City Council Minutes 08-26-2024 WorkshopMINUTES
Monday, August 26, 2024 — 5 p.m.
Academy Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Charlotte Gabler, Lloyd Hilgart, Lee Martie, Sam Murdoff
Absent: Tracy Hinz
Staff: Rachel Leonard, Jennifer Schreiber, Angela Schumann, Ron Hackenmueller, Matt
Leonard, Tom Pawelk
1. Call to Order
Mayor Lloyd Hilgart called the special meeting to order at 5 p.m.
2. 2025 Budget Discussion
Sarah Rathlisberger, Finance Director, presented the fourth budget workshop. As part of
the presentation, she reviewed taxable market values, including the decrease of 7% in
Xcel Energy valuation. Also reviewed were the current projects in process and City
facilities that need to be maintained. The group discussed debt capacity and future
projects and what the increase in property tax levy would need to be.
Rachel Leonard, City Administrator, requested guidance from City Council to help staff
make a recommendation on the budget. Specifically, staff questioned what the Council
would be comfortable with regarding a levy increase. Mayor Hilgart noted he would
prefer 6% or between 6-8%. Councilmembers Gabler was comfortable with 6-10%.
Councilmember Martie noted 6-8%. Councilmember Murdoff stated that he wanted the
City to stay current on items and would support a 12-14% increase.
There were a number of additional items that the City Council was requested to give
direction. These included:
• West Bridge Park proiect — Ms. Rathlisberger commented on the project and
noted that there are available funds from the DMV, along with a donation from
the Monticello Lions, that could be used to complete the project. There was
consensus of Council to move forward with the project and use the donation
from the Lions and the dollars from the DMV.
• Ranking of the big 6 proiects — Ms. Rathlisberger questioned whether debt
should be issued for only the big projects or for other projects also. There was
consensus of Council that debt should be issued for the big 6 projects and that
other projects can be funding through capital projects fund.
City Council Workshop Minutes — August 26,2024
• Commitment to Public Works Building —there was no confirmation of future
action regarding this project — specifically to construct in 2025 or 2026. The City
Council had a brief discussion, but no clarification was provided. The levy
increase would be significant.
3. Adjournment
By consensus, the meeting was adjourned at 6:25 p.m.
Recorder: Jennifer Schreiber AON�4) "�ev
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City Council Workshop Minutes — August 26,2024