Planning Commission Agenda 05-04-2004 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MRETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 4th, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Ililgart, and David Rietveld Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Council Liaison: Staff: 1. Call to order. 2. Approval of the minutes of the regular Planning Commission meeting held Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 and the special meeting held April 26, 2004. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 4. Citizen comments. 5. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for variance from the 24' maximum driveway width i'()r single family residences in an R-2 district. Applicant: Wayne Spicer 6. Public Ilearing - Consideration of a request lor a conditirnal use permit allowing for a 728 square toot detached accessory use structure in an R-l district. Applicant: Shawn I ,each 7. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to amend an existing conditional use permit, allowing l()r open and outdoor storage space as an accessory use in an 1-2 district. Applicant: Simonson I ,umber 8. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a simple subdivision to create two buildable lots in an R-I district; a request for a variance to create a singlc-llunily lot of less than] 2,000 square feet in an R-] district; and a request for a conditional use permit allowing tor an accessory use structure to exceed 10% of the rear yard area. Applicant: Darren Klatt 9. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a development stage planned unit development and preliminary plat in an R-2 district, and a request for variance to the required setbacks. Applicant: Richard Carlson . . . Planning Commission Agenda 04/06/04 10. Public I learing - Consideration of a request for a conditional use permit for a concept stage planned unit development in a B-3 district. Applicant: HolidayStation Stores 1 ] . Public 1 fearing - Consideration of a request to amend the R-l A zoning district design standards. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission 12. Public Hearing - Consideration of a request to re~zone a 59.14 acre parcel from Agricultural-Open Space (A-O) to Regional Business (B-4). Applicant: City of Monticello 13. Planning StafTUpdate - Swan River Montessori School 14. Planning Staff Update - Home Depot ] 5. Planning Commission Vacancy - Applicant Report ] 6. Adjourn. - 2 - . . . MINLJTES REGlJLAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Chairman Dick Frie, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, Rich Carlson, Council Liaison Glen Posusta David Reitveld Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Dan Licht - NAC, Angela Schumann Absent: Staff: 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order at 6:00 P.M., and declared a quorum. Fric noted the absence of Commissioner Reitveld. Frie noted that Deputy Administrator O'Neill had spoken with Reitvcld, who indicated that he would be stepping down from the Commission. Frie requested that stafT ask felr a formal resignation and move forward on finding a replacement for the position. 2. A royal of the minutes of the re ular Plannin Commission meclin held March] st 2004. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO APPROVE 'fHE MINUTES OF THE MARCH 1st, 2004 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTrON SECONDED BY CARLSON. MOTION CARRIED WlTI--1 FRIE AND DRAOSTEN ABST AININO. 3. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. Hilgart requested that an update on the Home Depot project and contested case annexation process be added to the agenda. 4. Citizens comments. None. . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 5. Public Hearin l - Consideration of a re uest for a Conditional Use Permit aUowin l 1()f a detached accessor use structure in an R-1 district as allowed b the Gcneral Provisions of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. Jeff O'Neill presented the staff'report, indicating that the applicant, Jason VanderHeyden, is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his property at 4537 Cobblestone Court. The new garage would be detached, and totals 960 square teet in area. The existing attached garage is 544 square feet. The Zoning Ordinancc permits a total of up to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted acccssory space for an R~ 1 single family home. In addition, no accessory building can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area. However, up to ] ,500 square feet of total area can be constructed with a Conditional Use Permit provided that the accessory building is to be utilized so lely for the storage of resi dential personal property of the Occupant ol'the principal dwelling, and not for commercial purposes, that the parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot, that the accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse eHect on the architectural character or use of the surrounding property, and that the accessory building is constructed similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. O'Neill indicated that the applicant's rear yard is more than 12,000 square feet in area, and as such, the] 0% threshold wi/] not be a concern. The total square footage of the garage space on the property, as designed, would be ] ,504 square teet. By reducing one side of the new building by a few inches, the building can be made to meet the standard. In addition, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the requirements of the Conditional Use Permit provisions. O'Neill did note that the rear of the accessory structure would front Edmonson Avenue. O'Neill indicated that stafTprefer the space in front of building to be usable space rather than requiring a larger setback from Edmonson. It is also statFs opinion that the yard is sufficient to handle the proposed structure. O'Neill asked that during the public hearing the applicant confirm any intentions lor driveway. O'Neill stated that staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. With the comments that the building will be finished to match the house, and the] ,500 square foot maximum is met, planning stafTbelieves that the building is appropriate fjJr the site. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. Jason VanderHeyden, 4537 Cobblestone Court, made himself available for questions. -2- Planning Commission Minutes 04/06/04 . Hearing no other comments, Chairman Frie closed the public hearing. Hilgart sought clarification on the possibility of additional future pavement. VanderlIeyden stated that he would seek to install a concrete drive connecting to the new structure. Ililgart stated that if a driveway were constructed, the amount of paved surface area may be of concern. O'Neill recommended that in such case, appropriate landscaping should take place. Licht stated that while the impervious surface is not a major concern with the size of the parcel, adjacent property owners may have concern over the driveway. The Commission may want to consider requiring a driveway setback of 6 feet with a landscape bufTer. Dragsten indicated that a concrete pad may be more desirable than a full driveway. VanderHeyden expressed concern about the camper making tracks in the green area. Carlson asked stafl if by pushing the structure furthcr to the rear yard, it is more visible from 117, which may be a sitc concern. O'Neill indicated that staff thought the bctter use of the land is usable yard. O'Neill indicated that the right-of-way would also give it more separation. Licht stated that if it meets thc setbacks, it should be an allowable use. Carlson also questioned whether granting this request would create a large number of requests for detached structures. . Chairman Frie expresscd appreciation for the applicant's compliance with ordinances that move toward eliminating yard clutter. A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TIlE CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR A DETACHED ACCESSORY GARAGE, WITH TIlE CONDITION TIIAT THE APPLICANT MEET EACH OF THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE AS FOLLOWS, INCLUDING THE 1,500 SQUARE FOOT THRESIIOLD, WITH THE ADDrrrON OF CONDITION E. (a) Accessory building spacc is to be utilized solely for the storagc of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to be utilized for commercial purposes. (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is ofsuftlcient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and building materials. (e) The applicant is to leave the driveway area as green space and install only a concrete pad in front of the structure. . MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -3- . . . Planning Commission Minutes. 04/06/04 6. Continued Public Hearing - Consideration of a request for a Preliminarv Plat and Conditional Use Permit for fivc 4-unit townhouse buildinl2:s in an R-2 district. Licht provided the staff report, stating that the applicant has revised plans for his proposed townhouse project along Prairie Road, whieh had been tabled for consideration at the last meeting of the Commission. The City had previously approved a conditional use pennit for the eight units north of Prairie Road, and the current proposal includes an additional 20 units south of Prairie Road. The new portion of the development is a replat of the original "Brothers" plat of7 single family lots. The zoning designation is R-2, which permits single and two-family homes, and allows attached townhouses by Conditional Use Permit. It is the intention of this application and a requirement of the original eight-unit approval that the two projects be combined for final plat and association purposes. The final plat must be processed through the City and County prior to occupancy of any of the buildings in either project. In addition, it is the understanding of staLl that the developer is required to provide securities and/or a development agreement prior to beginning construction work on the original 8-unit project. As a result, the plat request is lor 28 units on seven lots, howevcr, Licht noted that the ConditionalLJse Permits are needed only for 20 new units. The zoning ordinance for R-2 areas permits townhouses at a density of one unit per 5,000 square feet oflot area. Each of the proposed lots exceeds 20,000 square feet, and as such, the density requirement is met. All units would face public streets, including Prairie Road and a new cul-de-sac extending south from Prairie Road. In regard to the preliminary plat, Licht indicated that the plat shows 7 total lots - 2 are located on land north of Prairie Drive, known as "The Meadows", and five are located to the south. The two lots to the north mirror the previous lot lines, while the five lots to the south are arrayed both along Prairie Road and around a cul-de-sac. The cul-de- sac was platted as a part of The Brother's Plat, but never constructed. The proposed units appear to meet all setback requirements as designed. It should be noted that there would not be room fix porches on the rear of the Building 7 units due to the minimum setbacks being proposed. Future owners should be made aware ofthis issue. With regard to the layout, the units on all buildings appear to be reasonably situated. On some of the units, driveways would have required turns in the middle of the driveway for backing vehicles. This has been corrected to result in straight driveways, with the exception of one unit. The developer's solution provides for a "turn-out" design that should be made to accommodate a backing vehicle. Licht stated that staff recommends approval of the plans based on the applicant meeting the outlined conditions in Exhibit Z, including modilying landscaping plans to include landscape treatment in the driveway separation areas, and the addition of lilac -4- Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . hcdge buffer is to the east side of thc northerly eight units, consistcnt with the landscaping treatment in other areas of the proj ect. Posusta sought clarification on a comment recorded in the minutes on the Prairie Road reconstruction costs. O'Neill clarified that the City would contribute a significant amount to the project in accordance with street reconstruction funding policy, but the exact amount is not known at this time. Frie asked O'Neill to provide the Commission with that information once the amount is known. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing, and asked for the applicant's comments. Schneider questioned whether sidewalk is needed on both sides of Prairie Road. O'Neill statcd that this would ultimately be Council's decision, however due to the comments provided by residents and the fact that Prairie Road is a collector street, it is a likely possibility. Dragsten whether there are applicable guidelines in making such a decision. O'Neill indicated that therc arc, and that Prairie Road is just on the edge of the threshold requiring sidewalk on both sides. Fric asked whether the narrowness of the road would prevent two sidewalks. O'Neill stated that the reconstruction and right of way will allow sidewalk on both sidcs. Dragsten asked whether build-out in Timber Ridge was part of traffic count. O'Neill statcd that it was. Schneider asked if this requirement was consistent with other residential areas in Monticello. O'Neill indicated that the City is moving toward morc sidewalks for pedestrians in all new residential developments. . Hearing no further comments, Chair Frie closed the public hearing. Dragstcn asked if not having the ability to build decks would be a problem for potential buyers. Frie also requested that a notation to sellers about that limitation be required. O'Neill clarified that ifthc dcck (or patio) is built at grade level, it would meet code. Frie askcd O'Neill to address why thc final plat is required to go through Council and County. O'Neill stated that staff were trying to provide f1exibility to the developer by allowing building to procced with development and securities, but maintaining a level of ovcrsight by withholding occupancy until all conditions are met. A MOTION WAS MADE BY HILGART TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF THE PRELIMINARY PI.AT, BASED ON FINDINGS THAT THE PI,AT MEETS THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN AND R-2 ZONING DISTRICT. MOTION SECONDED BY DRAOSTEN. MOTTON CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -5- . I. 2. 3. 4_ 5. 6. . 7. Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 A MOTION WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN TO RECOMMEND APPROVAL OF TIlE CUPS, BASED ON FINDINGS THAT THE PROPOSED PLANS ARE CONSISTENT WITH THE R-2 ZONING STANDARDS AND THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AREA TO ENSURE PUBLIC SAFETY AND AN ATTRACTIVE NEIGHBORHOOD. FRIE AMENDED THE MOTION TO INCLUDE THE REQUIREMENT THAT THE APPLICANT MEET THE CONDITIONS FOUND IN EXI 11l3IT Z AS LISTED. Submission of a final plat and execution of a development contract prior to issuance of building permits. Establishment of an association to maintain common areas, including the cul~de-sac island landscaping. Landscape detail is provided for the separation of combined driveways. Provide sidewalk along both sides of Prairie Road to connect to Timber Ridge in accordance with the City Engineer's plans for the Prairie Road reconstruction project. Provide additional landscaped buffer along the cast boundary of the n0l1h portion of the project consistent with the rest ofthe project and the recommendations of this report. Compliance with City Engineer recommendations on grading, drainage, utilities, and street construction. Compliance with City Public Works direction for mailbox locations, garbage collection locations, street lighting, and other requirements. MOTION SECONDED BY CARLSON. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 7. Continued Public Ilearing - Consideration of an amendment to the Monticello Comprehensive Plan establishing policy requirements for the development of townhouses in Low Density Residential land use areas. The staiT report was provided by loicht, who indicated that the draft language provided would be a statement of policy rather than an actual text amendment. Licht indicated that many developers seek to incorporate the highest density possible, which can create issues for the community in multiple areas. Commission previously directed staff to draft a statement that addresses the density issue. The proposed pol icy incorporates the comments provided in previous Commission discussion. The policy statement requires no more than one townhouse unit per every three R-I single family units. To make sure that future projects don't attempt to squeeze around the requirements, the amendment distinguishes R-] A areas from "regular" low density areas and excludes R-] A areas from density averaging and townhouse development. . -6- Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . The policy also added an additional open space element f(x any use of R-2 or R-2A development, and placed the burden of proving the propriety of anything other than low density single family on the developer. Finally, the proposal adds a listing of potential considerations for allowing R-2 and R- 2A housing in a low density project. lnduded in this list is a review of the proposed project, its building design, and its building sizes in relation to the requirements for R- 1 units. This should help the City leverage larger townhouse units in these areas by holding out the likelihood that such units will need to be comparable to single family homes to qualify for consideration. Licht stated that statT is recommending approval, based on the fact that the policy provides greater direction to the development community and that the direction is more consistent with the City's comprehensive plan and development goals. Dragsten questioned why it would be negative to require that all townhomes would be in one area. Licht indicated that a balanced mixture of housing also balances the services needed for development. Licht also suggested that sporadic development allows development of more high-end townhomes. O'Neill cited Par West as an example of a development style that would be a likely result of this amendment. . Carlson asked what changes would occur under this amendment in an R-2 district. O'Neill stated that the policy simply identifies or prescribes density fl.)r R-l areas, it doesn't affect previously designated R-2 areas. Chairman Frie opened the public hearing. 1 learing no further comment, Frie dosed the public hearing. Dragsten stressed that he still questions scattering one or two townhomes at a time throughout the community. O'Neill and Licht clarified that the City would still seek to locate townhomes in clustered areas within development. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRIE TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE AMENDMENT, HASED ON A FINDING THAT IT PROVIDES FOR APPROPRIATE LEVELS OF CONTROL IN THE USE OF TOWNHOUSE DEVELOPMENT IN CHIIERWISE SINGLE FAMILY DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS. MOTION SECONDED BY DRAGSTEN. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -7- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 8. Consideration of a request to call for a Public Hearing regarding: R-l A Zoning District design standards. O'Ncill provided the Commission with background leading to the request. Key Land Homes and Trison Development are seeking a public hearing to address the R-l A standards as they relate to the Hillside Farm development. O'Neill indicated that the primary concern is the 1,400 square foot minimum foundation size requirement. Key Land and Trison have noted that for those who want to do a straight 2-story, the home ends up at 2800 square feet. This would seem to push buyers to a modified two-story home. 'fhey are requesting that the Commission consider a different standard for the two-story design. From a stafTstandpoint, O'Neill stated that the purpose of the requirement is to create large, high-end homes. However, it would seem that the loophole in the ordinance allows 1C)r a modified two-story at 2000 square foot finished, but not 2700 square foot finished. Frie reported that he had spoken with builders and realtors on this specific requirement and had received similar feedback. Howcver, Frie pointed out that Kcy Land was well aware of these requirements when they bought the property. Frie suggested that lowering the standard may provide more flexibility and creativity in home style. O'Neill reminded the Commission that the intent of the R-l A requirements was to make certain that high-amenity areas that have been waiting for development, arc utilized for the upper-end homes they are more suited to. The question that is to be answered is what constitutes a step-up home. Carlson commented that R-l A zoning requires large lots and large homes. lie indicated that 1000 square foot foundation is not a large home. Carlson said he is not averse to adjusting the requirement, but that may mean the Commission needs to then look at R-l A standard as a whole. Dragsten stated that by lowering the foundation size requirement, a high-end home can still be accomplished if the finished square footage is regulated. Hilgart commented that perhaps each house style should have its own foundation size. Patch indicatcd that the design that would be most impacted by the requirement would bc salt-box style housing. Patch noted that another goal of the requirement was to create more interesting spaces and streetscapes. Howard Triggs, Trison Development, addrcssed the Commission. Triggs stated that the intent of the ordinance is good because it requires a hard and fast standard. However, due to the hict the Hillside Farm is a PUD, there should be more i1exibility -8- Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . in the application of the code. Triggs cited homes examples requiring 2000 square foot finished above grade. Licht clarified that the Hillside Farm PUD was approved with R I-A district zoning standards and R-l lot sizes. hie asked Hillside farm representatives for a market rate f()[ the homes proposed for this area. Ron and Chris Long, Key Land 1J0mes/Tiffany realty, addressed the Commission, answering that based on the current market, the homes would be in the range of $260,000 - $280,000. Ron Long displayed a chart illustrating a list of house foundation sizes and market price. frie asked Long how the houses illustrated, which are below 1400 square feet in f()lmdation size could be built when they don't meet standards. [,ong indicated that they had been given permits to build these. Frie recommended that Patch determine why these homes were given permits. Patch indicated that before any assumptions were made that the homes on the chart were given permits, he would need to examine the records. . Licht indicated that the first question is the clarification of the terms of the Hillside farm pun. The second, broader issue is the foundation size requirement of the code. Licht stated that the clarification on both issues has to come from the Planning Commission and Council. Licht indicated that in the case of Hillside Farm, the developer and/or builder could seek an amendment to the PUD, which would be his recommendation. Posusta stated that the standards were discussed thoroughly in order to come to requirement conclusions within the R-l A designation. The Commission and Council are seeking higher standard houses. Posusta commented that he has a problem with regressing from that goal. He conveyed that perhaps this situation can be addressed based on the look and feel of this particular case. Frie indicated that the homes on the graph displayed by Ron and Chris Long do not reach that next-level intended by R-l A. I,ong stated that the smaller lot sizes are prohibitive to developing larger homes. Frie clarified that the developer sought higher density, which was the reason fix the smaller lot sizes. A MOTION WAS MADE BY FRIE TO CALL FOR A PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING RI-A ZONING DISTRICT DESIGN STANDARDS AT THE MAY PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. . -9- . . . Planning Commission Minutes - ()4/06/04 Frie recommended that staff work to resolve the situation with Ilillside Farms and Keyland Ilomes, noting the strain on building due to a lack of clarification in the standards. O'Neill indicated that they will check development agreement for the standard for this PUD and R-IA development. Patch stated they would still need to apply l()r a PUD amendment in order to vary from the standard. 9. Consideration of a request to amend the Monticello Subdivision Ordinance. O'Neill reported that the proposed amendment had yet to be reviewed by the Parks Commission. O'Neill recommended that the item be tabled and sent back to the Parks Commission. It will than be resubmitted to the Commission. Staff withdrew the item for consideration. 10. Agenda Item Addition - Walmat and Annexation Update O'Neill indicated that representatives from Walmart have spoken to the City about possible site locations within the community. They are currently in the EA W process J()r a proposed location. The City is unaware of how this proposal alfects Home Depot at this time. The City will be prepared to incorporate them ifneeded. It is still a possible project as far as the City is concerned. O'Neill reported on the annexation process, stating that the City is undergoing a mediation process lor the annexation. That process brings both the Township and the City to the table to discuss the annexation. The process was started due to the 60 acre incremental annexation, with the County controlling land use, being rejected by the City due to the demand for development. O'Neill reported that the mediation process is moving forward and that the ultimate results are unknown at this time. O'Neill commented that it is important that both sides have input and that a document is created that works for both parties. Frie inquired about the timeline for the mediation process. O'Neill indicated that the decision has to be made by November in order to prepare for a possible trial. O'Neill is optimistic that a decision could come in the next few months. The next meeting of the task l()fce is on Wednesday. 11. Adjourn A MOTION TO ADJOURN AT 9:00 PM WAS MADE BY DRAGSTEN. MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED lJNANIMOUSL Y. -'-""-"-~----------..- Angela Schumann, Recorder -10- . MINUTES SPEICAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, April 26th, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Chairman Dick Frie, , Lloyd Hilgart, Rich Carlson, Council Liaison Glen Posusta Rod Dragsten, David Reitveld Fred Patch, Angela Schumann, Steve Grittman - NAC, Matt Brokl - Cambell Knutson Howard Triggs - Trison Development (developer of property), Rod Just - Tiffany Realty (realtor for property), Chris Long - Tiffany Realty (realtor for property), Terry Long - Key Land Homes (builder for property) Absent: Staff: Guests: 1. Call to order. Chairman Frie called the meeting to order at 6;00 P.M., and declared a quorum. Frie noted the absence of City Planner Steve Grittman, Deputy Administrator/Community Development Director Jeff O'Neill and Commissioner Rod Dragsten. . Chairman Fried made the notation that there was only one item on the agenda for the special meeting, indicating that it is not a public hearing. 2. Consideration of a request for an amendment to an existing planned unit development agreement for Hillside Farm. Applicant: Trison Development Chairman Frie asked staIr to provide a clarification on what had been approved by the Commission and what had been advanced and approved by the Council. Frie asked if any alterations of the conditions approved differed from the existing planned unit development. . Brokl indicated that the reason for the amendment was unclear language within the development agreement, which included specific rules which were to apply to the PUD. Brokl stated that only those RI-A standards that deviated from the normal R-IA zoning designation were listed. These were identified to serve as examples. Ilowever, due to gray area in the way the agreement was written, the developer took the statement to mean that only those standards listed were to apply. As such, the developer is seeking an amendment to clarify the language in the agreement, which would allow deviation from R-l A standards regarding to the minimum square footage required for foundations. Brokl stated that it had been the City's intent to apply the R- 1 A standards for foundation size to this development. Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . Frie noted that Grittman had indicated that this development consisted of R-I A houses on R-I lots. Patch related that the Planning Commission had agreed to allow R-I lots areas with R-I A houses in this devclopment, which was zoned R~ 1. Patch stated that the first building permit had been issued based on the question of the interpretation of the development agreement. Patch indicated that the City had sought the R I-A standard in this development to produce a higher value product. Patch stated that the stafT recommendation agrees with accommodating a reduction in foundation size from 1400 square feet to allow for a required 2000 square foot finished space above grade. Patch commented that in reviewing square footages in various housing styles and accounting fl.)!' the large number of walk-out and look-outs home lots, at least 75% of homes would end up with more than 2000 finished square feet. Patch indicated that the planning staff recommended a base home price of $325,000, which he and the City Attorney do not necessarily agree with. Prie asked if either of the two homes currently on the plat arc 1400 square foot in foundation size and whether they would meet the finished size recommendation. Chris Long, Timmy Realty representative, indicated that both homes were approximately 3000 total llnishable square feet. . After visiting with a representative from Tiffany Realty and visiting the site himself: Prie stated that he personally agrees that a step-up housing option is accommodated in this development. Frie also astated that he doesn't agree with the $325,000 starting home price recommendation, although he does expect a $250,000-$300,000 range for homes in the development. frie asked Long if he is receptive to that range. Long indicated that most are in that range or above. Howard Triggs, Trison Development, referred to the materials on MLS home listings provided to the Commission. Triggs indicated that the issue of creating higher value housing is best accomplished by addressing above grade finished footage and housing style rather than foundation size. Posusta asked for clarification of what was currently being built in Monticello based on the information Triggs had provided. Triggs clarified that in the packet, fewer than a dozen two-story homes fitting 2000 or more finished square feet are in Monticello. Carlson cited other examples of large two-stories on small lots that arc in a higher price range. Rod Just, representative of Timmy Realty, indicated many of the higher priced homes reflect higher land costs. . Carlson stated that he doesn't believe $250,000 in an R-I A district represents the jump to the higher end homes that were the goal of the designation. -2- Planning Commission Minutes - 04/06/04 . Frie inquired how the ordinance language for the R-l A district was developed and questioned why the issue was coming up. Grittman clarified that this project is different because the plat was in process when the R-l A zoning was being developed. The original developer had indicated that higher end homes would be developed on this property. At the point that Trison Development had acquired the property, the City was closer to finalizing the R-IA standards. The City agrced to the R-I designation for the lots and R-IA standards for the housing. Grittman statcd that this could potentially cause problcms as larger width homes may not fit the smaller lots. Grittman stated that the cost threshold was introduced in order to accommodate a compromise in the home size and was an attempt to preserve higher amenity spots for high cnd homes. The City had developed the R-I A standard with the understanding that it might not hit today's market, but would wait for the market to come to it. Carlson agreed with Grittman in his finding that large homes are being built on smaller lots. It does presents a challenge, but it also presents morc of a neighborhood concept. Posusta indicated that perhaps the reason for this is again the land cost; smaller lots are a trade-off for greater or bctter amenities. . Triggs indicated that he does not want to size lots small; he stated that he is trying to accommodate the 80-foot lot size. Hilgart expressed that he would prefer an 1100 square foot home as a minimum, based on the type of homes that he secs are needed within the community. Terry Long, Key Land Homes, indicated that the home plans in the Key Land pOlifolio that would fit the 1400 square foot foundation requirement wcre actually smaller homes. The large two-story homcs in the portfolio didn't meet the 1400 minimum. Discussion commenced regarding the merits of setting a starting home value. Patch recommended looking at all the R-I A standards and their application. If all other standards are applied, with the exccption of lot area, setbacks and the accommodation to above-grade linished area, thcy can assist in producing an R-IA style development. . Posusta indicated that perhaps 1100 is even too small. He commcnted that the homcs illustrated in the packet contain relatively small living arcas. He stated that thc Commission and Council considercd this matter very carefully in sctting the design standards. Posusta said that this had becn in response to builders who started with high value and went cheap. Triggs stated he would hopefully do the opposite. Triggs also indicated that as the development is happening in four phases, the City can stop the development process if the builders deviatc from what is decidcd. -3- Planning COlTlmission Minutes - 04/06/04 . Patch indicated that the motion should be subject to modification to the written development agreement. Brokl suggested that the motion should indicate that all R- 1 A standards should apply with the exception of the building footprint for two-stories and modified two-story homes with basements, whieh shall be in the amount of 1100 mmllnum. Frie questioned whether Posusta is comfortable with this recommendation, as it will relate to the Council discussion. Posusta stated that he does understand the builder's concern over size requirement and the modifications that can be completed to increase values. A MOTION WAS MADE BY CARt,SON TO APPROVE AN AMENDMENT PERMITTING ONLY THOSE TWO~STORY AND TWO-STORY MODIFIED HOMES IN HILLSIDE FARM PLAT MEETING THE REQUIREMENT OF 2200 SQUARE FOOT FINISHED MINIMUM SPACE ABOVE GRADE, 1100 SQUARE FOOT FOOTPRINTS (FOUNDATION SIZE), WITH A FULL BASEMENT; OR THOSE HOMES IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE R~IA DISTRICT STANDARDS. R-I LOT AREA AND SETBACK STANDARDS WILL BE APPLIED. ALL O'rHER R-IA ZONING DISTRICT STANDARDS WILL APPL Y TO HILLSIDE FARM PLAT. THIS AMENDMENT IS SUBJECT TO WRITTEN AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE DEVELOPER AND THE CITY. . MOTION SECONDED BY HILGART. MOTION CARRIED. 11. Adjourn MOTION BY CARLSON TO ADJOURN AT 9:00 PM. MOTION SECONDED BY HUE. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. -'~-------.~-~-------~~- Angela Schumann, Recorder ~ ... -4- . . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 5. Public Hearin - Consideration of are uest for variance from the 24' maximum drivewa width for sin Ie fami! residences in an R-2 district. A licant: Wa ne Spicer. (N AC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND The applicant is seeking a variance from the maximum driveway curb cut width of 24 feet. The applicant has difficulty in negotiating a backing movement to place his boat in his detached garage. The applicant also has an attached garage which is accessed by an existing driveway. Variance requests are to be reviewed as to whether a unique physical hardship exists that interferes with putting the property to reasonable use. In this case, the property is otherwise a conforming single family lot, and the City granted a permit to allow a second garage, consistent with the standards for CUP approval. One of these standards is the ability to comply with all other zoning regulations, such as driveway width. It is noted that the ditliculty with access is related to the backing of a boat trailer, rather than direct vehicle access. It would appear to be possible to store the boat in the existing attached garage if more direct access is necessary, and shift vehicle parking to the detached building. In the alternative, the applicant could shift his 24 foot driveway to the detached building, and curve the driveway to the existing driveway, reversing the current arrangement. In this way, the backing maneuver would not raise this issue. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Variance to permit a driveway curb cut width of approximately 52 feet, in cxcess of the maximum 24 foot standard. I. Motion to rccommend approval of the variance, based on a finding that a unique physical hardship exists in complying with the zoning standard. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the variance, based on a finding that the property condition do not meet the required hardship test for variance consideration, and that other alternatives that meet the ordinance regulations are available to the applicant. Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends denial of the variance. Curved driveways are not uncommon where oversized garages have been permitted. The applicant has the option of storing his boat in the garage where direct access is available, or relocating the driveway to provide direct access to the boat garage. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Site Plan C. Aerial Image D. Site Images . - - 2 3 3 6 , 7 t , 4 , 5 , ~( ~"~- ; -_._-~----- \~//---,._--:- -.,-----.~. "".j : .":/ , , " , " , " , " , \ //: : ~ : / : : : I \ \ - 1 -- - -'" 1 - F1Q I - E.F 10 2 I 10 - J 14 .15 - F1Q.11 ...- - ~ 4 E 9 K 11 G 12.13 H 13 4.- - "" . - - - . .~ . . Cit) ~.,'~ '-<~''1; "~ Pr-cir-Ie R:Oad Pr-escott Or-ive Romse Street Red OaK C'I r-c I e Red OaK L:ane Red RacK lane River- Far-~st Dr-Ive River- M t 1'1 Or- I va River- Rid: e Lane River- S tr-:eet E River- Str-eet W River-side Cir-cle River-view Dr-fve Sandber- Road Sandtr-o Circle Sand Lane Savannah Or-lye School Sou I evord Service Drive Service Drive ICR 39 El -I..... - ...... ,... ~I_ ,... ~ __ I ... .:_-.Y-..,-,"-,,~ o 4~6 G 7~8 F 11 - G 10 I 14 I HI I 11 H 14.15 H 14 H 1!l E 10 - F 10.12 C 4~6 0 6.8-E 8.10 o 8 G 13.14.15 H 14.15 G.H 9 F 8 o 7.8 E 8 H 7.8 I 9.12 I 8 G 13 T ;" ,/j ..... i \....,-.'\ ...................,........... , \ \ \ \ .i. ...._ - -r' I I ' V it ~ ,_ . 0) .~ v ~ '-- u . -....) '-.J ,..~ "'-.) '0J "- T "'-..) :""- '- '. ......,... . 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Planning Commission Agenda - 5104/04 6. Public Hearin 1 - Consideration of a re for a 728 s uare foot detached acccsso Applicant: Shawn Leach. (NAC) uest for a conditional use ermit allowin use structure in an R-I district. REFERENCE AND BACKGROlJND Shawn Leach is requesting approval of a Conditional Use Permit to allow the construction of a second garage on his propelty at 3657 Brentwood Drive in the Groveland neighborhood. The new garage would be detached, and a total of 728 square feet in area, reduced from the original application for a 900 square foot building. The existing attached garage is approximately 720 square feet. The Zoning Ordinance penn its a total of up to 1,200 square feet of garage space as permitted accessory space for an R- 1 Single family home. In addition, no accessory huilding can exceed more than 10% of the rear yard area. However, up to 1,500 square feet of total area can be constructed with a Conditional Use Permit, under the foJ/owing conditions: (a) Accessory huilding space is to he utilized solely for the storage of residential personal property of the occupant of the principal dwelling, and no accessory building space is to he utilized for commercial purposes. (b) The parcel on which the accessory huilding is to be located is of sufficient size such that the huilding will not crowd the open space on the lot. (c) The accessory building will not be so large as to have an adverse effect on the architectural character or reasonable residential use of the surrounding property. (d) The accessory buildings shall be constructed to be similar to the principal building in architectural style and huilding materials. The applicant's rear yard is approximately 8,300 square feet in area, and as such, the 10% threshold would be complied with. The total square footage of the garage space on the propeJiy, as designed, would be 1,450 square feet. In addition, the applicant's plans and application letter indicate an intent to meet the req uirements of the Conditional Use Permit provisions with regard to materials, use, and location. Because the building is located at the rear of the lot, it may he appropriate to require some shrub and ornamental tree planting on the side and rear of the huilding to soiten its impact on neighboring properties. The plantings would be within the drainage and utility easements, but should help to mitigate neighborhood concerns over the proximity of the building to adjoining propelty. Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 . Finally, it is noted following a site inspection that the applicant has paved an area around the side of his home that would appear to violate the 3 foot setback, and may also have a driveway eurb eut width that exceeds the maximum 24 foot width requirement. The applicant notes in his application materials that hc does not intend to provide a driveway to the proposed accessory building. This condition should be added to any approval, if granted. Moreover, the non-conforming driveway conditions on the propcrty should be corrected as a requirement of the initial building permit inspection. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision J: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit for a detachcd accessory garage, with the condition that the applicant meet each of the requirements of the zoning ordinance, including the 1,500 square foot threshold, and with the condition that landscapc plantings arc added to the southeast and northeast sides to soJten the impact of the building on adjoining parcels. In addition, non-conforming driveway conditions should be corrected no latcr than the time of the initial building pertnit inspcction, and no drivcway should be extcnded to new accessory building. . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the building would be out of character with thc neighborhood. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the CUP, based on findings that the building will meet both the intent and the specific standards of the zoning ordinance. Thc rear yard for this parcel is of adcquate size, and thc 10% rule was designed to cnsure that large accessory buildings do not overwhelm the opcn feel of the lot or the neighborhood. The applicant meets the threshold with this project. With the comments that the building will be finished to match the house, landscaping is added on the side and rear of the building 1~tcing adjoining property, and the 1,500 squarc foot maximum is met, planning staff believes that the building meets the requirements for CUP approval. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Lettcr from Applicant C. Site Survey D. Project Specifications E. Site Images F. Letters from Neighboring Property Owners 2 . . . ---0A.. 1 1/2 MI LE 1:/4 MILE o IF Oft o sri ~ . 3657 Brentwood Dr. Monticello,MN 55362 04/09/04 Monticello Planning & Zoning City Hall 505 Walnut St. Monticello, MN 55362 Planning & Zoning Members: I would like to request a Conditional Use Permit for my residence in the City of Monticello. The purpose of the permit is to build a 26X28 building that will be used for storage of a classic vehicle, boat, riding lawn mower, snow blower, and other miscellaneous lawn equipment. Currently these items are both in my attached garage and parked outside on my driveway. I would like to put everything inside, out of the weather, and not have to give up garage space for my personal vehicles, ultimately improving the general appearance of my property. . The building specifications are as followed: 26X28, concrete floor with a 4ft apron 16.5 feet from the peek of the roof to the concrete floor Blue shingles, white vinyl siding and 6/12 pitch to match Residence 16X8 Insulated garage door 36 in service door and 4 insulated 36X36 sliding windows. I have no intentions on putting a driveway to this building. Usage for the building will be mostly for storage and enabling me to park my personal vehicles in my attached garage and get everything out of the everyday weather. Thank you for you consideration. Sincerely, Shawn Leach \: "::.,~ I "~1,.,..~ ft, ' '''A<"" ....., .~,.., ." 'iI"....) ','tl ... ".-.. -,. j .~ :~, ';"(', "i~, 4' "~' '<it. .'Ii;l ~, . 4."1' .:'-~ ..~.,.~. , 'l. ,,',' Wi .~"'.. -, .:~'~ . '.j 1 ./j \ (r~" "" C,.',., \. ..'..... '''\,,,4 'Z'. ".'1 f. ' ~"fj:.)I\II'I" ...~!"'. (. of, ., ""'~ (l 3D R V ~~ofJCi5M~ ANY, LAND SURVEYORS REGISTERED UNDER THE LAWS OF STATE OF MINNESOTA 7601 73rd Avenue North (763) 560-3093 Fax No. 560-3522 Minneapolis, Minnesota 55428 g,ur\tryurs Ol.rrlifirntr LOT IN'C. INVOICE NO. 65029 F.B.NO. SCALE: 1" = 30'_ o Denotes Iron Monument D Denotes Wood Hub Set for excavation only xOOO.O Denotes Existing Elevatio (Eoo.V Denotes Proposed Elevat - - - Denotes Surface Drainagi NOTE: Proposed grades are sur to results of soil tests. Proposed building informr must be checked with Of building plan and developr grading plan before exec and construction. Proposed Top of Block Proposed Garage Floor Proposed Lowest Floor Type of Building JANSENlrnES "AS-BUILT SURVEY" / / / ill) " /' fl_ /, / / / 7"V'/ /// / / /~/ ~., // /' '/ /~rv ~/~IJ)' / / / /// Top of Block (, toto. 1 Design #30667 4/8/2004 . W *** Take this sheet to the Building Materials counter to purchase vour materials. *** iou selected a garage with these options: 30' Wide X 30' Deep X 9' High Gahle roof w/ 6/12 pitch trusses 2' a.c. 2x6 Wall Framing Material 12" gahle/24" eaVe overhangs 7/16" aSB Wall Sheathing 1/2" aSB Roof Sheathing White VinVI 4" Douhle Lap Siding 30 Vr. Superglass, National Blue Shingles White VinVI Soffit & Fascia White Aluminum Regular Roof Edge White vinV' overhead door jamh . Front View Back View -----------"........---------------- .-.~ /.-- - .;:/~, / ,,~ ~1/~ /- ~ 1o-~m =lJoo. - J ---~----~-~ 00 -~~- ~-~ ----. <7<"" / ?/ '-~. // // '-.~'~ // J/~. ./ y::/ ~~ ---~~ -~ T odaV's cost 'or materials estimated in this design: $ 6419.83 Base garage without options: $ 3522.15 . *The bate price includes: 0" Eave/O" Gable Overhangs, Framing Materials, 7/16 OSB Roof Sheathing, 20 yr. Fiberg'a.. Classic - Onyx Black Shingles, Pine Fascia, Galvanized Regular Roof Edge, 8" Textured Vertical Hardboard Siding, No Service Doors, No Overhead Doors, No Windows, or Any Other Options. . . . tof Front Yard View Rear Yard View View from Rear Yard . . . ltf April 22, 2004 I am writing in response to the public hearing notice for the 728 square foot shed in the back of property 3657 Brentwood Drive. I am a neighbor to this resident and would personally not like to see that big of a shed in my backyard. When I look out my window, I would see the shed. With it being that size, it will look almost the same size as most of the homes in the area. Most of the homes have approx. 950 square feet above ground and then the same amount as a basement. I feel if someone wants a shed that size they should have purchased a home in a more rural area. I moved to a subdivision to have a backyard, and for my children to be able to play and run throughout the yards of our neighbors. I have no idea of the intentions of this shed, but I would not likc to have the operating of heavy machinery and loud tools. That would add to the danger for all the children in the area, and a noise problem for us neighbors. J understand this is their property - but J believe it would decrease the property value of all our homes and it would makc the neighborhood look trashy. It is bad enough this resident has piles of wood, an old truck, and other trash in his backyard already. Please consider these points when reviewing his request. Thank you, Concerned Neighbor . April 22, 2004 Dear Monticello Planning Commission: I am writing this letter regarding the public hearing for 3657 Brentwood Drive. Please accept this letter as my formal objection of the construction of a 728square foot structure. I live very close to the applicant and feel that a POLE BARN of that size has NO place in a subdivision like this. It is essentially the size of a small house. I do not wish to look out my windows and see this eye sore. I already have to look at their pile of wood/logs that are piled into the back of one of two old trucks parked on the side of the house. Careful consideration should have been taken when choosing a home. Perhaps more acreage would be better suited for a building of this magnitude. I moved to a subdivision so that my children could have a nice backyard to play in. Who knows what kind of additional equipment and noise will result from a detached garage. My home is an investment. I feel that this obnoxiously large barn will not only decrease the value of my home, but all the homes in this vicinity. If one person is allowed to build a barn on our VERY small lots, who's to say that everyone won't want one. Again I stress that this building DOES NOT belong in our residential neighborhood. . I strongly urge you to take these opinions into consideration before granting approval. Thank you for your time, An unhappy neighbor V~ILk':plAc.e 0- ~ ....... -- ,- , _. . 7/ bs'A )/ ~ J_~A2/ vv d.~ /;;# $ ~/ _ uf 7,21' 4 \JI. ~ Jh 57 &u~ fd2 dlvr~ a-Q'ffi ~ ~~ 13~ ~, ~_;Z%{ tf244 ~ ~.~ .4~ -10- ~- <;/~ o?(ldY - cif G. 'Od /'~_ ~yZrcnJ ~ ~_~ =ti.~ ~" :f0 ~V ~ ~ ~ yc) .P _.~~,/ . J)j1KaAF~ t1~ A~ . '..-... .. . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 05104104 7. Public Hcarin - Consideration of an amendment to a Conditional Use Permit in the 1-2 District. allowinl! for Expansion of the Open and Outdoor Storal!e Area for Simonson Lumber. 100 Chelsea Road. Applicant: Simonson Lumber (FP) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Simonson Lumber is requesting a 50' X 60' expansion to the open and outdoor storage area on the west side of their retail bui Iding on the corner of Chelsea Road and Oakwood Drive. The area for the expansion is presently open lawn area with air conditioning equipment located against the building. Simonson Lumher has indicated that they intend to use the expansion area primarily for the purpose of lumber storage in the summer and snow storage in the winter. The area would be fenced in the same manner as the existing storage yard to 6' in height. Building setbacks in the 1-2 District, for permitted accessory uses are: · 30 feet side yard setback; · 50 feet rear yard sethaek; and, · accessory uses must be located behind the front wall of the huilding. Simonson's proposes to expand the storage maintaining a fence the same distance away horn Oakwood Drive and in-line with the existing storage yard. It apPears that when the original fence was installed, the fence was located on the outside of the landscaped area, toward Oakwood Drive. Coniferous trees were planted on the inside of the fence and were to maintain the required 30 feet side yard setback. As long as the trees and fence remain in place, the required side yard setback appears to be met; however, if the trees are removed and the material storage is expanded all the way to the fence, a side yard setback violation would occur. From an enforcement standpoint, location of the trees inside of the fence is impractical. Landscaping could easily deteriorate until removed or removed without an understanding as to purpose. The aesthetic puhlic benefit of the trees is lost within the fence. Simonson's has not submitted a land survey to verify locations on the property. The existing fence line appears to be approximately only 15 feet away from the property line along Oakwood Drive as opposed to the required 30 feet setback. Open and outdoor storage is allowed within the 1-2 District as an accessory use provided that I. ') the storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way; the storage area is grassed or surf~lced to control dust; and, that all lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way. 3. . . Z. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. II. I. . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 According to Simonson's, Excel Energy has requested that Simonson's move the 30 trees planted along Oakwood Drive to another location due to power lines along the west property line. Simonson's has proposed to move the trees and to provide additional landscaping. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS A. Motion to: Recommend to the City Council that the Conditional Use Pemit for Open and Outdoor Storage Area fiJr Simonson Lumber, 100 Chelsea Road be amended to allow for a 50' X 60' expansion subject to the conditions of Exhibit "Z", attached. B. Motion to: Recommend to the City Council that the Conditional Use Pemit for expansion of the Open and Outdoor Storage Area for Simonson Lumber, 100 Chelsea Road be denied. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends that the City Council move Alternative Action A. above. SUPPORTING DATA Exhibit "Z" - Terms Of Recommended Approval Site Location Map Site Sketch Written Explanation of Request by Simonson's Excel Energy Orders For Tree Relocation Or Removal Copy of Zoning Code Section 15B-4 I A] Copy of Legal Description - Statement of Property Tax Payable In 2004 Photographs of the Proposed Open and Outdoor Expansion Area Site Images Aerial Image 2 . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/4/04 EXHIBIT "Z" To Simonson Lumber Conditional Use Permit For Expansion of Open & Outdoor Storage Area I. Screening fence Required: All storage within the area designated for open and outdoor storage must be screened from view from the public right-or-way by a 6' high opaque fence; 2. Dust Control Required: Dust. The storage area must be grassed or surfaced to control 3. Lighting: All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-or-way. Any new exterior light fixtures must be approved by the Building Oflicial prior to installation. 4. Maintain Setbacks: All required landscaping must be located on the street side of the required screening fence. The fence on the west/Oakwood Drive side of the property must be moved back to a point at least 30 feet away from the property line along Oakwood Drive. 5. Land Survey Required: The applicant must provide a current certificate of survey indicating the property lines and as-built locations of all structures in the boulevard adjacent to the property and on the property, including but not limited to above ground public utilities, drives, parking, buildings, signs and fences. 6. Landscaping Plan Required: The applicant must provide a plan of all landscaping proposed to be installed in the event of City Council approval of this Conditional Use Permit. Such landscaping must be in compliance with the City of Monticello Zoning Ordinances and must be approved hy the Building Official. 7. Landscape Surety: A surety such as a letter of credit, bond or cash bond must be provided in accordance with the City Zoning Ordinances to guarantee installation and maintenance of required landscaping materials. Such surety must be for a term of at least one year, self-renewing, and in favor of the City of Monticello. 3 7A / ,/"'j (- '--......., '. '\ \ \ . f> fJp o ~LBERG'S HCIlllLE :1QlE PARl(,~.._.._, -r-",' - , : ~ : ~ , 0 . '" j II.E. 85th STREET . 6 ! 7 <! 8 ! 9 ! 10 ! 11 . .~)- : I . SIMONSON LUMBER - Monticello, Mn. 1-- I I I -- -- - 0 U"l '>- PROPOSED 56:x112:x16 .- with 6' overhang -product storage- - ----------------- - - " - ...-i rr'r 76:x112 -product storage- - 0 M I , ~_2~_ ~ 55 _1' 84:x105 I -product storage- ~-- 9 'I I Sf? '7f: \l 'I'" i' 10S 'I "._..~---~_..~,_...~_.- f7 32'0'" 88:xl04 -product storage- 60:v120 -storage- -retail area- (.. ~-----".._.~.~_._.. .,"...~---, ,., ---- . -, ----,_.~--., .,-_.,.~-~.,.~~.~"..~~..,. IB ~ , I I I ~1 G I /J I ...~.'. 1~~#lI? . 00'0" -~~-(i ii /15>7 , f) (J c e , i /7 ! rp , p i 0 (! q ( p () 0 t 0 f1 0 0 i? 7G . . Mark Klaverkamp Office: 1-763-295-2120 Fax: 1-763-295-2970 100 Chelsea Road Monticello, MN 55362.8917 J-\~,. ~-\~Qkl. . . . . . . . ~ ....... P g,p:N"l~~O .... ; "'9!J:!~jJ'J~",~, ......., , , .... ,. .. :.... ....._....".~,."".,.. , -..,.i............__... ...1 m_", "."".~_ ,. .... _.,. ...\ ,~~~~F~.iE3~Q, !""."., " ,: , : . , : : ....;. ...........i i ......-.,j i . ! . i ..._..~. .. . -."",; ; ,i ,.....j ! , ...-. .......-.1 I . ..._.~ ~-r:- "Bu I~b I ~1 -t>612-YVt iT ,~p~.... :\ :. , . ......~@~lty'R ... ...~~.., ..... Pu=r-:!I..;,) u \ 1~~\~1~%:.j. -j~~~JJ~ . ~~ . i .....'.... ....._...i Wood - "the renewable resource" . 70 . 7~t/ 146477, WRIGHT TREE SERVICE is under contract with , ,~ rt=""L ~I'I ER.~r to clear dangerous/interferingfoliage from electric lines serving your area. To perform this service" we request permission to do the following: LOCATION OF WORK: ;r7nrJ 4 i r 0 / It) Sfr- ~1r~3~D OWNER HOMEADDRESS: ,I 60 cAe 15~A 'A<-)c:..., PHONE: -?~3-:295*'-'?~I:?V WTS JOB # r1IJ.JJ . WORK TO BE DONE QTY. SPECIES Side Trims Too Trims " Removals Brush Soans Cut Chemically Treat Stumps YES NO Use TGR YES NO Brush to be: HAULED I LEFT BLOWN I BURNED Loas to be: HAULED LEFT OK to Drive Eauipmenton: YARD DRIVEWAY Remarks: L.A/U(J ()6JJ.Jf\l w i J f ~ Of:.. Gl II dIAl es -\7,.,ot\'\.. LA .,..,J t.r --+J... DC!'>'" b 'iF I , , ' f!.., ' ~r-)"""C..;"'I!J~ x1-r; ,^,c.y c../~/ (4'1 eAP"5'). :r:-f?~l/...ty c::\l'e /.J~-t """'0 ~ Ay jltJex7- f ',J /1," -1.1 ~- LJ]Nl}t)4)i-- 'rIM C'lC/~AJe. tAJ) fl, /Y"II'fOV e. Ty..=~1# AlA:' beeki ,f,;peu ,,'lI'\. btJak crt. trees. St.(;/~b/'<- -tc> pltl~ t-J~ar rcwt='1' lI~(!'~. 't,5/- 26'i-tl3S-7 Foreman: Date CompleteZ - Z Z-D$ I certify that I a the property owner and have been informed of tree work to be done. Print Name: ,~~' y(\lJ1J~b,J /'"4m'b""r' SiQnature: yY\ \:::.---H i 0 Dale: ~ ?f~ PROPERTY OWNER -- .., '~._-_..,--_.. ._-~_.,.--_.._-~ .~,,"'.. ._~',-"-"-'-,,'_'- ,-~'_-"_'_~"_'_' _.~~-_._-- -,_..,~~~'-~~-- . [OJ . [PI [Q] [R] IS] [T] [U] [V] [W] . . . Manufacture and repair of electrical signs, advertising structure, light sheet metal products. including heating and ventilation equipment. 7~ Blacksmith. welding. or other metal shop. Laundries. carpet. and rug cleaning. Bottling establishments. Building material sales and storage. Broadcasting antennae, televisi<?n, and radio. Camera and photographic supplies manufacturing. Cartage and express facilities. Stationery, bookbinding, and other types of manufacturing of paper and related products but not processing of raw materials for paper production. [X] Dry cleaning establishments and laundries. [Y] Elecu-ic I ight or power generating stations. electrical and electronic products manufacture. electrical service shops. [Z] Engraving. printing and publishing. [A~] Jewelry manufacturing. [BB] Medical. dental. and optical laboratories. [eel Storage or warehousing. [DO] Wholesale business and office establishments. ISB-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in an "I-I" district: [A] All permitted accessory llses as aIlo\ved in the "8-4" district. 15B-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in an "1-]" district: (Requires a conditiollJluse pl'rmit hased upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). @ Open "nd outdoor storage as an accessory use provided that: J\IONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN..\NCF: ] 58/2 . . . ]. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or, if abutting a rcsickntial district, in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G]. of this ordinance. 1$0 L-\ /o..J~ 4/-z.... 2. Storage is screened from view from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3, Section :2 [G]. of this ordinance. c:;.~ O~' ~I........ f'At>J-G"L-S, Storage area is grassed or surfa~d to control dust. ~ c.a.v~ t-l€D l112.A~ l\"'t. - To N.,~":Ic:J-\ E'll"S\\ ~") All lighting shall be hooded an 0 directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. f.,,)C) ADD \-r\O ~A'-- L-l ~ T\f..::lC'.., The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorilv met. " " .J. 4. ) 5. " [B] Open or outdoor service, sale. and rental as a principal or an accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles, trailers. or wagons provided that: I. Accessory outside service. sales. and equipment rental connected with a principal use is limited to thirty (30) percent of the gross !loor area of the principal use. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from yicvv of neighboring residential uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section :2 lGJ. of this ordinance. 3. All lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light source shall not be visible from the public right-of.-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [1-1). of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [C] Industrial planned unit deyelopment as regulated by Chapter :20 of this ordinance. [0] Amusement places (such as roller rinks and dance halls) and bO\\'ling alleys. [E] Consignment sales provided that: I. Sales and storage are not to exceed 1,000 square feet in area. ') At least 80% of the sales shall be of consigned merchandisl'. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDIN.-\NCE 15B/3 From:SIMONSON PROPERTIES 13202529483 a ERTY TAX PAYADLlt CN 2004 W~H COUNTY DouglAS M. .. ru f, Auditor/Treasurer 10 Secon SIr t N.W" Room 232 . BU'lo, N 55313-1194 04/12/2004 09:20 #690 P.002 7F . . STATE FILING INFORMATION C~~~CATION Nol R15H18oOO2012 1 If tl1is box i,~ checked. you owe delinquent taxes. D - - ZOO3 1004 Estimotod Mark~r Value: 464,700 471,100 New Improvements: TalC.:lhle Mllrkct VlIluo; 4&4,700 471,100 M.IPRLino I Amount; $ M-l PR Line 2 AmoUDl: $ Line 6 Am"unt; 16,236,58 1&,217.85 ProperlY Clous; COMM COMM TAXPAYER SIMONSON LUMBER OF MONTIINC 100 CHELSEA RD MONTICELLO MN 553U TAXPAYER COpy DETACH HERE AND ENCLOSE'THIS STUB. WITH FORM M.1PFl WHEN F.IUNG FORA REFUND FROM THE MINNe~OTA DePARTMENT OF REVENUE STATEMENT OF PROPERTY TAXES PAYABLE IN 2004 WRIGHT COUNTY Douglas M. Gruber. Auditorrrreu':lurer 10 Second Street N.W., Room 232 Buffulo. MN 5531.3-1/94 763-682-7573 or 763-682-7572 SIMONSON LUMBER OF MONTIINC 100 CHE.L8EA RD MONTIOELLO MN 56362 I.'.'", "11I11.,' '.11I ,.11",.,.1.111111/.1111I.1111,,"1.. 1/ ceo 17"" "tlTY Q... lJ()~.. ~ ~ Z ;tWill I! II ~ (1 "lr 04'" 1e.UI N~ tmpro~emems: Estimated Market YuIlle: Thxablo! Marker Vi1Iue: Property Cltlg~:. " SECT-14 TWP.121 RANGE.Q26 OAKWOOD INO PARK LOT.OO1 BLOOK-G02 LOT 1 BUC2&.lC PRT LYE OF l.H331.sFT WOF&PA RATO E LN EX 8100FT OF W386.74FT LT1BLi<20A K- WOOD INDUSTRIAL PARK ~\ ~" · i. llmounlon form M- (I ~ce if you'rlt eligible for II proPM)' w refund. File h)' Ausu. ,.., IX IS checked. YOll owe delinquent rnxes and at'll not eligible.. 2. U~e thj.~ amOllnt for tho! $pec:il\1 propcrty tox refund on IlChcduh:.1 of form M-l PRo Vour Property Thx And How It Is Reduced By The State 3. Your propert)' taX before ro!ductjon bYSllte.paid.llid~ and ct=1I!l;; . . .. 4. Aid puid by the Stute of MinrlllSOUlto reduce your property Islt, 5. A.. HOmcl/lead IInd u:;riculturoi crcdilR p8.ir(6y lhe S.tate of Minnesoiiro..rCduce your propenY lllK. e. Other 'm::dft.~ pold h)l rhe Stare of Minnesola to reduce YOllr property tm:.. 6. Your property tax lifter reduction by ~tllte-plllrl aidil and credits. .. .." .. . o Wbere Your Property Tax Dollars Go WRIGHT COUNTY $ 7. A. Counry. 8. ~. City or Town. MONTICELLO CITY OF. . 9. Stale Oenml TIlx: . 10.. School..Dinricr: 0BI2 A,.. Voter D.pprovc:d..lev les. .B; : Other local levies." ~.. . HOSPITAL DISTRICT C. D. 12, Non-school. vorer.opprovcd referenda .levie8. 13. Towl propeny lilies before SpecllllllSicSluTIi::nrs. ~pecil\lllSgeSSmeJ1lSD.ddlld to this propeny ~x bill:.. . . PRINCIPAL . 89.31 CO SW DEBT 86000.0 .. . 82.00 WTRISWRlSTR 8OS11A-o 40.35 11. Speciol Th:tins DistriclS: . INTEREST $ 3.D4 tS, YOUR. ToTAL PROPERTY TAX AND.SPEClALASSEsSMENTS. $ If you PUY your We! lute, you will bn c:hurced II PCDlllty, PD.Y this 8mounlllO luter thun MAY 15 (!.lII4I. I.......,..'... ,^.... .-^t'... ~\I rhl" ~"""'l'\lInr ,",n I...,.~ rkl''''' 2003 1004 . 454,700 484,700 OOMM 471,100 47'1,100 . COMM.. . 0.00 $ .0.00 .... '":',. , ",' .-.: . , :H" ..', . . . - .' ,~', 30,005.80 . 13,76a.02.. 0.00 .. ,... .0.00 16,236.58 . . 29,844.22 . ..,: :.::,'3,626.57:...."'.:;..;, . .0.00.... .. .. ... '., ',. '..'.0;00 ., .,.-, 16,217.&5 $ ", , '~. ':',~ :.:. .:.;. " ',..,.'.' .3,078,10 0.00 . 15,441.79 4,54a.06 2,383,14. . 501,40 2JO.a 0.00 0.00. . 0.00 '0.00 . 16,236.58 77-42. $ .3,080.82 . . .0.00. . .15,413.115 ; - . 4,882.8S . .2,272~ 485.51 2&3,54 . 0.00 ....0.00. ... 0:00 ., .0;00 .~ 16.217.85 '72.35 16,314.00 $ 16,asio.00 $ 8,145.00 " en (j "TI o o I\) eN . c... "tJ G) -r't o en (j "TI o o I\) ~ . C- "tJ G) . . ,. . . . 7~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 8. Public Hearing: Consideration of a request for a Simple Subdivision. Conditional Use Permit for an over-sized 2ara2e. and a variance from the minimum lot size standards. Applicant: Darren Klatt. (NAC) R~FERENCEANDBACKGROUND The appl icant is seeking approval of a subdivision of his property at the corner of Washington and Broadway. The property, a lot of 22,(l61 square feet, is currently occupied by a single family home and detached garage. The proposal would remove the existing garage, split the property into two parcels, and add an over.sized detached garage to the parcel containing the existing home. Because at least one of the lots would not meet the minimum 12,000 square foot minimum, a lot area varIance IS necessary. Variance and Subdivision. '1'0 qualify for a variance, the request is to be reviewed as to whether a unique physical hardship exists that interferes with putting the property to reasonable use. In this case, there are a number of single family homes on lots of 10,890 square feet in the neighborhood - the size of lots in the "Original Plat" of Monticello. A such, a variance may be appropriate if the City considers that reasonable use would include a single family lot of this size. The applicant's proposal, however, includes a lot of 12,030 square feet for the existing home site, and 10,030 square feet for the new home site. The new site would be the only lot requiring a variance, but it would not be as large as the original plat lots. As an alternative, the applicant could subdivide the property into two 11,000 square foot lots (each meeting the original plat threshold, but less than the standard 12,000 square foot size). To accomplish this, the lot line would be established about 3 feet south of the existing deck. This would leave a lot of about 11,100 square feet with the existing home, and a new lot of about 10,950 square feet. To provide access to the garage, a common driveway shared by the two parcels could be located across the common property line. This would limit access to Washington Street (a road that will become busier over time as the Fallon A venue overpass becomes real ity). Conditional Use Permit. The applicant proposes to construct a new garage of 30 feet by 40 teet (1,200 square feet) to the west of the existing home. This garage would be served by a dri veway that wraps around the home and occupies most of the rear and side yard areas of the lot. The west side of the property would be considered the rear yard. The area of the rear yard is less than 6.400 sq uare feet. The zoning ordinance provides for detached garages that cover no more than 10% of the rear yard, limiting the recommended size of the garage in this case to less than 640 square feet. While the ordinance allow for detached garages of greater size, one of the criteria for this allowance is the following: Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 . (b) The parcel on which the accessory building is to be located is of sufficient size such that the building will not crowd the open space on the lot. In this case, the rear yard is quite crowded by the proposed structure, and its required driveway. As with the proposed subdivision, a shared driveway that straddles the common lot line would allow for less pavement, and a smaller garage building would allow for more of the rear yard to be preserved for open green space. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: Subdivision and Variance from Lot Area to create two parcels from one existing lot of record. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the subdivision and lot area variance as proposed, based on a finding that the proposal puts the property to reasonable use. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the subdivision and lot area variances for both lots, with the condition that the proposed lot line is moved to make both lots more than 10,890 square feet in area, the size of lots in the original plat area, and a condition that the parcels establish and share a common driveway. This motion would be based on a finding that reasonable use of property in this area would be two single family parcels with lot areas consistent with the predominant lot size in the neighborhood. . 3. Motion to recommend denial of the subdivision and lot area variances, based on a finding that no hardship is present in complying with the basic zoning regulations for single family lots of 12,000 square feet or more. Decision 2: Conditional Use Permit to allow a detached garage of more than 10% of the rear yard. 1. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, based on a finding that the CUP provides for a garage consistent with the single family use. 2. Motion to recommend approval of the CUP, with the condition that the applicant minimizes the driveway area to preserve open space on the lot. 3. Motion to recommend denial of the CUP, based on a finding that the conditions for an over-sized garage is not met due to the requirement that such garages not crowd open space on the lot. . 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 . STAFF I{ECOMMENDATION Stall recommends approval of the Subdivision and Variances as described in Alternative 2 - this would mean two lots of more than 10,890 square feet, with the condition that a shared driveway be required to access the two garages. Because the applicant does not have 24,000 square feet of lot area, he does not have a vested right to two separate lots. However, the subdivision may be reasonable if designed in such a way that it would be consistent with neighboring land use and does not create a public safety concern. By (I) limiting the driveway access to a single point, (2) reducing the coverage of garage and driveway in the rear yards, and (3) ensuring that each lot is at least as large as other lots in the original plat. Planning staff does not recommend the CUP for the oversized garage. The CD P provision was added to provide a guide as to when a detached garage would be considered too large for its proposed parcel. This would be appear to be the case on this lot, if subdivided. Moreover, the CUP requirement includes a specific clause that requires the City to find that the proposed building does not crowd the open space on the lot. Staff docs not believe that this finding can be made as designed. . If the applicant desires to have a garage of this size, staff would recommend that no subdivision be considered. If the parcel is left as it is, the south side would be considered the rear, and the rear yard area would be 12,200 square feet - an area that would accommodate a detached garage of 1,200 square feet as requested by the applicant. [n summary, planning staff would recommend one of the following alternatives: a. Subdivision into two lots of at least 10,890 square feet each (with lot area variances for each parcel), a common driveway providing access to two garages of size consistent with zoning regulations (approximately 640 square feet for the existing home site); and denial of the CUP for the over-sized garage; or b. Denial of the subdivision and variance. In this case, the parcel would qualify for a 1,200 square foot garage on the south (rear yard) portion of property without the need for the Conditional Use Permit. SUPPORTING DATA . A. B. C. D. E. F. Site Location Map Site Survey Proposed Site Plan Staff Alternative Aerial Image Site Images 3 ~ 1/2 MILE ClJ'Y HALL PHONE CITY HAU FAX (763) 295-2711 : (763) 29S4404 . B II . ADDRESS: 505 WALNUI'STREET: sc.JlTE 1 . MONTICElLO, MN 5~ , ' HOURS: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM MON - FRl . POBUGWORKS PHONE - . - (7.03)295--3170:.. . PriBUCWORKSFAX: (763) 295-3170;(Ext 1) ~~"';~~,... "- g5t~ STRcr' I I i i I I I I J : , \\ . . -l ;,.... -< .- l o ;:;0 - .... ~ ;:;0 <- t"t'.l -< - '..,i :xl \J) 4 ~"""""--'" Q '" / / / / / / - ~ 7- o '-..,,~--~-,- ,J 'J'.. ) - ._~.........~................, " ~ \ / O~,\ / ..... -\" "~'~../ / ':' \ / .'-..".~ ~ . \ / ?..~~. '-'-..,,~ ~ . 1/,,1 ; ~ / ~ / ~ / , i / / ~~- I / ;.~ "~ I\:, ~" . I / """'., ". /. / ......~~ ., '~ <) I " "0" " ~~ ~ " ""'" "" Et 6'8 ""-~'" V.J; 0 ~. '*t'~ \.~ 0 "..s>..s> o. ~~/ /U-. ~ . "'A\ . 'Ui>; ~" V Qtt S~ ,_ 1p~C',.. 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It; "': ~j "'-l::>-'" Q ,,' .'i.Jl..; (~,i (" "', \~, '. ~ 6D r.", ,..,<J r,J', J' ~ >': (,- ..~ a!":~ ;: ~." .......~~,- <.."T:"i':i ~. ~::- )'.., ...,~. r' ,'..,,'. !\...., ,:"( .,' J:~~i t' '''I" ~vy I I 2< .'.., ~~=-:::::l:::J.:::~ i,./. /~/:~,. ~l'.~., :).;~~'~~ -~'E::-:;: :.~ ..::. ::'>~ ~~--~~...~^..._-'" [h:';,:<A ,~,~'V \ _, "\m__"~',~_,'._e"'~ ~'~l . . . 6( >. C':l ~ 'g :2 o::l "0 ~ 6 ..... eIJ I:: :2 en ro ~ >. C':l ~ "0 ro :2 o::l S 8 4-< >. '5 0.. [ 4-< o ~ t1) > . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04104 9. Public Hearin : Consideration of a re uest for a Prelimina Plat Develo ment Sta e pun and setback variances for a 3 unit townhouse bUildinl! in the R-2 District. Richard Carlson. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGRO()ND The applicant is seeking a Development Stage PUD approval lor a 3-unit townhouse project on property at the end of Vine Street. adjacent to the Burlington Northern RR, south of 4th Street. The applicant is also seeking a Preliminary Plat to establish the lots and right of way, and a variance to allow the building to be located within about one foot of the common property line with the railroad line. Planned Unit Develooment. The City approved a Concept Plan fix a pun in 2003. The applicant had prepared a sketch plan showing three units aligned behind the existing single lamily homes, similar to the proposed layout. With the submission of an engineered plan set, there are a number of items that raise issues for City PUD approval. 1. Driveway width. The proposed townhomes are provided access trom private street that extends east from the Vine Street cul-de-sac. The PUD section of the zoning ordinance permits private streets, however, the minimum width of such streets is 20 feet. The proposed width is 16 feet. In most cases, the City has required private streets to be at least 24 leet in width, with some wider. The 20 loot minimum would be adequate for this design, however, the narrow dimension of the property causes a problem in meeting the standard. It is noted that the driveway is surrounded by curb, consistent with other previous PUD project requirements. 2. Parking area. For most townhouse PUD projects, the City has required that each unit include two parking spaces in front of each garage, and in addition, provide an additional parking space for each three units to accommodate overflow visitor parking. This project accommodates the parking in the driveway, however, overflow visitor parking would occur in the Vine Street cul-de-sac. 3. Rear Yard setback. The easternmost unit extends to within 10 feet of the east property line. This line is the one opposite the Vine Street frontage, and would be considered the rear yard. The R-2 District rear yard setback is 30 feet. 4. Side Yard setback. The westernmost unit extends to within about one foot orthe south property line along the railroad. The R-2 District side yard setback is 10 feet. Staff notes that some flexibility has been considered for . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 other projects near the railroad, however a one foot setback is more than that considered in other applications. Moreover, the combination of both side and rear setback variances raises concerns over the intensity of development on this site. This issue was not previously apparent at concept stage due to the lack of formal survey data at that stage. 5. Grading. The applicant is relying on grading improvements on the railroad land south of the property to accommodate drainage. Because this land is not controlled by the property owner, it is unclear how this grading will be accomplished. 6. Landscaping. The applicant has provided a landscaping plan that establishes a line of trees along the north boundary (the rear property lines of the adjoining single family lots), as well as some tree planting adjacent to the railroad, and a small amount of shrub plantings around the front of the buildings. As with other PUD proposals, planning stafT would encourage a greatly enhanced landscape plan as a part of any approval. 7. Utilities. The City Engineer has some concern related to utilities service to the units. These items will be included with the Planning Commission's meeting materials. Setback Variances. Variances are reviewed as to whether a unique physical hardship exists that interferes with putting the property to reasonable use under the strict zoning standards. In this case, while the property is narrow, it could be designed to serve a single or two f~lmily home without a variance, both of which are permitted uses in the R-2 District. As proposed, the applicant is seeking to encroach on both required side and rear yard areas, as well as construct a private street that is narrower than the pun standard, in order to fit three units on the property. While the density of the project would be within the allowances, it does not appear that it is physically possible to maximize the density as proposed. Because a permitted use could be located on the property in a way that meets the ordinanee, no hardship exists to support the variance request. . Preliminary Plat. The application has raised issues related to the layout of the plat, due to confusion over ownership of the underlying title to Vine Street, and the nature of the title transferred to the applicant by the previous owner. Staff would recommend a plat that clearly establishes the f()lIowing information: . Lots 1,2, and 3 of Block I (if three units are approved) . Outlot ^ of Block 2 . Vine Street - dedicated right of way clearly spelled out on the plat - staff recommends that the City join in the plat to clarify any claim to title in the land underlying the street. . 2 Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 . ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS Decision I: Development Stage Planned Unit Development for Carlson Estates 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Development Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project meets the requirements for pun approval as listed in the zoning ordinance, and that the design flexibility granted by the use of PUD results in a project of superior design and amenities. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Development Stage PUD, based on a finding that the project does not meet the requirements for PUD approval without significant design modifications. Decision 2: Preliminary Plat for Carlson Estates I. Motion to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the project meets the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Preliminary Plat, based on a finding that the projeet does not meet the requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance. . Oecision 3: Setback Variances I. Motion to approve setback variances for side and rear yards, based on a linding that the lot dimensions create a hardship in putting the property to reasonable use under the strict zoning standards. 2. Motion to deny setback variances as requested, based on a finding that the property could be put to a conforming, reasonable use without the encroachments into the setback area. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Sta1T does not recommend the PUD as proposed. Due to the extensive encroachment into the required yards and the reduced private street width necessary to fit the bui ldings onto the site, it would appear that there is too much building on the property. As noted, density requirements arc met, but the project cannot be designed without the significant compromises to setback area and street width. Moreover, the site plan requires that grading occur on neighboring property to accommodate the proposal. The City can not approve a project that relics on the use of adjoining property for grading purposes. . 3 Planning Commission Agenda- 5/04/04 . Tn addition, there would not appear to be a hardship to justify the approval of the setback variances. A single or two-family home (both permitted uses) could be placed on the property without variance. This strongly suggests that no hardship exists. With regard to the plat, it will be important, if the project proceeds, to clarify that Vine Street is dedicated to the public. There has been some dispute over the fee ownership of the street - this should be cleared up with the plat. In summary, planning staff believes that the project should be redesigned for just two units. A two-unit project with conforming setbacks could proceed as a permitted use, and the plat would be a simple approval. SlJPPORTING DATA A Site Location Map 8. Preliminary Plat C. Grading and Drainage Plan D. Utility Plan E. Landscape Plan . . 4 ~ ;0 G) I --I n o c Z --I -< ... 3: Z Z m en o --I l> r-o o "'1 () 0 o ~. ,-+(0 -. () o ,-+ :J G) J) )>m oX == __-c~ z (J) J)' n G)-Im= w - r )>z-> zG)~=-= CC)Z~ cO>n -IzJ)>- -0-< r- ~ --I-C~ -I-r~ -<0)>00 "T'IZ-lO \J (J)" 1-:31 rw ~ )> s:: o Z -I - o m r r 9 ~ - Z z m en o -I )> m~ --.--.---.1=1 O'99~tOI :'ON 311.J ._--~ lVld-13lJd :311j QMO _mm...... I___._~.. . .. ------a--.>lr :A8 03>1:J3H:J .....-.--.-.j : Nr :A8 NMVlJO -. . . Nr ;A8 NOIS30 '0 -- ~~ vain/to :31VO '" ~ 15 ~I: ~ : ~~~ln -,~",13 .... ~ " .... z ~ ",15 z " ::10 l:J3 1=.... 15 ffi ~ ~ ~ 15 u " 0 t;j ~ '" .... o ~ ~ i'5 '"' {II 'ON 'ijOlJ ~ z ii' o m d cl &1 0. -J. l- t:] X 8 '" 0 0.. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a ~ ~ '" " ~ ~ I- 0: ~ ~ ~ '" '" ;:: !i !i ~ {;i ~ '" >1 x o '" '" J Io~. \ o @ i ~ ~~ f:3 J. IiII 8 o-<;r :.\00 ..."-~.~-nl 'XV, ~~lill n~"'"\:Ol 'lll Utl-8OE';; ".. 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Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 10. Public Hearin - Consideration of a re nest for a conditional use ermit for a Conce t sta e lanned unit develo ment in a B-3 district. A licants: Wend's International. Inc. and Holidav Companies. (NAC) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Wendy's International, Inc. and Holiday Companies have requested Concept Stage POD approval to allow the construction of a Wendy's Restaurant and Holiday Convenience Gas Facility upon a 1.7 acre site located south of Oakwood Drive (County Road 117) between Highway 25 and Cedar Street. The subject site is zoned B-3, Highway Business. To accommodate the coexistence of the restaurant and convenience gas facility upon a single lot, the processing of a planned unit development is necessary. . Planned Unit Development. In considering requests for planned unit development, it is important that the City apply the purpose of the Planned Unit Development approach - allowing flexibility from certain zoning standards to achieve a higher quality project than what would otherwise be achieved through conventional zoning. Examples of quantifiable POO design attributes are superior building quality and extraordinary landscaping details. Whether or not the purpose of POO has been achieved with this particular project will become more evident as more detailed project information is submitted, however, the POO process is not to be applied merely to avoid certain zoning standards. Property Legal Description. The subject property is presently comprised two individual lots (an east and a west parcel). Considering that either the restaurant or convenience gas facility could not function properly if one parcel were sold and modified/redeveloped, it is recommended that the two lots which comprise the subject property be legally combined. Also to be noted is that some excess right-of-way exists along Cedar Street (approximately 40 feet) which the City may be willing to vacate and convey to the subject property. Considering that the site is relatively limited in terms of land area, it is believed such conveyance would be beneficial. Staff has noted that with the new alignment of Cedar Street, some of the right of way at the intersection of Cedar and Oakwood may be viewed as "excess" right of way. As part of the lot combination, the vacated Cedar Street right-of-way should be included. With a POO and a street vacation, the project should be platted to clarify legal descriptions. 1 . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 Access. Access to the subject site is proposed from Oakwood Drive (County Road 117) and Cedar Street. While the general access locations are acceptable, concern exists in regard to the long-term ability to utilize Oakwood Drive for site exit maneuvers. At some future point, there are plans to construct a center median within Oakwood Drive thus eliminating access to the westbound lane toward Highway 25. This was a part of the negotiation between MnDOT, McDonalds, and SuperAmerica at the time of the Highway 25 upgrade. With this in mind, the site plan design should be modified to reflect either a right-in/right-out or right-in only condition as may be recommended by the City Engineer. Issues related to site access and curb cut width should be subject to additional comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. Circulation. The proposed development includes variety of features which influence site circulation. These include limited site access, parking area and gas pump island access, a drive-through carwash and drive-through window for the restaurant. Recognizing the existence of these activities, a well-conceived plan for site circulation is both very important and very challenging. . In regard to site circulation, the following concerns exist: Oakwood Drive Access. As shown on the submitted site plan, the site's primary access is from Oakwood Avenue. While it is understood that full access presently exists along the roadway and is desirable from a convenience standpoint, the site plan should be mindful of the future access restriction to take place along the roadway. In this regard, it is suggested that the Cedar Street access be given emphasis as a primary site access point. Perhaps even more important will be Cedar Street's function as an egress point. Traffic exiting the site along Oakwood Drive would be forced to cross Oakwood quickly and make a U-turn at Cedar Street to return to Highway 25 and the 1-94 interchange. Focusing this traffic toward Cedar Street would avoid this conflict in the public right of way, and would also encourage some of the traffic to take a series of right turns to Chelsea Road and Highway 25, where better traffic control is possible. Amz:led Parking. The site plan illustrates angled parking north and east of the restaurant. As proposed, vehicles traveling to the south in the parking area cannot access any of the provided parking stalls. Unless a clearly understood one-way circulation pattern is proposed, it is suggested that 90 degree parking be utilized. Restaurant Stacking Soace. Approximately 180 feet of stacking space has been proposed for the restaurant drive-through window. . In our experience in other 2 . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 communities, it has been found that similar restaurants typically generate a stacking space need of more than this length, particularly during peak use periods. Thus, a likelihood exists that some stacked vehicles may block access to several off-street parking stalls. Because parking is likely to be at a premium, the site plan should be designed to avoid conflicts of this sort. Trash Enclosure Access. As shown on the submitted site plan, a trash enclosurejs proposed in the extreme southeast comer of the site. The location of the enclosure near the site access is considered problematic from an access/site circulation standpoint and also would be highly visible to the neighboring right-of-way. It is therefore suggested that the enclosure be relocated such that is less visible from the public right-of-way and more easily accessible to service vehicles. Setbacks. While the PUD may allow interior setback flexibilities, periphery structure setback requirements of the base district are considered applicable. . As shown on the submitted site plan, the proposed trash enclosure exhibits a front yard setback of 5 feet (from Cedar Street). While the conveyance of the excess Cedar Street right-of-way would resolve this setback concern, it is suggested that the enclosure be relocated to a less visible area of the site. Although not shown explicitly on the plan, fuel station facilities often propose propane sales and other remote facilities. Planning staff would recommend that these types of items also be located adjacent to the building, rather than at the edges of the site. Building ArchitectureIDesign. As part of the PUD Development Stage submission, building elevations of both the restaurant and convenience gas facility must be provided. As a PUD, the City has the ability to impose design related conditions. While it is recognized that both Wendy's and Holiday Convenience stores typically utilize "franchise" designs, it is suggested that the buildings facades be coordinated such that they relate to each other through building finish materials, color, massing and possibly architectural features. . OfT-street Parking. The site plan identifies a parking supply that relies on a net floor space calculation for both buildings, and also counts parking spaces at the fuel pump islands. Neither of these are permissible under the zoning ordinance, nor have they been used as the standard for other similar uses in the City. The applicants have argued that the standards are excessive, and that other communities permit these calculations. Planning staff does not encourage the construction of paved parking areas that are likely to go unused. However, it has been our perspective that in observing similar projects in Monticello, as well as in other communities that share 3 . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 this zoning standard, rarely do these facilities appear to be "over-parked". Particularly at a very busy intersection such as this one, planning staff would recommend adhering to the strict parking requirements to ensure that back-up traffic does not interfere with travel on the adjoining public streets. Stacking Space. The ordinance does not provide any specific stacking space requirements for convenience food drive through facilities. The proposed drive through lane may be adequate for general use, however, it will definitely result in conflicts with the parking lot during peak periods. A change to the site plan should be considered that eliminates this conflict. In regard to drive through/mechanical carwashes, the ordinance states that stacking space should accommodate the number of vehicles that can be washed during a maximum thirty-minute period. According to the applicant, it is anticipated that the carwash can accommodate 4 vehicles in a half hour period. As shown on the submitted site plan, stacking space been provided for approximately 8 vehicles. . Landscaping. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, a landscape plan must be submitted. Such plan should indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. Trash Enclosure. As shown on the site plan, a trash enclosure has been proposed in the extreme southeast corner of the site. The location is considered problematic both in terms of setback and visibility from adjacent Cedar Street. As a condition of PUD approval, it is suggested that the enclosure be relocated to a less visible location of the site, possibly between the two buildings. Signage. Details regarding site signage have yet to be submitted. As a condition of Development Stage PUD approval, all site signage must comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. Lighting. As part of the Development Stage PUD submission, a photometric lighting plan identifying illumination levels on the subject site (and including details relating to fixture type) should be provided. According to the Ordinance, the Source of lights should be hooded and controlled so as not to illuminate adjacent properties or public rights-of-way. This is particularly important for the pump island canopy - these lights should be recessed into the canopy to avoid glare and visibility issues with traffic at the Oakwood/Highway 25/I- 94 ramp intersection. 4 . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 Grading Drainage and Utilities. As part of the Development Stage PUD, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan must be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. Design Alternative. In response to the various circulation related concerns cited in this report, a site plan design alternative has been prepared. The alternative is intended to serve as a guide in the preparation of an improved plan. The alternative shifts the building locations slightly, and relies on a two-way circulation plan in the main parking area to allow traffic to exit toward Cedar Street. It also increases the parking supply to meet ordinance requirements. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS Decision: 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Concept Stage PUD based on the comments from the staff report for the May 4, 2004 Planning Commission meeting. . 2. Motion to recommend denial of the Concept Stage PUD based on a finding that the combination of uses on this site can not be supported by the surrounding street system. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the preceding review, it is evident that several circulation related concerns exist upon the subject site. Provided such Concerns can be satisfactorily addressed, our office believes the two proposed uses can compatibly exist upon the subject property. A site plan alternative has been prepared to illustrate a more acceptable circulation plan that would meet staff concerns over access, egress, and parking capacity. The following recommendations are an important part of the staff recommendation: 1. The City vacate the excess Cedar Street right-of-way adjacent to the subject property. 2. The two lots which comprise the subject property as well as the excess Cedar Street right-of-way be legally combined into a single parcel via preliminary and final plat. 5 . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04/04 3. The site plan design be modified to reflect either a right-in/right-out or right-in only condition along Oakwood Drive (County Road 117). 4. Issues related to site access and curb cut width be subject to additional comment and recommendation by the City Engineer. 5. Cedar Street access be given emphasis as a primary site access point. 6. Unless a clearly understood one-way circulation pattern is proposed, 90 degree parking be utilized. 7. The trash enclosure (and any other accessory uses) be relocated to sites adjacent to the proposed buildings such that they are less visible from adjacent public rights-of-way. 8. As part of the Pun Development Stage submission, building elevations of both the restaurant and convenience gas facility be provided. Building facades shall be coordinated such that they relate to each other through building finish materials, color, massing and possibly architectural features. . 9. The site plan be revised to meet the off-street parking requirements of the zoning ordinance (including use of the gross building size as the baseline for parking supply calculations and excluding pump island area in the parking supply count). 10. Vehicular stacking space for the restaurant be designed to avoid conflicts with the parking areas. 11. As a condition of Development Stage Pun approval, a landscape plan be submitted. Such plan shall indicate the location, size and variety of all site plantings. 12. All site signage comply with the applicable requirements of the Sign Ordinance. 13. As part of the Development Stage Pun submission, a photometric lighting plan identifying illumination levels on the subject site (and including details relating to fixture type) be provided, consistent with the comments in this report. 14. As part of the Development Stage Pun, a grading and drainage plan and a utility plan be submitted. Such plans will be subject to review and comment by the City Engineer. 6 . SlJPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Concept Stage Submittal Narrative C. Survey D. Site Plan E. Site Plan Design Alternative F. Site Images G. Aerial Images . 7 Planning Commission Agenda - 05104/04 :J ....... . LF 0/1 U WLIlERll"S Mll6U : IDE _ lEAST) :~ :~ :0:: " :t :z: :8 6 j 1/ <j N.E. 85th . -- . .~ -. ..; ;i .. .. I I I I I I 7 8 j 9 j 10 j 1 ... lOB . Proposed Holiday Stationstore/Wendy's Restaurant Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive Monticello, MN Conditional Use Permit Planned Unit Development Concept Stage Submittal . I . . Wendy's International and Holiday Stationstores are proposing the redevelopment of a 1.65 acre parcel ofland, which is currently occupied by Tom Thurn b, at the Southeast Comer of Highway 25 and Oakwood Drive. Wendy's International proposes a 2,980 square foot building with 96 seats. The Wendy's building wi II be predominately constructed 0 fbrick and glass. Hours of operati on wi II be from] 0; 00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. for the dining room with the drive thru remaining open until 2:00 a.m. Holiday Stationstores is proposing to construct a 5,411 square foot building. It will operate 24 hours and provide a variety of grocery, health and beauty aid products, as well as prepackaged sandwiches, baked goods and a wide assortment of beverages. This "state-of-the- art" facility will incorporate the latest technology in car wash and fueling equipmeut. The iuterior design of our convenience store will incorporate earth tones and ceramic tile flooring. The exterior of these buildings will be constructed with brick, EFS and glass. . '" .. .. I f ~;~ .... . ...f--- ,l/~:~(."'}L l. '" /Y7..". "- . '. . ''j. i'- ~ /'---~, /~/17" ..;~ {( ~~ 111/ /0/*/j '" " il ~ '.. \ I! / / I /1 ;L'i../ . IV _ . , !~( ! - x I . "-,,- ~ --= t '- ~"-~\- ~ \ "'-'\1' \ ~ \ f -= \ ~ ~ \ \, .~ / ~--~ / '"'x " ,. ~ Lt "1\ ~ . . a. ..., 4. ) --;RI~ -~~ - L-"..ie ( f :\:=::!- ~ I .: "I \ I -'\) '0 '~ '"K ~ ~ ~ (~ 'h "- ~ ~ ", '- ~~L . '-. ~ . ,,~. . "/ "",.. ''>, ". 1:.: /"?f" '>, ./ ", "\ "-. " Q. <". '., " "."' . c:d \ ,( '- \ '- " ~ '-.~~ /,,,, \ ' ,..... I . r /. "- '\",,' '. .", 1'/>--'" \j; NJ<0:'^ \,' ",'. "... -". .... .. '- ,.:". '.> '- rJT ". '. \ X '", -\.. · ) . 'Iv' ~ - -- \~\X ~:::::I}>_ ! ~ ""~ 1:7'.' IC-. -::.,. '\/ . . /"",/ \ ~y::,.! / :9\6 '\ . ~ l2~ ~~ i\. ~ ~ "-f .J) '7 ,[\ \'. ~\ ~~ -- ~ z ^ \~" 'V" ':1 'c:: 3 7X \" . oj C(:.-ilJ. y. ,,:.' ," i:;'J-{_ .J ["""'. ',_."i \ '", /. ~. " IDE: .iJ j~ .:-. "f\ T) / 5: \, 7 ~ " , '\1 . . . . - """"'I"" JO~ 11. Consideration of a request to amend the R-IA zoning district design standards. Applicant: City of Monticello Planning Commission. (O'Neill) . REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Although there has been signilicant discussion regarding this topic as it relates to the Hillside Farm development, staff has not had the opportunity to meet and discuss this subject for application on a general basis. As such, there is no draft: language for the Planning Commission to review at this time. Therefore, staff requests that the Planning Commission open the public hearing, take any public testimony that might be forthcoming, discuss the item, and continue the public hearing to the next regular meeting. At the next meeting we hope to have prepared draft language for review. ALTERNATIVE ACTIONS I. Motion to continue the public hearing to the next regular mecting ofthc Planning Commission and table consideration of an ordinance amendment pending furthcr study. Under this alternative, Planning Commission could take comments and also make suggestions as to potential modifications to the code. Staff could incorporate those recommendations into the draft language. . 2. Motion to amend the R] A ordinance regulations relating to single family home building standards. This alternative could be adopted if specific ordinance amendment language is developed as a result of the discussion. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends alternative 1. SUPPORTING DATA A. R-l A Zoning Regulations B. Residential Design Standards . . SECTiON: 6A-l: 6A-2: flA-3: 6A-4: 6A-l: 6A-2: 6A-3: 61\-4: CHAPTER 6A lIA 'R-IA"'.SINGLE FAMIL Y RESIDENTIAL DlSTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessorv [Jses Conditional Uses P URPO S E: The purpose of the "R -I A" single family district is to pro vide for low density, single family, detached residential dwelling units and directly related complementary oses, The R-l A District is distinguished from the R- I District in that is has more extensive development standards and is to be located in areas of higher natural residential amenities, including such conditions as woodlands, wetlands, and significant views. - . - PERMITTED USES: The following are permittcd uses in an -R-lA" District: [A] Those uses permitted in the --R-J" District, under the same conditions as listed in that district. PERMITTED ACCESSOR Y USES: The foIlO\ving are permitted accessory uses in an "R-I 1\'" District: IA] Those permitted accessory uses as allowed in the "R-J " District under the same conditions as listed in that district. CONDITIONAL USES: "l"he folJovYillg are eonditionaluses in an "R-l A"" District (requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance). fAJ Those conditional uses as allowed in the "R-IA District under the same conditions as listed in that district. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 6A/J ..-...-..-.-..-...-...-..-.-...-. ..-. ~~~==~~~~~ e ---"'-'--- ;s :Ill :Ill :Ill :Ill :Ill :Ill 5!~ ... ~~ :Ill .;. ~ 0 , .... ... ~ ... qri'J J" ~ ;: >-..1 ;:::; >; >t:J ;g ;g ~~ ~ ~~ 3j ~ ~~ ~ '" ~~ '" ~'" ~ -, -, -, " ~ 8~ a:: 00 > > ~i' ~ ~ ~~ ~ t; 0 ~ 8 ~~~ ::tl .f!ff ::tl ::tl ::tl ..::tl ~~ ::tl ~ ! " .... > > il ~ 15 --15 15 0 ':J~ ~ -- '" .... ~::tl 0 ~S~ ~ ::tl ::tl ::!1 ::tl ~ ::tl ~ ~ '" <;; ~ '" q ~ l! ~ ::: W. Z' W. ;;:: Z' ~i ~~ "'.... 0 "" ~ p p. ? ~::tl ::!1 ::!1 I s ( I s ( J'> ~ ~ ,lol ~ .... ~o 15 5 15 ~~ c.... raff 0 lG 0 ::tl ~:J;l ::tl !1 !1 ~:J;l ~;:tl ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ L: >1 '" > :>> '" ~ if .." -, ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ J",) ~ 0 J" ;i if i z ~ ;g ;g ~ ~ '" '" '" '" ~ ~ ~ '" '" ~ ... ! .." -, -, .." -, -, i Ii' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~l '" ;:::; ;:::; ;:::; '" '" '" ~ ~ Iy - '" '" '" '" '" II ~ ! ~.~ 8' '" B. ~ - '" r" ,,' s: 0:' ;; 8. s: .S: > ' '" l:l i;l '" ~ 1;j.=1.;~ ~. =:;; en i ~ z f3~!5 1 ~i ~ z Ill" III Z ~ ;;; ~ ",g,I;lg' ~ ",g,Slt:ll :>> ~ R "l> - c, ~i05& 8~~1:: o III ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ -..I ~ if. a:: 8 > ~ '" ~ ~ '" '" '" -, -, .." -, I I~~~ I i8~~ I I ~ z z ~ z I I III f.i ;;; ;;; [g,~~l ig, ~g. ;;;: So 'i'~ , ~.. = f~ ~ "" ~ "" "" "" '" "" f ~ !1 ::tl ::tl !1 :J;l :J;l I [8 ir "" z "" "" 'f i "" "" "" '"' ~ ::tl ~ :J;l ::tl !1 ::tl !1 - oS [8 ,; ;11 ~iJ.~ ~~'" ~~'" a~'" '" '" ~ ~"'~ "i ~ ~il ~il [ o .. ;i:::_g, 0' .. 0' '8 p. i..~ -<"> <"> " ~ oon q ~ i~ ~ ~[i ~~N ;:; ~ '" O5~N ~~ ~..~ l~~i ~..~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~$ "'[;;, "'~~ e:~~ "'-~ g,' 0 g, o 1< !l~ . ~"~ o. !i~ !i~ il~ ~ ~ 'W~~ -- -- -- ~~O'~;;-~~~~;:~~~~~~ -, _. fl """ go eo e: '{9, " ., !:l iJ !Ji Q go M~ ... &l _. ,,:' = El ~ A- " (JQ ii! 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':1 ~ Ii- - g ",' !1 ~~~a~3f~~~~~~~~~ ~ ~>[Ii'~~~ag,,~~~~~~" t ;.ar Q!-~ei~Es~~ ~ "$rl rQ~A-'3 :;r_..= . i<.lif"'e 6;8"::':.. = ;.t...,,-~(JQ Ro lit !Ji. e: Sf = ff ~" \0 0 ~ 2 1:l~13 ~fr f;'R~~ g-!' 2S:'os"~ ~=--'E.. "'" <~;; [0 2:rl~ :;; "'"::l t"l " _,::Il 0"'" 00 0'1 .. ~...., Ct. V)~~a~.. ':10' ~ 0 ~ 0.,,'" -<Ii! N-c..., = ~ Itj~ 2: S' g. ~ ~ g. ~ Q ~ ~ ~;.~ '.g(JQ f i~ S' ...,~ "... 'ifJ-'" =0 0- (JQ ;.;. 3 ~ ~ ~~. ~ ~ .2 ~ ~ /?l.,,-c ,,~!i"-!Ji = ~g~~ l~ a~~ ~ [ ~ [~ ~ W~ ~;~ ii" i~ ~ ~~ 5.j.~ g "A- [ '" ~ 5'~. a. g r ~ f -f' i ~& a'.,~ ~ g :;r .g 8 ~ 2 a"g _. 8- ~ - S' ." !! g; & e- ~ go ~ sf f<' ~ a.:;:' (") ~ ~ fr i ~ .~.' i. ~ a.~ ~ ~: :.... - ~"'f<''' 3 !:lCt, ...,_ "';<.., ,.,. Pig N~ ""==-. Q e Na ~ "g., ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ a g- ~ -<n ~ R- =l ~e "'~ '" " e, e.. '- ;;: N S a ,... N .... = ~ N ! :;r "f ~ :9 f ;! g. ~ - - ::l' ... 8 ~ ~ ~ I. p I- llf?J s~~ ~~~ ~~~ 9r.nt'fj ~~e: VltTJo VI ~ fJ~~ tTJfa ....~ ~ ~ r- ~ ~ rI..l ~ ~ Z rI..l ~ ~ >- ~ rI..l 'T1t:Dn ~ r:: ..... :-= "".-< s: s. ~ (1q - ..... ::l ~ ::to g --- --- --- --.l--.l--.l 0'10'10'1 w w w '-' '-' '-' NNN \D\D\D VI VI VI tWN i2~~ . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04/04 12. Consideration of a request to re-zone a 59.14 acre Darcel from Ae:ricultural-ODen 8Dace (A-O) to Ree:ional Business (B-4). (O'Neill) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND Planning Commission is asked to consider an amendment to the zoning map that would change the current designation of a 59.14 acre parcel formerly known as the "Remmele" property from A-O (Agriculture-Open Space) to B-4 (Regional Business). The Remmele property, though currently zoned A-O is identified in the Comprehensive Plan for commercial use. As the Planning Commission is aware, as boundary lines shift and land comes into the City, the property is automatically zoned A-O. Subsequently, the designation can be changed to that which is identified in the Comprehensive Plan. It is appropriate to consider an update to the zoning district designation at this time due to a proposal to develop a commercial use on a portion of this parcel. The proposal has been brought forward by Muller Theatres. Under the proposal, the City will likely act as the developer by platting the property, developing the needed infrastructure and selling lots to commercial interests. The preliminary plat for the site showing road and parcel layout will be reviewed at an upcoming meeting of the Planning Commission. The plat will illustrate the location of the theater site and relationship to roadways and other parcels to be developed at a future time. Please note that a theater is a permitted use within the B-4 district and thus a specific site plan for the theater is not expected to be reviewed by the Planning Commission. For reference, a sketch has been provided in the Supporting Data. AL TERNA TIVE ACTIONS 1. Motion to recommend approval of the rezoning request for the subject "Remmele" parcel from A-O to B-4 use, based on the finding that the proposed district designation is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Motion to recommend denial of the request to rezone the subject "Remmele" parcel from A-O to B-4, based on a finding to be determined. 1 Planning Commission Agenda - 5/04104 . STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Comprehensive Plan clearly identifies the subject area for commercial development. It is the view of the City staff that the B-4 designation is proper, as the commercial use is located on the highly traveled Highway 25 corridor, which is likely to satisfy regional market demands for goods and services. The size of the land area is large enough to support regional shopping and entertainment facilities. For those reasons, staff recommends approval of the rezone request. SUPPORTING DATA A. Site Location Map B. Sketch Plan C. Zoning Map D. B-4 Regulations E. Comprehensive Plan Map F. Aerial Photo . . 2 . [ :] rF Of o '._,' ' . : ~ :~ .. . ~ ., . - ~. - ',.. .~ :u N.r. 85th -," .,,,- STRrO' .. I I I ! 6 j 7 8 j 9 j 10 j SECTION: ..... ...,. CHAPTER 14 1'2-(7 "B-4" REGIONAL BUSINESS DISTRICT' 14-1 : 14-2: 14-3: 14-4: Purpose Permitted Uses Permitted Accessory Uses Conditional Uses 14-1: PURPOSE: The purpose of the "B-4," regional business, district is to provide for the establishment of commercial and service activities which draw from and serve customers from the entire community or region. 14-2: PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in a "B-4" district: [A] [13 J [C] [D] . [EI IF] [GI [HI [I] P] IK] IL] 1M] [N] . All permitted uses as allowed in a "B-1 ", "B-2", and "B-3" district. Antique or gift shop. Amusement places (such as dance halls or roller rinks). Auto accessory stores. Enclosed boat and marine sales. Books. office supplies, or stationery stores. Bo\vling alleys, Carpet, rugs, and tile. Coin and philatelic stores. Copy service but not including press or newspaper. Costume. clothes rental. Department and discount stores, Dry cleaning. including plant accessory thereto, pressing. and repairs. Dry goods store. l'vIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/1 . . . ]4-3: PERMITTED ACCESSORY USES: The foJ1owing are permitted accessory L1ses in a "8-4" district: [A 1 All permitted accessory uses in a "8-3" district. 14-4: CONDITIONAL USES: The following are conditional uses in a "8-4" district: (Requires a conditional use permit based upon procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance.) [A] Open and oLltdoor storage as an accessory Lise provided that: 1. The area is fenced and screened from view of neighboring residential uses or if abutting a residential district in compliance with Chapter 3, Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. 2. Storage is screened from vie\v from the public right-of-way in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [G], of this ordinance. .., .J. Storage area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. 4. All li!.!htin!.! shall be hooded and so directed that the liuht Source shall not L L L be visible from the public right-oF-way or hom neighboring residences and shall be in compliance \vith Chapter 3, Section 2 [H]. of this ordinance. 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisfactorily met. [B] Open or outdoor service. sale. and rental as a principal and accessory use and including sales in or from motorized vehicles. trailers. or \\"<lgons. provided that: I. Outside service. sales. and equipment rental connected "ith the principal use is limited to thirty percent (30%) of the gross 1100r area of the principal use. This percentage may be increased as a condition of the conditional use permit. 2. Outside sales areas are fenced or screened from vie\v of the neighboring residential Uses or an abutting residential district in compliance with Chapter 3. Section :2 [G]. of this ordinance. 3. AJ1 lighting shall be hooded and so directed that the light Source shall not be visible from the public right-or-way or from neighboring residences and shall be in compliance with Chapler 3. Section :2 [H]. of this ordinance. 4. Sales area is grassed or surfaced to control dust. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE ] 4/3 5. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered and satisf~lctorily met. [C1 Custom manufacturing, restricted production and repair limited to the following: Art, needk\~ork, jewelry rrom precious metals, \\atches, dentures, and optical . lenses, provIded that: 1. Such use is accessory as defined in Chapter 2, Section 2, of this ordinance to the principal use of the property. 2. Does not conflict with the character of development intended for this district. 3. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance are considered satisfactorily met. [0] Motor fuel station, auto repair-minor, and tire and battery stores and service, provided that: 1. Regardless of whether the dispensing, sale, or offering for sale or motor fuels and/or oil is incidental to the conduct of the use or business, the standards and requirements imposed by this ordinance for motor fuel stations shall apply. These standards and requirements arc, however. in addition to other requirements which are imposed for other uses of the property. . 2. The arch'itectural appearance and functional plan of the building and sill: shall not he so dissimilar to the cxisting buildings or area as to cause impairment in property valucs or constitute a blighting influencc within a reasonable distance of the lot. 3. The entire site other than that taken up by a building, structure, or plantings shall be surhlced with a material to control dust and drainage which is subject to the approval of the City Engineer. 4. A minimum lot area of twenty-two thousand five hundred (22,500) square feet and minimum lot dimensions of one hundred fifty (150) feet by one hundred thirty (130) !'cet. 5. A drainage system subject to the approval of the City Engineer shall be installed. 6. A curb not less than six (6) inches above grade shall separate the public sidewalk from motor vehicle service areas. . IVIONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/4 . 7. The lighting shall be accomplished in such a way as to have no direct Source of light visible from adjacent land in residential use or from the public right-of-\\-ay and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [HJ, of this ordinance. 8. Wherever fuel pumps are to be installed. pump islands shall be installed. 9. At the boundaries ofa residential district. a strip of not less than tl\'e (5) feet shall be landscaped and screened in compliance \vith Chapter 3. Section 2 [0 J, of this ordinance. 10. Each light standard landscaped. 11. Parking or car magazine storage space shall be screened from vie\v of abutting residential districts in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 2 [GJ, of this ordinance. 12. Vehicular access points shall create a minimum of contlict with through traffic movement. shall comply with Chapter 3. Section 5. of this ordinance. Lind shall be subject to the approval of the City Engineer. ] 3. All signing and informational or visual communication devices shall be minimized and shall be in compliance with Chapter 3. Section 9. of this ordinance. . l~. Pnnisiolls arc made to control and reduce noise. 15. No outside storage except as allowed in compliance \\ith Chapter 13. Section 4. of this ordinance. 16. Sale of products other than those specifically mCl1tioned in Chapter 13. Section ~. be subject to a conditional use permit and be in compliance with Chapter 13. Section 4 [Fl, of this ordinance. ] 7. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change when the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request. finds that the general well~ln: and public betterment can be served as \vell or better by l11odit)ing the conditions. 18. The provisions of Chapter 22 of this ordinance arc considered and satisfactorily met. [E] Machinery sales. [F] Commercial planlll'd ullit development as regulated by. Chapter 20 of this ordil1i.lI1cl' . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14/5 I G] Boarding !-louse, provided that: I. The building/structure is found to be suhstandard and/or blighted or contributing to blight and in need of substantial rehabilitation. a. The applicant must provide an overall development concept plan. . b. The applicant must demonstrate that said rehabilitation is the most feasible use alternative and that said rehabilitation is not remodeling or simple structural alterations to accommodate a change in use. 2. Then-: shall be no less than ten (10) units nor more than 18 units, and each unit shall be of a design considered to be an efficiency apartment. 3. At least one unit shall be on the ground floor fully accessible to handicapped persons. 4. At least 50(% of the /loor area on the ground floor shall be developed as complete restaurant t~1Cilities with a minimum seating capacity of two seats per dwelling unit but in no case less than 25 seats. a. Restaurant shall not be eligible for licenses regulating the sale of intoxicating liquors. non~intoxicating malt liquors. vvine. or the display and consumption of liquors. b. The restaurant shall be so equipped to provide food service to the dwelling units if required. . 5. The architectural appearance and functional plan of the building and site shall not be so dissimilar to the existing buildings or area as to cause impairment in property values or constitute a blighting influence within a reasonahle distance of the lot. 6. All conditions pertaining to a specific site are subject to change \vhen the Council. upon investigation in relation to a formal request, finds that the general welt~lre and public betterment can be served as well or better by modifying the conditions. (# 138. 7/23/8-\.) . I-V6 ~IONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE . . . SECTION: 14B-1: 14B-1: 14B-3: 14B-4: 14B-5: 148-6: 148-7: 148-1: 148-2: 148-3: CHAPTER 148 "CCD" CENTRAL COMMUNITY DISTRICT Purpose Permitted Uses Accessory Uses Interim Uses Conditional Uses Lot and Building Requirements Design Review PURPOSE: The purpose of the "CCO", Central Community District. is to implement the plans and policies of the Monticello Do\vntovm Revitalization Plan, as that Plan is designed to provide for the establishment and continuation of a traditional downtO\vn area in Monticello's primary commercial core. The district \vill contain a mix of land uses which can compatibly coexist. with requirements based upon enhancement of the district's natural features, and mitigation of land use conflicts between ditTering uses. All proposed uses in the "CCO" district will be evaluated against the goals and objectives of the Monticello Downtown Revitalization Plan as adopted and as may be amended by the City Council. PERMITTED USES: The following are permitted uses in the "CCO" district: [A] All permitted uses as allowed in the "B-4" district. except for motor fuel facilities and convenience stores. and hotels/motels. [B] Restaurants. but not fast-food or convenience type. [C] On- and off-sale liquor establishments. [0] Civic and governmental uses as a part of a public community center. [E] Residential dwellings \vhich do not occupy the ground t100r space of a bui Iding. ACCESSOR Y USES: The following are permitted accessory uses in a "CCD" district: [A] Uses which are clearly and customarily incidental to the principal use in size. activity, and scope, and in accordance with the special provisions of this chapter. Except for parking, accessory uscs shall be located in the same principal structure as that of the principal use and shall occupy no more than thirty (30) percent of the floor area of said structure. MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/1 14B-4: INTERIM USES: The following are allowed as Interim Uses in the "CCD" district: [A] None. 14B-5: CONDITIONAL USES: The follo\ving are allowed as conditional uses in the "CCD" district (requires a conditional use permit based upon the procedures set forth in and regulated by Chapter 22 of this ordinance): . [A] Hotels. subject to the following conditions: I. The principal building lot coverage is no less than fifty (50) percent of the property. exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. 2. The building. site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district. and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 3. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Re\italization Plan. [B] Motor fuel station. auto repair-minor. and tire and battery stores and service, as allowed in the "B-4" district and subject to the follO\ving additional conditions: I. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. . 2. No more than two (2) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. 3. Site lighting shall utilize fixtures similar in style to that designated by the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district 4. The building. site. and signage meets the standards for the "CCD" district. and design n:view' approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the DowntO\vn Revitalization Plan. [C] Residential dwellings on the ground noor. subject to the following conditions: 1. The proposed site for residential use is consistent with the goals and objectives of the Downtovv'n Revitalization Plan. ') The proposed site does not interrupt the now of commercial pedestrian traffic in the "CCO" district. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/2 . . . [E] 3. Density for ground Hoor residential units shall not exceed one unit per 9.000 square feet of lot area. exclusive of land area utilized by, or required for, permitted uses on the property. [0] Drive-in and convenience food establishments as allowed in the "B-3" district. and subject to following additional conditions: I. The design of the site promotes pedestrian access adjacent to and along the property. ') No more than t\VO (1) curb cuts of twenty-four (24) feet in width or less shall be permitted. '"' -'- Site liglning shall utilize fixtures similar in stvle to that desil.!nated bv ....... I.,... '" L... the City for use in public areas of the "CCD" district. 4. The building. site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCO" district, and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory Team. 5. Drive through facilities comply \vith the requirements of Subdivision 14B-5 [E] of this chapter. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. Drive through windows accessory to other principal uses in the "CCO" district. subject to the following conditions: I. Service through drive-through facilities is accessory to interior on- site, or sit-down, service \vithin the same building. 2. Drive-through lanes are designed to avoid disruption of pedestrian and vehicular traffic How. both on- and off- site. 3. Landscaping and other site improvements are included which screen automobile stacking space from the public street. 4. The principal building occupies no less than forty (40) percent of the property. exclusive of easements devoted to public pedestrian use or other outdoor public spaces. 5. The building, site, and signage meets the standards for the "CCOu district. and design review approval is granted by the designated Design Advisory T cam. 6. The proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the Downtown Revitalization Plan. MONTICEllO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/3 [F] Animal pet clinics. as allowed in the "8-3" district. [G 1 Day-care centers. as allo\ved in the "8-3" district. [H] Shopping centers. provided that the proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the DO\vntown Revitalization Plan. . [I] Buildings of a height greater than the maximum building height as allowed in Subdivision 148-6 [0] of this chapter. [J] Planned unit development (PUO) ~ubject to the provisions of Chapter 20 of this ordinance. and provided that the proposed use demonstrates compatibility and consistency with the City's Comprehensive Plan and the OO\vntO\vn Revitalization Plan. [K] Car Wash. provided that: 1. The car wash building and the principal building must meet the architectural requirements of the Design Advisory Team (DAT). ") The automobile stacking space area is screened from abutting property. both residential and commercial. .., J. Noise generated by the use. including vacuums. is mitigated by location or architectural kature~ from adjoining or nearby residential uses and pedestrian or outdoor commercial activities. Doors of car wash must be closed during drying operation. Mechanical interlock between door and dryer must be employed to assure compliance. . 4. Lighting on the site is consistent with the City's thcmed lighting style. whether freestanding or wall-mounted. 5. Signagc meets the requirements of the CCO zoning district and the approval of the Design Advisory Team (OAT). 6. Drive through traffic does not interfere v,:ith pedestrian routes around and/or through the property. 7. A minimum of five slacking spaces for car wash customers is provided that avoids interference with other traffic on the site. 8. Site landscaping is pnwided to mitigate the amount of concrete and/or asphalt surfacing. The use of alternati\'e paving surfaces is encouraged. 9. Measures arc taken to avoid freezing and icing from washed vehicles prior to exiting the site to the public street. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/4 10. All other applicable requirements of the Citis Zoning Ordinance arc considered and met. (#401.10/17103) 14B-6: LOT AND BUILDING REQUIREMENTS: The following requirements shall apply to all properties in the ..CCO., district: . [A] Minimum Lot Area: None [B] Minimum Lot Width: None (C] Residential Density: One dwelling unit per 3.000 square feet of lot area for permitted residential uses. The number of dwelling units may be increased by up to t\venty.tive (15) percent over the pt:rmitted density f()r projects which provide at least half of the required parking underground or in above-grade structures such as ramps or decks (induding covered at-grade parking areas). [DJ Building Height: The follo\ving height limitations shall apply to all buildings in the "CC I)'" district: I. Minimum Height: Fifteen (15) feet. 2. t\laximum )-Ieight: Thirty Five (35) fcct. or three (3) stories. which e\'er is greater. [E] Setbacks: Building setback minimums and maximums shall reflect the recommendations lex the use and location as liskd in the Do\\ntown Revitalization Plan. Where setbacks as discussed in the Downtown Revitalization Plan are not listed or appropriate. there shall be no building setbacks required. In such cases. there shall be no parking allowed in the areas between the front building line and the public stred. . [FJ Site Improvements: All areas ofa parcel within the .'CCO" district shall be subject to the applicable recommendations of the DO\'"l1town Revitalization Plan. Site improvements shall be reviewed for compliance by the Design Advisory Team together with other design elements. including architecture and signage. reI Parking: I. Supply: Property owners shall comply with tht: parking supply requirements as listed in Subdivision 3~5 [1-1] of this ordinance. /h)\vever. property owners may be granted t1exibility from a portion of their required parking supply under the following conditions: a. Where the City tinds that there \vill be adequatt: opportunity to provide public parking in vicinity of the subject property. and at the City's option. the owner shall pay into a "CCO" Parking Fund an amount as established by City Council Resolution. Said fund shall be llsed for the acquisition. construction. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE /4B/5 and/or maintenance of publ icly-owned parking in the "CCO., district. (#535.1019/00) b. The City may. in addition to. or as an alternative to. the option listed in Subdivision 14B-6 [G] 1 a. and at the discretion of the City. the City may offer the property owner the opportunity to choose to supply parking at a rate which is sixty (60) percent of the requirement listed in Subdivision 3-5 [H], provided that the owner grants an easement to the public for automobile parking use over the subject area. The O\vner shall retain responsibility for maintenance of said parking area. (#355. 10/9/00) . ') Location: Parking shall not be located on a parcel betyveen the front building line of the principal building and the public street. except where expressly provided for by the City Council after recommendation from the Planning Commission. [H] Signs: The following requirements shall apply to all sign displays and construction in the "CCO" district: I. Signs shall comply with the Monticello Building Codes and Zoning Ordinances relating to signs. including special allowances yvhich may be made for the "CCO" district. 2. All signs in the "CCO" district shall receive review and approval from the Design Advisory Team. . a. Signs in compliance with applicable ordinances: For signs which meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances and the goals and objectives of the OowntO\vn Revitalization Plan. such review shall be given the weight of an administrative determination. Appeal of a determination by the Design Advisory Team shall be as provided for in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. b. Signs not in compliance with applicable ordinances: Signs which do not meet the regulations of the City's sign ordinances shall require revieyv by the Board of Adjustment and Appeals, as provided for in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. following Design Advisory Team review and recommendation. 14B-7: DESIGN REVIEW: All development and redevelopment projects in the "eeL)", district shall be subject to design review for compliance with the goals and objectives of the Downtoyvn Revitalization Plan. This subdi\"ision identifies the process and application of design review recommendations. [A] The City Council shall designate a Design Advisory Team (DAT) to carry oLlt . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/6 . the requirements of this Subdivision. The Council may delegate membership determination to another private or public board. Said OAT shall review projects within the nCCO" which propose new or altered buildings, site improvements. or signs. Site improvements shall include parking lots. landscaping projects (other than direct replacement of existing landscaping), walkways and open space plazas. or other outdoor projects affecting the visual impact of a site. 1. Plans shall be submitted to the OAT for review no less than seven (7) days prior to a OAT meeting. An applicant shall submit at least six (6) sets of plans. The OAT meeting shall be open to the public. but shall not constitute a "public hearing" within the meaning of the zoning ordinance. 2. Submitted plans shall be sufficiently detailed to identify proposed materials. colors. locations, and any other factors relating to the visual impact of the proposal. Such plans may include: Site Plans, Floor Plans. Building Elevations. Rendered Drawings. Materials Samples, and other appropriate submissions. " -'. The OAT shall render its decision for approval or denial of a submitted design review application at the same meeting at \vhich a proposal is properly presented. A wri tten report 0 f the D A r s findings shall be forwarded to the Zoning Administrator for information to the Planning Commission. Upon \\Titten request of an applicant the DA T may table action on a proposal for up to thirty (30) days. If the DAT does not render a decision within the required time frame, an application will be deemed approved. . [B] Appeals: Appeals of an adverse decision of the OAT may be made to the Planning Commission by the applicant an abutting property O\Vller. or another property O\Vller within the ''CCO'' district Said appeal shall be governed by the process and requirements listed in Chapter 23 of the Monticello Zoning Ordinance. [C] Status of OAT Decision: Decisions of the OAT shall be treated as follows; 1. Permitted Uses which comply with all building code and zoning ordinance standards: DA T decisions shall be advisory to the Building Otlicial. J Conditional and Interim Uses; OAT decisions shall be given the status of administrative determinations. to be submitted to the Planning Commission for inclusion in its recommendation to the Citv ~ .- Council. " J. Uses Requesting Variances: OAT decisions shall be given the status of administrative determinations. to be submitted to the Planning Commission for inclusion in its recommendation to the City Council. . MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 14B/7 4. Proposals receiving direct financial assistance from the City or one of its official entities: OAT decisions shall be considered finaL subject to the appeal process outlined in this Subdivision. (#299,11/24/97) MONTICELLO ZONING ORDINANCE 148/8 . . . ! r l' v> ~.. p:>.,,,, ~i '+t IU- " . ""'._~~ "-'--'---". .... ,,-, ,r' -- ~- ,"'......... MONTICELLO LONG RANGE LAND USE ~" '., ) c~B C-: '~, L ~ --..,,' '1=, J.j=_~.= _, .ll '\#'"~ ,[J ~T I l.~ ~I-_- ~ ~ ~~ ~s-A, ;;:...... " "'- _, .-.... '1--- -- I~ b.. J::.t"-';;: - ~= ,~ ~ R-Ut~ ,,::&: " ~__ I-- ~~ ~-' ~ ~>-' I " t:.., l- i= t -[rT ..',- "; il ~ g r=~ n Tr-- r-. H Ir:~' 'J(\C \ 1IiW,',,' c1~~ ~. t9_- ",,' 'Vc,"" .:.j.,.'. "',~::i 1A .. ;;+; '- b..:~1 -- .' ' ....' "', .,e ~ '""" '~ ~. ~ J """'1'1 ,J'"-~~~" F ~'i, "",,!'li r~ ""'- -:.- 1 lL ~ ",,;I --r--------L" -- ., ~ -;, I~" ~~.,. )th ~~_ '- I) ~ ~7~JIIU' ~'"/ ,""', -l I'""\~ ~~ V:,____._, .....G ....1.. ~'" ~:, J r:.. pll 1a ",:1' - ;,- I"L rl J "~I.t ~ ~ .'~....... D[ :":11 ~ .,:~ "~ "- ....'--1'27'" P'tr '"J." - ~r; 1 - J' - - ~ ,....--, f---" , ,_.. , 1 1lIT _ -""I 'L-..-.T---'l r--- !JJll I~ L_ -=--:=irc-,~ ' - ,=-~ =F r-=- W~ __L_lrL.J__LL 0 hclL. . _ -' . , ",~~I:l N w.' ("" s (~ I [___",J i ["--"-"] I ---------- ! .. :CJ I.. 1- e/: ~ \... ------- Low o.".1ty Realdentlal EXplIMion Area Low Dendy Realdenttal (R-1) Future Land U.. Objecttves: Low o.n.tty R-.ldentilll (R-1A) Medium De,.ity (attached Mg.) 1Ir Allow for. mbt of IIuJd __ 1Ir Ptuarve and /NOfeCt ,.,.,.,. ,....".. .. Provide road.,...", to ..".,,~ 1Ir ~In IVIfII C"",..,.nd. .... **" fMI .. u.. ..... ......... (1.... .... ...... "-J to fJIJIrencfJ detiwIopmMt 1Ir Prwent.",.." by.......... compaot deveiopment patfem Urben Mixed-U.. Commercial Induetrial Open SPEfl MobIle Home Perk I~f . . . . Planning Commission Agenda - 05/04104 14. Plan nine Staff Update - Home Depot. (O'NciIl) SUPPORTING DATA A. Letter from Home Depot . 233 Washington Street, Suite 216 · Grand Haven, MI49417 (616)844-1387 · Fax (616)8441376 April 16, 2004 ~ Mayor Bruce Thielen Monticello City Hall 505 Walnut Street, Suite 1 Monticello, MN 55362 Project: Home Depot - Monticello, MN Dear Mr. Mayor, We appreciate all of the hard work and assistance on the part of the City of Monticello in reviewing and approving applications for a Home Depot Store at the southeast corner of Cedar Street and Chelsea Road. City Staff Members were all cooperative, efficient and easy to work with during the entitlement process for the Planned Unit Development and Plat. . Due to limited visibility of this property from Interstate 94 and Highway 25, it was always a requirement of The Home Depot that another large retailer also be located within this development. Co-tenancy on this scale would have helped ensure anticipated customer traffic and projected sales volumes that were targeted for the project. Unfortunately, the large retailer that Home Depot had been working with for over a year has decided not to move forward at this location. Therefore, Home Depot had to terminate their real estate contracts on the property. The Home Depot would very much like to have a store in the City of Monticello and will continue to scout for an alternate location. We would like to thank the members of the City Council, Planning Commission and Staff for their time and effort during the approval process on this project. We look forward to working with the City of Monticello in the near future when another property has been selected. sincere~ f\-~~ \ ~~Iatt . ~."Home Depot Real Estate Manager . cc: Jeff O'Neill (Deputy City Administrator) Fred Patch (Zoning Administrator / Building Official) Michael Grady (Home Depot Project Manager) Jennifer Maxwell (GFA - Site Development Coordinator) USA Q5e5?usc~ Proud Sponsor 01 Letter 03,14.00 C:IWINDOWSIDesktopILettersIMonijcelloILetter_ Monticello. Doc