IDC Minutes 10-07-2008MINUTES MONTICELLO INDUSTRIAL & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE Tuesday, October 7, 2008 - 7:00 a.m. Bridge Room, 505 Walnut Street, Monticello, MN MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Mike Benedetto, Vice Chair Bill Tapper, Secretary Lynne Dahl- Fleming, Barb Schwientek, Rich Harris, Zona Gutzweiler, Don Roberts, Wayne Elam. MEMBERS ABSENT: Dick VanAllen, Jim Johnson, Don Tomann, Patrick Thompson, Marshall Smith, Dan Olson. LIASONS PRESENT: City Council, Wayne Mayer; Chamber Director, Sandy Suchy CITY STAFF PRESENT: Economic Development Director, Megan Barnett City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill IEDC MISSION: To increase the industrial tax base, to create jobs at livable wage levels, and to maintain a favorable and desirable industrial and economic environment in the City of Monticello 1. 2 3 Call to Order. IEDC Chair Mike Benedetto called the meeting to order at 7:07 a.m. declaring a quorum. Vote to approve the September 2, 2008 IEDC minutes. BILL TAPPER MADE A MOTION TO APPROVE THE SEPT. 2, 2008 IEDC MINUTES. SECONDED BY DON ROBERS, THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED. Re orts: A. Cit~pdate City Administrator, Jeff O'Neill reported that the City's Transportation Plan is currently being updated. A public workshop related to the transportation study was held on September 22. Topics reported on included the potential interchange locations for County Road 39 West and Orchard Roadasnd the Riverstreet Closing Study. Another public meeting as follow-up will be held in October. Comment was also made regarding an additional river bridge crossing and although we realize this will be a long process something needs to be started now. O'Neill reported that currently a committee has formed with participants from the City of Monticello, Big Lake City and Big Lake Township as a work group to discuss transportation issues as they relate to the area just across the Mississippi River Bridge from Monticello at County Road 11. As this area develops transportation issues will continue arise. B. City Fiber Optics City Council Member, Wayne Mayer stated that 3-1/2 years ago he came to the IDC for their opinion on what they thought about the possibility of the city owning their own fiber optic network in order to promote economic development and he was looking for comment from the group today as well. He asked if they were still supportive of the project even if there was a possibility of a second fiber optic network being built in Monticello? Comments from the group included looking at all of the options, keeping emotion out of the decision making process but to continue moving forward. The city should continue to evaluate the financials of the project as it progresses. Lynne Dahl- Fleming provided a short update on the current 11 mile fiber loop which the Council voted to construct this year which would include data only (Internet) services to the businesses and industrial areas of the city and would also connect the important government and public buildings such as the public library, Community Center, fire department, City Hall and Public Works. This fiber loop build out is anticipated to be finished by the end of the year 2008. C. Chamber of Commerce and Industry Director, Sandy Suchy reported that the Business Expo was held on October 5 including 85 vendors and will be held again next year. The Annual Chamber Banquet is scheduled for December 1St and a possible joint Chamber and IEDC Banquet is being considered for early 2009. D. Economic Development Director Megan Barnett provided a report along with updates on her progress as the new Economic Development Director for the City. I-94 corridor expansion: On September 22 City Council was presented with a resolution supporting I-94 corridor expansion funding which would include lobbying for widening of the I-94 freeway area between Maple Grove and Monticello. The Council denied the request 4-1 stating that at the current time there was no money available to contribute. EDA report: With approval of the hiring of a new Economic Development Director, City Council requested aone-year probationary period with a clear workplan put in place. A draft workplan has been developed by Barnett's supervisors, Angela Schumann, Community Development Director and Jeff O'Neill, City Administrator. Input from IEDC is welcome. Monticello Marketing; Committee: This group met on October 2 and determined that its mission would be to focus on promoting industrial land in the City of Monticello primarily location of the city-owned Monticello 2 Business Park on Chelsea Road West. A larger effort to market Monticello as a community is being explored as a cooperative effort between the city, schools, hospital and other entities within Monticello as a joint effort. Pooling finances and work efforts to accomplish an overall vision and theme for promotion of our community as a whole will be explored separately from the promotion of Monticello industrial land for sale. Director, Barnett will be following up on this and providing a report back to the committee. A plan is in place to interview 3-41and development companies to discover what kind of partnerships could exist for marketing industrial land. Companies that were to be contacted are Nelson Builders, Pfeiffer Company, CB Richard Ellis, Welsh and United Properties. The 8-month contract for the I-94 billboard will end in December 2008. The message on the billboard will be changed in October to promote the city's fiber optic network and economic development. The current website www.MonticelloLand.com is in the process of being integrated into the city's website located at www.ci.monticello.mn.us. Advertising rates are being evaluated for the MN Real Estate Journal publication for a possible print ad which will include an editorial piece. Barnett is also working on a city brochure so she has a professional print piece which can be distributed for the promotion of Monticello and its land. Higher Education Committee: No report was provided as Barnett was unable to attend the last meeting. Dahl-Fleming commented that this committee originated out of the IEDC. The Higher Education Committee currently has representation from IEDC with member Patrick Thompson. IEDC Feedback: Director, Barnett asked members to provide her with any comment they have regarding the distribution of monthly IEDC packets. She was seeking feedback for whether or not members were receiving too much or too little information from her. Because she is new in the position as Director she would appreciate input. Members seemed to be satisfied with the packets with no additional comment being made. 4. Other Business. A. New Member Request: Charlotte Gabler contacted staff requesting to serve on the IEDC. Gabler is currently serving on the City's Planning Commission. The IEDC guidelines state that membership can include 16 to 18 members and currently there are 14 members. The group discussion included the obvious advantages of having a Planning Commissioner serve on the IEDC as a touch point position. MIKE BENEDETTO MADE A MOTION TO ACCEPT GABLER'S REQUEST FOR MEMBERSHIP. SECONDED BY LYNNE DAHL-FLEMING. 3 B. Resignation notice for IEDC Chair position: Mike Benedetto announced that he had given some serious consideration to his position with the IEDC in relationship to how he could be enjoying more time in his retirement years. He respectfully asked the membership to accept his resignation effective December 30, 2008. He stated that he has served on the IEDC for 8 years and now has a new grandchild located in Mexico City which requires more family travel time. He also stated that he has been hanging on to his Chair position for the last few months to get through the transition of Ollie's retirement and the hiring of the new Economic Development Director, Megan and he was now ready to resign. Benedetto said that Lynne Dahl-Fleming was willing to step up as Chair in his absence during the year 2009 for which his term as chair would end. Bill Tapper is currently the Vice-Chair but stated that he has no desire to ever serve as chairperson. 5. Break-out workgroups for IEDC sub-committees: Chair Benedetto asked for individual members to commit to one of the established workgroups for future IEDC workplans. Members committed to the following groups - LAND/INFRASTRUCTURE: Don Roberts, Zona Gutzweiller, Marshall Smith. TRANSPORTATION: Barb Schweintek, Bill Tapper, Rich Harris, Wayne Elam. BUSINESS RETENTION/COMMUNICATIONS: Lynne Dahl-Fleming, Patrick Thompson, Sandy Suchy. Members not present today would be asked to commit to a specific group at a subsequent meeting. To be determined was how often the sub-committees should meet and if the meetings should occur as a part of the regular monthly IEDC meetings or outside of IEDC. The discussion led to the conclusion that it would need to be a combination of both on an as needed basis. Questions were asked about the relationship between the Monticello Marketing Committee, Higher Education and IEDC. It was noted that currently representation from the IEDC exists on the Marketing Committee with members Chair, Mike Benedetto and Lynne Dahl-Fleming. In addition, some of the Business Retention/Communications tasks as asub-committee may also relate to marketing. Knowing what each committee is doing will prevent duplication of efforts and allow for complimenting goals and objectives. Wayne Elam expressed a desire to represent IEDC on the Higher Education Committee. Bill Tapper asked if any additional information was available related to transportation and the MnDot work being done on the I-94 bridge in Monticello which use to be the first exit (located near Hawk's Bar & Grill) and is currently closed. Director Barnett said she would follow up on this and provide a report at the next meeting. 4 Business Newsletter: The task of communicating with the business and industrial community was one of the tasks related to the Business Retention/Communications sub- committee and Director Barnett requested direction on proceeding with this printed piece. She offered to provide a sample newsletter as a mock-up at the next meeting so it could be decided how best to finalize the content of the news piece and what contribution IEDC would have in the efforts. This newsletter would include business related articles and updates from the city as well as other departments such as EDA and/or Planning Commission and rotating business spotlight features. The content would focus on business and industry and would be different than the current city newsletter which is primarily for residential readers. Barnett would like the first issue to appear in print starting in January 2009 with issues produced every three months (quarterly). The question was asked where the budget was coming from for this newsletter. It was explained that there is both an Economic Development budget for promotional efforts and a budget set aside by the EDA for marketing as well during 2009. Annual Social and Networking Event for IEDC: Barnett initiated discussion regarding whether or not IEDC was interested in having its own social and networking event each year as a way to bring the business and industrial community together. This was another task that fell under the sub-committee of Business Retention/Communications. Bill Tapper provided a short history of how the original IDC use to function as a group and its fundraising efforts of an annual banquet which was eventually turned over to the Chamber of Commerce but kept the name as the Annual IDC Banquet. The question was where does the current IEDC see this event going? Lynne Dahl-Fleming suggested there would be value in the IEDC doing its own separate annual event making it different from what the Chamber is currently doing. The purpose would be to provide an after hours or evening event including a social hour followed by dinner with the goal of a more casual atmosphere that would allow attendees to engage in conversation and networking between the business community, industry, the city and elected officials. It was determined that more discussion by the sub-committee would be needed to determine the time of year for such an event and to finalize the details. A good time for this event to occur may be during the first quarter of 2009. Director, Sandy Suchy asked whether or not the IEDC wanted Chamber to continue with the Annual Industrial Banquet they have been doing. Membership agreed that the Chamber should do whatever they see fit in the area of annual banquets separate from what IEDC does. Each event will have its own unique value to those interested in attending. 6. Adjournment. DON ROBERTS MADE A MOTION TO ADJOURN THE MEETING. SECONDED BY BILL TAPPER. THE IEDC MEETING ADJOURNED AT 8:47 A.M. Next IEDC meeting -Tuesday, November 4, 2008 Lynne Dahl-Fleming, IEDC Secretary 5