City Council Minutes 10-04-1995 SpecialMINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO CITY COUNCIL Wednesday, October 4,1995 - fi p.m. Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault Members Absent: None A special meeting of the City Council was held for the purpose of reviewing in mare detail the proposed capital outlay expenditures and capital improvement projects for the 1996 budget. City Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the summary budget worksheets presented to Council included the adjustments that have occurred since the first budget meeting. In order to maintain a 5.5% maximum levy increase, the capital outlay item of $300,000 for wastewater treatment plant design fees was reduced to $151,793 and earmarked for land acquisition for either biosolids application or treatment plant expansion. In addition, $31,431 in revenue was lost due to a reduction in the City's HACA aid made by the Department of Revenue. This amount was also deducted from the capital outlay fund, leaving the balance for land acquisition at $120,362. Wolfsteller also noted that future projects the City may be dealing with include realignment of Oakwood Drive and Highway 2S, the Fallon Avenue overpass, Dundas Road extension to Highway 25, and a full or partial interchange at County Road 11$ and I-94. He noted that the cast of these projects will likely be substantial, and no funds are set aside at this time for the City's share of these projects; therefore, if any specific department capital outlay expenditures are deleted from the budget, Council may want to consider keeping the funds in the tax levy and add them to the capital improvement fund for future projects. Council reviewed the capital outlay items as proposed for 1996, including data processing, city hall brick repairs, streets, snow and ice, parks, building inspection, wastewater treatment plant, and library funds. Public Works Director John Simola suggested that if Council wished to delay the purchase of some of the street and snow and ice equipment as discussed at the previous budget meeting, it would be best to delete the $50,000 for the snowblower and leave the street sweeper as proposed. In addition, Simola noted that the brick repair needed at city hall will likely require more than the $10,000 budgeted last year and the $5,000 for 1996; therefore, he suggested that the small loader and trailer item in the streets budget be reduced from $32,500 to $16,250, with $1,500 being added to the parks budget for professional services and $14,750 added to the city hall brick repair amount. It was the consensus of Council to make the changes in the budget as proposed by the Public Works Director. Page 1 Special Council Minutes - 10/4/95 Council discussed the proposed parks budget of $30,000 for a pathway from the Middle School to Meadow Oak Park and $15,000 for a pathway from the Middle School to County Road 75 along County Road 118. Concerns were noted regarding installation of a pathway slang Caunty Road 118 prior to the possible interchange project in that area. After discussion, it was the consensus of Council that the amount of $15,000 cauld be left in the budget provided the County Road 118 pathway is not installed until more information is known about the interchange project at this location. It was also the consensus of Council to reduce the amount for the pathway from the Middle School to Meadow Oak Park $15,000. It was their view that the pathway grading and class V could be installed in 1996 for tYus portion of the pathway, and paving of the pathway could be budgeted for 1997. The library budget of $30,000 was also discussed, and Librarian Marge Bauer explained the proposed remodeling in detail. Bauer also requested that the amount in the operating budget for library programs be increased, as they are well-attended by the residents. It was the consensus of Council to increase the operating budget for library programs from $1,650 to $2,000. Public Works Director Simala requested a consensus from Council regarding the proposed public works staff ng budget, which consisted of changing the public works secretary to a full-time position and adding apart-time position in both the street and parks departments. Mayor Fyle stated that he did not object, and it was the consensus of Council that the proposed staffing remain in the budget as proposed. The City Administrator reviewed the $74,650 in capital outlay reductions made by Council. Discussion focused on whether to earmark this amount far future biosolids or wastewater treatment plant land acquisition, ar whether the 1996 tax levy should be reduced by this amount. AFTER DISCUSSION, A MOTION WAS MADE BY CLINT HERBST AND SECONDED BY BRIAN STLTMPF TO REDUCE THE 1996 TAX LEVY BY $74,650 FOR A TOTAL LEVY OF $2,922,800. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Brian Stumpf, Tom Perrault. Opposed: Brad Fyle and Shirley Anderson. It was their view that the $74,650 shoulsl be placed in the capital outlay fund and earmarked for future land acquisition. Motion cax:ried. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. en Daty Office Manager Page 2