration to adopt a position statement regarding Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment Funding. (JO/AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The City Council is asked to adopt a position statement regarding the allocation of Clean Water, Land & Legacy Amendment funds. Currently, the legislature is in the process of determining the proper oversight and channels for the four main areas of funding created through this amendment. The following is basic information regarding the amendment and its four funding categories: The current general sales and use tax rate is 6.5%. Sales tax revenue is deposited in the state General Fund. The amendment will increase the general sales and use tax rate by three-eighths of one percentage point (0.375%) to 6.875%. Proceeds from this revenue will be allocated as follows. • 33% to a newly created Outdoor Heritage Fund to be spent only to restore, protect, and enhance wetlands, prairies, forests, and habitat for game, fish, and wildlife (approximately $80 million in FY 2010 and $91 million in FY 2011); • 33% to anewly-created Clean Water Fund to be spent only to protect, enhance, and restore water quality in lakes, rivers, streams, and groundwater, with at least 5% of the fund spent to protect drinking water sources (approximately $80 million in FY 2010 and $91 million in FY 2011); • 14.25% to a newly created Parks and Trails Fund to be spent only to support parks and trails of regional or statewide significance (approximately $35 million in FY 2010 and $39 million in FY 2011); • 19.75% to a newly created Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund to be spent only for arts, arts education, and arts access, and to preserve Minnesota's history and cultural heritage (approximately $48 million in FY 2010 and $54.5 million in FY 2011). * Information provided from the Minnesota DNR. These figures are estimates from the Minnesota Department of Revenue; the total amount of money available from future sales tax receipts can be greatly affected by general economic conditions in the state. The position statement the City Council is asked to adopt requests that the legislature provide fair and equitable funding resources to Greater Minnesota entities for the Parks & Trails portion of the amendment funding. The position statement was prepared by greater Minnesota counties and is being forwarded to other municipalities providing regional park services (St. Cloud, Duluth, Rochester, etc.) for adoption. The Wright County Board of Commissioners has already reviewed and approved adoption of this position statement. Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 BUDGET IMPACT The allocation of amendment funds among State, metro and non-metro interests ultimately allows the City of Monticello the ability to apply for grant funding for projects in any of these four amendment focus areas. As the financing program for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park purchase relies on the State funding 1/3 of the project, the allocation of amendment funds to greater Minnesota parks and trails is critical to continued funding for the project. In short, the most immediate budget impact would be felt through successful award of funds for the Bertram Chain of Lakes Regional Park. STAFF IMPACT None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to adopt a position statement regarding Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment Funding 2. Motion to deny adoption of a position statement regarding Clean Water Land & Legacy Amendment Funding C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends adoption of the position statement. As noted in previous conversations regarding the Bertram Chain of Lakes project, this amendment funding will be allocated. What is important is to work toward its equitable allocation. This statement encourages the legislature to distribute amendment resources fairly to projects throughout the state, rather than concentrating funds for metro and state projects. It is important that Monticello lend its support to this document in the interest of furthering access to a share of those funds. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Cover Letter from Non-Metro Park Providers B. Position Statement GREATER MINNESOTA REGIONAL PARKS & TRAILS January 2, 2008 Dear County Officials: The Greater Minnesota Regional Parks and Trails Coalition of non-metro Regional Park and Trail providers have developed a Position Statement (attached) for the use of funds being raised through the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment. This handout will be used as an educational handout during the 20091egislative session. Attached also is the Background on the Clean Water, Land and Legacy Amendment providing new revenue for parks & trails of statewide or regional significance. This material will help reinforce the position that counties and cities outside the metro area provide regional outdoor recreation opportunities and should be considered on a level playing field with the Twin Cities Metropolitan interests, and not left out of funding discussions. Together we can have a strong voice with the elected officials in St. Paul. What we are asking is for each of you to review or pass the attached position statement onto the person in your organization charged with managing your recreational lands and facilities. Please take time to review this document and to respond to marc.matticena,co.wri t.mn.us, if you are willing to have your organization listed on the header of this position statement. In regards to the Park and Trail funding portion of the new sales tax, there have been a variety of meetings taking place. Discussion is revolving around positioning for funding. These groups include: Greater Minnesota Regional Park and Trails: This group is attempting to represent the non- metro regional park and trail provider interests. The goal is for equal funding between A) non- metro regional parks and trails, B) metro regional parks and trails, and C) state parks and trails. Many counties outside the metro area have a large land base of publicly owned lands; these providers need funds to assist with developing recreational facilities and access to these lands. At the same time other counties without this land base are looking to increase the land base needed to provide outdoor recreation opportunities. 2. Metro Area Regional Parks and Trails (Metropolitan Parks & Open Space Commission): Their focus is to have these funds used to help not only with capital needs but also operations and maintenance. They are attempting to secure the majority of the funding. 3. State Parks and Trails: Would like to use these funds for operations and service as well as capital needs. Thank you for your time, Marc Mattice, Parks Administrator Chuck Wocken, Park Director Wright County Parks Stearns County Parks GREATER MINNESOTA REGIONAL PARKS & TRAILS A coalition of non-metro Regional Park & Trail providers (Becker County, Beltrami County, Benton County, Blue Earth County, Chisago County, Douglas County, Isanti County, Jackson County, Kanabec County, Lyon County, Le Sueur County, Meeker County, Olmsted County, Todd County, Sherburne County, Steams County, Wright County, City of St. Cloud, and City of Monticello) Clean Water, Land & Legacy Position Dec. 15, 2008 1. Scope of "Regional and Statewide Significance" for the Parks and Trails Fund: Should include parks and trails outside the metropolitan area deemed to be of regional significance according to criteria established by the DNR Commissioner. 2. Eligible Uses: Capital acquisition, capital development, capital renovation/rehabilitation/restoration of facilities or landscapes. 3. Administration of Allocations to Greater MN Regional Parks & Trails: The existing DNR Grant programs should administer these funds with advice of an Independent Advisory Committee, implementing the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation Plan (SCORP). This should include a few statutory changes to Minnesota Statute section 85.019: a. re-title "Outdoor" (not "local") Recreation Grants; b. create a new subdivision with a specific statutory grant program for Greater Minnesota Regional Parks; c. restore the outdoor recreation grant match to 25% for Regional Parks and Trails, and Natural & Scenic Areas; d. allow in-kind contributions as grant matches for all programs; and e. remove "maximum grant amounts" for grant projects. 4. Percentages: The funds should be divided evenly at 33 1/3 % each between a. State Parks & Trails, b. Metropolitan Parks & Open Space Commission and c. Greater MN Regional Parks & Trails. Greater MN deserves to be an equal partner in funding because: A) Greater Minnesota agencies are committed to leverage short term and long term non-state sources by funding local grant matches and Operations and Maintenance; B) Annual grant applications far outstrip available funds; C) Greater MN Regional Parks & Trails provide access to natural resource-base outdoor recreation opportunities close-to-home similar to the Metropolitan Region, filling a void in Minnesota's outdoor recreation system, which state parks are not expected to do; D) Engaging park agencies increases leverage of non-state resources and stewardship of these parks statewide, and helps serve the states comprehensive outdoor recreation goals. E) Greater Minnesota is deficient by 26,000 acres in new urbanizing areas by the year 2030 (Orning Report for LCCMR). Wildlife and Fishing Habitat: Acquisition, preservation and restoration in parks statewide should be eligible for heritage funds through the Outdoor Heritage Council. Council Agenda: January 26, 2008 SG. Consideration of amendment to City Ordinance Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 26 (.n relating to commercial kennels. A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: At the January 12, 2009 meeting the Council approved the fee schedule for 2009 which included the deletion of license fees for commercial kennels with the notation on the fee schedule that commercial kennels were prohibited. That information was given in error. Title 6, Chapter 2, Section 26 of the City Ordinance sets forth the licensing procedure for commercial kennels which are allowed as a conditional use permit in an agricultural district. At the present time the ordinance sets forth a specific fee amount. It is proposed to change the wording of the ordinance language to allow the Council to set the fee by resolution thus not requiring that the ordinance be amended each time there is a change to the fee. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Approve the proposed ordinance amendment allowing the Council to set the fee by resolution. 2. Do not approve the proposed ordinance amendment. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of staff that the City's ordinance be amended to allow the Council to set the fee by resolution. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Proposed ordinance amendment CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA ORDINANCE N0.494 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING TITLE VI, CHAPTER 2, SECTION 26 OF CITY CODE THE MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Title VI, Chapter 2 Section 26 (J) of the Monticello City Ordinance shall be amended to read as follows: 6-2-26 (J) License Fees: The license is non-transferable. The fee for a kennel license shall be at a rate as set by the City Council. Section 2. This ordinance amendment shall become effective immediately upon its passage and publication. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 26~' day of January, 2009. Brian Stumpf, Acting Mayor ATTEST: Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 5H. Consideration of Approval of 2008 Operating Transfers. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: Every year the City transfers funds from one City fund to other. These transfers happen for various reasons including providing funding sources for City project, repayment of debt, or to fund operations instead of a property tax levy. Some of these transfers were planned for and included in the 2008 budget. Others became necessary during the course of operations during the year or based on funding decisions made by the Council during the year. What ever the reason for the transfers it is a good management practice to provide the City Council with a list and summary of the transfers made and have them approve the transfers. Attached is a list of the 2008 operating transfers for the City. A description of the transfers is provided below. 1. $75,000.00 transferred from the General Fund to the New Deputy Registrar Fund was approved by the City Council to provide start up funds for the DMV when Council approved setting up the DMV as a separate stand alone fund outside of the City's General Fund. 2. $125,000 was transferred as part of the 2008 budget for the City's share of funding the Jerry Liefert, Kevin Longley Drive street improvement project. The funds were transferred from the General Fund to the Capital Project Fund. This leaves a balance of $817.75 for the City's share of funding the Jerry Liefert, Kevin Longley Drive street improvement project. Thus, funds were transferred from the Street Reconstruction Fund to the Capital Project Fund to complete the City's share of funding the project. 3. Community Center transferred $20,000 to the City's General Fund as part of the 2008 budget. 4. $138,400.00 was transferred from the EDA for the 2008 debt payment of the 2004A taxable TIF Bond. This was included in the 2008 budget and listed as a funding source when the bonds were issued. 5. Based on the funding sources when the 2005A Improvement Bond was issued, TIF District #34 was to fund $319,272.00 of the 2008 debt payment, with the Sanitary Sewer Access Fund funding $712,013.00, the Storm Sewer Access Fund funding $264,776.00 and the Water Access Fund funding $311,220.00 of the 2008 debt payment. All of these were included in the 2008 budget. 6. Community Center transferred $20,000 to the EDA fund 7. Based on the debt schedule and it was included in the 2008 budget the Community Center transfer of $650,000.00 for the debt payment on the 2008A EDA/MCC Refunding Bond, which originally financed the construction of the Community Center. 8. The Sanitary Sewer Fund was to fund 50% of the debt issued for the waste water treatment plant. This debt was refinanced in 2008 resulting in two transfers. One to close out the original debt in the amount of $228,026.27 and one for the new debt payment of $1,000,000.00. 9. The 2005A G. O. Improvement Bond transferred $21,200 to the Sanitary Sewer Access Fund, $56,700.00 to the Storm Sewer Access Fund and $501,690 to the Water Access Fund to correct an accounting error made in 2005 which doubled the amounts paid by the three Access Funds for their share of the debt. This repays or corrects the error that was made in 2005. 10. The transfer of $9,228,832.27 from the 2008B Sewer Refunding Bond to the WWTP Note pays off the remaining balance of the note as was the intention of the bond issue. 11. The Consolidated Bond Fund transferred $79,080.78 of special assessment collections to close out the construction projects, which the assessments were to fund. 12. The Consolidated Bond Fund also transferred $135,000.00 to the 2007A G. O. Improvement Bond in place of the property tax levy that was required for the 2008 debt payment. This was included in the 2008 budget. 13. The Water Fund transferred $221,185.24 for the repainting of the City water tower, which was incorrectly charged to the Sewer Access Fund in 2007. 14. Finally, the Liquor Fund transferred $145,229.00 to the Street Reconstruction Fund and $26,390.00 to the General Fund to fund City operations in place of levying property taxes as part of the 2008 budget. These were the 2008 operating transfers used to fund City operations and project. Al. Budget Impact: As noted some of the transfers were included in the 2008 budget and others were made to fund other Council approved actions such as refinancing of debt or funding of City projects. A2. Staff Workload Impact: There would be no staff workload impacts of this item. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Approve the 2008 operating transfers as listed. 2. Approve only some of the 2008 operating transfers as listed 3. Do not approve the 2008 operating transfers as listed. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: The City staff supports, Alternative 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: List of 2008 operating transfers. 2008 TRANSFERS --~ - Transfer # Fund/Department Transfers Out Account # Amount ~ - -- -- Fund/Department Transfers In Account # Amount 1 General Fd/Deputy Registrar 101.41990.7203 75,000.00 Deputy Registrar Fd ~ 217.39203 75,000.00 2 General Fd/Streets & Alleys 101.43120.7203 125,000.00 Capital Project Fund 400.39201 125,000.00 2 Street Reconstruction Fd 212.43121.7203 817.75 __ Capital Project Fund - 400.39203 817.75 3 Community Center Fd/Admin 226.45122.7203 20,000.00 - - -- General Fund - 101.39203 20,000.00 4 EDA Fund 213.46301.7205 138,400.00 2004A Taxable TIF Bond 387.39204 138,400.00 5 EDA Fd/TIF #34194/Interchanc 213.46534.7205 319,272.00 - -- 2005A G. O. Improv Bond 338.39203 319,272.00 5 Sanitary Sewer Access Fd 262.49201.7205 712,013.00 - 2005A G. O. Improv Bond 338.39203 712,013.00 5 Storm Sewer Access Fund 263.492_01.7205 264,776.00 2005A G. O. Improv Bond 338.39203 264,776.00 5 Water Access Fund 265.49201.7205 311,220.00 2005A G.O. Improv Bond 338.39203 311,220.00 6 Community Center Fd/Admin 226.45122.7203 20,000.00 EDA Fund ~ 21 33 9203 20,000.00 7 Community Center Fd/Admin 226.45122.7205 650,000.00 2008A EDA MCC Refu_nd_ing Bd 388.39203 650,000.00 8 Sanitary Sewer Access Fd 262.49201.7208 228,026.27 WWTP Note 358.39203 228,026.27 8 Sanitary Sewer Access Fd 262.49201.7208 1,000,000.00 20088 Sewer Refunding Bond 340.39203 1,000,000.00 9 2005A G. O. Improv Bond Fd 338.47001.7203 21,200.00 Sanitary Sewer Access Fd 262.39203 21,200.00 9 2005A G. O. Improv Bond Fd 338.47001.720_3 56,700.00 Storm Sewer Access Fund 263.39203 56,700.00 9 2005A G. O. Improv Bond Fd 338.47001.7203 501,690.00 Water Access Fund 265.39203 501,690.00 10 20086 Sewer Refunding Bond 340.47001.7205 9,228,832.27 WWTP Note 358.39205 9,228,832.27 10 WWTP Note 358.47001.7205 445,554.35 2008B Sewer Refunding Bond 340.39205 445,554.35 11 Consolidated Bond Fund 357.47001.7203 79,080.78 Capital Project Fund 400.39203 79,080.78 12 Consolidated Bond Fund 357.47001.7205 135,000.00 2007A G. O. Improv Bond 339.39203 135,000.00 13 Water Fund 601.49440.7203 221,185.24 _ Water Access Fund 265.39203 221,185.24 14 Liquor Fund 609.49754.7203 145,229.00 Street Reconstruction Fd 212.39203 145,229.00 14 Liquor Fund 609.49754.7203 _- 26,390.00 - - General Fund 101.39203 - 26,390.00 Total 14, 725, 386.66 14, 725, 386.66 Council Agenda: 1/26/09 5I. Consideration of approving a reduction in retainage for the Chelsea Road Reconstruction Proiect, City Project No. 2006-31C. (WSB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The Chelsea Road Reconstruction Project was substantially completed in October 2008 with the final lift of pavement placed on Chelsea Road and Fallon Avenue. All utility work with this project has been inspected, tested, and approved in accordance with the specifications for the project. The City's standard contract documents keep a minimum five percent retainage on all payments made to the contractor for work completed on the project. The value of the work completed to date is $1,922,590.16, with an amount of $96,129.51 being held in retainage. The remaining work to be completed includes adjusting the elevations of certain manhole castings and gate valves that do not meet the specifications for the project, and minor punch list items. The contractor will be completing this work at their cost this spring. Given the amount of work remaining on the project, LaTour Construction, Inc. has requested a reduction of the retainage on the contract from 5% to 1 % of the value of the work completed on the project site. Approval of the retainage reduction would lower the retainage amount to $19,225.90. The requested amount of the reduction is $76,903.61. Approval of this request by the Council would allow payment from the City to LaTour Construction, Inc. for the amount as requested. The amount of $19,225.90 is adequate to cover the work remaining on the project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Approve the reduction of the 5% retained amount ($96,129.51) to 1 ($19,225.90), and authorize payment to LaTour Construction, Inc. in the amount of $76,903.61. 2. Do not approve the requested reduction at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends selecting Alternate 1. The project is substantially complete with adjustment of structures to be completed this spring before final acceptance and closeout of the contract. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Recommendation Letter Pay Voucher No. 10 ~~~ &Assoc- Infrastructure 1 Engineering I Planning 1 Construction January 19, 2009 Mr. Tom Kelly, Finance Director City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Attn: Ms. Dawn Grossinger, Deputy City Clerk Re: Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 Chelsea Road Reconstruction From CSAH 18 to Fallon Avenue Street, Utilities, and Appurtenant Work City of Monticello Project No. 2006-31C WSB Project No. 1627-63 Dear Mr. Kelly: 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Please find enclosed Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 for the above-referenced project in the amount of $76,903.61. This payment amount is from a reduction in the retainage to 1 %. We hereby recommend that the City of Monticello approve Construction Pay Voucher No. 10 for LaTour Construction, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the above, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763-287- 7162. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Shi K. Bisson, PE Senior Project Manager Enclosures cc: Jeff O'Neill, City of Monticello Bruce Westby, City of Monticello Steve LaTour, LaTour Construction, Inc. Doug Hackman, WSB & Associates, Inc. srb ACEC 2008 Firm of the Year Minneapolis 1St. Claud K•io,an-~~w~.,~~ic~„~,m~aa~,.~crxvorocn-a~n~wu~r~ Equal Opportunity Employer 01627-63 -Pay Voucher 10 do Asaodrs~ brc. Owner: City of Monticello 505 Walnut St Monticello, MN 55362-1147 For Period: 8/1/2008 to 1/19/2009 Contractor: Latour Construction 2134 County Road 8 NW Maple Lake, MN 55358 Pay Voucher MONT -Chelsea Rd Recon(CSAH 18 to Fallon) Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-63 Client Project No.: 2006-31 C Monday, January 19, 2009 Date: 1/19/2009 Request No.: 10 Project Summary 793,671.98 $1 1 Original Contract Amount , 2 Contract Changes -Addition $88,495.38 3 Contract Changes -Deduction $0.00 4 Revised Contract Amount $1,882,167.36 5 Value Completed to Date $1,922,590.16 6 Material on Hand $0.00 7 Amount Earned $1,922,590.16 8 Less Retainage 1 % $19,225.90 9 Subtotal $1,903,364.26 10 Less Amount Paid Previously $1,826,460.65 11 Liquidated Damages ~ $0.00 12 AMOUNT DUE THIS PAY VOUCHER NO. 10 ! $76,903.61 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE ITEMS OF WORK SHOWN IN' THIS CERTIFICATE OF PARTIAL PAYMENT HAVE BEEN ACTUALLY FINISHED FOR THE WORK COMPRISING THE ABOVE MENTIONED PROJECTS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS HERETOFORE APPROVED. Recommended for Approval by: WS~B/ 8~ Associates, Inc. j%I ~ ,~, ~r~.rc.. Approved by Contractor: Latour Construction Specified Contract Completion Date: 7/1/2008 Comment: Construction Observer: Approved by Owner: City of Monticello Date: 1 of 5 01627-63 -Pay Voucher 10 Project Material Status Monday, January 19, 2009 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date Schedule A -Surface Improvements 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $17,000.00 1 1 0 $17,000.00 2 2101.502 CLEARING TREE $100.00 6 8 0 $800.00 3 2101.507 GRUBBING TREE $100.00 6 8 0 $800.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT $3.70 222 428 0 $1,583.60 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD $0.90 2256 2143.67 0 $1,929.30 6 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT $3.00 1125 1043.5 0 $3,130.50 7 2104.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAIL BOX EACH $125.00 4 7 0 $875.00 8 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) CU YD $4.40 8345 8979 0 $39,507.60 9 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (LV) CU YD $9.90 400 0 0 $0.00 10 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW (LV) CU YD $11.40 400 569 0 $6,486.60 11 2105.601 DEWATERING LUMP SUM $81,000.00 1 1 0 $81,000.00 12 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA $220.00 48.92 48.92 0 $10,762.40 13 2130.501 WATER M GALLONS $25.00 500 500 0 $12,500.00 14 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $9.65 4335 4279.17 0 $41,293.99 15 2331.604 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLAMATION SQ YD $4.00 20700 21499.79 0 $85,999.16 16 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $43.00 2175 2663.52 0 $114,531.36 17 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $41.00 2900 3472.89 0 $142,388.49 18 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $41.00 2900 2994.84 0 $122,788.44 19 2350.503 TYPE LV WEARING COURSE MIXTURE FOR DRIVEWAYS SQ YD $17.20 2060 0 0 $0.00 20 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON $1.80 2705 1425 0 $2,565.00 21 2360.501 TEMPORARY BITUMINOUS WEDGE TON $82.00 140 0 0 $0.00 22 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH $140.00 21 13 0 $1,820.00 23 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME 8~ RING CASTING EACH $555.00 16 17 0 $9,435.00 24 2506.602 RECONSTRUCT MANHOLES EACH $660.00 1 1 0 $660.00 25 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN 6618 LIN FT $8.60 10061 10920.1 0 $93,912.86 26 2554.602 PERMANENT BARRICADES (TYPE III) EACH $285.00 3 4 0 $1,140.00 27 2563.601 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM $4,500.00 1 1 0 $4,500.00 28 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT $27.50 182.25 180.75 0 $4,970.63 29 2564.602 F&I SIGN PANEL TYPED EACH $295.00 2 2 0 $590.00 30 2564.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGN EACH $125.00 10 8 0 $1,000.00 31 2565.603 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT $5.30 320 0 0 $0.00 32 2565.603 INSTALL 4" NON-METALLIC CONDUIT LIN FT $3.70 640 2176 0 $8,051.20 33 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT $1.90 1030 867 0 $1,647.30 34 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION TYPE C EACH $340.00 23 41 0 $13,940.00 35 2573.530 INLET PROTECTION TYPED EACH $300.00 2 1 0 $300.00 36 2573.602 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH $690.00 6 0 0 $0.00 37 2575.505 SODDING TYPE SALT RESISTANT SQ YD $2.15 11975 14590.5 0 $31,369.58 38 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD $1.15 720 2505.4 0 $2,881.21 39 2575.605 SEEDING, MIX 240 (INCL. FERT., MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE $1,100.00 2.1 5.9 0 $6,490.00 40 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) POLY PREFORM EACH $180.00 33 27 0 $4,860.00 41 2582.501 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) POLY PREFORM EACH $180.00 9 10 0 $1,800.00 42 2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-PAINT LIN FT $0.95 900 990 0 $940.50 43 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT $0.25 9705 11625 0 $2,906.25 44 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.25 7985 9532 0 $2,383.00 45 2582.502 24"SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $4.90 72 153 0 $749.70 46 2582.502 4" BROKEN LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.25 1480 1260 0 $315.00 47 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT $0.45 688 2439 0 $1,097.55 Totals For Section Schedule A -Surface Improvements: $883,701.22 Schedule B -Sanitary Sewer Improvements 48 2503.511 36" CCFRPM PIPE SEWER LIN FT $256.10 469 485 0 $124,208.50 2 of 5 01627-63 -Pay Voucher 10 Monday, January 19, 2009 Item No. Item Description Units Unit Price Contract Quantity Quantity to Date Current Quantity Amount to Date 49 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $1,480.00 1 5.1 0 $7,548.00 50 2503.603 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT $2.00 469 485 0 $970.00 51 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $800.00 3 3 0 $2,400.00 52 2506.603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT $103.00 69.9 80.84 0 $8,326.52 53 2506.603 CONST 60" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT $325.00 42 48.12 0 $15,639.00 Totals For Section Schedule B -Sanitary Sewer Improvements: $159,092.02 Schedule C -Water Main Improvements 54 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT $4.70 577 673 0 $3,163.10 55 2104.509 REMOVE VALVE & BOX EACH $115.00 1 0 0 $0.00 56 2104.509 REMOVE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $430.00 1 0 0 $0.00 57 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $590.00 9 9 0 $5,310.00 58 2504.602 HYDRANT EACH $2,500.00 6 7 0 $17,500.00 59 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $1,120.00 6 6 0 $6,720.00 60 2504.602 ADJUST HYDRANT AND VALVE BOX EACH $500.00 2 5 0 $2,500.00 61 2504.602 6" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $940.00 3 3 0 $2,820.00 62 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,205.00 7 7 0 $8,435.00 63 2504.602 10" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,604.00 1 2 0 $3,208.00 64 2504.602 24"X8" WET TAP EACH $3,030.00 1 4 0 $12,120.00 65 2504.603 6" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $22.30 49 67 0 $1,494.10 66 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $26.50 264 293.68 0 $7,782.52 67 2504.603 10" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $31.30 58 0 0 $0.00 68 2504.603 12" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $36.50 545 647 0 $23,615.50 69 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD $31.20 630 380.37 0 $11,867.54 70 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND $1.80 1250 1628 0 $2,930.40 Totals For Section Schedule C -Water Main Improvements: $109,466.16 Schedule D -Storm Sewer Improvements (Without Pipe) 71 2104.501 REMOVE PIPE CULVERTS LIN FT $3.30 1026 1244 0 $4,105.20 72 2502.541 6" PERF PE PIPE DRAIN LIN FT $7.50 480 0 0 $0.00 73 2503.603 TELEVISE STORM SEWER LIN FT $1.80 6453 5967 0 $10,740.60 74 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT $190.00 142 138.31 0 $26,278.90 75 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 60-4020 LIN FT $270.00 14.6 27.14 0 $7,327.80 76 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 84-4020 LIN FT $480.00 12.3 12.32 0 $5,913.60 77 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 96-4020 LIN FT $465.00 169 199.13 0 $92,595.45 78 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 120-4020 LIN FT $870.00 20.3 22.52 0 $19,592.40 79 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH $1,175.00 22 25 0 $29,375.00 80 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 2 EACH $2,435.00 1 1 0 $2,435.00 81 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (MANHOLE) EACH $242.00 23 26 0 $6,292.00 82 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN) EACH $353.00 12 14 0 $4,942.00 83 2506.602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH $730.00 1 2 0 $1,460.00 84 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP CLASS III -GROUTED CU YD $70.00 28 47 0 $3,290.00 85 2511.515 GEOTEXTILE FILTER TYPE IV SQ YD $1.25 70 110 0 $137.50 Totals For Section Schedule D -Storm Sewer Improvements (Without Pipe): $214,485.45 Schedule E -Storm Sewer Improvements (RC Pipe) 86 2501.515 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH $450.00 2 1 0 $450.00 87 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH $180.00 2 1 0 $180.00 88 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 21"PIPE APRON EACH $230.00 1 1 0 $230.00 89 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 54" PIPE APRON EACH $1,220.00 2 2 0 $2,440.00 90 2501.602 TRASH GUARD FOR 60" PIPE APRON EACH $1,500.00 1 1 0 $1,500.00 91 2501.602 21" RC PIPE APRON W/PILING EACH $1,315.00 1 1 0 $1,315.00 92 2501.602 54" RC PIPE APRON W/PILING EACH $2,445.00 2 2 0 $4,890.00 3 of 5 01627-63 -Pay Voucher 10 Monday, January 19, 2009 Item No. 93 Item 2501.602 Description 60" RC PIPE APRON W/PILING Units EACH Unit Price $2,555.00 Contract Quantity 1 Quantity to Date 1 Current Quantity 0 Amount to Date $2,555.00 94 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT $22.60 548 704 0 $15,910.40 95 2503.541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $24.30 363 444 0 $10,789.20 96 2503.541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $26.60 1146 973 0 $25,881.80 97 2503.541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $28.50 749 650 0 $18,525.00 98 2503.541 30" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $38.30 284 294 0 $11,260.20 99 2503.541 36" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $51.20 300 300 0 $15,360.00 100 2503.541 42" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $70.50 495 495 0 $34,897.50 101 2503.541 48" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $84.10 120 120 0 $10,092.00 102 2503.541 54" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $107.00 427 435 0 $46,545.00 103 2503.541 60" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS III LIN FT $112.30 2082 2183.15 0 $245,167.75 Totals For Section Schedule E -Storm Sewer Improvements (RC Pipe): $447,988.85 Schedule G -Alternate No. 1 125 2521.602 TRUNCATED DOME PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH $475.00 21 13 0 $6,175.00 126 2521.604 2" BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD $14.30 3765 3425.63 0 $48,986.51 Totals For Section Schedule G -Alternate No. 1: $55,161.51 Change Order 1 127 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM $17,000.00 0.02 0.02 0 $340.00 128 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION (EV) (P) CU YD $4.40 580 0 0 $0.00 129 2105.515 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION CU YD $1,417.00 1 1 0 $1,417.00 130 2105.601 DEWATERING LUMP SUM $81,000.00 0.02 0.02 0 $1,620.00 131 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 MOD TON $9.65 750 750 0 $7,237.50 132 2350.501 TYPE MV 3 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $43.00 141 0 0 $0.00 133 2350.502 TYPE MV 2 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $41.00 173.1 173.1 0 $7,097.10 134 2350.502 TYPE MV 3 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (B) TON $41.00 173.1 0 0 $0.00 135 93145 COMMERCIAL DRIVEWAY ENTRANCE SQ YD $47.00 181.3 159.41 0 $7,492.27 136 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT $0.25 420 0 0 $0.00 137 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SANITARY SEWER EACH $1,480.00 2 2 0 $2,960.00 138 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH $800.00 1 0 0 $0.00 139 2506.602 CONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLE EACH $500.00 2 0 0 $0.00 140 2506.603 CONST 48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT $103.00 24.5 23 0 $2,369.00 141 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT $4.70 75 0 0 $0.00 142 2104.509 REMOVE VALVE & BOX EACH $115.00 1 1 0 $115.00 143 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH $590.00 1 1 0 $590.00 144 2504.602 RELOCATE HYDRANT AND VALVE EACH $1,120.00 1 0 0 $0.00 145 2504.602 8" GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH $1,205.00 2 0 0 $0.00 146 2504.602 24"X8" WET TAP EACH $3,030.00 1 0 0 $0.00 147 2504.603 8" WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT $26.50 80 73 0 $1,934.50 148 2504.604 4" POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD $31.20 14 14 0 $436.80 149 2506.602 ADJUST CATCH BASIN EACH $1,670.00 1 0 0 $0.00 150 2550.602 CORE DRILLED HOLE EACH $500.00 2 0 0 $0.00 151 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT $22.60 320 0 0 $0.00 152 2504.601 EXPLORATORY EXCAVATION LUMP SUM $3,556.50 1 1 0 $3,556.50 153 2504.601 WATERMAIN REPAIR LUMP SUM $6,440.00 1 1 0 $6,440.00 154 2506.511 RECONSTRUCT SANITARY MANHOLES LIN FT $777.40 10 10 0 $7,774.00 155 2540.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAIL BOX EACH $253.28 1 1 0 $253.28 156 2504.602 12" GATE VALVE EACH $531.0 0 2 2 0 $1,062.00 Totals For Change Order 1 : $52,694.95 Project Totals : $1,922,590.16 4of5 01627-63 -Pay Voucher 10 cont ract ~nan e s No. Type Date Description Amount CO1 Change Order 2/25/2008 Additional items due to the location of the watermain and the addition of turn lanes and utilities associated with the Mills Fleet Farm site. $88 495.38 Change Order Totals: $88,495.38 P m nt Summ Project Payment Status Owner: City of Monticello Client Project No.: 2006-31 C Client Contract No.: Project No.: 01627-63 Contractor: Latour Construction Monday, January 19, 2009 No. From Date To Date Payment Total Payment Retainage Per Payment Total Retainage Completed 1 7/10/2007 8/1/2007 $197,622.11 $197,622.11 $10,401.16 $10,401.16 $208,023.27 2 8/2/2007 9/1/2007 $278,844.03 $476,466.14 $14,676.01 $25,077.17 $501,543.31 3 9/2/2007 9/28/2007 $289,212.00 $765,678.14 $15,221.68 $40,298.85 $805,976.99 4 9/29/2007 11/2/2007 $430,398.62 $1,196,076.76 $22,652.56 $62,951.41 $1,259,028.17 5 11/3/2007 12/1/2007 $201,609.71 $1,397,686.47 $10,611.04 $73,562.45 $1,471,248.92 6 12/2/2007 2/25/2008 $42,617.45 $1,440,303.92 $2,243.02 $75,805.47 $1,516,109.39 7 2/26/2008 4/2/2008 $50,060.20 $1,490,364.12 $2,634.75 $78,440.22 $1,568,804.34 8 4/3/2008 5/31/2008 $101,841.66 $1,592,205.78 $5,360.08 $83,800.30 $1,676,006.08 9 6/1/2008 7/31/2008 $234,254.87 $1,826,460.65 $12,329.21 $96,129.51 $1,922,590.16 10 8/1/2008 1/19/2009 $76,903.61 $1,903,364.26 ($76,903.61) $19,225.90 $1,922,590.16 Payment Totals: $1,903,364.26 $19,225.90 $1,922,590.16 Project Summary Material On Hand: Total Payment to Date: Total Retainage: Total Amount Earned: $0.00 $1,903,364.26 Original Contract: $19,225.90 Contract Changes: $1,922,590.16 Revised Contract: $1,793,671.98 $88,495.38 $1,882,167.36 5 of 5 City Council Agenda - 01/12/09 SJ. Consideration to approve a reauest for extension of a Conditional Use Permit for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concert Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates, a 372-unit mixed-residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The Planning Commission reviewed this request during their regular meeting on January 6th, 2009. The Commission unanimously recommended approval of the extension, noting that the concept provides only a general schematic for development. A future development stage application will provide the detail needed to analyze the development product itself. The Commission expressed a desire to allow the developer to keep this concept on the table and noted that concept stage approval is flexible enough to allow for adaptation to changing market conditions. On September 6th, 2005, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of a concept stage planned unit development request for the proposed Kjellberg Estates project, submitted by Ocello, LLC. The City Council approved the concept stage PUD on September 12th, 2005. The Concept Stage PUD approved for the Kjellberg Estates project is a 372-unit mixed residential development project adjacent to the Kjellberg West homes property and the Jefferson Commons commercial district. The project is proposed to consist of both single- family uses and a mix of townhome styles. The Planning Commission and City Council's approval of the request was conditioned on a number of items, which were required to be addressed with any development stage application. Due to non-use, the conditional use permit for PUD would have expired on September 12th, 2006. The Monticello Zoning Ordinance requires that conditional use permits expire due to non-use after one year. In January of 2008, the Planning Commission granted aone-year extension of the CUP, after allowing a continuation of extension upon formal notification. The planning report for the original item has been provided for reference. In considering the request for extension, Commission should consider the surrounding land use context of the proposed plan, and the objectives outlined within the recently approved 2008 Comprehensive Plan. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS The Planning Commission recommends alternative 1 below. 1. Motion to extend the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates to a date to be specified by the Commission, with the condition that all previously approved conditions be assigned to the extension. City Council Agenda - 01/12/09 2. Motion to deny an extension of the September 12th, 2005 Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage Planned Unit Development for Kjellberg Estates, based on a finding to be made by the Planning Commission. 3. Motion of other. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the extension at this time. D. SUPPORT Exhibit A: Exhibit B: Exhibit C: Exhibit D: Exhibit E: [NG DATA Applicant Extension Request Concept Stage PUD Plan documents Staff Report for September 6th, 2005 Planning Commission minutes of September 6th, 2005 City Council minutes of September 12th, 2005 2 L~ .~ ~' , ~s ~ ,.~., December 12, 2008 c, THE L.~,f~~D ~~~JEG!P,Li~~TJ Ms. Angela Schumann City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362-8831 RE Ocello, LLC, Request for Extension, Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, Kjellberg Estates Housing Development, Monticello, Minnesota Dear Ms. Schumann: On behalf of Ocello, LLC, we respectfully request an extension of subject Concept Stage Planned Unit Development, a housing development known as Kjellberg Estates. Current market conditions are well documented, and thus, there is no established date for moving forward with the development at this time. When market conditions improve to a degree that would indicate absorption of the proposed product types, it is intended that the development will move forward proportionately. Access to the proposed development is to be via Redford Lane at its intersection with School Boulevard. Ocello, LLC does not own the property needed to provide right-of- way for that access. It is our understanding that the City is handling the acquisition of the necessary right-of-way required, from the land owner, in order to facilitate the required access. Thank you for handling this requested extension. truly yours, Charles C. Pfeffer, Jr. cc: Shawn Weinand Pfeffer Company, Inc. 7200 Hemluck Lane, Suite 101 • Maple Grove, MN 55369-S.i87 763.425.2930 • FAX 763.425.2823 • p>efrercoGaol.com • wwwpfe~erco.com www. TheLandSpeci alists. com Engineering Planning - Surveyihq .. ,_ 4 _. McCombs FraoN Raos Associates, IAC. 14800 18th Avenue Narth Suile 140 - Plymouth, M;nnesoto 55447 phone 767/976-fi0~0 far 7bJ/47fi-8572 Client Ocello -Kjellberg Monticello, MN Project Kjellberg Estates Monticello, MN Sheet Titie Aerial Photo W/Overlay 8/01/2004 I heieGy cerliiy that this plan was prepared b; me ar under my dlacl soper+islon and Ihal I am a duly Licensed Frolessianal Eaginee~ coder the laws of the State of Idlnnesolo. S'wnature Name License Designed MJG Checked Drawn JRG Approaed Oale 8/3/05 Aeuisions ~9u. Date By Remar6s ____. 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Date ey Rrnoke Sheet Aeviafon 1 1 MfAA FlLE N0.:14136 i" Planning Commission Agen da - 9/06/05 10. Public HearinQ• Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Sta6e Planned Unit Development for amulti- and single-family residential development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Ocello, LLC. has requested Concept Stage PUD approval of a mixed residential use development upon an approximate 68 acre site located south of School Boulevard and west of State Highway 25. The subject site is presently zoned A-0, Agricultural Open Space. The proposal includes a mixture of single family residential lots and townhomes totaling 372 units. This results in an approximate residential density of ~.5 dwelling units per acre. Planned Llnit Development. The processing of a planned unit development (PUD) is necessary to accommodate the proposed mixture of uses and multiple buildings upon the subject property. In considering requests for planned unit development, it is important that the City apply the purpose of the Planned Unit Development approach -allowing flexibility Gom certain zoning standards to achieve a higher quality project than what would otherwise be achieved through conventional zoning. Examples of quantifiable PUD design attributes are superior building quality and extraordinary landscaping details. Whether or not the purpose of PUD has been achieved with this particular project will become more evident as more detailed project information is submitted. Land Uses. As previously indicated, the development proposal calls for a mixture of residential units including standard single family lots and townhomes. The following is a breakdown of the various proposed land uses: Unit Ty e/Use Lots or Units Single Family Residential 61 Quadraminiums 74 Six Units 42 Eight Units l44 Two-Story Row Homes 62 Row Townhomes 39 Total 372 Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 The City's land use guide plan shows commercial uses in the area between the westerly extension of School Boulevard and the manufactured home park. Medium- density residential uses are desi~7nated for the balance of the site. To accommodate medium density residential uses north of tine manufactured home park, a Comprehensive Plan amendment may need to be pursued, depending on the Planning Commission's evaluation of this concept as to consistency with the land use guide plan. The inclusion of medium density residential uses north of the manufactured home park relates directly to the City's immediate desire to extend School Boulevard to the west. The applicant maintains that demand for commercial uses in such area presently does not exist and may not exist for another five years. A decision as to whether medium density residential uses north of the manufactured home park are appropriate is considered a policy matter to be determined by City Officials. Provided City off cials find the proposed medium density residential uses north of the manufactured home park to be acceptable, the proposed allocation and arrangement of land uses is considered generally compatible with the area. The following comments are however, offered: l . A street extension to the south (which ultimately will connect to State Highway 25) should be provided. Considering that large lot single family uses exist south of the subject site, some changes to the land use arrangement in the southern area should be considered as a result of such change. 2. Additional setback area for buffering/landscaping should be provided along rear yards which abut the manufactured home park and School Boulevard. 3. To the extent possible, changes in land use should occur along rear lot lines. With this in mind, it is preferable to have the single family homes in the southwest area of the site "face" single family homes (thereby creating a neighborhood of sortsj. Thus, consideration should be given to converting the quadraminium units in the southwest corner of the site to single family residential lots. Quad units may be relocated to other areas. The "bacl:-to- back" townhouse design has raised issues of building design and limitations on interior unit natural lighting. This style of building will be carefully examined when building plans become available. 4. Recognizing the reduction in density resulting from the suggested conversion of townhomes to single family homes in the southwest corner of the site, consideration be given to providing some medium density uses directly west of the proposed "pond amenity". 5. Intended use of the open spaces and "pond amenity" should be clarified. Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 Zoninb. As part of future processing, the site should be rezoned from A-O, Agricultural Open Space to the various residential zoning districts which correspond to the use locations depicted on the concept plan. Access. Primary access to the site is proposed via a westerly extension of School Boulevard (a collector street). A future street extension opportunity has been provided to the west. As previously indicated, a future extension to the south which ultimately connects to State Highway 25 should be provided. The acceptability of the access points should be subject comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Streets /Circulation. The proposed development includes variety of features which influence site circulation. These include limited site access (along School Boulevard and Redford Lane), the manufactured home park and future commercial development to the east. Recognizing the existence of these activities, awell-conceived plan for site circulation is both very important and very challenginb. As previously indicated, a street extension to the south (which ultimately will connect to State Highway 25) should be provided. Some concern also exists in regard to the proposed jogged intersection along Redford Lane in the western area of the site. A reconfigured, four way intersection should be provided in this area The majority of townhome dwellings appear to be served by private streets, many of which have "dead-end" conf gurations. To the extent possible, dead-end streets and parking areas should he avoided. Some question exists in regard to an apparent turn around area within the manufactured home park. Such turn around area encroaches into the eastern. boundary of two of the six-plex buildings and presents some setback and buffering concerns. Consideration should be given to utilizing such feature as an opportunity for emergency vehicle access to the manufactured home park. This issue should be subject to further comment by the Fire Marshal. Lots. Specific lot size information has not been provided. As a condition of PUD Development Stage approval, all lots should be provided lot and block numbers and satisfy the minimum dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district. Redford Lane is a designated collector street. Thus, direct lot access to such street should be avoided. In the west-central area of the site (north of Redford Lane), three single family lots are provided access to such street. These lots should be reconfigured. Planning Commission Agenda - 9/0610 Park Issues. The ordinance states that one acre of park land should be dedicated for each 75 persons in a subdivision. To estimate the population, a household size of 3.5 persons per unit for single family homes and 2.5 units for attached housing is used. Using this formula, a total of 28.8 acres of park land should be dedicated as calculated below: Unit Type Number Of Persons Per Total Acres Required Units Household Persons (1 per 7j persons) Single family 61 3.5 per unit 213.5 2.9 Attached Housing 311 2.5 per unit 777.5 10.4 (Townhomes) Total 1' '' As shown on the concept plan, a "pond amenity" and a number of smaller ``open spaces" have been proposed. It is not clear if such areas are intended for use as public part: or private open space. This should be clarified. To be noted is that the "pond amenity" previously served as sewage lagoons for the manufactured home park. It is assumed some improvements to such area are proposed. This should also be clarified. Issues related to park land dedication should be subject tocomment and recommendation by the Park Commission. Trails. No trailways are illustrated on the concept plan. It is anticipated that a sidewalk will be provided along the southern extension of Redford Lane. Trail-related issues should be subject to comment by the Park Commission. Setbacks. While the PUD may allow interior setback flexibilities, periphery structure setback requirements of the base district are considered applicable. Interior setbacks of approximately 70 feet are proposed between the proposed eight unit buildings. The City has commonly applied a 78 foot separation, based on recent experience with similar projects.(to provide for vehicular circulation and unit driveways). Plan details for all townhome buildings will need to be submitted as part of the PUD development Plan stage. Building Architecture /Design. As a PUD, the City has the ability to impose design related conditions. As part of the PUD Development Stage submission, building elevations of the various townhome building types (excepting those upon the single family lots) should be provided. 4 Planning Commission. Agenda - 9/06/05 Building design issues have focused on varying roofline heights, varying front building lines, and avoiding garage-front buildinbs that emphasize the garage doors from the street. Off-Street Parking. Considering the proposed residential density, it is considered advantageous to include some visitor parking areas. Generally speaking, a visitor parking supply of one half stalls per dwelling unit is considered desirable for townhome developments. This translates to a total of 16 visitor stalls for the proposed development. Because visitor parking is not a requirement of the ordinance however, this issue (the number of required spaces) is considered a City policy matter and should be subject to recommendation by the Planning Commission and a determination by the City Council. Landscaping. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, a landscape plan must be submitted. Such plan should indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Specific landscaping should be provided in the following areas: • The street n7edian feature at the intersection of Redford Lane and School Boulevard. • Within the rear yards of lots abuttin`.; School Boulevard and the manufactured home park. • Within the townhome building lots. Signage. Details regarding site signage have yet to be submitted. As a condition of Development Stage PtJD approval, all site signage must comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Grading Drainage and Utilities. As part of the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan must be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Design Alternative. To illustrate some of the design recommendations cited previously, a design alternative has been prepared. The alternative is intended simply as a tool to be referenced in the preparation of an improved site design. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision 1: Consideration of Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD 1. Motion to recommend approval of a Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the September 6, Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/05 ?005 Planning Commission meeting, based on the finding that the Concept Stage PUD is consistent with the comprehensive plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD based on a finding that the submission of additional plans is necessary to comply with the requirements of the City, (and/or) Motion to recommend denial of the Condition Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD, based on a finding that the concept stage PUD is not consistent with the comprehensive plan. The Planning Commission should select the latter option if commercial uses are appropriate for a portion of this site.. 3. Motion to table action on the Conditional Use Permit for Concept Stage PUD subject to submission of revised plans consistent with approved conditions. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review, the proposed mixed residential use development is considered to be a potentially acceptable layout. The City should initially provide comment on the acceptability of the land use pattern (including the number of townhouses), and secondarily, on the density of the project. Provided the concerns cited within this report can be satisfactorily addressed, our office believes various proposed uses can compatibly exist upon the subject propert}~. It is therefore recommended that the following items be addressed as part of the forthcoming Development Stage PUD submission.: 1. An application for a rezoning of the property, consistent with the proposed uses, be submitted. 2. A street extension to the south (which ultimately will connect to State Highway 25) be provided. 3. The jogged intersection along Redford Lane (in the western area of the site) be reconfigured into a four way intersection. 4. Additional setback area for buffering/landscaping be provided along rear yards which abut the manufactured home earl: and School Boulevard. To the extent possible, changes in ]and use should occur alonV7 rear lot lines. Thus, consideration be given to converting the quadraminium units in the southwest corner of the site to single family residential lots. 6 Planning Commission Agenda - 9/06/0 Consideration be given to providing some medium density uses directly west of the proposed "pond amenity". 7. Intended use of the open spaces and "pond amenity" be clarified. 8. The acceptability of the proposed access points shall be subject cornment and recommendation by the City Engineer. 9. To the extent possible, dead-end private streets and parking areas be avoided. 10. Consideration be riven to utilizing manufactured home park turn around area (along the east boundary of the subject site) as an opportunity for emergency vehicle access to the manufactured home park. This issue should be subject to fiu•ther comment by the Fire Marshal. 11. As a condition of PUD Development Stage approval, all lots should he provided lot and block numbers and satisfy the minimum dimensional requirements of the applicable zoning district. 12. Direct single family lot access to Redford Lane be prohibited. l 3. Park and trail related issues be subject to comment and recommendation by the Parl: Commission. l4. City Officials provide comment and recommendation in regard for the desire for designated visitor parking stalls. 15. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, a ]andscape plan be submitted. Such plan shall indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Specific landscaping should be provided in the following areas: A. The street median feature at the intersection of Redford Lane and School Boulevard. B. Within the rear yards of lots abutting School Boulevard and the manufactured home park. C. Within the townhome building lots. 16. All site signage comply with the applicable requirements of the Si,~7n Ordinance. l 7. As part of the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. 7 Planning Commission Agenda - 9/0610 SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit A: Aerial Image Exhibit B: Applicant Narrative Exhibit C: Site Plan Exhibit D: Site Plan Alternative Exhibit E: City Long Range Land Use Guide Plan Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. MOTION BY COMMISSION HILGART TO APPROVE THE REQUEST FOR THE CUP FOR CONCEPT AND DEVELOPMENT STAGE PUD, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS LISTED IN EXHIBIT Z AS FOLLOWS, BASED ON A FINDING THAT THE USE IS APPROPRIATE FOR THE ZONING DISTRICT AND THE PROPOSED SITE. 1. The applicant shall provide proof that there will be no substantial conflict in the operating hours of the buildings who are proposing to share parking facilities. 2. All parties involved in the joint parking agreement shall execute a contract approved by the City Attorney and filed with the County Recorder. 3. Applicant shall propose an alternate parking lot configwation for the new building that would provide better circulation and drainage, subject to City staff review and approval. 4. The landscape plan must be revised to show the required number of plantings for the overall site as well as the residential bufferyard, subject to City staff's review and approval. 5. The applicant must submit plans showing the proposed locations and dimensions of any outdoor storage, if any, as well as the location and screening materials for trash enclosures, subject to City staff approval. 6. Prior to consideration of a final plat, a lighting plan must be submitted compliant with regulations outlined in Section 3-2.H of the Zoning Ordinance. 7. The applicant shall submit a signage plan compliant with Section 3-9.E.2 of the Zoning Ordinance. 8. All grading, drainage and utilities plans and. easements are subject to the review and approval of the City Engineer. 9, Recommendations of other City Staff, Planning Commission and/or City Council. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER SPARTZ. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 10. Public Hearing Consideration of a rec,~uest for a Conditional Use Permit for a Concept Staae Planned Unit Development fora 372 unit multr and smile-family res~dent~al development. Applicant: Ocello, LLC O'Neill reviewed the staff report, noting the site location near Jefferson Commons, between commercial and residential property. O'Neill explained that a small piece of the site is designated within the guide plan as commercial. O'Neill noted that the boundaries of the comp plan guide map are not necessarily strict zoning boundaries. However, the Commission will need to determine if the proposed use is consistent with the comp plan. Mike Gair, engineer for MFRA, addressed the Commission representing applicant Ocello, LLC. Gair stated that this plan represents a transition from residential uses within the proposed Poplar Hill development, to commercial and trailer park uses. Gair recognized that the current applicant is for concept review, with more steps to follow. They have also incorporated the 2100 feet of frontage along trailer park, and provided open space and park under the power line area. Gair 12 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 stated that the site presents a complex set of conditions. He commented that the concept attempts to achieve and accommodate these conditions, including existing and proposed development and stated that the applicant believe they've offered a reasonable transition. Gair indicated that the applicant has been working with the adjacent property owner, in arriving at this plan and gaining his support in moving this project forward. The plan represents 5.5 units per acre, overall, including 62 single family units. Gair recognized that the the staff report noted that subsequent review will require additional plans and a more sophisticated design for the roadways. Frie asked if this project is contingent upon the construction of School Boulevard through this area. Gair stated that this project becomes an economic factor in paying for School Boulevard. Posusta confirmed that School Boulevard is going to be put in through Weinand's property. Frie asked about a timeline for School Boulevard. Gair stated that it would be constructed through this site in October of 2005. Gair discussed the old sewage pools, which have been approved for development by MPCA. The applicant's plan has them developed as storm water ponding for the area. Gair concluded by reviewing some of the 17 development stage conditions outlined within the staff report. Gair stated that there is a solid rational for the shown transitions of land use. The applicant is providing guidelines for buffering, both along the trailer park and School Boulevard. The City's transportation plans are also being accommodated. O'Neill agreed that Gair had addressed a number of the issues outlined by Grittman. However, one of staff's primary concerns was that the plan could be modified to have like homes to like homes, with transitions between uses made in rear yards. Other items that will need to be addressed at the next review stage are ample buffering, design of townhomes on the perimeter, and the realignment of Redford Lane. Shawn Weinand, property owner and applicant, made himself available for questions. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Shannon Dobbick, 3692 Redford Lane, spoke to the Commission. Dobbick indicated that the reason she and her husband had purchased their lot along Redford was because it was not a through street. In talking with neighbors, Dobbick and others are concerned that this will be a through street with a connection to School Boulevard. Dobbick noted the number of children in the neighborhood and stated that she would rather the street go south. Mike Sullivan, 3554 Redford Lane, addressed the Commission. He noted that he is the last lot on the current cul-de-sac. He stated that he would like to keep it as a cu]-de-sac. He stated that he is also worried about if the road continues and connects to School Blvd. Dobbick indicated his concern about property values in light of this proposal. Weinand noted that Redford Land was always designed to be a through street; the cul-de-sac was temporary. He explained that it will provide an alternative route to Chelsea and School. He stated that he doesn't know if anything can be done about the alignment of Redford, as it was known that Redford would be a through street. To answer questions regarding dollar values, he noted that they had developed Groveland 1-4, which he believed to be nice developments. Weinand stated that he can't say we'll bring high-end housing, but that they will provide a transition to the adjacent high-end housing. He noted that they are still working with builders. Weinand stated that at this point, they are trying to get a layout and density established that will allow them to move forward to product type. 13 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 Frie asked Weinand to comment on whether he is receptive to the street extension to the south. Weinand indicated that he is. Kimberly Cahill, 3676 Redford Lane, spoke to the Commission, stating that she had purchased her lot because of the location and cul-de-sac. She stated that she had no idea it was a temporary cul-de-sac. Cahill stated that her concern is the through traffic on Redford. Frie stated that regardless of what happens with this proposal, Redford was intended to go through. He encouraged residents to keep track of this proposal in that regard. Cory Kirk, 3712 Redford, also addressed the Commission on the issue of traffic, which is his main concern. He stated that there are always a lot of people out and about in the neighborhood. Hearing no further comment, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart asked O'Neill what the maximum units per acre is when designated medium density. O'Neill stated that it is typically somewhere between 8-12 units per acre. Weinand stated that at the time Chelsea Road was put into the Groveland area, a site they owned was designated as medium density. At that time, they were encouraged to change that property to commercial. It was discussed at that time, that this area would instead take the place of that residential. Weinand expressed his opinion this area is not particularly conducive to commercial. Weinand stated that he had committed to School Boulevard with the idea that this site would be looked at for some density. Weinand again noted all the site constraints, and stated that given those, this would still be anice-looking project. Hilgart asked how long the trailer park would remain. Weinand stated that the more value is created around the park, the sooner it will become of value to sell. In the distant future, it will be replaced with developments of this nature. O'Neill confirmed Weinand's recollection of the residential and commercial sites, stating that could have been followed up with a comp plan change at that time, but it may be better to deal with it now. Frie asked if the subject site needs to be annexed. O'Neill confirmed that id does. Hilgart stated that it is nice to see a development come in with a lower density than what would be allowed. Weinand indicated that staff had provided some direction in that regard and a decision had also been made on what was sellable. Dragsten stated that in terms of commercial and residential uses, he doesn't know if this is the best use of this site. He doesn't know if changing to residential is the best use of the property. Dragsten agreed with Grittman's idea of back to back units and the elimination of private roads. He recommended additional park areas and trail connections with the proposed number of units. Dragsten also expressed concern over the size and design of units, indicating that these should not be starter units. Frie asked if the Parks Commission had reviewed the plan. O'Neill stated it is a condition of approval for moving forward to development stage. Frie asked what a quadriminium is. Weinand stated it would be a 4-plea. Spartz stated that he likes the recommendation on the southern access to Highway 25 and Grittman's suggestion on the unit arrangement. Suchy asked for proposed lot sizes. Gair stated that they are about 140' x 80', the other tier is 125' x 60' or 120' x 60'. Suchy asked if they would be opposed to Grittman's design. 14 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 Weinand stated that they would rather have a full neighborhood along pond, with a softer transition between three and four units and the six and eights. He indicated that they don't think it's as nice of a transition. Suchy stated she would also like to see more park land. Weinand noted the green space near the pond and along School Boulevard. Weinand thinks the pond will be nicer amenity. He also noted the wetland complex and Poplar Hill park. Suchy stated that she also likes the recommended access onto 25. Weinand stated that they are opposed to an emergency entrance into the park, as they feel it will create problems. Frie noted the Parks Commission recommendation and the requirement for 13.3 acres of dedication. Frie asked if the City wants the 13.3 acres of park full dedication. Dragsten and Suchy stated that Parks Commission should comment on the issue. Frie noted the purpose of a PUD, which is to provide flexibility in exchange for a development of superior quality. The attributes that Planning Commission will look at in particular are superior building quality and landscaping. Weinand stated that they can provide that as long as it is not out of context for the location of this project. Frie stated that his attitude on townhomes is that the City's current ratio of single family to townhomes is unbalanced. He also noted the required plans for development stage approval. Posusta addressed the Redford Lane resident comments. He stated that he doesn't believe that people will use Redford as a short cut; they will use School Boulevard instead. Posusta stated that he takes offense that the City would make the developer dedicate parkland when there are 40 acres next door. Posusta stated that this is the developer's land and money. Additionally, the City will have to maintain it and take care of it. Posusta indicated that he agreed with Weinand that there should not be a connection to the mobile home park. It will create issues with both sides. Posusta asked Weinand if he is aware of what the areas shown as pond were previously used for. Weinand stated that Bret Weiss has provided a letter from MPCA regarding soils. The MPCA had cleared the area for development and Weinand noted that they could put units there, but he believes the ponds create a nice dimension. Posusta stated he doesn't see any drive areas into the quads. Gair replied that there is a drive-aisle between the buildings. Posusta asked if there is adequate parking. Gair confirmed. Posusta commented that the fire department would review this plan for any issues. Posusta stated that the unit number is a bit high; it should be scaled back and the lot size should be increased. He asked if the lot sizes are similar to Groveland. Weinand stated that there are some 60' lots in Groveland. Weinand responded that for a transitional area, it is difficult to get larger lots. He noted he has to also achieve a certain density to afford the assessment for School Boulevard. They also tried to keep all unit access off Redford. Lane. Weinand reported that he also worked with Kjellberg to obtain as much land as possible. He noted that the medium density would also allow much more density, which they have given up to get the single family transition. Weinand stated that he is trying to get a consensus on whether this is a desirable project that can move forward. Posusta asked if these are all City streets. Weinand confirmed and stated that the interior streets are driveways, the balance are 60' streets right of way. 15 Planning Commission Minutes 9/6/05 MOTION BY COMMISSIONER HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF A CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONCEPT STAGE PUD BASED ON THE COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING, AND BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. MOTION SECONDED BY COMMISSIONER DRAGTSEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 11. Public Hearing -Consideration of a Request for a Preliminary Plat for the Monticello Travel Center 2°d Addition• Conditional Use Permit for a Development Staae Planned Unit Development to Allow aDrive-in Convenience Food Establishment, Motor Fuel Station/Convenience Store Car Wash Joint Parking and Drives, Open and Outdoor Storage, and a Retail Commercial Development and a Variance to Parking Requirements in the B-3 Zoning District. Applicant: IRET Properties O'Neill reviewed the staff report for the application, stating that the applicants are seeking a development stage PUD, preliminary plat and related variance request. In outlining the comments from the report, O'Neill noted the relationship of the Oakwood access alignments with the McDonald's site. The developer has worked through these options and this plan represents the best alternative. O'Neill stated that the one minor problem on the site from a staff perspective is parking. The parking is sufficient for the Holiday and Wendy's PUD, however more is supplied on the Holiday side than the Wendy's side, which staff believes may pose a problem for users. As part of the PUD, O'Neill explained that the Commission can grant approval of cross-parking as long as it is functional. In terms of consistency with the original concept stage PUD for this part of the site, O'Neill noted that this plan does incorporate the central through drive. The request for preliminary plat is needed to simplify the land sale for the Wendy's site. O'Neill explained that the applicants are also seeking to purchase additional Cedar Street right-of--way. The right-of way on Highway 25 is public land, and might be in control of the state. As far as access, there is a right turn in only at the access point closest to Highway 25 and full movement access across from McDonald's. O'Neill indicated that Exhibit Z outlines additional concerns, including the need for a complete sign package. O'Neill cited that as critical, as there is currently no cohesive sign package that detail the entire PUD. Staff would recommend approval subject to the sign package coming back to the Commission. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. A representative for IRET Properties, made himself available for questions from the Commission. He explained that Holiday and Wendy's also had representation to answer more specific questions. The IRET representative stated that they had been working with the City to make the whole block as a unit. Victor Sacco, Holiday Companies, reviewed the items listed in Exhibit Z. Specifically, Sacco asked the Commission to consider the removal of item 3, which requires the construction of future parking at an earlier time. Sacco stated that this is not possible as the applicant doesn't own that property. Sacco stated that they have accommodated Wendy's employee parking behind Holiday. He noted that Wendy's has also reduced the size of their building to increase there parking. 16 Council Minutes - 9/12/Oti #SH Ocello PUD Residential Developnzei~t: Tom Perrault stated he pulled this item because of the 13.3 acres of proposed park land dedication which he felt was too much land. He felt the developer should have a cash in lieu of land dedication noting that the City was getting ballfields with the Insignia Development. A cash dedication would allow the developer to use the land for additional housing units. Brian Stumpf stated he thought the City's goal was to reduce the number of townhome units. The proposed development would consist of 372 housing units of which 61 would be single family lots. He also asked about access to TH 25. Bret Weiss indicated that there will be an access point at the Featherstone development that will tie into a frontage road. The Kjellberb access will no longer exist. The frontage road is being proposed for 2009. Wayne Mayer said if the number of townhomes proposed are allowed to go in then. he disagreed with Counc~ilmember Perrault about the need for park land. Glen Posusta stated he didn't have a problem with the park land, he personally would rather have the developer keep the park land, construct the park and maintain the part: rather than having the City owning it and maintaining it. Shawn Weinand addressed the green space stating that a 6 '/~ acre pa~•cel under the power line is being used for ponding anal that there are some additional green areas located within the plat. They are not asking that the 13.3 acres of parl: be taken from the green space. They would be willing to accept a cash park dedication. He also spo]<e about the layout of the lots and stated the plan they presented provided a better transition from single family to high density. Ile also stated that based on the comprehensive plan, their development is on the low side as far as density. He felt their layout provided a nice interface into the Insignia project. Clint Herbst stated that while the Council was nervous about the density proposed by the development assurances that the housing would be high quality upscale would dissuade some of their fears. Glen Posusta asked if the developer could give any assurance that the 8-plexes would not become rental units. Shawn Weinand stated that while it was not the intent of the developer for this to become a rental project, he could not give assurances that these units would not be rental. I-Ie added that the developer is making a major commihnent to fielding of School Boulevard so he would like to see the density of units retained. He noted that being located adjacent to a mobile home park and the water tower is not necessarily .conducive to marketing of the site. Wayne Mayer stated his concern is the number of units and the ratio of multi-family units to single family units. He stated the under the old comprehensive plan this may have met the requirement but he is still concerned about the ratio of townhomes to single family lots. BRIAN STUMPF MOVED TO APPROVE THE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CONCEPT STAGE PUD FOR A RESIDENTIAL DEVELOPMENT BY OCELLO, LLC. BASED ON COMMENTS FROM THE STAFF REPORT FOR THE SEPTEMBER 6, 2005 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING BASED ON THE FINDING THAT THE CONCEPT STAGE PUD IS CONSISTENT WITH THE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. GLEN POSUSTA SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED WITH WAYNE MAYER AND TOM PERRAULT VOTING IN OPPOSITION. 7 Council Agenda: 1/26/09 5K. Consideration of awarding bid for fiber-to-the-user (FTTU) equipment for the Fiber Optic Loop. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On December 19, 2008 the City's fiber optic consultant, CCG, issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for providing sealed bids for providing all hardware, software, spares, training, warranty, maintenance, rights to use, engineering, installation, installation material, transport, delivery, test, turn-up and commissioning of the fiber to the user (FTTU) system. The equipment associated with this RFP will be located within the fiber optic loop head-end building. On January 5, 2009 a total of four bids were received by the City, which were then opened and read aloud. One of the bids was submitted unsealed and was therefore disqualified. The remaining three bids were checked for errors, omissions and compliance with the requirements of the RFP. A detailed review of these three proposals was completed by the evaluating team, who then ranked the RFP responses based on the following criteria: • 50% for base pricing plus on-going (5-year) costs • 20% for experience and referrals • 20% for compatibility with other equipment and service components • 10% for quality of response Each bidder was awarded points based on the above percentages, with the maximum total possible being 100 points. The results of the rankings are as follows: • 89.0 points for Calix • 78.7 points for Alcatel Lucent • 54.0 points for Zhone Based on these point rankings the evaluating team recommends the City Council award the bid to Calix of Petaluma, California, for the base bid requirements in the amount of $86,647.08. Copies of the Letter of Recommendation, Bid Summary and Bid Tabulation from CCG are attached for reference. A.1 Budget Impact: The bids that were received are in line with the amount budgeted for this equipment for the original fiber optic project. Funds for this purchase will be drawn from City reserves, but will be replenished using proceeds from the Revenue Bonds if the lawsuit is dismissed. A.2 Staff Impact: There are no anticipated impacts to staff. Council Agenda: 1/26/09 B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award bid for fiber to the user RFP base bid requirements to Calix at a cost of $86,647.08. 2. Motion to deny award of bid for fiber to the user RFP base bid requirements to Calix at this time. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This equipment is required for operation of the City's fiber optic loop. With this in mind, and to allow the project to remain on schedule, staff recommends that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation Bid Summary for FTTU equipment Bid Tabulation for FTTU equipment s -- CCG CONSULTING LLC Januazy 20, 2009 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: Fiber-TaThe-User (FTTU) Access Solution City of Monticello Project #2008-16C Dear Mayor and Council Members: Proposals were received for the above-referenced project on January 5, 2009 and were opened and read aloud. Four proposals were received with three proposals meeting the Sealed Bid requirements and one not meeting the Sealed Bid requirements. The three valid proposals were checked for accuracy, consistency and compliance with RFP Requirements. After a detailed review of all proposals which compared the base pricing and ongoing costs of each system, the evaluation team chose the winning proposal as that coming from CALIX. Please fmd the enclosed proposal pricing tabulation and requirement sheets indicating the winning bidder as CALIX of Petaluma, CA in the amount of $86,647.08 plus taxes. We recommend that the City Council consider these proposals and awazd the contract for the RFP Base Bid Requirements to CAL1X based upon compliance with RFP requirements, and bids received for equipment and services. Sincerely, CCG Consul ' g, LLC _~~.G B. Derrel Duplecly , Jr. VP Engineering Enclosures CC: Keith Carlson, CALIX CCG Consulting Bid Tabulation GCG CONSULTING ;LLG #ifP Narr~: PiTo-T~e-User.(FTTU} q;ccessSolution Cdr Project: - >. fl08-16C " ~# City of Montic~iio RFP Openitag 5-lan-Q9 Common Eq Pricing ONT Pricing January 20, 2009. Comoanv Base Bid ONT Basic ONT RF RF w Ret IPTV Onlv aPTV w -RF BONT DS-1 BONT Eth ALU $ 94,320.15 $ 356.00 $ 366.00 $ 478.00 $ 431.00 $ ; 43L{~_ $ 1,430.00 $ 356.00 2/1FE 2/iFE/1RF 2/iGE/1RFRet 4/2FE/1RFhpna 4/2FEJiRfhpaa ;8/1FE/SRF/2D51 2/1FE CAL1X $ 86,547:08 $ 431.00 $ 430.43. $ 442.10 $ 430:43 $ 43fl.43 : $ '531.00 $ 431:00 2/SGE/1FE 2/1GE/iRFhpna 2/1GE/SRFRet 2/1GE/1RFhpna 2/1GE/IRFt~pusa.; 2/1GE/iRF/2D51 2/SGE/1FE Zhone $ 46,140.00 $ 522.00 $ 572.00 $ 797.00 $ 617.00 $ 617.00 $ 922.00 $ 522.00 4/2GE 4/2GE/RF 2/3FE/Rfret/resGW 2/3FE/Rfhpna/resGW 8/iGE/2D51 4/2GE Cost Of Ownership Comoanv 2000 ONT Costs Base Cost Yearly Warranty 2000 ONTs Yearly Maint 2000 ONTs Yearly TAC 2000 ONTs Total Cost of OMrnersEtipat Yeary - 2f106.OlAtTs ALU $ 862,000.00 $ 94,320.15 $ 17,095.00 $ 24,000.00 $ 3,000.00 $ ' 1;094;605;23: CALIX $ 860,8~6E1.Q0 $;~647(~8 $ 10,000.00: : $ 1,288.00 $ _ $ 983,447.08:: Zhone $ 1,234,000.00 $ 46,140.00 $ - $ 2,745.00 $ - $ 1,283,130.00.. CCG Consulting January 20, 2009 Detailed Tabulations CC6 CONfYLTINO ~LLC t..,......__.._.....~.._~ RFP Name:. Fiber-To-'the-User (~Tl'U) Access Solution City Project; 2008-16C Client City of Mpnticello RFP Opening 5-Jan=p9 Description ALU CALIX Zhone Base Bid $ 94,320.15 $ 86,647.08 $ 43,640.00 Voice Alternate $ 25,250.00 $ 38,586.00 No Detail RF Return Alternate $ 10,785.00 $ 15,998.00 No Detail Transport Alternate $ 84,830.00 $ 49,960.43 $ 2,000.00 RF Video Alternate $ 3,782.00 $ 2,333.15 $ 18,000.00 IPTV Alternate $ 18,422.00 $ 11,2.07.15 No Detail Basic ONT $ 356.00 $ 431.00 $ 522.00 RF Overlay ONT $ 366.00 $ 430.4 $ 572.00 RF Return ONT $ 478.00 $ 442.10 $ 797.00 IPTV Only ONT $ 431:Ob $ 430.43 $ 617.00 IPTV With RF ONT $ 431;0 $_ ,4~(}.43K $ 617.00.:. i~ i Bus Ethernet ONT $ 356:Od $ 43'1.00. ,. $ 522.00 Bus DS-1 ONT $ 1,430.00 $ 531.OQr ;, $ 922.00 r, Yearly Base Extended Warranty (no ONTs) $ 3,095.00 $ - $ - Yearly Base Maintenance (no ONTs) $ _ - $ 1,188.00 $ 2,745.00 Yearly Base Technical Assistance (no ONTsj $ 3,000.00 $ - : ; $ - 2,000 ONT Cost $ 862,000.00 $ 860,800.00. $ 1,234,000.00 Year 5 Ext Warranty Cost for 2,000 ONTs $ 51,285.Otj $ 30,000.00 $ - Year 5 Maintenance Cost for 2,000 ONTs $ 72,000.00 $ 5,940.00 $ 5,490.00 Year 5 Tech Assistance Cost for 2,000 ONTs $ 15,000.00 $ - $ - Total Year 5 cost for 2,000 ONTS ' $ 1,094,605.15 $ ~83,d47.0$ $ 1,283,130.b0 Council Agenda: 1/26/09 5L. Consideration of awarding bid for DC Hower supply, battery backup systems, cabinets and racking for the Fiber Optic Loop. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On December 19, 2008 the City's fiber optic consultant, CCG, issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for providing sealed bids for providing all engineering, supply, transportation, delivery, installation, test and turn-up of an operational DC power supply system with battery backup systems, as well as racks/cabinets and overhead rack distribution systems. The equipment associated with this RFP will be located within the fiber optic loop head-end building. On January 9, 2009 a total of three bids were received by the City, which were then opened and read aloud. The three bids were checked for errors, omissions and compliance with the requirements of the RFP. A detailed review of the three RFP responses was then completed. Of the three bids received, only one bidder, H.M. Cragg Company, did not take exception to the completion date identified within the RFP. Meeting this requirement is very important if the City plans on turning-up its fiber optic system this spring. As is shown in the bid tabulation attached, the base bid amount submitted by H.M. Cragg Company fell within the middle of the three bids received. However, when on-going costs are considered their bid is considerably less than the other two bids. The RFP evaluating team therefore recommends that the City Council award the bid to H.M. Cragg Company for the base bid requirements in the amount of $71,448.72. A copy of CCG's Letter of Recommendation, Bid Tabulation and Bid Summary is attached for reference. A.1 Budget Impact: The bids that were received are in line with the amount budgeted for this equipment for the original fiber optic project. Funds for this purchase will be drawn from City reserves, but will be replenished using proceeds from the Revenue Bonds if the lawsuit is dismissed. A.2 Staff Impact: There are no anticipated impacts for staff. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to award base bid for DC power supply, battery backup systems, cabinets and racking to H.M. Cragg Company at a cost of $71,448.72. 2. Motion to deny award of bid for DC power supply, battery backup systems, cabinets and racking to H.M. Cragg Company at this time. Council Agenda: 1/26/09 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This equipment is required for operation of the City's fiber optic loop. With this in mind, and to allow the project to remain on schedule, staff recommends that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Letter of Recommendation Bid Summary for DC power supply, batteries, cabinets and racking Bid Tabulation for DC power supply, batteries, cabinets and racking CCG CONSULTING 'LLC _ _ _ _~ January 20, 2009 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Re: DC Power and Battery Backup System City of Monticello Project #2008-16C Dear Mayor and Council Members: Proposals were received for the above-referenced project on January 9, 2009 and were opened and read aloud. Three proposals were received. The proposals were checked for accuracy, consistency and compliance with RFP Requirements. Please fmd the enclosed bid tabulation and requirements sheet indicating the winning bidder as H.M. Cragg Company of Eden Prairie, MN 55344 in the amount of $71,448.72. We recommend that the City Council consider these bids and award the contract to H.M. Cragg Company based upon compliance with RFP requirements, and bids received for equipment and services. Sincerely, CCG Consulting, LLC l ~~~ B. Derrel Duplechin, Jr. VP Engineering Enclosures CC: Roger Blenkush, H.M. Cragg Company CCG Consulting Bid Tabulation CCGSOUwitiKS u.c Os» P'c-Mter and lry backu Sysem zU08-1.6C air Montl'eelio> -ening 9»Jar--f~9 Effective Exceptlons Equipment $gnlices Sub Total ~c Total To Request For Proposal H.M. Cragg Company $44,672.00 $ 22,416.00 $ 67,088.00 $ 4,360.72 $ 71,448.72 None Madison Graup $ 52,211.00 $ 15,970.00 $68,181.00 $ 4,431.77 $72,612.77 Timeline, Rectifier Warranty Action Battery Wholesalers $ 45,550.00 $ 16,407.00 $ 61,957.00 $ 4,360.72 $66,317.72 Timeline January , 20 2009 Y Ma nt. 5 Yrs Malnt. & Warranri & Warranty 5 Year Cost $ 536.00 $ 2,680.00 $ 74ru87~ $ 2,490.00 $12,450.00 $ 85,062.77 $ 3,927.00 $19,635.00 $ 85,952.72 CCG Consulting January, 20 2009 Bid Tabulation Detail CCG CONBU LTWG LLC _... . RFP Name: DC Powerand Battery backup System City Project: 2008-16C Client City of Monticello RFP Openin 9-tan-09 Description H.M. Cra¢a Madison Group Action Battery Rectifer System Hardware $ 16,925.00 $ 15,967.00 $ 19,824.00 Rectifier System Software Included Included Included Rectifier System Installation $ 2,055.00 $ 4,995.00 $ 5,627.00 Rectifier Yearly Maintenance $ 268.00 $ 495.00 $ 743.00 Rectifier System Warranty S Years Included Unavailable $ 2,387.00 Battery System Hardware $ 15,386.00 $ 20,750.00 $ 16,124.00 Battery System Software NA Included NA Battery System Installation $ 8,980.00 $ 3,990.00 $ 3,507.00 Battery Yearly Maintenance $ 268.00 $ 1,995.00 $ 743.00 Battery System Warranty 10 Yrs included 15 Yrs included $ 1;054.00 Rack/Cabinet Hardware $ 6,754.00 $ 8,361.00 $ 5,682.00 Rack/Cabinet Installation $ 2,055.00 $ 2,495.00 $ 1,392.00 Overhead Ladder Rack Hardware $ 5,607.00 $ 3,086.00 $ 3,920.00 Overhead Ladder Rack Installation $ 8,790.00 $ 2,000.00 $ 4,395.00 Optional Battery Disconnect Sw Included $ 4,047.00 Sub Total $ 67,088.00 $ 68,181.00 $ 61,957.00 Taxes $ 4,360.72 $ 4,431.77 $ 4,027.21 TOTAL Base $ 71,448.72 $ 72,612.77 $ 65,984.21 Yearly Maintenance $ 536.00 $ 2,490.00 $ 1,486.00 Yearly Rectifier Warranty 5 Years included Not Available $ 1,387.00 Battery Warranty 10 Yrs included 15 Yrs included $ 1,054.00 Total Yearly Maint and Warranty $ 536.00 $ 2,490.00 $ 3,927.00 5 year Cost of Ownership $ 74,128.72 $ 85,062.77 $ 85,619.21 Not included in Total Base Council Agenda: 1/26/09 5M. Consideration of calling for a Public Hearing on the Mn/DOT I-94 twin bridge replacement project. (BW) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: On January 20, 2009 the City Engineer received a letter from Mn/DOT informing the City that municipal consent of Mn/DOT's staff approved layout for the I-94 twin bridge replacement project at CSAH 75 is required since permanent right-of--way acquisition was needed for this project. The City Council previously approved this right-of--way acquisition at their January 12th regular meeting but at that time it was not known that this action would trigger the need for municipal consent. A copy of Mn/DOT's notification letter is attached as supporting data. The requirements for municipal consent are outlined in State Statute 161.164, Subdivision 2, which is attached as supporting data. This Statute states that the City must schedule a public hearing within 15 days of receiving the final layout, or in this case the notification letter, and that public notice must be given a minimum of 30 days prior to the hearing. The Council is therefore being asked to call for a public hearing on March 9, 2009 in order to fulfill all the requirements of State Statute 161.164. Within 90 days of the public hearing the City shall then approve or disapprove the layout in writing. If the City disapproves the layout they can request that certain changes be made to the layout, which Mn/DOT may or may not agree to. On the other hand, Mn/DOT may simply decide not to proceed with the project. Or, Mn/DOT can refer the final layout to an appeal board for a decision. A copy of Mn/DOT's staff approved layout is attached as supporting data and will be presented in detail by Mn/DOT staff during the public hearing. In the meantime, staff will continue to work with Mn/DOT to see if they are willing to provide rough or final grading for the City's proposed frontage road in exchange for the material that will be removed during those grading operations. A.1 Budget Impact: No budget impacts are anticipated. A.2 Staff Impact: No impacts to staff are anticipated. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to call for a public hearing on March 9, 2009 for Mn/DOT's I-94 twin bridge replacement project. 2. Motion to deny calling for a public hearing at this time. Council Agenda: 1/26/09 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: In order to comply with State Statute 161.164, staff recommends that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Mn/DOT notification letter dated January 16, 2009 State Statute 161.164 Project layout dated January 6, 2009 bO~`p~NESpTQ20 Y Q ~~~OF'(i;Pa~~ Minnesota Department of Transportation District 3B -Project Development 3725 12th Street North St. Cloud, MN 56303 January 16, 2009 Bruce Westby City Engineer, City of Monticello 505 Walnut Street Monticello, MN 55362 Subject: 194 Bridges - SP 8680-142 Dear Mr. Westby: Office Telephone: 320-223-6527 FAX Number: 320-223-6581 D ~ v~ u~ L'c~ I JAN 2 0 2009 CITY OF MONTICELLO A staff approved layout for the above referenced project was recently sent to you. The layout is labeled Layout No. 2. The intent of the project is to reconstruct the 194 bridges over the railroad tracks and Broadway. This project will require a small parcel of permanent right-of-way acquisition. Because this project requires right-of-way acquisition, municipal consent of the layout is required. A sample resolution is enclosed as Attachment A. State Statute (Statute 161.164, Subd. 2) requires that the City notice a public hearing within 15 days of receiving this letter. A 30 day minimum public notice must be given prior to the hearing. The hearing must be held within 60 days of receiving this letter. Within 90 days of the public hearing, the City must take action to either approve or disapprove the layout. There are no anticipated city costs associated with the project. If you have any questions, please feel free to call. Sincerely, f'I ,~ (~ %~"~-~V ~~ Terrence J. Humbert Project Development Engineer TH:cas Enclosure An equal opportunity employer 161.164, 2008 Minnesota Statutes 2008 Minnesota Statutes Page 1 of 2 161.164 FINAL LAYOUT APPROVAL PROCESS. Subdivision 1. Submission of final layout. Before proceeding with the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of any route on the trunk highway system lying within any municipality, the commissioner shall submit to its governing body a final layout and project report covering the purpose, route location, and proposed design of the highway. The final layout must be submitted as part of a report containing any supporting data that the commissioner deems helpful to the governing body in reviewing the final layout submitted. The supporting data must include a good faith cost estimate of all the costs in which the governing body is expected to participate. The final layout must be submitted before final decisions aze reached so that meaningful early input can be obtained from the municipality. Subd. 2. Governing body action. (a) Within 15 days of receiving a final layout from the commissioner, the governing body shall schedule a public hearing on the final layout. The governing body shall, within 60 days of receiving a final layout from the commissioner, conduct a public hearing at which the Department of Transportation shall present the final layout for the project. The governing body shall give at least 30 days' notice of the public hearing. (b) Within 90 days from the date of the public hearing, the governing body shall approve or disapprove the final layout in writing, as follows: (1) If the governing body approves the final layout or does not disapprove the final layout in writing within 90 days, in which case the final layout is deemed to be approved, the commissioner may continue the project development. (2) If the final construction plans contain changes in access, traffic capacity, or acquisition of permanent right-of--way from the final layout approved by the governing body, the commissioner shall resubmit the portion of the final construction plans where changes were made to the governing body. The governing body must approve or disapprove the changes, in writing, within 60 days from the date the commissioner submits them. (3) If the governing body disapproves the final layout, the commissioner may make modifications requested by the municipality, decide not to proceed with the project, or refer the final layout to an appeal board. The appeal boazd shall consist of one member appointed by the commissioner, one member appointed by the governing body, and a third member agreed upon by both the commissioner and the governing body. If the commissioner and the governing body cannot agree upon the third member, the chief justice of the Supreme Court shall appoint a third member within 14 days of the request of the commissioner to appoint the third member. Subd. 3. Appeal board. Within 30 days after referral of the final layout, the appeal board shall hold a hearing at which the commissioner and the governing body may present the case for or against approval of the final layout refereed. Not later than 60 days https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/statutes/?id=161.164 1/22/2009 161.164, 2008 Minnesota Statutes Page 2 of 2 after the hearing, the appeal board shall recommend approval, recommend approval with modifications, or recommend disapproval of the final layout, making additional recommendations consistent with state and federal requirements as it deems appropriate. It shall submit a written report containing its findings and recommendations to the commissioner and the governing body. History: 2001 c 191 s 5 ;I I ; ', ', '~ ~~. e. https://www.revisor.leg.state.mn.us/statutes/?id=161.164 1/22/2009 REMOV E H A T C H E D A R E A 2 0 ’ R 20’R 61.449’ 10’ PAVED T R A I L BE G I N C O N S T R U C T I O N ST A . 1 0 0 9 + 7 8 . 5 5 BEGIN B6 1 8 C & G BEGIN B61 8 C & G 1:10 TAP E R 1:10 TAP E R 1:10 TAPER 1:10 TAPER END C&G STA 1023+11 END C&G STA 1023+11 12’ 12’ 10’ 10’ END 8’ SHOULDER BEGIN 10’ SHOULDER BEGIN 8’ SHOULDER BEGIN 8’ SHOULDER EN D C O N S T R U C T I O N ST A . 1 0 2 9 + 1 6 10’ 12’ 10’ 12’ PO T . 1 0 0 5 + 0 0 . 0 0 1005 PC . 1 0 0 9 + 7 8 . 5 5 1010 PT . 1 0 1 1 + 4 6 . 3 3 PI PC . 1 0 1 4 + 6 1 . 5 0 1015 1020 P T . 1 0 2 3 + 1 1 . 8 9 PI 1025 PC . 1 0 2 6 + 0 2 . 7 7 PT . 1 0 2 7 + 7 5 . 1 5 PI St a 1 0 2 9 + 1 6 . 8 6 B K = EQ U A T I O N : S t a 1 0 2 9 + 1 6 . 4 0 A H AZ 125%%d 5 9 ’ 4 3 . 0 0 " L = 478.55 3 ’ CURVE 1835 PI 1010+62.48 X 530,624.187 Y 214,317.855 | 4%%d 11’ 39.93" ( R T ) D 2%%d 30’ 00.00" T 83.93’ L 167.78’ R 2,291.83’ PC 1009+78.55 PT 1011+46.33 AZ 130 % % d 1 1 ’ 2 2 . 9 3 " L = 315. 1 7 3 ’ CURVE 1 8 4 0 PI 1018+ 8 7 . 4 8 X 531,25 4 . 4 7 3 Y 213,785. 4 1 7 | 8%%d 30’ 1 4 . 0 2 " ( L T ) D 1%%d 0 0 ’ 0 0 . 0 0 " T 425.98’ L 850.39’ R 5,729.5 8 ’ PC 1014+6 1 . 5 0 PT 1023 + 1 1 . 8 9 AZ 121%%d 41’ 0 8 . 9 1 " L = 290.883’ CURVE 1845 PI 1026+89.00 X 531,937.855 Y 213,363.585 | 4%%d 18’ 34. 0 9 " ( R T ) D 2%%d 30’ 00. 0 0 " T 86.23’ L 172.38’ R 2,291.83’ PC 1026+02.77 PT 1027+75.15 AZ 125% % d 5 9 ’ 4 3 . 0 0 " L = 141.706 ’ CoRd75 CoRd75 CoRd75 CURV E 2 0 1 0 PI 991+0 0 . 7 1 X 530,1 6 3 . 7 0 4 Y 213,6 8 2 . 8 7 4 | 29^ 0 6 ’ 2 7 . 0 0 " ( L T ) D 2^ 24 ’ 3 8 . 7 3 " T 617.0 3 ’ L 1,207 . 4 0 ’ R 2,376 . 6 7 ’ PC 984 + 8 3 . 6 8 PT 996+ 9 1 . 0 8 AZ 86^ 0 0 ’ 1 1 . 0 0 " L = 545 . 6 0 4 ’ CURVE 2 0 2 0 PI 1013 + 1 6 . 4 9 X 532,44 3 . 0 4 8 Y 213,8 4 2 . 1 3 9 | 58^ 3 4 ’ 0 7 . 0 0 " ( R T ) D 2^ 51 ’ 4 7 . 3 4 " T 1,122 . 2 7 ’ L 2,045 . 6 0 ’ R 2,001 . 1 4 ’ PC 1001 + 9 4 . 2 2 PT 1022 + 3 9 . 8 2 AZ 144^ 34’ 1 8 . 0 0 " L = 487 . 2 2 5 ’ CURV E 1 2 0 3 0 PI 1038+ 7 9 . 6 1 X 533,9 4 2 . 2 8 3 Y 211,7 3 4 . 7 2 0 | 14^ 2 4 ’ 1 1 . 0 0 " ( L T ) D 0^ 44 ’ 2 8 . 1 9 " T 976.8 0 ’ L 1,943 . 3 0 ’ R 7,730 . 5 2 ’ PC 1029 + 0 2 . 8 1 PT 1048 + 4 6 . 1 2 970 975 980 P C . 9 8 4 + 8 3 . 6 8 985 990 995 S t a 9 9 6 + 9 1 . 0 8 B K = E Q U A T I O N : S t a 9 9 6 + 4 8 . 6 2 A H PI P T . 9 9 6 + 9 1 . 0 8 1000 P C . 1 0 0 1 + 9 4 . 2 2 1005 1010 1015 1020 St a 1 0 2 2 + 3 9 . 8 2 B K = EQ U A T I O N : St a 1 0 2 4 + 1 5 . 5 9 A H PI PT . 1 0 2 2 + 3 9 . 8 2 102 5 PC . 1 0 2 9 + 0 2 . 8 1 103 0 103 5 1040 1045 PI PT . 1 0 4 8 + 4 6 . 1 2 XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC? M ? ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? ??? ?? ? ? ? ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? STOCK PILE ? ? PPPPPPPP M XCXC?? ? ? XC ? ? M M M M M M M M M M XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC?XCXCXC M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? M M M M M M MM M M M M M M M ? ? M ? ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? ??? M ? ? XCXCXCXCXC ?? XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXXXXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXXXXX M M M M M M M M M M M M ?? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? M M ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? ? ? ? ? M M MM M M MM M M M M ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC? M M ? ????????? MM XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? ? MM M M M M M ? M XC ? M M XXXX M ? ? ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC M ? M M M M MM M M M M M ? ? ? ? ? ? ? M XCXCXCXC ? XXXXXXXXXX ? M ? M XXXXXXXXXXX M M MM M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M ? ? XCXCXCXCXCXC ? XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC ? ?BEGIN SE A L C O A T COR APPR P A N E L BRIDGE BRIDGE COR APPR . BRIDGE END BRI D G E END BRIDG E BRIDGE APPR. APPROAC H P A N E L BRIDGEBRIDGE APPR. BRIDGE BRIDGE BRIDGE APPR. BRIDGE APPR. MNDOT C A B 935.43 93 7 . 7 0 936.97 934.79 54 I N R C P BASE ON L Y M 48I N R C P M 94 7 3 951.75 90 0 1 983.96BL*CLF1 XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCXC 9 3 6 . 9 4 93 7 . 1 9 TOC=941.01 POND S K I M M E R I N V . 1 1 . 0 48IN ? R C P 30 I N A R C H 24" RCP24" RCPFL IN SKIMMER=934.58 T O C = 9 3 7 . 9 5 M M INV. 1 4 . 0 8 A N D 1 8 . 1 0 TOC=956.84 24 I N R C P 934.87 POND SKIMMER INV. 5.748 IN ? R C P POND S K I M M E R I N V . 1 0 . 2 TOC=94 1 . 7 5 TOC=940. 7 2 INV. 8. 0 M TOP=948.83 MH NE E D S C A S T I N G I N V . 1 1 . 0 30IN RC P TOC=944.94 24IN RC P W / A P R O N 9 0 0 1 M 15" R C P 15" RCP 15" RCP 18" R C P CB 9004 TOC=958.64 INV=954.27CB 9005 TOC=958.54 INV=955.60 CB 9003 TOC=957.14 INV= 953.16CB 9006 TOC=957.01 INV=954.24 STMH 900 2 TOC=957.92 INV=953.21 952.22 18" RCP W/APR 15" RCP W/APR 955. 2 8 M 942.19 XCXCXCXCXCXCXCXCPPPPPPPP M M 24IN RCP 936.72 30 I N R C P 93 7 . 6 1 24IN RCP938.06 938.51 24IN CMP W/S.APR M M DI M 937.92 TOC= 942.22 INV= 937.42 TOC=941.93 INV= 937.73TOC=941.87 INV=937.77 TOC=941.45 INV=938.05 TOC=941.73 INV=937.83M 938.60 24IN CMP W/S.APR TOC=941.99 INV= 938.29 939.38 24IN RCP TOC=944.94 INV= 937.64 DI 945.36 8 2 7 7 TOC=945.36 INV= 937.36 TOC=942.34 INV=937.44 18 I N C M P w / A P R ’ S 947.50 972.60 18I N C M P w / A P R ’ S 955.49 956.24 18IN C M P w / A P R ’ S 939.79 939.57 DI 24I N R C P w / A P R ’ S 24I N R C P w / A P R 93 6 . 3 0 93 8 . 7 2 TOC=941.89 INV=936.19 93 3 . 4 0 944 . 3 0 94 0 . 6 1 24I N R C P w / A P R 24I N R C P w / A P R DITOC= 941.20 INV= 937.90 FENCE: camera tower 1-strand BWF on bott o m 2’8" WWF in mi d d l e 2-strands BWF on top steel posts T h e a l i g n m e n t a n d g r a d e s s h o w n o n t h i s m a p a r e t e n t a t i v e a n d s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . S t a f f A p p r o v a l T h e t r a f f i c v o l u m e s s h o w n a r e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ B y F R O M C o p y T o : F o r : S. P . T. H . A . J . S. P . T. H . A . J . S. P . T. H . A . J . P P M S A c t i v i t y P P M S A c t i v i t y P P M S A c t i v i t y C O P Y N o . L A Y O U T N o . T. H . V I C I N I T Y O F P r e p a r e d 2 0 S c a l e : H o r . 1 i n c h = f t . D a t e : e s t i m a t e d f o r y e a r 20 _ _ _ P r e p a r e d _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ P r e p a r e d B y R e v i e w e d B y P r o g r a m m e d L e t t i n g D a t e L e v e l 1 L A Y O U T A P P R O V A L 2 0 2 0 2 0 20 20 R e v i e w e d B y A p p r o v e d B y A p p r o v e d B y S t a t e D e s i g n E n g i n e e r T r a n s p o r t a t i o n D i s t r i c t E n g i n e e r D i s t r i c t T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r S t a t e G e o m e t r i c s E n g i n e e r D i s t r i c t D e s i g n o r P r e l i m i n a r y D e s i g n E n g i n e e r R e v i e w e d B y D i s t r i c t R i g h t - o f - W a y E n g i n e e r R e v i e w e d B y D i s t r i c t P l a n D e v e l o p m e n t E n g i n e e r n e e d s i n c l u d i n g p r o p o s e d t e m p o r a r y a n d p e r m a n e n t r i g h t - o f - w a y "T h i s l a y o u t a d e q u a t e l y a d d r e s s e s a l l p r e l i m i n a r y r i g h t - o f - w a y a c q u i s i t i o n a n d p r o p o s e d a c c e s s c o n d i t i o n s . " R e v i e w e d B y D i s t r i c t T r a f f i c E n g i n e e r " T h i s l a y o u t a d e q u a t e l y a d d r e s s e s a l l p r e l i m i n a r y s a f e t y a n d o p e r a t i o n c o n c e r n s . " 2 0 20 2 0 D - 3 I n t e r n a l R e v i e w S i g n a t u r e s fi l e s h a v e b e e n p r e p a r e d a d e q u a t e l y f o r h a n d o f f . " " T h i s l a y o u t a d e q u a t e l y c o n s i d e r s H y d r a u l i c & D e s i g n i s s u e s ; C A D D s t a n d a r d s ; a n d a l l n e c e s s a r y a s s o c i a t e d 2 1 9 4 M O N T I C E L L O 0 8 10 0 C H A R L I E B E R G 8 6 8 0 - 1 4 2 9 4 0 1 / 0 6 / 0 9 TRAFFIC DATA 2030 PROJECTIONS (ONE WAY WITH RAMP AM & PM PEAKS) MAIN LINE 52,000 52,000 EB WB AM PEAK PM PEAK 1,8005,500 2,800 5,600 5 2 , 3 2 8 23 19 94 39 To Big L a k e 3 0. 7 0.4 NG NG 3 AMERI C A N CO 193 195 ’’ 75 0 . 8 4.1 MINNESOTA G REAT RIVERROAD 18 75 MONT I C E L L O To Jct. U . S . 1 0 42 45’ 1.5 POP. 7, 8 6 8 MINNESOTA G REAT RIVERROA D 39 25 WRIGHT COUNTY BRIDGES BARRIER ROADWAYS (INCLUDING TURN LANES) RAISED MEDIAN & CURBS EXISTING R/W SHOULDERS SIDEWALKS FEATURE DESIGN FILE COLOR KEY SP 8680-142 (I94) MONTICELLO CSAH18 INTERCHANGE Color 71 3 4 155 122 96 115 198 1 1 4 0 T 3 8 6 7 8 234 CONSTRUCTION BY OTHERS TURNING MOVEMENT CSAH75 / MEADOW OAK AVE. SCHOOL BUS 2 0 ’ R 20’R 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:02 01:02 01:02 01:02 01:010:1:ACCW:F 01:010:2:ACCW:F 01:030:1:L:F 01:030:2:L:Fsection:01,F,F,0,10,mph,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.10 version:1.1vehicle:S-BUS-36group:AASHTO 2001 (US)hatch:SOLID,0,7,0,1.00,0.00pathUnits:feetaircraftLock:1,37.600000drawname:0,7time:2006-09-15-07-32-41display:1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1color:5,7,0,0,4,4,2,7,2,7,2,7,7,7,7,2,5,5,2,3,3,2,1,3style:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0fill:0,0clearance:3.000,3.000,3.000,3.000spacing:0,2.500level:-1aircraft:Nproduct:AutoTURN 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:02 01:0201:02 01:02 01:010:1:L:F 01:020:1:ACW:F 01:030:1:ACCW:F 01:030:2:ACCW:Fsection:01,F,F,0,10,mph,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.10 version:1.1vehicle:S-BUS-36group:AASHTO 2001 (US)hatch:SOLID,0,7,0,1.00,0.00pathUnits:feetaircraftLock:1,37.600000drawname:0,7time:2006-09-15-07-36-59display:1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1color:5,7,0,0,4,4,2,7,2,7,2,7,7,7,7,2,5,5,2,3,3,2,1,3style:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0fill:0,0clearance:3.000,3.000,3.000,3.000spacing:0,2.500level:-1aircraft:Nproduct:AutoTURN 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:02 01:02 01:02 01:02 01:010:1:L:F 01:020:1:ACCW:F 01:030:1:ACW:F 01:030:2:ACW:Fsection:01,F,F,0,10,mph,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.10 version:1.1vehicle:S-BUS-36group:AASHTO 2001 (US)hatch:SOLID,0,7,0,1.00,0.00pathUnits:feetaircraftLock:1,37.600000drawname:0,7time:2006-09-15-07-37-31display:1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1color:5,7,0,0,4,4,2,7,2,7,2,7,7,7,7,2,5,5,2,3,3,2,1,3style:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0fill:0,0clearance:3.000,3.000,3.000,3.000spacing:0,2.500level:-1aircraft:Nproduct:AutoTURN 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:01 01:02 01:0201:02 01:02 01:010:1:L:F 01:020:1:ACW:F 01:030:1:ACCW:F 01:030:2:ACCW:Fsection:01,F,F,0,10,mph,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.00,0.10 version:1.1vehicle:S-BUS-36group:AASHTO 2001 (US)hatch:SOLID,0,7,0,1.00,0.00pathUnits:feetaircraftLock:1,37.600000drawname:0,7time:2006-09-15-07-38-06display:1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1color:5,7,0,0,4,4,2,7,2,7,2,7,7,7,7,2,5,5,2,3,3,2,1,3style:0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0fill:0,0clearance:3.000,3.000,3.000,3.000spacing:0,2.500level:-1aircraft:Nproduct:AutoTURN 2001 ADT = 53,500 (TWO WAY COUNT) 0 8 / 1 8 SCALE IN FEET CSAH 75DRAIN A G E DRAINA G E S t a . 9 8 3 + 4 4 t o S t a . 1 0 2 4 + 1 5 12’12’11.25’ CL 2’2’5.25’ 44’ 4" 84’ 44’ 4" 11.25’12’12’2’2’ CL 5.25’ EXISTING TYPICAL BRIDGE CROSS SECTION (STA 1000+00) EBWB 2’6’12’12’6’ SH L D SH L D THRU THRUTRAIL 10’ 2’ CoRd 75 STA 1018=50.9 21’4’25’ RR C L 18’ 2 3 ’ 25’ STA = 1772+19.5 SW TOP OF RAIL ELEV=957.478 ELEV=956.89 LC 4’ DEPTH OF STRUCTURE PEIR PLACEMENT TO BE DETERMINED BY BRIDGE OFFICE PEIR PLACEMENT TO BE DETERMINED BY BRIDGE OFFICE EB GUTTERLINE ELEV = 984.4816 6’ DEPTH OF STRUCTURE 22.36’ V E R T I C A L C L E A R E N C E PROPOSED TYPICAL SECTION CSAH 75 @ STA 1018+50 BRIDGE #86813 BRIDGE #86814 REMOVE BR#86814 CONSTRUCT BR#86820 REMO V E B R I D G E # 8 6 8 1 3 CONS T R U C T B R # 8 6 8 1 9 WB CL 12’12’12’8’ THRU LANE THRU LANEAUX LANESHLD 2’2’ 0.02 0.020.0250.025 0.025 6’ 2’ 2’6’8’SHLD SHLDAUX LANETHRU LANE THRU LANE 12’12’12’ CL EB 151’ 0.025 0.025 0.0250.020.02 PROPOSED TYPICAL BRIDGE CROSS SECTION EB STA 1000+50 P T . 1 0 2 2 + 6 5 . 7 3 HA R T B L V D MILL RUN RD MILL RUN RD ME A D O W O A K A V E ACORN CI R E A S T W O O D L A N E WHITE OAK C I R C L E MEADO W O A K L A N E BALL PARK BALL PARK RECREATION AREA 16 ’ 16 ’ 16 ’ I-94 POSTED SPEED 70 MPH PROPOSED SPEED 70 MPH COUNTY ROAD 75 POSTED SPEED 55 MPH PROPOSED SPEED 45 MPH (TO BE TURNED BACK FROM THE COUNTY TO THE CITY AND BECOME A CITY STREET UPON COMPLETION OF THE PROJECT) HISTORY: This is the first layout for SP8680-142 to be submitted for signature approval. It proposes two three lane bridges with one auxillary lane each. These auxillary lanes tie into the west bound exit ramp and east bound entrance ramp of the CSAH 18 interchange, built by the city of Monticello in 2006. CSAH 75 has been realigned, bringing it closer to the BNSF railroad tracks. This roadway will become a low speed city street upon completion of the project and its connection to I94 will be removed. This realignment allows the bridges to begin approx. 135 feet to the west of their current location, getting the west bound bridge off of the horizontal curve and lessening the superelevation transition on the bridge. The design of the bridges calls for a third lane in each direction to accomodate the furture widening of I-94. These additional lanes will be temporarily barricaded until such widening occurs. Second Submittal:Staging concerns led to a total reevaluation of the basic layout for the west bound bridge. Earlier layouts called for a temporary bridge to maintain traffic flow, the construction and placement of which made it difficult and inefficient to move equipment and materials around the site. The temporary bridge has been eliminated from the plan and the new west bound bridge has been relocated to the temporary bridge position. This will allow traffic to remain on the existing bridges until it is finished. West bound traffic will then be diverted to the new bridge and east bound traffic to the old west bound bridge, allowing the east bound bridge to be removed and built again in the same location. Finally the old west bound bridge will be removed resulting in a seperation of approximately 75 feet between east aand west bound bridges. The curve -taper-curve design of the west bound off ramp has been changed to a more driver comfortable single large curve. Construction the "future" lane has been dropped from this project and the left shoulder width reduced to six feet on the bridge. The abutments will be constructed to accomadate future widening to six lanes. 6’SHO U L D E R 10’SH O U L D E R 6’SHO U L D E R 1 2 / 2 2 / 0 8 P W : . . . D 3 _ B A X / 0 9 4 / 8 6 8 0 / 1 4 2 / P R E D E S I G N / D E N Z E R / L A Y O U T 1 - I 9 4 / L A Y O U T 5 \ P L A N . D G N E L E V = 9 8 4 . 4 8 1 6 2’6’12’12’6’ SH L D SH L D THRU THRUTRAIL 10’2’ 28’ 4’ RR C L 18’ 2 3 ’ EL E V = 9 5 6 . 8 9 LC 18’18’ END T A P E R S STA 10 1 5 + 0 0 SCALE IN FEET 12’ TH R U L A N E 12’ TH R U L A N E 12’ AU X L A N E 8’ SHO U L D E R 1:6* 1:6* 1:15 1:6* 1:6* 12’ TH R U L A N E 12’ TH R U L A N E 12’ AU X L A N E 6’SHO U L D E R BEGIN AU X I L L E R Y L A N E 1:50 TAPE R A N D 1 : 1 5 0 SHOULDE R W I D E N I N G T A P E R STA 1009+ 0 0 4’SHO U L D E R 4’SHO U L D E R 4’SHO U L D E R 4’SHO U L D E R + 1 6 . 1 0 + 2 5 . 6 7 + 0 3 . 0 2 + 9 1 . 0 2 + 0 3 . 9 8 + 0 0 . 0 0 + 2 1 . 0 6 10’ SHOU L D E R 12’ 12’ 10’ SHO U L D E R 12’ 12’ 4’ SHOUL D E R 100 BEGIN AU X I L L E R Y L A N E 1:15 TAP E R A N D 1 : 1 5 SHOULD E R N A R R O W I N G T A P E R STA 1005 + 0 0 1:6* 1:6* 1:6* 1:6* 100 0 + 4 9 . 8 7 100 0 + 6 1 . 8 7 100 3 + 6 7 . 8 9 100 3 + 7 9 . 8 6 9 9 7 + 3 3 . 3 0 9 9 7 + 4 5 . 3 0 1 0 0 0 + 4 7 . 1 0 1 0 0 + 5 9 . 1 0 9 9 7 + 9 2 . 9 1 9 9 8 + 0 4 . 9 1 1 0 0 1 + 0 7 . 7 8 1 0 0 1 + 1 9 . 0 2 6’SHO U L D E R 8’ SHO U L D E R * 1:6 TAPERS AT APPROACH PANELS DRAWN AS PER STANDARD PLAN # 5-297-226 P O T . 1 0 + 0 0 . 0 0 10 P C . 1 3 + 2 6 . 4 8 15 PT. 1 6 + 9 6 . 2 0 PI PC . 1 8 + 8 5 . 7 4 20 25 P T . 2 9 + 4 6 . 8 6 PI AZ 90% % d 1 7 ’ 4 5 . 9 8 " L = 326. 4 8 2 ’ CURVE 1 8 6 5 PI 15+30 . 6 9 X 529,5 7 0 . 2 1 8 Y 214,7 0 6 . 9 3 0 | 60% % d 3 1 ’ 2 3 . 4 0 " ( R T ) D 16%% d 2 2 ’ 1 2 . 8 0 " T 204.2 1 ’ L 369.7 1 ’ R 350.0 0 ’ PC 13+2 6 . 4 8 PT 16+9 6 . 2 0 AZ 1 5 0 % % d 4 9 ’ 0 9 . 3 8 " L = 1 8 9 . 5 4 4 ’ CURVE 1 8 7 0 PI 24+81 . 2 0 X 530,0 5 2 . 5 2 4 Y 213,8 4 3 . 2 6 3 | 64%% d 4 8 ’ 5 8 . 3 8 " ( L T ) D 6%% d 0 6 ’ 2 9 . 8 5 " T 595.46 ’ L 1,061. 1 2 ’ R 938.0 0 ’ PC 18+ 8 5 . 7 4 PT 29+4 6 . 8 6 AZ 144%% d 3 4 ’ 1 8 . 0 5 " L = 44 1 . 9 2 ’ AZ 86% % d 0 0 ’ 1 1 . 0 0 " L = 499 . 4 2 8 ’ CURVE 1 9 0 0 PI 1013+ 5 8 . 9 5 X 532,4 4 3 . 0 4 9 Y 213,8 4 2 . 1 3 9 | 58% % d 3 4 ’ 0 6 . 9 3 " ( R T ) D 2%%d 4 5 ’ 0 0 . 0 0 " T 1,168 . 4 5 ’ L 2,129 . 7 7 ’ R 2,083 . 4 8 ’ PC 1001 + 9 0 . 5 1 PT 1023 + 2 0 . 2 8 CURVE 1 1 2 0 PI 989+3 9 . 6 3 X 530,0 5 3 . 4 9 6 Y 213,8 2 7 . 2 9 2 | 29% % d 0 6 ’ 2 6 . 9 9 " ( L T ) D 2%% d 3 0 ’ 0 0 . 0 0 " T 595.0 0 ’ L 1,164 . 3 0 ’ R 2,291 . 8 3 ’ PC 983+ 4 4 . 6 3 PT 995+ 0 8 . 9 3 AZ 86% % d 0 0 ’ 1 1 . 0 0 " L = 627 . 0 3 1 ’ CURVE 1 1 2 5 PI 1013 + 0 4 . 4 1 X 532,43 8 . 1 6 1 Y 213,9 9 3 . 9 1 6 | 58% % d 3 4 ’ 0 7 . 0 4 " ( R T ) D 2%% d 4 5 ’ 0 0 . 0 0 " T 1,168 . 4 5 ’ L 2,129 . 7 7 ’ R 2,083 . 4 8 ’ PC 1001 + 3 5 . 9 6 PT 1022 + 6 5 . 7 3 AZ 144%% d 3 4 ’ 1 8 . 0 5 " L = 125.6 3 0 ’ AZ 144%% d 3 4 ’ 1 8 . 0 5 " L = 441 . 9 2 ’ CURVE 1 8 9 5 PI 991+ 0 0 . 7 1 X 530,16 3 . 7 0 4 Y 213,6 8 2 . 8 7 4 | 29% % d 0 6 ’ 2 7 . 0 0 " ( L T ) D 2%% d 2 4 ’ 3 8 . 7 3 " T 617.0 3 ’ L 1,207 . 4 0 ’ R 2,376 . 6 7 ’ PC 984+ 8 3 . 6 8 PT 996+ 9 1 . 0 8 970 975 980 P C . 9 8 3 + 4 4 . 6 3 985 990 995 P T . 9 9 5 + 0 8 . 9 3 PI 1000 P C . 1 0 0 1 + 3 5 . 9 6 1005 1010 1015 102 0 PT . 1 0 2 2 + 6 5 . 7 3 PI PO T . 1 0 2 4 + 9 1 . 3 6 102 5 PO T . 1 0 2 9 + 0 2 . 8 1 970 975 980 P C . 9 8 4 + 8 3 . 6 8 985 990 995 P T . 9 9 6 + 9 1 . 0 8 PI 1000 P C . 1 0 0 1 + 9 0 . 5 1 1005 1010 1015 1020 St a 1 0 2 3 + 2 0 . 2 8 B K = EQ U A T I O N : St a 1 0 2 4 + 6 1 . 7 7 A H PI PT . 1 0 2 3 + 2 0 . 2 8 1025 PO T . 1 0 2 9 + 0 2 . 8 1 WB I94 WB I94 RAMP RAMP EB I94 EB I94 St a 1 0 2 3 + 9 1 . 3 6 B K = St a 1 0 2 4 + 6 1 . 7 7 A H EQ U A T I O N : SN. Consideration of authorizing the purchase of replacement flooring for the community center indoor play area. (KB) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: After eight years, unfortunately we've been open almost nine, the carpet in our children's play area, the Romp `n' Stomp, is in need of replacement. We are not able to get it clean and it is fraying in areas. As we researched replacement products, the lower cost option is to replace with carpet. However, we feel that there are a number of positive reasons to look at different options for flooring. As noted previously, the carpet in the Romp `n' Stomp is getting difficult to clean. This is concerning from a sanitary perspective. Our users are crawling, rolling, etc., on the floor. It's important that we provide a surface that we are able to clean and sanitize regularly and easily. We also wanted a surface that had good shock absorption and was bright a cheery. After a lot of research we found a solid vinyl wear- layered product with polyurethane finish that has all the positive features we desire. Though the width is 12 feet, like traditional carpet or vinyl, the seams are "welded" which will ensure that moisture cannot penetrate. This product does come with a 15 year warranty which is almost double the life of the carpet we had installed at construction. The product is available in bright primary color options that will be appealing to the users of room. The cost is higher than that of carpet, about 45% higher, but the longer life of the flooring, the ability to clean and sanitize and the shock absorbency make this product a better choice for that room. The Romp `n' Stomp room use is included on our memberships but can also be accessed by paying the daily fee or a fee for the Romp `n' Stomp only. In 2008 we had 1,117 people pay to use just the Romp `n' Stomp only which equates to additional gross revenue of almost $2,800. Because the room is so popular, we usually plan some type of new play purchase for the area to keep it fresh. We would like to purchase the product describe above, called Parterre Compete, through The Schneider Company out of St. Paul. We were unable to find an exact matched product, however, we did research a number of similar products and feel that this will be the best option. In the walking or play area, we will have it installed with a 6mm foam padding, however, under the play structure there will be little or no padding to save on costs. The entry way of the Romp `n' Stomp runs right into the entry way for the childcare area, which also needs to have the flooring replaced. For this area, we are planning on installing a heavy duty carpeting that is similar to floor mats in its ability to absorb water and dirt. This area is not a play area and is generally only walked on with shoes and boots. Budget Impact: The cost for this project is $11,659 which includes sales tax. It does include carpet tear out and disposal, floor preparation and transitions between all areas. The areas being replaced are the entire Romp `n' Stomp room and the common entryway for the Childcare and the Romp `n' Stomp. The quote is from December 2008 and has been verified that it is still good. The budget for 2009 includes $10,000 for carpet replacement. Staff Impact: This product will be significantly easier to clean as well as sanitize on a daily basis. Currently with the carpet, a thorough cleaning can at best happen two to four times per year because of the need to close the area for a period of time to allow the carpet to dry. User Impact: We expect that our users will be very happy with the cleanliness of this product, the shock absorbency as well as the nice bright colors. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: To approve the purchase of the products specified in the quote from The Schneider Company for the Romp `n' Stomp, under and around the play structure and the carpet product for the entryway into the Romp `n' Stomp for $11,659 which includes sales tax. To not authorize the purchase of the replacement product as requested. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: The staff recommends option number one as the best alternative from a cleaning and maintenance standpoint as well as from a user satisfaction perspective. D. SUPPORTING DATA: The quote from The Schneider Company with pictures of the sample product. ;~ U, Wq t ~` • ~racr t `<' C:c~rnrra+~rc:ial - f~esi~#eMta:zl ~.Ga.",DE'6 '~~t~ ~.itu~lt:u,r. ~'~yl~W TJG.z1Y,Z~nt1 1 r~ 2 test 7th Sa`reet St. ~'aa•.it, .~~i~crzesat~~> 55,1 UZ ~ ~^~ 1) ?2~-~3-~~ t~:~~.~' ?.?~~ :~~r'.5 ~. Mont ical.'_o Comrriunit~~- Ct.~ 12 /~,1 %(38 ~St;~i1: $Y;~c1T1 ~i~GidC)I1 1~'.},: Floor ';:o-1Fer-~ng ~c~timat~ ~;oh Lt]C:c34~-Gti: F.oi~~i,~ ~ ~:omp P.c7a"Ct 1''U.S'I11.5i1 ~ instal-_ ~~RTF'RFt.E c:ho~en; ~t~h1~; ~I~?C+++f?CAS~' -rin:_t en::ir° roam to x~eo~:~~r~ n~T~r 7.~p, ~i::sposal, tleex prep & * * P~_N.7~ERRE Ct;M =`ETE ~~1~1 i:x j_~sing on=r ~c-.,lar t~rc.~u;,h~~ut ~a~ ~znawr~~.~at'z j ~xn~le-~Y~' nri. r:st? ~a~~ . Sri c4 :i.;~` iud~4T ra,i,? t''ar'is i t i atE~ a~, .-.c-wtrd~~ . ~9' ,:c:~.t,Z3 cr.I.2•. Ari'~~ b~s~.~c). i...~:~.~za ar~;ax ~ Tr''~AL uQB FirIC%. Y ~~'w3 . C~ Url~ss .~pet~i.fi~~+, tzis a~:~twtr~aG~. .a.4 b~s~~ on 'll~rkiY~q r.~:.~w:La.r ~".C~•.1~c c~I"iC ~ C1~•3~ Ar7:Ck ~Y'r`i~ ~.,:,`LC":'c°~ J.~iL)(7~ ~Y ntxt~*_'lal~ rE':yLlix'P_,:~ :~11@ t:Q c~~'VBY~SK '~'OT]{~.l.t1r.~Y_:''.1, URs,~~~'~~G.~; ,',.~ C3S'i~.t~i';1~s, ~,..!'?~i.'']~':~5 UY' delays wil:~ b~: ~~ ~.ddAt~~n~~_ chc.~~~r , ~~ n~.ide~r° romp:~n~ ^arxn;~t• ri I:t:C a o_ tt`b ~ ,a:t~~ ~::rr,~ ~e r~sporsible f^r ~truw 41,ira:,. ~ t , W '~le~n~ ira a~ab~lco:r. C~..,mrneYci_~~. inst~l:iat'~can swhiv:aizlin~ re~~.ir~s t~ri ,:,.av~ ~dvd,"1~~ ~oS:ice . ~ti~~•.~lt.1t'~t ~a~ ~:x.2C~8 mo_r_~~ i:?~.c~d",t rhixt~. dc~j/.'-" p~:~l, c1uE will be ;auk! jest ro a .~ . 5~ per month s~:rvi,Ce c:~artY ~iu'ye~ lA-~d~.rsta>_.~~ tx.ai: ~'ctx".~.a.t..or: iri ~'G'~iC:* ~a1a. ;x•~su.r frGm rl~. ':U,~c~'tt.1,.CP'^g; ~aTt:~'.~.~, driG t;~"lilt, t:rzz'a r,6 a^~.~Y:G~'~~ar. X41 ["a~t~m F1C~9=' ~~; `'Zt^:LTlst~, and n© c~nc~llat:,i.o~. ~~~11 k~e arc~€9x;C~r~ aftE~x. n~~r~r.' ~; a'~ :pr;.:~^:~~. ~fiv ~'foPOS~ to fuml3h ia~gr arld t^iat~r`.il ~~ ,:~t'rnlsef3 ;i? accorcia7ce ~vi'ti? ;~+~s a.bava ~p0cif~ca;ior~€ ficr the sur ~ r ~8';1fYS9i1t tG C9 i1$d6 $S t0i16Nl3: _^.._-.---- Net 'I~n -r'.~y5- aEt;~Y^_'^~~male~.icn c~~ woz'?~____~--.~ _ ~_ _ _. A. e~pted. The soave piiCas, 8paci'i~Rti~nB, and oaridistun. ara s~iis- iactnrV xnd ars n[rrahy acnepted- ''cw era ~~athorizp4 tK~ d% tha ~.~o;k ~s apc+;i6ad. F'eyme~nt will ba mach as cix!SnN+t gb9v~. Dste caf Pcceptsnca _ si{;,~~eut3 P:+3F+acNuiiy Subntted, `TAE $G~Ht~I~IR~Ft C®MP~t(19`~ Aufhe,KFpN~ ' -- -~~^- S~^,n~tura h~?e: This s?;r~peasn' may t>e 1~'9Yi1L~YsiSVYi tty us ff .~~t aceepjad :Mii611i1 ~ QB'!@. ~ ' ~ P18t~i P. ~N • ~ v~~ ~ siec+t l9 fomrnercictl -Residential CCEJ~?~t Tile Lcnol>;um Winctaw Treatments 111? West 7th Street St. Paul, lbfinr~~'sota 5514? ~~ (65.t) 22~t-2344 FA.X 224-3~G5 Mont.icell.o Community ~~tr l2/a2/Ol'~ Atrn; $rian Weldon, kE: Floor Covering Estimate Job Loca~ion: Preschool Entry (Carpet Ti1P, - Furnish & 1:latall MANhi7NG:I'G'ti carpe;. t i1.e, style F?ecourse in entzy area. Price includes to".~e ~.:p, isposal, ne~~ v~.ny•.~ bane ~ transitions as needed. TOTAT, J08 PRICE $ 1846.QG Unless specif~.ed, this estimate is ba:3eci or. w=a~-ki:~g regular hours and a clear wcr~k area. Extra a3bc~r or materials reg•.~iied clue t~o adverse conditions, unforeseen problems, changeia or delays will be at additional criztrge. Schzaei.der Company car:nat be respcnsa.bie for structure= defects or moisture proolems iZ si„tb.flco'r. Commercial ~.nstallatior_ scheduling .requires ten Says advance notice. ficco•unt balances dare than thircy days Bast due wi11 be subject to a _.5~a per month service charge. buyer 'understands thai< ~rariat~.or_ in ayelot may occur from :manufacturers samgie, and gnat t:.~•iis is a contrac* war rus~om flaa:co~rerings, aria nc~ cancellation wiles e accepted after bu~-er' s acceptance. We propose t~ `urn;sh lobar and motor al • COmple~8 in aoeardar~ce with the above speciflcatians tar tea sum ct: (, ~? 34:5 . ~0 ;. Payment to be made 8S fbilowa: _,- ~v Net Te~1 I'iays a_ ter ca;npa.etiao. of work _~ Accepted. Tne shove prices, apeCifirationa, and conditions are aati6 factory and Ere heroby acteptsd. You ;era autnorlr®d to do the work as specified. Payment will ba mode xs outinAd above, Uate of Rcceptance ylgnat~re Signature Aespecaully Submitted, Tt~tE SCfiNEIDE~ C~7MpAMY -- Authorizod ::~ : - ~--- Signatur~ ....._:._ ~ Putts: This pra{~asel may i~ wPtitdrewa tsy us if not aac.~ ptad we4thin ?A eay$. �O 888.338.1029 CUSTOM COLORS AVAILABLE —Please consult your Parterre Representative Shading may vary from samples shown NOMINAL ROLL SIZE: 6' wide x 49'3' long (182cm x 15m) Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 7. Public Hearin-Consideration of a resolution adopting proposed assessment roll for delinauent utility bills and certification of assessment roll to County Auditor. (TK) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: The City Council is again asked to adopt an assessment roll for utility billing accounts which are delinquent more than 60 days and to certify the assessment roll to the County Auditor for collection on next year's real estate taxes. The delinquent utility accounts that are included with the agenda are accounts that are at least 60 days past due and include all new delinquents from the last time we certified them. In addition to the delinquent amount, the Council also previously approved the establishment of an administrative fee of $50 per account that is added to each delinquent assessment. The amounts shown on the enclosed delinquent utilities list include the additional $50 administration fee for the preparation of the assessment roll. It is recommended that the delinquent accounts be put on an assessment roll for certification at an interest rate of 6% as allowed by state statute. As in the past, if any accounts are paid within 30 days after the adoption of the assessment roll, they can be paid without the additional interest. After 30 days, payments will be charged interest. A.1 Budget Impact: Certification of delinquent utility accounts for first quarter 2008 is collection of revenue the City should have received in 2008 but because of the non-payment will not be collected unti12009 when it will appear on the tax rolls. A.2 Staff Workload -The process for collecting delinquent utility amounts is time consuming with preparing and mailing delinquent notices; preparing and mailing notices of the public hearing on the assessment of delinquent notices as well as other clerical work in preparing the amounts for certification. The most time consuming step of the process is verifying the delinquent account data against Wright County property tax records. The $50 fee that is added to the delinquent accounts helps defray the cost of staff time and publication expenses. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: Adopt the assessment roll for the delinquent charges as presented. 2. Based on public hearing input, adjust the assessment roll as required. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is staff recommendation that the Council adopt the assessment roll as presented. All of the accounts are at least 60 days past due and have been given proper notice of this assessment hearing and ample opportunity to pay the accounts in full. All utility accounts were notified that there would be an additional $50 administrative fee attached to each outstanding balance if the account was not paid by noon on January 6, 2009. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of resolution adopting assessment roll Complete listing of delinquent accounts to be certified. CITY OF MONTICELLO RESOLUTION N0.2009-3 RESOLUTION ADOPTING ASSESSMENT ROLL DELINQUENT UTILITIES WHEREAS, pursuant to proper notice duly given as required by law, the Council has met and heard and passed upon all objections to the proposed assessment for delinquent utility account charges, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF MONTICELLO, MINNESOTA: Such proposed assessment, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, is hereby accepted and shall constitute the special assessments against the parcels named herein, and each tract of land therein included is hereby found to be benefitted by the assessment levied against it. 2. Such assessment shall be payable in one (1) annual installment payable on or before the first Monday in January 2010 and shall bear interest at the rate of 6 percent per annum from the date of the adoption of this assessment resolution. To the first installment shall be added interest on the entire assessment from the date of this resolution until December 31, 2010. 3. The owner of the property so assessed may, at any time prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, pay the whole of the assessment on such property with interest accrued to the date of payment, to the City Treasurer, except that n interest shall be charged if the entire assessment is paid within 30 days from the adoption of this resolution. 4. The City Administrator shall forthwith transmit a certified duplicate of this assessment roll to the County Auditor to be extended on the proper tax list of the county, and such assessment shall be collected and paid over in the same manner as other municipal taxes. Adopted by the Monticello City Council this 26a' day of January, 2009. ATTEST: Brian Stumpf, Acting Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator ~' Delinquent Certification with late charge UBS QUERY NAME DELQ$50 LIBRARY NAME MONTQRY FILE LIBRARY MEMBER FORMAT UTCMAS UBSDTA UTCMAS RUTCMAS DATE 01/06/09 TIME 14:24:05 3Q08 DELQ UBS CERTIFICATIONS W/LATE CHARGE 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 1 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Days Days Days Days Charge w/Late Charge 1-0077-00-00 155020001051 1021 RIVER ST W BRUCE & CYNTHIA HAMOND PO BOX 488 131.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 181.47 1-0085-00-00 155010044020 912 RIVER ST W WELLS FARGO BANK 150 ALLEGHENY CTR 31.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.00 1-0103-00-00 155010048110 500 RIVER ST W BHANA BREGENZER PO BOX 1101 119.84 .00 .00 .00 50.00 169.84 1-0118-00-00 155010067130 212 RIVER ST E MARK MICHAELIS 212 RIVER ST E 35.38 .00 .00 .00 50.00 65.38 1-0124-00-00 155015005130 312 RIVER ST E FELICIA WHITMORE 312 RIVER ST E 39.83 .00 .00 .00 50.00 89.83 1-0126-00-00 155015005150 324 RIVER ST E RONALD 6 NANCY BEGIN 324 RIVER ST E 122.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 172.27 1-0135-00-00 155015003150 524 RIVER ST E KEVIN GRANTZ 524 RIVER ST E 168.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 218.74 2-0023-00-00 155015001110 713 BROADWAY E CATHERINE HOLAN 713 BROADWAY E 192.14 .00 .00 .00 50.00 242.14 2-0025-00-00 155015002011 109 HENNEPIN ST JEREMY & JESSICA STILLER 109 HENNEPIN ST 181.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 231.32 2-0028-00-00 155015002080 601 BROADWAY E JEFF S SUE MACINTOSH 601 BROADWAY E 229.19 .00 .00 .00 50.00 279.19 2-0079-00-00 155010047010 643 BROADWAY W EUGENE BANYAI 6 DARLENE BANYAI 125.93 .00 .00 .00 50.00 175.93 2-0093-00-00 155020005111 1011 BROADWAY W MORTGAGE ELECT REG SYS C/O COUNTRYWIDE HM LNS 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 2-0118-00-00 155010038060 400 BROADWAY W JODY JENSEN PO SOX 664 66.17 8.39 .00 .00 50.00 146.56 2-0125-00-00 155010036110 228 BROADWAY W BRUCE HAMOND 1021 RIVER ST W 90.81 .00 .00 .00 50.00 140.81 2-0127-00-00 155010036080 216 BROADWAY W BRUCE HAMOND (OWNER) PO BOX 488 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.77 2-0128-00-00 155010036080 212 BROADWAY W BRUCE HAMOND PO BOX 488 29.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 79.00 3-0053-00-00 155010041010 725 3RD ST W RANDAL CUMMINGS 725 3RD ST W 10.28 .00 .00 .00 50.00 60.28 3-0083-00-00 155010030080 312 3RD ST W DN TINA OTHOUDT PO BOX 1193 143.43 .00 .00 .00 50.00 193.43 3-0095-00-00 155010033060 124 3RD ST E JOHN & HEATHER COPPEDGE 124 3RD ST E 88.56 .00 .00 .00 50.00 138.56 3-0099-00-00 155010070100 300 3RD ST E GERALD 6 SARAH SONSTEBY 300 3RD ST E 78.67 .00 .00 .00 50.00 128.67 4-0002-00-00 155015032030 711 4TH ST E GRETCHEN OLSEN 711 4TH ST E 143.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 193.27 4-0014-00-00 155015035050 401 4TH ST E VERA RAUMER ESTATE 401 4TH ST E 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 4-0034-00-00 155010030040 307 4TH ST W KATHLEEN PROVENCHUR 307 4TH ST W 117.51 .00 .00 .00 50.00 167.51 4-0039-00-00 155010029010 425 4TH ST W DANIAL AMUNDSON PO SOX 1459 72.11 .00 .00 .00 50.00 122.11 4-0051-20-00 155091001020 720 4TH ST W JIM & MARY ANNE KING 720 4TH ST W 45.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 95.45 4-0076-00-00 155019007040 212 4TH ST E DAN & SHERRY KREKELBERG 212 4TH ST E 102.02 .00 .00 .00 50.00 152.02 4-0080-00-00 155019008020 306 4TH ST E WAYNE & SANDRA COX 306 4TH ST E 11.19 .00 .00 .00 50.00 61.19 5-0026-00-00 155010011030 413 6TH ST W BONNIE MILLER 413 6TH ST W 96.66 8.81 .00 .00 50.00 155.67 5-0040-00-00 155010008050 513 VINE ST DANIEL W HALLBERG 513 VINE ST 73.73 .00 .00 .00 50.00 123.73 5-0045-00-00 155010009011 625 6TH ST W JORGE QUINONES & MARIA SILVA DIAZ 61.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.01 5-0105-00-00 155050001020 700 7TH ST E GRANITE CITY REAL ESTATE (THE BLUFFS) 251.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 301.68 5-0106-00-00 155050001020 708 7TH ST E POO GRANITE CITY REAL ESTATE (BLUFFS-POOL BLDG) 38.52 .00 .00 .00 50.00 88.52 5-0107-00-00 155050001030 714 7TH ST E GRANITE CITY REAL ESTATE (THE BLUFPS) 169.50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 219.50 5-0177-03-00 155099001040 507 WRIGHT ST PHIL HOERNEMANN 507 WRIGHT ST 128.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 176.48 5-0202-01-00 155139001140 610 VINE LN LEEANN ALECKSON 610 VINE LN 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.77 5-0203-02-00 155139001110 618 VINE LN BERNARD & MILDRED GAGNE C/0 DIANE LETOURNEAU 106.54 .00 .00 .00 50.00 156.54 5-0204-02-00 155139002070 606 6 1/2 ST EVONNE THIBERT 608 6 1/2 ST 43.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 93.26 5-0254-00-00 155145001050 509 MINNESOTA ST LINDSEY WALTERS 509 MINNESOTA ST 53.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 103.85 5-0259-00-00 155145001100 611 6TH ST W TRENT SANDERS E LINDSAY CAVANAUGH 63.63 .00 .00 .00 50.00 113.63 6-0040-00-00 155021002170 101 OAKVIEW CIR MORTGAGE ELECT SYSTEMS C/O COUNTRYWIDE HM LOANS 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 6-0043-00-00 155023001090 1305 BROADWAY W ZEBULON & JENNELE GOLDER PO BOX 327 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.77 6-0058-00-00 155020004022 1116 SANDY LN DERIK & JESSICA SCHNAGL 1116 SANDY LN 132.43 .00 .00 .00 50.00 182.43 6-0061-00-00 155020003010 1105 SANDY LN KIM LEGRO 1105 SANDY LN 105.33 .00 .00 .00 50.00 155.33 6-0091-00-00 155020003020 1108 RIVER ST W BECKY HEBRINK 1108 RIVER ST W 123.51 .00 .00 .00 50.00 173.51 6-0101-00-00 155028001010 1 RIVERSIDE CIR PAUL S CAREY LUNDBERG 1 RIVERSIDE CIR 11.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 61.55 6-0102-00-04 155500034202 1210 RIVER ST W ANTHONY BEATTY 1210 RIVER ST W 133.54 .00 .00 .00 50.00 183.54 6-0235-00-00 155021002460 102 KENNETH LN WALTER & NANCY DUNNING 102 KENNETH LN 219.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 269.61 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 2 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total q Mailing Address Daya Days Daye Days Charge w/Late Charge 6-0264-00-00 155021002330 104 CRAIG LN JASON ~ LINDA HINZ 104 CRAIG LN 152.30 .00 .00 .00 50.00 202.30 6-0273-00-00 155021002240 101 CRAIG LN CURRENT RESIDENT?? 101 CRAIG LN 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 6-0275-00-00 155021002220 1502 RIVER ST W JAMES HOLT 1502 RIVER ST W 103.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 153.64 6-0283-00-00 155021002050 103 MATTHEW CIR GERALD & GLADYCE PIATZ 103 MATTHEW CIR 176.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 226.26 6-0314-00-02 155013001040 106 HILLCREST RD BANK OF NEW YORK TR CO C/0 HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL 27.22 .00 .00 .00 50.00 77.22 6-0317-00-00 155013001070 112 HILLCREST RD GREGORY & LISA BEACH 112 HILLCREST RD 237.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 287.91 6-0321-00-00 155013001110 120 HILLCREST RD JOHN FORSMAN 120 HILLCREST RD 66.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 116.66 6-0323-00-00 155013001130 124 HILLCREST RD CORREY 6 AMBER PETERS 124 HILLCREST RD 294.71 .00 .00 .00 50.00 344.71 6-0326-00-00 155024002020 1702 RIVER ST W CHRISTOPHER 6 BETH CARSON 1702 RIVER STREET W 14.09 .00 .00 .00 50.00 64.09 6-0344-00-00 155024001020 1802 RIVER ST W TIM REVERING 1802 RIVER ST W 156.44 .00 .00 .00 50.00 206.44 6-0345-00-00 155024001030 1804 RIVER ST W LAURA HOLTHAUS 6 STEVEN BITZER 165.98 .00 .00 .00 50.00 215.98 6-0351-00-00 155500041107 1809 RIVER ST W PATRICK GILLESPIE 1809 RIVER ST W 119.79 .00 .00 .00 50.00 169.79 6-0354-50-00 155024001140 1711 BROADWAY W WALTER & GARY BARDELL 1711 BROADWAY W 218.24 .00 .00 .00 50.00 268.24 6-0359-00-00 155024001090 101 HILLCREST CIR LEE & CARRIE MCDOUGALL 101 HILLCREST CIR 58.82 .00 .00 .00 50.00 108.82 7-0303-00-00 155162001020 4181 CEDAR ST CHATTERS 4181 CEDAR ST 86.35 .00 .00 .00 50.00 136.35 8-0010-00-00 155048001080 205 KEVIN LONGLEY OR JAY/JENNIPER LINDENFELSER 205 KEVIN LONGLEY DR 181.13 .00 .00 .00 50.00 231.13 8-0011-00-00 155048001090 203 KEVIN LONGLEY DR KENNETH SEGLER 203 KEVIN LONGLEY DR 84.81 .00 .00 .00 50.00 134.81 8-0014-00-00 155048001130 111 KEVIN LONGLEY DR RANDY & ALLISON BAKKEN 111 KEVIN LONGLEY DR 190.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 240.77 8-0037-00-00 155048002090 153 JERRY LIEFERT DR JAMES EBNER 153 JERRY LIEFERT DR 157.98 .00 .00 .00 50.00 207.98 8-0062-00-00 155058001020 144 JERRY LIEFERT DR GREG MAUS 144 JERRY LIEFERT DR 44.07 4.43 .00 .00 50.00 98.50 8-0094-00-00 155026002060 110 MARVIN ELWOOD RD FEDERAL NAT'L MTG ASSOC 13455 NOEL RD STE #600 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 8-0109-00-00 155031003060 108 HEDMAN LN LARRY 6 MELISSA PILMAN 108 HEDMAN LN 73.37 .00 .00 .00 50.00 123.37 8-0118-00-00 155031002080 110 BALBOUL CIR SCOTT 6 HEATHER STRANSKY 110 BALBOUL CIR 82.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 132.47 8-0120-00-00 155031002060 118 BALBOUL CIR RYAN 6 BRANDI JANSSEN 118 BALBOUL CIR 105.16 .00 .00 .00 50.00 155.16 8-0121-00-00 155031002050 122 BALBOUL CIR LINDA REYNOLDS PO BOX 156 110.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 160.91 8-0123-00-00 155031002030 152 HEDMAN LN ERIK S APRIL ERSTAD 152 HEDMAN LN 132.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 182.88 8-0351-00-00 155035004110 229 MARVIN ELWOOD RD ANGELA J HANSON 229 MARVIN ELWOOD RD 57.11 .00 .00 .00 50.00 107.11 6-0354-00-00 155035004090 105 CROCUS LN RIGOBERTO PEREZ 6 MAGNOLIA LOPEZ JIMENEZ 18.46 .00 .00 .00 50.00 68.46 8-0378-00-03 155035001020 306 MARVIN ELWOOD RD MARK & JULIE LADEW PO BOX 6 116.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 166.26 8-0383-00-00 155035003010 247-249 MARVIN ELWOOD RD WILLIAM ~ GINA LONGLEY 17313 RIVER VIEW LN SE 119.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 169.88 8-0384-00-00 155035003010 251-253 MARVIN ELWOOD RD WILLIAM 6 GINA LONGLEY 17313 RIVER VIEW LN SE 165.71 .00 .00 .00 50.00 215.71 8-0389-00-00 155035003060 116 CROCUS LN BARON S LINDA BLUHM 116 CROCUS LN 98.22 9.24 .00 .00 50.00 157.46 8-0391-00-00 155035003080 104 CROCUS LN CHAD MORRISON 104 CROCUS LN 111.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 161.61 6-0393-00-00 155035003090 243 MARVIN ELWOOD RD MARK LEMME 243 MARVIN ELWOOD RD 199.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 249.32 8-0409-00-00 155035001121 222 MARVIN ELWOOD RD LASALLE BANK NA AS TRUSTE SAXON MORG SERVICES 36.65 .00 .00 .00 50.00 86.65 8-0416-00-00 155035005030 265 PRAIRIE RD JAMES & BRENDA PISETTE 265 PRAIRIE RD 76.70 .00 .00 .00 50.00 126.70 8-0422-00-00 155031001090 151 HEDMAN LN IVAN & NICOLE GREENDLUND 151 HEDMAN LN 74.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 124.32 8-0424-00-00 155031001070 143 HEDMAN LN JAMES CELLETTE 143 HEDMAN LN 113.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 163.91 6-0429-00-00 155031004040 123 HEDMAN LN TIM & CONNIE FINK 123 HEDMAN LN 153.21 .00 .00 .00 50.00 203.21 8-0430-00-00 155031004050 109 HEDMAN LN DEE KLEMPKE 109 HEDMAN LN 167.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 217.68 8-0436-00-00 155026001050 109 MARVIN ELWOOD RD JESSICA JARVIS 109 MARVIN ELWOOD RD 215.70 .00 .00 .00 50.00 265.70 8-0438-00-00 155026001030 105 MARVIN ELWOOD RD JOE CHOUNARD 105 MARVIN ELWOOD RD 161.50 .00 .00 .00 50.00 211.50 8-0443-00-00 155035006030 205 PRAIRIE RD BRUCE SCHWITALLA 804 FOX TRAIL 129.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 179.45 9-0007-00-00 155030001100 134 KAMPA CIR LINDA WASSATHER 134 KAMPA CIR 164.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 214.00 9-0021-00-00 155046001080 1105 CLUB VIEW DR THOMAS MILLESS 1105 CLUB VIEW DR 165.75 .00 .00 .00 50.00 215.75 9-0025-00-00 155046001040 1113 CLUB VIEW DR GORDON HOGLUND PO BOX 70 118.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 168.55 9-0139-00-00 155033001340 35 FAIRWAY DR PARKER6 MARGARET MCDONALD 35 FAIRWAY DR 16.39 .00 .00 .00 50.00 66.39 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 3 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Days Days Days Days Charge w/Late Charge 9-0155-00-00 155033001180 6 CENTER CIR SCOTT 6 DEE TORGERSON 6 CENTER CIR 12.58 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.58 9-0165-00-00 155033001080 3 SANDTRAP CIR BENJAMIN KOLLES & BRIENNE HINKEMEYER 109.13 .00 .00 .00 50.00 159.13 9-0185-00-00 155033004050 26 PAIRWAY DR DONNA & MIKE WEINZETL 26 PAIRWAY DR 157.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 207.85 10-0034-00-00 155037008030 149 RIVERVIEW DR 21 DIANA BIDWELL 149 RIVERVIEW DR #21 45.37 3.12 .00 .00 50.00 98.49 10-0042-00-00 155037007050 149 RIVERVIEW DR 29 DAWN COTTON 6 BRENDA MCLEAN 63.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 113.48 10-0056-00-00 155014003120 200 MISSISSIPPI DR JULIE ROOKER 200 MISSISSIPPI DR 185.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 235.48 10-0059-00-00 155014003150 112 MISSISSIPPI DR LUKE & BONITA SCADDEN 112 MISSISSIPPI DR 130.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 180.00 10-0148-00-00 155017002050 420 RIVERVIEW DR TONY & KRISTA BARTHEL 420 RIVERVIEW DR 70.92 .00 .00 .00 50.00 120.92 10-0149-50-00 155086001190 428 RIVERVIEW DR JEFP 6 LISA MARQUETTE 428 RIVERVIEW DR 95.92 .00 .00 .00 50.00 145.92 10-0153-00-00 155086007030 6446 RIVER MILL DR PIRST HORIZON MORTGAGE 4000 HORIZON WAY 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 10-0155-00-00 155086007050 6434 RIVER MILL DR BRIAN 6 MONICA CARSON 6434 RIVER MILL DR 15.82 .00 .00 .00 50.00 65.82 10-0161-00-00 155109002030 6417 RIVER RIDGE LN NELIX NYANGOTO & ABIGAEL MAOBE 142.95 8.28 .00 .00 50.00 201.23 10-0170-00-00 155109004010 9709 MILL TRAIL LN WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE 1 HOME CAMPUS 134.25 .00 .00 .00 50.00 184.25 10-0175-50-00 155111003020 9597 MILL TRAIL LN GRANT 6 VICKI LANKA 9597 MILL TRAIL LN 161.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 211.74 10-0181-50-00 155111002050 6434 MILL TRAIL DR NICOLE JOHNSON & THOMAS PETERS (OWNER) 252.29 .00 .00 .00 50.00 302.29 10-0200-00-00 155086002020 9836 MILL CT STEPHEN & SHANNA DANIELS 9836 MILL CT 134.38 .00 .00 .00 50.00 184.38 10-0300-00-00 155086004220 6074 MILL RUN RD NICK 6 JESSICA RISERVATO 6074 MILL RUN RD 134.92 .00 .00 .00 50.00 184.92 10-0302-00-00 155086004200 6080 MILL RUN RD MATTHEW 6 DIANA JORDAN 6080 MILL RUN RD 94.42 .74 .00 .00 50.00 145.16 10-0307-00-00 155086004150 6094 MILL RUN RD WILLIAM 6 CHERI HACKETT 6094 MILL RUN RD 152.52 .00 .00 .00 50.00 202.52 10-0320-00-00 155086004020 6134 MILL RUN RD GREG & STACI REVERING 6790 DARLINGTON AVE NE 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 10-0327-00-00 155086002170 6154 MILL RUN RD SAhIUEL & JANET SIVANICH 6154 MILL RUN RD 288.39 .00 .00 .00 50.00 338.39 10-0338-00-00 155107001140 6188 MILL RUN RD JULIE FLOE 6188 MILL RUN RD 81.28 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.28 10-0352-00-00 155119001100 9790 HART BLVD RICK & ANDREA FORSGREN 9790 HART BLVD 133.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 183.64 10-0362-00-00 155135002020 9621 MILL TRAIL LN NATHAN & TRINA PAULY 9621 MILL TRAIL LN 252.24 .00 .00 .00 50.00 302.24 10-0364-00-00 155135001010 9603 MILL TRAIL LN KENNETH 6 SHARON BOOTH SR 9603 MILL TRAIL LN 101.14 .00 .00 .00 50.00 151.14 10-0399-00-00 155107002010 6181 MILL RUN RD AMBER DOTSON & CHRISTOPHER DOTSON 132.17 .00 .00 .00 50.00 182.17 10-0401-00-04 155086005190 6155 MILL RUN RD JASON & JENNY BECKER 6733 EAST OAK DR 70.18 .00 .00 .00 50.00 120.18 10-0405-00-00 155086005150 6127 MILL RUN RD CRAIG & JEAN KAMPSEN 6127 MILL RUN RD 148.80 .00 .00 .00 50.00 198.80 10-0413-00-00 155086005060 6091 MILL RUN RD RANDALL 6 SUE MCCLANAHAN 6091 MILL RUN RD 35.43 .00 .00 .00 50.00 85.43 10-0415-00-00 155086005040 6085 MILL RUN RD BRIAN & ANN HILDEN 6085 MILL RUN RD 61.12 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.12 10-0416-00-00 155086005030 6083 MILL RUN RD TOBY & JENNIFER ERDMANN 254 120TH LN NW 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 10-0581-00-00 155126002040 9523 RIVER FOREST DR GEORGE & SARAH ESPER 9523 RIVER FOREST DR 76.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 126.91 10-0582-00-00 155126002030 9521 RIVER FOREST DR SHAWN & AMY BECKER 9521 RIVER FOREST DR 113.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 163.91 10-0597-00-00 155126001030 6577 BALD EAGLE CT PATRICK & MARY KAEKELBERG 6577 BALD EAGLE CT 13.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 63.55 10-0610-00-00 155114003040 9754 RIVER FOREST DR CYNTHIA ROBBINS 9754 RIVER FOREST DR 93.34 .00 .00 .00 50.00 143.34 10-0613-00-00 155114003010 9776 RIVER FOREST DR JODI KEHOE 9776 RIVER FOREST DR 219.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 269.61 11-0112-00-00 155089002010 2319 EASTWOOD CIR JOEL & ERIKA JOHNSON 2319 EASTWOOD CIR 298.44 .00 .00 .00 50.00 348.44 11-0126-00-00 155089004020 2544 MEADOW OAK LN JEFF & LORETTA WURTINGER 2544 MEADOW OAK LN 13.73 .00 .00 .00 50.00 63.73 11-0202-00-00 155044002030 2404 MEADOW OAK AVE DENITA & DAVID DONAHUE 2404 MEADOW OAK AVE 130.44 .00 .00 .00 50.00 180.44 11-0209-00-02 155044003060 2619 MEADOW OAK LN JIM JOHNSON 2619 MEADOW OAK LN 103.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 153.88 11-0287-00-00 155057001010 2691 RED OAK LN CHRISTOPHER OLSON 2691 RED OAK LN 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 11-0293-00-00 155059001060 2631 RED OAK LN BRIAN & SUSAN NEWMAN 2631 RED OAK LN 60.09 .00 .00 .00 50.00 110.09 11-0300-00-00 155057002020 2740 RED OAK LN GREG & SONDRA MENGELKOCH 2740 RED OAK LN 37.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 87.66 11-0308-00-00 155045002010 2861 RED OAK CIR JASON HANAWALT 2861 RED OAK CIR 111.53 8.76 .00 .00 50.00 170.29 11-0315-00-00 155045002080 930 MEADOW OAK DR DANIEL HUGHES 930 MEADOW OAK DR 165.62 .00 .00 .00 50.00 215.62 11-0318-00-00 155045002110 1000 MEADOW OAK DR KEVIN KACHMAREK & MELISSA KACHMAREK 209.94 .00 .00 .00 50.00 259.94 11-0323-00-00 155045005050 1100 MEADOW OAK DR GARY & TAMARA KRAFT 1100 MEADOW OAK DR 11.31 .00 .00 .00 50.00 61.31 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 4 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Days Days Days Days Charge w/Late Charge 11-0400-00-00 155121005080 9019 OAK RIDGE DR DEUTSCHE BANK NAIL TR C/0 CITI RES LENDING INC 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 11-0413-00-00 155121001020 9225 OAK RIDGE DR CRAIG VANHOUTEN & HEIDI DONNELLY 109.58 .00 .00 .00 50.00 159.58 11-0414-00-01 155121001010 9251 OAK RIDGE DR DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TR 8'HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL 28.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 78.32 11-0416-00-00 155121002020 9188 OAK RIDGE DR ANDREW FREEBURG 9188 OAK RIDGE DR 65.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 115.61 11-0422-00-00 155121003020 6545 EAST OAK DR KELLY & MARY SINCLAIR 6545 EAST OAK DR 150.83 .00 .00 .00 50.00 200.83 11-0550-00-00 155045004070 2781 OAKVIEW LN INDYMAC BANK HOME LOAN SERVICING 32.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.85 11-0556-00-00 155045004010 1005 MEADOW OAK DR RICK ~ SHERYL WILLIAMS 1005 MEADOW OAK DR 97.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 147.61 11-0564-00-00 155059003010 2700 MEADOW LN KELLY RAE WATERHOUSE 2700 MEADOW LN 100.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 150.91 11-0668-00-00 155059002080 2761 MEADOW LN DENTON &MARILYN WILLANDER 2761 MEADOW LN 112.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 162.61 11-0674-00-00 155045003030 915 MEADOW OAK DR SEYMOUR MITCHELL & MICHELLE MITCHELL 74.86 .00 .00 .00 50.00 124.86 11-0700-00-00 155070002160 2533 BRIAR OAKES BLVD JEMEL 6 DANIELLE JOHNSON 2533 BRIAR OAKES BLVD 64.49 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.49 11-0904-00-03 155080005090 2661 OAK RIDGE DR JEPP & LISA MARQUETTE 428 RIVERVIEW DR 133.97 .00 .00 .00 50.00 183.97 11-0908-00-00 155080005050 2661 OAKVIEW LN KEITH fi JANET ROWLEY 2661 OAKVIEW LN 56.39 4.85 .00 .00 50.00 111.24 11-0915-00-00 155080003110 2672 OAKVIEW LN TROY & NICOLE VANHORSEN 2672 OAKVIEW LN 156.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 206.48 11-0918-00-00 155080003060 2751 OAK RIDGE DR DARLA & JEPFREY NELSON 2751 OAK RIDGE DR 183.59 .00 .00 .00 50.00 233.59 11-0924-00-00 155080003020 1135 MEADOW OAK DR THOMAS & AMY O'DELL 1135 MEADOW OAK DR 148.02 .00 .00 .00 50.00 198.02 11-0925-00-00 155080003010 1115 MEADOW OAK DR DOUGLAS B THIEL 1115 MEADOW OAK DR 135.87 .00 .00 .00 50.00 185.87 11-0937-00-00 155080002090 2840 OAK RIDGE DR NATIONAL CITY BANK 150 ALLEGHENY CTR 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 11-0952-00-00 155080006120 2731 OAKVIEW CT BRIAN 6 TEENA NIELSEN 2731 OAKVIEW CT 161.58 .00 .00 .00 50.00 211.58 11-0956-00-00 155080006160 2740 OAKVIEW CT MICHAEL NELSON 2740 OAKVIEW CT 83.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 133.61 13-0004-00-00 155069003040 5070 STARLING DR BETH HUMPHREYS 5070 STARLING DR 74.43 .00 .00 .00 50.00 124.43 13-0012-00-00 155073003050 5152 MALLARD LN DAN 6 JENNIFER WILLMERT 5152 MALLARD LN 145.24 .00 .00 .00 50.00 195.24 13-0013-00-00 155073003060 5156 MALLARD LN TIM CARTWRIGHT 5156 MALLARD LN 73.86 .00 .00 .00 50.00 123.86 13-0075-00-00 155073004010 5250 MALLARD LN MELANIE SPOHNHOLTZ 5250 MALLARD LN 95.21 .00 .00 .00 50.00 145.21 13-0146-00-00 155088005010 9050 ORIOLE LN LISA HARMS 9050 ORIOLE LN 119.16 .00 .00 .00 50.00 169.16 13-0157-00-00 155103003110 9214 ORIOLE LN MARK & PHON SCHAEFER 9214 ORIOLE LN 169.57 .00 .00 .00 50.00 219.57 13-0161-00-00 155103003070 9334 ORIOLE LN JODY FELIX-JENSEN 9334 ORIOLE LN 64.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.26 13-0163-00-00 155103003050 9394 ORIOLE LN BARB STEARNS 9394 ORIOLE LN 107.67 .00 .00 .00 50.00 157.67 13-0164-00-00 155103003040 9406 ORIOLE LN JOHN PRESTIDGE 9406 ORIOLE LN 121.96 .00 .00 .00 50.00 171.96 13-0166-00-00 155103003020 9412 ORIOLE LN TRACIE ALLEN 9412 ORIOLE LN 167.73 .00 .00 .00 50.00 217.73 13-0169-00-00 155103001020 9411 ORIOLE LN US BANK AS TRSTEE C/0 CHASE HM PINANCE 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 13-0169-00-01 155103001020 9411 ORIOLE LN STEVEN BUCK 121 LEE ST 26.57 .00 .00 .00 50.00 76.57 13-0177-00-00 155103001100 9149 ORIOLE LN ROCHELLE & NEIL KNUTH 9149 ORIOLE LN 147.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 197.88 13-0179-00-00 155103002040 9071 ORIOLE LN NANCY BARTHEL 9071 ORIOLE LN 115.76 .00 .00 .00 50.00 165.76 13-0181-00-00 155103002020 9059 ORIOLE LN SEAN JOHNSON & LORI STERRIKER 88.17 .00 .00 .00 50.00 138.17 13-0187-00-00 155082003170 5501 MALLARD LN DEUTSCHE BANK NATL TR CO 10801 6TH ST #130 62.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 112.36 13-0196-00-00 155082001070 5371 MALLARD LN BRENNA CARLSON & JAKE RODEN 94.11 .00 .00 .00 50.00 144.11 13-0206-00-00 155073005150 9160 TANAGER CIR DUSTIN PARTAIN 9160 TANAGER CIR 90.05 .00 .00 .00 50.00 140.05 13-0209-00-00 155073005120 9091 TANAGER CIR LUKE THIELEN 9091 TANAGER CIR 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 13-0210-00-00 155073005110 5191 MALLARD LN CAROL MUELLER 18967 ST NWY 64 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 13-0222-00-00 155078004020 5290 STARLING DR DAWN HENRY 5290 STARLING DR 14.18 .00 .00 .00 50.00 64.18 13-0235-00-00 155082003040 9210 SWALLOW CIR STEVEN & JENNIFER WALSH 9210 SWALLOW CIR 202.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 252.00 13-0238-00-00 155082003010 9271 PELICAN LN JOE 6 ALYSON HELGESON 9271 PELICAN LN 13.53 .00 .00 .00 50.00 63.53 13-0240-00-00 155088007020 9191 PELICAN LN RYAN HARSTEAD & ANGELA CRANSTON 177.12 .00 .00 .00 50.00 227.12 13-0256-00-00 155088002030 9427 ORIOLE LN MICHAEL VILLAVICENCIO 9427 ORIOLE LN 133.41 .00 .00 .00 50.00 183.41 13-0261-00-00 155088002080 9201 MOCKINGBIRD LN DARCI REED 9201 MOCKINGBIRD LN 15.25 .00 .00 .00 50.00 65.25 13-0271-00-00 155082004050 5481 STARLING DR JOHN ~ CHERYL LABAR 5481 STARLING DR 184.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 234.01 CITY OP MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIPICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 5 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Daya Days Days Daya Charge w/Late Charge 13-0272-00-02 155082004040 5461 STARLING DR WELLS FARGO HM MORTGAGE 1 HOME CAMPUS 2303-048 57.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 107.55 13-0277-00-00 155078003020 5381 STARLING DR DONNA RESCH 5381 STARLING DR 124.35 .O1 .00 .00 50.00 174.36 13-0283-00-00 155078003080 5330 FALCON AVE MELANIE TANNER 5330 PALCON AVE 64.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.47 13-0289-00-00 155078003140 5430 FALCON AVE RICHARD/BRENDA ANDERSON 5430 FALCON AVE 92.17 .00 .00 .00 50.00 142.17 13-0297-00-03 155088002010 9439 ORIOLE LN COLLIN & STACEY FECHTER 2542 115TH AVE 65.25 .00 .00 .00 50.00 115.25 13-0298-00-00 155088002020 9433 ORIOLE LN MATT 6 MARCO NEUMANN 9433 ORIOLE LN 85.60 .00 .00 .00 50.00 135.60 13-0303-00-00 155078002170 5541 FALCON AVE JOE ~ SANDRA JOHNSON 5541 FALCON AVE 256.56 .00 .00 .00 50.00 306.56 13-0304-00-00 155078002160 5521 FALCON AVE MARK 6 PAMELA AGRE 5521 FALCON AVE 152.56 .00 .00 .00 50.00 202.56 13-0322-00-00 155078001020 9391 EIDER LN JUAN CARLOS VERGARA 6 CHERYL VERGARA 132.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 182.45 13-0325-00-00 155073006090 5261 STARLING DR RODRIGO RIVERA 6 ROSA SATO 81.15 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.15 13-0327-00-00 155073006070 9370 CANVASBACK CT DAVID FRICKE 9370 CANVASBACK CT 11.38 .00 .00 .00 50.00 61.38 13-0329-00-00 155073006050 9351 CANVASBACK CT DEBRA & SHUMAN LEE 9351 CANVASBACK CT 128.84 .00 .00 .00 50.00 178.84 13-0330-00-00 155073006040 9331 CANVASBACK CT ROBERT & DEBORAH LUCAS 9331 CANVASBACK CT 159.83 .00 .00 .00 50.00 209.83 13-0335-00-00 155069002060 5101 STARLING DR TRENT & SUE FRAHM 5101 STARLING DR 137.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 167.64 13-0356-00-00 155069001030 5041 MARTIN DR PAMELA J DEARBORN 5041 MARTIN DR 55.03 .00 .00 .00 50.00 105.03 13-0405-00-00 155118001060 9172 FALCON DR STEVE & GRETCHEN KIVIAHDE 9172 FALCON DR 16.41 .00 .00 .00 50.00 66.41 13-0416-00-00 155118002040 9177 FALCON DR KRISTI SKOGMAN 9177 FALCON DR 56.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 106.47 13-0418-00-00 155118002020 9193 FALCON DR BRETT & LAURA HUGHES 9193 FALCON DR 142.56 .00 .00 .00 50.00 192.56 13-0419-00-00 155118002010 9197 FALCON DR JAY 6 JANE COMISKEY 9197 FALCON DR 57.63 .00 .00 .00 50.00 107.63 14-0061-00-00 155093001140 4943 STONERIDGE LN MIGUEL CARRASCO 4943 STONERIDGE LN 98.94 .00 .00 .00 50.00 148.94 14-0080-01-00 155133001210 9476 TALON CT JEANEEN FEHN 9476 TALON CT 52.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 102.68 14-0082-02-00 155133001300 9467 GOLDEN EAGLE LN MARCOS ALVEREZ RAMIREZ C/O MN REALTY 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 14-0100-00-00 155090003010 4871 STONERIDGE DR WELLS FARGO HM MORTGAGE 1 HOME CAMPUS 31.65 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 14-0104-00-00 155090003050 4863 STONERIDGE DR KRIS & DIANE HARTUNG 4863 STONERIDGE DR 189.76 .00 .00 .00 50.00 239.76 14-0114-00-00 155090002170 4896 STONERIDGE CIR DION fi JULIE BOOS 4896 STONERIDGE CIR 210.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 260.77 14-0122-00-00 155090002050 4924 STONERIDGE DR PHIL TOWNS 4924 STONERIDGE DR 166.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 216.27 14-0130-00-00 155090002130 9305 RED ROCK LN RICHARD & CARLA HABECK 9305 RED ROCK LN 23.28 .00 .00 .00 50.00 73.28 14-0142-00-00 155090001010 9424 RED ROCK LN KATHY BIMSON 9424 RED ROCK LN 85.88 1.09 .00 .00 50.00 136.97 14-0150-00-00 155096002110 4630 HOMESTEAD DR DOREEN LEPPA 4630 HOMESTEAD DR 63.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 113.48 14-0154-00-00 155096002070 4694 HOMESTEAD DR MAKETHA 6 CARRIE BRIDGES 4694 HOMESTEAD DR 207.83 -00 .00 .00 50.00 257.83 14-0157-00-00 155096002040 9305 HOMESTEAD CIR DAVID & PATRICIA BURNS 9305 HOMESTEAD CIR 81.28 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.28 14-0169-00-00 155090003140 4807 FARMSTEAD DR CARLA MORALES TELLEZ 4807 FARMSTEAD DR 300.82 .00 .00 .00 50.00 350.82 14-0178-00-00 155090005080 4746 FARMSTEAD DR NICK & ROSA LAZAROFF 4746 FARMSTEAD DR 187.57 .00 .00 .00 50.00 237.57 14-0184-00-00 155096001130 4713 HOMESTEAD DR MICHELLE TONG 4713 HOMESTEAD DR 299.99 .00 .00 .00 50.00 349.99 14-0197-00-00 155090005010 4638 FARMSTEAD DR DEAN & NICOLE ROBERTS 4638 FARMSTEAD DR 210.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 260.27 14-0200-00-00 155090005040 4688 FARMSTEAD DR JENNIFER & LOUIS BROTT 4688 FARMSTEAD DR 228.15 .00 .00 .00 50.00 278.15 14-0201-00-00 155090005050 4704 FARMSTEAD DR DEAN & MELISSA ROHDE 4704 FARMSTEAD DR 290.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 340.64 14-0279-04-00 155110001260 9349 EAGLE CT DOUG 6 KATHY CRESSY 9349 EAGLE CT 96.22 .00 .00 .00 50.00 146.22 14-0310-00-00 155102001030 9089 FIELDCREST CIR MIKE & KIMBERLY WATTERS 9089 FIELDCREST CIR 228.60 .00 .00 .00 50.00 278.60 14-0326-00-00 155105002030 9064 FIELDCREST CIR CYNTHIA TROY 9064 FIELDCREST CIR 61.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.01 14-0331-00-00 155102002110 9134 FIELDCREST CIR BRETT & CARMEN MAKI 9134 FIELDCREST CIR 180.21 .00 .00 .00 50.00 230.21 14-0335-00-00 155102002070 9165 COUNTRY AVE MICHAEL JOHNSON 9165 COUNTRY AVE 174.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 224.68 14-0338-00-00 155102002040 9125 COUNTRY AVE MICHAEL RAZINK 9125 COUNTRY AVE 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 14-0341-00-00 155102002010 9081 COUNTRY AVE ENRIQUE MUNOZ & DIANA RAMOS 228.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 278.88 14-0408-00-00 155102003040 9136 COUNTRY AVE PHENG YANG & JUNE MOUA 86.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 136.00 14-0440-00-00 155105005010 4752 PEBBLEBROOK DR MORTGAGE ELECT REG SYS C/0 COUNTRYWIDE HM LNS 156.35 .00 .00 .00 50.00 206.35 14-0447-00-00 155105005080 9163 FARMSTEAD AVE ROBIN 6 ROBERT MORRIN 9163 FARMSTEAD AVE 251.02 .00 .00 .00 50.00 301.02 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24 :05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 6 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Addre88 Days Days Days Daye Charge w/Late Charge 14-0451-00-00 155105005120 9095 FARMSTEAD AVE DANIEL RASMUSSEN 9095 FARMSTEAD AVE 145.17 .00 .00 .00 50.00 195.17 14-0467-00-00 155124003060 8905 FARMSTEAD AVE LENG CATHI 8905 FARMSTEAD AVE 118.21 .00 .00 .00 50.00 168.21 14-0471-00-00 155124003100 8867 FARMSTEAD AVE CRAIG 6 KRISTINA NELSON 8867 FARMSTEAD AVE 134.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 184.26 14-0516-00-00 155105007010 9218 FARMSTEAD AVE MIKE & LYNNETTE ACKERLAND 9218 FARMSTEAD AVE 141.31 .00 .00 .00 50.00 191.31 14-0519-00-00 155105006070 4769 PEBBLEBROOK DR CITIBANK 10590 BASELINE RD 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 14-0555-00-00 155130001060 4903 PARK DR DAVID 6 MICHELE SANDERS 4903 PARK DR 175.88 .00 .00 .00 50.00 225.88 14-0562-00-00 155130001130 4965 PARK DR MATTHEW & MICHELLE BROOKS 4965 PARK DR 128.00 .00 .00 .00 50.00 178.00 15-0010-00-00 155123001050 8430 TROY MARQUETTE DR AMY COX 6430 TROY MARQUETTE DR 155.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 205.61 15-0012-00-00 155123001070 6239 BAKKEN ST NAKOMI 6 SCOTT RUDLONG 6239 BAKKEN ST 121.15 .00 .00 .00 50.00 171.15 17-0007-00-00 155116002130 6359 WILDWOOD WAY JOHN KINSELL 6 CORINTHIA KINSELL 11.46 .00 .00 .00 50.00 61.46 17-0104-00-00 155122002020 6195 WILDWOOD CT MARK 6 SHANNON ODEGAARD 6195 WILDWOOD CT 169.69 .00 .00 .00 50.00 219.69 17-0105-00-00 155122002030 8737 TROY MARQUETTE LN PABLO MOCTEZUMA 6 MAYRA CASTILLO 16.69 .00 .00 .00 50.00 66.69 17-0109-00-00 155122002070 8829 TROY MARQUETTE LN MICHAEL 6 AUDRA BALSTAD 8829 TROY MARQUETTE LN 99.86 .00 .00 .00 50.00 149.86 17-0112-00-00 155122003020 8910 TROY MARQUETTE DR JAVIER 6 CONSUELO CARILLO 8910 TROY MARQUETTE DR 13.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 63.85 17-0125-00-01 155122004060 8766 TROY MARQUETTE LN FRED ANDERSON & COLLEEN WAIGHT 80.59 .00 .00 .00 50.00 130.59 17-0136-00-00 155116008010 8690 TROY MARQUETTE DR CHAD & GRETCHEN MARQUETTE 6690 TROY MARQUETTE DR 24.54 .00 .00 .00 50.00 74.54 17-0202-00-00 155123004040 8405 BEAR AVE GREG & JULIE THOMPSON 8405 BEAR AVE 99.57 .00 .00 .00 50.00 149.57 17-0204-00-00 155123004020 6437 BEAR AVE CORY WILSON 8437 BEAR AVE 109.80 .00 .00 .00 50.00 159.80 17-0212-00-00 155123002070 6103 DEER ST ANDREA/GREG BENDER & DAN NELSON 82.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 132.47 17-0218-00-00 155123002130 6145 DEER ST CARLOS 6 ANGELA KIMBEL 6145 DEER ST 180.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 230.45 17-0220-00-00 155123003060 6128 DEER ST KATHLEEN GRISIM 8570 MAGNOLIA TRL APT 209 64.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.55 17-0221-00-00 155123003050 6110 DEER ST RYAN E & SALLY PATRICK 6110 DEER ST 81.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.64 17-0244-00-00 155134002080 8341 FOX ST PAMELA STEPPES 8341 POX ST 57.21 .00 .00 .00 50.00 107.21 17-0247-00-01 155134001030 8324 FOX ST GRACIELA/ FRANCISCO RIVAS 2622 MEADOW OAK LN 113.24 .00 .00 .00 50.00 163.24 17-0303-00-00 155167001040 8644 ELK AVE JASON & CABBIE KISNER 8644 ELK AVE 186.22 .00 .00 .00 50.00 236.22 17-0366-00-00 155167002090 5919 BADGER ST KEY LAND HOMES 4719 PARK NICOLLET AVE SE 238.79 .00 .00 .00 50.00 288.79 17-0368-00-00 155167002110 5881 BADGER ST THOMAS 6 MERCEDES TURNER 5881 BADGER ST 260.35 .00 .00 .00 50.00 310.35 17-0501-00-00 155179007010 8524 GATEWATER DR BRITT EMANUEL & TAMI RICH 166.53 .00 .00 .00 50.00 216.53 17-0504-00-00 155160011040 8488 GATEWATER DR PATRICK WHALEN 8488 GATEWATER DR 109.25 .00 .00 .00 50.00 159.25 17-0506-00-00 155160011060 6383 84TH ST NE KATRINA BROWN 6383 84TH ST NE 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 17-0511-00-00 155160012050 6442 84TH ST NE RAQUEL BOEDIGHIEMER 1161 WAYZATA BLVD E #219 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 17-0514-00-00 155160012020 6390 84TH ST NE JOHN PI TTS 6390 84TH ST NE 172.87 .00 .00 .00 50.00 222.87 17-0515-00-00 155160012010 6380 84TH ST NE AARON & KATHRYN HAYHURST 6380 84TH ST NE 98.11 9.78 .00 .00 50.00 157.89 17-0544-00-00 155183001050 8351 GATEWATER DR JOHN GREEN 8351 GATEWATER DR 28.23 .00 .00 .00 50.00 78.23 17-0545-00-00 155183001060 8339 GATEWATER DR LISA DOMAH 8339 GATEWATER DR 144.52 .00 .00 .00 50.00 194.52 18-0600-00-02 155125001010 10182 PARK PLACE DR LASALLE BANK 8 WASHINGTON MUTUAL BANK 59.07 .00 .00 .00 50.00 109.07 18-0611-00-00 155125004010 10088 PARK PLACE DR NATHANIEL & VICTORIA WEAR 10088 PARK PLACE DR 343.11 .00 .00 .00 50.00 393.11 16-0615-00-00 155125004050 10078 PARK PLACE DR TORY & RACHEL BRIGGS 10078 PARK PLACE DR 15.92 .00 .00 .00 50.00 65.92 18-0629-00-00 155125005090 9890 PARK PLACE DR JOSEPH 6 ANGELA ODEEN 9890 PARK PLACE DR 131.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 181.36 18-0631-00-00 155125005110 9868 PARK PLACE DR JEFFREY & BECKY LUEDKE 9868 PARK PLACE DR 101.31 .00 .00 .00 50.00 151.31 18-0639-00-00 155125005190 9820 PARK PLACE DR ROBERT COLE 6 KATRINA LENTZ 225.07 .00 .00 .00 50.00 275.07 18-0670-00-00 155125003050 10061 PARK PLACE DR THE MCALPIN TEAM 107 CEDAR ST STE 5 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 18-0671-00-00 155125003040 10065 PARK PLACE DR TRACY/JOHN EICHENBERG 10065 PARK PLACE DR 213.90 .00 .00 .00 50.00 263.90 18-0673-00-00 155125003020 10073 PARK PLACE DR DIANEHEHR 10073 PARK PLACE DR 14.07 .00 .00 .00 50.00 64.07 18-0674-00-00 155125003010 10077 PARK PLACE OR MIKE & MICHELLE DALLUGE 10077 PARK PLACE DR 14.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 64.74 18-0677-00-00 155125002060 10101 PARK PLACE DR ROBERT & KATIE VEENHUIS 10101 PARK PLACE DR 127.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 177.85 18-0679-00-00 155125002040 10115 PARK PLACE DR MIKE & DANITRA NODLAND 10115 PARK PLACE DR 278.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 328.91 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 7 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total q Mailing Address Days Days Days Days Charge w/Late Charge 18-0701-00-00 155132005100 10031 SOMERSET LN RYAN & SARA KLINGELHOFER 10031 SOMERSET LN 17.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 67.68 18-0704-00-00 155132006010 10056 SOMERSET LN TRENT & TRISHA JOHNSON 10056 SOMERSET LN 10.03 .00 .00 .00 50.00 60.03 18-0710-00-00 155132006070 3751 BRENTWOOD DR DAN/ ANGELA WOLKERSTORFER 3751 BRENTWOOD DR 207.08 .00 .00 .00 50.00 257.08 18-0714-00-00 155132006110 10022 INNSBROOK CT DOREEN COWLEY 10022 INNSBROOK CT 117.46 .00 .00 .00 50.00 167.46 18-0733-00-00 155132010050 9768 SUMMIT CT GARY & TINA HANGSLEBEN 9768 SUMMIT CT 149.47 .00 .00 .00 50.00 199.47 18-0736-00-00 155132010080 9753 SUMMIT CT ROCHELLE CAVNESS 9753 SUMMIT CT 147.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 197.61 18-0739-00-00 155132010110 9727 SUMMIT CT JOHN UHDE 9727 SUMMIT CT 128.34 .00 .00 .00 50.00 178.34 18-0741-00-00 155132011010 9718 PARK PLACE DR JUSTIN & MARY CRAWPORD 9718 PARK PLACE OR 13.18 .00 .00 .00 50.00 63.18 18-0743-00-00 155132011030 9698 PARK PLACE DR DAVID & KATHERINE NEIBER (STEVEN CICHON) 15.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 65.45 18-0755-00-00 155132002050 9919 WESTON DR DORIS GBOLLIE 9919 WESTON DR 144.73 .00 .00 .00 50.00 194.73 18-0759-00-00 155132002090 9979 WESTON DR BLANCA MENDOZA 9979 WESTON DR 216.08 .00 .00 .00 50.00 266.08 18-0764-00-00 155132003130 10002 WESTON DR STEVEN 6 TARA TERESI 10002 WESTON DR 64.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.55 18-0766-00-00 155132003150 9996 WESTON DR BRAD BURAU 9996 WESTON DR 124.41 .00 .00 .00 50.00 174.41 18-0773-00-00 155132003220 9914 WESTON DR JEFF/KAREN CHRISTOPHERSON 9914 WESTON DR 117.13 .00 .00 .00 50.00 167.13 18-0774-00-06 155132003230 9894 WESTON DR DAVID & KATE SETH 9894 WESTON DR 142.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 192.55 18-0784-00-00 155132003330 3700 BRENTWOOD DR KEVIN & JEAN RUNDGREN 3700 BRENTWOOD DR 225.18 .00 .00 .00 50.00 275.18 18-0765-00-00 155149001010 3678 BRENTWOOD DR WILLIE SMITH & GWEN JOHNSON-SMITH 30.71 .00 .00 .00 50.00 80.71 18-0793-00-01 155132003090 3584 BRENTWOOD DR MIKE SCHOER & CHASIDY SALO 108.76 .00 .00 .00 50.00 158.76 18-0807-00-00 155142002190 3622 SAVANNAH AVE RUSSELL & JULIE NOGA 362 SAVANNAH AVE 19.17 .00 .00 .00 50.00 69.17 18-0808-00-00 155142002180 3602 SAVANNAH AVE ENAAMUL & FERRIEL BACCHUS 6 BIBI BACCHUS 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 18-0825-00-00 155142002010 3765 WOODSIDE DR JAMIE & BARB HEIPEL 10100 96TH PL N 189.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 239.91 18-0828-00-00 155142003030 3762 WOODSIDE DR TIM & ANN INGLE 3762 WOODSIDE DR 240.56 .00 .00 .00 50.00 290.56 18-0839-00-00 155142004010 3668 WOODSIDE DR PAUL & RITA HEXOM 3668 WOODSI DE DR 21.49 .00 .00 .00 50.00 71.49 18-0843-00-00 155142004050 3606 WOODSIDE DR ERIC SAND 3606 WOODSIDE DR 27.60 .00 .00 .00 50.00 77.60 18-0852-00-00 155142004140 9751 WOODCREST CT JACK KUISMI 9751 WOODCREST CT 24.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 74.36 18-0859-00-00 155142005040 9899 PRESCOTT DR KATHLEEN SANDSTROM 9899 PRESCOTT DR 192.51 .00 .00 .00 50.00 242.51 19-0027-00-00 155147008020 9184 ORCHARD CIR JOE GOTH 9184 ORCHARD CIR 32.67 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.67 19-0028-00-00 155147008030 9188 ORCHARD CIR CLAYTON 6 CRYSTAL HOLM 9188 ORCHARD CIR 12.52 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.52 19-0038-00-00 155147005030 9196 ORCHARD LN BEST ASSETS INC 501 MARQUETTE AVE 39.18 .00 .00 .00 50.00 89.18 19-0056-00-04 155154002010 4341 HARVEST CT CHAD 6 ELIZABETH COOPER 4325 HARVEST CT 70.28 .00 .00 .00 50.00 120.28 19-0058-00-00 155154001030 4325 HARVEST CT CHAD & ELIZABETH COOPER 4325 CARVEST CT 47.39 .00 .00 .00 50.00 97.39 19-0084-00-OS 155154007010 9114 ORCHARD CIR JASON ANDERSON PO BOX 47214 27.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 77.26 19-0300-00-00 155155001010 4479 89TH ST NE MIKE & JENNIFER SELINSKY 4479 89TH ST NE 26.10 .00 .00 .00 50.00 76.10 19-0301-00-00 155155001020 4459 89TH ST NE MATTHEW WOOLHOUSE fi TERESA RENO 241.79 .00 .00 .00 50.00 291.79 19-0317-00-00 155155003070 4445 EAKERN CIR NE CURRENT RESIDENT??? 4445 EAKERN CIR NE 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 19-0324-00-00 155155003140 4365 EAKERN CIR NE FEDERAL NATL MTG ASSOC 13455 NOEL RD STE 600 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 19-0330-00-00 155155004020 4454 EAKERN CIR NE PHILLIP ANDERT & ANGELA WELCH 258.12 .00 .00 .00 50.00 308.12 19-0331-00-00 155155004030 4452 EAKERN CIR NE MATT 6 DANIELLE MCCLURE 4452 EAKERN CIR NE 153.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 203.64 20-0501-51-00 155146000010 11668 1/2 ALPINE DR SPR PILLAR PROPERTIES (SPRINKLER) 43.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 93.01 20-0503-51-00 155146000010 11727 1/2 SPRUCE DR SPR PILLAR PROPERTIES (SPRINKLER) 102.40 .00 .00 .00 50.00 152.40 20-0504-01-00 155146005010 11727 SPRUCE DR TROY O'BRIEN 6 TAMMY ANDERSON 52.48 4.47 .00 .00 50.00 106.95 20-0505-03-00 155146006030 11711 SPRUCE DR HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT (RENTAL UNIT) 29.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 79.74 20-0505-03-02 155146006030 11711 SPRUCE DR CAROLYN DEMARS 6987 91ST ST NE 47.75 .00 .00 .00 50.00 97.75 20-0509-03-01 155146010030 11664 SPRUCE DR HOMESTEAD DEVELOPMENT 449 135TH AVE 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 20-0512-02-00 155146013020 11649 ALPINE DR DONOVAN G THOMPSON 11649 ALPINE DR 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 20-0512-50-00 155146000010 11635 1/2 ALPINE DR SPR PILLAR PROPERTIES (SPRINKLER) 36.54 .00 .00 .00 50.00 86.54 20-0553-01-00 155163004010 408 PRAIRIE RD JEREMY KASEL 408 PRAIRIE RD 79.49 7.16 .00 .00 50.00 136.65 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTR 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 8 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cuet Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Days Days Days Days Charge w/Late Charge 20-0553-02-00 155163004020 404 PRAIRIE RD REALTY EXECUTIVES 15441 YAKIMA ST NW 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 20-0554-01-00 155163005010 11463 NICHOLAS CIR SHAWN LIPITT 11463 NICHOLAS CIR 81.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 131.01 20-0554-04-00 155163005040 11437 NICHOLAS CIR GINA ARCHER 11437 NICHOLAS CIR 89.52 .00 .00 .00 50.00 139.52 20-0555-01-00 155163006010 11420 NICHOLAS CIR MICHAEL & KELLI MCGILL 11420 NICHOLAS CIR 67.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 137.36 20-0560-03-00 155182012030 2605 ALPINE CT MONTICELLO INVESTMNTS LLC 449 135TH AVE SE 53.04 .00 .00 .00 50.00 103.04 20-0561-02-00 155182011020 2617 ALPINE CT MONTICELLO INVESTMENTS 449 135TH AVE 31.49 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.49 20-0561-50-00 155182000010 11549 1/2 ALPINE DR SPR PILLAR PROPERTIES (SPRINKLER) 61.99 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.99 20-0562-02-00 155182001020 11565 SPRUCE DR MONTICELLO INVESTMENTS 449 135TH AVE SE 30.09 .00 .00 .00 50.00 80.09 20-0562-03-00 155182001030 11563 SPRUCE DR MONTICELLO INVESTMENTS 449 135TH AVE SE 29.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 79.32 20-0562-04-00 155182001040 11561 SPRUCE DR MONTICELLO INVESTMENTS 449 135TH AVE SE 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 20-0570-50-00 155182000010 11548 1/2 ALPINE DR SPR PILLAR PROPERTIES (SPRINKLER) 16.13 .00 .00 .00 50.00 66.13 20-0571-04-00 155182010040 11518 ALPINE DR MONTICELLO INVESTMENTS 449 135TH AVE SE 52.32 .00 .00 .00 50.00 102.32 21-0007-00-02 155159001070 6705 94TH ST NH TONY POBANZ 6705 94TH ST NE 102.42 .00 .00 .00 50.00 152.42 21-0015-00-00 155159002070 9423 GIPFORT CT DAVID NELSON 9423 GIFFORT CT 97.84 .00 .00 .00 50.00 147.84 21-0017-00-00 155159002090 9403 GIPPORT CT MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0020-00-00 155159002120 9371 GIFFORT CT KEITH & DAWN COX 9371 GIFFORT CT 197.02 .00 .00 .00 50.00 247.02 21-0037-00-00 155159003080 6836 94TH ST NE DAN 6 SUE WATROSE 6836 94TH ST NE 108.48 .00 .00 .00 50.00 158.48 21-0039-00-01 155159004010 9391 GOODRICH DR NICASIO & NICOLE QUILES 9391 GOODRICH DR 26.44 .00 .00 .00 50.00 76.44 21-0060-01-00 155159007010 9255 GOODRICH DR CATHY ZAZUETA 9255 GOODRICH DR 53.96 .00 .00 .00 50.00 103.96 21-0060-02-00 155159007020 9249 GOODRICH DR JASON KELLY & JAN ERICKSON 61.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.01 21-0063-02-00 155159007180 6816 GINGHAM CT JOE & JULIE MURRAY 6816 GINGHAM CT 61.83 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.83 21-0063-04-00 155159007200 6804 GINGHAM CT HOMECOMINGS FINANCIAL 500 E ENTERPRISE RD 31.15 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.15 21-0063-OS-00 155159007210 6798 GINGHAM CT MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0066-01-00 155159007280 6797 GINGHAM CT TODD GOULET 6797 GINGHAM CT 167.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 217.27 21-0070-03-00 155159007490 9107 GOODRICH DR LISA MARIE THOMAS 9107 GOODRICH DR 36.84 .00 .00 .00 50.00 86.84 21-0070-OS-00 155159007510 9099 GOODRICH DR JEREMY RICKSON & JESSIE SHERIDAN 103.29 .00 .00 .00 50.00 153.29 21-0071-04-00 155159007550 9081 GOODRICH DR TOM RING 9081 GOODRICH DR 61.01 .00 .00 .00 50.00 111.01 21-0072-04-00 155159007590 6934 91ST ST NE NYLES & MELISSA GENTZ 6934 91ST ST NE 93.60 .00 .00 .00 50.00 143.60 21-0074-02-00 155159008020 6981 91ST ST NE MW JOHNSON CONST 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0074-OS-00 155159008050 6963 91ST ST NE PAT 6 JULIE LEWIS 6963 91ST ST NE 64.55 .00 .00 .00 50.00 114.55 21-0075-02-00 155159008070 6949 91ST ST NE PRESTON & ELEANOR KAR 8401 5TH ST NE 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 21-0075-03-04 155159008080 6945 91ST ST NE PRESTON & ELEANOR KAR 6401 5TH ST NE 41.61 .00 .00 .00 50.00 91.61 21-0075-06-00 155159008110 6933 91ST ST NE MW JOHNSON 17456 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0076-03-00 155159008140 9096 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0076-OS-00 155159008160 9104 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0077-01-00 155159008180 9112 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0077-02-00 155159008190 9116 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0077-03-00 155159008200 9120 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0078-01-00 155159008230 9136 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0078-02-00 155159008240 9142 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0078-03-00 155159008250 9148 GOODRICH DR DAVID & MAUREEN SWARTOUT 10028 INDIGO DR 50.37 .00 .00 .00 50.00 100.37 21-0078-04-00 155159008260 9154 GOODRICH DR BEAU PARKER 9154 GOODRICH DR 42.27 .00 .00 .00 50.00 92.27 21-0079-01-00 155159008280 9168 GOODRICH DR DANIHL 6 BONITA PARKER 6622 MT RIPLEY DR 32.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.91 21-0079-OS-00 155159008320 9184 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0081-01-00 155159008370 9204 GOODRICH DR MW JOfIIdSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0081-OS-00 155159008410 9220 GOODRICH DR MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 28.62 .00 .00 .00 50.00 78.62 21-0082-02-00 155159008430 6932 92ND ST NE MW JOHNSON CONST 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 CITY OF MONTICELLO 01/06/09 14:24:05 QTA 3, 2008 DELQ UTILITY BILLING CERTIFICATIONS WITH LATE CHARGE PAGE 9 ACCT # PID # Prop. Address APT Customer Name Cust Name 2 or 30 60 90 120 Late Total # Mailing Address Days Days Days Daya Charge w/Late Charge 21-0082-04-00 155159008450 6944 92ND ST NE MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0109-00-00 155173002090 9341 GOLDEN POND LN EARNEST HARRIS & ARDELL MORRIS 68.62 .00 .00 .00 50.00 118.62 21-0112-00-00 155173002120 9311 GOLDEN POND LN APRIL TAYLOR 9311 GOLDEN POND LN 152.94 .00 .00 .00 50.00 202.94 21-0124-02-00 155173005430 9208 GOLDEN POND LN MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0124-03-00 155173005440 9212 GOLDEN POND LN MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0125-01-00 155173005460 9228 GOLDEN POND LN MARY JANE MARX 9228 GOLDEN POND LN 88.99 .00 .00 .00 50.00 138.99 21-0125-03-00 155173005480 9238 GOLDEN POND LN MW JOHNSON 17645 JUNIPER PATH 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 21-0125-OS-00 155173005500 9250 GOLDEN POND LN RON & JULIE STENSLIE 16850 TERRITORIAL RD 29.64 .00 .00 .00 50.00 79.64 21-0125-OS-O1 155173005500 9250 GOLDEN POND LN CHARLES WICKOREN 9250 GOLDEN POND LN 89.58 .00 .00 .00 50.00 139.58 22-0012-00-00 155160003030 8643 GATEWATER DR BRIAN 6 JENNIFER AANERUD 8643 GATEWATER DR 142.04 .00 .00 .00 50.00 192.04 22-0014-50-00 155179000030 8660 GATEWATER DR SPR SHADOW CREEK CORP (SPRINKLER) 361.31 .00 .00 .00 50.00 411.31 22-0023-00-00 155160010010 8608 GATEWATER DR ADAM PETERSEN fi MATHEW BECKER 89.26 .00 .00 .00 50.00 139.26 22-0025-00-00 155160010030 8586 GATEWATER DR JOELLE CARSON 8586 GATEWATER DR 72.95 .00 .00 .00 50.00 122.95 22-0026-00-00 155160010040 8578 GATEWATER DR US SANK NA AS TRUSTEE 10790 RANCHO BERNARDO RD 31.85 .00 .00 .00 50.00 81.85 22-0511-00-00 155168001120 6620 OAKLEAF CT JESSICA BECKMAN 6620 OAKLEAF CT 101.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 151.74 22-0515-00-00 155168001160 6562 OAKLEAF CT CASEY 6 MARYKAY PHILIPS 331 N MAIN ST 132.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 182.45 22-0522-00-00 155168001230 6657 EAST OAK DR MICHAEL & LORI GREENLUN 6657 EAST OAK DR 44.98 .00 .00 .00 50.00 94.98 22-0526-00-00 155168001270 6719 EAST OAK DR JAMIE & LORI WISNESS 6719 EAST OAK DR 53.68 .00 .00 .00 50.00 103.68 22-0536-00-00 155168002070 6650 EAST OAK DR BANK OF NY AS TRUSTEE C/O COUNTRYWIDE HOME LNS 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 23-0902-00-00 155151002070 9544 PARK PLACE DR TROY WILLANDER 9544 PARK PLACE DR 43.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 93.36 23-0903-00-00 155151002060 9546 PARK PLACE DR JERRY 6 LISETTE HILTNER 9546 PARK PLACE DR 26.57 .00 .00 .00 50.00 76.57 23-0909-00-03 155151001040 9644 PARK PLACE DR CHRISTOPHER &CINDY PAUMEN C/O METRO CAPITAL GROUP 70.49 .00 .00 .00 50.00 120.49 23-0917-00-00 155151006010 9641 PARK PLACE DR BRENT HEDQUIST 9641 PARK PLACE DR 177.94 .00 .00 .00 50.00 227.94 23-0927-00-00 155151006110 3743 HAYWARD CT S JEREMY 6 HEIDI BARTHEL 3743 HAYWARD CT S 89.74 .00 .00 .00 50.00 139.74 23-0929-00-00 155151006130 3722 HAYWARD CT N TONY & WENDY NOARD 3722 HAYWARD CT N 69.96 5.55 .00 .00 50.00 125.51 23-0934-00-00 155151006180 3796 HAYWARD CT N JOHN & TERI LEHNER 3796 HAYWARD CT N 274.42 .00 .00 .00 50.00 324.42 23-0937-00-00 155151005200 3771 HAYWARD CT N JAMES & MELISSA ISBELL 135 SANDBERG RD 77.75 .00 .00 .00 50.00 127.75 23-0942-00-00 155151005150 3711 REDFORD LN THOMAS GALLUS 3711 REDFORD LN 32.77 .00 .00 .00 50.00 82.77 23-0962-00-00 155151004250 3616 REDFORD LN JOSS & JODI JOHNSON 3616 REDFORD LN 150.82 .00 .00 .00 50.00 200.82 23-0965-00-00 155151004220 3644 REDFORD LN BRIAN PEDERSON 3644 REDFORD LN 12.45 .00 .00 .00 50.00 62.45 23-0970-00-00 155151004170 3712 REDFORD LN CORY KIRK & MICHELLE TICE 38.91 .00 .00 .00 50.00 88.91 23-0979-00-00 155151004080 3846 HAYWARD CT S TONY & CINDY TEVOGT 3846 HAYWARD CT S 10.19 .00 .00 .00 50.00 60.19 24-0010-00-00 155172002090 4941 87TH ST NE JASON 6 KRISTIN GRANGROTH 651 EVERGREEN RD 148.92 .00 .00 .00 50.00 198.92 24-0016-00-00 155172003120 4964 87TH ST NE DEBORAH SABIN 4964 87TH ST NE 109.46 .00 .00 .00 50.00 159.46 24-0028-00-00 155175002010 8676 FAIRHILL LN COUNTRYWIDE BANK PO BOX 650225 113.36 .00 .00 .00 50.00 163.36 24-0036-00-00 155175004050 8556 PAIRHILL LN AVELO MORTG LLC 600 E LAS COLINAS BLVD 134.08 .00 .00 .00 50.00 184.08 24-0081-00-00 155175001060 4839 87TH ST NE COUNTRYWIDE HM LNS 2375 N GLENVILLE DR BLG-A 63.93 .00 .00 .00 50.00 113.93 24-0083-00-00 155177002020 8775 FAIRHILL LN MARK & JOLYNN CARSON 8775 PAIRHILL LN 114.80 .00 .00 .00 50.00 164.80 24-0084-00-01 155177002030 8777 FAIRHILL LN CHASE MICHAEL HOMES 25920 GATEWAY DR 25.66 .00 .00 .00 50.00 75.66 FINAL TOTALS TOTAL 41,273.24 84.68 .00 .00 20,750.00 62,107.92 *** E N D O F R E P O R T * CITY OP MONTICELLO Council Agenda: January 26, 2009 8. Public Hearing -Consideration to vacate a portion of Highway 25/Cedar Street Right of Way. (AS) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND City Council is asked to hold a public hearing to vacate a portion of the old Highway 25/Cedar Street right of way, which lies along the western boundary of Mr. John Lundsten's property. As Cedar Street has been realigned, there is no need to maintain the right of way shown and the City Attorney has recommended that the City release any unneeded interest in the property. Per the resolution included with this item, the City will maintain drainage and utility easement over the property. For Council's information, the piece north of this area adjacent to Mr. Posusta's property was previously vacated. The parcel Council is asked to vacate is the last remaining portion of old Highway 25/Cedar Street City right of way in this area. Mr. Lundsten has been included in the formal notice of public hearing for the vacation. BUDGET IMPACT None. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Vacate that portion of Cedar Street/Old Highway 25 as Legally Described in Exhibit B. 1. Motion to approve the vacation of that portion of Cedar Street/Old Highway 25 as Legally Described in Exhibit B. 2. Motion to deny the vacation of that portion of Cedar Street/Old Highway 25 as Legally Described in Exhibit B. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the vacation. The vacation of the right of way releases the unneeded street interest by the City, while still maintaining drainage and utility use for infrastructure already in place in the area. D. SUPPORTING DATA A. Area Illustration B. Highway 25/Cedar Street Right of Way -Vacation Exhibit C. Resolution of Vacation . ,. ~; -~ 3 ~ ,~ ~ / `~~~ ~ / 1 .~-~_ -- ~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~`~•~'~ eve / ~ ~ r -ar ~ -~. ~71f. XQ 16 \~~ / ~ /e f `_-'~ :~- 1 ~ ~'~ ~i~ LINE 1 ~ - :' / / ., ~ ~, ~ ~ :: ~ ~ ~. ~ ~ ~' l ~ ' =~ ~ • Y V '~ti ~'fi` ' . ~ ~ ~~~ ~ i ~~ ~ ~~ ~ .:. / I ~ ~ ~ , / ~ I ~' s . C~ nr e/tir crx ~a ae LINE ~ 2 : -:: Parcel B is area to be vacated. Va0'F~'00'E J 1,~ v+ ~ / +~ar cawrt, ~ N ~.: 1 pA~ 5~,~i~ sK/PG: DRAIVN B1! KA CHpCKEQ BY: RB. A u CITY OF MONTICELLO WRIGHT COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION N0.2009-4 RESOLUTION VACATING A PORTION OF CEDAR STREET WHEREAS, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 412.851, after two (2) weeks' published and posted notice of the hearing and after mailing written notice of the hearing at least ten (10) days before a hearing to each property owner affected by the proposed vacation, the Monticello City Council has conducted a hearing to consider the vacation of the public right-of--way legally described in the attached Exhibit "A"; and WHEREAS, following the hearing and consideration of the proposed vacation, the Council has determined that it is in the public interest to vacate the above-noted right of way and retain to certain drainage and utility easements over the vacated portion of the right-of--way. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Monticello: 1. The public right-of--way legally described in the attached Exhibit A is hereby vacated; however, the City reserves a drainage and utility easement for any existing or future drainage or utility use. 2. The City Clerk is directed to file a certified copy of this resolution with the County Auditor and County Recorder. ADOPTED this 26th day of January, 2009, by the City Council of the City of Monticello. ATTEST: Brian Stumpf, Acting Mayor Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION FOR VACATION That part of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, being part of the Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of Section 14, Township 121, Range 25, Wright County, Minnesota, which lies within Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25), and which lies easterly of the following described Line 1, and which lies southerly of the following described Line 2. Line 1: Commencing at the intersection of the South line of said Southwest Quarter of the Northwest Quarter with the easterly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No. 25; thence westerly along said South line a distance of 7.30 feet to the point of beginning of Line 1; thence northeasterly a distance of 490.58 feet, more or less, to the intersection of the westerly right of way line of Cedar Street (Old State Highway No. 25.) with the North line of New State Trunk Highway No. 25, shown as Station 531+75 on Minnesota Department of Transportation highway plans and there terminating. Line 2: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South Half of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 14; thence westerly along the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 1056.00 feet; thence southerly parallel with the East line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter, a distance of 924.00 feet to the point of beginning of said Line 2; thence westerly parallel with the North line of said South Half of the Northwest Quarter to intersect the above described Line 1 and there terminating. L _ A rN 5e Ii > S r D- a Kwo-- DR E um mob n N O 7 D S 11 N N N A W N N Council Agenda - O 1 /26/2009 9. Consideration of approving 2009 Parks Department Tree Program. (T.P) A. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The Parks Department is requesting authorization to provide a resident tree sale for the city of Monticello residents. This program will allow the residents to gain the basic knowledge needed for a successful planting and continued maintenance of the tree(s) purchased. Planting of trees will benefit the city by increasing home value, air quality, wildlife habitat, water quality, aesthetics, and the overall view of the city. The city will provide trees that residents can purchase at a cost of $16 per tree with a limit of two (2) trees. The cost to the city is on average $32 per household (1" - 2" diameter trees). There will be a limited variety and quantity of species to choose from (see enclosed list). They will range in height from 4 to 10 feet. The Parks Department will order the trees and distribute the trees to the city residents. In order for the resident to take advantage of this tree offer they must fill out the order form found with their water bill. Also the day of the tree pickup the Parks Department will hand out proper tree care information. Budget Impact: In 2009 the Paxks Department budgeted $8,000 for the resident tree sale. Staff Workload: The Parks Department will be required to work a Saturday morning from 8:00 a.m. to 12 noon for the tree pickup. B. ALTERNATIVES: 1. The first alternative would be to approve the tree program and authorize the reduced cost trees for residents. 2. The second alternative would be to not approve the tree program. C. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director, Parks Superintendent and Parks Commission that the City Council authorize the tree program and the reduced cost trees to residents. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of the tree order form and Proper Tree Planting Diagrams SUPPORTING DATA Resident Tree Pickup April 18t~`, 2009 ~~ . ~ ,, Shrr~cfCt~d taac~d mu!fitt, 3-4 i~t:;he~ thick after scli'~nq -~~~~r~ar,~ vrc:lt to ~ttfe sail 3t~u-3d rrrrat ,~ ?•3 o~a~~~ staY~~ti~ ,~ ~~ ~rrn ridge of Sail tcs krrl~, Ater pU~lled wet roc„~. dl~~rdt~l '~ SUPPORTING DATA MONTICELLO TREE PROGRAM y, v ',I TRffORDfB - 1;1 NOW IS THE TIME TO GET IN ON OUR SPRING TREE ORDER! WE ARE OFFERING TOP QUALITY BARE ROOT NURSERY TREES TO CITY RESIDENTS AT A MINIMAL COST! THESE ARE 1 " -2" DIAMETER TREES FROM 4' -10' IN HEIGHT DETAILS FOR THE PROGRAM ARE AS FOLLOWS: Cost to Resident: $16.00 /Tree 6:i 0: EACH - V 03 c ALES TA.V Limit 2 Trees Per Household Questions? Call the Monticello Park Superintendent Complete the Order Form on Back (76 Superintendent d le Return with Check or Money Order Payable to the City of Monticello Deadline for Orders: March 31, 2009 The City will substitute a similar tree if your selection is not available Tree Pickup Saturday, April 18, 2009 from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Pickup at Public Works, 909 Golf Course Road, Monticello The City will not assist with tree planting Call Gopher State One Call before you dig ,0efor r o440 GOPHER'- ONE ,$CA66 r 1 -800. 252 -1166 Please return completed order form and payment to: City of Monticello Attn: Spring Tree Order 505 Walnut Street, Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 11ON ICELLO TREE DESCRIPTION BOULEVARD LINDEN Height: 60' Foliage: Dark Green Spread: 30' Fall Foliage: Yellow Shape: Pyramidal (b NORTHWOODS MAPLE Height: 50' Foliage: Dark Green Spread: 35' Fall Foliage: Bright Orange -Red Shape: Round, Oval ( SIENNA GLEN MAPLE Height: 60' Foliage: Green Spread: 40' Fall Foliage: Burgundy Red Shape: Pyramidal (f� AUTUMN SPIRE MAPLE Height: 50' Foliage: Green Spread: 20 -25' Fall Foliage: Beautiful Red Shape: Broadly Columnar HONEYLOCUST SKYLINE Height: 50' Foliage: Dark Green Spread: 30 -35' Fall Foliage: Golden Yellow Shape: Broadly Pyramidal TOTAL ORDER Method — of Payment ease main =ne'P a M1i0 Fayabie to the City of MonticSio ❑ CHECK ❑ MONEY ORDER address $16 Per Tree {si >.92iEach + Sa -ea Sales TaxJ Phone Order Deadline: March 31, 2009 B n TO QUANTITY COST REQUESTED TREEIMAGE (Includes MREE Sales Tax) $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 Please return your 7 completed order form and payment to: City of Monticello Attn: Spring Tree Order P 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 limb 2 Trees Per B ®IVSed ®tU STATE STREET MAPLE Height: 20 -25' Foliage: Spread: 15 -20' Medium Green Fall Foliage: Shape: Pyramidal Yellow SNOW DRIFT CRAB Height: 15 -20' Flower: Spread: 20 -25' Fruit: White Flowers Shape: Uniform, Symmetrical Glossy, Orange -Red JAPANESE TREE LILAC Height: 25' Foliage: Spread: 25' Deep Green Flower: Shape: Spreading Creamy White June -July HONEYLOCUST SKYLINE Height: 50' Foliage: Dark Green Spread: 30 -35' Fall Foliage: Golden Yellow Shape: Broadly Pyramidal TOTAL ORDER Method — of Payment ease main =ne'P a M1i0 Fayabie to the City of MonticSio ❑ CHECK ❑ MONEY ORDER address $16 Per Tree {si >.92iEach + Sa -ea Sales TaxJ Phone Order Deadline: March 31, 2009 B n TO QUANTITY COST REQUESTED TREEIMAGE (Includes MREE Sales Tax) $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 $ 16.00 Please return your 7 completed order form and payment to: City of Monticello Attn: Spring Tree Order P 505 Walnut Street Suite #1 Monticello, MN 55362 limb 2 Trees Per B ®IVSed ®tU Council Agenda: 1/26/09 10. Consideration of approving purchase of automatic transfer switch for fiber optic head-end building. (BP) A. REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND: An automatic transfer switch (ATS), which transfers the power supply source from the main power line to the emergency generator when the power goes out, needs to be purchased and installed at the fiber optic head-end building prior to powering up the building's permanent heating system. The building is currently being heated with a temporary heat source that cannot reduce the humidity levels enough to allow the interior of the building to be finished. This finishing work includes painting, tiling and flooring. As such the City needs to purchase and install an 800 amp ATS in order to allow the interior of the building to be completed so that the electronics and racking can be installed. The prime contractor on the head-end building project, KC Companies, submitted a quote to the City in the amount of $29,250 for furnishing and installing an 800 amp ATS. However, the Public Works Director has received quotes for a comparable ATS at substantially lower costs and will present this information to the City Council before the meeting on Monday evening. As noted previously, it is imperative that an ATS be purchased and installed as soon as possible in order to prevent delays in finishing the head-end building, which would delay the installation of necessary electronics, batteries, cabinets and racking. An emergency generator also needs to be purchased and installed at the head-end building, but this item will likely not be presented to the City Council for approval until the next regularly scheduled Council meeting on February 9, 2009. A.1 Budget Impact: Funds for this purchase will be drawn from City reserves, but will be replenished using proceeds from the Revenue Bonds if the lawsuit is dismissed. A.2 Staff Impact: The Public Works Director will work with the vendor to purchase an 800 amp ATS. Installation will likely be completed by the electrical subcontractor for the head-end building project. B. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS: 1. Motion to approve purchase and installation of an 800 amp automatic transfer switch for the fiber optic head-end building in the amount of $ 2. Motion to deny purchase of an 800 amp automatic transfer switch for the fiber optic head-end building at this time. Council Agenda: 1/26/09 C. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: This equipment is required for operation of the City's fiber optic loop. With this in mind, and to allow the project to remain on schedule, staff recommends that the Council approve Alternative Action No. 1. D. SUPPORTING DATA: Quotes will be distributed prior to the meeting. Council Meeting - //2008 Consideration of approving purchase of Automatic Transfer Switch and Generator for Monticello Fibernet Head End Buildins-----. (B.P.) 1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION: a. Budget Impact: The determination of cost for the purchase of an Automatic Transfer Switch and Generator will impact the budget of the project by the equipment cost selected by council. Costs were to be determined by need of the project. b. Staff Workload Impact: The approval will affect will slightly affect staff workload 2. ALTERNATIVES: A. The first alternative would be to purchase a matched Automatic Transfer Switch and Generator now to continue the construction with the least delay B. The second alternative would be to purchase an Automatic Transfer Switch now to continue the construction with the least delay and wait to purchase a matching Generator at a later time. C. The third alternative is not to purchase either an Automatic Transfer Switch or a Generator which will delay or stop construction. 3. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: It is the recommendation of the Public Works Director and the City Engineer that a matched package purchase of an Automatic Transfer Switch and Generator be made now to keep the construction on time. The Cummins Power Automatic Transfer Switch and Generator would give the city the best value and the soonest delivery of an Automatic Transfer Switch to allow the construction to continue with the least delay 4. SUPPORTING DATA: Copy of bids enclosed Quotation Cummins NPower, LLC 1600 Buerkle Road White Bear Lake MN 55110 United States Direct: 651-286-2124 January 23, 2009 Project Name: City of Monticello Quotation: 3617055 Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to quote as follows: USD ~• ~ Diesel Genset: 60Hz-230/210kW USA,Stationary 230DSHAD Genset-Diese1,60Hz,230kW Duty Rating-Standby Power Listing-UL 2200 Cert-EPA,Nonroad CI,Tier 3 per 40 CFR 89 Enclosure-Steel,Sound Att,Level 2,w/Exhaust System Voltage-120/208,3 Phase,Wye,4 Wire Alternator-60 Hz, 12 Lead, Upper Broad Range, 125C SET CONTROL-PCC 2100 Exciter/Regulator-Pmg, 3 Phase Sensor Engine Governor-Electronic, Isochronous Only Display Language-English Display-Control,Graphical Interface-CommunicationsNtwk, FTT-10 Circuit Breaker Mtg-Single Brkr,Left of Control Circuit Breaker-800A,3P,UL 600,IEC 415,80% Shunttrip-12vdc,Single Circuit Breaker Skidbase-Housing Ready Engine Cooling-High Ambient Air Temperature Shutdown-Low Coolant Level Extension-Engine Coolant Drain Coolant Heater-120 Volt Ac, Single Phase Engine Oil Heater-208/240 Vac, Single Phase Genset Warranty-5 Year Comprehensive Packing-Skid, Poly Bag Rack-Battery Extension-Oil Drain Common Parts Listing Product Revision - B Fuel Tank-DualWall,336ga1 Battery, Dry-12Vdc-810CCA ALARM KIT (BASIN) ALARM KIT (LOW FUEL) Freight 2500 Watt Engine Block Heater Annuciator Tax 6.5% Grand Total $52,717.50 Start-up Not included ~(~_(oo ~Ca~,s de~~-`~ Submitted by D~ Ali . Doug Abrahamson ,Sales Representative douglas.p.abrahamson@cummins.com Mobile: 651-402-7183 Fax: 651-286-2111 Cummins NPower, LLC 1600 Buerkle Road White Bear Lake MN 55110 United States Direct: 651-286-2124 Terms and Conditions Extended Warranty Coverage is valid only in the United States and Canada. For Extended Warranty requirements outside of the United States and Canada, please contact your Cummins Power Generation- FridleyWarranty Analyst. The equipment and/or services included in this quotation are as detailed on the Bill of Material. Prices are in US dollars and are valid for 60 days. Any applicable taxes are not included. Standard freight costs are included, F.O.B. point-of-shipment on the truck. Delivery onflat-bed truck or other special trailer will be at additional cost. Unloading and placement are the responsibility of the installing contractor and/or buyer. This quotation does not include any engineering, installation materials or labor. Activities or items such as interconnection wiring, fuel for testing, fuel permitting, concrete pads, hard piping of any kind, etc., are the responsibilities of the installing contractor, unless they are listed in the Bill of Material. Delivery is expected to be 60 days after receipt of approved submittal drawings. Payment terms are net 30 days upon approved credit. All payments to be made in cash or approved check. If credit payment card is preferred, add 3% to the quoted price. Retainers are not accepted without prior written approval. A service charge of 1.5% per month (effective APR 19.6%) will be charged on all past due accounts. Should Buyer cancel the purchase agreement without Seller's written consent, Seller may, at his option, recover from buyer a cancellation charge of not less than 20% of the purchase price. Those orders that are ready for shipment but cannot be delivered for reasons such as job site delay, credit holds, equipment held at customer's request for consolidation or pick-up, etc., will be assessed a 2% per month storage charge, starting 10 days after the scheduled ship date. Storage will be provided for up to 3 months at which time the order will be subject to cancellation, with the appropriate cancellation charges applied. ANY PERSON OR COMPANYS SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT TO THE PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIRECTLY PAY PERSONS WHO HAVE SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A LIEN WAIVER FOR ALL AMOUNTS PAID. Warranty on this equipment is supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment, not Cummins NPower, LLC. Standard warranty is one year from start-up or 18 months from delivery, which ever comes first, unless special or extended warranties are purchased. Signature Date Title Quotation Cummins NPower, LLC 1600 Buerkle Road White Bear Lake MN 55110 United States Direct: 651-286-2124 January 23, 2009 Project Name: City of Monticello Quotation: 3617055 Thank you for your inquiry. We are pleased to quote as follows: USD Transfer Switch-Power Command: 800A OTEC 800 Transfer Switch-Onan,PwrCmd,800 Amp 1 Poles-3 Application-Utility To Genset Listing-UL 1008/CSA Certification Frequency-60 Hertz System-3 Phase,3 Wire Or 4 Wire Voltage-208 Vac Cabinet- Type 4 Control-Transfer Switch,Level 2 Display-Digital Module-Relay Signal Interface-Communications Network,FTT-10 Transfer Switch Warranty-5 Yr Comprehensive Common Parts Listing Product Revision - A Freight EMI Nema 3R 800 Amp ATS Cab Serv Entr Sales Tax 6.5 Grand Total $20,554.50 Start-up Not included: I ~ U~ c~,l~TeY~ Submitted by Doug Abrahamson ,Sales Representative douglas.p.abrahamson@cummins.com Mobile: 651-402-7183 Fax: 651-286-2111 Cummins NPower, LLC 1600 Buerkle Road White Bear Lake MN 55110 United States Direct: 651-286-2124 Terms and Conditions Extended Warranty Coverage is valid only in the United States and Canada. For Extended Warranty requirements outside of the United States and Canada, please contact your Cummins Power Generation- Fridley Warranty Analyst. The equipment and/or services included in this quotation are as detailed on the Bill of Material Prices are in US dollars and are valid for 60 days. Any applicable taxes are not included. Standard freight costs are included, F.O.B. point-of-shipment on the truck. Delivery on flat-bed truck or other special trailer will be at additional cost. Unloading and placement are the responsibility of the installing contractor and/or buyer. This quotation does not include any engineering, installation materials or labor. Activities or items such as interconnection wiring, fuel for testing, fuel permitting, concrete pads, hard piping of any kind, etc., are the responsibilities of the installing contractor, unless they are listed in the Bill of Material. Delivery is expected to be 21 days after receipt of approved submittal drawings. Payment terms are net 30 days upon approved credit. All payments to be made in cash or approved check. If credit payment card is preferred, add 3% to the quoted price. Retainers are not accepted without prior written approval. A service charge of 1.5% per month (effective APR 19.6%) will be charged on all past due accounts. Should Buyer cancel the purchase agreement without Seller's written consent, Seller may, at his option, recover from buyer a cancellation charge of not less than 20% of the purchase price. Those orders that are ready for shipment but cannot be delivered for reasons such as job site delay, credit holds, equipment held at customer's request for consolidation or pick-up, etc., will be assessed a 2% per month storage charge, starting 10 days after the scheduled ship date. Storage will be provided for up to 3 months at which time the order will be subject to cancellation, with the appropriate cancellation charges applied. ANY PERSON OR COMPANYS SUPPLYING LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THIS IMPROVEMENT TO THE PROPERTY MAY FILE A LIEN AGAINST THE PROPERTY IF THAT PERSON OR COMPANY IS NOT PAID FOR THE CONTRIBUTIONS. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO DIRECTLY PAY PERSONS WHO HAVE SUPPLIED LABOR OR MATERIALS FOR THE IMPROVEMENT. YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO REQUEST A LIEN WAIVER FOR ALL AMOUNTS PAID. Warranty on this equipment is supplied by the manufacturer of the equipment, not Cummins NPower, LLC. Standard warranty is one year from start-up or 18 months from delivery, which ever comes first, unless special or extended warranties are purchased. Signature Date Title Allied Generators Bid #: 2668 533 Hayward Av. N. Suite 150 Bid Date 01/26/2009 Oakdale, Mn 55128 Last Updated 01/26/2009 Phone:651-770-3483 Fax:651-770-6924 Job Customer Monticello, City of Phone Cell PO General Customer Contacts Primary Contact Job Description Phone (763) 271-3271 Name Bob Paschke Fax Phone (763}271-3271 Cell Cell Quantity Generator 1 Kohler 250REOZJD Transfer Switch 1 ASCO series 300 800 Amp 3R service rated System Voltage 1 120/208 Volt 3 phase Breaker Size I 800 Amp Breaker Fuel System 1 Diesel 1 Sub-base tank 474 gallon Enclosure 1 Weather and sound enclosure Services Provided 1 Deliver generator to job site 1 Start up included Sates Tax 1 SalesTax included Electrical I 800 Amp Tap box Total: $67,160.00 Page 1 of l Bob Paschke From: Gary Bance [gary@gen-tracker.com] Sent: Monday, January 26, 2009 4:57 PM To: Bob Paschke Subject: Attachments: Gen quote SeryiceWorkgttachedGen.pdf; takeoff.pdf; options.pdf Bob See attached file. I also included time for the generator is 12 to 13 12 weeks. the transfer switch only delivered to site no start up. The accesories. Call me if you have an; an option for monitoring. The lead weeks The transfer switch is 10to is $10700.00 with sales tax and balance is for the generator and y questions Gary Bance Allied Generators 651-770-3483 Cell 651-755-9858 1 Allied Generators 533 Hayward Av. N. Suite 150 Oakdale, Mn 55128 Phone:651-770-3483 Fax:651-770-6924 Customer Monticello, City of General Customer Contacts Phone (763) 271-3271 Fax Cell Quantity Bid #: 2668 Bid Date 01!26/2009 Last Updated 01/26/2009 Job Phone Cell PO Primary Contact Job Description Name Bob Paschke Phone (763) 271-3271 Cell Options Only -Not Included in bid Monitoring System 1 Annual monitoring fee $250.00 1 Monitoring system included Cost Extended Cost $250.00 $250.00 $700.00 $700.00 Paee I of I Date: January 26, 2009 To: City of Monticello Attn: Bob Paschke Proposal No. EPG20092043Rev2 Re: Standby Generator WE PROPOSE TO FURN/ SH /NACCORDANCE WITH THE FOLLOWING SPECIFICATIONS, TERMS AND CUrvDt[[urv~ QUANTITY: One (1) new CATERPILLAR diesel generator set mounted in Sound attenuated enclosure with a 660 gallon base tank MODEL: C9 RATING: 250KW Stand-by VOLTAGE: 480 Volts, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 HZ, 1800 RPM TOTAL GENERATOR PRICE $68,190.00* SWITCHGEAR: One ~1) 800 Amp, Asco 300 Open Transition Automatic Transfer Switch Service Entrance Rated with 800 amp fused switch with Utility CT provision Mounted in Nema 3R Enclosure 208 Volts, 3 pole, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hertz TOTAL SWITCHGEAR PRICE $16,801.00* Note- The ATS can be delivered approximately 3-4 weeks after submittal approval. INSTALLATION: By others Please refer to the attached Bill of Material. *Price does include state sales NOTE -This unit is in stock at the Shakopee location and is subject to availability. Factory orders are up to 24 weeks delivery after order is placed. APPROXIMATE SHIPPING: Up to 24 weeks after submittal approval F.O.B. Jobsite, on truck TERMS Net 20 days - 95% due at delivery and 15% due 20 days after start-up Tll~s PnnPOSAL SUBJECT TO ALL PROVISIONS OF THE CONTRACT AND WARRANTY ON REVERSE SIDE ACCEPTED: sy Proposal by ZIEGLER ' ZIEGLER POWER SYSTEMS 8050 County Road lOlEast Shakopee, MN 55379 952-887-4574 Respectfully submitted, ZIEGLER INC. Vaughn Lenander, Sales Engineer Subject to approval by APPROVED: ZIEGLER INC. Its BY BILL OF MA TERIAL EPG20092043rev2 -1- EMERGENCY STANDBY DIESEL FUELED GENERATOR SET, RATED 250 STANDBY @ 208VOLT, 3 PHASE, 60 HERTZ, 1800 RPM, PACKAGED GENERATOR SET Caterpillar heavy-duty diesel Tier III Engine Model C9 Direct injected, air to air-aftercooled 8.81iter displacement In line 6 cylinder configuration AIR INLET SYSTEM Air cleaner, Heavy-duty dual filter, with service indicators Aftercooler core, copper nickel construction Turbochargers, single stage CONTROL SYSTEM Caterpillar ADEM control system COOLING SYSTEM Radiator, high capacity Blower fan Fan drive Belt and fan guards Upper and lower radiator connections Antifreeze, 50% ethylene glycol with rust inhibitor Jacket water pump, gear driven, centrifugal Jacket water heater One (1) 3 kW heater 120/208 volt, 1 phase High pressure hose Isolation valves EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust manifold, dry, round flanged outlet Exhaust silencer, super critical grade, mounted in enclosure Exhaust-flex connector, Bellows type, stainless steel construction, ANSI outlet flange FLYWHEEL AND FLYWHEEL HOUSING Flywheel, SAE No. 1 Flywheel housing, SAE No. 1 SAE standard rotation BILL OF MATERIAL EPG20092043rev2 -2- FUEL SYSTEM Fuel filters, RH, with service indicators Fuel transfer pump 660 gallon UL Listed base tank Double wall with rupture basin alarm Flexible fuel lines Fuel level Switch Low fuel level alarm GENERATOR AND GENERATOR ATTACHMENTS Brushless Caterpillar SR4 generator, PMG-Excitation System VR3 voltage regulator, volts/hertz Three phase sensing One (1) Mainline circuit breaker PROTECTION SYSTEM Safety shutoff protection, energized to shut off Local annunciator Generator run relay INSTRUMENTATION (EMCP 3.2 DIGITAL CONTROL PANEL) Control panel Panel lights Auxiliary relay Digital (LCD) indication AC voltage (L-L) AC amps Frequency DC voltage Coolant temperature Oil pressure Rpm Hours run System diagnostic CONTROLLER EMCP 3.2 controller Instrumentation: LCD display with adjustable contrast and backlight with auto power off AC metering: Volts, Amps, Frequency DC metering: Battery volts, Hours run, Jacket water temperature, Oil pressure, Speed Protection Fail to start shutdown Low oil pressure shutdown Low/High battery voltage Battery charger failure Underspeed/Overspeed Loss of engine speed detection BILL OF MATERIAL EPG20092043rev2 -3- 2 spare fault channels 20 event fault log Controller cont. 2 LED status indicators, 1 red, 1 amber Run key and LED indicator Auto key and LED indicator Stop key and LED indicator Lamp test key Alarm acknowledge key Menu navigation keys Modbus Communications Isolated data link RS-485 Engine and AC metering shortcut keys Lock down emergency stop push button 161ight remote annunciator -shipped loose LUBE SYSTEM Crankcase breather Oil cooler Oil filler and dipstick Oil filter, RH Oil pump, gear driven Oil pan Lubricating oil, Cat CXP, SAE 30, CD MOUNTING SYSTEM Rail base, engine-generator-radiator length Linear vibration isolators between base and engine generator STARTING SYSTEM Starter motor, 24 VDC Alternator, 24V, 45 amp Battery, lead acid, low maintenance CAT industrial batteries Battery rack, corrosion resistant Battery cables Battery Charger, Dual Rate Float Style 10 amp Charger with alarms Oversized 1300 CCA Battery's ENCLOSURE Sound attenuated weatherproof enclosure Critical silencer mounted inside Painted -Caterpillar Yellow and Black Noise reduced to 72dB @ 23' BILL OF MATERIAL EPG20092043rev2 -4- SWITCHGEAR One (1) 800 Amp, Asco 300 Series Service Entrance Transfer Switch 3 pole, 3 phase, 4 wire, 60 Hertz Furnished with: 800 Amp main fused switch 800 Amp Utility C.T. Provision Mounted in Nema 3R Enclosure GENERAL Submittal drawings Technical data, engine, generator, radiator, switchgear, ancillary equipment Drawings, schematics, wiring diagrams Testing Prototype testing Production, factory testing Supervision by project management. Startup testing by Ziegler technician 24 hour parts and emergency service Two (2) year warranty Trained Ziegler technicians to perform start-up Deliver to jobsite on truck O & M manuals Operator training COMMENTS AND CLARIFICATIONS Rigging from delivery truck to pad provided by others Fuel by others NOTES Ziegler limits the scope of supply for this quotation to the equipment and services listed. Equipment not listed is assumed to be provided by others. Ziegler cannot provide air emission permits for customers. We will provide emission information on the Caterpillar engine to the owner to aid in the permitting process. Orders are subject to re-stocking charges if cancelled after release for production. Mechanical and electrical installation provided by others. State and local permits for fire, air, fuel tanks or building permits are not included and provided by others. ~'' ~ Builders & Developers Website: KCCompanieslnc.com WAITE PARK 734 First Street South Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone: 320/217-2640 Fax: 320/217-2642 CROSSLAKE P.O. Box 217 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone: 218/692-6640 Fax: 218/692-6642 Fully Insured & Bonded MN Builder Lic. #20517204 E~erience ;; Qunlitr~ Bui(fing Better Communities December 23, 2008 Abby Evans Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. 15 Groveland Terrace Minneapolis, MN 5540.3 Re: FiberNet Mead End Building & Garage Monticello, MN Proposal Request Number Three (3) Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd. PR#2 Dear Ms. Evans: Please see our cost breakdown to furnish and install an 800 amp transfer switch and conduit for the future generator as per Proposal Request Number Two (2j dated November 26, 2008 as prepared by Kodet Architectural Group, Ltd., and the. electrical engineer, Cain Quse Associates, Inc.. This cost does not include the generator, concrete pad and/or fencing for the future generator. 16000 Electrical (Westrum Electric, Inc.) Subtotal Contractors 5% OH & P: Additional Bond 1-1/2%: Yotal 27 446.00 $ 27,446.00 1,372.00 432.00 $ 29,250.00 In addition we would request fifteen (15) working days to purchase the transfer switch after approved shop drawings and three (3) working days to install the transfer switch. ~ '~ ~ Builders & Developers Website: KCCompanieslnc.com WAITE PARK 734 First Street South Waite Park, MN 56387 Phone: 320/217-2640 Fax: 320/217-2642 CROSSLAKE P.O. Box 217 Crosslake, MN 56442 Phone: 218/692-6640 Fax: 218/692-6642 Fully Insured & Bonded MN Builder Lic. #20517204 ~erienee e~' QuaCity Building Better Communities Please review the above proposal and advise our office as to your decision as soon as possible. If acceptable, please sign and return this proposal to our office, so we may proceed with this change. Sincerely, eff Baggenstoss VP of Operations KC Companies, Inc. Owner's Acceptance Date Jeff Baggenstoss ...From: brenda [brendawei@izoom.net] Vent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 2:46 PM fo: jeff@kccompaniesine.com Subject: PR#2 for Project KC08-07 Fibernet Jeff: Price to provide and install 800 amp transfer switch and conduit to future generator location includes: Material: $25,886 Labor: $1,560 Please don't hesitate to give us a cal! at 763-263-2298 for any questions. Thanks! Brenda Kreuger, Office Manager WESTRUfv1 ELECTRIC, INC i