City Council Minutes 02-14-1994 MTNUTES REGULAR MEETTNG - MONTTCELLO CTTY COUNCIL Monday, February 14, 1994 - 7 p.m. Members Present: Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Ken Maus, Patty Olsen Members Absent: None 2. Consideraton__of a~Qr_o_val of minutes of the re ular meeting. held January 24, 1994. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to approve the meeting minutes as submitted. Voting in Favor: Shirley Anderson, Brad Fyle, Clint Herbst, Ken Maus. Abstaining: Patty Olsen. 3. Citizens comments/petitions, requests, and complaints. None forthcoming. 4. Consideration of a senior citizen center Pam Loidolt, Senior Citizen Center Director, was present to provide an update to Council on senior citizen center activity. Loidolt noted that use of the facility and various programs has been on the increase in 1993. New at the center is availability of a treadmill and exercise bike. There are also plans to open up the senior center on Saturdays. She stated that at this time, there is na need to expand the facility; however, it might make sense to consider expanding the restroom facilities. Council thanked Loidolt for the report and directed the Building Inspector to work with the Senior Center Director toward development of a plan For addressing the need to expand the restroom facilities. L 5. Consideration of amendment to contract with D & K far curbside rec clin g~*rvi cep. In his staff report, John Simola reported that D & K's recycling costs have increased dramatically due to an increase in the cost to dispose of newspaper. Simola reported that D & K representatives say that they cannot absorb this significant cost increase, and they have requested that the City consider paying the additional cast under Section V, Disputes Force Majeure, of the contract. Simola went on to note that this additional cost to dispose of newspaper is believed to be a temporary situation and hopefully by summer will be resolved. Page 1 Council Minutes - 2/14/94 T3rad Fyle asked if the recycler is ahead in any other categories such as expected revenue that may be over and above what he expected to obtain through recycling of aluminum cans. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Clint Herbst to table the matter pending development of additional information regarding the operation of the curbside recycling service as operated by D & K Refuse and Recycling. Motion carried unanimously. 6. Consideration of urchase of 1/2 ton 4-wheel drive icku for street department. John Simola reported at the last Council meeting staff discussed the need for an additional pickup in the street and park department. Council tabled action on the matter pending completion of an inventory of vehicles and drivers. Tn his staff report, Sirnola provided a complete listing of the vehicles utilized by the public works department along with the primary and secondary drivers for each vehicle. City Council discussed the merits of purchasing an additional pickup truck. Brad Fyle indicated that he was not necessarily in favor of an additional pickup truck but would support buying a larger 1-ton truck with a plow and wing because of the added versatility that such a truck would provide. Roger Mack reiterated that the need far the pickup truck stems from the need to make better use of our personnel. Currently, employees, especially summer employees, need to utilize very heavy, expensive equipment for shuttling from project site to project site. Furthermore, summer employees cannot drive heavy trucks because they do not have class B licenses, which requires that full-time employees with Class B licenses must chauffeur summer help. Tn summary, buying an additional pickup would allow better use of personnel and equipment. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to purchase a 1/2 ton, 4-wheel drive pickup for the street department. Voting in favor: Ken Maus, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Patty Olsen. Opposed: Brad Fyle. 7. Consideration of authorizin re oration of sketch fans for develo ment of Qropert_y owned by the City in the Meadow Oak_development. Rick Wolfsteller reported that the City recently obtained title to Outlots C and D of Meadow Oak Estates through a mortgage foreclosure process. The foreclosure process resulted from failure of Dickman Knutson to pay improvement costs associated with the extension of utilities to the area. Now that the City has control of the property, Council needs to determine if Page 2 Council Minutes -2/14/94 it wants to sell the property outright for development by a private developer, or does the Council want to plat the property, install improvements, and sell the lots. Under the first alternative, the City will not be able to recover its total costs relating to the original foreclosure. Under the second alternative, the City would be able to break even and would also have the ability to control the type of develapment on site. It could be an opportunity for the City to preserve land area for higher-valued homes. Patty Olsen was concerned that the City did not have the expertise or staff available to market the property once it is developed. Ken Maus responded that perhaps the property could be marketed through a realtor that the City could contract with. Clint Herbst liked the concept of creating a development far more expensive homes. Jay Johnson discussed his interest in trading a portion of industrial property now awned by his development company. He noted that he currently controls land that could be earmarked for industrial uses at the site formerly known as the Evergreens develapment. Perhaps Council would like to trade properties, which would give the City land that could be used in conjunction with economic development efforts. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Shirley Anderson to authorize City staff to prepare sketch plans outlining residential development of Outlots C and D. Motion carried unanimously. 8. Consideration of a rovin Outlot A Count Club Manor re uest for ro osals format authorize distribution to develo ers. Assistant Administrator O'Neill provided Council with a draft of a proposed request for proposals format and outlined major provisions within the proposal. Steve Walters, area resident and neighborhood representative, noted that he reviewed the request for proposals and is satisfied with the format. He thanked the City Council for requiring that a portion of the property be dedicated for park uses in addition to the 3.1 acres needed for storm water detention. After discussion, a motion was made by Brad Fyle and seconded by Patty Olsen to approve the request for proposals format and authorize distribution to developers. Motion carried unanimously. Page 3 Council Minutes - 2/7.4/94 9. Consideration to review for acce tance the Economic Develo ment Authority's (EDA) year-end statement and 1994 budget. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Shirley Anderson to accept the EDA balance sheet, statement of revenues, expenditures, and changes in fund balance, 1994 cash flow projections, and the annual activity report as presented. Motion carried unanimously. 10. Consideration to review the UDAG and SCERG year-end financial ~ and consideration to a rove the EDA 1994 a ro riations re uest. After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by Patty Olsen to commit the projected remaining UDAG payment of $165,497 to the GMEF and approve the 1994 liquor fund appropriation of $100,000 for the CxMEF. It is understood that under the $100,000 appropriation for the GMEF, the money is appropriated for use during 1994, and if the funds are not expended during that time, said funds are not automatically rolled over into the next year's appropriation. In other words, liquor fund appropriations made on an annual basis are not cumulative. Motion carried unanimously. 11. Consideration of rantin a seasonal 3.2 beer license to the Monticello Softball Association. After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley .Anderson and seconded by Brad Fyle to grant the license contingent upon receipt of. necessary insurance documents and appropriate fees, and direct City staff to work with the Parks Commission toward review of the fee structure for tournament use of the NSP softball fields. Motion carried unanimously. 12. Consideration of a ointin two Council members to a Communit Area Planning and Management Committee. Assistant Administrator O'Neill noted that a committee made up of City, Township, School District, and Arena Association representatives is being formed to study the community arena facility issues. The purpose of the group is to establish preliminary plans for the facility itself and site improvements with the goal of inventorying project costs and Funding sources. The group would also prepare a community arena operations budget outlining revenue sources and expenses. The group will also discuss zoning issues and management of the facility once it is constructed. The ad hoc committee will be responsible for making recommendations to the jurisdictions involved with the project. Page 4 Council Minutes - 2/14/94 O'Neill went on to ask for volunteers from the Council to serve on the committee. After discussion, Patty Olsen and Clint Herbst volunteered to serve on the committee. There being no further discussion, the meeting was adjourned. Jeff 'Neill/~ Assistant Administrator 1 ~J Page 5