City Council Minutes 07-11-1994MINUTES
Monday, July 11, 1994 - 7 p.m.
Members Present: Brad Fyle, Shirley Anderson, Clint Herbst, Warren Smith
Members Absent: Patty Olsen
2. Consi eration of a royal of minutes of the re Tar meetin held June 27
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by
Shirley Anderson to accept the meeting minutes as submitted. Motion
carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
~. Citizens comments/ etitions re nests and com Taints.
None forthcoming.
4. Consideration of a re nest to subdivide two existin residential lots and a
re nest for a variance allowin a 10-ft encroachment into the front and
setback and a re nest for a variance allowin creation of a substandard lot.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill explained that Jeff Michaelis requests City
Council to allow a simple subdivision realigning Lots 6 & 7, Block 9. The
subdivision and associated building plans result in the need fora 10-ft front
yard setback variance and a variance allowing a lot to be created that does
not meet code in terms of lot width.
Brad Fyle indicated his concern regarding creating a lot with an angled lot
boundary. He was concerned that over time the precise location of the
boundary line may be lost and may become a source of confusion.
Clint Herbst noted that the lot that will be created will have greater front
footage than the present lots, thereby reducing the level of non-conformity.
He also felt that the property owners can work out problems associated with
the jog in the property line.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Warren Smith to approve the 10-ft variance to the front yard setback
requirement and approve a variance allowing the creation of a lot with a
front foot width of 71 ft. Variances granted based on the finding that:
1. The level of conformity to the front yard Tat width requirement will be
improved as a result of the proposed subdivision. Current front yard
width of each of the existing lots is 66 ft. Proposed lot widths after
subdivision are 71 ft and 94 ft.
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2. Minnesota Street right-of way width at this location is 2p ft greater
than the standard city street, and the existing road surface is near
the center of the right-of--way. Therefore, encroachment on the
setback requirement at this location is in keeping with the intent of
the ordinance.
3. Both lots created will be of equal size.
Voting in favor of the motion: Clint Herbst, Shirley Anderson, Warren
Smith. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Absent: Patty Olsen. Motion carried. Brad
Fyle indicated that his opposition was due to the presence of the angled
property line.
5. Consideration of a conditional use re uest to allow a motor fuel station/
convenience store in a B-3 hi hwa business zone.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that SuperAmerica requests a
conditional use permit which would allow operation of a convenience store
at the location previously occupied by Vance's Standard. The type of use is
completely consistent with uses allowed in the B-3 zone; therefore, the
Planning Commission and City staff recommend approval of the conditional
use permit. O'Neill went on to note that specific approvals relating to the
grading and utilities plan are yet to be reviewed and approved by the City
Engineer and Public Works Department.
Shirley Anderson noted her support of the proposed convenience store. She
indicated her concern regarding a variance recently recommended for
approval by the Planning Commission which would allow a pylon sign to
exceed the 32-ft maximum. It was her view that this item should be
reviewed by the City Council prior to formal approval due to the fact that
the City has recently denied a similar variance request submitted by the
Subway Shop.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to approve the conditional use permit to SuperAmerica
Group allowing a motor fuel station/ convenience store in the B-3 (highway
business) zone. Approval is subject to the conditions as noted in the zoning
ordinance. Motion approved unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
6. Consideration of Liberty Sayi~s _preliminary plat.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill reported that Liberty Savings is requesting
approval of a preliminary plat affecting a 3-acre site located directly east of
Riverroad Plaza between the Service Drive and East County Road 39. The
proposed development calls for establishment of a bank/office facility which
would utilize approximately half of the platted property. The other half of
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the property would be divided into a separate lot for future development.
The property being platted was originally linked to the 16-acre property
owned by Gladys Hoglund, situated directly east of the present alignment of
East County Road 39. O'Neill noted that the subdivision does not require
extension of any public utilities or roadway systems. It simply utilizes
facilities that are in place. The Planning Commission has recommended
approval of the preliminary plat as proposed.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to approve the Liberty Savings preliminary plat. Motion
carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
7. Consideration of a conditional use ermit which would allow o eration of an
office facility in a PZM ,zone.
In conjunction with platting of the parcel under Item 6, it is proposed that a
4,000 sq ft bank/office facility be developed. Under the site plan proposed,
the facility will adhere to all the zoning standards as defined in a B-3
district. The purpose of the conditional use permit requirement for a
business in the PZM zone is to provide for design standards that would
allow placement of a commercial facility near or adjacent to a residential
use. In this situation, it is clear that there will be no residential uses
adjacent to the facility; therefore, the site should be required to meet the
minimum requirements of a commercial establishment being developed in a
commercial zone.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to approve a conditional use permit to allow operation of an
office facility in a PZM zone. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen
Brad Fyle expressed his appreciation to Liberty Savings for making a
commitment to the City of Monticello and noted that, although it would
have been nice to develop a facility in the downtown area, he felt that the
site selected will work well.
Mark Bragelman, Vice President of Liberty Savings, requested that City
Council consider updating the street name of the street serving the facility
from Service Drive to Liberty Drive. He noted that none of the present
property owners use Service Drive as an address and none of them object to
the proposed change. Assistant Administrator O'Neill informed Council
that Service Drive will likely be extended easterly across East County Raad
39 into an undeveloped area, and it is also planned that the road will be
extended westerly to connect to Hart Boulevard. The westerly extension
will likely occur within 3 to 5 years to coincide with widening of County
State Aid Highway 75.
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Shirley Anderson noted that it makes sense to rename Service Drive to
Hart Boulevard if it is the long-term goal to connect Hart Boulevard to
points east. Warren Smith noted that Hart Boulevard was named after an
important community leader, Dr. William Hart; therefore, the name has
historical significance. This is another reason why Service Drive should be
renamed to Hart Boulevard.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to rename Service Drive to Hart Boulevard. Motion carried
unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
8. eview.a i s an consideration of a „ ,,,.. _ .,,,
' ward for_buildin~ demolition of old
Gille house at 1324 West Broadway.
John Simala, Public Works Director, reported that on Thursday, July 7,
1994, the City received two bids For demolition of the Gille house. The
lowest bid was from Veit and Company of Rogers, Minnesota, at a total cost
of $7,993. The second bid was received from Schluender of Monticello for a
total cost of $9,$00.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Shirley Anderson to award the bid far building demolition and site
preparation of the Gille site to Veit and Company of Rogers for a lump sum
of $6,193, and an estimated cost of $1,$00 for soil excavation and
replacement based upon actual unit prices in cubic yards, for a total
estimated project cost of $7,993. Voting in favor: Clint Herbst, Shirley
Anderson, Warren Smith. Opposed: Brad Fyle. Absent: Patty Olsen.
9. Consideration of obtainin inde endent a raisals for ro osed land swa --
dEmmerich uarcel.
u ots an__ an„ ....,_,_
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, reported that at the previous meeting,
Council authorized the City Engineer to continue with developing grading
plans for development of the Eastwood Knoll plat, but also authorized staff
to investigate the feasibility of a possible land exchange proposed by Tany
Emmerich which would result in the City obtaining industrial property for
the residential parcel that the City now awns. Wolfsteller went on to
review the casts associated with development of the industrial site and
estimated that the City would need to average between $26,000 and $30,000
per acre to recapture the original $164,000 investment that we have in the
property we would be trading. Wolfsteller went on to note that in
discussing the proposed trade with Jay Johnson, it is their feeling that an
independent appraisal should be obtained on both the City and
Mr. Emmerich's parcels to establish a fair market value for determining an
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appropriate land exchange value. Walfsteller asked Council if it wishes to
share the cost of obtaining these appraisals as part of the further
consideration of the land swap proposal.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Warren Smith to inform Emmerich that the City continues to have interest
in the idea of a land swap but declines to participate in the cost of obtaining
appraisals as proposed. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen
10. Consideration of a royal of lane ands ecifications for 7th Street between
Pine Street and Cedar Street, and realignment of Cedar Street at Oakwood
Drive Cit Pra'ect 94-03C and authorization to ne otiate the cost of a
than a order to include this work with the Cardinal Hills 4th Addition
being performed by R. P. Utilities, Inc.
After discussion, a motion was made by Clint Herbst and seconded by
Shirley Anderson to approve the plans fox 7th Street reconstruction and
Cedar Street realignment, Project 94-03C, and authorize City staff to
negotiate change order costs with R. P. Utilities to be reviewed at the
July 25 Council meeting. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen
11. Consideration o£ approval of plans and specifications for the Meadow Oak
storm sewer outlet to the Mississi i River Cit Project 93-12C.
John Simola, Public Works Director, reported that staff has been moving
ahead with development of final plans and specifications for the Meadow
Oak storm sewer outlet. We have reached an agreement with Kerry Saxton
of Wright County Soil Conservation Office with regard to the project design
having nv impact on existing wetlands on the Gene Bauer property. The
storm sewer system will have an adjustable inlet at the manhole near the
south end of Gillard, which will allow adjustment of the water level in the
wetlands. Kerry Saxton's office will perform a wetland delineation, and the
water level will be adjusted accordingly after the project is completed. The
City Engineer has discussed the current design features with Mr. and Mrs.
Bauer, and they are continuing under the premise that easement and
drainage rights costs equal storm sewer benefits from the project. The City
will be working out a written agreement with the Bauers prior to the award
of the project.
Staff is continuing to work with the County and State in regard to their
participation in the project. We've received a request from the County to
bid three alternate pipe sizes in addition to our base project. It appears
that the state may also request a similar three-alternative design. At this
time, however, it has not been determined how or who would pay for a
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deeper or a larger pipe size designed to serve the Ditch 33 area. In order to
keep the project on schedule far 1994 completion, it is imperative that we
move ahead with the project. Consequently, we are asking the City Council's
approval of plans in this preliminary stage and authorization to go to bids
prior to the next Council meeting after the selection of alternative pipe size
and depth by the County and State.
Clint Herbst noted that this is the prime time to design the pipe to help solve
the Ditch 33 problem. It does not make sense to complete the project without
addressing the problem to the east. Bret Weiss, City Engineer, noted that we
will need to provide an outlet to the Meadow Oaks pond relatively soon. We
could delay creating the outlet if the County would allow us to break the
present bulkhead blocking the outflow of water from the Meadow Oaks pond.
Brad Fyle noted that if the storm sewer is developed to serve a portion of
Ditch 33, then the City should be reimbursed for some of the costs above and
beyond oversizing. Such coats would include paying a portion of the
replacement of Gillard Avenue.
It was the consensus of Council to direct the City Engineer to contact the
County and State and Township with an update on City plans to move
forward on the project and encourage them to come to an agreement as to
participation in funding a share of the oversizing costs.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to approve plans and specifications in preliminary form and
authorize advertising for bids based upon our base system and one
alternative pipe size and depth. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty
Olsen absent. SEE RESOLUTION 94-22A.
12. ('on ideratinn of ~vn nrd r #1 for iEy Pmi ct 4-07 . Remnd Staee
Anae~rnbic Digester Cover R,p7acament Prom.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to approve change order #1 with greater construction costs for
additional work an the second stage digester cover project in the amount of
$1,9$5.1. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
13. l'onRideration of City involvement nr ettgyprt. of a enmmL ity-owned
rnn2*a a /aaeist d livi~grnior houein~nmiert.
Rick Wolfsteller, City Administrator, reported that on June 22,1994,
presentations were made to the Hospital District Board and members of the
City Council, HRA, and Planning Commission regarding development of a
congregate care/assisted living senior housing project adjacent to the
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hospital district campus. As a result of the presentations, it appeared that
the proposal by BRW and Presbyterian Homes would be best suited far the
Monticello project. Followup to this meeting was presented to the HRA on
July 6, which outlined development of a 40-unit senior housing project to be
located just east of the hospital clinic building expansion site.
Wolfsteller went an to note his concern regarding the location of the facility
in close proximity to the wastewater treatment plant. He noted that it is
anticipated that the treatment plant will be expanded at its present
Jahn Simola, Public Works Director, expressed his concern regarding the
potential for odor problems at the site proposed by the Hospital District. He
noted his preference that the facility be constructed on the west side of the
hospital district campus. Wolfsteller outlined various scenarios under which
the project could be financed and reported that it was his understanding
that those present at the meeting were leaning toward creation of a non-
profit corporation that would be made up of representatives from the
Hospital Board, City and HRA.
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Warren Smith to support acommunity-based non-profit corporation but
recommend that the committee look at alternative sites due to the proposed
location's proximity to the wastewater treatment plant. Matian carried
unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent. Shirley Anderson and Clint Herbst
volunteered to serve on the non-profit corporation.
14. Consideration of an application for aone-dav gambling„license--Monticello
Rod and Gun Club Steak Fry.
Administrator Rick Wolfsteller reported that the Monticello Jaycees is
requesting approval of a one-day gambling license to conduct a raffle as part
of the Monticello Rod and Gun Club's Annual Steak Fry to be held on
August 13, 1994. Before the State of Minnesota will grant a license, the
City Council must adopt a resolution supporting the request or denying the
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to adopt a resolution approving issuance of the license. Motion
carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent. SEE RESOLUTION 94-21.
15. Consideration of ado tin Heartland Ex ress Bus Mana ement Plan for
Assistant Administrator O'Neill outlined the proposed Management Plan for
1995. He noted that bus ridership continues to climb while expenses
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remain relatively consistent. He noted that, as in years past, the cost to the
City to operate the bus under the plan in 1995 will amount to 25% of the
total cost to operate the system, or $16,pOQ. Seventy-five percent (75%) of
the cast to operate the system will be derived from the combination of fare
revenue and state and federal funding.
After discussion, a motion was made by Warren Smith and seconded by
Shirley Anderson to adapt the Heartland Express Management Plan and
associated budget for 1995. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen
absent. SEE RESOLUTION 94-22.
16. Consideration of a ointin Wanda Kraemer to the Develo ment Services
Technician position.
Assistant Administrator O'Neill requested that City Council consider
appointing Wanda Kraemer to the position of Development Services
Technician. He noted that in response to the pasting of the job opening
internally, City administration received three applications from current
employees. A staff committee made up of the Assistant Administrator, City
Administrator, Building Inspector, Economic Development Director, and
Office Manager reviewed the applications in terms of experience, education,
etc., and recommended Wanda Kraemer far the position.
Brad Fy1e indicated that based on his assessment of her performance, she
will do fine in her new position. Shirley Anderson expressed her support for
hiring Wanda Kraemer for the position and expressed her appreciation to
the other employees that applied.
Clint Herbst noted his concern regarding the step increases in pay as
proposed. He recommended that the step increase beyond the initial
increase granted at the time of promotion not be granted at the end of
probation but be granted at the first anniversary of being awarded the new
After discussion, a motion was made by Shirley Anderson and seconded by
Clint Herbst to appoint Wanda Kraemer to the position of Development
Services Technician and to authorize posting of the job Wanda Kraemer is
vacating. Eligibility for a step increase is to occur one year from the date of
the appointment. Motion carried unanimously, with Patty Olsen absent.
There being na further discussion, the meeting was adjourned.
Jeff O'Neill
Assistant Administrator
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