City Council Minutes 09-06-1995 SpecialMINU'rE$ SPECIAL MEETING - MUNTICELLO CITY CUUNCIL Wednesday, September 6, 199b - 7 p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of discussing amendments to the Facilities Plan For expansion of the wastewater treatment plant as proposed by HDR Engineering, Inc. Bob Peplin of HDR reviewed projects costs as originally proposed at $7,827,000 vs. the estimated final design cost now ranging from $9.9 to $11.6 million. Through further discussions with HDR, staff determined that the higher cost stemmed from the addition of items not originally considered and from providing up-front hydraulic capacity or capabilities to achieve estimated design flows to the year 2035. The design flow estimates recently became available through the comprehensive sanitary sewer study completed by 4SM. After reviewing the project items, staff felt that the cost could be reduced to approximately $9 million. Peplin also noted additional options that could be selected, which would increase the cost by $1,435,000. Peplin went on to review the 13 technical memorandums, which revei~etl options and recommendations for upgrading and expanding the wastewater treatment plant with either a sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system or oxidation ditch system. He noted that the oxidation ditch would be better able to handle shock loadings but would require additional land space; however, the SBR system has a lower capital cost, a smaller foot print, and would be able to handle phosphorus removal. The difference in cost between the two systems is minimal, within 5°rfv to 10°b of each other. Interim improvements to the plant are planned to be bid in the spring of 1996 and could possibly be operational by the end of 1996. The City Council expressed their concern regarding the $2 million increase in cost over the initial proposal by HDR. It was their view that the City should be careful not to create a financial burden too great for the current residents by planning too far into the future. Funding of the improvements was then discussed. Public Works Director Simola noted that the sewer hookup charge could be increased, and sewer rates could also be increased to coincide with the increased cost of operation and maintenance at the plant and also provide some debt recovery. In addition, sewer trunk fees could also be increased, a portion of which could be set aside to help pay the debt service. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 9/x/95 Public Works Director Simola requested additional time to continue studying SBR systems that handle the same type of load as the Monticello plant receives. He suggested that the public hearing for the plant expansion be opened on September 11 and continued to September 25 to allow the additional study time. It was the consensus of Council to allow additional time for the Public Works Director and Plant Manager to continue studying the SBR system before selecting an alternative, and to hold the public hearing on September 11 as planned but continue it to September 25 as requested. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. ~ ,~ ~- -Z Doty Qffice Manager 1 Page 2