Monday, August 26, 2024 — 6:30 p.m.
Mississippi Room, Monticello Community Center
Present: Lloyd Hilgart, Charlotte Gabler, Lee Martie, and Sam Murdoff
Absent: Tracy Hinz
1. General Business
A. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Hilgart called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
B. Approval of Agenda
Councilmember Martie moved approval of the agenda. Councilmember Gabler
seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
C. Approval of Meeting Minutes
• Special Meeting Minutes from July 22, 2024
• Special Meeting Minutes from August 5, 2024
• Special Meeting Minutes from August 12, 2024
• Regular Meeting Minutes from August 12, 2024
Councilmember Gabler moved approval of the meeting minutes.
Councilmember Martie seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
D. Citizen Comments
E. Public Service Announcements
• Jennifer Schreiber, City Clerk, noted the following:
- Labor Day Hours
- MCC Fall Hours
- Farmers Market Hours
F. Council Liaison Updates
• Economic Development Authority (EDA) — Mayor Hilgart provided an update
of the meeting held August 14, 2024. The group reviewed a facade
improvement forgivable loan, a GMEF loan/business subsidy, and the 2025
HRA Property Tax Levy.
• 1-94 Coalition - Councilmember Gabler provided an update on the
groundbreaking for the 1-94 project that was held Friday, August 16.
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G. Department Updates
• Fire Department/Emergency Management Update— Chief Mike Mossey
presented the annual update for the Fire Department.
2. Consent Agenda:
Councilmember Murdoff moved approval of the Consent Agenda excluding item F.
Councilmember Gabler seconded the motion. Motion carried unanimously.
A. Consideration of approving the payment of bills. Action taken: Approved the bill
and purchase card registers for a total of $1,987,494.16.
B. Consideration of approving new hires and departures for City departments.
Action taken: Approved the hires the MCC and departures for Administration..
MCC, and Parks.
C. Consideration of approving the sale/disposal of surplus city property. Action
taken: No report this cycle.
D. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-73 accepting donations of $2,500
from CenterPoint Energy for the purchase of an AED for the Parks Department
shop and one portable unit and $3,144.95 from Fire Relief Association for gear
dryer for Fire Department. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2024-73 accepting
the donations.
E. Consideration of approving a special event permit for the American Legion to
host an outdoor event tailgate party and approving a temporary liquor license
for the event. Action taken: Approved the special event permit and temporary
liquor license.
F. Consideration of approving a Joint Powers Agreement between Wright County
and the City of Monticello for the enforcement and regulation of cannabis.
G. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-74 authorizing a facade improvement
forgivable loan agreement for upgrades to the south, west and north facades of
Jon and Lucille Murray Dance Studio located at 155 W. Broadway in Block 52.
Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2024-74 approving the facade improvement
forgivable loan.
H. Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-78 approving a preliminary plat of
Broadway Plaza and adopting Resolution 2024-79 approving a Development
Stage Planned Unit Development for a commercial development including
City Council Minutes: August 26, 2024 Page 2 14
commercial lodging, event center, and restaurant as principal uses. Applicant:
Mike Schneider. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2024-78 approving
preliminary plat subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said
resolution and adopted Resolution 2024-79 approving a Development Stage
PUD approval for Broadway Plaza, subject to the conditions in Exhibit Z and
based on the findings in said resolution.
Consideration of adopting Ordinance 831 amending the Monticello City Code,
Title XV; Land Usage, Chapter 153: Zoning Ordinance, Section 153.028 — Specific
Review Procedures and Requirements as related to Planned Unit Development
(PUD) procedure and timeline for rezoning to PUD, and other regulations as
necessary to define and limit the intent or application of the proposed
amendment. Applicant: City of Monticello. Action taken: Adopted Ordinance
831 based on findings in Resolution PC-2024-36 and adopting Summary
Ordinance 831A for publication.
Consideration of adopting Resolution 2024-75 approving a preliminary plat
(replat) of Haven Ridge West; Resolution 2024-76 approving a Development
Stage Planned Unit Development; and Resolution 2024-77 and Ordinance 832
rezoning to Planned Unit Development for a residential development including
298 single family detached and attached residential units. Applicant: Twin Cities
Land Development. Action taken: Adopted Resolution 2024-75 subject to
conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in said resolution; adopted
Resolution 2024-76 subject to conditions in Exhibit Z and based on findings in
said resolution; adopted Resolution 2024-77 subject to conditions in Exhibit Z
and based on findings in said resolution and Ordinance 832 establishing the
Haven Ridge West Planned Unit Development District.
K. Consideration of approving a quote from Sir Lines A Lot, LLC for the 2024
Pavement Marking Project for $42,300.47. Action taken: Approved a contract
with Sir Lines A Lot, LLC.
L. Consideration of authorizing the solicitation of Request for Qualifications for a
construction manager for the construction of a water treatment plan. Action
taken: Approved the improvements contingent on receiving final grant
2A. Consideration of items removed from the consent agenda for discussion
F. Consideration of approving a Joint Powers Agreement between Wright County
and the City of Monticello for the enforcement and regulation of cannabis
City Council Minutes: August 26, 2024 Page 3 14
Councilmember Gabler removed the item for information regarding the process.
Angela Schumann, Community Development Director, provided an update on
various aspects of cannabis regulation including licensing, registration,
businesses, compliance, zoning, etc. Wright County has been holding work group
meetings over the last year in order to have everything in place before January 1,
3. Adiournment:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:57 p.m.
Jennifer Schreiber 4V["tI'O'T-
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