IDC Minutes 03-04-2008MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, March 4, 2008 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mike Benedetto, Vice Chair Bill Tapper, Dan Olson, Don Tomann, Zona Gutzwiller, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam, and Sandy Suchy. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dick Van Allen, Don Roberts, Barb Schwientek, Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Jim Johnson, and Patrick Thompson. COUNCIL LIAISON PRESENT: Council Member Wayne Mayer. STAFF PRESENT: Ollie Koropchak and Jeff O'Neill. IDC MISSION STATEMENT: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at liveable wage-levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial environment in the City of Monticello. 1. Call to Order. (Please read the minutes and information prior to the meeting.) Chair Benedetto called the IDC meeting to order at 7:06 a.m. 2. Welcome new IDC member and introductions. Chair Benedetto welcomed Wayne Elam and Rich Harris to the IDC and each new and existing member gave a short bio. 3. Vote to approve the March 4, 2008 IDC minutes. Chair Benedetto thanked Tapper for chairing the meeting in February and asked for a motion on the minutes. Tomann asked to make some comments about the minutes. He questioned Item No. 3 of the Resolution: Why does the IDC confirm and the Council appoint the IDC members? Tapper responded it is through Council appointment of IDC members that formalizes/legitimizes the linkage between the IDC and City for compliance with the Office of the State Auditor. The IDC still selects and confirms members for recommendation to the Council. Tomann's concern was: What prevents future Council members from not appointing recommended members or the Economic Development Director for reasons of bias? Tomann viewed this as a pretty dangerous statement and cautioned IDC members. His viewpoint was less government not more government. Secondly, Tomann asked about the meaning to Council Member Mayer's statement commending the IDC for development of the resolution which gives recognition to the IDC and their commercial and industrial viewpoints. Point being and after previous lengthy IDC Minutes - 03/04/08 discussions by the IDC, the IDC agreed to focus on industrial and not commercial. Tapper stated he appreciated Don's concern but felt Mayer's comment was made in generalities. Next, S Tomann noted that the Ciry and IDC should be conscious of any one developer who requests any staff member not be present at a meeting as we all bring business to the city and what staff member is next. Lastly, Tomann commented on the Mayor Herbst's loose statement about no control over the person doing the IDC work. Does the Economic Development Director have the ability or flexibility to work on behalf of economic development and its organization (IDC) or only at the direction of the supervisor? Is this statement a result of a perceived abuse by the IDC and the Economic Development Director? WITH NO FURTHER COMMENTS AND DISCUSSION, TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE MARCH 4, 2008 IDC MINUTES. SECONDED BY OLSON, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED AS WRITTEN. 4. Old Business: A. Cop, oti f City Resolution No 2008-16 excerpt of February 11 2008 Council minutes, and IDC membership listing. For information purposes only, no action required. 5. New Business: A. Review 2007 IDC attendance record. Chair Benedetto noted the membership attendance requirement of at least 75% in order to make a positive contribution and the membership attendance report for 2007 requesting the report be recorded and filed. B. Review and vote to amend or re-affirm the IDC Organizational and Membershi Guidelines. Koropchak informed members that during the time the subcommittee drafted the resolution recognizing the IDC, the subcommittee suggested the need for consistency between the resolution and the organizational and membership guidelines. Therefore, the following were suggested for amendment: 1) Change of meeting place from City Hall, Bridge Room to Community Center 2) Delete Administrator and Community Development Coordinator as city staff to IDC and replace with city council shall appoint the Economic Development Director as the Executive Director of the IDC as anon-voting member. Add the Administrator may assign other support staff to the IDC as needed. 3) Change the Chamber Director from a voting member to a non- voting member consistent with other liaison members. Changing the Chamber Director position to anon-voting member constituted the most discussion. Tapper gave a brief history of the Chamber/IDC relationship. Koropchak noted at one time the Economic Development and Chamber Director was one job description. Mayer noted Suchy support in moving the city forward but also questioned why the Chamber Director had voted on previous IDC action. OLSON MADE A MOTION TO AMEND THE IDC ORGANIZATIONAL AND MEMBERSHIP GUIDELINES AS FOLLOWS: l.) CHANGE THE MEETING PLACE OF THE IDC FROM CITY HALL, BRIDGE ROOM TO MONTICELLO COMMUNITY CENTER. 2.) DELETE CITY ADMINISTRATOR AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR AS • CITY STAFF MEMBERS TO THE IDC. ADD THE CITY COUNCIL SHALL 2 IDC Minutes - 03/04/08 APPOINT THE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT DRECTOR AS THE EXECUTNE DIRECTOR OF THE IDC AS ANON-VOTING MEMBER. ADD THE CITY ADMINISTRATOR MAY ASSIGN OTHER SUPPORT STAFF TO THE IDC AS NEEDED. 3.) CHANGE THE CHAMBER REPRESENTATNE AS APPOINTED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE CHAMBER OF COMMENCE & INDUSTRY AS ANON-VOTING MEMBER. GUTZWILLER SECONDED THE MOTION AND WITH NO FURTHER DISCUSSION, THE MOTION CARRIED 7-1 VOTE. TOMANN OPPOSED HAVING CONCERNS WITH ITEMS 2. AND 3. C. Vote to elect 2008 IDC officers: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secret This item carried-over to the April meeting as without the Chamber representative as a voting member, there no longer was a quorum. D. Review and vote to amend the IDC Action Statement. This item carried-over to the April meeting. E. Review existing IDC Goals and Tasks and proposed Comp Plan, Economic Development Strategies. Discuss development and,process for establishment of IDC Objectives, Strategies, and Tasks (Work P1anZ This item was carried-over to the April meeting. Koropchak noted to members that the attached information includes the 2006 IDC Goals and Tasks and list of subcommittee members. Additionally, Koropchak noted using the Economic Development Chapter of the proposed Comp Plan she summarized the Chapter by objectives, benefits, and development strategies. She asked IDC members to take a look at the development strategies as a guide to development of an IDC work plan (action plan.) In order to prevent anover-lap of roles between the IDC and EDA, the suggestion was for the EDA to concentrate on Items I. through N. and the IDC Items. V through VIII. This topic is also be on the EDA agenda of March 12. O'Neill noted the importance of the involvement of the Community Development Coordinator to link development strategies (work plan) to policy decisions. Tapper suggested members read the Comp Plan which is on-line. Koropchak was requested to submit a copy of the SCSU Study on Biosciences to Harris and Elam. Chair Benedetto requested the 2006 IDC Goals and Tasks also be a part of the discussions in April. 6. Reports: A. Cit~Update. No report by Council members. B. Fiber Optic and Marketing Committee. Due to some upcoming decisions by the Fiber Committee, Mayer requested input at a later time from some IDC members. Marketing meeting is scheduled for this Friday, no report. C. Economic Development. Koropchak highlighted the meeting of the Higher Education Group and Tomann requested the IDC and City take a larger interest in this topic and place it on the forefront. D. Chamber. Chamber Director Suchy reported the Chamber's Government Affairs Committee spend a day at the Capitol. The 7-8 members visited with legislators who • encouraged people to contact them as they do listen. Senator Bachman is scheduled to 3 IDC Minutes - 03/04/08 visit the Chamber on March 27 but not to campaign. The Chamber will again sponsor the Candidates Forum this fall. She noted there is a Job Fair scheduled at the High School on March 25 sponsored by the Monticello Work Force Center. Chair Benedetto suggested to invite Tim Zopy to an IDC meeting for an informational presentation as to the role of the Monticello Work Force. 7. Review the draft copy of the April 1, 2008 Planning Commission Agenda for industrial related items. Discuss and vote on an IDC position or action if necessary. No action required as no industrial related items. Other Business. A. Next IDC meeting -Tuesday, April 1, 2008. B. Other. The Executive Director will be out-of--the-office March 13 returning March 31. 9. Adjournment. The IDC meeting adjourned by a consensus of its members present at 8:15 a.m. ~~~ ~ Ollie Koropchak, Recorder • • 4