Planning Commission Agenda 05-24-2004 . . . AGENDA REGULAR MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, May 24th, 2004 6:00 P.M. Members: Dick Frie, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart, and David Rietveld Glen Posusta Jeff O'Neill, Fred Patch, Steve Grittman - NAC, and Angela Schumann Council Liaison: Staff: 1. Call to order. 2. Consideration of adding items to the agenda. 3. Citizen comments. 4. Public Hearing - Con~ideration of a request for concept and development stage PUD allowing expansion of an office/industrial use in the CCD district. Applicant: Sunny Fresh 5. Adjourn. . . . Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 4. Public Hearine:: Consideration of a request for a Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods. (NAC/JO) REFERENCE AND BACKGROUND This report is provided to both the City Council and Planning Commission. The Planning Commission will be reviewing the request at a special meeting immediately prior to the City Council meeting. The recommendation of the the Planning Commission will be reported to the City Council at the regular meeting. Sunny Fresh is seeking approval of a PUD to allow the integration ofthe former Methodist Church property into their office/industrial complex. The applicants propose to construct a new office building on the site, and add parking space to the area. Because the site use is complicated by a mix of heavy truck traffic, employee parking, pedestrian circulation on and around the site, a power substation in the middle of the site, and a partially constructed City street (Linn Street), the site development plans require careful examination. In the past, Sunny Fresh operations have raised issues with parking supply and parking distribution, light glare onto adjacent properties, conflicts between pedestrian and vehicular traffic, general site improvements and conditions, and aesthetic issues related to exposure of mechanical equipment to the City's retail and civic core area. As a part of this expansion, resolution of these concerns, where practical, should be considered. The proposed project consists of new and remodeled office space totaling 13,800 square feet on the former Methodist Church site. By itself, this office building would generate a demand for more than 70 parking spaces. The site plan shows a total of83 spaces on the west side of the facility, including the parking south of the power substation. The total site parking includes 20 spaces on the "Little Mountain Feed site". While this parking is attributed to the site's capacity, these 20 stalls are very inconvenient to the areas where parking demand occurs - essentially three blocks from the primary entrance. This has resulted in a concentration of employees relying on City parking facilities, whether along 4th Street, Walnut Street, or on the City's property east of Walnut Street. In addition, several employees park in the Community Center parking lot and cross the railroad tracks. The applicants suggest that employees must use the east side ofthe facility for employee entrances due to security and sanitation reasons inside the plant. As a result, getting employees from parking lots on the west to entrance points on the east is a concern. This issue should be resolved as a part of this expansion. Overall, the parking supply is estimated to be anywhere from 13 spaces to more Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 . than 157 spaces deficient, depending on whether an employee count or a square footage count is used to estimate parking demand. The actual deficiency is probably in the range of 40 to 60 spaces, based on observations by City staff, and assuming that all on-site parking is utilized. In summary, additional parking should be accounted for, or Sunny Fresh should be prepared to pay into the City's parking development fund if current City- provided space is relied on. With regard to site and building improvements, staff recommends the following items to improve the facility's compatibility with the surrounding business and residential neighborhoods: a. Development of a parapet extension on the east wall in order to screen roof-top equipment from the view oftraffic on Walnut Street. b. Development of a pedestrian circulation pattern on the site, or on adjoining path and sidewalk, to increase the efficient use of west parking areas. c. Concrete pavement on the semi-trailer storage area west of Linn Street to improve aesthetics, minimize dust, and improve site organization. . d. Architecture on the new building that reflects the traditional, "prairie- style" materials and roof lines of the "R&D" Building at 4th and Walnut. This may primarily consist of broader eaves on the new roof and exterior materials that match the R&D Building exterior. e. Replacement of lighting fixtures around the site to ensure that no light sources are visible from neighboring property or public rights of way. f. Planting of a double row of coniferous trees between the trailer parking area and the Community Center site per previous PUD approval conditions. g. Additional trees or landscaping along Fourth street in the area of vehicle and truck parking. . With these improvements, the City should be able to find that the intent of its PUD ordinance - flexibility in application of zoning standards resulting in a project that is a substantive improvement over the basic zoning regulations. In this case, the applicant has the advantage of several areas of flexibility, including reliance on public parking, waivers of building and parking lot or driveway setbacks in several areas, open truck and trailer parking in the midst of a residential area, use of City right of way for private parking and circulation, and . . . Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 minimal use of curb and other parking lot improvements otherwise required by the Zoning regulations. In exchange for the flexibility noted above, staff is recommending a moderate increase in the level of site and building improvements primarily designed to address long-standing issues and continued intensification of an active industrial use in the middle of a downtown commercial and residential area. AL TERNATIVE ACTIONS Conditional Use Permit for a Planned Unit Development for Sunny Fresh Foods 1. Motion to recommend approval of the Conditional Use Permit, based on a finding that the intent of the PUD ordinance is met through improvements to the site and building plans, justifying the flexibility from the strict zoning regulations as noted in this report. This recommendation is subject to the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. 2. Motion to recommend denial ofthe Conditional Use Permit for a PUD, based on a finding that the plan as proposed does not justify flexibility from the basic zoning regulations. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval only with the conditions listed in Exhibit Z. The facility in question is an active industrial use surrounded by downtown commercial and residential neighborhoods. To ensure that the use continues to be compatible with the downtown area, it is important that site improvements are made consistent with the highest standards of development in urban areas. Architecture, paved parking and circulation, control of site and building lighting, attention to pedestrian circulation and comfort, and management of parking on and off the site are basic standards that the applicants should be willing to address. Attention to these details should be adequate to justify the significant flexibility from zoning regulations that would otherwise be applied to this use. SUPPORTING DATA A. B. C. D. E. Site and Landscape Plan Photometric Lighting Plan Building Plans Site Topography Minutes of October 28th, 2002 Special Meeting of the Planning Commission Conditions of Approval Z. Special Planning Commission Agenda/City Council - 5/24/04 . Exhibit Z - Conditions of pun Approval for Sunny Fresh Foods 1. Addition of 40 parking spaces, or payment into the City's parking fund for a 40 space deficiency. 2. Development of a parapet extension on the east wall in order to screen roof- top equipment from the view oftraffic on Walnut Street. 3. Development of a pedestrian circulation pattern on the site, or on adjoining path and sidewalk, to increase the efficient use of west parking areas. 4. Concrete pavement on the semi-trailer storage area west of Linn Street to improve aesthetics, minimize dust, and improve site organization. 5. Architecture on the new building that reflects the traditional, "prairie-style" materials and roof lines of the "R&D" Building at 4th and Walnut. This may primarily consist of broader eaves on the new roof and exterior materials that match the R&D Building exterior. . 6. Replacement of lighting fixtures around the site to ensure that no light sources are visible from neighboring property or public rights of way. 7. Double row of Coniferous trees screening trailer storage area per previous PUD approval. 8. Adherence to applicable conditions from previous PUD approvals. 9. Additional landscape plantings Of trees buffering view of truck and vehicle parking from 4th street and adjoining residential neighborhood. 10. Comments of other City Staff. . . . . 4E MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - MONTICELLO PLANNING COMMISSION Monday - October 28, 2002 6:00 P.M. Members Present: Dick Frie, Robbie Smith, Richard Carlson, Rod Dragsten, Lloyd Hilgart and Council Liaison Clint Herbst Staff: Jeff O'Neill I . Call to order. 2. Chair Frie called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. and declared a quorum. Tabled: Consideration of amendment to conditional use permit for planned unit development allowing for expansion of truck parking, bulk LP storage, service bay additions. paving for bulk waste product transport sidewalks and l~mdscaping. Applicant: Sunny Fresh Foods Jeff O'Neill provided the staff report stating that Fred Patch, Ollie Koropchak and Steve Grittman had met with Sunny Fresh representatives regarding the previous issues noted at the special Planning Commission meeting on 10/14/02. Some of the concerns included curb setback, storm water drainage issues, and the need for delineators on the cast side of the parking lot. O'Neill stated staff felt there could be some allowance in regard to the curb setbacks. It was noted that the site does not meet City standards for drainage and that there would be overflow into the railroad ROW. O'Neill added that typically any site would be asked to meet City standards and that City Engineer Bret Weiss had advised that this would not add a great deal of expense to the applicant. O'Neill advised that staff had not yet received employee counts, stating there is a greater demand for parking with this expansion, and that there are strict requirements for parking in the CCD. O'Neill listed the conditions for approval, noting that thc Planning Commission could require all or just a number of the conditions. Ollie Koropchak, Economic Development Director, stated that from the IDe's standpoint, they want to ensure communication is up-front and all businesses are treated consistently. Chair Frie opened the public hearing. Frie asked Tim Sarracco, Sunny Fresh Foods, ifhe was familiar with the list of conditions stated in the staff report and Sarracco stated he had received the memo from Steve Grittman, but had not seen the staff report. O'Neill then went through the list of conditions with him and Sarracco noted a concern with the request for parking delineators on the east end, stating this would be difficult as they maintain their garbage dumpster pick-up/drop off at that end. Their goal was to maximize employee parking and that is why they asked for the curb line to be kept where it is at. He also stated a concern with adding parking area which would make it difficult for snow plowing. They did add more trees for screening, but they need to have egress to that building for trailers, stating the trailers move in and out of that area approximately 6 times a week. -1- Special Planning Commission Minutes - 10/28/02 . Tn regard to the concern with storm water drainage and ponding, Mr. Dewey Gunnarson, Meyer-Rohlin, advised that they are proposing to extend the current 12" storm sewer line west to the new building. He stated that with previous additions/expansions, the 12" was approved by the City and they are anticipating the same with this expansion. He noted there was not room for retention ponds. Gunnarson advised that they have crushed granite and gravel surfaces, and right now the storm water is spilling into the railroad area and they arc diverting it to two ponding areas, the trailer storage and the auto parking areas. He stated that this is the best they can do at this time and remain cost effective for Sunny Fresh. He did state that they would be willing to work with the City Engineer on this concern. Frie asked if they would be receptive to installing a larger pipe size and Gunnarson stated yes, but questioned it as he stated typically it is not a good idea to fit larger pipe with smaller existing pipes, but again stated they would work with the City Engineer. Frie then asked Sarracco if they were planning on providing staff with employee counts and he stated he had them with him tonight. . The Planning Commission then discussed concerns with buffering, especially on the Community Center side, as well as the concerns with drainage. Sarracco added that they have plans to improve the area, which is City property, and they would continue to maintain it all the way down the property line. It was suggested that the City work together with Sunny Fresh to address tree plantings and buffering. Frie advised that he had also discovered that there was a very noisy cab parked at Sunny Fresh which was a concern of a resident at the last meeting. Frie advised that Mr. Darnell had stated at the last meeting that he would address that concern. There was further discussion that the increased curb setbacks were not necessary, but they would request the applicant to add additional trees. They asked that Sunny Fresh work with staff on possibly staggering the trees. They were also in favor of removing the condition that a treatment plan for storm water run off be provided. O'Neill had advised that the City is requiring all developments in the new areas of town to provide treatment systems, but there is not space in the old part of town. He added that both Federal and State would eventually put in place rules that the City would need to address. It was suggested that the City address the issue at that time. Frie asked that a photometric plan in full compliance with City standards be listed as a condition for approval. O'Neill did state that staff had received a lighting plan. There was further discussion regarding a large privacy fence on the north side of the trailer storage area and that it did not make sense to request landscaping on the interior of that fence as there would be no public visibility there. They also discussed the condition regarding delineators and the need for them, but O'Neill stated that this is a typical standard, although if there is found to be a reason to not have them, for maneuvering, etc., that should be looked into. He added that the Planning Commission should discuss this further before striking it from the conditions. There was no further discussion. . A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO RECOMMEND APPROV AL OF THE SUNNY FRESH PUD REQUEST, SUBJECT TO THE CONDITIONS AS MODIFIED -2- . . . Special Planning Commission Minutes - 10/28/02 AND LISTED AS FOLLOWS: a. Amendment to the site plan showing zero (0) setback as proposed by Sunny Fresh, however site plan should show a staggered double row of pine plantings between the pathway and the Sunny Fresh curb. If space does not allow for two rows between pathway and Sunny Fresh curb, one of the two rows of pine plantings should be placed on the Community Center side of the pathway. b. Provide for additional parking island delineators at eastern end of each parking isle unless delineator interferes with garbage truck movements. c. Stormwater plan should be designed to meet storm water design standards for volume contro\. d. Documentation regarding parking stall demand to be provided by Sunny Fresh. Sunny Fresh to comply with minimum standards for parking or provide funds to City in accordance with the City code. e. Establishment of a license agreement allowing Sunny Fresh to have use of the Linn Street Right-of- Way. f. Photometric plan must be provided that is in full compliance with City Ordinance. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. 3. Robbie Smith stated that he had been contacted regarding a concern with employees of Towne Center parking in the parking lot as opposed to parking in the Liquor Store parking lot. Clint Herbst advised that initially that was how the parking would be set up if there became a problem with parking in the Towne Center lot. It was also stated that this should be a concern of the tenants. Chair Frie asked O'Neill if the new swan sculpture at the Community Center was going to be lighted. He stated that he had received several calls requesting that it be lighted. Frie was advised that Kitty Baltos was working with the electrician to get the lighting installed. 4. Adiourn A MOTION WAS MADE BY ROBBIE SMITH TO ADJOURN THE MEETING AT 6:45 P.M. RICHARD CARLSON SECONDED THE MOTION. MOTION CARRIED. ~.~ L 2h-/ Rorer -3~ . . <-. Ii " / ~ -'.., ~-~' 1 I I 11<,<'& l 9""'" \J (>~I J! ~ - ~ 8 ~ ~ 1; 8~~~58~ ~ i ~~~:I~PI2 hi :I :I :I ~ :I :I ~ ~ ~ I~~~JL m ~ ~~~ ~ ~ ;:! I i.\ J: 6 J; m B (:l U ~ tj ~ ~ ~ ~ !II ~ m mhi~t1~O~~ ~ 5 b! ~ II~IIII U L ..'. .:... ,;" ~,~ --4' ._,.~ -..". . :'4~~ ~~:" ...... 11(" :. ;~.;'/..' -<l::: . ;.. .," .~ :~:.. ~..; ,~.. - fi'. :,. 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