Parks Commission Agenda Packet 02-26-2009Park Commission Agenda: 2/22/09
February 26, 2009 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing and
maintaining city parks with a high standard of quality."
1. Call to Order.
lA. Introduction of Steve Reishus, Parks Commission applicant.
2. Approve Minutes of January 22, 2009 Parks Commission Meeting
3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda.
4. Citizens requests and comments.
5. Discussion of focus of Parks Commission.
6. Discussion of possibility of reducing number of Parks Commission meetings.
7. 2009 Budget/Financial Reporting Forms
8. Dog Park Background Information.
9. Discussion on Water Tower Park
10. Maintenance
11. Discussion with Steve Reishus on his interest in serving on the Parks Commission.
12. Adjourn
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
January 22, 2009 - 4:30 p.m.
"To enhance community pride through developing maintaining
City parks with a high standard of quality."
Members Present: Gene Emanuel, Nancy McCaffrey, Larry Nolan and Rick Traver and Council
Liaison Brian Stumpf
Members Absent: Mark Larson
Others Present: Tom Pawelk, Park Superintendent, Christopher Hadfield.
1. Call to Order.
Chair Larry Nolan called the meeting to order at 4:30 p.m. and declared a quorum
Christopher Hadfield an applicant for the vacant position on the Parks Commission
was introduced to the commission members.
2. Update on YMCA Acquisition.
Park Superintendent Tom Pawelk supplied the Park Commission with a summary of the latest
meeting of the Bertram Chain of Lakes Task Force. Larry Nolan felt the Parks Commission has
to be actively involved in the planning for the YMCA Park. It was explained that the Task Force
will be establishing and defining the role of the governing body for this joint venture between the
City and Wright County. As the park plans move forward the Wright County Parks Department
and the Monticello Parks Commission will then become more involved in the planning process.
Tom Pawelk indicated that there would be at least two members from the Parks Commission and
two members from Wright County Parks in the planning group along with Council
representatives, County officials and citizens.
Tom Pawelk explained that while long term planning for the area has not commenced there are
some items that they intend to do this year which include constructing a bridge, trail maintenance
and signing. The bridge will be located just off 90a` Street and will be either an iron structure or
constructed from segments of concrete pipe that the Public Works Department currently has.
The signing will be yellow signs identifying the area as the Bertram Chain of Lakes and
specifying that Wright County ordinances will be enforced. Tom Pawelk informed the Parks
Commission that the agreement with the YMCA would still allow the motorcycle club to have
their annual race on the site in May. Since this is a money making event there is a possibility
that there maybe some kind of arrangement to allow this event to continue beyond this year.
Eventually the public access to Bertram Lake will be located on the north side of Bertram Lake.
At the present time the access is on the southerly end of the lake. The Bertram Chain of Lakes
Task Force has requested that Jeff O'Neill meet with Brian Kirk of the YMCA regarding
opening of the access on the side of the lake where the chalet is located on a temporary basis for
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
weekend use. If this happens the hours of use would be the hours allowed by Wright County
park ordinances. The goal of the Task Force is to get public access to Bertram Lake as soon as
Gene Emanuel spoke to the need to start early planning for the ballfield development. Tom
Pawelk responded that much of 2009 will be spent on planning for the ballfields. Jeff O'Neill
stated that the Task Force wants to be frugal with the planning effort and thus limit the use of
outside consultants. This means those working in the planning effort will be doing much of the
research and study work. The Task Force wants the park development to be community driven
rather than planned based on recommendations of consultants.
Jeff O'Neill updated the Parks Commission on funding for the land acquisition. The City's share
of $565,000 will come from park dedication funds that have been accumulating over the years.
The park dedication fund will not be depleted by this acquisition as there is approximately
$1,000,000 in park dedication monies. The City will be making an annual payment to Wright
County who will upfront the cost of the acquisition. Another funding option, in addition to park
dedication funds, could include the sale of city owned land. Further City and County
contributions require that the state comes up with their 1/3 of the purchase price.
Jeff O'Neill brought up the possibility of receiving funds through the recently adopted Clean
Water Land and Legacy Amendment. Angela Schumann stated that the Council at their January
26, 2009 meeting will be acting on a position statement which would support that outstate
Minnesota gets an equitable share of these funds. Brian Stumpf felt that even if the funding
from the state didn't come through, the City and County are committed to this project and would
work diligently to come up with the funding sources needed for the acquisition. He didn't see
them just abandoning this unique opportunity because of reduced or lack of state funding.
Natural Resources Inventory: The Parks Commission received a copy of the completed
Natural Resources Inventory and Assessment. Larry Nolan asked how this document was to be
used to help them in their planning. Angela Schumann noted it was tool to help in planning and
is not a set of ordinances or regulations to be followed. The Parks Commission would use the
information in the document when a development is proposed to help ascertain what natural
feature should be preserved. The City had received a grant from the Department of Natural
Resources to conduct this inventory and there is approximately $5,000 of the grant funds
remaining. It is anticipated that these funds will be used in developing ordinances relating
natural resources preservation.
8. Annual review of the Parks Chanter of the Comprehensive Plan.
Angela Schumann was present for the review so that she could relay comments and
recommendations by the Parks Commission to the Planning Commission. The Parks
Commission did a page by page review of specific sections of Chapter 3 as well as Chapter 5
dealing specifically with parks. The Park Commission noted a number of changes in the list of
facilities at existing parks (pages 5-2 through 5-5). The question was raised whether these type
of corrections require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan or does the Comprehensive Plan
merely reflect what was in place at the time it was adopted (2007). Larry Nolan suggested that
these changes are noted and be incorporated when the next update to the ordinance takes place.
Rick Traver suggested that in listing the parks it should be designated which facilities are ADA
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
(Americans with Disability Act) compliant. Some of the changes in park facilities that were
noted include: 1) Removal of the play facilities at Balboul Park; 2) The addition of the fishing
pier and flower garden for East/West Bridge Park; 3) Addition of basketball court at Groveland
Park; 4) Change of disc golf area at Park West from 3 hole to 9 hole and 5) Addition of
playground area at Sunset Ponds Park. A grammatical correction was also noted in #3 on page
5-6 and on page 5-11 under trails. There was also some discussion about clarifying that YMCA
is not a City park.
The Commission talked about what would constitute an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan.
Angela Schumann stated a shift in policy such as moving away from regional parks or changing
the standards for neighborhood parks would be an example of an amendment. She also
addressed the notion that park dedication funds received from a development are to be utilized in
the area of the development. Although this was the understanding of the Parks Commission
state statutes do not require that park dedication funds are used in the area that generated the
funds. She did note that there have been some changes in park dedication requirements which
will be coming back to the Park Commission at some future date for review. One of the changes
in the statute says the City can require the developer to pay at the time of platting the value of the
land but not the value of improvements.
9. Review of Park and Trail portion of the Draft Transportation Plan.
The Parks Commission was being asked specifically to focus their review on the portion of the
draft Transportation Plan dealing with non-motorized activity such as trails and pedestrian
activities although any other comments they had on the plan would be passed on to the City
Engineer. The Park Commission comments will be given to the Planning Commission who will
be conducting a public hearing on the Transportation Plan at their February meeting. Larry
Nolan asked what some specific "traffic calming measures" would be. Angela Schumann cited
narrow streets, winding roads and bumpouts as some examples. Nancy McCaffrey and Gene
Emanuel both noted that on Page 38 the figure referenced under Potential Motorized/Non-
Motorized Conflict Points should be 5.2 and not 5.3.
Brian Stumpf stated on Page 37 when they discuss the CSAH 75/CSAH 39 intersection whether
they were talking about the intersection on the east side or west side of town. Staff indicated that
they believe the comments made were to apply to both intersections but they will get verification
of that. Brian Stumpf didn't feel the CSAH 75/CSAH 39 intersection at the west end of town
was as much of a problem since the traffic volumes were less. Larry Nolan stated it has always
been a problem for pedestrians to cross CSAH 75 at the west end of town. Brian Stumpf stated
that the east end of town had higher traffic volumes and wider streets. Gene Emanuel asked if
they would want to designate this as a pedestrian crossing study area. Brian Stumpf questioned
where the money would come from to the study. Brian Stumpf asked how much pedestrian
traffic should be in the area of the CSAH 18 pedestrian bridge. It was noted there are a number
of residential developments in the area.
Larry Nolan suggesting adding another bullet point in Section 5.5 that would include "Pedestrian
Crossing Study area and then list the areas for further study such CSAH 75/CSAH 39. There
was some discussion on the wording that should be used. Rick Traver felt just adding
"Pedestrian Crossing Study" would be sufficient. Brian Stumpf suggested taking out CSAH
75/CSAH 39 and leaving it more generic rather than citing specific intersections.
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
Tom Pawelk asked about the meeting with Big Lake as far as the Transportation Plan since the
river crossing would be a connection. Larry Nolan stated Figure 5-2 did not show the trails
correctly and felt the map should be changed to reflect what is there now. Nancy McCaffrey
asked about using demographic information from 2000. Staff informed the Parks Commission
that the information from the last census (2000) was what was used and when the 2010 census is
completed, the plan would reflect that information.
Larry Nolan asked about the triangular piece of land and was informed that it was part of the
Schulender property. Since this land is not developed this parcel should be removed. The Parks
Commission noted that the Bertram Chain of Lakes was not shown. Tom Pawelk believed that it
was not shown because the property was not in the City limits. It was suggested that since the
property is owned by the City and County is should be shown even if it is not in the city limits.
Tom Pawelk will check into this.
13. Discussion with Christopher Hadfield regarding his interest in serving on the Parks
Christopher Hadfield and the Parks Commission discussed his background and interest in
serving on the Parks Commission. Mr. Hadfield had attended high school in Monticello and had
recently moved back to the area. As well as being a regular user of the City's parks and trails,
Mr. Hadfield had considerable volunteer experience relating to the outdoors. This included work
done in the Forest Reserve in Illinois and the Citizen Lake Monitoring Program through the
Minnesota Pollution Control Agency. As part of the Citizen Lake Monitoring Program Mr.
Hadfield works with the lakes in the Monticello area including Bertram Lake, Long Lake and
Mud Lake. The Parks Commission was impressed with his knowledge of the YMCA property
and the natural features it contained.
It was noted that Mr. Hadfield resides in the township and is not a resident of the City. The
ordinance establishing the Parks Commission states that members must be residents of the City.
The Parks Commission expressed their concern about the difficulty in attracting good candidates
to serve on the board. They also mentioned that at some point properties in the orderly
annexation area will be coming into the city and it may be beneficial to have board
representation from that area. It was suggested that the ordinance be amended to read
something to the effect that up to one member of the board may be anon-resident but must
reside within the orderly annexation area. Brian Stumpf suggested that the proposed amendment
come before the Council at the first meeting in February so that if it is approved the Parks
Commission will be at full force for their February meeting.
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
Christopher Hadfield said he appreciated the support the Parks Commission is demonstrating to
have him on the Parks Commission. He realizes the difficulty not being a resident creates for the
Park Commission.
3. Auurove the minutes of the November 20, 2008 Parks Commission meeting.
Larry Nolan indicated on Page 2, #7 the language should clarify that the lights that were
removed from the bridge dated back to 1926 and not removed in 1926.
4. Consideration of adding items.
5. Citizens comments and reauests.
Tom Pawelk stated they have received a number of comments about the good condition of the
sliding hills and rinks.
6. Discussion of 2009 Budget.
Tom Pawelk felt that the Park budget was not in too bad of a shape considering the amount of
cuts the City had to make. At this time the approved budget has not been issued by the Finance
Department and when that information is made available, Tom Pawelk will bring it back to the
Parks Commission. He did note that he has $75,000 in the budget for improvements.
Nancy McCaffrey asked if there were any funds to do something with the Monte Hill area. She
noted an article in the paper about buckthorn removal from a metro area park and grant
availability. Since this is a unique area she was hoping something could be done in the way of
nature trails and educational opportunities. Rick Traver asked if the City had made any
determination on what will be done with this property. Brian Stumpf said the Council at this
time does not have a specific plan for how the property will be used. He added that with the
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
current economic situation he would not be in favor of doing much in that area. Gene Emanuel
said if the City does not allow access to the property would it pay to apply for grant funds.
Nancy McCaffrey felt there was a need to preserve the property and consider this area for future
planning. The question was raised whether the City would consider the sale of this property to
help fund the YMCA property acquisition. Brian Stumpf noted that the City does have
commercial land that could be sold to help fund the YMCA acquisition.
The Parks Commission briefly talked about the Water Tower Park and asked that this item be
placed on the February agenda.
7. Project /plans for 2009.
Tom Pawelk explained some of the projects proposed for 2009 which include: 1) Replacing the
roof at the Xcel Ballfield concession stand; 2) Replace the roof at the Ellison Park log shelter;
3) Construction of sidewalk entrance from pedestrian crossing at the hospital into the park;
4) Irrigation, backstop and other amenities to Sunset Ponds Park; 5) Patio by seating area at
Hillcrest Park; 6) Pioneer Park -Construction of rock wall; 7) Purchase of recreational
equipment; 8) Possibly climbing wall for Pioneer Park or Groveland (net materials) and
9) Landscaping work at Front Street Park and irrigation work; landscape the area around the
gazebo at East Bridge Park; and 10) Set up for Community Gardens. The budget also includes
some funds for purchase of equipment and for painting and staining of various park facilities and
some security surveillance improvements.
10. Approval of resident tree sale.
Tom Pawelk indicated that there are monies in the Shade Tree Fund for the resident tree sale.
The price for the trees should be close to what it was in 2008 but there is some difference in the
variety of species being offered. The tree pickup is proposed to take place on April 18tH
Tom Pawelk informed the Parks Commission that the Council would be looking at proposed
amendment to the Shade Tree Ordinance that would expand the scope of trees covered and not
limit it to just the Dutch Elm diseased trees.
11. Park Maintenance.
Tom Pawelk indicated that most of the department time was spent on snow removal and
maintenance of the skating rinks. The equipment purchased for snow removal from the
sidewalks is working well. Tom Pawelk reported a recent change to the ordinance on snow
removal which increases the length of time property owners have to remove snow from the
sidewalk. The Park Department is responsible for removing snow from the parking lots and
sidewalks and maintaining the rinks. This change in the ordinance came to the Council because
of the situation in Sunset Ponds where there are a number of foreclosures and the City had to do
the snow removal.
Park Commission Minutes: January 22, 2009
Tom Pawelk also noted that they have had a number of burials which took staff time. Some of
the cemetery records date from 1909 and are not always accurate. The addition of the GPS
equipment will help with locating the marker pins but they have determined that not all the grave
sites have pins.
Gene Emanuel asked if there was any additional information on the financial report for the
concessions operation at the ballfield especially anything that would shed some light on the
negative cash flow that was shown. Tom Pawelk indicated that additional work was done at the
concessions building in order for it to meet state standards and this cost was included in the
report. Gene Emanuel clarified that the report did include capital improvements as well as
operations. There was discussion on the financial reports that the Parks Commission would like
to see. Tom Pawelk noted that last year was the first year that the City operated the concessions
at the ballfields and hopefully with a new financial system and one year under the belt the
financial reports will be clearer and more accurate. The Parks Commission also talked about a
capital improvements program so that they could see for the long term what kind of purchases
and projects would be needed. Tom Pawelk showed the Parks Commission some of the
financial tracking forms he used and indicated he would try to bring something back to the Parks
Commission on the financial reports at the next meeting. The Parks Commission stated that past
reports were not clear or easily understandable by the non-accountant so they would like to see a
report that was more user friendly.
14. Adiourn.
The Parks Commission thanked Rick Traver for his time (12 years) on the Parks Commission,
his dedication in helping the development of parks and trails in the City and also his work on the
Cemetery Committee.
Recording Secretary
8. Dog Park Information.
A couple of years ago the City received a request to consider setting up a dog park. The
Parks Commission discussed this but it was not pursued further at that time (see attached
minutes). Jeff O'Neill indicated the City has received another request for a dog park and
he asked that the Parks Commission again look at this issue.
Attached is some preliminary background information that the Parks Commission can use as
a starting point in looking at this issue. Some items the Parks Commission might want to
consider are: 1) Demand for the service; 2) Available sites; 3) Cost for construction;
4) Maintenance costs and other maintenance issues; 5) Liability issues; 6) Fee for use of the
facility; 7) Rules and regulations for facility use and procedure to ensure compliance with
facility regulations and; 8) Other possible issues or conflicts.
There is considerable information to review and the Parks Commission will probably want
to do additional research on other facilities. So the question is, if the Parks Commission
decides to study this further before making a decision, what kind of information is needed
and what is the best manner in which to proceed.
Parks Commission Minutes from (date)
Visitor Study -Three Rivers Park District
Background Information on dog parks
Park Commission Minutes: 7/2b/07
cemetery. Four sections of the old fence have been sold at a price of $200/each.
The disc golf course at Par West Park has been completed. Gene Emanuel asked how the disc
Park was proposed to be marketed. Information will be posted on the City's website and
there was information about the disc golf course in the City's newsletter. Rick Traver
suggested contacting Tom Mackie from the St. Cloud group associated with disc golf to Iet
them know that the course is completed. Seth Nelson indicated that once the course is
completed the site is listed on the PDGA (Professional Disc Golf Association) directory.
Gene Emanuel suggested contacting the Monticello Times to do an article about the course.
The Parks Department is in the process of installing the bike racks at various parks. Seth
Nelson reported that the rails on the dock at Ellison Park were broken and the repair work on
it will be labor intensive project.
6. Updates:
Fran Fair Recognition: Nancy McCaffrey updated the Commission on Fran Fair's
recognition lunch. The Mayor will be grilling lunch far staff and invited guests. A certificate
of appreciation has been prepared and a small Fran Fair history highlight was prepared for
distribution to those participating at the lunch. Seth Nelson submitted a picture of the etched
rock that was placed at East Bridge Park. He indicated he was somewhat disappointed about
how the Iettering on the rock appeared. It was noted that there was a misspelling in the
message etched on the rock. Seth Nelson will take care of getting a replacement rock. The
Pazks Commission also discussed some kind of landscaping work around the rock that would
highlight the rock.
~ ~: It was noted that there has been some interest expressed in having a ®®in
the City. This would require a significant amount of land area and the park would need to be
fenced. Nancy McCaffrey brought some magazines dealing with dog parks and Gene
Emanuel suggested that the Parks Commission have someone from a community who has
installed a ®~ come out and speak to the Parks Comrnission about what it takes to get it
in place. It was also suggested to contact the League of Minnesota Cities regarding
experiences of cities who have installed dog parks. Although nothing has been budgeted in
the 2008 budget for a ~', it was something the Parks Commission felt should be
researched now and budgeted for in future years.
Memorial Benches and Trees: There is a program in place where memorial trees and/or
benches can be donated for the cemetery in memory of a loved one. Seth Nelson asked if such
a program had been approved for the parks. The recollection of the Parks Commission was
that it had been discussed. Their understanding was that the City would offer a selection of
trees and benches that the individual could choose to donate. The City would do the ordering
and installation of what was donated. Seth Nelson pointed out that there were different style
benches in the park and asked if the Parks Commission wanted to continue with the present
styles or go with one uniform style bench. The Parks Commission felt having a standard style
bench would be the best way to go. Seth Nelson will bring examples of park benches for the
Park Commission to review at the next meeting.
Parks Commission Minutes: S/23/07
Sunset Ponds Park should be prepazed and approved by the Parks Commission so that an
informational meeting with the residents can be arranged.
9. East Bridge Park.
Nancy McCaffrey indicated that there were a number of items that needed to be completed
and Tom Pawelk stated he would have someone out there on Monday to review with the
gardeners what needs to be done. The shrubs in the park need to be trimmed. Rick Traver
suggested that itbe done after the frost when the leaves are off. Nancy McCaffrey pointed
out that the Russian sage by TH 25 appears not to be getting enough water. Tom Pawelk
thought the parks staff could extend the irrigation system. Larry Nolan stated on the river
bank side of the pathway there is an infestation of noxious weeds. Tom Pawelk will check
this out. Nancy McCaffrey also indicated that there was an area of creeping chazlie that
should be eradicated and there are some areas that need to be re-mulched. She added that a
tree had been removed in the area of the hostas but the stump remains. Tom Pawelk stated
the parks staff would be planting a replacement tree.
10. Wrap-up on Fran Fair's recognition event.
Nancy McCaffrey had some pictures that were taken of the event. She noted that the
replacement rock turned out very well and suggested that perhaps some of the pictures from
the event could be included on the website.
11. Updates.
a) ~ :Nancy McCaffrey had information from Three Rivers Park District on their
Tom Pawelk pointed out that the Three Rivers Park District has significant
staff who can maintain the ~ .The Parks Commission discussed where in
Monticello a facility could be located. If the YMCA property is acquired that
would be one possible site. Two other city owned sites that were mentioned were Outlot
A of Country Club Manor and the land adjacent to the animal shelter. Guidelines for
operating the facility were discussed. The facility would have to be fenced with either a
grass or wood chip surface. Larry Nolan suggested that perhaps the county would be
willing to have a facility at Montissippi Park. Tom Pawelk will be meeting with Marc
Mattice and will bring that up.
b} Budget Workshop: Tom Pawelk reviewed some of the point from the workshop held
on the preliminary 2008 budget. Another workshop will be held on August 27`x. The
Parks Commission discussed the various projects that are being proposed. Tom Pawelk
reported that the ball field concession building was inspected by the Department of
Health. They are requiring that the floor be epoxied, the walk-in cooler be removed and
hand washing equipment be installed. The Parks Commission would like a report in
either September or October on the revenue and expenditures for the concession stand
operations. Rick Traver said as far as the budget he would like to focus on what capital
improvements are proposed. While Tom Pawelk noted that with the City looking to
more snow removal from the sidewalks/pathways they are looking at their equipment
needs, the Park Commission felt the Commission's focus was more with park
development. The gazebo for West Bridge Park was discussed. The gazebo is similar in